ECE Course Outline Template

EE 202.3 (3L-3P alt weeks)
Electric and Magnetic Fields and Circuits
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fall 2015
Further develops the theory and analysis of electric and magnetic fields and circuits beyond the
level of the prerequisite courses. Fundamental topics include electrostatics, magnetostatics,
electromagnetic force, Faraday's and Lenz's Laws, capacitance and inductance. Circuit topics
include Thevenin’s theorem and source conversion, maximum power transfer theorem,
transients in RL circuits, a.c. sources, impedance, phasors, a.c. network analysis,
ferromagnetism and magnetic circuits. Students are expected to have calculator capable of easy
handling complex numbers but not vector calculus.
MATH123 (Calculus I for Engineers), MATH124 (Calculus II for Engineers), and PHYS155
(Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism)
Prerequisite or
Sasha Koustov
Professor, Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
Office: Room 258, Physics Building
Phone: (306) 966-6426
Email: sasha.koustov
Monday & Wednesday & Friday, 10:30–11:30PM, Physics Room 103
Thursday 8:30–11:30AM alt. weeks or Tuesday 2:30–5:30 alternate weeks
Assignments, solutions, formulae sheets, general course information, and announcements will
be posted on PAWS. Students are responsible for keeping up-to-date with the information on the
PAWS system.
Course Reference
Numbers (CRNs):
89337 (lectures), 89338 (L01), 89339 (L03), 89340 (L05), 89341 (L07)
For E and B fields: D. Halliday and R. Resnick, "Fundamentals of Physics", Wiley, 10-th
Edition, e-version for sale in campus store, Colour eBook: $56.50, I will follow the book
For circuits: Robert L. Boylestad, "Introductory Circuit Analysis", material is relatively simple
to understand without book, you might need to clarify some issues, one copy on reserve in the
Engineering library
Other possible books: All editions of Boylestad + any edition of Robbins, Miller “Circuit
analysis: theory and practice”
Office Hours:
There are no formal office hours. Students are welcome to stop by the instructor's office at any
time, but it would be better to arrange an appointment by e-mail
Reading List:
The methods of assessment and their respective weightings are given below:
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Final Grades:
Final grades will be based on the numeric assessment given above. However, the final grades
might be adjusted to be consistent with the “literal descriptors” specified in the university’s
grading system.
For information regarding appeals of final grades or other academic matters, please consult the
University Council document on academic appeals.
Course Content:
Warmup: DC circuits -Thevenin’s thereom, sources conversion, maximum power transfer
theorem. RL transients.
Module I: Fundamentals of the electric field
Coulomb's law, electric field, electric flux, Gauss's law and applications, potential, capacitance,
energy, conductors and dielectrics
Module II: Electric circuits
transient analysis of RL and RC circuits, AC and passive components, impedance, phasors,
average and RMS, AC power, AC circuit analysis, RC filter, Bode plot, AC Thevenin and
Norton equivalent circuits, circuits with mutual inductance
Module III: Fundamentals of the magnetic field
current and magnetic force, magnetic field, magnetic flux, Ampere's law and applications,
inductance, energy, Faraday's law
Module IV: Magnetic circuits
magnetic materials, flux circuits, Ohm's law for magnetic circuits, principles of linear motors
and generators
The course is about 1/3 fields and 2/3 circuits.
There will be about one assignment per week given Fridays. Each assignment is due the
following week Friday. Papers should be put in the box opposite to lecture room Phys 103
between 10 am to 11:59 am on Fridays. Marked assignments will be available for pickup in the
same slots the following week, the same time. Late assignment papers will NOT be accepted
unless there is a legitimate reason. Assignments and solutions will be distributed through
The midterm examination will be after Module II is completed and will be 50 min in length (in
class). The midterm will be scheduled during the term for an evening in late October/first week
of November.
All exams (midterm and final) are closed book and closed notes; calculators (any type) are
allowed. A formulae sheet will be provided. The formulae sheet will be available on PAWS at
least a week before the exam.
Important Dates:
Wednesday, September 3, 2015 Late October/November
Friday, December 8, 2015
December 9, 2015
first lecture
Midterm exam
final lecture
final exams begin
Student Conduct:
Ethical behaviour is an important part of engineering practice. Each professional engineering
association has a Code of Ethics, which its members are expected to follow. Since students are
in the process of becoming Professional Engineers, it is expected that students will conduct
themselves in an ethical manner.
The APEGS (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan) Code
of Ethics states that engineers shall “conduct themselves with fairness, courtesy and good faith
towards clients, colleagues, employees and others; give credit where it is due and accept, as well
as give, honest and fair professional criticism” (Section 20(e), The Engineering and Geoscience
Professions Regulatory Bylaws, 1997).
The first part of this statement discusses an engineer’s relationships with his or her colleagues.
One of the ways in which engineering students can demonstrate courtesy to their colleagues is
by helping to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, and minimizing disruptions
in class. This includes arriving on time for lectures, turning cell phones and other electronic
devices off during lectures, not leaving or entering the class at inopportune times, and refraining
from talking to others while the instructor is talking. However, if you have questions at any time
during lectures, please feel free to ask (chances are very good that someone else may have the
same question as you do).
For more information, please consult the University Council Guidelines for Academic Conduct.
Academic Honesty:
The latter part of the above statement from the APEGS Code of Ethics discusses giving credit
where it is due. At the University, this is addressed by university policies on academic integrity
and academic misconduct. In this class, students are expected to submit their own individual
work for academic credit, properly cite the work of others, and to follow the rules for
examinations. Academic misconduct, plagiarism, and cheating will not be tolerated. Copying of
assignments and lab reports is considered academic misconduct. Students are responsible for
understanding the university’s policies on academic integrity and academic misconduct. For
more information, please consult the University Council Regulations on Student Academic
Misconduct and the university’s examination regulations.
The APEGS Code of Ethics also states that Professional Engineers shall “hold paramount the
safety, health and welfare of the public and the protection of the environment and promote
health and safety within the workplace” (Section 20(a), The Engineering and Geoscience
Professions Regulatory Bylaws, 1997).
Safety is taken very seriously by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Students are expected to work in a safe manner, follow all safety instructions, and use any
personal protective equipment provided. Students failing to observe the safety rules in any
laboratory will be asked to leave.
Course Learning
Laboratory Learning
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to
1. determine the electric field and potential for an arrangement of point charges.
2. determine the electric field of a spherical, cyclindrical and planar distribution of charge
3. calculate the capacitance of a simple capacitor (with a dielectric).
4. determine the transient current and voltages in RC and RL circuits.
5. analyze circuits with passive components (resistors, capacitors, inductors,
transformers) subjected to sinusoidal excitation including calculating impedance,
Thevenin equivalents, frequency response, and using mesh and nodal analysis.
6. calculate the average and RMS of an arbitrary repetitive waveform.
7. calculate real and reactive power.
8. determine the magnetic field of straight wires and solenoids.
9. determine the induced emf from a changing magnetic flux.
10. analyze magnetic flux circuits.
11. calculate the forces and currents in linear motors and generators (bar and rail).
12. apply the circuit topics to laboratory experiments.
E55: DC Response of Series RC, LR, and LCR Circuits
After completing the lab, a student will be able to:
observe/analyse the waveforms for the components of a circuit by using an
measure the time constants of RC and LR circuits, and the oscillation period and decay
envelope time constant of an LCR circuit.
E31A: Phasor Analysis
After completing the lab, a student will be able to:
• analyse a circuit using phasors to represent the voltage drops across the
• calculate the impedances of unknown components after having measured the
magnitude and phase of the voltage drops across the components.
E30: A. AC Measurements of Capacitance and Inductance
B. Phase Measurements in AC Circuits
After completing the lab, a student will be able to:
• calculate an unknown capacitance and an unknown inductance after having
measured the frequency dependence of their reactances;
• calculate an unknown capacitance and an unknown inductance after having
measured the voltage-current phase angles at a specific frequency.
E36: The Electric Current Balance
After completing the lab, a student will be able to:
• calculate the current in parallel wires after having measured the force between
E50: Electromagnetic Induction – Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws
After completing the lab, a student will be able to:
• analyse the response of a circuit to a changing magnetic field by applying Faraday’s
and Lenz’s laws;
• analyse the performance of a transformer by calculating the voltage ratio and power
loss as a function of secondary current.