LIST OF REVISED AND VOIDED TRAFFIC ENGINEERING NUMBERED MEMORANDA Date Memo 9/26/2016 MM-312 9/26/2016 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 Memo Name Inspection and Testing of Grounding Electrodes IIM-TE-358.8 NCHRP 350 Test Requirements IIM-TE-303.1 Proposed Roadway Improvement Sign Low Ground Clearance Highway Rail IIM-TE-315.1 Grade Crossing Sign (W10-5) Engine Braking and Other Noise IIM-TE-316.1 Restriction Signs IIM-TE-335.1 Sign (CMS) Out of Service Sign IIM-TE-353.1 Pedestrians With Disabilities Signs 8/18/2016 IIM-TE-364 8/18/2016 IIM-TE-369 5/26/2016 T&S-134 5/26/2016 TE-236 5/26/2016 TE-265 5/26/2016 TE-268 Text Telephone TTY Signs 5/26/2016 TE-293.1 Retroreflective Sheeting 5/26/2016 No Loitering Signs Deer and Other Large Animal Crossing Warning Signs Identification of Reflective Sign Face materials Electrical Equipment Containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's) Use of Radio Systems by VDOT & Localities: HAR and TIS Informational Signs MM-319 / IIM- Procurement Design and Maintenance LD-231 of Lighting Systems Action Notes Subject of memo has been incorporated into the Road and Bridge Specifications. For additional technical guidance on alternative Voided grounding methods or to view TED Division's established form for recording ground testing results, please contact VDOT's State Electrical Engineer (Mansour Mahban). Revised Superseds IIM-TE-358.7 issued in May 2014. Revised Supersedes TE-303 issued in October 2000. Revised Supersedes MM-315 issued in March 2003. Revised Supersedes MM-316 issued in April 2003. Revised Supersedes TE-335 issued in November 2005. Revised Superseds TE-353 issued in September 2007. TE Memo 369 was originally issued August 2009; reissued August Reissued 2016. TE Memo 369 was originally issued December 2011; reissued August Reissued 2016. Subject of memo has been incorporated into the Road and Bridge Voided Specifications. Subject of memo has been incorporated into the Road and Bridge Voided Specifications. Voided VDOT is no longer installing new HAR systems. Maintenance Division no longer erects TTY Phone signs at Rest Areas/Welcome Centers. Subject of memo has been incorporated into the Road and Bridge Voided Specifications. Subject of memo has been incorporated into the Traffic Engineering Voided Design Manual. Voided LIST OF REVISED AND VOIDED TRAFFIC ENGINEERING NUMBERED MEMORANDA Date Memo 5/26/2016 TE-342 5/20/2016 4/28/2016 3/29/2016 2/23/2015 1/28/2015 12/19/2014 12/5/2014 Memo Name Lane Encroachment and Center Lane Closure Policy for Work Zones on Limited Access Highways IIM-TE-351.4 / Transportation Management Plan IIM-LD-241.6 Requirements VDOT Guidelines to AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports IIM-TE-183.1 School Zone Speed Limits Sealing and Signing of Plans and TE-362.1 Documents by Licensed Professional Engineers Parking Spaces for Persons With TE-284.1 Disabilities Clearview Highway Font Lettering For TE-337.1 Guide Signs Memorial/Dedication Bridges, TE-278.2 Highways, and Highway Segments IIM-TE-382.1 Action Notes Voided Subject of memo has been incorporated into the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual Revised Supersedes IIM-TE-351.3 issued in September 2011. Revised Supersedes Memo IIM-TE-382.0 issued in February 2016 Revised Supersedes Memo H&TS-183 issued in July 1985 Errata Clarification regarding signing and sealing requirements for studies Change supporting changes in left turn signal phasing. Revised Superseds Memo TE-284.0 issued in March 1998 Revised Supersedes memo TE-337.0 issued in September 2005 Revised Superseds Memo 278.2 issued in October 2009 11/14/2014 TE-189 Signing for Facilities of the Virginia Policy regarding sign placement, design, and payment has been Voided Commission of Game & Inland Fisheries incorporated into the Integrated Directional Signing Program (IDSP). 11/14/2014 TE-346 High Mast Poles Inspection and Maintenance Voided 10/27/2014 TE-280.1 Guidance on Installation of Watch for Children Signs Errata Minor revision to update VA Code references, due to “re-codification” Change of Virginia Code which replaced §33.1 with §33.2 effective 10/1/14. 10/27/2014 TE-365 Speed Limit Change Process Errata Minor revision to update VA Code references, due to “re-codification” Change of Virginia Code which replaced §33.1 with §33.2 effective 10/1/14. Subject of memo has been incorporated into Structure & Bridge Division's Traffic Ancillary Structures Inventory and Inspection Manual . LIST OF REVISED AND VOIDED TRAFFIC ENGINEERING NUMBERED MEMORANDA Date Memo Memo Name Action Notes 10/27/2014 TE-370 Variable Speed Limit Implementation Requirements and Guidance Errata Minor revision to update VA Code references, due to “re-codification” Change of Virginia Code which replaced §33.1 with §33.2 effective 10/1/14. 10/27/2014 MM-320.1 10/27/2014 TE-333 10/27/2014 TE-340.1 10/27/2014 TE-359 5/27/2014 TE-358.7 Rescinding Various TE Numbered Memoranda Warning Signs for Steel Plates Speed Limit and Fines in Work Zones This memo will no longer be updated. From this point forward, when TE Numbered Memoranda are voided (rescinded) or revised they will -be added to this list. MM-320.1 is still available online as a historical record of previously voided Memoranda. Subject of memo has been incorporated into the 2011 VA Work Area Voided Protection Manual Subject of memo has been incorporated into the 2011 VA Work Area Voided Protection Manual Mowing Operation With Encroachment on Limited-Access Highways Voided Subject of memo has been incorporated into the 2011 VA Work Area Protection Manual NCHRP 350 Test Requirements Revised Superseds TE-Memo 358.6 issued in August 2011 NOTES: 1) Copies of all previous versions of TE Numbered Memoranda can be provided by Central Office Traffic Engineering Division upon request. Please contact or 2)For a list of voided (rescinded) TE Memoranda prior to 2014, please refer to Memorandum MM-320.1: