Đzmir University of Economics CE 205 Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits Supplementary Notes Frequency Transfer Function 1. Circuits with Sinosoidal Inputs When a sinusoidal voltage is applied to the input of an RC circuit (Fig. 1), at steady state, all the voltage and current waveforms are also sinusoidal with different amplitudes and phases. iR + vR − R vS iC C + vC vS (t) = V cos ω t volts Fig. 1 First Order RC Circuit with Sinusoidal Input The differential equation describing the capacitor voltage variation can be obtained using the KVL equation vS = vR + vC Since vR = R iR and iC = iR Then vR = RC dvC dt Therefore it is obtained that RC dvC dt + vC = vS The natural and forced solutions may be obtained as follows: i) Natural solution is vC (t) = Ae- ⁄ to the natural part RC where dvC dt + vC = 0 τ = RC and A is a parameter to be determined using the initial condition on the total solution. S-1 ii) Forced solution for the input vS (t) = V cos ω t volts, i.e., the solution of the equation RC dvC dt + vC = V cos ω t may be obtained by assuming a suitable solution to the system. Assume the solution is in the form of vC(forced) = α cos ω0 t + β sin ω0 t Upon substituting this solution into the above differential eqation, it is obtained that RC #- αω0 sin ω0 t + βω0 cos ω0 t $ + (α cos ω0 t + β sin ω0 t ) = V cos ω t Upon rearranging (β ω0 R C + α) cos ω0 t + (- α ω0 RC + β) sin ω0 t = VS cos ω0 t it yields, (β ω0 R C + α) cos ω0 t + (- α ω0 RC + β) sin ω0 t = VS cos ω0 t Equating the coefficients of cosine and sine terms to each other, β ω0 R C + α = VS - α ω0 RC + β = 0 Solving for a and b, V V (ω RC) S 0 α = 1+(ω SRC)2 , β = 1+(ω RC)2 0 0 Then the forced solution is VS vC(forced) = = 1+(ω0 VS RC)2 (1+(ω0 RC)2 cos ω0 t + ) 1 VS (ω0 RC) 1+(ω0 RC)2 (1+(ω0 RC)2 sin ω0 t cos ω0 t + ω0 RC (1+(ω0 RC)2 sin ω0 t * It can be put into the form of vC(forced) (t) = VCP cos (ω0 t + θ) volts where VCP = VSP (1+(ω0 RC)2 and θ = - tan-1 ( ω0 RC) The total solution will be then vC (t) = A e-t⁄τ + VCP cos (ω0 t + θ) volts The parameter is the to be determined using the initial condition. For example for the initial condition vC (t) = 0 V, A is obtained as vC (0) = A + VCP cos θ = 0 and hence A = - VCP cos θ S-2 Another approach to determine amplitude and phase for a sinusoidal input is “phasor” approach. 2. Phasor Approach for Circuits with Sinusoidal Inputs A sinusoidal function may be expressed in a general form as f(t) = A cos (ω0 t + θ) Then f(t) = Re .A ej(ω0t + θ) / = Re 0Aejθ ejω0t 2 = Re 0F ejω0t 2 where F = Aejθ is called phasor. It is possible to express all sinusoidal signals in the circuit using phasors. 2.1. KVL for Phasors Consider the circuit given below. The voltages v1, v2 and v3 can be related using the Kichhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL). + v2 + v1 - + v3 Fig. 2 Assume the input voltage vS is a sinusoidal specified as vS (t) = VS cos (ωt + θS ) Then the voltages in the circuit will be sinusoidal of the same frequency but with different amplitude and phase. So the voltages v1(t), v2(t) and v3(t) may be expressed as: and and v1 (t) = V1 cos (ωt + θ1 ) = Re { V1 ej(ωt + θ1) } = Re { V1 ejωt } v2 (t) = V2 cos (ωt + θ2 ) = Re { V2 ej(ωt + θ2) } = Re { V2 ejωt } v3 (t) = V3 cos (ωt + θ3 ) = Re { V3 ej(ωt + θ3) } = Re 0 V3 ejωt 2 Question: Can we establish a relationship between the phasors of vS, v1 and v2? Using the loop equation (KVL) it can be written that the voltage v1(t) satisfies v1 (t) = v2 (t)+ v3 (t) S-3 The voltage v1(t) can be also be expressed as: v1 (t) = V2 cos (ωt + θ2 ) + V3 cos (ωt + θ3 ) Then v1 (t) = Re { V2 ejωt } + Re { V3 ejωt } = Re { V2 ejωt + V3 ejωt } = Re {( V2 + V3 ) ejωt } Therefore, = Re 0 V1 ejωt 2 V1 = V2 + V3 Similarly for KCL (Fig. 3), the same kind of relationship hold for the phasors I3 = I1 + I2 i3 i2 i1 Fig. 3 Fig.3 2.2. Voltage and Current Phasor Relationships for Circuit Components Resistor The i-v relationship for a resistor is given as vR (t)= R iR (t) i(t) Assume Then iR (t) = IR cos (ωt + θR ) = Re { IR ejωt } + VR(t) - vR (t) = R Re {IIR ejωt } = Re {RIIR ejωt } = Re {V VR e R Fig. 4 jωt } Therefore the relationship for the current and voltage phasors over a resistor is expressed as VR = R IR Capacitor The i-v relationship for a capacitor is given as iC (t)= C Assume dvC (t) dt vC (t) = VC cos (ωt + θC ) = Re { VC ejωt } iC(t) + vC(t) - C Fig. 5 S-4 Then iC (t) = C d dt d [Re {VC ejωt }] = C Re { 67 ejωt } = Re {jωC 67 ejωt } dt = Re {IIC ejωt } Therefore the relationship for the current and voltage phasors over a capacitor is obtained as IC = jωC 67 Inductor For an inductor the i-v relationship is given as vL (t)= L Assume Then diL (t) iL(t) dt iL (t) = IL cos (ωt + θL ) = Re { IL e vL (t) = L d + vL(t) - jωt } d [Re {IL ejωt }] = L Re { 9: ejωt } = Re {jωL 9: ejωt } dt dt L Fig. 6 = Re {V VL ejωt } Therefore the relationship for the current and voltage phasors over a capacitor is obtained as VL = jωL 9: Table 1 Component Resistor Capacitor Inductor iR Symbol + vR − R + vC − iR iL C + vL − L Time Domain Phasor Domain vR (t)= R iR (t) VR = R IR iC (t)= C dvC (t) dt IC = jωC 67 vL (t)=L diL (t) dt VL = jωL 9: S-5 3. Frequency Transfer Function Consider the circuit given in Fig. 7. The input voltage is vi(t) and the output voltage is vO(t) as shown on the figure. iR + vR − R vi(t) = Vi cos (ωt+θ) + iC C vO(t) - Fig. 7 An RC Circuit with Sinusoidal Input In phasor domain above circuit reduces to the circuit given in Fig. 8 I + VR − R R Vi IC jωC + VO - Fig. 8 An RC Circuit with Sinusoidal Input The input phasor Vi is equal to Vi = VR + VO Since VR = R IR and VC = 1 jωC IR Since IR = IC = I it is obtained that, Vi = (R + 1 jω0 ) I or I = C 1 (R + 1 ) jω0 C Vi Then the phasor of the output (capacitor) voltage VO = 1 jω0 C 1 )R + * jω0 C 1 Vi = (<= jω 0 RC ) Vi Then the ratio of the output and input phasors is VO Vi = 1 1+ jω0 RC This ratio is called the frequency transfer function of the system H(jω), i.e., H(jω) = 1 1+ jωRC S-6 4. Magnitude and Phase Plots of Frequency Transfer Function Any complex number c may be represented also in polar form as c = α+ j β = |α+ j β|| ejθ = |α+ j β|| ∠A where |∙| indicates the magnitude, θ represents the phase and ∠A represents the exponential term. Then β c = α+ j β = (α2 + β2 ejθ = (α2 + β2 ∠A where θ = tan-1 ( α ) Since the frequency transfer function is a complex number, the polar coordinate representation of H(jω) is 1 H(jω) = |H(jω)| ∠H(jω) = 1+ jωRC = < (1+(ωRC)2 ejθ = e-jθ (1+(ωRC)2 where θ = tan-1 ( ωRC) The magnitude and the phase of H(jω) are: |H(jω)|= 1 J1+(ωRC)2 and ∠H(jω) = - tan-1 ( ωRC) The magnitude and phase of the frequency transfer function are plotted separately to specify H(jω). Example Consider the RC circuit given below in Fig. 9. The output is the voltage over the capacitor. Determine and plot the frequency transfer function. R R = 7.96 kΩ + VS C = 10 nF VC C VS (t) = 5 cos ωC volts - Fig. 9 An RC Circuit with Sinusoidal Input The transfer function as obtained above: H(jω) = 1 jωC D R+ jωC 1 = 1 + jωRC or 1 H(jf) = 1+ j2πfRC The magnitude of H(jf) is |H(jf)|= 1 (1+(2πf RC)2 S-7 and its phase is ∠H(jf) = - tan-1 ( 2πf RC) RC product is then RC = (7.96 kΩ) (10 nF) = 79.6 µsec For these values the magnitude and phase of H(jf) is plotted on the Fig. 10. and Fig. 11 respectively. Important Notes: i. ii. Note that since the frequency domain is large between 100 Hz – 10 kHz, usually a logarithmic scale is used over the horizontal frequency axis. There is a special frequency called corner frequency fC. At this corner frequency the output amplitude drops its at the corner frequency fC |H(jfC )| = 1 or 1 √2 1 (1+(2πf C RC)2 of its maximum value. For the above RC circuit = 1 √2 Then 2πfC RC =1 or fC = 1 2πRC 1 = 2πx 79.6x10−6 = 2 kHz iii. For this circuit at fC, the phase is π ∠H(jfC ) = - tan-1 ( 2πfC RC) = - tan-1 ( 1) = 4 10000 3000 2000 1000 300 200 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 100 Magnitude Magnitude Plot Frequency (Hz) Fig. 10 Magnitude of H(jf) S-8 10000 3000 2000 1000 300 200 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 100 Phase Phase Plot Frequency (Hz) Fig. 11 Magnitude of H(jf) S-9