Work handling apparatus for machine tools

Dec. 30, 1952
Filed Jan. l0. 1951
8 Sheets-Sheet l
D_ec. 30, 1952
Filed Jan. 1o. 1951
à sheets-sheet 2
F Q_ 2
Ro/_D J. s/EKMA /wv
Dec. 30, 1952
Filed Jan. lO, 1951
8 Sheets~Sheet 3
F | G' 5
- HARO/.0 q. s/E/«MMN
Dec. 30, 1952
Filed Jan. 1o, 1951
s‘sneets-sneet 4
Dec. 30, 1952
Filed Jan. l0, 1951
8 Sheets-Sheet 5
Dec. 30, 1952
Filed Jan. 10, 1951
8 Sheets-Sheet 6
Dec. 30, 1952
Filed Jan. lO, 1951
8 Sheets-Sheet 7
Smm@ 5M
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Patented Dec. 30, 1952
Walter R. Meyer and Harold J. Siekmann, Cin
cinnati, Ohio, assignors to The R. K. Le Blond
Machine Tool Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, a corpora.
tion of Delaware
Application January 10, 1951, Serial No. 205,386
3 Claims. (Cl. 8.2-2.7)
This invention pertains to improvements in
work handling apparatus for machine tools, and
is particularly directed to improvements in mech
removing them from a center drive crankshaft
anism for loading and unloading crankshafts in
center drive crankshaft lathes.
One yof the objects of this invention is to pro
vide an improved automatic power operated work
handling device for simultaneously loading and
unloading work crankshafts in center drive
crankshaft lathes.
Another object of this invention is to provide '
an improved automatic loading device for simul
taneously removing finished crankshafts and
placing unmachined crankshafts in center drive
crankshaft lathes.
Another object of this invention is to provide
improved work handling apparatus for center
lathe in which a loading crane hook travels in a
multiplicity of positively controlled paths in one
direction for loading, and in the opposite di
rection for unloading work relative to the chucks
and loading and unloading racks associated with
the machine.
Also an object of this invention is to provide an
automatic loading crane mechanism for a center
drive crankshaft lathe which picks up and dis
charges crankshafts on respective loading and
unloading racks from a position co-axial of the
main axis of rotation of the lathe and to carry
said crankshafts in a radially displaced position
relative to the main axis of said machine axially
into and out of the center drive chucks and to
effect a deposition or removal of the crankshaft
drive crankshaft lathes in which Ythe operator
need only present unmachined crankshafts to a
loading rack and remove the finished crank
shafts from an unloading rack while the entire
loading and unloading of the crankshafts in the
from the chucks by a multiplicity of radially dis
posed paths relative to the axis of rotation of
the lathe.
Further «features and advantages of this inven
tion will appear from a detail description of the
lathe is accomplished automatically by push but
drawings inwhich:
ton controlled mechanism.
Fig. 1 i-s a front elevation of a typical center
Still another object of this invention is to pro ai) drive crankshaft lathe incorporating the novel
vide an improved work handling mechanism for
features of the work handling apparatus of this
center drive lathes in which the operator plays
no part in the lifting and axial movement of the
Fig. la is a front view of the push button con
crankshafts into and out of the center drive
trol station shown in Fig. 1.
chuck of a center drive crankshaft lathe.
Fig. 2 is a right hand end elevation of the cen
Another object of this invention is to provide
ter drive crankshaft lathe and loading apparatus
an improved work handling device for center
as shown in Fig. 1.
drive crankshaft lathe which` is automatically
Fig. 3 is a left hand end elevation similar to
operated by power to pick up unfinished crank
Fig. 2 showing the machine of Fig. il.
shafts from a loading rack, deposit the crank
Fig. 4 is a diagrammatic sectional view show
shaft in the work spindle of the center drive
ing one of the loading cranes at the beginning
crankshaft lathe and to at the same time remove
of a loading cycle of a work piece in the center
a finished crankshaft from the center drive chuck
drive chuck, indicated by the line 4-4 in Fig. 1.
and deposit it on an unloading rack, all of the
Fig. 5 is a similar view to Fig. 4, but showing
aforementioned operations being accomplished
the crankshaft about to be deposited in the `cenautomatically by push button control.
ter drive chuck.
It is a further object of this invention to pro
Fig. 6 is a similar view to Fig. 4, but showing
vide a loading apparatus for a center drive crank
the position of the'loading crane members at the
shaft lathe which operates in a timed automatic
cycle with the operation of the various turning 45 time of deposition of the crankshaft in the cen
ter drive chuck.
and chucking functions of the machine.
Fig. 7 is still another diagrammatic view simi
Still another object of this invention is to pro
lar to Fig. 4, but showing the crane hook remov
vide a work handling arrangement for a center
ing itself from under the crankshaft and starting
drive crankshaft lathe‘in which rough crank
in its upward stroke. ‘
shafts may be presented to and removed from op
Fig. 8 is a final diagrammatic view similar to
erative position for presentation into the chucks
Fig. 4 showing the loading crane 'and hook re
of the center drive crankshaft lathe from a posi
turned to starting position ready to do an un
tion to the rear of the machine.
loading operati-on.
It is also an object to provide a loading device
.for `axially Vpresenting work crankshafts .into and 55 Fig. 9 is an enlarged sectional view through one
of the loading cranes on the line 3_9 of Figs. 2
and 10.
Fig. 10 is an enlarged sectional View on the
line ld-iû of Figs. 1 and 11.
Fig. 11 is an enlarged fragmentary view of the
right hand. loading crane shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 12 is a diagram showing the electric and
hydraulic control circuits and apparatus for the
work handling mechanism.
Fig. 13 is a diagram showing the paths of
travel of the workpieces during the loading and
unloading operations.
For exemplary purposes this invention is shown
applied to a conventional center drive crankshaft
line bearing turning lathe such for example as
illustrated in Patent 2,191,935 issued February 27,
194i). Such a lathe comprises a base 2d upon
which is mounted the center drive ring gear
chu .i housing 2l having the rotatable center
drive work spindle 22 which is driven by the usual
main drive motor 23. Suitable tool carrier units
matically remove the crankshaft from its posi
tion on the axis 3i) again to the position 32 and
then move it axially outwardly to an unloading
conveyor' indicated generally at 35. It is a fur
ther object while at the same time that a crank
shaft is unloaded to the unloading conveyor 35
that an unmachined crankshaft is loaded into
the center drive chuck as described, all of the
aforementioned action being accomplished auto
matically by power controlled from a push button
control station il@ conveniently located to the
operator of the machine.
Referring particularly to Figs. 1 and 2, at the
right hand end «of the machine there is provided
a loading conveyor indicated generally at ¿iii
comprising a frame having the front legs 35 and
the rear legs 3l on'top of which is mounted the
downwardly inclined rails 38 which slope toward
at its ends upon centers 25 carried in the tail
stocks 21 and 23 rigidly secured to the base 2S
of the lathe.
The center ldrive work spindle 22 is provided
with a Vsuitable work gripping mechanism which
usually comprises a fixed locating block E@ as
best shown in Figs. 4 through 8 inclusive and
the front of the lathe and upon which are placed
the rough unmachined crankshafts WR. Suit~
able curved hooked portions 39 are formed on
the lower front ends of the tracks 33 so Vas >to
position each rough crankshaft WR in proper
rotary indexed position substantially on the axis
of rotation 30 of the lathe and to the right of
the tailstock .28. On the left hand side of the
lathe as best seen in Fig. 3, there 4is >provided the
unloading conveyor indicated generally at 35
consisting of the front legs 40 and rear legs di
on top of which is rigidly’mounted the rails «'52
which extend downwardly to the rear of the ma
chine and rollingly support the finished crank
which is located to one side of themain axis of
shafts on the end line bearings L when deposited
rotation 3Q of the center drive work spindle 22
on the unloading conveyorl so that they auto
2rd and 25 are provided each side of the center
drive chuck having the usual cutting tools T for
operating upon the line bearings L of a work
crankshaft W, the crankshaft being supportedl
and the centers 2t in the tailstocks 27 and 2d. 35 matically roll to the rear of the machine. To
Suitable clamping mechanism is provided in the
keep the machine in continuous operation so far
chuck in the center drive work spindle 22 which
as the workpieces are concerned, it is merely
is preferably operated Aby power clamping and
necessary to continue to place rough workpieces
unclamping mechanism contained in the tail
WR on the rear portions of the rails 33 where
stocks 2'! and 28 such for example as vshown in 40 they slide downwardly to the front position on
Patent 2,473,108 issued June 14, 1949. The
the axis SEB to be received by the loading appa
clamping mechanism is so organized in thechuck
ratus to be described. Crankshafts are auto
body that when unclamped, there is provided an
matically received at the >rear of the machine
axial passageway indicated at Y3i, Figs. 2 and 3.
from the downwardly inclined rails 42 from which
through which the crankshafts ymay be presented
the finished crankshafts WF roll off and down
to or removed from the center drive work spindle
to the back of the lathe. The operator of the
22 while maintained substantially on the axis
lathe thus is free to devote his entire attention
s2 extending through the pasageway 3i. The
to an inspection of the tools and in measuring
axis 32 also is arranged to pass well over the iiat
the workpieces coming from the machine and
angularly disposed top surfaces -33 of each of 50 at no time is required to physically handle the
the tailstocks 2l' and 28 ofthe lathe. The center
crankshafts in any >manner from the beginning
drive work spindles 22 are arranged to Vbe stopped
to the end ci the entire machining cycle.
in accurate predetermined position to bring the
To accomplish this desired end the loading
access opening Sl always 'to the same point 32 for
mechanism comprises, in addition to the loading
the aforementioned axial movement of 4the
and unloading conveyors, a transporting con
crankshafts into and out of the center drive
veyor Ycomprising a pair of loading cranes indi
chucks as by means of apparatus as set forth
cated generally at 43 and 44 each of which cranes
in Patent 2,192,437 issued March 5, 1940. Blocks
comprise a base plate member 45 having a series
2Q comprise the finished accurately located spots
of studs ¿l5 upon which are journaled the spool
23a and 29h which engage thespots 29e and 'Edd » 60 shaped rollers 47 which Vroll along on the guide
on the web of the crank shaft which Vare milled
surfaces liß'formed on the >top and bottom edges
thereon before the crank shaft is brought tothe
or” the channel iron rail or slideway 4Q which
in turn is fixed by suitable screws 5€! to sup
A'I’he basic problem solved by this invention is
porting bosses 5| formed rigidly with the ma
to provide a loading mechanism which will take 65 chine’s structure. Suitable additional eccentri
rough unmachined crankshafts which are 'de
cally mounted side rollers 52 carried on eccentric
livered to a loading conveyor indicated gen
on brackets 54 secured to the plates £55
erally at 34 and to lift them up from said con
and engaging the surfaces d3 on the front of
veyor 34 to a position on the axis 32 and then
the channel ¿ifi provide means for very accurate
to move the rough crankshafts into Ythe center
ly adjusting the rolling motion of lthe cranes
drive chuck and deposit it downwardly again
¿i3 and lié! on the I beam without loss motion
on the axis of rotation 3B of the lathe, where the
or play so that the units 43 and M are accurately
workpiece is chucked and the cutting tools com
guided on the fixed channel rail 4S. The plate
plete the machining operation on the line bear
members d5 of the loading cranes 133 and dii
ings L. The apparatus then is arranged to auto
are rigidly connected together by means of the
tie bars 55 which pass through the bosses 58
fixed to the plates 45 and are positively held in
adjustable condition in the bosses by means of
the adjusting jam nuts 51 so that both of the
plates 45 of the crane members 43 and 44 roll
along in horizontal movement in exact timed
relationship to the rigid connection of the tie
bars 55. The jam nuts 51 allow for relative
horizontal adjustment between the two crane
units for purposes of accommodation of various
types of workpieces and tooling of the center
drive lathe to which it is applied.
On one of the crane members, such as the
rod is rigidly held at its upper end on the wrist
pin 88 the crankshaft 82 and its main axis of
rotation 90 must necessarily be reciprocated in
vertical movement as best illustrated diagram
matically in Figs. 4 through 8 inclusive.
Also fixed on the crankshaft 82 is means for
simultaneously swinging the hooks about their
pivot shafts 63 on the slides 62 simultaneously
with and in a predetermined relationship to the
vertical motion of the hooks; This apparatus
comprises a disc cam 9| which is fixed on the
crankshaft by a suitable key 92 and the'clamp
nut 93, the inner surface 94 of which cam is
provided with a specially constructed cam groove
95 in which operates the cam roller 96 journaled
member 43, there is provided a hydraulic or other
suitable traverse motor 58 which is securely
on a pin 91 carried in the outer end of the
mounted to the plate 45 of the crane 43 and has
actuating lever arm 98 which in turn is rigidly
a power output shaft 59 uponwhich is fixed
fixed to the crane hook members 65 and 68
the rack pinion 60 which in turn engages a rack
through the medium of an adjustable connection
6| secured to the channel rail 49 so that upon
the application of power to the motor 58 in one 20 comprising the abutment screws 99 carried in
the hook members which engage an abutment
direction or the other, the loading cranes 43
stud |00 carried in a suitable boss |0| of the
and 44 may be traversed along the channel rail
lever arm 98 which is journaled by suitable bear
49 to any desired position.
ing portion |02 about the pivot shaft 63. A
Each of the loading cranes 43 and 44 have de
pending swinging hooks which are pivotally 25 suitable clamp bolt is provided at |03 to rigidly
secure the actuating lever 98 to the respective
mounted on reciprocatable slides 52 by means
crane hook in the desired adjusted position as
of the pivot shaft 63, and which hooks terminate
established by the mechanism thus described.
in suitable work engaging hook members 64
Thus with this arrangement as the cylinder 15
which in this particular exemplary embodiment
are adapted to engage around the intermediate 30 actuates the rack 19 to rotate the crankshaft and
thereby vertically reciprocate the bracket 10 and
line bearings L of the crankshafts W to hold
slide 62, the disc cam 9| is also rotated by the
the crankshafts in desired rotary indexed posi
crankshaft in a predetermined timed relatiom
tion. Each of the hooks are of C-shaped con
ship to the movement of the slide 62 so that the
struction, the loading crane 43 having a right
hand C-shaped portion 65 while the left hand ' cam groove 95 actuating the roller 98 and the
lever 98 causes the respective hook members 65
loading crane 44 has the oppositely directed
and 85 to swing about the pivot shafts 63.
C-shaped member 66 so that both of the hook
Because of the combination of the use of the
members may be inserted inside of the center
rack and pinion drive 19--8|, the crankarm and
drive chucks through the access opening 3| pro
connecting rod arrangement 85--81, and the
vided in the center drive chuck mechanism.
cam and lever mechanism 9|---98, each of the
Since the apparatus for vertically reciprocat
hooks 85 and 68 follow distinctive different
ing the slides 62 and for rocking the hook mem
paths when loading and when unloading crank
bers 84--65 and 64-56 about their pivot shafts
shafts relative to the chuck and the loading and
E3, a detailed description of one of the loadingcranes, such as the crane 43, will suihce for both. 45 unloading racks 34 and 35 respectively. This
is best illustrated by reference to Figs. 4 to S in
The vertically reciprocating slide 62 is supported
clusive. In Fig. 4 is shown the loading cranes
in suitable guideways 61 in the main support
in upper position with the hooks located on the
housing 88 which is securely mounted rigidly to
axis 32 for traversing the crankshafts length
the plate 45 by suitable bolts 69. Fixed to the
wise horizontally into and out of the center drive
slide member 62 is the bracket member 10 by
chucks and over or away from the loading and
suitable screws 1|, upon the upper end of which
unloading racks. In this position the piston rod
bracket 19 is secured the cylinder head block 12
18 and rack 19 are fully extended downwardly
by means of a suitable tongue and keyway at
relative to the cylinder 15 as the piston and rod
13 and the bolts 14. A cylinder' 15 for vertical
reciprocation of the hooks is securely mounted 55 move upwardly the crankshaft 82 is rotated
clockwise and reacting against the fixed wrist
in the cylinder member 12 and terminates in a
pin 88 through the connecting rod 81 causes the
top cylinder cap 16. In this cylinder is recip
slide V|ì2 and hook to move downwardly along
rocatably mounted the piston 11 which is secured
the steeply inclined path |03 from the position
to the piston rod 18 which projects downwardly
and is connected to a rack 19 supported in suit 60 32 to the position |04, the rearward swinging
motion to effect this combination diagonal down
able guideways 80 formed on the housing mem
ward movement of the hook is caused by the ap
ber 18. The rack 19 engages a rack pinion 8|
propriate shaping of the cam groove 95 react
which is ñxed on the crankshaft 82 journaled in
ing with the roller 95 on the actuating arm 98
suitable bearings 83 and 84 in the housing 10.
connected to the hook 65 as described. Fur
Fixed on the crankshaft 82 between the bear
ther relative upward movement of the piston in
ings 83 and 84 isthe crankarm 85 which termi
the cylinder 15 and the changed conñguration of
nates in a crank pin 80 upon which is journaled
the connecting rod 81 which extends upwardly
and is yjournaled on a wrist pin 88 which is se
curely ñxed to projecting bosses 89 formed in
tegral with the main housing member 68. Thus
by reciprocation of the piston 11 and rod 18
in the cylinder 15 by appropriate application of
fluid pressure to said cylinder, the rack 19 ro
the cam groove 95 causes the hook to move down
wardly vertically from the point |04 to the bot
tom point I 05 for either depositing the crank
shaft W on the locating block 29 in the chuck or
depositing the crankshaft on the unloading con
veyor 35.
Continued relative upward movement of the
tates the crankshaft 82 and, since the connecting 75 piston in the cylinder 15 together with rotation
of ¿the ycam A9| v¿causes the hook to move in an
yarcuateV backward and. upward vpath from the
lpoint >H35 to the point y|06 whereupon final con
tinued movement in this direction in conjunction
with the effect .caused by the cam groove 95,
'causes the hook to ‘move in a more horizontal
sloping direction |93 upwardly to return it again
to the position 32, to thus remove the hook'from
position under the workpieces being deposited
either in the chuck 'or on the unloading con
In-order to _remove the work from the chuck
or to lift up an unfinished workpiece from the
>loading conveyor '34 the apparatus is operated
in the `reverse direction with the pistonY moving
downwardly in the cylinder 75. The hook then
vfollows a path from the position 32 diagonally
then swings
along the
route illsand
to the
point in
an arcuate path to the point |95 to position it
under the workpiece `in the chuck or on the
load-conveyor. Final continued movement of
the Vapparatusback to theposition shown in Fig.
4, causes the hook to iirst move upwardly along
»the path |95 and then upwardly along the ldiag
onal path m3 >back to the position as.
there >is provided an arrangement for moving the
hook in both vertical and> side motion in a plu~
-rality of paths for both loading and unloading
Ywork‘relative to the machine members.
The >operation of the machine in automatic
sequence may best be understood by reference to
Figs. l, l2 and 13, Assume that the machine
bearings L lof the crankshaft in the center
drive jchuck and :has come to rest with the
center ydrive work spindle and chuck in properly
stopped indexed position as by means of the ar
rangement shown in Patent 2,192,437 cited
above. The operator then applies the power
chucking mechanism such as that shown in
Patent `2,473,1081cited above to unclainp the
chuck, leaving the power wrench mechanism in
engagement with the chuck ready to clamp up
the next rough uniinished crankshaft presented
in the center drive spindle. The centers 2t are
then removed ~from the ends ofthe crankshaft.
The operator, with the selector switch itil, con
veniently located at a suitable push Abutton sta~
tion H0 `atthe front Yof the machine, places the
`selector switch in automatic -position iii so
as to interconnect lead H2 with lead Hä. The
operator then presses the load push button iid
to start the automatic loading cycle. At this
'therebyenergize the solenoid 'coil M of the main
hydraulic control valve |26) so >as to rapply ñuid
pressure from the fluid pressure pump i2 i, which
receives a supply of fluid through the suction line
|22 from the ñuid >reservoir |23, to the pres
sure line | 24, through the pressure reducing valve
|25 and the line |26, tothe pressure supply line
|27. One branch |28 of the pressure supply line
|27 is permanently connected into the port |29
10 in the bottom or piston rod chamber portion of
the cylinder 75. The other branch |33 of the
line |27 is connected through a line |3| to the
hoist control valve |32. Fluid pressure is also
connected from the line |36 through the line
| 33 to the line | 34 connected to the traverse con
trol valve |35 and the pilot control valvelâiì.
At this timev relay ULR is energized to close con~
tacts |37 Vand energize solenoid coil N of Ythe
valve |32. This connects line |33 to the drain
line |39 and blocks the pressure line iti at the
valve |32 so as to apply pressure to the piston
rod end of the cylinder 75 through the port its
to hold the hooks in upper position B--A~-B and
B’_A’-D’, Fig. 13, at the’location 32 as de
scribed. At this time limit switches LSD! and
LSD2 mounted on the member '7e are engaged
by the dogs |â| carried on the rack 7@ of each
crane to hold these limit switches closed. Under
these conditions relay coil TRR is energized to
close contacts |¿l2 to energize solenoid coil T
of the pilot valve |36 to apply pressure through
line |43 to actuate the main traverse valve |35
to connect pressure from line i3d through line
It@ to the traverse motor U55 and to connect dis
charge from this motor through the line lli@ and
the valve |35 to the drain line H37. This causes
the motor pinion 6@ to be actuated to move the
cranes to the right A to B and A’ to B’ until
the abutment screw m8 on the crane ¿i3 engages
the limit switch LSA and engages the abutment
surface |49 of the abutment bracket I5@ ilxed
to the rail 49. The cranes are held in contact
with the surface |139 at B-B’ by pressure main
tained in the motor |45.
Closing of limit switch LSA energizes relay
coil DUR to close contacts |5| to energize sole~
noid coil R of the valve |32 so as to connect presu
sure from the line |3| to the line its to apply
pressure on the piston end of the cylinder “iii
to cause the hooks to move along the unloading
path B-B', |98, |96, |95, C-C’, ist, M33, and
13. Under
as seen
in Figs.
4 to 3the
left hand
td picks out the ñnished crankshaft :from the
moment the pair of loading cranes are in the 55 center drive chuck while the right hand hook
rest or intermediate position as shown in Fig. l
‘35 picks up a new rough crankshaft from the
and at A and A’ in‘Fig. 13 and a limit switch
loading conveyor 3d.
LSI is contacted by a suitable trip dog on the
At the end of the unloading stroke, Fig. fi, limit
member t3 so `as to enable the operator to ac
switches LSB! and LSB2 carried on the bracket
tuate `the ~run and 30g buttons I l5 of the ma 60 member 7|! are engaged by the dogs Edic carried
chinerfor energizing >the Vmain electrical ycircuit
as ,represented by the relay coil llt to close the
main contacter || 7 to apply power from the
lines Ll, L2 and L3 to the main drive motor 22?»
and hydraulic system of the lathe. As soon,
however, asithe loading cranes are moved to ei
ther side to B-B’ or VD-’D’, Fig. 13, of their
central rest position A-A’ during the turning
cycle, the ,limit switch `LS| is opened to block
out vany operation of the main drive motor of 70
the machine so that no misoperation or accident
to the machine or the operator can occur. fis
soon as the load push button | It is pressed ’pow
er is applied Yfrom the lead IIS to the relay coil
MVR Whichin turn closes the contacts lis to 75
on the ~rack 79 which causes relay coils DCR
and TLR to be energized to close contacts E52
energizing solenoid coil S to the valve E35 to
connect pressure through the pilot control line
|53 to actuate the traverse valve to apply pres
sure from the line |36! to the line le@ and con
nect line Uli’. to the drain line M7 to cause the
traverse `motor Hlîä to move the cranes to the
left from B-B’ to D-D’, Fig. 13, This mo«
tion continues until the abutment screw ist on
the crane M engages the limit switch LSC and
the abutment surface |55 on the abutment block
|5â ñXed on the left hand end oi the rail dil
at positions D and D’.
When limit switch LSC is closed, pressure from
line |3| is cut off at the valve |32 while lines
tive to the central axis thereof to> hold said work
|38 and |39 are interconnected so as to apply
pressure in the rod end of the cylinder '|5, caus
ing the' hooks to now `follow the loading path
piece in a predetermined rotative position', a
transporting conveyor comprising a slideway ex
D-D’, |03, |04, E-E’, |05, |06, |08, and D--D’
tending parallel to the axis of said work-piece,
a crane slidably mounted on said slideway for
movement from said loading conveyor to said
workholder, a hook, means mounting said hook
as shown in Figs. 4 to 8 inclusive and Fig. 13.
Under these conditions the right‘hand hook 65
deposits a rough unñnished crankshaft in the
on said crane for restricting it to swinging move
center drive chuck while the left hand hook de
ment transversely of the‘axis‘of the work-piece
posits the finished crankshaft on the unloading 10 for movement in a predetermined path` into en
conveyor 35, both hooks finally returning again
gaging and release positions with respect to a
to the upper position 32 and D-D’, Fig. 13.
work-piece and for movement ,n with »said crane
When the hooks reach this up position D--D',
parallel to the axis of said work-piece, and pow
limit switches LSDI and LSDZ are actuated by
er operated means for moving said hook in‘ saidV
dogs |4| to cause the traverse motor |45 to move 15 predetermined path andV for sliding said‘cjrane
the cranes to the right from D--D’ to A---A’whereby said work-piece is precisely controlled
This movement continues until limit switch LSE
and positioned by said loading mechanism.
is actuated and opened which stops the cranes
2. In combination; a workholder for mounting
in the intermediate position shown in Fig. 1 and
an elongated work-piece for rotation, and a load
at A-A' in Fig. 13. When in this position, lim 20 ing mechanism comprising a loading conveyor
it switch LSI is closed by a suitable dog on one
for conveying the work-piece to a position axially
of the cranes to permit the main drive motor to
spaced from a mounted work-piece and with its
operate and tools to feed into the machine the
axis parallel to the axis of the mounted work
crankshaft in the center drive chucks. The
piece, means along said conveyor for engaging
loading cranes remain in this intermediate posi
said work-piece at at least spaced points rela
tion A-A' during the machining operations.
:tive to ‘the central axis thereof to hold said work
Limit switch LSE is opened when the cranes
move from extreme right position to» extreme left
piece in a predetermined rotative position, a
transporting conveyor comprising a slideway ex
tending parallel to the axis of said work-piece,
Suitable interlock mechanism for actuating the 30 a crane slidably mounted on said slideway for
limit switch LS|0 of conventional design is prei
movement from said loading conveyor to said
erably used to prevent any operation of the load
workholder, a hook, means mounting said hook
ing mechanism when the main drive and tool
on said crane for restricting it to swinging move
feed of the machine is operating. Whenever the
ment transversely of the axis of the work-piece
stop loader button |51 is pressed, solenoid M of
and for movement in a predetermined path into
the valve |20 is deenergized to cut olf pressure
engaging and release positions with respect to a
from the line |26 and to thus render the entire
work-piece and for movement with said crane
loading device inoperative.
parallel to the axis of said work-piece, power
For manual operation, the selector switch |09
operated means for moving said hook in said pre
is moved to manual position to connect lead | I8 40 determined path and for sliding said crane where
with lead |58. The load button ||4 is pressed
by said work-piece is precisely controlled and
to energize solenoid M of the valve |20 to con
positioned by said loading mechanism, a second
nect pressure to the loading device. The traverse
crane also slidably mounted on said slideway syn
selector switch |59 is then moved to right po
chronized in its movements with said first-men
sition to connect lead |60 with lead |61. At end 45 tioned crane adapted to pick up and remove a
of travel A--A’ to B--B’ to right, the hook selec
finished work-piece from the workholder while
tor switch |62 is moved to unload position to con
the 'first-mentioned crane is picking up an in
nect lead |53 to lead |63. To then traverse the
coming work-piece from the loading conveyor
cranes to the left from B--B’ to D--D' the
and transporting it to the workholder, and means
traverse selector switch |59 is moved to left 50 for receiving the finished work-piece at a l0
position to connect lead |60 to lead |54. At
cation away from the workholder at the time the
the end of the left hand travel at D-D’ the
incoming work-piece is being loaded into the
hook selector switch |62 is moved to load posi
tion to connect lead |58 to lead |65. The cranes
_ 3. In combination; a workholder for mount
are then moved to the right D--D’ to A-A' 55 ing a crank shaft at angularly disposed spots
to intermediate position of Fig. 1 by moving the
thereon, and a loading mechanism for delivering
traverse selector switch to right position.
the crank shaft to the workholder comprising a
The cranes are stopped in intermediate posi
loading conveyor for conveying a crank shaft to
tion A-A’ by returning the traverse selector
switch |59 to oiî position. The hook selector 60 a position axially spaced from the workholder and
with its axis aligned with the axis of the work
switch |62 is then also turned to off position and
holder, means along the conveyor engaging pin
the cycle selector switch |09 is then place in au
bearings of difîerent throws of the crank shaft
tomatic position to again restore the device to
to hold the shait in position to be worked upon,
the above described automatic operation.
Having thus fully set forth and described this 65 a transporting conveyor comprising a slideway
extending parallel to the axis of said workholder,
invention, what is claimed as new and desired to
a crane slidably mounted on the slideway for
be claimed is:
movement from said loading conveyor to said
1. In combination; a workholder for mounting
an elongated work-piece for rotation, and a load
workholder, a hook, means mounting said hook
ing mechanism comprising a loading conveyor 70 on said crane for restricting it to swinging move
ment transversely o-f the axis of the crank shaft
for conveying the work-piece to a position axially
spaced from a mounted work-piece and with its
for -movement in a predetermined path into en
gaging and release positions with respect to a
axis parallel to the axis of the mounted work
piece.v means along said conveyor for engaging
crank shaft and for movement with said crane
said work-piece at at least spaced points rela 75 parallel to the axis of said crank shaft, and
power-operatedmeans for moving said ‘hookV in»
said. predetermined. path; and for- sliding said.
orarie whereby said crankshaft is precisely con
trolled andv positioned by` said», loading mecha
The. following.. references are of record in the
ñle of this patent:
Re. 18,559
Smith et all. ________ __ Aug. 8,- 1932
Sears" ..... __ _____ __ July. 11,1922
Smith et a1.... ________V Mar. 3,1931
Smith-et al. _ _____ __,Jan1v19»,.1932
Smith ___________,___. Oct. 31_, 1933
Smithet-al ________ __ OcteSflï, 1933
Groene¿«___________,__ Jan'. 29, 1929“
Smith eta-1 __________ __ Mar. 6, 1934‘
Smith etal.V _____ ____»June 11, '1935>
Smith et-a1.«_____«_____ May 5,1936
Groene etal». ______ __ Feb.> 20,1949
Groene et a1. __ _____ __ Nov. `12,1940
Groene _______ ______ Feb.~25,.~1941
Campbell ___ _______ __ Mar. 4, 1941
Groene et a1.. _- ____ ___-Dec.- 22, 1942
Dempster_________-__ July 30.11946`
Dempster ____»_-_____ Julyy 13,1948