14th International Conference

14th International Conference
Reliability and Stress–Related Phenomena in
Nanoelectronics – Experiment and Simulation
Bad Schandau, Germany, May 30 – June 1, 2016
Andreas Aal1, Gottfried Kurz2, André Clausner3
Analysis / Robustness (EEIP/1), Volkswagen AG, Berliner-Ring 2, 38436 Wolfsburg, Germany
2GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden Module One LLC & Co. KG, Wilschdorfer Landstrasse 101, 01109 Dresden, Germany
3Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems, Maria-Reiche-Strasse 2, 01109 Dresden, Germany
Phone: +49-(0)5361-9-38277; Fax: +49-(0)5361-9-57-38277; e-mail: andreas.aal@volkswagen.de
Intermittent Functional Loss of Non-Degraded Advanced
Semiconductor Technology based Products
in Harsh Environments – Causes, Reproducibility, Mitigation
Experimental Approach
SRAM read disturb sensitivity under mechanical load
Primitive device electrical aging behavior under mechanical load
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1. Background
Future Mobility: Zero Emission, intuitiv, online
The future is a 4wheel computer with client & server functionality
– the ultimate mobile device
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1. Background
Semiconductor Technology – Enabler for Functions that matter
Key-Technologies (i.e. Smartphone)
Automotive: New digital Products & Services
 Application CPU:
14/16 nm FinFET
 Baseband CPU:
20 nm SOC
 Power Amplifier Modul:
100 nm GaN
 LTE-Modul:
28 nm CMOS
Big Data
 NAND Flash:
15-20 nm MLC
Automotive needs leading-edge technologies from a functional
perspective, but ...
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2. Motivation
The challenge – AST* in automotive environments
 … function is bound to technology, but technology is bound to initial
key-product design
 Reliability & performance of those technologies @ risk under
automotive loads
 Stress exceeds strength
EOL reached too early (mission profile)
General mech. construction insufficience (cracks, delamination etc.)
 Parametric deviations
Permanent w/o aging effect
Reversible / intermittent
Partially permanent / reversible with aging effect
This work: focuses on mech. induced parametric deviations …
*AST = Advanced Semiconductor Technologies
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2. Motivation
The challenge – AST in automotive environments
Parametric drifts outside specified values after 1st
Similar effect observed
for 3 IC vendors /
technologies in 2014
 so not a single case
Lucero, IRPS 2015
 Awareness of technology sensitivity to thermomechanical stress insufficient
 AEC-Q100 qualification in sockets insufficient to mimic
board-level effects under real reflow conditions
 Wafer technology qualification did not sufficiently
consider CPI / CPBI*
Leatherman, IRPS 2012
* CPI / CPBI– chip package-board interaction
Task: Mimic automotive loads and follow failure RCA*
*RCA = Root Cause Analysis
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3. Experimental Approach
Quantitative mech. loads & typ. environmental loads
Approach I
 Analysis of SRAM read disturb sensitivity under mechanical load
VdipR – Tests
FEM Simulation of mechanical induced stress @ transistor level
caused by external forces
Calibration of simulation & electrical measurements
Approach II
 Analysis of primitive device electrical aging behavior under
mechanical load
Effect of uHAST, TC, wafer thinning on HCI behavior
Quantify stress, watch effects – conclude knowledge based
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4. Experimental – SRAM read disturb
Approach I - mechanical setup for n-indentation
 28 nm HKMG 64 Mbit SRAM, full process flow
 Wafer thinning to 250 µm / Flipchip assembly to 948µPGA package
 ATE test at 85°C / 25°C of assembled SRAMs
 Remove of package lid and further down thinning of remaining Sithickness (min. 35 µm)
Application of mech. stress by n-indentation @ chip back side
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4. Experimental – SRAM read disturb
Approach I - VdipR Test
RD – Procedure (RDP)
 Write step @ Vnom (checkerboard pattern)
 Voltage dip down to VdipR
 Read (disturb) step
 Voltage rise to Vnom & read with pass/fail assessment
 Repeat @ different mech. load conditions
Calibration I
 VdipR chosen at threshold to bit flip (high sensitivity to mech. load)
 Drawback – background noise  solution: statistical averaging by
repeating RDP (fail assessment when > 10 fails in 20 repetitions or #
fails per 50 VdipR repetitions )
Fail calibration to mech. load
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4. Results – SRAM read disturb
Approach I - Simulation of mechanical induced stress @ transistor
level caused by external forces
Image overlay of VdipR and von-Mises stress simulation @ 1.3 N
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4. Results – SRAM read disturb
Approach I - Simulation of mechanical induced stress @ transistor
level caused by external forces
Image overlay of VdipR and hydrostatic stress simulation @ 1.3 N
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4. Results – SRAM read disturb
Approach I - Simulation of mechanical induced stress @ transistor
level caused by external forces
Image overlay of VdipR and normal stress in x direction simulation @
1.3 N
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4. Results – SRAM read disturb
Approach I - Simulation of mechanical induced stress @ transistor
level caused by external forces
Image overlay of VdipR and normal stress in y direction simulation @
1.3 N
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4. Results – SRAM read disturb
Approach I - Simulation of mechanical induced stress @ transistor
level caused by external forces
Image overlay of VdipR and normal stress in z (indentation) direction
simulation @ 1.3 N
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4. Results – SRAM read disturb
Approach I - Calibration of simulation & electrical measurements
 Correlation of the SRAM functionality & simulation stresses through chip operation
voltage shift with/without indenter load
 Determination of voltage shift required to hold cell stable (increase under
indentation load)
Shift in minimum required SRAM operation voltage with
simulation stresses  reliability criteria can be derived
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5. Results – TQV test structure chip
Approach II – pure HCI aging, higher stress
Watch these curves on the next slide
HCI effect per channel length with distinct L - separation
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5. Results – TQV test structure chip
Approach II – HCI aging after uHAST, higher stress
These curves have shifted upwards
This form of graphical illustration is
insufficient to show the important things
TC/uHAST cause a ~const. shift of pMOS Id,sat degradation
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5. Results – TQV test structure chip
Approach II – pure HCI aging
Effect of HCI stress on pMOS Id,sat degradation
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5. Results – TQV test structure chip
Approach II – HCI aging after uHAST / TC + uHAST
Partially reversible shifts and variance increase
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5. Results – TQV test structure chip
Approach II – HCI aging after uHAST / TC + uHAST
Shift & variation are voltage dependent
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5. Results – TQV test structure chip
Approach II – HCI aging & uHAST, TC, wafer thinning
Secondary stress effect is L and V dependent
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6. Discussion
Approach II
 Usually package form-factor related tests are applied after tech-qual rather
than investigating the effect already during technology qualification
 This approach then considers mechanical effects as linear, reversible and
without effect on aging
 In addition the meaning of variability increase / decrease my be
 TC after wafer processing before wafer thinning & further assembly may
reduce variability
Results from Intel (IRPS 2012) show that nMOS Idsat shift is stronger affected as
pMOS – we see pMOS sufficiently enough affected
 Shift is 37-50 % higher when going down from 25 °C to -10 °C
 Shift is 20 % higher when die thickness is reduced from 200 um to 120 um
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7. Summary
Approach I
 Based on the combination of a smart n-indentation setup, optimized
SRAM sensitivity, FEM simulations and corresponding calibration via
cell operation voltage adjustment, …
 … it is now possible to quantify the transfer ratio of externally applied
stress to local stress on Si device level, which …
 … can positively extend current DfR methodologies
Approach II
 For the 1st time the effect of mechanical-stress related tests on
primitive device aging has been investigated
 The results & literature shows, how to further improve corresponding
test scenarios (test @ lower temp, decrease die thickness etc.)
 The effect of mechanical-stress has the potential to significantly
change primitive device aging and therefore modelling
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The authors thank the team from GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Fraunhofer
IKTS for their support.
Especially to mention are:
Christoph Sander – IKTS
Martin Gall – IKTS
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