Southern Regional Power Committee Bengaluru th Minutes of the 120 Meeting of Operation Coordination th Committee held at SRPC, Bengaluru on 10 June 2016 1 Introduction 1.1. The 120 Meeting of the Operation Coordination Sub Committee was conducted at Bangalore on th th 10 June 2016. The list of Participants is furnished at Annexure-1A. 1.2. Shri S R Bhat, Member Secretary SRPC extended warm welcome to all the delegates to the 120 th OCC Meeting of SRPC. On behalf of OCC, he welcomed Shri A. Anbunesan, AGM, SRLDC and expressed hope that under his leadership at SRLDC things would further improve. He brought to the notice of the forum the major events since last OCC meeting. A follow up meeting on th SCADA/Communication related issues was conducted on 17 May 2016 at SRPC with PGCIL & Utilities. A Special Meeting was convened on 30 th May 2016 to discuss about the draft Compensation Procedure for SHR/AEC due to low unit loadings of the generators and for secondary fuel consumption for additional start ups in excess of 7 start ups under RSD and its sharing by the beneficiaries in compliance with IEGC’s 4 th Amendment. As per the deliberations/decision taken in that Meeting, draft procedure was updated and circulated. Further NLDC vide letter dated 31.05.2016 had circulated the Detailed Operating Procedure for taking units under RSD and identifying generating stations to be backed down upto technical minimum schedule. The draft procedure was deliberated in the Commercial Sub Committee Meeting held on 02.06.2016 at SRPC Bangalore. The comments from the entities on draft Compensation Procedure and draft Operating Procedure on RSD were awaited and the Procedures were to be finalized after deliberations in the Meeting. A Special Meeting was held on 19 th May 2016 at SRPC with NPCIL/BHAVINI to deliberate on the pending issues and many actionable points were concluded. Recalling the recent tripping occurred at Nagjheri/Gazuwaka/Tuticorin/Vallur areas, he accentuated on the need for the Patrolling/Maintenance of critical lines and substations as envisaged in the Patrolling Guidelines. List of critical elements/SS have already been circulated to all the concerned. He expressed concern that a focused attention was required to ensure the patrolling and maintenance is carried regularly as spelt out in the Patrolling Guidelines. He observed that a number of issues were to be deliberated in OCC and because of time constraints a focused discussion on each issue was required. He placed on record for Ramagundam Stage III, Simhadri Stage II and NLC Stage I for achieving more than 100 % availability during May 2016. 1.3. SE (O), SRPC took up the agenda for discussions. 2 th th Confirmation of the Minutes of the 119 Meeting of OCC of SRPC held on 10 May 2016 NTECL stated that in respect of TANTRANSCO’s observation in 6.6.4, NTECL’s response as given below was not recorded: ‘NTECL stated that their units comply with Emission Standards and the online data was being transmitted to Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board. Hence the observation of TANTRANSCO was not correct.’ The minutes were approved with the above observation. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 1 3 Monthly Outage Plan/ Annual Outage Plan 3.1 ISGS/CGS 3.1.1 Planned Outages of CGS/ISG stations approved during the month of June 2016/July 2016 are enclosed at Annexure-3A. 3.1.2 Rescheduling of Planned outages of Generating Stations SRLDC vide letter dated 20.05.2016 (Annexure-3B) had pointed out that it has been observed that demand of SR states as well as Region as a whole is in the falling trend due to wide spread rain which lead to significant U/D by SR entities, more export from SR grid to NEW grid. Considering the continuing significant U/D’s , it was requested by SRLDC to all concerned that the possibility of proponing the planned unit outages in June 2016 in proportion to the fall in demand trend/under drawal may kindly be explored so that LGB as well as deviation could be maintained within the limits. As per Annual Outage Plan the following units are planned in June 2016: 3.1.3 State Station Capacity AP TS TS TS KAR VTPS-1 KTPS-7 KTPS-11 RTS-B RTPS U-2 210 120 500 210 210 Maintenance Schedule as per Annual Outage Plan From To No of days. 15-June-16 30-Jun-16 16 16-June-16 30-Jun-16 15 1-June-16 15-Jun-16 15 16-June-16 30-Jun-16 15 15-June-16 23-Sep-16 101 TN Tuticorin-4 210 10-June-16 24-Jun-16 15 Remarks AOH AOH AOH AOH AMW (RH, SH, C&I, TG) Boiler License Renewal & AOH Deferment of planned outage of Unit-2 and availing of Unit-3 planned outage at NTECL Vallur NTECL Vallur vide letter dated 20.05.2016(Annexure-3C) had informed that in the 119 th OCC Meeting, Annual Outage Plan for Unit II of Vallur NTECL was approved from 21.05.2016 for 11 days. The Annual Outage for overhaul of boiler & turbine and for attending turbine vibration issue of Unit III was approved from 01.07.2016 for 45 days in the Annual Outage Plan for FY 2016-17 approved by MoP. Unit III is kept under close monitoring since last 4 days observing increased turbine shaft vibration. Unit was withdrawn from Grid from 12:39 hours of 20.05.2016 as per directives from M/s BHEL since the turbine vibration exceeded the permissible limit. BHEL had recommended for complete overhauling of the machine and accordingly NTECL is availing planned outage of Unit III from 20.05.2016 for 45 days. It was informed by NTECL that accordingly the Annual Outage Plan of Unit II will be taken up after bringing back Unit III on bar. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 2 3.1.4 Change of schedule of NTPC Ramagundam Unit 5 Overhaul NTPC vide E-mail dated 25.05.2016 (Annexure-3D) had informed that they prefer to take shutdown of NTPC Ramagndam Unit -5 for Annual Overhaul from 01.07.2016 instead of 06.06.2016 as approved earlier. It was intimated that the Overhaul plan of other Units will be planned accordingly and would be informed accordingly. SRPC had informed to NTPC that SR demand had reduced and considerable under drawals were being observed. It was noted that recently SRLDC also had brought out a letter for preponement of Annual Maintenance of generators. NTPC was suggested to adhere to the schedule finalized in outage plan. 3.1.5 In the meeting, the outage of Ramagundam Unit-5 was approved from 11.06.2016 to 05.07.2016. AoH of UPCL Units UPCL had requested to approve the shutdown of their Units as follows: Unit Proposed dates as per planning From To Unit-1 22.07.2016 27.08.2016 Unit-2 10.06.2016 29.06.2016 UPCL informed that KPTCL vide E-mail dated 07.06.2016 had requested to reconcile the shutdown as per KPTCL system requirement. In the meeting, after deliberations KPTCL and UPCL agreed for the following schedule: Unit Revised Dates From To Unit-1 17.08.2016 22.09.2016 Unit-2 20.07.2016 08.08.2016 (Correspondences in this regard at Annexure -3E) 3.2 ISTS/State Sector Transmission Lines and Elements 3.2.1 Outage proposals for the months of May/June 2016 in respect of Central and State Transmission lines and elements were approved and posted on SRPC website ( All utilities are to submit the rd S/D proposals for the subsequent month by 3 of the current month. Shutdown requests for the same month needed to be avoided. An outage coordination group had been created ( for review of the previous OCC approved shut downs (construction/critical). 3.2.2 Non-availing the OCC approved shut downs In earlier OCC Meetings SRPC/SRLDC had stated that in spite of huge efforts being put into Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 3 finalizing the shutdown approvals, non-availing of the same (greater than 50%) was a matter of grim concern. Power purchase by the states was also being planned based on these approved outages and any changes affect their LGB and in some cases ATC/TTC was also getting affected. To bring out seriousness in the planning process it was noted that the details of the works and preparedness also needs to be furnished in remarks column. In the Meeting, SRLDC expressed concern that during the month of May 2016 only 36% (63 out of 179) of approved shutdowns of transmission lines & elements were availed. It was also noted that the percentage of availed shut downs against the approved shut downs had been in decreasing trend. It was noted lot of efforts are being put by SRPC & SRLDC to analyze and finalize the outage approvals. The percentage of availed shut downs Vs approved shut downs during last five months is as follows: January 16 February 16 March 16 April 16 42.5% 42% 44% 34.9% May 16 36% It was agreed that SRLDC would post the approved outages availed and non-availed by 3 rd of every month. Subsequently constituents should revert back with the reasons for non-availing the th shut down by 6 of every month. MS, SRPC expressed concern on non-availing of approved outages and requested that all efforts should be made to minimize the deviation from schedule. He pointed out that during the grid incidents/disturbances, transmission outages (planned/unplanned/emergency) are viewed seriously. The outages availed during May 2016 on emergency basis is furnished at Annexure- 3F. AGM SRLDC stated that the reason for applying emergency shutdown should be very clear in the requisition for SRLDC concurrence. SRLDC demonstrated the web based outage coordination system for requisitioning the OCC approved outages on D-3 basis which is available at RLDC website SRLDC clarified the following regarding the web based outage system: a) The web base system is meant only for OCC approved outages. b) Any deferred outage / change in dates will be treated as fresh outage. Any deferred outage should be sent again through mail for entry by the administrator. c) Emergency shut downs remarks/reasons/justification. could be applied to SRLDC with proper d) Shutdown list for D-3 day will be available in the website for requisition. In addition, it was agreed that D-4 & D-5 shutdown list also will be made available. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 4 e) The web based coordination system would be put operational from 01.07.2016. SRLDC requested SLDCs and RTAMC to kindly monitor the D-3/5 outages and ensure that outages are taken as per approved schedule. Constituent wise breakup of non availed shutdowns is at Annexure-3G. KSEBL had furnished the list of outages which was not carried out as per schedule along-with the reasons (Annexure3H). TANTRANSCO informed that a number of approved outages could not be availed on account of over loading of the network due to high demand and constraints imposed due to election. APTRANSCO informed that 66 outages were availed on emergency basis. SRPC/SRLDC pointed out that few constituents/utilities were not furnishing outage requests as per specified time schedule and current month proposals for AMP works were also being furnished. All the utilities were requested to follow the procedure and the time lines. SE (O), SRPC requested all the utilities to furnish the details/deviations with respect to the Annual Outage plan schedule Vs maintenance carried out on a monthly basis as this information is required for the Annual Outage Plan Deviation Report being submitted to CERC. AGM, SRLDC stated that in spite of huge efforts being put into finalizing the shutdown approvals, non-availing of the same (upto 50%) was of great concern and requested SRPC to flag this issue to upcoming TCC/SRPC. TSTRANSCO informed that on 09.06.2016, 765 kV Raichur-Sholapur line II had been taken for outage. It was informed to TSTRANSCO that 125 MW curtailments could be there but the actual curtailment was only meager. These curtailments have got commercial implications on TS as the curtailed power was being arranged through alternate means. SRLDC clarified that during the declaration of the margins for PX the approved quantum of LTA/MTOA are being considered. However on the day of operations, the margins would vary depending on the LTA/MTOA requisitions. The curtailments are minimized due to margins created due to less requisitions. 3.2.3 CEPL: request for hotline crossing permission In the 119 th OCC Meeting CEPL had requested permission for hot line work on 400 kV CEPL – Tuticorin PS(TPS) and NTPL – Tuticorin PS transmission lines(PGCIL) from 10.06.2016 to 15.06.2016 (line crossing) on daily basis. CEPL was requested to carry out the hotline works in coordination with NTPL, PGCIL SR-II and SRLDC. CEPL vide E-mail dated 07.06.2016 had requested to accord approval for hot line crossing from 10.07.16 to 15.07.2016. In the meeting, CEPL was requested to furnish the reason for not availing the shut down as per previous OCC approval. Hot line works from 10.07.2016 to 15.07.2016 on the 400 kV CEPL-TPS & NTPL-TPS were approved. CEPL representative informed that the dedicated evacuation system for CEPL will be ready by Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 5 July 2016. 3.2.4 Shutdown request of 230 kV Mysore Bus-1 & 2 simultaneously on 23.06.16 & Shutdown KOLAR AC Filter BUS-III from 13.06.16 to 28.06.16 on daily basis SR II PGCIL vide letter dated 07.06.2016 (Annexure-3I) had requested shutdowns as follows: Shutdown request of 230 kV Mysore Bus-1 & 2 simultaneously on 23.06.16 230 kV Mysore Bus-1 & 2 simultaneously on 23.06.16 from 10:00 to 16:00 Hrs for stringing of Jackbus in 220 kV Switchyard under bay extension works of ICT-III. It is mentioned that following eight 220 kV lines will be affected during the Shutdown. 1. Kushalnagar 1 & 2 (Power status : Import/export) 2. Hotagally 1 & 2 (Power status : Import/export) 3. Kadakola 1 & 2 (Power status : Import/export) 4. Golpalpura (Power status : Import only) 5. Tubinkere (Power status : Import only) In the Meeting PGCIL was requested to coordinate with KPTCL and finalise on the same since in the event of simultaneous shut down of both buses complete Mysore power supply will be interrupted. Shutdown KOLAR AC Filter BUS-III from 13.06.16 to 28.06.16 on daily basis: Few instances observed in May’16 wherein the support insulators for isolators of a specific batch got failed in Hiriyur and sriperumbadur. The same batch insulators were installed in Kolar ACF-III. Further, few insulators of the same batch found faulty in the recent shutdown of ACF-1 & 2. In view of the above and also keeping in view the upcoimg cyclone season in June, July & November, it is requested by SR II PGCIL that the Shutdown Kolar ACF-3 may kindly be accorded. There will be power restriction of 1800 MW during the shutdown period. In the meeting the shutdown as proposed were approved. It was noted that power flow on Talcher-Kolar link would be restricted to 1800 MW 3.3 LGBR for upcoming five months-TTC/ATC computations 3.3.1 All states were requested to furnish PSSE base case for October 2016. 3.3.2 In the special meeting held on 26.04.2016, the following were deliberated: APTRANSCO, TSTRANSCO, KPTCL, KSEBL and TANTRANSCO were requested to submit PSSE base case to SRLDC. As per the NPC decision/Congestion Procedure all the states were requested to publish TCC/ATC in their respective websites. All the SLDCs need to have a dedicated Study Group. Manpower issues need to be addressed suitably by the Management. Nominations from AP & TS for dedicated Study Group were awaited though long back, both AP & TS had assured of nominations. ATC/TTC work shop was not carried out for Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It was decided that th th work shop can be conducted for Kerala on 12 /13 May 2016. TANTRANSCO was requested to suggest a date for the same. TN had informed that they would confirm within one week and finalize date for workshop within this month. 3.3.3 th th It was noted that ATC/TTC workshop for KSEBL & TANTRANSCO was held on 12 /13 May Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 6 th th 2016 & 6 /7 June 2016. 3.3.4 SRPC/SRLDC requested the states to take necessary action in this regard. 4 Availability and Requirement 4.1 DE, APTRANSCO informed that they were not anticipating any deficits till October 2016. They had tied up with TPCIL and with the generators under Gas pooling scheme. Hinduja power around 20 – 60 MU is expected from June – October 2016. Wind generation of around 11-17 MU is expected till August 2016. Deficits, if any, would be met through STOA/PX purchases. 4.2 DE, TSTRANSCO informed that 9 hours agricultural power supply is being ensured from April 2016. They were likely to meet the demand comfortably in the coming months. 500MW is expected from Kakatiya TPS II. Deficits, if any, would be met through STOA/PX purchases. TSTRANSCO had considered generation from Singareni from June 2016 onwards in steps. It was noted that Telangana had made an agreement with M/s CEPL (through the trader M/s My Home Power Private Limited) as follows: 4.3 150 MW RTC power for the period from 27.05.2016 to 25.05.2017. EE, KPTCL informed that they would be comfortable in meeting the demand for coming months. BTPS Unit III generation is considered for the coming months. Yeramarus TPS Generation was considered from August 2016 onwards. He informed that the Section 11 was imposed onstate embedded generators had been removed w.e.f 30.06.2016. 4.4 DCE, KSEBL informed that they would be in nominal deficit for the coming months. The deficits would be met through additional STOA and through load shedding/restrictions, if required. 4.5 EE, TANTRANSCO, informed that they would be in surplus during next 5 months. Till September they were anticipating more wind generation. 20% power cut on demand and energy for high tension industrial and commercial consumers during non-peak hours (22:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs (next day)) has been lifted from 05.06.2015. 90% power cut on demand and energy for high tension industrial and commercial consumers during peak hours (18:00 Hrs to 22:00 hrs) had been withdrawn from 05.06.2015. The above withdrawal of power cuts is being continued. Delta (Cauvery) supply had been increased to 12 hrs from 04.06.2015. 4.6 MS, SRPC stated that more emphasis needed to be taken by all the concerned utilities to finalize a more realistic load generation balance. Actual grid situation cannot vary drastically from the planned one. 4.7 Reasons for demand -supply gap and its variation: This issue of furnishing the load shedding details in different heads along with the reasons by states had been taken up in the NPC Meetings. MoP/CEA specifically needed the reasons for load shedding like transmission constraints, distribution constraints, regulatory constraints viz the power purchase not allowed beyond an agreed cost or quantum, natural calamities, tripping of some of major transmission lines etc. SRPC requested all the constituents to kindly furnish the load shedding under different heads in Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 7 the prescribed format on monthly basis along-with power supply position data. All the constituents agreed to furnish the reasons for demand-supply gaps including the load shedding details in the specified format. 5 REVIEW OF THE POWER SUPPLY POSITION 5.1 Grid Highlights Frequency remained within IEGC range during May 2016 (49.90 - 50.05 Hz) for 69.95 % of time. Average frequency for the month was 50.00 Hz. Frequency remained below 49.90 Hz for 7.54 % of time during May 2016. Frequency remained above 50.05 Hz for 22.51 % of time during May 2016. As per load duration curve the loads during May 2016 was observed to be substantially high compare to May 2016 and marginally higher when compared to May 2015. Reservoir position as on 31.05.2016 was lesser by 22.2 % w.r.t. 31.05.2015. Hydro Storage was less by around 745 MU compared to last year. Hydro generation was 258 MU less in the month of May 2016 when compared to 10 years moving average with a shortfall of 8.99 %. Tamil Nadu had added 12 MW in windmill capacity (Private sector) during May 2016. Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala & Tamil Nadu imported 264 MU, 836 MU, 56 MU, 0.09MU & 591 MU respectively intra-regionally through bilateral exchanges. Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala & Tamil Nadu imported 83 MU, 108 MU, 293 MU, 494 MU & 982 MU respectively inter-regionally through bilateral exchanges. Utilities located in Tamil Nadu exported 0.5 MU inter-regionally. Utilities located in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala & Tamil Nadu imported 130 MU, 207 MU, 181 MU, 87 MU & 23 MU respectively through Power Exchange. Utilities located in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, SEPL, MEPL & TPCIL exported 8 MU, 60MU, 4 MU, 66 MU, 67 MU & 27 MU respectively through Power Exchange. 220 kV SS at Siddipet in Medak Dist of 2 x 100 existing MVA capacity was augmented to a capacity of 1 x 160 + 2 x 100 MVA and was commissioned on13.05.2016 by TSTRANSCO. 220 kV SS at Minpur in Mwdak Dist of 1 x 160+2x100 existing MVA capacity was augmented to a capacity of 2 x160+1x100 MVA and commissioned on 14.05.2016 by TSTRANSCO. 220 kV SS at Minpur in Nalgonda Dist of 1 x 160 + 2 x 100 MVA existing Capacity was augmented to a capacity of 2 x 160+1x100 MVA and was commissioned on 20.05.2016 by TSTRANSCO. 220 kV SS at Warangal in Warangal Dist of 2 x160 + 1 x 100 existing MVA was augmented to a capacity is of 3 x 160 MVA and was commissioned on 26..04.2016 by TSTRANSCO. 6 MAJOR ISSUES 6.1 Preparedness for meeting emergencies, if any, due to heavy monsoon/low pressure weather Condition 6.1.1 SRLDC vide letter dated 24.05.2016 (Annexure-6A) had brought to attention of all Southern Regional Utilities regarding the rains observed in the east coastal area during the past few days with a possibility of crossing the shore in northern parts of Andhra Pradesh even though there were no severe issues during these days. As the monsoon is expected to start in a couple of days and likely wide spread heavy rains in most parts of Southern Region, all the Regional Entities were requested to ensure necessary alertness in all the locations as well as make the following readily available to the operators at Sub stations/Generating stations/SLDC: a) Black Start Restoration Procedure (BSRP) documents like Single line diagram of the station b) BSR Procedure for availing start up power Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 8 c) d) e) f) Transmission Elements outage details Railway traction supply details Nodal Officer details Details of Supply for essential services It was also requested that in case of any outage in the 220 kV line, the same may please be communicated to SRLDC Control Room. 6.1.2 OCC noted the above. 6.2 KTTP Stage – II (1*600 MW) – Declaration of Commercial Operation 6.2.1 SRLDC vide letter dated 24.05.2016 (Annexure-6B) had submitted the following regarding the declaration of COD of KTTP Stage – II (1*600 MW) As per the information at SRLDC, the Kakaitya Thermal Power Project, Stage– II (1*600 MW) was first time synchronized at 03:02 Hrs. on 22.10.2015 and the unit was under infirm injection since then. From Dec.2015 to May 2016, real time code was issued several times for synchronizing of the unit, ramping up and ramping down of the infirm generation. Any infirm power injected into the grid is monitored at the Regional and National level and appropriate control measures are initiated at the RLDC level to control the infirm injection during high frequency and load change over periods. SRLDC received the email dated 20.05.2016 from Telangana SLDC intimating about the COD being declared at 12:00 Hrs on 24.03.2016. SRLDC expressed concern that neither the start of the trial run operation nor the CoD declaration on 24.03.2016 was formally informed to SRLDC. Also the real time code was taken by Telangana SLDC for injection of infirm power upto May 2016. Code No.944 on 14.05.2016 was the last code issued to Telangana SLDC to inject infirm power upto 400 MW. It is pertinent to note that CoD status of the Units impact system Model as well as many reports of SRLDC. 6.2.2 In the meeting, DE, TSTRANSCO informed that 72 hrs tests were completed on 24.03.2016 and declared COD by TSGENCO; however the same was not communicated to SLDC. The information received from TSGENCO subsequently was communicated by SLDC to SRLDC on 20.05.2016. The COD of the unit has been sent to Commercial Division for ratification. The issue has been taken note of and for COD of the units & elements proper procedure would be followed and SRLDC would be intimated accordingly. 6.2.3 AGM, SRLDC pointed out that as informed earlier proper procedure on testing, declaration of COD etc was required to be followed. He stated that all the utilities should take care in future and comply to the provisions of Regulations. 6.3 Furnishing the newly commissioned transmission elements during the previous month in every OCC meeting 6.3.1 SRLDC vide letter dated 01.06.2016 (Annexure-6C) had expressed concern that at present there is no established procedure of intimating the transmission elements addition at 230 kV & below up to 110 kV. SRLDC is able to get the status of commissioning of ISTS transmission system and 400 kV/765 kV transmission elements of constituents. New transmission elements, LILO’s etc., are being commissioned on a regular basis in Southern Region Grid and the information regarding this Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 9 additions are critical for modeling of network in SCADA & offline PSSE should reflect the actual system for better results. The sample formats for data submission was also enclosed. 6.3.2 SRLDC requested all the entities to furnish the details of the transmission elements added upto 110 kV level in the specified formats in order to update the network model. 6.4 Providing information regarding Commissioning and Declaration of COD of Power Generating Units 6.4.1 CEA is required to collect and record the data concerning generation, transmission and utilization of electricity and carry out studies related to cost, efficiency, competitiveness and such like matters. Accordingly, CEA collects online data from all Thermal, Hydro and Nuclear Generating Stations on daily and monthly basis. Based on the same, different reports on generation and other performance factors are prepared for reference and guidance for various stakeholders. CEA letter dated 31.05.2016 (Annexure-6D) expressed concern that for quite some time there was a gap in communicating the commissioning and commercial operation dates of the Power Generating Units to CEA due to that it became difficult to monitor the operational parameters and also to show the real picture of performance indices. It was understood that all the concern power generating units are informing dates and time to RPCs at the time of commissioning / commercially operation in accordance with Regulation 4 of CERC (Terms & Conditions), Tariffs, Regulation, 2014. It was requested that all the related information for date of commissioning and commercial operating of units may kindly be informed to OPM Division of CEA so as to take all the concern units in CEA reporting system / matter database with no delay and produce all necessary performance indices in time to stakeholders. 6.4.2 In this regard all States/ISGS Generators/IPPs/MPPs etc were requested to kindly inform the details of first synchronization, COD etc as and when planned and carried out without fail to SRPC secretariat. The information may also be sent to the following e-mail ids. 6.5 Sale of Un-requisitioned Surplus Power in Power Exchange th 6.5.1 The issue of URS sale was discussed in the 119 OCC Meeting and after deliberations it was felt that constituents could go through the proposal of NLC in depth and revert back within one week’s time. The Tariff Policy clauses need to come up as a Regulation for the process to be streamlined. 6.5.2 In this context MoP vide letter dated 09.05.2016 (Annexure-6E) had mentioned the following: Currently the utility continues to pay fixed charges towards the un-requisitioned power and such charges are to be borne by the consumers of that utility. In the revised Tariff Policy th th notified on 28 January, 2016 circulated to all concerned on 12 February, 2016, provisions for sharing the benefits from sale of such un-requisitioned power has been made which would not only reduce the financial burden on the utilities but also on the consumers of that utility. The relevant provision (Para 6.2 (1) of Tariff policy are reproduced below: “Power stations are required to be available and ready to dispatch at all times. Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), in order to ensure better utilization of un-requisitioned generating capacity of generating station, based on Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 10 regulated tariff U/s 62 of the Electricity Act 2003, the procurer shall communicate, at least twenty four hours before 00:00 hours of the day when the power and quantum thereof is not requisitioned by it enabling the generating stations to sell the same in the market in consonance with laid down policy of Central Govt. in this regard. The developer and the procurers signing the PPA would share the gains realized from sale, if any, of such unrequisitioned power in market in the ratio of 50:50, if not already provided in the PPA. Such gain will be calculated as the difference between selling price of such power and fuel charge. It should, however, be ensured that such merchant sale does not result in adverse impact on the original beneficiary(ies) including in the form of higher average energy charge vis-à-vis the energy charge payable without the merchant sale. For the projects u/s.63 of the Act, the methodology for such sale may be decided by the Appropriate Commission on mutually agreed terms between procurer and generator or unless already specified in the PPA.” The above provision of the Policy emphasis that the available power, when it is not availed by the entitled Distribution utility, should be made available in the Power market. The most competitive power shall be procured by other needy Distribution utilities through the market. The original Beneficiary Discom shall also get benefitted sharing of gains through sale in the market. This shall facilitate most cost effective procurement of power by State Discoms to cater the day-ahead requirement of power and reduce the overall cost of power purchase by Discoms. In order to implement the above provisions of the policy, certain changes in the existing scheduling and dispatch procedure under Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) shall be required, which is being framed by CERC. However to start with, the State Discoms can identify the Generating Stations (which are covered u/s.62 of the Electricity Act’03) for unrequisitioned power and communicate accordingly to respective Generating Stations, specifying the quantum of power and duration of non-requisition, at least 24 hours in advance of the start of scheduling from 00.00 hrs. of the day for which power is not required. Further, State DISCOM shall also give consent to the respective Generating Stations/Companies for sale of such URS power in the market through Power Exchange. If such power is offered by the Generating Company (ies) and is sold in the market, then the sharing of gains shall be applicable, as per the provisions of Tariff policy. In view of the above and in order to implement the aforesaid provisions of Tariff Policy, it is requested to kindly take necessary action. 6.5.3 NLC vide letter dated 03.06.2016 (Annexure-6F) further submitted the following on the above subject: The new tariff policy issued by the Ministry of Power vides Resolution No.23/2/2005-R&R (Vol. IX) dt. 28.1.2016 stipulates, among other things, the following:“The procure shall communicate at least twenty four hours before 00:00 hours of the day when the power and quantum thereof is not requisitioned by it enabling the generating stations to sell the same in the market in consonance with laid down policy of Central Government in this regard. The developer and the procurers signing the PPA would share the gains realized from sale, if any such un-requisitioned power in market in the ratio of 50:50, if not already provided in the PPA. Such gain will be calculated as the difference between selling price power and fuel charge”. In accordance with the above, the power generator can sell the un-requisitioned surplus power by the beneficiaries/states/state Discoms through trading to other users and the profit can be shared between the generator and the original procurer (respective state/DISCOM). NLC expressed concern that even though NLC had been flagging off this issue to all concerned for making headway but nothing concrete had emerged so far and it is gathered during discussions that beneficiary state / Discom(s) had highlighted that by according consent to the generator for trading the un-requisitioned power they may lose the operational flexibility. NLC had suggested that in such a case the beneficiary Discom(s) may keep 50% of the unrequisitioned power for ensuring their operational flexibility and agree for NLC trading the balance of 50% of un-requisitioned /surrendered power, with full accrual of the benefit to it (NLC). NLC had mentioned and enclosed the MoP vide letter No.3/8/2016-OM dt.19.5.2016 Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 11 communicated to all concerned that the State Government / State Discom may like to give their consent to the respective generating stations / companies for state of such URS power in the market through Power Exchange. In the light of the above NLC had suggested the following options: i) The beneficiary state(s) /State Discom(s) and NLC agree to trade the full quantum of the surrendered / un-requisitioned surplus power and the gain from trading is shared equally between NLC and the respective the beneficiary state /Discom. ii) If the beneficiary state(s) /State Discom(s) feel that there will be difficulties in trading of surrendered / un-requisitioned surplus power due to operational reasons, then NLC will go ahead with trading of 50% of the un-requisitioned power without sharing of gains. It was requested by NLC that the above emerged views of NLC may kindly be considered with regard and may accept the proposal either (i) or (ii) as mentioned above at the earliest, may be within a fortnight so that continuing loss of generation on this count is avoided. 6.5.4 In this connection TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 09.06.2016 (Annexure-6G) had mentioned the following: During wind season, to maximize the utilization of wind generation, the allocated power from Central Generating Stations is being surrendered as per CERC Regulations. Wind power is highly infirm and varies from 200 MW to 2000 MW in a day. According to CERC (Ancillary Services Operations) Regulations, 2015, the surrendered power from Central Generating Stations can be revoked by the original beneficiaries at any time if grid warrants. Hence, if the infirm wind generation recedes unexpectedly after surrendering the CGS power, the surrendered power can be revoked by the original beneficiary. In the above proposal, if trading agreement is executed the power cannot be revoked during the deprived time. If other generators also follow suit, then TANGEDCO will be in trouble during crucial time on account of inability to revoke the URS power surrendered or to avail the URS power surrendered by others. SRLDC has already remarked in a similar request made by NTPC – Simhadri that “When the URS Power is traded in Power Exchange and if the original beneficiary recalls their entitlement, there is no provision in the STOA Regulations to revise such traded schedule”. According to Reserve Regulatory Ancillary Services (RRAS), the URS power surrendered by the beneficiaries will be utilized as and when required at Regional level by NLDC through RLDC. Therefore, this proposal is not beneficial to the utility. If the surplus power is surrendered, the fixed cost may get reduced to TANGEDCO when the surrendered power is utilized by any other constituents. But with the new proposal, TANGEDCO has to bear the fixed cost additionally. th In the 119 OCC Meeting held on 10.05.2016 also, the constituents have objected to the above proposal and have opined that they would agree for open market sale if provision is ensured by generator to recall the power. They have also sought amendment in STOA Regulation which would facilitate utilization of URS and also provide flexibility to the beneficiaries to recall the URS. Considering the above, it is informed that the request made by NLC is not feasible of compliance. 6.5.5 In the meeting, NLC informed that KSEBL had given consent /NOC for sale of URS power through a letter. 6.5.6 TANTRANSCO informed that they were not agreeable for NLC’s proposal and NOC/consent could not be given to sell the URS power. APTRANSCO informed that a note was under circulation at Management level in this regard. TSTRANSCO informed that the issue was under consideration and would convey the Management decision within a week. 6.5.7 It was noted that the proposal of NLC that trading of 50% of the un-requisitioned power without sharing of gains may not be in line with the Tariff policy. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 12 6.5.8 AP, TS, KAR & Puducherry were requested to furnish their comments/decision on NLC’s proposal at the earliest. 6.6 IEGC, fourth Amendment Regulations 2016- Technical Minimum of generators th th 6.6.1 In the 119 OCC Meeting it was noted that 4 Amendment to IEGC had been brought out by Hon’ble CERC in which Technical Minimum of 55 % of MCR loading or installed capacity of the unit of the generating station had been notified and is to be implemented. Preliminary discussions for th making the compensation procedures as envisaged in the 4 amendment of IEGC Regulations had been initiated. SRLDC had informed that NLDC had prepared a draft procedure for RSD and Technical Minimum and after finalization it would be circulated. 6.6.2 Subsequently a Special Meeting was convened on 30.05.2016 to discuss the Compensation Procedure for SHR & AEC for low unit loading and for secondary fuel consumption for additional start ups in excess of 7 start ups and it’s sharing by the beneficiaries. It was decided that the Draft procedure would be circulated. Accordingly, based on the deliberations in the meeting and subsequent inputs a draft compensation procedure has been prepared by SRPC Secretariat and had been uploaded on website. 6.6.3 Further NLDC vide letter dated 31.05.2016 had circulated the detailed Operating Procedure for taking units under RSD and identifying generating stations to be backed down upto technical minimum schedule. The draft procedure was discussed in the Commercial Sub Committee Meeting held on 02.06.2016 at SRPC Bangalore. SRLDC vide letters dated 31.05.2016, 02.06.2016 and 09.06.2016 (Annexure 6H) had sought comments on the same. 6.6.4 In the Meeting, all the generators expressed that more clarity was required on both the Procedures. The issue needed to be addressed to senior level officials. They also felt that in depth internal discussion was required for furnishing the feedback and thereby requested for more time and another deliberation. 6.6.5 Accordingly a special meeting/VC was convened on 20.06.2016 at SRLDC Benguluru. All the entities were requested to furnish their feedback in respect to NLDC RSD procedure to NLDC. Regarding the draft Compensation Procedure prepared by SRPC secretariat, SRPC informed that excel sample calculation was available at SRPC website and all the entities were requested to go through and furnish the comments/feedback if any. 6.7 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission(Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) {Third Amendment} Regulation 2016 6.7.1 Hon’ble CERC had brought out CERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) {Third Amendment} Regulation 2016 which would be implemented with effect from 30.05.2016. The definition of renewable rich state and the deviation limits for renewable rich states etc. have been specified for computation of charges and additional charges for deviation. 6.7.2 In this regard SRPC vide letter dated 30.05.2016 (Annexure-6I) had requested all the constituents to verify the wind and solar installed capacity values which is tabulated and furnish the certified installed capacity of wind and solar in state control area (excluding the wind/solar being Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 13 scheduled by SRLDC) by 31.05.2016 for enabling SRPC to suitably factor in DSM charges computations. It is also requested that whenever the installed capacity increases to more than 1000 MW and more than 3000 MW, values need to be certified and communicated to SRPC. Whenever scheduling responsibility changes from SLDC to SRLDC the revised figures are also needed to be certified and communicated. 6.7.3 SRLDC vide letter dated 07.06.2016 had also requested the states to submit the details of installed capacity with wind and solar shown separately as on last working day of the month. SRLDC also clarified that in case of non-receipt of the same; the data pertaining to last month will be considered. st The same has been clarified in 31 CCM of SRPC held on 02.06.16. SRLDC clarified that the Wind and solar installed capacity had been taken from Annexure 2 of SOR. SRLDC had mentioned the IC of Wind & Solar and the DSM limits being applied: State Wind Solar Total AP 1155.12 475.74 1630.86 200 MW 392.39 392.39 12% or 150 MW Telangana DSM MW Limit Karnataka 2886.53 104.22 2990.75 200 MW Kerala 35.10 12.025 47.13 12% or 150 MW Tamil Nadu 7514.76 562.945 8077.71 250 MW Pondy 0 0.025 48 MW or 12% or 150MW 6.7.4 SRLDC/SRPC requested all the constituents to furnish the installed capacity of Solar & Wind in their states as on last working day of every month. 6.7.5 TANTRANSCO communication in this regard is at Annexure-6I-1 6.8 Replacement of faulty 200MVA, 400/132kV ICT at Ramagundam with 315 MVA, 400/220kV ICT 6.8.1 It was noted that Ramagundam 200MVA, 400/132kV ICT 2 had been under prolonged outage from 30.06.2015. The issue of restoration of the ICT was being discussed in various forums. Replacement of this faulty 200 MVA, 400/132kV ICT with 315 MVA, 400/220kV ICT by TSTRANSCO was agreed in 39 th Standing Committee. SRLDC vide letter dated 01.06.2016 (Annexure-6J) had requested TSTRANSCO that immediate action may kindly be taken for commissioning of the new ICT as there is continuous violation of N-1 security constraints during the peak hours due to the non-availability of the ICT, which may lead to cascade tripping and loss of load. 6.8.2 DE, TSTRANSCO informed that ICT had reached site and commissioning/erection activities had started. ICT was expected to be on bars by end of July 2016. 6.9 N’Sagar – Cuddapah 400 KV FSC 1 at Cuddapah – Prolonged outage 6.9.1 SRLDC vide letter dated 01.06.2016 (Annexure- 6K) had informed N’Sagar – Cuddapah FSC 1 at Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 14 Cuddapah station is under prolonged outage from 12:13 hrs of 12 th March 2016 from due to capacitor failure. had requested PGCIL to kindly arrange to rectify the problem at the earliest and furnish the progress on the action plan for revival in order to ensure integrated and reliable operation of the power system in the Southern Region. 6.9.2 CM, SR-I informed that the failed capacitors in FSC-1 were replaced with spare and commissioning tests were under progress. Tests were expected to be completed by 18.06.2016 and FSC-1 would be restored. 6.10 Charging clearance for SIEMENS make 80 MVAR reactor at Somanahalli in place of 63 MVAR Reactor 6.10.1 SR II, PGCIL vide letter dated 03.06.2016 (Annexure-6L) had informed that existing defective BHEL make 420 kV, 63 MVAR Bus reactor (Sl. No. 6005071) at Somanahalli (more than 24 years old) has been replaced with spare SIEMENS make 80 MVAR 420 kV reactor ( Sl.No.30074/1). Defective reactor was being sent for repair. All pre-commissioning tests on new reactor had already been carried out and results had been cleared by OEM and Corporate AM, POWERGRID for charging. It was mentioned that it was not a new element/reactor and only a temporary replacement. On repair, the old one would be put back into service. PGCIL had requested SRLDC to kindly give charging clearance for the above. 6.10.2 In the meeting, DGM, SR-II stated that during the inspection (reactor was out due to system constraints as per instructions of SRLDC) in May 2016, the 63 MVAR reactor was found faulty and the same was replace with 80 MVAR reactor at Somanahalli which was available as spare. 6.10.3 AGM, SRLDC expressed grave concern that it was non –compliance of regulations and violation of grid standards as there was no exchange of code by SRLDC and they were not informed about this replacement of transmission element. He stated that such plan for replacement with spare reactor was required at appropriate forum. Any maintenance during system constraint condition was to under intimation and by exchanging code with SRLDC. The date when the element was declared faulty was not informed to SRLDC in violation of Grid Code. 6.10.4 SE (O), SRPC stated that details in this regard were required to be furnished by PGCIL as it impacted the Availability Computations. Grid Code provisions were required to be followed. 6.10.5 PGCIL was requested to clarify whether the replacement was with Regional spare reactor or any other spare reactor. In this context both SR-I and SR-II were requested to indicate the details of locations where Regional Spare ICTs & Reactors were being used / kept within a fortnight. 6.11 Frequent tripping of Vallur-NCTPS lines 6.11.1 The issue of tripping of Vallur – NCTPS Lines 1 and 2 due to insulator tracking and causing heavy dip in voltages was under discussion May 2014. th 6.11.2 In the 119 OCC meeting, TANTRANSCO was requested to expedite the replacement of polymer insulators in both the lines and the following was noted: A coordination meeting planned to discuss these issues on 19.04.2016 had not reportedly materialized. The line belonged to TANTRANSCO and it was TANTRANSCO’s responsibility to assure the Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 15 healthiness of the line. Tripping of these lines (and consequent tripping of units at North Chennai or NTECL) would affect TN system more. It was decided that TANTRANSCO would take up the issue appropriately taking into account the need for solving the issue urgently. NTECL was suggested to take up the concern with Chairperson, TNEB. 6.11.3 SRLDC vide letter dated 02.06.2016 (Annexure-6M) had requested TANTRANSCO that the replacement of insulators may please be expedited and completed at the earliest as tripping of the lines may lead to evacuation constraints from NTECL Vallur and NCTPS Units. It was also requested to furnish the status of progress of the work. 6.11.4 In the meeting, EE, TANTRANSCO informed that the insulators near gantry of Vallur Switch yard had been replaced and there were no trippings observed subsequently. NTECL, Vallur pointed out that the insulators for complete stretch of NCTPS-Vallur were required to be changed. 6.11.5 SRPC/SRLDC expressed concern that earlier TANTRANSCO had agreed to replace the insulators for entire length of the line but replacement was being carried out partially on case to case basis which was not desirable. TANTRANSCO was requested to change the insulators Vallur-NCTPS line for entire stretch. 6.12 Additional Agenda Items from KSEBL 6.12.1 KSEBL vide letter dated 07.06.2016 (Annexure-6N) has requested to include the following agenda th items for discussion in the 120 OCC Meeting: 6.12.2 Replacement of protection couplers at 220 kV substations The existing BPL make PLCC protection couplers at 220 kV sub stations Edappon, Edamon, Kundara and Kayamkulam are very old and the mal-operates frequently due to stray signals (generated from the panels). Hence, it is required the replace the panels immediately. Since the panel replacement can be done as a pair at the two ends of the feeder, it is suggested that procurement can be done either by KSEBL or by NTPC/PGCIL. KSEBL has requested NTPC, Kayamkulam to intimate their willingness for procurement of Digital Protection Couplers at Edamon and Kayamkulam by KSEBL with the cost reimbursed by M/s.NTPC/PGCIl. M/s.PGCIL had informed to take up the matter in the joint meetings held at Regional level. KSEBL requested NTPC/PGCIL to revert back. 6.12.3 Enhancement of ICT ratio of 220 kV Edamon-Thirunelveli feeder at both end. All the PGCIL owned feeders at Edamon substation (TNEM 1, 2 and Edamon - Kundara, Edamon Edappon Feeders) have CT ratio of 1600-800/1-1-1-1-1. The conductor type of all the above feeders are double moose with current carrying capacity of 1760 A. Considering the occasional loading of the feeders above 800 A and also to utilize the maximum loading capacity of the feeder during the N-1 condition, the CT at both end of the above feeders have to be connected to 1600/1A. The 220 kV Edamon - Kundara and Edamon - Edappon feeders are now connected with CT ratio 1600/1A at Edamon end. Steps have been taken to change the CT ratio to 1600/1A at Edappon Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 16 and Kundara and for carrying more current through these feeders. The CTs at Thirunelveli may also be connected to 1600/1A ratio. KSEBL requested PGCIL for appropriate action at their end. 6.13 Measures to release overloading of lines in Hyderabad 6.13.1 TSTRANSCO vide letter dated 09.06.2016 had informed that in TSTRANSCO 220 KV system the following lines especially in Hyderabad city are getting over loaded : i) 220 kV Shapurnagar – Malkaram D/C line ii) 220 kV Mamidiapally – Shivarampally iii) 220 kV HIAL – Shivarampally It was mentioned that to release over loading of above lines, the line loading of 220 kV Shankarpally – 220 kV Gachibowli Substation is to be increased. It was requested by TSTRANSCO that SRLDC may conduct a study on the optimum tap position at 400/220 kV Mamidiapally, Shankarpally and other 400 kV Substations such that the support to 220 kV Gachibowli from 220 kV Shankarpally will increase and TSTRANSCO may be advised. 6.13.2 In the Meeting, SRLDC informed that a study had been conducted in this regard and the study report also had been submitted to TSTRANSCO. The study report is at Annexure-6O. It was noted that tap optimization may not help in such a scenario. 6.14 Detailed procedure for Ancillary Services Operations 6.14.1 RRAS generators expressed concern that Forms AS-4 & AS-5 were not being received by them as stipulated in Procedure. This information was sought by the Management and by the Accounts Section to settle the bills. 6.14.2 AGM, SRLDC clarified that the nodal agency (NLDC) was issuing Up/Down regulation through SRLDC. The RRAS instruction was for keeping the machines ready to Up/Down instruction and the ISGS was required to follow the injection schedule which includes the RRAS instruction also. RRAS as reason was being showed in remarks of Form “D”. The exact details of block wise schedule were being shown for every revision and implemented schedule was available in SRLDC website. Accordingly necessary information is already available on the SRLDC website. 6.14.3 AGM, NTPC expressed concern that their higher management were pointing out the issue regarding the difference observed between the frequency at which the RRAS kicked in and the average block frequency since the billing was being done on average block frequency. 6.14.4 SRLDC clarified that NLDC was preparing a monthly report on the details of timing and reasons for kicking in, and the same was being submitted to CERC and the same would be shared with the constituents. The Quantum conveyed by NLDC(Nodal agency) is getting changed at RLDC for scheduling due to ramp up/ ramp down rates and other pending requisition (of beneficiaries) and thereby forwarding the message to generators in real time may not be feasible. It was noted that the implementation difficulties are being noted by Nodal agency and accordingly the Procedure would be relooked after experiencing for 6 months and this clause could be modified. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 17 6.14.5 It was felt that more clarity was required on the issue. SRLDC was requested to revert back after discussing with NLDC on streamlining the process. RRAS generators were requested to revert back on the exact details being sought (to be communicated to SRLDC/NLDC). 6.15 Low Generation level at NTECL Vallur th 6.15.1 The issue of low generation levels at NTECL, Vallur had been discussed in 28 th TCC and 29 th th SRPC meetings held on 4 and 5 March 2016 at Visakhapatnam. The issue had also been under discussion in previous OCC meetings. th 6.15.2 In the 119 OCC Meeting NTECL, Vallur had informed that NTECL would be generating at full level th st by 6 June 2016. 16 days shut down of the pipe conveyor had been planned by OEM from 21 May th 2016 to 5 June 2016. The units would not be under shut down during this period and 800 MW generations would be maintained. It was also informed that 70% of the IC of station would be th maintained up to 20 May 2016. Coal stocks would be improved during the low generation periods. 6.15.3 SRLDC expressed concern about the low generation levels at NTECL Vallur and opined that whether the low generation levels at generating station for significant time can be reported under prolonged outage. 6.15.4 DGM, NTECL informed that generation had picked up and currently they were generating around 900 MW. Shut down of pipe conveyor was delayed due to rains and heavy winds and would be taken up from 13.6.2016 to 29.6.2016. AoH of Unit 3 and Unit 2 would be carried out during MayJuly 2016. 6.15.5 In this context, IEGC clause 5.2 (e) reproduced below was referred: “…….Any prolonged outage of power system elements of any User/CTU/STU, which is causing or likely to cause danger to the grid or sub-optimal operation of the grid, shall regularly be monitored by RLDC. RLDC shall report such outages to RPC. RPC shall finalize action plan and give instructions to restore such elements in a specified time period.” 6.15.6 After deliberations it was noted that in line with the IEGC, SRLDC may consider reporting to SRPC sub-optimal operation of generating unit under prolonged time. 6.15.7 DGM, NTECL assured of higher availability of on bar units would be ensured once the coal handling system issues are resolved. 6.16 Reporting of repeated failures in Thejas make SDH equipments /Healthiness of SDH, PDH, SPS link / DTPCs at Kerala system 6.16.1 KSEBL vide letter dated 11.05.2016 (Annexure-6P) had informed that at present serious problems were noted with Thejas make SDH Equipments installed in KSEBL stations. The system was getting hanged several times while in operation and during the time of Video Conference. The various issues reported to the supplier as below: Sl.No. 1 Date 29.11.2014 2 02.09.2015 Problems reported to the Supplier Short supply of one number Ethernet card at Vydyuthi Bhavanom, Thiruvanathapuram E1 link missing issues in Pothencode and recurrence of the same issue. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 18 3 13.10.2015 4 09.02.2016 27.01.2016 09.02.2016 27.04.2016 19.10.2015 23.12.2015 25.02.2016 26.02.2016 03.03.2016 31.03.2016 27.04.2016 27.04.2016 5 6 7 8 Shifting of channels from STM 4 euipment to STM 16 at Vydyuthi Bhavanom, Thiruvanathapuram Failure in Video Conference links. Failure in DCPC links. New Video conference link configuration Slip found in Madakkathara E1 link and continuation of the same. SPS signal not available at Madakkathara due to channel issue. 6.16.2 Further KSEBL vide letter dated 07.06.2016(Annexure-6Q) had communicated to SRPC in this regard and had requested to kindly arrange for solving the issues taking up with the concerned. Status of communication equipments including SDH, PDH, SPS link / DTPCs in Kerala system was attached. No.4 to 9 and 10 are related to the Speed Protection implemented for 765 kV, 400 kV and Talcher-Kolar feeders. Due to the persistence of major alarms in these feeders, the SPS signals are not received at Kerala. The matter was already reported to that office in many occasions. Necessary action may please be taken to solve the issues at the earliest. 6.16.3 In the Meeting, DCE, KSEBL requested PGCIL to get the issues resolved. 6.16.4 DGM, SR-II, said that they would get the issues resolved. 6.17 Fire incident at Sharavathi Generating Station 6.17.1 A major fire incident had occurred at Sharavathi Generating Station on 18.02.2016 at 16:43 hrs. KPCL had informed that the Committee appointed on 18.02.2016 by GoK to study the issue was yet to give the report. 6.17.2 The revival as furnished by KPCL is given below: Unit/Transmission Revival Comments Unit - 7 0745 hrs of 22.03.2016 Along Unit - 6 02:18 hrs of 29.03.2016 Shivamoga S3 and S4 Unit - 8 03.04.2016 Elements with lines to 6.17.3 In the Special Protection Meeting held on 03.06.2016 with KPCL it was noted that Order has been placed on M/s ABB on 22.03.2016 for balance 7 Units & 7 lines with DCS adapting state of art technology. The Implementation schedule as furnished by KPCL is given in the table below: Delivery from Erection Period Commissioning LOA – 22.03.16 Total period from LOA (22.03.2016) Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 19 2 Units from GH and 2 lines from Kiosks 8 Weeks (16.05.2016) 2 Weeks (30.05.2016) 1 Weeks (06.06.2016) Another 3 Units from GH and 4 lines from Kiosks 12 Weeks (13.05.2016) 3 Weeks (04.07.2016) 1 Weeks (11.07.2016) Another 2 Units from GH and 1 line from Kiosks 16 Weeks (11.07.2016) 3 Weeks (01.08.2016) 1 Weeks (08.08.2016) DCS system for the station from C/R 24 Weeks (05.09.2016) 2 Weeks (19.09.2016) 2 Weeks (03.10.2016) 11 Weeks (06.06.2016) Unit – 9 & 10 Sirsi Line – 1 & 2 16 Weeks (11.07.2016) Unit – 3, 4 & 5 ST Line – 1 & 2 Shimogga Line 1 & SB Line. 20 Weeks (08.08.2016) Unit – 1 & 2 ST Line – 2 28 Weeks (03.10.2016) 6.18 Progress of NLC TS II – TS I Expansion re- conductoring works- end span work and isolator replacement 6.18.1 In earlier meetings, SRLDC/SRPC had clarified that until unless the end portion is reconductored, the enhancement of capacity of the line would not be considered for any of the operational purposes and the very purpose of reconductoring as per CERC directions was not achieved. 6.19 In the Meeting, SR-II informed that BOQ is under preparation. 6.20 Preparation for meeting the revised environment norms as per Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules,2015 6.20.1 The information in this regard is to be furnished through e-mail & letter to & Chief Engineer (TPE & CC),CEA, Room No.902 (S), Sewa Bhawan, R.R.Puram, New Delhi – 110066 with a copy to & 6.20.2 SE (O), SRPC requested all the generators to furnish the required information to CEA at the earliest with a copy to SRPC. 6.21 Restricting schedule of ISGS to Normative Values/ ex-bus generation corresponding to 100% of the Installed Capacity for ensuring RGMO Performance as per CERC order 302/MP/2013 dated 23.10.15 th th 6.21.1 In the 118 /119 OCC Meeting SRLDC had informed that they would be restricting the schedule to the minimum of Normative DC taking care of the Units on bar and DC declared by the station.They would submit the RGMO performance to Hon’ble CERC. In case the situation does not improve SRLDC would be constrained to approach Hon’ble Commission through a Petition. If generators and constituents have issues in this regard, they may approach Commission. 6.21.2 SRPC/constituents requested that SRLDC also furnish the quantum of restriction (DC – Restricted Schedule of SRLDC) for ISGS stations in the report to Hon’ble CERC. SRLDC agreed for the same. 6.22 Scheduling of NTPC Ramagundam Solar Power Plant(10 MW) 6.22.1 As discussed in the Special Meeting held on 17 th November 2015, to facilitate scheduling by Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 20 SRLDC the following prerequisite criteria was to be met by NTPC: Forecasting of generation MW-MVAR data of the station Voltage at inter connecting point Inverter status SEM as per CEA, Metering Regulations, 2006 Data compatibility with SRLDC format etc. 6.22.2 The following was noted in the earlier meeting: NTPC had informed that the data has been extended upto NTPC switchyard SRLDC had clarified that communication was to be established upto SRLDC and it is the responsibility of User, in this case NTPC Ramagundam Solar was requested to coordinate with PGCIL and get the communication through. It was noted that forecasting of renewable generation was mandatory as per Regulations. NTPC had informed that data would be extended by 10.05.2016. SEMs had been installed and were ready. Procedure for enabling the forecasting was being firmed up. 6.22.3 In the Meeting, SRLDC confirmed that NTPC had deputed one official from Solar wing at SRLDC to resolve the SCADA integration issue and was being attended. Link had been established and real time data may be made through by 11.06.2016. 6.22.4 AGM, NTPC informed that NTPC would fulfill all requirements as per Regulation by this month end. In-house forecasting based on previous day generation would be furnished till the forecasting system is put in place. th 6.22.5 It was noted that NTPC solar should come under RE framework w.e.f. 4 July 2016. Forecasting could start one week earlier to get familiarized and other requirements could be arranged by. 03.07.2016. 6.23 Patrolling / Maintenance of critical lines and substations 6.23.1 In recent times insulator tracking has been observed in the Transmission lines and Substations located in the coastal and polluted areas and SRPC vide letter dated 05.05.2016 had communicated to the concerned in this regard. In this context, Transmission Lines and Substations in the most vulnerable terrain, coastal and polluted areas were to be categorized for monitoring to ensure that Patrolling and Maintenance is being carried out as per the Patrolling guidelines. The format for furnishing the details of schedule / Patrolling and Maintenance carried out of the critical Transmission lines and Substations had been enclosed. It had been requested to furnish the necessary details in the specified format by 18.05.2016 positively. 6.23.2 It was noted that MEPL, SEPL, NTPC Simhadri, APTRANSCO & KSEBL had furnished the details. (Annexure-6R). Other entities were requested to furnish the details at the earliest. 6.23.3 It was observed that APTRANSCO (partial information) and NTPC Simhadri had furnished the details in different format. SE (O), SRPC requested the utilities to furnish the details in the specific format which was enclosed with the SRPC communication. 6.23.4 SRPC/SRLDC requested the concerned entities to take necessary steps to ensure that Patrolling Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 21 and Maintenance is carried out as per the Patrolling Guidelines and the matter may be considered as critical. 6.24 PSS Tuning of generators: Data requested 6.24.1 In the 2 nd PSS meeting held on 30.10.2015 various actionable points and the station-wise schedule of PSS tuning were finalized. The status of the actionable points is given below: PSS details are not yet received from NTPC Stations (except Talcher STPS), NLC TS-II exp, NTPL, CEPL, JSWEL, SEL, MEPL & TANGEDCO Stations (except NCTPS). Schedule of PSS tuning/Step Response Test for all the units above 50 MW had been nd nd st finalized in the 2 PSS meeting. Minutes of the 2 and 1 PSS meeting available at SRPC website may be referred for procedure for SRT/PSS tuning. The following generators had furnished PSS Tuning/ Step Response Test reports: NTTPS (VTPS) Units1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 SDSPP, Krishnapatnam Rayalaseema TPP Kakatiya TPP Unit-I Nagarjunasagar PH NTECL IL&FS Unit-I KKNPP Unit-I UPCL TPCIL Bellary TPS The Step Response Test Reports in the specified formats to be submitted in soft form to SRLDC ( / CTU ( / SRPC (seoprnsrpc-; 6.24.2 In the Meeting, it was noted that Step Response Test had not been conducted as per schedule finalized in the 2 nd rd PSS meeting. 3 meeting to review the status of PSS tuning of the generators is proposed to be convened on 28 th June 2016 (Tuesday) at SRPC, Bengaluru. All the utilities/generators were requested to furnish the PSS details and Step Response Test Reports in the specified format (soft) by 23.06.2016. PSS study committee would analyze the SRT reports furnished by the generators at 14:30 hours on 28 th June 2016. Committee Members are kindly requested to be present for the analysis. 6.25 Implementation of URTDSM (PMU) project in Southern Region 6.25.1 The following were noted in the earlier meetings: PGCIL had informed that in the first phase, installation of 62 PMUs were under progress. Installation of PMU at NPS was in second phase but PGCIL had assured that they would divert one or two PMUs to NPS for early commissioning. The second phase of installations of PMU would be speeded up and would be completed within the stipulated time period. 6.25.2 In the special SCADA/communication meeting held on 17.05.2016, the constituents/generators expressed the difficulties being faced w.r.t . PMU installations at sites under URTDSM. The following had been finalized after deliberations. Minutes of the meeting are available at SRPC website. PGCIL to furnish detailed procedure with respect to PMU installations under URTDSM project viz, roles and responsibilities of users, responsibility upon receipt of equipment at location, responsibilities during the installation, O&M after installation, handing over, mandatory spares / Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 22 O&M Spares responsibility etc. Prior communication about material supply, commissioning, installation, testing etc would be ensured to identified Nodal Officers. PGCIL Official should be present during material receipt and during installation/commissioning/testing. Equipment handing over procedure should be clearly specified. Regarding O&M, the concerned entity would inform PGCIL regarding any issue and in-turn PGCIL would get the issue resolved. 6.26 Video Conferencing facility at SLDCs 6.26.1 In earlier OCC Meetings, the following were noted: APTRANSCO: Will provide the facility in new SLDC at Vijayawada. New SLDC is expected to be commissioned by December 2016. KPTCL: KPTCL tested VC equipment with existing VC equipment at SRLDC. Communication link provision by Powergrid was pending. TANTRANSCO: Administrative approval had been received and the proposal had been put upto BLTC (Board Level Tender Committee). BLTC was not conducted due to election. PED: Puducherry ED informed that Budget for the financial year 2016-17 had not been approved. SRLDC: Both side VC facilities should be made available by all SLDCs. PGCIL: Link for backup SRLDC at NRLDC was ready and the same would be extended to SRLDC. PGCIL, SR II need to enable the communication channel from SRLDC to back up SRLDC. 6.26.2 In the Meeting, KPTCL confirmed that the Testing of KPTCL VC equipment compatibility with SRLDC existing VC equipment has been completed. Communication link was yet to be provided by PGCIL through fiber optic cable. KPTCL informed that they had taken up the issue of shifting of SDH equipment (diverting from Hasan) to SLDC with SR-II. After deliberation, SR-II agreed to complete the works within 15 days. 6.26.3 TANTRANSCO informed that the Board has approved the proposal and the PO would be placed. VC facility would be commissioned within three months. 6.27 PoC data Validation 6.27.1 The PoC data to be used for July 2016 to September 2016 for SR as furnished by NLDC had been th circulated in 119 OCC Meeting. It was requested that suggestions/clarifications/changes, if any, may kindly be taken up with NLDC. 6.27.2 In the Meeting, it was noted that the Validation Committee meeting for validating PoC data to be used for July 2016 to September 2016 was held on 30.05.16. 6.28 CERC Order dated 05.10.2015 on Petition No. 310/MP/2014 wrt Un-requisitioned Power of Sasan UMPP 6.28.1 Hearing of CERC on Petition No. 16/SM/2015 (Difficulty encountered in implementation of the Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 23 Commission`s order dated 5.10.2015 in Petition No.310/MP/2014 regarding scheduling of unscheduled surplus power from the inter-State generating stations) was heard for 23.02.2016. CERC Order is awaited. 6.29 Reference from MNRE regarding compilation of data for meeting renewable energy Targets of 175 GW by 2020 MNRE/ MoP /CEA vide letters dated 02.03.2016, 22.03.2016 and 29.03.2016 respectively had communicated regarding compilation of data for meeting renewable energy targets of 175 GW by 2020. The concerned State Utilities/Generating companies are requested to furnish the data suggested by MNRE. SLDCs are also requested to coordinate and furnish the data for the generators in their control area. 6.30 Grid disturbance at Gazuwaka – Simhadri - Kalpakka corridor 6.30.1 On 22.04.2016 a grid disturbance occurred in the 400 kV Gazuwaka - Simhadri - Kalpakka corridor which resulted in tripping of various 400 kV interconnected lines and finally culminated in Grid disturbance at Gazuwaka (PGCIL), Vizag SS (APTRANSCO) and Kalpakka (APTRANSCO). 6.30.2 A Special Meeting was held on 4 th May 2016 at SRPC, Bangalore to deliberate on this issue. Minutes of the Meeting are at SRPC website. The following actionable measures/steps had been envisaged in the meeting: Line patrolling protocol & maintenance procedures to be adhered Insulator replacement to be carried out upto the firmed up distance Hot-line/ Cold-line washing of Insulators & attending to hot-spots Silicon Insulator Coatings Reducing emissions during commissioning tests of new generating units Ensuring supply reliability to Railway Traction network of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh. 6.31 Near Grid miss grid separation on 18.05.2016 at 16:56 hours due to tripping of RaichurSholapur SRLDC report on the incident on 18.05.2016 at 16:56 hrs due to tripping of Raichur-Sholapur is at Annexure-6S. 6.32 Scheduling mismatch issue w.r.t Karnataka from DVC: 6.32.1 In the Meeting, SRLDC conveyed that the schedules could not be matched and finalised for the following transactions on 19.05.16 and 20.05.16. Date 19.05.16 Injectng Utility DVC Kodarma TPS Buyer / Applicant Bescom DVC Mejia TPS Bescom SR 118.5 MW for 1 to 69 blocks& 75-96 and 0 for 70 to 74 Blocks 100 MW for 1 to 69 & 75-96 blocks and 0 for 70 to 74 Blocks Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 ER 237.5 MW for 96 blocks 190 MWfor 96 blocks 24 20.05.16 DVC Kodarma TPS Bescom DVC Mejia TPS Bescom 118.75 MW for 1 to 67 blocks& other blocks matched 100MW for 1 to 67 blocks & other blocks matched 237.5 MW for 96 blocks 190 MWfor 96 blocks 6.32.2 SRLDC informed that in line with the Operating Procedure mutually agreed quantum by Seller and Buyer of LTA/MTOA transactions to be entered in SRLDC web based scheduling program by the Applicant. In normal case, if no objection by buyer, seller and applicant with mutually agreed figure, respective RLDC's will schedule the agreed quantum. In this particular case DVC vide letter dated 20.05.16 (Annexure-6T) addressed to ERLDC and SLDC, Karnataka, BESCOM regarding non-intimation of the share surrender for both LTA and requesting BESCOM to inform DVC first before intimating to SRLDC/ERLDC. In the absence of mutually agreed quantum, SRLDC is unable to reconcile with ERLDC /DVC. Applicant viz Bescom was requested and reiterated to resolve the discrepancy and convey the quantum to be corrected in the implemented schedule by both RLDCs. 6.32.3 KPTCL informed that they had filled the details a day earlier and any limitations/restrictions should have been informed earlier. The figures of Applicant are to be implemented by both the RLDCs as per agreed/approved procedure. In this case BESCOM/SLDC is the Applicant and these figures are to be adopted. The non implementation of SLDC/BESCOM figures should not put BESCOM to any disadvantage. KPTCL letter dated 15.06.2016 in this regard addressed to MS, SRPC is at Annexure-U) 6.32.4 After deliberations, KPTCL was requested to revert back. SRLDC was requested to discuss with ERLDC and ascertain the details. If required, separate meeting may be called. 6.33 Establishing SGPL-SRLDC Real time data link issue: 6.33.1 M/s SGPL (formerly, NCCPPL) vide E-mail dated 09.06.2016 (Annexure- 6V) has informed th that they have established one real time data channel (Main) on 7 October 2015 before drawing startup power between SGPL & SRLDC via Nellore Pooling Station (PGCIL) in IEC 101 protocol. As per SRLDC advice SGPL should establish second (Standby) Real time data link before COD & both channels should report in IEC 104 protocol. In line with above SGPL has committed to establish both channels in IEC 104 & procured necessary hardware & nd software system. On 22 May 2016 SGPL succeeded to bring the data up to SRLDC communication room and same was confirmed by pinging & loop back checking. However from Communication room to SRLDC SAS is not successful as on date. So one channel was converted back to IEC 101 & it is in service. SGPL is trying to establish the link since last 15 days by coordinating with ABB (our SAS OEM), PGCIL (OPGW & SDH cloud provider) & ALSTOM (SRLDC SAS OEM). It is mentioned that In awful case SGPL will request SRLDC to give consent to establish our both data links in IEC 101 Protocol. 6.33.2 In the Meeting SRLDC informed that SGPL representative has come to SRLDC and they would take up the issue and resolve the issue as early as possible. 7 GRID FREQUENCY 7.1 High frequency 7.1.1 High Frequency Grid Operation Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 25 It was noted that the Regional Grid had operated above IEGC range i.e.50.05 Hz for 22.51 % of the time. It was also noted that the frequency on some of the days was higher for considerable periods as shown below: Date Percentage of time of Frequency 50.05 Hz More than &< 50.2 Hz 50.2 Hz 01-May-16 30.45 0.49 04-May-16 25.90 1.74 06-May-16 30.69 0.21 08-May-16 35.07 2.08 11-May-16 26.88 0.00 21-May-16 30.07 0.28 22-May-16 26.94 0.42 23-May-16 42.01 1.18 24-May-16 29.72 1.18 25-May-16 31.32 0.07 29-May-16 44.38 0.35 SRLDC presented the underdrawal of states when frequency was above 50.05 Hz. (Annexure7A). The Constituents were advised to kindly avoid uneconomic operation at high frequencies. It was noted that this affects the power transfer between NEW Grid and SR grid to a great extent. SRLDC submitted a Report on under drawal in SR due to deep depression/cyclone formed over Bay of Bengal on 06.05.2016 and was centered on South East of Nagapatanam. The report is Annexure-7B. SE (O), SRPC requested all the constituents that action needs be taken to stick to the schedule since it had commercial/operational impacts even for under drawals. 7.1.2 High frequency excursions w.r.t. 5.2 (j) of IEGC during load change over and remedial measures to arrest such instances All SLDCs/constituents were again requested to kindly adhere to the Regulations in place or take up with appropriate forum for any exemption / amendment. SRLDC pointed out that the issue of sudden changes in load / generation was being taken-up with SRPC through 1.5 Notices as per IEGC for more than two years. Following remedial measures to arrest high frequency operation in the Grid were noted: 7.1.3 Implementation of staggered Load changeover by the constituents/DISCOMs Moderating own generation Restricted Governor Mode of Operation of all eligible machines to be in place Proper load management to prevent the sharp rise in frequency. ADMS implementation Exploring the possibility of running in pump mode the Kadamparai and Srisailam units Planned and advance intimation for surrender of ISGS Reduction in purchases/MTOA/STOA transactions Operation of Nagarjunasagar / Srisailam / Kadamparai units in pump mode In the meeting, EE, TANTRANSCO confirmed that all Kadamparai Units were in service and Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 26 can be operated pump mode operation. Kadamparai units had consumed 22.59 MU in pump mode during the month of May 2016. It was noted that Srisailam generation was at minimum during 2015-16 and there was no pump mode operation till date. 7.2 Low Frequency 7.2.1 It was also noted that the frequency of grid operation was at times in the lower range of IEGC. The grid had operated below IEGC range i.e. 49.90 Hz for 7.54 % of time. It was also noted that the frequency on some of the days was less than 49.90 Hz for significant duration as shown below: Date Percentage of time of frequency <49.2 Hz 7.2.2 49.2 Hz& 49.5 Hz & 49.7 Hz &< 49.8 Hz & <49.5Hz < 49.7 Hz 49.8 Hz < 49.9 Hz 26-May-16 0.00 0.00 0.63 2.57 19.93 31-May-16 0.00 0.00 0.21 2.50 16.25 The overdrawal by SR constituents at frequency less than 49.9 Hz (Annexure-7C) was presented by SRLDC. SRLDC stated that proper demand side management measures needed to be implemented by the constituents to curtail low frequency operation. 7.2.3 APTRANSCO informed that there was no load shedding in Andhra Pradesh during May 2016. Bilateral Purchases of more than 460 MU had also been made from other states/regions/MPPs. 7.2.4 TSTRANSCO informed that there was no load shedding in Telangana during May 2016. Bilateral Purchases of more than 930 MU had also been made from other states/regions/MPPs. There were no scheduled power cuts in the state during May 2016. Agricultural supply of 9 hours was being ensured from April 2016. 7.2.5 KPTCL informed that there was no load shedding in Karnataka during May 2016. Bilateral Purchases of around 515 MU were also made from other states/regions/MPPs. 7.2.6 KSEBL informed that there was 3.35 MU load shedding in Kerala during May 2016. Bilateral Purchases of more than 748 MU were made from other states/regions/MPPs. 7.2.7 TANTRANSCO informed that there was no load shedding in Tamil Nadu during May 2016. Bilateral Purchases of around 1563 MU were made from other States/Regions/MPPs. 20% power cut on demand and energy for high tension industrial and commercial consumers during non-peak hours (22:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs (next day) has been lifted from 05.06.2015. 90% power cut on demand and energy for high tension industrial and commercial consumers during peak hours (18:00 Hrs to 22:00 hrs) had been withdrawn from 05.06.2015. The above withdrawal was being continued. 7.2.8 PED informed that there was no load shedding in Puducherry during May 2016. 8 VOLTAGE PROFILE 8.1 Low voltage Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 27 8.1.1 It was noted that the following nodes were facing low voltages: Station Bengaluru Trichur Palakkad Udumalpet Cochin Trivandrum Nelamangala Bidadi Hosur Minimum Voltage in kV 365 361 366 365 365 377 371 369 373 Average duration in minutes per day when V <390 kV 524 574 317 527 460 218 266 314 444 States were to provide Under Voltage Relays and also take up capacitor installation in these areas. 8.1.2 A meeting with SLDCs/system study groups to discuss the low voltage and an ATC/TTC issue was held at SRPC on 26.04.2016 and many recommendations/action points had been finalized. The minutes of the Meeting are available at SRPC website. The following were highlighted: 8.1.3 Physical Regulatory Procedure as enumerated had been agreed for implementation. Step 4 was a critical step and thus SLDCs needed to take action to avoid any situation which would compel SRLDC to take such step. In case Specific instructions for opening 220/230 kV and below lines were not adhered by SLDCs it would be deemed as violation of provisions of IEGC/EA 2003. SLDCs to take action proactively by observing falling trend/pattern of voltages even before receipt of SRLDC messages. SLDCs to also furnish the physical regulatory measures to be taken up at low voltage nodes in their system. It was felt that physical regulatory measures at 220 kV and below would give optimum results than physical regulatory measures by SRLDC. SRLDC real time messages/instructions to be adhered within 15 minutes of issuance and the action taken report should be furnished within 30 minutes. It was noted with concern that Udumalpet- Palakkad SPS had not been activated. Further, there could be a need for SPS for Trichur-Palakkad lines also keeping in view sustained low voltage operation. It was agreed to have a VC with participation from SR-II, KSEBL, SRLDC & SRPC on 27.04.2016. As a drive, faulty capacitor banks to be rectified immediately. Chairperson, SRPC would be kindly requested to take up the issue with the concerned since it was threat to system integrity. Constituents were requested to revert back on utilization (operational/commercial limitations & possibilities) of reactive support from wind/solar units even when they are not generating. States to furnish data of load management actions taken to overcome low voltage conditions. SRLDC vide letter dated 26.05.2016 (Annexure-8A) addressed to KPTCL had raised the issue of low voltage scenario at 400 kV Somanahalli S/S. It was observed by SRLDC that after unseasonal rains in Karnataka the voltage around Bangalore area are in down trend. Considering the present load pattern, it may be inferred that the low voltage scenario is likely to continue until appropriate action is taken by KPTCL. Somanahalli S/S had experienced low voltage on 25.05.2016 during Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 28 morning hours. The bus voltages have dipped to 372 kV and 189 kV respectively at 11:53 hrs in the 400 kV and 220 kV respectively. The MVAR drawal at these locations were also high in the range of 225 to 275 MVAR. The duration of low voltage in the 400 kV side and 220 kV side persisted for about 9% and 28% of time respectively. Persistent low voltage situation may lead to voltage collapse and in turn cause grid incident / disturbance. In view of the above, the following may be ensured : a) Maximization of VAR generation at the nearby generating stations. b) Healthiness of the Under Voltage relay. It is requested to furnish the details of under voltage relay operations during the above period. AGM, SRLDC expressed concern that no reply has been submitted by KPTCL on the information/action sought by SRLDC vide their communication dated 26.05.2016. 8.1.4 A special meeting was held on 17.06.2016 (MOM available at SRPC website) with respect to pending KPTCL issues the following recommendations were finalized wrt KPTCL: 8.1.5 Real time messages/instructions of SRLDC to be adhered within 15 minutes of issuance and action taken report should be furnished within 30 minutes. Retrofitting of Somanahalli and Hoody Capacitor Bank of 30 MVAR each to be expedited. KPTCL to furnish the action plan within 2 weeks. Faulty Capacitor Banks to be rectified in Bengaluru adjoining areas of KPTCL system. KPTCL to furnish the details of faulty capacitor banks and action plan for rectification within 2 weeks. KPTCL /SLDC would call for a meeting with BESCOM with participation at appropriate level within 2 weeks and following issues would be taken up: Special drive on rectifying the faulty capacitors in BESCOM in a time bound manner with the details of status of capacitor banks. Tap optimization in the distribution transformers of BESCOM (to reduce drawal of VAR) Study of additional capacitor requirements. This needs to be taken up by BESCOM on urgent basis. Discom wise or location wise limitation on MW drawal due to low voltages and high MVAR drawal. Extending scope of maintaining power factor by other consumers (presently being limited to HT Consumers). BESCOM to identify feeders for Physical Regulatory Procedure based on the MVAR drawal by the respective feeders Senior Managements of KPTCL and BESCOM to be appraised that MW drawal capacity had reached saturation and could be curtailed unless voltage profile is improved and also if sub--transmission system is not strengthened on war footing basis. Future increase in loads and even share from Yeramarus, Bellary, LTA etc., would be difficult to meet keeping in view the voltage profile. SLDC could envisage taking up the issue with Hon’ble KERC to ensure that BESCOM takes appropriate steps to improve the voltage profile. A Task Force could be set up on urgent basis to identifying the issues (Low voltages, high MVAR drawal, strengthening of transmission & distribution system, drawal capability of Bengaluru area , reactive requirement at DISCOMs etc) and to finalise the action plan to resolve these issues in a time bound manner. SRPC/SRLDC stated that concrete efforts need to be taken to improve the voltage at the above 400 kV and 220 kV Sub Stations in SR grid for safe and secure grid operation. The action plan for Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 29 mitigating the low voltage scenario in the long term also was required to be firmed up and to shared in OCC. 8.1.6 MS, SRPC stated that action was required to be taken by the concerned entities as finalized in 26.04.2016 & 17.06.2016 meetings. 8.1.7 UV Relay In the Special Meeting held on 26.04.2016 the following settings had been finalized for operation of UV Relay: KSEBL: To be implemented at Trichur, Palakkad & Kochi Stage 1: When voltage < 380 kV and MVAR > 10% of ICT rating (HV side) for 15 minutes then the identified loads has to be disconnected. Stage 2: When voltage < 370 kV for 5 minutes then at least 25% of additional ICT load has to be disconnected. KPTCL: To be implemented at Nelamangala, Somanahalli, Hoody and Bidadi Stage 1: When voltage < 380 kV for 10 minutes then the identified loads has to be disconnected. Stage 2: When voltage < 370 kV for 5 minutes then at least 25% of additional ICT load has to be disconnected. TANTRANSCO: To be implemented at Udumalpet, Salem & Hosur Stage 1: When voltage < 380 kV for 10 minutes then the identified loads has to be disconnected. Stage 2: When voltage < 370 kV for 5 minutes then at least 25% of additional ICT load has to be disconnected. th In 119 OCC meeting, the following was noted: In KSEBL had informed that after implementation and enabling of CSS some of the critical values from real time calculations used for real time operations based on actual drawal started throwing erroneous values. The problem had been reported to M/s ALSTOM. UV Relay scheme had been disabled and the matter had been addressed to PGCIL as well. It was informed that M/s ALSTOM was looking on the issue. KPTCL had informed that they had enabled the UV relay at Somanahalli. Procurement was being taken up to implement the UV scheme at Nelamangala, Hoody and Bidadi. It was noted that the logic implemented at Udumalpet is not as per recommended and the logic was to be implemented in two stages. TN was requested to change the logic as recommended in the special meeting. TANTRANSCO informed that it would take another three months to implement the UV Relays at Salem and Hosur. TANTRANSCO had informed that that SCADA data mismatch in voltages at Udumalpet was observed. SCADA was showing voltage of 374 kV whereas voltage as informed from field was 384 kV. PGCIL, SR II was requested to look into the matter and take immediate action to validate the data and to rectify the issue. SRPC had requested that Karnataka & TN SLDCs may write a letter to their protection wings regarding UVR implementation with a copy to SRPC/SRLDC. The requirement as furnished in the minutes of the Special Meeting and letter from Chairperson SRPC also may be referred in that letter. the Meeting, AGM, SRLDC expressed grave concern over the low voltages prevailing at Somanhally, Hoody, Neelamangala, Bidadi, Palakkad, Trichur, Kochi, Salem, Udumalpet, Arasur & Hosur and none of the locations UV relays were triggering for the system contingencies. The Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 30 following were the number of instances for UV relay operation. AGM, SRLDC informed that there was no operation of UV Relay operation reported at Somanahalli even though there were number of instances meeting the logic for tripping of UV relay. Station Neelamangala Bidadi Somanahalli Hosur Salem Udumalpet Palakkad Trichur Kochi No of Times V<380kV for> 10 minutes 2 2 20 6 4 14 1 20 3 EE, KPTCL informed that the reference voltage is kept at 400 kV for UV relay operation. The logic to trip the UV Relay has been configured through SCADA. Whenever voltage goes down 380 kV, and sustains more than 3 minutes, 25 MW loads will be tripped automatically through SCADA. 50 numbers of feeders (in five groups, each group 25 MW) were identified for this and would be tripped on cyclically whenever logic is met. If voltage goes below further, manual (physical) tripping of the loads was being carried out through system operators. SRLDC/SRPC opined that 25 MW relief is not sufficient to improve the voltage to required level and suggested KPTCL needs to implement automated scheme with higher quantum (at least 100 MW). MS, SRPC suggested that SRLDC may furnish the details of the instances (during May 2016) when the condition was met for UV Relay operation. KPTCL was requested to submit the details of UV Relay operation along with the feeder tripping details as well as load relief, voltage improvement etc. After deliberations it was felt by forum that a separate meeting may be called for discussing this issue along with all other pending issues with KPTCL. Accordingly a Meeting was held on 17.06.2016 at SRPC Bangalore with KPTCL. The minutes of the meeting are at SRPC website. The following recommendations had been finalized. KPTCL agreed to implement automated scheme of 25 MW each at intervals of 3 minutes, 6 minutes, 9 minutes and 12 minutes (Total 100 MW) whenever the voltage remained below 380 kV at Somanahalli by June 2016. Second stage of automated stage would get triggered at 371 kV after 3 minutes for 50 MW and at 370 kV after 3 minutes for another 50 MW. The second stage would be implemented by June 2016. KPTCL agreed to implement automated schemes of UV at Nelamangala, Hoody and Bidadi in two stages by July 2016 end. The scheme would be finalized in the meeting with BESCOM. With respect to Kerala SRLDC/SRPC expressed concern that UV Relay had not operated at Thrissur even though logic has been satisfied for operation of the relay in twenty instances. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 31 Deputy CE, KSEBL informed that they were facing problems because of the defects in the counter of control sequence schedule of ALSTOM SCADA and at present automatic tripping was not realized. Whenever voltage level and MVAR drawal level satisfy the logic an alarm is set to give indication and tripping of feeders was being done manually. He stated that presently the UV tripping is programmed and scheduled through the control. He informed that the issue was already been reported to PGCIL and M/s ALSTOM. It was noted that KSEBL vide letter dated 08.06.2016(Annexure-8B) had addressed to SRLDC in this regard. The site engineers of M/s ALSTOM had requested to test the calculation with two minutes timer at main control center to find out the root cause. They had pointed that the availability of data in back up control center was with different time stamp and hence it was not possible to conduct the test in back up control centre. The testing may take around 6 hours and during this period the DSM may be affected. It was requested by KSEBL that necessary support may please be extended from the SRLDC control room during the testing period. AGM, SRLDC informed that there was a coordination meeting with M/s ALSTOM organized by PGCIL on 9.06.2016 in which all SCADA related issues were addressed along with KSEBL issue. PGCIL should clearly apprise to M/s ALSTOM whether KSEBL issue is to be taken as a new item or in the same contract. DGM, SR II, PGCIL explained that the issue may be because of the averaging of voltage/power values by counter for some period of time instead of instantaneous voltages. Threshold band was required to be defined for averaging. He informed that the issue had already been appraised to M/s ALSTOM and hoped that they would come up with solution. SRLDC/SRPC requested SR II, PGCIL to expedite the issue with M/s ALSTOM/KSEBL and resolve the issue on emergent basis. It was noted that implementation of UV Relay with respect to Tamil Nadu was carried out partially viz Stage 1 UV relay at Udumalpet whereas Stage-II at Udumalpet was yet to be implemented. th MS, SRPC recalled the decision taken in the 28 TCC meeting as well as the communication of chairperson, SRPC and requested for expeditious action from TN and requested to take action to implement the scheme in two stages at Udumalpet and at other two locations Salem and Hosur also. th SE (O), SRPC recalled that in the 119 OCC Meeting, TANTRANSCO and KPTCL were requested to communicate to their Protection wing in this regard. TN & KAR confirmed that they had taken with their protection wings. TN & KAR were requested to take up & furnish the correspondence in this regard. EE, TANTRANSCO informed that the voltage variation of around 7 kV at Udumalpet was still being observed with respect to field and SRLDC SCADA. Action for other locations viz. Salem, Hosur was yet to be initiated. DGM, SR II, PGCIL informed that transducer at Udumalpet was tested and was reporting healthy. The wiring and electrical connections were to be tested. It was suggested that MRT wing of TN and PGCIL SR-II would coordinate and resolve the issue. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 32 It was requested that all the states to enable the U/V relays and keep in auto mode as per specified logic on urgent basis else SRLDC would be forced to approach CERC with Petition. SRLDC requested the states to look into the issues of non triggering of UV Relay for the instances in May’16 and furnish a report. st 8.1.8 Installation of Shunt Capacitors (Status as on 1 May 2016 at Appendix) SRPC requested that the information regarding installation/healthy capacitors in the required format needed to be regularly furnished every month. SRLDC requested that installation & ensuring healthiness of capacitor banks at distribution level should be ensured by all the constituents. It was noted that Tamil Nadu and Kerala were furnishing the status of healthy capacitors. AP, TS and Karnataka were also requested to furnish the status of healthy/faulty capacitors regularly in OCC Meetings. It was noted in the Special Meeting held on 26.04.2016, that SRLDC had conducted a Study to ascertain requirement of capacitive compensation in low voltage areas of SR viz. Bengaluru area, Udumalpet-Arasur-Hosur-Salem areas and Trichur-Palakkad areas. From the studies, Capacitor requirement had been arrived as below: Sub-Station Nelamangala Hoody Somanahalli Mywadi Arasur Salem Hosur Palakkad Trichur Capacitor – Requirement in MVAR 160 185 160 275 330 210 210 12 90 Constituent wise requirement Karnataka-505 MVAR Tamil Nadu- 1025 MVAR Kerala – 102 MVAR All states were requested to install the capacitors as suggested before December 2016 i.e. before next high demand period for SR. Since time was limited, immediate action was required to be taken. In the Meeting, it was noted that no action had been taken in this regard and the capacitor installation needed to be expedited so that voltages during next summer season could be comfortable. EE, KPTCL informed that the capacitor requirement finalized by SRLDC needed to be firmed up in deliberation with BESCOM as Load factors of HT consumers were to be taken into consideration for capacitor installation. KPTCL informed that they had addressed the issue to BESCOM (Communication in this regard is at Annexure-8C). EE, TANTRANSCO informed that they had communicated regarding the additional capacitor requirement to their System Studies Group and they would be vetting the results. DCE, KSEBL informed that their system study team was studying the capacitor requirement report and subsequently the studies would be shared with SRLDC/SRPC. MS, SRPC stated that SRLDC had conducted system studies on certain real time condition of low Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 33 voltages and the quantum of Capacitors to be added at specific locations has been arrived at. The same situation was likely to recur again and the system should be geared to meet such situations. The intent of the recommendation was to appraise to their Higher Management and also immediate action was required. He requested that the firmed up Action Plan needs to be intimated before next OCC Meeting. 8.2 High Voltage 8.2.1 SRLDC highlighted the severity of high voltage problem at the following nodes as given in table: Station Max Voltage in kV Vijayawada N’Sagar Hyderabad Gooty Kurnool Khammam Srisailam Raichur Narendra Chennai Pugalur Malkaram Sattenapally Almatty Mysore Hassan Mehaboobnagar 433 426 424 429 432 426 440 427 429 422 422 436 433 429 429 428 431 Average duration in minutes per day when V > 420 kV 1315 163 111 177 672 128 1427 156 148 81 46 1239 1155 540 54 52 739 AGM, SRLDC expressed concern that the voltages at a number nodes voltages were observed to be very high like at Vijayawada, Hyderabad, Nagarjuna Sagar, Gooty, Kurnool, Malkkaram, Hassan, Mysore, Srisailam, Satheenapalli, Narendra, Almathi, Raichur, Mahaboobnagar, and 765 kV stations namely NPS, Thiruvalam and Kurnool. It was noted that SRLDC as a last resort was directing for hand tripping of number of lines to contain over voltages. Though there was some improvement in MVAR absorption by generators, reactors installation as envisaged should be in place to mitigate the high voltages. 8.2.2 Status review of GT Tap positions GT tap Positions - GT taps yet to changed as per recommendation: Station Unit Present tap and corresponding voltage(in kV) Recommended Remarks Tap and Corresponding Voltage(in kV) ISTS connected Generators: Kaiga I 1&2 6 & 229.125 7 & 223.25 In the Special Meeting held on Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 34 Kaiga II 3&4 3 & 409.5 LKPPL St- II & III 4 & 399 19.05.2016 it was decided that NPCIL would expedite the procurement of 2x125 MVAR Bus Reactors simultaneously. Further suitable measures would be taken by Kaiga (U1 & U2) and Kaiga (U3 & U4) to ensure that no VAR injection takes place (from LV side) at voltages greater than 220 kV and 400 kV respectively. It was assured by Kaiga U3 & U4 for absorption upto 60 MVAR each from their Units. Kaiga Unit 1 & 2 also assured that absorption form their units would be as per the corresponding capability curve. 400 kV APGENCO/APSLDC IPPs of AP It is recommended that all IPPS under APSLDC could be advised to change their Tap position corresponding to voltage level of 400 kV / 220 kV. KPCL/KAR SLDC Kadra All units 7 & 225.5 8 & 222.75 Kodasalli All units 7 & 225.5 8 & 222.75 Sharavati 9 2 & 231 4 & 220 1&2 4 & 409.5 5 & 400 1,2, 3 & 4 10 & 412 11 & 400 UPCL JSWEL KPCL informed that tap could not be changed due to technical problems. Observed rotor teeth temperature issues and OEM was called. OEM expected during June/July 2016. 2 x 125 MVAR reactors agreed in th 39 SCPSPSR JSWEL agreed for tap change. KPTCL was requested to take up with JSWEL TANGEDCO/TN SLDC Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 35 Tuticorin TPS 1,2,3,4 & 5 8 & 243 1 6 & 409.7 MTPS St.III 230 TN vide their letter had informed that as per their study for 2016-17, it was suggested that all the generator taps of TTPS will be changed from the present position of tap no 8 to tap no 10 (15.75/237 kV). SRPC/SRLDC stated that the Tap positions had been recommended by SRPC/SRLDC according to the existing scenario and would be reviewed every six months. As a first step TN could go for the tap no.10 corresponding 237 kV and subsequently it may be reviewed as per the MVAR/voltage conditions. 7 & 399 Would be changed by May/June 2016. AGM, SRLDC reiterated that the GT taps of all new units getting synchronized to grid should be kept at the nominal grid voltage level of 400 kV or 220/230 kV. SRLDC would ensure the requirement for ISTS connected generators while SLDCs should ensure it for their embedded generators. It was of great concern that SRLDC had taken up this issue as violation of IEGC whereas no SLDC had responded in this regard. 8.2.3 MVAR Interchange In the Meeting, it was requested that Nodal Officers may kindly ensure that the data reaches SRLDC/SRPC in time (by fourth of every month) so that SRLDC can correlate it with SCADA data and analysis could be done facilitating actions for further improvement. It was also requested that if any data visibility problems were being faced needed to be addressed properly. MS, SRPC stated that the recommendations finalized in the Special Meetings were required to be implemented. He requested all the SLDCs to kindly monitor VAR absorption/injection of generating units in their respective control areas in real-time. Hon’ble CERC Order dated 23.12.2009 merited attention in this regard. It had been stated in the Order that all agencies needed to provide required reactive compensation thus avoiding the need for exchange of reactive power to/from ISTS and maintain ISTS voltage within specific range. SRLDC informed that Black Start Workshop and MVAR capability testing at Kakatiya TPS (Telangana) would be conducted on 14.06.2016. On a query regarding MVAR Capability by UPCL units, UPCL stated that they would require shut down for maintenance / fine tuning activity by OEM. SLDC, KPTCL was requested to plan & facilitate the outage with adherence to the annual outage plan. SRLDC/SRPC insisted that the suggestions/recommendations suggested in the MVAR reports Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 36 should be taken up seriously. 8.2.2 Tap optimization of ICTs in SR/submission of real time data SRLDC had taken up ICT Tap optimizations studies periodically and suggest tap change action at 765/400 kV and 400/230-220 kV SS. However the optimization is effective only if it is done upto sub transmission level. To expand optimization study to this level SRLDC had requested 230/110 kV, 220/110 kV, 220/66 kV, 210/130 kV transformer technical data and voltage data from SCADA for peak and off peak scenario. 8.2.3 th In the 119 OCC Meeting it was agreed that SRLDC would circulate the format including all the information required by them. The constituents were kindly requested to furnish the information in the prescribed format within 15 days. 8.2.4 In the Meeting, the following was updated by SRLDC: SRLDC had circulated the revised format vide letter dated 19.05.16 in line with the th decision taken in 119 OCCM. TN and Puducherry had submitted the data in the specified format. Data Submitted by AP & TS contains only name plate details. Requested for snap shots and data as per revised format. AP & TS agreed to furnish the information by next week. Data submitted by Kerala was in the format and snap shots were also available. 220 kV level data was furnished but 110kV side data was also needed to be furnished. KSEBL was requested to furnish the data in the circulated format for the voltage levels 110 kV & 220 kV levels separately at peak and off peak scenario. Data was not submitted by Karnataka. KPTCL agreed to furnish the data within a week. 8.2.5 Tap changing of Madurai ICT I & II 8.2.6 In the Meeting, SRLDC informed that tap changing of Madurai ICTs from present Tap position (11 & 11) to the tap position (13 & 13) had been completed on 08.06.2016. The original schedule was th for 18 March 2016. SRLDC requested that the tap changing to recommended levels may be completed in time otherwise it won’t be useful since the system conditions may change. rd Status Review of Changing ICT tap position as recommended in 103 OCC Meeting 8.2.7 Regarding tap changing of 400/220 kV ICT Banks at Madakathara, KSEBL vide letter dated 12.10.2015 had communicated the implementation schedule of replacement of 6 OLTCs and the tap changing of Madakathara ICTs from 9,9,9 to 7,7,7 would be completed before 31.05.2016. In the Meeting, DCE, KSEBL informed that 6 OLTCs at Madakkathara had been replaced. Tap position would be changed from 9 to 8 for time being after getting approval from their Management. Observing the voltage difference as per load conditions and if found it advisable to change they would further down the tap position to recommended level (7). Regional entities to implement the steps to contain the rise in the voltages in their respective control area stations as given below: Ensure Bus reactors and Line reactors are switched in. Capacitor banks especially at high voltage areas are switched off. Optimizing the GT and ICT tap positions as per the advice of SRLDC/SRPC. Tap optimization at lower voltage levels to be carried out by STU/SLDC in coordination with DISCOMs. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 37 8.2.8 All the generating units on bar to absorb reactive power as per their capability limits. Operate generating units on synchronous condenser mode for VAR absorption, whenever feasible. Release loads in high voltage areas keeping in view the drawl of the control area. Maintain drawl from grid close to schedule. Operate available hydro units on pump mode in high voltage nodes keeping in view the drawl of the control area. Load re- arrangement, wherever feasible, may be taken up to optimize loading on trunk lines. Line opening would be the last resort by SRLDC after receipt of message from the constituents. Concerted action/follow up by SLDC. Status of commissioning of Balance Bus/ Line Reactors/STATCOM as agreed in the Standing Committee meeting SE (O), SRPC expressed concern that virtually there was no improvement observed in the installation of reactors in both state sector and PGCIL. PGCIL reactors were scheduled to be commissioned from September/October 2016 onwards. It was noted that number of reactors in the region were to be commissioned by various entities by June/July 2016, however it was observed that the progress was not in good pace. In view of very high voltage at some nodes, it was emphasized that urgent action needed to be taken to commission reactors as committed. In the special meeting with NPCIL/BHAVINI held on 19.05.2016, the following were deliberated with respect to KKNPP reactors: NPCIL had pointed that engineering was under progress for KKNPP Stage-II (2 x 1000 MW) and reactors planned were 2x125 MVAR. Any enhanced/additional requirement could be firmed up now itself since it would be easier to take care of it now itself. Subsequently, it becomes very difficult to fulfill any additional requirements. SRPC/SRLDC had enquired whether limitation of 100 -150 MVAR absorption (though unrestricted capability limits are much higher) on leading side had been duly communicated to CTU. NPCIL had assured that they would take up the matter with CTU regarding finalization of reactive requirements, keeping in view no absorption by the Stage- II units. Limitation of 100150 MVAR absorption for limited period but not on sustained basis would also be communicated. The following was noted in the meeting: APTRANSCO: Regarding 125 MVAR reactors at Vemagiri, Kurnool & Kaplakka, LOI has been placed on 31.05.2016 with M/s ALSTOM for bay extension works which may take around one year (8-12 months) to be commissioned. PO had been placed for Vemagiri, Kalpakka and Kurnool Reactors in February 2016 with M/s Siemens and would arrive site within 3 months. SRPC/SRLDC expressed concern and requested constituents to plan the Bay extension and Reactor in such a way that both come together and issues does not arise during commissioning. It was noted that reactors at Chittoor and Vijayawada were added in the proposals. It was confirmed by APTRANSCO that 80 MVAR reactor at Vemagiri has come into service on 15.05.2015. TSTRANSCO: Confirmed that LOI for five reactors (excluding Srisailam reactor) was ready Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 38 th and waiting for release of PSDF funding. PSDF funding has been confirmed in the 29 April 2016 Meeting held at NRPC and was expected to be released by end of May 2016. It was th th noted that reactors approved in 36 SC/39 SCPSPSR in TSTRANSCO/TSGENCO were at Mamidipalli, Gajwel, Sankarapally, Mehaboob Nagar & Srisailam LB. Telangana confirmed that one additional reactor of 125 MVAR at Malkaram is also envisaged along with the scheme and all the reactors are expected within 8 months after issue of LoI. Srisailam Reactor was being taken up by TSGENCO and they were dealing with M/s Toshiba and update would be informed to SRPC/SRLDC. It was confirmed by SRPC that CEA had th approved for Srisailam reactor in the 39 Standing Committee Meeting. KPTCL: KPTCL confirmed that Hoody reactor had been received at site and was erected on platform. Commissioning of reactor is expected to be by end of June 2016. The works were getting delayed since Hoody ICT restoration was being given priority. SE (O), SRPC suggested that these two works can be delinked and erection of the reactor can be taken up. Nelamangala Reactor will take another 6 months for commissioning. It was noted that KPTCL nd reactors were approved in 32 Standing Committee Meeting and were pending since long th time. Two reactors were to be commissioned at Davangere and Talaguppa in 39 SCPSPSR. KPTCL was requested to initiate the actions for procurement and commissioning of newly identified reactors now itself. TANTRANSCO: In addition to existing proposals two reactors, in 39 SCPSPSR Almathy and Kayathar had been approved. Regarding, Mettur reactor, TANTRANSCO informed that it would take more time since reactor had been diverted to Karmalai S/S. PGCIL: One bus reactor at Vijayawada would come by 25.06.16 and other reactor is shifted to Nagapatinam. Balance reactors were expected to commission by Sept ’16. The reactor at Vijayawada in place of shifted reactor was expected to be commissioned by December’16. Bays at Vijayawada were ready. Forum pointed out that PGCIL should take up in OCC before diverting the reactor. For Narendra reactor, SR-II informed that two months shut down was required to install the new reactor in place of the old one. The commissioning is expected by September 2016. It was noted that Cuddapah and Thiruvalam 765 kV reactors were added in 39 SCPSPSR. Kudgi, NTPC: NTPC informed that one reactor at Kudgi was already commissioned and for the other commissioning works were under progress and was expected by end of June 2016. Firefighting equipment was to be commissioned. Kaiga GS: Kaiga GS was requested to initiate the action for both the reactors together as agreed in the special meeting held on 19.05.2016. KGS informed that the proposal for taking up the two reactors simultaneously was put to the HQ and the matter was pending with head th quarters. MS, SRPC recalled that that Chairperson, SRPC vide letter dated 19 May 2016 had taken up with the concerned entities at Management Level and hoped that appropriate action would be initiated shortly. The same letter had been addressed to Director (O), NPCIL also. In 39 SCPSPSR, 2x 125 MVAR reactors had been approved at UPCL. UPCL informed that they were waiting for CERC clearance for capitalization of proposed reactors since tariff is determined by CERC. It was assured by UPCL that they were moving ahead with the proposal. It was noted Chairperson, SRPC had taken up the issue of timely implementation of the reactors at Management Level. SR I, PGCIL informed that for line reactors (2 x 125 MVAR) at NPS end of 400 kV NPS-Gooty th th Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 39 lines, foundation works were started and 15 days line shut down would be required for commissioning of the reactors. 125 MVAR line reactors at Nellore end for 400 kV NPSNellore line were to be commissioned for which 15 days shut down of NPS-Nellore lines would be required. With respect to Narendra-Madhugiri D/C lines 4 reactors (4 x 63 MVAR) would come shortly. 8.2.9 All the constituents were requested to update the status of implementation of reactors on a monthly basis with OCC data.(State wise/ location wise / status of implementation like tender called, PO placed) NGR bypass of Reactors In the 119 OCC Meeting the following were noted: th NGR bypass for all 400 kV reactors have been completed except for the line reactors of Nellore - Thiruvalam I & II at Nellore end. For 765 kV line reactors, breakers were required for making NGR bypass. Breakers had been received and works would be completed by June 2016. The following is the status of 765 kV reactors in SR-I: 765 kV Raichur – 240 MVAR Bus Reactor (switchable); 2 x 240 MVAR switchable line reactors connected to Sholapur I & 2 765 kV NPS - 240 MVAR Bus Reactor (switchable); 2 x 240 MVAR line reactors connected to Kurnool I & 2 , would be made convertible 765 kV Kurnool - 4 x 240 MVAR line reactors connected to Kurnool I & 2 and Thiruvalam I & 2 , would be made convertible ; 1 x 240 MVAR Bus Reactor being used as switchable Line Reactor in Raichur line. SR I and SR II were requested to submit the consolidated list of Reactors with the status of NGR Bypass. PGCIL, SR I and SR II had submitted the status of NGR by pass of reactors (Annexure-8D) PGCIL informed the following: 765 kV Kurnool-Nellore D/C: CSD was received and shut down of the lines was required for CSD commissioning. NGR Bypass & CSD installation works on 765 kV Kurnool - Thiruvalam II were completed. Shutdown of the Kurnool-Thiruvalam I for 11.06.2016 was agreed for SR I to carry out the works. CSD is a control switching device which protects the CB form arcing currents and to control the charging currents to ICT and Reactor. AGM SRLDC stated that shutdowns can be availed during June and July 2016 for NGR bypass provisions for all the lines and should be completed by July 2016 end. 8.2.10 Reactive Power Planning Status update on capacitor installation is given below: Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 40 Reactive Power Planning Utility APTRANSC O 32 x 7.2 4 x 14.4 APEPDCL Srikakulam : 5 x 2 MVAR Vizianagaram : 2 x 2 MVAR Visakhapatnam: 5 x 2 MVAR Rajahmundry :10 x 2 MVAR Eluru : 4 x 2 MVAR APSPDCL April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 Aug 2015 Sep 2015 : 11 x 2MVAR : 16 x 2 MVAR : 1 x 2 MVAR : 2 x 2 MVAR : 2 x 2 MVAR TSNPDCL 248 x 2 MVAR TSSPDCL 249 x2 MVAR Voltage Remarks level On 33 kV Capacitors installed: side 220 kV Ananthapur S/S : 7.2 MVAR 133 kV Kadri S/S : 7.2 MVAR 220 kV Nandyal S/S : 7.2 MVAR 132 kV YG Palem S/S: 7.2 MVAR 33/11 kV Level APEPDCL Vide letter dated 05.02.2016 had furnished the following: Capacitors available: Srikakulam:18x1 MVAR + 16 x 2 MVAR VZNGRM: 10 x1 MVAR + 12 x 2 MVAR VSKP: 29 x 1 MVAR + 20 x 2 MVAR RJY: 50 x 1 MVAR + 23 x 2 MVAR Eluru: 34 x1 MVAR +57 x 2 MVAR 11 kV level 11 kV level 18 x 2 MVAR and 7 x 1 MVAR capacitors had been installed so far for 2016-17 and LOA issued for 123 x 2 MVAR & 118 x 1 MVAR. LoA issued on 29.04.2015 for 221 x 2 MVAR capacitors at 11 kV level with supply schedule of 4 month. 38 x 2 MVAR capacitors had been installed so far. 179 x5 MVAR 33 kV level This proposal has been dropped. Bengaluru Tr. Zone:708.8 MVAR Total of 1544 MVAR which were planned to Bagalkot Tr. Zone :258.1 MVAR be implemented new PO is placed. Hassan Tr. Zone :136.3 MVAR Bangalore zone had been retendered. Mysore Tr. Zone :60.9 MVAR Gulbarga Tr. Zone :98.60 MVAR Tumkur Tr. Zone :281.3 MVAR Karnataka KSEBL 15 MVAR 66 kV Dropped as N/w changed. To be revised after study. TANGEDCO 34 x 2.4 MVAR 11 kV level 16 x 2.4 MVAR 22 kV level 7 x 24 MAVR 110 level Materials received by December 2015(All voltage levels) Installation works would start by January 2016 and may be commissioned by March 2016. kV 90 MVAR reactors will be commissioned by July 2016 780 MVAR of capacitors at distribution level had been commissioned out of 1,005 MVAR capacitors planned. th In the 4 NPC meeting held on 10.12.2016, the following were the decisions/actionable points w.r.t. Reactive Power Planning: All States to carry out reactive power planning not only at transmission level but also at Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 41 distribution level and prepare schemes to maintain voltage profile as per relevant Regulations / Standards. NPC agreed that states should adopt a proactive approach in the matter of reactive power planning, and that the provisions regarding reactive power planning similar to those mandated in the IEGC for the CTU should be included in the respective State Grid codes. It was decided that RPCs would follow up the matter further with the states. MS, SRPC requested SLDCs to carry out system study and come up with additional Capacitor th requirement at STU/DISCOM levels. He added that in the 5 NPC Meeting it was emphasized that on ISTS side CTU is required to study the Reactive requirement and STUs at State level. 9 Network Protection/Security issues 9.1 U/F & df/dt Relays Schemes 9.1.1 Implementation of SRPC recommended quantum It was noted that all the States had implemented AUFR and df/dt schemes fully. All the Constituents were requested to furnish the details of the feeders implemented in AUFR & df/dt schemes along with the status of SCADA mapping as per the specified Formats. In accordance with clause 9 (2) of CEA (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010, all constituents shall submit a detailed report of operation of AUFR at different frequencies to SRLDC and SRPC on daily basis. It was noted that only KSEBL and PED were submitting the daily report regarding operation of relays. 9.1.2 SCADA mapping of feeders of AUFR & df/dt schemes As per CERC vide Order dated 27.11.2015 on Petition No. 60/MP/2014, SRPC vide letter dated 29.01.2016 had submitted the status report duly certified by SRLDC and SRPC wrt implementation of SCADA mapping of all the constituents to Hon’ble CERC. SCADA mapping confirmation report of KSEBL had also been submitted to Hon’ble CERC. It was noted that the SCADA mapping of the relays was completed by Karnataka, Kerala and Puducherry. th In the 118 OCC Meeting SRLDC/SRPC had expressed concern that no tangible improvement had been seen wrt TSTRANSCO, APTRANSCO & TANTRANSCO for making 100% SCADA availability and requested them to furnish the action plan to achieve 100 % mapping in detail like RTU requirement, plan of procurement etc. within 15 days. In the Meeting, it was noted that no response has been received from APTRANSCO, TSTRANSCO & TANTRANSCO in this regard. DCE, KSEBL informed that the reconfiguration of feeders were being carried out under various protection schemes for releasing the overlap of feeders and after commissioning of new RTUs configuration may further change. Revised feeder list would be informed accordingly. SRLDC vide letter dated 06.06.2016(Annexure-9A) had reported the performance of AUFR and df/dt protection scheme for the period 16.05.2016 to 31.05.2016. AGM, SRLDC pointed out that during the period from 16.5.2016 to 31.05.2016, the relief realization from AUFR & df/dt was observed at 51% only for the region and requested the constituents to add more feeders under the stages of AUFR & df/dt schemes where less relief was being realized. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 42 DE, APTRANSCO informed that 2 more feeders with the quantum of 45 MW were mapped to SCADA. 20 RTUs were required for 100% SCADA mapping and the procurement for 20 RTUs was under progress which may be commissioned within 2 months. DE, TSTRANSCO informed that 29 RTUs were to be procured for 100% SCADA mapping and tendering process was to be initiated. 9.1.3 Observations during inspection of AUFR & df/dt relays in Substations-reg. SRPC Secretariat had conducted inspection for AUFR/ df/dt Relays in Medchal, Bhonogir & Bibinagar th th substations, during 27 & 28 May 2016. The details of observation and action to be taken have been intimated to TSTRANSCO vide SRPC letter dated 01.06.2016 (Annexure-9B). It is requested that the same may kindly be examined and remedial action be intimated to this office. 9.2 Special Protection Systems 9.2.1 Implementation of additional loads for KKNPP SPS The loads for KKNPP U2 SPS were to be identified and to implement by all the constituents. It was noted that KKNPP Unit II was expected to be synchronized by July 2016 and full load may be achieved by October 2016. The following was noted in the Meeting: TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 16.05.2016 had furnished the feeder wise details with quantum of relief expected for the KKNPP U2 SPS. Load relief of 292 MW had been identified against the recommended quantum of 330 MW. KSEBL informed that they had identified the feeders for the quantum of 153 MW and wiring part also had been completed. It was noted that TSTRANSCO had identified 876 MW for all SPSs including KKNPP Unit-2 KPTCL (174 MW) load relief was yet to identify the loads. KPTCL was requested to identify the loads and furnish the details by end of June 2016. As per the revised SPS loads, Puducherry ED would be required to implement 43 MW loads (23 MW for HVDC trip signal-1 & 20 MW for KKNPP Unit-2 SPS). PED had informed that they were ready with 25 MW loads for SPS. SR II, PGCIL informed that one DTPC had been handed over to Puducherry ED in the month of May 2016. PGCIL would extend the SPS signals form Kolar after installation of DTPC by Puducherry ED. It was noted that these signals would be extended to concerned load points by Puducherry ED through SCADA system. It was noted that states needed to furnish the feeder details at the earliest so that SR-I & SR-II could take immediate action for extending the trip signals to the concerned load points. The actuation of SPS logic would be done only after commencing of scheduling of the unit by SRLDC i.e above 300 MW of generation. 9.2.2 SPS Maintenance Protocol th th It was noted that in 28 SRPC meeting held on 10 October 2015, SRPC had approved the SPS th maintenance protocol. In the 119 Meeting SR-II had informed that discussions were underway with M/s ALSTOM and Order may be placed by June 2016. 9.2.3 Udumalpet - Palakkad SPS In the meeting, DCE, KSEB informed that wiring at Madakathara end for 80 MW loads had Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 43 been completed but wiring at Palakkad end for 135 MW was yet to be completed. He informed that wiring would be completed by this weekend and subsequently SPS would be enabled. Subsequently, KSEB vide letter dated 22.06.2016(Annexure-9C) had communicated that the Udumalpet-Palakkad SPS was implemented. The SPS logic and loads implemented were also furnished. 9.2.4 Extension of SPS status points to SRLDC th In the 119 OCC Meeting, SRLDC had informed that SPS status points also needed to be mapped /extended to SRLDC SCADA. The intent was to monitor from SRLDC SCADA that which SPS operated, which feeders tripped etc. SRLDC requested SLDCs/PGCIL to extend their support and complete the activity. SRPC had recalled that the same was suggested by SRLDC in the meeting on synchronization of 765 kV Raichur-Sholapur (18.01.2014). PGCIL had been suggested to look into the possibility. SR I, PGCIL was requested to arrange for the needful at Raichur & Sholapur ends. PGCIL had informed that irrespective of type of SPS signal generated only one output is generated in PLCC. SPS differentiation (which SPS triggered) is not possible with the present system. In the Meeting, SE (O), SRPC stated that the objective is to receive at SRLDC the detail of SPS logic triggered. It was suggested that SRLDC and PGCIL would discuss and plan the possibility of extending the SPS information through SCADA for visibility / analysis at SRLDC. 9.2.5 Extension of SPS signal 3 command to 400 kV Hoody Station KPTCL vide letter dated 11.05.2016 (Annexure-9D) in which the following was noted: Load relief to be given by Karnataka State for SPS signals are as follows: SPS Signal: Loads in MW Signal I: 250 MW Signal II: 200 MW Signal III: 109 MW Signal IV: 193 MW The loads of 220kV Kolar, Malur, Sarjapura and Chinamani along with downstream loads at 220kV Hoody were considered for signal-1 load relief. In the actual case the load relief for SPS Signal-1 is observed to be around 350 MW to 600 MW (instead of 250MW) during many SPS operations. Some of the loads identified for Signal-3 and Signal-4 are overlapped and common loads of 100 MW at Anchepura, KB Cross and Nittur 220kV stations was considered for both Signal 3 & 4 and the same have to be segregated. Hence it is proposed that the excess load relief given for SPS Signal-1 at downstream of 220kV Hoody station be considered for Signal-3 load relief. KPTCL had requested to kindly arrange to extend the SPS signal-3 command to Hoody 400kV station instead of Signal-1 sent at present. The load relief for Signal-1 will be the loads of 220kV Kolar, Malur, Sarjapura and Chinamani substations totaling to around 250MW. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 44 PGCIL was requested to look into the KPTCL’s request for SPS Signal-3 extention to 400 kV Hoody SS. The scheme needed to be ratified in the PCSC meeting. 9.2.6 SPS operations . TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 28.5.2016(Annexure-9E) had communicated the Trip Signal-1 received on 14.04.2016 at 18:44 hrs & 19:44 hrs and details of load relief obtained. Details of SPS operation details along-with relief obtained are at Annexure-9F. 9.3 Automatic Demand Side Management Scheme (Petition No. 250/MP/2012) & GSES (Petition No. 265/MP/2012) 9.3.1 Automatic Demand Management Scheme in line with clause 5.4.2 (d) of the IEGC was to be provided by all the constituents by 01.01.2011. It was noted that Hon’ble CERC had issued show cause notice under Section 142 to many constituents (all the SLDCs of SR) in its ROP in Suomoto Petition No. 005/SM/2014. 9.3.2 All constituents had confirmed about the implementation and enabling of ADMS in their respective system. SRLDC vide letter dated 04 th Mar 2016 had appraised Hon’ble CERC about the present status of ADMS implementation by SR constituents along with demonstration dates. Changing the set th points to 49.9 Hz. would be taken up in 29 TCC Meeting. 9.3.3 In the Meeting, SRLDC informed that there are no instances for ADMS operation during the month of May 2016 for the current settings (i.e<49.8 Hz for 15 minutes). Number of instances when frequency was below 49.9 Hz sustaining for 15 minutes were 33 (14 instances for AP and 5 instances for TN). SRLDC suggested the forum for adopting the setting of 49.9 Hz. 9.3.4 SE (O), SRPC informed that the issue of changing the frequency setting to 49.9 Hz was discussed in th th the 28 TCC/29 SRPC Meetings and it was agreed to retain the settings at 49.8 Hz till the next TCC/SRPC meetings. He suggested that the record of the instances satisfying the logic for ADMS operation in the Region can be maintained and put up to next TCC. It was observed that the number of instances had come down over past few months. 9.4 Grouping of loads (IEGC clause 5.4.2 (e)) 9.4.1 As per IEGC, to maintain the frequency within stipulated band and also to ensure network security, the interruptible loads were to be arranged in four groups of loads, This was for the purpose of scheduled power cuts/load shedding, loads for unscheduled load shedding, loads to be shed through UF relays, df/dt relays and loads to be shed under any SPS scheme. These loads are to be grouped in such a manner that there is no overlapping between different groups of loads. 9.4.2 The issue was noted for compliance by the concerned utilities. SRLDC requested all the states to kindly furnish the updated details in this regard. 9.5 Tripping Details/Reports 9.5.1 In various forums SRLDC had raised concern that it was not getting tripping information/data within 24 hrs as per IEGC/CEA regulations and sometimes the information from both the ends was not being received. Also at times, tripping details only were being received without DR& EL details. SRLDC was unable to analyze events on account of non-receipt of details of tripping in a timely manner. SRLDC had stated that all tripping details should be uploaded on the SRLDC web portal. Para 29 of Hon’ble Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 45 CERC Order dated 20.02.2014 in respect of Petition No.146/MP/2013 was brought to attention of the OCC. Non furnishing of timely tripping details would be treated as non-compliance. Procedure for timely furnishing information was needed to be streamlined by the utilities. It was noted that tripping information details were to be uploaded within the stipulated time frames. 9.6 Declaration of availability and healthiness of various protection / defense mechanism 9.6.1 SRLDC stated that the healthiness certification was not being received in timely manner from all the constituents. 9.6.2 MS, SRPC stated that healthiness certificates and other reports were being sought as per directives of higher bodies. Validated certificates needed to be communicated in a timely manner. 9.7 Contingency plan for loss of wind generation In the Meeting SRPC/SRLDC requested KPTCL to come up with an action plan for the implementation of contingency plan for sudden loss of wind generation in line with TN. 9.8 LVRT Implementation 9.8.1 Hon’ble CERC has passed Order in respect of Petition No. 420/MP/2014 on 05.01.2016. The Order directs a number of actionable points by various utilities for compliance of LVRT, CEA & CERC Regulations etc. Two special Meeting were conducted at SRPC Bangalore on 05.02.2016 & 18.04.2016 (Meeting minutes are available at SRPC website). In the meetings, various actionable points had been finalized under the following heads: LVRT requirements for WTGs LVRT requirements for Solar Generating Stations Commercial mechanism for offsetting cost of LVRT installation if it is technically viable Type Certification should be made part of Turbine Test Certification in case of retrofitting Data Acquisition System/Real Time Data Availability of SCADA system as envisaged in the IEGC Renewable Energy generators are required to do proper forecasting and scheduling and demand estimation by SLDCs in compliance with Grid Code Study of line loading in STU network and strict N-1 compliance by expediting Works under progress, particularly wind evacuation system. Compliance of the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Grid Connectivity) (Amendment) Regulations, 2013 by new generating units being commissioned and getting connected to the grid. Implementation of contingency demand disconnection scheme for mitigating impact of sudden loss of wind generation in line with order dated 22.2.2014 in 120/MP/2011. Implementation of LVRT, CEA/CERC Regulations for all WTGs commissioned from 15.04.2014. 9.8.2 In the Meeting, it was noted that there was no noticeable progress on actionable points viz., nominations of Nodal Officers was pending from the AP SLDC, KAR SLDC and KER SLDC, details of LVRT were yet to be submitted by all the entities as per the Format A & B (received partial information from TN and discussed in 2 nd LVRT meeting) etc. SRLDC vide letter dated 07.06.2016 (Annexure- 9G ) had expressed concern that no significant progress has happened even after two Meetings held in this regard at SRPC Bangalore on 05.02.2016 and 18.04.2016 in which various actionable points also had been finalized. Entities were requested to furnish the details as sought to SRPC/SRLDC by rd 23 June 2016. Minutes of the meeting on ‘CEA notification on the connectivity to the Grid (LVRT)’ held on 12.05.2016 at NIWE is at Annexure-9H. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 46 9.8.3 rd 3 LVRT meeting to discuss the status on above issues is proposed to be convened at 10:30 hrs on th 5 July 2016 (Tuesday) at TNEB office, Anna Salai, Chennai. 9.8.4 SRLDC/SRPC requested all the constituents to ensure provision and enabling of LVRT feature in all the upcoming wind/solar generators before declaring COD. SLDCs were requested to approve connectivity to new generators only on confirmation of availability of LVRT feature and other CEA/CERC requirements. 9.9 Formulation of plan for procurement and Placement of Emergency Restoration System (ERS) in the country 9.9.1 As per ERS requirement outlined in MoP letter dated 05.12.2014 status update on ERS is given below: Transmission Utility Requirement as per MoP APTRANSCO 3 Nos. TSTRANSCO 1 No. KPTCL KSEB 2 No. 1 No. TANTRANSCO 2 Nos PED PGCIL Nil 4 Nos. ( 2 Nos additional) Existing Status/Remarks ERS I – Placed at Nellore. ERS II – Received on 25.04.2016 and would be kept at Vizag. ERS III- Tenders are floated Tendering under process. 2 Nos. Appeared not to be feasible as per the assessment. KSEBL agreed to reconsider. Proposal had been sent for approval 2 Nos (SR I & SR II was having 1 No. each) Order had been placed. Would be kept at Vizag and Chennai. Expected by June 2016 TSTRANSCO suggested that one ERS could be kept at Hyderabad. 765 kV ERS (one each for SR-I & SR-II) under process. 9.9.2 TSTRANSCO vide letter dated 31.05.2016 (Annexure-9I) had furnished the details about the procurement plan of ERS is as below: 1. Availability of number of ERS sets and their deployment Nil 2. Number of additional ERS set planned to be procured 1 No. 3. Present status of procurement action of additional ERS set In the process of calling of Tenders 4. Expected date of receipt of additional ERS sets and their proposed deployment 1 Year 9.10 Status review of Implementation of Protection Audit/PCC recommendations as mentioned in various CERC orders 9.10.1 Phase- I & Phase-II activities identified in Protection Audit need to be completed in a time bound manner. Timelines given to Constituents vide various Orders of Hon’ble CERC are given below Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 47 please: Sl.No Constituent CERC Petition No. /Date of Order 1 2 3 4 Date for Date for Remarks completion of completion Phase-I Phase-II activities activities APGENCO 146/MP/2013 Affidavits dt: 06.09.2014 & APGENCO informed vide Date of Order : 17.09.2014 were filed on their letter dated 17.02.2016 20.02.2014 behalf of APGENCO in that the process of filing CERC duly stating that the single Affidavit on behalf of implementation of Phase-l & APGENCO Thermal & Phase-II activities of Hydel stations in CERC is Thermal & Hydel Stations under process to consider would be completed by 31- for extension of time up to 05-2015 &31-12-2015 30.07.2016 & 31.12.2017 respectively, pursuant to respectively for CERC order dated implementation of all the 20.02.2014 against the identified activities of Petition No.146/MP/ 2013. APGENCO Thermal & Hydel Substations. ‘Taking note of difficulty APTRANSC IA No10/2016 in 31.08.2016 31.08.2016 projected by the petitioner, O Petition No we allow time to the 95/MP/2015 petitioner till 31.8.2016 as a Date of Order : last opportunity for 15.06.2016 completion of Phase-I and Phase-II of protection audit remarks failing which the petitioner shall be liable for proceedings under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and other relevant provisions.’ TSGENCO 146/MP/2013 TSGENCO made Affidavit TSGENCO informed that Date of Order : dt: 16.12.2014 on status of their management is in the 20.02.2014 implementation of Phase-I process of filing an and Phase-II activities application before CERC pursuant to CERC order for obtaining further time dated 20.02.2014 (Petition extension. No. 146/MP/2013) and informed to complete the above subject work on 31.08.2015. TSTRANSC 83/MP/2015 31.10.2015 31.08.2016 TSTRANSCO informed that O Date of Order : Phase-I activities are under 14.5.2015 advanced stage of completion as Erection & commissioning of the same are in progress. (Ref: PCSC-51 held on 25.02.2016) Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 48 5 KPCL Petition No. 31.12.2016 265/MP/2015 31.12.2016 374/MP/2014 31.10.2015 Date of Order : 18.8.2015 31.12.2015 6 KPTCL 374/MP/2014 15.1.2016 Date of Order : 18.8.2015 15.1.2016 7 KSEBL 86/MP/2014 31.12.2015 Date of Order : 18.8.2015 8 TANTRANS 374/MP/2014 30.6.2016 CO Date of Order : 18.8.2015 31.12.2015 (excepting for R&M works at Idduki HEP for which time extension is up to 31.3.2016) 30.11.2016 Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 ‘Taking note of difficulty projected by the petitioner, we allow time to the petitioner till 31.12.2016 as a last opportunity for completion of Phase-I and Phase-II of protection audit remarks. If the petitioner fails to comply with the order, it shall be liable for action under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 as already observed in our order dated 20.2.2014 in Petition No. 146/MP/2013.’ KPTCL filed a separate application before CERC on 07.01.2016 seeking time extension up to 31.05.2017, and the same is under consideration by CERC. KSEB informed that they would be filing an application before CERC within one month for obtaining further time extension up to 31.12.2017. (Ref: PCSC-51 held on 25.02.2016) 49 9 NLC 10 NPCIL 146/MP/2013 Date of Order : 20.02.2014 As per the affidavit submitted to CERC regarding completion of Phase-I & Phase-II audit works against 374/MP/2014 the CERC Order dated Date of Order : 20.02.2014 for the Petition 18.8.2015 146/MP/2015, NLC has sought time up to 31-122014 for completion of Phase-I and up to 31-032015 for completion of Phase-II activities. NLC has been directed to file a confirmation report before CERC regarding completion of protection audit works for Phase-I and Phase-II in compliance with CERC Order dated 18.08.2015 against the Petition 374/MP/2014. 146/MP/2013 01.05.2014 01.09.2014 Date of Order : 20.02.2014 NLC informed that their Phase-I works had been completed before 31.12.2014. And their pending Phase-II works (2 no.) had also been completed by the third week of February, 2016. (Ref: PCSC-51 held on 25.02.2016) As per the status furnished to SRPC, out of the total 9 recommendations given covering KAPS and MAPS, two no. of recommendations pertaining to MAPS are yet to be complied with. 9.10.2 It was noted that the time extensions given to various constituents have been completed. Concerned entities were requested to take action needs to be taken for obtaining further time extension mentioning the measures taken to implement their respective Protection Audit Recommendations (PAR). 9.10.3 In accordance with MoP order dated 16.07.2014, M/s Tractable Engineering has been appointed as the Consultant to conduct the study/ analysis of National Grid. It was noted that Protection audit – check of 15 stations under Task-I had been completed. After completion of protection audit-check of the Stations under Task-2, the Consultant would evolve (i) the procedures and systems to carry out the relay settings, (ii) the procedures / formats for reporting that the relay settings have been carried out as per the laid procedures. They would also suggest the regulatory framework to ensure that relay settings had been carried out as per the laid procedures and actions required to be taken in case of non-adherence to these procedures. The Consultant would also impart training in this regard at each RPC for the benefit of the Constituents. 10 SCADA & COMMUNICATION ISSUES 10.1 It was noted that SCADA & Communications issues were being discussed in OCC Meeting on Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 50 monthly basis and also in Special Meetings. 10.2 th In the 117 OCC Meeting, SRLDC had invited attention of the forum that CERC had brought out Order on Suo-moto Petition 007/SM/2014 dated 29.01.2016 regarding SCADA. Hon’ble CERC had stated that NLDC and respective RLDC are directed to update the status of telemetry every month at their website and persistent non availability of data from the generating stations/substations be taken up in RPC meeting for appropriate direction and action. NLDC is also directed to submit user wise latest telemetry by 31.08.2016. SRLDC had informed that they have started posting this information from February 2016 on their website. 10.3 A Special review meeting was conducted on 17.05.2016 at SRPC and the minutes of the Meeting are at SRPC website. 10.4 In the Meeting the following points were reviewed: With respect to Kaiga GS data, it was noted that the data was being routed through Narendra DCPC and second channel for the same needs to be provided at Narendra DCPC. SR II, PGCIL informed that fiber connectivity had been established. The issue would be resolved within 15 days. PGCIL had informed that redundant channel for Bhadravathi would be arranged within one month through the splitter arrangement and would be attended on 18.05.2016. OF cable was made available for this arrangement. Regarding Talcher redundant channel, PGCIL had informed that two ports were available at Talcher, one port is reporting to ER and from the other port SR is receiving data. SR II had suggested that ICCP can be established. Earlier issue was with respect to ICCP was that of time delays. SRLDC had pointed that ICCP data was not getting updated during most of the occasions since the path was through Talcher - ERLDC- NLDC- SRLDC and there would be some time delays. It was noted that NTPC was to procure RTU to be commissioned at Talcher and PGCIL would make connectivity to SRLDC. NTPC was requested to expedite the RTU procurement. NTPC informed that budget approval for RTU procurement was awaited and the approval is expected within a week. PO would be placed immediately after approval and expected to be ready by July 2016. nd PGCIL had informed that Ramagundam 2 data channel would be rectified within a week. One official is available at site to resolve the issue. Data card problem was noticed. N’sgar main data is established through FO and standby data channel through PLCC which is working fine. PLCC would be shifted to FO the issues would be resolved by 18.06.2016. It was noted that NTPL second channel had been established. SRLDC had pointed out that Kozhikode RTU was intermittently hanging and joint study by PGCIL and SRLDC was suggested. SRLDC also pointed out that there was no alternate path for Kozhikode data. SR II had informed that OF cable works had been completed and the terminal equipment was to be installed. Alternate communication path/channel would be resolved by June 2016. PGCIL had informed that gateway issue to be resolved in touch with M/s ALSTOM. NTECL had informed that OF cable termination at NTECL had been carried out, testing was to be carried out. PGCIL informed that communication would be made through within a week. It was suggested that PGCIL SR I and SR II would submit statement of analog discrepancies noted & transducers to be changed within a week to SRLDC/SRPC. SR II had informed that there was some isolator configuration issues would be resolved within 10 days. SRLDC had pointed out that 400 kV Kudgi - Narendra line breaker status was not coming to SRLDC. SR II was requested to take up the issue. NTPC, Ramagundam had informed that telemetry works like tap status etc would be completed Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 51 within one week. NTPC also informed that the issue of non updation of MW flow beyond +/- 600 MW on Ramagundam - Chandrapur lines had been already taken-up and would be resolved by Sept’16. PO had been placed for replacement of transducers. 10.5 AGM, SRLDC informed that the SEM vs SCADA data validation had been carried out for TN and report had been submitted. It was observed that except Andhra Pradesh the variation between SEM and SCADA is in permissible limits (2-3 %). 10.6 th SE (O), SRPC recalled that in the 119 OCC Meeting MS, SRPC had suggested that w.r.t AP the committee can be revived and validation could be carried out once again. 10.7 SRLDC informed that a committee had met on AP SCADA reconciliation and the minutes of the meeting will be shared with SRPC. 10.8 DE, APTRANSCO informed that procurement of 20 RTUs was going on and would be installed by next week. 10.9 AGM, SRLDC emphasized the need for alternate path between Somanahalli and SRLDC and requested PGCIL to ensure the redundant alternate path considering the recent SCADA blackout for long duration due to fiber cut between Somanahalli & SRLDC. SRLDC requested SRPC to take up the requirement with Senior Management of PGCIL and flag the issue to TCC / SRPC. SRLDC vide letter dated 16.06.2016 (Annexure-10A) has taken up the issue with POWERGRID SR- II in this regard. 10.10 DGM, SR II informed that some section of OFC network on KPTCL network was stuck-up and once these sections are completed, redundant channels would be available. 10.11 SRPC requested PGCIL to submit the correspondence with KPTCL and the matter would be taken up appropriately. SRPC vide letter dated 13.06.2016 (Annexure-10B) had taken up the issue of OPGW stringing works in Karnataka enclosing SR II, PGCIL letter dated 09.06.2016. It was intimated by PGCIL that out of 5,600 kMs of OPGW stringing works in SR hardly about 44 kms length is left to be completed on the below mentioned KPTCL lines: a. Hoody- LILO point of Hoody-Nelamangala b. Hoody-HSR c. Hoody-HAL d. NRS-Peenya-Hebbal e. Hassan-Shantigrama. It is requested to that in the interest of better communication availability for system operation, necessary instructions may kindly be arranged to be issued by KPTCL for resuming OPGW stringing works on the KPTCL lines urgently. 10.12 SRLDC expressed concern that they were not able to know whether back up ICCP link is available or not. M/s ALSTOM needed to show the healthiness of back up ICCP link in the absence of main ICCP. SR II assured that ICCP link healthiness would be checked in 10-15 days. 10.13 SRLDC informed that for AP, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu renewable data available at SLDCs has been extended to SRLDC. Constituents were requested to integrate the pending data pertaining to Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 52 renewable at SLDC and extend the same to SRLDC. 10.14 All the constituents were requested to provide a report on monthly basis containing information regarding non-availability in a prolonged manner /intermittent availability of SCADA points (both Analog and Digital) to SLDCs which is to be reported to CERC monthly. SRLDC was requested to prepare a common reporting format and circulate within a week to bring uniformity in reporting. It was decided that a format with guidelines would be circulated by SRLDC in which SLDCs can give their feedback. SRLDC agreed for the same. 10.15 SR II PGCIL vide letter dated 02.06.2016 (Annexure-10C) had enclosed the monthly real time data availability report of POWERGRID, SR-II sub-stations at SRLDC for the month of May 2016, which was 98.64% and cumulative availability of 2016-17 is 99.12. There was some failure of data between th th 4 & 6 May 2016 due to multiple fiber cuts in the intra-city fiber network of Bangalore and most of the data was made available within very short period except ICCP of AP, TS & TN for which backup links are yet to be established and integrated with backup SRLDC. SRLDC was requested to kindly arrange to report of failure of data immediately upon failure so as to restore in least possible time. In many cases non-availability of data is on account of non-receipt of communication from SRLDC in time. 10.16 Non functioning of hot line voice communication from SEL to SRLDC SRLDC vide letter dated 15.06.2016 (Annexure-10D) had communicated to SEL that the hot line voice communication from SEL to SRLDC was not in working condition since nine months. The same was taken up frequently with SEL through email and over telephone also. However, it was observed that the problem was still persisting and yet to be attended. It was noted that hot line voice communication is a vital part of System Operation requirement and is critical during emergency situations. It was therefore requested to normalize the hot line voice communication on priority basis and also ensure its sustained availability at all times to facilitate smooth and secure real time grid operation as per IEGC 2010. 10.17 Compiled Telemetry status – Utility wise- as directed by Hon’ble Commission Hon’ble Commission vide order dated 19.12.2013 on Suo-moto petition No. 56/SM/2013 had directed all the utilities to provide the required telemetry within six months of this order. It was requested that MAPS, KGS & KKNPP may please furnish the compliance status of pending SCADA inputs the earliest. Details in this regard were available on SRLDC web site. KKNPP representative had informed that out of 13 pending points only 2 points are pending w.r.t GT tap position. Re -tendering is going on and it will take 5 more months to complete the works. 10.18 In the special meeting held on 19.05.2016 with NPCIL/BHAVINI, the flowing were noted wrt OLTC telemetry points: SRLDC had pointed out that other generators in SR (Ramagundam and NLC) were extending the status points of the off-load tap changers with the use of additional arrangement. MAPS and KGS were therefore suggested to get in touch with Ramagundam/NLC and explore the possibility of extending the OLTC points at the earliest. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 53 11 11.1 KGS, MAPS and KKNPP would resolve SCADA reporting issues with SRLDC. PHYSICAL AND CYBER SECURITY/CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN/BLACK PROCEDURE START Physical and Cyber Security Status update on Crisis Management Plan(C&DMP) of Power Sector is to be furnished every quarter. Information regarding Cyber Security was to be furnished to Chief Engineer, DPD, CEA, Sewa Bhavan, and New Delhi-110066. Report on Physical Security, other Mock Drills for CMP, Mock Drill for Black Start Restoration was to be furnished Chief Engineer, DMLF, CEA, Sewa Bhavan, and New Delhi-110066. A copy of the reports was to be sent to SRPC Secretariat ( and Information required by CEA (vide letter dated 26.11.2013) regarding Security of power installations was to be furnished to CEA. 11.2 Black Start Procedure 11.2.1 In earlier OCC Meeting, SRPC/SRLDC had expressed concern that black start mock test procedure is not being followed properly, mock exercise by point to point method is not carried out by all and schedules are also not being furnished. It was suggested that both SRLDC and SRPC can coordinate and monitor regarding this as a special activity. All the concerned entities were requested st that BSRP Mock test schedule/completed out during 1 half i.e January 2016 to June 2016 and schedule for second half be submitted at the earliest. 11.2.2 SRLDC informed that Black Start Workshop and MVAR capability testing at Kakatiya TPS would be conducted on 14.06.2016. 11.2.3 SRLDC informed that they were planning BSRP mock exercise at Gajuwaka in June 2016 and at Bhadrawati in July 2016. 11.2.4 Planning of Black Start Mock drill of Nuclear Power Plants In the special meeting held on 19.05.2016, it was agreed that the Black Start Restoration Procedure Mock Exercise for Nuclear Power Plants would be co-ordinated on the days of Bus Shutdown / maintenance program. The station will take care of necessary resources required for such Mock Exercise and co-ordinate effectively. In this regard, it was agreed to have a plant level meeting with SRLDC and develop an internal procedure for detailing sequence of operations required at plant level in a similar manner as done for NTPC, Ramagundam etc. 11.3 Priority for Railways/Metros in the matter of Restoration of Supply 11.3.1 The following were noted earlier: KPTCL: to expedite on the actionable points of KPTCL/BMRCL which were finalized in the Special Meeting. KSEBL: SRLDC had requested KSEBL to share the information regarding black start procedure and other arrangements viz. Hotline etc. TANTRANSCO/Southern Railway: The follow up of actionable points finalized in the special meeting in respect of Chennai Metro may be expedited by like redundancy at 220 KV level and commissioning of one more substation etc. TSTRANSCO: was requested to take proactive action in respect of Hyderabad Metro. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 54 11.3.2 Kochi Metro –Power Supply Procedure KSEBL vide letter dated 06.06.2016 (Annexure-11A) had furnished the Operating Procedure for extending supply of power to Kochi-METRO. Kochi METRO was yet to start full scale trial operation. 11.3.3 Grading of protection in 110 kV Railway traction feeders in KSEBL Chief Electrical Distribution Engineer, Southern Railway vide letter dated 20.04.2016 (Annexure11B ) had requested KSEBL to advise all concerned, that 110 kV Railway feeder protection relays at KSEB SS be set with required gradation, a minimum setting of 400 A, 1.0 s is required, such that artificial constraints are not imposed on train operation in the region, causing avoidable inconvenience to travelling public and safety hazard. On 12.04.2016 there was a case of 110kV supply failure at Shoranpur Traction Substation at 17:40 hrs on 12.04.2016 and was restarted only at 09:00 hrs on 13.04.2016, after more than 15 hrs of interruption. During this period, Kanjikode supply had to be extended over the feeding zone of Shornur Traction Substation to maintain train services. Though the total load on Kanjikode Traction Substation was much less than the sum total of the Contracted Maximum Demands of Shornur and Kanjikode traction Substations, the transformer at Kanjikode Substation tripped on overload paralyzing the train service in the section, due to the restricted relay settings adopted which could have been avoided. Similar constraints are available at Chalakkudi, Ernakulam, Chingavanam, Punnapra and Kazhakuttam traction substations also. The present settings adopted in KSEB SSs for Railway feeder are ranging from a minimum of 150 A to maximum of 600A and time setting varies from 0.15 s to 5.5s. It is pertinent to mention here that in the neighboring substations of TNEB the settings adopted for Railway feeder is 600A, 3 s. It was noted that Railway Traction system is designed such that in the event of failure of supply at one substation, it does not stall the train operation. To accomplish this objective every traction substation is equipped with 21.6/30.24 MVA (ONAN/ONAF) transformers, which are capable of safety taking 100% overload for 5 minutes, even for traction substations with lesser Contracted Demand of 5.0 MVA. Now state of the art numeric type protection relays are provided at Railway Traction Substations to exploit the short time overload capacity of the traction transformers during such eventualities. In the meeting, KSEBL was requested to look into the issues raised by Southern Railway. Subsequently, KSEB vide letter dated 15.6.2016 (Annexure-11C ) had communicated the following: Railways are drawing single phase power through two phases of utility network. This is causing unbalance in the network. When the 110 kV network and the upstream 220 kV network are weak, the impact of this unbalance will be significant. Hence the proposal of railways to draw the entire power of one traction substation from the next station may not be practical. When the power allocation is issued these aspects are also considered. Unbalanced loading by railways have profound impact on the loading capability of the transmission line and the 220 kV transformers. The relay settings are provided in consideration of all techno-commercial issues. Railways had taken up the matter with KSEBL separately and are under consideration of the Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 55 Transmission and System operation wing. 11.3.4 Emergency Preparedness for restoration of Remotely Controlled Sub Stations The following were noted in earlier meetings: PGCIL had informed that factually there was no unmanned substation under SR I and SR II PGCIL. Sufficient man power has been made available at all substations. SRPC had suggested that a mock test can be carried out at one randomly selected substation, each of SR I and SR II. SRLDC had suggested that the exercise can be carried out during night period and requested that coordinators information should be furnished in advance. It was suggested that RTAMC being a coordinating agency for PGCIL substations can be called during the mock exercises at any time. 12 RGMO 12.1 RGMO response had been deliberated in various Special/OCC/TCC/SRPC meetings. Inadequate response was an area of serious concern and there was no noticeable improvement. 12.2 MS, SRPC stated that the recommendations finalized in the special RGMO/MVAR interchange meeting should be complied by all the utilities. 12.3 In earlier OCC Meetings, the following had been noted: 12.4 In case RGMO is taken out of service for any reason, generating station must intimate SRLDC with the reasons. SRLDC/SRPC had pointed out that all SLDCs were to ensure that all the new units have RGMO, communication links, Main & Standby data channel and SCADA facility in place before declaration of COD. SRLDC had expressed concern regarding the RGMO response of the generators in the region which was in the range of only about 20-40 % of the expected relief of the capacity on bars. SLDCs were requested to analyze the RGMO instances posted by SRLDC for the generators in their control area and take up action as per 84/MP/2015. Inadequate Response to be taken up with SERC (Petition No.302/MP/2013). Action on recommendations finalized in the Special Meetings needed to be taken by generators/states. All generators were kindly requested to take all steps to ensure intended RGMO/FGMO response. As per the order in RGMO Petition No. 302/MP/2013, the units (including state embedded) shall not be scheduled beyond their ex-bus generation corresponding to 100% of their installed capacity. RGMO implementation/ Extension of RGMO status point to SLDC The following had been noted in earlier meetings wrt status point extension: APTRANSCO: Upper Sileru (Cable problems) & Machkund (RTU problem) stations. TSTRANSCO: Status of Hydro units. TANTRANSCO: MTPS- I & II and Hydro stations. KPCL: All the status point (except Raichur Unit IV) had been extended to SLDC and these points can be extended to SRLDC also. Status points of all hydro units like Almathy, Kadra & Gerusoppa HEPs to SLDC had been made available but yet to be configured to SLDC. Regarding NPH Unit 6 in order to extend the status signal of RGMO (On/Off condition) to RTU Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 56 panel of SLDC, Ethernet-RJ45 communication port is available. KPTCL SLDC was requested by KPCL that the concerned may kindly be informed to connect the same to KPTCL/RTU panel for extending the information to SLDC/KPTCL. 12.5 The following was noted in the Meeting: AP confirmed that RGMO had been implemented in Hinduja Unit-I as per the settings envisaged in IEGC. However status points were to be mapped to SLDC. AP, SLDC was requested to extend the RGMO status to SRLDC, SCADA. AP confirmed that Krishnapatanam RGMO Status has been mapped at SLDC on 28.05.16. UPCL informed that the RGMO status was extended to SLDC, KPTCL. SLDC was requested to confirm the same to SRLDC. SRLDC vide letters 02.05.2016 addressed to TPCIL & CEPL had raised the issues pertaining to the RGMO performance and requested to review the RGMO logic and implement the same in line with IEGC. TPCIL vide e-mail had informed that the logic review was taken up with the OEM and will revert back as early as possible. CEPL vide E-mail dated (Annexure-12A) has furnished the following: 2.5% load variation (+15MW to -15MW) was implemented in RGMO logic circuit to maintain the stability in CCS till 09-05-2016. From 09-05-2016 onwards, 5 % load variation (+30 MW to -30 MW) is implemented as per IEGC regulations. CEPL was requested to take-up with OEM as the logic details furnished by them were not clear (not as per IEGC requirement) and the performance analysis shows that the performance is not meeting the IEGC requirement. 12.5.1 SRLDC presented the RGMO performance for the incident on 18.05.2016 when frequency rose from 50.00 Hz to 50.45 Hz at 17:31 hrs due to load crash of 3700 MW in NR. (The presentation of RGMO/FGMO response is at Annexure-12B). The highlights are as follows: Thermal Units response Andhra Pradesh: Rayalseema Unit - 2 given partial response other units responded. Vijaywada TPS Unit -2 & 4 response is poor. Other units’ response was good & overall VTPS response is 30 MW in the first minute. nd SDSTPS Unit-1 response was good around 27 MW, but not sustained till 2 minute. SDSTPS Unit -2 out. VTPS Unit-7 only 4 MW reduction-Less response Telangana: KTPS Unit – 9 &10 partial response (above 60%) KTPS Unit -11 response was good (140%) – 25MW KTPP Unit -1& 2 good response (>100%) - >20 MW Karnataka: Raichur , BTPS , UPCL & JSWEL SCDA data problem & analysis not submitted by SLDC Tamil Nadu: Mettur TPS except Unit-1 showed reverse response & other units responded good. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 57 NCTPS Unit-3 showed good response whereas Unit 1 & 2 response was poor. TTPS all units response observed to be poor. Mettur Stage III Unit-1 SCADA problem, Analysis not submitted by SLDC NCTPS Stage II Unit -1& 2 responses was good around 23MW. CGS: NLC Stage II: all units partially responded. NLC-I Exp units responded partially. NLC- II Exp units were under shutdown Ramagundam Units - 6 & 7 good response Unit-5 partial response & Unit 4 very less response. Simhadri all units given very good response(Total 76 MW change) Vallur Unit 1 & 2 Responded, U#3 Out.-U#2 response non sustainable. Talcher Stage II Unit – 3 & 6 -No response, Unit-4 – 60% response. Unit 5-28% response IPPs: Coastal Energen Unit – 1 & 2 non-sustainable response as shown in the graphs. ILFS Unit-1 partial (57%) response. TPCIL Unit -1 just 3 MW change & Unit 2 no response (may be non-sustainable response)Data not submitted HNPCL Unit-1 was under shutdown SRLDC suggested that RGMO/FGMO status & response for state generators should be monitored by 12.6 State LDC. In case of non-response/disabling/taking out of the feature, the respective generators may kindly be advised by SLDCs to take appropriate action in this regard. 13 TRANSMISSION NETWORK ISSUES AND SYSTEM OPERATION ISSUES 13.1 High loading on 400 kV Nellore PS- Nellore DC line/ Separate control area for Nellore PS complex 13.1.1 In the earlier Meetings, SRLDC informed that the issue of separate control area was being reviewed by NLDC. No further communication from CTU was received. th th th th 13.1.2 The issue had been deliberated in the 28 TCC/29 SRPC Meeting held on 4 and 5 March 2016. NLDC had observed that a number of operational issues could be resolved by declaring separate bid area and it was an easily implementable solution. With separate bid area, NLDC/SRLDC could optimize the evacuation with the available network. They would inform Hon’ble CERC regarding formation of separate bid area. Power Exchange would also be apprised accordingly. CTU was suggested to examine other options like reconfiguration of some lines, shifting of one or two lines etc. for enabling higher evacuation from the complex. It was noted that NCC Unit I was scheduled to be commissioned by May 2016 and hence process of formation of separate bid area needed to be completed at the earliest. th 13.1.3 In the 118 OCC Meeting, SRLDC had informed that NLDC had called a Meeting with the Power Exchanges in this regard. SRLDC had suggested that they would carry out mock computations to th identify the export limits from the complex. In the 119 OCC Meeting, SRLDC informed that there is no further updated in this regard. 13.1.4 In the Meeting, on a query from SGPL, Nellore, SRLDC clarified that the limitation / constraint of Nellore-NPS Complex will be taken into account and necessary curtailment as per on bar capacity of generating units / availability of lines will be made in line with the existing regulations. In the present Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 58 network condition / ATS availability, the maximum limit of the Nellore complex at normal network condition wouldl be around 2100MW. 13.2 Overloading of the Transmission lines It was noted that line loading on 400 kV Gooty – Nelamangala D/C lines were going very high failing to satisfy N-1 criteria. KAR SLDC was requested to take appropriate corrective action. The following actions were suggested: 13.3 Increasing dispatch at downstream generating stations(UPCL, Varahi and Sharavathi complex) Load Management in Bangalore and Mysore area. Loadability of ICTs and associated protection settings to prevent cascaded tripping of ICTs 13.1.1 Insufficient action in controlling the loading of ICTs leads to N-1 criteria violation in compliance of Regulation 3.1 f(8) of CEA(Grid Standards) Regulations 2010 and Regulation 3.5 a(i) of CERC Indian Electricity Grid Code Regulations 2010. 13.1.2 In the Meeting, it was noted that there N-1 violation of Arasur, Vemagiri, Somanahalli, Madurai, Mysore and Ramagundam ICTs. 13.1.3 SR II, PGCIL vide E-Mail dated 07.06.2016 (Annexure-13A) had informed that he SPS scheme for averting Over load tripping of ICTs at Arasur has been completed on 06.06.16 as per the logic deliberated in the PCC meeting. SPS had been implemented in ICT - 01 on 30.05.2016 & in ICT - 02 on 06.06.2016 as per the recommended settings and logics. The scheme and logics had been tested successfully. A link has been provided to keep the protection in and out of service. Now the SPS is kept in service for ICT - 01 and ICT - 02 at Arasur SS. 13.1.4 Subsequently TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 17.06.2016(Annexure-13B) had furnished the SPS scheme and logics implemented for Arasur ICTs. rd 13.1.5 It was noted that even with the commissioning of 3 ICT at Arasur, 220 kV N/w would get overloaded and TANTRANSCO was requested to do proper load management whenever ICTs were overloaded. 13.1.6 DE, APTRANSCO informed that Gajuwaka ICT was getting loading upto 280-290 MVA and Kalpakka loading was around 220 MVA. AP SLDC was suggested to shift some of the loads to Kalpakka S from Gajuwaka SS. th 13.1.7 EE, KPTCL informed that Hoody ICT-2 (R Ph) had failed on 28 May 2016 and they were planning to shift a ICT from Nelamangala/Somanahally. He informed that they were controlling the ICT over loadings by doing load management. 13.1.8 SRLDC requested all the constituents that whenever real time messages were issued to control over ICT loadings, constituents should be committed to take necessary steps/load shedding to curtail the overloading. SRLDC requested for urgent action to alleviate the loading of 400/220 kV ICTs. A long term solution of augmentation/load reconfiguration needed to be considered / implemented in view of grid security. Action Plan of constituents to restrict the loading to permissible limit may kindly be furnished to SRLDC and immediate action needs to be initiated. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 59 13.2 Prolonged Outages 13.2.1 Status review of prolonged outage of grid elements in SR & Realistic Action plan for revival of the prolonged outage was awaited from some of the constituents. Monthly reports are required to be submitted to CERC. 13.2.2 The following is noted in the Meeting: RSTPS ICT- II is expected within one month N’sagar – Cuddaupah FSC expected by 19.06.16 NLC II Exp U -2 expected by 14.06.16 Chittor ICT1 : Board approval is pending 13.2.3 TPCIL vide letter dated 21.06.2016 (Annexure-13C) had communicated that TPCIL Unit-II had come into service on 18.05.2016. 13.2.4 All constituents were requested to convey the schedule of revival for the elements under prolonged outage to Hon’ble CERC in this regard. (CERC Order on petition no 146/MP/2013). 13.3 Closing of 220 kV Upper Sileru- Balimela line th Upper Sileru - Balimela line had been idle charged from 8 January 2015 from Upper Sileru end. 13.4 Status of Kudgi ICT 13.4.1 NTPC informed that ICT at Kudgi SS, NTPC would be commissioned by July 2016. 13.5 Upcoming Generating Stations 13.5.1 Central Sector Station Unit IC in MW Schedule NTPC Kudgi TPS Stage-I I,I, III 3x800= 2400 Unit-I :Syn. by Jul’16 & CoD by Mar’2017 Unit-II : Syn. by Mar’17 & CoD by Sep’17 Unit-III : Syn. by Jun’17 & CoD by Dec’17 NPCIL KKNPP Stage-I II 1000 Unit-II: Synchronization by July’16 . FL by October 2016 BHAVINI Kalpakkam (PFBR) I 500 Synchronization by March-2017 Remarks 13.5.2 State Sector/IPPs Station Location Owner IC in MW SCH/Remarks Rayalaseema TPS ST-IV Meenakshi PH-II AP State 600 COD by Dec 2016 AP IPP 700 IPP 1320 2016-17 Untied : 640 MW 2015-16 AP : 300 MW Unit-III : 2016-17 East Coast AP Energy Thermal Powertech AP IPP AP Unit-III 1320 IPP 660 Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 60 SGPL, Krishnapattnam AP LANCO AP Kondappalli(Stage I& II) GMR Rajahmundry AP IPP Energy Limited Stage II (GREL) Hinduja NPCL, AP Vizag Bellary TPS U-3 KAR IPP 1320 MPP 2x317 2x384 IPP Unit I: COD by 2016-17 Unit II: Synchronization 2016-17 AP: 500 MW (Firmed up PPA to be signed) Unit 3A: Achieved full load on 07.08.2015 Unit 3B: Achieved full load on 05.09.2015 U1: Achieved Full Load on 12.09.2015 1040 COD of Unit 1: 11.01.2016. st Unit II : 1 Synchronized on 31.03.2016 State 700 Achieved full load on 01.03.2016. COD by June 2016 Yeramarus TPS KAR State 1600 Unit-I: FL achieved on 29.03.2016. Unit II: COD by June 2016. IL & FS Unit-II TN IPP 600 First Synchronized on 13.04.2016. COD from 30.04.2016 Kakatiya TPP TS State 600 COD on 24.03.2016. Confirmation was yet St-II to be received from Commercial wing. Singareni TS IPP 1200 Unit I: CoD by June 2016. Unit II: CoD by August 2016. 13.5.3 SRLDC pointed out those new ISTS connected units should come out with detailed metering scheme for various units commissioning schedule at least one year prior to synchronization. The scheme needed to be discussed and finalized in the Meeting of Commercial Sub Committee. 13.6 Non operation of Auto reclosure 13.6.1 A/R feature for 220 kV inter regional lines Chikkodi-Mudshingi/Talangde & Ambewadi-Ponda lines. In the meeting, KPTCL informed that A/R feature for Chikkodi- Mudshingi/Talangde lines would be enabled in the next week. For Ambewadi – Ponda line, A/R can be enabled after R&M works. In the special meeting with KPTCL held on 17.06.2016 the following was noted: A/R feature for Chikkodi –Talagande line had been commissioned. A/R on Chikkodi Mudshingi would be commissioned within two to three days. Regarding Ambewadi - Ponda, R&M works were going on for this line and A/R would be covered in R&M works. In the Meeting, KPTCL informed that there were some contractor issues and the works were being assigned to M/s Alstom and it may take some time. Regarding Kaiga - Guttur, KPTCL was ready to enable the A/R at Guttur end and once Kaiga agrees, they would enable the A/R. Regarding lines from Nagjhari, KPTCL would enable the A/R once KPCL is ready. KPCL had earlier informed that they would be ready by July 2016. 13.6.2 400 kV KKNPP – Madurai line The following was noted in the Special Meeting held on 19.05.2016: The concern of KKNPP on shunt reactor /PIR would be taken up with PGCIL. Subsequently, the A/R implementation would be reviewed. The status update on KKNPP-Tuticorin PS D/C lines would be sought from PGCIL. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 61 13.6.3 All 230kV lines emanating from MAPS In the Special Meeting held on 19.05.2016, MAPS agreed to implement the A/R scheme by June 2016. 13.6.4 All 230kV lines emanating from BHAVINI In the Special Meeting held on 19.05.2016, the following were noted: BHAVINI had informed that the generation had commenced and A/R would be implemented after commissioning of the unit. It was pointed noted that BHAVINI-Siruseri and BHAVINI-Arni lines were being utilized. NPCIL had stated that BHAVINI could consider A/R scheme now and the apprehension of unit tripping could be avoided and other teething issues could also be addressed. BHAVINI had agreed to consider and implement the A/R scheme (could be time differentiated A/R). Necessary approval would be taken from their engineering/corporate. BHAVINI was suggested to implement the A/R scheme by June 2016. 14 LGBR & OUTAGE PLANNING 14.1 Status Review on development of load forecasting tools by SLDCs as per IEGC Clause 5.4.2 14.1.1 The issue was noted for compliance by the states/SLDCs. 14.1.2 The following was noted from the Order dated 19.12.2013 on Petition No. 249/250/251/MP/2012 “We direct all STUs/SLDCs of the Northern Region, Southern Region and Eastern Region to forecast their demand and make adequate arrangements to avoid dependence on Unscheduled Interchange for meeting their demand or for injecting short term surplus power, irrespective of the frequency” 14.1.3 There was need for further involvement of DISCOMs for their 96 block load forecast and by state generators of their 96 block generation forecast. SLDCs needed to play more proactive role in this regard. 14.2 Outage deviation report for the period April 2015-March 2016 in respect of Generating Units/Transmission Elements of Southern Region Outage deviation report for the period April 2015-March 2016 in respect of Generating Units/Transmission Elements of Southern Region had been communicated to Hon’ble CERC. 15 OTHER ISSUES 15.1 Collection of data regarding Power Supply to Rural Areas 15.1.1 CEA vide letter dated 09.04.2014 had informed that in the Meeting held at MoP on 09.04.2014 it had been decided to collect the data invariably from DISCOMs in a simplified format. SRPC vide letter dated 11.04.2014 enclosing CEA letter dated 09.04.2014 had requested that the data in this regard in the requisite format may please be arranged to be communicated to SRPC Secretariat at the following E-mail addresses & 15.1.2 SRPC requested all concerned to kindly ensure that data in respect of previous month is communicated by first week of the month. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 62 15.2 Reporting the Status of implementation of the recommendations of the Enquiry Committee 15.2.1 All RPCs had been requested to update and forward the status of implementation of th st recommendations of the Enquiry Committee on Grid Disturbances on 30 and 31 July 2012 to CEA in the prescribed format on fortnightly basis regularly i.e. the status as on last day of the month to be rd th forwarded by the 3 day of the following month and that as on 15 of the month to be forwarded by th 17 of the month. 15.2.2 SRPC requested all the constituents to kindly update and forward the status in a timely manner. 15.3 Energy Generation data Management from Renewable Energy Sources: SRPC stated that Monthly generation data in respect of Renewable Energy Sources was to be submitted to CEA with a copy to SRPC. 15.4 Data/ Information requirements of SRLDC 15.4.1 SRLDC requested timely reporting of the following Loss of generation due to coal shortage / technical problems needs to be furnished for onward transmission to NLDC by 1000 hrs on a daily basis. Providing split-up of details of Non-Conventional Energy Sources generation for Solar, Biomass, Wind, Bio-gases & Small Hydels in monthly data. Load Forecasting Day wise Block wise Power Supply Position Report: Hourly Load Shedding & Daily L.S in MU to be submitted before 03:00 hrs for previous day for calculating correct shortage. • All constituents were requested to submit the details of new (or LILO if any) 220kV lines commissioned during 2015 in their control area by next OCC meeting. 15.4.2 As discussed in previous OCC Meetings, SRLDC requested all constituents to furnish hourly load shedding details (both scheduled & unscheduled) by next day as the same is required by various agencies. AP & KAR were not submitting the details. Other constituents are submitting data occasionally. 11.4 Wind Generation SRLDC presented the day-wise Wind Generation pattern in Karnataka & Tamil Nadu during the st st period 1 May 2016 to 31 May 2016. Wind generation in Karnataka had varied between 25.637 MU (21.05.2016) to 3.634 MU (16.05.2016). Wind generation in Tamil Nadu had varied between 76.652 MU (23.05.2016) to 2.525 MU (08.05.2016). 11.5 Coal Stock Position As per CEA norms, coal stock position is termed as critical (< 7 days) or super critical (< 4 days) of coal stock. It was noted that all the thermal stations in Southern Region have more than 7 days stock as on 10.06.2016. Generators were requested to take steps to maintain the coal stock position. 16 Commercial Issues raised by SRLDC Copy of presentation of Commercial Issues raised by SRLDC is at Annexure-16A. 17 VOTE OF THANKS MS, SRPC thanked the participants for their active participation in the Meeting. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 63 18 DATE & VENUE OF THE NEXT MEETING The schedule for the next OCC Meeting is as follows: st Meeting : : 121 OCC of SRPC Date : 12.07.2016 (Tuesday) Time : 10:00 Hours Venue : SRPC, Bangalore. Minutes of the 120th OCC Meeting of SRPC held on 10th June 2016 64