DRILLING PRODUCTS & SERVICES B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; CONTENTS INTRODUCTION About Grant Prideco Drilling Products & Services ........................................................iv About NOV Grant Prideco ..........................................................................V Vision and Values, Ethics ...........................................................................................v Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHS&E) .......................................................vi API Certifications ISO Certifications Inspection Procedures and Traceability .....................................................................vii Locations ..............................................................................................................viii Disclaimer and Trademarks ........................................................................................x DRILL PIPE Drill Pipe Design and Manufacturing ....................................................................... 1-2 Grant Prideco Proprietary Drill Pipe Grades ..............................................................1-9 Grant Prideco High-Strength Grades Grant Prideco Sour Service Grades Grant Prideco eXtreme® Reach (XR™) Drill Pipe ....................................................... 1-12 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS Rotary-Shouldered Connection Selection Guide ........................................................2-2 TurboTorque™ (TT™) and TurboTorque-M™ (TT-M™) Connections .................................2-5 eXtreme® Torque (XT®) and eXtreme® Torque-M™ (XT-M™) Connections ..................... 2-14 Grant Prideco Double Shoulder™ (GPDS™) Connections ............................................ 2-19 HI-TORQUE® (HT™) Connections .............................................................................. 2-21 Drill Collar (DC™) Connections ............................................................................... 2-24 SST® and SRT® Connections ................................................................................... 2-27 API and Public Domain Connections ....................................................................... 2-28 Grant Prideco Benchmark ..................................................................................... 2-36 Xmark™ Benchmark ............................................................................................. 2-37 Care and Handling of Grant Prideco Drill Pipe ......................................................... 2-38 HARDBANDING Platinum® HB Hardbanding .....................................................................................3-2 SmoothX™ Hardbanding .........................................................................................3-4 SmoothEdge® Tool Joints ........................................................................................3-5 CONTENTS CUSTOM-ENGINEERED PRODUCTS (CEP) CEP Capabilities .....................................................................................................4-1 Slip-Proof® Drill Pipe ..............................................................................................4-3 Landing Strings .................................................................................................... 4-4 Completion Drill Pipe .............................................................................................4-5 Intervention Risers ............................................................................................... 4-6 HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE (HWDP) Standard HWDP .....................................................................................................5-2 Tri-Spiral™ HWDP ...................................................................................................5-4 Spiral-Wate® HWDP ............................................................................................... 5-6 HWDP Features and Options ....................................................................................5-8 HWDP Grades .........................................................................................................5-9 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Slick Drill Collars ....................................................................................................6-1 Spiral Drill Collars ..................................................................................................6-1 Pony Collars ..........................................................................................................6-2 Slip and Elevator Recesses ......................................................................................6-3 Material Grades .................................................................................................... 6-4 Pup Joints .............................................................................................................6-9 Subs ................................................................................................................... 6-10 Rotary Kellys ....................................................................................................... 6-12 Thread Protectors ................................................................................................ 6-13 Lift Subs and Lift Plugs ......................................................................................... 6-13 Features and Options ........................................................................................... 6-14 Care and Maintenance .......................................................................................... 6-16 THEE INTELLISERV® TH INTELL LLISERV® NETWORK Thee In IntelliServ nte telliServv Network Components ....................................................................... .................................................................................. 7-2 Features ............................................................................................7-4 Feat tur u es aand n Benefits nd Ben enefits ........................................... ..................................................................7-4 SERVICE & SUPPORT Technical Support ..................................................................................................8-2 Field Support ........................................................................................................8-3 Internal Plastic Coating ......................................................................................... 8-4 Tool Joint Break-In Services (Make and Break) ......................................................... 8-4 Licensed Repair and Accessory Network ...................................................................8-5 Training and Seminars .......................................................................................... 8-6 www.GrantPrideco.com ABOUTNOV GRANT PRIDECO ABOUT GRANT PRIDECO DRILLING PRODUCTS & SERVICES NG OV Prideco is the& Services world’sis the world’s rant Grant Prideco Drilling Products largest supplier of drill pipe and drill stem accessories. The division manufactures, sells and services a full range of proprietary and American Petroleum Institute (API) drill pipe, drill collars, heavyweight drill pipe, kellys, subs, pup joints and other drill stem accessories. Product quality and performance are optimized by Grant Prideco’s unique vertical integration from mill to market, which helps to mitigate the potentially adverse effects of tight steel mill supplies and the associated rising costs of production and raw materials. Grant Prideco’s IntelliServ® Network, the industry’s first highspeed, real-time drill string telemetry system is a breakthrough technology that transforms the drill string into an advanced information tool to enable instantaneous bi-directional iiv communication from the rig floor to the drill bit. With The IntelliServ Network, engineers and geologists have access to critical information at speeds up to one million bits per second. Commands from the surface or between downhole devices can be sent, received and acted upon in real time to radically improve monitoring and measurement of all vital data during downhole operations. From the top-drive to the bit sub, whether manufacturing products to efficiently drill the simplest well, products for drilling in the harshest environments or that enable the drilling of world record wells, Grant Prideco Drilling Products & Services is the single source for all drill stem needs. Through innovative products, worldwide operations, expert engineering and design resources, sophisticated laboratories and a global repair network, Grant Prideco meets the demands of any tough drilling challenge. ABOUTNOV GRANT ABOUT GRANTPRIDECO PRIDECO DRILLING PRODUCTS & SERVICES Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHS&E) Policy The long-term business success of Grant Prideco depends on the Company’s ability to continuously improve products and services, while protecting its people and the environments in which they work and live. This commitment is in the best interest of our employees and stockholders. GRANT PRIDECO GLOBAL INCIDENT TREND YTD – February 2008 6.4 6 TRIR Reduc tion - 80% LT I R R e d u c t i o n - 9 0 % 5.0 4.2 4 QHS&E is the responsibility of all employees, with the active commit- ment and support of management. Grant Prideco will facilitate this policy through the QHS&E Management System with the following objectives: t"TTVSFDVTUPNFSTBUJTGBDUJPOCZQSPWJEJOHQSPEVDUTBOE services that consistently meet the needs and expectations of our customers 3.5 2.3 2.2 2 2.1 1.9 1.5 1.3 1.4 0.7 0.8 0.8 2004 2005 2006 0.5 0.4 2007 2008 0 2001 2002 2003 TRIR LTIR DRILLING PRODUCTS & SERVICES INCIDENT TREND t1SPUFDUUIFIFBMUIBOETBGFUZPGPVSFNQMPZFFTDVTUPNFSTBOE contractors YTD – February 2008 8.4 t1SPUFDUUIFFOWJSPONFOUBOEDPNNVOJUJFTXIFSFXFXPSLBOE live by pollution prevention, waste minimization, wise use of natural resources and continual improvement t&EVDBUFPVSDVTUPNFSTDPOUSBDUPSTCVTJOFTTQBSUOFSTBOEUIF public on the safe and environmentally responsible use of our products and services t3FDPHOJ[FPVUTUBOEJOH2)4&QFSGPSNBODFCZPVSFNQMPZFFT 8 T R I R R e d u c t i o n - 8 3% LT I R R e d u c t i o n - 8 8 % 6 4.7 4 4.2 4.1 3.1 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.0 2 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.5 0 Grant Prideco is committed to the proactive integration of QHS&E objectives into management systems at all levels. The commitments in this policy are in addition to a basic obligation to comply with Grant Prideco standards, as well as all applicable laws and regulations where the Company operates. Compliance with this pledge is critical in order to reduce risks and add value to Grant Prideco’s products and services. vi 2001 2002 2003 2004 TRIR 2005 2006 2007 2008 LTIR Grant Prideco is committed to safety from the board room to the shop floor. While increasing production over 11% in 2007, Grant Prideco Drilling Products and Services reduced total recordable incidents by 83% and lost time recordable incidents by 85%. ABOUTNOV GRANT PRIDECO ABOUT GRANT PRIDECO DRILLING PRODUCTS & SERVICES API and ISO Certifications Where applicable, all Grant Prideco products meet or exceed the requirements and are manufactured in compliance with the latest edition of the following API standards: t"1*4QFDJöDBUJPO$5 t"1*4QFDJöDBUJPO% t"1*4QFDJöDBUJPO 7-0247 5D-0051 t"1*3FDPNNFOEFE1SBDUJDF( 5CT-0403 In addition, where applicable, all Grant Prideco Drilling Products & Services manufacturing locations comply current omply with the curre requirements of the following: t"1*4QFDJöDBUJPO2 t*404FSJFT Quality, Inspection Procedures and Traceability Quality is the primary objective in every phase of Grant Prideco’s operations. The Quality Program is a dynamic one in which personnel at all levels strive toward customer satisfaction, continuous improvement and elimination of non-conformance. Along with the day-to-day task of ensuring that standards are met, the Company continually refines its own internal standards. Manufacturing engineers are devoted to improving Grant Prideco’s process capabilities through: t /FX JOOPWBUJWF HBVHJOH NFUIPET t 4UBUJTUJDBM QSPDFTT DPOUSPMT t *NQSPWFE TVQQMJFS SFMBUJPOTIJQT BOE RVBMJöDBUJPOT www.GrantPrideco.com t"VUPNBUFENFBTVSFNFOUBOEEBUBBDRVJTJUJPO t$BSFGVMBOBMZTJTPGFBDINBOVGBDUVSJOHQSPDFTT The resulting efficiency and economy mean optimum product performance and cost savings to customers. Additionally, Grant Prideco licenses repair facilities located throughout the world. To ensure that the highest possible performance and quality are maintained, a full-time audit department continuously communicates with licensees and provides support and manufacturing technology. Rigid Inspection Procedures (SBOU1SJEFDP%SJMMJOH1SPEVDUT4FSWJDFTGVMMZJOTQFDUT of its products at each critical phase of the procurement and manufacturing process. Internal specifications that meet or exceed applicable API standards assure compliance of all products. All inspection results are recorded, maintained and made available for customer review. Traceability All product material and process traceability are maintained from receipt of mill-certified raw material to completion of manufacturing. Products are assigned serial numbers, and inspection and traceability records are made available for customer review. vii LOCATIONS NOV Grant Prideco Grant Prideco, Inc /4BN)PVTUPO1BSLXBZ& 4VJUF )PVTUPO5FYBT U.S.A. PHONE: 281-878-8 0 0 0 TOLL FREE: 8 6 6-472- 6 8 61 Sales Offices U. S . A . NOV Prideco GrantGrant Prideco Drilling DrillingProducts Products&&Services Services, and 400 Sam Houston Parkway E. The N. IntelliServ® Network Suite 900 -BLF3PCCJOT%SJWF Houston, 4VJUFTX 77060 U.S.A. 5IF8PPEMBOET5FYBT Phone: 281-878-8000 10#PY Fax: 281-878-5736 5IF8PPEMBOET5FYBT Toll Free: 866-472-6861 1IPOF 'BY 5PMM'SFF C AN ADA Grant Prideco Canada 4VO-JGF1MB[Bo8FTU5PXFS UI"WFOVF48 $BMHBSZ"MCFSUB51/ 1IPOF 'BY 5PMM'SFF CHINA Grant Prideco (Jiangsu) Drilling 1SPEVDUT$PNQBOZ-UE /P9JCBIF4PVUI3PBE3PPN Golden Tower Chaoyang District #FJKJOH 13$IJOB 1IPOF 'BY E-mail: Jingman.Zhao@ GrantPrideco.com E U R O P E A N D A FR I C A Grant Prideco Suite C 4U4XJUIJO3PX Aberdeen, Scotland "#%1IPOF 'BY Email: Andy.Devlin@GrantPrideco.com viii FAR E A S T, A S I A- PAC IFI C , INDIA (SBOU1SJEFDP4JOHBQPSF-UE SJEFDP 4JOHBQPSF -UE /P5VBT"WFOVF 5VBT "WFOVF 4JOHBQPSF PSF 1IPOF 'BY E-mail: Guillaume.Plessis@ GrantPrideco.com ideco.com M E X I COO Grant Prideco rideco de Mexico, SA de CV .BSJBOP&TDPCFEP P &TDPCFEP Col. Anzures zures .ÏYJDP%' %' 1IPOF 'BY &NBJM&NJMJP-BO[BHPSUB! &NJMJP-BO[BHPSUB! GrantPrideco.com ideco.com M I D D LE E A S T Grant Prideco rideco Dubai Airport irport Free Zone &BTU8JOHUI'MPPS0GGJDF& OH UI 'MPPS 0GGJDF & Dubai United Arab Emirates 1IPOF 'BY &NBJM+#:PV!(SBOU1SJEFDPDPN +# :P !(SBOU1SJEFDP DPN R US S I A , FS U Grant Prideco .PTDPX3VTTJB #PMTIBZB0SEZOLB #VJMEJOHTFDPOEGMPPS 4 1IPOF 4 'BY Email: Valentin.Abashin@ GrantPrideco.com 4 Manufacturing Facilities U. S . A . (SBOU1SJEFDP-1 (SBOU 1SJEFDP -1 '..JMMFS*OEVTUSJBM1BSL '. .JMMFS *OEVTUSJBM 1BSL 10#PY 10 #PY /BWBTPUB5FYBT /BWBTPUB 5FYBT 1IPOF 1IPOF 'BY 'BY (SBOU1SJEFDP-1 (BSCFS3E "NFMJB-PVJTJBOB 1IPOF 'BY 5PMM'SFF The IntelliServ Network 4PVUI-BSTFO1LXZ 1SPWP6UBI 1IPOF www.IntelliServ.net Email: Sales@IntelliServ.net LOCATIONS M AN U FAC T U R I N G LLOO C AT I O N S S AL ALEE S AN A N D S E R V I C E LLOO C AT I O N S AUS T R I A Voest Alpine Tubulars GmbH. & Co KG Alpinestrasse " Kindberg-Aumuhl Austria 1IPOF 'BY CHINA Grant Prideco (Jiangsu) Drilling 1SPEVDUT 1SPEVDUT$PNQBOZ-UE $PNQBOZ -UE Zhangmu Town, Jiangyan City Jiangsu Province 13$IJOB 1IPOF 'BY Email: Jiahua.Jiang@GrantPrideco. com; jiangjiahua@pub.tz.jsinfo.net Grant Prideco Tianjin +JO5BOH3PBE%POHMJ District Tianjin Tianjin 13$IJOB 1IPOF 'BY www.GrantPrideco.com IIND NDONESIA 15)5FDI0JMGJFME&RVJQNFOU 15 )5FDI 0JMGJFME &RVJQNFOU + )BOH ,FTUVSJ ,. +)BOH,FTUVSJ,. Kabil Industrial Estate #BUBN*TMBOE 1IPOF ITALY $."$"/"7&3"4Q" 3FHJPOF.BMPOF 30$$"$"/"7&4& 5PSJOP*UBMZ 1IPOF 'BY M E X I CO Grant Prideco De Mexico, S.A. de C.V. ,N $BSSFUFSB ,N$BSSFUFSB Mexico-Veracruz Cd. *OEVTUSJBM#SVOP Pagliai Veracruz $1 Mexico 1IPOF 'BY B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; ix DISCLAIMER AND TRADEMARKS Grant Prideco is the world leader in drill stem and drill pipe technology, manufacturing, sales and service; a global leader in drill bit technology and manufacturing, specialized downhole tools and related applications and services; and a leading provider of large-bore, engineered connectors. The Company provides a variety of product and service solutions to onshore and offshore markets worldwide. Find out more about Grant Prideco’s global activities at www.GrantPrideco.com. /:4&(31 Grant Prideco Drilling Products & Services Trademarks $: )¥ IntelliServ® 4VQFS4NPPUI9¥ 9%¥ $:9 )*50326&® *OUFMMJ4FSWFS 5SJ4QJSBM 9-5¥ $9% HT® *OUFMMJ4UBCJMJ[FS 544 9NBSL $9% )8 Platinum®)# 544 93 %$ )8 45 Tuff-Weld® 95¥ F9USFNF¥ *OUFMMJ$PBY Slip-Proof® TuffWeld® 95' F9USFNF¥5PSRVF. *OUFMMJ$PJM SmoothEdge® 5VSCP.65 95. ( *OUFMMJ$PMMBS 4NPPUI9¥ 5VSCP5PSRVF 95.' (1%4 *OUFMMJ)8%1 4/ 55 953")0-&¥ Grant Prideco (full logo) ® *OUFMMJ-JOL Spiral-Wate® 5VSCP5PSRVF. ; Grant Prideco® IntelliPipe® 435¥ 55. Grant Prideco Double 4IPVMEFS *OUFMMJ4BWFS SST® 7 Other Trademarks "#"264JTBUSBEFNBSLPG"#"264*OD API (logo) ® is a trademark of the American Petroleum Institute. DNV (logo) ® is a trademark of Det Norske Veritas. %45+JTBUSBEFNBSLPG5FOBSJT NanoSteel is a trademark of the NanoSteel Company. /4JTBUSBEFNBSLPG'FSOMFZ1SPDUPS Teflon® is a trademark of DuPont. Truscope® is a trademark of Tuboscope. Weco® is a trademark of FMC Technologies. † While every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the tables herein, this material is presented as a reference guide only. The technical information contained herein should not be construed as a recommendation. Grant Prideco cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained through the use of this material. No expressed or implied warranty is intended. x B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; DRILL PIPE DRILL PIPE DRILL PIPE DRILL PIPE DRILL PIPE G rant Prideco provides the industry with the three most important considerations for drill pipe: quality, technology and economy. Manufacturing processes are vertically integrated from raw material to finished product. Pipe is supplied by the Company’s own mill and tool joints are forged in its own facilities. Drilling Products & Services also offers all the features of a fully integrated service company. Beyond full technical and field support for its products, Grant Prideco provides an array of other services, including training and seminars, tool joint break-in prior to delivery and a worldwide repair and accessory manufacturing network. www.GrantPrideco.com 1-1 DRILL PIPE Drill Pipe Design and Manufacturing Design Drill pipe life is extended by creating a design that is inherently fatigue resistant. When drill pipe rotates in a bent condition, alternating tensile and compressive stresses can cause fatigue cracks that may ultimately result in drill pipe “washouts” and failure. Stresses tend to concentrate in areas where geometries change rapidly. The shorter or more irregular the transition, the higher the stress concentration. Alternately, the longer and smoother the transition, the lower the stress. Grant Prideco Weldneck / Upset Design Generic Weldneck / Upset Design Tool Joint ID Tool Joint Counterbored Weldneck Weldneck Weldneck Wall Thickness Tool Joint ID & Weldneck/ Upset Are The Same Weldneck Weldneck Wall Thickness Weld Line Tool Joint Weld Line Upset Upset Internal Upset Taper Angle Internal Upset Taper Internal Upset Taper Angle Internal Upset Taper Pipe Body Pipe Body Wall Thickness Pipe Body The weldneck/upset design incorporates a counterbored weldneck, an extended internal upset length, a shallow internal taper angle and generous radii to produce the optimum stress-reducing geometry. 1-2 Pipe Body Wall Thickness The thick weldneck, required for adequate weld strength and the short internal upset of a standard industry design concentrates stress in the adjacent pipe body. DRILL PIPE Geometry The critical section of a joint of drill pipe is the transition from the pipe body to the tool joint. This section consists of the weld that joins the pipe and tool joint, and the transition from the thin cross-section of the pipe to the thick cross-section of the tool joint. The challenge to the drill pipe designer is to ensure that the weld is stronger than the pipe body and the transition between the pipe body and the tool joint is as seamless as possible. Grant Prideco’s weldneck/upset design was engineered to maximize fatigue resistance in this critical transition. A geometry that minimizes stress concentrations is employed. The assembly is configured to optimize the transition from the cross-section of the pipe to the tool joint. The length of the internal upset is extended, producing a shallow fade-away angle that blends into the pipe body’s inside diameter with a liberal radius. To further improve fatigue resistance, the surface finish of the assembly adjacent to the weld line is improved by grinding on both the inside and outside diameter. HARDENABILITY CURVE TOOL JOINT MATERIAL 60 Hardness (HRC) 55 50 Grant Prideco Tool Joint Material 45 40 SAE/AISI 4137H 35 30 4 8 12 16 24 Tool Joint OD Tool Joint ID Recut Tool Joint Torque Shoulder New Tool Joint Torque Shoulder New Tool Joint Pin Critical Section Recut Tool Joint Pin Critical Section The increased hardenability of Grant Prideco’s proprietary tool joint material provides more consistent mechanical properties through the tool joint sections, such as the critical section at the last engaged thread, especially on recut joints. Proprietary Steel Grant Prideco incorporates specially designed proprietary steel for both the drill pipe tube and the tool joint. Tube and billets are produced by Grant Prideco mills in Austria and China or obtained from qualified suppliers, and thoroughly inspected upon receipt to verify that all material requirements are met. By closely matching the chemistries of the tube and tool joint materials, Grant Prideco ensures good weld compatibility and weld strength. Stringent cleanliness requirements for both materials enhance fracture toughness. The increased hardenability of the materials consistently produces more uniform mechanical properties throughout the entire cross-section, commanding adequate strength in the weld zone and the critical sections of the connection. The result is a more reliable product. For both API drill pipe and high-performance, severe-environment products, Grant Prideco engineers materials that increase product performance and integrity. 32 Distance From Quenched End (1/16 in) The enhanced hardenability of Grant Prideco’s specially engineered tool joint steel produces more uniform microstructure and mechanical properties throughout the entire cross-section in comparison with standard 4137H steel. www.GrantPrideco.com 1-3 DRILL PIPE Grant Prideco Drill Pipe Manufacturing Process Round Cornered Square Preheat Cut into Billets Forge Into Tool Joint Blank Quality Inspection Tool Joint Blank Cut to length Bar or Tubing Austenitizing with Integrated Oil Quench Tempering Furnace Blanking & Boring Quality Inspection Finishing & Threading Quality Inspection 5-step Phosphate Coating Finished Tool Joints Laboratory Inspection Optional Tool Joint Break In Optional Hardbanding Inspection Point Legend 1-4 DRILL PIPE Deburring and Facing Induction Heating Upsetting the Pipe Austenitizing Furnace Green Tube Quality Check Tempering Furnace H2 O External Quench Turn & Bore Pipe Tube Ready to Weld Straightening Full Length Pipe Inspection including End Area Stress Relieve Tool Joint & Tube Joined With Inertia or Friction Welder Machining & Cleaning the Weld Zone ® TUFF WELD PROCESS Weld Zone Inspection r)BSEOFTT r6MUSBTPOJD r8et Magnetic r%JNFOTJPOBM r7JTVBM r%SJGU Tempering by Induction Heating Quenching Internal/External Austenitizing by Induction Heating Completed Drill Pipe www.GrantPrideco.com 1-5 DRILL PIPE Tube Processing Grant Prideco drill pipe is manufactured with state-of-the-art production equipment. Tube ends are forged on modern Ajax upsetters featuring programmable heating systems, which optimize forging efficiency. The computer-controlled pipe handling system operates cleanly and quietly to transfer tubes quickly and without damage. Grant Prideco’s modern austenitizing and tempering furnaces provide a controlled quench-and-temper heat treatment process for tubes. Tensile and impact properties are then verified through rigorous testing. Tube ends are forged on a modern Ajax upsetter. Tool Joint Processing Grant Prideco’s computer-controlled, automated forge line efficiently produces tool joints while reducing risk to employees. Forged tool joints are precision contoured on modern machining centers, then batch heat-treated by a controlled atmosphere quench-and-temper process. API or Grant Prideco proprietary rotary-shouldered connections are threaded onto the tool joint using Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine tools. Computer controlled pipe handling system quickly transfers tube quietly and without damage. 1-6 DRILL PIPE Welding A friction or inertia weld process joins tubes and tool joints. Both processes are highly reliable and cost-effective, and produce consistent and uniform weld zone properties. In terms of weld quality, reliability, strength or metallurgical effects, both processes produce a high-integrity, solid-state weld connection between the tool joint and the drill pipe tube. The principles of both welding processes are based on the rotation of one surface against another at a relatively high speed and under heavy pressure. The friction between the tool joint surface and the tube surface causes the contact to heat up below the melting temperature at which they are forged together, producing the weld. Grant Prideco’s latest MTI400VX weld line system is fully automated and features a computerized process and data system. Robotic handling and laser control position systems provide efficient operation and assure precise alignment between the tool joint and tube. Subsequently, the weld’s heat-affected zone (HAZ) receives the patented Tuff-Weld® process. Tuff-Weld is a post-weld quenched and tempered heat treatment of the heat-affected zone. The weld zone is heated by induction to the specified austenitizing temperature, which is followed by quenching from precisely positioned fluid nozzles. To ensure that complete tempering is obtained, an area wider than the HAZ is reheated to the proper tempering temperature by the induction coil. A full 100% of welds that undergo the Tuff-Weld process are subjected to hardness testing. The benefits of the Tuff-Weld process are shown to the right by comparing the two weld zone photomicrographs. www.GrantPrideco.com This photomicrograph depicts a typical normalized and tempered weld zone. The weld line is clearly evident by the contrasting microstructures of the tool joint and the tube upset. The microstructure of the higher carbon tool joint contains predominantly ferrite and pearlite, while the upset is often pearlite and has lower transitional constituents. This photomicrograph depicts the typical microstructure of a Tuff-Weld® weld zone. The similar microstructures of the tool joint and the tube upset make the weld line difficult to detect. Both display tempered martensitic microstructures. The result is yield strengths and Charpy impact values superior to those of normalized microstructures. The Tuff-Weld process consistently produces stronger, tougher and more uniform weld zone properties. This combination of strength and toughness enhances fatigue resistance, making the Tuff-Weld process the most desired post-weld heat treatment in the industry. More than 50% of the drill pipe in the world is produced using the Tuff-Weld process. 1-7 DRILL PIPE Automatic customized inline lathes simultaneously remove the internal and external ram’s horns. Programmable sanding units provide a surface finish that is free of stress risers. State-of-the-art electromagnetic and ultrasonic inspections ensure that weld inclusions and defects are not present. Completed drill pipe assemblies undergo an intense inspection process including a magnetic particle end area inspection, a full-length Truscope® analysis, high-speed full-body ultrasonic and electromagnetic inspection for longitudinal and transverse defects and minimum wall thickness verification. The MTI400VX weld line system is fully automated and features a computerized process, robotic control and laser positioning system. Induction heating and pressurized fluid quench are used in the patented Tuff-Weld® post-weld heat-treating process. The resulting quenched and tempered microstructure maximizes weld area properties. 1-8 Traceability Drill pipe assemblies are produced by welding pin and box tool joints to an upset and heat-treated drill pipe tube. Material and process traceability are maintained for each of the three components. Mill material certifications for tool joints are confirmed by incoming testing and each tool joint blank is given a unique heat code. This code is traceable through the manufacturing process. A Grant Prideco number is similarly used to provide traceability for the drill pipe tube. The number is die-stamped for permanent identification. DRILL PIPE eXtreme® Drilling V-150™ Grade Drill Pipe V-150 is a proprietary drill pipe grade offered by Grant Prideco for applications that require ultra-high strength material. V-150 In addition to all API grades, Grant Prideco produces drill pipe in incorporates proprietary chemistry and a rigidly controlled several proprietary grades including high-toughness, high-strength quench-and-temper heat treatment. The increased yield strength and sour-service grades designed for the most challenging provides superior torsional and tensile strength and enhanced applications in the most severe environments. internal and collapse pressure integrity. Grant Prideco Proprietary Drill Pipe Grades S-135T™ Enhanced Toughness 135 Grade Drill Pipe S-135T™ drill pipe is a proprietary grade offered by Grant Prideco for applications that require high strength and high toughness. S-135T drill pipe incorporates a proprietary chemistry and a rigidly controlled quenched and tempered heat treatment. The minimum average specified Charpy impact energy is 59 ft-lbs for a 3/4 size specimen at -4ºF, a 48% increase in impact energy over the standard API S-135 grade. The performance behavior resulting from this increase in toughness provides a margin of safety superior to normal high-strength materials. eXtreme® Drilling Z-140™ Grade Drill Pipe Z-140™ is a proprietary drill pipe grade offered by Grant Prideco, which is designed specifically for extreme drilling conditions present in high temperature high pressure (HTHP) environments, extended reach drilling (ERD), deepwater and ultra-deep wells. Through proprietary steel chemistry and a rigidly controlled quench-and-temper process, Z-140 drill pipe provides an exceptional balance between elevated strength and low-temperature high-toughness requirements. Compared to standard API S-135 grade drill pipe, Grant Prideco’s Z-140 drill pipe grade provides a higher minimum yield strength, a smaller window between allowable minimum and maximum yield strength values and increased toughness requirements to perform under the most demanding cyclic loading operations. www.GrantPrideco.com TSS™ Tough Sour Service 95 and 105 Grade Drill Pipe TSS™-95 and TSS™-105 drill pipe are proprietary grades offered by Grant Prideco for service in H2S environments. With a unique chemistry and a specialized quenched and tempered heat treatment, TSS-95 and TSS-105 have optimum fracture toughness, controlled yield strength and restricted hardness. The tubes are NACE Method A tested to a threshold stress of 85% and 70% respectively of the Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS). TSS-95 and TSS-105 have API tool joints and are best suited for environments having lower H2S concentrations. Because its minimum fracture toughness is 100 ft-lbs, TSS-95 drill pipe is ideal for more demanding drilling applications, such as those with high bending loads and corrosive environments. EXAMPLE: 5 IN 19.50 LB S-135 VS. V-150™ S-135 V -150™ % Improvement Torsional Strength (ft-lbs) 74,100 82,300 11 Tensile Strength (lbs) 712,100 791,200 11 The 5 inch 19.50 lb V-150™ drill pipe provides an 11% increase over S-135 in comparison to all standard API S-135 drill pipe in both tensile and torsional strength. 1-9 DRILL PIPE SS Grade Sour Service Drill Pipe SS-95 and SS-105 are sour service drill pipe grades of high yield strength, which meet the requirements of Canada’s IRP specification for service in H2S environments. SS drill pipe features a unique chemical composition and a controlled quench-and-temper heat treatment that produces optimum fracture toughness, controlled yield strength and restricted hardness for both tubes and tool joints. SS tubes are NACE Method A tested to a threshold stress of 85% of the SMYS, and tool joints are NACE Method A tested to a threshold stress of 65% of the SMYS . eXtreme® Drilling XD® Grade Sour Service Drill Pipe XD®-95 and XD®-105 are proprietary sour service drill pipe grades of high yield strength offered by Grant Prideco for service in H2S environments. XD drill pipe features a unique chemical composition and a controlled quench-and-temper heat treatment that produces optimum fracture toughness, controlled yield strength and restricted hardness for both tubes and tool joints. XD tubes are NACE Method A tested to a threshold stress of 70% of the SMYS. XD drill pipe is resistant to sulfide stress cracking and offers optimum resistance to fatigue-induced crack initiation and crack propagation. eXtreme® Drilling CXD™ Grade Sour Service Drill Pipe CXD™-95 and CXD™-105 are identical to XD including material and heat-treat process. For situations requiring quicker delivery, NACE testing is omitted. NACE Method A test apparatus eXtreme® Drilling CYX™ Grade Sour Service Drill Pipe Grant Prideco’s three standard proprietary sour service grades are suitable for most situations. However, customized sour service pipe can be produced to meet specific customer requirements including any combination of tube and tool joint yield strength and NACE testing. The following naming methodology is used for proper identification of CYX. CYX™ 000X-111Y where: tQJQFCPEZNBUFSJBM4.:4 t9/"$&UFTUJOHPGUIFQJQFCPEZ/@ tUPPMKPJOUNBUFSJBM4.:4 t:/"$&UFTUJOHPGUIFUPPMKPJOUT/@ Examples of popular CYX combinations are included in the accompanying grade table. 1-10 DRILL PIPE DRILL PIPE GRADE TABLE† Yield Strength Grade Use Min (psi) Max (psi) Tensile Strength Min (psi) Max (psi) Elongation (%) Hardness Charpy (HRC) Temp (ºF) Size NACE Min Avg Single (ft-lb) (ft-lb) Req'd % SMYS Tool Joint Tube E-75 General purpose 75,000 105,000 100,000 na API na room full 40 35 no na API X-95 General purpose 95,000 125,000 105,000 na API na room full 40 35 no na API G-105 General purpose 105,000 135,000 115,000 na API na room full 40 35 no na API S-135 General purpose 135,000 165,000 145,000 na API na room full 40 35 no na API TSS™-95 Sour service 95,000 110,000 105,000 na API 26 max room full 40 35 yes 85 API TSS™-105 Sour service 105,000 120,000 115,000 na API 30 max room full 40 35 yes 85 API XD®-95 Sour service 95,000 110,000 105,000 na API 26 max room full 40 35 yes 70 XD XD®-105 Sour service 105,000 120,000 115,000 na API 30 max room full 40 35 yes 70 XD CXD™-95 Sour service 95,000 110,000 105,000 na API 26 max room full 40 35 no na XD CXD™-105 Sour service 105,000 120,000 115,000 na API 30 max room full 40 35 no na XD CYX™-95 Sour service 95,000 110,000 105,000 na API 26 max room full 40 35 per order 70 CYX CYX™-105 Sour service 105,000 120,000 115,000 na API 30 max room full 40 35 per order 70 CYX SS SS-95 IRP 95,000 110,000 105,000 130,000 17 min 25 max room 3/4 59 59 yes 85 SS-105 IRP 105,000 120,000 115,000 140,000 17 min 28 max room 3/4 59 59 yes 85 SS S-135T™ High toughness 135,000 165,000 145,000 na API na -4 3/4 59 48 no na API S-135 NS-1 135,000 165,000 145,000 na API na room full 59 na no na API Z-140™ High strength 140,000 160,000 150,000 na API na -4 full 3/4 50 59 40 48 no na API V-150™ High strength 150,000 165,000 160,000 na API na room full 50 na no na API na room full 40 35 no na na Tool Joint API API 120,000 na 140,000 na API XD® Sour service 105,000 115,000 115,000 na API 30 max room full 40 35 no na na CYX-XX-105 Sour service 105,000 115,000 115,000 na API 30 max room full 40 35 per order 65 na CYX-XX-110 Sour service 110,000 125,000 125,000 na API na room full 40 35 per order 65 na CYX-XX-115 Sour service 115,000 na API na room full 40 35 per order 65 na CYX-XX-120 Sour service 120,000 na API na room full 40 35 per order 65 na SS IRP 110,000 145,000 15 min 30 max room full 66 66 yes 65 na na 125,000 125,000 Weld Tuff-Weld® General purpose 110,000 na na na na 20-36 room full 13 11 na na Tuff-Weld® Sour service 110,000 na na na na 20-36 room full 20 20 na na na Tuff-Weld® NS-1 110,000 na na na na 20-36 -4 full 31 24 na na na NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. www.GrantPrideco.com 1-11 DRILL PIPE Operational Advantages of 5-7/8 inch XR™ Drill Pipe t)ZESBVMJD1FSGPSNBODF 5-7/8 inch drill pipe provides enhanced hydraulic performance compared to 5-1/2 inch drill pipe for ERD and ultra-deep well applications. t4USFBNMJOFE$POöHVSBUJPO 5-7/8 inch drill pipe utilizes a 7 inch OD TurboTorque ™ or XT® tool joint, allowing it to be used to drill inside 9-5/8 inch casing and 8-1/2 inch open-hole sections. Overshot fishing capability in an 8-1/2 inch hole is maintained. t-PHJTUJDT XR eliminates the need for 6-5/8 inch drill pipe, which is difficult to handle and can sacrifice rig space and setback capacity because it cannot be used to drill 8-1/2 inch hole sections. t3JH.PEJöDBUJPOT 5-7/8 inch drill pipe minimizes rig modifications in comparison to 6-5/8 inch drill pipe. PRESSURE LOSS COMPARISON 12.25 INCH HOLE WITH 12.0 LB/GAL MUD DENSITY 250 Pressure Loss per 1,000 ft (psi) 5-7/8 inch eXtreme® Reach (XR™) Drill Pipe XR™ drill pipe was developed with a 5-7/8 inch diameter for extended reach drilling (ERD) and ultra-deep wells. This intermediate size is ideal for hydraulic performance, high strength and ease of handling, and represents a logical intermediary drill pipe size between standard 5-1/2 inch and 6-5/8 inch drill pipe. Grant Prideco offers 5-7/8 inch XR drill pipe in all standard API material grades and proprietary grades including high toughness, high strength and sour service grades. Tool joints can be configured to accompany any rotary-shouldered connection. 200 150 100 50 0 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 Flow Rate (gal/min) 5-1/2 in 21.90 lb with 7.00 in x 4.00 in Tool Joints 5-7/8 in 23.40 lb with 7.00 in x 4.25 in Tool Joints Pressure loss shown includes both pipe and annulus flow. B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; 1-12 ROTARYSHOULDERED CONNECTIONS ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS ROTARYSHOULDERED CONNECTIONS ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS F or more than 25 years, Grant Prideco has been the leader in the development of rotary-shouldered connections. A long-standing workhorse of the industry, the HI-TORQUE® (HT™) connection provides approximately 40% more torque than comparable API connections. With an improved thread form and a flatter taper, Grant Prideco’s second generation eXtreme® Torque (XT®) connection meets the needs of deep, extended reach and HTHP wells, providing even more torque, a reduced profile and improved hydraulics. eXtreme Torque (XT®) connections often allow the use of a larger pipe size for a given hole size while maintaining fishability. The eXtreme® Torque Metal Seal (XT-M™) connection is the industry’s first pressure-rated, gas tight rotary-shouldered connection. eXtreme® Torque XT-F™ and XT-MF™ offer XT and XT-M performance with a special fatigue-resistant thread form for the most severe drilling applications. Released in 2002, the Grant Prideco Double Shoulder® (GPDS™) connection provides nearly the torque of the HI-TORQUE connection with the convenience of interchangeability with the comparable API connection. Grant Prideco’s third generation TurboTorque™ (TT™) connection was introduced in 2006. TurboTorque features a double start thread form, reduced connection profile and multiple design configurations to meet specific drilling requirements. The results are optimized torque capacity and hydraulics, improved clearance and fishability, extended life and reduced risk of failure. Grant Prideco’s latest development is the gas-tight, pressurerated TurboTorque-M™ (TT-M™), featuring all of the benefits of TurboTorque connections, with the added advantage of an advanced metal-to-metal seal. www.GrantPrideco.com 2-1 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS Slimmer Profile, Improved Hydraulics, Easier Fishing, Larger ID How to Select Rotary-Shouldered Connections Selection of a rotary-shouldered connection is determined by torque capacity and profile requirements. There is a trade-off between these requirements. As you progress from left to right and bottom to top, Grant Prideco connections provide greater torque with a slimmer profile. HT™ Connection (1%4 Connection r "1*UISFBEGPSN r 4MJHIUMZNPSFUPSRVF UIBO(1%4 r /PUJOUFSDIBOHFBCMF XJUI"1*DPOOFDUJPOT "1*BOE1VCMJD %PNBJO$POOFDUJPOT r "1*UISFBEGPSN r &DPOPNJDBM r *OUFSDIBOHFBCMFXJUI "1*BOE%45+ connections r &DPOPNJDBM r $POWFOJFOUMZSFQBJSFE Co g n i s a Inc re Increase in Torque Capacity 2-2 st ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS TT™ Connection TT-M™ Connection XT-M™ Connection XT® Connection r 1FSGPSNBODFOPUSFTUSJDUFECZ"1*UISFBEGPSN r *ODSFBTFEGBUJHVFSFTJTUBODF r 4MPXFSNBLFVQUIBO"1*UISFBEGPSNDPOOFDUJPOT r 95.HBTUJHIUWFSTJPOBWBJMBCMF r 95'BOE95.'GBUJHVFSFTJTUBOUWFSTJPOT BWBJMBCMF si Inc rea www.GrantPrideco.com http://www.GrantPrideco.com ng r -BUFTUUFDIOPMPHZ r )JHIFTUQFSGPSNBODF r .BLFVQBTGBTUPSGBTUFSUIBO"1*UISFBE GPSNDPOOFDUJPOT r 5VSCP5PSRVF.HBTUJHIUWFSTJPOBWBJMBCMF c n a m r Per fo e 2-3 2-4 /05&4n1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO Connection TT™690 8.500 x 4.250 XT®69 8.500 x 5.250 HT™65 8.500 x 4.250 GPDS™65 8.500 x 4.250 6-5/8 FH 8.500 x 4.250 TT™585 7.000 x 3.500 XT®57 7.000 x 3.500 HT™55 7.250 x 3.500 GPDS™55 7.250 x 3.500 TT™690 XT®69 HT™65 GPDS™65 6-5/8 FH TT™58 XT®57 HT™55 GPDS™55 5-1/2 FH TT™500 XT®46 HT™46 4.000 5-1/2 FH 7.250 x 3.500 TT™500 - 6.250 x 2.750 XT®46 - 6.250 x 2.750 HT™46 - 6.250 x 2.750 GDPS™46 9.000 GDPS™46 - 6.250 x 2.750 140,000 NC46 TT™390 XT®39 HT™38 GPDS™38 3.000 NC46 - 6.250 x 2.750 TT™390 4.875 x 2.563 XT®39 - 4.875 x 2.563 HT™38 4.875 x 2.563 0.000 NC38 Tool Joint OD and ID 2.000 GPDS™38 4.875 x 2.563 NC38 - 4.875 x 2.563 Make-up Torque (ft-lb) ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS TOOL JOINT PROFILE COMPARISON† 8.000 7.000 6.000 5.000 &64Ŭ The difference in tool KPJOUQSPñMFT0%*% JT TIPXOGPSEJíFSFOU DPOOFDUJPOUZQFT5PPM KPJOUTBSFBMMQSPQFSMZ TJ[FEGPSUIFJOEJDBUFE QJQFTJ[F &64Ŭ &64Ŭ /$ &64Ŭ (1%4 HT™ 1.000 XT® TT™ Connection TOOL JOINT TORQUE COMPARISON† 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 /$ 20,000 (1%4 0 HT™ XT® TT™ ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS 5VSCP5PSRVF55 Rotary-Shouldered Connection Leading the industry, Grant Prideco has further refined the development and optimization of rotary-shouldered connection design with the TurboTorque™ connection. TurboTorque is the industry’s first rotary-shouldered connection that is composed of four distinct configurations, optimized to best meet the specific and differing needs of each individual pipe size (see chart on next page). 'MVTI*% The patented TurboTorque connection is the industry’s highest performance connection available in sizes for 2-3/8 inch through 6-5/8 inch drill pipe and provides the following benefits: 1SJNBSZ5PSRVF4IPVMEFS BOE4FBM4VSGBDF t6OJRVFEFTJHOQIJMPTPQIZ t-JHIUOJOHGBTUNBLFVQ t5PSRVFPOEFNBOE t*OEVTUSZMFBEJOHGBUJHVFSFTJTUBODF 4FDPOEBSZ*OUFSOBM 5PSRVF4IPVMEFS t*NQSPWFEIZESBVMJDT t*ODSFBTFEDMFBSBODFBOEöTIBCJMJUZ t3FEVDFESJTLPGGBJMVSF t&YUFOEFEMJGF Double-Start Thread TurboTorque™ connections are the industry’s first rotaryshouldered connections to offer a double-start thread form. Dual threads, 180 degrees apart, reduce the number of turns from stab to makeup by 50%, saving significant rig time. The resulting increase in thread lead angle provides an increased torque capacity of 12%. www.GrantPrideco.com 5VSCP5PSRVF$POOFDUJPOXJUI 1MBUJOVN¡)# 2-5 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS Stronger Tool Joints Standard drill pipe tool joints are made of steel with Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS) of 120,000 000 psi (120 ksi SMYS). Historically, efforts to increase the tool joint yield strength have resulted in reduced fracture toughness and increased susceptibility to fatigue crack propagation. TurboTorque connections are engineered specifically for use with 130 ksi SMYS tool joints, meeting the increased fracture toughness required by API and proprietary manufacturing standards such as NS-1™, DS-1™ and NORSOK. In addition, the TurboTorque thread form and tool joint geometry have been engineered to provide industryleading fatigue performance. The result is a rotary-shouldered connection with increased torque capacity, reduced connection profile, greater fishability and increased hydraulic performance. %SJMM1JQF4J[F JOEJBNFUFS 2-6 5IF5VSCP5PSRVFQSPEVDUMJOFJTDPNQPTFEPGGPVSEJTUJODU DPOñHVSBUJPOTPQUJNJ[FEUPCFTUNFFUUIFTQFDJñDBOEEJíFSJOH OFFETPGFBDIJOEJWJEVBMQJQFTJ[F %FTJHO1SJPSJUZ 1 2 3 4 2 3/8 to 2 7/8 in Increased tensile capacity Increased torque capacity Optimized hydraulics Speed of makeup 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 in Increased torque capacity Speed of makeup Optimized hydraulics 5 to 5 7/8 in Speed of makeup Optimized hydraulics Increased torque capacity 6 5/8 in Speed of makeup Reduced make-up torque Optimized hydraulics ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS 0QUJNJ[FEUBQFS Thread start 1 Minimum torque is the least amount of MUT acceptable to ensure that the connection will function properly. Minimum MUT is normally only considered in cases when the recommended MUT may exceed capacity of the rig equipment, such as large diameter, high-strength drill strings or landing strings. Recommended MUT is used for normal drilling operations. In most situations, it provides enough torque to prevent downhole makeup while minimizing connection stress. 62,100 65,500 63,100 (min.) 56,600 60,000 50,500 43,500 42,100 40,000 22,200 25,500 26,900 TT690 - 8.250 x 5.500 XT69 - 8.500 x 5.250 6-5/8 FH - 8.500 x 4.250 TT585 - 7.000 x 4.500 0 XT57 - 7.000 x 4.250 12,100 5-1/2 FH - 7.250 x 3.500 20,000 TT500 - 6.250 x 3.500 t5VSCP.65 82,100 80,000 XT46 - 6.250 x 3.250 t3FDPNNFOEFE.65 100,300 100,000 NC46 - 6.250 x 2.750 t.JOJNVN.65 120,000 TT390 4.875 x 2.688 Three make-up torque (MUT) values are provided for each TurboTorque connection: MAKE-UP TORQUE COMPARISON† XT39 - 4.875 x 2.563 Increased Torque Capacity TurboTorque connections provide more torque capacity than any other double-shouldered connection in the industry today, and the “torque on demand” feature provides an additional 8% of torque capacity for those unusual drilling situations. NC38 - 4.875 x 2.563 Thread start 2 Make-up Torque (ft-lb) 5IF5VSCP5PSRVFDPOOFDUJPOJTUIFJOEVTUSZT ñSTUSPUBSZTIPVMEFSFEDPOOFDUJPOUPPíFSB EPVCMFTUBSUUISFBEBOEBOPQUJNJ[FEUBQFS TurboTorque connections are the first in the industry to provide a Turbo-MUT. Also known as “torque-on-demand”, Turbo-MUT provides an additional 8% of torque capacity for those unusual drilling situations when additional torque is required. Most of the testing and design validation for the TurboTorque family were conducted on connections made up to the Turbo-MUT value. Extensive testing allows the Turbo-MUT to be used confidently without having to consult Grant Prideco. Connection /05&4 n 1MFBTF SFGFS UP QBHF Y PG UIF *OUSPEVDUJPO www.GrantPrideco.com 2-7 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS Optimized Connection Taper Taper is the controlling factor in the final configuration of a rotary-shouldered connection. The TurboTorque taper is engineered to ensure a balance between the pin and box, maximizing connection stiffness and fatigue resistance. The taper is designed to deliver maximum tradeoff between tensile strength, torque capacity and connection profile. The result is a balanced pin and box, reduced connection profile, connection stiffness and fatigue resistance, greater fishability, increased hydraulic performance and optimum balance between all performance parameters. Optimized Hydraulic Performance The refinement of the TurboTorque design and 130 ksi SMYS tool joints mean the tool joint ID can be increased for diminished pressure loss through the drill string. In comparison to Grant Prideco’s XT® connection, tool joint ID can often be increased 1/8 of an inch or more. For a given hole size, TurboTorque’s slim outside diameter often permits the use of a larger pipe size, which significantly increases hydraulic performance. More hydraulic horsepower at the bit saves operational cost and enables drilling of deeper wells. 2-8 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS High–Performance Thread Form TurboTorque’s thread height is optimized for each of the four design configurations. The thread form incorporates a unique dual-root radius, larger than the root radii of API and even XT® connections, significantly reducing the connection peak stress. Save Time, Cut Costs A TurboTorque connection requires the same running procedures as the XT connection. However, TurboTorque’s double-start thread, faster taper and deeper stabbing greatly reduces the turns to makeup. The resulting time saved has a marked effect on rig economics. Compared to competitive premium rotary-shouldered connections, TurboTorque connections often pay for themselves on the first well, then continue to provide operational savings. THREAD FORM COMPARISONS API NC V-0.038R uSPPUSBEJVT XT® (0.042” root radius) (0.052” x 0.060” dual root radius) API FH V-0.050 uSPPUSBEJVT XT® uSPPUSBEJVT (0.065” x 0.065” dual-root radius) 5VSCP5PSRVFDPOOFDUJPOTJODPSQPSBUFBVOJRVFMBSHFEVBMSPPUSBEJVTXIJDI TJHOJñDBOUMZSFEVDFTUIFQFBLTUSFTTJOUIFUISFBESPPUT www.GrantPrideco.com 2-9 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS TURBOTORQUE™ 390 AND API NC38 Increasing Bending Moment Reduced Total Cost of Ownership High-strength and high-toughness tool joints and a unique dual-radius thread form have pushed the fatigue resistance of TurboTorque connections far beyond previous industry limits. In addition, TurboTorque connections combined with superior Grant Prideco technology including engineered materials, quenched and tempered weld zones, fatigue-resistance upset/weld-neck geometry, quality processing and Platinum® hardbanding, are proven to extend life, increase reliability and reduce total cost of ownership. FATIGUE PERFORMANCE† 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 1,000,000 Cycles to Failure, N 4-7/8” x 2-9/16” NC38 4-7/8” x 2-11/16” TurboTorque™ 390 FATIGUE PERFORMANCE† TURBOTORQUE™ 585 AND API 5-1/2 FH Increasing Bending Moment Enabling Technology – Drill Deeper, Faster, Further The TurboTorque connection’s torque capacity exceeds that of all double-shouldered connections on the market. Its slim profile decreases pressure loss through the tool joint and often allows the use of a larger pipe size. The result: more mechanical and hydraulic horsepower at the bit, enabling completion of world class wells. 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 1,000,000 Cycles to Failure, N 7-1/4” x 3-1/2” 5-1/2 FH 7” x 4-1/2” TurboTorque™ 585 6TJOHUIFNPNFOUPGJOUFSJBUPDPNQBSFDPOOFDUJPOTUJGGOFTT 5VSCP5PSRVFJTMFTTTUJGGUIBO"1*/$ZFUEJTQMBZFEB HSFBUFSGBUJHVFMJGFPOBWFSBHF5VSCP5PSRVFJTMFTTTUJGGUIBU "1*')ZFUJUTBWFSBHFGBUJHVFMJGFJTHSFBUFS /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO 2-10 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS TURBOTORQUE™ CONNECTION MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS† 1SPEVDU 5ZQF 1SFNJVN 5VCF Tensile 4USFOHUI Tool +PJOU 0% Tool +PJOU *% 4NPPUI&EHF¡ 0% "EKVTUFE 8FJHIU .JOJNVN .65 3FDPNNFOEFE .65 5VSCP .65 in in in MCGU MCGU MCGU MCGU TurboTorque 380 4.750 2.688 14.42 16,800 20,200 21,900 TurboTorque 380 4.813 2.500 16.88 19,900 23,900 25,900 4.875 2.688 15.44 19,600 23,500 25,500 2.938 15.79 23,700 28,400 30,800 2.938 17.36 23,700 28,400 30,800 17.96 24,700 29,600 32,100 3.563 18.50 31,500 37,800 40,900 3.250 22.72 39,700 47,600 51,600 22.29 38,900 46,600 50,500 0% /PNJOBM 8FJHIU in MCGU Standard 3.500 13.30 S-135 381,900 Standard 3.500 15.50 S-135 451,100 Streamline 4.000 14.00 S-135 403,500 TurboTorque 390 Standard 4.000 14.00 S-135 403,500 TurboTorque 420 5.250 Standard 4.000 15.70 S-135 456,900 TurboTorque 420 5.250 Streamline 4.500 16.60 S-135 468,300 TurboTorque 435 5.375 3.125 Standard 4.500 16.60 S-135 468,300 TurboTorque 485 6.000 Standard 4.500 20.00 S-135 581,200 TurboTorque 485 6.125 Streamline 5.000 19.50 S-135 560,800 TurboTorque 500 6.250 3.500 Grade 5VSCP5PSRVF Connection MCT 5.063 5.563 6.438 Standard 5.000 19.50 S-135 560,800 TurboTorque 525 6.500 3.875 22.11 38,200 45,800 49,600 Standard 5.000 25.60 S-135 746,400 TurboTorque 525 6.625 3.563 28.51 48,000 57,600 62,400 Streamline 5.500 21.90 S-135 620,600 TurboTorque 550 6.625 4.250 23.71 39,100 46,900 50,900 6.813 Standard 5.500 21.90 S-135 620,600 TurboTorque 585 7.000 4.500 24.08 47,800 57,300 62,100 Standard 5.500 24.70 S-135 704,300 TurboTorque 585 7.125 4.313 27.33 55,500 66,600 72,200 Streamline 5.875 23.40 S-135 666,500 TurboTorque 585 7.000 4.500 7.188 25.78 47,800 57,300 62,100 Streamline 5.875 26.30 S-135 757,100 TurboTorque 585 7.000 4.500 7.188 28.37 47,800 57,300 62,100 Standard 6.625 27.70 S-135 760,400 TurboTorque 690 8.250 5.500 30.15 63,100 75,800 82,100 /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO 4NPPUI&EHF¡EVBMEJBNFUFSCPYUPPMKPJOUTBSFSFDPNNFOEFEPOTUSFBNMJOFTJ[FTGPSBEFRVBUFFMFWBUPSDBQBDJUZBOENBYJNVNXFBSBMMPXBODF www.GrantPrideco.com 2-11 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS 5VSCP5PSRVF. .FUBM 4FBM 55. Connection Grant Prideco’s latest rotary-shouldered connection is the result of an ongoing two year comprehensive design, test and qualification effort. The TurboTorque-M™ connection incorporates a radial, metal-to-metal, internal pressure seal, providing all of the benefits of the industry’s highest performing TurboTorque™ connection with the added security of a gas-tight pressure sealing capability. The internal metal seal is generated by radial interference, reducing the effects of tensile load. Capable of resisting high-pressure liquids and gas, the seal integrity is not affected by multiple trips. All sizes of the TurboTorque-M connections are pressure rated at 20,000 psi internal and 10,000 psi external. ISO13679 testing methodologies for casing and tubing were modified to validate the connection’s pressure capability under harsh, aggressive, dynamic loads. TurboTorque-M drill strings can be used for drill stem testing operations, high-pressure workover and completion operations, and underbalanced drilling operations. The TurboTorque-M drill string eliminates the need for a separate work string, which ultimately saves time, money, rig space and deck load. Radial Metal-to-Metal Seal 5VSCP5PSRVF.FUBM4FBM Connection 2-12 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS In addition to providing a 20,000 psi internal and 10,000 psi external pressure rating, TurboTorque-M™ connections provide increased mechanical and hydraulic performance compared to eXtreme® Torque-M™ (XT-M™) connections, while also providing fatigue performance greater than standard API connections. In comparison with XT-M, TurboTorque-M provides a 1/4 inch larger ID for increased hydraulics, 8% additional working torque capacity and 5,000 ft/lbs of additional rated internal working pressure (see table). TurboTorque-M connections are not interchangeable with any other rotary-shouldered connection, including TurboTorque™ connections. MAKE-UP TORQUE COMPARISON† Connection 5PPM+PJOU 0% JO 5PPM+PJOU *% JO .BYJNVN .65 GUMC XT-M57 7.000 4.250 4.500 51,600 TurboTorque-M 585 7.000 4.500 4.250 55,903 /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO *40UFTUJOHNFUIPEPMPHJFTGPSDBTJOHBOEUVCJOHXFSFVTFEUPWBMJEBUFUIF 5VSCP5PSRVF.DPOOFDUJPOTDPNCJOFEMPBEQFSGPSNBODF4IPXOBSFUIFMFBL EFUFDUJPOTZTUFNBOEMPBEGSBNFBUUIF(SBOU1SJEFDP5FDIOPMPHZ$FOUFS www.GrantPrideco.com 2-13 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS F9USFNF¡ 5PSRVF 95¡ Rotary-Shouldered Connection The patented eXtreme® Torque (XT®) connection addresses the requirements of many extreme drilling applications, including extended reach drilling (ERD), horizontal drilling, deepwater, high temperature high pressure (HTHP) and ultra-deep wells. 'MVTI*% High-Performance Design The eXtreme Torque connection is a patented, high-performance, rotary-shouldered connection available in sizes from 2-3/8 inch through 6-5/8 inch drill pipe. The eXtreme Torque connection incorporates a second generation double-shouldered design. A secondary internal torque shoulder on the nose of the pin offers an additional friction surface and mechanical stop. The primary external shoulder still serves as the connection’s sealing surface. The eXtreme Torque connection design has an extended pin base, pin nose and box counterbore. These sections are carefully engineered to provide additional elastic deformation during makeup, ensuring that the contact forces are properly proportioned between the two shoulder surfaces. 1SJNBSZ5PSRVF4IPVMEFS BOE4FBM4VSGBDF &YUFOEFE1JO#BTFBOE#PY $PVOUFSCPSF &YUFOEFE1JO/PTFBOE #PY$PVOUFSCPSF 4FDPOEBSZ*OUFSOBM4IPVMEFS Increased Torque Capacity The XT connection offers significantly higher torsional capacity than standard API connections, as well as Grant Prideco’s GPDS™ and HI-TORQUE™ connections. This additional capacity provides the required torque for the most extreme drilling applications. F9USFNF¡5PSRVF$POOFDUJPOXJUI 1MBUJOVN¡)# 2-14 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS Slim Profile The XT® connection’s increased torsional strength allows for the use of a streamlined tool joint that is sized for the pipe’s torsional strength. XT connections can be configured with a smaller OD and larger ID compared to standard API connections without sacrificing torsional capacity. Often, XT connections permit the use of a larger diameter drill pipe, providing improved hydraulic efficiency, better hole cleaning and greater buckling strength for horizontal and extended reach applications without sacrificing torsional strength or fishability. User Friendly XT connections utilize the same running procedures as standard API connections. The connection spins up freely until shouldered, then is bucked up to the make-up torque. XT connections have a more shallow taper, requiring a more shallow stab and slightly more turns to makeup. True Flush Inside Diameter There is no gap or change in the inside diameter from the box to the pin, creating a smoother flow with less turbulence. This feature also eliminates the recess found in standard connections where cement and solids can be trapped. Rugged Durability The robust XT connection design incorporates more steel in the critical areas of the connection resulting in less refacing and fewer recuts. In addition, because of the increased torsional capacity, the XT connection greatly extends the life of the joint by tolerating more OD wear. Field Repairable The XT connection can be refaced in an inspection yard or at the rig site with a portable refacing tool. This flexibility can save time and expenses by eliminating transportation and handling costs. www.GrantPrideco.com 2-15 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS XT® CONNECTION MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS† 1SFNJVN5VCF Tensile 4USFOHUI 5PPM+PJOU 0% 5PPM+PJOU *% 4NPPUI&EHF¡ 0% "EKVTUFE 8FJHIU .JOJNVN .65 3FDPNNFOEFE .65 JO JO JO MCGU GUMC GUMC XT38 4.750 2.563 14.59 11,500 18,800 451,100 XT38 4.750 2.438 14.76 12,300 20,500 S-135 403,500 XT39 4.875 2.688 5.250 15.54 12,400 21,200 15.70 S-135 456,900 XT39 5.000 2.563 5.313 17.54 14,700 24,500 4.500 16.60 S-135 468,300 XT46 6.250 3.250 19.74 26,000 42,100 Standard 4.500 20.00 S-135 581,200 XT46 6.250 3.250 23.03 26,000 42,100 Standard 5.000 19.50 S-135 560,800 XT50 6.500 3.750 22.39 28,000 46,200 Standard 5.000 25.60 S-135 746,400 XT50 6.625 3.500 28.64 32,600 54,400 Standard 5.500 21.90 S-135 620,600 XT54 6.625 4.000 24.30 29,000 49,900 Standard 5.500 24.70 S-135 704,300 XT54 6.625 4.000 26.73 29,000 49,900 Standard 5.875 23.40 S-135 666,500 XT57 7.000 4.250 26.41 33,800 56,600 Standard 5.875 26.40 S-135 757,100 XT57 7.000 4.250 29.00 33,800 56,600 Standard 6.625 25.20 S-135 697,400 XT69 8.500 5.250 29.98 59,400 100,300 Standard 6.625 27.70 S-135 760,400 XT69 8.500 5.250 31.98 59,400 100,300 0% /PNJOBM 8FJHIU JO MCGU Standard 3.500 13.30 S-135 381,900 Standard 3.500 15.50 S-135 Standard 4.000 14.00 Standard 4.000 Standard Grade Connection MCT 6.813 /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO 4NPPUI&EHF¡EVBMEJBNFUFSCPYUPPMKPJOUTBSFSFDPNNFOEFEPOTUSFBNMJOFTJ[FTGPSBEFRVBUFFMFWBUPSDBQBDJUZBOENBYJNVNXFBSBMMPXBODF 2-16 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS F9USFNF¡ 5PSRVF .FUBM 4FBM 95. Rotary-Shouldered Connection The patented XT-M™ connection is the industry’s first gas-tight, pressure-rated rotary-shouldered connection. An eXtreme™ Torque connection with a radial metal-to-metal internal pressure seal, XT-M provides torsional strength comparable to XT® connections combined with a gas-tight pressure sealing capability. The gas-tight seal is generated by radial interference, reducing the effects of tensile load. Capable of resisting high-pressure liquids and gas, the seal integrity is not affected by multiple trips. All sizes of the XT-M connections are pressure rated at 15,000 psi internal and 10,000 psi external. XT-M drill strings can be used for drill stem testing (DST) operations, high-pressure workover and completion operations, and underbalanced drilling operations. An XT-M drill string eliminates the need for a separate work string, which saves time, money and rig space. XT-M connections are not interchangeable with any other rotaryshouldered connection, including XT connections. Radial Metal-to-Metal Seal F9USFNF¡5PSRVF.FUBM Seal Connection www.GrantPrideco.com 2-17 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS XT-M™ CONNECTION MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS† 1SFNJVN5VCF Tensile 4USFOHUI 5PPM+PJOU 0% 5PPM+PJOU *% 4NPPUI&EHF¡ 0% "EKVTUFE 8FJHIU .JOJNVN .65 3FDPNNFOEFE .65 JO JO JO MCGU GUMC GUMC XT-M 38 4.750 2.563 14.59 13,900 16,700 451,100 XT-M 38 4.750 2.438 16.84 15,400 18,400 S-135 403,500 XT-M 39 4.875 2.688 5.250 15.54 15,700 18,900 15.70 S-135 456,900 XT-M 39 5.000 2.563 5.313 17.54 18,600 22,300 4.500 16.60 S-135 468,300 XT-M46 6.250 3.250 19.74 32,200 38,700 Standard 4.500 20.00 S-135 581,200 XT-M46 6.250 3.250 23.03 32,200 38,700 Standard 5.000 19.50 S-135 560,800 XT-M50 6.625 3.750 22.72 35,200 42,200 Standard 5.000 25.60 S-135 746,400 XT-M50 6.625 3.500 28.64 41,900 50,300 Standard 5.500 21.90 S-135 620,600 XT-M54 6.625 4.000 24.30 37,800 45,400 Standard 5.500 24.70 S-135 704,300 XT-M54 6.625 4.000 26.73 37,800 45,400 Standard 5.875 23.40 S-135 666,500 XT-M57 7.000 4.250 26.41 43,000 51,600 Standard 5.875 26.30 S-135 757,100 XT-M57 7.000 4.250 29.00 43,000 51,600 Standard 6.625 25.20 S-135 697,400 XT-M69 8.500 5.250 29.98 77,400 92,900 Standard 6.625 27.70 S-135 760,400 XT-M69 8.500 5.250 31.79 77,400 92,900 0% /PNJOBM 8FJHIU JO MCGU Standard 3.500 13.30 S-135 381,900 Standard 3.500 15.50 S-135 Standard 4.000 14.00 Standard 4.000 Standard Grade Connection MCT 6.813 /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO 4NPPUI&EHF¡EVBMEJBNFUFSCPYUPPMKPJOUTBSFSFDPNNFOEFEPOTUSFBNMJOFTJ[FTGPSBEFRVBUFFMFWBUPSDBQBDJUZBOENBYJNVNXFBSBMMPXBODF 2-18 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS (SBOU 1SJEFDP %PVCMF 4IPVMEFS (1%4 $POOFDUJPO The Grant Prideco Double Shoulder™ (GPDS™) connection is a high-performance, rotary-shouldered connection available for 2-3/8 inch through 6-5/8 inch drill pipe. GPDS connections offer a versatile alternative to standard API connections where higher torsional strength is required and are interchangeable with API connections. 'MVTI*% Increased Torsional Capacity The double-shouldered design of GPDS provides increased torsional capacity when compared with similar sizes of API connections. A secondary internal shoulder on the nose of the pin offers an additional friction surface and mechanical stop. The primary external shoulder still serves as the connection’s sealing surface. 1SJNBSZ5PSRVF4IPVMEFS BOE4FBM4VSGBDF Slimmer Profile GPDS connections can be configured with a smaller OD and larger ID compared to standard API connections, improving fishability and hydraulic efficiency without sacrificing available connection torsional capacity. 4FDPOEBSZ*OUFSOBM 5PSRVF4IPVMEFS True Flush ID The GPDS double-shouldered design provides a true flush inside diameter throughout the mated tool joint assembly, thereby minimizing turbulent flow, improving ID tool passage and eliminating opportunities for cement and solids to be trapped. Increased Allowable Tool Joint Wear GPDS connections offer higher torsional capacity than standard API connections of the same dimensions, thereby increasing permissible connection wear prior to downgrading the assembly www.GrantPrideco.com (SBOU1SJEFDP%PVCMF4IPVMEFS$POOFDUJPO XJUI1MBUJOVN¡)# 2-19 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS to Class 2. For example, an NC50 on 5 inch 19.50 lb S-135 drill pipe is downgraded to Class 2 when the OD wears below 6-5/16 inches. At this diameter, the tool joint is less than 80% as strong as Premium Class pipe. The GPDS50 connection can tolerate wear down to a diameter of 5-3/4 inch before its torsional strength falls below 80% of the pipe strength. TOOL JOINT WEAR ALLOWANCE† (NEW TO MINIMUM PREMIUM CLASS) 1.50 GPDS31 NC31 GPDS38 NC38 GPDS40 NC40 GPDS46 NC46 GPDS50 NC50 GPDS55 5 1/2 FH GPDS65 6 5/8 FH 7/8" 0.75 9/16" 5 1/2 FH GPDS 55 (+122%) 5/16" NC 50 0.00 3/16" NC 38 0.50 GPDS 50 (+180%) 1/2" 0.25 INTERCHANGEABILITY TABLE NC26 1.00 GPDS 38 (+167%) Cumulative Wear (in) Interchangeability GPDS connections are fully interchangeable with corresponding API FH or NC counterparts as shown below: GPDS26 1-1/4" 1.25 3 1/2 in 13.30 lbs S-135 5 in 19.50 lbs S-135 5 1/2 in 21.90 lbs S-135 (7 1/2 in x 3 in) (6 5/8 in x 2 3/4 in) (5 in x 2 1/8 in) Tool Joint Dimensions (in) GPDS™ CONNECTION MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS† 1SFNJVN5VCF Tensile 4USFOHUI 0% /PNJOBM 8FJHIU in MCGU Standard 3.500 13.30 S-135 381,900 Standard 3.500 15.50 S-135 451,100 Standard 4.000 14.00 S-135 Standard 4.000 15.70 S-135 Standard 4.500 16.60 S-135 Standard 4.500 20.00 Standard 5.000 19.50 Standard 5.000 25.60 5PPM+PJOU 0% 5PPM+PJOU *% "EKVTUFE 8FJHIU .JOJNVN .65 3FDPNNFOEFE .65 in in MCGU GUMC GUMC GPDS 38 4.875 2.563 14.82 12,100 15,400 GPDS 38 5.000 2.438 17.32 13,300 17,500 456,900 GPDS 40 5.250 2.688 16.18 15,400 19,600 456,900 GPDS 40 5.250 2.688 17.75 15,400 19,600 468,300 GPDS 46 6.000 3.000 19.58 23,500 31,800 S-135 581,200 GPDS 46 6.250 2.500 24.31 29,700 42,500 S-135 560,800 GPDS 50 6.500 3.250 23.42 30,800 43,100 S-135 746,400 GPDS 50 6.625 3.000 29.56 34,600 49,700 43,800 Grade Connection MC Standard 5.500 21.90 S-135 620,600 GPDS 55 7.000 4.000 25.32 33,500 Standard 5.500 24.70 S-135 704,300 GPDS 55 7.000 4.000 27.74 33,500 43,800 Standard 5.875 23.40 S-135 666,500 GPDS 55 7.000 4.000 27.02 33,500 43,800 Standard 5.875 26.30 S-135 704,300 GPDS 55 7.000 4.000 29.58 33,500 43,800 Standard 6.625 27.70 S-135 760,400 GPDS 65 8.000 4.875 31.21 47,800 63,600 /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO 2-20 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS )*50326& )5® Rotary-Shouldered Connection The HI-TORQUE® connection is a patented, high-performance, rotary-shouldered connection available in sizes for 2-3/8 inch through 6-5/8 inch drill pipe. 'MVTI*% Increased Torsional Capacity The HI-TORQUE connection’s double-shouldered design provides increased torsional capacity as compared to similar sized API connections. A secondary internal shoulder on the nose of the pin offers an additional friction surface and mechanical stop. The primary external shoulder still serves as the connection’s sealing surface. HI-TORQUE connections are designed with an extended pin base, pin nose and box counterbore. These sections are carefully engineered to provide additional elastic deformation during makeup. This process ensures that the contact forces are properly proportioned between the two shoulder surfaces. 1SJNBSZ5PSRVF4IPVMEFS BOE4FBM4VSGBDF &YUFOEFE1JO#BTFBOE#PY $PVOUFSCPSF &YUFOEFE1JO/PTFBOE #PY$PVOUFSCPSF 4FDPOEBSZ*OUFSOBM4IPVMEFS )*50326&® Connection with 4NPPUI9™)BSECBOE www.GrantPrideco.com 2-21 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS TORSIONAL YIELD STRENGTH† HI-TORQUE® CONNECTION VS. CONVENTIONAL TOOL JOINT 100 HT50 +43% 82,600 77,800 55,900 51/2 in FH NC50 57,800 HT55 +39% 60 40 29,500 0 20,200 NC38 20 HT38 +46% Torsional Capacity (1,000 ft-lbs) 80 4 7/8 x 2 9/16 6 5/8 x 3 True Flush ID The HI-TORQUE double-shoulder design provides a true flush inside diameter throughout the mated tool joint assembly, thereby minimizing turbulent flow, improving ID tool passage and eliminating opportunities for cement and solids to be trapped. Increased Allowable Tool Joint Wear HI-TORQUE connections offer higher torsional capacity than standard API connections of the same dimensions, thereby increasing permissible connection wear prior to downgrading the assembly to Class 2. The accompanying chart illustrates the additional wear allowance provided by HT38 as compared with NC38. 7x4 WEAR ALLOWANCE COMPARISON† Tool Joint Dimensions (in) NC38 AND HT™38 CONNECTIONS WITH 2-9/16 INCH ID 30 Torsional Strength (1,000 ft-lbs) Slimmer Profile HI-TORQUE® connections can be configured with a smaller OD and larger ID compared to standard API connections, improving fishability and hydraulic efficiency without sacrificing available connection torsional capacity. The accompanying figure illustrates the smaller OD and larger ID for HI-TORQUE connections compared to standard API connections with identical torsional capacity. 25 20 NC38 15 10 5ZQJDBM"1* 5PPM+PJOU0% 5ZQJDBM)*50326&¡ 5PPM+PJOU0% HT38 80% Torsional Strength 3 1/2 13.30 S-135 Premium Class Drill Pipe 80% Torsional Strength 3 1/2 13.30 G-105 Premium Class Drill Pipe 4.875 4.813 4.750 4.688 4.625 4.563 Tool Joint OD (in) /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO Interchangeability HI-TORQUE connections are not interchangeable with API or other types of rotary-shouldered connections. 5ZQJDBM"1* 5PPM+PJOU*% 2-22 5ZQJDBM)*50326&¡5PPM +PJOUXJUI'MVTI*% 4.500 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS HI-TORQUE® CONNECTION MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS† 1SFNJVN5VCF Tensile 4USFOHUI 0% /PNJOBM 8FJHIU in MCGU Standard 3.500 13.30 S-135 381,900 Standard 3.500 13.30 S-135 Standard 3.500 13.30 Standard 3.500 Standard Grade Connection MCT 5PPM+PJOU 0% 5PPM+PJOU 4NPPUI&EHF¡ *% 0% in "EKVTUFE 8FJHIU .JOJNVN .65 3FDPNNFOEFE .65 MCGU GUMC GUMC in in HT38 4.750 2.438 14.80 10700 17000 381,900 HT38 4.875 2.563 14.87 12200 17700 S-135 381,900 HT38 5.000 2.563 15.11 12300 17700 15.50 S-135 451,100 HT38 4.875 2.563 16.95 12200 17700 4.000 14.00 S-135 403,500 HT38 4.938 2.563 15.88 12300 17700 Standard 4.000 14.00 S-135 403,500 HT40 5.250 2.688 16.18 15500 21500 Standard 4.000 15.70 S-135 456,900 HT38 4.875 2.563 17.23 12200 17700 Standard 4.500 16.60 S-135 468,300 HT46 6.250 3.250 19.59 20500 28500 Standard 4.500 20.00 S-135 581,200 HT46 6.250 3.000 23.34 23900 34600 Standard 5.000 19.50 S-135 560,800 HT50 6.625 3.500 23.10 27200 39700 Standard 5.000 25.60 S-135 746,400 HT50 6.625 3.000 29.40 34900 53300 Standard 5.500 21.90 S-135 620,600 HT55 7.000 3.750 25.89 35900 52600 Standard 5.500 21.90 S-135 620,600 HT55 7.000 4.000 25.16 33600 46300 Standard 5.500 24.70 S-135 704,300 HT55 7.000 3.750 28.14 35900 52600 Standard 5.500 24.70 S-135 704,300 HT55 7.000 4.000 27.59 33600 46300 5.063 /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO 4NPPUI&EHF¡EVBMEJBNFUFSCPYUPPMKPJOUTBSFSFDPNNFOEFEPOTUSFBNMJOFTJ[FTGPSBEFRVBUFFMFWBUPSDBQBDJUZBOENBYJNVNXFBSBMMPXBODF www.GrantPrideco.com 2-23 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS %SJMM$PMMBS%$ $POOFDUJPO The Grant Prideco Drill Collar (DC™) connection provides a step change in BHA connection performance. The enhanced connection is ideally suited for drilling programs plagued with aggressive drill string dynamics (axial, lateral and torsional vibrations), H2S environments and wells equipped with The IntelliServ® Network. CONNECTION S-N COMPARISON† 700 On average. DC™58 is at least 9 times more fatigue resistant than 6-5/8 Reg. 600 500 12,220,611 1,288,717 Micro Strain (ue) A New Paradigm in Fatigue Resistance The DC connection features a unique fatigue resistant thread form that incorporates a generous dual thread root radius of 0.060 inch and 0.065 inch. The larger dual-root radius significantly reduces peak stresses in the thread root and extends connection fatigue life. The DC connection pins also include a stress relief feature. Laboratory test results indicate that the DC58 connection provides a near full order of magnitude increase in fatigue performance, at least nine times improved, compared to API 6-5/8 inch Regular connection. 400 300 200 6-5/8 Reg Actual 6-5/8 Reg Average DC™58 Connection Actual DC™58 Connection Average 100 0 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 Cycles to Failure 6OEFSBOFRVJWBMFOUCFOEJOHNPNFOUQSPEVDJOHNJDSPTUSBJOUIF%$ DPOOFDUJPOJTBUMFBTUOJOFUJNFTJNQSPWFE/POFPGUIF%$DPOOFDUJPOTBDUVBMMZ GBJMFEBMMUFTUTXFSFWPMVOUBSJMZTUPQQFE5IJTSFQSFTFOUTBOFBSGVMMPSEFSPGNBHOJUVEF JNQSPWFNFOUJOGBUJHVFSFTJTUBODFBOEBUMFBTUOJOFUJNFTHSFBUFSGBUJHVFMJGFXIFO VTJOHUIF%$DPOOFDUJPOJOTUFBEPGUIF"1*JODI3FHVMBS /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO 2-24 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS Improved Make-Up Efficiency Compared to API Regular connections, the DC™ connection stabs deeper and makes up with fewer turns. DC™58 connections have three threads per inch and a steeper three-inch-per-foot taper. Three revolutions are required to make up the DC58 connection, compared to six revolutions with a 6-5/8 inch API Regular connection. DC58 field trials verified improved make-up efficiency and exceptional post-field trial inspection results. Workable Make-Up Torque For larger sizes, the normally high makeup torque of doubleshouldered connections often tests the limits of rig equipment. DC connections are designed to have make-up torques similar to the requirements of the API counterpart connection. www.GrantPrideco.com API Regular V-.050 DC58 R0.060 R0.065 R0.025 5IFVOJRVFGBUJHVFSFTJTUBOUUISFBEGPSNPGUIF%$4JODPSQPSBUFTBHFOFSPVT EVBMUISFBESPPUSBEJVTPGJODIPSJODIUIBUTJHOJñDBOUMZSFEVDFTQFBL TUSFTTFTJOUIFUISFBESPPUBOEFYUFOETDPOOFDUJPOGBUJHVFMJGF 2-25 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS IntelliServ® Network Compatible In order to complete a telemetry network from the bit to the surface, DC™ double-shouldered drill collars provide an ideal location for the IntelliServ induction coil placement, with each coil installed in a protective groove in the secondary torque shoulder. Minimal Recut Loss The steeper taper of the DC connection reduces loss from recutting the connections. Compared to the API 6-5/8 inch Regular connection, the DC58 connection saves just over one inch of material after each pin recut, and just over 1/2 inch after each box recut. %PVCMF4IPVMEFSFE$POOFDUJPO *OEVDUJWF$PJM %$DPOOFDUJPOTBSFDPNQBUJCMFXJUI5IF*OUFMMJ4FSW¡/FUXPSL5IFEPVCMF TIPVMEFSFEESJMMDPMMBSQSPWJEFTBOJEFBMMPDBUJPOGPSJOEVDUJPODPJMQMBDFNFOU DC CONNECTION MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS† 5BQFS 5ISFBETQFS inch Thread Root (FPNFUSZ Torsional 4USFOHUI Tensile 4USFOHUI Min .65 JOGU 51* in GUMCT MCT GUMCT API 6 5/8 in Regular(1) 2 4 0.025 81,120 1,601,955 50,700 DC™58 Connection(2) 3 3 0.060 and 0.065 99,793 1,653,446 %JGGFSFODF 1 -1 BOE Connection 5ZQF 3FWPMVUJPOTGSPN TUBCUPIBOEUJHIU NBLFVQ "YJBMSFDVU MPTF1JO "YJBMSFDVU MPTT#PY in in 6.2 3.169 1.776 62,371 2.8 2.043 1.208 -3.4 -1.126 $PNQBSJTPOPGUIF%$BOE"1*JODI3FHVMBSDPOOFDUJPOT5IF%$JTTUSPOHFSTUBCTEFFQFSQSPWJEFTRVJDLFSNBLFVQSFEVDFTSFDVUMPTTBOEIBTDPNQBSBCMF NBLFVQUPSRVF /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO JODI0%YJODI*%"1*3FHVMBSDPOOFDUJPOXJUI"1*QJO43(BOE"1*### JODI0%YJODI*%%$DPOOFDUJPOXJUIQJO43( 2-26 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS The SST® and SRT® connections are proprietary connections that provide increased durability and fatigue resistance compared to a standard API connection. The SST connection involves a modification to the pin thread only; the mating box thread remains standard. Completely interchangeable with the standard API connections, the SST connection requires no crossovers or special rig handling procedures. The SST pin incorporates two primary features. First, the thread form has an enlarged root radius grooved into the slab flank. Second, the pin thread body is machined on a slightly flatter taper than that of the box, effectively behaving like a variable pitch thread. The SRT connection involves a modification to the box thread only; the mating pin thread remains standard. Completely interchangeable with the standard API connections, the SRT connection requires no crossovers or special rig handling procedures. The thread form has an enlarged root radius grooved into the slab flank. DISTRIBUTION OF TENSILE LOAD CARRIED BY THREADS† FROM MAKEUP ON NC46 & NC46 SST® THREADS 30 Load Carried by Pin Thread (%) 445¡BOE435¡-PX4USFTT'BUJHVF Resistant Thread Connections 25 20 15 /$445 10 /$ 5 0 1 1JO5ISFBE 10 5IF445¡QJOUISFBEJTNBDIJOFEPOBTMJHIUMZóBUUFSUBQFSEJTUSJCVUJOHUIF UISFBEMPBETNPSFFWFOMZPWFSUIFFOUJSFUISFBEBOESFEVDJOHUIFMPBEBUUIF MBTUFOHBHFEUISFBECZ /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO 445435&OMBSHFE5ISFBE Root Radius "1*5ISFBE'PSN $PNQBSFEXJUIUIFTUBOEBSE"1*UISFBEQSPñMFUIFFOMBSHFESPPUSBEJVT PGUIF445¡BOE435¡UISFBEGPSNTSFEVDFUIFTUSFTTDPODFOUSBUJPOBUUIF thread root. www.GrantPrideco.com 2-27 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS "1* BOE 1VCMJD %PNBJO Rotary-Shouldered Connections Grant Prideco provides drill pipe with API and public domain rotaryshouldered connections. Typical connection configurations are shown on the following tables. Additional configurations can be provided upon request. Contact Grant Prideco for additional information. An interchange chart for API connection designations is followed by API Drill Pipe Data Tables. (1%4JOUPBJODI')$POOFDUJPO J J I ') $ 2-28 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS INTERCHANGE CHART FOR API CONNECTIONS† $PNNPO/BNF Style Internal Flush(1) (IF) Full Hole (FH) Size 1JO#BTF %JBNFUFS 5BQFSFE in in 2 3/8 2.876 4 2 2 7/8 3.391 4 2 3 1/2 4.016 4 2 4 4.834 4 4 1/2 5.250 4 Thread 'PSN 4BNF"TPS *OUFSDIBOHFBCMF8JUI 2 V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) 4 2 V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) 4.280 4 2 2 7/8 Slim Hole NC 26 3 1/2 Slim Hole NC 31 4 1/2 Slim Hole NC 38 4 1/2 Extra Hole NC 46 5 Extra Hole NC 50 5 1/2 Double Streamline 4 1/2 Double Streamline NC 40 Threads QFS*ODI 5BQFS JOGU 2 7/8 3.327 4 2 3 1/2 3.812 4 2 4 1/2 4.834 4 2 V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) 5 5.250 4 2 V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) 2 7/8 2.876 4 2 3 1/2 3.391 4 2 4 3.812 4 2 4 1/2 4.016 4 2 3 1/2 3.327 4 2 4 1/2 4.280 4 2 V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) 5 1/2 5.250 4 2 V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) 26 2.876 4 2 V-0.038 R 31 3.391 4 2 V-0.038 R 38 4.016 4 2 V-0.038 R 40 4.280 4 2 V-0.038 R 46 4.834 4 2 V-0.038 R 50 5.250 4 2 V-0.038 R 4 1/2 3.812 4 2 V-0.065 (V-0.038 R) (1) Extra Hole (XH) (EH) Slim Hole(1) (SH) Double Streamline (DSL) Numbered Connections(2) (NC) External Flush (EF) 3 1/2 Double Streamline 4 Slim Hole 4 1/2 Slim Hole 4 Internal Flush NC 46 4 1/2 Flush 4 1/2Internal Slim Hole NC 50 5 1/2 Double Streamline 2 3/8 Internal Flush NC 26 2 7/8 Internal Flush NC 31 3 1/2 Extra Hole 4 1/2 External Flush 3 1/2 Internal Flush NC 38 2 7/8 Extra Hole 4 Full Hole NC 40 4 1/2 Internal Flush 5 Extra Hole NC 50 2 3/8 Internal Flush 2 7/8 Slim Hole 2 7/8 Internal Flush 3 1/2 Slim Hole 3 1/2 Internal Flush 4 1/2 Slim Hole 4 Full Hole 4 1/2 Double Streamline 4 Internal Flush 4 1/2 Extra Hole 4 1/2 Internal Flush 5 Extra Hole 5 1/2 Double Streamline 4 Slim Hole 3 1/2 Extra Hole /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO 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S-135 EU S-135 IU S-135 EU E-75 EU X-95 EU G-105 EU G-105 EU S-135 EU S-135 EU GUMC 6,300 6,300 7,900 7,900 8,800 8,800 11,300 11,300 8,100 8,100 10,200 10,200 11,300 11,300 14,500 14,500 11,600 11,600 11,600 14,600 14,600 14,600 16,200 16,200 16,200 20,800 20,800 20,800 14,100 14,100 14,100 17,900 17,900 17,900 19,800 19,800 19,800 25,500 25,500 25,500 18,600 18,600 18,600 23,500 23,500 23,500 26,000 26,000 26,000 33,400 33,400 33,400 21,100 26,700 29,500 29,500 38,000 38,000 MC 138,200 138,200 175,100 175,100 193,500 193,500 248,800 248,800 135,900 135,900 172,100 172,100 190,300 190,300 244,600 244,600 214,300 214,300 214,300 271,500 271,500 271,500 300,100 300,100 300,100 385,800 385,800 385,800 194,300 194,300 194,300 246,100 246,100 246,100 272,000 272,000 272,000 349,700 349,700 349,700 271,600 271,600 271,600 344,000 344,000 344,000 380,200 380,200 380,200 488,800 488,800 488,800 322,800 408,800 451,900 451,900 581,000 581,000 in 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.280 0.217 0.217 0.217 0.217 0.217 0.217 0.217 0.217 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.254 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.368 0.449 0.449 0.449 0.449 0.449 0.449 in 1.815 1.815 1.815 1.815 1.815 1.815 1.815 1.815 2.441 2.441 2.441 2.441 2.441 2.441 2.441 2.441 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.151 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.992 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.764 2.602 2.602 2.602 2.602 2.602 2.602 TRJO 1.843 1.843 1.843 1.843 1.843 1.843 1.843 1.843 1.812 1.812 1.812 1.812 1.812 1.812 1.812 1.812 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.858 2.590 2.590 2.590 2.590 2.590 2.590 2.590 2.590 2.590 2.590 2.590 2.590 3.621 3.621 3.621 3.621 3.621 3.621 3.621 3.621 3.621 3.621 3.621 3.621 4.304 4.304 4.304 4.304 4.304 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13,800 13,800 17,480 17,480 17,480 19,320 19,320 19,320 24,840 24,840 24,840 16,838 21,328 23,573 23,573 30,308 30,308 QTJ 15,599 15,599 19,759 19,759 21,839 21,839 28,079 28,079 10,467 10,467 12,940 12,940 14,020 14,020 17,034 17,034 16,509 16,509 16,509 20,911 20,911 20,911 23,112 23,112 23,112 29,716 29,716 29,716 10,001 10,001 10,001 12,077 12,077 12,077 13,055 13,055 13,055 15,748 15,748 15,748 14,113 14,113 14,113 17,877 17,877 17,877 19,758 19,758 19,758 25,404 25,404 25,404 16,774 21,247 23,484 23,484 30,194 30,194 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS 5PPM+PJOU%BUB "TTFNCMZ%BUB Grade Connection 0VUTJEF *OTJEF Torsional Tensile .BLFVQ Torsional 1JO #PY .JOJNVN5PPM %SJGU Size /PNJOBM BOE6QTFU Yield Yield 5PSRVF Ratio Tool 5POH 5POH "EKVTUFE +PJOU0%GPS $BQBDJUZ %JTQMBDF 0% 8FJHIU 5ZQF %JBNFUFS %JBNFUFS NFOU 8FJHIU 5ZQF 4USFOHUI 4USFOHUI +PJOUUP1JQF 4QBDF 4QBDF 1SFNJVN$MBTT %JBNFUFS in MCGU 2 3/8 6.65 2 7/8 6.85 2 7/8 10.40 3 1/2 9.50 3 1/2 13.30 3 1/2 15.50 E-75 EU E-75 EU X-95 EU X-95 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0.446 0.631 0.443 0.641 0.446 0.627 0.449 0.640 0.456 0.627 0.449 0.635 0.464 0.910 0.380 0.904 0.389 0.898 0.407 0.886 0.432 0.872 0.419 0.859 0.445 0.859 0.445 0.848 0.469 1.418 0.440 1.418 0.440 1.409 0.463 1.394 0.495 1.389 0.468 1.381 0.491 1.381 0.491 1.365 0.523 /05&4 n 1MFBTFSFGFSUPQBHFYPGUIF*OUSPEVDUJPO JODIFTMPOHFSUIBOTUBOEBSE www.GrantPrideco.com 2-35 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS (SBOU1SJEFDP#FODINBSL The patented benchmark provides a reference for dressing the tool joint’s make-up shoulders. As shown in the adjacent figures, a 1/8 inch wide step is machined onto the pin base adjacent to the torque shoulder. Similarly, a 1/8 inch wide step is machined onto the box counterbore adjacent to the box make-up shoulder. Unlike the API “tangent bar,” this step provides a reference that is visible from any position around the connection’s circumference. The amount of remaining material available for dressing can be easily determined with a pocket scale. The benchmarks are machined by the CNC machine tool during the threading process. This feature results in an accurate placement of the reference surface. 1 1 6OMJLFUIF"1*iUBOHFOUCBSuUIF(SBOU1SJEFDPCFODINBSLTUFQQSPWJEFTB SFGFSFODFUIBUJTWJTJCMFGSPNBOZQPTJUJPOBSPVOEUIFDPOOFDUJPOTDJSDVNGFSFODF 2-36 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS 9NBSL#FODINBSL By placing a refacing benchmark on the external bevel of the connection, the Xmark™ benchmark allows a simple determination to be made as to how much space is remaining to reface the connection prior to recutting. Available on many new connections furnished by Grant Prideco, Xmark is the clear solution to refacing limit uncertainty, and the only practical method of applying benchmarks to connections having stress relief grooves, such as drill collars and heavyweight drill pipe. Refacing benchmarks show the position of the original shoulder so the inspector can estimate the amount of refacing a connection has undergone and determine if excessive refacing has occurred. An advantage of Grant Prideco’s proprietary Xmark benchmark is that it reveals not only the extent of refacing, but also how perpendicular the refaced seal is to the pipe axis. 5IF9NBSLCFODINBSLSFWFBMTBYJBMNJTBMJHONFOUPGUIFTFBMBTXFMMBTUIFPSJHJOBM TIPVMEFSQPTJUJPO Xmark’s user-friendly design eliminates both the measurement and the math. Because Xmark is visually detectable throughout the full circumference of the connection, even without removal of the thread protector, it serves as an excellent indicator for determining the Xmark benchmark and reveals axial misalignment of the seal, as well as original shoulder position. www.GrantPrideco.com 2-37 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS $BSFBOE)BOEMJOHPG(SBOU1SJEFDP %SJMM1JQF Care and handling procedures for specific Grant Prideco connections are available on our website at www.GrantPrideco.com. The following procedures outline recommended practices for all Grant Prideco drill pipe. 1. Check to ensure the counter-balance on the top drive is working properly and provides a minimum amount of weight applied to the connection during make-up operations. If the top drive counter-balance is not working or is adjusted incorrectly, too much weight will be applied to the connection during make-up and may cause connection damage. To make adjustments to the top drive counter-balance system, contact the top drive manufacturer for proper counterbalance adjustment procedures. 2-38 2. Because some sizes of the TurboTorque™, TurboTorque-M™, XT® and XT-M™ connections have slower tapers than HI-TORQUE®, GPDS™ or standard API connections, increased effort regarding pin to box alignment during stabbing operations is required. 3. Visually inspect pipe and tool joints for damage. If thread protectors are damaged, remove and visually inspect connections. 4. If pipe is picked up with handling plugs, check the plugs for damage before making them up in the drill pipe box connections. Keep protectors on the handling plugs when they are lowered down the V door, and until they are screwed into the box connections. 5. Leave the pin protectors on the pipe as it is pulled up the V door and when the pipe is lowered into the mouse hole. Only remove after it is pulled out of the mouse hole. ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS 6. Break in the top drive saver sub by making it up and breaking it out to the recommended MUT three times in the rotary table before it is made up in the top drive. Use a short saver sub (5-1/2 inches shoulder to shoulder). This will position the pipe handler torque wrench two inches below the box shoulder, so it will not crush the counterbore of the box connection. 7. Stab in the top joint near the rig floor so you can verify that the pin is centered in the box. 8. Check the top drive torque and iron roughneck torque with the rig tongs and a recently calibrated load cell to make sure the correct torque is being applied to the connection. Check break-out torque to make sure it is not more than make-up torque. www.GrantPrideco.com 9. Grant Prideco requires the use of a stabbing guide when stabbing any TurboTorque-M™ or XT-M™ connection, and recommends its use for other connections as well. Use of a stabbing guide: (1) ensures proper pin to box alignment and reduces stabbing damage to the box seal face, (2) increases safety by reducing opportunities for finger pinch points when handling the connection and (3) may actually increase trip times by reducing time spent by the rig crew when aligning pin to box connections during tripping operations. Stabbing guides are available in many types (plastic and stainless steel) and sizes as shown in the pictures below. The use of a stabbing guide is NOT required, nor recommended by Grant Prideco when breaking out connections. 2-39 ROTARY-SHOULDERED CONNECTIONS 11. Proper alignment, along with slow initial makeup of the starting threads, is critical. Caution is required in making up the first five or six threads before spinning it up. If the connection is made up with misalignment and fast spin up, minor thread damage may occur within the starting threads. Should this happen, it can be removed with a soft grinding wheel or a file. This will not be detrimental to the connection. 12. When pipe is laid down, ensure thread protectors are installed. 10. Ensure the use of contaminant-free thread compound and proper doping procedures. Standard thread compounds generally used with rotary-shouldered connections such as zinc-based, copper-based, Teflon®-based and other metal and metal-free thread compounds are compatible with Grant Prideco connections. Based on in-house testing and field experience, Grant Prideco has seen more consistent friction properties for copper-based thread compounds. B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; 2-40 HARDBANDING HARDBANDING HARDBANDING HARDBANDING HARDBANDING H ardbanding has been used in the oil and gas industry for decades. Through years of research and testing, Grant Prideco has developed some of the industry’s top solutions. Several hardbanding options are available to meet your drilling challenges. Platinum® HB Hardband Two years of continuous research, development and testing have resulted in Platinum HB, the industry’s first engineered hardband solution. Introduced to the market in 2006, Platinum HB delivers best-in-class tool joint protection in casing, superior resistance to spalling and cracking, industry-best casing protection and easy reapplication over itself, with the convenience of a cost-effective single-source supplier. SmoothX™ Hardband A patented hardband of submerged spherical tungsten carbide granules in a mild steel matrix, SmoothX provides a smooth surface with little or no exposed carbide. Grant Prideco can provide other commercial hardbands upon request. www.GrantPrideco.com 3-1 HARDBANDING Platinum® HB Engineered specifically for drill string hardbanding applications, Platinum® HB provides minimum casing wear while maintaining excellent tool joint protection. Today’s severe wear environments of extended reach, horizontal, deepwater and abrasive hard rock are easily handled by Platinum HB, making it the ideal choice of both oil companies and pipe owners for a complete range of drilling applications. Platinum HB’s near-nanoscale microconstituents offer a new paradigm of both high strength and high toughness. Platinum HB provides unsurpassed wear characteristics while maintaining the impact resistance and toughness necessary to resist spalling and flaking downhole. Superior Resistance to Cracking Through a patent-pending application process, Platinum HB has been meticulously engineered to contract and expand at the same rate as the tool joint steel to virtually eliminate cracking during application and in the field. Other hardbands have traditionally reduced their strength and hardness to achieve a crack-free application, consequently sacrificing tool joint protection. Matching the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) of the hardband material and base tool joint steel enables higher strength and hardness without detrimental cracking tendencies. Platinum HB’s high strength and high toughness provide a wear-resistant hardband with superior resistance to cracking and spalling. Dye penetrant testing of applied hardband materials proves the superior crack resistance of Platinum HB relative to competitive hardbands (see photos at right). Best Casing Wear The near-nanoscale microconstituents of Platinum HB deliver the industry’s absolute best casing protection. Casing wear tests conducted at Grant Prideco’s Technology Center show a 37% reduction in casing wear over the nearest “casing-friendly” competitor (see graph on next page). Grant Prideco is the only hardband manufacturer to purchase, install and operate its own casing wear test machine (see photo above). Throughout the Platinum HB development program, hundreds of samples were tested including most competitive casing-friendly hardbands. Competitor 3-2 Platinum® HB HARDBANDING BEST CASING WEAR 30 27.1 26.5 % of Casing Wall Thickness Lost 25 37% improvement in casing wear performance compared to the nearest competitor 19.9 20 18.6 15 12.1 10 8.1 7.8 4.9 5 0 Best Tool Joint Wear Platinum HB not only minimizes casing wear, it provides significantly better tool joint protection than any other casing-friendly hardband product on the market. This fact has been proven in comparative tests against the leading hardband solutions currently available in the industry. The results show a 55% improvement in radial tool joint wear of casing compared to the second best solution (see graph below left). With Platinum HB, you get maximum tool joint protection with no compromise in casing wear performance, a feat never before achieved by any other hardband. Steel TJ Tungsten Carbide Comp. B Comp. C Comp. E Comp. D Comp. A Platinum® HB Re-Application When considering the long-term cost of drill pipe ownership, re-application of the hardband is an important consideration. Many of the unique properties that result in Platinum HB’s superior field performance also contribute to its ease of re-application. The “matched” CTE, strength, toughness and virtual elimination of cracking of Platinum HB permit this hardband to be economically applied over itself. BEST-IN-CLASS TOOL JOINT WEAR 0.0140 in 0.0125 in Radial Wear of TJ in Casing 0.0120 in 0.0100 in 55% improvement in radial wear in casing compared to the nearest competitor 0.0100 in 0.0080 in 0.0080 in 0.0060 in 0.0050 in 0.0045 in 0.0040 in 0.0020 in 0.0000 in 0.0020 in 0.0020 in Steel TJ Platinum® HB 0.0000 in Tungsten Carbide www.GrantPrideco.com Comp. B Comp. D Comp. A Comp. C Comp. E Single-Source Convenience and Accountability Grant Prideco’s global operations, innovative products and sophisticated testing laboratories meet the demands of the toughest drilling challenges. Product quality and performance are optimized by Grant Prideco’s vertical integration from mill to market and by a complete offering of drill pipe, tool joints and related drill stem products, all specifically engineered to complement each other. Platinum HB provides the convenience of single-source ordering, logistics and accountability. Grant Prideco provides quality control from raw material source through final inspection. 3-3 HARDBANDING SmoothX™ Hardbanding SmoothX™ hardbanding was developed to minimize tool joint wear. Five bands of the SmoothX hardbanding are applied around a tool joint, covering approximately 3-1/2 to 4 inches of length. Three “fingers” of SmoothX hardbanding are applied to the elevator shoulders to prevent wear and undercutting adjacent to the last band of hardbanding in open-hole environments. Without these fingers, erosion of the elevator shoulder could occur, shortening the life of the tool joint. Machined groove Spherical carbide granules in a mild steel matrix SmoothX hardbanding is applied in a machined groove on the tool joint by dropping a measured quantity of spherical, sintered, 30-14 mesh tungsten carbide granules into a molten puddle formed by welding wire. The granules sink into the molten weld metal and leave a smooth surface that has little or no exposed tungsten carbide. The resulting matrix has an increasing density of tungsten carbide from the surface to the bottom of the deposit. SmoothX™ tool joint with fingers 3-4 HARDBANDING Radius leading edge SmoothEdge® Tool Joints Grant Prideco’s SmoothEdge® tool joints provide a sacrificial wear pad for the installation of tool joint hardbanding. SmoothEdge is available for both pin and box tool joint hardbanding applications, and is width and height adjustable to allow for customer-specific hardbanding applications. Use of SmoothEdge tool joints and casing-friendly hardbanding extends the life of the tool joint, reduces torque and drag operating loads and significantly reduces casing wear. Reduced Risk to Downhole Pressure-Sensitive Components Often, the leading edge of proud hardbanding applications can be sharp or jagged, increasing wear or damage to various downhole components. Grant Prideco’s SmoothEdge tool joint provides a base material with a radius as the leading edge to the hardbanding material. The radius reduces wear and tear to items such as seals within rotating heads and other items whose pressure integrity are critical, especially within pressure-critical operations such as underbalanced drilling (UBD) and managed pressure drilling (MPD). Platinum® HB Smooth 18° Taper SmoothEdge® tool joint with Platinum® HB Improved Hardbanding Integrity Initial Application – Proud hardbanding applications ideally maintain higher weld bead heights than other applications. The significant amount of bead deposit required to achieve these levels often makes the initial application of casing-friendly hardbanding susceptible to flaking and spalling. Grant Prideco’s SmoothEdge tool joint provides an expendable wear pad allowing a more controlled weld bead deposit while maintaining proud application heights desired to protect the tool joint from wear. Turb TurboTorque™ tool joints with SmoothEdge® feature are ready Smo for hardband h application. www.GrantPrideco.com 3-5 HARDBANDING Re-application – Re-application of casing-friendly hardbands are also susceptible to flaking and spalling, largely because they are designed to weld to a crack-free, base steel metal. However, most casing-friendly hardbanding re-applications are made over the existing hardbanding, promoting the probability of hardband cracking, spalling and loss of material integrity. Grant Prideco’s SmoothEdge® tool joints provide an elevated sacrificial wear pad such that the initial hardbanding material can wear down to the tool joint material itself. This feature allows a re-application to be made again on the tool joint’s crack-free, base steel material. The NanoSteel™ Company Platinum® HB was developed in partnership with The NanoSteel Company (TNC), an international leader in the research, development and production of nanomaterials. Headquartered in Providence, Rhode Island, TNC was founded by Military Commercial Technologies in July 2002. The technology to develop nanostructured steel and the original intellectual property came out of research performed at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory which was partially funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. XT®57 SmoothEdge® tool joint with Platinum® HB hardband TNC has won 3 coveted R&D 100 Awards for its nanotechnology products. R&D Magazine has sponsored the international awards program for more than 40 years. B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; 3-6 CUSTOMENGINEERED PRODUCTS CUSTOM-ENGINEERED PRODUCTS CUSTOM-ENGINEERED PRODUCTS CUSTOMENGINEERED PRODUCTS CUSTOM-ENGINEERED PRODUCTS I n addition to a complete line of drill stem products and accessories, Drilling Products & Services has the resources to design, engineer, test and produce custom drill stem products to meet specialized or unusually demanding applications. Grant Prideco’s extensive engineering resources include: t%SJMMTUFNEFTJHO t$PNQVUFSBJEFEEFTJHODBQBCJMJUZ t4UBUFPGUIFBSUUFTUMBCPSBUPSZ t"#"264öOJUFFMFNFOUBOBMZTJT t.FUBMMVSHJDBMBOBMZTJT t'BJMVSFBOBMZTJT t.BDIJOFTIPQTVQQPSUGBDJMJUJFT Grant Prideco maintains fully staffed engineering and metallurgical EFQBSUNFOUTXJUIEFDBEFTPGDPNCJOFEFYQFSJFODF5FBNTPG FYQFSUTDSFBUFDVTUPNEFTJHOTBDDPSEJOHUPTQFDJöDDVTUPNFS SFRVFTUTFJUIFSCZNPEJGZJOHTUBOEBSEQSPEVDUTEFTJHOJOHDVTUPN tool joints or formulating special metallurgy. www.GrantPrideco.com 4-1 CUSTOM-ENGINEERED PRODUCTS $VTUPNFOHJOFFSFEEFTJHOTBSFUIPSPVHIMZUFTUFEBOEWFSJöFE CFGPSFEFMJWFSZUPUIFSJHTJUF.PTUESJMMJOHDPOEJUJPOTDBOCF TJNVMBUFEBUUIF(SBOU1SJEFDP5FDIOPMPHZ$FOUFSBGVMMTDBMF TUBUFPGUIFBSUUVCVMBSUFTUJOHGBDJMJUZJO)PVTUPO5FYBT Orders for custom engineered products are monitored throughout UIFEFTJHOUFTUJOHBOENBOVGBDUVSJOHCZBIJHIMZRVBMJöFE FOHJOFFSJOHTUBò$VTUPNFSTBSFJOWJUFEUPCFJOWPMWFEBTNVDIPS as little as they desire throughout the entire course of the project. (SBOU1SJEFDPTDPNQMFUFBOEFYQBOTJWFDBQBCJMJUJFTDPNCJOFE with industry-leading technology, result in optimum solutions for the most demanding drill string challenges. Fatigue tester at Grant Prideco Technology Center 4-2 CUSTOM-ENGINEERED PRODUCTS Slip-Proof® Drill Pipe Slip-Proof® Drill Pipe is a Grant Prideco patented product designed UPJNQSPWFUIFGBUJHVFMJGFPGESJMMQJQFCZSFEVDJOHUIFFòFDUPGTMJQ EBNBHF5IFQJQFJTNBOVGBDUVSFEXJUIBUIJDLXBMMDSPTTTFDUJPO UVCFXFMEFECFUXFFOUIFCPYUPPMKPJOUBOEUIFVQTFUESJMMQJQF UVCF5IFUIJDLXBMMTFDUJPOIBTUIFTBNF0%BOE*%BTUIFESJMM QJQFVQTFUBOEUIFUPPMKPJOUXFMEOFDL5IFUIJDLFSTFDUJPOJT approximately 48 inches long and has minimum yield strength of 120,000 psi. Tool Joint Advantages of Slip-Proof® Drill Pipe t3FNPWFTUIFTMJQTGSPNUIFIJHITUSFTTBSFBPGUIFUVCF t*NQSPWFTGBUJHVFMJGF t1SFWFOUTTMJQDSVTIJOH t1SFWFOUTCFOEJOHPGUIFQJQFJOUIFSPUBSZUBCMF Slip-Proof® Tube t*NQSPWFTTMJQHSJQ t1SFWFOUTXBTIPVUTSFTVMUJOHGSPNTMJQEBNBHF Upset Pipe Body Thick-Wall Slip-Proof® pipe is a Grant Prideco patented design to reduce the effect of slip damage and provide improved resistance to slip crushing. www.GrantPrideco.com 4-3 CUSTOM-ENGINEERED PRODUCTS 3FDPHOJ[FEBTUIFXPSMETMFBEJOHNBOVGBDUVSFSPGESJMMJOH products, Grant Prideco produces superior landing strings to "TPòTIPSFXBUFSEFQUITJODSFBTFUPPWFSGFFUXFMMEFQUIT DPOGSPOUUIFTFDIBMMFOHFT0òFSJOHTJODMVEFXFMEFEBTTFNCMJFTPG exceed 34,000 feet and extended reach targets push out over VQUPJODIXBMMUIJDLOFTTBOEJOUFHSBMBTTFNCMJFTCVJMUUP 35,000 feet, operators are increasing the setting depths of larger customer requirements. Landing strings with hoisting capacity EJBNFUFSBOEIFBWJFSDBTJOHTUSJOHT5IFTFPòTIPSFEFTJHOTSFRVJSF BQQSPBDIJOHNJMMJPOQPVOETDBOCFQSPWJEFE landing strings with hoisting capacity approaching two million pounds. "OJEFBMMBOEJOHTUSJOHTIPVMEQSPWJEFBEFRVBUFMPBEDBSSZJOH Landing Strings 5IFOBUVSFPGEFFQXBUFSBOEVMUSBEFFQXBUFSXFMMEFTJHOJT driving the requirement for higher tensile capacity landing strings. /PUPOMZJTXBUFSEFQUIJODSFBTJOHCVUXFMMUBSHFUEFQUITCFMPX UIFNVEMJOFBSFCFJOHFYUFOEFE5IFTFGBDUPSTDPNCJOFEXJUIUIF PGUFOOBSSPXNBSHJOCFUXFFOQPSFQSFTTVSFNVEXFJHIUBOE fracture gradient, are causing well designers to set more intermediate casing strings. In turn, large diameter, heavy casing strings are pushed to deeper setting depths in order to maintain hole size BOESFBDIUIFJOUFOEFEIZESPDBSCPOUBSHFUT Reduced tool joint diameter for reduced make-up torque requirements SmoothEdge® double diameter box tool joint 4-4 Extended length, thicker wall slip section for increased slip crushing capacity Increased tool joint diameter for increased elevator hoisting capacity DBQBDJUZBOETBUJTGBDUPSZIZESBVMJDTXIJMFNJOJNJ[JOHBTTFNCMZ XFJHIUBOEDPOOFDUJPONBLFVQUPSRVF(SBOU1SJEFDPT state-of-the-art landing strings address application requirements JOEJWJEVBMMZUISPVHIGFBUVSFTTVDIBTUIJDLXBMMTMJQTFDUJPOTGPS JODSFBTFETMJQDSVTIJOHDBQBDJUZIJHITUSFOHUIHSBEFUVCFTUP SFEVDFEXBMMUIJDLOFTTBOEEPVCMFEJBNFUFSUPPMKPJOUTUPJODSFBTF elevator capacity. -BOEJOHTUSJOHTBSFTQFDJöFECZ0%BOEOPNJOBMXBMMUIJDLOFTTOPU CZOPNJOBMXFJHIU Internal and external upset (IEU) High-strength grade tube to reduce wall thickness Tungsten carbide free hardbanding to protect riser/casing Pin wall thickness to provide connection tensile capacity CUSTOM-ENGINEERED PRODUCTS Completion Drill Pipe New design challenges for deepwater, extended reach and other critical completion operations have limited conventional use of JOEVTUSZTUBOEBSEXPSLTUSJOHTBOEQSPNQUFEEFWFMPQNFOUPGB OFXDPNQMFUJPOQJQFDBQBCMFPGBEESFTTJOHEFNBOETGPSIJHI torsional strength, gas-tight seals and a streamlined connection QSPöMF*OSFTQPOTFBTQFDJBMJ[FEUVCVMBSXJUINFUBMUPNFUBM QSFTTVSFTFBMDPOOFDUJPOTIBTCFFOEFWFMPQFEBTBOFXDPNQMFUJPO QJQFPQUJPO)JHIQFSGPSNBODF5VSCP5PSRVF.55. BOE F9USFNF¥5PSRVF.95. NFUBMUPNFUBMTFBMDPOOFDUJPOT QSPWJEFUIFSPCVTUDPOöHVSBUJPOPGBSPUBSZTIPVMEFSFEDPOOFDUJPO with the pressure integrity of a premium connection. 5IFDPNQMFUJPOQJQFTTUSFBNMJOFEDPOöHVSBUJPOQSPWJEFTBO PWFSTJ[FEJOTJEFEJBNFUFSUISPVHIPVUUIFDPOOFDUJPOBOEUVCFUP NBYJNJ[FIZESBVMJDFóDJFODZBOEQSPWJEFGPSVOPCTUSVDUFEUPPM QBTTBHFUISPVHIUIFDPNQMFUJPOTUSJOH.BYJNJ[JOHUPPMKPJOU JOTJEFEJBNFUFSBOETIJGUJOHUVCFVQTFUTUPUIFFYUFSJPSBSFPQUJPOT GPSNJOJNJ[JOHøPXSFTUSJDUJPOT5IFEJNFOTJPOBMøFYJCJMJUZPGUIF 55.BOE95.EVSBCMFXFMEFEIJHIQFSGPSNBODFUPPMKPJOUT QSPWJEFTBEWBOUBHFTOPUTFFOJOUZQJDBM"1*UPPMKPJOUTPSUISFBEFE VQTFUUVCJOHDPOOFDUJPODPOöHVSBUJPOT5IFOFXDPNQMFUJPOQJQF QSPWJEFTTVQFSJPSMFBLSFTJTUBODFJOIJHIQSFTTVSFBQQMJDBUJPOT XIJMFNBJOUBJOJOHUPSTJPOBMDBQBDJUJFTDPNQBSBCMFUPEPVCMF shouldered rotary connections. www.GrantPrideco.com 5IFTFBMJOUFHSJUZPGUIFDPOOFDUJPOIBTCFFOTVDDFTTGVMMZQSFTTVSF UFTUFEBGUFSNBLFVQBOECSFBLPVUDZDMFT tF9USFNF¥5PSRVF.DPOOFDUJPOTBSFSBUFEUPXJUITUBOEVQUP 15,000 psi internal and 10,000 psi external gas pressures t5VSCP5PSRVF.DPOOFDUJPOTBSFSBUFEUPXJUITUBOEVQUP 20,000 psi internal and 10,000 psi external gas pressures $VTUPNJ[FEDPNQMFUJPOQJQFPòFSTBWJBCMFPQUJPOGPSNVMUJQMF PQFSBUJPOTTVDIBTESJMMTUFNUFTUT%45 ESJMMJOHPVUDFNFOU displacing mud with completion fluid, conveying perforating guns BOEQFSGPSNJOHBGSBDKPC High-performance TurboTorque-M™ (TT-M™) and eXtreme® Torque-M™ (XT-M™) provide the robust configuration of a rotary-shouldered connection with gas-tight pressure integrity for critical completion operations. 4-5 CUSTOM-ENGINEERED PRODUCTS Drill Pipe Intervention Risers Offshore well intervention operators have recognized the effectiveness of utilizing a drill pipe intervention riser in comparison to the NPSFDPOWFOUJPOBMVTFPGESJMMJOHSJTFSTGPSJOUFSWFOUJPOXPSL5IF drill pipe intervention riser provides a rugged structure, gas-tight seal, large internal diameter and corrosion-resistant exterior. (SBOU1SJEFDPDBOJODPSQPSBUFIJHIQFSGPSNBODF5VSCP5PSRVF. 55. BOEF9USFNF¥5PSRVF.95. NFUBMUPNFUBMTFBM DPOOFDUJPOTJOUPBDVTUPNEFTJHOUPNFFUDVTUPNFSTQFDJöD intervention requirements. .BYJNJ[JOHUPPMKPJOUJOTJEFEJBNFUFSBOETIJGUJOHUVCFVQTFUTUP the exterior creates an oversized inside diameter throughout the DPOOFDUJPOBOEUVCFUPPQUJNJ[FVOPCTUSVDUFEUPPMQBTTBHF through the string. Grant Prideco rotary-shouldered drill pipe connections are rugged BOESPCVTUBOEDBOXJUITUBOENVMUJQMFNBLFVQBOECSFBLPVU cycles without experiencing galling or other damage. With proper handling procedures, these connections can complete well over DZDMFTCFGPSFSFQBJSPSSFDVUJTSFRVJSFE$POWFOUJPOBMQJQF handling equipment for drill pipe accommodates relatively fast QJDLVQNBLFVQSVOOJOHBOEUSJQQJOHTQFFET*OBEEJUJPOUIF MBOEJOHTUSJOHDBOCFVTFEGPSESJMMJOHJGOFDFTTBSZ %SJMMQJQFJOUFSWFOUJPOSJTFSTDBOCFQSPWJEFEJOBOZPGUIFQSPQSJetary sour service drill pipe grades of high yield strength offered CZ(SBOU1SJEFDPGPSTFSWJDFJO)24FOWJSPONFOUTTFF%SJMM1JQF TFDUJPO B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; 4-6 HEAV YWEIGHT DRILL PIPE HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE HEAV YWEIGHT DRILL PIPE HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE G rant Prideco offers three types of Heavyweight Drill Pipe (HWDP). Designed to provide a gradual transition between drill pipe and drill collars, HWDP improves the fatigue resistance of the drill string. Standard HWDP is suited for most applications including vertical, extended reach and horizontal wells. Grant Prideco’s Tri-Spiral™ HWDP is suited for applications requiring additional hole-cleaning and buckling resistance. Spiral-Wate® HWDP reduces differential sticking, minimizes wear and improves circulation in especially tough drilling environments. www.GrantPrideco.com 5-1 HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE Standard HWDP Standard Heavyweight Drill Pipe (HWDP), was developed to provide a gradual transition from heavy drill collars to relatively lightweight drill pipe. This intermediate weight pipe has a wall thickness of approximately one inch, and helps prevent stress concentration at the top of drill collars. HWDP also allows drilling at higher RPMs, reducing torque and differential pressure sticking. 24” 18° B Elevator Upset Diameter HWDP is well-suited for directional drilling. Because it bends easily, it simplifies directional control and minimizes connection fatigue problems common to high-angle or horizontal drilling. For extended reach and horizontal wells, especially in wells where the total vertical depth to total measured depth ratio is low, high strength heavyweight drill pipe is often used high in the hole to apply weight on the bit. Various combinations of HWDP, drill collars and standard drill string components can be created to meet the challenges of severe drilling conditions. C Wear Section Upset Diameter 26” 31' Nominal Length A Nominal Size B Upset Diameter 18° D Tool Joint OD Standard HWDP 5-2 24” HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE STANDARD HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES† Tube Tool Joint Mechanical Properties Nominal Dimensions Nominal Size (A) ID Wall Thickness Area Section Modules Spiral Center Upset Upsets Tensile Yield (C) (in) End Upsets (B) (in) (sq in) (cu in) Torsional Yield Mechanical Properties Nominal Dimensions Connection Size and Type OD (D) Assembly ID Tensile Yield Torsional Yield Adjusted Weight Per Foot Per 31 ft Joint (lb) Make-up Torque (lb) (ft-lb) (in) (in) (lb) (ft-lb) 2 7/8(1) 1 1/2 0.688 4.727 2.161 3 5/16 2 15/16 520,000 22,400 NC 26 (2 3/8 IF) 3 3/8 1 1/2 357,700 6,300 17.26 535 3,800 3 1/2 2 1/16 0.719 6.282 3.702 4 3 7/8 345,500 19,600 NC 38 (3 1/2 IF) 4 3/4 2 1/16 867,100 19,200 25.65 795 11,500 3 1/2 2 1/4 0.625 5.645 3.490 4 3 7/8 310,500 18,500 NC 38 (3 1/2 IF) 4 3/4 2 1/4 790,900 19,200 23.48 728 11,500 4 2 9/16 0.719 7.411 5.225 4 1/2 4 3/16 407,600 27,600 NC 40 (4 FH) 5 1/4 2 9/16 838,300 27,800 29.92 928 14,600 4 1/2 2 3/4 0.875 9.965 7.698 5 4 11/16 548,100 40,700 NC 46 (4 IF) 6 1/4 2 3/4 1,151,00 43,600 41.45 1,285 22,500 5 3 1.000 12.666 10.681 5 1/2 5 1/8 691,200 56,500 NC 50 (4 1/2 IF) 6 5/8 3 1416,200 57,800 50.38 1,562 30,000 5 1/2 3 1/4 1.125 15.463 14.342 6 5 11/16 850,400 75,900 5 1/2 FH 7 1/4 3 1/4 1,778,300 78,700 61.63 1,911 HT™55 115,100 (ft-lb) 41,200 69,000* 5 7/8 4 0.938 14.542 15.630 6 3/8 6 799,800 82,700 XT®57 7 4 1,403,100 106,200 57.42 1,780 63,700* 6 5/8 4 1/2 1.063 18.574 22.476 7 1/8 6 15/16 1,021,600 118,900 6 5/8 FH 8 4 1/2 1,896,100 87,900 71.43 2,214 50,500 NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. (1) 2-7/8 inch HWDP is only manufactured as an integral (non-welded) design. www.GrantPrideco.com 5-3 HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE Tri-Spiral™ HWDP Grant Prideco developed Tri-Spiral™ Heavyweight Drill Pipe for extended reach and horizontal drilling applications requiring greater buckling resistance and hole cleaning than is available with standard HWDP. The severe bending stresses and hole/wall contact are reduced by three spiral upsets that are equally spaced between tool joints. The upset design helps reduce buckling and differential sticking, as well as torque and drag. Spiraling the upsets also helps move the cuttings off the low side of the hole for better hole cleaning. D Box Tool Joint 24” B Elevator Upset Diameter C Spiral Upset 26” 31' Nominal Length Tri-Spiral HWDP features more weight per joint and better hole cleaning characteristics than standard heavyweight drill pipe, providing optimum performance in severe drilling conditions. C Center Spiral Upset 26” C Spiral Upset 26” A Nominal Size B Upset Diameter 24” D Pin Tool Joint Tri-Spiral™ HWDP 5-4 HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE TRI-SPIRAL™ HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES† Tube Tool Joint Mechanical Properties Nominal Dimensions Nominal Size (A) ID Wall Thickness Area Section Modulus End Upsets (B) (in) Tensile Yield (cu in) Spiral Upsets (C) (in) 2 7/8(1) 1 1/2 0.688 (sq in) 4.727 3 1/2 2 1/16 0.719 3 1/2 2 1/4 4 Torsional Yield (lb) (ft-lb) 2.161 3 5/16 2 15/16 520,000 6.282 3.702 4 3 7/8 0.625 5.645 3.490 4 2 9/16 0.719 7.411 5.225 4 1/2 2 3/4 0.875 9.965 5 3 1.000 5 1/2 3 1/4 5 7/8 6 5/8 Mechanical Properties Nominal Dimensions Connection Size and Type OD (D) (in) 22,900 NC 26 (2 3/8 IF) 3 3/8 345,500 19,600 NC 38 (3 1/2 IF) 4 3/4 3 7/8 310,500 18,500 NC 38 (3 1/2 IF) 4 1/2 4 3/16 407,600 27,600 7.698 5 4 11/16 548,100 12.566 10.681 5 1/2 5 1/8 1.125 15.463 14.342 6 4 0.938 14.542 15.630 4 1/2 1.063 18.574 22.476 Assembly ID Tensile Yield Torsional Yield (in) (lb) (ft-lb) 1 1/2 357,700 2 1/16 4 3/4 NC 40 (4 FH) 40,700 691,200 5 11/16 6 3/8 7 1/8 Adjusted Weight Per foot Per 31 ft Joint (lb) Make-up Torque 6,300 18.22 565 3,800 867,100 19,200 27.05 839 11,500 2 1/4 790,900 19,200 24.88 771 11,500 5 1/4 2 9/16 838,300 27,800 31.51 977 14,600 NC 46 (4 IF) 6 1/4 2 3/4 1,151,100 43,600 43.31 1,343 22,500 56,500 NC 50 (4 1/2 IF) 6 5/8 3 1,416,200 57,800 52.34 1,623 30,000 850,400 75,900 5 1/2 FH 7 1/4 3 1/4 1,778,300 78,700 63.78 1,977 41,200 6 799,800 82,700 XT®57 7 4 1,403,100 106,200 57.42 1,780 63,700* 6 15/16 1,021,600 118,850 6 5/8 FH 8 4 1/2 1,896,100 87,900 74.67 2,315 50,500 (ft-lb) NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. (1) 2-7/8 inch Tri-Spiral is only manufactured as an integral (non-welded) design. www.GrantPrideco.com 5-5 HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE Spiral-Wate® HWDP Spiral-Wate® drill pipe, spiraled heavy-wall drill pipe, is designed to handle maximum stress to save time and reduce drilling costs, especially in tough drilling environments. Intermediate drill string members are constantly subjected to some of the most severe tasks in drilling today. The critical transition zone between stiff, heavy drill collars (under compression) and the light, more flexible drill pipe (in tension) is critical to the performance of the drill string. Spiral-Wate drill pipe’s unique patented spiral design reduces differential sticking problems, minimizes wear and improves circulation. Precision tool joint alignment cuts down on excessive tool joint wear for longer service life and reduced fatigue. D Box Tool Joint 24” B Elevator Upset Diameter 42” A Nominal Size 31' Nominal Length C Spiral Upset 21'4” 9” D Pin Tool Joint 24” Spiral-Wate® HWDP 5-6 HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE SPIRAL-WATE® DRILL PIPE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES† Tube Tool Joint Mechanical Properties Nominal Dimensions Nominal Size ID Wall Thickness Area Section Modulus Tensile Yield Torsional Yield Mechanical Properties Nominal Dimensions Connection Size and Type OD (D) ID (sq in) (cu in) (lb) (ft-lb) (in) (in) (lb) (ft-lb) 3 3/16(1) 2 0.594 4.840 2.687 5 5/16 Nominal 532,400 28,400 SLH90 3 7/8 2 407,000 12,000 19.48 604 6,300 3 1/2 2 1/4 0.625 5.645 3.490 4 3 5/8 310,500 18,500 NC 38 (3 1/2 IF) 4 7/8 2 1/4 790,000 22,900 30.39 942 13,100 4 2 9/16 0.719 7.411 5.225 4 1/2 4 1/8 407,600 27,600 NC 40 (4 FH) 5 2 9/16 838,300 20,900 28.90 896 729,700 40,800 XT39 Tensile Yield Torsional Yield Adjusted Weight Spiral Upsets (C) (in) (A) Box End Upset (B) (in) Assembly Per foot Per 31 ft Joint (lb) Make-up Torque (ft-lb) 12,600 24,500(2) 4 1/2 2 3/4 0.875 9.965 7.698 5 4 5/8 548,100 40,700 NC 46 (4 IF) 6 1/4 2 3/4 1,183,900 44,900 49.53 1,535 23,200 5 3 1.000 12.566 10.681 5 1/2 5 1/8 691,200 56,500 NC 50 (4 1/2 IF) 6 5/8 3 1,416,200 57,800 59.16 1,834 30,000 HT50 5 1/2 4 0.750 11.192 11.764 6 5 5/8 615,600 62,200 5 1/2 FH 53,300 (2) 88,800 7 4 1,265,800 HT55® 56,000 54.57 29,200 46,300 (2) 77,200 5 7/8 4 0.938 14.542 16.630 6 3/8 6 799,800 82,700 XT57® 7 4 1,403,100 106,200 65.38 6 5/8 4 1/2 1.063 18.574 22.476 7 1/8 6 3/4 1,021,600 118,900 6 5/8 FH 8 4 1/2 1,896,100 88,000 82.12 2,027 63,700 (2) 50,500 NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. (1) 3-3/16 inch Spiral-Wate, previously referred to as 2-7/8 inch, is only manufactured as an integral (non-welded) design. (2) Reduced makeup for typically chamfered connection. www.GrantPrideco.com 5-7 HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE Features and Options Extra-Long Tool Joints Grant Prideco heavyweight drill pipe is manufactured by welding extra-long tool joints to heavy-wall tubes. The extra-long tool joint increases tong space, and allows for several connection recuts to maximize your investment. Cold Rolling Heavyweight drill pipe undergoes repeated severe tensile and compressive stresses during the drilling operation. As compared to regular drill pipe, HWDP is much stiffer, focusing cyclic stresses on the thread roots and potentially resulting in connection failure. To help alleviate this problem, the thread roots on every piece of heavyweight drill pipe are cold-rolled by Grant Prideco. Cold rolling imparts an initial state of compressive stress that minimizes crack initiation thereby increasing fatigue resistance. The cold-rolling process consists of compressing metal fibers by means of a roller to increase fatigue resistance. 5-8 Phosphate Coating All heavyweight drill pipe connections are given a hot phosphate coating to provide resistance to galling and corrosion. Hardbanding Grant Prideco has several hardbanding materials available to apply to heavyweight drill pipe including Platinum® HB and SmoothX™, as well as third-party materials. Hardbanding can be applied in several configurations to meet specific needs. Proprietary Rotary-Shouldered Connections In addition to the API and public domain connections listed in the previous tables, Grant Prideco can provide heavyweight drill pipe with proprietary stress relief thread forms or double-shouldered connections to enhance performance (see Rotary-Shouldered Connections section). HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE HWDP Grades Standard Heavyweight Drill Pipe Grant Prideco standard heavyweight pipe is manufactured from AISI 1340 material and heavyweight tool joints are manufactured from AISI 4142H-4145H modified drill collar material. eXtreme® Drilling XD®-90 Sour Service Grade eXtreme® XD®-90 HWDP is a proprietary product offered by Grant Prideco for service in H2S environments. Available in both standard and spiral designs, XD-90 heavyweight drill pipe provides higher strength and a tempered martensite microstructure for enhanced resistance to crack initiation and crack propagation. XD-90 HWDP incorporates a proprietary chemistry and a rigidly controlled quench-and-temper heat treatment process. The eXtreme XD-90 is resistant to sulfide stress cracking and its high fracture toughness is ideal for the most demanding drilling conditions, including applications with high bending loads and corrosive environments. www.GrantPrideco.com 5-9 HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE eXtreme® HW™-95 and HW™-120 Heavyweight Drill Pipe HWTM-95 and HWTM-120 high-strength heavyweight drill pipe are proprietary grades offered by Grant Prideco for target applications requiring the use of HWDP high in the hole where elevated tensile and torsional loading is expected. Both HW-95 and HW-120 provide high yield strength – 95 ksi and 120 ksi minimum, respectively, a 73% and 218% increase in yield strength over standard heavyweight products – resulting in superior tensile and torsional strength properties. These pipe configurations provide tensile and torsional capacities equal to or greater than nearly all types of standard API drill pipes tubes. As a result of the increased strength, HW-95 and HW-120 are a perfect fit for applications such as short radius, horizontal and extended reach drilling projects where use of HWDP above the kick-off point is required for applying bit weight and additional buckling stability. HEAVYWEIGHT DRILL PIPE MATERIAL GRADES† Materials Standard HWDP HW™-95 XD®-90 HW™-120 Mechanical Properties Yield Strength Minimum Tensile Strength (ksi) (ksi) Hardness Tube 55 Min 95 285 HBN Max Tool Joint 120 Min 140 285-341 HBN 36 HRC Max Weld-Line – – Tube 95 Min 105 26 HRC Max Tool Joint 120 Min 140 285-341 HBN Weld-Line – – 36 HRC Max Tube 90-105 100 22 HRC Max Tool Joint 100-115 120 28 HRC Max Weld-Line – – 28 HRC Max Tube 120 Min 130 285 HBN Max Tool Joint 120 Min 140 285-341 HBN Weld-Line – – 36 HRC Max 5 INCH HWDP TUBE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES† Grade Standard XD®-90 HW-95 Torsional Strength (ft-lbs) 56,500 92,400 97,600 Tensile Strength (lbs) 691,200 1,131,000 1,193,000 NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; 5-10 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES G rant Prideco Drill Collars are integral heavy-wall joints that are manufactured from a solid bar of modified alloy steel. The solid bars are quenched and tempered to obtain the required mechanical properties, then trepanned, drifted and threaded. Drill collars are furnished as slick or spiraled in 30 or 31 foot lengths. Without Spiral Spiral prevents differential sticking Slick drill collars are supplied with the mill as-rolled surface finish. Spiraled drill collars have grooves machined in the outside surface. The spiral grooves promote even flow of drilling fluid around the collar diameter, equalizing pressure and reducing the occurrence of differential sticking. Spiral Drill Collar www.GrantPrideco.com Slick Drill Collar 6-1 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Pony Collars In order to adjust the length and control the placement of components in bottom-hole assembly, Grant Prideco can provide pony collars in 5, 10, 15 and 20 foot lengths. Pony collars can be furnished in standard or non-magnetic material, and can be customized to suit individual requirements with any of the options offered for full-length collars. DRILL COLLAR DATA† Drill Collar Number(1) Drill Collar Diameter Bore + 1/16"-0" Length Approximate Weight Section Modulus Displacement Typical Bending (open ended) Strength Ratio in in ft lb/ft in3 NC 23-31 3 1/8 1 1/4 30 22.00 2.919 0.337 2.57:1 NC 26-35 (2 3/8 IF) 3 1/2 1 1/2 30 26.70 4.067 0.408 2.42:1 NC 31-41 (2 7/8 IF) 4 1/8 2 30 or 31 34.72 6.510 0.531 2.43:1 NC 35-47 4 3/4 2 30 or 31 44.51 10.191 0.757 2.58:1 2.38:1 US gal/ft NC 38-50 (3 1/2 IF) 5 2 1/4 30 or 31 53.18 11.769 0.815 NC 44-60 6 2 1/4 30 or 31 82.61 20.786 1.264 2.49:1 NC 44-60 6 2 13/16 30 or 31 74.90 20.182 1.146 2.84:1 NC 44-62 6 1/4 2 1/4 30 or 31 90.52 23.566 1.385 2.91:1 NC 46-62 (4 IF) 6 1/4 2 13/16 30 or 31 83.09 22.986 1.271 2.63:1 NC 46-65 (4 IF) 6 1/2 2 1/4 30 or 31 99.19 26.574 1.522 2.76:1 NC 46-65 (4 IF) 6 1/2 2 13/16 30 or 31 91.59 26.016 1.401 3.05:1 NC 46-67 (4 IF) 6 3/4 2 1/4 30 or 31 108.02 29.821 1.652 3.18:1 NC 50-70 (4 1/2 IF) 7 2 1/4 30 or 31 117.52 33.315 1.798 2.54:1 NC 50-70 (4 1/2 IF) 7 2 13/16 30 or 31 109.60 32.796 1.676 2.73:1 NC 50-72 (4 1/2 IF) 7 1/4 2 13/16 30 or 31 119.10 36.565 1.822 3.12:1 NC 56-77 7 3/4 2 13/16 30 or 31 139.10 44.906 2.140 2.70:1 NC 56-80 8 2 13/16 30 or 31 149.60 49.498 2.307 3.02:1 8 1/4 2 13/16 30 or 31 160.44 54.382 2.472 2.93:1 6 5/8 API Reg 9 2 13/16 30 or 31 194.95 70.887 2.995 3.17:1 7 5/8 API Reg NC 61-90 9 1/2 3 30 or 31 217.00 83.336 3.319 2.81:1 NC 70-97 9 3/4 3 30 or 31 230.00 90.179 3.518 2.57:1 NC 70-100 10 3 30 or 31 242.97 97.380 3.717 2.81:1 8 5/8 API Reg 11 3 30 or 31 299.00 129.948 4.574 2.84:1 NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. (1) The Number Connection (NC) is an API connection with the V- .065 thread form and a V- .038R thread root radius. The first two digits are the pitch diameter of the thread and the last two digits are the outside diameter of the drill collar. 6-2 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Slip and Elevator Recesses Grant Prideco offers optional slip and elevator recesses to improve handling efficiency and safety. The upper radius of the elevator recess is cold-rolled to increase product life. Slip and elevator recesses can be used together or separately. Unless otherwise specified, slip and elevator recesses are machined in compliance with API RP7G Latest Edition guidelines. SLIP AND ELEVATOR RECESSES† Drill Collar Diameter Elevator Recess Diameter Slip Recess Diameter Elevator Recess Radius A B C R in in in in 4 1/8(1) 3 11/16 3 3/4 1/8 4 3/4 4 1/4 4 3/8 1/8 5 4 1/2 4 5/8 1/8 6 5 3/8 5 1/2 1/8 6 1/4 5 5/8 5 3/4 1/8 6 1/2 5 7/8 6 1/8 6 3/4 6 6 1/4 3/16 7 6 1/4 6 1/2 3/16 7 1/4 6 1/2 6 3/4 3/16 7 3/4 7 7 1/4 3/16 8 7 1/4 7 1/2 3/16 8 1/4 7 1/2 7 3/4 3/16 9 8 1/8 8 1/2 1/4 9 1/2 8 5/8 9 1/4 9 3/4 8 7/8 9 1/4 1/4 10 9 1/8 9 1/2 1/4 11 10 1/8 10 1/2 1/4 20” A A R Cold Work Shoulder Area 16” B B 2” Radius 3” 3” 1” Radius Shoulder Area 18” C C 2” Radius 3” NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. (1) These features are not recommended for collars with an OD below 4-3/4 inches. www.GrantPrideco.com 6-3 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Drill Collar Material The following chart outlines various material grades used for different drill collar sizes. DRILL COLLAR MATERIAL GRADES† OD (in) Material Specification Minimum Yield Strength (psi) Minimum Tensile Strength (psi) 3 1/8 to 6 7/8 AISI 4145 H Modified 110,000 140,000 13 40 285 7 to 11 AISI 4145 H Modified 110,000 135,000 13 40 285 3 1/8 to 6 7/8 Stainless 110,000 120,000 18 — — 7 to 11 Stainless 100,000 110,000 20 — — Minimum Elongation Minimum Charpy(1) Hardness (%) (ft-lb) (BHN) NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. (1) The Charpy impact strength of 40 ft-lbs minimum is for a full-size specimen from one inch below the surface at 70ºF. 6-4 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES RECOMMENDED MAKE-UP TORQUE AND BENDING STRENGTH RATIOS† Drill Collar Bore (in) Size and Type(3) of Connection API NC 23 2 3/8 Regular 2 7/8 PAC(6) 2 3/8 IF API NC 26 2 7/8 Slim Hole 2 7/8 Regular 2 7/8 XH 3 1/2 Dbl Streamline 2 7/8 Mod. Open 2 7/8 IF NC 31 3 1/2 Slim Hole 3 1/2 Regular NC 35 3 1/2 XH 4 Slim Hole 3 1/2 Mod. Open 3 1/2 IF NC 38 4 1/2 Slim Hole OD 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 in ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR 3 3 1/8 3 1/4 3 3 1/8 3 1/4 3 3 1/8 3 1/4 2,500 3,300 4,000 2.03 2.40 2.81 2,500 3,300 3,400 2,200 3,000 3,300 3,800 5,000 5,200 – 4,600 5,500 3,800 5,800 5,800 4,100 5,400 8,100 4,600 7,400 8,900 10,300 6,500 7,900 10,500 2.17 2.57 3.00 2.36 2.75 3.17 1.81 2.18 2.57 – 2.25 2.96 2.27 2.91 3.26 1.53 1.76 2.26 1.54 2.03 2.29 2.86 2.09 2.34 2.86 2,500 2,600 2,600 2,200 2,600 2,600 3,800 4,200 4,200 – 4,600 4,700 3,800 5,000 5,000 4,100 5,400 8,100 4,600 7,400 8,900 9,300 6,500 7,900 9,500 2.49 2.94 3.43 2.70 3.14 3.62 2.01 2.43 2.88 – 2.42 3.18 2.42 3.10 3.48 1.60 1.82 2.34 1.59 2.10 2.37 2.95 2.16 2.41 2.95 3 1/2 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 3/4 3 7/8 3 3/4 3 7/8 4 1/8 3 7/8 4 1/8 4 1/4 4 1/2 4 1/8 4 1/4 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 3/4 5 4 1/4 4 1/2 4 3/4 5 5 1/4 4 3/4 5 5 1/4 5 1/2 2 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 13/16 ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR 1,700 1,700 1,700 2,900 2,900 2,900 – 3,700 3,700 3,800 4,000 4,000 4,100 5,400 7,400 4,600 7,400 8,200 8,200 6,500 7,900 8,400 9,000 12,300 12,300 5,200 8,500 12,100 13,300 13,300 10,000 13,900 16,200 16,200 3.53 4.10 4.72 2.53 3.07 3.63 – 2.76 3.64 2.73 3.49 3.91 1.70 1.93 2.53 1.69 2.22 2.51 3.13 2.27 2.54 3.11 1.95 2.44 2.97 1.31 1.71 2.16 2.65 3.23 1.73 2.15 2.61 3.10 4,600 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,500 7,100 7,100 9,000 10,800 10,800 5,200 8,500 11,800 11,800 11,800 10,000 13,900 14,600 14,600 1.85 2.44 2.75 3.43 2.48 2.77 3.39 2.07 2.58 3.14 1.37 1.80 2.27 2.79 3.40 1.80 2.24 2.71 3.23 – – 5,400 5,400 5,700 5,700 5,700 9,000 9,200 9,200 5,200 8,500 10,100 10,100 10,100 10,000 12,900 12,900 12,900 – – 3.21 4.01 2.85 3.18 3.90 2.26 2.82 3.43 1.48 1.95 2.46 3.06 3.69 1.92 2.38 2.88 3.43 7,400 7,400 7,400 5,200 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 10,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 2.59 3.24 3.95 1.68 2.20 2.83 3.47 4.18 2.10 2.61 3.17 3.77 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 2.54 3.15 3.82 4.54 NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. (1) Basis of calculations for recommended make-up torque assumed the use of a thread compound containing 40% to 60% by weight of finely powdered metallic zinc, or 60% by weight of finely powdered metallic lead, with no more than 0.3% total active sulfur (reference the caution regarding the use of hazardous materials in Appendix G API Spec. 7 Latest Edition), applied thoroughly to all threads and shoulders. Also, the modified screw jack formula was used, as shown in the IADC Drilling Manual and the API Spec. RP7G Latest Edition and a unit stress of 62,500 psi in the box or pin, whichever is weaker. Torque values are rounded to the nearest 100 ft-lb. (2) Normal torque range is calculated value plus 10%. Higher torque values may be used under extreme conditions. www.GrantPrideco.com 6-5 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES RECOMMENDED MAKE-UP TORQUE AND BENDING STRENGTH RATIOS† (continued) Size and Type (3) of Connection 3 1/2 H-90(5) 4 Full Hole NC 40 4 Mod. Open 4 1/2 Dbl. Streamline 4 H-90(5) 4 1/2 API Regular NC 44 4 1/2 FH 4 1/2 XH NC 46 4 IF 5 Dbl. Streamline 4 1/2 Mod. Open 4 1/2 H-90(5) 5 H-90 (5) Drill Collar Bore (in) OD in 4 3/4 5 5 1/4 5 1/2 5 5 1/4 5 1/2 5 3/4 6 5 1/4 5 1/2 5 3/4 6 6 1/4 5 1/2 5 3/4 6 6 1/4 5 3/4 6 6 1/4 6 1/2 5 1/2 5 3/4 6 6 1/4 6 1/2 5 3/4 6 6 1/4 6 1/2 6 3/4 5 3/4 6 6 1/4 6 1/2 6 3/4 6 1/4 6 1/2 6 3/4 7 1 3/4 BSR ft-lb(1,2) 8,800 1.46 12,800 1.83 17,100 2.23 18,500 2.67 10,900 1.61 15,300 1.98 20,000 2.38 20,500 2.82 20,500 3.29 12,600 1.47 17,400 1.80 22,500 2.17 25,400 2.55 25,400 2.97 15,600 1.89 20,600 2.24 25,400 2.62 25,400 3.02 20,900 1.99 26,500 2.36 27,300 2.76 27,300 3.19 2 ft-lb(1,2) 8,800 12,800 16,900 16,900 10,900 15,300 18,900 18,900 18,900 12,600 17,400 22,500 23,700 23,700 15,600 20,600 23,700 23,700 20,900 25,500 25,500 25,500 13,000 18,100 23,600 27,300 27,300 BSR 1.51 1.89 2.31 2.76 1.66 2.04 2.46 2.91 3.39 1.51 1.85 2.22 2.61 3.04 1.94 2.29 2.65 3.09 2.04 2.41 2.82 3.25 1.60 1.92 2.28 2.64 3.03 2 1/4 ft-lb(1,2) BSR 8,800 1.59 12,800 1.99 15,100 2.43 15,100 2.91 10,900 1.74 15,300 2.14 17,000 2.57 17,000 3.04 17,000 3.55 12,600 1.56 17,400 1.91 21,700 2.29 21,700 2.70 21,700 3.15 15,600 2.00 20,600 2.37 21,700 2.77 21,700 3.20 20,900 2.10 23,500 2.49 23,500 2.91 23,500 3.36 13,000 1.65 18,100 1.97 23,600 2.33 25,300 2.71 25,300 3.12 17,700 1.68 23,400 2.02 28,000 2.38 28,000 2.77 28,000 3.18 18,000 1.64 23,700 1.95 28,700 2.30 28,700 2.69 28,700 3.08 25,400 1.80 31,900 2.12 35,300 2.45 35,300 2.82 2 1/2 ft-lb(1,2) BSR 8,800 1.71 12,800 2.15 13,200 2.62 13,200 3.14 10,900 1.86 15,000 2.29 15,000 2.75 15,000 3.25 15,000 3.79 12,600 1.64 17,400 2.01 19,500 2.41 19,500 2.84 19,500 3.31 15,600 2.10 19,600 2.49 19,600 2.91 19,600 3.35 20,900 2.20 21,300 2.61 21,300 3.04 21,300 3.51 13,000 1.71 18,100 2.06 23,000 2.42 23,000 2.82 23,000 3.25 17,700 1.74 23,400 2.09 25,700 2.47 25,700 2.87 25,700 3.30 18,000 1.69 23,700 2.02 26,400 2.38 26,400 2.77 26,400 3.19 25,400 1.85 31,900 2.17 32,800 2.52 32,800 2.90 2 13/16 ft-lb(1,2) BSR 8,800 1.99 10,400 2.49 10,400 3.04 10,400 3.64 10,900 2.11 12,100 2.60 12,100 3.12 12,100 3.70 12,100 4.31 12,600 1.80 16,500 2.20 16,500 2.66 16,500 3.12 16,500 3.63 15,600 2.30 16,600 2.72 16,600 3.18 16,600 3.67 18,200 2.39 18,200 2.84 18,200 3.31 18,200 3.82 13,000 1.85 18,100 2.22 19,900 2.61 19,900 3.04 19,900 3.50 1.87 17,700 22,400 2.24 22,400 2.64 22,400 3.07 22,400 3.57 18,000 1.80 23,200 2.16 23,200 2.54 23,200 2.96 23,200 3.40 25,400 1.95 29,400 2.29 29,400 2.65 29,400 3.05 ft-lb(1,2) 3 BSR 3 1/4 ft-lb(1,2) BSR 13,000 17,900 17,900 17,900 17,900 17,700 20,300 20,300 20,300 20,300 18,000 21,100 21,100 21,100 21,100 25,400 27,200 27,200 27,200 1.93 2.36 2.76 3.24 3.73 1.97 2.37 2.79 3.25 3.74 1.90 2.28 2.69 3.12 3.59 2.03 2.38 2.76 3.18 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 2.18 2.56 2.97 3.41 NOTES (cont'd): (3) In each connection size and type group torque values apply to all connection types in the group, when used with the same drill collar OD and bore, i.e. 2-3/8 API IF, API NC26 and 2-7/8 Slim Hole connections, used with 3-1/2 x 1-1/4 drill collars, all have the same minimum make-up torque of 4600 ft-lbs and the box is the weaker member. (4) Stress-relief features are disregarded for make up torque calculation. (5) H-90 connection make-up torque is based on 56,200 psi stress and other factors, as listed in note 7. (6) 2-7/8 PAC make-up torque is based on 87,500 psi stress and other factors, as listed in note 7. (7) Torque figures in bold indicate that the weaker member for the corresponding outside diameter and bore is the box. For all other torque values, the weaker member is the pin. 6-6 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES RECOMMENDED MAKE-UP TORQUE AND BENDING STRENGTH RATIOS† (continued) Size and Type (3) of Connection 4 1/2 IF API NC 50 5 XH 5 Mod. Open 5 1/2 Dbl. Streamline 5 1/2 H-90 (5) 5 1/2 API Regular 5 1/2 API FH NC 56 6 5/8 API Regular 6 5/8 H-90(5) NC 61 5 1/2 IF 6 5/8 FH OD in 6 1/4 6 1/2 6 3/4 7 7 1/4 7 1/2 6 3/4 7 7 1/4 7 1/2 6 3/4 7 7 1/4 7 1/2 7 7 1/4 7 1/2 7 3/4 7 1/4 7 1/2 7 3/4 8 7 1/2 7 3/4 8 8 1/4 7 1/2 7 3/4 8 8 1/4 8 8 1/4 8 1/2 8 3/4 9 8 8 1/4 8 1/2 8 3/4 9 9 1/4 8 1/2 8 3/4 9 9 1/4 9 1/2 2 1/4 ft-lb(1,2) 23,000 29,700 36,700 38,400 38,400 38,400 34,500 42,000 42,700 42,700 31,900 39,400 42,500 42,500 32,800 41,000 49,700 54,500 2 1/2 BSR 1.59 1.89 2.21 2.54 2.91 3.29 1.94 2.25 2.57 2.92 2.07 2.37 2.70 3.04 1.64 1.91 2.20 2.50 ft-lb(1,2) 23,000 29,700 35,800 35,800 35,800 35,800 34,500 40,100 40,100 40,100 31,900 39,400 39,900 39,900 32,800 41,000 49,700 51,700 40,500 49,100 52,100 52,100 46,400 55,600 57,400 57,400 46,500 55,700 60,300 60,300 55,100 65,400 72,700 72,700 72,700 56,600 67,100 74,600 74,600 74,600 74,600 67,800 79,500 88,600 88,600 88,600 BSR 1.63 1.93 2.26 2.61 2.98 3.38 1.98 2.30 2.63 2.98 2.11 2.42 2.76 3.11 1.67 1.95 2.24 2.54 2.05 2.33 2.62 2.94 1.96 2.24 2.54 2.85 1.84 2.11 2.39 2.69 2.03 2.28 2.54 2.82 3.11 1.82 2.07 2.33 2.60 2.89 3.20 1.88 2.12 2.38 2.64 2.92 Drill Collar Bore (in) 2 13/16 3 ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) 23,000 1.71 23,000 29,700 2.03 29,700 32,300 2.37 30,000 32,300 2.73 30,000 32,300 3.12 30,000 32,300 3.53 30,000 34,500 2.06 34,100 36,500 2.39 34,100 36,500 2.73 34,100 36,500 3.10 34,100 31,900 2.20 31,900 36,200 2.52 33,900 36,200 2.87 33,900 36,200 3.23 33,900 32,800 1.72 32,800 41,000 2.00 41,000 47,800 2.30 45,200 47,800 2.62 45,200 40,500 2.11 40,500 48,200 2.39 45,600 48,200 2.70 45,600 48,200 3.02 45,600 46,400 2.01 46,400 53,300 2.30 50,700 53,300 2.60 50,700 53,300 2.93 50,700 46,500 1.89 46,500 55,700 2.16 53,600 56,300 2.45 53,600 56,300 2.75 53,600 55,100 2.07 55,100 65,400 2.32 65,400 68,400 2.59 65,600 68,400 2.87 65,600 68,400 3.17 65,600 56,600 1.85 56,600 67,100 2.11 67,100 70,300 2.37 67,400 70,300 2.65 67,400 70,300 2.95 67,400 70,300 3.26 67,400 67,800 1.91 67,800 79,500 2.15 79,500 84,000 2.41 81,000 84,000 2.68 81,000 84,000 2.97 81,000 BSR 1.77 2.10 2.46 2.83 3.24 3.67 2.13 2.46 2.82 3.20 2.27 2.60 2.96 3.34 1.76 2.05 2.36 2.68 2.16 2.45 2.76 3.09 2.05 2.35 2.66 2.99 1.92 2.20 2.49 2.80 2.10 2.36 2.63 2.92 3.22 1.88 2.14 2.41 2.69 2.99 3.30 1.93 2.18 2.44 2.72 3.00 3 1/4 ft-lb(1,2) BSR 23,000 1.89 26,700 2.24 26,700 2.62 26,700 3.02 26,700 3.45 26,700 3.91 30,800 2.25 30,800 2.60 30,800 2.98 30,800 3.38 30,500 2.40 30,500 2.75 30,500 3.13 30,500 3.53 32,800 1.83 41,000 2.14 41,500 2.45 41,500 2.79 40,500 2.24 42,100 2.55 42,100 2.87 42,100 3.21 46,400 2.12 46,900 2.43 46,900 2.75 46,900 3.10 46,500 1.99 49,900 2.27 49,900 2.58 49,900 2.90 55,100 2.16 61,600 2.42 61,600 2.70 61,600 2.99 61,600 3.30 56,600 1.93 63,400 2.19 63,400 2.47 63,400 2.76 63,400 3.06 63,400 3.39 67,800 1.97 76,700 2.23 76,700 2.49 76,700 2.77 76,700 3.07 3 1/2 ft-lb(1,2) BSR 3 3/4 lb/ft(1,2) BSR 56,600 59,000 59,000 59,000 59,000 59,000 67,800 72,100 72,100 72,100 72,100 67,200 67,200 67,200 67,200 67,200 1.99 2.26 2.55 2.85 3.16 3.50 2.02 2.28 2.56 2.85 3.15 2.09 2.36 2.64 2.94 3.25 NOTES (cont'd): † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. www.GrantPrideco.com 6-7 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES RECOMMENDED MAKE-UP TORQUE AND BENDING STRENGTH RATIOS† (continued) Drill Collar Bore (in) Size and Type (3) of Connection NC 70 NC 77 OD 2 1/2 2 13/16 3 3 1/4 3 1/2 3 3/4 in ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR ft-lb(1,2) BSR 9 9 1/4 9 1/2 9 3/4 10 10 1/4 10 10 1/4 10 1/2 10 3/4 11 75,800 88,800 102,400 113,700 113,700 113,700 108,200 124,100 140,500 154,300 154,300 1.87 2.08 2.29 2.52 2.76 3.01 1.94 2.13 2.33 2.53 2.75 75,800 88,800 102,400 108,800 108,800 108,800 108,200 124,100 140,500 149,000 149,000 1.89 2.10 2.32 2.55 2.79 3.04 1.95 2.14 2.34 2.55 2.77 75,800 88,800 102,400 105,700 105,700 105,700 108,200 124,100 140,500 145,500 145,500 1.91 2.12 2.34 2.57 2.81 3.06 1.96 2.16 2.36 2.56 2.78 75,800 88,800 101,100 101,100 101,100 101,100 108,200 124,100 140,500 140,500 140,500 1.93 2.15 2.37 2.60 2.85 3.11 1.98 2.10 2.38 2.59 2.81 75,800 88,800 96,200 96,200 96,200 96,200 108,200 124,100 135,100 135,100 135,100 1.97 2.19 2.41 2.65 2.90 3.17 2.01 2.20 2.41 2.62 2.84 75,800 88,800 91,000 91,000 91,000 91,000 108,200 124,100 129,400 129,400 129,400 2.02 2.24 2.47 2.71 2.97 3.24 2.04 2.24 2.44 2.66 2.89 8 8 1/4 8 1/2 8 1/2 8 3/4 9 9 1/4 9 1/2 9 9 1/4 9 1/2 10 10 1/4 10 1/2 10 1/4 10 1/2 53,500 63,700 74,500 60,400 72,200 84,400 96,300 96,300 73,000 86,000 99,500 109,300 125,300 141,800 113,500 130,100 1.90 2.14 2.39 1.80 2.02 2.25 2.49 2.75 1.76 1.95 2.16 1.96 2.15 2.36 1.83 2.01 53,500 63,700 72,100 60,400 72,200 84,400 91,600 91,600 73,000 86,000 99,500 109,300 125,300 141,800 113,500 130,100 53,500 63,700 65,300 60,400 72,200 84,200 84,200 84,200 73,000 86,000 99,500 109,300 125,300 136,100 113,500 130,100 2.01 2.26 2.52 1.88 2.11 2.35 2.60 2.87 1.81 2.02 2.23 2.00 2.21 2.42 1.87 2.05 53,500 61,000 61,000 60,400 72,200 79,500 79,500 79,500 73,000 86,000 99,500 109,300 125,300 130,800 113,500 130,100 2.07 2.33 2.60 1.92 2.16 2.40 2.66 2.93 1.84 2.05 2.27 2.03 2.24 2.45 1.89 2.07 53,500 56,400 56,400 60,400 72,200 74,500 74,500 74,500 73,000 86,000 96,300 109,300 125,000 125,000 113,500 130,100 2.16 2.42 2.70 1.98 2.22 2.47 2.74 3.02 1.88 2.09 2.31 2.06 2.27 2.49 1.91 1.09 67,300 67,300 73,100 86,500 87,300 87,300 91,700 106,300 109,200 109,200 112,900 130,700 142,430 93,000 110,800 129,200 2.80 3.09 2.61 2.87 3.15 3.44 2.45 2.68 2.93 3.18 2.64 2.87 3.36 2.23 2.43 2.63 62,800 62,800 73,100 82,500 82,500 82,500 91,700 104,200 104,200 104,200 112,900 130,700 136,800 93,000 110,800 129,200 2.88 3.19 2.67 2.94 3.23 3.52 2.49 2.73 2.98 3.24 2.67 2.91 3.41 2.26 2.45 2.66 58,100 58,100 73,100 77,300 77,300 77,300 91,700 98,800 98,800 98,800 112,900 130,700 130,700 93,000 110,800 129,200 3.00 3.31 2.75 3.03 3.32 3.63 2.55 2.79 3.04 3.31 2.72 2.96 3.46 2.29 2.49 2.69 Connections with Full Faces 7 H-90(5) 7 5/8 API Regular 7 5/8 H-90(5) 8 5/8 API Regular 8 5/8 H-90(5) 1.94 2.18 2.43 1.83 2.05 2.28 2.53 2.78 1.78 1.97 2.18 1.97 2.17 2.38 1.84 2.02 53,500 63,700 69,300 60,400 72,200 84,400 88,600 88,600 73,000 86,000 99,500 109,300 125,300 141,100 113,500 130,100 1.96 2.21 2.46 1.84 2.07 2.31 2.55 2.81 1.79 1.99 2.20 1.98 2.18 2.39 1.85 2.03 Connections with Low Torque Faces 7 H-90(5) 7 5/8 API Regular 7 5/8 H-90(5) 8 5/8 API Regular 8 5/8 H-90(5) 8 3/4 9 9 1/4 9 1/2 9 3/4 10 9 3/4 10 10 1/4 10 1/2 10 3/4 11 11 1/4 10 3/4 11 11 1/4 NOTES (cont'd): † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. 6-8 68,100 74,200 2.70 2.98 91,700 106,300 117,100 117,100 2.40 2.63 2.87 3.12 68,100 71,400 73,100 86,500 91,800 91,800 91,700 106,300 113,900 113,900 112,900 130,700 147,600 93,000 110,800 129,200 2.73 3.02 2.56 2.82 3.10 3.38 2.42 2.65 2.89 3.14 2.61 2.84 3.33 2.21 2.41 2.61 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Pup Joints Grant Prideco pup joints are manufactured from the same material as Grant Prideco drill collars. Pup joints are trepanned from solid bar, and heat-treatment processes ensure a hardness range of 285-341 Brinell. Charpy “V” notch minimum impact strength of 40 ft-lb at 70ºF are guaranteed one inch below the surface. The integral drill pipe pups are heat-treated to 120,000 psi minimum yield strength. These integral pups have the same tensile and torsional rating of S-135 drill pipe with the same pin ID. Standard lengths are 5, 10, 15 and 20 feet. Additional sizes are available upon request. When ordered with same-size drill pipe, pup joints 15 feet and longer can be produced as welded assemblies. In addition to API and public domain connections, Grant Prideco can provide pup joints with proprietary SST® and SRT® stress relief thread forms or double-shouldered connections (See RotaryShouldered Connections section) for increased performance. 5, 10, 15 or 20 feet All connections are phosphate-coated to improve resistance to galling. www.GrantPrideco.com 6-9 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Rotary Subs Grant Prideco rotary subs are manufactured from the same material as Grant Prideco drill collars. Subs are trepanned from solid bar and heat-treatment processes ensure a hardness range of 285-341 Brinell Hardness Number (BHN). Charpy “V” notch minimum impact strength of 40 ft-lb at 70ºF are guaranteed one inch below the surface. Subs are heat-treated to 120,000 psi minimum yield strength. 36” or 48” The following rotary subs can be furnished: t4USBJHIU 0% TVCT Straight OD Subs t3FEVDFETFDUJPOCPUUMFOFDL TVCT t$SPTTPWFS TVCT XJUI PS XJUIPVU øPBU CPSF t#JUTVCTXJUIPSXJUIPVUøPBUCPSF t,FMMZ TBWFS TVCT XJUI PS XJUIPVU SVCCFS protector) 36” or 48” t$JSDVMBUJOHTVCT t5PQ ESJWF QVNQJO TVCT t5PQESJWFTBWFSTVCT Reduced Section Subs Standard lengths are 36 and 48 inches. Additional sizes are available upon request. Kelly Saver Sub Bit subs are furnished with a box/box configuration and can be provided with or without a float bore. Available float bore sizes are shown in the table. 6-10 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES BIT SUB FLOAT BORE SIZE† Circulating Subs (1) Connection Baker Float Valve A (+/- 1/16 in) C (0; + 1/16 in) T (in max) 2 3/8 Reg 1R 9 1/8 1 11/16 1 5/16 2 7/8 Reg 1F-2R 10 1 15/16 1 1/2 3 1/2 Reg 2F-3R 10 1/2 2 7/8 1 29/32 4 1/2 Reg 4R 12 13/16 3 1/2 2 15/16 6 5/8 Reg 5F-6R 17 4 13/16 4 9/32 7 5/8 Reg 5F-6R 17 1/4 4 13/16 4 9/32 8 5/8 Reg 5F-6R 17 3/8 4 13/16 4 9/32 6F 20 1/4 5 23/32 5 3/16 Grant Prideco circulating subs (below) are made to order to meet customer-specific requirements. Circulating subs can be provided with inline or side ports and can be pressure tested if required. NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. (1) The ID of the sub shall not exceed T. Top Drive Saver Subs Grant Prideco top drive saver subs undergo a more rigorous application than other subs. They are subjected to the maximum tension and torsion loads present in a drill string. In addition, top drive saver subs are subjected to more make-and-breaks than any other connection in the drill string. T C A Bit Sub Float www.GrantPrideco.com Compared to other drill stem accessories, Grant Prideco requires a more robust material for top drive saver sub applications. The subs are manufactured from steel that meets ASTM specifications A370, E23 and E30, and is pre-formed and drilled before heat-treating. Subs are then batch heat-treated to obtain a minimum yield strength of 120,000 psi, minimum tensile strength of 140,000 psi, minimum Charpy impact strength of 40 ft-lbs at 70ºF and a hardness of 293-341 BHN. The required mechanical properties are at mid-wall of the pin. A thru-wall Brinell hardness is taken at 1/4 inch below OD, mid wall and 1/4 inch from the ID. All heat-treated blanks are sandblasted and wet-magnetic-particle inspected prior to final machining and threading. 6-11 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Top Drive Pump-In Subs Rotary Kellys Specifically designed for use with top drives, Grant Prideco’s pump-in sub provides additional space (up to 3-1/2 feet) between the bottom of the top drive stabbing bell and the pump-in assembly. The added space allows for easier installation of your pump-in line assembly and for safer operations when moving of the drill string is required, such as landing a casing liner. For an integral lift sub, the top drive pump-in sub incorporates either a 1502 or 2202 Weco thread as its upper connection for the most common pump-in connections. Grant Prideco offers square and hexagonal kellys, available up to 46 feet long. The kellys are made from 4145-modified alloy bars that are quenched and tempered full length. A hardness range of 285 to 341 BHN and a minimum impact value of 40 ft-lbs are maintained one inch below the surface at room temperature. All ends and center drive sections are machined. Grant Prideco kellys are precision-trepanned to provide true bores. They are drifted to API specifications and all connections are machined. Grant Prideco kellys are stamped with the API monogram, when applicable. Rotary Kellys Top Drive Pump-In Sub 6-12 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Thread Protectors Standard Grant Prideco drill stem components and accessories are furnished with polyethylene thread protectors. The following types of thread protectors can be furnished upon customer request: Pipe OD t4UBNQFE TUFFM t$BTUTUFFM 18” t$PNQPTJUF 36” Drill Collar OD Lift Subs and Lift Plugs Lift subs and lift plugs are manufactured to the same specifications used for drill collars. Drill Collar Connection Lift Sub Drill Collar OD 10” A 1” Drill Collar Connection Lift Plug (A) Lift Plug Plate diameter approximately 2 inches larger than Drill Collar diameter. www.GrantPrideco.com 6-13 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Proprietary Rotary-Shouldered Connections In addition to the API and public domain connections listed in Cold Rolling the previous table, Grant Prideco can provide drill collars with A drill collar undergoes repeated severe tensile and compressive proprietary SST® and SRT® stress relief thread forms or doublestresses during the drilling operation. As compared with regular shouldered connections (see Rotary-Shouldered Connections drill pipe and heavyweight drill pipe, a drill collar is much stiffer, section) to increase performance. In addition to providing increased focusing cyclic stresses on the thread roots and potentially resulting connection fatigue life, SRT boxes reduce the length required for in connection failure. To help alleviate this problem, Grant Prideco recut by more than one inch compared to API stress relief features. cold-rolls the thread roots and the elevator recess upper radii on every drill collar. Cold rolling imparts an initial state of compressive Stress Relief Feature stress that minimizes crack initiation, thereby increasing fatigue API pin stress relief groove and resistance. boreback box provide increased Features and Options The cold-rolling process consists of compressing metal fibers by means of a roller. Phosphate Coating All drill collar connections are given a hot phosphate coating to provide resistance to galling and corrosion. SUMMARY OF CONNECTION FEA RESULTS† Stress Intensity at Last Engaged Box Thread Root (psi) Model Description 10 deg/100 ft 20 deg/100 ft Standard Box 171,734 240,087 API Stress Relief Groove Box 160,528 220,717 API Boreback Box 165,394 226,047 Modified Thread Form 142,441 196,487 NOTES: † Please refer to page x of the Introduction. 6-14 fatigue resistance and inhibit fatigue failures. These features allow for flexibility between the connection and drill collar body reducing the high-stress concentration that normally occurs at the end of the connection’s engaged threads. Both stress relief features are machined in compliance with the latest edition of API Specification 7-1. NC23, NC26 (2-3/8 IF) and NC32 (2-7/8 IF) connections are too small to accommodate stress relief features. API pin stress relief groove and API boreback box remove unengaged threads in highly stressed areas of the drill collar connection. DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Hardbanding Grant Prideco has several hardband materials available to apply to drill collars including Platinum® HB, SmoothX™ and other thirdparty materials. The standard application for drill collars is shown in the illustrations below. Hardbanding can be applied in several configurations to meet specific customer needs. 4” 1” 10” 1” 1” 30” Min. 10” 1” 10” 1” Pin End www.GrantPrideco.com Box End with Slip Recess Only Box End with Slip and Elevator Recess 6-15 DRILL COLLARS & DRILL STEM ACCESSORIES Care and Maintenance Initial Make-up A generous and thorough application of high-quality thread dope (minimum 40-60% by weight metallic zinc) will help minimize galling. New connections should be “walked in” with chain tongs. Always use the recommended make-up torque for the connection type. Verify that torque measuring equipment is properly calibrated. After initial makeup, break out the connection, then clean and inspect the threads, faces and shoulders. Repair any minor damage, re-lubricate and re-make the connection. Repeat breakout and makeup a third time before going into the hole. Monitor break-out torque; it should be the same or less than the make-up torque. High break-out torque is an indication of damage, and the connection should be inspected. Although the current industry BSR calculation for single-shoulder rotary-shouldered connection types may still be applicable for double-shoulder connections (HT™, XT®, GPDS™), the appropriate target ranges are yet to be defined due to limited industry experience and testing of available types/sizes. Testing performed to date indicates that current target BSR of 2.5 does not apply to tested double-shouldered connections. Just as target BSR for single shoulder rotary-shouldered connections has taken many years of industry experience to define, the same may be true for these double-shoulder offerings. Additionally, target BSRs for double-shouldered connections may likely vary between connection types (i.e. GPDS vs. XT). Current industry target BSR ranges should not be used as an indicator of doubleshoulder acceptance/rejection. Maintenance Use thread protectors on both connection ends when handling drill collars. Rotate connection breaks on each trip. Clean and inspect the individual connections. Qualified personnel should periodically conduct a magnetic particle/black light inspection. Collars that are left idle or put in storage should be cleaned, inspected, repaired and rust-proofed, as necessary, before installing thread protectors. Bending Strength Ratios Sizes less than six inches should have a Bending Strength Ratio (BSR) of 2.25:1 to 2.75:1. Conditions that require high RPM and small collars compared to the hole size, use 2.25:1 to 3.00:1. If the RPM is kept low and the collars are closer to the hole size, use 2.25:1 to 3.20:1. In corrosive environments, use 2.50:1 to 3.00:1. B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; 6-16 SERVICE & SUPPORT SERVICE & SUPPORT SERVICE & SUPPORT SERVICE & SUPPORT SERVICE & SUPPORT I n addition to manufacturing quality drill stem products to meet every drilling situation, including the world’s most challenging wells, Grant Prideco provides a full complement of service and support: t5FDIOJDBMTVQQPSU t'JFMETVQQPSU t*OUFSOBMQMBTUJDDPBUJOH t5PPMKPJOUCSFBLJO t3FQBJS t5SBJOJOH Whether technical assistance with a drill stem design, training for a rig crew or repair threading at one of many licensed repair facilities, Grant Prideco provides a team of professionals to assist you around UIFDMPDLBOEBSPVOEUIFHMPCF www.GrantPrideco.com 8-1 SERVICE & SUPPORT Technical Support Grant Prideco employs fully staffed engineering and metallurgical EFQBSUNFOUTXJUITFWFSBMEFDBEFTPGDPNCJOFEFYQFSJFODF5SBJOFE specialists will create custom designs according to specific DVTUPNFSSFRVFTUTFJUIFSCZNPEJGZJOHTUBOEBSEQSPEVDUT EFTJHOJOHDVTUPNUPPMKPJOUTPSGPSNVMBUJOHTQFDJBMNFUBMMVSHZ "MMDVTUPNEFTJHOTBSFUFTUFEBOEWFSJöFECFGPSFEFMJWFSZUPUIFSJH TJUF*OBEEJUJPOUFDIOJDBMFYQFSUTTJNVMBUFESJMMJOHDPOEJUJPOTUP EVQMJDBUFBOEBOBMZ[FESJMMJOHGBJMVSFT(SBOU1SJEFDPTFYUFOTJWF engineering resources include: t%SJMMTUFNEFTJHO t$PNQVUFSBJEFEEFTJHO t4UBUFPGUIFBSUUFTUMBCPSBUPSZ t"#"264öOJUFFMFNFOUBOBMZTJT t.FUBMMVSHJDBMBOBMZTJT t'BJMVSFBOBMZTJT t.BDIJOFTIPQTVQQPSUGBDJMJUJFT 5IJTUPUBMDBQBCJMJUZDPNCJOFEXJUIJOEVTUSZMFBEJOHUFDIOPMPHZ means Grant Prideco offers optimum solutions to your most EFNBOEJOHESJMMTUFNDIBMMFOHFT'PS(SBOU1SJEFDPUFDIOJDBM TVQQPSUDPOUBDUUIFPóDFJOZPVSBSFB%FEJDBUFEQSPGFTTJPOBMTBSF BWBJMBCMFUPNFFUZPVSOFFETIPVSTBEBZEBZTBXFFL 8-2 SERVICE & SUPPORT Field Support Grant Prideco field service representatives provide professional TFSWJDFXJUIZPVSESJMMQJQFTVDIBTCSFBLJOPGBOFXTUSJOHRVBMJUZ JOTQFDUJPOBOEöFMESFQBJS'PSBSFMBUJWFMZMPXDPTUB(SBOU1SJEFDP field service representative offers the following services and CFOFöUT t"TTVSBODFUIBUDPSSFDUQSPDFEVSFTBSFGPMMPXFE t&YQFSUWJTVBMJOTQFDUJPOPGESJMMQJQFQSPEVDUT t5PPMTBOEUSBJOJOHSFRVJSFEUPQFSGPSNöFMESFQBJS t,OPXMFEHFPGUFDIOJDBMTQFDJöDBUJPOTBOEQSPEVDUQFSGPSNBODF data t%JSFDUDPOUBDUXJUIUIF(SBOU1SJEFDPTVQQPSUOFUXPSLPG licensed repair facilities t0OHPJOHUSBJOJOHBOEEJSFDUBDDFTTUPUIF(SBOU1SJEFDP engineering and technical staff www.GrantPrideco.com 8-3 SERVICE & SUPPORT Internal Plastic Coating Tool Joint Break-In Service (SBOU1SJEFDPESJMMTUFNQSPEVDUTDBOCFTVQQMJFEXJUIBOZ DPNNFSDJBMMZBWBJMBCMFJOUFSOBMQMBTUJDDPBUJOH4BWFUJNFDVUDPTUT BOETJNQMJGZMPHJTUJDTCZPSEFSJOHJOUFSOBMQMBTUJDDPBUJOHXJUIESJMM stem products from Grant Prideco. Grant Prideco’s drill pipe services are designed to deliver consisUFODZBOESJHUJNFTBWJOHT'BDUPSZCSFBLJOPGESJMMQJQFFOTVSFT UIBUUIFQSPQFSQSPDFEVSFTBSFGPMMPXFEFWFSZUJNF$POUSPMMFE CSFBLJOQSPDFEVSFTBSFBQQMJFEUPFWFSZUPPMKPJOUFMJNJOBUJOHöFME WBSJBCMFTBOEPQFSBUJPOBMiSVTIwUIBUTPNFUJNFTDBVTFSJHDSFXTUP UBLFTIPSUDVUTPSPNJUUIFCSFBLJOQSPDFEVSFBMUPHFUIFS &YQFSUUFDIOJDJBOTFYFDVUFESJMMQJQFCSFBLJOTDPOTJTUFOUMZBOE DPSSFDUMZQSJPSUPEFMJWFSZPGUIFESJMMTUSJOH&MJNJOBUJOHSJHTJUF CSFBLJOTBWFTBQQSPYJNBUFMZNJOVUFTQFSGFFUPGQJQF %FQFOEJOHPOUIFEBJMZSJHSBUFUIFDVNVMBUJWFDPTUTBWJOHTDBO CFTJHOJöDBOU .",&"/%#3&",4"7*/(4 2,500,000 Semisub 4,000’ + WD Drillship 4,000’ + WD Jackup IC 300’ + WD 2,000,000 Jackup IC < 250’ WD Savings ($) Inland barge 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 Well Depth Spread rates based on 2 times day rate from Rigzone, 4-25-06. 25,000 SERVICE & SUPPORT Licensed Repair and Accessory Network Grant Prideco’s worldwide manufacturing plants are complemented CZXJEFTQSFBEMJDFOTFESFQBJSGBDJMJUJFTUIBUQSPWJEFTFSWJDFBOE support for Grant Prideco products. A full-time audit department certifies individual facilities and ensures that proper manufacturing and quality control procedures are followed. Grant Prideco’s NBOVGBDUVSJOHBOERVBMJUZBTTVSBODFHSPVQTQSPWJEFIPVS technical support to all manufacturing and repair locations, FOTVSJOHUIBU(SBOU1SJEFDPRVBMJUZQSPEVDUTBSFBWBJMBCMFGSPN MJDFOTFETPVSDFTBSPVOEUIFHMPCF www.GrantPrideco.com 8-5 SERVICE & SUPPORT Training and Seminars (SBOU1SJEFDPPòFSTPOTJUFUSBJOJOHBOEDFSUJöDBUJPOCZDPNQBOZ FOHJOFFSTUPSJHDSFXTBOEZBSEQFSTPOOFM0OTJUFTFNJOBSTBòPSE a hands-on approach to learning new rig procedures, and reduce UJNFTQFOUBXBZGSPNUIFKPCTJUF5IJTDPTUFòFDUJWFUSBJOJOH ensures that crews are always updated in the latest techniques, NBUFSJBMTBOEBQQMJDBUJPOT5SBJOJOHBOEDFSUJöDBUJPOBSFBWBJMBCMF on a variety of drill pipe topics, including: t$BSFBOEIBOEMJOHPGESJMMQJQF t#SFBLJOQSPDFEVSFT t%SJMMTUSJOHEFTJHO t(SBOU1SJEFDPESJMMJOHQSPEVDUBQQMJDBUJPOT B R ` a R Q B V Z R > _ \ c R [ B R P U [ \ Y \ T fB; 8-6