St Helens Council LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER CLOSING DATE 12 NOON MONDAY 15 AUGUST 2016 LAWRENSON STREET OFF ECCLESTON STREET ST HELENS WA10 2PL MERSEYSIDE Enquiries and further information Contact: Margaret Cannon Phone: 01744 676124 Email: 1. Introduction St Helens Council invite sealed tenders to purchase the freehold interest in the land at Lawrenson Street, off Eccleston Street, St Helens, Merseyside. The extent of the land is shown edged in red on the above aerial view photograph. 2. Tenure The tenure will be the Freehold title MS277962 but will exclude the adopted highway section fronting Eccleston Street. The purchaser will take the land subject to all or any existing covenants, easements, encumbrances and restrictions in the Council’s title. 3. Description The site is currently vacant and has an area of approximately 0.30 acres / 0.12 hectares of land. The site is fairly level, rectangular in shape and laid to grass although it is partly overgrown with foliage and bushes. 4. Location The surrounding area has a mix of commercial, industrial, leisure and residential uses. There is easy access to the town centre and there are local shopping areas nearby at Boundary Road and Cambridge Road. Lawrenson Street currently serves as the access to commercial workshops at the end of the street. 5. Planning All prospective purchasers are advised to make enquiries regarding planning matters to John Waddelow in the Planning Department on 01744 676169 before submitting a tender. Initial views are that the site is appropriate for a commercial development (B1 or B2). Car parking and servicing would be taken from Lawrenson Street. As an indication, on the basis of a unit of 600 square metres, ten car parking spaces would be required. Tenderers should provide sufficient information with regard to the proposed use of the land and its proposed development. Details should include a layout of the scheme showing car parking and landscaping arrangements. Tenderers should also indicate whether their proposals have been discussed with the Council’s Planning Department. 6. Services All main services are understood to be available on Lawrenson Street and Eccleston Street and copies of the Council’s investigations will be available for inspection upon request. However, for the avoidance of doubt these plans are not to be relied upon and prospective purchasers are strongly advised to make their own enquiries of the various utility companies. 7. Highways Enquiries regarding highway requirements should be made to Development and Transport Planning on 01744 676187. 8. Drainage Prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the adequacy of the existing drainage systems within the area prior to submitting any tender. All enquiries regarding drainage matters should be made to United Utilities plc. 9. Local and Mining Searches Prospective purchasers should make their own enquiries. 10. Fees The successful purchaser will be required to pay the Council’s legal costs and surveyor’s fees in this matter, in accordance with the following scale: Legal costs at 2% of the sale price plus any disbursements. There is a minimum fee of £300. Surveyor's fees at 2% of the sale price. There is a minimum fee of £600. 11. Formal Contract The Contract of sale must be exchanged within a period of 6 weeks of the draft contract or conveyance being delivered to the Purchaser’s solicitors. The successful purchaser will undertake to submit a planning application within four weeks of exchange of contracts. The Council will not remarket the property within a period of 2 months from the date of acceptance of the tender, but after this period if exchange of contracts has not been completed for any reason the Council will at its discretion re-offer the property for sale. The Contracts for sale will also include an obligation on the purchaser to commence the development within 3 months of receipt of planning permission and the development shall be completed within a further 12 month period. For the purpose of this clause time shall be deemed to be of the essence. A copy of the Council’s standard development contract is available for inspection. The contract will include a right of pre-emption and claw back provisions. 12. VAT No VAT will be payable. Tendering Procedure 1. Tenders will only be considered if made on the enclosed official tender form. 2. The form of offer should be sealed in the envelope provided, which should not contain any type or other mark indicating the identity of the sender and should be in the hands of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Administrative Services) Town Hall, St. Helens by 12 noon on Monday 15 August 2016. 3. Tenders should contain details of the proposed use. 4. Tenderers should indicate whether their proposals have been discussed with the Council’s Planning Department. 5. The Council is not bound to accept the highest or any tender. 6. The Council will not be responsible for any costs incurred by tenderers in producing any documents, plans and drawings included in their tender. 7. The Council will be advised of all tenders submitted and the decision of the Council will be final. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 St Helens Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. As part of the Council’s duties under the Act, it may be required to disclose information forming part of your offer/bid/tender or proposal to a third party upon reasonable request. If you consider that any of the information provided in your offer/bid/tender or proposal is commercially sensitive (meaning it could reasonably cause prejudice to your organisation if disclosed to a third party) then it should be clearly marked on the tender form and you should provide a statement of why that information should not be released. The Statement should contain: a. Full reasons as to why disclosure is considered to be likely to prejudice the commercial interest of the bidder and would therefore constitute an actionable breach of confidence. Please note that the commercial interest exemption is subject to a public interest test. That is, the Council (a public authority) can only withhold commercially sensitive information where the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing information. b. Reasonable timescales during which that information should not be disclosed. St Helens Council has developed a Freedom of Information Policy which outlines the main obligations under the Act and the procedures to be followed when a request is received. This policy can be found on the St Helens Council website. This document is designed to provide specific guidance in respect of requests for procurement related information. Misrepresentation Act 1967 These particulars do not constitute an offer or a contract, nor constitute any part of an offer or contract. All statements contained in these particulars are made without responsibility on the part of St Helens Council or its servants. None of the statements contained in these particulars are to be relied upon as representations of fact. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. The location plan in these particulars is to enable prospective purchasers to locate the land only. The plans provided are for information purposes only and should not be relied upon to depict the extent of interest to be sold. No person in the employment of St. Helens Council has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to this property. ST HELENS COUNCIL TENDER FORM LAWRENSON STREET, OFF ECCLESTON STREET, ST HELENS WA10 2PL, MERSEYSIDE I wish to make the following tender in respect of the above-mentioned land, subject to contract and planning consent (not on appeal):Amount £ ______________________________________ ___________________________________(words) Proposed Use ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________ I confirm that I have read and understand the implications of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ email: ___________________________________________________________ Telephone No. ________________________________________________________ Mobile No. ________________________________________________________ Name and Address of Solicitor: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Signed: ________________________________________________________ Dated: ________________________________________________________ =================================================================== Note: The completed form should be in the hands of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Administrative Services) no later than 12 Noon on Monday 15 August 2016 in the envelope provided which should not bear any mark or name indicating the sender.