LONDON Jan. SO (AV-Ths DerUa r a d io
c ast by AdoU n itler frem li t kjadqnortera
a t 10:15 p. m. tonight.
T W IN .F A L M , i p ^ p , ; ^ S D A Y , JA NUAR Y 80. 1945,
VOL. 27, NO. 24B
Missing in France
m acT
a r t i i u r ’s
(/P) — Armored sixth army
units, rollinff 'past ca^iturcd
San Fernando alons tho nar­
row, sw am p-fronted hom e
stretch to Manila, sped uncheclccd Monday toward Cnlum pit, only 25 miles from tho
commonwealth capital.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur,
announcing the seizure of San
Fernando in his communique
today, said his advance forccs
were "operating well in ad­
vance and to th e flanks" of
th at second city o f Luzon and
“gatew ay to Manila."
Y#nlcs In tho north made ....... ...
toward Bngulo, BUmmcr caplLnl of
th e Philippines and Ukelj’ JapancM etolf headquarteni, TTiey re­
pulsed two enemy counter-attacks
lean th a n 15 miles from Bajulo.
MocArthur announced Japinwc
coaualUea on Luron had exceeded
25,000 ognlnst American caMiilUcs
<a 43M, latJudtaB ^,011 M lrt.
Falls InU ct
6 an Fernando, provlncal capital 34'
a ir milea from Manila and 40 b;
road, fell virtually Intact to tin Ilbem iln s Vanka 8unday noon. The
mechanized 37th cavali7 retonn a lu an c e troops knocked out an en­
emy roadblock several miles north
of the city and entered to be greet­
ed by checrlng Filipinos In one of
the m ost colorful celebrallons of
th e Luzon campaign.
Correspondent Russell Brines at
San Fe m a rd o reported that "jeve ral htindred Japanese had depart­
ed ftt (ta$ll«ht alons the hlglivay
Ic a d taj Upward Bataan after li '
in thelr^liTlQentlyrhUTried a(t<
(CtatlBsM «a r « n 3. Ctltaa
Filer Tank Crew
Member Missing
F IL E R , Jan. 3t>—MtinbcT ol a
lAnk crew in th o fro n t lines In
P ra n c c , Pfc. George W ygal Is miss­
ing i n action since Jan. 13 In France,
the w a r department has advised his
m oU icr. Mrs. R . a Wygal.
T l)e word cnmc just th ree days
a fte r the dcatli o f his fath e r. 7L B.
W ygal, who succumbed J a n . 3C.
T h e mlalng la n k soldier h as tlirce
b ro th e rs and one sister In th e armed
H e wen» overseas last October. 23
m o n th s alter entering th e arm y In
Novem ber of 1042.
Brotliers In th e service a rc Pla­
toon Sgt. Ed W ygal, an outstanding
m a rin e corps.lierc» of th e X^acUlo.
whorla-nowln U»e Pacific th e a te r oa
his Bceond iour o r duty: P fc . Ilalph
W ygal. with th e army In-Belgium,
a n d P fc . Wllmer Wygal. C am p G ru­
ber, O kla. H ie sister In service Is
8 2 /c Helen Wygol. a p o stal clerk
in th e WAVES a t KlngsvUle, Tex.
HAM M FIT. J a n . 3t>—O eorge Robc rt W nller has been kUled In action
in Belgium, according to word re­
ceived by his parents, M r. an d Mrs.
C .'F . Waller, H am m ett.
H e was (ighting v.1th American
forccs batlllng th e G erm an break­
th ro u g h .
Tw in Falla county draft board Ho.
1 Tuesday received ft aupplemenlary
coll for la inductees for the Febru­
ary coll.
T he f irst call was for 16 men.
T hese'30 Inductees will report at
Fort Douglas, Utah on Feb. 2t foU
lowing physical esamlnatlons.
Location Picked
For Meetiro of
Citizens’ Group
Member* of the citizens' con'
m lttee fo r the maintenance of
' wlU hold a p;jb'
Ue meeting a t Legion boll hen at
7;S0 p. m. Wednesday. Location
of th e session was announced
All InteresUd residents of Twlo
PaUa ore Invited to attend lod
express the ir views on a tlctet
th a t Is to be presented to fill the
office of mayor and the three
council posts to be voted on In
the AprU-8 elecUon. Dlscusiloa
of possible change to mayor and
alderoMin - type - of-.goTenunHitwlll also be feattired.
Ohlc Crabtree h a ; been naaed
perm anent chalnnan of the eonmlttee.
Spectre That Haunts Berliners’ Sleep
But 85 Miles
PARIS, Jan. 30 (U,R)— Lieut.
Gen. Georifo S. P a tton ’s third
army cracked into Germany
and th e forefield o f th e Sieg­
fried line today in a thruat
from th e Belgian-Luxembourg
border area, capturing the
German town o f W elchenhausen, eig h t mites southeast o f
St. V ith.
The third arm y vanguard
in Germany was settin g tho
pace f o r American troops
m ushing through knee-deep
snow up to or across th e bor­
der on a S5-Tnile fr o n t in "what
appeared to be a prelim inan'
. . . flier y o u th reported m lu - to a major allied offen sive in
in g In action In France. (SU ff
the w est.
engrav in g
BOISE. Jan. 30 « > -T fie house
today unanimously pasacd th( till
allowing & city census as veil as
federal or state censuses to deter­
mine salaries of city officials under
commission form of govermnent
T he measure 1s designed to allow
K IN O HILL. Jon. 30—a n o ry
salary tncreasea for Twla r»Us
H elm . King Hill, has b een notified
city officers.
T ho house also passed a ‘i«nAt« by th o var deportm ent th a t his
broU ier, MM 3 /c E arl H elm , Is re­
p o rted as tnUsIng In action. He
. flhlp of the Pacific fleet.
F u rther, the house paased the bill
providing to Increase from V.iK to
*3,000 the aalary of the' pcnltenlUry
ptrew arka started when Msjority
Leader Gaffney. B.. Clearwater,
moved th a t home bill 35 tc com­
m itted to the Insurance eomralltee
which was done after an argumsnt
WASHINGTON, Ja n . 30 «>>-T1jc
T he labor and Industry commlitee
previously had reported It out fa­ P o st said lodoy th a t Col. ElUott
vorably. T he measure provides an Roosevelt’s sister, M r- A n n a BoctSncreaae from tS to |lo minimum tlgcr, arranged f o r his dog Blaze to
weekly poymenta to totally disabled be flo w n to C aU fom la-ln a n aim y
workmen, whereas another proposal cargo plane.
T h o dog's flight on an "A" priority
by tho Insurance committee lu;gestd th a t the minimum be |8 in* Is b ein g InrestlSQted by a senate
stead of 110.
m ilita ry fubcommlttee becaxiso three
servicem en were p u t off th e plaite
T he
passed hjkS mtvI
Memphis, T enn.
house a bill to d e a r up any ques­
T h e newspaper said it h a d learned
tion of a wife or husband having
the lesiil right to deliver V power from a n Informed source tlia t the
of attorney to tho other to enable Pre sld e n fe daughter, who lives ot
him to dispose of community prop­ the W h ite House, colled Col. R W.
Ire la n d o( the a i r tran sp o rt com­
e rty in the absence of the other.
m a n d . liie la tter, the P o st account
continued, made th e reccssary space
avaU nble, and " It was understood,
th e n ordered th e dog dispatched
Additional Draft
Call Asks for 12
LONDON, Jan. 80 (/P)— S oviet armored
forward in a blizzard drove today to
Berlin in a threo-pronged red army assa u lt toward the reict)
capital, Moscow dispatches reported.
Russian columns punchcd fiv e to e ig h t miles inside Bran­
denburg province duo ca st o f Berlin, nnd 16 miles inside
Pomerania in a push striking northeast'df tho German heart
city, a direct dispatch said.
South of these blows by tho f ir s t w hite Russian army
’oup, tanks and infantry o f the f ir s t Ukraininn army were
Ing westward from bridgeheads flu n g over th e Oder
river in Slleslai
The.Pom eranian and Silesi.;
an offe n siv e s tlireatened a
great p in c m from north and
south on Berliti, In addition to
Zhukov’s offensive beating in
from th e east in Brandenburg,
said A ssociated Freas Corre*
PARIS, Jan. 80 « > - O n Uie eve pondcnt Eddy Gilmore In
of the widely-heralded big three
Nazis Told
Meaning o£
The German high command in a
survey of the w tstcm fm nt, sold the
allies were engaged In operatloru
"aim ing a t the establlslim ent of la -
tije f ro n t’
The northern wing of Patton's
tlUrd army already h a d carved out
a bridgehead across th e Our river
In Germany two cnUes wide and
three-quarters of a mile deep,
front dispatch reported.
The doughboys captured Welchenhausen In their I lr s t spcclflo vic­
tory of the new drive Into the relch.
The Belgian border town of Stupbacli, a llttlo more th a n a mile to
the north, also fell;
T h t Q erm aa high eemrowid saltl
American forees "broke Into our po­
sitions afte r fierce fighting'^ n o rth cast of St. Vlth. I t said the G er­
mans “are locked in heavy fighting
against American divisions which
are attacking on a wldo-Trdnf’^ob
either side of 6t. Vlth.
To Uie northwest, a Berlin com­
munique said, Canadian attacks
against a German bridgehead in
Uie Gcrtnjldenberg area of Uie low­
er Maas were broken u p by artillery
French forces in Alsace knocked
out both sides of th e Colmar pockct
with a concerted drive from the
north and south th o t Swiss border
reports sold had recaptured Colmar,
the last m ajor French city In Gerlan hands.
With the British an d Canadian
front* to the north an d the U. S.
seventh ormy’s lines along the
Rhine Polatlnate and Sa a r more or
less sUUr, the spoUlght of battle r e ­
mained focuscd on th e American
first and third army comeback from
the collapsed Ardennes salient.
One New Member
On ’45 Fair Board
Six membeni were retained a n d seventh was appointed
the Twin
Falls county commissioners approv­
ed tlie 1945 fair board. Clerk-Audltor
C. A. Bulles annouQced.
T he new member Is I ^ m l s H.
Brown. Filer, who lakes the place
v acated' by resignation of R. K.
DlUlngham, Filer.
Reappointed members of the fair
board are T. V. Nall, Kim berly:
Willard McMaster, H ansen; W ilbur
Quigley, CasUeford; W orthy Olds,
present chairman. Buhl; B ert A.
Sweet a n d Claude H. Detweller,
Twin Pallfl.
One of the major questions faced
by thU year's board Li decision as to
possibility of resuming Uie ag ri­
cultural fair, which has been lim ited
to a 4-P folr In wartime yeors. T he
annual rodeo was resumed lost year.
College Snowbound
B ut Not the Exams
"Goose and Gander”
Prevent Honeymoon
NEW YORK, Ja n . 30 (Ui!)—Gloria
Swanson and her bridegroom of
less Uian a day wIU be ported by
this evening and every
evening e x c e p t
Mondays because
she plans to keep
her leading role
in a Broadway
show In lieu o '
hcheym oon l^-g.
Miss Swnnsonand
WUUam B. Davey, of New York,
were married at
Union City, N. J-,
last night. Tho
still g lam or oi
star of elient mo
ies gave her oge
IS and her flfU)
: husband, a rctlrrd business
sold he
W ASHINGTON,-Jao. 30 W>) — A
senate committee began today a
scarch for an orderly method of dis­
posing . o f ' the sovem m enfs wool
stockpile.. ' •
. . ,
Attending a.cloeed'door m e c ^ B
o f - l h e '« n a f t T ipccial'W ool eortimlttee- were Vice-President P . H
Safain o t the defense supplies cor­
poration. Milton Briggs of the com­
modity credit corporation. Col. R . T.
Stevens of the army's quortcrmaster
eoTja an d
R . W alktr, •woo^
consultant for th e -w a r production
boord."I callcd tiiese gentlemen - to­
gether." Oholrroon O’Mohoney told
a r e ^ r t e r , "for a free discussion
which we hope will lend toword thi
formulation of a policy for sUmulatIng the use of wool and Immediately
prevent the further dislocation of •'A Goose for th e Gander."
th e market,"
T h e CCO hos on hond 155,000,000
pounds oC docnesttc wool aod ex­
pects to odd 50,000,000 from the'ISIS
FORT WOHTH, Tex.. Jan. 30 UP)
—Leaders of Uie ration's woolgrowers In convcnUon today dratted a
104J poUcy calling for nboUtlon of
unnecessary government rules, reg­
ulations nnd orders, os soon as the
war. ends. The group voice opposi­
tion to th e use of foreign wooU In
tho monufncturo of uniforms lor the
U. 8.’ a rm ed ’forces.
Bill Would Abolish
Premarital Tests
BOISE. Jan. 30 (/P)—T»’o norUi
Idaho senators. RliodM. D., Koote­
nai. and BanUetln,
iSonner, Intro­
duced a bill In the legislature today
to repeal th e
net Tcriulrtng a
prem arital examination for venereal
disease before granting o marriage
license. They said the law was not
flnonclolly nlUacUve to their coun­
ties, which prior to »he law were
a mecca for w’cddlng-mtnded couples
from neighboring states.
Germans Pull Navy
Away From Russians Colonel Jim Puzzled
By Train Commotion
STOCKHOLM. Jon. 30 (UJS-Reports Irom Malmo M id today th a t
the G ermans were withdrawing
th e ir’ warships from the eastern
Baltic to Copenhagen to save them
from th e advancing Russians.
WATERVILLE, Me.. J a n . 30 W >T he 6,000-ton cruiser Nuroberg
and a number ot sm aller units a l­
ready have arrived a t Copenhagen
. . . today, but an y hopes of stu- and are onchored in th e inn er h a r­
dcntfi th a t they would be excused bor there, It was said, and fu rth er
from examlnationa toon w ere dissi­ units were cxpected today from
p a ted .
. .
Konlgsberg, Danzig an d Qydlha.
H ik in g tvo mllea over drUt-owept
fields. Gordon W . Sm ith o t Mlc*”
boro. Mass, a ssistan t professo
Jom es A. Spriggs, jr.. Twin Palls,
h a s accepted th e post of. cxecuUve
secretary ol ^he Tw in Polls Chamber
of Commerce, effective March 1, Jay
M. MerTlll. president of the cham'
ber, announced Monday night.
Spriggs Is principal o t the ele­
m entary schools a t the wor relocatlon.outhorlly a t Hunt. He rccelvcd
his appointm ent a t Hunt under the
departm ent of interior, ond will
d u d e his duties there Feb'. 28.
In accepting th e appointment, the
..:w secretory announced th a t he Is
"thoroughly sold on Twin Foils and
Uje MagW Valley."
He a n d M is. Spilgfi* Mvc a t 330
SeveriUi aychuc north- They moved
here from Pocatello lost July.
Spriggs h as been engaged in edU'
caUonal work for many years, serv­
ing a s principal of the Roosevelt ele­
m entary school In Pocatello from
1Q34 to 1944 and principal of the
Bonneville elementary school there
from 102B to 1034. He has also
ta u g h t o t McCammon and Kuno.
A t K u n a be w’os a ScoutmasUr
a n d a n orgontzer of the Kuna com­
m unity band. He has been active
In Community Che.^t work; was for
tw o years state chairman of Uie
safety council for the Idaho ParentT eocher association, and Is a life
m em ber of Uie National Education
Spriggs .-has been a resident of
for 35 years. He was gradu-
l o s ANOELES. Jon. 30 ttJB-Col.
Jam es’ Roosevelt hastened to rejoin
h is' m arine amphibious unit today,
pusiled by. the commotion caaied
w hen th e Onion Pacific sU-eamllner,
City of Los Angeles, was delayed
for his departure from Chicago.
■T don’t know w hat’s to awful
about It." Roosevelt said yesterday
when he. arrived here with his wife
a fter atU ndlng his father Inaugu­
nical Institute, now the Univcnlty
of Idaho, southern branch; LewUton
S ta le Norm al scho<4, and has I '
sum m er session class work a t 1
tcllo;.U ie University of Wsahla
Seattle: th e Onlverslty of I , ......
Moscow, and Uie U tah State Agri­
cultural college. Logon.
T he new execuUve secretary and
OETTROrr, Jan. 30 OJt> - Jack.
1s wife desl(^ed a cachet for 50
* fox terrier which was Uie richest years of Idah o statehood when the
doe In D etroit for ■ month, became Idaho s u m p was Issued July 9 , 1S40.
e envelopes were sold by southern
Just another pooch today when
Idaho 01x1 Reserves who used the
f t o b a u Judge Murphy ruled Uiat proceeds for th e G irl Reserve
the late Mrs. Margaret Myers*, m er comp.
win, b^ueaU ilng Jack two house*
arid a n automoblle—and her son
nothing—was improperly executed.
T h e e s u te now follows Uie same
procedure as if Uiere were no wUl.
“How Hath the Mighty Fallen”
Uon quesUoas to conduct, th e testa.
Sinatra Called by
Uncle Sam Again
CHIOAOO. Jan. 30 OfJ3 — Dr.
Hugh Greer CarruUiers, seU.styled
“kum bum from the shores of the
mysUcal blue lake of T ibet," psyc h o l^ lst and sage e xtraordlnor;,
was Ju st plain Heruy Boerum, a
form er Brooklyn postal clerk to­
day, according to testim ony a t h is
m oil.fraud t r i a l .
known variously to his foUowdn
priest of th e kum bum
_____ th e clarion
b oard todsy and agalp got ready to
tra d e h is m laophons for a.m u sk et.
T h e tousled-halrtd' cro o n er who
>nds Uia Udiea Into swoons from
M a in e to California has b een order*
eU ..te_ rep o rt .lo r_ n ..p re-lad u c U o n
p h y sic al ezamlnatloa F eb . s.- hla “the hum an engineer,*' U on irtol
Je rse y City, N. J h draft b o a rd an ­ ^wlth two women associates on
of fr*udule..t use of the
n o u n ced . ic wUl b e S m atra 's second
trip b e fo r t the w hile-coated medicos
—h e v a » elusUSe;! 4-F I n 1M 3, be------- o I « punctured’e a rd ru m .- -
conference, th e allies have begun
showering German Unea with leaf• - explaining Uie ‘•uncondlUonal
____nder" goal announced a t Casablanca. It was disclosed today.
UncondlUonal surrender, th e pam phleU say, "would n o t mean th a t
Germans who surrender would be a t
Ui8 mercy of the victorious aide."
On ihe coatrary. they would “be un­
der UiB-prol«Uon of th e Geneva
convenUon a n d . would be treated
n ltb fairness.'
BOISE; Jon.- 30;at.F5-'riie'^fetils. .T he pamphlets, one-of Uie first
la tu re'.h ad . before It today a ''b lll direct attempts by •" *-.............. ■
'h ose'ilrasU c p r o t o n s would, U
passed, a n d enforced, dose all night
Gloom dortens Berlla, the h e art of nstlU n d , a s th e spectre of Rasslan veoreanee looms
D rafted by Uie Idaho'Allied Civic
r\3rces, th e measure would limit
;sslon to six quarts o t liquor
proh ib it ft charge for mixing
and serving d rinks os now pracUccd
by locVcr clubs.
The bill w as sponsored In-the sen­
ate by W . W . Wliltlow, D., Adorns;
Parely P. Jensen, D., Gem; Nellie
Cline Stcenson, D„ Bannock: A
Alkele, D„ B u tte; C. H. Burgher, D.,
Minidoka; W. R. H umphro's, D„
Fremont: J a rn w B. Rlrle. D., Jeffer-^
Eilson D eal, R* Canyon.
Tlic m easure prohibits,.liquor, nclvcrtisin^rm B kes posK asion'onnofe'
si* tjy a rta pilm a loelo'evWente
Qf sale o f su c h liquor and provides
that a n y liquor not purchased
through th e sta te dispensary shall“
conslltule a misdemeanor.
r-^KM isO SM iiifaE'Tsrdcruniii-d^c:
Ing punishable by 30 days In JdU and
a $200 f in c .l n .c a s c of a second, vio­
lation u n d e r Its tcrpis," the'puhlsh-;
ment would be six months In jail
ond a .MOO fine. A third- violation
would ho 's u b jec t to felony convleUon. •
Uquor distillers, • through • their
agents, w ould be boned from distri­
buting sam ples for gifts, contribut­
ing Co political ciunpnlgn.i, advertis­
ing or. otherw ise promoting the fcole
of liquor. A -perm anent raUon of
quart of liqu or a day and not,m o. .
than fbur q u a rts a week would be
established w ith t^e Btate'-dLipci
earj- superlnlcndont jmpowercd
reduce th e lim it.-T he p rese n t,wo
tlme-raUon Is a p l n t a week. '
nent os members of th e B jjopean
nlly of natJons.Jlio announcement said "IndU
vidual Germons who bad noUilng to
vlth the crimes committed by
aim lnals wlU not be taken, to
account for Uioae crimes."
King Peter Yields
- F o w e r ^ iB R ie fic n e y
LONDON, Jan. 30 oiR)—T h e Y ug06lfcVTPoll««ftLjH«>ute,--jrhlolUoc
0 time threatened to rival th e G reek
and Polish controverdes as a threo t
to . allied unity, appeared todoy to
have been settled In advance ot the
big three mecUng.
agreed to transfer his powers to a
regencyJiy royal.dw rea a n tL h u d JiK
proved the focmatlon o t a govern-
Road to Berlin
- By AssoeUted Press
Eastern front; B5 mUes (from
vicinity of Drlesen, Germany, by
Russian armounccment).
Western front: 310 miles (from
Unnlch-Julich-Duren orca).„.
Itollan front: 544 miles (from
n^no river).
“Time Marches on”
(But H itler Doesn’t)
^ e buUeUn said
In lower eUcsla had brc*cn
W ateln a u -o n Uie O dert.w ist bank
33 miles northw est of BreslM. - :
2> r t» Break eot '
to e w t, Prussia. It adtled, G enw oa
fighting westward trying to break,
' — *.RUsalan pocket reached
........................... a.I9i.-
a sold the G o^
m ans were counter-attacking furi­
ously trying to cover on evacuation
from E lblng in east Prasal*. Soviet
forces sa n k three German transports
Zhukov’s norUiem arm bit deeper
despite blinding snow after toppling-'
D rlesen and Woldeabuiy. 93 mile
north ea st of Berlin, Nmd 67 milei
(ContliiaH w P>«. J. O rfm I)
lA R M iy A N
--B 0T SB rJanr3>ni»=T tJi>hrrR ierf^::
o l'JiiJg e ' Chose A. Clark todijr an­
nounced he hos appointed. E(LBra-__
B^T r.-B rihnrsiiarfor Taui'o TW fauj—
ond one-half yean, as bis court
clerk succeeding Uie late W. D. McReynolds.
B ryan's appointment will become
effective on th e appointment ot his
successor a s O. S. marshol.
Sen. G len H. l\«rior, D , will make
the recommendation for the new
m arshal and appointment will be .
made by tho President, subject to
raU flcation by the senate.
Bryan, formerly of Gooding, waa
named m arshal to succeed the lat«
George. M cffon. who wlUi his dep^..
uty, Jo h n Olcnn. was killed by a
Negro being evicted fro n property
In the hills above Boise.
iryan was endorsed for the p
. . form er Sen. D. Worth CI« .
nephew of Judge Clark. He also,
eervcd os state-aeronauUcs director
under form er Gov. Batxllla W.
McReynolds, who held the court
clerk post for 29 yean, died a t his
desk lost week when stricken by a
h e art attack.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 0U5 — :
LeglslaUon to cancel half the tuN.
forgiven porUon of 1043 individual
income taxes has been Introduced
by Sen. Chopman W. Revcrecmb,
R ,W .V a .
________ - T e x ,,J ^ S O ~ '- r n l I i k ',i '. ■
W e t, d r iv ln r a truck loaded with ’
cigarettes. st<)pped for a tralflff l U M . ,
in Uie downtown' sectloh. -Befw**,
th e light changed, M. caMois' ver».v-[/T.stolcn.
' LO a ANQELES, Ja n . SQ — ‘1
policemen reported' t h a t ' ’ *
LONDON. J a n . 30 (UJ!)—AdoU.HlUer began his WUl and undoubtedly Ifeaser. railroad tlruian,- u~ "
lost >-ear a s ru ler ot Germany today wlUi Uie empire he once boasted fu llr flocged his U sttt-i'
would la s t 1.000 y e a n crimibllng about him.
lioness, B a)K ..«lui arobii.'
Thougli th e anniversary of hls'riie to chancellor In Uie.past ha s been a
doy for one of h is m ajor speeches, HlUer was silent. Only once since 1933
had he fo ile d to speak. T hat w u Jan. S o -ln IMS, a few weeks afte r th e
dlMislec a t- B ta l ln g r a d „ ^ - - - ...........
....... — ------------------ :— —
HlUerli w hereabouts Is a mysUry. He Is reported vartously In Berlin,
WALLACE,' J a n . 30
— Mel
Nickerson, one-tim e deputy sheriff tourlng.the e astern front, and holing up for a lost stand In bis m ountolshfre. hM .-rt- toppaloee a t B e r c h t^ a d e n .
' '^ t'w h e r e v e r he Is: he m uit reaUsa that wlUiln the next few montlu^
perh aps-«eck s,‘h ls country win go down to l u (reatest defeat
Wmself-wUlHw’dead, la;«tll^•-o^awai^II*;tIUl a* a.w ar.6tis6IaaL:
Director of Beer
_Revenue Resigns
lens, T e x , her son by a prevloui
m arriage. VWiIte, who said. be
h a d n othing against the dog per­
sonally. h ad Indicated he *-ould
contest th e wlU U it were admltteil
-to '.p ro u t« .--..........
Today’s G erm an coaanunlflue de­
clared Z hukov was ottockloa heavily
in Uie O bra river sector due east « . .
BerUn, a n d eald.Uie SovleU mad*
“further g alas to Ujb n orm - around .
- Page Two
_ __ . . (rrom Pmrf Oni)
trom th e B altlo p o rl ot S te ttla This
omp&lga threatened to cut otx
no rthcaauro G em nny, ad well a«
on B erlin 'Item Uio north.
Atost D uifcrous
Armored column# and mobile In*
fu)t77 h ittin g coward Berlin Irom
due e ast carried the most danterou*
jnenace. T h e Russians expect a
m*ln O erm a n aUnd a t the Oder
ilTtr In the F ra n U u rt sector, and
•re puihln* a hea d esger for a show­
down battle.
' Some of Zhukov's southern forces
are itrllU ns tow ard the Oder In the
Olojau regfon. on the fJanfc of War•hsl Iv an K onev’s Itrit Ukrainian
anny. Moscow remained silent
deTelopmcnia on KoncVs front.
Front dlapatchcs s i Id Soviet
troops In Germ any hnd painted
slogans "on to Berlin" and "Berlin
this w a r o n th eir tanfci. trucks.
‘ and g un carriers.
On /
Elsewhere on this 12tli onnlversniy of H itler's rise as cliancellor
• unchecked Soviet armies were wiUiin two mila« of Konlgsberg In
1 Pnuiliv a n d hod resclied the
man-Pollsli frontier due wes
tottering Poznnn.
Zhukov’s troop.^ hnd cut the main
'.^Danilg - Berlin supcrliighwey and
- Inmk railw ay a t several places.
• Other red a rm y units pushing nor
; wsrd Into th e Polish corridor ..
.• iK ure his upper flank sclied
■■Pnuicr, CS m iles souUia’a l of Dan- t i t Jind Komlerowo. seven miles to
the west. —
neck and strung from a beam In the
She had been dead abouHO min­
utes before her body was found.
She had been In 111 hcnlth since
the birth of a daughter 10 months
ago. ■
Funeral services will be held a t 1
... m. Wednesday a t the Unity LDS
ward cliupel with Bishop Raymond
Birch of Uie Heyburn ward ofllclatIng. Burla) will be In Burley ceme­
Magic Valley
B0RLB7 — F uneral services for
Joseph Henry Fowlea. 72, who died
Saturday s t Ogden, U tah, will be
Two Heirs Seek
held a t 1 p. m. Friday a t the Burley
LDS church of the first ward wltii
Ernest R. D lauer offlclstE state Partition ' Bishop
Ing. Durlal will bo In the Burley
R. L. and O. D. Conrad Tuesday
filed suit In district court against
Mrs. Oleva Cook and J . O. Conrad,
asking th a t partlttan of real estate
In Buhl be made, or If It cannot
be made w thout prejudice to the
lights of all. th a t a sale ct the
premises be m ade and the proceeds
divided equally.
The pla intiffs and defendants are
the four children and sole heirs to
the e state of 6 a ra h Jane Con>ad.
According to a decree ot final distri­
bution o t th e eitaU , lot 8, block SS.
BuftJ ComwJ£«. e ranud Oct. 8, 26*3.
in probata c ourt, each was awarded
an undivided one>fourth Interest in
The com plaint sets forth th a t a
lelling pries o r a n equitable division
of property can n o t bo agreed upon
by the four. J . W . Taylor, Buhl, rep­
resents th e p laintiffs la the action.
ccmetery under the direction of the
Payne mortuary.
BURLEY - Funeral services for
Mrs. Susan Barker, who died Satur­
day a t a b a . will bo held a t I p. m.
Thursday at Elba with burltil In the
ceniotery there under direction of
the Paj-ne mortuary.
HBYBURN-Funcral scn'lces for
Mrs. Wilma Jones D lls will be held
a t i p. m. Wednesdoy a t the Unity
LDS ward chapel with Bishop RayId Birch officiating. Burial will
. . In the Burley cemetery under
direction of the Payne mortuar>-,
FILER—Funeral services for Rob­
ert Samuel Wygal. Filer, will be
held o t 3:30 p. m. Friday a l the
Filer Methodist church with the
Rev. E L. White officiating. Burial
will be In the Filer I. O. O. P. cemtu r y tuider the direction ot Che
w hite mortuary of Twin Falls.
Five AAA committee members of
Minidoka county went b ; auto to
HANSEN-Funeml services
Lewiston w hero they attended the Mrs. Nephl Larsen will be held
state AAA convention. I n attend­ 2:30 p. m. Thursday o t Reynolds fu­
a n c e 'v e r e C a rl Mer«, chairman; neral home chapel. Burial will
Miss MUdred Scholer, secretary; Twin Falls cemetery.
Ear^Dot ^ ^ ^ g y ^ HoUjn^et and
> ^ > A U ^ 5 5 K ; Y o 'n i S $ ''w f f l '
Mn. R e » ^ f t t : ^ 'g g d ^ M n .^ y be paid Mre.
-n — wi
Jta a t 3 “ J a ^ f t n e M ^ ^ e r ^ K ^ T ’W nvla'
cards from h im dated July 13, writ­
ten In h is handw riting .and signed
by him. s ta tin s th a t ho Is well an d
had received & letU r from his bro<
ther. H e h a s be«n a prisoner since
the c apture of W ake island.
The R ev, E v erett Damon. Kim ­
berly. Is now serving as pastor of
the local M acorene church. Rev. Mr.
D ia en, h is w ile and two small chil­
dren will m a k e their home In the
panonage a p artm e n t a t th e ehurch.
Mrs. W illiam Squance and young
daughter of Los Angeles, Calif., left
for their hom e afte r a three week
visit w ith h e r parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Cunningham .
Mr. a nd M rs. Fred Behuepbich.
aceompanied. by Miss JuanlU Poin­
dexter. w ent to S a lt Lake City to a ttend g raduation exercises of their
daughter. E laine, a t Bt. Mark's he
pltal. A fter M arch 1 she wiU ent
a naval hospital, ia ter receiving
cemmlMlon. Miss Behuepbach
a graduate o f R upert high school
Miss K ay Reynolds, cadet nurse a t
Deaver Q enernl hospital. Is here
lor a tw o w eek visit w ith her p a r­
ents, M r. and Mrs. H. B. Reynolds.
6htf will grad u a te a t exercises
be held M arch la.
The Hospital
Unergency beds were available a t
Tvln Fa lls county general hospital
BlUy M athers, Klmberb’; Merle
Jean H um phrey, Mrs. L. V. Ohan,
Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Mrs. Everett
Griejer. M rs. Wayne Dc Board ond
Mrs. O ertrudo Ring, all of T ^ ln
Falls; M rs. w . E. Jones. Hsnsen:
and M rs. R . W . Hompton, Hunt.
DlUy M a thers. Kimberly; Mrs. h .
A. MaxweU. B uhl; Clyde Hlaton,
. Heielton; M rs. Harold Shaffer and
son. M rs. E. H. Gler. all of Twin
Pslls, and Mr«. Jam es K. Bailey and
son, n ie r .
Pentecostal church, officiating. Bur­
ial wU! be In Twin Falli cemetery
tmder direction of Twin Falls mortursry.
HAZELTON—Fxmeroi services for
Mrs. Venna Boden Qale will bo held
a t AVhlte mortuary chapel ot 3 p. m.
Wednesday. Qeorge R. Menden­
hall. Katelton L. D. S. church. wlU
be In charge of services. Interment
will be In Twin Falls cemetery u n ­
der direction of W hite mortuary.
WENDELL—Funeral services for
Mrs. Elba Patterson are tentatlyely
set for 3 'p . m. Wednesday a t tho
LDS church here w ith Bishop F. E.
Hulet offlclaUng. B urial wlU be la
the Wendell cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k T ninkey a r­
rived recently from Olendale. Csllf.,
where they have spen t Uie pa.^t
seven montlis during which Mr.
Trunkey has been under the care
of a specialist. Mr. an d Mrs. T runkey are both in war work and plan
to return to their work In California
afte r attending to their farming In­
terests here.
AM 3/e D elmar 0.' Duckett end
Mrs. Duckett and son arrived to vis­
it Mr. Duckett’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs'. Robert D uckett. He returned to
the U. B, a fter ser\-lng 33 months
overseas, n e will report to SeatUe
Feb. 6 to be stationed there. >
Pfc. Joe Newbry orrlved from
Klngmfln. Arlft. an a IT-doy fur­
lough. He is a t the liome of his
parents. Mr. ond Mrs. Ben Newbry.
P\'t. Robert Black le ft to report
to Ft. Bill, Okla., a fte r spending his
furlough with h is parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Har^-ey Fom w alt, and other
relatives. 2>lr8. Black will remain
here for the present.
Mr*. John Shobe sp e n t the past
te k In Pocatello visiting her
daughter, Della Terry. D anny T en y
has been sick.
Miss Slava Btastny, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoslny, split a
bone In her hip about 10 da>-s ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Foster arriv­
ed Tuesday from Scott Held, 111;,', to
spend his furlough u-lth his parents,
Mr. and Mr*. Q. J. Foster, and other
Sergeant and Mrs. c h arles Lown
have gone to Webster, la., to visit
U r. Lawn's parents an d then to
Santa Monica. Calif., where he wUI
be sUUoned for a wliile.
' S erjean t and Mrs. K enneth H arrti and son left W ednesday momtag
for Bobbs, N. M.
Mr. u d Mrs. R alph Simmons and
daufhters, Ju a n ita a n d Lois Ann.
have returned from a vlalt w ith Sgt.
Cleo Maxson who woa wounded in
action In the Philippines Invasion
where h e served for two in o n lh j and
received the purple h e art. He has
been returned to th e United States
and iB now hospltalU ed a t BushneU,
Brigham city.
Radiogram Came,
Prisoner Writes
Most recent word Mrs. j. W.
Adamson. Twin Falls, has received
Irom her htuband. a clrJllan In­
ternee of tho Japanese since the fall
of Wake b land, where he was em­
ployed as a c&rpenttr. Is n card
dated Aug. 7. 1014. In It he stated
th a t he received Mrs. Admnson'
radiogram last July 20. She tald
the message was sent In the form
of o cablegram from T?,ln rails
last May.
T he card came last week, as did
one dated July 11. 1044. Within r
cent weeks she has also received
le tter written by Mr. Adamion i
April 11. 1044.
He slated In alt messages th it I
was well; urged members of his
family to "keep up courage";
pressed the hope ^ a t "when
..................IB It will be In the di­
rection of home."
He was one of l.eoo Americana re­
moved from Wake IsUnd os prlsontho Japanese. He was sUU In
Shanghai when he last wrote, but
said th a t 350 of the group had been
J sp ss .
Wayne Robert Hall. 20, and Lllllj
Lorraine Biggs. 10. both of Burley,
rccelvcd a marriage license. '
Flora T. Block field n suit for
)rce Jan. 32 against Ren Black
Fairbanks, Alaska.
Sccond Licut. Harold Seeds, son
Mr. and Mrs. Al Seeds, who was Just
home on leave. Is now oppolnted an
Instructor a t Pecos army air Held,
Home on 30-day leave Is Haskell
Plumlce, seam an first class, son of
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Plumlee, after
helping with Philippine Invasions.
A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs.
Ihgram , Declo. »nd-6 daughter a r­
rived for Mr. otid ifrs. Rfchord
Sklles. both a t Cottage hospital.
Pearl Wilcox wns released from
CassU county Jail Monday and sent
to he r home In Oakland. Calif. She
hod been picked up on a vagrancy
Sgt. Sonny Acalturrl. son of Joe
Acolturrl. Is home on furlough after
serving more th e n three years In the
south Pacific with the engineers,
Mrs. J. UusseJl Call and daughter,
Nonna, left for Phoenix, An*., to
visit Mrs. CaU’s mother, Mrs, Eliz­
abeth Bowcut. They sill be gone
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Vem H m a s have
. in o to Los Angeles and Burbank
to spend a m onth with relatives.
Blair Shepherd left Burley high
school last week-end, the end of
the first semester, to live In Boise,
where his parenU. Dr. and Mrs. hi.
M. Shepherd, moved earlier this
Mrs. Charles 0. Haight spent the
eek In Bobe, where Senator Haight
Is sening his first tenn for Cassia
county In the state legblature. Their
eons. Buddy Haight and OdeU
Black, spent the week-end In Boise
and visited the legblature.
Mrs. Richard Molne and little here for on Indefinite visit with
he r parents. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge
Patterson. Mr. Maine Is In the
chant marine In the Paclflc.
Delbert McFarland, son of Mrs.
Sylvia McFarland, has bceh home
on leave after serving with the na\y
in the south PocUlo more than a
year. Re b a seaman second class.
Cpl. Robert F. Detmers Is here o..
15 day furlouRh from Boca Raton,
F la , where he Is worklnit In radar.
Ho Is vbltlng his wife, Luclile
Payne Detmers. and tliclr two chUd-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Page became
parents of a son Jan. 22 nt the home
of the grandmother. Mrs. Lucy ^fa^tlndale.
6st. sirle Powers left here Jan.
37 for Comp Fonnln. Tex., follow­
ing a recuperation furlough of sev­
eral weeks.
Mrs. Florence Tremayne relumed
to he r home in Portland following
a three-m onth visit here wllh her
abler. Mrs. I. S. Powers.
The Rev. and Mrs. Brooks H.
Twin F alls and >-lclDi(y: OccsalonMoore of the Methodist church ar;;' al llgbt snow and continued mederrlved- home from PorUand- where
ately cold tonight and Wednesday.
they attended a planning confer­
I t a t e r d a r blx b 2B. low IS, low th b
ence for Bununer camps, The Rev.
- taom lnt Vt: ..........
Mr. Moore Is dean of Camp Saw­
tooth abo^-o Ketchum.
David F rank Weeks, seaman
ond clttti, lo a of Dr. end Mrs. Prank
Weeks, b here on leave from Parragut.
K e e p t h e W ftltc Flojr
Miss Hulda Schempp. teacher, re­
0 } S a U ty T ly in g
lum ed home Sunday from Q arrison. N. D-. where she visited two
weeks with' her father and with her
two brothers who are Just home
from more th a n three years each
Lieut. T hum Baker b here from
Roswell. N. M.. to vblt h b wjfe and
their new daughter. He b a bombar­
Dr. and Mrs. G. O. Espe have gone
to Washington, D. C-, for a month's
v b lt with CoL and Mrs, D. A. Bollej
and children. -Mrs. Bailey Is their
daughter. PatrlcU. and their other
Lawrence_ Leo Sullivan. Twin .daughter, Vola-Cl>in»
Falls, sought a s a d e w t e r from th t ready there vblUnK. During their
navy, h a s been tak en Into custody stajr to the e ast Dr. £kpe plans to
, V o v ) t h t ‘e e ( l a y t v A t h o u i a
by civil authorities n t Drlgg*« Ida.
t f d t f t c d e a t h i n o u r itagU s P n ro a i. Sgt. Jesso A alnbolt said
.V a a eii,!:
Ihere Tuesday. He was turned m'er
I to n a r r ccntrti! officials a t Pocatello.
Seen Today
— Twin FMIffNews in Brief—
fiesilon riaim etf
T he M aro» Woman’s d u b -w ill
meet Thursday a t the home of Mrs.
Foye S harp. M rs. Irene Bloom will
o v im Jiiiu. 41, a u m tcicu iuui»uin be a ssb ta n t hostess.
In the elceet o f h e r home here lote
Boturday oftem ooa.'took her owr Masons to Csnfer
life, It was learned from officials to­
Twin F a lb Jpdja No. 43. A . F. and
day on the basis of an Inquest re­ A. M.. win m eet a t 8 p. m. Wednes­
port. Despondency caused by lU day a t th e Masonic temple to con­
health was term ed the cause.
fer the M aster Mason degree.
She was found by her husband,
Robert Lee ElIU.
Here From Oregon
I t WHS reported th i t her feet
Mrs. EUa D am es. Nysia, Ore., U
rere tied, and th a t the had m an­ vbltlng her daughter. Mrs. Kyle
aged to tape her hands behind her Wolte, 130 Von Buren street, for the
back, A rope, such as used for Vene­ next week.
tian blinds, was knotted obout her
Lawrence Tlbbetl, Metropolitan
opera baritone, kibitzes while Ills
wife, Jane, satvates used kltchrn
fal for the war effort In their New
York apartment.
TucBday, J a n u a ry 8 0 ,1 9 ^8
Home From Coast
Mrs. Harley Deer has -returned
from C alifornia whero she vblted
her parents. Mr. ond Mrs. Paul Beer.
Fresno, and a friend, Mrs. Helen
Olvens, Hollywood.
Visit Son
Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n BlUlogs have
returned from vlstlng their son.
Harold Billings, a n d family In Wood­
to destroy th e San Fernando river
land, Calif.
bridge in the center of the city with
small aerial bombs and gasoline.”
Licenses Issued M v r i tg i licensee were issued----- - W ithout stopping, armored units
yesterday to In v ln Msgoffln ^and: plunged past .th e vital highway
E thel Fulmer, both^of Twln-Fails, iunetlon and speared toward Cala nd Tokuo NIshlnlura and Amy um plt on th e Pampanga river 10
mUes to th e south.
Yamanbhl. both o f Hunt.
Stay on nigbwsy.
Prom “Ban Fem ondo lhe highway
Loses 175
Mrs. Ronald K rohn, 13S Addlton forks west into the hbtorlo Bataan
avenue, reported to police lata yes­ peninsula and southeastward toward
terday th a t h e r home was entered Manila between two great swamp
by prowlers a t 10:10 a. m. Sunday areas. Mechaniied equipment m ust
and S7S in cash removed from a stay on the highway or dry ground
nearby In passing down this nazjow
itretch. .
T he fight for San Manuel. 18
Qlven Honor
David Mlyauchi. Twin Falb, and miles to the southeast, was virtually
Ruby Ayako Inouye. H uat, studenU completed as 2Sth dlvblon Yanks
a t the University of Texas. Austin, turned bock a savsge tank-led
Tex., hove been elected to Phi Bctta counter-attack Sunday midnight and
Kappa, national honorary scholasUa atmlhlloted elements of the Japasecond arm ored dlvblon.
Named to Office
Julie McBride, In her junior year
I M llb college. Oakland. Calif., has
been elected to serve ti. proctor of
the Ethel Moore hall during the MovBito City
coming year.
M r and Mrs. L eslie (Hep) Ander­
son. for th e le st 11 years operators
Price Celling Clerk
of Hsp's Drive In n . Burley, have
Jessie Douglas has been appointed moved to Twin F a tb and are living
os price ccUlng clerk a t the war price a t 131 10th avenue ewt.
and ration board office, succeeding
Vbltor* in B oba
D sn J. C avanagh. at«te Demo--•oUc com m lttcem an. and L ee
oitpene Session .
LeiehllUr. DemocraUa county chairSalmon Social c)ub n;eetlng has nan. transacted business In Bebe
been postponed Indefinitely due to Monday.
mess. Members with Invitation
Its are asked to br|ng them to the s« lb Short B torr
sme of Mrs. Robert Rayl, Jr..
M n. Bessie M. Ciyder, formerly
of Twin F a lb a n d now a patient at
St. Alphonsus hospital, Bobe. has
Minor Fire
sold a short-short story to the Idaho
An overhea(«d stove pipe caused Farmer, according to word received
a call to th e Twin F a lb fire depart­ by friends here.
ment M onday Bftemoon from the
home of Mrs. Ann E Reed. J14 Van Records D bcharge
Angus Andrew Spence. 833 Moln
Buren. FJremen reported only slight
d tm ig e .
avenue te st. M ondey recorded his
honorable d b c h arg e from the navy
Purple H ea rt Award
dated Jon. 6, 1048. and Issued at
The order of the purple heart Sun Valley. He enlbted a t San
was received by Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Froncbco. Calif., Nov. ID. 1B43. and
Crump for th e ir son, Sgt. Eugene was a corpenter’fl m ate second doss.
L. B uchanan, who was killed In
action In Italy, July 12.
Father. Dies
W. S. OolUn h a s received word
ot the death of h b father. John S.
A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Collin, retired postal employe, Sun­
Phil Wade Tuesday morning, Twin day a t P ortland, Ore. Mr. CoUln
Falb. and a son to Mr. and Mrs. vblted here on several occasions,
W. E. Jones. Hansen. Monday eve. ond was active I n Afasonlo circles.
nlng, a t Twin p a lb county general Funeral services will be held
hospital m aterrjlty home.
Wednesday a t Finley's mortuary In
Portland. H b so n will be unable
to attend services.
City Will Thank
Donors to Ship
L etters of thanks from the cHy
will go out this week to oil persons
and firms who aided In the preparation of assembling the vorlous on
ticles th a t will be put aboard the
SB Tw in Falls Victory ship when
It b launched Fob. 6.
Included in th e gifts collected are
13i books and a number of fames.
In addition two plaques were p rtpared.-each-w llh-on-a«rlal-vUw -«fthe city ond a me.tsage to the men
oboard the ship about Twin’ Falls.
One of these plaques will be placed
In the officers' quartets and tha
other In the quarters of the crew.
A third plaque th a t was prepared
will hong In th e Ohomber of Com­
merce office here.
T a x i^ o o E H a E Z I i:
T here will be no c ^ g e In th« present taxi rate s here for th e next m onth or six weeks * t least peadln*
approval by Washington ot a n DDT*
submitted plan to pool the cab firms'
here and reduce th e present num­
ber of cabs here from nine tonlx.
greatest or e a se.. . Two high school
T he hew plan was ontUited a t a
SlrU fsth e rln g bucket o t enow lor meetlne c l tHe c ity eom ell Jfondsy.
tome reason.or other. . . Group of night who heard th e report without
Lincoln school youngtiers taking ad­
vantage of their lunch hour to
Recently the toxl firms had offer­
knock on faeorby. doors In quest of ed to reduce their present rate from
w u te p ap e r.. . W ar coUecUon exhibit 80 to 35 cents for downtown and
laTdaho-'P(5WtT-company"wtodow,- the near-buslness dUtrlct ares.
s e at to Mr. a n d Mrs. H. C. Wheeler
by their son. pfc. Richard E
Wheeler from north Africa and
Italy. . . M rs. Charles H elmer dbcovering, and promptly, tniylng.
packet of Camels . - . . Flier wearing
white scarf from dbcarded p a r .......
And M r, ond Mrs. Billy
T he M arch of Dimes drive will
Brooks bustling around readying for .3 extended until Feb. IS. Instead
trip to midwest a nd east.
of ending Wednesday, as originally
planned. It was armounced here by
Mrs. John E. Hayes. Idaho representaUvo for the NaUonal Founda­
tion for Infantile Poralysb.
Announcement of the extension of
8/8gt. G raham Browne, Twin the drive for funds to cctnbat tha
Falls, who b a prboner of war in dbease wos mode by M n. Hayes af­
Gormany b ” all right," friends ter a communication wos received
learned here afte r being Informed from Basil O'Connor, national pres­
by h b mother. Mrs. Agnes O. ident.
Browne, Olendale, Califs th a t sha
bod received a letter from him.
The sergeant wrote in the letter,
first received from him since July 10.
1944. th a t he pjays bridge for past
tlma and th a t a few books are available. The latest word from him was
dsted Oct. 21. ISH.
Tha war departm ent hos recently
notified h b m other th a t he has been
awarded the a ir medal for couroge
and skill dbployed on bomber com­
bat mbslons.
Only on« elderly feUow brovlcg
winds to lean against front of bank
building. . . MulU -wlored suspen­
der* wcrm by Novy Chief C. A.
March of Dimes
Drive Extended
Captured Gunner
Says “AU Right”
Visits Brother
Mary F rances Bunn, who b a t­
Com munity .church held a family
dinner a t th e banquet room of the tending college In Posodena, Calif,,
church. W hile th e ladles were busy arrived th b w eek to vblt her broth­
getting diim er the men cleaned the er. First Bgt. V cm o Bunn, who
w alb a n d windows of the church home on furlough. They are t...
house a n d replaced portions of gloss children of M r. and Mrs. Oakley
Miss B u n n was accompanied
which were cracked or broken. Ano­ Bunn.
home by a schoolqiote, Olencro
th er d in n er will be held Feb. 11, ot
who b v b ltln g her fomlly in
which tim e the celling of the church Evans,
will be cleaned an d sny other need­
ed rep airs made.
Mr. an d Mrs. Fred Miller left for
Ablllne. K on.. a fte r receiving a tele­
phone call from th o t place inform­
ing th em th a t their son, Har\-ey.
had been critically injured when
Funeral services were conducted
the tru ck which he was driving
overturned, pinning him under- a t 3:30 p. m. M onday In the Methodbt church f o r Mrs. Addle A.
neoth. T h ey were accompanied by Slack
who died a t her home Fridoy
their d au g h ter, Mr*. Dorothy Schlfle
followlnK o stroke. Officiat­
who b a resid en t of Ablllne and wsi morning
a t the services was the Rev. H.
spending n m o n th vbltlng her par­ ing
Music wos furnished by Mrs. U.
R ecent b irth s a t the Hailey cUn^ N. Terry and Jam es C. Reynolds.
leal hospital include a son to Mr. occc«npsnled by M rs. Russell Potter,
and Idrs. AnChony Della Taffola, plonbt.
Bun Valley; a daughter to Mr. ond
Mrs. V erlV -^ rth in g to n ^ 'G in n a trr Charles 0 ..-P ra n k W., and Clarence
d au g h ter to Mr. and Mrs. Nor- E-, all of Tw in FaUs. and Lester F-,
on H ln tje, Hnlley; a sc
Burley:, one grandson. Earl.N.»Twln
and Mrs. Vemlo Cunningham.'Arco; Falls, and C ha rles E. Allen, T*-ln
to Mr. and ^{re. Rex Albreth- Falb.
sen, Carey.
Burial was In T w in F a lb cemetery
Sidney . W erry. Gerald Shennsn under direction of tha Reynolds fuand M ilton Savarla went to Boise nerol home.
for th eir physical examinations to
e n ter tho navy. Trom Boise they will
go t« S a a Dlegti for boot training.
PvU R ichard N. Beomer. enlbted
rese rv b t qualltled to participate in
the arm y specialized training reserve
1. le ft for the Uni................
Fred Cox T uesday filed suit for
........... Moscow, for W »
divorce from M rs. Dorothy Cox.
strucUoh before toklng his basic charging extrem e cruelly. W. L.
Dunn b th e plaintiff's ottomey.
Mrs. Pete C orta suffered a pain­ T he couple m arrie d Sept. 10, 1943,
ful accident when she slipped and t Twin F a lb .
fell o n th e Ice In front of her home
M n . Della A dam s filed suit for
In th e Holley Croy addition, break­ divorce from Ja m e s W. Adsms Moning h e r rig h t leg In four places Just doy charging cruelty . She asked the
above th e ankle.
court to restore h e r former married
Mrs. R u pe rt House has received . nome. Della A n n Lorkln, and the
second card w ithin the past month custody of h e r tw o children by
from h e r brother. Sgt. Broda R«yb om . who Is being held as a Jopanese prisoner of war a t on Intern­
m ent cam p a t Zentsujl. bland of
Shikoku. He w oi one of the prisontak en a t Corregldor and held
u ntil Ju st recently on the Philip­
pines. Sgt. Raybom enlbted ii) the
arm y In April. 1041.
Miss Eva Bourgeois. Blaine county
yor B e rt A. Sweet Tuesday
USD director, le ft for Bon Diego, ____ d a proclam ation calltng on
where she will v b lt with Mr. end T w in-Folb resid en ts to Join In the
Mrs. R o b ert Meyers. During her ab­ observance of th e late Thoma.^ A.
sence M rs. F re d Vancll wUl manage Edison's b irth doto on Feb. ll.
the USO club roc*ns.
T he g rea t Inventor would have
Mr. an d M rs. L. E. Sherman, who been sa on th a t-d a te . Tha proclamn*
have leased th e Minnie B. Florer tlon asked “a ll citizens pause on thb
ranch on th e base line for the post d ay tor » m e m m t of reverent homseveral year*, have purchased the ac« to one w ho h a s contributed in
A. E. Adam son ranch In Broadfcrd such a way to th e comfort of. us alt,
id a re now residing there.
to an outsu& dln* American, to hu­
Mr. a n d M rs. Joe Kellogg, Qan- manity's friend, T hom os Alva Edln ett, h av e tak en a lease on the Min­
nie D. F lo rer a n d - ClarB-flaugh
Silvers ran ch es, and will reside on
th e F lo rer ranch.
an d Mr«. Mervln Cameron
have moved to Ogden, Vtab, where
Mr. Cameron Is employed In the Og­
den arsen al a s on electrician.
Funeral Is Held
For Mrs. Slack
Two Actions Seek
Divorce Decrees
City Will Mark
Edison Birthday
Contains lots of
n o M * w m t, jTwiT o t m m w
B o n Z R -K R U B T "Enriched" Bread Is an abundant
source of calcium. Six slices of BDTTER-KRDST .Included
In the.dally d iet will supply approxim ately one-third of the
n o n ^ Indivldual'B minimum requirement for caldum. .~
T hat's why It's Important thot 'children should e at a t
least two aUces of BUTTER-KRUST a t erery.iaeaL
W W S V M S e-N O L
, From Your Grocer
T uesday, J a n u a ry 8 0 ,1 9 4 5
Four Serving
Battle Hero-
PAH PACIHO-W lUiln rcc cn t dnte
three T v ln FalU eervlccmen hnvB
been decoralcd (or pcrformancca ot
valor OQ the field o( battle
Xamy) 4 iit InlAntr? division, the
u lg tn a l Id&ho m UoooI gua rd u n it,
Tho awards were preaent«d ■by
MflJ. Qcn. Je w A. Doe. commander
o( tlic'Jimgleers.'Bt ceremozilcs tieSd
a t thla fnr PacUlc outpoat,
A covctcd silver star h a s been
von by Col. Itaibert O. Lautcrboch,
who resided In Twin Palla bcloro
hecdlnE hi5 country's call to the
colora. (He now has two awards).
First Sgl. Ralph W. Hyan, 1319
Eighth avenue e « t and S /8 g t. H ar­
old L. Prarlcr. HO Monroe street,
have received bronze star medals.
All the bemedaled como overseas
with th e Blaihlng 41st In March.
10<2. Tho division wfts Uie I lrst to
enter this zone o( combat and since
has bccome the most ;ungle-vetcrnn
outfit In the Pacific with a record of
WlUi a gmnd toUl of u n decora­
tions earned by Its men In th e swirl
of balUe, the lis t tops all oUier dlvisions In the Pflclflc.
2 of 4 Brothers
In Service M eet
Over in Hawaii
lO B E E W E O
CouncUmeti' Monday n ig h t aiv
proved * sUOTCstlon by Mayor B ert
A . Sweet-that, four more members
b« added to the present llve-man
■ • in order to give
........ ..
reaidents o f the rccenUy,
eccUons oT th e city wnpte ceptesenu
a tlo n in deciding the areas Umt are
1 p u rp ^
. . . Formerly In enlliltd ranks,
won batllefleld promolloo lo sec­
ond Ilcotenanl for Itidenhlp
tinder (Ire. He susialncd wounds
In Franer. (Staff enrraTlni)
David \\f. Bishop
Battle Leadership
Last Rites Held
Wins Commission
JEHOME, Jnn, 3 0 -F uneral
tcca for David \V. Biihop v;crc
dueled a t Wendell Presbyterian
cJiurch wlUi the Rev. L. B. Wlllluma,
pastor, officiating. Burial wo.i- In
Wendell ccmcicry under direction of
UiC'Wllcy fimcrnl linme. Wendell.
Mrs. Unrold Holslngcr. M rs. H er­
m an Wlrlcli, Fred Harms an d H ar­
old Hamis. accompanied by M rs. G,
D, MncQulvey. snnB.
Members of Job's DaUBliters chnpter of Wendell bethel attended
services In a body.
Pallbearers were Ray
George Cook, B. F. Mfturer, Charles
Foote, J . F. Rcnfrow and I.. •
ALBION. Jail. 3t)-AcconllnB . .
word received by Mr. and Mrs. Cy­
rus Albertjon. their son. C&rl U. Al­
bertson, was wounded In action In
Prance and wo» advanced to ‘
rank of second lieutenant as i. . .
ward for outstanding leiultnhlpand
UilUatlvc slion-u under fire.
In explaining Uie action. Uio b e t­
te r sUitfd m o t Lieutenant Albertson
had led his plaloon under heavy
firo to attack: according lo plan, As
close range firing was thrown
against him and hU men, Uiey touk
shelter In a building and AIBci
ll>ci\ exposed himself to enctai
servntlon In order to loents tlie two
Interfering machine guns.
Returtjlnsf lo h k plalocn, he led
the groui^from house to liou.'c until
It was In a position to attaclc
destroy the Ho niu
ALEXANDRIA, U .. Ja n . 30 — men drove llie enemy liilo tlic c
Second Lieul. John T. Slelle. Jr., killing two and capturing l«o
pilot, Jerome, Idii.. will &oon com­
plete an Inteiulve course In combat
Lieutenant Albertson's alle, Patty
flying a l the Alexandria arm j
niRKs Albertson, and Infant son ■'
field, and lii the near future he
In Rii|>orl.
go overbciLH lo n combat area.
He Is the member of a Plying
Forlri'ss crow tralnrd by the .■'ccond
army Rlr {otc«.
hivs Ihts tacit
o( readying four-rnt;lnc bombers
crews for overseas duty.
L/leulcnunt Stelle attended the
BUHL. Ja n . 3 0 -6 g t. A. H. MuckUniversity of fdnho, where h e was
a member of the Delta Chi fn iter- enlhaler, with Ihe army vctcrhiarnlly. He In the son of Mr. and Mrs. lan Corp.-!, spoke before Ihe com­
John T. Slelle, sr., Jerome, Ida. bined Klwanls and Rotary meeting
Uie Legion hall.
His wife Is the former Mary Frnncbi
Sergeant Muckenthaler’s vork .
Molt, 823 Ninth street, Rupert, Ida.
the Inspection of dairy food producus
|)urchiu>ed by Ihe army. He pointed
lit officers In lilj corp.s
■■■ ■ ........ . ■
responsible to tho army for seeing
th a t foods were tip to ipeelllcatlons.
Each shipm ent U also doutile'eherkcd when It reaches its dutlnatloi
for condition on arrival. He ex
plained Uial the KD corps 1j partial
ly under the Jurisdiction of the vet­
erinarian corp6, and he related
some oxpcrlencc5 w ith dojs trained
1L1 guards around the prLyrn
T he dogs are all trained to
roclous, and work shifts of four
hours on duty and eight liours off
I Xl^lclsb lloum
Wednesday night the KlwanLs will
w .,t
hold the annual farmers' night,
an d Tliursdny night the Rolarliujs
will hold the annual farmcri' nlglit,
boll) meetings to take place at the
Legion hall.
Ed Meyers. Salt Lake Clly, was a
visiting RoUrlan: Sgt. Harold Dial,
home on furlough, wa.s a guest. A. G.
MlUer, monager of the WcJtlnghouse X -ray division, and J. PUton.
Ills as-soclatc In X -ray uott, Ualt
Lake City, were guesls ol the
Lieut. Steile to
Complete Course
Army Veterinary
Expert Tells Job
!S !
npp^ntincnts In the n e ar future and
h o Indicated th a t perhaps two of
fo u r additional members would
from tho new area' th a t was taken In
In st December. .
Plrst controversy ............. . ......
zoning are a ended wltli ilie with­
drawal by. T . P . McGlashaii, Moun­
ta in Home, of a perm it th a t had
been Issued him for the con.Mructlo n of a carp en tcr shop In the Drein e r Palrwoy sub-dlvlslon. n i c
council voted to return the io he
Iiad paid for th e permit.
I t was pointed out lliut c cru in
sections U )at now prohibit a p art­
m en t houses or buildings on ih i
tentative d ra ft of tho zoiiUig map
should be revised lo Includc them in
order to gain possible relief from
th e present housing sliorWKf,
A public hearing Is to be held be­
fore any Eonlng ordinance Ls
Building pnrmlUs l.ssued by
councllmen Monday night Included
o n e to I. E. V.'alson, 301 Tlilrd ave­
n u e east, for the construction of n
bedroom a t h is residence a l an esti­
mated cost of $000; another to E n.
Wc.wolt to build a 21 by B1 foot
poultry house a t cost of tl.DOO on
p a rt of lot five of the HUl Iract,
n n d a third to Beulah Faye Sm ith
to build an e ig h t by 10 foot shed
a cost of MS a t 204 Quincy street.
Four aoulh Idaho brothem. orl(Inally from Murtaugh. are serrInc in army nnd nara! force.t
Louli and Earl recently met In
Hawaii, allholiglt neither knew Uie
eth er was Hn th e Islands. iS laff
Kim berly’s Students
Pick Leland Stronks
KIMBERLY. Jan , 30 ~ Sludrnt
body officers ns follows were elected
; th e Kimberly high school:
President, Leland Stronks; vicepresident, M artha Hendricks; secre­
tary. Joyce J ls h e r ; treasurer. Perry
Dodds: scrgeant-nl-anns. Norman
Mason: odvertblng mannger, D,
W ight T hletien: narlinmentarlnn,
Mr. Cole,
Richfield Starts
New Lions Club
MURTAUGH. Ja n . SO-"Wonders
ever cease." U the opinion of two
of the four Knocke brothers w ho are
In tho service. Tliey're the-sons of
U\e late-Mrs. Icula E. Knocke. M uitaugh.
While walking down the strei
Hawaii, Louii, olde sl-o f- the-<
m et hto brother. Earl, th e yo'...._
esl. Neither knew the other wna
S P a/e Louis W. Knocke enlisted
In the scrvice In September, 1D42,
and afte r receiving training In Vir­
ginia hafi been on duty In tho Ha­
waiian blands. His family resides
In Burley, and his son. Louis W.
Knocke. Jr., has recently Joined the
m erchant marine.
Cpl. Eurl Knocke enlisted ...
April, lOU. and received his basis
training a t Camp Roberts, Calif.,
then was sent to Orlando. Fla. He
Is with the army division
nnd has been stationed In Hawaii
the past nine months.
MMO 2/e Don Knocke enlisted In
DeL-ember, IBII, and received tniln Ing a t Treasure Wand, S an Bruno
and Bhoemakcr, Calif-, and Is now
stj\tloncd a t Trra.sure Island. His
wife lives ill MurtaURh w ith her
parenu. Mr. and Mrs, M. A. G raff.
Cpl. Norvin Knocke enlisted In
November. 1012, and afte r three
munihs' training a t Camp Callen.
Calif., was sent overseas w here ho
served 10 montlis. He wa.s in Africa,
Italy nnd Sicily and wears th e a ir o pean ribbon. Since his return to the
state.s he has been stationed at
Pittsburg. Calif. His wife U with him.
Page Thrw;
Dog Owners Told;
Exemption for
To Get Liden^es
Id a h o in U. S. JEROME.
Jon. SO^AIl .pcrsoM
n o t obtained Ueensei for:
dogs are unted to da lo by
U row n-ontP lan thhoe ir bave
8ix members of the coimty weed
district No, 3 were elected to of(lce;
a t a meeting of tho group held last
night In the Community church.
Those elected were: Curtis T .
Eaton, H. A. Allred and Em m ett
Dauer. who were all carried over
from 10«4 and will serve two years.
Also elected lo serve one ycaV were:
J, O.-Esllnger, Lewis D ean'lind“AV
ht. Pulley.
EsUnger was appointed as a commilteo of one to confer wltli leg ts-,
lators a t Boise on matters of weed
control. Tft’enty-flve members o f
the district attended the meeting.
B O I S E . J a n . 80 (/P)— T h e Jim Bowman, dog license tax’cdleo^
w a r p ro d u c tio n b o a r d h n s
e x e m p te d th o I d a h o P o w e r
ond w bcn he
c o m p a n y f r o m ita b ro w n ­ ers of dogs Uiey ctre a
the amount ready for
o u t ord er.
th a t he con tiulckly
C . J . S trik e , p re sid e n t o l
t h o f i r m , s a id c le c tr ic o u t­
Dog taxes have been duo itnc«
d o o r s i} ^ a n d d is p la y jig h U
'I q g o n 3 B toro w in d o w H g H ir
in f f m a y c o n tin u e u n til
J u n o SO, 1 0 4 5 u n d e r th e
JRLEy, Jo n . SO-Capt. LI
Fremstad is back on U. 8. soU
p r e n o n t W P B o r d e r w h ic h
n p p lie a , to I d a h o , M o n ta n a , wUl be homo soon to visit his par­
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Premstod.'
O r e g o n , U ta h a n d W aa h Re Is In BeatUo visiting bis.wife,
in g to n .
whom he married four days before
C orerseaa 38 months agi^ '
Backin U. S.
Pianist 24 Years,
She Turns About James Fred Lee
Rites (inducted
And Gives Speech
RUPERT. Jan. SO—Rupert Rotary
club program was presented by Mra.
Edna Sinclair, club pianist for the
past 2< years. Mrs. Sinclair spoke
of her many Intcresllng experiences
Albert Lee, Jack Roper and A.
T he musical program con.slsted of
two piano solos by Keith Parker,
Acequla: two vocal selections by
Mra, Wayne Newcomb, Burley, ac­
companied by Jean Anderson: two
piano trios by Dorotlu' Rogers, Carol
Cunningham and Jean Anderson:
MUs Cunningham acted as club
pianLst. Paul Huilon was a guest.
HAILEY, Jan. 30—Puncral
Ices for James Pred Lee, who died
a t Ills home In Hatley after a llngerlns lllne.'s, were held a t tho Com­
munity church luider auspices <it
tlie American Legion with Chap­
lain Douglas Jacobs and Uie Her.
Augusta Jacklcy officiating.
Pallbearers were P'red Vancll,
M orris Welch. John Sennour, Bud
Tliomason, Glenn Jones and Wil­
liam Dlcbcnow. Muslo was offered
by M rs. Raj-mond Walker, accom­
panied by Mrs. Frank Moore. The
body-was cscorlcd from 'U ie Harris
funeral parlors to the church by
members of tho American .Legion.
M ilitary honors were paid a t the
RICHFIELD. Ja n , 30—T he Jerome
Lions club sponsored organltailon
o f R I,Ions club with 37 charter
nirtnbcrs attending the Initial meclliiK al the JoliiiAon cafe wlUi a din­
n e r iircccdlng the bu.^lnesH se.vslon.
CliHrlcs Andrus, pre.sldcnt of Ihe
Jerome club, presided, with four o th ­
e r Jtmme m en present, one from
Goodlnj. a n d Harry Bnlsch. Twin
School Supt. .Mar.sden Sl«ke.s wn.^
cho.sea presldenl; P. W. Brown, first
vlce-prf.sldent; Elmer SwiitinHii,
Rocoiirt vice-president; Chnrle.s McK ny, third vlcp-presldenl; OeorKe
CoiilM, seereu»r>". R- J- Lemmon,
treasurer; Clarence Bleumer. lull
twl.stcr. •
Mr. atokes appointed S. J . Piper
n s mcmbcrMlilp chairman to be a.ssl.sted by E lm er Swaiman and Aaron
Johiuvjn. H arry Prldinore was appolnled chairm an of the charier
nlRlit-s committee with Clarence
Bleumer. Bob Myera and Leo Gt
v cr naUtanta. .
Tlie club will meet Feb. 0 wl
a n open m eeting ^chcdnlcd a t 8 .
m . Meeting place will be announced
PEN H o u s r
o f th e
is ;
is i
• xKlnJfr.
I lUoad of I.U.
I »Sl»r
i Trl<)«Uf«
1Slrlni;lr.» A^ns
1 C*rvtrw Ciutrt
Guam Interment
IW illionsS ayW ^en"
For Zeke Larson
10 iC^dini:
^Vommn In While
:00 jWotijin^ot An'«rlc»
!!;J? 1
. iiil i
S i® -if;
>ltC4rlh»’i Si«ri» DJcMi
i« llnrxvnln
>Mc. DUiiln Aliumcr
K>.fT'« Cclltt. »f Miultil
•illrfnM. «f WMhinilon—nevTi
x1'.*nun «t CHe<r.
Tiic body of AR I/C Herbert
(Zeke) Larson. Ttt-in FnlU, who w
shot down behind enemy lines In _
burning plane July 30. 19<i In the
souUi Pacific, la burled In ihe naval
and marine ceriictcry on Q u m
This Information was received
Sunday by Mrs, Fred OJers from hU
mother. Mrs. Vuno Lcrson, who
la living In Boise. -Tlio war depart­
m ent a l first announced him os
missing In action, and later olfleliUly reported him as dead.
Radioman U rso n Is
his mother an d one hrolhct, Ensign
Bert Larson, Boise, now serving In
tlic sQUlli Poclflc. He was preceded
death by his father, E. V. litrson.
former Twin Palls county prosecutlng allorney.
was sniduated from Twin
Falls high school and attended the
University of Idaho for one lemesbefore Joining the nivy more
th a n four years ago.
P ^ n r i]
Ornmm spimi
GUEST. .'7U& Qlamoftoui, SiaA
M A R L E iM E
j Ki./
3 : 3 0 p .m ., T u e s d a y s
NKW YOnK. J.B. iO vn—Th« mi
Bt dlirf. aU-ntlweirk MluU ««nl*hl _
.. — tric»n L*bnf
________ _________n Tml« Unioiur’:
iiiWcB»rj7 .
Cncurr I'rrk In ’Vui>lur Lauih*": I,
.V nin la tho Fnnl . . . l>Iu<^S:3o, One
Mari’i rimllr, morel from NIICi SiSO.
«:S0. 0P«» u! B.‘ A*.l
Irnipofmrr lftn» thinei . . . MHS—SilC.
»Iutj>l Muilcakl iiJ9. Uar Rot<n ahowi
S:ao. WlnM for TooorrDvr.
Wr^nndir prvinniii NUl>—8il9 a. n..
K!nilfr» KeeiH-n oult! 1SU5 p. m..
Chlldmi: 4:1B. S<rtt»i)a U A iu rlu . . .
- ............. Slnf Al=n»
^.WAtlS OB
Cnrar* Akixannet, roncrrt
.. m., Ui;..l.rMl in 1I»1I,.
I. r«roi a I ItcRn. t
Tbo Old. Art B«k(r: >;<>.
BiaUtut KTFI
-CANT SLEEPNo need to ZIe b b e d -ic * ~
worry ta d (re t bee*ui« CON­
SU R E w on't le t ypu
A D L E R -I-K A
to rtlieve the pressure ot Uije
intejlines on n e n ti and orpin of
Ihcdlgestivelract * ” "
a n y (he discomfort*
stop. Before m know Je, yon t n
asleep. Morning findMjpu feeling
•dean — refreshed an<nfcdy for a
d clay's work or (un.
Jtion.useoalyai directed.
T*’ ’
P t e r lf t.’Uiin^U
Page Four
T U C K E R ’S N A T I O N A L
Tuesday, J a n u a ry 80, 1945
I s o w -T H iw e s -itP fm ir F K iy ir
He Must Have Nine Lives
Tlotf-Xfwi PablbhlBt
Bt CAuniBn-Pi
I* 8<rT[c«, a nonUu
^ ?^.wLh«d*?n'lh«
JONE&—President noMevelt's nunm aty. Inausura*
tion day dlAmUsAl of Je u o Uolmaa Jones la attributed
to p eru n iii pique by friends of the two m en. ThAt
Uie then M cretary o f commerce ent^rtalna Uila view
was obvious from the tone of hUi letter of reaigna*
,Uon and the refusal of a dlpIomntU)
' D u p ite hU denials of hostU itr and
!public advocacy of’ Uie Roowvsll*
'T n im an ticket In Uie presldentUil
campftlgn, Jone^ has been suspected
of sympatliy with the factio n of
rebellious Texaiu, especially os his
nephew was one of th e kndera.
Uoreovcr, the financier an d Indus­
trialist has made do secret of his
aversion to cerl*ln W hll« House
policies and personalities, Including
hiA successor.
Bw Ttcku
Pact is tliat the dep artm en t of
eonvneree Is an1 innocuous post, save for Its control
of RFC and
. . . /arlous lending agencies. And these
u n its'
llcles have already teen fixed. ' Key Jobs
men selecwd and trained by the retiring
c abinet ir iber. Many may not want to rem ain, but
inoy wiu nave lo bo thrown out en masse before tiiese
alU lroportant bureaus can be Impregnated w ith Mr.
W allace's more radical Ideas,
Oddly, aoverai o th er recent appolutmentA suggest
th a t, although PD R ha* a
. .
Jones, he is In accord with
L. Ciayion, recentty promote
> the state depart*
m en t as top economic advbcr
a Jones man. For*
m er Senator G illette, chosei
ir surplus property
board chairman, has nlw
fought Mr. W allace in
low a politics and affairs.
-J It is natural that m ost of iis should be ob■| fiorbed In the titanic battle against the Nazi
•i military machine. This strueglo has top prlorIty In America's two wars. It iSvbelng rought
on land which Was th e n ative or ance.stral
SHRTLUB — Vctemns’ reprMfnUtli
•' home of many Americans, and which Is fam - voiced the fear th a t soWlcrs of the pr?-.....................
; lllar to many other A m erican travelers. It suffer discrimination from too prompt or prem ature
bargain goods such as surplus prop,
; engoges the greater portion of our armed erty. civilian of
aviation licenses and sim ilar govem] strength.
m en tal assets n o longer needed for mUitary purposes.
But thl.i absorption should not cause us
T h e civil aeronauilca board, for instance, h as re­
• to forget how superbly planned- and fought ceived several hundred applicallons for tli« eatabj have been the campaigns w hich have now llsliment of feeder and Intrastatc routes for transof passengers, mall and freight. I t h
placed American soldiers on the road to Ma- porUtlon
already handed o u t a few pcrmiiIs. and apparently
, nlla.
Intends to se t up a system ' atlonal airlines as
This Is the war that had to wait until Hlt- quickly as possible.
T reasury procurem ent has also listed numerous
; ler was beaten. It has been marked by some
of planes. Jeeps and machinery th a t will soon
brilliant and spectacular victories. But be­ types
iM p u t on the m arket. In fact, hundreds of th e land
tween those victories h as been a lot of hard, vehicles have already been sold to farmers. They
bloody, spectacular plodding w hich .some peo­ do not make Ideal carriers because of their heavy gas
tJiclr luck of comfort and other h andi­
ple contemptuously called "island hopping."
but the dL-jappcnrancB of trucks necessitates
: They criticized this strategy w ith an under- caps.
their use for w ant of a better substitute.
1 atandable lack of Intelligence because It was
; a new kind of technique In a new kind of war.
CLOGGED-Now th at former Senator Quy M. Oilj
That technique wos th e answer of wise and letto of Iowa ha.i been turned chairman of the surplus
courageous m ilitary leaders to problems of an properly board, th a t agency has started an Inventory
its 75 UUIIon dollars’ wortl) of goods, and wlU soon
unprecedented, discouraging magnitude. It of
be ready to call for hicLv
■ was a technique that had to be Improvised %s
T he things to be auctioned off range from huge
' th e liberation of Oceania progressed. And it frctorie.s io.-»mail tools, inechiuilcal equipment, hoiLie; w as not achieved w ithout some hard ond hold and 'office fumltiire, cloUiIng, dental and med­
ical supplies, etc. Uncle Bam h ss become the largest
i painful lessons.
of properly In hiilory.
I Yet there evolved from th ose lessons a me- owner
Many a fighting man could utilize these articles
1 thodlcal, dependable m eans of ascending the If given a chance to buy. But obviously vet«rans
enjoy this opportunity If tlie sales s ta r t .
i great Island ladder toward Japa^i — first the
demobilized and decide their future plain.
•: grip of air power, then the grip of cea power.
shelves will be bore on tlieir return from camp
J and finally the upward step by the Invading Tlie
:r overseas.
( land forces, And then th e w hole process reOn the other hand. It Ls only natural r
:rnm cnt officials Involved to wi
D get rid of all
‘ peated, island by island.
Even the least perceptive of us armchair suiplus as quickly os poulble, Equlpi)
for the prosecution of the war is cioggmt
strategists began to seS the pattern and pur- required
warehouses and factories. Automobile plants, foi
•, pose, of this maligned "Island hopping" some instance, cannot Install machinery for m onufactun
tim o ago. It moved our forces closer to Japan of peaceilme goods for lack of room.
re d e ra l salesmen also figure th a t they con obtalt
along a route wfl)5K‘.bnAl>lCil-Tnir.;fi^lp^,an4
prices now th a n In the pw tw ar years, espe.
planes to threaten tnbre and m ore oir-Japah'a ■raneicr
cliU^ If thero should, be a slackening of trad e and
m ;hc£h)ow
ii^ T )o w opd
opa shrlnWng
snriniong cni’
cm - ittcSstr
r supply line ftom
■' ■ itry. in Uic transition period. How to reconcUi
vvarious considerations so as to give deservini
1 '
plre. And It a llo#e'd“
l o f ..........................
fa ir break presents a difficult problem
}ss of several strong Jap'o'lllf-'" ^ ^ oldi
i th e effectiveness
: posts without occupying them.
The road to Tokyo w ill certainly grow
1 rougher as It grows shorter. T he men undei
; General MacArthur have y et to m eet the bulk
T o appreciate fully the magnitude of the President’s
I of Japan’s formidable army, though they offense against good govcmment and the country’s
I know from samples of savage fighting w hat w ar effort in replacing Jciie Jones with H enry W ailace
secretary of eommerce and head of the n.P.C.
, th ey can expect. There w ill undoubtedly be one a.1
has to consider Its background.
; setbacks and disappointments,
W hen H erbert Hoover set up the RJ'.O . during tin
i But It Is significant th a t, w ith the odd! depression of U)c early thirties he eouglit Uie best mat.
I against them, our forces have suffered delayi I n th e United States to head It. regardless of politics,
i t was Indeed a tim e of grave national crisis. Jones,
I but no defeats .since they started their Jour- for
tho big Tcxa-H ban k er ajid business man. was his
i ney back to the Philippines from Guadalcanol choice and It was so amply Justified by re su lu th a t he
in August. 1J142. They h a v e consistently out­ was rclAlned by the new deal, In which his odmli
classed the enem y In th e air and on the sea. Istrutlve record haA probably surpassed th a t of anyoi
I T hey have learned his tricks of jungle flght- else. •
Now Henry WaUace. who lakes hls*place. W allace's
I Ing and turned them a gainst him.
bu sln e u record was mediocre to say the least before
I So while our attention still centers on the lie w ent info politics. As Mcrelary of agriculture he
I b attle of Germany, It Is well to reserve
largely lost th e confidence of the American farmers.
on ballot for vice president in 1040 w lih a view
good measure o f our adm iration for the way
winning thp farm vol« li» demonstrsted th e tr u th of
In which the war that had to w ait has been to
the foregoing statem ent. Rooeevelt and W allace lo#
planned and fought up to now.
Iowa and lost m ost farming communities outside o
According to a news story, police depart­
m ents of several cities have been asked "tc
pick up known professional killers" who
m ight have been Involved In the unsolved
murder of State Sen. W arren Hooper o f Al­
bion, Mich.
Professional killers. It m ay be assumed,
are men who murder for money. If they are
known to the police as practitioners of this
crime'callihgi It seems obvious th a t they must
have committed murder w ithout having been
apprehended, or else have served prison term s
and are now back In the business.
If they had been tried for m urder and su b­
sequently acquitted, they m igh t be suspected
professional killers. But police are being ask­
ed to pick up "known" killers.'
If this request to the police was reported
accurately to newspapers. It would be well
to have an explanation o f w h y such men are
a t large—not in one. but In several cities.
The war manpower com m ission has an­
nounced that it win conduct an Inventory of
■m ale labor In the vending and amusem ent
' machine industry of greater Cleveland, O,.
-w ith an eye toward putting the men to work
; a t highly skilled Jobs In armament, plants.
: , Anyone who ever w atched one of these
wizards set aright the com plicated innards of
a cigarette m achine or Juke box will agree
th a t they could assemble a bomb-sight, w ith
boxing gloves on, and th a t the WMC really
ha s something.
, The possibilities are fascinating. Imoglne
ft bombardier over Cologne pressing a button
on a gadget turned out by one of these ex; coin machine mechanics. C oincident with the
dropping of bombs. Kay K yser would prob­
ably play “I’ll Be Seeing You,” and then out
would pop a package of a lead in g brand.
Congressman Cart Vinson w an ts to hike the
P n a ld en t’s salary by J25,000 because it la now
tban a ie Income o f Frank Sinatra."
j-v-WdI, maybe Mr. R oosevelt doesn’t have
countryas he
the solid south. In
Wallace was taken off the
tlckct a l Ihe Insistence of Uifl Democratic b o u e s becnuso It was feared ho would nTeck It, so general was
the lack of confidence in him.
Wallace m ay be th e American Oandhl as h is i
leolous adm irers believe or he may be s a
more extreme critics believe. We express* no opinion
as to th b . B u t I t is known th a t the adm inistration
feared to face th e American people with him o n Uie
naUonal ticket, a n d U Is known th a t business, with
which he wUl have to deal as secretary of commcrc
d lstn u ts him more profoundly th at almost any olhi
m an In tJie U nited StAtes. He U looked upon as u co
Ifctlvlsl planner, th e advance m na.for a regim ented.
bureaucraUe society. He fully reciprocates th is suspi­
cion an d hoaUllty. H e has been extremely free with
branding American business men with such term s as
“fascist.” Regardless of who Is right, tho hostility on
both sides Is so g rea t th a l cooperation is scarcely
T h en the secretary of commerce, who U also head
)f th e R P .C ,..h as o n Immerue responsibility In coftlecUon with fin an cin g and ciherwise assisting th e war
!ffort. Clearly It is now more than usually a task for
.in expert In Uils line, as Jones concedcdly Is ond os
Wallace concededly isn’t. T he supplanting of one by
he oth er can n o t be oilier than damnglng to th e war
ffo rt for a considerable time a t least.
W hy b It done? J u s t to pay off a political debt, the
Prt^ ld en t ad m its In his letter to Jones. A political
debt a t a tim e like Uils. when the small fry citlsen
Is castigated if h e looks longingly a t a beef steak or
drives his cor aro u n d the block w hen.he should have
walked.—Kampa Free Press.
If-lh c .lay m an .iin d crsta n d s w hat is m eant by the
phrase "sovereign immunity," lately mentioned a s ihe
plea th a t moy save Adolf Hitler from punishm ent. It Is
th a t the lesser fry m ay be punUhed whUe th e m onster
goes free. A dLipalch from Washington discloses th a t
Uie National Lawyers' guild Is apprehensive th a t H itler
-"ly be saved by th e ponderous tcclinicoIIUu o f the
' In view of th is fear Its members p o in t out
th a t th er 6 are also "well-established principles of law ”
Heaven help the dry legalUts who
lid put the law above Justice. This
is something th a t elylllraUon will not countcnance.
L ondon newspapers of Ute have been debating the
jpiestlon of w hether HlUer and Mussolini wiU be
brought (a crim inal trial. The discussion w oee from
a tu m o r U u ji A nthony Eden, former secretary, had
vetoed such plans. T n t Dally Mali hasUned to explain
th a t th e foreign office does not epecKlcally oppMi '
trial o f HlUer, b u t adm lU ihera is
■ a
such a . ccourt.
punishm ent o f all wl _____ ________________ __
Imprftctlcjtble, which probably Is true, howover _
wUUnff our agreemenU But as for Hitler, Mussolini and
all Uio more em in en t criminals, trial and punishm ent
LONDON-When h ! stsiids b»
ore hlj critics in coi iinoiu. Prlir
Minister ChurclilU U . cotuutnniai
politician, and more
You feel, as you
Ich him, th a t
he h o s made h im ­
self. In a m ost
primitive s e n s e ,
lead er ofhla tribe.
I t s o e s deeper
th a n ordinary pol­
itics and It may
be th e reuon why
;ho will probably
'sw eep IHe first
rle c tlo n to ' ‘ “
• tlio end of
o t
ConUaulog m y running commen­ qulred a largo popular following.
tary on Uie dangerous a ttitude oL
Koble said an apolo^ m ight bo
the Blue Network, one of our big ormnged but that if he gave one.
noUonal riulb-chain«.-tow anl -mis. IPearwn-irould-conlriTB- i t -In - such
c a lle d
new s
A manner as to make it worse th&n'
broodcasters spe­
Uie original fake. He took a helpless
cializing In
, attitude. U Roche cited an Item
o l t e m e n t and
hrtiich P e a rtoinw a-trosaeM rabouf—
Ithb aulotnobUe trip to W ashington '
I chapter and
of John Foster. DuUes, Tom Dew­
, ..«e on a tpe<
ey's adviser on foreign relaUons dur-cUlo Incident.
ing tho campaign to confer wlUi
On Uie Sunday
Cordell Hull on solemn state b u st,
Ievening after the
ness. He sold Peanon had. m ode
r e o e n t elecUon,
It appear Uiat Dulles had used th e
Drew Pearson. In
gas for this travel because he hod
his program over
a sore toe but that he, Le Roche,
Uie Blue said Uiat
knew Uiat the trouble was m uch
Prank S l n a t r o
more serious, la fact o bad Infechad called a t my room a t the W al­ Uon. He thought Dulles had suffer­
dorf Astoria on elecUon n ight to ed a serious InJusUce but th a t w aj
take B punch a t me for opposing the end of that.
his friend. Mr. Roosevelt, and, not
During Uils time, I was InvesUgat.
finding me In, contented him self by Ing the pro-communist thief a nd
mussing up the room.
Imposter calling himself WUllom
T h at was an absolute fake.
Qollmor who had been employed by
Sinatra undoubtedly did get tight, the Blue as a news commentator on
as later Inquiry showed, and retu rn ­ Uielr key New York station, and
ed from Sidney RUlm an's PAO had several talks with officials of
headquarters to his own a partm ent tb e Blue, Incidentally, on the S lnaIn the same hotel where he caused txa-Peanon thing.
large disorder and was subdued by
Al no time did they offer an ina house dctecUve. In all large and depcndenl retracUon or correction
well-conducted hotels, of wlilcli Uie but. in Uie end. they sold Uiat if I
Woldorf Is one. all unusual incidents brought in affldovits from the W al­
are investigated promptly a nd re-, dorf house dctectives ond tho m anports aro made tn w riting to the ogement. they would make one.
front office. Such reports w'cre made
n this cose.
My point has been Uiat the victim
Being a Roosevelt fan. Binotra had should not have to go lo such ex-'
t right to howl and did. But he tremes lo disprove a fake. He m ight
lever did come near m y quarters not know how to go about It. He
-•lihei in my absence or afte r my m ight not have'ilm e. He m ight be
return about 1 in tho morning.
way. even overseas.
- A few days after Peorson's broadSllll. Lo Roche ond Noble now In­
cast, I began to detect the technlqut sist that they ore anxious to give
of*the new deal communist emea] fair and complete retracUons when
which puts on opponent in on ur)- '.heir commentatom are proved un­
favorable light without libelling him, fair and that they review all their
' Item had appeared in one of tho scripts for “appropriate news a u ­
V deal gents' room columns re ­ thority." In tills ease Uiere was no
a uthority and. In answer to
porting th a t Sinatra hod refused
........................ e W aldorf's Wedgen specific Inquiry. Mr. Boom• wTltlnft. "I have checked
iless I checked out.
■niere was no libel In th a t, either, he files of the r Rht n
t floor clerks
but, like the Pearson broadcast, it iktant r
as a smear.
In the room you oc-'
So I Inquired of Lucius Boomer,
;upled on election nlghL"
managing director, whi
But quite as danserous as mo0 truth
Uial of
It and th a t any time nyoni ivated lies broadcast for smearing
hired to sing, dance
ta rd lurposes over national chains, oro
tricks In the saloon ittempted to inlf-truihs and even wholly true
edit the guest list he /ould gel rid stntcmcnts and observations u tlc r'Ith the dramotlc voice. Noble,
of the performer.
Roche and all radio men, ond
/ other persons of Intelllgpnce,
Tcd lo n 0 UjbI Uie Blue know that a harmless text may be
ctwork iiad some rosponslbillly be.
icltatlon to riot, delivered w ith
luse. In the newspaper business, i
In Innectlons. There was one
•porter who brings in fakes Is fired broadcaster a few yeors ago whose
the poper runs a "beg pordon" anC
wns absolutely faultless b u t
e sneering pronunciation of the
Instead of offering ony redress "this Jewish gentleman" or
however, Mark Woods, one of the "Mr. Henry Morgenthau" was so
s vice-presidents, suggeslec full of hate thnt decent people
I write a piece about It. He sold Lhoughl of Goebbels and shuddered.
could USB the publicity but he It did no good to censor his copy.
t no offer lo right a wrong,
I t Is up to radio to manage these
a l made mo curious as to how iroblems. The newspapers, generally,
radio treats people who have been I'ccd out liars amJ Inkers when they
;ared wlUi pollUcal o r personal invc revealed-them.sclves and, forilvatlon, so I called on Chester unotely, our typo hasn’t yet been
Lo Roche, another vice-president, vired for sound.
whom I haVe known fo r years and
W hal I say. by way of compari.son
Ed Noble, n now dealer, who had ftvorable to the newspaper*, la th a t served In tlic departm ent of com­ if this fake had been pul ocro^ tho
merce, and then acquired the Blue desk of any paper os ethlcalA s th e
and became Its president.
Blue now pretends lo be, the m anBoth La Roche and Noble said
tlng editor W'oiildn'l ask Uic vicPearson was a headache to them be:n to bring In affidavits but would
:ause they thought he was malicious send out h it own reportara to bring
ind unreliable but couldn't get rid
m In. He would then apologlio
j f him because, by the u.ic of such
I tire the faker, however-great
circulation power.
meUiods and material, ho had ac-
Tlie ChurchUl technique Is li
esllriB- On th e dispatch bo» before
him . ^ e has small noiebook-slie
h o ts
flhecU'i w paper, on eoch of which
ore typew ritten three or four
paragraphs. Obviously familiar
his lexl, he speaks it almo.'^t as
though he were speaking exteiiiporWe ontlclpate—as soon os John
aneoiuly, and he frequently Inter­ Lewis, P liil MurraV anti WiUli
Green h e a r about this—a spirited
batUe win develop among the UMW,
o n d APL for control of the
T lie reaction of the country to his tho CIO"union"
In Magic Valley.
spcech Is hard for an outsider lo newest
The unio n Is the Burley Baby
gauge. Support came from soiirccs I Tenders association. Honest. Where­
th a t prevlou.ily had been crUlcnl, a t let th e re be none In the land U
notably the London Times. In the occuse th e Burley youth welfari
speech, Churchill gave the Tlmc-i a council o r Burley youths themselvei
verbal sponklng, ond the conscr^’a- if being luleep o t the switch.
roared loudfit approval of any
Finding th o t baby tending Is i
Utrttll CklM*
he made. Yet the Tlmc.i' reply najor ind ustry In providing youth
of c
„ n edltorlnl headed "Dangers of jpcndln8,-nim).ey..juuuy4j;.ia3.Burley.
he- has-alm ost. (...-•wholniliUt..adLs f lr ^ t ol all the Disunity." Tlie'e ditorial rdfirred-tol youths (40 -of ’em boys,-too)-have
eljlii of his prestige a» the
formed th e association and drawn
saviour ol Britain in time of trlol. about conditions In Greece, mlsui
up a woge acole plus other rules.
Gratitude growing o u t of Itinl role der.stondlng which presumably w
And the y outh welfare council put
could well be a decisive (sctor in th e reoson for Hie Times' crltlcls
Its official seal of approval thereon.
of the government a t the beglnnli
the first postwar test.
(Note: H eretofore the roles varied
Then thwc Is hl» pugnacity—yc.^, of the G reek crlsb.
from o'fe m efo u s 00 cents an hour
T here Is. IncldentAlly, a strong to a sk in flin t dime.)
his anogance. He is u muster of
PROPHECIES—The American and Mid the hated Slav Invaders?
the political strategy bosed on a t ­ feeling of Tim es "disloyally."
The baby tenders adopted this; British Incurable habll of setUng
The relchswehr may pull out of
tack, atUck, attack. A dd to this his liberal viewpoint which 11 hai
L Itecommended wage Kale fer date for the war's end Is again ' Poland as fast as posslble-os I t did
skill and long experience In thi prc.ised In recent years. U taken by the lending of children.
In Prance. But It will take some tim e
rough apd tumble of parllamentnn some con.icrvatlvcs as o violation of
20e per h o u r it children are up Uie
Guesses range from th e prognte* for Stolln's battering-ram to reach
'ib ate and you come to sea why s< a n cie n t and holy tradlllon. "It's the or have to be p a t to bed.
real Fcstung Germania. After
tleatlor- * '
,jw are wllltng to cross swords wltl-. dolly worker In a boiled shirt."
15o p e r h our UU 10:00.
Uiat, if It crunches forward, tha end
»amed _ ..........
him, even Uiough th e y nuy oppose conservative M. P. sold to me.
tOo pe r h o u r from 10:04 to UiOO.
brass h a t sooth> of the war Is in sight—but n o t behla views.
I t's ha rd to Judge small signs i...
30c ne r h o u r sfU r » o'clock.
Watchliw liltn In recent debates comes across, A waiter in my hotel
2. AU baby tender* m ust be
- defeat '
you get a sense of th e tribal chief, was anxious first to team my opin­ U ken home.
tain breathing d efian t chollengo «' ion on th e Churchill speech, ond - 3. I t tb e lender Is engaged after
weeks" to Copt.
lall bsnd of rebels. Standing In th e n said he and his friends didn’t 0 p. m., th e employer should go
BURLEY, Jan. 30 - Mrs. Hons
well of the hou.->e. he glared like U a t all.
after thept.
Sorenson of Burley has received
•cross at lell-wlng loborltcs on the
4. ’n m e a U rU when tlie Under
Certoinly, the feeling on Grceci
Up Uiot It J . sliver wings and a card noting th a t
benclits opposite him . cliallciiglng ;e n t deep down. The situation could is told to come, lim e stops when
take from 10 to 15 she is a member of the Notional
them lo come out a n d fight.
hardly ha>'e been saved If Churchill
years to clean up Association of Air Forces Women
8. ’This scale Is set for one or
id ^ e n had not flown to Atheni
for the year July 1. lD«-<5. "nils
the Japs,
tc wlio have followed hLi
le source of Churchill's strength two children and to r each addi­
t .....
Top Industrial- honor was accorded her by her son.
tliroush the yei
th a t ho actcd wltli real charac' tional tw o children the scale goes
Ista. charged with Muster Sgl, Howard Sorenson, who
IS probably ne>
I bcltci
-Isllc boldness, flying off to Ath'
Ihe task of war production pay scant U with the AAP In Indio. The cord
form. Irony, scorn, Invecuve, riai- ...s In the face of real danger a t c
ittenUon lo such "dope." except to I Is signed by Mr*. H. H. Arnold, wlfo
:ule—all th e e weapons he used to tim e w hen ‘most people were Uilnk.
warn Uiat It can have a h arm ful ef­ >f Uie commanding general.
h e 'fu lleif extent. I n clarity ond Ing of the ir Christmas holidays.
, force of enunciation, h e could have
Cpl. H erbie Larsen, youngtr scion fect on Vlcloty plant workers,
T h e whole situation seems to havi
-How many Umes roust we b<
been a man twenty y e ars I’oimgcr. been badly handled from the bcgln- of c ity ClerJt ond Mrs. Charles Laritung," they ask. "before we behavi
IB was the old w arrio r a l the top .ling, particularly on the ‘ '
n. Is sta tio n e d In England and Is Ike realists and wolt until oui
if h li stride.
.'oy from hom e cooking, but It's o
lion side. Drltlsh Information about
cinch he’s n o t away from home food. :hlckens are hatched before wi
Ae he has done so often In th e .... itrcngth of Elas was
He wrote h U folks Uiat h s spotted count them?"
past, he threw In w h a t in America th e m ark.
ct stre et crystal-garer# havi
sack of T w in ra ils spuds In the
we call Fourth of Ju ly oratory. In­
Not long ago I was on a program
wide of the mark on post pro­
kitchen of a spot In England re>
volving tlie union Jack a n d the white
ith Cecil B. DeMlUe.. . Mr. Superccntly. ‘T w in Polls” right on Uie phecies more frequently th a n hove w
:llffs of Dover. No ono can do th a t
our most opllmlstlo oir-ajroy-navy Colossal Ilollj-wood, himself. He's
sack made h im homesick. » well as ChurchUl. w ho seems to
th a t way on the radio, too. Tho
ilso to ld of meeting Second
embody In his short, stocky figure
sound effecu coll­
Eost Prussia ond Silesia a re bordei
Her* is lb* key verse In the Lieul. K en n e th Lemon. Twin Palls,
111 Uiat we have come to think of os
ed for on airplane
Bible reading pwsage for today who’s sta tio n e d wllhln SO miles of province* under attack; the core one
m otor. . . ond he
lelected from Ibe American re. Corporal H erbie's p o st U eutenant even Oie central fronUer of thi
His Jaw JuU out «3 he catches
^.called in Doolittle
the eye of William Onllacher. only
<3ta h a n d l e Itl
communist member o f the house,
,4 W hat a director!
who has so ofleii broved the Churr f T h o t D e M lllo
to back up their forecosts, He cleiiphes liis (tsta
1| knows more obouii
Jan. 30— Rov. 19, 20. "And
and brings them down in emphasis .
<j acting th a n a guy.
VUL.NERABLE-aenulne military
on tho black dispatch, box before I th e y w ere judgetl every mnn
Phoned In by cheery voiced
• who's been In the
experts odvlse u* to apply simple
I according to their works." '' gall—
s o m e cigarette
Young la d y riding on city bus— coimnon sense to w hat we know
line three tlm esl
vlth baby's dU per wrapped around about the Germans. T he rumors
He's been In Hol­
from the BigUsh copllal Is th a t the
ler head f o r « b o n d a ^ o .
lywood so long
enemy has only an Inferior system
J that the covered
lot foitiflcaUons In eastern Oermaoy.
he arilved
pulled by
8. M , T w in P a lls -T fttn k s for Ujo Is th a t like the n ails;
To our sorrow, we are aw are o t th*
. IS 1-EARS AGO, JAN. JO. 1930
27 YEARS AGO, JA N . 39, ItlS
■erse b u t wo hove already printed
employed a gain st our super-colossal ot h o i i t E\-ery tim e
Pundam enU l Ideos underlying the t some tim e ego.
T he original design th a t consti­
army in the 1. .....................................
he opens a can of *ardC1e^ the cook
tuted Uie front p.ige of tlie elaborate proposed "speeded-up" Idaho hlRhirogram used a l th e Presbyterian woy program are sound, according to SHE’S ACTUALLY RIGUT, TOOl ,ped close to headquarter# under or­ is standing Uiere working the
der* to assassinate American gen­ floodllghtsiledicatitfn service S u n d ay was th e Iv a n O. Crawford, dean of the Uni. 3ear Pot Bhots:
You know how ordinary people
work of Mlsi Irene P. VlsMr, of th is verslty of Idah o college of englaccrA certain d rug sUira fellcrw wUl erals, and spies dressed in O l uni­
city, who has done some exceedingly ing. Mcecow.
iwear to t h b 'n .
^ . forms who drove csptured United walk Into a restaurant and order
clever and arlisUc th in g s of th a t
A young la d y , who wemed wearied Stales tanks. Von R undstedt dldn'tl cup of coffee? WeU, when I f i D eUlle, 00 beautiful dancing bUIs
Seeking Uie reneUon of Idaho cltu )ver Income t* x matters, was ap- Qveriook anything.
)me blgh-klcklng out, each ono
sens lo a proposed *3g,500,000 six- parenUy h u n tin g for tho
T he Farm Loan ossocUtlon or­ year “speeded-up" highway pro* revenue office up In Uie Burkholder ian and soldier—clearly understands dropping a coffee bean. Then th i
wbat will happen to It If th e Cos­ elouds above p art and a gold-plated
ganized under Ute farm n u a l credits g n u n . advanced by the commission­ building (or wherever It
act met and elected officers th is e r o f public works and endorsed 'by Said she to th e drug store fellow: sacks have a chance to avenge the cow, slobbering In technicolor, slow­
descends and iqulrU cream Into a
week. W. ?. Alworth was eJectod th e Kovemor. th e Idaho S tate Chun- 'Could you teU me where I could
cu> held by ChurchlU and Stalin.
president; E, p. D unlap, vlce-preal- l>er o f Commerc# h a * ------- llnd the coUector of eternal rev- ered Inhabitants.
Is i t logical to assume th a t Uie T hen with a fanfare of trumpeU
dent; W. p. Edvards, secretary a nd is dbU lbuting
—U slener thorough and Ingenious ’Teutons under the direction of TDscooinl,
■treasurer: D. L. Beam er. E, P. D unT of
erected powerful barriers against three page* wearing lUk breeches
lap. W. P. AlworUi a n d W . D. WoUe.
r's landing expedition ond and having pU U num 'beads walk
, I n their second encountei
I •■., , F s-a t, I ge t m ra w aoafr— constructed t h e _________ ... . , In each bearing ■ lump of sugar on
-fried-line;-but-merely-stnui8-*-f«i«- |*-.«aUn-eu»hlwn-An(t-what-^o-yoii-----! T IF (; h .V t
Local irocen a re coaform lnf to' jbalk line bm ard'totlm afd'^ hl
plllbozes and barbed w lm on their th lnkl . . . In the *nd, DeMUle de­
UiB n tn p ap er atat«(nenl ot th e (Tiny) B racken defeated
.vulnerable eastern frontier which cides' he wants i glosa of butter*
new food regulaUcm w ittu u t vaiUng O alllher. scoring 300 polnt< whUe
' Ues between their wive* a nd children miiif Instead.
fee officUI BoUficaUoax.
,aaU lber m ade Air
Air Mother
It Says Here—
Tuesday, January SO, 1945
Lineoln PvT.A; Plans
A Valentine them e will feature th e annual dinner for Lin­
coln tcachers to be held a t 7 p. m . W ednesday a t the school,
according'tb Mrs. Victor C. Goertzen. T h e a ffair is sponsored
by room mothers and executivo board mem bere of P . T. A.
Red thpers in crystal holders w ill decorate the dinner tabl6.
The menu chairman is Mrs. Byron H arris. She w ill be as­
sisted by Mrs. Frank StrickIan, Mrs. Mel Carter and Mrs.
R. C. Uhlcr.
Mr*. W. O. Grow Is chilnniin ol
snniM and wUl be
by Mrs,
J. A. Vandenbark. Mrs. ClUford
Qualls. Mrs. K. tla tU o a luid Mrs.
Harold MUosoti.
Ta&lo decorntloiu are In clutrgc
ot Mrs. Ralph DUott with Mrs.
Robert Anthls ss co-chairman. Tlio
coinWllWc IncluSts Mts. Kcrmll
Perrins. Mrs. A. U RJchard»n. and
Mrs. Ullle Crump.
Tlie kitchen committee Includes
Mrs. Kcnnelii Ridgeway, chairman,
ftsslBtcd by Mrs. Arlon Bastlan. Mm.
Vrmon Coulter, Mrs. Earl p n a rr o ,
Mrs, EM Skinner, Mrs. Jnmcs K.
Pliher, Mrs, 1. L 1-ohffdon. Mra.
Je.« Carlton end Mrs. L. Condle.
Hospitality commlttce Is Mrs.
Robert Marcli, c lulnnan, Mrs. Dole
CogBVcll and Mrs. Carl Hiut.
"Lotto" a form of "bingo.” using
tcachers' names, will bo played by
th# group. Two dozen swcelFfos
v,-ll| bo divided Into bouquets and
names will be drawn for llic prizes.
* *
Installation Held
F or New Officers
Of E astern Star
PAUL. Jan. 30—E-Dah-Ho cJmpter OE3 held a regular session to
laitall newly-elected and appointed
officers. Edith Morgan actcd as
InstnlllnK marshall. Worthy Matron
Hazel MacRne, Past Matron Cordle
Benedict and Patron Ralph Benedict
conductcd the Installation ceremony.
The new officers to take the oath
were Winifred Marquess, worthy
m atron; Roy Marquc.u, worthy
patron; Alta Bell, asaoclat* matron;
Wheeler McOlll, aiioclat* patron;
Amy C l a r k , conducixcss: Lucy
Easton, associate conductrc&s; Ros­
alie Marsh, treasurer; Lisle Watson,
secretary; Edna Bllgcr, chaplain.
Pauline Hardin, maritliall; Lena
Enslon, organist; W alter Marsh,
sentinel; K athryn Payne. Ada; Jull.i
Sampe, Ruth: Marie Mere, EsUier;
Marguerite Stephens, Martha; and
Gladys Oreenwcl!, Electa, rollowing the meeting, refreshments w
served In the dining hall,
¥ V
Jerom e Woman’s
Sister Is M arried
JEROME, Ja n . 3()-M ri, Frances
Klnknde, former dress ahop m
nger of Jerome, announced the . .
cent marriage of her sister, Betly
White, to Edgar Chittenden, Kent.
The couple was married Uie la t­
ter port of December n t the First
Presbyterian church, Renton, Wash-,
and the bride was a former employe
here nt her skter's dress shop and
nl.w 0 former telephone ofJlco
ployo In Jerome,
Tlie bride has been Ml employe of
R defeaie factory a t Renton, Wash.
* *
Betrothal Revealed
By Leona Leytham
JEROME. Ja n . 30 — The engage­
m ent of a former Jerome young
woman, Leona Leytham, to Pvt.
Floyd Oeorge. Lubbock, Tex., hoi
been aimounced here by Mr. und
Mrs. Oeorge WUson. now of Rich­
land, Wash,, parent* of 'Uie brideelect.
The ceremony will take plac« Peb.
18 a t Walla Walla, Wosh., and the
couple will Uva a t RleWitid Iot
the present
Mk^ Leytham Is a former student
of Jerome schools and has been
employed In radio work in lha WashInRton city for th# pasujjear.
Private Oeorge Is a wember of
the secoild military police unit and
Is the son of Mrs. Prances Oeorge.
Lubbock, Tex.
M arian M artin
P a tte rn
L eadership Meet
S la te d by P. T. A.
•■Leadership has a great contrlbution to m ake, but It needs the
operation ot educational Institu­
tions ond organizations to secure
this end,** suld Mrs. Charles E.
Young, d istrict P aren t Teacher
president, as she onnounced
leadership course, under sponsor­
ship of Tw in Falls County Parent
Teachcra council, a t 3 p. ni, Tliursday a t th e Idaho power oudltorlum.
An Invitation is extended to the
general public to attend this meeting,
¥ »
Consolidation of
Schools Studied
Practical Bridal Gown
A forum'dlscusslon or> prcpoacd
legislation t o r consoUdaUon
schools thro,ughout,_thfl-*tol«,.„-^
• - Mrs. Doris Stradley, county
. . [he Joint
meeUng of Women's flepubUe«t
club of Twin FalU county *nd
young Women's Republican club
held Monday evening a t the home
of Mrs. Emma Clouchek.
Study Social Secorlty
Mrs. Lisa Molony discussed th©
O. I. bill of rights and social security
laws with tho group.
Members of the nomlnotlng com*
mittce appointed were Mrs, H. 0 .
O ettert. Mrs. Arch Cottier, T « tn
Falls: MTS, Olen Whitney, Kimber­
ly; Mrs, Edna Childs, Filer; Mr*.
Ray Banbury, Duhl.
T he comniitteo will report to the
group a t U)e meeting slated Peb, 38.
Present Program
Tlie program was in cl\srge Of
Mrs, Maude McCoy. Two vocjU
numbers were presented by Mrs.
Max Brown, She was accompanied
by Mrs. Louise Scott. Mrs. Helen
Coiner sang two numbers accom­
panied by Josephine Throckmorton.
Following Uie meeting tea wM
served the group under direction of
Mrs. Lem Cliapln and Mrs. H. O.
O ettert, Orrlette Coiner, Twin Palls,
and Mr.i. Clmrle.? L. Bu.imnnn, Buhl,
presided a t the tea Uble.
¥ ¥ ¥
M issionary_Talk
D raw s Ckowd to
-G hurch-Services
Approxiknately 07 young people
en d adults a tten d e d the services
conducted by Ecco H u n t of the re­
location cent«r h e ld e l the Baptist
Miss H unt Is a ’ returned mlulon.
ary from M alomolne, Burma, where,
the taught h ig h school girls for four
Bho discussed h e r work precedli »
the Japanese Invasion and (uture
rehabilitation In Burma.
"The C hristiana tn Burma ai
per cen t Boptlsta," she stated.
T he former m U sionary said that
all stories from th e t;nlted Sutcs
arc enlarged by th e Japanese (or
their convenience in Influencing the
people In Burma.
"I once m et n wealUiy Indian
was sending his daughters to
school. He explained th a t his
was attending school In the United
States and was trea te d iW-ell by II ;
American youth. W hen osked where
his son was going to school he mi,
.iwercd the U niversity o f'Id itio al
Moscow," Miss H u n t concluded.
Oiils’ league tianee to be held in t2iB.
high - school 7 jnrmnaslum-. Feb..
Carrying o u t the Valentine theme,
- J girl in the school chosea'. rule over the "Queen of Hearta,
BoU" and one princess from each'
class wiU also be elected. ,
Plans for th e dance were made a t ••
the Olrls* league executive council '
meeting held a t tho home of M n,
Rose M. North, dean of girls. Mon-'
day evening. During th e m eetlnj
decoralions lo r th e dance were as­
signed to th e sophomore girls; Inter- ..
mission and clccUon for th e tjueen
to the Juniors; programs, tickets a n d '
refreshments to the seniors; ptUo.,
walU a nd invitations to O. A. A.
Olrls wlU buy tickets to th e dance
and will trade the dances with other
girls before the affair takes place.
The dance Is to bo formal.
During the executive council
meeting it was ormounced by Presi­
dent P o t Dwyer th a t KathrTti
Graves would serve for the remain-'
der ot the year as secrctary-treasurer of QlrU'-league.
¥ ¥
Kluenders Honored
At Surprise Party-
Potluck Dinner
By M entor Club
Honors Spouses
School Them e of
Ita ly Discussed
Church Group’s
B y F iler Women
A t Club Session B irth d a y Party
Pvt, Dean Josllc was an unexpect­
BUHL, Ja n . 30—"nie annual blrtiied guest o t the Mentor club pot­
day party of tho W omen's Chrlitlan
luck dinner held a t the Y . W. C. AMlsslnoary society of tho Christian
rooms in honor- of husbands of
church was held In th e churcli par­
members. He orrlved unexpectedly
lors. Tho theme of a "Day 11
on furlough and came to see his
School" was carried out by men •
larenLi. Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Josbers dressing as school girls. Mr<.
In. who were attending the affair.
Paulino W alcott wn.i an "old mala
Ouesis wero seated a t quartet U school teacher"; M rs. Roy Smith
Mr*. Earl Norrl*, fonnerly
.......- dinner was served Buffet
Lulu Belle, was th e student pUnUi G ract L<>]uU Moad. P o rltin d . Norstyle.
Tnbles were centered wltJi
M n. Leon Brown ond Mrs. He' rli U th e ion of Mr. a nd Mrs.
of yellow forsythla and
Smalley drcs-^ed as twins, Mr* B. R. N orris. Buhl residents. (Staff
Ort-gon grope.
Claude C rjm er os a young high enfravlng)
Herman Olese and T . C. Bucklln
school student, a n d M rs. Will Luni«
on high scores following dlnne:
5 n new p u p il
card games. War stamps ^
Following lessojia Is geography,
awarded victors.
:udlng and a rith m etic, prltet wen
Games and prizes were under di­
awarded Mrs. S m ith and ^{rs. KoP'
rection of Mrs. Owlngs Brann. .
kins. Mrs. C ram er was voted the
tl.iled by Mrs. T an Alworth. Mrs.
mast poptilnr girl. Patriotic and de­
Mark Swim and Mrs. A rdi Coiner.
votional periods wero held, and at
Mrs. \V. B. Chase was In charge of
close of the school day Ice cream
the dinner and wns aMlsted by Mrs.
1 caHe were served. Tlie cokc.
BUHL, Jan. 3t>-Word lia.s been Walter Miller and Mrs. Bucklln.
baked by the teacher, Mrs. W»IJn Bulil of Ihn ruci-nl miirThe club will meet again Wednes*
cott. was decoriitcd with aulunin received
rlage of E arl Norris, Buhl rr.Mdeiil day. Feb. M a t the home of Mr
and spring colors Jn the birthday
temporarily rcsldlnB in Portland Henry Crow-.
FILER. Jo n . 30-M rs, Ed Andrews theme.
here h e Is engaged in dcfeiwc work.
V ¥
was hoitess to Baptist Mission cir­
3 Grace Louise Moad. T he cerccle, w ith Mrs. Hazel Lannlng and
lony took place at St- Clair church
Mrs. Shirley Patterson assistant
1 P o rtland. Tlic couple was iithoste.ues,
tended b y Thercse Moad, Uie bride's
Mrs. K . D. Abel wfli In charge of
tiller, as m aid of honor, and Delbert
program on liome mi.ulorts. Roll ca
In conformance wltli tJic reqiirat Olenslagcr, son of Mr. and Mrs.
was responded to with a scripture
of Mobilization D irector James F. Z. Olensloger, Buhl. lui best mon.
The b rid e wore o floor-length
JEROME. Jan. 30-M r. and Mrs.
Byrnes, National Congress of Par*
* *
wedding gown of Ivory satin, cn A. J. olodowskl. pioneer Jerome
enui and Teachers hoa cancelled
train, w ith sweetheart neckline. She residents, were honored a t a din­
10<5 convcnUon, M rs. William
HastluB*, president, announced .. carried n brides bouqut-t of lalLinian n e r arranged here by their dauRhday. T he convention h ad been call­ ----- —I th lonn Ivory sutln streani- ter. Mrs, Ronald Stewart, durlnff
. ..e wore a Jlngcr-tlp veil edged the occasion of their 37th wedding
ed for May 21-33 In Denver, Colo.
Meetings of th e n atio n al bQtrd of with h eav y Kalian Incc, ond a string onnlversary.
A turkey dinner was served. to»
managers scheduled for tJie days of pearls which was th e g ift of the
D ear dnughtcr-ln-law: Cheer up. Immediately preceding and follow- bridegroom. Tlie m aid of honor gether with Individually decorated
Thlng.i m ig h t be worse, bod a.s they ■ig t^he convention were also can- was a ttire d In a lloor-length gown wedding cnkes.
Present In addition to Mr. and
of heavy aqua olik. w ith sw eetheart
arc. I t would be fine If you were in
your Qwn home, your husband beside
"Tlils cancellation," Mrs, Ku.sllngs ncck^nc. und she carried a bouqilet Mrs. OlodowBkl, Jerome, were tho
Rev. Paiher Eric Schermanson, and
you, n n d th e bnby W n g reared hnp- said. "Is In accord w ith tlie National
After R reception th e couple left Mr. and Mrs. Damey Olodowskl, and
plly betw een you. T liat good day Is ConBrc.v’ policy of doing everything
coming. Meanwhile, cheer up. Your possible to awlfit In th e war effort. by plane for Canada, w here they daughter. Mary Ellen, also of Je->
m other-in-law love.< h e r son. and Elections scheduled to be held at tho will spend » lionoymoon. Upon their rome: Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Hamel.
because h e r eon lovti you. she 1ms convention will be conducted by return th e y will make th c lr home Rupert, ond th ilr daughter. Miss
a little c o m cr In her h eart for you. mall under a n emergency procedure ■'2936 N. E. Coudi Street, Portland. Reto Hanzel, nurse, -who Is here
vl-^Iting from Los Angeles, and their
If you 0F>cn your own h e art wide provided for In tho by-laws of tho
a e iltro ilT c r " KanVdl,' who U
th a t little com er will widen and congress."
home on leave from Fort Bliss, Tex.
take you In. Meanwhile—
This 1* your mother-in-law's iionie
- ........ .. ifroduated from B u liy i^ h J __ Plnochlc.w o8_l^^ofttm oon'ajll-scliool w ith the class of 10<1. '
“ "p'trslcfi a n d ‘prises were a w a r^ tf
nd she h a s th e same regard for It
Mrs. E, J. HanMl. Mr. Honzel, Mrs.
and .her place In It. m you will have
Bumey OlodowiW, A. 3. GlodoTktkJ
toward your own whetv oncc yoU'
tnd traveling prizo to Lieutenant
are safely restored to It. You arc a
SHOSHONE, Jo n . 3 0 -M r.. Bar­
guest, n privileged one. and you
¥ ¥
m ust Ijehftve accordingly. And don't bara Coat** WM g u e st of honor at
a birthday porty a t the home of
Salmon Social club meeting has
Plans f o r a choir dinner were been piitponed Indefinitely because
her daughter, M rs. 8 . T . Bner.
W orth Yielding
For the first tim e Jn five years made by Catholic W oman's league a t o t lllneaj. Members who have invlM other rocked her son. She says
tatlon lists are asked to bring them
he needed rocking, and she may be the children w ere together. Those
right a t t h a t Some children do. She present were Mrs. O liva Pratler, Al­ with M rs. Bolton, president. In to tho home of Mrs. Robert Rayl. Jr..
Thursday afternoon.
wanta j-our baby rocked when he' bion; Mr. a n d Mrs. L. M. Costes, charge.
Mrs. L au ra OToole woji named
crlej. All right, Oo ahead, tm lle,' Pocatello: &lr. on d M n . A. r. Coates,
rock him . D o n 't fuw about It, Ths
rocking Ju st gives you a b it of e*tra Hughes and sons, Mr. and Mn. the d istric t meeUng of National
labor. I t w on't h u rt him. True. It Jack CW btlanaon, M r. and Mn. Cothollo Woman’s leuguo was given
Theodore Ooeckner, dele­
gives him a notion th a t he should 8 . T . Baer, a ll ot '
be w aited on personally but what ot
RefresJiments were served by Mre.
It when you remember tlie condi­
Owen Buchanan assisted by Mrs. O.
tions? I s n 't your mother's contented
A. Schw arU , Mrs. Howard McKray.
smile, h e r nod of approral wortii
Juanita McKray and Mrs. Thomas
little Inconvcnlence? As long as
Oroup meetings for Women's Felton. T h e group will m eet again
does n o t h a rm the baby?
She w onts you to go to him when council of the C h ristian .church have' Thursday, Feb. 12. a t th e P arish haU.
he cries. Yoii" think ho should be been announced. All se.wlons will be
allowed to c r y .lt out and find it held a t 3:35 p . m. Tliursdoy.
Group one will m eet a l the home
doe* him n o good. One day you let
him cry o n d cry. you thought u was Of Mrs, Dale Bowman, 357 Vsn
forever—it was likely 20 minutes, Buren street: O roup two, M n. C. 0.
Haynle, 311 E ig h th ovonue north M ethodist Youth Fellowship met
and h e b ro u g h t u p his breakfast.
group tlu-ce, M rs. Hazel Leigh­ Sunday evening in th e church
Your m o th er said, "There. Now
lor. Paul Ewing was leader and
ton. 331 Sixth avenue north.
. 3u see w h at youVe done. Made
tlnued th e series of lessons about
■* *
poor child sAqX " You were frighten­
the PhJllppinej. since Mlldred.,EU
ed for you really know llttlo about
rod resigned as counselor, Lorene
the ways o f babies and hastened
Puller h a s token th a t position. A rcto clean h im up. coo over him, pick
County officers o f Daughtew of “Jrt on proceeds from the chill suphim up an d rock him soothingly
against your breait. And h e loved U tah Pioneers will m eet a t 6 p, m, :r held J a n , 26 was given. A eoclnl
today Jn tlie lobby of the nogerson our waa held following tho reguU and wo« good as gold.
^^aeh M t, h' NH
ii m eeting.
¥ ¥ ¥
Well, n o th in g much happened, He
was’n o t alck. He can bring u p his
The executive board of W6C3 of
meals anytim e without a n effort. the M ethodist chu rch will meet at
Clean him . feed lilm again, put 3:30 p. m. T hursday In the church
V eterans of Foreign W ar auxiliary
him back In h is bed—and y o u ll be parlors.
let a t th o Moose hall for o poUuck
on the rig h t aide. B ut e\-cn If you
dinner. T h e group ployed pinochle
don't, an d If you do "givo in to him,"
Mrs, Frank Baldw in will entertain laUr In th o evening. Members will
don't fre t. Ba happy In th e thought P ast Matrons club of the Order of meet a g a in TTmrsday, Feb. 8 a t the
of your lova for him, your love for Eastern S tar a t h e r home, 1139 Fifth U oosehaU .
hla fath er, an d maybe, your love avenue east, a t 7:30 p , m. Friday,
for your husband's mother, i t Is her M n. Oenevleve D w ight wHl discuss
son who la fieh tln s th is b lu e r w&r, the aU t« UglsUture.
you know. I n h e r eyes you Ju st hap­
pen—Ho is h e r heart's treasure. You
Parent'TcB cher leadership eouru
of all people cannot well blame her? meeting will be held a t 3 p. m.
D on't tre t. Qo along cheerfully as Thursday In Idaho Power audi­
you can. s to p short of giving the torium. The affair Is sponsored bjr REBOTLDING • RENOVATINO
baby a pickled pig's foot b u t otlicr- Tft'in Palls c o u n ty ’ council. Any­
wlse, go along. \Vl;lspcr: She u lll go one Jnterested Is cordially Invited IM B teotid Ate. g. Plion# 51-W
along then, too.
to attend.
Sincerely, your friend, A. P.
FILER, Ja n . 3C>-At a meeting ot
the F iler W oman's club, held In the
M ethodist church basement, Mrs. O.
P. DeKlot* reviewed the book "Journ th e Dork," by M artin Flavin,
pap er on "Itflly," written by
Mrs. H arriet McDermld, was read by
Mrs. E. A. Beem. Keith Bishop, wlUi
Georgia Lou E rhardt a t the piano,
gave two vollln numbers. Mrs, j , M.
Jam erson wns In charge of group
Mrs. Roy Reichert was elected
club recording secretary to replace
&lrs. Joe Cook, who is moving to
Shoshone. T en dollars was voted '
the O lrl Reserves drive and tS
the polio drive.
Mrs. O, P. DcKIoU and Mrs. Fred
Reichert presided a t the ten toble.
Hoste.-ises were Mrs. O, J . Childs,
Mrs. E arl LaHue and &Irs. I. A. An­
* V
‘^ a g e F l y e ^
Couple Pledges
T ro th in F orm al
Church W edding
Baptist Circle Meets
Glodowskis Fete
37th Anniversary
At T urkey Dinner
Parent-T eachers
Cancel M ay Meet
Shoshone Women
G uests a t Party Catholic W omen
P la n Choir Dinner
Queen of H earts
Theme o f Daiice
F o r Girls’ Group ’
PracUcal-mlnded brides and bridesmaldi, who w ant io wear their
wedding finery long after the rice and old alioes have been swept away,
will welcome the new coUeelion of gowns with » future ereaUd for a
recent bridal ellnlo fashion ihow. Plcttired above Is one of the n o it
effeclive of these dual-purpose gowns. When the sU rt of fluffy gray net
H igh School Girls Business Studied
Christian Guild
K a n Supper for Mrs,By
Lucille Mounce was hostess
R etiring Officers
W affle supper will bo served to
the old nnd new standing chairmen
of the Junior unit of Olrls' league
a t the Idaho Power auditorium
Wednesday evening. The euppet
will be served by candlelight and
bockground music will be played.
Tlie supper U In cliarge of Lula
Spencer, newly chosen social chair­
m an, ond her committee: Carleen
Robbins, Gloria Burgess, Marjorie
Orchord, Roberta Day and LaDonns
Otiier new chairmen and commit­
tees have been chosen: Program,
B arbara Day, chairman. Anno Colemoji, Evelyn D ilers, NclUe Morrison,
Judy PorMiuon, Ruth Biickmaster;
music. Caledonia Bailey, chalimaii,
Phyllis Looklngblll, Marie Merrill,
Donno Ruppleye, Barbara Neely,
Joyce Drowne; service, Donna Jean
Flfttt, chairman, Marilyn White,
M arjorie Albce. Rose Mary Rees,
Lois Ross, Doris WoUls; publicity,
Valeno Arrington, cliatrmaa,'Elaine
Babbel, Grace Kawal, Cleo Pellerg.
DorLi Spence, Inga Van Auideln.
Chairm en th a t will be honored at
th e supper who served last semester
ore social, Margie Holt; service, Elsie
Corlson; program, Kathleen Frost;
publicity, Catherine Day; music,
Jeonne Kline.
Officers of tho Junior unit ore
president, Ireno Meeks; vlce-prcsldent, Doris Young; secretary. Blllle
Soxon......................... ............... ...........
to Builnexs Women's Guild of the
Plrst ChrlsUan church. The session
was opened with group singing. Mrs.
Mark C, Cronenberger offered the
prayer. Devotlonols were led by Mr*.
Haiel Swope.
Members answ-ered roll call with
brief resumes of articles appearing
In the official missionary magazine
"Roll Cnll," Viola Ralnea was In
charge of roll coll. Dorothy Swope
directed tlie lesson on topic, "Tho
Road to Mandalay." Refreshments
were served by the hostess.
Grace Bell will be hostess o t the
next meeting to bo held Frldoy, Feb
KXMBERLY, Jon. W -M r. and
Mrs. Ted K lutnder wero honored
a t 0 surprise farewell party a t thtlr.,
homo before leaving for Marysville,
Calif. T he Kluenders have purchas­
ed a farm there. The guests brought'
and served refreshments. They pre­
sented the.couple w lth u gift. P i - ’
nochle was the evening's tUvenlon..
We ore booking orders fo r baby
chicks from XT. B. PuUorum con­
trolled stock. W hite Leghonis,
Christie New Ham pshire Reds,.
Parmenter Rhode Island Reds.
Barred Plymouth Bocks. These
chicks a re hatched f ro m ' a
hatchery under the National
Poultry Improvement P lan. I h e
flocks a re selected and blood
tw « d under th e raptrvislon
a state unlvenlty.
Bolpb E. Dogar. Mgr.
Phene lU - J e r Inquire
a t ICOS Kimberly Bead
Tfaeto’s ooly o a e bettec buy ia B o a d a .., |P*AR BO N D S/
£i-ogram=.- Slated-.=
By School Group
M ountain View school C, B, A.
will m eet a t 8 p. m. Friday. All new­
comers to tJic community are asked
to attend.
A special program has been ar­
ranged by t!rs. Elaine NcsblU. Re­
freshm ents will bo In charge ot Mrs.
H. W. Riedeman Jr. and Mrs. Ger­
a ld Starr.
Glenmore Distilleries Co., Inarporaiei, louisrille, Ketuncl^;;
Christian Wtimen
Announce Meetings
Methodist Youth
Studies Philippines
Dinner Held
Halplnx your child la idjutt hliMlf |i*p.
Ir to prMltm' InTcKtd In m ntltx cih>
Ottirr rfop1<," No. 104, obUliokl* b/ mi.2-
s . ‘; u r ,--v a- Rtien5 0.i nUww
a ;Yo
.s s :
r?:" "
lUV V D IR N E X r O W
StDiJ TWRNTT CnJTB In ralni fer U
T(nn*-N«»».-i’ucura Dn
We B u y
r o a r goad wool ■nils. c«ati,
e m o o tts, aklrta, etc. P. 8 ^
Clean out your cloMta. Turn
those wool clothes you a n
tired of Into caAh.
We SeU
LoU « r •elecKd qnaUly cletb.
b g ( o r men aad wsmeii.
An reconoiHoncu. recleaned.
See th la selection now a t—
R l ^ a r d s o n ’a
DENVER ^ 2 9
Back of I. D. 8l«r«
P le a s e re tu rn e m p ty C o c a -C o la
b o ttle s to y o u r d e a le r ;
'T o b « o b le to »erv e yo u b«Tfer, your d e ale r need s m p f y Coca*Cota boHreSi
Them a r e p l e n ^ o f CoceT-Cola boHle* IF tliey e re k e p t mownig. W o n 't you p le o w
rehm i e m p ty C oca»C ola bo fflei to your dealer a ! onco fo r y o vr d eposit or«
b e tter stlH. fo r c red it on full bottles o f detldous C o c a -C o la -
:--------------------------------- •O H iiB -o H M * -* u « io i!T T -o r-» n i c o e* .e o iA e o « f* M T 'iT
T W I N F A L L S C O C A -C O L A B p T T L I N G CO
Page Six
Y e Olde Sport ScrJvtncr U a Pot
6 hot te n us oro you, nnd you. an d
you. too, Nnnelt*. And like you, the
. pudgy 009 ruaJ iho snmut of emo­
tions while he devours Uie contenta
Bprtttd bcJorc him.
' And when Mr. Pot Bliola "hcwa to
the Unc" nnd "IcU Uic chips fall
whcro they niny," Wcc Dcrt Lesion
Taylor of old. Y 0S8 MmetlmCii gets
h it, even n« you, W iuii't It Mr. Pot
Hllota who publicized the fact th a t
this anclcnl word puddlcr had Oen»
Bambo nillklns "«’Hd otccrs" In­
stead of wild COW.S?
Then Ihere often appear
Uemi th a t kinda roll thl» wieJent
word puddlfr »ucli a< the one
ed "A Mother of Sons- In wlileli ihe
objecti to placfni: a pocket bllUart
Ubic In the Vouth cenler—only the
lady callx It a 'p ool’' table which it
Ji&t isn’t.
Ju st wh
Jectlon to
- ..............
to.Wt In Uw Vouili cctiicr Is beyond
the pudgy one's comprehension be­
cause pockct bllllnrds, or any of tlic
nuRieroiu types of billiards, have
a t ne> lim e co;)trlbulcd lo the de­
linquency of B boy. I t Is Uie envlronm ent In which the pockct billiard
toWc was plnccd th a t ecnl the laddj’buck Into evil ways.
Billiards Is one of I
nklliral of ratne*. a* well
the roost eutertainliie.
Billiards Imve loni; been known aa
the centleman's came.
I t Is a game in w h ic h -----hope to allaln perfection without
■perfect Condition or ionr y e an of
Seme of sport's m o t Inlerestlns
characters h UI I» found amons the
sa w t'a devottes—Wllllo Hoppe, Jake
8chseffcr and Charlie Peterson.
Tlie la tte r Is a personal friend of
VOSS nnd he travcl-i the lengUi and
'b re a d th of-this land tcachWB col­
legians th e a rt of the cue and Ivory
ball. Charlie Peterson la one
squarcat. most BCnllemanl}' mt
the pudsy one has ever know:
And lierc'B somethlnK about bil­
liards th a t few know; I t Is fine for
the eyes, i t strengthens them nnd
In some ln.slancea removes fro m ----tho necessity of wearing ghisscs.
Oh no. no billiard table ever r
ed a boy. lf« Uie environment th a t
th e hililard table has been placed In.
THat environm ent not only niln
boy b u t th e billiard table as we
And thnt'B th a t for now. e»
lU sncm btr. the BouU\cn\ Idaho
an d Onmc association’s compaisn
for members la on nnd you ought to
join if you nre a sportaman. Y oull
get your membership fee back many
fold w h in you flah in the choice
spota along the Snake river Uiat the
aasoclntion Induccd the
mission to open within the last week.
Five Paid to
T l u w ’ Game
BROOKLYN. Jnn. 30 (/l^ A sslstu n t Dtatxlct Attorneys Edward Hcfrem an nnd Louis A ndrcoal of Kings
county nnnounccd last night th a t
live members ot Ihe BrooWyn col­
lege basketball Uam had signed a
alatem cnt th at they hnd received
I I 000 to '‘tlirow" the Akron game
K heduled Wednesday a t Boston.
Two men, booked na Ila n y Rosen
nnd Hnrvey Stemmer, were arrested
on charges of cowjplrncy nnd will
bo arm lgned In felony .court tomor­
row, tho prosecutors said.
No chargcs were made ngalnat tlio
, players Identified by the otflclnla aa
Demnrd Barnett, Lary Pcnrlateln.
n o b e rt Lcder, Jerry- Orcen nnd
Slnnley Simon. Tlie prosecyiors Raid
Uiey were sent homo after Blgnlng
tho sUtement.
Tile prosecutors told this story;
Follcc Cnpt. nichard Fennelly and
Detectives John Carroll nnd J '
Coho Vftrc Vi'fttchlng th e Roseu
'th is afternoon. They caw two play­
house. T hey trailed the three to
th e Stem m er house, where all '
taken Into custody.
At hcndquarters the players relat­
ed Uicy had rocelvcd nn anonymoas
telephono call Mveral weeks ngo
euggestlns there was n way Co make
some easy money. On Jan. 23 tlie
rive w ent to Stewmcr's'hom e. here
each received »IOO. Tlie next day.
Jan. 23, Baniett received another
♦SCO to sp lit among the five.
Itoeen was to go to Boston to:
row and Just before the i ......
Wednesday was to tell the boys w hat
to do. A fter the gome was
the five
lo be given an i
Uonal «,O0O.
-----------------The statem ent lUso said tliat a r­
rangem ents were under way for Uie
players to thro# the St. Froacls
game, scheduled for I^eb. 10, a t
Madison Square garden. Leder, B ar­
n e tt and Orecn each wns lo receive
MOO for the St. Francis game nnd
Pcarlateln S3».
-Tuesday, J a n u a r y 8®, 1945
Simplots Will
Be Favorites
'Fhpo Today~Sceue iii Famous Figlit
RUPERT, Jan. 30— FourtecTi’ teamH have-entered-the
aecond annual Rupert basket­
ball tournament; which w ill
open at the Civic center on
Thursday afternoon under the
aponsor-ship of the Lions club
nnd the Quarterback club,
Bruce “Roy” Rodgers, presi­
dent of the latter club, annouiiccd night.,
■ The Declo Sim plots, win­
ners of the Gooding outlaw
tournament, will be heavy
favorites to capture the big
Jerome Beats
WendeU, 41-15
Youthful Pirates Nip
Bruins in Fast Game
Coach George H a y s’ y outhful Rupert Pirates announced in
no uncertain terms last n ig h t that they w ill have to be con­
sidered in the d istrict champion picturc when tho tpumam ent rolls around n e x t month.
The annouwcmcnt w as m ade Ironl. 22-18. a t the hall. They also
with a yC-33 d e fe a t of t h e had a 37*33 advnntAge after three
In addition to the Simplots, teams Tivin Fnil3'Bruin.s.
entered will m dude tho American
“n ie Rupert team had C7 shots at
Tlie r
PalLi Damsliera, Uie Rupert prisoner
Uie basket, while the Junior Srulns
Dates Set for
Cage Tourneys
BO ISE, Jiin. 30 (fl>) — The
Idaho H ig h School Athletic
jiaaociation atJl d a te s fo r subd istric t, d i s t r i c t and .state
to u rn a m e n t baRketball ii!ny.
S i t e . s fo r th e touriHimcnts
have n ot been .selected.
The Ktate will have two
" s ta le " tounm m ent.s '•ufi’a i n
thlK yea r, said E. !■', Grider,
ii.-<.s()ciiitii)ii .secretary.
Tlic c1hv> a north Idaho nnd
Miulh Idiilii) .stale tounmiiir;nl-s will
be held Miirch 22 to 24. nnd the two.
eurte.'ipiiiKUng eln.u B louriiameiiUi
ill be held March 15 lo 17.
The .six dLsirlct l<nimiununls ....
: held Murch I to 3 for cluss D
tram s nnd Mnreh B to 10 for cln.«
i Iniins. Sub'dl.slrlcl touriiuinrnt.'!
■hlcli are played In some nreas miut
ic nui off Feb. 22 (o 3<-
War W orker TopsPeterson Classic
WUd Bull Still Dreaming of
Title to Ai-gentina
historic bout w ith Jack Dempsey lor
tho world’s heavyweight champion­
sh ip , Luls Angel F lrjrfrcm a in s the
idol of Argentine boxing fans.
Tlio erstwhile ■'bull of the Pam ­
pas" haa rcached the half century
rlc and ndded considerable
poundage w ith the ycnrs. but tho
luster of h is colorful fighting days
hadn’t yet worn off.
Considering th e fickleness of the
sports fan, Flrpo should have faded
from memory long ngo. Instead, he
la a living legend In Argentine box­
in g nnnals and admlrcni g aie upon
h im wttU awe whei» lie appears In
th e streets of Buenos Alre.s on one
U his lnfre<juent vblta to the cap­
Plrpo still Is a colorful penonallty.
Leonine, heavy of Jowl, usually
ffcowllne and w ith bushy eyebrows
th a t Irame n palT oI keen eyes IwrUercd by n nem-ork of wrinkles, he
benra a striking resemblance to the
American labor lender. Jo h n L.
Has Nest Kfc
Unlike many fighters who can’t
hn n g on to the big earnings that
come during th e ir prime, Flrpo re­
tired from the rin g with a reassur­
in g n eit egg. lie has a couple oi
cattle ranches, lo which he devotes
moat of hl& time, and a fortune i
tlm nted a t $750,000.
Flrpo Is known to iiL<! Irlcnds
ti ahnrp m an w ith a peso. He hos
been known to invite Intimates to
lu n c h and leav e'th em to pay their
0*11 chects. Not even hL^ heart
could untie his Ughtlj- knotted purse
strings. O u ct h e w ent to a Jewelry
sh o p to buy a bauble for n young
— jgy whom he Imd coti'traetcd
a fancy. Aware of Drpo'h ntfhiencc.
the Jeweler bcRim dl.'plnyliic <200
trinkeu, Flrixj waved them asldo
and ended up by purcha-'lnn n '
embcllL^hed with a dazzling b
glnss for which he dL't'orgcd tile
equlvnlent of »3J!S. lie Is still
lilt Hardest by Willard
Flrpo IIke.1 to rcciill his days .
the ring and malnialn-i a keen In­
terest In U. S. boxlnif. lie thinks he
WHS h it harder my Jr.-a Willard
than by any oilier flgjiter. Tlie cxchnmplon wn.i 43 when he and Flrpo
squared off.
The “wild bull" made ht-i last ring
appearance In Buenos Alre.s about
eight vcam nn« aw l wRR^ lnwcked
out in the third round by Arturo
Qodoy, the Chllenn hcavjTi-clght
Tlie Argentine fans were indig­
n a n t a t Oo<Ioy for having un­
throned their idol so unccremonlonsly.
Credlti-d wlih miiktng boxliiK
paying hi An;cntlnn. Flrpo
a t prc-^enl l.s grooming Abel Cestnc
for a professional career. Tlie young
heiu’>-u'clght hii5 won 70 bouts n.'s
an am ateur and Flrpo caIculiUe& hla
hitting power a-s 30 per cent superior
to his own in h k htydey.
Flrpo spends most of his time
"Mnrlon." nn cslanclii he acquired
and where the Prince of Wiiles stay­
ed during the lailer's v b lt to AreeiUlna lii IQ31. T he cs-llRlil«r Is
no gentlvmiin fnrmer; he clnlms a
thorough knowledge of nil pimscs
of cattle raising.
MEXICO c m ’, Jen . 30 (/Vj-Don
Meade, who rode tho most winners
on U. S. tra c ts last year, lia.i arrived
here and said he Is ready to ride nt
tho Hlpodromn de las Americas. He
la the first Jockey lo come from Uie
Brooklyn coUcge 'basketball team United States since racing wis '
h a d signed a statem ent th a t they ned there.
planned to "throw ” Uie game with
th e University of Akron team here
Catcher Ray Mueller nnd second
tomorrow night, Oenerai Manoger ba.wmon Woody William* played nil
Tom Kanaly of th e Boston garden ISS games for the Cincinnati Reds
cancelled th a t gomo early today.
last season.
of war camp Wildcats, Hollister.
Oakley, MurUiugh Savagc.% Albion
Rambhng Wrecks, the Rupert Q uar­
terbacks, Heybum, OooOIng Lions,
Jerome Jayeees, Utah Woolen Milla,
CBptjilncd by Junior Snell, coach a t
Flier nnd one of tlie finest players
ever developed hi this area; the
DoLie Junior college, and Malta.
Tlic openmg day’s schedule fol­
2 p. m.—Heybum vs. Murtnugh
3:15 p. m. — Albion Rambling
Wrecks vs. Oakley.
4:30 p. m .-M a lta vs. U tah Wool-
7:30 p. m.—Jerome Jayeees vs.
Bobe Junior college.
8:45 p. in.—Hollister vs. Rupert
prisoner of w ar camp.
iO p. m.—American Falls vs. Oood-
Tearoi lo Be Stronger
A number. Of those teams played
I the Gooding loum am cnt and are
expected lo be strenRthencd for Uie
Rupert pvunt,
Tlie icui-nnmcnt Ls a single ellmhuillon n llair but there wllJ bo a
consolation bracket. T hree games
Kill be played each afternoon and
evening on Tliursday nnd Friday
and nil durliiK Saturday, begin '
In the morning.
The winner \kill rccelvc *100 nnd
1C I'ccond-phiee team 550. Fifty
dollars will go to the consolation
sinner and »2.S to the team fhilah
ing tecond. llie r e nlso will be i
sportsmnnshlp awnrd of *30.
R efcren Nnmcd
Acle Hsmas. Rupert; R alph McCloy. superintendent of schools a t
Paul, nnd Rulon Budge, the Burley
Dobcnt.'s' mentor, will be the tourna­
ment referees.
CHICAGO. Jan. 30 iUP.i-AI Helfn, 35-y^ar-old D clroll war workheld the lead today In the 33rd
Petersen Individual bowling cla.«lc.
settlnK th e pace with an elght-gamo
totiil of 1.577.
llelden coiniK-lecI on the etgluh
sqund hist night In the $43,200 pro­
Rupert 35, Twin Falls 33.
duction which a t the finish Feb. 11
Jerome 41. Wendell 15.
will pay 9S.100 to the winner.
T ho D etroiter fn.shloned his high
Kenluclcr 73. Georgia 37.
;ore on game.s of IG9, 222, lee.
I'urdue 45. Wl.teonsin 34.
270, ICI, 201, 333 and 177 nnd
Georcia Tech 47, Tnlane 38.
the th ird conie& to take the
r.owen Field 58. Wendover 43.
lead during the day.
M anhail 08, Weal Virginia 35.
Previously. Joe Duscmlek. Keiio10, WU., h it 1,5<0 nnd he was Tlie Brooklyn Dodgers used 10
. receded by Stanley Stefancle, different players n t shortstop Inst
Cleveland, who-ie 1,541 ousted Don seo-vin.
Fairchild. Dayton, O. Fairchild
selMd th e lead with a U3B Sat­
outsiiot tho Oniln.s. ringing up 13
field goal' 10 Ibe locaL'i' 10.
T hnt Ihe Bruins stnyed in c ontenUon wm duo lo Uiclr abllliy to
sink free throws. They made 13 o u t
of 22 trill) to the foul line, whllo
Rupert muffed nil but nin e of ih e lr
had 64.
Ilyde with ieven field gtwls wid
three free Ujrows for 17 points led
Rupert, while Cmiidall ndded six
fleW goals to hts six free throws for
IB points.
WENDELL, Jan. 30 —.Cooch John
Norby’s Jeroms T igers were bade on
their w inning feet, BctUng there a t
th e expense of W endell, w hich Uiey
defeated last night. 4MB.
PRrt*. H llb sti th o p a w wlUi
field g o a ls and a fre e throw.
Je ro m e led S>1 a t the end of the
f irst quarter, 24-3 a t the h a lf and
37-9 a f te r three qu a rte ii.
W endeli, however, won th e sec­
ond te a m gune, 31-31. H ult mads
eight point} lor W endell, while
Cappa a n d Christian had seven each
for Jerom e.
T he tabulated score:
h U p|W*b4<II
1 viciouily fought
:h Tom OJmstead v
f up nine o u t of 12.
shot Into th e lead a t
of Ujc second h a lf
there. WTien Culley
Ideshot n n d Mendcn;, a t tl>o beginning
r, tlic Pirates took
- J . 33-20. However,
put th e Bruins back
, W ftles dribbled
Lent* Crandall free s h o t the Cubs
ito a 47-« victory over the Rupert
Junior varslly. He made fix In seven
tries of Ihc Cuh.i’ II. T lie Rupert
Junior vuriUy miide 18 field goaLi
but connected on only e ig h t ol Uielr
24 free tOJWJ.
n ie Cubs got nway lo n 12-0 lend
1 the first quiirier a n d were in
No. I he»Tj colored hena...... tSc
No. I L eihara hen«-----------No. 1 ■prinjtti____________
william Hulse. America's fastest
niller, will be one of four athletes
,competIng In the Wnnsmaker mils
at the Mlllrose games In Mndlion
Square G arden Saturday night.
Kalptj E. B o « r . Mgr.
lia A h te tlid l
I r S c d n K ',
Greeiileaf in
KANSAS c r r v . Jnn. 30 (/Tj ~
Flashing some of the form that
made him 17 times form er world’s
pocket Ijllllard champion, Halph
Oreenlenf, DctroU, w ulsh l wotl Uit
Kccond block of hl.s challenge match
with llUeholder WIlUc Mosconl.
Toledo. 125 to 13 In eight Innlng.v
O reenleaf won the second block
w ith a n unflnlRhed high run of 82
a fter winnhig the opening block In
th e n fltrn o o n , 125-S7, giving him
n total point margin of 250 to "
for the first day's play.
Richardson, president of class A,
EoAleni league, said "If major
JeBguea can operate wltli govern­
m ent’s i>ermlsslon In 1015 the minor
leagues will carry on. too."
f o it v 6 u r
The favorite shoe o f Jfngic V alley
farmers nnd ranchers. Comfortable to
wear, rugged en ou gh to stand the
hard usage they receive. Available in
leather and composition soles.
1039 I’LYMOUTII 4 door sedan.
Radio, a nd heater, excellent
' Ures. F irst clnss mcchanlcal
EeTcral Others to Pick From
~ 7 7 7 W ir
g o in g
19« rC T JIO V rn'c oiipc . radio'*:
heater, good rubber. Mechan­
ically OK.
' LAWRENCE. K ati.-H eury Slienk
h as been retained a:, football coacli
a t University ot Kniuaa lor 1045
p r o b a b ly
3 Famous Brands—
$690 to $1090
A New Shipment of
b e
to .
BOSTON, Jan. 30 W V-Alter being
Informed th a t ■members ol the
SeJcct Irom BUck or Brow n In Ihlj m oat
popular of aU boota. a c t th e m now a n d
be prepared ter a " b iu lc r than e vet"
cptln j and sumtntr.
F or DEAD and
Will also pick np
hosB i f close
In the Shoe Dept.
Idaho Hide &
I’n„ AH ERIC a T ’p IL SEN
T ue sd a y , J a n u a ry 8 0/1 9 4 6
-S C O U T S , COBS 10
Boy ScouU u iil Cubs or th e Snake
Rtver a rc s council wUl p u U d p aU
In « natlonwlda w mU paper driM
- n a d -’r tll vis lor n^fard*
Include abell containers rrom thi
battlefleJds of Europe Mid alto IndIviduAl medftb. U v i s announced
• Tueiidiiy by R»y BcOnUorlh. execuUve wim heiidquart*r8 In Twin
Balm forth sftld th a t the drive 1»
b etas eponwred by Oen. Dwl«ht D.
Oke) S lu nh oT er and th a t each of
th e shell containers vUl bear an
InscripUon by the general.
m Twin Pall* and this area, peo­
ple MO OBked to sU rt saving uielr
waat«paper now and the execuUve
eoid th a t eoUrcUons by Boy Seoul*
and Cuba wlU Btart In the —
B e explained th a t the shell ..
Ulner*—a ll which held shells ot
73 nun. or larger and all of which
come from th e European batttefield*
—will bs th e feature awards
One conlafner wlU go to each troop
or u n it In which an average of l.OOO
pounds of wastepaper per member
IS collected. Tlie IndlvlduaU collect­
ing a l Ie«st 1.000 pounds will each
receive an appropriate medal.
"We aslc th a t residents save
•waaiepapCT lor Ui* SccmU and cwbs
and for this drive sponwrcd by
general," Balm fortli said. "You
asked to s ta r t saving It now
date cjiac coUcctJoi^s will sta rt will
be announced In the near future.
N ationally Uje drive will be from
M arch 1 to April 30 but In this arei
we will get underway earlier."
Price Checkup on
Apparel Planned
T h e program of the local price
pnnel for Fobniary will Include
prlcc surveys ot women's and chil­
dren's clothing, hosiery and staple
work gloves, according to Mrs. J.
W. Newman.
Mrs. Newman la consumer representallvo on the w ar price and
ration board. There will nlso ‘
survey of prlccs on fountain pen, .
m echanical pencils, she kiUi!. This
survey "wm to v tr drug. J ts tlr y anti
other stores carrying these Itei
Pvt. Robert Black has reti
to Fort sm . Okla., after spending
h li furlough h tte -slth reUlWes.
Quest* a t the home of Mr. ond
M rs. a . J . Pcoter are their son. Pvt.
Jam es Fcater and Mrs. Foiter, Scott
field. III. They will al«j visit his
sl*t«r. Mrs. D allw Reynolds, T\vlr
Falls, ond Mrs. Wilbur Jones.
Dale W, Pamsworth, coxswain
who has been overseas for the Iftii
■’ two years, returned home for 3(
days, a fte r which he will go to Nor­
folk. Va., for reassignment.
T he KJV. club met a t the home of
Mrs. Jam es Helton. Contract fol­
lowed dessert luncheon, and Mrs.
Lloyd K lmpton scored high. Mrs.
Orm us O raner was a guest.
Sgt. «v«S M rs. K cancth K arrli and
sm all son hftvc returned to Hobbs,
N. M., after spending the past
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simmons and
daughters, Juanita and Lois Aiui.
visited la st week with Mrs. Simmons'
brother, 6gt. Oleo Maxson, who is
In Bushnell hospital in Brlghi
City, U tah. He wa.i wounded In i
tion In the south Pacific area where
he h a d served for 31 months. He Is
a holder of the purple heart.
M r. and M rs. Ouy Olln are visit­
ing relatives In Denver. They aisc
attended the stock show there.
Mrs. Leon Moreland Is a t RlchtleW a t th« home of h er pawnla,
' Mr. and Mrs. John Workman. Mr.
W orkman recently underwent »n
operation a t a Boise hospital.
M. G. Cole
A dvertisem ent. Feb. 2
Roy Ilopkliu, Auctioneer
Frank Trunkey
A dvertisem ent, Feb. 2
W. J/noU enbeek. Auclloneer
Claude A. W ilhite h as been pr
Dieted from llcu ten u it to capta: .
according to w ord received by his
wife and his parent<, M r. an d Mrs.
n. A- WUhlie. H e Is jtaU oned with
Uio medical co rp s in Luxembourg,
lie hss been I n the service three
years and le ft for-overseas duty
October, 1043.
The Declo Booklore clu b m et at
tlie home of M rs. Hsra D alton to
hear Mrs, Ha D an ln g to n give a book
report centering around Sweden.
^Us. Mnarcd Schneider o n d Mrs.
Jack eimplot Tvcrc club guests,
Luncheon followed the m eeting. Mrs.
Oae NIelscn v,-lU greet th e club on
Fibmary IB.
Mrs. Ruby K aleiuk) him gone to
Salt U ke City t o vlilt frien d s there.
Mrn. John L. Banner h a s gone to
Sun Valley to vtslt, her husband,
PliM 3/c John L. Danner, who 1*
Mnlloiied there.
Mr- and Mrs. Wllllsm Sliaw have
gone to Sail L uko CUy,
Mr«. rem Monnlnit of th e hlgli
school Jiiculty spent tlic week­
end in B.111 Lnke Oily r l t h rcluilve.i
and frlendj,
Mr, and M rs. O, & McCurUiey
liavo recelvetl w o rd that th e ir son
6gt ArtJiur j , M cCartney, h a s beei
promoted lo ih u t rank w hile serv­
ing In the M n rtan w Islunds. Ht
graduated from the Dcclo high
school, attended the University of
fdaho, Muthem branch, f o r three
years and u-otkcd, i i Uie Burlty
Dnig c(Hii|Kiny f o r four year* be­
fore entering t h e service. Me has
been in the M a rln n aj s y e ar, on his
second duty overseas,
Mr«. James U . Harris, L ong Is­
land. N. y„ a rriv ed In Declo to visit
her parents. M r. and Mrs. Je an P.
Pons, Mrs. H arris woj form erly Miss
Madeline Pons. She visited two
veeks at the h o m e of her husband's
family In Clarksburg, W. Va„ on
her trip homeward. Her husbond.
BgU Jam ti U. H arris, h as been In
the service over. Uirce y e ars, now
serving over a y e a r on the European
war front.
Mrs. Leont F . J o n « has relu m ed
from Balt Lake where s h e visited ot the home o f her b ro th er and
slJler-ln-law. M r. and M rs, Etsll
B 3/c Leo H u rs t, Tncoma, Wash.,
here visiting h is wife a n d baby
daughter and h is parents. M r. and
Mr«, \VTnfleld H u rs t.
Mrs. Otto Peterson lelt f o r Poca>llo and from th e re the w ill go to
Salt U ke City.
Mrs. Gordon A . Hll!, O gden, is
vlslUng ot the h o m e ot h e r so n and
family, Mr. and M rs. John W . Hill.
Virgil Fries a n d Marvin Dorti,
Caldwell, have b e en visiting in Declo,'
Mr. and Mrs, Voscoe P o rk s ond
Mr. and Mrs, Cy Anclersin w ere hi
Caldwell tho Jlrst o f the week.
&Ir. and Mca. B o b Sltnplot^ have
gone to Chlcdgo.
MIsa Mavis F ries went to Caldwell
o visit her cousin. DorU F rie s, ond
iltend the SImplot basketball gonie.
Mrs. Cllns P re sto n Has retu rn e d
from Ola wlicrc s h e vliltcd h e r sis­
ter and brother-in-law, M r. and
Mrs. H. Thcron Jacobs,
Mrs. D. I. H o rto n relum ed to h er
home In Dcclo n f te r attending tho
funeral ot her grandion, Keith
Brown, Pocatello, w ho died recently
os a result of an accidental gu n sh o t
Mrs. Don N orton. ClUnook. Mont.,
is visiting at the home of M r. and
Mr*. B. I. t^orton and o th e r « U Ives.
Mrs. Alma T u rn e r and son, K enleth, have gone to S alt L alu C ity to
epend a few dayaWe can take care of t h a t
on y o u r
“Vritex Serrle*f
Shoibona E. & 8 th Pbone Q19
A v is E . Johnson and
Freda J . Hartley
Advertlsem ctil, Feb. 2
W . J. Hollenbeck, ABcdoneer
Airs. D ella Horral
A dvertisem ent, Feb. 6
W , p . HUU
AdTertlBcment, Feb. 7th
W. J . nolleabeek, Aoctloneer
2nd A n n u a ls . C.'I.
Purebred Sow Sale
Advertisem ent, Feb. 9.
Dm to th« (boruc* ct cnnprlot
«ad iLa tan< Buabo «I tana uIm,
Sales of w ed .p aM cnger car.
Individuals u v eil a* dealers, are
rontrolled by price ceUlng*. Indl,’lduala m ust soU a t "aa 1#" prices oi
This fact was called to the a t­
tention of Tw lti Falls county resifients Tuesday by Mr*. 3 . W. «*■«■
man, consumer representative or
the price a n d ration board.
•■Dealer# w ithout their own repair
shops m ust also «eU a t -os is' or Um
If they do n o t have w ritten au
thorlly from CPA. All buj-ers an
advhcd to call the local OPA for txnet cclllng pricc.i.
"A buyer who h as been over'
charged can sue the seller for threi
tlmea the overcharge a n d co.^ls.'
Mrs. NBwmon eald she had beer
Informed by th e OPA ojllc# In
She emphasUed th a t criminal
action by th e government may nlso
b t U k tn agaliust the seller o t pur
chaser or t» th .
Private R alph D. W ygal Is
tloned In Frnncc In Ui« infantry-.
S'Sgt. Mftx Dwyer is ttallonetl i
Sheppard Field. Tex.
Pvt. George w ygal is on the froi
lines OU the R lilns river.
A. C, Spenccr. Buhl, has purchoi
cd frcm K en Medford, w h at wi
formerly W hite's grocery store.
Homer Ramsayer, who recently
purchsscd th e building occupied by
the late D r. P . A. Dwight, has Ir
tu rn sold this building to A rt Kurtz
Mr. and M rs. W alter B arger and
Philip K eller arrived Monday from
Cairo, Mo-, fo r a visit n t th o homt
of their sot), Jo h n Barger, who r e ­
cently passed the Eddi' teat anC
• nves Feb. 23 for San Dlcgo foi
sot training. Lnier he will a n tn d
radar echool In Chicago for 10
Mrs. V. B. Morgan and children
returned Sunday lo their Uocue at
Nampa afte r a visit w ith her parentf,, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Janierson.
Miss Eunice Phillips. Nanip».
spent the week-end with her par­
ents. the Rev. ond Mrs. J, A. Phllllp.v
The W. 8- C. a , will meet Tliursday afternoon in the M ethodist
lurch basement.
Miss Merle Xlngsbury, K answ
City, is visiting Mrs, Florence Ducrlg.
Saralctto and 3andrn Cedarholin
spent the week-end nt Jerom e at
the R. R. Lee home.
Mrs, J. N, McKle, Blackfoot, a
former Filer resident, spent several
days VlslUng Filer friends the past
S 3/0 Blair Losinder Is expected
homo eoon for a 30-day"leave. He
has JJeen claUonW In n o r th Africa,
and has recently arrived la New
Mr. and Kirs. U. U, Locander reim ed from Ny«», Ore., w here Mr.
Locander has been employed by Iha
Amalgamated Sugar compony as su­
gar end formaii. Mrs. Locander
Joined him there alter th e Paul-Rupert sugar
u-aa computed.
Mr. ond Mrs. Earl H aynes re­
ceived a graduation announcement
Trom F t. Uuderdale. Flo., where
•heir son, Floyd Haynes. 23-year-old
jeam an was graduated In range fire
control. Ha is now seam an first
class and Is sUtloned a t Newport,
R. I.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wakewood and
children, Marilyn, Donnie a n d Jerry,
Nyssa, Ore., wfrt guests a t th e Dave
Comstock home. They cam e to at­
tend the luneral ot his m otiier. Mrs.
Jane Wakewood.
Dorothy Watson, who Joined tho
WAVES In November, ha s finished
her tralnliig al Hunter eoUcse, N.Y.
and Bethseda, Md.; vlsjted tw o dayi
last week at the home of he r paronU, Mr. and Mrs, M. E. Watson,
en route to her nulgninaiit at tf-naval hospital In O akland. Cnl
Dorothy ti now corpsman first cln:
Mr. and Mrs. Vem Ncllsen and
children went to P «m a fo r a few
days- vLilt with Ktrs, Nellsen's par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl H unt.
Pvt, C. W. Plaits left f o r Voucouver. WasJi. lo re-e/itcr » Jitvspltiil alter spending a 10-day ImT'
lough a t hi* piirenti' home. He ws:
accompanied by his wife who will
reside In .the Washington city for
ih e prew nt. Thly I ttt thclx young
Ron. Stevie. In the care of hla graiidPhM J/c noy Sleword was tlie
honor sueat when Mr. mid M rs. flay
Clark and fomlly entertained ot
Mrs. Luclle Brou-n Li leaving soon
lor Tesas lo spend wmo tim e with
her husband In the nlr corps there.
Pvi, James Hardin of th e pris­
oner of Btor camp, was on overnight
guest a t the home of hit uncle, Allen
WSCS elected as president Mri
C. E. Spence a t a recent m eeting D.
Uio home of M rs. C. P. Edge. Mrs.
H. W. Moat.'i Is vlce-prMident; Mrt.
Kenneth Porter, secretary: Mrs. A.
a Dccker. reelected treasurer. Feb.
1 Is the daio for tlie n e it meeting
of th e group.
SgU Oren Dexter, Hubbard, Ore.,
Visited with his sister, Mrs. George
T l« ll In King HIH. He la in the
Infantry, stationed on Saipan, and
has been overseas some thrco years.
George Allen left King Hill to vblt
I Oregon.
Howard Corless spent a fci
Carl Fay h as moved to Boise
days tho past week in PocatclU where he will bo employed. He has
where he conducted the miulc a t tho been running th e OlUett farm near
Farm Bureau Federation meeting.
King Hill, but h a s leased th e place
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Holllng
worth are again a t home a fte r
spending a few weeks In Los Angeles
with their daughter, Mrs. Clifton
■lcBrtde, and lamHy.
Mark Moncur, Gene Ospltal,
Mr. and Mrs. Y. Atllano have re ­
Charles Moon and Richard Blincoo turned
from Los Angeles w here they
were In Bolso last week for lii
visiwd their grandson. Jack W hite,
Induction physicals,
who has now gono to Honolulu to
Mrs, George Crofts has been co
..ned to her bed the past week
Sgt. Merlin WaUer. stationed at
field. Miss.. U home visiting
Mrs. Walter Dje. F irth , visited a t Keesler
a ten-day furlough.
tho home of her son. George Croft, forMrs.
Mildred Averlil was hostess
ind family.
a t H am m ett when they
Alma Wayment, Ogden, and his
a t the school house. She was
-o r« .-Slater, who 1» on furftugh.
by Mrs. Q nm y Wood. Mrs.
and Byron, who lives a t View, visited aaalsted
Mrs. Betty Thomas.
with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Corless.
Mrs. Melda Hale has returfied Mrs. Carl Bury was a gue.?t. Mrs.
om San Diego whcro she had beci Margaret Ulil presented th e jirow ith her husband while h e was gram.
-iwalting a ship osjlgnment.
Mrs. Albert Stewart, Clearfield.
Utah, spent a few days visiting h e r
p arents. Mr. and Mrs. A. P . Den'
}. W. Bagley. an employe In the
nlng- She look her grandson, Eton' shoe departm ent of the Idaho De­
ley Stuart, home with her for i partm ent Btore fo r the post 16 years,
'b it.
wUI bo new m anager of th a t de­
Mtss Conwelo Ospltal Is home partm ent. It was announced Tues­
from nurse's training in Seattle for day by company officials.
n vUlt will) her parcnU, Mr. and
Bagley succeeds A. D. Bellamy who
Mm. John 0.ipllal.
resigned after purchasing, with Voy
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moldcnlwuer o n d Hudson, a slore a t Idaho FalU. Bel­
son, Lewis, were In Twin Falls to lamy will leave for Idaho Falls this
atten d funeral services for Mra. week.
Moldenhouer's faUicr. Peter Roberts,
n e s Hunt and Junior Carver
___ called here from California, by SPRIN T RECORD
PHrLADELPHIA - Cpl. Barney
the death of Mr, Hunt's father. OUEwell, Camp Kilmer. N. J., former
b ert Hunt.
Penn State star, se t new middle AtJontlo AAU record of 63 seconds for
60-yard dash In outdoor "polar
bear" track m eet held by Philadel­
phia In q u irer,
BwvbMry Itv chargc of ihc prosram
Mrs. Banbury presented a paper <
Uic work of J. Edgar Hoover In Ji
venlle delinquency.
Pvt. Lloyd Irvin, Buhl, a mctnbcr
if the Infontry. haa been awarded
.he bronie sU r for gallantry ii
tlon, according to a recent wai
■ release.
I P .M
nty local boart
n loi th e ir pst'
ton a t Boise. Om
J traniferrcd to North
Dakota for pre-ini
Four men ftotn Camos--------- - ported for induction at Ft. Douglas
Friday, Jan, 211. They were Dal A.
Lee, Stevnn A. Jones. Henry D . Peck
.nd Gilbert Dem Eskridge. Camas
ounty.? Induction c.ill for February
Mrs. Ruby’ Noble. Nampo, vliited
rlth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Joi family.
R e a l E state T r a n s f e r s
Information Fnmlibed by
Twin Falls Title and
Abstract Company
Markets and Finance
M arkots a t a QIance
w ai
•u .w
vtJMilll UBJJvri lUBll*
during mostrof today's trade. All n iu
were relaUvely quiet and easily la " - n c e d by orders on either side.
. tho close wheat was Mo lower
to ito higher than yesterday* doae,
to »1.60. Com was un­
changed to !io lower, May ♦ U IH .
O ats were « o to *io higher, May
Bte to 68Hc. Rya was SC lower to
Uc htgher. May
B ariej
Wo higher. May $l,09H.
NEW YORK, Jan. 30 m - W a i
stocks a n d secondary bonds negoti­
a ted a more or less orderly retreat
In today’s markets as the swift r •
of th e Russians toward Berlin
lived speculotivo ond Investn
f II
ahiiro prices were no worse than
mildly uneven a fter » fairly Ri
opening and scattered peacc-rated
Issues Vr-ere resistant Ujroughout altliough tlio majority failed to make
m uch headway. I n the final hour,
rails led tlie decllno which ran to
two p a lnst or lo.
Volume woa around 1,COO,000
P rom inent on th e slide were Santa
F e. S outhern Pacific. Southern R ail­
way. D elaware ond Hudson, V . B.
Steel. BeUilehem. a ir^ ’slcr. Ameri­
c an Telephone, Reynolds Spring. commun an,I ruMlum eo«
Intcm aU onal Telephone, WlllysO verland, General Electric and Anncondn.
Listed railway loans were In sup­
New York
NEW YORK, Jon- 30 W>) — Thi
s’o. a
. . . .
PORTUND livestock
i S
Will have a good lot of
aU kinds of horses.
Several matclied teams listed.
Bring in a n y h orses you'w ish'to s e ll. . . M w e
fflll J ia v e the buyers.
Don’t forget th e date and be Ihcre.
.J )u lch -C o fritt-
A merican Tobacco B ............
A naconda .................................
A T A: S F .......................... .......
Bendlx Aviation ................ .....
Bethlehem Steel .......................
C anada D ry ..............................
Canadian Poclfic .....................
Case .
Ccrro de P a s c o ........................
cheia p ea k e A: O h io ..............
ConiolldQtcd C opper..............
Con Oil Del .............................
C om Products ------------------D uPont ............ ................. .... ..
E lectric Auto
Electric Power & L ig h t..........
Erie ....
G eneral E le c tric ----------------O tn c ta l F o o d s ......... ...............
O eneral M o to rs------------------G o o d ric h .... .... ....... .. ................
G oodyear ------------------------DliUlbuwn d«llT<rtd u ln «eliulr« ot
Idah o Power .......... 1-.........—
lr»n.poruil^ th«rtt»i Army purehwln*.
In tern a tio n al Harvester ........
... . ilonal Nickel, Canada..
In t. Tel. & T el------------------Li', hl»h.r!
;cott C o p p e r--------------K resso ---- -----------------------Cmh lo *roweti,-*qIkjCr ewt
Loews ..
Mid. Con. p e t--------------ClIICACO
Nash Kelvlnfttor ............;lonal B is c u it........
.nrt chelc. IIS: ra^Jlam to
. . .lonal D airy ...............
E«Ubl. none Icod i
^oK^rin£5^l‘^ k
N ational C ash R egister-.
.1 Iambi Mondir II5.M.
N ational Pow er jc L ig h t..
I Y ork Central .
N orth A m erican Aviation.......
N orth American Co.
N orthern P a c ific'__
Packard Motora
P enney Co____________.108H.
; rood tisufikur
R . R . .................... ............ 3474
US.uTiiW *«
J Oil .
R. C. A. .
, s , n K : ’-iia v v a -.s
v u s's’.s s f^ i's s t: " '
ifM S
Potato and Onion
food IS.JO 10 D.W.
. W E D K E S D A Y ,
J A N . 31
250 W hileface Calves
90 Head Grolnfed Slecra
80 Head Grolnfed Cows and Helfcrs
-T W
IN -T A IX S - C O M » U $ S 1 0 N -C 0 i
and ttO
Phene ISl-.W
B u tte r and Eggs
b n > I0.97I «UMS (Irta: BDcbast«L
-W V ^Y O RR r-Jui:
• »r.S«K Ort. ll.IISB, •>-" S S i lo ir i iW t » » I WM ItJUL
JW, tot*l l.i-------
Twn Falls Markets
.;-SlS| lb.. .nJ op _
iWr Qooitd)
" • 'A 'S
u -
rhe Annual meeting of Twin Falls
YWCA wlU be held at 3:30 p . W ednesday in the *y" rooms.
S o le o f
11.11: Vo. I n|Ic«
i» <l8T«r liq.Mi «!•
Stock Averages
,« to tt.V).
p S f S S S f
_ -c d : Henry W. Johnson to Ar­
thur T . Jensen, <10. Lt 5, Blk 4, InvcstorA 1st addition, Buhl.
Deed; Fred W. P ittk tl lo MyrUt
A. Henderson, |10. U 3, Blk 03, Tft’ln
Lease; M. 0. Clarr to K enneth A.
Jonca. SEUSW 'i 25-lQ-n.
Deed: Artliur R. Scott to floy 0.
Scott. $1, Lt, 3, & 6E‘ltnV ,i 3-II-18,
Deed: Ray E. Moon to C. M. Witt. Reynolds Tobacco B ..
Scar# Roebuck ...........
10. P t Lt 14. Blk 95. Twin Palls.
Deed: Twin FalLi Highway Dlsl. 'socony Vacuum
to A. D. SmiUi, « » . P t SW U N W 'i Simmons ..
Southern Piidflc ......... —
DO: Same to same, JlSO. Pt Stonilard Oil California
: S tandard O il New Jersey _
3W'iKT.V!. 23.10-17,
DO: WiUlom D. Wiseman to Les­ Studebakcr .............. ..
lie W, Peterjon. $15,000. N E U N E ’i, Texas C o m p an y ----- -------2«.10-18.
Texas GuU f l u l f -----------DO: John McCullough to Ousta- Tim ken ...............—............
, j s A. Moore. UlOO. Lt H . Blk 4, Transam erica
......... Oil California —
South Park Addition.
Deed: Ray T. Rockwell to Lucille Union Carbide ...............
Rockwell, t \ . V\, U n , Blk 5, Jonw Union PacHSc .............. United A ircraft ..............
Addition, Tft'ln Falls.
DO: Lulu Herrlott to Sam uel D. -...te d C o rp o ratio n ____
rlggs, t l . loU 7, 8 and 0 in ll-9 -H . United SUite.i R u b b e r.....
Deed: Sam Cox to II. D. Shank. .United S tate s S'meltltig ..
United S tate s S te e l.........
»C00. Lot 5 Blk 4. Filer.
Deed: W tat U an t Inv. Co. to W arner P ic tu r e s ___ ___
Roy E. Hopkins, $1S5B8,7S, P t L o l 3, Walgreen --------------------W estern U n io n ________
ESSW >i 31-fl.lB,
DO: John B, EsWj to F. & etUw, W e stin g h o iise ........... ......
Woolworth — ------ ;-----$1800. Acre Tract No. 13, Filer.
Deed: C. W. Schneider to Gustave
Hleb, $9400, part NES 28-11-18.
Deed: C. W. Edwards to B e rth a J. Bunker Hill ............................ .. 3’
ClUes Service ____ ________17t
Flynn, »5,b[)0. NW5iS\V'i 6-11-17.
DO: Charles D. Fli’nn to W . D. Electric Bond & Share....
Dlckard, $ 6 m NWH SWU S - ll-H . jaectrlo Bond & Share, pf._
H onorable Discharge: t>. S. nrrny Hecltt M ining ------------------United G a s ......... .....................
Woahlngton Irving wus cap­ to R alph O. Smith.
Deed: T he Inv. Mt«. Sec. to J e n ? U U h 'Id ah o 8ugor — -------tured by M edltcrraneuji pirates
Olngerlch, |t0.flW «BW !i SJ-IO-18.
Then h e ™ In Europe In 1815.
DO; Harvey 8. H ilt to I rta C.
Jones, II. Lots 9,10,11,13 Block 8 Blue
Lakes AddlUon.
’'■** *“
New Manager
Friday, February 2
-BUI Hollenbeck
Phono 2
O Pr PANEL w r
Clifford Hallowell and Tom Siiackman went
for the AAA convention.
•. and Mrii. Everett Probusco
,0 a
c iind M rs. Wlllto
have rttelveti hilorroatlon th a t theli
Vondlverc. a biiby Rlrl Jan. 22 a
Cpl. Truman Probasco, has ar■ Thodaughte
1 safely In France,
r. and Mrs. Prank Thotcher re­
turned cecetiUy from a. vlsli. In Ixst
Angeles. Mrs. T hatcher's sister, Mri
Horrle. who accompanied them, will
a lor
Mrs. Merlin Hayes and Utl
laughter have gons to Fort Wort
in Gooding
rex.. Where they wOl Join Lleutei
, who Is stationed tiiere.
c third at
s Cam
Mrs. C. T . D ean and Mrs. T. E.
from a several weeks vlsli a t C ali­ Moore went to Bolso Monday for
honpitnl Tues­
fornia points.
medical care for Mrs. Moore.
day evening for medical a ttc n
Mrs. Lavcme Hustead and bab>-,
Word 1ms been rceclved t h a t I
San Francisco, linve been houseaisoii, who wa» ndmllted la
guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Everett HuWcndoll haspllal last week, la d
rv. J . noUenbetk. Aactloneer
Bgt. Jack P . Peterson haa retu rn .■a to BlythevUlo anny alrb&se,
Blytheville, Ark., »fter ipendlng a
iO d as
« tth hi* parents.
Mr. and Mr*. Pred Peterson, BuhL
Mrs. Preston T hatcher sp e n t Jo
days with her mother and brother.
Bet. Jack-'P . Pe le iw n . She U the
wUe of MaJ. Preston T hatcher, « u Uoned a t Tf. Douglas, Utah.
Mr. and Mr*. J . Rash. Portland,
O re , are rUltln* a t tho home of
h er porentfl, Mr. and Mrs, M. f.
6/5gU Conrad Wagner Is taking
_ course Jn B-Sfl and C-69 transfer
plane* o t Chan'ute lltld , lU.
Mr. and Mr*. Ernest Miller weni
to Denver to visit relatives for n
Mr. and Mrs. Mtlton Llcrmar
have gone to Los Angeles when
they will visit with Mr. Uerman'i
mother, Mr*. Matilda Llerman.
Mr. and tir*. Prank Learning hovj
received word th a t their son, Rus­
sell. a former employe a t tho Buhl
Feed and Ico companj-, h as been
promoted to corporal. He Is sen'lng
In Belgium. Corporal Learning '
radio communications with
n h ith army.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. S tu art received
a leltplw nft ea« Irom Vhtlr i
Robert, who Is In Anchori
Alaska. They report tho call v
Mrs. John Moyec U back Iron
visit with relatives In Sparks. ^
Willard Harder relum ed a
days ago from a trip through the
crntrul and mJdivril slates, visiting
ill Ames. la., and Denver, Colo,
where he attended the stock show.
He h a s now gone to F t. Douglas for
service In the armed forces.
Mrs. A. O. Bljwell and Mrs. W . R,
Raedtls are visiting In S alt L^iks
^tr. and ^trs. Albert Jagcls ore
v lillln s In Ban Pranclsco.
. ^^r. and Mrs. John Rhoads have
returned fromi Rochester, Minn..
x’here Mrs. Rlionds went Uirough
.he Mayo cUnlc.
The R. B. Cwsoiis have moved to
;helr home in Buhl. They have been
farming near Flier since they sold
their farm south of Buhl.
E. N. Pearson, manager of I
ifeway store. Is recovering sa t
fnctorlly from an appcndiclUs opi
atlon performed a week ngo a t t
TT*’ln Falls county hospital, and
Page Sot®-,
‘‘‘ • n n 'i J n m
IPn emMlt
Soft *l»t1
. , «.*»
k&d oiu is4rt<* llsituUB
'4 » « b4 K. (sUervltr
•• •• Is
■ 'KW
■ ■
lOe< d«»M
' ,P a ^ Eight
Way Our People
B y W. E. Woodwnrd
CopyrlgM B. P . D ulton & Co.
D litnbuM &7 HKA B«7«>e«. tce.
O n JUDB 1 they readied Fort Lor■mU a s d »to>’eci there resting for
pl»ln around the fort
w as w hite wIU) te n u and wagons.
. ^ 0 cpldcaile of clwler* th a t liad
^ s u n niow
d o ren'cM '* “ tr® reported ot Lara­
m ie when Uie CuUcn train urrlvcd.
Jo h n CuJlen «et up hU camp for the
16 wagoiu about half > mils from
th e malp body of emigranta. Then
ho vlslWd each wagon olid gave
positive orders that no waicr wm
] to be drunk until 11 had been boiled,
a n d all food ot every description was
. to-bo wrapped In cloth untU people
t were ready to eat It.
! No one in tile train was hick, bul
j Andy Oortlon recarda the rellpf lliey
< all felt when they got iiway from
I Laramie. They had rcmaineci lliero
two days to have scnio repair* made
: to lhreaoftliB w agoni; June J3. As iho trail gela rougher
( wa encounter piles of ihlngn ihat
» p lo hove thrown unay lo llBliten
_ ielr iondJ. This « m a day o;
scenes of abandoned property;
stoves. blBclumlth tooli. mattresses
■: cooking VtciulU, and provision! o\
■ every kind litnmg along the road
i T here was also an abandoned wagon
I w ith broken axles. Wo have been
! seeing dead animals from the first
. day. but today wo saw tliree dead
inules and an ox Ijin s by tho side
I th e road.
O ut or a spirit of m&lice those
‘ who had to abandon provisions oft*
’ en rendered them useless. Sugar
h ad turpentine poured over It; flour
' was scattered over the ground, and
clothes were tom to pieces. Here and
, there, a s on exception, foodstuffs
' wore ie ft'ln good order with a mcs: sage.fastened on the.pile telling the
' U nder to help himself.
News for Uie public was somej tim es attached to boards and eel
; u p In a prominent place. One such
message read: 'T he water here Is
■iOn. ond wo have lost six cattle,
n o t let your cattle drink from
th is ercek."
th e desert lands, b u t Uiero .—
w ay to get around the Humboldt
d esert of Nevada, which n a a from
Wlnncmucca southwest nearly to
Carson City. T hey leathed the
n o rth ern edge of It on Augiut 13.
August 50.1 hfudly know whether
r a m alive or dead. All day In blaring heat, w ith the air so In
th a t in moving my hand througl
TJie o.-(en stagaer along, wl
tongues hanging out. I mear
do, hut the beasts o f ....... ..
liner wagons have simply laid
down w die. In such cases we can' ; WD cut th em from their
traces and leavo th em lying there.
O u r barrel of w otcr helps. T he
river water can be d runk when it Is
(lowing—In unaU quanUUea—b u t tt
Is dangerous (I m ay say deadly)
afte r U stands aw hile. Why, I cun't
say. We iiave v inegar to pour down
the th ro ats of th o cattle when they
show signs of being alkalled; U o
I t Is difficult to m ake much nr
--SS In the deep, so ft sand. It 1 I
fine tlust. Tlie cattle are in it : i
th e ir knees and wc are coiuitnii
called on to put o u r olioulders
tho wheel and help push the wj i
out. B u t not lo r o u r own she!
for ou r cattls are pulling only a
load now.
T h e Cullen train o t IS wagons i
cai tight,
th e loss ot o n ly -----------and n mule,
T tie train ran tlirough C an o n
an d south of Lake Tahoe. After two
daj's' rest at Itagtown on the Carson
river they begon th e mountainous
OJiccnt leading to tho pass
the S ierra Nevada. T h ere was
Ing o t gaiety in the expcdillon, with
g rea t deal of shouting and laugh■r. T hey were n earing the
‘ '
th e ir long trail, Uiough the i
tlie pass wa.1 incrcdlbly bad.
E^■cntually they rcaehcd tho top.
ore th a n [1,000 feet nbovo the level
the sea. They could see for many
miles and the whole green woiSd ol
California lay before them. The
members of the expedition gathered
and stood awhile In silence, staring
across th e land. T licn a spontaneous
cheer orose; it rung and echoed
A t Pocatello In Idalio -o n July 6 among the mountains, •'Callfomia,
—tho trail turned lo llie southwest
smd 10 Uaj’s later the caravan en­
tered Nevada. Besides the CuUcn
procc&slon of IS wagons there
Jo u r o th e r trains oitogelher, c. ..
v a g o n s In oU. In Oordon'a diary we
re a d of tho death of a little girl,
one of th e three Jackson children
V ho were going acros.1 with their
p a ren ts. Gordon wrote, "A 'Brave
w as d u s by the side of the trail and
Tom m y pjunkelt painted her
a n d the date of her death
b oard which was set up o
grave. She w’as burled with no
ceremony th a n a prayer by Mr. Cul­
len. I shall never forget her moth­
e r’s face ns she looked back from
tJie next rise and saw the lonely
U tile grave on the prairie."
OceasionaUy t h e y encountered
b ands of Indians who seemed
friendly, sometimes they exchanged
sm all arUcIes for Indian tiinkela.
Every, n ight they took precautions,
how ever,.against an Indian attack
by forming a square of all the
wagons, more than <0 o t tliem, with
th e people In the center. In this enelosure there was not enough J a r th e catUo, and they were uea
outside th e square in o corral formed
o t ropes. Six men were detailed each
o ig h guard the wagons..ancLthe
cattle. T he cattle were In some dan­
g e r from wolves, but when they app cared th e guanls always, drove
th em o tt by llrb g cv few shoU.
vfOUR. BRAVeR-Vihi
<<>HOWeR. O F B R IC K S f
T ucadayi J a n u a r y ,80,-,1945
XoMday, January SOi 1045
ra Cnl'Ptr-werd)
4t 5»
'a >V 4M
«a T«nM- Cub)
UOOXim losrtil snrt-trseny n a t f
Mrrk* .UlSoa. Doloc iplMdld balBOM. lUuos' MUtat ~ t m n mnt
r buk fomor boalaa*.
•Karltr. I p. » Sinrdtf
1^ Ui*'i3»«rt|>«r.
TCT* itooM b« f*w>nrf wi»rtut*>
s tlhwy^^wlil
(or mm
. . . iroU loeiUi.
THBTS APAHTOw S / ou Sm ' ’"***’
Phooo ie«-W. ;«ron«
rOR ruli Ilo* Cullir bni>)i imKlueu <
np|^brUti« eoalM. u ll U n. V<n U«
. Fixturea
nnd Building
T7il< Includo—
li<t vllh compl<(* ^iilpm«?I.
i d Polk Bunt. T«la r*l!<
btloMR tiSO ind litt, ovaalan
PEHMANEST& U.tO- Oi.r lfiiJ.Mi.dti
MH>m. fha»« U«T Ht* B«iith
AU. <tad»< Nauu itrrlcn ot
- T
i f r i f r l D
i i -
The complete covcrago of
Mngic Valley homes, over
18.000 copics daily, brings
prompt and si^re action.
and Fixtures
Sciln, cMh M«UUr
, nondiTM Jun. )tlh, Thon* »
See BACON for
rlnl dallr.TT b
».n. I Bllei from town. Prk«l I
Mil. i:iO per aer..
Hue Ui Ulafc. t
Beal good soil
All east slope
rU e. roar order NOW for
High quality
Pullorum Tested
North Side Hatchery
OWCLLINO. Bobarbaa ««d Paia
Loan. Lev n t« . npam m t
Stralglit ru n or sexed
All stock blood tested
and U. S. approved.
Buhl. Idaho
PUou« 315-R3
K. )
Vradaw^'^alM l ooaMl~a
n .n u T " p rk
i r F a W ' s 15b? ! : ! '----e<rtlfl;atM bn.d br olb.r ilaUf W
C A U lW rJlaJi;7 ^^ o n d T o u « r"^ r
dUtrl<U to auum* lA. (oDctloaa o( 3r.
dItUltU. Vaaa.4 SS.« a&S *«M io
I , Bohlir. B..
v«Kr.f>»—To a)lo>' ui« a«n»“
CURTAI^j^ wuhti» .Bd >ir*uli«l <o> ailo*
ikaiea'a cotap«n>
.atloD*. premluai. In <107 Mount. lji*
ecracmcUJt TOmpanUV
aaS d«l«Una tbi
nnlu Pativl
FILER. Ja n . 30-N ow reeoTerlW
his fourth operation a t tha St.
publlo^uHllHe, and banVlM from
Alphonsus hospital, Boise, M um :f
KerKIGEKATVR. raata. .isk«r~Mr
Bhumwar. «e tnd aTnoi aortb. I(
Four Cakes Given
Youth in Hospital
S iS S S h
‘ b7.h*^.‘i‘J 7 ^ * w :V ‘"uir;. s ' l i r *
W. ba'* .killed Uchnlclani Mulpped to
Ilo Sboabon. aortb
Pbso. Ill
S v
i- 'i i " * ¥ . «
a>. haairair mill.
Ttatior pow.r uk.-o(( p n t bd. die
‘<uit U m Wacom. Sl«I whMli. '
lo-fool laUcnaUoMl duaj raWw.
b»nf.®n for Ford tnetor.
ow ' lir*‘fo^^rIwdlf lIRlTrinnall.
bMl'boaa cviltlolon. Doubl. bar.
oil batt'"mo'*"rt"'
i->Mtloa ipr^itaoLb *h*tnwt. uJw.
5t;iTOASrr7S ,-l 'la . 'm t ne.r t-.rV.
For Bale
P0n0T»EA~l'aUJ.fn g i llo ^ ilo D '.-
------A U T6 s f o r SALE
r.ibn urtlHcate. :
I MUlh Klmtxrlr- I'Ixio.
oitnn. r«rn
CoorUou. S«rTl« Conridenll.1
tl tvo«T.
State Orthopedic
Adviser Confers
Ol^t U=Dground w^ieat. « ,J1 ptr hoodN'a.
inVoVa fo” » i{ ' r ui)ir; r'
FAIBPtELD. Ju n . 35 — LUUttfl
O'Callaghnn. stote orthopedic a d ­
visory nurse, visiting here from
Boise, recently addressed studen ts
and tcochers of the Fairfield grade
high schooli. She has also vis*
the Soldier and runil grade
Securities Credit Corp.
io it ttCNTi A fumltttwl *
rhon« 8~~
r Mice b-iidiM io5‘ tor
Inc and o n v Kndint. (0< S.
W. C. Robinson
rwion^Ie^^rlc. Ii^ulr.
c^ U r
(Aciou f(«m Poll Ome.)
,L houM. TolUtT^iak. Aduli. onlr.
0 ^
, Bulubi. for
H ELP WANTED— FEMALE H i ACKKS. < roon home, biU>. 5
^Tfo'n. ‘»iV
’prreM' r&ht!
Keep your herd in
top-notch condition
Urn. chlclxn houw. Outiklrti of t
Doi 44, Time..Newt.
• autojiodii. es
And olb«r penonti ^ropertr. Op.rtt'
t<il3 per cwL
Arnold F. Crosfl", Mgr.
>B Oorror»« r»T~
McRac’a U sed Cara
$342 Seal Sales
paid for late model
(It pays to shop around)
Phono 8S
Ob w t foroltar. et aaloaobll.. Op*r>
aUai ua4<( liaba BUU BiMlI iMii
Uc«n(. Na IL Prieat. tal.* ftbo
(laiscA Pfcoaa, arlto or ttm* ia.
Tnwt nullJlfi«
W&nted Bt
— E ssential Work—
L iv E S T O C K ^ p o e tT r r p ^
Krd-o«l 7i«™. tulfbuTnT.BC''!—.
•ir, fenr«J b.<k yanj.
» JEKSEY-Giiernit^ <ovt. 1 wcat,
WaNTSdIo bun Ileliuia tc rlst.n at
PRIVATE panr l> lnter«l«l In purth...
Inr alee, moderq S or 4 bedrvom hom« WANTEDr?» k ij^ a llf o fa ;' lloliu li
Uo J. tt.nioa' .......
ro n jiE N T i^i^* u
. Klnjb,rlr itoad.
Y««j^»reund Jot^lngslr* 4>S Jnd *>ins.
WANT aldrrlj bid or cd. od>»I* ta d'
h.tTT *e(li for poMoni nuhln* A«
Mr 6BP»b«ir« Sport Shop. T»in P.lli-
BTIitET ••lltri vtnudl [ior< (eK ll M
per* on 4o»niowa tUMU afur lehool
ApplT ■nwWM.i OIHw.__________
DIBllWAKIieU 4nd coek «.nud >l onct.
Arpir in i^frMn, Ktwb*rr7'.,
nANCii ruo»
niMlrlcItr. Two dnp «
il mil. t» fi». ea.
n UiO PopUr Xr%.
r6jl^SALK br^own.r;:»t .er».
48*'Acitt:l on."” C t iT7fS'in~roi
iLCRCS. no i.Md.. b«( Mil. Lv>
Wanted to Buy
L. L. Gilpin
5 .% id 'M r« t..2rs..^ 5:
....k. ft roon
home, : pluMd-ln Porebu. Furnu*.
ctmrnl bwement. /nilt tm i. S&r>«o.
OJ-ENINO In (ccountinc <kp.rUSMt. iotnt cMitnUl «oik. J'»TTK»K«nt.
fip*fl.DM not i>Kr>urr. but h.lsful.
W A N T E I>-B E N 'r. LEASE
or t* ■*■ n” "■
^UM. J
MLt MrtT- Thor.
WIW. l-r./7r;bi, ,iih .on.. i« .u «
Box *1, llniM.
. ___ ___ I J.roaii. 4 bllM tnm IH »ciM Uod. <S wklm
tbttw. to .c m alfalfa, t.rooa homa.
“ s a - ‘S s ; i » . ; r S ;
Uu. »t, Klmb«rlr.
>1AVL rood m.D vlUi Pl<nc
w»nl« S0.4(
M. J. M.c«»r ni«r. Phon» tU JU
ttwm anfuraUhrt hau*». Twip r»irL
rtfJrtnciS! How»id*Vh«o.^*jIe.*^
Would se ll
or TVade—
. South of Klmberl;
Well fenced. Small Imprbvenenta
Phone MS J
Twin Fall! Bmtiiwa UnlT«nU>. Ph. IXC
k. in . UI Uala &r% 1
:i tad 8k W. Ph. n t
4 or 5 room
» Tln»N *«f U mloatlT In M d g(
«lih«r » 4 or J non fBnil.h*d or u -
PIc. Edwtn p . Shore, 30, who has
«cr\-cd In Austrolla ond tho New
Guinea scctor, w ith the Infantry,
has received hto honorable military
dlschMB® and Is heio vliJting
CoiSBlMa witb blo>er
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fullserson have
or ofl bumer, Phen. ______ _
returned ’Ofter s vacation to Ban
Ml!??.. ‘■®* ‘"'■•I'! *
»*‘f fe»rfer». Francisco and Oaltland. They vlslU
cd Miss Jane Prescott and Mr. nnd
R. N.wb«rry. I well, p j nonh Jfrr.iTie. Mrs. Ted Puraley. form er residents.
O. A. power, advertising manascr
AUNT aUE'S FRrj<CII DRY CLEAN- for the SlKipIot company. Pocatello,
was In Otromo o%-er thoTsreeX’Cnd
■ ' f S o ^ d ‘?iM.’oal5
B s l a Farnsworth. Rupert, spent
the week-end here «s a house guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n WooUcy.
Mr. and Mrs. Berwyn Burke have
Will hr.*i''a'^«r‘lo''S'^f‘'? u S ° ^ ' tfc. returned homo from Boise whsra
Uaik7nV*fi«*dw.’“"'‘’ “ ** *“ ““
they attended the sta te editorial
. «Miof. Altnd n.rton. r
convention for two days.
SquKL-O :»bn t>~f» Mac
H. E. OUes accompanied his falh .
h i'lMaaal Vallf7
r-ln-Iaw, T. W. Newmon. Jerome,
.chuol. Klmbcflr.
> the Lone S tar sacram ent meetWil l ^ ii i >u-. ii
18 Sunday where Mr. Newman odmmrlrta or trac
dressed the congtegaUon.
ItOOira-SOI Uala a
B 1/c Liman Andrus and Clarence
_lshop obtained » marriage license
here a t the offices of Mrs. Charlotte
Robenon, clerk, auditor and
\^ANTtI>=iW or Cli« foom unforaiihod
40 Acrcs— Unim proved
All tn klfaU* ,
Abbott-a. Ill Shxhoa. fit H. Ph. I
n*a« plonibla« aad gt>. Ot. t
' e mllM from Twlq 7 « iu
PriM d tUOO
d. u * t s i I . rk. tu w
- n k t B Iii, T>riaT«U,-'
IW ________ SKOit* —
.. It!
5 s s ^ ~ a r i g - » ‘t f ^ » s r a
th a t the City of Twin Falls. Idaho,Intends to lease the following p- erty situate In Twin Falls Cov
NWU of the BEVi: NE>4 o f "
the S W ii: SWW of the N IH : BEU oj th e HWH: th a t p a rt ot
the NU of the NEH. and th a t.p a rt of the NBH of the MWU .
lying south of and above th e i
right of way of th a H igh U a e ' '
Canol of Twin FalU Canal Com- "
pany. L td , all tn section S...
Township n South. Range 17,
East Boise Meridian, together
with the appurlraances.
WV4 of th e S W U o IS e c U o B S ,'’
ToA-nshlp 11 South. B asge 1 7 ,"
E ast Boise Meridian, toeethcr ..
with the appurtenances.
‘Inijulry moy be made a t the of­
fice of the City Clerk In th e City
Hall in Twin Falls. Idaho, or.w ritten objections may be filed WlUt-
BUHL, Jan. 30—A total Of $ 3 « J1
was eoUtcUd th is y ta r In th e a n ­
nual antl-tubcrculosis Christm as
seal sale, compared with (308.S4 last
year, according to Mrs. Fred H a rt- M S .
Ing. chairman. T he lale w as con­
ducted entirely by mall, w ith prac ­
City c ie k ,.
tically the same am ount being m ail­ Publish: J a a 2<, 30, JOii.
ed this year os last, Mrs. HaitlflB
reports all but 2^ people eith er sent
In ihe lr money o r tefom cd th e IN .T H B D lF T R lC r COTOIT O ?
stamps, to her.
SHOSHONE, J a n . 3 0 -S g t. PrancU
B E T T r VEVLB. plaintiff.
Utt arrived In Shoshone for a threeday furlough Sunday momingr, t<
MORRIS VEVLE. defendant.
visit friends and relatives lo EdcOTHE fiTATZ 0 7 IDAHO SENDS
. ,•
You are hereby notified th a t t
- ' has been filed against yo'uMr. and Mrs. P a t Day and fomlUr tn th e District, Court of tho Elovtnthmoved to Uielr new home, form erly Judlclsl D istrict of the State of Id a* .'
the Jack Grey farm south of Eden.
in and for Tn-ln Falls County Wr.
Mrs. Irving McDonald le ft for — obove named plaintiff. You «r»Texs&to^ioln he r nusbond-'whir-ta^stA- hereby-dlf«lw FW app«ipr*nd plead;
Uoned Uicrc. He was rcccnOy p r c to said complaint w ithin twenty d«ya^
■ oted to a navigator.
ot the service of this summons. You.
AM.M 1/0 Harold W. Cowles Is are hereby further DotUled th a t uo*
spending his leavo visiting h is p a r­ less you do so appear ood plead ta
ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Cowles, atid sa id ' complaint' withSn -the' " ‘
friends, before leaving for h is new herein specified th a t the plo: .
assignment. I t is his first leave eUice will take Judgnjent against you-#*
entering Uie navy three yearn ago.
prayed in said complaint.
T his action Is InsUtuted by
Marvm Balls, E lm er Ehlers and
oule Sholtz le ft for F u D ouglas tiff to obtain a decree' of divorce
for Induction.
from tho defendant.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bremer# have r e
WITNESS my hand and the seal
slved w r d from the ir son-ln-law of tho DUtrlct Court this 2 ^ day
and tlaughlw , M r. a nd M rs. OIJII ot January, 19U.
Valentine, th a t he h as finished his
school In Balnbrldge, Md., a n d has
been sent to California fo r - re a s­ O. 0 . HALL,
signment. He h as been promoted to Attorney for PlataUft,
chief petty officer (S/A ).
Twin Falls. Idaho.
Pub,: Jan . 23, 30; Feb. 0, IS, 30.
Mls.5 O’Callaghan discussed nuUlUon and InSanllle paralysis a s •well
the mental nnd physical tre a tn t of crippled children- She also
stressed methods for preventing of
accldcnts among children.
Lo»«Iir t n>om hotne. lUcrc.Ibn
b«diT«j|i»ln bMeminl. Ajtr.ctI»o^fer
group of nurses and wardmates.
Awakened to the strains ol "Ba|S:
,.y Birthday to You,” ho w u pre«
icnled two large decorated eeies.
As two Qtlier cakes h ad also orriret
from friends and relativw durlnj
the day. another party was held
later In the afternoon.
According to the youth, h is blrUi8. J, n. I. by T.rlor, R.. Ada. and
Iltchell, 0. L«wl.—I'rorldlnjr /our-T**r daj' was a happy one although he
rrma for prln.-ipal countr ofilun. Killed could not be home. He expects to re*
main In the hospital for tb s s e t t
!i. D. 11, br Irrlxatlon^ and wat*
three toonUvs.
^ ........... / Vlnernl, R., Ada—To
't »natliutloa.
al amandmenL Paaa^l .
R. 4. br VlM
abollih lb. pardon bo.
IttI .NASII^ Fofdor »»la0j^Caa b.^^»
Thlrill /(rood pUc«'to'”ln^»il )29> per
Lo. st
. . 'Sund.x
aun^r .r.n ln r do*nu.»ii:-----rvlkw |oU Elcin wrUIw.uh. k««piakt
frain huib.nd ovtr.*.*. n^w.rd. Thon.
_____ XooUaaW BmlUi.
» panamt* to about S<
iboo., 0 .ra.r, 0 . 8bo.b«a.j V.t..liaU tb« laemM sra
»a4 n . D. IS b» VtlM.
.... ^.. KooUnal. Swrnran; 0-. Onelilai
K K i ‘l - . u r
dl»- 'ttom.r* to coliKt (em In laduitrlal
. SUUoo. l4.Ti\ cjxn >it>)OTi .mpiwrn bt
Ndlralr eppoM pa^B.nt o( eUlma. PaJi'
S l B.*S*!'*k7*8»^!*D!,'Vt«hoB«! V«- •r.ornol tb. lertUtor. la «a
ur, D.. Kootmal! G.reer, D- ShoahoBo.
aai L«ni.r, R.. niat
- - '
from IS^OCO^eoayra^o wllh^lndo^itrlal MS f ," -
hiat.r. n«« bedra
S i 'T i i M
when you got outstanding
TO PLACE YOUR ' results from a
{O'lnch K.nnedr-Auta b«ncb drill.
Pago JJiiis
S'lncb - I- btamt. ansi. Icon..___
put*, all aUf. n calloa oU taaka.
Clifford Coaner ha s returned from
Dolse where he received a raedlcnl
check-up a t the veterans' hospital
!The fo m er corporal was given a
mcdlcal discharge from the army
last July due to Injuries sustained
In Italy.
Mrs. Lftura DUolt; Boise, Is spend.
............. J W
In j a few days here vlslUng her
psrents, the Ehianuel Kings,, and
&lis. E. Pounder 1b vlsltlns In To
P**, Id*.
Lorese Ann SbocUey h as return-'
ed to Richfield from Sant& Monica,
Com., to attend hig h K hool here.
U eut. I tm Coltmoa and «Ue vis­
ited Richfield relatives and friends
H jRNITURE.Al>PLIA^CESi here before he U ft fo r Los Angeles
illNlko iM ^M t. iiVuirek oooUftC ranr. i to visit his family there.
Mr. a nd Mrs. e tw lin s King have
roll n<riein. brt. tpaHTm- Phon.
moved to Jeroma w here the family
«ill live while he i t In th e «nny- He
ro te
lef»-for-PorU >ouBlu.-- - - ......... —
P n .' Victor Ceoarrus* tn d P rt,
Ted Ooer ore now stAUoned a t 0«Dp
Roberti, CaUt^ t t t w taoaetiim D m.
L Equally
6. Uuiifluwer
1. i;»riy
S3. P.fform-
4 V r? ^ * “
ss; k ;.
4). ^oilem
*n<inr ot
J». Alptfabetia
Jl. FemhUnu'^
:3. Pri'noun
n . ilohim.
le. Oaelio
S!. Sccn« cf
tnO iurts
U. Uak*Uca
I t f S
eolution Of Vastarday** Putzl*
' j s l a r
« . Qrvlni-.
DOWN ■X. Cronlts
f S?f?J
a S ? “
Six at Burley Become Eagle ^couts
for 63IIIDAJ;
I S 'W H f f i "
WASHINGTON. Jo n . 30 CUJ9 —
President Roosevelt w as 03 y«ars old
Menlo PM k. CaUf.. Jajj. 3D - Cpl.
today and h li own observauco of
K eith R . Dixon is only 30. b u t althe onnlvereaiy w as fa r over­
.- - x c a d y thla twlce-wounded-inJantryshadowed
by his m eeting soon wlUj
i m im from lUipcrt, Ida., la a v ettrPrlmo Mtobter W inston Churchill
' — JurorroO T'of-tho-toughM t battles In
and Premier Josef S talin.
ttiB E uropean thealer of operatlona,
—Im harp-contniB t-to-othcr-yeM S
I Including action a t Stlefoo, Ansio
of more carefree birthdays, Mr.
bcaehhcod n n d t h e Invasion of
Roosevelt’s day. was monopoUjed by
southern France.
was tasks of the highest Importance.
WoimdeU for the sccond time
Consequently he was to take no
whU# flghUng w ith eevenlh army
direct public p art in th o nationwide
I In fantry la Alsnce Oct. 38, Dixon arobservance of hla birthday.
rlTed thla neek a t Dibble Bcneral
Tonight he will send a rodlo mes­
hoepltnJ, Menlo Parle. Calif., for
sage to the American people
trea tm e n t of Injuries received when
through his wife, who will read it
I enemy shrapnel penetrated hla le»
the air. 'Hils will be the Prcsl,
customary th a n k s to the n a ­
Almost a year befote, on Nov. 8,
tion for Uie millions contributed a n ­
1 1943, Dixon was temporarily put out
on the occasion of his blrth'
of acUon during the bitter flahtlng
fight Infantile paralysis.
I a t Venefro, when he wna h it In the
His whereabouts wero not disclos­
■ right lea by shrapnel.
ed and it was not possible to report
“T h a t w asn’t so bad, thouRii.
only ke p t me out for one night," he
t eicplalnfl.
R r s l Flghtln* a t Salerno
This youUifuI veteran rccelvcd hla
• baptism of Hre In the middle of
September. 1D43. when his division
was hurled Into ncilon a t ealenio.
JY om 'hcre hU outllt pushed on lo
RUPERT. Ja n . 30 — Eighteen
th e Volturno fighting and tJien on
^llnldoka county m en and three
to Venefro, where he was wounded.
transfers left for F t. Douglas to be
B attling noriha'nrd, Ihrouffh the
nsjjgnfd to places In the armed
BU b«y>. fire m rm bcn of en e (roop, were aw arded Csglo rank, (he lilg h n t aKalnabte (>i Boy Seoat work. forces.
tough m ountain warfare, the un"
They arc aliown above wcarlnc the badges they earned tonard (be high rank deslgnalion. Tbey are (left
was finally pulled bnclc nrountl tli
Men going were Richard D.
• first week In January and made to riilil, back row) Nell Karr. Max Craner and Jo h n llencher: front row. Icfl lo right. Byron Allred, Wayne Parker. ArUiur W. U hrlch. Albert
ready f o r Invasion a t the Anzlo. Long anil Charlei Loveless. Loveless is a m em ber of Iroop 19. wUUo (ha olh en are member* of troop 12. Southall, Roy D. Ramsey, Ivan E.
Bccker. Robert A. Brocklc, Dean C.
At Anzlo Dixon'* outfit
G am er, Pred Mayer, Rony N. Hondo,
Uiree days afte r the first assault
Gcorgo Abo, Wllllnm E. Waggoner.
wave h it th e beach and battled Ita
Lloyd C. Merrill. WUbcrt J . MUIer,
way northw ard In tlio breakthrough
Eldon J. Stephenson, Richard A.
to Rome. Hla division was one of
Noble,/Nolan M. Schorzman. IVank
th e f irst ones to reach tlie Vatican
D. RoUhelser. D. RAj-mond Malson,
and Clifford E. M itchell, transfer
Here again the division was pulled
from Sacramento. Calif.: Leonard
back a n d prepared for its next big
nnd ffcnry D. Peck, transfer from
action—th e Invasion of southern
NEW YORK. Ja n . 30
France. D lxojxsays th a t the Yanks
BUHL, Oan, 30—Mr, and Mrs. H.
For the sccond time In the history ed by a letter of endorsement from A. Robertson, of Sinking Canyon
encountered llttlo opposition until
they reached Ales, where the Oer- t llie Snake lUvcr nrci council, President Roosevelt. Henry A. W al­ ranch lame, now nt Ogden. Utah,
Diana h a d estabUslied heavily for- six Boy Scouts have been awarded lace campaigned for popular sup­ have received a direct letter from
AJiothcr broUier and sister team
.. tiricd positions. JTie to m was fi­ llic Eagle rank a t one time, It was port today In his fight for both the their three sons, Eugene, Dale and I the scn’lcc Includc Lieut. Bert
nally t-Jcen, afte r b itter fighting, ann''iiiiccd Tuesday by Ray Bnlm- Bccreiaryshlp of commerco and con­ Arnold, who havo been prisoners of Hayward, who Ls stationed In FVance
a n d Uio ou tfit swung left Into Alsnce. forth, executive w ith headquarters trol of tlie federal loan agencies.
and Jean Ha)-ward Kolach, who Is
He told 1,450 labor leaders, llbeml years.
1 T«ln l-'alls.
where D ixon was wounded.
:Ith Uie WACS In Des Moines, la .
Tlie ilx boys receiving the highest writers and pro-new deal Industrial­
Bloody Daitle of G ramonl Ulll
The Robertson boys were working
Vividly recalled by t^ls rifleman Is Scouting award a re all from Burley. ists, gathered In his honor for MorrUon-Knud.ien company
th a t "while the senate would Wake Islnnd when they were taken
th e bloody battle for O ramont hill, They are Nell F a rr. Max Craner. nlRlit.
GRANOEVrLLE. Ida.. Jan. 30 (/P)
prisontrs n t tlie full of Uie Islnnil. -Idaho imbibers a rc lim ited again
whfeh m se d for three days before
' th e aUlea wrested It from tlio Wayne Long, all of troop 13; Charles ' ing mu commercc without the re­ This Is the first letter the parents > one pint of whisky weekly. Liquor
enemy. I t was here th a t Dixon al­
ever received from them, dispensary Supt. E. P . Horsfall said
th a t from tho standpoint of the have
although about a year ago thpy re­
m ost fought Ilia Inst battle, he re­ sored by the LD3 first ward church feel
Durley with Yale B. Holland aa CO million worker*, tho profits of ceived printed cards with Uie boys' distillers have reduced Idaho's quo­
veals. telling how he and five ot
ta 20 per cenU
Scoulmnster, while troop 10 Is aiion- liuslnc.-a, the Income of farmers, the autheniic signatures.
others w ere th e only survivors of a soretl
Burgroup pla n ed down by German ma­
Tlie letter did not contain much
Icy and has Byron Greener aa ond Uie protection of tho United InformaUon as to their health
chine Biua croea fire.
States trctisury, I could do a better conditions of living, but slated they
■'Ono of our raen shot two Jerry SMutmoster.
Job If the two wero lo remain
were all hIIII hi the same prison,
snipers, nnd the wounded Germans
but had been moved from Shanghai
eald th e y w anted lo surrender to uj.
Harold Hone-w ha s gone to Poca­
The President's Ipttcr said In part: to Osaka. Japan, nnd this was f
b u t wo Were too busy dodging th at
tello for employment.
"Wltli o th er Americans. I am first time they had been allowed
Carl Jolinson and Wesley Hooley
m urderous cross fire to slop and
gratelul for tho things Henry Wal­ send a WTitten communication
tAke th e m prisoner,’’ Dixon declares.
taken their prc-lnductlon phy­
h a s done as a grcot secretary (hem.
Considerable damage was Incurred lace
'IDe son of Bailey Dixon, route
of agriculture and os a vlce-preslWhen the Robertson boys went
th ree. R upert, Dixon wears Uie pur- whtn a pickup truck driven by Ted dent with a clear voice to the con'
Dan Irons h as resigned his po.iU
,p le h e a r t with ono oak leaf cluster, Mcjw, Paul, collided wlUi a 1041 science and th e hopes of men every­ Wake Island tjiey gave Uielr power tlon with tho IrrigaUon dlsUlci and
of atlom cy to Uielr uncle. A. W. Joined thtfSeabecs.
th e European theate» of operations Chevrolet coupe driven by Dorotliy where,"
ZoniUc. S alt Lake City, and n o t long
W. R. Short, discharged from the
ribbon w ith four batUe stars, the E.-Collard. on highway 30
Vice-President Harry S. Truman ego
Mr. Zomlck rccelvcd a telegram marines bccausc of oge, has purcom bat Infantrj-mon’s badge, and m. Monday.
The onc-ton tru ck owned by Prcd said yesterday th a t although he nev­ from an army offlccr in WashlnR- chn.ied the Thomey'a. cafe In Buhl.
th e good' conduct ribbon. He haa
J . Hill and sons. Durley, was rep o rt­ nance corporation ^ lo n g ed In the ton. D. C.. th at he had heard the He has visited here, w here his wife.
been In servico tw o'years.
A fo rm er'stu d e n t a t Rupert high ed by Saul Clark, Cassia county commerce departm ent he would boys' nam es mentioned In a Tokyo Mrs. Iris Short, ta u g h t in flic high
' school, Dixon was employed In his sheriff, lo have rccelvcd a damaged support Henry Walloce '•for tlio Job broadcast which had referred to Mr. '-hool. She ks teaching In Burley,
but plans to Johi him In Buhl soon.
home tow n beforfr ho entered the left front fender ond ruimlng board. as the departm ent now stands.'
Tlie boys' father. H. A. Robertson.
Mrs. Bob Sm ith Is In I jis Vegas.
arm y. H e ha s a sister, Mrs. Arvln Tlie front o t th e Collsrd mnchfhe
Is a pioneer resident of Twin Falla Nev.. visiting the ir son. Robert, hi
HoskeU. 44 San Mateo drive, San 11$ reported as badly damaged.
tract, doing carpenter, work on tl
training there. Sho plans on visiting
aXaCeo, Calif.
tract in Ita earliest stages. After . Los Angeles before rctiUTilng here.
10 miles west of Burley, elated th a t
he leaned over to adjust tho wind­
few years In Canada, tho Robertsons
Mrs. Burion H ansen and daugh­
shield fan. and h is car swerved to
returned to Uie Buhl country, and ter. Beverly, returned from Salt
the wrong side o f Uie highway, colRUPERT.' Ja n . 30-Fu neral riles lived here until moving to Ogden a Lake City where th e la tte r has been
•'dlng with th e outomoblle.
were conducted a t the Goodman short Ume ago. All Uirce of Uie boys receiving treatm ent fo r he r eye,
M ia Collard Is supervisor of n u rs­ chopel for Mrs. M argaret Carter, went to Bulil schools, and th e fam­
Mr. and Mrs. C liarlcs Olson, Og­
e d b tr lc t 'health.........
u n it.
HAILEY. Ja n . 3 0 -A t the Blaine ing f o r ...............
who died Sunday. Jan. 31. a t the ily lived on the Sinking Canj-on den, visited with M rs. Charles Ol­
comity C raft board meeting held
home of h er ton. LawTence Carter. ranch a t the Ume of Ita greatest son. Jr..- and son. who live here with
J a n . 24, 43 miners were reclassified
T he Rev. 8. D, McNeil ot the R u ­ fame. They are nephews of Mrs. Roy her parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. Keith
from essential workers (2-A) to crit­
p ert Methodist church officiated. Smith. Buhl, nnd sent the ir regards Westover^Mr. Olson la In the armed
ical w orkcn (2-B).
Music wiia provided In two solo to the Smiths In Uils'Ietter.
Mrs. John Q uinn returned from
T htso m en were Peter Brown,
MLss RuUi Trcmayne, R. A. N.. numbers by Mrs. R. D. Arrostrong.
Bolso with he r husband who has
Jo h n G ardner. Alton numpel. James Salt Lake Cltj% arrived to spend Uie playing h e r own organ accompani­
been relrased from a hospllol there.
Wilson. Leonard Cornelius. Leslie week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. m ent. InCcrmwit «-as In Uio Hcyn a h n e . E arl Devine, William G un­ Mattliew Trcmayne. 6hc la a grad- b u m cemetcry. directed by the
th e r, Stephen M arkham. Thomas uale of Albion h igh school an d a Goodman m ortuary of Rupert.
Benhrock. Jam es Perrin. Gordon graduate nurse of the L D. S. hospi­
Mrs. M argaret Angellne Carter
aa born Nov. 11,1858.
Rice, ElUa Snow. James Johnson. tal, Salt Lake City. Slie has signed
Ervin Lose. Wllford Patterson, up for overseas duties and cxpecta
Pallbearers wero Jo h n West. L. - .
OeorgB Jacobs. Peter Johnson. lUch- to be called about Feb. 10.
Candaux, Claude Bond. C. P. Jcnivrd Slslcun. Clifton Myers. George
K en n eth McKenrie and
5 J/c Leland Tremajnc. so..
M cKay, Verll Perry. Leeman BeU Mr. ond Mrs. Mntlhew Trcmoyne.
Unger. L eem an- BelUnger. Wade Is tUtloncd on Treasure Island
G utches, H arold Ivle. Claude Ben­ studying punncrj’. Marvin Trc- READ TIMES-NEW S WANT ADS.
son. Colcby Wehster. Charles M e mayhe, another son, and David BelB erm ott. La?,Tcnco H unter. Ralph llslon. merchant marines, expcct to
Jackson; Roscoo Hewitt, George leave n-easurc Islnnd any day for
Brown, L etter Hones. Herbert unknown paru.
Polnta. George Bancroft, Ariel Beus,
8 I/O Ray Trcmayne. th ird -.
Ployd Crofta. W alter Kohler. Harry of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Trcmayne.
T odd,. Chauncy Davis, nalph MC' Is located a t Watsonville, Calif. His
-- Coy and Arieal Pam w orth.
duties are storekeeper and poy
K enneth BurrcU, Jcs.5 Melton, ter.
liy r o n Schaefer. Joe Moran. Wal­
Mn. C)’ni3 Albertson entertained
te r C hapm an. Edgar Andrews. Wil­ . t a one o'clock luncheon. Tho group
lia m G ray and Floyd Wilder were adjourned to tho Red Cross chapter
token fro m a 2-A classification and » m and folded bandages.
placed In 1-A. T hree others men. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley bccame
placed in 1-A clo.«5lflcatlon were narcnis of n daughter Jun.
G len Phillips, who was taken from is In the south Pacific.
C anon, pzerloiuly Jn
Mrs. Betty Satchwell Adams left
I>C. dlachatfcd, a nd Guy HajTand. lo Join her husband. Lyle Abrams,
form erly la 2-B. Adrian Tolk. for­ who 1] stationed a t San Pedro.
merly in 1-A, was placed In 2-C-L. 6 2/c Lee D. Engelklng. youngest
JEdW A RD S is blended from finest Cencrsil and
Clete Block was placed In 3-A. Dn of Mr. and Mrs. Prank EngelThom as W arfield was taken from kln;. Is stationed a t Ft. Lauderdale,
South A menc 2Q cofTecs. Freshness
1-A and placed In 2-A. and Edward Fla., until Ju n e 1.
Corrlgnn. also formerly in I-A . —
Mrs, Thora Andrus Is visiting
in vacuuffl.packe^gluj^jar 5<
placed in 2-B. Lionel Renner
her husband a t Mar^’svllle. C a lif , - '
placcd in 2-A-L. One man. formerly Camp Field.
Por over 40 years the choice o f
1-A. was reclassified 4-P.
The friends of Mrs. Agnes M orri­
son. Pasadena. Calif,, learned th a t
thousands of critical
she loll and broko her leg. Mrs. Mor­
coCTec driokersi
rison was an Albion resident a n um ­
ber of years past.
The Albion To«7i Bridge d u b m et
a t the home of Mrs. Frances P a r­
JEROME. Jan. 30—Annual Presi­ sons.
Those winning prUca were
dent's birthday baU wUl be held a t Mrj. SttdlB Scars, Mrs, James M a­
th o Moo«e hall pavilion tonight.
and Mrs. S a rah Newmcm. T he
E arl W illiams la chairman of tlio honey
next party wlU be a t the hom e o t
cam paign drive against infantile Mrs.
James Mahoney.
paralysis in th is county.
Mrs. George A. Kelley
tbeso dsy>?
W ayne Skeem. Twin Fulli, ’will ASend
their houseguest her daugh­
fu m lsb music.
•n»« lively rich flavor
T icket sales have been la charge small daughter from Blackfoot. She
o f Edwards coITe«
o f th e h e alth eoom ittee. of the Is Uie wife of Mrs. Kelley's son. who each Monday, Wednesday nnd
2i inTtgontiog,
Jerom e Jaycecs. Richard E\-ana, ■ ■ prisoner o f w ar In O trm ntiy. '
Fr/doy m orning a t 7:30 a. m.
P a u l A nderton and Jo h n ‘Wise
:. ’ln charge.
Try it.
\ M r. WlUIams’ committee chairmen
-who assisted In th e .work w en Mar­
v in Cole, OraDge organizations: Miss
If there la Bomo "hard to set" article
If You A re Planning
. X d lth Nancolas. women's clubs; Mts.
th a t you would like to find or If
: Nellie K oberta, achools; Charles E.
you have something to sell, wo will
: Holly. £ d e n . oad B ert Barlow.
advertise i t for you tree of eharie.
HMClton. , .
I t will pay you to contact th e
Ju st give Chlek Hayes th e informsUon and h e will do the rest. No
obllgaUon—I t's all free.
'if r ttll e ii ia iiia s to b & ie
Plumbing & Healing
D on't forget. Icne la E T F l each
Monday. Wedne»d»y and Friday a t
F ree Estimates
" 3 i a a B S T TM5H ■FWCeff' '
r-S A IB W W S T O B E 3 • ^ C M tr a w t X n s t i i U s t l o u '
18 From Minidoka
Go Into Services
6 Scouts Get
Eagle Award
At One Time
3 Prisoner Sons
Send Letter; All
Moved to Japan
Truck and Auto
Collide, Damaged
T u e sd t^ , J a n u a r y 80, 1945
Corpdral Finds
Now Teach Him
MtJRTAtJOH. Jan. a i ^ “I t ’8 _
small,, funay world,-, writes Cpl.
Glen Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ployd Morrison, who has recently
arrived in China.
'T w o of Uie boys where I a m getllngT»-8liort-«>ur»8-cf-Jnatni?Uon
a re former students of the m eat arid
dairy olr corpo school a t Camp
G rant, so now I am Uie student s a d
Uiey are Uie Instructors.”
Corporal Morrison enlisted In the
army a t Spokane. Wash., and was
sent to Ft. Lewis, then to Ca—
G rant. lU . wlUi a mcdlcal unit,
tnmaferred to a veterinary secUon
and irataed for food inspector (food
of anim al origin) a t that camp.
H e taught food Inspection to _
forco men several months a t Camp
Grant, then trsnjfejrrd to Iowa
with headquarters at Des Moines
where he hispected meat, dairy and
poultry products over most of th e
state. Ho left in October for overseas
duty. He was In India for a whllo.
where he reported seehig the hang­
ing gardens In ^ m b a y . From there
he went to hla new oislgnmcnt.
Corporal Morris6a's wife la
training as' a cadet nur&o a t E
D E J IL L E ll
HOLLYWOOD. Ja n . 30 0U5-CeeU
B. De MlUe, who once Insisted on
broftdcasthig from a stretcher rather
th a n disappoint h is audience, volun­
ta rily h as stepped out or hla W.OOO
weekly radio show, for which h?
claim s 40,000.000 listeners, in pref­
erence to paying a » l union of— *
While Do MUle presumab
listening .to la st night's ertoi------of the show from his home. Lionel
Barrymore, the veteran of stage,
screen and radio, took over as pro­
ducer of th e Lux radio theater's
presentation, “Lady la Uie Dark."
" It Is sUU my conception th a t the
principles of American cIll«M hip
ore more Im portant th a n the largo
salary involved.” Do MUle said as he
reiterated hla refusal to poy Uio lee
assessed by the union to light a
closed shop proposal on Uio Cali­
fornia ballot. T he measure —
fea u d In th e November dec
A superior court decision last week
De MIllo for nonpayment and the
suspension automatically banned
him from the air under terms of
a closed shop contract lietwcen
AFRA and the newwork. T he ban
cost him hU M.050-a-wcck salary
fro m .th e show which ho started
Jan. 1. JS30, and which provides
him wlUi a n annual Income of
Final Rites Held
For Paul Watts
JEROME, Ja n . 30-M arlno Pfo.
Earl E, Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold. Jerome, spent the weekhere a t his parents' home. A r­
nold was awarded the purpio h e art
for wounds suffered In ocllon In the
south Pacific orea, and Is now a t
Sun Valley.
He entered the service in 1043 nnd
rccelvcd his Initial training a t San
He has two broUiers In tho scrvice.
S/Sgt. Fred Arnold, a volunteer p a r­
atrooper, who entered the service
Feb. 15, 1013, and wns In Uie Leyte
Invasion, and Radioman 1/c Wil­
liam Arnold, who spent 18 m onths
In tho AleuUons and b now a t Be-
Piper Cub Plane
At Jerome Field
JEROME, Jan. 30—Another plane,
a Piper .Cub. has been brought to
Jerome flying field by Earl Allen,
lantruclor, and will be used for prl! Instruction for those ouUsldc of
Jerome classes, U was announc­
Tliero arc approximately 15 per..^ns Uking flight Instruction aside
from those enrolled In the flying
club here. Tliere are about 25 signed
up who arc receiving ground school
II years of ago in thla community
may now become members o t th « Oub Scout organization, sponsored
by th e Am >rlcan Legion, which was
organised a t a m eeting held
Hailey high school Jan. IB.
J a rrls Hazen was appointed head
of Cub pack No. e. w ith four dea*
chosen. Den m others cJiosen wero*
Mrs. Wollaco Soling. Mrs. A. w .
Relmers, Mrs. SU nley Johnson and
Mrs. R alph UcCor. Den chief* a n
Richard Allen, Bob Barr. Marvin ‘
Simpson and Mlko Hemovltch.
Cubs thus f a r ore' Harold Nelson,
Wallace Baling, Vernon Hazen, John
Reader, BUI Poster. Wayne Retejeni,
Dick Grey, Donajd Knight. Delbert
PhUlps, R o b e r t Peterson, Ted
Scnigse, NeU Rice. Freddie Shirts,
Richard Broyles. Jim my WarensUe.
Jim my Grey, D ean Burrell, Ted
Reader. K eith McCoy, BlU House
and Stanley Johnson. Jr.
Record Payment
Of Cassia Taxes
B u r l e y . Ja n . 30—a remarkable
record of paying In taxes before
Uiey a re due ha s been made a t Uie
office of Mrs. Jeannette Y. Cham­
berlain. county treasurer, during tho
1941 first half collection.
Total lax cluirge for 1B44 was
*3J450<-Bfl, and Uie collecUon to Dec.
24 was *220.742.07. or 71 per cent.
The fi?43 taxes ars now 97 per
D e a r F r ie n d s :
SYom time to Ume. we have adverllscd various Items for sale, such .
subscriptions, books, statloneij',
and greeting cards. Many of you
have dropped into . our s t o r e a n d f t '
have found things
that pleased you.
T hat's why wo
BUHL. Jo n . 30 -P ln a l rites for
Paul S. W atts were held a t Uie Al­
bertson funeral homo chopel. Tho
Rev. Donald S. Campbell presided.
Pallbearers were Gene Masters,
Thomas Stubbert, James Olson.
H erm an
Schroeder and Earl Peek.
Mrs. William W att sang two solos,
accompanied by Mrs. Max Oreenlce.
Mrs. Greenlee also played the pre­
lude and the posUude.
Burtol was In Buhl cemetery, un­ wiio haven’t been B
der dlrecUon of Uie Albertson fu­ In to come in th is ■
week end. Y ou-U i
neral home.
really bo surprls- |
cd a t w hat you'll L
find. Our book
shelves are full
of tho lotcsl books—books you've
Mrs. Levi Halford visited In Ogden wanted to read a nd haven't. Our
shelves aro full of nil klnda of sta­
;er Uie week-end.
Mrs. Ethel Gaskin was the motive tionery—Just tho kind you want.
. . . me Ju.1t pass on o little Up
for a bluo and white shower held ot
the home of Mrs. Wilma Tliomas. about gifts for service men. Tliey '
Mrs. Roxle Dougherty and Mrs. like books and books are the easiest
Rose Frcj-mlllcr os co-hostcsscs. things to ship. They're not fragile.
Tlilrty-six members were present Tlicy’rc light, and they don’t take
o u ts were received and refresh­ up a lot of cargo space. Now isn’t
th a t a good reason for sending
ments served.
The Claremont Grange met for a books? Remember you can send
social evening and games. Recent packages to th e navy, marines and
bridge prizes were honored and re* coastguards overmens without re­
fre.-Jiments wero scn-ed. The Grange quests. Let's send 'em books and
la planning a Negro miostrel to be plenty of them.
given In Uie near future.
Members of the community met
. the new home of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Alldafer for a house a rm in g .
Mrs. Alfred Crone entertained at
dinner honoring the 28tli birthday
anniversary of he r oldest son, "
fred. Jr., who lives In Emerson.
Kites Conducted
For Mrs. Carter
42 Miners Placed
lit Critical Class
Cub Pack No. 6
Formed at Hailey
' HAILEY, Jan. 90—Boys from B ta
J. H X L
is ij
Birthday Ball at
Jerome Tonight
-W ANTED,ijv e Ponltiy
SM i
: Pl^oa* M7-1V
Phones I 5 9 W - 1678
Perfect for ihose m om bgs iboul ihe home tnd.m tiietlng. And when the
wBtm we*ther comes, VptiTI want lo wear than ererywheref Trim, ttriped
hutton-down-the-frontt—«o easy lo ilip on! Also other wishihlo couons.
Rayon Drapery
Rayon and cotton' bengaline floroU patterns
with rose, blue u id cream
« ^ m
backgrounds. «8'* wide-.......................
Mexican Design
-9 8 C
Infants’ K nit
A ll Colors Now
“ 'rtS os^nw T T T U w rt-B ni-tonralW T crU e- b a e k ;short sad long sleeve, pin back
, «
and short sleeve. sUpover-all--------------