.' - - - 4 ... v.-- From 6an Francisco Wilbelralna, July 4.' For Sar Francisco .': I From Vancouver: Niagara, July Far Vancouver: Makura, Jul 2L li , J .'.illr.;v, II; - V Sonoma, July 4. s r i.i , j.;---, .V r , cm ;r w PAGESHONOLULU, TEBBIJOBY OP. HAWAII,-MONDAY- 14 M a If m - f I f f I If " v M I m a T a f I -i I ' J : 11 f k "11 t IITx I I P H.i' I; tV ' f I II ) f I ml ... . f i JULY 3, 1916. f m ,. .,y f IMgeiBxu'QFt Complains, id oliatira im Late News At A Glaace , - ,, i I I h I oo V : Proves: Costly 1. " potats,:;jic1X . rlce-rrowi- 1 Er.. Front a ' -- r'. ', . :?t?.f '; (AssMUtei Prem 8erTir by ..... j ; M " , Noriliof Somnis; Aumib i. cd C: troops to a second line position. c ' - ,v .; OopariniGiit Finns fialiu Road SurvGy - y-- -- 29-3- , ilnDordorCaiiGrs liGiiis Arc Favorcil .' ! . . 4 n v-- -- . - ; f - ' : -- . I - n 418 -- . . .... 5 ; ; 6 : t : y, n. c-- t L j:',i f ly ; LONDON, England, July 3-F- towns of strategic importance f have been captured by; the British and French in the1 great offensive movement now- - under; way. and . the attack continue with unabated fnry.y ., , - The' British forces have caituretf the village of Pricourt after desperate fighting, and have made" further prosres? easterly ' Ql that pclnt.. At La Bolselle the 'enemy !s resisting des perately.. . The ; French have captured the villages of Frise and Mereaucourt, taking ore thaa 60C0 unwound ed German prisoners. ; These four villages are within sv-e-n miLat of the main railway lines which i ontrol lh German communi, cations to Cologne. ;; Furious counter-attack- s were made yesterday upon both the British and French new positions. ; The British headquai ters reptrts that a night attack was repulsed with very heavy losses to the enemy. The British arc '. . -- UNITED STATES ....... 21,000,000 ; K ' strengthening their advanced turns and preparing for further ; , .. :., ',;. tacks.. re- l Counter-Attack- s Repu?ti. Parh reports similar efforts ci t' part of the Germans to recover g: lost by them south of, the river i me.' All the HtUcks lesultcJ la -- urh." V - ',. ' .;-'- -. ';.,. - .... ...... . - . ;'?;'-:;-;'l"v;:v;- ' i !;...-'- r-o- -- 1 It 5 ffliii Mil 1 S itullia SMO (Auoeisted Prna by F4ert.l Wirele WASHINGTON, D. July 3. The WASHINGTON, (AwoeUUd Prts br WIxsImi) T5trl July. 3 D. census bureau made' public an esti American marines and Dominican revmate today that the United States olutionists clashed :near ; Santia-- o, has 21.COO.000 men of military: age. - Santo Domingo, and one U. S. marina was killed and two wounded by the MOTION SHOULD ASK ; . rifle fire of the rebels,; according to news, received by; the state and navy TO REOPEN JUDGMENT departments to'day ri-V':- : , - . te ; ." - -- -- ".v -l Iu Volhynla heavy flht!ns ii the Germans, accjrdiag t 1 ;. grad, being engaged ia Jcr:-.- . counter-attack- s en the Cznr'3 : No report from either Fctrc Berlin is made of the re3-- .t cf i fighting. '"ItM3 stni la'trorcj, v.. i Russians desperately resisting effort of the Teutons to dlalodgs then. More Austrian positions west cf tLa Bukowina, city of Kolomea, have t ::a taken by the Russians by storm, further developing their strategic centre of the approaches to the CarpatLIa-3- . Two thefusand Austria prl3oner3 were taken by the Riu-iein- a yesterday : : In these attacks. CIF MILITARY AGE : o . f- 4-in- .: v HAS -- L ......... .: ; Allies Taking Strategic l?oinb ; ' . r xw:0) -- - d-i- :J V- ; ....... ' ) - 1 c-. : ' ;- z - -- f ,: -- .';; -- British steamer: Moeris ha3 besn July sunk in the war rone but no details have been given out as to the fits v of. the ;..: K '', - 00 l f ipNDON-lin- : CiMiianpinUail feliutaiCptoaiGr, . ' tions. x' n . ; " , . PETROGRAD, Russia, July 3. Russian torpedo boats .openitir ; in the Black Sea havi sunk 54 sailing vessels; belonging to enemy na- - . - ; ; - - - Black Sea .Vessels Are Sunk , ; -- " . .. . 2 : K2t E ECISI VE, - - BERLIN, Germany, July 3. The German war ofnee today isv. : an annbuncemefit saying that there is a continuation of the French zr.l British drive on both sides of the Somme river, but that north of t:z river the fighting is without advantage for the Allies. ' South of the Somme the, Germans have withdrawn a division cf - -- .. . ; CATTLE - ' Dsrlin DoniG3';Al!:2o;!lLVj 2.1 : . ' -- d f.,lr;j ; -- d4, ". ' WirttUu) ' ..... MMPMMMM-WMMB- -' - , Fdrr4 - - -- - . - . r- . PARIS, France, July 3. Heavy righting took place today on the section of the Franco-Germa- n line east of the fdeusc Here the. Germans captured Damloup but the French, by a scries of short, slurp charges, cleared away the defenders and regained possession. V P The French, arc pounding heavily the German second line south c i the- Somme river. The French' troops have succeeded in occupy two lines of trenches' for a distance of .three miles and. have capture i HarbecourU f ; , vi; ;In'the north' the British are pressing the Germans hard forposscs-sio- n , of Bapaume. . -- - - : . ' - - Germans Capture Damloup, TIi2n French. Charne and Relahe Tdv;:2 .. 1 ' this point more than 4000 prisoners have been taken, by the British. st - 1 1 : -- ; " FIi " . . -- Cissln Tcrp:j C!:c!i Sea o-- IBB of Anonj F::;3 p . ; fellow-countrym- Utecs i3t S-- BRITISH HEADQUARTERS IN FR.NCE (via London),. July The great 'combined .assault of the British and French on the western battle front continues without diminution of fury" today. The British with alternate artillery fire and infantry charges have advanced further, east of Ancre, and have gained an elevation north of Aricourtj for which they, have been fighting.'";;The .battling" continues V intensely along virtually the entire British front. ; : The British have bombarded the stronghold of Thicpval heavily today. The Germans continue to shell Montauban, which vas taken by the British, but the latter are well established in the town. South of , , Then n:o:;ti:ri:3f . r--- S cirit i 3. -- c i . - i'H'v' - : BULLETIN. ' (auocUt4 Pr Sr-rtc- e br r4irl Wir!u) LONDON, Eng July 3. The remnant of the Gtrmai srrlson which haa been desperately defending La Eoitelle surrendered this afternoon. , PETROGRAD, Russia. July 3.-- The Austrtans today attempted ta tak the offensive on the eastern front but were repulsed with heavy tosses. " . ( - : K .1 1 Wrci't llr.ee . . Ventcdvv.S .r. "ffcrisj Cn Entire " - I r - PRICE FIVE CE2n:3 - r- : i D:s;:tCii-Cri- tis!i Star-Bulleti- : 1. t Dz:? Tclin Dy G:ro:nsf av Bilve - . 1 ' livid' , . . vv : -v. . CIRCLE DRIVE OUTLET. ; v v . supervisors Pxmnul outlet recommended" to for the the be will Circle Drive at the supervisors' meeting tonlghL The commit-:- -' If So, It Will Be Accrued, Says 'by the road committee tee Sunday decided to back up the. City , Planning Commission, which after Washington Ccr pondsnt many months of discussion decided on the first road advocated as the propVlrVV.n ;.h.v;:--'iw.;u- anl authoritative:' source for the district. t)f Star-Cu:!;ti- n; Jurist Calls er - outletinformation .1 from came to the This German official cable despatches of west and southwest of Luck there at White" Hese in Morning this afternoon. Members of the road committee refused to reveal their July 1 do .not admit any serious ad were combats successful for us. Here r ' ' ' stand. vance by either British or French on the. Russians yesterday lost 15 off' . y j ., ; ... ATTACKS SAID TO HIT line, though the London offi- icers and 1365 soldiers. Since June 16 west the WEATHER BUREAU PROPHESIES SHOWERS ON FOURTH v the' same date declared 26 officers and 3165 men have been cial claims AT PlfJKHAM, GREGORY; Vacationists tomorrow should take their raincoats and umbrellas as that in someofplaces progress as much taken by. our armies?" Gen. Both mer's prospects of a dear day.:- Showers all as five' LANE AH D FEW OTHERS the weather man does not hold out made; The Ger- army inflicted some heavy losses on been had miles up SO .26 2: this to afternoon, month farjthis day tomorrow are likely. So man despatch of July 1,. which arrived: the Russians southwest of Tbumacz, Inches had fallen. The humidity at 8' this morning was 92 and at noon 79. yesterday morning, said: the attacks being useless." -: Cabinet "Bitter Criticism of J' ;.'' July ' . HEADQUARTERS, ' "GERMAN Friday's Report. MEETING CHANGES HOUR. HARBOR BOARD Members, Governor and Terdev " reconnoltering Considerable activity is shown by " At Wednesday; morning; the board of .harbor, commissioners it o'clock today tried advances re the official "despatch' concerning; .Fri ritorial Bench Supposed to will meet in regular session, instead of at 1:30 o'clock that day. Regular tachments peatedly In numerous places and also day, June 30: s lusiness will be transacted.'-- ; Be everywhere were night during the but ; HEADQUARTERS, "GERMAN 2 16, repairing o'clock June for lumber open at on Pier will bids. The board repulsed. Much prisoners and mate 30. Yesterday and also in the night v';rr..rZ'il-y; next Monday afternoon. rial remained in our hands at several the Germans repulsed English and r WASHINGTON, D. C, July 3. EXCHANGE SESSION. French ; advances in several places V AFTER RECOVERS OLAA by begun a were advances, The and ' near Richebough by immediate Circuit Judge Thomas B, Sfuart j At 2:30 this afternoon $20 was being bid by several1 brokers for Olaa strong artillery fire and by gas attacks counter session there were sales at 21.62 attacks. ' Hostile gas attacks of Honolulu called at the executive . Sugar Company shares. Following therecivery? activblastings. morning This the or a cents, 50 had reached continued, without success. - Strong 2:30 nrf nn nnt.ii fctmrtiv before the ofnees of the AVhite House to see ity' on both aides of the river Somme' artillery; activltr continued with inter ;; "'. session.' the sale lowest at. considerably Increased. X North' of ruptions. ' the .president this morning or to share from the 'r .. ; smaller Lemesnll and. north of Rheims KEEN.f LANDS FOft RICE message or ; and - near leave a ORIENTAL COMPETITION ior him. lie lett "southeast Tahure infantry detachmeflts: were repulsed. ? Farm,' Maison jind.Dechampagne ad Wilh Chinese bidding against Japanese and ; their a letter for Mr. Wilson ' marked "West of the . Meuse 'there were tancing French detachments were re of .land auction territorial the ds. Ub and other stnr rhie personal." Jt is said this letter .infantry combats. East of the pulsed with bloody losses. ' West of leases held shortly after noon today atthecapitol resulted in good prices: local contains Judge Stuart's resignation. Hee Meuse the enemy tried to reconquer the Meuse the Germans ; made prog year a, bidding anyone for .$560 therev bidder of highest Fat was the : on the FjoideTerre and ress on Height 204.' .On. positions our f year, ior a I f so, the resignation will be the Kapaa rice lot at Funa, iiauai, w ong ring nee via, the East pear on and Thiaumont vAa In the river r no infantry , activity.. Is. $225. piece W. Bidding at on started this taking promptly accepted when it reaches wind at Ewa.Oahu. of 22 acres. ranged from attacks ; oh .Junev' 22, and i 23 "against place. was Leases office,' auctioneer. land clerk of the ;; Engel, A. thief justice. the department of DouaumonC strong, masses of infan- : "The' total number? of .' prisoners years:; Several pieces leased a a low as $40;ii V .'S.to.21 bit. try: were engaged, iltlhe, storming The letter is said to criticize brought-i- n during the German, suc r sThe enemy; is again , on f ground cesses of June 23 'and i Gregory, terly : Attorney-genera- l, during de where there were unimportant local fense against the; great. Frenchthe BASEBALL RESULTS Secretary of the Interior- Lane, coun successes which at ; the beginning of ter amount to 70 of fleers and Governor' Piakham, Chief Justice TODAY ? ; ; .Vere rather too hastily official- 3200attacks action men. "(f;XvW A. G. I I. Robertson of the territo-'ri- al reported. : This announced' recon-que- sCa.pt: Boelcke ly jpn '.the ereningr of K an teally while: LEAGUE., fortress.' bench,7 NATIONAL I Grcuit and of the supreme June, 27; near Farm .Thiaumont, shot attack, everywh-r- e failed under heavy down hl nineteenth Judge W. L. Whitney of tlie Oahu : Lieut. 6. Philadelphia! losses for the nemy. Vx' several Parscfeau,. north?" cf - aeroplane At Boit6n---l3osto- tt - f't'i,-; on June Veronto bench. ' ' places the :enem aoldlrs'. reached y At New York New ,York 1, Bropk, " down his 4irtar. German anti our lines but ?wetektaken prisoners; 23, shot .gun firp in ;,'Ui9 district Of aircraft inotedFrench that the and it Is to be At Pittsburg- nttsDurg. z, unicagu BourreUlea brought down; 'ra French ' entered ' their former, fortress onlya as biplane;:'; r: L: . z'ci ab- -. ' rt, ,' ' ;' ' v'i': ; . prisoners.At St.- Louis Postponed, on account bench, '.went Combats Besides "East front: favor i..c engage. "Successful German patrol of rain. , to us, north of Ilsentake, there 4o St. Lo,' as an alternate repre-ser.tlr- g took place north- of the forest able ments Yesterdayfor 'Received Orders : Important, events.' i are ' ho 0!;a at the Democratic of Paroy and west of Senones.- i v American League. "On Artillery. Llnsingen'a Heavy. front, Field the northern 9th i "The German emperor has- bestowAt Philadelphia Philadelphia 6, De r.sticr.al cenventio'n'.1; From there army: Southeast of Linierka, counter c Merited upon : . . Lo order 4. Tour ed the troit ; Infantry 32nd f - he wcr.t to Washington;'- . Boston :' :''.'--1 and Lieut. Wintgins, and yesterday this attacks of Russians, who were driven At Cleveland---Clevelan, ; i v shot down a French biplane again from their positions failed. 6. lieutenant announcing the per Cable orders 100 prisoners' were, cap Z. of Chateau Salines, y' Near More-tha- n At ChicagoChicago 3, St Louis sonnel of the two new regular army southwest ' seven and Wash enemy guna.": was tured Kew 1. aeroplane disabled an Bras York At New York i regiments to be organized on Oahu, by artillery; fire and another put out v "German naval machine Aeroplanes oa June ington ( :iXJ the 9th Heavy Field Artillery and the of action near Thiaumont ,by machine-gu- n 26, on the west enlrahde of Riga Gulf, ' Thirty-seconi Infantry, were received fight a five" Russian aeroin against Lille against attacks The fire. air Department in Sunday from the War but there planes, forced one of them to land. Washington" and ' made public ; today caused no military 'damage, k . 4 I among victims the In another air fight between five Ger were numerous by .the Hawaiian DepartmenL . in; the Church of man. and five . Russian aeroplanes in especially civilians, new Commanding officers of both. and the same district two; ; hostile aeroregiments are army men well known Saint Iubene. More than 50 dead i::.C:?,C:3- tn:rcac3 Over planes had to land,, heavily damaged. Souai, were here, wounded also left la Oahu. CoL John E. McMahon, for: on "One German machine was hit in Ac It Left Hcise numerBapaume, Neile JPeronne and Artillery.: will merly; of the 1st Field - French propeller and went down in the killed were the ous inhabitants while the 32d will Cy Scnato Committee; command the 9th, ' Engwater by and' was: sunk. The Inmates French wounded and and the be bandied, by Col. BenjaAin W- At f p. - ' were oh board other German bombs. lish fire taken' air and Infantry. kinffon, formerly of the 2d ' aeroplanes von Gen. Lin brought back . home. east and the front "On despatch today Press Although army (Affrig!f4 Trrfi by Fderl Wirelm) singen's west Kolki and , of aeroplanes the were heavily told of t the . nominations ot tkth' these Viczy near by destroyers shelled of southwest KocVand flyers and air 3. D. July WASHirCGTON, C, officers for; full colonelcies. , ,. ... V . positions,; Awhile observers returned unharmed.' conquered Russian 9th In is command'! the, Second Ti e arn:y sppropriation bill, re.William S. Gulgnard, ; forFirst, official announcement from Lieut-co- l. vised by tl.z senate military affairs merly of the 1st Field Artillery, while battle'-icc:r.:r.!itee, v. as today approved by Berlin concerning the naval 32d's lieutenant colonel is Michael Baltic, vaguely reported last week theLenihan; now chief of staff at Ha the committee and ordered report the J. from London, came in a cablegram As it is to be re- yesterday morning. The cablegram waiian Department headquarters here."cd to the According to department beadquar?' VV. 1 ported, tl.e bill carries a total of says: V' the officers of, both regi tera "Berlin, Germany, July 1. During mentstoday C3::.000,000, an increase of $146,-OjO.0practically all now resid-- r are the night of June 0 German tor. ing on .Oahu. The troops for both over the bill as it passed tedo boats between Haferinge ana; regiments will be taken from army s: v the house. v Landsort attacked with torpedoes Rus- organizations already here., v -- -sian naval , forces, composed of one The order announcing the regiarmored cruiser, one protected cruiser ment's. per8onnelreada aa follows: and five destroyers, who - were, apThree Departments. Being: Cre- - Kuhio Cables Gbod f Jews Con-- ! parently sent out to disturb German A - (Continued on page two) ? i : : merchant vessels. After a short-ecernmg: Appropriations for ated; Gen. Vood May ; Be with gagement the Russian forces iri Supreme Com-- Maui i' Placed and Oahu drew. In spite of violent sneiiing oy STOCKS ' ' 5 YORK : NEW ' rs mand the Russians, on the German" side 1 : .;.y . ( there were neither losses nor, danv MARKET TODAY: ' '( y Wirelcai) Aasociated federtl Pren age." . .' r y Fellowtng are the closing prices of WASHINGTON, D. C, July 3. Sec 4- - ,'; Delegate Kuhio --cabled to the of ,War Baker, today- took imstocks on the NeW York market'.' to retary Chamber Commerce this. 4- portant steps to decentralize the diover !mornihg some'' splendid hews for;4-tfay,.sent by the Associated Press rect administration of the Mexican the territory. Here is.the cable- - f the Federal Wireteaa: ' boundary matters under the war de ..'' gramr ';.Satur.;':- - ;." .v':; " . "v . partment r - f f rrrca the Expertising i - for KahuruL . "Quarteu-miniot c:; l3 cf i u'- Iic schools In the Three departments are to be creat I Alaska Gold ..... ... 1S amendment adopted by confer f ed. GenFunston is to command the ci: er is:ar.cs w ere tun in session uis- 92 94 ;ees.M. : Smelter .w-' American subjects chief Southern Department, Gen. Pershing tt: iir.s r.sry Important . military Sugar American '"Senate '109 committee Rfo....1C9 to command the Department f New 'Inserted army bill ,110,000 Is uniformity In. credit iin::S & TVbeless) l23H122Va Tel. American Tederal for (associated Tel... Pro t7 Mexico, and Gen. Franklin Bell to ir,7 teachers in tte various districts. , B2 .... fsurtey Copper military. 81H of Anaconda oahu i roads". f G. G. nyrrcnl, inspector general cf command Arizona and th West f": The. quarter-millio- n 105 ! .105 Kahu- Atchison . . . . . . for ; r superin-tc, sugges Kinney, to plan I said be T.'. is IL r: the The fc:Is, -- 71 Vk Baldwin Loco. :,tion of Gen. Funston.'In the Interest f llui is to continue work on the big nt cf i utile instruction, are pre- - f - WASHINGTON, D. C, Tuly 3. : S3 , ... : Baltimore & Oh4o. 83'.. 440 of, efficiency and probably vpaves the' f: breakwater, fn the harbor and 4 Officers of the Hawaiian De with the conference report in fa" y i way. for the appointment of a supreme Today's neetlng is the first of Its f partmenL - Oahu, receive ; promo- - f Bethlehem 'Steel :vor 15 of it will doubtless be adopt- 15'4 Petroleum Calif. f commander. The indications are that Li- l.ir i ttli 1 re ar i may continue tions under the new irmy ixor--t; 180 by Congress. .Theother item . ed 180Vi ... . Pacific i Canadian : being considered for Gen. Wood' is J.::zzs those presents are .ganization, bill, as it.' is roceivtd - 98i4 or the survey of rthe t care 98 d, M. Paul) SC takes P. (St Perthis, istprobable. position. Principals. It w that Miss by senate. the jJertna rurcrvLlr.r proposed ,41 & military f & Fvftl miUionbtlar ;42, brigadier-generaColo. Iron..,.,.. shing, now a will f Ten Ta v! r, Vest Hawaii; Eugene At the bead of thtflistof pro-- ; ' ; 73 72V ..... ;road Oaha. which is mak- around f Steel Crucible Mc-kBrig.-gepromoted.' announced be It is. that William ll .r.cr, i: .st Hawaiimotions is the name of f good progress V 36' . before the 4 . ' 36'4 the ; Pershing assignment v does fiot Ere 'Common '. Haul; Janes A. Davis, Oahu; Albert L. Mills, now chief of the Since the survey 4 .'congressmen. General Electric . . . . .164 . 167 mean that the U. S. . punitive expediIt!; 3 Tcrrlre IIuni!ey, principal-elec- t r. division of .militia- - affairs. , He 4- item is favored,' it looks more 4 ... .."$... tion is about to be withdrawn.' f General Motors cf KEtial. d 12. HUrodie, formerly f is-t- o be a brigadier-genera. . 120 the - whole 4 ;. Late this .afternoon Secretary Baker 4-- than probable that 120'2 Great Northern. Pfd... ;.l cf Kauai; Other matters f . The following colonels are I r; ' 4- - road item will pass. ' 4 -' 113'2 N. IntervHarv., c";v ere neatness of room and f nominated to be brigadier-gener- J.......M12 announced that the order creating the ' . Copper. 477s department Keancottr 48'2 Mexico commanded atmosphere, discipline; f als;- Charles G. Morton. GranJew r":;:; scLrclreLecI 79 ;; 782 by Gen." Pershing, Tias been tempor Lehljh R. R. laws; equipment 4- - ger Adams, George A. Dodd, Ed trrritcrlal New YorV Central...... 105'4 104 arily suspended, pending the adjustdu: to cf" :'s Eince last report; res- 4- ward Plummer,' Clarence .Towns--f : 68 53 Pennaylvanf .... . . . ley.-:ment of details of the. rearrangement-g- COURT HOLDS WORDS ARE ; .en plan and program 4 ist: r, 22 RajTConsol. .. ....... 22Vs t- - I that Gen. Pershing may report csre r : i ccrrcctloa of pupils'' 4- Thd ..following lleutenant-colo- g U FFi CI EMTLY D EjF j N ITE 98 - ' 97'4 whether his present field activities will v ., 4 nels are nominated to be colo- Southern Pacific .i.. written v " 133 133 assume Studebaker permit him to the duties of f.nels: John E. McMahon, James ; In the case of Ludwig Weinzheimer Tenrtesaee Copper . . . 35a 3514 commander. Francis Doi?e was appointed I f M. Arrasmith, William H. John- ''V.;..; V;r;. 137 133 ?i vs. David K. Jwahaulello. and others ....... .. ston, Unlen W. Benjamin Pacific Atkinson.1 the Hawaii at for last :r rsr 'rrrt ;;.:- f ' It is Impossible to see more than the supreme court today held that the U,8. Steel........... ;884i 85 th board of agriculture 4-' Col. McMahon is with the words ; "twenty days after-- typewrit . U..8. Steel Pfd. 117'4 117'a about 3000 stars at one time -with- the Th'.i I tie fifth ranger fc. ' ; r- 1st Field ArtiUery.: Schofield. Ing eye. and filing transcript of evidence naked r tei ty t:e board. . ;77Ji 77Ja t3 2 , Utah,....;.K...V.vi.': f 93 ' - 93 t researca r:r :t.-- T and Col Atkinson ' with the 2d f Western Union 4 4 by the Official court stenographer .11 V . With the clerk of the- court" do not ..:. : i !tI;!c7.3 .cf the 'jS7 FLY THE FLAG ON THE .Infantry, Fort Shatter. ;S7A f Westnshouse . FOURTH; ... make an order void because of uncerv'"t T'CTO CT ,4--' .. j Jk !' " jl A Jk 4. A 4-4 :.',"': tainty.. f i 14 PAGES Memeiits (kermoys.ra icial RECoMMEND ' i OF IRISHMEN BACK REDMOND TO SOLVE NATIONAL PROBLEM. C, DUBLIN. Ireland, July 3. The National Directory of the United Irish League, with John Redmond presiding, today agreed to accept David Lloyd--" George'a proposal for a solution of the Irish question, i i' ;:..WL i i ilTrltri lL..aLr' ...... -- C2 li! LETTEi! TO T7:': ' 'A mil i I mm mm hiI S 1 V'17. f f I I m i ? , Evening Bulletin, Estf 1382. No. 6517. Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXIV. No. 7:58 1 i I a - '' ; -- ' - . - In the case of Kotaro Takamoto v - John Lundberg of Wcrc?st?r to think that fci t'r" Tsune Horita the supreme court toV: day ruled that where a final Judg a hoodoo. This year trcVa n ment has been entered on default the last year ' - ' motion to reopen the default rr.:-- t y - , ; '. ,t. ,v ... ..... , 13 s V 70 T ?iTnT OF PATTJO i tC:,l VILi RULE sugar cnop&ory IIEiTV GREEiJ IS AT NATION'S GREATEST HOLIDAY DFJDj LEFT NEAR Coop erafaon in .. Vork of Charity HAVMII TO FALL Most MIIDEL0W1915 with a grand display cf silver Magneil nltlple ' or repeating one and three-breabembsnens; bombshells, burst tn quick succession and releasing smaller shells which al- Vcrld's Most Famous Mistress Revised Estimate of Big Island so break, displaying ail the colors of One hundred and forty, years ago to. the rainbow. Aerial ladder " Plantations Lowers Figures rocket of - Finance Has Been c:y tin American people were await-- 1 display; three d rockets, re- Helpless for. Weeks on Expected Product T news from Philadelphia news leasing double chains ' of colored ;' ' i i t.'.it when it did come pet the whole lights, forming long, syinglnf ladders. .: , declara- Mammoth battery display; composed OLlAA PLANTATION ration afire with Itf burning vNEW YORK, N. Yi July Mrs V- ' .. r tion of freedom, b,atfireworks electric of mammoth Hetty Grstn, richest woman In AmsrJ- NEW ESTIMATE PREPARED One nundred and forty years ago tery, made specially by the Newton s ca and the most famous feminine capi Tc c lay tbe nation celebrated with California' Fireworks Company. an talist In tha world, died litre today, tcrJlres and rinlcg of bells the birth, gjviag tn effect cf a giant electric She has been helpless for weeks, a Other Companies' Make Revis ' cf lie American nation. Rayonet tourbilliops; lbre paralyse, fcuntaln. f he wf nearly years 9T ions and Give New Figures; tie annlyerwry pf the mammoth size tcurbillionv forming I'rih of this lusty babe that crew in great umbrellas of fire as they as Next Yearns Crop to 8e Big I: ill a more than 100 years oat past revolving with cend a motion. .Comet U.a Tgrtdlse of the Pacific and e ten tombshell; a 'huge MH-Jncbomb l iletty preen, yaa the wprld's in.ost ' Reduction in " the -- estimated 1916 to V i rtilirrJaes, wUl be celebrated shell, releasing brilliant cornets fall remarkable mistress of finance. I crops of plantationa ' on .'the Big Is r r t with bonfires and ringing of bells ing blazing'towards the earth; Search fortune 1 la to. has close left she 10, land promise to become the rule. Late l t. t. 1th Y; :cI:;'S aad'music and fire-- i light rocket display; ; six mammoth 000,000. The richestwoman In Lnjerl Saturday afternoon' the directors of li with Amuing earehllght ef ca Ccrjr:nlca"t Cplte Grounds. . 1 rcrkets ahe lived almost as frugally as a Olaa Sugar Company issued a state sky. ' Golden flsibing across the. fects ment of reductions in estimates and a morning ceremc-r!cIn Honolulu the poppy a mammoth battery, shop girl. .'Her home ' was ; wherever this Is .only ine of severaL Brewer A will be held at the capltol giving battery; display effect, of beantifu! she.choe for ja time ta hang her litUe Company as agents for several .plan 'f rounds. From 0 nntil 10byo'clockHa--at golden apoppies. The palmetto tree; black cape and bonnet, 4)ften Jn the tations had also made revisions. ... the nccrt will be rendered palmetto mammoth tree with brilliant hall bedroom of some cheap boarding It has become evident to plantation l!an band and promptly at 10 the foliflge, 125 height feet in Flora companies on the Island of Hawal: c rcnonles proper will,, be' opened house or in some remote, and modest ? the 1916 crop will be materially ' .h the InyocationTof a divine bless-- : bombshell: ' an "extra large floral that ; , smaller than the 1915! The reason . Jt'ipe 8. B, Pole ; will dell rer bombshell. , throwing; , forth a display flat around New .York. of colored meteors, and finally pro ; Her eccentric extremes of economy assigned for this is that crop con t ? Jrtrcxliictpry remarks, C. C, Bit-!'v j'.l read the Declaration of Inde-enc- e jecting to a great height a bombshell led to a popular misconception of her dltionS'ln 1913 and through the bar beautiful floral effects. as a "self-mad- e woman." As a mat vesting of the, 1915 crop were 01 tne and Judge Horace W. displaying Spider display; mam two. bombshell was of she born rich. In 1865 best while the contrary waa the case fact ter .ian will deliver the patriotic ad moth bombshells, bursting Into bnge 110,000,000 which for the 1916 crop.. Rains and floods ahe Inherited same i cf the day; During the cereChinese spiders creeping across ' the accumulated npon itself until In SO in 1914 materially damaged that crop be will musical numbers there 's sky, j Fiery .dragon V bombshell r a years It had tnnltlpljed v nearly. Q a fcand and choral renditions of the outset ;.; large fiery dragon bombshell forming times. She also inherited family tra at Brewer ;t!c airs "by a large chorus of mythical b Company estimate that dragons which ; belch forth ditJona which ' had been a prida for the 1916 crop f 3 ?0 per at re a from the public schools will .' f J vmw of, brilliant fire and streams viree cpjjiunes, wa cent- - less than that of 1915, Hakalan ana r fpecially rleslng feature. A flames hissing serpents. 'Multiple or re anxious to perpetuate in her children. 14 per cent, Hilo 16 per cent Onpmea ".nyof.the National Guard will cf peating nombshelL hnge IgU-lnc- h a salute cf 4S guns to the counbnewaa born at New ' seafora, 26 and Honomu 27 per ' cent This . pursnmg " upiausaeji pimes tn 'tnree Mass.t"ln November, 1834, about the does not mean that they have reduc ts fla. 7 l!ie afternoon frcm 4 to 6 Gen. quick sucpesswn Into gorgeous bou 20th, aepprdteg to ! her testimony' at ed the 1916 estimate by such per pf flowers. Screamer rocket one time in court. She was a des centage, but that this year'a crop per 3 vIH hell a reception at his quels d display; three screamer cendant on her mother side of Hen acre is that much smaller. poets II on v fcr t officers cf all rockets, emitting a screaming noise,' ry Howland,- - brother of PHgrim John Manager Ft Eckart has informed -- ..a all officers.' s"d ratal , A tcker and' entertainment will terminating their night with a display Howland of tho Mayflower: the directors of Olaa Sugar Company or ' 1 prismatic stars. 1 Willow tree ". rock V , program ,;'.f V: for Schofield. en the day's It is necessary to reduce the esti that r display; d ct willow, three place on take trill number mate first of this year's crop from 26,300 tree rockets, displaying a grand burst ; i'r.r. zr.l at 2 o'clock. tons to not over 22,000 tons. This is U'ctall . '..3 and the Santa rJ hanging golden, spurs, representing a of about 10,000 tons from reduction (". . leys will meet at Athletic park the graceful branches of Uje willow bumper crop of last year. Upon the trre. ajammotn geyser dispjay; three at Z:10 o'cloclc. the return of Manager Eckart from a flowing Association maramcia geysers, revolving rapldlj liawiilan six week' visit- - to the - mainland he as , they ascend - and ' bursting into : I c'.J its annual regatta at' Pear was asked by the agent of the plan brilliant liquid fire. r Ft 10: TO o'clock in the morn-- - treat torrent of tatlon to make an estimate of the ; two " Emerald bomb, emerald bomb-chcjl- s, t;-r- 2 only par men dlviiLn crop 01 uiaa ror tnieyean wucn o great dlsplaya of molt'ea aflt :. 'I ii C.3 race.' their cane comes - from Ihdivldua ver with enjerald DJuq tlntf. ' Hcuae. Cp;ra Planters, in fact tfcere are more than at and gold bombshell display; a Urge :. c r G oyf rnor V.V.Ur 'F. Frear hundred such, and this necessarily a' bcmbshcll, bursting high inv the 'air at rstrictic ceremonies. Into that time .was required to re ''3 meant' beautiful bine and "gold - effects. : 1 In the pcra house in the estimate accurately.,; Manag vise the Hanging chain bombshell: .. an im , 'under the auspices cf the mense er Eckart camo over.from Hawal (Continued from page one) 13 bombshell, releasing committee of hla report and a. meeting of the with '? -tanging cnams or twinkling lights. D. C July: 2, 1816. Washington; . ::. C. A. end Arthur L. Dean, was Immediately called. Lat director mcn ami away m me' breeze. .y t "Evana; t cf t: 2 Ccl'.cre cf Hawaii, Honolulu: a er statement was prep&rea aaa ; is- ' 'Tollowlng la personnel of officers t: 3 rricl;al speaker. More Cchcfleld Barrack Plans. 11 :o lnvKMicns have been sent Those who arp to take part In the new-- ; regiments In your department: v The report shows that the planta- program on July 4lh at Schofield Bar- 'Sth Field Artniery: ' 7 " 7 r t!. youth cf Ilcnclula. news, or tna company wui yieia , - racks include Harry Lodato, Jo Bhan, ' f::r's C!j Day. ,sCoL John E. McMahon . (formerly tion 25 per cent less than in 1911 about I'r-'-t'will be celebrat wewey jionerts, Joey Lehianc. William 1st Field Artillery),- - ; and the outside planters' nelda wil : .t ;t Co Tort Chatter i itzgeraid. Fred - Little, Earl Robert- - -- Lieut-col. William S. Gulgnard decrease about 22 per, cent from the ' commemcr-- : son, Early Lane, Fred Eckstein,! Joe (formerlr lst Field Artillery). r. 7:13 o'clock, crop of two years ago, ; r -- nivcrscry ; . cf the Chavc"., Jc-- n Hazard, Hohcrt Eettlera. MaJ. Henry. W. Butner (formerly In explanation of the . delay in ar . c : , cr..1cncc. 1le 2J Wll.'p Thomson. Fred Freeman," Jack 1st Field Artillery), v riving at the tew estimate the agents . l;.r.i will lead in r'ayfcs Johnson, Geo. White, Richard Silves "Capts. John-Wjenbreth, William ' of .the company"7 give, the reason that , 'i v!ch tv;0 Ecflcnce ter, George Earnes, Ralph : Demott S. Browifuig, Jlaympnd S. Pratt.-SaIana'ger; Eckart was absent: and the riartln Grlf2n, Joe Podslftick and Co uerFrankenberger, . Henry v S. KH- - number of outside' planters' whose t: o tfrair are Col. Daniel pcra,l Quinn.. All arrangements for bourne, Jr- - George H. Paine, .Harry crops must ' be ' investigated tooar Ir.frtry, com-- , me smoker are now complete, and the ':, r ':-:- $ Pflel, Herman Erlenkotter (all for considerable timet The announcement cf-' nrt nuniDer Till be announced promt merly 1st Field Artillery). Csrlaln r.ccs f was made by the directors as soon -ly at 2 o'clock on the post baseball 75 jr-'-rirsi ieuta. uiyoe ,a, Beiiec, as ' they were themselves Tad vised. : v s: neid. Lieutenant Seara, Chaplain Robert C F, Goefs (a,d.c to Gen Ed ' prices received and now of iHieher : :t ''.Id Infantry Band Fealy and Lieutenants CuIIuml wards), Joseph Andrews, Harold C and sugar tena to maae up ior fered for : .n cf tLo Republic...... . Mlllgan constisute the commlttte In Vanderveer, John N. Hanser,; Joseph output, A. W. Bottomsmaller' the Inrantry Eand cnarge .;. Id u. paly. sngar ; cenr ine ' at 6W and lev atated. C:r-'- j i and : !'.vv..,. "'. 32d Infantry: r De 'A. D::.::?.. ...... .All Clnglng HARVARD. MEM "Col. Benf.:W. Atkinson (formerly comply should have a balance au paying I5U0.OUU 31 HEAR alter of r. 1 i cember . In X.. iz o i za inrantry).. :iAv r necessary expenses, dividends alone ri'j-.A- ll Glnglns "Lleut-coJllchael J. Lenlhaii (for excepted. ' CRIMSOM CREW W0M v v ; i merly 2d Infantry). ; It is noticed in regard to oiaa tnai ; IM RIG YALE RACE All. Tin "LJeut.-co- l. 'Francis E. Lacey. Jr. 3 outside planters are the ones who the ; . (formerly I8t Inf.), attached, In reduced product TIs cf Thee. All Sglng , Harvard won the varsity boat race "Majors Samuel P. Lyon (formerly suffered ; mostly r plantation ' Itself sur- the and .7:110 p. El......... Yale by two lengths, 'accord-tz- s 25th ,rnt) Henry E. Earnes .(formerly fered much less. The same is noiea c " c rl: s Main Tarade. to news received ty Harvard men zam inr.j, tturus js. Lengan (rprrnerr by other plantations on Ha an the ; ,v;. :,: here in a roundabout way. Word of y Z5tn xni). ' ; V walL ' Capts. Fred W. Pitta (fonnerly Is the result of this big dual crew eon-tecrop will be mate year's While this did not come in the regular, news nr.), jonn d. Burnett, James A. Ulio, ;:tc; t T3 .: li and thua-- year's for other E. Pridgen, rially less than" last tv9 ccm-'-- de?ratches but Prof.' William Lyon Thomas ' H. Lowe,-Walte- r than; pia conditions our-inplantations: cf t:.; Cranl ll- - rhclrs cf Yale, Who left fcr th'main. Charlea c. Bankbead, : Byard Sneed present time 1915 the to nn and I.:n4 last week, heard that Harvard (all formerly 1st Inf.), John B. Rich year such that are and have been ' , . . ardson, Paul R, Hanchester, Clyde R. this .rr. ti: t.v3 tvrrcundlnrs had won. " crop, vrll 1917 expected . the that is 'm;,r::-.;:cr. . , ., Abraham (all formerly 2d Inf.), XIoyd it a WT.ivr Tro t sugar maaer 10 tne mow be record v trr-- i I cr.lrrhell The known coal areas of the United R. Fredendall (formerly 24 Inf.1 Z 1.1 tl.C t.T, Ttz'.-States cover about '310,00, square unaries A. Neals, Robert P. Harbold. 1 piles, and there are Uabout 160,000 John B. Ccrbly, George C,: Kalcher. :. 1 r::::ct r!fS;:.'.y; square miles more that are believed j'irst Lwnts. John R.' Baxter; Hugh :. i r: :! c:c:ay- - to be, underlain with marketable B Keen, James - N. Peals, Otis K. ' ; SadUer. WllUam A. McCulloch. Rufus tv : : i ccaL. '. ,' u;::-.l- . S. Bratton (all formerly st Inf.). Carl I Cas- m,. ,. cohen, Robert CL Calder, Douglass National and state celebrities of the -- "t jty tur;.t!n; Civil war attended the golden Jubilee T.' Greene, Charles B. Lyman, .Wood- " r r. rm C. Jones (all formerly ' 2d Inf., fnc-apcf the Ohio 0. ' r'lvr ' " tr'r Bernard P. Lamb, Alfred E. Sawkins. v Carl Spats. Howard P. Milligan (all formerly 25th Inf). 7 FtesS, Uusic, Salutes, Fire v:;ks, Exercises and Recep-- : tiens Mark Observance ' sium stars. ; k -- - foor-poun- Wi. ; ! - i Trzy, h- : - . r -- ''", : -: . . ' - . " a A . A . -- ; - two-poun- a " - - v . two-poun- raOflEGIHlElSii ISth-Ir.l-ntr- y cn rf.-rno- 1 '. . aea-gree- n . H--n- v . . ? ; - t y - ; -- tt, m. to-b- -- . . : :. . T:::V . . t; v"'fA"l-';,.;i."'.H''- -:- , L - : . .. - v' - - ' 'I f VE. E-- Brooks, manager of the Associated Charities. delighU in telling of Incidents that Illustrate how well the different social agencies In the city work together. Yesterday he ; i had a .new story. , Portuguese plantation hand : "A came here from Kauai with a sick wife and four small children last week," he said. 1,The woman was committed to the insane asylum and he waa stranded here with the children. Those people heed their emotions first, you know. His wife was sick and he was told she must go to Honolulu. He had steady work, but he had no thought other than to come here with his wife. It was unfortun ate, but here he was and someone had to take care of Aim. "He went first to the Portuguese consul ' From there he was referred to the immigration station and then to us. .A few hours after we heard of the case we had guaranteed the room rent of the ' family and looked after their food supply. If we had waited a few hours they would have been on the-- street , Then the worker to whom the case had been assigned went to the Sal vation Army home and arranged with the superintendent for the care of the youngest three children. Next ahe se cured the aid of the inspector of im migration, who promised to keep the son until work father and could be secured for them. He is trying to place them on an Oahu plantation now, so they can be near the wife and mother of the family. If he can't find work here for them he will try and secure the father's' job . in Kauai for him again. the meantime the Salvation Army is keeping three children, but as soon as is possible the youngest 8 months old, will have to be placed elsewhere, as the nome has no accom modations : for : babies. : The .. father says he will pay for the keep of all of them so soon as he gets work. We are paying the home for the children's keep now."! - . .'. ' Brooks points to this case to illus trate the many agencies that are working together in this instance the immigration station, the Portuguese consul (the' case has been referred to him fo advice several times), the , insane asylum, the Salvation Army and the Associated Charities. 1 ' . c:--!2- . "' st CITY TRANSFER COMPANY PHONE 1231 Owe SCREAM ' ill ) (P)vving to the extensive alterations now being mad e in p u r e stab lis h ment, weiind it necessary temporarily to close our store on Sat urday e s. At other business h ou rs you w i 11 receive the s am e courteous ser ' . -- ve-ning- vicers McINERNY Courtesy "The House v of .. K-- '' 0 Corrsr Fort and llerchant Streets n . The Supreme court ordered a : argent JUIII JO - re- - minimum wage Ww of which has been pending in the court -fV for, several days. r'r: :' " ;- ,"' H!STI IS A VAST A smooth, while: soothing applicatiori'' having in its composition the active oxygen peroxides carefully combined with a base of perfect consistency, ' and thoroughly sterilized. Kil of men and women who really aever know what it is to enjoy isqund, vibrat-in-e healthwho would be surprised to suddenly gaxa that exhilaratipg vitality v fv robust health prints. ; k Literally thousands without any par ticular sickness live in "general as the doctors call it have Ot: non-irritatin- " , jat , r " de-bfliry- ,,f , headaches, are tired and indifferent TV all such neoDle we sav with unmis takable earnestness "Take Scott's g This .wonderful skin tonic is stimulating and V " harmless and preventi or removes all ippsrfec- " tions as well as freckles, pimples and tan, . MX : vU 50 CENTS THE BOTTLE i- - allow its jrare piWood to enrich and enliven your bjoodt quicken your circulation: stimulate nutrition; and aid nature life thai to develop that real Ineans activity, enjoyment, success.' S Scott's Emulsion is not a drug, but a free from alcohol pleasant food-tonred-blood- .i "Seryics Every C:ccndM THE BEXALL CTOSE i Fort and Hotel St3: ed ; opeit uirrn. n 11:15 ; p.ll Pbona 1271 - - ic JUXf : ' J f HONOLULU'S BE ST RING 14S1 ld inst '";-- ' 1 1 i - . . X JAMES H. LOVE '- ;, :;. CPII W5 6T0RE CVBRYTHINO Manager of Associated Charities Tells of Results Obtain v ed in Striking Example i t--t FIREPROOF iip jwm. uajr 0cott ek Sowoe. Htxwmeia,w. j. i!!iii!iii!i!iiiii!i!!iiiiii;i;iiiiiiiiiiiniin!ini;i!i!ii:;::iiii!ii:: -' HONOLULU BRANCH f'.-- Of THE y. s; German-America- -- : :. o . . . . Alliance - 1811 -- ..'. din-'-:"- y : 1 ' Rat mrrt : . ' ' ' - . Vl.'; : LIIIUE 'DOINGS . JAPAfJESE MASSAGE-- : PRACTITIONERS WILL r-v:- r- is ths Cr:t fjcit ct::A:z ind:::-d:zc3- it : : : -- ;r --;"it Ola lib 't:1i :Lc th3. proper, 1 :t July ; 29, C, BOLTB, Secy, ; , f . s; a! '5 ; at the right place by tht , Ji . ldl:X- Transfer Company, Ltde U.5. UAIL CABEIEE3 v ' ' : unutxire uoyers urtnu uixy fen Phones Str next to Young Hotel uniy I . PAUL R. ISENBERO, Pres. o'clock this afternoon Govern and representative offior Plnkham ABIDE BY HEW RULING cers : of the National Guard of Hawaii leave for Lihuer Kauai, to attend It Japanese massage practitioners will will big of July, celebration to the ruling be held Fourth abide by the ' attorney-general''?;'; Tuesday. . there against the "needl treatment'- delegation in Guard National The to statement .. among mem- cludes the following: Brig.-geSamcolony; - , ? bers of tbe'-loca-l. I. Johnson, coThmanding officer; uel this . treatment baa .:' been C. , S. Lincoln.- - lnspector4nstruc-tor- ; practised- for, many 'years,' the Japan- CoL CapuR. L. Noggle,. commanding ese sajr ey wiH give It.np. nnder th Signal Corps, and - Ueut. L. IL the ruling. that no one, without doctor'a Judd. ' tofc Gen. Johnson. : practised ,V ..,' license "cad Governor - Plnkham's aide, MaJ. J. D.' Dougherty will accompany the ter. ;- SUPPER AND MOVING ; rltory's chiet executive. , the, While on Kauai National Guard flCTUHES'ATY.'M.'C' A. officials will Inspect the six new.com- panies wnicn were lormea .mere. in . to' commemoA the. last few months to make :a .comH ; i -- rate the Fourth of July- - will be held plete - regiment. , a;tht Y.M.c::A thia evening for Capt GT; Greig," 4th . Infantry,. N. all departments. In .Coolpi hal. Ten G. of Kauai,; in Honolulu , today, cents ;wlll ' be 'charged for the supper Said Uhue has made '.big plans for and-I- t Is expected a. large - number of the- celebration, '.He is . en route . to boya ; and men will. attecJL.' Follow- the- coast on leave of absence., "' ing the supper three Jongrmoving picV - '' Si ,iimi L. S ' . ture reels- will 'be shown.:' yoterof-6S7r By- a ti: the New York V' assembly "killed f Assemblyman Whitman's locil option bllL ' v t 'FLYrrtlE FLAG Pff XHE 4TH? j : Two persons" were. Injured ! when two, jitney buses - operating between Long 'Branch and Re4 Bank : ; ? ;"?r ti ?ied tuflAiBCd or xpotST t Cn., IaM.a4 Ww4 collided Mo wage A increase of, 10 per. cent has x' been, granted; the . 25,000 employes of ' :pv X3 trw, sk Kurtae Cr eswdy Co CUoagq the American Woolen Cp.' ,, ; August 26, Septembe? 23. October 2it November 18, December 16. ; )v -; 174 Him jj principl? of all ?ucccs3, fjirca; a'. yoniaa ' wither; Uttedatci 10 tnytccess, it brin;to to ; l;.sppiicss and'; 4- - 1874 1S73. .! ; I - ' ... . X . . .... ..- . ........ ng tke km. n. - - , ,; ii r. p d Stock your swith duat purpose hen o that you will ; have great egg production firsti and then have chicken fricasse. hen-yar- s-s- . To get the most; eggs, aiid thert to get"' the best, meat, you must f have' i. proper feed. ; - - p- - . tell us abbut your particular problem Consult- - us - any Savings Department , r s, aide-de-cam- r, t n IlCD - ciDiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiHii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::':::::::::::::;:::: - S 4' - encrjy-irrfect- ,- :? pert of , . suro yonr Baggage is safely and promptly delivered union-Pafcif- ic Meetings in K. of P. Hall on . Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. I ' toba ';:;i : ; : v. If of theU.S.A. ! : n and let - us advise you. ' - 9 -- - - Baakr - N f '. y'4 CALIFORNIA FEED CO., LTD, Cof. Queen and ;AIakea Streets. HONOLULU " DM THE iTHIEF MAKES HIMSELF WE ? - 'mm AT HUM ; 1 1 hi WILUtr: room JwiD MOUNTAIN RESIDENCE i The Y W. Ci 'A. luncli be closed Tuesday; July ; 4. MM! If rw I MONDAY, JULY 3, 1916. - N, nul J.CL PMA VII-- STAR-BULLETI- The robbery of James Austin Wi m m Ha wails n Lodge 'o. 21 meets at ders mountain home on Tantalus has 7:30 tonight for regular business. I been reported to Capt Arthur McDuf fie by Rudolph Duncan, Jr, a Roy Harmony Lodge. I. O. O. Fv.fias INDEPENDENCE DAY, July 4. 1916 meeting at 7:30 tonight for inito said hare Sunday. The thief Is V tiation of candidates. I N I ES TAVERN H valuable some revolver, a taken and anemometer an and iewelrv ; A. S. Humphries and Harry Irwin "r YY f.. DINNER i helped himself generally for severa have formally announced a partner Hort d'Oeuvret ... days to choice foods and wines. Radishes Salami, Italian .Wilder is not In Honolulu now, but ship for the practise of law here un of Humphries & Irwin -' Ripe Queen OUves Capt. McDuffle said Jie doubted K der the name wasfiSJtnerly in Hilo. The latter Soup . v...: there was any valuable, Jewelry left Green Turtle, Special unprotected In the mountain home, The report of all accounts of the Consumme en Taue An arrest may be made tomorrow. United States circuit court from T V Flt March 15 to July 1 of this year was Boiled Fresh Salmon, Oyster Sauce POLICE SAY PLANS OF submitted this morning by George R- ': Entrees .: ' clerk of the court, and approv Young Island Turkey, Independence FIUPINO WENT ASTRAY Clark. Judge ed by demons. of Spaghetti Timbals ' ROAST When Mariano Bartallano. a Fil Milton J. Malatesta and Thomas Prime Ribs of Beef, a la American pino, came here from Hilo intending Connolly gave a farewell party at the Raked, York Ham and Corn au Creme to "bilk" Capt Arthur McDuffle Of the Engleside on Vineyard street Satur ' :' Vesetablea '' Honolulu detective department he d 14 day night to about 2 young people. Snow Potatoes not realize what a hard proposition he Cora on Cob The hosts are returning to San Fran ' y Y Salad but cn his way back to the uii cisco Tuesday in the Sonoma, after had, " ; j ''; Westmoreland ?. ; Inland, where he is being, sent today. six months spent in Hawaii on con ; 8 we eta v' will have a chance to think over tract as sculptors, with Catton, N'elll he New York Style : his mistakes and errors Plum ; Pudding. & Co., Ltd. George Henry, manager " .. . .. Strawberry, Ice Cream i . -ijarraJiano Wine Jelly came nere ior me pru- - of Engleside, served refreshments for Dessert fessed purpose of arresting three Fill- the guests and Hawaiian music fur Nuts and Raisins : Assorted Cakes iinos who robbed the Olaa, Hawaii nished dancing strains from 3 o'clock V Island Fruit fIce last May of $1000. With until midnight. nostof ".' : Cafe Nolr the assistance of Enriques Tobanio and the backing of the police Bartal- lano went to Aiea to arrest tne FiliI DAILY REMINDERS At the last survey there were 417 pinos. Nothing was heard from the I ocean cables In the world, represent- pair until McDuffle, rsmelled . a rat" - YrExp. manicurist. Union Barber Shop. ing 22i492 miles. V , and started a little Investigation him Adv. self ' It developed thaf Bartallano and Round the Island tn auto, $4.00. Tobanio in reality were planning a lit Lewis Etsablea. . : Phone 2141. AdT. FLY THE FLAG ON THE 4TH"I tle trip to Alaska and hoped in some Exclusive corset shop, ?The Good . way to 'work" the police for passage. win." ras. Pantheon bldg.Adv Have you tried Magic Soap? It's made In Honolulu and sold at your grocer's. Quick relief from the heat a soda at Quality Inn, with Rawley's pure, delicious ice cream. For clothes that have all the style get Collegian and fit of "tailor-made- " Clothes, at the Clarion Begin to save now, while you can! You will; never regret it Start an account today with Bishop & Co. ' i The latest styles in men's clothes and furnishings are to be found at the Ideal- on Hotel street, just Ewa of y mm ft m mi , Fort. Eliminate suspicion find out! Bowers Merchant PatrbL phone 2515, does legitimate, confidential detective work. r - For Distilled Water, Hire's Root Beer and all other Popular, Drinks try. the Con. Soda Water Works Co., t -- ' :; , ' -- : ! m. - :'.'-':V;- : . iFILlgEifil In the now famous Beeson lottery case, Attoie'ys A. D. Larnach and J T, De Bolt have filed a bill of excep tions 'to the recently adverse decision of Judge C. W. Ash ford and their case has been placed on the supreme court calendar. A. W. Beeson was charged in po lice court of conducting a lottery with g an alleged machine, guilty, found and sued. Judge Ash ford sustained the decision of the tow er court and now the case goes to the highest tribunal. The Beeson case is not as much a personal affair as a civic problem, and as a test case will decide whether boys and young men may buy their gum in an automatic machine and have a chance with the same nickel to win trade checks good for trade in the store in which the machine is in s stalled, It is understood there is considerable money behind the test case, furnished by a large company that makes the contrivance. gum-vendin- - - . AM r -- . f : When you need help. When you want to selL . When you want to buy; - . f "When you want to rent ' i When yen want to exchange; YThcn you want ta work. When' you lose or find. ' , When you have a WA1TT. , ' ' ' ? ; w i Get t thenr at the Hub, Hotel - ' street, Ewa Fort. Books are at man's best friends and you will, find all the late fiction at: moderate prices if you call at Ar letgh'a on Hotel street ' : Quality and ; cleanliness these should be the motto of every meat things mirkefi? :To Vbe . surev trade ?at Metropolitan Meat r Market phone, 3445.; : Hose. ' ', of-the- se . A Monday, July 3. SAN FRANCISCO." July 1 sp. Marion 'Chllcott hence WINSLOW, July, 1 Sailed, riel for Honolulu. GRAYS .HARBOR,' 'July 2 WIFE-BEATIN- 'A0 i 1 Were in this Frame : When iYou Growl alout what is not behur tlone, Ask Yourself help ym are giving! MAUI ACCIDENT BOARD FACES BUSY SEASON ' what doinjr, vwliat You art : v V What Are Your quali- Forty-thre- e case3, includmg six deaths and 37 Injuries, are to come before the Maui Industrial accident board as a result of the railway acct-deon that island recently. This is the largest number ever brought before a board since the workmen's compensation law was passed. There were only two men in the train than fell from the Hana gulch trestle who were uninjured. as one of the eitizenf Syitli a right to fication nt KICK J What Are Your Qualifications as a camlitlate-- . in case yoii wish to hold olTice ami right the wrongs. Howl do you feel aljout publicity v ? Seymour o .Best metal polish manufacturer, of Long Island City, committed suicide at his home at Bayside. L. I. Arrived, June sc. 12. r M (If M Mu- Arrived, sc. Repeat hence June 7. SAN FRANCISCO; July 2 Sailed, S; S. Hyades for Honolulu. S. S. Enterprise HILO, July for San Francisco. EUREKA, July 3 Sailed sc. Oceania - Vance for Kahului. iiuminfHiuimiiitiiNiiiNMutHiniitiHi mm a 1 27-SaI- Ied, '4 Radiogram. r a. S. S. SONOMA m, July miles from Honolulu. CO- - ' 3, 294 mm G;:,H., ORDERS C,-N- f 1. A11 members ht Company C, 1st Infantry, N. G H., aTe hereby ordered to report for duty at the Armory Wednesday evening, July 5, at 7:30 o'clock. 2. In order tolw entitled to pay .period it is for; the first ' necessary that a . member of the Na tional Guard shall pe present for drill at least 24 times. :'This will allow of only. two absent periods. Be present evening and the connextt WedEjesday ditions of ' paymettlwni be fully six-mont- It banishes dirt! The handy oval cake h i prevents waste and just fits .your hand. Made in Hawaii, and sold at your Grocer V. ,' t (Sgd.) M. P. MORGAN, 1st; Ueut r 1st Infantry- ,v .Commanding Co, C. L 651T-3- U - G; John Gomez was sent to jail Satur day by Judge Monsarrat for 15 days on a charge of beating his wife. - Convicting testimony came chiefly from the wife. "This morning the latter was brought; to the police station upon statements of neighbors that v. . she: is Insane. Policeman- Henry Daniels reports he found the woman' in front of her home at Pauoa and Luzo.. stretts about 6 o'clock this morning, struggling with, neighbors. The latter de ; kept them clare 'Mrs. Gomes awake all night with her wild cries , and' enzy antics. ' ' . ' T - J " Woman may be insane i - v : r - ! GOES TO JAIL FOR 15 DAYS FOR XY . Three hundred former pupils of St Louis College attended, the eleventh annual reunion at the institution Sat- - j urday night and after dinner for fouit hours listened to music and speeches, j Y Harry Murray acted as toastmaster. j A chorus of brohers. and two or three members- - ef the . visiting Santa Clara j. baseball team furnished 'the. music. The Santa CTara loys were guests of j j the college during the evening. ! . Among the r speakers were Brother Henry, Bishop Libert, Governor Pink- - i ham. Mayor Lane, Wallace R. Far-- j rinrtnn. Danipl Ixtsan Rrnthr I .put Is i William Coelho, Joseph Aurrocochea and J. J. Kelly. .... .... .. o ships f You save trouble, money and dia comfort when ; you wear Holeproof ' ; (Special Wireless to Merchanta Exchange.) 2. - . Y:' I : 21-2- ALUMNI MEET FOR ANNUAL REUNION .VESSELS TO AND -- FROM THE ISLANDS . t THREE ST; LOUIS COLLEGE ' . L - r. 2270 I . - You are Invited visit the new home of the to Y'l . ; -- , ; - . . y KING'S .DAUGHTERS' IrionohihiStar Bulletin 1 any day, except Sunday, that suits your convenience. We want you id see 1 Hawaii's thoroughly iiwdern ' printing and publishing plant at work ; HOME FORMALLY OPENS Nine men and women are today the beneficiaries : of the new King's Daugliter8' home, which was formally opened on Waialae road . Saturday, and there is room for many more. Music for the occasion was furnished by the Hawaiian band and refresh ments were served. Mrs. Wv L. Hop per, leader of the King s Daughters, says the indebtedness of the home is $4000, considerably - less than, expected when the project was started. . : CITY'MAY OPERATE ? - ROCK QUARRY ITSELF ' .... ' quarry may be operated by 1 Moiliili v . . ' as the bright Breezes of, the beach- and; tine the of. E-le- ar't Pure food and a place to keeplt pure Is the foundation of a man's efficiency, yet it is often neglected. Efficleicy, like charity, begins at home. ' :.-- f , ; ' ,. '."'- :;;r ';! - , Glacier Sanitary Refrigerator NO HIDING PLACES FOR CERMS'' V , : J porcelain lining of the Glacier under a lens. rzamlne the You will see only a perfectly smooth, glassy surface, even In the corners.' You couldn't scratch this porcelain with a knife because It's fused on steel at a'heat of 2400 degrees. That's why the provision chamber is always sweet and fresh, no musty odors,! no damp, greasr $35, , S45, 128.50, iralla. 147.50 one-piec- e W-W-Dircvoid&(9iJD. L L, '"THE H0U5C OF KOUSCWATvtS" IQNG STREETv w K0HOL0 LU supervisor arsen, whose agitation resulted In the" closing of the quarry this spring, declares that the road de partment can produce its own rock cheaper than it can buy it now and is preparing to move that the quarry be - ' .. again operated. " r - ' Wear them in your buttonhole. Fly them from your window. Do your little towards making Ho nolulu blaze with the red, white and blue and showing it to be an Ameri can city. Turn out In the morning and listen once again to the reading of the Dec- aratlon of Independence. It' will do your heart good. This is a critical time in Washing ton and in Mexico. Show where jou stand. 4 J FLY THE FLAG ON THE FOURTH. " - - - "YtA '' l v.f; y:: V purest Drink it when you are thirsty or warm, it cannot hurt you - . --- possible to obtain. Tomorrow is the day to display ' t' i - j?YY'.'- v is made with distill e FLY THE FLAG ON THE ' v FOURTH. . your, patriotism. Show your colors. V- I .,-; ;. rx immeasurably PURER city-opera- t ed Quarry will be. -- as enliyening the city during the coming sit months. The price of rock is. said to be slated or a raise and several of the super visors; are attempting to figure out what the price of rock in a j-j-c- . m Bottled under the personal supervision of Mr. Rycroft and Mr.Leithead Rycrofti J&ctic Soda ork Ltd Exclusive bottlers of Coca Cola, Country Club Ginger Ale, c Pinectar, Etc. : ( yy: X : ! f 4. nONOLXILU QUE' I i ff 1916. iREFlifcCiiud ; Y ' hIF 1 1 a 1 . u . KtiniatGilCQStof ii 1 v . Bu! I din !TS EDITOR - - .... .... ..... . .....JULY niLEY H. ALLEN MONDAY. JULY, Y; mm T 1 CTAB-BULLETIN.aiODA- if f?&m arrive la Iomou- i loner, S&Urdayi' cd i personal: 3usi&ets. 3, 1916. lu " Y ' ., ; " ' -- i i !V 1 ' ' t m 1 - '; v i Ho-ttolnl- ir' ' : -- f-t- - v; -- : -- r . . i' - ' . e 'ti Y-- n. .- . ' ' ' : ?: 1 he 5 . ; - h - : , ' . road-materi- al . ' c Ger-Icpatch- es incyjimc - : . '' " on-th- -- The-German- s n.u "'.m .' ; . . V - : : -.- r lj 1 1 . ? . ' Lvcr cf .ace for our nation,, not at liberally We wcul f.lit any ether : nation, but only The lr.rge rr.ajcrity of the people of the t:s are determined we shall not become in- -. :ricus trcuLle 'with any European country. cd net lock with favor upon any suggestion It seems per-- f : cs it, except as a last resort. and certain tht any candidate. foHorfice : : ins a contrary opinion is doomed to defeat, ccur.try. would; if possible," exert an influerice rcction, and it may be practicable if we avoid y controversy! if .we 9"t reasonable" and - ; constantly give evidence, of a Christian .Ye may be considerate. and conciliatory with-".- r. j; our honor or lowering our i: '.tification to offer the olive branch even if ; 1 ..: .j !i,.if v. necessary,-pa- y 1 . . : ': 1 self-respe- ct; , , There1 is a! good deal of mush-tai- k .eirig engaged in just. now over Duke Kahanamoku s Accepting an per weeK on a oyear vauaeYuie contract, oner 01 and thereby . becoming a professional swhnmeri i He would have "been a fool to have thought of declining such' an orTer. Amateur athletics, may be all nghL for rich men, but there isn't much in it or the man who needs the' money that his special Hnl of ability, makes it possible for him to earn.!;t A ;great baseball player isn't ny less. great" when.he, tecomes a professional, nor is any other athlete less : gT,eat! because ertajn associations , refuses" i!to recognize world charnpionihip title isn'tespedalIyYwtisfacto)y ta the. holder if he knows sofne-- other rnan; cab beat him at his own'game,Maui Newsl '' :u j -- " . hiite.ffcetA ''s The stevedores on strike on the mainland ask $1 an hour for night 'work, which is refused,' though other demands have been grantedWe 'suppose, that this , may soon have a brief, visit from one ; figures in national politics-Victo- r .Yck of. Kansas, chairman of, the . Progressive : r.al Committee. .Murdock was ; one of, the .ccncilables" of the Chicago convention. After r umination of Hughes and the "conditional re-cf Roosevelt to run against him, the fiery Kan-ure- d the creation of: a fourth party, to be led W. J. Br'an and Henry Ford. Shortly aftefwara as said that "Murdock had left Chicago and would fcr a trip to China, passing through Honolulu'. It Y lly not generally known here that: Murdock i this city in 1905. He was then an obscure L.:t has since won both fame and reputation.! , '.-.l- u -- : . 1" demand is based oh the Europeanrwar; which Is bneing made responsible for so many other :demands.ir-Hi- lo Hratd : - YV ' J ' , . i - ' Yf.Y;..' -- ..v;':" . - - Anti-Saloo- n Thursday and which Y wfll -- f: end on " July; 6.. , .;. ' PUNAH0U PAGEANT : PARTICIPANTS TO HOLD LUAU THURSDAY - '" HawaiTuerT.iSor. ' ::: :" .. -- '' , . . . R ROTfAT-KKMPSTE- Y OOODlNQ - FTELDjsecretarydf the. Hawaii ,Tuna Club; "has contributOuting Magailne ed an: article to on eame'frshlnkIaHaw'aU. He1 has ; ' . thtfiepiJrff .V"---?..:- 4 t ' : 0 1 'Home-- -- lh. 1 a storjF. of 4heWstory,of many f01written ine iisn,. ausMescrueaue.. many : ' . v. ts your game:; kinds of game7 fish in- these waters; In addition. Jie jrrUes- jDf: the . Interest McCORRI&TON In Sin Franclflcoi taken by. mainland fishehnlen. . Cal' June 13. 1916 Hugh . P. McCori riston, a .native of Hawaii, Syearf : W. H.; HUTTONjis backet hla old ;fY; anjl Xoiif maiiSa oid.''-7:U? desk this .morning in jt fletectlve flan $PfNOLAJ-I- n' v HoimluluV as v 1 1 tl. Michael.1 son i of Mr: 'and Mrs. partmeht ' of keeper of .the records an4 lYjbhn de F.' Spinola t'of . 3304 .Leahl Oapt. Arthur. McDufrie.'1 E6ri teveral -- y a ve5uev PatoJo;' six mpirthi; ttT: weeks Hutton baa beenpsacceasfu4',as SPINOLA In .' Honotuluv Jun6 '29. probation "'officer for.i.the"' Juvenile - I9t6, Richard S. Spmola; 5th; aVenfue court.- - He reslgned;only .becaussuh.e Palblo.' CA- U "iJ could not live" at .the probation home. LMfl, Hpnolu.U9e 91916,114 . ;Y:' Attractive, new :YY-- Y'-v- ' ) , 6-ro- kc t , om bungalow A ! . Hnyt9 - estor !jjy : r nd . frXHv.& .' 9J-r- In J ipOOp iomjyla be-for- , Y Yr: 1 - . ei ;.Y, J. 1 YY.: -', Y . , Lii; Jnfant ilaughter Mm. ail 4 E'STEERE. manager of the real iMri William LIi.YvY 9 16, Le iL estate iepartnie'nt 0 A,he ' Henry; Wa Honolulu, Juna-9,-;: .taktogfa .i;Kam- Goo.t 1 it terbouse Trust;, VacaUpn, A .f ew days tEONGIn Honolulu,. June 24, 1916; t':.;;"v-;;he sailed, I or . th e; mainland the Leong Charm. middle of last. week be "ciosed .one of SCHUTXE--IHcnolulu, . June 29, the larjrest real e ute. leals ever con1916, at the Children's hospital, Es summated Jft Honolulu,ithe sale of the ther Schutte, daughter of; Mr. and busine district property of. the - Mrs. Cnde Schutte, sge 13 years, Spreckels' estate for- - about .4350.000, 9 months.. Body to be buried tomorSteere' v ill spend about two months In row In the Kawalabao cemetery. Glacier National park, returning ; to Jt iiO in . Puunene, Maui. June. .24, Honolulu during the firs part of Sep- v 1916, Maruyama Juso. a native of d sidewalks,: etc. Yv 'watevscrer, - FY welt-earne- - idectHcity, 'gas,' city if i COxlCO ffcv;.. Phone 3477 , v n- ;i ; f - ii , " tember. Japan, ',1 LETTER? AMENDING years 21 j Kwai Fat Von, ...23 Mary 5 Ching, Chinese. . . ... ..t.v 19 YY;- '''r'- v Editor Honolulu ;t ;' ". t rise I due hesitation With to Albert - OntaL 8tr: . . . . . . It object to the Advertiser amending the Eliza Duncan. v. ,.23 constitution of the United States with' ,! it; , out letting us all know Last, Saturday the, morning paper Vuki Idetn,Japanese...Yv. 22 printed a long story of the sort known s ; - y aapolitlcal dopei In whlchv the aJlega- - Joseph L; Hookaia, Hawaiian J,vU 27 tlon waa set forth thit Secretary of Mary Ann Kauluaau Hawaiian; 24 - ' m v ; m the Interior Franklin K. Lane is dis--; couraged brer Governor Plnkhani and ; : ,The ; bet Investment' of the United that Judge Stuart has been getting In States Reclamation Service at the effective TUcka for the governor ; ginning of the present fiscal year was ship. The 'reasons was' said 'to? be approximately 1100,000.000.' " ' Y. --principally ' ' -- js throughthe failure of the constitution" th Advertiser, amended 'to deliver the Hawaii wallop delegates at the St Louis contention.' Jn order to deliver a back-han- d : Y Mr.j Lane "had laid,; particular, stress 'at the jrovernor. the governor' on ' the Importance v But perhaps. Mr. Lane didn't know and went right of this, as MK .Lane Is ambitious, after that he. was ineligible the manner ,o( M5: Caesar, and wanted along working - for the nomination in blissful ignorance that he had dls-the nomination lor The Joke of this will te kpparent nialified himself at the start of a After a little consultation of the con- - promLiln life.'. This reminds us of stltution of the United States and. tbat-a- 1 s our - friend Rugglea of Red Who's wh6". "The first- seta fbrthY Gap would : say "ripping-- wheeze" Weber and Field used to get fnat no" person Is 'eligible to the presidency unless a citlsen born In off with eclat: . .. ' ' Y Y Y ; the United States; the second se r. ; "They . say S that the barking dog Y ; Y.Y r i Y: forth that Franklin Knight Lane yasi never bites." ' n, 1 ou out u $1 tnqw In and U: know "Tea Canada. A naturalized born 1 en, he has not been eligible for; the i does the.no? xow,itT" ARGUS. up to ; the. time Ue?;( (Signed) - .vY--- - :f.:. part-Cijmes- e. Star-Bulletin- v -- Y .Y V - old.,Y::';.,YY;-i;;- MARRIAGE LICENSES THE ; CONSTITUTION. t i 1 0 . exiBle BRACELETS part-Hawaii- an part-Hawaiia- lut : or withont. Something; new, with stones, X Engraved i! . t- - ? , be-so- (O . chief-executiv- e " c -with ' ' ' ; - f. J- .' Henry Vaterhouse Trust Cp.i Ud- ;- Y vice-president- .1' ' -- - - -- 4 . 15S6 ? i y-- Palolb road (5th are.).. I. .i..'1.2 Bedrooms v Pahoa ave. (bet 6th & 7th) j.i.;.z ;..Y.. .v;.v;- 25X5 - 25.00" vice-presiden- 1 r r 1714'AnapunI stj P.rtJy furnish ed... 3 Waialae road . .... .15 ; (BeL-7t' an 8th aves.) 1&75 Kalakaua. ave. .2 j I 774 Kluau, at . I Y. . ... . . . . . . .... 4 ," Cor. Alexander Dole sts....... 3 ' ; Y 12th ave Kalmukl... ..... . . ... .2 1270 Matlock ave. ..w...,Y.3 YY 1151 11th ave. (corner) ....... 2 , (Partly furnished.) ; - :';Y . ' . h new .house dn a double, improved lot. Y Fern rlouse, chicken yard, fruit. tr'ees etc; Y Y Y Y o v : Y'.'.';. v AY Corner Mokauea "and Queen Sts. Prict $3,000.00. ; Y v ........ :.V :' ' 25.C3 Y 35.00 .y V.i. I-.- ....... 53.00' 25.00 r Henry Vaterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. : " ,Y.V.V.:i-374J- . but - Are you a 4 V;.-- V Y; i ... - 1 - Deputy - Attorney-genera- l W,; II.7. Hcen Is expected .to return Tuesday: morning from Maul, where he has been looking up a territorial land case Y involving summary possession pro-ceedins brought by the ; territory against a Portuguese lessee of govern-- ; ' Y' ment ' land on the Island. m 9 .v m ' ., 'V M.. Gaston Darboux.: h secretary xf . the: French Institute of Science draws the attention of doctors to the value of paper undergarments asi'a protection against winter weather. f: . The spirit of Kitchener was' with the men of Britain when they sprang from their trenches, on Saturday morning and went forward m singing .battalions against the'ibnemy;" Y. . - r - Whoever first coined the word Americanism' should have had it copyrighted,' for every campaign braloV is stealing it now and using it as his pivri in- f ention. .a Mon-H..sarr- at, , -- ' x. - rWa-hlawa.oah- u, to Honolula" j.TvesdayC froia; ', Washington,' D. Cwhere he attended con ference of sanitary jengineera as representatives of ithe looaF Board of Health. ;He winbe accpmpffnied;by C . - . -Y " DONALD 8. BOWMAN,chIef sani- Julian-Yate- y: ! tary inspector for Hawaii. 'vrlU return Y ' l, N - . . ; , League, have gone to Hilo to represent the league at the annual meeting of the Hawaiian . Evangelical Association which began last the S v vT " ,C. v. PETERS, president, REV. George W. Paty, . secretary, of and Y ,: Y- ; By. the.yway,r did ahyboylrnoticer a ''iingle Iterm : : n Boelcke, the famous German aviator, is plank in this Democratic national platform of .1916? Y d after alL A few days ago reports had him '.1 ii last Friday the official Gcr-- v Francis J. i Heney has , turned around and joined ' .matches credited him with shooting down his the I pemocratici party Still; Col. Roosevelt, Hughes hasafc Y ; .i. aeroplane- .- Zz ; :;Yp:Y ' ' Those who participated in the Pun ahon Pageant will have a luau at 6 o'clock ' Thursday' night on the colj: v.. . lege grounds. Miss Mary P. Winne v of the:Punahou Preparatory School Is MARRIED.' Queen BRALT-BENSOIn Honolulu. June in 'Charge of arrangements. Is Invited been haa UUuokalanl ad George 1916, A; Braley 'and 27, tDr. 150 , others. expected with about nazel.L. Benson, Rev. A, A. Eber-:.sol- e 'Central;. Union 'officiating Aztec corn 1000 years plaV'was rechurch, ' Ellen Braly Furer and 'A. The government health service hasv ' planted In Kansas. It grows cently; V Clifford Braly witnesses. corn, and discovered a new and cheap disinfect.', PUERTES-RO- S A In Honolulu, June much ''faster than modern premium. ant 'It Is obtained. from pine oil. . the grains will be at a ' ; 30, 1918; In the offic of the District ' Magistrate. Catalino Puertes of f age 28," to Juanlto de la Rosa, also of :Wahiawa, age 21. n ; Ceremony performed by. J.: M. . .: Witnesses, A. P. Ocampo " YY 1 and D K. TCaeo. v In HIlo Ha-- . wall, June. 25, 1916, Allan vR. L.Ro-wat and Miss Mildred Kempster, .( YRev."J,,MC. Bodd, vpaitoi of the : Episcopal church of the Holy Apoa-;-: ties,, officiating. I j Witnesses.-- Miss ' Grace Rickard and. George Willfohg: vice-whic- h - Y .': D. so-call-ed i !:i ;' . Concrete bases- - for batteriea : to-.- ; irotect Pearl Harbor from an attack by land forces are now being lalj.atv "t the ' north end of Ford , Island; by vorkmon directed by the U. S. Eatla-ee-r corpa, through; the local enria-- , eer orricer. MaJ. R. R Raymond, It Is expected that, within the next few months the first of the gun basea will be completed. The work will con-- . tinue until the entire number are Installed, after which they will be ready to have guns mounted on them. Rock and cement are being used, and the entire work will require a year or more. The bases will be care-- 1 fully protected by embankments similar in general design to those 'protect' lng the big coast defense rifles at Fort of-lic- e, -- ?. jl Battery on Ford Island is Progressing Nicely - ; T. GARDEN, deputy city and county attorney: I had the ' peculiar, experience, while acting iast wetk, of writing myself Van ' opinion on the moxa and acupuncture treatment. 'As deputy city and county attorney I was due to write an opinion on the matter for City and County Attorney Brown's 4S the case was being handled by Mrr Stainback's office ar well, so. I killed two birds with one rock, De Ruaay. .... .. . Y mailed and as acting attorney-generaa copy of the oViulon to my office 1n HEEN IS RETURNING: y'y y county attorney's departthe city-an- d : ' ment FROM MAUI TOndRROV; I ' y '. , attackers had a low; rolling country over which in some of these later years should be able to make 'fast time; second, be-t' section thrust north of .the Soissohs-Aisn- e CONCRETE ROADS YVI N- FAVOR. ' thro-JSgfines, the force !, if it cut the German ians at this ; advanced Soissons salient to;- fall C Advocates of concrete for will find even., though their own splendidlyrorganized , tlieir ideas strongly supported by the state highway de:;'-:kes. were untaken. partment of Pennsylvania; .With lp,200iles of roads '::ctcvrofthy feature of this tremendous offensive tnrougnout tne state to mainram, improve ana some suddenness with ;which jiews of it. has come times to rebuild, the department is swinging strongly f the smoky western areiia. vEvidentiy a Very to concrete whenever this material is feasible." ',.,7 military censorship, has been at work.' The : Traffic conditions accordirlg.VillU for the past few days have "spoken chief engineer ofJthe;Sta!eHfgh .rcased British activity, but neither the announce targe xicni gifvcf a xfutu in Berlin nor those in London have, told how must , 10, every uh flot do recommend be x:oncretekJjf orj tbuilt. t r.hardrncrit has been increasing- in intensity location;" he, for days preceding the infantry, attack, .it had of modern' pavement has its own place. .. Wayne ; d a million shells a - day. The man who has type County,' Michigan, li&'JomWo seen: a modern artillery engagement can have 1 V' f t f i! ' ll 1 '1'" il J s'1 L'a. e western w;mcn 1 jpuna ir,a recent inspection nave prqyeo-sai:-ithe faintest ideaof.lhe jnfenro' factory, Milwaukee ha's 100 mfles'of concrete roads; showed the r many weeks' past. 'c.'hiye ;tii6re';thar 200)roiles how to demolish trenches by a livmgvhood ot OhjoTand Mirylaxid uuj aiw ivvhi: ivuuhwuvhw., ciwc 9"i nnw inar frnpnenrr. wnicn cum r uvcniing ;iw,'us iwi vuiuiiucuuii i :::: :i so dearly m .the. lives ot, gallant .soiaer Deparbnent: provides." in; ii Pendsylyanii, the;$tate to deadly account against the Ger-- 1 kinds of modern pavements, and t:.:::.:c!ves."-- ' Y'Y'-.; V"V:Y' specifications for allconditions-indicate-ai mosteryicc'r selects those which j I: fere the British delivered a mighty, thrust able. ; roads In the building of concrete Expansion leader-;!- i ? western line and through . inefficient : "as must or,provided with be 'other forms of' road command and inadequate preparation, ' : er:r-;--p--:; v;7; t held the advantage they gained. This constmction.r In the rebuilding of the cityV'suburban reads 'Chief r y-'- s almost as great. as that of the Darda-I- t remains to le seen "; whether: the British ionneii 01 tne riignway oureau.as a nrm ueuever in ! ? zllt to fellow the advantage their unpre-- c this form of concrete foundation. As to the asphalt .;::. Jiture o explosives and 4 fearless irP or other bituminous surface, Mh,Corinell' contends that its durability is all a matter of "upkeep7Ana ' rres have won fcr them. ... onv"upkeep the city's highway: engineer laysgreat .'1 old stress. "Jn the case of highways,'! A BIG BUSINES PACIFIST,' adage of 'a stitch in time, sayei rime' holds gocxt yith good concrete foundation the upkeep of our bitumious tical crr'tal. Democratic orators afc surfaced," hen roads,' when repairs Are made' lust Business. is Republican ani needed, moforatev' vAh4 the Philadelphia extremely is ; war." But a. recent talk by Judge asphalt Steel Trust, method of 'painting' biriimmus'6ads:wit6 an G cad of the bituminous mjxture commended by engineers of Jivje Gary, whose address at the or nearly every State, is a further aid in preserving the Club h:relart year is still remembered surfaces from being torn up by the wheel suction of few wcrtlwh;l2 talks made by much- -' rapidly traveling automobiles and .heavy X motor iters,' said' to the convention of' the Iron trucks. .' v in New'Ycrk'. Fcf Worlc on Concrete Duces : f-- Star-Bulleti- I!ARLES H. THURSTON. Hotf olulu fire department chiefs During the 20 years I have been in. the fire department here I have had JusV'one vacation. Although I am entitled to 15 daya every year, I .havent Uken any chiefly because there ts'bor other place I'd rather ga Eleven year ago I; went' to the mainland for .three months, but It was more f a change than a holiday . for I stud led. fire departments until ,1 couldn't' took wie uYY In the face. , -- T Ann hi m . -- 7 y 'yy'yW. . . .'..v '::. - MRS. B.' D. BOND, school ccpoimls 8- -Y Honolulu's Fourth of July BRITAIN'S DRIVE. a, mUlion dollar Is K Si More than uioner from Hawtli, win arrtre In estimated cost of the build- - ii . j Tuesday on her way to th S the arc on Anerc pamoiicxercise-hrst empnasis fags, started in Honolulu. In the X V "Y 8 AUthiUlid."' Pear! rowing .attractions-rthie six months . of this year- - X posiHarbor first S German good sporting Great Britain's mighty stroke at the $1,131,142.60 H to . be exact. - Per- - X tions launched Saturday at daybreak, comes along races and the Athletic1 Park baseball but quite, prop v V. A. CARVALHO Is In Honolufa : K mits for the period t numbered r z 20;mile front ending, on the south, at the junction erlv overshadowine these are the exercises . in the tor seTersl weeks. He Is principal 793. Fees paid for the permlta forernnient; school at Papal K amounted. , ... , to 12.647.30. v Anglo-Frencf junction over h this t the front. ;From ' Wneai-llild:' kon ; owrning," - k the those building Report inspectat tomorrow grounds of Capitol the i z front extending a few miles south the, French have or-fo- r per:" shows June 8 that. JU, r MANUEL OtMOS has retarned H mlta' were' issued' durmgthe-J- t iVo started a furious attack," the combined object Opera House in 4he evening, Gen, Evans' reception, from Maul to live In Honolulu.-H- e alue X posts In fact, was for some time foreman of the K moath, with the estimate :in obviously to cut through the German lines and and the programs at the various-armbuildings K of erected set the M"ft - ?' ':rce; the Teutons into a general withdrawal of their throughout the islands the nation's birthday is Jo be Maul News shop.- - Ii9i,o7o.5o ". Y;c--v:!v2r.ced. posit ions along a large part of the western observed : with unusual unanimity and" patriotic fer- W1LUAM McCLUSKinr; who supthe government , schools ; In ervises : ' 'V ,;! vor. V'i';:;'i. visiting ln Honohilu; - He.ts Is Maul, V,v The spot chosen by . the British and French com-- ;""The spirit of patriotism ras been deeply stirred by one of the chool faculty . summer : mders fof tlieir terrific thrust is hot the most ad- :Z I yyVITAL STATISTICS here, . .r Mexico. , Men and Europe,. in untoward events4 the T r.ztd portion of the German lines in France. That SORN. REV FR H.YALENtlNhas .'re Stripes Stars, and the allegiance to hoJding their i are 0 or 50 miles to the south, a salient circling from turned from Hllo,: where h conduct- MONTANA To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene since-thMili westWar. 5 any Gvil time higher than at ed the relieious- retreat thiaear of . Montana, 528 N. King street, June Tracy le Mont through Autreches, around the ;V 17 191S. a daughter., i .: Y the ' Catholic Sister In charge of St :i edge of the forest of; Aiglc and thence through tary conflicts are regrettable Joseph Mrs.; To Mr. and Joseph's School for .G iris, - : : KUMALAA 406 Cummins street, June Kumalaa, f Soissons district .Ajt this point the iermans are iii a righteous cause they crry" suffering to ntold I 6 f 4 r' Y MRS. HOWARD CASSwaa success v ts; :1916, a daughter. 'y CO miles from Paris,' but it must be remembered pt nre. . the MrSL' Eanlnlo that no there Mr, question rand but innocents, DlRAMPfT is upon morning operated fully at th!r :t they have been "only. 6Q miles from Paris'. since . Dlrampo. ; River, r near Y vineyard which material- - the Beretanla Sanitarium for. append street-Jun28. 1916, a daughter. cy were, forced into theAisne entrenchments after battle burns away much of the drois recovering nicely; la . Case cltls and Is CHAR In June 30. 191$, Honolulu. French' tHe thet reporter which triiggle jiaiivw awuuiwuj saved courts; Marnc 'for of the ism incviuiujy' bureaus' ..r. Mr. and Mrs. Sang Char. of.Men-- , to ' , U:. , ; .Uii ' ' ; v "Y? times of peace. v'rlrf--;-r, fe ." ''r-:'- ' donca tract. Liliha street, ,4 f on. '-'. YYY. WALLACE ,W. BLAISDELL, assist-an- t ri; n Honolulu. June; 27, ; 1916. 'a is- probably that the attack was" launched at the chief ot the Honolulu fire depart- GILUS-rlHawaii in common withJ itX sister commonwealths ' to Mr. and Mrs. John S. G ill's of returned Saturday .night to bis ' r. :ie point for two 'reasons first, as indicated in of the United States will put fiito the Fourth of July ment, 706 Quarry street, a son. post at the. Central fira station after ' : t rday s despatches," because the Germans were cornniemoratjons tomorrow a far deeper and sincerer AWANA In Wailuku Maul June 28. spent his with a two weeks vacation 1916. to Mr and Mrs. E. X. Awana, : t xpecting the thrust here and once past the trench-- ? mani festation of national spirit than has been shown family-and- . his mother near Kahala.: ; Y a son. v program torhorro w. lays ii::3G::;:Y attorney-general- : Uhue reople say their July Fourth telebxatlcn tomorrow will be the first real Independence Day stunt ther have ever held. They told me over there that they expect a big day tomorrow, and have oeen making elaborate preparation a., , ... ,. StartGd k M. STAIXBACK, Corner Fort and Ilcrchant Ctrccta . : i i HONOLULU rTrrrmrmrmrmr! wmmrrmmmr FiiOTtlllOiil .t..w.uuuutmuttuiiimiitwttuuiwmmti STAR-BULLETI- R'A lAPArOT OF RYWSTFR LIp; L. W; de Vis-Nort- on 8th July 2Ctirc!ay noxt, . - e - : f.. -. ;, ' . : . '. ! COVERS ALL EXPENSES - . ' -. - i -- Assortment ..Bjr compromise, seven ' important appeal Hawaii sugar plantation-tacasei involving millions 'of dollars, have; just been settled lln the appeal court ni Hilo,- - The valuations accepted by compromise are J3.700.000 more than; the returns, but' $350,000: less than: the figures at which Tax Assessor 0, T. Shlpman valued the proper1, Surprisingly good values in Collars, Collar and x s The Japanese Red Cross So- -, dety of Japan has. granted a flag pf, the Red Qroas-tO- i theLBwa department of the Hawaii branch. f .workvJhe tlajt fotMu spleindid was granted to lt through. rtheJ Japanese consulate in this city. About 500, members of. the Ewa Red Cross members --will wl- ccme the flag ", tomorrow with a large meeting at Ewa, Consul Moroi, head of Hawaiian Japan- ese ' Red Cross .Society, . will de-Hvei the address by request of 4-4- the TSra members." . . .. . .. ' - . ... :' - . ALARMS OF HRE ......tttt.it ties..; , . '- . ? .:. ; : :- .- -- . : .V-.express shipment from New York. . . u: : Sheer Voiles, Swiss, V Georgette Crepes, .Nets, "'Jty t:y Z Laces, etc, are the materials" that have been rk'collar employed in all of the latest New V' ! fads. r 0Y'r' Prices all the, way, in easy stages, from 35c 0 , . : l , ::v;-;- ; final hearings on the cases. VThe sults of the compromise are as ' " lows: v ; ; returns, .Walakea Mill Company $800,000; assessed, $150,000. com,. promised, $1,000,000. Hilo Sugar Company; returns,' $1. 300,000; assessed, $350,000; compro: mised, $2,300,000; 4 , Onomea Sugar Company; returns, refol- ' - f.A, assessed, $1,200,000; - ,t It SAGES' ..... v;-- com- ;, ': :,; promised, $1,100,000.Hakalau Plantation Company, : re--, turns, $1,250,000; assessed, $3,150,000; ,: compromised, $2450,000. Laupahoehoe Sugar Company; re turns, $700,000; assessed, $1,250,000; compromised. $900,000. j Be t ;. Kaiwlki Sugar Company; returns. $500,000; assessed. $750,000; compro; mised, $600,00. y - -- ; , assessed,- - $3,500,000; comv. ; promised, $2.750.000. r ; " Honomu Sugar Company; returns. $650,000; 'a ; New Constitutional Laws to MadejNew Cabinet.Has ..j There" were ; 12 fire '? alarms In ; the Honolulu fire department last month. one of which was false and four of which came on the same-day- , June 6. Damage was slight in each instance. f 'In May; there, were 10 fires. The fact, that losses by fires in June were of little consequence might lead some people to believe that the fire boys had Uttie to do," said Chief Thurston today, "but the fact that our 'men held the fires to small blazes and got to them. before they, grew speaks for., their successful lire fighting. Every Vblg' fire starts from, av very email one.;v. . V- - ! sas!' -- -- t vV v Been Formed ' ilotel,' near. Fcrt. .rrf.t-- ; . ; wmm. gether August.l but ' make it "safe and sane" by ordering your dinner meat of ; . I rjarliet Dppiitan Lie at According . to , the-- i mandate; ,he l?rovisional t constitution!. ,or the . first year of, the republic ,'wJ? remain ?in force until ..the new, lawe jareidmwn up and all. treaties after 1, will remain in.iorce; 4 TO ' ( i Anothifr mandatf uhas;: been issued. appointing specially TuanChi Jul to be premier-- ; and minister; bf warjTong Shao YI to.be m,inistre v of foreigii affairs; Hsu. Shihi iXitt to; be (minister of home aiairs; iC&eri'Kim ;Jao to be minister of financeaf fairs Chinff Pik Kwong to be minister of navy affairs; Chang Yao Tseng Ho 'of law;! Sun Hung minister; of education ; Chang Kd Kaa td be minister of agriculture , At, all. the army posts. Tuesday the Wong.Ta 'Hsueblto bev minister of t Inglof--. 4 f irosl and icotanflm(offivTm Sag e :4o the;; Cniont guns, will be fired at .'noon sharp in" anniversary of, ,the honor . of , the ndependencei J') APPEARANCE IffJCDURt",: Declaration From the administration - building, DOUBLED UP EXPENSE on the Capitol grounds,' a Similar sa lute) will be fired by the members of Coming back 5 wa! expensive this cdmpany,. 1st Infan morhinir for Kubota'. The latter4 was try National Guard of HawalL , vv arrested ; yesterday for gambling and Hawaiian' Department headquarters had: been released oh $25 bail. ' This R. K. morning1 he ' was found guilty ' nd' all day and Brig.-ie- n Evans, commanding the department, 5nd. Mrsr Evans will entertain in Vie forfeited the ball-would nave, been a receptian to all army. afternoon with $25 ahead but being a gambler, he took . Mmt t ana .navy oiucers on vanu ana tneir a chance. ; Sixteen , ' more r gamblers, J.- wives. .v. mostly ; Japanese," enriched the . .city Rational ; Guard headquarters will exchequer by over $100 in fines and be closed tomorrow. VThe Capitol .will forfeitures. . . " ' : 'T ' ' also close. - Th$ Department Quarter- craster's office wlll remain open to arrange, for booking', passengers and freighi. for. the. U. S- - army, , transport Thomas, d ue to arrive ' from . Manila andj.Nagasakf at noon .tomorrow, and to sait some time Wednesday, azter-noo- n for San. Francisco. The; Thomas will take: from Hono passengers, 25 sec lulu 70 first-clas- s ond j and 130 troop; She has none aboard-fo- r this city, except a, Philip pine scout lieutenant who is taking a cbahce on getting1 transportation to :: v ;'4 San Francisco' front here; :' The iTiomas wIU take out 320 tons of freight from Honolulu. f : ;; and-commer- oi'll ( ti.-.i- l . . i.: . I f "t tlf i V A ce; . , - SUIT ZHDIIIOHT THE LAND OF THE - ' ' - . y r .... , t- - ' 4 -i - - your vacation in this wondsrhnd cf ics fijlli. , Round trip from Seattle, including All Expenses, CCj These Hot Day 'f.:'p;U' and up. ' f : - - jrt r 1 7, Sailings from Seattle, July 2, 14, 20, 23, An " ; , ?.CV ; r'- y. : ; 13,19. call for relief. : To get it, We sell through tickets and make all rcs:rvatic Drink Soda Abater with TRE SALUTE TO ilOITOlRROr PnOIIE 3415 - ?v Spend - ?v' r U"FLY THE FLAG. ON THE 4TH Anr.iY POSTS Cel ebrate, of course, vt - A - -- " - ' . t - China la touftave"new,: constitution lawsl according ,to a. caile' received Sunday by Tss-an-g WoohuanvChineae consul here, ' from ',tHe legation - at Washington and ' which originated . at the Chinese foreign c&lc& The cable stated that a presidential mandate of June 29 calls the national assembly to- - 0 ; . -- "' " '.- "! J- - . W. H. Heen Deputy appeared for the territory, representoffice at the ing the attorney-general'- s Attorney-genera- thatwere included in aa.;.r' Cuff sets Vestees, etc., ; . . " 7. . CALLSASSEMBLY '"""IPMPtl - A Ikw Collar . S . " ' fl.600,000; HONOLULU- - . 1 : COURT AT HILO FOR RED CROSS.- PRESIDENT LI Inter- - Island Steam Navigation Co QUHni STREET , i' v ARE SETTLED liJ - : RerLt I Loofboarow of the Meth odJit iharch lahed the administraeWoon Wales 1i In tion yesterday " called 'Citizens to Two Ceria tries. The minister declared it uaa' lmtd-sibl- e for one to bow' to two "countries at the same time and rapped the United States government in' referring' to the case of Francois Le Blanc of Ntiw f Orleans. Le Blanc, was born in Louis- f iana and enjoj ed all the rights 6f an tAmerican citizen, fie said, although his parents were natives of France and, accordng to the tatter's la.wSr-hwas also a French subject. When he 4askd . to be protected by the1 Unted States government in' a business trip to his native land during frar, time 4 he was told he must take his own chances. This, the minister said, was weakness on Uncle Sam's part. BY 191 M KAIP APPFAlS mmMMl CITIZENS URGED rarsona lly londucted Excursion lONDAT, JULY 3, N. pure, delicious Ice, Cream.. i , i AGENTS PACIFIC COAST fsTEAlISHIP, C 0J?AiTY v Cair4r2 2 5 and hate us ; i send you some in bulk or brick:" 1 r . i I- Aaonl: bur; Hew: G c z'i v have mc:t 'artir.'lo : B p V 1 s and V a s e s ;'f cr '; ; ; Also Served at. i4 . ZV-'V.,'- , .v ; r, ; 7 o:-f--v- ; 7e; 3 ? 7: : - Cowers-- ' .i ; : un ...,. : I . . ;:-:-mrnn- ; fc rarcw io the Llau czd clzzr.zrs Sizrra, Scnozia : M ,2:3 rcdcral Ccnpiny. hcsbcca herded U. fl. Qot-n- t c:r.trcct to equip all battleships and three of tht :t rzCSo taon3 la the world' (includixiff Pcaxl H&r- i .k.jv2cul3i: THERE'S A REASON. . Telephona 4CC5 ;v: vl: . ivcls of LndicG' end ;GcntG, I'M U v v - n, .01 CHINESE EDJT0RS H v j 5VARH FIGHT.Q5(EH:BIG S POLITICALQUESTIONS v:-- . ' Corner Pauahi "4 ' : , pno:;s 22:5 reache3 ; ; ; andiSand for concrete work. all t;i;;r.a cf hock FIREWOOD AND .COAL, y : z cjzzu ztkzzt F.acbxni t . : "7 . : T of republic vs. monarchy. ..The .Wan Hing : Bo Supported Yuan ; Shih-Ka- i during the revolution in China while the Sun Chuck Kwock Bo was in favor ; ; : of the revolution. ' V When Yuan Shih-Ka- i died the editor of the Sun Chock Kwock Bo said that inasmuch as the monarchist leader had! passed . out of the limelight, the Wah Hing Bo should do so too. . Then the: editor of the Wah Hing Bo stated that' Dr. K. F. Ll,the editor of the opposing newspaper,. was Aianchu-rian- , and inasmuch as lie favored the Manchu dynasty, and tfiat jsras do more, the newspaper should? give upthe; ghost. Dr.- LI was aisq.criticUedfor alleged administering drugs woman. The ngnt u going promises to become warmer. In granting conce8sldns fot .devel-- cessionaries; to p reserve ;fcr.r.;.' opment of its recently discovered pot--; consumption such parti of tha t:l the government deens aiv! ' ash deposits Spain. Is requesting con-la-s . - 1 . RTISTIC mdScikhiific is the ta i I o r ze;?o He studies the W5 Mcltierny cloth jjecTSOj every, line tn the appearance o ry our suit. He ts well tn rormea reanvnivia rno iworn mroQT n In nr rHO. mands r r7 cm117 and everv : f o emooa tment J til best ot hands ts a com p 1 T-m- Loli.of. about.an acr)e each at bead of Keeaumoki v Street "j Finest residence property in Honolulu.; Ma--: .. c'dain' street, water, sjewer and gasJateachloty i i! Let us take you up and show you. Only five left" rr 7 1 1 M 7 fin wfni', fit Fifth A venues man, ',.,..v. wa - P0ST0FFICE ANM0UNCES SERVICE FOR KOlODcYfl Holiday hours will be ' observed l 4. The stamp,' parcel Tost, registry, and gen eral delivery windows - will be. open l from '8 a.. m. to 12 m. . One delivery will be made by letter carriers after distribution of WUhelmina maU. Col lections will be made from street let ter boxes to connect despatch of malls for the mainland by &r S. Sonomo and for. Kauai and Maui by steamers Ki nau and Mlkahala. ' V i J :. 5 yoiir dress. Smart busk :4 t'-- ' ' - .5 V V - - " . ; ; j v-jj- ; POSTMASTER. . Japan's match Industry has suf fered greatly because of ' the difficulty in Importing materials: Another important prjblethiiifktW,li8la2d Empire . .!. . . .. ... t thet po8toffice Tuesday, July : Doze:.. - -- 1 . . .. on--u- na i - 4 Chinese "newspaper med are having a merry little fight over the question . iO ; , " -- COMFORTABLE V '' STRICTLY FIRST-CLAS- S ICO ROOMS: SO BATHS . Japians i '- ':. : t v p ! -- V , PLEASANT0N HOTEL' ; t' LUXURIOUS aNd ' f ' o will-clos- -- Mc-INERN- Y "The' House of Coutiesy''; . ii ' i - TV SIX r ? pr!7PiT? Pflft 77 i i PfT? ' '7m 'V ' HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- HI 'Vi Mil I MONDAY; JULY 3, 1916. N; VVJ WANTS 4 WILL MERCANTILE i'ti;. SHOVS PROFIT The Matson steamer Enterprise is reported to have left IIUo Sunday. Wednesday the T. K. K. steamer Nippon Maru will take mail to China DURING.VAR and Japan. 'i d 9. . ; - ! m . post-offic- :;.,' TounfSTS VILL DE HERE m WM off-shor- e ; i vessels ... due ' to arrive are The Matson steamer , Hilonian left :' Three 8. .TheV steam are June Russian the Alp. 8 m. Sunday at for Port here Honolulu, thla summer, should pre-r-.t len, Kahului and Hilo ,to finish dis- er Baikal from the canal, the Japan a much more lively appearance charging the cargo; she brought Sat- ese steamer. Mandasan ,'Maru from Maroran with coal for the lnter-tlan- d an ia usually the case now that the urday from San Francisco. steamer ; Tuscan and the British r tie Juxe of the Oceanic Steamship L The- Baikal frpra : ,any to the Hawaiian' Islands is Prince the canal. ; T. he Pacific Mail Steamship Comred. Latest advices from ,San pany has announced, that in their Pa- and Tuscan Prince will call here for : ...r.i.-rsays that when the Ventura nama fervlce vessels will stop at Cris- bunkers.: on tobal on the Atlantic side in prefer :! us "here July 10 she wilt-hav: .a" large crowd of tourists and ence to Balboa or. the Pacific side.' : The Mauna Kea reports the follow . vlng her on every Oceanic Bteam, sugar waitings shipment onv Ha- ing - from ' mid-Inler-tslanSn. Francisco until 'the toup steamer;, Kilauea waii:; Olaa, ' 21,200 bags; walakea, The Ec; ttmber and the. "winter 100 passengers already booked &0O0; wainaku, 25,000;;. Onomea, 10, : large crowds has ether aton starts, for the "passage to Kahului ..at ,10 125 ; Pepeekeo; 7656 ; Honomu, 5500 ? ' ' I cor.e.. ' ' . o'clock-thi- s evening and 50 taore are Hakaiau, 28,813; Laupahoehoe, 27,242; A p tier was received today by IX expected before- - the' steamer, leaves. Karwlki, 5C71; Kukaiau; 10,458; Hama- C:!:t:ore, local passenger agent, kua, 2262; Paahuhau, 13,755; Hoaokaa, i A. P. Taylor, tecretary ,of the ' : 33,000; Honuapo, 9000. commanding f of of the the-in-The ficeri praising Committee, Wfre-Dra g U. coast S No: Party 3; ..a of it's tour and comment- With 52 cabin and 32 deck passen : ttn many attra.i)n3 which the survey, reports linding an uncharted ro-;covered "about six feet at mean, gers the Inter-Islan- d steamer Klnau low. tide off Point Slanhope, Alaska. arrived from Kauai Saturday morning. ' .... V,,'' She brought 6525 bags of sugar, l151 S,v,i reports bags taro, 100 bags rjee, 60 bags wool, Klnau" ,rth jfollowln The oags sugar waiting shipment on (he island &u . Dags moiasses Dran, bags; Gay 4 coconuts, 28 crates- - pears, four drums r I. r'.r. Klnau, from Kauai, July cf Kauali Kekaha,-800Sugar molasses, two automobiles ' and ; 161 '. A. Unudsen, Mrs. E. Al Knud-:rs- . Robinson, 10.484; Hawaiian "Rankin, C. W. Spitz Miss U Company 28,355; McBryde, ;20,922r packages of sundries. ' .z, Ji''--e Antonio Perry. I. M. Koloa, 21,025.1 : '. v lack, V. Sanborn, W. T. Vutman", r ;..:('r 1 Recent . statistics show that a total passen- of 63 large vessels are in course of Huntley, II. A. Kohler, IMrs. G. 17 21 deck cabin and With steamer Clau-din- e construction in Pacific - coast ship Miss Jt.Grelg, gers the Inter-Islanc!r. G. K. Grie.', Miss' Mi Meenglef, arrived Sunday front MauL She yards. Of this number, 24 are steel 7. Mender, Miss M. 13. Fursey, brought 45 head of cattle, 57 bagg of and 39 laree wooden vessels, the Iat. potatoes 80s bags of cement? and ,87 ter? having auxiliary oil engines. Of . Trrlic. Dr. Hutchinson, H. Iwai, C. D'?tMIfs H. Khhtaan, packages of sundries. the totar. "28 are being constructed in '? ? ' yards of the state of Washington, 23 .:. ;. IIcDavitt, llev. M.iJlbutsu, ; . T Mur.dcn (2), Mrs. Ommany, H. A. Jackson, general traffic man in California plants, 10 in Oregon and : ny. H..R. Grover, . Derby, ager of the Great Northern 4 Pacific two at Vancouver, B.' C. I .rly, Mrs. Derby, Mi's. M. Steamship Company.. has, announced n, Miss M. Danlam.fMiss J. the appointment of John F. Bon to PASSE5GEBS 'BOOSED 7 r, Otani, Mrs. sHeapy, Chas. the position of general agent, freight D. B., Maeonachie, W. E.' dec artujL.nL with headquarters at San '' ; :" 4 : - , - . 1 $ c . . .'n " . ; - : .: -- 0 ' -- - T.-Crel- d . 1 . r . -- ;;. . Mi?a P."Ke-- i Du;-.:i- . , Mi5S- U U.' r-Ine- rt. I. I : V." N Kalawe, rs. Miss McClaymonti H. Il0s,' . M. Hulse." :. t ' -- Larrlson, Miss Tl-j. Godfrey Alolau, Harold Chir.s.;yujnv Mrs. -- Chas. G. II. r. , . . .v.l.unaga.'Fcng Chong, Miss . Clyde Kong. Miss J. Jen-- : A. Fraiier, Mrs. Eishaw, i :s!.aw, Mrs. K. Ishli. Geo.' Mc-- , K. Kawaraura. W. llodrigues, -i- Kirlhara, Albert Holt. Y. Matson 7!. . After a lengthy period as superin tendent of the Wallace Ship Yards of North Vancouver, B. C4 G; H. iHardie; will known to all marine surveyors. has severed his connection wh that rirm ana oerore taking active jsemce again will enjoy a short vacation . -- 1 : other-ingredient- s the finished products to ihesouthern ' steamer . Wilhelmlna, ccntuient. ): v - Pf'-- v " OJElBILLIOIM-BUBBllE- foreign and other Pacific carriers. Rates to Manila have risen from $6 to $28 and $30. The idea of overhauling the Meade and putting her on to car ry the surplus freight across the Pa cific seems not to have occurred to any one. It can be demonstrated in the .quartermaster's department that a large saving to the government can be made by so doing. "'Further said an official of that department, it can be shown that another saving can be made by having this transport sail for Manila from Seattle rather than from San Francis, cb. Much of. the freight originates in the Eafct or Middle West. . By reason of the long land grant railroad haul to Seattle, as opposed to the shorter land grant railroad haul to San Francisco, it costs less to ship via Seattle. Mutual Telephone Co. . . . Oahu R. & U Co........ Pahang Robber Co. .. . . . Selma - Dindings Planta. tion, Ltd. (Pd.)... Selma - Dindings Plantation, Ltd. (42 Pd.)... Tanjonk Olok Rubber Co. : - ;' , V i ? Reason LIMITED for using a letter of credit when you travel. There are plenty more, but these two good reasons should appeal to ;, you. First, its convenience. Second, its safety. You can get money without any trouble and a letter of credit is susceptible neither to forgery; nor thert Investigate lurther before : you ' ' V take that trip. '. 'y (series ..... 1912-191-3) Haw. Ter; 4H 1 Co r. j. Fort and M erchant (Limited) V SUGAR FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS SHIPPING AND INSURANCE AGENTS , einider 6.'. FORT 8T, HONOLULU, iBalilninl Umlted. I 35; 13; '- 19; ; laW. .;..' . July 3, 1916 NOTICE. No session of the ex- change Tuesday, July 4, 1916. . Latest 'sugar quotation: 96 deg 6.08c, or $121.60 per ton. Sugar Factors . . : ; Commission Merchants and Insurance Agents !' .'!;.: Agents tor ( Hawaiian Commercial Company. I k Sugar ' ' ;. ' Metropolitan Meat Market ' ,x "will , close 10:30 tomorrow. Regular deliveries. Sugar 6.08cts B F. DILLINGHAM CO LTD.' yy-Haik- . ' Sugar Company. "Paia .Plantation. V Maul Agricultural Company. Hawaiian Sugar Company. Kahuku Plantation Company, f McBryde Sugar Company. J' Kahului Railroad Company. v , Kauai Railway Company. Kauai Fruit & Land Co., Ltd.. Honolua Ranch.' j l 8TOCK BROKERS . 1 '..-. ' 7 .' l, BISHOP fi: CO. V Building. Streets-St- ar Phone 1572 - FOR RENT Electricity, gas. screens In all houses. Hawaii Bldg. Telephone 1819 Honolulu Representative " Large s.'f. J. H. SCHNACK 1 . . MEAT MARKET . a YEE ' IS 1 ; CO.XTD. . v Carries en, a Trust Business In all ' Its branches. - GROCERY PHONE 3451 C. f,.,V Teiepehone 3833 842 Kaahumanu St. ...... HAWAII AN :TKU9 ' 1 ; HOP A'CO. for go od mm The Palace of Sveets 3 STEIN WAY CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD- - HALL ; . Importers of best lumber and building materials. Prices low, and. we give your order prompt attention whether large or smalL We have built hun dreds of houses In this city with per rect satisfaction. If you want to build consult us. r j Thayer Piano Co., Ltd. Hotel SL 143-15-0 ; Phons 2313 y. ' -- '$16-L- 110 ! FOR SALE 10th ave., .PaJolo. 50x100 ots down, ?300-Lot- s car. ?180O $3 per mo. ' 4th, ' w 75x200, '' Lot ' in Perry ' '' ".','" Tract, nr. School and Emma, 9886 q. feet, . P. E. R. STRAUCH, P. E. TL Wanty Bldg.r for r ave., near ' ' . STRAUCH 74 SI Kins St. SHELL FLAKES Inlaying Do v Lux UKULELES & SOUTH 8EA3 - CURIO CO. . ; Young Building And at All Hotel News ' The installed STAR-BULLET- IN is fully Stands. in the three-stor- y Starr Bulletin Building, at , 1 25 Merchant Street; next to the Stangenwald. Phone 491 1 for all departments. HOME INSURANCE CO. OF HAWAII, ;' LTD. KINQ 8TREET, CORNER FORT - It - .tf.tS ; S. AWOKI, Local Manager San Francisco.: H.A.BRUCE , ....... .20.400,003 Reserve fund house; $14 . bouse; fin location; 9 house; fine location; $35. : house; $30. j . Neat ' subscribed.,.. 43,000,009 CapiUl paid up....;..30.000,tC9 We Own, Offer and Recommend 200 Bank of . Tea.-Capita- . ': Chicago. At 'Prices to Net 3.50 to 6.00 ..' BANK, LIMITED. N. W. HALSEY & CO. INVESTMENT BONDS ; ,'. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE : WAIAHOLE WATER COMPANY, LTD. at-th- e Ds-posi- ts, Made. .." ' Merchant n, New York, ' Annually. Information Furnished and Loans , By order of the Board of Directors, a special meeting of the stockholders of Waiahole Water Company, Limited, will be held office of the company Hackf eld Building, Honolulu, T. H, on Saturday, July 15th, 1916; at 10 o'clock a, m for the purpose of "in creasing the capital stock of the com pany, and the, transaction of such other business- as may come .before the meeting. J. F. C. HAGENS, " . Secretary. July 3rd, 1916. Honolulu. 6517 July 3, 8, 14 BANKERS v V yearly on 8av!njs compounded twict. Pay 4 - -- - Witt, Life, Accident, 'Compensation . - SURETY BONDS : . ' PH01TE 4915 J. F. MORGAN CO., LTD. '.;;-;.- ...... Secretary rVERS...... ' . V and Maaagar Vice-Preside- nt R. test. REMINDER " E. A. R. ROSS. .... . .Treasurer 0. R. CARTER. ... .Director C. IL COOB... Director. GALT; . ...... R. ... .Director J. Director A. COOKE. Ik. QARTLET. ..... .Director O. OMAY..;...;......Audor ; t 0' M. List of Officers and Directors: E. F. BISHOP, ... .. . .President ROBERSTON....... O.X ' ' : 35; , - GO.'; ; 6.. 51; - ' : 4......... 3.......... Haw. Ter. DnSEiia C. Bank of Hawaii, LtcL , . 1. Calle Traxufcra at Lowest Rates 90 oi v ' --' - BONDS Hamakua Ditch Co. 6i... Hawaiian Irr. Co. 6s.... 80 Haw Ter. 4 Rfg, 1905.. Haw.Ter. 4 Pub. Imps. Haw. Ter. Pub. Imps. A 6.....'.. SEATTLE, ' Wash. Since the new prohibition law went into effect, the business of the West Side court, with the ' exception ' of . liquor cases, has fallen off 50 per cent, ' according to a statement made - in open court thl3 morning by Chief Deputy District Attorney Foster Cllne. The court has been Idle for the last two; days,' and Judge 'Wright chlded Cline because there , were no cases ready. Cline then stated to the court that" the reason was the prohibition .. , I. ' Issues K. N. A. K. Ltttsrt of Credit and Trayelsra' Checks. available throughout th world j . 45 Haw. Ter. Honokaa Sugar Co. 94 .... Hon. Gas Co, Ltd, 5s. , 104 101 .... Hon. R. T. & L. Co. ' Ry. Co. Kauai 6s........ Carrie, Jno. Connley, Lieut. Haver camn. Lieut." Beard. Mrs. M, E.. Lewis McBryde Sugar Co. 6s. . . .... 1004 5s.... .... 106 and maid, Mr. and Mrs. LI King, A. Mutual Telephone & 5 . . .... 106. Ry:. Co. L. Oahu Apo.'J. F. Jay, Jno. Kwai, John yieis Opr. 6 (redeemOahu S. Mc Bonges, ra, M. Daniel Poki, J. A. lj&3 .... at maturity) 108 able at G aire, Thomas Smith, J. Woolaway, Sugar Co. .... 102 Olaa Mr. and Mrs.' Clirran. Miss Curran. Per I.-- str. .Claudlne for : Maui, Pacific Guano ft FerL Co, July 3. Mrs. Clinton, Dora W. Dar- - Pacific Sugar Mill Co. 6s 100 i 6 siels, Mrs. L. Kaaikapu,1 Robert Mc San Carloe-Mill.-CH. Van John'; Alana,. R: Corriston; Sant, Robert F. Shever, Hiss B. Fer 55 Between Boards: Sales: 250, 45, nandez, Miss N. Freitas, Mrs. M. P. 15, Olaa, 23; 50, ;J25, 250, 200, 240, 45, 10 Olaa, 234 425 McBryde, 134 ; A. Morrill, John A. Nbble," FV Relse, 100, 100, 20 Pioneer, K 50 Waialua; Rice, H. K. Decker. 75, 90 Sugar Co, 40; 50,, Oahu M Soong, Miss" M. Soong, Miss L. 50, 35 M. Hon. B. Ca, 20 ; ' 50 ft Soong, Miss Lei Alana. Miss Eliza Aku, Misa Tam Sing, Mrs. Wong, Mrs. Mutual Telephone Co, 20; $2000 O. R. Mrs. J. Little, & L. Co Ss, 186; $1000 O. R. ft L. KC. Zane, Mr.vand Miss Bertha Nowell, Miss Jean Lit- Co. 5s, 106 ; $2000 . Mutual Telephone . r Geo." Kana- - Co. 5s, 106. tle, M. Tasaka and Session Sales: 20 Waialua, 50 loku, Miss?Piimauna; Irs. Piimauna, Master Piimauna, Wm. Heeb and Olaa, 20; 15, 25, 10, 10 H.C. ft S. Co, 52; 50, 50, 50, 150 McBryde, 30 H. wife, - " '.' ' C. ft S. Co, 52; 100, 100 McBryde, 13; 5 H. C. ft S. Co, 52; 100 Olaa, PROHIBITION CAUSES SLUMP, 15 5, r Ewa, COURT 33.V IN CRIMINAL - at a!! Grocers :, 20 The West Side court has been busy Henry Waterhouse Trust Co. bootlegging cases, but since part witn MAUrEXCIJRSIN; tRlPX:; . Ltd. are now being tried in these of I.-Per stn Kilauea. . for: Maui, 10 the countycases court, the criminal division o'clock tonight;. .Ei P. Stacey, Tom Members Honolulu Stock and Bond H9llinger, 1C J.- Falk--, Miss' Eva Alana of the district court has been idle. 4 Exchange. . ' Mrs. Tom Hollingerj Miss M. Lucas, Merchant Strut ' ' and Fort ; Miss . U Low, Miss M.: Hind, C. F. v Telephone 1208 i; Johnson, E. P. Low, ,W.J. Llllfs, Mrs. W.. C- - iloore, MrsJ'.-AL: Morris, Miss "STARVATION DOCTOR" ' Travera," W. ' C. Moore, A. L. Morris, FREED FROM PRISON ; - : Wm; Macf ariane, M. Markham, t "F. Kruger, Geo." Soper, Joe Damot, M. SEATTLE, Wash. Mrs. Linda Bur- Costa, Sheridan Tyau, Nelson Kau, Hazzard, popularly known as the field TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY H. Y; Gun, M. S. Deponte, 'M.-- Santos, "starvation doctor,'' who was released H. Kolowena, Chas. ; Kerr, George from the penitentiary; last Christmas FOR sale; Kerr, George Ing, tf. Esa. V David after serving two years of an indeterBush-nelRichards,v Joseph Davis, A." A Snap Some furnltnre for sale and minate sentence for manslaughter; is A. Johnson, 4 J. Watermdll, Arcottage tot. rent ; contents now enjoying a full pardon and resto thur Rice. Harold K. Castle; F. W. W of dining room, sideboard, cellarette, ration of her dvll rights, granted by Wichman, Mrs. .C. F. Crocker, Mrs. electric fixtures, ' Tjurklsh leather Governor Ernest Lister. Mrs, Hazzard KohIk Miss Zeile, J. E. O. Bannon, C. rocker, chairs" and irugs for $50 ; was convicted of manslaughter for T. Crocker,: W. F. Dillingham, S: G: ; other' furniture, accordingly. Phone causing the death in 1911 of Miss HIndes, Mrs.'' Frank Woods, Princess, r 6517 It Claire Williamson, a wealthy English 2648.. :i.rt-Kalanianaole,' MissMary; Low,. Irwin woman, who was given the fasting Spalding. James R,- M. McLean. J. M. FOR RENT. treatment by Mrs. Hazzard! THE GRANVILLE GERMANYS AIR BUSINESS. Ring at (under new man- r 1054-S- .' agement), phone 2272. FRANKFORT - ON- - MAIN, Ger First-clas- s situation. Good sea view. - Suites, single rooms, cottages; ex- many. The German Passenger Air6517 6t ship Company, Ltd, of this place, in cellent table board. its annual report, just issued,' says LOST. that while the war has put a stop o Dividend Warrant No. N578, dated the. company's regular business, the May 311916, drawn by Ewa Planta- works have been fully occupied on war tion Co. on the Bank of Hawaii, orders (manufacture of parts for Zep ' Limited, payable to the order of pelins), and the gross earnings Mrs. J. B. Evans, for $8. Payment for the year that were $175,000. As the . of said warrant has been stopped. company heavy was burdened a with ': 6517 It deficit, 1915 earnings made it possible Certificate No. ,656, Harry L. Ross, to write off a substantial amount. The Postal Savings, Honolulu, Hawaii; company has also derived revenue lost Saturday afternoon. Return to from' leasing its sheds at various Hamburg, points, like Baden-BadeMoney Order Division, Postoffice. : Potsdam, Frankfort, to and Dresden 6517 It the military authorities. SMv ; ' ; Bank of HereAreTvvo .... Aa0oQ :.L.' " Fol-- iiii ... ';.y'-7:---:S-i.- & Gopke, Ltd. Gastle Gtnera! Insuranct Agent! d :f- The , steamship Seward, built at Seattle in 1907, has been sold to Proctor & Gamble, manufacturers of Cris-c- o and Ivory soap, to be used intransporting ; oil and from South America' and Tor taking - ; S lags of mall. 1B0 passengers L.i'J tons of freight from San The ' Peninsula Shipbuilding Com o r.r for Honolula, will arrive off pany has recently.1 been organixed ssiay morning at 6:20 o'clock l with head office at Portland, Ore. The ' new firm will commence the ' mami- tt 7:15 at Pier 15. h J :-?; Post-Intelligenc- - ;'v- Let ns explain to yon in fnll the advantages, of aa AETNA Tourists' Baggage policy and.its slight cost. It indemnifies you against loss from fire, theft, eta, in custody of Bailroad, Express Company, Steamship, Hotel or Clubhouse, anywhere in the world. .... .... I. from Kauai, July iri . a. Dr. Waterhouse, ftr. .... .... : :'- tv-y- . 43. four-maste- ' mind., .... m 00 whether a brief vacation or an extended tour, a few cents a day will enable yon totrave with a care-fr- e .... ...... Trip If You Are Plan nin 3, Bid. Asked, ...... The next mall from San Francisco will arrive Tuesday morning on the Ccmparatively financial statistics "With six Teasels due to arrive and Matson steamer Wilbelmina. She has complied in Amsterdam, covering 'the two departing Tuesday; July 4, will SIS bass. years 1S13, 1914 and 1915. show large harbor-front be anything but a holiday for by 13 Dutch steamship profits made will cfHclals. - fi Manoa J The Matson uteamerj comprise most of which companies, Early in the morale the Oceanic leave San Francisco Wednesday, July shipping. merchant Dutch the Sydney Sonoma,-Croand 5. for Honolulu arriving here Wednessteamer Employing' round figures, the total ; Pagd Pago and the MatBon', steamer day. July 12. capital stock of these companies in Wllne'raina from San Francisco will fnter-Islan1915 was $33,000,000,, and the book respectively dock; at Piers 19' and '15 With S350 tons of coal for the of their steamers was $34,000,-00value morning 'following In the later and the Japanese steamer Aikdku The capital Increased over 1913 the U. 8. army transport Thomas, Mam arrived Sunday from Muroran. 1914. The book value of steamand from Manila, ia due Snd will dock at Capt. T. Yoahlhara is master. 1915 was more than in 1913 but in ers C. Nippon steamer K. T. The Tier If. 1914. Thp general rellaru from' Ban Francisco is expected The schooner Melrose left Kahului less than in was $6,50fi,00 in 1915, fund serve to arrive in the afternoon or early in Saturday after discharging lumber. 1914 and $3,800.-00- 0 $4,703,000 against in evening. that the She ia from Port' Townsend and will Tto other vessels 1913. in Various special reserve d may be in tomorrow are the probably return for another load. a Isq increased in .i&5 over the funds bark Falls of Clyde? which is years. preceding two pas1 steerage JTife fund, for 50 Lringing a cargo,of fuel oil from San cabin and With constructiori"-?o-f new was Compafreight, catgo stealers OH sengers Union of a full and the and J'anclsca 1915 fa and nothinin the two ny's steamer Santa Maria from San the 3latson steamer Lurline will sail ' years. preceding Altogether, the spe" noon from ier 19.. ':'''." Tuesday at I.uis. cial reserve Tfunds totaledo- $14,500,000 Departing,4 tha Matson steamer Lur-lin- e will leave Pier 19 at 12 noon and . The next mail for 'San Francisco in 1915$5.20,000 In 1914, and $l,800,r the Sonoma at 5 o'clock Ifci the after-noo- goes Tuesday at.?, p. m. on' the Ocean- 000 In 1913. s ''"';. 5 ic steamer Sonoma. Mail should be DivldendePaid. e Notwithstanding the large sums by 12 o'clock noon. In the put In the reserve funds, much larger erection'of A contract for the three dividends were paid in 1915 than in steel lc wers for th new radio sta 1914 or 1813. Ten per cent "was a low In 1915, while 140 per cent tion at Cordova. AUska,r at $31,350, dividend by"lbe paid Hillegersberg Steamship ': & has bean awarded to Nicholas Company-wa- s the highest, and all the - V . Fleines of Seattle. ' companies averaged over. 50 per cent. The "U. S,', army transport Thomas wooden vessels with aux from Manila via Nagasaki will arrive facture "of engfnes IHary jor the purpose of ell. here Tuesday about coon with mail. cargoes transporting of Oregon lum : She will proceed to San Ttancisco ber in the trade . Wednesday ' afternoon, JjlJ Monday, -- SERVICE - , 1 SUGAR i 33 U Ewa Plantation Co. . . . .. 33 260 Haiku Sugar Co Hawaiian Agr. Co. Hawaiian C. & S. Co..... 52 52t . Hawaiian Sagar Co. M Honokaa Sugar' Co. . ; A movement has been started by Honomu Sugar Co...... . 195 the Seattle Chamber of Commerce to Hutchinson S. Plant, Co.. have the old army transports Crook Kahuku Plant.. Co....... 22H and Meade put back in service. Kekaha Sugar Co.. In the army appropriation bill in Koloa Sugar Co... Congress there is this provision: 131 McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. "That authority is hereby granted Oahu Sugar Co 41 408 the secretary of war to sell or other- Olaa Sugar Co, Ltd. . 19 194 wise dispose of, in accordance with Onomea Sugar Co. ....... law and regulations, the I nited Sugar. Plant. Co. States army transports Meade and Paauhan 2 Sugar Mill. Pacific Crook." . Co. Plantation Paia As the Crook was recently sold to Pepeekeo Sugar Co. the Alaska Railroad Company to car Pioneer 51 51 H Mill Co..... ry supplies there she is out of the 15 Ltd. Mill Carlos San Co. VV2 question, but the Meade, which is laid 35 Agricultural. Co. Waialua 35ii may put News, back be up at Newport into service if the people who re Walluku Sugar Co...... MISCELLANEOUS backing the movement can carry it Haiku P & P. Co, Pfd.. Lhrouan. "Leaving this vessel out of commis Hailcu P. & P. Co.. Com. sion ani not having freight space on Hawaiian Electric Co.... 44 regular transports for the shipment Hawaiian Pineapple Co. . of supplies to the Philippines from Hon. B. & M. Co, Ltd... Hon. Gas Co, Ltd . . . . . . 125 San Francisco," says the Seattle .... 157 department war is Hon. R. T. & L. Co... "the S. Nav. Co. . 200 paying extraordinary freight rates to Inter-Islan- HARBOR NOTES BE A V Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd. C. Brewer ft Co......... g- - JULY Honolulu Stock Exchange 0 HONOLULU 7?j:"Tfja 'tono ' of izwnzinrjMum STAB-BULLETI- OLAA SELLS OFF TOKlDGlHlTr 7 :4 0 P.EUi. !f: 103 J - aj-vprs- eZRUNDj Eleventh Chapter of "Up-to-the-Minut- r' . f HH I t:l sooner announced or lhat the estimate of the crop had not "Been sooner4 revised. Oiaa sold reiweeu boards as high as $23.12 and from that point it was marked down dur ing the session to 119.60. lw nrst taie at the session being 120. Total sales fnr-t-h dav were 2935 of listed secur ities, of which Oiaa cont?huted oyer 1350. Other stocKS snaaea on an-'the day's trading in sympathy viin Oiaa. . Kmifprs in Borne Instances were in- clined to minimize the effect of Olaa's revised crop estimate, especially since it is expected that 1917 win snow a record making crop for Oiaa and oth er Hawaii plantations; There will be bo session of the ex s change Tuesday. SI";. Pathe Weekly "The Red Circle World's News Pictorial Phone 5060 after 6:30 p. m for reservations Prices 10, 20, 30 Cents. Box Seats, 50 Cents j let for the district v LIBERTY? I mm? ; ALLA3ltoUJ2EX . ; 1; aa if there , Fort Near Hotel The Oldest Eastman Agency In the City v-dat- Ion Phone 1848 Established 1879 ICINDS Qj n, budget A petition asking that SmMi street be opened between King ana Queen streets will be submitted to the board. TWO' MEMBERS PROMISE ' THE WORLD'S GREATEST PHOTOPLAYS! ' ' ' V AND THE LIBERTY'S NEW $10,000 PIPE ORGAN, OF COURSE! it looks tonghti and declares that the city engineer will be Instructed to makv hi preliminary report showing costs and assessments at the next meeting.'. There will probably be few changes in the budget In the opinion of members of the board. Jt has passed first reading and is well on its way to become law. Supervisor Larsen says that he will propose that the salary of the plumbing inspector, J. P. Kler-nabe raised from $165 to $185 . a month, but this may be managed, if it passes, without a change in the . WHY ARE THE CROWDS ALL COMING TO THE single and double weight : All sizes and surf aces will be some action towards opening It at last Arnold, who Is chairman of the read cpmmittie, has promised a to tt,o board definite re'-- i ns ; Very Exciting - o hpn e" ' n-Ute- nt AA Aii This paper is not only the best, bnt it is the cheapest on the market for amateur or profes: sional work. - human interest and thrills. Myrtle Iull of Stedman and Winifred Kingston supporting the Cast . A PARAMOUNT "EXTRA FEATURE" -- 11 In the local stock market the an Pnunul and the budget will be the nouncement of Oiaa Sugar Company's main topics of discussion at tonight's directors, maue Saturday afUjrnucn meeting of the supervisors. Superwhn the business of the day had visors Arnold and La rsen and City Engineer Collins made the trip to ended, was. the for consideration, lITe ;'evisel esti Puunui district with a number of repmate not only had an extremely de resentatives of the Puunui Improvepressing efrect co Oiaa ssares otu ment Club yesterday morning, and less directly upon the rest of the net. again looked over the ground through which the proposed road is. to run. Before the session tnere was City officials say that, after long Vriticism freely voiced that an announcement jof revision had not months of delay In choosing the out- g: , are those printed on that finest of photographic v f ' paper Supervisors Will Hold Meeting of Importance to Taxpayers This Evening f f Other Securities Show Sympa thy and Tendency is for Lower Prices . J OUTLET TO BE DISCUSSED THE CALL OF .THE G J M 0 E R L; & N ID S heart-grippin- 173 o II PALLAS PICTURES PRESENTS In the Greatest Triumph of His Career MONDAY JULY 3, 1916. : N. n TO CARRY OUT WORK ? OF BEAUTIFYING CITY ? niFS AS HF IS WaitPr Dilllneham and the mayor will beautify the city this summer. rWe will have a; city so wonderful that von will fall to recognize it; waiting for you when you come back,' Dillipgham promised tne memDers oi the City Planning Commission : this morning.- Mrs. J. M. Tlwsett and Mrs; F. Jr Lowrey Intend to spend the ' summer - on the mainland. and made' him and the mayor promise to Lo Sing Kit died this morning of work faitVully at the commission's pulmonary disease of the lungs Just task of creating the "city beautiful" as he was carried into the emergency This was at meeting this morning. hospital, t Policeman Daniels found of Maunakea corner lying at the Kit two other momberr of the commis- and 5 : 30 a.r m. about streets Pauahl sion, are already on the mainland and bleeding mouth; Police Surat the are not due back untir fall. After G. Ayer says the man's death geon R. long discussion this morning on vnrl was from natural causes. ous matters that have occupied the Kit lived on Beretania street beattention or the commissim ror tne tween Nuuanu and Kukul streets and liiKt fw meetines.iairs. Lowrey ask t steamer edu on .the Inter-Islanwork ed how the work ot the body ?couM Kinau According daughter, to his be carried on with most or its mem- Yun Tat he.was not leellng well this bers absent, - Thencam the extrac- morning but insisted on , going to ' v v;: tion of the promise; ': : " .' f ' ' ; "I am going to start out by painting work. m ... i the polo grounds grandstand in r SUFFERS INJURED FOOT. ; and yellow stripes,". Dillingham Akana was hurt in 8chuman's Sam continued. yesterday arternoon wnen au 'garage The discussion ended in banter, an r, said to . have been driven by auto ,: It had begun. J. D. Prinele. which was coming into the place crushed him against another car. His left ankle was spramea ano (Summer TermV one leg and hjis back bruised. His wounds were dressed at the emergency hospitals Italian Sehool of Singing Fort St, , near' Hotel .St. "FLY THE FLAG ON THE 4TH f Em each the;sara to his taste in method, but to , that perfect Jesuit 90 (C) - fc '.. NTIANvt3 wSlER . SPkciAL Honolulu merchants are flocking Into the office of : the city treasurer for license td do business in the present fiscal y.'ur. First appliAtioa" came In - Saturday and the last , ones will not be disposed of until the mid- ' dle of August About 4800 licenses will ' be issued before then, according to an estimate made this morning by P. L. Conkling, the treasurer, Rnd the city will take In between $105,000 and $110,000. Saturday,: a half day; over $7000 was realized in fees. ; The list of licensee to be issued starts i at "alsohol" ;and runs through "awa .'employment agency," "lodging and tenement' house," "manufacture of. poi" and "plumber" to "trust company. There are 47 different businesses, listed. t "v i A iiM A .n .ii r TONIGHT ; AT 7:40 O'CLOCK - ''.'' 1 - :' DONT MISS GHAnilE CHAPLIN THE KjNG OP COMEDIANS, IN i rain p : ALSO: ' The V. L. S. E. (Big Four) ; Essanay Presents ! " . i Daughter of the City : UETnOus HiSULT SHftOiNG LATHER . your choice of Colgate's making three ways 'of lasting, luxurious lather and of 1 shaving in comfort. soothing, sanitary Softening, whichever way you make it. You now. c::i Have Best ui its lasting abundance, best in its toothing qualities and best in its exceptional freedom from oncombined alkali. Do not j ; ' ill-tr- eat your fac: and handicaa vour razor by using aa wfericr lalher,- - , d ; 1 ne c&r-mi- . . . t- Featuring MARGUERITE CLAYTON, the Fascinating and Pop ular Actress. Prices 10, 20 and 30 Cents i - 1 1 AirD OEIEHTAL 1I0VELTIE3 Phone 1522 ' V' $Tri ; Huuanu,' tear ;Mp"-:- r ' 4 IIct:l New York is both the largest Jew was the champion gunner of the serv. Ish and the largest Irish city la the world. ice. when he was a midshipman. s Admiral Jelllcoe of the British navy 1 I V . : ' . ' , - f Chil-lingwor- t . ' Re-sente- rZ. The Celebrated and Fascl-- ; " In . nating Actress llie Song "Beautiful Isles of Paradjse" ?1 ?!.; Vf uQn the Beach at vv auuiu Good by Honolulu if Rose of Honolulu if Na Lei o Jtiawau My Luau Girl th 7 of Hate Third Chapter, of - the Top-notc- i h Serial, THE MASTER and a . Universal Weekly (Current Events). Prices 10. 20 "and 30' Cents KEY, .. ' "FLY THE i FLAG ON THE 4TH". f-- elve: Ice. Greamii;y ;'' or, let us"' work out your suggestion... .Call in person at our factory or ring 1542 or 4670. Ho no lulu Dairymen's Associationj LEFI75CEP1TSPERM0WTH 7 1 ;y'(iV s , I " J 1 "... . AND EVENING. (two-padrama) Essanay. "On With the Dance'7 (comedy), Vita-; : graph. "Belle of Barnegat" (drama), Lubin. "A Mountain Malady", (comedy), Uni- "c- versal. " ' The Inner Route" - rt , r cr GIVES YOU TODAY'S NEWS TODAY, ; 8TAR-BULLETI- N ; j . v- - , , . Late. o V Stop, Look and Listen" production BUY WHILE THE FIRST SHIPMENT LASTS ON SALE ONLY AT 1 UnProgram Beginning at 1:30 p. til 4 p. m. .. Evening (Two Shows), 6:30 and 8:30 SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR TODAY . ... ; line iniawanuaini BIG FEATURE OF THE NEW YORK SEASON ipT HEA TERl -- AND OTHER POPULAR SONGS OF HAWAII SUNG BY '' f - For the coming social function let us suggest to you some of our fancy ice creams in brick form s, " A terrific play of lore and desperation.- Also: .The - , : mf. m A .'-- 1 I, . - Presents Five young men alleged to be a part of a ' malicious gang that has been molesting and annoying young girls at the Salvation Army Home in Ma-no- a valley were given a" good "scare" today by Deputy Sheriff Julias W. Asch and Prosecuting Attorney and discharged. They were Saturday morning by early, arrested Policeman F. Ferdinand. The boys were H. Keama, Joe A. Costa. F. Andrade and William McCormack, and according to the deputy; they admitted prowling around the premises of the home. Many complaints have come to the police from the Salvation Army peo ple, who say a gang of boys percn under the windows to sing and play most of the night and then holler at they the girls and e peak to them when : appear. "We have sent an officer to investi gate seyeral times " said Asch, "but the gang was wise and sat where tney could watch the road. When they saw the of ficer approaching they duck ed, probably into the old Long home next door. But this time reramana set a trap and caught the bunch." . The deputy said be . thought the good results of the severe lecture this morning would be seen.' -- Ml mm i t AT HAWAII'. THEATER MATINEE at 2:15 o'clock ;' TONIGHT at 7;40 o'clock WILLIAM FOX I ? n 1107 fhrrn nil' TitiB In! ' nkti' m. ( 1 I! ' , MAUKA HOTEL FOET STREET JAS. W. BERGSTEOM, Manager s ' eight r - '"ii - CdqIs Tie MavanL LfeL ofi MONO! l PHONE 4931 G. H. OFFICERS nrnm nm mirnnM LIABILITIES. Capital, Paid Up. . ... . . and . Loans, Discount Overdrafts ............$5,594,430.45 Surplus ... . . . 1,725.310.53 148,970.03 Bank rremlses. Honolulu Libue Bank . Premises, 600,(K)aOO ........... ... .... Profits .Undivided Pension Tuna .......... 700,000.00 92.975.57 ,si.z of . Credit Outr. 21891.72 standing 1U25.00 Reserved for Interest. ... . 15,500.00 669.00 218,581.73 Dividends Uncalled for.. 8482.800. 18,042.93 Deposits - - un- - Letters Customers Liabilities . der Letters of Credit.. Other Assets Cash and Due trom 2,129,146.87 , Banks - . 8935617.64 89.856,317.64 Officers of the National Guard of are feeling prosperous today Hawaii ) Territory Of Hawaii, ' because they are now on the governCity and Countr of Honolulu.) ss. ment's payroll under the militia pay sworn, duly being Manager, first bill and will receive from $200 to '3500 and JR., LEWIS, I A. knowledge my and of a year, for, their services. ! Co solemly swear that the above is' true to the best ' ' Saturday the bill went into effect V telief. r provides that the salary of captains It A. LEWIS, JR., v of higher rank officers of the-lin' and and- Manager. Examined and" found correct: pay of first year. $50.0 a The will be ' . "Audit Company of Hawaii, Ltd., v yar and of seca $240 is Meutenanta . By MATH. M. GRAHAM, C. A- $200 annually. lieutenants ond ' Jdinr Manager. . t t Staff officers (with the exception of MACFARLANE, Directors. W. COOKE, A, F. the regimental adjutant and medical C. H. ATHEItTON, R. 1516. commanding sanitary troops, July, of day J. officers 1st me this before sworn to ? Subscribed and who receive $500 a. year, the same as .y :?:X "'J;r-:'., ,:: .. (Notarial Seal.) ;, .. Z - vv-- v, D. .,;....-,..-line officers) will receive $250 a year. J. : ;r" . ':,' Under the terms of the bill all enNotary PublUv First Judicial Circuit. T. IL ., . 'r.-V.;J y.v 6516 July, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 listed men of the National Guard are also now on the payroll of the .federal Vice-Presid- ent . " - e ... Vice-Preside- y ! y 'V L.'rJ. -- y f;::t mional1 m& t? Hawaii CONDENSED BALANCE SHE ,nrsouRCE3. ' ET, JUNE LLUftLTIES. v United States' Deads.. ...I 485,400.00 Capital Leans and Inrestnents.. 1,500,228.06 Surplus and Unditided - " Profits Curtcncn' Liatlllty undel . . . .. .... . . Lc Iters cf Crr lit. .... . . 100,730.74 Circulation 22,500.00 Letters of Credit . . . --...... : - Tund, U. S. Treasurer $ ,500,000.00 : 296,640.42 430,097.50 100,730.74 3,129.00 v : --- ' t :: ; v.',:-- ' " . , 1m bi rectors. "' 1 T. reek. President; H. M. von. nolt, Vice-Presiden- 'v. ; ; :::U Rudolf Buchly, t; Cash-- - of-the- I - - c::f :'."t nrri and Corporation Accounts, whether z'.izl. ": 5 ail annronriations : ;;y;" '. ' . .............. " Brigadier General, U. S. Army. $32L02i.U : - - juiyl, 1916.:; ..' ' ;: ' .y Special Orders No. . ' Honolulu)5S. y cf Ptirsiiant to Instructions from the Vi;.:v i .j.. y. Department the followlng named .War .Trust of Gaardian' TIZIirwIJVIN, the Treasurer v.. v., c:T prisoners wui be sent Dy ine general t:' r swear that th above, statement is true to the best of first avallabla transDOrt to san l ran- t i tc!!:!..' Cisco, CaL, for disposition as Indicat- ea oeiowr' io ton r wmiieiu own. W. W. CHAMBERLAIN. . Treasurer, CaLt ' For release from confinement ... Edgar H. Appleby, EmiR Carlaon. me.y; .V .y. before to sworn For transfer to V. &V penitennary :ilri'tr.i v .v.;t llarrv Cosa. To disciDlfaiarr bar t C;r c! July, 1216.-: Baracks, Alcatraz. CaL William B. .:;' ;rvt'i'r T. EDGAR RODIKSON,-') ' Blue, Baraee, Hiram Ev John ker, - r i:::. rint judicial circuit James L. kepWalter r. covey; Jo"v.:;.y,...iyy;- -' c:io July 1, S.15 seph Davis, Eugene A. ' pelancy," Ace E. Edmondson, Michael J. Enright, Ora U Fisher, Da vM Funk, John Geo- Icker, William ,A. Heald. Connell Hol land, Frank E. Huntslnger. noya J. Ltndiy. James A. Luttrell, EdwarTl H, Martin, George E. Mason, Olaud Karl H Alathews, Wilfor J R. CTATC?!CNT OF CONDITION AS AT JUNE 33, 1916. Mathis, Alvah L. Matz, Dennis C. Jlfr Rrfwin Mf!arthv; Edward C. AfB LIABILITIES. aczits. McNary, John Montgomery. Jack A. c . en and la Bank. $ 89.388.3t Capital . . . 4 ...... A ..... . .$200,000.03 Moore. Thomas M. Kate, vv luiam 66,373.37 Randolph;-- , Walter RItzberger, James 2,500.00 Undivided Profits 'v.... 182,912.76 Agency Balances : and : ; Trust Invests . and Other Robinson, GusJ, Ryan,' Harry k. sar-ag-- 12,500.00 : Chlode 1 Schlosser. John A. I : : s Cecured by Mortsage Smith. .Otis V. Schock,; Clareuce 87,019.00 , . F.cil Estate Sm'th, Amos Stone. Les'Ie E. Thompson, If worth A. Waon. L -- s, D:mzd ard Time.. 191,075.27 v 14,615.89 i v ,53T-v. : Her civile ::rts C-j-- -- ty y ''cj ic-ipan- .1 v:y : : v'-- -- y .r ......... e, ...... Furniture l.;.;2 tz3Vau;t............. td rixtures ; Knwrial Orders. No. 107. 8,000.00 Interest and Com-- .. w ' - " L i ' ; . . ) y; I ! 5. 1 I ' v rXl'X:;"- :r-;- : - ' ' ' " - , .; -- USeC pnons i3io distinguish the feet that wear these new styles in white. ; - ? Co . The Naval Militia, of Hawaii at 7:30 this evening will h,old its first gallery practice with y small X. arms "X at''- the armory, preparatory to going out on , :;' tha ranee In August.Tomorrow the organization has been invited br: the third submariner divi sion to participate in rthe field day at Pearl Harbor. Festivities will start at 9:45 a. my In the race between the crews of the Alert and the Navajo the two new boats of the militia will be ' Y. $5.00 An airy race will NAVAL MILITIA WILL y DO SHOOTING. TONIGHT . July .5 a Year For CALL TODAY Finale Second Infantry orchestra. ' . svimniTO Commences , - 2 Until 5 Llonday, Wednesday and Friday GYIflNASIUM White nile cloth pumps and boots for summer occasions. y'iXrV-'X:- Pvt RoyV. Smoot, Company H, 2nd ; Infantry.: .'x Pvt. Ernest E.' Bruce, Company A, yy .y;:-- 25th Infantry.. y ' . x:--y;- Pvt. Earl Gilmer, Company F, 25th Infantry.' 'X Pvt' Tell Breedlbve, X. Company M, 25th Infantry. ::y X ; : -- 3B,,"3sT1,' y y July 1, i916: ' Special Orders. No 106. y i 7. A general Is ap.,'-- -'- ;:r;i.;: ?; . ? - - Pump shown above, ? ; .'court-marti- al pointed to meet at Schofield Barracks, H. Ty on Wednesday,, Juljr ( 5, 1916, or s snon 'thereafter-- , as practicable. for trial of such persons as, may be ; properly brougnt berore it '.y--i- . Detail for the Court..' i laj. Thomas' F," Schley,. 25th Infan Under authority . from - the war 3,436.11 department . dated October' 30. 191. x;si- -s the following ;named enlisted i.men r.cI Estate, Office Building 30,000.00 now sick In the department liospital and Cite this city, will ..proceed on '.' the first Arrets Other Than'Those :.;y vy T': v'i 751.63 available transport to San. rancisco. try.'; Specified .Above Cal., where nppa arrival tney via re- i Cant I a Venntft L. Grent. 25th In f antry, Capt' James A.' Higgins, Infan: $4398.13 port to the. commanding officer, v $43986.13' general hosoitaL the Presidio 1st Lieut Eugene Robinson, 25th In of Saa FrancjRco, for further treat ; City and Ccranty of Honolulu. :'v r.; -v .v'. ? fantnr. :s-1'-lment 25th In-Chaney, E. James 1st Lieut Shin Arthur liver. Class PvL 1st" ARRlKtATit TrRiBurer of the BISHOP 'TRUST COM r "r.nv. v; fantryi: Quartermaster Corps. 'i' prvtpmnir ivfir that the above statement ifxue to the vv t T'n r 2nd Lieut Eley P," Denson, 25th In , Pvt Edward P. Doyle, Troop M, 4th : ..t c': ny knold?3 and belief. (Signed) . W1L. SIMPSON; Cavalry.!-.- . y-.yyPvt David . Kohn, Battery - a, it -t 2nd Lieut Clarence Li Tinker,' 25th Assistant Treasurer. . ilKl'.Field Arillcrr., Taylor, 25th company i. 2nd Lieut Richard Ward, J. Etander ; 1916. July, Pvt day of 1st me this to before sworn Subscribed and ' :S'"y:-2n; yy- Infantry. : Infantry,tv.t':.-;,::1st Baldinger, 25th M. x y Ora BERG, Lieut - .;:-,-.."(Signed). ARTHUR Pvt. George x. Dudley, fjompany a. w.;v v;-InfantrjC : V , -Infantry. NoUry Public First Judicial Circuit, 2nd 1st Lieut G., Barrett Glover, Jr., Pvt William Todd, Company tf, zna Territory of HawaiLv- Infantry, judge advocate. 25th Infantry. ;.:':y" , cu7 it company tr, Raymond Lake, E.' Pvt vH ; a2nd Infantry. V Pvt Franciszk szkoazinsai, torn-"- 1 i Tryi:rTi-- 2 Eye uezeay rany F, zna mianiry. Ac-ru- el T' ' . C"' .pounds.; yv', De Mott of Troon E. 4th Cavalry, vs. Fitzgerald of Company F, 1st Infantry, four rounds, weight 130 Dounds. . Referee-- lst Ueut Hi K. Muhl enberg, ' 2nd Infantry; ' timekeeper, Com.-Sg- t Lee Cohen, 2nd Infantry. : ' Mts-sengll- L ............ - IS Gadet Pepar'3:intiieini' Es Tine - v &t. . :yy y:y y aide-de-cam- r- -- - Chavez of Trooo F. 4th Cavalry, vs Extine of the Machine Gun Company, 1st Infantry, four rounds, weight 124 -- Vv::;:$32i.024,i5 y.-- ; - . : '..:y : - - Band, led Concert by 2nd by Chief .Musician A. Jacobson. . : First reel ot The Ragamuffin," fea' turing Blanche Sweet t Stoddard, and .Armstrong Hospital Crops, in a. comedy acrobatic act en " ' -titled "Nip fend Tuck." v. Second reel of "The Ragamuffin' ' Kaal Glee Club ' in a collection of Hawaiian sonsg and popular pieces. '. ; . Third reel" of "The Ragamuffin.". Marshall of Company F, 2nd Infah try, in an original contortionist act Fourth reel of "The Ragamuffin." intermission, five minutes. The 2nd Infantry orchestra : will play during the Intermissipn, which la Inserted here so as to give those ladles who do not desire to remain for the boxing, an opportun Ity to leave the theater. f y 1 - ! tr Infantry - ProQram. " ... H6.470.72 ;y WW EMO ALL - -- tPump as $4.50. r . f above $5.00. 0 ; y ........ Let-tprm- nn ... ; Tv'? -- H--y - yl" y - -- y y - " boot laced $5.00. . ""? y . y White nile cloth ". ; , y - r''ryp T-- T.-. Ba fi1 .ffr 4 illustrated - - y - - . ...-:- -- x I . . y? y krt for - the army resp- by a joint have been. extended .' J MM a M . nccuruuig uongTesa, ;; 01 j.w lution , by.vLIeut.-colcable received today i James B. Hopston, department, guar: termaster, from Washington, " This action has been taken, accord- lng to of icers of the Hawaiian depart ment. to,relieve the situation unui tne STATEMENT OF CONDITION, JUNE 30, 1916., krmv arbrooriation bill is passed. The old appropriations are continued bo ior eacu that the amount- - neeaea UABILIT1E3. mnnthk In the last. fiscal year will run ASSETS. V -. ':;': along until the neyr bill goes through, ' ' Fs-- dcaand la vl probably In the next . "two weeKs or - ...i..;..i...A...$ 25.434.61 Ca tiital Stock ; . u . ; v. V. $200,000.00 less. ." I 13.2S8.23 Surplus ... il0.000.00 it. 10,475.41 Undivided Profits ... . .... 41.41S.70 ; ARMY ORDERS V" V ty! Real-- :' Trust and Aerencv Balance 62.788.34 sgl,405.00 Unpaid Dividends;-5,685.0 - ! Tine.. 7237.75 Reserve for Taxes.., .7... :L0803 Headquarters Hawaiian Department, I 7 u. laio. :.:X 61,18 : :a ...... 4479.42 Other, Liabilities ,', . :U . i . Ilonoiulu, June fjpnprnl- - Order No." 12. v" X- :: 822X0 : 3,937.45 r 1 I liturcs.... 2t I Jfltit." Charles B. Lyman.p 2d In- t Is; announced as fantryf r.ecelTI:t:.r:-.2,615.01 to the undersigned with station in this city from date hereof. . . clhcr Ttsa Those' Ju!y.l,.3, J. L. COCKBURN y' or small, large-- ' : t: BOTTOMLEY ' COu'GRESS VOTES TO J -- r. -- . , y;yy zk r v ; ; tcr; Czzrz P." Castle, Jaa. L. McLean, Georger N. ilcox. Is an active U. S. Government Depositary, and la under the T!'s t-Currencyyryyy : rv::i:a cf tha U.' S.' Comptroller -- Every first class private will receive a toonth, or $54a, year; privates $3.75 a month, or $45 musicians, and a year: first sergeants, $11.25 a. month, or $135 a yearj: corporals; and artificers, $5.25 a month or $63 a year. ' faymentf are to be made semiannually, so that N. G. H. guardsmen will receive their first pay early nexi January, the law providing that payT ments will be made Immediately after . June SO and December 31. ' v In order to receive their pay next January. , however, ; each guardsman must attend '24 drills before December SL Every lrill must not be less than an hour and a half in length. $3,385,565.60 $385,563.60 ' '' 2.05040.31 ..... '4,137.60 ....I..... ........ wiLcr Resources i..v:." 624,479.69 DiTidend Warranta 651.7C3.11 DeDosit 524.00 Other UablUties .5 frc m C a n ks . . ... . . . . in Viult : a. w. S.r M. DAMON ........ Bl $4:50 30, 1916. t (Established lSGS) : i AT HO riO LULU r Officers and men of the Naval MllK tia of Hawaii have been Invited by UeuL P. J. Lowry, captain of the U. S. S. Alert, to attend a field day celebration tomorrow on Magazine island. y -.- iiE t BE GUESTS OF LOWRY U . , " NAVAL U1LITIA WILL SHAFTER'S BILL ; K - Mar Belser. : J- - J- - ( t Balance Sheet as at June 30, 1916. LIABILITIES. ASSETS. r Pearl Harbor. . Capital and Surplus....! Stocks and In- Those attending are expected to 95.517.97 Due w to Banks........... wear their uniforms. They will be re z,is4-vestments 294.831.07 v of Credit Letters Alert." A train eeived on board the Loans,", Discounts and 9,518,533.45, Deposits for Pearl Harbor will leave at 9 : 15 Overdrafts morning and the program Real Estate and Bank tomorrow Wew Theater Opens With a will begin at 9:45 a. m. 63,682.18 . Furniture ............. Acting Commander It. E. Lambert Customers Liability, unHouse Warming Tonignt; 294.831.07 of the Naval Militia has notified mem der Lettera of Credit. Good Program . . 118.166.32 . bers of, the invitation. Assets Other Cash ' and I Due from " 2.301,117.96 Banks FORT SHAFTER, July 3. The Fort EVANS ENTERTAINED Shafter aerodome has been closed AT DINNER PARTIES The Shafter place has closed down r $10,923,145.80 $10,929448.80 for, a couple of nights In order that Mrs. and K Evans nriewn B. the finishing touches may be put on guests Saturday dinner building has l7"AIlea W. T. Bottomley, do solemnly swear that the foregoing Balwhich new splendid the Edgar Kusseu Mrs. and night MaJ. of ance Sheet represents a true and correct statement of the affairs of the been in course of erection lately. An by entertained were they night Friday House of BJshop & Company as at. June 30, 1916, to the best of my idea of the difference la size betwee-sonaay Banking W. Kenaau. Mrs. CoL and .y;:;may ; be knowledge X':- ' and belief, new. x:,lx houses the old and the and Mrs. Evans were ; ':.- : BOTTOMLEY, X': ALLEN gained t from the fact . that ' the new the general W. T. E. S. Wright place has been built while shows have luncheon guests of MaJ. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1916. uarracKs :. y-- . XX: :.;.'::-- -: ARTHUR BERO. continued In the old aerodome prac and- hia mother at scnoneia 'XX JV .. , , tically built around and outside of . I " FLY THE FLAG ON THE 4TH the latter. Those who have been able SIM ii ' to look over the new theater properly .... , ,. are struck with the fine wtrk done by Engineers and of Wheeler the Lieut his men, and civilians who may visit ' the theater will Drobably be surprised that so complete and fine a building should hare been constructed by sol, diers. The" stage Is large and Btrong-l)- r for every $3.00 Purchase built with good accommodations in the matter of dressing rooms. It Is also fitted for practically any type of performance. t y- Certainly the post may be gratified that the exchange officer, Capt Bell, should hare taken show matters up ' ' .' Next to Jeffs FasMoa Co. as thoroughly as he has. done. In the . 191!? Street building of this fine new theater and in the matter of the remarkable programs he Is putting. on through ' tbo month he Is doing much for the people : : JL: of Fort Shafter and has apparently found "what to do for the soldier.'! .v Tonight is the house warming in the new house - Thei program - is given in detail and perhaps the onj regret expressed .CQncerning the evening is that because every seat will be needed for the soldiers: themselves it has n 8 and 12 the Bep-sebeen found necessary X to announce He is If that civilians (except such as may hold passes for the occasion) , cannot be admitted. Salaries Ranae From $200 To -- $500 Year; Privates uet $4.50 Per ;.yMonth . y :T.f1 ''' CONSTRUCTION & DRAYING (XL LTD. IT 1 1 - wuuuwrfliiiyLLniisirGnviFJi 0FG0VEK1EI RESOURCES. Bond - . 3 Honoluhi, Territory of Hawaii " - ' " STATEMENT OF CONDITION At Close of Business, Jane' 30, 1515. prancb- HONOLULU STAH BULLETIN. MONDAY, JULY 3, 1916. Mclnerny- Shoe - Fort Street . ,v ; ; : re Phone 1529 The profuse seMom perfect. Excess ami excellence are never found in the same production. Herbert Kaufman. SPORTS, CLASSIFIED AND SHIPPING SECTION HONOLULU ID JUNE SEEN Y.tC.A. MONDAY, JULY 3, 1916. N, NINE. uemn urye wear nana wnere t ram THIRTEEN HURT IN MEXICANS Jumped Trestle With Laborers Aboard F CADET CORPS AT MARKET TONE IN STAR-BULLETI- BRNGS ORTHWOC niiTM ANY BOYS TO BE STRONGER DAI New York Observers Say Sugar Special Class in Physical In Market Position Gains struction for Boys Meets in Strength RAID 1ID DEPOT CAVALRY PURSUE Southern Pacific Railroad Car Bandits Scatter and Chase Is Futile; Pershing Still Shattered By Explosion of Sitting Tight Infernal Machine Three Times a Week . rdrt ' NEW YORK, June 15. (Special (JLsociatd Preta If FdrJ Wirlft) Applications for membership in the (Asocitd Prwn by Correspondence). Last week's review cadet department, the new Y. M. C. A OAKLAND, Cal., July 2. Thirteen j AS A.vro.MO. Texas. July 3. persons were Injured when a black Another rail by Max leans into Ameriwas made under conditions prod g feature for, boys, have been coming in powder bomb was exploded In the , can territory fol!oed by a chase of a temporary reaction in values to the local association steadily the smcklng car of a Southern Pacific ' the raiders in which. American caral-rto S 216e ctil (6.21c) for Cuba Cen- last few days. For the first time trifugals. As then forecasted in our since the Y. M. C. A. opened its pres again crossed the border Into Mexitra'n standing in the Sixteenth street co, took place yesterday. remarks Jhtre has been a recovery ent building, boy i under 12 years will station here yesterday. of lost values to extent of 19c during be permitted to use certain privileges The bomb tore a hole in the top of The Mexican raid was on Fort. the present week under review. The A special class for. boys from about the car and shattered one end of the Hancock, and was made by a small change in lone and the new stimula- eight years to 12 years of age has car, breaking the glass in the win force of bandits, whose only booty n iL dows of the station and surrounding was a few horses. The approach of tion - given the raw market Ms pro- been formed, to meet from 2 until 5 11 houses. Investigation shows that the ! three troops of American cavalry put duced by aa important new demand Monday, Wednesday and Friday after" bomb was put In place and timed to ; the raiders to flight, and they did not for the refined product to fill export noon. explode ord era-- These export orders required when the train reached the stop to attempt the least insistence. On the afternoons selected the oth mole, fairly free purchases of raws by re- er boys but the train was late and the The American cavalrymen did. not who are members have fin Infernal machine went off before the hesitate to cross the border In pursuit finers, even thobgh the sales made by Ished (heir gymnasium, and the locker car was cleared. cf the Mexican raiders. But soon aft them for export show declines in the rooms, the pool and .gymnasium will John Wilson San er entering Mexican territory tthey refined values. of was Francisco belong entirely to the cadets. The Sxr., the most seriously hurt He suffered lest the trail and in accordance with Cuba' Centrifugals, 96 test; were ta class occupies the gymnasium from ! rrom a fracture., pelvis. The police instructions they returned to the Am ken,hy refinersat advancing prices ;a ,UUe betore 3 unti, 4 and en the f .. have no'cKwMo the person who set erican side. 6 5 trom to (Wlc) c.Ll 4 until 4:20. Glenn Jack i C.4f. (6.40c) at the close, and the pool from i'7 "r-botob.' the Fun-- s '"Gen. reports Pershing to r Gen. M. C. son, Y. physical director of the ton that there have been no further total of refiner's - purchases may be A., and Clair Tait, swlmming.lnstruct-or- , menacing movements by the Mexiat 20,000 tons of afloat, of photo , estimated scene published Above of is near the the Hana, railroad first the accident Maul, which cost six are planning to give the class their cans in the region where his careful:une and July shipments. lives. The engineer who drove the train when it leaped the trestle has been held responsible by ' a personal supervision. All the time g ly guarded camp awaits developments. n In addition to purchases of coronet jury. He died as a result of hia injuries, The is indebted to George O. Cooper of Hana the boys are in the lobby and 'locker raws, there were quite Import-- rooms they will be accompanied by for this photograph. Porto Rico members of the staff. "ant purchases of free-dut- y FIRE SWEEPS TEXAS Centrifugals, amounting to some 150,- being as class, While is the started 'O00 bags at 6.02c to 6.08c per lb. for TOWN AND MILITIA a special summer feature, it will be spot and nearby. through the year. At the SUPPLIES DESTROYED z The. . close at "this writing is firm continued present timet the most successful boys' noted,' with only light gymnasium cIiS4 .at the advance is the class of the offerings- - of Cabas at- 6 BROWNSVILLE, Tex July 3. The c&f boys' summer ' school STAR-BULLETINand this class 'S (6.52c) for nearby positions and 5 c town of Pharr, which is the headquarwill be modeled after that. Calisthenof ters the New York militia, is" menc&f. (6.65c) for July shipments. tumbling and possibly ics, : Free-dutaced with Porto Ricos sold at .08c work sanies, total destruction by fire. n some of the minor pieces of The business for nearby and prompt positions. has ' already je" apparatus program. will constitute the 2 S K ? ? Will Become Regular Demo- been destroyed.district Until the final edition of the Star - D. H. Gilmore,,J. A. Williams, F. Cor: ffSSSSSKa , Situation are asin Cuba. v- - v? ; ... The soldiers In case some of- - the- boys cannot Bulletin came off the press last Satur- rea, Archibald S. Guild, Belle Madeira, sisting crat; department local the In fire Declares i Receipts for the week are' 33,411 Bourbons S Id, Honolulu ? Dr. James r fighting tons, against 60,000 tons for same swim, and to facilitate the .use of wa day the new heme of the paper was James Guild. the fire. The saved soldiers physician and sups ;eon who. for A Have Made Good Record teramea; .the pool will be at half filled with visitors who responded to Mrs. Ray M. Allen, Ray M. Allen, all their equipment.' but some of the week last year. Exports continue of J depth rife ha. been in active many a mont on Friday. for the class 1 Sever cele-help to the .extended invitation department supplies Were commissary : good size, partly helped by the easier W.' Norton, M Gaynor, C. H. William 1. work on west front, in Atiocitd Pr by Federal Wireless) tonnage rates, and amount to 93,282 al boys ' have bet n taught to swim. out rate ' the fourth anniversary of the Mrs. W.' R. Fafrlngtofl, Frdnoef destroyed. origin of the fire is The LOS ANGELES, Cal., July 3 FranX France, has. fbeA looking forward 'M. ' tons n organization. During a . ." .:' not ' total, distributed 47,595 tons to of the summer school class in the known. Jones, Cora II. Jones, 'J to an earl; Winona lief, but owing to j cis J. Heney, who was prominent large' part of the afternoon the three Olive Herrtieghan, J. W. Jones, Mrs. ; ,U. S.' Atlantic Ports, 9,490 . tons to course of the regular, work: ' .California Progressive Besides , the valro oi the., work it- floors "where the paper is made" were O. H. Otterson, Mrs, J.;Madelra, Be K his successor being unable to "& among the1912, ;7ew Orleans, ,2,851 tons to Galveston self, M leaders hold of take hospital in, has declared himself AMERICAN SENTRIES the near spectators one of the most appreciated fea- well filled with interested 's and' 23240 tons to Europe. - Stocks tram J. Simon, Stanley's. Taylor, W. now . Juilly, supporter X a he will continue Borne of President Wilson, veems to be that It occupies the watching the various processes. V. Lee, Harry L. Hollmann, E. L. FIRED ON; NO CASUALTIES 'In the Island are reduced to 799,970 tures longer, saying perhaps weeks S more not follow his forwill he that than S boys of time Pinkham Governor: Govern former the three for I tons. '.Twenty-fiv- e' afternoons Schwarzberg, Herbert A. Wade, J.jF. Centrals 'were With Mrs. Judd, who ac- - S mer leader, Roosevelt, In supporting 'ixlndlng on the 12th inst, 7 havluf a week. , Something to do in the after- or Frear and Tnany other public offi- C. Hagens, Clif tbn Tracy, W. A. An- S that. NOGALES." Ariz., July 3. More fire comcanied to - the S the r Republican . candidate,' .Hughes. congratulated men noon! every jrequlsite.for boy, la a s finished their crop during the week, and cials and business derson, Armin ttaneberg, John H. So- S hospital Hne,herDr.husband across the Mexican l(?rde..took place Heney Judd . will then has been classed as a "Roose S a-Aupon its new home per, Ernest T. CfaseMrs. F. Ir LawDffers' the cadet de-- the Visible production is, 2,767,368 tons. the Y; yesterday when American sentry go country in" the chateau to S say Democrat, the S velt but in the that nn. GnssleMann,T F. against! 2,262,713 tons ? produced to partmenV as a jjoIuUon fst the young- - J and facilities. An especially' pleasing rence, Mrs. M. . j . AaotUAt traaaw-kfteiie naaBi Pfwwt srTTf-ramo dataJapUyar4aA.aA63 4ca ecuKura rr, jj ; ;in 3irHafchr-IS no traveling- - restrictions.' The M to the regular. Democratic party. " wii rj Mtavi Buuvbiii va buo ta en and children who came ta see the "V In 1914;" Lteht 'rains are reported C. W. Ashford, Albert P. Tay- S date of his return to Hawaii 'is 1 ; Heney. gives as his reasons for fV concealed Mexicana,. saved tie' lives the town populatldn; and If, with plant' in operation and were among Judge frcm soma parts of the Island, while for Raymond C. Brown, George lor, 55 still indefinite, '.f. these limits," stocks should accumulate the most Interested visitors. S fusing to follow Roosevelt Into the Re- of the Americans on dutyho were ' ia other r "etiens rain Is needed- '. , SpaldIW. T. Robertson, James g places, 3 conowing in to decreased publican camp, first that the Republi- attacked.by The fire was promptly reSome among those who visited the ing, Gabriel Ah Lee Chow, Edward I At Other Points.- "H s "S JlI-ISKsumption, diswould balance the be can party continues to be dominated turned ia the American sentries. At new home Saturday V- - Our special cable" from Batavla re-Georg. R6diek, known there were no casuT. Taylor, James by the' Old Guard machine, and sec- far as ports exports during May;of both old tributed in jdlstricts where consump- were Governor Pinkham, alties, B. C. Bindt, James, the Mexican sharpshooters Carlton James tion had increased. ond that the present Democratic ad- ceasing - and, nw crop sugars together, of Frear,' Robert Lewers, P. C. Jones, attack, e soon as their their ' At Odessa the market la strong. Lorrin A. Thurston, Alvina Gill, Anna Steiner, Frank Q. Cannon, Huron K. recministration has made a splendid tons , to, Europe, and 19,000 tons shoot'ng AlexWoodford, a response. drew Rose Ashford, A. ord in constructive legislation.ports,- - a total of 36,000 Refined . sugar of various marks is Edmonds, Elizabeth N. Richards, Ruth ander Hume Ford, R. N. Corbaley, H, to Eastern ; tons', 0 copecks per Benedict, Mrs. D. P. McGregor, Ethel Holmes, Ray Nelson, Maude Van Anagainst total ahlpments last year priced at 8 roubles ln'May of 10,785 tons and 31.764 tons pound, broken; crude sugar for inland Kaleo, R.- - Guessefeldt, Mrs. John derson. OUTBREAK 0MNFANTILE The demand T. Warren, Katherine T. Warren, Mrs. i Jn 1914. In- May, 1915 and 1914, there consumption, 6r. A. C. Mason, Bondwell, Gertrude J. PARALYSIS IN NEW YORK Both W; K. Macpberson. W. C. McGonagle , were no sugars exported from Java ia good,, but offers are limited. M. C Mildred Franca, Adelaide f to Europe. GROWS SERIOUS MENACE There are . now 32,000 refined and. crude sugar are scarce. P. A. Swift, Mrs. J. E. Schmidt, J. E. Fred L. Waldron, Dr. W. H. The price, of refined sugar at Kieff Schmidt, J. W. Dassel, A. F. Griffiths, tons Javas afloat to Europe. Anderson, Ketchum, F. A. Potter, H. E. Vernon, Latest advices state that the Frencfc is 7r. for. loaf and 7r. 35c for. broken. L. C. 'Howland, Robbins B. W, (Associated Press by Federal Wireless) ED A sham battle, or a parade of all Robley, W. W. Chamberlain, A. G. Hayselden, government has taken up the Question . News of the sugar 'industry in it- Benhxmln L. Marx, Samuel out2. July Y., An YORK, NEW N. Mrs. E. L. Schwarzberg, C. Y. Pang, the military forces on the island, or of remarkable Interest on ' the Mrs. A. N. Smith. Mrs. R. Gross, . r of labor shortage la the Frencn beet self Mrs. Ben Stearns, John Guild, H. E. some other gigantic military spectacle break of infantile paralysis has thorBred-hofHenry A. spot, Pahlman, acquired a sameness' that Lauritzen. has - fields and that now. all cultivators . Cyril F. Damon, K. Schroe-de- r, may be arranged for Kalakaua Day, oughly' alarmed the health authorities Podmore, W.-H" Gill, Marguerite Ashford, to take care ol can be of little Interest to outsiders. hate sufficient labor and physicians of the city. During John H. Allen, John F. Haley, November 16. : : The anxieties about beetroot sowings A. C. Glbb.i Harry Hal pern, - F. F. : the fields. ' last 24 hours 12 deaths and 53 Boyle, E. Amos A. Ebersole, Rev. J. Many divergent ideas asto a prop- - the have not yet been allayed and It is Woodford, J. F. Soper, R. B. McGrew, '.Demand for Refined Increased. new cases have been reported in Leleo, Lewis K. E. B. Webster, James C. McGiil, E. J. were ex- - Greater New York, vi iue ujt voreuiauu The feature of the week has been not fully understood to what extent R. Fursey, William U H. Nielsen, Mrs. George Symon, pressed last week at the conference Hill, H.' E. Reed,-K- . Makanani, William - the new demand coming on the- mar the crude sugar producers have com-- J Beardsley, Gray, R. Perreira, M. G. Jar-di- held in Mayor Lane's office, at which L E. Gen. I E. Samuel J. CharM. Senator Charnberfaih Declare export. mitted themselves, either as direct ket for refined sugar for TEUTON SEA RAIDERS NelBoyle, Roy A. K. G. R. W. L Mrs. H.; Perkins, N. H. E. wy me comJohnson iiaiaitaua smallcelebration and was planters or In the matter of granting , The local demand Increase iVNeeded; Brings Bye, Mrs. J. A. L. Tucker, Ernest B. Clark, Mrs. W. mittee was formed. One, expressed ON CHINA COAST the foreign demand came at an op- advances to others engaged in the son, Mrs. Charles R.Beaven, BUSY; , John A. Kruss, R. W. Anderson, A. J. Gignoux by C. B. Wilson, marshal of the kingTotal to Three Billions ; portune time for the exporters, who cultivation of the root The position Beaven, J. Ashman many J." Bryant, Philip Zane, others. W. dom and in days, apepared old the Anderson, to i supplies of secure were thus' able to on , the spot remains what may be (Associated Press by Feaeral WirelMs) strike all present quite favorably. He some, tons at the relatively termed a critical one, both as to the TOKIO, Japan, July 3. German seaV;ASHLOTON, D. July 2. The told of the fondness of Kalakaua for men, believed to have escaped on a senate committee on C, low prices of 6.35c' to 6.30c, and even immediate position and the proximate military affairs military display, and splendor and small steamer from Manila recently, has agreed to Increase the army 6,25c per lb. t. oi. b. In bond, the latter and even more 'distant' future. The suggested the' spectacular part of are declared to be raiding and plund; that refined at 6.25c being furnished maln-- leading question in the problem is the another $1,000,000,000 the day's program be of a military ering on the eastern and southern bringing the by hold labor one. and although the pressure ly if not entirely by second-hangrand total up ,to mor? nature. . era Instead of by refiners. . coast of China. than;J3,000,000,000. : v of the military events has been conwas however, export demand, Most of the. eleven men present This Speaking In defense of the proposed Both Brit i3h and Japanese war vessiderable, in its action on the judgspoke of the necessity for a serious sels are searching for them. It Is be- increase Senator Chamberlain of Orenot sufficient to restore the regularity ment .of, those who regularly grow aspect to the celebration of the day, lieved that fifty or more Germans re gon declared yesterday that he , was of the local refined market in the beetroot, the scarcity of workman dom in the' old days, appeared to cently escaped from Manila in a ship going to fight as hard as he could for absence of sufficient sustaining br-- t must be held .accountable for any ' Chief Justice Robertson striking the dera from the trade, and at this writ-ln-- deficiency in the production that .may They have a large quantity of bombs the additional money. ; Twenty-nin- e ,on er,ected Issue Permits and keynote ?f respecL iuS"Sll?L!naE in 7.30c less 2 per cent Is the excep- have to be recorded. this The , atusing la are needed, in them declared, with and of lt them he But "and , j j . ... . .i now being tacking merchant ships. ' executive committee tional quotation made by the Arbuckle course the growing of the beetneeded badly, and while the total, figwur, jail, old would site the of have been uoniempiaieu ". re-uiner formed by the mayor, who is chairand possibly some Philadelphia root ' does not necessarily in the The raids have caused much alarm ure may stagger the members completed now if materials had been man Awaits Arriving Supplies of general will flners, as against 7.65c less 2 per cent present : disorganized state j of : the committee, the committee, I, am confident that we along the Chinese coasL obtainable but that now it would be consider this. by other refiners. put this matter squarely up to must transport assure services, factorthe end of this month. Despite the prevailing complaints theBecause lArhuckle's price7 of 7.30c la for ies of the necessary raw material. Congress... Knowing what we know I shortage BY materials, of of TEAMSTERS BEATEN UP prompt' shipment,. assortment with scarcity and high costs of build- Gunst & Co. to as believe this ii not the time to that aftera-tion- s quanas large campaign, Just for last, delaying is the r " '' :" in filed PEDRO were the materials, SAN ing there AT order. STRIKERS shillyshally with the. destiny of the gathered of were not tities beetroot planned for its premises at v Warner has been shading soft delivered and were totally lost, so past week 29 permits for the erection the corner i : ;.. country. . ,1. Klag of and Fort streets ugarsto' the 7.30c basis during the there is the prospect of a similar un- or improvement of buildings, the costs and which are Wireless) by Federal (Associated Press to cost 410,000. ' week. ' of which will, reach $38,225. SAN PEDRO, Cal., July 2. Strik- CHINESE AMBASSADOR happy good to of a termination deal building v permits issued, two Of the by a was Russia Redueet Distribution. said week Earlv it last yesterday set upon and beat two ers year field unless, work the this what over costing are improvements for Petrograd Kleft CP-1 According to the wn lrnnu-- rnnrrartnr tnai no AT WASHINGTON MAY drivers who were loading motor between now and the ment 15.000, another for $4850. another for . "Mysar Honolulu, in had at the last meeting of the ia be that was to bedding supplies for of with trucks delivery of beetroot to the factories. ; BE FOREIGN MINISTER S5uu, ana one ior Z6W. i ne omer operations were being de Central Bureau for unifying the pur--' the strikebreakers employed by a local Ministry of Ways of Communica building wilL improvements cost than each less account taking Into sugar, up for lack of chase of lumber company. The supplies were may have considerably dissipated layed or held onntrontnra (Special Cable to NIppa J1J1). . ; the wero lavln. 52,000 and 18 less, than $1,000. grocery firm of Henry May & dumped from the trucks and set on reduced stocks at the factories, The In Realty Field. of the terrible confusion that prevails on t Co., day . the fixing ,ot a. monthly standard TuesLtd., Japan, July 3. Duan will ail TOKIO. be closed fire. ' supply was considered. ; On the basis the railways and waterways of the j aatA No large realty deals have been day, July 4th. Get your orders in topremier of China, and his asso- r of the daU respecting ' the distribu- country. shipment of materials needed reported during the week, but the day. Phone 1271. Adv. first I CHINESE CABINET HAND tion of sugar in Russia between 1909 SCARCITY OF SUGAR for mixing of concrete would arrive following deeds affecting Honolulu had Bureau were recorded: and" 1911, the Central Germany is using compressed paabout July 15, consigned to Theo H. and Oabu properties IN THEIR RESIGNATIONS Yuen Hung, but the president has de " IN NEW ZEALAND Davies & Co. Iater it was reported DEEDS. per with a thin leather covering for j adopted the standard of consumption. clined to accept tne resignations and ; per head until the new campaign, of some cement arrived on the Robert W Shingle & wf to Mary has instead asked the cabinet to re that soles, shoe it said, known and is is it Cable to Hawaii Hochi) (Special Lovell int in por R P 7429 1 funt per month, for the country pop- (Consul General Alfred A. Winslow, Lurline. t some American firms are doing TOKIO, Japan, July 3 Tong Shu-ye- e, main in office and has announced Auckland.) $ 500 the very same thing. M A 61 Puuokapolei In the face of such complaints the ulation and 1 2 funts per month former Chinese minister in Wash- plans for creating a new constitution ' (for 1 funt .There is a marked shortage of showing made in building permits i Maria Pereira &. husb to Joao do . for the town population ington, will, it is announced, be ap- for China. , sugar m New the owing have to Zealand. Prices sq But, 4472 100 Koolauloa Goes ft land Oliver Following an audience with the minmust be considered as satisfactory. read' 0.9 pounds). pointed minister of foreign affairs for - deliveries made recently by the sugar materially increased, and the future It must be admitted that conditions 735 Sarah J Grace to Charles A St. isters who offered their resignations. He is now in Shanghai. China. Slaght lot 4 blk 40, Kaimuki factories; and the consequently reduc- is not promising, if one is to rely on are deterring many from building or Alice M Harrison (widow) to K President Hung Issued an order for a 500 Tract Matsumoto lots 8, 9, 10, 11. ed stocks, the standard had to be the press and the trade. The whole- improving buildings already erected convention cf representatives of all JAPAN BUILDS UP 12, blk 3B, and lots 8. 9, 10. Percy M Pond & wf to Charles D - reduced. Based on this, and remem-'berln- sale price fixed by the food price and it is apparent that were conthe provinces to discuss a new coniti- Wright lot 79, Royal Grove IL 12. 13 and 14, blk 4B, and that on the data available at commission in New Zealand for the ditions different the building trades DESTR0YER FLOTILLA tution. It is expected that the cabinet ist-4t- h por Road B, Kapahulu Tract.. 1200 AnrlL- after eatisfying the bestsugar for the period ending June would be far busier than they are. Tract 170 will stay In office in the meantime. Margie P Tuttle & husb to Cora army, there remained 21 2 million 807 1916. Is 1102.19 per ton. but this Some real estate agencies maintain J Huihui to Chas E King R P Special Cable to Hawaii Shinpo) B Greene lot 3 blk A. Min- 4902 Kul 1966, Kaneohe, toods of sugar, the Central Bureau does not prevent the grocer from- that the lack of building materials TOKIO. Japan, July 3, The Japa- HUGHES PLANNING : ton Tract 40 decided on the distribution amongst 'marking up retail prices. It is ex- is also holding back the realty marnese navy department has announced CAMPAIGN IN 01 VEST, Est of H M Kaniho by Admr et the various governments Ull the newa pected there will be a marked ad ket, and this again others deny and Apaki Manuwai & wf to, Julia K that eight new destroyers of the latest vance In prices after June 30 next al to Mary T Wilcox land in Luahine lot 26, blk 3, Kewalo campaign, should be made 6 th of point, to transactions made or about type will be launched between August ' ' 923 5C and October, They are being bui'.t at Kanehoe, Koolaupoko (Associated Press Tract federal Wireless) funt for the country and 1 6 funis The supply comeB very largely to culminate, in proof of their "asserfrom the islands of the Pacific and tion. Purchases are being made and Emeline P Thompson & husb to Maijum, Allan McGowan to William BRIDGEHAMPTON, Yokosuka, navy Conn., July X yards at the IF EPILEPSY f amounted in 1914 to 48,655 long tons, in some instances with a view to 1 Nagasaki and Kobe. Egnoti Rishoff Ap 1 R P 5650 The Republican campaign managers lot 38, Mendonca lots. . is due to germa, how do yoA account of which the United States supplied immediate op early improvement and are discussing with Candidate Hughes Kul 1042, KuakinI St, Honolulu i: Manoel Simas to Thereza V Marques por R P 1945, Punahou. 1150 for the'many eplleptica who get well 4 tons. There is no preferential duty in other instances to secure desirable Lily B DeBolt & husb to SoloAmong the recent "gifts announced the plans for a campaign, speech makv , Chriopractic? on sugar. Grape sugar pays 2 cents properties for improvement later when following lai.d Diamon Kauai 31 Alfred C M Raach & wf to Herat the University of Chicago Is that ing tour, It Isiprobatle that, he will , , ; ' F. C M I GHTON, O. ' per pound plus 1 per cent ad valorem building conditions have improved. 0 mond Head acres bert S Walker, of $2500 by" an unnamed giver, to en1 open his campaign by a trip-tthe R-Chiropractor. war tax, while all other sugar enters City to & HonoK Hardware Diamond of Dick land Heleloa Manoa the St, able the department of geography to Pacific coast,' maklng.afidresses there, At the office prer Henry May a free save the war tax of 1 per cent. 04 Boston Bldg. 2400 make a scientific sttfdj of Asia.' lulu on the way there acd'whUe return!? j. it was said that the shelter lieha land in Koolaupoko & ! ) WU-tkM- uc-In- y 'ml -- . J 3-- 8c . r FRANCIS HENEY 25-fo- ot duty-payin- Star-Bulleti- MANY VISITORS HELP CELEBRATE - i. ANNIVERSARY l-2- c- 5-S- Dr. Judd to Stay Longer at Front REPUDIATES BULL y I ,. - I . m m m A Far-ringto- - n, Star-Bulleti- ... : ' ' Star-Bulleti- n lJiSSH.JKetextcan . .. efteaUeu-liftiWtHfuw- v r n, Sy-mo- - i - De-ku- Star-Bulletin- v 's 17,-00- 0 60-7- 90-9- - ANOTHER 5c Mar-callin- " 0 o, mm ; AS FOR Ar E.-A- f, -- APPROPBLmS : . - n, - :. . 25-30.0- : BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS CONTINUE V d , V DESPITE SHORTAGE OF MATERIALS1 : g T s, ? -- - oft-tll- A LEADING FIRM v , . . ! -- ' OBSERVES 4JH n -- most-unlikel- y ... - 1 . Ki-Sh- ul, Vt-v- .' SV " . . : 1-- g i- -- 1-- idt Koo-laupo- . m 5-- 2-- Mc-Gowa- n, a-- e? 45-10- . Nai-Compa- o TEN HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- MONDAY, JULY 3, 1916. N, Lahainaluha, Opened Eighty Ago, Oldest School in masonic lempi PORWLVILL lsianas : A .... -b- Welly Calendar MONDAY -- . ... v. Portugal The war has turned the attention of the PortuguLISBON, f v WEDNESDAY. Honolulu Lodge No. 409. Spe-- 7 ciili Third Degree 1 :30 p. m. " . THURSDAY . RegScottieh- Rite Bodies. ular. 7:50 p. m. ' Oceanic Lodgo No. 371- - Spe-- , ciaU Second ; Degree. 7:30 v '. 1 sXturday 11 l 3, Aloha Chapter No yp ' w O. , tin WRMMP - ing US31). Odd Fellovs Hall : Punahou is 75 years old and proud of It, but 'on the' island of Maui Is a school Just 10 years more proud, for It is 85 years, old this year and the oldest established; educational Institution In the Hawaiian Islands. It is the Lahainalcna 'bosruIttR school for boys and has graduated some of the finest types of manhood in the. territory.. i Theodore' Richards, treasurer of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association, re cently, delivered the graduating ad dross for a class pt 13 boys there and was full of enthusiasm aboutt the school find Its accomplishments when he returned to Honolulu, He brought some; Interesting" pictures, Vne of which Bhows the old mission 'hall that vas erected rhen the missionaries started the school im831. : V . Mr. Richards says that not only the oldest school is located in Maul, but also the first in the Islands was printed there in:;i834 That was the Lama Hawaii, meaning the torch or Hawaii. i Specialize on Aariculture.' "Although 'Lahalnaluna . school - edu cates in many" branches through, tho eighth grade, agriculture is "featured. according to Richards, and a crop of sugar cane raised by the stu dents brought the Institution this year 810,000 in net cash, which, will be put ' i . bacluinto the school.funds. , "The boys ..there have .become so expert through their work . in the jBchool fields," says Richards fthat . iiieir prouuee is pecona vo none in me cnarne Chaplin s name on a motion Islands and Instead of going out to picture program is full . guarantee look for worw dring the summer vacais1 fun aplenty on that bill, there that up agents by tion they are snatched, Chaplin is the one performer be of the plantations ,who come to the as fore '. the camera . whose queer and school to employ the boys. There are clever .antics never 1 appear, to .grow no lunas , in the school fields and stale. Those who have been witness every boy, is encouraged to his best ing Chaplin features for the past sev by 'cash prices." ., eral years have become Chaplin fans Truly "Shining Llgh." and, from ".the' Atlantic to the Pacific Mr. Richards thinks the school's and Across 'both oceans the "Chaplin motto Is Tery, appropriate, It Is "in' Ha- habit" Is onek that shows rapid growth waiian, but. means in English "A most ana one ror which there is no cure beautiful light, burning perpetually, Is except Charlie Chaplin. not to be extinguished by the ivinds ' The Tramp,'' one of the feature '. ... of Kawaula". now. being shown at the Bijou films "The light or that school has been theater, is a "Chaplin." ;it Is dim- burning for &5 Tears," Bays Richards, cult' to Imaging that Chaplin can be "and certainly has no signs of dim- more of a tramp than .in his usual ;..;, ming."'; ..:" ''...':.-.'- . v r run 'of films, but he can. This ia v O. Principal A. demonstrated in "The Tramp," a In the absence of MacDonald on the coast, Richards couple of thousand feet of rapid-fir- e was entertained by F, A. Cltfwes, act- laughs In which the clever comedian ing principal, and . head; agriculturist. Is. ; given splendid support While it The graduating boys .had a luau, all Is hard - to Imagine ' anyone earning of their own" making, following the $750,000 v within a short 12 " months graduating,; exercises, and paid for there is little difficulty in realizing music and other entertainment from why 'Charlie Chaplin gets that am their, own pocket money. ; "".-- . ount Ho Is a big paying Investment " for the simple reason that the entire Students Govern Themselves. loving world is 'bugs" Student 'affairs at Lahalnaluna are under control , of an ideal county or- on Chaplin pictures. ganization system, according to RichThe V. L. S. B. Essanay feature. "A ards, which changes r its '; personnel Daughter or the City," is photo-dram- a twice each year, giving each boy "a with a lesson In which the charming chance in politics. With, the principal Marguerite Clayton is the featured is grand - advisor the boys work outi iheir own ; police Judiciary and legis' lative problems.1? . ... i There are now about 90 boys the. Institution, many of whom come to Honolulu to finish' their4 education r as I soon " as they receive an eighth' grade diploma from Lahalnaluna., Besides the fields, and the classrooms : the school has excellent' shops for training in .many rflelds. ; ' ; ; :'.V. .V,'V V; '; ; " producers seldom It is that the of HAWAIIAfJ BAND AT photo-dram- a "import"; an artist to in a special set of feature films, EMMA SQUARE TONIGHT but this is exactly the move made by SVm. Fox, president and moving spirit Beginning at 7:30 tonight' the Film Corporation, In reBand will give a public con- of the Fox Betty gard Xansen, the great Danto square. program cert in Emma The who has appeared in a' actress ish for the evening will be as follows: of Fox number af the Hareleases ' V j America.' ,';.";.,:' March America First. . . . ..N. Losey waii ' theater.'- - 'The Song of Hate," offering; present? Hawaii is Nan-sen'- s the Overtta-North ' and South . Conterno - probably strongest latest 'and One-Ste- p MarchModern Order ;of Phoenix r(new)U...i;l:N.,;Slattery piece of work under the Fox din.ction. Betty Nansen was "Ihau'ced to come Selection Plantation Songs . . . to this country ' to appear In feature : , . Conterno Five Hawalian rSohgs.....'..;.;. , films that call for the work of a powt .By Hawaiian Band Glee Club erful emotional actress and her interpretation of a number of Ibsen's leadSelection Recollections of the .War ' v . i .'. ...... .... .. ;V. . ...... Beyer ing dramas had fitted her ; for- theae was believed.1 roles Whether:Fox it Waltz Sunnyland. ; ;, ; ' March The Heart of America..... ; guesses right or not can best be judgA. jPryor ed by a visit to the Hawaii and noting the crowds which pack this house, Aloha Oe Hawaii PonoL; also noting the splendid work of Miss The Star Spangled Banner; - - ; Nansen. ' ' - Wilson i has been for Fleming John The eath , rate from i cancer In Pennsylvania is said . to be increasing a. riumber of 'years- - past one ;,of ;the at out of all proportion to the leading . short story .writers -- of the growth In population. ; It is predicted United' States. His serial photo-dr- a be 6000 deaths from ma, "The Master Key." being shown that there each week at tho Hawaii, shows every disease the in that state thia year. superior mark of his ; literaryoff er- -' ' ; ings. ';:""'';-::- ' :: ; - Cresclsfed Eyelids rice-growin- VEEKLY CALENDAR : MONDAY TUarmbny Lodge Na 3. 7:30 p. m. Initiation. V ' TUtfsDAY Excelsior Lodge No. 1, 7:30 P. m. Regular meeting. . . ; ' WEDNESDAY ; Olire Branch Rebekah Lodge 7sTo. 2. 7:30 p. m. : Installation X ': drill. ; , ' '".,-r- THURSDAY , 'FRIDAY ' ' - Encaihpment'rNo ! nr. Installation of Tl, 7:30 'ofricere. Refreshments. ' : Pol-nc8l- l:cscrn meet at their "home, corner of : and Fort -- streets, ererj Ttnrtday erenlng at 7:30 o'clock, v t . ' ' CHARLES HUSTACE, JR Leader. X . FRANK MURRAY. SecreUry. rcrctanla-- - . HC'.OLULU. LODGE 616, P. B. O. E. '--r V v v ; - fil J meets in their hall o King SL, near Tort, 'every Friday e nlng. Yielting i brothers are cor dlaUy Invited td at-; '..- tend. ' , T. B. 'BUCKLEY, E. It. . . It DUNSHEE, Sec t . v - ' i Branch ."of the National Alliance of the American Cirman ' U. S. A. V Meetings la K. of P. Hall oa Sat urdays February 12, March 11, April 8, Maj -C, June S, July 1. pMeMant tTTT. .' C BOLTE, Secretary. ' 374 Jan. 18 to July l ine Honolulu - , 5 HERMANNS SOEHNE. 5 ( V;- , - v ' " -- " VerHaamtungen llontags: 1 Aug. Jnni 6'und 19, JuU 3 tind 17, v.z& 21. Bert A und 18. General Ver v Junl 19 und ScpL 18. ltasni!s ' EMIL KL'CMME, PrasldenL ' 'MVfiine LtsncE no! 2. k. or p. Meets In Pylhlan Hall, corner 'Fort and Beretania- - streets, every Friday evening, at 7:30 Lo'dock. Visiting : brothers cordially invited. i s CEO." E, GALL,"C.'C. - - 'V'M. JONES, P;C". K. R. & S.1 . . Szi cncc3 Ucrchandise V ,t . fFERNGS . . :.; . , Curios, Etc.r T. UEHARA , t -- r TTajiolani.Blig;;AlaTcea SL ; ' ' Af :'zt for N. B. S; Japanese exporters photo-dramati- c Meats And Vegetables . ; - - Retail and Wholesale . " f : .Territorial Marketing Division ";' Dustin Farnum, another of the favorites cf Paramount Pictures, promises to add greatly- - to his popularity during the next few days at the Liberty theater where' he is starring1, in VThe Call of the Cumberlands," a vivid : . photo drama of the feudal activities of the family clans which have their habitat in the Cumberland mountains. As Samson South, Farnum nas an exceptionally good, rote, one calling for a robust man of the great outdoors. Samson South is destined to become the leader of the clan of the Souths in their way with the Hollman fac tion. - He displays rare 'talent as an artist and Is discovered by a wealthy young New York artist and induced to journey to New York and increase his ability through 'study. He goes ' and there he meets the beautiful " and polished sister of his but as success is pouring wealth ' at Ris feet he heeds the "call of th Cumberlarids" and returns to lead his faction in' a specta--. cularv battle agalhs't the Hollmans, who have violated" a truce that had . "been agreed upen. "The Red , Circle" is the serial for the first Ti'alf 'or thia week and it continues to hold, the Merest of the large crowds .which.. lJock to the Liberty, theater week after week . V . : SWOFHATE' -- ' . C'O'Y N EW . ." FOR FURNITNRE Young Building . ;;-;,- BERGSTROM; MUSIC CO. ' ' ''' LOXUD-YOUI- ia Ermine rin2::Co ap-pe- Ha-waila- . tr:ins?rs and Contractors 'r;-.- fc 1 Clock, Honolulu, T. H. 1 and 5427 ' O 7. ' -- I-l- Adapted to manufacturing, merchandising-- or I I commission merchant display rooms. ; ". , i - Includes two floors and basement. ; Premises I a Inquire Star-Biik .mm.. rc ?pUetii, , i. i c. ll - . Build-- ; II -- IV If. II 1 ........ .. ;.. Oriental Silks and Novelties ;- . v- , ;; . ! Vf'mmb . . -- . , v.'-'f- t. i . . JNs j yr - KV .-g- jf-- f'' '" jr. ..."T i:it'- -- k':iri-x '.- ' '.';,"' " i '" ilRf. "; ' :.V SHOTEN ' Hotel, 'near Nuuanu Street ."''i" iW- hf " j" ' " 4- " " - " " t r J - t ' . " . We are showing the largest and most wonderful CHINESE BED ever seen in Honolulu, to gether with a large collection of Antique Porcelains. ll -, : Alsd'shbwin EmBrMderyH Skirts; of Beautiful Chinese "Embiroideries Piano Covers, Mandarin Coats, Tassels, Eta m - , . - .. .1 - i ' - J.;, .r : . , .,. ' . . , f'.'r V t .'. -- a-ra- te . Er inflamed by j -W sure to Sis, Otst and H iai relieved by Harina suickly r?r?Xfr tri . ) tytCeaeij.No Smarting. iv. expo-- T , ' .". ' ''' - Impressment the ' seizing of men for ;the British , navywas' practised for centuries and did not become' ob--. 4 Just Eye Comfort.- A.t 7 Your "Drttfsiit's 50c per Jiotue. Iinrcs tjrt War.: Sometimes ""the f cfews "were CiinTubei25c ForEoU!.SeEycfTCask laken Tronl 'foreign' 'ships' on the1 Igh - - n . -- I ';.' ar - Gj; nLi Ltd.' :, : ','".'."' - ,; ;; Ilixhinbsi ano! Eecords of ;;;' - Victor Tnrnrg t.':,V. - Mayor Anthony; Sunderland has left Danbury for Ithaca, N. Y. where he is to study aviation at ' the Thomas ' II School of Flying. Embargoes on. all Canadian points have been lifted by' tbV Canadian Pa v ; cific railroad. ' U : ' H. E. VERNON. General Agent ' 926 Fort Street, I Honolulu. Phone 4023. V ; - VIENNA, Austria. Because he endangered 'the Austrian army, by his dishonesty, Joseph Levit, a wealthy shoe manufacturer of Pardubitz, in Bohemia, has been sentenced to ten years' imprisonment at hard labor by the military court of Josephstadt. Two of his agents each got five years in ' prison. The manufacturer, through the efforts of his agents, received an order for 500,000 pairs of . boots from the army; administration. The boots were promptly furnished by h!m hut they literally fell from the feet of the soldiers who received them, as soon as they got wet . An investigation showed that the soles consisted of pasteboard and pressed leather scraps, and that the leather used for the uppers was made from the poorest kind of hides and insufficiently tanned. i ; 1 EEE and many other points East or South. These tickets are first class and are on sale certain days in July," August H and September. HONOLULU ASTONISHED . BY SIMPLE MIXTURE : ; v. ?:,.,.,; Minneapolis .7flJ5 New Orleans .. 70.00 artist-benefacto- r, e ; g. Chicago . . . . .$ 72.50 New York. . . 1ia70 . 1 ic land .: PASTEBOARD SHOEMAKER GETS TEN YEARS IN PRISON 'I -- 5 vTTIU . -- a. IS FUNKIEST YET 4 Reduced round trip fares 1 San Francisco to-- thorn bark, glycerine, etc, as mixed - ONE SPOONFUL reIn Adler-1-kmoves such surprising foul matter it relieves almost .ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. Because Adler-I-k- a acts on BOTH lower and upper bowel, a few doses often relieve or prevent appendicitis. A short treat ment helps chronic stomach trouble. The Hollister Drug Company. Adv. 60-ac- re HONOLULU LODGE NO. 1. ORDER OF FHOENIX . I .;, Grand Canyon of Arizona, Petrified Forest;' Colorado Points; Santa Fe New 'Mexico, built over ,' three centuries ago. Honolulu people are astonished at the INSTANT action of simple, buck- HfATRCAL Olive Branch Rehekah Lodge No. 2. 7: 45 p .m. Installation 1 of officers. Refreshment8.' ' ... -l- a- d paper-publishe- " - . : visit ' ' -- . - Top Members of ..this year's graduating class with some of their Instructors.- BOTTOM Ail of the Lahalna-tun- a students assembled before the dining hall in the eldest mission build- - eCHOFIELO LODQt cXfURDAY : - ' v teresting. - . .',' Along your Santa Fe way East many places of beauty, ; history and tradition make your trip continuously in- ese, people to the agricultural situation of the country. Although Portugal is regarded as principally a farming country, '.it has to Import sometimes as much as half the amount of wheat' required for the year's home consumption. The years when there have been the largest importations of wheat have been years of hard times, when there was a great deal of idleness and at the same time a great deal of waste land. which might well have been devoted to wheat raising. Under war conditions a shortage - in the home wheat- - crop might very nearly spell starvation, on, account of the difficulty and cost of ocean freights. The true remedy, according to Por tuguese economists, is to be sought in agricultural measures in parliament to encourage the : sowing 'of more wheat, corn and rye. The minister of public works has prepared bills to provide for the irrigation ol Aiemtejo, which should prove excellent farming country, to encourage and to inaugurate the production of beet sugar, which at present Bells at over 12 cents a pound. . FRIDAY .m. Excursions 21. ' TUESDAY mtmm East OF SUGAR BEET ; .Hawaiian.: Lodge No. Stated.; 7;30 p. m. , ack iiin -- TTi v " ir r re r-- Near Pauahi Street r j: HONOLULU BTAE-BULLETI- ELEVEN MONDAY, JULY 3, 101G. N, X V) Pearl Harbor e LOCAL PLAYERS WILL R1EET TO ,'TOEM GOLF ORGANIZATION Races Will Be Battle Royal Meeting Called for Wednesday'. Evening at Cooke Hall analua Course Maj Be Site of New Clubhouse Much Players Taken in (lame at Nine Hole Course Clubs Will Contest To Who'Organized Firt Tournament' Put, in Initial Attempt Three -- In-Inter- expected to be close to 100 members. Meeting Wednesday Night A meeting will be held at Cooke HaU, T.; M. C, A- -, on Wednesday evening to outline the plans for the ! formation of the tclub. Roy Black-shea- r has been appointed temporary chairman of the first meeting. Without doubt those interested in the formation of the clubv wfll be present at the first meeting. . A suggestion has been made, providing that consent can be obtained, that a small clubhouse be erected somewhere near the first tee. This plan has met with approval, and with shower baths, a telephone and a club-- J room the Moanalua links would bejj play, ji an Ideal' place for week-antourists welcome s Numbered In the list of players who have competed in the tournament to date are a list of golfers who have made good scores and with a ..club started and a permanentorgahlza tion well on its way, the "success of golf 'at Moanalua is assured. During the winter months there., are hundreds of . tourists who come here .. to play golf, and with a clubhouse at two courses Honolulu would be well able to take care of the tourist without crowding out the home gnard. Members of the lOahu Country Club have Advanced su number of Ideas which have beentmucb appreciated by the players at Moanalua, and with the encouragement of the older body the members hatfe? gone along with the plans for a permanent organization. All thosewho are interested in the. formation-o- f a new golf clut are requested. fo attend the meeting at Cooke Hall en Wednesday evening. 'Honolulu will, have another golf club. Since,, the beginning' of the golf tournament at Moanalui 'which Auerbach, there was won have ,beenf many - Ideas ad ra; iced regarding the formation of a club which would act a a .get together place for the ardent "lover f of the game.;, ago three ; OnJj a were snaking the ' rounds of the Moanalua course,- - and one . who - had been hitting the white pellet in the brush many a .time and oft made a suggestion that a tournament be v siiged ;to decide whether or not there 'were: any more brush beaters around the city.. The other two members agreed"! that suggestion was a good one, and at once plans were made (or toe beginning of the tourna' ..... ' .. ment: Large Entry List r .; At first it. was expected that the tournament would be started with 32 players, but the list grew until more than 60 wanted to play. Strange to say the golfers, if you might. use the term, who suggested the tournament were-al- l put out In the first; round. Since the tournament began there has been a number of requU for admission Into the play, .and: when the next tourney is staged there is expected . to . bei a large number of jEjy-Arth- few-mont- ht : . te " -- entries.- -' ; - Through ' the kindness-- ; of the Damons, , the Moanalua course has been placed la excellent condition, and the players hate appreciated this fact - Every afternoon there are a number of golfers out ' hitting the little ball over .the hills and dales, and with a club' organized there is d. joy's Halr-Ftaisi- ; ' STUKT GOOD go;.;e-dac- k Oil TODEAf SAiA CLAIfflfS Coasters Frtn Fnnsw Kent nn' w mmm St m mm m " . The patrons of baseball who attend ed Saturday's conflict between; the 25th Infantry and Santa Clara thought they saw a real battle, and they did, brt those who were present on Sun- -cay at the Santa Clara-St- , Louis setu to had the pleasure of viewing one of g 1 th e mo3t t finishes to a ball has been atazed at Athletic that cine t. v purk. , i"' i Santa Clara scored two In the third 5 and one in the fourth. St Louis made it 3 all In the fifth and Hoke drove out c a homer In the sixth,' making the' . s'rv-v- at In their half of the ninth, nta Clara rallied and put over two j , Some of the ytallles,- making" i)5-4- . t ans started for ie exits.'but'old St Iouls came ry ft back and . scored pn the two also, ther long end or A rood mr a of the fans were skep tical about ircey Joy being able to - San tar Clara top the btnch zy k his lozg period i'of re tire-rticy jt-- he stepped out:, on . the mcund esterday and displayed a wonderful' collection of. sweeping curves thatCmpletely bambootled such Gay, Milburn and 0Neil,.none trio connecting for even- cfJiis during igle the matinee. Mr. Joy s' so naa annosu rauiueas auppoix Wtlcbr ia a very Important factor In a hall 'game, as Manager .'Joe "Sneeze t. hair-raisin- r 4-- 3. . - - i ard-hitU- ng rt, . hit-"'tcry'- as , . 7 - day morning. No time has been set for its return, but the Oahu Railway & Land Company has announced that the train will leave as soon as the boat races and other features are over. The round trip fare is 75 cents. This also includes admittance to the grounds. During the day danc- ing will take place in the spa-- 4 clous hall on the grounds. 4444444444444 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 "Ready. HealaniT-- ; Ready, Myrtle? Ready, Honolulu! Bang!- f They're off! " At Pearl Harbor tomorrow morning crowd is expected a record-breakin- g to turn out for the rowing races and a special train will leave the depot at 9:30 tomorrow morning, carrying the passengers direct to Pearl City. The Myrtle Boat Club crews are by the majority of the fans, although the Healanls and the Hon o lulus are expecting to cop some of the honors. The latter club was organized but two years ago and has made remark able progress during that short time. A) little hard luck came' in. the last . .. V regatta, its only Doat oeing wrecaeo as a result of a collision with, the Healanl boat in the senior barge race. The Healanl Boat Club lending its beats and oars to be used. "Great interest is being taken in the big race of the day, the intermediate race. Class A, barge. The Myrtles have G. P. Jopson, bow; Charles G. Crozier, Wo. 2 ; George Chillingworth, Nb."3;' Dfuke P. Kahanamoku, No." 4; W; E. ' Hedemann. stroke. : For the Healanis, C A. Tinker, bow; H. Even- sen, No. 2; M. Serpa, No. 3; F. Ren ton. No. .4: D. Gray, No. 5; J. Abbot stroke, are the oarsmen. These two crews are evenly matched and a great race is looked for In this event "Another .race which has caused much enthusiasm among, the fans is the Class A scull race. Duke Is a Myrtle, his brother David a Honolulu and Bob Fuller a Healanl. This trio composes three of the best scull oars men of the city. Brother will hattle brother and which brother will win out remains to be seen. iThe other events are: Intermediate rice, Class B barge; pair-oar- . Class A; pair-oaClass B; scull race. Class B, and the boys barge' race. The latter race Is causing ; great Interest among the younger members at the bbathooses and the kids expect to put up the best race of. the day. ' fa-ror- ed ... ... -' 'r'r r down a: perfect sacrifice, Brown1 to Wilson,'1 Scares was.also hit by the pitcher,. thereb v filling up, the sacks. Barney came to bat and forced Nye at the pan, Preciado to HallWith two out, Mr. O'Neil had to fohible Peterson's grounder, Hoke scoring. Abe Amoy essayed the role ofpinch-hitte- r and made good with a Texas Leaguer over second, scoring Akaha, who was running for So ares, andjalso Joy. Mo riyama out, pitcher to first ' It was In the sixth that Mr. Hoke poled out .his home run, giving his club the edge by one runr Nothtnsr of Important occurred until the final period, at which1 time things . happened andi happened fast Hall ambled, Desmond-sacrifice- d and should have . been safe at ' first ; but Umpire Argabrite 4id not see it that way. Prfeciado-dro- ve a ; r. -- siz- - sung grounder just over the third cushion for two bases, scorine hall. "While Mr. Joyf was gazing at the bay? lying on the ground near the .home plate Preciado decided to. try- -' for third,' which naneuver was executed successfully. Larkln slammed out a sacrifice-fl-y to Amoy, Preciado tallying. Floyd Brown thought one. run a pretty fair lead In the ninth ' and, therefore fanned.: , Ching . Pui - fell ft TicUm ' to i Mr. Brown's curves. Preciado made a pretty stopfof Soares grounder, but heaved the- - ball into the grit, to the consternation of Mr. Wilson, who. failed to corral the 'elusive sphere. Big Bill" Janssen, the human string bean, looked over a couple of Brown's offerings and then picked out the "cripple, depositing It In about the same spot as did Jlr., Rogan. on Saturday. Soares pulled upj-a- t thlrd and Jan rested on the keystone sack. With one run needed to tie and two to win little Nick Peterson walked to the plate and the grandstand and bleachers stood up and screamed. Nick acceded to the demands of the frantic mob and banged the first one p'tched to the center field", scoring Soared and ! UrdANIAlLAItA : - i. Several thousand people are still ton's great play in talking about-Cra- f the ninth Inning at Athletic' park Satof the urday. This chunky corking only a not is Infantry 25th bitter but a fast man in fly balls and has a wonderful throwing arm. in the ninth inning Saturday Desmond walked and Precfado, the Claras' third baseman, slapped a whacking hit out between left and center. It looked like a threeagger at the least But out from left field Crafton came tearing at full speedy beaded the bait went, into the air to meet U and got it in both hands, bujt well above his bead. The ball popped out and It looked like he had lost It But Craf ton was going at such speed that he was right on top of the ball as it came down from its little bounce out of bis handand he nailed It Without pausing a moment 'even without setting himself, he hurled the pellet on a line into the' hands of Hawkins on first base: Desmond had started to circle the bases on the hit as be was justified in doing, for nobody expected Crafton to get it When Crafton threw to first Desmond was nearly it to second and though he back to his base the throw beat him by and Hawkins was waiting witltthe ball. rIt waa one or tne super-plays that come once 6c. twice a season. , It killed a; rally "that-mlgh- Hf have tied the score for the Santa Claras. ; The boysm the Santaf lara bench literally rolled on the ground,Jn left-field- hot-foote- d 2T-fe- Once before his great throw in the ninth Crafton had turned loose that wing of his, shooting the ball to second so fast he nearly got a man off the base. This soldier looks like an awkward runner, until he runs for a ball and then he gets over the ground like a race-hors- e. er left-cente- Brown, pinchrhltter. for the Santa Claras, struck out tamely and lamely in the seventh on Saturday. The sec ond and third strikes were fast ones right over the plate and Brown didn't even swing his bat That kind of work never wins anjr ball games.' Rogan took exception to several of Umpire Stayton's rulings on pitched balls in" Saturday's game. Rogan thought they were strikes but the umpire rightly called them bails. The soldier looked peeved awhile but ultimately cheered up. As a matter of fact Stayton's calling on Saturday was mighty good, f Walter Argabrlte got by in nice shape as base umpire Saturday. He had some mighty , close decisions to make and one or two that could have been called either way. - The crowd had some fun Saturday watching a youthful baseball enthusi ast on the Santa ,Clara bench who. because of his sorrel top. immediate ly won the nickname, of '"Red." Red and some of the 25th rooter on the left field bleachers jawed back and forth cheerfully. After Rogan's drive in the third put the Santa Claras far into the hole, .Red subsided consider ably, His voice was beginning to give out anyway.' All through the game. by the way, there was a lot of coach. ing from the Santa Clara .bench. And some from the 25th Infantry bench, too. The Santa Claras'-infiel- d defence on Saturday was very "shaky. The official scorer doesn't show some of the weakness exhibited In the Inner works. chofield's Wrecking Crew" Takes Advantage of In- O'Nell's home run on Saturday went straight over Johnson's head in cenfield Errors ter field. ... Harry Hellman Is proving a valu able man for: Detroit Manager Jen- 2 INNING GAME BIG FEATURE OF SERVICE BASEBALL Two Good Contests on Post Diamond Saturday O'Dell and at Short a Bright South in Great Pitchers' Battle McGarry v rs and Shining Light When Ruger Team Defeats AU-Sta- First Game Medical Corps 1, Com pany I, 2nd Inf 3. Second Game Fort Shatter All-Star nings has used him at first base, sec- 0, 159th Company, C. A. C 1 (12 inn ond base and In the outfield. No mat ings). ter where he places the former Northwestern leaguer he clouts the ball, "' (Special SUr Bulletia Corretpendec , which helps win games. FORT SHAFTER, H. T, July 3. Two good games were pulled off on The team record for bases on balls the Shafter diamond on Saturday aftIn one game, was put over May 9 of ernoon when an unusually large num the present year in Philadelphia, when ber turned out for . the afternoon's thirty passes were issued by the pitch- sport In the first game Company I, ers of the Athletics and Detroit teams. 2nd Infantry, trimmed the Medical The record given in detachments Is Corps to the tune of 3 to 1. Knight, as follows r Bases by Athletic pitch- the steady 1 Company pitcher, was too ers, Nabors 3; Weaver, 3; Ray, 12; much for the "Pin Rollers, and al bases by Detroit pitchers, Cunningham though they ..put' up a good fight they 6; Boland 6. If Ray had pitched the never had a chance during the game. entire game he might have beaten the The f Company Colts were in excepindividual record of Bruno Haas, who tionally fine form and gave Knight formerly .pitched for ;.the Athletics. fine support Receiving for him was Haas sent eighteen to first on passes White, whose work was of the best in one game last year. For Medical Corps Hanna was in the box and Robinson was at the receiv In the American Association the um ing end. Both teams fielded very well pire calls a base runner out orr general and It proved to be a more even conprinciples if he slides to first base. test than was at first anticipated, v The secctid game was the big fea ow comet a report from Texas that the umpires there have been Instruct ture of the afternoon and was a game ed to stop pitchers using the quick well worth seeing, in fact.it is doubted return ball. It appears that a pitcher If there was a game played in Hono "slid one over? on a batter who was lulu, this year that was its equal. The played their second taking a snooze, and the umpire, be Shafter ing awake, called it a strike. The fans game and lost to the fast 159th Coast were "mad" because .the snoozer was Artillery team from Fort Ruger. For a net player, so the president of the 1Z Innings these evenly matched teams league met the emergency with a fcut foUjght a battle royal, and wnen ine out" order. Hereafter Texas players snibke of battle cleared away it prov- for the "Gun may take their little siesta, and when ed to be a victory of ' ' ' they are ready to proceed whi maae Cleaners. good pitched as by usuI South the O'Dell and their Intentions known leaguers wuum lan" Trulv baseball producea some a game as nrsi-cias- s the fans want to see, and for eleven of the funny things. want to see the batters on their toes. twelve innings it was anybody's game, as they were perfectly matched and ,of had a shade on .the other, but papers neither In Mention has been made th in tveirm uuea. uib uero ui excellent the about West Middle the pitching In St. Joseph, Mo of a Ha tweB(ty games th4i season, weakened hiU which- gave waiian. Johnny Williams, i we nop and permitted forIhe .winning- Ully. men Artillery back. come the can that Johnny Rugerite batter, Bailyv the hard wnen run winning in brought in the Anyway the New York Giants are hit safe third his made he twelfth the not pikers. They started the season the-daand brought W Perry, who with a brave effort to beat; the rec of advanced to third by hits ord for defeats: then they came close had been and Benham.' McLaln to tvine - the record for consecutive from game from start to finish was The wins, and now they have established nip was full of thrilling and tuck g and con extra-innina mark of losing six see.to wants one as ira nn thlr own around In one plays shortstop McGarry for the at season. deserves special praise for his work will go down rn Shafter baseThe work of Christy Mathewson dur ball history as unequalled. He acing the winning streak of the New cepted all kinds of chances and han- vi-icianta. which took them from to a point near the top, bottom tha most of the critics that convinced has he has enough left In his. old wing to h f areat value to the club.throvflh out the season. One Boston wriUr went so far as to say that itjW Mathewaon's cunning that enabled the throuah the west If the present pace la maintained towithout being defeated. At first this morrow in the battle between the 25th sounds like a broad statement, but the Infantry team and the Santa Clara more one looks Into tne recora mi ball tossers It i will be a contest well ' more one is Inclined to decline to ar worth witnessing. ' gue the point Manager Aurrecochea is somewhat nettled at the way things have been Speaking of Outfielder Wllhoit who breaking for his proteges and announcformerly played with Victoria, and is ed today that the boys are out for now with the Boston . Braves, the Pittsburg Sun remarks that he has evidently learned a lot while out on much improv--.- i the' trails, and is a very A.Mr Ha anoears to have was shaken off the nervousness that year. m tne early besetting sin his It is hard for the two crippledInplay? tne era, Maher and Bensberg, to sit grandstand and view the fray with out being awe to iena & nauu. The fans of Honolulu are looking at some great baseball these uays. . All-Sta- rs 1-- Rogan's three-baggin the third inning was a high, long drive that r and rolled to went far into the fence. He went around the bases like an antelope. - ning unless he was removed because his side had a commanding lead. One clause of the new rule helps out con' siderably. It is that which provides that if a pitcher Is taken out of the ame when his side 1 sahead, and the score is tied subsequently the winner and loser "are figured from the point of . the tie. - 1 0 V y, All-Sta- rs c died them like a big leaguer. His work was brilliant and more than one Rugerite will not forget him for many a day. Others of the home team who were stars are Hayes at the recelv ing end for O'Dell and . Holcomb at second. . . , j .' : For the visitors Bailey must be mentioned, as his work with th willow was a marvel to everyone. HJs work . at first was equally good; for he "got them" wherever they went . High or, low were alike : and always spelt Vu-L- " Benham was there with the. goods in more way than one; for U did the heart good to see. the way he re celved for South,' and It made the sick when one of their braves attempted to swipe second, for the way he pegged to the second sack was a caution. 'South,' the veteran pitcher, was la his very best form, and for the twelve Innings permitted not a man to walk, ' struck out 17 and permitted hut four hits. At the end he was as strong ; as In the beginning, and he could not have askedHfor better support from, ' his team. O'Dell pitched rare bait and proved to all that he was there with the; goods. Many a game has he delight-- ; ed the Shafter followers of the game, but today's work was probably one of his very best days. He gave free transportation to none, struck out tea and until he weakened in the last int ning permitted the Gun Cleaners but five hits, none of which were worth . the name. He likewise was well sup--; " ported and his team never once cans " ' ; ed him to worry. great .In soon be will The form and get the necessary team work . to give the best teams In ahu trou. ble. That they are real comers goes I without saying, . and before the season Is over they will undoubtedly be real' topnotchers They are anxious to have games and will take pa any team which desire to contest . Score second game: All-Sta- rs ; .' - All-SU- rs , - Bat ..a 0000000. 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Basehlts Ruger.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Basehlts . .0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2nd Ft ;.l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 04 -1 49 1- hits; Womack 1. Two-bas- e hits, Bailey 1. Sacrifice hits, McGarry 1. ' Hit by pitcher, Johnson-bSouth. Double plays, Hayes to Bow-lanBases on balls, off O'Dell 0, oft South 6. Strackout by ODell 10, by South 17. Umpires, Culpepper and Freeman. Time of game, 1 hr. 59 mla. Three-bas- e d. SANTA CLARA DETERMINED TO BEAT 25TH TOMORROW II OiHLSIN CLOSE COIESI DEFEAT PALAMA revenge tomorrow. Bensberg, the first baseman,' will be on the Job again and will undoubtedly add strength to the lineup. Roy Bliss will probably undertake to halt the onward march of the Schofield soldiers, and he stated today that he feels confident he can turn the trick. ' , The game will be called at 3:30. .300-hitti- ng - forth, and it was anybody's game right up to the last second. - At no time was the lead more than. 4 points X v v N : for either side. ; The game played last night which was not required, was ' one of much the same character. . ' For several years the Honolulu, girls . have consistently Ukea all the games that have been played with the Maul team and conaeqnently the success at ffrflt Ifr In r..- V M - itm v fa; tmixIaIWj mtm vfv . mr I.- -- ', : v;-'..- ?. Johnson made a desperate of the team consists visitors' The . jump, running backwards, and when 25i Infantry 6, Santa Clara 4. he hit the Basket-ba- ll Squad - Forwards, Lizzie' Ianua Wailuku following: 2.r.th earth again he fell Before win the Santa Claras give the wil testify., v. Sdfne 3000 , fans journeyed to the the ball wa3 relayed in O'Neil was a real hattle on the Fourth? We have Win Series From Locals; Two Lizzie Akana; . guards, Mary Luhan. Lilian Blart; centers, . Lehua Ulana-helThe first twe tnn'ngs produced balrarard Saturday to witness the 25th home by many yards. 1 it fmm th bovs ffiat this is their By One Point Won Games Hannah U Kwal; substitute. team ran either for nor hit a were Infantry-Santneither Clara battle and present intention. Spencer; coach. Miss Evelyn Elizabeth Plenty and tha spectator., settled back in of rooters teams town two in repaid this when for amply the. Corrtpondene). (Special ;v;,,y Cunningham.;.; pitching a duel thtlr seats .to witness tangled in one of the most interesting the Santa Clara boys. They are popuscofl t Some of the lads who came ; big 30. WAILUKU, The June girls lined up ' In the third, howeverf after Preciado The Alexander House conflicts of the season. Seldom are lar and play hard and appear to have at Barney Joy remained to praise crowd at the Alexander House gymnaHoffman,. had grounded to the pitcher, Hoke many Mary Forwards, personal acquaintfriends follows; base and as the fans provided with as much him. sium last night went wildJ with ex Tweet Robinson; guards, Mary Hart, on Larkln's had .the YalsfoHune ances in the stands. eight and was as crowded the into ball thaiand enthusiasm over boundevlor which he was forhih Ayau; centers, Mrs. A. Garcia. , cne-ha-lf innings. The 25th Infantry Take it from us. "Pinkey Leonard citement game with the Patama HelenBal; final a and third given lnther sixth when he , drove pitching on Saturday yet The reputa showed substitute. Kane Adams. wrecking crew maintained its is going to beat the 25th bunch final bas- Ella basket-bal- l When team. the swat lover Mr.-- . Lar slashing for-pl- y contrast considerable of Leonard Santa Clara tion and took the crack Both teams have been having a was thrown by the localsmaking ket kin's head.. Brown, next ; up, rolled a curve worked was Clara there slow Santa with camp tune of to man" aggregation the Th 'flrMraoker Into a' glorious time with parties and dinto: -- Hoke, who could not get the ball ball which was effective most of the "with his hair In a braid" on fratur the score '21. to 20 in theirfavor the ners and auto trips.: Following the 6 to 4. It has to second! In time to intercept the time and he deserved a better fate day.s Guess the excitement of tha pandemonium broke loose. Wailuku S. Cj Failed to Punch in Pinches. game last night a very delightful dance the? great for week Larkln, Brown (akin first a been the."scoreshowsfhough in the! contest was too. much for him. We Yesthan pack invaders did the times Four choice,winning of three was much enjoyed at the gym. gym, and the Parke Wilson on the fieWer's learn- missed him Sunday. innings were soldiers later the they fall did oases times entertained four and were girls the straight a.d terrifically fought games terday theD. G. Lindsay at his home ata.p then lined out a pretty drive to cen- Tanssen. ' ;V ing to " wait on his "roundhouse necessary blow when ;' produce the to lunch by ter, scoring Larkln and Brown, Parke Rogan had all sorts of speed upon will be long remembered in the Settle- Pala, and In the evening at dlnner by curve." were calleo On blngle meant runs. outfielders Joy's other the a departed satisThe fans homeward taking rccond on the per and curves that wriggled like a snake, but twice to assist him, which speaks ment annals, vMr. and Mrs. Mathews of Wailuku. . Gay wasi present ed with J a pass to fied that the St Louis team has a hand, Mr. Rogan, the peerless game played on Tuesday Today drop, he first straight The particularly; but flinging his u'shed of beau 25th, a delivered well brand the for of former the punch they have enjoyed a beach parhow to deliver and knows it Orst, aud Milburn hit. ta Mortyama. 45 to of collegiscore in a evening resulted usuaL was The three-cushiowilder n than up. shotrwith Swinton tiful The Honolulu girls will who tosied to Chlng Pui, Who whipped where it will do the most $ood. V doubt- ty at Waihee. discrepancy get 15, speed some ans ball of on to this never his did second t and perched on Ware and first leave by way of Lahaina for home'by Cie balI!to first a step Ahead of the . The score by innings: the good swung, swung that the being to fact too due late. certainly they less when and are fannettes respectively. The 1 tonlghtL 0 0 0 0 0 2 speeding, Milburn, completing a snap- SanU Clara ....0 a trying time on the Mauna Kea visiting team had prac- rooters. some had batting They ' should take high handy proved a Mr. 1 Crafton 0 0 0 3 0 0 Louis i i St , py double play.' .. ......0 the Claudlne the night before. . The Summary One out when winning wayman to have around,, when, with tise against straight speed pitching had! been canceled, Irt Aftr O'Neil party game on Wednesday night however, birthday a drop curves. Floyd and had Brown GOLF NOTES nobody ll out in on and was Desmond run first scored. JAkana rah for the opening JDf the fourth, Mr. "Hlra-ita.... 26 to 25, was probscore prettily of was with evening its Saturday which toward over dashed runs, ninth, he Home scoring. Soares gle 5th; the in through bin the flipped' off a games played Mrs, of the closest ably are one pitchers Hollinger more by two or arranged and Mrs. Where two-basplayed for e hits, Preciado, Jans- Johnson's territory in center and shortstojir's" terrltorj. - Handsome Hoke; The army cupr will be it is Cisert Floyd got a great big catce ever seen in the islands. - From the Tuesday at thd Country Club links "Jerry Desmond followed suit with a sen; sacrifice hits, Milburn, Desmond, brought down Preciado's liner, with a used by a club' during a game start the score seesawed back and against bogey, 38 holes. d V stab, that would or- often a difficult matter to figure out with 23 candles on It sharp thrive Into Nye's 'garden which Chine; Pui; stolen bases, Joy; doable leaping ' New losing pitcher. three-beggewinning or r to any the caromed off that gentleman's hlns, plays, O'Neil to Wilson. Morlyama to dinarily be a five innings on account of rain at ireleet) by Federal ( Atiocikted Pre allowing Haflto take third. Pretiado Ching Pui to Akana; hit by pitcher, man's league, ajidj'doubled Desmond rules adopted by the National League Cleveland. The Napa beat St Louis Chicago CHICAGO, July 3. George D Shearer of San Rafael. The Undo not. tend to simplify matters. sacrifice-file- d to Nick Peterson ' and Gayl(2; Nye, Soares; hits, off Joy 5 off first with a pretty peg ' League, In National two. the to innings go had three twelve CaLV to customary Americans is exhibiting samples of : fruit was to Thespectators jumpjedvUghl der the old rule it Desmond waa.trapped by Hoke and in 8 1 winnings, off Jatssen, none in even Pittsburg broke and De Cincinnati to picked yesterday take from pear trees ; planted Itn afternoon here were win a with pitcher he s thelp-30.00if a credit gave innings; bases on balls, off up on 0 the Chlng Put between second and third. toes and In the game called second camp. played with teams the 1817 by. the padres I who established The In the fifth stanza Nye got in the BrpitR, 2, off Joy 2; struck out' by hero a gra$dovationJ The applause taken out early in the game with his troit into scores The rain. of account fifth on the of closer game f prountil In that year the Mission San Rafael. the 1; was certainly coming to Mr. uraion. side in the lead. The new rule Way of une of Floyd's heaves and was Brown 5, by Joy. 4. by Jknssen Pitts" 2; v . Pittsburg 3, ' were: scarCincinnati Chicago inning beextra when Archangel. third Is out a pitcher if taken Umpires, waved to first Gay lost the ball when passed r .balls, Soares 2. In the third Preciado; made a fne vides that was 1. Louis 6, Cincinnati burg St game. fore, half of the game has been com- ed the one run needed. The other Brown- pegged Hoke's grounder to Staytbn and Argabrlte. Time.-o- f 13.) . (Additional Sports on Pa;t -' ; (Ccmtlnued on Page 13.pleted he shall not be credited as wm- - American teague game lasted onty Overwhelmed by Chicago five to one. second to get Nye. Chlng Pui laid 1 1 Jir.; 41 mini, .i r 1 . 71 !- mm Louis 6, Santa Clara $.".'.. : The special train for Pearl City 4 will leave the depot at 9: SO Tues- -- . Finish in iiinth Puts Local Saints Ahead of the 'B ill" Jahsseri First-ai- d to Last Minute Victory ng morrow in Several Classes; Special Excursion d 's 0 est BRIEF BITS FROM BASEBALL SHAFTER'S . torr Oeet-foole- 4 ! e, SUr-BuJlet- v-- ; . . .. -- throw-ln."j"Ca- pt - -- 25 26 r . . ; one-han- 1 two-third- no-sco- re '. - 1 . ' t 1 V V 5;v t 'I CCVTEEVD HONOLULU ft -- STAR-BULLETI- N MONDAY. JULY 3M9J6. MUTHKAND JEFF Politics is very simple, yes inde(edi very simple. Trade Mark Reg. -- Copyright SPat Off. U. explain tll ITTOCU. CUPftxe well, ' NOW iJiRVTAfHt) ALL you THISTAlVeouY BulC MOOSC this ppose we'll- GOP- Moose PftPrx AT MOW VOO SUH Up NOMINATE MS ft 2N.- 5 AfAO Ben. 1818. by; IL C. - OP . r THS OA4 r fAwVs. Moose A ou TURNO Me TXJWN. i By Bud Fisher Flkr,'.;- v ticket - 4: - r i J - : : j K&!l!!f)!llftl!i!i!i!'!r K FOR SALE FOR SALE FOB 8ALE HONOLULU', STAR-BULLET- DAILY AND '' ; 6487-t- f. Trmt of Subgeriptlen: Nuuann Valley Adjacent to Country Dally StiXiByUetln 7u ceoU per montb, Club, 7 acres, grand view; Torrens IS per yetr, 6 centi per copy, j title; e bargain.' s See Pratt the Bxm-We.fk- i. 2 per ; Land Man. 923 Fort telephone 1602. - - - ' year. " 437 tf v: 7: ' sur-Buueti- - "..V-;-:"-'-. n, "V V Adveirtlklng Rates: house with; lot For Sale Claiilfied and Businesa Announce-- lOOxlSO; Ukelike ave. Wilbelxnlna Rise. For further information tele'ineati 1 cent per vord per jeacli inaer-tlov "'' a, .. . v 6451-t- f phone 2450. up tp one week. , r v Eatljaate per six wordf line . FURNISHED HOUSES, '"Per JIae, one '.week .........30, cents .40 cents IIne two weeks nicely furnished cottage, light Per line, one tnontit ........70 cents Small, ' in town; rates reasonable.' Address Per line, tix'inontbs..C0 cenia ea, xno. 6495 tf Cottage.-- " - , OXLer rates upon application. ....... .er SUr-Bulletl- n. MISCELLANEOUS Ko advertisements of liquors or cer- tain troiirletarj medicines will be ac- cepted. i. T..- ; - r In repljLng to advertisements your replies exactly, as stated In tLe advertisement ;''. It y?u(ar a telephone subscriber, ptcr:e your advertisements; we will . ad-CreE- S cLire.lL v ' v ' OUR PHONE 13 491L A . rejlttered Alredalt terrier Halelwa attd; clve nedigret. v ' ;e, Haleiwa: Car-- . 3t 651fr cottage , In Kalmuki; state rent and location. Address orricer , - 361 6517 Star-JJullet- ' ln tf tent Address Second hand wall Makiklst' :' 182" 6314 tf Youns man (white?. Quick to adapt hiaself to any line of business, employwould like few months ment; re'erences; good man, to ia. durics vacation, periods. Ad- - '. dress Box 374, . Star-Bulleti- office. n tf' 513 :N m , - V . . , , - Star-Bulleti- , Star-Bulleti- n Phone 3827.' 6436-6- Chinese wishes clerl-ca- l position; understands bookkeeiv AUCTION BULLETIN ' ing; and salesmanship; ' references' Xiven. Address. P. O. We Jiavg quite a succession of Auc' 6315 3t Box 1102. ; tions going; on. On Wednesday, July .5th,-wshall sell valuable and Young man, American, desires posi-- , c at 1311 furniture,' rare tian as salesman, solicitor or handFriday- we" shall sell Lunalilo St ling of collectioas.s Address Box . the i rooms furniture, brass beds I:3C0, office,' 6316 2t , at ( English fire gilt) , fine mattresses, COPPER COOOKINO lleliatle Japanese desires position as V FRENCH UTENSILS, tin lmed finest artihousework in private . cbaufrc cles In that line; ' Morris; chairs, 6309 lm family." TeL 4126.' " : fumed oak dining sef dinnerware. CWPLOYMCNT OFFICES. ? furniture, Mission furniture. iTh if liorkEAN Y; 11: C. A. will supply you are chock-a-bloc: ' with cock, yard boy; contractors We call the attention of collectors cement ' paving, lot ' Cleaning; eta , to a sale, of Oriental Curios, Sat-- . 1 Phcne 2377: P. O.' Box 1143. suma Vases Chinese blue and white : 648S lm .'t' Vases, Bronzes, Teakwood Furnl-r-Honoture, etc In the. near .future. , ' near Y. NtkasishL 34 BereUnla-stRooms, J. S. Bailey, lulu Auction Nuuanu. Phone 4511, 6:30 . zn. to r Mgr. 6 p. a. Residence phone, 7096. , E24G brlc-arbra- Alewa Heightsr-- 5 rooms, large bathroom, pantry; lease. TeL 1842. V-- A :. r: v two-bedroo- 871 . st, near KaplolanL tf : k. : Alcha Employment Office. TeL 4889; Alapal st, epp Pwapid Transit office. AH kinds cf help furnished. ' : tf 6101 ; V; ; cr call 1166 Union 6106 tr - ft Japanese help of all kinds, male and female. G. Iliraoka,' 1210 Emma at, - 6054 tf. phone 1420 : t . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Rational Employment Agency.', Frank Nichols and Wm. Nott 30 Camp-bel- l Block, phone 3574. .6494 23t MISCELLANEOUS. ly To buy furniture: cash in I Tel. 1612. H" HOTELS ' ' . w at Waikikl" THE PIEItPOBNT. "On the Beach, , -- Furnished bungalows and rooms; excellent meals; splendid . bathing promenade and" boating; 1000-foo- t pier; beautiful marine and mountain, view; terms reasonable, lira. John Caisiiy. teL dla-mon-ds Star-Bullet- in re-cei- ve Blue knitted woolen' belt Reward if A 'office. returned to Star-Bullet- - ; in 6315 r ' ; 3 Bank book No. 3219. Return to Bank of 'Hawaii. 616 3t . BUSINESS' GUIDE AIERCHANT, TAILOR Honolulu Renovating Co, phones 1371 and ' 1596; men's suIU, shirts made to order; all clothes oletnad, dyed and repaired; rackers for navy crews for rent" Office, 163 HoUl '.; : .6447 it 6m H. Y. Sang, Ullor, 1131 Unlca. : ' - - 64S4-6r- a T. Suzuki, builder, Kukui ft '. -- r 3m 6451 yard. Contracting ft Bulidmg Palama; ' estimates - furnished. v--- -. nndertsklng offlee, phone 175. '6400 :"':fVi-.- - CAFES AND RESTAURANTS. . - 7509. - ; ,;. 3m. Phone 6312 6t UNFURNISHED HOUSES. Bungalow, 1028 East Fifth ave., Kai muki; 4 minutes from car line; mod ern conveniences ; rent $15 - per month. ' Apply E. O. Farm, tel. - 6510 tf cottage, gas and electric lights,' $10. 1825 College st, 6517 6t Punahou. , Mosquito-proo- f . Modern bungalow; reasonable rent; 1326 Kaplolanl at Inquire 1332. ' tf 6494 ;,'V-- MOSQUITO STICKS ; . kind; especially, manufactured for the sick room and family use. Ask "Motosbige Drug Store, King' st, - r : phone 1554. box 785. s 6420-6n- t ephone 2471, BeretaniaftMaunakea. MOny LOANED. 6466 6m gen. contractor, 46 Palama. The Manhattan Cafe;, meals at all K. flara, . " r.--:f6439 3m ; hours ; know for quality and ser 8. Oyama, . expert massage, Vineyard Money loaned on diamonds, watches vice; you should eat there. .and Jewelry at legal rates. Fediral and' Nuuann. Phone 1330.; 6394-6GENERAL CONTRACTORS '.. 6314 tf 9$ N. Klnl Loan ' Office, . ' ' massage. Phone 1827. ;.. 6365-t- f Boston Cafe, coolest place in town. U. Yamamoto, 83 S. Kukui st; phone K. Oshlma, 6090 tf 4816; general contractor; building, After the show drop tnl' Open day house painting and papering. PRINTING and night Bijou theater. Hotel st h Oyama, Kukui, near St Louis CoL . 6354 tf : 6539 tf .6436 3m . . .. v We do not boast of low irizzi ntlz "ft general teL 4438; Nekomoto K. C04 coincide with pocr c'Jtys Columbia Luncn Rooms; quick service Tanabe, 1034 Desha lane, bone setter. niually contractor, building, painting and we "know how" to pit ' Ufa, but and cleanliness our motto; open day 6436 3m r. . papering. 6303 ly hustle and go Into printed nit. :r, and night Hotel sU opp. Bethel. and that is what talis Icalzit tzi rTachiyama, OldEng.Cns.Bldg, 5518 tf H.!Vv Palama " A.: Fuji!, general contractor and build n . Honolulu i longest r " 6436 3m ' er, Aala lane. Phone 1021; 6390 6m (Merchsit 123 Printing Department Eagle," Bethel, and Hotel 'The bet King. A nice place to eat; line K. Segawa, contractor; 604 Beretanla, Murata, exnert bone setter. TeL 181L street. :. 6437 3m home cooking. Open night and day. 6076 tf Ushljhns, trained masseur. Phone 4511 Business and visiting cards, enrr-r- ti . 633 tf or printed, in attractir a . i:u:s: 6444 3m CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS leather cases, patent detxc-iV- .s New Orleans Cafe. Substantial meals, " nfflca. . ICiO-cards.' MIDWIVES moderate. Alakea st, cor. Merchant Coconut plants for sale, Samoan vari V 5539 tf ety. Apply A. ; D. .' Hills, Lihue, Kiyo Okl trained midwife, phone 430L PLUMPER, : ; 6277-t- f i KauaL ' 3m 6439 CLEANING AND DYEING. K. Okt plumber, Beretanla ft T. Kunlkiyo, nil Fort; Phone. 1635. Eda Udo, trained midwife, phone 102L 6463-3- a ' cleaning, Beretanla, Bee, The clothes' 6298-t- f : 6441 3m opp Garden lane. All clothes clean PAINT AND PAPERHAN21N3 . ed, dyed and pressed. .Phone 3080. Harada, fresh cut flowers; teL" 3029. Chiza Yamada midwife, phone 2835. . y .' 'A: ': 6419 6m 6121-t- f .5-- -' - : B. SbirakL 1202 Nunanu: TeL 4137 M 6445 3m Palntlng"and paperhac jirl. All Royal Clothes Cleaning Shop. Tel. 3149 Klmnra, flowers, fort st Phone 5147. Bono Matsuura, midwife, phone 3958. work guaranteed." Bids 6213 tf 6439 3m " k52:;tt free. The Pioneer, clothes cleaned and re Wakita, cut flowers ; Aloha lane. midwife, phone 4044. M Kndo, trained PICTURE FRAMir.'a " paired. TeL 3125, Beretania-Emm'6106-t-f 6454 3m 6081-t- f River st, near KuksL "' ! Toyoshiba, King st, opp. Vida Villa. Mass Harano, midwife, phone 2069. :tMiyashita, ' , 6442 3m -- -;. 64H-3Harada, clothes cleaning. Tel. 3029. ' ,' 6461 3m - " -- ; m it . ' . ;' ; ; Star-Colleti- , r-- .. - -- SUr-BuHtIa- U - . '!k ! j 7 . S. Mlyamato, contractor and builder. Desha lane, phone 1885. 6299 3m H. TakabayashL trained .masseur; tel- : 7417.' : v g. - 6184-- ; . a. .. m : V tf 6121 C Renovatory; clothes cleaned, dyed and repaired. Phone 4148. Noboii, maidenhair. -- A. B. Akima lane. 64Il-3m NVRSES. The Filipino child is a . very apt scholar, but he or she ' leaves 'school Sazy SunoschT, trained nurxs, ULAZ'.t ' 6444 3a" generally at the age of 14 to marry. T v v-:"- : 2879. '. A -- m - m :mW : PEMVyM hW m nd-han- , - m '8 Have You a J ... -- " 6442 kl Use Boar Trade - Mark Moaralto ' Sticks; "moat superior grade 'of its Co. K. Hashimoto, massage and electrQ-neerinNuuann st, opp. WiUiaxna' Fujll BUILDER. CARPENTERS 6104 tf Two cottages to rent on School st. 6511 12t Steam cleaning, Alakea st, nr .Gas Co. HIgashlmura, Beretanla ft Emma its. . Phone 7503. FOR HIRE : 6442 3m V". 6234 tf FURNISHED ROOMS. 1267 River. AUTOS AND LIVERY. Diamond, clothes cleaned, 249 Vineyard Tamamoto- Caninet Works, Furnished rooms and light housekeep7 6444 3m4--6444 2m , Smith Street Auto Stand, teL 1000 or ing rooms; 5 minutes' walk from . 6008; open day and night 6488-t- f GARDENER. - town.- - Telephone 1998. CLOTHES CLEANED. 6349 tf K. Sakamoto, Japanese artificial gar Light housekeeping and single rooms. Talsha, clothes cleaned, School ft Liliha dener; garden lanterns and bridges. cr. Fort Ganzel Place, 112 Vineyard, 1330. Vineyard and Nuuann Phone 6447 BUSiHESS PERSONALS 3m V- ' , 6419-6hi 6434-U- . - '; ; ; Sunrise Cleaning Shop, 741 N. King st MUSIC. Large rooms $2 week, by month $7.50; FURNITURE 6460 3m 2 beds $10. 546 South King. Miss i Ballantine, teacher of piano ': ...v 6474-6, Fujikawa, cor. King ft South sta, teL CABINET MAKER and voice. The Plerpolnt tel. 2879. ... -v- '1623; rugs, mirrors, etc, reasonable. 6461 tf FOR RENT OR LEASE. 6316-t-f T. Hattori, furniture, C24 King st 6453-3Juniata county, Pau with a popula New and f d furniture bought tion of 15,000. , has found from the Warehouse, ClockIT-Tower Building; Apply Honolulu Kanai, cabinet maker, Fortft Vineyard. and sold.' Phone 3998, 1281 Fort st county commissioner's dog tax record ; possession June 6396-ly- r Planing Mill, Ltd., Fort st, phone 6453-6that there are within its borders more 6472-t,; t 676. Box O. 1510, i; P. ' than 2000 does. CRACKER MANUFACTURERS SaJkL Bamboo furniture; 663 Bereta IT n 6078-t- f Premises occupied by nla tt. crackers. King st ; 'Building, Alakea st; NIchi Shodo, banana office, Kerr 6435-6' 2 floors and basement over 10,000 ; FRUITS AND PRODUCE. square feet of floor space; adapted CLOTHING Nosan Shokai, watermelons, Aala lane to manufacturing,' . merchandizing 6099tf display or commission merchant Pay for your clothing as convenie- nt1 ' '' ' rooms.' open a charge account with The HAT CLEANER. - Model Clothiers, Fort st 6064-t- f onv .Mail between two cities, a. river Leading hat cleaners; grand reduc FCl up your vacant rooms. Make in Columbia, 800 miles apart will be tion on Panama and Porto Rico light-drafhigh-spee- d t carried by a them pay instead of being an expense. boat, 1152 Fort st; Blalsdell BIdg. hats. by driven aerial . propellers. 6506 6m lines with a good description and location of the rooms in the ' Cellulose from wood fibre is being Takata, Panama hats cleaned, teL 3630 CIGARS as a substitute for classified section will used in Europe 6439 3m ' absorbent cotton, which . has become quickly fill them. . BROS. FIT2PATRICK relatively scarce because of the war Watanabe, hats cleaned, HotelftRiver. : Dealers te Increase their business by ' selling- - soda from" :the Hon. Soda Water Wks; phone 3022." r:..,-- and-yaikl- . PkcIIIo Employment Bureatt'- - Phone 4136 -- - Bungalow, partly furnished. Star-EuIIet- - ; ; k th 3m 6439 . . cottage. $28 per month. m Young tf 6489 6495 - '-oo- ms 1 -- Hawaiian-bor- n 'r.-vrt- Between Punahou st Beach, a gold bar pinwlth two set In middle. Finder please return to office and 6311-t- f reward. ; m s.; U v C202-t- f Furnished Room To Rnt? m -- -- Adelina Patti A-fe- w Star-Bulletin- Star-Bulleti- " 's . . ' 6446-3- m .THE SUMMER GIRL. Although demure and innoceot tne Summer Girl may:semi-- - jf V ' 1 - .,J.'. Ui' And that she's not we .wouldn't, dare assert4- There's 'a look of hidden mischief in her eyes, a subtle fleam. 4 ' tThat makes us wonder if she wouldn't flirt : ? V ; 5T;;'. ,, : summer man. Find a i&Zr' "' ANSWER TO YESTERDAYS PVZZLB, v r Upper right corneV4ovro b9ve S3ln4-ston- Q , ) T . "- - A. . 2t m - . - - 2-- qt " , Star-Bulleti- - at-Jeff- -- - Star-Bulleti- n. A LOST- lavallere. on "Kamehameha day at grandstand. Kaplolanl Park, or on Sunday following between fish market and Fprt at cathedral; liberal reward. - Notify George C Beckley. 6515-rlA v Diamond GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS " . -- The following articles will be sold at .public auction July 1st at 10 o'clock am. at quarters of Field Company ;' E, Signal Corps, Fort ShafterV- -' 1 i player piano, 28 records; 2 barber ; chairs, 1' large mirror, 1 .wash : basin, 1 oil heater, 2 towel urns, - 1 electric massage machine, 5 small MOTORCYCLES, ETC. 'mirrors, 1 combination laundry tub, ;r J lawn sprinkler, 200 . water pipe Komeya, Bicycles, Punchbowl King. and fixtures, 1 large . oil lamp :1 .buckboard, 2 lawn mowers, 12. rock--. lng chairs, 10 library tables, 1 offi- Old & new bicycles. Morihata, Palama. 6436 im ' cer's horse, choice of 2; 30 pots of ferns, l roll roofing paper, 17 wash . basins; 86 wall lockers, 1 brass bedFOR RENT stead, 1 card table, 1 screen, 1 chaf-in- g dish, 1 ice cream freezer, FURNISHED HOUSES. high chair; assortment of kitchen I utensils. Right is "reeerved to re- Desirable houses in various parts of the city, furnished and unfurnished, 6508 tf ject any or all bids. ; at 115, 118, 20, $25, 130, $35, $40 and g up to S125 a month. See list in our In The Transo envelope, necessary addressing No office. Trent Trust Co., Ltd, Fort vention. st, between King and Merchant in sending out bills or receipts. Hon Co., Ltd, ol nolulu ;"' agents for patentee, : tf Electrically equipped furnished cot tagea and rooms to let at Waialua Inter-Islan- d 1170, or White 893. Beach. "Phone and Oahu Railroad ship . office, tf 6490 lm i ping books at Orchids, BUSINESS GUIDE plating.' Phone 5564. cameras and lenses City Painting Shop, King st, nr. South, Geo. M. Yamada; concrete, wood and Shlgemurv 6430-6stone construction, v Estimates fun "'' : r expert auto and carriage painter; bought sold or exchanged. Koda building, grading, Road nished. etc graph. Shop, Hotel and Union tbi. 6213 guaranteed. tf work all HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Room 208 McCandless BIdg. Phone ., ;. 63D7-t- f 6468-t- f , T. Tanaka, exp. auto p&inter, 823 King ..2157. Jas. T. Taylor. 511 Stangenwald bldr AUTOMOBILES. consulting civfl ft hydraulic engineer. "Concrete fpr Pennanence" ;! f ' 1916. Overland, run 6 weeks; 3175 new 6375 tf v ' AGENTS. Ring up J. Duggan, phone 1874, 174 S. accessories;' leaving ; town; 1750, King, for concrete work. ICE CREAM PARLOR. n Box 358, office. For all information, Japanese General 6435 lm ' 6512 tf :;. Business Agency, 20 S. Beretanla. Morlahige, ice cream. King ft HoteL : 6392 6m Y. FukuchL builder, painter, paper-6445 3m '' ,'"touring car, 1914 model; Buick general hanger, contractor. Cor. excellent condition; at sacrifice. BLACKSMITHS.' JADC JEWELRY. and Beretanla. TeL 3677. River Capt Jordan, Dept Hospital, Fort ; j 6511 tf 6514 4t Sidewalk grating, iron doors, ma Shatter., , c ; Cong on Co, 24 Hotel st, bet Smith chlnery repairing and general black- general CITY CO, CONSTRUCTION 'and Nuuann; special attention paid Pierce-ArroIn fine condi smithing. Nelll's Work Shop, 135 to stylish European jewelry, rings, 1320 contractors. nr. Kukui. Fort top; full ; 6424 tion; good tires; one-ma- n 6m Merchant st r brooches, scarf pins, necklaces. 6452 6m ' Phone 4490. equipment; $900. Box 386, Star-Bu- l " . bracelets, Finest Quality etc and " 6512 lm Koshimiza, shoeing; repairing, 659 King Sanko Co., Nuuann and Vineyard, Tel. letin office. .. ' " s 6332-- 1 y workmanship. of beat ' 6436-3'. 3151; contracts, , building, paper1915 Buick, King 8 and Oldfi all tour JUNK. hanging, cement work, cleans lots. BAKERIES. ing 'cars;' in Al condition; ' cheap. ) ' A. 6327 tl 6487-tf Box 349, Junk bought and sold. ' Phone 6366. Ashal Bakery, best cakes and ice 6407-6- painting. Building, cement work, cream; Beretanla and Alakea its. American underslung ' scout roadster; BIdg. 1464 plumbing, Co, Aloha etc 6389 6m bargain, i Apply Lieut John Mather, JELLV AND JAMS' King st, phone 1576. M. K. Goto, 6514 4t Fort Kamehamaha.' ' manager. . 6056 tf Urata, jelly and Jams, Kukui ft River Pacific Bakery, cakes, Liliha ft King. ' 6436 3m 1915 King; run 3 M. Fujita, contractor and builder, months; $550. 'Box 350, Star-Bull- e painter, paper hanger. Phone 5002-cracxers, Iwashiya, River Kukui ft rice 6477 tf tin. MASSAGE 6300 lyr : t i Second-han- d time-savin- WANTED.; SITUATIONS BUSINESS GUIDE AUTO PAINTING. it AVArrrED'. ' BUSINESS GUIDE FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE.' Residence .vacant lots, ready T f or " building; good roads; prominent residential section; "within walking distance from town, phone 1884. No. 4, Brewer Bldg.; Jose CSousa, ' ' IN SEMI-WEEKL- Y REAL ESTATE B ; -riiHONOLULU f v CTAB-BULLETI- i J XX 7TtT? "MOTEL f MONDAY, JULY 3, 1916. N, i ' CLEVELAND MANAGER GROOMS DES JARDIEN FOR BIG LEAGUE JOB BUSINESS GUIDE FRANCISCO SAU ry SOFT DRlNKS. Umr sodas will make your business arow. Hon. Soda Water Wki, tele-6442 phone 1021- Stii, Cirepeii ; ? tr SAMPLE U '". 6940-t- f 8H0EMAKER. - 11 Sra '64C0 . Kins. '.'. 8HIRTMAKER8. Shirts and pajamas 1505 Fort st, pp. to order. made Kales! sL. those "2231. 8442 . m 6442 ' to order. - , stj Nnuanu - Maucakea- dresses and shirtwaist sL AXaxVUl Cm v : 6 Mrs. 0. MaaakL Beret, ihlrtnUer at U. Tamatoja; shirts, 1148'NBoasv 6451 3m t). HISTEAM WILL FIOIIT .:.,: . 8u minutes walk to theatre and hopping renter. Single, rootna, with bath, SI per daf, and 2rbora apartment, f 30 to f 35 month; elegantly and empletel. furniihei.' Oar rates era reonble. Our. hone new and complete. 'yYeeJUj and monthly Take car No. t. at Ferrr. get off at Jones ,at. ft rar. - -- -- ! : ; . iThe nor.iAGoin TAILOR. at 8. Caraxake, tailor, 425 Kins 6454 3m A Luxurious Home Hotel 1429 Maklkl St. Phone 3675 UMBRELLA MAKERS. While seeins the Volcano stop -- . - VOLCANO HOUSE. Hawaiian Tour Co. tTHE UNDERTAKERS. . WATCHMAKERS v. tf - N. Osxta, watches, Rlrer 6457 3m . .. , : MESSENiGER g AND 0 - ' t . ! Manufacturers Shoe Co. Ltd. Dealers in Shoes of Quality i051 Fort St Phone 1782 - Beaver Board . -- , 6510 r June at LEVERS Flsk and Miller Tires r 10 . 114 Mclncrny Pi ' Elegant Lots CHAS. TESKY,; if (ent Merchant, near J ort -- ; v! the' Construction of a Roa4 10 11 i -- CAltTON DRY d iODS ; COUPAOT : to the Alca Homesteads, Alea, Oahu. of Public The Superintendent " Works, Capitol Building, Honolulu. , v; , any or all tenders. , Plans, specifications ' and : blank forms 'of proposal are on file In the office If the Superintendent of Public "Works reserves the right to reject i- & COOKE . 'Sealed .Tenders win be received up until 11 a.m. of Thursday, July 6, J916, for sea-skie- H113 85k NOTHING. COUNTS 'LIKE' i ""SERVICE WE ;' GIVE ;IT. KERSHNER VULCANIZING CO LTD.. v Phone 2434 1177 Atakea SL July SEALED TENDERS. ; kins at the keystone' station. BHss Replaces Leonard. t Halt Preciado and Craf ton hit u the seventh inning, but their playmates failed to. continue the attack. With the bases bulging, Brown was summoned to pinch hit for Leonard, but Rogan tightened up, " fanning Brown. ' O'Neil'a Homer. In the eighth Mllburn was safe on Hawkin's bobble; Wilson forced M II- burn. Gay grounded to second,' Wilson taking third on the play.' O'Nell " ; then got hold of one of Rogan's fast ? (Continued from Page 11.) RFirmta tarhth loeiiA1 1Kt annoi A Atno m, 6t0o of Fagln's Srlve and then threw ft, Tt W- . M(ni1,t t the pUl into the dirt in front of Parke out JIOOre t0 Hawkins. The 25th sue Wilson, giving Fagina life. Moore ceeded in filling the bags in'this d to Parke and up by Hawkins iBionr.but ended it . out "Cavalry Jack" Ware got whlffinff for the third time, r takgame Leonard, off first hit of the It Is r Interestmg; t0 note tnat 16 , Fagm Santa riamna ing second on the throw-Inloft reaching tWrd Swlntonarrlved safe; bases to but four for the Wreck. ly on;YHson's miscue, aeuiins ers. Pitching . honors were abodt VttUJ tne ruDDer ior uie ui evenly divided. .., Rogan his inserted was here that It The score: solid drive, scoring Ware and Swinton. Santa Clara. Crafton followed with a blow to cen-AB RBHPO A E tpr which looked like more disaster urnK. 5 2 3 3 0 0 for the Santa Clarans, but the .ball, Wilson, lb . . . 2 10 1 2 u-was morgueu . in gouu tj ic vy 1 5 0 Giy, - ss burn, retiring the side. 4 1 1 2 4 0 O'Nell, 2b . 4 0 2 7 3 D MUburn started the fifth, with his Hall, c . , . . . 4 0 0 1 0 '1 third consecutive hit this time a long Desmond, If 5 0 fly past Crafton, good for two bases.5 Preciado, 3b 4 0 0 0 Off Rogan hit Wilson and Gay blngled to Larkin, rf . 3 0 0 0 0 0 short field,- - filling the bases for the Leonard, p . ' 1 0 0 0 0 0 Brown Rogan. .. to third time. O'Neil 'skied 0 0 0 0 0 0 'this time Bliss, p Hall came up right-bande- d nnd rnt Mr hit. which Moore OVfer-- l Totals ....... 37 4 8 24 13 5 nlivAri em th third base line. 'allow- 25th Infantry. lng Mllburn 'to cross the rubber for ADRBHPO AB the; second time in the game. Des4 1 I 1 mond forced Wilson at the plate, Ro Ware,- rf . 4 1 0 11 c Swinton. poled the gan to Swinton, Preciado . r 3 1 0 v a made ku, who nice Crafton, ball to i 3 4 0 If Crafton, . . caico. 4 0 Johnson, rm 0 cf rkxr ot.w vi 4 2 .1 ' Uking second when Larkin fumbled.jF 1 4 2 ; PreciadQ pulled bit of ensaUonal 2 0 0 iteming wnen no- iisuieu mo uu tton..nno 1K 4 0 9 almost behind the pitcher's box, nipt ping Fagln-afirst Moore drove out Totals ... .. J3 6 8 27 11 3 a sacrifice . fly to Mllburn, scoring 4 Score by Innings: Smith, r Hawkins got on on Gay'a low ISanU Clara 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 peg to first and Ware followed with 2?th Inf. .......0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 6 a grounder to .O'NeiL forcing Haw- SummaryBrown batted for Io-nar- d in 7th ; home run, O'Neil ; three-base- " NOTICE TO i hits, hit Rogan; v two-bas- e SHIPPERS AND PASSENGERS. Moore; sacrifice fly, U Moore; double 'Diara. (Trafton tn Mawt!nr On account of Tuesday, July 4th, be-- hit bv nitcher. mcii wiwi lit-- . ing a legal holidaythls company willrkin, 'Regan; hits off Leonard ' in six not receive' freight that day other fnnlngsw'cff Bli3S 2 In two Innings: than;: baggage and Icehouse goods, i bases off Bllse 1,'off Rogah The steamers "Klnau' and "Mika-hal- a 4; struck out by Rogan 10. by Leo' will . be despatched Tuesday, nard 4, bjrBHs8 2: passed balls, S win- July 4th, on 'regdlar time, 5 p. m. ton 1 . Umpires Stay ton and Area Freight for these steamers will be re brlte. Time of game, 1 hour 52 mln i utes. " ceived Monday. : INTER-ISLANSTEAM NAVIGv ATION CO, LTD. CANNER IS HARVARD CAPTAIN. " ' 6515 4t CAMBRIDGE. G. C. Canner suc- -' t NOTICE. ' Icecds R. Norris Williams II as cap-' :' tain of the Hanrard tennis team. He This notice certifies that I will not a star member of last year's oe responsioie ior any uei. mai maj j- team. be contracted In 'my name Without my written consent DOPE ON TY AND EENNY. A. COBLE. FRANK (Signed) ; Juhe'26th, 1916. W A St. Louis paper is keeping a daily 6512 lOt dope sheet" on the comparative work . i - . Hotel SU near Be iel SL -- 1 CHARLES s It FORBES, 1 Superintendent' of Public "Works. "Honolulu, May 12, 1915.' ' 651D lOt i ; -. VH. lnYA Oriental-Ar- OFFICE, OF QUEEN'S HOSPITAL t rf' " ,;. Soodj-Fo- - rt, above B iretania v 04 8 , Hereafter all EMPLOYERS, whether Indemnified or not by COM PENS INSURANCpF.jMl! be held llanle . iror all. hospital charcei Incurred ; he treatment of employes received a Instance. their. " T B crfler of the Trustees, " WERNER "ROEHL, " ' Superintendent , i ; 1916. 24. Honolulu, June i INDIVIDUAL STYLES ; . IN iULL1 NERY, Direct f lorn oSrew York ; - . Mil-bur- : MISS POWER, Boston Bid : on-bail- v NOTICE. . .. 5 DO fIT ; 12t ' J Hawaiianectric! Cel. D ' Anyone found trespassing or shooting on any of the Waialae or Kahala lands under my control Vill be prosed cuted to'the fullest extent of the la All 'permits 'heretofore given are ' , hereby revoked. PADL.R. ISENBERQ," ' v, . Proprietor. . WaLilaejdneEth, 1916. ' , '. Fashion" Center for Men 5 s, -- 2 TRESPASS AND SHOOTINQ. 6512 IS ELECTRICALLY ; J ItoteL Ewa of Fort 'J - ! IJ4 DAYS TO SAN FRANCISCO. "TOR SAN FRANCISCO: Sonoma Sierra Ventura 8onoma ......July -- n; ............;.Jary It ...............July 81 Sierra ................Aug. 21 Ventura ...............Sept 11 13 8 ..............Sept - - - General Agent C- O- LTD, Company Matson Navig - -- w Ventura Sonoma 23 ................Aug. - ; FOR SYDNEY: r 4 ........,......July C. BREWER & 1 Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honc!u!u FOR SAN FRANCISCO - FROM SAN FRANCISCO .'July 4 S. & WIFhelmlna S. S. Manoa.. , . . . v ,.;..July 12 S. S. Matsonla. ...Jul 13 .July 23 S. S. Luriine . SK Urtlne.... ...... .July ..... . .4 8. S. VYUhelmina......July 12 S. S. Manoa 18 ...... . .. . . July S..S. Matsonla.........Jvly 28 . ' CATTLE "fi of Ty Cobb of the Detroit Tigers and Benny Kauff of the New York Nationals, because the conceited Kauff boasted before the season opened that he would show Cobb up. Up to date. Cobb outclasses Kauff In virtually every department except talking about himself; There the little New York leads both leagues by a big margin. ' boOKE, LIMITED," Agents, Honolulu -- fly-chas- er Steahtera of ths above company will call at and leave Honolulu en " i or aboui the 'dates mentioned below: y - " COAST LEAGUE. W. U . 50 36 Pet. FOR FOR THE ORIENT: .581 Vernon .543 37 Los Angeles ....... 44 .536 32 37 Portland .v .523 42 46 San Francisco ,436 44 34 Salt Lake .533 54 35 Oakland Sunday's Games Oakland 5, ' San Francisco 3 (first game). - ; San Francisco 4, Oakland 3 (second game eleven Innings)." Salt Lake 4, Vernon 3 (first game-- ten Innings). Salt Lake 6, Vernon 4 (second ; ' , fame). . . game; no Arigeles, Lbs . Portland wet grounds. 8. rsi ShTnyo 'Maru....;. July Maru...... Aug. 14 8. 8. Persia 8. S. Tenyo Maru......SepL . 8. 8. Tenyo Maru......SepL 8. 8. 8. 8. 19 Ti 1 IAN-FRANCIIC- Or 8. Persia Maru.. .....July 8. Tenyo Maru...... Aug. 8. Nippon Maru.... '.Aug. 8. Shlnyo Maru......8ept. lioncIa: CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Agnnsi t ' " 28 8 23 8 ; H ROYAL MAIL LUiE "Subject to change without notice. For 8uva Auckland and Sydney For Victoria and Vancouver: CAFIADIAN-AUSTRALIA- , . ; Makura Niagara ...............July ...............Aug. ! 21 18 .........'.....July NUgara Makura 12 ...............Aug. 9 THE0. H. DAVIES & CO, LTD, GENERAL AGENTS pr 'Wllnelmlna, from Matron June28, due here July San Francisco I 4 r A.. L. Nehrer. Mrs. A. L. Nehrer, Didrik Hofgaard, Homer Lydate, Ed win H. Bryan, Jr Miss uorotny Nicolls, Miss Virglnuia Chapman, Mrs. PeartChapman' R J. Hancock, Eddie W. Welch, Silva, D. S.Wadaworth,-TXSSTLi Ttf AEMT1 Madden, John , . Mlas C. E. Blacow, ; Ruth Kearhs. Miss; Ine Farber,;Miss Tuesi Jay, 'June 4 Mrs. Amy Patterson; J. M. Macconel, Wilhelmlna, ;1 Mat-soSan Francisco j J. 'M. Macconel, J. 'A. Bashma ; Mrs. str. ' J. A. ;Basham and . children, "Miss San Francisco Nippon Maru, p -Irma Vogeler, Mrs. Wr J.1 White, Mrs. K. str. " A. Vogeler, Mrs. D. JNmeinlrerMrs. Sydney Soioma, Oceanic str. MT Little, Dr. Dowson; A. A: Suber, Manila U. S. A T. Thomas. Loa,' I.--L str. P. G .Rileyi 'Miss Eva B; Jones, 'Mrs; Hawaii Ports-iMau- na Wednesday, June 5 Ida Parton, '.Miss'; Helen': Boardman, Miss Ruth --Morris, Miss 5 Buchanan. HUoifauna Kea,"I.-I.'St- r. ETenpor Deppe,'MIss Gussle Miss str. Kahului KUauea, Blevlns, Miss Alice' Lainb, Miss K. Kauai Maul, I.-str." e Thursday, June 6 Louis.e ; Phillips. ;llss ' Lady Macfar-iah: ' Miss "Edith N. Phillips, Mrs.-ErMaul Claudlne, str. E. Post, "Mrs. I Case, E. L. 'Post' mine l, Mrs! II. Fl DevoLMls8 Florence TZSSELS TO DEPART S. Mr.'Quarles; V.' J. R. Tates, Tuesday, June 4 Bowman, L.' .E. Goodwin, 'Rer. M. A. " HelSonoma, " Oceanic Meyer, W. DlnkelspieT. K'H. Francisco San n Mrs.-JohA. ler, John' ArDohrmann, 8tr. Maul, Molokai, Lanai Mlkahala, I.-Dohfmann, Miss M.' Frlngle, v Miss Pur-sel- l, : Georgia ::. 'Miss . Dohrmann, str.:. : Edith str. Lurllne, San Matson Francisco Miss S. Madux, Mrs. F. L. Grover. ' : ' George B. Curtis, Mrs. George B. Cur-ti- ' Kauai Llkellke, I.-- str. L-- I Mrs. Wienzheimer, Kauai str. Kinau, F. 0.i.yserMr. Wednesday, June 5 G." R Metcalfe, Mrs. John. Knuppe, Yokohama Nippon Maru, Mrs. L. J. Cleghorn, Mrs Edith Wag'' -" Vm:. J-r ner, r Miss M. O'Donnell, Miss Cath- str.'-..U. A. S. T. San Francisco Curtis, Thomas. Cora XamboTsen; ; Miss erine na Kea, I. str., p. m. , Miss Hutchlns, Mrs. K.1 E. Johnson, Kathryn June '6 . Thursday, Mrs.- C. V. NlcoL Miss r i Kauai Maui, L-- str. Nlcol, 'Miss Helen Clark, Miss L. A. Cfosby, Mrs. ' H. L. Clark, W. G. t : i . HAIXS , CAujEhlln. Edmund CoUghlln. Mrs. J. Coughlin, Coughlin, Miss Helen. ,8. Mails are "due from the following Miss Prfestley, Dr. "James' T. Priestley,- Mrs. Jamea- - Tj Prieatley, ' C. C. points as follows: San Francisco Nippon Mara, Jul Graves, Mrs. C.C Graves, Allan Ren-to": 4..;, 'McCrbssbn; Ahlborn, George J. T. Mott-SmitSan Francisco Wilh elmlna, July ,4. Stflritev Robert H: Motfr Sydney Mott-SmttSonoma. July 4. , Gould, "Smith. E. A, Jar : China and Japan Persia Maru, TJoyce, James Fred Boyce, Mrs. Fred ': W. Campbell, Mr. Sell, Mr.- - Goodale, July 25.. f Vancouver Niagara, Jnly 12. ' Walter Henxy Miss Mary "Johnson, Manila U. S. A. T. Thomas, July 4. Mrs. L. J. Laine, Mra McComas, Miss Malls will depart for the following " Margaret M; Miss Nlles, Elizabeth y as follows:' Hunt Hetzei; Mrs. Ai:M.. Nlles. W. R. points 'San July 4. ; Sonoma, Erancisco Fay, Mrs. W. R. Fay, William Coeh, Sydney 10. July Ventura. A.Mrs.IX H. Sommers, J. J. Hynes. Sydney Niagara, July 12. 'Jamies6ffraJid child," Mips E. Chase, A. ' Stein,' H.V M. Johnson,- Charles B. ' China and Japan Nippon Maru, July 5..:. 'i ' Blum. . Vancouver Makura, July 21. '4 -- ' str. MOVEMENTS OF MAIL 13TEAMERS , -- L CD. H. HACKFELD Ocnralfsion IIercbi:ti t 1 , nOlTOLULTJ n - 1 - JAMES NOTT, JIL T.-K-- -- a Plumber snd Sheet Mital . .r . VVorksr Phone 2551 BrttanU 74 8. : , L-- L 1 L Ageatj in IIaT72ii fc? ; De-vo- -- CO. ALUS-CHALHHE3 Horiofulu Iron I' Lti Vdrks., L : F,R ... s, '- I I locm wis "rrT V , -- I H T .. tla 8te nalnland. WELLS-FAH-C- O A CO, 72 6. King SL TeL 1315 L-- Hilo--Mau- IQ any. pclnt on : -- E K E T 8 TIC Also reservstlcTLi L T.-K.-- - I. -- -- n, :r : t h. h. : - . - 1 AoLc run MUfilno t r J P0ST0FFJCETIM5I . -?.';'. - oahurailvayti:.ietai:le : : - ..-..- NOTICE. ' V. CLE'EAND With Hagerman gone. Fohl - now Is paying more attention to Paul Des Jardien. who gets a daily work out in. the hall, pec Morton and Bagby nave appointed themselves- Paul's teachers and the big fellow seems to be learning fast the things of which he was IgnoranL "I think I "will make him a good nitcher., said FbhL 'He already has learned to put more on his fast ball while his control Is almost perfect am learning. said Des Jardien. "but I flhd there Is a lot mre for tne to learni Pitching for a big- league cJuh under a msn like Fohl If a lot different from pitching for a rollege team.- - In the first' place, I haw learned that a Ditcher must remember there are eight 'other men; on .the field to help me and that I have not got to strike out very man. fnsread of trymir to outguess a strong bitter, I ahu have learned the proper thinip Is tn pitch to his weakness. "Of course. I am eager to pitch and win my first game, but as long as I know my benh dutv'and work In the bull pen and in batting practise la helping me, I am content for I know that : when Mr. Fohl does turn me! i loose I will be ready." t r . : " . 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, SO, . ' 14 3, 5, 6 ' -- ed Q- : and Ceiling- s- City and County Clerk, , w r for Better Walls ; s , , IXJCaJLAUOKALANU, : OAHU ICE CO. 'T ' - : Ring5 11123 Sealed Tenders will be received at the of nee of the City and County Clerk of the City and County of Honolulu, Room 8, MclntjVe Building, up to 12 o'clock noon on the 7th Jay of July, 1916, for sundry material and plies as may be reQuired by aald City and County, In its various services, for the six months period beginning with the first day of July, 1916. Full Inand formation, supplies and on material the estimates to be required in said period, and conditions governing tenders, may be had vpen application at the office of the Purchasing Agent All tenders must "Bid be securely sealed and marked ; .for Material and Supplies.",-The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, In whole or part, fend does not bind It self to 'buy In the amounts given In ':' the estimates. V . 25Til'5 'F1CH' For Good Ice SEALED TENDERS. ... . - : DY "AUTHORITY. , : play ball we "'don't need reserve strength. fWe'ra always i in there. Last ; aeason the" Reds' prayed x160 games. Groh didn't miss a single club- ft Smith. teL Tanaha Co Pauahl, nr. Rlter at, whole-: charcoal, i;:7; firewood and 6297 tf and retail sale . -- - v. -- ? Always There say I haven't." the . . 'A few croakers reserve strength. AVell, the way we ' WOOD AND COAL Including-specification- - - g" LAUNDRY st, nr. Hotel. ',' Eato Watch Store, Beretani , ,6461 3m , . -- ree like water through a sieve, 'never even being tardy. "We're going right ap the baseblll ladder from now on, because a team with the greatest infield in the league and pitchers like Tdney, Dale. Schneider, Knetzer, McKenery "and a few others can't be kept down. If they are this plowman will homeward plod his weary way :ahd leave the world to darkness and Garry Herrmann." . There are only a few like Herzog left There's Evers In Boston and Knabe In Pittsburg, all fighters' ami graduates of the . old school. But, while Herzog Is essentially a batter, fie has somewhat changed his tactics. He Is leaving the umpires beautifully alone and concentrating his attack on the opposing team. His men have been imbued with this fighting . spirit They are more aggressive this season than they ' were last Herzog Attraction Herzog is one of the National league's big attractions. Like Cvers, he pulls em In a'tthe gate. There are several denizens 'at the two bit seats who go to every Cincinnati game just to rag Herzog.; .And they always get a battle. Herzle courts a row with the sons of the sun seats. There 'are many weisenhelmers who thought that Herzog "had bitten off more than he could chew when he signed Chase. Temperamental Hal is considered unmanageable by many persons who profess . to know. "I don't find anything iidusual - in playing in fhe 'iame box score with Chase," 'said Herzog to the ' writer. "Hal may 'be; temperamental, but , so am I. When two temperaments clash they .'just naturally have It out'tmd keep going. X think Chase" Is the best first baseman' In 'the game. ' "We have the best Infield In the league, brotIfer,; Go bet the f anHIy, gems on that tip, and parley it'one1 fact that we will be one, two, three, mostly ""one. 'to :the farm If we falL And I'll take my whole infielil with me ' and "miafe" them- nallk cows for the rest of their ltves. 'We've got to winT we ' have the best because .- m left-hand- Diancrzi watches and Jewelry bought old and exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort f ; ' 3m ' . one. I played In 155. So did Klllifer. Mollwlta was In 153, while Grifnth, like Groh, went through the schedule "It we don't finish mostly one, . this season I'm going back to my Maryland farm and drive a mule to a plow for the rest of my Charley natural,' said "Choke-'ealias C." Lincoln" Heraog, recently to an expert. - , ': . - "Just stop and think what I've got this season," Impulsively continued the dynamic dictator from the Rhine. "Do yon appreciate the fact that there Isn't anotnerVjnfield in the league that' compares to mine? Are you jerry to the truth that Hal Chase is the best first saeker in the circuit and Heine Groh is peerless at third? Bill Louden can knock 'em off faster at ' second than . a lot of keystone kings I hear about,' while ;moJesty even centionlng the forb Ms me" frt-shortstop. , Outfielders Hit ' "There vere 6nly five 300 hitters in the- - National league last Tseason, vas one" of them. and Tom Wade Klllifer is a finished performer in left, while I Tiave picked 'up a great prospect In Uarle Neale Jfor center. "Give this boy credit He can go back on a ball as well as . any in the league. Watch how close he plays. None of that deep ranging stuff for him. He's not afraid to go back for a line drive, because he can get m. Fve Just claimed Joe Connolly from Boston for. the waiver. He'll be a handy man on the bench. "I've got eight pitchers. Get that pitchers. through iyonr TBkuIl-ei- ght Toney, tkleT Schneider and McKenery might be enough, but besides them I have Knetzer. Mitchell, Mosely and Schulz. Schulz is;as cool as the well known cucumber. Mitchell Is another good one. , "Clark, Wingo and Huhn are my catchers,- while I have Mollwitz, Rod-ger- s ahd Emmer for emergency infield daty. In my II teup .now there hitters, are only two Neals and Griffith but I can throw In 'Connolly and "Wlngo 'and make It four swinging ffom the port side. - 7678 Merchant SL Phone 123 Undertaker, 1034 Llliha, phone 2287. v One-Two-Th- -- B. Mlxzta. Umbrellas made 'and re paired. 1224 " Fort,' nr. Kukri; phona " SS53-- tt ' ms, ;' ? 6444 v ';- . - one-tao-thre- e, 424 ECU 8t4 near Jones 8W Fraadseo Si eel frame building; jturt opened. Two I . Fl FLAG This Hetzog Believes Reds Will Be YearStates That Infield is BestHn Tener Circuit Chase, Louden, Herzog and Groh Make Up Great Quartet Peppery Manager Has No Trouble With'Hal Chase in Lineup VINDELER APARTMENTS . - "Buck . V teat comes from the Hon. Bod a The " kind you Nearly 1000 feet elevation; near deWater VTkt. That'i the grand seen ery; fine bans fishing. tr pot; want Telephone 2022.-"644-2 For particulars address. E. I KRUS3, TRUNKS AND "SUITCASE Wahlawa. Phone 0393. V Tee belt and cheapest in towtuNa-t River-a1C81 Store, Trunk latsu HEINIE'S TAVERN 'Most Popular Beach Resort In' I . takoda, 1079 RlTcr at. suit cases, new the City. I cheap. second-hand clothing, Right are Rates V and that ' : 6345 if American and European Plan.i On the Beach at Walklkr f TEA HOUSES. A" ; tterx best 'Japanese .dinners, ; T.' W. " ' 8183-t- t Oda. xrcp. TeL 3212. I - iWAGER LONHDENT - - Hotel Wahiawa ....... 800A WATER. 1 t iij DimwrfrOO Ufcited States J. H. Lot. UonuNlu ReoretratotiT. TAMATUYA ; 11.50 CHiATl mimm ne Tunc Hun, shoemaker, LtM Vwloe New steel and concrete ttrnc-tur- e. 350 rooms, 250 connecting bathrooms. Homelike com-fo- rt rather than unnecessarily expensive luxury. In center of theatre, cafe ana retail districts. On car lines transferring au over city. Taae municipal car-lidirect o door Motor Bus tteets trains apTi" steamers. Hotel Btwrt f rK,oite tfadqnsrtfs. ' Cb' "Tnwpfi" A B O OwU. iirtt ltni ROOMS. want good quarter to dtapiay your samples la Hllo, use Osorio's store; ' Pal fMktett 60e Lmch IO tUst fMtn ItwU to ft ros : last if 0CEAMC STEAMSHIP CO. I TE1XSP0ET 8E2YIC3 ' OUTWARD For Walanae, "Waialua, Kahuxa an 3 Way Stations 9rl5 a. 'm3:20 p.n. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Stations V. 30 a. in, 9: 15 a. '. 3:23 tx, 11:30 a. hl, 2:15. p. va 5:15 p. nu t0:20 p. m--, fll:15 p. ra. For Wahlawa and Lellehua I1:C2 . a. m- - 2:40 p. rav 5:00' p. -- 11:30 p. m. For Lellehoa ' Arrive - f:00 . v-.- - ........ .' Honolulu "Zroa KlL. 3:13 a. Walalus "and Walanae p. m. 5:30 Arrive Honblula froa Ewa MH1 aai Pearl City f7:45 a. xx. S:Z5 a. ru 11:02 tu VL. 1:ZS p. tx, 4:2 p. xx, p. m. 5:30 p. : Arrive Honolulu from Wailawa aai 59 P, Lellehua 9:15 a, p. m, 7:13 p. ra. r The Haleiwa Limited a 'two-Lc2, first-clast. rr&i) s tlcksrj trala (only every 3:31 Sunday at leaves Honolulu a. m. for Halelwa JlotsI; .'.rSsjzz'-- i arrives In Honolulu at 10.10 p. a. 1 a Limited stops only at Pearl Cly; Mill and Walanae. 2 Dally.' : fExcept Sna2ay, tZizZi? : ;' . only. F. C. CJITH. ' P. DENISCNt SuperlntsnCML ' 7 Q. F. A.. c . 'm'Uti a " X3. ': INWARD Thomas, left Blanlla June 15. I Fol Towing 'It "the;' pottoffka time- Sherman left Honolulu. June 14. at San Francisco. . -table for: May and the 'first half of Sheridan, Juncv lt la subject to change If sud- Logan, at San Francisco. , den arrangements are vmad for un- DIx. at Manila. S expected rnall service. ; UNITED STATES MAIL' 8TEAMER3 The American immigration in 1314 , ,, .'' was 1,218.480, Steamers to arrlvi from the Russian empire , July r ;.:;v,: ;.-':;sending more than any other nation. .Sydney 4 Sonoma .... At the present time the New York 4 WUhelnilna . . , . . . .San Francisco Central Station, In New York, is the 5 Nippon Mar u .San Francisco world's greatest terminal. v 5 U. 8. A. T. Thomas. ... . . . .., Manila I . . . . . . .... Sin Francisco TIDES, SUN AND MOOfi. , II Manoa . . . . ....... San Francisco . .... . . . . . . .Vancouver 12 Niagara HlgTa High. Loir iLcr 16 Dalren- - Maru.. ....... Yokohama of Ht eDat"Tldtv TWe 18 China Yokohama Largd Small ; Large 'Saatf SCeame'rt to depart for P. M. FL A. M. A. U. July l.M. 4 Lurllne. .. . . . . . ... San Francisco v 5:53- - - 1 i 5:42 Or44 10:35 4 . ... .5:23 4 Sonoma ....... . . .Sari Francisco July O ' -- ft. v - , Sun 6eU . .5 6 10 12 12 14 17 ....... . . U. S. A. T. Thomas ...Manila Ventlira ..... ..... . . . . .I.Sydney Wl!helmina ...... 2Sah Francisco Niagara . . . . ..... i . ; . '.'. Sydney N ippon Maru - - 4 . .......... Shlnyo Maru ... .'Japan Dairen Maru . , . . , San Francisco 18 Manoa . . . . . ... . . . . San Francisco 18 China. . . . . .... . . ...San Franc! sco .:: :21 . .649 ,i:7:00 .. '7 '..I 9 .. 1.7 6:33 1:14 1.5 1.3 7:37 1:42 2:03 8:46 11:17 p. m. 12:03 1:19 v . 3:05 5:23 7:11 p. m. f '.; 2:20 7:54 .9:54 . 10:56 8:44 3:12 .11:52 1.6. 10:01 3:52 z, Jv'y First Quarter cf it- - aim. 1.1 1.4 c-3:- lie: 1 T.Lz-- 1 ar ! r:: 5:24 6:4? 6:43 9:: 0:1. 5:24 6:45 6:43 10:24 10:57 c:v :: 5:24 5:23 5:25 Ht. 6:43 ... HONOLULU FOURTEEN Jr- - - a m 1. of simplicity, ' junciencv I 4 Roval Typewriter universally popular. Let us J how you Ibis machine. THE von . I I - l-- r Manufactured to Order and Re , paired. work Guaranteed " ! -- 1 , Beautiful Novelties of at " Enamel Ware CO., LTD. Fort at Hotel For Private Detectives Who Obtain Results Call ':Bowes, Merchant Patrol 1079 Alakea Phone 1515 ; WALL & DOUGHERTY 1059, Fort Street MTHESNEY COFFEE CO. " AT mm 1 . II II If VII T JT OjU U Copyrighted January, 19 16, by Beatrix Michelena.) NO. 22. W. W. AHAl?ACO. ; ; : . . Tailors ."J;;v King St., between Fort r and Bethel V SPECIAL 8ALE Grata Linen and Pongee VYalet v Limited. YEE CHAN A CO Corner- - King and Bethel Streets STORE ' , l ENUAPOINQ - V. 'Supply Co. TENTS AND AWNINGS & Canopies for Rent Thirty Years' Experience Fort SU near Alien upstairs. A : JORDAN'S WOMEN'S APPAREL i ; 1029 lt u To bomc a bath is a weekly cere-- ; mony of removing dust and dirt ' from the skin, to others, it An the same thins, repeated daily, notweekv ly. ' Some osthe because the habit differentiates them from the savage; others because v it ' satisfies their sesthetlc feellngsl'v : Not many think of .the other and .more' Important functions of. the bath. Now, the skin is not Just the cor . fexing for the body. It is a collection of thousands of nerves conveying ; outside sensations to the brain. It .'regulates the . temperature of the body by evaporating the persplra- jtlon to produce coolness, by the re action or flow of the blood to the j surface to produce heat or cool; it . carries on wasxe maiter irom uia body by means of perspiration. The skin is in two layers the dermis or real skin, and over this the epidermis, scarfskin, or. cuticle. The cuticle contains no blood ves- eels, and is constantly shedding it self in the form of minute particles. The bath washes off these particles, together with the oils from the' skin and the dust from the air that mix with them, leaving the pores clear to carry off other waste matter from : inside the body. "With : unclogged ' pores, the perspiration passes., off the skin and is taken up and evaporated by the. air. There is then no 'sweaty" smell. If, through improper eating, the pores are made to do the work the kidneys pass by removing waste, that Is the perspiration will smell unpleasantly. And even then, if. by bathing, the skin is kept clean, this odor will hardly be noticeable. Next to internal cleanliness, comes ex ternal : cleanliness.;. Without them ' . both no woman is beautifuL .8lttlngs by appointment 4682L' enjoyed St in biology i tti 1915-191- - IIAYAIIAII DRUO CO. Hotel and Bethel Streets 6; 191&-191- al (Si(oed) Parle K. (Mm. Athearn, California. Carolina Canfield Tborsan. Taaaar. (Mrs. Ym. R. Thoraen) ;;. Hop Trater. Btyn Mawr., ' May 9. flhaaey, California. , (Mrs. Warren Cheney) Chairman Ed or a tional Commltte, California Branch, Association af Collegiate Alttmasa... ' TTslo Leo Tamer, California. ( Mrs. Frederick C. Turner) t. California Branch. Iisarla ' President tion of Collsgiata Alaanaa. . Ete Mooro, Vaasar. Bonth Pacifie Section, Associatioa of CoQeglata Alaanaa. - Frderick Atheom) Nettie H. Barker. RUnford. ( Mrs. Albert C. Barker ) Kmma Brack. Chicago, Lillie Belle Bridgman. Kaniiaa. Elise W. Granpner. California. (Mrs. Adolphaa E. Granpner) Cora K. Hsmpel. California. Martha Adelaide Ijams. California. Julia Tolmaa Lee, California. Arnea Claypola Moody, Cornell.,.. (Mrs. Robert Orton Moody) " Blanche Mora, California. Flora Albertina Randolph, ellenley. Cornelia McKinne Stanwood. California. (Mrs. Edward, B. Staawood) .V " v ' Vice-Preside- . SUI ' C3 North King Street "c)FPP ' ."' At - ARLEIGHTS, . Hotel Street Marketed By the C.v;-- . Territorial v MARKETING (Between Meunakea and Smith) ..Call end tee cur brand new CHOP SUI House Everything Neat . ., .. and'Clean. te reserved by phone, ..J, No. 1713. WISH.TO ADVERTISE IN . ' NEWSPAPERS Anywhere .Tlce Call oa. o? Have You Had Your Feet "Footographed" Yet? REGAL BOOT SHOP v Fort and Hotel Streets IF-YO- . at-An- THE DAKE ADVERTISINQ AGENCf; San Francisco Ti Sansome Street The VVaterhouss Co., Ltd. P BUILDING HONOLULU MUSIC CO. Qcestions and Answers tpoft 2tf front $eetlea$sfentt cttrlov orhrws more over : Everything Musical Fort, next to the Clarion - P cold-storag- E '"Makena." VJ 1 . cti C. Q. YEE HOP Lily The nTi Consulting, Designing ' structlng Engineers. Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Structures, Steel XXructures, Sanitary Sys tems, Reports and Estimates on Proj;;"V'".: ects. Phone 1045. j Pack Steamer. Baskets To Order. Phone V -1 RAWLEY'S - boat, "Aquarium." Boat landing on the d hotel grounds. Row boats and fishing tackle to rent. S Interest " S ' W Sr', Make yourself a cap of Inter. SWV 5 n. Roil i ris.lt jcisjtifla WHY NOT. YOU? p g. Does sst .... . iMM? I NT ,1- cf Soip-catis- g S His.iKry Criaar Utntr is Until you trj for yourself yon canpossibilinot realize the profit-makinties of the Poultry For Sale Classified Ads. Others make mcsey using taenw mmi Raspberry TartsMix together with a knife or fork a quarter of a pound g of butter, with a pound of flour and a pinch of salt. Beat two eggs, mix with two cupfuls of milk and add slowly to the flour and butter. Cut with, a circular cutter and put th 3 circles In muffin tins. Pill with rich stewed raspberries, bake for a quarter of an hour and serve very cold, with whipped cream. r Limited THE STORE'- FOR GOOD CLOTHES ... King Street Elks Building. with ripe, fresh raspberries, turn carefully upside down on a dessert serving dish and serve with whipped cream, sweetened to taste. Raspberry Tapioca Pudding Soak a cupful of tapioca for 12 hours in a generous quart of water. Mix with a cupful of sugar and put it in alternate layers with a quart of red raspberries In a buttered baking dish. Add a cupful of water and bake in a moderate oven until clear. Serve with a sauce FURNISH YOUR HOME RIGHT of raspberries mixed with sugar made By fitting it throughout with our snd a little water and heated. If the dependable electric fixtures. pudding is served cold a hot sauce Is Raspberry Ice Mix one and two-thir- desirable. If the pudding is hot,- - let ELECTRIC SHOP . cups of granulated sugar, with '1135 Fort St four cupfuls of .water and boil with- the sauce cool before serving. Phone 4344 V out stirring for - ten minutes. Mash Raspberry Cake Make a rich layer enough raspberries to yield a pint of cake,' baked in thin layers, and spread juice and, with two tablespoonfuls this filling. between the layers. Sprinof lemon juice, to the sirup .'Strain, kle the top with powdered sugar and , ; cool and freezeJ- .: serve fresh." This Is the filling: Beat 4 a cupful of cream .until stiff and add Rice and Raspberries-Bo- il rice un- half a cupful of mashed raspberries til tender and drain. '.While hot mix and a third of a cupful of powdered w 1th a little lemon Jaice and powdered sugar. Season lightly with vanilla. ft::r; and rress it around the sides MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO., LTD. cf a to?.'! in a layer an inch thick, Raspberry WWp-Ma- h. a quart of self-raisin- - ds TIN QUERIES. ANSWER answering the large number of S. inquiries as rapidly as possible. K if She is also preparing new num- - X s bers Qf the series of very special Cool, fill , AcetylenS Light & Agency Co, Ltd. Sole Agents for Hawaii 55 TO v CILYA'S TOGGERY ; 'Miss Edna Kent Forbes whose FORBES 6 Protected by George Matthew Adams . ' S S MISS out-lra- rd RASPBERRY GOODIES X See the submarine wonders "of the bay, from the new Star-Bulleti- n, - - S S A I; glass-bottome- S "Beauty Chats' constitute one of S S' the most popular features of'the S s; is at the present 'A 5 time in New York city. She ' lls M Best and talking go further toward making a tcoman beautiful than any other treatment : -- "J-'P- - v, raspberries, add a cupful of sugar and let stand. Whip two cupfuls of cream or six egg whites. Mix lightly with the raspberries, pile in glasses and serve, very cold, for dessert. 5? Telephone 4225 CO.V.FAflY, LIMITED and Con--- S5 . . ;:::;:C.Q.:YETT::!: with a piece of rag dipped in clear warm water and dry. For. that Pure;- ; Delicious Ice Cream it Phone. 1467. e - TO CLEAN A SAILOR HAT remove the, band, then.' sprinkle the straw freely with flowers of sulphur, moisten with lemon Juice, then rub briskly a dosen n tketa at laced strings of oeads. or ribbon with them night an mom-- 9 beads sewn on In strings. Hare It fit th fac tooth. I clean you altcayt pot Do itay. but the bend snugly, and use ribbons the shade B. knout what tey arttMi blue of your dress, such as the sample of Reply the starts were Urter ana yon mailed me. and three shades deeper. fever, I would think ther wr tb a TlTid turquoist where the cap shows Ther Into lsa of a decay in the tooth.which face this : makes your eje about likelr come from an add month, your deu-tl-isrt bluer. the Buy a single wary black feather Indneed by tad dtsestion. Go to stripped ostrich wlJL do fasten it low and aee what be aayi and use a dentiand let it nod over the beid frice that comes specially, to care acid at the left, right side of the face. toward the mouth. PACIFIC EfiGiriEERiriG , Raymond Hanch Beef can also be obtained. from t Market: V. '' the following firms in the ' MRS, TAYLOR, Florist Reply .: -- Is Worth While at y DIVISION up-to-da- te - - .' methods, in Cattle are slaughtered by the pastures on Maui; pre cooled on the ranch, and shipped to Honolulu on the ranch boat A oJd-brotcn - .Junderwood Typewnters. " YOUNG . Mannakea Street near Queen (Phone 1840) , ' ' - J- tend-dresie- s. -- Metropolitan, Meat Market ' Phone 3445 chop Tables may Lehua Butter Parker Ranch Bee! Delicatessen of Quality do-me- rt t Caerity Jho taaitht in. tha Umreraity af paij. (oroi 8ainaer ftchool ia 19 IS. Cattforaia Branch of tha Altoeiatloa f CollUi Alumnae, feehac addad tator-e- t ' and pride, ia Milta Collr aacaasa of tb appointment f one of itt faaabara. : Henry i Beinhardt (A. , B Cal VS. D Tale). t the proidor. deairea to call attentioa to tbo aih tUadard of cholarahtp et this rollefa, which, proaiUaa to offer to the Pacific Coaat tha aaava furoihed by tha well known trolle( for womea oi tha Atlantic Statoa. Ai the Association ot.CnHfato Ahint- aa waa founded, in part, lor 'tha pabli-j eat'oa of information concern in f adoca- tion and in raaarat for tha maataaanco of ' high utandarda ot edticatma." tha Kdnra-tionComnteeaf the California Branch belpa to fulfill thia parpoao by proaentia( the encloaed farts about Mills Colleca. - Caracraa and Photo Supplies bo et ! of Misaoorl. la charf . Srhool; Jorce Lobner. B l. Mills 1913. ia Kasliah in th M, 1. California Farther afield. Ahurn Junior Collet. MMls Colleje cradnatea hare ditiocuibed themeleii a holders of scholarship and feUowhtr; Charlott D'Eelyn. Mills 191 1, Graduate Scholar In English at Mary E. Oar Brn Mawr 1913 1915, and rett. European Fellow at Oxford Florence Irarpr, Mills 1913; Grad-- ' nata Scholar in Rnmanra ' Lanfuacea at Brrn Mawr 1914 191: IIom Ihnet. Mill 19IS. Graduate Scholar in Ubitory terer. Inei at Radrliffo -- in. A. 1914, ha ic Normal Fremno M. or wur POPULAR FICTION A Latest Books at Low Prices on tail and tM, Kith Ught-blu- e Vut not eyea ' and pretty hair. My feature are- irregytar indeed, ! am not prettfat all, nor atrikiny auaeeat a headin colorihp: Wont y dress for a blu evening treat t'lnteretted. -- Fort Ct 191S. Colombia. mce 1914 tbir Urdnt af Mill ColUf otnd atgtr and their teacher's certificate at the t'nitarsity at Oahfornia in Pora LmoA. B. S- - Milts one year. 1913. M S. California 1914. ia So A'oio : trln( l ' Napkins and Towels, etc AM.-HAPAPER CO, Ltd. Phone 1410 J Ashman Beaven, Mgr. to much your chat on tha aathor teach in hi(h achaola Of Califoraia witanqt farther or Kihet lUaaoa. at ilia. B. 8. by Eetail and Wholesale eanliness j 1 Wcaer'a rrU rertifkata. Board of Rdarativa whirl tte the) itea theaa to rajr Tonr. abta the ralW vocattaeal ' Colter kaa aUo nrwtd ifailwaat rercaition: Ha cradualoa ia am aomwa and Hryncal edacattoa ar CTaat4 In a a Ttj-ira- Raymond FOR ALL PURPOSES External Wfor as wrll 4frt. wark. U Socialoffr MtOa CIHIODOE Paper Bags, Cups, Plates, . D. J. CASH MAN Lutu Tents ar.d ba Tadriit ALEXANDER 424 Beretania . witb-u- t f4 intnrt r: Portraits FORK? " ; Best In the City. ' Honolulu f Picture Framing KENNETH at Brja Mawr 1916 1917. In bintwy: Joatpfciiie Cixmy, aMtctaat ia Oman; fUrhrl King, aanUtact ia asata-sli- r. EDNA HAITAH'S BEST SQOES i5: Mrs. G. O: Lowest, 419 W.Monterey Street, Denison, Texas. If yon are suffering from any form of female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and commence the treatment without delay. iiwq. cams CO" CRABS, packed In wood lined. . Nuuanu St, near King St PRINTING go." JL. -- NAM 8nUary Cans, most burst. I got where I was almost a walking skeleton and life was a burden to me until one day my husband's stepsister told my husband if he did not do something for me I would not last long and told him to get your medicine. So he got LydiaE. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound for me, and after taking the first three doses I began to improve. I continued its use, and I have never had any female trouble since. I feel that I owe my life to you and your remedies. They did for me what doctors could not do and I will always praise it wherever I . Y. TAKAKUWA & CO. , tanlhtp my work. I would have a chill every day and hot flashes and dizzy spells and my head would al ,..' ' v COFFEE ROASTERS V Dealers In Old Kona Coffee ' Honolulu Merchant ti, . .Fort St ...... above King . -- ittAtua. ... KODAK HEADQUARTERS ' ;: OTMERW-iSHO- . PLEASE," SAYS THE GIFtlwho writes me from Boise, Idaho, "don think 'me foolish because I want to be a motion picture actress." A good many, other girls have addressed me with practically this same plea an3 so I am taking this opportunity of assuring them all that I think none of them foolish in fact that I think no one foolish for having a laud able ambition. Of course .behind this desire to become a motion picture actress there may be foolish or unworthy motives. It may all come from the delusion that there is much money to be made In the profession at little expend! ture In honest work; or It may be a false glamor that makes appeal. I am sure that some girls wish to become screen actresses merely to satisfy a silly vanity. They are the sort that dote on being noticed and are for ever dressing and flouncing and strutting in a manner jpdst' apt to, make them conspicuous. Worse still "the re. are some girls who have looked to pictures as an open gateway to bright' lights and a socalled gayety of life that Is not altogether to be safely scrutinized. . These types of girls, however, are not seriously ambitious to become motion picture actresses. They may think they are, but as a matter of fact ther merely reeard the profession as a means to a less worthv end Although they are foolish, thisris Quite apart from any desire to become a screen-actress- . ,The truly. ambitious girl Is the one that regards picture acting as a With her It Is not the tuenns to something "worth her"oestcndeavors. else,. but the end, In and of Itself, toward, which her best efforts are to ' ; be untiringly directed. r v She sees that pictures embody a great art and Is willing to labor and sacrifice that she may make some contribution and not. its reward that -. ,4 counts first with her. To4 the casual glance of a tpo una ppreciatlTe world she may have failed. Her sacrifices may seem to have been for naught and t her contribution misdirected. However, in saar as her ambition was laudable and she true not always take. fame nor recogto her ideal, she was notfoolish. It does t ' nized success to prove wisdom. ; . HONOLULU PHOTO . ; SUPPLY CO. r , ? ;:. T - - WATCH REPAIRING 'Patterne ';: fichelenaL ; 'v'-- ..,' tranfrHtafr4 of California an4 California M.IU 19IS. Gradaata Scholar ml fart ie th Ui- - rartnic the hafalor'a daHog their yaf f craduat fennir with female trouble and could hardly do my work. I was very nervous but just kept drag ging on until last summer when I got where I could not do M- work don by tft Ibnr treUiU xiaC at full aa.it ala. Tbr h Km, tndnl mrnotic tko trsn,frrrr4 ta appotntd Wa lw save 8iaafor4 Denisoru Texas. "After my little girl was born two years ago I began suf - I f la CUf t iiMlicst Qdrfradirai lots ot ble Compound.' - wliy Tae fc'rt MilU tfest vrsiti E. PinkhamY Vegeta- W COLLEGE CnOLLS HIS WIFE wJt i I At THE CLARION JEWELRY - U M phoenix-hose- ; . V E. GOM ES v Boston Bldg. I VW i IIUSBAIlfSAVED. Stopped Most Terrible Suffering by Getting Her Lydia You ,Get the Most for Your Money When You Buy .Delivery Every Way Every Day" i . CHUNHOON v ,k Kekaullke, Nr. Queen . Phone 3992 J ?. H..iu.. MAN I . . ; 'F R UIT- 307 : CO. G Urn, Bldg, 1H41146 Fort SL Et Young Bidg., Bishop :'',.V: : HAMM-YOUN- ' RATT.TnV Hawaiian News Co. . I I an .. !T',, 'cJ1 Durability, and Yer ; IN THE REALM OF THE FEMININE L 4 r MONDAY, JULY 3, 1916. N, a m. . Combination A? STAR-BULLETI- Each cake is wrapped to insure delivery to you in a sanit- ary condition and to retain Imperial Peroxide is an antiseptic u V u it's original delicate perfume. Made in the clean- est most sanitary ory in the world. fact- soap, made for Nursery, Toilet and general purposes.; FOR SALE AT ALL Has a most fplcaiiisj effect on delicate e!dn,v besides making it DRUG STORES healthy and clean.- - V