VOLUME XLVII, NO. 11. H W&tklf* ffntfl*«<) s s fheottd'Cla$» Matter at the Post' at E«d Benfc, N. J , aniJer tlia Act of March 3d, 1870. RED BANKJIEDING UP. CLUB WOMEN'S IEETIG. lant, Miss Kothryn O'llrien recording sec. •eiuty, Miss Jane Wilkinson corresponding iretary, MUs Dorothy Mntr-Kur treanurer, ilrs. I.oul. J. Elellnir, Mra. J. D. Tuller lounsellors. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. MfflSI J f f f J O WILL FIRE A C R O S S ^ RIVER. ELECTION OFFICERS. Appointments Made by the County Board of Elections, The county biiard of elections has made all its appointments for the district election boards in the l a i districts in the county. The following list gives tin' election board members for Red Bank and for th'J surrounding- towns. Tlie first two named are Republican members and the last named two aro Democrats: $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO 8J CHURCH'S ODD'INMATES. I INSPECT THEIR 'ENEMIES. THEY HISSED WHILE SERMONS ORCHARDISTS EXAMINE TUElt| PAINTINGS OF KARL KAHLER WILLIAM T. CONOVER'S BUNMANY HOUSES . BUILT THE FIRST MEETING THIS SEASON WERE BEING PREACHED. MINUTE FOES. i GALOW BURNED. Fifteen fstutcd meetings are TO BE SOLD. OF THE WOMAN'S CLUB. PAST SIX MONTHS. ichcduled for this year's work of For Some Time tho Conijrnjjntion Forty-Fivi- Farmers Gntlier on Milt* ' Ono Hundred and Sixty-Eight Build- It Will be Held Friday Afternoon ,hs club. Special meetings to serve Collection of Fifty Picturet, Some Buildinr; nnd AH Its'Contents ComDid Not Know Who Was Doing pletely Destroyed in Blaze Early <Hctrjwn I'urm, where Experts Finished and Some Unfinished, to of This Week—A New Arrange- some special need are expected to ing Permits Issued, Calling for an the Hissing, but the Church SexLntt Thursday Morning—Origin bs Offered for Sale to Settle Esment in the Make-Up and Duties bo held from time to time. Expenditure of Nearly Half a ton Nobbed tho Culprits Sunday. of Fire Unknown. Insects nnd Trco Diseases. tate of Little Silver Artist. of the Receiving Committee. Million Dollan. The club has 428 active members I'or some time past the minister William T. Conover's bungalow Karl Kahler, the artist who was Forty-fire fnrmiTs of flfemmouth' nd thirteen honorary members. Tlio new building code of Red The first meeting; of tho Eed and congregation at the. Reformed j county last Wi'ilr.cfdiiy afternoon; Bunk went into effect last March. Bank Womnn'o club for this season Twenty-one members have died found dead several months ago in on Conovcr bine, in Middletown church at Holmilel have been an- • insperlc.il William IJ. (,'OINIVI.T'B up— Tho building code requires tho own- will bo held at the clubhouse on ainco the organization of the club bis studio at Little Silver, left no township, near lied Bank, was denoyed by hissing during the services. ! p!i' orcLanl in Miildletowu townnED HANK IIOItOIIGIf. ei>or contractor to (Ho with the Broad street on Friday 'afternoon ,s the Philomuthian Coterie in 1800. will and a public sale of bis paint- stroyed by lire of unknown origin First di«trit?t—Reginald Vnnllrunt, Harthese noises wnu\d occur i ship, wlicn- I'xpt'riinenlJi in iHistinfr building; inspector all plan's for new of this week nt three o'clock. The In 1914 the Philomathian Coterie ings and belongings will be held to early Thursday morning. The blaze ry Leddy, Mrs. Gertrude E. Scotl, Edwnrd Someiime.s when the minister was making the ;m'l .sprayinf* tree:! arc being car-* buildings in tho town of Red Bank opening day of tho club's season oined tho state federation of settle the estate. Mr. Kahler had was under great heaiway before it Donisc. ! • most forceful and telling part of fiis \ rieil on liy flic sUto experiment; and all contracts for changes or ad- ia known as "President's Day," and women's clubs, and in 191S it was occupied three rooms in the rear of was discovered and all the contents Second district—Gertrude Dcy, Jam.es sermon. The church is without a : station and the Monmnuth county William Itusiiell, Jolm Fix. ditions to bo made to n building. A there will bo an informal reception reorganized as the Woman's club of Henry Rosevelt's house at Little of tho building were burned. A Bray, Third di»trlcl—Mrs. Louise Cree, M:lregular pastor at present and it has ] hoaril of oilueutinn. Tho orchard permit is not needed for repainting to tho club's president, Mrs. Frank Red Bank. The club was made an Silver and Mr. Rosevelt's daughter, garage, a work shop and a chicken- Isrd F. Tetley. Mijs Mildred MeDcrmitt, been supplied by various ministers. j was divided into Muslin, where difMrs. Mildred Grim, was made adalso destroyed. Mr. Norman Griffin. house n building, nor for repairs to rcofa Curtis. Guests of honor from the incorporated body in 1917, ministratrix of the artist's estate. Conover states that the loss is Fourth district—Trumbull Smith, Mra. For the past month or so no church i fctent Idmls of treatment werc/J nor for alight repairs to tho interior state federation, of women'a clubs Last Thursday an inventory of $;S,00l) and is partly covered by in- Joseph W. Fox. Mint Elizabeth Costello, services have been held /hie to the i r?ied, and explanations of tho reof a building; liut all now buildings who have been invited to the meetWilliam Pintnrd. hot weather. Services will bo re- ; Sulla and of the kind of work don's the artist's property was taken by surance. and all additions to the buildings ing are Miss Mary E. Daniels, secFifth district—Ivy E. Rnttersby. Frank i wen? made to tho fanners by P r o f . . Mort V. Pach and Dr. G, VanVoris The bungalow had been vacant Holme, Mm. Catherine Kirby, I'eter V\ sumed soon. require a permit before work can be ond vico president of the state fedFred Rittcr is the sexton of (lie i A. J. Farh'.v, pomolotfist of tha I Warner. The artist left a collection since last June. Mr. Conover for- Lantr. begun. eration; Mrs. II. E. Buynton, vice LINCROFT YOUNG FOLKS GIVE of thirty finished paintings and merly occupied it, but for tho pact Sixth district- Frank Ilrasch, Mr" church. He wns'iin; tr> find the | dnU, , , X J ) u l . i l n l , n t 9 t,,ti 0 n. \ During the aix monthB ending president of the third district; and Johnson, Mrs. Walter O. I.nytotl, | source of the noises and put a stop A FINE PERFORMANCE. about twenty paintings that were year or more he has been afflicted Mary Much interest was shown in th<i' September 1st building permits Mrs. John J. Leonard, chairman of Louli Tetley. j to the annoyance beforo the church were issued in Red Bank to tho education. There will be special Humorous Play and Entertainment not completed. The group contained with rheumatism and he has been Seventh district—Katherlne Hill. Euirenff re-opened. He had observed that dusted hlockii. The labor in uslnif a variety of subjects, but most of living at Red Eank with his daugh- M. Magee, Miss Huth E. Dlbbcn, Sumuel ilu.st is murh lisa than in using, number of 108. Thi npecificntions music by Mrs. Harry C. Schenck, at the Lincroft Sclioolhoum Lait the pictures -wero face studies of ter, Mrs. Allen Havilnnd of East RoRcrs. the hissing seemed to come from t'le After the trip through the filed when the permits woro asked accompanied by Mrs. Arthur H. Friday Nisht Netted $40.7S for a women and picturea^of horses, cats Front street. He built the bunga- Eighth district—Samuel G. Wise. Lillian belfry, anil ho waa satisfied that lie liquid. for cnllcd for nn expenditure of White. TIeyer, Mia. Catherine Mulligan, Thonvis was correct in this opinion becaiise demonstration blocks the party in« Community Home. and flowers. Also in tho lot were low himself twelve years ago. Durspotted an orchard wlicro rod J. Hnckett. nenrly half n million .dollars, the ex - searched • • every part• of' A c J spider3 had caused much damage; The young folks of tho Commun- portraits "of Ira Barrows of Rum- ing part of hist spring the bungalow llinth district Clifford fitiica, Arnold he A new arrangement will be tried had act amount being $447,092. This Book. Chnrle William Hnckctt. I church without result. a New'York famity club of, Lincroft cleared ?40.75 this year in tho mnke-up and duties Gould and her was occupied by j Many of ihe trfe.i in this orchard son, Mrs. George J. comprises only the buildings within B. Clayton, .7. Tenth rlifltrict—Ifnr Early last Sunday morning Mr. I had tho appearance of being of the receiving committee at tho for tho ciub last Friday night by d n u g h t c r G i o r j a of Lakeawood and iiy. tho boroughs limits of Red Bank. Albert VanSchoick, Mn Kothryn Haekott, Ritter went to the church armed scorched, as all tiie coloring muticturo of the The building was on the extreme John Oakes, Jr. Juno was the month of the small- regular meetings of tho clilb. Two giving a comedy and entertainment B ] A i t m a n a n d 0 -,iet}} with a ladder. He climbed up the ter had been removed from th9 RCIMSON BOROUGH. est amount of construction work in hostesses, one of whom will bo a at the Lincroft schoolhouse. The head of the race horse Man O' War. end of Conover lane where the lane ladder to the belfry and there he leaves by the in.sc-cts. district—Andrew Zcrr, Elmer First Red Bank, while the permits issued member of the executive board, club now meet3 at tho schoolhouse, About twenty gold -picture frames goes down to the river. The bunga- Fenrsall. J. rJeWitt Scott. George H. Kulin. low waa partly on land and partly Second district—Harold F. Benson, Louis found a nest with four young owls in August ' idiowed tho greatest will receive at the door, while two but it is planning to build a com- were in the studio. Dr. W. II. Martin, state plant Like most artists Mr. Kahler lived over the water. The porch and a Ncuhauscr, DanieL. A. NflUuhlwu, Percy in it. The owls were able to fly and pathologist, took up the subject of nmount of building expenditure. others will net as ushers. The munity house. Tho profits of the one of them got away from Mr. Ritcomedy and entertainment were put Woat. what is called a Bohemian life. He small part of the front end of the Tho number of permits issued each ushers will scat the meniBefs and ter and escaped from the church. scab nnd blotch. Blotch, ho /piil, " SEABMCIIT noROUGH. month and the total amount to be friends and at the same time will in the community house fund, which cared little or nothing for conven- house projected over the edge of Chester H. Packer. Lawrence J. Fiehter, The sexton captured the other three. was a comparatively ne\? crtbeaSQ now amounts to more than ?200. tionalities and his studio was fitted he river and was supported on spent under each month's permits, ntroduce those who* aro unacS.veeney, Unymond W. Fnrry. He gave one o£ them to William and EI serious one which is spreadAll who took part were sixteen to out like the studios of the artists uncheons. Connected with the Walter J.FAIB quainted. At Wday's meeting HAVEN noiiOUCH. ing to a greater number of varieties nro as follows: seventeen years old and they and who live at Greenwich Village in sorch was a dock. The river bank First district—Frank Spitr, Clarence Crawford and he took tho other of trees than it was formerly be- i Mrs. Horace P. Cook and Mm. MilM;irrli, 82 Ifcrmitii . .$ r>o,34o their instructor, Mrs. Kenneth New York city. HIB personal be- jns a steep slopo at this point and Little. Matthew G. Daden, Samuel Hen- two home. Mr. Bitter and Mr. lieved to affect. Ain-il. 21 permits . . 05,012 ard Fillmoro Cornwell will be the This disease. in«* Crawford are trying to make pets received many compli- longings, outsido of his paintings, he rear end of the bungalow was drickson. May. 27 permit" . . . 13,001! liostcssos, and Mrs. Worth Cunninir- Wyckoff, Second district—Ray C. Sweeney, Mrs. of the birds. Thus far they have fects nearly every parb of tho tree* . . 28,015 •June, Hil permits! . ments on the excellent performance were few. Ho lived in one room of .irtually built in the bank. Thi 'ard Morris, Van Sweeney, Walter . . 100,61)3 inm and' Miss Mabel Hall will be July, 34 permit* . met with little success. The owls It is found on leaves, twigs, petigiven. The comedy was entitled "A the studio and ho left a few pieces Tho bank was dug away to make Minton. .. 121,010 the ushers. AuKunt, 31 permit are kept in wire cages and e»ery ole and fruit. Dr. Martin stated! Scheme That Failed." It was full of furniture. In tho pockets of his oom for the bungalow and the top LITTLE SILVER BOROUGH. thnt almost perfect control had Announcements concerning the of humorous situations which kept Myron L. Campbell. William H. Sham- time a hand is put in the cage tfr Total. 1CS nermlta $4(7,002 clothing $1.50 in cljange was found, j£ tho bank roso above the dvvell- anore, George M. Quackenbush. P. Vin- feed them they pick at it or claw been secured of this disease by usThe building inspector of Red program of tho club for tho year the audience laughing. Those who ng. The land where the bungalow ing two or three additional sprays^ A short time before his death Mr. ent Fitzmaurlce. at it. ware Myrtle Layton, Ada Kahler told some friends that he stood comprised a strip twenty feet Bank is Charles A. Frake. Hie office will be made nnd brief outlines took part SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP. 1 will be given, of the work planned Fenton; Jennie McQueen, Harold had painted a picture for which he wide and 200 feet long. This H the First district—Dr. B. F. King, Conover Is at 03 Broad street, in tho offices Not long after Mr. Hitter madfe He warned against tho possibility, Kelly and William Gaffney. The expected to get $5,000. Whether last piece of land of the William V. nicx. It. C. Weiderholt, C. If. Hurley. his capture several Holmdel persons of a grower having his whole orch'*' of Hcndricksron & Stout. His office for each department. Second -district—Dictrick Battjer, Leon ard infected by allowing badly dis< The year book of the club was is- remainder of the evening's enterhours are from nine o'clock to this painting is in the collection in !onaver farm remaining- in the ConKenneth Fields, Joseph M. Cook'. were attracted by tho excited ac- cased Smith Cider apple trees, comprised a piano tho studio or whether it had been over family. The farm once com- hofto, MIDDLETOWN twelve o'clock on Mondays and Sat- sued this week. The president of tainment tions of a snow-white owl which 1 TOWNSHIP. urdays, and from 0:00 p. m. to GilO the club, Mra, Mabel F. Curtis, in on duet by Myrtle Layton and Adi sold and delivered is not known. All rised a large section of Middletown First district—Crawford H. Patterson, going in ami out of the church which are more susceptible to blotch ntroductory note to the members Fenton, a solo by Myrtle LayIVilllnm G. Lufbunow. John N. HUlyer, belfry. The bird evidently was tho than any other variety, to remain! p. m. on Tucsdnys and Thursdays. ;ownship, opposite Red Bank. Mr. of tho paintings will' be sold at the Maloney. mother of the captured owls. The in tho orchard. jenover states that he will build lames Permita ara required for all ex- of the club, urges them to promote ton, a classical dance by Evelyn public sale. Second district—Joseph E. Johnson. and neighborliness Wyckoff and a vocal duet by Ada Much interest was shown in tli$ small owls had gray feathers, but it mother bungalow, tensions, however small, but no in- friendliness Marlon H. Brai.nard, Mllbury Stearns, inspection and talks. Every tiras is supposed that their feathers will Jward Devesty. ppector'a fco is charged unless the among the club membership. This Fenton and Myrtle Layton. The Joseph Applegato and Edward NEIGHBORS! IN A SCRAP. club ia planning a scries of fall and Third district—Elwood Runyon. Paul E. change to the same color na their Dr. Martin held up a diseased leaf nmount to be spent exceeds $300. note is as follows: "Co-operation, service and kindli- winter events to raise money for the Two Scoheyville Farmers Have Seed, who livo near the scene of the Robertson, Walter Smith, Edward T. Ben- mother's feathers as they grow the farmers crowded around anil fire, were the. first to notice the lett. ness must be the principle of a suc- community house. asked for permission to handle tha Each Other Arrested* blaze. They telephoned to Eed Fourth district—Albert H. Sickles. John older. Tho little owls have facc3 specimen. Questions came thick RAISING FIREHOUSE MONEY. cessful club. Please help to pro,1. Johnson, Jr., H. It. Leonard, Benjamin which resemble monkeys. Owls of Bank for firemen and Liberty comJohn Sietcinski and Felix Tuminnd fast and the doctor was kep6 uttormcen. Fire Gong Erected on the Fire mote this spirit by active participadaiski, neighbors at Seobeyvills, pany was soon on the job. There Tlfth district—Miss Florence G. Brand. this kind are said to ba rare in New busy for a long time answering HURT FIGHTING A FIRE. They are useful birds, as Company Lol at Fairfield Gardens tion in club meetings, by making had each other arrested last week. was little, however, that the firemen rVilford, Mullln, Charles J. Kelly, Joseph Jersey. yourself 1 known to the hostesses nt they live on rats, mice, moles and them. The firo company of- Fahrfield the door nt each regular meeting, Thomas Donlin Fell From tho Boof Tumidaiski charged Sietcinski with could do, as the fira was under too rV. Thompson. other varmints. • u The demonstration was R disap« -Emor W. Clayton, George Sixth diBtrictgreat headway to be put out. SevGardons and Fair View, known as and above all, by speaking with the threatening; to kill him and with of Hit House. Friehott, Clifford H. Eastmond. pointment to everyone interested* men made attempts to enter the B. Seventh Middletown Township Firo Com- members near you whether you Ruppell, district—Mr Attm Thomas Donlin of New Mon- falsely accusing him of stealing eral us it failed to prove whether dustpnny, No. 1, is raising; money whicll know their names or not. mouth climbed a ladder to put out vegetables. Sietcinski was held in jurning house and outbuildings in Edward T. Pay, Micha •\ H. Hftrkms, LABOR DAY AT OCEAN VIEW. ing waa superior or inferior to* order to save the contents, but on ,eater Thorn. will go into its fivehouse fund. ?200 bail for tho action of the "Tho chairmen wish to make their a firo which broke out Labor day Eighth district—Willinm S«ott. Jr.. Ed- Running' and Swimming: Races Drew spraying. Some of tho trees The firchousp will be built on the departments helpful; they welcome afternoon in the chimney of'his grand jury with George J. Soffel of each occasion they wera driven back •ard Bij Crowd of Spectator!. H. Morford, Edward O'FIahcrtr. dusted, some were sprayed and soma by the heat. lot which wns recently given to all members to all meetings. Colt's Neck as his bondsman. SietJliott SuUlvnn. house. Ncar,the top of the ladder The Labor Day sports at Ocean rcceivad no treatment nt all. To all'., HOLMDETi TOWNSHIP. the residents of that locality for The bungalow was furnished and cinski had Tumidaiski arrested on "The president will be at the tele- ho lost his balance and fell to the View, near Leonardo, drew a large outward appearances the fruit on'' community purposes by John H. phone each morning from ten to porch roof; He rolled ,off the roof a charge of having stolen thirty it contained many ancient heirlooms Frank V. B. Younff, Charles Paale, attendance. Old folks ag well as j all the trees was equally goodJohn T. Ackerman. Coolc of Red Bank. Three gold eleven o'clock and will be happy to to the ground. He was knocked baskets of tomatoes, two barrels of of tho Conover family. Everything Harry Cc-wlas, HIGHLANDS BOROUGH, youngsters took part and prizes of Evidently none of tho trees in the pieces, one of $2.B0, olio of SBand be of service to any member." unconscious by the- fail and at first potatoes and several heads of cab- went up in fiameg. In the garage f i r s t district- Harry Hildreth, Calvin medals were given.' demonstration blocks had been atJohn Koran, Thomas S. Lyons. one of $10 nro being. disposed of The uso of the clubhouse is of- it was thought that his skull was bage. Tumidaiski was held in $500 were, two automobile engines which nrker, A running race of 440 yards was tacked by disease or insects J;o any Second district—Jacob S. Hodman, Mrs. the firemen mnda vain efforts to on the co-operative plan, Other fered free to semi-public organiza- fractured..!,^ Mr. Donlin was taken bail for the action of the grand It was said .. M. Robertson, Winifred PfclfTer, Wil- won by Joseph Winicker, with Wil- considerable extent. means of raising money will be tions devoted to the public welfare to the HfttJl^Branch hospital, where jury and he waa released on his save. Ono of thesa engines was a liam Ahcarn. \ liam Tiddleton se»ond and William nt tho meeting that for some unPackard six-cylinder motor owned EATONTOWM TOWNSHIP. .. A firo gong has Among the organizations which ho is Improving. He waa badly own recognizance. Both men had taken up shortly. Lidde' third. Louis Schmidt won a known reason blotch and other tved First district—Florence Snyder, Nidii B. been erected on the community lot meet at the clubhouse are tho baby cut and bruised, but his skull was hearings before Justice Charle3 R, by Allen Haviland and which -had Stcelman, diseases were much moro prevalent:,! Stanley VanBrunt, H. Flojd race of 220 yards. Liddo was secbeen bought a few weeks ago by D. Foxwell of Red Bank. tnd a Indies' nuxiliar'y of the fire elinie, King's Daughters, federation not fractured. Tho firo in the ond and Neil Huboch. was third. this yenr in the southern part e£j him for use in a motor boat. Tho Ruih. the county than in tho northern) ill bo formed in n short of nurses, needlework guild, public Scond district—Frank B. Woods, Harry Schmidt also won a 100-yard race. chimney was a slight one and in compnny w dock which was connected with the Wolcott, Asa E. Perry. Woltor Finlt. part of the county and that tests' LINCROFT'S TRAFFIC. Henry Fink got second place and time. The next meeting of the health nursing association, Long the- excitement over Mr. Donlin's front porch was burned. ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP. made in some orchards less fortun«! (ire company will be held at George Branch hospital auxiliary and the accident everyone forgot about it. George S. P. Hunt, Ashcr Ervinc. Al- Hubach was third. William KnoekGrower's store nt the corner of the Spring Lake hospital auxiliary. les won a fifty-yard race, with Carl ately situated than Mr. Conover'S' The fire burned itself out with- ,Facts and Figures Gathered aa an 'red C. Buck. Itu«Bell D. Houlitt. Argument for a Paved Road. HOOK AND LADDER ELECTION, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BOROUGH. Knockles second and Richard De- would give definite proofs of tha King's Highway and the Fair View Thfl officers of the club are: out doing any damage. First district—Edward Powell, Amos bree third. A 35-yard race for boys relative values of spraying' nnil William A. Bassett of Lincroft toad next Wednesday night. President—Mrs. Frank. S. Curlls. 3wan, Patrick Hallernn. Kenneth LinzVice president—Mrs. William T. McIa3t Friday, Saturday and Sunday New Officers Chosen Lost Week by mnyer. under twelve years of age was won dusting. Tlia experts took s nunw Red Bank Fire Company. Dowell. her of apples from each demonstraNEW BUS SERVICE. kept count for fourteen hours each ond diatrict—Joshua E. VanPelt, by Michael Hall. Donald Hall was SOLD IO0 FLAGS. Second vice president—Miss Boss Wels\ Navesink hook and ladder comday of the number of automobiles CharleB Ely, William B. Mount, John E. second and Fred Fisher was third. tion block. They will cut tho np-»'j Secretary^—Mrs. Harry Morfoj-d. American Legion Meeting With Miss Mary Smith won a race of 75 pics open and compare them. Federation decretory—Mrs. J. D. Tuller. A Chango Made on tho Roulo from which passed the chapel on the pany of Mechanic street met last Stone. Red Bank to Freehold. OCEANPORT BOROUGH. Treasurer—Mra. Charles D, White. county road at Lincroft. The count Wednesday night and elected these Success in Its Campaign. yards for girls. Miss Elizabeth Robert Meeker, Willism II. Bosch. J. Club house treasurer—Mrs. Jesse UJnot. The Interurban bus company has amounted to 2,655 and it will be officers: Clancy was second and Miss Fannie Shrewsbury post of the American Frank Conrow. Arthur Lipplncott. Tho executive committee of the Riven up its transportation business used by tho Rod Bank, Lincroft and TrcBiuent—William J. Dowd. O'Keefe was third. First, second KEANSBUBG noROUGH. HEAVY CHICKEN LOSSES. legion of Red Bank has Bold 100 Vice pv«3iiicnt—Jopcph E. Fix, Jr. First dlstrict^-H. C Opdyke, Thomas and third prizes in- a sack race were flags and flagpoles to business men club consists of the officers named between Red Bank nnd Freehold by Holmdel paved road association as Secretary—GeorRO H. Hurley. Compton, Michael Flaherty, Hcrmnn Lehr. won by Henry VanDanlen, Edward WeaseU Play Havoc on Lincroft' Treasurer—Harry G. Dcuenrlns. of this town as piirt of a campaign above, and Mrs. Horaca P. Cook, way of Linerof t and Holmdd. The an argument to convinco the state Second district—William Turner, Jnmf. Poultry Farms. bus compnny, of which M. highway commission and the county First nsiiotnnt foreman—Reginald B Wylic, Frank B. McNallj-, Albert K. Lub- VanDaalen and Robert Banfield. la furtherance of tho proper dis- Mrs. Carl P. Shlppes and Mrs_Wil- Reliance VonBrunt. W. Fooaaner of Freehold is tho board of freeholders of tho need of liam Naulty. have been playing havoc) kln. p play of tho flag. From the snle3 A swimming match of 440 yards KEYPORT BOROUGH. Tho standing committees of tho owner, is now covering this route. a paved road from Red Bank to Second assistant foreman—Dustin A. AlFFranlfi l made tho legion has cleared $200. laire. First district—Charles Sandmnn. Ed- resulted in a victory for«,Fred with poultry at Lincroft. Mr. Fooanner is running tho busses Bradevelt. club are: All the sales have been made to Club house committee—Mrs. John H. on an experimental schedule in an EnKlneor— Ashley Sliermnn. ward Hopkins William A. Sielicn, Michael Itumm, with William MacPhee sec- TOOJJ lias been the heaviest loser, Iteproxontntivo to firemen's relief nnso. Kelly. men who will, put tho flags up in Cook chairman, Mrs. Elmer Ecott vice effort to determine what kind of a ond and Robert Cumminga third. 165 of his fowls having been killci A DOCTOR ON A VACATION. e.intion—Cornliu* S. Mount. Second district—Itoy L. Harris, Julil.s John Dreyfuss won a swimming tho past summer. All of them wera' front of their stores. Permission sbalrmnn, Mrs. Walter B. Connor, Mrs. schedule would best suit tho needs Uhrlg. David C. WallinK, Freil C. Oudc' Visiting committee—Walter S. Noble. Charles Croft, Mrs.'Oscar Morris. lias been received from the commisDr. and Mrs. D. D. Hendriclison Nathaniel choice birds. Mr. Toop raises Whito Thi I district—Simon P. Bey. Walker match of 100 yards. Committee on club house Improvements of tho towns and villages concerned. To Enter Sisterhood. sioners of the town to mnko holes —MIBH Spending a Month in Vermont. Smith. Clifford Applennte, Harold Davis. Schlner was second and Bernard Leghorns and his birds won first and Etta Miller, Miss Kothcrltio Van* JLast week. ho obtained from tho Fourth district—Wllllnm Holmcn, Edin the sidewalks in which to put derveer. , McKenna was third. A swimming second prizes in tho utility clnB3 ab Holmdcl township board of educaDr. and Mrs. D. D. Henclrickson Miss Margaret Keiss, daughter of M. Beers, Charlea V. Krusor, Andrew match of fifty yards for girls was the poultry show nt Red Hank lnsH the poles and members of tho Hospitality committee—Mrs. William tion n contract to transport tho high of Middletown village left yesterday Alfred Reiss of Linden, place, has •ard . Campbell. Manson chairman, Mrs. Lon C. Darrett, won by Miss Catherine Kelly, with year. Harry Sprung nnd R. H« legion do this work. Nearly every Mrs. ENGL1SIITOWN BOROUGH. C. L. norge, Mrs. E. K. Burns, Mrs. school pupils, of that placo to and on their annual visit to Old Ben- entered Mount St. Mary's college at of lincroft, who also* jiight after working hours veterans Franli J. Dlbbcn, Mrs. Morgan V, Dlsbrow, from the Eed Bank lush school. ninKton, Vermont. They will make rininfichl to prepare for the sister- Harry Lake. B. Dey Conover Walter Miss Irene Clancy second nnd Miss Willgcrodt Helen Bang third. Miss Mary Smith have prize winning chickens, havei with hammers and cold chisels nre Mrs. M. P. Hnvlland, Mrs. George Hawtheir headquarters at tho Walloom- hood. She will belong to the order Addison, Jainefl E. AppleRnte. lost a number of their fowls by) Mrs. John W. Ivlns, M M . C. M. won a swimming match of 35 yards. pouging out holes in the sidewalks kins, sac inn while they are awny. They of Sisters of Mercy. Miss Reiss is Klrkpntrlck, Mrs. Howard Manning. Mrs. Tho "Cloao In" Myth. weasels. All efforts to kill tho var-« Miss Mary Twitchell was second and School Attendance. In which to set the polos. will be absent about a month am' Wllllnm Martin, Mrs. Harriet McNalr, Mrs. a Kradunte of St. Jnmcs's school. A few years at;o everybody wantmints havo been unavailing. Tha Alfred BchnlTer, Mrs. William E. Soper. The annual report , of the county. Miss Elizabeth VanDaalen •was weasels do not enter tho chickened to live "close in" to the business they will take many little side trips Membership committee—Mrs. GeorRo T. part of Red Bank. With the whole- to towns and villages of the neighChoice River Property For Sale. superintendent of schools shows I third. William Camp nnd John houses but kill the poultry out Q& BURNED WITH HOT PITCH. Llnton chslrman, Mrs. Thomas Cook, Mrs. some growth of Red Bank people no borhood, ns well as to special places I am olTcrini; at private sale fo that for tho past year Spring Lake Kries won a canoe tilting match. doors. II r. Toop found GB half* L. Miller, Mrs. William Armstrong Joo=i>Ii Diifrnn of Red Bunk Pain John $10,000 river property nt Rumson again lends in percentage of atM n . James B. Smock, MrB. H. E. Williams. longer want to livo "close in" but of historic or scenic interest. grown chickens dead in n Held ond California Privet. profer to live just outside of the fully Injured Lint Week. N. J., near Oceanic bridge, 75 feel tendance, having an average of Publicity committee—Mrs. William T ( morning about three weeks ago. , built-up parts of the town. About 100,000 of these beautiful wide and 250 feet deep, with tin 95.63 per cent for the year. Little Harvest Home Supper Joseph Dugnn of Monmouth McDowell chnlrman, Miss Edith Honlsman. closely Besides thnt, just outside of the hedge plants, one, two and three room (dwelling house on same, tc I'roffram committee—Mrs, Isaac Gtlhuly nt the First Reformed church, Ret: ftreet, who i.i employed ns n roofer chnlrman. Mrs. William T. McDowell, Miss crowded district tho lots arc larger three and a half to Tho Slirownlmfy Academy, ld sizes i h Thursday evening, Scptcmbc close estate. This is a bargain. One Silver with 0D.-17 per cent is third. vears old: hy John White, stumbled and fell Florence Krldel, Miss Edith Honlgman, nnd intich cheaper than tlioso "close- Bank, 11th, from six to eight o'clock of the most beautiful sites on th Red Batik finished fifteenth with four feet. We plant hedges by the;.19 nnd Til LeKoy place, lied _ . Mrs. Tliomni Jardlnc, Mrs. Victor King, Inat week while working on tho flnt foot or or by bv the tho mile. mile. Wo invite: you you i! aa privalu privalu scliooi school tor for boys and Rin girle* in." Oriole Park, on tho Newman Ronst chicken, potato salad, chicken river. an average of 92.83 per cent. foot Wo invite ooya auu William C. Lawrence. • • over our lino ' - ol'i -''• will "• opon - fur * - tlio tlio fall fall term term Momla Monday, roof of the new Truex building on Mrs. Springs roml, )3 ono of the finest Also for sale mljoinwB abov to come *nnd• look nnd means committed!—Mra. Hor- places for a home. Tho lots aro so salad, com, bcunx, tomatoes, beets hool Broad street. In falling ho over- aceWoys irooAhcalthy atnek. A etnte in- September --d- The usuiil echo rolls, cake nnd poaches. Ice cream property, forty-room hotel propprtj Money to Loan. P. Cook chairman, Mra. George Henturned a pail of hot pitc.h which dHckson vies chnlrman, Mrs. Carrie Hose- reasonably priced that you can buy on sule. Tickets $1.00; children CO with 120 feet river frontnpre, full Try tlie 1 &, I! plnn; "pay back sneWfon car/1 nrcompanics each or- studies lira taught ouil iituilfnts n two or three lota at half the price centS|—Advertisement. Tha riparian rights, extending 400 fee the easy way." If you want to im- del'. Write or phone for prices nnd prepared for any oollugo. wan being used on tho roof. Some Brant, Mrs. William Ely. Mm. a. Edmund God, you would bavo to pay for a sinall lot Hillside | primary rliis.'i will Im In clmrflo OC Frfiner, Mrs. Gsorge M. on Washington street nnd 200 feet prove your property try tho I & R you will bo surprised. of the pitch splashed on Mr. Dugnn Miss Hill, "cloae in." These lots will ptivc the John Bennett & Son, Mrs. Amiiu Knight l'nttonmn, wh» Mnliol Hill, Mrs. irerbsrt on Hunt street and 150 feet on plnn. The Investment & Realty CorNurseries, See Our Roses at Thoir Best. hn Benne , mid his fnco, nhouldora, arms and Mrs. (JcorBo E. Pools, Mrs. Fred D. childron playing spuee, with plenty proprietors, Atlantic varieties aro acclimated IliiiKlmm avi'iuio., including gnraio poration, box 297, Red Bank, Highlands, is passing the Hummer in Europe. linndH were burned, lie hns since WlkolT, Mrs. Willlsm T. McDowell, Mr». of room for flower and vegetable andOur nnd bnth houses; price $18,000 to our nttorm-ys, Reilly, Quinn & Par- j N. J., phone GO-J.—Advertisement. For further information plemio call therefore the best to plant in William Naulty, Mr™. C. C. Watrous, Mtsfl been lnld up and will bo unable gardens, Oriolo 1'iirlc is restricted upon or mldri'ss thii principal atj Weeks, Mlso Jo.epMno Wood, to homen only, so you aro sure nl- this part of tho state. Absolutely quick buyer. Mary A. Enright, ex- sons. If you need financial nid try the school. II. ('. TnliiiiiKc, A. M.j to" work for two weeks or more. Josephine Pinn J« arid Plftyers. Mrs Andrew Wvlle, Mrs. Thomss Wyllc, wayo of havinp; no objectionable hardy nnd truo to name. Visit our ecutrix, Kutnaon, N. .1., or Alston the I & R plan.—Advertisement. • principal.---Ad vortisi'iiuint, Mi Wnltei- French, Mrs. Frank MeMahon. nursery nnd convinco yourself. Ileekman, attorney, Hcd Dank.—Adsell, buy, exchange, rent, Homo Wanted. Mrs. H. II, Onrrlsoll. Hiss Aimed* McQull- fenturc3 put alongside of you. tune, repair, varnish niul polish Kosslor company, West Front vertisement. School. Moro Nourisliiim Tlinn M«at. Wanted for October lot, IIOUBO, ton, Mrs. Charles D. White, Miss Julia Wo havo for sale ucvcml hundred street, Red Bnnk.—Advertisement. Rurton Hall, nt 50 Enst Front pinnos. Our pinnos and service nro "Whnt Mnkes It So Good?" I'll re, [!f<i[(»rly raiidu iiuij'Oiinals4 for rental of not moro than $05 Llttlo. Mrs. WHIlnm A. Pnttorson. superior in every way. A. 11. Dirloads of the very beat topnoil, off of street, finnrgic B. Hnznrd, nrd, principal. prin in n irrca'. bmly buihlur. Our Namonthly; option on buying. Six Hoclftl secretary—Mrs. Worth Cunnlnff- tho new streets when graded. Wo "I have tried many brands of but For Lunr.li, I'rinuivy, iiitcrrnedinte , college nre hnn'n I'inno Showroom ami llcpnir coutiiiiilnc onlj; rooms or more, garage, within enny ham. ing Shop, Driimmoiid place (rear of tional nuiyuiHiiiisKv Our delicious sandwiches nnd tQx—good butter, too—hut there i parntory; l''reneh, Spanish, drawing, Art, department—Mrs. T}y>jnnfl Jsrdlno will sell this top.ioil mid would like reach of ntntion. For tlireo adult). tilmlrnmn, Mrs. C. I'. Dosloclt vice chair- it Bold in one lump. Who wants tlie frcah salads aro always refreshing. Bomcthing about Iiluo Kibbon llml pninting, etc. l'hono Red Bank town hall). Phone lied Hank 1)33. CITHII i'i:g:i| l"' !lt nalail oil and hlRO' cat grmlii spices nnij vlnVKar, Is »ri Beat referenced. Address Houoo man. is ^o tlifferi-nl, so much better tlim wholo lot of it? Ilcd Dank Develop- Special prices for quantities. Al(ilO-W.—-Advertisement. Advertisement. Idi'nl fund. AMI; for It by rmrno It Wanted, iliiiwcr M, Hod Bnnk.— Henutlful tmrclens committee—Miss Ab- ment Co., room 14, Eisner building, perin'a dclicntossen, U0 Brond ordinary butler," writes Mrs. Keeve, you want thu hi'st.- -Ailvortlaiimont, Advertisement. ^ ^ l)lc Htrlcklanil chalrmnn. Red Bank.—Advertisement. Cornell-Pencoclc School. Any Time You Call street, Kc«l Bank.—Advertisement. "Menls would scorn lint without th Home economics committee—Mrs. Thomrich, creamy flavor of Illue .'.ihhoi: •Parent'; wishing to enter ••hildron Red Bunk M I or MO there s a Inxl as Vooriils chnlrman. I'innoo of tho Hotter Kintl. Mr. l'ro|)ort/ Owner, butler. We nre never without it-' this fall in the' Corm-11-I'cacock , nt your door within n few mmut.PR. Visiting C'liropodiat. The Ftacchnnte Cipar. nirhnn'n l'lano Shop—tho house Civics departments-Mrs. William O. Ask your dealer for a carton run1 aeluiol kindly telephone Middletown Stone's Taxi nnd Trucking .Sorvir«, why not wire your IIIHIB'I il'»V foil .Francis Cooko Cusler will Smoke tho celebrated Bacchante Dr. Lawrence chairman. noted for soiling pianos of the bet- Ilaby clinic—Mrs. Edmund Fraser, Miss mako appointments by telephono u> cigar. Two sizes, ten cents nnd two learn how really good butter can hi 7K7-11, no tfmt rescrvntionu may he j opposiUi depot, Hcd Hank.—Ailver- cli-i-lriu lirhtii. Wo will KIVO you ter kind Show room and repair eluveii iiKinllm t» |iny tnr It WriW mado nnd clnimcs formed.—Advcr- tiaomunt. coino to you ivhcn needed. Tclo- for iJS cont.i. Strictly hand mmlc. •—Advertisement. W»le«lt. uliop, Driimmoml place (ienr of Julia or iilionu Nfv/nmn'fi I'lloutrlo ^l'°!*| I.eBl>latlon--Mrs. R. A. Itusadl. • phono 1'iiitontown 2100-M botwoon For nnlc by Mort V, Pnch, distributiaemont. . «>.«»-' — Sjiccinl Offer. town hull), l'hono Hod Bnnk 93a. T.lterutura departmsnt—Miss Florence fi:00 P. M. and 8:00 I'. M.—-Adver- tor,—Advertisement. Mirliiiiir, N. .). I'liorio Uelmnr 111 Fullnr Brushes. The Delineator at. $l.l!0 p«'r year, nnd let u i i:ivi! you nn I'stlmatis,^ —Advortiiicniont. Krlclol, Miss Edith Honlnman co-chalrraen. tisement. Dirt'Given Away. Mail your brush wants to (J. A Drnnm commlttte-~Mrs. Irving T. Lovett regular price $2.00; limiteil time onIlavn about fifty loads dill. Leon Beverages. Hugjr, Bencrnl delivery, Hcd Hank VnnlSruiit, Lake nvenue, Red Hank. ly. 1'aidon'n, llfoad ntreet, Iteii chalntmit. Any Time Vou Call Pianos and Players. For your carbonated nr.d malt Tlio Stvoiul .Shim Uemmygy chorilfl— Mrs. Ktitherlna TliroRUinorHank.—Advortlneiiiont. ll«i)d uprights, $ 4 0 ' u p ; players bcyeriif;i'B call on It. II. Cralo, 11 —Advertisement. Red Bnnk 141 or HO there's a taxi tonCluh Phono < JKS-J.--Advi'rtisen»'iit. director, Minn Lillian Terhutis nccoin (repair iilmii), I'. Vi'llmi, jniiprlitfirj Pirlinn'n i'innn Sliop, Ilridgo nvenue, Rod Bunk. Phone at your door within n lew minufes. PRnlnt, Mlns Dr. Dtitin, Surftenn Chiropodist, Mslchow naslttant fio- !f^B5 up. in niiw lonih'il nt !IU Wi'»t VlutA Rntllo Supplies Prummond plncc, rear of town hall, 1485.—Advertisement. Btone'n Tnxl urn! Trucking Service cumpnnlst. Ellison Mazda, l.nmp'. Olllcii hoiu-ii from :!:00 until <">:<) A. V. G'regury, 67 lirond strooti :-,lrei'l, next In Km IJ<-4 tfank JP#i| npposHo depot, Rod Bank.—Advor- Junior Wonifltrs dull—Mfsa Kata Ruek- phono l>,7&, Ilcd Bank.—-Advortlsudaily. Phono Hcd Dank lfll-W.A. V. (J^ogoiy, 07 Ilronu street, Kcd Bank.T-TAdvortlficmisn^/,,?'/,,"; Wonka, ~A<lvi>rtli'«M<Mt( lln president, Miss Lois Hesse vice proal* mont. lUeme.nU It payij bo udvortisQ in, .Tho Jloglntor, Ailvortiflcmont., U4 B k ^d COMEDY_B¥_JUyENILES. _ _«&-•-«• • ir-8 RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. Page Two RED BANK, N. J. BUY H. STILLfp | BRIDGE PLANS APPROVED. OCEAN VIEW LOTS SOLD. RECLAIMING A SWAMP Eleven New Yorkers Buy 34 Lots New Concrete and Steel! Structure I Sell Real Estate Near Leonardo. lo Be Built at Lo'nj Branch. AN EYESORE CONVERTED INTO Plans for a new concrete an I Thirty-four lots, each 25x125 I Rent Cottages A BEAUTY SPOT. Monmouth County Ijj feet, were sold at Ocean View, near steel bridge on Atlantic avenue at FARMS % I Write Insurance Mosquito Breeding March at Littl Leonardo, on Labor day by Frank Long Branch were approved by tho Silver Made Into High Ground, A. Morehouso of Red Bank. The freeholders last week. The bridgo Village Homos ^ a !j< With an Attractive Lake in the lots sold at prices ranging from will have a span of sixty feet and Shore Estates " $ Monmouth County Farms $100 to ?'J00 and the sales aggra- a roadway 20 feet wide with footCenter of the Property. All Forms of INSURANCE $ What was formerly u low, un vated $4,500. The buyers are all paths, seven feot yvide on oach side. Galena Poole of Trenton was STILLWiAN FARMS g sightly, mosquito-breeding' piece ol New York residents and they will land on the north skle of. the Rum build summer residences on the awnrded the contract for paving n State Highway |jj RED BANK, N. J. son road at Little Silver, near lots. Most of the lots sold are an little over half a mile of the MatEATONTOWN - - - W. J. j»< B R O A D S T . Branch avenue, has been made in- Highland avenue. The sales on awan and Old Bridgo road. *• V«V»V«V«"«V«V«>K«»»»X I Truex Buildinc to hi(,'h ground, with a lake as pretty this street comprised two lots to • Woolley & Howlnnd of Lona las any small body of water in this Mrs. Mary L. Price, two to Terrence Branch witli a bid of ?3G,[J30.2G Flynn, four to Dennis Burna, four • M n Arfrfross o/ Distinction'»J | part of the county. The job of to Patrick J. Flynn and two to Joan were the low bidders for a, stone at Monmouth beach to pro|chnii|;<»fr this land from an eyesore THE MADISON SQUARE HOTEL $ [into a beauty spot is neitrinpT com- ff. On Hamilton avenue throe jetty tect the county highway. 37 MaJL.on Avenue . t Tw i n ty-S,\<l> Street. N e w York City |«J : pletion and it will be finished in a lots were sold to Mrs. Anna O fViM Jl li)«l o«d-Hi,'-ri,- Madh.m Smar,' l\irk [»< jfew clays. Creighton, six to William J. CreiphLeased For Two Years. [ William Mcars of Rumson is the ton and two to John Hirspiel. Sales parlor. DCdr»on, W B . t h . . . . ' ". m o n . M v S I M . 0 0 u p .•« George W. Dolliver, manager of J owner of the land and ho bought it T Center avenue comprised four the New Jersey efflce force of fee u ^ nlinut twelve*' years n£o from t!v ts to John "Walsh, three to Jamei Standnrd oil company, has moved Land and Loan company. The Land Goff and two to Mrs. Mary Coari. from Bergen place to Mrs. James and I,nan company owned considerAdjoining the tract where the J. Quigley's house on Branch aveU u n on yearly b.^ij reduce tho monthly rnto y able property in that locality and.it sales were made is a new develop- nue, which he has leased for two A l» Carte nnd Table d'hote Dinins Room. |*J h:.d no difficulty' in disposing of nent which was formerly the MarT<kphme MAlHion SQuaro ;-fi' «•'" / ' ' ' ' " E " " R ' U S S E U . ° C A R U L E jJ] most of.it. The low, swampy land in Dowd farm, which was bought years. •& » « » — _ — did not sell readily, however, and L few months ago by Mr. More- It pays to advertise in The Register. fy*'*z&^&s&^^'^x*W^1^x&x*z^*^^^'^^*^^*'^'2^J^^^: Mr. Hears bought this tract after house. Four streets are being- conthe company had disposey of its structed nnd the land is being cut $ E.tttbli.hed 1854 Telephone 111 | more, valuable h'nul. Jlr. Mears had up into 150 lots. A fine grove of previously houpht a plot ndjoinir.K arge oak trees are on this property. land from the Land and Loan comPAUL REVERE pany. TINTQN FALLS FARM SOLD. Several springs are on the land 56 Broad St., Red Bank. N, J. where the lalce has roen made nnd Conover Truex's Place Bought by a Phone D68 Eisner Buildinc they kept the land flooded with more Long Island Man. or less water nil the time. Mr. Truex has sold his farm 58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. | Mears employed a steam shovel to f Conover 28 acres at Tinton Falls to Ed.difi1 out the swampy land and the vard Stoothoff of Springfield, Long Fire, Life, Accident, Tornado and earth thus removed was put'on the sland, for $10,000. The new o\vnlaud around the borders of the lake, r will take possession October 1st Plate Glass Insurance making this land hijrh and dry. The nd he will make a number of imake was made deep enough to diirovements. He is a/brother of vert all the springs to tho lake. ,lrs. Jesse Cornell <pf Tinton Falls, Just a Reminder This centered all the water in one 'he farm U almost in the village place instead of having the springs WHERE TO DINE enter and it adjoins tha old Mineral spread over a larpto "urea. prings hotel property. On the place r Tho lake is 2.>0 feet long and it .re a house and the usual outbuildone continuous curve. It resem- njrs, all of which are in good condibles a double fiipuro eight with the ;ion. The soil of the farm has been (ALL FORMS) FAMOUS ends joined together. Springs which loted for producing big crops. Mr. food it are lively and there is a con- Jtoothoff will run it as a truck tinuous flow of water over the lake arm. dam. , Mr. Mears will place evergreen/trees around the lake. The Sals, of Weslside- Lots. property is 300x350 foet and Mr. Charles Falardeau of Middletown Mears states that he will divide it Served Every Day Telephone 474 into two plots, with the dividing line illage last week sold two adjoini.13 From 12 to 8i3O P. M. cts, each 50x150 feet, on the running through ,the center of the orth side of Westsido avenu* nt lake. The plots will bo, placed .on ed Bank to Karl Aymold of the the real estate market for salo. Newman Springs road and George lubertanz of Chestnut : street. Incomparable SALES AT GLENDALE PARK. Each lot sold for ?1,000. The new(^ Three Red Bankers Buys Lots wners expect to built houses on ,he lots for their own uusc. There and Will Build Houses. FULLER BRUSHES! Now is S b lime to Order Your iriislies for House Cleaning. MOP" mmm OUSTER WALL BRUSH • ALEXANDER D. COOPER Real Estate and Insurance . i Home of Good old Maryland style I _ J. H. Gregory & Son 67 Broad Street FIBER BROOM Orlil Plate Dinners Red Bank, N. J. a S E E TS-1E2SE "the LOTS at HAZLET Community." Near Commuting Station. S9 Klnuteo to Mew York* About One-Half Acre In Each Lot. to weiop DON'TlDELAY, WINDOW BRUSH Red Bank, N. J. Real Estate and Insurance | | YOU APPRECIATE A* ONLY A FEW LEFT. GEORGE W. ZUCKER HAZLET, ft J., Sole Agent. Phone Keyport 49-FL THE CHOICEST DEVELOPMENT §N EVERY IMPROVEMENT ESSENTIAL TO A ^ HIGH GHAOE DEVELOPMENT Every lot a choice one with River privileges. Sizes range from 50x116 to 50x140. Cedarwold Avenue to be a 50-foot street with Sidewalks, Curbing, Gas, Water and Electricity. All buildings to face Cedarwold Avenue, and are subject to restrictions as to type and price of house, depending, on location of lot desired, and tending to maintain a select residential park. Prices $1,350 and up, including all improvements. • " Terms arranged if required. j Club Breakfast 35c up FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO CHESTER BUYS A FINE HOME Six Rooms, Bathroom, Heater, Range, Gas, Hot and Cold Water, Electricity, Stationary Tubs, Cement Cellar Floor. Price $7,500. $1,000 Cash. Balance $50 Per Month. Monthly Payment pays all interest and upwards of $200 per year on the principal at the start; and more on the principal each year thereafter. In about 15^ years the place is free and clenr. HAWKINS BROTHERS 10 Monmouth Street ** Red Bank, N. J. ************************************** Alfred S. Voorhees of Red Bank Business in New Hands. has bought three lots on Cooper The American barber shop in road at Glendale Park, in Middletown township, for $750. He ex- 'atrick F. Kennedy's building on pects to build a house on the prop- Monmouth street, near Pearl street, 13 fiow being conducted by Anthony erty for his own use. Alfred and Claude Melone of Red Gambaro, who took charge of tho Bank have bought three lots on lusiness last week. Mr Gambafo Walnut avenue at Glendale Park. las had a long experience in the The lots sold for §100 each. The larber business. He was formerly new owners will build houses on the imployed by Mr. Kennetly. property for their own occupancy. Belford Park Lota Sold. . Other salca made at Glonda'.e Park the past week comprise five Thomas A. Malone of Jersey City lots on Locust avenue to John H. :as bought two lots, each 25x100 Harkyns of West Hoboken for eet, at Bolford Park at Belford $025, four lots on Walnut street te from J. Henry Walling of Port William T. Carley of Jersey City Monmouth. Mr. Malone paid $600 for $100, six iota un Walnut ave- for the lots. He expects to build a nue to Michael Iliggins of New house on the property, which he York for ?0OO, three lots on Locust will occupy. avenue to Stanley R. Switzer of Brooklyn for ?30O and four lots on Locust avenue to Charles Oswald of Irvington for Sf 100. * Agent RUMSON, NEW ! OR YOUR OWM BROKER ASBURY PARK, M. J. Opp. St. Jamoa Theatre Phone 137S BUILD HERE AND BECONTENTED -+4"M>4++^^ Invest in Red Bank and Neig TO BUILD FIVE HOUSES. • : Expert Movers of Household Goods and Pianos. I City Mcwings a Specialty * Z Large, Well Padded Vans Careful, Courteous, Experienced Men : Sight Seeing Busses for all Occasions Z Anywhere, Any Time. Z Fireproof Storage: Packing and Express. Z Office: Globe Court and Mechanic Street I Tel. 894 RED BANK, N. J. •> • Sylvester Scuttelaro will al Pot Up New Storehouse. Sylvester Scuttelaro is clearing .-.way the ruins left- from the fire which destroyed his lumber yard and storehouse on the north side of White road, near Red Bank. He [ :;[iects to start building a new ^t'lrcl.ouse next month alongside of t!ie railroad tracks, near White road, and use the land where the former storehouse stood as sites for new houses, Mr. Scuttelaro will build fivo houses on White road and the work will be started in about three weeks. Each house will ho '1W,\2 feet, with stucco enclosures and with a front porch eight foot wide, and will have modern improvements. Sidewalks will be put down. Mr. Scuttolaro states that the houses will be put on the market at prices ranging from £6,500 to $7,000. TELEPHONE 72-R Our Service car is always ready. Steam Vulcanizing Fabric and Cord Tires in Stock RUMSON PROPERTY SOLD. William Morrcil Buys Bungalow and Lot for $2,075. A bungalow and lot at Rumson, MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF NEW JERSEY owned by Stephen V. Stevens, was Time Table in Effect July 2d, 1924 (Daylight Saving Time) SuDject to Change Without Notice .-old at public auction a few days ago to William Morrell of Rumson for Si;,075. Tlie property adjoins the baliics' summer home. The lot Eutween I'icr 24, foot of Franklin Street, ^ e n York (Landing at the is iidxlOU feet and the bungalow Baltory to taLo on and let off Passengers only), and lliehlnnds, lias four rooms. Mr. Morrell w.il Oceanic and Red Bank. Telephone Call, Walker 7090 New Yarh 423 Red Bank, N. J. have the bungalow wired for electricity and he and his family will lii^lilnnds Telephone 1264 FOR RED BANK FOR NEW YORK occupy the place. George II. RobDaily except Sunday Drily except Sunday erts of New Monmouth was t':e A.M. P. M. A. M! P. M. aiiclii.ncer. Leave Pier 24, foot Lenve Red B an It , . . . 7:00 4:00 of Franklin .Irect. . 0:30 Leave Rumson . . . . 7:20 4:25 Leave Battery Landing 9:00 3:13 Leave Jlii:liln nda . . . . 7:55 4:50 Arrive Highlands 5:00 Arrive Batlery Landing about 10:50 G:50 5:30 nbout 9:50 Arrive Runtion about 11:20 Arrive Frnnklin Street Arrive Red Bank 6:00 about 11:50 nbout 10:00 7:00 SUNDAYSA. M. A.M. SUNDAYS Leave P!e>r 24, foot of A. M. P. M. P. M. Franklin street . . . B:3O ,Lenvc Red Btiiih . . E:00 3:30 4:00 jL'eave Battery Landing 8:30 9:00 iLmvc Kumson . , . 3:55 4:25 Arrive Highlands ab't 10:20 10:50 Leave Highland. . . 4:20 4:50 Arrive Rrnnaon about 10:50 11:20 Arrive Battery Landing Arrive Red Bank about 11:20 11:50 nbout 0:20 6:B0 4 John Hansen 4 RED BANK, N. J. NIGHT PHONE 1209-W .. I ' • I - Quite likely a doctor would be the last person you would consult. Naturally you'd. look for an experienced plumber. i This "someone" is a KEALTOR, a member of the Real Estate Board. By consulting a REALTOR you will benefit by the experience the REALTOR has gained through his constant association with other member of the Real Estate Board. O'BRIEN Approved and Improved Heating Plumbing Roofing Water Systems Copper Work Earthen and Iron Pipe We I-Ipmlln the American Radiator Company's AR . Surely the logical thing to do is to look for someone who does know real estate, and who will give you good, sound, honest advice. HIGH GRADE SERVICE ON LABOR DAY BOATS WILL RUN ON SUNDAY SCHEDULE Sounds absurd, doesn't it? The tendency seems to be to ask the advice of people who know little or nothing about real estate. < Steamers Sea Bird and Albertina TllO 6:00 A. M. anil 3:30 P. M. Hoot, from Itc<) Bank on Sundays for Battery Landing Only. NOTICE—At Buttery Landing, nil eleviitod trains for uptown, subway i'or uptown or to Brooklyn and' surfnc- cini mid ferries tn Htiitcn inland and Brooklyn, can ho reached in two minutes. . At Red Bank, busses, for Shrewsbury, Kntonlown, Lunir Ijnmcli, -Albury Park, Fflir Haven, Oconnic, HuniKon, Littlti Silver, Camp Vail and Ocoanport. UurdKX & Hiiastoll's SI|;htficeiriK Hun.ica lo nnd from I.,oni; Branch and Asbury Pork will meet all bouts on their urrivnl at Keel ilank, Ask a Doctor's About Plumbing. ? ITOM Yet many people, when considering the much graver matter of investing their money in a homesite or in income property, seek the advice of those as ill informed concerning real estate as the doctor is about plumbing. — ' 42 West Front Street .*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»•*••**>••••••••••• Would COLA HEATING SYSTEM® BANK and SEA BRIGHT V REMEMBER-Only members of the Real Estate Board are REALTORS. • The following REALTORS are members of the Real Estate Board of Red Bank: ALLAIRE * SON, BO Broad Str«|t. HENDRICKSON & STOUT, 69-71 Broad Street. HAWKINS BROTHERS, 10 Monmouth 3tr««t. HYLIN & 3ALZ, 42 Broad Straet. WILLIAM A. HOPPING, 4B Broad Slraat. A. L. IV1NS AGENCY, 41 Broad Straat. RED BANK REAL ESTATE CO, H. B.'PRICE, PrMldant, Sacond National Bank Building. LAND 4 LOAN COMPANY, NEWTON DOREMUS, Pits,, 10 E m Front Straat.' RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. • who is shipping potatoes from the Jiradevdt station for the Farmers' County Officers Descend on Speak- Exchange. While at the station flttlloi ftt the Seashoro, last week Miss Mount hud a full County, officers led by Detective! whiL-h caused heir injury, John M. Smith and assisted by local Miss Hazel Kraemi'r of MantQpolice officers raided eight alleged loking is the now teacher of the prispeakeasies in the shore section mary department of the public Thursday afternoon and niclit. In school. She succeeds Mrs. Marall eight places the proprietors garet Conovcr of Lincroft, who ?3 j were arrested und taken, tu Free- now teaching at Middletown village, j hold for arraignment before Judge Miss Kracmcr is boarding at Mrs. | Lawrence, who placed them under Alex McCk'cs's. i. ball. Some of tho am;sta wore Miss Mary Hazel Boyco and made on evidence secured recently Charles II. VimPelt of Matawan : by local officers. . Those arreste.l were married at the Baptist cliur'-b ' were Charles Casagrando, John Cii- at tin's place lust week by Rev. Join ; pestro and Mr. Schnitzler of tl-.nSherman. Only the immediate relaAvon cleaning and dyeing estab- tive.'* of the couple were present. * lishment, all of Avon; Paul Ban'is Mrs. Margaret McCormick and Wilof South Belmar, Tony Mangini, liam Carney of this place stood \vi: ii Anna Gordon, Peter Costanzu and a the bride and groom when t'u' girl inmate ol one of the houses ceremony V/;IH performed. visited in Neptune township. Charles Phillips has bought <> Ford automobile. ' , ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. John Frost hr.a been on the ekl. list, but ho is now oul. : Public School Reopent^-Siic New Thirty-flvo relatives and friend*--• Teachers—Marriage Announced. enjoyed dancing, games, fcasti'i ' The puble school reopened Mon- and other amusements at a party »: day. Six new teachers jiave been Mr. and'Mrs. James Manor's Tuesengaged. . They are Jolm Houck of day night of last week. The guests Flemington, teacher of history nnd were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Malier,Mrs. civics; Warren C. Cook of NewEmma Ryan, Lillian Ilyan, George Haven, teacher of mathematics; Cross, Misses Anna and Elizabeth Miss Catherine Ausman of High- Curley, William Cross, Misses E'.b: land, N. Y., teacher of French nml abeth ami Mary Malior, Miss Ilolci Latin; Mrs. Jennie Compton o£ Bel- Hylin, Miss Nettie Allgor, Mi:;M ford, teacher of the fourth grml<:; Dorothy G. Mahei-, Joseph McCo;•Miss Florence Grauel of Sharon mick, i'Jdward Ilanaway, Mr. and Hill, Pa., teacher of the sixth Mrs. James M. Mabcr and dnught'T. grade, and Miss Martha WorthiiiK- Helen) Joseph Maher, James Han:'-': ton of Asbury Parlt, teacher of ti.o way of Holmdel; Mr. and Mrs. Jo!"i ^ seventh grade. The new school B. 'l-Iokc, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Walbuilding wjll not be completed be- ling, Mr. arid Mrs. M. Shcupp, Mrs. ; fore January 1st. R. MeAllistcr, Mrs. Singer,'Mrs. M i The marriage of Miss Eleanor Arf.berger, Mattlit-w Shcupp, .!'•..; Inglia, daughter of Dr. Lester Ing- Isaac Slovor, Cecil Slovcr and Mi^'<' lis o( Third avenue, to Matthew Magddinc Man(\|e of Keyport; Thomas Call of lfazlcl; Mrs. Ot!o! Benlnus of Paterson, was an- Page Three • \ LIQUOR JOINTS RAIDED. X r t t t t Here is a Roofing T jthat gives fire protection jand will last e lifetime T T V t f t f r t NATIONAL AanA (Aobestpa and Asphalt) Slato Surfaced Roofing is guaranteed jor \tvxnty years. It will last u lifetime. ! Composedof two thicknesses of Asbestos felt and t a layers lof solid Asphalt (or 50% mote (han will be foul • • l t l ; leverage Asphalt Shingle). NATIONAL AanA ia an all mineral looting, haying no wear out" elements, lUeal fire protection is afforded by tho double thickness of asbestos, m recognition of winch the National Board of Undcrwritersawardcd Class 15 ratinotoNATIONALAimA. (This means lower insurance rates. The crushed elate surface, in mellow ehadca of red and green or blue black, is highly decorative and cannot fade; T T NATIONAL AanA Shingles are guaranteed not to curl, •eliminating a most serious fault often found in other Asphalt or Wood Shingles. < r f Compared with Wood Shingles or other Asphalt roofings, lusually guaranteed for only ten years, NATIONAL AanA |givcs double the service at half the yearly cost, M f e in Shingles for houses and private garages, and in roll form for commercial or farm buildings. By usmjj this (Flexible Asbestos Roofing you will settle, at minimum cost, theroofingquestion for the lifetime of any structure. Maibl* NATIONAL ASBESTOS MFG. Cxi. JERSETCITY.N. J. j ty y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 73 Broad Street • Opposite Monmouth St. Fall Fashions that are New :f as worn by the best dressed women of Paris and New York, at prices that will appeal to the most conservative buyer. i t Youthful Dresses Y Charming fashions for Women and Misses, of Satin, Charmeen and Jersey Cloth, at T T JOSEPH T. BURROWES CO. 209-213 W. Front St. Phono 1SS RED BANK, N. J. THE ROSE SHOT - $13.75 to $29.50 The New Bengaline Dresses The rich ribbed silk, so new this fall, are just the thing for these cool autumn days, at $25.00 to $59.50 1 t Safe §< £ 'Druf Sform 60 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Telephone!—Red Bank 1444, 1390 and 1496 SEPTEMBER SALE OF DRUG STORE NEEDS %ubber Goods—Stationery—Toilet "Needs iMe'dicines—e4t much reduced prices A Qr'eat Sale of Genuine«Imported Dupont French Tooth Brushes This iq a special lot of factory ondi>. Every brush mada with puro bristles, and ench ono guaranteed perfect Somn worth aa much a* 60c and 76c. September Ipecial Wo recommend that you supply the enllre /orofly end buy /or future jnccdj A Large Quantity of Writing Paper at Little Cost One ponnd ofHIgh Grade Cascade Linen Finish Writing Paper, about 90 sheets, together with 60 envelopes to match. A Btyio suitable for every occasion. The most economical way to buy writing paper for home use. Regularly S5c CQ September ipecial tft/C Roll of ono inch width, five ynrda long. Made with zinc oxide. Regularly 38c September Special A refreshing, Btimulating, cooling application. Great aa a rub-down for lame, Bore muscles. Full pint, regularly S9c September Special Roxbury Fountain Syringe Bach containing full 6 (train of the best truo Aspirin, and BO compressed that they act almoBt immediately after tnkini?,'in relieving the pain. Bottle cf 100 Regularly 69c September Special It is guaranteed for1 one year. Moulded in one piece, extremely serviceable. ( Cornpleto, full length tubing, shut-off and two pipes. September Special 89c 4 CANDY FEATURES REDUCTIONS DIRECT FROM OUR FACTORIES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1 COo sf»—Wttlcln'i 9 On ' MuWfiod Cocoanut OK . . tft<c Djer-KI«» Talcum Powder . 19C ft.ooexx* /»#j Pyorrhoclde Tooth Powder OlIC Contl Castile Soap U Ib. bar] JoC Froitllla 23C Real Jordan Almonds An unusually fine selectoo m'*fl 9 9*» tion of almonda eovorod Palm olive Shampoo « « OoG with a thin, crisp coating Listerlne Tooth Paste . . 19c of pure assorted flavor SStt tie* ngy sugar. Regularly 59c. Djer-KIss Face Powder . . oaC Seplem her special per pound 9Oo airs wn Kolynot Tooth Pasta . . loC 10a liza nn Pompelan Night Cream SQttBize Pcptodcnt To.oth Paste . ooC 35a tfio '• 49c Wrapped \ Cream Caramels Rich, delicious, chowy Caramela. Vanilla nnd Palmollve Shaving Cream chocolate Plain and with Pal'mollve Soap Tc 3 for 20C chopped nuta. September tpedal f'inaud'a Eau dc Quinine . 1*02 Per pound 60a fif« Otism Mavl» Face Powder . . JVC tl.tlinta The Original A Wlldroot Hair Tonic . . Saturday Cundy/ (1,1)0 aizfl buyer's Annlrln Tnbleta uxft s lt>i,—ir<i*li*tM «i»o Horllck'i Malted Milk . . t*ape'a Diapcpsln $1.00 Bit* Lavoria . • SVC . • • Id at. Mcllen'o Focnl . coo nie« Donn'n Kidney Pllh Phillip'* Milk of Msgncjla 36C Ncwbro's Herplcldo An excellent assortment; of ChocolateD with fruit, cream and nut centcm. Reg. 50c a pound 9QFriday and Saturday only *Jtf\* .39c .59c .55c Liggett's Sweet Chocolate .41c Milk A'lolicloun, nmooth, nour. • »>' c ishing eating Chocolate. Ii pound bar. Regularly )Jc Friday and Saturday only r Our New Fall Millinery is the last word in style, including the new French Felts with velvet combination, and also the new fall shades of wood, brown and purple, at $5.00 to $16.50 t t To Newark T T Parlor Coach f •v New Fall Coats The Sport Coat, all silk lined,' and the dressy Coats with luxurious fur collars and cuffs, in all the newest materials, at $21.50 to $79.50 Our made-to-order department is now ready to take orders for Three-pieee Suits, Afternoon Dresses ancj Evening Gowns. Estimate or of Your Own Material. f Gran To Build Danco Hall in Rear of Restaurant. ' Joseph Prankcl will build a danco [ hnll in the- rear of his restaurant , on Bay avenUc. Mr. Frankcl bought the property last spring from Simon Straus. A mn'squernric party was given, last Saturday night for Misa Gornldino Parker, daughter of Mrs. Mary Parker. About fifty guests iro present. Tho public schools reopened Monday. Some of tho jimuseinent stands nnd booths hnvo closed fpr the season. With mahy fnmilies roturninsc to tho cities tho bottom has dropped out of the amusement business. Simon Straus ia building: a sunparlor and breakfast room to his house on Shrewsbury nvenue. Rembert & Schmitz arc doinp the work. Mrs. Charles Olscn.'s new bunRnlow on Cornwall nvenuo has been completed. Mr. and Mm. Frank Parker mid daughters Mnrjorie, Muriel nnd hirlcy motored to Newark Sundny, where they -visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Dcckert. Miss Mnrjorie Fnrkcr will remain at Ncwarli for n stny of two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Dcckert. Ambrose Liming' is kept indoors ivith tonsilitis. Miss Grace Burke of Hoboken visited friends in town liuit week. Mr. nnd Mrn. Jams Mnrlin nnd ''rank Grogun of Hobokcn were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Liming. Ida Harriot Frii-bs, daughter of William Ci. Friehs, was baptised Sunday nfternoon by Uev. Harry V. (irim. ' Frederick R. Cign will give. :i talk on Near Must relief work next Sunday morning at the Methodist, church. At night the pastor will •rench on "Tho Outpouring of tYu loly .Spirit." HOLMDEL NEWS. Mill Helen Mount Suffer* Sprainrd Anklet in an Accidenn. Minn Helen Mount i.i confined to tile hjuwo with a sprained ank'.c, Sho had been ntting na ho[>kl;ee|K?r or her brother, Leonard Mount, t f f f It T T T T I It T T T T t t f t f T T T t f • y y i Y tY Y tables f t t y y y y y y y y ition HIGHLANDS NEWS. Aspirin Tablets COMPARE THESE EXTREME PRICE f i Firstaid Adhesive Plaster Rubbing Alcohol nounced last week. The ceremony E. Farrington oT Chcesequakc ar.t , \ was performed April 19th. TheMrs. James, O. Smart of Seaford, couple have started housekeeping at Delaware. Faterson. The towTiship boai'd of education A fire started Sunday on thohas made a contract for $T)00 wit1! Mandaiay pier. The blaze was putF. W. Foosnncr of the Reliance bus! out by the firemen and the damage company to transport the bigb was trifling. The motor truck of school pupils of this township tn j Hose Co. No. 1 broke down on thoand from the Red Bank high school. ! way to the fire. A connecting rod in tho engine broke Tho truck The Register's motto—"A papor reached the-.scene of the lire but i c v r y Jiomo."—Advertiscrncnt. had to towed away. William McGlunn sailed Monday for Pari3 for a sojourn. The Mandaiay wjll discontinue its daily trips after next Sunday but trips will be made on week-endr. The railroad boats will stop running for the season September 27th. Norman Conovcr and Norwood Lindell will start next week on an automobile trip to New York state and the New England states. Rev. Joseph H. Sciiaeffer will start on u month's vacation noxt <. "Miss New Jersey" week. He will go to Baltimore for a visit. The pulpit of the PresbyLeaves Globe Hotel, Red Bank terian church will be occupied n e t for Newark 7:20 P. M. Sunday by Rev. George F. Smil.il Every Day of Keyport. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. HartLeaven Newark 9; 00 -A. M. man of OInsahoro were visitors her:' from Park and E. Park St». over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. 1 lim'tni'm will bo nrinciu: ! of 1110 public school at Midland Park this yea:'. Rr.-'nirmd McLnughlin has boon ^•••••••••••^••^^••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^ kept ir.doora with sickness. Mi-3. Sara Jackson is enjoying a week's vacation from her position in Roberta & White's store. ' Everett Asay and son Donal 1 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Tilton of Middletown. Miss Mnrion Emory has resign"'' her position at Mnntelnir norrv 1 school and hns trken a position in Glasnboro normal school. Iy AFTERNOON AND EVENING Honmouth Business st and U Society Association tt t t T Tins Exhibition Promises to Eclipse Any Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show Ever Held in tlie State. X t t SPECIAL CLASSES FOR AMATEUR GROWERS t t V Pfeliminnry Schedwle Sent on Request, to t t t MR. FRANK, EDINGTON, Secretary, T B a n k , IMe-vir »Jers©y. t t Y t T T T T T T T tf T RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924, Page Four Said date will tUao.bs tits wcond re^Iu- Una above mentioned. OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. the canter line of Chestnut street to coin's idea of a "government of the these communities rejoices in their sontative capacity. He js now be- NOTICEBorough of Red Dank, N. J . intemectiun with the tracks of the New try dote in the eeitl Uorough. The polling; place for tbe Scoot ' I1 ' fore the people for re-nomination as] Notlcv i« hereby people, by the peopie and for the growth and in their prosperity, given that B " Jersey Southern railroml, thence trict U D. iinttjtir't Htoru a t \Vay«ld>-rth- | Notice of RegiBtrstioa, Election will be held tn ami lor, the BoruarUly slun^' the tracks "r rond bed of tlie a vnotlern Julius Caesar, over ambiNotlco to Absentee Voters, people" in these days! * * * And further take notice that on Tuesday, .JOHN H. COOK. Editor end Pjbll.h.n uutfh v( livti Hank, U tiie Comity of Mon New Jersey SuuLh«rn rail road tu its inter* ('September Any elcctuf who U reylatered f " 9tlH.lS£4» the Hoards of BcgltGEORGE C. 1IANCE. As»oci ne Editor. moutli ami Mtate of New Jersey, on Tues- section with the center linu ot MunntuUtb mm* The official ^figures showing the tiMis for political power. General Election, whu by r^aeon of 1 ttu-nco custwnnSly alon^ the center try and Infection uhali itieet and make the criticism the colored cltizehs day, November 4tli, 1924, between the Btrfcet, through fllneaa or gbseticu .rum ti But there are other things to he amount of building done in Kedof The Injun of EIX A. M. and seven P. M.. at the lino of Monmouth street to its inteiaection registry by « house to bouse canvass, Ity llusli. Guunty In which he rcttiikt* is unnblo , New Jersey make against Senator whicli e&ld cenvaaB sh^ll Ue cempleied on with center line of 13road street, the point respective polling places in anid BOJ-OUKII. THOMAS HIVING UROWN. considered in this connection. If Bank will surprise many persons CBB$ his ballot on tha dny uf thu Gene i op before September 16th,'192i. is that hu tlodgud advocuting bald ult-ctluu will be held In the nald or place ot beitlnnjnt;. And that an Tuesday, October 14th, Election &t tho palllim j'lsce In th« Kin... the ten thousand dollars is raised to who have paid little attention to tli» nntlfte HordUKli for the purpose of electititf ElecThe pullInK place for the Sixth Election Telephones:—It «?tl Haill( 13. voting for the Dyer nnti-iynch- tors of a President ami Vice President «( District Ia Uclief Unsloe Hou3Ct Druninonil UiJ.1, the Uosrd ot Uegfqtry cnj SlccUbii tton District In which to is reulntcn-d, mti$\ lied Hnnk 1300. stop the re-appointment of Mr. grrowtli of the town except when n will meet at tho PIGCCG et which they wilt ninka application for tin cfUcial balluf 1 * hill, whifh would gixe tho fed- Ihe United Stutea; a Member of the House place. new house is started close to their hold the General Election nbovd mentioned, the Municipal Clerk in any Muricipelity i Itcprescntativea from the Third Contlio poMuliieu t Ilnl Bank. Lewis, who is (,'oing to (jet the Entcritl at Saventh Election District. l government power to bring to of saioitul between the hcura of one o'clock 111 tha which he resides or to the County Hoard c , own homes. Yet the building of the 3 district; c Member «f the United IIH1-C!;LSB matter. ? The appointment is made K. •!.. f> sect lie r:ten int; s,t a yolnt where the center of tViB County of Monmouthi on op money Senate from this State; two Mem- line of Broad htrnot ia interBCL;tcd with the Afternoon nnd nine o'clock in the evening, Election past six months has not been phe- j t i f o citizens o£ several states Stutes ...c President of the United for the purpcoc cf making the final revU before Tuesday, October 21ot, 1U24, end the General AttBembly of New Jer- center line of Reckless place, thenco iiouthSubscription Prices: by the lynch ings are committed. As bers nof Clerk application will be fcrcvnrdcct 1 of thy County of Monmouth, waiilly Rioiitf tho center iino of Droatl ttion *ind correction of the register for tlio formal ™ States. The moneypr'obably would- nomenal. Previous to last March no whore Ono »enr elector antj when properly lUIcd out the law and practice now is, the fedMembers of the Hoard of Choacn Free- tttrcet tu the southerly boundary of the General Election. tin months jeturned to the County lioard of Election: j 'Aa ! n't bo handed to President Coolidge records were kept of building opera- oral »Tii fur threw .ypftra; a Mayor vt the iiorougli of Red ilanli, thence northvvostNotice to AbsesnU* Voters. iroverninrnt cannot interft.ro of (he County cf Momnuuth, en ulnente tions in Red Hani; and heiuu no ofliThree inontlii Uorouirli ot Ked Hanlc, for two years; two Any elector who i& teglaUrcd {or the ballot will be forwarded to such eleutoi t h / statement that this ten jv:illi i h nlonfi tl\o center HUB at the tracks unless ihv state calls upon the fed- Councilmeii, three yearn, and a Justice of wutdly <>r roml bed of the New York and Long Genursl Election, who by reason of InabilFRANK C. UVRAM. W F P v ' l 4 n \ Y SEPT ]O,"l'.i-l. I thousand dollars is a fee from the cial comparison can be niailc. To ral tfo react.', to fill the uncxpired term of tha ity through illness or aliaenco from the for help. The Dyer Branch railroad company to itu interjection y Olortr 0t tho Township of Shrewsbury, '• * i "• T '• , L.,,,.,,,, tv.»ct- iVu- t'Tinckinp- Mr. Lewis'all Lewis appearances the iniililtnf," opvraD. DuHoia Smock. pp \vitli the center line of Chestnut street, County in which he reairioo 1B unable tu Dated Aucuti 27th, 1024. trust ior ll would ld iinsure pro- lateI'ublic coat hla ballot on the day of the Oencrnt anti-lyncMng bill tlience ctiatwnrdly alonn the center line Queation :•—"Sh.ill the : ct enout of his job. Political things are tions of the past six months have p c t l r o c o ; : of title.I 'An Act nuthorkitiii the Croatian of and1 <lue due "process Chestnut atreet to its intersection with Ekction a t tho polling place In tha Elec- NOTICE OP REGISTRY AND ELECTION^ ° " " f !fl>clli"." ; not done that way. Hut w ' ' a w i " been only in kcopinK with building TOWN TALK. ctst of the SUto of New Jersey by the the center lino ot Maple avenue, thenco tion District In which he is registered, may s Boroueh di Rumaon, N. J, of for many previous years. l'«« ^ »» »'™ accused eouthwardSy nlonu tha center line of Mttplo make application for nn official ballot to ance of bonds of the State in thu ret the money? Who is it that can operations Notice ia hsreby jflvcii ttmt<a General ope crime. to thu interHt'ctibn with the center the Municipal Clerk in nny Municipality In Klsctlori wttl ba hold In and tov tho n o r . " unt not exceeding-eight million doNnrn, supporters of the Republican ^ ^ t h u u 5 . i n d d o l l n r s a n ( i w i t h Setting forth ^.tlio official figures, which ho reaiden cr to tlio County Board of lino of Ueckle.-ta plnce, thencu enatwarttly the purpose of payitiu the coat of cxough or Rumson, In tlio County of Mon* Mr. Kean has nroven his stand on national ticl;i't and tin tuppi'rt'-vs ^ li the nystem of State HiiihwayH by ulung the center lino of Uecklena (ilpeo to Election of the County of Monmouth, on or mouth and State of New i*r»cy, on Tuenmancy K C t j j r j je \vis thrown l Tuesday, October 21nt, 1924, and a for tho center line of HIUIRI aticet, the puint or before j' , ; - j o , , m(11 m a n s n tisfac- however, will jrive a surprise *n this fundamental" principle of Araer- ZrloLlw&Tv?brttel?;«"&!? day, November 4tb, Wli. betwEcn tha t f trusts and monopolies are crying formal application will be forwarded »nid plnce of licninniiiKmany persons who had not real- icail cilil'en^hi]). Senntor K(l;;e fell venicutnr or ether traffic acruiia the Dulaelector and when properly filled out and hour* of alK A. M, ond eevmi V. M., a t out to Hie penpV oi the cuunUy to , (h(, r t m s t put in. ware mul IJudipn rivers, or t'ither of Ihem; Tlie polling place for the Seventh Electho respective polling pMcea in e&td liorreturned to the Count)' Hoard of Elections by the wayside trying to build up an ized Red Bank's rapid (jrnwtli. providing the ways nnd me;ina to pay tho tion District is Louis DavkUon'a guiage, of tho County of Monmouth, pn absentee ougn. vote for C.H.lidKe and Dawes, for intere.u of »uch debt nnd txUo to pay and Lcroy place. (Town Talk continued on page 12.) Edge :;tute-wi<le political empire. fear that Govcnior Bryan of Neballot will be forwarded to such elector. discharge (ho principal tliereof; and proEigtith Election District. M. FLOYD SMITH, Boroufrli Clerk. of ej«ftlne Eloctora of a Preoldcnt an William D. Lucas. braska, the Democratic candidate j Or is this money to ho put in the viding for tho submission of tills Jnw to ing u£ a point wht'ie the center Dated Fair Haven, N, J., August 20. H'2i. the people at n nvnontl election.' PASBCJ lino of t?iC Rr><l Bank, September 8, 1924. traclta or rosd bed of the New for vice president, m.iy possibly be- Coolidge campaign fund? Big con- THE ANTI-LYNCH1NG BILL. March Hth, 1 y2-t, he adopted and sane* Southern railroad U intersected with ...... JonareaBlonal Districts «TMember o f come President of the United tributors to campaign funds usually tioned? The net revenues from the bridges Jersey shore of the North Shrewabury river, NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, tn* United fitotea Senate from thia S t a t e . ft ml tunncla constructed under thin act arcthe States. The trusts and monortolies pet what they want from the party William D. Lucaj of Red Bank thence southwardly alonff the center Hue Atlantic Township, N. J . two Mcmfaeri of tha Aastmblp of devoted to the payment of tho bonds." tork General Writes a Letter to The Register. of the tracks cr.roatl bed of the \e\v Jcrew Jorfley; a Cleric for ltha County of of Notice o( the timo and place of holding are not a bit afraid of John W Da-j that takes the campaign money. Notice of Primary Cl&dion. • Members ?. . for Comity Southcrn railroad to Ita intersection tho General am\ Primary Election and oi fc'^VL onnwuth; two «fMtho Board of vis the Democratic candidate) for \ Men who put up big sums to get a Tothe Editor of The Rccister: hosen Freeholders, for tbreo yean, for the Alao tnlie nut ice that a Primary Election with the center line of Herbert etreet, the olllcera to be elected, and meetings of thenco westwardly along tho center line of tlio Board of Registry nnd Election In tha County unty of Monmouthi t two C Councllracn, J l f for for all iioliticHl parties entitleil theroto will The 8,850 colored voters of lh-3 President and they were profub in j President or any other big official or IluniHon, for three yencoi he held in the said Uorouch. in anid Conn- Herbert street to ltd intersection with tho Township v( Atlantic, In tha County of the0 Borough Paper Hanging °? »F o J 1 Tl lc " maT U %{i\^n t h o "ifxplred term hia r>rai«e'when he was nominated. , in office, know who to go to when | county will vote for Ilannlton !•'. ty, tin Tuesday, September 23d, 11)24. be- center lino of Shrowahury avenue, thence Monmouth. i thward ly nloni; the center lino of tween the hours of seven A. M. nnd nine Notice in' hereby- given that a General of W. Worren Barfebur: on« Councilman t« But they nre very much afraid of ; they want something that will fill ; Kean, national Republican commitPaintins and Shrewsbury nvenue to ita intersection with V. M. (Stmidnrd time.) Said primary election will be held In and for th« Town- All tlie uncxpired term of Alfred A. plntard. Election to be hold.in the places in the the center lino of West Leonard street, ship of Atlantic, in the County of Mon< and a. Juatlc* of the Pence, for flva ycnrD Governor liryan, who as governor of their own pockets. Usually tlipy get teeman from New Jersey, as their Decorating respective districts as herein aei, forlli, nml thence wcalwni-dly nlong tho center jlno <>f mouth, end State of New Jersey, on Tuei< PuWlc Quastlon:—"Khali the act enNebraska has fought (h<-- trusts and ', nil they ask for; often they get a choice for tho Republican candidate Snld Primary Election will bo held for tho West Leonard etreet t o ita Internee tion day. November 4th, 1024, from tho hour titled "An Act Butlioclilnar the creation of for United States Eenator. To those Experienced in all brn.-ches purpose of nominating persons of the re- with the center line of LeUrhttm avenue, of BIS o'clock A. M. to tha hour of se\ tried to protect the people of that!good deal more. , a deb; of the State of New Jersey by tha (tpeetive parties to the otllcea above men* thence northwardly along the center Hue of o'clock P. M., a t ttiQ foiloMug; pl(ic« In IsstiBnea of bonds of tho Stnta in tho citizens Mr. Kean measures up to state from the extortions of the i Estimates Furnished tioiii'd and RISO to elect Members of the Leigh ton avenue to Its intersection with HRld Township: Townoblp Hall, Colt'i amount net excecdlnc tlnht million dcllarii, , • | the qualities o£ a representative County Executive Committoe for onch po- the center line of Locust avenue, thenco Neck. . - "\ ~\ for the purpose of pnjlnn the cost of cxtrusts. ! Ti 14 VVORTHLE'.' STREET litical party, participating in naid Primary weatwnnily alonu tho center lino cf Locust mes haven t changed much, in . m o r c t h a n S e n a t o r E d g e h a s d o n c , Said election willfeeheld for tha p a r teodlns the Rysteni of State Highway* by Blection. The Boards ulso ait on this day nvcnuo-to ita intersection with tho shore pone of electlns Electors of a, JPresident tho conatruotlon o^ brMirca und tunnels fo« ._. h e t h e five a n d & h a l f of tho North Shrewsbury j"iver, thenco and Vii-e'Prenfdent of tho Unitod ^tat^JH; a vchlcuUr or other traffia ncrone tha DelnRed Bank. N. J. for registration purposes. One of the things which Govern- the 1ast two or three thousand years | d u northeastwardly alotiyt the »horo of the Member of the Macs* of Bopreaentntivea winra and Huttuoti ttvffr^, or oithtr of them; Notice of Registration. Phono 1415 Red Bank Nnrth Shrewsbury river to Ita Intersection frpm tho Third Congrenalonar District; a providing the ways and menns to pny the THE RED BANK REGISTER. lllnK.i «n.l lln<li<->. u .'..<n.. .. _..7fct.~__fJt And further tolte nut ire on Tuesday,' with the center Una of the track or rond 'ntcrest of auch debt find nlao to pay nnd September Uth, 1024, the Bonrdit of Regis- bed of tho New Jersey Southern railroad* Member of the United States Sonata from ll-charco tho principal thereof: nd prothis State; two Members of tha General try ami Election shall meet nil their re- the point or place of bcjrinninir. Aflncmbly of New J e n e y ; a Olerk of tho /idinur for the eubmisslon of. this laiy t o npectivo dictricts nnd proceed to make "a Whether you want to .buy, sell, people at a senornl cloctlriiu' Pas set] Tho polling place- for the Eipbth Election County of Monmouth; two Member^ of tlie to houao canvnss of the voters in March Hth, 1924, b« n'loritod mi<l nntic ro^t or find, Luke Longhead can house intrict ia the cntett-rin. of tho Sitfrnund tho Board of Chosen Freeholders, for three tlonedT their respective districts, reRistorlnff all The net tevenuea from the brldgea to an exorbitant figure laws j western part But Mr. Edge fell down in his rcpi'e- hi'Ip you.—Advertisement. persons entitled to vote nt the enaulnir Eisner Company, Uridg* avenue nml West years, for tha Count/ of Monmauth:,#nd nnd tunnels constructed under this rt$t a » for the following muuiclpnl offltfcrB.lyiflEi o or so, and this Primary and General Elections, which aald Front street. ilavoted to tlio payment of the bonds." passed permitting the state to : thousand vea One Township Commit tee man, for three c a n v a s nhftll bo completed on or beforo thousand dolNinth Election District. Notice of Primary Election. years; -a Townnhip Aeneasor, for three Monday, September 15th, 1021. sell gasoline. Stations were set up lars to knock out Lewis recalls a Beginning nt a point whero the center y r B ; two Juntlees of the P«aeo. for flv* Second registration day—Primary day, line of Shrewabury avenue ia itttereccted years men, and four Poundkeeperq for B M Alao taVe notice that a Primary Election for the sale of gasoline by the stat:, story about this tetrarch to my for all political parties entitled thereto will 7:05 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. (Standard time.) with the center line of Herbert atrect. Township. be hold in tho naid IJorouKh, In aaid Counand the saving to the people was mind. There was a sort of celebraThird reKfatrntimi dny—October 14 th, thence southwardly nlonic the center lino of ty, on Tuesday, September 23d, 1924, b»1024. 1:00 P. M. to 0:00 P.*M., to rovlso Shrewsbury avenue to its Intersection with ' Publie Question:—"Shall tho act Very great. Gasoline at these state tion on the birthday of this tetrarch and correct the list for the General elcc- the center line of the Newman Sprinsa titleil 'An Act authorizing tho creation of iwen tho hour* of aotan A. M, ond nine stations sold at four cents per gal- Herod, and a girl dancer so delightI tion. • oad, therico easterly uloiij; tho center Hue n debt of the State of Na,w Jerney by the P. M. <Standard time;) Said Primary to be hcW in the pln(*3 Jn tho I Boundaries of the ruction district* in >f the Newman Sprinca road to ita Inter- j .mi mice of bonds ot t r a State in the Bwctlon lon below the price charged by the ed Herod that he told her ho would section with the center line of Broad amount not exceeding' e in lit million dollars, -o-pectlve'dlatrlota us heroin set foctb, ond the Borough of Red Dank, nnd the polling tryst. Even at that, the price give her anything she asked for. A Htrcct, thence northwardly HIOIIK tha cen- for the putpoao of payino; the coot of ex- daid Primary Election will be held for the place in eiich district, arc as follows i purpose of nominating persona of the re* ter line of Broad atrect to its intersection tending tho system of Stnto Highway* by First El-ction District. charged by the state was high man who was called John the Baptha center line oil the tracks or tho conntruction of brfdsea ond tunnels for a»octive parties to the offices abov< ir)cnBee inn ing at a point on the shoro of vlth tloned snd alao to elect Members of tho enough to pay the state road tax of tist because he believed in a new oad bed of tho New York nnd Lonrr vehicular or other t raffle aero BO tho Dela< the North Shrewsbury River directly be- Branch Railroad, thence north westerly ware nnd Hudson rlvera, or either of them; County Executive Committee for encli r o two cents a gallon on gasoline and kind of religion had been put in jail tween the properties owned by tho Moncenter line of: the road berl or providing tho wnya nnd meano to pay the litloal party, pnrticipatinpr lit nnld Primnry mouth IJoat Club and the property known alonft the to leave a profit to the state besides, for saying things about tbe girl of tho New York nnd Lonjr Brnnch intercut of HUch debt nnd nlsa ta pay and Election. The Boards ntao clt on this day Our vorlt Is a matter of as tho Rcd Bank Lyceum, thcrfte south- tracks Railroad to itn intersection with the center (liflcharge tho principal thereof; and >cro-> for reVIatratlon purpoacn. after paying all expenses. wardly to tho center lino of Broad street, line of Chestnut dancer's mother. When Herod told devotion to strict principl »s thence southwardly vdlintr far the Bi:hmiasi6n of this law to Notlco of Registration. thence along the center line of Broad street along the center street, of the tracka or rofld the people at a general electloa.' Faooed the girl he would give her anything And further take notice on Tueartfiy, • • * to its intersection with the center lino "of bed of thP New line of service that assures t^io Jersey Southern Rtiilrond March H t h , 1924, bo adopted and ennc- September Sth, 1024, th» Boards of RecioMechanic street, ther.ce oaatwnrdly nlonp: she asked for, she said she wanted with the' center line of tioncd 7 Tho net revenues from tho hrldjjefc try* and Election shall meet Jn their re That's enough to make the trusts the center line of Mechanic street to the to it3 interpection correct handling and proper etrect, thenco westwarclly along anit tunnels conotructed under thin act arc apectlva dlntricts and proceed to maio end of Mechanic 3treet, thence southeaster- Herbert hate and fear Governor Bryan! You John the Baptist's head cut off and center line of Herbert street to its in- devote 1 to tha payment of tho bonda." house to houfto cunvnHB of tho votern 11 care of everything pertain* ly nlonK the Fence Lino to the curved tho tcrHection with tho center Una of Shrewsbet it is! A man like that who was the head brought to her on a chargtheir renpectivo districts, registering aj Unnk, bury avenue, the point bboundaryy line lin off tlio ioBoroujth jt off Rednnk, or place uf beginNotice of Primary Election. ing lo the Funeral Direcpernonu entitled to voto at the onuuloK elected President might even run er, a charger being the old-time th t h t d l i I t h H thence northeastwardly -ami I northwtmHy ning. Alao tn!ie notice that a Primary Klectlon Primary and General Elections,, which Hiifd follo tho curved bounrinry line of t h e the country for the welfare of the name for a big platter. So Herod tion. all political pnrtiea entitled thereto wilt cR.nvo.Ha shall be complctcJ on or before The poliinsr placo for tho Ninth Election for t tho th shore l Borough of R Red Bankk t» of tho ha held in flnd for the Township of At-, Friday*. September 15th, 1024. people instead of running the coim- name for a big p North Shrewsbury river: thence aouth- District is Union flrehouue, Shrewnbury Ir.ntic on TucsOny, September 23dj 1024. Second reslntrntlon day—Primary doff. sent an executioner to the jail, who avenue. * vestwardly nnd westward ly along the from the hour of seven o'clock A, M. to 7:00 A. M. to 9:00 p . M. (Btamlard tfmeT) try the way the trusts want it run. jc u t off _ aptist's head, nnd shore of tha North Shrewabury river to the hour of nino o'clock P. M, (Standard Tenth Election District. Third rcBlstratinn dny—October 14ih, That's why the trusts and the poli- tbe head was then brought to the tViQ poTnt BDOvG .mcntioncn Jit tnoftriore time.) Said Primary Election ti? bo held Befrinnlnp at a point whero the center 1921, 1:00 P. M. to 9:D0 P, M., to roylio Una of the said river directly between the ticians who support the trusts are girl on a big dish as a gift from the of Shrewsbury avenue is Intersected in the place in the respective district on nnd correct tho Hit for the General Elecprripertiea owned by tha Monmouth Boat line with tho canter line of West Leonard BpccificnUy above mentioned ond anid Pri- tion. 1 trying to scare the people about tetrarch. Club nnd property known ns the Red street, < mary Election will be held for the purpose southwardly ftlong the cenof the election dlHtrlctn M" Bank Lyceum, a t the point or place of be- ter line thence him. That's why they are trying to of nominating persona of^tho respective * u «Bouadnrlen of Shrewabury avenue to its interBorough of Rumiion, and tho polling * «> ginning. section with the center lino of the Newman parties to tho ofiicea abova mentioned, and piste In each district, arc na follows: scare the people about LaFollette The polling plnce for the First Ejection Springs road, thence weatwnrdly itlonpr the also for Members of the County Executivo President Calvin Coolidge has the First Election Dlmict. and Wheeler, and about George L. pistrict is Navesinlt Hook and Ladder center line of tho Newman Spring* rond Committee for each political party particiAll that portion of the Borough of Rum- ' appointment of the man who will get Firchousc. Mechanic street. to ita intersection with the'North Shrewn- : pating in paiil Primary Election. Als< Record in this state. You dont hear situate wcat Of the center line of Ulnabury rlve,r, thence northeiistwtirdly nlons j Member of tho State Executive Committee m>n ''• Second Election District. on the tariff commission when David ham avenue between the North and South any such talk by the trusts and their , -•- — - .-—-;, T .v ^ i poinf wficre the center i the shore of the Nortli Shrewfibury river for onch politic^ party, i Shrewabury rivers. Said dftte will »l«o h^ the aocond regisUnc of Mechanic strict is intersected with to ito int«raccUon with tho center Hno ot supporters about Coolidge, or J. Lewis's term runsout . T e n thouThe polling place for tho l-'irst Election the center line of Brund street, thence ('Locust avenue, thence castwnrdly alone try date In naid Township.District is Hook and Ladder *IOUBC, OceDawes, or about Davis, tho Demo- sand dollars IS a tidy little sum or southwardly nlonrr the center line of Bronrt t h e center line of L o c u s t nvenue to its tnNotice of Registration. anic. ^ street to its intersection with the center terseetion with the center line of, IjeiRhton cratic candidate for President. Ill - money. The publication ot the letAnd further tntce notice that on Tuesday, Second Election District. line of Wallace atrect, thence eaatwardly nvonue, t h e n c e Bouthvvnrdly aloniT the cen- September 9th, 1024, the Board of Registry the eyes of the trusts "They're all ter may stop things, but the man AU that portion of the Borough of Rumnlons the center line of VValJticc street to t e r line of Leigh ton nvenue t o Its inter- and Election ahall meet and make tho regthe rear of the property • of the Second section with the c e n t e r line of West Leon- istry ijy a houae to houno convnsa, which JOB nltunte cnat of the center line of J)li^who undertook to get this fund toright!'" National Bank, thence southwardly nlonpr ard s t r e e t , thence eastwardly nlonp t h e paid ennvnas ahnll bo completed on or b e ham nvon«« between tho North nnd South gether apparently felt sure that he Shrewsbury rivers. , " the rear of said Bank one hundred feet c e n t e r line of West Leonard s t r e e t to the! foro September ICth, 1924. The polling plnce for the Kcccnd El*flfrom the center line of Wallace street, center line of ShrewBhury avenue, tha could handle the money so that And that on Tuesday, October 14th, tion District Is Rumson Fire Company** thenco caatwnrcUy by n straight imagin- point o r plnec of bei?inntnff. 1024, the Board of HegiHlry nnd Election House, South Dakota is also one of the President Coolidge would hand oi'o-r Rumoon. ary line to Its intersection with the center The pollintr plnce for t h e Tenth Election will mset iit the place a t which they will "radical" states, according to the the head of Pavid J. Lewis when it linen of Linden place and Wallnce street, D i s t r i c t - i s Wcatside Engine House, Leigh- hold tha General Election above mentioned, Notice t o Absentee Voters. thence northeaatjvnrdly along the center ton nvenue. trusts and monopolies.' Here's' what h | was asked for. Any elector who ia registered for the between tho hour* of ono o'clock in th< line of Wallace 'ptrect to its intersection afternoon nnd nine o'clock In the evenlnir, Genernl Election, who by reason of inabilNotice t o Absentee Voters. the gasoline trust regards as "radiwith the center line of Prospect avenue, Any elector, who i s registered for tha for the purpoHO of mnktnff the flnnl revl- ity through Illneoa or nbsonee from tho thence southeast ward! y nlonrf the center General cal' in that state, jnst as the trusts Election, who by reason of inabil- filon and correction of the register for the County in which ho reniden Is unable to line of Prospect nvenue to the southerly ity throuRh There nre a lot of interesting enst hia tallot on the dny of the General l i n e n s o r absence from tha General Election. regard the same thins as "radicaT curved boundnry lino nf the Eorcujrh of County i n which Election at the polling rlnce In thp Elech e resides i s unnble t o ™s. fhing3 about this incident. In the Notice to Abnontee Votera. lied Bank, thence northwardly along the tion District In which bo is registered, may his ballot on t h e dny of the General Any elector who is registered for the m&l<Q applicntfon for nn official ballot t o curved bound nry line of the Boroujrh of enst Election of the polling plnce in the Elec- General Election, who by reason of fnahll Rod Bank to Ihe Fence Line, thence north- tinn D i s t r i c t in which he is refristcrpd, mny ity through iUneaa or abaeneo from th« the Municipal Cleric In nny Munlcipnllty in westwardly .alonjr the snid Fence Line to application for e n official ballot t o County in which he reside* la unable to which he resides or to the County Tourd of URFACES that am constantly Devoc Aquaspar Varnish beauthe center lino of Mechanic street, thence make thing from the present government Municipal Clerk In any Municipality In ennt hia ballet on the day of the General Election of the County of Monmouth, on o? exposed to mohrurc or ID sui- tifies while it protect;, ell laundry, state had gone into the gasoline wL'sUvardly alontr the center line of Me- the which he' resides or to the County Board of Election at the pollinc place in tho Elec- before Tuesday. October 21st, 1024, and a r , „ . „ „ „ , n, Itfirough the use of money. In the •dan extremes of heal cr -cold can kitchen and bnthroom surfaces, as chanic street to its intersection with the business and was selling gasoline at j of t h e C»unty of Monmouth, on or tion District in which ho in /ejrlatered, mny formal appHcntion will be forwarder! raid center line of Brond street, the point or Election nevertheless retain their beauty for a well as outside (Jcors. !t3 term cf before Tucsdny, October 21at. 1924. nnd n mol;r applicntlon for on c-niclnl bnllot to elector and when properly filled t u t nnd sixteen cent3 a gallon a Sate,aso I next place it shows that the bankplace of beRinninR, long period of lime if protected with perfect-wear will outlive every returned to tho County Bonrd of Elections formal application will bo forwarded anid s U Ur w i t h t h e t r u s t s A n d in the Municipal Clerk in any Municipality In of the County nf Monmouth, nn nbacntea line station, while the pprice nricc at it trust tho proper quality cf Spar Varnish. expectation. tiusi « «« P . , ' ., f t . Tho polliinr place for the Second Elec- elector nnd when properly filled out and which he rettiileft or to the County Board of ballot will bo forwarded to such elector. r Devoe Aquaspnr Varnish offers tion district 13 Independent Firehousc, Mereturned to the County Hoard of Elections w etahons - twenty cents. whethor a man,, chanic street. of the County of Monmouth, an nbicnteo Election nf the County of Monmouth, on or tho beet protection that any surfaco J70 Tton liptriinet — Chtek ani toJ!l CcfcZ JERE J. CAItEW, ballot will be forwnrdod to such elector. boforc Tuesday, October 21st, 1024, and a Clerk of Humoon .Borough. can have against .water or the Third Election District, formal application will bq forwarded eald i a Republican or a Democrat, so long .Bepinninpr at a point where the center weather. It brushes out easily, flews . A M Y E . OLSEN, elector and when properly filled out and Dated August 27th, 1024. Many people in New Jersey would ;a s ),e w ill vote the way the trusts lino of Wallace street is intersected with Clerk of the Borough of Red Dank. returned to the County Bonrd of Elections 6moothly and dries quickly into a Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. tlie center line oE Broad street, thence Dated AuRUst 27. 1924. of the County of Monmouth, an sbientea In the matter of tha estnto of Eleanor Arlike to see New Jersey (jet "radical," j want him to. firm, lus'troiis body that stands ini southwardly along the center line of Broad ballot wilt bo forwarded to such elector. numerablo washings and exposure rowsmlth, deceased. if being radical cut twenty per cent. j street to its interjection with the center NOTICE CF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, JONATHAN II. JONE3. Township Clerk. Notice to creditor! to proaoat claims to steam, fumes and severe changes line of Hani ing Road, thence eastward ly Dated August 27th, 1024. .,from the' prices charged by the -o-o-o-o-o— Borough of F a i r Havan, N . J . ntriilnat estate. of temperature. along the center line of Harding Road to it-* Notice of the time nnd place of holdinff Pursuant to the order of Joseph L, Dontrusts. "Safe and sane," according intersection with tho center line of Brnnch How fast Red Bank is building up General and Primary Election nnd of NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, nhay, aurrogata of the County of Monavenue, thence poutheasttvardly iilonj? the fho to many politicians, means letting is shown officers io be elected, and meetings of mouth. mnde on the seventh day of July, Shrewabury Towmhlp. ' by the amount of the buildcenter liner of Branch avenue to ita inter- the Red Bank Hardware Store, the Bonrd of Registry nnd Election in t h e 10U4, On the application of GeorKe Morris, . the trusts have full swing; while be- ing permits which have been issued Notice in hereby Klvcn thnt a General nee tion with the center line cf Bericcn Borough of Fair Haven, in the County of Klrction will be hold in nnd for the Town- ndminifttrfltor of tho estate of J31cnnor Arplace, thence eastward!y directly between Monmouth. ing "radical" means enacting legis- during the past six months. These 75 Monmouth St., Red Bonk. rowBmlth, deccafled, notlcg !« hereby (riven ship of Shrewobury, in the County of Montho prnpertie-i owned by the Eat. of Sarah lation that will help the people. Notice i« hcrcl>y given thnt a Geneial mouth, ami State of New Jerney, on Tuea- to the creditors of said deceased to exR Wolcott nnd Emily Spinning one hunROBERT DONOVAN, FROrj, permits*'provide for new buildings to the ttubneribor, »Amlnistr&tor &B dred r.nfl fifty feet from the center line of Election, will he held in and for the Dor- day, November 4th, A. D. 192$, 'rom the hibit their debti and demands ogalnst and additions to present buildings Telephone 936 Ilranch avenue, thence floutheastwnrdly by ouffh of Fnir Haven, in t h e County of Mon- hour of six o'clock A. M, to the hour of ftforcsaii, -O-O-O-O-Othe Raid estate, under onth, within six n straight linr* to the curved boundary lino mouth, nml Stnto of New J e r s e y , on Tuen- fleven o'clock P. M., nt the respective poll- monthfl to the value of ?447,000. This is in from tho dftte of the aforesaid orof the ItoYoush of Rcd Bank, thenco nortli- ilay, November 4th, A. D. 1924, from the ing places in Bald. Township, Anil did you read in last week's j the borough of Red Bank alone. } APHORIZED AGENT FOR der, or they •will bo forever barred 61 their Snld election will be held for the purpose ojntwiiptly nlrinj; tho curved boundary lino hour of six o'clock A. M. t o tlie hour of therefor against tho eatd subNew York newspapers the letter : of the Hnrouprh nf Red Dnnkto its inter- seven o'clock P . M. •(Standnrd time), a t ot electing Electors of a Prceldent and Vice actions scriber. the following plncea in saUi B o r o u g h ; President of tho United States; a Member sect inn with the center line of Wallnce sent out hy sugar mon in Colorado \ Dated Freehold. N. J., July 7th, 1024. of tlio House of Representatives from the atrect, tlii'm-i- ^rtuthwcstwnrdly alontf the F i r a l Election D i l t r i c t . to keep up the price of sugar! The j Those figures-show tho great deccntor Un- of Wallnce street to its interGEonGn Monms. All t h a t part of tho' BoroUKh lying ennt Third ConBresBlonol District; a Member of sneiion with the center line of Linden place, of a line which begins a t t h a t point where the United States Senate from this State; NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT people of this country are now pay sirability of Red Bank as a place of thenco directly wc.itwardly by n straiffht the center c f Cedar avenue, if extended, two Members of the General Assembly of E t a t o oi ALICE £,. HELD, deceaacd. ing one and three-quarter cents a \ residence. They show also-the conlin< to ttio rear nf the Secnnd National would intersect the Iiumaon Hnrough line; New Jersey; a Clerk for the County of Notice U fceroby slven that the ..ccounts Bank: thenco northwardly to the center thence r u n n i n g north a l o n g the center line Monmouth; two Members of the Board of Hound more for sugar than they ' fiuence which Red Bankers and outthe subscribers, oitecut^ra ot the cBtnte line of Wnllae* street, thenco wentwardly if Cednr nvenue, to t h a t point where tho Chonen Freeholders, for three years, for the at of decenscd, will be audited and stated EBb/3m3SfS8BSSBHBB3E3tti)a8l& the futuro of Red should pay. That is fixed up siders have to tho center lino of Broad utreet, the place center line of Cedar a v e n u e intersects tlie County of Monmouth; ono To^hshlp Com- by eald tho Surrogate -of the County of Monmitteemitn, for threa years, and a Justice or point of hp^inninrr. Bank. c e n t e r line of Fair Hnvcn rond; thenco cast mouth and reported for Settlement to tha through the tariff on sugar. of tho J'oace, for five yeora. n t e r line af Fair Haven rond Orphans Court of Bald County, on ThursTh<> pnllinir nines for th* Third Election along t h e c ewhere the center line of Bnttin Public Queation:—"Shall the ; ,ct en- day, tho ninth day of October, A. D, 1924, rii"\tric*. is V, H. Vanf)((;-n Co.'a SVimvroomt, to thei npoint t e r s e c t s the c e n t e r lino of I'dlr Hn- titled 'An Act authorizing the creation of ot which time application will be made for o!iit vide Drontl etrcst, oppoaite Monmoulh road r David J. Lewis of .Maryland is one ; Vacant lota in any part of Red i en road; thence north along tho center n debt of the State of New Jersey by the the nIIowanco of commissions nnd counsel rtrcct. line of XlAttin road t o t h a Shrewabury issuance of bonds of the State in tho fcei, of the members of the tariff com- : Bank except the far southwestern Fourth Election District. river. nmount not exceeding eight million dollars, Dated August 2G, A. D. 1021. mission, nnd this commission makes portion near Newman Springs, are ntcr IlcBlnni UK 1 for the purpose of paying tho coot of exE3THEB DENNIS, I T h e polling plnce for t h e F i r a t election lina in a nf Itn.ad Ilr oaJ sstreet is intersected with tho district i» M o n m o u l h hall. Pearl s t r e e t rccommon/lations to congress about , very scarce. There are many reatending tho Rystom of State Hiahwnya by ADDIE M. SMITH, •I'ntiT'lin i- n f I aiding rond, thence oastthe construction of bridges and tunnels for the tariff. Mr. Lewis voted to rcc-: sons for this, ns was set forth in Second Election D i s t r i c t . •.unlly 11!.unit 1 L- center of Har-dintc Itoud CHARLES IL TIIROCKMORTON. vehicular or other trafllo acroaa *he Delaavenue, > i t i i n t o r : o ion with Branch All thnt p a r t of tho Borough lying west wnro nnd Hudson rivers, or either of them; omtr.ciid cirtir.g d'nwn tho tariiT on The Register last week. The fine ifnci- «<i•llllir.- twnrdly nhini; the center of tho line «a laid down in F i r s t district providing the ways and means to pay the T N CHANCERY OF NEWTERSEYT sugar :;» that the people of this location of the town, the purity and inn o> I! ranrli a venue to it< intersection above. interest of nuch debt| nnd alio to poy and To Emma L. Woodward end John Franklin •r tine (if B^rit^n place, country could get their sugar at a healthfulness of the water supply, T h e polling phvee for ihc Second election discharge the principal thereof; ann provith thr. Woodward, her husband; Lucy E3. Meyer lly (Hrcutly between tY.u jlLitrict ia AuRUstUB Hinton'n Kflrnifc, E a s t viding for the bubminslon of this law to {or Myers) and Frederick L. Meyer, her fair price. the character of the soil which af|j Pnipprlirs owned !iy the Kstnte of Sarah Sido Park. Fair H n v t n road, n e a r Lincoln the people nt a Rcncral election,' Passed husband, and Herbert F\ Copper be ra, F. Wolmtt nnd Emily Spinning, i ne hun- avenue. March 14th, 1024, be adopted and nanc» •t • fords perfect drainage, the good now known ea Frederick Miller: (hed and fifty foet from the center lino : Said election will b e held for the pur- tionod? The net revenues from tho bridge* Dy virtue of an tirricr of the Court of and steamboat service, and nf Uerwen plnce, thenco 3011 tlieaatwardly pose of clectln™ Electors of n President nnd tunnels ^onntructcd under this act are Chnnccry of New Jersey made on th» day That's the start of this story. Urailroad w hy ft s-.trniKht Hno to ihe curved liGiindnry nml Vice P r e s i d e n t of t h e United Rtntcs, n devoted to the payment of tho bonds." general reputation the town cnof the (Into hereof, in n cnuno wherein Vin* •Well, tbi' UlUr print.-il in New York line at tho nnrouffli of Red Bnnk, thence Member of tho Houaa of Hrepreflcntatlyea Nntlce of Primary Election. cenio Alvino nnd vrlfo nro complainants i°y5 for the high character of its iiiuthwerUwardly alonR the curved bound- from the 'Third OonitroHKional district; 1 n newspapers l a . . week ..-^ was, .from .Fnderdl Truet Company, executor, etc., Abo tnkc notice that a Primary Election and »ry line of the Ilnrnuirh pf Red Hank to its Member of tho United S t a t e s Senate from and others are defendant*, you aro r e big politician .ml in Colorado who ' People ••""' {m i t s f u l e s t ? r e n - c o m " for nil political parties entitled thereto will intrrrtfctioti with the center line of Broad this S t a t e ; two Members of t h e Gunernl quired to appear and nnnwor tho Bill of alrrrt., thoncc northwardly nloriff the coii- Assembly of New J e r s e y ; a Clerk of tlie be held in the said Township, In said Coun- aaid comulnlnants on or before the 20th •wanled to know if each of one hun- h i n c t n attract nn ever increasing ler line of Urond ntrect to the intorfif?ction County cf M o n m o u t h ; two Members of the ty, on Tufcndny, September 28n, 1924, be- day of October, next, or t U nald bill wHl drcti pursons lo whmn the letter i « t ' number of residents, with tVe ccnU'r linn n(- Hnrdinff .oad, tho Hoard of Chouen Freeholders (throe yenre) tween tho hours of nev«n A. M, and nine bo taken at confessed against you. The Y old bones had a most comfort{Standard time.) Said Primary •nid Bill It fllad to compel the npoclflc perpent would suhpcnlifi $100 to raifo »•t fnr tho County of M o n m o u t h : nnd for t h e P. M. Election to lie held in the places In tho re- formance able winter. Jim showed moro 'J'l-.c polling plnro fnr the Fourth Elec- following municipal oHicent, v i r : A Mayor spective three cortnln written a^reeii fund of ? 10,00(1 to prevent the re-, J n t h ( , r o n l n u m i t i c a directly districts B» herein set forth, and menta, allof for two yenra; nn Afln>»jjor, for three mado by William K. Kelly, of tion District is Mrs. F. I*, nials.lell'n K arRood sense when he put in that new y e n r i ; n Collector, for t h r e e yearn; two anid Primary Election will bs held for the ths ftrot part: appointment of Mr. Lewis, whose i . m ) U m , R c ( ] B ; u l k t h e „„,„„„,. o f (1) dated Oct. 10, 11110. ni;e. Jlroad ntieet v imrpfine of nomlnatlnK persons of tho reCouncilmen, for three yeiirn, and ' ne J u a Thatcher Round Boiler last fall than tho complainant*. Vlncemo Alvlno and Fifth Election District. term expires I h e l a r t of this month. , l m i k l i , , a s p r o b a b l y equalled or spective nnrtien to the offices above men- with to convey to them n house end Jot Tlecinnintr (it n point on the nliorr tine llco of tho Peace, tor flvn ypnr«. tioned and nlso to elect Members of the wife, he has displayed in man/ years. I 'Jhe man who wrote the letter is c.XL.(,c.llcr, t l u , n m l ) u n t of buildins of lteil Ilanlc, County of or thi'iNnrth Shri'whhury Uiver rlirrctly htPublic Q u c i t l u n : — " S h a l l the a c t e nCounty Executive Committee for -ach po- In the Borough anil fltato of New Jersey, lopresident nf one bank and vice pres-. d o m , i n t ,, e , ) 0 used to be afraid to move around from ttvci'ii the pnipt'rtics nvvnrd by the Mon- titled 'An Act nuthorizinK the crention of liticnl party participating In Bald Prlmar? Monmouth h o £R ( . ( 1 B a n k on tha south FMO of Ijocunt avenue fin.ulIi limit Clnh an.I tliu prnperty ktioivn n dobt of the Stnto of N t w J e r s e y hy tho Election. The DoarJa nlno alt on this A&y cated ,den of another bank, and he says , U s e l f _ T h ( , (j e 3 o £ t , ) C b u i l d i n K i n . at itn intcrtiection with th« westerly Bide room to room because each cue seemed n;i thf Uvil |Jni>\t Lyceum, thence nouth- isaiinnce o t bonds of t h o Stato in the for reffintration purposes. of LelBhton avenue; (2) dnted June 1, jii the letter that the banners are wnnlly to tlie center lint: of Bnmd nlreet, (imoutit not exceed In jj CIKIII million ilollnra, colder than the other. Now every Notice of Registration. 1015, to Carmelo Slcillano to convey t o spector as shown in the building for iho jiurpoao of payintr the cont of exttii'iii-c ,'HMitlnvaritiy oloiu: tlie renter line lu'lpinjC to knock .Mr. Low is out of permits of Red Bank apply only An<l further take notlci that on Tuesday, lim land situate In the [loroiigh of Red room is delifihtfi'.lly warm. Take it from nr ISr.m-l strct't tn the ititerjiection wlttj the trndinjr the ityotonl of S t a t e HiifhwnyH by September Oth. 102;. the Beard of Regis- Drink aforctinid, located on tho south nido liis joli, Tlio letter also sets forth w U h i n ^ h t h r construction of brldiren and tunneli for h ,imUs, D u i l ( |. me, Grandmothers will fivl happier vehicular or ntltcr ttaiWc ncroHS the Deln- try and lilcction ahall meat in their respec- of Locust nvenue, knnwn as lot No. 1, uoitwnnllv iiltniK the renter line nf Mi.tithat Mr. Lewis is a Democrat and tive (Hnttktn and proteeil to itvaUe a house Kelly trnut, which contrnct was noahmed ituuith »tvtTi t(» its intersection -vlth HIP wnre nn<l H u d s o n rlvera, or either of tlicm; to house ennvaas of the voters In their re- to thp anid Vlneemo Alvhiu; (8> ilatod h a s b c e n , ) H s k i na l l ( l i t . o c t i o n 3 in homes heated with a Thatcher." that llie law ronnrps that the tariiT j .hu . ()l|n( , Rai B a n k _ T l l e s 0 c o m r a u t l i . •••liter line (if the traelm or nad bed nf providing t h e wnytt nnd int>nn» to pay the flpcctlvo districts, realiterlnjr nil pcrion* J n 1. 1015, with the dcfmidnnt Alvlno intercut of mich debt nnd nlso t o uny nnd i tlic KenJiTFry Southern rnllrond, tlu-nre conimiiisiun must consist of an equal tk , R , l r c t r i b u t n r v t o r,c(1 Dlll , k | n entitled t<> vnie nt the cnsulnn Prl.iary and onvey (d Jilm lamt In tha Itoronuh i>f imrthwiinllv nil.nti the ct-ntrr nf the trackn (liiiplinrftc th« prineipAl thereof;1 11.mln wproConservative!y rated— saves coat. Gcncrnl KlcRtioiiK. which nnfd ennvasv nhpll Red Ilnrk aforunnld, bclntr l'>tn 2 mid $ U>t() number of Democrats an«) Repuhh-' . of?roa3 i s in am, j h c | r cf (he Nnv .ler.ey .Sniitherii railroad, to vi'linic for t h o Hubnii«"fo» «f t' ' ' h« completed on or before Friday, Septem- cateil oh the south eldo of l.ocunt avenue, the (ihtiro nf the Ni>rt!i Shrt'ivuhury. river, the people a t n K«neral election.' I'asncd ber llith, 1D24. cans. Jhe successor to Mr. Lewis ! ^ ^ ^ i m . t!Ult l o R c d B a n k na Kelly Map, nml Iota fi and 1 locnted on lli« Tl'aichr Hcniui llcilcrs tome in five March H t h . 11)24, be adopted nnd unnoficeond realntrntlon day—Prlmnry day, (taut fil'1'' of Lelchton pln^c, Kelly nuii'. inuU therefore be a Democrat; but | l h ( ) h ( h ( , i r , )Uil(li uctMl]<!, ly nhni: thr SIMMP of ihe North Shrews- tioncdT The net revenuc« from the hrliljfes 7:00 series -tvithath.e far every need -either And you, Kmnin IJ. Wuu'lwanl, liUt'y E. A. M. to i);00 P. M. (Btandftr'1 time.) there (olorado banker., » n t , ; „ r j ,, t ]aRcd B m | ) t the .-niter line h.;twron th the nnd t u n n e U c o n s t r u c t e d u n d e r tM« net n r c BuMi Meyer (or Myers} and Herbert F. OoiiperThird reKlstratlon tUy—Ofitobar 14th, sttam cr hot water * Write for new the MMimiMith fii'M devoted to t h e p a y m e n t of tha liondi." J > m t wh Ifl^l. 1:0ft-p. 1!. to 0;0tt P. M,, t« i-evlaa b#r.S, now Unnwn aa Fredrrtck Mlilcr, nre Democrat who will stand stantl by tht has been active in Fair Haven, RuniNotlco ot Primary Election. l nnd ill ((tank nmdo ilvfcndantn tipcnunii you atv nil of the lookltt *Helpful Hints on l'ltatin^." nnd correct tlio Hat for tha General Elecfuijrur trust. If they can knock son, Little Silver, South Red Bunk, of t><>Kl Alflo Ulic notice tbat a I'rimnry Klectlon tion. he(ra at Inw of nfiid WilUam K. Kelty, now i Klfth fnr nil political parties oniitletl thereto will | pln Lewis juiL of hi.s job and (ret :i man Jilucwsbury The boundary lines of th« election dls- dccflnfid, villnge, lShrewsbury 1 I,ll»r he held in and for tha Bciniuifh of Fair Ha- trlrts In {Shrewsbury Tnvrnihip. nmt tlia And you, John Frnnkliu Woodward, are l who will Ftimd l»y r.iom tlicy will township, Itiver Plaza, ~Fair(ield ven, nn Tupsilny. September ^8d, 1U24. mads n parly d^fendunt I.c:-nuae you lira frinn the hour of seven n'clnrk A. M, to Itliiff plncea for tl\ch, nre as follow a; the him band of tlit dcfrniUnt. Kuunft L. Ijihtli Election DUtrlct. ^ Jinvc a majority of the tariff aim- (lardeim, Glendale Park, Riverside Flrat DUtrlct. Ilia hour of nine o'clock I1. M. (Standnnl Woodward, nnd claim a ridlit as tanr.nt IWinnl where ti).' jiiifcHioit nnd they then hclicvo they Heightn ami Riverside Urivi-. AH time.) Haiti Primary Election to be held curieny. And ymi, Frederick h. Meyer, AU thnt nectlim lying woBt M the hotllnr of Hnnmnmli . . .. enn lutve every tiling their own way. tlicfe communities <lo a groat deal willi tlic center line of Hrond ntrcct, tlicnce in the plnceft in thfi respective fliwrrlrtn nn mif?h line nf Little Sllvnr lioroilRh anil nr« mattfi n defendant hifaun* you are tha iinitluvnrdly nhmif tlio center llpa of upccldcnily above mentioned nnd eald Prl- north of the Kntontown-Tinton I-'alla ntona husband oT the lUfcndruit, Iiitry K. Mryer, Tlw let tor WIIKIH up hy asking that ninry Klcctlon will bfl held (or tlio purpoBfl (or MyertO, nnd clntm a right &i tenant lli.mil ninvt to itd Intrmrctfon with the rond tu tha Tli.ton Falls ami Plnq Drink of their trading in Red Hank. They ), Mi)kctiofC<OC>I)Hc.t(<>-snrti1 Rnnirrs t liufi IT. 10 the rhi'cltft fur I? 100 (jach he sent to are dependent on Ked Hank largely c-n^r line of Urrlilr,iH place, tli«nc* w m f of nominating pcranns of the reapecUva corner, thence in a direct tins to the west- by ctirtewy. les t« Ihe ullkf" nhuve mentioned, nnd pNted A»KUflt filth, 1P21. I n t e r n Display Unomj: 'MlATCI 11:11 lUJIMHNCl wnnlly nh.n th.; ct-nter line of Uecklfia ern boundnry line of th4 tnwnahlp. iC Western Diaplnv Tlnnmti tlie Di'iiver national hank. ALSTON T v'.avc t»» it 1 tut IT > • mi inn with the renter nlno fcr Mcmijem of th« County Kxcrutlvw for their purchaser,, for their nmimoU3-135WritlSiUSl. 39 - -It ST. MlANOlS STHHiT 4 VI. t,!arlt St. 3-il The polling plnce for th« Klr«t T^JceHon Solicitor of omplBlniiit*. Ilili (if Mftpli* nvt'tilif, tlieiu'p nnttliworiily Commit tm for enrh poHtbul parly partlcN Dietrlct h th«,Flretiouse, .Shrewsbury. .III. NcwYorlcCity MUWARK, N!:\V JEHSIiY Cl.U inentii anil for their bunking busi10 IlroB-1 Htr*-rt. Itfil Ilftntr. M. .7. nhiim the c.idei line nf Mtiiile Hventio tn tliiK in nfii<l I'rimorv Election- Also n 3«contl District. 1U tntersectlon with tha center line of Mnltxtr of thri Htntc Executive Committee All thnt flection lying snulh of tha &atHtiw'o tl(at for a Bainplo of Lin- iicnj, Ked Bank na tho center of nil ^liestnutfitret: t, thcncD wcatwardly uloDg tot each political part/a s* ' "* •*-> i'JI t ! 4 h HmpmMMr- 3u|&Ky§§||| i Varnish Beauty that Weathers the Elements S j DEVOE PAINT AND VARNSSH PRODUCTS THATCHER FURNACE COMPANY /. JIED BANK REGKTER^jjEjPTEMBER 10, 1924- Page Fivtt COUNTY COURT NOTES. How to Pay Your Taxes With a Smile! Paying your taxes, due December 1st, can, be easily done through weekly savings. It is just 12 weeks before your taxes must be paid. Open an account now in our interest department. Make regular weekly savings, and on December 1st you can pay your taxes with a smile, for on that day you will get interest on your account at the rate of 4 per cent. MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY 62 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. ^ DIVIDEND Trie Board of Managers of the Jloward Savings Institution has declared a dividend of interest to be paid to all depositors entitled thereto under the By-Laws at the rate of EVERETT NEWS. Mauy Prisoner* Sentenced by Judjfe Priest Sick Wilh Typhoid Fever »« Well as. Pneumonia. Lawrence Latt Thursday. Rev. John P. Grady, rector of St. Several prisoners in the county jail waived indictments and pleaded Catherine's church, is now sick with guilty last Thursday before Judg^ after the crisis of pneumonia. Lawrence and received their sen- Typhoid fever developed last week tences. William McQueen, on As- after • the crisis of pneumonia buy Park colored man who had Father Grady's condition is very been in jail since June charged serious. with stealing jewelry from Lizzio Many residents of this place have Moore, was fined $26 and costs and received postal cards from Dr. Wilparoled for eighteen months. liam D. Sayro of Red Bank, who is James Badgely was lined 325 and visiting the battlefields of France, coots and pfcoled for eighteen where he served during the world months on a charge of beating a war. Due to the sickness of Rev. John board bill of $35 owed to Bessie P. Grady there has been a postponeSatterfleld of Holmdel. ment in awarding the articles which William Brown recoived throe months in jail on a charge of steal- were to have been disposed of on ing a bicycle belonging to an As- the co-operative plan in connection with the recent fair for the benefit bury Park policeman, Bertram Dorsey admitted that he of St. Catherine's church.' Bernard Warnekcr, who has been and another man stole fifty pigeons and sold them to an Asbury Park laid up with sickness, is now able to market. He was fined $100 anl be out. Daniel Foley and family of New costs and paroled for eighteen months. He is also to pay tho York spent Labor Day with Joseph Eustace. owner of the pigeons for the stolen Thomas Walsh of Connecticut, birds. Charles Kale was fined $75 and formerly of this place, was a visitor paroled for eighteen months for here part of last week. Daniel Francis has renewed his steaing $5 from a garage at Long contract to transport pupils living Branch. Joseph Gary of Norristown, Pa., on the Jlolmdel township side of the pleaded guilty to stealing jewelry villago to Holmdol nnd Eugene Layfrom a hotel at Deal where he ton has renewed his contract to worked and he was sentenced to transport pupils on the Middletown township aide to the Lincroft school. the Rahway reformatory. L1NCROFT NEWS. On all deposits from $1 to $10,000 Credited September 1st and payable on and after September 15th Deposits Made on the first three business days of any month will draw interest from the first of the month SAVINGS INSTITUTION 764-768 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Over 95,000 Depositors Total Assets $47,000,000 CRANK C icorst enemies. SCOBEYVILLE NEWS. What Are They All Say Ing About N OTABLE amorist the new features of tha ir.25 Cleveland Six is the "One-Shot" Lubrication System which eliminates all greasing of the chassis by hand. No other automotive improvement of the year is the subject of so much discussion. ••.— Owners now are often being stopped and asked, "Is it as marvelous as I have heard? Show me how it works!" car is standing still or moving. See this famous feature of tha newest, finest Cleveland Six I Mileage Motor— Four-Wheel Brakes— Balloon Tires Then after you have seen how "One-Shot" works—get behind the wheel and test the Mileage Motor. Its phenomenal hill-climbing pick-up, and speed Step on the Plungey—And power,flashing ufover60 miles an hour, make it Oil the Entire Car probably the most efficient power ' To lubricate all moving chassis plant in use t§*lay. parts, you merely step on aplungStudy the entire car and you er. You do not leave the driver's will sense the reason for its seat. You never have to uSe a popularity: — grease gun or an oil can. Bodies that are roomy and arisWith this exclusive, patented tocrati in appearance; genuine feature, you are saved the fre- super-si/.e balloon tires as standquent inconvenience of leaving ard eq uipmen t; four-wheel brakes your car for several hours for a as optional equipment at a slight thorough greasing. extra cost; and rugged, long-life The danger of neglected chassis construction throughout. lubrication will never bother So fine a car was never obtainyou again. able at so low a price. Arrange Your car is always free from today to drive yourselfl Touring squeaks and rattles. For "One- car. '1095; Five-passenger sedan, Shot" can be used whether the '1395; f. o. b. Cleveland. Community Club Meetings to be Big Rush of Busincst at Laird's Cider Mill the Past Week. ' Relumed Next Week. Joseph Laird's cider mill has been . The Community club will hold its •first fall meeting Friday night of a busy place tho past week. Many I next week at the schoolhouoe. The loads of apples have been hauled club was inactive during the sum- there and a large amount of cider mer, but a varied program is has been made. Prang Collins of i planned ,forvtho winter. Meetings Freehold is employed as a stenogI will be helc( every Friday night at rapher and bookkeeper at the mill. Miss Laura Schenck, John and the schoolhouse, 1 Mrn. Louis Diutribats has ra- George Schenck and Harry Carney made an automobile trip to Atlantic turncd from a trip to France. Mrs. Joseph Woodward is home City last week. Philip Becker and his son have from Canada, whera she spent two (Tl» One-Sbot (jubriutlomSTEtnn Is licensed under DOWCD Products Company Betentt) moved from Colt's Neck to Joseph weeks. Laird's houso and they arc emRalph Spinney has bought a Ford ployed at Mr. Laird's cider mill. coupe. Mra. Theodore Oryl has been enMiss Myrtle Kellington has Ts tertaining friends from Philadelturned to Brooklyn after a stay phia, j with her uncle, G. Harry Richdale. George B. Hughes has moved to THE RED BANK GARAGE The Sunday-school meetings nt the Cooko farm from the farm tho chapel will be resumed next which he recently sold to ' John —32 West Front St. Phone 1029 Red Bank, N. J. Sunday. The Sunday-school was Lasky of New York. closed during the Bummer. Rev. Miss Eustasia Dobry of Montrose W. B. Braisted of Red Bank -will spent part of last week with her CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE COMPANY • CLEVELAND preach at the chapel Sunday. sister, Mrs. David Tumidaisky. Mrs. Alma Cooovor and daughter Alma, who have been visiting Mrs. John R. Conover, have returned t j Plenty of Work. East Orange. Luke Longhead is a boar for He tackles any and all Scott Conover and family have work. 'Easiest Car in the World to Take Care of" returned to Washington after a vis- kinds of jobs at filling tMa wants of tho people every w&K and he it of several weeks here. usually makes good.—AdvertiseMrs. Etta Perrine and grand- ment. daughter, who have been visiting Mrs. Joseph W. Thompson, have returned to their'home at New York. Joseph Conover, son of Mrs. Margaret Conover, will begin a course of studies at Rutgers collego this month. George Thompson has been visiting at Mount Holly. Edward Clayton, who is at Hamilton, New York, for tha benefit of his health, is much improved. He formerly lived hore and Is In the United States on Ieavo of absence from China where ho has been engaged in missionary work, Russell Leonard and William Molzon nre new pupils at th» Leonardo high school. Tho funeral of Henry A. Conover a few days ago was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral tributes. Rev. W. Rolland Raver of Red Bank preached the sermon. Burial was made at Fair View cemetery. The bearers were Frank A. Bloodgood, Joseph W. Thompson, Charles T. E. Matthews, Cf. Harry Richdale and Eugene ,T. C. Layton of this plnce and James R. Smock of Red Bank. The villago has not yet recovered from the the Und of ingredients that go shock caused by the sudden deaths Freiho/er's Fine Bread; of Mr. Conover and his brother, John R. Conover. the hind of men who make it; arid Fred Langendorf is having a big the kind of care they talie to mix arid ruah of work at his gnrage. He hns employed Herbert Mouse? of Phabake the bread exactly right. lanx to help him. Frcihofcr bakcra know bread from A to Z, John Moore la employed at the Roberts boiler works nt Red Bnnk. Mrs. Mary Folcher has moved from tho Noonan house to a house owned by Thomas Henry Grant. h f F B d ^ h The women of tho chapel are making progress in arranging; for their annual fair and supper next Three Tests month. / keep FrcihofeVs Fine Miss Edna Rclnhart has been made n lieutenant in the women's Bread {uniformly good Coolidge army. Miss Ada Fenton has succeeded 1 Ingredient* arc tested — for purity and uniformity. Miss Ednn Rcinhnrt as superintendent of the primary department of 2 Trial lonvea are baked and the Sunday-school at the chapel. toted — for firmness of crust, evenness of grain, /rcjlincsj and sweet flavor* RIVER PLAZA NEWS. 3 Finished loaves are tested John V. Harvey Raises a Monoy* —cut and critically exam- j Making Crop of Meloni. ined each day to make sura JVcfr^er.g&wri* John V. Harvey, who works Obathat the daily halting in. d'ah E. Dnvis'R farm, has one of tho every way reaches the high finest muskmelon crops in this part standard set by the Experiof tho county. Ho has four acres mental Kilc/icn. in melons and he hns sold several hundred baskets of the fruit ,at an overage price of $1,60 n basket. Mr. Harvey will get nt least 1,500 baskets of melons from tho four ncres. Tho BOO clul) met last Thursday at Jnmcfl Taylor's. First nnd second prizes were won by Mrs. Benjamin II. Onto nnd Mrs. John McClnin and the heart prizo went to Mra. Irving Rink. Mrs. Edward Scnttcrgocid received tho consolntion prize. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Jncohus nnd their daughter Violet of Elizabeth npont part of lnnt week with Mr. nnd Mrs. Bonjnmin II. Crnte. Mrs. Ilonry 1'anncli hna her sister and niece from Brooklyn with her. Mr. (iml Mrs, Hnrvpy Bloodjrii id I0M. h d " IWIOAT fti»,nn Co. spent Saturday nnd Sunday at Dolnware Wster Gap. LILLEY & QUINN We're cranky about makings yoiir bread exactly right M ANY car owners seem to think that the oil in the crank case ought to last indefinitely. They forget that there are two very serious sources of oil contamination. First of all.unless your car is equipped with an air strainer, you are going to have a surprising amount of dust drawn in with the mixture. This dust is caught by the oil, accumulates there and is ground through the >. bearings over and over again. You know how much dust accumulates on the car body in the course of 500 miles of driving. In the engine it is much worse, for here arc four, six qr eight "lungs" drawing . in dust every revolution and that dust has little chance to escape from the sticky oil. Then, too, in starting, and especially if you overdo the use of the choke, unburned fuel leaks down and is absorbed by the crank case oil. i Gasoline docs not lubricate. It dilutes and "cuts" the lubricant. These two causes eventually reduce the efficiency of even the best oil. The only safe way to overcome this is to drain, flush, and refill the crank case with fresh oil regularly every 500 miles. Before having new "Standard" Polarine Motor Oil put in be sure to have the crank case thoroughly flushed out. "Standard" Flushing Oil is a light oil especially designed for this purpose. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Three coiuutencie one correct for your motor. Consult your dealer's Polarine cliart — always name toe oil it reoommenttf. Oils you can^fustl CHICHESTEB S PILLS W«v SilB DIAMOND lIlUNUi. A Monmoutli County Surrogate's Office In tho mntlop of tlm estnta of ,t(iiiu-a J. Ilarkelow, tlpcctmtii!. Notlcn to crtrilltorB to present claims atralnflt eatnu. I'urminnt to thn order «l Joseph h. Donaliny, nurrofuto of the flminty «if Monmouth, matlo on the eighteenth tiny of Aufriwl, 11124, nn tlio Bitpllcntion of Cornelius 11. Ilackitlow, executor of tho eatntn of Jitmea J. Dttrkalow, dnceMfloi), notice in cental) to exhibit to tun subscriber, axaeti* tor RB BforeitnM, their debts and demands Bttnlnit the natil estate, under oath, within six months from th« data, of the aforesaid order, cr they will be forever barred of their notions therefor 'against the aald subso rl her. Dated Freehold, II. J., Autuat II, 1114. COItllEUIJS 11. JMItlCAlOW. hciehr (Ivcn to tbt creditor! at »«ld it- It pays to advertise in Tho HERE are three things thatforJ than forty years we've been pa b Carejike that shows m t l 1 o ^ can't help it. It shows in the fact Day after day the same sweet, ing flavor and fine, even texture-r baked and wholesome all fche way through. That's why in more thaii 500,000 particular homes the bread served daily is Freihofer's Fine Bread* zwtei. FINE BREAD RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. Page Six to visit their homo land. The orig- okl son of Louis Richards of Belinal marriage certiiieate was lost. mar, was badly burned last week when an nuto in which hu was sitA Plumber's Charges. took fire. The boy's father HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN George II. Hayes, an Asbury ting burned his hands and aims Park plumber, ban brought suit for budly MONM0UTH COUNTY. $•108 against Felix Trocchio , forin beating out tho flames. Personal Notes, Sales of Property, work done for the latter. At th"Held as Drunken Driver, Building Operations, Lodge Do- hearing Hayes admitted that be l^uuis Karagias, soda fountain ings, Slight Fires, Births, Mar- paid bis workmen onlji $9 n dny but concessionaire on tho Asbury Park riages and Deaths-—Other Item*. charged the customer; J$1G to $20. boardwalk, was arrested last week charged With driving his car while Miss Sylvia Lawrence of Free- Bitten by Police Dog> drunk and was sentenced to fifty hold lias ontored Sulcm college at John Malone of West Belmav, days in jail. He gave a bond for Winstoii-Snkni, N. C., to take a employed by the United ice comi-oursu in music. Her sister, Miss pany of Asbury Park, was bitten $500 pending an appeal. Louise Lawri'niT, is teacher of three ti'onjs <J» tho right leg by ,n. violin in the liifth school at Salem. police dog owned by Clarke W. Seeks Husband's Money. Mrs. C. Palmer Rohbins of AsMiss Eleanor Conover, who Tobin of Deal last week. Malor.-.' bury Park is seeking to locato some studied domestic science nt Drexcl was delivering ice at the time. $25,000 which her husband hud institute and vivho was dietitian nt when he went to California several the Baltimore hospital last year, is Dentist Evicted by Court. Dr. Edwin K. Keast, a Bradley months ago. Mr IlobMns died renow in charge of the Christopher Beach dentist, has been ordered by cently following an operation. The House tea room at Freehold. Miss Flora Voelcker of Matawan the court to vacate rooms he leased couple were separated, I has resumed her studies at Trenton from Albert J. Smith, who claims Yacht Club Officers. normal school. Misses Marguerite rent is due for six months. The dis- William 15. Leavens has be on Tansey, Evelyn Reid nnd Myrtle pute arose over two extra rooms chosen commodore of the Man!isquan River yacht club. Walter Eastmond have entered Newark which Dr. Kcast tried to sublet. llowno is vice commodore, Mrs. normal .school. Hit by /Bicyclist. William Morgan treasurer and MrJ. Herbert W. Cooper has been Mrs. j Belle Burner of Lorn; elected vice president of the Long Branch/was struck by a bieyle as Joseph 0. Borland secretary. Branch boaril of education to suc-she was alighting from n bus Thurs- Ran, Over by Wagon. ceed Jacob Steinhaeh, Jr., who re- day and suffered a broken wrist and James McLaughlin, dr4ver forth 1 signed. numerous bruises. Tho bicyc neral baking company of Asbuvy The West Long Branch school rider gave a fictitious name and l.is PaVk, fell under his wagon la?t reopened last w.cck with an enroll- identity has not been learned. wrok when tho horse ran away. The. ment of 16(i pupils. Miss Blanche Charge Held Up. ' heels passed over him but Pierson is principal of the school. William It. Myers of Allenburst, he was not seriously hurt. John Crawford of Freehold has who'Was arrested last week chnrged Fire Truck in Collision. unlisted in the state police and has The truck of Atlanticfirecomj;one into training at the, depart- with driving his car while drunk, escaped going to jail as Justice pany of Long Branch collided witn ment school near Trenton. Borden of Asbury Park held fie a car driven by Edward Woolloy Building permits at Long Branch •ast month amounted to $6G,82C. sentence in abeyance until there is while returning from a fire lai.t week. Both machines were dareIn the same month last year the a repetition of tho offense. aged but no one was injured. permits totalled ?U8,400. Lackey—Knudson. Miss Gertrude M. Lackey of Long Ackerman—Parry. Miss M. Grace Carman of Matawan is improving from an operation Branch and Howard Knudson of Miss Helen C. Ackerman, daughfor appendicitis performed at theStroudsburg, Pa., were married ter of Dr. James F. Ackerman 'of Saturday, August 23d, at the latter Asbury Park, was married Saturday Lonp; Branch hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McKeen and place. Announcement of the wed- night at the Asbury Park Presbydaughter of Stamford, Conn., have ding was not made until last week. terian church to Dr. Oliver K. been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Parry of Salt Lake City. Dinner for Fire-Fighters. McKeen of Matawan. Frank C. Wolf, proprietor of the Trolley Car Derailed, Mrs. Mattio Kohrons has resigned A trolley car wa3 derailed at manager of the National stores Buckingham hotel at Avon, gavo a company at Asbiiy Park and hr.s dinner party last week to the Avon Spring Lake Saturday morning by firemen in appreciation of their some dirt which had been scraped ne to Philadelphia. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Gesswein of services in saving his hotel from over the rails under the direction of Jacob G. Newman, road superinMatawan have been entertaining destruction in a recent fire. tendent at Spring Lake. Mrs. Katlieryn Newman of Canton, Poison Fatal to Woman. Ohio. Mrs. Kathcriiic Breban of Phila- Worker's Leg Crushed. ' Richard Overall of Asbury Park Mrs. Harry McChesney of Brad- delphia, aged eighty years, who hail ley Park gave birth to a son Mon-spent the summer at Como, died rt was crush'jd under a cement mixer which was being moved' at the site the Spring Lake hospital last week day of last week. The Oalihurst Methodist church after drinking lysol presumably of the Borkeley-Carteret hotel :>i Asbury Park Friday. His leg was will bold its annual supper and with suicidal intent. broken above the kneo. bazar tonight. Boy Ourncd in Auto. {Continued on next page ) John Richaiih, the seven jeirGuard Was Dishonest. Boseio Parmelli of Asbury Park v.iia fined $gO last week for selling produce belonging to George Erhardt .".ml Walter Cook nt th farmers' mrrket at Asbury Pan:. Pnrmelli had been employed by Erhardt and Cook to watch their produce while they slept. Besides O watching the produce he EOUI so:r.e of it and kept the money. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. T HE new Oakland Six Landau Sedan was created to match the taste and quicken the pulse of those who instinctively prefer excellence. Here is luxury on four wheels—a light, dose-coupjed, closed car—easy to drive, easy to park—powerful, handsome, individual—and as clean-cut and debonair as a Derby winner. Here is exclusive luxury at a very low price for such luxury. There isn't a car in its price group and not a handful among the higher priced cars that offer the smartness and completeness of dress and deROADSTER TOURING SPECIAL ROADSTER SPECIAL.TOURING meanor you will find in the Landau Sedan. Here is beauty of an exceptional type conceived by Fisher and installed on a chassis that is True Blu<*, io the last bolt and the last nut— —A True Blue car with spirit andjjvigor and driving utility that have earned it the right to be called "a year in advance of its field." Drop in today and ask to see this new Oakland. It is a great deal more than a good looking car. It is one of the world's very finest! LANDAU COUPE LANDAU SEDAN COUPE FOR TOUR SEDAN T. H. McKnight 33 EAST FRONT ST., RED BANK Phone 705 f Received College Dcgrcs. Mins Gertrude A. Beers, formerly of Matawan, has received a degree of bachelor of .science and a diplprna in supervision of industrial antl fine v.vls from the teachers' cnllego at Columbia university. She will have charge of the fine art? and industrial arts department at a state normal school in Massachusetts. That's a lot of house for the Money) It is, my dear, and it is because we are using tlie up-to-date method of building with Celotex. Give me credit. I sent for the booklets. A house without draits around the door and window frames and one free from dampness sounded good to me. I know, but it ivas the approval given Celotex by everyone—the architect, lumber dealer, contractor and people who live in (klotex homes— ; that sold ma. They say, don't they, that Celotex cuts fuel bills? Celotex Is a strong, rugged, weatherproof durable building lumbar made from the long,touch fibres ofcane. It ta better than wood •hcathlne—eqjala cork for Insulation. Celotex 19 used for sheathing tnstend of wood; for plaster tlon, sound ilendener antl exterior finish. StocV sizes: Thlckn»s7.is1n.;wf<ltt]4 ft.; lensthii B ft. io 12fl.WelstHt.bout Wlb iocjf Yes, a fourth to a third. It has the insulating value of cork which means very little heat can pass through it. In ivinler, the heat inside the house can't get out. In summer, the heat is outside—on the roof mainly—and can't get in. Celotex stops both heat and cold. Are they going to put it on the roof, too? Surely, that's where the most heat is wasted. It will be used as plaster base, too. Why don't you read your Celotex booh again? I gave mine to Edith, but I'll write for another. The address is—The Celotex Company, 645 N.\ Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, or ive can stop at a lumber yard for one. INSULATING LUMBER | THERE IS A USE FOR CELOTEX IN EV^RY BUILDING J. T. BURROWES COMPANY Hopping, McHenry & Frost Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Conover Lumber Company Keyport, N. J. Red Bank, N. J. (^ranmer, Tillotson Company Long Branch, N. J. Frank Anderson Matawan, N. J. GENERAL DISTRIBUTORS:T!ie Crombio Celotcx Co., Inc., 101 Park Ave., N. V. C. Give the children Vffch Y'S after every meal A prominent physician saws: "It is surprising how free from dacay the teeth can be kept by using gum after each meal." You know how hard it is to get the children to clean their teeth. By giving them WRIGLEY'S you not only reward themfor cleaning their teeth, but the reward] is actually the means of performing this important service! . WRIGLEY'S aids digestion too, and acts as an antiseptic wash for1 the mouth and throat. Sev* eralflavors-allof WRIGLEY quality. The Flavor Lasts mmmmmmmmmmmmsem el now AN old range that has to be coaxed J \ to cook isn't worth giving kitchen space. If putting off buying a Glenwood means thatyou're putting up with an unsatisfactory range, come in and see ua. Whatever your old range is worth will be allowed in exchange for a modern labor-saving Glenwood that you can be enjoying now. Millions in Parked Cars. At l.°-£"t w:ek's meeting of the Asbury Park commissioners it was reported by the police department that over $15,000,000 worth of automobiles were parked on. the streets of Asbury J a r k over Sunday night of last week. The rages and parking places were crowded the same night. Model "C" for Coal or Wood Finished in pearl-gray porcelain enamel or plain black. Its big square oven bakca food exactly right,—top, bottom and clear through. Hi s h Water Mark for Jail. The high water mark for this time of year in the number of prisoners in the county jail was reported 1,-lst week to the freeholders by Sheriff VanMater. For Auguit there was an average of 101 prisoners and the cost of maintaining them was 2-1 V< cents a day. Crossing Bell Stopped. Abbott Worthley of Marlboro has secured on injunction compelling tho Central railroad to substitute a flagman for tho crossing bell at Marlboro. Mr. Worthley claimed tho continuous ringing of the bell made it impossible to hear over the telephone in, his office. Heads County Bankers. Harry A. Watson, president of the Asbury Park and Ocean Grove ban, was elected president of the county bankers' association Saturday night: John A. Ilulshart of Manasquan is vice president and Irving Heed of A.sbury Park secretary and treasurer. Fined for Cruelty. Lewis Heyer of Matawan was lined $50 and costs last week on a charge of cruelty to a team of horses. It was charged that Heyer overloaded the team and when they wouldn't pull the load he severl'v beat them, knocking out an eye of one of ilie animals. Held For Stealing Auto. Clarence Suyilam of Matawr.n was arrested a few days ago charged by Samuel Towlcr with stealing the hitler's auto from a gamge and badly dnm.-u;ini; it, Suydnm'a father paid for the damage to the car. Young Suydam was held for the grnnd jury. A Glenwood BalancedBalling Damper never warnn or eticl"!. Tho wonderfully even Iicnti IIR of aGlcnwood oven makes It easy to tiako two rowo of bread or pastry at tlic Dame time, Found Still on Frnm. County Detective .Smith led n raiding party to a farm smith of Adelphia last week, arrested John Pavic nnd Tony Merritt, operators of the farm and seized a still and a quantity of grain and peach mash The men were held in $1,000 bail! Re-Wed Io C.ct Passports. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Montulel of Oiikliurul, who were married .!'"> years ago in Holland before sailinjfor this country, were remarried last week so they could gtfc,pms5porta L. Schwartz, Red Bank 108-112 W. Front St., Cor. Maple Ave. RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTl^BER 10, 1924. ###*••+••+••• BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. AT T H E / CHERRY TREE FARM 1 Fruits and Vegetables (Frmh Daily) APPLE5 (Gr»v«mlulii and Wealthy) PEACHES CORN CARROTS FRESH EGGS HONEY RELISHES, PURE MAPLE SYRUP, CANDY and TOBACCO. TOMATOES POTATOES MELONS SQUASH ONIONS * EGG PLANT SPRAY MATERIALS (of Unexcelled Merit) Nicotine Duit Dry Mis Bordeaux Mixtures Black Leaf 40 Dusting Material! (Niagara Brand) Kayso Other Materials Not Lilted Star Picking Strap* Picking Ladders GOODRiCH TIRES MACHINERY Bean Sprayer (One for every purpose) The New Sclf-MiiinB Bean Duster (S.iveH you money) Bissell Marrows Fruit Graders Used Sprayers Sprayho&e Fittings 1 Repairs GAS and OIL GAS and OIL ACCESSORIES IC. Hendricfcson I Son E¥.idd9etown, ti J. Telephone 798-R. Dealers In FARMERS' Bean Fruit Duster Self Mixing Type SUPPLIES Eleven Attractive Models to choose from —all beautifully'finished in cither lustrous BerU.iliirc blue or black enaind, each carrying the highest grade equipment obtainable and embodying in its construction the high quality standards which have made Columbia bicycles famous through nearly a half century of supremacy. This is what is offered you in the 1924 line of Columbia bicycles now on display- in our store. You arc bound to find a model to exactly suit your purpose—and your purse—because Columbia bicycles are now priced lower than in 1014, before the war. Drop us a,lincsor phone us and we will gladly send you a copy of the new Columbia catalog"handsomely illustrated in colors. Better still come into our store and look them over. $4 /ITMESTF/ELD MAHNS BICYCLE EXCHANGE 27 East Front Street 709 Main Street °PP- Okk. Hotel R e( j B^k, N. J. Asbury Park, N. J. (Continued from last page.) The Asbury Park hospital will receive about $4,000 as.,a result of the recent benefit performance given by Wnltcr Readc at his Main street theater ami from a special tax placed on free passes at his shows this summer. Rutgers Club Dinner. The Rutgers club of Asbury Park held a get together meeting and dinner last week at the New Monterey hotel. The committee comprised Irving L. Eeed, Stewart H. Applnby, Dr. William G. Herrman and J. Parker Ilickman. New Real Estate Office. A. Merriman of Freehold, who has been in charge of the Strout farm agency at that place, has opened an office for this firm at Manasqunn, Louis E. DuPuis of Clarksburg now has charge of the Freehold office. Ask for Policeman. Residents of the western section of Freehold, known as the "Peach Orchard," have requested the borTU/fh council to provide police pro";-tion there. They cay. that coniilcrablo rowdyism exists every eek-end. nliing Radium Treatments. Fred Rothfritz of Asbury Park, who Recently underwent an operr.tion as the result of an injury to his arm, is now undergoing radium treatment at a New York hospital. RothfrLU was injured while playing ball. Firemen's Delegates. Robert M. Marks, C. P. Polanfl. and T. M. Hoskins were elected last week to represent the Manasquan fire department at the annual meeting of the state relief association at Atlantic City September 19th and 20th. To Teach at Pompton Lake*. Miss Gladys Rice, daughter of James IT. Rice of Manasquan, who graduated from Trenton normal school last' summer, has been ongaged as musical director in the new junior high school at Pompton Lakes. Truck Thieves Caught. Thomas Connelly and Arthur Bishop of Belleville were arresteJ at South Amboy last Friday night with a truck which had been stolen from Louis Frost of Asbury Park. They \vero held under $500 bail each. New Freehold Pajtor. Rev. Cuthbert P. Newton began his pastorate of the Freehold Baptist church Sunday. Mr. Newton served in the Chinese maritime1 service before taking up the ministry and fought through the Boxer war. Wants to Incorporate. The Portaupeck water company haa asked the Occanport borough authorities for permission to incorporate under the water act BO it can supply all of the Portauptvlt section with water. Taken Sick on Visit. Harry Liv'ezsy of Camden was taken sick with acute appendicitis while on a visit to his parents at Freehold last week and was takon to the Long Branch hospital, where he was operated on. Workman Injured. David Thompson of Keansburg suffered a broken arm last week when his hand became caught i.i 3ome bclti'd machinery while he wes working. lie was taken to the Long Branch hospital. Garret A Denise, vice president of the Central national bank at Frehold, has gone to the Battle Creek sanitarium for treatment for a nervous disorder. Henry Kass of New York is in the, bank during his absence. Freehold Property. The A. J. C. Stokes property at Throckmorton and Broad streets, Freehold, has been sold to Max Finegolrt and Harold McDermott. It comprises two stores and two apartments. ^Suit for $50,000. Suit for $50,000 has been started against the New York and Long Branch raiload company by the estate of William A. Osborn, who was killed by a train at Belmar last January. Engagement Announced. Announcement was made at a party last week of the engagement of Miss Elza Cornelius, daughter of August W. Cornelius of Asbury Park, to Harold K. Chandler of Michigan. Struck by Auto. Williarh Stricklin of Kcyporf, seventy yeara old, was struck by an auto being backed out of n garage while he was mowing his lawn last week. Some of his ribs were broken. Conviction Appealed. John Quinn of Freehold, who was recently lined ?200 utter being arlosted on n charge of beinfr. drunk nnd damaging property, haa appealed from the justice's conviction. Big Haul of Mackerel. The (iiililvn pound fishermen landed about 1(10 barrels of thimble eye mackerel lust Thursday morning. Thene firm were bringing on!/ $r> n barrel of 200 pounds at New York. Konnshurg Womnn Honored. Miss A. C lifoander, positmistivMfi lit Keunslmrg, was elected prodilcnt of tho New Jersey pontrnn.itern' association nl the annual meeting held nt Anbury PnVk lust week. Now Bus Line, Meyer Foosancr of Freehold, who operates several bus lines, is planning for a now lino to run from Freehold to Long Branch by way of West Loiif? Brunch end Oakhurst. Made $1,100 at Freneau Fair. The Freneau fire company realized $1,100 from its recent fair. Those in general churRc of the fair were Frank Potts, Mrs. Edward MaBrnth and Mrs. Charles Tice. Long Branch Policeman Honored. Polic'eijtart Carl Hulm of Long Branch was elixlud Bergeant-atarras of the state patrolmen's henevolcnt association at the convention last week lit Long Branch. Theater to Reopen. The United theaters of America, a New York corporation, haa leasei tho theater at Freehold formerly conducted hy G. B. TenEyck and will reopen it in about a •week. Win. Golf Tide. Miss Martha M. Parker, a summer resident of Allenhurst, again won the women's golf title at the Spring Lake country club, the finol of which wag played Friday. Long Branch Girl Weds. Miss MaMo Jackson, daughter of Walter Ii. JackHon of Long Brannh, was married August 31st to Raymond J. Moon of Trenton. The couple are living at Avon. Marines Win Ride Mateli. Thci riflo team of the United States marine corps won the Dryden event in the inter-state shoot last week at Seagirt, Bcoring 3,367 out of a possible 3,600. Engagement Announced, The engagement is announced of Miss Edna Marion Patterson; daughter of George A. Patterson of West Farms, to Alfred J. Sherman of Toms River. Home from Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherwood of' Freehold returned last week from a trip to their old homo in England. They have lived in this couiftry twenty years, Man Hurt Diving. John Coffil of Paterson was taken to the Long Branch hospital Saturday suffering from an injury received when he dived in shallow water at Keansburg. Married at City Hall. Miss Lillian Pingitore and Eugene E. Walch of Long Branch were married at the city hall at that place last Wednesday by Mayor Frank L. Howland. Mrs. A. D. Melvin of MorrisviuV, Penn., who was formerly Miss Mar- i guerite. Hampton of Asbury Park, | gave birth to a daughter Sunday W last week at the McKinley hospital at Trenton. BuHdinr; New Store. Work has been started on a new one-story store building at Brad! *y Bench for Mrs. Charles Jones. Thi; building will cost ?35!000. It will be 100x100 feet. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lantz of Spring Lake will spend the latter part of this month visiting relatives in Pennsylvania. Mr. Lantz is director of the Spring Lake Community house. Baseball Player Opcratod On. Fred Perrine, third baseman on the Freehold baseball team, was operated on for appendicitis at his home at Jamesburg last week and is recovering. Asbury Park Girl Married. Miss Evelyn E. Reynolds, daughter of William 11. Reynolds of Asbury Park, was married Friday night to William C. Goetz of New York. Many Hospital Patients. Four hundred and eight patients were admitted to the Long Branch hospital last month. Of that number 215 patients underwent operations. Pool Room Sold. Theodore Skidmore has sold l.is pool room on South street at Freehold to Daniel Cervelino of Salem, who haa moved his family to Freehold. To Build at Bradley Beach. 1 Hal A. Marks, a Bradley Beach contractor, will soon start work on a ten-room coloninl house at Colonial Terrace to cost about $20,000. No License; Fined $25. Fiorc Viettle of Long Branch was fined $25 last week for driving n car without a license. Viettle said he counld not read or write. Applegate—Burroughs. Miss Helen A. Applegate and William C. Burroughs of Long Branch wore married last Wednesday by Rev. W. Elwell Lake. A Portable Sclioolhouse. Tho Freehold township board of education is building a portable schoolhousc on a plot near the Freehold water works. Manasquan's Candidates. James M. Loyno nnd Hurry Thompson have filed petitions for nominations • as councilmen at Munasquan. A New Bungalow. Andrew FaUci-snn of Freehold is building a bun^ahnv on Club plncft. Theodore livers bus the contract. .^-' T™" w " r w Page Seven . *.'-; "" i.iM»iiMw»miiwiiBiiff' at4 i.C. & G. A. PLLAIUSH, AIIRIII-|'I':I:TH. Boom 17, Eisner lll,lK., R.,| ()»,, , i(, / , ATTEND THE • j WILLIAM E. FOSTER. « J U N 3 E L U m AT LAW. Nin VurS, tJi-w ,l.r«y, «ll llrcu.luny, Allmulo lllBhlnriils, N. V. Cily. j u.J. M. R TICTLE.', m n Akv I'tnii i r mid C O M M I S S I O N S OF HKLHS. •I Uronil Ktr.-.'t, INDIVIDUAL _ |'t,.,| li, m k. H. i I1KNTAL :!Ul!<iK()N, 64 lironcl S t r w t , Kiirn-r lliiil.llrat. Huntiia '1. !i iunl fc. Of!k-<i ir.-u, -, >i-.:;o i,, ;,;(,» o'clock. GEORGE'TWeC. TAYLOR, C, E. CONHIil.TINf; KNCINKKIi. . CIVIL ENUINEKU anil MIJI1VEVOR. 85 (irctur I'lncc, H,,,i |i n ,,|,, ff, J. REILLY, QUINN & PARSONS, INSTRUCTION We teach hoth Pitman and GrerjiT. systems of Shorthand. All commercial subjects. Special course in Filing. Pupils of other schools may continue their work here without interruption. Write, telephone I308-R, or call tor particular*. , JOHN S. APPLF.GATF. & SON, ' COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Davidaon Ihiililini:, llroail Htnet. _ _ ltlil) I)ANK,JN,_J. _ WILSON & SMOCK, " COUNSELLOH3 AT LAW, 1IKD HANK. N. J. Ortle*n: 10 East Front Sttf.-t. ERNEST L. BEAN, Principal. ALSTON BEEKMAN, ' COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Omres, 10 Hrnnil St., RED HANK. N. J. DR. W. M. THOMPSON, DENTAL SIJUGF.ON. 2d Nnt'l IlnnkiluildlnKi Bed llnnlc, N. J. Gas ndmmiatprrd. Hours 8-6. GEORGE bTcOOPER," " CIVIL ENGINEER, Buccoannr to Georco Co«I>er, C. E. PnttfrsiM^lulldlni;, IIKO IjANK^JJ.J. GEORGE H. ROBERTS, CUADUATE AUCTIONEER, Pedittree or Grnda Stnck, Fflrm So.iP, Personal Property. New Monmouth, N. J. Telephone MMdletown 27H-M. Carefully Compounded GEORGE K. ALLEN, Jr., C. E.T^d GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, C. E. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. 60 Ilroad Str.ct. Re.l Ilonlt. N. J. JAMES A." HENDRIckSON, COUNSELLOH AT LA.VV. Offlcesi 103 East Front utroet, Rsd Bank. TcL Red Bank 610-Ii. HAVE YOU Headache? : The careful compounding of pre scriptions is just as important as tha choice of a doctor when you or your loved ones are sick. Do jroui* Eyei burn or Itch7 _, Do they feel tired or .trained? If «o, hav« your oyes examinedj your glasBe* may need a change. STILES ®c The best efforts of your doctor %0 for naught if what he prescribes is not carefully followed to the last item. We specialize in this work and worthy of your trust. < 2nd Notional Bonk Bide, Room 28 4 Every WednexJay Hours t to 5 p.m. are JENNINGS General Roofing Cootractor 120 South St., '. CO. ] Philadelphia Eye Specialists Freehold, N. J. H. C..-HUBBARP, Prop. 1© Broad Street Telephone 146. lied Bank, N. J. Telephone 38. . Distributor of ; the Ambler Asbeato* Shingles. full stuck, oil sizes and colors carried In Freehold. We «ither f furnish you tho material or give an ' applied price. Can be applied over ! your old ehinffle roof. We go BUT- • where. Slnte, SJa« anrf TiJp nooflnjr > Phones 170-M so.d 128-W. perform* a OF, H. L..' ZOBEL Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor Red Bank, N. J. Telephone 955 Sea Bright, N. J. Telephone 90 REUSSIULE'S 36 Broad St., Red Bank ' CUIlNtfKl.l.OKS AT LAW. WhitrUlcl |liiil,ll,iK, u,,l ll,,,!,, .fi)hn J. Qiliiui. Tlirmlor*. I). l'nr*fm*. Expert Repairing WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY Accuracy, skill and experience enable us to do the most delicate repairing. We guarantee satisfaction. Our prices will please you. Silverware Repaired and Replated Like New. J. Dlt. HAROLD J. S r OKE3, Day Sessions begin Sept. 22d. Night Sessions begin Sept. 29th. School Office open daily, beginning Sept. 12, for registration and personal interview. WHI'N 'nFXlKK AUK)M()l5ir.i;S ARM BUILT. BUICK W1I..T, VAJll.D 'UIKM RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. Page Eight section, The tomatoes are free turned homo from a visit of three COPS HOLD CONVENTION. QUALITY HATS from black rot, which is prevalent weeks in Now York state and she Jersey Policemen Want an Eight- hero this yenr. MRS. S. LOHMANN will resume her position as a Bchool it A prescription fqr FIRST CLASS MILLINERY PARLOR, Hour Day and Minimum Salary. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hyntt en tencher at New York next week. Hand-Made H>u « Specially. Colds. Grippe, Dengue Fever, Chief of Police Harry H. Clayton tcrtained friends from Brooklyn Mao Stock of Ready.Mada Hata. Miss Jennie Springsteen lias re14 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. Constipation, of Jted Bank, Chief Horace liyrnni last week. Bilious Head* turned home from a visit of threo One Fllulit Up. of Asbury Park and Chief Willin.n aches and Malarial Fever. Reed Gaiger moved last we?k weeks at Asbury Park. "Her sister, Walling of Long Branch led thefrom Point Pleasant to Joaquin Miss Jessie Springsteen, is now parade of the state patrolmen's be- Lawrence's house at this place. spending u week at Asbury Park. nevolent association last week at Mrs. Gaiger is still at Point PleasMr. and Mrs. Hamilton Scott of Long Branch. Policeman Willir.r.i ant where she is improving from Maplewood were recent guests of Mustoe of Red Bank was a legis- typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Law- Mr. and Mrs. David Scott. lative delegate to the patrolmen's rence left last week in their autoMr. and Mrs. Cornelison and son convention and Policemen Allen mobile for Miami, Florida, whim's of Dover spent pnrt of last week Smith and Joseph Imlay were alter- they Will spend the winter. Postal with Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman. nates. The association favors iin cards mailed by them in Maryland Isadore Speero and family havo eight-hour law for every police de- have been received by folks here. moved from their summer residence partment in the state and a mini- Miss Florence Campbell and Miss here to Brooklyn, where Mr. Speero mum salary for every policeman of Bertha Dunham, two of the school is a school teacher. $2,400 a year. teachers here, and Misa Campbell's Mrs. William Turtan is visiting sister, Mrs. Arthur C. Clapp, re- at Brooklyn. turned last week from an automoCOLT'S NECK NEWS. Miss, Dorothy Reed, aged sixteen bile trip to the Catskill mountains. years," daughter of Edwin Keed, Mrs. Michael Riordan a Patient at Rev. and Mrs. D. Percy Doyle rescued a colored young woman the Long Branch Hospital. and son Robert spent part of lnst from drowning at Swimming river Mrs. Michael Kiord'an was taken week at Allentown. last week. The colored young woto the Long Branch hospital foi Miss Edna Buck is visiting Mrs. man was a stranger here nnd she stomach trouble last week, llir Wyckoff of Ridgewood. did not give her name. Miss Reed condition is serious. The township board of education happened to be swimming in the Seventy-eight members of an Al- met Friday night and arranged to river and she noticed the young lenhurst social club had a dinner improve the service for transport- woman as the latter was sinking for party last Thursday at Emil Hot- ing pupils from Atlantic township the second time. • -ay**— man's hotel Kxtra cooks and extra to the high schools at Red Bank waiters were employed at the hotel and Freehold. A Powerful Voice. that day. Misa Beatrice Doyle is employed Luke Longhead speaks every Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Fiella as a teacher at the public school week to. an audience of over 35,000 persons, an assurance that you get and daughter Miss Alice Fields, at Allentown. Miss Helen Magee and Mr. and Mr. anil Mrs, Everett Matthews results when he delivers your mesMrs. Frank S. Weelts were recent of Lumberton were recent guests of sage.—Advertisement. visitors at Point Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Sickles. Miss Mabel Willett, daughter of The Reformed church cleared Clarence Willett, returned hnm<> $60 by the recent peach festival Sunday from the Long Branch hos- held on the church grounds. pital, where she underwent an op- Misa Dorothy Bennett haa reeration for appendicitis. turned from a visit to relatives at Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erving ar.d Shrewsbury. rYOUWILLENJOYPIQ]NEER,THE LEADING RADIO CRITIC] children of Vanderburg, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jbhn Sherman hnd Mrs.Bradford Recommends Lydia Mrs. Paul Erving of Long Branch, relatives from Brooklyn with them E.Pinkham'sVegetable Compound Mr. and Mrs. M. Erving of Freu- recently. hold and Percy Erving and Miss Theodore Wuebber, who lrves Phoebus, Virginia. — " Having this amberger Gladys Megill of Asbury Park spent with his uncle, J. Fred Beckman, opportunity I just cannot refrain from saying a word, of the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.is laid up with a sprained ankle praise for the Asher Erving. caused by a fall. ' LydiaE.Pinkham Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews Miss Emma Decker has resumed medicines. I have of Keyport have been visiting Mr. her duties as a tencher at Plainsuaed them as occaand Mrs. Frank Matthews. boro. sion required for twenty years, and' Mrs. George Gordon of Brooklyn my three sisters TINTON FALLS NEWS. is spending a few days with -her have also used parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. Percy Mrs. John C. Crawford C lled them, and always Doyle. with tho moat Abroad by Sitter's Sickness. Rev. John Wesley Tower preachgratifying results. Word has been received from ed last week at the Eatontown Duringthe Change Mrs. John C. Crawford of her safe of Lite I had the Methodist church. Mrs. Miller and Miss Doris Millor j arrival in Scotland, where she was usual .distressing symptoms,— hot called by tho sickness of her sister. flashes, insomnia, etc., — and 1 am of Ardena are visiting Mr. and Miss Marie Quinn of New York pleased to testify to tho •wonderfut Mrs. Russell Heulitt. results I obtained from tho Vegetable Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis ar.ii spent part of last week with Mrs. Compound. I heartily recommend it Nicholas VanWinckle. to any woman and I will ba pleased to sort Leslie have returned from Charles McManimee and his answer any inquiries that might be Clark's Landing, where they spent mother of New York> "who havo sent tome through the publication of a month camping. my testimonial. — Mrs. H. L. BRADMr. ftnfl Mrs. Lewis Snyder have been summer residents here a- num- FORD, 109 Armstead St.,Phoebus,Va. returned from an automobile trip ber of years, have decided to live Consider carefully Mrs. Bradford's here all the year around. in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. letter. Her experience ought to help Miss Cora Bennett haa returned you. She mentions the trials of middle Thomas Catchpole of Eatontown from a vacation of three weeks in age and the wonderful results she obaccompanied them. from Lydia E. Pinkham's VegMiss Elsie Taylor, who is em-New York state and she will resume tained etable Compound. ployed at Avon, spent last weok her position as school teacher at If you are suffering from nervous with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Now York next week. Miss Ella Covert o£ Allenwood troubles, irritability, or if other anGeorge Taylor. noying symptoms appear and you are spent last week with Mrs. Harry Miss Edna Weubber has returned blue at times, you should give the to Jamaica, L. I., after a stay with Coleman. Vegetable Compound a fair trial. For • Miss Ella Covert of Allenwood sale by druggists her uncle, John B. Beckman. everywhere. spent last week with Mrs. Harry Frank S. Weeks, who is working George Taylor's farm, has one of Coleman. Miss Jennie Springsteen has It pays to advertise in Hi 8 Rocriste/. the finest fields of tomatoes in this 6 66 No Credits, Exchanges or Refunds Quantities Not Guaranteed Sale Thursday, September 11th 1.00 Chiffon Failles 79c yd. Yard wide faille, poplin, silk and cotton, fifteen colors to choose from. 79c Figured Satines 39c yd. Suitable for linings, comfortable coverings and other uses, discontinued patterns, yard wide. 2.00 to 2.50 Davenport Cushions 1.50 Velour, plain or shadow stripes, round, good size. 25c Curtain Fabrics 15c yd. White cream or ecru, 36 inch, some with lace edge, other checks and plaids. 1.59 Storm Serge 1.00 yd. Brown only, all pure wool, 44 inches wide, wonderful value. 2.00 to 2.50 Table Linen 1.50 yd. 72 inches wide, lengths I1/-, to 3 yards, some slightly soiled. 79c Embroidered Towels 59c ea. Scalloped and embroidered; pink, blue, gold Or lavender; size 18x32, guest size to match; size 15x 22, 39c each. 59c Cascade Drapery 39c Brown or rose, self colored brocade, very strong and durable. 69c Towel Set 50c Fancy Turkish towel with two wash cloths in a box, pink or blue: FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE L. B 19c Glass Toweling 12|c yd. Blue or red checks, finest cotton, fast selvage, full width. 2.00 Round Table Cloths 1.59 Mercerized, 64 inch, round, scalloped; very good quality. 2.00 54 inch Serge 1.59yd. All pure wool French serge, navy only, 1% yards wide. 2.50 Blankets 2.00 pair White only, full double bed size, well fleeced, pink or blue borders. 39c to 50c Voiles 25c yd. Balance of figured dress voiles; good assortment of patterns. Special Purchase Imported Novelty Cottons Made to sell for 1.00 to 1.50 a yard Just the weight for this season and later, woven eponge with silk checks, heavy novelty crepes, tweed mixtures with over plaids and many others; yard wide. HoUSEFURfiiSHinGS ASS WARE SMOOTH PERFORMANCE LAMDS A marked smoothness characterizes the performance of Dodge Brothers Motor Car. In keeping with the policy of constant improvement, effective measures have been taken to minimize vibration. Applied to the body, engine, clutch, brakes, and other vital units, these refinements add immeasurably to the comfort of travel over boulevards and country roads. The effect is so pronounced, in fact, that it is entirely fitting to classify smooth performance as one of the outstanding attributes of Dodge Brothers Motor Car. FRANK VANSYCKLE E. V. HUGHES, Mgr. 21 Mechanic St., Red Banki Telephone! 1290 FREEHOLD—C. H. Erold, Manager PWn« B7O STEIN-HEIMLICH AUTO CO. Long Branch, New Jersey B ro aa,St.~R'ed?B<mit. & c 3T6KBER 1.25 Blankets 79c ea. Some dress lengths in the lot, others short lengths for children's wear. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of 11. fa. to rat iW, tected, iasueil out of tho Court of Chaneer] of the Btato of Mew Jeraey, mill be ex posed to sala at public vendua on Monday; tha Hill day of September, 1024, betweei tho houra of 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock, at o'clock (daylight savins time), in tho a.. ternoon of aald day, at the Court Home, In tho Borough of Freehold, County I Monmouth, New Jeraey, to satisfy * fit eree of said Court amounting to approxl ately 12,828.00. All that,certain lot, tract or cartel „ land and prcmUea hereinafter particular), described, aituate, lying and being In th Borough of Bed Bank, In the County o>, Monmouth and State of New Jersey. Be. irinnlng at tha Intersection of tha eait.rl, lino of Shrewsbury avenue with the south' erly line of Catherine street i thence soutt erly. along the easterly line of Shrewlbm1 avopua fifty feet to a stake; thence cai erlj, on a line pnrallol with Catlierll street one hundred and sixty-eight feet a stake; thence northerly,'on a lint parallel with ShrewebUry avenue fifty feat to th« aoutherly Una of Cuttwrlne strc«ti thsnts westerly, along Catherine. Btreet one hun-.., dred and alxty-elght feet to tha pluoo « * / beglnnlnfr. ^ . Intended to ba tha same land ind fMm-J Iscs conveyed to the said Gulseppl Flns»x canaro by deed executed by Samuel Sabsth^ nnd Francea Sabath his wife, by doed dateopf? February 16th, 102S, and recorded tn th«t County Clerk's oHIce, In Book X!10 OecdB, on page 802, etc. Seized as tho property of Gulmtupl Flint canaro, et at., taken -In exetcutlon at th# suit of LOUIR 12. Brown^spndf tos-be sold b; JOHN H. VAN MATEU. SKerlft. Doted AuRuut 10. 1924. m REILLY, QUINN i PARSONS, Solicitor*! (40 linca) 818.80 BEGINNING September 15th Heavy weight, dark colors, 72 inches long, 60 in. wide. 25c to 50c Wash Goods 19c yd. Monmouttt County 9um>g«t«'a Office. _ In the matter of tlia eitata of Jamct VTl Bpruul, deceased, f Notice to creditor! to present claim* ' BttBii.fit cstntc. Pursuant to the watt of Jofitptt L. Do shay, oun-ogatt of the County of Md tnoutbi made on the ninth day of tlu 1024, on tha upplicnUon of The Sece National Bank and Truit Company et Bank (body corporate), executor qf eBt&U Df James W. Sptoul, deceased, ««• tioo 1« hereby given to the creditors of sala ^eceaaed to exhibit to th« aubecrlber. «*« ecutor «c afore said, their debts and <ta| rounds again it the onid eitata, under oa within • •* months from tha date ef I... Rfore»aiU order, or they will ba forcvei barred of their actions t&erofor agftlnit Utf •Bid subscriber, f Dated Freehold, N. 3., Jnlr Stb. 1 B 2 | TUB SECOND NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF WED HANK * S INCE early last Spring, our buyers have been searching the markets of Europe and our own country for offerings sufficiently impressive to be worthy of this yearly event—the September Sale. Now that every shipment is in the house, every sale tag ready, we can announce, that this is easily the most important event in the history of our China, Housef urnishings, Glassware and Lamp Departments. Never have assortments offered so much variety, neve* have stocks approached their present size. t AND, AS IN EVERY SEPTEMBER SALE IN OUR HISTORY, y PRICES ARE STRIKINGLY LOW EXPRESS BLHVATOnS TO THE nOUBEFtlMnsniNaS SEVENTH FLOOR. L. BAMBERGER 6 Co. ofiAmcrtca's Groab Stottt" Newark, N, J. VOLUME XLVII, NO. 11. {fiued Weekly,, Eats fed m ©scond-Clssa Mutter at the Postot&ea st Red B&fik, K. J., under tbe Act of March |3d. 1870. FIRED BY UNKNOWN THE DEFENSE DAY PlOGMi. UBLIC SCHOOLS REOPENED. A RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. SUITS FOE BIG DAMAGES. SALAVTION ARMY WORK. TO REDEDICATE MONUMENT. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 9 TO 20, DIVISION OF SIX ESTATES. LIBRARY'S GOOD YEAR. chools in Red Bank Have en EnHighlands Will Honor the Memory • 1—of Capt. Joshua Muddy. rollment of 2,196 Pupilt. WILLS OF FOUR WOMEN AND ANNUAL MEETING MELD At] TOW?rS™"NOTORIOU3 SEVEN A BIG TIME ARRANGED FOR AT MRS. LEWIS S. THOMPSON OF MONEY TO BE RAISED IN RED The Red Bank public schools reTho Highlands business and civic TWO MEN PROBATED. NAVESINK LAST WEEK. {j BANK FOR THIS PURPOSE. HOUSES SET ABLAZE. LINCROFT SUED FOR $72,000. RED BANK. ipened Monday with an enrollment association will observe Jiufeiuc I A Permanent Headquarter* for tho Tli or of if 1,112 boys and 1,084 girls, maktiny- next Friday by rrdeilicating IE"' e town Town- The Library Association Finigheti ] The Suits are the Result of an JTwo of Thehi woro Practically De- The Parade Will Start nt Sis «hip Left Most of His E*tate, inSalvation Army Will be Estab- the Cupt. Joshua JIuddy monuthe Year with a Surplus w? ' stroyed and tha Other Five DamO'clock end Jt Will Di.band el ing a totnl of. 2,1t>h pupils. Thia Automata Collision a Year Ago cluding a Farm at Marlboro, to lished Here if the Contributions a an increase of 62 over the numment at Water Witch. Capt. Iluddy, $226.03—A Play Civet, by tli® —Mrs. Thompson Says Sho Ws> aged—Daniel Berry Shoots nt the Armory, Where Patriotic ExEdna Boyce, Are Sufficiently Liberal. jcr of pupils who were enrolled nt . Not Responsible for the Collision. who was an American patriot and Young Folks of Navesinli. i Three Fleeing Incendiaries. ercises Will bo Held. ho reopening of the schools last Elias Thome of Middlctown townA campaign will be held in Red fighter in the Revolutionary war, The tenth .innu'itl mooting of tJls The papers in two suits brought Tho program for the observance, rear. All of the teachers nrc on Two of the nevon (small notorious hoiu;cst on Wetit Bergen plnco o- defenses day at Red Bank will be- land and the school work started by William T. Dunphy of Atlantic Bunk from Monday, September was hanged on April 12th, 1782, ship, in a will he made last October, Navesink library association, wns bequeathed $5 each to his two hold liirt Thur.-.day night. The &nd South Pcnrl street wcro gutted gin at six o'clock Friday evening nthout any' delay. Some of the Highlands against Mrs. Lewis S. 22il, to Friday,- September Utitb, by a band of Tory refugees. A daughters, Carrie Stout and Man- minuted of the previous annual by fire of incendiary origin early with assembly for the parade. Mili- ;rades are overcrowded. Tho new Thompson of Lincroft for $72,000 to raise a budget of 55,000 to sup- number of years nKo the Daughters dana 0. Vogel, and to his son, ArMondny morning before daylight tary, civic, fraternal and patriotic ;ymnosium for the high school will damages, which were filed in the port the activities of the Salvation of the American Revolution society thur B. Thorno. He left 100 to meeting were ri'.'id and approved end tho other five were damagoJ. organizations of Red Bank and vi- io completed by December 1st. sheriff's office some time ago, were army in Ked iiank for the coming erected a monument on the spot Lotta Boyce, daughter of v Wesley and reports were given from tin houso committee, the tennis club (The dumngi.', amounting to about cinity will take part. The mer- ?our rooms in tho senior high served on Mrs. Thompson last week. wclve months. John J. C. O'Shea where the hanging took place. A parade will be hold Friday nf- Boyce, and h« left $100 to the cem- and the dramatic club. The trean-1 §4,000, is insured. The iiouaos lire chants will decorate their places of ichool building which are now used Mrs. Thompson Was in Europe when has been1 made chairman of the' etery at Old Bridge, where his v/\£e work nnd he haa ternoon in which the Highlands Bv/ned by two sisters, Mrs, R. V. business and civilians have been re- 'or physical training purposes will the papers were filed with the sher- campaign is buried, tfye income from which is uror's report showed n »urplu.i of very large com- officials, the firemen and the school to keep the burial plot in order. A $22(3.93. The library constitution' tl. II. Stout and Mrs. Clmrlcd K. quested by the mayor's defenae day oo turned into classrooms when the iff and service was awaited until her appointed return. Mrs. Thompson was served committee to display flags and buntmittee to assist him, the committee children will talte part. The parade was amended incrciiso the num-1 Thornac, wealthy residents of BroaJ gymnasium is completed. with the summons in tho case by comprising most of the business will end at the; Iluddy monument, house and twenty acres of land i" her nf trustees to fifteen nnd an' Btrect. The houses were not occu- ing. The following i3 this year's en- Justice Elmer Wainwright of Red and professional men and promi- where there will be specckmaking Marlboro township and also all other Tho parade will be four sections. pied. They woro completed only property left by him KOCS to Edna amendment wns Hindi; to tho Ity— AH military, civic,,fraternal and pa- rollment of boys and girls in the Bank, who acted as the BherirT'f; nent citizens of the town. Included and singing. The committee in laws relative to the date, for tho b short time ngo. Red Bank schools: deputy. The suits ure brought as in the list of those on the committee charge of the exercises consists of B°y«, daughter o £ w ley B o y c C i nnnunl nwctlnt;, Mr:<. Leroy Me-' triotic organizations will form on Nicholas Ol.scosky of Seobeyville Schools made executrix Hoys Girls ;ho result of an automobile collision arc all the clergymen of Red Bank. Mayor William Kipferdnrt chair- and Edna Boycu Chestnut street, with right resting Kim, Mrs. William Barclay For-\ Was driving tur- automobile truck Icnlor high 150 165 Mayor Archibald Miller has made man, Jacob S. Hoffman, John of the will. The witnesses were sons, J. Hamilton Bruinard nnd I 330 3 IS on the Rumson. road in August of about two oVloek on Mnplo avenue. Tho lire depart- Funlor hl&h en Mnplo Howard W. Roberts and Mary Anna last year, between Mro. Thompson'u . 166 Atreet 121 the following stntement concerning Kwick, James Patten, Rev. Harry Chnrlofi Albert. Mount, "were reMonday morning when something ments nnd organizations with ve- VIeclitfnlo Jalfland street 130 143 automobile and the Dunphy car. tho Salvation army: "The Salvation P. Grim, Addison Komainc and Dr. Boyco of Atlantic Highlands. clecti'd trustees, Mrs. Frank Siets went wrong with tho machine. He hiclos will form on Oakland street, Shrewsbury avenue . . . 99 07 Mrs. Mary E. Edwards of Long right resting on Maple avenue. Illvor street Preparation for the suits has army is recognized all over the Jame3 J. Rowland. 194 18B ^topped tho truck nt tho corner with Branch left all her personal estate wns elected truntcu for one year, Beech street SO 50 been under way almost ever since world as one of the most vital facDf Maple avenue ind West Bcrgon The formation will bo ns follows: to her son, J. Howard Edwards, i;:id William Swan was elected for two the time of the accident, but the tors in the welfare of any commungECTION 1. FOUR LIQUOR RAIDS. place and he wan repairing it when Totals 1,112 1.084 she left to this son the use anil in- years and Mrs. William Strnthcf filing of the p<*ipers with the sheriff ity. It does a work that no other Police escort. t fee noticed the lire. He turned in come of all of her real estate as Jones, Jr., was elected for thrco was delayed until the results of the County Officials Make Hauls in Grand marshal, General R. C. VnnVllet. organization, religious or charitable, tin nlurm and the firemen quickly Mayor Archibald L. Mlllrr. long as he lives. At the death of J.. years. Mrs. Persons rend the re'COOLIDGE ARMY" MEETING. injuries received by the persons in ttempts to touch. It reaches a Marlboro Section Monday. responded. Grand Army. Howard Edwards the real estate is port of tho first annual meeting the Dunphy car were clearly ascer:lass of humanity others pass by. It Four liquor raids were made Councllmen of Red Bank,and vicinity. of the- association and sho gave Republican Women Parade From At about the Bnme time that - Cavalry 1 tained and the service of the papers performs a service which all citizens Monday by County Detective Smith to go to his children. Harry Truax other facts about the early history troop. Ocean Grove to Lincroft. Dk^esky turned in the nlnrm, Pan- Cnmp Vnll band. on Mrs. Thompson was delayed be- would like, as. individuals, to do and three other officers anil a quan- of Long Branch is the executor of of the association. Mrs. Spoonor, the will, which was made last March Camp Vail slRnnl corps. About one thousand persons, cause of her absence in Europe. At iel Berry, a colored resident of tity of liquor and apparatus use'! mostly Republican women of Mon- the time of the collision Mrs. themselves if they had the oppor- in its manufacture were seized us with Hannah Tannenbaum and Ar- the librarian, read a report showBouth Pearl street, noticed the fire. Roservo officers. unity and time. Its record during Veterans of Forclsn Wars. ing that tho attendance at tho lithur Holtson as witnesses. mouth county, had a "Coolidge Wo- Thompson was driving a Packard AH seven of the little houses were Cavalry veterans. evidence. All of the raids were in Mary M. Davenport of Ocean brary the past year was 9,000 and men's Army" parade in automobiles touring car. The other car in the he world'war was one of the most the Marlboro section. At the home ablaze. Mr. Berry saw three men SECTION 2. I last Saturday from Ocean Grove to collision was driven by William T. mtstanding features of that mem- of Mike Hallick stills were found in- Grove left $5 each to her nephew, the- circulation of books 7,190. running from tbe houses nnd he Fife and ilrum corps. Every returned Charles E. Eby;. to Helen M. SnyThe members of the association Lincroft, where they were guests •~.f Dunphy of Atlantic Highlands and irable conflict. wns convinced from the manner American Legion. eperation and eight barrels of Merchnnti. Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson. John H, the car was owned by him. , In the soldier, 'and the mothers, sisters mash were also found. Joseph and der, daughter of Ada L. Snyder; to were entertained by a play entitled In which thes acted that they had Rotary club. Bartlett, a former governor of New Dunphy . car besides Mr. Dunphy and sweethearts of- all returned Sarah Eisenberj;, proprietors of a her brother-in-law, A. M. Eby; and "Whito Magic," which was given not fire to t§|Uiouscs. Mr. IVirry Lions club. Hampshire, made the principal nd- were Miss Mary McKinney of Bos- soldiers, have a warm spot in their store at Marlboro, were arrested on to her niece, Fannie E. VanDoren. by tho young folk:; of Nnvesinfc. had his rcvoivejcvivith him and he Fraternal orders. dress. His address was largely r ton, who was visiting at the Dunphy hearts for the -Salvation army, charges of selling liquor, although To a nephew, Willard E. Drake, she [n this play were fairies, witches, fired three' shots at tho fleeing Two hundred boy scouts. eulogy of former President HarJ- home; Mr. Dunphy's wife, Mrs. which did so much to make life less only empty bottles were found on left ?10. All the rest of her estate goblins, sprites ami a queen. Tho men. Evidently the men wero not Columbus cadets. SECTION 8. ard in the midst of battle. In she ordered divided equally amonjj players performed creditably. hit. They continued running and ing and an attack on LaFollettc Helen David Dunphy; and their peace h d Eatontown band. times the Salvation army car- the premises. Annie Z Zachold Beatrice E. VanDoren, Earl D. Van- Thoso who took part wero Misses ind Wheeler. disappeared in the darkness. Mr. Firemen. two-year-old daughter. In the col- ries on the same efficient service as arrested on a similar charge. Doren, and Fraaci3 A. VanDoren, Muriel Mnwhinney, Helen Curtin, Tho parade was in charge of lision Mr. Dunphy's car was struck Berry did not recognize the men. SECTION 4. Miss Mabel Brown of Matawan. with such force that it was made a haracterized its activities in war." still which evidently bad not been children of her niece, Fannie JE. Kathcrine VanBrunt, Anne Curtin, Tho firomon gave a won'derfut Automobiles, open to all. The details of the work of rateVanDoren. Earl D. VanDoren in the used in some time was found on her Alice Livesey, Frances Taylor, LuThe line of march will he over United States Senator Walter E. practical wreck. Miss McKinney ing tho money have not yet been •exhibition of their efficiency. In place but no liquor was discovered. executor of the will, which was loss than nn hour they had all tho fourteen of tho principal streets of Edge and National Committceman was thrown out and was knocked arranged. It is probable that the At the home of Joseph Becker tit made four years ago. The witnesses cinda Hallam, Doris Sickles, Ado 1 laide Hallam, Eleanor Johnson, fires out. The littlo frame build- the town and the parade will dis- Hamilton F. Kean, both of whom unconscious. All the others in the nvn will be. laid out in districts Morganvilfe two stills were found, were Ida E. Leek and H. W. HeiEmcline Taylor, Doris VanBrunt, ings, only eight feet apart, haj band at tho armory, where patriotic want the Republican nomination Dunphy car were also injured. Miss ith a group of canvassers for each as well as twelve gallons of whis'itey denreich. Mabel and Mildred Drowne and been well sprinkled with gasoline, exorcises will bo held. Mayor for United States senator, were McKinney died a few months after district. It is intended to secure and several empty containers. Bail Another Ocean Grove will was Herbert and Edwin Sieh, Frank the accident and tho papers in the tho help not only of the churches, kerosene and crude oil. They Miller will preside and patriotic among those present. Mrs, Thompson, who received the suits say that her death was due to but also of all the fraternal orders was fixed at ?2,000 for each per- that of Henry H. Silvis, who left all Pape, Rollin Scott, Thomas Salburned like tinder boxes. Chemi- singing will be led by massed choirs his estate to his wife, 'Catherine langer and Andrew McGuiro. tnls wero used principally in fight- of the churches. Chaplain Winters 'army," and Mrs. Lillian E. Eeick- injuries received when she was in Red Bank", including the Elks, Elizabeth Silvis, and named her nt Mrs. Alvin Swen?on painted tYio ing tho fires and tl.o amount (f of Camp Vail will offer tho invoca- ert, vice chairman of the Republi- knocked out of the automobile by the Lions club and tho Rotary club. executrix. This will was made in scenery and made tlie costumes for FREE TRIP TO WISCONSIN. darnago done wns surprisingly tion. Speeches will be mado by can state committee, made short ad- tho collision. A systematic course wilt be purJuly, 1916, and the witnesses were imall in view of tho circumstances. Congressman Elmer H. Geran and dresses at the meeting. The demand for ?72,000 is divid- sued, in order that every resident Fred Hunt Rewarded in This Way Ernest E. Woolston and G. William tho play. Miss Mni Kinney, Miss Katherino VanBrunt and Miss ElizIn one of the houses which was Major H. C. Ingles. The celebraed into /two suits. Both of the may have an opportunity to conby a Western Concern. Schwartz. abeth Reed were tho coaches, Miss not much damaged was found a tion i3 a patriotic demonstration HOME" AFTER HIS VACATION. suits are brought by Mr. Dunphy. tribute to the cause. The present Fred Hurst of Middletown village Kissam of Belmar Mrs. Jessie broom which had been saturntei". called for by President Coolidge to Dr. Thompson Spends Two Weeks One of the suits iB for $25,000 for purpose of those who have the is on a rail trip to Wisconsin, made her will October 4th, 1922. Mai Kinney directed the dancing the death of Miss McKinney. After matter in charge is to raise a fund traveling first-class and at tho ex- She left an onyx and pearl pendant and Miss OstendorfF provided the With gasoline nnd used as a torch. "provide for the common defense of with Hia College Chum. music. . her death Mr. Dunphy was appointThree omtpy five-gallon cans wove the country." Dr. William M. Thompson of Eas.t ed administrator of her estate and sufficient to establish a permanent pense of the Fairbanks-Morse com- and a pair of earrings to a friend, River Pjaza is planning a defound scnttcrod about on the'premheadquarters for the Salvation pany. Mr. Hurst is engaged in the Annie Lippincott; a coral pendant Front street nrrived homo from which_____ promises SAVED AT SEA. ' '' the suit in this case is brought in be*.' They had contained the in- fonso ~ ^ day - , program - heating and plumbing business and to another friend, May WorthinsPennsylvania Saturday night after behalf of Miss McKinney's mother, army in Red Bank. flammable fluid which had been J T h a ex( , r _ Throe young women who arc- the free trip is bis reward for sel1.- ton; a pearl pendant to still another Kcyport Man Rescued by Fishing :eks. Mrs. Sarah McKinney. The other o£ about two we friend, Adelaide Swayze; and a diatpre-.id-i.bout the interior of the cisGS w i u b a h e l d ^ t half-paaf eiffht aThevacation Boat—Two Companion* Gone. : entire time was spent with bi3 suit is made up of various claims, members of the Salvation army ing a certain amount of the pro- mond and opal ring to her husband, houses. It was evident that who- o > c l o c k p r M a y ^ __ t h ( J __ hool . _.ve been in service, in Red Bank ducts of the Fairbanks-Morse conFred Johnson of Keyport -WM ; college chum, Dr. W. P. Mcllroy of these being a demand for $25,000 tver had planned the given house, thia time being chosen fio ns for several weeks. They have a cern. He will visit the company's Coulthard Kissam, as a keepsake. rescued Monday night several miles , fire had . considerable thought its- excen n o t t J i n t c r i o r C with tho parade and Butler. Tha two men spent about for injuries suffered by Mr. Dun- lublic room for their work in the manufacturing plant in Wisconsin. A diamond crescent and a diamond off Sandy Hook by a fishing boat, ought to ita-c«cnphy; $G,00O for injuries received by half of tho time they were together and opal ring, together with all the pains_ t( to p a t r . o t i c d D m o n 3 t r a t i o n a t R o d tion, but had taken no pains at Butler and the other half at Mrs. Dunphy; ,$5,000 for Mr. Nog-lows building, over the Candy Mr. Hurst has the contract for the rest of her property, she left to her after swimming several miles from conceal its incendiary origin. Ap- Bank. Kitchen. The home of the young heating and plumbing in the new Pittsburg. Both men are fond of his Dunphy's loss of service. of daughter, Natalie Berdu. This a boat occupied by himself and two parently the fire had spread more Representatives of nil tho various golf and this formed one of thoir wife; ?5,000 for the injuries re- women is half a house on Hudson Macy building at Red Bank and for daughter and a friend, William companions, which was wrecked by rnpidly in the houscB where it was organization '.venue. similar work in Frank E. Price's River Plaza met principal pastimes. Coal is found ceived by Mr. Dunphy's daughter; Louis O'Connor, are tho executors striking a log. His companions, Jo- ' first started than had been-antici- Monday nightof at new house at Red Bank. Sire. Charlei seph Haines and William Bennett, j of the will. pated. Tho result was that the Brenker's to prepare a program foi in almost all locations of Pittsburg $1,000 for expenses incurred beMELONS STOLEN. also of Kcyport, have not been perpetrators had to work too fast the observance of defense day. Wil and Dr. Thompson says that many cause of the injuries his daughter Sarah J. Clayton of Howell town-' HOUSE HIT BY TREE. heard from and it is presumed that en the other houses to got the- fires liam S. Petingalo, Addison Sanborr farms and out of Jown places hav« received; and ?1,000 for the dam- Severe Methods Adopted to Protect ship mado her will November 3d,' they are drowned. Johnson's storylittle coal mines in their back yards Thomas Coulton's Property. done to his car. Damage Don© to a Dwelling nt 1922, with Louis Keuhn and Anna ,...„ good and Mr. Brenker represented1 the or on their farms, and in these ageAfter that the light speed boat struck the accident Mrs. ThompThere are more complaints of Eatontown Last Week. V. Conrow fts witnesses. She or- is Five of the houses nrc on West men's club, Edward Scattergood and mines they get the coal to hcj-.t a log about ten miles off Sandyson, whose car suffered little or no the looting of fruit gardens, orBergen -place, one is at the corner John McClnin represented tho boi their homes. Damage amounting to about doreel that $100 be put out at in- Hook and immediately filled with damago in tho collision, took Miss chards and farms this year than | $100 was done to Mrs. Charles Rid- terest and the income from it to be of West Borgen plncc and South scouts, Mrs. Benjamin H. Crate, Jr. water. Johnson tired of holding Pearl and one is on South Pearl Mrs. Jamea McPhee nnd Mrs AUTOING IN PENNSYLVANIA. McKinney and the Dunphy family for many years previous, although dle's house on Railroad avenue nt used to keep her cemetery plot «t on to tho side of tho boat to Dr. George VnnVoris Warner's It was thought last year that this Eatontown last week when a tree Harmony church in good order. She Street. The ones gutted by the Brenker represented the Commun and swam to the log. When fire !U'e the center one on, West ity club, and Mrs. William S. Bcs Red Bank Couple Return from Trip office at Ked Bank, whore their in- form of potty thievery had reached fell and struck it. . Employees of left her automobile to her brother, he returned to the submerged boat juries were looked after. the limit. In Red Bank numerous an electric company were grubbing John V. Matthews. To her sister in That State. Bergen place and the house on and Mrs. Charles W. Bitter rcpre Mathilda she left a kitchen cabinet somo time Inter his companions The suits against Mrs. Thompson (lower gardens have been despoiled __ __ street Each house is sented the Woman's club. All four fiouth Pearl Mr. and Mrs. Ehrick Parmly of are brought by Lawyer Edward W. id in many cases flowering bushes out the tree and they had a rope and all its contents, all her clothing, wero gone. Johnson was trana10x20 feet. Each coat $ 1,000 and of the organizations havo carrie. Kiversido avenue returned last week fastened to it to keep keep it from through movements for tho welfar from an automobile trip in Penn- Wise of Hed Bank. In the suit Mrs. and ornamental shrubbery have falling on the house. The strain her rings nnd a breastpin; to Ethel ferred to a revenue cutter, and tho Was insured for $1,400. Cook she left a set of china and a water3 all around were searched Thompson is charged with driving been torn to pieces and destroyed. of Elver Plaza, but this marked the The owners state that they will on the rope was too great and it bureau; and to Rilla Brownlie sho sylvania. They were accompanied robuild the two ruined houses and first time that all of them worked by Mr. McCoy and Mr. Dobson of a Packard touring car carelessly, Orchards located along the high- broke. Tho tree in falling carried left a toilet set. All the rest of her for the missing men, but up to this repair tho damaged houses as soon together unitedly for a single defin- the Consumers' gasoline company. negligently, recklessly, imprudently ways have been robbed by auto- away part of the porch and porch household goods she ordered divided time nothing has been henrd of them. _ _ _ _ _ nnd unlawfully; that she drove her ns tho insurance money is paid. Mr. ite purpose. Several of tho company's service car at an excessive rate of speed; mobilists and farm crops have been roof. No one was hurt. The among her sister Mathilda and her Stout, who ia the husbnnd of one electric company is having the dam- nieces, Rilla Brownlie, Ethel Cook Mr. Fetingale was chosen chair- stations in Pennsylvania were in - that she violated the automobile stolen from the fields. New Signal System. nf the owners, stated yesterday man of tho meeting to be held a spected.- Mr. Parmly will have Thomas Coulton, who lives at age repaired. anil Florence Pcene. All the rest of The Central railroad will install traffic act; that she was on the of the houses hod been the Bchoolhouse. Mrs. Brenker wil that two charge of the company's Red Bank her estate sho ordered divided ••in. electric block signal system ba-i Minnesink Park in Middletown rented and Hint the persons who ba chairman of arrangements and service station, which will bo wrong side of the street; that she township, along the King's High- BLOCK DANCE AT RUMSON. equally between her fistcr Mathilda tween Red Bank nnd Winslow Junchad rented them had changed their Mrs. Crate chairman of the enter- opened November 1st at the cor- failed to sound her horn; and that way, was recently visited by thieves and her brother, John V. Matthews. tion at a cost of $1,000,000, When minds since the five and had de- tainment committee. Morgan Knapp ner of Riverside avenue and Wc:;t the car did not have proper brakes. ho stole melons and vegetables. It will ho Held Next Saturday This brother was made executor of it is completed one train following At the meeting of the Republican Night by the Firemen. cided to rent elsewhere. He said will lead the singing and Miss Edna Front street. the will. another will automatically bo prewomen of the county at Mrs. Mr. Coulton had a fine lot of melons Tho Eumson fire department will these, parties were afraid to move Reinhart of Lincroft will provide nnd the thieves took all o£ them. vented from getting nearer than a Thompson's home last Saturday, hold a block dance next Saturday <n tho houses because they antici- the music. J. Frank Lloyd, superSupply List Lost. It wns not the work of boys who mile from the preceding trnin. ApMeeting. Mrs. Thompson told her visitors Busines Me on River avenue in front of Vicpated that more fires would be vising principal of the schools'of wanted a melon or two to cat, but Miss Abbie Strickland, special proaching trains will not be allowed A portable platform Middletown towns'.-ip, will malto thi teacher of drawing at the Red Bank that there were no grounds for tho tho melons were taken by the tory park. Tho Red Bank business men's ttarted. in the same block, a block extendsuits against her. Sho said that no association will meet tonight nt principal address. Refreshment will be used for dancing. Music Mr. Stout said lhat somo time public schools, Io5t her list of sup- ono had been injured in tbe col- wagon loail. o'clock at tho borough hall. ing- from siding to siding, a distance ago ho had asked the chief of will bo served. An invitation ha plies required by tho schools yes- lision although suit was now Mr. Coulton has offered $50 re- .»ill be provided by a Long Branch eight Arrangements will bo made for of about six miles. been extended to every resident o orchestra. The profits from tbe )olice for protection, as there had Rivet Plaza and vicinity to nltcn< terday, While walking from one of brought for the death of a woman ward for information that will lead holdinga special sale of merchandance will go toward providingco;d icen rumors afloat that some such the meeting. . the schools to another. The list who had died after the accident. 'o the arrest and conviction of and other necessary things for the dise in the Red Rank stores during Victims of Sunstroke. bnttempt as that made Monday was in a large square envelope and She said sho went with the Dunphy the thieves. lie states that ho will firehouses. Patrick II. Kennedy is the horticultural show at the arPoliceman Osborn Harrison ( Tomorrow the boy scouts will cnl He said rnorning would talte place. Miss Strickland would like the party to a doctor, and that sV.e shoot at sight anyone trespassing in general charge of the affair, mory and for offering prizes for thn fercd from sunstroke wliilo 0N( that the chief had promised to pro- nt' every house nt River Plaza am finder to return it to her. on his place and committing like waited there two hours to make best decorated store windows wliile duty one of the hot days last week« George Schultz is secretary and vide an much protection ns wns ask folkB to display tho flag on Fri sure that none of the party had nets, nnd that his employees have Louis Wilson is treasurer. the show is going on, Ho was abln to resume duty in a possible. The fire Monday morning day. The scouts will take their oatl: boon instructed to use tho same YOUn_FACE. been hurt. Sho declared that there few (lays. Raymond Trucx, who is, was discovered shortly after Sprig of allegiance at tho exercises anc It Is Your Visiting Cord ns Well as wns no reckless driving and that means to protect his property. Girl Runs Away. The Monmouth County Historical employed on the railroad, wail also; Williams, the policeman on that everyono will join in pledging allegiYour Fortune. both cars were .going slowly when association nt tho July meeting Josephine Victoria, aged thirtee.l a victim of Hiinstroku and Win anco to tho flag. Lnat night tho <!eCharged With Desertion. |,ont, had gone off duty. adopted a resolution endorsing De- years, dnughter of Mrs. Julia Vic. taken to a hospital for treatment. You are obliged to present it the collision occurred. She said tails of the defense day progran fenso Test day. In view of this acSamuel T. Cobb, who conducts a wherever you go. By it you uro further that the driver of the Duntoria of Shrewsbury avenue, disapwcro perfected at n meeting nt Mrs judged, therefore make it as attrac- phy ear had signed a paper admit- jewelry business on lieech street, tion of thd association the member- peared Saturday nnd she has not Policemen's Ball Toniffnl. Bronkor's. New Yorker Rents Houao. tive ns possible. Your scalp also ting that he was equally respon- was arrested Monday on a charev ship in Red Bank and vicinity is The annual hall of the patrolA muster nnd inspection of nl to further approve the resolu- yet been found. She wns lnst seen a large percentage of your D. Byeoffe of Kocluiwny Park, of desertion made by his wife, urged men's benevolent association of troops nt Camp Vail will bo hole controls sible for the accident. tion ns well us the proclamations of at a store on Shrewsbury avenue, personal appearance. Your hands Florence Cobb. Mr. Cobb bad n President Coolidge and of Mayor where fihe bought some clothes. NYw York, lma rented Joseph 3esRed Bank will bo held tonight Et Friday afternoon at half-pnat three convey the message of bciuj; well The case will come up at Bt. James's hull. Many tickets hnvo o'clock. Thia will bo followed by groomed. Make your face, your December term of the supremo hearing before Justice Henry P. Miller by attendance at the mass About two years ago she mndo nn ta's hoiiHu on Rivertiiile nvoim« ufc Hylin, who held him in $500 bail meeting in the armory on Friday unsuccessful attempt to comm't Ked Dunk through tlio llylin & 8ala born ROM and a Inrge attendance drills nnd n short talk on tho objee scalp, your hand3, your skin a thing court. agiincy. Mr. Bycoffo ia counectsdi for the action of the grand jury. evening, September 1-th.—Adver- suicide by taking iodine. Is expected, _ and meaning of national defens of loveliness by being a patron of with tho custom house brcikcrngo a t our parlor. Mias Milliu McDcrmott, Fifteenth Annual Fair nnd Supper Wilson Iirown became Mr. Cobb's tisement. day. Tho public hn3 boon invited tc Now York and will cfflnmutti hi1* specialist In shampooing-, scalp treat- of Hazlct lire company, No. 1., at bondsman. Kdwnrd W. Wise repreFifty Dollars Rownrd Cnrdner'a Beauty Parlor. bo present. Authoritative Millinery Modi ments, fncial nmssatre, manicuring, the firehou.TO, Iliizlct, N. J., or sented Mrs. Cobb at tho hearing. for information that will lead to tho A complete little parlor that has twocn Ked liunk and New York. curling nnd bobbing in nil the many Wednesday and Thursday, evenings are hero in women';; smart nrrest and conviction of tho persons iiart French 1'i'cnch w o n t | 10 npp,.0vnl of smn'fji women Notice to Parents styles, is at your service nt this es- September 17th mid 18Hi, 1924 felt 'Slid velvet trinimi:IMI ready-to-1 t | u . 0UB h jt 3 modern methods of marwho entered my premises and stolo Mrs. Alberta 13. Morfard "Stay Slim" f and upwards. cel waving, shnmpooing, manicur- wishes to niinuuni'tt Unit tho rcni wonr hats at $2.0 nnd destroyed melons nnd vege- of school children, Dr. Rullman wil tablishment. Appointments i{ de- Chicken supper will he scrvei is more than just a reducing girdle; Beginning tomorrow wo also show) ho nt the liorough Hall, Ucd Bank sired. Shnrnbbii Barber Shop, fi Wednesday evening, September 17 tables. ing, fnWfil inns'sngi", hnir dressing c.stiite and iiisiirmiro bii.'.ilH'ss eon* is ii rubber corset ideally cured d autumn modes in women's I and scalp treatments. Expert serv- ducted under the nliovo imnifl (It 6^ Further I will shoot nt night any on Tuesday, September 10th, n Whlto street, Red Bank, near Uroad from 0:00 to 0:00 o'clock. Tickets it and reinforced where necessary; advnnrn adults 51.00, children C O cents. dresses and sweaters at exceedingly ,,.!iT,on trcnpasniuR nnd committing 4:00 P. M. nnd Thursdny, Soptcm Btroet, phone Broad .sin>i>t will hiTcnfliT be lo* ice and sutifsuctory results guaran' 377-W.~-Advertise. " tier 18th, nt eamo hour, to vaccinat Tickets can bo purchased from any clasp front, laced back. "Stay modest prices. A. Hah & Co., Red teed in any branch of beauty cul- calrd nt Kill IIIIIITOII avenue, Red iike nctn on my estate. mont. Slims" are sold exclusively in Ked school children who liwo within th member of tho company. Tfic uaun My employees are instructed to Bank.—Advertisement. ture. P.est hair bob in town. Sum Bank. Telephone 4&;i-K.—Adver, Borough of Red Hank'only, freo o attractions will bo presented botl Bank by A. Sals & Co., Ked Bank. $500 Rownrcl. net in tho. name severe ninnnor. i Cardncr'a Sanitary barber iihop nnd tisi'mcnt. —Advertisement. charge. Pianos nnd Players. Thomas Coulton, For information resulting in tho evenings.—Advertisement. beauty pnrlor, <i Broad Ktreot, toloThe 12th f« Dofoiiso Day. ' Parents who linvo children wl. nrrest and conviction of tho party We have n few exceptional bar- pbono "l'JO-W, Red Bank.-—AdverMi-tiltffown Komi, phono Ked Bank The 12th is Defense Day. Fly I lie American Hag. A won* hnvo not been vncclnntod recently or parties who Ret tiro to tho r.even Girl Wonted. Fly the American Hag. A won- gains in upright pianos nnd players. tisement. nop-w. dcrftil iiwirltiicnt roiwimiMy nvkd'l are urged to neo that such cliildre houses on the corner of Wo!;t UorHero fan cliancc for n noiit np derful assortment reasonably priced Dirhan's Piano Shop, Dnimiitntid i—Ailvcrlijcniciit. at Tnihin'n, till llroail uti'i'i'C, Uo<l appear for vaccination on tho ubov gen plnco anil Ponrl street, I!ed pouring girl who understands mnr at Ti'ubin'H, f>K Broad street, Red place, rear of town linll, phone !)M, Turkey Dinner daten. Bank, on Monday morning Innt. In- col waving and otlior beauty worli Hank.—Advertisement. soi'ved Wednesdays and Snlurdny.i ilftnk.—A-<lvi.'i'ti»"H'<"it. Red Jjnnli.—Advertisement. Tim 12t!i i» Defense Day.' formation must bo Riven to tho ownto got a steady position with gooi Red Bank Board of Ilonlth, at. tho I'ozy Corner Ten Idiom. OrKly tho American ling. A wonHemstitching anrf }r9sai«aMifSgy The 12th it Defense Dny. W. A. Clayton, Secrotary era, Mrs. C. K. Thomnn and Mni. iay nnd commission. Tolephon ders taken for home i»«do ciikr.i ami derful assortment reasonably priced Notico. It. V. It. H. Stout.—Advertisement. cod Bnnlc 420-W.—Advcrtinemnnt Fly tlin American Hag. A won- pies. Phono Red Bank r>0O-J.--A.<l- donii liy Mm. Tlmora Drown. 0* nt, Truliin'K, liH Brond titreot, Red —Advertisement. Dr. William I), fiiiyro will bo Whlto Htrotit, Kiul Tlimk. -Aaver* derful assortment, reasonably priced Bank.-—Advertisement. vortisoment. hia oftU'o beginning iScplomber 12th. tbouient. nt Trubin'n, 58 Broad street, Red The 12th U Defense Day. The 12th !• DeFcnae Dny. Electric —AdverUiiement. Dod(io Tourin[f For Salo Bunk..—Advertisement. Fuller Inrushes. Hru»hos. Kly tho American flag. A wun Fly tho American flng. A won- (•leanern nnd wnsdier;; Bold by Rdio $tp in perfect running onlor. John wanU to <J. A. dorful assortment reasonably pricct derful assortment reasonably priced If. Ayer.'i, 5i! Newman Spring!! road, Mailil your biuish IIUIHII wnnU Kditon Mnzfla Lamps. A. V. (JroKory, «7 Jlroml Tho Register's mottu—-"A , aper Mcrtz, phonu Red Bank 15^5,—A<l, general delivery, Bed. Bank, nt Trubln's, DO Broad Btreofc, Itet nt Trubin's, fiil ISrond ntreot, Hod Red Bank, phono llJB-W.j-AUvcrA. V. Gregory, fi7 Broad ntroct, VgrtilCtttOIlti s" '" "~ "-*• iki Mmh~htht JBftnk,Ativortigomet vorijiflonionti, , " gank.WUlyartteemont, , JR4 J 3 k A d t i t r M l ^ r i 1 1 > S 4B_~ • T \ ' * ^ " — .-• » , - - - - ^ i, S RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10,1924. QUESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES. WEDDINGS. BOXING. Moltntlel T&xpayelV Association IsLumens—Parkhurst. Forty-two Rounds of Boxing at sues a Questionnaire. Long Branch Friday. Miss Elizabeth Pennington lu- SEAMAN ALLAIRE VICTIM OF BIG GARAGE AT ASBURY PARK The Holmdel taxpayers' associakens, daughter of George N. LuHEART DISEASE. Forty-two rounds of boxing is BURNS SUNDAY. tion has sent to each New Jersey the oirering of the management of kens of Beattie park, in West Ked candidate for United States senator, Ella' Home Adjoining the Garage the Long Branch club at the ca- Bank, was married last Saturday Brother of Dustin Allaire of Little to the candidates for congress and Silver and Daniel Allaire of Fair ig Badly Damaged ae Well as sino on Friday night of this wee!:. aftornoon to Joseph Lanius ParkHaven Died Suddenly While on to the candidates for assembly, a O'.licr Surrounding Buildings— The card is made up of three eight burst of York, Pennsylvania. The list of 3fJ questions which they ask a Furlough in France. ceremony was performed on the and three six-round bouts. In the Lots of Nearly $300,000. Corporal Seaman Allaire, a these, candidates to answer. Some lawn at the bride's home by Re>\ main event Joe Dorando of PasThe Brondliur.it garaffc on Munbrother of Dustin Allaire of Little of the questions refer to taxation roo nvenup nt Aabury Park wus syie will trade wadlnps with Otto John M. Moore of 'Brooklyn. The Silver and Daniel Allaire of Fair matters nnd some of them refer to natural surroundings of shrubbery Goldberg, the i;Uc>>. sensation in destroyed by fire early Sunday Haven, died suddenly of heart di.--.-" general governmental affairs. The morning'mid 1- autos stored in the featherweight division. Gold- and foliage formed an attractive ease Sunday at Paris, France, letter sets forth tliitl tho replica to ; retting for the wedding. berg is a former spurring partner the buililint; were also destroyed. where he had been on a furlough,. the questions will not be niado pubTho Ellis' bonip, ndjoiniiiR .the of champion Bonny Leonard i>.:ul 1 The bride was attired in a gown The body will be brought to this ic unless the candidates themselves Enrage and to which an addition has boxed Sid Terries, Johnny j of white satin and train, trimmed country and upon its arrival here make the replies public. When the answers to the ques03 being completed at a coft of Keisler, Joey Sihri.., Wilbur Cohen, | with pearls, and she carried a bo- it will'bo taken to Albert W. Wor$250,000, was badly damaged and Sid Rabin. Juhnny Dixen, Harry ^ qiK t of jasmine and orange blos- den's funeral home on East Front tions are received, the Holmdel taxsoms. She also wore a veil held in payers' association will consider the fcvcral other buildings adjoining Felix, Johnny Riee, Billy Sliubert In the semi- | place by sprays of orange blossoms. street. The funeral arrangements replica at an executivo session and the enrage1 property on oilier sides and many others. nre not completed, but the burial .ho association will then support ns Lohengrin's wedding march was final Lew Srino, "f Brooklyn will wero also heavily damnged. The will be made nt Evergreen ceme- i body those candidates who appear total loss, is estimated at about trade punches with Young !<uxon played by Mrs. Oscar Anderson, a tery at Little Silver. of Bridgeport. In the other eight cousin of the bride. Mrs. Fred,o the association to bo honest in fSOO.OOO. Mr. Allaire was 51 years old and The,fire started in an auto stored Otto Fierce, the IVal strong hoy. crick Howard of Mount Vernon, was the son of the late 'Mary C. heir replies and most capable of illing the positions sought by them. perry (if New York, was maid of honor, , jn the- garage nr.d quickly spread will mingle with Ehver ; nnd Daniel Allaire. He enlisted in 'to other cars. Within ten minutes Plainficld. Th:> first s x brings to- and Miss Helen Moore of Brooklyn (he United States army in the BROTHERHOOD ELECTION. of its discovery the blaze was gother J;:-:k Cireb and Ted Nelron and Mi.-s Kathcrine Lukens, a sis- Spanish-American war and had resweeping through the Hirer story of New York. In tlu second six ter of the bride, were bridesmaids. mained in the service. He- wns New Officers Chosen by Red Bunk building. So quickly did the Jiminie Petti will exchange com- Tho attendants wore gowns of ba- stationed at Fort Wadsworth on Presbyterian Club. flames spread that it was impos- pliments • with Joey Iulo of I'ns- nana yellow-georgette with ostrich Staten Island and from there ho At a meeting Monday night the sible to rave any of the cars. faic- The opening six rounder trimming and picture hats of brown ailed a short time ago for France About 45 of the ruined machines will he between Hobby YVnlkei <>i maline. Each carried a boquet of on a furlough to visit the battle- Presbyterian brotherhood of Red Bank elected Arthur B. White presibelonged to Asbury Park residents Stater Island and Hobby Wither- gladioli. Miss Jane Robinson of Cranford j fields of the world* war. Besides dent, John A. Warner and Frank idge of Railway. and the rest to visitors. the two brothers mentioned above, L. Sherwood vice presidents, E. F. and Miss Hope Lorance Lukens of; Plans are already being made Railway were Cower girls. They he leaves another brother, Thomas Bnsford secretary, E. C, Brondwell BASEBALL. for rebuilding on the- site of the C. Allaire of Cambridge, Marylire. Michael E. Sexton, who Lone Brancli at Top in County rratlored rnsr» petals in the path land, nnd three sisters, they bcintf .ssistmil secretary and Thomas of the bridal procession. John F. Gopsill treasurer. Tho committee owned one of the damaged buildScries with Three Victories. Kell of York, Pennslyvania, was Mrs. Frances Muller of Leonia, chairmen elected were Walter Snell ings, pinna to build nn apartment Long Branch retained its lead in groomsman and the ushers were Miss Isabelle Allaire of New York publicity. Rev. John Muyskens, Jr., house. It is probable that one and Mrs. Jemima McNamnra of civil, Seeley B. Tuthill program, G. . wall of the Elks' home will have the county baseball series Sunday John M. Thomas of New York and Syracuse, New York. Howard Lippincott social, Matthew to be rebuilt and this will cost by trouncing the Atlantic Highlands Brainard Lindsey of Rahway. A reception was held after the team at Lho latter place by a score Greig entertainment, Frank Gregory around ?100,000. DEATH OF MRS. ARROWSMITH. of 11 to 8. This gave Long Branch ceremony with James R. Wolcott athletic, John B. Allen extension BOAT TRIP AROUND JERSEY. three straight victories in the as caterer. Amid a shower of rice Well Known Red Bank Resident and Edgar T. Randolph lookout. and confetti the couple left on a scries. Freehold on Saturday cleDied After Short Sickneis. Red Bank Party Traveled 300 Milei feater Belmar by a score of 0 to 1 wedding trip to the Lnurcntian GLOBE HOTEL'S LOSS. Sarah StoBt~Awowsmith, widow in a Nino-Day Cruise. and is now in second place with two mountains in Canada. The bride f Stephen V. Arrowsmith, died received many wedding gifts. Real Grief is Felt hy the Inmates victories out of three. Belmar ii Capt. Andrew White, Noel Larof That Building. tcuid, George Clayton, Edgar lio- in the cellar position with three About 100 guests from Red Bank, _?.st Wednesday aftemofln at_ tho Rahway, Montclair, Cranford, Dc- age of 78 years. She had* a nervnise, William Jeffrey and I.eroy Mar- straight defeats. 'Jake," n cat which for the past ous breakdown after theVsudden Sunday's game at Atlantic High- lanco, Mount Holly, New York, tin of Red Bank returned home foui-teen years, bad lived in the Sunday night from a 300-mile boat lands furnished plenty of thrills f'jr Philadelphia and York, Pennsyl- death of her daughter, Miss Globe hotep building at Red Bank, Eleanor Arrowomith, three months trip in Mr. White's cabin boat the big crowd of fans. With Boy- vania, attended the wedding. ago, and this led to a sickness died last '\v,cek from old age. Olivia B. The party left Red Bank Ian in the box Long Branch got. Jake" was w^ll known not only by which proved fatnl, on Saturday, August SCth, and away to an early start and in the Jelliffo—Goolu, Red Bankers but by folks from outMrs Arrowsmith was a native of passed through the Raritan canal to fifth inning apparently put the The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse side the town. During his fatal sickthe Delaware river. Stop3 on the game on ice by scoring six runs. Minot at Cedarcove on the river Keyport and she was a daughter o,f ness many, persons called at the canal were made at New Brunswick Knhn, Lawson and Atwater all had bank at Fair Haven was the scene John Sproul. She and her husband Hobe hotel to inquire about "Jake" and Trenton. Along the Delaware a try at pitching for the High- of an early fall wedding last Thurs- moved to Red Bank 27 years ago and to offer advice aa to how he river the boat stopped at Camden, anders Boylan was yanked from day when their niece, Miss Thyrza when Mr. Arrowsmith became su- could be cured. When it was Been Philadelphia, Wilmington, and the box in the eighth inning nf- North Jelliffe, became the bride of. pervising principal of the school of that thero was no chanco for Greenwich Piers in Cumberland ter Highlands had scored five run.i. Edward W. Goold of Battlo Creek, the town. "Jake" to racover a merciful county. From there tho party Ypung finished the game. She leaves a daughter, Mra. Both Michigan. Only the immediate passed around Cape May and sides were erratic in fielding at members of the family attended the George Morris of Bloomfleld. Two death was provided for him. stopped along tho Atlantic cpast at times., ceremony. The couple were mar- granddaughters also survive her RED BANK'S NEW CHAMPION. Stone Harbor, Atlantic City and ried at an altar surrounded with they being Helen A. and Stephanie Barncgat. The boat ran into a a'bower of palma and decorated V. Morris of Bloomfield. Mrs. Ar- Charles Frako Excels at Pitching CALLED IN THE NINTH. school of sharks off Stone Harbor. with clematis and white asters. rowsmith was o woman of large Horseshoes and Quoits. A day was spent in fishing at Bar- The Black Beauties Had No Joshua Rev. John Muyskens, Jr., pastor of human sympathy and in a quiet, unFrake, building inspector negat, and from there tho party reto Help Them at Hazlct. the Red Bank Presbyterian church, pretentious manner she aided many at Charles Red Bank, is winning fame at turned to Red Bank. The trip was The Black Beauties, a newly or- performed the ceremony, •• worthy causes and many unfortun- piching horseshoes and quoits. Remade without any mishaps. The ganized baseball team of young The bride was attired in a gown ate persons. cently, he won a match at the boat carried tho flag of the North Holmdel colored men, are very much of Duchess satin and a veil, her The funeral was held Saturday Shrewsbury river country club. Shrewsbury iceboat and yacht club put out over what they consider was .-.tint's wedding attire. The gown afternoon at the house and the serLast night ha won eve,ry match at i on tho trip. _ a "raw deal" put over on them in a was trimmed with rose point lace, mon was preachd by Rev. B. F. an indoor quoit tournament held by baseball game against a white team which had been worn by tho bride's Dickisson of Newark. Burial was Neptune encampment of Odd Folat Haslet last Wednesday. The grandmother. The bride carried an made at Fair View cemetery. ; GIFTS FOR A CLUB. lows, Friends of Mr. Frake claim game was called off in the ninth in- old-fashioned boquet of white sweet that he is the champion of Red 1 Piano and Dining Tablo Given to ning by the umpire on the ground pens, lilies of the valley nnd white Bank and on the road to become DEATH OF WAR VETERAN. that it was too dark to play longer. rosebuds. Her only attendants were Rivet Plaza Club. champion of Monmouth county. j TJie Community club of River This gave Hazlet the victory, as the her two nieces, Anna V. Wardell Joseph Carlo Succumbs to Effects •' Plasa was the recipient a few days Hazlet team was ahead by a score and Gladys N. Jelliffe, who were of Gas Received in Trenches. The Register's motto—''A paper One of the flower »go of gifts of a piano and dining of 8 to 7. At the time the game flower girls. Joseph Carlo of Highlands died tahl& made by Mrs. Leonard Ran- was called the Black Beauties had girls was dressed in pink and car- last Friday in hjs 84th year.- He in overy home."—Advertisement. dolph, who has since moved to East three men on bases and no one out ried pink roses arfu" the other flower was gassed while serving with the Orange. The gifts will be put in and they declare they surely would girl wore a yellow dress and car- United States forces in France in tho community building which the havo won if the game had lasted the ried yellow roses. the world war and the effects of. club Is planning to build at River full time. The umpire and the Haz- After the ceremony a wedding tho gas resulted eventually in hia , Plaza. They are temporarily being let players claim it was too dark to breakfast was served. The couple death. Mr. Carlo leaves a widow. I kept at Irving Rink's. Before Mrs. see tho ball and that calling the left on a wedding trip to Washing- The funeral was held Monda7 i Randolph moved the Community game was justified. Scudder Magee, ton nnd the West. They will live morning from tho church of Our club made farewell gifts of a Seth pitcher for the Black Beauties, at 171 North Wood street, Battle lady of Perpetual Help at HighThomas clock and candlesticks to throws a ball equally well with Creek. lands. A requiem mass was either his right or left arm and he ! her. At a meeting of the club last mystified Brown—Morales. chanted by Rev. Thomas F. Kearn?. Hazlet batters considI week at Mrs. James Taylor's a erably bytho Burial with military honors was Miss Elizabeth Morris Brown, making frequent changes ! round robin letter was written, to In his delivery. daughter of Mrs. Ella A. Brown of made at Mount Olivet cemetery. ! Mrs. Randolph by the member*. New York, and Argimiro Morales ' Mrs. Randolph says she hopes some of New York, were married Mon- Death From Cerebral Hemorrhage. time in tho future to move back to SAILBOAT RACES. day of last week at the bride's George W. Williams of River I River Plaza, as she never expects home by Rev. Frank S. Harwood. [ to find another place which suits Exciting Sport on tho River at Red The bride wore a gown of white street died from a cerebral hemorrBanlc Saturday and Sunday. hage Saturday in his 52d year, lie ; her BO well. Sailboat racing on tho river at satin and a veil caught up with had lived at Red Bank two years, Red Bank continues to draw many orange blossoms. Her sister, Miss moving here from North Carolina, TROUBLE IRONED OUT. spectators and to create keen rival- Eleanor Brown, was maid of honor. and he leaves a widow and' six chilMillard Brown was groomsman. Reckless Place Objections Over- ry among the contestants, Satur- The couple left on a wedding trip dren. He was a member of the Celestial lodge of Masons of Red Bank day afternoon a race was held become by Councilman's Gift. the bird class type of boats ta Canada nnd Thousand Islands. and a Masonic service was held at The commissioners of Red Bank tween On their return they will live at the house Sunday. The body was points for a cup to be given at held a special meeting Monday for the end of the season. Charles Leonardo, v.'hero the bride is a sent to North Carolina for burial. night to consider 'some objection:; Leach was the winner and G. Les- teacher at the public school. She rnade by some residents of Reek- ter Williams, Jr., was second. On is a graduate of Montclair normal A NEW LION. less place to the manner in which Sunday morning the same boats I school. that street was being paved. The raced again, with the result that Mr. William B. Ashmore Joined Red Wolcott—Southwell. objections were made because h Williams wa?, the winner and V.'il- I Bonk Club Last Night. strip four feet wide on each side linm Thompson, Jr., was second. Miss Efiie Wolcott of Eatontown . William'B. Ashmore, who owns a of the road will not receive an as- Both races were close mid'exciting. I and Louis Southwell of Michigan gold beating shop on Linden place, phalt top lilto the rest of the street The large knockabout sail boat:. iV.'ero married Monday of last week was elected a member of the Red hut will consist simply of concrete. had a race Sunday morning fur at St. Luke's church at Long Bank Lions club at last night's Tile objections were removed \vh?n points for a cup which Thomas Irv- Branch. They have started house- meeting. Miss Rhea K. Boardman Councilman Schenck S. Thompson ing Brown has donated. William keeping at Eatontown. who is a visiting teacher in the ftated that he would provide oil II. R. "White was the winner. Harry Monmouth county schools,_gyve u frea of charge to the town to Martin'? boat, which was sniled by i RUMSON GIRL MISSING. talk on her duties and she related lb Sfze (.prinkle the runcit-to sides of the Ford White and Hclford Fisher, fin- ] Florence Sagurton Disappeared Last her experiences in the Piney colony f-treet. It was said that this woul-1 ished second. Third place went to i " Week—Young Man Also Missing. at Siloam, in the southern part of l:eep the street as free fiom (hist John Dixon. i Tim police, in the state are on Freehold township. cs an asphalt top. I':: ' ]3i>!:ov,t for Miss Florence SagTIED FOR FIRST PLACE. Back from Sweden. : i:.•'.(.;•. •.'.ixtci'u years old, daughter Had Ptomnino Poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Ornberg oOVDIS and Fair Haven to Play Ex- j-ui' V,'il!i:;m Sagurton of Rumscn Mrs. Dnvison and (laughwho has been missing from li^ thc Newman Springs road returned tra Games for Championship. ter Mildred of Spring street were The nmateui" county baseball home pinco last Wednesday. Miss last week from Sweden, where they taken sick with ptomaine poisoning Kngurton left her home to visit spent three months, Both nre nalast week after eating dinner. league race ended Sunday with the relatives nt Toms River, but she tives of that crrtintry nnd they report Their condition waa serious for a Red Bank Ovals and the Fair never reached there. At the same having had a delightful time renewWhole or Half time, but they have recovered. IIriven team lied for lir.st plncf. time that the Sagurton girl went ing old acquaintances and visitin Miss Davi.Hon hr.a resumed her Last Sunday Red Bank defeated $way John McDcrmott, who wn the scenes of their childhood. Durduties at the Woolworth stnrp nftor Long Brunch and Fair Haven huming their absence from Red Bank (i rest of two month? for the bene- bled Occnnport. The first of a employed on Dalton Family's pine.' their children lived with various) He was acquainted fit of her health, during which time series of three games between the disappeared. Wostsidc neighbors. tihe made visits at East Orange and Ovals and Fair Haven to decide the with Mis.s Sngurton, hut it is not known whether or not they went Lake, hurst. championship will be held next Automobiles in Collision. Sunday afternoon on the Hanc5 away together. An automobile owned by Charles load field. Last year Fair liave.i DodRetl Auto; Got Broken Uib. Rumso"'s Dahlia Show. Moellor of Kcansburg struck a car While getting (tut of the way of won the league championship from The Rumson pardon club wi owned by Irving Parker of Highall automobile last week Arthur II. the Ovals. hold it3 annual dahlia show Thurs- lands yesterday on Broad street r,t Smith of rinckney road fell an] day, September 25th, nt the parish Red Hank. Mr. Parker's car was Be«t Doj; in Country. broke bin rib. He was taken to Ih\ house on Binghairl avenue. A very Maltiu of Boyne, an Irish setter line show was given last year and slightly (lamnfrcd. Moeller had na Irving K. Lovett's oil'ice, where his injury was attended to. Mr. .Smith owned by Mrs. P. A. Caddis of the club is working to make this, chnuflftur's license with him. He it employed n;i a bookkeeper in tlu Union street, was judged the be:t year's exhibit a bi^yer success. Tho said he left It home. Ho was sumBig Special ofllcn department nt the Sigmund' of bis kind in the United States r.t classes for prizes are open only to moned to appear before Recorder Poulson for a hearing tomorrow the dog show held at Ridgewood ' members of the garden club. Eisner factory. morning. Saturday. The (log won live prizes in nil, tho firnt prize (if the show, Won Silver Pencil. Visitors from Florida. To Build st Rumson. Gladys Schneider, -daughter of best dog in show, finest iloj^ of :my Mr, and Mrs. Uiinh Kecley of OrHarry Osmun of Seabright has Chnrles Schneider of Harding road, breed exhibited, best of color and landii, Florida, nre making n ntay bought two lota on tho Hintclmunn lant week received n prize of a fiil- best in the United Klnl.es. Mrs. with Mr. Scclcy'n brother, William and Mahoney tract at Rumson for vcr pe.nril offered .by Millard Fil- Gnddi» bought the dog 'while iti Soelny of Port Monmouth. Uriah $1,000. Each lot ia 60xlD0 feet. lnut cummer nnd it arrived mori! Tetley to tlio person who Ireland Heeley will make an address thin af- Tho nalcs were mndo by Walter ,1. in thi:< (Yiimtry l;rt December, nmdo the, heat gucsti as to the numternoon a! |lie reunion of the 29th Sweeney. Mr. Osmun will build n ber of pencils in his ntoro window. Tho Kejistur's motlo—"A paper regiment :;t the Baptist church »t house coating $6,000 on one of the 1'ivc hundred peraona d Middlctowu village. in ever/ hon«,"—Advorysoraont, lot*. FIRE DESTROYS 72 AUTOS. SOLDIER DIES 1 PARIS. Sugar Cured She Couldn't Sit Still. s MAIS to Build a Home. William Degenbroch, who con"Kitty," said her mother, rebukingly, "you must sit still wien you ducts a restaurant at Highlands, will bujld a house costing $7,000 nre at the table." "I can't mamma,"-protested tho on t!ie%road leading from Water Witch to gtone Church for hia own little girl, "I'm a fuigetnrian," occupancy, The house will have Whether you want to buy, sell, six rooms and wjll be provided with rent or linJ, Luke Longhead can modem improvements. It will be ,lielp you.—Advertisement. enclosed with wide weatherboards. Rembert & Schmitz of Highlands will build the house. FOft SAUL GitTfi hioycla In good eaittUUim, Sid. H6_liim1in t . Hontl. Red !»«nkj_M. 1. tvnUisiiBirKaoWfdk UiiiirWdk RSit with irnpvovementa; hot water heat: IS eeff ^ « k . _ S 7 WaiiMiixt<m_iW*t!t. Heil Hank. LOT FOR SALE. ~" Corner lot. 50x160; central Jocstlan. I s milre Ht U Ulveraldtt ftvenua. Itej .Bank. "icon SAXE. ~ Lamp Rhfide wire flames eft very low cost. 18 Mechanic iilrcet, one flight uo. POSITION WANTED """ l>y neut cnlured girl fur general liouiew>rit_B»r«!i 'WlUon. phi>n» Hell Hank 411. , WANTED "AT ONCE. " " Poultry Dlsnt house with some Improvements. Adilrces E. H-, drawer H. Bed LIGHT SEDAN AND COUPE BODY, Bank. fHa most, i>tttin!nr<l cars (not Ford) ; $7G ami 5;!5. HrirUyimL tjstontowu, J). J., CRII BUNCAU>W~FOR BENT.1 * Hmoll hunuejow, per month. uejw, SH p r m n t h . Jtfrs. McLnuj cLhU 24 Leluhtoa Llht Rd 24 avenue, Rod WANTf60Ov a fresh Jersey or Guernsey cow; IIIHO a linn];. fi-culi milk front. Anyutto having oumo telcphone Itcd Hank «2'J. _ ^ I'our-room epartment. SE2 per month.' -a Hnyea, oppoeitA railroatt Btetion, Bed AEirF0RSXCK Wo aro now diyirinj? n tvvf every day, SI per bnttlu't, 55 per bmrd. Wo deliver on order*. K. M. Wyckoff, Unerofi, W, J, for a nmfill farm with or withoat Mvllry Plump Mldi.lct.uwn 7t>-t-K-12, l>uUdinK_. AddrcBB R, E., drawer M, E«d WAN? MffiTISElEITS. Postm&ttcrs Meet. The paEtmastcrs' association of Monmouth county, composed of past masters of the, Masonic lodge?, met at the Spring Lake lodge Monday night. The; principal address was made by Lieut. Col, Georgo S. Stull, a retired army officer living nt Ocean Grove. Dr. G. V. V. WarS R C £ ner and William H. Elliott of Red About 50,000 real hard burned common brlekH (ttayrc & Fisher); 117.60 per thou-' Bank also made speeches. rvn lAtili _f •' HOUSE FOR RENT. Home for rent with all improvements. Van.l delivered. Now Jeracy BHCIL & Gra- Inquire of Harry OBborn, 69 Herman place, Heil Dank. vel Co., phone Red Hank 1244-W. Tunney Fight Postponed. The fight between Gene Tunney of Red Bank and Harry Greb of Pittaburg, which was to have been held at Cleveland Monday night, was postponed because of rain. It was impossiblo to hold tho fight last night because of tho weather and it was then announced that it would be held tonight or tomorrow night. . «*-^«>. ,• Want Highlands Rood PovcJ. A petition urging tho board of freeholders to pave Navesink' avcnuo at Highlands is being circulated/by the Highlands business and civic association. A largo number of signers havo bqen procured. Visiting in Massachusetts, Mr. and Mrs. James Power of Monmouth street have been visiting at Shadowbrook, Massachusetts, with their son, Daniel Power, who is studying for the priesthood at tho Jesuit college at that place. Monmouth County SurrogMa'a Office. In tho matter of the ostato ot Thomas 31. Wise, deceased. Notice to crtiilitors to present claims neninnt. estate. I'ursunnt to tho order of Joseph IJ. Don* nhny, Qurrogate <tf tho County of Monmouth, made on the sixteenth dny of Auprust. 102-J, on the application oC Oeorgo F. Wise, lulmfniBtrutar ot the estate cf Thomns !!„ Wine, doccafied, notico in hereby given to the creditorn of onid cWenaed to exhibit to the subHcribcr, mlminUti'ator us aforesaid, their debts ' and demands ag&lnBt the nuid cat etc, under oath, within isix monthu from the date of tho aforesaid order, or they will bo forever barred of tUeir net tuna therefor nualnnt tho unit! subscriber, Eutcd Freehold, N. J., Aununt IG, 1924. GEOItaB,,F, WISE. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. To GEORGE FELIX DE GKASSE: By virtue of on order of tho Court of Chancery of New Jcraey, made on tlie day of the dntc. hereof, in a certain cause wherein t.ydla Barry Do Grnstiols petitioner, ami you, Georuo Felix DeGrnBuc, nre defendant, you nre required to appear and plend, answer or demur to petitioner's petition on or before tho 27th day of October, 11)24, or in default thereof nuch dcci-fu will l>c taken rtKnlnnt you SB tho Chnncelior shrill think equitable and just. The object of bfiUI suit ia to obtain a decree of divorce dissolving the marriage between you nnd the BUM petitioner. Dated August 2(Hh. 1024. EDWARD W. WISE, Solicitor of Petitioner, P. O. Address, Red Bonk, N. J. Fine Comer Lots, High Ground, Near the Mtaisi Road.. A small sum down wilg secure a lot.' Small v/soEtly ®r monthly payments will ho luhen for fh© foaBanc@. • Corn Fed The Better Kind for Salad Fresh Killed 2—2% lb Si«> 1.4 L B PRINTS Good Cuts Short Cut STRIP would like to buy at A reasonabi* prfoo a two-wheel pony cart. Tiltphom Ke-. i-Junk 92 2> ~ FUlWrTURETFOh SALE. " Oali chulrj, tnhla, ice t o j »nd chiSonlar, ell In sood condition. 18 Mechanic strMt, ons flight up. APARTMENT WANtED. " Three or four rooms, cnfurnlshvd upaik" racnt, wanted Ity couplo with no children. Phone Red Bunk 1088-jf. ~1 LAUPiPlfESS WANTED to do laundry worts ond cleaning; stead? ' position sreor oroiind. References reautrei. Telcphcna Red Dsnlt l«06. FOR „. itireo wlnilowfl end frames; also t,----.,HRlit tfxturtu. Phono S70. Cal) ol 160 Hudson avenue, Red Bank, ROADSTER FOR 3ALU. BUICB rondoter, juit overhauled, now pnlnt and Rood ttreo. Charles D. Allaire. ISnatildo Park, Fa|r Haven, N. J. ' ROOMS" WANTZD. ' Lndy wishes two unfurnished roomi for Hflht housekeeping; Red Hank or Rumion. Addreaii a, drawer M. Red Bank. Kitchen Ron HO and Organ for Sale. fjtory & ClarW «ruan and Richardson & Born ton range, in ffood condition; cheap. 28 Leroy place, Red BiinTt.JN.^X GARAGE FOR RENT. At Minnesink Park, one block front St&to Highway. L. A. Carton, Mohawk nvenue, Mlmipn.nk Pork, Red Bank. FOR RENT, FURNISHED, """ In lied Bank, house of eix rooms and all Improvements; admirably located. Inquire of Alberta H, Morfort), agent, 168 Hudson avenue, Red Bank. Telephone 4P8-R. LOt~FOR SALE. Lot R0 feet by 160 feet located in<the bent residential section at a bargain. Ed ' Hayes, oppoaltc railroad utatlon, Red Sank.' IF YOO~WANT~TO SELL your home or farm, Jet ma. know. I nm In touch with city buyers." No charga tor listing. Otto Felter, Jr.. Llneroft. N. J. FOR SALE. 3ix-room hcuse, 148 Catherine street. PogsesBlon October 1st. Inquire of Anna J. de lfc Motte. Phone 217A-R Eatontovn. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. „ House of four rooms with Jot 45 feet by 182 feet. Tiler {2,000. Tarmi, Ed Hayca, opponite rallroarijitiitjon. Bud Bank. BANK"STOCk FOR SALE. Second National Bank and Trufet Company ntock offered for sale. Address for jmrtlculnrfl to Dank Stock, drawer M, Red Hark. < MOTOR BOAT, 9100. Sixteen-foot open launch, newly painted, with thraa h. p. Ferro motor; nil in ffooa condition, R. R. Pope, phone Red Ban& 1170-W. LOTS FOR SALE. Choice lots on Volley Drive, Nftv«slnk, BOxlGO fret; cheap to quick buyer. Inquire Btone Church Garage, phene Atlantic HighInndc 431-J. _ ROADSTAND FOR RENT with ntorc, on State Highway; good all year buninrsn. Will rent cheap and in frood locntlon. IJ, A. Carton, rcnl citato, Middiet own, y . J. __ __ _ _ "PEACHES!' Buy your poaches direct nt wholesale prlcen. Albcrtn and other varieties. Willffcrodt's poultry farm, Line raft, oppooita Lnn^enriorf'q rcnrnjie. ' FOR SALE. House nnd ntore with lot 50 feot by 180 feet. Fine locution for a grocery fltofe and rra^oHnr ntat'em, Bd Hayes, opposite. railroad ntatlon. Red Bunk. PEACHES! ~~~ Buy your pcnehon dlri*dt nt wholetalu prico*. Albert.i nnd other varieties. Willprerndt'e poultry farm, Llncroft, oppoo^te Lnogondorrs carntfc HAT LOST between Lohr? Branch nnrt Red Bank b r •way of Occanport, young lady's het, Ilshf bluo trimmed with* rrray. Kinder please return to Rcfcl-ler office. " GRAVEL, SAND, TOFSOIL. 82.00 r e r ton delivered. Also 80,000 hard liurned brlckn, $17.50 per thomand1. Now Jersey Brick nnd Gravel. Company, phone Red Bank 12.4-W. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ "HOUSES F O R S A L E . Havo some very attractive propositions for nnyone wBhinir to own n hotne of thelf own. AlbprtnB. Morford, 1B3 Hudson eve* nuo. Rod Bonk. Telephone 4rrS<R. TO LET FURNISHED. Deautlful modern flvo-room apartment; nleo one room and kitchenette; two mlnutfls* wnllt from Brsncbrort station. 123 Wnfthindton street, Lonjr Branch, N. J. HOUSE FOR SALE. Modern oix-rnom house with nil ImprovementB in detilrable location. Pritys 86,800, ennh S500 only. Alan nthor bargains in proportien. F. Bu^ae, 44 Washlnaton street, Red Brink. Phone B00-W: PULLETS FOR SALE. Thirty Rhode Inland Red pullet* for talent $2.00 each. Also wide tread farm wanon, Rood ns new. G. A. Tllton, R. D. No. 1, box 134, Itcd Bank, phone Middletown -72-F-41. STOVES FOR SALE. One Inrfto kitchen ntove with reservoir and heating oven; parlor stove and dining room utovo with henter. L-. Aj. Carton, Mohawk avenue, Mlnncslnk Vaik, Red Bank, N._J. MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD WANTED. Wish to buy nntiqua mnhognny Bidebnnrd or will irivp in oxchnnpc oak dining room furniture nnd hondnoniH walnut wardrobe. Address Mahogany Sideboard, drawer M, Hod Bank. WATCH LOST. Gold wntch lost last Sunday on Trlsne.a bus from Red Bank to Campbell's Junction or from Campbell's Junction to Carr avenue, Keanuburg. Address W. V., drawer M, Red Dnnk. LOST. A twenty-dollnr bill lost Saturday afternoon between 70 Elm place and town hall by the way of Linden y\nca cronalnfj Broad ntreet to Manmnuth ntrent to Drummond place. Finder telephone Red Bank 2G8-R. Rcwnnl. F R ^ Ant lane furniture, mnhopnny four-pont bc(l»tea<ln, d«nk, liookcdoe, burenu, lamps, corner cabinet, nulTet, conaola dining room table and chairs, andirons, and some odd chairs. Address Antique Furniture, drawer M, Red Bank. FOR SALE. On Saturday nfternoon, September 18th, from one to nix o'clock, many articles, Including green lattice shutters for 87 windows; also shades nnd screens, enameled beds, cots, room and porch rum, nnddU nnd pnrtn of harno^d, cooklnff stove, old iron, pot n to en, notnto and grain burr* and many other articles. Thomas Coulton, Mtddiotown road, near fair ground*. Phoni Red Bank BOO-W. HOUSE FOR RENT. Four rooms, nil Improvements «xfltpl bath. Inquire sla Weit front jtrnat, Red Bonk. T»l«ilco. Low Priced 3-lb Slzo Prudent Buyers Boy In Wagner's. Above Specials for Monmootli County Only. G flrst-cla-n, wnnls po.itlon after p 1 ntit. References, Atldrom P., boa 64, Kntontown, K. J. WANTED TO RENT in Red Bank, houne of B or 9 room*, wltb Improvs-mant*. Hoitt not ov<r ISS. Addros» box hi, Eatontuwn, N. J., or phont 2. S4.1 iNESV First cUfls used iBwlng tnachintf tak«l In Axrimnirft for Ringer electrla por(«blo», narnninn from 813 to 825. <Jeor_o Wobdi, Jr., 2« Monmnuth street, Red Bunlr. (Want eUvtrttscnientfl conUnuRd ea &«zt 9Ut*l RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS.! (Continued from preceding PJU?B'> "GRAPES FOR SALlC tjf SprlilK btnct, Iteil llnnli. TEAM DRIVERS WANTED. I'Veil 11. Wlki/l! Co., Bod Hunk, " SEED RYE WANTED. " ~ _ J f I m I " • Wl!'"!' Cn., Ilcil Hunk. 'fWO "FURNISiiED'"ROOMS' FOR RENT. Apply 123 Chestnut -Ircet, lteil Ilnnll. """ ^OWDOAT FOR SALE. Good ctimUUun. C. 1'ncker, phone 120, ficabrlslit. _ ' ROOMFOH RENT. "• l-'uriiUlicii room ni -1& Onltlnnrl street, Kctl Ilanh. _ *~ H. BIT/.AU, remover of' dead anlmtils. !I«il Hank. Telephone 25-W. " BURLAP BAGS FOR SALE. 1,000 feed baRB lit rjtlllmrm I'iii-niB, Katorilown. K. J . ' HOUSE FOR RENT. ' Six room liouHe, ull Improvements. I'lione lUrl_n_nk 1J2B. ELECTRIC STOVE FOR SALE" Estata muhc; linrHuin; 9uU. IMiuufi At' lontlc lllnlilumU 31-U. " CIRL'S MCYCLE FOR SALE " in Baoil condition; price ?7. Apply 20 High ttrcet, Red Dank. _ " CAS STOVE FOR SALE. In aood condition; cheap, Addrcfis 43 Harrison avenue, HIM! Haul;. S F ' HOUSE FOR SALE. Six roomti, ull ll improvements lot 40x120. " NEW AND USED FORDS. Terms .rrtOittt'il. (ie<ir«e M. Ackcrm&n, W i o lied Ilnnk 17 6. _ _ BOSTON P U P P I E S F - i . SALE, ticreiv tall, bat enr: .JOillureeti Block; price 840 anil CTiO. l'hone Atlantic IllirhIniitlc IlitrhlumlM 307. POULTRY 11OUGHT AND SOLD. Allvo ur fresh diL-ancd cblcheiie boiight or Belli; will pay bent priced, j . liaker, ^fr*Thcrile Btrt-et, Red Hank. I'hotie 1O'J2-J. ~ SHOP FOR RENT.' iicur of Max I.eou'a ofhte, 2i West Front ulreet. Ajiply at Tbe Land nnd Loon COl._l0 ICa.t Front .tract, u»i| Ilink. "LADDER WANTED. Ijxtep^iou ludilcr wjuiteil, tvvtdve to nixItcn f«ot ncctlim,. l"lea»is it»le pnrllcuInm. Addre.n I.ii.lder, Jmwer M. Red Ilnnk. DODGE BARGAIN, $1«S. LOOK ALONG STATE ROAD. Five Piiiiaeimer, l'JIK model, winter top; also Overland runnlicut; needs repairii.^^fi. Charlea DreaBCr, 11H W a t front ilrcet, telfphone 623. Red Hank. _ 1 have, for &alc a one-Btory concrete oad .land, si.e 20x30 feet, lot CUxlOO; 3,400, 52,000 d u l l , balance mortBaK*. I'.nleb |,uker. phone 7--F-3J. Keansburg. GUiTAR~FOR " C r ~ "SAY T f WlTH~FLOWERS^ NollutiK could be more appropriat sad iiothinji <«o welcome nit flowera; a boqutt or i ol cut lluw from W. W. Kennedy & npol i* will -urrlv POCKETBOOK LOST. li-iok l o s t S u l i i n i i i y tilKfit IM. I l a n k ; c.>niiiin<M_ s u m o n y \nv\> m o n e y if p o c . - t SUPERINTENDENT WISHES POSITION. MONEY 1 FOR rARMlZUS. file l-Vdrral Lnml Bunk, lhi- utily f«PfaKuprrinLftident »( ,e«tat<* IV.'.IUH _ju_iUoil era' rnutunl t m n k . l l . e ii«t iftrniiHss . f wbI^h Octiibfr IMI, or November I»t; J'rntciitnnt, American; »mnll family ; never drlnli. I KO U d . t<. tho (BtUU'T wtlit tiut-(iWB tfcw NotliiiiK II'MS than $1,800 |ier year conaid- munvy, ItJiin* money tn tartar A on fte^t cr.-d. Addrfss Hyperintcndi'lit, (irrwer M, bund a n d mwrlnaiit- m b tit _»<'f I'fst.t lotMf* IUMI Hunk. j cut td pny off fii'irtisimtiJ. tiebts, litly fllofk. i.ij.!.e Impn.vcHidiiti, etit. If jititp HOUSE FOR SALE, fnrm in in M»rii,i.»uth couttty sn<l you wat\% .lust cfirnpk 1 tt'il, coiiy nt'v/ IHMJSC of t ft lt»in, nee im\ I gin tlio secretury t\>$ room* »II<I b n l h ; nil mmti-rn iinprovi-tnt-ii Mnnmoutli c n u n l y . Mend f*ir cl.ctller, haniwo-.d floorB. titt-ani heat, l.r<- plai Kurge. l»ir B r I..I. *'»'•<! tcrinn. D. W . M a r - Henry C. Wodc. Karinliiudnle. N. I. Phong t i n , 1!-1D K a s t f r n r . t e t r c e t . Red Hank. Bd-W I'liotitf M : J H . MR. W A N T A H O M E , have for r-nlt* » ni.-« new liouue with . ,i n m m i l l f f i m i l y ; m u s t b f K i t f t l C(,ip)i. Afi|its? P . ";l JliDHtl e l r o f t , H o d wnnii nnd Imtli; nil hii.>rov<mc[it^ ; c u n - I a t 'I ho Id, rule vv:it..n anil c e l l a r ; loL-iiti.l (in Wf.il- I ]j n I 1 |, j « i d c nvfiiuf. A rt'.-il bnrK-nin. Hrc Kdcn K. j - ' ' Wt ataillu <lvcIlut IU(l 1 W llird'e eye maple ttultar, p at $.'ir>, will sell for S1&. Any evening after li iilo P. M. C. Trost, Jr., Hiawatha Mule or female?; muiit h« experienced on nvenue, Portaupeck, N. J. _ ________ refiefilim«'iitB. Apply VValling'e, plxme MUiLEOWNERS7ArrENIOft APARTMENT FOR" RENT". Mlildlelown K7_I-I'-*1. _ Kijuip yuur nutumoliilcH with Milburt) Htenni heated furnlfihed apartuicnt, three APARTMENT WANTED. ine-ur.v proof tubes. Cua ran teed acniOBt mlnutm' walk tu bus line; all ImproveFURNISHED ROOMS TO LETi Two or thr<;e rooms, preferably with surrountlintjs. anything not lurner than H twenty-penny With prlvllcuo <if liicht hiiuickerplnit; nienth: if&race; pleasant I'Uth, in Hed liiink. Addreau Apartment, V}}^ A<Mre6K P. O box 828. ^ ^ ; • Improveinenta; KOOII . Im-M inn, near IJroad Phone Kiitontown 24:)6-R. _ Hrawcr M. Ited Ilnnk. MAN WISHES""poSlflON. i V T b u " WANT A"CAR"*QUICf-LY street. Call •]» Wnlluce Btreet, lied Uank. ~ " 1 "DOG LbsT; Kxi>rruncri] Amcricnn wants place n» 24:t,__2'e_nnlru:t«n. N. J. and at a low price look over the offerings GASOLINE INE ENGJNi;. . In Tho Reei.ter'B Want Department each nrctal-pr, wuLchman, .louHcinan or useful Half Brown lilncli pup lost. Finder plennc " Carter olin li cnulne l and d jncfc for >»lj; week. Many ore advertised ot prices that nan. ' APARTMENT FOR RENT." n'Hify i,r r**tiir,» tn Irvim/ Mnxsort, J1. O. Fnur years on Rumami itoad. All BUital.Se fur . . .i . _,_.... t i ,$ llnx R.1, Ilelford, N. J. "tve rof.ma nnd bath, S30 v*'v i Uox S!J4, LoriK IlranclK make them mil lierKalnn _^__ 'enr prefcrrH. Call H. W. Mytrtt, HO;. All..i..i.< Highlands. y LOT FOR SALE. AU l O M O b I L t OWNEKb, A l l t N T I O r t . FOR SALE AT RIVER PLAZA," nn.l Imlli, FORU DhLIVLRY FOK SALE. Ono lot on Mechanic Htreet, north side, ALLHARDWAHE DEALERS ivniii. viur QUtomohik'H uitli Milhurn rocker ?5. New nlx-room buus- and bath, 85,GOO, , - 0 9HhrA l l In iru.,.1 i i i l i n i i i K O O I I T ; nil Bmiil n i l i ulilioii. Vi". O. iilnldini, Nor* motn near Throekrniirton avenue, for sale. J. M. Bhotild sell Ol-O-Uliiiiu, n new mid moat Il.tOtI cash. Balance can he made to suit lunctnre-proof tuh<_n. Guaranteed Hirninet lot for nil.-. J...F.IIU. M IIIT. Jfilin I l r n w n , Crau'fiiril'n C O N K T , in-or y nvenuo. ltf.1 Hunt:. twi'fui «ln_a .uil^lltti!.., nr K«t mmt'' from buyer. Caleb I,uker, Ilelford, N. J. I'lione irythlnK not Inrter ttinn a twenty-penny t'lnliidsteln, lteil Hank. _ ri'lii-, N . J . l i ' i l m i l r l . N .J . lIjikp LOST. (.eor_.o Wit I to, otfent, Monmouth Bench, ___ A ( _ ' l r c B B p - I 1 b o ) t 82^, Rtfl llBjik. HOUSE FOR SALE."" iieanaburi, 7_-l''-31. C i r e u h . r K..I.1 mni uiiiiMi.-ll.-.l lir.-n PIN LOST " " At 115 Herbert street; nix rooms anil FOn SALE. STUCCO HOUSE FOR RENT. Kntlinlny. v i r i n i t y (if Wharf nvi'il nt Ilrpul'li an I[1C L-ti rii: ):i*t Sn turilay »t hath, teniont Mock ituraK*;. Apply Hi! Her~~M0TOU nOAT FOR SALE ~ HclfoM roul, near Mithllct •cr and fniiflh lit «lr*ai Furnished or unfurnished, *even room Hrooil a t r c o t ; tri'ar.un'il fur awHiiciit . I,|,»-N s. T I H t n p - ' i : ) ' ' . a HI nil IK i r t bert iitrcot, Ited Hank. ith cabin. 110 feet, twelve .nilen, four- stucco hiiuse: all improvements: Kuratte: [>iol ^00x27.^ feet. Will K [ fiepor p Reiviu.l. A^ldr,-^ i ' M t c t v u n , jrcnura ieil pin Lli 1 hu. fprirci-llut^ nml t.i The Ilo* 1 rcet frontiik'c Cnlcl) L. LLulter, lfndtir (iray (.ndm?; repainted. See Will rensonnble. Address Mrs. M. Ohlandt, Al- Ht« Jotf* .10 l ALTERATIONS OP "ALL" KINDS'"' Mvcry, I 1 . O. Kcil Hnnk. 1. I-'ill Irr Tile !».• Ill.tif/ M .1. Jll • ? ; . l i r jntln. Little Silver Point, Little Sliver. ft. IU Ilnnk. Relfonl. N. J. I'h^ne 76-l''.31 KonnRhii^rK. con ba made by [tiilpli II. Sickeis. the ear> len street, Rumnon, N. J, II. .SclinelT 1". Allr nlic l l l u l i l HI ». N . J.. G A S O L I N E S T O V E FOR S A L E . penter nml builder (it a reasonable price. " BUSINESS 6pirORf UNITY; anil _1>m>nr> I ' . H - W , SMALL STORE FOR RENT. fo ook i I'lmnojtei] Rank 1««.__ "" HEATING SYSTEMS. Automobile accervnory and rndio nupply cnmpini;: jil Small store at 14 Mechaalc street, near unk hi.l.-l.i. n ] i.l luhl LADIES, ATTENTION! Rlchurdiion nnd Jloyi.tfji. ..lyi-lcas fur- Brood -trcct, till Improvements, line loca- buninpi.B fur unlc on the atate hlffhway, • "" CADILLAC FOR SALE. Crunf to th- Old (;iH-rry Tret. Ywxin nndl Ktitt; lientily Shop. M a n i c u r i n n . atmrnaecs, Arruhi nytMemi. ii^tiilk-M rranonnbte. tion. Apply nt 10 East Front street. The riffht in the heart of town. Small expense. mnhniinny frnrn.-^; sell ri'iisunnklf. \'l Cndlllac tourlrw car hi fair condition, at pnoinu, scnlp tr»atir)piit_. with or w i t h o u t yi t f i m c nf our fani-y free Ann" j)cnclies foJT lull II. W. Myers, a03 AtlnnLic llluMind*. Lnnd and Loan Company. GoodIjmlefl. JVfnx J i i l ^ r ^ n t a n t o w n ^ N._J- While atrefit, Rj'fl H.ink. your own price; jiond rubber. 6'J Went violet r n y ; hobl>inif, c u r lint:, tlyc.w« a n d Front street. Red Huak. __ GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE FOR SALE. Ou«*n L'Vci.inen by n p - ffltiniiiK. I'htiiM' MiddU'town 7 .'> H - ItFURNITURE FOR SALE. GARDENER WISHES POSITION.*"" Mcnchiri.. hiiir. 12E acre fnrm; Rood IIOURC and nil buildEXPERIENCED H E L P . " Fine mRhognny dining room table and Middle nitcd Swiss, thoroughly undnr- nointrm'nt.. 3y Wuvcrty place. Ited Uank ; your own halcuinmi. Lulio Longhead eitflit chairs, eideboard and glaeB cabinet, Bn In A-l condition; fruits nnd berriee; (itnnrin cure of %'ciii;tf.hlij y.tiY&en, Inwn. plionp a&7-M. Help ot any kind can eneily bo found II tnk« your pieii»a(rc into 7.200 homes tfe-ii bo soon ot anytime by comraunicntintr alone (fund road, nenr wnter; 5'j.O.OOO, part -hrul>«, fluwc-rfl nnd h«.tUd«; brst <if roU-rthrouull DI> lulvertiucmcnt in The Kegla* APARTMENT T O R R E N T . " We tlo f i n e ' w n t c h anil .lock r.;rnlrlnj7. a coot of 26 cents for thirty words or h. Caleb Luker, phone 75-F-31, Ketna- cncfs; ten years' It-fit place. tev's V/nnt Dcpartmunt. Fred Hiltwitli_Bo3t 384, R*d Hank. __ Fivp rtniin.^ Jtn-1 b a t t i ; rcji-niiahic r e n t ; J a m e s !•'. llnll<-i». 10 Brunei, otrcct. Rcil JO. bu rjr. brujiner, Konlirljtlit, N. J. 00 Herbert utreet, lleil Ilunli. __ nil nio'U-rn i m p r o v e m e n t s , in m>w b u i l d i n g , TWO FURNISHED ROOMS " MORTGAGE WANTED. U;ink, ovvr Kriickiirbu.l.i'r phnrmaey. AUTO FOPS FOfTSALET "OLEANDER ANb ORANGE TREES Ocenniwirl nvpniJfl and"Miiin s t n c i , ()rr>iiTifor rout: nice Unlit room* with utenm heat, FOR SALE AT BELFORD.' Would like to get ft rut mortirnfte of TWO ROOMS FOR RENT Second linnd nutomobile tops for tour* ie of each; tilvandvr oiurht feet, and .'.,500 nn an improved property two blocks I'huiio IHIl-H. Stucco house, fiicht rooms, collnr, elecfor light houHckci'pimr. HH WaahinBton electricity and i:aa. Iniiuire nt 73 Monramte four feet; the two f«r ?B. A, C , from Hrond ntreet. A'ldreau I'irat Mort- friK eura end roadsters, like new, fr>r dale tric, (.as, phone, fruit, Blirubbrry. kr"»'J .iwirf Cotiminl Inn !.<•„• t u n m r i . , p W t u ' E n t nwmt.li uUeel. Ited Hunk. street, phono lied Hunk ;nni-M, nfr Haven, N. J., Mnin rond, oppoaito Klra cheap m the Sednn Auto Top f'crr.Dnni'. nhcide, two-cnr unrnitc- Lot 7!JX10B. I'rirc1 n n t d w n M _ l - . i . :c, drawer M, Reil Bank. I ; H[TEE~UNFURNISTTE"D"~ROOM"S LUKU LONGHEAD Incc. 1fiMechanic atreel, off 13road stiuc*. Ued $5,000. Posacsflion nt once. Caleb Luker. FOUND— ti> ^i-l! lii[:li rlfiuii si'.MirlHi's in homo (own. FOR SALE apeak» to over 85,000 people every week. for rent: nice Unlit rooms with Htcatn heat, Bnnk. Phone 7r»-F-:U Kcnnnburv. WOMAN WANTED. c fine ptnee to stort- your car Tor any Culk>i;e man prrfi-rro'l luit not ojmtntlal. electricity nnd nil". Imiulre at 73 Monn Railroad avenue, Helton!, frontnge 300 Vnt him deliver your tnoii»ni.e. DAILY MESSENGER SERVICE. Competent woman, middle nKe< period of time; open day and iiiElit; JURI mouth »tree.t, lteil Ilanlc. HOUSE FOR SALE. feet by 140 feet deep, facing two avenues. A NEW DEAUtY^'PARLOR^""" ' To New York. Orders left nt th« Klka •nerrtl house wi>rk; ^ourl rtTorqn I'rlcc 11,000. Caleb L. Luker, Belford. Eiffht ro«m«, hot wntiT licnt; parnRe: n blur I. from Urond s t n ' c t ; plenty of room Writf or cnll, (ilh l-'limr, f, L Denver t t r t r t . ANDREW X H T L L . Vor Appointment n phono Mrn. Rao Stllhome, Chambers pharmacy or K nickerfor citlir-T inrlcur or outilonr piirkiniT. Mor.i New York City. «B_ General II mi we work, drawer Phone 7S-F-31 Kennsbori!. Paper banning anil dccuratlnir; Interior bfickrr phnrmpcy will receive prompt at- prict! 5b,000, * 1,000 dnwii, Imino.liatc pos- Aulu titoriiiie. M cclmnic • utrccl nnd (ilnbc iwaBon^Wymhii, 1410 Itrd Ilnnk, _ _ _ HGBsion. \\ V. Kennedy, 111 Monmcuth court.-ftp.( Hank. nnd exterior painting, 14 Worthley street, NEW CROP OF CORN. tention. Price, moderate. Chnr.pa W. SMALL STORK FOR RENT street, Reil Hank. Ti'lpphonca Kt-d Itank lied llnnlt. Phone 141b. ROOMS FOR R E N T / " Early Mammoth and Country Gentleman Jo new. on Went Front utivet, near Hrond street. 477-H, _nr rooidenep l.r.20-R. Two Inrtf*' furnished n-nmH, one FfTfT SALE AT B&tFOhDT ~~' _ _ _ _ _ _ _.___.____„_.___ >rn, limn bennH, tomatoes nnd raspberries. HOUSE FOR RENT. Innuirft 2H Klin IIIIK-C, Red Itnnk. __ House hnntfrs will find their'' reyttlrfl* ~___ FOR SALE. riencttc for houiU'luH'pinu An jld-fiishiiincd r » ; y tiis-roi.m hnnur Irs. E. DIIIIBC, Rumson road, near Branch Meillurn Bizcd IIIIUHL', two lilockB from deond ask Luke Lonahcnd to fill your wants. 'iih f iod |.n"* rits quicltjy ft Mod by rending [tejfister M61'bR~Ii6Af" FOR" SALE. 1171 or 1H0 liiiht I-'runt btrcet, Ilcd avenue, Little Silver, N. J. f e e l ; ulrt Corner businesa ston. nnd dwelling: holpot; nil improvement*. Nice neighborhood. He is nn cillcient worker ond his charKen ruiil, Twenty-debt teat, 35 li. p.; tfood comll- Phono Rod Honk f.OB-It. iH-nr crlimd. i-l.nrrj,. statio nil | Want Advcrtisementa. Many ofTerinss ar« PLAYER PIANO"FOR~SALE. arc email. Twenty-five cents will take «i low tile nn<l wtiu-cn. All modern improve- , tlon. Atldrcfn T. W., drawer M. _ Only SK.r.OO, MAXWELL TOURING"CAR~FOR"SALET 51,000 player piano, bench and music thirty-word mensn_;e Into over 7,000 menta; (?nrn(,'e included; tin mrentf!, I'Vir j TWO-TON SELDEN TRUCK. IK'--. •-'. Luk.-r n^rticulwrrt arid res a L. H. Ilowtr, 175 Iliffli Model l!U'J Miixwcll tiiurhiK far in first rolls: Bell for $450 to quick buyer. A. H. homes. HOUSE FOR RENT. Furniture van body; cheap to quick Sinifle houiif. of tiix riinnm, water mid fraa, in_ H.mp<-'; nil frond rubber; rontt unable, Dirhan, Drummnnd plnce, rear of to K t r r r t ^ W e s t OrniiKe. N. .1. Iyer. Murkii l'urnlture Company, MonHOUSE FOR RENT. in ho BCOII nt 13 6 Oaklmul Btreet, Red hall, phone 1*33, Red Hnnlt. T O R SALfcf AT CLlFFWOOp DEPOT. ^WnHhlni(t_on street. Iteil Hnnk. TITLE EXAMINER. mouth Btrcet, iltd Ilnnk.^ Practicnlty nuw; niUHt he nohl at once. A six room JIOUKP, modern improvements, mk. Are you buyinj? property 1 If y«u nrt, Kislrt-room house, cellar, chicken house, CADILLAC "ROADSTER" FOR SALE. FOR SALE, REDBANK, on State llluhwny between Shrewsbury and SECOND-HAND CLOTHES UOUGHT\ nf CIilTwomi you'll want it searched nnd you'll want it Also houB« nnd ntorc for rent; nil improvu- . 11)17 model: price SK.O. Thornim B. HOUSE FOR RENT. fifteen lots 6OxlGG feet, restricted, nhjh Kntontown. Men's only, must bo in good condition. Mr*. William A. Khoemnker, ncven lot^, 50x175, on corner „.., , hnlf l»ne both reasonably nnd iirnpcrly. See menta. Apply Ham Jloirmim, 146 M'inmoutb avenue nnd Locust Btreet. $1,000, Hitune funiinhrd (ir unfurnished; Bovcn Field. Jr., phono Ited Hunk 503-J, elevation, alonK good street. For tho ! Cnll nt I. Kerbcr'a, IGtl Monmouth street. Shrewsbury, N. J., phone 21-.G-M, EatonCaleb LukiT Belfurd N J Vernon W. llv*e, title examiner, room IiO, ; fine locntion; nil ' whole. J&.500 cash. Caleb Luker, Belford. town, Red llnnk. phono J172-.I. • FORD COUPE" FOR SALE. i n r o a d Street Natif.nnl bank buildinif. Ited street. Red Bank. entii. Phone 7B-F-S1 Keonsburir. ' Atldresa C. U., drawer M, Red Phone 7fi-F-31 Kunsburif, Good condition: will HCII cheap, Addrcsn Hnnk. 1 liono 7 0 - w . CUT F L O W E R S FOR S A L E . COTTAGE ON RIVER, unit. FOR SALE. Fonl Coupe, drawer M, RpiMlnnlk, UPHOLSTERING. TnWc boqut.t!i for HIIIO. I would like to next to Thomnri'e Inn, for rent furnished or MR.'COMMUTER. , " .u-ilan. like Lntc 1023 Sta ROOMS "WANTEJD." ,p Upholstcrlnif nnd reflnlshinl. of all kinds unfurnished; four rooms and bnth; hot " ' ' LIVE buy n few hotbed Bnsli. J. I I . Nelson, -IB Here in n IIOII^L- of six rooms and hath, Five fykes, .') \'t Lathrope motor, lostev Onr nr two rooniH want_r<l with of furniture. Frank Howard, 121 Wsst water heat: all improvements, ""lie Land 5450 ; 1020 Ford r o u p e , Kix.d order, 5115: all utlier imim>v<.menlH psccpt irnri, <JII stntu entile, CBIVCB. hojifl nnd poultry wanted. Locuttt a v e n u e . Red llnnk. ('nuipmeiit; al_o cylinder stove, p r a c t i e n l l / ' nusflteiipinK priviltxu1:1. Phono H70-J, ited Front street, Red Hank, phone, shop 899-.I; ;nd Loan Co., 10 East Front street. Red 11 nick Six (ivc-njHsu'iiKiT, i Knoil oi-der. H- Rurin, phono 807-R, Jteii Hank. hijrlnvny. in Middli'town, iibout len minRYE AND VETCH SEED. $200. Harry R. Kdwnrds Little Silver, utes 1 walk tn rnilrnnil .slntion, for rent. new; hnrirniitH if sold at ones, \V. O. Shcl-• ,nk ilddre X. Y.. dm M. Red residence 41J..-M. Red Bank. "ink. HOUSE FOR SALE. Bent over crop, rich mixture, for «v< N. J-. phone Red Bnnk 111 ank. I"dr furl tier particular.* ph im« J ami's A. dim. Normnmlie. N. J. BUNGALOW FORSALE." . 1 FOR RENT. Possession 1 nt of October. Phono 1128 inir; $2.00 per bushel. H. T. Gulick, MldHOUSE F9R WORK WANTED. Stout. Miildlftuwn 77!)-W. At Mumson, five rooms and bath; price Eight room dwelling, nil improvements; "eUywnL >L_ J., phono 701-R. or call at 17 Pi.tt.ru pluce, Red Hunk. furnished or unfurnishnii; suven room", Wnnliinir or IroniriK tu <lit a t home or will $.,r,00. See P. F. Kennedy, 114 Monmouth ar business section; Jnrjie Krounl.n, prnrFARM FOR SALE. "' " POSITION WANTED ' JAME3SODEN, every modern convonifliicc; delight fill o out by the tiny. Telephone Red Hani. street. Red Hank. Telephones Red Bank e. enrner property. Telephont. 90 Red by yountr mrli-l im irtni-r.il helper. Address litractor nnd builder: nil Idnda of jobncijrhborhood: 570 monthly furnished, %'•'•> Seventy-five acre farm or will t.t.11 n part. R. J, Gibbons, proprietor, under new maD* ilV-It, or cfill nt 13 ],.rnk-n v\ucc, Hed .77-R, or residence 1520-R.. Bank, D, W. Willgusa, 2 Hrond utreet, Red unfurnished. Gqncrnl Helper, druwer M, Red nnnk. bing done. Den tor in bull dins material. Edward W. Lintncr, 5 West Twelve room houne, electric, toilet and Enitk. . ___... Bnnl.. F O R SALE. hot--nml cold water; usual outbuild- BKemcnt; expert rcpairint?, battery chsrgJtiRics Soden. Llncroft. N. J. UPHOLSTERING. Mnin street, KrenhoM, N. J. ____ _ LOST.' less than three miloa tr> Red Hnnlc. inu. wnliling: full line of Biipolic_; nil woflt Upholuterlnff and reflnhhinK of all kinds OVERLAND, 1922. TOURING. Lot on went Hide nf Hnrrinon nvt>nue. HOUSE FOR SALE. ROOM FOR RENT Sum of minify lust, \t\r-t Katurdny morn- of furniture. S22O00. Caleb Lukcr. Belford, N. -f. Self stnrter, electric liRhtfi, demountable Frank Howard, 121 Weat At 27 I.citfhtun avenue; in very rjooil AJilrosn linx 206, I'nir Hnven. N. J. Drnnch HVOIHI., vicinity hik'li Bchool : eunrantccd. Phone Middlctown DI7-M. i)(f on Brond ntrret, Mnplc nvenut? or Front i-'ront street. Red Rank, phone, shop 899-J ; 7."i-I''-a 1 Krnnshurir. ' ms; ehenn nt 195; nlso Dod(fe, five-pass-ondition. Kor infurmntien apply at 30 HO sunny front room, nicely furnisher!; T PUPPIES FOR. SALEf trcct. Finder plf:a»« tt-Ifphune Urd Bank reslilpnce 4fi3'M, Red Hnnk. inp;er. winter top, $145. Charles Drea«er. HOUSE FOR~SALE7~ I.cichtim avenue, Red Hunk. tnM© for twn persons. busineaH coupl_ Two cnlllo pupplcn fnr nidi'. Mrs. J, H. • 01-J. 113 West Front utrcct, phone 623, Red preferred; breakfn"t if ttesireii. FOR SALE] •it rooms, nil improvements; hot waAddress JoncB. phone 73-F-18, Holm.leJ, N. J. GIRL WANTED ^___ C A R P E N T E R AND BUILDER. h^at; nne of thp best bnr(<nii.n in town Some line Imported flat coated English lank. E. M., drnw«r M, Red nnnltI-'oUr-Bcnted nuburbcin body; will aril for Kcnanil bouiiework and plain conkinK; LEM SUTPhEN, All kinds of repnir work; nl_o painting retriever puppies on a business street; i>rice $11,500, SI.GOO . . . , ,, _... ppp nnd F Frown (io£_; olno ELECTRICITY. SELL DIRECT. paper hnnRlrff nnd dacnrnUnir. 'I'l Wanh- reforrnces reiiuired. Mni. O. E. Davia, Jr., nd pnper hftnEiiiK: rcaiionablc prices. A. farm mnchfnery che Bryan, Portensh. P. V. Kennedy, 114 Monmouth chassis or body acparntoly; run 2.509 Have your house wired by a competent rm y I'.II Maple nvenue, Red Hank. Farmers anil gardeners who have surplus Goll. Rci) Bank. Phono Red Bank au-Pec.., L tngton Btrcet. Red Bnnk. Phone fifi4-J. milea. Perfect mdition. Willlnm W. • DhJ$ electrician. B. X. cable used and best mntropt. Red Bank. Telephones Hed Bunk Drnnch,J produce to null can well make une of Lukf GARAGE FOR RENT. 1 ZQ.M. 47^-It. e^idonce terinl in fixtures; prices satisfactory. John iiiti- . road, phone Red Cook. Newman i " "20-R. Longhend's department of The R e n t e r in Stone KnrnKe, block from Broad street EXPERT Half of double houno nt fifi Whltn ittrpot. H O U S E F OR R E N T ~ of the wash "WASHER .tand a* the Snkewitz, Belford, N. J / Phone Keansburg, ftndinir cuatomern. 'A thirty-word adverIn chargeAUTOMOBILE WANTED""" Q Hank 1172-J. on Wnllrire. street; S7 per month. Inquire/ 67-F-81. .Apply 40 Shrewnhury iivenue, Reil Bunk. Furniahed or unfurniHhed, four mom". Boro I h e , Inc., Inc., hGlobe Court and and MB tiHcment_co9tft only. 25 cents. _ •u-Minff -10x80, for throe-story brick building -iOxHO, with M 1 76 Wuilnre, Ktrott. Ked Bnnli. 7~J."G. ESCHELBACH & SON, lectric Hunts, RUS, hent, fitrttionnry tubs, chonic Btrcet. Get G your enr washed h d while HOUSE FOR SALE. elevator, Inrire barn in renr '.OxST); ten-foot THATCHER HEATER" FOR SALE. WANT TO BUY 126 Went Front street, Red Bnnk, phono 11 impnivrment!!. Phone Red Bank In town. Service guaranteed. Six roornn nnd bnth, nnd double R In Kood workinK order; nlso a sot of driveway: suitable for factory, warehouse chickens and ducks; will pay best price. 3275. Auto nccosriorlon nnd vulcnnlzinK. irice 36,600. 51,500 cash. See P. F. Ken. wash or- itarnKe •husineas; ccntrnlly locnted. For Five ncrcs, fully equipped; mnln bt?b« POSITION WANTED trays, bath tub and n white enameled Phone 3H6-M, Red Hank, or col) 72 Bridge 1 GARAGE FOR R E N T / "~RE"METrtB_TR~TH~_rXOVED~ONEi_u caretaker for winter op all yenr round; nedy, 114 Monmouth street. Red Bnnk, kitchen sink. All in first class condition, particulnrs no? Paul Revert . C6 Broad wny thirty miles from New York; bungalow avenue, Red Hank. H. Adlcr. residence Apply nt Georpc W.'Sewing's office, room street. Roil Dank. Phone 90S. _ _ CariiKe or nutn, $T); centrally located. l alio do repnir work if deaired, enrpen- elephones Red Bank 477-R, Flowerst for tho urnven: nstorn, houfle nil conveniences; $5,500 caah re"FURNITURE FOR SALE. _ ^ _ Call at H Hlverslde avenue, Red Bank. Mrs. K. Dodpc. Rum, mnson work nnd pain tine. Addresi 520-R. ~ F ARMS" WA NTED." I t f , 3, Eisner building, Red BnnU.__ Second-hand furniture and carpet; n Write Bo* 11-A, n. D. No. S, orgp nnrtels. Kumfion, N. J. Have city clients^rendy to buy farms in ciuirvd. on rond, near Ur. NEW HOUSE F O V S A L E T " ROOM FOR" RENT. — SPLENDIDHOME FOR SALE condition. Mr-*. Mnry Shkoda, Appleifnte Monmouth county ; \ n l a o lots and town M a t n n , N. 1. Six rooms nnd bath, all improvements; N. J. Furnished ronm. central loentlon, In- street, Itiver l'limn, fled Bank, AT YOUR SERVICE:. properties. For quick results lint your $7,500, $1,000 cash, SGO per month. P. F. In Freehold, 55,000, S750 cash down, hal qulrg at 14 Rlveraiilft nveniie, Red Ilank. MONEY TO LOAN. H. W. Heaviland, electrical enntractor, Kennedy, \x nice rooms, bath, hot Property with Ray II. Stillmnn, Monmouth Monmouth street. Red Bnnk. ance ensy ten CARS FOR SALE. Money to loan on bonrl nnd m nKent for Westinshouse Mnzda Jnmps: wir- Telephones,114 irner County renl estat*. Eatontown, N. J^ care FRONTROOM FOR RENT. Red Bank 477-R, or residence nnd cold wnter, new heater; large A 1920 Iluick toui-inu car nnd 1921 Fort .pply to A. L. Ivlna, Register inK, fixtures and repnirintr. 27 Linden 1520-R. Furnished front room for rent. Call coupe; both in A-l condition. At Toylor'a lot EOxl&O. Edward W. Lintncr, 5 We _ Stillmnn Farms, Stnte Highway. Pruning by experienced men; eproylnjj, Red Bnnk. place. Red Bank, phone 43-W. BvenjnKB._10fi Hnnllnv; road. Red Hank. Main atreet, Freehold, N. J. _ Karaite. Pearl street, Red Hank. FAMILY LAUNDRY WORK. laying out of tfround., large LIT small. AdIDEAL"PIPELESS FURNACES^ TWO-QUART FRUIT JARS. HORSE FOR SALE. PO6L~TABLES"FOR" SALH:^ " PIANOS AND PLAYERS. ,ah, wot, n<*t exceeding 25 vice civ en as to what, when fjsd how to Family GIRL WISHES POSITION. PIpelesH furnaces installed complete, S30 LnrffD two-qunrt prlnF;H fruit jnrn. v.%Good work hor.se for mile, price $7T>, C. ..v --ell, buy, exchange, rent, tune, reFour 1923 Subway tnbles for sale and For two days' work or part time, with d l c n t for ennninsr fruits and vpRetnbles, also sixty new movinR picture chairs with and up; five radiator steam plants, $280, pair, electrically clean, varnish and polish pounds, 75 cents; rough, dry wash. 6 cents riant. Patterson, Wnllinc avenue, Ilelford, N. J. _ no Sunday* ; ,;,jod references ; colored. Ad T. U. Stiles, 121 Harding road. Also hot per pound. Roifrrh dry wnsh nrd flnt work plants. F. N. Lealic, 25 .on centR encn. H e r e ' s S3 Hroad btrcct. iron stand: IITHO O lot of furniture. 108 Chestnut street, Nutley, N. J., phone Nut- pianos of all makes. A. B. Dirhan'B Piano ironed, 7 cents per pound, Hnnd ironinfr Eled Bank, phone 11C3. dreHii()nl drp.wpr II, Reil Ilnnk. < FLOORS" CLEANED AND FINISHED. :tei!_I^nnk. __ _ Showroom nnd Repair Shnp, Dnimmond If desired. Jersey Coast Laundry, Weat Shrewsbury avenue, Ited Conk. Old nnd new doom. M. Springsteen, 47 •y 4191. k s'fOVEFOR SALE. " F O R SALE. place. Red Bnnk. Phone 983. FOR RENT. Bprlim street. Red Hank. Phone 1383-M. No. « conkinK .tove. with hot water HOUSE FOR SALE. Fiimity Guernsey rmv for r.ale; five years One Btore nnd two npartments, flv STUDEBAKER FOR SALE. F0R~KENT. tank; price SIS. II. Drrltcnliar.il, lielford, FOR SALE. Six rooms and bath, nil improvements; Id; Rontle nnd Rood miller. Inquire Peter rooms, bntb. heiit, nil improvements : [ _ Hugs—beautiful reveraiblo rugs __.sdo| A loaa, Uin Six tpurin K cm-, i Front houpekeepitiff npiirtment; crnnHomo nhottem, ehenp. Cull .100 Ilroad N. ,1., mar Campbell's Junction. DoMidowitK, ApplfKntfi street, River Plnzn, hrnrt nf town. Wallace Jeffrey, 39 Linden 56.500. $1,000 cntih. Src P. F. Kennedy. condition mechanically nrul just out of pletely furnished; bedroom, living room nnd (rora your old carpets and ruga. Send ptreet, Red Punk, 11:00 to 12:00 mnrninif 114 Monmouth street. Red Bank. T«l«ROOM FOR RENT. '"'" plncr, phone lfil-R, Red Bank. paint shop. Price ?7T>0 Tor i.uick cash kitchenette; Btenm heat, electricity, Ras, •hoi.es Red Bank 477-R, or residence postal for circular and full pirtleuiaia. "" CAR WANTED. I.nrire airy room, with private fnm sale. O. W. Holtnn, Middlotown, N. J running water, newly decorated. Select FOR SALE. 1520-R. near hiKh^achool. Phone Hed Hnnk 76D Ford: niunt he cheap. Call at. 300 nrn.i Telephone Red Dank 111H-W. _ _ _ House* nf seven rooms nml bnth: nil modresidential red ion; cine block frntn shop- Wcirtleld Rug and Carpet Cleaning Co* One two-part Alberine laundry tub with Btrott, Red Bank, 11:00 to 12:00 morninna. orjnll fifi/South street. Red Dank. CAR WASHING MY SPECIALTY. ping district. Phone Heil Bnnk 1221. SOI VVe'irflelil street, Brooklyn. N. Y. I fitting complete, ]!eifect condition; HISO FARMERS AND GARDENERS. I guarantee you a satisfactory job. Let ~~DOCK~AND BULKHEAD DUILDEh. " ~? , FOR SALE. ly Lester Dey, 22 Ncwmnn S p r i n g road, white enameled hath1 tub' with fittings, This in tho season of the year when the CARPENTER"JO"BBING me prove my nbility. Charles A. Jones, Portable dockw and llonlfl a opeeinlty. :icd Bnnk. • — Tony nnil cart, nlso harness ; kind an Philip Leonard, Lconnrdo, N. J. garden and farm nre yielding fresh fruits expert automobile wnshef at Boro BuaaeB, hy competent man in nny branch of work. A. S. While, 28 Oakland street^ Red nnnlt. Knntle; auitable for children; (front bar INVESTMENTS. SAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS Inc., Globs Court and Mechanic street. and veKetnblea in abundance. The Want No job too lnrj*e or small to receive prompt New grounds laid out and planted, Old Bnjn. rhone 2112-lt, Kntontovrn. CAR FOR SALE. " , Opportunities foe pafe ami prodtali.o !n Depnrtmcnt of The Register will help you attention. flnsh cord and glazing. Beautiful reversible rupa made from old Red Rnnk. Esti- prounds Improved and beautified. Trees! Dodge tourinr., running orilor, Kond rilhcatment mayy hoo found und byy renilinR r i R tthe of- enrpets and chenille portieres. Write for WINDOW GLASS. find cuRtomers for your crops. mates furnished. Screens a specialty, BROKEN WINDOW? her,_8_1^5._ 14 Illvrmldc nvenue, Red Ilnnk. l i I l L h d ' d t t f All sizes carried In Btoek. Glnzinrr don and shrubbery sprayed and pruned. Ad*' Lonirhcnd'a department of A* BIG MARKET. circular**. Amerienn Rue Manufactory. 296 prices ri«ht, C. II. Bennett, 127 Mon*»rlnE8 in I.ulc Call Red Bank 79-J and have Barno rent retiaoaable prices. Phone 70-J. Miller's, The RoKtatcr. Vermont «troot. Brooklyn, N. Y. mouth street, Red nnnk, phono 121-R. STOVE FOR SALE. vice glndly given. N. Butter bach, Iiox 232, i The Register ench week ffocs into over placed. Single nnd double strength winKitchen stove, pood baker, price $10. 33_We»t Front »treet. Re:l Hnnk^ FORD PANEL DELIVERY. COW FOR SALE. Fair Haven, N. J., phone Rcil Bank 421-M.t dow (fines. Pinto glass windshields our 7,200 homes, a. great market rlnoe for HOUSE BOAT FOR SALE. Mrs. Oolden. Cluire.h Htreet. nelfoM, N. .1. "POSl'tlON WANTED. nnybody specialty. Miller's. 83 Weat Front street. anything you : .1 have to sell. A thirty. Einlit y A IC122, t'.clf fltnrtor: electric lishts, edd; l House boat, 20x0- over nil: 16x40 Younir rrhl wiiuld like n position carlnpr word advertisement in The Register's Want house; four bedrooms, large llvinfr room, Chnrlen enn milk her; Jersey bred. Very fine con- Red Bnnk. imintnbio WIRE WHEEL SERVICE. '»t3 but 25 cents. Wire wheels rebuilt. John II. nscn. 42 Tor chiUl or helping around the bouse. Ad Dresser, 113 West Front street, telephone dition. Do not want to winter her. Price kitchen and dining room; one of the best BUNGALOW FOR SALE. SGO. Jay I.. Smith. Locust, N. J. Went Front street. Red Hank. Phone 72.R. Ireas T. G., drawer M, Red Ilank; 6_.a._Re.! Rnnk. I.m.y havinff met with reverses wishes on Bnrneent Bay. Will apll nt n sacrifice. 8ix-room LIUIIRHIOW for sale; all •" FARM WANTED. I never thousht thnt in West Red Bank Apply Ross M> Clayton, 102 Asburr ave- position aa housekeeper in refined widow*' JUST ONE MILE FROM RED BANK FORD TOURING BARGAIN. MASON CONTRACTOR. provement;.; lot 60x150; city water, c. Want to buy small fiirm near AsburA IPZl, Brtf Htartor, oloctrif. lifilit?, de- I have client lots 25x150 feet; will ee\\ for trie lights; located on HfKh street, Eaton- could be such a beautiful store ns DiFiore nue, Ocean Grove, N. J. Phono 2677. Estimate* cheerfully furnished. E. cr'a or bathclor'3 home; capablo of taking ..mintnhlo rimn; HnrrlHcc S!)5. Chnricit $2,400; nenr river anil state road. Or wll Soycr, 59 Rector place. Red Rank. Phone Turk, Paul Marlihnrt, Ellcrsllo Hotel, 20 n, N. J. Address C. E. R., box 13, Eat- has. A Jittla of everything found. Ice ~ FRANK MARRA, LITTLE SILVER, Third nvenue, Aflbllry Purlt, N. J. cream parlor open late a t nijjht. 126 landscape Rimloner. nuraerymnn, Kradr-r; ontire chnrptj; hiRheat reference. M. Hanflcpnrntely. Caleb Luker, Belford town, N. J. Drenncr. 113 Went Front Btrcet, telephone nell 0-R. r Shrewsbury nvenue. Red Bonk. N. .1. Phone 7,-r-31, Konnabiirfc. G2_31_Ued Hank. _ ._ Krounds lairl out nnd flowers and shrubs ley, dinpel Hill, Atlantic Highlands, N. J-t FURNISHED ROOM. WELLS DUG. LOOK! CLIENTS WAITING. Hull bedroom, nicely furnished: ver plnnted: cellars duir: trees, strawberry R. F. D. A GARAGE FOR $100. POSITIONS WANTED. GIRL'S BICYCLE FOR SALE. Wells nnd eeanponln illl»: wells cleaned Properties wanted nlont? State rosd. If Cut flowers nnd funernl Colored woman nnd her daughter would plnnts, etc. Let me build your Knrnjre. I will Kind- you have any (arms or other properties in Good n« iinw J Now Enplnnd mnkc; eont nnd pumps repaired. If. Tllton, Rumson, comfiirlahlo: in prlvnto family; nice locn Hon. Plen«e cnll Ited nnnlt 410-M. Sa5, will Bfll Tor 317. Owner linn no use ly BVIOW you many ktnde we have built Monmouth county list them with Caleb L. like a position in privnte family whore first piicc». Work KUftmntrcil. Near Little SilH. 0. and second cook is kept. Sarah Biiaboe, rer depot. Trlephnne Red liank 1133-J, All kinds and nizea from $100 up. Cal or some. Jnhn D. Collins, Atlantic Btreet, PEDIGREED GUERNSEY DULL. Luker. Belford. N. J phone 15-F-81. GAS RANGE FOR SALE. M Now being dona at tbe Singer SliDp b? Jackson Htrect, Knir Haven, N. J., between Red llnnk 1408 for Bpeciflcntions. '•Pedltrreed Ouernsey bull for service. Ap Keyport. N. J. Kb Oriole Knn raniro in Kood ciinditlon; price LLOYD FRANCIS, Smith^street and Cedar nvonuc MONEY TO LOAN. All 820. Apply Stillmnn Fnrm«, Kntontown, Ply to Superintendent Shore Acres, Lfttli FOR SALE. Benernl contractor and builder, Porch en- the compnny'B new expert operator. HOME EUILDER AND MILLWORK. Silver, N. J.__ Tlionu RIKI Unnl* 166WINTER HOME FOR SALE. Money to lonn on first bond nnd mort/NX closures: jobbini? promptly attended to: work guaranteed. I.ivlni? room not nnd two lnrpp enny Wido Mexican hcm» Many "plans to choose from or will estiBeautiful llumson road home for winter estimates cheerfully furnished. 45 Linden _ _ _ inirn; ilininK rnntn pet; reasonable, no KaKe on improved real estate worth doubh mate your plans. Screening, porches, trelCASH"RCGISTER"FOR"SALE~ Btitchlng: now ten cents a yard. Georgia id summer: hot wnter hont, fully fur- place. Hed Dank. Resilience White rord. Fencing. Robert •nlcrs. Cnll mtnninfr'• 108 Hudson nve- tho amount loaned. Alston Roekman. a t lises ond porch boxes. FOR SALE. from five cents to $7.00, emnll nnfc, ...... I-. Cook. 37 Sunset avenue. Red Bank. niahed; seven bedrooms: S7.000 cnah, bal* tipper Brond street, Shrewsbury, N. J. Woods, Jr.. agent. 29 Monmouth street, ip^Red nnnk. ___ torney. lft Brond Btrect, Red Bank. One horse nnd l-'ord touring hotly. .Tamos condition; a b o a lot of furniture for sole f $5,500. Renl barKain. Phone 973. Red It.inl*. Window screens. Phone 1488. Red Dank. .T. Cnttrcll, Wall street, West LonB Branch. 10K _Slu*cwal.ury nvenue. Red Rnnlt. FURNISHED HOUSE TO REN.T C. Packer, phone 120, Senbri5.1t. N. J. A i>peoily open bont, 21x4. oqulprod with FOR RENT. HALF HOUSE FOR RENT. i de Nnrninndin nvcnu<. n t Fnir Hnvtn; BUNGALOW FOR SALE. FOR RENT. FOR"SALE. One cozy five-room apartment nnd one Six rooms, nil newly pnlntcd and pnpere mr rnnms; for Ihc month of October or nit Pnlmor engine: both in Rood condition: fo New BIX room bungalow at Belford; will Dculrablo npnrtmcnts for rent. Apply nt Aeolinn Orchcstrcllc ori;an, 47 tolls nnd six-room apartment; have nil improve^ Five rooms nnd bath; tenaonablo r e n t ; tho omco of Sigmund Eisner Co., Red on Newinnn Sprlnits rond: immediate pon winter; throe minutrs' wnlk to river. Phenc pnle chrnn. Address or nhonp R. B. Sick nell on easy payment plnn. Small nurn clB t| 84 McLaren street. Red Bank. ftl, Rori nnnlt. Khbnr- nil modern cash, balance monthly payments. Caleb cabinet, co;;t ? 1 . U I 0 ; also n. parlor suit of Bank. _ _ __ " i_ioii. Tijlophonc Rod nnnk 1379-J. , t'ements, in new Vuilding, liree six-room house:! M-ith I* Luker, Belford, N. J. Phone 75-F-31. five pieces, coat S'250; both in fine condi"*" WANTED. PEACHES |"~ PEACHESI PEACH E S P " WISH f O BOARD C H I L D R E N " "HOUSEKEEPJNG'RObMS FOR RENT. Occnnpnrt nvenue and Main street, Ocean* tion. What am I offered 7 Address I.. t», Rood location. D. W. M irtln, Middle npred couple would like plnee as Kennnburg. Am now pickinc every dny. Best ponchfs r three yenrrt old; sood home with Furnished or unfurnished. Phone Rnth, R. F. D. 2. Mntawnn, N^ J. -40 East Front street. Phono Hod Bnnk ! port. Muat be seen to be appreciated. In3AWED WOOD FOR SALE. 129-W. or 2 Ncwmnn SnrinKB road. Red molhrr'M carp; termB rpanonnMe. I- ?1 per Imnkot. Some for 25 cont* if ynu rnr^tnkrrs: man handy with tools; can fur11.18. HEMStitCHINa rjuire Caloninl Inn Uc3taurant, phona Eatyour own basket!*. K, M. WyckofT, nish references. Addreas Box 1G, Belford, O'NeillMInion Itench pnstnflicc N. J. Sennon_ii oak wood, 312 per load of H l N. J., or phone fi7-F-r.2, KcannburRMcxlenn, wide. pieotlnR, gold nnd silver: HOUSE "FOR RENT" Lineroft, N. J. 132 cubio feet; slab wood 310 delivered. •ntown 24..1-J. MONEY WANTED " •~ ~ TWO LOTS FOR SALE. Prospect avenue, opposite Bowman esCash with order or C. O. D. John H, Cook. rhincstones attached to materials ; buttons, HOUSE FOR SALE. ROOMS FOR RENT. firnt homl nml mort(,'nKo; $7,000 Jinua EnBtnido Tarlt, bit- bnr^nin to quick plaiting, machine embroidery. tate; small six room bouse, modern imGood peven rnnm house nnd one ncrc o Jr., Newman Springs avenue, Red Bank. pinking, Ono double nnd one. Rinplo room; fine No nKPiita. Addrcs buyer. Address W. T., drawer M. Red nnd Int docurity. Beads nnd novelties for sale at the Handy Phono 468-It. Ray ; barn, pm icition; privntc fnmily: i ; p Bunk. ^ _ _ ^^UyJVimtcM^ drawer W, I t e d l i n n ^ amily: ri\t» r\to n Shop,J.6 Broad »tr_*et, Red Bnnk. All the Int eat Improved electrio yortablo cupnney October 1st. Apply Mrs. A. MorLANB FOR SALE. fi!l Shrews bury venue. nt-hr Monmoiith nnd ehickrn house; fruit; price $3,200, STOVE FOR S A L E . " I'rcspect nvenue nnd Runvon road. FRESH fcGGS FOR SALE. • "MAN'WANTED Ingcr Dewing machin.a, mutor ittachcil. N. J. Ray H. Stillmnn, Entonto Fifty-nix nnd n half acres of lnnd three strret. Red Ilnnk. Gnnd kitchen Rtnve for Hnlr; price ron Little Silver, N, J . I'honc Hed Bnnk Rroilers nnd fowls: also younj; pullets for clny'n work »n Inwn nnd jrroundR In onnlilc. milcn from Red Hank can be bought for Old machines token in exchanca. Caah OF CAR FOR SALE. ; Mrs. Jonn Kopter, l'nrker ntrep REO SPEKD ^yAGON. 1073-M. Shrewsbury, nt $:t.00. Phono 37-W, Red yttIe_SHvcr. Overlnntl Country Club, with tooln. fpan S8,l>00 at quick notion; alonK flood rond. and chickens forfitnek: nl: n fresh eKK3 N. J.._nenr_thc ntntlon. rn om'-fnii speed wnKon fnr nalo: in time payments. Hemstitching dona wMla for sole. Order now for fall delivery. IMMEDIATE CASH. l cniidition; no icnaonnhlp oITcr refused. wheel nnd ahne; Rotrd condition, good vip. C. Luker, BeUord, N. J., phone 75-F-31, Mrs. ^ POSITION WANTED. V. VanDorn, rpftutencc Half-Mile you wait at Slnt.fr Shop, George Wood a, Kb Why not PCH fur immediate rn_h all unPrice $100, W, Iln\v,ud, 1:11 Hudson nvcmic, phone hoUtory, rubber nnd pnint. RECTOR PLACEHOUSE. Married mnn would like n poaition fi road, mldreng Red Bank II. I\ D. Red Kiuireil elTects. Furniture, nurplu.i fnrm Jr., agents, 29 filonmoutb »tre»' nnnk I18-W. _ _ • _ _ _ nfi Went Sunaet nvenue, Red I3nnk, WILLIAM V. DIETRICH. Ho'ise for rent or will share ho:iie with nietnkor for tin* winter: bout nf rrfcrROOM TO LET." crops, unused machinery nml prnc tic ally Bank. MOF>IM0UTH CARPET CLEANING~c6." plumbing, heating and tinning. Pumps and counlc; nt> children. Phone COS-R, Red encea. Addrcna H. C , Munition, N. J. HAVE YOUFf CLOTHES Any one desirous of well furni.«ho(l nny other Article can be no Id quickly by • RuiiEi nhnmpoocd, dyed nnd repaired windmills, repaired. Agent for Master carBank. _ cleaned nt the Oity Dry Clenriljin and Dyethe services of Lulic I.oncheail. HEPA1RS0F ALL KINDS buretor conl savins device. Fits any fur- double room: steam hent nnd nil improve- who presides over Tho Register's Want ' EXFERrENCED"GIRL"WANfEb R Works, 0 Mcchnnie street, near Urond weavers of old ruKB nnd carpetn,' also cnn bo done by cnllinq: on Rnlpli D. Sirli nace, 42 Leigrbton avenue. Red Bank, ments; in private homo rf nlre fliirrmind- Depart mtMit. Heneti Rond, Monmouth tieach, ^ for general housework; ninioble dlnpnsltlon els, tho ccrnontcr and buildur, nt M Mcrpct. Bod Bank. Phon« 10B-R. William niRfl. Po\i I try mnn, caretnlter (.ml handy mnn ingH, on one. of bent residential utreeta. Adphone 682-W. J.. phone Mnnmnuth Pencil 221F.-.I. estientlnl. Coltiin, 257 Maple nvenue, Red Lnrcn ntrc-yt. Red Dank, plume 1408. trov. prnnrietor. dress Sck-ct, drawer M. Rod Itnnk. ants n. responsible position; capable- of SEA SKIFFS FOR SALE C H E A P . " " Bank. _ _ _ MONEY TO LOAN. HOUSE FOR RENT. THE~COST"[S~LOW. HOMES, LOTS. CANNING TIME. Kijchteon-fcot hull, $47 r>; twenty-twoiking full clinrfrc of n n / nite pla^c; hnva FIREWOOD FOR SALE. On bond nnd mortRnfru on real cutnto in Up-to-dnte Kix-room hoiise, nil latcft iniThe chnrffp for nd vert is cine ntn In thl1 Get your order in for cold puck corn am Branch nvonue, lots, $750: others $2r.O. foot new hont*. complete with 1924 NJ M ears of proven ability, nnd up-to-the minCut in any kind of lengths, nold by con) Reil Banfc o' vit.in'.ty in sums of $500 to 1 deportment of Tbe HcfriHtpr is 2R ccnti prnvementu: 7T> KiverHiilc avenue: possea- S&0.000 !, rond/ to K<>, S O . ' J O . Racing runaModern homi-s nmld environment, miitiililn and half cord. II. Uttznu, Red nnnk, phono llmna; iiho raspberry jrm. Mr. ". E. node Apply John A. Lovely, counaclor* sion October Int. Inquire Cnrl J. Dietz, for thirty word* or leas, A low cost for Rumson r>nd. n.-nr Little Silver, N. J. Jorscy Flyer type, at reduced f.K- ute method:.; three niUilta in fflmlly. IC 2B-W. South Amboy, N. J« phono South for physician or dentist spekint? 1 oration nt-ln' 12.1 West Frnnt street. Red Bnnk. i h k i Duy now. New Jprory Motor Hunt in prrowinK community. Seon hy appointu huv(? tho place, I have thn brnlm, parAmhov 131-M CF33?OOL PUMP FOR"SALE; FOR RENT FURNISHED. Co., 137 Front direct, Kcyport, N. J. Phone FOR SALE. ~COOD riticEs PAID ment. A. C. linker. Little Silver. ^ I-'mirlecn-fiKit ceiispoid pump, nlmot ularrt nml WJIRPS, nddrcfla Gtis Anderson^ Seven room:i, nil lmpnivement:i; nice loCLOTHING FOR SALE. Mahogany chnirn. automobile POSITION WANTED. ' Kcypnit 179. for nirn'n Hccnnd-lmnd «lnthcn nt the City cation; until June Int. Phono Rumson new. Apply TllomiiH Connors. White ion New Hudson nenl plush coat, lit 40 or 12. — K. I). '2. Toms Kiv.T. N. .1. •tine clippi clocka and ether Dry ClenninfT Work^, » Mechanic street, nnil Mnnroe nvenue, Shrewsbury, N. J . ' Middle-need widow desires position in " " " " L O S T . ' " " "' """ ~~ iell hnlf oriirlnnl price; owner poinir South. 206-M. Call before eleven A. M. nml nfter six r nrnnd street. Phono 10H-R. Willinm On Tu •suln. Also gentle-wan'* mnokinK Jnckot. never pmnll fnmily or widower'rt biunc; rnpalilo of BUTTERTrUBS FOR SALE. Y E S r i T W I L L n E DONE R1GH1 h Ontrov, proprietor| •nl nnd Mc.-hi.nio s t r i c t Kxrplletit cook. worn, cost SU.50, nell S5.00. 42 White tnkiiiK complete charge. I have KOO butter tuba on hnnd which If 70ur car In wOHheil at the Horo Ililsncs, t'hanl! mrct't find Oaklani! itrcr GLASS HEADQUARTERS. trcet, Red Ilnnk. No inuiHlr.'. RrfercniTii rxchnnfreri. Adt'hools ~~ ', FOR'RENT."" ill sell for live cent* eneh. MrNnlr' T u e s d a y . Srplvmbor '2, 1924, -Justun fault Inc., WRBII fltatid. Charles A. 'ones, expert ply li<t All sizes nf «Smile ond doulilr ntrenRth ilrefis Widow, druwer M. lied Ilimlt. A'four room iipnrtincnt nnd hath: elecnirhet. En»t Front i.lroct, Red Ilnnk. HOUSE TO LET. waslier. ,>lip» / o r s o h n o l s . F i n i l r r plci inefre-' trii'ity nnd nti'nin luvi'ed: rrnfmnnhlf. window trla«*. Platp KlfiRB wlndpriieldfl our FARM FOR SALE. " Newly remodeled, nix rooms and bnth, ROOM FOR RENT. lfEED~riAnY""CARRIAGE" FOR" SALE. und white: nitrno l!.-:iuty. dltliciilt to fpei!, Mian A. Kt-i.-k.mid, 17 P e t u r s place, npccfnlty. Militr'n Hnrrlwnrp Cn, 1 1 3 Weal rent. Apply nt 10 Ijiat Frnnt Htrcet. Tho Ten acre farm, nine loom lumsp, cellnr. nil improvements; nhndes throughout Large front • room, all improvement Good an new; will xell for Irxs than half Front utreet, Red Rnnk, phore 79-J. sub jvc t to nrvcre. nttneka hid [Rent ion ; not Lnndjind Lorn Co, hiekpn h 11 uses: cnn nrcoininr.iliile 2.01)0 Rod B a n k . K c w u r d . houne; one Mock from Broad nnd Wallace of oriithinl cost. 1G Drumnioliil place, Red nultshle for one or two people; privn ~~~ SMALL FARMS FOR SALE! P R I V A T E S A L E O F F U R N I T U R E ! " " " chickens; burn; frontnure of 1,100 fret on friendly witii chiklron. Owner f« hpnrtFINE LOT FOR SALE. ntropta. Inquire at 76 Wnllacc ntrect. phone family. 47 Wallaoe street, Red Ilnnk. Bank IIMl. __ _ From Bcvcn to thirty nefen with n.od- Rcil_I1ank 402-It. three- milfi t<> lU-d Hnnk. C. I.ul.fr, ilu-]u<!iriK line Hx 1U W i l t o n ruK. jn-ifi-ct brolirii nn it wn» tin; only Hot. Rrwnnl of Finest lot ;it Knlrilclil <;nrdon»; 10x200 DORO AUfoi STORAGE, " MONEY TOTOAN crn liounes. nnd nt rrnnonnhlo prices. c o n d i t i o n . S p a n i s h l n i t h c r D n v c n p u r t , full Bolford. phone T.'i-K-Hl. KOIIIIMIHIIJ:. feet: liitth irinuiid: ovorlnolf Kinw's HiRbMOTOR BOAT. $150.00. on approved flr^t bond nnd mortKage. Ap- Mcclmnlo street anil Glolm Court. Wl ai/j- be.l when OIUMI.MI. p u n ! whit.> hair miit- S_r>, dead or nlive. Mrn. HolnuM Knimona, ' P L O W SACRIFICE. wny and intTVcniiu; valley; ?.'.OO. John Write or phone Hylin /i Siilz, ronm 2. RPRTwenty-one feet lone, four-foot benm, thoh S by t Str, day, ay, wee w ply ly to John II. flroKory. 07 Hrood atreet, Btore your car by Uivr luiitdinir. phnnc Red Hank 743. IT. Cook, Red Hunk. .John Herri' two-way or IIUNidf. plow, tiv.HB. Bn.nll (ink tlr."»Hcr. .'hlir.uii^r, p«r- Utitii'inn, N. J. I'bon.: HumHon *fll. ami equipped with '•]',. h. p. Pnlmer erik'iin1. monthh or year. Dny D and d niirht service. i Re d Ilanlc. tier,«» nnd o l h r r hoii^rlinlil nrtii-l.'s, l-'nr DESIRABLE STORES FOR RENT. for four-wheel tractor, in condit inn: fourEquipment in srood condition. Resristereil "" C. H. MILLEH.' ood c tf inrnrniitlii.il imjuirt' llfiuity Sln>ii|u>, ^7 DORO AUTO STORAGE, I APARTMENt'FORRENf. One nf the hcHt location-i on the Htntc number Flii'tr Inylnjr runt nurfnciiiit contrnctor; Cnn be seenfltDickman'n teen-inch bottm.is; i-o-«t J17T.. I rant we Mcchanlo direct and Globo Court. W Furnished npartment for rent: rensi Spednil y ndnptpci fnr nuto it with rny t wn-whed trat-tm-. $11(1 cimh old noorn niirfnctl nnd rcflnliliod. fi2R Hiirluvny. d. Red Bank. at S b r f w a l m r y , nenr lipd Hnnkj flva roorn*. le: nil Improvements. 42 Rector plnce, store your enr by the hour, day, wee "~A~WNl(NU~A"ND C A K I ' i n CLEANING. Cdiiovrr street, Lnng Urnnch, N. J-. rl»t)»c aeencii's, ncccBaorion or kindred liriCB- , AptftkoB it. ('. L. Grant. Everett, N. J. FOR RENT. month or yenr. Ony nod IIIKIII service. d[r£k ply nt rfflc«_of Slcmund Elnnir Co. , ^ A w n i n g , bunt c i i v c r s anil ciirtJiina. cur- Hoort'il n t t i r , ecmoiitt'd oollnr, cily wator, EXPERT UPHOLSTERING. LdUKjlrnnch 1H07. Furnished five-mom lmntrnlow, nil imFOR RENT. Overntuffeil furniture, tuinhinnn, nlip cov- pets anjl rtiK* c l e a n e d , irmircil n n d atofptl; Htiitloniiry [111 in; m . . . fit-.-! I'L-lty a v a i l u l i k j FOR RNT^ "TRY CUrtCHlN'S FOR FACE VALUE. o v c m c . i t s , tr. n yomiK roiijile or nmnll Two flirninlifd (ipnrLlilflitu, five r«or Comfortably furnished emintry home, or family; no children; front October to Int of era made to order; RUpptica, tnperttry, cre- m a t t re in CB ri'iiovaled n n d nimle to o r d i ' r : irnrnij. l l x l H , fruit iiixl shnda tr«en, One or two rooms, furnished or unfurLet un be your hiirli«r. We know how layinir of enrpt'tx nii,'» IWK! linoleum. (<>hath; nil Itnpniw.oent*. Cm. Uo HCun a nished: heated. Adultfl. 42 Petern plac to pleiiHi!. Expert tiinsnilnl iirrvico, Cur- will nlinre name with line coriKrnial >"inmle April; SftO prr month. 282 Shrcwnltury tonne nnd leather: lamp shade ullka, wire tirnfitc-H I,tit tOu'JLUQ, (.lice rf ull y c i v r n . Sat isf net Inn hriltfCB, raiiKe nml lionlrr. Uitio nt <i l!ivcrHU1t> ;.vf>nutt. Rcil nnnk. IUd_I]ank. _ II. Churlt's furniture CI.III'H Itnrhi>r Hhop SL'L:OIX1 Nutlona] Dank or Blntrln wmimn on mutually K\iltnblc enne, Re«l Ilnnk. _ frrmen, trimniinitB. iriiaranteed. Pan horn "a. 6-1 W h i t e utreet, hair hliu'k to Hrond htrc<>t bun; will -<-ll IOH RENT. terms, (.recn, box HP. Mntnwnn, "N. J . wtore. ail MiMtnimith i t r r r t . Kf'_"_5_jt; O7"F. HILL. bulldlrut. Upstiilrn. p GUERNSEY COW FOR SALE. flr>d Itnnk. I'IHUIP :i2-M. Ilnlf (»f iirw doiililo him.if, nil Improve dumbing, hcntlni; nnd tlnnlnn In all STOVE FOR SALE. lln'l id fin! ""FOR SALE A t UlilJ OUD. tw 11 m l i u . IK 1lit n 1 1 I B Ttiorounhlirrd Guernsey ctiw, six yenrn CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC,' ~" iniinciHntit poiHpnulcni. Avp BUNGALOW FOH SALE. imnches. H4 Wcatslde nvenue. Red nanlc, mentfi; Storllnir emit lieatinir titnvc fin- salr; «ixRlx mini. h'>n>*<'; lft 7 r> x . r>fi: J_..fIOO. SWPIIP. innrrlcd, winhei position with pri- old, Dflvlnir nb«ut sixteen nunrtd of mill: ir. 0 ri ill I n . I'll niir :tti;i.j, IU.I '•1; White Jlnm, JH White RtreW, Hed Ilnnlt. At .'nrhiniKM'k. o nS l n v w . l . i i r y rlvi-r, phonc^ 12 in. SI,000 rnsh. Unlniiri' monthly payment*. vate fnmily: prWurMid: Iniur oxperionce; per dny. Sound, very Kcntte. <'nay milker. tccn-lnrh fin! pot, incluiliiin1 \n\>v nml ..ir.i1 : 0 Ilnl Mn iiili P. Ill > K lli:l. llm iK. " IT HAS NO RIVAL. "• BOARD AND ROOM CnlvU I., l.uki-r. Itclff.nl, N. .1. Phorw rily rcfi>r<MH-f, New Ydrk nloip licciiBt. L. A, Vim'/iuidt. Fnlr Hnven. N. .'., iihonp nl*» nmnll brdruoni stove; bntli in Kt.i.d y r a r r o u n d h i i n i r i i l n u . l i v e r o n n i - t n m l b a t h . To r«iich tho honu-d In tliinflectionn o t ICcnnsbiiru: 7r»-K-31. for gentlemen In prlvnto l'rotenlnnt family; Unl llnnk 421-W. _ condition; i-pn«onal.l<-. AiUlrwn 1'ofttofllc<- llox 2 If,, Rpj_B«nlj^_. Apply ^fi T.uvor price S14 ner week, Apply 32 lltlilson avc- Ing el no can onunl 'I'hc Itenintrr, wlilc Hill avenue, Red ilnnk. I'lione IH,(-\V. OGDEN McClJ\5KEY, "p"O U N D " GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE FOR SALE. I). J . H a r v e y . 1 1 Mi.ninnutli slrcft, Ri (torn Into over 7.1.01) ImDieii rvery WPPI(. nue. Red Ilnnk. C i i n r n n l i i n l y..ui.it. Iriiili-r nml Jill«»l HOUSE FOR SALE. slnir ronfer; (In roofs i*onti?il nnd nmdo AiiKiiHt 28th, an nutu rim nml tfi^? between Fnrm of 12fi neves, a hrnutiful home, . Ilitiil,, iii.'i'iit. i \'I'rost. J r . , lilt Wiuhin FOR"SALE. MOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. tlubt. Chimneys mpMrfil. KonflnK inn- Unrrett Ilrnch nnd IIHII fnctmy nt Port nenrr -inndyy Hnt.kl liny Nine rooms, hath, lint wnter h.'iit, <•!<•(•- I n n u t i v . ' t . N . ' \ v Ym-K r i t v . y ami A Atlantic l a n t i IliithIit l-.ri.-o 37 i-.-nlii | " T i m u i n l : wi-laliU l l u e u One horse, twn milk vngons anil harFive runin house and lot for pair i torlnl for nnle. 1"8 lluilnnn nvonuc!, Pnd Monmouth. Cnll nt J. C. Wnlliiin'a. Cnth- laiid l d i $ 0 0 h h bulnnre b l Iri.' IIBIII. city price $20,000, hulf ennh, ilter, nraur t i l nc r. nml n imir i<. r<.nL i.M'iii'l- r.-rniiii--i. mni STHONKMKAKT 1'OLICK PUPPIES ness. 0. 1''. Ttelifiold, Tlilnl street, Keyport. Mnnrnr avenue, .Shrewsbury, N. .1. Miehn Hnntt, phone 4 0 0 - J . l.ii C. Lulter. Ileiri.r d, N. J., phon» tli orlne ntrvpt. Uod llnnk, tw-nr rnllroatj. mor f « r » u i l c ; C h i M i i p i i u i i l n n i n l ^11 i-l. A f< HI< t o n i - v i ' i l 11 l i mrtli-H; t m - t v o wcf-l.« N. J.. No. 1SII. __ __ Rmillloy, I'reehold. N, J.. 11. F. D, N n . J . IJUNGALOW FOR SALE. SH.OOO. ti-ltns. M y n . n I,, C(tliu»b..|l, I J t t l i ' " - MONEY TO LOAN. T5-F-31 v . r y I ' T . ' . ' n t l o i m l f . ' i i i i . l r i y.lvtn l o r o l i r . t PLUW I1AKOAIN. i.l.l. O n l i ' r l.y liliiiiir o r niiill, I'li-ii^t.' H i " F U R PIECE LOST Amnitntn frum SI,000 io $10,000 to lonn Silver, N . J . , iiluilii- lleil llnnk 107r,-\V. Five roomn. nil improvcmentH: price HOUSE FOR SALE. . p e o p l e m i liri-e.liiur linsln. Doi.:i t r n i n p d liy My tivo-liorse. Hvelvi'-lneb Oliver wnl on Hominy on llrraul Mreel. Kinder pi on ni,tl 1i..nd aii.l niortrn-ro tn Red Hnnlt. SLfiOO. S 1,000 i-nah. l l , i v l i n n fmI.MII.IU . m i l i-ciiillnu w l i r n ofV, V. Koniit'dy, 114 Six rooms and bnth, nil Imprnvementn, T W O ROOMS FOR RENT. notify Mia. Hmllh, lir, Plnclmey road, Ilnl ing plow, In uoo'l shape, for ?!), Am imlr Hylin ft Siilv.. ri.mn 2, l_r K l»tri- lnill.llr.fr. Monnioiitb pttrect. Hrd Ilnnk. Teleiiliotirn itouble Karnire; price Sfi.liOO, Sl,f>00 down. One l n m c friml m ; c e n l m l l y luenleil. ili'i-liur. A l l i l i d m . l u r i l i ' i n nlillU'ii.l l i y H » r tractor i,nly. 0. I,, (irntlt, Mverett. N. J. Ilank. Itewnrd. S*>p P. F, Kennedy, 1 U Monmouth olrcet, Aildresn 34 Dniniinniiil pln.-e, IICMI H u n t . plum.' HIMI Hnnk 71:1. Ited Hnnk 447-U nnil renldcnct' ir.20-U. ht'iirt h ^ n i i i ' l ' . Ka>-t.ni n v v i m c , N e w H I I H . M .-,.[.. , , , , - ! r ',-. . " . lllnl.'lilry llnin., Kinti Reil Ilank. 'IVIephones Red Hnnlc 477-R. wii-U. N . J . T.'li-pl.oii.' 11U-W-'.'. ' FORD" WANTED. ti60si;s r-oit"SALE, PORT MONMOUTI ItUSINtLSS I'ltn'PEUTY EMPTY HOUSES COST MONEY. " l - b i l T Y - F I V E " A C R E S I7OI> S A I . L . l - ' r . - . ' l i . i M . M. . ' . I ' l r :l(!H-l'*-_. l ' ' r i ' i . | u i | . | , Ilavo Roveral housen for rflile at Ford coupe; must he In i;o . nn Went. I'roiit ntrcot, nenr Mnjile nvenue, A hnino without n tenant IR a poor In- or retiidrncc 1T.20-R, One n n d n hull inilci t o I'.r.l Ilnnk : all HF.l.l.O!! Monmouth, N. J. Culeh 1,. l.uker. lie vestment. Drill 1. 1 Iho Bcrvic«B of I, two Hliircii niid itpnrttnoittn, 11^,600. IIO.nl Ri'ollnil. cno'l bouse, t ivo larijc b u r n s cheap for cosh. P. T. Jlnnniiie, 71 llroail FOR SALEr ~" W e r c p n i r r n d l n t n r s i . miidfttiarilii, Ininda ford. N_ .1 PJlotle Kw'_»"J^!JJL_2fj£;»l_ Charl^ Ih-cNrtrr. I H W e i t l i o n t B I I T P I . I.oi.irbpni. In flnillnir n nuitnbto tenant. Alontr ntntfl rond, near Allnntlc Ulirh. nn.l ununl nlltbiiilililll!.: Eoiid n m l ; SIO.OIHI. l n m p > . au<l <!<< nil m c h i l W . T I C . We *. 1J f «tr«ef. Rail flank. rri-rhoB nvrr T.ftftu fftmilten every W P H ( . phon.' B211. Red Ujmk. • ~ USED IlillCK FOR SALE. ~ ~ Irtnds, fourtfpii-room hmi»e, nJI Impiovp- S3 r.oo r n » t i . tinlnnee itu.rti'iiiie. II. I.uker. r i i i l i - i l o r f « r ft I ' n r d f o r f U . f i l l t h n t in n (!«nipBny W.llt WORK WANTED. r Also doom ntul trim from the I.IK Harr incuts: lot ir>0x'_:2ft rcet; prlrr ?r>.r.O0. Hclfnr.t, N, , 1 . , p h o n e r r . I ' 3 l , Kenii^l.nrH. h o i u v r u i n l i n u l i i i t u r t h n t d o n t I V d ' E c tt< Wnnt wiuhlim and ImnliiK to do H Y M N A SAI.Z, IMIONK 7-1.1, ELMLK C. WAINRIGHT." iiity, nt it't l Mttnli thi Front street. Ilril llsn Termn. Onleb I-iikcr. Ilelford. N. J. Phone iu'11 1<'lri>ntunt* m i d n l h e r m n h ^ " f tlt«n F I ' . U I T A N D TI111CK F M 1 M . home. Mrn. Jessln l.aiiilii-i tson, t!iirman house ot 2n» Kaat vvlwn vmi •!'•.-.! I f i t i r r .< U too Into Justice of the i»'-;i>'-. Olmlnnl niul col 1 W««t i (t Mill''" HctJI'hriiibiri. I . JVIorimri on the liroundji. _ 104 n c r r i , o v e r ir.O f r u i t tree;.: 40 a.-re-. \Vhid:<liI«• hirt n n d d o u r u l n n n o i n n p t r l i . l t v place, Knit Hank. nftor tin* flic to think <>f Inmiranrr. N»n« tlori rftBfi receive prompt nttotition with 7B-F-S1. Keaimliiirif. a b b - iirW'fH. Itfl Uitlili A u t o Itndl Kon.l tlllnl'le. l a r u r ivnodlaixl: I welve-r.u.m 11,MI; ~ SECOND-HAND 'CARS FOH SALE. CAIIKTAKKK "WISHES POSITION^" ton limtr, num. ton hiimll. Km.in '2, I l c « i i - rcNiilts. l>ay nint nli;ht nervicc. P h o n c 4. " """• SPIXIALTY Mnn and wife ilenlro care of estate 1«r l.ull.linn, K«'d Hank. Oilier, IM ('nthcrlii'* Htrfpt, lied Hank. Ford mill Undue iirdillH. collpen and louron creenhoUBo paint!nil und Bln7.lntr: A1»O b o u s e ; a p o s i t i v e l i n r c a i n a t S^.r.llO. f:l.(iuo u l n r W o i l m . I 1 U VV-!>t I ' r o i i t n t r * - o t . lt<»l l i b I!. 1,1 I I ; 11 ITU Wills riiunc 1177 Kilivnnl W . h n i t h nniali fsrni; Ilioroujxhly ctimpetent; refi nUSINF.SS'COUNr.R FOR SALE. timmo paintlnir, Speclnl prlco on fenre rnnli, b n l n n r e easy l ( r m > . in« earn. Unnlel llrrberl, Nowmnn Kprl POULTHY WANTED. n m n , Addrosn II., drawer M, Ited llnnk. Dny or conirnrt work. VM\- l . i n t n e r , f. Went Main »lreel, Ftenlinlil. ~ " K " A I . A M A / . O 0 I M I ' K I . I ' S . S I I M A T K I t S roml. Red JFInnk. Gun of tin- licit hu.tl.iri.s c(iri>*TH I: pnlntliiw. Wilt pny tho hlKhcst umrliet prlrti fnr I .ttO'l ?nib«i; » 1,1,' ili matcn cheerfully jtiven. "I'etrr Tltnn, hox _ ! _ . • ' i u n l u l b ' d , i.:ul.-.' l o 1 LL->L» - h i h r u H m o r i w w , trenh HIMp'l Urnllrrn or fowl, n r l t v r r to town; lirirn $111,000. Temin to nult. i\t FIVE ROOMS AND BATH F01!S3,B0 MAN WANTED. • >r i m r t of l i i u i ' t r l i n i l r d . l'»"r ruonw 191, na il»li>t UK! WIIN VnitiW (I. I M U & Son. li.»a W e s t F r o n t Htreet, P. V. Krnnedy, 1 H Monmoiilli u t r f t , Hv\ 4. Ki>«nBhu_r(f._N_. .1. WINDOW "CLEANINU. Mnn wnnted tn wntk by day on tiuck tun be l)li lit by Rnlph II. Hlclmls, the ca i d «<litht I.,,] Itnnk. rh.»ii67H. llniilt. phfnc 477-It, nr rewidenon H^n-H. W . tnnlii' n mieeli.llv ..f c-lrniiltill winneuter antl bulliler at K4 McLnr^n ntrei 1 1 rlvo lln iimln In e, ilHv^fi rtfif^ form. Apply to .1. ('mlillnirt Mope fur LOANS'. ,•> T 1 i •. ' « • - ! , , . r i t M t>il!in Mit. Red Ilnnk. IMinlie HOI) for speclnrmtlonB Sh^ewshiiry, N. .1. IVrsoiiB teel<ln« lorum or Imvlng nuiney IIOWH of wtorcs, oflu-ei. anii privnte r.^iFOK RENT. B U N G A L O W ! O » JiALIl. " it'P H il>tl t.) La «»l>™« KiKMiint.'.'-* Ii.-i1.-r f o r ltnl*i KU mom linn >«\ nil improvrmr'nt^, jrnr- to Innn on hond nn<! rii(irti:iiit<* ftr*> urired to derir.-*: nlno penernl olllce .-lenniFi' H v n n u m . luiniuilnw with nil improvrDONT RIDK " F O U : * VFHY"CIIOICF. LOTS i i t i u n r . r 11. - l n i - , 1 . ml- I If v>r iln nut hf flatlsfactliny iionrnntecil «•' 1'or rent tintl r «-tvl The RrtcUu r -_ Wnnt A<1 vprtlHrnicnU. reiiMnmble. nirntit! on LnfnyHt« ntrri't, Rumnoii, N. J . HEP, rntupUtoty furnlnlicd. with >i hmkrn windshield, llrlng your el o n T h r o e k n i ' i l t i ' H i n r n i l p , h c l w r r n l i t i n t !li<mi llelmnr , , . . . , ^;!,r.. fU'lmnr, N . J . 'iwlon -trtct, lied Hank, phuli" I'rlro SIV.OOn, i'«nh fl.r.Oll, Atldreaa P. O. April Int, 1D2S. Hylili A iirdr, room 2 wTiere opportunltien for quickly fllllutf yuur ' " • liere (tnd let u» mtt In « new plfttn glft "HELI" "WANTED." MAID WANTED "V !uHr',^7. ' "* "" jSEABRIGHT SKIFF FOR SALE WANTED. FREESTONE PEACHES. WATCH REPAIRING. ~* YOUNG MAN WANTED HOUSES AND FLATS. Household Furniture For Sale. FOR SALE. " MIDDLETOWN GARAGE, Reo Speed Wagon For Sale. ' £ J_J f6~LEf. POULTRY AND FRUIT FARRi LANDSCAPE GARDENER. E J ' 1 h20^ SAVE T O U R OLD CARPETSl LANDSCAPE GARDENER, j POSITION WANTED. i HEMSTITCHING. "APARTMENTS FORRENtr" SEWING MACHINES. POSITION WANTED. LOST. COTTAGE FOR SALE "**" [£ f (.• FRESH KILLED DUCKS. USED CARS FOF. SALK. und Mcel'nnlr Btr"ets, fof »nlo. J. M. Fink^tat<!ln, lteil Hank. Miller'B, aa W e n Front itrtai, lUd Ban Dux -8T, Humnon, H. I . Ilr^lntcr bnlMh\y, phone Kcd Dank 749. wnnto may bo found, v RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924, Page Twelve Why should any euch action bo ex- free meals to men who were in ploy do not want tho people t They an pected, when the leaders of both hard luck and who had no jnoney govern themselves. to pay for food than any other afraid to trust the people. And JOHN H. COOK. Editor and Publisher. parties bow down to the coal trust! GEORGE C. HANCE, Aseoctate Editor. The price of coal has gone up and dozen men in Red Bank. He is they take precious good rare to keep the guiding reins of both thi> up and up until now it is three or a re.al human being, and he is BuetneM Manager: four times as much us it was when man Red Bank can be proudi of big parties securely in their control THOMAS IRVING BROIVN>. the "coal combine" law was passed. whether he gets the nomination he -o-o-o-o-oTelephones ~Kei1 flnnk 18. People have had to pay the prices wants or not. lied Uunk 1300. The national association of mancharged by the coal trust or freeze '—o-d-o-o-o Entered at the poato'ft'ice at Red Bank, to death. ufacturers is sending out a lot of H. JM a» Becond-clasa matter. The Democrats were soundly literature telling what a bad thing * ** The undersigned having received orders from the War Department Subscription Prices: The high price of coal shows one beaten all along the line in the the child labor amendment to thi placing him on active doty will tell at public auction, On* year $1.60 Six months 7& side of the evils of the coal trust. Maine election on Monday nnd the, constitution will be. This associaThreo tnonthi 40 George L. Record, who is Tunning Republicans had a much bigger tion of manufacturers declares that as an independent candidate for majority than usual. This was not the law is rank socialism and that 10, 192i. United States senator, in an nddrcs.< surprising. The Democrats had the ultimate idea back of t WEDNESDAY a day or two ago, .showed up the nothing to offer to the people of change in the constitution is to na- 12:00 o'clock sharp, at hit (arm, jituntcd on the North ilda of Tinton vils of the other side of the coal .Maine that was any different from tionalize the children and remove F«ll. Rosd about I v TOWN TALK. trust. From the records of various whaj^the Republicans had already hem from the influence of tho cr.il investigations Mr. Record offered them, and the people of " '(Continued from I'e.gc •!.) Maine saw no reason under these The commissioners of Red Brink made this statement of the condi- conditions to make a change. and known n« the Hull McLean Farm, the fallowing: That's awful, isn't it! And yet, are about to have another artesian tions of the people of the coal the change in the constitution which well, put down at the water works. regions: DAIRY HERD:—1 Guernsey Bull, Sunnybrook "In the coal regions we have a If it works as well as the (me reThe Democratic platform is as is contemplated, and which will cercently made the needs of the (own situation that ought to arouse the near like the Republican platform tainly become a law before many Potentate, 1 Guernsey Heifer (pure bred) by Sunnyfor several years to come will have attention of the good people of as anything could be. The word- years have passed, is simply to give brook Potentate, 2 Guenisey Cows (pure bred), 3 Jersey en proviitefl i r.e wen wmo, < America exactly as the condition 'of ing is a little different but the power '"to congress to prevent Cows (pure bred), 11 Guernsey and Jersey Grade Cows. been provide?! lor. for. The well which' been put down produces,1 the slaves aroused it. The coal meaning has.« just bee is precisely the same. grinding out the lives of children This herd holds one of the best records in the State of New Jersey considerably more water than was 'trade.is a monopoly, ana being run Why should any Republican shift in mij[ls and factories where th*?y lor both quality and quantity of milk. The-milk is now being sold as a monopoly it is stupidly and ire 'employed at tasks beyond their guaranteed by the contractor. aw by one of the local dairies. COWB have been tuberculin tested each wnstefully run. No miner can tell to the Democratic ticket under such strength. rear. Test for this year to be made by Federal authorities with the with any certainty how many days' circumstances. On the other hand, >bject of getting herd placed, on the accredited list. • * * y Mayor Archibald L. Miller an his work ho will have in a year. Sta- why should any reactionary DemoThis is a change in the constituthe board have the | tistics ar,e made up upon his daily crat vote for John W. Davis when associates on Ihe FORDSON TRACTOR, nearly new, with disk right idea about Red Bank's public-j wa( , 0> \mt jf ] l e is"RHowed to work he has got the real goods in Calvin .ion which should be made. But ;he factory men who arc now rhak- harrows and plow, governor, pulley and starting batowned water system. Several jo l l ] y two-thirds or less of the time, Coolidge. * • • * ne money by the employment of tery; team of Farm Horses with harness, Farm Wagon, months ago, when the need of a jIln( j i s ic |i P t n e r e s t of the time, it is greater water supply beciime ap- n i n .j o u s i y n o t only a wasteful proHow exactly alike the Republi- ihildrcn in mills and factories de- Station Wagon, horse drawn. parent, objection to cnluiT»iK the c e s 3 | n l t m u s t result in unsatisfac- can and the Democratic parties are clare that it is socialism, and worse Sharpless Motor Milker, complete with two units* plant was made in some quarters on 1t o r y ] i v i n g conditions for the min- is shown by the action recently han socialism, to undertake to the score of expense. Fenny-wise Ic r ,; T n e r c a r e w r i 0 ] e sections in taken by both these parties in lake this change.in the law. They Sharpless Cream Separator, Manure Spreader, Hay and pound-foolish advice was given p cnns ylvania, in West Virginia and North Dakota. There the two re as severe in what they say in to the effect that the commission-j i n Colorado, where everything1, parties have joined hands and made ;his matter ns the trusts and mono- loader, International; Side Delivery Hay Rake, Interera should not put down any more M alu i s and buildings of every kind in up a "non-partisan" ticket in an olies and their political puppets are national ; Ensilage Cutter, Feed Grinder, Corn Sheller, mains or any more wells. This ad-1 t h ( , w ) l o l e c o u n t r y side, are owned by ffort to defeat LaFollette in that ivhen they tell of the terriblp things Corn Cultivator, Scraper, one horse; numerous miscel;hat will happen if the courts are vice, if carried out, would have left the mine owners, and the workers state. ;topped from upsetting the laws the aneous articles. • • * in the lurch a large number of peo- are little better off than industrial eople make. ple who lived on streets net pro- slaves. They are compelled to reThe same interests control both Growing Com, about four acres; Apples from • • • vided with water. port at the mouth of the mine for the Republican and the Democratic The mill owners and factory men about three hundred trees, still on t?ees.\ worl: and if there is no work they go parties. Let any effort be made to Instead of following this advice home. . Their home is a shack, rent- help, the common people of the vho dont want the constitution Timothy Hay in barn, 25 tons; Alfalfa Hay in barn, the town commissioners took favor- ed at an exorbitant rental from, the country and the two old parties :hanged to prevent the employment tons. able action on every petition which mining company. Their supplies are mraediatcly join hands to beat it. if children at unsuitable tasks, and was presented for water. The addi- purchased at the company's store at They have done this over and over the trusts and monopolies that dont TERMS:—All sums under $50, cash; over $50, a credit of three tional demands which will be made excessive prices, so that .they see gain. They will continue to do want the constitution changed so will be given on~Tinnltab]& note with approved security, with on the plant by following this very little actual money from one it over and over again so long as that the court cant upset the laws months privilege of renewal by paying one half. 4rA. discount on sums paid in the people make, are brothers under course will be met by new equip- year's end to another. They have no the two parties %re controlled by cash over $60. All articles purchased to be removed within forty-eight :hcir skins. They want to be sement not only capable of meeting hope of acquiring their own homes the same people back of tho ;oenei. cure in the conditions which now hours unless special arrangements made otherwise. this demand but also capable of or of saving up anything for old give them big profits, regardless of meeting much greater needs for age. They cannot look forward to a E . E N G E L , M » i ° r U. S. Army, retired. The trusts, the monopolies and the welfare of children and regard-' I • better condition of life for their water as the town grows. • children. They arc doomed to a the big politicians whom the trusts ess of the welfare of the common GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer. * ** monotonous round of weary toil for and monopolies keep in their em- >eople of the country. MONMOUTH CLERKING CO., Clerks. As was stated by the mayor at a a wage that does not afford a proper meeting several months ago when standard of living for an American the water question was being dis- citizen." cussed, the only way to make *, * * progress and to do justice to the The only relief from coal trust people with a municipal plant is to make it able to meet all public extortion, and the only relief the needs. To have restricted the water workers in the coal regions can'look service to certain fortunate streets forward to, js public ownership of would not only have been an injus- the coal mines. Any other attempt tice; it would have meant retrogres- at relief will be futile, even if it were attempted. Seeking other resion. lief for the evils of the coal trust is • • • like the relief sought for the evils of Contrast the difference between slavery in the old slavery days, the way the municipal water plant when laws were passed providing at Red Bank is managed with the for a window of a certain size in the way private utility concerns are cabin of a slave, and laws providing managed nnd a powerful argument is seen in favor of public ownership. . t . . Many municipalities which buy water from private concerns have been like character. But the evils of trying in vain for years to get ex- slavery continued and were not tensions of water on certain streets. wiped out until Abraham Lincoln Not only are the people on these destroyed slavery. In the same way streets unable to get water but they there will'*be no relief from this inare also without hydrants for firo dustrial slavery of the people of the protection. Scores of cases of this coal regions, and no relief from the kind exist and the only remedy is extortions of the coal trust, until the long, tedious and uncertain ono the coal trust is destroyed; and this of appealing to the state utilities can only be done by the people taking possession of the coal lands and commission. operating them in the interest of all the people. Private concerns do not want to invest money unless they feel sure of making a big profit. This is the Navesink, like moat other villages reason they wont provide service in in this part of the county, has no localities.which are not likely to he water supply with which to^fight , big profit-makers. Under public fires at present, but if the plans o^f ownershipp things are different. The Navesink firemen eventuate this bj not to make need will be filled. The firemen proobject primarily moneyy but to ggive service. The pose to build large cisterns in the officials ffiil who manage public utility village and to divert water into plants are usually anxious to please these cisterns from two large brooks the people because it is from the which border the village. Experts have studied this proposition ar.d people that they receive power. they claim the plan is entirely prac• ** tical. The firemen recently held n Just now n big lot of talk is being put out about the awful wickedness very sucrr.ssful fail* to raise money, of public ownership. Predatory cor- for this new plan of fighting fire3. porations and the politicians who • * * serve them are always harping on of brooks course this. If common-souse rules, this ! l l.l rThousands . oug kind of talk wont influence anyone " this part of Monmouth who knows the difference between county, enriching the soil and addthe way folks at Red Hank are ing greatly to the beauties of the landscape. Locked up in these treated under ppublic, ownership p of streams and waiting only to he hnr-i| t and d the th way flk water, folks are treated nrsscd for the uses of civilisation in other places where this com- is a tremendous potent power. Th?. modity is doled out by corporations. Nnvcsink firemen fire showing om j of the ways this power can be err - AUCTION SALE THE RED BANK REGISTER. REPUBLICAN DAIRY HERD and FARMING IMPLEMENTS CANDIDATE FOR Board of Chosen Freeholders Friday, September 19, 1924 AT PRIMARIES One Mile West of Eatontown, N. J. 9 In the Boys Sljio TUESDAY. SEPT. 23d Your support Is respectfully solicited. LEWIS CALLAHAN. (Paid for by Lewis CnHahan Committee.) Requirements 6i Sound Business Our customers obtaiii he service of an i'nstitution having ample resources, wide connections and broad facili; for the requirements of sound business. We feel confident th; having your Check: /ou will be pleased in account with ,us. THE FIRST .(NATIONAL BANK FREEHOLD, N. J. IT5 MOT|J"Q-SERVICE At Steinbachs SALE! Every Suit Worth How about your nvtl for ibis winter? Twenty-live or thirty years ago a Democratic legislature juisscd a law which provided for a consolidation of certain rnilrn;id interests. The cry was immediately mined that this action U-.IK a "coal combine," and that it would result in •greatly increased prices of coal. Thi.s "coal combine" was made tho issue; in the nuece-eding election and the Demo- [ ployed, Not only for their own town hu. Many Dollars More Pair of Knicker:? j'for other places the Nave?,ink Or •| men will have performed n large benefit if they succeed in their plans. Protection against fife is one of the foremost duties of a community. Success for the Naver-ink1 firemen would show how to deereaa. fin? hazards in many small village's cratic p party y war wiped p nut in New | which like Navepink have friendly, Jersey anrl stayed nut of power for brooks waiting to be used to sav j lives and property. a number of your?. • • * But whilo the Unpulilicnn^ succeeded in killing off the Democratic party in Now J*M\sey for a number of years, they themselves did nothing to prevent the operation of the coal combine. They passed ecrlain Jaws and they highly praised themnelves for pas?ing Ihese laws, but the coal combine was kept in power and <itn power, was increased. Year by year the coal monopoly has become stronger and stronger. Neither of the two big parties want Every Suit Has Two P^nS^^^™?«f?i «™i"i 8 «f boys_have to be provided wlflhtor suits. And, Hundreds of on the alert for an opportunity to buy those suits at a price within the bounds of WeTs?iSthSe S r E r S teinbachs f pforesight in anticipating the thoughts of those HitreSC. m e SlUlCllfiSf, a s s n r t m p n r n+ -noiir (Toll Ciitfn f n » K^,,n <•„ ~~n „!. • . i.i._i • • -i S ! economy* moitarc has brought tlj hers are' es •• marvelously ^ . , . . low, v e »comidering —o-o-o-o-o— Every Red Bank Republican who poos to the polls on primary day should put in n vote for Lewis Oiillahnn of Rod Bank for the freeholder nomination. Lew is a good follow, hut he m a great denl more thnn a good fellow. He is a mini of good/ judgment nnd of honest principles. If he should get in ofliec he would he square and honest. Ho would treat everyone alike. Thero would be no favors for those with pulls nnd black looks the "coal combine" thrown out of power, for the big bosses of both and n closed door for those withparties nrc controlled by the coal out pulls. » • * trust. On tho human side of life Lew * ** Both pnrticn have been in abso- is a good deal like the Salvation lute power politically in both the Arniyists. With him a man may "«tat« and tho nation since the "coal he down but. ho is never out. Many Combine" campaign, but the power is the man who wns down who liasi Of the coal monopoly linn constantly Rot (i meal aL Lew Callahnn's place fncreuped. Neither party, either in without Lew (Itiiiunilinif to see the thfi istnte or in tho nation, han tin-j color of the money first. Lew dcrtflken to curb thi;; monopoly. | Cnllahrin has probably given more There is a suit here for every youngster between 7 and 17. Mothers will nob choose only one, b u U ro or three for "boat"1 We8r> y C X a m i n e t h e h i g h t y p e g a r m e n t S t h a t Wil1 b e p l a c e a o n s a l e ling in the Boys' Sho^ Wednesday^ Materials and Tailoring—The Best* Every suit in the group is ALL-WOOL, in such fine weaves as casaimeres and tweeds. Every suit is tailored with complete knowledge of the hard wear expected of it. All the seams are doubly sewn, every garment is cut extra full, buttons are attached to stay, knickers are sturdily reinforced at points of strain ••In all, regular "boys" suits through and through. $725 Will Sell Every Suit in Short Order Park Styles Are New and Practical All garments tailored iri the newest Norfolk model with smart looking pleated, and belted coat,' finished with patch pockets. Knickers are cut in regulation style and fully lined. The lining employed is a good-wearing serge. And, remember, every suit has TWO PAIR OP KNICKERS, adding one hundred per cent to the wearing qualities. Sizes 7 to 17 years. New Jcgrseij So Shop Early Wednesday or Phone Asbury Park 4000 ' V.VA) JiAXK_REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. t Mrs. I^CBtcr C. Scott of South Daniel W. Robbin. Tell. What He Broad street gave birth to a daughWill Do If He, U Elected. ter Tuesday of laet week. Tho Jr.- Daniel W, Kobbins of Occun lant has boon named Doris Eetdle Grove, who is n candidate for ii end, was horn, on tho first anmvo;*- Democratic nomination for freenaify of Mr. anil Mrs, Scolt's nvir- bolder at the coming primary, has riiigo nnd thu anniversary of Mr.issued a statement which is virScott's birthday. Mrs. Scott wiu the platform on which ho in formerly Miss Allco Woollcy of tuully running. Mr. Robbins is well J'tikowood.. known in the county, na ho has fur Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard E. Morris twolvo years been employed in the of Eautsidc park hnvo.bcon on nsurrogate's oflko at Freehold. His „ motor trip to Maryland and Vlrofficial position there hns given him ijlnia. \ opportunity to uludy the work of Mr. nhd Mrs. Edward M. Tutcof the freeholders and to discover , John street will movo to St. Pcten!- ways in which present methods of bui'lf, Florida, , next Month, Mr. tho hoard could ho improved. PreTata has taken a position with a vious to hnj employment in the real estate firm at St. Petersburg surrogate's office ho served eevcti for tho winter. ycarB in the- linnncp department of Mr. BIK! Mrs. Jacob Yanko nnd the New York Central nnd HudMr. nnd Mrs. Nathan Goldberg of eon River railroad company. Mr. Ked Hank have returned from in Robbinn'r. statement is a:i follows: nutotnobilo tour of Canada. "If elected I will endeavor to seMiss Hnzcl LarriBon of Towerhill cure for the taxpayers of Mnnnvenuo has resumed her duties as mouth county a dollar return for cashier at the telephone'-oflleo after each dollar of public money inn vacation of two weeks. pended. I believe this can he acMr. nnd Mrs. Harold Knapp, who complished'by n more careful suhave been living a\ High Point, pervision of purchases of supplies North Carolina, have returned to lied Bimlt to live. Mr. Knapp has nnd by tho institution of the double taken a position with tho Central check system. Those who know mo railroad company nt Jersey City. have faith in me that I will carry He. will nlso rejoin the Presbyterian out this pledge. In addition there church choir. Mra. Knnpp wan for- is a feeling throughout the county merly Miss Clara iDunbnr of Kedthat tho district in which I live is entitled to representation on the Bank.. Post cards have been received board, something i t has not liad by Red Bank folks from Mr. nndfor many years. If nominated ard Mrs. Chnrlcs C. Conover of Arthur elected.I will represent the entile place stating they are having n won- county, including the ehore distri t derful trip through Germany, as well as the more inland section*. A square deal to all is the pla Switzerland tind Italy. Mr», Edwtird Shanny of Newform which I am offering the York is a guest of Mrs, Arthur votor3." Mnyhew of Buona place. Mrs. Alox Skidmoro of Lake- TEMPERANCE UNION MEETS. wood is spending a few daya with Officen Elected nnd Reports Read Mrs. Robert Norman of Oakland nt Meeting Last Thursday. street. The Red Bank women's tempo: Benjamin Alperin of Broad ctrcct in a .patient in Post Grad- ance union met at Mrs. Lewis Peiiuate hospital at 'New York, where nington's on Maple avenue last ho went for on operation on hisThursday afternoon. Officers were elected for the ensuing year iind leg. Edwnrd Martin of Washington, reports v/ere read of the activitiui of tho past year. Mrs, Georao D. C , has been spending a vacation of three weeks with his par-Crawford was chosen president, onts, Mr. and Mrs. Darby. Martin Mrs. Eric Gialcson recording secretary, Mrs. Harry Sniffin correof River street. sponding secretary and Miss Gladys Mrs. H. J. Patterson and Mnr-Shropshire treasurer. garot and Edward Patterson of Miss Shropshire rendered a reWashington street have been spending a week with Mrs. E. S.port covering the finances and tlie Frith of Elizabeth. Horace Pat- year's activities. Miss Shropshire terson of Washington street hns nlso rend a report of publicity work. l'cturnod home alter a month's stay Mrs. AlonKo Fiold gave a report on flower mission, Mrs. Harry Hayes with Mra. Frith. on Red Letter day and reports were Bctectivo Sergeant Joseph Bray read on "Medical Temperance," of West Front -street is confined "Anti-narcotics," "Sabbath Observto tho bed with sickness. ance," "Christian Citizenship" and Mrs. Fred Rcichern of Peters "Scientific Temperance." Mrs place has taken a position in Clay- Laura Bimliler, the county presiton & Mngce'n clothing store on dent, urged the members to wear Brorid street. Mrs. Keichgra was formerly in chnrgo of the boys' their white ribbons u'ben traveling. clothing department nt Steinbach's Mn. John Watson was elected a member of the union and Rev. Paul department store at Asbury Park. Butler of Little Silver and Amos Miss Mildred I. Smith of NewBorHcrn were made honorary mer.1.• York and A. L. Wyckoff of Port bers. Jefferson, Lone Island, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Old Hotel Icchouso Burned. W. Wordcn, Jr., of East Front A small finmo building in the ntreet, . Godfrey Olsen of Bridge avenue, rear of the Columbus hotel at Atn member of the clerical force at lantic Highlands was destroyed l>y tho Lovett nursery at Little Silver, fire yesterday morning The build' returned homo last week from an ing wns empty. It was formerly automobile trip of a week in Can- used ns an icehouse for the hotol. nxln. He wan accompanied by a Tho hotel building nnd Sheriff John H. VanMnter's house wero near tin party of Connecticut friends. fire, but the firemen prevented the places from catching fire. Church News. Tho subject for tho junior coiv Corcfof Thanks. gregation at the Baptist chuveh We express our sincere thanks to Sunday morning will bo "Cheating our neighbors, friends and relatives Self." Tho topic for the rcRUlai- and to all those who assisted us in servico will bo "The Old and theany way during our J'ocent bereaveNew." The younp: people's socictv ment; also those who sent floral will have for it3 subject, "How Can tributes, those who donated cars, Wo Servo Our Sunday-School?" the pall bearers, and especially Mr. Adams of R. R. Mount & Son, Instead of a prayer service tonight Fred tho employees of Signiund Eisner n. motion picture entitled "Men of Co., tho employees of the Central Tomorrow" will bo shown. The railroad company and the Knights young people's society will be inof Columbus. charge of the picture show. Mrs. Elmer Patterson nnd Family. A preparatory scrvico will b ; held tonight at the Presbyterian —Advertisement. church. Communion will bo held Card of Thanlca. Sunday morning, when the sermon The officers and members of tho Bubjoct will be "Self Accountabil- Shrewsbury avenue A. M, E. £ion ity." At "the Sunday-school service church are using this method of exSunday morning tho pastor will tending our many thanks to all who Rive a talk on "Renewing Our Ro- contributed funds so liberally lntioimhipa." The Sunday twilight toward our recent rally. Amos Woodhull, . sorvho will be in the interest of the President. youn? folks and reports will bo George W. Frost, ma.!; by those who attended the Secretary of Trustee Board. B'Airstown conference for young Rev. R. C. C. Jones, folks. Pastor. —Advertisement. FIREMEN GIVE TO PARK FUND. Fair Haven Company Made Donation of $150 Monday Night. Tho Fair Haven fire company lit a meeting Monday night voted to Rive ?150 to the memorial park fund. Tho eompnny nlso voted to pny a hill of $824 to Joseph Davis for building the booths! for tho firemen's fair. The bill had been held up by the fair committee. Two new flro alarm boxes will bo installed by the company. One of tho fireboxes will be located at Eastsido park and tho other on Elm plnco. Members of the fire company will takn part. In tho Defense day pi>rnde nt Rod Bank Friday. • ^ CI'.riLiian Science Society p jSj 54 13road St., Red BanU, N. J. g THEATRE, CJC3 ., R E D O A N K , INI. J. M. II. JACKS, Muimucr. Matinee D«J1>! 3:00 I". M. Snturd yi " 0 l» EVENINGS—Continuous: 7:ir, lo Khi1" I ' M ORGANIST—HAROLD UPRIGHT. M. !<J Kj Hi'rvi-... Rurxlnr 11:10 A. M., R : I 0 I1. M . : : i n i . l a y . S C I I N O I — 0 : 3 0 A . I I . K, V,',..!,„•: i!ny 0 M,..,h, Q llni.lirii: 'A P UUIMI.IJJ iOvf'iiliii; d a m 2:«0 to 4:30 1\ 'I I , . . IHll.lir- i:, r , , r , l b | | y M. I ' u m u n n t i f t h e•H.IIT of Ji.irjtlt U I ' u t w filmy, K U I T » I . : U ( . ( I ( .f tiir. l . . ' m n i t y ';f M n t u i n » ( t [ » t , " r n n . k ' vu tl.v ( w n n r t i i i t a y of A n * i:u-t. I « M , « n ihi> (iiii>lit'iit|»ii <>f \ituff M . l l u r K f . m l n i l i i t ' V t i ' h t o r o f I l i o <><tut» o f J v t r t i i n l Uw\u. d i T f i u c i t , n - l i . ' c ia i t r v ^ y K i v r i i t o tin* r r c l l t i . r r t n f fiihl itctviiin'il I q C. IRVING PATTERSON ial « & and 0 Tcstimonla 10 1\ M. liootn —Wi'iliifnlnys Home and Fjissiness Pratcct!ou COMPLETE SERVICE A i I, v i I .• H ( : •, Phone 1623 ' SO Broad Street Red Bank BIG SAVINGS FOR. YOU IN NEWCIUJP CANNED FOODS DURJNC OUK. AND BUY DY THE DOZEN AND SAVE MOR.E .' Dattd Freehold, N . .1.. Atunini :fi 1P3*4 'UAHItV M. 1IUUK1!. M o i i m u u l h C o u n t y .Siirr<ieintc'B OfiU«. t h e m a t t e r ft t l i c p : > l « t . ; i.f H e n r y A . C n i i o v i r . i!«cc:i-p«l. Mntir.' ty c n - . l ilu i;j lu prPiit-ut claims iu:niii!il. cc'tfttc. J ' « r - * u ( i n t t o H i e n n J i - r i-r .To'.i'j.lj V.. | ) u n nhny. i)m-r..ral« " f tli.- Cuiiiit> .if M » n - • mouth, t i u t i l » m i tb«- t w e n t y u l t i t l i < U y t . f A i i f t i i i t , l'.H\, fui ihn niijiSicBfini! u j ' J , j - i - o t t CdiioviT. iniriiiniMirjttor n f (lie f>tn!c uf ' Hrnry A. CUM'.V.T, . | , am'il, tii.ti-*!- Ii l i n v - . hy y.'iwn t.» tlt.< cn->1lKir-i o f h i i . l h . T r . - u . c t ' t.i r x h l l i i t - t o t l i " H i i l M e n l . f r , n r l i r i l n f n t r . i t > r ; in nfnro-ui'l, tiiffr i\r\t-~ nifl ilcinaii'Li .-(;:.-;i,•!.'•(. H i e r;ii>] *»:?«(<-, uwl^r t,ntYi. within rin n m n t h s f r u m it M > i l : i l : ' ><( D i e n f r i n - f i i i M i.r:!"!'. o r Ih.-jr w i l l l.r f o r c v . T t . n n v i l uC t i l i - i r ; i i : t i n i i i t h f ' r i ' f o r » | T n i n s t H i e a:iiil M U I > sciibcr. l).\V<\ S T O R E S SYSTEM U _ _ F r L M ' h f i l i i . N . . ' . . AiHMi-it 2 9 . M A , J. . S C U T T CONOV/'jit, 21'J.i H . K t r . - I . N'ii-1.. W r - t , _^ _ ^ V n n l i i n r i o n , I t , (\ _ NOTICE TO CONTRACTOHS. Ki.n1r..| Tho Ornngo and Green Sloreo" Over I0OO Storc-3 in U.S. ^ 2 CANS {LARGE Falsely imprisoned, he bad told her he would return tu her --nnd she believed him! In spite of tin; train v.-rcrk but i he never droiuneiN, of the dram::, tho romance, the u'ivontun: hi* return would entail. Sumhino Ccmedy—"JAZZ WEEKLY" PRIDE s {ANCOCKBRAND.SWEET Inkwell Cartoon GEM BRAND' Thursday, Friday, Sept. 1! and 12 HAKCS€E< BRAND SWEET HANCOCK EARLY JUNE BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND NO TRICE ADVANCE HANCOCK or LiBBVS D LARGE CAMS H ILLS DALE BRAND HANCOCK"DELMONTE DEL MONTE BRAND«ICA,« SAN FELiPPI <"-EL POM A HANCOCK BRAND , HILLS&ALEo'-TIOGA 3 5 DELMONTE-'-HANCOCK 4 2 R.EX From tho Romantic Novel by Charles Major A MARSHALL NKILAN PRODUCTION Never was Mary Pickfortl ^o j^or^cou.^iy bcaiHiful as in this, hor niust beautiful photoplay—a picture story filled v.'ith tender romance, thrilling1 netion and delicious comedy. BEAN or GR.OUND R E G U L A ^ W M L ETO1YLAST AESOP'S FABLES , September 13 S* gc SALE BLUE RIBBON EVAP.PEACHES J!G T I M E F L O U R Z A P "THE WONDER SOAP VAN CAMP'S TOM ATOE SOUP SPECIAL 4 for (9* ARROW SOAP . REDHEAD MATCHES .. F.P.C. WAX . * "x. World1! Champion Athlete r-nd Thr:ll Producer WUh SILVER KING, Tim Wonder Mor=o THE FAST STEPPERS"HOT DOG SPECIAL" An Entire Carload of These handsome French WaBniat Combination Bedroom Suites, Complete With Chair, Hocker, Steel Spring, Felt Mattress and Two Pillov/s, CornpBete, for Sunshine Comedy—"WHEN WISE DUCKS MEET" Monday, Tuesday, Sept. 15 and 16 —IN— Clara Bov;, Edythe Chapman and Wilford Lucas A drama of today uHb 11 story of ficrco passion lunied into strong: nbidiiiK love. . EMOTIONAL! UNUSUAL! THIULLIXri! Chri.tie Comedy—"NERVE TONIC" Patlio NeWf HOT WATER HEAT gMIDDLETOWN, N. J . nfr.rcMiif.I. ( d c l r iU'1'tn um'l i^-t..ai.<f> i m n i t t - ' b t i n - ufiitl *?hf:tto. Uhilt-r. i'n\i)\, u , i i M n t,f« month.i from I h f ilatf r . f l l u - UUHV ! ( i i ' l s i . r r h T . or t h e y w i l l li« r ^ n - v i - r b a r r p ( J >iC J t l n - i r n i ' . t l . j n a tlirri>r<ir ( i n t u n H t h u imttl o u b « " i tscrilicr. ; In —WITH— Siilo on McLean Farm. Major K. Engcl, a retired United States nrniy oflicer, has been called to active service and ho will hold a rinle of hin dairy cattle nnd farm .machinery on tho former*J. Hull McLetin farm between Katonluwn ml Tinton Fulls Friday of next lief;i'iniii|C nt. noon. " Tho j Includes hiirh grndo Gunrnr.oy?*M!nd .Jerseys. George H. Huberts ^ill TM^the auctioneer. Calto Snla fit A iako rmlo for the hAtaJjL of tho Fair Haven Kpincopnl clnlT>(Ji, will l/o hold fjnturdny of thin week nt Daniel Allnirc'a meat rVrkct nt that place. Page 1'IihtCH'n A FREEHOLDER PERSONAL. THE DIG ENTERTAINMENT PICTURE YOIH/E WAITED FOR At 110 time (liirin»-our twenty years o! I'urnilure gelling in Perth Amboy have we been able to offer p.ueh a good bavjvain. The four piece.-1-, pictured above, are as. illustrated. They are constnu-'tocl of 1'mest quality combination walnut and are beautifully finished in the new rich French walnut cll'ect. Included in thirt'outfit is a full size bow end bed, lari'c (besser, combination chifr'rivobo, Hemi-vanity toilet drOssci", rtronp; cant! ^eat chair and rocker— matching in liniah, a t'ag'-proof t:prin^ of winit;iry i-leel consti'uetion", a felt mattress covered with linest quality of sateen -iinish tickiniT Juid roll edgo linif-h and two pure live feather pillows. • . liftar'l , J ( , , J K , ..•,!» uf Eilucn\i<m will ) " • i.-o.-ivfd of (lie Ihimuah t l . y *h9*z of Yair J I l l V i ' l l . toe t h « ' I'l-iTiinii m i ' ) (-..iiiiilftirMl Of u I t r m l c i l :ii-lio*il h u i M h i i ; U> li-; e n : i ' t e « I OO n.-iin-c I-M:TII, K a i r J l a v i ' t i . Jti.l"- s l m i l l.r mm!.- . . n * « n f o r i m niipp l i i - l f o r t l u i t i . ' i u i . H . - n t i i l u l i u l l !••! J « . l i » c r c r l t o t f i " C l e r k o f f l u ' H r m p l , n t Ilia n'?»IilcNi-c. I-'iiir I I U V L - I I . N . J . . <>r I - H ' ^ H I - M I f a i L T H ' . n n t H i e u i ' - i ' t i m r i n lie h i id i n t l m I-'iiir H a v e n . - c h n o l , , m O n - .-v.-iiiiur uf Elriitfinlicr ' J l i l h . \'.\'-i I . n t H : 0 0 d ' c l c i - U , «!ny« ' J ' b c r m n i e s (if t h e p r u p o s n ] sn'icontnirtfii'rf ^ h i i l l n c i ' o m p a n y t h a e.-itimiUiM mnda o u t o n M n n k i prt>v|.!i-.l f o r H i n t p u n i r . i i r . , s h r i l l i. . i'ni-lu:«?.l i n t h e per C U T <MIVI..|«>I C* i n o b i d v . i l l bii c d n s i i l ^ r i - ' l r u u m t - n ^ w i t h i i U f t the list of subcdiitmctor-'. All work Hlinll I)» «!<»n.- i n n - - ; - i r . l n i K n w i t h p l i w i i » m l s i H T i n n i t i o r n i > r r p ; i n - i ! f«ir t h e unnifl hy J o h n NnM<- P i M m i , n n d fion, j i r r h i t e r b i a n d oiiirint'er^. 1 7 5S m i t h n f i c P t , I'crth Amlioy. N . •'• i-'nr tin- KDnvfiiitinc* nnd Hi." nl intrn-\- imt luiUlcra. pinna will U> lotinnl Ui tlicm on ainl n f t c r S e p t e m b e r I'th, 102 1, u p o n n rloposit (if ennli o r ocrtitiod clicck i n tlio amount of ?^0, Plans are to be obtainoil from tho nrcMtncti, J. N. Pier;!on and .Son, nt. fhcfr "office, 115 Smith street. Perth Ambny, N. J. l)cpasit.u will be returned when the pinna itro rutiirntMl. F b n s will be isnncil until the cupply In cshaiiBtc.!, but nt nil limes u not nf plnnst anil Mici-ifictitious will be open for innpactioti" «t the office of tho nrcMt<H*lfi, Con- • trnctora who nrt* unnble to obtain n (let of pi sins anil Hpecificationa may nvail thorn- , selves nf Uifi priviiuKc of rntimntintt on i thriif pl,ini jind Hpcclficutiutis during fcusinews hemi*3 on itny lHiKincnn ilny. HeforL' rri'ih or certified chock, or chefkn, nro returned, n forfeit nf fifty pi-r cent of Uie deposit will tie reiiuircil of any bidder or Mdrtorii who fnil to submit nn rstimnto affcr receiving plans und atieci/lcaiiuna / o r this purpose. Bi<la may be rendrred separately for n n r or nil branches-as-follows: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, comprising nil masonry, carpentry, steel nnd Iron, mot" inrr nn<l pn in ting. HBATING AND VENTILATING. PLUM DING WORK. KLEUTBIC WORK. Bids munt be nc com pan led by n ccrtine*l chock upon n National or State bank* drawn to the nnlcr of tho Board nf Education of the Doroueh of Fair Haven, In tho various amounts as follows: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, 3400. j HEATING AND VENTILATING, ?2C0. ' PLUMBING WORK, S1B0. i f ELECTRIC WORK, $100. binding the BUcceusiful bidder or biiMetu to ; execute a contract if awarded to him or them. 1 The imcccfisfiti biiMer or l.i.ldern will bo required to furnish a t;ntixfnrtory hnml In] the full nmount of the contract price, for this pchooL 1 Tho Board reserves the right to reject nar res all bida. fcnd HOAHD O F EntlCATrON". * BOROUGH OF FAIU HAVEW, liy C. C. SHIOCK, President, Fnir Unvcn, W. J , K. EDGAR SMITH, District CK-rli, NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND E L E C T S ' Little SHvoi- Dorough, N. J . Notice of the time and place of hoWinff the General and Primary Election and of the oflicers to be elected, and meetinga of the Board of Rewiatry and Election in tho Borough oE Little Silver, in the County of Monmouth. Noticu is hereby Riven that B General Election will he held in nnd for tho Bor- • ouffh of Little Silver, in tho County of Monmouth, and State of New Jersey, on ' Tuesday, November -ith. 1924, from tho hour of six o'clock A. M. to the hour of • even o'clock I". M., at the following place in anid Borough: Little. Silver Volunteer I'rre Cumpnny'a Jfouse. Sni.l election will he held for the purposa nf electing Electors of n Proaident and Vice President of the United States; a Membernf the House of Heprcsentntlvefl froni tha j Third Congressional District; rv Member of • , t'<; llnite<l States Scnatu from thi»- Ktato; j twj Members of tho General Assembly of I j New Jer.-py; n Cleric for thn County of ri(,!inujuth; two Members of the Board of, Choson Freeholders, for three yenrs, for t h e ' j County of Monmouth, and for the follow- } in:: nuinicipnl officers, viz: Two Council-' men. for threo ycnr.i, nnd two Justices of thj Pence, for five yenrs. Public Question:—"Shall the net entitled 'An Act nuthomintf the creation (if n <lfbt ot tho S t a t e <>t New Jersey hy tlia I 'sunncG of b o n d s of t h e .Ktnto In. t h a n m o u n t n o t execedintf cjatht milllmi dollitrs, for t h e p u r p o 3 o of pnyioif t h e c o s t o t e x t e n d i n g t h e s y s t e m of S t n t e U i K h w a y i b y t h e c o n a t r u c t i o n of tiriclires a n i l t u n n e l s f o r v o h i c u l n r o r o t h e r (rnfllc ncronu i h a Dcln\ HI* n n d H u d s o n r i v e r s , or e i t h e r of t h e m : providinjr l " e waya n n d mennn t o p n y t h o > i n t e r e s t of s u c h debt n n d n l s o t o p n y a n d ' di:<rhnrt:e t h e p r i n c i p a l t h e r e o f ; u n d p r o \idinjT f o r ( h e j ^ i b m i s ^ i o n ( , r this Jnw t o t h e p e o p l e n t n Kcncrnl i<]oetinn.' Pansi'tl M a r c h l l l h , 1U 2 1 . he a d o p t e d attd snnntioiied ? T h e n o t n i v e m i e s f r o m t h o brldfrcit und tunnel.-i c o n s t r i u - t e d u n d e r this n e t a r o d e v o t e d t n t h e p a y m e n t of t h a l)';nd«." N o t i c e <tf Primary Ejection. Alm> t»Ui' notico t h a t a I ' r t m n r y Ejection for all iKilitirni p n r t i r s e n t i t l e d t h r r c t n wilt hi held i n a n d tot t h e Ilorouirh nf L l t t l a SilVLT, on T u c s d n y , ^ e n l e n i l u - r -Itii, 1U-1, from t h e h o u r cf M-VCII u ' r l n c k A , M. t o t h e iiour c f nfnt> o'clock V. ftf. (Stniidnrd timf.) Snid P r i m n i y K l r c t i n n t u lie hold II t h e plnce in the r f s p e c t i v u d i s t r i c t a i si-e-ifirnlly a b o v e incntifmed mid mild T r i m a r y K l e f i l o n will ho held f o r t h e purpnno >f n o m i n n t i n i - luTMonn of t h e ri:it[)ftctivft I r \f* In tin- ofncot nlicivi. nn-iitJi.ncd, n n d 1 I fi.r McrabiTs of tlie C o u n t y K x e m t i v s (. 1 ruittoc for e n r h political p n r t y p t i r t i r j l n t i m ; i n nai<l I'riiiKiry E l e c t i o n . Also a McinluT nf »l'<- Stuff K-xocnlive Co.limittfO fur e n c h politidul pnrly. Sii-l dnti* will »IHO IM« t h r s e c o n d r e « l i t r y d n t « in Hie said HunMirh. Noticn of R e n l s t r n t l o n . ^lllt f i i i t h i T tain- nuticfi tinit i»n Tuemliiy, PlfinliiT Hth. r.'lit, t h e H"iu«l nf I t o ^ h t r y il KhM-tion MIUJII m i ' r t nn<I nuil.i; tfie m i 1 t -y Ity n h(HHc> td IimiflP fiuivnnfi, wtitcU 1 d i-imvitMrt rtluill b e (Mimtilered i»(l " f bflf 1 Hepl.-niher l M h , l t ^ l . ' Ami tluit on Tui"wlny. Ociitlii-r I lilt, 10.M. t h f Hoard ,.r U r K l i t r y nnd M o t i o n ,-ill i n e r t -it t IH> V\<%,*» nl. wlilfh '\u>y will 1 I I t h e O n r n i l Klt'itlon tfmvr mcnHflln»-1. hr>twr,-u t h e hiMirn of 11110 o'cloi-lt In till n f t i ' i t m n n mid nine o'cloclt In t h e *'V<H>!IU, for I lie purpiiMo of mnklmr t h « llnnl r » i i,... ,,nt\ (•.•n-...«(ion 0/ [!»•• r*>n\«ter t»r tlic Ccn.-nil Kl-rtioii. N o t l c o t n Alm^nlcn V n l r r i . Any rli-i'tnr who i< n - t t r i l r f t t fin- H:fl ( 1 "Till KltM-tinn, \\\\n hy m i uni «( iiiithllilv ttltl.ui;h illm-i MI- M1I^MM'« fr.'iit Out ( EITHER FOR CASH OR ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT FURNISHERS OF HAPPY HOMES AND A BRILLIANT CAST An unusual pholminima of tIi<> prnhleiiw of a muiricil wnninu! A poignant iiml vi^'id pictin1*^ of yimfh, wraith and love! Sunaliino Comedy—"THE WEAKLING" OUT OF TI1F. INKWELL CARTOON S n t \ - i n whirli I. .id,-- IH fui.iMi l<> >l h|p. 1 -,M..t ,,!> Ili>' urv nf th<< ( I W M ' , . 1 1 I -lii.il n t th« Mllluit phi.-f lit H i " W e I n D i n t r l c t in vvl.Mi !><• hi 1,•t:i = i.T«'rf) , , , n / 1 ]:<• uppllfntiiin fur ut\ ..Hi.'hit Jmll.tL \>t tin* Muniripfil t'l.-rli In miv M unli'ipitlltv (it I ,\\ |i.- v.•.<!.!.'!i <ir h> I d - C o u n t y l\>r.\tit ,>f 1 I - h i m ,if tin- r.Hiiitv i.f MiMiinooHt, o n «P i - f u r . . Tu.'.idny. (I.-MIIMT -\\<t. 1H:1 i, IMHI H tuiKiiit i>|'l>lii.'all..ii isill !•••< ru'WNMi'-il ..I'! LjliTtur itnd "lictr I ' H ' p n l ) |||l<-l "»» n»'\ jvtur»n"l 1" "!.-• i'.nwniv IL.,,e<l at KhrAhAut ..f ltit< O n l n t / " ( Mi>rnn.,uth. mi nlMcnfi-t l.nllr>t will I'" f.>r««r.l^l •<• iH.'li p\*-i*r, M M K U ' I ltlA'KIiMIHIiMI .|-. rf. J.. A op«a t o n i l k l n t U iff RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. Pace Fourteen \ ~\ ««*«*W«««*«««^««W««W««^H^»X-;'>t^»HH^vXn>^ home from the Long Branch ho.>- nrd has been called off. Walker is *©*«*•< BELMAR MAN A SUICIDE. pital, where he underwent an op- back from his training enmp at Everett Hurley Almost Seven Head eration. Summit. from Body with Razor. Dr. Joseph Wampler and Dr. Fred Highberger of Pittstmrg were Everett Hurley of Belmar, 2f RUMSON NEWS. gue:.ts last week of Mr. and Mrs. years old, who had been ill ant despondent lor a long time, ended Klan at Preabyterian Church—Band /Scott A. Davis. Concert Friday Night. his life Thursday night by cutting Dalton Family has a new Ford Blues, browns, his throat with a razor. Hurley a'.About 75 members of the Ku truck. grays, s t ripes, most severed his head front; the Klux Klan in robes and hoods atA birthday party in honor of Mis. body and died with his hcad'in plaids—we nave tended the Presbyterian church Hannah Neidcrer was given Monpool of blood in a wash basin. Sunday night. A leader of tlio day night at tho home of htr them all. We have Hurley was unmarried and lived klnn made nn address. mother, Mrs. Oustnve Bauer of Althem with the Sowith his mother. He was last seea A band concert with patriotic len street. About 75 guests were alive about ten o'clock Thursday songs will he held Friday night at present. A supper was served and ciety Brand cut. night, when he was talking to his Victory park in ubsutvuiice of De-u .social season was enjoyed after^nd we have them mother. Mrs. Hurley heard a noise in fense Test day. No concert will 1; ward. Mrs. Emma Aumuller ren—And Eliminates Gas Knocks— for $35. Go where her son's roqm about three o'clock given tomorrow night. dered "Love Sends a Little .Gift of DISTRIBUTORS and when she entered the room Thirty residents of Rumson and Roses," Henry Krusc sang "You're you will, you won't Boro Buses Incorporated Red Bank | found her son dying. friends enjoyed a beach party Sun- in Love with Everyone," and Henry find such good-lookday night at Seabrig-ht. A collation Bauer rt'iuK'red a song entitled Barber & McLaughlb, Inc Red Bank ing clothes or "The Storybook Ball." Miss Adelle wasrserved and afterward the folks Bowman Loweri World'« Record. Bauer was the piano accompanist. greater variety. Nor gathered around a big bonfire and Chester Bowman of Wmrt Lonjj A tango dance was given by Miss songs of the present time and fclU for Fall t r * settwill you equal' the Y Branch, who finished fourth in tho sang r of by-gone days. Music was p o- Emma Smith and Thomas Onkes, lonnbly brlok in »tylo, typically 100-metre event at the Olympic vidied value—it's by odds on ukeleles by Raymond Lavfoiios'* in quality, and reasonably games, lowered the world's mark rence and Norman MacDonald nnd the best in years. marked in prlco. The •election for the 85-yard dash last weak m on the kazoo by Mel Shaw. In the Fair Xjew Nevvi. Fulton, New York, where he party were Mr. and Mrs. J. Zattn, which we ore now (howing includci Walter Borden Carminade o* traveled the distance in 8 3-5 sec- Mr. find Mrs. N. Zatta, Mrs. E. Mc- Philadelphia has been visiting his a hftk exactly right for you. onds. Cullough, Mrs. Ira D. Emery, Mr*. aunt, Mrs. Margaret Borden of G. Shaw, Misses Florence and Cath- Brighton avenue, Fairfield Gardens. MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE NEWS. erine Zatta, Marie, Anna and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott of McCollough, Rose Shallois, New York spent Saturday and SunCivif War Veterans to Have Rr- Eleanor Marjorie O'Neill, Winifred anil day with Mr. Scott's parents, Mr. union Here Today. Good Will, lilce electricity, lias wonderful power. Neither Marie Deveney, Evelyn Shaw and and Mrs. Frank Scott. The 29th regiment of civil war Margaret and Alice Emery, James can lie SUCH, l.ul -. ULI a m BUY electricity -but NOT Good William Domidion and family And our oWn special Boys* AH Wool 2 pants Men'o and Boys' Wool Will. veterans will hold its annual re- McKenna, Jame3 Gallagher, Victcr have returned to New York after Good Will is ll.o product of hsml work, square dealing, union this afternoon at the Bap- Emery, Harold, George and. Mel having spent the summer here. tailored Suits with two Suita $7.95 Sweaters $^.00 up consistent llijr'n Quality, and willing, sincere service. tist church at this place. The wo- Shaw, Raymond and Roland LawMrs. Byrnes and son Donald )f pair pants Good Will makes itself known in Our Stores by regular # men of the church have prepared a rence, John Wade, Norman Mac- Now York arc visiting Mrs. Helena Sizes 8 to 18 patronage and proven confidence in ds. supper and have otherwise made ar- Donald and James Hogan. O'Brien. Come, into our Nearest Store and see the Service that has rangements for the comfort and Misses Beatrice and Margaret Miss Beatrice Morrell and Vinton earned such tremendous Good Will. convenience of "Tha Boys of '(!]." have returned home from Miss Gertrude Camps of Brook- Armstrong were recent guests of aSalmon stay of ft week with their aunt Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong's nunt, lyn is visiting Mrs. Bertha Root. High Quality, Well-Made BROOMS at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomson and Mrs. Ruth of West Philadelphia. Miss Evelyn Porter has resumed 70c Brooms 60c Broomp a 80c Brooms son Kenneth of Middlebush spent cut to cut to cut to Saturday and Sunday with Mr. her studies at Trenton normal THEATRICAL Thomson's parents. Rev. and Mrs. school. EANERS and DYERS William Shields and Robert NelJ. A. Thomson. Rev. J. HaroM BUY NOW! WORK CALLED FOR AND ' Thomson of Harrison is spending son have been spending a few days DELIVERED Scrub Brushes ffSCO Washing Soda.pkc. 10c ce 31 Monmouth St. Tel. S60-W at Bath Beach, L? I. a vacation with his parents here. each 10c, 14c, 17c (ISO0 Ammonia bot. 9c : The bout between Mickey WalMr. and Mrs. Charles Tyndall and i • ' " Chloride of Lime can 10c Old D u t c h Cleanser . . . c a n - B e ker of this place and Benny LeonMrs. Ella Wyckoff will attend the Dust Brurhea . . .each 22c, 40c Babbitt's Cleanser can6 c Kirkman's Soap . . . .cake 5}£c 1 wedding of Mis3 Helen Coddingt'in Young's Borax Soap P. & G. Naplha Soap.4ck». 19c p c a k e 6c, l l ) 5 c at Bound Brook Saturday of next week. Our Re^. 23c Galvanized Our Reg. 35c Galvanized Barnaby Ridgw&y of New York has returned homo after having spent the summer with Thomas Ridsrway. Why do tho Pure, Rich ingredients, and Our Masterly BakMiss Ruth Stark will enter Syrainfc make the Victor Family such superior Wread? The only cuse university this month. answer is—they do! The Victor Family I« Better Bread! Mr. and Mrs. John Driscoll and tr family of Brooklyn spent part of last week with Charles Butterfass, Wrapped Sr. Mrs. William LufburrOw has resupreme scied b»f turned from a visit at Rumson. Pure, Eich, Creamy—a full Milk Vitamine Bread! Miss Mary Bennett, daughter of Ioaf Mrs. Su3anna Bennett, has returned from a sojourn in a summer camp A very good Pan Loaf. and will begin a course of studies loaf soon at Columbia university. Her Victor Raisin Bread 10c brother, Edward Bennett, will enWheat Richness and Raisin-iron. A£S ter Lnwrencevillo academy. Miss Emily Peacock ha3 bought Preserving Needs! a. Frr.nklin sedan. Mrs. E. W. Mandev'ille and sons Mason Jars (quarts) doz 79c Macon Jars (pints) doz 69c are visiting relatives in New York Greater Variety greater Value [ Greater Mileage-No Carbon Troubles « P u t s Life I n Y o u r Motor | Smart, Seasonable and Reasonable Society Brand Clothes $3 U S35 GOOD WILL! Sc: 28 Monmouth St. Pails ciicb 19c £ * Victor Bread 5c Jar Tops (porcelain lined) Jar Rubbers (double lip) -, Jelly Glasses &SCO Whole or Ground Spicea • doz 25c doz 7c doz 40c 3 pkgs.'lOe Delicious Vegetables! Cooked Sugar Beets Cut Stringlcss Beans Sweet Garden Peas 4SC0 Sifted Peas Tedfy Bear Sugar Corn flSCO Pork and Beans can 17c, 3 cans 50c can 12}£e can 12}£c .can 18c, 20c, 25c can 12 ^ e can 9c #$CD BSend Accomplishes Three Things! First—it Tempts. It is enticingly fraprrant! Second—it Dejights. It is full-bodied and rich! Third—it Satisfies. It is convincingly good! You'll Taste the Difference! Evaporated Milk tal1can 10c You will pay T5c to a dollar a pound, or more, for Teas that approximate our quulity. (f$O0 Teas are superlntivelv pleasing! TEAS M 1M 8 - ' 14 C : tb 55* A Tea for Kvery Taste! Pride of Killarney Tea Pound Tin 65c Our Extra-heavy Drinking Blend! FRESH CANDIES! Delicious Cream Mints Sweethoir.e Chocolates Pure Sugar Pops Mint Patties Chocolate Nut Ears Gum or Chiclets 6-oz. bag 10c lb. box 39c each 4c 2 for 5c 2 for Sc [ pkg. 4c WE KNOW the quality of Louella Butter. Because it is the linest liutlev in America, its sale to Housewives over Our Counter., exceeds the retail sale of any other Brand of High Grade Sweet (.'ream Uuttev in the United States. Taftc I t ! •us/ . Red Bank, N. J. Tubs each 31c Bread OSCO Near Broad GUTTER l b 1 lie Finest Butler in America! Delicious, concentrated Health Food! . RICHLAND BUTTER "> 44c ' b 27c OSCO BUTTERINE cai ton of lwelvo 45c ' The Uiiri^:a, Fullest, Freshest—the Pick of the Nests! Strictly Fresh EGG5 Sliced BACON doz 40c P>«« 17C The distlnKiii^fnf? clinrnctor of &$C0 fWvicr is the sincority of Our i)o;;irc to help you solve your Housekeeping1 prol'loinn in a Sritisfiictury, Kconoiniciil Way! 39 BROAD STREET SHREWSBURY AVE and OAKLAND STREET Th«« Prices Effective in Our lied Bnnlc Stores. The First Big Fall Event s t a t e ? •• Irving Mcllliny has quit his job with William B.|Waters to work on a farm. Miss Barbara JDeckert has begun her new duties as a teacher in the junior high school at Red Bank. The members of the Episcopal Sunday-school enjoyed a picnic at Highlands last Friday. The Community club has voted to hire boys to clear up the sides of the King's highway, where autcista have thrown rubbish. Miss Elizabeth Casler has sumed her duties as a teacher at Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs, William Nodine and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lamont of Linden have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Dangler. Louise Greenwood, daughter of William M, Greenwood, is a new pupil at the Red Bank high school. Rev. F. H. Shermer, who has been enjoying a vacation, has resumed his duties as pastor of the Baptist church. Herbert Dietz is employed at an ice plant at Red Bank. Miss Marjorie Zimmermann, daughter of Walter W. Zimmerman, will study at New York to become a music teacher. Lawrence Carton has moved from James F. Crawford's farm to Minnesink Park. A new furnace has been put in Christ church rectory* by Fred Hurst. SEABRIGHT NEWS. Democrat'; Club to Hold Smoker Next Monday Night. The Seabriprht Democratic club will hold a smoker next Monday night. Talks will be given by Congressman Elmer II. Gcran, William R. Fowler and Edmund W. Clinn. The second annual roll call and church rally service of the Methodist church will he held Tuesday, October 11th. , The public school reopened Monday. Only one change was made in the teaching staff. Miss Alice Ramsey, daughter of John Ramsey of this place, has been enpnged to succeed Mrs. William V. Gnrrctson, who was married recently. Miss Ramsey taught laBt year nt Keyport. The Surf bathing pavilion will close next week for the season. Miss Mnrgnret Nelson, who is a student nur.'p nt the Long Branch hospital, is enjoying a vacation cf throe weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell P. Allgr,r of Morrestown are visiting James v Alliror. " ' -" Mm. George Havens is confined to the hed with sickness. new Buick automobiles, arrived here last week for L. "oliol, tho Buick age Mr. and Mrs. JoJ«rr*t)ornhnm of New York nrevtitinf; their daughter, Mrn^Swrfuer Anderson. y f l B o n of Jersey City \i iiK a few d;,ys with frieii!« ri town. Jesse A Ilowlnnd lma returned Trunk Size Victrola $35 Come to our salesrooms and see the twenty-one different Victrolas, all the latest talking machine designs, assembled for your inspection. —-» Mahogany or Oak Come and see particularly, new Victrolas 405 and 215, which are espeoially constructed to take a complete radio outfit. Console Victrola $110 Mahogany or Walnut. N Dome and let us explain the terms of our easy payment plan which constitutes this great early Pall Victrola Portable Victrola $50 Mahogany or Oak Terms As Low As Monthly Immediate Delivery Console Victrola $150 Poroh Victrola $75 Mahogany or Walnut. Mahogany or Oak You will find that the terms, offered during this great event, are1 the lowest" In tho city. Also, you will find our Victrola stock most complete, in variety of styles and wood finishes. with space for Radio $160 Records Too You may select $5 worth of latest Victor Records (with any Victrola) Which will be added to .your bill without changing the terms of payment. Our stock comprises more than 30,' 000 different records and a new list ii demonstrated every Friday. Art Mode! Victrola $250 Walnut Upright Victrola $100 with space for Radio $265 1 ho Mahogany, Oik «r Walnut for September Only Tasting's LONG BRANCH Broadway and Third Avenue ASBUEY PARK 609 Mnttison Avenue BED BANK 14 Monmonth Street Stores Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings ^ MASTER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Uy viuuu ot a decree at tin) Oourt of 10, 1924. Page Fifteen National trail to St. J,ouis, passing f^und crops in tin.1 Wi'Ht in bad conthrough Colorado Springs, Yellow- dition du-j to Um mucli rain. MosNo Petition! Filed for Atlantic stone national park, Montana, Ida- quitoes out thoro tire bi^<;'r and Townihip Committeemeh Job. ho, Washington and down the coast sting harder than ".] James P. Desmond of Colt's to Oal.innd and I.os Angeles, tiins the Shampnnori'.i si Neck is the only person to file a Ely visited frien'ds,, in San Diego, A dnriOf: was held at Peninsula Now is the time to OVERHAUL FURNACES, REPAIR pctition'for office in Atlantic town- crossing tho border ftito Mexico. On hot<'l lit Bcnbriglit Friday night to i.Mp. He is assessor for the town- their return they passed through the raise money SMOKE PIPES, have LEADERS and GUTTERS for nn ambulance for ship and he will run for re-clectioiy desert in California Strings, then Woodley hospital at this place. REPAIRED for the Bad Weather which is sure to come. on the Democratic ticket. A townj •taking the northern route through More than ?!">()() was cleared. Get our estimates for PLUMBING and HEATING ship oommittocmnn is to be electo'A 'Nebraska and Chicago and then goWilliam Elgrim of Edinburg, und neither party has a candidate ing by way of the Lincoln highway near together for Fall Alterations so that when that bad Trenton, formerly of this ( for this job, which is now held &»y the remainder of the trip. The trip pine*', will IJC married tomorrow to weather comes you will be ready to meet it with a smile. Garrett Conover of Vandcrburg, a required about two montha and cov- Miss Helen M. Hart of Cream Democrat. It is probable that nom- ered 10,000 miles. Ridge. The ceremony will be perinations will be made at the priformed at St. John's church at A!nmry by writing names on thy lentown. LITTLE SILVER NEWS. tickets. SANITARY PLUMED Plenty of Work. MetliodUt. Cleared $300 by Harvest Every week Luke Longhead tells ENGLISHTOVVN NEWS. 74 Rilonmouth Street H@d lank, M. I. Homo Last Thursday. of positions open to all kinds of The harvest home held by the . Telephone 60S Party of Tourists Home From Trip workers. Read The Register's Want ladies' aid society of the Methodist Advertisements if you are seeking Acrosi Continent. church last Thursday netted $300. a position.—Advertisement. Miss Katherino 'Trautmann and Mra. Nixon have returned to Brook- The profits will bo used to meet lyn after spending a week with Mr. general church expenses. Mrs. V. R. Darrow has been'enand Mrs. Jacob Trautmann, Sr. Misa Dorothy Hollen of Mt. Vernon tertnining relatives from New York. Dr. O. W. Young has movei and Miss Jeanne Walker of Brooklyn spent a few days with Miss from Oakhurst to tho Rnthbun property on the Little Silver Point Trautmann while she was home. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Mount and road whicji he bought a short time daughters and MiBS Ethel Bouchello ago. Warren Herbert and Daniel of Chester, Pa., spent Wednesday at Trenton visiting Willard H. Mount. Schenck spent Saturday and SunMias Hannah Kennedy spent a day at Trenton and Philadelphia. few days last week at Trenton, with They made the trip in .Schcnck's new Ford coupe. Mrs. Charles Green. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flatley of Mr. and Mrs. H. Glow and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall of Elizabeth were Elizabeth 'are spending two weeks week-end guesta of Mr. and Mrs. with Mrs. Flatley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ayres. Conrad Hall. . School re-opened Monday with Mrs. Albert Healcy and daughter Lorcjia of Roseville were recent the same teachers as last year. Edward Woolley, and George guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alston VanDeiveer. Ayres continue to improvo at Mrs. Ella Christie spent two Woodley hospital, whero they unweeks with her niece, Mrs. Walter derwent operation."! for appendicitis. Mrs. William W. Shampanove Schnnck of Dutch Neck. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gibbs had asand son Harrison returned Fridoy their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. from an automobile trip to WisconJ. Senn of Newark and Mr. and Mrs. sin, where they visited relatives, j George Ludecker of Irvington. They had a delightful tfip and very Miss Maud Rogers has accepted a little automobile troubles. They position in the postoflke. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Applegate of Baldwin, L. I., spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gel Bock Your Health oi Other Reynolds. George L. Dunlap -was Red Bank Folka Have Done. their guest over the week-end. Too many people suffer lame, Arthur Pettie attended the rural aching back, distressing kidney dismail carriers' association meeting on orders and rheumatic aches and Labor day at Trenton. He is thepains. Often this is due to faulty state secretary and treasurer. kidney action and there's danger rf gravel or Miss Mildred Hulsart went to Lin- hardened arteries, dropsy, f deii'last week to begin her duties as Bright's disease. Don' let weak kidneys wear you out. Vis Doan's ECIIODI teacher. before it is too late! Doan's Mrs. Hattie Dunfee spent laat Pills are a stimulant diuretic to the kid; v.'e«k at the seashore. neys, Doan's have helped thousands. . Alfred Lutes and lricnd of Eliza- They should help you. Here is on-.' beth spent Monday with his parents, of the many Eed Bank cases: Mv. and Mrs. Elias Lutes. WE DELIVER EVERYWHERE W. II. Marvin, 16.Washing• Urias Reid, Miss Laurinda C. tonMrs. St., nays: "I was subject t-> P':id, Miss Cordelia Vaughn, Mrs. terrible dizzy spells and attacks of , Klisabetli Vaughn and Mrs. E. G, backache. I was compelled to lie ; Onig spent Thursday at the shore. abed for days at a time when ' They visited Mra. Edward Voorhees I could not walk. Everything | nt Lake Ccmo and Mrs. C. Marccl- blurred before me and spots would come before my eyes. I also had lus at M-innsqunn. pains through my back. Doan's Pill.; Mr. and Mrs. N. Noce and family helped me and 1 am seldom enjoyed a week's vacation with Mrs.' bothered by this trouble now." L. Noco of Hoboken and Mr. and FOUR YEARS LATER, Mrs. Telephone 936 Mrs. Jack Hirschman of Ked Bank. Marvin added: "Down's certainly Miss Lucy Perrine spent the have helped me when I had kidney week-end with her sister, Mrs. complain'." Harry Tonington of Mt. Vernon. 60c, at all dealers. Fnstpr-MllMr. and Mrs. Charles T. Wood- burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ward had as their recent guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Probasco of Sparta, 111. Miss Marie Rowo was the guest of relatives at Philadelphia for three j "Lower the Cost of Dressing Well." weeks and while there was surprised on her fifteenth birthday. Miss03 Ida, Louise and Freda Zccb of Hartford, Conn., spent the week-end with Mrs. Elizabeth Voor hees. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sprmgett mul son of Bayonnc spent Monday j with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis^ j I Mrs. Dey and Miss Blanche Dey i of Cross\vicl(3 spent Saturday with ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Applegate. | Mrs. J. Lundstun of Eaaton spent a few days with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. Lewis. Miss Helen Kennedy also spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. ! Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Poihemus and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. William Poihemus of Scobeyville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pullon had ns their guests last week Mrs. Mary V. Conover and Mr. and Mrs. H. T. l'ullon of Asbury Park. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lnpplo and family of Elmhurst and Mr. Parbel and family of Long Island City spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lapplc. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stout have returned to their home nt Pittsburg after n two weeks' visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Conovor; Miss Ella Burke and Miss Ella VanDcrhoef were recent guesta of Mrs. Surah Wc3t of Long: Branch. _ Mr. and Mrs. Loose- had as their guests from Friday until Monday Dr. Goodman, Miss Ellen Leese, and J. 'Goodcn of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McDontel and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDcrmott nnd Bon Stanley spent Monday at Anbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Kohler and sons have returned from a two weeks' trip motoring through Pennsylvania.. Mrs. V. II. Kattermnn and Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson nnd children of Mycrstown, Pa., returned with them for & fow days' yisit. M«. George D. VhnDonbergh nnd .diildrefrnnd her mother, Mrs. Elizanctli Davisw">o»L llightstowiii spent' -Ust week at MnimsTjvinn Beach. "Mr. nnd Mrs. CharJcS^J, English nnd family of Red Bank vistfEirMft. nnd Mra. Rooney on Friday night. Dr. nnd Mrs. William E. Anderson had as tliclr guests from Friday unil Monday Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey Miller nnd daughter nnd O. II. Jlllcr of Carlisle, Pn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Raymond E. Voorlicoa, lilnir VoorhecFi nnd William K. Hnrnes of Koyport Jiavo returned Tom n trip to Lnkn George. H. N. Supp Estate Miss Adolo Ely, Mr. and Mra. Kendall Mcthut, Mrn, Nettie Taylor lid Miss Grneo Taylor have returned from n trip ncrnnn the United Stntca und back. They followed the OFFICE GOES BEGGING. C h a n c e r y uf N*w J v r a e y mutJu tui tli» U i i i «<9y uT J u l y , lpa-1, In a uaustf tlu;ivBt tippemlinu: w l i t r d n A n n a M m l i T m i v c 1- *'i »il4afn«rtt nti'l Thujiiaa HutQhru. >; »' > >' U c f c n d a n U , tlio KubBiiriUcr, oru1 < '•', «cial dUeU-ra of «aid c o u r t , will - ui rfiii'j t t public v e m l u e , « b tlie r . •> ••••• l'i> tltw n^i-tticast c o r n e r of I l r.)»j).-.t Avutiue Sale a n d M c L a r e n r. t r e a t , Hed Hunk, M. J-, on Monday, tho fifteenth day of £epiu»!jer. 11)2 4, «t two u'clock in tha nfur.uon. ALL tliiit lot or purcel tif June! hirtilnnft V particularly <]o»cr.hoij, altuulo, lylttff DIIII lie I itit In tbo Borough of Hod IltinSi, in the County « ' MonmoUth and Stats of Nuw Jersey, ii.',iinninir nt a pulut formed by tho Intersection of the caitci'ly nidu of PrnflPcct Avenue with tlie northerly a Ida uf MeIjnron BtrPi^t, (hunce (1) nliniB tho muter )y side of Proapect nvenui* -jorth twenty' Tit no dcKvecn nineteen minutea >vc»t one Jmndroa flfty-nino and nlnuiyflvs mmdredtb* feot (o the auuthweBturly I'limer of property of Peter Junes I tlivnce (2) fijong the southerly line of property of Patef Jone* north •eveijtyfinio deuret'i altiht minuteu east ono hundred nnd forty nine nnd «oventy-«lfjnt one luimlredthi feet to tl)«1(*jjc>l"thweaterly corner of [iroiierty of • J. U ^ t c i n , ihunco C D nlcntf tho westerly lint! of properties of Htern, Ilraun ami Artfly south twenty-nine decrees and nineteen minutes cant ninety* one and thirty.six one bundredths feet: theneo (4> Btlll alontr the westerly line of. property of Aeay tumlh thirty degrees- flfty-iieveii mtniitci* catit forty-four feet to the northerly tiltle of McLaren street; theneu (5) along tha northerly tide of McLnron itrect ooutli nixty-one dpirrcps forty minute* Tvcst unu hundred itnd forty-eight and flfty-tbrce ono bundrcdthi feet to the place of beginning. Ineludlnsr tlio inchoata rlshts of dower i cf tlio defendants, Hanniih S. Sutphcn, wife of Raid John Hutphcn, and Mary L. Abels, wife of Bald John C. Abelaj and Including nlrto tho courtoRifis initiate nt Wnlter It. M in ton, husband of Content Mlnton; fiuanell Holmes, hiiabnml ot Snral) Holmes; Cnspor Lin Jcrmce, husband of Annn Lin* derncre; Philip MarRolica, hunbnnd ut Kate Mnrrfolles; nmi Krn«»t It. Ilmtlcr, hUKbnmJ of Bertha Hnrtior. Tuir*tlt*r with all and sininilur tin* boredi Urn tints and appu/tenonceg to thu natd prcir.ine* bclunelnu or in any wlnn opportnlrinit. Termi of nucli sale will ba twenty per cent, a t tho time of enio nnd tlio bnlnnco thirty tfnya thcrt-After upon conflrmatldd of the eaiA H&1Q and tha delivery ot a dead by thf "aid Monter. Dftted Autrust 18th, 1024. JOHN W. SLOCUM, Special Master in Chancery at New Jersey. WILSON & BMOCK, Sol'«. ( PIERCE, COLUMBIA, READING STANDARD, EXCELSIOR, DELUXE „ and many other high grade bicycles at a discount j; of 20%. Dont miss this opportunity. We also have a few bicycles left at the low price of "rf*Monroo'uth"Count7~Sui:roRate's Office^ " In tho matter uf the entiitu of Lumbert .fncJvBnn (colored), deceased. Wutlco to ere di torn to present claims aiminot cntatu. Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Donahny, BUrrajtnto of the County of Montnouth, made on tlio twcnty-tlrist fay ot AuKUat, 1024, on tho artiJfcntton of Armenia Rctjvey, ndminlatfatrlx of the cntuto of Lamburt Jacltnon loolorod). doccneed. notice is hereby Riven to the creditors of PilKl decensmi t o cxhlhlt to tho Kiibncribcr, administratrix nn nforennid. their dchln and demondn n^ninHt the nnld estate, under oath, within six montha from the dnte of the afornsnld order, or they will lie forever bm-red of their octionn therefor Bgnlnst the said nulmcrlbcr. Dated Trcehold, N J AnKunt 11 1024 AKMGNIA ItEHVEY. $19.75 Special discount on all Tires and Supplies. This Sale will only last for a short time. 27 E. Front St. Red Bank Opp. Globe Hotel 709 Male St. Asbury Park Friday Why Suffer So? lay Specials No. 9 Copper Bottom Wash Boiler . $1.79 . Glass Washboards . . . .79 100-ft Coil Galvanized Wire Clothesline . 6 0 Blue Streak Can Openers . «. 2 . 0 0 Window Ventilators . . . • ,69 Hi Polish . . . . .18 Devoe Furniture Polish . . .35 Garage Door Sets, complete . 3.25 Refrigerator Space Savers, 4 in a set 1.00 5 per cent reduction onall Paints purchased on Friday and Saturday. Many New Homes will be started during the next few weeks. The anxious brides are looking forward to a cheerful home, We are now receiving very gorgeous new Furniture which is priced very moderately, and our salesmen will assist you in making the right selections. Street Red Bank, N. I. Pleasing Style-Sound Tailorlog-Veloe! You will surely be pleased with this beautiful Dining Room Suite, 10-Piece - - Three mighty important considerations in choosing a new suit of clothes. You'll get them all when you come here-the fine products of the Kirschbaum , and Roberts-Wicks clothing experts; style in tune with the fall season-skillful tailoring-priced to agree with your ideas of, satisfying value. $22 to $50 Breakfast Set 23.50 Tea Wagon 15.75 Library Table 16.75 Can bo had in walnut or ma- Can be hod in Ivory or grey. Decorated. In satin mahogany finiih—strongly made. hogany finish. Occasional Table 10.50 Porcelain Table 8.50 Cedar Chest from 11.50 iip A table you enn uao for ninny difforont uiei. Entirety new style. Finlahcd in white enamel with drawer. You In a varfoty of new styles. WSI1 Always Do Better At 12 Broad Street Red Bank, New Jersey FIFTH AVENUE A KNOX HAT The secret of this hat's smartness lies in the perfect balance of its proportions. Ina large variety of autumn tans, pearl, seal beige, beach tans, otter and navy dawn. Other New Fall Felts in the latest shape, 19 Broad Street Hed Bank, N* I . EED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. PagejBixteen OCEAN HIGHWAY FIGHT. Successor to PARKER & SEVERS' All New and Up-to-Date Cars PROMPT SERVICE LOW RATES Cars for Funerals and Weddings OFFICE:—74 BRIDGE AVE. RED BANK, N. J. Opp. Depot Effective July and August 1924 Dredley Beach Want« Shore Road Opened Through Ocean Grove. The Bradley Beach commissioners are ready to wage another light to complete the dfcean highway through Ocean Grove. The commissioners claim that a direct route along t^e ocean between Asbury Park and Bradley. Beach is needed to relieve traffic conditions. All traffic between the two places at the present time must pass along Main, street and this street is not big enough to take care of the traffic. A few days ago a highway inspector clocked the number of cars passing alon^ Main street and he counted 25,000 machines in twelve hours. A Memorial Library. A collection of 400 books Wils presented to the West Long Bran'.h library association last week by tlv. community club as a war memorial. The books were collected by Earl Hopper, n member: of the club, and they came from persons living iii all parts of the* world. With many of the books are letters from the donors, which will be preserved by the library association. STEAMERS KEANSBURG, POCAHONTAS, SMITHFIELD, MABJACK LEAVE BATTERY, N. Y. (Daylight Savins Time) WEEKDAYS: ' . 9:30, J0.-30 A. M.j 2:00, 4:30, 5:30, 8:00 P. M. SATURDAYS: 9:30, 10:30 A. M.; 1:00, 2:00, 4:30, 5:30, 8:00 P. M. SUNDAYS: 9i00, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A. M.j ,1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:30, 8:00, 9:30 P. M. EATONTOWN NEWS. LEAVE KEANSBURG WEEKDAYS: 7s00 A. M.; 12:00 M: .T.-30, 5:00, 8:00, 10:00 P. M. SATURDAYS: 7:00, 11:00 A. M.; 12:00 Mi 3:30, 5:00, 8:00, 10:00 P. M. 7:00, 11:00 A. M.j 12:00 M.j 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 8:00; 9:00, 10:00 P. M. SPECIAL BOAT EVERY MONDAY—6:00 A. M. KEANSBURG STEAMBOAT CO. Ocean View A. A. at Ocean Parlc Casino Broadway and Ocean Avenues 42 ROUNDS OE BOXING MAIN BOUT—8 ROUNDS Pats&ic, flf, J, vs OTTO GOLDBERG The New Featherweight Sensation SEMI-FINAL 8 ROUNDS LEW SANO vs YOUNG SAXON New York K. ,O. Arti«t Bridgeport EIGHT ROUNDS , Elmer Perry, Pi«inneU slugger v» Otto Pierce, Jack Greb, New York SIX ROUNDS v " .. T e d Nelson, NcW Y r k ° SIX ROUNDS Bobby Walker vs , Jixnmie Petti, SIX ROUNDS s BrancK ij< ft ft {< ft ft Bobby Witheridge ft Staten Iiland Lon Deal vs Rahway >J ft Joey Iulo, p«"»i'= £< For Reservations call Long Branch 1708 ^ Bouts Begin 9 o'clock sharp Joe' Humphreys, Announcer i^ Admission - - $1.10, $2.20, $3.30 Who Else Wants.to Reduce tiae Safe Way? ie. |< Sea THE FOUNDATION of nearly eveiy fortune i? a bank account, to which regular deposits are added. Every time you deposit with The Broad Street National Bank, you add strength to your resources:, and help build a fund for either opportunity or emergency. Your account is invited. 4% Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. Broad Street National Bank Red Bank, N. J. All Short Lines are Being Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. The only shoe a child should wear are ones .made with utmost care, as they Protect ami keep feet strong ^and never hurt them all day long. Boys', Girls' Sensible Shoes, in Black Calf, Tan, Russia Leather, also Patent Leatner. .High Shoes, Oxford Ties, • , also Strap Slippers. White Shoe Company's School Shoes are known for their durability. Children who are hard on their shoes find them hard to wear out. 9 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Blade Cuts You Can Know "Definitely Miss Emma Holmes Operated on t.t McCtee Homes AT D, Kenneth Morris will open an automobile supply and service station business in the Haynos building on Broad street, which was forYou can quickly reduce to your merly used as a restaurant. normal weight ami :t slender figure 1 A lively meeting is looked for to- without drills, exorcise, ma; sagx or night when the township committee diet thanks to Moutrnid^;, the famous of Dr. R. L. Graham, 1 try to end the bus war which Jprescription Ktcmuich ppcciiilist. Neutroids has 'been carried on several weeks noted counteract tho yeast-producing alby the Public Transit company and cohol iti thu stomach, check the forthe Intcmrban company. TV mation of fat :u i!s source and retownship committee held a special duce surplus accumulations. Thoumeeting last week with regard to sands ot' people have success fully this matter, but no progress was used Neutroids to regain normal weight and health. Ntfutroids*conmade. tain no- thyroid extract or ha bitG. F. Flinn is having repairs form inu drU.^.T and may he safely made to his drug store by Thom.15 tised by anyone for quick results, Zinffnle. You e:\ii get Ncutroitls on a positive The brass band will take part in guarantee of satisfaction or nioncy defense day parade at Red Bank back at Knickerbocker Pharmacy, Friday. Bro-.^ r.^A Monir.Duth Sts. James N. Wolcott is on the sic1!; list. | <Dr. GRAH A M 'S * ^ g Miss Norma McKaig will resume her studies at Hutgers college next ['j t week. j Thieves broke into Raymond Stillman's roadside booth one night last week and stole some honey. SHREWSBURY NEWS.' The man who does not know what his completed building is going to cost is working in the dark. You do not have to take chances with rouffh estimates. McClure Complete Home Building Service will tell you accurately what your, home will cost os soon as you select the design. Our complete specialized service covers every step in the way of home building. It gives you architectural designs, engineering service, contracting experience, accurate costs in advance, financing assistance and ill materials, lumber and mill work delivered on the job ready to erect. Come and talk over your plans before you go ;ihead with your building. There is complete satisfaction in n McClure Home. Jt will cost you nothing to learn how we can be of service to you. r\ MARLBORO NEWS. Anna Collins Begins Her Studio at Montclair Normal School. Anna Collins entered the Montfhiir normal school this week. Rose Yacula and Golden Downes are commuting to Trenton, where they are attending the Rider-Moore business college. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Courtright and •daughter Margaret spent several days the past week at their bungalow on {be M;:nasquan beach. I The Marlboro (tremen will hold I their annual supper and dance to- j night. Miss Geraldine Sprngue began tier duties as physical training in- j structor at the Perth Amboy high school lust week; Catherine Fee returned to Brook- ' yn Friday after a short visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Byrne:;. Mrs. C. M. Wyckoflf and Miss Catherine Grists are at Manasquan beach for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith and [laughter and Mrs. Ehvood Smith motored to Amsterdam on Tuesday, •ettu-ning Thursi'ny. Mrs. M. E. Goodhurt of Boston is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Emma I.eitch. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson are visiting at. Old Bridge. Mrs. Addle Heyer and daughter returned to Brooklyn Wednesday after spending' several weeks with Mrs. J. 1). Kly. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Conover entertained Mrs. \janAlstyne, Mr. and Mrs. Thomiis -Folhanl, Mrs. Harry Ulachos and Henry Lehman of New York, over Labor day. Rev. Charles L. Palmer and fam-. ily rqturneil on Tuesday from Wai- j den, N. Y., where they spent their vacation. Six Younor Women Leave on Lontr Automobile Trip. Mrs. Howard McGrcady, Mrs. Fred Beale, Miss Alberta Smock, Misses Edith and Marjorie Johnson and Miss Anna Parker left Jast Friday for an automobile trip to Illinois, Tennessee and other points in the West,and South. An automobile truck owned by the Gulf refining company and driven by George Emley of this place plunged into a ditch at Marlboro last week when the steering gear of the truck went wrong. George jumped out and escaped getting hurt. All the trucks owned by the Gu)f company were sent to Marlboro to tow tho stranded car out of the ditch, but this effort was unsuccessful. Later a wrecking car from Newark got the truck out of the ditch. Herbert R. Smith, who recently gave up his position as editor of The Advertiser, will move to Shrewsbury. R. A. Throckmortori lias moved It pays to advertise in The Register. from Charles Rose's house on HIR'I street to a house on Railroad avo- SUNDAYS: JOE DORANDO having spent two weeks with Mrs. Bruno's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brenner.. Miss Rita Carney spent Saturday mid Sunday with Miss Rose Larbou of Brooklyn. Miss Irene Wallace of Keyport has returned homo after having spent a month with her grandfather, Kdward Jlooy. Dr. H. A. Stiles and family of Asbury Park spent Saturday with Mr. lloey and hia family. the Long Branch Hospital. Miss Emma Holmes underwent an operation last week at the Lorn; Branch hospital. She is improving. Miss Jessie. Silver is spending u a week with friends at Bethlehem, Fa. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Goldef havo moved to Little Silver. The Presbyterian home mission-' ary society will meet Friday night at the parish house. Mrs. Estelle Bell has returned to New York after having spent a month here. Her daughter, Miss Vivian Bell, Is now spending R month with friends at this place. Miss Marguerite Lyons, who has lioon employed by the Red Bank Register, is now working as a stenographer at Jersey City. Mrs Bevan Colby of New York, formerly of this place, is a guest of Mrs. Harry Lord Powers. School re-opened Monday with a smaller attendance than last year, duo to tho fact that no pupils from other parts of the township arc being transported to the school her.1. Mrs. Samuel Spangler and grandson have returned to Bristol, Pa., after a visit to Mrs. George Lange. The firemen will hold a euchre party nnd dance next Wednesday night at the firehouse. A door prize of $2.GO in gold will be given. The village baseball team lost to Ilolmdel at this place Sunday by a score of 14 to 2. Next Sunday Shrewsbury will play at Holmdel. Joseph Thompson has improved sufficiently from his sickness to bo around, but he is still unable to work. Dr. Ernest FnhWstock lins bought a Dodge nutomobile for the use of liia farm superintendent, John Sngurton. E. W. Murphy is having a conting of top soil put on his polo fk'ld by Peter Ra-rrell. Mi.sa Eiiiily Sagurton today ben a course as a trained mir^e at the Long Branch hospital. Vanderburar News. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erving have eon entertaining relatives and friem|3 from Freehold. John Lcokew hn3 taken clinrpr of tin; Moll farm. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Krunc have returned to New York after of Tenderness, and Alertness • Short Forequarters Temporary Office: 3 9 Worthley Street Red Bank Phone Red Bank 635-R Joseph H. West, Mgr. Leon W. Francis Main office, 975 Clinton Ave. Newark. N, J. Dressing bottle A two-tube receiver ~ new— finely made. I;or actually leu (/um it ivaultl cost you to make it! Gets distance—clearly! Two dry cell Radiotrons YVD-11 ami beat! plumes—every thine except hmcriesand antennn—Included in the price of thirtyfive dollars! let IIJ ileniniutr-aM A. V. GREGORY, 07 Urond Street, BANK. N. J. Eye Matches two boxes RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. Ing • week at New Egypt with Mrs. I. Hudlgtr. HEWS PROM KEYPORT. E. Postmaster P. 0 . Weigand atth« postmasters' convention KARJtUS & KARKUS MOVE tended at Asbury Park on Saturday. THEIR LAW OFFICES. Mr. and Mri. Lester V. Walling 11. W. Doherly to Build on Mtp'a and Mr. ani) Mrs. Henry L. Bennett AvciHio—-Public Library Re- have returned from u visit at Lavalopened Monday—Lester Diclt t i ette, Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Hughes of Become Druggist. Karlius & Karkua will move their East Orange spent Sunday with J. law olllces from over tlio Butler Frank Weigand. Frank R. Hertle has purchased a store of Front street to rooms over WHIIIICO'H istoro on tho samo street. new Chevrolet coupe. Amund Neilsen is recovering II. W. Dohcrty will build a houee 'on his lots on Maple uvenuc, which from his recent sickness. he recently purchased irom P. (}. Dr. and Mrs. 0 . C. Hayes and daughter Betty have returned to Zimmtnmum. Tho public library was reopened Philadelphia after a visit with Mrs. Momlny the librarian, Mins Jc- Melissa Ackersoh and family. Elizabeth Young and Daniel eophino A. lirovvn, having returned S. Miss Weigand attended the Bankers' from a vacation in the New Eng- dinner at Asbury Park on Saturday. land states. ' • Lester Dick hns entered the Columbia college of pharmacy at - Now York. Mrs. Vudin Curtis spent lust week at Asliury Park. Misses Mary and Mutilda Sounding expect to move, to California. Mr. and Mrs. Koland C. Dey have roturred from iv visit with Mr. and :.Mrr>. JJcnjiimin Kly of Cincinnati. ' Mr. and Mrs, Horace S. BurI'owea nrc pprndinfr two weeks at tho LodRi! End Inn, Hnines Fallf, Now York, Miss Carol Cooley will tench at ' Port Moiiuiouth this year. • Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Hendrlckson and daughter Belly have rctucnad . from a motor trip to Albany and 'New England points. - Ruv. W. A. Service has return;'! from a vacation at Passumpnie, Verniofit. Miaa Alma DiriRwall has resumed her Btudies in the normal achool at ,' Trenton. Principal nnd Mi's. It. V. Wel!« . hnvo returned from their vacation in Ocean City. ;_ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Cokelut •and children spent the week-end 'with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Schenclc • of Red Hank. GOOIRO S. Cherry has a vacation from his duties with the Keyport : banking compnny. Miss Vera JBcdle of Spring. Valloy was tho guest last week of Miss Dorothy licdle. Miss Eliza Apgnr is a patient at . St. Peter's hospital at Now Brunswick. Miss Marie A. Iledlo resumed her '. studies in Cedar Crest college, Allentnwn, Pa., last week. Mins'Hnzcl Bowo is a new student in the Montclair normal school. Mr, nnd Mrs. James B. Melee of Lancaster, Pa., visited Mr. and MrB. C. J. Lehn last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Wither! of New York wore recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hopkins. Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Carle Anderson end family have returned home aftor a stay of several months at their! Bummor homo at Choriton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Head enter- I'hone 410-M tained over the week-end Mrr3, P. BORELLI Birthday Surpri'ao Party Lait Weak Lttcey, Misa Gladys and George Wyfor Mra. Torronce Reilly. ville, Miss Julia Quinlan, Mr, anil CUSTOM TAILOR Mrs. John H. Scott, Edward Burns Suits Made to Oirder. Fit Guaranteed Mrs, Terrence Eeilly had a sur- and Michael Downen of Jersey City. prise party last week in celebration Mr. and Mrs. R. Cox and Mr. ar.d Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing of her birthday. A delightful tinm 188 W. Front St. Red Bank, N. J. was spent in dancing, singing and Mm. Hehr of Jersey Oity recently ' playing various guinea. Mrs. Reiliy visited Mrs. John Sappah. Joseph Doyle, John Gallagher feccivod several gifts. Among the gueatB were Mr. and Mra. Howard and Joseph Groavesky of NewarK Uowe, Mr. ajid Mrs. Norris Dwyer, spent the week-end with Mrs. T. Now tluit moving time ia near 1 am Mr. nnd Mrs. T. McGrath, Mr.". O'Ncil. preparH to do your next inovlntf of furniJ. Cerraty is spending a few ture, pianos or buitifUKe to all parts of Lqhien, Mrs. Hnrth, Mre. Collins, city or rijurury. In tho iRruefcl padded van* Misses Sadie Burns, Gertrude days in Newark. In lied Hank. H< fort- yuti have your next Samuel Albrecht of Jersey City moving jlom;, write, sent! or call for the Woods, Irene McGrath, Katheriac only reliable furniture, movers in ' o v n , and was a recent visitor at the home of Dwyer, Mae, Sadie, Helen and MarBet my prices on your next Job. All kinds of heavy or liftht trucking done at abort garet Rcilly, William Wcller, W'!- Mrs. G. Sappah. notice. C».ll or oildreu M. T. Broadleaf is spending part liam Burns, Charles Hcimocker, J . T. E Q A N John. Crogan, Thomas Crogan, Sr., of his vacation nt Hartford, Conn., 11 WALL STREET, RED BANK Frank McCann, Chris Nugent, Cnpr. where formerly lived. Residence Phono 292-R Mrs. William Kolenski hts been Byron, Coleritue Gaffory, Philip and Office Phone 539-R entertaining relatives from TrenEdward Reiliy. 10 WHARF AVENUE ton. .Page Seventeen UNION BEACH j^EWS. "EGAN'S Auto Vans and Express ALL READY for your needa with modern equipment, expert handlers. Be lure of aervice nt lowest ratea, arrange with m now. . ORDINANCE. sider the flnii PKiiaga th«r«of on thQ 1»IH AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ,dsy of ifiepUmbfr at thl Borough iftU • ! DRIVING AND CONBTHUCTION OK A B :00 V. M. Any p<raon "V prrxitia (l*»lr. 22-lNT.If WKIX: THE PURCHASE OK Inn: to b« htard will ba etvtn ati i ttpttr* THK NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND tunlty at th« tlm« and place af<tr««ald. API'AHATIIH THEREFOR, INCLUDING A. K. OI.SKN, IMIMI'; "IHl-: CONSTRUCTION AND INKTAM.AT10N OF A. WATER MAIN IIIOM THK PAID WELL TO THE Monmouth Coumy 3urro»>ta'a Offiee. KKSEKVOIR; AND THE FERFUHM- In the matter of the eitat* of KIU& Tluirrt^, ANCK OF NKf^KSHAItY WORK AND decaacr). J.AHOn IN CONNKCTION THEREWITH Nutice U) creditor* to present elnln1> ANI) rniJVILING 10R THK PAYMENT nualnnt eatate, THEKEOl". Punuant to the uriier of Joseph L. n o r UK IT ORDAINFI) by tho Mayor nnd nhay. aurrounte of the county of Mofi* mouth, madn 'in the Hecond day flf Hept(tin> CoiiTii-il of tin- lloroiiKli <if Bi'il Bank: 1. •Tlml'tlii' IloroiiKh rlrivc BIKI loiutruct her, lM'H, on the Rpplkatlon of Edna it 'J^-iiM-h well nm! purrliHse mi'1 inntnll the Thome, deceased, notice U hereby Riven fur. jiii-lU'lini; [illrniK nnd thflt it construct to the creditor* of laid rleceaaed to eihlblt nml ln«tnll,. if n r e n w r i , » wiiter rn*l . to the ffuharriher. executrix aa afr.reHaiil. fnun lh(i ?*nld well to tliR rewrrvoir; r,nd | their ilchto and dem«nda uKalunt the taltl t l t it ennne to l>^ donr nnd p»rfnrrnrd ' entnte, under oath, within nix rcl«nth« fron* tli( / d Inljnr nc:c"(snr> in connection the dnle of the afoKMliI order, or they «1U he forever hnrred r>f their llcliona therefor tlirrcwith. 2. Thiu tcnipornry nntfn or lionns hf> BRninnt the Rnlit nubncrlber. insiie.1 from time to time p to trmpornrlly Dated Freehold, N. J., Sentomber 2d. 1I1JI. BDNA nOYCE. ^ fuinnce cni'1 T>iirchft:-e. wi> k nnd labor In tin' HKiireKate amount of not exceeding Luk. Lonfha.d Will Itllp. ?2rlt(l0fl. R. Thiit sni<l n o t e nr lioniln shrill Iicur rinniini. The ftircKoiri'.' nrrlinnncp hni been intrnduced and the iMnyor nnd Council will con- Luke Longhead takes mesungti every week into over 7,100 homes. Let him carry yours.—Advertise. ment. is Ready You, the People of the vast network of communitiej and towns that is New York, have written a new chapter in history—one of the most amazing business romances that America has ever known. For 66 Years JbwlaHciH'Mact/'J Tirst Store ' You Have Recognized HAZLET NEWS. • that Macy's way of doing business is consistently sound: that all those years ^ Macy's was selling good merchandise, that all those years Macy's was selling this good merchandise at a price six per cent less than other stores sold merchandise of equal quality. Fircmcn'a Fair and Supper Next Wednoadny and Thuraday. The Hazlet lire company will hold their annual fail- and supper at the firehouso on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. A chicken suppor will bo served. ,T. Frank Weigund of the law firm of Hughes & Weignnd of Newark, has roturned home from a business trip lit. Atlantic City and May'» Landing. Miss Alico Elder and Mrs. Daisy Mooro of New York city spent the week-end with Mrs. Emicl Pimper at South Koyport. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Switzer, Harry Switzer and Mrs. Floreneo Neiaop of Now York spent tho week-end with Thorns G. Cowles and family. Mrs. Asbury Wnlling will entertain tho Hazlet nnd South Keyport Sowing club at ho? homo next Thursday. J. Frank Weigand has purchased a new Ford Bcrtur. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Morrell ar« enjoyinp; n vacation nt Lavalette. liarry Pcsoux and family and Ira Carhart nnd family spent Sunday at Lavnlette.' Mrs. Emma- T. Peneu^, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carhnvt, Mrs. Thomas '"'Ratlibona nnd son Ira, Mrs. Harry Peaoux nnd Mrs. Kobinson and Henrietta Robinson of Keyport spent Thursday with Mra. Emma I. Rudlger of Now Egypt. Edwin H. Walling and. Kenneth Strykcr have returned after Bpend- , tf You Saved By Macy's .price at the time of purchase* than other stores'.'prices a mot As You Have Profited by coming to Macy's, so ed iby your coming.. Vour ^ ^, enabled Macy's to mobilize, as the flats' went on, the greatest resources it. mew chandising and in money of any \ New; York store. Your patronage has' made Macy's the largest store in New York Citjtf White Star Taxi Service PHONE 747 I, Now, the Qreater Macyfs*~ truly a wonderful store in a city whose&ery, warp and woof are prodigies of achieve*' ment and dreams miraculously come true! You'vo tried the usual Tnxl Service—now try tho best I Our lnte model enrs and tho ontimo servico we mnintain will b» a revelntion to Iho riding public. Popular rntos, Under Now Managstnonl CHAHLES BOTTAGARO, Prop. , Formerly Hrnach Bros. Cnra (or All Occailom OPEN DAY AND NIGHT R.d j9.Dk, N, J., P • # ST. & BROADWAY Mr. NEW YORK CITY RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. Page Eighteen THE WOMEN WHO WAIT. ^ behalf of the residents of the Point. president, Richard M. Hopkins vie A COMPLICATED CASE. war in the mcjrnim:—• Mrs. John Hiel and son spent the president, William S. Bayles re- lit went toofthe the ilvuiss could be hcurd, Shrewsbury Man and an Alleged week-end nt New York and Brook- cording secretary, George Martin 'But-Theh«roll paused at tho gnte with liln mother a Idtg and a comforting word. Lunatic in a Legal Scrap. HUES corresponding secretary, Hen- HeFor lyn. wa» lull of tho drcBmn and ambitions School opened here Monday with ry Pope, James F. Owens anJ That youth la BO rendy to WCRVC, Harry Lord Powers of ShrewsAn Unusual Opportunity for the SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING proud of the'clarfe of hfn nnlirc George C. Kauer trustees, John V. And bury and Ida Scott, a colored Korv- the same teachers us last year. And the chevrons ufy£n!d on Ilia sleeve. SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES Ambitious High School Graduate r.nt at Mr. Powcrs's house, (jot in Mrs. William VanPelt and grand- Humphries, Charles M. Kcefer, Samtelephone, 881-M 160 Bridga Avenue. Red Bank, N. J.an argument last week over "Wage; son William and Mrs. Meek have uel Swcmartan nnd Frank Rcilly ./ which Ida claimed were due to her. returned after spending a month at trustees for 192G, Thomas W. WadThe Co-operative atudent carna a rjood part of hit expenses while dington, Edward O'Bryne and John Mr. , Powers ordered Ida off theLake George, in College. pl;ice, but Ida refused to go. Mr. Mrs. Flora Wood, treasurer of th Enffclhorn trustees for 1027. ;h tho RlUterltiK ntars of Powers put her ol); by force and ladies' aid society of the Methodirt He learns tho principle* of •uccettful business in the most direct [(placing the chevrons of ' Ida Jlad her fonucr employer ar- church, reports that $451 was FAIR HAVEN NEWS. and logical way, working alternately in collcgo and in the modern With th<| heron who nlcen on tlio hlll»Me ! rested. Mr. Powers had a hearing cleared at the harvest home held business office. lies with n fine nt his head. Drinking Fountain Installed in ButHeblind before Justice IClmer 0. Wainwri^)it recently. with the yearn nf her weening, His mother yet nuiurnn for lnr dead. the Park.and he was held in bonds to keep , John Biel has quit his jol>ns janiDuring the past twenty years more than eighteen universities and The l o l d l t n who foil In the hatlle (he pence. A drinking fountain has been in- May feel hut n moment of pnln, tor at the public school. Joseph colleges have adopted Co-operative Education. But the women who wait in t h e huniestemU stalled in the memorial park. After the hearing Mr. Powers had Withers is employed in hia place. Must dwell with t h e Bhnsl« of the ulaln. Arthur Crozier has moved from Ida arrested on a charge of assault Mrs. John Morrow, librarian fo: Drexel is serving the Philadelphia territory with fast incroatins and battery. Ida was arrested yes- the Monmouth county traveling li- the Majn road to his new house o.i rUcccss hy concentrating on this distinctive typo of training. Phono Red Bank 1121.. terday and haled before Justice brary, will be at the Sunday-school Pearl street. • BY Charles K. D. Fo.xwell. Just as the room on Thursday of each week beLon'Hascall, who is playing ir A Standard College Degree Course hearing -..'as about to begin Mr. Fox- tween two nnd four o'clock in thethe musical show "Keep Cool," has well was notified that more than afternoon. started commuting between here two weeks ago complaint had been Alexander Borass is. having hii and New York. William Mack has made-by John L. Montgomery, head house on Center Btreet, which he joined "Keep Cool." ON ABSOciato this firm with of the'social service society, that Ida recently bought from Whit Conrow, Charles Mack has started on a was insane.^ Tho woman had pre-painted. durablo work at ldw cost. vaudeville tour on Locw's circuit. viously been in the lunatic asylum Mrs. Louis Millar, one of the cap- Ho opened at Providence, E. I. at Trenton. Papers to have her ex- tains of the women's Coolidge army Justice Frank A. Mulford i. amined as to her sanity had been of Monmouth county, attended a building an addition of an office, to THE H. SMITH CO., issued two weeks ago but had not meeting at Mrs. Lewis S. Thomp- his house. Charles W. Bardelli is Steamer "Pocahontas" will leave Keyport at 6 P. M.; been served. son's nt Lincroft Satuirday. About enlarging his house and store build- :air Haven New Jersey THE CO-OPERATIVE SCHOOL Mr. Foxwell deferred the hearing one thousand people were present. ing. Keansburg 6:45 P. M. Returning, leave Coney Island at until this morning, when he held Ida Tho approacheo to Pcmberton Tho Grand View club has r e 12:30 A. M., sharp. in $200 bail for the action of the avenue at the end of the concrete turned to New York for the winPhiladelphia grand jury on Mr. Powers's charge. walk over the bridge on Oceanter. The members of the club are Park Autos at foot of Broad Street, Keyport, and on The papers in the insanity charge port avenue have been concreted. mployees of the New York postWrite K. G. Mothoon, LL. D., Sc. D., President dock at Keansburg in care of watchman, free of charge. have not yet been served. Mrs. Vincent Grey has returned offices. from the Lenox Hill hospital at New Mrs. Elizabeth Froat has been MOONLIGHT NIGHT-TIDE IS RIGHT TWO EAfcLY MORNING FIRES. York, where she was called to nurse spending a few days at Atlantic Mrs. Hoffbauer, who was injured City. The trip was made Monday MUSIC REFRESHMENTS Belmar Laundry Plant Destroyed— while bathing recently. ,n an automobile in which Mra. Asbury Park Store Wrecked. Mrs. George Walling and Mr. nr.d Froat was accompanied by Mr. and ONE PILL-ONE DOSE TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR Belmar and Asbury Park were Mrs. Edward Golden and children Mrs. John Froat and Mr. and Mra. visited by two early morning fires of Long Branch were jruests of Mr.Albert Barkoff and sons of Atlantic ALL DRUGGISTS, 2Sc 129 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. yesterday which did damage esti- and Mrs. Charles Walling on Sun- Hy. One Dose Will Convince You They returned to Atlantic mated at $109,000. The Brimar day. • Thank You City the same day. laundry plant, owned by I. Landon, The ladies' aid society will be en- Mrs. William Hall has returned to was destroyed by a fire of un-tertained at a.lunchcon at the honw New York for the winter. known origin. The building wa-j of their president, Mrs. Lloy-l John Riordan of New York spent .•allied at ?20,000 and the machin- Sickles, on Friday at twelve o'clock. Sunday with Thomas Scowcroft. ery at §70,000. It was one of the Mr. and" Mrs. John Silver and We feel certain that housekeepers will be inThomas Callandrillo has gone to best equipRcil laundries in this part daughter Mildred have returned the mountains in the northern part WHOLESALE AND RETAIL terested in our offering of the nationally adverof the state and employed 35 peo-from a visit at 'New York. of the state for a sojourn. DEALER IN ple, exclusive of the office force and A number of the women from tised guaranteed Gold Seal Art Rugs. Ormond Drennan of Long Branch drivers. this place attended tho Republican has returned home after having The Asbury Parlc fire was in M.mass meeting at the borough hall at spent the summer with his grandAs for economy, the low cost and exceptional Eidelsberg's stationery and novelty Red Bank last night. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry DenSasbr Doors, Blinds, Glass durability make Gold Seal Art Eugs first choice store, where, stock worth $11,000 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cunningham nis. was ruined. The building, valued of the Russell apartments have reMrs. Charles P. Cross has been and Builders' Hardware. with a thrifty housewife. at $8,000, was owned by Samuel A. turned from a trip to Washington. kept indoors with sickness, She Reeves. D. C. was taken sick while visiting relaRED BANK. N. J. These sanitary Rugs are waterproof and very Mrs. Henry Lulken has donated tives at Farmingdale. PRIEST GOING ABROAD. a handmade luncheon set of thirteen /Casy to clean. A damp mop leaves the surface Mrs. John Nussbaum is spending pieces to the fire company. It will a few days a t New York. clean and spotless. Farewell Dinner to be Given for be disposed of on the co-operative Rev. John C. Farrcll. plan by the firemen. The set is now AUNT CHLOE AND HEAVEN. The patterns are beautiful and the prices are A farewell dinner party to Rev on display nt Wolcott's grocery No cover charge Monday nights She Knew She Would be All Right John C. Farrcll, assistant rector of store. at tho beautiful Shrewsbury. low. When She Got There. St. James's church, will be'given Lieutenant and Mrs. Simpson Including bench, one The spectacle of Aunt Chloe, an Music by the famous Patho next Monday night at the Shrews- have gone to Boston, whsre Lieudozen music rolls and Recording aged colored woman smoking a pipe These' Rugs will be on Sale next bury river country clubhouse. tenant ' Simpson will spend two was too much for the new minister, free delivery. Father Farrcll will sail next week years at Harvard university. He who, fresh from school, was burst- Famous Arks Club Orchestra for Europe and he will be away was stationed at Camp Vail fo'ir ing1 with reform. EACH INSTRUMENT FULLY GUARANTEED of New York x weeks. Arrangements for theyears. "Aunty," he said, "do you think dinner party are bcinp: made by The penny slips given out by the you are a Christian?" "Yes brudder, I believe I is." the Knights of Columbus cnunci ladies' aid society x>f the Methodist Business Men's Lunck "Do you believe in the Bible?" of Red Bank, of which Fathe'- church to raise a mile of pennies Extraordinary "Yes, brudder." FatreU is chaplain. [The guests nt will be called in on Wednesday, you know there is a passage Amid Pleasant Surroundings the dinner party will not be con-September 24th. Each porson who in "Do the Scriptures that declares that ? Drummond Place, Rear of Town Hall fined to members of the Knights has .slips will take them to the Sun- nothing Soup unclean Shall inherit the of Columbus, but many friends out- day-school room on that night along Kingdom of Heaven?" Choice of Roust r.ide of the lodge aro expected to with a dish of food. After the sli;>s Vegetables "Yes, I'se heard it." RED BANK Ice Cream or fie have been accounted for a covered bo present. "Well, you emoke, and there is CofTeo o«9oaaa®OGOoe©aoooffl©9offl dish supper will be served.v nothing so unclean as the breath of OC 9 *Qn 12 to a smoker. So what do you say to MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF NEW JERSEY WOMEN'S POLITICAL MEETING that?" Time Tablo in Effect Sept. 8 th, 2924 (Daylight Saving Time) KEANSBURG NEWS. "Well, when I go dcre I 'spects Sixty Persons Heard Spccchmaking to leave my breff behind me." SuDJect to Changn Without Notice , at tho Town Hall Last Night. Emergency Hospital Closed on The Republican women's unit of Monday for the Season. His Favorite Parable. Red Bank, of which Jilts. Thornton The Emergency hospital was A country clergyman on his EED BANK Ryder is president, held a meeting closed Monday for the season. At round of visits interviewed a Butween Pier 24, foot of Franklin Street, N«w York (Landing at the last night at the town hall. Abou younster as to his acquaintance Battery to take on and let off Passengers only), and Highlands, sixty persons were present. Speech a r meeting: held Friday night by m ESH STOCKS OF YOUR PREFERRED with Bible stories. "My lad,"" he Monmouth County Surrocale's Office. Oceanic and Red Bank. esAvere made by Senator William A, the hospital members it was de-said, "you have, of course, heard In the matter of the estate of Andn BRANDS OF NATIONALLY KNOWN PRODUCTS cided to open the hospital again Telephone Call, Walker 7090 New York 423 Red Bank, N. J.Stevens, Freeholder P>ryant Now Winter, deceased. of the parables?" 1 WILL BE FOUND I N ALL OUR STORES AT to creditors to present clivin.3 A.. Highlands Telephone 1264 comb, Miss Lillian Rusling, G. How next year. Misa Polly Ncujil, . "Yes, sir," shyly answered the Notice Against estate. who has been the nurse in charge PRICES THAT RESOUHD REAL ECONOMIES. Pursuant to t h e order of Joseph L. I)onboy, whose mother had inducted ard Lippincott and Thomas Clopsill Vt FOR RED BANK FOR NEW YORK nhay, BiirroRnte of t h e County of Monfor two vears, will not return next him in sacred history. At the conclusion of the meeting re mouth, made on tho twenty-second dny of ' Dtily except Sunday Daily except Sunday The hospital committee "Good I" said the clergyman. Auguat, 1024, on t h t application of Lizzie freshments of ico cream and cak year. A. M. P. M. wore served. The gathering seemed hopes to get n registered nurse "Now, which of them do you like F. Winter, executrix of the estate of An A.M. P.M. drew Winter, dcecnacd, notice ia hereby Leave ReJ Bank . . . . 7:00 4:00 to consist largely of Kean support from this vicinity to take charge the best of all?" Leave Pier 24, foot given to the'creditor.* of anid ftcecu*cj to The boy squirmed, 'but at last, exhibit to tlie tuihscriber, executrix of Franklin street .. 8:30 2:45 Leave Rumson 7:20 4:25 ers and friendly remarks regarding of the hospital next season. At ntorcaah), their debts ami Aemuniln aga heeding his mother's frowns, he reLeave Battery Land ng 9:00 3:15 Leave Highlands . . . . 7:55 4:50 Kean's candidacy were frequently the tag day held over Labor day tho said e3tate, under oath, within six Arrive Highlands from the date of the arcreanid or$260 was raised for the hospita plied: "I guess I like thatiane best months made. ArrivefBattery Landing der, or they will Ije forever harred at their where somebody loafs, ana fishes.' about 10:50 5:00 fund. Mrs. Amelia Moorefield was actions therefor aRainat the about 9:50 6:50 Arrive Rumson about 11:20 5:30 Bcriber. in charge of the1 drive and states BUS HIT BY AUTO. Arrive Red Bank •Arrive^""rankHn Street Hit Mother and Her Mother. I Freehold, N. J., Aufrasf 22d, 102.4, that the results wero very good ' LtZZII^-r: WINTEK. 11:50 6:001 > Sibout\ "And what did you say," asked 10:00 7:00 Machine Overturned and Damage considering the few workers they ' Monmouth Surrosato'a Office. caller, "when he told you that In the mntter County but No One was Hurt, SUNDAYSA. M. A.M. ^ - ^ SUNDAYS had. The tasrs and printing were the nZ tlie/t^tatc of Willinm Dc your pie wasn't like the pie his Lancey Wdlbridffff, decensed. Leave Pier 24, foot of P. M. An automobile bus owned by donated by John Pierson and J mother used to make?" Notice to cretlityrs to present claims Franklin street . . . . 8:30 Leave Red Bank . . 4:00 Joseph Spcrantz of Asbury Park Bocman of the Beacon. BKaitiBt estnte, / "Well," replied tho hostess, "with Leave B<t^ery Landing 9:00 Leave Rumson . . . 4:23 was struck and overturned Monday Pursuant to tho order of Joseph TJ. Don Francis McNally has resume' a toss of her head, " I made a fe>v surrogate (of the County of Mon Arrivo Highlands ab't 10:50 Leave Highlands . . 4:50 night nt Shrewsbury by a speeding his duties ns teacher in the Newremarks like my mother used to ahay, mouth, mnde oA the nineteenth Jny o Arrivo Rumson about 11:20 Arrivo Buttery Landing August, 1924, oii the applicntion of (ieors make." _ automobile whose owner is un York schools. T. Campbell an<l ulcrbert R. Mackoy, oxec Arrive Red Bank about 11:50 about 6:20 6:50 utors of the eatAtc of WHlfam DcLance; known. The bus was badly dam William Kruger of Ideal Bench NOTICE—At Battery Landing, all elevated trains for uptown, Wnlbridgc, <iocena)id, notice is licreby irivo The Suitor's Guarantee. subway for uplown or to Brooklyn and surfac- cars and ferries to aged, but no one was hurt. Th spent yesterday nt Newark. t o the creditor» oflsaid decensed to exhibit Father—If you marry my daugh- to the subscriber*] executors na nforcsald, driver of the- automobile did no Warren Pearl has returned home Statcn island and Brooklyn, can be reached in two minutes. ter, nro you sure you will be able their debts nnd dcvnnndB ncninRt tho Knid At Red Bonk, busses for Shrewsbury, Entontown, Long Branch, stop after the accident but put o: from a trip,to Panama nnd South to take care of her in the style to estate, under oath, \vfthtn B'X months from tho date of tho aforesaid order, or they Asbury Park, Fair Haven, Oceanic, Rumson, Little Silver, Camp Vail increased speed and got away with America. which she has always been accus- will he forever borVed of their nctfoi and Oceanport. out being identified. The bus wa Mrs. Lorn Henburn and her two tomed? therefor Bgninst the Xu&td eubscribera • N. \f,. Aujruat 19, 1924, Burdge & Russell's Sightseeing Busses to and from Long Branch taken to Lilley & Quinn's garag sons have returned to Canada after Suitor—I'll guarantee it, sir, or Dated Freehold, HERBEKT U. MACKAY. at Red Bnnk to be repaired. nnd Asbury Park will meet all boats on their arrival nt Rod Bnnk. a few weeks' visit with Mr. and —or return the goods. GE0HGE T. CAMPBELL. Mrs. Jacob Smith. NOTICE. The Five Hundred Club met last New Campaign Headquarters. The nnnnnl meeting of stockholders of Rumson j.f,r'l and Ufvulnjum-in. Company week at tho homo of Mrs. Charles The Red Bank Republican club will bo held Kfitunlay, K^.Umber 20 101M Ryan. After playing enrds the at thm> ]'. 11., at tin- u\]\cr. of *nut Como n nnffijl of mtTcy." Mnero of which George W. Bray is prcs pany, In the law of 11 ccs cf Frederick W club journeyed to Scidler's Beach U i l , I T JVJEVJEJi FAJL.S. ident, has rentetl for two month Hof>e. corn.-1- of Iir..:itl fl[nl front fit reel ?*:!nplto Bcjirelty antj enormous cost of the building on tlie east side o by auto and enjoyed a shore dinlied Hani., M r-nn.onlli Count'.'. Now Jerr-oy J A"TON1X, It contains fun dose. St<io<i for the purjx^f of c l m i m : JNivcturs mul ner. Among those who nttended transaction of Mi,-h other business a.-, mny *fa(y years' test, g o b ! orcrrwliero of by Broad street formerly occupied bj pi"n,>cny cull it; befnri? tlie iiu'etinj,-. •nail, fi0« a bottle. O ^ the Pearl shop. Campaign head- the dinner were Mrs. C. B. Ogden, • i t . O . i . V o a r h e « . M . D_ rhBnaclDMl At the clfise (if the Mi)ckhn)()(-rV moctquarters will ho established there Mrs. William C. Hasteadt, Mrs. Init there iviii be a nice tint' of the Honrd of until after election and a school for Charles Rynn, Mrs. Edwnrd Ryan, dlrcctfirH. STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Datt-il AuffUit 2Jst, ][»;'.), Deijal-tment of State. voter:! will be maintained. The Mrs. Charles Opdyke, Mrs. Leatcr IftKHKIUCK W, HOPE. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. building will be open afternoons Horner, Mrs. C. Ranshauscn and TO ALL WHOM THICSE 1'KESENTS MAY and nights Mrs. Harold C. Cowlcy. COME. IIREKTINU: Mor'tnouth County Surrogate's Office. WHBKRAK, It apiirnri to my imtiiifncIn the niRlttr of the estates of Klins II A. C- Recs, who hns been in the tinn, hy duly nuthelHieatcil record of the KarliiiK, di'fi'jised, employ of Morrisey & Walker durKoiico to crctlltois lo present clnima proretidinfra for the voluntary dissolution OCEANPORT NEV/S. thereof hy t h e unnnirnouB consent <if all oaalnut c!Btnti>. ing tho Rummer, has returned to Pursuant to (lie order of Joseph L. Don- the. ptocldmlders, deposited in Tny office, Mr. Reea is a chny. euiTOKute of tli« County of Mon- that RKt) fiANIil AAHASKWKNl' COM- Firemen Molcc Hotiac-to-Houae Cari- Rutgers college. miiuth, infitjo on ili»> ninth dny of July, PANY, ft corporation of thU State, whose vaii to Rniae Funds. halfback on the football team. 1U24, on (lie nniilk-iitioji of Ann« EnrJinx principal oihee in nitimted a t No. 17 East Mrs. E. Eastern has purchased The house-to-house canvass by niul Will lace ]). Hanliliii rxecutorn of the Front »ti«ct, in the fli.iou K |, of Kril IJank. estate of rci.HB H. Kiirlim,', t)vccu»«(l, no- County of Monraoutli, State of New Jersey., the iiiTmoii-on Thursday and .Satur- two lots nt ClifTwood Beach. tice is heichy j;jvrj) to lhi> cretiitom vt (Thomas William*, heinj: t h e aueut there^EVAPORATED MILK Mrs. Charles Wolf liafi been ill fluid ilec(>«tic(l lo exhibit to the hulntciibers, in mid in Charlie thrreof, upon whom pro- day to raise money t» pay oil" a note, exccutot-ii ni nfon-Mnid, ibrir debt a nnil ilc- tcSB may lie derveil), hns complied with The full at her home in Beacon Bench the mniHla a^ninnt tfi« unit) vntnts. untlcr ontU, the reunlrenienta of "An Act cmicornini; met with K"iit sucres:;. wit din it ix month;* from \h<> dn(o nf t h e corporationa (Hevinion of ] » % ) , " prelimi- amount of mnne-y mlliMed lina not past few days. n f t i r o n l i l o r d e r , r,r ihvy will ho forever nary to tlie laauiim of thij Certlficato of IONAJPEAS yet been determined mid contribuMrs. Nancy Whitehcad and her l»srrt?<! of liirir actiatu liifretcir uuainnl the IlisK.ltition, NOW. TIlKIlUKIItK, I. THOMAS F, tions arc still hcii-.jr received by the (laughter of Jersey NEW VOUK STATE City visited Liated Fi-eetiold, N. J., July Uth, 1924.MAUTIN, Hecrolai-y of State of tile State WHOLE MILK ICi'iim'tli friends here over the week-end. of New Jor«cy, DO HKHKIIV' CKHTIFY treasurer, Hubert Rciss. ANNA KAHlANd. that the Said rorp.inition did, on the Hven- West, Alexander linrns;, Klicrlocl; I WAI-LACK H. KANK1N. The Misses I.icnrni entertained ly-IVfth dny of Au K u»t, <<IJ!t. file in my WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE CO. ollice a duly executed ami attested ronsent Wmiihvard, .Inlin Sullivan, Albert the members of St. Mark's (ruil 1 Monmouth Count/ S u r r o g a t e ' * Office, In t h » m u t t e r of tliu ciitnt<-' ut VVullor I I . in writing to the dissolution of :aiil for- .Smith, Dunlins (iarriKim, Robert ,%'uild at their home Friday nfterof Monmouth County ri'nitii.n, i.«ec.it(d ID- all ,h.e •.tocl.hohlmi M.-rrilt.' a'-c.;nM-il. l!lal;e:dry and Cncil jioon nt the last card pnrty of •Corner Maplo* Avjt ,& Front 3U, tl<ith-<} to I'rctllUn* to prrafHl claims thereof, which Fnid r r a u n u ,nii] tl,,, re,-or,I fii-fe, Harry of the proeeedlnK!i afoieKail are no iMat'Clntid, nieuibi'ni of the (Mitcr- the season. On Monday afternoon RED BANK, N. J. I'urntinnt tn thr or-ltr of Joseph I,. I>dn- tile in my mild (dll.-e us i.n.vid.d by h nhay. vurrtitmlti ut thu Comity i<f hit.itIN TKSTIMONY Wlll.HKIII; 1 lainiiii'iil aijil wt'lfjire cniiiiiiitlrR o f the /rujld held tho last meeting of Tol Kcd Bank 7C8 i-ell my III mmitli, urnilc on t h e twrnty-Hii.nl dny of hereto t d CO-OPERATIVE BUSINESS EDUCATION TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN Contractor and Builder Bayview forest, No. 18 jail Cedars of Lebanon School of Business Administration Thursday Evenings Sept. the 1 Itli The Best Laxative Big Shipment of Gold Seal Rugs!—- LUMBER ! Upright Pianos $45.00 $35.00 $85.00 $125.00 $150.00 and up Player Pianos i $185.00 $200.00 $225.00 $265.00 Dancmg September 11th, 12th "and 13th | Red Bank, N. L Telephone933. Shrewsbury River Country Glut Steamers Sea Bird and Albertina It costs a little more to buy a Wills Sainte Claire-but it costs far less to own one; and in the long run a Wills Sainte Claire is an Economy—not an Expense* I | .-il my nflicliil J u l y . r » ' J I , mi (h« nii|iJiniti(m or J l t r t h a I'ral, lit Tleliton. -nt v-liflli iluy of E. M»rr(tt. <lci-ei.iif.-l. tuificit'">»UTW, A. II. ™ ,, II,,,ii,.-,,,,1 o/ne liiindre.l to l h » eiT'llloM t,f mtlil ill'rruncil to <x- uad twnti'-f(, hlhU 10 tlie nulnr.rlber, e x e n i t r u . un iifor II.-S.) THOMAS V. MAlfl'l.V, • nld. their ( l i l i t . «rul .I.:,nnt«ln r.i:«in«t Hi ."••t-relary < f Stale. unltl e a l n t e , utirlor ontli, within i-ix month J i o m t h o llnl« of gfnrrnllcl tini f t h egf He'll llcljl you ;;• • 11 thitlKS, help ill bo b f d f Ihclr h r tlori vnr h harred of tt hh o will yon find lliitiBi ynu'vi! lost nnd help h d Huhficriher, hi thitrofnr BKfttnnt tho flald PatoU J'retltgld. N. 1. July 2Dl<l, 1924. y»n K«t nnyUiiiiK i'"U want—Ad7 DEKTHA P IliSIUUTT hf JUSRTIXA P. UfiiddXT, i vcrtiflcmciit, tho i'uint t'dinpitny, iSiiliirdity vii-itiwl (ioosoncsk aftci-fiDim. Tlie be HPUHon. The Beacon Bench club-recently iield it.s annunl meeting and new nijvtl wflcmni* .mil t h e y w r e )fiv'"-i fficern wore elected. The club is on > fine t r e i i l i n c n l at the- I m m c n o f M r . nf the most active in KonnsburK find l i t i n y o n a n d Mr. Wrniil. When they hns many outdoor sports. Tho ofleft Mr, Kunyoii presented them ficers nnd trustees elected for thu •wiili a substantial auiu of money on next BenBon are: John G. Crawford folks on t h e J'liint j ; a v c tlii; boya n WILLS SMotoi OAIRE Cars \". Luke Longhead's Department of The Red Bank Register lists hundreds of worth while opportunities for all every week. Profit by reading them. Give Luke Longhead the chance of selling or renting your housed selling your auto or surplus farm crops or finding you a job. POWER PRINTED I Every day and every week the printing presses pour forth the printed pages. News stands and newsboys receive them' and sell them to the pul c. By train and automobile, by mail and carrier they are taken into the homes of town and country to give information, furnish pleasure and impart knowledge. ; These printed j)ages are of great importance to everybody. Without its newspapers the country would be virtually; •lost. Its trade would be paralyzed, it would be given over to rumor and would be uncertain in its social life. To have con-^ fidence in the things of life, men and women must know what their neighbors and the world at large are doing. The printed page of the newspaper tells them all of this for the newspaper holds the finger on the pulse of life. . In the newspaper also men and women expect to find detailed .descriptions o f the merchandise and services they need and continually buy. Through the advertising pages they are able to judge the desirability of articles and to form their buying preferences. Advertisements deal with the intimate things of life and thus the advertising page becomes of equal importance with the news page. ^Advertising to be of the greatest benefit to its user and the reader must be placed before the greatest number of people. In newspaper advertising that paper should be selected which goes into the greatest number of homes. In this secftion that newspaper is The Red Bank Register. In almost every home in all this part of the county The Register is a weekly. Visitor. This great number of people take and read The Register because they know it gives them all the news of town and county and because it carries a greater number of business announcements than any other paper in its field. ADVERTISING ISN'T MAGIC Advertising dsn't magic and there is nothing mysterious about it. In the best and highest form it is plain, common' sense talk—selling talk—for most advertisements are designed to sell some article or some service. Its results are in proportion to the merits of the subject advertised and the merits of the advertising medium. Advertising that promises something which will not or cannot be fulfilled is worse than no advertising. Only promises which can be and will be kept should ever be advertised. • Advertising dependable merchandise steadily in a dependable newspaper like The Red Bank Register cannot help but be profitable. Advertising is like a seed—it must be given time to grow. Because one advertisement does not fill a store with customers it cannot be fairly said that advertising does not pay. It takes a certain period to attract the attention of readers. Everybody doesn't see what you print in one advertisement. More will notice the advertisement the second time it appears and a great many more with each succeeding advertisement. ' ,V , Your advertisement should be given the opportunity of bringing you the utmost in results. Place itin THE REGISTER " A PAPER IN EVERY HOME." If you want to buy a house or a lot, sell second hand articles, find a new job or a lost article let Luke Longhead help you out. *444444444444+444+4444444+++44++44+^^^ A thirty-word message can be placed in Luke Longhead's Department of The Register at a cost of only 25 cents. Phone your wants to Lucky 13 Red Bank. RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1924. Page Twenty urday • and Sunday . with Charges Hesse of Belford. Mrs. John Osborn of Belford is WOMEN OF BELFORD CHURCH improving from sickness. Percy Miles of Leonardo has a MAKE $580 AT SALES. new motor boat. Crawford Walling Has Fins Crop Th? Register's motto—"A paper ; of Barllett Peara—Ocean View in every home."—Advertider.ent. ! Firemen Clcor«a $300 at Tag | Day Latt Week. i The Methodist women of Belford ck'iireil ?58O by n series of food sales during the summer a t tlio shore. The last Bale, which win li-.c most successful, netted ?9iJ. Tiu: pules aro held each year, but this summer's stiles excelled all others. They were held by the lai'ies' nid society, of which Mr:;. William \V. Miller is chairman. The U.3t sale was in charge of Mrs. Howard .Smith, Mrs. James ConnolDefective vision retards ly, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Anpa Baastudies correct glasses' bury. obviate this handicap— Crawford Walling of Harmony make the backward bright has a wonderful crop of Bartlett pears. This fruit is almost a rarity in the county, most of the pear orchards being Kieffere, but Mr. Walling has 200 Bartlett trees which are in fine condition. The Ocean View property owners' association will hold a dance Saturday night a t the community house at that place. Hackt-tt's Red Banl^orchestra will provide music. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wlmnicr and their daughter Helen of New York spent Saturday and Sunday ::t Belford with Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Kousck. Miss Minnie usck, who has been spending the 1 .ivm-nei at Belford, has returned ' i Xew York to enter college. The Baptist ChristianEndeavorers -I New Monmouth varied their • ' vice at the church Sunday night >y first enjoying a cold supper and 'i'.'.'ii holding their religious meut- Here's a washer that will please hjr- Fifty persons were present, Your washing's clone with perfect which was the largest gathering the ease *"" society has had in. a long time. Rev. Mr. Twining, who has Saya Mr. Power. charge of several Episcopal churches in the southern part of An easy washing machine is built, the state, conducted services at All Saints' church at Locuet Point Sun- to do the wash well nnd not to get day. He described conditions in out of order. Of course, our guarthe pino belt and the work which anteo moans that we keep its workthe church is doing there. The ladies' aid society of theing ability up to efficiency-par. New Monmouth Baptist church will hold a peach and muskmelon festival tomorrow night in the Sunday-school room. William Bennett of Belford will donate the peaches needed for "Everything Electrical" the festival. 8 Wallace Street, Miss Louise MacPhee of Ocean View entertained thirteen members of a Newark club over the week-end. Miss MacPhee formerly lived at Newark and she is a member of the social club in question. •Crawford Walling of Harmony was recently operated on at th'! Long Branch hospital where ho has since been a patient. A second opGEORGE O. ROOP, Resident IVStinasor. E. IVTcNULTY AMUSEMENT COMPANY. eration will be necessary and it "will VAUDEVILLE AT S:4S. EVENING, 7 AND 9. probably be performed this week. MATINEE DAILY, 2 : 3 0 . The deacons of the New MonTHE WORLD'S BEST I N V A U D E V I L L E AND PHOTOPLAYS. mouth Baptist church and tVieir wives will be entertained at supper tonight at the parsonage. After fuppcr a program of church work for the winter will be prepared. The Independent fire company cf EMford held a block dance la-t right on the new concrete road ii front of Herman Labrecquc'.:tore at Bolford. A Sandy Hook ':\vd rendered music. Miss Mattio Williams of Arl;rnsas is the new teacher of the second and third grades of the ADOLPH ZUKOR Navcsink public school. She is liv•SSEL.LASKY ing with her sister, Mrs. Robert PRESENT Anderson of Navesink. Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Sutphen of New Monmouth returned last week fvom six weeks in New York state where they acted as teachers at several Baptist summer schools. Rev. Truman A. Kilborne of New York preached at the Navesink Methodist church Sunday. Next Sunday will be " go to church day'1 at Navesink. In a baseball game at Belford Sunday the team representing that place defeated the Ocean Park team of Long Branch by a'score of 8 to 3. James Bartholomew and Mrs. Blanche Adams were initiated Fri'-.y nitfht as members of the Daugli"."-, of Liberty lodge of Belford. Dr. 0. W. Budlong of Belford i; a patient at Woodley hospital at i.iltlo Silver where ho will under' So an operation for kidney trouble. Tho Ocean View firemen cleared ?300 by tag day solicitations of money lost week. At their recent fair the firemen netted 51,000. i • The women's missionary society "f the New Monmouth Baptist r'".irch will meet Friday nfternoou ' the parsonage. Mrs. Panicl Aswald hns..had her .ir,o on East road at Belford rented by Itossc & Curtis of At'ic Highlands. Lester A. Sickles of Navcsirk Vvi recovered from hia sickness and has resumed the management of his store. Mrs. Frank Kddington of Locu5.t Point returned last week from a r.o.inurn of two months in Scotland. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. John Heins of Bclfard arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clnr1 ence Kaufman of Maryland. | The Port Monmouth firemen will hold a ilance Friday nihgt at the ' rrhnnlhnusc at that place, i Mr. nnd Mrs. ,1. II. Reynolds of New York are visiting Mrs. W. R. Hennor of Belford. Mrs. Kirkpntrick of Brooklyn 1< visiting Mm. Huldah Morford of New Monmouth. The Worth While Girls of New Monmouth met lust night at Mr?. MOTIONAL fireworks and furious fun. Gloria as SUPPORTED BY Wilbur Robnrts's. dramatic skyrocket AND crnckorjack comedienne I A brand-new Swnnson? We'll say 801 Clarence Marvin of Belford has returned from a trip in Connecticut. Special Music B y TPSie Mew Palace TKeatre Orchestra Krnnrin C. I.opprel of Mardenn i.i confined to tho bed with nickncsn. Mrs. (ieorce Anderson and her daughter pf £Jew Jtprk spent SuV NEWS FROM fflDDLETOWH t f T t T Store-Wide Event tT- T f tf $3. ON SALE ONE DAY ONLY It T t 24 Pearls, graduated, with 14-kt white gold clasp $3*98 • •>• — 24 Pearls, graduated, with 14-kt. white gold safety clasp with $4,.98 v chip diamond —GUARANTEE— iWe, personally, guarantee these Pearls not to peel, crack or discolor. If they are not everything we claim, bring them back to us. They are now on display in our south window, and must be seen to appreciate their wonderful value. A Limited Number—Come Early fT T T fT T- ttt T tf Y T :an's MONMOUTH'S LEADING JEWELER Red Bank, N. J. •TETSON HATS STYLED FOU. YOUUG MET*. \' Most any hat looks good when it's new. Some of them retain that "new" look for a long' time. If it's a- "Stetson" or "Melton" there's no question about it. Look over the display in our windows, then come/iirand select the style best suited to you—it's here, get under it.\ ) Stetsons, $7,%% $1©P $ 1 2 Others, $3, $4? $5 There are only Four more days left lor you to take advantage of this great saving. When you take 20 per cent off our already low prices this means a big savingto you. So take advantage of this great sale. tt ff T T T T f 36 Broad Street Discount In All Departments T T T Saturday, GOLD: Broadway Long Branch, N. J. f a Qammoml Qidure ALLAN DWAN R O D U C.T TOM MOORE E COMING-POLA NEGRI in "Lilies of tHe