t t f f •-». * rpLyME iffvjn, 1 Citizenship ''jy J5iit CotikiyCourt Howard Higginson Dies Suddenly Red Bank Attorney Opened Office 1919 Riverfront [come Home For Church Group By the Township11 Committee of the Township of Shrewsbury. WHEREAS, tnif olticens of this township have brought to our attention'the desirability of enlUtlng the sympathy and aid of the citizens of this township for the furtherance of the broad humanitarian purposes of the American Red Crass; and Judge Knight Addrestej Group At Freehold On Reiponsibilities Members of the Young Men's Bltys class 6f the Presbyterian chujeh will hold their postponed welcome'home reunion Sunday afternoon at S o'clock at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph R. Eckert on Navestnk River road. The patty is being held for the 'returning -servicemen of the Bible group, their wives and sweethearts. Th« committee in charge is composed of John A. Mohri, Capt. Willis'C. Conoyer, Philip E.'Balllyand Harry C F. Worden. Members are askjpd to communicate with the committee for reservations. Estate Here Sold Van Horn Agency. Sells Red Bank Landmark To Wisconsin Family WHEREAS, toe citizens, in the fulfillment of their humane Hie funeral'Of Howard 8. Hlggioobjects', desire to .obtain the .fullest co-operation and support «0H^ 68; Red Bank attorney with among the citizens of this township; ~ ~ —— - • oflVeet at 10 Broad street, who died of. a heart attack Monday morning NOW, THEREFORE, we the Township Committee of the •"Judge J. Edward Kalfht con- at hla home, Riverloiwn, Fair HaTownship of Shrewsbury, do proclaim the,month of March, 1M6, The Ray VanHorn agency of ferred American cltUenshlp on 85ven, was held yesterday afternoon ; as , • ' • ' . . " , Fair Haven, reports the sale of the petitioners at Freehold Monday. at his home. Rev. John A. Hayes, riverfront estate of the late. Frank •"AMERICAN RED CROSS MONTH" ( Joseph M. Wagner, Slewarkr-was pastor Of the Presbyterian- church F. Groff, known as "Rio Vista" and the federal examiner and the group and R«v. Roger J. Squire^ pastor and we call'upon our fellow citizens is this township to lend such located at the foot of Washington -was presented by William N. Cal- of the Methodist church, officiated. aid. to this humanitarian organization for the furtherance of Its street on Union street In thla borInterment, under the direction of laban, naturalization clerk. •:. just and human cause as charity, mercy and good conscience shall ough. „ Judge Knight addressed the group the Mount memorial home, was in dictate. , The property is owned and oc, • on the responsibilities of clttcenship Fair View cemetery, cupied by Mrs, Groff, who expects and small American flags were disIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand in to move in the spring to a smaller tributed to the new citizens. the Township of Shrewsbury this 14th day of February, 1946. home purchased by her and located Klarin Employee Saw AuchincloM Speaks The successful petitioners were: ; on the outskirts of Red Bank, . , ' •' ' ' ;; . ' • KENNETH FIELDS, ' Elizabeth Wiegesnaus, 171 ElmAction In Toe Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon Self. ' Chairman. To 100 Members : wood avenue, Long Branch, Ger> ridge of Madison, Wisconsin, are .many; Frank Baird, Runjson road, Atlantic And Pacific the purchasers of the Groff propAt Legion Dinner Rumson, England; Willy Unruh, erty. Mr. Selfridge, the eon of the 188 Broad street, Red Bank, OtrAmerican owner . of the famous Mrs. Tracy Jones Is C. Harry Smock was honored't , Barry B. Harrison of Fair Haven. many; Edith Irma Goldsmith, docLondon department store, "Self- urday night by more than 140 m» , hM recently received hl« honorable tors'• cottage, Marlboro itate hosridge's," has spent most of his' Pledged Financial bera of the Shrewsbury Post Of j | discharge from tb» Navy, and has pital, Hungary; Tinoendna Maria business life'in England but dur- American Legion at a U " t, resumed hU former position1 at the Fornicola, 2JS Jane street, Long ing the past few years has been an Support In Work * KUrtn vail paper and ppaint store Branch, Italy; Ernesto Schlafone, executive with the Kreege depart- dinner at Molly Pitcher ,.„ d 117 Catherine street, Bed Bank, i on Monmouth. street He served ment-store in Newark and with the which Congressman James v, t Italy; Pauline Takacs, 71 .'Pearl A service of recognition for Mrs. two years 'overseas., Interstate department chlncloss of Rumson praised, street, Lon* Branch, Hungary; Otto Tracy Jones, missionary to China, nation-wide Upon.moving to pie United past commander for his ell ' Pretsch, R. D. 1 Keyport, Oetmaiiy; was held last Sunday at the morn- stores. before the .war, the Self- in the term just completed. Mart* Meier, 37 Runyon avenue, Ing service In First Methodist States Edward Heavey, 51, Police Department ridge family lived in Fair Haven, Deal, Switzerland; Hugh Watson, church. and during the past three years Jl« Ocean Park avenue, Bradley Mrs. Jones Is the first missionary have resided at Madison, WisconShooU Himself At To Issue Summons Beach, Scotland. to go from the Red Bank church sin. . " . and will Join heV husband, Rev. . "Rio Vista" has been a landmark ' Summer Home To''Double Parkers" Tracy ~ ' 10t Hudson Jones, who Is stationed at for over half a. century to the pasavenue, the Methodist Mission station in sengers of the river steamers AlHerr, Matawan, Germany; Eraa Edward [na./*8he was preeentMarshall-Farquhar, S8S Morris ave.avenue, Jersey City, export man- council Monday ed to tne audience""liy'"tHfl "putBt? nue, Long Branch, Qerjnany; Barager for'the Bberhard Fiber Pen- Gopsiji $ras elected president of tthe Rev. Roger J. Squire; and on be- who follow the river, with its trim bara Scalzo, IS North street, Rumcil company, 87 -Greenpoint avenue, group io fill the vacancy caused half of the official board and con1- lawn terraces, neat gardens, bulkson, Italy; Francesco Torcbia, 2 Brooklyn, was found dead Sunday by the death of Councilman Albert gregatlon,. A* Alvin Whiting pledged heading and steel fencing and its Riverside avenue, Red Bank, Italy; W. Worden. Mr. Gopsill has been HOWARD 8. HIGGINSON . night at bis summer bungalow In a member of the council 22 years support to the couple in the amount substantial -and attractive real Patricia Talarleo Perrl, 045 Winter Hartshorne woods, Mlddlejown dence with square lines and comof $1,600. street, tong Branch, Italy; James He had shot himself and has previously held the presi- A cash gift was presented to fortable verandas. The house Philip Kettles, Lakewood drive, Mr. Higginson, who for many township. dency. which had been thoroughly modCllffwood, Scotland-; Julius Zim- years was associated with the late through the head with a 32 caliber In sharp contrast to their meet- Mrs. Jones, whose response was ernized by Mrs. Groff, has ten mer, R . D . 2, Freehold, Poland; Daniel H. Applegate, opened his revolver, county detectives said. A ing a week ago, when the town most fitting and to the effect that rooms, two bathe, and a gas fired Paulina Genick, 402 Brlnley ave- own law office after the death of note addressed to his brother Her- fathers vetoed the proposed theater the. interest of the people here at heating, plant. A large garage is Mr, Applegate in 1919. He was a bert of -the Jersey City address, resolution, peace and quiet pre- home .would be an inspiration to nue, Bradley Beach, Russia, located on the grounds. Many wellfound, on the kitchen table in the Aadne Gunderson, changed to member of the Monmouth County bungalow, Indicated that he hadvailed at the meeting. Other than her snd her daughter Judy and kept shade trees and numerous husband as they worked In our misBar association, solicitor for the Edward;Oundetson,.Plymouth aveflowering shrubs and evergreens been despondent and dejected over the press, the borough attorney nue. Port Monmouth, Norway; Ma- Red Bank Savings and Loan asso-, conditions at the pencil company. and the borough electrician, the sion station abroad. The Interest comprise the notable landscaping. ria Obdulla Rumbao, 421 Euclid elation and the Eatontown Twin He had been divorced from his wife chambers, were devoid of spectat- and prayers of the church friends The 'law firm of Parsons, Lago with MM. Jones as she leaves avenue, Loch Arbor, Spain; Minna Boras Loan association. He was a ors. brecque, Canzona and Combs* repRed Bank Monday for Nanking. Yagodg (Bernard Yagoda), 80S Em- member of the Presbyterian phurch since 1934. ' The. new president, who Is chairory street, Asbury Park, Poland; Brotherhood, Monmouth Boat dub, Heavey had been missing from man, of the police committee, ad' At last Sunday evening's Bervice resent the seller. 1 HARRt B HARRISON Katherine Solovieff, R. D. 2, Lake- North Shrewsbury Ice Boat club his Jersey City home since Wednes- dressed the mayor and his fellow a sound film on missionary work The VanHorn .organization reports that this Is the third riverwood, Russia; William Henry Tur- an exemept member of the Nave- day morning, February 27, when his council members, stating that In China was.shown in fellowship C. HARRY SMOCBT Mr. Harrison served on a de- ner, 61 Wayne avenue, Freehold, sink Hook and Ladder company. front estate sold, by them during left at 7:80 o'clock to go to work. "double parking" in Red Bank had hall. The pastor again Introduced February and that the" demand for stroyer escort,' and wears three England; Annie Watt Young, 63 Mrs. Jones to the congregation and His brother's suspicions' did not bebecome a "pedestrian and vehicuBorn at Colt's Neck, the son of The Congressman, who is a i battle,stars on hla campaign- rio-Heck avenue. Ocean drove, Scotconfirmed the pledge made in the water front homes, in spite of the tous. He' participated in the In- land; Elizabeth Karlsen, 12 Leslie the late Stephen and Marlanna S. come aroused until the pencil com- lar menace." He added that the morning that the church Is honored higher prices they bring, continues ber of the local post, also i vasions of North Africa, Sicily and avenue, Brlelle, Norway; Pautlne Higgbuon, he Is survived by hispany phoned him, asking his broth- police department had been in- to share In this missionary venture as strong as for other well located, the features of three new bills < Italy, j u d later Jn the Faciflo in Furst, 1105 Emory street, Asbury wife,; Mrs! Loretta A. Higginson; a er's whereabouts. Herbert went to instructed to "Issue summons, with- and In the financial support of the less expensive, residential real es- Ing before Congress this which will be of benefit to i Donald R. Worthlngton; the bungalow Saturday. Finding the out regard, to any double, parking work of the Jones family in China. tate, ' "*" Ions of Okinawa an<I the Park, Austria; John SHirst, 1108 He was introduced by Past Count iter», Mrs. W-. Trowbridge place locked he returned to Jersey violator." Mr. Harrison was with Emory street, Asbury Park, Au» City for the keys. When he entered Commander Morris Miller. w , \ , and Mrs. Norman Scott, The Red Bank fire department group of Americans to en; the bungalow he found Heavy, fulJHiWAVV • • ' was praised by Councilman J. A1-. Miss M. Elizabeth HigglnWallace Jeffrey, chairman of'U a and Papan. ..*•,, ly clothed, on a couch in an up- bert VanScholk for Its efficiency Ole Berg T M t Parker road,, Tha Fair Have* man held the West IxnHF3ianoh,,Itorway; t Ethl stairs room.' There was a bullet Saturday night In the $10,000 fire Ethel post commander, •sik of seaman first ettwTon the* Brenner, UOS'Third avenue, Athole in the right side of his head. at Hubbard park. The councilman Brunt, who called on several, 8.-8. Parle, and served In five major bury Park, Poland; Betty Brenner He held a .32 caliber revolver in stated that the intense heat of the commanders. Theodore D. campaigns in the Pacific. He trav- Btegel, 67 Myrtle avenue, Long one hand and'a flashlight in theblaze restricted the firefighters* sons, local attorney and the eled .more than 112,000 miles on the Branch, Poland; Victor Harry GrifWill Be Produced from cominjr within 30 feet cf the j other. commander of Shrewsbury post, Members Celebrate Pacific. Mr. Harrison has been.an fin, Hominy Hills road, Freehold, yet "closely adjoining so lauded Mr. Staock for his.: Herbert Heavey called Middle- structure, March 27, 28, 29 employee of Max Klarin 12 years, England; HeUner Slgward BinsHomes were spared from destruc- _ With Dinner Party in the Legion. During hia town township police, Who in turn tion by the department's close atand was working there at the time ton, 22S Elmwood road, Oakhurat, he warned younger member* to called County Detective John Gaw- tention to duty and. hard work.' of bis Induction. Sweden; Irene Borgias Andros, 42 Maj. Wife Buy. Tickets for Victor Herbert's ware of the different "isms" now ler, John M. Pillsbury, assistant Independent fire company of-Bel- "Sweethearts," which will be "per- this country, asking that they Mr. Klarin also employs a vet- Maple avenue, Keanaburg, Greece; county prosecutor 4nd Chief of De- Mayor Charles R. English read a ford celebrated the official burning formed on the stage of Red Bank by just one—Americanism. Hudson Ave. Home eran of World War I, John Ran- Simon Johan Sorensen, 87 Fourth letter from Monroe Eisner, which of its mortgage Friday night at a Catholic high school March 27, 28, tectives Amerigo Sacco. The body sley of Riverside Heights. He came street, Highlands, Norway. offered his property to the borough Other part commanders eallin) The Ray VanHorn Agency of was turned over to Dr. Julius C. for victory gardens, The site, turkey dinner at the Homestead and 29, have already gone on sale upon were Harry Antonldei, CeeJ •with the firm when Mr. Harrison Repatriation, Ethel Mary Lineinn, Atlantic Highlands.. Torens, acting county physician at by the student body, as members Fair Haven' reporta three more entered the service. Mr. Harrison nan, Neptune. -which has been used during the MacCloud, Robert Kennedy, Mornj sales In which they were co-oper- Marlboro State hospital for an au- war years, is composed of 70 gar- David Schnoor, president of theof the cast start their laet two Miller, Otmar Phillips, John' Bi fiat several war trophie, on display company, officiated at the burning, topsy. weeks of rehearsal. ating brokers with other ;ocal realden lots. It Is located east of In the store window, along with ofDay, Kenneth B. Smith, Williajsj tors. Funeral services under direction Spring street and west of Mr. Eis- which was witnessed by active The comic opera, one of Herbert's Gaughan, Vincent Moyes and Mo» notal Navy photographs taken in members, exempt members, junior most popular, will be enacted for of the Posten funeral home, Atlanner's , residence. The mayor inMaJ. and Mrs. Frank T. Wise, of the Paclnc. . '»^ members and the Ladies' auxiliary. the second time in Catholic high timer VanSauter. ' Bergen place, Red Bank, have pur- tic Highlands, "took place yesterday structed the'borough clerk, Amy K. Among the other speakers wefst Mrs. Harold Copeland furnished school history. Previously, the cli chased the seven-room stucco and at Jersey City. Cremation was in Shinn, to acrfept the offer since the Robert J. Hayward, national pres). frame residence owned by Mies New Tork and New Jersey crema- Victory Garden.'association Is still music, and songs were sung by of 1935 presented the njuulcal Flood and the Homestead Featured In this year's show will dent .of Rainbow division veterans^ '"{Tie Other Kingdom" Amy I. Congalton of Mount Ver- tory, Union City. His brother ia the operative. He stated that 30 of the Thomas Harry G. Degenring, commander••) lots had already been allotted and Inn's trio, the "Singing Waitresses.", be a ballet of 28 girls, who are now the Sons of Veterans of the Cr^j non, New York, located at 95" Hud- only survivor. John H. Wermert and. Harold TarBy Women's College ' son avenue, Red Bank. Maj. Wise, recommended that other interested rehearsing dally under Mra. Cath- war; Robert M. Jones, post adjtfi residents contact Rr/;rt A. Ken- now headed the dinner committee. erine Ltttlefleld of Philadelphia. who la on terminal leave from the tant, and Joseph E. Fix. Others attending were Walter nedy. armed forces, expects to take over Included In the' score, besides the The Methodist Men's Fellowship Mr. Smock concluded the long UsJ Smith, David Plahn, Stanley Cook, well known theme, "Sweethearts," bis new home about the end of of Red Bank will present the BusShow It Scheduled Mr. Gopsill answered several in- Paul Tarnow, John Colmorgeo, Kenof speakers, by thanking the are "On Paradei" "There ia Magic kin Dramatic society of Cedar March. The .' co-operating broker quiries into the status of a,living neth Colmorgen, Hubert Lingo, Edsemblage for their kind words, Crest. college, AUentown, Pennsyl- was George W. Schanck of the WilFor April 24, 25 war memorial In Red Bank. He win Roche, Harry Lobsen, Henry In a Smile," "Every Lover Must stated that he would continue vania, a woman's school, In T h e liam Hopping agency of Red Bank, stated that the council minutes, Charrow, Norman Stryker, Leslie Meet His Mate," "Mother Goose," help the present officers of the p Other Kingdom" Friday, March 15, who represented the seller and the have a record of his suggestion that Parleman, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Fin- "Jeanette and Her Little Wooden in any way available to him. , 1 Felix Santangelo and Charlie in Fellowship hall. VanHorn agency represented the Planting Plot. the riverfront property owned by negan, Harry Bennett, A, E. Lang- Shoes," "The Angelua," "The Game lowing his remarks Mr. Miller f Wesson put the cast of the Red purchaier. The law firm In the sale The Lenten play was written by the borough be named "Veterans ford, William Thompson, Earl Grob, of Love," "Waiting for the Bride," seated a pasjt commander's Bank 'tire department minstrel and Miss Madeline Skelly, who Is di-was Wise and Wise of Red Bank. Still Available . Memorial Park" at such time as A. 77. Gardek, Anthony Campo, Clar- 'Pretty as a Picture," "In the Con- to Mr. Smock. revue through their fifth rehearsal rector and assistant professor of vent They Never Taught Me That," the site is made Into a park. The Wblcott property In ShrewsThe dinner began with the ence Colmorgen,. James Adubato, "Talk About Thla, Talk About Tuesday night at the Hook and speech- and drama at Cedar Crest bury on. the 'west aide of Broad to the flag and invocation by Joseph Thompson, William Fisler, The Victory .Garden association Ladder fire house on Mechanio Written in 1984, the play has been That," "I Don't Know How I Do It Carl Foster, Henry Fisler, Herbert But I DO," "The Cricket on theJohn A. Hayes, pastor of tbs street; The show will be presented performed several hundred times in street was recently sold to Mr. and of Red Bank will Inaugurate their O. Johnson, Carl Nagel, Charles Hearth" and "Pilgrims ef Lave." Bank Presbyterian church. in the Red Bank Catholic high various parts of the country. It Mr*. William F. Turner. Tlndall fourth.year next Wednesday eveand Walker of Red Bank repreAngley, Thomas Dlnen, Chief GerFollowing the dinner, Arthur ning, when the group will meet at school auditorium April 24 and 2$ has been broadcast over a major sented the purchaser and the Vanard Domldion, Burtls Scott, Alfred Starring In the production will be Stattery, committee member of with a cast of 75. network and has also been trans- Horn agency represented the seller. the borough ball at 8:18 o'clock to Adrlenne Crochet a*.Sylvia and affair, presented Edward and ' accept new members. • ' • Lenten devotion started 'at StDonovan, William Fields, EUwood To date, the directors have staged lated into Slovak and Italian, A aeven-room Cape Cod resi- . The meeting Is being called in James church yesterday with dis- Seeley, Earl Grob, John Foster, Vin- Arthur Pbalr as Prince Frans. glnla Patterson, Red Bank practices for only .the first half of When produced at Cedar Crest dence, built about five years ago, line The one matinee performance cent Collins, Ante Iaakson, Earl clans, who entertained. with Mayor Charles R. Eng- tribution of ashes, and the schedthe show. Starting tonight, how- in IMS, it was rated the most sucwill be March 37. located on Branch avenue,' Little Granderath, Walter Sickles, 8. Raulish's announcement that Monroe ule for the remainder- of the. sea-' ever, the iccond half will get their cessful play of the season. The tale Silver,'' opposite Markbam place, scher, Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mrs. Ann attention. is built effectively, starting with owned by Mr. and Mrs. James O. Eisner will again offer .the use of son, was announced by Rev. James Mrs, John Wermert, Mrs. The proceeds of the presentation the legend of Judaa. The Biblical Pickering, hai been bought by his property to victory gardeners. J. Duffy, parish administrator, last Tarnow, Ethel Roche, Mrs. David Behnoor, • are labeled for the fund to defray characters talk like everyday peo- Lieut and Mrs, Robert H. Ed- Mr. Eisner had written the mayor Sunday. Included in the services will be Mrs. Catherine Conroy, Miss Emma expenses for the 7Bth anniversary ple and the play becomes a new munds of Glen Rock, New Jersey. relative to the impending food Plahn, Mrs. Rose Wensel, Mrs. Ruth of the fire department. Dominic version of a time-honored theme. • Lieut,' Edwards was recently dis- shortage during the coming year week-day masses at 7 and 8:15, de- Harnett, Mrs. Ullle Watson, Mrs. Milton M. Abramoff h u resumed and the borough council voted to votions • Monday and Friday- eveHr» Ohlef Lsroy Dtnsr kM 1 Figaro, who Is finance chairman Last year the Buskin society pre- charged from the army. The house Sadie Lehman, Mrs. Gladys Van- the praotloe of law and has opened gun the announce inupittB of the anniversary committee and sented a variety of plays at the col' has a tiled bath, oil heat,. Insula- again use the acreage, which ia lo- nings at 8 o'clock and Stations of. Brunt, Mrs. Jean Balrd, Mrs. Karl ohairman of the minstrel commit- lege, Including "He Who Gets tion and other modern construc- cated on Harding road, east of the Cross at 2:15 p, m. Friday*. The Grob, Mrs. Elisabeth Hubbs, Mrs. an office at M Broad street, Bed Ore hasards of bostiusj tee, announced that'Rex Williams Slapped," "Pride and • Prejudice," tion features, and la. situated on a Spring street Friday ivenlng services will In- Madeline Lohsen and Mrs. Marie Bank. He recently returned from in Red Bank. BulMtafiW the European theater «4 war, and rront street and Wharf of Stardust Inn will assist in the 'Iphlgenla In kauris," "Merchantof large landscaped plot, The co-oper- Robert A. Kennedy and Robert clude the Stations. Beaton. • received bit BgawiMt dlseharfe In were Inspected by the coaching latjr this month. A letter from Moat Rev, William Venice" and "Claudia and Ghost*." ating broker waa Rolston Water- H. Rogers, association officers, have January, • bis committee, Monday. reported 30 garden lots still avail- A. Griffin, bishop of Trenton, relaMr. Santangelo and. Mr, Wesson • Bette Lee Soueer, who portrays bury of Red Bank.' with most of Uw loeal l able. They atajte It U Imperative tive to Lenten regulations, was Dress Up Taw Hews Tkto I f r t a f are the premier, end men, with Judas, h u played leading roles in In Red Bank In lM*; a«d was • Almdy tested In the) i for those desiring plots to be pres- read at all masses Sunday. Jack Stoye, Nell Scottl, Fred Mun- every play presented by the group with our brand new all flexible steel member «t the Srm of Caitan and drills were tht S t lum Dress Up Your Home This Spring. ent 'at the meeting, or to contact dln, William McKnlght, Kenneth thli season, . ; Venetian blinds, Superior quality Just received. Chenille spreads, In them prior to that time, In order Drees Up Your HOme This Bprtng and finish. Guaranteed for long life. Abrimoff when be enlisted In the school tmfonif kUtt Drury,and Harry Hubbard as'the Because of the nature of the protwin and full size. Attractive spread that plans for plowing the -proper- with fresh new slip covers. Choose All popular sl*ej »", »". XT. ft, Amy In MaratvUttHe u agrtd- Bank CathsU* hsjh end.min. •, duction, no admission .fee will be draperies to match that are ty nay be completed. from our new 'and attractive ma- U" and » " rlibt In ttoek, Wory «ate of Rutgers mlwmlty and Har> and junior puMki hlyh « Among the soloists are. Michael ohatged, but a plate offering' will and sure to please, In floral and stripe terials, Measured in your home by color only. Easily Installed, P«w»e TardUWMbool WMbool M M» «» mr i «e f it et> IU«*r t 4 h l Th» Bergtn, Donald Crawford, Harry be accepted. : patterns, The ever popular Bate's y our expert fitters and' finished In MM. The Sherman «wp, M Broad Red Bank, k he h •racttead t t d lla Newark M that the NTsUon, William Robinson, Charles Electrical Fixtures, spreads, In Wonderful new designs. street, Red Bank, N. J.-Adver. pur own work room. Satisfaction with the) faw arm «* t%rtt add ker and John DeEalco. And dont forget our extra heavy We have a fixture for eyi '" guaranteed.. Order Now! Phone Usamint Vnrtt . iSMtfl s t t e r rugs r In all the new In the hduse. Full line 2646. The Sherman Shop, M Broad Xsiri>learwimiuft gg ei nni e .JJW W rr r d y _,_ j Up Tour Home This Spring. ttfiflBWkAdver«sSettt The Sherman Shop, 66 Broad street,' pen HgftU, extra biffl , Just received boudoir onalr nev- pair, large i CleiSiWI alHITWi easetnt Red Bank.—Ad+ertlsement, er*,' in attractive quilted floral cents, bread .of all Kinds.. General Eleotrio bulbs Odora Closets. designs, to,blend with you bedroom. bins' $3.29, teible oilcloth 49' cents of all kinds. National B ec 10. Hold W garments, M * moth Also new studio*' couoh covers to yard, Oannliter lets, aluminum Prown'l.—Advertisement. Window Glass. bags and chests; baasinettf, $6.«0; freshen up your room, Beautiful heavy sfttiae pans M otnti, Mlrro All ilzu in itoek. Wholesale and Ironing Ublei, tt.M; large variety draperies for your living,foom in alumlnumware, New articles every retail. Bring yoflr frames, we'll reMake* Date of allgood useful things. Natjbnal floral apd homespun designs, The day, National 5 *Y 10, Prown's.-r place it while you wait. Morris for a basketball game and • dance, 1 k 10. Prown'i. Phone Red mult Sherman Shop, 98 ' Broad - Street, Aavertlsament. „ • Stoker Hardware Co,, 1B7 shrews- sponsored by the Freehold T. M.MSO.^Advertliement. Re? Bank, N, J.<-Advertls»ment, bury avemit, - oornar Catherine and Y. W. H.A., at the Freehold Msslieji itreit, Phone Red'Bank 468.—Ad' high school gym. Saturday night, Don't Oet vertlsement- • March t. Basketball gam* starti lug order* to All We coal are now at 8 p. jn,, between Freehold Y and your the ooming wiiblni Bebnar- Y,, MusJo by. a pojntfir ,.cr.Deliveries to. be made and eoru. Bring your roller* N»tlon»hB *,W, Prwn'i.-Aavirtl«min B. Harriaon Gets Discharge, Resumes Old Job Local Post Fc Past Commander" Missionary From Methodist Church Going To China Pencil Executive Gopsill Elected From Jersey City Board President Takes Own Life By Counciimen s Belford Company "Sweethearts" Burns Mortgage In Rehearsal Three Properties Sold In This Area Firemen Rehearse Minstrel, Revue Fellowship Will Present Play Victory Garden Group To Meet Lenten Devotions Start At St. James Milton Abrtunoff Opens Law Office v^sptt e. lar imi wmwer In unllm?teP&oUnU at «tt« jntlm, to Ananat' h,om«sVr»t»rt ^^veTfl V V V H ^ ^ T J S . ^•^^^BW^'^BI WSJB^BJ ejpMsjy^psjf Fire Chief Deacy Starts Inspections i Two. BED BANK REGISTER. MARCH 7.1940, Noted Lecturer „• tbt dlr*otion of Mis* MarThotnpton tht •graduating To Address PTA «ttori* r High School of IMC of Bed Bank Ugh I will pretent, by special armt of tht Dramatists Play Jno, the three-act play, C-wrlt**n by toult Solomon I Harold Buohman. It will be at JUytr street school Open Ditcuttion Planned April 1 Edna Yoang Bond At Child Health Day . . Xiaoroft, Ouettairart W*. T, A Sotaajpfel and Mrt, > Smith of Jaokson Height*,.Lpng berfLsparpoit;] Maud;Mt.tfiAVn.P»u»~ ~ ' OOMW. ieu'Dut ft»)»r-'-" \ M s Bdna Young- Bond, well- Hand' analyst was tha attnuftlon known lecturer and achool health Monday night at tht Bun»ad»5»ar-1 _. J," a new ootaedy of Aattr- education director of the New Jer- ent-Teacher association mtitlny floan youth, has been especially sey Tuberculosis league, will be .the when Hlaa Julia Leslie of tht'^fevr ifMapted for high schools and Just speaker at the annual child health York School for Vocational-Quidapoa was guest Mlaa LuIIt fllu»? released for non-proffttjlonal pro- day meeting of the Mechanic street tratad her work with «lldes. Btttyand JunloN3enlor Parent-Teaoher jauotlon. flvt parents attended tht station . 3 * * oaat Includes: Josephine, associations, next Wednesday night which waa presided over by|Urs. Stone; Hadge Stevtns, Ann at 8 o'clock. The program has been Joseph Stern, president * rHUl; Laura Jessjjp,_Elalne Alberts, arranged by Mis* Bessie M. Green, -Ttntatlvt plans wara dlfeussed BtnStevens: DanielConn, Mr.Tay- sohool ..nu»e._ _ for an • open_dsl£uailon between lor, Ainsli* Knoirtes; Kate Her*-, Miss Bond will tPesik on "Kduci- parents and teachers atHhVAprll ' tori, Dorothy Krongelb; Autft tlon for Family Life," and a quei- 1 meeting. > Btoily, Daisy Loud; Senator Phil tlon and answer period will follow A letter hat bain aent io tht lecture. The speaker has done "Word, William Wellner;' First Le- her Rumson police department requtstwork in mental and social tjionnalre, Neal Havllaod; Seeond graduate hygiene at the New School of So- lag tbt placing* of caution and aaf oLegionnaire, Laurence Hammell; cial Research in New York city, ty zone signs on River road In the (Third Legionnaire, Joseph Jursa; and Harvard university, School ot vicinity of Lafayetta street school. Ronald Stevens, Fred Wege; P. F. Public Health.: She has been with The attendance award was given d Danny Baker, Bay Wolf; Mrs. th» State Department of Health 12 to Hlaa Fearsall's oUth grade for Barrett, Maydawn Devoe; detec- years, and at one time spent 3tt having the largest representation tive, Don Garland; 'Martha, Ruth years in Hawaii as director of a' of parents present Bjroae; Colonel West, Robert Xp- mission school. •A Urge"attendance Is expected at '.The entire, play will take place the meeting, since this Is the last Presbyterian Church hi the living room of the Bteveni child health day to be arranged by borne In Southern California. Miss Green, who is retiring as Has 15 New. Members Stage personnel are: property school nurse in June. Asslattng Fifteen ntw members wtr* reManager, Ward De Groot; promp- with the program are* Mrs. Frank ter, Beverly Burdge; stage man- L. t>lx, Mrs. Bethune Jones, Mrs. S. ceived Into the congregation of the Red Bank Presbyterian church n e r , 'Walter J. Bennett—Ray Man- M. Hoffman, Mrs. Karl Schriftgelser, Mrs. Joseph Odenbach and Sunday morning. Rev. John A. etal. Hayes, pastor, officiated at the serMiss Beulah Brecklnrldge. • vice and welcomed the seven re/What are our graduates doing? ceived by profession of faith and RM Bank high atudenti would be ight by transfer of church letter. Interested to know. Quite a few Hazlet Firemen The new members include Mrs. •re in the service and at college. Laura Westdyke, H. Conant Speer, 'Jeanne VanDom, graduate ot RedPlan Annual Fair . Mrs. Bruce V. Magee, Mrs. James Bank high, enlisted in the WAVES McPhee, Robert K. Bursley, Howtact year. Jeanne says that she. The annual fair of Haxiet firs ard, Oof f, Jnek N. Auttln, Mr. and laves t i e navy and hopes to learn company will be held from Friday, Mre. Charles C. Conover, Mrs. H. mil that she possibly can while In July 12, to Saturday, July 20, in-Conant Speer, Mrs. Walter E. Daservice. >Tow that the war 1* over clusive. Ths event will be held on viaon, Alfred Ernest Griffiths, Mrs. discharged with- th« fair grounds on State" Highway Halen O. BarUett, Mrs. Jack N, L _ _ d _ t h last In a niatter""o": Richard F. Hazsard. jrtll go to. college. several years. While in school Jeanne, partici- The outstanding feature of this he present dite he has received pated in iuany sports and was ayear's fair will be the awarding on 7 new members this year, 23 by •tan member of the year book. Tothe final night of a 194S Plymouth church letter, 23 by profession of all, Jeanne was well liked by thede luxe sedan. Stands and booths, faith- and one by restoration. There teachers and her fellow students. which were missing last year be- have been four adult baptisms When asked why did she enlist in cause of war restrictions, will be among the professions. A total of (he service, she replied that moet in evidence again and will' be 6S8 members ha* been received Inof her friends were in the service stocked wtth quality ra»rohanai»« to the church since Mr. Hayes and she wanted to help her country offering a variety of choices. Danc- same to Red Bank January 1,1928. as much as she could while, seeing ing will be a nightly feature and there will be a firemen's night. the world and learning.' SURPRISE SHOWER. Jeanne received her training at The fair is the company's prinHunter college, New York, and iscipal money-raising event and pracA surprise going away'shower now stationed at Brooklyn.—Vir- tically the entire proceeds each was given last Thursday for Mrs. ginia Cottrell. year are used for the purchase and Tracy Jones, in the fireplace room maintenance Of fire-fighting equip- of the Methodist church by memment and supplies and for keeping bers of the Married Couple's Bible Orchids this week go to: The basketball team for doing the fire house in repair. class. Mrs. Jones will leave this good work during the basketball week to join her husband, who Is season. a missionary in China, Mrs. HerJOIN LODGE -: bert Schlld arranged the party. Mrs. Miss Ruth William* and the year 1 book staff for their good work on Mrs. Emma VanSchoik and Mn. ones received many gifts. Virginia Boyle were taken in as ttie year book. Miss Thompson for explaining members of Monmouth Star lodge, HONOR STUDENTS Browning to her English classes Shepherds of Bethlehem, at a meeting last week at the Westslde fire so well. Dr. Wilbour E. Savraders, headTo ihe hall patrol for a splendid house. The lodge will hold a past master at Peddle school, Hlghtscommanders' night April 24, Job. town, this week announced the • To Corinne Adler for keeping her A birthday party followed the awarding of scholastic honors to ear going. business meeting.for the following: David G. Ostrolenk of River Plaza, To all the girls who are doing Mrs. Olive Bell, Mrs: Betty Warren, Albert I. Relnfeld of Eatontown knitting and hope they will finish Mrs. Bertha McCracken, Mrs, Lil-ana Martin C. Battestln of Portauwhat they start. lian Gleasson, Mrs. Helen Halchow, peck. Each boy had an average of To Miss Vcra Vogel for making Mrs. Virginia Cingman, Mrs. Ed-at least 89% for excellence In win BlosBey, John Roop, Clifford scholastic work during the first a chorus possible. half of the winter term. To all the cheerleader! for pep-Nlles and Deputy William Bell. ping our boys up. For Mrs. Irene Smith for making it, possible for the girls to' compete with different schools. To the senior girls who won their Same with Leonardo, Miss Robinson for helping the journalism class get their stories typed.—Catherine Manuel. . Th« sixth .period tnuelo class, unider the direction of Miss Vera Votjel, is made up of sopranos,,altos find baritones. They have started the hew term off with^'Not Unto Wen," by William Byrd; "Listen to the Lambs," a Negro spiritual, by R. Nathaniel Dett, and "If I Could Hell You," by Firestone. Members of the class are: bsrlIbnesr' Leon Murphy, John Vann, Robert Scott, Arnold Booth, Robert Lowry and Allan Bender; altos, Lovanla Latshaw, Estelle DeVeaux, Alma Dudley, Margaret LaBlonda, Frances Murdlco, Barbara Robinson, Ruth Stanton, Estelle Wright emd Shirley Bush; sopranos, Melody Daniels, Valeria Frangello, Ruth Ludwlg, Marie Pica, Virginia Pools, Rene* Smith, Antonette fltttit, Addle Ventage, Angle Veraaft, Beatiic* Wolf, Marl* Wlngo, flttta Itenel, Janet Ayret. Mary Oafle, Maria Condlns, Virginia flfMrel), Audrey Crawford, Joanne Sfenbtr, Betty Lou Orten, JeenBattt Incta, Aunt, Mannlni, Maria Fiilfct, Tolaoda Jones, Judy Burtta, Tolanda lima, Marjorit Muth, lAByPaPaatt, Minnie Daniels, Bartttt* BiUUe, Lorraine BUlder, MUf Wttjtmsnn, Thslma Turner, /efst-aalt and Sue Sebsak.-Jo«n Mb Phillips MjlkMa Thete Rexall toiletries an compounded, made arid packaged exclusively by men.,. they are unmistakably masculine. Hill! Cold Tabs. HtUs Nose Drops •; J f- •'-'• **-* two A Ovoferrin THE REXAUtDRUG STORES\ & Monmouth Sts., Phone 1444 Soratan VeracolateTabs. Nofe: AM 20% fW« — Phillips MM Tabs. In Drugs & SB) I Ms*.;'..--' If \f t Rexall . Rexall Radio Show Epsom Salts It's Right With Jimmie DURANTE and Garry MOORE Hilariout half hour every Friday nlte Over C.B.S. from 10:00 to 10:30 P.M., E.S.T. RubUng Alcol U-ot. PaWam M-taL Mineral OR STAG After TSo: Ooans Pills Shave Powder UM STAG Bay Rum Bottle Aspirin FASTEETR Shave Cream Regular 129 Value . for firm1 safely held \tube Full two quart water bottle with no seams to leak. Moulded in one piece of fine, pliable synthetic rubber with smooth gloss finish. False Teeth 60c size lamp oo Special Saving COMBINATION Bought separately, you'd pay 59c for the Mi-31 Antiseptic Solution and 10c for the box , of Aspirex cough drops—69c in all. Special bargain of both for cost of Mi-31 alone.' 6 ounces I . STAG Brushless Shave Cream PURETEST VALUE EVENING IN PARIS Exquisite <tQQ> Face Powder I Two medicine-cabinet "musts": Puretest Rubbing alcohol—a non-irritating compound that sells regularly at 50c, and Reg. 59c7Puretest Mineral oil.. Together, they cost only . . . triple-blended for perfect coloring ft delicate texture. Giant Size RAYVE 7 MONMOTJTH KIDDIE CENTER Crime Shampoo AT TBW O^LOOK SHASP, THB The modern way to wash your hair. Dull film goes^ highlights come. Gives billows of lather.. COLGATE RIBBON In tubes or /'an DENTAL CREAM f •••• For Cleaner - " Morl Chl ' , . i Tooth Paste \ " ' ' -\ Jlcfittid tttoi Wt'i1*?1^ 37, 50c VALUE g i John Detre, Tractor How, TrwtptJDUc. Tnctit Cultivator ftotwrt 'SeeU; Unora, Kniot Urine, 9 » t tteott, ArUuir sUidatori, M* STain Dnii wuh Tractor Hitch: Umt S p r t t d t n S « K , J. R OW Cow Plow John Oe«ra Manure SprMd.r JohTSttrt Trwio? > Jonea. Hartlord iurgitt, liow.r; Wilson 4<an llllkCooltr; RldlnrCulUvator Mli\7SmhiX Raymond Bur- Uchments. Biding Weeder; 4 s«ctlon Drag Hartowrircin whtel tow MalmM' JjainwB, tawm, R a y d Bu f«W and Chariet Dudley; altot, BeV down Farm Wagon; J-Hor.. Kay Rak«; Platform «cijfl| Oora S t l «r « w 4 Ltt, *»t*cjr j Bwto. Julia M M 8-hor.ejkoop, «. row r«rrowliig 81.d; i-howt F«rtllUwr S S k t l iWt tU ; U Ursula iWt«w, M MatUe W 011 W t '« *** Elrttri0 fc lot o f W r t OftufiwW. D o n . tutnt; tktom " Troughti a,, lot Trafota, W U Otrofil. Joan Cat), l of Birbfd Wlrt! J n)U •wr, A«gi* FlgsuD and U v a U f ; J$ Extension Ladder: S large FeedWWto Boxes; WotHltt. and M*«t«oA BUJn* Oil- BrtryMti Parlor Si^ltt Oln ng l ,MalfnaiMf .cw.hi,«ui(W Couch* Teeth Sweeter Breath «•. and * % f l M M M VVNflUtr DsMtsflttsttDsssIAlaA ' .'»• Toddlers and Teens STREET 19c 63c Para Crystals of Farm Machinery and Household Goods mm,, Mm 41 t*^]qsrs^s»ai -it DEEP CUT PRICES flftfc period auaia taut of Bad Baak hlgU aehool ttarts tha •aw torn off fHh M W «o«ge. . l i t mtderelgned and estoator of th« estate of S. B. nonnell The sBUtio elate under the dlrteV T tan of HIM Vem ' VottJ it now teautd, wui MV . t pabUe auction on tha farm lJti 1 MUihunt-PerrUmlU. Boad, and 1 mile from the ^ l t t b ttaftaf "Clufy^ arrange* by HarBoa* m snllet northwtat ot SnMlibarf, » . J , on r$ Robert WUson; "Heavenly WsU," by XewJow-WllhBwtirjr; TUI TUI5DAY, MARCH 12, 1946 , " P * baftl.* arranged kr OrtfMWifcera of tha elata are: baana, "— jBeantburf.lf.J. .IXLLI&SLI Dextrogen Dextri . CHESTERFIELD Correct Clothes For Tots Xn 43c STYLED BY Sixes S - 4 - 6 and Sx. :iu m- *"!>* iBl CARDIGAN ^SWEATERS They go on andoff ao easily, theac changeable days. This one it soft and warm . . . 100% aU wool and very prettj too . . . Slipovers to match in pistachio, malie, white, navy, red and fog t w . fwdHiS: i?e%cp; EXECUTOR'S SALE . I WiWam l i n t Uirron I Raiia by,Max Factor W TWO 25c SIZE •] TUBES for only . . . ' . . X , 7 C Llggett's mual low prtc«1«\21c «piec«. • . Here's yourl chance to buy tyiotubeifpr-r-i, , ' only 0p tnor-'*'-'-* -•'*'"•—"^—* - r '"''' ) r w> ''•"' "'I, ^J'PyiWMWf .( _| (»! ,k7 £ _j . y.*u*-mmm~~~ » 7^^^~ «<1».\ RED BANK REGISTER, MAECH'7,1940. VAN DIMAN MAWNI SALtt iTlnte. 4$ Groups TKank Chairman '• ^fr apaw ajajjssj^asjs/^ i ^ ^ f l K v ^ p M ^ Mri. Jom$ Federal Reserve AT LAST! Jo*»pb p a, Vtxx oi Holndel, prt*V fH 4 enntt^^ the Txvst comp compenr of Hew Jersey/JerseyCity in unwounorng t Jsrseyi'sJeiMy^Cityi J«4»ylBb*t,that lnetHuOonls now if! Receives Utter .Mafa» • <«**» *•» tf »«r •••».. ft:-. _, . B i l l M l a* labor."'a. committee of i s ifoilowjiis; nJteVns# tain re." Wives, o i various _ eifom'fit.headquarter* of oalled upon State-Senator &sydn jEbe victory Clothing Collwttott for Procter to (drop the blU which he .Ovewea* BeUef at MeJAii, Law,. has introduced. , •• W»w York ctty, by Mrs;"John.»• The group met with the legati*. Allen, chairman tt the loce* clewtor recently at a t*o-hour confering drive: Be the First'to Have These Wonderfuf ence, at ,walch Bennet Davies, "MyheaH~UflUedwithprW»and chairman of the Aebury Park chapCurtains on Your Windows. gratitude as I write to thank you. ter of the Independent Citizens" league and'spokesman for the comaad all those who worked with you, mittee, stated/tt*t'the bill would for the devotion and enterprise • GOOD LOOKING serve'-to 'destroy the gains which Which you have-given to make the labor had made. - • -," Victory -Clothing, Collection a suc• WELL TAILORED Others present Included .John cess In your community. • EASY TO LAUNDER Ogle of the International brother? ("This second national dothlng •hood-ot-ElBctrl< collection, I know, lias'not been an • QUICK DRYING N Kaplan, Marcell TJJIman, and -taslc—&F LJnpwlti or the United .Federal generously in thefirstcam] FULL WIDTH (88 in. to Pair) • 1 Workers-C. I 0.; Charles Zingale •last April The war * end of the ACW-CIO; James A, Decker, prought new problems and adjustACW and Political Action commitment* to our home* and communitee; Otto VanHowe, president' pf ties. The winter weather, throughlocal 417 of UER and MW, CIO; out most of the states,' taxed the Jack Van Raalte, Traneport Workingenuity and resouroefulnesi of ers union; Joseph Percoff, National -JOSKPH O. PARR our campaign leadership. You will Lawyers guild; Godfrey • Lehman, MAROARBT ARtBN be happy, a* I am, to know that American Veteran* committee; Mrt> "The .Ventral Reserve sysem Is Besale Strasturger, member of' the When the expected throng of reports oomlng In from local chair- an lndlsperislble part of our comLeague of Women Voter* of the100,000 ityl* conscious stroller* turn men an over the country indicate mercial banking! organization. The Parent-Teacher association; Mrs.out tor the eleventh annual Orchid that these problem* have been met elasticity • of commercial bank f BUNDS • SUP COVER* Frank P. Kuhl, member of the'na- promenade on the Asbury Park and promise that our common ef- credit Is dependent in large meas• DRAPERIES • BED SPREADS • LQODfli fort will be rewarded with success. tional advisory council of Religious boardwalk Easter Sunday, April 21, ure, upon' the efficient facilities Associates of the National Citizens Margaret Alien, one- of Columbia "Though national'in scops, the which the'Federal Reserve affords. PAC and Otto Sanstrom of tie Na- Broadcasting system's favorite day Victory Clothing Collection has From this.it follows that all banks, tional Farmer* union. « time commentator*, will be among been, In every sense of the word, especially our large commercial in1 Mrs. Kuhl read statements from the judges who will''award orchid a community , campaign—18,532 stitutions ,! have ev natural interest Canon Robert Smith of Shrewsbury corsages to the 100. most smartly community campaigns led by. more in association with and support of and Rev. George Amnerman and groomed * women—from 18 to 60—'than S.400 local committees Uk*the federal Reserve system. 56 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N . J , Hev. Obadiatt a. Goodwin-of Red chosen by the Judges as they ride yours. As such, the Victory Cloth- This year the Trust company of along the walk in roller chairs. ing Collection represents the direct dank In opposition to the bill Phone 2646 ~ New Jersey is celebrating its 50th Canon Smith's statement was as Miss Allen, whose programs six participation of the citizens of anniversary'and having passed the follow*: "B"or JO years; tjie church days a week " over WABC, have America In the new citizenship of 1100,000,000 mark In total deposits has stood for labor"* rlgbts' to bar:among the greatest of style con- the world. on which the. United It seems to be a most appropriate gain .collectively. The bill Is anscious listening audiences, wlU also Nations Organization and the fu- time for this 'Institution to .comabrogation ot these rights." be among the Judges to award tht ture of the peace will be built. ' plete its relationship with the FedAfter Senator Proctor had ex-Red Bank Register Trophy in the "Tour fellow world cltUen* In eral Reserve by full active participlained bis support of the bill, the promenade 'which wilt go to one of Asia and Europe will remember pation.- , : . * the outstanding winners In the "top what you have done, Tour reward group mad,e the following points; ten" group chosen from among the 1—Itt "the opinion of .the defegaIs the knowledge that.you have Here You Can Borrow $100 - $200 - $250 or Moi# ' ' Ucja andln the opinion .of "all' seg. 100 orchid winners. helped them In the hour of their Antinozzi Listed In No Co-makers or Special Security Required . •ITMirntltjlffffil,, vicious anti-labor bill which was Again I mu»t express my „ timed with the anti-labor drive, RaritamPost Itude and reaffirm my pride in my Anthony X. Antinozzi of 41 presently taking place In Congress. association with you in this great Snrawsfeilry. avenue, a student at a—The committee demanded Sen- Plan Sapper Party ator Procter to withdraw all supundertaking." . ' . Rutgers, university, was recently • Up to 15 Months to Repay A dance and supper party wiU be port of the bill '.•••• Sincerely yours, tapped for membership In Crown 3—That the Wagner Labor Rela- held at Keyport on the eve of St v Apply for as Much as You Need Henry J. Kaiser, and Scroll,' the junior honor society tions act be implemented as neces- Patrick's day by Raritan port, National Chairman. of the university. Antinozzi, & vetWe Want to Say Yes to Your Loan Request sary and enforced so that the pub- American Legion, at Red Men's eran of the army in World War II, lic utilities be forced to bargain hall. . •"• • „ ' Prompt, Friendly Service collectively and abide by the decihas been active In many university The eomnlttM to charge of the sions. . affairs. <—That no amendments to theaffair Include* William Sullivan, In addition to Crown and Scroll, bill are acceptable since the'bill Is Harry Farley and Edwin O'Hanhe Is edltor4n-chlef of the Targum, fundamentally wrong. • lon, ' • • • : ' • the campus newspaper, a. member 8—A mas* meeting on the Issue More than. 100 member* and One re-enllatment and three enis being planned, guests attended the annual past listment* were recorded at the Bed of varsity crew, Student Council, commander's dinner at club 85 last Bank recruiting • station at theon the staff of the Scarlet Letter, eek ; pestofflce building last week In the University year book, and Is a cheerleader. During the past year, ' Red Bank 1472 The post ceremonial team Initi- current "Guardian of Vlotory" cam- he was listed In "Who's Who In 77 Broad Street ated 39 member* In the new Legion paign. . over 3. f. Newbeiry'*. l i e TO, American Colleges and Univers| A number .of Monmouth county post at Union Beach. Thomas'Stanley of Red Bank re- ities," a national publication which NETTUNE BRANCH I residents wflThave entries in the enlisted because he found civilian lists college personalities of note 29 S. Main Street Tel. Asbury Park 6641 Jockey Hollow bird dog Held trials life "no bed .of roses." Recently H block from Asbury Park City linefc Uo. T«. at Clinton, starting March 28, atLeave For Hawaii To discharged, he retained hla grade from .schools throughout the country. He is the soon of Mr, and Charge* 2H76 mo. on bal. the public shooting grounds. of technical sergeant and chose Mrs. John Antinozzi of Shrewsbury , Feature ot tht trials will be tht Visit Lieut. Burdge service in (he Caribbean defense avenue, ' ' Jockey Hollow Imperial, In which Mrs, Everett E. Bnrdge and sou, command in the Army Air Forces. most of the outstanding dogs ot the David, Roger and Ronald, sailed Prior to bis discharge Stanley had east vlU compete'/ The club hasfrom San Diego, California, to served four years! as an aircraft guaranteed.,* COM.prite for this Hawaii January 10, to spend six instrument epeouust and instrucevent ' ':". • •••• • months with Lieut. Everett E, tor. Burdge. Robert V; Seber, Jr, 18, of MorATTEND ANNIVEBSABr. Lieut..Burdge. 1* the son of Mr. ganville, enlisted In the Ordnance Members of Mary Stiilwell so- and Mrs. Howard L. Burdge of department for three years and ciety. Children American Revolu- Lake avenue, Fair Haven. Ee has ebose the European theater. A tion, attended the SOth anniversary been serving in the Navy since Oc- tackle on the football team at Matmeeting of the Ellas Boudlnot CaW- tober, 1944, and expects to be hon- awan high school Seber is anxious well society, CAR last week at the orably discharged next July, at to take advantage of the United EUzabetfc-CartereUbotel in Eliza- which time be plans to return to States armed force institute courses beth. Afterward they visited the Red Bank. and education under the O. L bill hlstorio Boudlnot , mansion, Boxof rights upon discharge. wood Hall, and (tie Belcher man. Boys can make poekot money by Donald S. Bates, 18, of Matawan lion; selling the Register—Advertisement chose the Army Air Forces to learn a trad*. He stated he Joined to relieve a veteran now overseas and picked the European theater; •William Ast, Jr, 17, ofLeonardo, eon of Mr. and Mrs. William Ast, enlisted in the Army Air Forces for service In the European theater. He Intends to make aviation a career. Prior to signing he was employed at the Earle Naval ammunition depot A graduate of Middletown township high school he was a tackle on the football squad. fi.98 *J Pr. TheSHERMAN LOANS M, . • • • • Springs First Love QLEN PLAID SUIT This is the first suit of Spring. All-wool and as new as the first crocus. The new squarely shouldered look, nips your waist, dazzles the eye of all beholders. Cardigans and Club Collar. Sizes 10 to 20. ' $35 AO IJ8K OUR CONVENIENTMJ^-kWM PLAN" FOR-YOUR EASTER WARDROBE. 32-34 Broad Street, 181 Broadway, Red Bank, N.J. loasr Branch. V. 1. quick suds d vOMRARtf Chiffon Sotp Flakes wirh.say bnnd in the world. You'll find you tgreewidi the millions of womjph who have m»de Ouffon the best-jelling brand of fiae fcbric soip in New York, Chicago and many odiet dues. ' You'll learn light In your own home that Chiffon U OENTLB with colors and fabtics-QOlCK widi dishes- V KIND to your hiadi! And you'll join • the giett chpna whoi*y"GivemeChiffon-froninowon!" J Four More Sign For Army Service Clinton Dog Trials ; Set For March k • astingsuds U • • - Mqkes your lingerie, stockings, look bettor, lest longer I You'll ficdOuffotfi aeamy nidi/ire annts with colors tod fabrics-lifer fat eretyching thtt'i wuhtble. You get pick wdi, UnfiUst' ing sudi and lots of t h e m with Chiffon! All your dishes limply thine with cIanHnen. . Keyport The 1946 Bed Cross fund drive Is under way In Keyport, with Harry B. Thomas as chairman, assisted! by Mrs. Herbert B. West, co-chalrman, in charge of the house-tohouse canvassing, aided by Mr*. George Davis, J. Leon Schanck, special gifts chairman; George Davis, Industrial chairman; Norman Scott, business section chairman; Cecil S Ackerson, organlxatlons 'chairman- and~MrSr- Edward Barry, schools and chairman. • District captains and workers are a* follows; • • DUWet 1—Wnt Kroort, H». *wejl Stobtr. eipteln: Mn. WllUam Hlteheoek, Mrs. Georsi K««n, Mn. Bninll Conorw, Mn. l*«t«r Btontr, lr., Mn. Din!•! Hllltr. Dlitrfrt Ir-Bratd stnet. eut to VMDora «tm«, Mn. M»ri» Turntr^ «»»• tilag Un. Bin U*J«r, Mrs. Bebiutte Murtltt. •—•'• Mild as a lotion on your hands1 "' • gives you "AVI'/'/,' "^ ^ Z f 1 • r>\ Makes dishes, glassware sparkle I ; - •moodier when you w e Chiffon Soap FUka, For Cbiffbna wonderful purity. is ( K I N D eren to sentltfre aklail Dlitrict I—Oentnl Motion to Broid itrMt, Mn. Artiur S. VuBusMrk «ud Mrs. Hntr H. Aekenon, eo-eipUlnii Mrs. Sunusl UeOibt, Vn.. Wlfflam Cuaok, MM, Thi Hllttker, Mn, 1. Urn Bohtnok, Hn. Bdwud Onttnll, Mrs. Gordon D. Wood.y. Mill Ethtl Elngslana, Mrs. Peter A. Sondtrtaard^ MM. H«. T«7 BtoBtM, Mra. Mix Tortcnlll, Mn. Otone D»Tli, Mn. Henry B. Fall. Mn. Benb Stone, Mrs. Walter Inrtitl, Mn. Fr«d Krnser, Mn, Burton ' L. "We've got something really outstanding here for you folks who nee4new t i r e s . . . "Think of it! With every Atlas The you get: - Sltrlot i—Broad itr«t, to Atluile •treit,' west side Thirl Itreit to bar. " F I R S T - * oompntvinitoi writton. 11* ThtddoN Bo>»nok. Olitilet I—Hillrosi to Third street, <Bro«4 itNet to Third street, Mrs. Vlnfit AppUgaW, eaptalai MM. D»nl«l A, Uplmes, Mrs, Ollflord Bny, Mn. Join KellrHin. 'Albert a, Sblthont, Mrs, Irnut Bailer. • • SlaMet t—Third streettoBar, Atlan< (to itnet to boroudi lmlti, MM. Jobs DeWslae, eaptelnl Un. DsnlelTHarrii, "IBCOND-Pull Minrwio* «J rtptii or npUotmtni in oua of ialltu* nadei iht in Canada, e»oli of tu fuUf •ulhw*»4 •». mtke goad oti the spot on u j Altai Vm i "It takes a really great tire to support *n offer like that And these aw great titm Made by the most modern methods and MdpmerttfothebuifaeM.Tertedand.wewl by millions of miles of w e onStandanJ Ofl Company cars and trucks, Backed by 41 JSaTrf Esio repffiatidn^fw-dsllwrtal(juality products and quality service. y f H I R D - 33,000 orMhe-rotd h go t * *• *You can pin your faith on ATLAS Ttof*). Wt/ve pinned out business reputation M Uieml" " , ' ,' ' dnhn, t d lUmvMn. Albert Bll|i • Dlstrlet 1—Broad itreet. eut side to null, nllrssd'to Sett* l«, Mrs, Owl Bitter, eutsl»i,Mlii Hiss BobtrU. Mn, Oeorce Will, Jfts^jUthor Pnitit., MM. John W. Alter, IrTtllri. Daniel He«. d,rleknif, Mn, ftank, KcOleutir. • DI*krirtl-ii»»ahtHU f'. V, ^ RED BAKK REGISTER, MARCH 7. funtcm. ING OF HEALTH ii'yrk DID EVERYTHING FOBSIHUP imUfiSS CBEBOFBAOTIO WAS tNCTUJDED DR. - WARREN FOWLER PHONS Chiropractor M6 BBOAt) ST., sou Apply AGRICO FOR LAWNS, TRRES & SHRUBS for greater health and bfeauty. Flowers and Vegetables thrive on AGRICO FOR GARDENS. Rhododendrons and Azaleas need AGRICO FOR BROADLEAF EVERGREENS. More value per pound and. per dollar- GET AGRICO FROM YOU* GARDEN SUPPLY DEALER REUPHOLSTERING 3-PC. SUITE COMPLETE I'our cbol« o( esceptloniUr lint [nbrici; complete u r v l u lnoludei FREE pickup • »n<t delivery, sprlm reset »nd retted; new muni and webblni; framei repaired and traced; bottoms reset; 5-year cuir•ntee: 1 Tear's Fret Seriict, S-»l«t Slip Cover, modal to order, Cholei of mdJ and box] .pltort, «i jow_$ 55* 1 9 7 * MONTHS TO MT REGAL UPHOLSTERY SHOP —Factory end Shotcraomi— 554 BROAD ST., NEWARK 2, N. J. COMPLETE AUTO BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING, ^FINISHING H o r n b e r g e r &. S a n f o r d Red Bank, N. J. Phone Red Bank 3259 BABY CHICKS S.C.W. LEGHORNS N, H. REPS $15 per 100 $15 per 1 0 0 (straight run) (straight run} $30 per 100 , $8.50 per 50 (straight run) (soxed pullets) $5 per 100 (straight run) (sexed cockerels}. •Place order now to receive chicks at the time you specify. V Hatches off Wednesdays and Saturdays WILLGERODT BROTHERS Farm—Newman Spring*-Road, Lincroft .. Telephone R. B. 3574-M v—i He makes lending a friendly business N. R. MATTHEWS n p HIS Js'the friendly manJL ager of the local Personal Finance Company olllce. Even though lending money to. folks, hero In Asbury •Park Is his fuil-ttmo.job, ho •• 'Kellev.ee' tliYat'vni oho shfiUld borrow unnecessarily. But wHeo a loan It to'a person's advantage, hcptovldes folka hero w i t h . nooded cosh promptly and. privately. . '. He gets fl lot of satisfaction ., put of his Job, fpr'lho «er.vice-he renders l» a helpful "one. And there's no "doingyou-aifavor" attltudto. ' Ho nuts out n'oedlona rignvirolo and rnnkes borrow- • lite money a;' slmplii, Jrjon<J. ly transaction, He makesloan* tu .men and .womdri both ainglo SnJ married, and everything Is kept strictly private. No outsld" era are involved, Ho arranges ^convenient monthly payments to (It every budget a'nd'ctiftfgcs' are'rrtttdo'enl/ for tho actual tlm'o the money Is kept. If you decide that a loan It to your advantage, bo, sura to come to soe the Mcnagcr1 of, the Personal Finance Company t6d&y. If you phono In advance, ho will mnko ' All. arrangements so thiit all you. have to do Is to Blgn and plclwup the cashOr, If tlint'n Inconvenlont,' ' phonsor wrlto nnd ho'll toll you how t o ' B « ' your loan entirely by mall, Central Nur«« Cadet'* aes . Man* o» Lafeyette tfreet, ovepisubsxiribed 1U quota of 10 oenta pe? pupil by $14. The' total subscribed wosJWe.M, •which represent* more than 17 oenti per pupil WiUx the exception of 4 few student* who irere absent because of illness, the piipili contributed 100%. The high school oontrlbutod M0#' in tola campaign, subscribing $82,70. check for th« total collection 'rota the two school* bias been Ient o Monmouth County Fund Sailing ampaign National Foundation (or Infant Ila Paralysii. « The' following students male the lOnor toll for third marking period: Usthtmatlu—Joaeph HotUuln.'Ilunns Moore, Dorii Hullen, John Pabra, taymor.d RtHerieder; Ann Mcsrt, Joyce Mmerion~Joia~Kaiilaiir Sandm~Mty*r, arren Noyes, June. Wanikr. SpanJih—<S«orge Berry. Moroii Burdth.rine Mo — it>, Oathtrlne Malta. French—Janet G o r m u , J o i n P«t«ri, Lutta—Maybelle Reid. John P»tir«, tan Moore, Joan Kaplan, Warren Now, lanet Carle, Jane Hllfiker. Joiej> Hock. toin, Helen Swenion, Nancy Tap er. P, A D.—iMorrii HurwlU, . uialy, Ann Smith, Ann Bornler, garet Wood. • • . Clvlca—Eleanor Butehrfl. Kenneth 'eters. • . . History—Janet Carle, Thomae Moore, [ancy' Tepper, Robert Blkajr, Carolyn Vllion, Harold Albart, Helen Emmona, ohli Peters. Bconomlce—Dorothy Fannly. LouUi 'rttohard. World Geography—Dr>ri» Hullen, Joan apian, Warren Noyei, H a i r Stanley, .nn Moore, General Belince—Joyce Anderaon, Fred 'arweU Janet Corle, Joawph Hoehsteln. Cheulttrr — Robert Biker. Robert _._ J M e b m . ••'• Blolojy—Hiywond BaffcrxMex, Janet orman, ' —~~~ Hygiene of tlie Family—Bettj Haitian. , • ' Horn. Nursing—Xaren Astern. Stenography—Louise Sehulti, Helen tamom, Betty, Alexander, Margaret Guerrier.. Typing—Margaret Ouarrlar, Sharon ower. Junior Bmlneee TraiiUm—Dorla HulConnttt, OPPOSITE WABH1N0TON TASK T—OPEN EVENINGS CISIANCE Monmouth and Pearl Streets Rumson High School i- -;; New$ ;- • '. Belea Home Economy—Gloria McOlrr. Munlc—Gary Bennett, Jamti Wsiunr urna Feldt, Lois Inscoe, S6ndV» M«y«r, oai) Satter, Janet KOftker, Gloria M e Jlrr; WafM MaGlrr. fi«l«» Sw««»ii. oan Waaitromi Terry Werleraann, Barbara Johtiion; B«tty MoncrleK, Lol* vonBehren, Peter Gatanzarittl, Bobby Oonori, Fred Firwell, Dick Kubbard Paul 'haj-en, Thoaai lloor», Allen Sterns, 'aul Gorman. Art—Eltanor Alexander, I o u l t t Prlthiird Phyllll Vinci, Eleanor Burchell, larolo Lennen, Barbara Carter, Dorsthr Enallali—Janet Oarto, Nancy T«pp»r, oan Hoja.n, Doris Hullen. Robert Jradshaw, Janice MacNell, #ohn Prtefi, HI ay bolle Reid, Carolyn Wilson, Jantt Snstlce, Morris HurwlU, Itobert Hiker, tkhard Stout, Dorothy .WUkens, Marurtt Woo<i, Joyce' Anderion. Marna •'eldt. Lola tnscoe, Joan Kaplan, Waren Noyei. Robert Poole, James Wen er, Marilyn Berger, DorU Cherry. Ken eth Clayton, Janet Gorman, Joanna ochert, Beverly, Bosentwrs:, Ann M o o n A-nn1 Bcrnter, Marsaret Cameron. P h l l Ed Cll Physical EducaUon. ..Girl jwenaen, Edith AUxandei, Marie Cantllel, Patricia Jfoonan, Joy AllalrN Joyce Andcrion, Virulnla Bailey, Mary Dl Flore, Joan Hogan, LoU Inscoe, Joan Kaplnn, Patricia Riosenbsrger, Joan Sat ter, Jacnuelln BureoM.- Joan Dangler, Janet Gorman, Florence Jbhtaon, Cnthrlno Mnna, Helen Mellad. Amy Myatt, Etna Moonan. Pearl »llomenko, Gloria Schepmom. Audrey Sohubert, Florence Baynrd, Patrlda Oalllnnn, Barbara Cartor, Vlvlenna Gerdlng, Carolyn Kalelah. Mnybelle Eled, Joan Shydtr, Carolyn Wilson, Anne Bernler, Ella Dangler, Janet Enatlca, Florence Maffla, Dorothy Pnrmly, Louise Prichard, Anna Smith Dorln Watklna. Physical Education, Boys—Hobarl 'annor, Rodney Maine, Krank Simon, William Walker, Thomaj Moore, Robert Zorr, Timothy Connor, Carlls Mount, Kpnnnth Peters, R. Clayton, R. Poole. R. H. Minton, William Lltts. Slcplian Krcnh. A. Krcstlansen. W. Murphy, J. Wcnncr. K. Clayton, R. RnlTericdcr, A Srars, W. Hoinlck, J. HnlllKan, L. De Vlto, B. Noycn, H, KlngBlnnd, R. Brad •haw, J. -DIFIore, C. VanNotf, B. Me. ^oach. J. Petera, David Moll, J. Mac, ntosh. Robert Rlkor. Wilfred West, Wnl of White. Richard Stout, Irvlnjr.Sleveni n. Marcellus, M. Hunrlti, G. Berry. Fourteen gicls have volunteered for the Victory Corps at Monmouth Memorial hospital to help tho present emergency. They are Carolyrf Wilson, Florence Bayard, Barbara Scalzo, Joan Boyle, Betty Hartman, Pat Calllnan, Carolyn Raleigh, Jean Acker, Vivian Gerdlng, Doris Gettls, Grace Hallam, Joan Snyder, Margaret Wood and Joan Bush. Bill Stromenger, James 'Stalfa, Irving Stevens and Jack Macintosh ere making six bookcases in shop for Dr, JWolbach, Mr. Weinhelmer'i offices and the home economics de: rartment.' / The Intramural basketball game hegaq'wlth two encgunters—one between the 10th a n d ^ t h grades a n ' the other between the 9th and 11th grades. The game between the 10th am 12th grades was fast and exciting, --""- lJUi gradeoSine out on basket ahead affer playing an extra two minutes due to a tie score, Final score was 19-17. High scoret was 12th grader, Virginia Wilson, with' eight points. Highlight of the game was when a ball thrown b) Elma Noonan, which would have fallen short, bouneed off the finger tips of Ella Dnngler and went through the basket. . The second game that day was an all together different matter, with the 11th grado loading nearly 'all the way and winning, 28-13, High scorer was C. Raleigh, l i t grader, with 18 points. The final game between the 10th and 11th grades was won by the 11th,grades, 2]-12, with Carolyn Raleigh again hfgrh scorer. Tho gamo between the freshmen nnd seniors was another dlsjappolnting"hrfalf,'with.: tKo 9th'gra"dcrs OH tho short end of n 38-9 score. Vlr Klnln .WHson wnn high scorer foi tho seniors, . ;Ph« fpllpwlne girls are captains 12th griiiio', AniV Smltii; i;t4i<gt%d« Carolyn .WIlBon; 10th gtado, joa Hnrninond, and 9th grade, Joan Hoghn. ' . 'Mrs, Gladys Sims, head of home economics depaftmont of Prlnce'ion pijbllp Vhools, , vUlted tho "homo (<conomlos dcpailmpnt recently.• ' Tho sg^onth grodo! girls (n thi homo' economics donarlmont had ai .their most recent projoot th'o mak )t\« of.dirndl skirts, .• Wo nnw. *on of KM, Buffefc. New Tork. btf« Mt m « u * 1 <••*• fi - i " t'J » . jM*,ha» lMtn attached to a audl^l'^ntt at yorl Monmoutn, •ad vpantjy iteoetved hU Army di»oharg*. He te employed in the L. O. Ihuvipwp. llintal L«*oratorle« in Buffalo. ., ^ ^ e O BVom Jersey CSty take N. J, route age and Revolutionary usooUtloiw, 25 .(U. 'S. 1) to Bliaubeth. Before but because of Its location, bMMtjr, orossing EUiaJbeth Viaduct take B. relics on display and th* famous Jersey street to tlte rifht; stop at preachers who h»v» been Its pa*. Boxwood Hall, No. 1078. This home, tors during the years. nearly 200 years old, was the boms From Tennent follow th* Jfoad to of Elian Boudlnot, friend of Wash' Freehold and from there'continue Ingfon and President 6t the Con- along stat* route 83, wh'leh winds tinental Congress when the peace through lovely countrysldi, to AsTreaty was signed with Great bury Park. A brisk walk on the Britain, In 1788. Washington had beautiful boardwalk, mad th* stimlunoh here on his way to the In- ulating tang of the salt-laden air is auguration in New York In 1789. well worth the stop-over, b» It snort The main seotlon. of the house was or of longer duration. restored to its original condition On the Teturn trip, follow rout* about tlnee years ago. Mi to Eatontown and from tow* Efttum to route 26 and. drive continue on route 85 to Shrewsbury. touth. Just beyond Woodbrldjje Visit Old Christ church, which is rn '"""1—' take! route 85' to the located directly, on the stite'highleft, Leaving Route 35 at South way. - The present building w«s Amboy, take road to Old Bridge erected in 1769 and contains niany unusual relics. The' Grown of Singand continue to Bngllshtown. This area is reminiscent of the land, stiU tops the spire, of Old Battle of Monmouth and the'hero- Christ church as it did. when pay. Ism Of "Molly Pitcher," whose real trlots trying to dislodge, it succeedname was Molly jLudwig. The Vll- ed only, in riddling with shot the ^nnat^Bnillritfwu^wMsUnd.. irllHoil hall hAnAflttl JPhlM .!• hA. Ing during'the Revolution, It was lleved to be the only pn-RevoIuhere that Washington wrote the or- tlonary English Crown so located in ders for , the arrest* of General the United .State's.. Cbeirles Lee, whose disgraceful con- From Shrewsbury continue on duct at 'the Battle of Monmouth route 35 to Woodbrldge and^from aind lnsplent letters to Washington there on route 26 back to Jersey ' led to th» court martial proceed- City. • ings which resulted In bis dismissal Issued by New Jersey Oounoli, From the Continental Army for one Department of Economio Development, 520 East* State street, Trenrear. Lee never returned. . From Engllshtowo, take the road ton, N. J. to Tennent and the Battlefield of Monmouth-which ]tea la the vicin- The word money is btfleved to ity of Old Tennent churrh. The be derived from "monets," an atchurch should b» visited. It was tribute of the' Roman goddess Juno, built tn 1751, is doubtless the most because the ancient Roman mint notable church standing in New was established in the temple of Jersey; not alone for Its venerable Juno Moneta. Soreness New Msy Way SEPDS ^ STOVES, ESSOTANE COOKING GAS FARMOPERATINGEQUIPMENT WENbEUVER , 29-31' Court St., ^ 8. \ Freehold, N. J. CHILD, ADULT AND WEDDING PORTRAITURE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY : '\ W i t L IS M. PORTRAIT STUDIO 15 SILVICBTON AVE,. I R U E " LOTUS BILVZB, MV 9. PHONE BED BANK S3t •V-1 W\ -with engine!" It's a an You want an eyeful of 1946 style... .And you're taMng in many an earful on chassis features.... And you can have an OIL-PLATED engine—a wear-fighter!—by saying one mouthful.... Just say you want Conoco N'* motor oil— because you want minimum carbon and sludge, plup fat mileage. Those gains depend largely on wear-resistance, and that's what CONOCO OJX-PLATINQ is for. Here is how it w o r k s , . . In any make of new car—or equally well in your old car— OIL-TPLATINQ will' make Mn addition to inner engine sur- faces. That's where it's fastened durably—across the path of wear—by Conoco N' A oil's magnet^likeactidn. This power to OIL-PLATE, and protect eomea from the added Conoco . I ^ A i g w d l a i t J t w i l l e d d i b the « f e t y of.ypucxje^.ctr. investment... . I t will add to,your1reteran car's chancel MOTOR OIL / rtm tfitr big tfoni< <• ! the cost it adds is a few cento! Get your correct grade ^Conoco N" 1 oil for Spring; see Your Conoco Mileage&erchant. Contincrttal Oil Company • I'Mit-b Vns, a unit on Mtchon mart **TC7 .10 DM30, KBrilfl, run UK, vig ft-,1 t b « ' l lid idlng (I or & -\ " <x±ue, ii CARAMEL CULL POUND HUM' BBNBBBI Broad & Wallace Sts., Red Banl OPEK EVENINGS FULL POUND M«de frem f r » * . *ro«iW. Spanish rf '' crilp BRIDGE MIX SIECIM i: • FUSHLIGHT BAnERIES HARD CANDY FULL POUND i pure, RE&. ftOCIS* VI EVR.VIIC ttainUu atMl-band Irim. coethfof hem. d l t i , 1n»«rH o f * b d mug «t coVff fill •RAIN 5"x7" PHOTO ENLARGEMENT wild. Mw lot.il dtvlm hi £££t~ii rnmtt w(w offtr r«< tht llnttl photsBfit9 In On/ tliv MQunvv 01 ' «nlar««mnl mod* 50c VALUE-THURS.. FRI.. SAT. ONLY t f* tip tint UM. KLEENEX TISSUES < • qUrinUed m i n d ill brtikagt wMit / Box ZOO ivom Lux 13- Limit 2 To a Customer SUPER VALUES • SHOEBftUSH REC. 39c TOILET SOAPS Lifebuoy Palmolive 3 Camay CAKES F0R Sweetheart 2 Roller Skates ALL POPULAR W l • PHILLIP MORRIS » OLD OOLOS •LUCKY STRIKES • RALEI9HS •CAMft? • CHESTJJFIIIDS PACKJ *% 2 BOOK MATCHES •OX OF 90 11 BER B R I A R I f TROPIC GOLD • PURE, UNSWEETENEDI I O R A N G E JU5CE , REX really Ot.bU" I «B«i?t_ _k _ — - = E_ With Key TALCUM POWDER G. 10c 6« Htal(hfu), nouriihi'nq erangt iuica ' «ilr«el»d (ram (un-tiptntd «r«ng»t—rich in Vitamin C. rnl __ftl.., . LIGHTER R A W IMMSOEU CLIP WtE NAIL CUP CREAM PEP-RUB ATHLETIC LINIMENT p sun HAY | p ff || MINERAL II OIL li C I «*}? B p 9 SALT V4WifftJH£Aff..nJ(r: •' RE0.160 •• El M Gr. SACCHARIN TABLETS.^ 2-OUNCE APRIL SHOWERS COLOGNE FOR ONLY 55. L-*-—.— pr'ifc: | BED BANK REGISTER, MABCH 7,1846, +m2&Si*. stoat, S>«««*am«VeO«ti«Meould t ! % i vox* can fafely use public airport vhlca fce performed wfcereyer toe troops REGISTER erareitsupposed tf> accommodate priy te: and Edtiorial$^s> ' X S l y r p * Or«-,themselves -can military planes, and-whaj xentals minerevsUuaU'theUK), One Indlo^lon M m & Cook and Henry a»i dal plafies should pay on BUCS enorn IUS tax oi Other Papersof the •pprscUtion ot.URO wai a lUtenent.ftom a, Ol, "TheWa no THOMAS mvtSQ BBOWK : Editor ana Pnblithsr JAMES t. HOGAN, Associate Edftor .n Assistant Bftltox MVBABOUD KELLY. Loaned to the Wavy investmebts. In their own interei they railday turn to private terminals as roads and motor1 vehicles, rather thm pay their proportionate share for. thefiie of costly tax-built fields. ' 1 '' (The opln torlsl Views hi fir earnr the i but) humor te toe world like Amerioem ^' said. ^All- the. local l d ' t ehttr h HI •shows in Dumps couldn't at much' as a UBO show from tbe United States," - ' ' ~ M an .*g«ncy to SM*S> tht religious, spiritual, welfsit and educational needs of the men'And worntn In the armed ftroWthi UBO, or a similar organisation, definitely has a place in the reconstruction and peacetime-eras.--Atlanta Constitution. latt#r the Ifayor'aad Red Baakr ' iheYlMt ttito«a»»ri!iatn# bill, there c*4> be no , .over that objective. VerteratfjKlip J»v» returned from the *»»•; 'Iwyjnx spent a considerable fu% ot their formatlre^llfe out of the ooiifltry Mending -it from its) stetwtM' and' therehy having teea deprlvid of aacuiiu-nal estate «r planning to. build hornet, should l a v e every encouragement and «mjr faolUty offered to them to aoWev«.ib*r aim, „-, L~r— «O«- fact that some of thoteviaost 1 OOBCtrA nunltys residents to i future donf tv»*f test tgalast what they, here at all KEHBVB THE ASSOCIATED PBBM an attempted tncroachn -o-o-o-o-o-oRespectfully, . mtrclal interest!, .1 Tk« Assedsul Prut h txeluilnb .ntftUd to tfc* Me ' 1 Bethune Jones,! submit for consideration (•MeBtatlea of ill news diipatehes •wilts* to It 01 Washington Is ' T h e City of Blu •I tht medium o.f tthls opsn'-Iltter .a othenries eretltti la thU paptr «nd ilio the IOMI ww» proposal for the Creation M,n> •*>. ' thereto. 4Vt Bed Bank Planning and X)tv*> Says A Western Senator. A aouaan tuat opment Oonunlsilbn -to evolve and Member A««» B d n H at CirentottoM 1 nrpmote a definite, «oursa for the orSubject: Return of oversea Vei It has remained for Oregon's United lirly development «f-both residen- erans. Natleaat JMwHIstas RepranntaUvts. JI.rtinOelb.rt w JAPAN M this WU make.it easy for a veteran tial • . Co. J i S a c t H t h »t. Mtu York 121 West MuUioo Jt« States Senator Guy Cordon to g ?e tne and commercial Interests, to build a hotnt and to financt it? , MOUNTAIN NSWS. . jOMeiro, 111,1 1(01 OH.ltnnt SU Philadelphia. Pa. Composed entirely, of lied Bank 7o: Hon. Albert W, Hawk**, i Does it enable him to acquire 4 The latest report by JOoArthur's priority oa the material necessary taxpayers equally1 re'presenting both people a little picture of the false fn it that •--"- ator from New Jersey, Wa The Bed Bank Kecleter asiaan so tnaootal mpeiulUI* headquarters • flnda the Japanese tor __.. . ton, D, C. tte.oonstniot«on of a dwelling, commercial and pu:irely. residential t t e * » trpetraphleal urota in adrirtlientnti but will nsrint is gradually acquired by our public rfanta people's response to the iemlll- and dotjU yt M y way expedite the lntereetsjjireated after study, of ths L I am aet sure if thi* Ikkat »art of an tdrertlitntnt Is whleh the twoirspaleal r •rroi o«nra. AdTOrtlsers will pl««i. notify Uu BanafeneBt in Washington. On a recent trip to h sibome twliation and demoortUaatlOs proMtfaoturt and the flow Into the ~rir«~ud iooj» ol such agenolis will ever reach you, iut it-is "" ' " of aw trrer which *«y oeeur. < gram enoourafinf. # market ot those) material!? comparable -municipalities- eUk- that I start at the ground floor in Oregon, Senator Cordon said Washington up. That program goes beyond the Let us inquire a little bit into wberei.and given a sufficient ap- work fcubfrafetto* Mow In Advanc*: One rear. M.ltj ill propriation to defray expenses, soch 2. I am, or was, a retidtnt. more obvious moves, iuch aa dis- the history of the effort made in Bontko, ILII! ttrw aoatbi, ?l iinti; ilailo My, I seats. is "the city 6t\bluff. I. firmly beliefs. . . . commission's funotlon splgbt. in- Keantburg, county ot Monmi armament, irwet of war orimlnils, the CM Bill of Bights to give a Vet- aclude, state of New Jersey, before SL. biaod Wooklr. •BUnd •.•S.cond-CIu. Matter'attfct Poit- members of Congress . . . . should ,'b| com? .•.-••••' i ' eran an opportunity to borrow dissolution of the secret societies, 1. A comprehensive survey of the inn the service in ths Army of i i >t Rod Bulk, N. } . , nta tko AoTof March t, lift, money for the organisation of a pelled to return to their states abou> twice elimination of the Gestapo-type po. buslnest-or the bulldta*; of a borne, experience -of other • communities United States 13 July, 43, at an i Hoe sy«t»m, breakup of tht ZaW- and ses how it was worked out. Un- throughout the country to deter- listed man. Being married shor^, THURSDAY, MAKGK 7, MM, a year in order to get the thinking'of the atsu'mpnopeUu and withdrawal of der the original CM Bill, TiUt TJX, mine what steps may most advan- after I now hive two children, «ai] whom w u born alter- my ' ' l andd renew n w their sense of of %% true true state support from Shinto. The ••veteran was enabled to borrow tageously be taken hire to stimu- Of people in August, 'iS. Hi 1 fn program also Is trying to stir a |2,000 under a. guarantee of the late rehabilitation and devtlopmtit overseas oredlt for just my flrst child American way, ot existing commercial area prc Stop The U$e Of Our f democrats spirit among the people, federal government with the ap- ertles and what advance planni _ gives me it point*, Just'one belowfj proval of the Veterans adminlstnfrom the bottom upward. "In Washington, the atmosphere ig, unlion, and after this law was in op- should be undertaken for possible sllgiblllty. Now our dear Secretary! Highway. Ai "Railroad.," As a' result, the Jap press, radio eration for a short Usnt it was dis- txpansloa thereafter of commercial of War, Mr. Patterson, traveU ujw natural and unhealthy, and you are con000 miles out here to tell us hsy and school* are' developing more covered that In making a loan for activities into other areas. legislation is pending in Trenton to in- fronted by so ipany 'experts' that ion lose, 2. Thorough consideration of pos- ••didn't know" the computation o r freedom. Labor unions are func- tht purchase of real estate, a vetsteps to encourage .rehabil- points bad ceased ss of 2, Septam-/ tioning. A. women's movement is eran would have to have two ap- sible crease registration fees on trucks. Aside if-you are not very careful, tbe .trae Amer'46. We art wondering who H-I praisals made, ons by the lending itation and preservation ot. resi- her attacking the traditional dlscrimi- tcenoy such Incompetent men andf and one by a representative dential property values in .areas letted jfrom the merits of this, what is really ican way of doing things. Then, f hen you nations: Youth organizations, espe- of the Veterans if they know the war Is. over. He', administration, and definitely reserved for that purpose. "thought" men ovirseas were still? cially among the liberal students, the teteran had to pay the apS. A comprehensive survey of peeded is drastic action to control the-oper- get back t o y ° u r o w n P e °pl e you^find that are flourishing. • steps toward revision of rsvenue accvBmlatint; two points a month!? praisal fee on each occasion. Then the radio this morning an-5 ation of trucks, particularly the trailer-type. after all everything doesn't depfend upon But It would be> calamitous for During the flrst session of the structures being Increasingly taken nourfted, and I quote i "Lieut Gen.'* municipalities throughout the us to mistake these faint begin- T&th Congress, because of- many by. Trucks are getting so big they blot out the you, but. upon the "will of about 140,country to equitably apportion the Colllnj of the Army Information nings for anything more than that. complaints about the complicated cost Bureau stated that men eligible for of municipal government bevision of passenger car drivers and are be- 000,000 people,who compose this]great naWe must be able to recognise and procedute required by the Veterans tween commercial and residential discharge were lucky If they reaoheeV.the States three months encourage this change without for- administration, as well as the ex- Interests. (coming a menace on the highway, but there tion—and you feel better." j getting that it is a very, slow pense involved, tht committee on Through these and other activ- after beconlns; eligible." is a more serious reason why restricting legWorld War Veterans' legislation Senator : Cordon's remarlfn are worth" process, at best.—Rooky Mountain carefully went into this matter and ities, benefiting from the exper- Aocordlng to "'the general ths ience of other municipalities on News.' " islation should be enacted. '• remembering,••for in the'last.analysis it is after conslterable thought and dis- which much information Is readily Army doesn't have enough enlist-' cussion, amtndmentt to the G-I BUI available from various national as- ments to control thU area. What In a recent article in a national maga- the 140,000,000 citizens and'tarpayerg who were brought to tbe House for ac- sociations of municipal and state are they olng to do after they. HABNE8SSHOP. set here? use up tome more of the tion and subsequently were-written zine, the writer described a "thrill" ride on will pay, from their earnings, every dirne of. A generation ago the harness into, the law, Under""the present officials and elsewhere, such a local taxpayers' money needlessly, planning commission might do as we are doing right now. shop was a close second to the •that are asked g much to eliminate the existing ap1 « k l t h tnet i&J 8an Francisco. Speed laws were ignored of Congress for peaceBme spewing1: Unless" a n g t tnfiu 5 d be ble to eat. On a story Saturday In early be able to do something . only one appraisal is necessary in aad residential interests in Red an increase of 12 centa but strike such things. voted, g When n we voted ted, J and caution thrown to th^ winds. In answer you want to pay more in future> tax bills, for 8 -weeks sq as to get an in- winter, when'work In the barns and the purchase of real estate; the ma- Bank and chart a steady course un- about even b mail we had h d allll the th con- ! ven by mail, ot 18 cent*, they will lose sheds.' waa caught up, father was turity date for koans was extended der which both would know what to Idence that you men knew to a question by the writer relative to all don't demand public funds fo do things crease 40 yean. J ^ M U are now anticipate, •• $368 In pay eight weeks of «0 hour* "kely to say after breakfast, "Bon, to 36 to usln and d would ld k keep ddemocracy made under tMtaAithorlty of A« a professional analyst of mu- lusiness •this, the driver replied thaTheTwas operat- which the people and industries shQuld do at $1.12, and the six cents Increase why don't you take those pieces of being .t its highest standards, If that is the revised law. ^ ^ ' nicipal and state governmental harness to the village and get them obtained by the work stoppage will democracy, the 20 votes which I ing on a time schedule and that the only' for themselves. let us see what this bill, H.' trends for commercial, financial and and approximately 11 and one-half not repay ttito loss for nearly three mended? Tell Bill if he doesn't R.Now lejral publications, permit me to 47«1, provides as far as the vet-o-o-o-o-o-tfthing that mattered t6 him was- aTriving at years. If the strike obtains only think that trace is Worth mending eran is concerned. In Section 70S point out that the policy of attract- million other men each control, surely won't (to, for It..When wa three cent* more than the em- to give you a, new one." (a) it is provided as follows, and I ing new business at any cost and say we a n still on your side Md Ms destination on time. the residents be - damned—which try to put this subject a* man to ployer offers, nearly «lx years will After the Morgan mare was quote from the Bill; Oppretsipn By Minorities be required to make up for the hitched in the Horseshed behind tht . . . The Director Is authorized to seems to be the goal of one element man we mean it. But, being so far ^This, we believe, is the basis for most of loss. Brings Social Revolution. town hall, blanketed, and given a require any person who owns, holds of local businessmen—already have away (in this malaria-Infested the dare-devil driving tactics exhibited by We are glad to be able to refer lump of sugar, a lad draped harness an interest In,.deals In, or offers left many municipalities flounder- Jungle—th« Philippines), eliminates ing on the brink of bankruptcy to any possibility of oonversing man to the A. F. of L.'i own printed pieces over his ahoulder and heeded to sell or to buy any housing ac- the truck drivers on the highways today. For There is an old song which runs, "You words, relish of neither commercial in- to man. because when we have writ- for the harness shop. Probably'a commodations to furilsh informa- terests the residents who. atthis the drivers are not entirely to blame. In never miss the water till the well runs dry." ten against unnecessary strikes, group bad gathered. Lads wen tion under oath or afflrmation or temptednor remain Instead of escap- I wish some one back then ks otherwise, to make aid keep rec- ing over to and the unwillingness* of some the boundary line. Washington, la quaint, easy chairs, most cases they must maintain a certain there from other farms; farmers J. Thomas Scott, editor and publisher power-seeking union leaders to ords, and other documents and the dropped in on the way to the inspection of bousing tccommoda- Nor Is it possible, on* the basis of could fill our shoes tor only a week time schedule, or else. Safety rules are cast of the Chatham, New Jersey, Press, by the compromise, we have been consid- had experience elsewhere, to evacuate a or so. They would do more than mill; villagers had. come to tions. etc. by some people as unfriendly grain residentiary and turn kiss the soil of U. 6.; they would aside, in the interest of job security. One same token, points out that we never rea- ered pass the time of day. The shop was Here we have once more all the municipality it ever lock, stock and barrel to eat it! If we still had a^ob to do, to labor—Freehold Transcript red tape of bureaucracy and the a fascinatingplace. The small onecommercial use—as seems to be all right; but we haven't We are) solution of this dangerous situation may be lize how much we depend on modem conroom' building waa heated by a vase- effort which the Congress has spent the wish ot some here. Those who literally rotting here. It is costing to fine the owners as well as the drivers. veniences and services until they are stopped ; > •• HEABTHSIDE, shaped cast-iron stove and the rut- in trying to make things simple, move their resldencts to surround- i s taxpayers ten times the amount and expeditious for the vetand attempt to ex- f we were in the States, and with stove pipe made a detour around easy Maintenance of time schedules should be by strikes, nor how the labor situation today Now come the nlghU when a ty eran In building a home Us done ing communities a municipality for nothing but the waste f>l ship space, materials, hearthflre gleams' most brightly. It the ceiling to give additional heat away with, The provisions of this ploit business gain are under millions of dollars In wasted * prohibited because our highways never were "is not a mass revolt by underpaid workers is more than an adjunot for the in cold weather. There were brok- bill would certainly make it far current trends that finding it won't work. ilclei, some still new, a sad alt J en-down chairs and nail kegs for more difficult for the veteran to furnace; when January winds are intended to be used as "railroads." ... . but a social revolution,*!! which a well most persistent at- the lrtndows; ,lt the use ot the forum members. New build; a house than under the pres- A flood of new municipal business Uon is more than evident JAnd they taxes, Including such unwelcome ex- call ours a democracy. organized political group is/using a minor; Is a Uv'e and glowing symbol of the glistening harnesses hung from ent law. tremes as municipal income taxes, This Is not hearsay; we ean prove -0-0-0-0-0-0Now, what does the proposed, law pegs on one side, and old worn and are now being adopted throughout every statement. If one-third of the warmth and security that belong ity of the working men ari^ women to capdo in expediting; the manufacture the country In a late attempt to cor- American people knew what they broken pieces littered the: floor and The Russian Bear to a /home and are the rightful of materials that go Into the conrect the difficulties left In the wave were paying for, we wouldn't have . battered benches. The windows were ture the reins of goyernnfent and enforce heritage of a family. It haa warmth struoUon of a dwelling? Under such situations. '• Is Getting Hungry. capital. Someone better start thinkthe heart as w'ell «• for the grimy and dusty, and cobwebs were Section 706 of the bill, It U provided ofThe upon u s a foreign ideology, collectivM at for broadening trend In munic- in* about these things; they oan't thick over them. la the corners that whenever In the judgment'of ipal government, outstretched hands. as I am able to Russia's action in stripping Manchuria best, but frankly communistic, as an ulti- •The'hearth itself Is a minor mat- were tangled piles of old pieces of the Director there Is a shortage ot discern it, is to make both com- keep us over here forever. buckles, traces, breech 'building materials, he may regulate mercial and residential Interests George O- Andrews, ter, except that it should have room harness;blinders, »f heavy industry and its subsequent de- mate goal. . , .',', Sgt,OMC, check reins, 1 hip or allocate such materials in sucn pay their equitable share ot ths cost for chairs around It and a flue straps, 32391822. and under such conditions of the services they receive. This mands on Iran follow the pattern of a cer"Money in the pay envelope is not the ab^ve that doe« Its duty, taking the straps, ohoke straps, names and manner as he deems necessary and proper, fact seems to be Ignored by ths locollars, Oa long shelves at the rear tain paperhanger which eventually led to only, issue at stake. The' strikes are called smoke outside where It belongs. It were pieces of leather from which and he may give preference In the cal champions of permitting tht unMOBE ABOUT BIBDS ihe fire Itself that counts, a slow, the harness maker out parts. The purchasing or renting of housing controlled relief of what they call ,World War II. But please don't label such to get power, political power primarily, and itsteady lire with a deep bed of coals, floor was always covered with.bits accommodations in connection with Bed Bank's "growing pains." One exponent of the latter school of In the February 7 edition of Ths actions as "aggression," It might offend from a long range poifit of view all our a simmering backlog and the of leather, dust and accumulated this subject. There is not one provision In the thought has asserted It will be register there was a paragraph telleisurely flame that feeds on sound debris. Pal Joey and his fellow travelers who are future hinges upon the outcome. . . ." bill which would tend to .stimulate necessary to Increase police, fire ling of the • appearance of a flock wood -without too much prodding or the manufacture and production of irotectlon and road expenses for of rare winter visiting birds In Mldtoo.many sparks. attempting to sow the seeds of Communism The smell was an integral part of articles Mr. Scott might have added that Amernecessary to the construc- commercial expansion, and that dletown. Both whlU winged and the shop. When a hot fire was fo' Long thoughts and leisurely dletion of a house. It Is the testimony "tht taxpayers, naturally, will have red crossbills were reported. in.this country." • ican ideals never included the right of a cuaslon find encouragement betide Ing It helped emphasis* the satisfy- of everyone wbo is at all cognizant to foot the bill." What taxpayers! Twenty ot th» wfclte-winged aad a Why should local residential tax- few of the red. These birds are of -o-o-o-o-o-ominority to deny "any inan the privilege of this are, and there 1« neither time ing aroma compounded of oil, new of the building Industry and a great payers b* compelled to pay In- such rart occurrence so far South nor encouragement for litter argu- leather, old harness and dust* It bottleneck exists in the production working or the privilege of joining or not creased to provide municipal that a "private view" of even a Transportation Subsidy Problem ment. This Is the slow fire of con- was a heavy, pungent, satisfying and manufacture of housing mater-, services taxes for businessmen catering to much smaller number is a high and this Is attributed to the joining any specified ^organization. Oppres- tentment and contemplation, not fragranoe, and on a day of lashing lals and attitude of the OPA customers from a trading area ex- spot In bird study. A Very Serious One. flame of fury.. Here is "the rain the smell was at Its best. A policies in maintaining strict and rigid tending far beyond the commun- As tbe writer had never seen any sion by minorities brings not only social rev- the kindling of imagination, and here harness shop was an important In- price ceilings, thereby discouraging ity's limits. If these commercial of- the white-wings' and only a The need for tax equality in the trans- olution, but looking back through the pages are the logs ot long philosophies. stitution la the countryside's econ- production. Business cannot oper- interests need increased services, single pair of the red crossbills, he hearthflre wai ever built with omy. It was • place of business. ate at a loss no matter What the the bill, under currently accepted called on both the ladles who had' portation industry, U increasing. of history, bloody revolution as well, There No trends in municipal government, oeen honored by thi rart visitors But more than that it was a spot New Deal philosophy preaches. the fagots ot the fanatic. be paid by them and their but found that the birds "had. The New York airport situation ii an is still time to control the, situation, but Time to think, time to dream, where a lad could spend a few pleas- It has been suggested in the de- should . J customers from a trading popula- flown.", time to talk and understand—and ant hours listening to men discuss bate that subsidies could be paid to tion of some 40,000 rather than by However, much to his amassment interesting example of the degree to which there is no time to waste. stimulate the production of these the affairs of the local community the quarter of that number of resi- Mn; Charles Bunt's description of the warmth, of an oaknfed fire. Tomaterials, but as the gentleman dential property owner* In .Bed the birds that came to her fading the air transport business is now financed -O-OrO-O-O-Obacco smoke, if you like It, and .and the outside world—a world into •from Illinois, Mr. Dlrksen, so ably Bank. There are many ways in station verified' by a colored picwhich a boy dreamed he would go mulled cider or mulled, wine, or by tax moneys. LaGuardia airport is said A Free Economy Cannot pointed out In his remarks yester- which municipalities are moving to ture in her bird book proved their whatever it Is that aoothes your one day and take his part day on this subject, a 10 per cent relieve property taxpayers by plac- identity not as crowbills but as to have represented, at the time of its com—•Mew Tork Times. Increase in the price celling for ing such burdens where they be- evening grosbeaks, a larger bird IjJUl, But a hearth, and a slow fire Exist Without Free Prices., building materials would be far long, and a number of them are "next of kin" to the cardinal or red pletion' shortly before the war, a greater inupon It, and the mellowing.hours DOLLAB FOB A SOLENT JOBT oheaptr for everyone than a eov- open to Red Bank Under existing bird. Though flrst reported in the of companionship that flourish in vestment than the total cost of all the airThe future of price control should be the hearthflre's glow. The winds The publla hearing on the Pie- ernment subsidy. I would add to New Jersey law. So, when the com- region of the Great Lakes in 1823the remarks ,ot the distinguished merclal-expanston^tntny-prlce ad- 25, It waa almost unknown in New planes operating in regularly scheduled decided intelligently on a basis of principle may rattle the sash and the night coe school-aid bill really provided gentleman that such a policy would vocates proclaim that <rpaturally" England up to the winter of U&ft-M, a shortcourse education on the subbrittle with deep frost, but here also tend to strengthen our system residential property owners must when a great flight reached Massacommercial service in the whole United rather than in the manner of a person try- be ject .of education. Legislator*, of frte enterprise, and not open up at the hearthslde Is the very eslocal commercial enter- chusetts. Since that time they have -.States at that time, and now the city of New ing to escape the consequences of setting sence of peace.—New York Times. sohoolmen, parents, teachers and another opportunity for govern- subsidize prises, I submit they are mlsrepre- been seen ahnoet every winter.-The civlo' groups in attendance learned ment deficit -financing. ~ " region about Red Bank is ideal In York is building at Idlewild & new and his own house on fire*. F. A. Harper, Pro- NO OP CHANGE DETBOIT that all Is not well In the realm Ot Veterans should havetorlorlty on sentlng the issue. ifaftltrf*?M^nTfarinafry Mffftjiorii~ Ai one" exairiple ot-whtrr" 1 Jersey ! school bill. . ' materials: veterans sh*ld have creased.revenue might be obtained birds that wandtr far South Hfw'tnlarger airport estimated to cost |20O,0O0,- fessor of Marketing, Columbia university, FREE PRESS ter their search tor tree) seeds Patirson and othtr cit- priority on rentals; veterans should for additional commercial district and In 000. That is approximately the cost ol the approaches the subject as it should he ap- Earl Browder's expulsion from iesNewark, "preserved" berries on Which have priority on construction labor; services, an examination of .liquor protested against the new state• In short, veterans should have license fees might be In order. State they feed. Communist Party does. not Grand Central and the Pennsylvania sta- proached; "A free economy cannot exist the formula In the Paiooe bill. It priority on everything which goes Beverage Commissioner Alfred K, - In addition to orossbtlls and tvenmean that the former No. 1 U. S, ald doesn't "equalise" the distribution to, the building of a home, but unInsr grosbeaks are purple flnohes ned repeatedly tions combined. Neither of these stations without free prices, Any statements or in- Comrade has become any more a ot state-aid funds, they said, nor Drlscoll has complained ' " less the materials used In home of both overllcenalni by municipal!- and Bohemian warwln|s. In addicltlsen than he has been cost the city of New York anything for con- ferences to" the contrary are delusive. Ac- desirable tion to the casual winter visitors building are produced and made does It tranqulUM their hardmunicipalities ties and the fact that munlcl^ in the past. Nor has the CP alterpressed taxpayers who should be available, alt .these priorities mean In the" state are charging license named, the list of regular winter struction or for operation, while the two of tions based on any other assumptions are ed anything more than the party called residents is quite a large one, and absolutely nothing, fees considerably lower than maxlupon to dig up new money to the umpteenth, time. such bird* as tht robin, them pay approximately f5,000,000 a year either pitfalls or baited traps., Free prices line—for In Its present form this "bill Is . mums permitted by state law. How frequently provide bigger grants to other mugoldfinch, grackle, may deotdt to reFaithful to the strings that make nicipalities. hodge-podge of words, which I think does Red Bank stand In that re- main through the winter. So keep. to the city in taxes. all Commies dance, Browder led are so much at the heart of a free economy be productive of very little ipect with its more than two-score The Pascoe bill formula Itself is would wateh for rart visitors and the party into Its synthetic war- cock-eyed, construction and whether or not It license), and at what) feea? ' If we close scatter food for thslr entertainA financial statement of the operations as to be almost another name for the same time said some speakers. And can be made workable by amend- are to threaten the safety of our ment. assumption of democratic moat of the speakers agreed that msnt remains to be seen. own residents by permitting thi of LaGuardia airport does (nqt seem to be thing, Prices Arc the forms-6f expression of' garb and afterwards beoame a sac- whin The blK mosbeak measures apall ii Mid and dons, or unof all manner of liquor goat when a high-up French Jamte O, Auchlncloss, M, C, operation 7 to 8.60 inches in outlets to quench the thirst of the proxlmately available. But figures have been given on all economic decisions, and free decisions rificial comrade attacked him Mercilessly Done, New Jersey's real estate taxlength. Its colors aft black, white surrounding, .countryside, would It payers art shouldering the weight and yellow, and. has a heavy, /thjES^operatlons of Love Field, the municipal huve no other means of expression than as a faithlass turncoat—for doing of the big elephant-Mduoationbe unreasonable to at least ask that powerful beak. Itit is. particularly the CP hlotrchy'* bidding! First they pay a greater share of the cost airport of Dallas, Texas, for a twelve- through free prices." he was drummed out of Offlce and and thai tht animal Ii gaining of such services as police protec- fond of tht seeds of bos elder trees. prodigiously y m after Orpheus Moyer Sonants, tion? • inonthg period ending in September, 1944. :. And it should not he forgotten that po- now has been lead out of the. party, weight, * «sw*.*;-^**!*i " 'The" chowder-: madeT of Browier" a r ^ ^ Thert a n many other potential lMTjprtogJStoMii This field represents an investment of more litical freedom ennnot exist for long without Is only qne more evidence that the Mark M. Jones, Princeton con- by Mrs. Ruth Olejka, president of sources ot additional revenue whloh the Rumson Woman's olub, at an might stand examination, Such more the. CP changes,,the more It sulting economist, representing the Installation meeting Monday night than $6,000,000 of public finidi. The total ecqnomlc freedom. problems asthe elimination of trafJersey Taxpayers As»OfliatloBi remains its horrendous self.- -De- New ; landing- fees^paid during the twelve months pointed out that the cost df public la Ooeanlc fire house, art at fol- flo congestion, plaguing munlojpall1 -o-o-o-o-o-otrolt Free Press. illy, are Being solved education in this atate • fnortat*, lows: Mrs. Charles Bully, finance: tlei generally, by the three airline's which use the fields Where Are without rtffii cost to-resldenlf» ptr cent bttwith 1M0 and 1HH Miss Marie Mapes, refreshments; eliawfiera —- „-.JiW>wn,efi thrdugh parkPKACKT1ME USO ATLANTA that public tchool inroHment wai Miss Peggy Sinclair, publicity, and Ing ' amounted fo less than f5,000. The other Tmeters, Ifftutet parking space Mr. skd 'Mrs. Louis B. Richmond : CONSTITtTION 'War'Heroea? 20 per cent lew In. 1014 than In W35 Mist Helen Hullck, program. . operated leased by' municipalities of OhuKU street, Bilford, Celebrat" Hems'of Income from the field and< its assojOfflotrs who will serve for the en. at'profit, or UBO la sohed'uled to complete Its and that the,' ouUay ptr'*ufc«--lj suing and other meant. yiar. wsr» «Iwtalled. CON higher tHan'ln all other sintei of Alt' suoh,suggestIOBI, of course, ed their 56th wedolng »nnlvirsary ciated terminal were approximately f6^000 The public is cui'iouM us t6 wiiat wartime mission by the end of next the itgef wire presented to tht ntw offend shorNlgntid commirolal In- Tuesday at a buffet supper at theli Union e"xoept ont, y Whether the type ot i , , tereits-etpwjaUy those who mire- homt, rent for the restnuran't concession 5 J4,000 iiecoinci ot il.o picturesque of wv • Mr. Jonti'cUWd lot »tt 'inVtttl; and retiring officers, q ilgurOB g here while ' Among their children, grandohllMrs, /Raymond Murphy wts ly derlve'tl for the cigar and news stand concession; Liciiteiiunt'Gii'iicrnl beyond 1947 and under what' .gatlon Into tht purpoie, Vijiults and i residing ell In th« long dren and great-grandchildren presJaincR II, Donllttle hns tlnutd auspices are queitlpns for the fu- oosts of education "to prove that named'chairman of a spring dance run, aspttlinct h u aamonjrtratia m t r t t d ent w«tt Mr. ana Mrs*. OUudt i |2,009 for the.telephone booth.c6nocs»Ion,; returned to tlm 8I10II Oil Company for whleh' plans will bi announced.' W J i not paying a dp»«r nsavico ture. . • . , p p Other* atttnarnj win MM, Jacob thai tht inttrtiUtf both defilrablt Richmond and diuihtip, Mary U u b'/1.... . l£««mi to u« thaj aomt typt.ot fora KNtnt job,! i 0 l l i l t u Jrtd liJtfH«" u ,«9Hr ton•bUstnesi MMdents<..WJ» gni |2,000 for tjioilckel-in-tlig-slot .president,, WIICI-CIIIB diUlcs wIlHndludu UBO will he desirable aa 'long as On' thi enigma, m«nlty.|p WHtnir andfillun to. " * 'and Mrs, Frank-sHuer,-Miv.alK 'Btap-BOMOWMtT *' r Hard»B toilet coqcenHlqn.' • The last, paid' the city, al bnjfu'uUun , of of thu nvinllim wo.-havo tfoopg abfoe'if or,even,a, education, tht hit thu nvinllim •Intewoul** of i T l i i id' th t t l jagg AVERAGE SAVINOS Tht average man'and womai it said to have savings whleh will carry them over tbe reconversion period, and enable them to make tht down-payment on a house and buy the many things wa->thr" — oduce and they want. The •* of ttatietlclans, however, ' , t sweep us off our feet. Ther^ . no doubt that there is a lot of money around, but has the average man got it? One of our friends has received a circular letter from -tht National Committee to Aid Families of General Motors Strikers- asking for financial help for Ihe families, an part the letter reads: "Nearly onehalf of the striken1 families have completely exhausted all resources of savings, loans and credit"-* * • For three winter months, thousands of families have had no Income to pay Tint, provide heafc or buy food for women and children. Frightful suffering, Imposed by long-drawnput negotiations between the company and the union, has fallen on thsse families. *- • • When possible the-funds (from donations) are being spent for food, bought in quantity." In addition,'When emergency requires, we have, paid'rent, stopped evictions, provided fuel, medical care, and essential clothing. * * •" The children of these strikers have our sympathy. Their suffering is due £o the refusal of nonsuffering union leaders to settle with General Motors for an Increase of pay -which should have been welcome although not the full arbitrary Intrease demanded. The American Federation of Labor in the January Issue of .its Monthly Survey calls Its rank and file's-attention to the fact that if employI an liuui"attrofferea> „ r Rumson Club Names Committee Members Richmond* Have • 59tK Anniversary -— »U^U4l^U^VM^»'A'^S^^H?P^^!M^t>^VV^6W^^i'W U vnitiK"Oil™jjjnin|'". uoo* Jean, .Mli RED BANK REGISTER. MABCft 7.1946. PIANOS SOLD- Junior High School bwadeaet, Tiwf B*V* t*» teno- •bowed then how to max* th* boefc* tar wile* Vuj collect ndle Vhrtam tight*. «"Both rnmm mn tonisf along tfas? Francis Maruka At Couple Celebrate Sitor Wedding LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND ENG A, MdHTOSH OWnScoutii o ( B J W Hrtrt . ~ ~ . ,.~~-~.^,, afternoon, at 'il*e Thejr - hays,tinted, efflcfr*.as folIteta . Mn, Robert Bharp^of •choot Tbr girls organised t r o low*: preiident, Robert Patterson; KeyjKKi eelebnUd* their aUver toan*. They are the Pioneers and add *ecr*f*jry, Dolores Brow*. cmtt«ry j ^ f , 'recently at a ;• ; The.groi»p k*s mad* rule* which , where' and" how l tb* Climbers, as follow: hall, Vales t bar* written the <J«tty*urr Cwnbexs-^UarJoi/ Estellt, Fran- will, KelB.tfcem be better "ettlaen*. ces Ofborne, Margaret Jones, K a n Th* rules are^allene*, poUtenew, Annie <Hr*141 of iteeasburg w Dancing jrfub hai Um. leaw- A m Ruaao, Minerva Colosimo, Ann kindness, honesty and neatnes*. U Biuilc daring the evwv HemWlng, Betty Ann Mason, Jean*om* of the basic step* of the , -—Anna Caiasao X. A- Napi.r, abo of ia -fox trot, jitterbug and taj> netta AcflUaro and Jane Btckwith; ^ u t f g , entertained with Wok* dabetaf., Th** lait 10 minute* of ploneera-Audrejr Hurley, Barbara iecend Orade • of aaajjle. Acoortlon aeleetlona were this period waa. derated to wcial Ctaglfa, Jean Macintosh, Ruth Selene* Unit-Animal life. Studl Jan* Patdusk* and June dancing. This club la under th* di- P»bl, Marie Aatenori, Angi* Oam- led wild and tame animals. A* an bteorU, Nancy Morgan, CHoria outcome of this *tttdy th* das* rection, of Mri. CMo* Tata*.. ' TfethMMn more than 100 gueat* ,»Th«Art#jmd Crafti elub hai Coditpoti, Beael* Crlmi and Mary mad* a "wall potter chewing the at Mtfr-eeJebratlon, including Mrs.eight memberi. It I* Under the di- Fagano. 'animal* In their habitat*. These R o ^ t - Sharp and Mr. and Mrs. Ar-, rection o f MlM Ragnhlld Lef- Th* officer* ar* president Bar- student* belong to Mia* Wilbur's rtrand. They ar* working on tome bar* Ciagllt; scribe, Gloria Codl- room. thnv' TTfllni'j' UaaVtftW(tfl{ l£r« u d leather, making wallet* and belt*. apotl, and treasurer, Audrey HurMM jJsbk Jolly and Mr. and Mr*. —Margaret Romeo They a » alto making picture ley R . » Jolly and daughters, JacqueM a « «nd pun**. imVaaaTttary Bvelyn, Miss Ruth T*e flrls ar* nuking clothes for Be*tMwot'and Mis* Evelyn LUttr,' HADE "OW THE WOT" M>B( John' Xbner li director of the th* Philippine children, They are Bhtpnaald; Mr. and Mra. Loula Manual Training club. Hi ha* M also selling toy acotty dogs to earn > fOBCmESTBM Berfcheot, Mr. and Mra. Harold mosey for a tour of New. Tork: and members in hi* club. § vocutiign fhnfo* Mr. and Mr*. John Cuirosa, Mill Elisabeth D»vl* to director New York Scout Headquarter*. SSaat Orange; Mr. and Mrs. AlexW* ar* *orry to hear that Audrey 'New equipment requested by the # SPEECHES of the game club. A favorite game ander Munro and daughUr LlUlus, Hurley is III. V?t maw bar very various companies of the Keyport la checker*. BellevUle; Mr. and Mrs. John Mur—Mary Caprioni much and hope she will return to fire department has been ordered and will be distributed as'spon as dock, Mr*'9. A. Sltken, Kearny; school soon. Best wishes, Audrey. raosived, it,w«s announced.at the Mr. and Mn.-Alexander Craig and —Nancy Morgan OTi meetlns; of the ofBcers' association daughter LydK and Bert MaeCIeltl UEX8HAW AVE. The boyg and girls In the Hh of the department last week. The First Grade EATONTOWN M7-X Th* Jrounf acunan la not only land,'l!lliabeth. grade are going to ice the opera, The children in Miss Bernadlne meeting w** conducted by Fire Retting splendid training; tout is Also Mrs- S. M. Marr and Mrs. "The Barber of Seville" In New thoroughly enjoying his Navy duYork. It U a great opportunity for Stewart's room have been studying Chief Harry Poling. The department will .dispense ties. He mites that h* is at pres- M/A. Xucterlonla, New Tork city; the boy* and girls who have waited about milk. They are going-to give Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Oourley, Unten; with the annual parade this year ent on a ship abuttUnjr officers and Mr. uM Mra. S. B. Bailey, Red a long time to iee an opera. MlM a play using student* from grade Meant, music teacher, will accom- two and "Milk" as their etory. It and inspection will take place in sailor* a* well t* variou* supplies Bank; Mr. and Mr*. t>. M. Murdock you ar* Interested In milk and its front of Btgle Hose fir* house, between Caaablanea and Marsallles. pany them. daughter Marlon, Belford; Mrs. witta entertainment following theV Frauds attended Red Bank and and C l i Marmetoteta value, aee this play. Jean Adams, Mr*. J. M. Miller and Inspection and Installation of the • —Oarmella govisro" Fair Haven grammar scholi and Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Keansnew chiefs. The reason given for Rumaon high school and worked burg;'Irving Fitzgerald and daugh. Our Modem Setae* Ctafc ' Fifth Grad* eliminating the : parade was that for a time in R. Clay Bairt ser- ter Evelyn, m l Mr. and Mr*. WilOur Modern Selene* club wa» itarted October 2, IMS, when we Th* fifth grade, which is Hri. new uniforms'are needed by the vic* ataUontoB Beat Front street liam WIMe, Keyport; Mr. and Mrs. wer* SA'a. ThU club i r u held each Dorothy Btraub's noup, hae formed department, and until such time a* iefore entering the Naval Reserve. S. C. Cappell, SUten Mand. new one* can be purchased, the last Tueaday in the montlwln Mrs. a Library elub. Attending from Union Betch MacLeod's General Science period. Officer* are; president, Eugene parade will be discontinued. were Mrs, David Abram*, Mr. and The club motto Is "Be Prepared." Jones; vice president, Mary Bell Charles Brower of Rarlton Hose Mn. W*. B. Brown, Mr. and MM. Officers of the dub ate president, Jones; treasurer, Carmine Calazzo, company announced hi* candidacy, S. B. Bacon, Mr. end'Mrs. & O. Nancy Morgan; vice president, Al- and secretary, Mary Brown. for second assistant chief at the, Gattetly, Mr. and Mn. 8. G. Gilbina Plrow; aecretary and treasThey have been snaking report* department election in April, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Handy o t mour and daughter, Mn. S. H. urer, Mabel Shorno. on article* .and stories pertaining 0 Crisfleld, Maryland, have announced Hugb«f, itr. and 'Mr*/ H. A. Haug Member* are Elaine Jordan, The- to. topics in'Social Science. the engagement .of their daughter, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. I* 51. Mary Gtabrone, They have also been looking up Miss Marian Sue Handy, to J. Carle Le«brlef, Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. PusGloria uooupou, u e o . . HTJT'' - ^ - T r * > i nCiMfi.l,J.,C MeiD, Leila Job", Barbara p g j , (all their unit in science was "insoa ol Broadway,' Keyport, and' the George Pickering, Mr. and Mn. Jean Macintosh, Marl* Coatello, sects." They brought in clipping* Announcement ha* been made of late Mr. Anderson. Robert Pickering, Mr*. Clarence Joan Tomalno, Thomas Williaaos, from the paper and gave report*. Mis* Handy attended the College McQueen'and daughter,' Mr. and ' —Edith Balentiao the marriage of First Lieut Jewell Roger Severln, Robert Crawford Cahill, U. 8. Army Corps, daughter of William and Mary and Boston Mn. R. B. Reldtnger, Mn. S. T. and Fred Tomalno. Each member N of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Cahill, university. Mr. Anderson also at- Stalger, Mr. aad Mr»..S. R. Sullibelongs to some committee, e, %., Fourth Grade Keyport, to First Lieut. Chester experiments, entertainment, reThis report was written by Sty- K. Morin, son of Mr. and Mr*. John tended the College of William and van, Mr." and Mra. William Tlgue, search, etc. hanie. Glover Is the' fourth grade. Morln of Superior, Wisconsin. Tbe Mary. He Is associated with the Mr. and Mn. S. TJ. Tracy, Mr. and Pittaburg Steel eompany in the H a H. W. Wenzei, H. W. Wenzel, Many experimenU take place at The fourth grade in their Social meetings, such as looking through Science class Is making, a icene ceremony took place In Germany Now Tork offlce. Mr. and Mr*. S. W. Wright, Mrs. January 31. . a microscope at different ilatamtt, which Is about the Bushmen of the David Sand* and son Gordon, Mn. . The bride is a graduate of Keyseeing whether water will seek Its Ralabalr desert-in Africa. On a Squid* move backward by sqtUtt^] 8. K. Hauler and Mayor and Mn. port high school and St. Peter's hoslevel, and purifying water.. table in the room, we have sand, ing out water. Boyle K. Pattiscn. After the committees have con- bushes, trees and some Bushmen'. pital school of nursing, New Brunstributed their report*, we have fire The background is made up of sky, wick. She was school nurse at Keyor ten minutes for a social period. ground, animal* and . two Bush- port before entering the service. The meeting li then adjourned by men's huti. The hut* are made of Mr*. Morin was the fifth member the president. .. papier-mache. of her family to join the services. —Theresa Ferraro, "Before that we studied the Eski- Her three brothers also were in the mo*. A group of children started Army and a sister, Loretta, a cadet Radio Club ' to make in Eskimo scene. They nurse at St. Peter's hospital in New Mri. Bell, teacher of Radio club, mixed salt -and flour to make the Brunswick. Sgi James Cahill was has 15 member*. At the present snow. They made a lake with awarded the Distinguished Flying time they are studying Saturday mountains on the aide. Alao a man Cross Itx Operations in the South . Boyi can make pocket money by broadcasting; antt plan to go to Mew in a kayak, spearing a walnu. Our Pacific, and the other .two brothers >•* selling the Begiater—Advertisement York city for the day to see & art teacher, Miss Strickland, are Pierre Cahill and John Cahill. Keyport Firemen Promised equipment jay Berger F UE L Marian Sue Handy Engagement Told Keyport Army Nurse SPECIAL CASH PLAN Let us eocpiairi the details. A dollar saved it a dollar made. -- CANNON BATH TOWELS 20x4&—Flrat Quality. Block patterns with solid border In Oreen, Pejch, Blue and Maize. > AAEN'S BLUE CHAMBRAY WORK $ SHIRTS HIRTS Sanforized shrunk. outl 8lzes14to17. Pull < l 50 BROAD STREET RED BANK Money Refunded on Request. No Red Tap* In Making Adjustments. .- HANCE & DAVIS TEL. 103 Let s Face the Facts About HOME BUILDING In athe confusion created about the shortage of , homes in America, one point stands out clearly:. ; tries, and for items that were needed in wartime industry. YOU CAN'T BUILD HOMES WITHOUT MATERIALS! Today's question is not essentially one of price control—if there were plenty of homes, no price controls would be necessary. The important question is one of production and manpower. Lumber and building material dealers and contractors obviously have a vital interest in obtaining materials for home building. • They report, nevertheless, that such materials are not flowing through the yards; that they have not been \ able to get them. "Therefore, the Government's HH priorities offered to enable veterans and others to obtain homes, are simply home hunting licenses—for materials in quantity are not available. 'As long as OPA continues its wartime control policy rather than a policy of adjustment to aid reconversion, It will neither be able to prevent an inflation or a de- flatlon; it will only be able to prevent reconversion by ,. discouraging production _ c f _ n t i e d e J J ^ ^ Items. Here, for example, fs am Instance of OPA. acUjn, that has resulted in increased production. • After 6 months' delay, OPA granted a 4 * to 10%'price- adjustment that allowed 125 of 400 closed brick and tile ^plants to reopen. This price adjustment allowed these plants' and 400 others that had been operating, to hire needed labor. As a result, in the next quarter production rose 35%. ' ' But in hardwood flooring, siding, plywood, millwork, and construction lumber, OPA clings to its wartime formulas.. Instead, OPA follows the unrealistic policy of'allowing premium prices-to. mills for produc-. •1ngiumber:for*such-things-asexport to-foreign, coun. So far, OPA and Government officialdom in general have contented themselves with controls, allocations and priority systems which at best can do nothing but juggle an insufficient supply of building materials— and at worst, delay and retard production and the employment of manpower. Homes will not be built In the United States unless the Building Industry builds them. Whether they are labeled "Public Housing" or "Private Homes," the same materials, the same labor, the same building in-, dustry will build them, . Production can be un-blocked by the removal or realistic approach cannot be attained as Ion j as emment action is based on a philosophy of lack rather than a philosophy of abundant supply, for peacetime prosperity. • . The lumber dealers, builders and contractors stand ready to build or rebuild'America. But it is up to the people to demand that the way be cleared for the production of materials for homes. v Any government program that does not FIRST remove the obstaclei blocking production of material! will simply add additional difficujtie* to the problem facing the building F. F. Blaisdell, Inc. Hdgerman Lumber Co. Satter Lumber Co. Monmouth LumberCo. Red Batik Lumber and Supply Co. ; ""T'B ''\. ' ' ^ ' ) NATIONAL;,•RETAIL-(LUJ^^I)EXtEft5.; ASSOCIATIpN ', u ;/.',,,*.-;;,; • (I I Jersey Central First Power Company m History To Reach the Mow; An EpictoScience !I9lE.OTHER IflOHT tba Evsni Signal Laboratory, birthplace of Army Radar, sent a menage to tbe Moon, which rebounding, w«i registered back in Belmar in two and a half seconds. May we Uke pirdonible pride that the Hectrle Power for this breath-taldnr •xperlmeat w u lumlihed by ua. Thai Jertey Central becam* the-nrat power oompany to hittory to send iti impulieaotttdd* the BarthV orbit . ' , We have chostn toll nurvtl in . aclence, to .let our' mlnda working wiUrthoa* of our euitemiw, n o t to' miioh on further USM lor •way front the euth'i lutfiee, u right down here In the hom* whir* our chief concern eontinuei "to Us. . ' Already tfiere li Radir, TirtMIIoa. both around the corner « household necessities. - Science is speeding up. There are new worlds to conquer here on earth, some of. them In the home. So this la » great day to Uve in. Almost anything ELECTRICAL can now happen. •••.:• \Tbis Company pledget'lti abillttw, great praetiablllty, but rather to Improve electric service in the home, avail Itself' of new method* and inrenUoni, jffid tc keep continually, at Us poUey iMcH UT<r0u* ConWptlflBof the Utility Buttneu Is to render the bart poislble service we cm at* the lowest pttuible rate," • REDDY mO+ATT Your ElMrie Strvanl X£4 / EED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 7,1946. TohnB. Allen CompanyLandscaping By Merchants TPUsi Co. lizes In Correct Stanley Mclntosh Is Active In Granting Men's Store In RetiM Pubtic Confidence Htting Of Footwear Improves Property Federal Housing Loans Monmouth County Has IH 1939, Albert, Joieph and William Redlker opened afi With ttw approach of Uprta* we The Merchants Tnjst Cfc-of Red BanK, N. J., v a s Incor- If onmouth eounly, and. especially : ' The John B..Al!en Company, Inc., now one of Red Bank's *xt pleased to not* the return of Stanley A. Mclntosh, prominent porated in 1933, and took over the business of the old Mer-the borough of Red Bank has always been known for its numerheading shoe stores, is the outgrowth of a small business started landscape architect, Point toad, long established retail business I back in 1861 by. Simon Miller directly opposite its present loca- Ldttl* Silver. He will continue dian.fi Trust Company. The amount of deposits assumed at ous The list would certainly "not thoM helpful suggestions for. be.t- :hit time was approximately *45o 000. Through efficient man- firms. be eompleU unless we added Krif t i o n at No. 8;Broad street At.that time, Red Bank j m aUr landscape street* 'that oharaoa firm that, has been iMlltof • country village, and Broad street not'the bujy shopping center terlred his «ffort» before tt» war. agement, progressive methods and Sound banking principles, trie del's, men's olothinf and furnishings to The delightful satisfaction sip institution has enjoyed a remarkable growth, and deposits as of residents of the borough and en-rtof 'today. Mr' Miller vas a progressive merchant and success- tained through a well designed and small jewelry store at Nd. 6 Broad street, Red Bank, under the;' trader name of'Reeds Jewelers. It was a successful venture due t _ o"modera business Ideas, quality merchandise and correct prices.^! When larger quarters were required Jn 1943, (he firm moved to, Its present location, No. 60 Bro«d street, which h now .u- olaimed as one of the smartest and+most modem Jewelry stores liwtfae of thrifty birjr*r*. rona eoBtinuouEigr since 1187. fD*e*mb*r list, 1946, w*r* »10,0»,borough, . . ,: fully operated the business lor ap--* Re*ds J*w«l*r* a n aoted ter th*. Fifty-nine yean ago Jtoob Krldel 017.80, and 1* the fourth largest Reeds Jewelers If on* of th* k r » large and varied selection of preoi- \ proxlmately SO yean, when It wa» ferene* between juit "felling shoe*" came to Bed Bank and started in the 1 bank in th* county. ' isold to Clarence Whit* apd Harry and "fitting feet" olothing business In a small store set reUUera In the state, u they ous ston**, diamonds and diamond John B. Allen Company carry an It has been and will oontlnu* to oa Front'street, near Broad street operaU seven store* throughout J*w*lry; and the stock oompiises' Kn&pp. It WM then moved to No. » Broad street and operated under extensive stock of top quality t th* pollay of th* institution to Mr. Krldel was progressive and had New Jersey. Th* B«d Bank store many unlgu* designs sad unusual is th* main offlo* of th* firm and pleois. All msmbws of th* firm the products «f nationally the trade Bam* of White * Knapp, shoes, promote tin growth U th* com- am unquenchable ambition to rise th* branch stores «r* located at 717 h known manufacturers, and they' jrtars of *xp*risn«e i t the In his trade, with the hop** that • la USS the- business again feature such' popular make* M : munity. Applications for loans ar* •OHM day U s store would be one Cookman avtAu*, Asbury Park; U t ]*w«Iqr business and also aa *OTi. .changed hands, thli tin* .to Hand*-* Matrix, College Bred, Walkover, given careful consideration and th* of the more prominent in the com- Broadway, Long Branch; * West abte »oord of integrity la th* dia-. ville tc Stint, and It was known as Foot Rest, .Nlsley and Merry<toofflcws of the bank *f available at munity. This desire -was realised, Main »tr**t, TrMBOld; 8 SpM««r*U moud trad*. Ton n**d not b* an (White's .Shoe Store. The next Round shoe* for women. Adam* avenue, Morristown; 3 West Black- expert to purchase diamond* from any time to discuss finanolal prob- as he did build up the large busi- well street, Dover and 824 :- change of ownership occurred in Brothers, J. Edwards and Acrobat Rseds, as every precious stone Is' After a hard and pressing ap- ams. It was on* of the first insti- ness now known as Krldel's Men's street, Boonton, New Jersey, 'iSil, when. It was sold to it* pres- for children, and Walkover, Bosguaranteed as to quality, sit* and Store, the largest and oldest men's jrentlceshlp to learn the trade, CON tutions In this vicinity to approve The-growth of business. that value. ent owner*, the John B. Allen Com- tonian, Holland-Racine and Mansclothing store In the county. list H. Mount! started In business field for men and boy*. Daniel Reeds has attained in the past Th* repair department at Reeds ; pany. The' Increased business unmortgage loans under the regulaIt was an up-grade pull for Jacob [or himself as a general painting seven years Is' probably due to JsweUre Is efficient In general re- . • der the management of John B. Al- Green clipper* are also featured wntractor about three years ago. ons of the FHJL. and also to grant Krldel back In 1887, but with the their strlet rule of selling only pairing; remounting diamonds Into len goon necessitated larger quar- along with the better brands of determination to succeed, the busi~ >ue to his knowledge in the art waterproof footwear. Also stocked oans under-th* regulations of the quality jewelry, the products of re- the new and modern designs and ters; and. in 1941 the Allen Com- and fitted by expert shoe fitters are of modern painting and decorating, same Government Agency for mod- nes* prospered and within a few lable and nationally known manu- tbe repairing of all makes of Ameri pany. moved to t$e preient location, Health Spot Corrective shoe* for years, when larger quarters were facturers—merchandise of proven ican and Swiss watches and clocks. he has already attained a reputasNo. 8 Broad street. During the men and women, and the firm has lon as most reliable. From the ernizing and repairs to existing con- necessary hs moved to No. 5. Broad merit .'and Value. Their stock Is Repair" charges are reasonable and street fa IBIS Mr. Krldel pur- quite extensive and tends to appeal every effort. Is made' to hay* the many changes of. addresses, the a large and repeating trade for this very start, Mr. Mount realized that structions. 5 business has always, been situated particular type' of shoe, whose wearthe only way to win and hold cusThe initial Capital of the bank. chased the building at the corner to a particular clientele who want work finished at. th* time specified. tomers ,was to give the kind-of as U00,000, with Paid In Surplus of Broad and Front streets, the the practical yet Inexpensive Jew* The reputation and public confi'within a radius of approximately ers are their best advertisers. ork that would be entirely satis- f $60,000. Two -years ago - the par present location of the store. Since elry and gifts. Every purchase is* dence that Reeds has attained with i 100 feet of the original site for 85 Members of the John.B. Allen lactory. By adhering to this prln- alue of the stock was increased April, 1021, the- business has been guaranteed to be exactly as pre- many residents of Red. Bank and '.years, • . • ' ' a Company are: John B. Allen, presi:lple, he has done painting and from $10,00 per share to $11.00 per conducted by the children of the sented and priced within the means vicinity !• merited and deserved. The John B. Allen Company now dent and treasurer; Harry,H. patlecoratlng for many prominent lo- share, making the Capital Stock late Jacob Krldel. Until September • occupy the largest and finest store^ terson, vice president, and Herman 24, 1945, th* late Abram M. Krldel al residents and business firms. 1110,000. Surplus has been In- managed • in its long history.', Naturally the D. Woolley, secretary. Mr._Patterthe| business and It 1«'PO^ Corll* Mount h a the facilities *'teMlltt"BI"BOBaBctlriB'a"Tel«t^»ho» ndlvided profits-of approximately „ 'store has been changed from time and Mr. of buildings. Rough sketches isjntlng : Job, and therefore has $140,000, making total Capital Fund* Florence Kridelr daughters of the to time frpmthose of the founder. when the business was owned by ment founder. * ,- One business principle, however,. Clarence White. They both con- made during a visit" often solve )een awarded several large eon- of $390,000. The Krldel stor* has long been tracts through competitive bidding. It Is a member of the Federal Rei has been carried forward—that of tinued under the ownership of many smallproblems. • Mr. 'Mclntosh's entry in the Na- When you contemplate any paint- serve System and the Federal De- patronized by a particular clientele always having a large, and varied George S. Stlne and became stockor decorating In your dwelling: posit Insurance Corporation. The and It Is often-referred to as the : stock of quality merchandise- rea- holders In the business when the tional Landscape Nurseryman's as- ing property, Mr. Mount members of the Board of .Directors men's fashion, center of Red iBank. sonably priced. Allen's emphasizes John B. Allen Company was sociation" competition was granted or111business submit an estimate and In have been business and profession- We are all awar* of th* scarcity of the third award. This competition, the fact that there is a great dif- formed. open to professional landscape de- some cases the work can probably al men, well acquainted with local men's wearing apparel at the presilgners throughout the United be done for less than you anticipat- conditions. • The original Board ent time, but you can be assured The local prominence of De Ridder Buick Inc., with motorStates, represented a wide range ed; and of course convenient terms lerved without a break until De- that If the merchandise you Want is ists of Red Bank and vicinity can be attributed to the thorough and cross section of the country's can be arranged. He thoroughly cember of 1945, when Warren H. .available to the public, It can be work in this field. The plan and understands every branch of paint- Smock died, and then In February purchased hfre and at the correct knowledge of the automobile industry that J. Raymond De Ridreport was fully prepared" while in ing and decorating and a promise of this year, Albert W. Worden price. Many of these customers of der attained during his 17 years of association with the General lied, which left the following mera- today represent the .second and the Navy, as Mr. Melntosh has made means a promise kept. been honorably discharged only re- It has always been stated that a jers of'the Board: Charles R. Eng- third generations of -Monmouth Motors Corporation. The extensive trade Mr. De Ridder has reddent* .that 'they have cently. Prior to his entry in the ood paint job on the exterior of a ish, John J. Qulnn, Frank E. Price county established in the shod space of two years since he took over served In the past half century. armed forces he was the landscape mtlding is not an expense, but ind Kenneth H, McQueen, an Investment for the pro————— Service has always.been of para- the showroom, garage and service-*-; consultant for the American Cam- limply The officers are: ectlon of the property against the mount Importance at Krldel's, and station on Monmouthj. street, near ably to mak* your old ear run betouflage Corps, New'York city area. slements of the -weather, Interior Chairman of the Board—Charles whether you are an old customer the railroad station, is Indeed de- ter and operate more economically' Through his 17 years' experience lecoratlng and especially with wall •J . . or a new customer, you will receive serving of public comment In these is a thorough check-up at regular in landscape design and engineer- Ijaper that is now used so extensive- R. EngllBh. H. McQueen. the same friendly and courteous aV columns. . Nowadays, it is the desire of many w'oiWen--to purchase ing Mr. Mclntosh's work has em- ly, will surely make any room more President—Kenneth intervals, and this type of work at Vice President Trust Officer— tention. They have a staff of effllDe Ridder Buick Inc., Is the kind' the De Ridder Buick will prevent the problems of large and attractive. Mr. Mount will call at Frank E, Price. furs, and when the better dressed women of Red Bank and vicin- braced dent clerks ever ready to assist in of automobile firm that local mo- those small properties, both public and your convenience and offer suggeslitfU annoying troubles from Secretary—E. N. McClees. your shopping problems so that you torists appreciate, especially the ity speak of furs, their conversation generally.reverts to Fish- private, from tiie preliminary to- tions on any kind of painting or Treasurer-Assistant Trust Officer can make any purchase with ease Buick owners, as It Is a complete becoming costly repair jobs, pography to the completed project. show the latest designs in wall —Chester B. Adams. man's Fur Shop at 70 Broad street; as they realize that here That Mr. De Ridder personally superorganization with modern equipAssistant Treasurer — Cecil C. and dispatch. much of, his experience has ment and the necessary facilities to vises every department of the busithey can obtain the newest and smartest in distinctive creations been in the design of parks and paper. Irawford. ness and his vast experience wltlM give prompt and efficient service. Assistant Secretary—Walton F. other recreational areas is Interest- The Spring season is considered —fur jackets and fur coats that are now in vogue The mechanics are experienced on General Motors is now applied In . Culllngton. the best time of the year to paint Ing'due to the present trend of general repairing and servicing of operating his own organization, • Harry S. Flshman has been In* or decorate the property. If you The bank will continue to offer the fur business 20 years and has smart and economical. At. Fish' '"Living Memorials." all make of cars, and you can be with the result that customers' reare among the many residents of the same courteous service as In always catered to a select clientele man's Fur Shop you will flnd a assured that regardless of the size ceive motor repairing, painting and Mr. Mclntosh is always willing Red Bank and vicinity that will the past, and appreciates the confidesiring; fur garments that are just wide selection of styles and sizes and pleased to discuss the land; of the job, the work will be done body and fender work that Is Just a little different and better than the for mother, college and high ejehoo scape design problems of those In- adhere to this theory, may we sug- dence in It by the people of this correctly, with factory engineered a little different than the ordinary. gest that you contact Mr. Mount at vicinity. o ordinary. In addition to the Red girls and even grandmother, replacement parts and you will Modern merchandising methods terested in a better and more efyour earliest convenience to that a Bank store he also owns and operhave no further trouble from the and business principle* keep' Fishman'e is well known for its fective development of their home definite data can be set to start ates a fur shop at 705 Cookman charges reasonable and on si major same source at a later date; grounds. the work. fine workmanship on alterations, avenue, Asbury Park. Mr. Fishjob convenient terms can be arMotorists now realize and much restyllng, cleaning and glazing of Corlis H. Mount Is surely deservman is art able craftsman in the ranged. to their sorrow, that they must all fur garments. If you Intend to ing of public comment in these art of making beautifully designed Nearly the entire staff of mestill wait for new cars to be placed columns as he has been most profur garments. Furs have always purchase a new fur coat or require gressive. His address is 8 Allen One of the fast growing and pro- on the market Yes, the D» Rid- chanics at th* D* Ridder Buick Inc. been considered a good Investment, any alterations on your old.furs, ar* ex-service men, and among der Buick has on display a 1944 street, .Rumton, gressive Realtors and Insurer* In as a correctly made garment gives consult with this reliable firm for this locality Is certainly the firm of Buick, but unfortunately, they can- them Is Jack Lowe, former capmany years of satisfactory service. modern ideas and helpful suggesWalker Sc Tindall of No. 7 Me- not make Immediate delivery. The tain In the army, who is now. in The manufacturing of fur gar- tions. Mr. Flshman's years of exone service that will help consider- charge of th* service department , chanlo street, Red Bank. ments Is the exclusive business of perience is your assurance of valuHarry S. Fishman and not a elde able Information on any kind of This business Is. operated by Kenline. Regardless of how little or furs. neth It Walker of Sycamore avehow much you care to. spend for, Fishman'e Fur Shop, In Red Bank nue, Shrewsbury, N. J., and Charles furs at his shops', you are sure to is a very. modern and attractive H. Tindall of King's Highway, MldToday 1* someone's birthday or tn-the year 18M, when the Village dletown, Nt J. The Red Bank ofreceive quality furs that are cor- store and offers every, facility essen- anniversary, and flowers are always rect as to style, and value. The tial to the fur business, including of Llncroft, then known a* Sandy fice was opened by these two local and admired by young and prices are ranged within the means cold storage, that affords absolute corre.ct New, and Llncroft road was a hay men Jun* 1, 1916. Mr. Walker has old alike. "Say if with flowers," is of modest budgets, for those who protection against damage, fire or probably, one of the best known a real estate broker for the path extending from the Swimming been want lo obtain furs that are both theft. past 12 years, He was also en slogans in the world. Holidays, River to Plain Dealings, now Holm- gaged In the wholesale grocery weddings, parties, memorials; flowA recent Interview with Meyer traveling In Monmouth, ers are most appropriate for the Morrlll, better known as ths Yan- del, a William H. Thompson opened business, and Middlesex Counties'. Nowadays there la much discus- With Spring Just around th* coroccasion. Let flowers brighten up kee Trader, whose unique and fas- a general- country store. And, as Ocean H. Tindall has held an ex- sion about th* word /'security"— ner many home owners are interyour home every day in the week cinating ehop 1* located at 23-25 Ripley would say, "believe it or Charles ecutive position with the National security of freedom, social security ested in' improving the appearance V or express your remembrance to a West Front street, Red Bank, did not," it has been In continuous op- Lead Co. of Perth Amboy, N. J., and other phrases. "Security," ac- of the grounds around their prop- : friend or a relative. The fragrance much to disclose why this merchant eration for the past SO year*. cording to the dictionary, means erty and' realize that now 1* the and beauty of flowers aooompllih ha* on* of th* most exceptional esfreedom from car* and th* oonfl- tlm* to consult a tr»* expert and Mr. Thompson sold th* bustn*** terlng in the real estate flleij. SInee either mission gracefully. denc* of safety; but security to r*c*lv* adylo* so that th* tre** on tablishment* in these parts. He to John B. Conover in 1900 and the forming th* partnership they have business firms and horn* owner* th* premises can b* put in good mad* It elear that th* publlo is alAmong; the florlits la this locality present owners, Charles and Marion bean v*ry successful,, They have means, lnsurano* — security, pro- condition. Among th* tre* experts ways Interested in obtaining the that 1* fast gaining recognition, due to his extensive selection of all unusual kind of merehandlie, and Toop, purchased th* property and become member* of th* Monmouth tection and' freedom from many that has a larg* clientele of propseasonable flowers and plants Is as Mr. Morrlll'* hobby Is antiques, business from th* Conover estate County R*al Estate Board, th* N. J. financial worries and cares. arty owners throughout this section Bernard Spiwak of Rumson. His h* opened a stor* wher* they oould In 19S8, Mr. Toop -made vast Im- Association of Real Estate Boards, . Th* importance of writing Insur- of th* county is Marvin L. B*eler provements and alterations; a new' and th* National Association of When a bakery serve* you well greenhouse* are located at 98 Ave- buy, sell or trade anything. has now reached its peak and of Rumson. 'The concern about employment Is front, completely renovated the In- Real Estat* Boards. Th»yar*al*>' ance the Average layman consults the quite natural; however If-you can and faithfully over a period ol nue of Two Rivers. The publlo is Meyer Morrlll started in buslm Mr. B*el*r operate* his business terior and Installed th* latest typ* members of the Monmouth County Insurance broker a* he would a do office, sales, factory or commer- years it certainly rates endorsement always welcome at the greenhouse In July, 1942, and since then hs has store lighting and fixtures, lncludInsurance Agents Association, and doctor or lawyer; giving him all the under th* trade name of Beeler gg -^daL.work..cr_fl,riy. type, you can jlke^ for consistent quality and good ser Just to browse 'around, You wll certainly accumulated a'largo varlTr«* Expert Company and is io- . i*TrerrlgeTator;- the~Red"~Bankr0ha»Ber-of-Com-r TIHd" it "Must "lntBi'ealliig SBSBrwiir ••ng—a-—large"^rslk"ln* „ ly secure employment either on a i C ^ n r t i W t i h r t p c(rte<Tat 19~Ndfth~eherry lanVOtd~tr| v Needless to state, the merchandisemere.*. bakery, all the time, any time, ha Needless to state the at this season of the year when Mr, not permit us to list everything, . part-time or full-time basis by apInsured will have the'proper cover- Farm Village, Rumson. He has plying at Roberts Employment always been the desire of busy Spiwak has so many different va- but we can mention a few Items and service at Toop's Market,-locat- Mr. Walker and Mr, Tindall are age when It may be necessary to been established seven years and In Agency, 77 Broad street, Red Bank. housekeepers, and Munch Baker/ rieties of blooms and plants unde such as: a full-size- Caledonian ed at the junction of Mlddletown both 'tireless workers, and are try- recover a loss. Many residents of this short space, of time has made , The present demand for personnel at 44 Monmouth street, has met this cultivation for the. Spring and horse, formerly used In a harness and Phalanx road, I* entirely differ- ing to obtain homes for the many the Bay Shore area of the'county many friends and satisfied customshop, and It Is attached to a fin ent from former days. No more customer's who want to buy. Many when in needmf any kind of Insur- ers, which can be attributed to bis of all types is substantial and con- requirement for the past nln Easter trade. sistent, and whatever position you years, The Spiwak greenhouses are ac- sulky; a rare Chines*' bed Inlaid clothing, hardwste or housefurnlsh- of these are returned veterans, who ance, confer witb Norwood Lindell thorough knowledge and dependLeading dletlciam'proclalm bread claimed by many as a reliable place with carved jvorles, which was lngs, but Instead an up-to-date mar- are unable to find homes. A good of Atlantic Hlg would like to secure can no doubt During the able- workmanship on any problem ket where you can purchase choice many sales have been reported by be obtained'through this new local as.one of the most important of all to trade, regardless of whether you. .found In Phalanx. He also has past 6 years M Lindell has ac- pertaining to any kind of a tret. meats,. Blrdseys Frosted products, them of property located in Red foods; but it is essential that you For. collection of 5 and 10-oent paper .. establishment desire just a few cut flowers foi ientele ttu* to bis fruits and vegetables and all the Bank and_viclntty. Also, they have1 quired a large and thorough There is an old saying, "The efflolent servic If you are in need of .employment, obtain the kind of bread that I the table, a bridal bouquet, a beau- novels; a silver trowel'used In lay- standard brands of groceries. a large clientele from all over the mad* of the purest Ingredients and Ing the foundation for the first high tiful corsage, a -dish garden or i HI* of- early bird catch** tho worm,* and knowledge of th or dissatisfied' with your present Charles Toop takes pride m th* East, who ar* anxious to loeata in fice I* at 115 mf avenue, Atlantic this oertanly should b* remembered job, may we suggest that you stop correctly baked, Carl Munch is an large floral decoration, you can b school In Long Island City. Fin* by thos* who will require any tree . Iri and have a chat with George H. experienced baker «.rid takes pride assured of quality and value. Fu- china, porcelains, antique fuputure, fact that among his customers ar* Monmouth County. The** people Highlands. / service this season. Due to the are beginning to realize that this Is in all hi» baked goods. Every step paintings, books, curios. Sporting neral pieces are designed at th many local families of the second, Norwood Lfcdell la a graduate of Roberts, Your problem will be givlabor situation, Marvin Beeler canen personal attention and held iri of production and sale Is held t price you want to spend and de- goods, Including a 21-shot Frenoh third and even the" fourth genera- the most beautiful location of any the New York University, aid ob- not give the usual prompt service tained his degree In Insurance and for which hs Is noted, and more strict confidence. The many per- strictly maintained standards of the livery will be made at thi time re- pistol about 100 years old; early tion of Monmouth county residents in th* metropolitan-district. sonal contacts Mr, Roberts has bakery business, Mr.' Munch wel- quested. The large trade that Mr. manuscripts of Monmouth county that have traded at the store sines A patriotic service, whloh Walker publlo accounting; i and with this time must be allotted to start the ' with leading business firms through-. comes public inspection of his bak- Spiwak has now acquired with resi- and various Revolutionary Items. the old horse-and-buggy days. Dur- _: tindall feature, is rentals" to ex- foundation, he can offer clients ex- work. While' the services of Mr. out this locality- simplifies the ery so that you can gee the modern dents of' Rumson and vicinity li Shawls; dolls and gowns of thi ing tbe alterations to the property, aervlee men without charging any perienced and reliable advice on Beeler are not accomplished as rapproblem of securing employment; methods and extreme care taken In due to his prompt service, reason- Civil War ' period, a two-horp Mr, Toop. discovered many old pa- brokerage to the owners of -the any Insurance problem. Hs has al- Idly as heretofore, his work contintherefore he can offer quick action the preparation of hit baked goods. able prices and. dependable mer- hand-made, oak sleigh and an oil pers, antiques and other interesting homes. They also, hav* opened a ways adhered to the principle that ues to have the approval of the .,./ - ; ; Dutch Bible, dated 1710. Louis XV Items pertaining to-thi early his* business brokers' department, which a client's, Interest Is the predqml' Many a hostess has been compli- chandise. .;...;'; '•and results to those qualified for mented for tho. dessert sorvffd 'to Bernard SplwaU has many years Prench*,b"Bd,' large "Swiss music box; tory of Monmouth eountyr'An «ul6V ha«*b8enTe§ponslbl»-for the sales nant faotor in every-traowaUonJOk most parHcular customer, the particular job. hand-carved rosewood sofa, a drop- record book shows that the prices of quite a few busltt**»«« ln^Monunexpected guests, when quite often any insurance policy of any size or ^Mffrvft^BlelerTs "an experlincTd"' •• Roberts Employment .Agency^ Is she' ''haeV-.the1 < Munch Bakery- t of experience as a florist, and has lea* Sheraton ''.table£early' Rogers In:'1876' W»r» * apprbxlinatelyv"tnl always been" lhtefesteU^ttnililttVat!; requirement' The insurance com- tree surgeon, oapabl* of spraying,",.,-'* [^Ailing a much needed requirement! .thank.for their vast! awortment.-In groups, and especially Interesting same as the present O,P.Ay/and this departmentTHsgrown by leap panies MrrLlndell represents are of .pruning, bracing, feeding and cavf In the borough of Red Bank, both order to make_a_rejfuia.tlfln_for_a ing tho unusual species. At th< «rly-,posters-of-the-Great-North also-in-those# daya^wMsky^vf Ttna'bouijfls In th< last few monthsr the -highest integrity and -recog-; ity treatment work. Hi* service is . !f"from a jtandpoint-of, eniplpy,j;nras Tihkery,' TTtalfes Jnore than Just om newer show held In-the Hotel-Penn- American Circus, circa. 1878, A eggs and poultry which was Mr. Walker has'been appointed/an nteed,fpr their prompt and satisfac- the. general care of trees, Including tryriM a* to those In need of empioy- delicious pic, or a fancy birthda sylvania, Now York, on Fobruary grandfather clock with wooden duced locally was' traded at tree removing, and he his the inU i^jneo, Ambitious .men and.-womeh 'or .partyT'cnke jrit takes .dozens an 11, Mr. Spflvak'was a\w(ded a sj!- works,, hanging clock built in- the Store for other rperohandhe, the appraiser for tti* "Veterans' Admin- tory settlement of all claim*. istration. In plaolng lnsurano* with Nor- set ireotrlo facilities and equip- ' , JS seeking a business'career, or gain' dozens of them every day In thi ver medal for, originating ty njrvr early 14th tentury,' a museum piece 1 Tnent,. Regardless, of r the , s | « _ o r . i&l employment will find the sor- week, and baked goods of this kin and colorful snapdragon,! oolorful;teb!«tv<ir«, brlc-abrnc of a! - Toop's Market has 'carried for^ " Thin nrmya,t the present time, wood LlndeH you oan be assured ooriditlon of your trees, t h e y • ^ T ^ jyices of GeorgjsH, Robert! a valu- has been the-secret-of success o: - The many friends ,and satlefle typei.1, Victorian-furniture and an- ward one important service to lo- has two Salesmen; Edward R- that your order* wfll be executed better serve their purpose If their ,.' customers of Bet-hard Sptwak havi cal residents, tbe V. S, "Postofflce O'Kane, resident of Rlyer Plata, exactly as you request, and that the " ' i asset. , Carl.Munch'. . .;-, betn tho result of his conaclentlqui tique, jewelry, for that district. Mr. Toop b,y vir- Mlddlitown /Tpwnihlp, -Mid T. B. pollfcy -lamed will correctly .cover oare and attention 1* left In th* Hr, Roberts hai) .certainly had si Munch Bakery has several bak- efforts to please a clle'nieliUwhlc The Yankee Trader will buy any- tue of strict application to postal Crawford, a.life-long resident ol your requirements. As he has bands of tree experts;'« business gjrlo* »pd'varied builAoss career. 'A ings'dally of fancy pasterlea, cak«s, desires'flowerstand plant* th-atf-ar thing; nothing la- too sniall, too duties) recently had 'the office ad* Monmputb County. Kr.-Crawford served many of the lame client* that today Is highly specialty*).'' "•', ' : . !! K p; . ;t . M hh« n pl j h , j fruit plc« IIL BCtiaon, cooklc/rand above the average,-.Heels<a mem large, or "too -pldr«"tf' -Ihr itonr li varied'from'fourth to'.third olasf, at prsient living In LeonMflO, N. J,, Urn* Mi} again, It li only obvious Marvin h< Beeler fa pleased 'to of- ^ • men s farmer.,soldier, auction- many different kinds of brentf and bajvof the ,T',.'D, P., whl'ch Is th* firm1! Bay Shore represent* that his business methods and ser- fer helpful suggestions and oflti- "'•• unique, rare,'odd or historical. . ahd has bean reosnflrmed a* i-re»lter( pndeVshorirr, 'county rolls, A f.enlur.Mhkt l°ng nfat pop- quick dollvory of flowers to tlve, MM. Dorothy Windham ol vice are dependable.' you1' have'not been to this most un- master, at Llncroft. , ., struotlv* advice about,tha ^rees en V l r 'ofYttie Monftioutn ular favor Is tholr famous hot buna .distant pglnt, oogst to'"coaii. 106 WalUoa street; Red Bank, li usual thos; we suggest on early For tha past B .years Norwood your property,and furnish an.iitU, Charles* Toop 1s Indeed '• i and, h'' ' every' ftundnv vl»lt7-yo(i Vlll find ftTintorestlng. prbgrMBive, merohi Ltndell has been the -borough s j i r mute on the ,oas(f pf arty netfenarV,; tot tnii flr»r \ well-executed garden Is difficult to describe. The average bom* owner ha* a very limited knowledge of the bettor type* of plant material and their proper use. Plants are not deceitful; they are living- thing* with certain natural and Utimate habits or sices. The small or lastgrowing varieties are not substitutes for dwarfs or the slow-growing types. This Is a common error In "foundation planting." The real purpose being to supplement- the architecture of the residence—not to show oft exotic, flint materials. Landscape''plans are often neoeslary and desirable. This 1* espeslally true In cases of sew coriitructlon or any major revision or iddition. These plan* can be drawn Jheir development may be spaced over a term of years, each progressitfc planting forming a part of the completed whole. la this way, wis» home owners have avoided costly mistakes and have been able to do much of the work themselves. Plans should precede new construction or. large operations ln- Corlis Mount Has Modern IdeasIn Art Of ^^^^^^^^a^,ajM—^»^i^i^—*—*wM^pww<Mw^PiyeMT^^**^|ejrtpTe*frff**^* 1 "-^ L ^ Reflects PrestigeOf De Ridder Buick, Inc. Fishfnan 's Fur Shop Acclaimed Best For* Quality, Value, Style loop's Market Bernard Spiwak SuccessorTo Awarded Medal At Flower Show Yankee Trader Country Store The Store With 10,001 Items Walker And Tindall Realtors, Insurors Report Progress Norwood Lindell Marvin L Beeler Offers Reliable Long Experienced Insurance Service In Tree Service Now's The Time To Delicious Hot Buns Consult Roberts Sunday Afternoon For Employment At Munch Bakery l War'.II'di.tbwa shjoppiri. to tWdii ixilted filler pi Red. WA*VWTTU eiuvjrppri' ID irauv a i , i n * i Jtor B. Pi 0. E . and Mun:h Bukiry u '(to Iqcattd juit I Koampul!; .Lodge t Itv sttpi fron. the tui'itcp, In aiair that A oustorajr c*a.bi made •Wn'nf .Atlantic Hlirhliiriili and h WlsVlCi' IUVfltV t Iflil lil AAfiAMnlfslhll!'!'^ ,r^fiu<^irtiifii^n»*Viiiit't',iiiriiM Wi^neluslv*, where h* will h a w a Htl estate narkit they hav hacto untiring eirorti it Car) Munch u booth for thr salt of mtrchiiid!**, •w'lh (•on Rid Bank drive out.to.tbl their floyi *. w»ik iccbmpllih thii prlnolpli hu wo( During ttat* athlfall thi.10.OM I J i torniflarkit, u hi haj iravldi&j.lhMl' ait UauikfJ dtfm.of customer" <** quamy pi ina DaKfla*gaQO#.>u tlan of the' O u t eorhn • fcKfcV l i r | B m i i K ^ can Legion and ' of -tro S d v u t num ic, ef t.o»n o l . you can of aflli .... t«-aiiurcd . Paw Nina RED BANK BEti^i'&t, MARCH 7, 1946. "««• R«rf Crosshoi cfono a 100 ptr cent job /n fli/i f/.eofr«,A1(rffc«mof/cal Rmlfatfom a/ont prtvtnl my saying ft* taf Creit swWew fttrt fcovt b««n mow rtan 100 ptr eon!;" —Gtn*ra] Douglas MocArthwr O speaks a distinguished eye-witness of your Red Cross in action. General MacArthur saw the Red Cross at your fighting man's side, all through the gruelling months of the Pacific campaign. He saw Red Cross huts in the sweltering jungle, bringing a touch of hom* to homesick, heartsick men. He saw Red Cross men under fire on D-Pay beachheads-sweat it out in foxholes-follow the men with candy, cigarettes and other comforts right up to the firing line. S He Itnows that wherever your fighting man went, your. Red Cross went, too-that wherever, whenever that man needed respite and recreation, help with a personal problem, or just someone to talk to, the Red Cross was there. He also knows, as you do, thatyour Red Cross cannot yet say, "Mission accomplished." It still has an enormous task to do. With your help, it will carry this task to a successful completion. One War In o v « r . . . but another War has bogun Your Red Cross must now fight on three new battlefronts. The thousands of our men still in veterans' hospitals and in faraway lands overseas need its comfort and cheer now, as they did when the, bombs were bursting. And as our servicemen return to civilian llfefyour Red Cross must lend them a helping;hand. And when disaster strikes here at home - fire, flood, tornado— your Red Cross must be ready with aid for the victims. Its war against human misery is never wholly won* But remetnber-it is your Red Cross. It depends on you for its very existence. So give from your heart Give generously. Give today! THIS PAG^ SPONSORED FOR THE RED^CROSS BYTHE fOLLOWING RED BANK MERCHANT^: KIRSCHBAUM'S SILK SHOP L REUSSILLE'S COMPANY -.--. J,gRDEL TANKO EWEI^RS SEARS, ROEBUCK & COM^NY SCHULTE.UNnEDDEPT.S^ORE THE SHERMAN SHOP ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOg . FAtraRY STORES T^feCHANT^W ?ldcyS ORFICE EQUH9VENT J. J. NEWBERRY COMPANY H. G. DEGENRINQ, h e . STRAUS COMPANY CLAYTON &MAGEE| JOHN R ALLEN SHOE CO. : - DAVIDSON BROS. . MOKLER'S BAKERY SPORT SHOP & Loan Asm. JEAN FRQCKS J.RKELLVCO, BORO BUSES STRAND REST ' * * * " ' " • • ' * * / ' * BED BANK REGISTER, MAECH 7,1946. PEAS ARE EATEN Copyright BY SIPNXX SNOW, W o Hot Appetizer Impressive At Cocktafl Party* Homs entertaining often calls for appetizers, but the intriguing "confects" wfilch the French chefs make up'in the gaudy restaurants do riot lend themselves to home kitchen work. On the other hand there are countless ideas which can be made.up In a remarkably short —time, served hot and delicious at the exact right moment, and certain to make a splendid Impression of courteous hospitality. For instance, there is the , interesting PIG IN'A POKE . Made by simply wrapping a strip of baconV around a large stuffed olive or an oyster, thrusting a tiny skewer through to hold together and then broiling a dozen or /more at a time. When the bacon Is brown, the pig is ready to eat. • . To »erve,-they may be laid out on a hot platter with toast fingers . between or the end of the skewer may be thrust into an apple or a grapefruit set upon a platter or plate. A dozen or more of these 'pigs"- bristling from out of the surface of the fi;uit makes a brave appearance. • . BAKED OYSTERS OR CLAMS Another excellent cocktail Idea !••••••••••••••••••••••• I YOUR BABY Ncwne- I HEINZ I ! MEATS • VfGETABliS FRUITS • DESSERTS UEINZ FOB. SMOOT« TEXTURE PINE FLAVOR DEPENDABLE, QUALITY S consists of taking oysters or clams on the half-shell, dotting each with a halMnoh bit of bacon, seasoning wilh paprika ana setting into the oven to roast. And tor cocktails, even jn homes .which serve the alcoholic variety it is quite proper to have a non-alcoholic cocktail as well. And this can consist of a dam' juice cocktail r a "moderation cocktail" consisting of rhina wine-in cocktail glasses with a bit of lemon peel, or sherry with a dash of orange bitters. CHAFFING DISH MORE EFFECTIVE THAN .. • * ROLLING PIN America tis returning to the goad old obanngr dish. It is no longer the ill-smelling, alcohol-burning device; On the contrary, it is an electrical gadget of b'eauty and utility. As a gentle persuader to "keep the man home evenings, It has the rolling pin tied"to the proverbial mast. Let a man with an understanding ieart get his hands on a chafing Jsh, make available, a little of this and that,, and lo, and be,hold, just watch. Here are some extra good ishes to serve after 11 In the evenr ng: '•'• ' PIG W A POKE Choose large, fcreen stuffed' olives (these are called olives with taillights). Wrap a thin slice of bacon around each olive, fastening it In place with a toothpick. Lay these, in the heated blazer of the cha/lng dish and cook until bacon Is crisp. Serve as fast as they emerge—must be hot. '"" PIG EN A POKE NO. 2 Same as above, only use oysters ' People have bsen gr»en gn ggarden * » , sand yeaw oe more. Romans and the'•njUmt they were considered ; ; SJ ij -vegetables. P e u i n today eaten in more parti of the wprld than potatoes, strange ai that may seem, "The finest pea* are invariably those produced as' clock' to home SUSAN SNOW u possible. The. shlpped-ln p e u are to be received gratefully when the local market cannot supply Celery can be kept for a week or them but,at best, p e u suffer in longer, by first rolling, it up in transit. Here are a few interesting '. brown paper, then in a towel and ways to prepare p e u : keeping. It In a dark, cool place. FRENCH RECIPE FOR BOILED Before preparing for the table, GREEN PEAS place it in a pan of cold water and let it remain for an hour, Tbis will After shelling and rinsing; and make it orlop and cool. sorting the peas to remove Imperfect ones, prepare a.sauce pan of proper size and half full of water A grand recipe for cleaning water bottles, decanters and'glass Jugs U onto the fire, adding a /sprig of to cut a lemon into small .pieces, mint, a green onion and a few (put it In the article to be cleaned sprigs of parsley and a little salt and shake with a little water for' When the water is boiling, add the one minute and It wll become clear peas and cook until tender. Reas crystal. ' move the mint, onion and parsley and drain off the water. When cooking greens or cauli- These peas, may now be buttered flower always put a piece of stale and-seasoned with pepper and adbread-crust in the saucepan, as it ditional salt if required and served. will take away alj the unpleasant Or you may go on and make GREEN PEAS IN-OREAM „ smell. Take out with a spoon before taking up greens. . Simmer the boiled peas tor tea minutes -in sweet cream. Season Because of its protein, lime, with butter and, if desired, a little phosphorus and vitamins, milk is sugar. Serve in vegetable dish. Or a most valuable food for the child you may like this German recipe of pre-school and school ol age. It is for equally well adapted to the needs eds BACON AND NEW PEAS of adults, the aged, sick i k and conCut up couple of slices of bacon valescent Into small bits and fry to a ight For washing window*, a light brown, adding a couple of tablerubbing with a good!suds and a soft cloth Is usually sufficient Rinse thoroughly and dry with a chamois. Special oare sfhould ba taken not to let tha water run down between the frame and the glass. Hot Off the Griddle IT IS OYSTER TIME, SO SERVE THEM AS A STEW Oyster stew—and when it Is a colonial oyster stew, what more could be desired? ' The colonial stew Is one of American contributions to the world of cooking and-it-Jg-reaUy unexcelled in driving out the cold, chill and damp of the cold,'raw days of winter. • : The ingredients of the stew are: - U cup butter 1 pint oysters 1 quart milk M teaspoon salt . Pepper . • , 1.teaspoon paprVitw Melt the butter, butter, add the oysters ~ minutes, or unand cook for >r trjke til the edges es of" b r ttha oysters curl i Then -add the milk, salt, pepper .and paprika and bring stew nearly •to a boll before serving. ADD SAUCE AND MAKE TASTY DESSERT V>ontrol unwelcome weight as many movie stars do . . , include HOLLYWOOD BREAD Jh ybi(r diet! You will enjoy two slices of delicious, nut.likeHOLLYWdOD ' BREAD with each meal, plain or toasted. Famous HOLLYwpOD BREAD ifurnlshes heided energy without excess calories. <. because it . contains natural Vitamin B l , proteins s\nd carbohydrates, jtnd is made-without shortening of any kind. ' • A 1 uciifrlni HOUYVOOD.^RSAO •! ; o u f u r o c i f 1 1 • '-• V• . "Wftno. IXCL«IV(LY ir » . .. .-^ FISCHER! llHO.iJOti.MfflUM U^'TO OATIf.^ . CHOCOLATE SAUQB 3 squares bitter chocolate li qup water ~.-,' •.., !-j cup white corn syrup 1 cup sugar 1 cup evaporated milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Melt chocolate over hot waterAdd water . slowly, stirring until smooth. Add syrup and sugar. Boil to .soft ball stage (2?5 F,). Remove THE ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOOL of CUsses la an ^ t i ^ Print* lessons to batopom diaotof by Project W, U 7 P ^ Ar«.w, IW B « k | IN MONMOUTH COUNTY FOR FINE WALLPAPER AND BEST PAINTS ITS K L A RIN' S 26 Monmouth Street, Red lank, N. 4. PHONE 3SS8 If DISTRIBUTORS Imperial Washable Wallpaper - Sherwln Wllllame and Merkln Paint ProduoU noun LENTEN fit MOM FLAGSTAFF ri &F .'••'$•> y s THE Thesej finest-qualityFlagitaf f^Foods— Flagstaff spaghetti, Flagstaff macaroni, andL Flagstaff noodles-Hire thej'backbone" of yourf* Lenten meals! They're nourishing, they're fill-;' ing, arid they're main-dish foods.These healthy, appetnte-appeal foods*are*made' from the plump kernels of golden] sun-ripened^Amerh can'wheat-and they contain 'all the aoarithing part of the wheat kernel. And remember," Flagstaff spaghetti, macaronCand noodles are vitamin-enriched/^ Served 'with cheese'toma* toes; vegetables and fruit, they're all your fanV ilyMeeds for balanced diets! And Motherj how sirtfple they make meal-getting! Lay in a sup* plv4 of ^Flagstaff macaroni, noodlerand^spa* Btti the yery^next time you go to'your idly neighborhood food store! , MACARONI SPAGHETTI NOOD THREE FLAGSTAFF "OLD FAITHFULS" !a», A .'%&£. \ &*?*& •*&*X&&&:\ *«•* :JMfer 7. Boat. WS*.£S&!iS:,; I M-SBBISBpasfiS i WHITJE HOUSE , STORE Groce'riei . and Delic&teeiien I Here are It Is fashionable to serve oraekers with cottage cheese for dessert at least once a week. They're a welcome change, they fit into the budget and free you from a lot of kitchen work. . " rcream sauce is.delicious with INDOOR BAREBCUE OF HAM Have boiled ham* cut in slices many boiled vegetables. Prepare it by adding liquor from the vegequarter-inch thick and fry, in chafing dish in a small amount oflfaU tables to sour cream, season and In large cup, make paste con- reheat vegetables In the sauce. sisting of one teaspoon sugar, oneEggs poached in rich milk or half teaspoon dry miigtard, pepper, paprika and enough vinegar and cream and served on toast with Worcestershire sauce to make a milk in which poached, makes a nutritious breakfast dish. smooth-flowing paste. As ham begins to fry crisp, pour sauce over it, bringing sauce to a All varieties of green peppers and boil and cook for three minutes. some of the red peppers may be Thin bread and butter and lettuce used to give flavor to moat forms sandwiches and beer go well with of vegetable cookery. The green peppers of mild flavor are particuthis. For the man who would reach larly good for stuffing and salad. out into higher realms of cooking, there is a mouth-watering creation Fry thin slices of left over cereal ailed and use/ It as the basis for poached eggs, creamed eggs, for any STEAK BURSKHAKDT Select a prime porterhouse steak creamed meat, frizzled dried beef, and a piece of suet size of an egg. creamed codfish or flnan haddle, Mince suet fine and place it in a For a new and different sandchafing dish with equal aihount of butter. Bring'this to smoking heat. wich filling we suggest crisp .bacon broken into peanut butter. While dish is heating, rub both sides of steak with olive oil and pepper and salt. Place In hot chaf- A delicious substitute for whipped inR^dish and brown rapidly on half cream can be had by adding, a slice a dozen stuffed olives and half a of banana to the white of ari egg dozen mushrooms from the can. A and beat until stiff. nubbin of garlic, if you like. MJnce all this very flne and moisten with enough beer to makp smooth mix- POP CORN POPS INTO ture. Add tablespoon WorcesterCHILDREN'S BREAKFAST shire. When steak is partly cooked cut slits in the surface. "No, Dear no more jam until'you Spread sauce over the steak as It have finished your cereal!" cooks in pan and then baste with In homes all over the country meat juice. If sauce evaporates too that phrase, or similar phrases may fast, add small quantities of beer be heard day after day, as mothers from time to time, but natural wrestle with the problem of getting juices should^ suffice. Cook slowly, youngsters to eat enough of the at low heat, for some 20 minutes right kind of food. more, depending upon whether you Recently mothers have discovered want the steak rare, medium or an important ally in handling this well done. Serve on thin slices of responsibility, That ally is none fresh- buttered toast. ,Q> other than your familiar friendWith any of these dlflhes, celery, pop corn, olives and pickles go'well, while . To children, eating pop corn Is the logical beverage with these far.from a duty—it is a pleasure dishes is beer—just good, cold beer. and a treat. The fact that hot Speaking of beer, as well as buttered pop corn is a remarkably wines, it is worth noting that the. nourishing food is only part of the early repeal days when people took story, The most important part is any and all brands are gone, hope- how well children like It. fully never to return. One should While the most of us think of never ask for these beverages with- pop corn In the good old national out stipulating the desired brands, way—that is with butter and salt, as there is much difference In qual- and coming out of a paper bag, anity an,d flavor.'If you are not fa- other delightful way to serve It is miliar with brands, Insist upon one with a bowi of rich milk, of the well-advertised brands, of If you are having trouble getting real standing. The world will al- your child to eat cereal in the ways be full of Inferior grades for morning, try serving for 'a change the unwary. some pop corn In this manner and watoh how readily it will be consumed. HIP/ HIPS I AWAY!! rtnafiij sjso W d i o U e d eggs, jittnuUs .until the lettuoe Is wilted iSfcsTisyirs thea on hand. and then add two oups ^ b o i l e d Wnm AND SPINACH1IOU) peas. M.«$ove described, " S t o all 3 oups oooked liver put through together, c o w with lid and let food ohoppe)^ steam until the'peas are thoroughly heated, Add a lltHe salt and M oup bread prumbs 3 tableipoons butter white pepper if desired and serve. An interesting addrf,touch, in the H euportam ease of very young, tender peas, Is 3 hard,-bolled eggs ; to .remove the inner, tough film 1 egg/beaten Salt and pepper • , from the pods, wash the tender outer green pods, trim off heads and Mix liver, bread ' orumbs and tall ends and boll light with the melted butter. Add tha beaten egg, peas. , _ _, and cream, season'to taste tod put: Into a buttered dish. Top w)tt»' splnaoh whtoh has been' put' DRESSING MAKES FRUIT through .a ooaxse sieve. Garnish with 'slices of the eggs,' Coyer' and SALAD MORE. THAN SALAD set dish In a pan of hot water to* No matter how you serve It, .a bake In, moderate oven until tani fruit salad is still a fruit salad, but Unmold and serve with tomato with, this easily "prepared dressing sauce. your guests will cease to call It a salad and will say. "delicious,? ^de- CANDY ROLL TIME lightful" and "divine." t IS ALL THE TIME FRUIT SALAD DRESSING •4 egg whites <• H cup light brown' sugar, firmly % cupful sugar packed . 1 tablespoonful o f flour 3 teaspoons dark corn syrup % teaspoonful salt . tt cup milk S tablespoonfuls of lemon juice tt teaspoon vanilla • 4 tablespoonfuls of vinegar , . 1 cup chopped figs H Pint o f cream, whipped ltt oups moist cocoanut Vt pound of marshmallows Combine sugar, corn syrup and Beat t h e e g g whites stiff In the milk. Place over low flame until upper part of a double boiler. Mix sugar is dissolved and mixture sugar, flour and salt together and bolls. Continue boiling until a small add slowly t o the e g g whites. Add amount forms a soft ball In cold the lemon juice a n d vinegar, stir- water (2M F.). Remove from SreV ring all the time, a n d cook i n the Cool slightly. Add vanilla and beat double boiler until thick. Chill, then until creamy. Add fruit and cocoaadd the whipped cream and the nut and knead well, shape into rolls marshmallows cut into pieces with ltt Inches in diameter, Wrap in scissors. waxed paper; chill. Cut Into slices. Kttp ih« flag of • ( h«alrh flylnfl wlfh • • RED BANK REGISTER. MARCH 7.1946. ITEMS OF YESTERYEAItS Pam Gay Foster Ctrl t BIER (XMLS FAIR HAVW, H tarrys Lobster Hou nouse SEA BRIGHT, N. J. TEL 205 Open All Yew Lobsters, Steaks, Chicken and all Sea Foods Miwic by Wilbur Gardner . KITCHEN O?IW TO 1 i H. GEORGE KRAUSS, Owner , CLOSED TDBBDATi BUILT FOR THE BABY A solidly built play p«n to keep baby safe unhappy. The ilM Is 40"xto" and li equippeS with castors for caiy movemint. Playing platform U railed 7" from tb« floor. Price $12.50 Waterproof, washable play p«n mats, Price $3.50 Ulty Tears Afo party was given at MM. Warren Littleton Whit* m i renomluated Matthews' for Miss Bdna Buek of at Batontown for freeholder in tplte Colt'* Neofc ~ PriM* were won by ot blf withdraw*] and ia jplte. of Joseph Benrlitt, AlWe Welds' sad the efforts which had been a i d e Myrtle Matthews. The guests, numsfalnst bus. m i n i * baeatne bering «V made a gift of a gold known he was being forced out of ring to-the celebrant, the presenthe freeholder*^!)*, principally be- tation being made by Rev. Daniel cause of the stand he' had taken P. Doyle,, In the matter of -the Oceanport .The grocery firm of Acker, U»tdraw, there was an Uprising againit tall * An>AU bougnt the grocery the machlns and against dictator- and butcher business of Dortmus ship from outside the township, brother* The owners and officers of and this sentiment became so pro- Ooremut company w»re Albert T, Oeorge O. Hopping, Hownounced that all other candidates Doruaus, ard L.. Close and Thomas N. Dorswithdrew: and Mr. Whits m i re- mus. aomlnated unanimously. Two cissies of buyers—wealthy . John H. Oook signed a contract persons and second-hand furniture with the executors of the Janes dealers—were out ia large numbers Broadmtadow estate for the pur- to a sale of the personal goods of chase of the BroadmsaaW prop- the lite J. Edwte Bordsn of Baterty on Broad street. The property ontown. - The reason why this oddconsisted of a plot of ground on ly asiorted group assembled was the wast side of Broad street ad- because of the) large number of joining the properties of L. Blum- antiques wbloh were to bo aucenberg and James Cooper, Jr. It tioned ff. Mr. Borden was a very had a frontage of W% feet on old man and hia bouse Wai a reguBroad street and was about 95 feet lar curiosity shop of furniture asdeep. The price to be paid was sociated with a by-fose «*«. fll.900. Miss Rachel Stilwagon won first (JOT. Origgs appointed Henry *f. prlae for having the) best looking Ntvlus of Red Bank as one of the ooetume at the masquerade dance circuit court Judges of the state. of the Elfitracht Singing aoolety of The term of office was seven years Red Bank. She received.$2.80 In and the salary was $7,000 per year. gold. Other prise Winer* were Mrs. His special Held was to be Hudson Ernest Frank, Mrs. Augustus county. Kleinsohinldt, Mrs. Carl A/mold The Iflddletown public' school and Mrs. Alfred Felder. The judges gave el very successful entertain- were Dr. Robert Dlckson, Mrs. At ment for the benefit of their library thur Kschelbaoh and John Greenunder the direction of the principal, wald. , ' Mrs, I* M. Hendrtckson. Hawkins brother sold tor William Mr. and Mrs.. Fitiroy Walling jtndHowtrd Bailey the : property gaw 'a'• Blumr'pwiy tu> about, iM guests. The guests) were very pleas- street and Wharf avenue- to Abram antly entertained by vocal and in- Levy of New Brunswick, who rentstrumental music. Mrs. B. B. Og- ed a large part of the place for, a den, who was an accomplished clothing and shoe business, which singer, sang leveral very fine solos he ran under the name of John's Miss Mamie Walling played the vio- Bargain store. The price was-$30,lin. Miss Evle Walling; the cornet 000. Eight other businesses were In and Agnes Walling, who was only the building, they being Augustus ten yean old, accompanied them on Layton's.barber shop, the shoe re^ l l U M r f d 1 Lneitlng—shop _ of Jtocoo_ Ambroslo, Mrs. Ogden sang several duetiT~j The harness'shop of Mooney and Twelve garnet of dominoes were lyed In J. R. Conover1! store, at Woods, the produce store of •croft for a Meerschaum pipe. Charles Allaire,-* tailor shop, MeRobert Tllton, 'Pberaon's* restaurant, John T. The genuine deluxe Taylor-Tot. Equipped with ball-bearing, rubber tired steel diic wheels—rolled edge steel play traypackage carrying, removable push handle—removable footrest for use as a walker—ivory and blue enamel UnliB. Price $9.95 Famous Lehman Babygtiard Hi-Chairs. Solid maple In either dark maple or light bamboo finish. Has the patented remove able sanl-tray and adjustable footrest, ' ' • mJ , Price $10.d5 ' We also carry upholstered 2-Way Cbmblnatlon Chairs: v Price $21.95 Washable High Chair Pads, Price 11.78 JUST ARRIVED! BATHINETTES • Carriage Mktt | JLTriiairSieku. |^lW»iifSJBWt^-:«)»OS»'-.s»pir. candidat* aod (tart your campaignins; now so: that when, the voting «ards are - 'ti?*n: out< your pho'tee »an n»ys some edge on the ethers. Happening, of 60 and 25 Years Ago Culled From the Nejn and Editorial Goimnne for. Entertainmeat of Toda/i Readers . room mnuox w. • Bottle Warden fKcHAm DeitafoM. • Training Chain t Car Seat. . • MANY OTHER-ITtMS, •'PTV. to •1*5'- tbe OUni iM Qu**» of Vetrut, W» wgl begin the miriest 'Jlawfa. 1st, «M will boM tit* iCnmpia*,sp XastW-jBunday night Work At Rumson Radio and Vacuum Cleaner Repairing lit Fair Bav«. vm Bfim M Voea eondHton, »*iyt*e parly. Oeeapaaqr before Beptsntar, Wrtte Mrato PsW, B « HL Bed Bejik, XI | || Commission Make* '• Annual Report ' The Rumson boroufh shade tree commission planted 101 trees last year and removed several, large American *un trees which had become infected with tbe Dutch elm disease,, according to a report submitted recently to tbe mayor and council erf that borough by the MI96 FRANOS6 OftBORNI commission's secretiry, William H, V l u Frances) Osborne. of Me- Hintelmann. This spring the comibanlo street, formerly <rf BsUori, mission Intends to plant COO Nornow dancing at the Roxy theater way spruce, 600 Colorado -blue New York city. Mies Osborne spriKe and 600 American red pine starts! her career with Eddie trees, which arrived too. late last / i Juvenile* and i s now a Gay year for fall planting. Foster Girl, better known as the Mayor Louis M. Hague compliRoxyitte*. ' ' • mented the commission on its work. "It U a creditable department of the borough," be said. Mr, Hintelmann'* repdrt is as follows: . The following trees have been By Janet Keelan, planted under our supervision, Orchids To: Jerry and Johnny, soutb side of Ridge road between Millie and Prank for making luoh H&nce road and Fair Haven road, 12 sweet gwn trees; Bcbwedler grand couples. 'Evelyn and Ann for getting along (Red Leaf) maple trees; south side of Ridge road,- between Kemp ave• well, . * sus and Buena VUta avenut, 14 Helen Scott far making,a good Schwedler (Red Leaf) maple trees; secretary to the H. R. Ridge road,. between Bueni Vista Carol Mayer from a very good avejiue and Bellevue avenue, IB' Sch-wedler (Bed £jeaf) maple trees; :rlend. ' , Babe for doing a very fine Job on Ridge road, between Bellevue avenue and Blngham avenue. Schwedthe>'club sorapbook. (Red Leaf) maple trees; Ridge Murph and Squeaky for coming ler road between Blngham avenue and lown so often. Avenue of Two Rivers, Sohwedler Agnes. Billy lg tops. (Red, Leaf) maple trees; Eidge Ann for putting up with Velvet roiid between Avenue of Two Rollers: Rivers and.Naveslnk. avenue, three i ^ t Saute IV ng us enough. four Norway maple trees; West Jean P&pe for banging up her street, three Norway, maple trees. This makes a total of 101 trees inn so badly that she's been away planted. :or .three weeks. Tour commission purchased from Musser Forest, . Inc. of Indiana, Happy birthday Barry. Pennsylvania, 500 Norway spruce, Flash! Mildred (Lucky) Frisco ia four-year-old transplants; BOO Colown and is staying a whole month. orado blue spruce, four-year-old We certainly are glad to have transplants, and MO American red pine, three-year-old transplants. We hear Lou has composed a ThTTnursery stock arrived too later ll planting lti d we h h and have thereson; about the R R's. Now If he for fall 3n.ly bad a voice. But perhaps It's fore trenched this stock for the winter period. We hope tb have all lust as. well. this stock' transplanted in various It's good to see Joe Mulligan and locations in the borough during the business, Otis Allen and • • • ' klncroft and Sidney Cbasey Charles Allaire occupied living Mickey McOrogan skating at the spring. Puring the p u t year we lost four 'Bank. The pipe was won rooms on the second Boor ot the rink. Mickey's turning In his blues 'or civics, but the Navy Isn't let- large American elm trees on Buena r. Tilton, be winning six front of the building. Vista avenue, south of Rumson Ing Joe go for a while. road. These elms were infected Two hundred persons attended and Mrs. Michael Fary of an old folks' concert at the Holm- Having Oorrlne's cousin Marilyn with the Dutch elm disease that I* lown was « treat She's one swell U and Mr. and Mrs, 'William del Reformed church. Thirty percausing so much havoc on New . ' of Farmingdale celebrated sons took part and UOu was "rl. • Jersey's noted elms, It was necSnookle seems extra happy lateessary to remove and burn the trees golden weddings. The two cleared. Mrs. Ezra Sttlwagon was in order, to guard against further 3 were brothers end they had chairman ot ths concert commit- ly. What goes? r'.ad sisters, Catherine and Ra- tee and Rev. W. P. Chase was the Mary's gonna sit right down and spread of the disease. . The cost of write herself a letter and make be- this work .amounted to $540, or ja Hall, at a double wedding. song leader. more than 25 per cent of our total leve It came from . "In. Samuel Babath gave an »ffor the year IMS. The Keyport fire department was -mil SohauSIer Is home again. appropriation •noin euchre at her home on Then, too, it was necessary to take called'out to a ore In Mr. and Mrs. By the way how Is 8 . ont street Prizes were awarded sample prunlngs from many other Denton Howard's houae on First Do your readers remember us elm trees in the borough and to r. A. Curtis *m Ailing you about Jerry and Johnny, send same to the New Jersey DeWelt he's home and has placed a partment of Agriculture Bureau of . . . . . . . of the Sunday"* schools of Shrewsbury township ; Nineteen lots on- the Leniaon beauty ot an engagement ring .on Plant Industry for laboratory KM formed at a meeting held in tract at Campbell's Junction were erry. Now that both Millie and tests. Our work in-thls connection s not confined to the elm trees the First Methodist church undar bought by New Tork and Newark erry are engaged, we'll have to wa within the street lines of the borthe direction of Capt. C. B. Par- parties from the International keep, an eye on them. ough, . Tests were made of all elm Congratulations Jerry and John- trees that showed any signs of wiltsons, who waa president of the Realty company. The sales aggrecounty association. A. A. Patter- gated (2,840 and were made by ny, best of luck from us to you. Ing of leaves. While leaf wilt does son was chosen president, George George M. Hendrickson, the com- Who Is, the June Allyson of the not necessarily mean the presence club? at C, ulml, the. organism responP. Spinning, W. W. Letson and pany's agent.' Those fellas who belong to the sible for Dutch elm disease, the John W. Mount vice presidents and I Harry Bennett of Belford was atBureau of Plant Industry recomRed Devils, aura looked neat In W. H. Johnson secretary and' mends that proper tests be made treasurer. ft, tending Columbia college and learn- .heir jackets. ing to be a civil engineer. He comwhen the condition appears. There were some girls from BelEsra Woolley died at Eatontown muted daily. The tests showed two large elms with maladies incident to old age. Bonds of $260 each for the four 'ord Girl Scout Troop to visit us nfected located • on Thornton last week and they werecredits He w u 78 years old, a widower policemen of Rumson were accept'arms on the south side of Rumto their" leaders. Hope to see them ion road within the property lines, -ii left one son. ed by the Rumson mayor and coufr real soon. contacted Comdr. .Charles B. "he Eatontown Literary club met cil. The bondsmen were Timothy , Mrs. J. W.' Nafew'e. An. essay Coffey and Thomas' Kaughton for . Carol Low's one and only went Harding and he promptly had these Alexander Hamilton was given John Connett; William Naughton overseas. If there's one couple that '.rees removed at his own expense. A' large elm on the country es' Irs. Frank Gardner, on John and James Murphy for John Me- shouldn't be separated it's them. tate of Uzal H. McCarter on Buena \blgall Adams by Maggie Wol- Laughlln; Paul Hintelmann and Two swell kids-. Vista avenue waa also found to be OB John Howard Payne by Lewis Neuhauser for John H, Mo- Totsle, don't you think you partially affected. Mr. McCarter . J. W. Nafew and on Patrick Peak and James Enrlght, Jr., dnd mailed that letter a little late. has had substantial pruning work iry by Prof. Bank*. Eddie Van- William Naughton for David Moand we Terry, be can't begin to tell you d6ne at our suggestion !ges •kirk entertained with instru- ney. hope thla valuable ile tree may be how much you mean to him, ntal musio and Miss Arable NaTotals, who won the bet, you or saved. Nathan Marx had ground broken Joe M,? Other trees found to be Infected ; with a vocal selection, on his property on the east with C. ulml Included the fdllowv masquerade baft was given at We received a swell letter 'romj nnaci's hotel, .Sea Bright, at of the Red Bank road at Shrews- Mrs. 'Helen Reynolds, secretary of ng: Conover lane, on Louis Olema estate; Conover lane, east side tich about 60 couples were pres- bury for a house for his own oe Rainbow Rollers, Inc., and thought oy of drive J. C. Williams' entrance; )t Tbe-grand mareb was led by cupancy. Wlnfleld S. Walnwrigh that you would like to read it Conover lane, Louis Qlemby's esof Little Silver w u tbs contractor. ihnW.Byles.-v . To the° Rainbow HolletUs. tate, east side of lawn; "WillowPeter Parrel] was doing the exca1 1 Congratulations on being such.: brook,' M. S. Jacob's estate near A poverty sociable waa given at vating. . main house, and Conover lane, east good sports arid If the future of David M. Lsfferson's at Colfi Neck members of the Ftir America, rests in such young hands, side of lane lnback of O. Lt Des.or tbe benefit of the Reformed «ttForty Daughters of Liberty lodge f a * w* know we are secur because the pard'a estate, I church. The committee In charge a reception a The destructive hurricane of Sepfor Mrs. John Martin, essence of all congeniality with our tember of th« affair wars Mr. and Mrs. who had recently 1<» 1M4, left many broken fellow men Is good sportsmanship hanging limbo in our street trees Charles Caaspbell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- stay in Florida. returned from snd yOu gals have more than your Mr, and Mrs. and the cost of necessary pruning h.ra-was-aJrtLe*jJckss j irs.-.Ali_the.luok-Jn.tlia .wurJi during the year IMS amounted to Lauren Lefferson. . ~ . . - ' . ' ^Batontown. Mrs. John Aumack ant and more power to you. approximately fiWf, "— . WUliajn Baldwin of Oott's Neck Un, Luther Boloe (>f Lewii street broke his right arm. He was re- were sick with pntumontat Lois From The Rainbow Rollers, Inc. Your commission wishes to exIts appreciation of the splenturning with a load of lumber Jean Pap» has been absent from press! w u sick with typhoidco-operation received from John from Mat&wan and undertook to Underbill our midst recently, But for no did pneumonia; Harry Hammond. and Mlddleton of' the Bureau of Plant get off the wagon while It was In Oeorge Augur bid been kept In- other reason than a sprained Industry. of the Department' of motion. His feet caught In the doors with tonsiHtii and Pauilni shoulder. Hurry up and be In the Agrloulture 6f New Jersey, to Percy lines and he fell. A'Wheel passed Woloott, daughter of Albert 0 Pink Jeanle. We are planning a Hloka, superintendent of road" of Over hit arm, breaking It in two Woloott; - Barry Hodas, Theodore welner roast for, our club and we the borough,-and to the pollce.deplaces. Woleott and the ten-year-old son o need your sunny disposish just'in partmentof the borough). _• ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanPelt, Peroy Crawford were ill with var- case we pick a cloudy day. William Stryker, George Bray, ious diseases. We the Rainbows, would like to Misses Maude and Annie Tomtinmake known the fact that we a n New Tlnton Falls residents] were ion,. Etta, Thompson and Kittle Magee, who moved from going to run * contest in our rink Bray of Iincroft, .Oscar -Hesse, Jr., Frank Mtddletown township to the Oil Ot Red Bank and Fred Davis of farm on the Shrewsbury Holmdel went on a straw 'ride to martin Oeotf* Lswli of Asburj a sociable at John Conover1* at roadl Park, who moved Into .Jami Marlboro. Walsh's house, and Clarenoe WilGeorge Mouser of Llncrott w u son, who moved from Colt'* Neel bitten by a fray squirrel when he to the Yaletlm turn. ^tempted to pull it from ths bellow of a tree. • By ttvs to one (hs Kid B u k eouneUmsn voted to permit tbs Vetertrii of ibrsign Wars to hold s, movlpi ploture show at the Strand theater Suter hlgbt. Ths Jl*.,.,Prot«Unt ministers and * All Work Gtonatsstt qhuroaes of Red Bank put up a strong fl»ht atainst ths Sunday,! ' Ws plok up sad delltsr. show but Councilman 0, HoVard X^lnaptti,*!^ Oamee, Don*. who sided >lth them. The meeti ini.sW.M_yiW. Mlipatid:»*n4,..U, t|m« considerably aorlmonlou*, V thl«™eks Wp-Bjirton Thom- Seven or Rainbow Roller's Rattle Let«8iB|W I 2pert put I your tut' chuw in flrtt-dMi m o l o * order, Rewonsble charges. Eitlnute farv nlibed Instance, • fay your eMeb (rents IIMI maV< .more1 money frem.egeji anil brellen. feed fam ejeeDfy mail fa pey better prtMt, M<>« NTs of your prefih snJ, ereler tken quellty, bred efileb. HATCHED TO LIVE Sewing Center Complete Oil Burner Service Fred D. Wikoff Co. Telephone 552 • Night call 554 1$ WEST FRONT ST. RED BANK, N. j . 71 FIRST AVENUE, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 212 MAIN STREET, KEANSBURG _iir. „' mm[ GRADE AA: Prime RibRoart —Porterhouse Steak Boneless Chuck Roast . Loin Veal Chops . . . Rib Veal Chops . . . . Breast of Veal . . . . Shoulders o f Veal . . . 53fb . 38fb . 45fb . 41fb . 21fb . 29fb GRADE A POULTRY: FOWI 4 lbs. and up . . . • . 41f b Frying Chickens, up to s% tbs. . 35fD GRADE AA: Rib Lamb Chops . . . . 48fb r Loin Lamb Chops . . . . 61fb Shoulders of Lamb . . . 30fb Announcing FOR 7 IJTPO 6.00-16 Other Sim Equally Low. Guaranteed 1Year or 10,000 Miles (WHlCHJ!iVB» COMES CTB8T) If yottf tlfet are good tanooth original eating*, oar program is as follows t , . 1. We will (jkchangt your worn, smooth tire with a NEW GRADE III TIREtof our own manufacture. -A certifieatej of guarantee) will be, issued to you at the Hme of . s a l t . ' • • " ' • » . • . • ' • . . . OR . 2 . We will procesp your smooth fans, giving yoa expert^ prompt service.' A certificste of guarantee will be liven you at tf»e time o# sale. — PROGRAM SUWECT I t ) OUFi IWSPECTtON—: ••"'"' AMAZING OFFER! One Year Of trouble Free Mfes For $7.00. A Guarantee Better,Than New • ' • . " ' Tfre Warranty , "V Oilif'tiletf, MfcpM Iff p i»»Tli|f pt «i»»Tli|f : ( ~L- i; , F v,,t:rtv;T '¥:} uL*Ksi i J - EED BANK BEGISTEE, MAECH 7,1946. iTweln, Group Accents NewOmstitution Ohl-Shoemaker Betrothal Told; Senior Hi^h School h g »choo, la Bed B u p l f l g B school will play 1 * M > coaoh basebaU apd assist * M^ame-basebaa jiobedule open- tirtootbaU, During ooMhtog h»r., ing on April 9, against «nother bor- at the local high- school ht assisted ough team,fit.James B. R C H, 8. Head,Coach Frank J.,Piiigltore In Tin Bues -wiU engage . In. ten producing a football championship shot* conference contests against team in l&W, Leonardo, Rumwn, Keyport and Coach Fhippt feels that sports Atlantic Highlands, and single have a high, important place In edgame, with Neptune and Manas- ucation,, but that formal education quan. They will also pl*y home must come first, , and away series .with A*ury Park His knowledge of sports he atnd Long Branch. ' tributes to his previous year* of exThe Buccaneers baseball team perience. ' •will again be coached by-Thomas Playing the all-year sports at HUpps. • • • Trenton Teachers .College for four years, he won the athletic award The schedule: there. April > - a t Jtm.l, hem*. A n i l M-J-iAibury Park, away. . He was formerly physical educaApril II—Ltonardo, honu. tion teacher at Keyport and Long Avril 19—laonardo, homf. Branch high school—Victor Calan. April 11—Hinuauw, home. April Jl—Long Branch, m r , . . . driellp,... - ^ Uti and'llri, R U S M U A . Ohl ot Woodbine avenu* Uttle Silver, announce the engagement of their Buyer* Bid | 3 ; daughter, Miss Sylvia 7 . Obi, to For Township LoU c-air Curtis D. Shoemaker, Jr., son of Mr!, and Mr*, Curtis X>. Shoemaker Memberi of the evening group of of San Francisco. No data has been < Bale of S8 lot. to nlne'buyjers the K»d Bank Woman's club i t a Heed $8,030 Air Mlddletown townmeeting Monday, accepted a new ship at the committee meeting: last constitution, Tbt constitution reThursday afternoon. ' '. " vision was in charge of Mrs. Karl The session started off with lively Mrs.. Ross S . King, Mrs. Farm and Garden Jansky, bidding, but soon, dwindled to pracClifford Cadmon, Mrs. Irwin D. tical confirmation of previous^ adCampbell and Mrs.. Floyd King, vertised bids. .J. Crawford CompQuality president ton made three bids fjpr single and Plans were completed for the combined lots and MUdletown nomination of officers and white Honor made two. The remaining elephant sale to be held Monday, salei were'made to Individual. March 18. JWr». Edgar V. Denis* li Committeeman Lawrenet A,.Carchairman of the nominating comFrom ton, Jr., addressed the board on.vetmittee, Mrs. Loula Deapreaux and erans' employment at the ^Earle Mrs." Powell Beyland, white eleWoodruff'., Burpee's, phant 3<—Kiyport. homt. naval ammunition depot. B e stated April sale chairmen, wilt be aided Sp-rJtumion, home, . • that 25 Leonardo veU had ap- April by Mrs. Cadman, Mrs. Clark E. Hay t—Long Branch, home. . , Ferry-Morse's, Buist's, Wallace and Mrs. Burton Moore. proached him with the declaration M«y 7—Athntlo Hlghlandi, iwajr. Mar 10—Ltonardo, away, that they had been refuied work The' annual fashion (how and 14—Bufnioiv rwiy. Landreth'i Seed Co. on the pier at times whan -worker* May para party will be held Wednesday M»y 17—K«yport,«w«y. were being hired from far distant May 24—Aibury Farkyhomf, night, April 3, in the Red Bank communities. He recommended Mar 2j—N«ptun«, home, "Distributor" Catholic high school auditorium. home. that the board communicate with May II—Atlantic. Highland!, Mrs. Edward J. Boehl and Mrs. Ella horns. the naval authorities to determine June t—St. Jtmel, Wiltshire will, announce 'complete . —Mario Tomaino. whether or opt township residents' plans at the March 18 session. rights were being prejudiced. The Mrs. Floyd King and Mrs. Stanley Beethoven. committee voted to Investigate the Gilbert will be delegates to the Feed & Farm Supplies •A. Tie greatait mortal that MPMMlon annual convention of the New Jermatter. -, . sey-State Federation of Women's MISS SYLVIA. T. DHL Building Inspector David Simp- Waa one who wroU sot wordi with HAZLET/N.J. Clubs, May 14,.at the Hotel New ; ink and quill. son reported that unauthorized Yorker. A third delegate will be Miss Ohl, a graduate of Redbuilding! had been erected In the But rather muik from tlu loul. Ha named at the next meeting. Phone Keyport 1109 Bank high school, is attending the township. He asked the committee With notM a picture ot hia Iron-will. Flans are under way for a spring Art Career school in New York to enforce the ordinance,, requiring He' lacks Obopln'i fragility and grace; antique show to be held by mem-city. Mr. Shoemaker is.a graduate permits prior to building, The com- Hii life wai fnught-wlth aorrow and deipalr. " • • bers of the afternoon group. Mrs. of Roosevelt high school at Hono- mittee ruled that the police departRobert H. Marvin and Mrs. W. Gil- lulu, attended San Francisco jun- ment would be notified to attend Ills toutled htad and wrinkled bull-doc face bert Mangon wil] represent the ior college and at the time of his Btlle the taidnatlon hlddtn there. evening group on the planning com- Induction In the army'was a stu-to the matter. Ela w»i io fhort a ipin of Ufa, whin mittee. Refreshment! were served dent at the University of Cali- Frank T. Fehn was granted a reone by the hostesses, Mrs. Henry La- fornia. He has recently received his tail consumption liquor license, Conalden th« tccompllihmenU within. brecque, Mrs. Kenneth Fox andarmy discharge after 38 months in with the provision that the DUSI- His molt crettlvi «(torU hid begun neas be conducted primarily as a When daath pi|t down hli much-und Weekdays Mrs. Wiltshire. pen. A eln the Signal Corps. , -restaurant, Mr. Fehn intends to That formi a qucbtlon oftin aiked In erect a restaurant and tavern in STOCKINGS WANTED. Except Saturday «t .v.r hear hii like again! Leonardo.: The commute* adopted When will Wh.t» cm I buy one pair at •tocklniiit .—Suzanne Lloyd Schenck. a resolution that the license would To n< they're more precioai than gold. To Whwi I dr««i up for my aweetlfc be Issued subject to revocation William Paxlcky, a member of Bart 1M» aren't glamorou, I m-tola. should it be determined later that I don't a»k for sheer, »l«ek njrloni i the business wag being conducted the R. B. H..S. faculty,- is under Plan White Elephant' Sale, Card Party "BULK" SEED W.D.SWARTZEL LISTEN Edwin O. I/omerton. "Edwin O, Lomerson of Broad street, Shrewsbury, entered the Newark College of Engineering last Monday, He will take courses in electrical engineering. Mr. Lomerson, a graduate In the February class of Red Bank high school, was a meznber of the Camera-club and Chemistry club.— Virginia MaoCloud. JOHN T. LAWI - AGENT Riverside Drive and { Hwy 3 5 Tel. Red Buik 410 "THE PEOPLE'S STORE" i By DIDD r VDOR RADIO , * * — S , •TO-NIGHT,/ ' s u f t B . THEMOPL UOUORSW W1U. MAKe YOU THBIR U « LONG. Sports Interview.a CARRYING A. COMPLETE LINE Kathy Reilly Is a patron at thft "Singing. Wheels Arena," a place that every school boy or girl is familiar with. Mias Reilly started roller skating in 1M3 and has been going regularly ever since. At first she did not take any interest in figure skating, but as she continued the sport, she became Interested in free style skating and has accomplished much in two years. FELIX R.SANTANGELO. P R O P . She knows IS dance steps, many 101 lOi SHREWSBURY AVE. ff&V2<f2'ZI4 R E P B A N K . M . J . trioks, and is now learning the Jackson-Haynes, a spin that Is very difficult. By practicing it she Is overcoming Its difficulties. Miss Reilly owes most of her practicing and attend! p s e q The alada li tan or belle, mortal hospital of Long Branch. the iessloM. atthe skating rink of"* Regular IIM, onljr »ln«. Road Supervisor Philip L. Leon- He is.missed very much *by the ten. ' Local Man Worked Bobby IOCIM bavt their plac« In the ard .drag present and busy taking student body, faculty and student She !• now talcing lessons MonOn Atomic Bomb schoolroom; '" ' ^ • « «. notes on complaints ol road con- council, who wish that he will be day nights to help Improve her With loafers for »port» thejr'rt 0 . K. ditions in the township, Five res- ack with them very soon. skating. But when\I go out on a date', . . Andrew P. Hill, son of Mrs. Delia idents lodged complaints with the Mr. Paxloky ha» received many Miss Reilly takes her- lessons You know I can't drew that war, M. Hill of Worthley street has been committee due to the condition of resents from the student body, from Mrs. Ruth Robinson in the ' hope you won't think me ihocklnz. Hut I do have a telephone: cited by Secretary of War Henry L. five different roads. ! custodians, friend) and the entire skating rink, "Dreamland," In Newyou hiar of tome ons iMng itock- Stimson- for participating, in the The discussion which foHowed the faculty. ' • ark, Miss RedUy hopes to become work connected with the production residents' claims prompted J. The members of .the student a professional. ol the atomlC~troTnb. <5rgwford-*eompton to leoominend T»Unciintudent~body^and-faculty Mdaa—Rellly's -regular skating TjERE's a service that prorides eashshown-in-table He was presented with a Silver that the board,consider appropri- ish Mr. Pailcky a speedy and suc- partner Is Cathy Manuel, who does n when you need it! You may bor- Paymentsprincipal and charges. At ouf r medal and certificate by Mr. Stim- ating more money for the improve- cessful recovery. dance-steps with her and has given row quickly and privately—on your rate of 2'4% a $50 loan repaid son testifying his service. The cita- ment of township roads. The R. B. H.' S. students are exhibitions with her at the "Sing- salary, car or furniture—and repay in monthly instalments as shown, at tion follows, "TWa is to certify that Taxi licenses were denied Charles grateful to Mrs. Helen Lauber for Ing Wheels Arena."—Catherine monthly instalments. To apply for of $54.48, costs only $4.48. Ho . FLAT DRINKS Andrew P. Hill has participated in P. Wilson; Sr., of Keansburg, Thom$50, $100, $200 o'r more, just tell us a hold has no other charge. You pay oat] \ the work essential to the produc- as M. Largey'of Bast Keansburg, er splendid work as a substitute Manuel. little about yourself and your job and fees' or other extras. (*Loans'for cesW] ARE WASHOUTS tion of the atomic bomb, thereby and Earl W. Seruby of Atlantic or Mr. Paxloky in English and: hischoose a payment plan (see below). tain purposes still limited by Govern*! tory—Warren Booth. ; contributing to the successful conPurim Dance No endorsers, no signatures of outment Regulations to shorter ^ i d clusion of World War two. This Highlands, and action on the apsiders needed! Baseball certificate is awarded In apprecia- plication, for a liquor, license reAPPLY i v PHONE! Next time jrou'ntJ Committee Meet quested by Frank Jackson of Navetion of effective service." NO t x n u s . Notice that you may short of cash, phone or visit House*.) In the Red Bank baseball lineup The committee for the Purim take up to 15 months* to repay. Or hold for quick relief. If you telepbonp I Mr. Hill has been connected with sink was laid over for the third his year there will be a number atomic project, for over two time, pending further Investigation. if veterans from last year. dance to be held in the Betmar repay sooner, if you prefer. The sooner first, we can have your loan ready* j years, having first gone there for William Johnson conducted the The, veterans are as follows: Bob Jewish Community -center March you repay the less your loan costs. when you call at the office. the John A. Johnson Contracting meeting in the absence of Cept Allaat Thursday night at the. KEEP YOURS cott, Frank Booth, Albert Dun- 16 met Co. Of Brooklyn, in the fall of 1943. bert Runyon. of Miss Sylvia Miller at As- FIND H I M THI CASH LQAN YOU NIIO can, James Vaccarelll, George home Later he joined the J. A. Jones bury Park to appoint committees. Thete parneBUladndcaOeaUt Longe, Ralph Mazzucca, Jack AckConstruction. Co. who were bulldCheoae year • Miss Miller Is co-chairman of the II poyrocnu i n made ncatUri ley, Judge Garrett, Willy Pelleing the high K-25 work area. InMotorboat Licenses on the tame day of each ana affair with Miss Rita House. Other 12 rino, George Francis and Eddie October 1944, Mr. Hill went over to live month. Earlier <r larpt ptymnli committees include: Misses Caryl Coy. payment! reduce the total the engineering firm of Ford, and Tesaie Chatakov, tickcharjet and later or anilkt Although bh«y are not all letter- Stern 19.08 Bacon and Davis, Inc., one of the Must Be Renewed $ 6.27 ets; Harold Yaffe and Misses Bea paymenli inmate then. ? 13.62 J7J1 $6.06 operators for tho K-25 work area, 9.41 HousttntD's OH.T cuaos Owners or operators of motor- men, it Is said-that they will put trice " Hotchklss, Evelyn Hastens 18.15 12.55 9.75 where he was in charge of mater- boats 8.08 ut a good team for Red Bank high ii the monthly rate of ZH% « a ' and Belle Stern, refreshments; Miss under 65 feet In length used school.—Ralph Gennaro. ial control and cost, It was in the unpaid babneet. 22.69 15.6B 12.19 10.10 Florence Shapiro^ program; Miss It ii ntwed 00 actaal nplid K-25 area where much of the acr in carrying passengers for hire are 27.23 14.62 18.82 12.11 Shirley Zagury, publicity, and Sidprincipal balanott atreducedby' tual work on the "A" bomb was being reminded this week by the Joanne Dunbar, 36.31 19.50 25.09 16.15 ney Schumlnsky, check room. payment!. There are no fima, U. S. Coast Guard that all licenses completed. Mr. Hill Is now with In a popularity poll contest held feea, ditcounta or other bidden 45.39 24.37 31.36 20.19 The dance will be sponsored by American Industrial Transit to operate or navigate such boats ecently charge! at Red Bank high school, 54.46 29.25 37.64 24.23 Co., which operates the transporta- issued In 1941—approximately 5,000 foanne Dunbar won the title of the inter-county Jewish youth ortion system, both on .and off the in the Third Naval district—will 'Class Athlete." ganization. VNor coNvtwmr ro mom on mn-Mui ims COUPOM expire shortly and must be renewed area at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. When Interviewed, Joanne said if operations are to continue. PASTOR ASSUMES DUTIES. Mr. Hill is a member of St. James he owes her success to Mrs. Irene church, the Red Bank Elks and the All such licenses expire five years Smith's fine training.- She has al- Rev. Theodore Yardley comNewark Radio club, and attended from the date of issue. They may ways been Interested in sports, and menced bis pastoral duties Sunday SW STATE ST., PERTH AMBOY. N. J., PHONE: FErth Amboy t-JM* the Red Bank public school. Prior be renewed within not more than when she came to Red Bank high at St. Mary's Episcopal church at PERTH AMBOY NATIONAL BANK BLDC.-fith FLOOR I*, m m to going to Oak Ridge, he was con- 30 days prior ~ to expiration, but school four years ago, she partic- Keyport and Trinity Episcopal nected with some of the largest must be renewed within one year ipated in all sports. Of all the church at Matawan. He is a gradNAME construction jobs, Including thereafter, and.no motorboat may sports she enjoys herself most uate of Harvard university and the Only Canada Qry Water hat the Navy .depot at Earle. be operated, by any person, under when she Is playing basketball. General Theological seminary of ADDRESS "PM-POlfif CARBWttTION"- to the authority of an expired license.. Joanne thinks everyone should New York, and has-been serving at insure longer-laitlng sparkle. Capt. William M, McQuire, US Trinity cathedral at Trenton as _—:^J__:_ ._"_^_ •. STATE participate M much at he can in And a ipecial formula to point Luncheon Given OGR, officer In charge of the Ma-school sports.—Pat Curry. curate. ' • up flavor. Alwayi vie Canada rine Inspection division at district Dry Water. For Mrs. Heim headquarters, 42 Broadway, New farewell party and luncheon York, said owners or operators apwas given for Mrs, J. William Helm, plying for renewal of licenses wil Jr., of Fair Haven, Saturday at the be required to pass a color vision Molly Pitcher hotel, by a group of examination. He added that If an friends. Mrs, Heim will move to owner or operator fall* to renew Douglasvllle, Georgia, within a few his license within the specified 12weeks. month period, he will be. required Attending were Mrs. Philip L. to pass another qualifying examinaMatthews, Mrs. Carl Schwenker, tion. Jr., Mrs. Edward J. Leddy, Mrs, W. Licenses may be renewed at disMONMOUTH STREET PHONE B. B. 1800 C. Hoffmann, Mrs. James Dey, Mrs. trict headquarters, any week day, BBOAD 8TBEET PHONE R. a IS0O William McLaughlin, Mrs. Robert except Saturdays and holidays. MATINEE DAILY 2:30 ' EVENINGS 74 MATINEE DAILY t ; N EVENINGS 7-» A. Matthews, Mrs. Robert G. FerCONTINUOUS SATURDAY • SUNDAY guson, Mr;. Nathaniel Gaynes, Mrs. Boys can make pocket money bj CONTINUOUS 8ATUHDAT • SUNDAY Stanley M, Parker, Mrs. Irving Baer, selling the Regrlster^-AdverUsemeni Mrs. Frank Bauer, Mrs. Douglas Frederlckfind Miss Annette Brown. • • • • • • • j r • • • • • • . ; ' • . , • * OF * • • IMPORTED and DOMESTIC • BEER • WINES and LIQUORS Stimson Cites" Andrew P. Hill SIMPLE AS A.B..C Up to 15 months* to repay, HOUSEHOLD FINANCE —-. Compliments of Your Only Authorized * ¥ READE'S RED BANK MOVIE GUIDE • • WATER READE'S STRAND READE'S CARLTON Depend On Roughage As Grain Dwindles Back To Civvies Your GI BUI of Rlfhti with ite^ new, Uberallted provisions Is all ready to serve you. If you're thinking of buying, building or refinancing your home, drop In . . . for Information, for advice mid for .aervice. DEALER RED BANK SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN "Dairymen must fact the taoj that the scarcity of* grain feeds for livestock Is a fact, not a rumor, and plan accordingly," warns Carl B. Bender, professor of dairy husbandry at the New Jersey College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment station.. In the.face ot the crisis, dairymen must place greater reliance on roughage to reduce the grain requirements for milk production and for growing calves for replacements, according to Bender. He offers an outline of practices to be followed to moot the situation, as follows; ' "Cows producing under 15,pounds of four por cent milk can take care of that production on roughage atone If the roughage Is fed llberI ally, > "Dry cows should be conditioned for freshening* on silage and hay, "Yearlingholfers will make satisfactory growth on rAughage.ialone It they are given plenty of -It, "Calves from six itfAnths to one year of1 age thouldbs limited to four pound* of grtln a day and glvon all of tho hay tt)ey can eat. ."Plan ftr early and sufficient pasture this year by fytllhtlng winter grain with, ISO pounds of'ammonium nitrate per acre and grailni lightly, F«rtlll?e;part oj the per- telLll' April (1-8 aorp.por.cow) M l Red 'Bank ^ g s s ^ puture Is not lufjiount to titty the eottlt* durlhg tha 'luinmtr, plan ATLANTICThnr, Frl., Sat NOW THRU SATURDAY! Sat Mat IARIAM CHARLES COBURN GINNY SIMMS ROBERT PAIGE 1 "DICK TRACY" 6E0R6I STANWYCK • BRENT —IN— ' SHADY LADY" —ALSO— . TED DONALDSON. MARGARET LINDSAY, «— IN— 3 D A Y S BEG. SUNDAY! DICK POWELL I .. WALTER SLEZAK - I N -' "CORNERED" One JACK HALEY HELEN WALKER K-IN-. FUN^lf" ^ -with— Morgan Conway Anne Jeffreys Gale Storm Phil Regan "Colonel Sun., Monvtfues. Sunday Continuous from 1 1 . tt Wedneidaj v —with— • SUNDAY & MONDAY ADVENTURES ol RUSTY* • "Swing Parade Of 1946" In Technicolor! . . -withANTON WALBBOOK ''Lightning Raiders" —with— Buster Crabbe i 3 DAYS" BEC. TUfeS. • ERROL PLYNN IRENE DUNNE -IN- with CHAS. WINNINQER v ADELE JERGEN8 ,',, SARAHADENi PERCY KILBRIDE ' ' ». • Antonio" j T i ^ y l j " r " " 'Tr f P^^^^^U^M^^^"Ji 1 "OVER BED BANK REGISTER. MARCH 7,19>48. irked Local Photog* taowa as WflERJipS, an ajegronle Oharle* O. ,0r)aisBkaek tad tMbniqv* M«d, to plot th« loeaOoB of distant storin erattra by means Jams* VaalUalU tars fcmsd * « long-rang.* radio dlrsction fed. partnsrsWp la the photography bnslaeis, with aJtudle at If* Mon, «* . . • Sunday, March 1> marked tha Nd I f e i ' ' Already tbe Signal Ootft 1» auk* mouth t t t LAWX SEED FOR THJ5 [MARKET ond HOME GARDENER jU FERRY-MORSE - BUIST : WOODRUFF Fertilizers • Lime - Bovung Peach and Berry Baskets B D. WOLCOTTS SONS Main Street, Eatontown * Telephone 54 • Servings the Farm and Garden Trade Sine* 1891 TIME TO BUY —OR SELL STOCKS? DO YOU KNOW T H E " — VALUE OF YOUR SECURITIES? ARE YOU GAMBLING IN STOCK MARKET QUOTATIONS ? Let Ui Tell You of Our "WATCHING SERVICE" Booklet "INVESTING YOUR HONEY," aUo consultation with our local representative, available to' Interested Investors without any obligation. I. GEORGE WESTON 210 BROADWAY/LONG BRANCH — Tel. L. B. 211 Rciiitmi! RtpreMpUltvi oi H.rtlcU^ tyti&M * Co, lac .• , . M LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK CITY. ' \ Boffalo K u w Cllr Roche»Wr St. Loiili Springfield SJT.CUM Wohinfton . Wichita BROAD BREASTED BRONZE AND WHITE HOLLAND YOUNG TURKEYS Wo are now booking orders fer spring delivery of Day-Old and Started Poult*—All agei up to 10 weeks. DAY OLD, 5 0 or more 85c each 4 WEEKS OLD . . . . . . $ 2 . 0 0 tS% Deposit Required On AH Orders. We hare selected from our flock the most outstanding Individuals for onr IBM laying season. From this flock only will we sell •poults hatched In our new modern,hatchery. All breeders are tested under supervision of the 'Statej'' . ' • LSUN RISE TURKEY FARM EAST ROAD, BELFORD, N. J. 1 » 6 x #453 Visitors Welcome—Book Your Orders Early . From 1 to 1,000. ; l ! anniversary of ttw. Wrth of the Signal Oorpi. Tjt w u March 3, 1868, Itbat congress, at tb« earnest bebest of ths then Maj. Albert J. ICyer, who had long believed in' the'great potentialities of military communication*, created the Signal Corps as * separate branch of tb« U.S. Army. - . BVotn a hurablt .beginning, when tbo telegwipb was considered one of the marols of sdsnee and semaphore flag* were the accepted means of communication, the Signal Corp* grew into a gigantic or-' ganizatloii which, at the close of the preunt war In August, IMS,, could proudly point to a military communications network which encircled the globe, Its - facilities reached out to every outpost where American soldiers were fighting, even Into th« darkest jungle*, and Its equipment embraced everything from the Urns-honored, telephone and telegraph to the new'wonden of radar. During 1946 the Signal Corps played an important role in all offenalves from final phases of the war against Germany to the surrender of Japan in the Far Salt, Not only did it carry over its network the vital messages of our commanders in all theaters of operation, it supplied and, In many Instances, operated and maintained the vast quantities of communication! equipment needed in prosecuting a war of. world-wide proportions. This equipment included thousands of, radio and radar acts, hundreds of tboui- thousands of teletypewriter!, carloads of telephone and telegraph equipment and tons.of components and spare parts for communications apparatus. One of the outstanding accomplishments of the Signal Corps during 1945 was the providing of facilities for the Allied'Conference In -PotsdamrGermany,-in-July.-More than 260 tons of Signal Corps equipment and supplies were furnished for the undertaking. The facilities included a six-position switchboard for the American delegation, a separate single position switchboard for the President and the White House party, 800 telephones installed in more than 100 separate buildings and 70 miles of cable distribution facilities. In addition, telephoto facilities were installed for. operation over the radio system to Washington, It was from this conference that the first eolor-radlophoto was transmitted. This photograph, which was | reprinted by newspapers and mag azines throughout the country, showed President Truman*, Pritm Minister Attlce and Marshall Stalin ! at their historic meeting. The tech< nlques for radiophoto transmission of color pictures were perfected by the Signal Corps. Other outstanding services of the Signal Corps during 1944 and 1945 included: The handling of a traffic volume which reached a peak of more than 60,000,000 words per day: j the engineering and procurement of ! huge quantities of fixed plant equipment for all theaters of operations; ! special broadcast and press arrangements for the rapid dissemination of announcements of the Leyte«and Luzon Invasions and of j V'j, day, and the sending of a nlne, word message from Washington [ around the world In 9tt seconds shattering a previous record of 3H minutes. Following the commencement of hostilities in Europe In 1939, a new period-of rapid expansion and intensive development was started in the Signal Corps. Through co-operation with the British, the theory of radar was developed and put'In to practice, Radar saved "England during the aerial blitz of 1940 and 1941. Later radar played a vital part In helping first to stem and then to turn the tide of Axis con< quest : The shooting war has stopped but the work of the Signal .Corps goes' on. Advances In scientific knowl- WASTE PAPER COLLECTION SUNDAY, MARCH tOth «j (3 blasts of fire siren will announce start of drive at 11 o'clock a. m.) Place old papers and magazines on the curb. Collections will be made from home or office. To notify us of any paper or magazines call Red Bank 3175 or drop us a rJostal card. ' : Sponsored by • '/ -Serviced ;' PROMPT SERVICE ^bliAtitf^ORKF 1 i . . . ( / . . ^ . . . . t t,*:! ,.,'..!''..•"^.' " > > * ' . ing rapid strides toward s&plying Its newly acquired sclsnUflo Jcwwl-' •dga to peace-time aotivitlw. Wow under development Is.an electronic device which will art as* a sensory aid (o the blind. And the Bignal Corps', experiment of making radar contact frith the moon' will be actively continued to mist' further knowledge about w e ionosphere and Its tJfset upon radio signals, and to find new sdentldlc truths significant to the eltotronio world. Whatever the future holds, it Is certain that the Signal' Corps win serve our country not only patriotically but in the interest of maintaining our leadership In communication*. Elks Celebrate 35th Anniversary Have Entertainment, Supper At Lodge The Red Bank lodge of Elks celebrated Its 36th anniversary last Thursday night in the lodge hall with a supper party and entertainment, in whlcb 12! persons participated. The hall was especially decorated for the occasion and tables were placed in "night club" fashion. 1 Addle Kind presented hit "Elks' Variety Show," which included Ruth Graham singing "That Old (Tang ,of Mine" and "I'm Always Chasing 0HARLE8 O. GRIE3BNBECK According to Red Bank's new photographers, they Intend to feature a personalised type of photography. They will cater to banquets, weddings, home portraits, news and legal work, and have as a firm motto, "Photography tor every occasion ' 11 Ksmbsrs of St. Mary's guild of « . Oeorg* 'Bplsoopal ehureh at Rnouofthald a luneheoa-brldg* last week lnlhS'Church rectory, for the benefit qf tto Olototoiv rand. . Attending w m RJV. and Mrs, H. Mrfleld Butt, Id, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ktar, «r». William Coulter, Vrt. Stephen Jobnaon, UTM. W1JUan Llsbbanser, Mrs. Edmund Oline, If nr. Joseph Leu*, Hr«. Samuel Bentsen, Mrs. Charles- Kuper, Mr*. J>. A.' Qlnelalr, Mrs. Philip 8, Walton, Mrs. Cromwell Watson, Mrs. H. R. Wellbacher, Mrs. Eleanor Alexander, Mrs. Hermann Aiendorf, Mri, Thomas L. Little, Mrs. William w.-Oogan, Mrs. Charlei R. Btrger, Mrs. Oeorg* A. Inman, l l n , William Whitney. Mri, Eugene Wllley, Mrs. Chris Housen, Mrs. Harold Doud, Mri. 7. d. Wegel, Mrs. Melvln D. Bailer, Mr*. Robert T. Lockhart, Mrs. Kenneth H. Fdx, Mrs. John Hessel, Mrs. Francis H. Glaxebrook, Mrs, A. C, Prlchard, Mrs. N. W. Chlcheiter, Mrs.- John L. Wood, Mn, George A. Shields, Mrs. David Geor**, Mra. Otto Strohmenger, Mr#. Ira D. Emery, Mra. John O. Toller, Mrs. Lydla A. Bcott, Mrs. H. Fairfleld Butt, Jr., Mrs. Ernest R. Fahneatock. Mri. Harry Slocum, MM. James a. VanNostrand, Mn, Emily Kissel, Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Mrs. Andrew Anderson, Mrs. Fred Kelson, Mrs. John Cafeon, Mrs. Russell A. Strothman, Mrs. Raymond Pullen, Mrs. J. E. W. Kuper, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Mabel Bedford, Mrs. Robert Davlef, Mrs. Lillian Robinson, Mrs. Olive Kuxola, Mrs. Mary' Douglas, Mrs, L. Schlefer,' Mrs. D. Cleland, Mrs. Lester C. Leonard, Mrs. Edward B, Ifolak, Mrs. Ben- J nett E, Vroman. Mrs. Paul Petersoa, Mrs. George O. Johnson, Mrs. George A,Roberth M R l h H, Walter, Mri ing "WhyDo I Love You am "Danny Boy;" Margie and Dot Stone In three specialty dance numbers, and Tony Mar'one, pianist. During the program, Dr. Herbert Williams, Fred Jones, Charles Meeker and Daniel Dondl sang their favorite numbers - and Dr. Fred Newman gave hli story on the value of each finger. ~ThVvarlety~mw^naedr witlr ths singing of "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot," after which Exalted Ruler Herbert Scott ^ introduced the radio star and fellow member, Tom Howard, who stated that he appeared "through the high pressure tactics'of Brother'Judge Harry Klatsky." A buffet supper -was served, featured by a birthday cake, Inscribed JAMPS VANRAALTE for the occasion, which was presented by member Joseph Holiday. Mr. Grlesenbeck w u born In The centerpiece was a large bou- Newark and moved to 'Red Bank quet -of American Beauty roses, in 1927. He was graduated from presented by Frank Dean. Mlddletown township high school and attended the' Newark- academy He has- been in the photographic line eight years and served his apprenticeship- In "Hurrell laboratory and studio of Hollywood. While In the service be was in charge o photography for the Ellis Island Injured When coast guard base. He vJas also a press photographer for the AssociTrain Lurched ated Press. Mr. VanRaalte wag born In JerA Monmouth County Jury In the Monmouth Circuit of .the Supreme sey City arid educated {here and Court,at Freehold recently gave a at the Newark academy.. He also verdict of $25,000 to John J. Boyd, had one year at New York univerSr., of Long Branch for injuries re- sity. From 1938 he w u associated ceived by him In a railroad acci- with the Federal Reserve-bank of New York, and In 1639 he came to dent August 5, 1944. . According to the testimony of Mr. Red Bank. He joined the State Boyd, he boarded the train at New Police In 1942 and remained with York and hia destination was Long that department until the end of Branch. While going through, the July, 1M4, when he resigned to join Red Bank station, Mr. Boyd was the local police department. He left interested in watching some friends the police force on leave of absence playing cards and while standing In early in 1MB to join the Merchant the aisle of the train, he testified Marine, from which be was honorthat there was a sudden lurch and ably discharged in October of that he was thrown forward to the floor, year. He returned to the police deinjuring his spine. There was con- partment here, but resigned sevsiderable medical testimony con- eral months ago because of changeB cerning tbe extent of the Injury re- In the pension system. He was ceived by Mr. Boyd, the doctors bead of the Flash Photo company from the railroad company con- before associating with Mr. Grlestending that the Injury was of a enbeclj. aalnor nature, whereas the doctors who treated Mr. Boyd stated that the spinal cord was Injured resultIng In damage to his neurological system. The testimony of his doctors was that he had lost some of the sensations of feeling In his fingers and bands. For the railroad Receives $1,300 company, Dr. Nicholas Ransahoff, chief of staff of the Orthopedic deIn Accident Case partment of the Monmouth Memorial hospital, testified and also Dr. Charles E. Adam* of Belford obOtto Holteri of Asbury Park. Dr. Joseph^XJ. yillaplano__Df_A}buiy; tained settlement recently .in the Park and Dr. Anthony J. Pisanl, recently separated from the Ortho- when he was struck while walking pedic Staff at Fort Monmounth, along Main street, Belford, January testified for Mr. Boyd. 16, IMS, by a truck owned by DonAfter three days of trial the jury ald's laundry of Red Bank, and brought In a vedlct In .favor of Mr. operated by Gustave Albrecht of Boyd. He was represented by Belford.' The .settlement was anTheodore D. Parsons of .Red Bank nounced a* the case ' was being and Abraham R. Klltcman of As- scheduled for .trial befors Judge bury Park, and the railroad com- John C. Giordano at Freehold. Mr. Adams, who is employed by pany by John A. Hartpence of Trenton and James Laird of Asbury the.U, a Army Air Force at their New York city depot, was on h!« Park. way to work when ths accident oc; curred. The weather w u extremely stormy, and made it necessary that Mr. Adams walk on the side of the road Instead of on the sidewalk, a* Jhs went to the railroad station to V. Howard LJoyd of Matawan, active In oivls and fraternal: at- catch his train. Aa he neared the tain In this seotloa, spoke to mem- railroad station, he was struck bers of the Toong Msn's Bible olui Irom behind and knocked to .the ground, " of the btri h h Sd _Mrrla(i^'wsi'V»jiHltttM''lv Jesus Do?" Mr. Lloyd told about Theodore J. Ubrecque of Parsonl, the.application of the, philosophy Labrecque, Cantona * Combs, of J e s u s Christ t o e v e r y d a y activi- while Judga Edward J, Ascher of ties. • •, . ••• ; •,,•,;•;.••; Asbury Park represented the laun• " ", _ , , j r t N. Wyokpff w u J m l . dry. • • ' Long Branch Man Awarded $25,000 Belford Man Gets Settlement Di When your Radio goe, CALL RED BANK 3368 We, also have . " • Radio. Batteries - Victrola Records - Aecassorifi J.H MOUNT CO 84 BROAD STREET J; Allen Mofcn, manag»r"of the Asbury Park branch of the New Jersey Bell Telephone company, and former manager' of the Red Bank branch, announced that S. David Page of Newark, a representative of the company, will visit the Presbyterian church Monday night, March 11, to address members of the Brotherhood. Mr. Page will tell about "Communications In World War Two." He.will detail the new inventions as developed by tbe Bell laboratories during the war. President J. Raymond King will be In charge of the business session called tor 8:15 o'clock. Plans will be completed for the annual ladles' night Monday, April 8, in the church social hall. Refreshments will be served after tbe meeting by Lewis N. Errickson. RED BA^K PAIN SPECIAL — FOR — Satu relay, March 9 CAPITOL Synthetic Undercoater „ • Brower, Mrs. Dorothy Crlswell, Mrs. B. L. Atwater and Misses Constance Cleland, Evatyn B. Kenny, Ruth Kenny, Emma Hits and Grace Porter. Brotherhood To " Reg. $2.79 9 • • • • • A perfect Undercoater for enamel The flat oil paint that shows no brush marks Hard D r y i n g — — - — — —7 Washable Easy Brushing A CAPITOL product MORRIS BECKER HARDWARE CO. 197 Shrewsbury Ave., . Red Bank Corner Catherine Street CAPITOL PAINTS Sold By Us Exclusively For Over 20 Years. QUALITY SUITS FINE FABRICS-^FINE FIT More and more men are finding out that they are able to find a nice selection of Suits, both in style and colors at Snyder's. These fine Snydercraft Suits are of all wool -fabrics, well tailored in styles of distinction; single 2 and 3-button; double breasted 1 and 2-button models to choose from. . '. BE WELL GROOMED, BE IMPORTANT, MatawanMan . < Speaks H«re :; < t Relief Engine Co. No. 1, Red Bank Adjusted-I Proceeds Go To Closers Fund Griesenbeck, Van RaaHe Partners Branch Was Created When Telegraphy W M In Infancy , Fepil-Oote Company, Lmwr^tonffWiyV» T. ' JTranchbed Bottler: Fep««*>lsB(Wi*CoTol AIWJ*J Park. St Mary*, Guild , < . , .r-r domM as" a / v l i l p . " He'Wlll! W. y!tmPWVm*ip*M»r of the olass. Robert V. Bordin, Boris Btlohak and'WDllam T«tx were welcomed back, from service In tbe arjMd forces', ••'.•.'• ' • -.;.•; t.. ' President Ray 0. Wolf will sfttsk to the young man next Sunday morning on "ToW LIU I s — A You Make It," taken from U» „ "Take'a Look At Youri»lf"-by Jo) Mlll«rt'f«~».. '—....-^...-^ I' New; Girls' Clubt MM, Carl Q, Ktfrris, supervisor of woman's and girls' activities at tbe local'%" innounoii thin ars now i|x recreation groups, muting duttot thi w«k, Bach group h u It! own ipsoln.o'pro|fs» and1 »HW the! tuft,eomplittd pn tha' 1ST INASNYDER ARISTOCRAT HAT 6 A complete |ine of Boys' Wear, Suits, Sport Slacks, £port Jackets,1 •BNk&t&piM^ .411 these can b« found at Snyder's jusit like big Brother and Dad. , 9:00A.H. JH ••r • IS » to / -^ BED BANK REGISTER, MABCH V, 1046, LavmkWr, Smart1 Lam n e m o s , Tebreeqae, Coombs 00CN8MA0HS I T LAW. • W»IUc. Str.. IUd Baak Theodore D. P t n o u Edmund J. G M M M Tfctodora J. Labncam • • t o t F. Combt Thomu J. Bolt* Vobtrt H. HaiJa William &' Kslr. Jr. A, MANNING, OOUNSKIXOS.AT LAW, M Broad Strut. TtJ. Bed ? » k »7M - HENRY 8. INSELBERG, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Profmlonal Building, • Aiburjr Park. N. J. RW Bank 3944 Aiburr Park 24ft MILTON KOSENE, ATTORNEY AT LAW iSftHSrt DR. L W. CARLBON. SCBGEQN CHIEOPODI8T, ' FOOT AILMENTS Offlo* Houn: Dalljr 1:80 a. m. to (ISO ». m. E r u l n m Tueiday tnd Thundar For appointment phone M4J •0 BBOAD ST., BED BANK, N. J. DR. MILDRED HULSART. SCBGEON CHIEOPODI8T, root Orthopedic*-Electro-Thermpj Oflea Houra: Dallr » a. m. to 8 p. m. Crulafti TIMMUJT, Tnuradar, Saturday (OlMBd W«dn««d»r) For tppolntmtnt pbont MM 1M BROAD ST., BED BANK, N, 1. DR. RAY DE CARLO SURGEON CHIROPODIST FOOT AILMENTS Offlc* Houri: Dally 1:00 «. m. to (:>0 >. a. Ertnlnn bjr appolntmtnt , Phon« (71 »ft,ttAPLE AVE. . RED BANK — GET PUR- HIGH CASH PRICE • • ALL MODELS •>• ' A L L MAKES • ANY YEAR Driv* In or Phon* PACKARD—RED BANK Kelly Building Harding Boad at Broad St R.B.428 Christian Science Programi from The Mother Church To* First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston EVERT SUNDAY WMCA 8:45 A. M. Testimonials of healing given. Musical selections by soloist and organist of The Mother Church Social Club Formed By Reformed Church Saturday Night A ntw aoelal ainb Mr tbi Key. port Reformed ehurebf'jtht • flood Fellowship club, n i organised reAll Companies Fight cently. Officers are: Kelvin Phllo Hubbard Park Blaze president, Mrs, Clyde Enhuon jrle* president, l l n . Lester Dlek'aeereUry, and Kenneth Ctohlhaus treas-i All companies'of the Red Bank urer. fire department responded to a call The president appointed the fol- Saturday night In an estimated lowing on the program committee $10,000 blaze at 10 Hubbard park, for tomorrow night's meeting; la which three ot the fire fighters Lloyd Cokelet chairman, If rt. Rus- were Injured. eel Scobey, Ur«. Earner jobnion Fire Chief Leroy Deacy reported the injured firemen aj Emll Munch, and Edward Florlan. Attending to* organization meet- Claud* Whalen and Jack Stoye. Ing were Mr. and l l n . Albeit M. Stoye was.treated at the scene of Halgh, Mr. and MM. Clyde Eggln- thetfire.by {be Red Bank first aid •on, Mr. and. Mrs. Louis G Ohls- squad, while'the other two were man, Mr. and Mm. Elmer Johnson, removed to Rlverview hospital Mr._and.Mr«. Lloyd-Cokelet, Mr. where they were ^treated apd reMupch; who suffered burns and Mrs. Harry Hugtoson, Mr. and leased. and a lacerated finger which reMrs.'Lester Dick, Mr. and Mrs. quired stitching,, was married the Paul- Rockefellow, Mr. and Mr*. ollowlng afternoon. Edward Florlan, Mr. and Mm. J. The< two-story house Is owned by Harold Hendrlekion, Raymond Hubbard VanVllet and ocDross, MIH Evelyn Scobey, Mr. and Sarah cupied by Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. ;RUBM1 Scobey, Mr. and Mrs. Sporgborg and their daughter, Andrew Oooeley, Mrs. Dunlel Hen- Elizabeth. The entire second floor drtckson, Mr. and Mr». Malvln of the building was ruined and Phllo and Rev. and Mrs. Albert Q. furniture and rugs on ths lower Shtphorst., .." ' floor were badly damaged. Mrs. Sporgborg detected the fire FORMES RESIDENT ENGAGED ipon opening a closet door on the Lieut Col. and Mrs. Raymond A. second floor. It spread rapidly ystrom of. Sprlngtleld, Massachu- and had gained such a strong hold setts, former Little Silver residents, When the Relief engine company have announced the engagement of arrived, an immediate " call was their daughter, Miss Hazel Marie placed for the remainder of Red Nystrom, to Capt. Paul J. Kane, Bank's equipment. It was believed the fire started «pn of Mr. and Mri. John T. Kane of St Paul, Minnesota. Mia* Nyst- from "defective wiring, The local fire fighters worked rom. attended Red Bank high school end the Red Bank business - inati' furiously in an attempt to extinguish the stubborn blaze. Their tuts. powerful flood lights illuminated "LIFE'S COMPOSITE" It'* tha (trnpli thins* that torn* lit* and Urlnf. Th* nnderrtmdlnt m**Uat *t • ? « , Whan no •pokm word It firm, Th* *uh rlalng throuife th* «nlr*riac And Om. "Moml I'm horn*) wh*i» ar* 7OU71' If* th* ilmplt thine* that living: and th« yttxt— Thln«i takui for iranttd to* sfUn, too, And yet thty ar* th* thlnt* h*Id mo*t d*ar. It'* th* tlmpl« tklns* rack w In Jutt •v*rr>dar living Nliht animating d»r and l*arU» much In 1U s4vln(. • . Th* erwent moon' and H* wmvanloa •tat, Th* haUT blend it ro**» from afar— Thtii. "I'm rolni t* b*d| (oednliht. Mom and FOE." It'i tie almplt thtngi that aom* vrtth llvini aad th* 7«an— Thing* taken for gnnt*d m* hop* ntvtr •top. Jiut ilmpl* tklnr«. but th«y an that •blch mik« lit* d*ar. C!HARU)TTK B. OONOVHR. K. J. ..beauty trea*«nt. That's |ood nwfs to us, tooJ ' * dletown townships A dl»*M«» ot 10 Keanlburg.Jlpn^y., one of which' *Mt.-b*taM& the-bur»ed'b\illdlng 1 completely:gutted;th« A f t P gro- and< tits .nearest other ,s4rueture prevented the spread-of fthfblsw, cery store,WMain street"causing p •' ' an .estimated .damage,of nearly, flremen,#aid,, , ; ' • ' . •lOO.OOQ, accprding'toflre and A * Other 9 m wen reported at the P officials, The large modem build- home of Joseph BJofenx, Park'and ing; on* of the newest In,thB'bor- Sunset avenues,' where' am ' overough, was owned by Joseph Maha- heated stov_e ptpV through m parwash of Keansburg. Joseph Mul- tltlon (Hfllsed slight property damage. The two - • Keansburg,' comraln was manager. panies responded to -the alarm at The flre which was discovered at 7:80 o'clock Monday morning. - • ,• 10 o'olook In the morning, apptrr At U;26 o'olook that night, fireently started In the store room be- men were' called, 'to extinguish a tween the oelllng and -roof'where grassfl» alongtherailroad tracks the heating equipment is Installed, at' the • borderline of - ths Keanspolice said. Andrew Mulanhuk, burs; municipality' and Mlddletown former KeanBtourg1 fire chief and &n township. _ - , - . . .' Fifty persons attended the jieo- employee at the' stors, s«nt ]n an ond anniversary of Boy Scout troop alarni. The two Keansburg com- It pays to advertise In The Register 47, of Leonardo, last week In the high school cafeteria. The party was In charge-of Matthew StevenBon, John Connolly, Ellsworth Poole and members of the Scout Mother's auxiliary. ' . • • . Motion pictures, taken during a South Pacific battle, were shown by Stanley McQueen of Mlddjetown. Maj. Ferguson, vrbo participated In this battle, was the speaker. The Scout troop executive committee and .Leonardo cub scout committee met Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Black. Activities for the six cub packs at Leonardo were discussed. The packs will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock in the school cafeteria. Know Your Government TkSsk * ' ' •'• J LEON'S . ,E3TABLMHED 1911; • • ••' . R HJffawstr S i Matawan, y, h BEsX ESTATE Harms • Hone*'- Country Estates ' ' , ' nreuBAHCB' Ufe - JWre-'Ant© Burglary. 1 MONEY LOi Leonardo Scouts Have Anniversary Ueeaasd aod bomdti br State.«f N. . WE PAT CASH FOB OLD GOLD and T Broadway^Loan SM Broadway ' Long The "Rose of Jericho" Is not a rose at all. It Is a tumbleweed. One of SIX MODEL? in HEW CHRYSLER LIME rmowicmg ... . c h i l i •pott, "What tlm* U It, Horn, Um« to I»t apt" It'* tli* tlmpl* thlnci that torn* with ' living and th* S T Thln JI v* takt 'or grant*! that tvm «p For mamorln to hold don and d*ar. It'* th* ilnpl* thins*. ti« llttit *wt ••{ llTlnt. That luddtn w n u i i *f JOF *< what m'n rlvlnr. Th* old hotiM iof' twt.tohlnr ,lt th* noon dar »OS| Th« ,4pMtliln» "iraaS K hr*ad almoit ^ Your cuddly robe and dainty friDs csn'cotae ottt of the dostt at Int. We are . f i n a b l e to Bwept-your luxury-loveUei and household accessories for invigoratta* Sanitone Call today; the .buildings to , safeguard against a spreading qagration, which they, sueo accomplished, Councilman . __ bert VanSchoik, at the meeting of the mayor and council, the following Monday*n!ght, commended the department for their work. " ' Although ths blaze was under control within a few houra, firemen were still working on' the building at 3 a. m. Sunday and a' crew of six from Liberty hose company remained at the scene" for" the remainder ot_ the 'night to insure against further outbreaks. Mr« Sporgborg fell down a flight of stairs and was struck by falling plaster a« she left'the house. amm Th* 1946 Chrysler "Royal" ilx-Bfltsenger; four-doer sedan. . This company offers a total of 26 body styles. MANY IMPROVEMENTS LISTED operates when the door is opened. IN NEW CHBYSLEES An entirely new braking system been adopted that adds greatly Improvements that contribute to has the safety and pleasure of driviner appearance, better perform- to ing. Among its advantages are ince, Increased safety, added combraking efficiency with fort and reduced operation and higher pedal pressure, better brake maintenance 'costs are found In the lighter wear and Increased effective1946 Chrysler cars, now in the lining in the brakes without -an inlands of dealers throughout the ness crease in drum size. In fact, this ountry awaiting public inspection. type of brake gives the driver betThe line comprises six models, ter control over his car, with less the Royal, Windsor, and Town and effort, in all phases of operation. Country, powered by six-cylinder The hazards attending a, blowout engines, and the New Yorker, Sara- or midden puncture have been re;oga and Crown Imperial powered duced by the use as standard equip)y eights. There are 26 body ment on all the HM6 Chryslers of styles and an option of 13 standard .Safety Rim Wheels. This type of colors. Is offered. wheel grips the tire, when It is deSo many improvements have flating, th such a manner that it is cen made and so many features virtually impossible for it to come added that the 1946 cars can prop- off the rim or slip crosswise to the erly be described as new. In fact, wheel. So efficient is this Chrysler more changes have been made lnce the 1942 line, the last manu- f= it . ure that testa have established actured before the outbreak of the It! ? a ' e / ? n w h e n « 'J r ! h " b « e n '*' war, than generally is tha case ploded by means of dynamite caps at speeds upwards of 75 miles an from one model.year to another. The front end has been entirely hour, the car can be kept under •edealgned. Front fencers flow in- control and brought to a safe, :o tha body, producing.the effect smooth stop, An outstanding new engineering >f a long one-piece teardrop design that may be likened to the Nacelles feature is the improved hydraulic on an airplane. This design Is sim- transmission, with the control unit ilar to thai used on the custom- built in. The gears have been made built exhibition Chrysler "Newport" larger and a non-locking feature is that attracted such favorable at- provided. Greatly Improved acceleentlon Just before the war. It ration has been secured by the reserves to accentuate the length of duction of transmission gear ratios. the car and to add to 1 * stream- There are two driving ranges In lined appearance. The rear fender this transmission, high and low, has been redesigned to harmonize The low ranfes is used only under with the front fender, the skirt be- most exceptional conditions, such ng lengthened to cover more of the as might not be confronted by the wheel and thus add to the smart- average motorist in a lifetime. This transmission contribute* greatly to ness of appearance. New bumpers, finished In chrome, giving Chrysler's gyrol Fluid Drive are used both front and rear. These Its maximum efficiency and value bumpers are extended around the to the driver. The gyrol Fluid sides of the fenders to give greater Drive and the new hydraulic transprotection. Bumper back bars are mission are entirely separate unite, heavier and stronger, to permit lift- although their functions are com' jack that Is supplied.. The bumper guards, are made more massive. The grille Is of an entirely new design, with a low, wide arrangement of horizontal chrome-plated grille bars and the addition of vertical bars in the grille openings. The parking lights have been placed below the headlights, to tie in with the grille design, This new location of the parking lights also promotes safety as It defines the width of the car. A new hood design alto promotes the. harmony of the front end, o» these lines flow Into the fenders to accentuate the low, massive appearance of the ensemble.. A new'belt molding In bright chrome extends only one foot beyond the windshield In order to preserve unbroken the beauty of, the hood line. The i l « of the wheels has been reduced from 18 to Its Inches, This change not only makes for better riding qualities but Improves tha appearance of the car. Whceli are equipped _wlth. pl&stlo white-wall wheel rings., another touch of real jmartnei*. <T|re» on the six-cylinder .models; are 6,5j6: and on the eights 7.00, ' ,' 0 Interior Improvements Include. new plastic ' steering whejel of greater strength and rigidity, with a heavy ohrome frame.' covering the three spoke's and -im top of tfft steering column;; a-now Instrument (untrlbutct' W h bMuty and ,drlvlng convenience) •piidonuter with non-glaring back Engine efficiency has been In creased 'by new features and Improvements In those previously used. "U"-slot plated aluminum pistons have bden restored, replacing the cast-Iron pistons installed in the 1942 line when aluminum was a critical war material. Piston rings are also plated, A new design of the Intake manifold Is used to provide greater operating flexibility at'low speeds, more nearly even acceleration and Improved torque at low speeds. Another engine improvement Is a rearrangement ot the wiring and accessories that permits greater accessibility in making adjustments and repairs. This Is a feature that will be appreciated by all service mechanics, as well a*-by the owners who do minor service work on their own oars., --„.....,. ,...,.,..,.,.,.,.*, ,..-.,-„, There la a new "full-flow" oil filter, with a replaceable element. 'This flltors all. oil before It is pumped, to the working parti There Is also' a new type of gasoline filter, pjaced in the fuel tank. Thli filter, which was developed by Chrysler Corporation engineers' for army vehicles, makes It possible to dispense, with the use of a •filter at the carburetor and a nedlment bow on the fuel pump, 1 HOTPOINT SELECTIVE DEALER •• F 0 R ••• — — THE COMPLETE LINE OF HOTPOINT HOME APPLIANCES ?*^ f 5 We are proud to have secured a franchise headquarters for "Your Next Kitchen for the nationally famous line of electric Center"—a plan that enables you to own appliances — HOTPOINT. The name a complete electric kitchen on convenient HOTPOINT has been famous for 40 terms. We invite you to^nspect a series years as a symbol of quality and depend- of 25 kitchen plans already available, and ability in electrical home equipment. td "consult with us on a suitable kitchen .With our appointment, we also become pun for your home. Drysn . Ironen, Garbage Dlspoialls IVahwaihers SUctrle Blnke dabinet Sinks , Cabinet! Eteotrls Bancet ^ Befrlgemton - - ' *-•• Combination Brttfrerators LOOK FORJVABD TO HAVE AVAILABLE FOR DELIVER* TO YOU THE FOLLOWINa HOTPOINT APFilANOES t . Electrto Washera Automatto Waahew HOTPOINT Dtptndobllity Aiiurtd by 40 Y w n Ixp«rl«ne« The popular' tht ~ i and Country" Introduced in tly advancedr dep / a t l o tln wai<mlfte " lft oOettlole, lo which striking biwt; li as a I .... I ' , . , . '4 ,. STORES LOCATED.; hi .color signal Indicating various U-r .» ! I RED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 7,1946. #WPNI JP v V V p l p j |V^VPm>fi^ 'PHHWWI vRj^Ww 42 Broad StRed Bank-Tel. 2240 to BBOAD BTBEET • BED BANK . MpGREGOR • • • • • SPORTSWEAR , * 5 Visit-ike BONNET SHOP 14 MECHANIC STREET RED BANK, N. J. FOR YOUR NEW SPRING HAT Large selection of Straws, ^Reo Braids, Felts or Flowers. • / . • • Became M nnmeroui requests we a n «gmin living » beautiful -prebaae-tn-autuxdMr, JUrch 10th. M. A..SUTTON, Sr. M. A. SUTTON, Jr. SUTTON MOTORS 105-107 OAKLAND ST.,. RED BANK (OPPOSITE BAILBOAD STATION)" Tel. 2053-J Just Out of the Service To Qive You Service COMPLETE M O T O R SERVICE Lubrication—Washing—Simonizing SOCONY PRODUCTS Parking by Day or Month v Students Help Red Cross [ By Cathtrine 3X»im*a *»d Edna ' J Xljuh! j 1ft Here Again! Another big rolfer tfatingr party and dance to be bald St. Patrick's day by our own solid Mtte roller skaUng dub. It will be entirely different and we guarantee, you a real loneaMo-goodnesi time. There will M prizes, exhibitions and barrels of fun for everyone. : Please mark it dowa on your calendar, and we'll be looking for you. i Welcome to our happy roller skating family: Victoria and Gerald Jackson. Mrs. Doris Kpiter. Mickey lieOtogtn. Millie Audrey. Charles Jones. Tommy Mission. [") JoejrFox,— " Harold Stover. Jerry Bragg. —Rlchard-Klnnari. Joe Wecher. Jack VanKlrk. Marie Qerone. Billy Iforn. The pleasure.,was all oiira in havPlcturtd above are- a group of ficlals, and L. E. Vantine, Fort ng you visit us,,and welcome to our square circle of happy roller students of Had Batik (high school Hancock fire department chief. skatlifg Mends. ' manual training- classes,-who com- This was a junior Red Cross proFor the'benefit of the Inquiring pleted a larg* number of hand- ject, sponsored by the. county Red males at Velvet, that cute little girl made wooden boxes for fir«t aid Cross chapter. ' Left to right, first row: Richard In the tricky skating outfit la none kltr to be wed by army poet fire- Bennett, Joseph Verdune, Fred'Bel- other than Jean Rockfeller, and men, pretenting the boxes to W. S. gel, Maj. Goodwin, Chief L. E. Van- she hails from our own home town Thomai, Bed Crow,field director tine,-Second row: Neil Danlle, Her- of Keansburg. at. Fort Hancock, Maj. James M. bert Swanaon, Mr. Wallace, Donald It looked good to see "Wllley back rolling around again. Goodwin, representing the post of- Shields. It looks Uke Smokey has put some wood on the fire he 'kindled for Betty Carmen. It looks like Cathy has finally given up wolfing. I wonder why. Grace Sappah looked awfully blue Potato growers in this state without Bobby Krueger Friday. Welcome to the fold, ye "Red have formed a committee to proNow Master Sgt. mots ' unity among '• the growers Devils A. C."* Looking sporty as all within the state and throughout git out In their red jackets and red At Local Station devil emblems. the country. Barry Is still trying to perfect his • John -B. Carpenter of Salem . Is A "former captain who enlisted at president and the group also, in- Une. Careful, Barry, 'the girls are Recruiting station cludes Milton- Tice of Deerfleld, beginning to compare notes. in the Red" ' of Wrightstown, WU- Haverrt seen our- good friend ing, is now assigned to that station Ham Duryea Dotty B. from Nufiey. How about a .master sergeant. . Alfred H. Lott and Ruas Clayton of Freehold, UK lns,£ Dl9n8*sw Folsom of Harris - Gardens, Key- Charles Probasco of" Hightstown, Ozzie was eating Jam the other port, was Port Signal Officer at the Gordon Tiadall of Dutch Neck, and night again. Charleston, South Carolina, Port of and Clendon Danser Teddy: "Isn'tMickey Georgeous?' Embarkation1 two years. He has James.Ewart Mickey: "What a beautiful girl of Cranbury. had almost IS years of prior serTeddy is!" vice; four of them were as a comBucky, is you I* or is you ain't missioned officer. From 1932 to drafted? 1935, he was at Fort Hancock, Pauline, get rid of that cold and ^Hefe~ne~iHstalltd-the- electrically^ skate more often controlled mine system now in use. Mickey MoMahon, skating is He was commissioned at a first . ' Freehold women last week great for reducing. lieutenant at Fort Barrancas, FlorSorry to see one of our favorite ida, in September 1942, where he formed the auxiliary to the Free- ushers and president of our club, had served as communications of- hold post of the Veterans of For- Jimmy'Black, take another job. We ficer. A year later he was pro- eign Wars at a meeting In the sure will miss you on your old job. moted to captain. His terminal American hotel at that place. What happened to' pretty Pat Jane Hope was named temporary leave ended January 20. and Roy W.? This week Master Sgt. Folsom secretary and Eleanor Wallace, Kellet Where is our good friend, Joan enlisted for three years In the temporary treasurer, Election of Coast Artillery corps, and joined officers will be held at a future Karlick, since Slim got married? Art Calamarl pranced around'the the staff of the Red Bank office. date. There were 26 charter memHe will be. eligible for retirement bers signed. The auxiliary is com- rink in his hired tuxedo, and on> at half pay In another year. Or In mencing a drive to have 150 char- of our strange customers wanted to know where the burial was going 11 years he may retire at three- ter members by April 1. to be held: quartcu pay for life. Ella J. thought that Artie looked Sgt Folsom's wife 1* the former so "beeootiful"" in hia tin fish. Louise Harris, daughter of N. B. Why is Anne C. looking so din Harris, well known in the Keyport consolate ot late? area. Why was Ewle skating betwee •Robert Gra"ht, Jr., ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grant, tear drops Friday? Sr., of Evergreen avenue, Bradley . No girls, that is not Frankie Sin Beach, was fourth prize winner in atra but Johnny Jefferson sportln the state in a national contest one of his elegant bow ties. Whltey Low is the fallingeat guy sponsored by Piper Aircraft corMembers of St. Agnes churcn, poration and in Monmouth county. General Mills. Atlantic Highland!, will bold their What happened to Howie Bar annual parish game party Friday For suggesting "AmeriCub-Cham- hey? night of next week at St. Agnes plane" aa a name for a cub airBobby Hathaway up out of bed auditorium. Rev. Michael H. Cal- plane, Grant was a passenger on a and Taring to go. Still as handlahan and Peter Oedetti« are chair- 50-mile air cruise Saturday, flying some a* ever. Over Seaside Park, Toms River, men. Girls! Girls! Girls; That he-man Committee members Include Tim- Lakewood and returning to Red othy Downey, John Burns, Jack Bank' airport. Lewis H. Miller, of Mason, George Knocbels, Albert West Long Branch, piloted the Wolfe, James Grqdeska, Daniel Mc- ship. Laughlln, Michael Connors, Patrick Molloy, Reginald Martin and James White. Mrs. Mbrrli-Josephs Is ticket chairman, assisted by Mrs. Doris Bennett, Mrs. Orandln Chapman, Two more iazlcab licenses grantMrs. John Joslln, Mrs. John She'e- ed at Matawan, caused Mayor RobUan, Mrs. Timothy Sheehan, Mrs. ert O, Thlxton to wonder whether Sarah Jackson, Mrs. Peter Gedet- or not the railroad - station plaza tis,. Mrs. V. Morse and Miss Jane would be able to handle all of the taxicabs On hand. McCue. Councilman Theodore A. Phelan explained that Michael George was granted permission to operate an additional cab in order to have a replacement when one of his.present vehicles Ig under repair. The Members of the Army of the Po- other licensee, "Mickey" McGuire, tomao chapter,' Daughters of the is a war veteran and the councilUnion, will observe their fourth an- man thought that preference should niversary, at a luncheon meeting be given him. {hi* afternoon at Ropeyelt tea room at' little Silver*. State officers and Mr. Phelan warned, however, that New York state chapter officers and license tees would be Increased national- society, officers •will be and that violations will result in guest*. ' ' • '• "' ' .permanent revocation of licences. Mrs. WaUon Wetherble Is ohapter regent Mrs. Ernest M. Swingle, It pay* to advertise in the Register i a chapter member, Is acting state NOTICE. | regent and treasurer general of the U h.r.br slv.n th»t >n off«r national group.' Mrs. Elizabeth S. nilNOTICE betn recalvtd by tha Townihlp ComNelll'J* state treasurer and Mrs. raltu. of tb. Towntblp of MIddl.town Charles Patterson a state director. for th« Durcbin of projurtr locittd in of MlddUtoim, btlnc tht Chapter representative*, to the th« Townihlp loti is Urlnti Park acquired state oon/erenoe are Mrs. Wether- rtmiittinc by Un Townihlp of Mlddl.town and bie, Mrs. Nelll, Mr*. Patterson, Mrs. duoribtd •• th* neond tnet, flnt and Blla. B. Clark and Mrs, Luclnda wcond n m l i . in t eutlftad copy of ftml d«cr«« Mcordtd In U>« Monmouth Brown. Delegate* to the national County Clerlc'i Ofllo« in Boole 18J9 of society congress in April are Mr*. D«di, o»n 271, for the lum of TmntyWetherble, Mrs. Swingle *nd Mrs. Dvi Hilhdrtd (12,500.00) Dollars upon th* following ttrm.il GASH; J% Com. Hllla B. Clark. Former Captain Recruits Here ; Potato Growers Form Committee rcputattea at bv th« nayy, Mint r/IMtr than nut JY, UM fnaj) ot m>J*cie \n% ahi* to hzxAi* b*r tnitM , t* Utxik- bom* aoi can bt «s»ja *xcJwdr»Jy at in* in« wUh'tiie iffeettao* oftcur \ ' Welcome home, falr,l«r<itt«. W wondcr-.'irto A t Alan Mer- Grogen, from tl^''»alfy'*4en>-_ Ua'« hair. W*» Bl»h at those scis- briny waves and- staff,, A»ylw>w, tt is good to see you ipmp-i»f$ and sors again? ".. Billy la home In Indiana again sound and still popular. .*•> and |a no doubt spending a, great HU same is Jackie Keelan, deal ot his time with J. _sbc feet of real man and a, swell Why 1» Ewie called Ace, Queenle, fellow in the bargain. ' By the way, Jackie, we *ea? that UoLennon? * • Did Totsie spraJn her . finger you a n in the soft drink busiumUng her nose at the re( at ness. Wouldn't "it be tough if Lou and the gam« ]s*t week? 'What an'even eye full to see Skit had to compete in a hair-pulling contest. , Ruth J. gracing our little rink. For tht benefit ot you critical fe- Everyone likes Jacklt Murphy, males, Georgia Wheeler's sweater and no wonder. He's & regular felwas right sida in, not Inside-out. low and * good sport. Please pots, Some one filially put one over on F.R. Lou. He 'opened hi* refrigerator last Is it true thai Paula Broeder night and what did be find staring takes a ruler to. bed to see how Mm in- the face but • a full-grown long she has slept? l v r » b b l t "AndTWbat aw-ye dolri —Don't forget .to place your order there?" pipes Click, with a menac- for The Register at the rink, gang; ing glint in bt* eye. "I*n't this a Leave your name so that Lou can Weatlngbouse?1' queried the bunny, save a paper for you.gintlng back at him, "fir, yes," hesitated Lou. "Well, I'm westing," came baok Bugs-Bunny. FritzU, is it Murph, DotUe or both? Poor Edna broke her hand and A surprlae bridal shower was given Saturday tor Miss Eleanor orchids are welcome. The Jo O. and Jack X. romance Tilton of Knollwood, Fair Haven, by Mrs. Layton Wolfram at WoodIs hitting on all six Alumnae House at New JerHiya,' Joe Mulligan! And that lawn, sey College for Women at New comes from the rest of our girls, Brunswick. Guests included formtoo. er classmates of Miss Tilton's at Wish we could get the MoCloud N. J. C, and several friends. sisters Into our advance dance Last week Miss Tilton was the claases on Sundays. The classes are guest of honor at two parties given from 8 to 7, and our instructor, by her fellow employees at the Skit Sutherland, is grand. He Guaranty Trust company in New knows of you, too. York city. Mlas Tilton, the daughElla and David have .really brok- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Tilton, will be married to John Hayen up for good' ' The boys at the rink all hesitate man, son of Dr. and Mra. Philip to argue with little-Ella, as she Hayman of Elmhurst, Long Island. Parties Tendered Bride-Elect Hey, Do I Have To Drag You Into My Store By The Ear? I'm darnea u 1 nHHBft'"u8H'1 lo1 r,Bl"yuuvlu" come into my store,, . Why, it's been four weeks now since I ran my first ad. here telling you about this new, inexpensive way to buy the family's clothes. Bach week, I've told you how you can CUT • THE CLOTHING BILL IN HALF by buying "mill-end" materials. - And at the same time, bo sure your femlly'B the best dressed in town. • . But still you haven't been In to see me. How come? Aren't you interested in getting the latest, smartest checks, plaids, shetlands, flannels and worsteds at a 60% savings? Or maybe you think "mill-end" materials are poor-grade left overs? (Well, you're dead wrong. After every mass-productloa run of top-grade material, there's enough material left for an individual suit or coat. We call that "mill-end" material,) That's the material I'm selling. Good lookIng, easy to sew into a.dress, sports coat, suit or skirt But why should I string you a lot of fancy . words. You'll be sold on my "mill-end" materials the minute you see them. That's how good they are! , Don't keep putting it off. Bring your family in, today— Freehold VFW Bradley Beach Boy Wins Airplane Tour Annual Benefit For St. Agnes Church Just ask for Qenevieve At The Friendly Shop 132 Main Street Matauxm, N. J. Matawan Grants Cab Licenses UT RATE Drugs — Cosmetics — Tobaccos 51 BROAD STREET ^Patriotic Group Has 4th Anniversary ^alk-Over's.sturdy-soled walking shoes are a™ tradition. Their fine leathers, tested lasts, and springy comfort will give you complete satis* faction, Keep walking, and keep the Walk-Over habit > . 35cRhubarb& Soda Mixture Phone R. B. 3940 RED BANK 1.69 J.6VJ.TEK NYLONS Matawan Councilman Objects To Budget Because he felt that thi Matav»an'bjidget"did not inolude proper appropriation* for needed borough Improvements, Counoil John Applegate opposed It* adoption at the nnej reading last weeTt/1 He based hi* objections on the out for operating fund* for the water department, an lUrn of, 11.700 to repair the srrtfct *t»ndplpeVM omitted, no; money to widen Main itri|t,' and 'no-' appropriation .(or the leaning of Lake Lefferti, . Thi budget'W&i-wtorted, however, by a,8-1 vote.' 15< BOBBY PINS 6e 60c VENIDA HAIR CREAM 1 mlaloh to bt paid and that a htarlm on tht l»ld.m*ft»r It to bt htld at tht Mlddlttown Townihlp Hall on Thundty sfttrno.on, tht FourUfnth day of March, 1944, at 3:80 o'clock, at which time tht Townihlp qpmmlttM will comldai said oRir and whtthtr It will rtitot tht inmt or wnftrm and ratify tht iamt, neeordlnt to laid ttrmi and sondltlom, yWtdiitrtkM*ill yrWtdiitrtkMii«lilffl*r prieierbettif i b t ttrmi ihall bt bid for laid property by my othtr pinon. :„ By Ordtr ot tht Townihlp Comralttu 3.98 -- ..™- hwrfbjr glyiti thut'in oltir bMn>»c«]v«a waVftWttltild'Ctm- mlttii' of tht Township of Mlddlitbwn (or thi purchmi of property ibcatid In thi .Towruhlp of Mlddlftown. bilti* loti No, 3, 4, 6. I, Blook No, 1 on the mip antltUd L<nlion> 'or thi slim of Kour Hundred (UO0.00) Dollars upon thi (ollowln* lirmit CASH, and that * blaring on tht Mid m'mtir U to b* htld «t the Mlddlttown Toifnihln Hill, on Thursday »y»fDfi0Pi th* Fourtilnth djiiy of Mtreh, 1048, o n 180 o'clook, at thioh tlmt thi ,T> Booney, ot • Bngll«K« " Committal,will nomldlf ' l 1 IS—WIM*q»"wm'••!••»; Assorted Odon 35 D. D. T. - Sure Kill 'HW BTff kllWl' » B » : r w . i '.««.• i I . B '<i<. »-**.* uRVLi ,'.-'' --—• " Repairs, SuppliesMi njakes Sole Agents for New' . L. C. Smith Typewriters In Northern Monmouth Co. TELEPHONE B. B. 1 17 BBOAO ST. BED BANK Notlc* al Sattlemmt of Account. Eiut* of Jamei E. WUlliton,- die«M«d. Notic* ii hereby triren that th« aocounu o( th* lubacoriben, survivtag tnutees of the estate of laid doceaiad, will bo audited and stand by the Surrogate of tb>« County of Monmouth md ireported ior lottlemint to the Orphans' Court of laid County, on Thunday, the twenty-eighth day of March. A. E., 19«S, at 10:00 o'clock a. at., at which, tun* application will be mad* for the allowance of commissions and counsel few. - Dated: February 8th, A. D., Hit. William Melaon Cromwell. By: Edward H. Green, AUorney-ln-Uot, 12 West 49th St., N*w York, N. t . UNITED STATES TRUST OOkPAMT OF NHW YORK, By: Henry B. Hemt, Tout Offleer, ti Wall Strut, NOT York,, N. T. Surviving tnuMes> ApplesaU. Staveni, Fetter & K KuU Mle , Red Bank, N. J. Proctori. ot April, A, P., 1344. at IOIOO Esut. of W«lt«r W, HUntlilr, df» censor!. Notlc Ii titrcbjr'njvm th»»,»hi accounts of the wLncrlbir, Mtlng «IOU; IrU unit truit<< of tht n u t * of i»ld, ilociHSFd'will bi) kudltid llid ItlUd b y th« 'Strrocad o! th. Coiinty c( H«n* • innuth anil r.i'SPl'"1 'or Mttlimint to tho Orplnni' Wurt ot mid Counl/, on .Thvrijlny, thrtw«ntir»flMt day-ol M»rch. A*. UM lff«, St 10(00 o'tlojk «, SI,, i t .whit* tlm. -nutlltiUon. iliuaA* an* for' tht or eonfl-m ind rsMfr tii mm, ttuti •roaa st. , * Office Supplies * Artist Supplier "*~Ty{rewrltBiii •-•; * Adding Machine* o'clock a. ra., at which time application will be mulo lot the.allowance of commissions and coumel ft«i. Dated: February 25, A. D., 1«4L_ THH 8KCONU »AT1U«A(. BANK ANP TliUST COMPANY OF KKD HANK BfLlliOph 3. Pearee, Truit Offleer. . Bed BnnlT, W. J. ' Solo executor, Parsons, • Lnbreeiue, Canton* -' A Combs, Red UnnK N. J, I'rocton, ' BATH SALTS CAMAY SOAP 3 or 1 6 miMiablcdon about them. Natareniar kUnenanNatanieliWw*yo<taUgs aeeu adds and JwlKmasj wuto oat at tbc blood. They help moit people pan about > Slnti a day. • UthtlSinrieicfkMaertabessadtitaa. don'tworlcweU.poiw'botumaMBUtttntaTS In the blood. These poUona'maj lUrtnMKimt backaches, rheumatic pafau, tef pafau, ioai 0} pep and energy. Betting np nlfhtl, •wdlliib pnfflnwianderthecjM,hetd«cheiaiiddi3. MM. Frequentorscantypanagesirtthimait. inBond burning BometimenhcmithereUKmi*. thing wrong with your k]dnej« or bladder. Don't wait! AikyourdrawirtfofSow's Pills, a stimulant diuretic naed nccenfalbr br miillonu for over 40 i n n . Do«n'j •<» happy relief and wiUhdp tse IS mile* «t kidney tubes flush out poisonous mate f m a the blood. Get Doaa'aPilii. " lUy Townihlp. Oltrk, . .NOTICE. BACKACHE, LEG PftINS_MAY BE DANGER SIGN Notice,,of Settlement ol Account Eitate of Robirt Flare*, deei'ued. Notice' ii hir«b|r given that the "•*• count! of the lubfcrlbsr, tola exeeutor of the eitite ot said diceaaed, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate of the County of Mbnmouth and1 reported for settlemont to the Orphan! Court of said County, on Thundny, the eleventh PLUS TAX rke Nine Vitamins Potency VKUVfVRMML Moomoulh County Surrogate"! Offtce. In the mattir ot the utaU ot Harry E. Manee, deceaied. Notice to creditor! to. present Qlaimi asalnit eitate. Pursuant to the order of Dortnan lieFaildln, Surrogate ot the County «t Monmouth, made on th* Thirteenth day of February, 194«. on the application ot 'William Brltton Manee, one of the executors, of the eitate of Barry E. Manee, deceaead. notice li hereby glvaa to the creditors of aaid deciaied to exhibit to the subscriber, one of the exeeu-,, tora, as aforesaid; their debts and deminds agalnat the laid -eitati, under oath, within six monthi from the data o& the aforesaid order,, or they will b« forever barred loflbelr IctTo,n» thirefor* agatnit the laid subscriber. Dated! Freehold, N, J., February ISth, 1948, William Brltton Mann, t Fenlmor* Road, S?arsdal., N. Y. Edward W. Currie, Eia., 123 Main itreet, Matawan, N. J. Proctor. Spring Tonic i* LEDERLES VI DELTA 98C foarheuUBiapwitliitaflyt A eotafutlpBl V»*o-Brt*jijra«4t«; lief, too.'from fnlffly. SUM*} «•«••! *? MDowi mm m* KSI • « BED BANK BgGIOTgfl, MABCJK 7,1940. FormedJfy Vet* 'Mrs. Benjamin I*oj»r* M Bwnaoo. place announced the •nfafem*nt of .her daughter, Mia Carolyn Ryder Atwater, to Kenneth' Gerald. Critton, son. of the late Gabriel M. Critton of Columbus, Electronic Associates, IncorporOhio, at a luncheon Saturday at ated, is the name of one of the shore's newest business enterprises, fihadoWbrook inn, Shrewsbury. loeated on Brighton avenue, Long Branch. Formed by a group of *nny veterans who were formerly radar, electronic and communication specialists in the Signal Corps, the firm Intends to offer consulting and engineering services to government agencies and commercial firms.' Duringttiey«;rrtheinembereot the corporation were engaged in the supervision, design, manufacture, installation,-tesUnr-and-lnstructlon on all types of electronic equipment. They also Introduoed sew equipment and methods to overseas station* while In the service. J. R. Troxel Is president of the group, Otber member* include Arthur L. Adamson, Gregg H. Me* CJurg, Uoyd F. Chrlstlanson, William F, Bath, Charles M. Schedlbauer, Christiaa. McGeosen and r Robert B. Thomas, ' ' | p t was voted down, fcy a 87-75 &unt lai t .Thursday, night at a ifSal election called att»r the bud, git had been defeated in the wgiilar election February 18, by a ltt-54 vote. I The same budget wag presented, with estimated current expense! of 182,000, an increase of S7,000 over last year. Prior to thvjecorid election, the board Issued a statement that it had checked the budget and found It impractical to reduce it to any degree and still maintain the high standard of the school system.'The .reason" attributed for the opposition was .that the board had refused to appropriate a por tion of, the surplus funds to cut down'the amount which must be raised by taxation, Rudolph Chval of Hatlet, nawlyelected member, was seated at the reorganization meeting February 18, as were re-elected members, Charles Everdell and Albert Bennett. George D. Schanck was elect' ed president . Army Specialists. Enter New Business i t o S OAROLTN B. ATWATER Miss Atwater was graduated from Red Bank high, school, aai In June, 1945, from Mount Holyoke college. She la employed In the offices of Dr. Carlos A. Pons In AsburyPark. Her father was the^ite Benjamin L. Atwater. Mr. Critton recently received bis ajiny discharge, after serving 82 months overseas with the 66th Signal company. He was in the service more than four'years, and attended the University of Michigan. No date has been set for the •wedding. MARGARET ROHLAND , For 8 Application* Colt's Neck Firemen Plan March Dance • Members of tho Ladies' auxiliary of the New11 Jersey chapter, Rainbow Division Veterans, made plans for a dinner and theater party to be held in June, at a meeting Monday at the home of MrB. John BY McNeil] on Madison avenue. A contribution was made to the Red Cross. Mrs. Frank Golden presided. Others attending wers Mrs. Osborne H. Harrison,, Mrs. Jacob A. Bloom, Mrs. Leo Hollywood, Mrs. Mazie N. Smith', Mrs. Edwwrd Kaney, Mrs. Arthur H. Slattery, Mrs. Julia Ervln, Mrs, A. J. Patterson, Mxs. Tony E. Hunting, Mrs. Charles A. Glblin, Mrs. Reginald VanBrunt, Mrs. Joseph E. Fix, Mrs. Kenneth West, Mrs. Wilbur Symington, Mrs. C. Harry Smock, Mrs, Stanley A. Barrow and Misses Agnes and Mary Kane. The next meeting will be Monday, May «. M> mat, no ruboin^, no poMingl In 10 seconds every trace of tarnish disappears.., even from tiny crevices, impossible to reach with brush'or cloth! Just dip your hollow or florware In Dippo silver cleaner for 10 seconds . . . . . . Rinse under cold w a t e r . . . and wipe dry! Guaranteed harmless to silver plate end the finest sterling! Try it today! , In This New Jumper Drew, Destined HOUSEWARES, Fourth FUot For Popularity; In The Coming Season, ,,.You'll Be lustOne Jumper Ahead of Spring Rumson Holy Name Elects Officers , Raymond Desmond was elected president of the Holy Name society of Rumson Monday night at Holy Cross hall. Other officers are John Ryan vice president, Thomas Mapes secretary "and Charles Coetlgan treasurer. The following standing committees were appointed: entertainment, James Rlgney chairman, John Lemig, Joseph Sdhmltz and Joseph Desmond; athletic John Ryan chairman, James Lemlg and Anthony Mellacl, and Catholic action, James Porter, Jr., chairman, ;James Shea and James McSh;erry. The speaker of the evening was Rev. Joseph Keefe of Plalnfleld. The annual Communion breakfast ' will be held Mother'* day at.Holy Rosary hall. 10.95 Call Today for Work To Be Completed By Easter! Let Us Reupholster Your Furniture Bay View Forest Initiates Tonight If you liave furniture to be reupholstered before Easter'.«. call' our decorators at Asbury Park 4000 today to insure pre-holiday delivery! We'll do over your 8-piece living room suit, your sofa, your chair virtually rebuilding them, reupholstering' them in fabrics of your choice! Let us call at your home, with samples... we'll gladly estimate costs without obligation arid explain conyenient credit terms, should you wish us to do so. • We will coll for and deliver your furniture • We reglue and redowel frames * ' • • • • ' • ' . " • All exposed wood.parti are reflnlshed, scratches removed ' • We replace and reset bottoms of all pieces ' ; wlth,*xfra strong webbing ' ^ . t Springs are reset and hand-tied '. •\ New fillings a.re added in amouhts'requlred" • • , . ' . . •'Tightlywoven, linings.<or,i placed"over'.all•->•.'seat, platforms .' :• • • Frames art, repaired, tightened and metal, braced % , What one little "basic" dress like the versatile jumper above can do for your wardrobe is almost incredible! What several, equally interesting, can do, you're going to discover with profit this Spring! To be truly ahead of the season . . . fit this engaging black-and-white checked wool-and-rayon "basic" into your wardrobe today.;. wear it as an advance fashion now, on smartly, thru Spring days later! 12 to 18. ^ CAREER SHOP, Strut Floor For The Spring Silhouette Step-In Girdle 10X)0 • Your furniture Is stripped of all old fabrici . Dentist Lectures ' For County Group Dr. Joseph Sheldon, Asbury Park , dentist, spoke on "Esthetics and Their Relation to Orthodentla" at a meeting of Monmouth County iDental,Asslatants',,asi!giClal!on liist week at his offices In Asbury Park. Plans were also dlscilssed 'for. the •ollnio to bo held at the state,denUl assUUnU'.meoUng.at.AHmWc 1 City May 28, Miss Connlo Rutso of Toms. River 1a clinic chairman.. New members Introduced were - lira, • Lillian -Brighton of Wanainasia, Miss ' Chsflotte Webb of Barnegat and M,IM Wilma Morris and Mils flhlrloy Klelnkiuf of Be), mar,' The next •'•meeting will* \>e'Wednesday, March 27, at Long Branch. 'Attending from''Red Bank were1 Mrs. Helen Bailey, Mrs, Alberta "White and Mrs, Edith .'Worth 69c The second concert of the season wUrb"e~glVSinsy~th8 Apollo-club at Asbury Park high school, Thursv day evening,. March 14. A feature of the program will be the singing of the Gilbert and Sulllyan operetta' "H. M. S. Pinafore" by the combined voices of the MacDowell choral and Apollo club, und e r l i e direction of Dorothy GraVatt Wlnterstella, musical director of both organizations. Ruth Braley will be accompanist. Guest soloist for the evening will be Margaret Kohland, lyric soprano, of New York city, Her light The Atlantlo township Are comoperetta, repertoire has included pany will hold, a dance in the town"Naughty Marietta," "The Firefly," ship school auditorium at Colt's "The Vagabond King," "Blossom Neck Friday evening, March IS. John Rielly Is chairman of the Time" and "The Merry Widow," affair, assisted by Mrs. Veronica A LEADER IN EDUCATION Illmensee, Mrs. Ida Hunt, Mrs. MarNew Jersey's, "elementary and jorie Conover,- George Illmensee, high school system has a long and Joseph Crlne, Earl Reed and Chief honorable tradition. Among all the William Phlllls. Ronald Conover la president of 18 states, only two expend more the company. per-year on education per pupil. TRACTOB CRUSHES FABMER Paul Kruti of Engllshtown died Sunday at Monmouth Memorial hospital from injuries received when the tractor he^WaV'Srivlng fell on top of him while he was attempting to pull a tree stump from the ground. A chain, which was attached to the tree' and the rear of the tractor, became taut, overturning the tractor fpi pinning the farmer beneath It. ' The Bay View Forest of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon will Initiate a large class of members at a ceremonial and floor show tonight at the Molly Pitcher Jiotcl, with the degree team from the Asbury Park forest handling the Initiatory proceedings. Plans of the local forest Include another initiation In May and a Ladies', night in the full.. District representative Joseph Serpico and Grand Tall Cedar Rusd y g Richmond Forest at Now Brighton, •Staten Island, last Thursday evening. At the Conference of Grand Tall Cedars at Trenton Saturday, Bay View Forest was represented by Mr. Tethsy, Scribe James A. Stout md Charles R, Kclley. Plans were discussed lor the 44th annual supreme' forest convention at AD.intie Cltyi starting. May 16. Silverwa Is Clean! Over it, this season's clotHes look as they never could worn with last year's girdle. A particularly, lovely Lily of France »teihinl4-inches:longr -Talon fastened, well-boned in' front, ytiVti ligWily-boned back. :Nude rayon satin, with elastic in-? serts. Average rounded hiplln««; lifee 28 to 82. Youll Enjoy The Smooth1 Fit Of These Tailored ( " * * < , • Rhythm Slips The RyhmBlat Band at thewalst -is-the very special featuri>^ofsu,, rriythm slips. It drapes th» «x-' quisltely fitting bodice In-flattering perfection... keeps the skirt , from twisting... helps youiwlrigj.rirtang with a dancer's pol$e. • T e a f rose, white, o; black rayon In sizes 3 l to 44. ' • LINGERIE Stcofid Floor • CORSET SALON, Stand Flott ; • \ ••J- . * < ;\ v--;r. REP;BAJNK;:N.^THURSDAY, m],!^, oHear WifeO 35 Is Newest Army To Vacate Broad St. Building Roy Cotton Today PublisherDies sports Rendezvous YMCAFuncUom Services Friday .For &.»• Youth Acquitted In Fire Trial Tennis, yo^irts As*'y 'Living9 Memorial WilUato Trager, '31, of Leonardo, a sailor, was acquitted at Freehold yesterday of setting fire to a water tower oa the Hesford estate, LeoTo Be Digcuued Mrs. T. Irving Brown nardo, March S, 1942. Assistant Prosecutor Charles The program (or today*! meettng _ Mrs. Sarah Clay Brown, 88, of 480 Frankel immediately asked tbe against of the Red Bank Rotary dub at Die River road, Fair Haven, wife of oonrt. to, kill indlctnunti Molly Plteherfhotej waa arranged Thomas Irving Brawn, editor end- two of- Trager1! alleged accomby William H. Petherbridge, execu- publisher of The Red Bank Regis- plices, Cart- VanNess, member of tive lecretary of, the Monmouth ter, died Tuesday afternoon at tfUdletown township f i n departCounty 7 . 21. O, A. Mr. Pether- Rlvervlew hospital, where she had ment, and Alfred Lutheringer. Tennis courts of the most modClub W ti tin name of Mon1 bridge will preient his assistant, been a patient ten days. She un- Judge J. Edward Knight granted ern and substantial type u a "livcounty * newest bowling .{• ing" memorial to the two local boys Roy Cotton, who wiHteUthe Ro- derwent a thyroid operation the motions. it«r «»d night club, which, has tarlans now the Red Bank T, M. Wednesday-of last week. Tbe oper- Trager, 17 at the time of the In- who made the, jwpreme sacrifice in i# a popular sports nude* C. Av functions. J almost overnight, ,The grand ation was a success and there was cident, told Judge Knight and the the last war was the recommenda0penlng l» *»t for Saturday night, .Election of oOcen will be an- every expectation for a complete Jury "he and a .companion of the tion of the Veterans Committee ;Karoh 9, when Vincent j . Sacco of other feature, of the^ meeting. The recovery when uremlc . poisoning same age were gathering junk for made In a report by the chairman, R«d Bank will be nippy to wel- Surgeon Notifies new officers will take office July 1. developed, which resulted in her a scrap metal drive: To loosen the Councilman Harry J, Brady, at a iron braces on the tower from the busy session Tuesday night of c o m e all visitors and with hU staff Last week's guest speaker was death. County Freeholders borough mayor and £ of assistant* have them Inspect one Mrs. Ina Johnston, head of the Mrs, Brown was born in Red wood, kerosene was obtained and a Shrewsbury State Auditor Seek* Kef the largeit and most modern home service division of the Mon- Bank, the only daughter of Robert match applied to 'toe saturated council. SwtaWlshments of Its kind in the The Board of Freeholders yestermouth county division of the Red and Augusta SoMen Clay. She and wood. The tower was so old that The report wai accepted and apday accepted (be resignation of Dr. Republican Berth • the blaze soon got out of control proved by the board, but no defit Cross. Mrs. Johnston was introWalter A. Rullman of Red Bank duced by Mayor Harry S. Rowland Mr, Brown were married Wednes- and a passerby summoned firemen nite action will be taken until views from the AUenwood hospital board day, June L 1904, by Rev. Robert Was With Rainbow At Coming Primary after the youths had, fled from the of local residents are heard on this of Eatontown. She told of ths need at their meeting In Freehold, for continued' support of her or- MacKellar, rector of Trinity Epis- scene,- They returned, however, be- or some other type of memorial Division In Europe The county governing body acganisation and said this year In copal church of Red Bank, The fore the fire.wan out and some they might wish to suggest.' The Frank Durand of Sea Girt, P,reW/i cepted the surgeon's withdrawal this area'they are strivingtoob-marriage was the result of. school- time later received |1 each for the veterans committee at fta meeting, ent state auditor of New Jersey/ with r e n t In hlf letter to toe UeUt, H.. Preston Horford, ion tain $142,000. A motion picture day friendship. Jlrs. Brown was metal they salvaged. attended.by Mayor Alfred N. Beaboard, Or. Rullman stated he was of Mr. sad Mrs. Harry Morford" of was presented showing the type of the niece of John H. Cook and hie Edward W. Wise, Jr., Red Bank, dleston as an ex-offldo member, con- announced today his candidacy for unable to devote the necessary Branch avenue/Little Silver, sidered from all angles other typee member of the state committee at brother-in-law, Henry Clay, found- appeared for the defendant work of the bogie service. time to the work because of his terminal leave after nearly before deciding on the tennis courts the -Republican party. Mr. Dump? , ers of The Register, and of.Mri. Daniel Dondl and EdwardHackpractice. as deemed tbe most practical and has long been active in Republics* years' service in ttii army. lln were welcomed back after a va- John H, Cook, formerly Miss Elizapolitics,, having served a* mayor (A ,]J fitting. Freeholder Victor B. GrossInger cation in Florida, During Mr. Son- beth Clay, whose parents owned the and Surrogate Donnan McFaddln Among othef memorials consid- his home community six yean and " dl'« absence, Charles Meeker took property and conducted a carpet W e designated to recommend ered- by the committee were a borweaving business on Broad street over during the music sessions. what, securities shall be purchased ough hall, a community hall, playA belated welcome was extended on premises now owned and occufor * 18,000 memorial at Alienwood grounds, shade trees, a monument to First Lieut Hank Watchman of pied by Straus company. Mrs. •anatorlum.. Proceeds from the Inand a, scholarship. Elaborating on Brown was born on this site. the Long Branch Dally Record, Leon Wigdorti Was Chairman vestment, established by the late Brady'e report and the who In on terminal leave, and' .the Surviving besides', her. husband Tff-Ti rtniMt-ffljr.rar'"'- f^frriatllM reasons advanced at the committee wished him luck in hla of b ^ Oversea* Two. Years in memory of her daughter, Mr* ^^^^ . fed new assignment KV avein Marie Parker Palmer, also detypes of mem'oriaV^we: A letter was received from Dr. street, Charles Clay of Wallace Leon Wigdorti has taken/ over ceased, are to be used for the mainH&rry Ticehunt, who li wintering Red R Bank; a cousin, Mrs.-Harry E, the managership of Wiggle's Kiddle ored, Mayor Alfred N. Beadleaton tenance of a bed In the ineUtutlon. in- Florida. The doctor stated he Smith of Sunnycrest, Little Silver, Center on Monmouth street, upon stated that the. borough hall was The freeholders also approved the has attended all the Rotary lunch- and a nephew, Janoes Bogle Clay returning from more than, two figured as too co4tly for the prestramfer of $280 from the Jamei H. eons while away. He mentioned of Brooklyn, formerly of Red Bank years overseas in the European ent as well as the uncertain future Xmlen trust, also held by the sanneeds with expansion of the borsome of the noted speakers be had and Rumson. theater of war. Since he entered ough and Its departments. The atorium, to the Parker trust to heard and said that at the meeting the service in October, 1942,. his Mrs. Brown was a member of bring the latter up to the $S,0O0 element figured in the discushe last attended there were 324 Trinity Episcopal church, Bed mother, Mrs, Lena Wlgdortz, has time level. A trust fund of $5,000 was sion1 concerning a community hall r including -Mr.-—Dondl. •VINCENT J.-SACCO been shop manager. '. "BSSKrtKi-Red—Bank-and Fair created In the Parker will, accordand members concluded that hours Along with the letter he ttnl acme Haven auxiliaries of Rlverview hosspent In a hall by local residents • Views of tfae 106-foot oval bar, ing to a spokesman for the board, interesting literature. pital and the class of 1900.of Red but taxes reduced the principal to would be far less proportionately cocktail lounge and grill and the President Frederic Ki Adams Bank high school. W.7W. than on a tennis court, As to play12 Brunswick-Bailee bowling alleyi read a letter from the San Francis- The funeral will be held tomorgrounds the members felt that such "of the latett type are shown in a Belmar's request for financial aid co Rotary club, congratulating the row afternoon at her late residence a project was primarily the funcpage announcement elsewhere in from the county for the rebuilding local club on Its 25th anniversary, at 2:30 o'clock, with Rev. Herbert tion of the school board. The sugthis ieiue. The owner. Mr.'Sacco, and extension of the 19th avenue which was celebrated last week. gestion of a monument was disS. Craig, rector of Trinity church, is also proprietor of Vlnce's bar on jetty was referred to the board as The week's War stamp, donated officiating. Rev. Craig will be ascarded as easily out-dated. It was Itonmouth street, Red Bank, and a whole. Similar action was taken by Abe Grudln, was awarded to sisted by Rev. Roger J. Squire of pointed out that 'throughout the Is one of the beet known men in two weeks ago with Sea Olrt'e re» country "living" memorials, sometbe Red Bank. Methodist church quest for the saote purpose. The USUT. K. PRESTON MORFORD Charles B. Gallagher. FRANK DURAND 'Us lln« in the county. t Roliton Waterbury brought three and Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon of thing used by residents of the com-1 board has not yet-agreed on a 1M« The building, located on the high, assistance policy,- State approval B> returned to the State* last guests to the meeting, they, being the Congregation B'Nai Israel. munity, are supplanting "cold ' as representative of way M in Rarltan township, le of of the Beltnar project -was given month and la now vacationing in Edward Rlley, Andrew Rtley and stone memorials. In considering a county in the assembly and ltate( O. E. Elmer. Other giieits were Interment under the direction, of cinder block and stucco construc- some time ago but the work has scholarship the committee figured Florida, the Wordea funeral home will, N > Arthur T. Dear, Joseph Emmons, the coat too high and a heavy ex- senate, of which he was president '4 tion and is 100 feet In width and been held up begMMgjjf econ ' In Christ church cemetery, Shrewshjs basic training at pense that would continue through in 1936 and 1937. He was elected,"' Edward T. M. Carr and Townley •436 feet deep. The spacious lounge conditions. ?$$£$$ ,,.T bury. er, Georgia, he was ai- Carr of the Long Branch club. the years. Shade trees were con- state auditor in 1938 and re-eleetM .hag a Mating capacity of 390 per- Freeholder Joseph C. Irwln preto his present term In 1643. Hfcr The bearers will be W. Harry I sidered a duplication of effort. ions, with booths, blue settees, sided in the absence of the direct- slgned to the 28th division, Pennstatement follows: . -'*> Pennington, James J. Hogan, Natal taMe* and otter equipment for the or, B. O. Murphy. Freeholder sylvania's Keystone national guardPolice Commissioner William D. To the county committee and* Lieut. M. Harold Kelly, Cecil R , Comfort of patrons." The place is Jamea 8. Parkes is atill hospitalized unit, at Tndiantown Oa.p, PennsylLayton reported that he had been MacCloud, Alfred. Pi* Lench ard members of the Republican party ' brilliantly illuminated with the for Injuries reoelred two weeks ago vania, traveling to Camp Livlngunable to get any facts from the of Monmouth county; Matthew A. Power, all employe'* * stoa, loulBiasa, when the division latest eold eathrod* Instant light* in aa automobile accident. Red Bank police department in conx of The Register. At the primary election this year obsnged aUtiona. .lag. Music by Frank Albanese at nection with the reported failure of members of the state committee-" . the Hammond organ and Ylto Ma; The lieutenant left the 28th, to Chief Otto Herden to assist the will be elected for a three-year ,' raseib'a Three Sharpi are at the 82 Cents An Hour enter the officer candidate school Red Bank First Aid Squad in an term. I will-be a candidate for thla elub nightly for the entertainment at Fort Monmouth in June, 1942, ambulance call, mention of which office on the Republican ticket To Laborers , of all In addition to liquid reand after completing a specialist's I w u made editorially In The Red In deciding to become a candi„ freehments, expert chefs are. busy LEON WIQDORTZcadre course, he received his comBank Register. date for state committee I am mo> ™in the spacious kitchen where fulltlvated primarily by two reason*; mission In September at that year. At the meeting of the Rumeon XJhlef Herden told the council of First, mayor and council last' Thursday . course dinners or just a snack are the present representatives) While overseas Mr, WigdorU , In July, 1943, he was transferred receiving the message from the Red from Monmouth night, the pay of laborers in tbe county on the state; tastily prepared on order. Only $21,932 Collected served with the Signal corps, and to Camp Gruber, Oklahoma, where Located In Little Bank police clerk to assist the Red and sanitation departments the'highest bluallty of food and participated in three major cam- Bank ambulance driver who was committee have been neither agrelhe was assigned to the 42d "Rain- road nor successful in securing for ' increased from 77% to 82 cents In Local Drive ^drinks Is served. The dub also Silver Development paigns. In' England he met and called to P. J. Santangelo'a home sive bow1' division upon Itj reactivation. waa the county the recognition to WBlefe '• an hour and the driver of the gareaters to banquets of all kinds. married Miss Sylvia Barnett of in Buttonwood. He said he in-we He went overseas with the "Rain- bage truck from 8S to 87H cents. are entitled because of our' poRolston Waterbury, Red Bank South-Rusllp, England. The wed- formed the clerk this was his day sition in the state. For many-yean) Oae must see this nightclub and .The Red Bank T " maintenance bow" In January, 1946, as a signal The men work 44 hours a week. ding, took place.November 8, 1945. county has produced si - tte bowling alleys to fully appreei- fund drive went over thetopbysupply officer In the 132d Signal Council approved tbe transfer Of realtor, today announced the sate Mrs/Wigdortz is expected to arrive off, but he' would get the special Monmouth patrolman, to helpf "Well, don't consistent Republican vote, higU ' ate what Vincent J. Saeeo has pro- more than $100, according to re- company of that division. With the the retail distribution liquor li of two modern frame residences In in this country this among, the banner Republican couni month. M Mr. * Tided for patrons. The 13 alleys ports given ~at the victory dinner •ate den. Patch's Seventh army, cense of Mrs. Eleanor Flnnerty Little Silver two months before WlgdortE received hla army dis- bother then," answered the clerk, ties, and substantial enough to be) according t* Herden, who added a determining factor in any state I Are now -reedy, for use h / dubs, Tuesday at the T " house, making Lieut Morford saw action in from 44 River road, to 43 and 44 completion. The houses are in the charge In January, h t ftg t h t h t h ,h t " bowling leagues or individuals and this one of the most successful France, Germany and Austria.. In River road. Alterations are being Sunnycrest development and are Mr. Wigdorti opened his store in tthat after that he thought "no more election. But In party councils Mon"T" campaigns ever conducted in October, 1H5, he was asaigned'eom- made by Mrs. Flnnerty to combine now. under construction. mouth county has been overlooked an inspection*is Invited, about it." November, 1941, He reports a comor ignored and we find appoint* Red Bank. The goal set wat »2V mandlng officer of the company as her grocery store and the adjoin- "It proves," said: the realtor, plete new-line of stock, and told a j( «00, and Tuesday night $21,932.28 the division performed its occu- ing store under the new license, "that Monmouth county real or that the council was not con- ments being made, year after yeaj t Register representative that he seto vital state positions, with, no con.«-i s tate is red hot at this time and was received. Yesterday contribu- pational duties In Kltibuhel and which went into effect March 1. cured moat of his new stock ducting a trial. After spme discus- sideration or recognition for Mon- ' that a house In the making is tions were still being received at SeJsburg, Austria, sion council decided to refer the mouth county. I believe my service Councilman .Edgar B. Blake, campaign headquarters and a final Prior to entering the service he chairman of the fire committee, worth two—or 22—that are un- through help given him by the Vet- matter back to the police commit- as a member of the assembly and „ erans' Administration officials. report will be given later In the was associated with the East River in reporting seven fires in'the bor- available." tee for further Investigation. . senate, with tbe knowledge of etate -$ week. The fire committee was author- affairs Rained there, will be of valu> Saving! bank of New York city. He ough in tbe paat month, expressed The new houses In the process of ized to draw up a contract with able assistance in helping Moo* , C Irwin and Robert Eis- li a graduate of Red Bank high his thanks to the fire departments being built at Sunnycreat are , Former Local Pastor nerJoseph tbe Seagrave Corporation to buy a mouth county regain the political w e n chairmen of the drive, school and attended Monmouth if Sea Bright and Fair Haven for owned by Cafmelo Malmone. They -quadruple-pumping engine truck to which it is entitled. ' have been purchased by recently retheir assistance. •* AtNewRochelk,N.Y. which covered Red Brink, Shwera- Junior college. priced at $10,600. The contract will Secondly, the decision of Harold A letter was received from Mar- turned ex-servicemen who will ocbury, Fair Haven, Eatontown, RumH, M. Farrow, local agent at the be submitted to the borough councupy them when completed with O. Hoffman to become a candidate tin Fleming requesting the borough .Rev, Edward W. Miller, former ion, Sea Bright a*d Mlddletowa Motor Vehicle License bureal at 19 cil for examination and presented for governor will culminate, I beto Improve Bellevue avenue, south their families. •pastor of Red Bank Baptist church, township, Tbe special gifts oom.The purchasers are Carl G. Han- Monmouth street, stated today that for. action at the April council sea- lieve, in his selection at the prim* of Rumson road. lias accepted a call to the Salem mittee, headed by Edwin L. Conary and election in November, a A petition asking that Bruce sen, Rumson and William J. Stihoo- it is not necessary for motorists to sion. Baptist churoh, New Rochelle, New over, collected *M£10.B0. have their c a n Inspected before Passed on third reading. and would be unfortunate and unwise place be improved also w u re- ley, Monmouth Beach. Tork, and started his new minis- Volunteeri were rewarded for for Monmouth county to elect "There is little hesitation any obtaining their 1946 licensee. A adopted was the ordinance limiting members of the state committee their efforts when^ricea w e n MM. Serena Howard was ten- ceived. Both matters were .referred try last Sunday. . the beverage consumption licenses number of Inquiries have been dered a surprise party Sunday on to the road committee, of which more In selecting houses," said Mr. Mr. Miller entered th» service as awarded after flfial rtjftrts were ;her 8Jd birthday at her home at Councilman Harold J. Qoetachiua Is Waterbury. "Those who come to made at the bureau relative to car to three in the borough and a pack- who do not support Mr. Hojfmap, I expect to assist him and bis canehapl&ln in April, lMSmind lerved given. Mri. Margaret MaoVeagh, Bait Keansburg. A large birthday chairman. • . seek, make .their decisions' fast. inspections, and Mr. Farrow feels age distribution license to one. didacy to the best of my ability, who collected the. largeit amount Chester L. Forrar of Broad street that many motorists may be postcake centered the table and a tupboth In the primary and general The recommendation of the tonProof of that is that most recent ii' i•woh»ih=WT»=«e«lvBd- per w u «erve<n ' - — — — Miller her husband's new charge l of thluc,Ji8tJMtlfc. was granted a retail package 11- election. As a member of the state Tngb^aircllPBgr irroeiwrrln ipent-Jeee-tli •Ix pairs of nylons, and Walter C. Is like coming home, her father, Or, ,«r»nymii,ta»_J.lmln.LrQpr»ifmt MfllM Ballard properties from an AB to' tratlon for that reason. Berger D. Stella, having been pas- Quptll of Shrewsbury, the man to Among the guests were Mr. and a B tone was approved. .The mini- 24 hours In making individual pur- In an appeal to the public to get er Lawess building g on Broad street, mouth county with a vigorous poV Mn. Charles Eastman and Mr. and chases. ' ' collect the largeit amount-*176— icy of recognition' for the strong tor of the New Roohelle church t the firehhouse. mum area for building lots in the "Fortunately, we have had a fair- their licensee early, Mr. Farrow opposite Emll support which Monmouth county Jc$ over 40 yean ago. She lived in will receive two ticket* to any New Mn. Albert Doremus, Red Bank; AB sone Is 10,000 feet, and In the ' Spirited bidding between p g points out there w u an Increase of ly wide variety of homes to show, -. ' 3 Tork show he would like to Me. Mr, and Mn. Lewis Eaatman, Little the parionage about three yean. d and Otto t Herden (or 19 bor- will give him. Stalder Silver; Mr. and Mn. John Bast- B zone, 8,000 feet, and with condition! as they are 10% in the number of licenses Is- ough-owned lots on Patterson ave- I have been an active member of Bea and Kay, twin daughters of Mrs. MaoVeagk was a member of mond, Harold V. Eastman, Mrs. sued at the R«d Bank office in 1945 the Republican' party for many even a good-looking blueprint and the former Red Bank miniiter, are "Jerry" Burnham's team and Mr. Ether0. Roche, Miss, Lucille L. nue went for nought when council a glimpse of the surrounding over 1944, and that a further in- voted against Stalder's high bid of years and earnestly supported it* now Juniors in high school. Tbe OuptU't captain was Mrs, Helen Roche and Mr, and Mrs. Harold D. crease it anticipated for the 1946 growth from the lean yean of 19tt , '-v neighborhood Is good enough for ion, Edward. Jr., is a medical etu- Hoffman, {900. The property will be re-adver- and 1932 to Its present overwhelms •• licenses, Raymond and. daughter! Roma, many, After all, houses being con. dent In the Untvenlty of Louisville, Bill Bradley*! team, the group Sui and.Mary Jane, Keyport; Mr. tised. Herden stopped bidding at ing position in county affairs/From 'm structed today are as modern as Kentucky> and Florence', the oldest Out obtained the most point*, W88, and Mn. Irving CoatU and son you, as members of the party, J M 80. -L : ' The Atlantis Orange of Colt's tomorrow. daughter, is a cadet mine in West- and 1(0 subscriptions, will be giv- Marshall, Miss Olga E. Kern and Francis Manulla of Broad street, respectfully solicit support in tkl I Neck held first and second degree "There Is plenty doing in North *'. is ern Reserve university, Cleveland, en tickets to the opening game of Hr. and MM. Ralph Eastman, Port who now o.wna the 'lot on South present election. Frank Duraodt / Ohio. . either the American or National Monmouth; Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Initiations last week at the'Colt's Monmouth real estate.. We have Shrewsbury avenue where the garsates In the process of Closing now bage dump is located, made a "rebaseball league. Theodore La- Battnan. Keansburg; Miss Mary Neck school, New members are Hies Elisabeth and more m the making. We ex- Tony B, Hunting, manager of the quest through the«mayor that the OAHD PABTT brecque was captain of the win- Koveick, Salt Keaniburg; Mrs, MaWn, Miss Ivis .Blancbart, Mils pect to be plenty, busy during the Oarlton theater, Red Bank, hai premises be cleaned up; that the, ning division, Thlr group obtained ICothers of' fourth grade, aid 884 subsariptlons, totallni M i l Htryiy Knochel and sons Jack and PrWllla Martin, Joseph.Forman, next few months." been appointed chairman of the board of health rescind i l l permits Pick,, Atlantic Highlands; Mr. and 100 division pupils at Red Bank points, A stiver loving cup was glv> Joseph R. Forman, Mn. Isa-belle motion picture theater collection Issued except the borough garbage Mrs. Roy B, Day and M», Rex V. Ctholic high school will be hoetMartin, Henry Martin, Robert Halt, for the 1946 Red Cross fund cam- contractor, that the police departj t o j W W t i Mill D. Corput, Jr., River P l i u ; Mn. It:;tltraM"|ttrtrbhid iW:;ltrM|rt(rbrhiid Mr. and Mrs. Metric, Mrs, Martha, paign in Monmoutn county, it was ment enforce the order "no dump- The evening school for i W « d M r , m n d M r s M l o h n Thursday nlgttt oTnexl week by nd Wai. announced' today ' by Hojcombo ing" and that a pott and chains be Is.being organlxed at the Oge of gardenias for her isrviees R, Wllllame, Middl.tUn; ifn, SuHighland! high school, with ,tht St. Jamil ParenVTeaehir asb l H t by i t t d l W l T f d l i ler Mitchell. . ' • M oaajpalgn hostels and tair work i san Oraqford, Leonardo, and Miss tratlons' being • accepted« " ?WcUtlon In the Red Banfc-Cathollo Collections will begin Wednesday, Shrewsbury Community club' will Arohle Height, member of die 1 Mary ,Koveeck, Mrs. Joseph Mott to the contractor. night* ' hifh,. school auditorium , Speolal on the fmanotal oommlttee. March N, (n all county theaters, hold a meeting and game party state grange executive oommlttei, and Mill Minnie Koveeok, Bait borough clerk was requested Aa toon ai sufficient i u d i l d e live l k l t next Monday niphLln ,t h « Presby- Mrs. Herbert P. Wright, chairman byThe attended, th« meeting, ' ' , the mayor, and council to send a are filed, the courses of I Xwniburg, '•^•(jottiraw i M a g i , . a k l PoUW-HMM Mrs. Wurman Huntr home eco- terian Sunday school room Instead of volunteer special services, will bi menage of sympathy to Thomas will r be started, School i 'table prim. Rifruhmenti*wi!l of the Bplioopal parish house. The in charge of the Red Cross volunIn.'a'stonr'in'iiiV wieV» liiue" of nomics ohklrman, pruented an alIrving Brtwn, editor and publisher have requested veterans to : ..served by the h n t t u n i , ^ Tbe Register, relative of. the isle tar cloth to the grafiSfe,'1-She,also binlnesr •itsslort.wm Mart' at SilB teers who wllj be on hand eaoh af- of Thi Red Bank. Register, in the as soon as possible and to and games will begin V (iSO, Re- ternoon and evening* "_ „ ot W aoru of the fomir Lurburmade the treasurer's report. death «f h j i f y copies of , their'discharge" ' * B> ' Wtndow Shadjs,,, , frishments will 'be served during row eitatt on th» north ildi,.of Third* and fourth degrees will be1 tbe > We' manttfMturi -ildi hammed tyoamare cates with thia, «. , .evening;. An enjoyable evening -avenue in ShriwibOry CONDITION "QOOD'i Vuel OU shldn on Dramlsej, All alst* and borough, it wuitat«<rthat the1 sail Aotlon by the Hlgnlandi borougn granted at the next meeting, which Is promised to alV-who attend, • • Upon,completion of the to iu|t your burden best gradei Is scheduled tot T,ueiday, Rfvervliw hospital officials report veterans without' ' aoludid thi »ildinoi'\ of Mn, *)Unoll on the sale of-the faotory ihe condition of Freeholder Jamei and prices. Unexcelled, iirvloe. Bruei i t Campbell, ..Thi* wu/.an lUlIdlir^Naveilnk avenue and ' FATHER-SON DDWBR Wettslfo Ooflee Shop. ••• |l, farkei of Rumion as "good" Fred D.Wlkoff Co. Red Bank, through the school program, Feature! speolal dinners Bundtyi thl'i morning, Mr, Parkes w u i e > phpnTflM-Advirtlsiment Mt, that borough, wu if r eounes include rifriihiri hit' 12 to.8 p t m . WltttJCth muting The «eeond-annual-<ather. and ion tousli" Injured, when=hls oar- iltldded 1 fcieome T«* B*rorn»;.. dinner for SooUti of troop BO. and owing, to ["-^'i ..'.tw'. •* 1,,'JJ:, on the Ice on Harding road tnd file your, Income taxjiow at Hi •Bank,In Christ church parish house,, o c h d Into • tri*. . , vtrtlMihtnti ' touth street, Bed Bank. Time, t o f t , m,i every day, John " lUt Col, Gordon C. Irwin, commanding officer of the Army Electronics Standards agency, this morning confirmed re-. ports that the'bureau would leave .the former Broad street bank building in the near future, • ' The colonel itated that arrangement* are being made to secure new quarteri for the bureau, but a date tot the transfer has not yet been set. jit'Is believed the bureau will locate on government property latUTvJettlty. ' Grand Opening Of Night Club And Bowling Alleys Set For Saturday Night: Rullman Resigns Alienwood Board / Shrewsbury Committee Makei . Recommendation To Council Frank Durand Is Candidate For Committeeman Preston Morford Returns Home VetTakesOver Kiddie Center Rumson Council Increases Wages T Campaign Goes Over The Top Two Houses Sold Before Completion Rev. E.W. Miller , In New Church Farrow Appeals To Motorists Mrs. Serena Howard Hag 83d Birthday Atlantic Grange Hat Initiation Hunting To Direct Theater Drive Atlantic Highlands Has VetY School r Action On-Factory Sale I. Deferred «tf« MffeMI Community Club BED BANK REGISTER, MABCH 7,1946, HP toy ha* Jurt indtd In » v i o t o i ^ p ^ ^ |^tr^Jiy^*nd;y ; ^ ^ f Annual Meeting Chauffeur Injured g3Sr*TOBBj^t^ Red Cross. Service ' ' : Records And Contribution* ftakt daflnlte wtlon to prettrv* this pete* and to bring to sit pic* Tht annual meeting of Shrew*j bury Town* chapter; Daughter* i American Rtvolutlon, wa* held ionday at tht home of Mrs. Lloyd .Thomas at Locust' Mr*. Walter' , -J.'. Woolley, regent, will *irv* a* [delegate at the *Utt DAR conferI tnceat Trenton' Thursday and Frit-day of next week. •' .. • B Mis. George W. Drawbaugbt. Red I S Cross chairman, reported that the 'S member* havt glyen 6,836 hours of , g volunteer service during 19411, and that three members, Mr*. Herbert . _ D. Wright, Mrs. Doman H. Me' - Faddln and Mn. Edwin M. Farrier, 5 hold executive positions with tht J county Red Cross chapter, and Jj county branch chapter*. The chapg ter gave $28 to (he state DAR prop's ject to purchase stveral station , gtjWagCn*1 to transport patients at Til—ton General hospital at Fort Disc, . yfend.to transport Red Cross nurses r^lds and other Rtd Crou workers I at that hospital. J Tht chapter also gave W to this ;S recent National War fund drive. J Contribution! wert also made to I the following D.A.R. approved £ schools: Tamasee, Carr Orttk | Community Center and Crostnort ; cchdols, all In Ttnne****, and Hindman Settlement school la Kentucky. The chapter contributed toward the National *oclety project to purchase portable X-ray units for Navy hospital ships, and tht radio'distribution system* for army general ho»spitals. •Wjjghtr liUtnrUn has complied a service record of the 34 men and women on tht chap ter honor roll. She ha* alio compiled the biographies of three former chapter regent* for tht chapter library. Mrs. J. Ward Vandervter, stnlor president of Hannah Baldwin society, Children American Revolution, announced a society member, Mia* Claire Brinlty, ht* bttn elected junior state C.A.R. president. Mrs. Thomas, registrar, Introduced two new member*, Mrs. bustan Ali laire of Fair Haven and Mn. Watx eon Wetherblt of Atlantic Hlgh| lands. • New standing committee chalr| men named were Mrs. Allaire, XIi II* Island; Mrs. Mortimer X. Van• Sauter, D.A.R, manual and' AmirI icanism, and Mrs. Edwin W. Irwln, • junior membership. 1 , The next meeting will be Mon"iday, April 1, at the home of Mrs, __ Theodore D. Parson* In Little Sllitfjver, "• the** ^rMterlstlci whloh hart m»4* the United State* tht great ' a i adtSuatt Rtgular Army, the member* of whloh will rtprettnt &Jbi^:W.mt'1to''yip'W.int&to o u i - W M iptrrlei, ' . FRANK E. PRICE RAYMOND J. O'NEILL' Student* To Orate At Keyport High Ma]. James A. G.'Wise, Jr., commenced terminal leave Saturday after four years of army service In the postal branch of the Adjutant General's department ,- The Purim holiday was etlebrated at a meeting of the Ladles' Hebrew society Tuesday at the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Arthur H. Hersbon of the Congregtlon B'Nai Israel spoke on the meaning of the holiday, and members brought gifts of medical supplies to be sent to European relief organliatlons. The annual Purim ball and supper will be held Sunday night, March 17, at the Community Center. Entertainment and dancing will be featured and a turkey supper will be served under direction of Mrs. Isadore Kerber, Supper reservatlons are being received by Mrs. Henry Rltterman before Sunday, March 10. A souvenir program Is being made, with Mrs. Maurice.Stalberg in charge of the patron's page; Mrs. Julius Straus, the children's page, and Mrs. Mae Newman, the booster page, Mrs. Aaron Marcus Is program chairman. . Sunday afternoon, March IT, the society will give a costume party at the Community Center for pupill of the Congregation Sabbath school. Mrs. Morris Portner Is chairman. I Alvino Resumes Station Management Edward Alvino of Wall ttreet, who was honorably, discharged from tbt army at Fort Monmouth January 27, has rttumtd operation of tbe service station It Shrewsbury avenue and Oakland atreet, which ht built before entering thi service. Mr. Alvino ttrvtd 20 month* In thi service, 30 of which w.trt overseas, where, with tht Tenth Army he served In Hawaii and on Ii Shim* and Okinawa In the Coaal Artillery corps, after having received hit batlc training at Fort Eustis, Virginia, - Ht wa*> batter) •upply sergeant In the 948th Antl^r«sfewWIiry batUllon; He ha* been associated' .In thi service «t*tion business mort than 20 yean,V The national oratorical contest sponsored by the American Legion reaches this section Monday night, when, the county contest will be held at the Keyport high school. - Constitution of tht United States. An extemporaneous tubjtct will be drawn from the BUI of Rights. Last year the Legion contest drew over 100,000 contestants from 44 state* and It wa* estimated that more than 2,000,000 people attended. Robert A. Kelly of Jersey City was the national winner. Prises to be awarded In the county trial* are (10 for first place and $5 (or second. The winner of the state finals will be given a full scholarship at Rutgers university, In cue tht winner is malt, and to the Ntw Jersey Women'* college for a girl winner. Th* national-first price I* a $4,000 scholarship to any college or unlvertlty settcttd by the winner. The fourth district contest, comprising Monmouth, Mercer, Middlesex and Ocean counties, will be itaged Monday, March 18, and {he state contest will bt htld In TrenMAJ. JAME3 A. G, WISS, JR. ton at the War Memorial building Monday, March 26. He was separated' at the Fort No admission 1* charged and the )ev«ns center in Massachusetts, Legion has invited the public to atafter a tour of duty of 41 months tend. is postal officer at Camp Myles tandlah, an affiliate of the Boston Port of Embarkation. Maj. Wise entered the service in March, 1942, at Fort Monmouth, asilgned to the postal section. Promoted to staff sergeant, he received , direct commission from the War lep&rtment September 24, 1942, at which time he.left Fort Monmouth nd assumed his duties at Standljh. He received captaincy the followng April and was promoted to the ank of major October 2, 1944. The son of James Wise, Sr., of East Bergen place, he Is a brother if Frank T. Wise, who Is also a ajor and on terminal leave, In May, 1943, he married the former Miss Vera Norcroes, daughter of Mrt. Frank Chambers of West Front street, In an impressive miltary ceremony at Camp Myles Standlsh. They have a daughter, Diane Chambers Wise. Prior to entering the service, Maj. Wise was employed at the Red Bank postofflce. He to currently reported ai a candidate for :he postmastershlp at that office. Bridal Shower For Margaret Tucci Miss Margaret Tucoi of Locust avenue was tsndered a surprise bridal shower this week by several friends at the home of Mrs. George Grob, Sr., on River road. Attending were Mrs, Tessle Dardato, Mrs. Lee Rockhlll, Mis* Ann Bruno.JMrs. Mary. Manclnl, j y s s Ann" Luclsano, Mrs. Louis* Grob, Mlis Jean Sawlcka, Miss Stella Sawtcka, Mrs. Judy Field, Miss Lucy Saggese, Mrs. Clara Great batch, Mrs. Philomena Caruso, Mrs.' Camilla Desarno, Mrs; Edna Orandlnettl, MUB Adeline Mazxa, Miss Margaret Mazza, Mrs, Gertrude Maua, Miss Florence Barrasso, Mrs, George Qrob, Sr,, Mrs, Mabel Simpllclo, Mlu Mary Mandello, Mrs. Elvera Bruno, Mn, Blanche Caruso. Mrs, Pauline Havens, Mrs. Antoinette Blanco, Mrs, Theresa Luclsano, Mrs, Dorothy Blanco, Mrs, Mary De Pietro, Mrs. Irene Erwln, Mrs. Sue Danlele, Miss Rose Ladlso, Mrs, Virginia Blnaco, Mrs, Bruno Maua, Mrs, Angle Vecchlo, Mrs Mary Vechiano, Mrs, Connie-Sesso, Mrs, Agnes Mandello, Miss Angle LucLsanO, Mrs," Rose \ Oammarano, Mrs. Jennie Perrelle, Mrs. • Rose Fodtraro, Miss Loni«e.Bliinco,Mt'i: Antoinette Chlavarolbtftr-M'ls, Gen evlevt PoroelU"sind Mrs. Mary Carluool, ' ' At Colt's Neck' , AJso discharged at Fort Dlx w i n A* 4 r) club ,wai organized' Lltut,. Richard 8; Pln*liy,.U2. Wil- Celt's Neck last week at a ipsoit, ,ltci, strut, Rtd Bank .and'?FC meeting, called, at the home of Mr, M Rliyy, »I^.H»Vill. , . , . ; . . ind Mn. H. Langdon H»ltermann, DIsoHjrged this week at Fort Dl. at which Leonard Williams, ooiinty 'wire PFO Marie Baudoux, Atlantl agfit, spoke on tht project*. and .Highland*) Oapt •Wllllim. 0. Bil alms of tht organisation. lird, Rumiont T/t Joiijh B, fTo* William Tampion ,wai ohoisn annut, fort DM «*er prtnatn .vlci pruldini: i vryt MUi Pa tfiuurir, Ad Do . ' ; •; -. v " " '" RECRUITING MONTH CHARLES R. BNOUBH, Mayor of tht Borough of Rtd Bank ALFRED N. BEADLB8TON, iltyot et tht Borough of Shrewsbury EDGAR V. DBN1SB, Mayor of, the Borough of Fair Haven OLIVER O. FRAKE, Mayor of tht Borough of Uttl* Silver LOUIS M.HAQUE, Mayor of the Borough (XRumson British Honor Former Teacher Gerald B, Ruiiell laugii Maj. Oerald B, Russell, former biology teacher at Red Bank high school, war recently decorated by the British ambassador, the Earl of Halifax, in ceremonies at Washington,.D. C. Little Silver Veterans Dined Fire Company Honor* BTvti A dinner to their returned servicemen wa» held Saturday night by the Little Silver Volunteer Fire company at Wlllowbrook inn, Fair Haven. . ' • Tht veteran* and guests were Introduced by Warrtn Herbert, president of tht company, and a momtnt of silence WM observed In memory of John Toomey, who wat killed In action. Attending tht dinner wert Alfred Found, George Ryser, William Oeronl, Thomas ' Bruno, Richard Clapp, Otto Schneider, Douglas Parker, Samuel Whtlan, Charlts Whelan, Randolph Field, William 8k!d.more, Joseph Stevenson, Fred flyers, John Slpe, Walter Oberrelch, Ralph V. Maurlell, George Zebold, Joseph Pact, Stanley Parker, George, lyins, Pat Bruno, Bdwjird Wade, Amerlco Bruno, Pat Zarnbrano, Elliot Borden and Warrtn Herbert Lions Club Holds Governor's Night Hobby Show Held At LittleSilver A hobby show was featured at a meeting of the Little Silver Parenteacher association Monday night t the school. Members of the rlttle Silver Woman's club who ludged were Mrs, O. Ivan Lyons, Mrs. George Wagner and Mrs. ames Goodspeed, Prlies were war stamps and the Inners included: first, Lawrence lutchyshyn, for a sword collection, ,nd Dennto Kelly, plane'models; econd, Carolyn Jane Wells, dolls, and Barbara McClellan, for sea ihellfl. Honorable mention was given David Kennedy tor a collection of rmy insignia; Albert Robinson, rar souvenirs; Ann Jansky, cards, .nd . Tony Dlonlsi and Jlmmie Drew, coins. Mrs. Barnard Taylor, legislative halrman, explained the proposed tata education fund bill. Mrs. Ross E, King, presented the guest peaker, B. W. Smith of tht Fort Hancock "Y" staff, who was a Jap prisoner at San Tomas In Mantis.. A contribution was made to the Red Cross fund. Mr*. Olaf Ranvdal announced a study group meetIng to be, held Monday afternoon In he school library. .' . "••'.'••:- _ ' . . v - •and urge all employers and olvic groups to support tht Reorultlng Campaign to the fullest degrte. GIVEN, this fifth day of March, In the year of Our Lord, one thousand, aln* hundred and forty-six. Maj. James Wise Legion Contest Gains Discharge Starts Monday Was Postal CMcer At Mylei Standiih ^ , -•. The funeral pf Vj$. Annette Tilford HajktUi tft of Woodland f*nn la Middlttom townstlp, who way killed Saturday In an automobile tooldtnt near Fort Ltuderdale, Florida, r , WM htld this t i morning g In th Oh tfc Ntw N tht Ohurou of tht Ines*n»tfc>n, NOW, THBRH1FORB, Wt, tht undenlgntd, the Mayors of tbe Borough* of Red Bank, Shrewsbury, Little .Sllvtr, Fair Htven and Rumson, New Jenty, do hereby proclaim the ,, . MONTH OF MARCH ;-• Raymond J. O'Neill of. Riverside Red Bank, W M reappointed secre. . ' • ' • • Heights, Mlddletown township, was tary. ' . . Mr. O'Neill ha* been serving as rtappolnt;ed March 1 by Governor chairman the last two years. Mr. Edge as chairman of Monmouth Price has been a member of the County Board of Elections, and board 28 years and has been comFrank E. Price of Reckless place, missioner of registration since 1941. Annual Ball And Supper March 17 Get Discharges -..- ii'; WHEREAS, tb* RtguW Army today offers to men betwttntht ages of IT tpM unusually attractive featurtl and opportunities worthy of mpst »*riou* consideration *nd *oc*pt*no*, .and WHBRBAI, tht tueeeit of the volunUry enllttmint progrtAu • will assure tht early rtltatt of mtn who havt had long andJMsftCi 3 Society Observes I Purim Holiday V ,: - . . - , : " •;.. ;.- ••••; • •• c o u n t r y H h i t *t o d a y , • n i l , . . : ; ' . - • - . : • • 5 C £ 5 S f Z. s' 5 5 m Z 'Z Z Z J £ Z Z Z Z m £ Z Z Z Z S 5 5 5 5 twWy >n evtw foreign land, 1 CollUlon Saturday With Truck Near Fort Lauderdal* District Official I* Gueit Of Honor MAJ. GERALD B, RUSSELL In tht name of the King of England, the ambassador conferred the award of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire In the degree of honorary officer upon Ma], Russell, stating that It was glvtn In recognition of valuable service rendered during the war and In acknowledgment of the recipient's great contribution to the overallwar effort and final victory. Tht citation la at follow*: "From 1941 onwards, Maj. Ruiieir served continuously In tht Ordnance section of the International division, becoming head of that section In April, 1844. During tht whole of that period he was consistently helpful In tht handling of tht large number of British problems which passed through his hands. In particular, as chairman of tht various conference groups within tht ordnance section, he maintained a standard of efficiency which insured a smooth flow of supplies against British demands." The former teacher- entered tht service in July, 1942, u a first lieutenant, serving continuously In the International division of tht Army Service forces. He hat been overseas twice, first In London and then to Afrits,: Egypt,-India, Ceylon and China. < District Governor's night w u observed by the Fair Haven Lions club last Thursday night at the Wlllowbrook. Members of the club honored the official of Lion district 18-B, Adrian VanRavenstyn of Cnenbuiy. Mr, VanRavenstyn spoke about' tht various activities of Lions throughout tht district Ht praised tht local organisation on their accomplishments. Ht also told where ht thought they could better relations In this community. Ht .was in' troductd by Janes P. LaBau. Group singing was ltd by Peter X Elehelt and George Stephen Young. Milton A. Kostne and Marcel J, Jaunt acted as talltwlstcrs. Visiting'delegation were headed by President Eugene J. O'Rourkt, Atlantic Highlands olub; President Harry Hubbard, Highlands, dub, and President John Hawkins, Red Bank club. Plan* art being computed for the building of a swimlag pool at the All Boys' Horns at. Jamstburg. . Lions throughout the statt are making plans to sponsor smaller projects, tht proceeds of which will bt contributed toward tht work on the pool. Flvt icU of "tntertWnment.-were presented under' thi dlrtotion of Paul Faloonl of Long Branch. I* Hajktll-f:»n* and publisher of Register. rt Y Ut, Ult Mr*. Brown htlped htr wist counstUor y yeaw to achltrt *I***UMHJJ i B the publishing world. Ht. freely acknowltdgtd lit dtbt to htr whtrtvtr bt Wtnt, u » Mnar. velous woman.' Sht w v » «?»4*lt ,P«rt»n; never eourtfd tht spo«l|*t. although sht easily 'could h*.ve achieved marked smcces* IB htr awn right Rather, *b*Jlwa for a noblo ,purpe**-*),4St/The Rid Bank HtfMtr b t M t n t i tonnd, highly nspected newtmptr ln*tltutlon, representing A * ! broad puWls wtlfart of Horthern lionawuth county. ' Her life offtr* a flu* txampl* of woesanhr •hartwtw, sad ftrtltuda and tnit Ion In a typleed Amtrlcan heuNboll Our tinotrt sympathlt* art offered to her husband, Thomas Irving Brown, which wt know It •bared by thousand* .of his friend* {slid* and outsld* Monmouth county.—Asbury Park Sun Editorial, Thursday, March 7. Home Service Work Increases Rod Cross Group Aiding Veterans MRS. AMORT L. HASKDLL With the Army Md Navy itralnlng to mitt a June. 1M6, dimoblUDriving Mn. HwktU's ear whtn itlon dtadllnt, Red Crot* «htptlr it collided with a lumbar truck w u workers, not only la Monmouth Fred Krotpke, tht HuktU ehau- wunty, but throughout tht ooun**. tin* u>tn>iiiw»Nifmw^»rt*^ ftrtd a oompound fracture of tht if thi nation's grtattst postwar adleg and concussion, According to iuitmint Job, Mrs. Harry Neulatest reports from Broward Gtn- Jirger, home Mrvlct corpi ral hospital, Fort Laudirdale, man off the Cross chapth county t Red Rd G 'here Kroepke was taken follow- ter, *ald today By June abe astling the acldent, chances of hit re- mated thin will bt dost to 15,000 tttrtn* back In olvlUtn lUt In lovtry art good. Mrs. Haskell w u tht wtft of Monmouth county. "On th* Monmouth county Ktd Unory Lawrenct Haskell, former resident of the National Ho rte Cross chapter devolves the Job of Ihow association. She w u tht continuing the Red Croi* servlct tughter of tht late Henry M. Til' to which vtttrae* from Monswuth ford, ont o( tht early associates of county and surrounding trea bt'ohn D. Rocktfeller in the Stand oanit aoeuitomtd while la unlard Oil organisation. She w u mar- 'orm," Mn. Neuberger dteluid. ried to Mr. Haskell September 19, "The family, too, looks to tht Red for aid during th* veteran's i93S, at Tuxedo Park, New Tork. Crow transition to civilian lift. Tbt Rtd Mrt. Haskell w u a "well-known Crott ht# found that tht itrvietHorsewoman. Shi often rod* at the man often I* *o anxious to return >t«d of tht Monmouth oounty lom* that he I* likely to Ignor* Inloundt with her husband. Their es- ormatlcn on bl* rights and privitate ha* been tht settee for many leges as a veteran. Baok home, 'ears of exhibitions of hunters and however, he analysts his future reeding stock. Mrt. HuktU was and begins Baking plans. It Is . member of the board of govtrnort then thtt ht may seek advice, after if Monmouth Memorial hospital, of consultation with hi* family." the Colonial Damea of America, Chapter workers, Mn. N«ub«rgtr Rumson Garden olub, Rumson aaid, are kept fully up-to-date by Country club, Monmouth County Rtd Crott National headquarters Kennel club, the executive, commit- >n all regulation* and other official ee of Monmouth county chaper of matteri affecting veterans, and he American Red Cross and the they havt had long experience In Officers' Service committee s.t Fort thi* work, •* will a* In handling Ignore immidlat* ptmonal and famMonmouth. She is survived besides her hut ily probltmt. sand by four daughters, Mrs. Ann* Haskell Bills and Misses Margaret, Isabelle and' Hope^Haskell; a son, Amory L. Haskell, Jr., and two listers, Mrt. David Wagstaff and Mrs. Stanley G. Mortimer. Services for Mn. Hukell were held Monday morning at Palm President Names Beach, Florida, where the Hatkell* Committee Heads have a winter home. Play Given For Church Society Obituaries WILLIAM J. DABBY "Peace Through tbt Way Of tht Cross" w u tht titlt of a play given at a muting .of thi Women's Society of Christian Servict of tbe Methodist church Monday night at Fellowship haa Participating wen Mr*. Albert Laublr, Jr., Mdity president; Mr*. MtWin A. Morris, Mrs, Frank B. Helttr, Mrt. Ltroy Barnard, Mr*. William H. Fttbtrbridge, Mr*. Fred Boyd, Mrs. Btlford Trultt, Mn. Harry S. Hotchklas and Mis* Flora Wlllgua*. Mr*. Lauber appointed tht following standing committee ohelrmen: Mis* Emma Burdgi, fellowihlp; Mlu Oraoa Allin, memberhip; Mn. Fetberbrldgt, publicity Mrs. Vernon W. Rott, suwhlnt; Mn. Frank P. Kuhl, secretety of ttatut of womtn; Mn, Morris,mansger of the Ocsan Grovt Home for tht Agtd, and Mn. Frank W, Warner, Sr, Thimble club actlvitlts. ^an*-war*_i festival, to bt bell In pi annual August buaar. Tbt next meeting will be Monday, April 1, and the txtcutlve board meets Monday, March 28. enlistee, bas lift .the . . mouta wceptlon «enUr'«nd* rouU tp th* Army Service " training oentM at O # ~ Misotiri, ' ' '• Mr, and Mn. John Btwr*^.^ funUy «f Ntw Tork w i n ruMffJ Mr*. Nora Long of Hut Betf? -lace last weefc ' Mrs, WJlUum O, TeJley daugnter, Mary Let, of Watt ton, north. Carolina, and Mr. tbt; Maloom Huttl art ' ' Mr. and Mr*. Howard U »f Lake avenue. William Spfenct, Sr., of Lake i nut, b u been confined to his hu for tbt putweek by Hotatj*, Mr*. Frank J.Bauer of n « p H if been eonflned to htr home . the put.wetk, due to lUnt* Mr. and Mn. Franklin Drunuoond avenue, art the j of a daughter born Uvervltw hospital Mr. and Mn. Oharle* J. . ^ ^ Lelghton %venue, are the partntf i -, dangbttr bom Monday-*t R lew hospital. , . ' . • • • M Mr. u d MM. Jantts Anderson *(t I Harding road art vaeatlontag «t Palm Beach, Florida. "'SI Mrs, Mary Graus* and Mri " Thoraaj Hackttt of Waverly plae*-. have rtturned from vacation* at/I Miami, Florida, • >' Cadet D&ntnlok X Aotrra, sonL if Mr. tad.Mrs. Louis Aetna of I U, North Brldfi avtnut, ranked Uth upon tb* Hcond quarter.; tcholuUo honor roU at Bordentowu'>| military Institute with'an avtraf* I of OT* for flvt subject* in tbt Up"tr Softool. . '• Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jo Ktwman Springs roadj.are tbt par. tnU of a daughter bornyttttrday at Rlrtrvitw botpltal. Mrs. Annie C. Worderi ana ^dtf^ttf^ i t r l a UttlV FUJ) ly of tht late Councilman Albert Wjf Wordtn, returned to Dtnvtr bytrain yesterday afternoon following' • vlilt hart after tht death of Xtv Worden. While hire, thiy raided tt M Ettt Front street, the* bom* of Ifn. Albert W. Wordtn. Mr. and Mn. John W. Murphy havt returntd to their home iji Clotro, nilnols, aftir • vlilt wtth Mr. Murphy's mother, Mr*.' F. Murphy of Oakland street Mr. Mur. phy was discharged from th* Marine Oorp* January X. ' ' •/] Mr. and Mr*. Mas Leon of Rlvtr road art home from a month's |O> 1ourn at Miami Beach. Mr*. William Mudonald, deltgate from tht local W. 8. C S, and Mr*. A. O, Brady, Mrs. Hugh D. Maydole and Mn. A. Metvln MorrU attended Uu juritdictional oonfmnoe held Tueaday, yesterday and today in tb* Methodist church on Market itrtet Newark. Mr. and Mn. Carl dark of Hard, road returned Monday from month's motor trip to Florida. John Oualtltri of Lelghton avenue and Peter Plngitor* of Catnirine street have returned from their tojourn in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ledlard «t Madison avenue are enjoying*" tht Florida sunshine while visiting Mr. and Mrs. Warren Doughty at their ntw winter home at Fort Lauderdale. Mr. and Mr*. Jams* McPhtt and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark, all of Rlvtr Plaxa, attended tht mtrehandUt fair of tht Shlplty-Blddli company at Philadelphia Tuesday. Mr. and Mr*. Charles Thornton, 181 Ltlghton avtnut, are parent! of -a ton born yesterday at Mow mouth Memorial botpttaL Bucs To Start , Play In Tourney The funeral of William J. Darby, 68, M0 Ocean avenue, Bea Bright who died February 2S at Hill Top Rtd tank high school fan* arc nursing home, Mlddletown, was looking forward to Saturday night's held Monday night of last week at court tilt at New Brunswick when the Willis Woolley funeral home, Coach Frank Plngltore's Short Long Branch. Rev. R. H. Grlmsbaw, Confertnce champs tngagi .la their putor of the Eatontown Episcopal flnt contest in tht state toumt>] church, officiated. Interment w u In ment against Highland Park. Glenwood cemetery.; Plngltore had hi* charges ia great shape tor tht Mannsquan Born In Brooklyn, tht son of tht gant, In whloh they wert the unlate Andrew J. and Lunetta Stillderdogs, and localities) art anxious well Darby, the decsued was a reto ite what tbe Bucs can do to th* tired Gulf g u salesman. A resirugged up-ttate flvt. dent, of Eatontown for a number of years before-moving to Sea Bright, Mr. Darby w u a member of/Washington lodge, F, and A, M., of Eaton town; a member of tht Katthe j»tttown_flrt exempt flrtmtn!* association tod Vintners of the Junior Strrlet Son* .and Daughters of Liberty league will hold their annual t*a council, Eatontown. for new members Tuesday afterSurviving are his wife, Jennie F, Member* of Pride of Crescent noon at tht home of Mr*, Winston Blackburn Darby; two sont, Ancouncil, Sons and Daughter* of Kock at Mlddletown village. Mr*. drew J. Darby and William J, DarLiberty, will hold a St, Patrick's Thorn** H. Lafon will preside, and by, Jr., both of Long Branch; a day social Monday, March It, at plans will bt completed for spring daughter, Mn. Alexander Lelmhe lodge hall In Eatontown. PUn* Two Red Bank men returned Tht River Plata Woman's dub burg, Jr., Sea Bright, and five activities, for the event wers mide at a meti- from oversea* Sunday on the will meet tonight at the home of Ntw members, who - wlU bt grandchildren. ng Monday. • Wooster Victory, which docked In Mrs. Charles Thompson at River guests, includt Mrs. John Graham, The final "Pollyanna" party will New Votk. They are T/« H«ry J. Plaza, William E. Ktmbl* of the Ltiut. and Mrt. Clarence H Mrs. Robert Baoklt, Mn. Otorgt JOHNM.MAXSON > be Monday, March 28, and tt this Hublln and T/5 Franklin D. HavlWalsh, Jr., celebrated their fourth Cattleman, Mrs, Norman Badentime all "secret pa!*" will be. re- land. T/4 Harry ft, Kollock, 47 Tllo Roofing company will sntak John M, Maxson, (1, husband of wedding anniversary Saturday hop, Mr*, Charles Alton, Mrs. Jobs vealed. Members will bring gro- Oakland street, Red Bank, arrived on "Tht Romano* of Homes." Mn,' Gertrude Maxson, died Tuesceries to be placed In bnt basket, last Thursday In Nsw York on tht A report of tht nominating oom- day tt hit home on Lakttldt ave- night at a party at their bom* In CMblon and Mlsttt Htlen and Ann Willis. . Long Branch. mlttee wlU bt given by Mrs. which will be a special award. Aloot Patriot. nue, Naveslnk. He It turvlvtd by Members held a penny sale Mon- Arrived Monday In Ntw Tork Thompson; who It assisted by Mrs. three son*, Frank, Henry and Among thoet attending were Mr, day, and $3 was cleared. Mrs. An- aboard tht Smith Victory were Frank F. Curtis and Mn, Henry Howard Maxson, and a daughter, and Mn, William Young, Mr. and Mrs. S t e m Jones, Lieut, and Mn, C. Meokltm. .Mrs. George Wagner na Wyckoff was salt chairman, PFO William Smith and PFO Lulgl Mis* Mabel Maxson, all of Jfavt- Clark, Lltut. and Mn. Bin HarReoently eight new members Mallnconlco, both of Red Bank and Will bt assisting hottest. '_ sink. , rill, Mrs. Robert P. Klottl, Mist were Initiated at special ceremonies Sgt, Arthur Card, Highland*. Tht funeral will bt held tomor- Allot "Oalllvan, Kit* Dorothy Oon, TIAVOAXCB PARTS. at the Belmar counoll meeting. •S/Sjt.,Paul Hermann of Eatonrow afternoon at 2:80 o'clock at tht ntll, Mill K»y Xttltn, Oarmtn Mrs.'Richard E. Rowe, will «t Utmbtr* of ,tht U 8. Cl. club mtt ruldenoi. , Rev. Charles P,_ John-, They were Mr*,. Ella-Toumans, town and Capt. Joseph' Oriuit, 84 Mrs. Anna Wyckoff, Mrs. Vtrna Waverly place, Rtd Bank, arrived Tuesday at tht home of Mrs. Loulsi ton, pastor of All Saints church, F*loO,UtutrOe«gtOran*y( Lltut. Wohwd B,.Rowt-of M^ Nlll on Broad strttt, and mad Arthur Rio*, Jamil Wtldt aar Keyport, i* ont of tbt flnt 1 Bmmons, Mrs. Nellie Green, Mrs. In Ban Franolsoo aboard plant for a game party to ht htld Navetlnk^wlU officiate. Interment, Douglas MaoOonntll, war bride arrlvalt In thi county; Charlene Hartley, Mrs, Ida Mulltr, Sunday under tht dlriotlon of tht Potten Shi arrived in New Tork F*b-( Tuesday, March 19, at Willow Btntt funtral home, will bt In All Saint* Wtut Walsh rtotntly returned Mrs. Beatrice Welli and Mrs, Thel- tht General Heriey. tohool, Fair Haven, Attthdlng wtrt et,mtttry. •• .• ma Davis, • • from Jspan and Ii now stationed ruary X utoroad" the 8.' S. Jamie Parker.. She U the former Mis* ' KNROCTB TO DJBNV«R Mrs. Morgan Rthrlg, Mm. Edith at Fort Monmouth. _ Ofty Oauidir Of New M«l<len, SUN . WFC Otil U Sandersot, ton of Worth, Mra, Leroy Quaokenbuih MRS. IDA VORBBRO rty,,Bnj[land, and during the wir H, C. Sanderson of'Eatontown, who Mrs. Ethel Johnson, Mrs, Dorothv UAXBOSD M TBABS WMTrTtht Women's Auxiliary .9*^ recently rttnllittd • In the regular Mc(Joach, Mrs. Donald Oakley, Mrs 'Mrs. ida.Vorbtrg, 77, a forme: Mr. and MM. William Morrill of army,,has lift tht 1330th Reoeptlon Oeorg* Mortord, Mr*. Floyd King, resident of Ltonardo, died- this B«lford otlebmtid thilr KWh wil- the British Air Font.' She met Rowt while hi wa* atilgntd to Ojnttr, Fort Monmouth, and Ii tn- Leonard Mack, Mrs. John Qriin, morning at 'tht home of ht: Members of tbt PhllaUnt'society route to headquarters, Buckley Mn. Lillian Elbtrt, Mn. Raymond nephew, Dr. Harry B. Dtgllng, ding annlytnwt lut Friday at hiad^uarttraof th* Eighth Air their homi. Due to tbt lllniu of •Forot In London:, of tht'Baptist; church will hold a field, Dtnvtr, Col»r»do, whtrt hi Browtr, M N , Warnn M, Herbert, B u t Orange 'WM iraiiny, Mn. Vorbtrg Mn. Morrill no party '% Born In utri qatd party Friday night; April. 26,< will report for attlgtimtni Tht Mn, Thtlma Anderapn, Mrt. Oharltt w'wtW^la* vliltid-du it thi Red#B&nk Woman's club, Voting man father of one qhild, Rowtli; Mr*. William Trutxr/td, had bun a'rtildent of Ltonardo J8 nnfid'but they ' SBVBNTH |n«"thi- day by many ^ot .tht; with Mrs', Harry O'Brien In ohargt.' 'holds the Good G d donduot donduot mtda.1, mtda.1, tht tht Mrt. Ralph'T«d and MIHII Mar- y t i n btfort moving to East Otangi frTtnai. A W f t blrtMfy o»kt w u Audriy Au'driy Dltts, .daughter, daughter of Anwloan; Dtftnit Dtftnit ribbon.. r i b b A l l I Soott, BUtt H. Mlnton an lut' August. Sht I* turvlvtd,'!)*• Plans, for thi evint were mad» on Anwloan; Arairlrit (h b thilr grudohll. grudohll «sdd lirt. (him by li Mirbirt' Mbt' S Slfta, lt ^ ,sld«t Dr.* fitfllng, hy anothir prtmritid Brpwn, Tutidty, at tht homj of Mrt. W" otn th'ttttr ,of optrt,ttoni ntphtw,, Albtrt*Dtjrt)nI of [Um-:C. Howtl| on Hfai)«[^. tvenM Eatontown Lodge Plans Social Many Veterans Arriving Daily River Plaza Club To Elect Officers League Tea To Honor Members Long Branch Couple Have Anniversary British War Bride Arrives In Keyport Philathea Society Plans Card Party , , t n i Un. Otorn . , » wtf.llmd Hort. j , Mroy Jerdu of'i|lw> day whin h ill d l i dd t '!i'l'<''i\<Hi.< J Erioes. BAYSHORE ELECTRIC WHO CO. '. AnL a* B. & Station _?TS_ LBOflABDO.ir.J. ft; *AAHm PPLIES Mafl (Mm IMed **' PIMM lathi* SXPOSUSE HETXBft Veto An-w IB with U H | I U I D«Jor Anwa CUtis sad «_»_ 2iM Seetmhot Mater _ _ _ _ _ _ l_so ifiA\ ftffrf IjM SIXDE PBOfEOTOBS Voktr lOOw 8.VX H « M U u l SQ JUj TJJ.O. lOOw and c u t . HoHywood Vlfmr _ . Adei Tinnr UJO . UMrt—«at Otatl* n a w •.Item. ' Celor P.riiU by P*r_W fra_ II nun. or Bantam FILM All Roll Film SUM ltf • ISO . 120 . I l l - 111 • HI If mm Butnua OoJor Him. DABK BOOM AC0M80BIW In the photograph above are Coach Frank Pingitore and memberi of the Red Baik high school basketball iquad, which won the shore conference championship lait week by defeating Manaaquan. Left to right are Goaoh Pingitore, Frank Booth, Nick Ro&el, Robert Scott, llario Tbmaino, Ralph llasucea, Chick Vaecarelll, Ted Murphy, Bill Morris and Joieph Boldlng, OT«_____i_ _»; ?t Merodol ,,,.,^.', ,, Ko<t_!.H»« Anaeo Hypo Print PruM* lx( Kodak BlotUr Boll* Aeette Add .4 oi. U , I oi. . » <ii Contact Printer -1O,« iDUrril T)m«r ' SOS 0. B. nmwr _• • ....... , (U» l Bnlintr Cor*r» _ _ _ _ _ _ PICTUBE MAKHf0 AIDS Mndoliokn Flaahnin —_~$M.7i Photo Find BuJb. No. 1 ~ — M Photo Flood Bulb. Mo. 1 J2 Flood* with luUMn nfltcUr™ .»1 MarthUr. Oil S»U 1JO ovtsTo Albumai *X7 1.7B SxlO .., XM H . 340 . BOOKS * Grafitt Tholofnfky.MM Pluh Photography (Hortanien) Pla»h Photography (Arnold)._ Bvtrjrbodr'a Photo Coon* - _ _ Bnlartfn* Ii Tbrillla* Lpotoni ........ " , ,,,, Waton' Ooldt ._ Bmlnuri Book of Photorrwhr Child Photography .—.—_How to Build a Darkroom Bruno en Lighting —— 4JW AS M _8 3.SO .10 .»8 .70 2.00 140 Bomethinr Mew In Photo Finishing Panel Art Prints An embossed print with extra large bonier. CAMERA'SHOP L 97 Monmonth St. Nut ta Carittn Th«*Mr til he WM retired by tbe poftofflce department when he reached re- Riverside Heighu ' Jttttkea' • <k*i»—P»W(J« Johnson, Jbea Vahhttne, 8 u « n HardiU. Iindt WHUHIII, Cwt?\AmUn«ti, Barry A m i , for a welcome home celebration. WiWun WoM. > Fl»t Onda—O*org« BordaO, BUhaxd Present were Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Jamtt Btcorton, O*rx Giro, Casler and family of Bast Keaae- lllcbuia, f olo, Donna Kr«iaa, Belford Lawrence Flannagaa It to tha employ of the Red Bank dairy. Mr. Flann&gan, who live* on NuUwunp road, last Thursday purchased four tots from Mlddletown townfhip committee In Wilmort park, and will build a home there. Muter &jt. Tom Stanley, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stanley, ban reenUsted In th« army for three years. Martin MoGuIre and Donald Matthewe, who have been spending two week* In Florida, have returned 'home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. MeUock have .returned from a month's wedding trip to the -West coast. The couple expect to make their home at Vail Hontei at E-tontowv. They nude the Weetern trip by automobile. MM. Melloch U tbe former Miss Jean Cimato, daughter of Mr. and Mn, Joseph Cimato. Middletown township fire company No. 1, Headden'a Corner, was called out to a chimney fire: at the home of Mrs. Lauretta Meade on Conover place Sunday afternoon. The fire was soon out and no damage was done. The rural mall route out of Red Bank postofllce, covering the northwest section of Mlddletown townwhip, including Riverside Height, Conover lane and the Country Club estates, ha» a new mall carrier in the person of Louis E. SchulU of Rldgewood. This route was formerly delivered by Albert E. Snyder of Riverside Height*, 19 years un- You Hear The News?" The New Post-War Soon Be Avai • Actually Coiti Ltu DMigntd To aiv« Vpu Snyder'i retirement a petition w o BUUI'I and Ahara'* itor*) circulated by - the people of the. Mr. and Mrs. Jamew Bartholomew drick* of Port Honmouth, Mr. and route asking that he be. retained, are in Florida. They may continue Mn. Irvin Beaver 'and family, Mrs. but was refused by the department their trip to California. Mr,/Bar- Stanley Werner and family, and Mr. Schultz covered the rural route tholomew recently resigned his po- Walter Connolly of Leonardo, and out of Rldgewood postofflce 19 sition atothe Federal Shipyards, Mr. and MM. Nelson Scott and daughter Linda Jean of Eatontown. year* and was transferred J o the JKearny. r Mr«. Maro Diesing of Mllford Red Bank office by request ' Mrs. Benjamin Morris celebrated Douglas Bailey, son of Mr. and her birthday Saturday evening. spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. ' Mrs. Patrick Bailey, Is a. surgical Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Aline Bauscher. patient at Rlverview hospital. Miller, Mr. and Mn. John Euler, , Tred Price and Mrs. Marge LamMrs. Robert A. Cooper enter- Miss Helen Young, Miss Ruth Mor- brecht end daughter of Newark tained at a birthday dinner , last ris, Joan Morris and PFC,Edgar spent the week-end with Mr. and week In. honor of her cousin, Mrs Hahn. Mrs. Morris was. the recip- Mrs. Clarence Sklllman. Eleanor Glidewell. Guests were ient of many gifts. Mn. Scott Coombs and grandson, present from MaUwan, Middletown Mr, and Mrs, Irvin Beaver, Bay- Edward Milkie, of Groton, Connecand Red Bank. side Heights, entertained Mr. and ticut, are spending a -week with Mrs. Thomas J. Curley Id a pa- Mrs. S. J. Beaver of Arlstes, Penn- George Leek. tient at Monmouth Memorial hos- sylvania, and Guy and Ronald BeaMrs. Benjamin Morris gave pital. She was taken there In the ver of Bear iGap, Pennsylvania, last party at her home Friday evening, Fairview first aid squad Ambu- week. f the proceeds for the benefit of S t lance. Mrs. Curley's eon, 9gt Ensign Joseph Finnegan, USN, Clement's church. Present were Thomas J. Curley, has received hts released from active duty, will, re- Mrs. George Schiemann, Mrs. Otto honorable discharge from the sume his education at Monmouth Hacker, Mis? Marie Schiemann, army. An overseas veteran of 21 Junior college, Long Branch, in the Mrs. George Boyce, Mr*. Clarence months, Curley saw action as an in- near future. Sklllman, Mrs. Wilson Miller, Mrs. fantryman with Gen. Mark Clark's Bertha Brouwer and Roberta John Euler, Miss Ruth Morris and Fifth Army in" Italy. He wears Fields spent three days In the Po- Mrs. Morris, stars for three major campaign,. cono mountains, where they parMrs. Florence Powers of Jersey Mrs. E. S. Wells has returned ticipated in the winter sports. City has returned home after home after spending* part of the Mr. and Mrs. John Wertnert cele- spending ^Al^days/wrUt Mr. and week with friends at AUentown, brated their 41st wedding anniver- Mrs. William" Benning. Pennsylvania. sary last week. In honor of the ocMr. and Mrs. Edward Bennetl Mr. and Mrs. William Warner casion, they entertained their chil- and children Zelda and Palmer oi and daughter Peggy Ann of Mag- dren, Mr. and Mrs. John Wennert, East road, and Judson Bennett oi nolia, New Jersey, were week-end Jr., of Clarksburg, and Mr. and port Monmouth, spent Sunday al guests of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mrs. G. V. Kadenback of High- New York city. lands. Woodward, rs. Sgt. Samuel W. Myers, son of Margaret Foster has been a sur< Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Myers, arrived Eight members of the Melody Rollers went recently to New York gleal patient at Marine hospital, at Fort Dlx from Long Beach, Calcity to see the skating show at Staten Island. ifornia, last week, and received his Mr. and Mrs, Fred P. Cook of discharge from the Army Air Corps Madison Square garden! In the party were Velma Lavery, Rose Point Pleasant, and Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, after two years and seven Mary Lavery, Margie Beeeley, El- Fred J. Cook of Ititerlaken spent months in the service. sie Fitzgerald, Anna Hromoho, Ann Friday with Mr. and Mn. RawllnThe Craft Choristers of Red Falconetti, Mr*. Ida Henry and son Compton. Eleanor Best A letter has been received by Bank, under the directorship of Allan Woolley, presented a sacred Miss Caroline Donato celebrated Mrs. Frank' Benson from her concert in the Methodist church I her 17th birthday at the home of brother, Chaplain Michael McPhel- Sunday evening to a large congrean, telling- her that he attended . her parents, Mr. and Mre. Frank the ceremony creating 32 new Car- gation,; William H. Crawford wu Donato, Saturday evening. - . dinal* of the Catholic church in at the console of the organ, 1 Bemice Johnson,. 18-month-old Rome. Chaplain McPhelan (la sta- 'The Belford Parent-Teacher as"laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank loned at Friedberg, Germany, but, sociation ^ at, its, meeting Monday Johnson of Falrfleid Gardens,.was went to Rome on leave. With him, planned to serve a luncheon to the taken to Monmouth Memorial hoi- acting as aide to his Commander- Belford ichool children Thursday, • lital Monday In Fairview first aid In-General, is John Warren of Red March 31, and charge a nominal ; 3quad ambulance. She is ill with Bank. Another Interesting Item in sum. Mm. Ivor Jones was- named the chaplain's letter tells of politi- chairman and will be assisted by j pneumonia. j Township flre company No. 1 of cal German prisoners making 15,000 Mn. Mary Richmond, Mrs. Mary Headden's Corner will give a wel- mechanical toys, such as ferrls Smith and Mrs. Charlotte Meyer. coming home dinner to the return- wheels, merry-go-rounds, etc, from This luncheon is in the natur.e of trial balloon" to determine the Ing veterans of the company at bits of Junk and distributing them Buck Smith's tavern at East to the poor. He describes these probelmw that would arise should toys as the most unusual and reregular lunch .program be inaugKeansburg Saturday night Those who will be In the group are Ed- markable he has aver seen. Chap- urated, Mrs. Helen Otten, ways lain MoPhelan is trying to locate and means committee chairman, reward Donahue, George Beck, Ad' Dr. Anton Zeeh, who Is being held rian trillion, Maurice GrlUion, Paul as a prisoner' of war, and hopes to ported- that the game party held in GrUllon, Gerald GrlUion, Gerald make contact with him through the' December netted $28. Mrs. Isabella Hogan, Louis Sedan, George Kond- authorities in the neat future. Dr. Kearney, third'grade teacher, preEdward Tnnolot Lawrence Zeeh'a brother resides In Belford. sented the organization with a cheek for |20, realized from the Carton. Well Scott, Bernard MeCaf_ . _ _ Jr, sale of candy. Mrs, Harold Cop*and son Bruce, Edward Finn, Thomas John Meilooh, Raymond O'Neill, unlay by Plane from Sania Monica, MUM Mary Grlllen of Chapel Hill, Allan Lewis, George L. Mott, Wil- California. Sgi Compton has re- In accordion selections. Refreshliam X Goods, George Bellquvs, ceived his discharge from the Air ments were served by Mrs. CharMeyer, assisted by Mrs. MilHowland Jones and Leo Bush. EcT- Corps. Friends and relatives spent lotte dred, Lackey, Mrs. Mary Richmond yard Donahue has re-enlisted. - Sunday at the home of Sgt Comp- and Mrs. Mary Smith.' ton*' mother, Mrs, Milton Smith, River Plaza .<£>• Bed Buk Bttiitw tea b* tooiht ta Hirer Maw from John VoorhU) Th» Woman's oluh will OMet tonight at tbe home of Mra/O. A.. ThomjMoa. Offloere wilt be nominated. ' MM, Ma« Vogel and Mrs, James L. Taylor spent'yesterday at Jersey City with Mrs. Taylor's sister, Mrs. J. H. Tuisnolder. '• Via*; Margaret Swenson to enJoying, s,. month's vacation In Flora, Ida, • Un. J«ke» h, Taylor Is captain of the. Red Cross fund drive hws. Attlstlnr are Mn, Edward Ren. drlckt, Mm BMward H. Scattergood, Mrs. Ohariet Meeker, Mn. <H JVOmer, Mn. Uorvap V*. w J B . 0. Uw,, MM. Jk J, UoCWn u&rwk Harriet Roach. Herbert Blgenrauoh, who m» r«tttttly dlsoUrgtd'trom the'navy, has Ween a position with the H. L, Zobei oompany of M a Srlght , )»>..Md Mm, W< Ollbert Manion are now oooupying their borne here.- t , Forrar b u bought the W on Broad street, opposite the fj||i house, from Edward Lawes and litfU open->a package liquor store, to * e par^ of the building nowrfcxmpled by Ricbard Doelger at ,'an, antique shop. William Greexrtreod, who conduct* a grocery- AuineH la Uv» main part of tbe fi&Uding, wlU remain as c tenant.,. Mr, Forrar, who was granted a license Tuesday night by the borough .council, plans to open his new bnsioess early nest month. Mr. and Mrs. lining Feist are spendlnt a vacaUon In Florida. - lOss Bllnor Rlordan and Miss Virginia Conover, students at-the •,C«nt«nary Junior college In Hackettstown, spent the week-end at their respective homes. Miss1 Barbara Knapp, a student In Wilson college, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, who came home for the Johnion-WUeon wedding, returned Monday. Martin Marie of Broad street la spending a few .weeks vacationing In Florida, David Marx and family of Sycamore avenue are spending a few months la California., Dr. and Mrs. Charles Waldron of Trenton were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Harry. J. CopperthwUte of Broad street Pupils of the reception and first grade will present a program tomorrow at 11 a. m. In. the ichool auditorium. School pupils perfect In attendance during February follow; FURS Pit-, Vlotaria Sharp*. Third Grad«—Blchard KniM, Jar «. w tfc Fonrti Gradt—Kanmth Nixon, HaroM VhWrn: Ann* FkiratU, Miriam WoU oott .-...•'•. ' Fifth Gn4t-jK0>lin* Bensatt, H<rtan Jtffrar, UarrVl»lDia Mt.on, Edwin Cow«n, Frank MeKwrna, Jonathan Smntb Qnui*—Olaraaca Iviu, Can! Hardy, Laah Woleott Hlhth 0ra4e—PaWda Bannatt, Joan Cowan. Virginia Duncan, Marilyn John•on, Janet Jcmea, John Hamilton, Thornu Ofborn, William Frank. Shrewsbury Sunday ichool room will be the meeting place of the Shrewsbury Community club next Monday night In place of the Episcopal parish house, which was not available. A game party will be held following a brief business session and refreshments will be served, WE REPAIR Washing Machines^ Vacuum Cleaners Electric Irons 1946 WESTINGHOUSE & KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS ALSO NEW GAS and ELECTRIC RANGES GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP Inc. 46 Monmouth St. Phone 3536 . Red Bank 156 Broadway Phone 670 Long Branca'X VICTORY Steer M A R K E T Choice Beef RED BANK 21 WEST FRONT ST. CHOICE •'•''A A BONELESS CHUCK BONELESS SHOULDER 10-Ib. tbe LAMB Ib. FRESH EGGS Ib. SHOULDER AA Ground Beef PLATE or NAVEL AA STRIP Rindle.. .A BREAST L A R G LAMB 4 9 i SLICED BACON Hati and Muffs Made td Match Your Coaly :. AA TURKEYS " . FURS MADI TO OMHft* AND STVUS,DESIGNIP * ' : ; , • ', CHOICE I Dttr .Ar»o',Ch6iceri,'v.:, Lamb TEL 5 0 8 GRADE A FANCY Visit our shop today and tee Cone in and aik about our Budget Layaway Plan MIDDLETOWN Sixth Qnir-yUymti «"*, 1dm V.I- FRESH We specialize In fine fun anil . our prices are made tofitevery budget. Orden now betag taken for Spring vegetable HMI|«. s Specify Tour Satiety. ROASTING • 4-lb. iii« f GRADE A KEYPORT, N. J ROUTE 35 SATURDAY 9th The management of the New Cluh 35 extends a most cordial invitation to everyone to visit one of the finest and up-to-the-minute night clubs in New Jersey. to dance, we have the 3 Sharps Trio who will play the latest dance hit as you like i t From our modern kitchen our well known chefs are ready to serve you with a sandwich or a full course meal. Only quality food served. You will find all under one roof the following features for your enjoyment: Twelve of the most modern Brunswick-Balke Bowling Alleys for all those who like to bowl; our cocktail lounge with its 105-foot circular bar and comfortable booths where you may enjoy your favorite drinks with music by Frank Albanese at the Hammond organ. If you like So make a date for Club 35 on Saturday night, March 9th, and every other night that you are out seeking enjoyment. There is never a dull moment at Club 35—the place where all old friends will meet. VIEW OF OUR NEW 105-FO6T BAR, COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND GRILL ALL V IBRA BAC CINDER MASON WORK BLOCKS . , ' Used ih New Building PLUMBING AND * QN CLUB 35 HEATING VIEW OFOUftNEW 12 BRUNSWCK-BALKEBOWUNG ALCEYS BOWL FOR YOUR HEALTH PUR 12 BRAND NEW Brunswick-Balke WORK '90MB QEOrKOEPPft The Beit To Be Found Anywhere _,„ FLUORESCENT LIGHTING ANITOTHER LIGHTING EFFECTS IN . tLUB'35 4-MICATOP 105-FT! CIRCULAR BOOTHSsnA SBTTBBS• AU/MODJJBW ML • Doors and Windows Ceiling »a Knotty Pine, INTERIOR ' LUMBER m> BANK REGISTER. MARCH 7,1040, iBrookJjrn, patient la ^hospital. ' - - Republican h f h f . pf.tie club was held ednetday afletnooq of Ust week *3the homtlp/ Mn. Howard Max. tj0B^. Tw^utfrtiy* members enjoyed f n i f S ' aijd. fitreahments. iM«5»bBri,ofothe UiM Aid society u t t yantrdajr "afternoon at the knot of Mrs, Louisa Card and each a dollar for the society and L^ier "earned the money.. Mrs. JaneJSUeT of Brooklyn is spending a' week with Mr. and Mrs. Thorn** Fowler. Mrs. Inward JKelch entertained Mends from Rockaway Sunday. 3 j£uilitlp» p Ooltix lUb^uk > c > , place Monday svsntai, » the lodjerooms t i n . * » . night the lodge held 1U seoond nomination o f o O w n for the oot* Inr yaar. HsfrtahmnU .vere serred at the ohwe of the bustassf session and a sodal Mur w * enjoyed. Mr. and Mra. Richard Cornell, 75 First street, are the parents of a daughter torn Monday at lionjl Vaifuliei, manager of the mouth Memorial hospital. > l i o n on Broad street for t year and one-half, ha* bean " to 'th« managership of i store, at Asbury Park. Jn Bariet rtthe pmMh* snsit Bettie'i ston) , PBC. X-rank A. CSematjr, IT. S.,lfatin* Corps, 1* horn* on » »M*7 laave utth his family here. Be enlisted to November, IMS, aa< in August, If*,, went orerseas arid was stationed In Ow Mariana and Marshall Islands. He iru iroa«4ed on Iwo Jlma'and reeeif ed the Purple Heart medal Until recently he has been stationed op Ouam. He will report to Balnbridfe, Maryland, for hU discharge at the end' of Us furlough. Ira Ratfaboae, U. 8. Naty, 'who has been stationed on Chiam, has : I received bia leave. ' '( Mr. and Mrs. WUHam Barnes , were tendered a. surprise partir " the oocaslon being'their to your neighA c m e Market! Eatontown The birthdays of Theodore Lewis and nlscs, Miss Edith Fary, were celebrated Monday with a dinner at tbj'home of Mr, Lewis' mother, With Lewis of Lewis street Present wen Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lewis and son Theodore, Jr., Mr, and Mrs. Frank LaParre and chfldrtn, Ralph and Barbara; Mrs. Ida Fary and children, Charles, Robert and Kenneth, Mlas Edith Fary, Howard Ford and Mrs. Edith Lewis, As an extra birthday treat, Mlis Fary accompanied Mlas Marie Tomaino Tuesday to New York where they took in a theater performance and a radio broadcast . Eeiontown Chapter, Eastern stir, will obaerve Worthy Matrons night next Tuesday and Past Matrons night March 26. Election of officers will take place April 9 and the Installation April 28. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Adams of Oceanport have moved into the In Chestnut Grove which were Mr. *e"nlly"PlreBasecT irottl MW. Mr. and l i i » Fran* McOleaster, SUin. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. LeBoy, Mr. Mr. and Mn. Charles Schlck and Mrs. Theodore 0. Bailey, Mr. spent-Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. H. I*.Bennett and MIM John Barcunie who recently moved Marie Ballsy, ;' into their new house on BranchMr. and Mrs. WHwr Wasmuth port avenue. and children of Westwbod and Mr. Mrs. Benjamin Cook of S2 South and Mrs. Carl Becker and daugh- street has received word from her ter of tittle Falls were Sunday husband, who is. with the U, S. Maguests of Mr. and Mrs. John T. rines.in China, that he Is awaiting Watson. transportatlOD honle Mid eXJJeoU to Mr. and Mrs. W. Plerson Dean be discharged soon from the servisited Mr. and Mn. E. Window vice. of Clifton Sunday. The monthly Communion BreakMrs. Kathryn Miller h u returned fast of the Holy Name society will home from a visit with Rev. sutd be held Sunday morning following Mn; Leslie Melnnts In Massaehu- the, eight o'clock Maw at St Dorsetts. ' ' othea church, Mr. and Mra. Bdgar Bryne have Mr. and Mrs, Robert Aumack's returned to their boms after a house on Lewis street has been three weeks' visit with Mr. and newly painted and shingled. They Mrs, George Isaac at Fort louder- expect their daughter, Hiss Audrey dale, Florida. Aumaek, home next month on a Mr. and Mn. Allen M. Webster vacation from West Palm Beach, of Mercbantville-spent the week- where she is employed. end with their parehU, Mr. and A pubUo~card party will be held Mn. Angelo M. Watattf. . Monday night by Pride of Crescent Ralph.Dean and Tack Mills at- Council, Sons aid Daughters of tended a dance at Cedar Crest col- Liberty. There will be prizes and lege, Allentown, Pennsylvania, Sat- refreshments. A St Patrick's party urday. Ralph's sister, Vivian Dean, li planned for March 18 and a reIs a student 'at the college. vealing Pollyanna and birthday Mrs. William 0. Reya, after a party March 26. About 25 memvisit with Mrs. Arthur Tayloe of bers attended a penny sale held last Brooklyn, baa returned home. Monday evening following the meetPFC. William Welch of Fort Bel- Ing. volr, Virginia, spent the week-end World Day of Prayer will be ohwith Mr. and Mrs. George Emmons. served tomorrow by the women of Mrs. Roland Etnmom entertained Eatontown at 2 p. m. la the Presthe members of the 0. O. Sewing byterian church. There will also be club Thursday. Mrs. WUUam Barnes a service for children at 4 p. m. received a gift- In observance of A representative of the Moody her silver wedding anniversary. At- Bible Institute of Chicago will show tending were Mn, Cyrus Ross, Mn. a ful] length, color talking picture James Neldtnger, Mrs. Ttoodore 0. "The God of Creation" Monday, Bailey, Mn. William Untadt, Mrs. March 18, at 8 R. m. in the MethFrank MeCleaster and Mrs. H. L. odist church. This picture Is based Benaett on Rev. Irvin A, Moon's "Sermons The Friendship elan met at the from Science" and has been shown home of Mrsv Thomas Rathbpns In Army and Navy training centers. Tuesday. Attending were Mrs. 8am- Led by their captain, Ray Maruel H. Walling, Mrs. KAlvla Wall- tlnluk, who bowled a 648 gerlea, the ing, Mrs. Ernest K, WsJUng, Mrs. Chumps hare taken over first place Russell Walling, Mrs. Asbury Wall In the. local bowling loop. The ing, Miss Anna Cowles, Mrs; Barry Chumps swept three games from S. Carles, Mn. Beulah lUstle, Mrs. the Police.team which held first Roellf H. LeRoy, Mrs. Robert T. place just one week, Firemen No. Woolley, Mrs. Hudson D. Carhwt, 1 team dropped to third place as Mrs. Dyson Woodhouse, Mrs* Rofc- they lost two to their brother fireert Brennan and Mrs. Ernest Lude- men, of No, 3 team. The Builders •wig. The next meeting wi)l"t>e Tues- took three from'the Outcasts. day, March 88. Mr. aad Mn. William HrafOa <* Aberdeen, Maryland, are visiting Mr. and Mrs- Harry I. Cowlea. Mrs. Clarence Pedee, who la a patient at Rlverdew hospital, lslm- Hazlet JOSEPH VENBBI Hia Kieeeuor In Red Bank Is Venerl, who WM manager the Aibury Park (tore (or six Mr. Venerl has been with company since 1929, and in ,adto A»bury Park, managed at Hoboken, Paesalc, Rldgeand Jersey Otty. Keyport (Thi led Buk tUgliUr c u U bought a Kejport from Pcppu Mil Ttkl'i, Mra. Home* MIIM, J. A. XuEwmn. Mn. QUrt Suumu >nd Mn. U. Plofikj) 1 PFC Ernest Warren Lynch of tola borough participated In cereilta recently when the members the Belgian Embaasy presented Belgian Fourragere to the Ivy ilon. .The fourragere* were led for action In clearing the it Hubert, Marche, La Reche, Saint Vith sector In Belgium ^September 7 to 13, 1944, and [for action in Germany in the Dickeler, Osweiler, Berdorf, EckterLuxembourg sector from Deicwnbtr 16 to 21, 19«. Pvt. Lynch served as a first scout. He was wounded during the Battle of |Huertgen forest, Germany, December, 1944, and was awarded the Purple Heart He was last stationed at Camp Butner, North Carolina, and Is being transferred to a new camp. Hla wife is the former Franco Ogden Lynch. U. Col., and Mrs. James C. Glenn and children of Arlington, Va., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCleaster. • - Councillmsn John Vander Waal has returned home from Monmoutb Memorial hospital. ; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kennedy and family have moved from Broadway to the former McCullough house on Chlngarora avenue, Which they recently purchased, Mr. and Mra. Wlltlam D. Smith and family have moved from KeyAort to South Carolina. C,The auxiliary of the Hook and Ladder company met last week at the home of Mrs. Joseph. Morley, with Mrs. Robert Wallace assisting. 'The next meeting will be1 at the home of Mr*. Charles Dietrich, with Mrs. Richard Bergen as cokestea*. Earl Dennis has completed his werult training at the U. 8. Naval Training Station at Balnbridge, Maryland. He expects to be aa- Utvt and Mrs. Oeorgs Murphy j t d t i the Pacific area.. recently visited Mr. and Mn. W. Harvey & Hartmait' etBBF talned the membem of her bridge stationed at the Newark airport, -dob at her home last Thursday and formerly Uved at Hmslet evening. Prize* were awarded to Mm, Walter Bmale was notteai to Mm. William C. Ludi and Mrs. the Missionary gronp of St John'a Cbarlc* H, Miller, The next hos- church on Tuesday tt last week. teu will be Mrs, Ellsworth N. Til- The program consisted of readings ton. Others present were Mrs. and music, Attending were Mra. James Wilson, Mm. Stanley I, Cun- Frank McCleaattr, Mrs. George Emdey, Mrs, .John O, HarUler, Mri. mons,,Mm, Duiiel Foley, Mm. Edward Loekwood, Mrs. Albert Leonard Lufburrow, Mlsi Evelyn Bedle. Lufburrow, Mis* Anna Cowles, Mri. Mm, J, Leon Sohanok entertained William Bell, Mrs. Samtul H, at a luncheon and bridge recently. WalUng Mn. Harry :8. Cowlis, Mri, The luncheon was,served at But- Beulah Thlfltle, Mrs, Joseph D. tonwood manor In Matawan, after Bedle,, Mrs. Robert Brennan, Mm, which cards were played at the Barnes and Mrs. Roelif H. LsRoy> YOU CAN mike crbp, "Jchanck home, Prises were award-' , Mlu Vivian Dean, daughUr of fltty pie cruiti easily «d to' Mn. Herbert West, Mra. Wal- Mr, and MnJ Fred Dean,- a student ! -ter O, Walling, Mrs. Norman Scott, at Cedarerest college, Aljentowa, and qulcklr with Flato i Ralph Leonard, Mrs, Ray- Pennsylvania, epent the wMk-end bwHue there's nothing Wyckoff, Mrs. Harvey Bron- at her home here, . ' Mn. Norman B. Loekwood, Mm. Arthur Taylor of Brooklyn to add.but witer. And IWOordon • J, Sohanok. and.Mlii wa*arsoent,vliltcrofMr.aji4Jir>, «sle Bteventr. Others present William 0. Reay. . , W e Mrs. 0. LeRoy Cloae, Ulas fjane Walker, Mrs. Kenneth Oehl'" VMn. 0. Leon Oarrlson, Mm. E. Bahrenburg, Mrs? EdFurry, Mrs, William Hitchmbrifofiurcresuht. Mrs, John Matthews, Mrs.' Mm. JoMph B, Jobnion:* Utu-' B. BQke, lln. Eugenia Cot- sld* avenue «• on u extensive mo**M» eWHI M l 1JM Urn. Bdgar BloklM, Mrs. Van trip with planned itopi In AlaUlcer, Mrs, Arthur MoFarland, tor bama, "Texai and A»k»niai.*^h« H, l u w o o k Sohanok, Mn. •i.Marioa, Alaiama, for 0, Osborl), Mn, Arthur S. Van wlH>top visit with h«r Hit DavW-at a, IrHi Mn. B, Fruoli Bhrlloh, amlllUry W»a will vUlt A. E>, .ShuiU/Mri, Henry m' rilatlvii aoademy. In Ttial tBd'.win vptnd I, MM, Odorfe 0, DownM, iert'(M.'.HWHj and Mrl, k l / M t h hft P/*Arnntronr: •'• ' of Mri, Leo,: F1AK0 r-IECHST.IsIX Borden Chateau Roka Spread zm TOMATOES 23c Bavarian 'WE MOTHER USED 70 BAKE" Sound, selected, perfect slicing. Try k and,you'll t o n e . You'll understand what w« mean. W* firmer, finer Hover* tooitt better and itayi frith longer. So many folkj are turning to SPINACH a 2 - 13c 20. 02. ., IUDCO tUOU IS4i.flaM IMM MUJH»00*fUVO«tO Egb Noodles Z . ^ 19< Spaghetti Sauce t Herring ^ ^ , t \1$ Nabisco Ritz £ 2 1 * Green Split Peas S 9 * * * OeMen 2041. am Sauerkraut^? \U Lummis Krispy Peanuts Vegetables cm .2T1.W Campbell Tomato Soup ROaFokD ton. Cm Anerted Vegetable Dinner ___ 1 . S Grade A A AA Cr«t*Cut Lamb ib. X Serve tosty lomb tonight! Feotured at your neighborhood Acme Market. Chucks of Lamb STRAINED BABY fOOD « - o i . O AWIE AND f Or CHOPPED J*. FOOD can OCPRUNE P U D D I N O / ib.3 5 c Oracle A » AA , Sqvm Cat Dili Pickles Hartley CRYSTAL 9 * 1 . boHl» SUNSHINE Sugar Homy Hot Pepper Sauce Graham Crackers£.20tf SUNSHINE 7Vi-n. pVj. labf NAIKCO Ib. pk«. Arrowroot Crackers Premium Crackers r 41c Rib Lamb Chops *?*» it. 43c Glenwood Fancy "Grude A " Florida Stewing LambH^r^V^Hib 19c Grapefruit Juice 2 ^ 23c I.r25c Lamb & Patties »>• 32c Orange Juice -JSPL Smoked Beef Tongues |b-43c Blended Juice 2'cV^ Unsweetened. Drink plenty even/ day for wintertinu health. Combots eelds. 4 lbs* OWJ upa Mflw loily, fnwMM i fhlekei • la Icinf, Foney NorthwMtern SMALL SIZES ib 49c The pick of the nation's finest flocks. All guaranteed top-quolity, grade A. Baker's Cocoa Pancake Flour UZ, H Aunt Jemima a Quick Oats Appl pp e Juice \ L l Prune Juice IXJH Tomato, Juice ffl quart bottl. t t* i f ': i Dubuque ^"ArTn 32< ASCO Catsup r U 15* Ritter Catsup BEEF LIVER ib. 37c BOLOGNA C VAN CAMP •HW. pVt. FOWL Ib. 3'lr25c n Gerber's Cereal & Oatmeal ^ J CHUCKS Fancy Grade A ASCOar««leA ASCOalA C MIXED I Potatoes ' \ The large popular size that spel Is exceptional value at only 7c! String Beans K S •OVOWTINY INtH .*• •• Yes, large..Heads of finest snow white cauliflower at only 29c! Aem wiM l(irn 1 Farmdale Peas ";,'1% tafo Puree5^^r Spinach ^ latin Cauliflower i** ^ ^ *.«29t GRAPEFRUIT -7c *"" * * . t O I II ASCO. Fancy. 20«x. COT l i » e * . #T> can I & > y • Quick growing. Guoronteed to give excellent results.-•- Unmqtchoble value! - CANNED VEGETABLE FEATURES GOWM Cr b VAN CAMF VEOETMUN L ;12< Sliced Beefs Fmt Calavo Pears S±ff- -*i9c Grass Seed Serve tasty rtewed peoches for o chenoe. Featured ct oil Acme Markets. fnrn Tender, clean, fresh green tplnach at a real low price!' HtAlO PEACHES *5u«>35c • bunch Carrots "%£? 2 t ~K>l Jumbo Celery Hearts "" Enriched SUPREME R" " " " * Featured at' all Acme Markets. mms^-Tit Fresh Fillet o f Haddock Fresh Fillet of Flounder lAWH Ne. t, Liverwursf *1H Smells luncheon Meat •• 45< Mackerel ib. 51c Sliced Cod Oysters £ 5 leile* ' • ' • ' . : ''^"'' :•>, . . ' D«MII " Peanut Butter * T ^ 30C Chocolate Vanilla: ^ffleMix DUWS 28* Hot Muffin Mix 20< DUIPI 1*41. IAKINO POWDER Good Old ASCO Pro-Wdr Flavor Is Back! That d«llQhtfully richer and more flavorful blind of , ASCO Co/fee Is bock! You'll tatte the difference! 4SC0 "heat-flo roatfd" v iDitlvMMKwM COFFEE Alt + n Diwno or oouTn Arntncoi N»v«iink i Oranfli P«ket Ginger Bread Mix 20* Red Cross Paper Towels ' ' V 9c Red Cross Paper Toijet Tissue ™ 6c |raimoiive ooap When AvsibMe * ) Lef* 1C)#t IATHSIZI Zcekisiye Sweetheart Toilet $oapA,^rbi.2 cakes 13c Lem-O-Pine ." g ff29* pk . • Rich, full fk)Vor.' Try a poekogt. Why poy mow? ' PRIDE OF KILLARNEY TEA •341 OB' 1 ^ Urfe lex 20 Mill huhei Oakite iii-m C . . . Cleam A Million Thlngi / packogM 1 JHNP •ehool epnverias at »:4p a. m. «Bd Youth7aUowfhipat6:80p.m > , :10 Pi 'The evening firvice at 7 # 0 w o L }b ... V « ( ., o'clock will follow the progtain of lash w S e u r later/ the New l i f e movement In Meth«- A Sunday Wool board meetliujr in i held Tuea4«y a l W t ' ^ »* lsm, with "Christ Working" » tht Junior FellowaWp l i h t l d theme, . y a( S:80 Wteck l» the The community mid-week servlc* •fThe New Hfe hour la held will be held next Wednesday nlfht BAWMT Eokert on Naveeink River road. in the Presbyterian church., . ' i at « P. m. Red Bank This party is being held for the annual roll call will be Okareh *o>e*I will meet at 8.18 returnlnt servicemen, their wives held Thursday, March n, at 7:80 TOST METHODIST BeMerd. I. T»e I Msiae* Sends* open- asd sweetheart*. p. m. in the chapel.. Dr. Bdwln Sea Brlcht la* 'pMTtun v U be la afcarge of Lewis of Drew jwlverslry will be »ext Sunjay ThoM wishing to contribute. to DplKopal ohurch. Will b« morBtal prayer t a d «*rmon, M M Albert B W Kaaeell asd the Prl- tli« Woman'* Missionary society to "Where -Am I Drifting!" will be the speaker. torn Thonaat bowman, a ra«r»4 , i d it the sermon theme of Rev, Walter t C l t 0 K t U conducted pyClayton 0. Kutp, Uy aaarr defartmeat slaeass la Bible help meet the members' apportionl Oeo. of thf V A flrlf, February « following u B. Williams at the iO:45 o'clock reader In «tarf«, at I t * o'eteek,,ta t I * 'tek HETHOPIIT f Sjsjaay wOl follow. At the.ll o'clock ment thi* year are asked to make temoot) at Wi ton*. **? Mrvei la World only four im w Th h A school h l will ill MMtt »it tU M n i e e tke< pulpit KriV 1M oeoupied their donations to Mrs. John A. Sunday morning service. There Tht ehUMA Ruauoa h jB Thursday afternoon at g Igr Itav, vf, OUntoa power* of Wet- Htyei or Mi*. Joseph C. Daviian. will be special music under the di"B6ns of Zebedee" will be the , y d y The rwnaln* will be conveyed by -|ejtr,-IUu»d« I«I*ad, who eoea«s t* —The ni3tt_meetlnf_qf_the board of rection of Mr*. Eleanor Lindsay. ubject of .Rev. W. WJn/Ield Weft train, of the The Brotherhood tt « . Andfew p i i under d thf th supervision candidate f«f th« paetorate" "of trustee* will be Monday nlptrAprll Church school convenee at_9jJ0_a. t-the mornlagjeryjce Sunday at d funeral hoot, to WashingWillto WooUur (iwtrai homa wa« t T M d i f h Worden g week •t-t:l0uDMo«kJn_the parish V. i enuiwfa. Music will be under I at the. office of Alexander D. u U o'clock. Tht anthem by~tbT tfr L t«o,I>. t I ft ft, where memorial services The Young Men's social hour l i 11 lire**** of JVederiek K. Ball, hoir will .be "Jxve Lad Him to Cooper, 19 Monmouth street. The d l t t U be-la Arlington^ ' AH yoeng peopli of the churoh annual congregational meeting for held Monday, Wednesday and Sat- Calvary." Andrew, H. Butter, orlon» la BRMklya UM » » ot the National'cemetery. Bmery, Member* of £„ fee larded to join tb* Sunday eve- the election of n e w members for urday evenings at 7:30 o'clock. ganist, will accompany the choir Vk B MM, M , Bowman a l» » survived s u v e d by her he ell, Junior Order, United b a g youth fellowship group which the board of trustees and the ac- Cub pack 62 meets Tuesdays at nd will play the following: preRumson husband b anA A a nlecejmd nephew. Mechanics, of which Mr Padribor fs.e*ts i s the oborcti school room,at ceptance, of annual reports from 7:30 p. m. and troop 6?, Boy Scout*,. lude, "Cutliena;" postlude, "Can- The prelude at the 11 o'clock sercame to Bright with hl« fathwa» a. oharter number, . MO. Interesting d Isolations are the church organization will be held Fridays at the same hour. tone." The evening meutge will vice will be "Ave Maria" by Bach- er in i 188? when » e «|O«r Pannacl MBJ. M A B t JANE LAT8CH service* Wednesday y night g fceld eaoh week, At 7:30 the >lng- Wednesday night, April 10, in the Junior Fellowship meets Thurs- >e "The Man Who Wore Chains" Gounod. Rev, William Calvin Col1 day afternoons at 3:30 o'clock un- nd the anthem by the choir will by will preach on "lj?au.l'a Ideal purehaaed property known u Har- The funeral of M n . Mary Jane reeldence. ld H A Harry Archer w*i ej>lr»Ooo e*rvloe 1» h»ld, to which church. der leadership of Mrs. Emily Stev- be "Beneath the Cross of Jesus." Church, and People." The choir mony lull from Jirnw Rooaevelt, batten, who mad> her home with cllor. ll and Archie h Brown •11 are Invited. A moving picture ena, h •111 be shown depicting the Bap-. The. prelude will be "Reverie" bjr will ijnf u the anthem, "Angels father «f Prealdent Franklin D . her daughter, Mrs. Henrietta Far- chaplain. I t B S T METHODIST A regular meeting of the Wom- Ashford, and the poeUude 'Tost- of Jesus" by WlWermere. The poat- Hoai»viW. : interment, with,1 t h t ^otdeji^ fist missionary work around the n i l of Shrewsbury township, was v Hed Bank - . an's Society of Christian Service ide" by Fearls. Alfred Pannact served In the funeral home directing, 'waa' lr"' %orld. a i d Monday on Staten Island. hid* will be "Tht Hiaven* are Tellwar and "World "Look Beyond Self to God" Is the will be held tonight In the parsonTomorrow at 8 p. m. th« World p n rs. Labech died Friday at the Evergreen cemetery, UtUe 0Uv«>. lni" by Heyden. Sunday school will melt at 1:45 S a y of Prayer will be held at Holy iermon subject for Rev. Roger J. age. ' m. and youth fellowship devoThe beginner and primary de- war one, He was a member of the Stat»n Wand hospital. STrtnlty Lutheran ohurch. Mary Squire's morning sermon Sunday at ' Special meetings each dty except onal service wlU be at 6:48 p. m. partments of the Sunday aehool Veterans of Torelgn Wara, Amirl- Surviving besides Mrs. Farrell HBfi. HABT BXAKSTOlli. • Mount chapter will meet, tomorrow II o'clock. Mrs. Floyd D. Craig, Saturdays will be conducted at 4 rayer meeting Is held Wednes- meet at 10 o'clock In Blngham hall,' can Legion and the New, Tork ho- are another daughter, Mrc'CathMrs. Mary Wantfoxd, a sight at 8 o'clock at the home of rganist and director of the 'choir, p, ra. for the young people and at lays at 8 p. m,; and everyone it In- the Intermediate department meet* t*i assooUtlon. He,Js survived by and three sons, Charles, Staten Isresident of Mlddletown tc Mrs, Alfred Beck, 168 Hudson ave- will present the mualcal program 7:30 p. m. by Dr. John Hedrick of hie wife, Mrs. May William* Fan•Vine Brennan of Staten Island, ited to attend. Twenty persons atIn the church auditorium at the nue. Mrs. Elmer Cottrell, program as follows: prelude, "Processional, West Virginia. AV are. invited. So-* tended laat week. naelj a daughter, Mr#. Jae^uellne land; John, New Tork, and Robert, died Monday, February V , same hour. home o i l i e r w n , .Qitbert P chairman, will present the theme of du St. Sacrament," Chauvet; offer- clal activities of the church will . •• Baoeo and a ton, Bdwaid Pannacl, Summit The official board will meet for Arlington, Funeral se,rvlce| were tory solo, "The Fruit of the Spirit," be suspended until these meetings s monthly session after the eve- The choir meets for rehearsal In 3d, both of Long Branch; a broth•Christian Friendliness and Upthe church at 7:80 Thiirfday eveheld Thuriday at Kinuton,, » m > ! tooted Americans." Devotions will Hall, sung by Mrs. William Mac- close. ( ning service Sunday. The business ning. er) Eugene T. Pannacl of Darlen, 1 MBS. OEOBOE POU2EN0 ' , sylvanla, her former home. lie in charge of Mrs. Alden Mason. donald, contralto; anthem by the meeting of the Woman's Society Conneetlout, and two ftatew, Mrs. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN The board of trustee* will meet senior choir, "Go'lNot Far Fnnm Mrs. Helen B, Pouwnc, 37, wife Mrs. Blandford resided for f Christian Service will be held Alma P. Jaeger « t Montolsir, and EMBtTBY MKTHODI8T In the office Monday night, March Me, O God," Zjngarelli, and postEatontown oday at the home of Mrs. Paul Mrs. Philip fl. Walton ot Be* Bright. of George Pouwncf of Protpect ave- years with her stepdaughUr, Mrs. Little Silver Jl, at 8 o'clock. At the same time lude, "liarcla Religlosa," Parker. nue, Union Beach, died Monday L. B . Jones ot Cooper road, MldRev. Chester John Padgett will iolloway, 1M Bast River road, the Junior Mary Hfount chapter will Altar flowers Sunday will honor speak Sunday morning at the 10:45 outh Fellowship will hold a buslnight at Monmouth Memorial hos- dletown . township. Besides M n . Dr. Lynn Bugbee of New Tork U PBTEBSON fcaeet with Mrs. Clarence Wlckman, the memory of Warren Baynton, o'clock service on the subject, ies> meeting tomorrow at t p. m. will be the guest preacher at the pital. Jones, another survivor living in' J09 Willow street, Fair Haven. De- presented by_ his father, H. H."Spiritual Gifts." The church choir The sum of J217 WM pledred to- Sunday morning servjee. The paa- T h i funeral ef Peter M. Peter- Born In Carhondale, Pennsyl- this area, 1* a grandson, MonU B. motions will be led "by Mrs. Albert Baynton, vsnla, she was the daughter of Ortor, Rev. Dr. 7 , A. DeMeris, will will sing. ..,..,.son, 77, retired lighthouse keeper ard the church repair fund at the Jqnes of Country d u b Eatatei, 'Newman, and the program, "The The evening worship at 8 o'clock The evening service Will begin at srvlces Sunday. It Is hoped that occupy his pulpit at night. of Leonardo, who died February 27, rin and Chriatlne Zahn Gunssuls of dletown township. •.tha.nrehuie., "McdlUnion Beach/ She wa* a member ' " ation," Flagler. The guest speaker, theme will be, "Christ'e^Message to charge of Mrs. Arnold-Jeneen. .,Id7nce.R t v;a. H. Wolf, pttt6r The 'Baptist Woman's league will will be Rev. Dr. Wallace Is. Gallup, a Backslidden Church."' The ser- etween 1500 and 1800 k needed. Shrewsbury of Jhe Leonardo Baptist church, of- lonBeich and the Ladies' auxiliary of the Union Beach Fire company. ho\t\ " a business meeting In the regional director of the- National mon will be the first in a series of Mrs. Caroline PfllUr, SO,.wife " John Cameron Taylor, the Interficiated. Interment,under the direcFIRST PRESBYTERIAN fchuroh Tuesday, March 12, at 8 Conference of Christians and Jews. seven' messages based oii the openim pastor, will speak Sunday morn- tion of the Porten funeral home, Beside*: her husband and parent*, Valentine Pfliter, 17 Corllei aveAtlantic Highlands The anthem by the senior choir, "I ing chapters of the Book of ReveO'clock, • ing at the. 11 o'clock service. The Atlantlo Highlands, wa» i n Bay Mrs, Poiuenc is survived by a nue, Eatontown, died Monday night" Lenten Communion will be held junior choir will render an anthem View cemetery. Members of the daughter, Betty Helen Pouiene; at Monmouth Memorial hospital, An important church business ,ove to Hear My Saviour's Voice," lation.. faceting- will be hold in the church Glover; offertory, "A Hymn of Church school will convene at it the 11 o'clock service with the and Mrs, John C. Taylor will slnfi a Northport, Long Island lodge'of three brothers, Keith, of Union where she had been confined for (school room Wednesday night, Praise," Mendelssohn, and post- 9:30 o'clock Sunday morning under acrament of- baptism and recep- soprano solo, "I walked Today Masons, of which the deceased was Beach; Joseph of Alexandria, Vir- the last month, with a blp Injuryr ginia, and Henry Gunaauls, Penn- suffered in a fall.. She and her March 13, at 7:30 o'clock; at which ude, "Festival March," Mosenthal. direction of James .White. on of members. The cbancel Where Jeam Walked," by O'Hara. a member, conducted their services sylvania, and a sister, Mr». Harold husband had observed their Mth World Day of Prayer for all The World Day of Prayer will .be holr will sing. members of the church will vote on Organ numbers by MJ*» Ell* Xing Saturday night at the home. Chandler, Union Beach. wedding anniversary January 38. ~7~" the election of Rev. TV. Clinton Protestant churches will be opened observed tomorrow afternoon at 2 Sunday school meets at 10 o'clock will Include "Consolation," Steane; Powers as pastor, of the church. at Trinity Lutheran church tomor- o'clock in this church. .Following with clasges1 for all ages. The the offertory, "Impromptu," Flag- Mr.Petenon was born In Oslo, The funeral services will be held Surviving are four " daughters; .' The choir will meet the.eame nijrht row at 3 p. m, Children and young the women's meeting the children's dult Bible class meets at the same ler, and poatlude, "Postlude," Volclc- Norway. He had lived In this coun- at 8:80 o'clock tomorrow morning Mra. Harry B/Southall, Riverside" f try since 1888. His wife died IS people will participate, "Things tour. at 8 o'clock for'weekly rehearsal. at the residence and at 9 o'clock Heights; Mrs.AHred Rhode*, Mrs. service will be held at 4 o'clock In man. *'years ago. Surviving are a niece, The Couples' club will also meet at that make for peace" will ba the the1 chapel. ' Mid-week fellowship meeti Sunday school will convene at Mrs. Ounhild Petcoid of Leonardo; from Holy Family church, Union William Geiger and Miss Lillian Beach, where a high mass of re- PfUrter, all of Fair Haven; three 8 o'clotk In the basement of the theme for the service, The pastor's adult Bible class will Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock In 9:45 a. m. with classei for children another niece, Ingeborg Peterson, quiem will be celebrated by Rev. William, Edgar, and George church. Guest speaker will be A. A group of the local women of convene next Thursday night at 8 he manse. of all ares. The theme for theand a nephew Fetter Peterson, both Walter Slattery. Interment, under son*, Pfister, all of Eatontown, and two H. Wait, rndio engineer, who res- the W. S. C. S. will attend {he o'clock in the manse. The senior young people'* fellow-, worship period will be, "The Book the direction of the John E, Day sisters, Mrs. Gussie Dougherty, - c u e d Admiral Byrd on his second' Woman's mass meeting at old St. hip will meet Sunday evening at of the Ages." Following a brief of Norway. funeral home, will bo In St. Jos-Mrs. Lena Plccolle and a brother, 'Antarctic expedition. Pictures will George's church, Philadelphia, Suno'clock In the ohurch basement service the children will attend CENTRAL BAPTIST eph's cemetery, Keyport. Fritz Nlemann, all of Red Bank, b? shown, This meeting is open to day afternoon a t . 3 p, m. Bishop JEROME V. DTNAN he Intermediate young people's classei ttujrht by Mrs, Richard NeAtlantic Highlands Corson wil.I address the group. This all. Funeral services will be held thla. Rev. Howard M. Ervin will bring 'ellowship will meet this evening vlus, Mrs. Norman fltofttet, Mrs. A. The funeral of Jerome V. Dynan, 'Boy Scout troop 23 will meet In will be broadcast over station the message at the Sunday worship it 7 o'clock. MBS. THEODORE CHRISTY afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the J. Lindsley, Mrs, John C. Taylor, 60, .of 287( Long - Branch . avenue, the church basement Thursday WIBG. Mount Memorial home. Rev. John The Ladles' Aid society will hold service at 11 a. m. George C, Shoemaker, tin. William Long Branch, who died Monday In The funeral of Mrs. Mildred O. The Aesociatlon of University Bight at 7:30 o'clock. Visitors are St. Patrick's day party next Tues- A. Shoemaker and William Rue, Monmouth Memorial hospital, was Christy, 36, wife of Theodore Chris- L. Herr, pastor of the Batontown Church school convenes In the Women will have w e of the edu- chapel at 10 a. m. William F. Max- ay evening in the church basealways welcome. bald thbs morning at SUr of the ty, 8 Dwayne street, Oceanport, Methodist church,, will officiate. InMary Mount chapter reports $57 cational building facilities for itsson is superintendent. Mrs, How- ment. There will be games and re- The ohurch membership class, Sea churoh where a high.mats of who died Saturday, at the home of terment will be In Bay View ceme: taught by the minister, will be held cleared at the white elephant sole. annual meeting next Monday. ard M. Eivin is the new song reshments. requiem was celebrated by Rev. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman tery, Leonardo. duririg the same time for the young The appeal for hahics' "three-corThe official board of the church leader, with Miss Betty Leonard at World Day of Prayer will be held people who are planning to unite Leo M. Cos. Interment, .under the Zimmerman, Rockvllle Center, -L ncred trousers" met. with fine anc- will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m. omorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock with the. church Easter Sunday. JOSEPH P. LE8SIO ^\ direction of the John W. Flock Long Island, was held this morning the piano, cess, 21 dozen bcinf; made ready for The Cedar Crest college will pre•lth the three Third avenue Baptist Youth Fellowship—high Plane are being made for the funeral home, was An Kenilco at 3t; Dorothea's church, EatonJoseph P. .Lesslg, past commanshipment oveiwns. They were sent on the stage of Fellowship school group—will meet In the•hurches, Navesink Methodist cemetery, Valhalla, NeW York. town, where a high mass of re- der of the Red Bank, post, U. S. every-member canvaai, annual figiven by theiWoman's Missionary hnll. _ , a, three-act , , ,Lenten _ , play, , "The , - iPhllathca room at 7 p. m. Pott hurch, Quinn chapel and St. Paul'i nancial drive of the churoh, tor 1 Born in Cork, Ireland, the son ijulem w u celebrated by Rev. SpaniBh-Amerlcan War veterans, society, Mary Mount chapter, Other Kingdom," Fr.day, March 55. .h j g h g p h o o | „,,„ m c e t . ,_„. t h e Baptist church i t i of Patrick and Catherine Horgtn Francis Dwyer. Interment, under died Sunday at his home in Biran ' Youth Fellowship, Junior Mary The Methodist Men's Fellowship church at the same hour. Frank The Dynan, the deceased had been a the direction of the John E. Day side, California. A former resident Mount chapter, World Wide guild will sponsor this event. Crawford will be the leader. The earns resident 'of Long Branch ilnce 1931. funeral home, was In Mount Olivet of Red Bank and Little Silver, be and friends. topic for discussion will be a con- earns Sunday. Mareh 10, at 8:80_ p, He w u employed as' an account- cemetery. was a member of the Red Bank' REFORMED tinuation of the topic, "Are the Ten ant for the V. S, Treasury, Sur- Besides her husband and parents, lodge of Masons aad the Red Bank CONGREGATION- B'VAI ISRAEL Red Bank Commandments Old Fashioned?" viving are hie wife, Ethel C. Southshe is survived by three children, Lions club. supper, prepared by the ladles of Ked Brink gate Dynan; two sonj, Jerome V. James, William and'.Michael; two Mid-week, prayer fellowship will Tuesday the teams will play the the church, will be served. Rev. George • Ammerman will Employed at the Slgmund Eisner Tomorrow, (Ailnr 2-5) services preach Sunday at 10:45 a. m, onbe held Wednesday at 8 p. rh. at Methodist teams. Dynan, Jr., Annapolis, and Robert brothers, William and Warren ZimThe junior choir will have a re• begin at S p. m. Light candles 5:3C "The Greatest of All Experiments." the home of Deacon and Mrs.The sacrament of baptism was hearsal under the instruction of 8, Dynan, AAF; two daughters, merman; five tlsteri, Mrs. IVvlnfr company here for many years, Mr. Lesslg moved to California a few idminUtered to Thelma Marie,, inp. m. Services will be conducted The choir will sing. The youth George Nelson, Gfand avenue, Missel Patricia A. and Barbara A. Wrath; Mrs. Myrtle Heulue; Miss ant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carman Saturday at 9:30 a, Dynan, living at home, and two Ruth Zimmerman, all of Rockvllle years ago for his health. by Rabbi Hcrehon. The guest worship service will be at 9:30 a. and tke Intermediate choir at The remains will arrive In Red eorge Fielding, last Sunday at the speaker of the evening will be m. before the Sunday school class ST. GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL, .0 a. n% In the church. The officers brothers, William and John Dynan, Center; Mrs. Grace Boyer, Pillow, Bank Saturday morning, escorted morning service. . ' Richard K. Manoff. Mr. 'Manoff la meets. . The evening song service and a alster, Miss Mary Dynan, all Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Rose BowServices Sunday will be as fol- The chancel flowers Sunday were if t h f choirs are . by the deceased'* nephew, L. M. secretary of the Community eervice will begin at 7:30 o'clock. man of Herndon, Pennsylvania, lows: Holy Cqmmunlon, 8 a. m.; Janet Jones, president; Virginia of New York city. Conard. Funeral arrangement* are. bureau of the American Jewish The church women will be guests church school, 0:30 a. m.; carillon :he gift of Mies Margaret R. Todd. Pools, vice president; Diana Fetter, In charge of Worden funeral home. Congress. His topic p will be, "Three Monday night of the Keyport Wom- ecital,. 10:30 a. m.'; prayer and ser- The union evening service of the secretary; Marilyn Johnson, treasMRS. JTXIA KEEPER JOHN P . REGAN p for Us to Follow." Mr. an's Missionary society. Cars will non by the rector, Rev. H.«Fair- Third avenue churches will be held urer, and Barbara Smith, correThe funeral of John Patrick ReThe funeral of Mrs. Julia Xeefer, the Presbyterian church at S Manoff Is a well known speaker leave the church- at 7:15. leld Butt, 3d, 11 a. m., and bap- In BUYS TOWER HTXL PLOT s'clotk with Rev/Donald N, Cor-sponding secretary.- Junior: Rose- 10, of Main etreet, Belford, widow gan, 64, of 187 Hudson avenue, who . end his topic will he timely. After The Sunday school teachers will :lsms, 12:15 p. m. mary Binder, president; Celestlne of George Keefer, who died Sun- died Tuesday morning from an real preaching on the subject, "God Wallace Jeffrey, well known the Bcrvicc?, refreshments will be meet Wednesday evening - at' the Rev. Robert B. Beattie will preach Bailer, vice president; Karen Llnd< eerv'ed during the social hour in home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pat- t the Lenten service next Wednes Will Never L e t j o u Go." Music slsy, secretary, and Henry Baker, day at Monmouth Memorial hos- acute heart attack on a passenger lawyer and borough auditor, has pital, was held yesterday afternoon train near Savannah, Georgia, purchased from the Tower Hill corwill be by the chancel choir, jthe auditorium. All are invited to ton. lay at 8 p. m, The new girls'choir treasurer. MM, Morgan C. Knapp at the Scott funeral home, Belford. while en route from West Palm poration a lot fronting on. Hardmg attend. The sound picture, "Barabbas" vill sing, directed by J. Stanley Is serving as choir mother. Rev. Paul J. Myers1, pastor of the Beach, Florida, was held Friday road on Hilltop terrace, Tower METHODIST Saturday, March 5. lAdar 2-6), will be shown Sunday, March 17, 'arrar. Belford Methodist church, offici- morning at St. James church. Hill, adjoining the residence of Edfccrvlccs begin at 9:3tt a. ni. Weekly at 7:30 p. m, In the church fellowBelford Members of the Woman's auxllated. Interment was IrTFalr View Rev. James J. Duffy was cele- mund Camona. Mr. Jeffrey BAT 8 H 0 B E COMHUNITT Portion: "Pekudc." Exodus 38. ship hall. ary and St. Mary's guild will-At- Notices tor Sunday, March 10: cemetery. brant of the requiem mass and the to build a house In the near 'future,''' East Xeaneburg Prophets: 1 Kings 7. R/ibbi Herend tho '"Quiet Day" observances :30 a. m., church school, George Bhon will explain the portion of the CHURCHES OF CHRIST, Christ church, Shrewsbury, next eeley, superintendent; 10:45 a. m., Sunday service* consist of churoh Born In Parlf, France, the daugh<|veeek. . SCIENTIST Wednesday. Holy Communion will 'The Practical Sympathy of school and adult Bible das* at 10 ter of the late Joseph and FredeMEMSH.THE ORDER OF THE 601MN RULE "Yahrspit -...Mrs.' Maurice' Stalberc Jesus;" 7:30 p. m., song service and and morning service at 11 o'clock, rlcka Hlldebrand Weber, Mrs. Reee given at 10:30 a. m. Services In First Church of lor mother, Mondny, March 11. Ohiermon, "Faith to Move Mount- with sermon title, "Don't Fence Me fer cane to" the United States 70 Rev, George A, Robertshaw was Christ, Scientist, 209 Broad street, years ago. She had' besri a resiiervance begins (he pvenlng before. he preacher at the Lenten services ilns," and. at 4 p. m., Confirmation In." dent of Belford the paet 88 years. ' Meeting of the R«l Bank Hadaa- Red Bank, are held Sundays at 11 last'night. lass. Thursdays at I p. m , hymn sing . m., Sunday school at 11 a. m., Surviving.are a niece, Mr», Jeanne »ah, Tuesday, March' 12, 8:30- p. m., Cottage prayer meeting at 7:30 p, ind prayer circle. nd Wednesday evening at 8:15 Ba(rd of Balford, and a nephew, ht the Jewish Community eenter. FIRST METHODIST m. Wednesday, conducted by the William Weber of Bound Brook. Padassah's birthday and Purim I'QlOCk. paetor, Rev, P, J. Myers. Atlantic Highlands aghpotat Spiritualist Cfcapel telebratlon. P.eport on carnival "Man" le the lesson-sermon subA meeting of the Women's SocieFor the first Sunday of the Kight. led for Sunday, arch 10. BUM. LILLIAN E. BOWMAN Chapel Hill Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. meeting 'Golden text: "The steps of a n season, Rev. Roy E. Williams ty of Christian .Service will be held at the -Methodist parsonage Mn. Lillian X. Bowman, 78, of U will preach on the theme, Services Sunday will be as felepd. man are^fdetei-bjoUiB. LiariL. i ondMUaa.cch.ll Wednesday •afternoen-at»»rOfelook. lours: gunday.*&MU0;JO *um,_ejil Sycamore, avtnue, Shrewsbury, died Community center. and ho deUghtcth in his way." ehrlst=ls-H«"Wlth-¥ou?"-There Mrs. Florence Fox will lead the deevening service, 8 p. m. Rev. -Tuesday - morning, following a long ill be special music by the senior Meeting of the Junior Y, Thuri- Ps. 47:23). md junior choirs and a children's votional sirvlce. Mrs,- Katie John- Frances Stevenson, pastor, h u Ulneis. aay, March 7, 7:30 p. m., i t the Sermon. Passages from the King iermon by the pastor based on the son and Mrs. Evelyn Luker will be choien "Guides and Outdance'1 u Mis. Bowman w u bora at BufCommunity center. MIJS Lillian James version of the Bible inlourth phrase in'the Lord's Prayer, hostesses, falo, New Tone, a daughter of the her lermea topic ' Sprung Is adviser. clude: Jimlor Touth Fellowship and After forty-two months in The Jewish Jun|or§ meet Wednei- "The Lord hath appeared of old 'Thy Kingdom Come." Junior choir rehearsal Friday afChurch school convenes at 9:30 llay, March 13, 7i30 p. m., at the unto me, saying 'Yet I have loved in the Service, onr brother, ternoon after school at 8:30 and 4 f m, for beginners and,primary Center. Councilore, Miss Frances thee with an everlasting love: Robert F. Worden, hai reo'clock. ihildren; 9:45 for all other children Blederman and Mine Betty Goldln. therefore with loving kindness have turned, w d hai already «tnd young people and at 10 o'clock I drawn thce'." (Jcr. 31:3). Corre- or the Woman's Bibl« class, Youth BAPTIST <dbed the retponribilitiei of • n B O T PRESBYTERIAN lative passages from "Science and Middletown membenhip.in this organiiaRev. John A. Hayes will speak Health with Key to the Scriptures" Fellowship meets at 7 p. m, in thi lareonage. Friday, March 8,10:10 a. m., food Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on by Mory Baker Eddy Include: tion. • We know thii will bo And OM dear «eI|»0fS»e1 The Methodist girls will play thi sale In chapel; g p. m,, United *Be Strong and Work,'" welcome newt to hi* many, And u y Httre b* r* w*a»ln| ef lk« bef. "The relations of Go< and man, Miss Christy DeVoe WBJ -In • VVhlmlprtarttoKa, divine Prlnclplo and Idea, are intJ? many friend*. V ' Charge of this. Intermediate Ohrls- destructible In Science; and Sc'l< • W w • n<t at MTBI seem tian Endeavor society meeting at ence knows no lapse from nor reTe*>ll br mmi mi hm.. the churoh. Senior C. E. also met turn to.harmony, but holds the diSunday with Miss Peggy Brasch vine order or spiritual law, In leading a Bible quiz. which God and all that Ho creates The Womtn's Chrlstl&n Temper- are perfect and eternal, to have knee Union- m»t-Tueadny at theremained un'chnngrd In Its oterniil - -home of< M"i Anna Errlclwoa on history." lp, 410.1), " TheOIdeir ,... Sim place. Monument Manufactiiriiif Many members of th» congrcgaFIRST MKTHOniST and Retailing Company • Ijoq |r(j)lanplng to attend the im .;...., ; Eatantqvvn -••,,. xiuef World T>ay of Pr»yer „ tornor in Monmouth County . Rev. Jnhn L, Herr will preach row at ! Holy Trinity I/Uthemn Sundny ill Iho' 10:60 o'clock service' ehurob, , . "Methodist Church The Young Men's Bible class will hold Its pontponed wu'lfiomu home "fiot art ,ii tlwt M wWch tiw Kwid, reunion Sunflsy' attenioon at the tad Md * • heart go together". l o'clock at the home of 'Ralph R. MS PERTAINING TO ttUR LOCAL CHURCHES g, wmfr t Bob Is Back i • • ^—•?—«••-•••—• ^ — T T i » . . i^M ff ^ ni^L T M , I Us Serve MONUMENTS Thomas Manson & Son, Inc. FUNERAL HOME Your Expression of True Remembrance An Efficient Burial Serviw Synthetically Rendered •^eWAeV No other act o f , a normal man's' lift givei him more comuldts soul satlitiotlon -flUUl'kL''" expcrl- IK,**, V oriET to,! have liana on,. ana tha'dulld thark of t p "ooit VIM our 1 1 Hip ^jjAjieiai^ ^ J * * li^aajia^k^BBWaA^eli esAl^euAeU JBISP A J *•* • / • • m^«fl^el i not tXTranMiy Hnpwvwn Tnnwy or our Mryicfl , . , ExptrUnct, Good Toft* ond;Sine«rt.Dttlr« to. Satlify, Sine* Hw 15th ctntury thi Ardbllno homily bwn i., havi to, Honor CeofttiMn, vtctttip Ikt iatcHtu < • sSiii^a*^.^^^ orouuited President Xeonardo1T<^fC(^t«F5grl» »»*»* Thursday nJfBt <>f next week at the home o( Mattli«ir A- Stevenson. Joseph O. MIDer, U B. Navy, has been tranaferred from Connecticut to. World*.; i j*^i<;;'.^ ?^A '+& Mrs. Trlna Christy was hostess at the <*rdand jam* pajty held by tli* Ladies' auxiliary 01 Brevent Park and Leonardo'fire company Tuesday. Mrs. Beth Gold Cross ill be hostess next Tuesday.: Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Kotielikl bad as guesU this week, Miss Kathr «ine-Beilly_ of PlMnileld and Neil jHuf of Jersey City..~~"~ ~ " r ^ Mr. and Mri. Wesley Wakefteld, Jr. of linden, spent several days last week with Mr, Wakefleld's parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Wskefleld, 8r. Vis* Betty Wakefield, who is employed at Newark, his been enjoying a week's vacation. ' Vr. and Mrs. Joseph J, Murphy and family, Hisses. Jeanett* and Shirley Metzger, attended a welcome home party recently at IrvIngton, given for Sgt Fred DiManna, who ha* Just returned from th* ChinarBurma-Xndls. theater of war, :;i MRS. JOSEPH EL CARROLL wir ' ' ' p;Officers will be elected Friday, fXpttil. -.:••••• . . • '&• The American home department •will meet tomorrow afternoon and work on Hand-made knitting bags, directed by Mrs. R. C, Pye. Mrs. • • 4tWtiiifm?0/: Sfacdaysa week.-.. w^ek-b and ivedc-oqt.,. aM jarteti week ends orfarspacfad end*. TliaW >l«itm^wi* «Wtoget r**U1n«»'iat; yque AAP— whyyon can shop ykmKmJUmto Super Market Yoo tc*v AAP ftatana appetbiDf, nienea... said know yotfr* gottiBg BegU today to shop lh« thriftyt ISB I STOH HOUIS ;.| 8 AM. TO 6 P.M. LARIE, FMEM flMDE A . • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deha will spend the remainder of the winter at Brooklyn. George SUrnlck, seaman fint das*, V, 8. Navy, Is "home on a «O-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs; John SUrnlck, He has re-enlisted In the Navy, and will return to Norfolk, Virginia, at the ex. plratlon of his leave. Mr. and Mrs: Howard Galley are parents of a son born Friday, February 22, < at Monmouth Memorial Alverson, seaman, flr»,t olasi, hew are chairmen of the literature U.Jay S. Navy, has returned home afdrama department* meeting \ Friday, March 15. A tree quiz will ter three yean' Pacific dlty, He is f be conducted at the garden and the son of Mr. and Mrs. James K. ' music department, meeting Friday, Alversbn. and expects his discharge •• March 22, in charge of Mr». Philip next month. • John Neiderman and Mr. and H. Walton. - < Miss Wllllgusg la chairman of a Mrs. Charles Neiderman of Newdessert-bridge to be held at the ark were recent guests of Mr. and - clubhouse Monday afternoon, March Mrs. James K. Alverson. " 29, [or the benefit of the Red Croat Mrs. W. E, Poynte had as recent 'fund. Table reservations may be guests, Mr. and Mri. John King of New Tork city. made with Mia* Willguu. ' Sgt. Stanley Helt, U. S. Army, who has been stationed at Fort Hancock, is now In New London, ' (Tbt Rid Bank B«gUl«r em t* bought Connecticut. He htm been in the at.Uonardo «t tlit Wblu H'UM Sum.' . WUdminn'i. J. Uyiri ind Aduni «nd service It yean. Cumnintt d«IIverr wrrlct) Jeanette Brady is recuperating Lieut and Mrs. Keith Otto were. from her recent illness. , . week-end guests of Capt. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Walsh of Newark, a Walter King of Freeport, Umg Is- j former resident of Leonardo, spent *""•* (">e week-end with her son, IJeut Walter Woods, assistant manager Frank Walsh, who is stationed at of the Maier Service station, is a the .Leonardo Naval base, surgical patient at Riven1 lew hosMiss Kathlyn Guttormsen of Arpital. lington Farms, Vlrpiniai has been , T/5 Harley Wyman, who has 1 visiting her parents,' Mr. and Mra. been with the 371 Quartermaster B. P. Guttormien. Refrigeration company, w u dis- David Mair has returned home charged at Fort Dlx recently after from Monmouth Memorial hospital, serving 30 months, 14 months of where he was a surgical patient which he spent in Europe and the Mr. and Mra. Charles Knauer of V. "Pacific. Colonia spent .Tuesday with Mrs. Mr. and Mra. William Ford at- Jacob Does. tended the recent graduation of Mrs. Rose Mayer has been visittheir nephew, Thomas Summers, at ing friends at Rutherford. Yale University. ' Miss Margaret Guttormsen spent Mils Jane Search spent the week- the week-end with her sister, Miss end with Mr. and Mri. William Katblyn Guttormsen, at Arlington Hench of Berwick, Pennsylvania, .Farms, Virginia, and with her grandparents, Mr. and ' Mrs. R. H. VanDeWater, who has Mrs. Harry Search of Calawisn, jbeen a surgical patient at Flower Pennsylvania. hospital, New York city, returned David Malr is » surgical patient home Sunday. ' at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mrs. Joseph Wade entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Russell DeMott tea Monday for her daughter, Mrs. were recent guests of Mra. George Clinton Eastman of Portland, OreBlack and family. Mr. DeMott, who gon.' Mrs. Eastman will return has been discharged from the army, home this week. Guests were Mrs. is at his home at Bermonl, Illinois. Edward Bruntz, Mrs. Percy Hauser, Mrs. DeMott.was in the WAVES, Mrs. Thomas Costello, Mra. Robert and received her discharge at Arl Search, Mrs. James Gedetttz, Mrs. Ington Farms, Virginia, last week. Louis Merigold and Mrs. James She will join her husband in Illinois McCabe. this week. Mrs. Frederick Moorehead and KaUierin* Louise Daum of New- her grandson, Robert McGowan, ark has been visiting her" grand- have returned to their home on ^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Long Island, after spending sev*-> Bryan. eral days with Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Metsger had White. as their week-end guests, Mr. and John Relmer of MlUtown was a Mn, Charles Metsger and son John of Lido, and Mrs. Alfred B. MeUger guest Of Un. Charles Woodward, ST., Tuesday. of Washington, D. C. Miss Betty Wakefleld spent the Harold Montgomery ha* received > bis honorable discharge from the week-end at Woodbrldge. Mis* Doris Weaver, a student army. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Braded of nurse at Bayonsr General hospital, Sheldon, Illinois, are visiting- Her- is spending a three weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mn. BROWN and WHITE carton 1 dozen 47If Whole «««L Con ,A^.J^ Golden Com 1 r"ana HEW W**" 7-jMT Sweet P e a i ^ V Chopped Spinach ^ ^ String Beans Diced Beets Larson's Veg-AII «-~15» Red Kidney Beai8V.V^11i LIbby's Cut B o o t s « — H i Cut Boots UNA »»• »«.->l2e Boots £ » • , $ »»-»10t Sliced Beets Jmt M«x Red Cabbage "ml »«•• Leonardo . T J J I H I Nallgflsjii i i i M 5s*> Yet? Sauerkraut j»f»«- «f Sauerkraut »«'•«- " * - 1 2 i Diced Carrots ^ *-i-13t Tomato Puree I?as«*-23e Sweet Potatoes B S •?17t/Treet or Spam "« -S4« 1 Party Loaf Honey Brand' HOT CROSS BUNS Maltex Cereal X Hello-Wheat ^ ' ; 5 c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE CreareofWheat llr 22c G 18 or 1 ) 0C 46 01. Wbeatena ^ 1 3 c 3 ^ 2 2 can, £ O Quaker Oats X'11c <£U Tangerine Juice •• "20c H-0 Oats . ««rt.12 - ^ 28c Rolled OatS mnntu : °-11c Prune Juice . ^ 1 3 c Kellogg'sPep . . ^ 9 e Fig Juice Kellifg't Rice Krtyles A.12C Lemon Juice . ^41e Carrot Juice £»«»»"•«•-16c Force Cereal HCHIDA 2 College Ini " & % " ^ 1 i K Kellogg's Corn Flakes';; 5o Vegamato '::14e 4i,v 30c Com Flakes mriai •«.•»{. V-8 Cocktail :.v15c r 3 1 c Wheat Puffs****»***& Tomato Juice V A » - - tic Puffed Wheat Sparkles^ 9c ^ 1 4 e Shredded Wheat Miueo^i Campbell'sI V.VA" » « 1)' - - \ h Beardsrsy's r,\Wl *•»', Campbell 8,^?,V,r ri2e Apple Butter r . l —•' Habitant Peal Soup 2 ' o£ 25c Pretzel Stlx •<••*« »-*,• Campbell's .!gfSoup S.-t11c9tm\m Crackers wimAISoi MnhrenS«ip«"iT.iiE»H«H 6e HerhoxBouillon Cubes ATi Your whole family will love their spicy, fruity flavor! Serve them often all through Lent I pkg. ol 9 buns 21 - Lenten Suggestion*! Van Camp'i Tenderoni *» It Kraft Macaroni Dinner . *>& Stahl-Meyer Liverwirtt 4 f 1 4 i Spaghetti Dinner «* '«*»« *>• 31 e Clarldge ewIIB.HW « - * « . • Spaghetti Dinner »*' * 33« Corned Beef m V & i r i f r Macaroni or Spaghetti *»«™2Ah Tongue Spread Ham Spread jj Macaroni or Spaghetti ™ »« ^ 6e 'Dorset MMAUKMI n«.w4S» Spaghetti Sauce «NICE«*'» 10 <ri5e ARMOUR'S Ched-O-Bit Cheese Food ™^lfc CORNED BEEF HAM Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 = r 25c csn Campbell's Sparkle Puddings. sfaas Plan tatty lenten menus around the fine seafood available at your A&P. It's good eating . . . thrifty, too! I* FLORIDA -\ I BLgMJBirit Jlllft^ 11 ORANGE JUICE i • ii . • • ri of the Boout Mothers R*r. and Mrs. Argood of' Newauxiliary held a corned beef and ark are' guests' of Rev. and Mrs. cabbage luncheon Tuesday at the ZUwood Rev. Argood is pathome of Mrs. Matthew A. Steven- tor of theWolf. Fairmont Basttot church son, More than $100 wag cleared. of Newark. Proceeds will be given to the LeonMembers of Delta Phi Alpha soardo Youth Center building fund. Edward Currie, gunner's mate, U. rority attended the show, "Song of 8. Navy, is home on ten-day leave Norway." In New Tork city Saturfrom Baltimore, vlsjting his par- day, this 1waa the annual theater ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Currie. party, and members had dinner at He, reports Friday to Brooklyn the "*>$' elub. Attending were Mrs. Charles Hetse, Jr., Mrs. James Navy yard tor a new assignment. Grodeika, Mrs. Claude Smith, Mn. tfr, and Mrs. Currle gsv« a fam- Emll Petack, Mrs. James Connolly, ily .dinner and birthday party Satur- 1 Mn. Alex MaoPnee, MVs. Robert day for their son,' Robert, who was Waldman, Mrs. Nell Sharkey, Mrs. 17 Monday. Attending were Mr. and Bruos Cooks, Mrs. Jamei Etaer, Mn. Anthony Allls and Misses Ruth Mrs.,Arthur Cummins, Mrs. Louis and Doris Allls of the Bronx; Mn. Huys, Mm. Arthur Rung* and Mist Anna Rapusal and Mrs. Edith Loretta WMttersobera. ' Davis, Brooklyn; Mrs. Beule Kane, Montolair, and Lieut and Mrs. • Keith Ottto, Carol Ann Otto April Bride-Elect *RlcUWd-Currl»rI*onardbr • Mrt, Valerie Kalaa.'who has been A surprise sh'owtr was'given-reson s f Coral Oablti, WorfdiV re- oeotly' fflr Mils-^Mary «tta Soulturned home tbli week, thorp* of Holmdel, at tbt home ot • Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgt Wagner had Mrs. W. Bernard Snedeker. Miss ai^Wiek-end guilts, Mr. and Mri. Soulthorpe Is the daurhUr of Mr, Frank Long and son, and Mr, and and Mra, O*orge' Soulthorpe; and MM, Cleit Bflsooe of. Jersey City. • will bi* married in April to Paul A. sfn, David Leonard) whp w u In- Moffler of Holmdel. jured In'a Mil several wecki ago, Deoont|ont w*Ts,ln plnkjand blui, and glf\i were plaoid bineith a 11 now abl* to Wabout, • Jattet Brady/daughter of m and ltrg* umbrella. Attending were lit: (Hurt* Saulthorpt.-Mri. John Mrs, Joslph Brady, obMmi her Mrris, tin. Arthur Moffler and loUitk birthday, lait ntundiy at a B. Morris, U Mlu Caroll Mfll Moflltr of H HolmOU, * " ' " •*"' Eto %r'rAlWna (j Ws5kl^ Mid C Ndrfua Mormsn,'R«d Bank) Mn. «^s;=*- Soz. i can Codfish Fillets »34r Mackerel »«>- »19o Fresh Porgles -27o Fresh Wbrtlag -14* Fresh Fluke »>3Se Oysters . t s ^39e Clam Baked Beans ) % •—15t Junket Rennet Powder ^ PlilllipsBeais ^ B ^17« Staley's Cream,?»!!.'»•* 7e B : M 9 - 1 2 T k P H I g Beais T - ^Er . l1 ^ M0 t w 12c Mannalade ••• Spagiettl^ /;i Y4 ^ 1 3 . Susweet Prunes' Spaghetti«'«•"•«"10» Dwnedary 31c Ravioli'jmm-mm »«.»\$t Baker's••«««»Cocoa^lOo ttiionviuKinmi«.i..51c lona C0C08 '»*!0« *M«i5c i umbto i G l b WHITE HOUSE 11 F j y E V A P O R A T E D *fi(l 9K OctagM Cleanser 2 *» 8« [MAN'S DUZ CLEANSER 3 B Gravy-Mastor Ig*. WHIAYIUIMI 23. ggpu*^ Flu wTHA aar ^liliiltJttreb ,. «^.11ei Cit-RtteWaxfl«-papflC"15c Draio :-0~im -••••^e'.- Elliiiiililii I \ U A b t i\Wr/'i.)' •f- < ! [, -"ejT^r - i Ml 111 Kernel ttMt gnut Quiet ullin ._ 1O« 1 1 1 110 114 llf lit S WATSON LABS WomeP'i STANDING OF THE TIAMI CHAWJM AND wirti :— } , * Le.b0ra.t0r7 Llow ... . Sine Plus "J .hl.nbu.» « n u .—..— UttV. ,••-• Jlosert „.,. they wjU ketp t h m ttoei ai Alryn1 Jaius*. a word M~ 3 Surpriw EWntr' WelUns MarHley Dummr Itom ^ ^ V t e sold to th* A«wdta,eto a statemaat by Oomuodort X »"WWU»«*. trtet Ooajt Churd cOoir, to* ,W«nt t t a w i h H» ftwrtk 9m iwHu Tdunday nlftt M ^ HIGHLANDI IB80 toad u d hittt«vaitr Ut ITI •01 «iUM « mupAm i s Jto « k elasssd %MM Itl U s Nppoit to **e Tf MAOHDH SHOP NO. I mtatt TBmwe* for (flw* pUoa. 14 ,n Not* 115 111 111 p i t i aoMraljr la m behalf. a«d awe* oompty wtth * • Ooi ^ * i t m a t wild In th* l«ft ivtritui .i 171 lasermia , 147 I U 128 Ub •iTiC HporVsmen of tin state a n rortu» Ui l Jinnett ..... - ~ 111 174HI jr*wr wnmintty, at* In baving, tWs aotlr* "dyed-tn, A 9sr|kVat* tjf. award ft wW\ arrack _ ~ _ 10» 114 tt » • flf* lor WesUliU and 226 1111 ..: \.;..± . III 162 ln» them » comfortable; H4i jrin. th* sportinei «f jvat tow, «oun- the-wooJ" apottaman to head their ber, wWh t t , nuub*rs d%!*y*d W III Til »nd(cap . . _ _ _ _ . - 216 216116 * ., HIGHLAND! LIONS Team stsaainf*. th* Vtei beinj ty Hid stat* 'ad* wrHtsc you te »o- activities in (to «tato. Uclt yow suppxt i s their effort to All- sportsmen who u yet have eMhater - . : . _ - . — 111 147 • 929.1011 954 'Urst In eaoh aa** at*: Westsld*, l — SPBO-fcAB •— Itirir "i7. "..;«.-iiiii™iii 12* - i l l not rfumtaoted their, senators and •0; Eisner's, Wj Baas, « ; B«l-h a v e ' A m * , U l to ragukta fh* asseJHymes do so now. A brief Ufc ! Itfabr - 1 H» " I . tenare ;. t .. ^_ 13< 1 2 8W H I 101 i l lraters .... layton sxto'j, M; Lrttl* Silver, 14 sadttkttg-fl« M U m past tBMUd Into ter indorsing AIM is all that i» '-. I l l 1 6 6169 Job»rtiB» ... law. This' bill would wffUlaW th* 157 1 3 S 199 Hei.Bank A. fX, <M. Haet ......... taking of attlMd haw t« hook and needed. So get busy, boys-writs, ihraldt .. . 1 4 1 182141 ,/"-—;•"•"' '"."•.lot l»l » » Tonight Westilde -will meet the 15S r •hnaon....'. , .'.. 116 156 lla* only, tfmk posseaakn of UnMil or see your, local senator or , " ' HQ HI J08 Rams at 7:80 o'clock, with Elsnsr1* flsh ov*r U ladtes in length In any essejaWymea and let Harry C. l W*s*r*gnl»«c*s ( ''h*said . » . , Btidicap ^ . ~ 198 ,198 108 " ...7..X.-"...'-.-••• 1J6 1 0 8 " pitted acalnst little Silver In the * only for t h t safety of the* "896 "960" "ill one day and provide a dosed Ma- Still* of Long Branch, stale coor- w Mi 'duek1- operatw-bnt other next fame and Bad Bank A. A. vf. son from Paesmter 1toIsareh SI dinator, know: how they feel aV RADAR NO, 2 "iiT Tu HI HEAL FORD WARD [?""* ths wster as welt When jpassengets, B»lb*oh's la the) final. . • iwyna . * ~~ . 129 142 to proteot these ash wnllivtoejr are A1BB, the new striped bats bill 14J 111 128 "a n •carriedforUrsTtii* motortoat' •T Heal Ford Ward, ton of Mr. and Moran *_ -•• . • • ' " " j l s 6 i>& 141 donaaat in. our Inland waters, and laycraft t> opwafcr must befatpossession of a • 186 Mrs. H. E. Ward of River road, Tharln |« }}J JJ lylor /. 164 77 most vlimerable. Ut does not affect license Issued by this service," OB attlek • 717 7B» 741lbrecht ..•:_..-.:...._. ... 191 .156.17.1 Fair Haven,., who ij a. member of WllUems. f. their sale w UM for jmbllo oonbum?* ' - " r i»« i«» i°° CAr WHEELER'S ummy . . . _ » ~ . 140 the varsity iwimmlng team at Ped- Km, t Whan you war* a kid did you Present and prospective owMrg sumpttoo. ' 121 114 162andic«p 241 Unclear- .... _ ^ _J: _ 187 141 AvfUii, a. ol tfa*»* -ducks" • » advised to Me school at Higbtetown,Ir 125 111 .17* Oanleli, r. This WU w u introduced by As- ever throw aa appl* front th* end «4MM using the** vehicles a* mo411 471 411 Ward, a, junior at the school, en1000 850 958 of a willow stlckT How you would 111 MS 108 semblyman Merrill Thompson of WOODWORKERS 117 110 156 ered Peddle In 19« after attendtorboats until.they htv* compU*d Monmouth eounty lor ths lion-P«ab the pointed end' of the stick w n i the motorboat and numbering ill/ _ 164 . 148 189 inor 111 1TT~1II/ ng Rumson high school. He'was mouth Oounfar »*d*ration of Sports- lato the apple which you held be- laws. Further Information regardlaynrd ...™^.™:...._. 127 110 186 letterman on th« jayvee football 177 1 1 1 7 1 1lummy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 men's oluDs, who offend th* bill, tween your feet, rats* tt straight Ing th*s* laws may bes. obtained quad. 154. howler 146 118 aJter due delttWMtVn with th* tea- back over your shoulder and with from the Marine Inspection division OKAJKilS * BODIES 165 aberitick ...u.~... 178 151 board ohalnnen of the various a downward flip of your wrist, of the Coast Ouard. wiwp — ~__^ _ 3 _ _ warta 111 H I 111 lo»en _ . . _ 149 134 192 IS* •ndlcap , 146 192 counUes of the stat* afflllat*d with away the apple would (all at terrific I t l I4T It! 140 Faiione, i. . WATSOM KOLLERS _ «h* New Jersey State Federation of speed right at your target Wei; lomeo . , , 170 147 161 164 Vettwel! «. 894 818 169 ohnaon . a. MCODW T- J " { '! 171 LSI 110Adano, (. Sportsmen'* clubs. It also haf theoastlng a hire U as simple as whip- B r a Seel k B a t k O a 180 REPRODUCTION )ummr 1S6 115 111 5'uanr " ^ _1 M [ W jgg Maatria, r ............... 151 111 142 approval of the New Jersey League ping aa apple on the end of a wil- Mends of Frank Pares win be rollo .„ ahr ... 146 117 151 7I5 I8« Sackowiti, «. 92 ?arwell auier .. _„„. i X™,,^ 99 Hand W _ ^ _ ^ __*J of Surf Anglers. Chairman Jtank low stlok. If the beginner will bear glad to hear that the Pens surf, 189 ! 0 0 111 MWrV LANDING. nta , „ _ . „._..„. 147 144 117 X Vaigantl, Jr, of the Fish and this in mind it will .help Um oneasting reel Is back onto*marH I 17» III IM 414 aradla . _ _' ... 181148 101 111 til 714 „ 140 140 Gam* ooefaisslon, has indorsed tbe the road to becoming a good eas- ket TUl famous reel was a fa, MUVBRS . . . H 141 . 149 165 r —... GEORGFS KGHLAND3 Ur. Of course there it another vorite with the old-time stirf-casock . . . . 10.3 114 Tomalno •. 2<M 117* 10* feature to overcome which dost not andioap : : 1 6 0 268 26*0 Rubley 151 . Ut 14J In addttlon to hek^BtT the sports- apply to the apple. The apple, once ter* who war* able to afford It • US 1*0 l « men of your community, how does released, is a free-moving body, However, today It has been greatly 7*7 it effect you, the business nen, whereas the lure Is. attached to a reduced in price. R 1 * more •treammuun • UT IM 411 .... i6> i7i m Un«d aad lighter. K«fMk ... Ul HI 111 some of whom neverflsh?.Why M Jlna^whlc^,.Js_jgujd_arrinnd the 183 187,' 162 We understand It is now In quanr r : 141 IM 1(» Quart .'^l-.'^i.-. 101 114 141 ' • ' . • iit m Iti ITS spool of a reel, ani . 1 1 1 ty-|ir*(f"'»tltn snil mi 4mit* " - i r ' Xomtk MICHAEL'S BAR aitwood „_.__ 121 162, 16S try, briefly, to tell? you. • . , U 4 164 1ST nasty tendency to over-run, causQi of these reel* will appear along th*^ '. ..... 211 I I * 172 ..._ 168 162 123 DUllone allender „„. Js, Jkiopo •••• • _ > • • . •" " „ . . J II*. 166 In th* "Outdoor Heritage o<-New ing a baefc' lash.. Theretovery lit- surf tills season. -14* _ ..i._ 1JJ 170 JO0 andleap 241 241 241 Giriflm Me WMMVJ -T—• i n * - * - - n i l l f ^jj Jersey," oomplled by tfce New Jer- tle advice that can be ;offered the Welly 184 J41 I t l T14 TTf 791 150 167 171 ~»i7 9S1 948 Briino 1 .. sey Fish and Oam* commission beginner on the proper thumbing W f i i i M M MSO lit 111 ITI Schneider . . . 5 . ( ! 15,1 2"07 100 KBTAL SHOP' We note that four lfew Jersey ' ._..—.— . ... J00 111 (1937), R says (page 47, par. 1), of a reel. Bxpertence and plenty of ymbi . . . . ' 14» 186 19' 'aushn — .™'_..~-_^..-.» 171 166 anglers fishingforsallnsh out of (4 41 74 quote, 'New Jersey's costal waters 812 174 111 1O practice is tbe only way to "eduubley :.. 120 149 111 1 Lunbenon, f. .,.— MoOORMAOK'S BAR . I 5 j 158 124 are now attracting more than a cate" your thumb. After a while West Palm Beacfc have been rearoooue ....... B. CrellJ. c 172 H4 _ ess".;.:«« " 175 186 111 .„.„...„...„_ 124 163 161 iMky peon ... .million anglers a year, fully halt your thumb will become so sensi- warded certificates. They includ* Murdko, f. Carmen 148 197 29J . ~ I U 7*7 77* eiu ..:_ . . . . . . . . . . / . . _ . . 181 160 :03 Moore of them owning from beyond the tive that tt will send little mes-Albert Venezlalt, Union Beach, 7 197 , 125 168 EIOBLAMM UOMS andlcap . . . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ 206 206 201 Bennftt;-..;..-... ~ 17* 192 I M borders of the state, for the char- sages to your brain, telling you Just feet, 48 pounds. Dorothy WJrit*. 111' 41S 411 IM „ . . - _ _ . . tH 172 181 964 992 1080 liddle . . . . . . . acter of sport they offer has re-how things are going on the spool. Union Beach, 7 feet, 4 iaahes, » ' . US 144 114 Ittmr, MACHJNI 8HOP U l IT sounded around the world," un- It will tell you "slow »er down a pounds. John White, Union Beaoh, 114 899 872 898 .'.. 1«8 166 129 UT 110 lata HIGHLANDS BEC. quote. ProMon. f. little, as things arent going so 7 feet, { Inch**, 05 pounds. Victor 145 168 170 I~l IU 171 120 :a»er McDonald ; 174 145 183 Oaborn, t. 111 lit eber : 89 RobcrtiOB . well" a will tell youj "you hadE. Orosslnger, Middletown, • feet, Joslln 171 151 1 4 ! A conservative estimate of ex—r.m Sotlanclc. i. 2aydoi •................_ 101 185 ., better damp down quick or else." 18 pounds. Jampbell 148 126 180 BeatUt, f penditure by each sportsflshmen ls 714 7«l 719 tfoods ^ 156 170 145 Tlghe .".; 146 186 147 And then it will tell you, "Let her Mllllelc, e. QAJf WSBBUERd JIH 1(1 Jt4 Naffer .._. — _ 184 182 201 150, which means that the sportsWoerner 169 181 160 Wallace, «. lU«» _....—-—....-..'. IIS 1** 160 iandlcnp ..„ _ 184 194 184 LTJOTT W R I K B fishing Industry before the war was riSe; oeiling unlimited." What a At th* recent meeting of th* Atelox, 141 H I 141 Aiifc 17» Ml 126 BittUn ....^..—..-.* '808 79-1 .826 upward of $80,000,000 a year. Jt^will glorious feeling of, accomplishment lantie States Marine Flsbarie* com111 107 14odrti ..._._-.._—.._~.. 108 932 954 964 Main* . . . . . . — — — •i n IOS Lttbhavur . _ — . . . » _ „ . be proportionately higher now,1" as' It is when all runs, smoothly and mla«lon, states representing tbe PaHI 178 RADAR NO. 1 Doltmu . - _ — — cific coast, the Gulf Coast and th* l«l 147 111Neill hlte .'„.. 152 1J2 187 MONDAY NIOHT LEAGUE 114 IM IM Jtckaon — costs are greater and. In addition, your lure 'sails straight for the 210 It II BS ornell 161 1J6 23S :inor MB Httidlcup KEANSBURO thousands mori will seek recrea- mark. Don't feel discouraged at Great Lakes were Invited to send eiory _ . ; — 172 161 133 (61 144 i l « tional fishing on our beaches and time* because.you are ending up representative* to an Intercoastal 711 711 814lookblndtr. _ _ 153 205 196 m m H O T ' "••••• HEAD PINS In the waters of our stats', provid- with "bird's nests" on numerous conference in Washington the first Iroiaman ..................... 164 147 166 :. Womlck ; 136 112 184 C. 81*. •'-•«» »« »» landlcip 199 199 199 WATSON LABS ing they have something toflshfor.casts. Even the most expert cas- part of Hay to discuss federal state Haierman, e, i. Hotallnz 119 119 119 A. Donoraa —.— I* J* f* How are these millions tpent? Oaa, ters get them.. ThU la especially relationships in th*fisheryfield,inAppleaate, s <— 152 168 06 9911000 l i l t G. Stover M. Jbnea » 1« »J STANDING OF THITBAM8 M. Puglisi 141 132 116atttnon, g. oil, clothl&g, food, summer rentals, true when the fUh "are In" andcluding matters of Jurisdiction HEADQUARTERS W L AVE ivam, s . •••Handicap _ » • _»*_ __J^ loran 146 l t » 133 cars, hotels, restaurants, tackle thrashing the water all around you. brought to the front by possible t a d u No. I .. ,. 41 20 67« 648 TTT ~46? posUwar treaties and President 148 156 164 IT t I I shops, baltmen, transportation, eta, U l 141 141 ,. 89 84. 702clzmann iL A. 0 . S. HOOKERS 160 160 132 114 Ifcferee—La B+jnda; looirer, KeHeh.r. Truman's proclamation of Septets^ wrrrare Metal Shop . . . . . . . . ,.. 39 24 700 are but a tew. i. Klspp ;... 114 115 148 Weigand _ 126 124 124 S7 26 720 Si.'Balaton 1 " " 1 111 Maohin. Shop N. 1 ber 28, assertingforthis country ' .. Brusco .'.._ 107 114 110 Mn 170 U 2 149 646 B. Smith . I l l1 " IUproduttlon -... II Ther* js hardly a business that The recent spring-lit* • weather i. Thorne I l l 102 97 jurisdiction over flsheries 'contigu228 228 228 .. 16 27 711 flnndlcap Radar No. 1 M. Sanbora W1 ' ( l M. Cassnn* ; 169 doe* not directly or Indirectly benev ... 120 l'4l has brought numerous telephone 1 M l 0 ous to Its coast" and beyond Ut* Procurement „...». „ to SO 712 Dummy IM ? " dicaii ;...< 20 20 20 878 912 fit, literally, by lust a Mh- Even Ifcalls. Bill Lyman of the Second traditional three-mile limit Tbe . I I S i 689 Handleav 14 *4 Htadquartara . 21 40 '708 Maohlnt Shop No. 1 you have never ^een a atrlped bass National Bank and Trust company commleelon for tbe Atlantic Kites 481 492 644 1 * 1 " | 5 4 471 Woodworkers _ .. . « >S 718 SUNDAY TRIO .it makes good sense that yo^i help reports stfelng many flocks of redin Its report to congress has alSTRIKE E OUTS .. 19 44 654 ptt Laboratory H. Scott „ 121 129 protect your business income by wing- black birds. Also at his home ready asked that it' be mad* clear ... II 44 623 Hadlo A. Lockwood 140 141 WEDNESDAY NIGHT tEAQUB THREE STRIKES helping us to properly regulate the in Uanasquan a number of robins that the jurisdiction of the states RADAR NO. U. Vigne 184 141 120 L. Cole 172 1(9 168 125. 121 148 Bookbinder r taking of these fish, so that the have arrived. He says they are in line with past judicial precedent M. Connor ..'. 146 151 181 Dillon High Man; 171 1H 118 Cornell ™ ; .. 144-119 111 M, Col« Handicap * 12 12 12 supply tor future years and genera- feeding on barberries. Arthur Swift extend* outward to the limit of STANDING 0 * THI TBAMS 140 171 177 5. Cietellacclo 181 206 202 Play Again Tonight W . 171 157 1«2 tions Is assured, and Oat those of Bergen plaoe called to say that the jurisdiction asserted by ths Groeamui Brown'i Market 44 (58 (74 195 1(5. US lit i24 in us Kandleat . . hardy souls who get up la th* weeone of the largest flights of ducks United States in any instance. 4J Square Bar ....... KE43LERS HERE'S HOPING Red Bank Cathollo high school'* hours of the night, or those who 4J M. Wllwn 142 11J 98 8»7 111 906. Bruno 126 1S9 145 which he has ever seen has arrived 21 Romeo'i Station . . . . . . '0. Wl!«on 79 7« '85 court five offered some solace to sit In the sun during the day may SADIO . Bruno '. _ 129 202 193 in the North Shrewsbury river. S6 Mohr'i Tavern '• McK.en 78 105 138 121 141 ' 184 . Bruno Samero large fibnth Bass Win* Toy _ r .._... 144 219 194 their athletlo director, Rew. John have their ohanc* to catch a flan. Anderson Lumber — — . II SilT.ritetB 91 119 10) They extend in one solid "raft" ?• "«ht .-. _ 178 143 141 Honors' in State Contest Byrnes, who has wonted through M0HR1 TAVBRN Soltla _ . . . . 141 142 146 from Irwln's dock to French's point. 402 610 ( 3 2 Handicap , 18 88 3 8 Why .this, one flsh of all th* deDrlnkweter 118 1*4 160 Woodruff .. .. 145 189 149 an up-and-down leasoa, hy posting A large mouth bass weighing I MUSKETEERS Swift and Rube Whit* were out afferent speoies in th* ocean? BeJ. Adalr !«» I l l IIT Maro 13» 128 ' " . VanVllet 516 477 495' , 26-a vtetory over St. Mlcoael's » 173 ,,no 152 Parker 171 1*4 IBS cause of it* habit*. Striped bass ter quahaugs on the river last Sat- pounds won top honor* for Robert '; Handicap J47 147 247. VanVllet .......:. HISSES .' 188 11ST 132 ilgh of Newark In the ilxta annual Luta. I M 1»4 H 2 C M»ck i l l 135 u s spend moat of their lives within a urday and when they Hushed these Oimun « oxford, N. J , in the I I. P a t t t n o n .: 167 136 199 y Anthony 1*1 147 178 "Til ~»7I 9J9 state Cathollo Athletlo association C Coon 104 9« 118 mile of the beach and in the in-thousands of ducks tbe whirring of 1946 Mew Jersey Governor's Fshlng KABAX NO. 1 \. Downe 123 .146 166 ibasketbe.il tournament Friday Bight Hi 41)3 483 911 711 I 4 t land tide waters of the state. Host their wings sounded like' the wind, tournament Closing dates for the c Norrta _... n o 199 174 '• "«*y • • • 126 136 138 8HINING LIGHTS ROMEO'S STATION at the Seton. Hall college gymnas- flsh are caught within 200 feet of tournament were later than usual • 1 Gwlna ... . . . 168 169 184 whistling through the streets of a*4s year in ordertoadmit possible Hnndlcap . 29 29 29 0. Merill : 124 129 175 Ainime ITI U l 117 ium, • ...the beach. The eost offishingfor Leftcraft 149 129 184 H. Klefer 148 170 143 Roberto* ••• ,.—. IM 141 111 squadron of dive bombera B U I _ _ _ ™ . . . . . . . U S 1 1 6 . 188 *. Mmlll 491 {42 It) 193 ZU 151 Runell . 1*4 10J l i t.j-lor Joe Dillon returned t* the for» this game Oshtowithin reach ofLeahy of Rumson advises that a entries from ice fishermen. fcreeht ; ... 110 161 111 • BPUTS Romeo . . . . . Competing against I U entrl**^ . h« has exhibited la soms of the bet^ anyon* who wishes to try his luck. pair of bald eagles have taken up Hendloap 214 114 814 A. Foulki ...:.„..: 108 140 88 Morrlt 46D 510 472 " Leonardil 116 105 102ter Casey oontests by taking scor- A ten cent drop line with a five their quarters in an old tree on Osmun's catch was Judjed the most'"^ •'*" T o i l M l M7 HOT SHOTS . . . 1 4 5 124 138ing honore with ten points. "Sugar" cent hook pan do the trick from MAOHlim SHOP NO. t . Plewr .-. 13S 146 177 Bejer Ridge road and Naveslnk avenue. outstanding in th* contest, and he 132 180 140 S4I M6 f t VanNote 155 JOS 148', Smock 3 69' 1S8 150i. Hegel was awarded the Governors Troa pier or Jetty. It ls the average Rafferty and Pete Fleming esxsh SQUAR*AR Handicap „. 15 15 15 Bennett 105 168 15!. Conover _ 139 190 187 phy, a PauitfUver* sterling silver netted sbc, while the home town man's flsh and provide* great recH«nry •__ i.-, 167 111 14H*eerme« i 17» 1J4 148 Eel* must be coming to life and bowl appropriately engraved. This 1 4 * 140 142 Tii~m Cathollo center, Bonnie Bonforte, reation because It can be reached B 1» 1»» 1 " » Warraek 431 .534 523 Dummy HUl ...... .. 18* U l » « oozing out of the mud in Parker's entry, which was judged the most 1 148 IM 14 THREB STARS Johniou _ 12J UT 125 trailed the Bed Bank scorers wth from shore. Bahr ..._ Handicap . . 218 211 2 1 1 194 169 17 Oummr 1SS U s 135 creek, which separates Tort lion- outstanding of all entries in the T Monthan D. Webtr 106 107 146 [our. T. Boncore ". _ in 157 217 4 1*6 " » «0« Sportsflshlng is a major Industry mouth and Shrewsbury. I witnessed contest, was on* of 81 entered from 9S0 1014 98 • Acerra .'. 117 121 145 17« 177 ; P. skliltk A slow scoring sffilr, Bed Bank, , 77i iii JBPHODUOTION and ther* is not a community an unusual sight one day last week. fresh water lakes and streanu, H, Dlsbrow 148 126 152 LAMQrOBD'8 TAVSBN Hknulla _ Ill Handicap .,....-....„.....-» 18 18 I I trailed a t first quarter, <-6, butanywhere In th* state that does not A flock of gulls were congregated while 107 other competitors made 430 419 (40 Tlghi 15« 177 II! Str»U» .„ 188 W4 10 managed to hold Newark t o one QUIM-MINTS benefit In one form or another. Ciarri»ckl - US 2«0 II.Zeoek over one spot screeching, dipping their catches in salt water. I M 1 « 9 *• Qu'mfcy 158 166 178 Johmon ™ _ . U l 125 In the next a t a n » while takFenti . . . . . .... I l l H 2 14P. Minton If you believe with us that It lsand diving. It looked like tha old SCATTB* PINS' " « "point ' •. 141 136 147 Roman IM 148 16Ely The Oemun sntry was an Oswe"171- 172 14 G. Minton ing a slim t-1 lead at the intermis- to your Interest, and that of fu-days when they were feeding over 215 i m i 7_j . .--'• - 108 160 171 •DOTMM 192 114 17 Haueer . ..... 187 11 sion. St. Michael's was still with- ture generations, to regulate the a school of blue fish. I parked the go large mouth bass, 35 Inches long Handicap . : . . . . M l . 274 ' 21 E. Schwari , 19 ( l ) 8 2in distance a t the end of UM third 611 452 503 natural resources of our great state car and watched them for some and weighing » pounds. • It was '•• 919 1018 87 semester, with a oount of 17-16, but please write your assemblymen and time, determined to find out what caught October 12 from a row boat Ff : . . US llil' l ! PetUmr '• »nc!i , •.,..... 186 150 176 I. Richmond ..... .... JJJ m : u g MACHINE SHOT NO. 1 tfte- PIHoi)-R*5«ty corafolnatlcn senators at one* and ask that they It was all about Then suddenly one on Blalrvlew lake, Sussex county. 13* 148 U< )S3 170 • Kaur :. 186 151 IKJ; Frande ....: 1!» 168 111 178 173 Gaydoa ...........i.._ 118 12 W. Crotier Til ~m- ~ wtnt to work la th* la»t ohapUr gtr* every consideration', to A1B6 for gull darted away from the flock Osmun used a Vfoot rod and 1 Weber . . . JI . • ....... U l H I basserlne peroh Dlug> TUESDAY EVENING VIOTOJtY and managed to get the score away Immediate action, Maine, New carrying in' his bill' an eel about Woode .._.™ 184 167 17 527 Tn ~m LEAGUE from dangerous figures. BSiW^kiililiTB Hampshire, Massachusetts and Cal- a foot long. Some of the othe,r gulls Shaffer ~...:... 211 172 19 . 78J 777 4« The Casey* travel to Beton Hall ifornia have, passed bills to pro-took after him, causing him to re- {toning champion in New Jersey. COMMANDERS BHOWN'I MAEKET FRIDAY EVENING LEAGUE Handicap ..:.. : .:... « 4 192 again tonight In a n attempt to tect striped bass, some of thete lease the eel over deep water, where it took me all of 10 minutes to Jan«krt" " - • " 1 2 >1 5 ! 1 5 > Osmun 9*8 9 i 2 94 reach the finals In the state loop. state* sine* we first started our it disappeared. It would have been and him," FOXES C Johnion "". 132 120 144 4 0 play Umrelates, out h "because vto ntOCTTREMENT 168 199 162 campaign In New Jersey. R." Johnton , 128 1ST U 9 JtBD BANK nteresting to watch the gull try 1 . . , 966 9511 H line and no net for landing. * , a r t Hatsnulet '. , MS l i t '141 We, would Uk* to nave a reply in us to swallow It, Dillon, 1 . 1 « 0 10 >trt er top winners in the fresh Waeier ...: ; 116 100 12K o r h •••• with your comments and those of 158 188 14B . • 714 I I I ISDamU .o Drut7, ft ...... 11* 160 12 „ i l l 171 lio your stat* senator. Thanking you We wish Chief Harry VanNote water division were Carl Diets of BROWN'! MARKET ZaUwood „ . 10« 1(8 16 i«fT«rty, I. — — 685 654 "579"Orlmee . . . . . . . . . . . „ „ . i«, J?' jJ? Tomalno '1*6 116 U Blind In advance for your cooperation, good fishing on his trip South. HeFaterton, winner of th* first place 140 140 14. , J«(fnr, f, ..~~~ LIONS Chamberlain jjliior ... u r ne n Handicap IM saving bond for a brown trout SOI 201 110' ° ' Bonforte, c —— w* are, 185 16» Intends to give them a try at Stu-of M poundSi < ounces, caught la oneo Sobelkek • 1« l i t»« Fltmlns, g. —~,V, " ~ 116 178 04 21 SteVnbardt ... ,iine*rely, 8 2 8 ' I I I 19: i ' " v t f ' 3r Mtloney, t . art inlet. This has. always been one 131) 148 183 bd. . . . . . . . . . _ — . — P«quest river, paui T, Oush of IM 111 17 rtruber KBABQUAHTERS Fr ncl Maw j*r*ey League Kelly, s. ..... 164 177 157 of tbe best fishing n*i* In Horida, Newark *nd Walt« I t jShntoi DOMtt ex *.:. 182 111 14:» « •' • • of Burf Anglers. 1*11 1 1 1 wu •, i»i 7ei n Wleiand H I 16i t( 1* cf Dover tied for second plaee in W.Brwlrta, MOOT'S TAVHRN ^ H I 144 l " Harry C. BtUe, Ex. flee. 14S Itl 8o«k IT, o«k Bin Maekey, * president of thett* fresh water dais, each winning O. Traven, sr. Drinkwatee^ H ! 121 IIP l ' a ,,'.-• 108 128 11D, Ryin ut 1 2 1 no r. Honeor Mew Jersey League of Burf AngMohr .,- • 140 144 Peliraann 180 168 18O, Turnook .....„' Ke«n HO in saving stamps. . B o t f c m i n i 177 S»o», t BIO Gains J. Adalr ..-...:..-...:... H 9 1*1 II1 Hapdleap .-...: „ . . 220 210 !2« ~t lers, •'topped off th* other day, He entered S^ound walleyed I'. CiilnndrMlo " nj in 160 ft — IiUMUl ' HHM«''"'i.i»«f»..i \ib 144 1 554 T i l "ilO Mohnlloi, L, Moln»r ; 170 150 H, MCQOITT, t • The lEomnouth Oounty Federa1 says that th* new striper bass bill 189 AnHionr . . . . . . . JS1 1*1 H 9 906 917 H ADMIRALS Wtatt»«»«lawar*riW|'.TS Weir, 1. tion of Sportsmen's Ml] AIM to reg- baa a good ohanc* of becoming law. 7 ] 5 1 B IPBC LAB "• KUnk , .._... in nn 7 Hitt, third pris* of fff in savings stamps •• 811 620 "678 »«« 740 Catena** „ Ill 114 11 ulate the taldog oi striped bass In He urges the sportsmen to writ* to II. Ell n i jj7 Stabile, a. : Clayton 171 177 If;H. Vtv Brunt ANDERSON LUM HER 1B4 156 New Jersey, introduesd by Assem- their representatives requesting w»nt to Alfred Parent* of Phillips, i 1. . . . . . , , ' 1 0 9 124 141 141 J. Hehofl.ld' Cohen „..„ 91 11 - O'N«(II ,..«.-«.«».....«i.... HO 111 purg for a large mouth torn weigh- u' "- m •m=;M.j,,,.r.ii,,.,-,..|j«1 ...ma-; J. Hammond _, 215 169 181 bl V i l l TJ of Mon- them to get behind toll bill. Johmon 18« I U II Hild«l«:2i:i..!...1»1 1 >! un BpltArea , _ . Bloomer' Olrle .———— W»te»n R o l l w T ^ T T *ppessssw*jajsl *JWV* *lr &:-==:'" i« i(| S3U"ir:rzr~: ii. US 1?» i« i8 nit ' en , Caseys Win In State Tourney L^,, » * «» " :;:;;;;^! jS JSI t It f " • Wat«r« ntiiMtt Kurwrll „ _.,—..-.,- 1*0 169 » » 117 160—148 107 7 H SQUARE BAR Henry »..:.... I l l l l « rientlli m • 147 Br»y ......./i....a.......... 268 '211 Mon»h««"'""".."..1 186 160 , k t i l Itl ,. » > • • • « , . — ,•— ». TAYKRIS riih* ....•...,;....;. ,*,_:.„ 107 .187 CtamecU . '184 17* 187 I I I . VhMpi . . . . . . 112 151 Human . 0 ., 1 ( | J01 ItomiA RpMKO'R STATION ... U l III Rehmldt Eulton ,-...,;, Handicap .-. - ......;.„.. 171 1(» 14 102 110 311 21 'U0 ' "oil "in To ,. Rubliy UrocqiM /.. Anderaon .'. Jenion ..•...'. .,..1Drill ... .~tHandicap SHOP K. (.-arhurt i l l 148 . « ' „• •:"»"" :.. J«0. U 4 11 DO' 121 .11 141 143 12 1,41 U S 15 1..., UU&fcU '* '• 111 94« ''• W | " •••••• «'A, A. 0. S, «'»«"i»n Willlni >..•........„.'„.... 110 114 17 i h Markley I l l 111 17 Colei .,...-.. , 144 U7 10 >Nrun«n .'. I . . . * 134, 114 14 Wlfo.lt ... 141 2011 J lUmllcip 161 I t l . , 0 ( 1 1 DEARS .|7fc .:.....:.:>'...' 0 9 •UM. 67 BEAVEItS .-. Jf.2, 176 w ,.„.. I U 114 I n o 18J n « 191 J. HI 111 , Kriviioli .,. 1 " II, l>tt*rion i fin Ktferta, Bolodtre, Mlltotl worer, Malone/^ timer, Aherne, H M U M L 1 9 0no 140 "HI 5r" " ' It A. Wymh« ...„.'.....:.. 6B0 TJ7 A. Jaimtiir ...! Republican Clubs ' Plan Luncheon I 114 114 ........... 118 141 U l 1CI l i t ....... ......... I l l 1 H ITI 111 throughout tile stat*. The Whattauhappened to th* grey New Jersey Stat* y*s*rat!ra <* soulrrelsT Oould it be that they Sportsmen'* olubs unanimously In- laid in such an. abuodanoe of foid dorsed the Mocmouth proposal and in preparation for a bird winter legislator* in Sussex, Bernx, Ber- tJiat they haven't ootn* out'of higen, Middle***, Jlorri*, Monmoutb, bernation? Or oould it IN that tom* Union, JIerc*r and Oumberland d l i i u s h u hit them, thinning their oountle* have already al|nlll*«J tbtlr rank*T Certainly the rtcint w r ^ Intention of going along wity th* Ilk* w*n«i«r ihould brinf taw» out lhtaiur*. Senator Hayda Proctor I haven't i«*n tany crossing the ot lCoom<)uth oounty, preildent ol highways; W* hav*^4lw*jr* hid to* wmtts, has assured sportsmen tap or flv» rabWiitrtntfrittf In « «( Ml UtvqttalaUd support «( to*yard. TWl »*M fuif »»v* «UK> i l l - iiti. H»rv»y Dados'.of Hcboken will iptik on the .United Nations 1(1 1*5 <)onferin«»» at ft* annual iprihg lit 111 lttaohion of th* United Womin'i .»• 11!Rtpublloin clubs' of Vonmouth oounty,,Friday, Mush IB, at thi» • • looet to tottSe Pfooior .to. -, MKUTBNANi Molly "Pltehir-hot*!; R u u U t i s M ita* WU tkmigfe'ilit. *sMt* As*tm< M must ba mide with Mw. yioiof . 1 , W-.twwgof.MDwti ««mty, »lto i.»i n o MI 870 EDS CAPTAINS A. Bhlnn .,.„„; I*' n»»mcmd C, i!err' .„,.. ... J!. Pr«(lfl* „„„, |y|fcajBjH«A 's^sTsa*jb*j*asaaaAa^ J^s^*L*4ejB4v*jej Afs^s tfjy« > IHJM80K CONTEM A.btlkitbali oonttit in thl RU Hiv« bi.n »MWng c« . .M l m. Ak-\—iL . _e.Ii^H It A In' th* salt water olas* LtlaaA. TrotUp of Tomi* River received th* top W savings bond award for *, ,' U pound, mrano* hluafish caught/ , Ing stamps iw'Moond^pUft* w*at "*^ to I<ymantPotter of mptun*tor» '• itHpti bass wtfgihingiSl pounds. 4 "' ouneu caught in,the *urf at B n d - ' •{ lty, Baaoh, Third prlie <X U u ' saving itampt w u won by. Alfred ' •W. Cooper, of fjpdenwold for hli iPlMk drumr catoh weighing Ml pounds « d brought in off Kortt Bkblandi Siaob. ' BANK EEGISTKBf MARCH 7« 1946. Charles 3. a « e ^ j Clark, trtajurff^ pp of tb* grammar ;*chool featured «h( inonWy »e**lon Tuesday' night of Hfefaandf JPiawntOine) JUMy. mm at * • Or Teach»r aaaocjatloa heKJ iB^tt« •«mmu* m fPUta'tt UM returned A **ow*r and ©pen Sou** t Mpa* ift/ft^^ut^U stay la M d nesTtburiiday at th* real- dttorlna.' BefreaamwUwtr* served J i J d T f e i v**4t«l JWt laud**. d*M* of Mayor and Mr*. A. Mead* during the evening, 'dal*. gi. Patmteorg and Miami. - $ob*it*ou U Miller «t»*t for their Mr. and M», Albert Bwwitt, J* MM. BWrtv Duay. Ma. Z*M •on and hi* bride, Mr. and Mr*. A- Recreation place, are {bavfftrant* d H X C t o 3f*ad* RobeKwm, Jr. Th* oovpl* of » son born Saturday, at Monmouth Memorial hospital. ' w * » married Mmiary M M tb* I*/ «t n * Vaao Methodist pwaonag* by Rev. Joba * pMt we*r*nd> ft* Of. Long.' THe brid* Is'th* former ehaaK m Thtrtora ML Duty, noehrtd Mis* Iva Ruth Bay** of Houston, t#urn*i»ent will again be _ telsphotM M*) Wednesday *VM> Texas, ah* wore a nary blu* suit Repair* are being mad* on th* at IUd Bank, Joseph Iqg of Jait w**k tram her but- and orchid oorsage. Tb* bridebowling association baud, )<ir*t JUeut Theodore Duay, groom'* parent* were tb* aitend- home or Mra. J. Wlbsrg. •ad tournamsnt manager Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oertlone 1 itatkmad In Manila, Mrs. Dusty, atri*. event, anounoed ye*, spent Sunday In Mew York «>ty, tb« toimu airier Omonr, reports A number of local resident* enttt Red Bank Elk* club. bar husband'* vplo* wa* clear and joying vexations at West Palm The sale on Fetef GenovtM's <».:»tftted ..tSait«WJwyasi. farm was largely attended la»t dtotiCkUut^Doay h u been overprit* would be *l,00O, witfi u m i v T i i ewB'^^x.^^^f ••>• • arvvaev *rv^t~ Beach, Florida, hay* arrived-home. y,_,^_ v ^ : __ for the doubles winner* and seaa W month*, 18 et wnlea were They include Mr. and Mrs. Ivjna tor til* single* champ guarspent In HoUandla, Dutob Sa*t Io- Voorhees, Mr. and Mrs. Alien Voor- Stella Marie Slano, daughUr of Games win atart April 37. dies. H* la now at haadquarten,- he*a and daughter Margaret, Rich, Mr. and Mr*. James Blano; was bap. tournament manager, who Sad Bank CWteU> high fthoo! Armed Force* Watt Faolflo, '" ard CroweU, Mr. and Mr*. Fred tieed Sunday at S t Joseph's ohurch mad* MI ttimft t» «W*ng* tk» ^governed the tourney bare In Th» ladles' AusUlary of the flr* Kleferdorfi. Mr. and Mr*. Williim in Keyport. -The sponawr* w*re prior d^eat teaOtd ttaatt by *JM which m i the moatmiccess««np*»ior will meet at the ham* rf P. Worth and Mr. and Mr*. Ar- Jerry Slano, Jr, of New tork and Mlsa Angelina LuocareHi. A dinner ©f Ha kind, up until that date, Rejd Bask Ugh aafaool Boeeaneer* V n . Ann* WyMe, next Wadnuday. thur Parker. Tuesday nl«bt bat Frankl* Booth •feted that toe contest Alteration* are being made on Twelve birthdays were celebrated attended by 28 persons was held t low* In the aeooud half'and prove to b« the beat In the ' tt* general store In Colt's Neck. at a Pollyanna party Monday nigbt after the ceremony. ot the association. Headd- led his mat** to viotory. '-, by TwinUgnt council, Son* and Mr.- and Mrs. Samuel daecitme of Ote proprietor, Arthur Tax, statt* 1 tfcat this year ! top bowling me«t It would bar* "bten sw**t muslo a refrigerator box and eounUi* Daughter* of Liberty. A covered Newark *nd Mr. and M». Tony De-, be different from past to the ear* «f Rev. John Byrnes have been lnertalled. fresco of Nutley spent Sunday with dish supper wa* eJio enjoyed. to that It would be strtet- and Ueuta. CharJle Jaokson and Bam Walker of Toronto, Canada, The turn of <300 is tbe quota for Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Alloooo. handicap affair, wh#reai K baa Ed Moe, Casey mentor*, to roaak • gunner te the Roya] Canadian S i Andrew's Episcopal parish in Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Slano, Sr,, of ln a Jda over Coach /rank Wngl« das* A, B-and C affair. 1 artillery, Is spending bis furlough th* campaign for'funds to rebuild New York city spent tb* week-end atadJcapplng has also been tore * Shore Conference tltllst*, but with Mr. and Mr*. Edward A. tie bombed churobea in Europe, with Mr. and Mrs,. Albert. Slano, 1, Mr. Menxwpane declared. their lait-quarter spurt could not Wylle, R*g Woodward of Toronto China and the Philippine*. Any In- • Ralph Montanjo baa a new autoJousts have iued a 300 make up the) third quarter deficit and New York o*ty spent Sunday formation may be obtained from mobile. flgurs with a gift of tmo- they allowed when the Buc* ofc l with Mr, u d VM. Vfyii: df the difference.' This year tbe sobrad them 1W. Th* Casey's In[cappers will UM a 190 scratch accuracy in mlssteg eight of 13 Tb* Uaderablp for devotional gflft toue* did, not help their can** aervloe* for Haroh and April are (fljre tba Verier 7696 of the dif- any eitljer, Th» Buca, failed to eon- a* follows: March 10 and March IT, vert butfew©oi their seven trie* Mr. Davit* eUss; March 24, Mr*. ._ announced prize money la Booth took scoring honor* with BUI*1 class; March. U, y^ g,^. of the feature! certain to air14 point*, wMle hi* rival center, mane class; April T, Ml** Mlt| t ..Jersey*! plnoien., The.aujor- Ronnie Bonfoste, trailed with lour cheil'a els*; April 14 Mr*. Rlch"*oi alley affairs have held top baskets, Ralph Manucca and Tao- tuf da**; April H, Mrs. Ounther1* .la the $75 or J10O bracket carelil were tied for next honor* claai, and April 28, Mr. Thompson's Ifuntil tbla time* with doublet TIO- with six apiece. ' da**. Mrs._Hawld Ounther was gettlng between *35 and $50' The Buc* never trailed through- <*o*en to lead the"slnHhj and &•**•*?.<* M dug To Red Bank |fl,600 Top Prize Money Guaranteed— Foe Menuezoptfrie To Manage Etent Centerville BucsTakeGafeys In 34-22 Contett ,:4 LONG BRANCH Flexible Steel Ytheiian Blinds Reduced Prius Too Much For RBCH Fir Limited Time! \ -made*,* *15 or the first sasMon rest and Improvtournament wUl be played at ing slightly by half time, 164. The Bed Bank Recreation alley* third" quarter was their best, as Newman Springs road and will Booth, jo* Boldln and VaeeareUI each week-end thereafter netted two goal* each, while 'holdAtil all contestant* have- rolled. ing tba Cafaholte* to three points dug date for entries baa been on a basket by Joe Dillon and a at April 10. ".American Bowling Oongres* rule* free tois by "Sugar" Rafferty. p|| govern the event and Individ- Bonfort* served notice that the ' must be members of the Con- game was still on a* he started the sanctioned league*, In order final semester with a basket, finally sinking two more, but the 38-12 eligible. margin tb* Boo* held wa* more •in* state bowling president than sufficient. laMd emphasis on the fact that BOD BJUfK 011BOU0 he bowler 1* "getting' the break" a r ? B; ttrti tourney. He (tated he haa MUoo. t ••• lOt i*j*h attempting to reduce the en. J.fl«T, i. .. , - , • ,_. ..... 1 fane* fee and raise the prize Rfcflfft^. f. _ » « » « « « « » » « » . 1 I. aooey, which be accomplished tor Drorr. Booted*. «, Us (Met The association Is a r, KMrfpoflt organization and Mr. itaatopan* baa arranged to out Kelly, i, |i*'**pea*e item by at least 66 per ' over other ehamptonshlp BiNX devotional services. , . _ „ urged to attend the Sunday-school service at 9:46. Tho next teachers' meeting will be held at the bom*, of lira. Ludwick Nlehau*. Anyone who like* to sing la invited to attend xfcolr rehearsal Tuesdar night in the church. Troop M will meet next Monday at the Scout camp at Scobeyvllle and have demonstrations on different types of fir* craft and tb* us* of knife and ax*. Tbe Helping circle met yesterday at the home of Mr*. John Sherman. The memorial flowers Sunday were given by Mra, Edward Hardy in memory of her mother. There will be an all-day meeting of the Sewing club today In tbe chapel. -Mrs, Sherman_HumLja hostess. Tbe women of the church are In* vited to attend tha Baptist church in Freehold tomorrow at J p. m. wlB mark the first time In the S e t T f for the observance of World Day Boldine, t history of the association Uorrtt, 1 of Prayer. guaranteed prteee wert an- P. Booth, e. .. Dr. Milton Hoffman, minister, iqunoed and never before have A. ttsoth. «. last Sunday installed as elders ID Uch huge amounts been »et to lure Huinwsi f. the church, William Clifford and (. _ he-cream of the state. In addl- TooaJno, Joseph Lefferson, and a« deacon:: V»nu»lM. g. _ Jon, all of the in try feet collected MurpJiT, i . „ Walter Mitchell and Clarence COT rill.be returned to t*e contestants II * I over, Sr. A Consistory meeting w;r n other than first prizes. Eaftrew—MM, Sotawt HOKn, M« be held tonight at the home of Jo Bddle Bahr, secretary of the !on«T, Cofan; Tbnat, Ab*n«. seph Moreau. •lonmouth county bowling aasoclaSunday school teachers' meetln hlon, haa been named secretary of was held at the home of Miss JiItte tourney. be! "Mitchell. Attending were AT: In sending his announcement to Harold Gunther, Mrs. Legter Ric' Ms* press, Mr. Menszapane, one of ens, Mrs. Ludwick Nlehaus, Mir the greateit bowling •nthutlasta In Sherman, Mlsa Mabel Mitchell jb* state,: said "every team In Mon- The well-dressed amnesia victim Anh 1 fiouth county ihould enter the who walked Into police headquar- and Harold Davis , jhamplonshlp, because all have an ter* Tuesday and told police she - An invitation has bee enxtended >v*n chance to win honors and top did not know who she was aorto the -Reformed church from tho tonay." where she lived, haa been Identi- Far ad Hear Society of Keyport fied as Mrs. Laura Kane of 19 Pa- Reformed church to atted an open TLAS COBT meeting next Monday at 8 o'clock. olfte boulevard, Cllffwood Beach. Police, unable to establish .her Rev. B. D. Hakken, Reformed Jfeober* of Pride of Mowaouth toueil, Sons and Daughter* of lib- Identity after lengthy questioning, core mlbnlosnary to Arabia for 14' erty, will observe the 51»t annlver- took her ito Rivervlew hotpttal years will be speaker. kry of the lodge Tuesday, March where «hs was oaJled for yesterday Tbe Atlatlc tc-wshlp it* oompay » . Flan* for the anniversary were morning and taken to her bom* by will meet next Tuesday at tbe flre I i h a l t at a meeting Tueaday at the her husband, police said. Hospital house. Wane Snedeker announces lodge ball, with Charles Croydon authorities attributed her laps* of plans will be discussed for a dance memory to diabetic shock. fctsldiog. Friday, March IB. Peter Moreau , Scout leader of troop 90 roporU March will be devoted to camp craft Amnesia Victim Is Identified FSANDER S WINES & LIQUORS 67 BROAD STREET RED BANK 3340 — WE DELIVER. Bellows Special Reserve BLENDED WHISKEY Fifth »3*« Pint*! 1 * Full Quart Student Nurses To Receive Cap* •ISM in ifoek. Made of t' „__»%»*w«i bilwd. on ivory to-clean. Complete with all steel fixtures aid wood eomkie ready to hang. AH 64" tonj. Van, Plioni flrdera Filtedl Rolled Riohl...Mil(i and Ughl...No Bite PREPARE SPRINGI FOR START PAINTING NOW* MONMOUTH COUNTY DISTRIBUTORS OF PRATT & LAMBERT PAINT AND VARNISHES :BELLPV^S',.....,...,...;..;.. , : .Mi „„...% 3.32 .y 8 iio BOOTH'S HIGH & DRY l......*:...,....,,..^ 3.10 ^FLtlS^MI^AKtNtS ^,...;......i.:v..(.i...,,..t.:»/8 3.17' M SAL JOMNION'I tlO-fOAT •LOTNif Famous setf-pollrtlM wan fives y o i •jleaming teprs in qflkk order without • 1JI I abfolukeiy aafe—It won't: . ooWr or liana , Just dh and : jv,, Downstair* BORO BUSES •*.i. SAUI ' \ ', ,f RHUUR 1.M NNM ImWONfRY. qboof* rtftf with flora! p«H«rn eoll* DasM*. wro-tone reversible. Popular S * , iNn* bead quality, it sheets, M Cloaqt Shop — Vocels Main i.iri Accidents dee avoidable In , moat Instancoe. It we all take . a lHtlvmor* time we can ipar*. ourielvt* rieartaoh* and headr • ' lAtlt i hooks, Tough VXpBWk'fC won't erack, peel, keep* out dust, fi Today the. tempo la faster and we move with greater speed. However, In our rush, let ;u* all 1 be careful, Let us avoid palriful, cottly accident*, When riding- In the""bus**;'hold "61ito"tbC" guardrail. Try to have your. fare ready—It aa.vea time. Watoh , your step when you get on and off tha bus. ' ,' ' '-' *"• •' a o h * TtANtfAMNT |f,7l «ARMMfT 9*9 TRAVEL BY BORO BUSES tered thrsMvio!.|h Aprils 1M4, and took hir boot twining at Hunter' oollegi, N«w York olty. For a'tlme •he wai itatloned.at the Betheafla, Mtryland, Corp* school, and did WMd work In th» Naval hospital i t B&lntrldge, Maryland, Ikast Maroh she intered the school for d«ntal anktant* at Norfolk.' Vlrftolk wh«r* ihi rimafmd until her ' ' ' "' MNHrfT PDR MM#taV "Just A Shade Different" 13 BROAD ST., RED BANK PHONE 1306. The annual capping exercises for the el*** of 1W8 of Monmouth Memorial hospital, School of Nursing, will be held tonight at the Bordenauditorium. 'Cap*will begiven, to 80 student* who have completed their pre-cllnlcal work, by "big slater" upper-claaamen. Monmouth county girl* who will receive thtlr caps Include Misses Angle Daniels of Red Bank; Eleanor Hurley, Oceanport; Louis* Jefferson, Fort Monmouth; Dorothy Keller, Atlantic Highlands; Audrey Apoitolaeut, R«nee Backer, Janet Brower, Antoinette DelGuerclo. Margaret Myers, Beverly Weinatela and Edna Merle Hyde,. Long Branob; Marjorle Ohtnoweth and Olady* Slioox, Keyport; Edith Hlmelman and Ruth Bolsoo, Beimar; Ann Winters, Deal; Gloria Froehliob, Asbury Park, and Helen Smith, Point Pleasant '''"' Kit AfKIM : WlfH The Cohrite Co. PAUL JONES ......„.:. ..„.„...% 3.42 WAVE Receives OLD THOMPSQN ..,,.1/. 3,50 Navy Discharge NCEYRESERVE^ZZZZZdfc 3.88 Mis* Mary 8. Rablto'oiMiojianjd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. M ys 3.61 •treat, Samuel Bablto, has reoelved bar dlwharg* from tbe WAVES, after PARK & TILFORD „.,.,# 3.41 33 months of aoUvt duty. She enGILBEV'S OIN : GORDON'S ...:,......,.„ teagato g and**•?. * irVveJ J '• Mala H*«r im- IT;-/ : <X SKIRT MARK1R "7 " \' " 1.98 SAVE Him AMU WORRY! HIDE A BUil -wf. WSM •- 4-1 . ' ^^T^^^™^^^w^^B^|^*r^p^jpeT*BiBB3IW3S(fl5 Ten FarmNew- RED BAMK BEGISTEB, MARCH 7,1946, sicX^i J J - J ^ A ^ " - ' J - A ^ f r i , ^ ^ ' 1 ' ' ; R 1 / m m Erosion The noent Ugh winds Wowl _ across some ot Monmouth county's plowed field* have raised not only a storm of dust but quite s. storm of controversy, according to M. A. Clark, agricultural agent Farmers • faced with Inadequate labor and Insufficient time to get' everything done when it should be done, have plowed'large acreages during the fall in order to lessen the- plowing Job in the coming spring. They think, rather wistfully, that damage-frpm wind erosion is not too serious! At least they hope, from an economic point of view, that damage by the wind during the winter would be less than the economic lose of insufficient or inadequate . plowing during the short spring season. , ,t Housewives residing where tne dirt travels have no doubt about the 111 effects of fall plowing, and they are most emphastic about It Many of the experts find themselves akin to clergymen who are unalterably against Sin but still not completely able to prevent It Their authority ia somewhat weakened by the fact that they themselves have had no experience with the thing that they oppose. ' The agricultural agent points opt that it Is almost Impossible to determine *y accurate measurements just what damage is done by wind erosion In an area like Monmouth county. Damage Is done under certain wether conditions and fortunately, these conditions do not persist all the time. To prove that some damage occurB, however, Mr. Clark quotes data from a recent U. S, T3. A. yearbook which dealt entirely •with soils. In this statement there la a report of chemical and physical analyses of soilstaken during a duat storm in Iowa in 1937. This >*. - ' j£^Eyi• a-*—^£lljjjL^^if' T^T-T^*,^L|i'"r**flf estimates? Is ft a ,desjrab> . . time" to enter into the profeetT Can w« <ta*ki do" for anpthtr.yeer'insteajl ot throwing good money to the four wind* |n IMS?'! These are not $64 question*, The stake of the taxpayer! is far, hjgher, with Jersey's munlelptStlM having a total of $72,000,000 of free asset* In hand at tne end of 1MB. GONGAMBUN0 So hold everything until a sane' New Jersey will go'into the busi- economy ness of nurturing infant 'industries market! - un-auckerites the buyer's with taxpayers' dollars if *' recommendation of the Erdman State Reorganization Commission Is enacted Into taw. _ But get this right The new in- In order to encourage a batter dustrtea will riot be factories with understanding of nature's 'seasonal smokestacks. Not a bit of It The activity, a short article will be Isobjects of the State's largesse sued each month,' written on a, would be horse racing tracks. Spe- timely subject by Stanley Veincifically, two new tracks—Mon- tpsh, landscape architect, Point mouth and Atlantic, Clty-JWhlch, to road, Little Silver. their first year probably will not be Native Shrubs In Landscape Design able to reach s, dally betting take, Possibly one of the most overof $960,000. So, under the Erdnian Commlmslpn formula, the two looked phrases In present-day tracks would scoop the "breakage" planting Is the proper use of native —odd pennies from a' nickel—and shrubs In landscape design. Ton the State would lose it. If tbe day's successful gardens are the daily take goes' over »960,OM>, tbe result of careful planning yet to Stats would begin to t^ke the many a garden still suggest! a breakage. The commission formula patch of corn.or beana, a miscelis a touch and go affair between laneous collection of donated—and the State and the race' tracks. One possibly diseased-rplanta or a Wave will' .get the' breakage; the other of new, catalogued varieties placed In a. haphazard manner about, the will get a heartbreak, yard. All this with no thought of In this booming Infant industry what Is being omitted or what of hosi racing-, the two new track* beauty has been destroyed In wakcould garner a breakage total of ing such confusion. possible, over JBOOpOOO, while the State looks Much can be said for the proper on* In pained wonderment as the easy dollars go elsewhere than in use of native shrubs about ou» its own coffers. New Jersey has homes—especially If the owner many places where It can put that chooses to have an "out-door firebreakage tax to east the burden of place." Here a native nook might well be established and,.a place its hard-pressed taxpayers. made for such desirable and easilyThe New Jersey Taxpayers Asso- grown shrubs as some of the folciation, which advocates' that all lowing: Wild Azaleas (Wild Honeybreakage go to the State govtrn- suckle), Vacclnium : "It Is hardly conceiv- _^CS* " ^ i s ' ^ E ffi&^ffil 'I Government Ml pastor 'iWJ **flS*a™*- !*•* n-6-is POBCU L afcst "-*--— r \*r »T - T - T , . , •*£ twtVj — .——>«--^ - B — w a ; ? jo.p, J l l .. B w (j^ i y • i Bflrtce, 8 o'clock. _ - .,-, 'World Day of Prayer will grrad tomorrow- night at 81 PM'-WooMn'i UiHloauy. Wtt -the. Bdna Woodward Nature Topics —si * ;>J iarg*. trustee* a BOLT TOUOTT .Services Sunday will be: school, 9:45 a. m. and mo ivies at i t o'clock; with a i__. be pastor. Rev. Harold i berger. Mid-week Lenten M r will be held at 8 p. m. Confl, tlon classes will be held ITrldsj :Mp. m. v TVlE FORESIflHTED INDIVIDUAL, L00KIN5 TO THE* FUTURE, PUTS MONEy ASIDE IN U.S.SAVINGS BONDS, LIFE INSURANCE" AND EIGHTH eiBTHDAT Bllien Noont, daughter of 1 and Mrs, Joseph Noons of I Ing road, observed her eighth1! day Saturday. The guests wh her classmates In tbe third „ in S t James school enjoyed a formance of the picture bound." Attending were Patricia L Toanne Noone, Richard . „ _ Joan Welch, Patrioia Cook, Jii Applegate, Peggy Welch, Jo Prek, Allda Tranero, Everett: ler and- Patricia Gallagher. Enough bread, is baked week on one of the •Sweet Pepper • Clethra • (Sweet Battleships to i CvVHcn na^el). field contained three times as mucB onemay consumption . _, cillata (Winter Berry), Benzoin organic matter, as the soil left in NO MATTER WHAT'STORMS MAY STRIKE HIM, dividual in a city of 8,000 (Spice Bush), Aronia (Chokeberry), the field. tion. • ' Amelanchler (Shadblow), Myrica The'dust contained three times (Bay Berry). as much.nitrogen, four times as Card of Thanks, ^ Several Viburnums-(Arrow Wood, opens a bower of fragrance and MetUeM Menu Fine With much phosphorus and about half I wish to thank all thOH M Black Haw, Nanny-berry, etc) Cor- delicate, color; fall changes'.to a again as much potash. Everybody A 8UCKEES' MAKKJET Stuffed E « Plant show of gems in glistening berries helped, me ao kindly during mr-t knows that the finer particles of Hold everything! New' Jersey nus (Dogwood, both flowering tree and turning leaves. Eisen winter, cent bereavement. Also tbowiT For a meatless menu It is hard and bush forms), Crataegus (Hawsoil are the ones which will yield municipalities should take a square with twig patterns and colors, con- to Bnd anything more interesting sent flowers. Special thank**! thorns, etc.) Some evergreen the most plant food. Samples taken Rev.'B. 8, Wolfe and to the j£ l look at the facts before spending types, Ilex opaca (American Holly), tinues in an otherwise drab land- and more nourishing than from this Held after the storm conPosUn funeral directors for t) their big accumulations of taxpay- Rhododendron scape a picture O f profound in(Rose Bay), K&lmla STUSVBD EGG PLANT WITH " kind services. tained 19.6<* fine particles of .silt ers' funds for post-war projects. terest . . CURRY lat, (Mountain Laurel), etc. and clay and 8.1% of u'tar fine or Mrs. Ounhlld P«tsoM< Prices of labor and materials are LeL us then know our native Select small egg-plants, allowing native shrubs listed-above colloidal particles. On thTTottleT and son, Paul too high and too fancy. It la a areThe. shrubs better.Let us share a small one egg-plant tor each serving. all found in this county and hand, the dust samplea collected sucker's market and public funds once abounded where many a home part of our garden with their useful Wash, wipe dry and cut off a piece —Advertisement. during the storm contained 9Vfc of should not be sucked into It. Who now stands. All are' worthy of presence where a happy reunion near the stem to form the lid. Scoop IN MEUOMAM. fine particles silt and clay and would dispute this? Only the advo- wider use about the homes which will create a more abundant life out the center with a vegetable I» lorlaf mtmorr of Ltun ; 3S.49: of ultra fine particle*. scoop. Mince it fine. Now mince a cates of a "spend now policy.'" mother e l Idas Ftnaest now deprive them of living space. for all small onion and green pepper and btisTtd, Atlantic Alfalfa Seea Beady In 1941 t| The City Managers association, In Thesa, native shrubs aho'uld be saute in butter to a light brown. To Marts lltta. 1141. New Jersey fanners should get AP Newsfeatures a survey of 203 cities, discloses that saved but, unfortunately, are being HITS TREE, CAB OVERTCBNS. this add tiie minced egg plant and their first supply of Atlantic alfalfa IN HEMORIAH. COLVING several modern architectural problems, this six-room contractors' bids on municipal im- puehed further away so their Innohalf a cup of canned tomato .or a PAHO—Kltrtath a s n l r t m . , . seen in time for spring sowings In •3 house.of wood presents its service and utilitarian side to the provements exceeded advance esti- cent beauty is known only to the James Collins of Freehold, li in good sized ripe tomato and enough High HUM of Ktoultrt will kt 1947, according to Carlton S. Gar- street while its garden facade opens up to exploit a tranquil view. Monmouth Memorial hospital where rice to aihsorbh l most-of the mois- or t i t r.poft ot tfet aanl at fn.r mates by 20% to 50%. Maj. Gen.select who will seek them out. The rison, associate extension specialist ture. Simmer t * mixture for threehe wa admitted Monday afternoon. M. Pane, on Thnrtdey. Haiek 14t£ Even the porch Is closed on the street side for privacy. s Philip B. Fleming, Federal Works plants mentioned are either shrub in farm crops at the N. J. College With lacerations of the head «*d a quarters ot an hour. Season with S a. n . at tht Cknreh of OaiV Udr I Designed by L. Morgan Yost, A.I.A., of 363 Ridge road, Kenlladministrator,' warns states and or tree-like in growing habit. Many of U t Stt. Lour Branch. JUItt salt and pepper and curry powder of Agriculture and Agricultural Exworth, Illinois, the dwelling was built in the Chicago area before the cities to t h W twice before rush- lovely flowers and herb?, which possible concussion suffered when to taste. Add a bit of thyme or sage and fritndt art kindly iDTlttJ U stt periment Station. the car he-was driving ran off the war at a cost of $7,200. Architect Yost estimates that under current AiwtUa* (H> mni Lads H , ; ing to public work contracts In a should be used as an under plantor marjoram, if you tansy the Garrison says ths supply of this costs the project probably would approach $10,000. He recommends high-price market In Masachusetts ing, are not to be omitted. Also, to road and hit a tree, overturning flavor. Fill the eggplant shells with strain Is on the increase but not a minimum lot frontage of 60 feet for thie plan. the vehicle, at Holmdel road, near be remembered, are such bits of this mixture, put the lid on each many cities with plenty, of cash and enough will be available In 1946 for The room layout is especially versatile, planned to accommodate credit are postponing construction old lace as native ferns might sug- Highway • U, Atlantlo township. one and bake in a slow oven for fltld plantings. Atlantic is an al- either a small or medium sized family. Two bedrooms are large in 1946 because costs have risen gest. While not native bulbs may State police from the-Shrewsbury one hour. With this serve a field falfa developed at the experiment salad garnished with hard-cooked barracks Investigated. enough for twin beds and the third is planned for a single bed. find a place here, too. from 60% to 100%. eggs and for dessert an ice box lee. Too Uto For station especially to fit New Jer- Closets are generous. Hall space has been kept to a minimum. Tne New Jersey Taxpayers assoIn general composition, a native * .— ' • sey soils. A distinctive feature of the plan Is the articulation of the stairIM BID BANK Ifs S p u Craft I Commercial freezing of food beciation says: "Only necessary pub- garden Is Informal and primarily a few sictart' frsaaliis; • ell ptt_. way in a separate wing, eliminating the necessity of cutting a stair"Last year the seed crop harvest It pavs to advertise in the Register lic work should be undertaken at spring and fall garden. Spring gan In the United States in 1870. etiaiags. aad «»r«»lnf» rtftart4« well through the framing. The location of the stairs makes the of Atlantic alfalfa amounted to alia tnmtltst aaattl mlnen, " upper floor, accessible from kitchen, living room or front entrance about 1,200 pounds," explains Mr. ralaaett, Una alfit, framtd ssltt^ Garison, "but all this will be used without going through any other- room. This arrangement also Eart JroBt itntU two 4oon Ktuys. fhcwa B«4 Bimk l | « r . h ^ l ^ t U U t / whlr hlh to make further increase plantings' hallll nut n/ frnnt .ntr in the Western seed producing opens a powder room lavatory, states. At BOSTON AT BKOOKLTN AT NEW Y O K AT miLADEUHIA AT rrfWBCTOH AT CWCMNAT1 AT CHICAGO AT ST. LOPlt Ia41««* appartl ske*. stKtl $*r,f. "Present acreages are being In^ May 1.1,7 tttady work, taanlre lUneifctast'e,? Miy I, I AprU 10, t h y 1,1 May], 4 April 24, 25 reduction In consumer income durhe number asking rehabilitation April 12, 33 i creased In. Northern Utah and a Junt 1 1 . 1 Junt 1 , 1 1 Junt 17,11,12 May 24,'25, 26, M May M> 3D, }0 » Brawl ttntt. Btd B u k . ing 1946, a greater quantity of red July M, 21.21 new aeries of plantings will get un- oans was more than 16,500. Julyli.b July 17, II. II July 14, l i U June » . 31, 2», 30 Aug. II, 17, II Au,M Aug. N. 11 Auf. 21. U, 14 Au(. M, » meat available to civilians, and re- BOSTON Aug. 25 29,27 day way In California. P'robably Stpt. 24, » Sept. X, » WAOTTO—Woman SOT stetrtl I , about 600, acfes will be sown in tceommended Vegetable Varieties. duced military requirements, add work, about Mar 1st U w la. Wai April 10, May 1, 2 May 1.4 Mar I, I Miy I, t, 1 early spring. For seed production, Practical farmers in Monmouth up to'less demand for eggs than in prU 24, 19 April 21, 27, 2«, 21 AprU front vroptrty, litUt Hlvtr, t k W ] ARrtM.IT Junt 7, (L I Junt 1. t l JuM4l7< Miy 224, M, M July 4,4,1 [ulyl.7,7,Auf.S taadlr. H u t W tooi eook i«4 JUM ft only a, pound and one-half, or two lounty have made the statement 1945. au July 14,14. II July l i , 12, 11 July 17. II. II July 20, 21, 21 A J, 10, 11, II Auj. Aui, I, 7 Sept 4,9. « BROOKLYN to drlTe e u . Ptnuntnt pounds of seed per acre are needed, bat one way to Insure more uniAug. 28, X Aui. li. A M Poultrymen are being squeezed Aug. It, IS, 24 Aug. M 21 Sept. 2 , 1 Aug. 31, Sept I Stpl 21, 21 rltht t*raon. Writ*. "M. end so the foundation seed supplies products from this area, from other directions also, the I l l , Rod Bank. will go'a long way'." could be to standardize the varie- economist notes. In the first place, April 30, May 1,1 Miy I. 4 May S, 1.7 Miy 6,8 •1122,21 M»y H, 12,12,13 April II, 20, 21 LOST—fiulUh S.ttar, B U M June 1,1~2< Junt 4,1,1 June 10, it, 11 Junt 7,1,1,1 Agricultural Agent Clark adds ties of vegetables produced on Mon- there were about as many hens and Miy 21, 21,29 July 1 July l i , 12, II • loit Sundar. tlsht montha old. July. I14, ll, II July 17, II July 20,11, 21 Aug. 1,10,11. 11 Au|. II, K IS *EW YOM that a small trial stand is located mouth county farms. For a num-: pullets on United-States farms on Aug. M, II Aug. l l , 21, 24 with brown can, brown around .„ Aug. 21, 2t, 2T Aug. 2*, 21 S«pt J, I Stpl. 2,2 ' on the P. D. VanMater farm at ber of years, the vegetable depart January 1 this year as a year betyt. Ktwird. PhoM B«d Bank ( I I . Sept. 1,21,21 - . Marlboro. Atlantic is being com- ment at the State Agricultural Col- fore, and egg production during- the May I AprU M,M«y 1,1 MiyJ.4 FOB 8ALB—Sataaw btttialeiv . AprUll. IT ' April 17, U, U M»y 11.12, II pared with Ranger, Buffalo, Kan- lege in New Brunswick, has pub-first half of 1916 Is expected to be Junt 1 , 1 1 , t Junt 10,11,11 Jua«4,l July 1,4,4 July S, 7, 7 July 1, 2 tun. Pkont Xtantkart 141, July l i l t IS ished variety recommendations for about the same as production in July 14,14,19, II sas and Argentine varieties. Aug. ia, u, u Au|. N ., rarLABlLFHU Aui. 11,14, II I *. m. . il Aug.21,*l,»4 Aug. 29,21,11 Aug. It, 21 Sept. 1,1 Control Bacterial Leaf Spot on New Jersey. These Include the the first half of 1945. But poultry Sipt 23, It, 21 Sept. «, I, I, M.Z9 hole list, from asparagus to water- feeds and labor costs are still high. NOTICE. Peppers AprO II, IT, II May is, IJ. 11 AprU V. 21, a Mty 22, 21 melons. This Information la avail- Certain high production coets and Miy II. 17, II May 14.19 T«kt aoUto tkat »p»]le»Ho» kss . J<5yl,7.7' Disinfecting pepper seed Is one able at the office of the agricultural a bountiful supply of egga from July 1, 2,1 July 4. i l ' JUM 14,19,18, II Jum *1,22, U, 2) Jun.ll, 19,10 raida to tht Mayor m l Oooitil el Aut> ti, II Aug. 17, 18 Sept. «,S July 21724.21 July».», 21 July It, SI ot the flrBt anil most important agents In Freehold, and along with chickens which haven't slackened Boionsfa of Bod Bank to truafer Sept. 7,1,1 Stpt 24, 29, M Sept. 27, 21, 29 Stpt.19,17 Sept. l i 11, 14 S«pL IB, 1» S u n t i Stein aad SUMMI Illbnl^.ways of controlling or reducing it can be* gotten a bulletin on the their wartime pace add up to a T/A Monmoath Tavtra i t 7S-JI Mo»> bacterial leaf spot. It requires lit- 'roper disinfectants to uss for dls- probable lower net income for mouth ttmt, Bod Bank, ths Pltato Bt* AprU M. M ' MtyM,U,l»H April 19, JO, 11,11 May t t Miy 1>. 21. 21 May II, IS tle time and the coat Is almost ase control on vegetable seeds. poultrymen, especially during the tall Couunrstlon IIMBM O-ll, koNfoMtylpT}O,ll May 57, U July 1,1 June II, IS, te, i t June 24, IS. M June II, It negligible for the results that may Agricultural Agent Clark is of the spring period of high production. July I. ? fort Ittutd to Baniitl »Urn. T/A Hew Au|. 1J.1I Aug. 17^ July 30, 31, Auf. t July 13,34,15 Au|. t, 9,4 omcnwATt Auf. 19, II mouth Ta»tm, 70-71 Monmoath stnett Sept. 11, 22,11 Stpt Sept. II Sept. IS, II, It Sept. 10,11 ' be secured. Sept. 7,1 .pinion that II more growera would The possible surplus situation has Bta Bank. N. J. . The N. J. Experiment Station choose varieties which are of good been lessened to some extent by reOkjictlont, If anr, ahonU ho au4* AprU IT. M, M April ,-1123, 24 Miy 14.15 Mjy 16,17, II recommendations are fo soak the quality, but at the same time re- Bnt action by the 'War Department M>yl2,2S iauatdltUly in writing to Amy B. BhlnW July 4.4.1 . (ijI14,21, U, 21 May Junt II, It, 20 Junt 21, 22,23, i Junt 14, IS, |« Boroath Cltrk of the Borout* ec Bt4 ' seed for five minutes in corrosive sistant to some ot the-plant dis- n recalling.for its own use 70 milAug.»7n,ll July 2t, 27.21, It July 30,21 July»;2*.2S Jly»;2*2S cncAoo Bank. ' : . . . . Auf. 1,1,4 Sept. 2,1 - : Sept. l i , U sublimate (bichloride of mercury) eases, and then would disinfect lion pounds of frozen eggs previousSipt,19,lMT Sept. II, II Sept. 10, II Until dissolving one tablet.of approxl their seeds at the time ot planting, ly declared surplus, Carncrose ex11.11 Mm ia. IT. DJalno^_TJie_Depftrtm«nt-of-ABriMay H, IT, la Junt M. 1», II, water.' The' soed is placed In a loose yields, and more uniform product! ;ulture had planned to dry 21 milJune n , ITT Aug. 1,11. 1,11.11 Junett',90,U. July J3, M . U Ag. ST. LOOII July n, 28 To Wheaa II Mty Cmtttai cheesecloth bag, where the corro- for,the market would be possible. Aug. 1,31, Sept 1, s«pt. a, a lion pounds of these frozen eggs to Sept II, 17 Sept. \i, » Take notice that t . Friday tht Ittd «, ' sive sublimate solution can earl: meet its' present foreign commitday of March, l t l l , I will aatl the f«VPreferred $«d Clover' Seed Again penetrate thoroughly to wet every ments and it now will be necessary 11 Stturdays 12 Siturdayi lowing eai ID aeoordinet with the r " t Saturdays 10 Saturday! 12 Siturdtyi 12 Silurdiyt 12 Siturdiyi 12 Stturdayi Available, USujdiyi • 12 Sunday! portion of the seed. After the five12 Sundaya 12 Sunday! llSundiyi 12 Sundays Tltlont o f j n a e t entitled, 'AM ACT 1 \ 12 Suiriiys 12 Eunlayi to buy an equal amount of dried July 4 Decoration Day July 4 Decoration Diy Deccratlcn Diy July 4 Decoration Day THB BBTTEK PROTSCTION OP OAfc, AT HOMI minute soak the seeds are then Cumberland red clover aeed, an igffs on the,open market, i II Night Ointt Labor D»y ,. Labor Day. Labor Day Labor Day 14 Nliht Gunti |ht Olmit AOB KBEPBRS AND AUTOMOBIBl rinsed In clear water and dried. unusually productive strain, again 14 Night OunM 14 Nl|»t Gamn 14 Nlfht Gamai 20 Nlfht Girn«« Carncros* notes the previously MPAIBMBN." . V_^i Coroeive sublimate is DEADLY will be available through aeed nnounced government program to HUDSON OOUPB, 1I4I|. MOTQt All-SUr game-Feimr r«rk, BOfton, Tuttday, Jily I. Bold a p i m denote tl|fet nmea. POISONOUS and should be dis-dealers this spring, but In limited support egg prices by buying surNUMBER, 4411411. '' carded immediately after using. supply, Amount due on f i n f e bill, MH.ll. plus eggs at 90 per cent of parity as Carlton 3. Garrison, associate explua eoat of thtae proetedinsa. _\y • In addition to the wet treatment required by law. • The price per OBOBQB BRITTON, BA1LJIT fOB.,; when the seed la dry, It Is again tension specialist In farm cropa, dozen to bo paid under this plan is WILKINS MOTOB BAUE8. ^ New Jersey-College of Agriculture treated, this time with Semesan, 27 centa in the mld-Weatern areas; Sale win bt held t t ten e'tleekhk and Agricultural Experiment Statht (ortnoon at Wllklm Meter Sale! where the bulk of all purchasing using on«-half level teaapoonful foi AT WA8HWCTOH ATPHItAPBJHl Broad atteet, Shrewsbnrr, X. J. '££ each pound of seed, The seed ii tion, recalls that seed of Cumber- would be done be»cause most proland red clover yields about a half Aer. IJ, May 1 cessing' plantj for drying eggs are then sown in a well-prepared ao y 'in the plant house or hotbed. For ton more hay per acre than seed located there, AM OBDINANOB AMBNDINO AN Aug. It, 11 }uT;ii.M! commonly sown In this elate. The OB HNTITLID "AN OKDIM NANOB BNTIT Stpt. it, 21,12, 23 , further Information consult your preferred strain has been scarce Prleei received by farmer, for Aug. II, II FIXINO OOMPBHBATIOM OT agricultural agent, chickens are expected to be moderfor the last year or two... Apr. ie, 17, II Miy II, 12,12, IS otfaH OFFIOBHS IN TH« — ——~— ' ^ July 8, 7 JulJ 1/2, 3 June i l , II, 11 . In a test on the J. H. Morris farm ately lower than a year larller, but OF 8BA BBIOHT, MKW Aug. 17, II, II Aug. IS July 14, 11, II Farm Briefs . ADOFTBD APRIL HTH, U l l , at Farmlngdale, Cumberland clover the economist expects, any sharp Sept. 24, 2J, 28 Sept. 7,1,1 • , Aug. JS, M, 17 BB IT ORDAIrTBD br the " -.,-.:, lh> a limited numb^QtiesM M outylelded: all others, according to, drop in prices will be prevented by Oeuntll of tht Boroufi ol tta, the" WttttyUinR'.'cdnfiUhier' pu'rcha der 'average farm condition!, Agricultural Agent Clark, erdlntnee tntltltd Apr IB, 10, II single application of pOT.wu e Miy 30,30 Cumberland- aeed will cost a. fnw Ing power at a fairly high level, y Miy 17, U II . outh Offletri in the Boroiith Aug. I, 11, II June l l . 30,30 Au|.ll, 14 fecttve In ridding swine of He cents more per pound than average ItMit Farm Brief* Brfiht, New Jereey," .dopted ABHl pt. 3 , 2 , • A I, I 77 Sepl. 30, II, 11 , Aug. lasts were conducted hy the U, 8 price paid for medium red clover, l l l l , snd the Mnendrjenta tiereto AUg. IS, 11, It Aug, 31, Sepl. 1 Although farm prices In 1946 may Department of Agriculture, Some Oarrlaon expialm, If- Cumberland Apr. 23,14 be slightly, below the record 1&45 of the pigs were sprayed and aomi coils five cents more per pound-and Mayfll:ll[2lru all read d I shall red sa tollewat Aug 1 1 1 were dipped,, using DDT suspended Is seeded at a rate of ten pounds leve.lt, they are expected to assure Aug. ., •, - . Seotlon I. That the umMM Stpt AUI. 31, Stpt; I . farmers .a net income double the In a mineral oil and water emul to the acre, the ixtra coat will be the Boioufh Aiitiior shall bt In I ffrom MOOiOO to J710.W J710W put jrev slon, Dipping proved more'affective only 50 cents an acre. And. this Si 1935-39 average and higher than ihsll be!In )lm of all fta^ and ay U,H May 14,19 _ than spraying, cenitv should'prSvlde about a half; any jyar beforB 1943, 'Farm: econourn II, II, 53,23 June 14; 19, It nykble IFUJHHI* nwnthly, WWUkMlf I , , tori'more hay, valued todny.at (111 mists hole thnt 'farmers generally July IS, II, Ann il July 23. 24 29 i U «U«n I. I That T h t th the aomp 1 8rpt, 11,11 - Htpl. IS, II, 17 ' , ' . came 5ut of the war with on agriPlace orders right now for con a ton,, Borough Colltotor u d cultural plnnt In much betterr conshall b» b an annual u l st,l«ry' l a ' ef l l , | t'alntrs for berries", fruits and vegs Poultrymen M»y Ms.k«t>M.1n.i94e whleh shall be la lieu ol all.ftti dition than after World War I. May 21, 23 tablet, That's the advice of the U shall be,payable In eauaMns Junt l i , 22. n, 23 Pouftrymen 'generally: enn expect Potatohr'and skim m milk -have have '8. Department of Agriculture Jlily-31, Aug I taontbhr. bllnod bydairy by.dairy tciintls tciintlsU '•which ecm«» forth with a JiMlndsi an Incomvto W - , - • - , - , - •-• been oomblnod I. Tbsitbli «rdliipt« th SD S, Department of Agrloul< |U a d that production of such ooniilnen Ihsit J045 carnlnjrs, In the opinion off thsu, •p Into 5 crisp, light brawn suited ginertUy li Mr below• normal im of John W. C/irnorbii, ji««orlit.a igr...Tht mw product ha* rmich nnvnthnr. new inaiiitrv_to..get_cn Its feet.". ' n It's stretching, the taxpayer's neck too far to expect him to go into a photo finish with race hones for an annual.purse of (500,000 and up. » JECOND ; • •sssmia^aMtasai WANT ADVERTISEMENTS I League Baseball Schedule for T946 as.s.w. «Hfc astU av- American League Baseball Schedule for 1946 *ma trttlon J u i y u r to'"buy,'forms of Unit high tig oomumptlcn woti,, &nd < <lo«s. noi absorb moliturs'iM-UMlrown. tht lowi #»ll*fW*r net, Ilkily to*"bi''(mpiroit«d •ihli lly.-"thi AKrlcUUurat Rw«woh.ld' A. i t ht| l J i r § . y u h Adordlng to fovimmint mlnlitrallon li pattlaularly p l u u i » SCT m '-'mmm Robert UWelcowdHome Troth Announced * M* mw<sum it U elect*!flffloers ***&$*• . seph Waekitr. Mu. Osorj* Itmrs X«*«rBJw. PQ y Taylor spent Hfe* TSSk-entl «fdth hi* parents, Mr. and Dlr*. Hairy Taylor. Tb» Ladies' wntlllary of ihs «r* •coropeny will hold a S t PatrMl's danc* s i the are house, Friflaj, M UP Ollss AfBSs Rellly Is vlsltlns; her sister, Mrs. John pinning of Say«nne. .j. n Mln Mrs. WMam MQler spent MonCM, Iiaa Burtii, S t m P n Mr. u 4 V M C J, Mlnaldl of day visiting friends at-Jersey City. Choroh mUt entertained at a din- James -Oreely Is a surgical paBar -party, test Tuesday evening in tient at Wvsrrtew hospital.' ceoekratieei of «be JUth birthday of * ' ttaMSkter, XHsabeth. The KBSTOBNS HOME, ol faoasr Wfrn well rememWalter J. Trihtoowic*, seaman bered with gift* iron relatives and Mend*. £L«mes sad dancing fol- fleet deal, of Mataiwan, has teen lowed the iesst Present were hononWy dlseharged from the serMJases Josa Undeay, Ann Fowler, 4e* At the Ii«J* Creek, Virginia, Patricia Whelan, Claudette Minal- separation center. . •II, jad Bheila Unni*, Gilbert Boyer, touiklyn Crosf, Oirarfl Vlnaldl, Richardflaanpeon,Michael Whelan, Charles Dllione, John Douglas, Frank Temnsj* and Tommy LetM A• ejeei^B^Leei vv , # /_ * , Urday tt&t kgr», «Od aft* »**. ert Crawford at mttUtmt, boa*. A bkflpy reunion «f relttlres and friendsi.wa*«*4eT*<t Bobert w <U«rt*is»sl itm V» lervUcs W n u y M «t Let* 9e«fe sepsmUon Mater «ttar taw mat * hetf year. * g , «bs psshees. He saw ferric* te yewfcweaieeil «X JUever. speeders were, sjralgne* Tuesday night before Recorder George Woodward. BavW S. Toble rw'aaeUMer ef Long Branch was fined $10 for iKWitUto speeding on River road and' 118 for pair o f » - " — * ' falling to some to * full stop at a stop-street intersection. Omoer disposed John W. Matsen Issued the eumMits Theodora Rellly of was fined 0 for speeding XL h«a4 Ouenae* on JUvir road. Ths summons In , i Swiss eows aaaVhelfsrs, ;bil ease w u limed by Officer WU* from Btnfham Hill Futti. Ham Robblns. tost ealf heifers, Kim* not Mr, and Mrs. Russell Wheeler, fully accredited herd, some 1M Lincoln avenue, are the pari; iom« iprlngin to be. M i l ents ef a son bom Tuesday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. herd 24 head Holsteins, Tb.' yretbyteHan Ladles' Aid soThe Women's Society for Chrisfreeh and olon springers, dlety wiU ho)4ftluncheon, Wednsstian 8«rv!o* gave s, shower Monday heavy ralllc producers, The ' Jtarrt u, *t U;» e'olock' night In the basemant of the M*tb •very dairyman wanta at the Jhs« W. On ths oomWtue odlst ohuroh lor Miss Dorothy. W prloe. Blood tested and tu- ar« Mrs. Arthur Panel*, Mr*. BarWe and Miss Brepda Smith. Mlai Un accredited. Born* pure- ry fcobtl, Mrs. John Oednejr, Mr* Smith, who Is tbs daughter of Boiwith paper*. If you want Leonard Vsithtns, Mrs. Ralph MIS8 milk eowi, attend this cow Vr*. Raymond Main* and A graduate el Red Bank Catholic ough Clerk and Mrs. M, Jloyd Smith, ha* resumed her secretarial March 18th. Mrs. <Jh*rJe* Oeyer. high school, Miss Ke*l«n is em-position with Sitting, Inc. 20 son. . Mr* Joseph Clancy is ebalrman ployed ft We hold a Livestock Tort MonmoutK Mr, Fal- change place, New Tork city, A Mfttlar jneeting at the Home i Market every Btldty. Sell of. the Holy OIOM Parent-Teacher co wasatrecently discharged from having been confined to her borne and Bchoel ajsscktion will be held hlng- for you at this wit. Usual asjoclation card party which wtu r jnectTkrorsday *t the school at 8:16 of1 Tut Steers, feeder steers, b« h^M tonwrrow night In Holy the army* No date feas been < set with intestinal-grl* tar the wedding. lO'clock. Fifthsmfl abttttcrade pucowf, pig* and ealvee after RoaaryhsJl. pils will «it»«jf«iti with a radio proi Ofethe two dairy herds, Ths following eompeelUoa etv gram. Tea willtie'served by the I your cattle, any livestock totitle* T h e River" w u written by hostesses. i ail* market every Friday and Robert tolwak, ll-year-old son o( 1 Ministers and their wives of the (•ft, KM B u k l e s b U em ketrasbt Mrv » d Mr* Bernard, Spiwak, In (The W Bank ^filter «»n b, _ . (jths. highest dollar. la Unerolt <rom a Tooj) New Brunswick district met Monthe Rumson sohooV where be la a In N r H a T e n at Katie". ito», J. A. ' JACOB ZLOTKDJ * SON Warta and Wceoto'i Fair Harm Market) day In the Methodist church, A ROBERT? CRAWFORD Mr. and Mrs. Dante Duverlo and member of the sixth grade: "On i IN. FreehoM, > , / . the Shrewsbury river to Rumson. Miss Alice WortWey of Olay street ohlldren Betty aad Robert attendluncheon was served by the l&dies Attending the party were Mr. and of the host <hurch. r New Jersey, many beautiful sights observed her birthday last week ed the wedding of-s, relative' atPatDr. John Hedrick of West VirMrs. Robert Bete and Ruth BeU of meet our eye*, We. see the sun- when > dinner WAS prepared and erjon Sunday. ginia will conduct special meetlnps Woodridg<; Mr. and Mrs. jr. «ralight glinting on clear water and served by her life-long friend, Mrs. MM. Ida Uvergood spent last, ta -the MeBwaist church starting ihore. The sailboat* glide by leav- ley makes her home, Quests includ- T P u p t l s a t Uncroft school with Englewood, Mr. anal" MrsT ing a whit* froth la their wake, ed Mrs. Robert Cameron, Sr? and perfect attendaac* last month were; Mertens, Dorothy and Walter Mer- except Saturday at;4 p. m. for the LltUe fish** la their large schools her son and daughter-in-law, Chief primary grades, A n n Hickey, Roae teln« of East Orange, Mr. «nd Mrs. young people and at I'M p. m. All srs jumping, ('currying and chasing Officer, USCG, end Mr*. Robert Marl* 'Braun, Marilyn Corson a n d Frank,ReiUy and Jack Rellly of a n invited. Social *eUvitl«s of the one another in the cool depth of Cameron, Jr., also'Mr, end Mrs. Deanna Mauser, and inUrmediat* Westfleld, Mr. ajy) Mn. Robert Tll- church will he snspended until the the water. Too see billowing John M. Welch of Red Bank. grades, Paul Morris, Jean Corson, fer, Mary and Ann Tilfer, Mr. and dose of these meeting*. clouds against a rav|*h|ng back-, Charles E. Moraller, Jr., of Har- Thomas Breckenrldge, Charles Con- Mrs. Joseph Tlllord and son of ground of red, purple, orange, yel- vard road, this borough, and Don- over and Harold Wetderhblt. Newark, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worlow and blue tinted sunset making ald D. Rago, of White street, Billy Toop, son of Mr. and Mrs. then, "Mrs. Paul Dnsser of Blooma reBeotlon like an oil painting. Shrewsbury, have completed their Charles Toop, celebrated hi* eighth field, Mr. and Mrs. Oakley CrawS«d B a k B«S)IUI e u be boutht "And so, a* the morning mist be- furlough* at home, and reported to birthday Friday a t a family party. ford of Tonken, Mr.1 and Mis. In(Th» Fort Monmooth from T, Darke and gin* to rise, we leave our Shrews-, Camp Pickeft, Virginia. The youth* Mr. and Mr*. Edward Weedan of Vahlon Jessup and Mr. aad Mrs. GharlN QnMhenbaih) bury river winding arourrd like a enlisted in the army the same day Engllshtown were Sunday guests of William Dryden of Lynbrook, Mr. Raymond Bckert, ion of Mr. and laty snake beneath the towering and remained together through Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toop. and Mrs. James Thompson of f«a- Mrs. Roy Bckert, who wae recently it makes us mighty hills." basic training at Fort_ McClellan, Clarence Welderholt Is having his neck, Mr. and Mrs. CKarle* Bow- Inducted into the navy, is now at Joseph Pesmond has been named Alabama. They will be going to barn remodeled. land of Railway, Lloyd O. Golds- Camp Peaty, Virginia, for boot happy that so many chairman pro tea of the recently Europe soon and .expresied their Word be* been received here that berry of Oceanpoti, Mr. and Mrs. training. orjantud Rumson veteran organ•people approve of hop* that they will remain together Mr. and Mrs. William Bal, former Earl DeVeaty and Sheldon DeVeety John Osrwin, U. S. Coast Guard ization, A seven-man advisory there. residents of Uncroft, are now liv- of Haveslnk, Mr. and MMr>Harold our friendly services. committee was named to record The following pupile of the Fair ing in Monterey, Mexico.. Maison, Mr. and Mrs. William pf Bettsvilk, Ohio, was a week-end suggestion* of members and out- Haven publio schools were neither Mrs. Margaret Thompson and Sturcheaa and ThomM Ryan of l o - guest of Mr. and Mr*. Charles We believe that you, Queckenbusb, line a program for future meetings. absent nor tardy during February, family of Englewood, spent the cust. This committee, includes Dr. John the asterisk denoting those' who week-end at their home her*. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walling too, will find this Rlker, secretary pro-tern;' John have 'been perfeot la attendance have returned home from Florida. PTC Frederick Horsetails, son of LIFE Or OPA Helnen, chairman; Harold Gabn, since last December: bank offers exactly Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Horsetails, Member* of the house committee Harold J. Fetirs, Jr, John McIs stationed at Greenville, Mississof the are company are cleaning ' MatchJS,lM6 WILLOW 8TBEET SCHOOL Laughlro, Walter Hllibrunner. Al|r..the services you want, up the fire home and repairing and Kindergarten—-Richard Chameroy, Joi ippi. Mr. Ttaomas Irving Brown, bert Swanaon and Edward Shea. Mrs. Lewi* S. Thompson, painting aome of their equipment •pa Conk, Patay D«LJia, Joeeph Hunter, lay we invite you to Red Bank Register, The Rumson Holy Name society Bobert Kramer, William Kwie, Brlnton spent the week-end with her daugh- 40 Broad Street, Charle* Winkleman celebrated will attend Holy Communion at the Bathbun, John Sangiton, Qlenda Gum. ter, Mrs. Richard Babcock, at Wood Red Bank, N. J.' his birthday Tuesday, and William open your checking ma, Janet Hanltr, Jan Humphrey!, Pa bury, Long Island. 8:80 o'clock mui Sunday at Holy trlela Liebtck. Winkleman will celebrate his birthDear Mr. Brown; < . Lieut. Raymond Schllt has reRosary church. l^account with us? • I am enclosing a copy of a letter day today. Fint grade—Lynn Borner, Nancy "Father's Night" and welcome Wall, Belly Anne Wh.ellnj, Bruce Eje- ceived hi* army discharge, after which I have written to all New Tomorrow the Boy Scouts will land, Clark Granion, George Heilel, three years' service. Mr. and Mrs. Jersey Senators and Representa to new members will be observed Kobert hold a contest and entertainment Brunt. Tuesday night when Holy Cross SecondVantrade—Donald Frank, Fred Schllt spent the week-end at Lyn- tives regard the OPA. for their parents and friends at the Parint-Teacher association will Kiel!, Albert Kaeiler, Jerrr Bice, 'Pattr brook; Long Island, with hi* parfire house af 8 p. m. Walter G. Dear Sir: ' '• . ' '•> meet at 8' o'clock in the church Johmon, Ann StelnmuHer, Joan WlllUnn. ent*. May I suggest that if it is neces- Burkhardt Is Scoutmaster. Third grade—Kelvin Grimmer, 'FredMr. and Mr*. Guy Rlchdale of hall. Movlw of the school children erick Samuel Alsbach, Sr., Is confine! Smith, Marie Egeland, Gloria FranSomervllle spent Sunday with sary to extend the life of OPA it will be shown by Rev. James Mae- ell, Andrea Van Noitrand. be done tot only fix months. This to hi* home with a back injury. 4M»I«U • wrl I Mivmul ilf«h ffUDBer mrth grade—Jamea Butler, Stephen George Rlchdale. ^ would not end this agency until Mr. and Mrs. William Winkleman ' >oma» Churchmond iTiTt*gsiifiPatftly tpft roPTitOft or Bfwivwill: be served. Each member is Emmona, Joan Rice.' have moved to Philadelphia from ly a year from the present Unit requested to bring a covered dish othjr Fifth gride—'Ruth Ack«r, Kar John of food. Personally I am convinced that ion, •Joan Ladiio, Dorothy Lorenfa, their home on Brookdale farm. Chief Gunner's Mate Henry Brick- the disruption caused to our econPaul and Thomas Shea, twin Carol Smith, Charlw Curtii. Thomai •OFRED B A N K Kaeiler, 'William L e w , 'Bebert Rathel and Mrs. Brickel of Hlngham, omy tar OPA greatly exceed*, on sons of Mr. and Mr*. Daniel Shea, Ruiaell Wheeler. NEW JER5EVMassachusetts, have moved into the balance, any Rood it is able t o North street, were discharged this bun. Sixth trade—Gladn Godttd, Bettr MfMOfR FEDERAL DEPOSIT week at the Navy Personnel Sepa- Jane lAtbrop bouse on Brookdale farm, achieve by holding down price*. I Hallan, Helen Hendriciion, Marr -IN<UOANCE CORPORATim ration center at Lido Beach, Long Ann Jewett, Catherine Lockwood, Mar . Capt and Mrs. George Stelnbach agree with the recent statement Ion t o Preatl, «Adrlenne Nordlie, Fhrl- and daughter Sarah, left this morn- of the president of one of our corIsland. lla Stadler, Shirley .Townund, William Ing for Georgia, to visit relatives. porations: "Extension of OPA will brine; about more shortages, folCaaiidjr. Seveatt pade—Edward Cono»er, Jack Capt, Stelnbach has an 18-day leave. lowed toy additional stop-gap fedDaHtreo, Warren Hance, Peter Shlppea, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walling en- eral controls, with disastrous reJamei Tkorne, 'Jean Danlx, Jojca Far- tertained several - guests at oards sults to American living standard!." rlngton, Jana Hurwlu, "Barbara Inicoe, Carol Jobnion, Nancy MaoNelil, •Carolyn Saturday. Attending were Mr. and J realise Utat'tha above i s deMrs. Harry Mauser, Mr. and Mrs. batable and, accordingly, suggest a Killer, Betty Fochert, J«aa Wilkinii, Eighth grade—Beverly Chameroy, H. VanPelt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dorr, compromise of (be months' extens•Jane Doaghtr, Carol Joan Bleraan, Mil- Mr. and Mrs. H. Applegate, Mr. and ion for OPA, dred Van Note, Patricia O'KMf«, 'lulk Mrs. John MeKenna and Jack McJ. D. Tuller. Butler, • Leon Laabenoa, Donald Kenna. 8n>Hh, •Xobert Warth. HER 1STH HBTHDAY Mrs. Paul Cameulnd ha* reKNOLLW00D KfflOOL. Mr*. Fred Zeigler observed her Tljat and sacond grade*—Xlohard turned from a visit with friends In 76th birthday Monday at the home Conk, Kobert Daly, Douglil Frederick, New Tork city. of her daughter, Mn.Ray Sanborn, Jack McKeniu, Donald Ha»iiil. Ann Lalondt, Marianne Kaljer. •G<«rtla»a If stale bread le frozen K be- ef SS7 River road, Fair Haven. The celebrant received many callers, Third and fourth trade*-William comes fresh textured when defrost' • birthday card* and gifts. Briekhlll. 'Bobert Kierai, Paul Lalonde, ed. ' Port Monmouth ! mm or * * • • • » H eirieTsry. H* leyjnwbott JOnftsn Vibe HSWB, TX. 1. Phone Red Sank W» Stenographer 18-30 Required immediately By large corporation wit* M Aibury ParkBnunh. Knmrledge sf geaend oSSos Phone Mr. CordU, Asbury Park 4018. •' " O F Sinirer Sewint Center aew festaresi » Fashiaa Serrlde* Depsuiment offerinr sewing notions and services to the woman who sews. A few «f the notions available are: e THREADS • BUTTONS e NEEDLES • SLIDE FASTENERS * SHIELDS e BIOBAQ e- SHOULDER PADS e SEWING BOXES AND BITS Services lncladet BUTTON AND BUCKLE COVERING e CUSTOM MADE BELTS » BUTTONHOLING e HEM8TITCHIN0 Visit'this new counter. You'll find ifi pleasant to shop at your SINGER SEWING CENTER 43 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, N.J. • •— 20 Head of Horses, 25 Head of Cattle, and Farm Machinery at the EafUaktem UM EBtUahtsvh-Old Iron IngHihtown, March IS, IMS,.at Auction Market « " Bridn red, 1 mO» N. J , an Friday. UiSO o'clock, tb* 29 bead i l tenet. imra« tihen aln*J» hM»ee. ttuna, that h « * beta u e l on UM firm. Then horaet *r» xtir to t°e to work. It ketvl el eons, n o * freeli, aoa* mUk. lac sow and aon* (prlnsvrii alt* u m lwUera and 1 Sue bsU. Hota and tfg*. :. Fann MuUaew Tumatt T.U tnciaSg Farawll 20 with aoltirator, John Da»»w traetor on rnMm with onlUvator. I dka harrowa, t trattor plowa, John D«en Irow pouts Planter, 2 potato dfcrjan, veederi, manure •preader, 2 2-roi* corn ptantora, har loader, ilde doHterr rate, 2- mowioc n&chiMe, train drill, tprlair. tooth aad ing htnow, ChtviolM plcitup truck, drar harrows, rfdlnr »ad wiH. tag caltiTatore, rldln( and walking plom, ZOO hot bad auh, atalk cutter, potato grader, MoJaiM Combine, and ,« hundreda of other article! too Irameroai * to mention. If rou hart aar machlnory to kail, bring It to thii nJe and »e will tell It for xou. ENGLI8HTOWN AUCTION BALES TelepboiM Enftiehtowa 4829. J. L. Naroiuiitk, Auctioneer. EVERY PAIR X-RAY FITTED BETTER uvma ZERO FOOD BANK W H I N YOU MAKE ywir pUni for nm4t\\*t ytwr hom, or for baiWiif • M W M O , b« i n n <• prwido for yvir family's wofof noodt, U M Hid ehoekBit for i ranhdtft * Continuous hot water? (Sttrt your list with' this. Every member of tr» family will, benefit by it, every day of tha year,) p* How miny bathroom*? (Two art a naeasslry, not a luxury, for the) family with severat children.' If you' can't find room for an «*tra bathroom, how about a shower? Your menfolks will vote for this idea!) . f A dowmlaira lavatory? (Saves mills of steps person in the home,) washday.-)..'•,,; ' , .•.'. ,, •, , 87 BROAD STREET, RED BANK 1DXAB POINTING THE WAY TO DELICIOUS FOODS FOR BETTER LIVING WITH LESS EFFORT. NOW SHOWING THE NEW FRIGID FREEZE HOME AND FARM Oursid* fiuceti? (One Isn't enoOgH-wtiy 'drasj^ a long hose around wjien a short^one will do, jf you have enough outlets?) , ' e> Th» c « t a f vyidrta'io ;;/ for r1i« avaMH feimlly ef four' . |1itfi horn* eonvihtiiicM Is M|tl J k ue+fcep on , and you'll flntf f J I b l i.M .^J.'.*,.,*^*) SEE IT tODAYI WE ARE ACCEPTING ORDERS NOW ;«:iP. . Salary Range $110-$140 Lincroft Fair Haven ^ BED iflun TmTvfc Howall. V.t. M*»j Soul], Samuel to . HowtU, N. J. — _ MM PtttH, Robert to Misi > Howall, N, J. ;. 1M8 EsUe, James to OottNll, Howell, N. J. 18M - t If yen, George Esq. to Ml* William K. Oonover, FreeBald (colored), Howell, M. J. hold, N, J , Star Route, «ditor, '. -1838 chairman of the Genealogical eom- Bennett, George W. to Ana Butaltte* of Monmouth County His- kins, both et Freehold, N. J, torical association, Freehold, N, J. .•- 1838, July 7. Skidmore, Abraham to Miss -< Genealogical Index (Fart 10) Scull, both of Howell, .N. J. Marriage Record* 18*8 J 18*8, July 7 Jan. 11, 1MB, to Sept «, 1945 Genealogy tatt* et l a * .two Morgan*. (W ThottM "JaSMOB IVwtunt, jk uricoe, ». a, £ * 4 !::* Fordjrot, Ark, Jan 8, WJt Ho m a •on of WmlUr Fortune, h. Ibjr O,' 1198, d. Jaa. 39, UTl, aged M yr», Fordycs, XA. bid. Mary Morris, b, wick, * former-re*ldw_. , . . _ „ _ „ lnG*. or Aim, Would like naffiM of tloHlgWands, that her son,'Harold father and mother of'Walter For- Patterson, ha* been' promSp ; 'to 3^*|^:]toMl;Brj(B^-^!i^*jHKnK for owe olf tfctSeUir buna}! tune, b. In.S. C, and any oth*r,*lB- the rank of corporal and has b*en SOWjjJjd; sow, .1* fW^mformation onthl* family*(c) Sloan. transferred ' from Casapi'fhilbyi l*glsbtiy*.approj>rlati tidqi eonanlU yiitofii.gtiwt-essMiiajg?i* ; isMlt»tf •I^AJ^:?**]*^;;**!^ h ttl Aaron Sloan, b. Aug. 10, I860, Mississippi, to Camp Hood/Taias, ta#iirhloh^for^itt6ra^t to^4f»f*,SFr*»WMi?»fe'; ta#irhloh morhlBgs^Jft^'-' Ma^Tnt^h: w»* Onelda Co., If. T., son of Tboma* where :h« I* with I n / JSOjpiQnl* executrix in a will drawn •^•l^FtB^^s&W^L <*^ T r p w l l T ^T*l- ABB^I^K^B2SiiJfc^^fB - *3E and Hannah'(Hall) Sloan,'md. Oar- nance ;Deppt iompaj^^'S^yp:.;^ i S i tJor. Waltw .^. W fkVmitogwmWbutlon during oline C. Taylor, dau. of William and A ;: i :i ;;1 000,000 j b d t Tha WOTb1i»Uii*i«oni ''' ~-='*' 'i' -' '*'ft Stafc'.Sen. Hirbart J:"PMCO*' ( Sally .(Hall) Taylor. Mr. and Un. from thi* I ^ t o parmly and Jan*t EnUplpn), chairman,, conferred with niot h u iiittirvuin Attd took-on! trufTiW to irrWoW*A.daugfe Taylor, natives of V t and X. Y., Edg» Tuesday anddiaid OwblU wiU . ' """• — 2 6 7 7 — -. --•• settled In N . Y , coming tP Mich, inatlon* f or entranc* to Tr*n- t«r, Dorothy W. Bucbner, who inba I 1qtrodnctd«ntMpnday:, in 1879. Would like complete lilt PompHs, Berzllla _ -3008 ton 8ta>«T*aehars college Wednea- herit* th* principal upon th* death tti* High •toe^prowrty for lif»| . 1888, July 7 ol their chn. Also Bally Hall's parl:A;Tl»*,:»rppo»(B.<,to.f-iT^-t.. Pope, Joel C. 4ay, MaTeh 6. Th*y win speclaliy f leraSHSiM. " " ' fee*.t6n> motor truck*, which,,: ents; and.brothers and sisters, (d) Potter, George V. in kiadarfartoa work, and *lwn.*nt- Two other trust* a n to yield $800- of th* resldenc*. Onh*i po'ied, by ; N w ; J*r«ey ;truBjcerji!;and,- aryedOcUldn, respectively. Want parents of and dates of EzeCAFFBRTT IPAMILt Potter, George W. annually for Ada SloculnBaumoht, propertar^goea";• $"_,MK:. the farm bureau,, t h e m e w u r * , klel Hopkins, b. 1842, Decatur, Ga., Potter, Hannah W. , Tha Junior c|aa»,wlll bold a card a cist*;, and Emma W. Hoburg, al- grand nephew, Leon Fumo. (Continued) authorised by /A***mblyatai X*mi'| party1 Thttraday evening at 8 to a slater.' d. Decatur, md. at Decatur. Who? Potter, JoeV WiU also provided thai If Mr. _ Cornelius WyckoB w a s t o n . o t Leonard <R-AUanHc), lira* laid oyar o'clock in the high school auditorHad Issue as follows: Samuel b. De' Potter, Reuben MM. Buchner also receive* t*al this,Monday .for r*vlsion by A*;ium. Table and door prizes will property In .W*yburn, Saskatche- aoo died umwed, the ' prop _ 2 6 5 0 Peter Wyckofl, b. 1626, Holland d. catur, Ga., Mar. 19, 1867, d. Dec. Potts, Levinia W. — ~ pa**e< Ao Mr. Fumo. To* « June 30,1694, and Grletje Van NeM, samblyman Robert H. Plk* ( B - be given.' -.2595 22, 1900, Ark, md. Elizabeth Maiwan, Canada, a* well u h*r fath- ary estate goat to hi* wit*, It . Potts, Mary ~ _ — _ ~ dau. of Hendrick Van Ness. Peter Bergen), ,with • a .View : to scaling thews. Wiley, John, Greene an<! •!*• jewelry, 'automobile*, clothing, Ifl H Potts, Mary A. HaUoran'* eighth gradt ried, and, if unmarried, ,to down th*;f«* (ncreasH; which were __ 2526 came to America in 1636, settled Katharine. Ezekiel Hopkins Wrote .Predmore, Job _ i aoienee class has been giving daily furnltur*, allv*rw*r«, book*, paint- Fumo, a nltc*, SXmatisda originally designed tobring H , 0 » ^ —'2520 at Van Rensseliaer, N . T,, then New Ray's Third Arithmetic. ing* and pictures. . Pr»more, P h e b e - ~ — weather reports:by taking baromewaa named executrix. Mr,: 1 000 additional i«tat* rarnni*. : ^ 2597 York city, then In 1650, to Canarsie, Other bequaiti: Leon A. WooUty, dltd Feiruaiy U ter'readings, temperature, wind diPreston, Corles _ • '" Mrs. MSB (Ark.) L. I., then in 1685 to Flatlands, • 8. Th* labor control bill designed n*ph*w, f3,000; Church of the Re*» - 3018 rection, wind viloclty and noticing Price, John B. CORRECTION L. I , when he bought 500 acres of Mr*. Mary, France* Whit*, , by the Bdgeadmlnlstrailon to preurreotlon, U S K u i 7*to.tr*«t,New _2554 th* kind of cloud* in th* *ky. Price, Mallnda In Issue of Jan. 24, 1048, Marland in Monmouth Co., New Jersey. Bavin, who died February it, vent Interruption of public utility' „ 2579 Mr*. Qeorg* Ivini, a membir of York, |1,000; Univ«r*Y$ of Penn- her estate to her huvband, Price, Samuel -• Chn. of Ann and Jacob by 1 s triage Records should carry No. service* a s a result of labor dissylvania medical scholarship fund, _ 2595 th* board of education, hat rePricketts, Margaret _ . mar.: Smith English Wyckoff, b. 2859. in Issue of Feb. 21, 1946, Cafputes. ' Th* measure did not( come $1,000; Sarah Lawrtnc* college, Thomas, and appointed a _ . _ . - 2585 Pijobaapo, Christopher . 1822, d. 1871, a d . Mrs. Esther ferty family should carry No. 2678. Up thiijpjut Monday, b u t - a n an- turned, home after an operation at Bronxvtlle, New York, $1,000 for daughter, Sybil Dorothy Fr*d*rietl _. 3008 Monmouth Memorial hospital. • Probaseo, .Joseph nouncement from Edge's office said (Basley) Gandue, reside in N . Y. These' records were copied by •xecutrli. • — 2540 city. Chn. Ann b. Aug. 8, I860, md. Dorothy WUkins recently r*- it*- endowment fund; Faith W. Provost, Ann Jane a revised form of th* bill will be Buchner, granddaughter, 1,000 Howard Applegat*, Farmln. _ „ Monmouth Court House Chapter, . 2583 celved a »ho4hand certificate for Provost, Martha Ann . introduced next week. ~. Jacob Eicholts; Arthur Wellington 2597 Wyckoff, b. Aug. 8, 1860, twin ot D. A. R. and published through the a speid of 100 words and Louli* •hare* of capital 'atoek ot th* Ford who died October 13, 1945, b«-| Pullen, John '.,.— 4.'The Paaco* School bill which Schulta waa presenUd with a MOMotor Co., Ltd., London, England; que&thed his wUto to his wltm Monmouth Historical Association, 2546 Pulleh, Margaret Ann, md. Aug. 7,. 1878, Mary J, DresCPL. HAROLD PATTERSON Ada Slocum Baumobt, tlit*r( $%,- Katharine C.,.aAd appointed h t | | would revise stat* aid to local expert award medal. .2588 bock, b. Dec. U , 1868, resided De- Freehold, N. J. and released by Pullin, Sarah Ann 000'; Emma'W. Hobiirg,'ilttar, $2,• . > v: jmi •chool district* and make available Miss DuekerV eighth grade first 000; Prank T. Buchner, *on-ln-law, •xecutrlx. Quackenbush, Margaret Jane 2579 catur, 111. Cfcn., Daisy May Wyck- (Mrs. William R.) Laura V. Con- Cpl. Patterson attended Atlantic about $13,000,000 of s U t e funds; Mr*. Elizabeth Alken*-Lyon, 2556 off, b. July 12, 1879, md. Claude over, chairman of Gen. Com.. Radmore, William Highlands high school and also the Paaco* said only minor changes aid clan and Mr. NlehoUa* hygiene (2,000; Mrs. Paula Klein, «U East lenhurst, who died September class were shown a moving picture 76th street, New York, $2,000 "for .2595 Devine Miller; Albert Wyckoff, b. Rajph, Caleb New Brunswick high school. hay* been mad* sine* a public entitled "Fir»t Step* la Fir*t Aid." her years of efficient help In my1845, left'all articles of perse — 2554 May 5, 1881, md. Ullie Sullivan, Ralph, Joseph , hearing two week* ago. L u t Frl-*) domMtlo and household use'to „ , 2548 Kamsey, Alexander farmer a t Argents, HI. Laura. Esday the S U U Board o f Education ' Miss Duektrs, school nurse, is professional work;" Nina Kay Bos- husband, O. Albert Lyon, and.« taking a course In Family .Rela. 2553 land, 1800; Kathleen Bllgh, SSOO, tabllshed trusts with th* reit^f h. Randolph, Ben.nlngton F. ther Wyokoff, b. Aug. 16, 1889, md. voted approvali'of th* m*a*ure. tionihlps a t Columbia university. 2595 Sept 27, 1904, Charles C. Rhodes. INNACELLl-CrrARELLA Ranlere, Anna .... At thi* week's session legislators Mis* Either Barns* and Mil* Irma and Pasqual* Fragal*,, $600. Th* •state. The Income from this' .2526 WBfgtTWt1 l"lvn;' IMIIIII».HI IMi, ana, Miss Millie Innacelll of Bank last: three, are Contingent upon em- to bt paid to her husband for li: scheduled two meetings tor next vonGlahn are member* of Dr. Fred•lgyment by fir, ^ o o y g . ^ ^ * after which the principal 1* to Rappleyed, Jer Lyman Arthur Wyckoff, b. May 7, ^KaaJs^acJKEAi arifl ifai . 2583 1904. Hampton Wyckoff, d. Aug., Ray, Abraham, ••..'. tinued In a porary. .3003 1892, bachelor, bd.'by side of hisliam streetwere married Tuesday Haynor, Catherine Ann • meht next month. school. Bird Ellab«th Schelbl*, Asbury then art cUldren, three. Th* 3018 mother In 1st Presbyterian church afternoon at St. Anthony's church 'Reading, Montgomery _ The State Senate on Monday conPark, who, died February J; be-coma from these-equal trusty] iDr. .Wolbaeh will be chairman ot 2556 yard, Cranbury, N . J . • Rebold, Mary I - . — firmed the appointment of Lloyd the visiting committee of tht Mid- queathed $7,500 to Peddle school at ba paid to the children during C T by Rev. Salvatore DILorenzo, Miss .3015 Redmore, Jeremiah, Jr. . B. Marsh, state Republican chair- dle States association to survey BigbUtown with- part of the be-lifetimes but each may claim fra Rose Plgnataro was soloist and a , 3015 Joslah Voorhees b. Nov. 12, 1802, reception was held at the home Reed, James man, as secretary of the state ot Thomas Jeffewon high achool at quest to be set asid* for scholar- Uonal part* of their principal' 2538 bachelor. New Jersey and he waa sworn Into Elliabeth March M, 14 and 15.. Reed, John A. ••-.• of the bridegroom. • ' Legion Of Merit • ships In memory of decedent'* fam- they become 21, 35 and 40. _^H.2565 Rachel Voorhees b. July 22, 1804, The bride Is the daughter of Mr. office on Tuesday, taking offlc* a t fraetlonal part*, however,, do wm| Reed, Lidia Marie .ly. ' • • • • • • ' The Student council, to facilitate . 2583 d. May 25, 1880, md. Oct. IS, 1824, and Mrs. Outdo Innacelli of Bank the saw* time war* Mra. Florence equtl' the whole In any on* ca*|S Reed, Margaret '. To Petrillo, Engle; tht movement of classes, has madt The will, drawn April" 8,1944, al2542 John Snedaker, b. Feb. 10, 1799, d. O. Baker of Merchantvill*, whom Reed, Martha — street. Miss Rose Innacelli, the a ruling that all pupils going down- so contained tht following bequests: and th* remainder Is to be devJ**<J| 2540 Mar.' 8, 1862, both bd. Union, N . Marsh named as hi* assistant, and by each child In his or her ' Bronze To Moynahan Reed, Mary Eliza — bride's sister, was the only attendMasonic home, Philadelphia,1 $2,A. Brophy of Elisabeth -In stairs should us* the east stairway 2536 Y, I n 1810, when Rachel's parents a n t Reed, Sarah Three officers were presented with Joseph and those going upstairs should u*e 000; Crippled Children's hospital Executor* and trustee* ar* O. the secretary of state post and children returned to New Jer2589 Reed, William H. th» west stairway. The bride wore a beige-brown medBls and citations by Col.JVlctor fund of the 'Anoltnt Arabic Order bert Lyon, Raymond E. I t - - , . _ _ 2526 sey to live, after residing one year suit, with white accessories and she A. Conrad, commanding officer, SigThe Senate also: Reeder, David — . — Members of tht student council of th* Myrtle Shrine to be used In Frank H. Manclll and the Pro^p in Union, Rachel did not/return!) 2585 Paaaed a bill allowing election of- ar* monitors In the halls at the end the Philadelphia hospital a* a Salll* dent Trust company, Philadelphia;? Reid, Aaron — carried a white satin muff covered nal Corps Engineering Laboratories 2530 with them. She remained with her with gardenias and orchids. The at Bradley Beach, last week In a ficials a free hand in appointing of period*. Reid, Prances ..•' "' — K Scheible-memorUl, $2,800; Dr. Mr*. Anna Dean, Rumion, who grandfather, Joslah Cafferty, in his 2556 Remale (?) Elisabeth maid .of honor had a chocolate- ceremony held at headquarters ot permanent employe* who would not Member* ot the senior English George L. Wolcott, Asbury P»rk, died January 29, canceled Thome*! log house in Union. Later she marRemlne, Catherine Jane — 2597 dusts, accompanied by Mlat formerly of Red Bank, {1,000;* Ar- Frank Dean's Indebtedness to her brown costume with ashes of roses these laboratories, for outstanding be subject to civil service. 2589 ried while ltvlng in Union. I n 1845 accessories and 'Carried a brown services rendered to their country Approved' an appropriation of Downey and Miss Aylesworth, at- dath Potts Wolcott, Asbury Park, and left her estate In equal share* Rennire, Benjamin — when Josiah died, Rachel and fam$500,000 to the State Highway de- tended a performance of Shake- $500; Ardath Olenna Wolcott, As- to her children, Thomas Frank" Res 1—, Barbara ..—•: . 2546 1 satin muff covered with roses and during the recent war. 7 2579 ily lived on their farm two miles up camellias. Lieut. Col. Salvatore E. Petrlllo partment to reimburse counties speare's "Hamlet" at tht Columbus bury Park, $1,500; Olenna Potts, Dean, Hetty D. Blaisdelt and DorReynolds, Ann • Bradley creek from Union Center, othy D. O'Brien. Tboma* Frank and municipalities for cost of snow, 2597 Reynolds, Ebenezer The couple will leave today on a of 335 Broad street, Red Bank, removal, Ice control, and road dam- Circle theater in New York last Asbury Park, a friend, $500 and Dean was named executor. N. Y., In the township of Union. • Thursday. Th* class chartered a several piece* of jewelry; Elisabeth Reynolds, Elizabeth —....... 2579 wedding trip to Miami, Florida. The presently assigned as assistant, to age last winter. These early records of William 2567 the director, Engineering division, bu* for the trip. Pupil* attending Olenn, cousin, $1,000; Mary WochReynolds, Hiram B. Voorhees and family were copied bridegroom Is a proprietor of the Veterans' benefit* continued un.__..2526 Reynolds, John W. Cltarella meat and grocery mar- was awarded the Legion of Merit der discussion a* several new pro- were Bob Hiker, Dot Parmly, Mar- er, friend, $500; Julia Mlllbam, garet Cameron, Phyllis Vinci, Dedt cousin, $1,000; Ethel Focter, cousin, _ 2595 from his Bible a t Deborah (Voorfor "important assignments in.the Reynolds, Lucy hees) Graver's house in Red Bank, ket on Monmouth street. posals appeared and the legislat- Watklns, Dorothy WUkins, Sally $1,000; Caroline .Carson,' -friend, 2528, 2534 Reynolds, Martha .... A bridal'shower was given last office, chief signal officer and Sig-ive commission on Veterans' bene- Bailey, Ella Dangler, Fay Wider- $500; Leoto Lavretta, Interest from N. J., Sept. 16, 1864, by Rachel nal Corps Engineering Labora2595 Roynolds, Nancy • Snedaker and her'son Cornelius, week at the Pleasant inn. More 2528 tories, from October, 1942', to No-fits urged that all bonus plans be strom, Louis* Prichtrd, Joan Bush, a trust fund and an annuity; MarReynolds, Peter .— than 70 guests attended. A buffet while there on a visit. Chn.: WilMargaret Wood, Betty Oerdlng, garet Festomi,.$1,000 providing ahe 2550 vember, 1945, rendered outstanding deferred. Reynolds, Rachel liam Snedaker, b. Aug. 6, 1825, d. supper was served. service in the production and sup- Under a plan offered by Assem- Qeorg* Berry, Ted Friebus, Dlnny place flowers t>n the grave of Jos- FBI Agent Sheaker ^ _. 2597 Reynolds, Walter C. Aug. 5, 1898, md. Mar. 18, 1850, CAMPO—BAPOIXO Hurwltx, Art* Dye, Jam** Stalfa, ephine Sensible on Christmas, Easblyman Emory S. Kat«s (R-Camply of ground signal equipment by . 2532 Richardson, David Loretta Moore, both bd. Berkshire, standardization of vehicular radio den), veterans would get from $800 Ann* Bernler, Ann* Smith, BUIter and April 38 of each year, and 3008 Miss Camilla Campo, daughter of Richmond, Caroline At School Here N. Y. Chn,: Jane, md. Charles Wato $800 for overseas service, a n -Gaynor, Florence Maffia, David John Lawrence Lavretta, cousin, a Richmond, Catherine Louise.... 3008 terman, and had Jesse, Edward, Mr, and Mrs, Phillip Campo of Installation and by production qualother proposal called for $100,000Moll, Olnny Wilson, Janet EnstleV, diamond ring. The residuary esRichmond, Mary ...2S67 Lizzie, md.' Archie Lanehart andCampbell's Junction, and Alfonso ity control of all type* of this equip- to provide every veteran with a Janet Gorman, Jimmy Norton, Miss tate goes to William S. Fengado, Special Agent James A. Shtartr, Riddle, Elizabeth 2538 had child, Edith; Ernest and Rapollo of Matawan, were married ment." Aylesworth, Miss Claire Thtr. Jersey City, a friend, who was of the. Federal Bureau of InvestiMaJ. Wilbur W. Engel of 500New Jersey medal and certificate. Janet Riddle, Jane . 2569 Laura, who md. Fred Westphall Sunday at St. Mary's church at In and Miss Agnes Downey. named executor. Assembly Speaker Walter H. gation, In a discussion of disarms New Monmouth by Rev. Robert Deal Lake, drive, Asbury Park, Riddle, Joseph 2577 Jones (R-Bergen), and Assemblying and defensive tactic* at th*) John C. Oliver, Bradley Beach, Zone Riddle, Zllpha .... —..-... 2530 and had issue: Charles Frederick Bulman. A reception followed at presently assigned as deputy direc- man Amos F . Dlxon (R-Sussex), in< Th* spring concert being planned Police Training school* y**-: the American Legion hall in Matby Harvey Egan for April 12 will tor, administrative division, was p —J255QJ who died December 7, canceled a -and-Sophrona Jane. Sarah' jined—-RiddeUr-Swahy g troduced bills designed . to carry y terday at Red Bank, stated that a; -aaitarded-tha. Legion of Merit for -out-tax—policy by th* Junior 2528 aker, b. Sept "13, 1864, d. M a r r ? -awan$7,500 bond and mortgage on th* Rldgeway, David — commission recom- include selections knowledge of disarming method* The brjde wore white satin, de- "Important assignments in Signal Senior Girls' Biggs, William 2593 1923, md. Nov. 1872, Walter Clarke! mendatlons. Jones' measure would Glee club, th* mixed chorus, high rfldtnc* "f hi* «gn, J. Ernest 011- rill not-only mlnlmli* tht pbwftlK signed with a court train. She had Corps general development and enver. The widow is to receive $70 a 2526 b. Mar., 1845, d. July 20,1808. Chn.: Right, Samuel ..... streamline the procedure In. fore2544 Helena Clarke, b. Jan. 2, 1873,a fingertip length veil and carried gineering laboratories, from Febru- closing municipal tax liens on prop- school band, dance band, and vocal, month from the estate and upon ty of a law enforcement ottew be* Right, Thomas Charly . . lilies. Miss Catherine Campo, the and Instrumental solo*. ary, 1942, to November, 1945, re. 2528 her death th* principal Is to be di- Ing disarmed by a criminal, but maiden, supt. of music, Lestershire, Right, Thomas O. bride's sister, was maid of honor. peatedly demonstrated his keen le- erty. Mlsi. Janice Tyndall has been apvided among J. Ernest Oliver, Mr*. alao In an extreme emergency ait* N. Y,, public schools. Minnie B; Rlfey, Catherine .2546 She wore a net'and taffeta gown gal .knowledge and outstanding • Jones also offered a measure pointed to the New Jersey Art Mamie Klngsland, Mrs. Florence uatlon it may well mean th* difClarke, b. Aug. 21, 1876, md. June, Riley, Elizabeth Jane 2530 carrying out racing reorganisation council to represent Monmouth ference between life and death. ot Nile green, and, carried pink Adams and Mrs. Ethel Morgan. Rlley, Mary 2532 1904, Charles Hurlbut, resided in roses. Anthony Bosco of Matawan leadership In Initiating detailed pro- recommendations for a three-man Shearer continued that there Is county. cedures for use In negotiating, adSarah A. Hankins, Allentown, the old brick Hurlbut homestead Rivlrty, James L. — 2542 racing commission Instead of the The two Advanced Horn* econo doubt it would be fatal to at»J was best man, ministering and expediting research who died February 18, named her between Chenango Forks and Whit 2569 Bobbins, Aaron The couple will reside at Mata- and development contracts. He present four-man group and anomic* classes ari studying nutri- three nieces and a nephew resi- tempt to diaarm under tH'clrcuftV; - Robblns, Augustus'. 2536 ney Point, N . T. Issue; Gordon wan, where the, bridegroom has his ably guided the establishment of graduated scale for dividing betting tion In the high school student's duary legatees, probate of her will stances, but then art, however, la», Hurlbut, b. Oct. 21, 1809, md. Aug., • Bobbins, Benjamin M. ..•• '. 2528 own grocery business. legal standing operating procedures breakage between the state and the diet Th* seventh grad» girls areIn the office of Surrogate Dorman stances when It would be possible .„. 2544 1934, Elizabeth MacNair and had Robblns, Ellsha . io take a weapon from a peno* race tracks, making skirts. for' Signal Corps laboratories." MoFaddln last week at Freebold without Incurring undue risk of is> 2538 Robblns, Ephraim Earlier the racing commission Frances, b. Dec. 19,1937, and Susan MAHAFFEY—MUNCH Ann Smith ha* received her disclosed, •2577 Col. George F. Moynahan, Jr., ofmet to name Edward J. Brown, jury or loss of life. He said, "dont Robblns, Ezeklel T b. Oct. 81,1944. Mary Frances Hurlspeed certificate for 100 Miss Carolyn Mahaifey of Gas-building IP, Evans Signal labora- Medford Lakes, itate steward for shorthand 2538 but, b. July 11, 1912, md. July S, Tti» residuary legatees are EUaattempt to take a gun that I* net Robblns, George words per minute. tonla, North Carolina, and Emll 3018 1935, Marco CrandaJl, and had child, tory, Belmar, presently assigned as the coming season. He will replace Robblns, Louise .... — Mrs. Manley W, Col* has gone B. S. Mercer, Joseph H. Schooley, in reach, don't telegraph your plan — 2548 James Louis, b. May 9, 1944. Louis Munch of Red Bank, were married deputy director, Engineering divis- George Brown, who served In that with her husband to his home In Ada V. 8. Hutohlnson, and Alberta of action. Moving any part of Robblns, McLloy Sunday at St. James rectory by capacity last year. Tbe commission, was awarded the Bronze Star 2548 Hurlbut, b. Oct. 8, 1918. William Robblns, William, Jr. — Carona, 'California. Mr*. Cole will W. Scobey (formerly Polhemus). your body prior to moving your 2595 Clarke, b. Jan. 3, 18T8, md. Jan.,Rev. James J. Duffy. A reception medal for meritorious service over- ion renamed for another year, Dr. be remembered a* the former Doris OUur bequests are: Hattle C, Wyc- hand or arm I* very apt to reveal Romenson, James,.--<followed at the home of the bride- seas In the China-Burma-India the- Arthur W. Smith of Livingston, as koff, niece, $200; Ada W. Hyers, your Intentions. Don't arousw *u*> Robert, Harriet . . ~ _ 2589 1900, Inez Hinman. Issue: Julia and groom's parents; Mr. and Mrs. Carl ater of operations from May, 1944, veterinarian for New Jersey tracks. Wilson, science teacher. niece, $200; Mrs. Mercer, $1,000 and piclon. Lead th* subject to bell Roberts, Anna, Mrs. .• Holland, Leonard Clarke, b. June Munch of Spring street. The ninth and, tenth grades met that you are thoroughly.frtgb< to June, 1945. "Col. Moynahan, as Hunting deer with .bows and arRoberts, Elizabeth , 2548, 2558 24, 1881, d. Feb., 1945, md. Nov., 15 for the last set in In-several pieces of furniture; the chil- and want to cooperate fully." Miss Ruth Macintosh was maid Signal Officer of headquarters, rows would.bs allowed from No- February dren of Mrs. Mercer, <$l,000; Mr. Roberts, Gltty Jane 1397, Louis Taft. Issue: Robert tra-mural games. Th* tenth grade 2554 Clarke md. Dorothea Campbell; of honor, and Mr. Munch was best Northern Combat Area command, vember 8 to t upon payment of an won 37-11. The sophomore scors Schooley, $1,000 and several pieces Chief Harold A. Davlson of Bed Roberts, Henry 3015 Janet Clarke md. Robert MoLough- man for his con. The bride was China-Burma-India theater, later additional $2.10 fee, according.to a waa rolled up mostly in th* second of furniture; Mr. Schooley's cbii. Bank, who presided at th* school, Roberts, John Acker .... measure Introduced by Assembly attired in a blue costume, and the redeslgnated Indls,-Burma theater, 2585 lln; Corlnne md. Dr. Nell Paul; 3 half when they mad* 27 .point*. At dren, $1,000; Mrs. Hutchlnson, $1,- introduced Agent Shearer. In adRoberts, Margaret J a m maid of honor wore yellow. organized the signal communication Majority Leader Leon Leonard (R- tit* half th* score waa 10-5 In favor 000 and several pieces of furniture; dition to his lecture, Sheartritaged 2630 cbn. Ralph Clarke, b. June 8,. 1885, Roberts, Sarah Attantlc). Other sportsman pro- of th* sophomorei. Yvonne Hern- Mrs. Hutohlnson'* children, $1,000; several practical demonstration* The couple will reside at 86 Walsystem between his headquarters 2552 d. Jan., 1900; Claud* Clarke, b. Roberts, Susannah lace streetand the Chinese army In India into posals provide: A full week of shad don and Joan Hogan, star forwards Mr*.. Bcobey, $1,000 and several where It was Illustrated how easily .2569 Feb., 1888, d. July, 1B32; Ruth Robertson, William a highly dependable service. Dur- fishing In the Delaware river, use for th* freshmen, mad* six and five pieces ot furniture; Mrs. Scpbey1* a gun can b« taken away from an -—Robins,-Angelln* .. JBO. Clarke,-b.Mar.-2,-18M,-B:ili»b«Ui! of rifled shotgun ilugi, a require- points respectively. For the tenth children, $1,000. BOOKEE-CLABK--__ Individual If he hold* It incorrectly Robins, John 2540 Snedaker md, Charles Smith, had ing a period of severe monsoon] ment that Mrs. Carrie Eva Booker,, daugh- weather and over difficult terrain grade BlnrTfoonaa^madej18-p«lnt»y -The executors of - thfMtatBfMfT nr lf,h*;4*-i» any way eatrieas-4*)2595 i ohn. Enutfa Snedaker md. James Robins, Richard C, ...-...2585 Barton, had son Walton; Mary ter of Mrs. Saloma-Ray of Shrews- be supervised and co-ordinated the casses prov* legal possession, and Vlolet Connet 11 and "Pokey" Mai- Sobooley and E. J, Vanderveer of protectlng his own weapon while Roblnsdn, Garrett C. 1 Robinson, Mary Ann, Mrs. — 3008 Snedaker md. Louis Zorn, resided, bury avenue, and Evble Solomon construction of hundreds of mile* a chang* In the woodchtick season U « u right behind with j ten. Th*Freehold, were directed to offer the covering a subject The Zone Training School for . Robinson, Thomas I. 2546 at Syracuse, N. T., one ohild Clark of South Orange were mar- of open wire and spiral-four tele to conform with th* ftderal s*a*on, foul* were tvtn with *ix personals, Kanklns home on Main street, Alone technical for the ninth grade, lentown, for atle to 'Mrs, Mercer, Police I* on* of ten schools being n Rockefeller, Hiram 2568 Helena;. Edward Snedaksr md. Ber- ried Saturday at the home of thephone wire systems. He developed October 20 to November t. Mayors of all munlolpalltlei bride's mother, by Rev. O. Q. held in the state under tht AUS- L and tb* sam* for the sophomores; Mr. Schooley, Mr*. Hutohlnson, and tha Stebblns, resided at Trenton, techniques which mad* radio com' ' —2678— N. J., 2 chn, Orace Delia Snedaker Qoodwln of Red Bank. Mrs. Grant munication highly successful over wanting portabl* housing unit* to The tenth graders weretoofast for Mrs. Scpbty, with tht latttr to pices of the New Jersey Stat* A*- - | rellev* local, stortage of dwellings sociatlon' of Chiefs of Police. Book D . Monmouth County Mar-md. 1st Edward Johnson, md. 3dE. Peters was matron of honor and jungle terrain. despite unfavorably ar* eipected to atttnd a conference the almost Inexperienced freshmen have first choice at $4,500. The riage Records, Court House, Free- John Auer, resided at Syracuse, Herman Skenner of South Orange and the fame was, decided in th*proceed* become a 'part of th« atmospheric and climatic condiwas best. man. In tht Assembly chamber on Thursbold, N, J, N. Y. •- . BETCRN FBO1I FLORIDA tions. Col. Moynahan's diplomacy day of this week. Dr. Oharle* R. third period whan th* sophomores residuary estate, Furnltur* not refused to let th* freshman ad- spselncally disposed of Is left to Buckalew, Enbc D. to Lyidta H. and tireless Industry contributed Mr. and Mrs, Whitney K. MunErdman, Jr., comml*ilon«r of tb* Cornelius Snedaker . b. Mar. 1, •Mathtws, both of Howel immeasurably to tbe signal' com- Department of Ecbnomiq develop- vanca but k«pt th* ball going Mr*. Mercer, Mr. Sohooley, Mrs,son of Old Farm village, Rumion, through, their own bs*k*t almost Hutohln*on and Mrs, Seobey. -.—.._._........ ... 18S5J April 4 1828, d. Sept 12,108, md. M49, Mary munication phase* of th* camreturned Sunday front: a three ment, will explain thefederalproAnn Rockwell, b. Jan. 80, 1828, d. Ooolc, Benjamin'of MUIIstojie to paigns In North and Central Bur- gram under which former military continually.' Mlcfcael J. Tansey, Keyport, who June 11, 1905, dau, of lame* RockTh* Juniors and senior* tangled died February B, bequeathed his •*• weeks' vacation at Miami Beach, Rebecca A.' Orockson of Freema." Col. Moynahan Is also authorFlorida. * well, d. Dec. 7, 1879, resided at William H. Douglas, exeoutlve di- ized to receive Bronze Setvloe atari and naval unit* will b* mad* avail- for the second gam* on the above tatt to his children: Adeline. Marhold, N. J —... 1856, AprlClg While there they enjoyed sating \ able to civilian authorltltt. Tht Sat* and th* seniors won by on* Ihgraham Hill, three mile* *outh of rector of the YMCA Camps OcktKeater, Sopll to Sarah BlaJn, both for the Rome-Arno, Naples-Foggla garet XeHy. Honor Mary Tancey daily, Frank Bailey of Atlantlo federal government plans to paybasket., Eighteen to l«.wa* th* Bingh&mton, N, T., bd. Ingrahamniekon for boy* and Matolllonequay •of Manalapan, N, J. 18S5, May 28 and Central Burma campaigns. for transporting and re-«rectlngth« soon and Louise Prichard made (Sister Atlolna Mart* O. P., Mary. Highland), whom they met at tht Hill. Chn,: Franots Eugene Sned- for girls, located at Medtord, today L*ggett, Robert to Mary Williamknoll, New York,) Adrian Michael Deauvllle Cabana club. Mr. BalUy aker, b. 1851, d. 1912, md. Frances announced that the 1946 season, Col. Conrad read tha bltatlon* unit* and tht munlclpalltlts mutt ten of thoa*. points, Th* junior* ion, both of Freehold, N. J. Tansey, and Rlohard Oabrlej Taa- entertained them on hi* yacht K»--| M. Henyon, 6.1854, d. 1824, resided comprised of. four two-week per- and extended his congratulations on provide th* tltsi and utllltlw. high scorer was their act, Carolyn 1 .™ ". „ 18W, June 2} at Ingraham Hill and Union, N. Y. iods, will open' Wednesday, June behalf of all the employee* ot the U. 8, Congressman I,: Parptil Raleigh with alght point*. Thl* **y, in tqual *hara*. Th* «on* were mah on a fishing trip oft th* Flor* Buokalow, I s a a o S . 6fJa*mesburg Ida Key*. Chn,: Jennia M, Snedakeirb. July 26; : Signal Corps - Engineering labora- Thomas of Allendale, Republican gam* started out innocently enough' * to Sarah Matilda Combe ol 24, 1876, d r May 16, 19M, md, 1 s t ' Mr. Dqujlw also announced the tories, stating that It I* evidence of representative to Washington from b V picked up speed and exclteFrMhold ................. i85B, Oct. i Sari Dodge, md, 2d, John 0 . Court- appointment of two counselors th«ifjrie Wdrr«cco»pll»h«dby th* .th*.fltvtnik,l?l||trj!a^wjn b* a* It progressed, and ended By Rev. Samuel D. Alexander right, b. 1877, d. 1919,3 chn. Pauline from Monmouth county. Miss Joan Signal Corps, Lieut. Col. Charl*spoaed in hit i*'l«l*fli«i'^ithU f i (3M) Chapln, Seth P. of New York thi* yeap W Bobart • Mtynir of b. Dta. 11,1895, md. Allison H. Butcity to Althea Ann Sears, Mon. fum, b. May 29, 1984, and Alcad* Wiltshire, daughter of Mr*. Ella R. Wagner, director of tha adminis- PhlllfpMrarg, formtr naval lltuten- •ophomorw, with a fury of on* Wiltshire of Red Bank, and Paul trative division, acted a*-ma*ttr of team trying their utmost to outla*t ... 1855, Nov. 4 Oo,....... b, Nov. 22, 18M, di when a baby. Pat*, son of Dr.'and Mrs, Wylli O, ceremonle*. Fellow officer* and civ- anWommander, who flltd, noml-' th* other, Kin* foul* war* mid* By John B, French, Minister : Lulu Snedaker b. Feb. 7, ,1884,. d. Pat* of Mlddletowri, *" , "" ilian employees attended the Cer*- natlng petition* htrt Monday a* a by tha Junior*, all p*r*onal», CaroMatbews, Charles L .ta.'flajah^ .1 'ApW », 19J7,' md,' Lewi*' Turk, bd, ,,,,,Carl ^ 1,12 Fair Haven Road, t, Dtmooratlo candidate, A,,,Swartfe([w, ion lyn WUf on w u put out of th* gam* Layton, both of Howell • . and Mr*. Carl A. SWartfei,- , Thi resignation on WtdnOday of for four of thoi», Th*jenlon war* Vestal, N, T. • , —._...„._„..: .. lMIVDeo. Hillside ptfot, ToWtr Hill, R L _ Chief Statt Suprtm* Court Juatlot ToV'wtth four parionaii-and on* I?alr»H»?«BMN^. ; M Redjahk>3l . . 0 0 (N. Y.) Smith, William to Mary Osboroe, . ' Bank, Is the first boy camper to Thdm«* J, Brofan will'glv« Oov, tatbnloal, (To Be Continued) both of Kowill 1»W, Nov. 18 register from Monmouth county In Bdg* th* opportunity to fill thli Hulst, David to Catherine EMU, : 1946, and has enrolled, for the first ytarHhi two high tit oourt poiltllB Question ' both of Howell.1845, Deo, 18 two-week periods, June 36 to July i th* atatt. In addition to Ttplaolng Fort, Jtuhua to Catherine'ft. RunMr*., C, Herbert ParktU was inBrogan Uaroh U, Bdgt'WUl ba ab1» ytn, both of Howtll 18M, Mar,' t / Fortune-MbrgiV(a)' LIlllaA For- iOonmo.ulIT' county;"1; Mgl*tri- :*h«rg;:of..tft*^^^ Smith, Robert to Sally W. Fad- tune b, Aug. 17, 1893, md. B. J,tloni art being f«oelv«d 'by BPV 8, Ing o(,the Junior group of Mon- m i l Ltfti •^•IliVln-|rt*i fin* wirvrtporUd/ ' ion, botji of Howell 1SW, Jan 16 Sloan, She waf dau, of Frtnoei Re- Oottm i t • tht Red Bank YM0A, mouth chapter, Saughttn Am*rl' In, Oatqbir. Both Bragaq and Monday In th* borougK* of Rtd Hut*, Staoy to Sarah P*rHn<, bocee, Morgan, b, Oot.JI, 1858, d.Lto.Kohi: at tht Asbury Park oan-Revoimionjlait night-at thi Campbell imocraW;-'1- ~ ••- ^ i k f , . , | p y j l l v # r , ; Shrtwiburft of Mrif,PaUl, R>4tr/ In • Thi Q lupiojc arid'Ofltanport. ~" — nt ot Agrloultur* YMCA^Robtrt BohuohJart at thtihoMa Bhrmbury toWnshrp, 'FfulU ai<il L Weddings m n Three Countiaiis • Receive Medals Defensive Tactics Shown To Police f Plan June Opening For YMCA Camps Junipr DAR Holds''Auction i of. TTVWHjIf^VW ft II m9i S3 M m M hold. PJtfi ht .Icfiatd « . U1.1M H, S I •prMI a honn-mad"! 1 tcr.Mfi.'-wimun-'l . ' ; 11 Gra»i Fires , - -.r Reportcd Mopday W Wr M . • ; • . • . " • ' " , • ' , . ' . , * , -- • ' n • You will finpl fceret fine itock of ••, • Igt *t St. Anthony* Louis* C. gaggese, Mr. a*d Mn. Frank to' Bridge avenue, of t>at*y If. Riccl, and Mrs. Blaglo Bloci avenue. Rev. Salva; performed the was decorated with and white snapdragons. Calandrlello sang "Ave __' "I Love You Truly." Ired Ciaglia was organist followed at the home parent*. • •Ide, who was given in mar~her father, wdre a whit* style gown, trimmed e with seed pearl*, veil was attached of orange blossoms, and calla lilies, ey Saggese, the ,brido'_ mald of honor. 6he was t t-^y^'f ffeta and wore a cap tf.mmed with silver She carried Talisman Ijoha Riccl, U. 8. Army, the l's brother, was best ;Antbony Russo of Red Bank, ' le'a brother-in-law, and Nick '..ft Ocean Orove, the brldeJ|J. cousin, ushered. brlde'e mother, and the 1'a mother, wore black irnoon dresses. Each had ot white orchids. .•'*«.«lijd.(»theCH4et _ „ twined at New Ut. SKebrowiW .irw wosntiy LtMharged puna service.: hw Uther, «Mln, B«r,«B«ert(plepflhy»Hw»i • flfor\ iVrt;w*jdl_g trip, the l B attached to * ctwm o« pfl|nj*l>tafc ooupls irW reside at Eatontown. loans., and iter bouquet m i of wMt» 1 OOTT1SR—QVBASICB. roses, Miss Nancy B*taro. -mi Ifae - msrrleg* Of Vise Joan maid of honor for her «4iter, - She wa» dressed >n Hue chlflon or. Marie Cottir^Ughte; of Mrs. Patgandy, and carried American beau- rick -JVanelfc'Ootter of Perth Amty roiea. Pat Bracco wa» best man. boy, formerly of R*4 Bank, to Mr. Manucca served five yiars Capt .Stephen Wl)Ham gurasic-, In the, Air Oon>i,.and i r u id the U. 8. Army, son of Mr, and Mn. North Pole area-two and a half B, S. Gluruich of Oatalina Island, California, took place Saturday ye'ars. morning' In flt Mary's church, Perth Amboy, with Rev. James Aj O H O f Harding, pastor, officiating. Mks Audrey Ash Johnson, daugh- Escorted by hsr uncle, .John M. ter of Mrs. Berfcsrt,, 8|, Craig of OToole, an executive of the First Tower hltt, Bed Bank, and the late Bank and Trust company of Perth W, Raymond Johnson of Bed Bank, Amfcoy, the Jbtide wore a gown of and Ensign David Hilton Wilson, ivory ellpper-saUn and a' chapel Jr. U. S, Naval Reserve, son of Mr. veil of ivory lest, She carried wfalte and Mrs. David H. Wilson of orchldj^nl bouvard}-Spring Lake, formerly of Red Bank, . Mrs. Richard de Lorensl of Perth were married Saturday at Trinity Amboy,-'"wnp matron of honor (or Episcopal church. The ceremony her dieter, and the Other bridal atw u performed by the rector, Rev. tendant* were Mrs, Harold R< Hertert fl. Cralf. the.fcrlde'e *Up- Fisher, another #Ut«r of (he bride, and. Mi*-Ann Pendsr, both of f a t h s r . . ' . - ; : .•-• •• • • ; • • . • • • ' ?«rth Amboy, and Mrs. Edward T. HeaJy, Jr. and Mn. Jess Jordan of Red Bunk. All were attired in gowns of shrimp faille with.brown •uj.es and matching bonnets with brown ostrich tips. They carried Talisman roses. plate. Capt.' Richard de Lorend served as best man, and the ushers were Capt Russell Nelson of North Bergen, Capt. B A. Rowland, Methuen WoVwd MM. sold her Fourth aveaui property and i»,nDF residing-: with, Mw» Qoldaworthy of Third a,Y»n<ie« i Mr. and .MM. Henty ttra&fc teTI. »ojd their home) on Fourth v Md- *ureha*»d Vjt, William ningi' propertr on Saat Unwln. avenue. Mri, Howard Oaffeyhj* returned from Monmouth- Memorial hospital with her infant eon, Robert Lawrenoe Oaffey. The ehlld I* the third boy. Stephen, son of Mr. and Mn. Joseph McVey of East Lincoln avenue, has returned home from Monmouth Memorial hospital. Theodore Noreroes haj opened a plumbing and supply buslnesi in the building on First avenue, opposiU th« postofflce, formerly occupied by A, M. Poften and Sons. A program waa presented at a meeting Tueiday night of the Parent-Teacher association. Red Bank Book Store The nine-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Stanley West, has Six linden Place been a patient in Monmouth Memorial hospital the past week. Mr, and Mm. Leslie Joy are visiting his mother, Mrs. IT. W. Joy of Cbrutitut Science) Valley drive. They flew from California. He was mustered out. of Reading Room the Marines some time ago and afChurch Edlflce, ter &n extended «tay on the West co&rt haa decided to locate. in the if* Broad Street, B«d Bank • '• Shown above are'the ruins of the chemical drying tower at the Bndurette Corporation of America's East.-'' . Ttt %rt Beak MS0-J. Mrs, William Hazelton and block-Ions factory at Cllffwood, which was leveled from fire following an explosion in the tower Saturdaughter Nancy are visiting Mr*, day morning, ca\ulng the death of three employees, serious Injury to four others and damage unofficially OPEN DAILY Hazelton'i parents at Newton, e s t i m a t e d a t $ 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 . '.*" i • •'••".'• • • • - - . I to i P.'MMaine. The dead were Charle* He^er, 47, of Keyport, and Theodore Lemanekl, M, of Belleville, who died at South Amboy hospital from third degree burns, and Chester F. Rhodes, M,"of Perth Amboy, who w u ixeept Sunday and Announcement Jiau. been made of found dead'the day after the flr# under a pile of bricks and rubble. ' the maxrlafe of Mln B«rhfcls LeHoliday* The injured were Anthony Barbett* of Delaware, Paul Eaton of South Amboy, Nathan Mumford of vins to Henry Weiss. She Is the Friday Evenings, 7.SO to »',N and Anthony Grimalnlof Keyport. Of the four, Barbetta alone Is now reported a* critical by daughter of. Mr. and Mr*..Abraham an J authorities. authorities. IllggrgdTtTeeli^.tdUllrt.dfglJMLbbur _• thorities H8 Illggrgd-TtTeeli^ttdUllrtdfglJMLburns Levlne ot Montdair, who have sumBen tke Wbl*, tht Wbrks The company manufactures waterproofed fabrics anduserElgTJ^nafla3ii ep g ^ n q _ "" ' at their ndu Ing. The blast, t which h i h was felt f l t andd heard h d for f more than th two t miles, il completely o p l t e l y shook the huge plant, ruin- home at central'1 ani Ing equipment'and heaving debris and flames throughout the building, . avenue*. The coupla are taking up all othn tuthorltad Chrl u i i UUritnre m » b« r«4d, burThe State police Investigated the explosion and reported they had found no evidence of negligence, residence in Florida. rowid pi parchuM. terming the blast ''accidental" In official ^reports. • Mr, and Mrs. Bergen Rapalyea Tht Pnbllt U Walesa* have moved into the Bowtell cottage at Naveilnk and Hillside aveTork city were week-end gueata or SMXTH-HARLSSON. nues. He served in the U. S. Army Mrs. E. W. Swackhamer. Miss Helen E. Smith, daughter of a* a lieutenant and received hi ,The Red Bank Register U mipMrs. Agnes Smith of Port Mon- (The tkd Bank KtsiiUr can be bought Dr. Wylie G. Pate will return honorable discharge recently. ^ported by local a* well as outoftown business men—Advertisement mouth, arid Frank Karlsson of East In Mlildlatown from Knleht'j deliver/ home tomorrow from New York, city, where he. has been attending Keansburg, were married Friday ryi«> afternoon at St. Mary's church, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hall arid son the annual convention of the NaNew Monmonth, by Rev. Robert T. of New York city and B. Vander- tional. Educational' association. Bulman.," A" reception followed at bilt of Detroit, were recent guests the home of the bride's mother. of Jack Swackhamer. The bride wore a blue crepe dress, Rev. William B. Spofford, Jr., of with navy blue accessories. Mrs. Boston, spent part of last week with Doris Sheedy of Red Bank, matron hi* parents, Rev. and Mrs. Spofof honor, wsus attired in, brown. Jo- ford, Sr, . seph Smith of Port Monmouth wsa Walter Grubb is home on a'flve- Mrs. Charles Evold of Freehold, beat man. The bride was given to day furlough from Renaselaer-Poly- district tfand deputy of the Cathomarriage by. her brother, William technic, where he it enrolled in the lic Daughters of America, attended the Initiation ceremonies of Court Smith of Port Monmouth,. N&Vy V-12 program. The couple are now In Maryland, Dr. and Mrs. Winston Keck were St. James last week In the Red and upon their return, will reside at recent visitors at Carlisle, Pennsyl- Bank Catholic high school auditorAIio All Makes of Used Machines ium. Mrs. Harry McCormlck', grand East Keantburg. ' ' vania. regent of the local court, waa In Walter Grubb has returned to charge. • Keansburg Rensseiaer Polytechnic, where he ALL MAKE TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. Members initiated were Mrs. is a member of the Navy V-12 (The Btd Bank RttfiUr can b* bought In Ktattiburg from John Clvit&o, Fhlllp training unit, after spending a leave Agnes Pryor, Mrs. Mae Calt, Mrs. WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER. Killer, Charlci Vogel, L. Zucktrmui, •with his parents here. Louise Garruto, Mrs. Phllomena Oiorge Svrijs, S. S, SUrk and Keauburg XCOllmn,Ma. MaeDeCarlo^ -The-Wdfes'-'-AJd--society'of -the' DrusCOi > - - " • • " " • • " ••••-"*'-•"-At the meeting of the Keansburg Reformed church will hold an all- Ann Verdun and Mlae Joann poet of th» American Legion last day meeting Tuesday at the church. Hinet. week, seven new members were The Bridge club met last week There will be a special meeting accepted) Commander Ralph O. at the home of Mrs. Victor E. tonight in the school cafeteria o Williams presided. Plans were Grosslnger, and prize winners were the committee planning the local made for the continuance of the Mrs. Roy Martin, Mrs. Frederick court's 20th anniversary dinner. 69 Broad Street Phone 669-J Red Bank drive for new member* from C, Tatum, Mrs, Irving W. Haace The dinner will be held March 2 among thi> rartkj nt trm returning' jnd Mn TTnmlt Waltte. The njit at Bhadowbrook Inn, Shrewsbury. veteran*. All veterans were re- meeting will be at the home of Sole Agents in Monmouth and Ocean quested to apply to their county Mrs. Chauncy L. Mltohelt at AtBACK FROM CALIFORNIA clerk or their municipal clerk, In Untlo Highland*. order that their names might be Counties for Underwood Typewriters Mr. and Mr*. C. T. Williamson reinstated on the permanent voting A food sale will be held tomor- and their niece, Virginia Garrett, row morning at 10:30 o'clock at of Phalanx have returned, from registration.. and Sunstrand Adding Machines. the Baptist chapel. Proceeds will trip to California and the Southbe used to modernize the chapel west. They were away threi kitchen, months, Mrs. Rachae) Field Mount Is • World Day of Prayer will be obchairman of the Red Cross, fund served at a joint service of all Middrive of the Middletown branch of dletown village churches tomorrow the county Red Cr'oi* in the high- night in the Baptist church,' way 36 district. This area extends The Woman's auxiliary of Christ from Conover lane to the Five Cor-. Episcopal church will meet Monday ner>. Worker* on Conover lane afternoon at 3 o'clock «t the home are Mr. and Mm. Williamson oLMiss.Louise Hartihorne. Thomas and .Mrs. A. V. Scott; RivMors than' 100 person* attended erside Heights, Miss Jane Meade and Mr*. C. V.'Reed; Country-Club the meeting of the Cub Scouts Friestates, Miss Ida Goodspeed; Mlri- day, one of the largest meetings nealnk Park, Mrs. Allan Wilson; ever held by the group. Official Pine street sector, Mrs. Thelma Army-Navy aound motion pictures Full Pint 1.95 Owens; Headden's Corner, west, were shown, taken during a battle in the.Pacific. Members of den Mrs. Lars Olsen; Headden's Corner, east,' Leo Finn, and Oak Hill road, two Won the banner for the month. Mr. and Hrs. Fred Stone of New Mrs. Sidney McLean,' Richly blended by A delightful flaone of this counvor sad bouquet, try's meet popumade with fine lar distillers. iraln n e u t r a l «1 MRS. DAVID HILTON WILSON t.MRS. PATSY N. RICCI M bride was, graduated from Bank high school and St PeJbospital, School of Nursing, at Brunswick. Until recenttyahe employed In the offlcee of Dr. iond'De Moruwigle at Asbury c IS bridegroom ha« been In the y Air corps for. the past (our S, and was recently discharged. UJkRed Bank high •choot gradhe eouple are on a wedding trip it Petersburg, Florida. They be at home at 178 South Bridge me after April 2. EBSKINE—BEDELL Iss Ruth Ertklne, daughter of and Mr*. Matthew Ersklne of iardo, was marriod Saturday to !•• Brntst Bedell. Jr.. son of Mr. . Mrs.. Ernest Bedell bi Arling tin the manse ot the Kllburn aorlal Pretbyterlan church, by ;' Samuel D, Chambers, IV Brsklne gave hie daughter in rlage. She wore an aqua woolkuit with pink accessories, and Hrsage Of orchids. Miss Doris' lenon of Scotch Plains, tbe d of honor, was attired in a I* brown eult, with pink access's/.' and a matching corsage, tty* a wedding trip in the Po9 mountains, tho couple will reat Kearny, where the brldem Is employed by the Congoncompany. Lieut. Bedell retail his'discharge two weeks ago, four years in the army, 18 ot which he spent lti GcrHe holds the Bronze Star and three battle stare. -The Is a graduate of Newark Je high school and Delahan.retarlal colege, She is emby R. O'Dill company, Nev.- The bride was given in marriage by her brother, William Raymond Johnsoti, Jr. Her Ivory satin gown was made with a *weetheart neck' line and a full train, Her veil v u Point d'Alencoa lace, and she carried a spray bouquet of tttphanotU, Miss Nancy Johnson was her afster'a only attendant. Her costume was ice blue satin, and she had a bouquet of sweetpeaa. Peter Doremus and Kenneth R. Smith, Jr. both of Red Bank, were'uahm; A reception followed, H the bride's home. '., ' Tho bride attended Red Bank schools and St. Mary's hall at Burlington. During her twytar, stay at New Jersey College tor Women at New Bruntwlck, she majored In home economics, .> Ensign Wilson recently .com' pletcd the Navy V-12 course at Cor neli university, where he received his commission. He was graduated from Red Bank higtf HihoDt in 1M3. At the completion of hi* leave he will report to Newport, .Rhode Island, for « new assignment. WELCH—KELLY. t St. Mary's church at M«w nmouth Saturday morning, Mlas Thomaseen Welch, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Valom of' Milwaukee, Wisconsin, became the bride otf Ray Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kelly of Belford. The ceremony was performed by Rev, .Robert Bulman, and a reception'fallowed at the home of the bridegroom's parents, ' The bride was given in marriago by her brother-in-law, Lieut, Chris Edmonds, U. S, Army, o_ Milwaukee, She. was attired In a deep, beige wool suit, worn with white accessories, and a corsag* tt white o^ chid*. Mis, Irene Karchella of Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, who served with the bride in the'Marine corps, (Women's Reserve,) in California, was maid of honor. She waa attired in a brown costume, with a corsage of yellow roses. James Kelly of Belford was best man /or his brother. • JBBOGAN—MCCARTHY. The bridegroom's mother chose tlu Patricia Ann Brogan, a navy • blue ensemble, with white lighter of Chief Justice and Mrs, 4oeM*oriu-and-a corsag*. of white M&a* J. Brogan of Rumson and flowers. ley City, and Ronafc WeSb Mc- The bride-'waa recently disthji son of Mr, and Mrs. Thorny charged from the Marine corps, I1. McCarthy of Allenhurst and (Women's Reserve,) after serving §', Tork city, were married two years In California. She atdnesday ot last week at & nup- tended the Convent of Our lady of jnass at St. Aloyslus church, Mercy In Milwaukee and the bust, ley City, by Bishop Bartholo- ness Institute In that city, jjr.'J, Eustace of the C&m'den The bridegroom Hived In ' the gese. The reception was held in Navy six yeart, and participated in major naval campaign* is the Pa'Park Lane, New York city. 'Jot Claire Brog&n was her sls- ciflo theater of war, H» recently I njald of honor and Mrs. Mlch- received his honorable discharge. Bflituorchlo, Jr., another Bister, He attended JRed Bank tchool*. Jersey Oily, was matron of lot Bridesmaids were Mrs. jy T, Wolff, Jr, of New York Miss Anna Baste..!, daughter o ,'alao a sister; Mrs. Arthur J. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bastalll of Bel,Lne of, New York city, sister of ford and Theodore Zebrowakl of bridegroom, and Misses Jane BatontowQ, wire married Saturday iy etf NewYortc city and Jeanne at St. Mary's ohutch at New Mon1 « of Interlaken. Gwenn Ce- mouth. Rev, Robert T, Bulman of'••.-. ' ij-liee of the. bridegroom, was ficiated, The bride wai gowned in white " •C'riMClirtJ.y-wurTili satin r's best man. The ushers wsj of fingertip length and ib* «*rJohn . McCarthy, anothor rled ca)a lilies. The bride was givrj Mr. Devlne, a .brothor-ln- en away by her brother, Stanley ' nhk Casildy, Peter MoDon- Bastelll, Her. maid of honor was nn«th Tumbull, Alton Wels- Miss Vlotorla Zebrowikl of Batontown, who'wore white, with a white , Albert HoohBter and Qeorge, headdrw* and carried American Ittlde of New Tork; and Beauty roses. The bridesmaid* W e , Dioluon of Allenhunti' . ' tho Mieies Jiasle Maoarikl of Oar-. ; % trip to Florida tho uouplo Uret, Helen Zadromey of Long UjlVe M. IJew York city, The- land, and Stella Polss.ky dt Red i jrroduiitidJrom the Col-, Bank, They were dnued alike'In ^ ^ U s f B t t t .whIU gown*, with.Am»>t'oatt Beauty l > , •Mr..«oCttFt(iy was grad- coronetl and oarrUd • American If * 1 from, th^Chottte school nt Baauty poles, • IngfOrd, Oonrto6t|but, ,'and ,ftf-," ™ « * « * • • » • fcd.,eiitir*d, tho'.Army Blgnnl kit of JBatontawn, d l h d Prank .JBibrowlK) ^ f f l £ Middletown MRS. STEPHEN W. OURASICH MaMichusetti; Ensign "Robert de Lorenzi, Perth Amboy, and Ensign Arthur Keon of Boston. Mrs/ Edward T. McDoncugh of Red Bank waa soloist, and a reception followed at Oak Hill* manor, Metuchen. Mrs. .Gurasich waa graduated from the Red Bank Catholic high school,'and attended Trinity college, Washington, D. C, and the Washington School for Secretaries at New York. She is the daughter of the late Patrick Francis Cotter, former assistant corporation counsel, for the City of New York and a member of the New York State Assembly, She Is the granddaughter of the late Mr, anB Mrs. Richard OToole of. Perth Amboy and the late Mr. and Mrs. William Gar,ltMr flf Brnnlclyn pnt) 4 n|fCH of U. S. Commissioner Garrett W. Cotter of New York. Capt. Ouraaich was graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, and is on terminal leave after having served four, and a half years In the Army Ordnance department. He^recently returned from IS months~service in Europe and upon completion of his terminal leave will return to his former position as an electrical engineer with the Sperry Sun Well Surveying company of Philadelphia, GLENFIELD-MARASCIO. M. Edith Glenneld, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Glenfleld <M Dorchester, Massachusetts, became \ the bride of Or, Anthony Marascio, son of Mr, and Mrs. Dominic Marascio of Locust avenue, Sunday afternoon at a candlelight ceremony at St. Anthony's church. Rev. Salvatore DiLorenzo officiated. Mrs. Oscar Legere of Maine, (later of the bride, was matron of honor and Vito F, Marascio, cousin of the bridegroom, was beet man. ~ S1olIowlng..a..dinnerTreceptlP.n for 60 persons at Molly Pitcher hotel, the couple started on a wedding trip to New Tork and Boston. Dr. Maruolo is a graduate of Red Bank high school abd of Manhattan college. He was graduated from the school of dentistry at the Western Reserve, university of Cleveland. He Is currently on terminal leave, from the Army Dental corps, In which he was a major. He plans to resume his dental practice In a month at his offices at 81 Oakland street. Mn. Marascio was recently.discharged from the servloe, where she served as a first lieutenant in the Army Nurse corps. Prior to entering .the service she wai a regIstertd nurse, in Boston. BAWKmft-MALONB. Mlia Annie Lee De-wWni of Shrewsbury avenue and Louis Malone of Linden place were married WtuTaTiy-irthT-jwrtonagj-ef the Zlon Methodlit church by the.pastor, Bevi R, A. Qounclti. MHi Zllppha Ladlne and Douglas Mott, both of Red Bank were th» attendant*, . The bridegroom U irmployed at the Wttaon Laboratories a( •Eatontown,. He, was) recently discharged •from •from, the army and served 18 months oversew., The oouph will Mve on Linden plaoii • Mlii > t f | l \ r t r of Mr, ana Mri,,P|t(r P«tr»|ll* of i H I h l < and,-H»rtw«ll Catholic Daughters Hold Initiation. New Underwood Typewriters - FOR SALE *-•". Ellis Office Supply Co. Riverside Heights WE ARE KNOWN FOR POPULAR BRANDS CARSTAIRS White Seal DIXIE BELLE DRY GIN 3.09 3.45 FIFTH LAIRD'S 3 STAR APPLE BRANDY r WRIGHT STORES WITH RIGHT GOODS 10-QUART 37C GALVANIZED PAILS N O LIMIT PRESSURE COOKERS • .••••....•."', ,.,, ., $ . 13.95 t-qt- -Slie; ALUMINUM ... "WKilJSiilslWl^ FULL BALL BEARING J l6.90 ELEaRIC DRILLS 5 36 0 0 to »95 00 -DUPONT CELLULOSE SPONGES FLINT VANADIUM KITCHEN CUTLERY ' ' ii4 A •elect quality o* Une sherry wine, bottled at the winery la California, Import**! from Puwto Rico" • ™ pint 2 . 4 3 :„: 16' LAWN MOWERS ' Blanca WINES FIFTH DONQRUM Mada trom.fulljf ripened and eo looted r r a l n e , SMproof. Cresta 113 7.70HFTH ' . . \ ' / ' ' ' WEAR EVER or EKCO ... Imp't from France MArtTELL COGNAC j Park Tilford • \:-M HIRAM WALKER DAT HABTtm 0O0KTAIL 1 . RESERVE 3:43 FIFTH ^MFTH ' HARWODD Canadian Whiskey _ , OM Of til* IW4- • ___v i, - * A nun* lour, ttmtni (or tyuilllgr m '.--•H'-ritg . • MilHNESS DTK nil fatnrdu'l ^ JULUaAOrtr 100.f»rm»U. « n u to I I u c h , lneludln* baby tteka, Biibwar beHwe Mnoaat, cayi, awaatart, uowiutti, oo»ti, Bank U». »«i» ........ LADDBB AMD MEN'S hato elajmad and ShVIS • BOOT, •wp»Bt«i» by «. gar.* ffOaa, . . . •hot*. Pillow UiWt bathlnc niltf, fU»roofuig and rapalrmi, aall la a all rebloeked woparly,. AmoU, Tho after I B , Jr. Calf itilti, aiteki; strl'i draiaw, iklrM, 20 NEW HAMPSHIRE Bed laying pul^ Batter, II ^pWnlB H*r«n«tn. W * » <^ w — -» T Third atruf, fair Eaten. - J . write, B. t. D i l T i w 411, KtvfMt, now ready ,to;bBr lita, 11.71 each, Mr*. B, Oha«b*rSUte Highway Hi.. *, N. J., plena KeyptH itlT-W. Walter 8. Ackarioa, Haal*b Phon* aw.aUn, jnmptni* boy'a abort piata,, lala, Stat* Highway If, JHddlttown, Phon. Bad B»ak 1191. Brit morteTlge on imjtoved M Temporary. 8 l o a , r r M h o M . l utl bloui.i, iwaai ahlrtai iadl.i blou».i, Keyport IQI-R, tial property, B 0 * c ! vaTuatlen,. ABOl^ MUOTOh. A K t y p e . o< OBNB&Al, t t Freehold/ . 44 VS t b_ itr«*t. d , Jiasdbui. Jodhpura! man'a • « • Phona Hlddlatown 14-J. arottod Red B » n t "Direct,-Mi cemtni work, rarbt, f oundatton., aldeI I and Jt*d Bank IITfc f «rsU collar »Wrtf, f ) » If, (« cent. MODEL RADIO, ptrfMt oonu t l . manur*.flUdirt, •rolling!. Cari t*n Mathay. « u w < Yi .-.——-.. Money." Bex o i l , K*i Bank.*. walki, ate. Alfred Oarloek, Ha»lltoii aachi mujr other sarmant. too numer- dltion. 112: Sllvarton*. nlni-tub* long Packard motor^ioffi KdBLLJtHT oTWTitttet ' t t ptQS-Thr** month* old, taoeulatad, oua t o mentions ladle, aprlng coat., al»a and abort wave, conioli radio. Ilk* n*w, avenue, Leonardo, Phone Atlantic Highfor 111 modal ear, I I I . Dlrfcen'. •aia. Bight befor* buiy lands BJI-8, • Durook" and Birkihlr*. Tnomai I . If, 14. 40; lulta, U, <0, U. Alia |4t. Fhon* R.d Bank 1171,* Plan* Shop. I I Onauaond Ftooa,. Red ohlldrM asd ladl** .pparal i t , Held, Mlddl.tewa Blo«k Tarn. Phon* wanUd, bdlat avlta, box or ChaaUrflaK SINGLE BED 'and mattraai, Bank. Phone »M.» • • «»»* fah. VriU at one* for d« CESSPOOLS el**n*d and built, ATTENTION LAPIESi W. a n saw Fair Haven, N . T coatt, waih draiau. all a i m ; aT.ning Red Bank 111, bunas and ebalr, double Btdiudmat1911 11 CADILLAC iiadiavmoter jolt overtank* elMBtd aad loitafifd. over f. O, Bar H I , K.an.bnrg. (ermine our Miring el.eiei for CBSr—Mal*1- -— "THE PAIN"* DOOTOK* i t f w l U i m u , lit* 16, .venlng alipparl. f - 0 ; traia. matching taiiity and .land, paintI^BJBJBJBJBJB^tJBfJMMeajHM h l d keatet k t and d good ti n i n* ,*. ,Price Pi hauled, stallad. Phon* any tin* day .April) .nroll now; Momta*,,afttrFinder pleiae call Rum.oa 1211. Re- •Tlaitio" anamela and l a t antohrt for llrla and boya aprlng- clothingj baby'a ad; flre aolld Biahstany and throe oak Bd Ph below Mlllng, 1411, Brady. Phon. AtBtrnuon T4f-J. Barmy 0 . elotiaa, all klndt, ineludliit; dlapcn, padi, soon and evening; ol.t.ei. Eight ward. > . — f*d*d, darktnlv wall* and worn wood- blanlcaU, e t c If you hav« tnythlng to dining room ohalri. Phone Bed Bask lantic Highland* M M , Brae* plus*, Kumion. ROOMS FOR RENT." work akd raeommmdi "Find" trimi 77«-R " FOR INSUBANbBof all klndi « *ftV. oMODBL A JOBD. Oall after I p. two-honr teiaona. $10. Ipeclal Eo6T-fc..»book 1*0. I l l " on tW fceand'Lad, tttanat* palnU for «*neral dlapoM of, s l . a « call 1861 for informa& B. Stoat, Uwl* balldmc. _T7-M - - _ FOB KENT. Apply K M , . m. • Bell* Una, Htaddm't Corner, B*d ond N.tjanel Ban* and Tru.t Co., Red m o n d i t i o W . Th«f. nirfac rotor*, tion 1or bring - it to Dtan'a, "Almoit raU>. (or teen-agon. Singer SawBroad *tra*t (over N*wbarry atcrei) JREEZEH* FOB BOMB and (ana. Pradmart, Tinton F.1U, N. « V i i B a n k . * • • • . • ' . ••;::':- . - , ' But Under plea** return U abov* tlvee, all «rad*l ani ahadai, *»aUabl* Now,' It Bhrewibnry avenue.* Ing Center, 41 Honmouth itraat,; itewa 189.R-1.* H and I I aulda feet for ImmediKODEL A IORD coup*, «ood ranbank. M S T - G o d br«el.t. flv.-garnet atone!. beginning 12 p*rgaloa at PlaitlaFln. tAHOB METAL ice tor, rood condition, Bed Bank, Phono 1101. I I 1910 b ^tffta*' BUMOAI..., nlng condition, • Can b* M«n any tba*. ate dellv.rr. Term. a>7an|ed, Ceritoa theater. Finder, plaaia return linen/Co., Root* I t . M.tawan, Phoa. H i laundry gal at«ve, three-biirnar, •vTh Cabin Inn, at Atlantic Highland*, 110 Uonird i f m t , Bed Bank, Phone ' a * Marion Beck*r, 10 Blrchwood *v»- [ t d l 70lt. W« d»liv«r. American Pr'aaaer eV Appliance Co, »J.B>; library tabla »1; two ladle.' rtvar; for couple with car. N o olilntlo ft1 x*dU WANT roar lawn raked and CARPENTER WORK, roolln* *nd i B«d B.nkll>4.« ;-„ appfa and atmr ilblea, U and. !«,-«« each. Dean'i, (S »U«, lU.n.Wer. Beward. FIREPLACE a. I * gar **#**,—"" rw — —-—r • Jtoute IK and Oakhlll Had, Had pert.; completely f u n l i h t d ; living ho«M moving and nlilng of . . . _ . trimmed for th* aprlng, call WllUam P»r Shrawibury avenue. Phona 1881.* 191, OHEVB6L-T, »od«i I I . BB*-~i £6ST—Black leather bag, itraP hanai*. , ' ' Prie*, 102 Shrewabur* .avenue, or phon* lag* I Urme it dadred; Morrt. BOOM lay coop.,, radio and h*at*r, warranty with big Hreplac*, bwlroom with, J^^^hoffMlddleUwnl. GODD FARM HOUSE. E. Gtscdano, Box Bank. Phone II77.» ' 0 bad, very lltti* -elOMt ap*e*: ba(_.. provamant Oo,. Box. 111. Kaanrturg. N. J. Red Bank 1890-M.' containing »»»•»•• " a " " «HS?i? Prie* 1(14. Within OPA celling. On* •a* ahower, but no tubs kitchen wit*1 china, bric-a-brac, illv "fade* Plea., return to Flora Webeter, 884, Grant avenue. Batontown.* PAIR MEN'S Chicago roller"akat*., alw LAWN MOW-SS" aharptnid and r.-AUTO LOANS, over HOB only. Flin t * T.90xll P*a bvitorn built 1. ply, pr.- w x ; ga* for cookinit hot w . U r T4 Linden Place, Red B.nk,* "bought and aold. Sea Bright Thrift T4 L ear *abi financed for any amount, I I w.r tire, H O . pTekard, Bad, Bask, 1941 Port pick-up, u«.d pairtd, aelMori and cotl*ry eharpi l . JPhon. gatjatown IPX. natlngi KTeened porch; abort wall COST-Sund.y evening, In *1«" IJ .« Shoppo. 8c* Bright I. , T.ry little. Recently painted and fit-SMALL LUGGAOI trailer (751 »pen- aned. Key* fitted for trunk* and month* to Pay. Jteeoait Ftoane* Com- Harding road.. Phon* Bed Bank 411. b*»ehi tUetrie light, and tel Halghti, Red Bank or Kumion, Eng- PORCH &U**_J* *»lfa p»nv, Ift Broad atreet. Bed Bank, ted with five Grade A recap.. Owner »** vail.*. All klndi *( lock* repaired. tt .vailabl* May 1 t o Auju.t I I . Wi flat bottom boat, 17U'zt', t l » l out1941 UNCuUT iSraiB, icur-door B * Setter. .11 waft., brown . a n .and •elllng ai naw truck. Juat received. In- board motor, II H. P,, naatli re»alra, Crou Lockamlth Shop, 156 ShrewiBury Phoie Bed Bank 1 1 1 4 . . ..dan, radio... and huter, pre-war ( n furthir detail., Shown by brown around t h . right ey.: ..gat PnnnV •p*ct at Riverd.le Farm on Rlverdale »26. 288 Plaaiura Bay Drive, U n j avenue. Red Bank.* LOANS—Blgnatura, furniture, auto. Bja- whit*- wall tirm, m *wn*r, will »«- ment only. 'Bupgalow," Box 111," monthi old and an.wer. nam« L»ddl». U6TICB SPOETSlUM. Flibing ; • avenue, whichitart. .at Hanca avenue, SOB Finance Co., V Bibad Itreet, R*d {-"LOWING AND DISCLN'q done. *itiroala rapalnd and •whaalad. laUBranch, Phone Long Bratoh i l l l - / H e«pt u.*d ear trad.-ia. 11,171, With- Bank. . g f f a r d . Phone Red Bank 181.* »ata.*glT.n. Cfcarla. MuUar, « ChaaN woat ot Bad Bank airport. Bee 8. W.5:80 to 7 p. m.». mate, given on larjo field. and imall Bank 1472.. Chug** IM Per cent a in OPA celUng. Phon* R»d Bank t i l . , Sd In ^ »^ «nut itraat, M r Hawn. Phono Had Bennett. BOOMS, I I SouU .treet. , bOST—Brown wallet Sunday .In '• month. .lieWa* No. 742. table cardena. Call Edward Crc.i, Bed CEBV6LEB N I W YOBKEB, four-door quUt aad comforUblii hot watar a t 1 CADY'4HU81CftA* ADY4HU81CftA* coat,-full -full i.nga; BAblO—Weitlnfhome, a> email Bank Hl-J.-*T«nlngl.. after -1 o'clock. Eoiary'and picturei. Finder ritufnto — . . d a n , radio, and heater, low mil.af*. . m e , Plenty of parking tpaea, - " modal, E-tube, two tone, »hort wave alao 10, excellent condition. Worn FRESH EGOS and p o u i w , »roll.iih l 1 ll AUTO UPHOLSTERING, Milton Brownirate Price*. Phone"»»n. Within OTA eelUng, Maurice IcbwarU, Barbara •Brab.ton, IS Map!, av.nu., Mean**, router, and duck.t alio 100 two month*. Miut ..11: leaving for band. Call Red Bank 6«-M. Ice, proprietor. Slip- coven, top*, Watt Front i t m t . Red Bank." . F BED btnt*. molt eonvi R*d. Bint* . - ' - • baby chick coal brooder and ohlok.n South; lady'a all wool gabardina ault, SALT HAY—Fred D. Wikoff Co., I fPrompt mvici, expert workmamhlp. 19 C*at*r itr»et, Romeon, phon* Rumlocation, i both ilntl* and doob! Wert Front itreit, Had Bank. HALOTON. 1941 flelnip', u**l v*ry '—Firemen', overcoat off manur.7 Phon. Bed B.nk 1011-J. Jam.i grer. .lie JO; wool oloth winter coat, N*wm*n Spring* road, LlntrotV two .on 618-J. little. ReeenUy painted, and dtted room*.- Mr*. H, T. Dowatra, ( I M«p' "Plata Hoi. CO. flre truck en Routy John, 41 Marion «tre*t. mink trim, excellent condition. Call VETERAN'S WIPB n.a genuine nrtural door* welt of public Ichool. Phon* SEPTIO PTIO TANKS and and ceupool* clMajdi with nv* Grade A neap*. Owner u l l - avenue, l t d Bank. Phone 1184. ?,3 between Fair View-cemetery and •lit inatallad. E f anytine, »« Statalr P l . c RlTenlda tipped akunk coat, Ilka new, t w o alto dry walla, drain. , ovtrpaii. Flnd.r pi.*** r.turn to POTATOES, BAILED HAT. and itraw. Height.. (Two block, off route »5.)« beauWul Leopard aklna fron India; Red Bank 21I0-H-2. . B*.k _ 47 _B*o- Ing a . new buck juat received. Inipect ROOM, kitchen prltt!eg«*|'> n.cner elmat** given. O K U E w<. . . _ . at Blverdtl* larm, on Wvardal*. avenu* DOUBLE Call Conor** Brethen, Wickatunk. Phona UOVlKd IMiNB cheap, •award H. Scattergood, 1 Applegat* •wtlon of Raauon 1 on k i ( Ma*.,'' ond .trtet, Fair Haven, phone Bad Bank which lUrta'at Hanee avenue, wait of COLUMBIA COAL range, black and genuine handlooned woolan Indian Brde., Bed Bank 16*7. aolmaii 4121 mi, Phon* Humion 1819-J. atrect,. River Plat.. _ _ _ _ _ Holmdtl 1414. whit* enamel, waahsble top, attach- ru.-, tx( feet i ladlea python aids pune rg* red Angora cat. malt. CHICKS^-Feada and poultry hou.e .up- ment for hot watir, new pipei, like new! from India. Phone Rumaoa H l l - H . OOATg OF ARMS, h«nd painted In GENERAL contractor; top M U , flll dirt, Bed Bank Airport. Be* 8. .W. Bennett. pllta; order April ebicki, day old or water color to your own .peclBcatlona; Reward, If returned to J. Pagan, Cencinder., gravA manure, wo«d .awing. 1911—PLYMOUTH, twedoor aedan. uaed only four month..—Phone High- MOVIE OAiMEBA, Imm., Unlv.i, model all* lettiring and general art work. Usa.1 Simon, phon* Bed Bank i l l tt l i l t . ' Call Kean.bur» 14»9-J.» REAL ESTATE WANTED ; ter avenue, Lcon.rdo, or call Atlantic •tartad now. DUbrow Brother., Ware- land* 1860-M. 'A-8. Price 111. Phone Zatontowa ] * houia and Hatchery, Wbala Prad road, Phone Sea Brlrtt «8 atter 7 p. m. II, BIghlandi <08-M. 81-J. • , 1918 BTUDBBAKEK Comnander, perTHAYBR BLACK folding baby > carriage, Long Branch. Phona woat lijng aranwi. r m i -» '"O• .» • _ - . , - KEYPORT 88», Swing Ma- VACUUM e h M W t W W I l a i i . •_»*. feet eondlttoa. Price IIOO, Wlttla FARMS—Acrug* and couatry" lOST—Brown and white Cocker Spaniel Weat FROZEN FOOD itorige roam.. Para . reaionabl*. Phone Keyport 1110. chin* Repair Service, Co., repairing Allen ElMtri* Shop. I I Whit* etrert. OPA celling. Phon* Red Bank 174. Uit now with Merrltt R. in-Red B.nk vicinity. . Anawcr* to We FOEKA0B AND STOV* wood, ready CHICKEN COOP, with .mall run. Phone back aulckly. Buy wholoiale and cut Will dellrer. Cord or half oord. XI yean, expert work, done on allBed B.nk. Agency. II We.t Mala .treet. I .tore It. How convenient it ia. We will Bunion 717-R. 1911 mTBuBK lonr-door atoan. AII m k e i of nwingrnachln*.. Oiling »nd Phone Mlddlatown H8-M. IF YOU HAVE any wood to law, or S"*2 'weatilde' avenue, 'will'am C. J, nip yon. Call Middl.towa ReWgernew 1 Hlreif good condition, Apply LIST YOUR propertlu. Bowmaa i_ _ EBC0KD PLAYERS. Ordar youra now COMBINATION KITCHEN range. coaT atton and Cold Storaga Oonitrjirtlon, adjaitlng I I . Machine* bought and cellar, to b» pumped out, call How- Cherry Tkorpe. Jr.' * g » .Utioe, Maple avenue Ha, real **t*t* »nd Iniurance, from Tu.Uni'a. Phllco., R. O. A. Vicand «aa, modern, amall type and lowHighway »5, Mlddletown. Phone 2»t. a o l d . ' '• ' • ard Tiltot, Rnmion 518-J. and Bergea place. Phone B*d Bank BttthUjH. j ^ Fjoa* 147. tor, Uarnarox (tia Stelnway of Radio.), oven. Phone Atlantic Hlghlanda 955.' INCOME TAX returni prepared, Prompt, CARPENTER WORK, rooflnfc IjnilitlOB, 1141.* FREEZERS, BY YORK, for late May ~)PEItTY '_._ Emanon, Waitinghouaa, Full Una « raoFOR SALE courtnu* .ervice; modM.t. fee. .Idlngj alas rnaeon work »ad «*naral STATION WAOON, Plymcuti, 1949. dejlrery, order now; all* Philco r*rent or aal*. Buyer, waltl «rd«. Cat your nama in. Tuitinr.. I* BARN—For wrecking. Call ,Red Bank Bddy.Apt 4, 14 Myrtl* *v*nu., Long pairing. Mlchul Frangella. Box d l l , Tire* and motor la ejuellmt **n- •rt i, Marvin, Highway 14. frIg«r.tor* aBd A.; B. ft waaier. | * B I . j » 4 7 » . » . . • • • f • • ' ; Branch, and Monroonth .treat. Bad Bank. Ing n o n , doa't d.lay. Bill II II -Rfttlllf IttoR-^ifrt*^. two room* tip, Wand new, Mao l*. "YOU CAN ALWAYI be proud e t a atructlon, Highway II, Mtlddlitown, greaied, waahed, poUahed and aln 1910 LA9ALL1 No. I I 8ped«l a*d*n, anetU or large room and ililnder., raltea, tank., ate. Conojr 1100 c h . C.U Bumion itTO, between 2140-M. Phone 211, lied at rea.onable ratal. Corner Bridge well-mannered dog," t*arn t* 40,000 mil**, beautiful ear, .icknee*. Phono HobaBABY ORArfb PIAftO, living room ickatunk, N, J.. hour, of I:S0 p, m. and 7:10 p. m. Swi! W k .venue and Rector Place, Red Bank, Celling 11,411. Phot* Spring L e k . for ilngl. lady. Could be" ammonia, p i train your dog In general obedience, lultea, with down filled cuahlom, REFRIGERATION dl «m Phone Red Bank 1497, borne. Mr*. Blddar, «3*m*rai Dellv itudlo eouoh, atcratary, maple and ma- methyl. Indu.trial and otnnerclal Per.onal ln.truetlon bytorhierw « BEFRIGBRATINQ PLANTi On* new » „ . . - FOR ALL p«rp««a4 . only. Call Mlddletown Befrigaratloa and Oceaoport. .hogany kneebole deiki, lnnarapring matdot trainer; by appointment only. Brun.wlck I H - t « comprenor. BRAND NEW Hi-torn itake holy factory at Muonabl* price*. Atlantic treaae., coal itove, gaa atove, wicker Cold Storge Conatractlon, Highway I I , FAMILY OF n V l w a a t nloa bom* . ' ConoVer K . Thcmai, 110 Broad •I cV»p.»y. 119 Weal: Front itr.it, with. I H. P. meter and. itarta porch let, maple aun porch .ultei, cock* Mlddl.town. Phone l i t . . truck and driver for hire. Bat** itimmtr, D*cor*Uo» dty to Labor ( Bank, N. J. phone 2251-W. tall tablM, bre.kfait let., mahogany and lntluilve, In or n**r Red Bank, i atr**t, phone Red Bank 294. BOX*., (Sultabl* for dairy ar butoiby' hour, day or woak. Phon. Loaf PUPPIES, PIOIONB, butama, rabblta, or in vldnity. WriU. -Tamlly." ch.rry b.droom lult... Ic. boxes. Oth*r ONLY OKI ALDKIOH oil (red B0IUTCK FEED, with plenty of good «r), two 40-inch Emory Thompion* Branch 411. and all kind, cf net*. Writ* la da-I l l , Red Bank. Item* too numeroui to mention. BUrdie • boiler and turner, rated at I I I BUILDEB AND contractor. Call Red yellow crasked com In i t Surefreer*, *n< io. chopper, without tall what rcu hav* a*d prie* to Hy-W.y Warthou*., Cl»y atreet, r.ar of 126 Bank 1770-R. BMh. too. Hanc. a D.vl.. Phone Red, HUMS, tare* er tour feet. Only one Paragon all trad ATTENTION! Any linoleum Iwir Pat Shop, l i l t Sat* Edgar load, Linmotor, oae 10 H. P. motor with Broad etreet, Bed Bank. rooati, nlealr furniihad, good , B.nk 108. ' boiler and burner, rated at J i t ORDERS taken now for plowing. OaTi •crabbed with .pedal linoleum ao»p, in. K. 1. ___^_ •tarUr aad .witch koxei, one iee FOUR-BUBNEB WINDSOR g a . atova, tlal dUtrlet, May to September. Jh M B d Bank B k 2710 2710-R. •John Maion, Bed 12 and up. Kitchena a apeclalty; Call WE BUY USED ahot gmae. rlnee, laalng with oven, 120: doubl. bed and feet. Only on* Went Plan**'oil 11,900. Writ*, ••». It," Box i l l . WB BTJI and »ell anything I New cream fountain, *n» kitchen itove, PAINTING AND p.perhanging. No job Red Bank 1481-J or 1I8-J for appointtprino, I I . Randolph Field, Bumion Bank. burner, Me a* three gallon, per and n.«d fanltnn, honeehold toe big or too .mall. Eatimat** cheer- ment. one parlor .tove, an* miicallan.oua KlaUa'a BpeH Phon* Rtd road, Little Hirer. Inquire Dennla .tore, teiatUrTBUalMBflfl MUpl« _ . _ hour with all Mlnneajoli*'Honeyfully given, Phone Keaniburg 166-J. CUSTOM plowing. dUtlng. eowtag, kar- Shop, U Eaat Frent .trwt. good.,'"china, glaaawara, palntlnga, lot *f 1-Inch tt**t ihaiting. and for location.* ; three-rooia apartmant, furnl»l*d well control., it. I. ilia tub* *a*t voting, tree pulling, grouad d**rbric-a.brae. otc. Baiell'i Auotloa puller*. Alfred Henneaor, Jtrity unfurnlahad. Call after I f.m,r' FARMALL TRAOTOR. F10. wlta eultlVATBR W8LL PHOBLBHB — O«ring, a t e ; tractor work ol any Wad by rANXEB T S A D B win »ur y*ur troa radiation 22 and JUnohea OalLariee, lt-27 Baat Front atroei, lilt. vator, on rubber; Ca.e oil lift plow; avenue, TJnloa Beach. acre, boor or contrast. Jlrat «l*** roelon,are 7»»? troubled with <no perolaina, ahlaa •navMnt*, Ugh. Black and selvealnd Iroa rubber tired wagon. Call Red B.nk Ited Bank lttf. LL BOUSE, or aparSunt, _ cqulpmrat. Ralph Mihyr. HotrndfJ.' N. "rmiy" water, to** of prwaur*. rare irwela, antique fonitar*. a*w BMCHARdll PAPERS' ph.Urt.ttd, 12 2167.* Bank. Phon* Red Beak 2II-J. pipe, ap to two-lack Automatic hot J . box I I : phon* Holndel 1191. hour, .ervice at Dorn'., I I Wall*** PEDIGREED COCKER Spaniel, mala, frB PKi htohaat pricea «or y o u vvd (topped-up plumbing, nnrightly iron and old allvtr Vl*e*a, *t*~w, money EIPEHT CARPET laying, rapalrlac, BUSINESS WOMAN aunt hav* w»t»r heater*, t v and I * gallona. • • try. Write or phone l o n g Branch itriet, Bed Bank. flinging, binding and rettovtting. nlabtd apart»*nt In'Bad Bank or ' month, old. Call Keyport 701-W. oa fUWre.! In moat c u e . we can and book*, J trad* fab aad spaa Combination alnk and laundry tray itOO. II North Broadway, Long Branch PIGS—Why worry about a meat ahortPwcy Gray, 41 WavarlT pl.ee, B*d dnlty hy April l i t . Two, three er it above board, f o r eourteey dialing correct thia by ahemlcal treatment »Wi*l' .Live Poultry Market; with metal cabinet, B*tr* heavy aga. Raiie your own hami, bacon* OLD BUILDING, to be torn down for B»nk. N. J. Phone Bed Bank 1221. room* waatad. Cell Ruoaon 1491-1 plea** ecntact Yankee Trader, R*4 Wall pump., larie and' amall, in- INCOME TAX r*t»m. pnpar*d; « 80-g.lloa water taaka. Toilet out- ' DISCONTINUED Imperial waihabla waU. and pork; baby plga and partly grown • lumber. Call Bed Bank 1»7.» fj-ji __ _. Bank. Mr. Morrlll. phon. Bed Bank jUIlid. Welding; heavy tough ioba paper for .very room In Tout home) pis., vaccinated, from pur.bred *tock, DOUBLE DRUM board porcelain link, flt4. Combination: alok faucat*. yean' axparitnc*. William L. Ban. hau**, la Pair Haven or vicinity. valiiM t o 110, on . l i etor11.98 per10 up: alto bred lowl available. Phon* n*tt,-oflle« r M.di*»lc atr»et, phon* at your yard. Storag. apace, at cur Btd Bank 1717-W. two porcelain waeh tub., good conH I T . ' ; . ' • • • Sink .trainer* and aomerow ether J o o n l i b " quanUtlea and pattjm. ara Red Bank 8841, Red Bank! 1147J for appolntinmt ERMANBNT C M y.rd, near Bed Bank, luit.We for plumbing and heating aupplle*. limited. Barln'. Paint Stor., I I Mon- HAGNAVOX COMBINATION — Phono- dition. Phone Rumion 1880,* CHILDREN BOABDED by week or nREPLAOE—Birch iogT electrlc.lly want* four-room ax*artm*at or. tnoulh itrett. •' large truck., e t c ' Heavy trucking, HIGHEST PRICES paid (or glua, china, American Fraeter * Appliance Co., ir.ph and radio, on dliplay at Tui- lightad. For quick aala tlF^i two dog month. Children cand fof dnring r figure., lamp*, foraltsr*, button*, boua, W1U buy if . »ulUbl*,_ tlng'i, Thl. mMrnlncratly toned inatruplatform Job 8x11 feet, equipped working boun. Belford Boarding Horn* Route 15 and Oakelll rond, Red aduMal uniuraUhed. Write. •atcheli, II each. Phone Atlantlo HlghAQTJABIUM8—Tropical t i h , goldmant ia th* Stelnway of recorder.. Every for Children. leeaUd dl.gonally acroa. eloeka, vate*. Will buy atngl* plee** or neat," Box: 111, B*d B.nk.' with 10, Ilx24-lnoh tire.; heavy Bank. Phon* 1177.* collection*. All artel*, m u t k* old. ton* I. heard even If played at a whia- l.nd. 9T«. flA, planta, gravel, aeceuorUa. from railroad it.Uon on Main .treet, OOUPLB, NO CHILDREN, w*M winch job* to 10 ton.; well drilling, Purl Ollmaa, I I Spring atr*et. Bejd p*r It'i 12 watt, output plu* ueluilv* BABN MATERIAL, inalde and outiide Belford. Phone Kein.burg I I I . Helen Miller, Highway IS, neat room unfuml.hed apartment. : — Bank. doon, window -tram., and i u h , ex-CHICKEN HOUSE, ne.U »nd pole., deeper wall), laner aupply, rotary PUnliiimo pick-up and DUMOBI* .p.akCARDNER'S BROAD itreet barber ahop Keamburg mteway. Phon. Middle. er April Permanent Bed £ u k or Til •r reproduce* all th* muil. from th* cellent condition. Phone Red Btnk m*Uod. American Drilling Com110. 194 Bergen Plaft, Bed Bank.' conveniently located In heart at baaelnlty. WriU, "Oouple," Box 111. " " ABMt Oolonel wrtk town »l»rJ. Op.n dally and Sun- record. Tone* ordinarily not heard. See 8308. pany. Call Red Bank 1542. JUST GOT IN A load of bedroom aet. In... Motion. Children', hair ratting a Buk.* It: hear the Magnavox at Tutting Piano CABINET, TWO-BURNER oil heater, Monmratb county refereneea, dayi nntll » ». miTOoiedWadn.afrom our warehoua. at Schwarta't apedalty, Ia Ooldin building at Broad Company, I I Monmouth .treet. Bid . BTJ thro* bedroom*, Ilk* n*w, I l l s larga mahogany round Auction Boom, tow located at 19 Bait : and Mechanic «tr««U. wfahet t* lea** irell-bullt. Bodorav day'.. -, CESSPOOL AND SEPTIC tank! eleined, B.nk. *d vlelnlty ot Broad itoeet. Bed ! table, perfect condition, ISO, Phono Front- .treet, until the new bulldln* ( O H rubbl.h removal aervlc. Phone PLANNING A CIRCULAR, booklet or rear 'round home fer JOB* lat •*WHt* P. O. Box Hi. Bhre—bnry. Rumeon 154-J. PHBASANTS-7-S*va»l v.rletiei, Banup. Call Red B.nk 1147 or 1211. BALED HA?, .tra» and poulty Kaanaliurg 417. Robert Alba, Port direct mall advertlring taapalgal •dpaacy m Ikmrabary river or LARGE STORE for family dw.fBni' Phone Kerport S41-R. William Aek- tam., I varieties Parakeet., all color., ONE GOOD LOOKING; valuable young SCHWARTZ'S AUCTION room h u aHonmouth. ^_ Let 'The JudI* PeUr. Servtea" give' you r**tanr*J>ts al.o want .to. buy b . Ring Neck Dovel, Parrot, Love'Bird., hone, good for general purpo.*., rid- full line o( chrome br*.kf*.t letl and vldnity. Mlalana requlremeatey, I er.cn, Hulet, WriU P. O. Box HO. Bed Bank. Ccckatlel., a few eanarlee.,. Phone ing, general farm work or for peddling beautiful living room *et* at bargain ARTHUR E. BOYCX, painting contractor, an eitlmaU without obllgatloo. Copybedroomi, I bath*, modem ktteh**, HOUSB Building. Wwcklng Oo. Keaniburg 428. purjio.t*; one army .addle; Model T pricea. Come to 29 Ea.t Front .treet, eiterlor and interior painting, e.tl- writing, layout work and addreiaing. Call _ ipirtmtnt, bildi t l land and •ell uiedd building m.terlale mat** lupplled on larg* or .mall joba, Freehold 900 or writ* to "The Judle acreened porch, »utomatle hut. Five 16-WKEK8 OLD -Berk.hlre pig., Ford parti; on.;llngle hor.e wagon; 700 lied Bank, our new location until w* ftrii bualnta* woman, reasonable, clan work by practical painUra. Peter. Service," 20 Welt Main atreet. r lupplle*. Highway 88, Keyport. TEN TO latedi—alao—Mueee»»—duck.^ -»F*nd-new-peach-ba.ket«,-twarJMlklng- bulld-on-tht-hlrhway;—OaHl-Bed-Bankadnk*. tw* lehfl-agi .hlldreaJ«at-*t-vWalty. ~ « " » »"' —innoculatedi—alao—Mueee**—d' Phon* Kunuon 88!. one Xeypcrt 481. eultlvator., walking plow, Modal T Ford 1647.' Pione Bed Bank HIT after I p. a . B*nk.» « « , YOU READY for a living room Sag.r Loal Hill Farm. Phalanx, (rock. Dodge .edin, year old female ALL~ST£EL TRUCK bodlea built I bull- NOTICE-^ffave that old fur coat reaniel, prove TO B U t I 6ft 1-BOOU Uuaa," T eke S or wriU, IX ColH. G. Tratle. Wert SCHWARTZ'S AUCTION room h u a*t1 Th* Furnltur* Center haa Wih- AT STUD—Bed Oocker Spaniel, proven black and tan baezle hound, Nannie modeled, relined, a t e . now, while doxera, farm equipment repaired, farm Bank, Fair Haven or vlcUlty. Writl waahlng machine., radio* and refrig- tralleri built to ordar. Century Weld- price* ar* reasonable. Ready for n«xt (Tad* factory e.mpl. furniture of all , .Ire, champion atoek. Phone Bed jont, will fre.hen .oon, two quart, of Feint, N. Y. •HOUM," Box 111, Red Bank.* Btnk l e c . .vcniiig*. erator, for .ale i t 29 Bait Front .treat. kind* at bargain pricei. Eaiy paym*iit«, All work guaranteed. Cemiult milk a day. If Intereited. pleaaa male. ing. Phon* Mlddletown 854. Oppo.lt* H U M , POST AND BAIL fencing, liecnat offer. Muit .ell. Mike Frangella, Box Call Red Bank 1147. Amy 0. Owen, Union avenue, Belford, WANT TO BUY, ilx-rocm heo»e, la - d**ir* Mlddlrtown itatlon. 29 Bait Front .treet. niabtd apartmwit la Bed B.nk, XX ARE YOU LOOKING for inlaid llaoleum. IRON BAILINGS for porehei, ttairwaya, Phona Keanaburt- «lk_ ff&BBEB STAMPS—Le* u«i help you poaU and round whit* cedar ot oak it), Pine Brook road. Eatoctown.' Red Bank or ridalty. Call Red Bank board rail., Material only er (notion towa or Shrewtbury. Pita*, call All colon, at Schwarti'* Auction with your rubber .tamp problem.. etc. Made to order by Seedorf Com- ACCOUNTANT *«*k* n.w tll*nti; 1149. TWO COWS—Holitaln and J.raey. Both ~ « call for and deliver them. Prompt contrasted! eetlm.tee giv.n, a* obliga*ud!t«, taxea, bookkeeping wrriee. OAS STATION. Red Bank or vfiaity. B.nk II9I-W afUr I J. m. fraab. Augu.t Plager, 464 Poole ave- Room, 29 E u t Front .treet. Oall Red pany, 19 y u r . at 9 Wait itraat, Red tion. Phone New Egypt 1141, or write, • C a l l e d Bank l H I . Bank 16*7. r Bank, Phon* 2189. Write, P. O. Box 11, Red Bank, or n i l nue, Union Beach.* Write, 'Oai Itatloa," Box 111. B«dTWO CLIENTS, de.txrate for renUI purchaMi of horn* by April l*t» li A. B. Dlrban, piano maker, H. I . Newman, J r . Old Monmouth road, _ _ •• Bank/ ' _ par ton. Hill Field SMALL SPINET plan*, at Schwart*'* WELDING AKD MACHINE work, *tec- Rtd Bank 1711. • HAY—125 dealer, tuning, repairing, renovating, New-Egypt trle and acAylin*, prompt i.rvle* by INCOME TAX RETURNB. Prepared by SCHWABTB AUCTION room I* buy-Red Bank-Bumion aria. Appn Auction Boom, 19 Bait Front itreet. Phone Red Bank 1212. •hop and showroom Dnmmcnd pliea, ly 19,000. Phona Robert F. Ni Seedorf Company, 19 year, at 9 We.t Harry 3. lervle at Anthony'*, the CallKed B.nk 1147. ing tecond-hand furaltun. If youBroker, Be* Bright 111. BALED ALFALFA hay an* wh*at »hcrne Btd Bank »8». .treet. Bed 'Bank. Phone 2189. tallor,; II Monmouth atr«*t, *v*ry even- hav. anything, aall Red Bask 1(47. • LOOTBT POSTS, average IM feet BICYCLE—At SohwartVi Auction •traw, Maple Crwt Farm, Colt'* Ing after 7 o'clock, or phon* Rtd Bank WISH TO PURCHASE from owner 12 MALLARD duck*. Phon. Red Bank Room, 29 Eaat Front atraet. Oall Red 1NSUBE YOUR HOME.-builneu, auto- U 8 4 - : r - o - , • • long, graded" a. to *I>e, Price 10 rwt, do»bl« houM, d e l . to U Meek. Phon* freehold .t HI-M-l. NOTIG_ If r«u ar* thlnkini mobll* and.ether property with Haw8 M for' appointment. p I5T-J-2. BanK 1847. V ie U cent, each, Holmdel Orape kin. Brothen.'Baal Eatat* and Insur- UENERAL HAULLrJu about dlapo«ing-*f your k,ou*ahold CM b*tw**a II and 1. J and moig. moving. All TO SENT—-Vttera*. wt.he* tw*, thn* StaU 'full particular* In Ant l.tt*r| WALNUT DININO ROOM act, aide- ance. 77 Broad .treat. Red Bank. Phone tip*.. R*a*onabl* rate*, WriU, "Doubl. HOUM," BOX 111. l a m . Phone Holmdel 1111. d Merate*,' Gordon. good* and furnl.Ung., real eetate, or four-room finlabed or u»furboard, table and abc chair., 111. 114 352. . K WOOD—Ster. or 4repl.ee length*, will l i l d G d B Klmil* and Gordon, Box 98*. R. F. D., nlihed apartment.. Clean and quiet, Bank.' live itock, farm machinery and B.rgen Place.* IO-AC*ES FERTILE grou . deliver ia load quantities Oall Baton* 100 BAGS GREEN Mountain potato*.; MOVING AND TRUCKING. Loot! and Red Bank. Phon* Bed B.nk 8840-J. Bu.lneta couple. Good reference*. Call •nulpn.nt, eoniult without okllgathne-room bungalow, eity, watar i ALL KINDS OF chrome ictt In any long dlit.nee. Hill Brother!, 150 town 111 evening., between I and 7. Mitchell M I 1 2 (Revere, dug**,)* tlio Iff ton. alfalfa hay. Call Holm«l.ctrielty, DtVlto Farm, N.w colors alao extra ohaln to match. To Weet Bergen place, Red Btnk. Phone Ack for Mr. Wlllett tloi, B, G. OoaU, Auctionear, 410 BTJPBRIOB Soor-waxing, Prlvat* l 7704, after 4 p, m. BOARD WITH UEALShy.ld.Viy e u p ^ be gotten at th* Furniture Center. Buy mouth. FRENCH POODLE pajPU., blaok, mala, Red Bank 2208. Day and night nrvlc*. Bath av*nue,i Long Branch. Fhon. home* our ipeclalty.. 0*11 Bed between Bed Bank and Aibury Park. AKC; *]»d by Oh.mrfea Pillleoc Kum- CAMERA—Unlvex UQ, complet* with on th* 12-month m*y payment pl.n. FILE YOUR INCOME tax now at 162 . Bank 1471. ' If luitablc. wlah t* l U y permanently; nhotoi fiaah equipment and genuine it E u t Front atre«t, Bed Bank. FOB YEAR -HOUND, natal llx < p.latll.kin & D , 171, Fhon* Lose Monmouth atrcet. Red Bank. Tim*, with fang*. Stat* full particular* and leather carrying ca.c; practically new. *ev*n-room hoaie, unfurnl* good condition. 119 1 p,ra.to 7 p. m., every day. John CLIPPERS SHARPJfNjlD. B.rb.r, h e m . rate.. Addrei., W. F. WitUI, 140 Lyons W B l K l . aiding macblnM ana1 Branch t o l l . Complete outfit colt 112, ..11 | 8 . Phone FBIGIDAIRB—Vary Shrewibury avenue, Phoa* Bed Bank DeFlore: . ofBe* *«ulp«n*nt, n*w *nd uwd, la K*d Bank or near by vldnity I MOBIL OIL IN aealed t i n . (or your Red Bank 807-R. dog, .beep, all kind., at th* Everett aveno., Irvlngtcn. Mark letter p»raonal.* kouglt, aold and refilled. Semlco'i, U08.« I BUY AND ..11 Heond-hand doth.*; Blackimlth Shop. Pbon* R*d Bank TO BUY, a good plea.ure niblng bo.t, protection; new Champion ipark 28 ONE-YEAR-OLD layer., New HampaduH family. Can furnlah beat at" | 305 Monmouth itrtct. Bed B.nk, muit b* in good condition, h. K*r-8JTJ-1. B, A, Hkkey; •hlre.i, !<G. Apply 102 Woodllde ave- MOVING—Mutt 1*11 young »ln*lng plug., fan be!U, aar jaeki, batteri** and prefer ikift. with ihelter cabin. Manfirue**. Call R.d Bank 1259.H. ' compUU mobtlubrlcatlon a*rvic*. Bay nue, Keamburg, corner Evergreen canarlea; female fir braiding, reicTy b.r, 209 Shrewsbury avenu*, Red Bank. fiECOND-HAND DOOR Iranu. rine motov 10 to 10 H. ?., aperoxltrim, window frame.. ia»h trim, tnalda McUughlln't Frl.ndlr Mobil Station, Pl.ce.* to mite; alio four pair light blue Love Phona 488-W. ra.telj 21 feet long. Keidy te go 4 a. m. to I p. m. ' doon, jam. trim, weather board., mold- Glob* Court and Eaat Front itreet PORTABLE WA8HINQ machln*. laun- Bird.. Phone Long- Branch 1717 for aboard. Priced approximately 11,000. AUTOMOBILES ing., porch rail, ballMUr., column., Phone Bed Bank » » . WriU, "Plea.ure Flihlng Boat," Box 111, WISH TO RErtT direct or through • • BETTER RADIO repairing, all work drr *tov* and 80-gallon tank, r*a- aepolntm.nt. J4 Victor avenue.* Uthe*. italr tread., ic«*n wrinecoatlni CE£SE, PURE BRED TOUIOUI* ge*e«T onabl.. Plion* Bed Bank 1810-W.* .gent, 1 8 or 9-room hou.*. OoMAUK1CB SOKWARTZ, Chryal.r. Ply- Red Bank. VIOLIN, WITH CASE, rewomble. m guaranteed, prompt iirvlci. . W* 4* gallon. »utomatio ga. hot w»t*r•hollp.ln and ecc. for hitching; alio tw* Car* of property mouth and International track lain cll'i, 21 Baat Front atnet, USED VACUUM cleaner, in good eon- cupancy anytime. Red pick op and dellv.r. Open *v*nlnfi. ar, >aa hot water furnace, W. P. Scott, Utter* of old Engliaa ah**p dog pup- MABINE MOTOR—Gray 0-98, over- Bank,* guaranteed. Solid financial reference! Phon* Red and "trvlc* bMraoarUr*. dltion, with attachmant*. Phone Athauled, «»w cylinder block, run. perT4 Monmouth .treet, Bed Bank, N, J.plea, pur.brtd, very b u t blood llnx. Central Radio I) TeUrUlon Co, OaU Six month', rant or mot. In advance I Bank 7 H . iantlc Hifhlandi 914.' Phon* B*>d Bank 1169. Brian, Portaupeck, Lent Branch, . fectly, good buy. Call Atlantic High- TWIN BEDS, Maple u»ol type, almort dnlred. Phone Bnm.on t l l - J . De.l 172. '. ' landi 148.* USED CABS bosfht, WATElt PUMPS, new and rabullt. Pu: KNEE HOLE DESK, tat tep, itatc top VBTBRAN DEflUtES fart* or four-row n*». 208 River wad, Bed Back,' and «*ryi*a; ..—iU« and wood. FJinn*a.Jduon,_Bax. PontU a' FOUR-FOOT COLUMBIA walnut .howM8Bli.PUFHB8.JMlt aln,d,,,fom«!e.oA iu~Bfotfcir*7 I l l , K.yport,* 0 H N B t v l B l « « f UK H1IUT M l l B S pala lor rag., Iron", ~~larnl*h»d apartment or WleT~ireillfBt-cWl41tl»aS—Call-Bad' tA heating, F, G. Bui Sycamore avenu*, near Shrawabury ycamore avenue, metal aid papir. Gettle, junk ,d..ler, erator, Can be ui*d althar la hou** Phone Bed Bank » 8 t , * Bank II. Phone Mlddletown II. avenue. E, Oarofalo.* '-»»^ fl'v ^ S.» Jautomobile ^ a J U IUoO'P QUALltY "trunk., l».ond.haid; low. or o i boat. 'Price MaionabI* for qnlek 211 Shrmhury av*nu*. B.d B.nk. t 0 ntddle-aged eonpleTw Ji g^UIt i t U> i ^ J>. W vtf na. c a ito?i i l •» f••* eondlUon. Send d.icriptlon toRBBPON81BLE THE FORNITUBB CENTER will buy MIXED KAY and clover, excellent for So. 1 and 2 QREBN Mountain Potatou. ill*. Call Keaniburg 744-1 afUr I Phon. R*d Bank^ 1698-W. Will call " w n b r rent cottage .from May hone.. Have abour* 10 ton., both .y F. J*." / _ October,furviahed W," 8. Bray, Holmdel. Phone (021. p, m , * , anything yoii want to .ell. Not only *• TrYaxinf Co,, C , , floor oo Jviciabl. 1 £f' S& m,££. Box. Ill, Nav-ink. oam ',.X' .1911 lea. than 11,090; will buy HJ SED BANK FLOOR W baled and looae. J. IK fall**, U n e n f t GRAND OR SPINET piano, any all., for haute prove* .atiafactory. Write,. furniture, but other artlele. a* well. Pay LARGE SHOWCASE for food .tore, one HASSEY-HARRIS tr.otor and Waylaid reflnlenlng. Mount.KBgll.li BglUn Co vo,i B "»*. * « * * Bo* waxing, landing and ' Itadlo, no dealer*. Write, "Pf.no.," M, A,," Box 811, Red Bank. th* higheit price.. Call The Furniture Phon* Red Bank 101. counter, largi panta of plate glad, foer-bln apple grader, both good ion- Home., offlcei and .tor*., Phone Red ruAJin, "VAN 6YCKUE. 10 vT*rt F * a t EMBRSON PORTABLE vWroU and looking g l u . and one marble .lab, two dltioa. Call Mlddl.town I t l . Center, Red Bank 1647. •treat, formerly Qulnn I Oarag*. •*> Box 111. Red Bank, ' Batik 1481-J or 788-J. IN OB AROUND Bed Bank, two-b*droon| record.. Phone Highland! 1211.* Net wide, I feet long. Write, P, B.,CHAIN DRIVEN TRICYCLE. 119 Bal-tLECTBIO. RANGE and waiher repair p a l S t o all n a k i . B*ar whail a l l n u g THREE ADULTS d.elr. tv* or l i z hou.* for ial* or apartm.nt for rest, room*, vicinity of Red Bank.. ReferBEFORE OBDBRING biby chiska, *0De Box 111, Navcalnk. THE TANXSI TBADBB, Btd Bank, nrvlc*. G. * D. Appliance B«rvlc« and frame .traighUnlng wrrie*. Oodgt Ith or without furnlahlngi. Phor ahtw avenue, Alfred Vail Horn*., ence*, Foley, I I I Montgomery itriet, and look at my brown laghema. W, ASPASAOUS CART, with' Ihlfting .h.ft., latontown. ihculd b . your pet «hop t* trad* Co., 10 Whit* atreet. Phone Bid Bank .ml Plymouth d*altr. Eitontown 400, Sxttnilcn 806. Ma ' • W, Emerv, 17 Blackpolnt rued .Bumion. CAB SALES flnanwo. 19I7-1WI M M . Jer.ey City. Phone Delaware 8.4110. a.t of double hirnii), riding plow, THIRTY LAYING h*n>, Bliiid* Wand *IWf*J« : with, where a ael.ctlon • ( over _ ,TO' BUY—Sulnway, Baldwin or. Knab* up to II «»ntk* to p«r. - . • FURNITURK UPHOLSTEBI3D and mad. two-hor*. Dlow, uhlfne-tree neck yolk, Reda, nine month, eld, $41, Phone ANY MAKE vacuum d.en.r repair i . t - Flunu1 Co.. 49 Broad aimt, Btd Bank 10,001 .varloni und and antiqu. Baby Grand pliho, Maat be In good to order, allp cover, and draper!*. riding cultivator, two-hor.. farm wagon, APARTMENTS viefc W* ar* .quipped to *lth*r r.Atlantlo Highland! I H . article* **s b* had. Th. largaat condition. Oall Red Bank IIP.' 1 cu.tom made. Quality and nrvlc* our two-hone iprlng wagon. Jo* Metifir, pair or nbulld your clean**. 0.ftD.phon* 1214. outh, b , ATTENTION, it.ndard, David Burnon,' 11 P.arl Ktaniburg, Palmar avenue, between LARGE BATTERY, IOO broii« «apa«- Appliance SerVlei Oo., 10 Whit, •trejau ATTENTION, Dodia, Plymouth; FURNISHED—Thr** room! and batbiU •tor. of It* kind-on the Jer.ev Co.it. y farmer*, bntth bntth. TION, poultrymen, p Itt IIS, Bwkwith, Chapln avenue, Phono Bed Bank 2711-J. owaara, For •treat. Phon* Red Bask 1887. Chryiler, Dodge, truck owai v v . ron ny poultry to t fa* Rout* 16 and II, »ny fa* for two adult* only. Flnt Door, prl;f • n , oa ron 4TE1/KWAY plArJoS. Sold *xciu.iv.ly PBKE. FUPPIB8.IUgt.Und A. K. C. I TWO GAS STOVES, good condition. Bed Bank, flnt right turn p u t Carnn V.U entrance, insludlng utllltlel, hot] drnied, tt you b lit u . do It (or oa my mak; Frigidby Tutting Piano Company! al.o and cold water, .l*ctriclty, gai, Nanking Noel bloodline*. Sir. ch, 1 lirge Ice box, butcher block.6 Satur- Plac.,.cS Nawman Spring, read, Pkon* t air*, viouum *!*ail*r, w*»h*r and Bad Bank 2249-R,' ' CWek*rin|, WurlltMr, QulbraMm »nd Chleftaln Wee refrigerator and autom.Ot heat.. StfTt w«t tSSTwx'uB. K. v " * 110 ' day. and Sunday., 1148 Elb.ron avenu., " 110 up, e Ohu. Other* n othtri. Sup in md hav* a chat with ..... . vtnl.nUy looaUdi I I per day, ~ ' DOUBLE HUNa window, conolrt* with Irour and *leotrl« rani* *r water beat11 Doughty L L**M, Fair Elberon, ; ua. Tuitlng Piano Company, I I Mon- Mr.. Birgei, 1 Iridg* ar*nui, Red Bank.* 'trim, A-l .ondltlon. Phtn* Hl«h- ir, «U. 0. * D. Appllan»J9*rvlc* Oo« ^ bnrv I I I . StaWaWL Will laven. __ DAY-OLD OOOKBRBII Leghorn oblcki. 10 White itriet. Plont B*d Bank moath »tr««t, Red Bank. land, l l l l , * e a l h U r i c i ' t o r >our «i*d" oar. Pack; THfiSataoOM FURNISHED a p a . — PIANO, In gcod ih.p* at lew I Ohlcka will be r.ady Widne.day, 1711 J . , , MISCELLANEOUS jrkEBH COW. with calf, give, vary rich Sale* * Servlw, Harding road, Bad 171 p«r raontfc, Phon. Atlantii Blfk'fl U r TWO STOVES, on. kltoain ioaT rang* prlc*. Maurice SchwarU, 211 Bread | Marsh 20th and each following Wedncimilk, ' George Harrayk. Phone Mid- itreet, Red" B.nk.«, landi 111. . . 1101 on. kitchen <oal ring*, eon- rUlOIDAifcB BlafAia I.rvle., aay ^ day, Price v*ry low. H. L. Roaeh, K. uak*. Q. ft D. Appllaac* SMvIe* rABMEU ATTENTION, top **.* prWa. dletowi 178-W. tfiNtftoV SPWIAL Mdai, WALL K A D I A I O M . .IX .«v«n.»..Uo'n I |f- D- No. 1, IUd Bank, Phon* 1IU-J-I, verted to oil l l f , good ecndltlon. l**a 10 White i t r n t f h o u **i p.ldior any kind af • « % •ajvai or between I a, a, and f p. m. H, I* ROW Oil DISPLAY, 4 ih, p. Mercury 12,0001 oriilnal tint aad palntr on* w»ll radlaton. M.urice Schw.rti, | E L B O T K I C RANGE, 180, Phone Atl«n tsti. Orier* t*ktn lor ipring diltvin diti 2TI1-J. _ _ _ _ — — REAL ESTATE FOR I •lUmaU nrlng twin outboard motor, Weat Front .treat. R*d Batik.* owV*r, p.rf«t condition. MlMM* of fe.d.r itieri. Drop, aa til Hlgnlandi.847'or lOSouth avenue, Phlpp*. (Pin. Brook). Eatoctown,' eard or Mil LAWN AND'PORCB furnlttt. Mpaln] lllB.eo, approiimatalr I to 4 week.' or real *itit*> prif.rably im.ll cottjt .Tayiw P»Jwr,.:ln«II|ht,wn, ELUN LUN , OUT Gr.ndlath.r'l clo N ^ h VAOUUM ULBANBR., Waithana Deluaei |AtlmU» Hllhlaiiai. ICE«ORBAM..PABLOK.,and,rt*tio - Callld'tor and «di«»*f»d**..«»M delivery. C»t >ollr' efitt 111 now, Soon tl(iu. cWri'*»fa., trle-a-tfae, all .tt.chment.i excellent condition. n i o n . OASOUNB—STOVB,- black- k n l white •tor*, compl.t.ly .tocked a i d , to be made av.ll.bl. I.: b. p. Mercury location, prie., at«„ In An 1111, g»t..|tg~ tabl*. tabl*. vaouun vaouun tlimir, BanMOi A.k let Mr, Brlttc pirtc newi two two overeoati, ovtreeatii | t.bl*'<'Up) '^"Atl <<**ndlU*B. Thoni amp., llg»t.|tg y. miple,' p FABMB1I a»«'*ni«a-'a™w»r»f will irt^a nJ.h.d w iil hhf H f llt ^ M outboard motor I94.90* John IE M«UBt iceretary. 353 ii room lull*, ll and nd m trunk, living many ot oth- • on* gray. «nd on* Kein.burg 1482-M, Hyland, 1 Cheitnut il>* 40; two mlti, n i d ; uark**for th*ir produo. by •In, *t«., tog*th*f wlU I Co,, Whit* itreet and M.pli .venue, houi.Vold M.y.C*, V l d articles rtil M C 1 Va»V Bank. jr.en,. i ll l .40) 40) pajtta t 14-12; 1412 Redleld R d l l d .tr.tt, Poit Monmouth.' , ir h adv.rtl.lBt la Th* H«gUt«rr. «la**IB*d (all itrat, in Atlantlo BJfha " ^ Bank. ^ . d«rbllt Flact, Woadbrldgi.* • B S B D ~ 0 A B B bouiht f"or . u h . U g h . i t column., bdiuiiAklt* HOT mlcrom.ter pe*p •hon* own*r. Harry H*ue*v Atl . . . Condition,' Will Ml DAOHSUND - - . Leo - - - - , > , , . • T. V**rr. Pint price, pall. StiMb-LaMW Auto Bal* atlanti* avenue. pp A, Peklnjeie puppl** KE Highland* 911. chop. Write, Box 214, Bad Bank,1 COOKER—Alio 111 Witt Mount »v*nui, AtlmtlK High* K t t opK, 00. Prldham, ham, Broad itre*t, Rout* 94, between. Church ind Main M.Uw*n. AIliBOAT — Marconi rig; 10-foot. poilu • ichdoil BhrewilJUry. l.ndi, B h l ,Ph»«« Mtt .TltUCfiYJ^andUiw M|ftg-«*l .... W* bronae fitting., Inbo.rdrudd.r, .21 Dank 1211.* -9,1x14x1 dragl*r bH i o W d f»i7 k>Uft-D66ft Wlllr«, locd tire. Ing" 400 buil*ii,a and taaanltal d dreii and d d deHver, l i ir>' Phon* r o Xitontown l l x l l Elco crul.er 1DI1, !2x|0 B»I.M, 211-M. Charlei Shield., " i d good minnlm eondltloii, or \Hi* Mortal,' Phon* o f writ* Interna-. road, 1117, llwp. .4; 2«»10 P*t»r»»n iklff, Tinton Falli. CAMSRA-^iSmni Carl Zelu N.ttix. HOUSEHOLD TURNUHfNOI, Iwlodlyr (or light t w k . «IO0, Witt n OPA OOMFORTABU) BUNNY room, IA I b.droom .Ulte, Ilk* M W . M u . W. T. tlonal OorrMPond.nc* School., H erul.ir io«" 1 optn akllf, u.ed motor., Coupl.d raniefind.r, PS,6 Te.iar l.ni, cilHng price. Pbon* Atlantlo Hl|-h>ndi «rn prlvat* home, convenient fML, and iqulpmcnt, Farwell'i Sale, and Bar. ihanciablt mount, focal plan* ihut" Howard, Hail Church a>r**y Bfltord, pTlKfjU-id papir 'OOBBMIM itr.it, ' Niw.rk I , III.* tlal lection. 10 MoLiren strut. Ph« 1/1 to 1/1000 i.eond. Carrying .vie*, 81 Blnghim avenu.. Phon. Hum TOlfLSmfl nonl(or""top n- tir work, d.y w low l i t l PAClUIlb1, 1x0 Club Bidan "ellan, Ibont HArlMt I 1 H 4 . Rid fink I19I.U. , BOH 14KC, frlg.ratori alio hot watir radiator, noon, old floor, lad i w cue, l*ni toad, and 100 f.et bulk film. , rood tlrti. t l l k S M n*«l7 Soulri/ Oorto, 17 leitlna, i l l tub., II ln«h.i ONl ROOM or larje double; 1. ExptrUBcrt r tikk W t l . L l f W i t U ltj»lt, Rumiom attlt , lunar, will Jurnl.h.d, for onrBank IU«, laturcfir II OAK flnlahod mitl,l \fi attd h l b Phon.,«ed Phon* wwUt llargi sbiiii, n«t t t to p1 ' 0OOUflRATOBIc.il Vt'Ut .. bronrulstk front 1 PIECE UVINO 10. 'Jobt Kid Bank, Phone MAN'S DUCK homing «oat, .III 401 very houitk.iplnt It dillnd, In lood tondltlgni YANKEE TRADER UTH Whin yo«. Bank t i l l , r , 1 IIUU,ruMdi «IW fll 'iMikar• JMneh '.an't t i t It il.iwhit*, we hav* It.' .sen) • LOST ANP FOUND us; 1 4 h ' • tdwt"tttWS tAfl WANTED jim40MJl»ifo~ w M Witt front il*<it, M Bind, 'fflfU&Wk ww^rj:rx^;,,« r .nT'in^aiJi!a»^ II" Uuire, Call toforra.tiIB. n ' PboM l l l Ml kiialtcm flatOl1''! onnlti') 1KB id t-'llQ | iffi l^nXrUjKA^Ifl^^Q^^n3^HantJK^U^RJHflftfi^Hfl| **te*^#*i V&ff I l™f* * t ' F i r " ^ t f f l r 1 r T ^ U Br -*-••*-** ^'*'** i " • ••V****aafcA*iAfc4f*J — ,e-J tXi*MA -M I • Jht-j** w b t ) - Page Fifteen. BED BANK REGISTER, MARCH 7, Nonorii ITM M W B « yittj*«f tor ta* iair.'ali TOOBUJ «al w i r kiat, «o»1t ukh «an«t, jta*|-i)MM*%T MM. 7k«B»M>tA/^«>7 It fM»t itraat, pboko TtO.« tmatn koaw >M Mtatw. MM* . Phon* wd %_ monthly. Tvut • koaia r»nt.fr»a w< •DIM Ian* «BOMrb ta f w »,l»t. Writ* ft TWO HOUBH IB BIIMHUM and f*ur roe**, tatk'wtn aodtra iMtrltud garafe*, all imptofeatta**. I* ~ M. A. u . Stir* aad WaSlagtta anaM*,-* Motion. Phone B,ON?1ON A0SNCT ttrttt, Phont T00.« S l S WAKTgP v , t l W*rt ft bitwMn ! « * , • * , and I P- m. MP*H«BM, klad el Ttw* kaBdi * % -WklU C W OsToJlonlal." with II*W m l , •wTowidad Jbf «M«I wrtfcl, MItilaM, MMtMtot « • « . OjrtrlwUit WIBIUW, Bt»r Doit I t * rtrtOMMM w»o4l, J h w y BjU« »oom, fctr Urt* kitdyn lad: w w < MtlMUt two ems P., Boi i l g Kod autrttw. OUNO HMaT IBM. Bri«bt 7lnSm_"^SS!fS!A till IEKEHAL HqXIHtW0W1W. good PW* cook, so laoedry •*»*• s t u n It a, •*. t* I p. «*.,Mo*4ay, W*4at*t*y. burtdw, Wtor aid SaWdtf. Otli «Wnfcnra It S Ml* pen** if Mali W tt tlMt. two " xor i to ft wf*K* BANBT HAN W diira tWrto?, now l i n - u l ylavj g«w dilrr auo with' «B*d.n«.- o i l it T . I * MaCtrt*;; Rttnwra Hill, n»b • * « « Tt*d, Bum. to».« ' ' •QDWQ. lUW.MU yoaai waiwi »r«r Ur, bMt,fc« t«* :«aM-«(«ri h«w»}«Mllast aondlUon! nawlr d»wiUd, M M IT,«0«. H d a t l T d r with « r » U 6W» Bultir afle*. OUSweod Bitek. FboM MaUwu IS. •' ATHHEQN. BulUHBe. I . «»r« If0 loU, JlVnO, on ietnle H>id, fatlni O H U , i s AU«BBO Hifhlindi. Idttl (or dt»tlop»»«t, Ta ba wl* •». «•» PMoal. 110,000 cub, or will MMidtr wcrklu wttk ouiWar. Writ*, "BoUdtn," Box i l l . Kai Bmk. AT mPDUROVM. Roytrtjr 100*180. Botdttand tod doabl* kooM; iintt, Uuam l i l t p « B»nth. aot taetadlBf tho roadltond. Writ*, Znrleo PoMlo, H i t Contr blind «»«nu», Brookljn, K. Y. . A BKAL HOM?—Thn« »er«i, Oe«w port BT*WM, OMaaporti BOOM, Jwt raptlnUd, eontalnlnt tkra* btdrooau and bstb. Iirlng room, dinlnf room, kail, br**W»t room, tnnperth aad kltaSwo, (nil ealltr, «aa hot infer h « t .and »ntom»tio atoratt watu kaaUr, iat rani*, «l»rtrl« nfriiantor, laundrr tobi. two-«ar fanco, with ,itortf« ipae* abort. Property haa (rait btarinf tma. 1 •• -'I* and •krubr Ttar round | two ... tUUoi: aultt rttldeBtlll piat two btdNMM, Uvl«f ntRi «w« OB tkrM. aldof, Xttm^nnmm Vaf *Ud»wi UWI.II, dlwtU la V f *TU d » w i w*U •brobkod tronUfi waar T»H <«r Mv* dont olootrldtr, oltr witar, b t t tfjrjr Utl il k«t nUoutl. Tirm, Wr.t* Skip wood B«*«B. >haB* DOUBLI XOUBS, f 1 U l )1 • » . : » , IOBPIUO, Bad Btakl BIS rooaj Md »** en **«k (Ida, *ll . t o M ! two-ur ftrut. *ll U an* BOiiio. w w j l . 9 0 ? . - A»t DM! I H T . W . COT TOE SAIX Beiidinatl Marion itmt. Jkeai..,._, JJH-J or call at »0 Wtat Front Itwrt.' NIW-COTTAOI, • Intulittd, y*ar -. 4 ... bum 1H ye*r* ago. ll.TOO.; II wood artnut, Kttaabnrg. HOUSE—K«w aibattoa «)*l»f,' »»t »Jr k**t, a*w «nt«matle gat w*t«r h*at*r, dry e*ll*r, gbod eoadfUom l**aUd l» B t t l t Port P r t Koaqtok, Kaqt Batontowa, clot* to Watioa Md OelM laborttortm a*»r bvi HBM, |7,J0». No brok«n. Writ*. "1. T,," Bo» 111. l U d t t n k . nW-BOOkt 8TUO0O BOOM, til ! • • proremtnti, *tty tanu, iotaUd at It Ut Bajk. W«» Cathtrlnr it»*t, it» Ph B d B k #4»I-J.« ll,»00. Phon* VaVnHEMT FHO^BITY, al»-roo« bonw, batk, htat nawly daeortUd 1»aide u d out, laundry in wllar, nt*r_ r i m and prlvat* ktthlag OiMk. Tkraa-" room bunralow, pirtly faralfMt alie thr**-roon f*r*I* tp*rtm»Bt Prie* antlra sroptrty 17,8001 low tuM, A. X D«nn*tt, rwltor, II* Ha»*ilnli anBU* Uinli court and *oiili>mMt. 112,000. IVnlturt nur alto b*. parehawd, InTFJoT—Bigilier prtftmd, know, cluding f*zd*a-.taoU, earpanUr1* toola. ltdi* of aoekkteplag wd gtattal ef- addn*. and laws tarnltun, Call B*d « wort/:Write, -TrVftat," «•» *1». Bank t i l l (or appolntannt. Oeeunaer ir April 1*1. WOMAN—To do fniwU b«uowork, FX&M—In Cmtorrllli, lot . u r o , *l •Ix diM » *Mk, fall or >art tint, *cn* UUabl* woodland and puturt, •null bouM, *Mllr ,meh«d br bm. •tr*wb*rrl*i, aipaiaroa u d paaehoi; kluit U« oat Itiot* taauet 111. Un-rooaa h*nM, wlta all laprovomtBt*. UUNDBE8S—OBO d»y » w»Sc. «*P<r- lUan liMt, «l*<Wc, • run«ln» wtUr; lout.ear t u a t * and btrna, mnnln« lonwd. FhoM 8«toattw» ••«. brook, all irewd tbo (arm, v*rr TISB JCITOHXN JIAID—Paolo MldJIotem teill bnUdlar* sMd ripalrt. Will nil for 114,000. Pkeno Kaypprt 1U0-J. OAEDEMIBt AND grftBhoWM a n , r«tr 'i*u»d poiltloa Jkr t*o4 nan, COU)NIAIi BBICK kom«( dtalrabl* (or ptoftaaloaal oeeunnwi IWn« room, 8>>do« Uka Turn. ?!•»• TUi B « k dll IMIBT dlnlM room, one*, ttwo o llalki, a k i , IMI I74J,' d t autowatlo ktat, An bbadraonut-two-u* BOUWWOBKEB. Mi aw-reaa aaart- tutn. Mo* 1X0,000. W. A. Hopping meat, three to family, lie** J*u fwrat* Atnwy. Phont Hod Bank W . ' room ejnd hath,- eiotl(«nt ejlary. *h«aa BUNOALOW—Good location, .llrlng Bed Bank I 4 « . ._. room, dining room, kl(«htn, two b*droomi, til*, bath: tarut. Prl<« l l . s i t . ? aaUry; alto W. A. Hopping Afltaey. Phoo. b d Baak r wa»«r, Can m*l HI. » » « n l w koan. Baal W l " MAN D1SBWAUBB wtwUd %t o«eas BBaGBN PLACK 8tml-bung»low, nr*t rood pay, BM*1*: all d»y*» w*»k. floor, larga llriag room. Irtplac*. Btrasff EWIasraat, M-ll I n i d itntt. dlnlsg roea, laoadry, kltehm, b«dre«m, R*d Bank, pbon* 1841. •. tilt >»th( tteond floor, thnt k*droom*. TWO SALESGIRLS (or (or bate*. Aptly Apty bath. Frlct 112,000. W. A. Hopping Wrekora, • i71 Broadw»r,•••' B r o a d ' l l« t g Anney. • Phen* B«d Bank »T.» Unuub or \% Maia atrMt, B J t t o FAIR HAVEN—UTing room, hall, dinla* >e«n, Utehn, ooan •oreh, twe lati; gar*«; hot waUr htat; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE btdroom*. low t » n . N n 17,«O.0. W. A. Hopping A»tner. Phon* Bri Baak l»7.» TKBXE HOUSES, UUf imarovtd. 12. AN ALL-YEAE HOHE, lo»Ud on <ta« » and. I J o o a l i t l l > o d 14 Ul«klq» drclt), frotptet attnu*, AU»ntlo afanu*, TUd Baal- lamwduu point- Highland*. Ian* wtranct bill, larf* paraion. PhoBt l t d Bank Ul i-J or lor, llring and dining room*, kltchin and JIIU. . • .dlnttu en t n t floor. Eatrtntt hill and AN" ATTaUCTTVE houie at Menmtnth dining room pan*U*d in oak. pultr and roomi Satah«d in Urd*-«y* nsapl*, IBLP_WANTED Bill*, *U mllti from l e t Bank. •»• lWInf btdreem* and bath on aecond floor, ccllent wpaJr, built-in garafe, tkree (our Snlihad room* with waah itand and bathi, lour suiter htdrtaau, ttwnt (our on third floor. Four n i l in heat, landaeaped. Write, "Attractive." tolltt I hot wtUr laatliig plant. »tok»r *V aL4 * . ejB-. J «•__-•r i •,-?' ' -.' . ' with Umptrator* control i run etlli UTTLE SILVER—Modwm brt*k kaa- dtr who!* hou*i eoncrtU floorinr and galow, largt liTlat IQOBM diking partitioned hardwood floon throughout room, two b«droonu. kltckia. balk, lav- who!t houi*. V*ry largt lot. with atory., kot water b**W oJI) ent-ear |ar- amp]* room (or anothw larg* dwelling. aia attaebtdt tw* auntka o**opanc7. Small amount a* down payment, balanct 111,000. Walkor « Tlad.ll, BtaKorj, 7 on *a*y paymtnta. Owntr. Phon* AtMieaanl* itrttt, K*d Bask, Ft*** int. Untie Highland* T31* Op«n Saturday*,* TWO-FAMILY apartmtst houat, nvt reom* and bath, taoh; uparaU ntlUBIVBtSmx EXtaHTC—n»* room* ajtd Third aT*aut, Long Branch; bath, hot air atat: oat-ear (aragas tltt. lot 10x110. IT.100. Watt.r k TlndalU li.000. Addrau "Proparty," 101 CUntt**lton, T Mtfhaslo itnit, B*d B«ak. ton (lao*. Phon* HTt. Own Batnrdayi.* •ATONTOWN—BungaloWi' Kit IOXIIOI n**d* rtpatrt. 11,000. W*)k*r * BATONTOWN — BMUttfal Ooltalal Tindall, ltaltora. 7 M«ehanlo ttrttt, eoait oa Brwd •«»•(.. *a*mdaMt*ly R*d Bank, Phon* 1771. Opta Saturon* ur* graudf'flrtt do*r, (our r*«aii, day*.* • hall, aodtrn bathi *toond loor, kail, (our room*, modwn. kltektn, batki oa* OABAOB—BnHSag tbIO; all abep •doipantnt. atock, pan* Included la room in attle; nawly d**or*t*di kot air til. with coal; two-ear >*>ag*i outdoor Br*- •alt prict; rtnt $40 % aaotth, leal T. It. pla«; eblokukmuat Waatlhl <TM*. Itut, 11,000. Walktr ft Tindall, Et»lk (11.600. Walktr * TlndalL Button, 7 ton, 7 M.*chanlo atrttt, Rtd Bask. M*tbanl« itmW B«d Bank, ftoat Phon* 177*. Op*a Saturday*.* ZT76, Optit Saturdtyi/ LBONAROO—1 H-atory horn*. , llring room, dlalag room, kltehtn, thrtt EAST BCD BANK homi, kmUd en hedreom*, bath; ttcoad floor wlni*b*d| RlT*r read, a*»ta Mami aad bath, aUaa h*tU with coals lot iOsUI; onthot air htat, n*w (iiraac*) taa«* HtOi oar gang*; taxM only 111. 11,100. lot lOOxltO. $11,0*0, Walktr * Tin. Walktr * Tindall. Button, 7 Vuhulo dtll. Bultor*. 7 M**ban|* itoait, B*l •trett, Rtd Bank. Pfcont 1171. Op«n Bank, rhan* H » . Op«n latordw..' S*twdaya,e - Brptrlene**. womin'l ATLANTIC UIOULANDS—rtrit' doe?. NAWINK.—Nlo* lotttion. liTltg rootn. • two Ian* roMu, kill, paatnri xcoad dining room, kitchen, hall, larg* floor, (onrrooBU, aitht two finlabtd work, tdT*ne*ma»t. A w ' r on a n t floor i thrte room*, bath room*, on tkitd floor I h«t watar, with ptntir 1 oa teeoad floor; hot air h*ati larg* lot Mlei Thlngi, •• B ™ eeal; lOtxllO; on*»M> garan) a*w 110x71] Ux*( III. Honat l a good eonroo(; pltnty ol btavtlfoJ ahrtlbkry aa« dlUo*. 11,000. Walktr * .Tindall. Buttr»*ai two mental' attapiaty. 111,000. ton, T Methaal* atreat, Btd Bank. Walktr * Tlndall, Rultora, 7 MMhaal* P J m O j *tdy»' l w « l B B k n i i l » T « O •hlne. 1 BED BANK, Broad itrut, attraotlu Baturdart.* horn*, plot L ahap*f thret btdroomi, ATLANTIC HIOHXJUfDS — BtautKul two-car faragt; location (or doetor; neld itent horn*, located on coraari 111,0001 oaih 11,100. 0. E. Pichltr. NCBD OP«BAI0M. «nlot 71x1(0) glued til* roof; B»t floor Kuttor, 140 Bread Itrett, phon* Ktd n>t roomi, bath I noond floor, »»• tre, nurktr*. p n w n . llnlnt room*, bath; hot w*t*r, with oil; two- Bank 111,* .ut, on Udlt." *nd..hlldr.V. car i t n t * : hout* B*wht d«cof*t*d, ntw FOUK AOBM; largt waterfront; o«*upancy thrtt month! I mar nek Uaek; floon'ui.i l l l l . Walkw A Tindall, . Apply Cov«» Corp, 10 Whit* Rtalton, 7 lltebaalt *trt*t. Rtd Baak. (urnlthad or ttnfurniahtd, retldtnoe, four Bulk. Phont 1771. Op»n aitardayi.' btdroomi, two b*tna, tlectrie kltehtn. C. Pichltr, Bealtor, 140 Broad ttrett, HIOHLANDS bungalow, locattd la E. WiUrwitchi, two btdroomt. llvlnf phona 1M.' room, 41ning room, modirn both, ntwly RID BANK—Four btdroomi, luaporth, H—To do mald'i room, bttbi Immtdlat* occn< d»cor»t«d. $1,700, - Wilk.r A Tindall, Realton, 7 MiehaBl* tttttt, B*d Bask. pancy i 111,000. 0. B. Plohlir, lUaltor, 140 Broad i t m t . phone Bad Bank l(l.« PhoBt 1771. Open Sitorday*.* RID*.. BAKE;—Branch a«ttu« hoM*. BOEPTIONAIi VALUK—Thrt* rlvtr propertlei. Prlt.i 111,000, 111,000. Flrit floor, (our rooaiit iteond floor, tkrw roomi, lath; third floor, open at- 150,000. For partlculart H I C. E. i avenue, Pldkltr, B.altor, 140 Bread alrttt. phon* ; hot air with wait proptrjy «t*adt mli , Braagh artnut to Spring itnatl Btd Bank Hl.» owntr ouapltd. 11,500. Walker * RESIDENTIAL FSOPBRTltlS In prlet Tlndlll. Rultori, 1 N*eh*nlo itrttt, rang* of 111,100, 114,500, {11.000; In r right party* Writ*, Btd B»»k, ' Fheit* 1771. Opin 8*Wr- B*d Bask. For i jmrthulan it* C, E. Km t i l , B«d Bank.' . Pichlir. R*altor, 140 Bread lUnt, phon* A'l'IiANTlO HldfiUAllD*ComPlettly B*d Bank 111.* auehuh to do «» renoraUd Kom*,. teniliUng of IWng N V H W I M T I T LOOATID Home in aU. BUIa up«rltn l — M— ••• ^ town with tlx roomi, automatic heat; Wkwiit ont-'cafWralWAllttmitlagirbot wa. writW' a.dlitmai»d b^ro.m., . S t m t a t k tar i nt« rwf, PrlM 11,100. Poutiand hot air air hut, .i,» ihowtr; ipgwiri tlrottUUnt urouiaung no> ntti, •lon M*r 19th, it* Xoliion Wattrbury, 'torn Bialtor, II Wat Frost MrMt, phon* wth oil i lmn*dl*t« Imnedlat* ownjanrl owujaner.l itorm couplit light cooking and;kou*e wlndowil partly wiithentrlppidi fir*. 1100.* [JJLitay In only two nHkt*/;*1i*P In Jla,c«l oewer plgmklnsi mwl* riwlrtd, BOLMDUi SBOTIONi 100-ur* farm •urronadid by woodland; brook; no •-»• rifareni*. Yrrlti, "Wt,« Meoha'nla atratt. itriu, Had Xtd Bink.'Phone Bink. Phone 1171. S i l l . bulldlngii UI.OO0, B*e Roliton W»ltrh L Red Bank. in Saturday!.* , . , bury, Hulfor, l i Wtit Front i t m t , MID BANK—Ilotaly Jtaau for. doctor phoni-1100,' .,T6T 4 or dtntlit, »onil*ilng,o( tbr*** rxjoma and kltohett work. A»p AOUi ilght-room fcouiaf ittara and itudl* *p»rtn\*jit tt>*«rit floor) flr* ONI Oonvint, Ward aVafeu* ai b u t loll) i ethir Improviminti/ town roonii, batk o* aittnd I6«M two roomi w*Un on rtidt Bumiolv ' bui Un*.' Prlet 11,000. w'Jth runnurg jSu «u Wrd floor; Bou W,ntwkttihin . cabinet Biakiri Agtaor, Mttawa.ni h.»t, wttk 41 | twc-Tlr lM*»« phowi'l, 44-hour w**k, Inildt wot . . trktid eftoni lot l l a } l t | epndlllgnl, itlla flvi l d ihitaut f I, SIB Brlrtt UK out) tht atlll, ol). Ukt! illf Tie, ftt»i* 0«t Bajyon L mmm • •• THOMPSOM AQIKOt—Prepertlti 'tf all type* fir aalol including farm, tew* BTOBWUB*, MWtrjr^ IWBMI, t t u t a i - i»d rlvtrfirtBU. Tkadptoa A g » » * m i fctt m i l ttrttt, when* lad Siak T«.» IALL OOLOMIAL WL kkoaw, Helawel a**UIBI all ImprortaMst*; rttMStfl aaerejteit*. r tkm air*it 11,100. BoBrt I. Mar-In, Highway 14, MaUwaa, pkta* Mat> i w a a | 4 l 4 . • ' •• '•..•-•'- '. - 1, Block No, I, OB the nap «ntltl*d | M A , (or tka ran. Of Fi(t; (160.00) BSIari na«a the (olltwing ttrnu, CASH •ad feat a buHag en the laid m*tt«r It to b* held a t tEt.Mlddlttown Towntklp Hill aa TJknnday afUrnoon. tht FoorUenth day Of March, 1141. at 1:10 o'clock., at wnlob time tht Townihlp (Jomtjlttee will toatldw tald offir and whether it will wJ*rt tfct ttm* or contrm and ratify the tarn*, according to laid ttnai and. teadltloa*, proTidlng that s » klgbtr prlM or tetter ttrmi tkail be bid tor ttld property by any «tfetr ptnoa. ' B> Order of tt. Townahlp CommltUt ef tke Townihl* of Mlddlttown. , BOWAKD W. BOBEBTS," Towniblp Cltrk. - NOTICE NOTJOB to hereby givta that »n of. ftr kit bnn ntttTtd by the Tewnihip OeBimJttei of tht Towwhlp of Middlttowa for th* nirakU* of procxrty lotated la th* Tewaihla tf Mlddlttown, being let Nt, 17, Blotk Me. A oa tht maptaUtled Wilaurt P*rk, for tke wm Ot Wty dtllin (til.) aptB th* follow. tenui CASH and that a htaring on laid matttr to t* b . htld at th* Middlttown Townihlp Hall OB Thunday af. ttraeon, l i e 14th day of February; 1141, at MO o'eloek. tt which tlrn* th* Townahls Commlttt* will comldir laid offer and wh*th*r It willrtjwt tht urn* or eoaflrm aad ratify th* tame, according to laid ttran and eojdltlom, proTldlir latt no hlghir vrlet er bttttr t*rm» ibill b* bid for u l d ptoptrty by any other periea. By Order of the Townihlp CommlttM of tot Ttwnihlp e( MlddLtowj, HOWARB V . ROBERTS, .Townihlp Clark. XMOM HOUS1, -all MBjro»*BUBt», lot loxllot altuaUd oa WattM* t v u Red B d Bank. B k IIa«iilre l t r atlB l 1 aviau*, 'oultry Market, * « Shriwibaw M». l t d Baak 1411. 1, QOUNTKY HTAT« . lot*, kungalow* tad kow**, frank . LaifMi rltwoai^BptlBii n a l ( pkaa* .» BIDS WANTBD. «d Bank l l l l , ' Bldi will be raetlvid by tht undtrOX-BOOM koM*. dtdrakft IItwtlw. fUtti 110,101 T»It- lgn*d, at Soon J06, In th* Court II**T1BI 1 JeuM, FrnBold, N. J., on Thoridiy, - B k »tK' Mtreh 14th, at 1:10 p. m., (or proparty FOuB>ROQirbtiag*l*<w la LongBrani*. known ai tht Ohlchutir property, Utln AattBMtt* >M h u t , tiled bilk, two itrttt, Ttiroint, N. ^ coniiatlng of a bedroom*; tS.SOO. W. 0. Wi*rt, 41 •trtn-room lamt-buBtllow en about an Iroad tttttt, pkoa* l t d Bart 1I4O.» tar* of ground, VKROOM h«u*t, Obanl Hill road: Th* key I* In soiMiiIon of Mn. 11*111. O u r i x bought (or 11,001. Tkomaa Barry, who lltta in tha adjoinW. C.'W«artr«t Broad itrt.t, Bid ing houte. Telephone Engilehtown i€"S. Bank. »honi 1140.* _ ^ _ ^ u d iatereittd partlt* may arnsgi with 8IX.BOOM koUM in food rwldtntW Mil, Berry (or Iniptetlon of th* pr*mHetlom let lOilll. PH*» 110.100. W. C Waart. 41 Broad *tr*«t, phon* "fh* hlghtit bid will b* prci.nted to tht Monmoutk Oeunty Welfare Board B*»k 1140.' _ Swml^H!- — „ lepnit AT MOHMOUTH BBACtL UBiaral lUtm hrnt, sonertt* oallar, PL bungalow, alx r o u u and bath, hot •rtnit. f*rig*i «kiek*n hou»*i ihrub- from tht hlgatat bidder. wattr heat, automat!* hot "aUr h**t*r, Iwrri haa juit b*«n patatidi lot 100x100. I, John L. Hohtiomery, Director, Monmoutb County Wtlfara Board, InaulaUd, larg* plot, M.100. A. A D*a> Nt«r klghwiy, ichool and railroad atanttt. rttltor, 111 Navtiink a«*n«*, Hlik- Uon. Would coat a»or« than 11,500 to I. George Weaton,.Attorney, 1|6 Pearl itreit. land*. Phon* Hjrtli Hlrtl«ndtH01. r*plae«.' Will con*ldar offer, *rt>«r Kid Bank. N. I. lHEOOM HOuSI DKB <on Branch artnui, oaihj U I M low. Writ* (or appotatUttl* Sllwr. Oa kut lh»; Idtal lo- m««t, "Box Boldtr," B « U l , Fart Monmouth County Circuit'Court. eatlom, Frit* 10,000. Ff*4 L. Ay*N, kfanoputb. Llttl* Silr«r. Phon* 1411.' '4VBW--On »«Tn highway, b«twi*n In the matter of the application of Batontown and Aibury Park. Fully FRANCIS P. CAEN1AUX to hav* tnortBUNGALOW—-Thrte reonu and bait, all flxturti, no heat. Mult k* Btottd •QUlpptd, lairudlng ttatki 111,000, te« gig* execute* by WILLIAM B. WALLING to AUGUST COSTA' and MARIE Inn prt»tnt location. Prlo* M.100- a* t»lit«i> Wittriniry, Kailter, II Witt COSTA cancelled ol record. On. petition!, la. Jtay tjtlllnun * Allocl»t*i, *b«n* ~ nt ttrttt, fhona IMP.' etc. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Eatontown 7.* . "sTRlait-St'virai "ion*i"ln It appearing bydue proof that William COMIORTABLS HOME, i l l rooraa. »ood condition, for full pirtleulin —bathJioLalr itti, _«JI Jkwnari »a»- ate Eoliton Wttarbun, Bealtar, II Wtit B, Walling on the 6th day of May, • i i ; food location i ecnyinitit to jtoni; Fwm twet, ^Hwriioo;*— — - ltll;-«*eut*d—*-mortg*g*-to-Auguitnf» *>i* lot. PriU ItJoo. Ray Still- 1TTUC 81LVXR — Oiod ilght-reom Coita and Marit Coat* to aecure the turn of 11,400.00 on cirtlin land! in man 4 Aa»otlaUi. ykOBt fetoatown 7.* houiai hot water heat; lot IDzttl. the Borough of Fair HarfD, County of BED BANX-RlJitSOrt, mtor.d O.lonl«J Four-car giragi. bow tax*!, price III,- Monmouth and .State of Ntw Jeriey, farmhouM, tl* bedroom*, thite bath*, 0.00. S*e Bollton VTattrbiiry, Btaltor, which laid mortgage wai duly recorded . .la th* Clark'* OfJce of laid County and modara klttatr, ail bull on* tent old I Weit Front.atr««V ptone »00.» trtti; good tehoolt otar. 111,000. Bay BUHSOH—Ooed- leveiwoaa houie, tUT which still remain* uncaneelled of recStlllman * Aiawlatta, Highway 4-N, bath; hot water heat with all burneri ordi Batoatewa** wo-car firaai. PoiMiilon May lit, And It further appaulng, that thi Tuai IH, prle. 111,500. 8*a Sol.ton •lid William B. Walling dlid teitaU bket 6ot> twRlLWd, down l. Wattrbury. E.altor, H Wt»t Froat liarlng a l u t will and te«t*ment under Hclttdtd, coartoltot to tt*U acre*, outdoor tieplau, Pleal* trova ttr«et. phom HOC* the term* of which he left hit entire thra* btdroonu, two ba.th*. lunporth, ol KODEBN BEICK bungalow with «Tt titatt to Francli P. Cunlaux, th* pehtat, air coadltlontdt g u u * atUekld roomi, tile bath, pewder room, lr«- titioner herein, and Mlnnlt Carnlaui, taxea I l i a ; immtdlata oecupaacy. Iti.- pits*) oBt-oar Itraia. Pomialon two hi* will, (now dtcea**d); COO. B«r Stilta.a * AieoaUt**, High monthi. Iriet 111,500. Sa* Boliton And it further appearing, by tha afway «•»,' Batontown. F h t u Batoa. Vattrbury, Bealtor, II Wtit Froat fidavit! that th* alorciald mortgage betown 7.» itrttt. Phone 1100.* came du* and payable on May 6, 1824, OOUNT&Y DOCTOE retiring, atll U t VB«rFltbNTH0)«7P*rt*BP«k i*t- at which timt th* principal and any praetle*; Indud* el|ht-roo» heute, Uoa. oontalnlng tn room*, till bath, inttrett thereon w u duly paid to Aug. two offleei, thret ktdroomi, oil ht» tile Utekt*,; «uWm«Ua heat: lug* rlrtr uit Coita and Marie Coita; that the 111,000. TerttirRay 8tlll«»n * Aned frontagt with bulkkead. Set. ltol|ton bond and mortgage w u duly rtcelved by Franela P. Carnlaux and Maria •tee. Phone Katoatown T.' Waterbury, Bealtor, II Wtat Front Garaieux and dntroyed by them witht NBAS RIVBB. Conttnlint to knu; t*«' atnit. Ftoni 1100.* out having too aame cancelled 'of recmlnuttrld* to itatlen; ytar "rounii FINE BOMB oontalnlng eight room*, hot ord: that tha mortgagiu, Auguit Coita cottag*, alx room*, bath, tt«»a bwl water htcti powdtr room t n t floor. and Marl* Coata, ar* both d*ad;that Immtdlate oeeopMey. Prict. 11,000, Lot UOxlOPi two-car gartg*, Located Cbarla* Coata and Thorn** Coata were Bay aUUmah '* Atioclatei. Phon( in lumion. Prlte 110,600. 8*a He!- appointed ntcuton of th* will of Marl* Katontowa T.* •ton Wattrburr. Realier, II Wtit Freat Coata and hav* duly executed a dlieharg* of laid mortgage, and that SUMKEB BSfRIAT, II aorta, atoitl: atrtt, phon* HOP.* Oaorgt Coita w u granted letter! of ad- wondtd. trout itnami brick bungalo GOOD gEVlW<ltOOM keun, with til* mlnlitration upon th* Eatatt of Auguit ll.t.Vo.'f. 1.,0ooTiUV atlllman » Ai bath. I hot water keats oM-'oar gutgi.. Ooita and haa refuted to txicut* a diilodaUi, 112 Broad atreet, Eatontown. T u n III, Ntar acheol. Frit* 17,100. cbarge of laid for th* ration Phont Batontown 7,' See Bollton Waterbury, Kealtor, II Tf. that he haa nomortgage information concerning *«t,, phoa* HOC* BAY VAN HORN AQBNOT-rJUwtron Front itrwt. th* uld mortgage acr*. Compact fltt-roon Gas* Cod HIVES fFRONT l.... Ihome, ... .. oonUinlng 10 cottag*, attda palntlngi hot wtttr blat, eight aar*i land I It la, therefore, oa thi* 4th d*y of rooni, two bathi;! tight firtplact. 110,000. Ray Van Horn ulk-Biadtd proNrly.', Owair ooeualad. oo< .... March, A. D., H4e, by virtue of the Agincy, Fair BBT*B, Phon* Bed Bank 130,000. Be* JloUton Wat*rbury,"Atal< prerlilona of the Rtvlud Statutei of IH* or. II Wtat Front itrett. Fhett* HOP,' !t*w Jtney, Titl* 1:11-1, tt leq.. and RAY VAN HORN A0EN0Y-*umton| UTTlife SlLVaW. Two buagtldwa, OBI U» *uppl«n*nte and amtndmtnti thenwhich act It tntltltd "Mortgagti on acn plot; lour-room host*. tt*«m eonUlnltg all room*, other feur Baal or Ptnontl Property; Cancellitlon •VHMHWHg •»*• twvvaa* ww^w>* *>w«e butt v*rt o( largt tvUU, 11,100. Bay .^mi; large tktdad lit. 8** Xebtea of R«cord. by Court Ordar," ordered Van Horn Agtncy, Fair Hartn. Fkta* WaUrlory, Realtor, II Wtat Front that Gtorge Celt*, a* Subitltuted Ad. Bid Bank H l > atreet. fkon* HOP.' mlnlatrttor of the Batat* of Auguit BAY VAN HORN AOENCT—X*d BankT Coita, Dectaiad, and Oharlei Coita «nttt ndghborheod: flat rl»«r vl*w; VETDUNI — Bwluilv* HiUngi. and Tfaoma* Coita, ai Executon of th* tight room*, Oolonlil. tw* tiled bath* Eititt of Kari* Coat*. D*c*uid, ihoir RtPMl uadv a L Bill. N* **ih flreplM*, Dtiux* klUhtn. automatic k**t! caul* befor* nt, at tht Court Home, girait. 120,000., B*y Van Horn Agwoyi la Freehold, on the 5th day of April. nitttairy. Fair Hattn. Phona Btd Bank 1141, at 10 o'clock'in tht forenoon, why gaak III.* Jttl* Slhrtf—1-rceBt koUH, iteam th* Hid mortgage thouid not bt cm01—W BAY VAN ROftN AQINOT—BIV«r(nat, leats let 71x171; one-cw garage; |c> etll»d of record) and It II farther »r. ttndy bnch, do«k, comaael *!>-reo» 000, apwoUmataly l<0 moathly oar. that thli order to ihow cam* houit, juit redtcerated. oil haat, two rjrlng chare* under Q. I. L*ao. Shrtwi- dered •hall be etrrtd upon th* laid George •neloild toreh**, lummtr kllchin; douWt >nry—|-r*om bunfalowt hot air htttl Ooita, ai Subttttutad Admlnlitrator of z*rag«. {17,000. Say Van Horn lot, 17x1001 garagei 14,100, aiproxU Xitat* of Auguat Coita, D*ceaaed, Agency, Fair Hartn. Phoa* Bad Bka! raat*ly III ninthly carrying eaargt Ue u d Thdmai Coita, a* Executor of th* under a, I. Loan. Joi«ph F. Sehwtrt* btate of Marit Coita, Deceaitd, by pubSAY VAN HOBN AOWOf—lUrerfronl and Id. J. Macklin, I WklU *tr**t, ]Ud Illation one* a week for four week* In town houat, turtabl* for growing fan* Bank l l | l . th* Rid Bulk Rejliter, pubtlihtd and lly, I room*, bath and Mtra tolltt; garcirculating In th* County in which th* ait; boathoui*: gtont bulkhud. {11,000. mortf age i* of record and • eopy htreof Ray Vaa Hoia Agtasy, Fair Httta. Maaawa,ta Ceoaty aumg***** OfBM. nulled to tha aforeiald George Coita, aa Phont Bed Bank I I I . ' In the natter of th* **Uta at WllUam Subatltuted Administrator of the Eatite Auguit Coitt, Decaaitd, and ThornRAX VAN BORN AQaWOY—XunutB Tad. d*e*BMd. Motle* to crtdltor* to oi ai Coita, ai Eieeutor of the Eetutt of hofee, *ht rooBt, Otntral JBlcetrl* air intent claim* agalnat etttt*. Marie Coita, Dteeuad, at their loetofPnrraant. to th* order oi Dorman Mo- flee addruaea conditioning; tiled bath, Ortplaoei o n f at It Rudion itreet, Ntw third aer* plot. IH.OOOl taut '110. F»ddln, Surroftt* of th* Oonnty of Mon- York city, York, and Bait Road, Ray Van Bom Agney, fair.Bavin. moutt, mail en th* twtnty-ibrth day Tivoll, NewNtw York/rtipKtlTely, with 1** of Fibnury, Udl, oaj th* application Phon* Red Bank III.* . BAYVAN-HOBN-AQlNCT-JrYoeeiaad d*ll. MeandertBg wide brook, boroirIng two lidn of hil(-aert plat: Coloalal dulgn; aompUUly rtdtcoraUd: il roomi; oil hut, itunt) trtplat*; dovblt yaraft, IK.OOOl taxu {100, Biy V*n Horn Agamy, Fair HaVtn. Fhonl t>d Bank III,* _ J ' RAY VAN HOBN AQaWOT-^Aor* plo Ull'tr***, t*mrad UWBI, Illy tool; rambling modimiied *l|kt-roem horn*, •team hut, «la«trlo hot Watar htaUrj •un dick; gun* room with Irtplaet oomtltuly ndnorattd. T W I I {110, {11,000. EayVan Horn Ageney, Fair Hevtn. Phont Btd Bank i l l . * RAY VAN HOBN AOBNOY—Unuiue: opportunity; frontage on two itrait* light acre*. In Llttl* Silver. Old Colonill (armhome, *lx roomi, it*am htat ont mtdentlal nilghborbood, 110,000, Bay Van Horn Agencr, Fair H»ttn Phon* Bid Bank HI,' ' BAY VAN • HOBN AOBWIT—Mri wattr front pnpwtiaii btlng dlvldd RUtrfront plot* lor tali from 11,110, Riy Van Horn Alincr, Fair Haxtn. Phont Btd Bank tfl,« . BAY VAN HORN AOINOY—HllBti* •'"A hlilt<kw8ir.J(M»*««»ir»ollla4we»d< Und and wtadowa, brook, pur* Mndl ll»lni ropm with i!r*plao«, bullMn buitl! modern bath, modirn kliihin, ntra bedroom, «l«otrlo rant*, tltotrl* wattr nyatim; new concrftt (oandatbvwlth Itttt bianu'for propotid Urgi houM. I1I.0P Taxu |50, Ray Van Horn Aginey, J"»r H a w . Phom Bid Bank III,' . BAY VAN KOBN AOaWOK—Jl SftT*> A • «a*>w i « V H » swjiwwawe resmi, o*K floon, farm horn*, w i n re (till, WHk, guilt automatic htat I ll'aei houit, outkulldln*),. « l Horn Ajinty, Fair Savin. Phono Rtd Bwk »».« .-..-,.. C.F. BORDEN-Rtaltor DE ond lniur.r a: Bnwd Street, Shrewf bory I TeL Bed Bank l a d T A Bed Bsnlc KSW RAY VAN HORN AGENCY Call Us Regarding Your Real Estate Herts Broken L. J. SCHILLING JOSEPH F. HUNTER " W. RAYMOND VAN'HORN FLORENCE D. VAN HORN ^ Secretaries ' SEIRLEYLM.JClNGSLAND RUTH CRAWFORD ..- Ray Van Horn Agency. Realtors Phone Red Bank 283 Fair Haven, N. J. A few of our attractive listings appear in the classified columns of today'* issue. SEERSUCKER OVERALLS $149 Groy*md-white cotton striped seersucker, • . Slate vie-. 2, A, 6. 5Wpptog weight 6 oz. 2 9 AF 4 2 9 . . $ 1 . 4 9 RED BANK 87 MOHMOVTH 8TBEET BED BANK VOX Make your home like new. with Beautiful, Fireproof Siding orjiM-KiyaiB rtijT. Hemr M^Aju, y i B rtijT. M th utate t t off William Willi Tiny T y dira-frcra-tke dit* k*?tof. • x i n iio n , off the dto*a«4 notlot il hireby gi»«n to th* endlttn »f tald dioemd to exhibit ta th* lubierlbtri tueuton u ' afonaild, thtlr dtpti and d*m*nd« agalmt tht •aid **Utt, «ndir oath, within ilx month! from tha dat* of the atnaiald brdtr, or th*y will hi fortvwr barred ef their aotloni therefor* igalnit th* uld b lH bacrlHtr*. Dattni rrethold, N. )„ F«>rtiry l«th, int. MAS NEWMAN, 17 OllSord n » « . Red link, M, J . HARRY XLATSKY. 141 Harding Road, Red Bank, N, J. Mutri, Klattkr A Klatiky, Kid Bask, N. J. Proctor*., • Mennoutk County Grpbaai Court In th* matter of th* Iniolvant **tat* ol Harold Kller Appl«g*te, d«*aitd, Netlce u Oredltonto p r u n t claim*. Pumtaat to an ordar of thi Orphani Court, of U t County of Monmouth, mad* on thli BVrentawth,. diy of January, 1MI, upon the application of Janti R. " mlttritor of th* u t i t t ,ol AppltejiU, deMaied, notlct .. „ , . . . , ..,«^*ttt-*radJter* K ot,»h« tiM trtatt of Birold Rlker Appl.gate, diouaacT to Mhlblt to bin, under oath or alRrrflaUpn, thtlr clalmi and dtuindi a i X t l S t aald eitat* within alx monthi from tnt Sovmttaitk day of January. 1141, or thai «m be forever barred from proiioutlni t r rttovirlng tht 8S&. itak.ii, » ^ ^ i i S b . m < : P.rS,;N. J., Proitotl. KaUe* «f MUlUMBt al Account i, tirraeid iroundi. ll.no." '•«»! r *n. Horn Asincr, I»\t V*w«n. Fhjjn ' Bank illi* ' ' .*'•• \ i lit*. J V '='* LIST your property or your reo^irenjmit»irTth —i— ROBERT Y. SINKIAS, Judge. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JUUEV, To JACOB 8OFFBL and CLIFFORD FREDKHIOK SOFTDU JR. By virtue o( an order oi the Court of Chancery - of Hew Jemy, made on tte day of the dtte* htriof, In a otua* whariin Th* Tuller Conatruetlon Compiny, a corporation of New Jeriey, 1* complainant, md you and othere ar* defendant!, you are Mqulred to ippear, and iniwer to the complainant'* bill an, or before the 17th day of April next, or th* laid bill will b* taken at eonfttitd afalnit you. Th* laid bill li «l*d t* fontlou a otrtiln certlncate of tax •*)• covering th* prtmliei therein dMirlbed »e«irdln([ to tht official tax'mas of the Boroutjh of Red Bank i* Block 41, Lot 7, home and lot Mo. 14 on the Wait Sldi of Maple ivenue, In th* Borough of Red Bank, County of Monmouth and State Of New Jerity, m.de V Julia M. S«augh, 'Collector of Taxti of th* TaxIng Dlitrlct of Borouik of B*d Bank,' to Borough to orough of of Rid Rid 8ana>d*4««~MovMi 8ana>d*4««MovMi l l l l d d d i H h M Ul a a tti aa . llllj'Bnd'MMrdld'irHht'Mon. Ul mouth County Oltrk'i Olnet'*ln Book 1011 of Hortgaiet, p i g " » ! • « , of which complainant li now th* holder, by written aiilgnraent dated April 11° 1141, from laid Borough of Rid Bank to earnslainaht, which aialrfnnunt waa reoorded lit th*,Monmouth County OlerVi Office ok June 11, 1D4B, in book 1 IB,of ae> ilawmtnta of raortgagii on p i l l IIIAe. ' And you, Jacob Soft!, • ar* made a party defendant beoauie you are an heir-at-law ,oi Siltta. 0, Sofhl- and th* owntr of an Intireii in a mortiagi «1 fitting thi ptemlMi'rBinllonid and ill itrlbto In'th» laid bill,1 md »y virtue tthereof h f olilm l l tto. h H \i have lome H IMereit in thi lild irimliu, And you, .Clifford Frtderiik aofttl art made a party dlttndant bt you art an'hilr.al.law *i Suian 0. Be<> 'el and the ownir of in tniortit la a t aRiotlnr tk l • It's a smart.investment to use Ruberold AsbW^ toe>Cemenr5Jding right over your ojd sidew»lli.j Quick and easy to install, and'once o n . V p f a d licaljly elixnioates maintenance cost This »tooe*3 lflcemattrW¥fir^ cuts down fuel Q>sts. See us before you modernfee! ; • , 1T» Recommend '...; RUREROID . * ' BuildingfAateriah '• * Monmouth Construction Co. M - • ; - ' •*••»'*•> ';r, iil. OPERATORS « * X i * Wmrifti Lrt Us TwstJYw enKafsr 0 M < pair, N. & Si MsmrfMturms Ct• M Lewis Si, Pfem Lwf •ruuk 3MT.R Eatontown Or Writa B « 4»l, L<»c Brat*. IIMJIIS • Xetontows Ml* Merchandise Clerk Sales Girl •INGLE, TJNDKB IS TBAM OIJ). EXPERIENCED PREFERRED. 40-HOUR WEEK. GOOD SAIABT. . Re^nfcteHere »•*•*,--, W, ^jSwwett hM Satontowa to Parser ,av*nuf to £ house he purchased last yew — has r*modsl«d.< He recently a house on Throckmorton avenue)! A, prisoner of the Germans tor Mr. and Mrs. Perclyal'-Gkorge Eatontown, to Muriel] A, Ifelms 'of "almost tkwe month*, - Technical Gregory of Naveslnlc announce the Belfprd, who- Is employed at the] Sjrt, Roy. 7. yewy of Matawaa. engagement and forth coming auuv Watson-laboratories, v; i r u Hbirated by the victorious ti- riage of their daughter, IMtss Jtosalled force*, and returned ' to the UndN Gregory, to Robert'..William Mrs. Fred Conover, teacher of the Unite* States, where he w u dis- Dawson,- son of W. R. Damson of fourth grade in the local school,' charged December 7, IMS. This Atlantic Highlands, The couple will who has been convalescing at. her borne from an operation, will revndt he re-enlisted la t i e lnfanlrr be married Sunday at "All Stint* sume her school <juties" Monday. ' for three yean at the army recruit- Episcopal church, Naveslnki fcy'the" Principal .Charles A. Thompson, ing etatlon In the Red Bask post- rector, R*T. Charles <P. JTohnso^ teachers and members of the Parofflce building. ,t ent-Teacher association have been As a platoon i«naant in the TOth 'Invited to a meeting tonight of the Infantry dWUIon, attached to" the board of^educatlon-to_loolc Seventh Army, Veary was la oomplans .with Architect Plerson for bat in the Ardennes, Rhlnelana and the new classroom, combination liCentral Europe tsenpaigw. It w u brary and lunchroom and kitchen after crossing the Rhine rhrtr that •to be built on the north side of the he' was captured by the German school building. Mrs. Mae Gibson, army, and remained'a prisoner of county helping teacher, has also war 80 day*. . ' . been invited to attend. The board -When applying for enlistment, expects to have the new addition Veary told the Red Bank recruiting. ready for use next fall. sergeant, "the army haj the best The Intermediate group enterjrft for_me_durlng_thle reeonYM*tained the other pupils in the school ion period." His decoration* inauditorium last Friday morning clude the combat Infantryman'* with a moving picture they made badge and the distinguished unit V<NRUB about forest animals. A class song badge. was sung, poems recited and stories Miss Vorus M I employed at the After taking the oath, Bgt Veary told. Musical selections -were ren- Columbus army depot. Mr. Brown left to report Jo the reception cendered by flusaa Scherman and was recently discharged from the ter at Fort Monmouth for processJohnny Parsons. All members ef army, and served with t i e ' ening and to receive his re-enlistment the class took part Jn the program. gineers in England, Franch and.the bonus. This week's banner for the high- Philippines. He Is associated in the est percentage of pupils buying tombing business with hk (father savings stamps In school went to at Keunsburg. Miss Hackett's class with 93 per cent The sliver bells 'for the largest amount of sales went to MISS ROSALIND QREOORY Mrs. Gale's'room, which had $15.55. Cpl. George W. Decher, son of Mis* Gregory has chosen Miss The total amount for the school Mrs. Martha Decher of Colt's Neck, June Long of Passalc and Miss Vlc- was $80.65. received a medical discharge from In school are wrltBiatontnirn hriMwtet p her attendants. Paul Stokes of Milltown will Be best man and Ken- "What part should the United more than three years' service. He neth Carpenter of Atlantlo High- States play In the UNO?" Prizes was'wounded on Okinawa and has will be awarded by the Wbraan'a been hospitalized the last nine lands a usher. The bride-elect was graduated club-for the most.Interestlng paper. months. from Uiddletown township high r-Puplla neither'absent nor tardy FT? school, and has 'been employed at during February follow; PM-Frtaary—Kob»rt H Bruno, TMdy Fort Monmouth. Martin, Kohard Eoehl. Milts Shipper, Mr. 'Dawson served on the atomic Ljrnn Clcxe, Naney Caffer, Nancy Last, bomb project at Los Alomog lab- bertaon, Ellen Waver, Pesrjr P«rioii», O'Malley. oratories In New Mexico, and at Carolyn Primary—Fred. Campbell, Jtanmit the-Mannatan, atomic bomb labora- Ktoak, John Mountjoy, Robert Beuullle, tories. He was overseas in the sum- Anna CornweH, Mary Ann Burdge, Bafr bar* Delatuahi Diana Gaynea, Ntna' mer of 1945. He enlisted l n i « 2 and Thatnei. • recently received hhudtochaVge a t Intermediate—Joan Hanoe, Jane Harv « r r H a « I » ^ l a Hai»lTOm)r8oH>»M«. Fort Bliss, Texas, er, Joyce Nllaon, Marilyn Taylor, Ruth Mr. Dawson wa« graduated from Taykrr, Suaan Scherman, Donna Apr, Atlantic Highlands high school, Fred Colnorlten, John P a n o n l , DaUd Newark College of Engineering and Moore, William Howard. Junlora—rDoriha Kotnar, Jganlta IibovRutgers university. He Is now em- alty, Dorothy Forgti. Holly Sawyer, Eveployed at the Bell Telephone com- lyn Wright, Vincent Ahnarella, Bdward Apr, Anthony Bruno, Grorar Butdct, pany, laboratories, New York city. Douglai Burkhardt, Lynan Hitchcock, Matawan Veteran Served With 70th Ros*Ki*d Gregory To Wed R.W.Dawson mmvmanru. x» Sears, Roebuck &Co. . RED BANK, N. J. To Love 'FABRIC pomt FakrieJ iftACLE NEW H « n IT WATJI THE ArUGINOT LINE And Now, We Can Waterproof the Concrete, or,Brick Exterior and Interior Sm>"i >face« of Cellars, Floors, Walls, etc., for; Homes or Industrial Buildings. vStucco ATLANTIC WATERPROOFING 91 .Herbert S t ^ LPJiohe;l23^XjReili "Congratulations and Best Wishes" Receives Discharge' —These aostjwwioerfol words 6m be 1 hanoe* w t y tf^ea when aeeompaaled by a hm*" •ttfully arranged bonqnet ofj ftur fresh, lush flowers. Cherish!" Miss Wessler Plans Easter Wedding On her finger you place a diamond that holds the Promise of Tomorrow . . . a Wilbur Diamond . . . timehonored symbol of love . . . most precious of stones. .. $• Make your diamond selection carefully... Consult the Wilbur experts! An unexcelled collection in every price range; Quality Jewelers for Over Sixty-Five Years Soon be time for outdoor activities Odd jobs about the house —-Early golf on the links —Tramping in the fields and woods—so here's just the Jacket you'll need. Mr. > and Mrs. Arnold Wessler of Port Monmouth have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Jeanne Edna Wessler, to Elm;r S. Yager, recently discharged naval veteran, son of Mrs. Bertha S. Yager of South Norwalk, Connecticut. The couple will be married Easter Sunday afternoon'at St Mary's church, New Monmouth. Everett Holmdel f H 9wtaMi-We Hare II SEE IT! Graham Paige's i,,.... .._ * BEE FLOWERS OTPEB BBOAO STREET THE ORIGINAL ELECTRIC TOASTERS AUTO BATTERIES 1 £*W *,' SATURDAY ahdSUNDAY ',f- $Q95 11.00 for Tour Oy Battery. DYNALUBE SCISSOR MOTOR OIL JACKS PORTABLE ELECTRIC RECORD PLAYERS AUTOMOBILE FELT PADDED RUBBER FLOOR MATS FOR EXPERT RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIR WORK SEE US. Home &Auto Supply, 35 Monmouth St. Phone 2020 Red Men's 100* All Wool MEN'S ALL WOOL 195 CENTRAL JERSEY OIL COn , f Pearl St., ne»r C.R.R, Freight Shad, Red Bank J SUIT Mh»b^.^^^ TODAY ind TOMORROW ' B I D BAMK;| -ll OBOROE W. DECHSIR Receiving boot training at Parria Island, North Carolina, Decher was assigned to the engineer battalion of the Sixth Marine division, with which he fought in the Facifio campaign. He had two other borthers in the service. Cpl. Kenneth G. Decher received his honorable discharge from the army- last year, after having served in Africa and Sicily, and his other.bxother, Franklin E , is a seaman, second class in the navy, stationed at Hutchlnson, Kansas, in Peter Benl, motor machinist the Medical Corps. third class, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benl, has been discharged from the Navy at Jacksonville, Florida. He was in.the service 22 months, and served with an Air- (Th* Red Bank BegtiUr can be bought in Holmdel from Taylor W. Hinet) Sea rescue vessel. . , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ellis of Beth- Mrs. Elizabeth Brewer, vrho formlehem, Pennsylvania, spenl the erly taught at the West Freehold, week-end at Elm Tree farm; school,' Is th* new, principal and Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Neuberg- teacher of the Intermediate grades er have returned. from Chicago, at the Holmdel school. where, they attended the National Teachers' salaries were discussed at a meeting of the Holmdel board Aberdeen Angus show, Mlsa Mary Toomey and Michael of education last week. Richard A, Oieger is jemodellng O'Lone of Philadelphia, spent Sunthe former Welbel property on the day at their home here. - Mrs. Edward Bennett is a surgl' Keyport-Holmdel road. Mrs. William H. Mulheron entercal patient at Monmouth Memorial tained, at luncheon and bridge last hospital. • Mr. .and Mrs. Irving Stokes are week at her home, Far View farm. MIflfl JBANNB B. WB66LBR Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haughler spending a week In Pennsylvania, have returned from North CaroMUs •Wesrier was graduated from visiting relatives. Lieut Viola Warneker, Army lina, and are now at their new Middletown township high school. Mr. Yager was in the navy four Nurse Corps, daughter of Mr. and home on Sycamore avenue, Tlnton years, and attended schools in Mrs. Bernard Warneker, is expect Falls. Mrs. John Jeffrey was elected ed home' this week on leave trom Smith Norwalk. presldenl-flf-tiia-new—KedwaUd F. DeWltt Foster of Lampre farm, Ladles' aid at the first meeting TO AID VETERANb. Monday at Fellowship hall. Other has purchased a jeep. The auxiliary of the Matawan offlcers'are Mrs. William S. Pitcher, American legion post has formed vice president; Mrs. Douglas HIT BT TAXICAB. committee, composed of Mrs. Fromm, secretary; Mrs. Taylor Nan Flood, Mrs. Lorena Hobrough Charles Cox of Matawan is recov- Hance, treasurer, and Mrs, Carlton Mrs. Ann Smith, Mrs. Irene Bruce ering at'South Amboy hospital Klnhafer, corresponding secretary. and Mrs. Margaret Devlin, which from a fractured left leg and In- The next meeting will be Tuesday, will meet each Wednesday even- ternal injuries, He was injured March 12, at the Baptist pnipel, at Ing from 7 to 9 o'clock in the 'bor- when a taxlcab, driven toy Anthony 7:80 o'clock. ' . ough hall to aid veterans .who are Gulgullano of Matawan,' hit him seeking • to cent rooms in the vl< while he w u crossing MaUiran Boys ean make, pocket money by cinity of Matawan. township's lower Main street selling the Register—Advertisement Qenume Qoatskih Jacket•*• (the toughest leather to be had.) Zippered front,' slfti^ pockets, cuffed sleeves; gives you perfect freedom for every movement.. Barry Jerolamon, Thotnu Moog, Dale Myew, Lwoy Olien, Moiei Aiexasder. Senion—Jean Balrd, Edward Anderaon, Gerald Bruno, Richard Buck, Robert Fields, Guy Gaynea, Bruce Johanneman. Barry Kaplan, Billy Oteen, Teddy Partcmi, Jr., Kent Pritchard, Bruce Rue, Robert Drew, Pet*r Borard, Lyndall Me. Farkmd. Group 1—Kay Grecury, Cynthia Tyack, Jamai Bruno, David Janiky, Richard Lucliric, Joieph Martella, Chrli Ravndal. Group 2—Carol Sawyer, Jean Smid. Arthur Apy. Edwin Burdge, Arthur Herrmann, Frank Johanneman, Charlea Myers, Boy P«ar«a»l. Group 3—Edward Elbert. David Kennedy, Norman Slcldmore, Allan Wright, Marilyn Shampanore, Lucille ter Hortt. Group 4—Anne Gregory. Dorii" Shampanore. Barbara Uppincott, Jaroei Alb«rti,'W»ren Carter, Parker McClellan, Vemon Moran, Donald Robinson, Albert Koblnson. 'Howard Scheraian, HONEY LEWTEW SPECIALS .251 warn t0 j ONB AND TWO-JHJTTOH MODBXS. f, mmvam OBAT AM lEN'S SPOI $1