Lake Erie Connector ITC Response to Information Request (IR) No. 3A National Energy Board Election Certificate Application Attachment 13 Hydro One Networks Inc. Customer Impact Assessment Hydro One Networks Inc. 483 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5 CUSTOMER IMPACT ASSESSMENT LAKE ERIE CONNECTOR 1000 MW HVDC TRANSMISSION LINE -FINAL REPORT- Issued by: Revision: 1 Date: August 27, 2015 Transmission System Development Division Hydro One Networks Inc. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Sacha Constantinescu, P.Eng Assistant Network Management Engineer Transmission System Development Hydro One Networks Inc. Ibrahim El Nahas, P.Eng Manager, Transmission Planning Transmission System Development Hydro One Networks Inc. COPYRIGHT © HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CIA – Lake Erie Connector August 27, 2015 Disclaimer This Customer Impact Assessment was prepared based on information available about the connection of the proposed Lake Erie Connector 1000 MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Line that was provided by ITC Lake Erie Connector LLC. It is intended to highlight significant impacts, if any, to affected transmission customers early in the project development process and thus allow an opportunity for these parties to bring forward any concerns that they may have. Subsequent changes to the required modifications or the implementation plan may affect the impacts of the proposed connection identified in Customer Impact Assessment. The results of this Customer Impact Assessment are also subject to change to accommodate the requirements of the IESO and other regulatory or municipal authority requirements. Hydro One shall not be liable to any third party which uses the results of the Customer Impact Assessment under any circumstances whatsoever for any indirect or consequential damages, loss of profit or revenues, business interruption losses, loss of contract or loss of goodwill, special damages, punitive or exemplary damages, whether any of the said liability, loss or damages arises in contract, tort or otherwise. Any liability that Hydro One may have to ITC Lake Erie Connector LLC in respect of the Customer Impact Assessment is governed by the Agreements between: 1. ITC Lake Erie Connector LLC and Hydro One dated January 15, 2015. 2 CIA – Lake Erie Connector August 27, 2015 CUSTOMER IMPACT ASSESSMENT LAKE ERIE CONNECTOR 1000 MW HVDC TRANSMISSION LINE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ITC Lake Erie Connector LLC (the Customer) is to develop a bidirectional 1000 MW HVDC transmission line referred to as Lake Erie Connector (LEC) in this document. The proposed transmission line will be connected onto a new diameter in the Nanticoke TS 500 kV switchyard with the other end interconnected on the south side of Lake Erie to Penelec Erie West Station in Pennsylvania (PJM). In Ontario, ITC Lake Erie Connector LLC is proposing to connect their converter station to Hydro One’s Nanticoke TS through one new 500 kV line tap. The Customer has provided information about the proposed locations of its converter station and terminal station as well as the line routing for the connection to Nanticoke TS, seen in Figure 1. As per the latest communication with the Customer, the requested backfeed date for the connection is May 2019. The actual connection date (backfeed date) will be determined after a connection estimate is prepared and will be contractually agreed to at the time of executing the Connection Cost Recovery Agreement. LEC Converter Station Figure 1: LEC’s converter station and terminal station locations, and line routing to Hydro One’s Nanticoke TS. 3 CIA – Lake Erie Connector August 27, 2015 In accordance with section 6 of the Ontario Energy Board’s Transmission System Code, Hydro One Networks Inc (Hydro One) is to carry out a Customer Impact Assessment (CIA) study to assess the impact of the proposed HVDC transmission line connection on existing customers in the affected area. This study does not evaluate the overall impact of the Lake Erie Connector on the bulk electricity system. The impact of the new HVDC transmission line on the bulk electricity system is the subject of the System Impact Assessment (SIA) issued by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). This study does not evaluate the impact of the Lake Erie Connector on the network Protection and Control facilities. Protection and Control aspects are reviewed during the Protection Impact Assessment, which is part of the SIA. Protection and Control aspects are again reviewed, in detail, during the preparation of the connection cost estimate and will be reflected in the Connection and Cost Recovery Agreement. 1.2 Proposed Connection: Lake Erie Connector Project 1.2.1 The Converter Station The converter station connecting to Nanticoke TS will be using Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technology (HVDC Light, HVDC Plus, or equivalent). At the 1,000 MW nominal full load rating, the HVDC converter station will be capable of supplying up to +/-330 MVARs, independent of MW flow. The HVDC converter station will be equipped with a 500kVAC breaker disconnect grounding switch assembly to connect to the 500kV overhead lines to Nanticoke TS. 1.2.2 The HVDC Transmission Line The HVDC line will operate at +/- 320 kVDC, and will be rated at 1,000 MW continuous, connecting the Hydro One 500 kV converter station near Nanticoke with the Penelec Erie West 345 kVAC converter station. The transmission line connecting the two HVDC converter stations will comprise approximately 117 km (depending on the final route selection) of HVDC submarine cable across Lake Erie, and underground cables from the shore to the converter stations. The symmetrical monopole HVDC transmission line will comprise of two cables, and with symmetrical monopole operation there will never be any ground return current. 1.2.3 The Interconnection to Hydro One’s 500 kV Nanticoke TS One single-circuit 500 kVAC overhead line will connect the converter station to a new switching position on a new diameter at Nanticoke TS. This new diameter is required since there are no spare switching positions available at Nanticoke TS. 1.3 Customers in the Study Area The primary focus of this study was on customers directly impacted by the Lake Erie Connector project when they are connected to Hydro One’s transmission network systems. Impacted customers are listed in Tables 1. 4 CIA – Lake Erie Connector August 27, 2015 Table 1: Transmission Customers connected in the Study Area Station Customer Name Jarvis TS Hydro One Networks Distribution US Steel CSS U.S. Steel Canada Inc. Nanticoke TS Ontario Power Generation Imp Oil Nanticok CGS Imperial Oil Summerhaven CSS Summerhaven Wind, L.P. Sandusk CGS Capital Power (PDN) L.P. – Sandusk WF CGS Grand Renewable Wind L.P. Grand Renewable Solar L.P. Hydro One Networks Distribution Haldimand County Hydro Inc. Grand CSS Caledonia TS 2.0 METHODOLOGY & CRITERIA 2.1 Power System Analysis Power system analysis is an integral part of the transmission and distribution planning process. It is used by Hydro One to evaluate the capability of the existing network to deliver power and energy from generating stations to provide a reliable supply to customers. To analyze the impact of the proposed interconnection to customers the following was performed: a. Short-Circuit Study: The Siemens PSS/E program was used to determine the impact of Lake Erie Connector on customers at their points of connection to Hydro One. b. Voltage Performance: An AC Load Flow program was used to determine the impact of Lake Erie Connector on customers at their points of connection to Hydro One 2.2 Study Assumptions To assess the impact of the proposed interconnection to existing customer short circuit fault levels, the IESO 2015 Scope of Work and 2015 system of committed facilities was utilized with the following assumptions: 2.3 Transmission Data – all committed transmission system elements in-service Generation Data – all committed generating facilities in-service Planning Criteria 2.3.1 Short Circuit Limitations Appendix 2 of the Transmission System Code (TSC) specifies the maximum symmetrical three phase and single line to ground short circuit levels. These limits are summarized in Table 2. Short circuit levels were compared to the TSC limits and also to existing Hydro One symmetrical and asymmetrical breaker ratings at effected stations to ensure equipment capability. 5 CIA – Lake Erie Connector August 27, 2015 Table 2: Transmission System Code Symmetrical Short Circuit Limits Nominal Voltage (kV) Max. 3 Phase Fault (kA) Max. SLG Fault (kA) 500 80(1) 80(1) 230 63 80(1) 115 50 50 44 20 (3) 19(2,3) 27.6 (4-wire) 17(3) 12(3) 27.6 (3-wire) 17(3) 0.45(3) 13.8 21(3) 10(3) Notes: (1) Usually limited to 63kA (2) Usually limited to 8 kA (3) Effective September 1, 2010, Hydro One requires a 5% margin on the acceptable TSC limits and 5% margin on the existing equipment limits at voltage levels of <50kV to account for other sources of fault current on the distribution system such as un-modeled synchronous motors and data inaccuracies. In order to reflect realistic operating conditions, short circuit studies are run assuming the following conditions: 2.4 Pre-fault voltage of 550.00 kV at 500 kV stations Pre-fault voltage of 250.00 kV at 230 kV stations Pre-fault voltage of 127.00 kV at 115 kV stations Pre-fault voltage of 29.00 kV at 27.6 kV stations Pre-fault voltage of 14.2 kV at 13.8 kV stations Operating Conditions Normal operating conditions are such that LEC will transfer power up to 1000 MW between Ontario and Pennsylvania. The LEC will not be disconnected except in cases of emergency or maintenance. The system has a tertiary on the convertor transformer that would be connected and used for station service regardless of transfer under normal operation and will not affect the reliability of the Hydro One transmission system. 3.0 SHORT CIRCUIT RESULTS Short-circuit studies are fundamental to ensuring that power system components are adequately rated for maximum currents that flow during a fault. Customers should use the fault levels provided in the report to check the interrupting ratings for their equipment and the coordination of their protective relays, circuit breakers, fuses and grounding systems. Since the converter station connecting to Nanticoke TS will be using Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technology, there will be minimal short-circuit contribution (1.0 p.u) when importing 1000 MW across the LEC HVDC transmission line, into Ontario. The short-circuit fault levels are acceptable to Hydro One and it is expected that the operation of Hydro One breakers will not impact customers. All customers need to check the capability of their equipment. 6 CIA – Lake Erie Connector August 27, 2015 The study results are summarized in Table 3 below showing both symmetric and asymmetric fault currents in kA in the case where 1000 MW are being imported into Ontario. Table 3: Customer Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Fault Levels with Lake Erie Connector in-service, importing 1000MW into Ontario. Station Nantickoe TS 500 kV Nantickoe TS 230 kV Summerhaven CSS 230 kV Sandusk CSS 230 kV Grand CSS 230 kV Imperial Oil Nanticok CGS 230 kV Imperial Oil Nanticok CGS 27.6 kV Caledonia TS 230 kV S39M Caledonia TS 230 kV N5M Caledonia TS 230 kV K40M Caledonia TS 230 kV N6M Caledonia TS 115 kV C12 Caledonia TS 115 kV C9 Caledonia TS 27.6 kV B Bus Caledonia TS 27.6 kV Y Bus Middleport TS 500 kV N580M Middleport TS 500 kV N581M Middleport TS 230 kV D1/K1 Buses Middleport TS 230 kV D2/K2 Buses Jarvis TS 230 kV N21J Jarvis TS 230 kV N22J Jarvis TS 27.6 kV B Bus Jarvis TS 27.6 kV Y Bus US Steel CSS 230 kV N21J US Steel CSS 230 kV N22J Bloomsburg TS 115 kV C9 Bloomsburg TS 115 kV C12 Bloomsburg TS 27.6 kV Norfolk TS 115 kV C9 Norfolk TS 115 kV C12 Norfolk TS 27.6 kV Symmetrical Fault Levels 3-Phase 23.506 32.553 23.58 22.135 8.845 24.923 12.989 20.773 20.324 20.736 19.917 6.193 6.135 12.734 12.652 20.455 21.891 44.805 40.524 24.371 24.37 13.242 13.287 29.998 29.998 3.26 3.268 6.368 3.215 3.222 8.833 L-G 20.176 27.083 20.123 19.302 6.004 20.32 1.279 17.005 16.453 17.537 16.617 6.869 6.801 8.305 8.281 17.866 19.292 41.583 38.101 19.426 19.452 9.382 9.397 24.519 24.538 1.967 1.974 5.465 1.923 1.93 8.93 Asymmetrical Fault Levels 3-Phase 29.177 38.897 27.199 25.584 10.114 28.508 14.66 23.325 22.992 23.202 22.291 8.04 7.955 13.567 13.441 23.599 25.204 51.163 46.768 28.326 28.327 13.978 13.953 35.502 35.502 3.506 3.511 6.368 3.456 3.461 8.833 L-G 26.26 33.365 22.626 22.452 6.265 22.789 1.279 18.255 17.584 19.324 18.235 9.05 8.924 9.864 9.815 21.726 22.327 50.93 45.039 22.226 22.258 10.997 10.969 29.344 29.361 2.036 2.042 5.758 1.989 1.995 9.05 Observations made from the short-circuit study results in Tables 3 above may be summarized as follows: 7 CIA – Lake Erie Connector 4.0 August 27, 2015 Table 3 shows that fault levels are below maximum symmetrical three-phase and single lineto-ground fault limits set out in Appendix 2 of the Transmission System Code (TSC) Table 3 shows that the fault levels are within Hydro One’s symmetrical breaker ratings and are acceptable to Hydro One. CONNECTION RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT The incorporation of the new HVDC transmission facilities will add a couple kilometers of new 500 kV underground cable from the converter station to the terminal station. At the terminal station the underground cable will transition to an overhead conductor connecting to a new diameter in the 500 kV switchyard at Nanticoke TS. The additional circuit exposure is small and is not expected to materially reduce the performance of Hydro One’s transmission system. The SIA issued by the IESO states that, as currently assessed, the Lake Erie Connector project falls within the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) definition of Bulk Electric System (BES) as well as the Northeast Power Coordinating Council’s (NPCC) definition of the Bulk Power System (BPS). Based on these definitions, the project will have elements classified as BES/BPS and will have to meet applicable NERC reliability obligations. Furthermore, to maintain reliability to existing customers in the study area, the following is required to be provided for interconnection facility by ITC Lake Erie Connector LLC: 5.0 Adequate provision in the design of protections and controls at the facility to allow for future installation of Special Protection Scheme (SPS) equipment, if required by the NPCC. Fully duplicated protection and telecommunication systems must be installed as outlined in the Transmission System Code, and NPCC Directory #4 (applied as applicable). SCADA facilities to allow transmission of interconnection facility components to Hydro One’s Operating and Control Centre(s), i.e. status, measurement quantities & alarms, as outlined in Hydro One’s Transmission Connection Agreement (TCA) for the connection of LEC. VOLTAGE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Load flow studies are utilized to analyze the impact of new facilities on the voltage performance of Hydro One customers in the affected area. A load flow study for the connection of LEC was deemed not required at this time based on: 1. A draft SIA issued by the IESO for the connection of LEC, the voltage performance of the IESO-controlled grid (>50 kV) is acceptable as it is well within voltage performance criteria for recognized contingencies. Therefore voltage issues are not foreseen for customers connected directly to the high voltage transmission system, 230 kV in this case, due to the connection of LEC. 2. Healthy voltage performance on the 230 kV transmission system and the use of Under-LoadTap-Changers (ULTCs) at Hydro One’s Transformer Stations (TS). Voltage issues are not foreseen for customers connected to the low voltage buses at the TS’s in the Study Area. 8 CIA – Lake Erie Connector 6.0 August 27, 2015 PRELIMINARY OUTAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT The work required by Hydro One to connect LEC to circuit the new diameter at Nanticoke TS will involve outages to certain 500 kV circuits connected to Nanticoke TS and possibly also one of its 500/230 kV auto-transformers. These outages will be identified when a detailed construction schedule is established in consultation with LEC during the detailed engineering phases of the project development. Outages will be coordinated with the IESO and existing transmission customers to reduce the impact on them during construction. 9 CIA – Lake Erie Connector 7.0 August 27, 2015 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This Customer Impact Assessment (CIA) presents results of a short-circuit study analysis, connection reliability assessment, voltage performance assessment and a preliminary outage impact assessment for the incorporation of the LEC. The study and assessments were carried out to determine and communicate the impact of the proposed generation facility to existing transmission customers in the Study Area. In addition to the facilities required by the IESO by issue of the SIA, LEC is required to install the following facilities as part of their connection: Adequate provision in the design of protections and controls at the facility to allow for future installation of Special Protection Scheme (SPS) equipment, if required by the NPCC. Fully duplicated protection and telecommunication systems must be installed as outlined in the Transmission System Code, and NPCC Directory #4 (applied as applicable). SCADA facilities to allow transmission of interconnection facility components to Hydro One’s Operating and Control Centre(s), i.e. status, measurement quantities & alarms, as outlined in Hydro One’s Transmission Connection Agreement (TCA) for the connection of LEC. Any additional requirements that may develop in order to make the connection and/or as outlined in a Connection Cost Recovery Agreement (CCRA) between Hydro One and LEC. Instructions to customer: 1. All customers are required to check to ensure that the equipment and grounding system at their stations/facilities meet the expected increase in fault level. 10 CIA – Lake Erie Connector APPENDIX A: DIAGRAMS Figure 1: Lake Erie Connector single line diagram August 27, 2015 CIA – Lake Erie Connector Figure 2: Current Configuration of Bays 6 and 7 at Nanticoke TS August 27, 2015 Figure 3: Potential proposed configuration for connection of LEC on new diameter at Nanticoke TS 12 CIA – Lake Erie Connector August 27, 2015 APPENDIX B: SHORT CIRCUIT SIMULATION RESULTS Table B: IESO’s 2015 base case with Lake Erie Connector in-service, importing 1000MW into Ontario PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS®E TUE, AUG 25 2015 11:13 HYDRO ONE NETWORK SYSTEM MODEL FOR SHORT CIRCUIT STUDIES BASED ON IESO 2015 SCOPE OF WORK AND 2015 SYSTEM BRKER X------- THREE PHASE FAULT --------X X-- LINE TO GROUND FAULT --X X- LLG SYMM I BUS# X-- NAME --X BASKV MAX V TIME FLTMVA SYMM I ASYMM I X/R FACTOR SYMM I ASYMM I X/R FACTOR PHASE 3IA0 5003 NANTICOK 500.00 1.100 0.025 20356.4 23.506 29.177 16.10 1.241 20.176 26.260 16.80 1.302 22.228 17.672 5105 NANTICOK 220.00 1.136 0.033 12404.5 32.553 38.897 21.05 1.195 27.083 33.365 19.82 1.232 30.537 23.186 5113 SMERHAVN 220.00 1.136 0.033 4629.3 12.149 13.382 12.54 1.102 10.528 11.581 10.47 1.100 11.617 9.288 5166 SUMRHAVN 220.00 1.136 0.033 8985.4 23.580 27.199 17.20 1.153 20.123 22.626 12.18 1.124 22.558 17.543 6111 SMERHAVN 34.500 1.060 0.067 1114.6 18.653 20.046 36.94 1.075 0.000 0.000 1.00 1.000 16.154 0.000 5167 SNDSK SS 220.00 1.136 0.033 8434.6 22.135 25.584 17.42 1.156 19.302 22.452 14.89 1.163 21.126 17.110 5115 SANDUSK 220.00 1.136 0.033 8434.6 22.135 25.584 17.42 1.156 19.302 22.452 14.89 1.163 21.126 17.110 6179 SANDUSK 34.500 1.060 0.067 1616.5 27.052 30.466 47.24 1.126 2.006 2.248 30.55 1.121 23.440 1.042 5172 GRNDWIND 220.00 1.136 0.033 3370.5 8.845 10.114 16.29 1.143 6.004 6.265 6.52 1.043 8.280 4.530 5145 IMP NANC 220.00 1.136 0.033 9496.9 24.923 28.508 16.33 1.144 20.320 22.789 11.98 1.122 23.520 17.147 6271 IMP NANC 27.600 1.051 0.067 620.9 12.989 14.660 47.72 1.129 1.279 1.279 13.35 1.000 11.273 0.673 5149 CALD S39 220.00 1.136 0.033 7915.5 20.773 23.325 14.44 1.123 17.005 18.255 8.62 1.073 19.889 14.376 5150 CALED N5 220.00 1.136 0.033 7744.3 20.324 22.992 15.20 1.131 16.453 17.584 8.29 1.069 19.481 13.798 5304 CALEDK40 220.00 1.136 0.033 7901.6 20.736 23.202 14.09 1.119 17.537 19.324 10.61 1.102 19.776 15.188 5305 CALED N6 220.00 1.136 0.033 7589.3 19.917 22.291 14.12 1.119 16.617 18.235 10.29 1.097 18.955 14.250 5851 CALEDC12 118.05 1.076 0.033 1266.3 6.193 8.040 32.43 1.298 6.869 9.050 28.37 1.317 6.636 7.711 5850 CALED C9 118.05 1.076 0.033 1254.4 6.135 7.955 32.17 1.297 6.801 8.924 27.84 1.312 6.574 7.629 5968 CALEDBR1 27.600 1.051 0.067 608.7 12.734 13.567 35.08 1.065 8.305 9.864 39.70 1.188 11.465 6.162 6084 CALEDONY 27.600 1.051 0.067 604.8 12.652 13.441 34.47 1.062 8.281 9.815 39.34 1.185 11.397 6.155 5000 MIDD8086 500.00 1.100 0.033 17714.5 20.455 23.599 17.23 1.154 17.866 21.726 18.68 1.216 19.466 15.858 5001 MIDD8185 500.00 1.100 0.033 18957.9 21.891 25.204 17.01 1.151 19.292 22.327 14.48 1.157 20.970 17.244 5104 MIDDLDK1 220.00 1.136 0.033 17073.1 44.805 51.163 16.16 1.142 41.583 50.930 19.31 1.225 43.704 38.791 5106 MIDDLDK2 220.00 1.136 0.033 15441.8 40.524 46.768 17.26 1.154 38.101 45.039 16.24 1.182 39.540 35.951 5209 JARVIN21 220.00 1.136 0.033 9286.5 24.371 28.326 18.00 1.162 19.426 22.226 13.55 1.144 22.824 16.147 5210 JARVIN22 220.00 1.136 0.033 9286.4 24.370 28.327 18.01 1.162 19.452 22.258 13.56 1.144 22.830 16.183 5977 JARVISR3 27.600 1.051 0.067 633.0 13.242 13.978 33.11 1.056 9.382 10.997 37.55 1.172 12.049 7.265 5978 JARVISR4 27.600 1.051 0.067 635.2 13.287 13.953 32.02 1.050 9.397 10.969 36.88 1.167 12.089 7.269 5275 USSTJN21 220.00 1.136 0.033 11430.8 29.998 35.502 19.92 1.183 24.519 29.344 17.30 1.197 28.094 20.731 5276 USSTJN22 220.00 1.136 0.033 11430.8 29.998 35.502 19.92 1.183 24.538 29.361 17.28 1.197 28.100 20.759 5411 BLOOM C9 118.05 1.076 0.033 666.7 3.260 3.506 10.21 1.075 1.967 2.036 5.94 1.035 2.976 1.406 5415 BLOOMC12 118.05 1.076 0.033 668.2 3.268 3.511 10.13 1.074 1.974 2.042 5.91 1.035 2.984 1.412 5954 BLOOMBJQ 27.600 1.051 0.067 304.4 6.368 6.368 15.94 1.000 5.465 5.758 21.33 1.054 6.072 4.786 5581 NORFK-T1 118.05 1.076 0.033 657.3 3.215 3.456 10.19 1.075 1.923 1.989 5.88 1.034 2.933 1.370 5582 NORFK-T2 118.05 1.076 0.033 658.8 3.222 3.461 10.11 1.074 1.930 1.995 5.85 1.034 2.940 1.375 6164 NORFOLK 27.600 1.051 0.067 422.2 8.833 8.833 12.31 1.000 8.930 9.050 15.85 1.013 9.022 9.026 SC 15021001 -X RPOS 0.0003 0.0004 0.0020 0.0007 0.0026 0.0008 0.0008 0.0014 0.0021 0.0007 0.0035 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0011 0.0026 0.0027 0.0049 0.0050 0.0004 0.0003 0.0004 0.0004 0.0007 0.0007 0.0050 0.0052 0.0005 0.0005 0.0157 0.0158 0.0216 0.0160 0.0161 0.0202 XPOS RZERO XZERO 0.0054 0.0005 0.0081 0.0091 0.0008 0.0147 0.0245 0.0042 0.0356 0.0126 0.0022 0.0191 0.0951 ******* ******* 0.0134 0.0016 0.0193 0.0134 0.0016 0.0193 0.0656 0.0840 2.5205 0.0336 0.0184 0.0800 0.0119 0.0022 0.0200 0.1692 0.3781 4.8029 0.0143 0.0041 0.0236 0.0146 0.0046 0.0247 0.0143 0.0028 0.0221 0.0149 0.0031 0.0237 0.0849 0.0029 0.0598 0.0857 0.0030 0.0605 0.1726 0.0102 0.4488 0.1737 0.0102 0.4488 0.0062 0.0004 0.0089 0.0058 0.0007 0.0081 0.0066 0.0003 0.0082 0.0073 0.0006 0.0087 0.0122 0.0020 0.0215 0.0122 0.0020 0.0214 0.1659 0.0087 0.3708 0.1654 0.0087 0.3708 0.0099 0.0011 0.0166 0.0099 0.0011 0.0165 0.1606 0.1017 0.4704 0.1603 0.1018 0.4682 0.3446 0.0133 0.5163 0.1629 0.1056 0.4836 0.1625 0.1057 0.4814 0.2481 0.0062 0.2410