EOI for proposal of Library Books for Polytechnic College at Geedam, Dantewada Name of the applicant: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Part-III – Commercial bid: 1st Semester Books Common to All Branches S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION M/s Somaiya Publications. Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal. REQUIRED QTY. 1 Communication Skill for Teaching Students Book-I. 2 Living English Structure W.S. Allen --- 25 3 Practical English Grammar Thomson & Martinet --- 60 4 English conversation practice Grant Taylor. --- 10 5 Mathematics for Polytechnic Volume I --- TTTI Publication 60 6 Applied Mathematics --- EEB Publication , Bhopal 60 7 Differential Calculus Gorakh Prasad --- 60 8 Integral Calculus Gorakh Prasad --- 60 9 Coordinate Geometry S.L. Loney --- 60 10 Applied Physics Vol. I --- 60 11 Applied Physics Vol. II --- 60 12 Applied Physics Vol. I D.Halliday & R.Rasnick --- 60 13 Applied Physics Vol. II D.Halliday & R.Rasnick --- 60 14 Engineering Physics BVN Rao --- 60 15 Principles of Physics K.K. Mohindroo --- 60 16 Basic Principles of Physics Brij Lal Subramanyam --- 60 17 Engineering Chemistry O. P. Agrawal. --- 60 18 Engineeraing Chemistry Jain and Jain. --- 60 19 Physical Chemistry Glosstone. --- 10 20 Organic Chemistry Sarkar and Rakshit. --- 10 21 Engineering Chemistry --- 10 22 Modern Text Book of Applied Chemistry --- 10 23 Air pollution --- 10 H.C. Saxena & Prabhakar Singh H.C. Saxena & Prabhakar Singh M. M. Uppal Revised by S. C. Bhatia. P.C. Jain, Dr. G. C. Saxena & Dr.A. K. Goswami. Perkins. Page 1 100 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. BOOK NAME 24 Liquid waste of industry, theories, practices and treatment 25 26 27 Management of solid waste in developing countries Environmental Engineering (International edition) Air Pollution – It's origin and control PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. Nelson L. Vamerow. --- 10 Flint off. --- 5 by Peavy, Howards. --- 5 AUTHOR NAME keneth work and Warmer (W.H.O. Publication) 20 28 industrial waste Namit --- 10 29 Thermal Environment burgess H. Jennings. --- 20 30 31 Environment & Pollution control Vijay Malik law Environment protectionProblems, Policies Paras Diwan administration, Law EBC publishing Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow 10 Deep & Deep Publications. 15 --- 50 Hazra & choudhary . 32 Workshop Technology (Vol-1) 33 Workshop Technology – (Vol-1 ) Chapnan --- 50 34 Workshop Technology – (Vol2) Chapnan --- 50 35 Manufacturing process (Vol-1) Delela --- 50 36 Materials and Manufacturing Lindberg processes --- 50 37 Enviroment & Ecology Pandy / Piyushkant --- 10 38 Engg. Physics R.K.Gaur --- 10 39 Engg. Physics M.N.Avadhanulu --- 10 40 Theory & Practicals of Engg. Chemistry --- 10 --- Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 2 2nd Semester Books Common to All Branches S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi 30 --- Somaiya Publication Pvt. Ltd. Bombay 30 --- Somaiya Publication Pvt. Ltd. Bombay 30 1 Business Communication Asha Kaul 2 A Course in Technical English, Book-I 3 A Course in Technical English, Book-II 4 Living English Structure W.S Allen --- 30 5 Practical English Grammar Thomos and Martinet --- 30 6 Essentials of English & Business Rajendra Pal,J.S Communication. Korlahalli 7 Grammar & Composition P R Sarkar, 8 How To Write Correct English R P Sinha 9 English Errors of Indian Students TLH Smith Pearse 10 Passages in General Studies 11 Introductory Method of Numerical Analysis Sastry S. S. --- 50 12 Mathematical Statistics Ray and Sharma --- 50 13 Discrete Mathematics Liu CL Tata Mc Graw Hill 20 14 Linear Programming Srinath L.S. (East-West Press) 50 15 Set Theory and Related Topics Schum’s Out Line Series Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi. 20 16 Finite Differences and Numerical Saxena H.C. Analysis 17 Modern Algebra Sharma and Seth 18 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, PHI Raja Raman V. 19 A Text Book of Applied Mechanics R.S. Khurmi S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi 50 20 Applied Mechanics I. B. Prasad Khanna Publisher, New Delhi 50 21 Applied Mechanics Ramanathsn Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi 50 22 Engineering Mechanics Timoshenko & Young Mc Garawhills Publication 20 --- --- S.Chand & Sons, New Delhi. Anand Marg Publication, Easter, Matropolition Calcutta Bharti Bhavan Publication, Patna Oxford University Publication Vikas Publication, Bhopal --Ram Prasad and Sons --- Page 3 50 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 23 Engineering Mechanics S. Rajshekaran & G. Sankarsubramaniam Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 20 24 Strength of Material and Mechanics of Structure Punamia Standard Publisher Distributor New Delhi 20 20 20 25 Introduction to Computers Peter Norton's Tata McGraw Hills Publishing Co.l Ltd. N. Delhi, IInd Edition, 1998 26 The ABCs of Ms-Office 97 Gay Hart Davis BPB Publications N. Delhi, Ist Edition 1996 27 Computer Organization and Architecture William Stalling 28 Structured computer Organization Andrews Tanenbaum 29 Teach yourself…. Windows 95 AL Stevens Comer 30 The Internet Book Douglas E 31 Computer Today S.K.Basanbhara 32 I.S. 696. (Latest revision). 33 Engineering Drawing 34 Engineering Drawing & Machine R. K. Dhawan, Kumar Drawing 35 Engineering Drawing R.B. Gupta, Satya Prakashan, Delhi 30 36 Geometrical Drawing P.S. Gill ketson & Sons 30 37 Machine Drawing P.S. Gill ketson & Sons 30 38 Engineering Drawing Gujral & Shende Khanna Pub. N.Delhi 30 39 Work Book in Mechanical Drafting TTTI, Bhopal 30 40 Engineering Drawing & Graphics T. Jeyapoovan Using AutoCAD 2000 Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi. 30 41 Engineering Mechanics Statics & A.K.Tayal Dynamics --- 29 42 Renewable energy: power for a sustainable future Oxford University Press 10 N.D. Bhatt --- Boyle G Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd , N.Delhi, IV th Edition, 1999 Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, N.Delhi, III rdEdition, 1997 BPB Publication, N.Delhi, I st – Edition, 1995 Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, N.Delhi, II – Edition, 2000 Galgotia Publication, 1 st Edition, 2000 20 20 20 20 20 BIS, India 20 Charoter Publisher,Anand 100 30 Page 4 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 43 Bio gas Technology, A practical Khandelwal K.C.& hand book Mehdiss Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi 10 44 Renewable Energy Island Press Earthscan/Kogan Page 20 45 Solar Energy System utilization G.D Rai R.K KhannaPublishers 30 46 Bio gas systems: Principles and application Mittal K.M New age International Ltd.New Delhi 10 47 Biogas Energy in India Academic book centre Ahmedabad 10 48 Advances in Biogas technology O.P Chawla ICAR, New Delhi 10 49 Renewable energy sources and conversion technology N.K Bansal ,ManfredKleemann MichaelMaliss Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi Konark Publisher Pvt. Ltd 50 51 52 53 54 --- Renewable energy: Environment Dayal M and development Institutional finance for renewable energy development in Sekhar R.C./ Urja Bharti India Solar energy fundamentals and applications How to achieve success and happiness How to develop effective personality --Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.New Delhi Sultan Chand and Sons,New Delhi H.P.Garg& J.Prakash --- Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) 30 30 10 30 20 Dr Mittal and Agarwal CS --- 20 55 The Art of Public Speaking Stephen E Lucas --- 20 56 Public Speaking and Influencing Business Dale Carnegie --- 20 Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 5 3rd Semester Electrical Engineering S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. R.B. Publications, New Delhi 5 Study of Electrical Appliances & Bhatia Devices K.B. Khanna Publishers,Delhi 5 3 Principles of Electrical Engineering Bhattacharya Tata -McGraw-Hill,New Delhi 5 4 Electrical Devices & Circuits Bogart, T.F Universal BookStaff, New Delhi 5 5 Electrical Technology Cotton, H. ELBS, London 5 6 Electrical Application Servicing Crouse ,William H McGraw Hil , New york 5 7 Electrical Engineering ,Vol. I Dawes, Chester McGraw Hill, Book Co. New York 5 8 Electrical Engineering ,Vol. II Dawes, Chester McGraw Hill, Book Co. New York 5 9 Principles of Electrical engineering Del Toro, Vincent Prentice Hall, of India, New Delhi 5 10 Elementary Electrical Engineering Gupta, M.L New Heights, New Delhi 60 11 Preventing Electrical Fires & Failures Hattangadi, A.A. Tata -McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 5 12 Electrical Technology Hughes, E. & Smith, I.M. ELBS/Longmans, London 5 13 Electrical Technology --- Hughes, Edward, Longman,London 5 14 Basic Electrical Engineering Mittle, V.N. Tata McGraw-Hill,New Delhi 60 15 A Textbook of Electrical, Technology vol.1 Theraja, B.L. & Theraja, A.K., Chand and Co. New Delhi 20 A Textbook of Electrical, Technology vol.11 Theraja, B.L. & Theraja, A.K., Chand and Co. New Delhi 60 16 Geometrical and Machine,Drawing Bhatt, N.D Charoter Pub., Anand Gujarat 5 17 Elementary Engineering , Drawing Bhatt, N.D Charoter Pub., Anand Gujarat 60 18 Engineering Drawing Gujral and Shende Khanna Pub., New.Delhi 5 19 Engineering Drawing Gupta, R.B. Satya Prakashan, Delhi 5 20 Manufacturing Process Herbert W Yankee (Prentice Hall) 5 21 Thermodynamics R Yadav (Central Book Dept.) 5 22 Hydraulics & Hyd. M/cs R.S. Khurmi (S. Chand & Co) 20 23 Strength of Materials R.S. Khurmi (S. Chand & Co) 20 1 Electrical Appliances 2 Ajwani, J.M. , Page 6 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 24 A Text- Book of Mechanical Technology R.S. Khurmi (S. Chand & Co) 20 25 Electronic Circuits & Systems. Bapat Tata McGraw Hill; New Delhi 5 26 Basic Electronics & Linear ,circuits Bhargava & Gupta, Tata McGraw Hill; New Delhi 5 27 Digital Electronics Bignell, James & Donovan Robert;Delmar Thomson Learning ,Singapore 5 28 Practical Semiconductor Data manuals. BPB Publications; New Delhi 5 29 Op Amps & Linear Integrated Circuits Thomson Learning ,Singapore 5 30 Electronic Circuits & Applications --- Grob, McGraw Hill International Ltd. 5 31 Electronic Principles --- Malvino, Tata McGraw Hill; New Delhi 5 32 Principles of Electronics Mehta ,V.K. S. Chand & Co. Ltd 30 33 Electronic Devices & Circuits Vol. 1 Mithal, G.K. Khanna Publishers;New Delhi 5 34 Electronic Devices and Circuits Mottershead, Allen An Introduction 35 Transistor selector data manual --- 36 Laboratory Manual and Teacher Guide in Basic Electronics --- 37 Introductory circuit analysis 38 Bignell, James & Donovan Robert;Delmar Prentice Hall India, New Delhi Towers International, BPB Publications.; New Delhi 5 5 TTTI, Bhopal and DTE, Goa 5 --- 5 Schaum Online series- Theory & Edminister. problems of electric circuits --- 5 39 Basic Electrical Engineering V.N.Mittal. --- 5 40 Circuits and Networks Sudhakar. --- 40 41 A Text Book Of Electrical Technology V.K.Mehta. --- 30 Boylested R.L. Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 7 4th Semester Electrical Engineering Books S.NO. BOOK NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 10 AUTHOR NAME 1 Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements Cerni & Foster 2 Electronic instrumentation & measurement techniques Cooper, W.D. & Helfrick, New Delhi: Prentice A.D. Hall of India 10 3 Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements Dally, J.W. et al; John Wiley & Sons, New York 5 4 Instrumentation, Measurement & Jones Feedback McGraw Hill, New York 5 5 Electronic Instrumentation Malvino; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 5 6 Electrical & electronic measurement & instruments Rambhadran, S Delhi: Khanna Publishers 5 7 Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation Rao & Sutrave Nirali Prakashan,Pune 5 8 A course in electrical & electronic measurements and instrumentation Sawhney, A.K Delhi: Dhanpat rai & sons 20 9 Electrical measurements & measuring instruments Suryanarayana New i, Tata McGraw Hill 10 10 Electrical Machines Bhattacharya, S.K Tata McGraw-Hill, New DelHi 10 11 Transformers Tata McGraw-Hill, New DelHi 5 12 Transformers Design & Manufacture Dasgupta, Indrajit Tata McGraw-Hill, New DelHi 5 13 Electric Machinery Fitzgerald , A.E., Charles McGraw-Hill, New Kingsley, Jr.,Stephen D. York Umans 14 Electric Machinery and Transformers Irving L. Kosovo Prentice Hall of India, New DelHi 5 15 Electrical Machines Nagrath & Kothari Tata McGraw-Hill, New DelHi 40 16 Transformers and motors 17 Power system engineering Nagrath 18 High Voltage Engineering Naidu Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 5 19 Transmission and Distribution Raina, K.B Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 5 20 A course in electrical power Soni M.L., Gupta J.L Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi 10 21 A text book of electrical power Uppal S. L Khanna publisher, New Delhi 10 22 Generation, Distribution & Utilisation of Electrical Energy Wadhwa, C.L Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi 10 --- --- Shultz; George patrick Howard W. Sams & Co. New York Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi Page 8 10 1 5 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 23 Learning package on Industrial Management 24 CPM and PERT - Principles and L.S. Srinath Application --- 10 25 Modern Production Management. Buffa --- 5 26 Essentials of Management 27 Industrial Engineering and Management O.P. Khanna --- 10 28 Industrial organization and management Ahuja --- 5 29 Value Analysis Miles --- 5 30 Manpower Management R.S. Diwedi --- 5 31 Personnel Management and Industrial Relations R.S. Davar --- 10 32 Production and operations ManagemenT Ray Wild --- 5 33 Management of operations Jack R. Meredith --- 5 34 Production and Operations Management Contemporary policy for managing Operating 35 Project Engineering and Management A.K.Sinha & Rama Sinha 36 Digital computer fundamentals Barli 37 Digital Electronics Bignell, James & Thomson Learning, Donovan Robert; Delmar Singapore 38 Modern Digital Electronics Jain, R.P Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 30 39 Digital Electronics Practical Jain, R.P Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 10 40 Digital Principles and Application Malvino & Leach Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 5 41 Digital Principles Malvino Tata McGraw-Hill; New Delhi 5 42 Digital Circuits Nowicki, J.R.; Edward Arnold, London 5 43 Laboratory Manual and Teacher Guide in Digital Electronics --- TTTI, Bhopal and DTE, Goa 5 T.T.T.I., Bhopal. Kuntz, Mcgraw HilI --- Tata McGraw Hill. Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) 5 5 5 --- 5 Tata McGraw-Hill; New Delhi 5 5 Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 9 5th Semester Electrical Engineering Books S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 1 Electrical & Electronics Measurement & Measuring Instrumentation A. K . Shawhney --- 30 2 Intrumentation & Devices Sharma & Mani Rangan --- 10 3 Process Control Harriot , TMH Edition 10 4 Electronic Intrumentation Prensley, Printice Hall 10 5 Mechanical & Industrial measurement RK Jain Khanna Publication 20 6 Electrical estimating and costing Bajpai, M.N., Saroj Publication, New Delhi 10 7 Electrical costing, estimating and Bhattacharya, S.K contracting TTTI, Chandigarh 40 8 I.E. rules --- Central Law Agency, Allahabad 5 9 S.O.R --- P.W.D. Govt. Deptt. 5 Electrical wiring, estimating and Uppal, S.L. costing Industrial Electronics and B.K.M. John Instrumentation Khanna Publisher, New Delhi Khanna Publisher, New Delhi 12 Industrial Electronics Chute & Chute (McGraw Hills Pub) 5 13 Industrial Electronics Benedict & weier (Prentice Hall of India Pub) 5 14 Introduction to thrusters and their Ramamurti applications (east west press Pub) 5 15 Industrial Electronics Bhimra 16 Digital Computer Electronics Malvino 17 Power System Protection and Switchgear Badriram 18 Electric Power System Ashfaq Hussain 19 Electrical Power System Mehta, V.K Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 75 20 Testing, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Rao, S Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 75 21 ABS Course in Electrical Power J. B. Gupta Kalson Pub. ,Ludhiana 10 22 ABS Course in Electrical Power Soni , Gupta , Bhatnagar Dhanpat Rai & Sons 10 23 Electrical Power Uppal, S.L Khanna Pub. New DelhI 10 24 Electrical Machines Bhattacharya, S.K 25 Electrical Machines Bimbhra, P.S 10 11 --(Tata McGraw Hills Pub Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 10 5 10 5 5 60 Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi Khanna Publishers, New Delhi Page 10 10 40 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME 26 Elementary Electrical Engineering Gupta, M.L 27 Basic Electrical Engineering Mittle, V.N 28 Electrical Machines Nagrath & Kothari PUBLICATION New Heights, New Delhi Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi REQUIRED QTY. Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) 20 20 30 Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 11 6th Semester Electrical Engineering Books S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. Kataria & Sons Pub. New Delhi 10 Utilisation of electrical energy & Gupta J. B Electric Traction Katson Pub. New Delhi 5 3 A Course in Electrical power Soni, M.L Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi 10 4 Generation, Distribution & utilisation of electrical energy Wadhwa, C.L. Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi 5 5 Power System Protection and Switchgear Badriram Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 10 6 Switchgear and Protection Deshpande Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 5 7 Electrical Power System Mehta, V.K Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 10 Rao, S Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 10 1 Electrical power 2 8 9 10 11 Testing, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Operation And Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, Vol I Operation And Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, Vol II Power System Protection Static Relays with Microprocessor applications Gupta J. B Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi Rao. B.V.S Rao. B.V.S Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 5 Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 20 Electrical Power Uppal, S.L 13 Electrical Installation work T.G. Francis/ E.L.B.S. 15 Electrical Installations Maintenance & fault location workbook. Preventive maintenance Electrical equipment 5 Rao. S 12 14 5 --- 5 T.T.T.I. (W.R.) Bhopal 5 Charles J. Hurburt 5 5 16 Commission of Electrical Plant RCH Richardson 17 Operation and maintenance of Electrical Equipments Vol. I BVS Rao Asia Publishing or Media Promoter Publishers Pvt. Bombay 10 18 Operation and maintenance of Electrical Equipments Vol. II BVS Rao Asia Publishing or Media Promoter Publishers Pvt. Bombay 10 19 Electrical Maintenance & Repairs J.I. Watts McMillars, London 5 20 Troubles in Electrical Equipments N.E. Stafford McGraw Hills Publications 10 21 A Text Book of Electrical Installation work Vol. 2 R.A. Mee MacDonald London 5 Page 12 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. 22 23 24 BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME Electrical Maintenance & Repairs P.P. Gupta Estimating Commissioning and maintenance of Electrical S. Rao equipment Fundamentals of maintenance of Electrical Equipment 25 Electrical power 26 Utilisation of electrical energy & Gupta J. B Electric Traction 27 A Course in Electrical power 28 29 30 31 32 PUBLICATION --- Gupta J. B Dhanpat Rai & Sons Publications 5 Khanna Publications 10 Bhatia/ Khanna Publications 5 Kataria & Sons Pub. New Delhi 5 Katson Pub. New Delhi 5 Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi Soni, M.L Generation, Distribution & Wadhwa, C.L. utilisation of electrical energy Starting your own Business, A step-by-step Blue print for the Stephen C. Harper First-time Entrepreneur Harward Business Review on --Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Development in Patel V.G. small scale proceedings of National Seminar,: DCSSI, New Entrepreneurship Strategies & --Resources The Business Planning Guide David H. Bangs 34 Entrepreneurship development in Dr. C.B. Gupta Dr. N.P. India Srinivasan Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) 5 5 Mc Craw-Hill 5 Harvard Business School Press 5 --- 33 REQUIRED QTY. 5 Abrams Grant Pass, Oregon: Oasis Press 5 Upstart Publishing Company, In Chicago 10 Sultan Chand & Sons 5 Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 13 3rd Semester Mechanical Engineering Books S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 1 Strength of materials B.C. Punamia --- 10 2 Strength of materials R.S. Khurmi --- 30 3 Strength of materials Sadhu Singh --- 30 4 Strength of materials K.D. Saxena --- 20 5 Strength of materials S. Ramamurutham --- 30 6 Strength of materials I.B. Prasad --- 20 7 Strength of materials Timoshenko & Young --- 10 8 Laboratory Experiments in Strength of materials B.P. Sharma. --- 10 9 Testing of Metallic materials Surya Narayan --- 10 10 Thermal Engineering P.L. Ballancy Khanna Publisher’s 30 11 A Course in Thermodynamics and Heat Engines Kothanandran Khajuria and arrora 20 12 Thermodynamics and heat Engines Vol-I R Yadav Central Book Depot , Allahabad. 60 13 Thermal Engineering – Vol-I R.K.Kapoor Tata McGraw Hill 60 14 Thermal Engineering – Vol- II R.K.Kapoor Tata McGraw Hill 60 15 Thermodynamics V.M.Domkundwar Dhanpat Rai & Sons 40 16 I.S. 2986 – 1966 BIS, New Delh 5 17 Engineering Thermodynamics P.K.Nag, TMH 20 18 Electrical Technology B.L Therja 19 Electrical Technology S.L Uppal, Khanna Publisher 5 20 Electrical measurement J.BGupta Dhanpat Rai & Sons Publisher 5 21 Elementary electrical engineering H. Pratab 22 Electrical Machine S.K Bhattacharya ( Tata Mc Hill ) 5 23 Basic electronics S.K Bhattacharya ( Tata Mc Hill ) 5 --- --- --- Page 14 60 5 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 24 Electronic Devices V.K. Mehta 5 25 Electrical Machines Nagrath & Kothari 10 26 Introduction to Industrial Engineering Phillip Hicks 27 Productivity means property 28 Introductive to work study 29 Work study M.D. Schmid & Subramaniam --- 10 30 Motion & time study Ralph M. Barnes John Willey, New York 5 31 Work study Dalela. 32 Wage Administration D.K. Roy 33 Quality Assurance Engineering M.D. Schmid & Subramaniam --- 10 34 S.Q.C. E.L. Grant. --- 10 35 S.Q.C. R.C. Gupta --- 10 36 Industrial Engineering & management O.P. Khanna --- 30 37 Industrial Engineering Saxena --- 20 38 Material handling Equipment --- N. Rudenki Place Pub 30 39 Learning package in Industrial Engineering --- C.D.C., N.T.T.T.I. Bhopal 10 40 Laboratory manual Industrial Engineering --- C.D.C., N.T.T.T.I. Bhopal 10 41 Machine Drwaing P.S.Gill --- 30 42 Machine Drwaing R.K.Dhawan --- 30 43 Elements of Machine Drawing N.D.Bhatt. Anand Charotkar --- 60 44 Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing Warren J Luzadder --- 10 45 Mechanical Drawing 46 Engineering Graphics. McGraw Hills. 5 --- Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo 5 --- International labor office. 10 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) 10 N.P.C. Pub Gie secke, Michell (Collier Macmillan Specer, Hill Internal Edition) Giesecke/Mitchell/Spence r/Hill/Loving 10 10 10 Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 15 4th Semester Mechanical Engineering Books S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 1 A text book of hydraulics, fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines Khurmi 2 Fluid mechanics M.manohar 3 Hydraulic & Hydraulic machines Priyani 4 Fluid mechanics with engineering R.L. Draughtlery & A.C. applications Jugersoll 5 Journal of experiments in hydraulic laboratory V.N. Rao & Hasan. 6 Fluid mechanics Dr. M.L. mathur 7 Fluid mechanics Bansal 8 Textbook of material Science & metallurgy O.P. Khanna --- 30 9 Material Science of Processes S.K.Choudhary --- 30 (s.chand & Co.) 10 --- 10 --- 5 (Mcgraw Hills) --(Std. Publications) 5 5 10 30 --- Lauttin- Lakhtin Pub.MIR publisher Moscow 10 Material Science of Processes 11 Material of Engineers 12 Introduction to Material Science K.M..Ralls and Engineering T.H.CourtneyJohn WulffPub. Wiley Eastern N. Delhi. 5 13 Physical metallurgy Principles Read Hill Pub. Affiliated East – West press pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 5 14 Engineering metallurgy R. Higgins. 15 Material Science B.S. Narang MH. A. Kempstyl --- 5 5 5 CBS Pub. & Distributors- Delhi P.E., C.S.P. Editor in chief. National Safety Council, Chicago, U.S.A P.E., C.S.P. Editor in chief. National Safety Council, Chicago, U.S.A 30 16 Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial operations Frank E. McElroy, 17 Accident Prevention Manual for Administration and programs Frank E. McElroy, 18 Commentary on-Factories Act with M.P.Rules Krishanlal Sethi The lawyers Home, Indore-7 5 19 Industrial Accident Prevention H.W. Heinrich McGraw Hill Book Company, 5 Page 16 5 5 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION 20 A Introduction to Safety Engineering and Management N.V. Krishnan. 21 Maintenance of Industrial Equipment B. Gelberg., G. Peklis --- 5 22 A Guide to Efficient Maintenance Management. H.V. Mstwatt. --- 5 23 Modern maintenance management. Miller and Blood --- 5 24 Maintenance Hand Book Higgins McGraw Hill 2 25 Maintenance Engineering Hand Book Morrow McGraw Hill 5 26 Maintenance Management ISTE. 5 27 Maintenance Planning & Control Kelly A, , Eastern wiley N. Delhi 5 28 Process and materials of manufacture Lindberg --- 5 29 Work shop technology Vol 1 Hazara & Choudhary --- 60 30 Work shop technology Vol 2 Hazara & Choudhary --- 60 31 Materials and manufacturing process Dalela --- 30 32 Manufacturing processes Yankee --- 5 33 Manufacturing processes S.E. rusinof --- 5 34 Welding Engineering R.E. Rossi --- 5 35 Foundry Engineering P.L. Jain --- 20 36 Learning package on Industrial Management 37 CPM and PERT - Principles and L.S. Srinath Application --- 20 38 Modern Production Management. Buffa --- 5 39 Essentials of Management 40 Industrial Engineering and Management O.P. Khanna --- 30 41 Industrial organization and management Ahuja --- 10 42 Value Analysis Miles --- 10 43 Manpower Management R.S. Diwedi --- 10 44 Personnel Management and Industrial Relations R.S. Davar --- 10 --- DPS Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Calcutta REQUIRED QTY. T.T.T.I., Bhopal. Kuntz, Mcgraw HilI Page 17 5 5 5 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. 45 46 47 48 BOOK NAME Production and operations ManagemenT Management of operations Production and Operations Management Contemporary policy for managing Operating Project Engineering and Management PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. Ray Wild --- 5 Jack R. Meredith --- 5 AUTHOR NAME --- Tata McGraw Hill. A.K.Sinha & Rama Sinha --- Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) 5 5 Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 18 5th Semester Mechanical Engineering Books S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 1 Theory of Machines J.M.Shah and H.M.Jadhwani --- 10 2 Theory of Machines Abdulla Shariff --- 30 3 Theory of Machines D.R.Malhotra --- 30 4 Theory of Machines P.L.Ballaney --- 30 5 Theory of Machines Thomas Bevan. --- 10 6 Theory of Machines Khurmi & Gupta --- 20 7 Theory of Machines S.S.Ratan --- 30 8 Engineering Metrology R.K. Jain Khanna publishers Delhi 9 Inspection & Gauging Kennedy 10 Engineering Metrology K.J. Hume 11 Practical Metrology K.J. Hume & C.H.Shard 12 Hand book of Industrial Metrology 13 Metrology & gauging 14 The industrial press,93 Wortinstreet, New York. Mac Donald & Co. The industrial press,93 Wortinstreet, New York. Mac Donald & Co. Ltd. London The industrial press,93 Wortinstreet, New York. Mac Donald & Co. Ltd. London 30 5 5 5 A.S.T.M.E., Practic Hall of India 2 S.A.J. Parsons Mac Donald & Erass Ltd. London 2 Industrial Instrumentation D.P. Eckman Wiley easter Ltd. New Delhi 2 15 Measurement Techniques in Mechanical Engineering R.J. SweenY Jon wiley & sons, New York. Addison Wesley publishing London. 2 16 Mechanical Measurement 17 Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing M.P. Groover, & E.W. Zimmer 18 Inside AUTO CAD Daniel Raker and Harbest BPB publications, Delhi Rice (Latest edition.) 10 19 Introduction to computer Aided Drafting Donald D. Voisinet 10 --- Beejwith & Buck, Addison Sr. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., (EEE), New Delhi, 1986. MC. Grow-Hill. Page 19 2 10 Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION 20 Mastering Auto CAD 21 Illustrated Auto CAD 22 Numerical control 23 Understanding CAD/DAMDesign with computer D.J. Bowman, and R.N. MC- Douglas 24 Machine design 25 REQUIRED QTY. BPB publication, Delhi 30 BPB. Publications, Delhi. 5 Marthin, E.L.B.S 5 BPB Publications, Delhi 5 P.L. Balleny --- 20 Design of machine elements Abdul shariff --- 20 26 Machine design G.R. Nagpal --- 20 27 Machine design Sharma Agarwal --- 20 28 Machine design R.S. Khurmi --- 20 29 Machine design Padey & Shah --- 20 30 Manufacturing processes. Young --- 10 31 Manufacturing science & technology vol.I Suresh deleia --- 20 32 Manufacturing science & technology vol. II Suresh deleia --- 20 33 Workshop technology vol.I Hazara Chaudhary --- 30 34 Workshop technology vol. II Hazara Chaudhary --- 30 35 Workshop technology vol.I Raghuvanshi --- 30 36 Workshop technology vol. II Raghuvanshi --- 30 37 Manufacturing processes. Rousnoff --- 10 38 Workshop technology vol.I Chapman. --- 30 39 Workshop technology vol.II Chapman. --- 30 40 Workshop technology vol.III Chapman. --- 30 W.Berghauser and P.L. Achieve Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 20 6th Semester Mechanical Engineering Books S.NO. BOOK NAME AUTHOR NAME PUBLICATION REQUIRED QTY. 1 Automotive Engineering Vol I Kirpalsingh Standard publishers and distributors, New Delhi. 80 2 Automotive Engineering Vol II Kirpalsingh Standard publishers and distributors, New Delhi. 80 3 Automotive Mechanics Crouse & Anglin McGraw Hills International Pub. 5 4 Automobile Engineering K.K. Jain & R. B. Asthana TMH. 5 Auto Mechanics- Understanding Don KnowleS new technology Reston Publishers, New Jersey 5 6 Internal Combustion Engine Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi 40 7 Diesel Fuel Injection Bosch, SAE (distributor 10 8 Principles of Refrigeration Wiley eastern 30 9 Refrigeration & Air conditioning P. N. Ananth ,Narayan TMH 30 10 Practical Refrigeration & Air Conditioning M.Adithon & S.C. Laroiya Wiley eastern 20 11 Principles of Air Conditioning. V.Paull Lang, C.B.S 20 12 Basic Air Conditioning Vol . I 13 Basic Air Conditioning Vol . II 14 Practical Air Conditioning & Refrigeration 15 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning S.Domkundwar 16 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning C.P.Aurora ,R.S. 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National Seminar, DCSSI, New Delhi Entrepreneurship : Strategies & Resources --Abrams Grant Pass, Oregon: Oasis Press Upstart Publishing Company, In Chicago 28 The Business Planning Guide David H. Bangs 29 Entrepreneurship development in Dr. C.B. Gupta Dr. N.P. India Srinivasan Sultan Chand & Sons Rate (Rs.) i/c All Taxes (Each Book) 20 10 30 30 Seal & Signature of the applicant, Page 22