International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015) Identification and Measurement of Possible Electromagnetic Radiation in Wireless Communication Célestin Twizere1, Said Rutabayiro Ngoga2, Felicien Kanamugire3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, University of Rwanda, Avenue de l’Université, P.O Box 117 Butare Rwanda I. INTRODUCTION Every day household electrical devices such as hairdryers, electric and microwave ovens, fluorescent lights, stereos, mobile phones, computers and the base station transmitters, often air out electromagnetic radiations of varying intensities. The electromagnetic spectrum is divided into ionizing and non –ionizing bands based on how the wave interacts with tissues. Radio frequencies emitted by mobile phone, base transmitter stations (BTS) are classified as non ionizing radiation, although these frequencies can enter the body and cause harm according to the level and the total time we are exposed. Though some research has indicated the theory that radio frequency emissions might have adverse effects on the human body, so, proper evaluation with tangible evidences are required to confirm that long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation from identified distance is harmful as this world of ours is increasing highly in technologies for its better development[1]. It is now identified that technology is increasingly developing at a very high rate across over the world, by considering the time when technology came into existence. It is now 30 years from when mobile telephone system and wireless communication came into existence, 70 years since radio transmission existed and 100 years since electricity generation started. Even though all these kind of technologies compensated for the world to be where it is by today, they were also accompanied by concerned possible health risks due to their electromagnetic radiations. Due to the electromagnetic radiation exposure at the highest frequencies (x-rays, gamma rays) is a source of serious biological damage. Health effects from exposure to this form of radiation vary from no effect at all to death, and can cause diseases such as leukaemia or bone, breast, and lung cancer. The seriousness of the effects depends on the how long your exposed to it and length of the distance from the source. Man- made sources account for most of the electromagnetic radiation in our environment. With the proliferation of new technological devices in our home and work place we are all exposed to electromagnetic radiation daily. Electromagnetic radiation can be described as a stream of photons, each travelling in a wave like pattern, carrying energy and moving at the speed of light. EMR carries energy sometimes called radiant energy and both momentum and angular momentum. These may be imparted to matter with which it interacts. EMR is produced from other types of energy when created, and it is converted to other types of energy when it is destroyed. The photon is the quantum of the electromagnetic interaction, and is the basic "unit" or constituent of all forms of EMR. The quantum nature of light becomes more apparent at high frequencies (or high photon energy). Such photons behave more like particles than lower-frequency photons do. Propagation of electromagnetic waves may occur by ground wave, troposphere wave, or sky wave. Most contemporary communication systems use either direct line of site (LOS) or indirect propagation where the signals are strong enough to enable communication by reflection, diffraction, or scattering. Maxwell’s equations form the basis of electromagnetic wave propagation. Abstract— From the point that technology is developing very fast, this goes hand in hand with the increase in number of Base Transceiver Stations(BTS) for good mobile communication and later increase in both positive and negative effects on all living features. The aim of this paper is to identify and measure the possible electromagnetic radiations in wireless communication and by specifying the secured zone around Base Transceiver stations according to the International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines. After describing Electromagnetic Radiations (EMR) from wireless antennas and different international guidelines and standard limits for human exposure to EMR, we concluded determining secured zone around BTS according to the measurements taken from the ground using a Trifield meter. Keywords—Electromagnetic Radiation, ICNIRP, Trifield meter. II. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS 228 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015) The relationship between the time varying electric and magnetic fields is expressed mathematically for uniform plane wave. The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. The "electromagnetic spectrum" of an object is the characteristic distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by that particular object. The electromagnetic spectrum extends from low frequencies used for modern radio communication to gamma radiation at the short-wavelength (high-frequency) end, thereby covering wavelengths from thousands of kilometres down to a fraction of the size of an atom. It is for this reason that the electromagnetic spectrum is highly studied for spectroscopic purposes to characterize matter. The limit for long wavelength is the size of the universe itself, while it is thought that the short wavelength limit is in the vicinity of the Planck length, although in principle the spectrum is infinite and continuous. Figure 1: Electromagnetic spectrum [1]. The IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas defines the antenna or aerial as ―a means for radiating or receiving radio waves[3].‖ In other words the antenna is the transitional structure between free space and a guiding device, and it is used to transport electromagnetic energy from the transmitting source to the antenna or from the antenna to the receiver. In addition to receiving or transmitting energy, an antenna in an advanced wireless system is usually required to optimize or accentuate the radiation energy in some directions and suppress it in others. Thus the antenna must also serve as a directional device in addition to a probing device. It must then take various forms to meet the particular need at hand, and it may be a piece of conducting wire, an aperture, a patch, an assembly of elements (array), a reflector, a lens, and so forth. For wireless communication systems, the antenna is one of the most critical components. A good design of the antenna can relax system requirements and improve overall system performance. A typical example is TV for which the overall broadcast reception can be improved by utilizing a high-performance antenna[3]. The power radiated by antenna is expressed by solving Maxwell’s equations. 229 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015) These equations relate the electric field E (V/m) and the magnetic field H (A/m) to the current density J (A/m2) and the charge density (C/m3) [4]. According to the World health organization, the ICNIRP guidelines are highly protective and are based on all the available scientific evidence. They take into accounts all known impacts and offer protection against all confirmed risks from exposure to electromagnetic fields. Moreover, the ICNIRP guideline incorporate large safety factors, 50 times below the limit value at which no effects on the human body have been reported. In their publication called ―guidelines for limiting exposure to time varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300GHZ)‖, they are based on short term, immediate health effects such as stimulation of peripheral nerves and muscles, shocks and burns caused by touching conducting objects, and elevated tissue temperature resulting from absorption of energy during exposure to EMF. In the case potential long- term effects of exposure, such as an increased risks of cancer, ICNIRP concluded that available data are insufficient to provide a basis for setting exposure restrictions, although epidemiological research has provided suggestive, but un convincing evidence of an association between possible carcinogenic effects and exposure at levels of 50/60HZ magnetic flux densities substantially lower than those recommended in these guidelines [6]. Figure 2: Trifield meter[7] Most of the communication antennas are located on top of the mountains where it can be easy to have a wide antenna coverage area, but there are some which are located on top of elevated hills. Several times these mountains and hills are used as residential area where you find people stay in few meters from transceiver antennas. Here we are describing three locations found in Huye District namely; Tumba site, Ngoma (Huye) and cyarabu. TABLE I DATA COLLECTED FROM NGOMA BTS OF 45M HIGH N0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 III. METHODS AND DATA PRESENTATION In wireless communication[5] we use different antennas for transmitting signals from one point to the other, different levels of power are radiated during transmitting and receiving processes. The radiated power may be harmful to the human being according to how strong it is. Now, our task was to show that the electromagnetic radiations from mobile transceiver stations are either harm or not. This was done by collecting data using different methods here include; using Trifield meter to measure the power radiated from different antennas. A trifield meter is an electronic device used to measure the power radiated, magnetic fields and electric fields from any electromagnetic radiating object. With this instrument we can determine the level of radiated power from wireless communication antennas which we are exposed to. 230 D(m) 2 4 6 10 12 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 100 120 H(mG) 0 – 0.08 0.04-0.6 0.8-1.4 1.0-1.8 0.2-0.8 2.4-2.8 3.2-3.4 3.0-3.5 2.4-2.9 2.4-2.9 1.6-2.0 1.2-1.6 0-0.02 0 Average 0.04 0.5 1.1 1.4 0.5 2.6 3.3 3.25 2.65 2.65 1.8 1.4 0.01 0 E(V/m) 0.188 2.35 5.18 6.59 2.35 12.25 15.55 15.31 12.48 12.48 8.48 6.59 0.047 0 W(w/m2) 0.017 2.77 13.43 21.76 2.77 75.06 120.9 117.28 77.97 77.97 35.97 21.76 0.0011 0 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015) TABLE II DATA COLLECTED FROM CYARABU BTS OF 30M HIGH N0 D(m) H(mG) Average E(V/m) W(w/m2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 4 6 10 12 20 25 40 50 55 60 62 0 – 0.08 0.4-0.6 0.8-1.4 1.0-1.8 0.4-0.8 2.4-2.8 3.2-3.4 1.2-1.6 1.0-1.5 0.8-1.4 0.4-0.6 0 0.04 0.5 1.1 1.4 0.6 2.6 3.3 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.5 0 0.188 2.35 5.18 6.59 2.35 12.25 15.55 6.59 6 5.18 2.35 0 0.017 2.77 13.43 21.76 2.77 75.06 120.9 21.76 17.1 13.43 2.77 0 It is of great importance to know clearly that, long term exposure to Non- ionizing radiations according to their level, surely harm by comparing calculated results and theory. In Data collection, there some factors that may hinder us from having very accurate information. Here we may say; - Instrument used which was operating in analogue mode, that is to say, readings were not fixed. - Shielding effects, that is to say, there was some points where the indications was as not as expected due to houses, trees and others which may attenuate the power of the signal. The comparison between collected data, theories and international guidelines show us that close to some BTS antennas, the power density can exceed guideline levels. Operators calculate compliance distances in various directions from their antennas in order to define a boundary outside which the guidelines can never be exceeded. Preventative measures such as administrative procedures or physical barriers are implemented to ensure that people do not accidentally enter regions defined as exclusion zones. The design of sites would normally be such that the general public would not be able to stay into regions designed as exclusion zones. For large macrocellular base stations radiating around 100 W or more, exclusion zones in the range 10-15 m may be required in front of the antennas to ensure exposures remain within the ICNIRP guidelines for public exposure. In other directions such as below and behind the antennas, the exclusion zones would extend for lesser distances. Low power microcellular base stations radiating around 1-2 W would require much smaller exclusion zones than microcells and it may be possible to encompass fully all regions where exposure could exceed guidelines within the plastic cover of the antenna[6]. Here, the results were taken in the direction of antenna. Compared to ICNIRP, where an antenna that radiates 100W its exclusion zone is in 10-15m, due to our results from Tumba site where maximum radiation is 608.04W and 91.4m high, its exclusion zone is in the range of 6091.2m from antenna. Also due to data from Ngoma and Cyarabu with radiated power of 120W, at 45m and 30m high respectively, exclusion zone is in the range of 12-18 meters from antenna. There so many factors that should be considered in determining the secured zone from base transceiver; and from data collected we notice the following factors: the height of the antenna, the antenna transmission capacity, the antenna transmission band, the antenna gain and the antenna radiating surface. TABLE III DATA COLLECTED FROM TUMBA BTS OF 91,4M HIGH N0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 D(m) 2 4 6 10 12 16 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 100 150 200 220 250 H(mG) 0 – 0.02 0.04-0.08 1.6-2.0 1.8-2.4 0.8-1.2 2.4-2.8 3.8-4.2 7.2-7.6 5.2-6.0 2.2-2.4 3.4-3.8 2.9-3.6 2.0-2.6 1.6-1.8 1.2-1.4 1.4-1.8 0.6-0.9 0.04-0.08 Average 0.01 0.06 1.8 2.1 1 2.6 4 7.4 5.6 2.3 3.6 3.25 2.3 1.7 1.3 1.6 0.75 0.06 E(V/m) 0.04 0.28 8.48 9.89 4.71 12.25 18.85 34.87 26.39 10.83 16.96 15.31 10.83 8.01 6.12 7.54 3.53 0.28 W(w/m2) 0.001 0.039 35.97 48.96 11.1 75.06 177.66 608.04 348.21 58.73 143.9 117.28 58.73 32.09 18.76 28.42 6.24 0.039 Where; D= Distance from antenna to the point where the data were taken. H= Instantaneous magnetic-field intensity in milligausse. E= Instantaneous electric-field intensity. W= Instantaneous Poynting vector. IV. RESULTS ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION From different International guidelines and standard limits for human exposure to Non-ionizing EMR except ICNIRP guideline, it is commonly known that Nonionizing radiations are not harmful to the human being. 231 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015) Future studies will focus on measurements using others instruments like Spectrum Analyser combined with a digital Trifield meter with good accuracy in order to evaluate and identify the limit zones for better advising telecommunication companies on how to protect citizens to Electromagneitcs Radiation. V. CONCLUSION. The main concern of this paper was to analyze the level of electromagnetic radiation emitted by transceiver antennas at Tumba, Ngoma and Cyarabu. As Telecommunication companies increases continuously, many antennas are established everywhere in the country which can have negative impacts on Human being when the time of exposition to EMRs increase. It is better to locate residential area at 100 meters from microwave transceiver base stations in order to avoid health risks and even people are not advised to continuously be in the mentioned above area since radiation power reduces as distance increases. The verification is true and sincere because the collected data was compared with standards limit for Human exposure to Non-ionizing EMR established by ICNIRP association. Here we have indicated the dangerous zone from antenna. In this paper we only concentrated on the level of power radiated from the transceiver base stations in three sites. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 232 Christopher H., Essentiels of Radio Wave Propagation, Cambridge University Press, 2008. John S. 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