Norco Academic Senate Minutes

Norco Academic Senate Minutes
March 2, 2015
1:30-3:30 IT 218
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 1:36 p.m. by Peggy Campo.
II. Attendees:
Peggy Campo – Senate President
Vacant – Senate Secretary Treasurer, Assessment Coordinator
Jason Parks – Academic Planning Council Chair
Jim Thomas –Business, Engineering and Information Technology Representative
Tom Wagner – Senate Vice-President
Melissa Bader – Communications Representative
Zina Chacon – Counseling, Social and Behavior Sciences Representative
Charles Sternburg – Math and Sciences Representative
Ben Vargas – ASNC Representative
David Mills – Communications Representative
Celia Brockenbrough – Communications, PG & SL
Teresa Friedrich-Finnern – Math and Science Representative
Sharon Crasnow – Arts, Humanities and World Languages Representative
Vacant – Math and Sciences Representative/CTA Rep.
Vivian Harris – Distance Education Chair
Bob Prior – Student Success Committee Co-chair
Alexis Gray – Program Review Co-chair
Vivian Harris – Library Advisory Committee Chair
Brian Johnson – Curriculum Committee Co-Chair
Ana-Marie Olaerts – Professional Development Coordinator
Dorothy Reina – Part-time Faculty Representative
Guests: Paul Parnell, Beth Gomez, Diane Dieckmeyer, Carol Farrar, Arend Flick,
Kevin Fleming
III. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Charles Sternburg , second by Jim Thomas to approve
the agenda for today’s meeting. Motion approved.
IV. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Melissa Bader, second by Jason Parks to approve the
minutes from the December 1, 2014 meeting. Motion approved with one abstention.
Motion by Melissa Bader, second by Charles Sternburg to approve the minutes from the
December 10, 2014 meeting. Motion approve with three abstentions.
V. Officer & Liaison Reports
A. President (Peggy Campo)
I attended the February 28 Workforce, Job Creation and Strong Economy regional
faculty conversation at Palomar college in San Diego to represent the CTE faculty.
The discussion covered recommendations to improve the CTE programs. The
recommendations will be taken to the State Chancellor’s office to try and strengthen
support for CTE programs. More information is available at
 Tuesday the Board of Trustees had a joint meeting at JFK with the Corona Norco
Unified School District. At the meeting, CNSD and Norco College showcased the
Career Pathways Trust Grant and AB 86. Norco College will serve as the lead in
this regional consortium that brings together community colleges, 11 unified school
district and community partners. The purpose of the grant is to better prepare
students for the workplace and improve student transition into postsecondary, CTE
education and employment.
 District Academic Senate met on February 23. The following topics were discussed:
o Decided to reinstate the Gen Ed workgroup. Sarah will be attending and
would like to also have a counselor attend. Basic charge is to bring the
requirements for Gen Ed degrees in line.
o Saw an AB 86 presentation.
o Received update on status of C-ID numbers for courses and an ADT update.
RCCD met the state’s ADT goals. After June any new ADT requesting
approval has to have all of its courses with current C-ID numbers.
o AP 7120c (Full-time Recruitment and Hiring) will be reviewed by legal due
to recommendation to have Title 5 language included. The Senate discussed
the need for confidentiality of the participants on the hiring committee and
the need for the Senate to approve the hiring committees was clarified.
o District received 5 applications for full professor and 1 for distinguished
professor. These are currently pending approval.
o Chancellor Burke has authorized the hiring of 8 new faculty district wide.
Four will be hired at RCC, and two each at Norco and Moreno Valley.
 Attended three District Strategic Planning committee meetings during the last few
months. The new Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Educational Services would
like to restructure the DSPC. Student success and completion will be the driving
force of the district.
o District Enrollment Management Committee reported that this year will
follow the traditional current funding model. 26,575 projected funded FTEs
with 2.5% growth and 4.5% unfunded FTEs. Enrollments are softening
around the district and we want to make sure that we meeting our targets.
o The District’s Information Technology Strategy Council is working on their
technology plan that will be part of the District’s accreditation follow-up
o District Budget Advisory Council reports that there may be $160 million
more in the system this year. Those funds will be used to pay down the 20132014 system-wide deficits. It could also be allocated to the technology
infrastructure, mandated reimbursements, scheduled maintenance and/or
instructional equipment.
 The Senate will need to approve the state required set of “framework indicators”
measuring the institutional effectiveness of the college. This will be approved
through ISPC first, then to the Academic Senate. The final goals will have to be
posted with the Chancellor’s Office by June 30, 2015.
B. Vice President
No report
C. Secretary/Treasurer
No report
D. Student Liaison (Ben Vargas)
Students working to elect a new student trustee. The current trustee has resigned.
The student government has met once so far.
Preparing for Club Rush.
Working on budget and elections of new board for next year.
The Campus Project Support applications are being reviewed.
Started contract negotiations. Currently checking with individuals and gathering
Making sure that the definition of a faculty work week is well defined and what
constitutes institutional service.
Ongoing Business
A. Standardized Syllabus Template (Dr. Dieckmeyer/Campo)
Jason Parks shared that he prepared syllabus templates for all his math classes and
received positive responses from his faculty.
Discussion on wording to be used for SLOs on syllabus.
Would like a standard template that has all required information included.
Discussion on name for document. Whether or not the document should be called a
template or identified as something else (shell).
CurricUNET would have preloaded SLOs available for all classes. Clerical person
would get SLOs from CurricUNET and put them on the syllabus template/shell.
Motion by Tom Wagner, second by Jason Parks to approve the standardized syllabus
with preloaded SLOs. Motion approved.
VII. New Business
A. AB 86 Presentation (Dr. Parnell)
“ABout Students” Regional Consortium. Collaborating to better serve the
educational needs of adults.
Powerpoint presentation from Dr. Parnell covering objectives, members, partners,
decision making process, facilitators, activities, etc. (See attached)
AB86 Legislative requirements and Consortium objectives address five program
o Elementary and secondary basic skills
o English as a Second Language and workforce preparation
o Education programs for adults with disabilities
o Short-term career technical education programs
o Program for apprentices
Completed 150 page Comprehensive Report that included strategies and
recommendations to address objectives aimed at improving educational
opportunities for adult students in the region.
Discussion on apprenticeship programs and what work areas they are currently
available in.
B. First Reading of Accreditation Follow-up Report (Dr. Dieckmeyer)
Follow up report is focused on Norco College’s four recommendations only.
Reviewed the four recommendations and the college’s responses.
Covered the district’s two recommendations.
Red in draft indicates items that have not been done, but will be done before the
deadline to submit the report.
The document is currently 20 pages, but we will be adding more information.
Will be coming back to Academic Senate for vote in May.
Please take time to review and submit any comments regarding the report.
C. Hiring of Two New Counselors (Dr. Chacon/Dr. Green)
SSSP (Student Success and Support Program) was passed a couple years ago.
Matriculation went away and the Student Success and Support Program started.
Funding has to support orientation, counseling and assessment.
Pending approvals will fly two temporary counselor positions. Hope to change the
temporary positions into tenure track.
Discussion on faculty ranking process for hiring.
D. Election of Senate Vice-President and Treasurer (Campo)
Jim Thomas has agreed to serve as Vice-President. The Academic Senate can
vote to for replacement of a missing board member.
Motion by Jason Parks, second by Melissa Bader to approve Jim Thomas as Vice
President. He will serve for the next 1 ½ years. Motion approved.
Peggy reviewed the job duties for the Secretary Treasurer position.
***Motion by Jason Parks, second by Tom Wagner to postpone Items F (Survey
Results) and G (Graduation Program) until the next meeting. Motion approved.
***Motion by Melissa Bader, second by Jim Thomas to extend the meeting for 15
additional minutes. Motion approved.
E. Senate President Authorization Request to Confirm Hiring Committees per AP
7120c Article 2.A (Campo)
AP 7120c states that the first level hiring committee members must be confirmed by
the Academic Senate or Senate President if granted by the Senate to the Senate
The President will report back to the Academic Senate when a committee has been
Motion by Tom Wagner, second by Jason Parks to approve the Norco Academic Senate
President to be able to confirm the appointment of faculty members on a hiring
committee. Motion approved.
F. Discussion of Academic Senate 2014-2015 Survey Results (Campo)
G. Discussion of Graduation Program
VIII. Norco and District Senate Committee Reports
A. NAC (Sarah Burnett)
Sarah shared a handout outlining important dates with regard to Assessment
Trainings and Closing-the-Loop Collaboration Meetings. (See attached)
Discussed the need to make sure that any class changes, as far as what is being
offered, have been shared with NAC so the assessment rotation list is accurate and
contains all the current classes.
IX. Open Hearing
No comments
X. Adjournment – 3:43 pm
Ruth Smith (Recorder)