May 20, 2014 - Mt. San Jacinto College

Mt. San Jacinto College
Academic Senate
May 20, 2014
12:30 pm
MVC-Room 851 linked SJC-Room 200
MVC Associate Faculty Rep
*Carla Maroudas
*Betty Ihrig
Call to Order:
L. Slattery-Farrell called the meeting to order at 12:55 pm
Approval of meeting minutes:
Appointment Secretary
April 22, 2014 minutes were sent out electronically to the
past members for approval.
Executive Senate
Hearings of Individuals, Groups, Delegates:
Public comments are limited to agenda items and shall be no more than 5
minutes per speaker and 20 minutes per subject unless further time is granted by
the Executive Academic Senate.
Vice President
Corresponding Secretary
SJC Associate Faculty Rep
Lorraine Slattery-Farrell
*Stacey Searl-Chapin
Evelyn Menz
*Nick Reeves
Herb Alarcon
Guests: Dr. Pat and Tamara Smith
*Linked Guests: Michelle Stewart, Joanna Quejada and Ricki Rycraft
Institutional Report
Vice President of Instruction
Faculty second level interviews are moving forward expected to be completed by the end of the week.
Summer session seats are currently at 66% seats taken, the breakdown of MVC-72%, SJC-60% and TEM-66%.
High field areas are 67%-MATH, 87%-ENGL, 67%-HIST, 100%-CHEM, 82%-BIOL and 96%-COMM. FTDS is on
target although there was a slight drop of 1% due to non-payment. There will be additional advertisement and
marketing to reach goal. Dr. Pat wishes all a great summer.
During the last couple of curriculum meetings there has been clean up of the General Education along with area
A, B, C of course of outline with emails being sent recommending removal or strengthen up the programs.
There will be a new process for the new courses which would eliminate the writing by simply using the A9 form.
This will be included in the Best Practice which will be revised and updated before SU14 for those working on
curriculum during the summer.
There will be changes to the present process of the CTE faculty update for text book. Changes to the operating
procedure to eliminate having to be representation for the two year review
Most of the current Curriculum members will be returning with a few new members, Jason Hlebakos for MVC,
Ron Bowman and Larry Barraza for SJC. K. Billingsley will not be returning as the DE coordinator and will be
Mt. San Jacinto College
Academic Senate
replaced by T. Smith.
Shared Governance Committee
Vice President of Student Services
Academic Senate Reports:
President’s Report:
There has been a second BOT board meeting for Facility Bond that appears to be moving forward slowly.
L. Slattery-Farrell and S. Searl-Chapin are updating the equivalency forms and process with hopes to be
completed by graduation. Joint Hiring Committee continues to evolve with the cleanup processes.
Vice President’s Report:
S. Searl-Chapin spoke to questions that were raised regarding the Curriculum Committee which presently falls
under a Shared Governance. Following the discussion with college council and academic senate, it has been
decided to remove the curriculum committee from the shared governance listing and instead place it under the
Academic Senate committees. The senate has assured the structure, content and the process of curriculum will
not be changed in any way before, during or after the updates and diversions from Shared Governance to the
Academic Senate web page.
Senators’ Reports:
• N. Reeves—as the newly selected Appointments Secretary for Executive Senate he has been working on
fulfilling requests for faculty appointments.
• E. Menz—has a second meeting with Brian Orlauski with plans to pilot the digital FLEX for fall 2014.
Evelyn advised the committee of her resignation as the Vice President of the Executive Senate. Evelyn will
remain on the San Jacinto site council as a senator.
• C. Maroudas--None
• H. Alarcon--None
Old Business
Dual Enrollment Advisory (10+1, #4, 5, 7) Rickianne Rycraft
(Attachments: MOU, Dual Enrollment Handbook (not included), Organization Chart, Vision Statement)
The last Dual Enrollment meeting was productive; with many revisions to the MOU, Organization Chart and
vision statement unfortunately the handbook cannot be provided at this time but with hopes for a completion by
M. Stewart highlighted of few of the revisions of the attachment MOU which now reflexes the changes. The
Senate had requested additional minor changes and clarification as to what is considered an acceptable number
of or percentage of instructor absences before that instructor can be replaced. This number or percentage must
be consistent with the instructor’s employee contract.”
N. Reeves brought forth concerns of the union president that HS faculty teaching college classes not covered by
the Associate faculty that cannot be contracted outside of the union. The senate suggested the union will need
to formally speak to this issue. In the meanwhile Dr. Pat will pursue the legality issue by following up with
Mt. San Jacinto College
Academic Senate
There was confusion as to the placement on the agenda since it was expected to be an action item. Dr. Pat
urged the senate to approve with pending amendments so it could be utilized now although it will be necessary
for Dual Enrollment to make changes before presenting to the Executive Senate.
A special thanks to the Dual Enrollment Advisory committee for their outstanding work under the guidance and
direction of Ricki Rycraft.
M—S. Searl-Chapin, SC—H. Alarcon
Approved as a living document for MOU (with the recommended changes to come at a later date. Any changes
must be brought back to academic senate for approval), the Organization Chart and the Vision Statement
Ayes—L. Slattery-Farrell, S. Searl-Chapin, E. Menz, N. Reeves, and H. Alarcon
Absent: C. Maroudas
New Business
Common Assessment (10+1, #4) Dr. Vincent and Joanna Quejada
Joanna Quejada presented:
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s office seeks Pilot Colleges to participate in the Common
Assessment Initiative and to provide critical support and feedback in the development of a Common
Assessment system that will benefit all California Community Colleges. The initiative will comprise assessment
information, test creation, delivery and administration.
Education Planning Initiative/Degree Audit System (EPI)(10+1, #4) Dr. Vincent and Joanna Quejada
Joanna Quejada presented:
The EPI initiative similar roles to Common Assessment with development of the transcript, articulation and
curriculum inventory elements necessary to facilitate existing college education planning and degree audit
systems. The initiative will use centralized and integrated technology solution that will deliver information to
better guide students to define and achieve their educational goals, while streamlining the process and providing
support to faculty and staff using the system.
M—H. Alarcon, SC—S. Searl-Chapin
Approved Executive Senate endorses both Common Assessment and EPI as viable projects for the college to
Ayes—L. Slattery-Farrell, S. Searl-Chapin, E. Menz, N. Reeves and H. Alarcon
Absent: C. Maroudas
Action Items
Supplemental Instruction Program (10+1 #4) J. Levasseur (1 attachment Revised “Request for SI Form”)
Discussion: the SI form revision was brought forth from the Site Council for approval.
M—N. Reeves, SC—S. Searl-Chapin
Ayes—L. Slattery-Farrell, S. Searl-Chapin, E. Menz, N. Reeves and H. Alarcon|
Absent: C. Maroudas
Mt. San Jacinto College
Academic Senate
The next MSJC Executive Senate Meeting will be held on September 23, 2014 at 12:30 pm, SJC room 200 linked with MVC, room 805
M—H. Alarcon, SC—S. Searl-Chapin
Approved to adjourn at 1:56 pm
Ayes—L. Slattery-Farrell, S. Searl-Chapin, E. Menz, N. Reeves and H. Alarcon
Absent: C. Maroudas
Additional information or available background material regarding any Item on the Executive Senate Meeting agenda may be obtained by contacting (951) 487-3403, prior to the meeting.
Board of Trustees: A. Motte, D.McGargill, T. Ashley, E. Kadow, G.
Student Trustee: N. Warren
Academic Senate:
Executive: L. Slattery-Farrell, S. Searl-Chapin, Evelyn Menz,
Nick Reeves, Herb Alarcon, Carla Maroudas
SJC Site Council: L. Slattery-Farrell, E. Menz, A. Ramirez, D.
Dalaimo, T. Smith, Herb Alarcon
MVC Site Council: S. Searl-Chapin, Nick Reeves, Caren
Hennessy, Jeremy Brown, R. Rycraft, Carla Maroudas
Judiciary Committee: S. Roulette, E. Ozolins, L. Barkley
Superintendent/President: Roger Schultz; Director,
Superintendent/President's Office: K. Donnell
Foundation Executive Director: Vacant
President of MSJCFA: K. Cranney
Classified Senate: D. Bridge
President SGA: S. Boatman
Vice Presidents: W. Vincent, M. Kane, B. Elam, P. Schwerdtfeger
Deans: J. Quejada, M. Orloff, J. Johnson, T. Spillman, R .Rowley, C.
Tovares, P. Springer, K. Winston, W. Ellis, B. Orlauski, B.
Associate Deans: , R. Teague, T. Sisco, S. Loomis, P. Howell,
Directors/Supervisor: K. Marriott, B. Twitty, M. Mendoza, K.
Kouanchao, S. Williams, B. Carmody, C. Naish, N. Mesaris,
T. Safranek,
Police Administrator/Manager: J. Miyashiro, J. Matthews
Librarians: S. Moore, A. Walker, M. Flores
WWW Publication: S. Cason
Mt. San Jacinto College, a California Community College, offers accessible, innovative, comprehensive and quality
educational programs and services to diverse, dynamic and growing communities both within and beyond traditional geographic boundaries. We
support life-long learning and student success by utilizing proven educational methodologies as determined by collaborative institutional planning and
assessment. To meet economic and workforce development needs, MSJC provides students with basic skills, general and career education that lead to
transfer, associate degrees and certificates. Our commitment to student learning empowers students with the skills and knowledge needed to effect
positive change and enhance the world in which we live.