Selective Programs Evaluation Deadlines, 2016-2017

Thank you for your interest in Owens Community College selective health programs. These programs have selective admission requirements;
please work with your Advisor regarding your program of interest. For appointment scheduling please contact (567) 661-2387. You can find your
Advisor in Ozone by clicking “My Advisor.”
If you were previously evaluated and denied, and wish to be re-evaluated for the same program or any other health program, it is your
responsibility to complete the “Request for Health Evaluation” in your Ozone account.
*Please note: All high school level course requirements must be at least 1 credit. All science courses MUST contain a lab section.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college
transcript(s), ACT/SAT scores, evidence of high school biological science course and
chemistry with a “C” grade or better, completion of the TEAS placement test (first
attempt only of the most recent version). The deadline date for a complete file is
January 13, 2016 for Fall 2016; August 10, 2016 for Spring 2017; and January
11, 2017 for Fall 2017. Classes begin Fall and Spring semesters on the Toledo- and
Findlay-area campuses.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college
transcript(s), evidence of high school algebra and chemistry with a “C” grade or better,
proof of successful completion of a Nurse’s Aide Training (STNA) course, successful
completion of the TEAS test, and 2.0 overall Owens Community College cumulative
grade point average. Classes begin Spring semesters on the Findlay campus and Fall
semesters on Toledo campus. The deadline date for a complete file is January 13,
2016 (Fall 2016 - Toledo/Spring 2017 – Findlay); May 11, 2016 (Fall 2016 – Toledo/
Spring 2017 – Findlay); August 10, 2016 (Spring 2017 – Findlay, Fall 2017 – Toledo)
and January 11, 2017 (Fall 2017 – Toledo/Spring 2018 – Findlay)
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, LPN transcript,
college transcript(s), evidence of high school biological science course and chemistry
with a “C” grade or better, completion of the TEAS test (first attempt only of the
most recent version), and completion of the HESI PN-ADN exam (first attempt only).
Classes begin Spring semester on the Toledo campus and Fall semester on the Findlay
campus each year. The deadline date for a complete file is January 6, 2016 (Fall
2016 – Findlay); May 11, 2016 (Spring 2017 – Toledo) and January 11, 2017 (Fall
2017 – Findlay) and May 10, 2017 (Spring 2018 – Toledo). Prior to the first nursing
class, students must provide evidence of pharmacology certification.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college transcript(s),
ACT scores, and evidence of high school algebra and chemistry with a “C” grade or
better. The deadline date for a complete file is September 14, 2016 for Fall 2017 and
September 13, 2017 for Fall 2018. Classes begin Fall semester each year. Surgical
accepts 18 students per class.
Your Success Starts Here.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college
transcript(s), ACT/SAT scores, and evidence of high school algebra and chemistry with
a “C” grade or better. The deadline date for a complete file is June 15, 2016 for Fall
2016 and June 14, 2017 for Fall 2017. Classes begin Fall semester each year. OTA
accepts 28 students per class.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college
transcripts, ACT/SAT scores, evidence of high school algebra with a “C” grade or
better, high school chemistry or biology or physics with a “C” grade or better, and
completion of 24 observation hours (at least 8 hours in 3 different PTA settings –
acute care, out-patient, and skilled nursing facility). The deadline date for a complete
file is June 15, 2016 for Fall 2016 and June 14, 2017 for Fall 2017. Classes begin Fall
semester each year. PTA accepts 26 students per class.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college
transcript(s), ACT/SAT scores, and evidence of high school algebra and chemistry
with a “C” grade or better. Classes begin Fall semester each year.The deadline date for
a complete file is January 13, 2016 for Fall 2016; May 11, 2016 for Fall 2016; and
September 14, 2016 for Fall 2017. Dietetic accepts 24 students per class.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college
transcript(s), ACT/SAT scores, and evidence of high school algebra and chemistry with
a “C” grade or better. The deadline date for a complete file is May 11, 2016 for Fall
2016; August 10, 2016 and December 14, 2016 for Spring 2017. Medical Assisting
accepts 16 students per class. Classes begin Fall and Spring semesters on the Toledoarea campus only.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college
transcript(s), ACT/SAT scores, evidence of high school algebra and chemistry with
a “C” grade or better. The deadline date for a complete file is January 13, 2016;
May 18, 2016 for Fall 2016 and September 14, 2016 for Fall 2017. Classes
begin Fall semester each year. HIT accepts 25 students per class.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college
transcripts, ACT/SAT scores, and evidence of high school algebra and chemistry
with a “C” grade or better. The deadline date for a complete file is January 13,
2016; May 18, 2016 for Fall 2016; September 14, 2016 for Fall 2017. Classes
begin Fall semester each year. Medical Coding accepts 50 students per class.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, college
transcript(s), ACT scores, and evidence of high school algebra and chemistry with
a “C” grade or better. The deadline date for a complete file is February 3, 2016
for Fall 2016 and February 1, 2017 for Fall 2017. Classes begin Fall semester each
year. Dental Hygiene accepts 25 students per class.
A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript, and college
transcript(s). Developmental reading course needed as determined through
placement test score must be completed for acceptance. The deadline date for
a complete file is May 25, 2016 for Fall 2016 and October 26, 2016 for
Spring 2017. Classes begin Fall and Spring each year. Dental Assisting accepts
25 students each semester.
Radiography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Diagnostic
Medical Sonography: General and Vascular Concentrations
All programs housed within the Medical Imaging Technologies Department are
selective admissions programs. Students who desire to be considered for any
program(s) housed within the Medical Imaging Technologies (MIT) Department
must first be accepted into the department (Step One), and then additional
requirements are necessary to be awarded a seat in their program of interest
(Step Two). A complete file includes: an application, high school/GED transcript,
college transcripts, ACT/SAT scores, and evidence of high school algebra and
chemistry with a “C” grade or better. The deadline dates for a complete file for
acceptance into the MIT Department (Step One) are: January 6, June 1 and
August 17, 2016 and January 11, 2017. The deadline dates for a program
review (StepTwo) are: October 19, 2016 (Radiography only) and March 16,
Students who meet the admission requirements for acceptance to the
department are sent an e-mail to their Owens Community College e-mail account
that requires them to call the Medical Imaging Technologies (MIT) Department
office to schedule an appointment with the Chair. After meeting with the chair,
students are required to complete one or more four hour visits to local health
care agencies to observe the various imaging modalities in which they have
an interest. Following the observations, students must return a response card
requesting to be evaluated for the specific MIT program(s) of their choice.
Admission to all programs is competitive. Students are ranked by the points
obtained by the evaluation. Students earning the highest number of points are
invited to accept a position in the program of their choice. After completion of
the evaluations, students are sent an e-mail to their Owens Community College
e-mail account that requires them accept a seat in the program of their choice.
Students have 14 days to respond to this email.
The step two evaluations for all programs are completed in March. Students
accepting a seat in Magnetic Resonance, Sonography – General, and Sonography
– Vascular will begin the program in June. Students accepting a seat in March
in Radiography will begin the program the following January. An additional
evaluation for Radiography is completed in September. Students accepting a
seat in September in Radiography will begin the program the following June. It
is highly recommended that Radiography students complete PHY 211 Radiologic
Physics the fall semester prior to their January start date or spring semester prior
to the June start.
The number of students accepted is limited by clinical availability. Radiography
accepts 20 students for each class that begins in January (March review) and
June (September review). Magnetic Resonance accepts 12 students, General
Sonography accepts 13 students and Vascular Sonography accepts 10 students;
these programs begin only once per year in June.
r. 12/2015