VCOC 2016 - Illinois Fire Chiefs Association

Illinois Fire Chiefs Associa on
Dedicated to Excellence in the Fire Service
P.O. Box 7
Skokie, Illinois 60076
An invitation to the 2016 VCOC Conference
On behalf of IFCA President Brian Doyle, IFCA Executive Board, and our Volunteer and Combination Officer Committee
members, I extend an invitation to volunteer and combination fire chiefs and officers from around Illinois to join the VCOC
in our renewed annual Conference. On November 5 & 6, 2016 the IFCA-VCOC will host the only conference in the
Midwest tailored for the education of volunteer and combination fire officers.
There are many great conferences out there; however, very few focus on the specific topics important to the officer who
is leading the very dynamic structure of a volunteer and combination departments. Our VCOC Conference Committee
has carefully designed educational tracks with topics that are important and interesting to the officer of a volunteer and
combination department.
There are a couple of changes this year. Due to low attendance at the Friday tired travelers events, we have decided not
to hold that this year. Dinner is on your own on Friday night. Also, we will be having a very light breakfast offering on
Saturday morning so please plan breakfast on your own, we are firefighters so of course there will be plenty of coffee.
The conference kicks off at 8:45 on Saturday morning.
We are excited to be joined by Chief Peter Van Dorpe of the Algonquin Lake in the Hills Fire Protection District who will
share with us the “The (not so) New Firefight – Top 20 Tactical Considerations from UL/NIST Firefighter Safety
Research”. Chief Van Dorpe will be with us most of the day on Saturday. As a normal feature in our conference, we will
present the “Small Town – Big Incident” series Saturday afternoon. On Saturday evening we will enjoy a cookout and
networking session (included in your registration fee).
On Sunday morning we will start with a hearty breakfast (included with your registration fee). Our first presentation on
Sunday is Chief Dan Eggleston of the Albemarle County Fire Department, Albemarle County, Virginia will present “Real
Ways to Recruit and Retain Volunteers”. The Albemarle County Fire Department is one of the largest combination
departments in the United States, and though they have full-time career personnel they are successfully recruiting and
retaining volunteer firefighters who operate from many volunteer stations around the county. Chief Eggleston is a great
advocate for volunteer and combination services, serves on the Volunteer and Combination Officer Section Board of
Directors and was a recipient of the 2016 International Fire Chief of the Year. Sunday afternoon we will discuss
firefighter behavioral health with Dan DeGryse of the Rosecrance Program; we need to take care of our physical and
mental health.
We have worked out the details to make sure this is accessible to the volunteer officer; the time of the year, schedule of
the day, location and very affordable lodging, registration and meals. Don’t be the one wishing you attended when all
your peers are talking about the great conference they just attended. Also, remember the slogan of “each one bring
one”; if you are attending, bring your neighboring department chief or assistant chief and carpool.
Sign up today – register at
Al Yancey, Jr.
Al Yancey Jr., Chairman
Volunteer and Combination Officer Committee
Illinois Fire Chiefs
Volunteer Combination & Chief Officer Committee Seminar
November 5-6, 2016
Holiday Inn Hotel and the Thelma Keller Convention Center, Effingham IL
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Registra on and Con nental Breakfast
Opening Remarks
Chief Dave Weiss, Westmont FD, Vice Chair VCOC
Chief Jim Kreher, Barrington/Countryside FPD IFCA Pres
Chief Al Yancey, Minooka FPD, VCOC Chairperson
Keynote Address: “The (not so) New Firefight; The Top
20 Tac cal Considera ons from UL/NIST Firefighter
Safety Research”
Chief Peter Van Dorpe, Algonquin‐LITH FPD
10:15‐10:30am Break
Chief Van Dorpe con nues
12:00‐1:00pm Lunch (included in registra on)
“The (not so) New Firefight; The Top 20 Tac cal
Considera ons from UL/NIST Firefighter Safety
Chief Van Dorpe con nues
“Small Department‐Big Incident ‐‐ Water Rescue
Deputy Chief Todd Friddle, Wilmington FPD
Breakfast (included with registra on)
“Real Ways to Recruit and Retain Volunteers”
Dan Eggleston, EFO, CFO, CEMSO, Fire Rescue Chief,
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue (VA)
10:15‐10:30am Break
Dan Eggleston con nues
Organiza on Briefings
Invited Organiza ons (IFCA, OSFM, FSI, VCOC) 5‐10
minute presenta on on what’s happening with their
organiza on and what’s going on in the State of Illinois.
12:00‐1:00pm Lunch (included with registra on)
”Firefighter Peer Support—Mental Health Wellness”
Daniel DeGryse ‐ BA, BS, CEAP, CADC, LAP/C, CAI
Director, Rosecrance Florian Program; Ba alion Chief,
Chicago Fire Department
“Q & A”
Ques ons & answers, survey, final wrap up
Ques ons & Answers
“Saturday Night Cook Out”
Join us for a good old Cook Out (included with registra on)
“Open Round Table Discussion”
First Day Presenters and Invited Organiza ons
Network and share ideas with your peers
VCOC Seminar Concludes
. . . .Our Presenter's
Peter Van Dorpe is the Chief of the Algonquin-Lake in
the Hills Fire Protection District. He recently retired as
Chief of the Chicago Fire Department’s Training
Division after a 33 year career with the CFD. He holds
a Bachelor's degree in Fire Science Management from
Southern Illinois University. He has made
presentations on modern fire ground challenges at
FDIC, Firehouse Expo, Fire Rescue International and the National Fire
Academy. In 2012 he delivered the General Session Keynote at FDIC
and addressed the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on
Financial Services and General Government, on the “Effectiveness of
Furniture Flammability Standards and Flame Retardant Chemicals”.
In addition to his work as a Field Instructor for the Illinois Fire Service
Institute, he has been a lead instructor for the Chicago Fire
Department's Fire Officer School, and has taught building construction
for the fire service through the City Colleges of Chicago. He is a
member of the Advisory Board for Underwriters Laboratories’
Firefighter Safety Research Institute.
He has recently participated as a Subject Matter Expert for UL’s
research on "Structural Stability of Engineered Lumber In Fire
Conditions", the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s,
“Evaluating Firefighting Tactics Under Wind Driven Conditions”, the
IAFF/NIST “Firefighter Safety and Deployment Study” in high rise
buildings, and the NIOSH investigation in to the Line of Duty Deaths of
two Boston firefighters that occurred on March 26th, 2014.
The Not So New Firefight; The Top 20 Tactical Considerations
from UL/NIST Firefighter Safety Research
Lightweight energy efficient construction, modern fuels, firefighter
encapsulation and manpower reductions have combined to make
today’s residential firefight a dramatically new challenge for even the
most experienced firefighter. UL and NIST have been leading the effort
to meet this challenge through research and education initiatives. At
FDIC 2014, UL’s Steve Kerber presented a “Top 20” list of tactical
considerations based on this research. In this session, Chief Peter Van
Dorpe, a member of the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute’s
Advisory Board will use Kerber’s “Top 20” to guide a discussion on how
firefighters may best implement the principles and concepts arising out
of this body of work, and debunk some of the myths, misstatements
and misinterpretation that has made its way onto blogs and social
Todd M. Friddle is a 3rd generation, 25 year veteran of
the fire service and a Deputy Chief with the Wilmington
Fire Protection District in Wilmington, IL. Todd has a
background in law enforcement having served several
years as a full time police officer. He is a certified fire
officer and is the team leader for the MABAS Division 15
Water Rescue Team as well as an active member with the
MABAS Division 15 Incident Management Team.
Dan Eggleston began his fire service career in
1978 and is currently the career Fire Rescue Chief
with the Albemarle County Department of Fire
Rescue, a 700 member combination department
that serves a 723 square mile urban/rural area.
Chief Eggleston has an AAS Degree in
Engineering, a BS degree in business, and an MS
degree in Emergency Management from the University of Richmond.
He is a graduate from the National Fire Academy's Executive Fire
Officer Program and received his Chief Fire Officer Designation (CFO)
and Chief Medical Officer Designation (CEMSO) from the Center for
Public Safety Excellence.
Chief Eggleston is a Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Fire
programs adjunct fire instructor and is an active member of the Virginia
Fire Chief Association. He has published many articles and research
papers relating to fire and EMS administration and emergency
management and has lectured and consulted throughout the country
Daniel DeGryse is a 26-year firefighter with the
Chicago Fire Department who has served as an
officer for 19 years. Dan presently holds the rank of
Battalion Chief/EMT.
He also served as the
Coordinator of the Chicago Firefighters’ Union Local
2's Employee Assistance Program for 14 years.
Dan is a Certified Employee Assistance
Professional (CEAP), a Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor
(CADC), a Certified Labor Assistance Professional (LAP/C), a Certified
ARISE Interventionist (CAI), and holds advanced training in Critical
Incident Stress Management (CISM). Dan operated in the capacity of
peer supporter in New York after the terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001,
and in Chicago following the E-2 nightclub disaster. Dan has been a
member of the International Association of Firefighters Labor/EAP
committee since 2002.
Dan holds degrees from two universities; A Bachelor of Science in
Fire Science Management from Southern Illinois University and a
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from Wabash College.
Previously, Dan worked six years as a counselor at a private hospital,
where his experience included individual, group, and family therapy for
adolescents and adults in the area of addictions and behavior
VCOC Mission
To represent the leadership of the volunteer and combina on fire
departments in the State of Illinois; to assist officers in the development of
professional leadership skills, representa on on important issues affec ng
the volunteer services of the State, and enhance local capabili es of our
volunteer organiza ons.
Did you know there’s an ACTIVE statewide SAFER grant to
assist your department with recruitment and reten on?
The IFCA received a $1.3 million dollar SAFER grant to address
volunteer firefighter reten on and recruitment throughout
Illinois. This includes statewide recruitment adver sements,
Reten on & Recruitment Workshops, and funding to pay for
your local recruitment campaigns.
How can your department take advantage of this program?
A end one of the Reten on & Recruitment Workshops to learn
new methods to help with your specific challenges and network
with Chiefs from around the state. There is no cost to a end
and your mileage, lodging, and per diem will be reimbursed.
Begin your local recruitment campaign today by contac ng the
Grant Administrator, John Myers. Items such as brochures,
banners, flyers, newspaper ads, and event displays are
examples of what other departments are using to promote their
recruitment on a local level. All of these materials are available
at no cost to your department through the IFCA SAFER grant.
Fire service leaders and community leaders are encouraged to
a end this R&R Workshop. There is NO COST to a end the
Workshop, travel, two nights lodging, and per diem for
a endees will be reimbursed upon comple on of the
workshop. The R&R Workshop is designed to facilitate open
discussion about local Volunteer Firefighter reten on and
recruitment issues, including:
 Leadership challenges & Management skills
 Learn about Reten on & Recruitment incen ves and how
to fund them
 Iden fying and communica ng your local volunteer need
to the public
 Develop and implement a local marke ng plan
Reten on and Recruitment Workshop, Marion
To register contact Ashley at 855‐VOL‐FIRE (855‐865‐3473)or
go to
December 3‐4, 2016—Macomb IL
Set up a mee ng with the Grant Administrator to discuss your
recruitment needs and brainstorm marke ng ideas. John is
available to meet with individual departments or to present at
Chiefs, county, MABAS, etc. mee ngs.
To begin your local recruitment campaign or to learn more
please contact Chief John Myers, Chillicothe FD, Re red through
the IFCA officiate at
1‐800‐662‐0732 or by email at
Thelma Keller Conven on Center/
Holiday Inn Express
The seminar program will be held at the Thelma Keller
Conven on Center, 1202 N. Keller Drive, Effingham IL. A
block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn
Express a ached to the Keller Conven on Center. Please
contact the hotel directly by calling 217‐540‐7777. The room
rate is $99.00/night + tax. Please men on the IFCA to receive
the room rate.
The Thelma Keller Conven on Center is located in Central
Illinois. It is a comfortable drive from all areas of the state.
Effingham offers easy access via major Interstate, U.S. and
Illinois highways. Located at the intersec on of Interstates 57
& 70 at Exit 160, U.S. highways 40 & 45 and Illinois highways
32 & 33.
The VCOC has a Twi er page dedicated to volunteer and
combina on department issues. Twi er handle is
Illinois Fire Chiefs Association
7th Annual
Volunteer & Combination Officer Symposium
November 5-6, 2016
Thelma Keller Convention Center/Holiday Inn
1301 Avenue of Mid-America, Effingham Illinois
Please complete the form below and fax to 847/966-0782, email to or make
check payable and mail to: IFCA, PO Box 352, Mundelein IL 60060
Mailing Address
City, State, Zip
My department is:
 Volunteer with paid chief
Population of Area Served
Cost: $60.00 per person (includes conference registration & lunch on both days)
Check Enclosed PO Number_____________ Bill Department Credit Card (provide info below)
¨ Charge Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover)________________________________
(4% service charge added)
Exp Date_____________________ (MM/YYYY)
If cardholder information is different that registration information please complete info below
Cardholder Name_______________________________________________________________________________
Cardholder Address, City, Zip______________________________________________________________________
Cardholder Phone Number__________________________________________
Mail To: Illinois Fire Chiefs Assn, PO Box 352, Mundelein IL 60060 or
Fax To: 847.966.0782; Email to:
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn (formerly Holiday Garden Inn) at $99.00/nt+tax
Please mention that you are attending the IFCA conference to obtain the rate.