444441 To TT P. Silina.mgr-Ar 41314$1 (the Gatette of ;indict EXTRAGIEDINARY Wirt II/ —131M 4 PART III—Section 4 WNTWIT VAPM PUBLIMIED BY AUTHORITY — = -P7g, S7Ellarl .4MIPM 17, 1934 NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012/KART/KA IT 1934 41 2471 No 2471 671812( 1111)418/ ich4lca ?wan Trf-erc arfthp-gr fg-ffg, X 9..1e, 2012 341tff qrratg wa-914 fOrgg trumg,[ gorilcragimnig (frit) fizgre gwr APT *ISMS PTV [Pp ef TIT d-ifrr e41,411] Vara, 2012 al. Tr. 37 - 3a.315.nr2TI/2212.- 371.1. .2.121 ..8n1 1: 218. iq 3n, 1987 (1987 m 52) .12➢ 71 10 (i) 387 (v) ..:121: Ern )1151 23 .1 )311-4. (1) 31518. 510-1 315.1 2115.821t .11 wan )1815. grftm 911811 :11185/11. fn- In.111:111 m,1811: S. /. 14-119 VIM. 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F t9-341-i asnfarrt or cto rat din. idea-Rs;md R 9r4 try4 R ax C 4 a al-cp-PM If -tI4 7:0) ct A-aff favca4d4 R 4'ct ft4)114 RTII TRTT er I 90aTc44, fwd arFrErcorA struA 3-rien,1 A egg A 9tred/var ma tntar 44r t-au Rerl Traf4VITFZI au el gin z1 49A ft44 caspror mi -4f4d q&EllelA vl +leIZT aft fZ9I-Ithlr, 4111 Vfltz4ff rtt Vr 1=1 34 ftm er, ai NNTA4A 317RTICOTO7 FPFTZT a at-3h aFr1 Al 31-7-44 crc4Lird arum 471441t.ch fia git fawn f4-4144r ffit 31 A,41 4 a A9 *91 er-19 9 fe 94-494-crraz Aga x s7m The-ra gI71a11 -91( PM fAa ,H41 i I 6 ai;n14ff 1731-Tifkei \rfrikinia/arql f417/ 31-elT/ 111ThgaT / TIT FLI a sic Rct) fJc,f)cPT strait Ar wira-ftf7q 724 aka firer 1=71 u1N1 TlIrEQ ei+11 Refra 1?I 7-41A ‘3.-f 50f4nt $ aid 49411W A fi Att lm Si ffUr ax alThrOtriTZT9 mt VdTTIc 6Ni mf4ff ttgr wai -acv f4erit a, 91-ft ITLfri WITRIOti ‘94T-all 341:4941 g .r44 Aftri Al 4-6A Ar J,t3914dri 91.4 t[qz4'r M7 94-44-f4t99 4 R A-4 A gT4 R a-03m 5)41 4r-fer4 ekr mmifi/ siivr/774718 .wiud acgth 1 cried 3-MT1T9 3rn aid trt i4or artz449/ORTA vfi 451 6IA 3Iftcf14 c& ci1,1 f A fkOlfer ch)I 34414a te-n inl Perm' ft-dg tInfcr [[mina rer 41 PrAArr 495A-ATA gra 4tyt ;am 4 AR, as fAur ‘54-rr 9ts-4 FA*9 FareAnz.94 19 q Tskt APr% Merm4 4-<9*19 7 t 341 A T- 919-movt A alaIRF1 ITZ'r 7719 1 3F24 4(1 614 *-49 fA ea 19-sea'R, 144[49 [1n111 5554] 577 57 7537 77775 5.6 11UR Frefdfiret aff 415rftwer f gliOR • F4..11 Tre-rftur&a) Tiltd liTirnd-Erl 4 alt-Rm cr, R71 547 5711 crwa ' thn1 adpm air 147 544 700 31-C9 575 1141 t 1 1=&R mi4 +rfkl f3m7 -crithp 131-5 arm1F/737557-61 7154-551 71-41/715h1}1 15145 55-57 771171735 A 57151 5547775 T5If arat 71-51 ,o,ra 4op arnir4i/tteim Thrt 061 en k nll fra-aq ftsni-0 4,1 34773555 5441 5555a) 77055 fecal al 1 5555752 516577-451 5R1 1-7FI 54541 1W41 trofafrrd-a kThiro- I))=4 71.91 vrre- anThch 4-6-farm-dr k 3-Turrcri crql IWQ 454 31RP vlties 115315-5 474 r5-2 5 I 11 en, to wityi 471 1#5raDurc-r=r 5.7 7751-64-35175-335 11 t7RM/ Troanun•nn a Nfirqn /r44,-FT mFf -5 27735 551 175-74umlr 1 'rte 2 515115W3131 a, 7557 fir 3573171 9151 411Arr smit43177 ft 57 75 74473717 6 -34-71 35 753 a MR45 A7577131 615 3 ta-13Th 331-5 5555 455 715541 uftl# aw filar Msit:m b .)- I 4 79-5-F731 1-5a114 36 a 1tJ1-31 5175 1434 TrTfni q)) arTkItu Pon WiErer 116[14-arao 71475 fktr4 6aIffrfird f ipl uncinr 144k k 443 5157154-351- 1 44/ 545-37-143 51 443 7735-517 5711 734 3-74351 67171-1R-5 al, 1 sfrrtm k T5 5 651 5 331-5-7r5-5- 351ffi/365 sTIAt 555310 53 arzzet fr 571445 71741`91 35 31-37171- 755 I 731-55145/35-21 1135343r / 3134533711 331 A srrfrti ftchc-rin 77575 qa Tit6f#ftecr -crt art-reilfrar4 gur fpm MI1 ii qfp, 145 Nria s)-fdrnim-r srlThdfk #74 wnrf3p4 4 et co'r 1/44) cei arrct-o; armr(4111174 .155-7135 7135- 4,14d- f-47=cr urF4 qft-e-dtf R7-57 5 1, 5155 IR@ 761fi 55-55151 71471171 X113717113751 k 77535 5355 I /774 1-a UALNEE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY alt q R.Erd4 itm TD•A-1 fdxlesfi t t cb4 d al:Rem 041 F IF ri t 41-4 ITTN trtifa 79 rittyr art-1W anti tom S favf et It Arcift-Bari NSF urr -‘11 -22rt urn, e min ad, 4137.S 31197 YS 41 arum tr-wzrFATi m5 Ter mil al click AcErrA/krq? 31TEITZ 110, ft Tit c. TifinS tItt fr-d-ttt 971 etiad er4 a r,.m m fORsp-lef/fltro, 319 fkztod araft1 (wrzimm.r) air awl ti Dwr-$9 lima u)-4 ER 341 art: -cgs tra E1 af-Z-zrr 3114 Ca 3P3 314t* asr 4 717/7& R I 6 eiet asarVletzie 301-dad (+1) egie ) amid urermra ferusgl 61 lalraur6-q aMada, t tlfzi 61170771313 31671 ar.-ei asirf.te.T/ 111011 ch ttcrtarr.larF, 3-401t7arg tran3lratr TkIrtt t-Rrt : 1317, 30.#kr-IDIF arrUfkrrram, 3Arf2 ft 6117117 7476 1,71 4- 117 71137R 3167 74)666 ch 67 4 srarm roc,' tiftriet Si 7# firast PPiP d 617313 47 a 6N511111 7771 37717 aa 3117f1 "Tat 771 dRav (A17 -crt) am-4d alarm ul4ixa, ctiFt<e mickfr 7617 afirtz-, d-rfa-wi ttil4T-11 i ftc Tre argi 1%-41 414 crici 17'777 s fare Tit-R, ,Plci 14) (F) ARITI fie ardur. Treigcn .54)1:4R, 7:413/4cre drfrm our sitt+H Own 311 4r4(ii trq tcg awn grt f rif2a m't Trd FAT..cdF 319 cio-ir (t) Ter IfrAt 7r1t7 I (a) 317 €01cDa1s # er/rt 71 arum bra 111A17 37111:47, ( ), \.44-m Slaa6316 (417) a611 7117116 a, ad* tx0 tr? (1) 3114r (A) fa 21746/ 0%7 1 TN) 44f at-0-d rritzr4 8 Yr,YC7 N+.EIT el I SItchl7 1;++I pftchw, as 76676 71 7671, scrich'TR -‘wr fie. .ittr trq ae fie aPiThittl sr<r PwNd 79 4, ge-d4 zdriTdT S *la t..11 1 179' vel En-t 3-4 FARIWR4 kiqrLM NIT inz f046-17crE1/1 term(/MA TrAcRIAA klfdaalAf#qrremm9a aiirra*arra wn 'w[ FRATI311 bq er I fEtur ff=j1=4 14,41 At A4AIIIA A, arIRTO tae AAAT crzat arum wgt 4, kilo 3AdIA ffi-7 \n otf al arta) ‘Erafl- * fi atom 31-AUT APINA t15<it ffiMTAARarAZAzdi g. AYT — As mR r~MUwfcl em Mt % aT, mr't M In] 4-4-trrt 1 ft=j-Wf rn 4-4-trt cwr ma IA -AT MAI %I:4k a,9 argwr at ffil n¢ rd(ZA .2.1 AATZI 3174P4 Aa1 at fm-car A war4 trq va , a fl 3174A AR TZZAAI m, F n z7F1 rrz 3.0c.ti,of Ter Ttqj VATFI SIM; IAA Tftri AAAIAI WAIT A cb, xahr I 1 A-4 AMR TrcEof Amad ATA TIZA 31d2TAAA-Z aa o? 4] ‘3,Frm`l wuri (art,4/telm/cfx0) Tnt f ffi t ftm uirt 4-R71 RAZ ZA WWI ZAZ NCI-0 ra rcr.q Tr Lt. AM ardi Nu& AcIAIA chi ftr (TIWF) rm:f ue flora Mr1 ZA ARAZ (BuirRar414 avt4cbit) aar 14,a541%-oN Ekt $'1 # aura WAR AREA MAI AZ (lfck) ItAIT r C-z- I ■ L THE c 40 00 0 14 uqr tItzR a-st fazedEruzipS (0- 7) Itum-1 arm-4f42 PNIcei k°g-t-f1(CI41.3111) * sria-fta Kr.q.7-41.) Alt I • ftrur. 31114171 (01r4 4 ) 1 I1curle4-1 046100 NT21°N-gTq wYa: f!Mximr 3m-rimmem as annift armie,ftrw Omomm q-cmhemr, rmim (m) 101000 ftremrr 01414010 merdmeaTAM (m) mmlekm is (m) Allen nmr! Tummemet d mme4ARemr, (r!) Rmrm'! Eerm!! atdfeTa NIAdA mmirLMA ti o &Me! - mA airft A Mmerm AMrm mramrm kinq3 041/ ‘7144 00 10N 1154100 :0400 armeftferm idwicl 1001,00 7507 75 *1 1140101100 04 311011M 0001 0100 C1011 TT :040ftli/ 0110 mtirft cm! 100111010 10/01 N10111 I coleim JR arftrw-mi aim A sr-T-M ) 140 1 U41&41•1 MIFFU, RTerfk•Ot 3rmftham! meri3A nr. MtvOc! 50 30141• 0100, JITNINTI ar40490 (0-4140) N 00040 mg d * 2. 1 S .50%111 NI40-11-1 0:0711111 31017 3-0-11 ft0411: 3701:0112:7 9T9 1 tId 0 3. 01110 011:000411 t 01:3et0 0E4 N121/ 01:0100410 201 310101 0000 1°411011-1 049 ad°010:14N1 310110/0 mamma meld 4e qiqq5Pir Vgia I 20 4 11501f0g1 010 91141k101 %leg3Tft7P1 1tm,f1 NI 01110100, fININ74-17 N10 artwr9 cm-a, Err7rm-9 rmlw arrft 20 Atm! mrkt! MMFIzpi, srsAmiam taw as 11041141031IN44-0 300100 3110100 aftmoaan 25 sa imMer 125 11005012 g[40111 211102Ig g1 75 idea 3P0Aff mer mr-01 t met arden meta 3111212-110 0/21100 A memimmrt mhem t Au! ,sw mmarmmi t ate" rim *11! S cloy! 344fted and tol! arm-ft-firm 1 -cfrreer rypmim €h-sm A trftmdm fm-e lemerm ft *tea/ wmptremm mM I mlf t-g arAred On ArimA agemR arrAftm wlsuull (*airt) dm! 011101F7 00401 I itr arra31:1141gg 1 ecy 80 srfdsm1 me 371111, 00110010 300INITY0 ftrtRo meR mural t. 34 memcmil A or-A m,Mx ftEra ter A! 3T1 gg. -gragg fg-gp fgg,Roomg, ggn tam de. firers * gg-rgcgosgggt-il ar-trglgrs Igggr-gg veggim (4.t.a4) gmatgrs ftsgre .44E1 maniac * -fa M rgg fgragm 6113T alf-at ***A **I g.tgagg atm 15 g aof ags sagrfgg t I gtH aim g f mgr %gm arts gkgit Mil Tredg aim Alt ft7 grg g grg the IMag fagars-ggq *-4g lm firers TfT taa theta) gge arm gf,gg ag es-A g, aaF C 9u9 31t4f: (is) 7.1111.3*. arm) gq geggmegyi m4 igg gg,-gb t, 511t R1 f41C gg-ruggsg , aim Igigg-gr * Frg gr ugg ttg I gd mgr ‘grg met gmig w army gtg ggagg gPil 3a1ar/gog eggigg 5ler tag gt-r wgrrri 4* a *4 alas al eemr 73111.30. 311* aan ata1313 d7171mr T13T1*1 1 ****131 d‘f arm I),mmmwi ar aald **11 **a *Fa as atiti afilat *fit and **WW1 *1 aims 431. 2:34T daa altd t*Ial tel midmelN $t 1a1alt 'Mt a*-***. aat d* eTn *ID* taaatellal 010 Craaata‘a. /**1.4 T%11 aggg gthg, gragi A alalta fatg, +Wit tiggisg, faggig k 4 igugg *411 arlgrt-gg art (aalta) 20 t ali* 3t* alttdi agagl-gm <gat ggra eggigggh VTRgigg 71 Ad* daT1 (Matt ** 1C1.11 **AO t1TI (fit t13131-11 .1111*111a tart **tat ant, cgwrgit A ggggre, *t giggigol mar al tla 31311 ttal ad. fT to m 14 efggigg 1141 Iggil 'gm t)] 15 1111 emit 50 et c a agiltm 15 44 III . SIT#17 ( T) 74T ars-Rftw ffig zr1114Nir 3•11gT4f RR. 3 gg111117 Poe ar)f-ft- 311 agtgrgfige ggall411 g1-gg1 (g114311g) are sam124-ci fI o , ar-srdils fturrqA tjamim (741ari3) at lagrgggigra•th mar (IX,* t dTa tfrrl g I N-qua ars 1144111 igS1g wd gig] fa at 1167 .€r-A 1 >7 51rI gregg r,u ftm Wggif I anuftd t 3Y1t k*tif4A/Awi riRrrr wire ftert m 3A-Tk-srrt artr-4Ris M 3~M gggffgg N1g44)147 N•figit • actitrA Srggitg f *44-M-ff as T mm/AT- Ater/ feral-FF.113M t-vr- Itzrt t TITS favrA/ 114 i Peg VW:11 t41411 allggt1g1I atm q-1* Wes' i* TrfrO10/7rtrzm cn Al.4—Tir4 ‘31•{c-1 3211 feet, t=r4 31Fg gagg , 1 /31gT111-11 mr=rwni 11111gg *la-mitt-Er w,-,7 3 w301/ 1 1o/7mm Cdr[ viter74 (+IR orairdcr a 13,m 5/mi,va ‘.111/4) 714.A I sm 1113 eggff 50/, aidAV4 4111 ft (Agggg iTcFA g3 liVrg •114111 arraffsr ardAVRI AgIRI1g 110,171g4 I el1ia 10/311111171 wrt, qi?rs4 A gig wr4I-Trrt •Ilm 139, uml Tromt gpn ) gkr Nmlfna tawlW41 TRU 4) I HI (1l) ar9*m9 NTIYPI rirq-a 7 T TRU ig I 17k-, Trtgf4k glq[21 Thg 1114, 3211 warrs-rt VrtET grg grg ggr; 9k' 25/, YPtn 11111Rd 1101616? 5/81624711 5RT SISS gam, P-9 arrf. 621.6t76 /371P kM71. tlasal S I 31Tiltit \6/6Ii\S-611 SaIT-%66 61A 3.1-6I xarila 6111 61 It SISS616 W56166 ISMS I rrA 3119-0-ff tall s116 31-61-06 36)TM SI sg-zrrol i t1111461 SIT6T6 (ar-d-Ripa uml zlml 11667R6I grx SISI%d) I w(lm) 0/ artIFM OICHIVRT 6 I TRAraltmaa 36R 5/3-W61 o-TA arr(rTh1 A alma m-r S Sit 66 661 ane Wit >1 aftwzr ( (am-404 SISINT61) 661 icit Trigta aftR- am-aem iit NR/TrtzT &at-art A-43r S 5666166 gizi vifg- &Si 4179- Y -16‘r 3119 airtl€6%Thi sttm vtim srrrnfa ‘11414611N (\ti4R-F/74 L (3 r L7- 5 30D e1W4 664 34 50 -66- 116 tl 3666 20/ea 3771-1 % ar.1-4-r4 al (Ott% x-81 mm atOt uthi qr-41 art y TrWmTre I gRulurilL, aSi IM1 5 0 777 7577 7 30 00 77 737 by 7 3077 7 7-47 331 qR<13uhrr 15/71F7077 3.00 7271 5.00 77 7771 77 7 7 71 701 ruir ar-jem Ar11 731 tr13*$7m1 21q (50,000 Mt 33 5 (25,000 7717 7 3 -)31-3t 7177 t]I-R, ar-T4T3- 33 777( 31T<r9 i1 troi 70 471 it grefl 4772117 --1 -4-d7 1.00 u9-Trit rrrct) qti\ Lift =tr79-rq 777777 (77777 77777 Efr III (7) (iv) ,y 3R 2Ita)-1 kt -Rfr HtNl31 f;cFra3 ttma c - mvii333-r 154 ;ItIRMI ci TMI il Mtzpi/333Tri3 tFi 740 /A1 077771/ / 70747n III (q) a1Tim9- 3rrt-4341a HI. AllAH/LA • OA 10 H\rri (to_ w-ffl 7 r 73 Tifq13=3fttrr 073 3 7 47 377 7737 5I1 4)444dl) 772/7707777 / 7-0777/ sfth-zu 777 Trg 70027 AA WI )13),I.1 clAc-1. ftA3 Al it (ii) TRU 14f 10/77 3 MIt0 770 M 201 I 77 777 7 20 /NM 331 11 104sta 4124171 30/MR t! 1A 3R arr9 er3i 50/API atm-hem t■ W; ■ 0 /V Tr4 stv.r 10 /77 707791 \nig IVIT a:Tartly Lwrr III oas 4I III la s/inirtat/m-rzfirrgr tr M Siam trra3rm-ffITAcIQR Trirr (a) a Tra an al &CUM aa I Th`l 3mf 1 a I (',-fl aa 20/ AIci flaa, 1 amR io/ve (a) l'a' x-rrff aro-R4 aaRf faara ml44a, laflaa 'Irra WTI cattaaa 30 3ra (irltd)7 d N=0trd A aiTrefF arganri as fat / Ert Ert (Alitra/q). 1131t1Hall aif2 (4Tharz/q-lre7) a9 ..rufKrtr czar linti4Tfl awl sircpcbm Em ** 1 fr-trdtad sotfuT ) allOatZ1 ankaa 15/gth (a) Tit:PT (a) TRt?,[ (IT ) eaara/aaa ear (Tr) aa4a1 *qfrzi (Er) 1 -saraur arr (a) sm-R-kl7T () affik114 10/ A (a) vritzr 5 (a) THE GAZE ITE OF INDIA EVE RAORDIN ARV V ?tat da al a11-5 3331- a, (1i) 1 U211 2 a afa 3032 a-33a 3 3---15 3-1-al arl 11-31 laC-10 Grai 31, (a) 2 a 5 a tail 3'I(132 (3)033 41(;- as (z (iv) 5 a 10 a 41? "aa alc3 lIc1 11-31 c 333-25 3aa a I ? Mi fame tal laala(413 44111I ala-111 (i) aftt A-id M ;atm ortal' th m'rawr m dat/actl4 asr arm v th **mR fat (ea a 333 31-9-i aft ft odif ah1 On ()1. mi t‘' a mmotmi th rthom (111 (3) (ii) 333-1Ta ermi ttfadi orteat fd mat oaft 1. 331 ordlcom fatarrti th dur doll-ili th it as a am 23a ?atm thd \RI 391171 dt, 33-R fmamd orma? (WIT 73(3313 th tathod ?do afar al Tam? 3ffkrf /tV1-1 TIRlfatil mak I eta-al ?Ka 6141. -(Ta35 anifar(13 Vala ala 2 ii la (raira ta to a 31311 at AZITIPtai aaa our 3--aa aliaa aal Slar33 s u dr() (331-a o a a fi-dm as Miz dit aP ddoral 319 t /3a3 aalaa4 ft th efaR afa tak a ma 311 cam\ 311 td aim th so ?ad viu afaa gaT ovalafta t I arm awl tior 40 34332-13 3131 1 4171 111 72 45 II 447 7r=m 21 ii (m) foaramatr 'WM 1 Sftiff v-tA 41 (ilt.7.7r.)* ardyfd ft** ti admit . 41313rt-1 154 Tr4 arTiw, arl fA-G fi5c(K9- tat* (7.1 11.ait mr Mtn Tro ldive/ silEkR/ 0261 1 34 lirrrd( 1:1411 ( vf 2 t 3 t217 2) taw aTA yraH 544X744 krititke sitEON (‘;t 4) 4 9)(kR R.! s) cfl (54211 q3 /s) ad) fi vr-44 (<2.4 s) 12151131-415)113 /4771424 rat 75/ 1 75/ 531 75/ 75/44 3542212.2117 (55 73-I) 15/4A II 5/74 . , larva4441 @all- II) II sill -I ara I Op/ TM 100/554 IOU/ 20/99 (i 00/ 737443-51 34533) 3c/59 790/ 2771712.3 37471) 100/59 loo/ ,Tri ...rot II a cirri WI Th.0 IV 314. 5 347172371 3441431.4 1151. (75141- V fenro Tim qurrt 221542121 TrF* +40545 3(450 6, 44 51615 137711551 4E37259 71 37334 2147 3F1 arT -Ai ae I371 571 3141TI 317 c: Ix) Ere);-M tam; aunt th-9 (er7) 50 am 31335371I 1131432.-I ler:MC-1-20 5137.5447 9sIZ: ■ (1( ft461450TaRt . 5561 It .31(541'1 31-41 411(k. t. It] 6000. 7000, 6000. 1415 if64 9000, 10,000 W4T 12000 W(1-0 (h.L0 4P(Frat • 00(1104 i W5101 120.4.5 3(40 6 307 t I int (Y17110- ( F 11 M 4 4135RiI 41-4-11- ter.wcre.) am-44 4042:4424 (244-4-- -14 m") waYmfa 44'd---1- 4 ft4 Tra ar-1447 mak 1t4 ata ar4 aw-erw Fastraa 5riaaa) (4.41.44) ava Wag rata tg dear 3W1 amit420-25 vrarrast 555524 51t4-54*tra (5.ta 5)54 51-4-Hfo11551151-31175 fea 75/ 3935-19 95,952339 51 75 (53533-0 3965 Itlk 1551 =115.91 353531 5ThThr9Thatt (5651-11) is/ 411 33133-I 3ft9 531 33-11 Th cf: t 95f1dt Thel 36ThTh l00/ loo/oq + loo/sni 100#71 3r4Th IV artrari Mtn ssrmintsrm olnsi+ (OA- Ill) 5 W (20/ l ( 319191) 2:241n 597‘1W Ite151215157Th3 follm TES1 TWfi 35Thr Th9IArd-sm fOnsm (nmi #2s# arm-moo) m#Mq# M Ne mon sn mon so arm assOrm # 1./44 15/a (507, "•T (4ssm asof,) 3m#1) inntmrt erl# i ninf# 20#74 (soplmooms mot% tll #0#1# 31: 517 W-Thsmoss 3753Th1 31t37111 1 31Th The I ntri 31151:111-20 Th97999-30 a 315.16 smrilsmis minf# 3351 -51Th I 55Th337 751-31311 Th3 7.133Tht. sfInnt sTkf Th3.51 iThe.P5T Mn • 35:Thi 31Thtt ThTh nfsm-m-sonemzm man 15.9151 31: 15771 1 5 ThTha 53132651-50 6I tI f65955-Th 20 offnsr# 5956"Tht I 5315a 1-20 vfnuffi ItaT 454 I jJ 414 1) 55k-l1Th 311:frTh 3545 sina a 10 stm sm# css mrm --M #. Rimy Mt11 1+11 d ttTh ThTh i3/4".atiTh63:3Th rat Tht1 5 m It.317+ft trThrtc.IIlk t. 5199 6000, 7000, 8000 9000 TRH 10,000 5157 1 9:15F59 13 55ThThil l mom 1,2,3.4 357 5 tuIt I H II 4 +-Ft an mlawr 11 () miT II (u)*M-4 ctiltY..1101EDittclui I. Trt 5saMwcIL /tea 31 33333-tra4 #t33-fert 64333 3#344#3. (\ tr ent)* 3-#3#3 #41333 3:33-41 *143 333333 3144 343313 3# Fey* t 331333333- *# 33 333 are 33 #333 2141 ffttitWOratt (Pltt T 3rnII4 gm 3#stlitt9 Cl-tttri; (31-r?t tt,7.#1) ewrR3 4341 : i7. ctri rIttl-ttf Tr-IT ttrg, cat, ftti alau /tea 44331434 tHr glft-T tt 4 Ctt3d mitt ttRitter 4g!I 333 uftm ml *rig 3313 *144-3, 334r ftert 334133 333 31 a334._3#3311 as 37) fa-3M TIT 3343 Barr 1334343 3333#3 3#33443-3 33303 VD, 3r#13 343434 33333 2#321 xf Tot t 343-1434r 334 4 34-#34 334 ttritT9 mad tg 433 tt3-33 #t-1# 2 . 31 122013 # 144 533333 *3 TT-&-kci tgt;t6N g Krk.ttit a533 33 txttgll 33433r 33 3343 #4, n I trttritt- 4.4c.33. #1t43 . 433433 * 333 mT 11(?) 4333 r(33) cur:tit 33333 4 #3o1332134/331t, 3. msi II ot#3333 4 313441333 irr3i 333 43343 7, tat ##317 Thtlith <40 1de arA xf 778 coftT wci 5 6*33 333344. mart m 33333 m 33141.7.73 :171-1 4 3* ae 34334. 3333-t3 333 N 43333, 344333 43431 33 4, 133 t 1313-133 3331-44 +.1- 8 Mt; Ital7 t4 2'011 t tits • trtfl gt 344 41 TET 43447 t ttg I tit 4rt tifl g. 331 *TV '2009-2010 ?ft g.t3gt.?. trtigt tt- te,t4t1 CI) tat 3itdtF. 133-14 * 333* 43333 ittict at 2012 13 41.1.77-1. tititilt 3.1 413 31-33 t 33, 4# #3# m"r 343# ,111 331 1#23133 333 3333443 tit. 4733 Ithgl 333<laeTtgt 9Itti 31 l 39 3433 443443 t 3333333 d 430!I 4 <2333 323 t. 333-t 3h# %to 339334 33 3133 trr 3333-33 ti 443: #4339 #113rt glicrtt TI333 \KM (ft 3*t3r4 ifftit ftett 34 33(43 4.333 (3333) 431# ttm mt 5: Oft 13wi II it it.: d 13334 *Orr 43 333 gt fah-19- tittrild 341341 tr% atitttgl tntw cltft g 3 33* 33! 3334# f33. 3 33 3&-2.C4I.1 thrftl 311214 g-Zr, SIT Atufi III *134 ■ s. ,TgOT 334(344 3ITUR -ttri=d-t *Kt trgIttI 3rtta x f44 444 4 ,41i 44{ 4444.4 3:43r 331 xl it #1 3333 334* 4 ur3Tt 333 sr fFITT ml m k 3333 # fttfr 3va. t*313*333-313*64 3;33 4333-3 34344 334331# tor 31 1-t-tt3* 33r 33 ft* 933r4t 5333331 14,4 71-trf4 gtf mid 31.41 tit • 141 ,N tt4 ft-t 3-] 3313 u 6 4 4342 33 4*-41-433 333334 22***3r t 1333 Emt g 30 ‘3.:t attrtit Zff orf#33 354 #3413t dg 344373 334#33 4 .4331 arr334 3333 3S I ofr3 3 434 S t dm as tcht .I tt 3-PtTP.8 aria arr4ml 4343 rn, ttIt g. 4 ant ittrt hAtt. gig titTt g, 34 me 3 *333 33 343-3 tr r7. mrowr II c,5) (-Tau a (T‘) 335 4f i titt etN TIN tft 3343333 S 7 H as tt 9t tta t. TIT 43.71443 1iFtNgi 4 50 safa!ffm 31 m r tiT umr cr;g. tkIctr TI1 mid 8 n> t.rcbr 131#3.3333 #4 34 m5 33333 x arz 4 f#Tr ### I e. fie 31-rggt ettc-11 313#33 #343t3 33343 33-31# 34 lit gtt (T) 2itt St-tit ct 343-#1* t* Th333 41101 Thy 233533t "R 33 1 t MIT 333 CM 333 au t 333 t #234333 (33) 33333 421# 333333 34 mm 3- 333 33 NIC 4,) f3f# •3#f* tr 33349 333n 33 333 *433 3133 33 33 3343314Ct tlit 31433 331 fafil t-1 rrrt #334311 (r) 332 33423 ARP' tc-ZITTt 4 Flint t 43.3 313* #34343 # 3:33-# n or g al 33431 #1-313 arc 333131* 34 3- 331 artill #4.0##-II (TO #1) 4 Iftwre **ft #41* fae ibeCITWE fOurri/wed-ma-al (*&- w-d7 *),( war fat** # fad?* afts*ft* 1**# vioien (#.414#4.) R# mid cid Ift3 * ###T-i* ai-r &fa ar#r fatz trft#wr xsiam—Mt`trviiitc7f cit'te ul wnrittdi ttf (itt tzr4 (+2m r) /tratf (tat 5) m ii e4l.atr¢.tt slofl M 31 R19-dli 300 341 a9 a41=7 400 3TO SF aAra 7 cm arrg ITU, ALT '11341 Olcb 30MT 11 ct f3Pit91 ff■ -r R.41 U 314 3.17 faf*IiRc (rh217) 3-TOT () 31M-FiPff fN,rs (T) 31cmg (ti 7'431 (4") NW-49d totfli aw artfrt9 raws9 (2o stowd) (so rrftrt to ;taut att aw 3r- awt (.(1) qt (zg) efirtt ma to (a) ttrtt figtrtm mtitt i61 Trmt Itti *at -1.e.AIN (30 Sfenrff) 3117-1W 4z 3r3aiETH 371t117 43 31.1714M f!1-ca (40 ead) *1:11-L9 (40 WraVE) (7) (20 Oka) (11-) 4■ TDI W9 MIT (Il) NI .`.4 in eta cm %et mitt tr ttati siftit rk to mitt) finer -tR frttrt (er) tre.rrt-t itturt (20Ott° to eta) tr aw Intaftatt/tgrifttot trut 311-r g. rim t 4 MIT 5 iWg TITO: Ott 6000. 9000 nut t000 ttg t a'crtrt g • • r:79: In III-7r!. : IRALTR:17 4 itue m`t ibarra74 4fli m=r4A1 1'iEErr4-9th Timm RmRY cra--1A tie ut glit-07/Tr4-t-el 0 2) *Mall 4044 3rur41:43i )ar at44T1q aftra F4Ef awr itie1ftil- /M9- Trr-4- 4 - I chf) dif4wr *)/ alt-TH lig # kiyaf- ci 0TH<-er TraffIn Thse-tenc“4 gm facAcr 15 \thtiglir 117km 4th wrIkr sfrcb-r4f cr“ tir* (art) I (I) 31-1.1M-DP:I/Tki./ .3lit \eI cl-ak37-rd tt. e)(5) t /arrd -l€ari/Cal371t/3-II.437 /Ri14)(5,1 1.5741./1414)c.1/ CR0/1 ETR1 1. /ft4-7Neirdcb10 M-Tr0ff 2/3 tlkilE fd-m .A-ca 31-* Th7 VP ITY471i/31137=179 rkft er 01 tr4ffi asn 4c.0 ,31PIR-41€ 4TLkalcb+1 I (El) Thni 3134RIT •41014-I IfeWTIT I neww .WPM 1:1-,4 0) affifOrt—i 10)/ Ilic4R/7112W.T +c).”1 2 .4 Ira 44 th'r 34€ac-F 411,1q..tr 43M (t?..11- 2 tf xis f art I 'Fern i-474 Wele4 n <r fd-Thfird 3) 3IT sr* 3:1%-pli 3n \NoliT 413-74 at 3711Td-W4/ / 8 013-1 15/A3-5113-03-4.1ci 4t/art,ticl. / -cm- sTratia alit/arrtariger/trtil/44-1E1 ifitreo-ara, 1,7zrrf OR, 3Nrop aid TH-Frazif gr-tracbsil TqTh Th71illeTrati staliver Advt. rilirz quffr RAH A4041 • JAA kg) vicwfri/ uur 2/3 v1V4-6 3NWI IN 39134 fa-WRI chl4c34 I (iii) In A 31 IcT 392471, Ar±3z17 I 310 S13k3R ..-1&°47 ( S re sisrit-ei(auf 4) (I) m3ft12-1 aRffrff6-A !IX/ 3RArl 3 tI h19 mi a,9 11(N) 4 atratilff 419 affeR i4Cif CtP( A trl e-au qsar4-and-z7 6I F ftard tit 41.C,731. 3-33 Sfifki a1KRit Tif utrairr m-Rt g RF-d-rr x311-1T1. aia I (ii) eiElqt at*TR a, av d eV aTaRi- (arR- ad) ch4 T 4,4 em Arvr91 zufft. Trgrfazneit (wr'drr , • fORTA cb 4pA >1 kra.f. Ar 1 11 - unA va, sum-Fa ux t 37Tcurr d3r1 311c.11. trRA a,1 zl srAut s9 7Te t Amt • 3nTraftrr//71-21 t-O4artt-/tt.3031-3-Treart31. S. laltSr3T-t-i./-3rIg 11.8.21. 317/afraotit./11-134./krtita d. /fo-ea-En-mi 3Ari?, 6331 arttrfta arut viedff gasqtri 41qq0)41, tra AdAffraili. srli'reTur, thApir--aff0-44-11 gterftrA 0134134k ,31-14d aClar ft-orff • .0t e eu 31-IZIstiq/ 39 • IT 1/4,4, 39411e at 31-4f2I kr" t33310 fgtTA E131317134-11 (iv) qftftttr-i reo-A il(T) ffur Az re far<=r4 d 4PIT ar3aRra 11711 HI .11 44144144 snTOR 1 5Z 544 1 444 (i) 414-44-44-1 11(s)/ 4) 1444 +4.4 4 4584 5(54) # 3-54144 454444 S 54- 4444 sfrck-4:F/tmta 49 451444 4,44 444 Al 4444 14-44545444 4,444 14-441 4r4 4 )541 (444r 5) 441 41444 ats 44F41- 0444 s-r 44444 445 444544 54f4-44/ 44444 04 art ars I %ars, 5444-4w44 415 44 445444 4.445F4. 4444 s-54 tg 444544 S (t17 . 2 c1W1 3 4)) unS A4di I 12vf 3 14 4,4 111-1 di , 345S1 41 t44-4 444 SItIVI-1 I (iii) 4 4-1 310S n(s) ran 1545 444 4 4 54144# # aTTMff 4(4 *444 ! s) 45458. 1 -444r 10 441 5 4454 441 61 454 (*M t4s41-4-444-4)) -554 srlzfr aRRire •T q1 trf6-wr 311oRlir awlitr f7{7 . rag 71131t. -9--d1-1 clifIch/ #441 3171 w14- ?al 44454 4454 445414145 454 544 444 : (3) 5511514 5545 55-54 rr 3I3:141.1 {PRI. (1) UtchlUFT"IN/IT$-EIN/ 444 541541 44(44414 45S-5-441 V< 4-51. 4r44144 441-418 4`1 m4144544 Um (4) 444t454 aq-5545 4411 414 444F44). 5,45-45441 51-44, rAtfit1 .1I1 TIM UN-1 n(4) 404 4-4 1'4-154-/14 4 TWAT 4-4-444 I-4444m 41lT 71TNI1 smart I *tit47I cl>) clEd citRIVe Mim4rz 5<l afa -44-444 544 145544 451 311 % 44 4-155-5454n -44)-3/4 v1 .t2 ■ 11 2 # aFlu4 1.114,f17 t 111t1 312441 ,tairdi SITTYldi Th'd f bra 31d O1 ta I a al faiT d-ff 5urzs 31 01 ddI af 7114 , 311 =qua 414414 484355-1. 4115454 1 454 I I 4 4014 4944 4r344R 454144 4454 2 4404 41 3-11- 714) 311.71 41%1g'-9I 4 \ 3Tild 424 2 If Magi 4 -41 'Si444:4 -4 404444 445 45h44,44 ,55 44544 4-54 74'r foatbarmtylr-sto-areizrf B5-8 rain 1, 2 3. 4. 5 a 6 kr- P411 if+47 12,000 arar ac17.-1 M-941: 6000, 7000. 8000. 9000,10.000 117) t I fd-r-a-ard-zr 4i LIT 14E-134414, tLIK affETft Ticsuicr, t prrrA (4-411/4-7-to cr) taruicn-r ad frVati th atu d trf PT331T 14) 4I2T—T tePirRT ii-433T) 9-pi (a slut 2 3 4 5 ferffr TN 79/77 71 97/ f4Yrrrr d-;Tm trq R dcH IYTTs f4EF41 3f3 T F2T 'E MIT ((dl Tht3 +ATI) 7. P.-Tr7 EMT (f114 T442, 433 43 IT 44 3444) B. 4-7 all c1i I f Th"lt ftril qr t e5 I1M7 VFW nt 9. 4c34 7444 44244 144434 74 T 4349 44 ITT 33443311 as 441/ 4423330344 334;a , t TaIM 317141 Ar<rw1N 3.1i 314 31WiftW 4,14 12 1141-4 (Tam */4 ml 21e4 3t-1 (Mt R. \ toctwo sfrch-rrif oThik- cnr t€1 311tPPi awT Istlferf toft 431 edrf Yd : wiewi r, .1-111)-*741. 3qt&ITT TER,mere, 71"r : 3franNf ma Errqras/737 EH" fig) ftervi crfa chi Mrditff : METE frtilitzFR* ME913111 39TR mar Wtli FT TEIT37i lt4r ml `err./x@@- (1;c4), v'iicl (4(1). er@ft/wr me1rC (t). m03'm menC () (N) +114`6 Elt -Tft.37T4- (en) Ri 11:1 ME-11-q sremici 441 -124!"@@@ c-r:/ 31Th-t—dT 50 31-4-■ (1‘41)t) c ao Srfaffd am 4)14 -1134N-I rry ar@Trfda, ryfrA 1.14el tcr: tR*at@..igl.ftm rftr@ru) awraittr srlt@TF *art@lr fOwyr 21-r/ (ar11 -@Tral- : lo) . e/q/wrsi wr@i TTM171 11q15-11 1/:411X 1 miler 7- ItarFihl ml aTnowT mtil as a trurrt 1@f@fttz 31R u.Q666-4 )1_ -g. .71-C ilx911-,1•1 I RAORDINA Y I HE OA➢1 I I 30 cr- qn-A-41 t arviw -91 fiord Prealltt artfroffxartra aismra cbcirklE IT7m-9(AA-Adli AA 20) prl C.41.Art w'rR AOlifk-drvi ffur R <2w1x fPre-m-NWITH treaRt mJ ATIAYO. Thrp-I-eatl Nl arzhi *OA, WAWA OWN ATIA as Trfirq M-o-R-01 Tio tof 3f 5 (ArilAAA 31A 20) fl O#t 74 113:1AAA ct i¢ ritreil AAA Tan Trit ao (34tA-Aall 25) cncrl (AAAA) fttill)cr m`t Tr4 9Tra OTT III >-m mm a7f : 11 Itc-fr *Si ti4teii „ 14 far fkv-riadR<VI ' TV m VaR ars-d-r uTIEWI (51VT-TiT wq VI0 ailaa it2/711V1V 11 7 V TV 3111 imh t7 7 fMiziel- atrerrftu (i) fd nt A2,-410- (3itrib9 (ii) TRwm 20) flVT1 LVIV-Ve 114-V a/T114- t- ncT I PI (elfcbff=i 3T 15) (iii) (410-13112V IVT-r* Icl Ifs cl) (3TIVT•Td7 31T 15) .34a, oth-no 31-- T im 25) Q431Ii. 7T)7 THIS GAZLI fF OF INDIA LXI litALKIli Nicht 32 44 . III (T) 4 sra, pa Tdd slanim N'1 L TT .40 Id 45 artsr-fr. 1 Pal 1RTa CfI.Cr1. /3iT4Tfi. tt79. I s9 tpileu 4 IP cr4r# Erco. zilt cr,14 g Tfun 1 e (Vnti nrcIN k4 atchl ) wrg *gr&r Td I 3114 m9 i*Tr tr tA-t? 7.4 a-TE,'. 1- L xmiRId TUT TTFRI ang. \ . ISTIT 71 TI 'TOT T /TIFT71. 47f. 4 ucnivrH LWI (Tr) i) TT TO ITT. Tfrdd TNT f11 Thiii i10 1 1M 9 4darital 4 vi iiii5 T'ci1 arr4 Tfi INT. ii.T3 i 7ThsidT *NT HHrtiai FATE Tci 4QAYI 134 C4-/3114. krT.T.Srd. d &A 39-6 tam-1 T9 TTLII 'IP TTITI 4 ti 416 Tcrr alm it. ITTT1 cltdfi 314 it V va &cc' 4-gyi t? tT 4 sit 3ITIR 7-4,c4 AIFF TI1 ATTN- 14 Wiftff ygrw 7-11T-ft1 zrE1 414 gFT TO Whig \rg rdtd 7T111 ar172-171 krg /3rF -g`litk9 gm am} .ggft <&-11 er silo oggPTA (g) (T) 0) (i ea ii) Tier rt5 Erlatthui-n/ITTFM hl r wrf FIG Tgt ea alfgcTgrg II rcI WR H-11(1? 0 NO 2te (g):0 z-9 g nrn gl- gr7 3g1lg1 iFt/grrngst NI 4 3TTRi 39-TiT Tft (grrTr 3FFM-1 rlt- 0-TN L 41 el tll q.“-iIctur/ tat gl Tug. TrTT THE GAZE1TE OF INDIA DAI RAORDIN ARV 47(4st DTI DO 'n11 InSM 3r *irm+ 210 sr0 10(1=r (i) witual 40(04, Pragr—arfit4:010(r-t0 strz(ftr(b9 -0009 ti(144 14010 mr409 Rib *00 1 3F*I t M-11 9-61) DN1 m-0-04 gf2T 3/////) (3) (ii) )(1)4)(e1 DTI HO ATV HD- Ti yit(4-47 e.41.341 013 4140410 4 07 1 Tr4 / *lief 14144 SIfI 31T(tNd 4♦1 7.1tair 3fr())(terz)ViTE&/.(1■ 5,(1/ Th)7 iiraf0n/(410)-ur m 14741tar04 ,ftR IR (iii Tritzr Trr ai(14404 .4(4d0 Thiper aul4 4 0(0'0- 0(.:970 kg af(ziergi 1,0 (.71(g(9/3-W*TT Trr./ tilT VVr gidAltg/ 4.4104 .4 0(1(11(0 .7400c1 (0 fa44 arrz (itta t? 017 [Pri III- 21 = (v) 41 1181 68 1.1215 881241 5 arA an TER 381t1 bq din mtir d 215 87145568 ammem Arm mtr.ari arm ITFT Tr : 3r7r ii— Effff Tam 1-W3-11 a-sr Fo-o-frita c61114 18 4141•1 uIm 4116 8118 31817g87 311f61 M-11 18211 8, 1I111111 T-41-et Girr mit mimrs7Tm c (mi Wir8814 2761 0815) To-9-r rwrt irffm errms-mm Tirr mmromii, mitTIRI. 1. 2. 3. 8. 4 9. 5. 10. Fri 3cr ,S / -x-61 t It W-I ti .71- -i9Wfinft, IS A -1:4.1 1 c1∎117 ITC t I 3W Trett uur flt -g AA Trg 41.417 to atrifrai * 39,4 A A41ǹH1 ci, tfm-p4 r<aa * i?TeR Pall a ix< el-rq r ?omit/ref /14trraRa ZIWIET ffC-17 /VIT-471 * rlat1a1M .--iit*g 1-ft r U - tIr79-1 (t7rP) tF") • 31-[ e t14I 11<1"-IV1 a Inararazungq/ via a WIN Sf wr)-in uqi ti*rei `'OVA IFF?, q, A), Jj Ail Thr'i -vh-Ifl l 41.4t.e. aultr ti-{4 311:11-afal1 2010 TR adIVTRO t I 111-I STO tt A 1914-1 HIPIRf 1R1 raziffl I 31WeStfT ad aim? S arum -97 7T21 W4-71 I S341 atIr N-3710)<1.1 f*-t Mrd-WI A 31iirth7-FRM1-t3 "Alt * IWg 1t .41.4 vrA WTI 3111iTftd itm , R I grgA va ainTRu thti asifd >te ATT-mcbl- /TRSTgpTitt arm to-vol at? srahTi aisr A farea-arm, aA-S artrca ea ar4e-nan as amuftff IfirdA ftt alt curaEc lll, crird-wi I4 Trrl ea 340114 rrn fb7re vourAt gI td—rffIT-479 arm? ar IFTITLFT f4-TaratITMI/Eb1avI gRT wia am ire fk47 41 %NOT X11 VQ-1-11-011-0 a@Pr Trt zmA TrAft I fOnqui war lic.414,4 wart m'Jendm . (i) (T) ts-t41,-(7417/3-11/Talljr/A Irt 0114 ara Rqm trz aumFM 0.-1T i-ftt 3151.-arl 3-1,5 merlC,150 7124 frEff ?MT A NM Tr4 mAnstr A .r? so wRizro r1rb-9 7-et fSqI ull \ in Tente 3.(4 mlt arm H 1 FJaraa. arosrsr t1 ara tg ir‘m TRT9- aR t1maI t art TrivrTfra. a-T-PKT ftheroT ulrIMT Thct 7T4 - I 100 Sta-Ifd 4,14f i1eYdw ' 3W cts mere 1 t @A A 10 zrfrt,fftrt A anudfin scro-AF.L CriT9 DI: 2 Tenat/Tftz T SOFT 3ifdtWI vim U irmrq (ii) TM1711 ArAA (mann 4-ir TINT Agnral 5171-01 f-1771 / arrA) W;i/aFitil- 20 (100 AraPM 3H111 = 20 37) (iii) AAAA An at( r<q- ATPITT-3611 T9 a alfActi RNQIcTRI 17021 4t1v 311ft TI ■ 31TzIt7 I 141 4 4a5Y 1TFOI MITTI 5R :fte41 A altrdM c131 (5- I Ci)a- 10 MuTI59 fi r) mrma /77th 7J rIT3 TIT1Trn TIMWM1 10 47711" Arrrnntr Arerar/arA m 4 aft pi M-1 mAnk AAA eJ 10 eivie VAI1fn59 Anr AAA AAA Aromml An murrAn %A:' m T1-11 7c1 t/41,( TfiTtfnl ft mr 1rrm11 rc-Act7 t iRe 10 31T Zq arnYzlRm 71-azW1 Slitt 3i ?ON. 5 arch • 11.571ThdTcri 36PTII 1-1-1.501 lti-q 5 arm 2031,4117qt aTr AAA A-ArmArtrAm Ara:Mh-T1 mT ERTICIO 41,8 let (Lli4T 431.tht)Q1P4 s .3-* ittlra I4r fdf2TI NLId .1(11/t1111 1t4)RT 10 4TclAW1/ 11t3S ' -RI (ac t Thita,c1IL4 s 31-4") dim ftur BnArinorr A 2c5ItlIclic0 t Ra it0:1aqtri 10 Arum arlirpm tea, AAA A -AAA Aum SffrelhTh CJ trarm5 NMI 7- 317a riltraV P.kq (Sic• 4714 fra q? 7 Th-liZE Ria r /tq aurnfirr AreArr Arn io miss 14 gqin' d-ff cbl4t1,9)- / WiNi7 E fleTF.41- [rJTITel7 • loPivrrffr/sOmpl %AAA Slc-45 rt ferq r0 3-124 rrAAA AnArTh a in rmr14) lAc 5 374, 361Thclfi VW Ail-IT 20 1,14 ( v) ritRIT Wf‘xl/n 4rifWCIThill TRH 2-011L WaPil Old 31TEPT1 7g1 120 31337l (fkFteivr Gpr4 10 atT:. - 3cr? afmanall Th7 TrA9-5 3T5, ratrq Sri c11-5, 31") (100 ;It'd-Riff ,3117W = 20 315) cb-Tc/italT67:1 lair/TTKR-03,i 3-ifT2Titic-Th 3Treal fThg A in &I-44H arrAAA/FAAn AAA tit) Aq (AA MArnm au:IAA = 10 et-m) (3,1-(1)_-(u I HE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 19 ytkrr tld, m y-yoysm Yoe anft (arY4595 5 DT 10 ats 950)*9159- f 93 f9liy (100 vrszry 31779 c 10 sy) 10 orts-ds) Tiers Oly 9- (iv) 25 -' a • 11 10 , ThathTa 7 0 fththlii 711th MI MO 1 Pall 415111ththth RICDTE DXT1 7 -1-11(aD athth 54 MEE th(1179- ththE1T9th7 7-92thifa s -4sry to 55 19 araom/tfas SY, ar 7117-1:7thith 7 fatholD VathEtha ($1tha45 th (aX 537) 59/Y-19 ST )1-14-r Nl ci • uyr 7-Rty *141 thlithth 7-71-Xth-) 7.3thath. EII ✓ ‘lx5 3r9 ssra-scr solsom Y sf-a9 99.5 15 ffzrY 55.1 YYsy (mYrs yoloysq $ 19 lo ats) 1Y-9-174 tail) +951) o19i))))5) AR Ti s9 Yorsy , oo sq, 935-y w-syro (m9-4 ?R-2 37, ththX-711 thl'f-5 3145) 99-91):54, 51155 7-45-y-9). ErrifYytot olsoo oHlolcAlq. XI1.DIE11012, vita.tyriks gyro , my yr 7195 syo, ot-9 51(23y 959-sy arrfs (591a) S lYq s ats) 31t_S-s99 that mall L (ii) 39thara th 7-1(9 awl aththth tiJrcT91 # 11th/TaH 7, SIDD-r i d yryorrol. 64 9-401 3 TYo91. yrYs (Y-sr MIT 194aWaryy yfyy-yt )5 arna-y1 S yam tr thaththGTRILD/ 77Elleith ti thtthaar 45lathel1111 # EthEEDTD (1Tthth th ffith 2 ) 970_799-s Two o9-74599- It 3y-515954, tro, RYyy, s39. otk, 7m7 ) Nary, artsys,n) Nc-Ors m oq c 10 393) !45999 m 955_595o4s siSso s 1%--9 ift 150-y) 7-045 -Iii!rn-zil ik Trott-m- 4- 9%95 yrYfO, 51135Y95 frayy, ardaddy7fferY Volt t ow 5 arc,) UI4 syryr, :591 - 7 3-1(thallithi tq thithth111 # 116771 35254r osysf49 ())9Sy Yc f. 5 ars) 799soymYress AI ‘11 IC - Si ' f (10 ars) ; rrtS575 (05 37) , -c1E1 DNIT lo 10 lo 10 20 v) y 10 90 lo 15 J [Tm in 1312 41 (iii) twrffrIth trstr trazt sitsptic ctssr, frati trItrst a9 warm 4ivu ta tritt a, ts-tAtae qi. IM0W t PO-7 3 3-1-W 211 1414 34 41-M-W t frn7 2 31-W r-113.1 2141, fri4ss4 ‘riarir 1srlt 31-0 31114-004111 m n511f7m (41-5 -W W14434111 W -2W173 2 -WW 11201,43)i 1337,--erzif fammwwtufam ftstr, ratu qry m3stss 311s-♦ 4 I !rssu 1241 341F0 W 31-50TWO'M 1113149-31 0105303 4 4155141t1-1 (31110-W 3141444114 ftt 5 tat fivr t itret fts-rt qx Ittpt/tPlrft-rt atrstrtr/ssurtm (stt rstfrooIW Itw s 3-1W) Hilts Nt ittsratr tr .sitr iol3m1 (t) at 3 4 S 061 g) trtst vstrt 3ft71)- 3-M1 3TIR (31110 a f8q 1 ars) .ttrtrtr III 10 10 10 10 15 39119-M 343111-1 U141 31-W14-111W 1h 5530-50 &104M9111 13-40-9 2010 3411110 131 W141IT 14151 X1111 341111171 0131 stetr tir fstr sr! t 7itarrt 0101 tr, rtforpr-1 r,w'rt 31-T5111 41-3-3011R0* 424 2111 1313 0r1431 I (ii) I -3.111111 31 tr 7114121 11514iff1W0*114+11, 405 *1311 aelmdizr 3rch (a07) i11-13 s 311-42-1 mr Itts, ecal !rsirr WT5d1I24441♦/ 0,4-12-434149-31111131//12 1317 gattIcran4ei 432241 (i v)1*11- 31214/ 34U1 Dart, 21110(3 53T21T 57113411/1137-ffl32143, $1/ 104) OT441 74 rSttt/srirso Itrur t4 orrrt tit/ a fr:rie tom. 11zt. urr -R6 3101733111 t34134-511 2010 8 1E0221 51)4 77 V-113-11 5 315 324 02 arrtrt J. Itsilttiot 521411°3-W11M WM 11T1010 eilICFi tit Un/[I 4/ =6%IRAt}Re1 NARY Ynxv ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION NOTIFICATION New Delh], the SiliNovembet 2012 All India Council for Technical Education (Career Advancement Scheme for the Teachers and other Academic Staff in Technical Institutions) (Degree) Regulations, 2012 F. No. 37-3/Legal/AIC 1 E/2012.— In exercise of its powers concord under sub-cc.lion (I) of section 23 read with Section 10(t) and (v) of the Al India Council for Technical iduLation Act,1057 (52 of 1987). the All India Council for Techrffial Education makes the following Regulation.. SHORT TITLE, APPLICATION AND COMMENCEMENT These Regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical Education (Career 12 Advancement Scheme for the 'leachers and Other Academic Staff in Technical Institutions) (Degree) Regulations, 2012. They shall apply to all technical institutions approved by the AICTE and Universities including Institution deemed to he Universities impeding technical education and such other courses/Programs and areas as notified by the AICTE from time to time. They shall come into force with effect from the date of them publication in the Official Gazette. Provided that in the event, any candidate becomes eligible for promotion under Career Advancement Scheme in terms of these Regulations on or after 515 March, 2010, the promotion of such a candidate shall he governed by the provisions of these Regulations. CAREER ADVANCEMENT SCHEME: 2.1 I A teacher who wishes to be considered for promotion under CAS may submit in writing to the University / College, within three months in advance of the due date, that he she fulfils all qualifications under CAS and submit to the University / College the Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) in a proforma as evolved by the concerned University/College duly supported by all credentials as per the Academic Performance Indicator (API) guidelines (Appendix I) set out in these Regulations. In order to avoid delays in holding Selection Committee meetings in various e should immediately initiate the positions under CAS, the University I my Hi 'firm a- 11,3'4.1 4] 117:11-1I process of screening / selection, and shall complete the process within six months from the date of application. Further, in order to avoid any hardships. candidates who fulfill all other criteria mentioned in these Regulations, as on 05' March. 2010 and till the date on which these Regulations is notified, can beeonsidered for promotion from the date. on or after 5 th March, 2010, on which they fulfill the eligibility conditions. 23 Candidates who do not fulfill the minimum score requirement under the API Scoring System proposed in the Regulations as per Tables II (A and B) of Appendix I or those who obtain less than 50% in the expert assessment of the selection process will have to be re-assessed only after a minimum period of one sear. The date of promotion shall be the date on which he / she is successfully reassessed. J.4 The Selection Committee specifications as delineated in Clause 4 are applicable to Career Advancement promotions of Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and Associate Professor to Professor. 25 CAS promotions from a lower grade to a higher grade of Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor shall he conducted by a "Scrtning-cum-Evaluation Committee' adhering to the criteria laid out as API score in Performance Based Appraisal System (PEAS) in the lFables of Appendix I. 26 The 'Scree ing-cum-Evaluation Committee- for CAS promotion of Assistant Professors Associate Professor from one AOP to the other higher AGP shall consist of : "Se moing-cu in-Evaluation Committee" for University teachers : [i] The Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor, as the Chairperson of the selection committee: 6i] The Dean of the concerned Faculty; I he Head of the Department / Chairperson of the School; and [iv] One subject expert in the concerned subject nominated by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor from the University panel of experts. [2] "Sc main-cum-Evaluation Committee" for College teachers : lit The Principal / Director of the College; [id I lead of the concerned department from the College. where there is no HOD. Professor as nominated by the Principal / Director from the same or any other Institution in the jurisdiction of the concerned University; and 14366 cill(Z—il I ill- (ALLA IF OF INDIA [on [3] 111 Srx.41 Two subject experts in the concerned subject nominated by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor from the University panel of experts. For Government/ Coll nes : [II NARY Government Aided/ Government Autonomous As may be prescribed by the respective State Governments / Board of Goserners 2.7 The q orum for these committees in both categories mentioned above shall be three inclu ing o e subject expert / University nominee need to be present. 2.8 The S reening-cum-Evaluation Committee on verification / evaluation of API score secured by the candidate through the 'PBAS' methodology designed by the respe tive University / Directorate of Technical Education based on these Regul lions and as per the minimum requirement specified in Tables II and III of Appe dix I for each of the cadre of Assistant Professor, shall recommend to the i Syndi ate !Executive Council/Board of Management of the University / College about the suitability for the promotion of the candidate(s) under CAS for implementation. 2.9 All the selection procedures outlined above, shall be completed on the day of the selection committee meeting, wherein the minutes are recorded along with PBAS scoring proforma and recommendation made on the basis of merit and duly signed by all members of the selection committee in the minutes. 2.10 CAS promotion, being a personal promotion to the incumbent teacher holding a substantive sanctioned post. on superannuation of the individual incumbent, the said post shall revert to its original cadre. 2.11 The incumbent teacher must be on the roll and active service of the Universities / Colleges on the date of consideration by the Selection Committee for Selection / CAS Promotion. 2.12 Candidates shall offer themselves for assessment for promotion, if they fulfil the minimum API scores indicated in the appropriate API system tables by submitting an application and the required PBAS proforma. They can doso three months before the due date of the promotion if they consider themselves eligible. In any event, the University / College concerned shall send a general circular twice a year calling for applications for CAS promotions from eligible candidates. 2.13 In the final assessment, if the candidates do not either fulfill the minimum API scores in the criteria as per PBAS proforma or obtain less than 50% in expert assessment, wherever applicable, such candidates will be reassessed only after a minimum period of one year. 2.14 If a candidate applies for promotion immediately on completion of the minimum eligibility period and is successful, the date of promotion will be made applicable ir r III NU nl m the date of completion of minimum period of eligibility. If however, the candidate finds that he / she fulfils the eligibility conditions at a later date and applies on that date and is successful, his/her promotion will be effected from the date of application. /16 If the candidate does not succeed in the first assessment, but succeeds in the subsequent assessment, his / her promotion will be deemed to be from the later date of successful assessment STAGES OF PROMOTION UNDER CAREER ADVANCEMENT SCHEME OF INCUMBENT AND NEWLY APPOINTED ASSISTANT PROFESSORS /ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS / PROFESSORS: I Entry level Assistant Professors (Stage I) would be eligible for promotion under the Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) through two successive stages (stage 2 and Stage 3). provided they are assessed to fulfill the eligibility and performance criteria as laid down in next clause. 22 In order to remedy the difficulties of collecting retrospective information and to facilitate the implementation of these Regulations from 5th March, 2010 in the CAS Promotion, the API based VISAS will be progressively and prospectively rolled out. Accordingly, the PEAS based on the API scores of categories I and II as mentioned in the tables of Appendix I is to be implemented for one year, initially based on the existing systems in Universities / Colleges for one year only with the minimum annual scores as depicted in Table II (a) and II (b) for University and College teachers. This annualized API scores can then be compounded progressively as and when the teacher becomes eligible for CAS promotion to the next cadre. Thus, if a teacher is considered for CAS promotion in 2013, one year API scores for 2012-13 alone will be required for assessment. In case of a teacher being considered for CAS promotion in 2014, two years average of API scores for these categories will be required for assessment and so on leading progressively for the complete assessment period. 3.3 Assistant Professor, possessing Ph. D Degree in the relevant discipline shall be eligible, for moving to the next higher grade of Rs.7000 (stage 2) after completion of four years service as Assistant Professor. 3.4 Ass'is'tant Professor possessing M. Phil Degree or a Post-Graduate Degree in ' professional courses, approved by the relevant statutory body, shall he eligible for the next higher grade of fis.7000 (stage 2) after completion of five years service as Assistant Professor. 5 Assistant Professor who does not have Ph.D. or MPhil or a Master's Degree in the relevant professional course, shall be eligible for the next higher grade of Rs.7000 (stage 2) only after completion of six years service as Assistant Professor. 3.6 The upward movement from the entry level grade (stage I Ito the next higher grade of Rs.7000 (stage 2) for all Assistant Professors shall be subject to their satisfying DI TI T GAZE IIL OF TOL 41 the API based PBAS conditions laid down by the AICTE in this Regulation_ 3.7 Assistant Professor who has completed five years of service in the grade of Rs.7000 (stage 2) shall be eligible, subject to meeting the API based PBAS requirements laid down by these Regulations, to move up to next higher grade of Rs.8000 (stage 3). 3.8 Assistant Professor completing three years of teaching in the grade of Rs.8000 (stage 3) shall be eligible. subject to the qualifying conditions and the API based PBAS requirements prescribed by these Regulations, to move to the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 with next higher grade of Rs.9000 (stage 4) and to be designated as Associate Professor. However those joining the Service after 5 th March 2010 shall have also earned Ph. D in addition to above mentioned requirements to move to the stage 4. 3.9 Associate Professor completing three years of service in stage 4 and possessing a Ph.D. Degree in the relevant discipline shall be eligible to be appointed and desig ated as Professor and be placed in the next higher grade of Rs.10000 (stage 5) su Jed to following (a) satisfying the required credit points as per API based PBAS requirements as provided in Tables of Appendix 1; and (b) an assessment by a duly constituted selection committee as suggested for the direct recruitment of Professor. Provided that no teacher other than those with a PhD shall be promoted or appointed as Professor. 4. COMMITTEES SELECTION PROCEDURES'. AND GUIDELINESS ON SELECTION The AICTE has evolved following guidelines on (a) (b) Professor, Constitution of Selection Committees for selection of Assistant Associate Professor. Professor for direct recruitment and under CAS Specified selection procedures for direct recruitment and Career Advancement Scheme Regulations for Teachers in Universities and Colleges. However, for other academic staff in Universities / Colleges, UGC guidelines of 3062009 and any' amendments I corrigendum I clarifications issued subsequently by UGC be followed. 5. SELECTION COMMITTEE. SPECIFICATIONS : 5A Assistant Professor in the University : The Selection Committee for the post of Assistant Professor in the University shall have the following composition 'Pmts is nn -cm I Ifni ill The Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice-Chancellor to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee. Three experts in the concerned subject nominated by the Vice-Chancellor or Acting Vice-Chancellor out of the panel of names approved by the relevant statutory by of the University concerned. Dean of the concerned Faculty, wherever applicable liead/Chairperson of the Inepartment School An academician nominated by the Visitor / Chancellor, wherever applicable. 6 An academician representing SC / ST / OBC / Minority / Women / Differently-abled categories to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor, it any of the candidates representing these categories is the applicant and if any of the above members of the selection committee does not belong to that category. To co stitute the quorum for the meeting. five of which at least two mug he from out of the three subject-experts shall he present. 2 Associate Professor 1n the University : The S !cotton Committee for the post of Associate Professor in the University shall have t e following composition Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee. 2. An academician who is the nominee of the Visitor / Chancellor, wherever applicable. field nominated by the Vice Three experts in the concerned subject Chancellor out of the panel of names approved by the relevant statutory body of the University concerned. Dean of the faculty, wherever applicable. Head/Chairperson of the Department/School. An academician representing SC ST / OBC / Minority / Women / Differently-abled categories, if any of candidates representing these categories is the applicant, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor, if any of the above members of the selection comminee does not belong to that To co sting° the quorum for the meeting, five of which at least two must be from out o the three subject-experts shall be present. S4264 Cs TILE OAZEIfE OF INDIA 5.3 !PADRE ARAI pr~ 11 sr. 41 Professor in the University : The composition of the Selection Committee for the post of Professor in the University shall be similar in composition as that for the post of Associate Professor set out in above clause. 5.4 Assistant Professor in Collegesincluding Private Colleges The Selection Committee for the post of Assistant Professor in Colleges including Private Colleges shall have the following composition: Chairperson of the Governing Body of the College or his/her nominee from among the members of the Governing body to be the Chairperson of the . Selection Committee. 2. The Principal / Director of the College 3. Head of the Department of the concerned subject in the College. 4. Two nominees of the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor of the affiliating University of whom one should be a subject expert. In case of Colleges notified / declared as minority educational institutions, two s of the Chairperson of the College from nut of a panel of five names preferably from minority communities, recommended by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor of the affiliating University from the list of experts suggested by the relevant statutory body of the College, of whom one should be a subject expert. 5. Two subject-experts not connected with the College to he nominated by the Chairperson of the goveniing body of the College out of a panel of five names recommended by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor from the list of subject experts approved by the relevant statutory body of the University concerned. 6. In case of Colleges notified/ declared as minority educational Institutions, two subject experts not connected with the University to be nominated by the Chairperson of the Governing Body of the College out of the panel of five names, preferably from minority communities, recommended by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor from the list of subject experts approved by the relevant statutory body of the College T An academician representing SC / ST/ OBC/ Minority/ Women/Differentlyabled categories, if any of candidates representing these categories is the applicant, to benominated by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor, if any of the above members of the selection committee does not belong to that category. To constitute the quorum for the meeting, five of which at least two must be from 9-1TM WrI Ito III 3TRIM7 out of the three subject-experts shall be present. For all levels of teaching positions in for Government / Government aided / Government a us Colleges, the State Public Services, Commissions Teacher Recruitment Boards must invite three subject experts, for which the concerned University be involved in the selection process by respective appointing authority. For all levels of teaching positions in Constituent College(s) of a University, the selection committee norms shall be similar to that of the posts of departments of the University. Associate Professor in Colleges including Private Colleges : The Selection Committee for the post of Associate Professor in Colleges including Private Colleges shall have the following composition : The Chairperson of the Governing Body or his or her nominee, from among the members of the Governing body to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee. The Principal Director of the College. I The Head of the Department of the concerned subject from the College. Two University representatives nominated by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor, one of whom will be the Dean of College Development Council or equivalent position in the University and the other must be expert in the concerned subject. In case of Colleges notified/declared as minority educational institutions, two nominees of the Chairperson of the College from out of a panel of five names, preferably from minority communities, recommended by the Vice-Chancellor of the affiliating University from the list of experts suggested by the relevant statutory body of the College of whom one should be a subject expert 5 Two subject-experts not connected with the College to he nominated by the Chairperson of the governing body of the College out of a panel of five names recommended by the Vice Chancellor from the list of subject experts approved by the relevant statutory body of the University concerned. In case of Colleges notified / declared as minority educational Institutions, two subject experts not connected with the University to be nominated by the Chairperson of the Governing Body of the College out of the panel of five names, preferably from minority communities, recommended by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor from He list of subject experts approved by the relevant statutory body of the College. 6. An a cademician representing SC / ST / OBC / Minority / Women / Di fferently-abled categories, if any of candidates representing these cate odes is the a licant, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor, if any of II it GAZETTE INDIA FSIRAOKDINA the above members of the selection committee does not belong to that category. The q orum for the meeting should be five of which at least two must be from out of the three subject-experts. For a I levels of teaching positions in for Government / Government aided / Government autonomous Colleges, the State Public Service. Commissions / Teach r Recruitment Boards must invite three subject experts for which the concerned University, be involved in the selection process by respective appointing authority. For all levels of teaching positions in Constituent College(s) of a University, the selection committee norms shall be similar to that of the posts of departments of the University. 5.6 Profe sor in the Colleges including Private Colleges : The omposition of the Selection Committee for the post of Professor in the Colleges including private Colleges shall be similar in composition as that for the post of Associate Professor set out in the above clause. For a I levels of teaching positions in For Government / Government aided / Government autonomous Colleges, the State Public Services, Commissions / Teach r Recruitment Boards must invite three subject experts for which the concerned University. be involved in Me selection process by respective appointing authority. For all levels of teaching positions in Constituent College(s) of a University, the selection committee norms shall be similar to that of the posts of departments of the University. 5.7 College Principal / Director : The Selection Committee for the post of College Principal shall have the following composition. I. Chairperson of the Governing Body as Chairperson. 2. Two members of the Governing Body of the College to be nominated by the Chairperson of whom one shall be an expert in academic administration. 3. One nolnee of the Vice Chancellor who shall be Higher Education expert. Three experts consisting of the Principal / Director of a College, a Professor and an accomplished educationist not below the rank of a Professor (to be nominated by the Governing Body of the College) out of a panel of six experts approved by the relevant statutory body of the University concerned. 4 vin Iwo m I- - -1] 5 em'. mm An academician representing SC / ST / 011C / Minority / Women Differently-ahled categories, if any of candidates representing these categories is the applicant, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor, if any of the above members of the selection committee does not belong to that category. Toe stitute the quorum for the meeting, five of which at least two must be from out o the three subject-experts shall be present. All th selection procedures of the selection committee shall be completed on the day o 'the selection committee meeting itself. wherein, minutes are recorded along with t escoring profomo and recommendation made on the basis of merit with the tin of selected and waillified candidates/Panel of names in order of merit. duly signed by all members of the selection committee. The term of appointment of the College Principal / Director shall be FIVE years with eligibility for reappointment for one more term only after a similar selection committee process. 6 COUNTING OF PAST SERVICES FOR DIRECT RECRUITMENT AN1) 1 PROMOTION UNDER (:AS : Previous regular service. whether national or international, as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor or equivalent in a University, College. National Laboratories or other scientific / professional organizations such as the CSIR. ICAR. DROLL lIGC, ICSSR, ICHR, ICMR. DOT , etc., should be counted for Asst recruitment and promotion under CAS of a teacher as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor. Professor or any other nomenclature these posts are described as per Appendix I - Table No. II provided that : (a) The essential quali fications of the post held were not lower than the qualifications prescribed by the AICTE for Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor as the case may be. (b) the post is/was in an equivalent grade or of the pre-revised scale of pay as the post of Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Associate Professor (Reader) and Professor. The candidate for direct recruitment has applied through proper channel only. (d) The concerned Assistant Professor. Associate Professor and Professor should possess the same minimum qualifications as prescribed by the AICTE for appointment to he post of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, as the case may be. ' 2//.2 -13 Cattail: of INDIA IX RAORDIAAR (e) The post was filled in accordance with the prescribed selection procedure as laid down in the Regulations of University / State Government / Central Government / concerned institutions, for such appointments. (0 The previous appointment was not as guest lecturer for any duration, or a ad-hoc or in a leave vacancy of less than one year duration. Ad-hoc o temporary service of more than one year duration can be counted provide that : ji (g) the period of service was of more than one year duration; HI the incumbent was appointed on the recommendation of duly constituted Selection Committee, [in( the incumbent was selected to the permanent post in continuation to the ad-hoc or temporary service; and Dv] Artificial break inservice shall not be used to the prejudice of employee, appointed on permanent basis. I he person appointed on permanent basis shall be given the benefit of entire service rendered by him with effect from the date ofinitial appointment (temporary/contract/ad-hoc) notwithstanding the artificial brcaklbreaks in service. No distinction should be made with reference to the nature of managemen of t e institution where - previous service was rendered (private/local body 'Government) was considered for counting past services under this clause. Dr. K P ISAAC. Mem lientisct [ADA(' III I I62,121.o [Pm I la—P nl APPENDIX — I ABLE —1 PROPOSED SCORES FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (APIs) IN RECRUITMENTS AND CAREER ADVANCEMENT SCHEME (CAS) PROMOTIONS OF UNIVERSITY/ COLLEGE TEACHERS CATEGORY I : TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION RELATED ACTIVITIES Brief Explanation . Based on the teacher's self-assessment, API scores are proposed for (a) teaching related activities: (b) domain knowledge, (e) participation in examination and evaluation; (d) contribution to innovative teaching, nep courses etT The minimum API score required by teachers from this category is 75. The self-assessment score should be based on objectively verifiable criteria wherever possible and will be finalized by the screeninglselection committee. Nature of Activity Lectures, seminars, tutorials practrcals. contact hours undertaken Maximum Score 50 as percentage of lectures allocated a 2 3 Lectures or other teaching duties in excesses Preparation and imparting of knowledge/instruction as pe curriculum, syllabus enrichment by providing additional resource i to students 4 Use of patheipatory and innovative teaching-learning 20 methodologies, updating of subject content. course improvement , 5 Examination duties (Inviailation; question paper setting. evaluatiorubssessment of answer scripts) as per allotment. 25 Total Score 25 inimum API Score Required 75 Universities pill be required to detail the activities and in case institutional specific ties require, adjust the w ightages, without changing the minimum total API scores required under this Note: Lectures and tutorials allocation to add up to the A ICU norm for particular category of teacher. University may prescribe minimum cut-of (net of due leave), say SO %, for I above, below which no scores may be assigned in these sub-categories. DIE G. AORD1NARY Nut CATEGORY II : CO-CURRICULAR, DEVELOPMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES. EXTENSION AND PROFESSIONAL Brief Explanation: Based on the teacher's self-assessment, category II API scores are proposed for co-curricular and extension activities; and Professional development related contributions. The minimum API required by teachers for eligibility for promotion is IA A list of items and proposed scores is given below. It will be noticed that all teachers can earn scores from a number of items, whereas some activities will be carried out only by one or a few teachers. The list of activiti s is broad enough for the minimum API score required (IS) in this category to accrue to all teachers. As before, the self-assessment score should be based on objectively verifiable criteria and will be finalized by the screening/selection committee. The model table below gives groups of activities and API scores. Universities may detail the activities or, in case institutional specificities require, adjust the weightages, without changing the minimum total API scores required under this category. SI. No. Nature of Activity Student related co-curricular,extension and field based activities (such as extension work through bISSiNC7C and other channels, cultural activities, subject related events, advisement and counseling). Maximum Score 20 2 Contribution to Corporate life and management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administrative committees and responsibilities. 15 l Professional Development activities (such as participation in seminars, conferences, short term training courses, talks, lectures, membership of associations, dissemination and general articles, not covered in Category III below): IS Total Score 50 Minimum API Score Required 15 CATEGORY III : RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTIONS Brief Explanation: Based on the teacher's self-assessment, API scores are proposed for search and cademic contributions. The minimum API score required by teachers from this category is different for different levels of promotion and between University and Colleges. The selfassessm nt score will be based on verifiable criteria and will be finalized by the sereening/sele -lion committee. SI. No. APIs I Engineering I of i Faculties Languages Humanities/ Social Sciences/ Max. points for University and College m imyr /Pairon vm m Management III A Research Pap published in : Refereed Journals' Non-refereed but recognized and reputable journals and periodicals, having ISBN/ISSN mimber. Seminar/ Conference proceedings as full papers, etc. (Abstracts not to be included) HI (B) 1,2 6F Research 'text or Reference Publications Books Published by (books, chapters International in books other Publishers with an than refereed established peer journal articles) Subjects Books by National level publishers/State and Central Publications with ISBN/ISSN numbers. Subject Books by Other local publishers with ISBN/ISSN 6 i//2,— /(i efereed Journals' Non-refereed but recognized and reputable journals and periodicals. having ISBN/ISSN numbers Conference proceedings as full papers, etc. (Abstracts not to be included) Text or Reference Books Published by International Publishers with an established peer review system Subject Books by / national level publishers/State and Central Govt Publications with ISBN/ISSN numbers Subject Books by Other local publishers with 1ST-IN/ISSN numbers. Chapters contributed Chapters contributed to edited knowledge to edited knowledge based volumes based volumes published by published by International International Publishers Publishers Chapters contributed Chapters in to edited knowledge knowledge based based volumes volumes in published by Indian/National level International publishers with Publishers Chapters in ISBN knowledge based /ISSN numbers and volumes by with numbers of Indian/National level national and publishers with international teacher position 15 / publication 10/ Publication International 10/ publication National 5 / publication 50 /sole author; 10 /chapter in an edited book 25 /sole author. and 5/ chapter in edited books 15 / sole author. and 3 chapter in edited books 10 /Chapter .5 / Chapter GAt6TTE OF INDIA %TR AD! ARY III (C) III (C) (I) !Pas ISBN/ISSN numbers directories and with numbers of national and international directories RESEARCH PROJECTS Projects Major Projects amount Major mobilized mobilized with grants amount above Rs. 30.0 lakh with grants above Rs. 5.0 lakh Sponsored Projects carried out/ ongoing 20 jeet Major Projects Major Projects 15 amount mobilized Amount mobilized Project with grants above Rs. withminimum of 5.0 lakhs up to Rs. Rs.3.00 lakh up to Rs.5 00 lakh 30.00 lukh Minor Projects Minor Projects (Amount mobilized (Amount mobilized with grants above with grants above Rs.50,000 up to Rs.5 Rs.25.000 up to Rs.3 lakh) lakh) III (C) (ii) /each 10/each Project Consultancy. Amount mobilized Amount mobilized 10 per every of with minimum of Rs.3.0 lakh and Projects carried with minimum lakh cut/ongoing Rs.3.00 lakh Rs.1.0 lakh Respectively Completed project Report (Acceptance from funding agency) III (C) (iii) Completed projects Quality Evaluation III (E)ON Bac Projects Outcome Outputs Completed project report (Accepted by funding agency) 20 /each major project 10/each minor Project / Major policy Major Policy document of Govt. document of Gost Bodies at Central and Bodies at Central and State level State level Patent/ Technology transfer/ Product/ Patent/ Technology Process transfer/ Product/ Process III (0) RESEARCH GUIDANCE III (D) M.Phil / M.Yech ME/ Degree awarded only Degree only awarded 30 / national output patent each level or 50 /each for International level 3 / each candidate (9m in el.; JJ III (I)) (n) 5IN Ph.D olillm I Degree awarded Degree awarded 10 /each Candidate Thesis submitted Thesis submitted 7 /each candidate TRAINING COURSES AND CONFERENCE /SEMINAR / WORKSHOP PAPERS Attended Refresher COUNCS, Methodology workshops, Training, Teaching LearningEvaluation Technology Programmes, Skills Soft development Programmes. Not less than two Not less than two 20/each week Duration weeks duration One week duration One week duration 10/each Development Programmes (Max: 30 points) Papers Conferences/ in Seminars workshops etc * 5 Participation and Participation and Presentation of Presentation of research papers research papers (oral/poster) in (oral/poster) in a)Intemational conference b) National aftritemational conference II) National 15 /each 10i each c) Regional/State level c) Regional/State 5/each level Local y / each Local — d) d) University/College University/College level III (E) (iv) Invited lectures (a) International or presentations for conferences (b) National level level International (b) National level 10 /each 5 /each / rft mposia Wherever relevant j • ny specific discipline. di API score for paper i refereed Journal would be augmented as follows: (i) indexed journals—by 5 points; (ii) papers with impact factor between I and 2 by 10 points; (iii) papers with impact factor between 2 and 5 by 15 points; (iv) papers with impact factor between 5 and 10 by 25 points. If a paper presented in Conference/Seminar is published in the form of Proceedings, the points would accrue for the publication (III (a)) and not under presentation (Ill (MOB). Notes : I. It is incumbent on the Coordination Committee proposed in these Regulations and the University to prepare and publicize within six months subject-wise lists of journals. periodicals and publishers under categories IIIA and I. "I such time, screening/selection committees will assess and verify the categorization and scores of publications. 2. The API for joint publications will have to be calculated in the following manner: Of the total score for the relevant category of publication by the concerned teacher, the firstPrinci pal author and the corresponding author/supervisor/Mentor of the teacher would share equally total score, if the number of authors are more, then the first two authors would share equally 60% of the total points and the remaining authors would share equally 40% of the points. TABLE — 11(A) MINIMUM APIs AS PROVIDED IN TABLE I TO BE APPLIED FOR THE PROMOTION OF TEACHERS UNDER CAREER ADVANCEMENT SCHEME (CAS) IN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS, AND WEICIII AGES FOR EXPERT ASSESSMENT Assistant Assistant Professor/ Professor/ equivalent equivalent cadres: cadres : 2 I to (Stage (Stage Stage 3) Stage 2) I 11 Teachinglearning. Evaluation Related Activities -ate ory I) Cocurricular, Extension and Profession related activities (Category II) 75/Year 75/Year Assistant Professor (Stage 3) to Associate to Professor/ equivalent cadres (State 4) 75/Year 15/Year 15/Year 15/Year Professor Associate (Stage 5) Professor to Professor (Stage 4) to Professor/ (Stage 6) equivalent cadres (Stage 5) 75/Year 75/Year 15/Year I5/Year III Minimum total average annual Score under Categories I and II* IV Research and Academic Contribution (Category III) V 100'Year 100/Year 10/Year (40/assessment period) 21l/Year p 00/assessment Period) 30/Veer 40/Year (90/assessment (120assessment period) period) 50/Year (500/assessment period) Screering Committee Selection Committee Selection Committee Expert Committee No separate points. Screening committee to verify API Scores 30% Contribution to Research 50% Assessment of domain knowledge and teaching practices. 20 %Interview mencc 50% 50% Contribution to Contribution to Research Research 30 50 % Assessment of Performance domain evaluation and knowledge and other credential teaching by referral practices. 20 % procedure - Interview performance Expert Screening Assessment Committee System Percentage No separate Distribution points. of Screening Weightsge com mittee to Points in the veri fy Expert Al'! scores Assessment (Total weightage 100. Minimum required for promotion is 50) 11003Year 100/Year 100 ear Noe: For Univer. hies for which S xth l'RC Awards re applicable. St ges I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 correspond to scales with AGP of Rs 6000, 7000. 13000. 9001), 10000 and 12000 respectively 261 21t2-15- TABLE —II (8) MINIMUM APIs AS PROVIDED IN TABLE I TO BE APPLIED FOR THE PROMOTION OF TEACHERS, IN COLLEGES (LTG AND PG) UNDER CAREER ADVANCEMENT SCHEME (CAS) AND WEIGHTAGES FOR EXPERT ASSESSMENT Assistant Professor/ equivalent cadres Stage I Stage 2: Teaching learning, Evaluation Related Acti vities (category I) Co-curricular. and Extension Profession related act iv it (Category II) 75/Year III total Minimum annual average under Score I and Categories 11" IV I II V Assistant Professor/ equivalent cadres : to Stage 2 Stage 3 ' 75/Year Assistant Professor (Stage 3) Associate to Professor/ equivalent cadre 75 Associate Professor to to Professor Promotion in Colleges (Stage 5) as per assigned posts 75/Year 15/Year 15/Year I5/Year 100/Year 100/Year 100/Year 100/Year and Research Academic Contribution (Category 111) 5/Year (20/assessment period) 10/Year (50/assessment period) 15/Year (45/assessment period) 20/Year (60/assessment period) Expert Assessment System Screening Committee Screening Committee Selection Committee Selection Committee Percentage of Distribution Weightage Points Expert in the Assessment ( folal Wei hta le = 100 separate No separate No paints. points. Screening Screening cmittee to cmittee to API verify API verify scores scores 20% Contribution to Research 60% Assessment of dom/ • knowledge and teaching 30% Contribution to Research. 50 % of Assessment d main and knowledge teaching Orr IT 41 Minimum required for promotion is 50) practices. 20 % practices. 20 % Interview Interview I performance performance Teachers may score 10 points from either C' tegory I or Category II to achieve the minimum score required under Category I+ II. Note For Universitie for which Sixth PRC Awards a applicable, Stages I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 correspond to scales with ACE' 0 Rs.6000, 7000. 000, 9000 and 10000 respectively . Explanatory note for Tables 11(A) and II all I. All Universities/Colleges will set up verifiable systems for the API related information required in these tables within THREE months of notification of these Regulations. They will have to be documented and collated annually by the Internal Quality Assessment cells (IQACs) of the Universities / Colleges for follow up by the Universities / College authorities. In order to facilitate this process. all teachers shall submit the duly filled-in Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) proforma to the IQAC annually. 2 I lowever, in order to remedy the difficulties of collecting retrospective information and to facilitate the implementation of these Regulations from 31-12-2010 in the CAS Promotion. the API based PBAS will be progressively and prospectively rolled out Accordingly, the PHAS based on the API scores of categories I and II as mentioned in these tables Ls to be implemented for one year. initially based on the existing systems in Universities / Colleges, if any for one year only with the minimum average scores as depicted in Fable II (a) and II (b) This annualized API scores can then be compounded progressively as and when the teacher becomes eligible for CAS promotion to the next cadre. Thus, if a teacher is eligible for CAS promotion in 2011. one year API scores for 2009-10 alone will be required for assessment. In case of a teacher becoming for CAS promotion in 2012, two years average of API scores for these categories will be required for assessment and so on leading progressively for the complete assessment period. 4 As shown in Table 11. the aggregate minimum API score required can be earned from any of the two broad categories, subject to the minimum prescribed in each category. This will provide for due weightage to teachers who contribute additionally through any of the components given in Categories I and II, also for the differing nature of contributions possible in different institutional settings+ 5. For Category III (research and academic contributions), maintenance of past record is done on a normal basis by teachers and hence no difficulty is envisaged in applying the API scores for this category for the entire assessment period. In this category, an aggregate minimum score is required for promotion over each stage. Alternatively, a teacher should acquire the required minimum aggregate score over two previous stages, taken together. Candidates should offer themselves for assessment for promotion. if they fulfill the minimum API scores indicated in Tables I and II, by submitting an application and the required proforma. They can do so three months before the due date. if they consider themselves eligible. Candidates who do not consider themselves elIgible, can also apply at a later date. 7. If, however, on final assessment, candidates do not either fulfill the minimum criteria under Rows Ill and IV of Tables 11(A) and II (3) or obtain less than 50% in the expel assessment, th y will be reassessed only after a minimum period of one year. S. a. If a candidate applies for promotion on completion of the minimum eligibility period and is successful, the date of promotion will be deemed to be the minimum period of eligibility. b. If however, the candidate finds that she / he fulfills the eligibility conditions at a later date and applies on that date and is successful, her / his promotion will be deemed to be from that date of application. c 1 If the candidate does not succeed in the first assessment, but succeeds in an eventual assessment, her / his promotion will be deemed to be from the later date. 1 TABLE — II(C) Minimum Scores for APIs for direct recruitment of teachers in University departments/Colleges, and weightages i Selection Committees to be considered along with other specified eligibility qualifications tipulated in the Regulations. Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Associate equivalent cadres (Stage equivalent cadres (Stage 4) I) Professor/equivalent cadres (Stage 5) Minimum Qualification Consolidated API score Consolidated API score as stipulated in these requirement of 300 requirement of 400 points from category III points from category III Regulations of APIs Of APIs a) Academic a) Academic Record and a) Academic Selection Background (20%) Background (20%) Research Performance Committee b) Research performance h) Research criteria / (50%) based on API score of performance based on weightages ID Assessment quality of API score and quality and Domain Knowledge (Total publications 40%). of publications Weightages and Teaching Skills c) Assessment of (40%). (30%) Domain Knowledge of c) Interview c) Assessment 100) and Teaching Skills Domain Knowledge performance (20%) and Teaching Skills (20%) d) Interview (20%) performance : (20%) d) Interview performance : (20%) Note : For Universities/Colleges for which Sixth PRC Awards arc applicable, Stages I,4 and 5 correspond to scales with AGP of Rs.6000, 9000 and 10000 respectively. Minimum API Scores [ -tan 111 /D-T- NG T Tell ace r TABLE : III MINIMUM ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FOR PROMOTION OF TEACHERS IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Promotion of Service requirement Minimum Academic Performance Teachers through Requirements and Screening/Selection CAS n eria Assistant Professor/ Assistant Professor 0) Minimum API s using PBAS equivalent cadres in scoring proforma developed eveloped by the from Stage I to Stage 1 and concerned University as per the norms Stage 2 completed four provided in Table II(A)/II(B) of years of service with Appendix I. Ph.D. or five years (ii) One Orientation and one Refresher / of service who are Research Methodology Course of 2/3 with M.Phil /PG weeks duration approved or conducted Degree by AICTE / Central Govt. / State Govt. Professional Courses ITEQIP / CHIP/STE' NITTTR HT i such as LLM. DTE SBTE / University, etc. M.Tech, or six )ears ii)Screening corn Verification process for of service who are recommending promotion. without Phi) /M Phil /PG Degree Professional Courses 2. Assistant Professor/ Assistant Professor equivalent cadres with completed from Stage 2 to service of five years Stage3 in Stage 2. 3. Assistant Professor 3) (Stage to Associate Professor (i) Minimum API scores using the PBAS scoring proforma developed by the concerned University as per the norms provided in Table II(A) / MR) of Appendix I (ii) One course / programme from among the categories of refresher courses, methodology workshops. Training. Learning — Evaluation Teaching Technology Programmes, Soft Skills development Programmes and Faculty Development Programmes of 2/3 week duration approved or conducted by AKA E / Central Govt. / State Govt. / irl(I EQIP CIIILP / !STE/ NI /DTE/SEITE / University , etc. (iiit) Screening cum yen process for recommending promotion. Assistant Professors (i) Minimum API scores using the PBAS scoring proforma developed by the with three years of concerned University as per the norms completed service in (Stage 4) Stage 3. provided in Table IIA / II(B) of Appendix I. 0i) At least three publications in the entire period as Assistant Professor (twelve years). However, in the case of College of one exemption teachers,an publication will be given to M. Phil. holders and an exemption of two publications will be given to Ph. D. holders_ li)One course / programme from among methodology categories of the Teachingworkshops, Training, Evaluation Technology I warningProgrammes, Soft Skills development Programmes and Faculty Development Programmes of minimum one week duration approved or conducted by AICTE/CentraI/State Gout /IEQIP / CIIILP/ISTE/ NIITIR / IIT / DTE / SBTE / University. etc. Ovii A selectioncommittee process as stipulated in these Regulations and in Tables II(A) and II(B) of Appendix I. 4. Associate Professor Associate Professor with three years of (Stage 4) Professor/ completed service in cadres equivalent Stage 4. (Stage 5) 5 (i) Minimum yearly /cumulative API scores using the PBAS scoring proforma developed by the concerned University as per the norms provided in Table IDAFII(B) of Appendix I. -leachers may combine two assessment periods (in Stages 2 and 3) to achieve minimum API scores, if-required. (ii) A minimum of five publications since the period that the teacher is placed in Stage 3. tin A selection committee process as stipulated in this Regulation and in Tables II(A) and 11(8) of Appendix I. Minimum yearly /cumulative API Professor (Stage 5) Professor with ten years of completedscores for the assessment period as per to Professor (Stage the norms provided in Table II(A) of service (Universities 6) Appendix I only) (ii) Additional credentials are to be evidenced by: (a) postdoctoral research outputs of high standard; (b) awards / honours / recognitions / patents and IPII on products and processes developed / technology transfer achieved; and (c) pith In 79.7 4I vat at onra. mi11-71 Additional research degrees like D.Sc., (iii) A review process by an Expert Committee as stipulated in this Regulation and in Tables II(A) and 11(B) of Appendix I. For teachers seeking promotion under CAS to Associate Professor, for those who on the date of this notification arc Assistant Professors in Stage 2. the existing requirement of Ph.D. or cquivalen publications will continue to apply. In case, some teachers do not also meet this crit risk the selection committee may give due weightage to criteria mentioned in Appendix I, Categories I and II. For all others who enter Stage 2, subsequent to this otification, the requirement of three publications, as defined in these Regulations, will h applicable. Note For Universities/Colleges for which Sixth PRC Awards are applicable, Stages I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 correspond to scales with AGP of Rs.6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000 and 12000 respectively University of Annual Self-Assessment for the Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) Session/Year ( To be completed and submitted al the end of each academic year ) PART A ( GENERAL I INFORMATION ) Name (in Block 1 etters) 2. Father's Name / Mother's Name Husband's Name 3. k Department 4. Current Designation & Grade Pay Date of last Promotion 6. , Address for correspondence (with Pincod 7. Permanent Address (with Pincode, Telephone No. & E-mail) 8. Whether acquired any degree or fresh academic qualifications during the year_ 9. Academic Staff College Orientation 1 Refresher Course attended during the year : Name of the Coors Summer Place Duration Sponsoring Agency School PART f ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ( Please see detailed instructions of this PEAS proforma before filling outthls section ) CATEGORY TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUA f IN RELATED ACTIVITIES (i) Itures. Seminars. Tutorials, Practical,. Contact Hours (give semester-wise details, where necessary) SI. Course/Paper Level Mode of No teaching * No. of classes I No. of C lases % per week conducted allotted of classes practicals taken as per documented record Lecture (L), Semina (S), Tutorial (T). Pr ctical (P). Contact Hours (C) API Score Classes Taken (max. 50 for 100% performance & Proportionate score upto 80% performance. below which no score may be given) (h) Teaching Load in excess of AICTE norm (mast score : 10) (ii) Reading / Instmetional material consulted and additional knowledge resources provided to students Icon III :TreJI SI. Course Paper new Tr Consulted nr. eintenir Prescribed Additional Resource Provided No. API score based on Preparation and impart ng of knowledge / API Score instruction as per curricul m & syllabus enri iment by providing additional resources to students (max. Score : 0) (iii) Use of ParoctpatoD and Innovative Te eking-Teaming Methodologies, Updating of Subject Content. Course In rovement , etc. SI. Short Description API Score No Total Score (max Score 20) xamination Duties Assign and Performed SI. Type of EX.IMIIIM1011 Duties Duties Assigned ixtent to which carried out (Te) API Score No. Total Score (ma (12 2//2-1 7 CATEGORY II CO-CURRICULAR, EXTENSION, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES Please mention your contribution to any of the following SI. Type of Activity I Average Hrs., Week API Score Yearly API Score No. (i) Extension, Co-curricular & field based aaivitirs Total (max. 20) to Corporate (ii) Contribution Management of the Institution Li W and / Semester wise responsibilities Total (max. : 15) (m)Professional Development A ctivities Total (max.. 15) Total Score (i + il +11) (max. : 25) CATEGORY III ( RESEARCH, PUBLICATIONS AND ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTIONS ) A) SI. Publish d Papers in Journals 1 Title Journal 1 ISSN/ISDN 1I with Whether peer reviewed, impact 1 No. of I co- Whether you are the main API 4171111 - No. Page factor, If any authors author Score 1 Nos. B(i) Articles/Chapters ublished in Books SI . Title I3ook with litle. Page editor Nos. publisher (ii) Pull Papers SI . Na ISSN/ISBN Whether pet Nu. of reviewed & authors Whether you API are the main Score author conference Proceedings Tale Details of :on Terence ISSW66N with Publi abort No. Page Na I coautho ,heth the API Score author Nos. (iii) Books Publi -hed as single author or as vigor I itle with type of P blisher & Vv ether I No of Whether API IP rh III )h INDIA EXTRAORDINARY No. Page Nos. ISSN/ISBN No. Book & Authorship peer reviewed o authors you are the main author Si Score iii (C) Ongoing and Completed Research Projects and Consultancies (c) (i & ii) Ongoing Pro eats/Consultancies 1 Title SI. I Agency Period No. Grant/Amount Mobilized (Rs. l.akh) API Score Whether policy documen✓patent as outcome API Score (c) (iii & iv) Completed Projects/Consultancies Title SI. No. Agency Period Crain/Amoy t Mobilized (Rs. in Lakh (D) Research Guidance SI. No. M.E.N.Tech./Master in appropriate field Number Enroll d Thesis Submitted Degree awarded API Score rpn eTte 1 110 [ cm 111 brdg 11 D or equivalent (E) Training Courses, Teaching-Learning-Evaluation Technology Programmcs, Faculty Development Programmes (not less than one week durat on) SL No Programme I Duration 0 gulped by API Scare (E) (ii) P pers presentedin Conferences Seminars, Workshops, Symposia Title of the Whetherin¢metional/ API paper Conference/ Lille Organised national / state regional / COI" presented Seminar College or University level E(iii) Invited Lectures a d Chaimtanships at ational or International conference:sem tnar No. etc. Title of I ecru e / Title of Conference Or anised Whether API Academic Ses ion / Seminar etc by international / Score national IV. SL MMARY OF API SCORES Who Criteria Last Total-API Annual Av. API Academi Score for Score for Year ssessment Period Teaching, Learning and Evaluation related activities II Co-curricular. Extension, Professional development, etc. Total (I + II) Research and Academic Contribution (IX( (:////z—/c; Assessment Period THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY' PART C: OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION Please give details of any other credential, significant contributions, awards, received, etc. not mentioned earlier. SI. 4 Details (Mention Year, value, etc. where relevant) No, IR I ST OF ENCLOSURE ificates ease attach, copies of c ion ord , papers, etc. wherever necessary) SI. No. 6. I 7. 0 certify that the information provided is correct as per records available with the University and/or documents enclosed along with the duly filed PEAS proforma Signature of the faculty with Designation, Place & Date Signature of HOD/School Chairperson:Principal NH. The Annual Self—Assessment proforma duly filled along with all enclosures, submitted for CAS promotions will be verified by the University/College and information filed with the IQAC. P.IM 111-19T.. 4] PART C: OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION FION Plea e give details of any other credential. mgmlicant contributions, awards, received , earker . na tnen oned SI. Details (Mention Year. value, eta where relevant) LIST OF ENCLOSURES (Please attach, come necessary) No am. 1011 orders, Papers • etc. wherever SI No 6. 7 8 cenlry that the information provided is L. rred s per records a documents enclosed along with the duly filed PBAS proformet abl with the Ilnive ignature of the faculty with Designation. Place Be Date Signature of HOD/School I ChenTeno ✓PrineLpal The Annual Self-Assessment profonna duly filled along with all enclosures, submitted for CAS prOM011011S will he verified by the University/College and Information filed with the IQAC. THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Instructions for Filing up Part B of the PBAS Proforma Part B of the Proforma is based on the AICTE Regulations 2010. It is to be filled out for the recently completed academic year. The proforma is to be filled as per these tables and self-assessment scores given. For each category. maximum scores that can be given or carried forward is indicated in the Table. The self-assessment scores are further to be based on the indicators'activities given below. Universities may modify the detailed indicators and related scores based on their experience and requirement without changing the score requirements assigned to categories and sub-categories in Appendix III, Table I. N.B. : 'file self-assessment scores are subject to verification by the Universiv/College, and by the Screening cum Verification Committee or Selection Committee as the case may be. I Teaching and Evaluation Related Performance : Indicators/Activities Maximum Score (a) loectures/PracticalsiTutonalsrontact classes taken should be 50 based on verifiable records. No score should be assigned if a teacher has taken less than (say) 80% assigned classes. Universities may give allowance for periods of leave where alternative teaching arrangements would ordinarily be made. Maximum score if there is 100% achievements (b) If teacher has taken classes exceeding AICTE norm, then two 10 point to be assigned for each extra hour of classes Imparting of knowledge/instruction vis-a-vis with the prescribed ma erial (Text book / Manual . etc.) and methodology of the 20 curriculum (100% compliance = 20 points) flip Us of Participatory and Innovative Teaching-Teaming Methodologies, Updating of Subject Content, Course Improvement , etc. Up acing of courses. design of curriculum. (5-single course) 10 Preparation of resource material, fresh reading materials, Laboratory 10 ma uals, etc. H Use of innovative teaching-learning methodologies; use of ICTi 10 ['imw—n cal RAT updated subject content and course improvement. a. ICT Based Teaching materia1:10points:cakh b. Interactive Courses : 5 points/each e. Participatory Learning modules ; 5 points/each D veloping and imparting Remedial/Bridge Courses and Counseling modules (Each activity . 5 points) 10 Developing and imparting soft skills/communication skills/personality 10 development courses/modules (Each activity : 5 points) Developing and imparting specialized teaching-learning programmes 10 in physical education, library; innovative compositions and creations in music. performing and visual arts and other traditional areas (Each ac ivity.: 5 points) 0 gaming and conduction of popularization programmes/training co rses in computer assisted teaching/web-based learning and e- 10 library skills to students a 1 55 orkshope Training course_ 10 points each b. Popularization program : 5 points each M ximum Aggregate Limit (iv) 20 Ex mination Related Work ( allege/University end semester/Annual Examination work as per duties allotted. (Invigilation - 10 points, Evaluation of answer scripts 20 -5 points: Question paper setting -5 points). (100% compliance =20 points) Collegeiliniversity examination:Evaluation responsibilities for imernal/continuous assessment work as allotted (100% compliance I 0 points) 10 Examination work such as coordination or flying squad duties , etc. 111 (maximum of S or 10 depending upon intensity of duty) (10(1% compliance = 10 points) Maximum Aggregate Limit B (iv) 11 25 Co-c rricular, Extension and Profession Related Activities and Participation in the /9 1 C Corporate Life of the Institution Fhxtension and Co-curricular Related Activities Institutional Co-curricular activities for students such as field 10 studies/educational tours, Industry-impanieg training and placement activity f5 point each) Positions held/Leadership role played in organization linked with 0 Extension Work and National service Scheme (NSS), NCC or any other similar activity (Each activity 10 points) Students and Staff Related Soc io-Cultural and Sports Programmes. 10 campus publications (department Icvel 2 points, institutional level 5 points). Community work such as values of National Integration, secularism, 10 democracy. socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper; flood or, drought relief, small family norms, etc. (5 points each) Maximum Aggregate Limit 20 Contribution to Corporate Life and Management of the Institution Contribution to Corporate life in Untversittes/Colleges through 10 meetings, popular lectures. subject related events, articles in College magazine and University volumes (2 point each). Institutional Governance responsibilities like. Vice Principal. Dean, 10 Director, Warden, Bursar, School Chairperson, IQAC coordinator (10 points each) Participation in committees concerned with any aspect of 10 departmental or institutional management such as admission committee, campus development, library committee (5 point each). Responsibility for, or panicipation in committees for Students 10 Welfare. Counseling and Discipline (5 each) Organization of Conference/Training: International (10 points); 10 national/regional (5 points) Maximum Aggregate Limit 15 Professional Development Related Activities Membership in profession related committees at state and national level 10 I on -a 11 a- -1 At national level :3 points each b. At state level : 2 points each Panicipation in subject associations conferences seminars hou 10 Participation in short term training course less le than one week 10 paper presentation (Each activity c2 point) duration in educational technology, curriculum development, professional development, Nomination reforms, Institutional governance (Each activity . 5 points) membership/panic i potion in Pod ies Committees on Education and 0 National Development (5 each) Publication of atticles in newspapers magazine or other publications 0 (not covered in category 3); radio talks. etc (1 point each). Maximum Aggregate Limit 111 15 RESEARCH, PUBLICATIONS AND ACADEMIC CONTRIBU'I IONS This is to he filled as per the ATTE Regulations. 2010. Wherever the resear h contribution is jointly made. the API scores should he shared between the contributors as per the formula provided in the Table I. Summary of APE Scores I heoumr ust take into account the maximum score limits tor each set of indicators Similar PRAS proforma could be developed by the universities for the Cadres of I ibrariatt Deputy I ibrarian (Assistant I ibrarian and Director of Physical Education & Sports/Deputy Director of Physical Education & Sports / Assistant Director of Physical Education & Sports based on the API Scoring pattern outlined in AICTE Regulations. 2010.