(t)rr~i~nJ~elt - Greenbelt News Review

by R1lilllle21 Greeahawn
The Greenbelt Cooperative P.ublishing Associat;on. Inc.
Mary!='tnd. •r_;l"!'~d:w. November 22. 1956
•:ovfic -Quart..-ly Meeting ·Revittws
···~First 9 Months ·Of 1956 Operations
b)' AJ Skobtlk
· .·· ; ' .· . Greenbelt Veteraa HousP1g Corp:>ration officials exprE~ed the
, ·, opllllon at last ltfunday's quarterl~r membership meeting that
for GVHC housiD~: units will probably remain
't i,,tbe J88Dle or increase slightly for 195~7. This opinion was baseq on
lit;' !:a proposed budget drafted by GVHC Manager Paul Cam]>bell and
·:{Hy.·,elreul,.~ to .board rqmbe~ .. for th*"ir consideration at the next
! ,!:,monthly. c:harges
: ·;:·'f.
meeting, Friday, November 23.
TIJe . boustng
.. · ' .~ .': ·Jit&lflment· for the fi.l'llt nine moriths
:.. t:', ;. of .1fl8, I~ which budget eaii· ';,;! ;~te. ~ere projected, allow~ .Ome
.,_,\ll'~~t In operations over.;a
·:•u::~;I·..-D&r ·period .In ~- ~Da,arnY
• · :~J;• ~ ~t of reduced loaes from
.···vy~ctes, total income
the nine
:H_: ,•ofttba ending' Septem~r 30, 1956
: ;_;;:ilhcteued ~ over last )"e._&r,
~.J: -hUe ex{'eN!e& increased only $3,·'11 :100•' leavtftg .the corporation some_-
· '.J:·,~.IOO
~tter. oft.
. ,
<J?C ·~ however, empha:,1, •~twO'~ts With ~ to the
: i, ~ ,_'.
.tly-. favorable llilaclal plc.' ·: · 'tu · *etched "Y · the operating
' : statement. ~ ~be Income fig;' ' uro. for, 1N6 lncluclect $8,00C. t'eaDz! ed as PI'Oftt from the· aale of the
. unde,..-eloped 1-.nd, ~d .1t Ia que.
tianable whether such an ltem
: llhould be lnclucled in a eompatf..on
' of operating Income and· ~
Second, JUiel'tiea for 1101ne of· the
t:XDendlture lteims. are threatened
with . depletloD. .'rhia Ill eapeci&Qy
tn~e wfth respect to beating c - .
whlcb, u the ~ of a col.d apri~g
and . inc~ iuei on prices, rose
tl3,400 duthaa- the fil'llt three quar. tera ot ~ over a sfmJJa.i" period
:) .
--·-.- - - .- - - -
col.ectlon will go U{l.
Small Attendance
J..ess t.han a score of members
attended the quarterly meeting.
G'VHC board and management om-.
cials observed that, in vJ•ew of t1ie
skimpy attendance at rec:ent quartetly meeting&, there would probab:y be submitted to the mem.bership at the_ annual March meeting
an ".mendment to the b;r-laws to
~1:JBtitute one semi-annual meetU'l~: for the threi! quarterly meetin~:s. The semi-ann1,1al meeting
·would most likely be held in Octo· ber.
Other Items DiiiCUI~
,~en questior..ed abou~t the sta-
tlul ·of the PhariSB coimnittee appiinted to set up a plan for re. financing of sales, acting ch&innan
Bruce BoWDMm .stated tbat it was
t~~ .-board's feeling that us long as
adequate &anclng was available
fn:llll sue~ private sources ~s tbe
Greenbelt Credit Union, the corpo:ration should not get" into the
so1newhat risky busines.!l of what
is, in effect, second mortgage fi.na.'!lcing. ·However, the 03rporation
stands re•dy, _Elowma.n add~~ to
--~ :~~ •. ~ laeatbac... , .... at
enter the picture W'beiuwer private
the bql~g ot 1He .tooc1 at only
sources run dry.
· ~i.eoo, an4
board QlaY wa:ftt. to
Other items discussecl: · were a
cionalder i!lcreaaing mo~thty chUgproposal for a aidewsilk along
• ~ order to ·. ~pleli1sh the~~e reSouthway, additional pa1rklng and
-~ ; Campbell 1i.li=. \w--arned that
; u the result of the · "J.illddle East stOrage :...reas, and means of stimu·erial., additlo.nal lncr.eUea ir.. f..:el lating those wlio have not yet
.. . oll prteea may be expectea 1D, 'Ole · painted their homas to take ad; i < comfna- · monthll:··
, ,
' .
vantage of the self-help ]paint pro'.
Taxes nopresenta .aJu~ther Item. gram.
; ·.with depleted reserves. caused prt· Correction
; >'
by the unusual increaae lia
News Review, the
~. clzy and county ratea in 1955. Forestimated eost of Jnstaillng front
:1:tlmatel)r,· elty. 11Dd C:ounty ~ P.,l-ch
lights was repartee! as rang· i ~e been ruDnJng some $2.300 Jess
.i ~~ th~ tn 1955. Nevertheless, ing from $5 U, $35 per hc)me. The
correct figures should be $25 to $=35.
·1 alnce budget estimates must be
WE are sorry for the incc•nvenhmce
:i prepared before city and county
caused an overtaxed nu!.intenl'.nce
hx r:atee ·are 8et, the board 'ma,y
staff which had to disillusion so
. conlllcter It sd-.laable 'CO Bet up a
reeerve' for the contin,renmr- of many hopeful Inquirers.
hiJrher taxes. . rrV!IC .TreUmer
.f,hn Pha~ commented, however,
.that city and c:)Unty ofllciala IM!eJD
I deterintned to hold the line on tax-
__ !
c. ··ne'Kt )'ear.
Lc,cal Victim f-leads
:A- more favorable plctur.i· ia .pre-
:JterateSf. by:~ r_eserve~~ for repairs
~. ~~~ which- &.~ncnmtecl
beglrirtfng of 18158.
:,:I l'fl&lntena.rtce for the flrst 'three
·; i quarters of 1956 alJU) showed a c'ircjp
·· of $U.800 over a similar' period in
favorable ait•tton,
Campbell/pointed out, b due uot 110
much .to a reduced n~ for main~
~ work u to the d.Uilcult)• ot
·employing a· full maintenance ci.oew
·~ yje.w oi oompetitlve wa.~:e ftlf:es
Oftere.d by. local construction .in·,. ~ea. · Oo·nsequenUy, GVHC is
·1nel1Ded to· contract out more and
, ;.moh Of ft. uJ.aintenattce wCJ,rlL All.
i , ,an aample, eonalderatfon l s ~IDg
:.,c siven "tO supplement iho ,.elf-help
i Paint Program hy natlllllng the 5-~ cycle for Pl'lnting the e.Jtterior
. , ,tr;tms dn h~ on a cO.ntract bast~~.
·. ·1J11e ftriandng of thi~ -project would
'·· ~li (~~!)me
t,Jie bunt-up
1'f!R4"rveli on repaia~ end main~
1··: 11eftce.
. .
,. ;, . One major item which sh~d
! ; facrease in . 1jtM and wblch ~
; :~r, ,SOzt.e~;d . tnP.er. monthly . char8e5
; .)1'aa Ute water exper1se ·(~); · A
: i:!it)r «l!!u.!'lCll - 4eefsion ·Ia .the .next
. to : eQ&nd lle'Wsp dJ..-ai
·f~'Uij;J,ea ~1,1.ld · cert:afn!T, meam
>tJ.JtloJIId ·e!llal;P,.·. for . ~i'. :t.fke.,~, to. eQI-
· ; · ·to . ..800
· i. ,, ~fturea
MD Fund Dri~te
Nlne-year-old Michael Gallagher,
38-c Ridge, has ·been chosen the
Hor1orary Chairman of the Museu:.
1a.r Dystrophy Drive cf the Washing1on Area for 1~56. ~rhe drive
wm be held (\urilig the week of
No-,rember 26. In GreentbeJt, volbnu,ers will visit homes; hoping to
be received in the true spirit of the'
Thanksgiving season.
M!!scular Dvstrophy is a disease
that attacks the muscles, weakenIng and making them usete8s. In
time·, the victima-be~me· ~lpless,
and prey. to ail simple ailments,
anv of w.hicb can pro\.•e fa~.
· M;Gr..ey collected will help the
M1!acular D y :s t r o p h -y Chapters
throughout the country give great. er !!ll~rvi~ to victim&-Whoel chai:;:s,
hraces, ~fts a:td other Cl•rthopedic
Twenty speeiELI clinics
have been est&.bllahed by the Muscula)r Dystrophy Association of
~rica. In the Waallln1~n Area
tbe IMD Qinic f.s Ioca~d at the
Geotgetown University Hospital.
a special hearing· on Wed, ttoe CcMinty <:Ommiaskltt•!ra approv~ the c-:1: zoning
the .1Wing station an4t repair
Pllace at the ceJlter.
The Greenbelt City Co'll!l.cil decided at its meetl11g Mondrw.
Nov~?mber 19,
ask Greenbelt Consumer Services, Inc .. tn r'1move
the laundry and cleaning pickujp trailer now• parked behiltld the Co-op
supermarket. If thie lreque~1t is not carried out. legct.l aetion m:J.y
be taken. This was dE~eided on a vote of 4-l, followin'r an opinion
presented by City Solicitor l=talph Powers that any buillding license
isa~ed for:_ the traiier. was ill •errdr and tb.ereby invaltc:t
Five Cerlts
Friday, Nov. 23: 8 p.m., GVHC
Board :rrteets. Hamilton Place,
to discuss the budget
Saturday, Nov. 24: 9 p.m. to 1
a.m., Woman's Club, "Harvest
Ball" at American Legion Hail
M:on.-Wed., Nov. 26-28: Book
Fair in former ·Variety Store
Tuesday, Nov. :!7. Friends of the
Library meeting, 8 :M p.m. in
Wed., Nov. 28: 1:30 p.DL, First
meeting of G-olden Age Group
in Center SCtlool social room
Sat., Dec. 1: 8:30, Card Party,
JCC Building.
Walkway Conside1·ed
l=rom Lakeside l-lome
Power'S stated that he had been
unabJe. to coniact the county buDding inspector to oonfil~ what f:7pe
Df Ifcen11e bad been lsiiUed
the trailer and wbr.JK~r It was te~~~­
pora.ry. Hcwever, th11t trail"' doesnot qua!llfy aa a bullctlnc uncJer -~
~unty building ~~. and tllerefore no buildin-g Ucell!lle, tempoftU"7
or otherwise, oan be -omclaJJ:r Ja-
Following a requeat: from the
Lakeside Homeowners Associutiun,
the city council n.t its meeting on
Mondlay, November 19, agret:d to
consider the construction •)f a
walk-.,.ay from ~eside Rol;ld t.p
the city walkway'to ,St. Hugh':!!- l"aThe ~Letual motion. as presented'
rochiai ScbooJ.
by Councilman Alai!, KJII'Uet, tV- ·
The d!acuseion on the location of
such a walkway centered &J~•und . rected t.he city m&nfq1er to ~
with th<e city eollclto1· to chcfde tift
the use of an easement for a IM!"fl~er
steps tc• ~tify the l~!l&tte,.. of tllll
line that now exists between 61 and
trailer and to crm~y out mo...
62 Lakeside Cone lot up fl"OJlll the
steps. Powen infoml.ed the coun-Brooks home) and a path aln!ady
cU that a reasonable Joequ~ wouN
in use adjacent to the Keer boJ:ne
be made to GCS -hut t~t t.be el1'.!"
at 55 Lakeside. The 61-62 walkcould o,btafn a mancl~atory fnjuneway WOU]d not 'be as con~!lllii!Rt
tion,' if necessary. ~rhe dillserrter ·
for St. Hugh's stuclents but W·mdd
in the voting was CQuncllman ·
perm;t an easier walk to the (::en..Tames !~mith, who ar~tued that
ter School .
Phould be allowed tine to modffY
Cit:v Manager McDonald fav,ol~ed
The city council unanimously rethe tralier to conforn:L to the buildthe walkway by the Keer home
affirmed at its meeting on Monday,
ing code and 'that it 11bould be pel'(o-pposite the Panagoulis hom1e) as
November 19, a previous recommitted to etay there.
being more practical. The sl~)fle Is
mendation that parcel three in the
~.omew!'lat steep there, but he felt
commercial center, which includes
The status of the trailer hs DD~De­
thAt this wnuld not be a Bl~rious
the filling station and repair garwhat e~::.nfused in ths.t it i• not a
obstacle. Tlte Lakeside repl:-et~e!n­
&ge, should be zoned C-2. The
trailer but a buildin;g, acoordfntr to
tatives pointed out that the walkMaryland Park and Planning Coru.the buildina eode, am ee the wta ealaway would be advantag~us to
...-mission had 1recommended that
have been removed. A ~emporawr
residents in the Old Gretmbelt
this parcel be l'.Oned C-1 but with
six-month building llc:eJI$! ill· reo..
homes as well.
a special exception to allow a gas
ported to have been INUed tor. uae
One problem to be worked •!tut ia
station to continue to operate
and oe<:upancy, but a bulk111nc cant>btaining additional rights f11om
not qwLlify for a l~'nae UDieu k
the owners of lo•ts adjacent to the . has fo:~tinp. sanitation faemtrew..
The final dccialon on the zoning
walkway. Coun~cilrnan Goldfaelen
t>f this parcel was mad'e by the
an,d nteeta Other 1'841111'~­
s<>id that the owners ol the 61-¢:
County Coinmi.sion at a special
none oi '("hicb are ~~ by ~e pl'elllnts had already indicated to bim
zoning hearing, Wednesday, Noent trailer w-hich ill 1dmpJY Up Oft"
their wi!lingnesa to cooperate:. 'J'he
vember 21.
Attorney Abraham
blocks. On the other ban4 City
council dfrected McDonald tc• conChasanow, local representative of
:Man&gE:r McDonald t...td t:1Je. emzasult wt"th thP. Lakeside group on
the Gilbert Realty Co., owner of
cU that: GCS apparen~ doelt not
the matter of the walkvvay and to
most of the commercial center, told
conside:r tbe tra.Uer a butJcJin&
decide on the best location.
th~ council that Gilbert would conSince it is not on Pae tax roUa
-sider it a i.Jre:~h
faith if' it
fa cal'l'ied. on tlRt "'GCS~..-~
chany-cd it.~ p1rerious recommendaroll as a ti-aller.
tion to agree with the Park and
, Counc~ilman .. Ben G:tldfaden ar.o
Planning Comn:tission.
pointed out that If the trailer 18'
Cha.sanow artnounced that the
The Greenbelt American Legion
an additional buildJna·, GCS fe notTidewater Oil Co.; which is inter"~tepperette;;" under the dirc~ctJ:on
confomalng with the dty ord!nanceested in purchasing the parcel,
of Nancy Kurth participated in a
tbat n.-qulres three ireet of addifeels it cannot make this investVeteran's Day parade in F'arlaFtion~ J•arkill&" space Jfor every adment unless a cleer-cut C-2 zor.ing
ville, Maryland. Many thanks to
ditional foot of buiJdl.ng. McDonis established. He ml!.intained that
the parents who cooperatE:d so
ald noted that GCS has alread)osuch a zoning would not lead to
splendidly in transporting t:llis
uoed UJJ · its full quota of IIU'kfilcfuture comme:rciai developments
group. The caravan was 110 long
that might be detrimental to the
that as t~ey entered Baltimore
Follo,.nng the action on thearea, as feared by the Park and ·county the State PoJice stopt~d
trailer, Mayor Tom C1mnlng aaked'
Planning Commi88ion. The only
Mr. Kurth and asked him whnt \.he
thJP. cotnneil to consider how such
type of busin.ess not already opoccas!on was, and . upon flJ:2dlng
an OCC1llrrence might be preventecl
erating in Greenbelt which would
out provided Utern with an •lacc)rt
in the future. The oouncil voted
be permitted by c-2 would be a
to the parade grounds. The Co:munanfhu)usly to. Instruct the city
restaurant, he pointed out. Furrnander. expressed hi' great SPJ!)irem&Jmger to prepare 1an ordinance
thermore, he said that Tydol i:l
ciation tO this young and enthusiin coordination with the clty ..,_
solely concerned with operating
astic group.
licitor tbat would rep.late the colithe gas station and repair garage.
stJ-uctio:n of buildings in the comVice Commander Paul Cbe1·ry
It was brought out during the
informs me that the 1967 dues . mercia! center.
discussion that the sidewalk, which
runs through the parcel, would _campaign i& slowing down. ':rhmse
dues must be paid by Februa1:-y.
continue to renta:in there. It is a
city right-of-wR.y, and Chasanow
December 1 entertu.inment c:balrnoted that Tydc•1 has accepted this.
man Dudley presenb> another S!i:H!CThis appeared to satisfy the countacular, "The Harvest Dll~nce."
cil that the C-2 zoning would not
Tickets can be obtained at tlte leThe Greenbelt Woman's Club
l>e harmful since the presence of
gion home.
wlll hold a ..Harvest Ball" tomorthe sidewalk would hamper any
Again, I want to remfnd y1)U of
row, Satu.-day, Nov-ember :M, 9
other type of commercial developthe free "tint run,. movies thll1t a.re
p.m. to 1 a.m. ln the American Lement.
shown at· the Legion every \1\'edjrlon ha.ll. Music will lbe by the
nPsday at 9 p.m.
The council's reaffirmation of its
ModerDI'LirrE,S, and there wm be
decision was presented to the counAmerican Legion Post 130 E'xinterest~ng and amw1lng decoraty ~ommission at the Wednesday
tends deepest sympathies to Mrs.
tion•. . Ticltets may· bf! obt'\ln.ed
hearing. Both the C-2 zoning recGail Harper whoee husband passed
from Mrs. l~aul CampbeU (43Z8).
ommendation by the city council
away November 19 at their home.
lilt its last meeting th~ club eeand the c-1 zoning recommended
Mr. Harper wa.~ a ct.arter mem.ber
tablished a schoh1rshl:t:• fund to aid
by the Park ·and Planning Comof Post·136. On November 20, IM~Iv­
a deserving student fmm Hlgb
mission were consider~d by the
ices were held at the Community
Point hlgh sch._ool to ~~ to ooUege.
Ccunty Commission in r.•achlng ita
Church p,nd interment· was at IAnQualltlclttiona ilt ~ ll'e~lplent are
coin Memorial C~metery with fuli
to be dE!cided latE•r. ·
Legion Honor Guard preSiding.
After a report from Mary .Jane
November 25 at 2 p.m.. Am.eric1m
Kinzer on the hearin1~ October H
Legion 1 Auxillary Greenbelt Unit
before the Prine~ G~,rge~t o'nnty
No. 136 will be hoftess for t:tte
representative• in tll~e M~~
News Fd1~or
Southern Marv!and bistrict J:nedlelrislature, the club voted to send
~arry Zubkolf, 17-H Ridge, :~~ ing. ALL MEMBERS of the auxletters sunportinsr the pendtn,g bill
Rgreed ~0 reSUU:.e the editorship
iliary are invited.
t" esta.Mfsh a Juvenf:le Court tor·
the News Review. ,He has been
November 18, at tile Em·erson
the countv.
The members alao
heading the stll.ff on an interim ' Hotel in Baltlmorle, Mra. li:Iail!le
heard a report by Mrs:. Charles ~ '
i:J~s 1 s since Isadore Parker resignood, President, &I1d Mrs. 'Clara
C"nnA.Cl!t on 'a mee1:lnc of the
f'd two m.ontbs 11.g0.
R: \ntz,
Secretary, {Lttended tllle
Friends of the Ll:brar:pr. The club
ZubkGff first i<•ined the CooperaPrt! ·~ent and Secretary's Cc•nferia a sponsor of thl1 Cll'O~.
tor staff in Ms.rch, 1950, 8.nd beence. Mrs. Evelyn Nunnary, <:!hapcame editor dlree months later.
lain 0
the Unit, and Vice C~lrM111. J. W. Brubaket', club pl:'elllP. has held the post intermittentman o~ Civil De.fense in the' D. edPnt. altnouneed -thaj:· com11lllttee
since then fQr a total of nearly
of Maryland Ame·ricaLD
~"'""'.-'' R.r<!>: Ame?fc!an Hnme ;.
our years.
Au iliary, also attenck!d.
Mrs. Lloyd Moore; YoQUl ancr JIJct-.
Rhea G. Kah.ll, 9-F Ridge. has
J. Freemaa
ucatlofl - Kra. A. t: Lon&':- JJ'r.Ja&o
been named new• editor. News
Viee Commullder
AN - Jlfr& ·Donald 11tomer; 1Velmay be phoned to her at GR 4-N7<l.
J..e1Paa Polwt Ull fare - Mra PhUIIpc Tti:r•
·City Realfirllt Zoniag
Gas Statioa Site As C-2
: i
•••••'• Cia• leview
News Review
•• i
- - - - -......_:.!'1,!1
9 ~r~~!!E~!!~W
Publillh'ld e1·ery 'n:-1u•sday by Greenbelt Coopera.tJve Publisblng Assn., IJwo.
DelJVO'!recl each week tG evcr,r home in fll'ef:nbelt
CU 7C.u do uot receive Y011r COl_)Y, call the edltor.>
: FAitor- Jlarr)· Zi!Nto.l( CGR ~:-&101)
Editor- Rhea G. Kama CGJll 4-8474)
. I
EdltGri&l. StaB
· ._,oeell
Training Union for all qes.
after 1::30 p.mJ
T :
. Vot. 21
...f,, :E'.l:'~.-1,,,:.
.' -:1,
;_....___ .
ry - : - .JU. *"• "'"' oun.U m_,~ 1aat
.:-at'oDday, eve~body noticed : city
8:30 p.m. 'l'uellday.
Thu...hf, November 22, 1956
No. 16
Civi! deJ:ense omcla4 anno11n-ce th.e beginnL"lg
aid and firat aid traJmng coursea Mcwda,v at 8 p.m., to_r
. who wish to
Civil aefense workere. Further infol·mation car.. i.e obtained .from
Joseph Kuntz, 9561.
pose of TrainlnJ!( Union iiJ for the
11aad9hl: Par!cef. Al Skolnik, Harry Zublroft'
.l!IAJL ~ON ~TE: Q.Ofl• per yew
MVP.rt.!zlng llll!ly bf.'
by mail <Box 68, Greenbelt} or delivered
tc the
ompe. in thel basement of 9 Park1.vay <GR 3-3.131>, open
ice at MetropoUt:an Baptlat, Chureb.
Waahlngton, D. C. Oars 11rfU leave
the parsonage &It 3:15 p.m. 6 p,m,,
PB.ui Kaako
J!m O'NeiU <GR 3-2-'SS)
Board of Directors
Pr~: Rhea G. Kahn;, &-cy.; iHele.n DOndy; Tress.: Bettr Cress
!illalilllllloll, Puior
C.E RIIWde - OJiudte ~
Sunday, NOV4:mb~r 2G - 9:45a.m.,
SWlday achooJ for aU aa-. .John
S. Stewa~ SUPf:!rlnl:eJY.Ient. 11 a.m..
Morning woralblp.
Cbapel cbob:
will ~ng. The pantor will preach
on the subJect. "Tl'l•~ Menace of Mediocrity." 4 P..Jlll., :Baptla!aal serv-
Chai~.now, Emar.ouei Lvndy, Helen Don-dy, Russell Greenbaw~n.
~U Long, laado~ Patker, Me~y Roberts, AI Skolruk,
Rhea G.
Rev. ERrl B.. Martin
R.ev. Earl R. Martin, pastor of
the Temple Hills Baptist Church,
WEL!fbington, D. C., will speak for
the midweek service of -the Greenl,e!t :Baptist Chapel Thursday, November .29 at 7:30 p.m. at t:le Center hcho-ol.
Re,, and Mrs. Martin were appointed for overseas service by the
Fore.ign Mission Board cif the Southerr:t Baptist Convention Tuesday,
Octoher 9, 195*3. The Martins have
been volunteers for foreign missions for sev~n- years. Their assignnlent will be to share with four
other couples jn the new work opening up for ::be Sov.~bern Bapti;sts
in East Attica. They w;u be stationee: ei+;her in Kenya or Tangan.rlka. I!: is likely they will be
iGavh;g t-he s~tel'! sometL--n~ in
developm,ent for Cltriat!an lec\dershlp. Mr,a. John S. Stewart_ director. 7 p.zn., Eve11tfnn· worahlp. In~
foi'Dl41 hlnnn af11tging led by Dr.
Je.mes T. McCarl. =:~erm~m by ~
Pastor, "P·aw Pl'le~lll• In Rom.e."
conclUSion ot ex];»oaltory lllf!88aBN conclusion of exJ;JOaltory meuages
in Acta of the Allostilea. The mee-·
S&5"e will be ·ba.ecJ on Acta 26.
Tuesday, November 27 - 1:10 P.m.,
BuDding ~-,mmlttl!e 1rneet1ng to be
held at the P&.l'801181j:e. T:30 p.m.,
Bible class taught by Mrs. Hazel
Wednew.Jay, No,rember 28 - 6:30
p.m,. ChaPe~re :reh4mraal at the
home of M't"S• .Johlt J. OleJcaak. 33p Ridge. '1':30 p.1rn., Chapel choir
rehersal at the Parsonage.
Thursday, Nove:m.bt~r 29 - 6:30
p.m., Coven'Ci dislb S':1Pper fn the
Center School dininJ!: hall. 7:30
p;.m., Midweek service- in the Center School dhring hall. Iwv. and
Mrs. Earl Martin, missionary appc;.in.tees to Africa under the Foreign Mission Board ot' the Southel'n Baptist Conver1tiou wiU speak.
Cbatilea T. .AfcD«i•naJ.d
, 8portfng a .brenct n«>w .PiPE:· .It'i was
a g~ufJie mee~chaum with a pure/
· wbite bowl and dlatl:nctive slj.ape.
:.:~.bel· 3W'e e~ug~a, there waa a 4tory
b6hind it. tt ~lemonatra.ted, !n a
'Wlli.y, tbe f'i.r t"e!Lct.iug in.flu~nce
fvely little ~own
-Meeting at 40 Ridge Rd.
like Greeobelt :an Jmave, and 1the
Wal~r C. Smith, Minister
'Wide range of J~terests and ~­
- e L Ridge Road ~ Phone 9410
.tiVit!ea of city .anager. McDOnald.
-Thursday, Novenfber 22- 1q a.m.,
·· : Tha
Municipai Letjgue
Union Thanksgiving service.
1a a dYnamic, l oung., ot~fion
Saturday, November- U - 10 a.ru.,
Wliclpa.J.i~es land 4 p.m.• 'Senior M.Y.F. wm be Wash'townships ~rc;~ghout the '1ate.
ing cars in .the parking lot bahin-:i
.Aa -such, I~ is ~.asummg an ~ver
tL.e church. ·The price is $1.00.
Proceed_.g go to MYF J.\.-<.ission :5'und.
a-rowing im~~~ 'in &tate~af­
Sti=tday, Nove~ber 25 - 9:30 a..n:.,
falrs, ·aM baa ~n leading. the ay
COMM~INITY CHURCH 'tu· better adm.ln~rtn:t:ion and . ovChurch school nrim'l.ry and ";I!;). 11 'J~n'-'S:ry.
Eric· T. Braund. li~-obort t:. Hull
·:eni.mcnt If] com~u~ty alf&.irs. i In
••• becntise a Nationwide
a.m., Church school; kinde;:-;;·arten.
M1·. 0 Martin receiv-'X] his e-~r1y
and nursery depts. 11 e.m., ~ll:om­
·194e, the Leiagu~e which had been
polic:y gives you ·quaJif'l
E•"'uca :on In the \Va.shJngton ar-ea.
GB.anite ~i-5&16
<OJt tl:e dec:Une to SOllie .Years, li-as
ing worship cond~,;cted by Rev.
1 coverage' .•• meets all a._.
is a graduate ;:,_~ the An"WWstia
.zejuver.ated, and Mcbonaid, rt!p.
·Saturday, November 24.: 9 <l.m,,
Sznith. His sermon wili be e-..ti-tlee
E'lg ~ :School. His degre.<:-s include
financial responsibility
·resenting Greeil It, und~rtOOk the
High PUgr:im FellO'\\&hip
"The Chr!stlan Ethic.''
7 J;.m.,
'3-ll.. from Maryville College.,
••• coven you
m&:asive t&llk of . ud!ting the LeaFam.Uy Fellow-ship night.
Tf.nnelll~ee and a B.D. from th~
~rieos -~s. Ordi mrUy, this wcttld Preston Whrte, fonner.o :M:ethodiat Sc·uihv.rer.tern
the home of Mrs. Lois Stewa!:"t,
wherevel• you drive in
Baptist Theologic-al
C".AJllege Park.
'b4lve been a o.ne. ~rea~ job, but tJhe
Misslcn9.cy to Burma wm speak.
0-~tnir.~~:ry of Fort Worth, Ttexas..
tT. S., territor-fa! .
Refr~sh,nents _will be servc>-d.
League's membP.n: are e.Imi-st
Proevicas to his return to '\IVa.'ilhingpossessions
and Canada
.el~t:ed officials of thelr reapeet!ve
Monday, November 26 - 8 y.tii.,
t.:-'"1 he sel'Ved paetorates :in Okla·Harriet
servi~ •••
eoDUifunitie&--'-and I elected OfliC1als
Oo~::ssion on ooucet!on :meets.
h,·I:rta ~~~: a seminary student. Durf";Irlough from .I..~I!;'Ola, Portl.l80m.etimes fall tO a·et ~'lected. .j\s
Tuesday, November 27 - 7 p.m.,
be: !the past three a11d one half
Y~u·u J,.ito
Jt turned out, Mcl>onald took the
ge~ We!¢ Af.dca, sp.:;al!:ing ~t beth
Girl Scout Troop Nc. 116. 7 P.tn.,
;;· ~rs C•f I1is leadership the membeing
servlces; Mr. Braun<! -..rllU C!:':tau•tct
Job for another yea.&; ·a!1d anoth~r.
bership of Temple Rills Ba.pti.'ilt
team- It iively, moder11
the worship at botlt kM<-~ii.
end yet anotber-a.ncJ. in f~t, h"!'a
Wednesday, Nov~mber- 28 - 8:30
Church has grown fro-'ll its earliest
' .UU oo=ng ft. ,. Today only two ~f
Church school as follc.ws : ~ &ld 11,
p.m., Conversai:ions wi":h God. A
outfit •••. where
Jx.ghmlng to 230 and the 1lrst unit
'the <>liglnal group who &tart~')(! in time of Bible study ana pra:;rern.
kinderga.rten, and Pl'lpoJicyholdets and _
cf their Jlroposed three lmft church
mary; 10, junior, .Junk•r Eu-.d seuio,~
1949 're Kill- mem'bers ot tho LeaThuraoay, November 29- :iO a"~-.
building h~ been erecte!l.
high. young adults, nnd adults
&nd one of tbdn !s. Mcl)pnakf.
3 p.m.. W8.3hin~n East DiHt!.-:.ct
-.M:rs. M:$\rtfn is the forme!" V.n.ry
together. 'Cheek your
Through tn~ :vea.ra I b~ .baa coz.U"Conference ct Mt. P~inser ~~eti:.ua­
Jar~ Wincllef;ter, also a graduate Youth Fellowships as foJk•wa: 5:307. Eighth and Ninth Grer.de P.F.;
'i:ed to Work f~ aDd ~for the League
ist Cbtncii.
3·!15 p..:a,, .3rownie
Nat;onwide representativo
of A.nac-::•stia.. She continued her
6-7:30, Sevea.th 'Grade P.li'.; 7--8;3!),
fA 1nany 'Wa}'B, ~u~w :rto\y he q.
Troop N,._._ 109 t!l~'.s- ; :!l ru., Girl
educatiCJ;Il at Ma("S HiJl Oollege- and
foe fuJi ckwb:
~upon aa'an ~Ide? i!Jt8.-team&n. Seout "r~"'i>~ Nc. ~* m~ts. 3:15 at the SE;minary with her hoJsbano. Senior High P ..F.
!..tonds.y, N"vemJxr 26: J, Roy
Tt.>e;r two ch:ldren are Judy and
Laat Week end tile League held p.m., -Aciult choir ,\."ehearl':al.
McCorkel :Jf tbe ~ati•malt (.);"nfer·
ita ninth IUUlual :~oDf~ren~ at
S-.e~n, .l.~es tlve y()ars and fiftP.en
enee of Christ!a:na an:: J'eW>J will
rnonu,.e, re:;;pACtivoely.
WhiCh. It took an. tln~al action:.
For the ftrat time l:n /l~a hfsto~
· A covered dis!t sup:kt' u.-m preRev. VIctor J. DowgJaJio, P-astor
discover racial a!:!ltlld•~ e &nd Pi'~
It ~ed-upOn onle Ol''its mem.:.
cede the midwedc ser-~ ;c~ ·15-t s :30
GR 3-5911
ticro in the dtuf.~'•es find &ehoola
1Jel'8 the unp~e~,ted •honor of
p.m. in ithe Center ScilooJ dining
. Saturday, November 24- Confest.~.,. Southtr:EWt ·~rnu ~I states.
C::ftfng hhn for hJa :tong: "nd dfsh~lll. Mnf. Kenneth Ch~ek is -chair- th Tuesctay,
sions in the afternoon from a to
:N"ovt."11n.')e;;- :n'; F:ldeila
tinauwhed service 8l1d prea~ting 5:30 •for children. In the evening
man CJf the covel:"ed dish Rupper
Bi·b1e class.
hbn wfth a modest J:ift.
from 7 to 9 for adults,
P!a011e -GJI&u.lte t-4111
Thursday, N-ovem~r ;~; M~ting
Sunday,' November 25 - Masses:
There' are lmpli~tiona to this
7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 11 ~
gift, however, ...far I beyond the
net of Church Wf,men, Mr.s. EverLUTHERAN CHURCH
• richly merited l'eeopition accordBaptisms -·Sunday, 1 p.m. Pleas~
ett Davis Will re~rt oi)n the ,trfp
Edward ll. Birner, Pastor
<:on-tact Father Dowgialld beforeed tn McDOnald. <11f cburae, it
Phc'llte: GRanite 4-9200
she and 28 other ·wom•:·n llll8.de to
• , ~ Qlld be ~VN fO
.81Je&.ka. well for
ask ffl'• your FRill!
Europe in the early 1ra1!, where
Friday, :November 23: '/:30 p.r~.•
and for tbe contrib tJen, he baa
Wednesday, November 2& - l!oficopy (no cobli~QI!oaJ
Walther League party at the
they visUed C;;bureh ~·"Om4m mtd
made to. the aueceas 'ul operation raculous Medal Novena at 8 p.m.
of th-e 1956 .
church projects.
of the Lea&-ue. But 11: a,l&O ~ia.ks.
· loaaball
-Well for the citY-mnau.ger type of
Sunday, November 25: S:45 a.m.,
Sunday s::hool and &dult Bible
administration which : the ' city cf
arotistlc,, all-tl~~t~t
Hebrew Serviees, Friday night,
. Greenbelt enjoys tutd iwhJc--b more
class. We have a class for each
The Jewish · Oom.."nun.ity Center
8 p.m. at the JOC Huildihg, Westand ·more municJpaliti es are comage group. RaYmor..d Carriere, suof Prince George's County will run
way ana Ridge.
Ing to recognJEe.
·r it_ is the
8·30 and 11 am
a """' Party on S.tu...,.y, I>e...,..
The Women's Group of the JCC
elty~manager type of ac:munistraChurch services. . Sennon by
1, 8:30, at the JCC! btJJlding,
t '
have Chanuka gifts on sale at the
tlon Which ·provides th ~ continuity
and prof~onal ·
Peteinee so
Tatum, and Trumbuie. be oet up for dupllca.te """ >-ubber
- . . . .._ _ Sunday school classes will meet
neeetJ3ary to eftlclent rovefitment,
4 P.>n.• Sunday ..,bool re&ear..,. for
... plnocbl, •beso,
• ,_.., _ _ , •, - on
'1lnd Jt is this kind of e 'licleJ1t govBlble
forum..-tn~ P"'grarn.
ts at the chllrclJ.
- 9645~
the ChristrB p.m,
mahjong. etc. Call: San• • Go·O • • • • •
• $ •
ernment Whicb the- ~mgu~~ commended by fbi recognition ,of Mc0
Com.e to the Fair : . .
Donald's stalWart . .l'le~vfce;
· throuahout the Leiagule, Jl[cDonHUGH'S
ald's name has bAco~ne :abnost.
1 TO
S.YilO!lYJnoua with Gre.lnbe!t. and
has beconi1e ~
87JJonYDlOua with ~- manage.
Dolls - Toys - Garnes
!Dent. Indeed, the ifpe :In .M:ct>on~
. Hamilton Place, Oreenbelt, Md.
'aid"s mOuth fa a fea.tbe~ In -<lreenSpon* Eflal.Pment
belt"r. cap.'
Speclw - Beteey-Wetsey DoD
And IIPE!8king of Jllllelr. JlicDoawith ~ ease, wardrobe/
aJd 1e a faJ. rly recent eo~-el't_tc» the
cult of pJ~kers, ~d ~ am
tl7fng the vatioua tobacco ·JilfxI
Social Room
·turea on the market. Tl~e c,tuiat.
St. Hugh's Sch
•'IIIU seuon _fa upon - . ~uacl
a compa.!'
$12.00 ,.
i:''·:=:. . . ~·to.i... I•...
Fri. Eve:' - 6 ~ :30
Sat. - 10 a.m./ ~ p.m.
~ '·Rhea Cllh. 8jlT"- '
' -- Solitcr Clarfs, Tool
. .
. I (
Our NelgltiJors
....... 8ltobdk - , . .
a _pink bundle for Mr. and
~-I'lL (Jerald Boisvert, 7.0 Creecent.
.Ta.net A.b.n msde her debut on Nove·litber 1 we!-gbing 6 Jb& 15 oz. She
jo.IJ:tS 11. slater, Lynette, 3%, "and a
brol~r .Ton, 21 months.
The Americ9.n Legion Post No.
136 bil Nancy Kurth's Steperettes
perJrorJ!Il.lng In the Veteran's Day
Paradn on Sunday, November 11,
at Parkville, Md. A caravan of 20
ears tl'alliJpOrted 53 fast-stepping
baton twirlers and ~heir banner
carriers. Paul Opperman and Ray
_ _22......,:~- Gll.E1I:NBJI:LT Mi:Ws ~
A Basketball ata£: tear COIICbea
and pla,yers wtll be co11ducted b7·
the Prince Geol'lres C~ouuty RecreatJon Dapartmer11t. W'!ldn•e.d&t. November 28 at 7 :~ro. 0 ld 4l7JD. University of Maryl1md, College Park.
The Clinic which wU I tcsa!'e basic bask.!tball skllla and tactlca,
will be under th•! dltectlon of Dr.
Burris Husman, DII'I:!C:tcl·r .of ftle..
quirad Physical Edll:catJon, University of MaryHand. Interpretal ·
tion of 21ew rules and t:pedal coeLCbing will be featured alollg wltb. a
mo~e. "Better BaakntbeJL...
Tlie Cl!nic is OPeft
aD coae:hes
and players of Bo711 Club1, 8Choobt,
chul'<'..h and Industria.! leuguea.
Gan Monroe Har~r.
Sunday mornll~ followt. . a Jleut
attack at hl8 home, 2-B ~.
The funeral '~~~'U held Tueeday c
Community Chur-ch, conducted bl'
Revs. Erie T. Braund aDd Robelt
C. Hull and attende!l by a Guard
of Honor from ~ Greenbelt ~
of the AmeriC811l, Leeton. Bal'lal
wu at Fort Lincoln Oemetuy.
A resident ot Green-belt alnce
October 1937, Kr. B'.a.rper wu a
veteran of W\3rld \lirar L
.A women'• anct men•a gym night HudsoiL
March 22, 18M at PUON, IoWa. he
A Stork Shower was .~J.ven fer
will .tart in the near future~ A
married Carnic~ 0. EvaJw Deoem·
Chrillbnaa program Is now belna- Edna Whitet, 1-i-Z-3 Hll.:.Side. on
ber 19, 1920 at Lewblton, Montana.
Planned. Volunteers are needed.
He camp to tlae Waahln~n area
WhitbE-ck, Ma.~on Moote, Dot
you aioe Interested Ia participatin 1935 to take employmeet at the
Ing, please notify the RecreatJon Rhode~ and Jeanette Jo.<Uln. Join- CUB PACK NO. 2Ct:~ •
Government P'rintJna- O:tll-ce, ~d
omce. People of all aces are neee~ ing in 1~ tun were members of the
to Greoenbelt ·in ~.
Communicy Church Cho~ where
1937. He retired from Govemme11t
Cub Paclr. OOmmJttee nf «::Ub Pack
Edna i:s the soprano soloist, and
service on diaalt.Dity Ia 11110. 1
No. 202, .which is apbJ.I::ror~!d by the
Starting the first of the year,
ma\•Y dooe friends of the motherConlmvnity Cburch &l'td meets on
Mr. and Mra; !Iuper eten.mwm be a clasa 'ia Art8 Crafts to-be.
for adults. wm an adulta ':interthe first Friday of eac::h month In : ed many fore11:n vlldtors .,.a had
to first-prize Fellowship Center, h~1 announ-ced mtllly lrienda- In the eooperatfvw
ed:ed · please contact the Recreawinner James Mayock, 3--B Plaseveral changes for ·the: coming
movem~nt. D111rina- the put four
tion Oftl-ce? Phone OR 3-2011 and
teau, who has just been nQtlfied
year. Everett WbltiH!Ck wm 'be
years the)' were often seen toptlwr_
leave your name and phone num• that t'-l.e .5 lb. 1 oz.. land-locked
bu·. ·
the Cubmaster, replacblg Mr. Dalserving Co-op. coffee &t '9III'IGa
salmon he ca:ught last summer up
meetings and jpubllc oce81Ao1q-. ·.
bow, who will be the ::rnatltutlonal
in New Hampshire was the B-I-GRepresentative.
Mr. Hurts will
He ·tg survlv,'!cl by the WldoW. and
now accept applicatlonl'l from bOys
a son, !<"rank C. Ha:rPer and daushNine year old Mary Klinger, 58who have reached theh 8th birthter-ln-Iaw, Daphne R. iluper. . of;
B Ridge, will tell you the birthday
day and who Wish to jo!n the .Pack.
present she liked best was having
Since membership i!J ll::nlted there
TYPEWRITER ~r-rice. Cleaning, daddy home from the hospital. may be a wafting perioc'! before ac- • I, l I a I a .a a a • • • I a I I a a I I I I
overhauling, .repairbtg. E 1 e c t r 1 c. Friends and neighbors of Weltf:'r
ceptance. ·Mr. Hurst llive:~J at 5-H
standard, portablt!. R. F. Polend. KlingE:r wish him a speedy re-covEastway, and his phonE: number is
W A. 7-5890, nights aild weekends.
Only $3.95 per 100 ·
The l't.ev-erend Samuelsons, 4-E
T.u:r..mvtsiON service by Ken LewHillside. will have Mrs. Samuel18.. WE 5-G7l8.
Polcrum Psssc~, No Culls. Lift
son's parents, Mr. 8.nd Mrs. Walter
Delivery. The111e same CHICKS'
CALDWELI.ls WASHER sERv- Haley of Lakewood, N. J., here for
wpre selllng at $3.9:1 per 100.
ICE-All makes expertly ftpafred.
Thanksgiving. Her sistel"'s family, • . M1-s. Sarah Rosenth11l" d~ on
Order yours today. No C.O.D'•
Authorlzec! Whirlpool dealer. TO
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Patterson of
Mof.lday, November 12 at GeorgeBreed and f~x. Our Choice
Elizabet:li City, North Carolina.
town HospitSI after a l>:)ftJ~ nine~iS.
will als.c• be Visiting.
Mrs. Rosenthal bad bei~n mo.ld11g
SUP'S ·CHICKS .,_ .. :·
TELEVIsiON SERVIeE: By proThe ~ro.bn F. Schm.idts, 19-G
her home with her son, Sam
f~ional electrical engineers lJ!Iiq
Ridge, have a new telephone numBox 8801. "Puts: Place
Schwimer, 4.5-M Ridge. BtJ.rfal was
the finest of modem test equipGreen1111e, 8. C.
ber, GRunite 4-9790.
in New York.
ment. RCA ~ Dealer. Any
I I I I •
I I ~I I
ijR ..
'tp • lji. • • ,.
Mr. alld Mrs. S. Schwimer, 45-M
make, any modeL Philco Author- Ridge, vvant to thank their many
Service. Gk 8-4431 or GR 3friends fo!" their kindness and help'.
given to Sam's mother during her
si'';e of former -tobaeeo sh6J»
- · Happy .. birthday
Krug, 13-V Ridge, who just celeFOR Y(JIUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. "
brate<! his eleventh birthday.
· North End Kindergartners were
delighted tha.t Susan Many and
Rita Skc,Jnik had fifth birthdays
jthis W«!ek-cupcakes and candy for
Wonder what the Center School
kinderga1ten tots were thinking
when lth£ y saw those fat turke;r-J
over at B·~ltsville Fal'm on Monday.
M~. and Mrs Vernon, C. Iseli, 8-r.
announce n,e <>Y1gagement of their
daugbtP.r ToR.nn~ Elise to Mr. EQ:..
anc1 Lester pianos: 10ng and olds
baD'l Instruments: Gibson Stringed • ward A. no~ Bullian, son of Mr.
anti :Mrs. Eli Don Bullian, al&o of
instruments. May be rented with
C1l"f><" .. helt. No date has been set
~ option to purchase.; Accumulate
f('r the W<>drltttl!'.
your down payment-In RENT:vr... ;o.,,-f Mrs. Buangiarno c,f
With regular purchase uayments
Nort:h M; uni Beach, Florida, an&tartlng in 195'1. Kelllle'y's :Pian,o &
noHn<>~ the engagement of their
Music Stores, Annapolis - Glen
r'l~.no-htc>r PhyUss Ann to P.F.C.
BumAe. Phone· COlOnial B-a629 or
Vernotl C. !sell, Jr. of the USMC::,
SOuthfield 6-3'J40.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Iseli,
Sr., .of Greenbelt, Maryland.
in my home - GR
date has bE!E,n set for the wedding
as P.F.C. Iselt is stationed in
P.F.C. V'E•mon •Isceli, Jr. flew
from Wasbfr.tgton, D. C. to Los AnADVERTISERS
geles, Califo1nia. He left El Toro,
California :for Hawaii and then Japan where h•! will be stationed for
at lea.'ri: on•! and a half years. He
is very hontesk:k aJld would like to
Orcrr4rd' fresh, hOnhear from hls many friends. His
address is a follows: P.F.C. Vere.Uly packed, reGBOnJ
non Carl l~1eli, Jr. (1542632) USMC
.,C'' ComPQ:ny, November Aviation
ably pticed
_,·ontt. 1st Marine Aircraft Wnig,
FMF, FPO, San Francisco, Calif-
Untreated, not~~
added, notR.mg ttlken atiKI.y
Gleim Dale Road to ,.......,,.
Boad, tuna !_eft to
Bowie. 1'1811t ~ Jaidae. tben.
~-1 mile
to •••
T.a.phone; CEntral 8-3941
., ornia.
:, Pvt. .Jamc!S E. Dement, 22, whose
wite, Janette, lives at 20-L Ridge.
rece-ntly was graduated from the
AcrJ.._-., Southeastern Signal Sehool
G<ortlon, Ga. He entered
ln J.IS.y, 1956 and eomt.raintng at Fort Jackson,
is a 1962 gradtiate of
High School,
m-::•tber, Mrs. filar··
ah E. De:me·:~t;;,;
6106 Rhode
Island Ave.,
The ·-sco·wea.~.
End' Baton group, ele~
tafn, and J~ee Gc»M~nr.
tain, a.t the laat c1astr. -~,.~da:v~
'lrelllber 13.
Tbey . , .
Chriatmas program for
po~~p coulsta o1 30
AYe to ten 31'e!UL
P~en111BYivania Beer
fit "'f'llrowaway !Bottles- $2.89 'at store or $2.99 defiv&red
VirgiiJja Dare WinA!
Buy One -Bottle
$1.25 and O~t Two B<>ttles Free
:,~d, Whl~
...... Pink
Otianti, !S:infandel, ·saut:erne,
ConC9·rd Grape WinE•
SPECIAl - 58c a fifth 'or Two for j•1
Manhattan 4Cocktails or Martini&
SPE::c:IAL - $2.29 a f'lfth
.Ji'DIJ& CldD BDd D ..~
Den'! Forget Our Ill. C. Prices On Nationally-known
Brands of Wfli~:key, Cut To Meet D. C. Prices
$3.49 a fifth or, 3 for $10
Many llnmda To Cbooae From
Bottled i1r1 EK»nd Whiskey
6 Year.s Ofd ·· l$3.79 ai fifth
or 3 for $11
Harvey & ~~~ George· Sc:otch
Imported from Qtasgow
·Cat &em.
to $4.99 Delivered.·
Save $1.26 F JJ E E:
'$ '; Sn •
.t .....'
ID Mit aDil pepper ........ ll8o' apleee,
F~r·- ·zs --~~~Ef)'.;;:~~~~: _-::::~~~--­
. . i ...
.Tlie .Se~ior
~e ~t 11-~1
by AII;o~~•q
., . I expect all of 1'.8 at ope time or
another have b~'1:ome child psychologist or . .,edlatl'rtciall aay "Oh
YE'a, gir's are mueb
thltn . boys at , that: age,' but ~.hen
later qr your .bOy, will: begin to
catch up."
W .!ll ·on the . baaU; of •~ full and
t.=3ervant life- I he.ve 81lJDe news.
fot you fellow.-;.;.thi! tnith of the·
ma.t~r is We never ~~!ltch up. ''This .
year' rDt Preefde~t of the. St.
Ittlc~·s : Parent-Te4<1her GUild and
rm becoming more .and more
awate .~f :What- ,inca:E· figure heads
we. men are. ·When there's a real
\ JOb to be. done it'i it!!e ~lee that
In their own li11.~ent, con- ,
tuain,g· <to a man) and Jn"egarioua•
ly fellne war ithejo g1!t things done
811d done prett;)o. WJell tOo. As a
well. ttabled ':arid bjgbl~ quailt\ed
adminiStrator , (my. ~(>b *beet 15&78)
l aliDp~ don't u1_ld·~~\d it. It
"a~Joq~.tn"'t work ont ,lthati way but
ltc.~~ we bo7B :j!ver catch up
oa tbe atria I'd like t~G know when.
also <!,uite- b~1 oll1ening ~
b~~ .ana if .. JDJ~ ~,irin and
An exhibit of paintings by Isidore Reuben, 5-.1 Ridge, opened
last Monday night at the Margaret
Dickey Gallery- of Art in the District of Columbia Teachers Coilege,
11th and Harvard Sts. N.W. The
PXhibit will be on display untU
Decem~r 20.
Attending the ope11ing were
many Greenbelt residents. This is
the second one-man Show cf Reuben's paintin~. Employed by the
federal government in the Pentagon, ~u'ben bas ~ little formal
instruction in art and is considered
by many to be a "prir.Utive,'' a
"Sunday ·painter" and by otben~ a
According, to Reuben, he works
v.ery slowly and painstakint;lY on
~ach painting. He traces his desi211 from a full-scale pencil drawinP." and chOQses his color scheme
-~ith care.
His early paintings
were. ilone mostly in the quiet
hours past midnight, but he has
recently abandoned this schedule
as too rigorous. Fol:' subject matter, Reuben bas chosen still life
arrangements of flcrwers, birds,
anini:als, dancers 'and sever«! philosophical ! themes:.
None of Reuben's paintings are
f'.:lr sale. Hfs reSGOns vary from
the deep affection he has for each
· t>ainting to the cost in time and
materials expended whieh he feels
could hardly be recouped by a sale
at prevailing priceS.
· Re~ben's wife: Molly, recently
won a prize at the ·loc8I art fair
run in conju'nctiml with the Labor
':Oay Festival. They have 'two sons,
David and Danny, ~d a daughter,
She!!&, who W&s- recently married.
tr&AciaUizing pil~ ll~ld ~ut ru be
read)' lor euaton)eril ; in ~ut ten
, ~-. It'a a ~~·1n retite,urant,;
quah)tl)i know-n as ~~opa.: Home of
, tbe Si,-l~er, ;and. ~; is
the corner o!! 'Quee,1111 CIULpel and
HaniUton. wbjere
o1iJ airport
Tile newly formed Friends of the
etood. :Prtve by an~ ,aee !what you . Library are planning a Bc.-ok Fair
~inic of It, W ~-~;en irm- open
for next Tuesday through ThurR. dtive In and help
pay~ the J>ent.
day, in the Center School Home
Economics Room. There will be
·;~ht J¥>W I'm u),; to ;my neck
a complete line of chi!dren's books
~th · elec!trfcl:ans, !~lumbers, reand educational toys on disp~ay.
frigeratOr meJjt ~ . i:he 1Jazens of
Hours will be io a.m .to 5 p.m.
other folks . vl·ho· · h~~''e ~ng
The Greenbelt Woman's Club, who
• . to dO' With th~ bUilding ahd equipsponsor the Friends of the Library,
ment of a neJ drlve•in b~lding.
in the Book Fair.
. It's ali ve y fl'lllltratlng ana
ner-Ve raeldn,j· ~tJSe it's my
' llloney they're apen~Jng~J For . a
cOuple of days I ~~led a worker_
~ and loun.ce aro~md with h18
hands in his pockets., ·I .a·etnarked
to one of the slmcontr<.ac~,.-.;· "That
. man of ;,oural in tl:u! .Nd -jacket.
:doesn't kill hlniself, does he?" '"He
snre . doe.n't,;"~' he ac_linlttced, "'but
he's not one o my Dt1!n, he is one
of your elect iclana;~ Well that
jUst blew iny~;p and !~r quickly
. swall~ing · tw, tran~_~ing pills
I Proceeded
lq djlwil ; the law
to him. I ha e a we.y wilth men,
· .,.ng sort of a natul'ld bo~n leader
-&1ld now wjllen _J:u~ loafs and
lounges around he keE·ps his hands
out of his poeli:etS.
ers travel alter bending 11n
-the ..thinking distance" Ia 77 feet,
· and the 1itopplng diatano:~ 332 feet,
With gOCIId brakes., and .. ·WS with
"passable" brakes.
Local Painter tics
One Man Show
M!;!tbodist Yc;mth
~CWabliil of.~'f M<~ Memori&l. M4tbod
.. ·. t CJ:nireb annoUilcea a1 Car_. ~V'~ .for this
Saturday, iNo~ ,aber U. The
c.-oup will i be ~ubina- ·cars on
tbe Chur~b P&t"lcing lot,; 40
!Ud~e,, fro~n 10 e.m. ito -6 p.m.
AU p~da
~· ~ the
M:et~latJ You.~ P'W.td which
·cs~tb , proj!cta and
l'OUB'h•,llt the world.·
There i1; no way to laugh oft theae
facts. Nor is there an::r way to
laugh off the tMgic resu;lts cawsed
by Ignoring the1 'l.
• •.
, ' ;
WeAam,To Deltver
The N~tn Be\tlew Iii tr,.tna t'Q.
assure weekly' 4ell~rv to every ·
~orne in Greenbelt,; but we haft
problema in d~,ing .to! Read~
who do not receive their coplee
or' who do Dot .· receive ~
prom.p~y are requested to call
the editor, H!Lrry Zubko1'!, OR
Put it this way: if you're-going
The driver wl:>o drinks even one
70 miles an hour, you will cover
drink and then takes his car down
more gro:un~ than the le ttgth of a
-the bigb•_;ray shou.:I be caHed "The
football field before you 1::an stop
L:fe and Death of the Par.ty."
your car. And thir. holds true only
Alcohol slows down reflex•~s the
when your retlexes are :11ormally
TH!:ll EYFS HAD IT; ~mewllere '
way efficient brakes slow down a
keen and eftUcient.
along life's W&J' a cerWn 8JI1Uir•,
car-with. this difference: a driver
A/ drive;.- whose mind' is fuzzy gler !lad had ~~e mlat4rtune to·
controls his brakes, but alcohol
with alcohol will take f:u more ' lose an eye, and had to wear a
controls t1te driver.
time to see danger and str)J) his car
glass one. /He. ra,n into some more
Take a l·ook, for a moment, at
-if, ind~d. be stops it !l1: aU bemissed fortune when the poUoe
some figurt!S that show what refore bitting a train, an l!mbankpli:ked him up. removed his eta.
flexes real131· mean. They mean, of ment, or another car.
eye and remo,red jewe!e wol'th
course, tlte ditference between life ·
Danger signals-such a:J a 1)2- .100,000.
and deatlJ., but these National Safedestrian suddenly steppin;;r into the
ty Councll data on "stopping disstreet, or ' an automobi~! cutting
tances" giv1e a new sbarpn'es3 to
. recklessly out of its proJ•er traftlc
this mearts :·
lane--don'.t register auum1atically
A car :g-oing 20 miles per hour
in a befuddled brain. Tl.e:re must
trav<!ls 5:!: feet between the time
be a du~ process of n~·c•>gnition.
a driver se,es .the dar,ger, applies
and transmission. · · This ~n:!Ly take
the brake:J, :!l.nd la·ings it to a stop.
only a few seconds, but l:heae few
A driver'u '"thinking distance" at
seconds are generally the , ditYer60 mph-ths.t is, the time it takes
ence between life and dea tll. on the
him to se1e danger and apply
brakes--is 66 feet, and the car itObviously, the ritual of "one· for
self, goir..g at a mile-a-minute
the road" can be a prelude to ellsspeed, will travel 336 feet before beaster. It is often the c:l<l,fce be"
ing stopPE!d by average brakes.
tween taking a drink atld taking
At 70 mites an houi'-the speed
at which so many ~efiex-fuzzy driv- a life.
Your Ho1se
Rest01ft MOtOrs
CO~L.,EOE PARK, 1~0.
APpleton 7-5100
· Boolc Fair Nov. 27-29
z.,;·ew Director of Recreation, Warren G. Leddick.·
Can be reached at the City Office, GR 3-2011.
Ready and interested in coordinating all
n!Creational activities in· Greenbelt.
Reservations for space in Greenbelt Comr.aunity
Building, Greenbelt Lake and atbletic fields
m.ust be arranged through Mr. Leddick's office.
Charles T. McDonald,
City Manager.
151 Cettterway
OR 3--4571
OR 3-4351.
' 1 '
. ;
Needs l~lellp!
accent .em
, S ER.VI'lC.~ .
With the
Poor Santa . . . bi11 job gt!ta biner every year
and he just can't possibly do it all by hlmaelf•
You can help Ssnt:a . . . AND help ::younelf to a
merry ·Cbristma:s next Yt!ar by jolnlng our,
Christrnaa SavinH'S Club now!
'Efficlen~. C~ur1eo~1;,
• BRAl<E$'
. ·~ ·'·
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It's the popular coupon book system for $1 per
week and up.. Yo 11 wi1J· hardly mlu the small
weekly payments . . . and by Christnlu, '57. you·
will be ready in tL ;jolly big way.
You can join now
at an u oftlcee.
.· ·. TnusT ~cOlJP.;\N
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5-1000- Hyattsville, UNion 4-7500
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