Amendment no. 1 to Tender Documents for: NPWR/2015/06 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF GROUND MEASUREMENT STATIONS AND SERVICES FOR A CSP ROAD MAP AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMERCIAL CSP PLANTS IN NAMIBIA Volume A1: Instructions to Tender 1. Volume A1, section “1.9 Timeline for the Tender Process” Update Table 1 to read: Table 1: Timeline for Tender Process ACTIVITY DATE Process up to submission of Technical Proposal Tender published in the market 22 January 2015 Compulsory Tender clarification meeting 10 February 2015 at 10h00 at Hotel Safari Conference Centre Mandatory site visits 11 to 13 February 2015 Deadline for Clarification Requests Tender Closing Date minus 14 days Deadline for Amendments to Tender Documents Tender Closing Date minus 7 days Tender Closing Date: Stage one: Submission of Technical Proposal 13 March 2015 at 12h00. Process after the submission of Technical Proposal to Contract Award Evaluation of Technical Proposals including Clarification on Technical Proposals Approx. 4 weeks Update of Technical Proposals by Tenderers Approx.1 week Invitation to technically compliant companies to participate in Stage two Estimated date 3 April 2015 Tender Closing Date: Stage Two: Submission of Financial Proposal and NEEEP information 2 weeks from invitation, Estimated date 17 April 2015 Evaluation of Financial Proposal and NEEEP information, including Clarification of Financial Proposal and NEEEP information Approx.2 weeks Internal Approval Approx. 2 to 8 weeks (dependant on levels of authority) Shortlisting of Tenderers Approx. 1 week Negotiation Approx. 1 to 2 weeks Contract Award Approx. 1 week Volume A2: Particular Conditions and Schedule of Amendments 2. Volume A2, section “2 PARTICULAR CONDITIONS” Update the Table to read: SUBCLAUSE* SUBJECT DATA 1.1.11 Time for Completion Period for completion is 5 years from the Commencement Date Time for Completion is after five (5) years of complete measurement data and reporting. 3. Volume A2, section “3 SCHEDULE OF AMENDMENTS TO THE GENERAL CONDITIONS” Update the Table to read: CLAUSE * TITLE AMENDMENT 3.4 Clients Property 3.4.2 Add new Sub-Clause: Title in and ownership of the equipment supplied under this Contract shall transfer to the Client at whichever is the earliest to occur of the following times, free from liens and other encumbrances: (a) when it is delivered to the Site; or (b) when the Consultant is entitled to payment of the value of the relevant equipment pursuant to the Contract. Regardless of any ownership or title transfer from the Consultant to the Client under this Sub-Clause, the Consultant shall continue to bear the risk of loss or damage for, to be obligated to insure to the extent provided for in the Contract and to be otherwise responsible for the equipment until the Time for Completion. Volume B1: Specification for Solar Resource Measurement 1. Volume B1, section “8.2.1 Solar irradiance measurements” Update Table 1 to read: Table 2: DNI, GHI, GHI and GTI Measurements Measured value Unit Instrument Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) W/m² ISO first class pyrheliometer mounted on a solar tracker and expected daily uncertainty of ±1%** Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) W/m² ISO secondary standard (thermopile) pyranometers with expected daily uncertainty of ±2%** Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) W/m² ISO secondary standard (thermopile) pyranometers with shading disk and expected daily uncertainty of ±2%** Global Tilted Irradiance (GTI)* W/m² ISO secondary standard (thermopile) pyranometers with shading disk and expected daily uncertainty of ±2%** 2. Volume B1, section “7 LOCATION OF MEASUREMENT SITES” Update the table as follows: Site name GPS coordinate Nearest town Auas Site S22° 35.358' E17° 21.872' Dorabis / Windhoek Power supply connection point S22° 12.792' E15° 00.864' Kokerboom site S26° 25.550' E18° 17.297' Keetmanshoop Power supply connection point S26° 25.419' E18° 17.251' Arandis site S22° 21.910' E15° 02.863' Arandis town 3. Volume B1, section “8.5.6 Security and fencing” Delete this section and replace the contents with the following: If the ground measurement station is not located within a secure area, such as a NamPower substation; the Consultant will provide a security fence around the ground measurement station. The security fence shall: • be a 2m 6m fence, topped with barbed wire and locked gates • be sturdy enough to withstand the weight of a large animal which may rub against the fence. • in no way shade the radiometer from DNI, GHI or GHI. If the ground measurement station is not located within a secure area, the Consultant will provide a security fence around the ground measurement station. The security fence shall: • be a 2m 6m electrical fence with locked gates • be sturdy enough to withstand the weight of a large animal which may rub against the fence. • in no way shade the radiometer from DNI, GHI or GHI. 4. Volume B1, section “8.7 Testing and Commissioning Update paragraph 3 as follows: As a minimum, a re-calibration/cross check of all pyrheliometer and pyranometers shall be performed during commissioning of the ground measurement station with a traveling station standard. A cross check in the field shall also be re-performed on an bi-annual basis (every two years). The testing and commissioning report shall include all sensor calibration coefficients. 5. Volume B1, section “9.2 Data accuracy requirements” Add the paragraph below to section 9.2. Any period of data loss will be added to the contract period. If the data loss exceeds 3% on an annual basis, NamPower will review the contractual conditions regarding the time to replace faulty equipment and the spare keeping policy and the remedy thereof will be for the cost of the Consultant. However, should the data loss exceed 5% of the total data collected on rolling annual basis; this would be considered a material breach of the Contract. 6. Volume B1, section “17 END-OF-JOB REQUIREMENTS” Delete this section and replace the contents with the following: When testing and commissioning of the ground measurement station is complete, the Consultant will provide the following: Two (2) day training at engineer level for a maximum of twenty (20) individuals to NamPower (and affiliates) on the ground measurement stations including (i) selection, installation, configuration of sensors (applicable to all sensors specified on this project) (ii) evaluation of precision and bias of each instrument (iii) interpretation of the measurements from each sensor (iv) selection, installation, configuration of the data loggers including the type of data loggers, the data loggers capabilities and communication requirements (v) hands on training to obtain remote access to the ground measurement station and to download the ground measurement station data (vi) calibration techniques for the ground measurement station and the associated sensors (vii) testing and commissioning techniques for ground measurement stations Two (2) day training at engineer level for a maximum of twenty(20) individuals to NamPower (and affiliates) on the capturing, process and cleaning of the data including: (i) quality control techniques (ii) data filing techniques (iii) soiling correction (iv) coherence testing (v) extrapolation and correlation techniques (vi) flagging techniques (vii) resource mapping (GIS Map production) (viii) ground data versus satellite data relationship (ix) limitations of the data operation and maintenance of ground measurement station all documentation which was provided during the tender (see section 15) sizing calculations, test certificates, layout and electrical schematic drawings and data sheets of the ground measurement station including the power supply arrangement The general training on ground measurement stations shall be held in Windhoek where: the venue of the training shall be arranged and paid for by NamPower the travel and accommodation for Consultant’s staff shall be arranged and paid for by the Consultant the training manuals and training equipment required for the training course shall be arranged and paid for by the Consultant Three (3) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the end-of-job documentation shall be provided to NamPower within 3 weeks of completion of testing and commissioning of the ground measurement station. 7. Volume B1, section “20 ACCESS TO SITE” Add new section and paragraph: The Consultant may make use of the TransNamib service road to access the ground measurement site at Arandis. Note to Tender: NamPower will issue a further Amendment regarding the Scope of Services involved in providing access to the ground measurement site at Auas substation.