2015 TC Annual Index

2015 Index
IEEE Transactions on Computers
Vol. 64
This index covers all technical items — papers, correspondence, reviews, etc.
— that appeared in this periodical during 2015, and items from previous years
that were commented upon or corrected in 2015. Departments and other items
may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value.
The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the
first author's name. The primary entry includes the coauthors’ names, the title
of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination. The Subject Index contains entries
describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author’s
name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages. Note
that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index.
Abdulrahman, E. A. H., and Reyhani-Masoleh, A., New Regular Radix-8
Scheme for Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication without Pre-Computation;
TC Feb. 2015 438-451
Acacio, M.E., see Ros, A., TC June 2015 1534-1547
Adikari, J., see Rajapaksha, N., TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
Ahmed, A.M., see Xia, F., TC July 2015 1857-1869
Ahn, J., Jin, S., and Huh, J., Fast Two-Level Address Translation for Virtualized
Systems; TC Dec. 2015 3461-3474
Ahn, J., see Jin, S., TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Akbas, M.I., Erol-Kantarci, M., and Turgut, D., Localization for Wireless
Sensor and Actor Networks with Meandering Mobility; TC April 2015
Al Ridhawi, Y., and Karmouch, A., QoS-Based Composition of Service Specific Overlay Networks; TC March 2015 832-846
Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., Pasricha, S., Maciejewski, A.A., and Siegel, H.J., Power
and Thermal-Aware Workload Allocation in Heterogeneous Data Centers;
TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Alawneh, S., Dragt, R., Peters, D., Daley, C., and Bruneau, S., Hyper-Real-Time
Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU; TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Aldea, M., see Burns, A., TC May 2015 1241-1253
Alelaiwi, A., see Li, J., TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
Alfaro, F.J., see Andujar-Munoz, F.J., TC Oct. 2015 2847-2861
Alizadeh, B., see Ghandali, S., TC June 2015 1579-1593
Alizadeh, B., Behnam, P., and Sadeghi-kohan, S., A Scalable Formal Debugging Approach with Auto-Correction Capability Based on Static Slicing
and Dynamic Ranking for RTL Datapath Designs; TC June 2015 15641578
Alvarez, L., Vilanova, L., Gonzalez, M., Martorell, X., Navarro, N., and
Ayguade, E., Hardware–Software Coherence Protocol for the Coexistence
of Caches and Local Memories; TC Jan. 2015 152-165
Amaral, J. N., see Wang, A., TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Andujar-Munoz, F.J., Villar-Ortiz, J.A., Sanchez, J.L., Alfaro, F.J., and Duato,
J., N-Dimensional Twin Torus Topology; TC Oct. 2015 2847-2861
Anyanwu, U. K., see Di Francesco, P., TC April 2015 912-924
Assi, C., see Gu, F., TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
Athikulwongse, K., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Atienza, D., see Ranieri, J., TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Atiquzzaman, M., see Yaakob, N., TC June 2015 1594-1606
Au, M.H., see Yuen, T.H., TC Sept. 2015 2595-2608
Ayguade, E., see Alvarez, L., TC Jan. 2015 152-165
Azarderakhsh, R., see Jarvinen, K., TC Sept. 2015 2421-2432
Azimi, M., see Lee, J., TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Bagherzadeh, N., see Eghbal, A., TC Dec. 2015 3591-3604
Bahn, H., see Lee, E., TC May 2015 1349-1360
Baldoni, R., Bonomi, S., Platania, M., and Querzoni, L., Efficient Notification
Ordering for Geo-Distributed Pub/Sub Systems; TC Oct. 2015 2796-2808
Bandyopadhyay, B., see Sarkar, S., TC Oct. 2015 2912-2925
Banerjee, T., Sahni, S., and Seetharaman, G., PC-TRIO: A Power Efficient
TCAM Architecture for Packet Classifiers; TC April 2015 1104-1118
Banerjee-Mishra, T., and Sahni, S., Pubsub: An Efficient Publish/Subscribe
System; TC April 2015 1119-1132
Banik, S., see Sarkar, S., TC June 2015 1647-1657
Bao, W., see Wang, J., TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
Bao, Y., see Chen, T., TC May 2015 1442-1455
Bardhan, S., and Menasce, D.A., Predicting the Effect of Memory Contention
in Multi-Core Computers Using Analytic Performance Models; TC Aug.
2015 2279-2292
Barnawi, A., see Yao, H., TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Barnawi, A., see Lukic, M., TC May 2015 1416-1428
Barnawi, A., see Gu, L., TC July 2015 2049-2059
Barnawi, A., see Zeng, D., TC July 2015 1819-1829
Barton, C., see Wang, A., TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Basak, A., see Wang, X., TC Aug. 2015 2226-2238
Bathen, L.A., see Gottscho, M., TC May 2015 1483-1496
Bayrak, A. G., Regazzoni, F., Novo, D., Brisk, P., Standaert, F.-X., and Ienne,
P., Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures; TC Feb.
2015 329-341
Behnam, P., see Alizadeh, B., TC June 2015 1564-1578
Beldianu, S. F., and Ziavras, S. G., Performance-Energy Optimizations for
Shared Vector Accelerators in Multicores; TC March 2015 805-817
Benini, L., see Dehyadegari, M., TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
Bergmann, N.W., see Tang, Y., TC May 2015 1254-1267
Bernasconi, A., Ciriani, V., Trucco, G., and Villa, T., Using Flexibility in P-Circuits by Boolean Relations; TC Dec. 2015 3605-3618
Bertossi, A.A., Diodati, D., and Pinotti, C.M., Storage Placement in Path Networks; TC April 2015 1201-1207
Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., Wang, G., Cao, J., and Wu, J., Deploying Wireless Sensor
Networks with Fault-Tolerance for Structural Health Monitoring; TC Feb.
2015 382-395
Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., Wang, G., and Vasilakos, A.V., Local Area Prediction-Based
Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks; TC July 2015 19681982
Bhunia, S., see Wang, X., TC Aug. 2015 2226-2238
Bian, K., see Chen, L., TC Oct. 2015 2968-2980
Bini, E., The Quadratic Utilization Upper Bound for Arbitrary Deadline RealTime Tasks; TC Feb. 2015 593-599
Bochard, N., see Lubicz, D., TC April 2015 1191-1200
Bonomi, S., see Baldoni, R., TC Oct. 2015 2796-2808
Boucheneb, H., see Randolph, A., TC April 2015 1074-1089
Boukerche, A., see Rezende, C., TC March 2015 614-626
Briceno, L.D., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Brisk, P., see Bayrak, A. G., TC Feb. 2015 329-341
Brown, A.D., Furber, S.B., Reeve, J.S., Garside, J.D., Dugan, K.J., Plana, L.A.,
and Temple, S., SpiNNaker—Programming Model; TC June 2015 17691782
Bruck, J., see Lee, D.T., TC Dec. 2015 3376-3388
Bruneau, S., see Alawneh, S., TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Bu, K., see Liu, X., TC Nov. 2015 3265-3277
Bunescu, R., see DiTomaso, D., TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
Burns, A., Gutierrez, M., Aldea, M., and Harbour, M.G., A Deadline-Floor Inheritance Protocol for EDF Scheduled Embedded Real-Time Systems with
Resource Sharing; TC May 2015 1241-1253
Badache, N., see Lasla, N., TC Aug. 2015 2103-2118
Bader, D.A., see Chai, Y., TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
Baek, S., Lee, H.G., Nicopoulos, C., Lee, J., and Kim, J., Size-Aware Cache
Management for Compressed Cache Architectures; TC Aug. 2015 23372352
Cai, C., see Chen, D., TC March 2015 707-719
Cai, S., see Luo, C., TC July 2015 1830-1843
Cao, J., see Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., TC Feb. 2015 382-395
Cao, J., see Yang, L., TC Aug. 2015 2253-2266
Causapruno, G., Vacca, M., Graziano, M., and Zamboni, M., Interleaving in
Systolic-Arrays: A Throughput Breakthrough; TC July 2015 1940-1953
Cha, S., see Jin, S., TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Chai, C., see Shih, Y., TC Nov. 2015 3079-3090
Chai, Y., Du, Z., Qin, X., and Bader, D.A., WEC: Improving Durability of SSD
Cache Drives by Caching Write-Efficient Data; TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
Chakraborty, C., see Sarkar, S., TC Oct. 2015 2912-2925
Chakraborty, D., Mancillas-Lopez, C., and Sarkar, P., STES: A Stream Cipher
Based Low Cost Scheme for Securing Stored Data; TC Sept. 2015 26912707
Chakraborty, S., see Dietrich, B., TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Chan, A., see Liu, X., TC Nov. 2015 3265-3277
Chandler, H., see Shen, H., TC Oct. 2015 2953-2967
Chang, C., see Chen, L., TC Dec. 2015 3417-3429
Chang, C., Cheng, J., Huang, T., Huang, X., Lee, D., and Chen, C., Bit-Stuffing
Algorithms for Crosstalk Avoidance in High-Speed Switching; TC Dec.
2015 3404-3416
Chang, E., Hsin, H.-K, Chao, C.-H., Lin, S.-Y., and Wu, A.-Y., Regional ACOBased Cascaded Adaptive Routing for Traffic Balancing in Mesh-Based
Network-on-Chip Systems; TC March 2015 868-875
Chang, E., see Hsin, H., TC Aug. 2015 2119-2131
Chang, G., see Chen, C., TC June 2015 1622-1632
Chang, Y., see Tsao, C., TC Dec. 2015 3444-3460
Chang, Y.-H., see Wang, J., TC April 2015 925-940
Chantem, T., see Hong, S., TC July 2015 1983-1997
Chao, C.-H., see Chang, E., TC March 2015 868-875
Chatterjee, S., Karabina, K., and Menezes, A., Fault Attacks on Pairing-Based
Protocols Revisited; TC June 2015 1707-1714
Chebira, A., see Ranieri, J., TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Chen, B., see Le, Y., TC Jan. 2015 19-31
Chen, C., see Chang, C., TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Chen, C., see Hsieh, J., TC Dec. 2015 3348-3361
Chen, C., see Zhu, X., TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
Chen, C., see Wen, S., TC March 2015 640-653
Chen, C., Shih, H., Wu, C., Lin, C., Chiu, P., Sheu, S., and Chen, F.T., RRAM
Defect Modeling and Failure Analysis Based on March Test and a Novel
Squeeze-Search Scheme; TC Jan. 2015 180-190
Chen, C., Chang, G., and Hsieh, S., Conditional (t,k)-Diagnosis in Graphs by
Using the Comparison Diagnosis Model; TC June 2015 1622-1632
Chen, C., see Li, D., TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
Chen, D., Li, X., Wang, L., Khan, S. U., Wang, J., Zeng, K., and Cai, C., Fast
and Scalable Multi-Way Analysis of Massive Neural Data; TC March 2015
Chen, F.T., see Chen, C., TC Jan. 2015 180-190
Chen, G., see Yu-Chun, C., TC Oct. 2015 2730-3740
Chen, G., see Zheng, Z., TC July 2015 2071-2083
Chen, H., see Qian, J., TC Dec. 2015 3500-3514
Chen, J., see Zhang, T., TC June 2015 1522-1533
Chen, J., see Lu, S., TC May 2015 1230-1240
Chen, J., see Menzel, M., TC May 2015 1336-1348
Chen, J., see Zhang, X., TC Aug. 2015 2293-2307
Chen, J., see Leu, J., TC Sept. 2015 2586-2594
Chen, J., see Liu, C., TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
Chen, K., see Shen, H., TC Feb. 2015 518-532
Chen, K., and Shen, H., Maximizing P2P File Access Availability in Mobile
Ad Hoc Networks though Replication for Efficient File Sharing; TC April
2015 1029-1042
Chen, L., Cui, A., and Chang, C., Design of Optimal Scan Tree Based on Compact Test Patterns for Test Time Reduction; TC Dec. 2015 3417-3429
Chen, L., see Wang, W., TC March 2015 698-706
Chen, L., see Li, C., TC March 2015 882-883
Chen, L., and Bian, K., The Telephone Coordination Game Revisited: From
Random to Deterministic Algorithms; TC Oct. 2015 2968-2980
Chen, P., see Wang, C., TC May 2015 1296-1310
Chen, R., Qin, Z., Wang, Y., Liu, D., Shao, Z., and Guan, Y., On-Demand
Block-Level Address Mapping in Large-Scale NAND Flash Storage Systems; TC June 2015 1729-1741
Chen, T., Guo, Q., Temam, O., Wu, Y., Bao, Y., Xu, Z., and Chen, Y., Statistical
Performance Comparisons of Computers; TC May 2015 1442-1455
Chen, W., Xu, L., Li, G., and Xiang, Y., A Lightweight Virtualization Solution
for Android Devices; TC Oct. 2015 2741-2751
Chen, X., see Li, J., TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Chen, X., see Li, J., TC Feb. 2015 425-437
Chen, X., see Wang, J., TC Nov. 2015 3293-3303
Chen, Y., see Cui, Y., TC Jan. 2015 166-179
Chen, Y., see Chen, T., TC May 2015 1442-1455
Chen, Y., see Saifullah, A., TC May 2015 1361-1374
Chen, Y., see Wang, C., TC May 2015 1296-1310
Chen, Y., see Li, Q., TC Aug. 2015 2169-2181
Cheng, H., see Yang, L., TC Aug. 2015 2253-2266
Cheng, J., see Chang, C., TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Cheng, S., Ku, L., and Hsiu, P., Dynamic Antenna Management for Uplink
Energy Efficiency on 802.11n Mobile Devices; TC Oct. 2015 2767-2780
Cheng, W., see Le, Y., TC Jan. 2015 19-31
Cheng, X., see Le, Y., TC Jan. 2015 19-31
Cheng, Y.-C., and Wang, P.-C., Packet Classification Using Dynamically Generated Decision Trees; TC Feb. 2015 582-586
Cheung, R.C., see Wang, C., TC May 2015 1296-1310
Chinneck, J.W., see Ibrahim, W., TC May 2015 1217-1229
Chiu, P., see Chen, C., TC Jan. 2015 180-190
Cho, B.Y., see Kim, K., TC Oct. 2015 2862-2874
Cho, S., see Maddah, R., TC March 2015 847-861
Choi, H., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Choi, J., see Park, H., TC March 2015 720-732
Chou, C., see Yu-Chun, C., TC Oct. 2015 2730-3740
Chung, C., see Wang, Z., TC Dec. 2015 3430-3443
Chung, J., and Kim, L., Bit-Width Optimization by Divide-and-Conquer for
Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processing Systems; TC Nov. 2015 3091-3101
Chung, S. W., see Kim, J. M., TC Jan. 2015 286-292
Chung, S.W., see Kong, J., TC Sept. 2015 2460-2475
Cintra, M., see Ros, A., TC June 2015 1534-1547
Cintra, R.J., see Rajapaksha, N., TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
Ciriani, V., see Bernasconi, A., TC Dec. 2015 3605-3618
Condo, C., Masera, G., and Montuschi, P., Unequal Error Protection of Memories in LDPC Decoders; TC Oct. 2015 2981-2993
Constantinides, G. A., see Jerez, J. L., TC Feb. 2015 303-315
Conti, M., see Sadiq, U., TC Aug. 2015 2308-2322
Cui, A., see Chen, L., TC Dec. 2015 3417-3429
Cui, T., Jin, C., and Kong, Z., On Compact Cauchy Matrices for SubstitutionPermutation Networks; TC July 2015 2098-2102
Cui, Y., Wang, Y., Chen, Y., and Shi, Y., Requester-Based Spin Lock: A Scalable and Energy Efficient Locking Scheme on Multicore Systems; TC Jan.
2015 166-179
Dai, Y., see Levitin, G., TC April 2015 1043-1057
Daley, C., see Alawneh, S., TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Dang, C, see Guo, S., TC March 2015 747-762
Dargie, W., A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Power Consumption of a
Processor; TC May 2015 1311-1322
DaSilva, L. A., see Di Francesco, P., TC April 2015 912-924
Datta, K., Sengupta, I., and Rahaman, H., A Post-Synthesis Optimization Technique for Reversible Circuits Exploiting Negative Control Lines; TC April
2015 1208-1214
Dehyadegari, M., Marongiu, A., Kakoee, M.R., Mohammadi, S., Yazdani, N.,
and Benini, L., Architecture Support for Tightly-Coupled Multi-Core Clusters with Shared-Memory HW Accelerators; TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
Demmel, J., and Nguyen, H.D., Parallel Reproducible Summation; TC July
2015 2060-2070
Deniz, E., Sen, A., Kahne, B., and Holt, J., MINIME: Pattern-Aware Multicore
Benchmark Synthesizer; TC Aug. 2015 2239-2252
Di, S., Kondo, D., and Wang, C., Optimization of Composite Cloud Service
Processing with Virtual Machines; TC June 2015 1755-1768
Di Francesco, P., McGettrick, S., Anyanwu, U. K., OSullivan, J. C.,
MacKenzie, A. B., and DaSilva, L. A., A Split MAC Approach for SDR
Platforms; TC April 2015 912-924
Dietrich, B., Goswami, D., Chakraborty, S., Guha, A., and Gries, M., Time
Series Characterization of Gaming Workload for Runtime Power Management; TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Dimitrov, V., see Jarvinen, K., TC Sept. 2015 2421-2432
Dimitrov, V.S., see Rajapaksha, N., TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
Ding, Z.J., see Wu, Y., TC Sept. 2015 2447-2459
Diodati, D., see Bertossi, A.A., TC April 2015 1201-1207
DiTomaso, D., Kodi, A.K., Louri, A., and Bunescu, R., Resilient and Power-Efficient Multi-Function Channel Buffers in Network-on-Chip Architectures;
TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
Dong, Z., see Salehin, K. M., TC Jan. 2015 205-218
Doroz, Y., Ozturk, E., and Sunar, B., Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Hardware; TC June 2015 1509-1521
Doss, R., see Sundaresan, S., TC Oct. 2015 2994-3008
Dou, W., see Zhang, X., TC Aug. 2015 2293-2307
Dragt, R., see Alawneh, S., TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Du, A.Y., Smith, S.D., Yang, Z., Qiao, C., and Ramesh, R., Predicting Transient
Downtime in Virtual Server Systems: An Efficient Sample Path Randomization Approach; TC Dec. 2015 3541-3554
Du, Z., see Chai, Y., TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
Duato, J., see Andujar-Munoz, F.J., TC Oct. 2015 2847-2861
Duato, J., see Valero, A., TC July 2015 1884-1897
Dugan, K.J., see Brown, A.D., TC June 2015 1769-1782
Dutt, N., see Gottscho, M., TC May 2015 1483-1496
Dutta, A., see Saqib, F., TC Jan. 2015 280-285
Easwaran, A., see Lee, J., TC April 2015 941-954
Ebergen, J., and Jamadagni, N., Radix-2 Division Algorithms with an OverRedundant Digit Set; TC Sept. 2015 2652-2663
Eeckhout, L., see Yu, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Eghbal, A., Yaghini, P.M., Bagherzadeh, N., and Khayambashi, M., Analytical
Fault Tolerance Assessment and Metrics for TSV-Based 3D Network-onChip; TC Dec. 2015 3591-3604
El-Ghazawi, T., see Kayi, A., TC Feb. 2015 316-328
El-Razouk, H., Reyhani-Masoleh, A., and Gong, G., New Hardware Implementations of WG (29, 11) and WG- 16 Stream Ciphers Using Polynomial
Basis; TC July 2015 2020-2035
Erol-Kantarci, M., see Akbas, M.I., TC April 2015 1015-1028
Fan, B., see Xu, D., TC March 2015 682-697
Fan, H., see Han, J., TC March 2015 862-867
Feng, D., see Xia, W., TC April 2015 1162-1176
Feng, G., and Korkmaz, T., Finding Multi-Constrained Multiple Shortest Paths;
TC Sept. 2015 2559-2572
Fernandez-Pascual, R., see Garcia-Guirado, A., TC April 2015 995-1014
Franchini, S., Gentile, A., Sorbello, F., Vassallo, G., and Vitabile, S., Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing; TC April 2015 955-970
Friese, R., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Fu, H., see Xue, W., TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Fu, S., see Luo, J., TC Oct. 2015 3016-3021
Fu, X., see Yang, X., TC Jan. 2015 4-18
Fujita, M., see Ghandali, S., TC June 2015 1579-1593
Furber, S.B., see Brown, A.D., TC June 2015 1769-1782
Gai, K., see Qiu, M., TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Gan, L., see Xue, W., TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Gao, Y., see Lu, G., TC May 2015 1389-1401
Garcia, H.J., and Markov, I.L., Simulation of Quantum Circuits via Stabilizer
Frames; TC Aug. 2015 2323-2336
Garcia, J. M., see Garcia-Guirado, A., TC April 2015 995-1014
Garcia, J.M., see Ros, A., TC June 2015 1534-1547
Garcia-Guirado, A., Fernandez-Pascual, R., and Garcia, J. M., ICCI: In-Cache
Coherence Information; TC April 2015 995-1014
Garside, J.D., see Brown, A.D., TC June 2015 1769-1782
Gaudet, M., see Wang, A., TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Gaudiot, J., see Kim, K., TC Oct. 2015 2862-2874
Gauthier, V., see Zhang, D., TC Feb. 2015 452-463
Gedik, B., see Schneider, S., TC Feb. 2015 504-517
Gentile, A., see Franchini, S., TC April 2015 955-970
George, C., and Vadhiyar, S., Fault Tolerance on Large Scale Systems using
Adaptive Process Replication; TC Aug. 2015 2213-2225
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Gerards, M.E., Hurink, J.L., and Kuper, J., On the Interplay between Global
DVFS and Scheduling Tasks with Precedence Constraints; TC June 2015
Ghandali, S., Alizadeh, B., Fujita, M., and Navabi, Z., Automatic High-Level
Data-Flow Synthesis and Optimization of Polynomial Datapaths Using
Functional Decomposition; TC June 2015 1579-1593
Ghani, N., see Gu, F., TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
Ghazaleh, N. A., see Kayaalp, M., TC Feb. 2015 533-546
Gholamian, S., see Kashif, H., TC April 2015 1177-1190
Ginosar, R., see Yavits, L., TC Feb. 2015 368-381
Goel, S.K., see Ingelsson, U., TC Dec. 2015 3335-3347
Gondal, I., see Rashid, M.M., TC July 2015 1998-2011
Gong, G., see El-Razouk, H., TC July 2015 2020-2035
Gonzalez, M., see Alvarez, L., TC Jan. 2015 152-165
Gorgin, S., and Jaberipur, G., Comment on “High Speed Parallel Decimal Multiplication With Redundant Internal Encodings”; TC Jan. 2015 293-294
Goswami, D., see Dietrich, B., TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Goswami, N., see Yu, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Gottscho, M., Bathen, L.A., Dutt, N., Nicolau, A., and Gupta, P., ViPZonE:
Hardware Power Variability-Aware Virtual Memory Management for Energy Savings; TC May 2015 1483-1496
Grant, J.E., see Shen, H., TC June 2015 1715-1728
Graziano, M., see Causapruno, G., TC July 2015 1940-1953
Gries, M., see Dietrich, B., TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Groer, C., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Grolleau, E., see Nguyen, T.H.C., TC July 2015 1805-1818
Gu, F., Shaban, K., Ghani, N., Khan, S., Naeini, M.R., Hayat, M.M., and Assi,
C., Survivable Cloud Network Mapping for Disaster Recovery Support; TC
Aug. 2015 2353-2366
Gu, L., Zeng, D., Barnawi, A., Guo, S., and Stojmenovic, I., Optimal Task
Placement with QoS Constraints in Geo-Distributed Data Centers Using
DVFS; TC July 2015 2049-2059
Guan, Y., see Chen, R., TC June 2015 1729-1741
Guha, A., see Dietrich, B., TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Gui, Y., see Zheng, Z., TC July 2015 2071-2083
Guizani, M., see Sun, Y., TC June 2015 1658-1669
Guneysu, T., Lyubashevsky, V., and Poppelmann, T., Lattice-Based Signatures: Optimization and Implementation on Reconfigurable Hardware; TC
July 2015 1954-1967
Guo, J., see Lu, Y., TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
Guo, M., see Lu, Y., TC Aug. 2015 2367-2381
Guo, Q., see Chen, T., TC May 2015 1442-1455
Guo, S., see Huang, H., TC Dec. 2015 3488-3499
Guo, S., see Yao, H., TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Guo, S., Dang, C, and Yang, Y., Joint Optimal Data Rate and Power Allocation
in Lossy Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Delay-Constrained Traffics; TC
March 2015 747-762
Guo, S., see Yu, S., TC Jan. 2015 139-151
Guo, S., see Li, P., TC June 2015 1670-1679
Guo, S., see Wei, K., TC Oct. 2015 2809-2818
Guo, S., see Zeng, D., TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Guo, S., see Gu, L., TC July 2015 2049-2059
Guo, S., see Zeng, D., TC July 2015 1819-1829
Guo, X., see Zhou, J., TC Aug. 2015 2408-2414
Guo, Y., see Luo, J., TC Oct. 2015 3016-3021
Guo, Z., and Yang, Y., On Nonblocking Multicast Fat-Tree Data Center Networks with Server Redundancy; TC April 2015 1058-1073
Guo, Z., and Yang, Y., Exploring Server Redundancy in Nonblocking Multicast
Data Center Networks; TC July 2015 1912-1926
Gupta, P., see Gottscho, M., TC May 2015 1483-1496
Gutierrez, M., see Burns, A., TC May 2015 1241-1253
Ha, S., see Kang, S., TC July 2015 2036-2048
Ha, Y., see Jiang, G., TC Oct. 2015 2926-2939
Haghighi, M. S., see Wen, S., TC March 2015 640-653
Haghighi, M.S., Xiang, Y, Varadharajan, V, and Quinn, B., A Stochastic TimeDomain Model for Burst Data Aggregation in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless
Sensor Networks; TC March 2015 627-639
Hamdioui, S., Taouil, M., and Haron, N. Z., Testing Open Defects in Memristor-Based Memories; TC Jan. 2015 247-259
Han, J., and Fan, H.,
Shifted Polynomial Basis Multipliers Based on
Subquadratic Toeplitz Matrix-Vector Product Approach for All Irreducible
Pentanomials; TC March 2015 862-867
Han, J., see Liu, C., TC May 2015 1268-1281
Han, J., see Momeni, A., TC April 2015 984-994
Harbour, M.G., see Burns, A., TC May 2015 1241-1253
Haron, N. Z., see Hamdioui, S., TC Jan. 2015 247-259
Hasan, M.A., see Meloni, N., TC Aug. 2015 2204-2212
Hashizume, M., see Lu, S., TC May 2015 1230-1240
Hassan, M.M., see Li, J., TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
Hayat, M.M., see Gu, F., TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
He, B., see Lu, Y., TC Aug. 2015 2367-2381
He, W., see Luo, J., TC Oct. 2015 3016-3021
He, W., see Li, D., TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
He, X., see Tan, Z., TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
He, Y., see Li, Q., TC Aug. 2015 2169-2181
Healy, M. B., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Hilton, M.M., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Hirzel, M., see Schneider, S., TC Feb. 2015 504-517
Holt, J., see Deniz, E., TC Aug. 2015 2239-2252
Hong, S., see Mahmood, T., TC June 2015 1694-1706
Hong, S., Chantem, T., and Hu, X.S., Local-Deadline Assignment for Distributed Real-Time Systems; TC July 2015 1983-1997
Hong, S., and Kim, S., A Low-Cost Mechanism Exploiting Narrow-Width
Values for Tolerating Hard Faults in ALU; TC Sept. 2015 2433-2446
Hoon Yoo, S., see Lee, E., TC May 2015 1349-1360
Hossain, M. M., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Hsiaokuang Wu, E., see Yu-Chun, C., TC Oct. 2015 2730-3740
Hsieh, J., Chen, C., and Lin, H., Adaptive ECC Scheme for Hybrid SSD’s; TC
Dec. 2015 3348-3361
Hsieh, J., and Kuan, Y., DCCS: Double Circular Caching Scheme for DRAM/
PRAM Hybrid Cache; TC Nov. 2015 3115-3127
Hsieh, J.-W., see Wang, J., TC April 2015 925-940
Hsieh, S., see Chen, C., TC June 2015 1622-1632
Hsieh, S.-Y., see Lee, C.-W., TC Jan. 2015 274-279
Hsin, H., Chang, E., Su, K., and Wu, A.A., Ant Colony Optimization-Based
Adaptive Network-on-Chip Routing Framework Using Network Information Region; TC Aug. 2015 2119-2131
Hsin, H.-K, see Chang, E., TC March 2015 868-875
Hsiu, P., see Cheng, S., TC Oct. 2015 2767-2780
Hsu, A. C.-C., Wei, D. S., and Kuo, C.-C. J., Coexistence Wi-Fi MAC Design
for Mitigating Interference Caused by Collocated Bluetooth; TC Feb. 2015
Hu, J., see Li, P., TC June 2015 1670-1679
Hu, J., see Zeng, D., TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Hu, J., see Tan, Z., TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Hu, X.S., see Hong, S., TC July 2015 1983-1997
Hu, Y., see Wang, W., TC March 2015 698-706
Hua, Y., see Xia, W., TC April 2015 1162-1176
Huang, C.-W., see Lee, C.-W., TC Jan. 2015 274-279
Huang, D., see Wang, Z., TC Dec. 2015 3430-3443
Huang, D., see Zhou, Z., TC Jan. 2015 126-138
Huang, H., Guo, S., Li, P., Ye, B., and Stojmenovic, I., Joint Optimization of
Rule Placement and Traffic Engineering for QoS Provisioning in Software
Defined Network; TC Dec. 2015 3488-3499
Huang, H., see Yao, H., TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Huang, J., see Zhang, T., TC June 2015 1522-1533
Huang, J., Qin, X., Liang, X., and Xie, C., An Efficient I/O-Redirection-Based
Reconstruction Scheme for Erasure-Coded Storage Clusters; TC Nov. 2015
Huang, J., see Sun, H., TC April 2015 1133-1148
Huang, P., see Tsao, C., TC Dec. 2015 3444-3460
Huang, P., Wang, C., and Xiao, L., RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks; TC April 2015 11491161
Huang, P.-C., see Wang, J., TC April 2015 925-940
Huang, T., see Chang, C., TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Huang, X., see Chang, C., TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Huang, X., see Li, J., TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
Huang, X., see Wang, W., TC March 2015 698-706
Huang, X., see Wang, J., TC Nov. 2015 3293-3303
Huang, X., Liu, J.K., Tang, S., Xiang, Y., Liang, K., Xu, L., and Zhou, J., CostEffective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security;
TC April 2015 971-983
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Huang, X., see Yuen, T.H., TC Sept. 2015 2595-2608
Huang, Y., see Zhang, T., TC June 2015 1522-1533
Huang, Z., Wang, C., Stojmenovic, M., and Nayak, A., Characterization of
Cascading Failures in Interdependent Cyber-Physical Systems; TC Aug.
2015 2158-2168
Huh, J., see Ahn, J., TC Dec. 2015 3461-3474
Huh, J., see Jin, S., TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Hung, W.N.N., see Zhou, J., TC Aug. 2015 2408-2414
Hurink, J.L., see Gerards, M.E., TC June 2015 1742-1754
Ibrahim, W., Shousha, M., and Chinneck, J.W., Accurate and Efficient Estimation of Logic Circuits Reliability Bounds; TC May 2015 1217-1229
Ienne, P., see Bayrak, A. G., TC Feb. 2015 329-341
Ikodinovic, I., Methodology for Cycle-Accurate DRAM Performance Analysis; TC July 2015 2084-2091
Imine, A., see Randolph, A., TC April 2015 1074-1089
Ingelsson, U., Goel, S.K., Larsson, E., and Marinissen, E.J., Abort-on-Fail Test
Scheduling for Modular SOCs without and with Preemption; TC Dec. 2015
Jaberipur, G., see Gorgin, S., TC Jan. 2015 293-294
Jamadagni, N., see Ebergen, J., TC Sept. 2015 2652-2663
Jamdagni, A., see Tan, Z., TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Jangjaimon, I., and Tzeng, N.-F., Effective Cost Reduction for Elastic Clouds
under Spot Instance Pricing Through Adaptive Checkpointing; TC Feb.
2015 396-409
Jarray, A., and Karmouch, A., Cost-Efficient Mapping for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Networks; TC March 2015 668-681
Jarvinen, K., Dimitrov, V., and Azarderakhsh, R., A Generalization of Addition
Chains and Fast Inversions in Binary Fields; TC Sept. 2015 2421-2432
Jawad, M., Muhammad Ali, S., Jorgenson, J.A., and Khan, S.U., JEM: Just in
Time/Just Enough Energy Management Methodology for Computing Systems; TC June 2015 1798-1804
Jerez, J. L., Constantinides, G. A., and Kerrigan, E. C., A Low Complexity
Scaling Method for the Lanczos Kernel in Fixed-Point Arithmetic; TC Feb.
2015 303-315
Jerger, N. E., see Ma, S., TC March 2015 763-777
Jessa, M., On the Quality of Random Sequences Produced with a Combined
Random Bit Generator; TC March 2015 791-804
Ji, Y., see Yang, L., TC Aug. 2015 2253-2266
Jia, C., see Li, J., TC Feb. 2015 425-437
Jia, W., see Wen, S., TC March 2015 640-653
Jiang, C.J., see Wu, Y., TC Sept. 2015 2447-2459
Jiang, G., Wu, J., Ha, Y., Wang, Y., and Sun, J., Reconfiguring Three-Dimensional Processor Arrays for Fault-Tolerance: Hardness and Heuristic Algorithms; TC Oct. 2015 2926-2939
Jiang, H., see Liu, W., TC May 2015 1323-1335
Jiang, H., see Sun, H., TC April 2015 1133-1148
Jiang, H., see Xia, W., TC April 2015 1162-1176
Jiang, H., see Wu, S., TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
Jiang, W., Ren, F., Shu, R., Wu, Y., and Lin, C., Sliding Mode Congestion
Control for Data Center Ethernet Networks; TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Jie, Z., see Luo, C., TC July 2015 1830-1843
Jin, C., see Cui, T., TC July 2015 2098-2102
Jin, H., see Yu, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Jin, S., see Ahn, J., TC Dec. 2015 3461-3474
Jin, S., Ahn, J., Seol, J., Cha, S., Huh, J., and Maeng, S., H-SVM: HardwareAssisted Secure Virtual Machines under a Vulnerable Hypervisor; TC Oct.
2015 2833-2846
Jin, Z., see Liu, W., TC May 2015 1323-1335
John, L.K., see Yu, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Johnson, B.W., see Levitin, G., TC April 2015 1043-1057
Jong, C.C., see Low, J.Y.L., TC June 2015 1783-1797
Jorgenson, J.A., see Jawad, M., TC June 2015 1798-1804
Jou, J., see Lai, B. C., TC April 2015 884-898
Jung, M., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Kahne, B., see Deniz, E., TC Aug. 2015 2239-2252
Kakoee, M.R., see Dehyadegari, M., TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
Kamruzzaman, J., see Rashid, M.M., TC July 2015 1998-2011
Kang, S., Park, H., Kim, S., Oh, H., and Ha, S., Optimal Checkpoint Selection
with Dual-Modular Redundancy Hardening; TC July 2015 2036-2048
Karabina, K., see Chatterjee, S., TC June 2015 1707-1714
Karafyllidis, I.G., see Mardiris, V.A., TC Sept. 2015 2476-2489
Karmouch, A., see Al Ridhawi, Y., TC March 2015 832-846
Karmouch, A., see Jarray, A., TC March 2015 668-681
Karri, R., see Rajendran, J., TC March 2015 733-746
Karri, R., see Rajendran, J., TC Feb. 2015 410-424
Kashif, H., Gholamian, S., and Patel, H., SLA: A Stage-Level Latency Analysisfor Real-Time Communicationin a Pipelined Resource Model; TC April
2015 1177-1190
Kavvadias, D.J., see Voyiatzis, I.K., TC Oct. 2015 2891-2901
Kayaalp, M., Schmitt, T., Nomani, J., Ponomarev, D., and Ghazaleh, N. A., Signature-Based Protection from Code Reuse Attacks; TC Feb. 2015 533-546
Kayi, A., Serres, O., and El-Ghazawi, T., Adaptive Cache Coherence Mechanisms with Producer–Consumer Sharing Optimization for Chip Multiprocessors; TC Feb. 2015 316-328
Kent, K.B., see Wang, Y., TC Sept. 2015 2716-2729
Kent, M., see Xu, D., TC Sept. 2015 2490-2505
Kerrigan, E. C., see Jerez, J. L., TC Feb. 2015 303-315
Khalil, I., see Yaakob, N., TC June 2015 1594-1606
Khalil, I., see Kumarage, H., TC Sept. 2015 2573-2585
Khan, S., see Gu, F., TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
Khan, S. U., see Chen, D., TC March 2015 707-719
Khan, S.U., see Jawad, M., TC June 2015 1798-1804
Khan, S.U., see Menzel, M., TC May 2015 1336-1348
Khayambashi, M., see Eghbal, A., TC Dec. 2015 3591-3604
Khemka, B., Friese, R., Briceno, L.D., Siegel, H.J., Maciejewski, A.A., Koenig,
G.A., Groer, C., Okonski, G., Hilton, M.M., Rambharos, R., and Poole, S.,
Utility Functions and Resource Management in an Oversubscribed Heterogeneous Computing Environment; TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Khorosh, I., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Kijkanjanarat, T., see Salehin, K. M., TC Jan. 2015 205-218
Kim, C., and Park, K.H., Credit-Based Runtime Placement of Virtual Machines
on a Single NUMA System for QoS of Data Access Performance; TC June
2015 1633-1646
Kim, D. H., Athikulwongse, K., Healy, M. B., Hossain, M. M., Jung, M.,
Khorosh, I., Kumar, G., Lee, Y.-J., Lewis, D. L., Lin, T.-W., Liu, C.,
Panth, S., Pathak, M., Ren, M., Shen, G., Song, T., Woo, D. H., Zhao, X.,
Kim, J., Choi, H., Loh, G. H., Lee, H.-H. S., and Lim, S. K., Design and
Analysis of 3D-MAPS (3D Massively Parallel Processor with Stacked
Memory); TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Kim, H., see Lakshminarayana, N.B., TC Nov. 2015 3102-3114
Kim, H., see Lee, J., TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Kim, J., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Kim, J., see Baek, S., TC Aug. 2015 2337-2352
Kim, J. M., Kim, Y. G., and Chung, S. W., Stabilizing CPU Frequency and
Voltage for Temperature-Aware DVFS in Mobile Devices; TC Jan. 2015
Kim, J.-S., see Lee, Y., TC Feb. 2015 569-581
Kim, K., Cho, B.Y., Ro, W.W., and Gaudiot, J., Network Variation and Fault
Tolerant Performance Acceleration in Mobile Devices with Simultaneous
Remote Execution; TC Oct. 2015 2862-2874
Kim, L., see Chung, J., TC Nov. 2015 3091-3101
Kim, S., see Mahmood, T., TC June 2015 1694-1706
Kim, S., see Kang, S., TC July 2015 2036-2048
Kim, S., see Lee, J., TC July 2015 1927-1939
Kim, S., see Hong, S., TC Sept. 2015 2433-2446
Kim, Y., Comments on “An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size
for Authentication in Network Coding”; TC Dec. 2015 3619-3620
Kim, Y. G., see Kim, J. M., TC Jan. 2015 286-292
Kodi, A.K., see DiTomaso, D., TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
Koenig, G.A., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Kondo, D., see Di, S., TC June 2015 1755-1768
Kong, J., Koushanfar, F., and Chung, S.W., An Energy-Efficient Last-Level
Cache Architecture for Process Variation-Tolerant 3D Microprocessors; TC
Sept. 2015 2460-2475
Kong, Z., see Cui, T., TC July 2015 2098-2102
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Korkmaz, T., see Feng, G., TC Sept. 2015 2559-2572
Kornerup, P., Reviewing High-Radix Signed-Digit Adders; TC May 2015
Koushanfar, F., see Kong, J., TC Sept. 2015 2460-2475
Ku, L., see Cheng, S., TC Oct. 2015 2767-2780
Kuan, Y., see Hsieh, J., TC Nov. 2015 3115-3127
Kumar, G., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Kumar, M., see Sadiq, U., TC Aug. 2015 2308-2322
Kumarage, H., see Yaakob, N., TC June 2015 1594-1606
Kumarage, H., Khalil, I., and Tari, Z., Granular Evaluation of Anomalies in
Wireless Sensor Networks Using Dynamic Data Partitioning with an Entropy Criteria; TC Sept. 2015 2573-2585
Kuo, C.-C. J., see Hsu, A. C.-C., TC Feb. 2015 342-352
Kuo, H., see Lai, B. C., TC April 2015 884-898
Kuper, J., see Gerards, M.E., TC June 2015 1742-1754
Lai, B. C., Kuo, H., and Jou, J., A Cache Hierarchy Aware Thread Mapping
Methodology for GPGPUs; TC April 2015 884-898
Lakshminarayana, N.B., and Kim, H., Block-Precise Processors: Low-Power
Processors with Reduced Operand Store Accesses and Result Broadcasts;
TC Nov. 2015 3102-3114
Lam, K.-Y., see Wang, J., TC April 2015 925-940
Lama, P., and Zhou, X., Coordinated Power and Performance Guarantee with
Fuzzy MIMO Control in Virtualized Server Clusters; TC Jan. 2015 97-111
Lan, C., see Zhou, J., TC Aug. 2015 2408-2414
Lan, Z., see Zheng, Z., TC May 2015 1402-1415
Larsson, E., see Ingelsson, U., TC Dec. 2015 3335-3347
Lasla, N., Younis, M.F., Ouadjaout, A., and Badache, N., An Effective AreaBased Localization Algorithm for Wireless Networks; TC Aug. 2015 21032118
Lastovetsky, A., see Zhong, Z., TC Sept. 2015 2506-2518
Le, Y., Ma, L., Cheng, W., Cheng, X., and Chen, B., A Time Fairness-Based
MAC Algorithm for Throughput Maximization in 802.11 Networks; TC
Jan. 2015 19-31
Le Traon, Y., see Xu, D., TC Sept. 2015 2490-2505
Lee, C.-W., Huang, C.-W., Pi, W.-H., and Hsieh, S.-Y., An Improved Approximation Ratio to the Partial-Terminal Steiner Tree Problem; TC Jan. 2015
Lee, D., see Chang, C., TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Lee, D., see Park, H., TC March 2015 720-732
Lee, D.T., and Bruck, J., Algorithms for Generating Probabilities with Multivalued Stochastic Relay Circuits; TC Dec. 2015 3376-3388
Lee, E., Hoon Yoo, S., and Bahn, H., Design and Implementation of a Journaling
File System for Phase-Change Memory; TC May 2015 1349-1360
Lee, H.-H. S., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Lee, H.G., see Baek, S., TC Aug. 2015 2337-2352
Lee, J., Woo, D.H., Kim, H., and Azimi, M., GREEN Cache: Exploiting the
Disciplined Memory Model of OpenCL on GPUs; TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Lee, J., see Baek, S., TC Aug. 2015 2337-2352
Lee, J., Shin, K. G., Shin, I., and Easwaran, A., Composition of Schedulability
Analyses for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems; TC April 2015 941-954
Lee, J., and Kim, S., Filter Data Cache: An Energy-Efficient Small L0 Data
Cache Architecture Driven byMiss Cost Reduction; TC July 2015 19271939
Lee, P.P., see Li, R., TC July 2015 1898-1911
Lee, P.P.C., see Zhu, Y., TC Aug. 2015 2145-2157
Lee, S.-W., see Lee, Y., TC Feb. 2015 569-581
Lee, Y., Kim, J.-S., Lee, S.-W., and Maeng, S., Zombie Chasing: Efficient Flash
Management Considering Dirty Data in the Buffer Cache; TC Feb. 2015
Lee, Y.-J., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Leu, J., Chen, J., and Li, K., Hybrid Search Scheme for Social Networks Supported by Dynamic Weighted Distributed Label Clustering; TC Sept. 2015
Leung, V.C.M., see Zhu, C., TC July 2015 1844-1856
Levitin, G., Xing, L., Johnson, B.W., and Dai, Y., Mission Reliability, Cost
and Time for Cold Standby Computing Systems with Periodic Backup; TC
April 2015 1043-1057
Lewis, D. L., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Li, B., see Wang, Z., TC Dec. 2015 3430-3443
Li, C., Chen, L., Lu, R., and Li, H., Comment on “An Efficient Homomorphic
MAC with Small Key Size for Authentication in Network Coding”; TC
March 2015 882-883
Li, D., see Shang, Y., TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Li, D., and Wu, J., On Data Center Network Architectures for Interconnecting
Dual-Port Servers; TC Nov. 2015 3210-3222
Li, D., Shang, Y., He, W., and Chen, C., EXR: Greening Data Center Network
with Software Defined Exclusive Routing; TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
Li, G., see Chen, W., TC Oct. 2015 2741-2751
Li, H., see Li, C., TC March 2015 882-883
Li, J., see Qiu, M., TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Li, J., Chen, X., Huang, X., Tang, S., Xiang, Y., Hassan, M.M., and Alelaiwi,
A., Secure Distributed Deduplication Systems with Improved Reliability;
TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
Li, J., Chen, X., Jia, C., and Lou, W., Identity-Based Encryption with Outsourced Revocation in Cloud Computing; TC Feb. 2015 425-437
Li, J., see Li, J., TC Feb. 2015 425-437
Li, J., see Li, Q., TC Aug. 2015 2169-2181
Li, K., see Liu, X., TC Jan. 2015 87-96
Li, K., Tang, X., and Veeravalli, B., Scheduling Precedence Constrained Stochastic Tasks on Heterogeneous Cluster Systems; TC Jan. 2015 191-204
Li, K., see Li, K., TC Jan. 2015 191-204
Li, K., see Zhang, G., TC Jan. 2015 32-44
Li, K., see Wei, K., TC Oct. 2015 2809-2818
Li, K., see Luo, J., TC Oct. 2015 3016-3021
Li, K., see Mei, J., TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
Li, K., see Mei, J., TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
Li, K., see Leu, J., TC Sept. 2015 2586-2594
Li, K., see Yang, W., TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Li, K., see Yang, W., TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Li, P., see Huang, H., TC Dec. 2015 3488-3499
Li, P., Guo, S., and Hu, J., Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for
Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks; TC June
2015 1670-1679
Li, P., see Zeng, D., TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Li, Q., He, Y., Li, J., Shi, L., Chen, Y., and Xue, C.J., Compiler-Assisted Refresh Minimization for Volatile STT-RAM Cache; TC Aug. 2015 21692181
Li, R., Lin, J., and Lee, P.P., Enabling Concurrent Failure Recovery for Regenerating-Coding-Based Storage Systems: From Theory to Practice; TC July
2015 1898-1911
Li, S., see Lu, Y., TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
Li, T., see Shen, H., TC Feb. 2015 353-367
Li, T., see Lu, S., TC May 2015 1230-1240
Li, T., see Yu, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Li, X., see Chen, D., TC March 2015 707-719
Li, X., see Wang, C., TC May 2015 1296-1310
Li, Z., see Shen, H., TC June 2015 1715-1728
Liang, K., see Huang, X., TC April 2015 971-983
Liang, W., see Xu, W., TC March 2015 600-613
Liang, W., see Ren, X., TC July 2015 1870-1883
Liang, X., see Huang, J., TC Nov. 2015 3037-3050
Liao, J., see Xue, W., TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Liao, X., see Liu, W., TC May 2015 1323-1335
Liaskos, C., and Tsioliaridou, A., A Promise of Realizable, Ultra-Scalable
Communications at Nano-Scale:A Multi-Modal Nano-Machine Architecture; TC May 2015 1282-1295
Lim, K., see Won, Y., TC May 2015 1375-1388
Lim, S. K., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Lin, C, see Salehin, K. M., TC Jan. 2015 205-218
Lin, C., see Chen, C., TC Jan. 2015 180-190
Lin, C., see Jiang, W., TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Lin, H., see Hsieh, J., TC Dec. 2015 3348-3361
Lin, H., see Liu, W., TC May 2015 1323-1335
Lin, J., see Yang, X., TC Jan. 2015 4-18
Lin, J., see Zhu, Y., TC Aug. 2015 2145-2157
Lin, J., see Li, R., TC July 2015 1898-1911
Lin, L., see Zhou, S., TC Feb. 2015 547-555
Lin, S.-Y., see Chang, E., TC March 2015 868-875
Lin, T.-W., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Lin, T.-Y., Wu, K.-R., and Yin, G.-C., Channel-Hopping Scheme and ChannelDiverse Routing in Static Multi-Radio Multi-Hop Wireless Networks; TC
Jan. 2015 71-86
Lin, X, see Xu, W., TC March 2015 600-613
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Lin, Y., see Shen, H., TC Feb. 2015 353-367
Lin, Z.-Y., see Yang, C.-N., TC Feb. 2015 492-503
Liu, A. X., see Liu, X., TC Jan. 2015 87-96
Liu, C., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Liu, C., Han, J., and Lombardi, F., An Analytical Framework for Evaluating the
Error Characteristics of Approximate Adders; TC May 2015 1268-1281
Liu, C., see Zhang, X., TC Aug. 2015 2293-2307
Liu, C., Ranjan, R., Yang, C., Zhang, X., Wang, L., and Chen, J., MuR-DPA:
Top-Down Levelled Multi-Replica Merkle Hash Tree Based Secure Public
Auditing for Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud; TC Sept. 2015 26092622
Liu, D., see Chen, R., TC June 2015 1729-1741
Liu, F., Shu, P., and Lui, J.C., AppATP: An Energy Conserving Adaptive Mobile-Cloud Transmission Protocol; TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
Liu, G., Shen, H., and Ward, L., An Efficient and Trustworthy P2P and Social
Network Integrated File Sharing System; TC Jan. 2015 54-70
Liu, G., see Shen, H., TC Oct. 2015 2953-2967
Liu, J., see Shen, H., TC Feb. 2015 518-532
Liu, J., see Shen, H., TC Feb. 2015 518-532
Liu, J., see Shen, H., TC June 2015 1715-1728
Liu, J.K., see Huang, X., TC April 2015 971-983
Liu, J.K., see Yuen, T.H., TC Sept. 2015 2595-2608
Liu, L., Song, Y., Zhang, H., Ma, H., and Vasilakos, A. V., Physarum Optimization: A Biology-Inspired Algorithm for the Steiner Tree Problem in
Networks; TC March 2015 818-831
Liu, L., see Wu, Y., TC Sept. 2015 2447-2459
Liu, R.P., see Tan, Z., TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Liu, W., see Wang, B., TC Feb. 2015 587-592
Liu, W., Jiang, H., Yang, Y., Liao, X., Lin, H., and Jin, Z., A Unified Framework for Line-Like Skeleton Extraction in 2D/3D Sensor Networks; TC
May 2015 1323-1335
Liu, X., see Xu, D., TC March 2015 682-697
Liu, X., Li, K., Min, G., Shen, Y., Liu, A. X., and Qu, W., Completely Pinpointing the Missing RFID Tags in a Time-Efficient Way; TC Jan. 2015
Liu, X., see Yuan, D., TC Oct. 2015 2781-2795
Liu, X., see Zhang, G., TC May 2015 1456-1469
Liu, X., Xiao, B., Zhang, S., Bu, K., and Chan, A., STEP: A Time-Efficient Tag
Searching Protocol in Large RFID Systems; TC Nov. 2015 3265-3277
Liu, Z. L., see Ma, S., TC March 2015 763-777
Loh, G. H., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Lombardi, F., see Namba, K., TC Oct. 2015 2902-2911
Lombardi, F., see Liu, C., TC May 2015 1268-1281
Lombardi, F., see Momeni, A., TC April 2015 984-994
Lombardi, F., see Namba, K., TC July 2015 2092-2097
Lopez, P., see Valero, A., TC July 2015 1884-1897
Lou, W., see Li, J., TC Feb. 2015 425-437
Loureiro, A. A., see Rezende, C., TC March 2015 614-626
Louri, A., see DiTomaso, D., TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
Low, J.Y.L., and Jong, C.C., Unified Mitchell-Based Approximation for Efficient Logarithmic Conversion Circuit; TC June 2015 1783-1797
Lu, C., see Saifullah, A., TC May 2015 1361-1374
Lu, G., Zhan, J., Wang, H., Yuan, L., Gao, Y., Weng, C., and Qi, Y., PowerTracer: Tracing Requests in Multi-Tier Services to Reduce Energy Inefficiency; TC May 2015 1389-1401
Lu, P., see Wang, Y., TC Sept. 2015 2716-2729
Lu, R., see Li, C., TC March 2015 882-883
Lu, S., see Zhang, S., TC March 2015 654-667
Lu, S., Li, T., Hashizume, M., and Chen, J., Address Scrambling and Data Inversion Techniques for Yield Enhancement of NROM-Based ROMs; TC
May 2015 1230-1240
Lu, Y., Shu, J., Guo, J., Li, S., and Mutlu, O., High-Performance and Lightweight Transaction Support in Flash-Based SSDs; TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
Lu, Y., He, B., Tang, X., and Guo, M., Synergy of Dynamic Frequency Scaling
and Demotion on DRAM Power Management: Models and Optimizations;
TC Aug. 2015 2367-2381
Lu, Y., see Xue, W., TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Lubicz, D., and Bochard, N., Towards an Oscillator Based TRNG with a Certified Entropy Rate; TC April 2015 1191-1200
Lui, J.C., see Liu, F., TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
Lukic, M., Barnawi, A., and Stojmenovic, I., Robot Coordination for EnergyBalanced Matching and Sequence Dispatch of Robots to Events; TC May
2015 1416-1428
Luo, C., Cai, S., Wu, W., Jie, Z., and Su, K., CCLS: An Efficient Local Search
Algorithm for Weighted Maximum Satisfiability; TC July 2015 1830-1843
Luo, J., see Zhang, B., TC June 2015 1548-1563
Luo, J., Guo, Y., Fu, S., Li, K., and He, W., Virtual Resource Allocation Based
on Link Interference in Cayley Wireless Data Centers; TC Oct. 2015 30163021
Luo, Y., see Weng, C., TC May 2015 1470-1482
Luo, Z., see Xia, F., TC July 2015 1857-1869
Lyu, M. R., see Zheng, Z., TC Jan. 2015 219-232
Lyubashevsky, V., see Guneysu, T., TC July 2015 1954-1967
Ma, H., see Liu, L., TC March 2015 818-831
Ma, K., see Zheng, W., TC Nov. 2015 3278-3292
Ma, L., see Le, Y., TC Jan. 2015 19-31
Ma, S., Wang, Z., Liu, Z. L., and Jerger, N. E., Leaving One Slot Empty: Flit
Bubble Flow Control for Torus Cache-Coherent NoCs; TC March 2015
Maciejewski, A.A., see Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Maciejewski, A.A., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
MacKenzie, A. B., see Di Francesco, P., TC April 2015 912-924
Madanayake, A., see Rajapaksha, N., TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
Maddah, R., Melhem, R., and Cho, S., RDIS: Tolerating Many Stuck-At Faults
in Resistive Memory; TC March 2015 847-861
Maeng, S., see Lee, Y., TC Feb. 2015 569-581
Maeng, S., see Jin, S., TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Maestro, J.A., see Pontarelli, S., TC May 2015 1497-1501
Mahmood, T., Hong, S., and Kim, S., Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy
Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage With Macho; TC June 2015 1694-1706
Maitra, S., see Sarkar, S., TC June 2015 1647-1657
Makris, Y., see Maniatakos, M., TC Sept. 2015 2664-2674
Mancillas-Lopez, C., see Chakraborty, D., TC Sept. 2015 2691-2707
Maniatakos, M., Michael, M., Tirumurti, C., and Makris, Y., Revisiting Vulnerability Analysis in Modern Microprocessors; TC Sept. 2015 2664-2674
Manoj P. D., S., Yu, H., and Wang, K., 3D Many-Core Microprocessor
Power Management by Space-Time Multiplexing Based Demand-Supply
Matching; TC Nov. 2015 3022-3036
Mao, B., see Wu, S., TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
Mardiris, V.A., Sirakoulis, G.C., and Karafyllidis, I.G., Automated Design Architecture for 1-D Cellular Automata Using Quantum Cellular Automata;
TC Sept. 2015 2476-2489
Marinissen, E.J., see Ingelsson, U., TC Dec. 2015 3335-3347
Markov, I.L., see Garcia, H.J., TC Aug. 2015 2323-2336
Marongiu, A., see Dehyadegari, M., TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
Martorell, X., see Alvarez, L., TC Jan. 2015 152-165
Masera, G., see Condo, C., TC Oct. 2015 2981-2993
Matula, D.W., Panu, M.T., and Zhang, J.Y., Multiplicative Division Employing Independent Factors; TC July 2015 2012-2019
McCartney, W.P., and Sridhar, N., Stackless Multi-Threading for Embedded
Systems; TC Oct. 2015 2940-2952
McGettrick, S., see Di Francesco, P., TC April 2015 912-924
Mei, J., Li, K., Ouyang, A., and Li, K., A Profit Maximization Scheme with
Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud Computing; TC Nov. 2015 30643078
Melhem, R., see Maddah, R., TC March 2015 847-861
Meloni, N., and Hasan, M.A., Efficient Double Bases for Scalar Multiplication;
TC Aug. 2015 2204-2212
Menasce, D.A., see Bardhan, S., TC Aug. 2015 2279-2292
Menezes, A., see Chatterjee, S., TC June 2015 1707-1714
Menzel, M., Ranjan, R., Wang, L., Khan, S.U., and Chen, J., CloudGenius: A
Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web
Application Clusters to Public Clouds; TC May 2015 1336-1348
Michael, M., see Maniatakos, M., TC Sept. 2015 2664-2674
Michael, M. M., see Wang, A., TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Min, G., see Liu, X., TC Jan. 2015 87-96
Min, J., see Won, Y., TC May 2015 1375-1388
Ming, Z., see Qiu, M., TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Misra, S., see Sarkar, S., TC Oct. 2015 2912-2925
Mitsunari, S., see Zavattoni, E., TC May 2015 1429-1441
Miyazaki, T., see Zeng, D., TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Mo, Z., see Yang, W., TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Mohammadi, S., see Dehyadegari, M., TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Momeni, A., Han, J., Montuschi, P., and Lombardi, F., Design and Analysis of
Approximate Compressors for Multiplication; TC April 2015 984-994
Montuschi, P., Editorial from the New Editor in Chief; TC Jan. 2015 2
Montuschi, P., see Condo, C., TC Oct. 2015 2981-2993
Montuschi, P., see Momeni, A., TC April 2015 984-994
Morad, A., see Yavits, L., TC Feb. 2015 368-381
Moreno, F., see Rodriguez, A., TC Nov. 2015 3140-3152
Mouelhi, T., see Xu, D., TC Sept. 2015 2490-2505
Moulema, P.-M., see Yang, X., TC Jan. 2015 4-18
Moyer, S., see Shen, H., TC Feb. 2015 518-532
Muhammad Ali, S., see Jawad, M., TC June 2015 1798-1804
Mukhopadhyay, D., see Rebeiro, C., TC March 2015 778-790
Mutlu, O., see Lu, Y., TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
Myers, C.J., see Zheng, H., TC June 2015 1607-1621
Naeini, M.R., see Gu, F., TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
Namba, K., and Lombardi, F., Parallel Decodable Two-Level Unequal Burst
Error Correcting Codes; TC Oct. 2015 2902-2911
Namba, K., and Lombardi, F., Non-Binary Orthogonal Latin Square Codes for
a Multilevel Phase Charge Memory (PCM); TC July 2015 2092-2097
Nanda, P., see Tan, Z., TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Navabi, Z., see Ghandali, S., TC June 2015 1579-1593
Navarro, N., see Alvarez, L., TC Jan. 2015 152-165
Nayak, A., see Huang, Z., TC Aug. 2015 2158-2168
Nechma, T., and Zwolinski, M., Parallel Sparse Matrix Solution for Circuit
Simulation on FPGAs; TC April 2015 1090-1103
Negre, C., and Robert, J., New Parallel Approaches for Scalar Multiplication in
Elliptic Curve over Fields of Small Characteristic; TC Oct. 2015 2875-2890
Nepal, S., see Zhang, X., TC Aug. 2015 2293-2307
Nguyen, H.D., see Demmel, J., TC July 2015 2060-2070
Nguyen, T.H.C., Richard, P., and Grolleau, E., An FPTAS for Response Time
Analysis of Fixed Priority Real-Time Tasks with Resource Augmentation;
TC July 2015 1805-1818
Nicolau, A., see Gottscho, M., TC May 2015 1483-1496
Nicopoulos, C., see Baek, S., TC Aug. 2015 2337-2352
Noh, S. H., see Park, H., TC March 2015 720-732
Nomani, J., see Kayaalp, M., TC Feb. 2015 533-546
Novo, D., see Bayrak, A. G., TC Feb. 2015 329-341
Nunez-Yanez, J.L., Adaptive Voltage Scaling with In-Situ Detectors in Commercial FPGAs; TC Jan. 2015 45-53
Obaidat, M.S., see Sarkar, S., TC Oct. 2015 2912-2925
Oh, H., see Kang, S., TC July 2015 2036-2048
Ohmacht, M., see Wang, A., TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Okonski, G., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Ortiz, P., see Saqib, F., TC Jan. 2015 280-285
Oshin, T.O., Poslad, S., and Zhang, Z., Energy-Efficient Real-Time Human
Mobility State Classification Using Smartphones; TC June 2015 1680-1693
OSullivan, J. C., see Di Francesco, P., TC April 2015 912-924
Otoom, M., and Paul, J.M., Multiprocessor Capacity Metric and Analysis; TC
Nov. 2015 3181-3196
Ottavi, M., see Pontarelli, S., TC May 2015 1497-1501
Ouadjaout, A., see Lasla, N., TC Aug. 2015 2103-2118
Ouyang, A., see Mei, J., TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
Ozturk, E., see Doroz, Y., TC June 2015 1509-1521
Pan, Y., see Zhang, T., TC June 2015 1522-1533
Pang, A., see Shih, Y., TC Nov. 2015 3079-3090
Panth, S., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Panu, M.T., see Matula, D.W., TC July 2015 2012-2019
Park, H., Choi, J., Lee, D., and Noh, S. H., iBuddy: Inverse Buddy for Enhancing Memory Allocation/Deallocation Performanceon Multi-Core Systems; TC March 2015 720-732
Park, H., see Kang, S., TC July 2015 2036-2048
Park, K.H., see Kim, C., TC June 2015 1633-1646
Pasricha, S., see Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Passarella, A., see Sadiq, U., TC Aug. 2015 2308-2322
Patel, H., see Kashif, H., TC April 2015 1177-1190
Pathak, M., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Pattichis, M. S., see Saqib, F., TC Jan. 2015 280-285
Paul, J.M., see Otoom, M., TC Nov. 2015 3181-3196
Pei, J., see Zhang, X., TC Aug. 2015 2293-2307
Peng, S.-L., see Yang, C.-N., TC Feb. 2015 492-503
Perez, L.J.D., see Zavattoni, E., TC May 2015 1429-1441
Peters, D., see Alawneh, S., TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Petit, S., see Valero, A., TC July 2015 1884-1897
Pi, W.-H., see Lee, C.-W., TC Jan. 2015 274-279
Pino, Y., see Rajendran, J., TC Feb. 2015 410-424
Pinotti, C.M., see Bertossi, A.A., TC April 2015 1201-1207
Plana, L.A., see Brown, A.D., TC June 2015 1769-1782
Platania, M., see Baldoni, R., TC Oct. 2015 2796-2808
Plusquellic, J., see Saqib, F., TC Jan. 2015 280-285
Pomeranz, I., Two-Dimensional Static Test Compaction for Functional Test
Sequences; TC Oct. 2015 3009-3015
Pomeranz, I., Test Vector Omission for Fault Coverage Improvement of Functional Test Sequences; TC Nov. 2015 3317-3321
Pomeranz, I., Piecewise-Functional Broadside Tests Based on Reachable
States; TC Aug. 2015 2415-2420
Ponomarev, D., see Kayaalp, M., TC Feb. 2015 533-546
Pontarelli, S., Reviriego, P., Ottavi, M., and Maestro, J.A., Low Delay Single
Symbol Error Correction Codes Based on Reed Solomon Codes; TC May
2015 1497-1501
Poole, S., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Poppelmann, T., see Guneysu, T., TC July 2015 1954-1967
Poslad, S., see Oshin, T.O., TC June 2015 1680-1693
Qi, Y., see Lu, G., TC May 2015 1389-1401
Qian, J., Zhu, Q., and Chen, H., Multi-Granularity Locality-Sensitive Bloom
Filter; TC Dec. 2015 3500-3514
Qiao, C., see Du, A.Y., TC Dec. 2015 3541-3554
Qin, X., see Huang, J., TC Nov. 2015 3037-3050
Qin, X., see Chai, Y., TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
Qin, X., see Sun, H., TC April 2015 1133-1148
Qin, Z., see Chen, R., TC June 2015 1729-1741
Qiu, M., Ming, Z., Li, J., Gai, K., and Zong, Z., Phase-Change Memory Optimization for Green Cloud with Genetic Algorithm; TC Dec. 2015 35283540
Qu, W., see Liu, X., TC Jan. 2015 87-96
Que, X., see Yu, W., TC Feb. 2015 556-568
Querzoni, L., see Baldoni, R., TC Oct. 2015 2796-2808
Quinn, B., see Haghighi, M.S., TC March 2015 627-639
Quintero, A., see Randolph, A., TC April 2015 1074-1089
Rahaman, H., see Datta, K., TC April 2015 1208-1214
Rajapaksha, N., Madanayake, A., Cintra, R.J., Adikari, J., and Dimitrov, V.S.,
VLSI Computational Architectures for the Arithmetic Cosine Transform;
TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
Rajendran, J., Karri, R., and Rose, G. S., Improving Tolerance to Variations in
Memristor-Based Applications Using Parallel Memristors; TC March 2015
Rajendran, J., Zhang, H., Zhang, C., Rose, G. S., Pino, Y., Sinanoglu, O., and
Karri, R., Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption; TC Feb. 2015 410-424
Rambharos, R., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Ramesh, R., see Du, A.Y., TC Dec. 2015 3541-3554
Ramos, H. S., see Rezende, C., TC March 2015 614-626
Randolph, A., Boucheneb, H., Imine, A., and Quintero, A., On Synthesizing
a Consistent Operational Transformation Approach; TC April 2015 10741089
Ranieri, J., Vincenzi, A., Chebira, A., Atienza, D., and Vetterli, M., Near-Optimal Thermal Monitoring Framework for Many-Core Systems-on-Chip;
TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Ranjan, R., see Menzel, M., TC May 2015 1336-1348
Ranjan, R., see Xue, W., TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Ranjan, R., see Liu, C., TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Rashid, M.M., Gondal, I., and Kamruzzaman, J., Mining Associated Patterns
from Wireless Sensor Networks; TC July 2015 1998-2011
Ravi, S. S., see Xue, B., TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Rebeiro, C., and Mukhopadhyay, D., Micro-Architectural Analysis of TimeDriven Cache Attacks: Quest for the Ideal Implementation; TC March 2015
Reda, S., see Zhan, X., TC Aug. 2015 2267-2278
Reeve, J.S., see Brown, A.D., TC June 2015 1769-1782
Regazzoni, F., see Bayrak, A. G., TC Feb. 2015 329-341
Ren, F., see Jiang, W., TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Ren, M., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Ren, X., Liang, W., and Xu, W., Data Collection Maximization in Renewable
Sensor Networks via Time-Slot Scheduling; TC July 2015 1870-1883
Reviriego, P., see Pontarelli, S., TC May 2015 1497-1501
Reyhani-Masoleh, A., see Abdulrahman, E. A. H., TC Feb. 2015 438-451
Reyhani-Masoleh, A., Comments on “Low-Latency Digit-Serial Systolic
Double Basis Multiplier over GF (2 ) Using Subquadratic Toeplitz
Matrix-Vector Product Approach”; TC April 2015 1215-1216
Reyhani-Masoleh, A., see El-Razouk, H., TC July 2015 2020-2035
Rezende, C., Boukerche, A., Ramos, H. S., and Loureiro, A. A., A Reactive and
Scalable Unicast Solution for Video Streaming over VANETs; TC March
2015 614-626
Richard, P., see Nguyen, T.H.C., TC July 2015 1805-1818
Ro, W.W., see Kim, K., TC Oct. 2015 2862-2874
Robert, J., see Negre, C., TC Oct. 2015 2875-2890
Robertazzi, T.G., see Zhang, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3249-3264
Rodriguez, A., and Moreno, F., Evolutionary Computing and Particle Filtering:
A Hardware-Based Motion Estimation System; TC Nov. 2015 3140-3152
Rodriguez, E., see Zheng, H., TC June 2015 1607-1621
Rodriguez-Henriquez, F., see Zavattoni, E., TC May 2015 1429-1441
Rojas-Cessa, R., see Salehin, K. M., TC Jan. 2015 205-218
Ros, A., Xekalakis, P., Cintra, M., Acacio, M.E., and Garcia, J.M., Adaptive
Selection of Cache Indexing Bits for Removing Conflict Misses; TC June
2015 1534-1547
Rose, G. S., see Rajendran, J., TC March 2015 733-746
Rose, G. S., see Rajendran, J., TC Feb. 2015 410-424
Rotenberg, E., see Sheikh, R., TC Aug. 2015 2182-2203
Rychkov, V., see Zhong, Z., TC Sept. 2015 2506-2518
Sadeghi-kohan, S., see Alizadeh, B., TC June 2015 1564-1578
Sadiq, U., Kumar, M., Passarella, A., and Conti, M., Service Composition in
Opportunistic Networks: A Load and Mobility Aware Solution; TC Aug.
2015 2308-2322
Sahni, S., see Banerjee-Mishra, T., TC April 2015 1119-1132
Sahni, S., see Banerjee, T., TC April 2015 1104-1118
Sahuquillo, J., see Valero, A., TC July 2015 1884-1897
Saifullah, A., Xu, Y., Lu, C., and Chen, Y., End-to-End Communication Delay
Analysis in Industrial Wireless Networks; TC May 2015 1361-1374
Salehin, K. M., Rojas-Cessa, R., Lin, C, Dong, Z., and Kijkanjanarat, T.,
Scheme to Measure Packet Processing Time of a Remote Host through
Estimation of End-Link Capacity; TC Jan. 2015 205-218
Sanchez, J.L., see Andujar-Munoz, F.J., TC Oct. 2015 2847-2861
Sanchez-Ramirez, A.H., see Zavattoni, E., TC May 2015 1429-1441
Saqib, F., Dutta, A., Plusquellic, J., Ortiz, P., and Pattichis, M. S., Pipelined
Decision Tree Classification Accelerator Implementation in FPGA (DTCAIF); TC Jan. 2015 280-285
Sarkar, P., see Chakraborty, D., TC Sept. 2015 2691-2707
Sarkar, S., Banik, S., and Maitra, S., Differential Fault Attack against Grain
Family with Very Few Faults and Minimal Assumptions; TC June 2015
Sarkar, S., Misra, S., Bandyopadhyay, B., Chakraborty, C., and Obaidat, M.S.,
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol under Non-Ideal
Channel Conditions and Saturated Traffic Regime; TC Oct. 2015 29122925
Schmitt, T., see Kayaalp, M., TC Feb. 2015 533-546
Schneider, S., Hirzel, M., Gedik, B., and Wu, K.-L., Safe Data Parallelism for
General Streaming; TC Feb. 2015 504-517
Seetharaman, G., see Banerjee, T., TC April 2015 1104-1118
Sen, A., see Deniz, E., TC Aug. 2015 2239-2252
Sengupta, I., see Datta, K., TC April 2015 1208-1214
Seol, J., see Jin, S., TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Serres, O., see Kayi, A., TC Feb. 2015 316-328
Shaban, K., see Gu, F., TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
Shang, Y., Li, D., Zhu, J., and Xu, M., On the Network Power Effectiveness of
Data Center Architectures; TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Shang, Y., see Li, D., TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
Shao, Z., see Chen, R., TC June 2015 1729-1741
Sheikh, R., Tuck, J., and Rotenberg, E., Control-Flow Decoupling: An Approach for Timely, Non-Speculative Branching; TC Aug. 2015 2182-2203
Shen, G., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Shen, H., Liu, J., Chen, K., Liu, J., and Moyer, S., SCPS: A Social-Aware
Distributed Cyber-Physical Human-Centric Search Engine; TC Feb. 2015
Shen, H., Lin, Y., and Li, T., Combining Efficiency, Fidelity, and Flexibility in
Resource Information Services; TC Feb. 2015 353-367
Shen, H., see Liu, G., TC Jan. 2015 54-70
Shen, H., Li, Z., Liu, J., and Grant, J.E., Knowledge Sharing in the Online Social
Network of Yahoo! Answers and Its Implications; TC June 2015 1715-1728
Shen, H., Liu, G., and Chandler, H., Swarm Intelligence Based File Replication
and Consistency Maintenance in Structured P2P File Sharing Systems; TC
Oct. 2015 2953-2967
Shen, H., see Chen, K., TC April 2015 1029-1042
Shen, X., see Zhang, B., TC June 2015 1548-1563
Shen, Y., see Liu, X., TC Jan. 2015 87-96
Sheu, S., see Chen, C., TC Jan. 2015 180-190
Shi, L., see Li, Q., TC Aug. 2015 2169-2181
Shi, Y., see Cui, Y., TC Jan. 2015 166-179
Shih, H., see Chen, C., TC Jan. 2015 180-190
Shih, Y., Pang, A., Tsai, M., and Chai, C., A Rewarding Framework for Network
Resource Sharing in Co-Channel Hybrid Access Femtocell Networks; TC
Nov. 2015 3079-3090
Shin, I., see Lee, J., TC April 2015 941-954
Shin, K. G., see Lee, J., TC April 2015 941-954
Shousha, M., see Ibrahim, W., TC May 2015 1217-1229
Shu, J., see Lu, Y., TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
Shu, L., see Zhu, C., TC July 2015 1844-1856
Shu, P., see Liu, F., TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
Shu, R., see Jiang, W., TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Shukla, S. K., see Xue, B., TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Siegel, H.J., see Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Siegel, H.J., see Khemka, B., TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Silvera, R., see Wang, A., TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Sinanoglu, O., see Rajendran, J., TC Feb. 2015 410-424
Sirakoulis, G.C., see Mardiris, V.A., TC Sept. 2015 2476-2489
Smith, S.D., see Du, A.Y., TC Dec. 2015 3541-3554
Song, T., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Song, X., see Zhou, J., TC Aug. 2015 2408-2414
Song, Y., see Liu, L., TC March 2015 818-831
Sorbello, F., see Franchini, S., TC April 2015 955-970
Sousa, L.,
RNS Scalers for Extended 4-Moduli Sets; TC Dec. 2015 33223334
Sridhar, N., see McCartney, W.P., TC Oct. 2015 2940-2952
Standaert, F.-X., see Bayrak, A. G., TC Feb. 2015 329-341
Stojmenovic, I., see Huang, H., TC Dec. 2015 3488-3499
Stojmenovic, I., see Yao, H., TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Stojmenovic, I., see Yu, S., TC Jan. 2015 139-151
Stojmenovic, I., see Lukic, M., TC May 2015 1416-1428
Stojmenovic, I., see Gu, L., TC July 2015 2049-2059
Stojmenovic, I., see Zeng, D., TC July 2015 1819-1829
Stojmenovic, M., see Huang, Z., TC Aug. 2015 2158-2168
Stoleru, R., see Won, M., TC Dec. 2015 3362-3375
Su, K., see Hsin, H., TC Aug. 2015 2119-2131
Su, K., see Luo, C., TC July 2015 1830-1843
Sun, H., Qin, X., Jiang, H., Huang, J., and Xie, C., RB-Explorer: An Accurate
and Practical Approach to Write Amplification Measurement for SSDs; TC
April 2015 1133-1148
Sun, J., see Jiang, G., TC Oct. 2015 2926-2939
Sun, Y., Wu, T., Zhao, G., and Guizani, M., Efficient Rule Engine for Smart
Building Systems; TC June 2015 1658-1669
Sunar, B., see Wang, W., TC March 2015 698-706
Sunar, B., see Doroz, Y., TC June 2015 1509-1521
Sundaresan, S., Doss, R., and Zhou, W., Zero Knowledge Grouping Proof Protocol for RFID EPC C1G2 Tags; TC Oct. 2015 2994-3008
Susilo, W., see Yuen, T.H., TC Sept. 2015 2595-2608
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Tan, Z., Jamdagni, A., He, X., Nanda, P., Liu, R.P., and Hu, J., Detection of
Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques; TC Sept.
2015 2519-2533
Tang, S., see Li, J., TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
Tang, S., see Huang, X., TC April 2015 971-983
Tang, X., see Li, K., TC Jan. 2015 191-204
Tang, X., see Zheng, H., TC Oct. 2015 2752-2766
Tang, X., see Lu, Y., TC Aug. 2015 2367-2381
Tang, Y., and Bergmann, N.W., A Hardware Scheduler Based on Task Queues
for FPGA-Based Embedded Real-Time Systems; TC May 2015 1254-1267
Taouil, M., see Hamdioui, S., TC Jan. 2015 247-259
Tari, Z., see Yaakob, N., TC June 2015 1594-1606
Tari, Z., see Kumarage, H., TC Sept. 2015 2573-2585
Temam, O., see Chen, T., TC May 2015 1442-1455
Temple, S., see Brown, A.D., TC June 2015 1769-1782
Teruya, T., see Zavattoni, E., TC May 2015 1429-1441
Thomas, L., see Xu, D., TC Sept. 2015 2490-2505
Thornton, M.A., Simulation and Implication Using a Transfer Function Model
for Switching Logic; TC Dec. 2015 3580-3590
Tirumurti, C., see Maniatakos, M., TC Sept. 2015 2664-2674
Trucco, G., see Bernasconi, A., TC Dec. 2015 3605-3618
Tsai, M., see Shih, Y., TC Nov. 2015 3079-3090
Tsao, C., Chang, Y., Yang, M., and Huang, P., Efficient Victim Block Selection
for Flash Storage Devices; TC Dec. 2015 3444-3460
Tsioliaridou, A., see Liaskos, C., TC May 2015 1282-1295
Tu, Y., see Xu, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3223-3236
Tuck, J., see Sheikh, R., TC Aug. 2015 2182-2203
Turgut, D., see Akbas, M.I., TC April 2015 1015-1028
Tzeng, N.-F., see Jangjaimon, I., TC Feb. 2015 396-409
Vacca, M., see Causapruno, G., TC July 2015 1940-1953
Vadhiyar, S., see George, C., TC Aug. 2015 2213-2225
Valero, A., Sahuquillo, J., Petit, S., Lopez, P., and Duato, J., Design of Hybrid
Second-Level Caches; TC July 2015 1884-1897
Varadharajan, V, see Haghighi, M.S., TC March 2015 627-639
Vasilakos, A. V., see Liu, L., TC March 2015 818-831
Vasilakos, A.V., see Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., TC July 2015 1968-1982
Vassallo, G., see Franchini, S., TC April 2015 955-970
Veeravalli, B., see Li, K., TC Jan. 2015 191-204
Vetterli, M., see Ranieri, J., TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Vilanova, L., see Alvarez, L., TC Jan. 2015 152-165
Villa, T., see Bernasconi, A., TC Dec. 2015 3605-3618
Villar-Ortiz, J.A., see Andujar-Munoz, F.J., TC Oct. 2015 2847-2861
Vincenzi, A., see Ranieri, J., TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Vitabile, S., see Franchini, S., TC April 2015 955-970
Voyiatzis, I.K., and Kavvadias, D.J., On the Generation of SIC Pairs in Optimal
Time; TC Oct. 2015 2891-2901
Wan, X., see Zhang, B., TC June 2015 1548-1563
Wang, A., Gaudet, M., Wu, P., Ohmacht, M., Amaral, J. N., Barton, C., Silvera,
R., and Michael, M. M., Software Support and Evaluation of Hardware
Transactional Memory on Blue Gene/Q; TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Wang, B., Xu, H., Liu, W., and Yang, L. T., The Optimal Node Placement for
Long Belt Coverage in Wireless Networks; TC Feb. 2015 587-592
Wang, C., see Di, S., TC June 2015 1755-1768
Wang, C., Li, X., Zhang, J., Chen, P., Chen, Y., Zhou, X., and Cheung, R.C., Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs; TC May
2015 1296-1310
Wang, C., see Huang, Z., TC Aug. 2015 2158-2168
Wang, C., see Huang, P., TC April 2015 1149-1161
Wang, D., see Zhou, S., TC Feb. 2015 547-555
Wang, G., see Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., TC Feb. 2015 382-395
Wang, G., see Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., TC July 2015 1968-1982
Wang, H., see Lu, G., TC May 2015 1389-1401
Wang, J., see Chen, D., TC March 2015 707-719
Wang, J., see Zhang, G., TC Jan. 2015 32-44
Wang, J., see Zhang, T., TC June 2015 1522-1533
Wang, J., Chen, X., Huang, X., You, I., and Xiang, Y., Verifiable Auditing for
Outsourced Database in Cloud Computing; TC Nov. 2015 3293-3303
Wang, J., Lam, K.-Y., Chang, Y.-H., Hsieh, J.-W., and Huang, P.-C., BlockBased Multi-Version B -Tree for Flash-Based Embedded Database Systems; TC April 2015 925-940
Wang, J., Bao, W., Zhu, X., Yang, L.T., and Xiang, Y., FESTAL: Fault-Tolerant
Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized Clouds;
TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
Wang, K., see Manoj P. D., S., TC Nov. 2015 3022-3036
Wang, L., see Chen, D., TC March 2015 707-719
Wang, L., see Menzel, M., TC May 2015 1336-1348
Wang, L., see Xue, W., TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Wang, L., see Liu, C., TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
Wang, P.-C., see Cheng, Y.-C., TC Feb. 2015 582-586
Wang, W., Hu, Y., Chen, L., Huang, X., and Sunar, B., Exploring the Feasibility
of Fully Homomorphic Encryption; TC March 2015 698-706
Wang, X., see Zheng, W., TC Nov. 2015 3278-3292
Wang, X., see Xu, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3223-3236
Wang, X., Zheng, Y., Basak, A., and Bhunia, S., IIPS: Infrastructure IP for
Secure SoC Design; TC Aug. 2015 2226-2238
Wang, X., see Xue, W., TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Wang, Y., see Yu, W., TC Feb. 2015 556-568
Wang, Y., see Cui, Y., TC Jan. 2015 166-179
Wang, Y., see Chen, R., TC June 2015 1729-1741
Wang, Y., see Jiang, G., TC Oct. 2015 2926-2939
Wang, Y., Lu, P., and Kent, K.B., WaFS: A Workflow-Aware File System for
Effective Storage Utilization in the Cloud; TC Sept. 2015 2716-2729
Wang, Z., Huang, D., Zhu, Y., Li, B., and Chung, C., Efficient Attribute-Based
Comparable Data Access Control; TC Dec. 2015 3430-3443
Wang, Z., see Ma, S., TC March 2015 763-777
Wang, Z., see Zhou, Z., TC Jan. 2015 126-138
Ward, L., see Liu, G., TC Jan. 2015 54-70
Wei, D. S., see Hsu, A. C.-C., TC Feb. 2015 342-352
Wei, K., Guo, S., Zeng, D., Xu, K., and Li, K., Exploiting Small World Properties for Message Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks; TC Oct. 2015
Wen, S., Haghighi, M. S., Chen, C., Xiang, Y., Zhou, W., and Jia, W., A Sword
with Two Edges: Propagation Studies on Both Positive and Negative Information in Online Social Networks; TC March 2015 640-653
Weng, C., Zhan, J., and Luo, Y., TSAC: Enforcing Isolation ofVirtual Machines
in Clouds; TC May 2015 1470-1482
Weng, C., see Lu, G., TC May 2015 1389-1401
Won, M., and Stoleru, R., A Hybrid Multicast Routing for Large Scale Sensor
Networks with Holes; TC Dec. 2015 3362-3375
Won, Y., Lim, K., and Min, J., MUCH: Multithreaded Content-Based File
Chunking; TC May 2015 1375-1388
Woo, D. H., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Woo, D.H., see Lee, J., TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Wu, A.-Y., see Chang, E., TC March 2015 868-875
Wu, A.A., see Hsin, H., TC Aug. 2015 2119-2131
Wu, C., see Chen, C., TC Jan. 2015 180-190
Wu, F., see Zheng, Z., TC July 2015 2071-2083
Wu, J., see Zhang, S., TC March 2015 654-667
Wu, J., see Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., TC Feb. 2015 382-395
Wu, J., see Jiang, G., TC Oct. 2015 2926-2939
Wu, J., see Li, D., TC Nov. 2015 3210-3222
Wu, J., see Yu, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Wu, K.-L., see Schneider, S., TC Feb. 2015 504-517
Wu, K.-R., see Lin, T.-Y., TC Jan. 2015 71-86
Wu, P., see Wang, A., TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Wu, S., Jiang, H., and Mao, B., Proactive Data Migration for Improved Storage
Availability in Large-Scale Data Centers; TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
Wu, T., see Sun, Y., TC June 2015 1658-1669
Wu, W., see Luo, C., TC July 2015 1830-1843
Wu, Y., see Chen, T., TC May 2015 1442-1455
Wu, Y., Yan, C.G., Liu, L., Ding, Z.J., and Jiang, C.J., An Adaptive Multilevel
Indexing Method for Disaster Service Discovery; TC Sept. 2015 2447-2459
Wu, Y., see Jiang, W., TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Wu, Z.-L., see Zhou, J.-X., TC March 2015 876-881
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Xekalakis, P., see Ros, A., TC June 2015 1534-1547
Xia, F., Ahmed, A.M., Yang, L.T., and Luo, Z., Community-Based Event Dissemination with Optimal Load Balancing; TC July 2015 1857-1869
Xia, W., Jiang, H., Feng, D., and Hua, Y., Similarity and Locality Based Indexing for High Performance Data Deduplication; TC April 2015 11621176
Xiang, Y, see Haghighi, M.S., TC March 2015 627-639
Xiang, Y., see Li, J., TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
Xiang, Y., see Zhu, X., TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
Xiang, Y., see Wen, S., TC March 2015 640-653
Xiang, Y., see Chen, W., TC Oct. 2015 2741-2751
Xiang, Y., see Wang, J., TC Nov. 2015 3293-3303
Xiang, Y., see Zeng, D., TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Xiang, Y., see Huang, X., TC April 2015 971-983
Xiang, Y., see Wang, J., TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
Xiao, B., see Liu, X., TC Nov. 2015 3265-3277
Xiao, L., see Huang, P., TC April 2015 1149-1161
Xie, C., see Huang, J., TC Nov. 2015 3037-3050
Xie, C., see Sun, H., TC April 2015 1133-1148
Xing, L., see Levitin, G., TC April 2015 1043-1057
Xiong, H., see Zhang, D., TC Feb. 2015 452-463
Xu, C., see Yu, W., TC Feb. 2015 556-568
Xu, C., see Yu, Z., TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Xu, D., Liu, X., and Fan, B., Efficient Server Provisioning and Offloading Policies for Internet Data Centers with Dynamic Load-Demand; TC March
2015 682-697
Xu, D., Kent, M., Thomas, L., Mouelhi, T., and Le Traon, Y., Automated
Model-Based Testing of Role-Based Access Control Using Predicate/Transition Nets; TC Sept. 2015 2490-2505
Xu, H., see Wang, B., TC Feb. 2015 587-592
Xu, K., see Wei, K., TC Oct. 2015 2809-2818
Xu, L., see Zhou, S., TC Feb. 2015 547-555
Xu, L., see Chen, W., TC Oct. 2015 2741-2751
Xu, L., see Huang, X., TC April 2015 971-983
Xu, M., see Shang, Y., TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Xu, W., Liang, W., and Lin, X, Approximation Algorithms for Min-Max Cycle
Cover Problems; TC March 2015 600-613
Xu, W., see Ren, X., TC July 2015 1870-1883
Xu, Y., see Saifullah, A., TC May 2015 1361-1374
Xu, Y., see Zhu, Y., TC Aug. 2015 2145-2157
Xu, Y., see Xue, W., TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Xu, Z., see Chen, T., TC May 2015 1442-1455
Xu, Z., Tu, Y., and Wang, X., Online Energy Estimation of Relational Operations in Database Systems; TC Nov. 2015 3223-3236
Xue, B., Shukla, S. K., and Ravi, S. S., Optimization of Latency Insensitive
Systems Through Back Pressure Minimization; TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Xue, C.J., see Li, Q., TC Aug. 2015 2169-2181
Xue, W., Yang, C., Fu, H., Wang, X., Xu, Y., Liao, J., Gan, L., Lu, Y., Ranjan,
R., and Wang, L., Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Acceleration of Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling on Tianhe-2; TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Yaakob, N., Khalil, I., Kumarage, H., Atiquzzaman, M., and Tari, Z.,
By-Passing Infected Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks Using BPR; TC
June 2015 1594-1606
Yaghini, P.M., see Eghbal, A., TC Dec. 2015 3591-3604
Yan, C.G., see Wu, Y., TC Sept. 2015 2447-2459
Yang, C., see Zhang, X., TC Aug. 2015 2293-2307
Yang, C., see Xue, W., TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Yang, C., see Liu, C., TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
Yang, C.-N., Lin, Z.-Y., and Peng, S.-L., Reducing Code Length of SecondOrder Spectral-Null Code; TC Feb. 2015 492-503
Yang, L., Cao, J., Cheng, H., and Ji, Y., Multi-User Computation Partitioning
for Latency Sensitive Mobile Cloud Applications; TC Aug. 2015 2253-2266
Yang, L. T., see Zhang, D., TC Feb. 2015 452-463
Yang, L. T., see Wang, B., TC Feb. 2015 587-592
Yang, L.T., see Zhu, X., TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
Yang, L.T., see Xia, F., TC July 2015 1857-1869
Yang, L.T., see Zhu, C., TC July 2015 1844-1856
Yang, L.T., see Wang, J., TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
Yang, M., see Tsao, C., TC Dec. 2015 3444-3460
Yang, S.-C., see Zhou, J.-X., TC March 2015 876-881
Yang, W., Li, K., Mo, Z., and Li, K., Performance Optimization Using Partitioned SpMV on GPUs and Multicore CPUs; TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Yang, X., Lin, J., Yu, W., Moulema, P.-M., Fu, X., and Zhao, W., A Novel
En-Route Filtering Scheme Against False Data Injection Attacks in CyberPhysical Networked Systems; TC Jan. 2015 4-18
Yang, Y., see Guo, S., TC March 2015 747-762
Yang, Y., see Yuan, D., TC Oct. 2015 2781-2795
Yang, Y., see Liu, W., TC May 2015 1323-1335
Yang, Y., see Zhang, G., TC May 2015 1456-1469
Yang, Y., see Guo, Z., TC April 2015 1058-1073
Yang, Y., see Guo, Z., TC July 2015 1912-1926
Yang, Z., see Du, A.Y., TC Dec. 2015 3541-3554
Yao, H., Zeng, D., Huang, H., Guo, S., Barnawi, A., and Stojmenovic, I., Opportunistic Offloading of Deadline-Constrained Bulk Cellular Traffic in Vehicular DTNs; TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Yavits, L., Morad, A., and Ginosar, R., Computer Architecture with Associative
Processor Replacing Last-Level Cache and SIMD Accelerator; TC Feb.
2015 368-381
Yazdani, N., see Dehyadegari, M., TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
Ye, B., see Huang, H., TC Dec. 2015 3488-3499
Ye, D., and Zhang, M., A Self-Adaptive Strategy for Evolution of Cooperation
in Distributed Networks; TC April 2015 899-911
Yin, G.-C., see Lin, T.-Y., TC Jan. 2015 71-86
You, I., see Wang, J., TC Nov. 2015 3293-3303
Younis, M.F., see Lasla, N., TC Aug. 2015 2103-2118
Yu, H., see Manoj P. D., S., TC Nov. 2015 3022-3036
Yu, L., see Zheng, Z., TC May 2015 1402-1415
Yu, S., Guo, S., and Stojmenovic, I., Fool Me If You Can: Mimicking Attacks
and Anti-Attacks in Cyberspace; TC Jan. 2015 139-151
Yu, S., see Zeng, D., TC July 2015 1819-1829
Yu, W., Wang, Y., Que, X., and Xu, C., Virtual Shuffling for Efficient Data
Movement in MapReduce; TC Feb. 2015 556-568
Yu, W., see Yang, X., TC Jan. 2015 4-18
Yu, Z., Eeckhout, L., Goswami, N., Li, T., John, L.K., Jin, H., Xu, C., and Wu,
J., GPGPU-MiniBench: Accelerating GPGPU Micro-Architecture Simulation; TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Yu-Chun, C., Chou, C., Hsiaokuang Wu, E., and Chen, G., A Cognitive TCP
Design for a Cognitive Radio Network with an Unstable-Bandwidth Link;
TC Oct. 2015 2730-3740
Yuan, D., Liu, X., and Yang, Y., Dynamic On-the-Fly Minimum Cost Benchmarking for Storing Generated Scientific Datasets in the Cloud; TC Oct.
2015 2781-2795
Yuan, K.-W., see Zhou, J.-X., TC March 2015 876-881
Yuan, L., see Lu, G., TC May 2015 1389-1401
Yuen, T.H., Liu, J.K., Au, M.H., Huang, X., Susilo, W., and Zhou, J., k-Times
Attribute-Based Anonymous Access Control for Cloud Computing; TC
Sept. 2015 2595-2608
Zamboni, M., see Causapruno, G., TC July 2015 1940-1953
Zavattoni, E., Perez, L.J.D., Mitsunari, S., Sanchez-Ramirez, A.H., Teruya, T.,
and Rodriguez-Henriquez, F., Software Implementation of an AttributeBased Encryption Scheme; TC May 2015 1429-1441
Zeng, D., see Yao, H., TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Zeng, D., see Wei, K., TC Oct. 2015 2809-2818
Zeng, D., Li, P., Guo, S., Miyazaki, T., Hu, J., and Xiang, Y., Energy Minimization in Multi-Task Software-Defined Sensor Networks; TC Nov. 2015
Zeng, D., see Gu, L., TC July 2015 2049-2059
Zeng, D., Guo, S., Barnawi, A., Yu, S., and Stojmenovic, I., An Improved Stochastic Modeling of Opportunistic Routing in Vehicular CPS; TC July 2015
Zeng, K., see Chen, D., TC March 2015 707-719
Zhan, J., see Weng, C., TC May 2015 1470-1482
Zhan, J., see Lu, G., TC May 2015 1389-1401
Zhan, X., and Reda, S., Power Budgeting Techniques for Data Centers; TC Aug.
2015 2267-2278
Zhang, B., Wan, X., Luo, J., and Shen, X., A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling
Algorithm for Input Queued Switches with Deadline Guarantees; TC June
2015 1548-1563
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Zhang, C., see Rajendran, J., TC Feb. 2015 410-424
Zhang, D., Xiong, H., Yang, L. T., and Gauthier, V., NextCell: Predicting Location Using Social Interplay from Cell Phone Traces; TC Feb. 2015 452-463
Zhang, D., see Zhang, D., TC Feb. 2015 452-463
Zhang, G., Li, K., Wang, J., and Zheng, W., Accelerate RDP RAID-6 Scaling
by Reducing Disk I/Os and XOR Operations; TC Jan. 2015 32-44
Zhang, G., Liu, X., and Yang, Y., Time-Series Pattern Based Effective Noise
Generation for Privacy Protection on Cloud; TC May 2015 1456-1469
Zhang, H., see Liu, L., TC March 2015 818-831
Zhang, H., see Rajendran, J., TC Feb. 2015 410-424
Zhang, J., see Wang, C., TC May 2015 1296-1310
Zhang, J.Y., see Matula, D.W., TC July 2015 2012-2019
Zhang, M., see Ye, D., TC April 2015 899-911
Zhang, S., Wu, J., and Lu, S., Collaborative Mobile Charging; TC March 2015
Zhang, S., see Liu, X., TC Nov. 2015 3265-3277
Zhang, T., Wang, J., Huang, J., Huang, Y., Chen, J., and Pan, Y., AdaptiveAcceleration Data Center TCP; TC June 2015 1522-1533
Zhang, X., Dou, W., Pei, J., Nepal, S., Yang, C., Liu, C., and Chen, J., Proximity-Aware Local-Recoding Anonymization with MapReduce for Scalable Big Data Privacy Preservation in Cloud; TC Aug. 2015 2293-2307
Zhang, X., see Liu, C., TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
Zhang, Y., see Zheng, H., TC June 2015 1607-1621
Zhang, Z., see Oshin, T.O., TC June 2015 1680-1693
Zhang, Z., see Zheng, H., TC June 2015 1607-1621
Zhang, Z., and Robertazzi, T.G., Scheduling Divisible Loads in Gaussian, Mesh
and Torus Network of Processors; TC Nov. 2015 3249-3264
Zhao, G., see Sun, Y., TC June 2015 1658-1669
Zhao, W., see Yang, X., TC Jan. 2015 4-18
Zhao, X., see Kim, D. H., TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Zheng, H., Zhang, Z., Myers, C.J., Rodriguez, E., and Zhang, Y., Compositional
Model Checking of Concurrent Systems; TC June 2015 1607-1621
Zheng, H., and Tang, X., Analysis of Server Provisioning for Distributed Interactive Applications; TC Oct. 2015 2752-2766
Zheng, W., see Zhang, G., TC Jan. 2015 32-44
Zheng, W., Ma, K., and Wang, X., TE-Shave: Reducing Data Center Capital
and Operating Expenses with Thermal Energy Storage; TC Nov. 2015 32783292
Zheng, Y., see Wang, X., TC Aug. 2015 2226-2238
Zheng, Z., and Lyu, M. R., Selecting an Optimal Fault Tolerance Strategy for
Reliable Service-Oriented Systems with Local and Global Constraints; TC
Jan. 2015 219-232
Zheng, Z., Yu, L., and Lan, Z., Reliability-Aware Speedup Models for Parallel
Applications with Coordinated Checkpointing/Restart; TC May 2015 14021415
Zheng, Z., Gui, Y., Wu, F., and Chen, G., STAR: Strategy-Proof Double Auctions for Multi-Cloud, Multi-Tenant Bandwidth Reservation; TC July 2015
Zhong, Z., Rychkov, V., and Lastovetsky, A., Data Partitioning on Multicore
and Multi-GPU Platforms Using Functional Performance Models; TC Sept.
2015 2506-2518
Zhou, J., Lan, C., Hung, W.N.N., Guo, X., and Song, X., A Quantitative Characterization of Cross Coverage; TC Aug. 2015 2408-2414
Zhou, J., see Huang, X., TC April 2015 971-983
Zhou, J., see Yuen, T.H., TC Sept. 2015 2595-2608
Zhou, J.-X., Wu, Z.-L., Yang, S.-C., and Yuan, K.-W., Symmetric Property and
Reliability of Balanced Hypercube; TC March 2015 876-881
-Diagnosability of Star Graph
Zhou, S., Lin, L., Xu, L., and Wang, D., The
Networks; TC Feb. 2015 547-555
Zhou, W., see Wen, S., TC March 2015 640-653
Zhou, W., see Sundaresan, S., TC Oct. 2015 2994-3008
Zhou, X., see Lama, P., TC Jan. 2015 97-111
Zhou, X., see Wang, C., TC May 2015 1296-1310
Zhou, Z., Huang, D., and Wang, Z., Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based-Encryption and Broadcast Encryption; TC
Jan. 2015 126-138
Zhu, C., Leung, V.C.M., Yang, L.T., and Shu, L., Collaborative Location-Based Sleep Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Integratedwith
Mobile Cloud Computing; TC July 2015 1844-1856
Zhu, J., see Shang, Y., TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Zhu, Q., see Qian, J., TC Dec. 2015 3500-3514
Zhu, X., Chen, C., Yang, L.T., and Xiang, Y., ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized Clouds; TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
Zhu, X., see Wang, J., TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
Zhu, Y., see Wang, Z., TC Dec. 2015 3430-3443
Zhu, Y., Lin, J., Lee, P.P.C., and Xu, Y., Boosting Degraded Reads in Heterogeneous Erasure-Coded Storage Systems; TC Aug. 2015 2145-2157
Ziavras, S. G., see Beldianu, S. F., TC March 2015 805-817
Zomaya, A.Y., In Memoriam [Ivan Stojmenovic]; TC Jan. 2015 3
Zong, Z., see Qiu, M., TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Zwolinski, M., see Nechma, T., TC April 2015 1090-1103
3G mobile communication
Network Variation and Fault Tolerant Performance Acceleration in Mobile
Devices with Simultaneous Remote Execution. Kim, K., +, TC Oct. 2015
GPGPU-MiniBench: Accelerating GPGPU Micro-Architecture Simulation.
Yu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Energy-Efficient Real-Time Human Mobility State Classification Using
Smartphones. Oshin, T.O., +, TC June 2015 1680-1693
Access control
A Rewarding Framework for Network Resource Sharing in Co-Channel Hybrid Access Femtocell Networks. Shih, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3079-3090
A Split MAC Approach for SDR Platforms. Di Francesco, P., +, TC April
2015 912-924
A Stochastic Time-Domain Model for Burst Data Aggregation in IEEE
802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. Haghighi, M.S., +, TC March 2015
A Time Fairness-Based MAC Algorithm for Throughput Maximization in
802.11 Networks. Le, Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 19-31
Coexistence Wi-Fi MAC Design for Mitigating Interference Caused by Collocated Bluetooth. Hsu, A. C.-C., +, TC Feb. 2015 342-352
Completely Pinpointing the Missing RFID Tags in a Time-Efficient Way.
Liu, X., +, TC Jan. 2015 87-96
Efficient Attribute-Based Comparable Data Access Control. Wang, Z., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3430-3443
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol under Non-Ideal
Channel Conditions and Saturated Traffic Regime. Sarkar, S., +, TC Oct.
2015 2912-2925
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Efficient Rule Engine for Smart Building Systems. Sun, Y., +, TC June 2015
Adaptive systems
Adaptive ECC Scheme for Hybrid SSD’s. Hsieh, J., +, TC Dec. 2015 33483361
An Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Error Characteristics of Approximate Adders. Liu, C., +, TC May 2015 1268-1281
Bit-Width Optimization by Divide-and-Conquer for Fixed-Point Digital
Signal Processing Systems. Chung, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3091-3101
Reviewing High-Radix Signed-Digit Adders. Kornerup, P., TC May 2015
Aerospace computing
Mission Reliability, Cost and Time for Cold Standby Computing Systems
with Periodic Backup. Levitin, G., +, TC April 2015 1043-1057
Agent-based modeling
ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized
Clouds. Zhu, X., +, TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
Air conditioning
Power and Thermal-Aware Workload Allocation in Heterogeneous Data
Centers. Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., +, TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Air traffic control
Mission Reliability, Cost and Time for Cold Standby Computing Systems
with Periodic Backup. Levitin, G., +, TC April 2015 1043-1057
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Algorithm design and analysis
RNS Scalers for Extended 4-Moduli Sets. Sousa, L., TC Dec. 2015 33223334
Algorithms for Generating Probabilities with Multivalued Stochastic Relay
Circuits. Lee, D.T., +, TC Dec. 2015 3376-3388
Bit-Stuffing Algorithms for Crosstalk Avoidance in High-Speed Switching.
Chang, C., +, TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Bit-Width Optimization by Divide-and-Conquer for Fixed-Point Digital
Signal Processing Systems. Chung, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3091-3101
DCCS: Double Circular Caching Scheme for DRAM/PRAM Hybrid Cache.
Hsieh, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3115-3127
Scheduling Divisible Loads in Gaussian, Mesh and Torus Network of Processors. Zhang, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3249-3264
Analytic hierarchy process
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Android (operating system)
A Lightweight Virtualization Solution for Android Devices. Chen, W., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2741-2751
Ant colony optimization
Ant Colony Optimization-Based Adaptive Network-on-Chip Routing
Framework Using Network Information Region. Hsin, H., +, TC Aug.
2015 2119-2131
Regional ACO-Based Cascaded Adaptive Routing for Traffic Balancing in
Mesh-Based Network-on-Chip Systems. Chang, E., +, TC March 2015
Antenna arrays
Dynamic Antenna Management for Uplink Energy Efficiency on 802.11n
Mobile Devices. Cheng, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2767-2780
Application program interfaces
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
ViPZonE: Hardware Power Variability-Aware Virtual Memory Management
for Energy Savings. Gottscho, M., +, TC May 2015 1483-1496
Application specific integrated circuits
A Generalization of Addition Chains and Fast Inversions in Binary Fields.
Jarvinen, K., +, TC Sept. 2015 2421-2432
Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Hardware. Doroz, Y., +, TC
June 2015 1509-1521
New Hardware Implementations of WG (29, 11) and WG- 16 Stream Ciphers and Using Polynomial Basis. El-Razouk, H., +, TC July 2015 20202035
Towards an Oscillator Based TRNG with a Certified Entropy Rate. Lubicz,
D., +, TC April 2015 1191-1200
Approximation theory
An Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Error Characteristics of Approximate Adders. Liu, C., +, TC May 2015 1268-1281
An Improved Approximation Ratio to the Partial-Terminal Steiner Tree
Problem. Lee, C.-W., +, TC Jan. 2015 274-279
Approximation Algorithms for Min-Max Cycle Cover Problems. Xu, W., +,
TC March 2015 600-613
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot
Scheduling. Ren, X., +, TC July 2015 1870-1883
Multiplicative Division Employing Independent Factors. Matula, D.W., +,
TC July 2015 2012-2019
Unified Mitchell-Based Approximation for Efficient Logarithmic Conversion Circuit. Low, J.Y.L., +, TC June 2015 1783-1797
Associative processing
Computer Architecture with Associative Processor Replacing Last-Level
Cache and SIMD Accelerator. Yavits, L., +, TC Feb. 2015 368-381
Comments on “An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for
Authentication in Network Coding”. Kim, Y., TC Dec. 2015 3619-3620
k-Times Attribute-Based Anonymous Access Control for Cloud Computing.
Yuen, T.H., +, TC Sept. 2015 2595-2608
Automated Model-Based Testing of Role-Based Access Control Using Predicate/Transition Nets. Xu, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2490-2505
H-SVM: Hardware-Assisted Secure Virtual Machines under a Vulnerable
Hypervisor. Jin, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Automatic test pattern generation
On the Generation of SIC Pairs in Optimal Time. Voyiatzis, I.K., +, TC Oct.
2015 2891-2901
Multiprocessor Capacity Metric and Analysis. Otoom, M., +, TC Nov. 2015
Autoregressive moving average processes
Time Series Characterization of Gaming Workload for Runtime Power Management. Dietrich, B., +, TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Building management systems
Efficient Rule Engine for Smart Building Systems. Sun, Y., +, TC June 2015
Built-in self test
Address Scrambling and Data Inversion Techniques for Yield Enhancement
of NROM-Based ROMs. Lu, S., +, TC May 2015 1230-1240
On the Generation of SIC Pairs in Optimal Time. Voyiatzis, I.K., +, TC Oct.
2015 2891-2901
Business continuity
Survivable Cloud Network Mapping for Disaster Recovery Support. Gu, F.,
+, TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
AppATP: An Energy Conserving Adaptive Mobile-Cloud Transmission Protocol. Liu, F., +, TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
An Efficient I/O-Redirection-Based Reconstruction Scheme for Erasure-Coded Storage Clusters. Huang, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3037-3050
STAR: Strategy-Proof Double Auctions for Multi-Cloud, Multi-Tenant
Bandwidth Reservation. Zheng, Z., +, TC July 2015 2071-2083
TE-Shave: Reducing Data Center Capital and Operating Expenses with
Thermal Energy Storage. Zheng, W., +, TC Nov. 2015 3278-3292
Bayes methods
Accurate and Efficient Estimation of Logic Circuits Reliability Bounds.
Ibrahim, W., +, TC May 2015 1217-1229
SCPS: A Social-Aware Distributed Cyber-Physical Human-Centric Search
Engine. Shen, H., +, TC Feb. 2015 518-532
Benchmark testing
GPGPU-MiniBench: Accelerating GPGPU Micro-Architecture Simulation.
Yu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Software Support and Evaluation of Hardware Transactional Memory on
Blue Gene/Q. Wang, A., +, TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Test Vector Omission for Fault Coverage Improvement of Functional Test
Sequences. Pomeranz, I., TC Nov. 2015 3317-3321
Bidirectional control
ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized
Clouds. Zhu, X., +, TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
Big Data
MuR-DPA: Top-Down Levelled Multi-Replica Merkle Hash Tree Based Secure Public Auditing for Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud. Liu, C., +,
TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
Proximity-Aware Local-Recoding Anonymization with MapReduce for
Scalable Big Data Privacy Preservation in Cloud. Zhang, X., +, TC Aug.
2015 2293-2307
Multi-Granularity Locality-Sensitive Bloom Filter. Qian, J., +, TC Dec.
2015 3500-3514
Bit error rate
Adaptive ECC Scheme for Hybrid SSD’s. Hsieh, J., +, TC Dec. 2015 33483361
A Generalization of Addition Chains and Fast Inversions in Binary Fields.
Jarvinen, K., +, TC Sept. 2015 2421-2432
Coexistence Wi-Fi MAC Design for Mitigating Interference Caused by Collocated Bluetooth. Hsu, A. C.-C., +, TC Feb. 2015 342-352
Body area networks
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol under Non-Ideal
Channel Conditions and Saturated Traffic Regime. Sarkar, S., +, TC Oct.
2015 2912-2925
Boolean functions
Using Flexibility in P-Circuits by Boolean Relations. Bernasconi, A., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3605-3618
Brain models
Fast and Scalable Multi-Way Analysis of Massive Neural Data. Chen, D., +,
TC March 2015 707-719
Buffer storage
Leaving One Slot Empty: Flit Bubble Flow Control for Torus Cache-Coherent NoCs. Ma, S., +, TC March 2015 763-777
Resilient and Power-Efficient Multi-Function Channel Buffers in Networkon-Chip Architectures. DiTomaso, D., +, TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
Cache storage
A Cache Hierarchy Aware Thread Mapping Methodology for GPGPUs. Lai,
B. C., +, TC April 2015 884-898
Adaptive Cache Coherence Mechanisms with Producer–Consumer Sharing
Optimization for Chip Multiprocessors. Kayi, A., +, TC Feb. 2015 316-328
Adaptive Selection of Cache Indexing Bits for Removing Conflict Misses.
Ros, A., +, TC June 2015 1534-1547
An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Architecture for Process VariationTolerant 3D Microprocessors. Kong, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2460-2475
Compiler-Assisted Refresh Minimization for Volatile STT-RAM Cache. Li,
Q., +, TC Aug. 2015 2169-2181
Computer Architecture with Associative Processor Replacing Last-Level
Cache and SIMD Accelerator. Yavits, L., +, TC Feb. 2015 368-381
Design of Hybrid Second-Level Caches. Valero, A., +, TC July 2015 18841897
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
Filter Data Cache: An Energy-Efficient Small L0 Data Cache Architecture
Driven byMiss Cost Reduction. Lee, J., +, TC July 2015 1927-1939
Hardware–Software Coherence Protocol for the Coexistence of Caches and
Local Memories. Alvarez, L., +, TC Jan. 2015 152-165
ICCI: In-Cache Coherence Information. Garcia-Guirado, A., +, TC April
2015 995-1014
Leaving One Slot Empty: Flit Bubble Flow Control for Torus Cache-Coherent NoCs. Ma, S., +, TC March 2015 763-777
Micro-Architectural Analysis of Time-Driven Cache Attacks: Quest for the
Ideal Implementation. Rebeiro, C., +, TC March 2015 778-790
On-Demand Block-Level Address Mapping in Large-Scale NAND Flash
Storage Systems. Chen, R., +, TC June 2015 1729-1741
Size-Aware Cache Management for Compressed Cache Architectures. Baek,
S., +, TC Aug. 2015 2337-2352
TSAC: Enforcing Isolation ofVirtual Machines in Clouds. Weng, C., +, TC
May 2015 1470-1482
Zombie Chasing: Efficient Flash Management Considering Dirty Data in the
Buffer Cache. Lee, Y., +, TC Feb. 2015 569-581
Adaptive Voltage Scaling with In-Situ Detectors in Commercial FPGAs.
Nunez-Yanez, J.L., TC Jan. 2015 45-53
Carry logic
Reviewing High-Radix Signed-Digit Adders. Kornerup, P., TC May 2015
Cellular automata
Automated Design Architecture for 1-D Cellular Automata Using Quantum
Cellular Automata. Mardiris, V.A., +, TC Sept. 2015 2476-2489
Cellular radio
NextCell: Predicting Location Using Social Interplay from Cell Phone
Traces. Zhang, D., +, TC Feb. 2015 452-463
Cellular networks
Opportunistic Offloading of Deadline-Constrained Bulk Cellular Traffic in
Vehicular DTNs. Yao, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Central Processing Unit
Online Energy Estimation of Relational Operations in Database Systems.
Xu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3223-3236
Channel allocation
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Channel coding
Bit-Stuffing Algorithms for Crosstalk Avoidance in High-Speed Switching.
Chang, C., +, TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Design and Implementation of a Journaling File System for Phase-Change
Memory. Lee, E., +, TC May 2015 1349-1360
Effective Cost Reduction for Elastic Clouds under Spot Instance Pricing
Through Adaptive Checkpointing. Jangjaimon, I., +, TC Feb. 2015
Fault Tolerance on Large Scale Systems using Adaptive Process Replication.
George, C., +, TC Aug. 2015 2213-2225
Reliability-Aware Speedup Models for Parallel Applications with Coordinated Checkpointing/Restart. Zheng, Z., +, TC May 2015 1402-1415
Circuit CAD
Piecewise-Functional Broadside Tests Based on Reachable States.
Pomeranz, I., TC Aug. 2015 2415-2420
Circuit faults
Analytical Fault Tolerance Assessment and Metrics for TSV-Based 3D Network-on-Chip. Eghbal, A., +, TC Dec. 2015 3591-3604
Design of Optimal Scan Tree Based on Compact Test Patterns for Test Time
Reduction. Chen, L., +, TC Dec. 2015 3417-3429
Resilient and Power-Efficient Multi-Function Channel Buffers in Networkon-Chip Architectures. DiTomaso, D., +, TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
Test Vector Omission for Fault Coverage Improvement of Functional Test
Sequences. Pomeranz, I., TC Nov. 2015 3317-3321
Circuit optimization
Performance-Energy Optimizations for Shared Vector Accelerators in Multicores. Beldianu, S. F., +, TC March 2015 805-817
Circuit simulation
Parallel Sparse Matrix Solution for Circuit Simulation on FPGAs. Nechma,
T., +, TC April 2015 1090-1103
Closed loop systems
Adaptive Voltage Scaling with In-Situ Detectors in Commercial FPGAs.
Nunez-Yanez, J.L., TC Jan. 2015 45-53
Cloud computing
k-Times Attribute-Based Anonymous Access Control for Cloud Computing.
Yuen, T.H., +, TC Sept. 2015 2595-2608
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud
Computing. Mei, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized
Clouds. Zhu, X., +, TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Collaborative Location-Based Sleep Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Integratedwith Mobile Cloud Computing. Zhu, C., +, TC July 2015
Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security. Huang, X., +, TC April 2015 971-983
Dynamic On-the-Fly Minimum Cost Benchmarking for Storing Generated
Scientific Datasets in the Cloud. Yuan, D., +, TC Oct. 2015 2781-2795
Effective Cost Reduction for Elastic Clouds under Spot Instance Pricing
Through Adaptive Checkpointing. Jangjaimon, I., +, TC Feb. 2015
FESTAL: Fault-Tolerant Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks
in Virtualized Clouds. Wang, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
H-SVM: Hardware-Assisted Secure Virtual Machines under a Vulnerable
Hypervisor. Jin, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Identity-Based Encryption with Outsourced Revocation in Cloud Computing. Li, J., +, TC Feb. 2015 425-437
Multi-User Computation Partitioning for Latency Sensitive Mobile Cloud
Applications. Yang, L., +, TC Aug. 2015 2253-2266
MuR-DPA: Top-Down Levelled Multi-Replica Merkle Hash Tree Based Secure Public Auditing for Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud. Liu, C., +,
TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
On Nonblocking Multicast Fat-Tree Data Center Networks with Server Redundancy. Guo, Z., +, TC April 2015 1058-1073
Optimal Task Placement with QoS Constraints in Geo-Distributed Data Centers Using DVFS. Gu, L., +, TC July 2015 2049-2059
Optimization of Composite Cloud Service Processing with Virtual Machines. Di, S., +, TC June 2015 1755-1768
Phase-Change Memory Optimization for Green Cloud with Genetic Algorithm. Qiu, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Power Budgeting Techniques for Data Centers. Zhan, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Predicting Transient Downtime in Virtual Server Systems: An Efficient
Sample Path Randomization Approach. Du, A.Y., +, TC Dec. 2015
Proximity-Aware Local-Recoding Anonymization with MapReduce for
Scalable Big Data Privacy Preservation in Cloud. Zhang, X., +, TC Aug.
2015 2293-2307
Secure Distributed Deduplication Systems with Improved Reliability. Li, J.,
+, TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
STAR: Strategy-Proof Double Auctions for Multi-Cloud, Multi-Tenant
Bandwidth Reservation. Zheng, Z., +, TC July 2015 2071-2083
Survivable Cloud Network Mapping for Disaster Recovery Support. Gu, F.,
+, TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
Time-Series Pattern Based Effective Noise Generation for Privacy Protection on Cloud. Zhang, G., +, TC May 2015 1456-1469
TSAC: Enforcing Isolation ofVirtual Machines in Clouds. Weng, C., +, TC
May 2015 1470-1482
WaFS: A Workflow-Aware File System for Effective Storage Utilization in
the Cloud. Wang, Y., +, TC Sept. 2015 2716-2729
CMOS integrated circuits
New Hardware Implementations of WG (29, 11) and WG- 16 Stream Ciphers Using Polynomial Basis. El-Razouk, H., +, TC July 2015 2020-2035
CMOS logic circuits
Interleaving in Systolic-Arrays: A Throughput Breakthrough. Causapruno,
G., +, TC July 2015 1940-1953
Cognitive radio
A Cognitive TCP Design for a Cognitive Radio Network with an UnstableBandwidth Link. Yu-Chun, C., +, TC Oct. 2015 2730-3740
Energy Minimization in Multi-Task Software-Defined Sensor Networks.
Zeng, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Test Vector Omission for Fault Coverage Improvement of Functional Test
Sequences. Pomeranz, I., TC Nov. 2015 3317-3321
Complex networks
Characterization of Cascading Failures in Interdependent Cyber-Physical
Systems. Huang, Z., +, TC Aug. 2015 2158-2168
Complexity theory
RNS Scalers for Extended 4-Moduli Sets. Sousa, L., TC Dec. 2015 33223334
CCLS: An Efficient Local Search Algorithm for Weighted Maximum Satisfiability. Luo, C., +, TC July 2015 1830-1843
Differential Fault Attack against Grain Family with Very Few Faults and
Minimal Assumptions. Sarkar, S., +, TC June 2015 1647-1657
Computational complexity
Shifted Polynomial Basis Multipliers Based on Subquadratic
Toeplitz Matrix-Vector Product Approach for All Irreducible Pentanomials.
Han, J., +, TC March 2015 862-867
A Low Complexity Scaling Method for the Lanczos Kernel in Fixed-Point
Arithmetic. Jerez, J. L., +, TC Feb. 2015 303-315
A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Input Queued Switches
with Deadline Guarantees. Zhang, B., +, TC June 2015 1548-1563
An FPTAS for Response Time Analysis of Fixed Priority Real-Time Tasks
with Resource Augmentation. Nguyen, T.H.C., +, TC July 2015 1805-1818
Analysis of Server Provisioning for Distributed Interactive Applications.
Zheng, H., +, TC Oct. 2015 2752-2766
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Comments on “Low-Latency Digit-Serial Systolic Double Basis Multiplier over GF (2 ) Using Subquadratic Toeplitz Matrix-Vector Product
Approach”. Reyhani-Masoleh, A., TC April 2015 1215-1216
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Cost-Efficient Mapping for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Networks. Jarray, A., +,
TC March 2015 668-681
Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot
Scheduling. Ren, X., +, TC July 2015 1870-1883
Efficient Rule Engine for Smart Building Systems. Sun, Y., +, TC June 2015
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
Fast and Scalable Multi-Way Analysis of Massive Neural Data. Chen, D., +,
TC March 2015 707-719
Mining Associated Patterns from Wireless Sensor Networks. Rashid, M.M.,
+, TC July 2015 1998-2011
Optimization of Latency Insensitive Systems Through Back Pressure Minimization. Xue, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Physarum Optimization: A Biology-Inspired Algorithm for the Steiner Tree
Problem in Networks. Liu, L., +, TC March 2015 818-831
Reconfiguring Three-Dimensional Processor Arrays for Fault-Tolerance:
Hardness and Heuristic Algorithms. Jiang, G., +, TC Oct. 2015 2926-2939
Robot Coordination for Energy-Balanced Matching and Sequence Dispatch
of Robots to Events. Lukic, M., +, TC May 2015 1416-1428
Synergy of Dynamic Frequency Scaling and Demotion on DRAM Power
Management: Models and Optimizations. Lu, Y., +, TC Aug. 2015 23672381
Test Vector Omission for Fault Coverage Improvement of Functional Test
Sequences. Pomeranz, I., TC Nov. 2015 3317-3321
VLSI Computational Architectures for the Arithmetic Cosine Transform.
Rajapaksha, N., +, TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
Computational geometry
An Effective Area-Based Localization Algorithm for Wireless Networks.
Lasla, N., +, TC Aug. 2015 2103-2118
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Computational modeling
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud
Computing. Mei, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
GPGPU-MiniBench: Accelerating GPGPU Micro-Architecture Simulation.
Yu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
GREEN Cache: Exploiting the Disciplined Memory Model of OpenCL on
GPUs. Lee, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Hyper-Real-Time Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU. Alawneh,
S., +, TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Multiprocessor Capacity Metric and Analysis. Otoom, M., +, TC Nov. 2015
Near-Optimal Thermal Monitoring Framework for Many-Core Systems-onChip. Ranieri, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Predicting Transient Downtime in Virtual Server Systems: An Efficient
Sample Path Randomization Approach. Du, A.Y., +, TC Dec. 2015
Simulation and Implication Using a Transfer Function Model for Switching
Logic. Thornton, M.A., TC Dec. 2015 3580-3590
Test Vector Omission for Fault Coverage Improvement of Functional Test
Sequences. Pomeranz, I., TC Nov. 2015 3317-3321
Computer architecture
RNS Scalers for Extended 4-Moduli Sets. Sousa, L., TC Dec. 2015 33223334
Control-Flow Decoupling: An Approach for Timely, Non-Speculative
Branching. Sheikh, R., +, TC Aug. 2015 2182-2203
DCCS: Double Circular Caching Scheme for DRAM/PRAM Hybrid Cache.
Hsieh, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3115-3127
Design of Optimal Scan Tree Based on Compact Test Patterns for Test Time
Reduction. Chen, L., +, TC Dec. 2015 3417-3429
Efficient Victim Block Selection for Flash Storage Devices. Tsao, C., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3444-3460
GPGPU-MiniBench: Accelerating GPGPU Micro-Architecture Simulation.
Yu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
On the Network Power Effectiveness of Data Center Architectures. Shang,
Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Statistical Performance Comparisons of Computers. Chen, T., +, TC May
2015 1442-1455
Using Flexibility in P-Circuits by Boolean Relations. Bernasconi, A., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3605-3618
Computer centers
PowerTracer: Tracing Requests in Multi-Tier Services to Reduce Energy
Inefficiency. Lu, G., +, TC May 2015 1389-1401
Adaptive-Acceleration Data Center TCP. Zhang, T., +, TC June 2015 15221533
Efficient Server Provisioning and Offloading Policies for Internet Data Centers with Dynamic Load-Demand. Xu, D., +, TC March 2015 682-697
Exploring Server Redundancy in Nonblocking Multicast Data Center Networks. Guo, Z., +, TC July 2015 1912-1926
EXR: Greening Data Center Network with Software Defined Exclusive
Routing. Li, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
+ Check author entry for coauthors
On Nonblocking Multicast Fat-Tree Data Center Networks with Server Redundancy. Guo, Z., +, TC April 2015 1058-1073
Optimal Task Placement with QoS Constraints in Geo-Distributed Data Centers Using DVFS. Gu, L., +, TC July 2015 2049-2059
Power and Thermal-Aware Workload Allocation in Heterogeneous Data
Centers. Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., +, TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Power Budgeting Techniques for Data Centers. Zhan, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
Proactive Data Migration for Improved Storage Availability in Large-Scale
Data Centers. Wu, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
Sliding Mode Congestion Control for Data Center Ethernet Networks. Jiang,
W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Virtual Resource Allocation Based on Link Interference in Cayley Wireless
Data Centers. Luo, J., +, TC Oct. 2015 3016-3021
Computer games
Time Series Characterization of Gaming Workload for Runtime Power Management. Dietrich, B., +, TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Computer network management
Dynamic Antenna Management for Uplink Energy Efficiency on 802.11n
Mobile Devices. Cheng, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2767-2780
Sliding Mode Congestion Control for Data Center Ethernet Networks. Jiang,
W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Computer network performance evaluation
Community-Based Event Dissemination with Optimal Load Balancing. Xia,
F., +, TC July 2015 1857-1869
Network Variation and Fault Tolerant Performance Acceleration in Mobile
Devices with Simultaneous Remote Execution. Kim, K., +, TC Oct. 2015
Computer network security
An Efficient and Trustworthy P2P and Social Network Integrated File
Sharing System. Liu, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 54-70
Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques. Tan, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Fool Me If You Can: Mimicking Attacks and Anti-Attacks in Cyberspace.
Yu, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 139-151
Computer networks
Cost-Efficient Mapping for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Networks. Jarray, A., +,
TC March 2015 668-681
EXR: Greening Data Center Network with Software Defined Exclusive
Routing. Li, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
Computer science
Using Flexibility in P-Circuits by Boolean Relations. Bernasconi, A., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3605-3618
Computer vision
Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques. Tan, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Computerized instrumentation
Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks with Fault-Tolerance for Structural
Health Monitoring. Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., +, TC Feb. 2015 382-395
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud
Computing. Mei, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
Concurrency (computers)
Compositional Model Checking of Concurrent Systems. Zheng, H., +, TC
June 2015 1607-1621
Software Support and Evaluation of Hardware Transactional Memory on
Blue Gene/Q. Wang, A., +, TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Condition monitoring
Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks with Fault-Tolerance for Structural
Health Monitoring. Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., +, TC Feb. 2015 382-395
Content-addressable storage
Adaptive Selection of Cache Indexing Bits for Removing Conflict Misses.
Ros, A., +, TC June 2015 1534-1547
PC-TRIO: A Power Efficient TCAM Architecture for Packet Classifiers.
Banerjee, T., +, TC April 2015 1104-1118
TE-Shave: Reducing Data Center Capital and Operating Expenses with
Thermal Energy Storage. Zheng, W., +, TC Nov. 2015 3278-3292
Cooperative communication
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Performance-Energy Optimizations for Shared Vector Accelerators in Multicores. Beldianu, S. F., +, TC March 2015 805-817
Correlation methods
Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques. Tan, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Cost function
Dynamic On-the-Fly Minimum Cost Benchmarking for Storing Generated
Scientific Datasets in the Cloud. Yuan, D., +, TC Oct. 2015 2781-2795
Effective Cost Reduction for Elastic Clouds under Spot Instance Pricing
Through Adaptive Checkpointing. Jangjaimon, I., +, TC Feb. 2015
Efficient Server Provisioning and Offloading Policies for Internet Data Centers with Dynamic Load-Demand. Xu, D., +, TC March 2015 682-697
Using Flexibility in P-Circuits by Boolean Relations. Bernasconi, A., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3605-3618
Bit-Stuffing Algorithms for Crosstalk Avoidance in High-Speed Switching.
Chang, C., +, TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Cryptographic protocols
Fault Attacks on Pairing-Based Protocols Revisited. Chatterjee, S., +, TC
June 2015 1707-1714
Zero Knowledge Grouping Proof Protocol for RFID EPC C1G2 Tags. Sundaresan, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2994-3008
STES: A Stream Cipher Based Low Cost Scheme for Securing Stored Data.
Chakraborty, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2691-2707
A Generalization of Addition Chains and Fast Inversions in Binary Fields.
Jarvinen, K., +, TC Sept. 2015 2421-2432
Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Hardware. Doroz, Y., +, TC
June 2015 1509-1521
Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures. Bayrak, A. G.,
+, TC Feb. 2015 329-341
Differential Fault Attack against Grain Family with Very Few Faults and
Minimal Assumptions. Sarkar, S., +, TC June 2015 1647-1657
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based-Encryption
and Broadcast Encryption. Zhou, Z., +, TC Jan. 2015 126-138
Exploring the Feasibility of Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Wang, W., +,
TC March 2015 698-706
Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption. Rajendran, J., +, TC Feb. 2015
Lattice-Based Signatures: Optimization and Implementation on Reconfigurable Hardware. Guneysu, T., +, TC July 2015 1954-1967
New Hardware Implementations of WG (29, 11) and WG- 16 Stream Ciphers Using Polynomial Basis. El-Razouk, H., +, TC July 2015 2020-2035
On Compact Cauchy Matrices for Substitution-Permutation Networks. Cui,
T., +, TC July 2015 2098-2102
Secure Distributed Deduplication Systems with Improved Reliability. Li, J.,
+, TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
Software Implementation of an Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme. Zavattoni, E., +, TC May 2015 1429-1441
Towards an Oscillator Based TRNG with a Certified Entropy Rate. Lubicz,
D., +, TC April 2015 1191-1200
Data analysis
Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security. Huang, X., +, TC April 2015 971-983
Fast and Scalable Multi-Way Analysis of Massive Neural Data. Chen, D., +,
TC March 2015 707-719
Mining Associated Patterns from Wireless Sensor Networks. Rashid, M.M.,
+, TC July 2015 1998-2011
Data communication
AppATP: An Energy Conserving Adaptive Mobile-Cloud Transmission Protocol. Liu, F., +, TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
Joint Optimal Data Rate and Power Allocation in Lossy Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks with Delay-Constrained Traffics. Guo, S., +, TC March 2015
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Data compression
Size-Aware Cache Management for Compressed Cache Architectures. Baek,
S., +, TC Aug. 2015 2337-2352
Data flow computing
Automatic High-Level Data-Flow Synthesis and Optimization of Polynomial Datapaths Using Functional Decomposition. Ghandali, S., +, TC June
2015 1579-1593
Data handling
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Data Partitioning on Multicore and Multi-GPU Platforms Using Functional
Performance Models. Zhong, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2506-2518
Enabling Concurrent Failure Recovery for Regenerating-Coding-Based
Storage Systems: From Theory to Practice. Li, R., +, TC July 2015
Data mining
Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques. Tan, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Mining Associated Patterns from Wireless Sensor Networks. Rashid, M.M.,
+, TC July 2015 1998-2011
Data models
Hyper-Real-Time Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU. Alawneh,
S., +, TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Data privacy
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based-Encryption
and Broadcast Encryption. Zhou, Z., +, TC Jan. 2015 126-138
Proximity-Aware Local-Recoding Anonymization with MapReduce for
Scalable Big Data Privacy Preservation in Cloud. Zhang, X., +, TC Aug.
2015 2293-2307
Time-Series Pattern Based Effective Noise Generation for Privacy Protection on Cloud. Zhang, G., +, TC May 2015 1456-1469
Data protection
Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures. Bayrak, A. G.,
+, TC Feb. 2015 329-341
Data structures
Pubsub: An Efficient Publish/Subscribe System. Banerjee-Mishra, T., +, TC
April 2015 1119-1132
Data transfer
DCCS: Double Circular Caching Scheme for DRAM/PRAM Hybrid Cache.
Hsieh, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3115-3127
Database indexing
Similarity and Locality Based Indexing for High Performance Data Deduplication. Xia, W., +, TC April 2015 1162-1176
Database management systems
Block-Based Multi-Version B -Tree for Flash-Based Embedded Database
Systems. Wang, J., +, TC April 2015 925-940
Verifiable Auditing for Outsourced Database in Cloud Computing. Wang, J.,
+, TC Nov. 2015 3293-3303
DC-DC power converters
JEM: Just in Time/Just Enough Energy Management Methodology for Computing Systems. Jawad, M., +, TC June 2015 1798-1804
Decision making
Utility Functions and Resource Management in an Oversubscribed Heterogeneous Computing Environment. Khemka, B., +, TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Decision support systems
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Decision trees
Packet Classification Using Dynamically Generated Decision Trees. Cheng,
Y.-C., +, TC Feb. 2015 582-586
Pipelined Decision Tree Classification Accelerator Implementation in FPGA
(DT-CAIF). Saqib, F., +, TC Jan. 2015 280-285
Adaptive ECC Scheme for Hybrid SSD’s. Hsieh, J., +, TC Dec. 2015 33483361
Bit-Stuffing Algorithms for Crosstalk Avoidance in High-Speed Switching.
Chang, C., +, TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Reducing Code Length of Second-Order Spectral-Null Code. Yang, C.-N.,
+, TC Feb. 2015 492-503
Unequal Error Protection of Memories in LDPC Decoders. Condo, C., +,
TC Oct. 2015 2981-2993
Delay lines
Adaptive Voltage Scaling with In-Situ Detectors in Commercial FPGAs.
Nunez-Yanez, J.L., TC Jan. 2015 45-53
Delay tolerant networks
Exploiting Small World Properties for Message Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks. Wei, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2809-2818
Joint Optimal Data Rate and Power Allocation in Lossy Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks with Delay-Constrained Traffics. Guo, S., +, TC March 2015
Multi-User Computation Partitioning for Latency Sensitive Mobile Cloud
Applications. Yang, L., +, TC Aug. 2015 2253-2266
On Data Center Network Architectures for Interconnecting Dual-Port
Servers. Li, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3210-3222
Design for testability
Testing Open Defects in Memristor-Based Memories. Hamdioui, S., +, TC
Jan. 2015 247-259
Digital arithmetic
A Low-Cost Mechanism Exploiting Narrow-Width Values for Tolerating
Hard Faults in ALU. Hong, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2433-2446
Comment on “High Speed Parallel Decimal Multiplication With Redundant
Internal Encodings”. Gorgin, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 293-294
Radix-2 Division Algorithms with an Over-Redundant Digit Set. Ebergen,
J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2652-2663
Simulation of Quantum Circuits via Stabilizer Frames. Garcia, H.J., +, TC
Aug. 2015 2323-2336
Unified Mitchell-Based Approximation for Efficient Logarithmic Conversion Circuit. Low, J.Y.L., +, TC June 2015 1783-1797
Digital circuits
A Low-Cost Mechanism Exploiting Narrow-Width Values for Tolerating
Hard Faults in ALU. Hong, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2433-2446
Digital communication
A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Input Queued Switches
with Deadline Guarantees. Zhang, B., +, TC June 2015 1548-1563
Digital signal processing
Bit-Width Optimization by Divide-and-Conquer for Fixed-Point Digital
Signal Processing Systems. Chung, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3091-3101
Digital signatures
Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security. Huang, X., +, TC April 2015 971-983
Lattice-Based Signatures: Optimization and Implementation on Reconfigurable Hardware. Guneysu, T., +, TC July 2015 1954-1967
Signature-Based Protection from Code Reuse Attacks. Kayaalp, M., +, TC
Feb. 2015 533-546
Digital storage
Boosting Degraded Reads in Heterogeneous Erasure-Coded Storage Systems. Zhu, Y., +, TC Aug. 2015 2145-2157
Parallel Decodable Two-Level Unequal Burst Error Correcting Codes.
Namba, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2902-2911
Directed graphs
Optimization of Latency Insensitive Systems Through Back Pressure Minimization. Xue, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Scheduling Precedence Constrained Stochastic Tasks on Heterogeneous
Cluster Systems. Li, K., +, TC Jan. 2015 191-204
Virtual Resource Allocation Based on Link Interference in Cayley Wireless
Data Centers. Luo, J., +, TC Oct. 2015 3016-3021
Discrete cosine transforms
VLSI Computational Architectures for the Arithmetic Cosine Transform.
Rajapaksha, N., +, TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
Distributed algorithms
A Self-Adaptive Strategy for Evolution of Cooperation in Distributed Networks. Ye, D., +, TC April 2015 899-911
Physarum Optimization: A Biology-Inspired Algorithm for the Steiner Tree
Problem in Networks. Liu, L., +, TC March 2015 818-831
The Telephone Coordination Game Revisited: From Random to Deterministic Algorithms. Chen, L., +, TC Oct. 2015 2968-2980
Distributed databases
Secure Distributed Deduplication Systems with Improved Reliability. Li, J.,
+, TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
Distributed processing
Analysis of Server Provisioning for Distributed Interactive Applications.
Zheng, H., +, TC Oct. 2015 2752-2766
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Enabling Concurrent Failure Recovery for Regenerating-Coding-Based
Storage Systems: From Theory to Practice. Li, R., +, TC July 2015
Local-Deadline Assignment for Distributed Real-Time Systems. Hong, S.,
+, TC July 2015 1983-1997
Proximity-Aware Local-Recoding Anonymization with MapReduce for
Scalable Big Data Privacy Preservation in Cloud. Zhang, X., +, TC Aug.
2015 2293-2307
SCPS: A Social-Aware Distributed Cyber-Physical Human-Centric Search
Engine. Shen, H., +, TC Feb. 2015 518-532
Utility Functions and Resource Management in an Oversubscribed Heterogeneous Computing Environment. Khemka, B., +, TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Diversity reception
Channel-Hopping Scheme and Channel-Diverse Routing in Static MultiRadio Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. Lin, T.-Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 71-86
DRAM chips
Design of Hybrid Second-Level Caches. Valero, A., +, TC July 2015 18841897
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
Low Delay Single Symbol Error Correction Codes Based on Reed Solomon
Codes. Pontarelli, S., +, TC May 2015 1497-1501
Methodology for Cycle-Accurate DRAM Performance Analysis. Ikodinovic, I., TC July 2015 2084-2091
Synergy of Dynamic Frequency Scaling and Demotion on DRAM Power
Management: Models and Optimizations. Lu, Y., +, TC Aug. 2015 23672381
ViPZonE: Hardware Power Variability-Aware Virtual Memory Management
for Energy Savings. Gottscho, M., +, TC May 2015 1483-1496
WEC: Improving Durability of SSD Cache Drives by Caching Write-Efficient Data. Chai, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
Dynamic programming
Power Budgeting Techniques for Data Centers. Zhan, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
Dynamic range
RNS Scalers for Extended 4-Moduli Sets. Sousa, L., TC Dec. 2015 33223334
Dynamic scheduling
ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized
Clouds. Zhu, X., +, TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
A Rewarding Framework for Network Resource Sharing in Co-Channel Hybrid Access Femtocell Networks. Shih, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3079-3090
Fast and Scalable Multi-Way Analysis of Massive Neural Data. Chen, D., +,
TC March 2015 707-719
Electronic commerce
STAR: Strategy-Proof Double Auctions for Multi-Cloud, Multi-Tenant
Bandwidth Reservation. Zheng, Z., +, TC July 2015 2071-2083
Electronic data interchange
Boosting Degraded Reads in Heterogeneous Erasure-Coded Storage Systems. Zhu, Y., +, TC Aug. 2015 2145-2157
Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Acceleration of Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling on Tianhe-2. Xue, W., +, TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Electronic design automation
Automated Design Architecture for 1-D Cellular Automata Using Quantum
Cellular Automata. Mardiris, V.A., +, TC Sept. 2015 2476-2489
Electronic mail
WEC: Improving Durability of SSD Cache Drives by Caching Write-Efficient Data. Chai, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
Electronic messaging
Exploiting Small World Properties for Message Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks. Wei, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2809-2818
Electrostatic discharges
TE-Shave: Reducing Data Center Capital and Operating Expenses with
Thermal Energy Storage. Zheng, W., +, TC Nov. 2015 3278-3292
Embedded systems
A Deadline-Floor Inheritance Protocol for EDF Scheduled Embedded RealTime Systems with Resource Sharing. Burns, A., +, TC May 2015 12411253
A Hardware Scheduler Based on Task Queues for FPGA-Based Embedded
Real-Time Systems. Tang, Y., +, TC May 2015 1254-1267
A Low Complexity Scaling Method for the Lanczos Kernel in Fixed-Point
Arithmetic. Jerez, J. L., +, TC Feb. 2015 303-315
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
Architecture Support for Tightly-Coupled Multi-Core Clusters with SharedMemory HW Accelerators. Dehyadegari, M., +, TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
Block-Based Multi-Version B -Tree for Flash-Based Embedded Database
Systems. Wang, J., +, TC April 2015 925-940
Energy-Efficient Real-Time Human Mobility State Classification Using
Smartphones. Oshin, T.O., +, TC June 2015 1680-1693
High-Performance and Lightweight Transaction Support in Flash-Based
SSDs. Lu, Y., +, TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
IIPS: Infrastructure IP for Secure SoC Design. Wang, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
Stackless Multi-Threading for Embedded Systems. McCartney, W.P., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2940-2952
The Quadratic Utilization Upper Bound for Arbitrary Deadline Real-Time
Tasks. Bini, E., TC Feb. 2015 593-599
Emergency management
An Adaptive Multilevel Indexing Method for Disaster Service Discovery.
Wu, Y., +, TC Sept. 2015 2447-2459
Bit-Stuffing Algorithms for Crosstalk Avoidance in High-Speed Switching.
Chang, C., +, TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Boosting Degraded Reads in Heterogeneous Erasure-Coded Storage Systems. Zhu, Y., +, TC Aug. 2015 2145-2157
Efficient Attribute-Based Comparable Data Access Control. Wang, Z., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3430-3443
Verifiable Auditing for Outsourced Database in Cloud Computing. Wang, J.,
+, TC Nov. 2015 3293-3303
Energy conservation
PowerTracer: Tracing Requests in Multi-Tier Services to Reduce Energy
Inefficiency. Lu, G., +, TC May 2015 1389-1401
An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Architecture for Process VariationTolerant 3D Microprocessors. Kong, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2460-2475
Control-Flow Decoupling: An Approach for Timely, Non-Speculative
Branching. Sheikh, R., +, TC Aug. 2015 2182-2203
Efficient Server Provisioning and Offloading Policies for Internet Data Centers with Dynamic Load-Demand. Xu, D., +, TC March 2015 682-697
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
EXR: Greening Data Center Network with Software Defined Exclusive
Routing. Li, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
Filter Data Cache: An Energy-Efficient Small L0 Data Cache Architecture
Driven byMiss Cost Reduction. Lee, J., +, TC July 2015 1927-1939
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Requester-Based Spin Lock: A Scalable and Energy Efficient Locking
Scheme on Multicore Systems. Cui, Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 166-179
ViPZonE: Hardware Power Variability-Aware Virtual Memory Management
for Energy Savings. Gottscho, M., +, TC May 2015 1483-1496
Energy consumption
AppATP: An Energy Conserving Adaptive Mobile-Cloud Transmission Protocol. Liu, F., +, TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud
Computing. Mei, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
Efficient Server Provisioning and Offloading Policies for Internet Data Centers with Dynamic Load-Demand. Xu, D., +, TC March 2015 682-697
Filter Data Cache: An Energy-Efficient Small L0 Data Cache Architecture
Driven byMiss Cost Reduction. Lee, J., +, TC July 2015 1927-1939
ICCI: In-Cache Coherence Information. Garcia-Guirado, A., +, TC April
2015 995-1014
Online Energy Estimation of Relational Operations in Database Systems.
Xu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3223-3236
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Synergy of Dynamic Frequency Scaling and Demotion on DRAM Power
Management: Models and Optimizations. Lu, Y., +, TC Aug. 2015 23672381
Energy harvesting
Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot
Scheduling. Ren, X., +, TC July 2015 1870-1883
Fool Me If You Can: Mimicking Attacks and Anti-Attacks in Cyberspace.
Yu, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 139-151
Granular Evaluation of Anomalies in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Dynamic Data Partitioning with an Entropy Criteria. Kumarage, H., +, TC
Sept. 2015 2573-2585
Environmental monitoring (geophysics)
Localization for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks with Meandering Mobility. Akbas, M.I., +, TC April 2015 1015-1028
Environmental science computing
Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Acceleration of Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling on Tianhe-2. Xue, W., +, TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Error correction codes
Adaptive ECC Scheme for Hybrid SSD’s. Hsieh, J., +, TC Dec. 2015 33483361
Low Delay Single Symbol Error Correction Codes Based on Reed Solomon
Codes. Pontarelli, S., +, TC May 2015 1497-1501
Parallel Decodable Two-Level Unequal Burst Error Correcting Codes.
Namba, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2902-2911
Simulation of Quantum Circuits via Stabilizer Frames. Garcia, H.J., +, TC
Aug. 2015 2323-2336
Unequal Error Protection of Memories in LDPC Decoders. Condo, C., +,
TC Oct. 2015 2981-2993
Unified Mitchell-Based Approximation for Efficient Logarithmic Conversion Circuit. Low, J.Y.L., +, TC June 2015 1783-1797
Estimation theory
A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Power Consumption of a Processor.
Dargie, W., TC May 2015 1311-1322
Accurate and Efficient Estimation of Logic Circuits Reliability Bounds.
Ibrahim, W., +, TC May 2015 1217-1229
Online Energy Estimation of Relational Operations in Database Systems.
Xu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3223-3236
Evolutionary computation
Evolutionary Computing and Particle Filtering: A Hardware-Based Motion
Estimation System. Rodriguez, A., +, TC Nov. 2015 3140-3152
Exponential distribution
A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Power Consumption of a Processor.
Dargie, W., TC May 2015 1311-1322
Reliability-Aware Speedup Models for Parallel Applications with Coordinated Checkpointing/Restart. Zheng, Z., +, TC May 2015 1402-1415
Failure analysis
A Low-Cost Mechanism Exploiting Narrow-Width Values for Tolerating
Hard Faults in ALU. Hong, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2433-2446
Abort-on-Fail Test Scheduling for Modular SOCs without and with Preemption. Ingelsson, U., +, TC Dec. 2015 3335-3347
Characterization of Cascading Failures in Interdependent Cyber-Physical
Systems. Huang, Z., +, TC Aug. 2015 2158-2168
Fast Fourier transforms
Exploring the Feasibility of Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Wang, W., +,
TC March 2015 698-706
Fault diagnosis
Conditional (t,k)-Diagnosis in Graphs by Using the Comparison Diagnosis
Model. Chen, C., +, TC June 2015 1622-1632
Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption. Rajendran, J., +, TC Feb. 2015
On the Generation of SIC Pairs in Optimal Time. Voyiatzis, I.K., +, TC Oct.
2015 2891-2901
Revisiting Vulnerability Analysis in Modern Microprocessors. Maniatakos,
M., +, TC Sept. 2015 2664-2674
Testing Open Defects in Memristor-Based Memories. Hamdioui, S., +, TC
Jan. 2015 247-259
Two-Dimensional Static Test Compaction for Functional Test Sequences.
Pomeranz, I., TC Oct. 2015 3009-3015
Fault tolerance
A Low-Cost Mechanism Exploiting Narrow-Width Values for Tolerating
Hard Faults in ALU. Hong, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2433-2446
Cost-Efficient Mapping for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Networks. Jarray, A., +,
TC March 2015 668-681
Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks with Fault-Tolerance for Structural
Health Monitoring. Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., +, TC Feb. 2015 382-395
Piecewise-Functional Broadside Tests Based on Reachable States.
Pomeranz, I., TC Aug. 2015 2415-2420
RDIS: Tolerating Many Stuck-At Faults in Resistive Memory. Maddah, R.,
+, TC March 2015 847-861
Fault Tolerance on Large Scale Systems using Adaptive Process Replication.
George, C., +, TC Aug. 2015 2213-2225
Mission Reliability, Cost and Time for Cold Standby Computing Systems
with Periodic Backup. Levitin, G., +, TC April 2015 1043-1057
Network Variation and Fault Tolerant Performance Acceleration in Mobile
Devices with Simultaneous Remote Execution. Kim, K., +, TC Oct. 2015
Reconfiguring Three-Dimensional Processor Arrays for Fault-Tolerance:
Hardness and Heuristic Algorithms. Jiang, G., +, TC Oct. 2015 2926-2939
Resilient and Power-Efficient Multi-Function Channel Buffers in Networkon-Chip Architectures. DiTomaso, D., +, TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
RRAM Defect Modeling and Failure Analysis Based on March Test and a
Novel Squeeze-Search Scheme. Chen, C., +, TC Jan. 2015 180-190
Selecting an Optimal Fault Tolerance Strategy for Reliable Service-Oriented
Systems with Local and Global Constraints. Zheng, Z., +, TC Jan. 2015
Simulation of Quantum Circuits via Stabilizer Frames. Garcia, H.J., +, TC
Aug. 2015 2323-2336
-Diagnosability of Star Graph Networks. Zhou, S., +, TC Feb. 2015
Fault trees
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
Femtocell networks
A Rewarding Framework for Network Resource Sharing in Co-Channel Hybrid Access Femtocell Networks. Shih, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3079-3090
Field programmable gate arrays
STES: A Stream Cipher Based Low Cost Scheme for Securing Stored Data.
Chakraborty, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2691-2707
A Hardware Scheduler Based on Task Queues for FPGA-Based Embedded
Real-Time Systems. Tang, Y., +, TC May 2015 1254-1267
A Low Complexity Scaling Method for the Lanczos Kernel in Fixed-Point
Arithmetic. Jerez, J. L., +, TC Feb. 2015 303-315
A Split MAC Approach for SDR Platforms. Di Francesco, P., +, TC April
2015 912-924
Adaptive Voltage Scaling with In-Situ Detectors in Commercial FPGAs.
Nunez-Yanez, J.L., TC Jan. 2015 45-53
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Parallel Sparse Matrix Solution for Circuit Simulation on FPGAs. Nechma,
T., +, TC April 2015 1090-1103
Pipelined Decision Tree Classification Accelerator Implementation in FPGA
(DT-CAIF). Saqib, F., +, TC Jan. 2015 280-285
Towards an Oscillator Based TRNG with a Certified Entropy Rate. Lubicz,
D., +, TC April 2015 1191-1200
VLSI Computational Architectures for the Arithmetic Cosine Transform.
Rajapaksha, N., +, TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
File organization
STES: A Stream Cipher Based Low Cost Scheme for Securing Stored Data.
Chakraborty, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2691-2707
Combining Efficiency, Fidelity, and Flexibility in Resource Information Services. Shen, H., +, TC Feb. 2015 353-367
Design and Implementation of a Journaling File System for Phase-Change
Memory. Lee, E., +, TC May 2015 1349-1360
Efficient Rule Engine for Smart Building Systems. Sun, Y., +, TC June 2015
Fixed point arithmetic
A Low Complexity Scaling Method for the Lanczos Kernel in Fixed-Point
Arithmetic. Jerez, J. L., +, TC Feb. 2015 303-315
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Flash memories
Adaptive ECC Scheme for Hybrid SSD’s. Hsieh, J., +, TC Dec. 2015 33483361
Block-Based Multi-Version B -Tree for Flash-Based Embedded Database
Systems. Wang, J., +, TC April 2015 925-940
High-Performance and Lightweight Transaction Support in Flash-Based
SSDs. Lu, Y., +, TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
On-Demand Block-Level Address Mapping in Large-Scale NAND Flash
Storage Systems. Chen, R., +, TC June 2015 1729-1741
RB-Explorer: An Accurate and Practical Approach to Write Amplification
Measurement for SSDs. Sun, H., +, TC April 2015 1133-1148
Zombie Chasing: Efficient Flash Management Considering Dirty Data in the
Buffer Cache. Lee, Y., +, TC Feb. 2015 569-581
Floating point arithmetic
Parallel Reproducible Summation. Demmel, J., +, TC July 2015 2060-2070
Parallel Sparse Matrix Solution for Circuit Simulation on FPGAs. Nechma,
T., +, TC April 2015 1090-1103
VLSI Computational Architectures for the Arithmetic Cosine Transform.
Rajapaksha, N., +, TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
Formal specification
Software Implementation of an Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme. Zavattoni, E., +, TC May 2015 1429-1441
Formal verification
Compositional Model Checking of Concurrent Systems. Zheng, H., +, TC
June 2015 1607-1621
Fourier transforms
Simulation of Quantum Circuits via Stabilizer Frames. Garcia, H.J., +, TC
Aug. 2015 2323-2336
Fuzzy control
Coordinated Power and Performance Guarantee with Fuzzy MIMO Control
in Virtualized Server Clusters. Lama, P., +, TC Jan. 2015 97-111
Fuzzy reasoning
QoS-Based Composition of Service Specific Overlay Networks. Al Ridhawi,
Y., +, TC March 2015 832-846
Fuzzy set theory
By-Passing Infected Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks Using BPR.
Yaakob, N., +, TC June 2015 1594-1606
Game theory
A Self-Adaptive Strategy for Evolution of Cooperation in Distributed Networks. Ye, D., +, TC April 2015 899-911
The Telephone Coordination Game Revisited: From Random to Deterministic Algorithms. Chen, L., +, TC Oct. 2015 2968-2980
A Rewarding Framework for Network Resource Sharing in Co-Channel Hybrid Access Femtocell Networks. Shih, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3079-3090
Gaussian distribution
Multi-Granularity Locality-Sensitive Bloom Filter. Qian, J., +, TC Dec.
2015 3500-3514
Efficient Attribute-Based Comparable Data Access Control. Wang, Z., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3430-3443
Genetic algorithms
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Phase-Change Memory Optimization for Green Cloud with Genetic Algorithm. Qiu, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Evolutionary Computing and Particle Filtering: A Hardware-Based Motion
Estimation System. Rodriguez, A., +, TC Nov. 2015 3140-3152
Global Positioning System
NextCell: Predicting Location Using Social Interplay from Cell Phone
Traces. Zhang, D., +, TC Feb. 2015 452-463
Global warming
Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Acceleration of Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling on Tianhe-2. Xue, W., +, TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Graph coloring
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
Graph theory
Conditional (t,k)-Diagnosis in Graphs by Using the Comparison Diagnosis
Model. Chen, C., +, TC June 2015 1622-1632
Finding Multi-Constrained Multiple Shortest Paths. Feng, G., +, TC Sept.
2015 2559-2572
Safe Data Parallelism for General Streaming. Schneider, S., +, TC Feb. 2015
Symmetric Property and Reliability of Balanced Hypercube. Zhou, J.-X., +,
TC March 2015 876-881
-Diagnosability of Star Graph Networks. Zhou, S., +, TC Feb. 2015
Graphics processing units
A Cache Hierarchy Aware Thread Mapping Methodology for GPGPUs. Lai,
B. C., +, TC April 2015 884-898
Data Partitioning on Multicore and Multi-GPU Platforms Using Functional
Performance Models. Zhong, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2506-2518
Fast and Scalable Multi-Way Analysis of Massive Neural Data. Chen, D., +,
TC March 2015 707-719
GPGPU-MiniBench: Accelerating GPGPU Micro-Architecture Simulation.
Yu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
GREEN Cache: Exploiting the Disciplined Memory Model of OpenCL on
GPUs. Lee, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Hyper-Real-Time Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU. Alawneh,
S., +, TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Performance Optimization Using Partitioned SpMV on GPUs and Multicore
CPUs. Yang, W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Acceleration of Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling on Tianhe-2. Xue, W., +, TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Greedy algorithms
Analysis of Server Provisioning for Distributed Interactive Applications.
Zheng, H., +, TC Oct. 2015 2752-2766
Efficient Double Bases for Scalar Multiplication. Meloni, N., +, TC Aug.
2015 2204-2212
Efficient Victim Block Selection for Flash Storage Devices. Tsao, C., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3444-3460
Green computing
EXR: Greening Data Center Network with Software Defined Exclusive
Routing. Li, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
Phase-Change Memory Optimization for Green Cloud with Genetic Algorithm. Qiu, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Collaborative Location-Based Sleep Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Integratedwith Mobile Cloud Computing. Zhu, C., +, TC July 2015
On Synthesizing a Consistent Operational Transformation Approach. Randolph, A., +, TC April 2015 1074-1089
Block-Precise Processors: Low-Power Processors with Reduced Operand
Store Accesses and Result Broadcasts. Lakshminarayana, N.B., +, TC Nov.
2015 3102-3114
Fast Two-Level Address Translation for Virtualized Systems. Ahn, J., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3461-3474
GREEN Cache: Exploiting the Disciplined Memory Model of OpenCL on
GPUs. Lee, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Hardware-software codesign
Hardware–Software Coherence Protocol for the Coexistence of Caches and
Local Memories. Alvarez, L., +, TC Jan. 2015 152-165
Heuristic algorithms
ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized
Clouds. Zhu, X., +, TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
Energy Minimization in Multi-Task Software-Defined Sensor Networks.
Zeng, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Opportunistic Offloading of Deadline-Constrained Bulk Cellular Traffic in
Vehicular DTNs. Yao, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Scheduling Divisible Loads in Gaussian, Mesh and Torus Network of Processors. Zhang, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3249-3264
Hidden Markov models
Evolutionary Computing and Particle Filtering: A Hardware-Based Motion
Estimation System. Rodriguez, A., +, TC Nov. 2015 3140-3152
+ Check author entry for coauthors
High definition video
A Generalization of Addition Chains and Fast Inversions in Binary Fields.
Jarvinen, K., +, TC Sept. 2015 2421-2432
Design of Optimal Scan Tree Based on Compact Test Patterns for Test Time
Reduction. Chen, L., +, TC Dec. 2015 3417-3429
High level synthesis
Architecture Support for Tightly-Coupled Multi-Core Clusters with SharedMemory HW Accelerators. Dehyadegari, M., +, TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
High-speed networks
Bit-Stuffing Algorithms for Crosstalk Avoidance in High-Speed Switching.
Chang, C., +, TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
Hypercube networks
Symmetric Property and Reliability of Balanced Hypercube. Zhou, J.-X., +,
TC March 2015 876-881
On Data Center Network Architectures for Interconnecting Dual-Port
Servers. Li, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3210-3222
Hyper-Real-Time Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU. Alawneh,
S., +, TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
TE-Shave: Reducing Data Center Capital and Operating Expenses with
Thermal Energy Storage. Zheng, W., +, TC Nov. 2015 3278-3292
IEEE 802.11 Standards
AppATP: An Energy Conserving Adaptive Mobile-Cloud Transmission Protocol. Liu, F., +, TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
IEEE publishing
2014 Reviewers List*. , TC Jan. 2015 295-302
Image color analysis
Design of Optimal Scan Tree Based on Compact Test Patterns for Test Time
Reduction. Chen, L., +, TC Dec. 2015 3417-3429
Image processing
An Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Error Characteristics of Approximate Adders. Liu, C., +, TC May 2015 1268-1281
Design and Analysis of Approximate Compressors for Multiplication. Momeni, A., +, TC April 2015 984-994
Image registration
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Image segmentation
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
A Generalization of Addition Chains and Fast Inversions in Binary Fields.
Jarvinen, K., +, TC Sept. 2015 2421-2432
Adaptive Selection of Cache Indexing Bits for Removing Conflict Misses.
Ros, A., +, TC June 2015 1534-1547
An Adaptive Multilevel Indexing Method for Disaster Service Discovery.
Wu, Y., +, TC Sept. 2015 2447-2459
Block-Precise Processors: Low-Power Processors with Reduced Operand
Store Accesses and Result Broadcasts. Lakshminarayana, N.B., +, TC Nov.
2015 3102-3114
Inductive power transmission
Collaborative Mobile Charging. Zhang, S., +, TC March 2015 654-667
Industrial property
IIPS: Infrastructure IP for Secure SoC Design. Wang, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
Inference mechanisms
Parallel Decodable Two-Level Unequal Burst Error Correcting Codes.
Namba, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2902-2911
Multi-Granularity Locality-Sensitive Bloom Filter. Qian, J., +, TC Dec.
2015 3500-3514
Information resources
Combining Efficiency, Fidelity, and Flexibility in Resource Information Services. Shen, H., +, TC Feb. 2015 353-367
Information retrieval
SCPS: A Social-Aware Distributed Cyber-Physical Human-Centric Search
Engine. Shen, H., +, TC Feb. 2015 518-532
Information systems
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Input-output programs
Accelerate RDP RAID-6 Scaling by Reducing Disk I/Os and XOR Operations. Zhang, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 32-44
Proactive Data Migration for Improved Storage Availability in Large-Scale
Data Centers. Wu, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
Instruction sets
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
GPGPU-MiniBench: Accelerating GPGPU Micro-Architecture Simulation.
Yu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
Integer programming
Optimization of Latency Insensitive Systems Through Back Pressure Minimization. Xue, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Survivable Cloud Network Mapping for Disaster Recovery Support. Gu, F.,
+, TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
Integrated circuit design
A Cache Hierarchy Aware Thread Mapping Methodology for GPGPUs. Lai,
B. C., +, TC April 2015 884-898
Design of Hybrid Second-Level Caches. Valero, A., +, TC July 2015 18841897
Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption. Rajendran, J., +, TC Feb. 2015
IIPS: Infrastructure IP for Secure SoC Design. Wang, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
Leaving One Slot Empty: Flit Bubble Flow Control for Torus Cache-Coherent NoCs. Ma, S., +, TC March 2015 763-777
Optimal Checkpoint Selection with Dual-Modular Redundancy Hardening.
Kang, S., +, TC July 2015 2036-2048
Optimization of Latency Insensitive Systems Through Back Pressure Minimization. Xue, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Revisiting Vulnerability Analysis in Modern Microprocessors. Maniatakos,
M., +, TC Sept. 2015 2664-2674
Integrated circuit layout
Interleaving in Systolic-Arrays: A Throughput Breakthrough. Causapruno,
G., +, TC July 2015 1940-1953
Integrated circuit modeling
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
Simulation and Implication Using a Transfer Function Model for Switching
Logic. Thornton, M.A., TC Dec. 2015 3580-3590
Testing Open Defects in Memristor-Based Memories. Hamdioui, S., +, TC
Jan. 2015 247-259
Integrated circuit reliability
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
Optimal Checkpoint Selection with Dual-Modular Redundancy Hardening.
Kang, S., +, TC July 2015 2036-2048
RDIS: Tolerating Many Stuck-At Faults in Resistive Memory. Maddah, R.,
+, TC March 2015 847-861
Integrated circuit testing
Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption. Rajendran, J., +, TC Feb. 2015
IIPS: Infrastructure IP for Secure SoC Design. Wang, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
Piecewise-Functional Broadside Tests Based on Reachable States.
Pomeranz, I., TC Aug. 2015 2415-2420
Testing Open Defects in Memristor-Based Memories. Hamdioui, S., +, TC
Jan. 2015 247-259
Integrated circuits
Abort-on-Fail Test Scheduling for Modular SOCs without and with Preemption. Ingelsson, U., +, TC Dec. 2015 3335-3347
Intelligent vehicles
Opportunistic Offloading of Deadline-Constrained Bulk Cellular Traffic in
Vehicular DTNs. Yao, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Interference suppression
A Rewarding Framework for Network Resource Sharing in Co-Channel Hybrid Access Femtocell Networks. Shih, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3079-3090
An Efficient I/O-Redirection-Based Reconstruction Scheme for Erasure-Coded Storage Clusters. Huang, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3037-3050
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Coexistence Wi-Fi MAC Design for Mitigating Interference Caused by Collocated Bluetooth. Hsu, A. C.-C., +, TC Feb. 2015 342-352
Virtual Resource Allocation Based on Link Interference in Cayley Wireless
Data Centers. Luo, J., +, TC Oct. 2015 3016-3021
Analysis of Server Provisioning for Distributed Interactive Applications.
Zheng, H., +, TC Oct. 2015 2752-2766
Coordinated Power and Performance Guarantee with Fuzzy MIMO Control
in Virtualized Server Clusters. Lama, P., +, TC Jan. 2015 97-111
Efficient Server Provisioning and Offloading Policies for Internet Data Centers with Dynamic Load-Demand. Xu, D., +, TC March 2015 682-697
Packet Classification Using Dynamically Generated Decision Trees. Cheng,
Y.-C., +, TC Feb. 2015 582-586
Scheme to Measure Packet Processing Time of a Remote Host through Estimation of End-Link Capacity. Salehin, K. M., +, TC Jan. 2015 205-218
Invasive software
Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption. Rajendran, J., +, TC Feb. 2015
Fool Me If You Can: Mimicking Attacks and Anti-Attacks in Cyberspace.
Yu, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 139-151
H-SVM: Hardware-Assisted Secure Virtual Machines under a Vulnerable
Hypervisor. Jin, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Inventory management
Completely Pinpointing the Missing RFID Tags in a Time-Efficient Way.
Liu, X., +, TC Jan. 2015 87-96
Iterative methods
A Low Complexity Scaling Method for the Lanczos Kernel in Fixed-Point
Arithmetic. Jerez, J. L., +, TC Feb. 2015 303-315
A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Input Queued Switches
with Deadline Guarantees. Zhang, B., +, TC June 2015 1548-1563
Parallel Sparse Matrix Solution for Circuit Simulation on FPGAs. Nechma,
T., +, TC April 2015 1090-1103
Reviewing High-Radix Signed-Digit Adders. Kornerup, P., TC May 2015
Robot Coordination for Energy-Balanced Matching and Sequence Dispatch
of Robots to Events. Lukic, M., +, TC May 2015 1416-1428
Automated Model-Based Testing of Role-Based Access Control Using Predicate/Transition Nets. Xu, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2490-2505
Job shop scheduling
Abort-on-Fail Test Scheduling for Modular SOCs without and with Preemption. Ingelsson, U., +, TC Dec. 2015 3335-3347
JEM: Just in Time/Just Enough Energy Management Methodology for Computing Systems. Jawad, M., +, TC June 2015 1798-1804
GPGPU-MiniBench: Accelerating GPGPU Micro-Architecture Simulation.
Yu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3153-3166
GREEN Cache: Exploiting the Disciplined Memory Model of OpenCL on
GPUs. Lee, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Knowledge based systems
Proactive Data Migration for Improved Storage Availability in Large-Scale
Data Centers. Wu, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
Large-scale systems
A Quantitative Characterization of Cross Coverage. Zhou, J., +, TC Aug.
2015 2408-2414
Proactive Data Migration for Improved Storage Availability in Large-Scale
Data Centers. Wu, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
Learning (artificial intelligence)
Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques. Tan, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Least mean squares methods
Time Series Characterization of Gaming Workload for Runtime Power Management. Dietrich, B., +, TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Linear algebra
A Low Complexity Scaling Method for the Lanczos Kernel in Fixed-Point
Arithmetic. Jerez, J. L., +, TC Feb. 2015 303-315
Simulation of Quantum Circuits via Stabilizer Frames. Garcia, H.J., +, TC
Aug. 2015 2323-2336
Linear programming
Optimization of Latency Insensitive Systems Through Back Pressure Minimization. Xue, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Survivable Cloud Network Mapping for Disaster Recovery Support. Gu, F.,
+, TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
Linearization techniques
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
iBuddy: Inverse Buddy for Enhancing Memory Allocation/Deallocation
Performanceon Multi-Core Systems. Park, H., +, TC March 2015 720-732
Requester-Based Spin Lock: A Scalable and Energy Efficient Locking
Scheme on Multicore Systems. Cui, Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 166-179
ViPZonE: Hardware Power Variability-Aware Virtual Memory Management
for Energy Savings. Gottscho, M., +, TC May 2015 1483-1496
Load modeling
Hyper-Real-Time Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU. Alawneh,
S., +, TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Local area networks
Sliding Mode Congestion Control for Data Center Ethernet Networks. Jiang,
W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Logic circuits
A Low-Cost Mechanism Exploiting Narrow-Width Values for Tolerating
Hard Faults in ALU. Hong, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2433-2446
A Post-Synthesis Optimization Technique for Reversible Circuits Exploiting
Negative Control Lines. Datta, K., +, TC April 2015 1208-1214
Accurate and Efficient Estimation of Logic Circuits Reliability Bounds.
Ibrahim, W., +, TC May 2015 1217-1229
Logic design
Interleaving in Systolic-Arrays: A Throughput Breakthrough. Causapruno,
G., +, TC July 2015 1940-1953
Optimal Checkpoint Selection with Dual-Modular Redundancy Hardening.
Kang, S., +, TC July 2015 2036-2048
Parallel Sparse Matrix Solution for Circuit Simulation on FPGAs. Nechma,
T., +, TC April 2015 1090-1103
Pipelined Decision Tree Classification Accelerator Implementation in FPGA
(DT-CAIF). Saqib, F., +, TC Jan. 2015 280-285
Logic gates
Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption. Rajendran, J., +, TC Feb. 2015
Resilient and Power-Efficient Multi-Function Channel Buffers in Networkon-Chip Architectures. DiTomaso, D., +, TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
Logic synthesis
Using Flexibility in P-Circuits by Boolean Relations. Bernasconi, A., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3605-3618
Low-power electronics
Automated Design Architecture for 1-D Cellular Automata Using Quantum
Cellular Automata. Mardiris, V.A., +, TC Sept. 2015 2476-2489
Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Acceleration of Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling on Tianhe-2. Xue, W., +, TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Maintenance engineering
Predicting Transient Downtime in Virtual Server Systems: An Efficient
Sample Path Randomization Approach. Du, A.Y., +, TC Dec. 2015
Manufacturing processes
Abort-on-Fail Test Scheduling for Modular SOCs without and with Preemption. Ingelsson, U., +, TC Dec. 2015 3335-3347
Marine vehicles
Hyper-Real-Time Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU. Alawneh,
S., +, TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Markov chains
Predicting Transient Downtime in Virtual Server Systems: An Efficient
Sample Path Randomization Approach. Du, A.Y., +, TC Dec. 2015
Markov processes
An Efficient I/O-Redirection-Based Reconstruction Scheme for Erasure-Coded Storage Clusters. Huang, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3037-3050
Fool Me If You Can: Mimicking Attacks and Anti-Attacks in Cyberspace.
Yu, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 139-151
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol under Non-Ideal
Channel Conditions and Saturated Traffic Regime. Sarkar, S., +, TC Oct.
2015 2912-2925
Mathematical model
Bit-Width Optimization by Divide-and-Conquer for Fixed-Point Digital
Signal Processing Systems. Chung, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3091-3101
Evolutionary Computing and Particle Filtering: A Hardware-Based Motion
Estimation System. Rodriguez, A., +, TC Nov. 2015 3140-3152
Simulation and Implication Using a Transfer Function Model for Switching
Logic. Thornton, M.A., TC Dec. 2015 3580-3590
Mathematical operators
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Mathematics computing
Automatic High-Level Data-Flow Synthesis and Optimization of Polynomial Datapaths Using Functional Decomposition. Ghandali, S., +, TC June
2015 1579-1593
Multiplicative Division Employing Independent Factors. Matula, D.W., +,
TC July 2015 2012-2019
Matrix algebra
Non-Binary Orthogonal Latin Square Codes for a Multilevel Phase Charge
Memory (PCM). Namba, K., +, TC July 2015 2092-2097
On Compact Cauchy Matrices for Substitution-Permutation Networks. Cui,
T., +, TC July 2015 2098-2102
Matrix decomposition
Shifted Polynomial Basis Multipliers Based on Subquadratic
Toeplitz Matrix-Vector Product Approach for All Irreducible Pentanomials.
Han, J., +, TC March 2015 862-867
Matrix multiplication
Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Hardware. Doroz, Y., +, TC
June 2015 1509-1521
Comment on “High Speed Parallel Decimal Multiplication With Redundant
Internal Encodings”. Gorgin, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 293-294
Data Partitioning on Multicore and Multi-GPU Platforms Using Functional
Performance Models. Zhong, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2506-2518
Performance Optimization Using Partitioned SpMV on GPUs and Multicore
CPUs. Yang, W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Multiprocessor Capacity Metric and Analysis. Otoom, M., +, TC Nov. 2015
Media streaming
STAR: Strategy-Proof Double Auctions for Multi-Cloud, Multi-Tenant
Bandwidth Reservation. Zheng, Z., +, TC July 2015 2071-2083
Medical image processing
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Medical services
Efficient Attribute-Based Comparable Data Access Control. Wang, Z., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3430-3443
Medical signal processing
Fast and Scalable Multi-Way Analysis of Massive Neural Data. Chen, D., +,
TC March 2015 707-719
Memory architecture
An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Architecture for Process VariationTolerant 3D Microprocessors. Kong, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2460-2475
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
High-Performance and Lightweight Transaction Support in Flash-Based
SSDs. Lu, Y., +, TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
PC-TRIO: A Power Efficient TCAM Architecture for Packet Classifiers.
Banerjee, T., +, TC April 2015 1104-1118
Memory management
Fast Two-Level Address Translation for Virtualized Systems. Ahn, J., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3461-3474
GREEN Cache: Exploiting the Disciplined Memory Model of OpenCL on
GPUs. Lee, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Phase-Change Memory Optimization for Green Cloud with Genetic Algorithm. Qiu, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Memristor circuits
Testing Open Defects in Memristor-Based Memories. Hamdioui, S., +, TC
Jan. 2015 247-259
Improving Tolerance to Variations in Memristor-Based Applications Using
Parallel Memristors. Rajendran, J., +, TC March 2015 733-746
Mesh generation
A Unified Framework for Line-Like Skeleton Extraction in 2D/3D Sensor
Networks. Liu, W., +, TC May 2015 1323-1335
Robot Coordination for Energy-Balanced Matching and Sequence Dispatch
of Robots to Events. Lukic, M., +, TC May 2015 1416-1428
Message authentication
A Novel En-Route Filtering Scheme Against False Data Injection Attacks
in Cyber-Physical Networked Systems. Yang, X., +, TC Jan. 2015 4-18
Comment on “An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for
Authentication in Network Coding”. Li, C., +, TC March 2015 882-883
Message passing
Community-Based Event Dissemination with Optimal Load Balancing. Xia,
F., +, TC July 2015 1857-1869
Efficient Notification Ordering for Geo-Distributed Pub/Sub Systems. Baldoni, R., +, TC Oct. 2015 2796-2808
Fault Tolerance on Large Scale Systems using Adaptive Process Replication.
George, C., +, TC Aug. 2015 2213-2225
Pubsub: An Efficient Publish/Subscribe System. Banerjee-Mishra, T., +, TC
April 2015 1119-1132
SpiNNaker—Programming Model. Brown, A.D., +, TC June 2015 17691782
Meta data
Similarity and Locality Based Indexing for High Performance Data Deduplication. Xia, W., +, TC April 2015 1162-1176
Stackless Multi-Threading for Embedded Systems. McCartney, W.P., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2940-2952
Microprocessor chips
An Energy-Efficient Last-Level Cache Architecture for Process VariationTolerant 3D Microprocessors. Kong, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2460-2475
Control-Flow Decoupling: An Approach for Timely, Non-Speculative
Branching. Sheikh, R., +, TC Aug. 2015 2182-2203
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
Optimization of Latency Insensitive Systems Through Back Pressure Minimization. Xue, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Revisiting Vulnerability Analysis in Modern Microprocessors. Maniatakos,
M., +, TC Sept. 2015 2664-2674
Size-Aware Cache Management for Compressed Cache Architectures. Baek,
S., +, TC Aug. 2015 2337-2352
3D Many-Core Microprocessor Power Management by Space-Time Multiplexing Based Demand-Supply Matching. Manoj P. D., S., +, TC Nov. 2015
DCCS: Double Circular Caching Scheme for DRAM/PRAM Hybrid Cache.
Hsieh, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3115-3127
Phase-Change Memory Optimization for Green Cloud with Genetic Algorithm. Qiu, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
Community-Based Event Dissemination with Optimal Load Balancing. Xia,
F., +, TC July 2015 1857-1869
Efficient Notification Ordering for Geo-Distributed Pub/Sub Systems. Baldoni, R., +, TC Oct. 2015 2796-2808
Service Composition in Opportunistic Networks: A Load and Mobility
Aware Solution. Sadiq, U., +, TC Aug. 2015 2308-2322
MIMO communication
Coordinated Power and Performance Guarantee with Fuzzy MIMO Control
in Virtualized Server Clusters. Lama, P., +, TC Jan. 2015 97-111
Dynamic Antenna Management for Uplink Energy Efficiency on 802.11n
Mobile Devices. Cheng, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2767-2780
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Minimax techniques
Approximation Algorithms for Min-Max Cycle Cover Problems. Xu, W., +,
TC March 2015 600-613
Dynamic Antenna Management for Uplink Energy Efficiency on 802.11n
Mobile Devices. Cheng, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2767-2780
On the Interplay between Global DVFS and Scheduling Tasks with Precedence Constraints. Gerards, M.E., +, TC June 2015 1742-1754
Scheduling Divisible Loads in Gaussian, Mesh and Torus Network of Processors. Zhang, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3249-3264
Mobile ad hoc networks
Joint Optimal Data Rate and Power Allocation in Lossy Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks with Delay-Constrained Traffics. Guo, S., +, TC March 2015
Maximizing P2P File Access Availability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
though Replication for Efficient File Sharing. Chen, K., +, TC April 2015
Service Composition in Opportunistic Networks: A Load and Mobility
Aware Solution. Sadiq, U., +, TC Aug. 2015 2308-2322
Mobile communication
AppATP: An Energy Conserving Adaptive Mobile-Cloud Transmission Protocol. Liu, F., +, TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
Opportunistic Offloading of Deadline-Constrained Bulk Cellular Traffic in
Vehicular DTNs. Yao, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Mobile computing
A Lightweight Virtualization Solution for Android Devices. Chen, W., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2741-2751
Collaborative Location-Based Sleep Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Integratedwith Mobile Cloud Computing. Zhu, C., +, TC July 2015
Energy-Efficient Real-Time Human Mobility State Classification Using
Smartphones. Oshin, T.O., +, TC June 2015 1680-1693
Multi-User Computation Partitioning for Latency Sensitive Mobile Cloud
Applications. Yang, L., +, TC Aug. 2015 2253-2266
New Regular Radix-8 Scheme for Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication
without Pre-Computation. Abdulrahman, E. A. H., +, TC Feb. 2015
NextCell: Predicting Location Using Social Interplay from Cell Phone
Traces. Zhang, D., +, TC Feb. 2015 452-463
Opportunistic Offloading of Deadline-Constrained Bulk Cellular Traffic in
Vehicular DTNs. Yao, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Service Composition in Opportunistic Networks: A Load and Mobility
Aware Solution. Sadiq, U., +, TC Aug. 2015 2308-2322
Mobile handsets
AppATP: An Energy Conserving Adaptive Mobile-Cloud Transmission Protocol. Liu, F., +, TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
Efficient Attribute-Based Comparable Data Access Control. Wang, Z., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3430-3443
NextCell: Predicting Location Using Social Interplay from Cell Phone
Traces. Zhang, D., +, TC Feb. 2015 452-463
Service Composition in Opportunistic Networks: A Load and Mobility
Aware Solution. Sadiq, U., +, TC Aug. 2015 2308-2322
Mobile radio
Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot
Scheduling. Ren, X., +, TC July 2015 1870-1883
Dynamic Antenna Management for Uplink Energy Efficiency on 802.11n
Mobile Devices. Cheng, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2767-2780
Local Area Prediction-Based Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor
Networks. Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., +, TC July 2015 1968-1982
QoS-Based Composition of Service Specific Overlay Networks. Al Ridhawi,
Y., +, TC March 2015 832-846
Mobile robots
Robot Coordination for Energy-Balanced Matching and Sequence Dispatch
of Robots to Events. Lukic, M., +, TC May 2015 1416-1428
Mobility management (mobile radio)
An Effective Area-Based Localization Algorithm for Wireless Networks.
Lasla, N., +, TC Aug. 2015 2103-2118
Exploiting Small World Properties for Message Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks. Wei, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2809-2818
Molecular communication (telecommunication)
A Promise of Realizable, Ultra-Scalable Communications at Nano-Scale:A
Multi-Modal Nano-Machine Architecture. Liaskos, C., +, TC May 2015
Monte Carlo methods
A Quantitative Characterization of Cross Coverage. Zhou, J., +, TC Aug.
2015 2408-2414
Evolutionary Computing and Particle Filtering: A Hardware-Based Motion
Estimation System. Rodriguez, A., +, TC Nov. 2015 3140-3152
Multi-robot systems
Robot Coordination for Energy-Balanced Matching and Sequence Dispatch
of Robots to Events. Lukic, M., +, TC May 2015 1416-1428
A Cache Hierarchy Aware Thread Mapping Methodology for GPGPUs. Lai,
B. C., +, TC April 2015 884-898
Effective Cost Reduction for Elastic Clouds under Spot Instance Pricing
Through Adaptive Checkpointing. Jangjaimon, I., +, TC Feb. 2015
MINIME: Pattern-Aware Multicore Benchmark Synthesizer. Deniz, E., +,
TC Aug. 2015 2239-2252
MUCH: Multithreaded Content-Based File Chunking. Won, Y., +, TC May
2015 1375-1388
Stackless Multi-Threading for Embedded Systems. McCartney, W.P., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2940-2952
Multicast communication
A Hybrid Multicast Routing for Large Scale Sensor Networks with Holes.
Won, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3362-3375
On Nonblocking Multicast Fat-Tree Data Center Networks with Server Redundancy. Guo, Z., +, TC April 2015 1058-1073
Multicast protocols
A Hybrid Multicast Routing for Large Scale Sensor Networks with Holes.
Won, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3362-3375
Multimedia communication
Adaptive ECC Scheme for Hybrid SSD’s. Hsieh, J., +, TC Dec. 2015 33483361
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
3D Many-Core Microprocessor Power Management by Space-Time Multiplexing Based Demand-Supply Matching. Manoj P. D., S., +, TC Nov. 2015
Joint Optimization of Rule Placement and Traffic Engineering for QoS Provisioning in Software Defined Network. Huang, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 34883499
Multiplying circuits
Comments on “Low-Latency Digit-Serial Systolic Double Basis Multiplier over GF (2 ) Using Subquadratic Toeplitz Matrix-Vector Product
Approach”. Reyhani-Masoleh, A., TC April 2015 1215-1216
Design and Analysis of Approximate Compressors for Multiplication. Momeni, A., +, TC April 2015 984-994
New Hardware Implementations of WG (29, 11) and WG- 16 Stream Ciphers Using Polynomial Basis. El-Razouk, H., +, TC July 2015 2020-2035
Multiprocessing programs
TSAC: Enforcing Isolation ofVirtual Machines in Clouds. Weng, C., +, TC
May 2015 1470-1482
Multiprocessing systems
A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Power Consumption of a Processor.
Dargie, W., TC May 2015 1311-1322
Adaptive Cache Coherence Mechanisms with Producer–Consumer Sharing
Optimization for Chip Multiprocessors. Kayi, A., +, TC Feb. 2015 316-328
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
Conditional (t,k)-Diagnosis in Graphs by Using the Comparison Diagnosis
Model. Chen, C., +, TC June 2015 1622-1632
Data Partitioning on Multicore and Multi-GPU Platforms Using Functional
Performance Models. Zhong, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2506-2518
Hardware–Software Coherence Protocol for the Coexistence of Caches and
Local Memories. Alvarez, L., +, TC Jan. 2015 152-165
iBuddy: Inverse Buddy for Enhancing Memory Allocation/Deallocation
Performanceon Multi-Core Systems. Park, H., +, TC March 2015 720-732
ICCI: In-Cache Coherence Information. Garcia-Guirado, A., +, TC April
2015 995-1014
+ Check author entry for coauthors
MINIME: Pattern-Aware Multicore Benchmark Synthesizer. Deniz, E., +,
TC Aug. 2015 2239-2252
MUCH: Multithreaded Content-Based File Chunking. Won, Y., +, TC May
2015 1375-1388
New Parallel Approaches for Scalar Multiplication in Elliptic Curve over
Fields of Small Characteristic. Negre, C., +, TC Oct. 2015 2875-2890
On the Interplay between Global DVFS and Scheduling Tasks with Precedence Constraints. Gerards, M.E., +, TC June 2015 1742-1754
Performance Optimization Using Partitioned SpMV on GPUs and Multicore
CPUs. Yang, W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Performance-Energy Optimizations for Shared Vector Accelerators in Multicores. Beldianu, S. F., +, TC March 2015 805-817
Regional ACO-Based Cascaded Adaptive Routing for Traffic Balancing in
Mesh-Based Network-on-Chip Systems. Chang, E., +, TC March 2015
Requester-Based Spin Lock: A Scalable and Energy Efficient Locking
Scheme on Multicore Systems. Cui, Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 166-179
SLA: A Stage-Level Latency Analysisfor Real-Time Communicationin a
Pipelined Resource Model. Kashif, H., +, TC April 2015 1177-1190
SpiNNaker—Programming Model. Brown, A.D., +, TC June 2015 17691782
-Diagnosability of Star Graph Networks. Zhou, S., +, TC Feb. 2015
Multiprocessor interconnection networks
Ant Colony Optimization-Based Adaptive Network-on-Chip Routing
Framework Using Network Information Region. Hsin, H., +, TC Aug.
2015 2119-2131
N-Dimensional Twin Torus Topology. Andujar-Munoz, F.J., +, TC Oct.
2015 2847-2861
Optimization of Latency Insensitive Systems Through Back Pressure Minimization. Xue, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 464-476
-Diagnosability of Star Graph Networks. Zhou, S., +, TC Feb. 2015
NAND circuits
On-Demand Block-Level Address Mapping in Large-Scale NAND Flash
Storage Systems. Chen, R., +, TC June 2015 1729-1741
RB-Explorer: An Accurate and Practical Approach to Write Amplification
Measurement for SSDs. Sun, H., +, TC April 2015 1133-1148
Automated Design Architecture for 1-D Cellular Automata Using Quantum
Cellular Automata. Mardiris, V.A., +, TC Sept. 2015 2476-2489
A Promise of Realizable, Ultra-Scalable Communications at Nano-Scale:A
Multi-Modal Nano-Machine Architecture. Liaskos, C., +, TC May 2015
Network coding
An Improved Stochastic Modeling of Opportunistic Routing in Vehicular
CPS. Zeng, D., +, TC July 2015 1819-1829
Comment on “An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for
Authentication in Network Coding”. Li, C., +, TC March 2015 882-883
Comments on “An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for
Authentication in Network Coding”. Kim, Y., TC Dec. 2015 3619-3620
Network routing
Ant Colony Optimization-Based Adaptive Network-on-Chip Routing
Framework Using Network Information Region. Hsin, H., +, TC Aug.
2015 2119-2131
Regional ACO-Based Cascaded Adaptive Routing for Traffic Balancing in
Mesh-Based Network-on-Chip Systems. Chang, E., +, TC March 2015
Network servers
Analysis of Server Provisioning for Distributed Interactive Applications.
Zheng, H., +, TC Oct. 2015 2752-2766
Network theory (graphs)
Characterization of Cascading Failures in Interdependent Cyber-Physical
Systems. Huang, Z., +, TC Aug. 2015 2158-2168
Efficient Rule Engine for Smart Building Systems. Sun, Y., +, TC June 2015
Physarum Optimization: A Biology-Inspired Algorithm for the Steiner Tree
Problem in Networks. Liu, L., +, TC March 2015 818-831
Network topology
A Hybrid Multicast Routing for Large Scale Sensor Networks with Holes.
Won, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3362-3375
On the Network Power Effectiveness of Data Center Architectures. Shang,
Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Scheduling Divisible Loads in Gaussian, Mesh and Torus Network of Processors. Zhang, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3249-3264
Ant Colony Optimization-Based Adaptive Network-on-Chip Routing
Framework Using Network Information Region. Hsin, H., +, TC Aug.
2015 2119-2131
Leaving One Slot Empty: Flit Bubble Flow Control for Torus Cache-Coherent NoCs. Ma, S., +, TC March 2015 763-777
Regional ACO-Based Cascaded Adaptive Routing for Traffic Balancing in
Mesh-Based Network-on-Chip Systems. Chang, E., +, TC March 2015
Nonlinear programming
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
Number theory
Efficient Double Bases for Scalar Multiplication. Meloni, N., +, TC Aug.
2015 2204-2212
Numerical analysis
A Cognitive TCP Design for a Cognitive Radio Network with an UnstableBandwidth Link. Yu-Chun, C., +, TC Oct. 2015 2730-3740
Hyper-Real-Time Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU. Alawneh,
S., +, TC Dec. 2015 3475-3487
Joint Optimal Data Rate and Power Allocation in Lossy Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks with Delay-Constrained Traffics. Guo, S., +, TC March 2015
The Optimal Node Placement for Long Belt Coverage in Wireless Networks.
Wang, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 587-592
In Memoriam [Ivan Stojmenovic]. Zomaya, A.Y., TC Jan. 2015 3
Object-oriented programming
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Online front-ends
Fool Me If You Can: Mimicking Attacks and Anti-Attacks in Cyberspace.
Yu, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 139-151
Open Access
A Rewarding Framework for Network Resource Sharing in Co-Channel Hybrid Access Femtocell Networks. Shih, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3079-3090
Operating systems (computers)
Stackless Multi-Threading for Embedded Systems. McCartney, W.P., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2940-2952
A Post-Synthesis Optimization Technique for Reversible Circuits Exploiting
Negative Control Lines. Datta, K., +, TC April 2015 1208-1214
A Time Fairness-Based MAC Algorithm for Throughput Maximization in
802.11 Networks. Le, Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 19-31
Bit-Width Optimization by Divide-and-Conquer for Fixed-Point Digital
Signal Processing Systems. Chung, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3091-3101
Cost-Efficient Mapping for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Networks. Jarray, A., +,
TC March 2015 668-681
Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot
Scheduling. Ren, X., +, TC July 2015 1870-1883
Joint Optimization of Rule Placement and Traffic Engineering for QoS Provisioning in Software Defined Network. Huang, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 34883499
Mission Reliability, Cost and Time for Cold Standby Computing Systems
with Periodic Backup. Levitin, G., +, TC April 2015 1043-1057
Optimal Task Placement with QoS Constraints in Geo-Distributed Data Centers Using DVFS. Gu, L., +, TC July 2015 2049-2059
Optimization of Composite Cloud Service Processing with Virtual Machines. Di, S., +, TC June 2015 1755-1768
Physarum Optimization: A Biology-Inspired Algorithm for the Steiner Tree
Problem in Networks. Liu, L., +, TC March 2015 818-831
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Proactive Data Migration for Improved Storage Availability in Large-Scale
Data Centers. Wu, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
QoS-Based Composition of Service Specific Overlay Networks. Al Ridhawi,
Y., +, TC March 2015 832-846
Selecting an Optimal Fault Tolerance Strategy for Reliable Service-Oriented
Systems with Local and Global Constraints. Zheng, Z., +, TC Jan. 2015
Synergy of Dynamic Frequency Scaling and Demotion on DRAM Power
Management: Models and Optimizations. Lu, Y., +, TC Aug. 2015 23672381
Unified Mitchell-Based Approximation for Efficient Logarithmic Conversion Circuit. Low, J.Y.L., +, TC June 2015 1783-1797
Towards an Oscillator Based TRNG with a Certified Entropy Rate. Lubicz,
D., +, TC April 2015 1191-1200
Proactive Data Migration for Improved Storage Availability in Large-Scale
Data Centers. Wu, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
Verifiable Auditing for Outsourced Database in Cloud Computing. Wang, J.,
+, TC Nov. 2015 3293-3303
Overlay networks
QoS-Based Composition of Service Specific Overlay Networks. Al Ridhawi,
Y., +, TC March 2015 832-846
Packet radio networks
Scheme to Measure Packet Processing Time of a Remote Host through Estimation of End-Link Capacity. Salehin, K. M., +, TC Jan. 2015 205-218
Packet switching
A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Input Queued Switches
with Deadline Guarantees. Zhang, B., +, TC June 2015 1548-1563
Packet Classification Using Dynamically Generated Decision Trees. Cheng,
Y.-C., +, TC Feb. 2015 582-586
Paged storage
H-SVM: Hardware-Assisted Secure Virtual Machines under a Vulnerable
Hypervisor. Jin, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Parallel algorithms
Performance Optimization Using Partitioned SpMV on GPUs and Multicore
CPUs. Yang, W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Parallel architectures
Adaptive Cache Coherence Mechanisms with Producer–Consumer Sharing
Optimization for Chip Multiprocessors. Kayi, A., +, TC Feb. 2015 316-328
Computer Architecture with Associative Processor Replacing Last-Level
Cache and SIMD Accelerator. Yavits, L., +, TC Feb. 2015 368-381
MUCH: Multithreaded Content-Based File Chunking. Won, Y., +, TC May
2015 1375-1388
Predicting the Effect of Memory Contention in Multi-Core Computers Using
Analytic Performance Models. Bardhan, S., +, TC Aug. 2015 2279-2292
Parallel machines
Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Acceleration of Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling on Tianhe-2. Xue, W., +, TC Aug. 2015 2382-2393
Parallel memories
Parallel Decodable Two-Level Unequal Burst Error Correcting Codes.
Namba, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2902-2911
Parallel processing
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Comment on “High Speed Parallel Decimal Multiplication With Redundant
Internal Encodings”. Gorgin, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 293-294
Design and Analysis of 3D-MAPS (3D Massively Parallel Processor with
Stacked Memory). Kim, D. H., +, TC Jan. 2015 112-125
New Regular Radix-8 Scheme for Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication
without Pre-Computation. Abdulrahman, E. A. H., +, TC Feb. 2015
Parallel Reproducible Summation. Demmel, J., +, TC July 2015 2060-2070
Reconfiguring Three-Dimensional Processor Arrays for Fault-Tolerance:
Hardness and Heuristic Algorithms. Jiang, G., +, TC Oct. 2015 2926-2939
Reliability-Aware Speedup Models for Parallel Applications with Coordinated Checkpointing/Restart. Zheng, Z., +, TC May 2015 1402-1415
Safe Data Parallelism for General Streaming. Schneider, S., +, TC Feb. 2015
Scheduling Precedence Constrained Stochastic Tasks on Heterogeneous
Cluster Systems. Li, K., +, TC Jan. 2015 191-204
Statistical Performance Comparisons of Computers. Chen, T., +, TC May
2015 1442-1455
Parallel programming
Architecture Support for Tightly-Coupled Multi-Core Clusters with SharedMemory HW Accelerators. Dehyadegari, M., +, TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
SpiNNaker—Programming Model. Brown, A.D., +, TC June 2015 17691782
Virtual Shuffling for Efficient Data Movement in MapReduce. Yu, W., +, TC
Feb. 2015 556-568
Parity check codes
Unequal Error Protection of Memories in LDPC Decoders. Condo, C., +,
TC Oct. 2015 2981-2993
Pattern classification
Energy-Efficient Real-Time Human Mobility State Classification Using
Smartphones. Oshin, T.O., +, TC June 2015 1680-1693
Pattern clustering
An Efficient and Trustworthy P2P and Social Network Integrated File
Sharing System. Liu, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 54-70
By-Passing Infected Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks Using BPR.
Yaakob, N., +, TC June 2015 1594-1606
Efficient Notification Ordering for Geo-Distributed Pub/Sub Systems. Baldoni, R., +, TC Oct. 2015 2796-2808
Hybrid Search Scheme for Social Networks Supported by Dynamic
Weighted Distributed Label Clustering. Leu, J., +, TC Sept. 2015
Proximity-Aware Local-Recoding Anonymization with MapReduce for
Scalable Big Data Privacy Preservation in Cloud. Zhang, X., +, TC Aug.
2015 2293-2307
Safe Data Parallelism for General Streaming. Schneider, S., +, TC Feb. 2015
Pattern matching
Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques. Tan, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Efficient Rule Engine for Smart Building Systems. Sun, Y., +, TC June 2015
Robot Coordination for Energy-Balanced Matching and Sequence Dispatch
of Robots to Events. Lukic, M., +, TC May 2015 1416-1428
Peer-to-peer computing
An Efficient and Trustworthy P2P and Social Network Integrated File
Sharing System. Liu, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 54-70
Maximizing P2P File Access Availability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
though Replication for Efficient File Sharing. Chen, K., +, TC April 2015
Swarm Intelligence Based File Replication and Consistency Maintenance in
Structured P2P File Sharing Systems. Shen, H., +, TC Oct. 2015 2953-2967
Characterization of Cascading Failures in Interdependent Cyber-Physical
Systems. Huang, Z., +, TC Aug. 2015 2158-2168
Performance evaluation
A Cache Hierarchy Aware Thread Mapping Methodology for GPGPUs. Lai,
B. C., +, TC April 2015 884-898
A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Power Consumption of a Processor.
Dargie, W., TC May 2015 1311-1322
Adaptive Cache Coherence Mechanisms with Producer–Consumer Sharing
Optimization for Chip Multiprocessors. Kayi, A., +, TC Feb. 2015 316-328
Efficient Victim Block Selection for Flash Storage Devices. Tsao, C., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3444-3460
High-Performance and Lightweight Transaction Support in Flash-Based
SSDs. Lu, Y., +, TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
N-Dimensional Twin Torus Topology. Andujar-Munoz, F.J., +, TC Oct.
2015 2847-2861
Predicting the Effect of Memory Contention in Multi-Core Computers Using
Analytic Performance Models. Bardhan, S., +, TC Aug. 2015 2279-2292
Unified Mitchell-Based Approximation for Efficient Logarithmic Conversion Circuit. Low, J.Y.L., +, TC June 2015 1783-1797
Petri nets
Automated Model-Based Testing of Role-Based Access Control Using Predicate/Transition Nets. Xu, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2490-2505
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Phase change materials
Phase-Change Memory Optimization for Green Cloud with Genetic Algorithm. Qiu, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
Phase change memories
Design and Implementation of a Journaling File System for Phase-Change
Memory. Lee, E., +, TC May 2015 1349-1360
Non-Binary Orthogonal Latin Square Codes for a Multilevel Phase Charge
Memory (PCM). Namba, K., +, TC July 2015 2092-2097
Phase change random access memory
DCCS: Double Circular Caching Scheme for DRAM/PRAM Hybrid Cache.
Hsieh, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3115-3127
Pipeline processing
Block-Precise Processors: Low-Power Processors with Reduced Operand
Store Accesses and Result Broadcasts. Lakshminarayana, N.B., +, TC Nov.
2015 3102-3114
Interleaving in Systolic-Arrays: A Throughput Breakthrough. Causapruno,
G., +, TC July 2015 1940-1953
Multiprocessor Capacity Metric and Analysis. Otoom, M., +, TC Nov. 2015
Pipelined Decision Tree Classification Accelerator Implementation in FPGA
(DT-CAIF). Saqib, F., +, TC Jan. 2015 280-285
Safe Data Parallelism for General Streaming. Schneider, S., +, TC Feb. 2015
SLA: A Stage-Level Latency Analysisfor Real-Time Communicationin a
Pipelined Resource Model. Kashif, H., +, TC April 2015 1177-1190
Comments on “An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for
Authentication in Network Coding”. Kim, Y., TC Dec. 2015 3619-3620
Shifted Polynomial Basis Multipliers Based on Subquadratic
Toeplitz Matrix-Vector Product Approach for All Irreducible Pentanomials.
Han, J., +, TC March 2015 862-867
A Novel En-Route Filtering Scheme Against False Data Injection Attacks
in Cyber-Physical Networked Systems. Yang, X., +, TC Jan. 2015 4-18
Automatic High-Level Data-Flow Synthesis and Optimization of Polynomial Datapaths Using Functional Decomposition. Ghandali, S., +, TC June
2015 1579-1593
New Hardware Implementations of WG (29, 11) and WG- 16 Stream Ciphers Using Polynomial Basis. El-Razouk, H., +, TC July 2015 2020-2035
Ports (Computers)
On Data Center Network Architectures for Interconnecting Dual-Port
Servers. Li, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3210-3222
On the Network Power Effectiveness of Data Center Architectures. Shang,
Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Power aware computing
PowerTracer: Tracing Requests in Multi-Tier Services to Reduce Energy
Inefficiency. Lu, G., +, TC May 2015 1389-1401
A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Power Consumption of a Processor.
Dargie, W., TC May 2015 1311-1322
Adaptive Voltage Scaling with In-Situ Detectors in Commercial FPGAs.
Nunez-Yanez, J.L., TC Jan. 2015 45-53
Compiler-Assisted Refresh Minimization for Volatile STT-RAM Cache. Li,
Q., +, TC Aug. 2015 2169-2181
Control-Flow Decoupling: An Approach for Timely, Non-Speculative
Branching. Sheikh, R., +, TC Aug. 2015 2182-2203
Coordinated Power and Performance Guarantee with Fuzzy MIMO Control
in Virtualized Server Clusters. Lama, P., +, TC Jan. 2015 97-111
Efficient Server Provisioning and Offloading Policies for Internet Data Centers with Dynamic Load-Demand. Xu, D., +, TC March 2015 682-697
EXR: Greening Data Center Network with Software Defined Exclusive
Routing. Li, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
ICCI: In-Cache Coherence Information. Garcia-Guirado, A., +, TC April
2015 995-1014
JEM: Just in Time/Just Enough Energy Management Methodology for Computing Systems. Jawad, M., +, TC June 2015 1798-1804
On the Interplay between Global DVFS and Scheduling Tasks with Precedence Constraints. Gerards, M.E., +, TC June 2015 1742-1754
Performance-Energy Optimizations for Shared Vector Accelerators in Multicores. Beldianu, S. F., +, TC March 2015 805-817
Power and Thermal-Aware Workload Allocation in Heterogeneous Data
Centers. Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., +, TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Power Budgeting Techniques for Data Centers. Zhan, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
Reconfiguring Three-Dimensional Processor Arrays for Fault-Tolerance:
Hardness and Heuristic Algorithms. Jiang, G., +, TC Oct. 2015 2926-2939
Requester-Based Spin Lock: A Scalable and Energy Efficient Locking
Scheme on Multicore Systems. Cui, Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 166-179
Stabilizing CPU Frequency and Voltage for Temperature-Aware DVFS in
Mobile Devices. Kim, J. M., +, TC Jan. 2015 286-292
Synergy of Dynamic Frequency Scaling and Demotion on DRAM Power
Management: Models and Optimizations. Lu, Y., +, TC Aug. 2015 23672381
Time Series Characterization of Gaming Workload for Runtime Power Management. Dietrich, B., +, TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Virtual Shuffling for Efficient Data Movement in MapReduce. Yu, W., +, TC
Feb. 2015 556-568
Power consumption
On the Interplay between Global DVFS and Scheduling Tasks with Precedence Constraints. Gerards, M.E., +, TC June 2015 1742-1754
Power and Thermal-Aware Workload Allocation in Heterogeneous Data
Centers. Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., +, TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Unequal Error Protection of Memories in LDPC Decoders. Condo, C., +,
TC Oct. 2015 2981-2993
Power demand
Block-Precise Processors: Low-Power Processors with Reduced Operand
Store Accesses and Result Broadcasts. Lakshminarayana, N.B., +, TC Nov.
2015 3102-3114
Energy Minimization in Multi-Task Software-Defined Sensor Networks.
Zeng, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
On the Network Power Effectiveness of Data Center Architectures. Shang,
Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Power engineering computing
JEM: Just in Time/Just Enough Energy Management Methodology for Computing Systems. Jawad, M., +, TC June 2015 1798-1804
Prediction theory
Local Area Prediction-Based Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor
Networks. Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., +, TC July 2015 1968-1982
Predictive models
Predicting Transient Downtime in Virtual Server Systems: An Efficient
Sample Path Randomization Approach. Du, A.Y., +, TC Dec. 2015
AppATP: An Energy Conserving Adaptive Mobile-Cloud Transmission Protocol. Liu, F., +, TC Nov. 2015 3051-3063
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud
Computing. Mei, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
Principal component analysis
Near-Optimal Thermal Monitoring Framework for Many-Core Systems-onChip. Ranieri, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Private key cryptography
Micro-Architectural Analysis of Time-Driven Cache Attacks: Quest for the
Ideal Implementation. Rebeiro, C., +, TC March 2015 778-790
Probabilistic logic
Design of Optimal Scan Tree Based on Compact Test Patterns for Test Time
Reduction. Chen, L., +, TC Dec. 2015 3417-3429
Energy-Efficient Real-Time Human Mobility State Classification Using
Smartphones. Oshin, T.O., +, TC June 2015 1680-1693
Time-Series Pattern Based Effective Noise Generation for Privacy Protection on Cloud. Zhang, G., +, TC May 2015 1456-1469
Probability distribution
Algorithms for Generating Probabilities with Multivalued Stochastic Relay
Circuits. Lee, D.T., +, TC Dec. 2015 3376-3388
Process monitoring
End-to-End Communication Delay Analysis in Industrial Wireless Networks. Saifullah, A., +, TC May 2015 1361-1374
Processor scheduling
Composition of Schedulability Analyses for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems. Lee, J., +, TC April 2015 941-954
End-to-End Communication Delay Analysis in Industrial Wireless Networks. Saifullah, A., +, TC May 2015 1361-1374
Local-Deadline Assignment for Distributed Real-Time Systems. Hong, S.,
+, TC July 2015 1983-1997
On the Interplay between Global DVFS and Scheduling Tasks with Precedence Constraints. Gerards, M.E., +, TC June 2015 1742-1754
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Scheduling Divisible Loads in Gaussian, Mesh and Torus Network of Processors. Zhang, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3249-3264
The Quadratic Utilization Upper Bound for Arbitrary Deadline Real-Time
Tasks. Bini, E., TC Feb. 2015 593-599
Multiprocessor Capacity Metric and Analysis. Otoom, M., +, TC Nov. 2015
Program compilers
Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures. Bayrak, A. G.,
+, TC Feb. 2015 329-341
Compiler-Assisted Refresh Minimization for Volatile STT-RAM Cache. Li,
Q., +, TC Aug. 2015 2169-2181
Enabling Concurrent Failure Recovery for Regenerating-Coding-Based
Storage Systems: From Theory to Practice. Li, R., +, TC July 2015
Safe Data Parallelism for General Streaming. Schneider, S., +, TC Feb. 2015
Software Support and Evaluation of Hardware Transactional Memory on
Blue Gene/Q. Wang, A., +, TC Jan. 2015 233-246
Program debugging
A Quantitative Characterization of Cross Coverage. Zhou, J., +, TC Aug.
2015 2408-2414
A Scalable Formal Debugging Approach with Auto-Correction Capability
Based on Static Slicing and Dynamic Ranking for RTL Datapath Designs.
Alizadeh, B., +, TC June 2015 1564-1578
Parallel Reproducible Summation. Demmel, J., +, TC July 2015 2060-2070
Program diagnostics
Two-Dimensional Static Test Compaction for Functional Test Sequences.
Pomeranz, I., TC Oct. 2015 3009-3015
Program processors
Block-Precise Processors: Low-Power Processors with Reduced Operand
Store Accesses and Result Broadcasts. Lakshminarayana, N.B., +, TC Nov.
2015 3102-3114
Scheduling Divisible Loads in Gaussian, Mesh and Torus Network of Processors. Zhang, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3249-3264
Program slicing
A Scalable Formal Debugging Approach with Auto-Correction Capability
Based on Static Slicing and Dynamic Ranking for RTL Datapath Designs.
Alizadeh, B., +, TC June 2015 1564-1578
Program testing
Automated Model-Based Testing of Role-Based Access Control Using Predicate/Transition Nets. Xu, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2490-2505
Two-Dimensional Static Test Compaction for Functional Test Sequences.
Pomeranz, I., TC Oct. 2015 3009-3015
Program verification
A Scalable Formal Debugging Approach with Auto-Correction Capability
Based on Static Slicing and Dynamic Ranking for RTL Datapath Designs.
Alizadeh, B., +, TC June 2015 1564-1578
GREEN Cache: Exploiting the Disciplined Memory Model of OpenCL on
GPUs. Lee, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
A Deadline-Floor Inheritance Protocol for EDF Scheduled Embedded RealTime Systems with Resource Sharing. Burns, A., +, TC May 2015 12411253
A Promise of Realizable, Ultra-Scalable Communications at Nano-Scale:A
Multi-Modal Nano-Machine Architecture. Liaskos, C., +, TC May 2015
A Reactive and Scalable Unicast Solution for Video Streaming over
VANETs. Rezende, C., +, TC March 2015 614-626
ICCI: In-Cache Coherence Information. Garcia-Guirado, A., +, TC April
2015 995-1014
Maximizing P2P File Access Availability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
though Replication for Efficient File Sharing. Chen, K., +, TC April 2015
STEP: A Time-Efficient Tag Searching Protocol in Large RFID Systems.
Liu, X., +, TC Nov. 2015 3265-3277
Public domain software
Statistical Performance Comparisons of Computers. Chen, T., +, TC May
2015 1442-1455
Public key cryptography
Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security. Huang, X., +, TC April 2015 971-983
Fault Attacks on Pairing-Based Protocols Revisited. Chatterjee, S., +, TC
June 2015 1707-1714
Identity-Based Encryption with Outsourced Revocation in Cloud Computing. Li, J., +, TC Feb. 2015 425-437
New Parallel Approaches for Scalar Multiplication in Elliptic Curve over
Fields of Small Characteristic. Negre, C., +, TC Oct. 2015 2875-2890
New Regular Radix-8 Scheme for Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication
without Pre-Computation. Abdulrahman, E. A. H., +, TC Feb. 2015
Question answering (information retrieval)
Knowledge Sharing in the Online Social Network of Yahoo! Answers and
Its Implications. Shen, H., +, TC June 2015 1715-1728
Queueing theory
A Hardware Scheduler Based on Task Queues for FPGA-Based Embedded
Real-Time Systems. Tang, Y., +, TC May 2015 1254-1267
A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Input Queued Switches
with Deadline Guarantees. Zhang, B., +, TC June 2015 1548-1563
Quality of service
A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Input Queued Switches
with Deadline Guarantees. Zhang, B., +, TC June 2015 1548-1563
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud
Computing. Mei, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
By-Passing Infected Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks Using BPR.
Yaakob, N., +, TC June 2015 1594-1606
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Credit-Based Runtime Placement of Virtual Machines on a Single NUMA
System for QoS of Data Access Performance. Kim, C., +, TC June 2015
Efficient Server Provisioning and Offloading Policies for Internet Data Centers with Dynamic Load-Demand. Xu, D., +, TC March 2015 682-697
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
Joint Optimization of Rule Placement and Traffic Engineering for QoS Provisioning in Software Defined Network. Huang, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 34883499
Optimal Task Placement with QoS Constraints in Geo-Distributed Data Centers Using DVFS. Gu, L., +, TC July 2015 2049-2059
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol under Non-Ideal
Channel Conditions and Saturated Traffic Regime. Sarkar, S., +, TC Oct.
2015 2912-2925
QoS-Based Composition of Service Specific Overlay Networks. Al Ridhawi,
Y., +, TC March 2015 832-846
Selecting an Optimal Fault Tolerance Strategy for Reliable Service-Oriented
Systems with Local and Global Constraints. Zheng, Z., +, TC Jan. 2015
STAR: Strategy-Proof Double Auctions for Multi-Cloud, Multi-Tenant
Bandwidth Reservation. Zheng, Z., +, TC July 2015 2071-2083
Quantum computing
A Post-Synthesis Optimization Technique for Reversible Circuits Exploiting
Negative Control Lines. Datta, K., +, TC April 2015 1208-1214
Automated Design Architecture for 1-D Cellular Automata Using Quantum
Cellular Automata. Mardiris, V.A., +, TC Sept. 2015 2476-2489
Simulation of Quantum Circuits via Stabilizer Frames. Garcia, H.J., +, TC
Aug. 2015 2323-2336
Query processing
An Efficient and Trustworthy P2P and Social Network Integrated File
Sharing System. Liu, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 54-70
Block-Based Multi-Version B -Tree for Flash-Based Embedded Database
Systems. Wang, J., +, TC April 2015 925-940
Hybrid Search Scheme for Social Networks Supported by Dynamic
Weighted Distributed Label Clustering. Leu, J., +, TC Sept. 2015
Maximizing P2P File Access Availability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
though Replication for Efficient File Sharing. Chen, K., +, TC April 2015
Multi-Granularity Locality-Sensitive Bloom Filter. Qian, J., +, TC Dec.
2015 3500-3514
Online Energy Estimation of Relational Operations in Database Systems.
Xu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3223-3236
QoS-Based Composition of Service Specific Overlay Networks. Al Ridhawi,
Y., +, TC March 2015 832-846
Swarm Intelligence Based File Replication and Consistency Maintenance in
Structured P2P File Sharing Systems. Shen, H., +, TC Oct. 2015 2953-2967
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Radiation hardening (electronics)
Optimal Checkpoint Selection with Dual-Modular Redundancy Hardening.
Kang, S., +, TC July 2015 2036-2048
Radio direction-finding
Local Area Prediction-Based Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor
Networks. Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., +, TC July 2015 1968-1982
Radio links
A Reactive and Scalable Unicast Solution for Video Streaming over
VANETs. Rezende, C., +, TC March 2015 614-626
Scheme to Measure Packet Processing Time of a Remote Host through Estimation of End-Link Capacity. Salehin, K. M., +, TC Jan. 2015 205-218
Radio networks
A Cognitive TCP Design for a Cognitive Radio Network with an UnstableBandwidth Link. Yu-Chun, C., +, TC Oct. 2015 2730-3740
A Promise of Realizable, Ultra-Scalable Communications at Nano-Scale:A
Multi-Modal Nano-Machine Architecture. Liaskos, C., +, TC May 2015
An Effective Area-Based Localization Algorithm for Wireless Networks.
Lasla, N., +, TC Aug. 2015 2103-2118
The Optimal Node Placement for Long Belt Coverage in Wireless Networks.
Wang, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 587-592
Radio receivers
A Reactive and Scalable Unicast Solution for Video Streaming over
VANETs. Rezende, C., +, TC March 2015 614-626
Radio spectrum management
Channel-Hopping Scheme and Channel-Diverse Routing in Static MultiRadio Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. Lin, T.-Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 71-86
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
Radio transceivers
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Radiofrequency identification
Completely Pinpointing the Missing RFID Tags in a Time-Efficient Way.
Liu, X., +, TC Jan. 2015 87-96
STEP: A Time-Efficient Tag Searching Protocol in Large RFID Systems.
Liu, X., +, TC Nov. 2015 3265-3277
Zero Knowledge Grouping Proof Protocol for RFID EPC C1G2 Tags. Sundaresan, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2994-3008
Accelerate RDP RAID-6 Scaling by Reducing Disk I/Os and XOR Operations. Zhang, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 32-44
Random access memory
RNS Scalers for Extended 4-Moduli Sets. Sousa, L., TC Dec. 2015 33223334
Adaptive ECC Scheme for Hybrid SSD’s. Hsieh, J., +, TC Dec. 2015 33483361
An Efficient I/O-Redirection-Based Reconstruction Scheme for Erasure-Coded Storage Clusters. Huang, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3037-3050
Efficient Victim Block Selection for Flash Storage Devices. Tsao, C., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3444-3460
Phase-Change Memory Optimization for Green Cloud with Genetic Algorithm. Qiu, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3528-3540
WEC: Improving Durability of SSD Cache Drives by Caching Write-Efficient Data. Chai, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
Random codes
Reducing Code Length of Second-Order Spectral-Null Code. Yang, C.-N.,
+, TC Feb. 2015 492-503
Random number generation
Algorithms for Generating Probabilities with Multivalued Stochastic Relay
Circuits. Lee, D.T., +, TC Dec. 2015 3376-3388
On the Quality of Random Sequences Produced with a Combined Random
Bit Generator. Jessa, M., TC March 2015 791-804
Towards an Oscillator Based TRNG with a Certified Entropy Rate. Lubicz,
D., +, TC April 2015 1191-1200
Random sequences
On the Quality of Random Sequences Produced with a Combined Random
Bit Generator. Jessa, M., TC March 2015 791-804
Zero Knowledge Grouping Proof Protocol for RFID EPC C1G2 Tags. Sundaresan, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2994-3008
Random-access storage
Compiler-Assisted Refresh Minimization for Volatile STT-RAM Cache. Li,
Q., +, TC Aug. 2015 2169-2181
On-Demand Block-Level Address Mapping in Large-Scale NAND Flash
Storage Systems. Chen, R., +, TC June 2015 1729-1741
RRAM Defect Modeling and Failure Analysis Based on March Test and a
Novel Squeeze-Search Scheme. Chen, C., +, TC Jan. 2015 180-190
Zombie Chasing: Efficient Flash Management Considering Dirty Data in the
Buffer Cache. Lee, Y., +, TC Feb. 2015 569-581
Reachability analysis
Piecewise-Functional Broadside Tests Based on Reachable States.
Pomeranz, I., TC Aug. 2015 2415-2420
Read-only storage
Address Scrambling and Data Inversion Techniques for Yield Enhancement
of NROM-Based ROMs. Lu, S., +, TC May 2015 1230-1240
Real-time systems
ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized
Clouds. Zhu, X., +, TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
Completely Pinpointing the Missing RFID Tags in a Time-Efficient Way.
Liu, X., +, TC Jan. 2015 87-96
Composition of Schedulability Analyses for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems. Lee, J., +, TC April 2015 941-954
End-to-End Communication Delay Analysis in Industrial Wireless Networks. Saifullah, A., +, TC May 2015 1361-1374
FESTAL: Fault-Tolerant Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks
in Virtualized Clouds. Wang, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
Local-Deadline Assignment for Distributed Real-Time Systems. Hong, S.,
+, TC July 2015 1983-1997
SLA: A Stage-Level Latency Analysisfor Real-Time Communicationin a
Pipelined Resource Model. Kashif, H., +, TC April 2015 1177-1190
Comments on “An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for
Authentication in Network Coding”. Kim, Y., TC Dec. 2015 3619-3620
Reconfigurable architectures
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
On Nonblocking Multicast Fat-Tree Data Center Networks with Server Redundancy. Guo, Z., +, TC April 2015 1058-1073
Reed-Solomon codes
Low Delay Single Symbol Error Correction Codes Based on Reed Solomon
Codes. Pontarelli, S., +, TC May 2015 1497-1501
Relay networks (telecommunication)
Algorithms for Generating Probabilities with Multivalued Stochastic Relay
Circuits. Lee, D.T., +, TC Dec. 2015 3376-3388
A Reactive and Scalable Unicast Solution for Video Streaming over
VANETs. Rezende, C., +, TC March 2015 614-626
Exploiting Small World Properties for Message Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks. Wei, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2809-2818
Reliability theory
Accurate and Efficient Estimation of Logic Circuits Reliability Bounds.
Ibrahim, W., +, TC May 2015 1217-1229
Adaptive ECC Scheme for Hybrid SSD’s. Hsieh, J., +, TC Dec. 2015 33483361
An Efficient I/O-Redirection-Based Reconstruction Scheme for Erasure-Coded Storage Clusters. Huang, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3037-3050
Analytical Fault Tolerance Assessment and Metrics for TSV-Based 3D Network-on-Chip. Eghbal, A., +, TC Dec. 2015 3591-3604
Mission Reliability, Cost and Time for Cold Standby Computing Systems
with Periodic Backup. Levitin, G., +, TC April 2015 1043-1057
Symmetric Property and Reliability of Balanced Hypercube. Zhou, J.-X., +,
TC March 2015 876-881
Replicated databases
Swarm Intelligence Based File Replication and Consistency Maintenance in
Structured P2P File Sharing Systems. Shen, H., +, TC Oct. 2015 2953-2967
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Resistive RAM
RDIS: Tolerating Many Stuck-At Faults in Resistive Memory. Maddah, R.,
+, TC March 2015 847-861
Testing Open Defects in Memristor-Based Memories. Hamdioui, S., +, TC
Jan. 2015 247-259
Resource allocation
A Deadline-Floor Inheritance Protocol for EDF Scheduled Embedded RealTime Systems with Resource Sharing. Burns, A., +, TC May 2015 12411253
Accelerate RDP RAID-6 Scaling by Reducing Disk I/Os and XOR Operations. Zhang, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 32-44
Community-Based Event Dissemination with Optimal Load Balancing. Xia,
F., +, TC July 2015 1857-1869
iBuddy: Inverse Buddy for Enhancing Memory Allocation/Deallocation
Performanceon Multi-Core Systems. Park, H., +, TC March 2015 720-732
Maximizing P2P File Access Availability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
though Replication for Efficient File Sharing. Chen, K., +, TC April 2015
Multi-User Computation Partitioning for Latency Sensitive Mobile Cloud
Applications. Yang, L., +, TC Aug. 2015 2253-2266
Optimization of Composite Cloud Service Processing with Virtual Machines. Di, S., +, TC June 2015 1755-1768
Power and Thermal-Aware Workload Allocation in Heterogeneous Data
Centers. Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., +, TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Similarity and Locality Based Indexing for High Performance Data Deduplication. Xia, W., +, TC April 2015 1162-1176
Survivable Cloud Network Mapping for Disaster Recovery Support. Gu, F.,
+, TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
The Quadratic Utilization Upper Bound for Arbitrary Deadline Real-Time
Tasks. Bini, E., TC Feb. 2015 593-599
TSAC: Enforcing Isolation ofVirtual Machines in Clouds. Weng, C., +, TC
May 2015 1470-1482
Utility Functions and Resource Management in an Oversubscribed Heterogeneous Computing Environment. Khemka, B., +, TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
Virtual Resource Allocation Based on Link Interference in Cayley Wireless
Data Centers. Luo, J., +, TC Oct. 2015 3016-3021
WaFS: A Workflow-Aware File System for Effective Storage Utilization in
the Cloud. Wang, Y., +, TC Sept. 2015 2716-2729
Resource management
Efficient Victim Block Selection for Flash Storage Devices. Tsao, C., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3444-3460
Energy Minimization in Multi-Task Software-Defined Sensor Networks.
Zeng, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Fast Two-Level Address Translation for Virtualized Systems. Ahn, J., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3461-3474
Routing protocols
A Hybrid Multicast Routing for Large Scale Sensor Networks with Holes.
Won, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3362-3375
Channel-Hopping Scheme and Channel-Diverse Routing in Static MultiRadio Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. Lin, T.-Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 71-86
Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot
Scheduling. Ren, X., +, TC July 2015 1870-1883
Joint Optimization of Rule Placement and Traffic Engineering for QoS Provisioning in Software Defined Network. Huang, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 34883499
On the Network Power Effectiveness of Data Center Architectures. Shang,
Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Resilient and Power-Efficient Multi-Function Channel Buffers in Networkon-Chip Architectures. DiTomaso, D., +, TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
Safety-critical software
FESTAL: Fault-Tolerant Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks
in Virtualized Clouds. Wang, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
Sampling methods
A Quantitative Characterization of Cross Coverage. Zhou, J., +, TC Aug.
2015 2408-2414
A Deadline-Floor Inheritance Protocol for EDF Scheduled Embedded RealTime Systems with Resource Sharing. Burns, A., +, TC May 2015 12411253
A Hardware Scheduler Based on Task Queues for FPGA-Based Embedded
Real-Time Systems. Tang, Y., +, TC May 2015 1254-1267
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
Collaborative Mobile Charging. Zhang, S., +, TC March 2015 654-667
FESTAL: Fault-Tolerant Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks
in Virtualized Clouds. Wang, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
Multi-User Computation Partitioning for Latency Sensitive Mobile Cloud
Applications. Yang, L., +, TC Aug. 2015 2253-2266
Scheduling Divisible Loads in Gaussian, Mesh and Torus Network of Processors. Zhang, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3249-3264
Scheduling Precedence Constrained Stochastic Tasks on Heterogeneous
Cluster Systems. Li, K., +, TC Jan. 2015 191-204
SLA: A Stage-Level Latency Analysisfor Real-Time Communicationin a
Pipelined Resource Model. Kashif, H., +, TC April 2015 1177-1190
Utility Functions and Resource Management in an Oversubscribed Heterogeneous Computing Environment. Khemka, B., +, TC Aug. 2015 2394-2407
WaFS: A Workflow-Aware File System for Effective Storage Utilization in
the Cloud. Wang, Y., +, TC Sept. 2015 2716-2729
Scheduling algorithms
ANGEL: Agent-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Virtualized
Clouds. Zhu, X., +, TC Dec. 2015 3389-3403
Search engines
SCPS: A Social-Aware Distributed Cyber-Physical Human-Centric Search
Engine. Shen, H., +, TC Feb. 2015 518-532
WEC: Improving Durability of SSD Cache Drives by Caching Write-Efficient Data. Chai, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
Search problems
CCLS: An Efficient Local Search Algorithm for Weighted Maximum Satisfiability. Luo, C., +, TC July 2015 1830-1843
Finding Multi-Constrained Multiple Shortest Paths. Feng, G., +, TC Sept.
2015 2559-2572
STEP: A Time-Efficient Tag Searching Protocol in Large RFID Systems.
Liu, X., +, TC Nov. 2015 3265-3277
Secondary cells
Collaborative Mobile Charging. Zhang, S., +, TC March 2015 654-667
IIPS: Infrastructure IP for Secure SoC Design. Wang, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
Multi-Granularity Locality-Sensitive Bloom Filter. Qian, J., +, TC Dec.
2015 3500-3514
Security of data
A Lightweight Virtualization Solution for Android Devices. Chen, W., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2741-2751
MuR-DPA: Top-Down Levelled Multi-Replica Merkle Hash Tree Based Secure Public Auditing for Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud. Liu, C., +,
TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
Semantic networks
QoS-Based Composition of Service Specific Overlay Networks. Al Ridhawi,
Y., +, TC March 2015 832-846
Sensor placement
Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks with Fault-Tolerance for Structural
Health Monitoring. Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., +, TC Feb. 2015 382-395
Local Area Prediction-Based Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor
Networks. Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., +, TC July 2015 1968-1982
Localization for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks with Meandering Mobility. Akbas, M.I., +, TC April 2015 1015-1028
Energy Minimization in Multi-Task Software-Defined Sensor Networks.
Zeng, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Storage Placement in Path Networks. Bertossi, A.A., +, TC April 2015 12011207
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud
Computing. Mei, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3064-3078
On Data Center Network Architectures for Interconnecting Dual-Port
Servers. Li, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3210-3222
On the Network Power Effectiveness of Data Center Architectures. Shang,
Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Online Energy Estimation of Relational Operations in Database Systems.
Xu, Z., +, TC Nov. 2015 3223-3236
Secure Distributed Deduplication Systems with Improved Reliability. Li, J.,
+, TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
+ Check author entry for coauthors
STEP: A Time-Efficient Tag Searching Protocol in Large RFID Systems.
Liu, X., +, TC Nov. 2015 3265-3277
TE-Shave: Reducing Data Center Capital and Operating Expenses with
Thermal Energy Storage. Zheng, W., +, TC Nov. 2015 3278-3292
Verifiable Auditing for Outsourced Database in Cloud Computing. Wang, J.,
+, TC Nov. 2015 3293-3303
WEC: Improving Durability of SSD Cache Drives by Caching Write-Efficient Data. Chai, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
Service-oriented architecture
An Adaptive Multilevel Indexing Method for Disaster Service Discovery.
Wu, Y., +, TC Sept. 2015 2447-2459
Selecting an Optimal Fault Tolerance Strategy for Reliable Service-Oriented
Systems with Local and Global Constraints. Zheng, Z., +, TC Jan. 2015
Service Composition in Opportunistic Networks: A Load and Mobility
Aware Solution. Sadiq, U., +, TC Aug. 2015 2308-2322
Set theory
Radix-2 Division Algorithms with an Over-Redundant Digit Set. Ebergen,
J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2652-2663
Robot Coordination for Energy-Balanced Matching and Sequence Dispatch
of Robots to Events. Lukic, M., +, TC May 2015 1416-1428
The Telephone Coordination Game Revisited: From Random to Deterministic Algorithms. Chen, L., +, TC Oct. 2015 2968-2980
Shared memory systems
A Cache Hierarchy Aware Thread Mapping Methodology for GPGPUs. Lai,
B. C., +, TC April 2015 884-898
Architecture Support for Tightly-Coupled Multi-Core Clusters with SharedMemory HW Accelerators. Dehyadegari, M., +, TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
Predicting the Effect of Memory Contention in Multi-Core Computers Using
Analytic Performance Models. Bardhan, S., +, TC Aug. 2015 2279-2292
Signal detection
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Signal processing algorithms
Bit-Width Optimization by Divide-and-Conquer for Fixed-Point Digital
Signal Processing Systems. Chung, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3091-3101
Two-Dimensional Static Test Compaction for Functional Test Sequences.
Pomeranz, I., TC Oct. 2015 3009-3015
Smart phones
A Lightweight Virtualization Solution for Android Devices. Chen, W., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2741-2751
Energy-Efficient Real-Time Human Mobility State Classification Using
Smartphones. Oshin, T.O., +, TC June 2015 1680-1693
Network Variation and Fault Tolerant Performance Acceleration in Mobile
Devices with Simultaneous Remote Execution. Kim, K., +, TC Oct. 2015
Stabilizing CPU Frequency and Voltage for Temperature-Aware DVFS in
Mobile Devices. Kim, J. M., +, TC Jan. 2015 286-292
Social network services
A Sword with Two Edges: Propagation Studies on Both Positive and Negative Information in Online Social Networks. Wen, S., +, TC March 2015
An Efficient and Trustworthy P2P and Social Network Integrated File
Sharing System. Liu, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 54-70
Hybrid Search Scheme for Social Networks Supported by Dynamic
Weighted Distributed Label Clustering. Leu, J., +, TC Sept. 2015
Knowledge Sharing in the Online Social Network of Yahoo! Answers and
Its Implications. Shen, H., +, TC June 2015 1715-1728
Multi-Granularity Locality-Sensitive Bloom Filter. Qian, J., +, TC Dec.
2015 3500-3514
NextCell: Predicting Location Using Social Interplay from Cell Phone
Traces. Zhang, D., +, TC Feb. 2015 452-463
SCPS: A Social-Aware Distributed Cyber-Physical Human-Centric Search
Engine. Shen, H., +, TC Feb. 2015 518-532
Evolutionary Computing and Particle Filtering: A Hardware-Based Motion
Estimation System. Rodriguez, A., +, TC Nov. 2015 3140-3152
Software defined networking
EXR: Greening Data Center Network with Software Defined Exclusive
Routing. Li, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
Joint Optimization of Rule Placement and Traffic Engineering for QoS Provisioning in Software Defined Network. Huang, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 34883499
Software fault tolerance
FESTAL: Fault-Tolerant Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks
in Virtualized Clouds. Wang, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
Software libraries
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
MINIME: Pattern-Aware Multicore Benchmark Synthesizer. Deniz, E., +,
TC Aug. 2015 2239-2252
Software performance evaluation
iBuddy: Inverse Buddy for Enhancing Memory Allocation/Deallocation
Performanceon Multi-Core Systems. Park, H., +, TC March 2015 720-732
Software radio
A Split MAC Approach for SDR Platforms. Di Francesco, P., +, TC April
2015 912-924
Software tools
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
Solid modeling
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
Source code (software)
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
Sparse matrices
Parallel Sparse Matrix Solution for Circuit Simulation on FPGAs. Nechma,
T., +, TC April 2015 1090-1103
Performance Optimization Using Partitioned SpMV on GPUs and Multicore
CPUs. Yang, W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Parallel Sparse Matrix Solution for Circuit Simulation on FPGAs. Nechma,
T., +, TC April 2015 1090-1103
SRAM chips
Design of Hybrid Second-Level Caches. Valero, A., +, TC July 2015 18841897
Ensuring Cache Reliability and Energy Scaling at Near-Threshold Voltage
With Macho. Mahmood, T., +, TC June 2015 1694-1706
PC-TRIO: A Power Efficient TCAM Architecture for Packet Classifiers.
Banerjee, T., +, TC April 2015 1104-1118
Statistical analysis
Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks Based on Computer Vision Techniques. Tan, Z., +, TC Sept. 2015 2519-2533
Fool Me If You Can: Mimicking Attacks and Anti-Attacks in Cyberspace.
Yu, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 139-151
Granular Evaluation of Anomalies in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Dynamic Data Partitioning with an Entropy Criteria. Kumarage, H., +, TC
Sept. 2015 2573-2585
Revisiting Vulnerability Analysis in Modern Microprocessors. Maniatakos,
M., +, TC Sept. 2015 2664-2674
Statistical Performance Comparisons of Computers. Chen, T., +, TC May
2015 1442-1455
Statistical distributions
Performance Optimization Using Partitioned SpMV on GPUs and Multicore
CPUs. Yang, W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2623-2636
Scheduling Precedence Constrained Stochastic Tasks on Heterogeneous
Cluster Systems. Li, K., +, TC Jan. 2015 191-204
Stochastic processes
A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Power Consumption of a Processor.
Dargie, W., TC May 2015 1311-1322
A Stochastic Time-Domain Model for Burst Data Aggregation in IEEE
802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. Haghighi, M.S., +, TC March 2015
Algorithms for Generating Probabilities with Multivalued Stochastic Relay
Circuits. Lee, D.T., +, TC Dec. 2015 3376-3388
An Improved Stochastic Modeling of Opportunistic Routing in Vehicular
CPS. Zeng, D., +, TC July 2015 1819-1829
CCLS: An Efficient Local Search Algorithm for Weighted Maximum Satisfiability. Luo, C., +, TC July 2015 1830-1843
Stojmenovic, Ivan
In Memoriam [Ivan Stojmenovic]. Zomaya, A.Y., TC Jan. 2015 3
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Storage allocation
Address Scrambling and Data Inversion Techniques for Yield Enhancement
of NROM-Based ROMs. Lu, S., +, TC May 2015 1230-1240
Storage automation
Secure Distributed Deduplication Systems with Improved Reliability. Li, J.,
+, TC Dec. 2015 3569-3579
Storage management
Accelerate RDP RAID-6 Scaling by Reducing Disk I/Os and XOR Operations. Zhang, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 32-44
Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security. Huang, X., +, TC April 2015 971-983
Design and Analysis of 3D-MAPS (3D Massively Parallel Processor with
Stacked Memory). Kim, D. H., +, TC Jan. 2015 112-125
Dynamic On-the-Fly Minimum Cost Benchmarking for Storing Generated
Scientific Datasets in the Cloud. Yuan, D., +, TC Oct. 2015 2781-2795
iBuddy: Inverse Buddy for Enhancing Memory Allocation/Deallocation
Performanceon Multi-Core Systems. Park, H., +, TC March 2015 720-732
MUCH: Multithreaded Content-Based File Chunking. Won, Y., +, TC May
2015 1375-1388
MuR-DPA: Top-Down Levelled Multi-Replica Merkle Hash Tree Based Secure Public Auditing for Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud. Liu, C., +,
TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
On-Demand Block-Level Address Mapping in Large-Scale NAND Flash
Storage Systems. Chen, R., +, TC June 2015 1729-1741
Parallel Decodable Two-Level Unequal Burst Error Correcting Codes.
Namba, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2902-2911
Proactive Data Migration for Improved Storage Availability in Large-Scale
Data Centers. Wu, S., +, TC Sept. 2015 2637-2651
SCPS: A Social-Aware Distributed Cyber-Physical Human-Centric Search
Engine. Shen, H., +, TC Feb. 2015 518-532
Unequal Error Protection of Memories in LDPC Decoders. Condo, C., +,
TC Oct. 2015 2981-2993
ViPZonE: Hardware Power Variability-Aware Virtual Memory Management
for Energy Savings. Gottscho, M., +, TC May 2015 1483-1496
WaFS: A Workflow-Aware File System for Effective Storage Utilization in
the Cloud. Wang, Y., +, TC Sept. 2015 2716-2729
Structural engineering computing
Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks with Fault-Tolerance for Structural
Health Monitoring. Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., +, TC Feb. 2015 382-395
Swarm intelligence
Swarm Intelligence Based File Replication and Consistency Maintenance in
Structured P2P File Sharing Systems. Shen, H., +, TC Oct. 2015 2953-2967
3D Many-Core Microprocessor Power Management by Space-Time Multiplexing Based Demand-Supply Matching. Manoj P. D., S., +, TC Nov. 2015
On Data Center Network Architectures for Interconnecting Dual-Port
Servers. Li, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3210-3222
Simulation and Implication Using a Transfer Function Model for Switching
Logic. Thornton, M.A., TC Dec. 2015 3580-3590
Switching circuits
Algorithms for Generating Probabilities with Multivalued Stochastic Relay
Circuits. Lee, D.T., +, TC Dec. 2015 3376-3388
Switching systems
Bit-Stuffing Algorithms for Crosstalk Avoidance in High-Speed Switching.
Chang, C., +, TC Dec. 2015 3404-3416
SpiNNaker—Programming Model. Brown, A.D., +, TC June 2015 17691782
System recovery
Enabling Concurrent Failure Recovery for Regenerating-Coding-Based
Storage Systems: From Theory to Practice. Li, R., +, TC July 2015
3D Many-Core Microprocessor Power Management by Space-Time Multiplexing Based Demand-Supply Matching. Manoj P. D., S., +, TC Nov. 2015
Abort-on-Fail Test Scheduling for Modular SOCs without and with Preemption. Ingelsson, U., +, TC Dec. 2015 3335-3347
Architecture Support for Task Out-of-Order Execution in MPSoCs. Wang,
C., +, TC May 2015 1296-1310
Architecture Support for Tightly-Coupled Multi-Core Clusters with SharedMemory HW Accelerators. Dehyadegari, M., +, TC Aug. 2015 2132-2144
Conformal ALU: A Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical
Image Processing. Franchini, S., +, TC April 2015 955-970
IIPS: Infrastructure IP for Secure SoC Design. Wang, X., +, TC Aug. 2015
Near-Optimal Thermal Monitoring Framework for Many-Core Systems-onChip. Ranieri, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Optimal Checkpoint Selection with Dual-Modular Redundancy Hardening.
Kang, S., +, TC July 2015 2036-2048
Optimization of Latency Insensitive Systems Through Back Pressure Minimization. Xue, B., +, TC Feb. 2015 464-476
Systolic arrays
Interleaving in Systolic-Arrays: A Throughput Breakthrough. Causapruno,
G., +, TC July 2015 1940-1953
Table lookup
Micro-Architectural Analysis of Time-Driven Cache Attacks: Quest for the
Ideal Implementation. Rebeiro, C., +, TC March 2015 778-790
Multiplicative Division Employing Independent Factors. Matula, D.W., +,
TC July 2015 2012-2019
Target tracking
Local Area Prediction-Based Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor
Networks. Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., +, TC July 2015 1968-1982
Task analysis
An FPTAS for Response Time Analysis of Fixed Priority Real-Time Tasks
with Resource Augmentation. Nguyen, T.H.C., +, TC July 2015 1805-1818
Telecommunication congestion control
A Reactive and Scalable Unicast Solution for Video Streaming over
VANETs. Rezende, C., +, TC March 2015 614-626
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Sliding Mode Congestion Control for Data Center Ethernet Networks. Jiang,
W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Telecommunication control
End-to-End Communication Delay Analysis in Industrial Wireless Networks. Saifullah, A., +, TC May 2015 1361-1374
Telecommunication network reliability
End-to-End Communication Delay Analysis in Industrial Wireless Networks. Saifullah, A., +, TC May 2015 1361-1374
Local Area Prediction-Based Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor
Networks. Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., +, TC July 2015 1968-1982
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol under Non-Ideal
Channel Conditions and Saturated Traffic Regime. Sarkar, S., +, TC Oct.
2015 2912-2925
Telecommunication network routing
A Unified Framework for Line-Like Skeleton Extraction in 2D/3D Sensor
Networks. Liu, W., +, TC May 2015 1323-1335
An Improved Stochastic Modeling of Opportunistic Routing in Vehicular
CPS. Zeng, D., +, TC July 2015 1819-1829
By-Passing Infected Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks Using BPR.
Yaakob, N., +, TC June 2015 1594-1606
Exploiting Small World Properties for Message Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks. Wei, K., +, TC Oct. 2015 2809-2818
EXR: Greening Data Center Network with Software Defined Exclusive
Routing. Li, D., +, TC Sept. 2015 2534-2544
Joint Optimal Data Rate and Power Allocation in Lossy Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks with Delay-Constrained Traffics. Guo, S., +, TC March 2015
Local Area Prediction-Based Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor
Networks. Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., +, TC July 2015 1968-1982
Packet Classification Using Dynamically Generated Decision Trees. Cheng,
Y.-C., +, TC Feb. 2015 582-586
Service Composition in Opportunistic Networks: A Load and Mobility
Aware Solution. Sadiq, U., +, TC Aug. 2015 2308-2322
Telecommunication network topology
A Reactive and Scalable Unicast Solution for Video Streaming over
VANETs. Rezende, C., +, TC March 2015 614-626
Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot
Scheduling. Ren, X., +, TC July 2015 1870-1883
End-to-End Communication Delay Analysis in Industrial Wireless Networks. Saifullah, A., +, TC May 2015 1361-1374
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Granular Evaluation of Anomalies in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Dynamic Data Partitioning with an Entropy Criteria. Kumarage, H., +, TC
Sept. 2015 2573-2585
Localization for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks with Meandering Mobility. Akbas, M.I., +, TC April 2015 1015-1028
On Nonblocking Multicast Fat-Tree Data Center Networks with Server Redundancy. Guo, Z., +, TC April 2015 1058-1073
Telecommunication power management
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communications for Multimedia Applications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. Li, P., +, TC June 2015
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Telecommunication scheduling
A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Input Queued Switches
with Deadline Guarantees. Zhang, B., +, TC June 2015 1548-1563
Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot
Scheduling. Ren, X., +, TC July 2015 1870-1883
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Telecommunication security
Comment on “An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for
Authentication in Network Coding”. Li, C., +, TC March 2015 882-883
Zero Knowledge Grouping Proof Protocol for RFID EPC C1G2 Tags. Sundaresan, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2994-3008
Telecommunication standards
Unequal Error Protection of Memories in LDPC Decoders. Condo, C., +,
TC Oct. 2015 2981-2993
Telecommunication switching
Sliding Mode Congestion Control for Data Center Ethernet Networks. Jiang,
W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Telecommunication traffic
A Stochastic Time-Domain Model for Burst Data Aggregation in IEEE
802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. Haghighi, M.S., +, TC March 2015
Joint Optimal Data Rate and Power Allocation in Lossy Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks with Delay-Constrained Traffics. Guo, S., +, TC March 2015
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol under Non-Ideal
Channel Conditions and Saturated Traffic Regime. Sarkar, S., +, TC Oct.
2015 2912-2925
Temperature measurement
Near-Optimal Thermal Monitoring Framework for Many-Core Systems-onChip. Ranieri, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Temperature sensors
Near-Optimal Thermal Monitoring Framework for Many-Core Systems-onChip. Ranieri, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3197-3209
Thermal management (packaging)
Power and Thermal-Aware Workload Allocation in Heterogeneous Data
Centers. Al-Qawasmeh, A.M., +, TC Feb. 2015 477-491
Stabilizing CPU Frequency and Voltage for Temperature-Aware DVFS in
Mobile Devices. Kim, J. M., +, TC Jan. 2015 286-292
Thermal stresses
Analytical Fault Tolerance Assessment and Metrics for TSV-Based 3D Network-on-Chip. Eghbal, A., +, TC Dec. 2015 3591-3604
Three dimensional displays
3D Many-Core Microprocessor Power Management by Space-Time Multiplexing Based Demand-Supply Matching. Manoj P. D., S., +, TC Nov. 2015
Abort-on-Fail Test Scheduling for Modular SOCs without and with Preemption. Ingelsson, U., +, TC Dec. 2015 3335-3347
Analytical Fault Tolerance Assessment and Metrics for TSV-Based 3D Network-on-Chip. Eghbal, A., +, TC Dec. 2015 3591-3604
Through-silicon vias
3D Many-Core Microprocessor Power Management by Space-Time Multiplexing Based Demand-Supply Matching. Manoj P. D., S., +, TC Nov. 2015
Analytical Fault Tolerance Assessment and Metrics for TSV-Based 3D Network-on-Chip. Eghbal, A., +, TC Dec. 2015 3591-3604
Joint Optimization of Rule Placement and Traffic Engineering for QoS Provisioning in Software Defined Network. Huang, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 34883499
Multiprocessor Capacity Metric and Analysis. Otoom, M., +, TC Nov. 2015
On the Network Power Effectiveness of Data Center Architectures. Shang,
Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3237-3248
Time factors
An Efficient I/O-Redirection-Based Reconstruction Scheme for Erasure-Coded Storage Clusters. Huang, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3037-3050
Efficient Victim Block Selection for Flash Storage Devices. Tsao, C., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3444-3460
Time series
Time Series Characterization of Gaming Workload for Runtime Power Management. Dietrich, B., +, TC Jan. 2015 260-273
Time-Series Pattern Based Effective Noise Generation for Privacy Protection on Cloud. Zhang, G., +, TC May 2015 1456-1469
Time-domain analysis
A Stochastic Time-Domain Model for Burst Data Aggregation in IEEE
802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. Haghighi, M.S., +, TC March 2015
Algorithms for Generating Probabilities with Multivalued Stochastic Relay
Circuits. Lee, D.T., +, TC Dec. 2015 3376-3388
Toeplitz matrices
Shifted Polynomial Basis Multipliers Based on Subquadratic
Toeplitz Matrix-Vector Product Approach for All Irreducible Pentanomials.
Han, J., +, TC March 2015 862-867
Comments on “Low-Latency Digit-Serial Systolic Double Basis Multiplier over GF (2 ) Using Subquadratic Toeplitz Matrix-Vector Product
Approach”. Reyhani-Masoleh, A., TC April 2015 1215-1216
GREEN Cache: Exploiting the Disciplined Memory Model of OpenCL on
GPUs. Lee, J., +, TC Nov. 2015 3167-3180
Transaction processing
High-Performance and Lightweight Transaction Support in Flash-Based
SSDs. Lu, Y., +, TC Oct. 2015 2819-2832
Transfer functions
Simulation and Implication Using a Transfer Function Model for Switching
Logic. Thornton, M.A., TC Dec. 2015 3580-3590
Transient response
A Stochastic Time-Domain Model for Burst Data Aggregation in IEEE
802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. Haghighi, M.S., +, TC March 2015
Resilient and Power-Efficient Multi-Function Channel Buffers in Networkon-Chip Architectures. DiTomaso, D., +, TC Dec. 2015 3555-3568
Transport protocols
A Cognitive TCP Design for a Cognitive Radio Network with an UnstableBandwidth Link. Yu-Chun, C., +, TC Oct. 2015 2730-3740
Adaptive-Acceleration Data Center TCP. Zhang, T., +, TC June 2015 15221533
Community-Based Event Dissemination with Optimal Load Balancing. Xia,
F., +, TC July 2015 1857-1869
Fault Attacks on Pairing-Based Protocols Revisited. Chatterjee, S., +, TC
June 2015 1707-1714
Tree data structures
Block-Based Multi-Version B -Tree for Flash-Based Embedded Database
Systems. Wang, J., +, TC April 2015 925-940
Mining Associated Patterns from Wireless Sensor Networks. Rashid, M.M.,
+, TC July 2015 1998-2011
MuR-DPA: Top-Down Levelled Multi-Replica Merkle Hash Tree Based Secure Public Auditing for Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud. Liu, C., +,
TC Sept. 2015 2609-2622
Virtual Shuffling for Efficient Data Movement in MapReduce. Yu, W., +, TC
Feb. 2015 556-568
Trees (mathematics)
An Improved Approximation Ratio to the Partial-Terminal Steiner Tree
Problem. Lee, C.-W., +, TC Jan. 2015 274-279
Approximation Algorithms for Min-Max Cycle Cover Problems. Xu, W., +,
TC March 2015 600-613
On Nonblocking Multicast Fat-Tree Data Center Networks with Server Redundancy. Guo, Z., +, TC April 2015 1058-1073
Physarum Optimization: A Biology-Inspired Algorithm for the Steiner Tree
Problem in Networks. Liu, L., +, TC March 2015 818-831
Pubsub: An Efficient Publish/Subscribe System. Banerjee-Mishra, T., +, TC
April 2015 1119-1132
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Trusted computing
An Efficient and Trustworthy P2P and Social Network Integrated File
Sharing System. Liu, G., +, TC Jan. 2015 54-70
Joint Optimization of Rule Placement and Traffic Engineering for QoS Provisioning in Software Defined Network. Huang, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 34883499
Uninterruptible power systems
TE-Shave: Reducing Data Center Capital and Operating Expenses with
Thermal Energy Storage. Zheng, W., +, TC Nov. 2015 3278-3292
Unsolicited e-mail
Knowledge Sharing in the Online Social Network of Yahoo! Answers and
Its Implications. Shen, H., +, TC June 2015 1715-1728
Upper bound
A Generalization of Addition Chains and Fast Inversions in Binary Fields.
Jarvinen, K., +, TC Sept. 2015 2421-2432
On Data Center Network Architectures for Interconnecting Dual-Port
Servers. Li, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3210-3222
US Department of Homeland Security
Multi-Granularity Locality-Sensitive Bloom Filter. Qian, J., +, TC Dec.
2015 3500-3514
User interfaces
k-Times Attribute-Based Anonymous Access Control for Cloud Computing.
Yuen, T.H., +, TC Sept. 2015 2595-2608
Optimization of Composite Cloud Service Processing with Virtual Machines. Di, S., +, TC June 2015 1755-1768
Value engineering
STAR: Strategy-Proof Double Auctions for Multi-Cloud, Multi-Tenant
Bandwidth Reservation. Zheng, Z., +, TC July 2015 2071-2083
Variable structure systems
Sliding Mode Congestion Control for Data Center Ethernet Networks. Jiang,
W., +, TC Sept. 2015 2675-2690
Vehicle dynamics
Opportunistic Offloading of Deadline-Constrained Bulk Cellular Traffic in
Vehicular DTNs. Yao, H., +, TC Dec. 2015 3515-3527
Vehicle routing
Approximation Algorithms for Min-Max Cycle Cover Problems. Xu, W., +,
TC March 2015 600-613
Vehicular ad hoc networks
A Reactive and Scalable Unicast Solution for Video Streaming over
VANETs. Rezende, C., +, TC March 2015 614-626
An Improved Stochastic Modeling of Opportunistic Routing in Vehicular
CPS. Zeng, D., +, TC July 2015 1819-1829
Very large scale integration
RNS Scalers for Extended 4-Moduli Sets. Sousa, L., TC Dec. 2015 33223334
Video streaming
A Reactive and Scalable Unicast Solution for Video Streaming over
VANETs. Rezende, C., +, TC March 2015 614-626
Virtual machine monitors
Fast Two-Level Address Translation for Virtualized Systems. Ahn, J., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3461-3474
Virtual machines
A Lightweight Virtualization Solution for Android Devices. Chen, W., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2741-2751
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Credit-Based Runtime Placement of Virtual Machines on a Single NUMA
System for QoS of Data Access Performance. Kim, C., +, TC June 2015
H-SVM: Hardware-Assisted Secure Virtual Machines under a Vulnerable
Hypervisor. Jin, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Optimization of Composite Cloud Service Processing with Virtual Machines. Di, S., +, TC June 2015 1755-1768
TSAC: Enforcing Isolation ofVirtual Machines in Clouds. Weng, C., +, TC
May 2015 1470-1482
Virtual machining
Fast Two-Level Address Translation for Virtualized Systems. Ahn, J., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3461-3474
A Lightweight Virtualization Solution for Android Devices. Chen, W., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2741-2751
Coordinated Power and Performance Guarantee with Fuzzy MIMO Control
in Virtualized Server Clusters. Lama, P., +, TC Jan. 2015 97-111
Cost-Efficient Mapping for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Networks. Jarray, A., +,
TC March 2015 668-681
Fast Two-Level Address Translation for Virtualized Systems. Ahn, J., +, TC
Dec. 2015 3461-3474
FESTAL: Fault-Tolerant Elastic Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Tasks
in Virtualized Clouds. Wang, J., +, TC Sept. 2015 2545-2558
H-SVM: Hardware-Assisted Secure Virtual Machines under a Vulnerable
Hypervisor. Jin, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2833-2846
Predicting Transient Downtime in Virtual Server Systems: An Efficient
Sample Path Randomization Approach. Du, A.Y., +, TC Dec. 2015
Survivable Cloud Network Mapping for Disaster Recovery Support. Gu, F.,
+, TC Aug. 2015 2353-2366
TSAC: Enforcing Isolation ofVirtual Machines in Clouds. Weng, C., +, TC
May 2015 1470-1482
Automated Design Architecture for 1-D Cellular Automata Using Quantum
Cellular Automata. Mardiris, V.A., +, TC Sept. 2015 2476-2489
VLSI Computational Architectures for the Arithmetic Cosine Transform.
Rajapaksha, N., +, TC Sept. 2015 2708-2715
Voltage control
3D Many-Core Microprocessor Power Management by Space-Time Multiplexing Based Demand-Supply Matching. Manoj P. D., S., +, TC Nov. 2015
Water heating
TE-Shave: Reducing Data Center Capital and Operating Expenses with
Thermal Energy Storage. Zheng, W., +, TC Nov. 2015 3278-3292
Web services
Combining Efficiency, Fidelity, and Flexibility in Resource Information Services. Shen, H., +, TC Feb. 2015 353-367
Selecting an Optimal Fault Tolerance Strategy for Reliable Service-Oriented
Systems with Local and Global Constraints. Zheng, Z., +, TC Jan. 2015
Web sites
Fool Me If You Can: Mimicking Attacks and Anti-Attacks in Cyberspace.
Yu, S., +, TC Jan. 2015 139-151
Weibull distribution
Reliability-Aware Speedup Models for Parallel Applications with Coordinated Checkpointing/Restart. Zheng, Z., +, TC May 2015 1402-1415
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol under Non-Ideal
Channel Conditions and Saturated Traffic Regime. Sarkar, S., +, TC Oct.
2015 2912-2925
Wireless channels
A Time Fairness-Based MAC Algorithm for Throughput Maximization in
802.11 Networks. Le, Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 19-31
Channel-Hopping Scheme and Channel-Diverse Routing in Static MultiRadio Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. Lin, T.-Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 71-86
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Protocol under Non-Ideal
Channel Conditions and Saturated Traffic Regime. Sarkar, S., +, TC Oct.
2015 2912-2925
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Wireless LAN
A Time Fairness-Based MAC Algorithm for Throughput Maximization in
802.11 Networks. Le, Y., +, TC Jan. 2015 19-31
+ Check author entry for coauthors
Coexistence Wi-Fi MAC Design for Mitigating Interference Caused by Collocated Bluetooth. Hsu, A. C.-C., +, TC Feb. 2015 342-352
Dynamic Antenna Management for Uplink Energy Efficiency on 802.11n
Mobile Devices. Cheng, S., +, TC Oct. 2015 2767-2780
Network Variation and Fault Tolerant Performance Acceleration in Mobile
Devices with Simultaneous Remote Execution. Kim, K., +, TC Oct. 2015
Wireless sensor networks
A Hybrid Multicast Routing for Large Scale Sensor Networks with Holes.
Won, M., +, TC Dec. 2015 3362-3375
A Stochastic Time-Domain Model for Burst Data Aggregation in IEEE
802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. Haghighi, M.S., +, TC March 2015
A Unified Framework for Line-Like Skeleton Extraction in 2D/3D Sensor
Networks. Liu, W., +, TC May 2015 1323-1335
Approximation Algorithms for Min-Max Cycle Cover Problems. Xu, W., +,
TC March 2015 600-613
By-Passing Infected Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks Using BPR.
Yaakob, N., +, TC June 2015 1594-1606
Collaborative Location-Based Sleep Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Integratedwith Mobile Cloud Computing. Zhu, C., +, TC July 2015
Collaborative Mobile Charging. Zhang, S., +, TC March 2015 654-667
Data Collection Maximization in Renewable Sensor Networks via Time-Slot
Scheduling. Ren, X., +, TC July 2015 1870-1883
Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks with Fault-Tolerance for Structural
Health Monitoring. Bhuiyan, M. Z. A., +, TC Feb. 2015 382-395
Efficient Rule Engine for Smart Building Systems. Sun, Y., +, TC June 2015
End-to-End Communication Delay Analysis in Industrial Wireless Networks. Saifullah, A., +, TC May 2015 1361-1374
Energy Minimization in Multi-Task Software-Defined Sensor Networks.
Zeng, D., +, TC Nov. 2015 3128-3139
Granular Evaluation of Anomalies in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Dynamic Data Partitioning with an Entropy Criteria. Kumarage, H., +, TC
Sept. 2015 2573-2585
Local Area Prediction-Based Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor
Networks. Bhuiyan, M.Z.A., +, TC July 2015 1968-1982
Localization for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks with Meandering Mobility. Akbas, M.I., +, TC April 2015 1015-1028
Mining Associated Patterns from Wireless Sensor Networks. Rashid, M.M.,
+, TC July 2015 1998-2011
Physarum Optimization: A Biology-Inspired Algorithm for the Steiner Tree
Problem in Networks. Liu, L., +, TC March 2015 818-831
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161
Robot Coordination for Energy-Balanced Matching and Sequence Dispatch
of Robots to Events. Lukic, M., +, TC May 2015 1416-1428
Stackless Multi-Threading for Embedded Systems. McCartney, W.P., +, TC
Oct. 2015 2940-2952
Workstation clusters
CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. Menzel, M., +, TC
May 2015 1336-1348
Block-Precise Processors: Low-Power Processors with Reduced Operand
Store Accesses and Result Broadcasts. Lakshminarayana, N.B., +, TC Nov.
2015 3102-3114
WEC: Improving Durability of SSD Cache Drives by Caching Write-Efficient Data. Chai, Y., +, TC Nov. 2015 3304-3316
A Stochastic Time-Domain Model for Burst Data Aggregation in IEEE
802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. Haghighi, M.S., +, TC March 2015
RC-MAC: A Receiver-Centric MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless
Sensor Networks. Huang, P., +, TC April 2015 1149-1161