Version 2-2 9-State ADSL “Good Pair” Qualification This document defines the acceptable loop parameters and the minimum data rates for each ADSL-based service offered in the AT&T 9-state footprint. Acceptable parameters are defined for cases where the line can initialize (sync) and for those cases where it cannot initialize (no sync). Version 2.2 (RJ2742) Date: 12/14/2011 Revisions: Updated Profiles chart, line error note, insulation res. T-R Version 2.1 (RJ2742) Date: 1/20/2011 Revisions: Updated Bridged Tap: Copper Thresholds Version 1.3 (RJ2742) Date: 8/27/2010 Revisions: Updated Code Violations, added link to CV calculator; added data rate verbiage; Corrected IPDSLAM chart on page 14 Version 1.2 (RJ2742) Date: 7/8/2010 Revisions: Added DC resistance sec 6; updated loop resistance tables; updated IPDSLAM loop limitations; added BT verbiage; Version 1.1 (RJ2742) Date: 5/6/2010 Revisions: Added document support contacts and version; updated Noise Margin verbiage Document Support Contacts: Lynn Hughes (Network Staff) Robert Jindra (Network Staff) 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 Introduction This document defines the acceptable loop parameters and the minimum data rates for each ADSL-based service offered in the AT&T 9-state footprint. Acceptable parameters are defined for cases where the line can initialize (sync) and for those cases where it cannot initialize (no sync). In many cases the values recommended here are new and have not been widely communicated to the field operations work groups. For this reason, the actual values are preceded by explanatory text. Two new services, 12 and 18 Mbps, are planned with the deployment of the IPDSL platform and the use of ADSL2plus. Loop limits for these new services and loop limits for existing services, assuming the use of ADSL2plus, are included in this document. Thresholds are provided for use at various stages of the trouble-shooting process. For example, if the line can initialize (sync), the minimum upstream and downstream data rates are provided in Tables 1, 2, & 3. The actual (current) bit rates may be compared to the minimum values provided in this document. The minimum data rates are provided for the following sets of services: Retail services currently offered in 9-states Wholesale services currently offered in 9-states Those currently offered and planned for offer via the IPDSL (22-state) If the data rates are at or above the minimum values, error performance and noise margin thresholds are provided, which also must be met. If the line can initialize (sync), but the data rates do not meet the minimum values, the approximate loop length — in terms of 26 AWG equivalent working length (EWL) — can be assessed using the upstream attenuation. For this purpose, the maximum upstream attenuation and thresholds are provided in Tables 4, 5, & 6 for the following configurations: Retail services provided via conventional access products in 9-states Wholesale services provided via conventional access products in 9-states IP DSLAM‘s assuming single-pair ADSL2plus (22-state) (values are provided for both CO and remote IP DSLAM‘s) If the line cannot initialize (no sync), dc loop resistance thresholds are provided in Tables 8, 9, 10, & 11. The dc loop resistance may be measured and compared to these threshold values. A section is provided on design considerations. The last section deals with insulation resistance, foreign voltage, and Power Influence. 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 2 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 1. Minimum Data Rates – Assuming the DSL Can Initialize (sync) If the line can initialize (sync), the current bit rates should be compared to the minimum values in Error! Reference source not found. through Table below. If the line cannot initialize (no sync), the loop length should be assessed as covered in section 4. Note that the minimum data rates for the service are not, in most cases, enforced by the profile. In other words, for most services, the line can initialize at a rate lower than the minimum data rate for the service. Table 1 - Minimum Data Rates – 9-State Retail Product Name Minimum Downstream Data Rate (kbps) Up to 6 Mbps – Consumer Up to 3 Mbps - Consumer Up to 1.5 Mbps - Consumer Up to 768 kbps - Consumer 4 – 6 Mbps - Business 2 – 4 Mbps - Business 1.5 Mbps - Business 768 kbps - Business 384 kbps - Business 192 kbps – Business 3040 1568 800 200 4000 2016 1504 768 384 200 1 Minimum Upstream Data Rate (kbps) 128 128 128 128 640 640 512 512 384 192 Table 1 Table 2 - Minimum Data Rates - 9-State Wholesale Product Name Minimum Downstream Data Rate (kbps) Minimum Upstream Data Rate (kbps) 6M x 512k 3M x 384k 1.5M x 256k 256k x 128k (grandfathered) Bus 4.0M x 640k Bus 2.0M x 640k Bus 1.5M x 512k Bus 768k x 512k Bus 384k x 384k 3040 1568 200 200 4000 1568 1504 768 384 128 128 128 128 640 640 512 512 384 1 The ‗192 kbps Business Offer‘ was originally intended to accommodate a lower downstream rate of 192 kbps. This table reflects the lower FCC limit of 200 kbps. Note: These values refer specifically to the data in terms of the rate made available to ATM cells, not the actual throughput values. 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 3 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 Table 2 Table 3 - Minimum Data Rate - T22 IP DSLAM Generic Product Name Minimum Downstream Data Rate (kbps) Minimum Upstream Data Rate (kbps) 12032 6048 3040 1568 800 224 128 128 128 128 128 128 18 Meg 12 Meg 6 Meg 3 Meg 1.5 Meg 768 k Table 3 Note: These values refer specifically to the data in terms of the rate made available to ATM cells, not the actual throughput values. If the minimum values are met or exceeded, the noise margin and error performance should be assessed, as described in section 3 below. If the minimum values cannot be achieved, the loop length should be assessed. On a line that can initialize (sync), the upstream attenuation is the best measure of loop length. This is covered in the next section. 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 4 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 2. Maximum Values of Upstream Attenuation The upstream attenuation is a wideband measure of the difference between the upstream signal level as transmitted by the CPE and the level as received by the DSLAM. It is highly correlated to the length of the cable, as expressed in 26 gauge equivalent working length (EWL). In fact, 26 gauge equivalent working length (EWL) is calculated from DSL in-service data using the upstream attenuation. Note that the loop length limits, in terms of 26 gauge equivalent working length (EWL), are only provided here only as a basis for developing the maximum upstream attenuation. Many cases may be found where lines are working at loop lengths exceeding these values. The maximum loop lengths provided here are not intended to be used to justify the disconnection of existing lines working at acceptable levels of performance. Table 4 - Maximum Upstream Attenuation - 9-State - Retail Product Name Max Loop Length in LQS (kft, 26 EWL) Maximum Upstream Attenuation (dB) 6.5 20 8.0 9.5 11.1 15.0 6.9 8.1 9.3 9.4 12.0 15.0 24 29 33 45 21 24 28 28 36 45 Up to 6 Mbps – Consumer Up to 6 Mbps – Consumer (when provided via ADSL2plus) Up to 3 Mbps - Consumer Up to 1.5 Mbps - Consumer Up to 768 kbps - Consumer 4 – 6 Mbps - Business 2 – 4 Mbps - Business 1.5 Mbps - Business 768 kbps - Business 384 kbps - Business 192 kbps – Business Table 4 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 5 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 Table 5 - Maximum Upstream Attenuation - 9-State - Wholesale Product Name Max Loop Length in LQS (kft, 26 EWL) Maximum Upstream Attenuation (dB) 6.5 20 8.0 9.5 11.1 15.0 6.9 8.1 9.3 9.4 12.0 24 29 33 45 21 24 28 28 36 6M x 512k 6M x 512k (when provided via ADSL2plus) 3M x 384k 1.5M x 256k 256k x 128k (grandfathered) Bus 4.0M x 640k Bus 2.0M x 640k Bus 1.5M x 512k Bus 768k x 512k Bus 384k x 384k Table 5 Table 6 - Maximum Upstream Attenuation - T22 - IP DSLAM (Values shown for single-pair, customer self-install – assuming the use of ADSL2plus) CO-Based IP DSLAM Product Name MAX Plus (18 Meg) MAX (12 Meg Elite (6 Meg) Pro (3 Meg) Express (1.5 Meg) Basic (768k) Max Loop Length (kft, 26 EWL) 4.8 6.4 9.0 10.8 12.1 15.0 Maximum Upstream Attenuation (dB) 14 19 27 32 36 45 RT-Based IP DSLAM Max Loop Length (kft, 26 EWL) 4.1 5.7 8.4 10.5 11.8 14.7 Maximum Upstream Attenuation (dB) 12 17 25 32 35 44 Table 6 3 It is recognized that this limit exceeds the maximum length, specified by CSA Design guidelines, for non –loaded loops served by DLC. This issue is currently under study. 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 6 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 3. Error Performance and Noise Margin Error Performance This document is intended to aid in the assessment of performance at the time of installation or on a trouble visit. It is not intended to provide guidance into the interpretation of in-service error performance across longer periods of time. Assessing error performance when at the premises is a necessary step in the testing process. At a minimum, 5 minutes of error monitoring should be performed by the technician. For a five-minute period, the calculation (in kbps) for the maximum number of code violations is as follows: To calculate the maximum number of code violations based on either the upstream or downstream CURBR values click on the following link: CV Calculator Downstream Data Rate (kbps) Maximum Number of Code Violations (measured over a 5-minute interval) Maximum Number of Code Violations (measured over a 15-minute interval in BBT) 0.768 1.5 3.0 6.0 and above 12 25 50 100 36 75 150 300 Note: Some judgment should be exercised when using these thresholds. These thresholds are intended to detect a poor circuit, even if it may not be performing particularly poorly during the measurement interval. The state transition criteria used in Optimization (Appendix 1) employs higher error thresholds, assessed over a longer period of time. If it is known that the error performance in one 5-minute (or even 15-minute) interval is worse than the long-term error performance of the circuit under test, the circuit should not be considered non-compliant simply on the basis of that single measurement Noise Margin The Target Noise Margin is a provisioned value. Note that, with the conversion to margin-based profiles, a line may be configured to employ 6, 9, or 12 dB of Target Noise Margin in the downstream direction. The higher values of noise margin are intended to allow the noise margin to remain at acceptable levels, even when the noise changes considerably due to transient noise events. In other words… For ADSL circuits that have transient noise (impulse noise) issues, it may be best to move CO based service to a 6 db interleaved or a 9 /12 dB profile or RT based service to an interleaved profile to maintain a “stable” service for the customer. Immediately after initialization (sync), the noise margin in the downstream direction must meet the minimum Target Noise Margin2 for the provisioned profile. Reduced values for noise margin may be tolerated after the circuit has established sync. In other words... The circuit will not attain sync if the minimum Target Noise Margin is not met, once the circuit is in sync however the DSLAM will tolerate a lower margin (below Target Noise Margin). 2 In many scenarios, the value of target noise margin actually provisioned on a line may be unavailable to the technician. For this reason, we use only the lowest value. 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 7 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 4. Loop Limits – If the Line Cannot Initialize (no sync) The maximum dc resistance results from the assumption of a loop composed only of 26 AWG cable. While coarser gauges result in longer acceptable loop lengths, the dc resistance of such loops is lower than that of a solid 26-AWG loop. Note the dc resistance of a 15 kft loop of 26 AWG cable slightly exceeds 1300 Ω at 90° F. Since 1300 Ω is the maximum value of loop resistance allowed under Resistance Design rules, that is the value shown in the table. If the line cannot initialize (no sync), the dc loop resistance should be measured and compared to the values below. The thresholds for maximum length, as inferred from a capacitance measurement, are provided for information only. Diagnostic tests employing these thresholds are not proposed as a routine measure. Table 8 - Maximum Loop Lengths - 9-State - Retail Product Name Max Loop Length in LQS (kft, 26 EWL) Maximum dc loop resistance (70° F) 6 (Ω) Maximum 7 length inferred from capacitance measurement (kft) 6.5 540 10.2 8.0 670 12.5 9.5 11.1 15.0 6.9 8.1 9.3 9.4 12.0 15.0 790 930 1250 580 680 780 780 1000 1250 14.8 17.3 18.0 10.8 12.7 14.5 14.7 18.0 18.0 Up to 6 Mbps – Consumer Up to 6 Mbps – Consumer (when provided via ADSL2+) Up to 3 Mbps – Consumer Up to 1.5 Mbps – Consumer Up to 768 kbps – Consumer 4 – 6 Mbps – Business 2 – 4 Mbps – Business 1.5 Mbps – Business 768 kbps – Business 384 kbps – Business 192 kbps – Business Table 8 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 8 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 Table 9 - Maximum Loop Lengths - 9-State - Wholesale Product Name 6M x 512k 6M x 512k (when provided via ADSL2+) 3M x 384k 1.5M x 256k 256k x 128k (grandfathered) Bus 4.0M x 640k Bus 2.0M x 640k Bus 1.5M x 512k Bus 768k x 512k Bus 384k x 384k Max Loop Length in LQS (kft, 26 EWL) Maximum dc loop resistance (70° F)6 (Ω) Maximum 7 length inferred from capacitance measurement (kft) 6.5 8.0 9.5 11.1 15.0 6.9 8.1 9.3 9.4 12.0 540 670 790 930 1250 580 680 780 780 1000 10.2 12.5 14.8 17.3 18.0 10.8 12.7 14.5 14.7 18.0 Table 9 Table 10 - Maximum Loop Lengths – T22 – CO-based IP DSLAM (Values shown for single-pair installations – assuming the use of ADSL2plus) Generic Product Name 18 Meg 12 Meg 6 Meg 3 Meg 1.5 Meg 768 k Max Loop Length (kft, 26 EWL) Maximum dc loop resistance (70° F) (Ω Maximum length inferred from capacitance measurement (kft) 4.8 6.4 9.0 10.8 12.1 15.0 400 540 760 900 1010 1250 7.5 10.0 14.1 16.9 18.0 18.0 Table 10 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 9 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 Table 1 Maximum Loop Lengths – T22 – Remotely-based IP DSLAM (Values shown for single-pair installations – assuming the use of ADSL2plus) Generic Product Name 18 Meg 12 Meg 6 Meg 3 Meg 1.5 Meg 768 k Max Loop Length (kft, 26 EWL) Maximum dc loop resistance (70° F) (Ω) Maximum Error! Bookmark not defined. length inferred from capacitance measurement (kft) 4.1 5.7 8.5 10.5 11.8 14.7 340 480 710 880 990 1230 6.4 8.9 13.3 16.4 18.0 18.0 Table 11 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 10 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 5. Design Considerations Bridged Tap While bridged tap is known to negatively impact DSL performance, the maximum engineered length of bridged tap is currently dictated by loop design rules, not by DSL considerations. It is currently limited by engineering to 6000 ft. A long bridged tap will reduce signal level about 3 dB across the spectrum. Short bridge taps will act as a tuned filter, and can have devastating effect on the ADSL band. For example… a 400 foot bridge tap on a 15 kft loop will reduce the downstream attainable rate from about 1000 kb/s to about 256 kb/s. If you encounter a loop that, by resistance and length measurements, should sync up at a good rate and good margins, but does not, odds are you have some impairment due to interference or bridged tap. Bridged tap may need to be removed for service to perform properly. Loading Pairs employed for DSL cannot be loaded. Use of Coarse-gauge cable The table(s) above portrays loop limits in terms of 26 AWG Equivalent Working Length (EWL). To calculate the EWL, multiply the length of 24 AWG cable by 0.8, and the length of 22 AWG cable by 0.64. Loop lengths of 18 kft or more must be loaded in order to ensure that VF insertion loss and attenuation distortion requirements are met. We do not separately inventory POTS loops from DSL loops. Even if unloaded, DSL performance on a loop — having length greater than 18 kft — would be marginal at best. For both reasons, a loop length greater than 18 kft should not be employed for DSL. DC Loop Resistance The dc loop resistance of a pair shall not exceed 1300 Ω at the worst-case temperature. This limit is based on historical POTS Resistance Design rules. DSL was developed, and has been optimized, to perform across the spectrum of non-loaded loops meeting such criteria. The likelihood of poor performance increases significantly beyond this limit. Worst-case temperatures will vary by geography. We do not provide here statistics regarding worst-case temperatures. Instead, we simply report that using the following worst-case temperature assumptions in the design process will yield acceptable levels of DSL performance. The following table provides values of dc loop resistance (per kft) at these temperatures for the 4 commonlyused gauges of cable. Buried / Underground Aerial (/kft) 90F (/kft) 120F 19 17.2 18.3 22 34.4 36.6 24 54.8 58.2 26 87.1 92.6 Cable Gauge (/kft) 70F 83.3 Note: DC loop resistance should be measured from the NID/ONI to the Central Office Frame. Pair must be shorted at the far end to measure loop resistance. 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 11 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 6. Insulation Resistance, Leakage, etc. Note that the values recommended here differ from, and are more stringent than, those typically used in support of voiceband (POTS) telecommunications. These values represent our best judgment regarding both the loop lengths used in support of DSL and the degree to which an ADSL may be impaired while providing acceptable service. Insulation Resistance The dc insulation resistance, tip-to-ring, shall be at least 1.0 MΩ. The dc insulation resistance, measured both tip-to-ground and ring-to-ground, shall be at least 2 MΩ. Foreign Voltage The foreign dc voltage shall be measured, from either conductor to ground, with a voltmeter having a resistance of 100,000 Ω. As an objective, the foreign dc voltage should be 5.0 Vdc or less. The foreign ac voltage, when measured from either conductor to ground with a voltmeter having a resistance of 100,000 Ω and with the far end not terminated, should be 5.0 Vac or less. Note that lower values (5-10 Vac) of induced AC voltage while undesirable would not fail the circuit from being turned up. *For values of >50Vac contact a transmission engineer. Power Influence While not directly applicable to DSL, this measurement provides insight into the overall effectiveness of bonding and grounding in the area. The Power Influence, when measured using the „Noise to Ground‟ configuration in IEEE-743, shall not exceed 80 dBrnC. * For in-depth transmission testing the technician should contact the regional “Transmission Engineer” for troubleshooting steps. Circuit Noise The following is not directly applicable to DSL, but is provided for those cases where the voice performance on line-share DSL is of interest. Noise shall be measured at the NID via the use of a ‗quiet termination‘ in the CO. The inside wire shall be disconnected. The test set shall be set to make a terminated measurement, with the impedance set to 600 Ω. In no case shall the noise exceed 30 dBrnC. As an objective, the noise should not exceed 20 dBrnC. Longitudinal Balance Longitudinal balance, when measured using the method ‗PI – Circuit Noise‘ (see above) shall be at least 60 dB. When using the ‗Stress‘ test on the Tempo Sidekick, the set injects a longitudinal signal (with a very low metallic-mode component) at 90 dBrnC. The noise resulting from longitudinal imbalance shall not exceed 30 dBrnC. 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 12 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 Copper Test Parameter TIP-RING VOLTS DC RING-GROUND VOLTS DC TIP-GROUND VOLTS DC TIP-RING VOLTS AC RING-GROUND VOLTS AC TIP-GROUND VOLTS AC TIP-RING RESISTANCE RING-GROUND RESISTANCE TIP-GROUND RESISTANCE METALLIC/CIRCUIT NOISE POWER INFLUENCE LONGITUDINAL BALANCE BALANCE (PI-N) aka noise balance SIDEKICK STRESS LOAD COILS 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 units v (dc) v (dc) v (dc) v (ac) v (ac) v (ac) ohms Ω ohms Ω ohms Ω dBrnC dBrnC dB dB dBrnC ── acceptable marginal unacceptable 0 to 3 3.1 to 5 >5 0 to 3 3.1 to 5 >5 0 to 3 3.1 to 5 >5 0 to 3 3.1 to 5 >5 0 to 4 4.1 to 6 >6 0 to 4 4.1 to 6 >6 ≥2.5MΩ 1MΩ to 2.4MΩ <1MΩ ≥3.5MΩ 2MΩ to 3.4MΩ <2MΩ ≥3.5MΩ 2MΩ to 3.4MΩ <2MΩ <20 20 TO 30 >30 <80 >80 >60 50 to 59 <50 >60 50 to 59 <50 >20 21 to 30 >30 Load coils must be removed for ADSL service Page 13 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 The table below lists the profiles used in T9 and some of the parameter values defined by the profile. Note that the actual profile contains many more parameters and values, and is specific to the hardware. Note that the names of the profiles listed here are the abstract names used in BBNMS and not the names of the profiles in the EMS or element. Profiles used in T9 Name Fast / Interleaved 768KProfile1 768KProfile2 768KProfile3 1.5MegProfile1 1.5MegProfile2 Fast Interleaved Interleaved Fast Interleaved (Medium) Interleaved Fast Interleaved (Medium) Interleaved Interleaved Fast Interleaved (Medium) Interleaved Interleaved 1.5MegProfile3 3MegProfile1 3MegProfile2 3MegProfile3 3MegProfile4 ADSLMaxSync1 ADSLMaxSync2 ADSLMaxSync3 ADSLMaxSync4 Min DS Rate (kbps) Max DS Rate (kbps) DS TNMR (dB) Min US Rate (dB) Max US Rate (dB) US TNMR (dB) 224 224 224 224* 224* 768 768 768 1536* 1536* 6 6 9 6 6 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 256 256 6 6 6 6 6 224* 256 256 1536* 3552 3552 6 6 6 128 128 128 256 384 384 6 6 6 256 256 224 224 3552 3552 8128 8128 6 9 6 6 128 128 128 128 384 384 512 512 6 6 6 6 224 224 8128 7040 6 9 128 128 512 512 6 6 * This value varies slightly between different types of network elements. The minimum downstream rate may be as low as 224 kbps and as high as 256 kbps. The maximum downstream rate may be as low as 1500 kbps, and as high as 1536 kbps. Note that in the above table, unless otherwise indicated, interleaving uses the ‗high‘ delay value for ADSL, and 16 ms for XDSL. 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Page 14 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 9-State ADSL LOOP PARAMETERS FOR CO and RT DSLAMS Retail Up to 6 Mbps – Consumer Up to 6 Mbps – Consumer (adsl2+) Up to 3 Mbps - Consumer Up to 1.5 Mbps - Consumer Up to 768 kbps - Consumer 4 – 6 Mbps - Business 2 – 4 Mbps - Business 1.5 Mbps - Business 768 kbps - Business 384 kbps - Business 192 kbps – Business Wholesale 6M x 512k 6M x 512k (ADSL2+) 3M x 384k 1.5M x 256k 256k x 128k (grandfathered) Bus 4.0M x 640k Bus 2.0M x 640k Bus 1.5M x 512k Bus 768k x 512k Bus 384k x 384k 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Minimum Downstrea m Data Rate Minimum Upstrea m Data Rate (kbps) (kbps) 3040 128 3040 128 1568 800 200 4000 2016 1504 768 384 200 128 128 128 640 640 512 512 384 192 Maximum Upstream Attenuatio n (dB) Maximu m CRC errors in 5 minutes 20 100 24 29 33 45 21 24 28 28 36 45 100 50 25 12 100 50 25 12 12 12 Minimum Downstrea m Data Rate (kbps) Minimum Upstrea m Data Rate (kbps) Maximum Upstream Attenuatio n (dB) Maximu m CRC errors in 5 minutes 3040 3040 1568 200 200 4000 1568 1504 768 384 128 128 128 128 128 640 640 512 512 384 20 24 29 33 45 21 24 28 28 36 100 100 50 25 12 50 25 25 12 12 Max Loop Lengt h in LQS Maximum dc loop resistance @70° F in ohms (Ω) Maximum Capacitiv e Length (kft) 26g EWL 6.5 540 10.2 8.0 670 12.5 9.5 11.1 15.0 6.9 8.1 9.3 9.4 12.0 15.0 790 930 1250 580 680 780 780 1000 1250 14.8 17.3 18.0 10.8 12.7 14.5 14.7 18.0 18.0 Maximum dc loop resistance @70° F in ohms (Ω) Maximum Capacitiv e Length (kft) 540 670 790 930 1250 580 680 780 780 1000 10.2 12.5 14.8 17.3 18.0 10.8 12.7 14.5 14.7 18.0 Max Loop Lengt h in LQS 26g EWL 6.5 8.0 9.5 11.1 15.0 6.9 8.1 9.3 9.4 12.0 Page 15 9-State ADSL Good Pair Qualification v.2.2 22-State ADSL LOOP PARAMETERS FOR IPDSLAMS (ADSL2+) 22 State IPDSLAMCO 18 Meg 12 Meg 6 Meg 3 Meg 1.5 Meg 768 k 22 State IPDSLAMRT 18 Meg 12 Meg 6 Meg 3 Meg 1.5 Meg 768 k Minimum Downstrea m Data Rate (kbps) Minimu m Upstrea m Data Rate (kbps) 12032 6048 3040 1568 800 224 128 128 128 128 128 128 Minimum Downstrea m Data Rate (kbps) 12032 6048 3040 1568 800 224 9-State ADSL ―Good Pair‖ v.2.2 Maximum Upstream Attenuatio n (dB) Maximu m Code Violation s (CV) in 5 minutes TNM 6dB Profile 14 19 27 32 36 45 100 100 100 50 25 12 > 6dB > 6dB > 6dB > 6dB > 6dB > 6dB Minimu m Upstrea m Data Rate (kbps) Maximum Upstream Attenuatio n (dB) Maximu m Code Violation s (CV) in 5 minutes TNM 6dB Profile 128 128 128 128 128 128 12 17 26 32 35 44 100 100 100 50 25 12 > 6dB > 6dB > 6dB > 6dB > 6dB > 6dB TNM 9dB Profile TNM 12dB Profile Max Loop Lengt h 26g EWL (Kft) > 9dB > 9dB > 9dB > 9dB > 9dB > 9dB > 12dB > 12dB > 12dB > 12dB > 12dB > 12dB 4.8 6.4 9.1 10.8 12.1 15 400 680 850 980 1080 1250 7.5 12.7 15.9 18.0 18.0 18.0 TNM 9dB Profile TNM 12dB Profile Max Loop Lengt h 26g EWL (Kft) Maximum dc loop resistanc e @70° F in ohms (Ω) Maximu m Capaciti ve Length (kft) > 9dB > 9dB > 9dB > 9dB > 9dB > 9dB > 12dB > 12dB > 12dB > 12dB > 12dB > 12dB 4.1 5.7 8.5 10.5 11.8 14.7 340 630 810 940 1040 1250 6.4 11.7 15.2 17.7 18.0 18.0 Maximum dc loop resistanc e @70° F in ohms (Ω) Maximu m Capaciti ve Length (kft) Page 16