14 Solidworks World 2012 looks to the future of CAD software 22 Resolvers stage a come back in motion control applications 38 Fluid Power Roundtable 2012 $27.00 | March/April 2012 Commercial Canadian firm, General Fusion, aims to fire up the first net gain fusion reactor. PM 40069240 Fusion 1-DES.indd 1 FLUID POWER BUYERS’ GUIDE P.30 12-04-18 12:04 PM Solid Edge 3D CAD Software The best product designers have an edge. Product designers have never been more important to the success of their companies. Creative, efficient designers are the key to delivering better products faster. Too often, however, CAD tools get in the way of their talent—and the company’s success. Solid Edge with synchronous technology is different. It helps you create designs more intuitively. It helps you instantly revise any design, even complex designs from other CAD systems. And it’s built on our bulletproof Parasolid kernel – the industry-standard for reliable performance. Our new “Get the Edge” program shows how Solid Edge will help you reach your design potential—and help your company realize greater success. Learn more today at www.siemens.com/plm/gettheedge or call 800-807-2200. Solid Edge. Design better. 2011siemens_SE_DE_OCT2011.indd 1 2-5-DES.indd 2 10/3/11 12-04-118:38:46 12:27AM PM :38:46 AM 2-5-DES.indd 3 12-04-11 12:27 PM Straight Line 10/24/07 12:06 PM Page 1 The Straight Line on Linear Solutions Operational reliability begins with design. INA linear products from Schaeffler are designed with maximum load capacities across the range, as well as high rigidity and misalignment compensation within series designs. Patented lubrication and sealing technology ensures maintenance free operation, while continuous product innovation embraces linear solutions with increasingly longer and quieter service lives. Behind design is versatility and service. INA offers an extensive range of products backed by a comprehensive service center to quickly create and deliver highly customized linear assembly solutions. INA linear solutions from Schaeffler… the straight line to operational reliability. SCHAEFFLER GROUP INDUSTRIAL www.schaeffler-group.com 2-5-DES.indd 4 12-04-11 12:27 PM Contents | Volume 58, No. 2 IN THE NEWS 8 Canadian Satellite Design Challenge heats up 8 Schneider Electric Canada appoints new president and vice president 8 General Donlee Canada appoints new CEO 10 Canadian bike maker leverages CFD for latest model 10 EADS, Creaform form partnership 10 SCS Supply Group changes name 10 NKK Switches names new president 12 Canadian automotive R&D receives a funding boost 12 COM DEV one of the best employers for new Canadians Columns 14 CAD Report Solidworks World 2012: As CAD software approaches maturity, Solidworks pushes to generate excitement and satisfy user requests at annual conference. 22 Motion Control When choosing between position feedback components, resolvers may just have an edge over optical encoders. Annual Subscription Rate In Canada: $52.95 (1 year) $71.95 (2 year) Outside Canada: $99.95 (1 year) Single Copy In Canada: $10.00 Outside Canada: $22.00 Directory Rates In Canada: $27.00 Outside Canada: $45.00 Reader Service Contact Information ecallaghan@bizinfogroup.ca T: Toronto 416 442 5600 X 3538 Elsewhere -866-543-7888 Mail: Business Information Group Design Engineering Circulation Dept 80 Valleybrook Drive North York, ON M3B 2S9 14 18 24 Idea Generator The latest in industrial products including motion control, power transmission and robotics 28 Canadian Innovator Kick Starter: Canadian engineer perfects a low-cost prosthetic to help amputees. 22 Features 18 Commercial Fusion Canadian firm aims to fire up the world’s first net gain fusion reactor 34 Maximizing Hydraulic Efficiency READER SERVICES 5 Choosing the most efficient control option requires a full understanding of a hydraulic application. 28 38 Fluid Power Roundtable 2012 Canadian leaders discuss the market, globalization and the next generation of fluid power professionals. 42 On the Ball Integrator saves time and expense with new ball valves and end connections. 38 Printed in Canada www.design-engineering.com 2-5-DES.indd 5 March/April | 2012 12-04-11 12:27 PM 6 EditorialViewpoint Engineering R&D www.design-engineering.com E very year, another federal budget comes out, sending various sectors into a flurry of cheers for increased spending and dire warnings of the consequences funding cuts will bring about. There may be much to argue about in the budget unveiled in March, but it’s hard to dispute that innovation isn’t high on its list of objectives. In total, it allocates almost $1.6 billion in innovation spending. Specifically, the budget is interested in fostering the broader sense of the word rather than focusing on the narrower “invention” definition. In other words, it places greater emphasis on the “D” rather than the “R” in Research and Development. Thrown into the mix is the often unstated “C” for Commercialization. While it can be argued that Canadians are every bit as creative as their counterparts in other industrialized countries, we often get poor marks for successfully bringing those creations to market. Since the 1980s, the Conference Board of Canada has given Canada a “D” grade in innovation. That’s not due as much to a lack of patent filings or ground-breaking research, but to the comparatively little profit derived from either. According to the Global Innovation Index for 2011, Canada ranked eighth in innovation inputs and tenth in outputs but 54th in terms of innovation efficiency. To engineer this shift towards measurable results, the budget closely follows recommendations put forward in the Expert Panel Report, Innovation Canada: A Call to Action. First and foremost, the report advocated restructuring the Scientific Research and Education Development (SR&ED) tax credit program. The most significant change is that, starting in 2014, capital expenditures will no longer be eligible. The intent behind the policy changes is to take complexity out of the SR&ED application process and shift compensation toward SME’s labour-related costs. While the budget squeezes SR&ED, new funding is being pumped into more direct forms of support, again, in line with the Expert Panel Report. For example, the budget proposes doubling contributions made to the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP), an initiative administered by the National Research Council to fund innovation within SMEs. In addition, the Canada Foundation for Innovation will receive $100 million annually, for next five years, to support the private sector though research conducted in Canadian Universities. And, to address the dearth of Canadian VC money, the budget allocates an extra $100 million to the Business Development Bank’s venture capital activities as well as $400 million to create large-scale venture capital funds. The only panel major recommendation missing from the budget was the formation of a proposed Industrial Research and Innovation Council, an arm’s-length funding and delivery agency with focus on supporting business innovation. While not formally addressed, the government hasn’t rejected the idea for the future. It’s hard to anticipate what affect all this budgetary effort will ultimately have on Canadian innovation. Socially engineering success is a tricky business; government funding and economic incentives have a tendency to bounce in unanticipated directions. But whatever your political leanings, the government is at least making an honest effort to foster innovation. Like any government initiative, it will depend on how the recipients choose to use the money allocated. Mike McLeod @ I enjoy hearing from you so please contact me at MMcLeod@design-engineering.com and your letter could be published in an upcoming issue. March/April | 2012 6-7-DES.indd 6 Publisher Alan Macpherson (416) 510-6756 AMacPherson@design-engineering.com Group Editorial Director Lisa Wichmann (416) 510-5101 LWichmann@canadianmanufacturing.com Accounts Manager Laura Gergley (416) 510-5230 lgergley@design-engineering.com Editor Michael McLeod (416) 442-5600 ext. 3231 mmcleod@design-engineering.com Technical Field Editor Pat Jones, P. Eng. Art Director Kathy Smith (416) 442-5600 ext. 3215 KSmith@plant.ca Market Production Manager Jessica Jubb (416) 510-5194 jjubb@bizinfogroup.ca Circulation Manager Cindi Holder (416) 442-5600 ext. 3544 CHolder@bizinfogroup.ca BIG Magazines LP Executive Publisher Tim Dimopoulos Vice-President of Canadian Publishing, Alex Papanou President of Business Information Group, Bruce Creighton Publications Mail Agreement #40069240 ISSN number: 0011-9342 Privacy Notice: From time to time we make our subscription list available to select companies and organizations whose product or service may interest you. If you do not wish your contact information to be made available, please contact us via one of the following methods: Phone: 1-800-668-2374 Fax: 416-442-2191 E-mail: privacyofficer@businessinformationgroup.ca. Mail to: Privacy Officer, 80 Valleybrook Drive, North York, ON M3B 2S9 Subscriber Services: To subscribe, renew your subscription or to change your address or information contact us at 1-800-387-0273. Subscription Price: Canada: $52.95 for 1 year; $71.95 for 2 years; $10 for single copy. Outside Canada: $99.95 for 1 year; $22 for single copy. Directory/buyer’s guide: Canada $27; Outside Canada $45. Design Engineering, established in 1955, is published 6 times per year except for occasional combined, expanded or premium issues, which count as two subscription issues. Published by BIG Magazines LP, a division of Glacier BIG Holdings Company Ltd. Tel: 416-442-5600, Fax: 416-510-5140 80 Valleybrook Dr., Toronto, ON M3B 2S9. Contents of this publication are protected by copyright and must not be reprinted in whole or in part without permission of the publisher. DE receives unsolicited features and materials (including letters to the editor) from time to time. DE, its affiliates and assignees may use, reproduce, publish, re-publish, distribute, store and archive such submissions in whole or in part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensation of any sort. DE accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported or advertised in this issue. DE is indexed in the Canadian Business Index by Micromedia Ltd., Toronto, and is available on-line in the Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 3:57 PM Jefferson Electric Buck-Boost Transformers Buck-boost transformers are designed to maximize the performance and life of electrical equipment. They are typically used to power loads with specific voltage requirements that differ from the available line voltage. When connected as an autotransformer, these units can buck (lower) or boost (raise) available line voltage from 5 to 20 percent. When connected as an isolation transformer, they can be used to step down supply power to low voltage circuits at the nameplate rating listed. Two series available: • 240 x 120 VAC to 24 x 12 VAC • 240 x 120 VAC to 32 x 16 VAC Also Available Control Transformers starting at: $37.50 (PH50PG) Encapsulated Transformers starting at: $86.00 (C1FC10WE) Features • Single-phase units from 50VA to 2kVA (individual units required for multiple phases) • Encapsulated with electrical grade resin • Cores of high-quality electrical steel • 60 Hz operation • NEMA 3R-rated enclosure • Slotted mounting holes for quick and easy mounting • 10-year limited warranty (mfg. defects) • Built in accordance with UL1446, CAN/CSA - C22.2 No. 0 • Agency Approval UL File #E4466 Applications • Air conditioners • Heating elements • 277 Volt supply for lighting systems Our shipping policies make it easier than ever to order direct from the U.S.! Free standard shipping is available for orders totaling over $300 U.S. (except for orders which require LTL shipping, see Web site for details). Also, save on brokerage fees when shipping standard ground to Canada - you can choose to allow AutomationDirect to nominate a broker for your shipment for parts shipping via standard ground. This can save you big on brokerage fees. See Web site for details and restrictions - www.automationdirect.com/canada 6-7-DES.indd 7 www.automationdirect.com/power www.automationdirect.com Go online or call to get complete information, request your free catalog, or place an order. 1-800-633-0405 12-04-11 12:26 PM 8 DesignNews Canadian Satellite Design Challenge heats up Up Front Daniel Peloquin Leonce Fraser Schneider appoints new president Schneider Electric Canada has appointed Daniel Peloquin as President, replacing Gary Abrams, who has been appointed Transformation Leader, Schneider Electric North America IT Transformation Initiative. Peloquin’s background includes executive leadership in general management, engineering, sales, marketing and operations. He graduated from the École Polytechnique de Montréal with a Bachelor of Engineering degree, majoring in power systems and is a registered Professional Engineer from the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec. Replacing Peloquin as VP of services & projects, Leonce Fraser will lead activities that include installed base services of electrical distribution systems; energy management services; the projects and engineering center; and customer operations. Leonce holds a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Québec and an MBA from HEC Montreal in international business. www.schneider-electric.ca General Donlee Canada appoints CEO General Donlee Canada, Inc. announced that Garen Mikirditsian has been appointed CEO and CFO. In addition, Bruce Van Nus has joined the company as Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining General Donlee in April 2011, Garen was VP of a private investment firm and spent three years in the mergers & acquisitions group of BMO Capital Markets. He is a graduate of Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business where he received a Master of Business Administration degree, and holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the mechanical engineering honours program at McGill University. Bruce Van Nus, Chief Operating Officer, brings over twenty years of manufacturing experience, including fourteen years with Bombardier Aerospace. www.generaldonlee.com March/April | 2012 8-13-DES.indd 8 Members of University of Saskatchewan’s Canadian Satellite Design Challenge team. F ollowing a critical design review held at the CSA’s David Florida Lab in Ottawa this past March, the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge (CSDC) has come down to three leading Canadian University teams. The primary objective of the challenge is for university students to design and manufacture an operational “cubesat” satellite, predominantly using off-the-shelf components. Of the 12 universities competing, teams from Concordia University, University of Manitoba and University of Saskatchewan have taken the top three positions so far. Concordia University’s ConSat-1, designed by a 30-student team, is tasked with studying the South Atlantic Anomaly of the Van Allen radiation belt, to discover how it works and affects space weather. University of Manitoba’s T-Sat cube satellite carries two scientific payloads. The primary payload will study a colony of small organisms called tardigrades and monitor their behavior when exposed to the harsh space environment. The second remote sensing payload is designed to learn more about the Sun through spectroscopy. University of Saskatchewan Space Design Team’s (USST) nanosatellite is intended to measure and map plasma densities in the Earth’s ionosphere to help improve the accuracy of multi-million dollar GPS satellites. Presently, the satellites are undergoing full space environmental and launch qualification testing. When the contest wraps in October, one or more winning teams will be chosen to have their satellite launched into outer space where they will conduct its experiment at 26,280 kilometres per hour, approximately 700 kilometres above the Earth. www.geocentrix.ca Concordia’s ConSat-1 is one of 12 “CubeSat” satellites vying for a trip to Earth orbit. www.design-engineering.com 12-04-13 2:06 PM Providing custom products and value-added assemblies based on the most successful miniature pneumatic line in the world! Wire leads to be 7” + 1/8” with crimped terminal 10258333-2 “Cleaned for Oxygen Service” internal components Stainless Steel coil housing 5-volt coil less than 0.5 watt Brass base (no plating needed) FKM seals Mounting holes 1/2” max Integrated needle valve for precise flow control CUSTOM er s n o i t u l so 8-13-DES.indd 9 Toggle-operated manual by-pass valve in base Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. 513-521-4261 www.clippard.com/customsolutions Wainbee Ltd. 888-WAINBEE www.wainbee.com 12-04-11 8:05 AM 10 DesignNews Up Front SCS Supply Group changes name Applied Industrial Technologies, LP announced that its SCS Supply Group Inc. business, including Toronto Bearing & Belting, CBS Equipment, and Jake’s Bearings, has changed its operating name to Applied Industrial Technologies, effective April 1, 2012. Applied Industrial Technologies, LP, headquartered in Saskatoon, is the Canadianoperated subsidiary of Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. that operates more than 40 locations in Canada. www.appliedcanada.com NKK Switches names new president NKK Switches has appointed Michael Wada as president of NKK Switches, succeeding Kiyoko Toyama. Wada has been with NKK since 2006, previously serving as vice president of business development. www.nkkswitches.com Aurora-Where_the_Action_Is:Aurora 11/5/10 2:27 PM Page 1 Canadian bike maker leverages CFD analysis for latest racing model Canadian high-end bicycle company, Cervélo—known for the distinctive airfoil shape of its bikes’ down pipe—teamed up with, Intel, R Systems and engineering software company, CD-adapco, to test the design of its S5 racing bike before its release. As a result, the company says the S5 doubles the aerodynamic advantage its S3 model had over traditional road bicycles. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle on a windy day knows aerodynamics play a huge role in cycling. Drag makes up 80-90 percent of the resistance experienced by an average rider on a flat road— 80 percent of this drag is due to the rider, with the remaining 20 percent down to the bicycle itself. In the design of the S5, Cervélo ran simulations using the STAR-CCM+ Power-on-Demand licensing scheme on R Systems HPC resources powered by multi-core Intel processors. STARCCM+ Power-on-Demand allows users to run STAR-CCM+ simulations using an on-demand cloud computing service. Based on extensive wind tunnel testing and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation, Cervélo says the S5 is the most advanced aerodynamic road bicycle it has yet developed. www.cd-adapco.com www.cervelo.com Rod Ends and Spherical Bearings designed and manufactured to Aurora's exacting standards for quality and durability. Registered and Certified to ISO-9001 and AS9100. From economy commercial to aerospace approved, we've got it all ! Aurora Bearing Company 901 Aucutt Road Montgomery IL. 60538 Complete library of CAD drawings and 3D models available at: w w w . a u r o r a b e a r i n g . c o m March/April | 2012 8-13-DES.indd 10 EADS, Creaform form partnership EADS and Creaform have entered into a technological partnership agreement covering 3D optical measurement for aerospace and defence applications. This 5-year agreement provides for the development of innovative applications in the field of optical 3D measurement for non-destructive testing (NDT), test monitoring and form and surface measurement, applied to aeronautics, space and defence. “EADS has successfully implemented Creaform’s 3D scanning and optical measurement technologies since 2008. The developments planned will enable EADS to reduce its development time cycle, create synergies and reduce the time-tomarket of its new products,” said Yann Barbaux, Head of EADS Innovation Works. Comprising Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter, EADS employs more than 1600 people in Canada through EADS Canada, Eurocopter Canada, Composites Atlantic, Cassidian Communications, Aerolia and Vector Aerospace. www.creaform3d.com www.design-engineering.com 12-04-13 2:06 PM 8-13-DES.indd 11 12-04-11 8:05 AM 12 DesignNews Canadian automotive R&D receives funding boost Six new projects—supported by Automotive Partnership Canada initiative—were announced at the University of Windsor in March. Intended to advance R&D in Canada’s automotive industry, these university-industry partnerships will receive approximately $34 million from Automotive Partnership Canada and other industry partners, including Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and National Research Council Canada (NRC). The projects include a milliondollar investment to assist in the development of manufacturing processes to produce lighter-weight car parts, headed by Daniel Green, a UWindsor mechanical automotive and materials engineering professor. In addition, Dalhousie University received a total of $6.4 million to develop a low-cost method of producing titanium parts for automotive applications and another project to identify cell chemistries optimize battery life. Other awards include $3.7 million to the University of Waterloo to examine multi-material automotive structures; $5.5 million to Simon Fraser University to develop polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells with lower platinum requirements; and $2.3 million to McMaster University to identify improvements to lithium batteries. Announced by the Government of Canada in April 2009, Automotive Partnership Canada is a five-year, $145-million initiative that supports collaborative R&D and pushes the Canadian automotive industry to greater levels of innovation. At its head office in Cambridge, Ontario, the company’s cafeteria displays 84 flags representing every country which is the birthplace of at least one of COM DEV’s 1,000+ employees. The company also partners with agencies such as the YMCA to mentor new immigrants in efforts to orient them to Canadian culture and assist them with job searching. COM DEV also offers on-site, one-on-one English language programs. www.comdevintl.com www.apc-pac.ca COM DEV one of the best employers for new Canadians COM DEV International Ltd., a leading manufacturer of space hardware subsystems, announced that it has been named one of the “Best Employers for New Canadians.” This designation, awarded by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers, recognizes employers that offer programs to assist recent immigrants in making the transition to a new workplace and a new life in Canada. March/April | 2012 8-13-DES.indd 12 www.design-engineering.com 12-04-13 2:06 PM Introducing the first wireless and battery-less push button that can be used worldwide Harmony XB5R installs easily and is globally compatible, enhancing mobility of operations anywhere in the world Winner 2011 Harmony XB5R transmitter Harmony XB5R receiver The innovation built into the Harmony™ XB5R wireless, battery-less push button benefits everyone: easy set-up for you, improved mobility of operator and equipment for your customers. Discover the rest of the Harmony family Easier for you With its unique wireless technology, the Harmony XB5R requires no cabling, saving you time and money with every installation (up to a 20 per cent reduction in overall installation costs compared with hard-wired solutions). Plus, its 2.4 GHz radio frequency makes it suitable for use anywhere in the world without fear of creating interference with other wireless devices. Now, you can ship anywhere in the world with confidence while giving your customers the ability to unlock the full potential of your machines and applications wherever they might be. Easier for your customers, too They will love Harmony XB5R for its robust design and freedom of mounting, making it especially useful on equipment such as conveyors and mobile devices. Customers can add external antennas to extend the coverage range and have more than one unit controlling the same equipment, i.e., many buttons can turn on/off a single receiver and vice versa, which becomes critical for industries where people and equipment constantly move around. And, with the battery-free design, they’ll never have to worry about replacing or recycling batteries and can benefit from the uninterrupted availability of their operations. Harmony XB5 Ø 22 mm plastic push buttons and pilot lights Harmony XB5 Ø 22 mm plastic push buttons and pilot lights Harmony XB4 Ø 22 mm metal push buttons and pilot lights Harmony XB4 Ø 22 mm metal push buttons and pilot lights Build with Harmony XB5R wireless, battery-less push buttons and build your competitive edge. Ease through innovation Limited time offer! Download the FREE application video and be entered to win an Apple iPad2! Visit www.SEreply.com Key Code m921v ©2012 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric and Harmony are trademarks owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. 1415 S. Roselle Road, Palatine, IL 60067 • Tel: 847-397-2600 • Fax: 847-925-7500 • www.schneider-electric.com • 998-4551_US 8-13-DES.indd 13 12-04-11 8:05 AM 14 CADReport h maturity, As CAD software and the industry approac and satisfy ent Solidworks pushes to generate excitem user requests at annual conference. By Ben Eadie I f a CAD user conference is any indication, the healthy attendance at SolidWorks World 2012 suggests that the economic rebound is taking hold in North America. Nearly 5,650 registered attendees descended on San Diego Convention Center this past February. That’s significantly larger than the approximately 4,300 of the year previous. To kick off the conference, CEO Bertrand Sicot’s remarks during the first general session were somewhat overshadowed by the small, child-like robot—called the NAO—that introduced him. Designed in SolidWorks, NAO robot is the brainchild of Paris-based Aldebaran Robotics and is intended to, among other things, help autistic children learn. Other highlights of the show included presentations by Mike Rowe from Discovery’s Dirty Jobs; NEPTUNE Canada, the world’s first underwater observatory network; and a sitdown interview keynote address between Sicot and the father of the Apple iPod, Tony Fadell. While these presentations were entertaining and informative, SolidWorks World this year lacked the buzz of prior years. In the history of the event, Day 3 is typically the big reveal when execs show off what’s coming in the next release. Typically, attendees sit at the edges of their seats, eager to hear how their favorite design software will become that much more powerful. The 2012 event lacked that kind of excitement. There was simply a lack of cool new stuff. Is this only a SolidWorks problem? Not really. It’s an industry problem. Now that CAD tools are so robust, it’s questionable if they can be pushed much further; 3D CAD has matured to the point that most of the real cool stuff has been done. Running down the top 10 best enhancements to expect in the 2013 release shows that there are only one or two real enhancements and a handful of nice-to-haves but one disappointment in the lot. March/April | 2012 14-16 DES.indd 14 10 Assembly visualization: You will be able to sort parts and assemblies depending on which is more graphically intensive. Combined with the feature lock capability of last year’s 2012 release, it could make working on large assemblies much easier. eDrawings markup import into SolidWorks drawings: Not too many people use eDrawings but for design shops that do, this is a must have. Being able to import the markups from an eDrawing into a SolidWorks drawing will likely save having to flip between multiple windows (SolidWorks and eDrawings) to get a drawing done and just do it all directly in SolidWorks. Two thumbs up! SectionXpert: You will be able to create sections quickly without having to make a sketch to start the command, saving a few mouse clicks. Everyone wants to save mouse clicks so this is a definite win-win. Plus, there is some added functionality to make more complex section cuts. Revision clouds: This is self explanatory and been in the industry since God was a child. In this case, all I have to say is that it’s about time they added this to the software. Bring multiple components into assembly at once: Again, this is a mouse click saver. Anything to keep carpal tunnel syndrome at bay is good in my books. Favorite features folder added to feature manager: Putting common features you use in an accessible folder in the feature manager is a good idea but to get users to put this to use might be a bit of a challenge. Dowel holes added to the hole wizard: Much like the revision cloud ability, this comes under “It’s about time”. Surface intersect: With this command, you can add and subtract material to a solid body in one step using surfaces. This is something that could be pretty awesome. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 8:05 AM S S m SI to in th an th al Seamless and integrated drives SINAMICS – General purpose and motion control drives SINAMICS is the most comprehensive drive family available today. It is based on a simple, integrated engineering concept, inherently providing innovative, energy-efficient solutions for the future. Whether it’s a matter of efficient pumping, ventilating and compressing, or precise movement, processing, or machining, the number of application areas for frequency converters is almost endless. So it’s good that there is one family of drives for all of these areas that fulfills every requirement perfectly. Our SINAMICS portfolio represents uniform engineering, extremely high-efficiency, and convenient operation. No matter which direction you wish to go, Siemens offers you the optimum drive – from one source for every application. For more information contact Siemens Customer Interaction Centre: 1-888-303-3353 www.siemens.ca/sinamics 14-16 DES.indd 15 12-04-11 8:05 AM 16 CADReport 2 Equation entry everywhere: Being able to add equations on the fly while designing is great to have. I take notes when coming up with conceptual designs on things I need to readdress once the initial approvals are done. The most common note I take is where to add smart dimensions using formulas to be able to generate multiple iterations quickly for final design and prototyping. Now, being able to add them while in concept phase will help speed up the prototype phase. Backwards compatibility: This issue has been seen on the top 10 list for years and, on the surface, it seems like it’s finally being addressed. But there is a significant limitation. Backwards compatibility is limited to 2013 fi les being saved back to 2012, provided you have the latest service pack. In general, I think SolidWorks is going in the right direction; when a recent user group meeting was polled if they could use backward compatibility, everyone raised their hands. However, when shown the current backwards compatibility functionality being proposed and asked if this would help them, no one raised their hands. Why? The fact is that users are just as shy to upgrade to the latest service pack as they are to upgrade to a new version for fear that bad things happening to their data. So if someone is using one service pack back from the last released for 2012, then this functionality will simply not work. For this group of 1 users, this is the critical detail that makes this a bitter sweet enhancement. On the one hand, SolidWorks is adding what the users asked for. On the other, the company has limited compatibility to such an extent that it misses the mark. Hopefully, this is just the start of SolidWorks’ backwards compatibility and it will improve in future releases. SolidWorks has been taking care of bugs and stability issues for the last few years and I see a little trickle of new innovative things coming to light now that the software is more stable and less buggy. It’s hard to say what the future holds for SolidWorks. There has been talk of some great stuff coming from the company’s staff, but it’s all just rumors at this point. The company has been tight lipped, and only time will tell if they can get their mojo back with some super cool features or innovative solutions to CAD issues in the next year or two. SolidWorks is now leaving the stability and bug phase of the development cycle, so my fingers are crossed that we will see a resurgence of cool things in the future. DE www.solidworks.com/sww Ben Eadie is an Aeronautical Engineering Technologist, as well as a prolific CAD industry blogger, developer, trainer and video caster. Anything Less Costs More sChUnK is the global leader in gripping systems, Clamping technology and robot eoAt components. turnkey solutions are available from sChUnK for oeM, integrator and end User needs in industrial, Packaging, Pharmaceutical and health Care. www.schunk.com | info@ca.schunk.com | 905-712-2200 EXCEPTIONAL PRECISION FROM THE COMPETENCE LEADER FOR CL AMPING TECHNOLOGY AND GRIPPING SYSTEMS. March/April | 2012 SCHUNK_GrippingSystems_91x130_CA_0112.indd 1 14-16 DES.indd 16 www.design-engineering.com 01.02.12 13:54 12-04-11 8:05 AM 14-16 DES.indd 17 12-04-11 8:05 AM 18 CoverStory A successful test of this scaled down prototype of General Fusion’s reactor may change the future of energy production. Commercial Fusion Amid many competitors, a Canadian firm aims to fire up the first commercial fusion reactor. By Treena Hein I n a world beset by fossil fuel energy woes, fusion energy is holiest of Holy Grails. A working fusion reactor would not only release large amounts of energy but, unlike nuclear fission plants, they can’t melt down. They’re also significantly “cleaner,” in that a fusion reaction only uses small amounts of an abundant fuel (hydrogen isotopes tritium and deuterium), which is only weakly radioactive. The problem is, no one has yet created a net gain reactor (more energy out than in), although many well-funded programs are actively pursuing it. It’s not surprising, considering the daunting challenges involved. Similar to the process that drives the Sun, a fusion reaction—melding two hydrogen atoms to form helium—requires heating the reactor fuel to galactic-scale temperatures and crushed under intense pressures. Of course, you also need a vessel capable of producing and containing these thermonuclear conditions. Consequently, building fusion reactors will take decades, as well as enormous expenditures, which is why enthusiasm for this type of energy production has dampened. However, these same issues have many in the field keeping a close eye on a Canadian company, General Fusion, and its comparatively low-tech approach to fusion power. The Burnaby, BC-based company’s mechanical design sidesteps the massive costs of other leading approaches. “Fusion reactions require plasma to be heated to near 150 million˚C, and that requires a lot of energy,” says Michael Delage, General Fusion’s vice president of business development. “Where you get this energy, and how you deliver it to the fuel, has a big effect on system cost.” March/April | 2012 18-21-DES.indd 18 Reactor Design 101 To appreciate General Fusion’s concept, it’s important to understand how it differs from the two leading projects. ITER, a multinational collaboration based in France, is the larger and uses an approach called magnetic confinement. Using this method, a stream of super-heated tritium and deuterium gas, or plasma, is contained in a donut-shaped vacuum vessel called a tokamak. Super conducting magnets heat and compress the plasma to create the fusion reaction. The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories is pursuing the other approach, inertial confinement. It employs 192 laser beams focused on deuteriumtritium pellets inside a 10-meter-diameter target chamber to convert the fuel to plasma and generate X-rays. The radiation then compresses the plasma until fusion occurs. Both methods, says Delage, require massive amounts of input energy and depend on expensive, complex equipment that drive development costs into the billions and time lines out to 2050 at best. In comparison, Delage says a commercial General Fusion reactor could be online by 2020 and at a fraction of the price. The company’s approach is a hybrid between the two main methods, called “magnetized target” fusion, and employs a comparatively less power hungry reactor design. Based on a concept called LINUS first developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in the 1970s, General Fusion’s reactor starts with a spherical vessel filled with liquid lead-lithium metal. The liquid metal is then pumped in a circle until centrifugal force forms a vortex in its center. Into this vortex, plasma injectors on the top and bottom of the reactor inject doughnut-shaped “puffs” of plasma wrapped www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 11:11 AM Real parts. Really fast. A product development team needs parts to meet its rapidly approaching deadline. Upload 3D CAD file. Machining begins. 1-10 parts Receive FirstQuote® interactive quote. Finalize options, order with credit card or P.O. 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Call 877.479.3680 or visit www.protolabs.com 18-21-DES.indd 19 12-04-11 11:11 AM 20 CoverStory in a magnetic field. Like smoke rings blown into either end of a tube, these “magnetized targets” collide at the reactor’s core. As the targets combine, approximately 200 steam-driven pistons simultaneously hammer the spherical vessel, sending a shockwave through the molten metal. The shockwave collapses the vortex and compresses the plasma, heating it adiabatically (like a diesel engine), to produce a short burst of fusion energy. During the reaction, the hydrogen isotope atoms fuse into Helium and throw off high-energy neutrons that pass into the swirling liquid metals, transferring heat and converting some of the lithium into tritium. After the reaction ends, the metal is pumped out of the chamber and passed through a separator that removes the helium and tritium, which can be directed back to the plasma injectors as fuel. Meanwhile, the hot lead passes through a heat exchanger that creates steam, half of which will be used to re-power the pistons and the other half to generate electricity. According to Delage, each fusion pulse will result in approximately 100 MJ of net electrical output. The cycle repetition rate can be varied to control the overall power plant output; if repeated once per second, the net output will be 100 MW. In addition, the reactor would use only small amounts of deuterium and lithium. If fusion reactors began generating enough electricity for the entire world, Delage says, lithium reserves would last for 207 million years and deuterium for more than 67 billion years. Fusion for Less For all its promise, the quest for net gain fusion has been a time consuming and costly endeavor. The ITER reactor is projected to take 10 years and 13 billion euros to construct. That doesn’t count the 25 years and counting since the project began and the millions poured in by contributors so far. Even when built, ITER’s super conducting magnets and other components would require 50 MW worth of input power to start and maintain the reaction. Similarly, costs for Laurence Livermore’s National Ignition Facility are estimated at upwards of $850 million and its reactor requires 500 trillion watts of laser light to kick-start fusion reactions. General Fusion’s reactor will employ 200 steam-powered pneumatic pistons, like this one, to create the necessary pressures to induce nuclear fusion. March/April | 2012 18-21-DES.indd 20 The largest of its kind every constructed, this plasma injector is designed to inject “smoke rings” of magnetized tritium and deuterium plasma into the fusion reactor’s core. Where General Fusion’s magnetized target method stands apart is in its relatively low-tech, low-cost mechanical means of compressing the plasma. “As an energy storage medium, compressed gas is orders of magnitude less expensive than capacitors,” Delage explains, “but it’s hard to release this energy quickly.” That’s the problem that ultimately scuttled LINUS, the predecessor of the General Fusion reactor, in the 1970s. The LINUS concept proposed impacting the liquid metal directly, which resulted in a relatively slow vortex collapse of up to 40 milliseconds, while the magnetized target holds its structure for only about 100 microseconds. According to Delage, General Fusion has solved this problem by impacting the containment vessel itself. “Our sphere is in fact full of holes, like a Wiffle ball,” he explains. “Each hole is plugged with an ‘anvil’ and compressed gas is used to accelerate a 100 kg ‘hammer’ piston. This acceleration takes about 80 milliseconds. When the hammer piston impacts on the anvil piston, it moves a small amount and transfers the energy into the liquid metal in about 80 microseconds. That’s a timescale shorter than the lifetime of the magnetized target and an increase in power of 1000 times.” The challenge is that as the energy delivery speeds up, the requirements for symmetry of compression increases. “Every piston has to be individually servo-controlled to achieve the necessary synchronization,” Delage says. “Achieving this wasn’t possible in the 1970’s, but we are able to nurse each piston’s trajectory using a fast-response, closed-loop control system and brake, so that the timing of the impact is controlled to within microseconds. It’s the use of modern electronics—the computing power that has only come available in the last ten years—that makes our proposed system possible.” Approaching the Finish Line Presently, General Fusion is creating a prototype and key subsystems at full scale. These include a plasma injector that creates the magnetized target; individual full-scale pistons that meet requirements for impact energy and timing; and a 1-meterdiameter sphere with 14 pistons to demonstrate the symmetric collapse of a liquid metal vortex. “We’re also performing a series of experiments to demonstrate the behavior of the plasma target at peak compression www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 11:11 AM CoverStory 21 in accordance with theoretical predictions, experiments, but it’s a matter of determining and developing simulation tools, matched how you can have atoms collide with enough experimental data, to be used in the design symmetry that you get the bang and not a of the prototype system,” says Delage. “To fizzle.” date, the most challenging work has been Wilson believes it’s possible that a company related to the formation of the magnetized like General Fusion may beat large national target plasma.” and international programs to the finish line. He says General Fusion’s plasma injector At the center of a liquid metal vortex, Dr. Kevin Bowcutt, a senior technical fellow is the largest such device ever constructed. tritium and deuterium atoms fuse, and chief scientist of hypersonics at Boeing, Rather than a straightforward extension of releasing a short burst of energy. agrees. He led an independent technical review smaller systems, many issues have been of General Fusion’s technology in 2008. overcome to achieve the necessary performance. “We found that their engineering challenges can be solved “All our efforts have required significant innovation in and they’ve been solving them since then,” Bowcutt says. mechanical design, materials, electrical and pulse power systems, “They have achieved things such as control of impact timing.” diagnostics and advancements in plasma science,” says Delage. He notes that General Fusion will be holding an important “It all takes time.” The company hopes to have a prototype oper- physics test this summer of their plasma compression device. If ating by early 2015, and a working reactor by 2020. all goes well, it’s likely to change the global fusion mindset. “The path to a success is about understanding the physics and “The world has been saying that achieving fusion will cost the engineering and managing the outcome to produce energy billions of dollars and take decades,” says Bowcutt, “but General safely and reliably,” notes Dr. Paul Wilson, associate professor of Fusion’s approach, if it’s shown to work, will sidestep all that.” nuclear engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “I think a horse race metaphor works well,” Wilson observes. “The understanding of the physics of the mechanisms they “We’re probably going to see one horse pull ahead and then maybe are employing is less mature than with the two standard another catch up and maybe lead the group for a while, and so approaches, but they’re obviously learning more all the time,” on. This will be an interesting decade.” DE Wilson adds. “Magnetized targets have been achieved in many www.generalfusion.com www.design-engineering.com 18-21-DES.indd 21 March/April | 2012 12-04-13 2:13 PM 22 MotionControl Resolvers Stage a Comeback When choosing between position feedback components, resolvers may just have an edge over optical encoders. By Mark McCann, B.Sc. Electrical Engineering W hile most motion control systems can work with either resolvers or encoders to monitor shaft position, they are not interchangeable. Many engineers are unfamiliar with resolver electronics and opt for an optical encoder as a default. As with all components, it is important to understand the basic operation of both options and keep abreast of technological advances to build the most efficient and effective systems. Both resolvers and optical encoders function as transducers by transforming mechanical motion into electronic information. This information is fed back to electronic devices that control the mechanical motion, providing feedback that closes the control system loop and improves system performance. A resolver is an electromechanical device with a mechanical design similar to a motor or a small transformer. It contains a rotor with one or two orthogonal primary windings and a stator with two orthogonal secondary windings. AC voltage is applied to the rotor and the voltage induced in each stator winding depends on the position of the shaft. The voltage in one stator winding is Er Cos theta, where Er is the input voltage and theta is the shaft position, while the voltage in the other stator winding is Er Sin theta. A resolver-to-digital converter (generally mounted in the equipment to which the resolver is connected) compares the two voltages to give a highly accurate value of theta. The biggest upside to resolvers is their ruggedness. They are resistant to electrical disturbances and, because they have no fine-pitch gratings through which light must pass, they can tolerate dust and dirt that would stop an encoder. In contrast, an optical encoder uses a scale with a pattern of lines deposited or engraved on its surface. A light source shines on the scale, and the transmitted or reflected light passes through the grating to a photodetector. Encoders are available with both incremental and absolute outputs. An absolute encoder has as many tracks as it has output bits. An incremental encoder outputs a stream of pulses as the shaft rotates and are specified in pulses per revolution (ppr). Incremental encoders can be optical, using a scale or disk with just one or two rows, or magnetic, using several different technologies. An incremental encoder does not provide any position information at start-up, but merely keeps track of how far it has moved. The only way to determine the absolute position of an incremental encoder is to set the equipment to a known reference position and then zero the counters. Unlike a resolver, encoders are intrinsically digital, which means they can interface easily to most modern control systems. However, optical encoders have had a reputation for being fragile. The thin glass disk at the heart of most optical encoders could be broken by excessive shock or misaligned by strong vibration. In addition, their integrated circuits could be damaged by a severe electrical disturbance or they could be obscured by dirt. Over the last decade, encoders gained popularity as the glass disks were replaced with steel and plastic disks and the electronics became more integrated and durable as a result. Resolvers have also undergone a transformation in the past few years, which affects the way engineers are thinking about them. Advances in electronics manufacturing have lowered the cost of circuits and provide an increase in resolution. In fact, 21 byte resolvers are now available with more than 2 million ppr. Resolvers are also gaining exposure through their use in automotive and green energy applications that deal with environmental exposure. Compared to optical encoders, resolvers are far more durable in extreme conditions, operate under greater temperature ranges, tolerate higher vibrations and are not as easily degraded by contamination. For these reasons, resolvers excel in modern application positioning feedback for hybrid vehicle electrical mechanical components and solar panel positioning systems. DE www.myostat.ca While less common than optical encoders, resolvers provide ruggedized and reliable position feedback in “extreme” environments. March/April | 2012 22-23-DES.indd 22 Mark McCann is the Lead Design Engineer at automation solutions provider, Myostat Motion Control. During his eight years with the company, Mark has worked on hardware, electronic circuit design, software, microcontroller firmware development and windows application programming. www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 8:07 AM 22-23-DES.indd 23 12-04-11 8:07 AM 24 IdeaGenerator Motion Control VLT Drive Danfoss VLT Drives introduced the VLT FlexConcept, an optimized drive solution engineered for food and beverage, and packaging applications. The system consists of the VLT OneGearDrive, the VLT Decentral Drive FCD 302 and/or the VLT AutomationDrive FC 302. Each component features a washdown coating designed to IP66/67 and IP69K standard that satisfies DIN 1672-2 Hygienic Design standards. The VLT FlexConcept supports AC or PM motors and can operate open- or closed loop. The system provides up to 90 percent energy efficient operation, reducing total cost of ownership by up to 25 percent when compared with conventional systems. www.danfossdrives.com Food-Grade Actuators Tolomatic’s IMA line, the company’s integrated motor rod actuator, is now available with a food-grade white epoxy coating and stainless steel components for washdown applications. Available in four sizes, the IMA line features stroke lengths from three to 18 inches (76.2 to 457.2 mm) and peak thrusts from 200 to 6,875 pounds force (890 to 30,594 N) at speeds up to 24 inches per second (610 mm/sec). The actuator series integrates a servomotor and a ball or roller screw. Its hollow-core rotor design allows the nut of the screw to pass inside the rotor. The motor features skewed stator windings to minimize cogging. www.tolomatic.com Rotary Encoder Leine & Linde released its 700 Series of encoders that feature a thin design and a hollow shaft of up to 25.4 mm, often allowing for mounting on a motor’s shaft without an adapter. They also feature a dual set of heavy duty bearings, an encapsulated enclosure and a range of electrical interfaces including TTL, 1VPP, HC HTL, HTL and RS422. On the mechanical side, the company offers shaft variants in both inch- and millimeter-based dimensions. www.heidenhain.com Servo Drive Rockwell Automation introduced its Kinetix 350 single-axis EtherNet/IP servo drive designed for low-axis machines. When the drive is paired with the company’s CompactLogix 5370 Series PAC and PanelView Plus HMI, the integrated architecture system scales from 200-10,000 I/O. The servo drive is also equipped with safe, torque-off funcMarch/April | 2012 24-27 DES.indd 24 tionality that allows tasks such as machine setup, cleaning, removal of jams and other maintenance tasks to be performed without shutting down. Instead, drive output can be disabled, allowing faster machine restart. The Kinetix 350 servo drive has an available 400W to 3kW power range and supports 120-volt AC input, typical to power outlets found in nonindustrial settings. www.ab.com/motion Industrial Ethernet DeviceNet Analyzer Balluff introduced its DeviceNet Analyzer, a tool for analyzing, commissioning, monitoring and maintaining DeviceNet/CAN bus installations. The unit allows users to analyze signal square wave quality; monitor overall network health by node; detect the location of cable breaks and short circuits; and locate weak points such as incorrect cable types, lengths and faulty plug connections. The DeviceNet Analyzer assists with making sure the network is healthy during startup and setup and also allows for the health of the network to be documented. www.balluff.com Ethernet Connector HARTING has launched an angled version of its next generation RJ Industrial 10G Ethernet connector. Rated IP 20 for the office IT environment, the flexible, lockable, eight-wire RJ45 requires no tools or expertise to assemble. The 45° cable outlet can be mounted in four different directions and features an industrial strength actuator with locking lever protection as well as optional color coding tabs for saving patch cableID and parameters. The insulation displacement terminations are fitted for flexible and rigid wires with profiles ranging from AWG 27/7 to AWG 22/1. Cables with a diameter of between 4.5 mm and 8 mm can be connected. With data transfer rates up to 10 Gbit Ethernet, the RJ 10G series is twice as fast as previous versions. www.harting.com HMI Workstation Pepperl+Fuchs announced that its VisuNet IND SlimLine Operator Workstations have received Zone 2 certification for use in hazardous environments. The workstations are available in a NEMA 4/4x IP 64 Stainless or painted steel housing, and as a full PC, remote monitor or KVM monitor solution. The company’s remote moniwww.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 8:58 AM IdeaGenerator 25 tor (RM) technology requires no software installations, provides standard Ethernet networking connections and provides access to multiple servers from a single workstation. VisuNet RM has been tested and approved by Thin Manager for use with ACP Thin Manager software. Pepperl+Fuchs visualization solutions also support RDP applications including Microsoft terminal services, Citrix ICA or VNC RFB. www.pepperl-fuchs.us Power Transmission Microslide Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions has released a microslide linear actuator capable of a resolution of 15 microns / step (0.0006-in/step) and a maximum load of 13N (3 lb-f). The microslide is approximately 22mm (0.87-in) wide by 25.2mm (1.0-in) high and is capable of up to a 64mm (2.5-in) maximum stroke length. The slide load carriage is made from self-lubricating polyacetal and features a built-in clearance take-up mechanism for load rigidity during motion. The leadscrew is 303 stainless steel and is available in 5 different leads from 0.3mm (0.012-in), to 2.0mm (0.079-in). www.HaydonKerk.com verts the rotational motion of the pinion into linear motion. The additions include the RGEAH Induction Hardened Rack Gears with machining options no hole, or bottom tapped, side tapped or side counterboard tapped holes. The company’s RGEAHL Induction Hardened Rack Gears offer user configurable hole machining, with bottom, side or side counterboard tapped options. Both new rack gears are manufactured in 1045 Carbon Steel with Black Oxide Finish, and both feature end face machining. The Rack Gears are available in a variety of sizes (Module 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0). http://us.misumi-ec.com Automation All-In-One Vision Sensor Omron Industrial Automation has introduced a vision sensor designed for pick-and-place applications. With a processing speed of 5,000 pieces per minute and 360 degree rotation, the FQ-M combines a camera, image processing functionality and communications options (Ethernet and EtherCAT) in a single Demand more... Worm Gear Wittenstein has expanded its alpha V-Drive family of servo worm gears to include a size 040, designed for machine tool, automation and packaging applications. The VDH 040 features a duty cycle of greater than 60 percent; input speed up to 6,000 rpm; and running noise below 54 dB(A). In addition, the worm gear has a maximum axial force of 675 lb-f, maximum radial force of 540 lb-f and 20,000 hours of rated service life. www.wittenstein-us.com www.design-engineering.com 24-27 DES.indd 25 Our only products are encoders. Whatever your industry, we’ll satisfy your expectations for exceptional quality and value supported by superior service. Our proven reliability allows us to offer the industry’s only FIVE-YEAR WARRANTY. Expect more... and get it. Rack Gears Misumi has introduced two rack gears that feature 1045 Carbon Steel construction and induction hardened teeth. The gears are designed for use in pinion (spur gear) mechanisms to create a simple actuator that con- We always deliver Industrial Encoder Corporation Member of the GESgroup of companies www.globalencoder.ca 22 Commerce Place St. Catharines ON, Canada L2R 6P7 Toll free 1-888-277-6205 Fax 1-866-278-1301 info@globalencoder.ca March/April | 2012 12-04-11 8:58 AM 26 IdeaGenerator package. The sensor’s object detection is based on a contour-based search algorithm that can cope with overlapped or partially hidden objects. The camera’s incremental encoder interface simplifies initial calibration of the system and enables on-the-fly tracking for synchronized control. Measuring 110 x 75 x 50mm, the FQ-M provides a standard C-Mount lens attachment and a 3.5-inch TFT color touch screen. The TouchFinder console provides image viewing, zoom in/out and a variety of measurements. www.omron247.com 6-Axis Robot DENSO announced that it has increased the maximum payload capacity of its VM Series six-axis articulated robots from 10 kg to 13 kg. Along with their new capacity, the robots offer reaches from 1,000 to 1,300 mm; standard cycle times of 0.89 to 0.95 seconds; and repeatability from ±0.050 to ±0.070 mm. In addition, their high maximum allowable moment of inertia (0.36 kgm² at J4 and J5 and 0.064 kgm² at J6) is 2.5 times greater than conventional robots. The robots are ANSI and CE compliant and can be mounted on the floor or overhead. Standard, dust- and mist-proof and Class 100 clean room models are available. www.densorobotics.com SCARA Robot Toshiba Machine introduced its THL Series, a line of low-cost and lightweight SCARA robots. Configured with a lightweight die cast aluminum arm, the robot is 50 percent lighter than existing Toshiba Machine models, the company says. The THL Series includes the THL500, THL600 and THL700 with arm lengths of 500mm, 600mm and 700mm respectively. Each THL offers a payload of 10kg. Cycle times (with 2 kg load) are .45s for the THL500 and THL600, and .50s for the THL700. All THL Robots feature a working envelope of 4 axes, with a Z-axis rotation of 360º. Maximum speeds range from 6.3m/s to 7.9m/s overall. Storage capacity totals are approximately 6400 point + 12800 steps. The programming language is SCOL (similar to BASIC). www.toshiba-machine.com HS35 Motor Feedback Encoder Rugged, Accurate, Programmable Unparalleled Flexibility IP67 design withstands temperatures -40 to +100C Industry leading precision and shock handling Field programmable resolution and output voltage Baumer Inc. · 4046 Mainway Drive · Burlington · Ontario · L7M 4B9 Phone 905-335-8444 · sales.ca@baumer.com · www.baumer.ca March/April | 2012 24-27 DES.indd 26 www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 8:58 AM DesignSolutions 27 OMEGA’s Thermocouple/Voltage Input USB Data Acquisition Module Omega’s new OM-DAQ-USB-2401 series of USB 2.0 full speed thermocouple/voltage input data acquisition modules are fully compatible with both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 ports. This module is user programmable for type J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N thermocouples or voltage input and features 8 Differential or 16 Single-Ended Analog Inputs, 24 Bit Resolution with up to 1000 Samples/Sec throughput. This module is powered directly by USB port or an External DC Power Supply. Contact: info@omega.ca Visit us at: www.omega.ca Clippard Offers Miniature Pneumatic Products Catalog for Scientific/Medical Applications A leader in miniature pneumatics, Clippard provides the scientific/medical industry a variety of products and solutions. The product range is illustrated in a color brochure featuring the most complete line of miniature fluid power products for the medical, pharmaceutical analytical and dental fields. To get your copy today please visit our website at the address printed below. Contact: sales@clippard.com Visit us at: www.clippard.com/scientific-a Ideas To Improve Production Efficiency! Look to Seal Master® Inflatable Seals. Sealing is just one of many tasks for custom-built, fabric-reinforced elastomeric inflatable seals. Simple, versatile and with close tolerance capability, they’re ideal for use as actuators, brakes, valves, clutches, wipers and for other innovative applications. Backed by in-depth technical/customer service, they’ll replace cumbersome, hard-to-maintain proccessing and handling components to lessen downtime. Ask about our RSVP Design Assistance program Contact: info@sealmaster.com Visit us at: www.sealmaster.com The domestic source for perfect meshing timing belts and pulleys BRECOflex CO., L.L.C. is announcing their new pulley catalog “B216” for made-to-order and stock pulleys. The new domestic “CNC” state of the art pulley manufacture allows for very precise machining standards, leading to superior product quality and quick product availability. BRECOflex CO., L.L.C., is providing finished precision pulleys made-to-specification and stock pulleys with pilot bores, for immediate delivery. Made-to-order pulleys are available with normal backlash, reduced backlash “SE” or zero backlash “0” tooth gap design. Contact: info@brecoflex.com Visit us at: www.brecoflex.com EXAIR’s New Catalog 25 Is Packed With New Features, Products, New Solutions EXAIR’s new Catalog 25 is a full color technical guide offering solutions to common industrial cooling, drying, conveying, blowoff, cleaning, coating, and static electricity problems. This 164 page catalog features many new products that can help companies conserve compressed air and reduce dangerous noise levels. A detailed technical explanation, performance data, application photos, and dimensional drawings are provided for each product. A price list is also included. Contact: techelp@exair.com Visit us at: www.exair.com/cat25.htm New Parts and Engineering Catalog from Smalley Smalley’s new 132-page catalogue features comprehensive design and technical information for more than 10,000 standard parts. The updated content combines existing retaining ring and wave spring series with newly released series including Hoopster retaining rings, constant section rings, metric wave springs and small series wave springs. The catalog is an ideal resource for engineers needing detailed product information for quick prototypes. Smalley products are stocked in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver by RotoPrecision Inc. Contact: applsupport@rotoprecision.ca Visit us at: www.rotoprecision.ca To advertise your solution in this section call Alan Macpherson at 416.510.6756 www.design-engineering.com 24-27 DES.indd 27 March/April | 2012 12-04-11 8:58 AM 28 CanadianInnovator Biomedical Engineer Jan Andrysek’s LC Knee is a light-weight knee joint that’s rugged, easy-to-make and works as well as standard prosthetics but at a fraction of the manufacturing cost. Kick Starter Canadian engineer perfects a low-cost prosthetic to help impoverished amputees. By Treena Hein E ven if they are mobile and reasonably healthy, people in developing world countries face many challenges. When they lose a lower leg to a land mine or another factor, their circumstances become much more dire. What they need is a lower limb prosthetic that is durable and allows great functionality—but it also must cost little to make. That’s been the quest—and amazing achievement—of Jan Andrysek, assistant professor at the Institute of Biomaterial and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto and researcher at the Bloorview Research Institute. “I’ve always been interested in inventing things and also fascinated by how the human body works,” he says, “so that led me to learn mechanical engineering and to use it to provide bio-medical engineering solutions.” It’s been a journey of six years to create and perfect what is now known as the LC Knee—a very inexpensive, simple, tough and highly-functional lower limb prosthetic knee joint. The quest started in earnest during Andrysek’s Master’s degree on knee joints, when he investigated numerous existing types of simple lower limb prosthetics for children. “They’re all based on a handful of common mechanisms created after WWII,” Andrysek notes. “The main problem with many of them is that they do not provide stability to allow individuals to safely negotiate different terrains.” Some prosthetics are designed to provide a higher level of stability by restricting the knee from bending when the March/April | 2012 28-29-DES.indd 28 user’s weight is placed on the limb; however, this makes it difficult for the user to bend the leg as it swings forward during walking. But it’s exactly that ability of a prosthetic—to swing easily—that Andrysek says provides an efficient and natural walking pattern for an amputee. He has achieved this through the creation of “Simplified Automatic Stance-Phase Lock” (SASPL) technology. “The system actually locks up the knee joint before you put weight on it, so that there’s a feeling of safety for the user,” Andrysek explains. “The unlocking occurs in response to the load conditions that occur naturally in walking. We studied this extensively and figured out that we needed to configure the limb so that the unlocking would automatically occur at the point where the weight is placed on the toe of the prosthetic, at the same time as it’s cued by the user’s hip flexion motion.” Andrysek also needed to create a mechanism that would provide a forward-swing motion that’s smooth, natural and properly-timed. “We optimized a spring and friction system that mimics the motion provided by hydraulics in more expensive prosthetics,” he says. “The faster a person walks with the LC Knee, the faster it swings forward.” But it wasn’t simply about engineering the limb to provide a natural gait—a big challenge in itself. The prosthetic had to be light, durable and cheap to make. “Plastic is great because it’s light, but the plastic parts had to be strong,” explains Andrysek. “With injection-moulding, which is the way we wanted to go because it’s so inexpensive, you can’t just make the part thicker to achieve greater strength. There are many other limitations, such as what’s possible with pulling certain shapes out of the mould.” After much tweaking and trial-and-error (and the use of a durable nylon plastic), Andrysek achieved manufacturing costs that are a stunning 90 per cent less than that required by other prosthetics with similar functionality. The final cost? Only about $100. The leg also had to be very low-maintenance, so Andrysek has incorporated self-lubricating plastic bearings and wear parts that are easily replaced after extended periods of use. Some long-term testing has been done in Central America, but Andrysek wants a broader look at how the LC Knee functions in different environments. A newly-awarded Grand Challenges Canada grant of $100,000 is about to help him to do just that in places like Chile, India and Tanzania. “The award is very nice,” Andrysek says, “but it’s also great to get direct feedback from the people using it or from the people who work with patients, to hear it’s allowing them to do this or that, things that they couldn’t do before. We wanted to provide a lot of function with a simple device, and it’s great to have done that.” DE M H •F •M •L •H www.hollandbloorview.ca www.design-engineering.com Com 12-04-11 8:59 AM Design_Engineer MS Series Air Preparation High Level Safety Compliance • Four interchangeable sizes up to 12,500 Nl/min. • MS6-SV, category 4, level E safety compliant. • Lightweight. • High flow performance. Engineered to perform wherever you need it. Commercial Support: 1 877 463 3786 28-29-DES.indd 29 Design_Engineering_Ms_series.indd 1 Technical Support: 1 866 463 3786 www.festo.ca/ms-series 12-04-11 4:20:47 8:59 AM 23/03/2012 PM 30 FluidPower Fluid Power & Controls BUYERS’ GUIDE Contents 32 Fluid Power News • Pneumatic Air Guitar rocks trade show circuit • Hydraulic engineering app for iPad • Eaton appoints new director of hydraulics 34 Shoptalk Choosing the most efficient control option requires full understanding of hydraulic application 38 Fluid Power Roundtable ‘12 Canadian fluid power leaders discuss market and product trends 42 On the Ball Integrator saves time and expense with new ball valves and end connectors 44 Fluid Power Showcase The latest in hydraulic and pneumatic product technology. 47 Fluid Power Product Index 48 Fluid Power Product Listings 56 Fluid Power Supplier Listings March/April | 2012 30-33-DES.indd 30 www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 11:12 AM 8754-08 8754-08 Canada Oil 30-33-DES.indd 31 & Gas_DE_7.875x10.75.indd 1 1/31/12 11:12 8:23 AM 12-04-11 AM 32 FluidPower: News Pneumatic Air Guitar rocks trade show circuit S howing off the speed, repeatability and power density of pneumatic systems in a way that captures the imaginations of weary trade show attendees can be a challenge. However, Business Development Manager Rob Clippard and a team of inventive engineers at Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. have combined their interests in music and fluid power to create one attention-grabbing pneumatic application. They’re creation is the Clippard Air Guitar, a pneumatically automated guitar playing machine that incorporates 62 cylinders, 58 valves and an iPad as the machine controller. More than 30 cylinders along the neck of the six-string guitar depress the strings on the fret board while another cylinder mounted horizontally at the bottom of the soundboard drives a pick to strum the chords. For the melody, six cylinders across the sound hole pluck individual strings. Additionally, the “clack” Eaton appoints new director of hydraulics Industrial manufacturer, Eaton Corporation, announced that Daniel F. Koehler has been named director of market intelligence and strategy for the Hydraulics Group. Koehler will be responsible for the analysis and communication of market data, leading the annual strategic planning process for the global hydraulics business, and coordinating the strategy deployment and communication activities across the product divisions, regions and functions. www.eaton.com March/April | 2012 30-33-DES.indd 32 of the cylinders provide percussive accompaniment. In total, Clippard says the Air Guitar took about a month and a half of nights and weekends to prototype and build. “I have a new found respect for the human hand,” he says. “The biggest challenge came when we started prototyping. “When you play guitar, the pressure you put on or take off the strings varies dramatically depending on what you want to do next,” he adds. “When controlling basic components with very high speeds and variable pressures, it’s amazing how much complexity goes into playing a single note in the way the human hand does without thinking.” To date, the Clippard Air Guitar has a repertoire of 16 songs. Similar to the rolls of punched paper of a player piano, the musical machine uses midi song files that digitally designate whether a particular note is played at any given moment. The iPad functions as a time-based PLC, outputting the binary song files through a midi soundboard that interprets the on/ off of the digital signal to control the relays of the individual pneumatic cylinders. The Air Guitar made its first appearance last year at PackEx in Las Vegas but is currently on its way back from the Analytica Show in Munich, Germany. Clippard says it will most likely make its next appearance in May at the Medical Design and Manufacturing East show in Philadelphia. For those interested in re-creating Clippard’s musical machine, the company has posted a video and component list on its web site. http://clippard.com/guitar Hydraulic engineering app for iPhone/iPad Education software firm, MultiEducator, has released Hydraulic Engineer for apple devices including iPhone and iPad. The comprehensive app includes more than 60 formulas required by hydraulic engineers, including sections on actuators, fluid power, hydraulic tubing, pumps, induction motor selection, and vehicle drive formulas. It also includes 60 area formulas and 300 conversion formulas. www.multieducator.net www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 11:12 AM DMR_Ess DMR_EssentialComponents_September-2011-outline_01.indd 1 30-33-DES.indd 33 8/15/2011 12:43:40 12-04-11 11:12PM AM 34 FluidPower: ShopTalk Shop Maximizing Hydraulic Efficiency Choosing the most efficient control option requires full understanding of a hydraulic application. Graph1: Pressure Compensated Pump By Pat Jones, P.Eng. A s with all things technical, some decisions are not necessarily as easy as they first appear and require a better understanding of the application. In previous articles, I have discussed the benefits of a demand-flow system using a pressurecompensated pump and also with a load-sensing pump. In those cases, it was easy to see the energy/cost saving of using variable displacement pumps over fi xed displacement pumps. In applications where the flow supply can be matched to the flow demand, then power is not wasted moving fluid that is not used in the circuit. Fixed displacement pumps can also be used in loadsensing type circuits. This does offer power savings over a simple circuit with just a fi xed displacement pump and a relief valve where unwanted flow is forced across the relief valve (which would be set at maximum system pressure). It may also offer power savings over using a pressure compensated variable displacement pump. In a fi xed displacement/load-sensing circuit, a bypass type compensator is used with the sensing line from the compensator connected into the circuit downstream of the flow control. With this type of circuit, system pressure is determined by the load pressure felt in the sensing line, plus the spring value of the compensator (typically 200 psi to 350 psi or so). Therefore, system pressure upstream of the flow control will always be 200 psi higher than the load so the pressure difference across the flow control will always be 200 psi. When the flow control is adjusted for the desired speed, the unwanted flow is forced across the bypass compensator at load pressure plus 200 psi. This unwanted flow across the bypass compensator is wasted energy, but not as much as would be wasted if dumping flow across the relief valve. So how can a fi xed pump circuit be more efficient than a variable pump circuit? It depends on duty cycle and the load flow/pressure demands. Consider the following comparison at a certain point in the duty cycle: System pressure setting Maximum pump flow Flow to circuit Load pressure March/April | 2012 34-37 DES.indd 34 2,000 psi 20 USgpm 15 USgpm 500 psi Graph 2: Fixed Pump with LS Control In this scenario, the system efficiency of the pressure compensated pump is approximately 25 percent while the fixed pump with load sensing achieves about 44 percent efficiency. From the graphs 1 and 2 above, you can see that, in this condition, the pressure compensated pump circuit will be much less efficient due to the control’s inability to sense the load. In this high-flow/light-load situation, the fi x pump with load sensing-type circuit is much more efficient. This example points out that the nature of the control and the motion profi le of the load, as well as duty cycle, must be clearly understood to choose the most efficient control option. It may be the most efficient to always specify a variable loadsensing pump for all circuits; however, if the duty cycle is intermittent usage, then a total cost case can be made for a fi xed pump, load-sensing circuit. In a previous article, I mentioned that closed loop hydraulic circuits represent an efficient circuit option. The advantage to these drives is that—because both the direction and speed of the load are controlled with the displacement of the pump— the throttling losses of open loop hydraulic circuits are eliminated. This type of circuit offers one of the most efficient hydraulic circuits possible. In a typical closed loop circuit, there are two pumps: The main loop pump that controls the load and the charge pump that supplies make-up fluid for main loop leakage and also www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 11:46 AM AD-116 Loctite Threadlockers ® When it comes to: • resisting vibration • preventing corrosion and leakage • improving quality • reducing weight, size and cost, mechanical locking devices just don’t hold up. CLAMPLOAD RETENTION COMPARISON 100 80 Clampload % Proven Solutions. Terrific track record. Superior results. 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Number of load cycles ■ Bolt with Loctite® liquid threadlocker and nut ■ Bolt with tooth lock washer and nut ■ Bolt with split ring lock washer and nut ■ Bolt with elastic stop nut ■ Unsecured bolt and nut By filling the thread roots and preventing side-to-side movement, Loctite® threadlockers have dramatically increased the reliability of threaded assemblies for over 50 years. New advancements provide higher temperature resistance, improved oil tolerance and primerless performance. Don’t let your designs fall apart. Use Loctite®. To learn more about our newest threadlockers – Loctite® 243™ and Loctite® 263™ – go to www.useloctite.com/de. For technical assistance, call 1.800.263.5043. Excellence is our Passion Except as otherwise noted, all marks used are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Henkel and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere. ® = registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. © Henkel Corporation, 2010. All rights reserved. AD-116-11 (05/11) AD-116-11 Design35Engineering.indd 1 34-37 DES.indd 26/05/11 1:08 PM 12-04-11 11:46 AM 36 FluidPower: ShopTalk typically supplies pilot fluid for main pump control. The charge pump is usually fixed displacement and continually forces fluid across a relief valve that is typically set from 350 – 500 psi. The charge pump size would typically be 10-15 percent of the main loop pump. So the continuous wasted energy is always at least the charge pump flow across the charge pump relief. The worst-case loss is when the main loop is at full load and the motor and pump are at maximum leakage. This could typically represent 10 percent of main loop total flow being forced through the pump and motor clearances at full load pressure. Using the same flow and load pressure numbers from the example above and assuming a charge pressure of 350 psi we see that, in the worst case, the closed loop circuit efficiency will be approximately 83 percent. So, why aren’t closed loop circuits used everywhere if they offer such a distinct efficiency advantage? Considering that one main loop pump is required for each load, this is very practical on a stationary crane where there would be four main functions: Main boom, rotation, extension and winch. This makes for a very compact and efficient circuit. However, as the number of loads grows and possibly the distant between them, having a separate closed loop circuit for each load becomes less practical from a machine design point of view. One input power source, capital cost wise, is very cost March/April | 2012 34-37 DES.indd 36 Graph 3 represents the power consumption and heat generation of a closed loop hydraulic circuit. effective as opposed to having multiple closed loop circuits and the necessity of multiple prime movers. Of course, the long-term energy costs need to be weighed against this. From an efficiency standpoint, there are clear standard options available. It’s a matter of understanding the combined flowpressure profile of the loads and the machine duty cycle and then looking at capital and longer term costs to determine the best solution. Efficiency does have a cost, but we can calculate the real cost of proper design if we understand all the variables. DE Pat Jones, P.Eng, is the owner of Consolidated Fluid Power (CFD) Ltd., where he is an instructor and consultant with more than 20 years of hands-on experience in the fluid power industry. www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 11:46 AM Fluid Contamination Under Control with ... Innovative Products, Support & Solutions DFE rated glass media filter element upgrades yield lower ISO codes (βx[c] > 1000), extend component & bearing life. All series available in Non-spark and water removal media. VUD Vacuum dehydrator removes free, emulsified & dissolved water to < 20 ppm from oil up to ISO 680 ISO codes < 14/13/11. SVR Soluble Varnish Removal. Prevents and removes lube oil varnish preventing servo valve failure and unit trip. Make Hy-Pro a Part of Your Lube Team Filter assemblies up to 8700 psi. High flow in-tank return & duplex filters for hydraulic, lube oil & diesel applications. and Arm Yourself with Tools and Industry Expertise to Maximize Your Hydraulic & Lube Assets. Dedicated FSL Gearbox Filtration Systems Maintain Cleanliness, Extend Gearbox Life ICB Dry Ion acid scavenging elements remove acid and dissolved metals, eliminate gels & deposits. COT Turbine Oil Coalescer rapidly removes free & emulsified water to < 150 ppm, ISO < 14/13/11. Filter carts for hydraulic & lube up to ISO 680. ISO 9001 Certified www.hyprofiltration.com 34-37 DES.indd 37 12-04-11 11:46 AM 38 FluidPower: Roundtable Fluid Power Roundtable 2012 Canadian leaders discuss the market, globalization and grooming the next generation of fluid power professionals. By Mike McLeod DE: For many in the fluid power industry, 2011 was a rebound year. How would you characterize 2012, so far? Shane Monaghan, Product Manager, Fluid Power Division, Gates Canada Inc: For Gates, 2011 was an excellent year. In fact, Gates Canada was recognized as the largest growth region for all of Gates North America. You can attribute those high sales to forestry, oil and mining—our top three markets. In terms of 2012, we were expecting another stellar year. For 2012, the company has reinvented itself to focus on five identified end markets: Energy, exploration and extraction; infrastructure and agriculture; transportation, automotive, and process and specialty. Those are the end markets we want to attack for 2012. Steve Apps, Sales Product Manager for Mobile Markets, Bosch Rexroth: For us, 2011 was definitely a good year, and 2012 is looking the same if not better, although it’s a bit early to tell. Mining and forestry are two areas that have certainly rebounded, although the mining industry has rebounded quicker. Prior to the recession, there were a greater number of companies in each of those different sectors, but the down years took their toll, and some companies didn’t come back. Those that have are generally what I would consider larger OEMs—that is, companies that deal both locally and internationally. Andreas Sobotta, Vice President, Product and Market Management, Festo Canada: We had a very strong start to 2012, more or less in all industries except automotive which was expected to be flat. Assembly and handling; food and beverage; and natural resources are all very strong. This is something that we anticipated, and we are getting stronger in these areas where we were already strong. The reason is that we aren’t just selling products; we sell solutions, and our customers appreciate this. Festo has been focused on this worldwide, so that customers will see us as a partner instead of just a supplier. Kevin O’Doherty, Regional Manager, Hydraulic Systems and Services, Wajax Industrial Components: From our perspective, 2012 is definitely going to be a more robust year than 2011, which was better than 2010. Through the first quarter, sales are up across both industrial and mobile segments and we’re hopeful the trend continues. The rebound is being led by the resource businesses, whether its oil and gas in Western Canada or metals and minerals here in Ontario. The product capabilities gaining the most traction have to do with safety. So, high quality products, particularly those that protect the operator, are gaining the most in popularity. —Shane Monaghan, Product Manager, Fluid Power Division, Gates Canada Inc Shane Monaghan March/April | 2012 38-41 DES.indd 38 www.design-engineering.com 12-04-13 2:22 PM FluidPower: Roundtable 39 For the mobile hydraulic market, emission control is probably the biggest consideration. Meeting the Tier 4 emission standard will affect performance, costs, physical design and a number of other things. — Steve Apps, Sales Product Manager for Mobile Markets, Bosch Rexroth Steve Apps As well, I think a lot of companies, through the belt tightening years, performed a bit less maintenance on their machinery in plant. Now that production is beginning to ramp back up, they do have to put those investment dollars back into their machinery. purchase our products so they don’t have to import the product from a specific country of origin. We’ve also re-named most of our hose and fittings to include the letter “G” for global, which means that no matter where you buy it, it will be manufactured to the same specifications and standards. DE: At the NFPA annual conference in March, the prevailing theme was globalization. Are your Canadian customers looking beyond the U.S. market? Apps -Bosch Rexroth: From my perspective, this has always been there. When the demand for domestic machines was higher, maybe globalization wasn’t as prevalent because customers could concentrate on their own backyard. With the change in the Canadian economy, the factors that influence production or harvesting of natural resources has dropped. As a result, to stay in business, people are looking for markets other than Canada and the U.S. One of the advantages we have is that we are able to draw on the applications and expe- Monaghan - Gates: Absolutely. We have Canadian distributors who supply mines in North Africa, as well as agriculture equipment in Russia, Europe and Asia. For the past two decades, Gates has been on five continents. What we’ve done to help distributors is develop a global product. Any OEM, across the globe, can www.design-engineering.com 38-41 DES.indd 39 March/April | 2012 12-04-13 2:22 PM 40 FluidPower: Roundtable rience of companies from around the world. Also, people want to know that what we are supplying is going to be supported if it is shipped, for example, to Eastern Europe. That has a certain attractiveness to local Canadian companies. Sobotta-Festo: About 75 percent of Canadian exports still go to the U.S., but I know that a lot of customers are looking to expand into new markets. For example, some of our Canadian customers are exporting into South America and some pulp and paper companies into Europe. Yet, it will take some time for some to look beyond the U.S. The difficulty is in the requirements and the expectation in Europe. They are used to a more sophisticated level of product. For example, in Europe, they use more bus systems and smaller products with better performance. For a lot of U.S. companies, if something isn’t big, it can’t be good. It’s important for some of our customers to re-think their approach into new markets. O’Doherty-Wajax: Our customers are definitely looking at the export markets. For example, a lot of the mining machinery OEMs we work with are doing more business in South America and Africa as well as parts of Russia and Asia. So, we definitely see customers taking a much more globalized approach to their sales channels versus just Canada and the U.S., the way it was a few years ago. Wajax is very much a Canadian-based company, so we don’t sell directly into other countries, but we do support the after-market for products that we manufacture here in Canada. DE: Technically speaking, what trends are driving your company’s new product development? Monaghan-Gates: For 2012, Gates has budgeted nearly double the industry standard for product growth to create products designed for specific regions. For example, in Canada we are coming out with a low-temperature product— an arctic version of a hydraulic hose. We are also re-releasing global products with improved pressure ratings and minimum bend radius. The product capabilities gaining the most traction have to do with safety, which is always a concern in the fluid power industry. For example, our Lifeguard line of sight hydraulic hose sleeves protects against catastrophic failure. If the hose were to burst or there were a pin hole, the sleeve protects the operator. Safety is more of a concern for OEMs now, and it’s a selling feature for them as well. Apps-Bosch Rexroth: For the mobile hydraulic market, emission control is probably the biggest consideration. Meeting the Tier 4 emission standards, which come into play at the beginning of 2014, will affect performance, costs, physical design and a number of other things. That single point has played a large role in shaping, not only the components themselves, but the system concepts. The trick is to find ways to improve a machine’s operation or performance such that it’s emissions are reduced. Bosch Rexroth saw this coming because there is an internal connection between the automotive and hydraulics sectors. So, we have some access to the technologies and concepts used in the automotive industry, which was hit with these emission standards well before the off-road industry. Sobotta -Festo: The new trend coming from Europe is that products need to be more efficient. As a German company, we are trying to convince our customers to jump on that bandwagon and be more productive. In terms of product, what we see is smaller, faster and more energy efficient. In terms of products that are gaining traction, customers want to have more flexibility so we have a single form factor product series that allows different size valves to drive different applications over different distances, all in one control panel. Additionally, you have the ability to connect to any type of bus system. Whether a customer has an Allen Bradley, Siemens or Omron system, they can take advantage of their existing software to drive our modules. O’Doherty -Wajax: We see a lot going on with electronics and with the quest for higher pressures. For example, the marriage between high-pressure hydraulics and electronic systems on mobile equipment is becoming much more of a trend—anything that helps with emissions and fuel consumption but increases payloads. If you fill your car each week, you know it isn’t getting any cheaper. Of course, the bigger the equipment, the more fuel they burn, so if they can get something as miniscule as a five or 10 percent fuel savings, that translates into some fairly big dollars for these guys at the end of the year. DE: Which strategies or initiatives are you finding most successful in developing tomorrow’s fluid power professionals? Monaghan-Gates: Recruitment is definitely an issue and has been for a number of years. We combat that through the high schools and colleges. To get the fluid power name out there, it’s usually best to find a high school senior who hasn’t made We aren’t just selling products; we sell solutions, and our customers appreciate it. Festo has been focused on this worldwide, so that customers see us as a partner instead of just a supplier. —Andreas Sobotta, Vice President, Product and Market Management, Festo Canada Andreas Sobotta March/April | 2012 38-41 DES.indd 40 www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 12:20 PM FluidPower: Roundtable 41 Most people in fluid power have to be built from within. It is really incumbent upon us to take the lead in their development such that we can hone their skills and turn them into a value player. —Kevin O’Doherty, Regional Manager, Hydraulic Systems and Services, Wajax Industrial Components Kevin O’Doherty up his mind yet. Specifically, Gates provides a lot of product and equipment to high schools and we give out six scholarship awards every year to high school seniors. We also put on training courses at colleges and offer engineering services to FIRST Robotics, where a large number of participants go on to pursue a career in engineering. Sobotta-Festo: Festo is one of the largest sponsors of Skills Canada competitions for colleges and universities. The last World Skills competition was held in Calgary, Alberta two years ago and we got a lot of interest from Alberta colleges and universities, which not only generated business for us, but they have now incorporated our equipment into their curriculum. As a result, students become familiar and benefit from this advanced learning technology. We also have a www.design-engineering.com 7PLNT15928.indd 1 38-41 DES.indd 41 unique product offering for high schools that is at the beginning of the implementation phase, which is well underway. We just have to work on the curriculum so that high schools move toward a more automation and pneumatic focus. O’Doherty – Wajax: As an industry, I think this is one of our biggest collective challenges. There is very little talent walking out of schools ready to go these days. Most people in fluid power have to be built from within. It’s really incumbent upon us to take the lead in their development such that we can hone their skills and turn them into a value player. A lot of companies have backed off the throttle a bit, especially through the recent recession. But as business starts to ramp back up, we definitely see the need to train, develop and build our own. DE March/April | 2012 3/20/07 12:32:48 PM 12-04-13 2:22 PM 42 FluidPower: DesignApplications On the Ball Integrator saves time and expense with new ball valves and end connections. By Bill Menz and Tony Taylor I ntegrators charged with building chemical injection skids for medium-pressure applications face some formidable obstacles. Two of the chief challenges concern critical fluid system components: medium-pressure instrument ball valves and reliable end connections for use with SAF 2507 tubing. Under certain circumstances, instrument ball valves in the medium-pressure range are known to leak across the seat. After sealing at high pressure, they may have difficulty resealing at low pressure, especially if pressure in the system is being built up slowly. End connections for the valves pose a special challenge when the tubing required is made of SAF 2507, a corrosionresistant material preferred in many aggressive chloridecontaining environments. Until recently, the market has not provided simple, easy-touse, mechanical grip-type tube fittings for SAF 2507 tubing at pressures up to 15,000 psig (1034 bar). For such applications, the industry has relied on cone and thread fittings, which can be temperamental and difficult to fit and assemble. Beta Test As an integrator that has built skids for most of the major oil companies, AGI Packaged Pump Systems was acutely aware of the challenges. When it accepted a contract to build two medium-pressure skids with SAF 2507 tubing—a chemical injection skid and a methanol injection skid—the company looked to Swagelok Company and its, then, not-yet-released FKB series medium-pressure ball valve. Offering to beta test the valve, AGI built a testing fixture designed to put the valve through a set of cycles simulating conditions on a methanol injection skid for deep water exploration. AGI planned to cycle the test valve until failure, but when the test ran for two and a half days—more than 4,000 cycles—without failure, AGI was satisfied with the performance and stopped the test. Over the 20-year life of a chemical injection skid, an instrument ball valve is typically cycled 300 times, about once per month. A New Ball Valve Design AGI’s beta test of the FKB series medium-pressure ball valve demonstrated that the valve reliably and repeatedly seals over the entire pressure range up to 15,000 psig. The valve’s effectiveness may be attributed to a special type of patent-pending live-loading technology termed “direct loading.” A ball valve seals because of contact pressure between the March/April | 2012 42-43 DES.indd 42 Figure 1: The FKB series valve design, in which the seat carrier is stepped, enables the springs and the system pressure to act at different points on the seat carrier. Each force counts, regardless of its relative value. System pressure will not collapse the springs. ball and the seats. One of the principal design challenges is determining how to generate sufficient force to create this contact pressure. If the force is too little at any point in the pressure range, the valve will leak. If it is too great, the valve will be difficult to actuate and its cycle life may be compromised. As one means of applying force, live-loading refers to a spring that fits somewhere between the end screw and the seat. Usually, the spring pushes against a seat carrier, which is a device that holds and positions the seat for ideal contact with the ball. Live-loading is especially important for three-way valves where the sealing force is provided solely by the upstream seat. But, even in the case of a conventionally designed, liveloaded ball valve, there may be issues with the seal at the lower end of the pressure range (<5,000 psig). The valve may create good sealing force initially because of the force delivered by the springs. But as the system pressure overcomes the springs— and collapses them—the sealing force may not be sufficient. When system pressure and the springs are arranged to act in series—one behind the other—there is no net sealing benefit at certain points in the pressure range. By contrast, in the FKB series medium-pressure valve, these two forces—system pressure and the springs—act on separate points on the seat carrier. Therefore, both contribute to the overall net sealing force. In Figure 1, system pressure on the upstream side acts on one step in the seat carrier, while the springs act on a second step. Together, they create a combined force adequate for sealing across the entire pressure range. This type of live-loading is termed direct loading. An additional design challenge for medium-pressure valves concerns handle orientation. In some cases, adjacent components may prevent the quarter-turn handle from being fully actuated. The challenge is to create a handle that can be repositioned in any one of four quadrants so a technician can reposition it without having to remove the valve and modify the valve supports. This goal is achieved by introducing a stop plate between the handle and the valve body. The stop plate may be repositioned, shifting the on and off position by 90-degree increments. www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 11:48 AM 43 This chemical injection skid, fabricated by AGI Packaged Pump Systems, relies on Swagelok ball valves. Photo courtesy of AGI. Final Testing On the two skids that AGI fabricated, there were a total of 36 valves and 452 medium-pressure tube fittings or end connections for use with SAF 2507. AGI checked all fittings with the handheld gauge. Further, as part of their normal process, AGI tests all skids before shipping by cycling valves and pressurizing the system to its fullrated pressure. In this case, the skids showed no leaks anywhere, including at end connections or across the seat of the ball valves. In past tests for other skids, AGI has spent as much as four hours correcting leaks. For example, in one case, the skid contained more than 100 valves, and the seats on each one had to be replaced. The initial pressurization of the system had compacted the seats and therefore the valves could not reseal as pressure in the system was being built back up. The FKB series ball valve and medium-pressure end connections saved AGI considerable time and costs during the initial fabrication and at final testing. When a component is dependable and easy to use, there is a quantifiable savings in avoided guesswork, setbacks, reconfigurations, failed tests and delays resulting from special tools that are not readily available or parts that need to be reordered and refitted. Additional savings are realized by the end user in reduced maintenance costs and ease of service throughout the life of the skid. Total cost of ownership over time—as opposed to the Ask us about Eaton Cutler–Hammer Electrical initial purchase price of a component— Leading Product Lines is the appropriate frame of reference Complete Systems Assembly and Repair Services when comparing costs. The two new skids that AGI successTechnical Assistance and Design fully fabricated with medium-pressure Comprehensive Inventories ball valves and end connections for use with SAF 2507 tubing are in service on platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. DE Specialists In: Eaton Hydraulics & Power Management Sauer-Danfoss Motion Control Bill Menz is Market Manager at Swagelok Company. Tony Taylor is manager of AGI Packaged Pump Systems. www.design-engineering.com 42-43 DES.indd 43 March/April | 2012 12-04-11 11:48 AM 44 FluidPower: Showcase Pneumatic Cylinders Festo announced that its ADN / ADNGF now includes a PPS option in all sizes (32mm up to 80mm diameter). The cylinder line features variable strokes from 1mm – 9000mm and a standard port pattern with dimensions based on ISO 21287. In addition, the company released its ADNP cylinder line — an economical version of its ADN with polymer caps — that feature flexible cushioning rings as standard. The cylinders also feature supply port threads inside the polymer caps. All ADNP cylinders feature a comprehensive range of mounting accessories and can be integrated with the company’s cylinder mounted switches. They are available in diameters from 20mm50mm, with stroke lengths ranging from 5mm-80mm. www.festo.ca Pneumatics Fittings AutomationDirect has added new models of tubing and fittings to its NITRA line of pneumatic components, as well as blow guns and aluminum manifolds. Available in 100-foot and 250-foot lengths, NITRA 16mm polyurethane tubing has a shore A 98 hardness rating, provides tight outside diameter tolerance and has kink resistance. NITRA brass adapter fittings and plugs are March/April | 2012 44-45-DES1.indd 44 available in 10 different styles. Machined from yellow brass, the fittings withstand pressure up to 800 psi. Also added are quick-disconnect fittings, including plugs and couplers, in 1/4-inch and 3/8-inch sizes. Male and female fittings are NPT threaded and withstand pressure up to 250 psi. NITRA aluminum manifolds withstand maximum pressure up to 500 psi and are available in two styles. www.automationdirect.com casings, special impellers to handle solidsbearing or gaseous liquids, a variety of high-performance mechanical seals, and a range of corrosion resistant materials, up to and including nickel and titanium alloys. The pumps are available in a range of sizes, with capacities up to 4150 m3/hr (18,200 USGPM) and heads of up to 185 metres. Operating temperatures of suitably configured pumps can range from -40°C to 400°C. www.ksbcanada.com Air Regulator Vacuum Pump Inlet Trap Venmark introduced a multiple stage vacuum inlet trap that protects vacuum pumps on metal injection molding, vacuum compression molding, and vacuum hydraulic press processes. The MV Multi-Trap Vacuum Inlet Trap provides a knock-down stage for collecting heavy solids and condensables plus an optional cooling coil. Featuring 4.5-inch and 9-inch H userreplaceable filter elements, the inlet trap can be configured with two stages of 10 elements or one stage of five. Filter elements include copper- or stainless steelgauze, molecular sieve, activated charcoal, Sodasorb, and pleated polypropylene. Made from stainless steel with NW40 to ISO-100 flanges, the trap is offered in a variety of sizes. www.massvac.com Chemical Pump KSB Canada introduces the CPKN family of pumps designed for transport of corrosive, gaseous or temperature-sensitive liquids. Optional features include jacketed ControlAir Inc. has expanded its 330 Instrument Air Regulator and Air Filter Regulator series to include a regulator only version, larger porting sizes and an automatic drain. The Type-330/340 series is now available in 1/4-inch NPT porting for normal operation and 1/2-inch NPT porting for high flow requirements. The automatic drain option prevents moisture from being retained in the unit and carried downstream. The series also offers three output ranges for control up to 120 psig (8 BAR). Maximum supply pressure is 250 psig (17 BAR). Two ¼-inch NPT gauge ports are included. The Type-330 offers an optional automatic float operated drain with 1/8” NPT connection for piping away waste liquid. The units can be pipe, bracket or through body mounted. ATEX 94/9/EC approval II G D is also available. www.controlair.com www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 9:01 AM FluidPower: Showcase 45 Pilot-Operated Check Valves Pressure Gauge Omega introduced its DPGM409 pressure gauge, that measures gage, sealed gage, absolute, compound gage, vacuum and barometric pressure ranges. Its core is a micro-machined silicon sensor with 0.08 percent accuracy. Each unit is supplied with a 5-point NIST traceable calibration certificate and is tested to industrial CE standards. A user selectable analog output of either 0 to 5 Vdc; 0 to 10 Vdc or 4 to 20 mA is standard on all models and a built-in wireless transmitter option is also available. www.omega.ca W-Style Couplings Kurt Hydraulics announced a line of W-Style couplings designed for non-skive high pressure spiral hose (6000 PSI) and all wire braided hose applications. The couplings are available in 742 different end types and in sizes including 4-32; non-skive all sizes of R12; non-skive 4SH 12-24 sizes; and a full line of metrics. Kurt couplings meet SAE specifications and are quality manufactured in accordance with ISO 9002/QS 9000. www.kurthydraulics.com Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc., introduced its JPC series check valves, which utilize the company’s poppet design and provide a variety of port configurations. The JPC series works as a standard check valve, but can be operated with an air pilot signal providing for “free flow” in the normally checked position. The valve provides a reliable method to check flow in one direction, with the ability to remotely signal a free flow through the valve. www.clippard.com/jpc-a Equal to the Toughest Tasks The Position Sensor with Patented Pressure Equalization Electrical Dirt Alarm Indicators Schroeder Industries introduced its MS17, MS18 and MS19 Electrical Dirt Alarm indicators for use with Schroeder hydraulic filters. The indicators feature an aluminum 2011-T-3 housing and a thermal lock-out option to prevent false indications during cold starts. Compliant with the IP67 standard, all three products are available normally open or normally closed, in both high and low current micro-switch designs and fit the standard indicator port of most Schroeder return line filters. www.schroederindustries.com www.design-engineering.com 44-45-DES1.indd 45 Novotechnik’s new LWX Series of heavy-duty sealed position transducers is engineered for extreme operating environments where high temperatures, vibration, high-pressure equipment wash downs, grease, and other contaminants are present. The patented pressure equalization technology prevents buildup or the “pump effect” that can degrade operation in repetitive mechanical, vehicle, automation and robotic applications. Key specs include: • Stroke lengths from 75 to 750mm • Sealed to IP-67 • Linearity 0.05% • Resolution better than 0.01mm • All metal corrosion resistant housing For complete LWX information, visit www.novotechnik.com/lwx Novotechnik U.S., Inc. 155 Northboro Road • Southborough, MA 01772 Tel: 508-485-2244 Fax: 508-485-2430 March/April | 2012 12-04-11 9:01 AM We promote fluid power as both a technology and a career w The CFPA’s Canadian fluid power market survey allows members to benchmark their sales performance by providing valuable information about current hydraulic and pneumatic sales levels and trends. wThe CFPA is also active in the Industrial Careers Pathway initiative that encourages young people to choose careers in industry and to educate existing distributor and manufacturer staff about business issues in industrial markets. w Our Fluid Power Challenges in Toronto and Edmonton provide middle school and high school students with hands-on experience building a mechanism with real world applicability and to open their eyes to the world of technology careers. wThe fluid power industry was represented in the first graduating class of the Industrial Distribution Leadership Certificate Program at Mokawk College. wOur annual golf tournaments in Ontario and Alberta provide wellappreciated networking opportunities for our members. 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 46 Stay in touch with the Canadian Fluid Power Industry Our website (www.cfpa.ca) and E-Blasts let you know about training courses, networking opportunities and the association’s many workforce development intiatives. If you haven’t already, join the CFPA today! 2175 Sheppard Ave. E., Suite 310, Toronto, ON M2J 1W8 (416) 499-1416 info@cfpa.ca 12-04-11 8:50 AM ProductListings 47 Product Index id d s. Accumulators: Bladder . . . . . . . Accumulators: Diaphragm . . . . . Accumulators: Piston . . . . . . . Accumulators: Spring-Loaded . . . Actuators: Electric . . . . . . . . . Actuators: Linear-Electric. . . . . . Actuators: Linear-Hydraulic. . . . . Actuators: Linear-Hydraulic-Servo . Actuators: Manual . . . . . . . . . Actuators: Rotary Hydraulic. . . . . Actuators: Rotary Pneumatic . . . . Actuators: Solenoid . . . . . . . . Adaptors & Mounts, Motor . . . . . Adaptors & Mounts, Pump . . . . . After-Coolers . . . . . . . . . . . Air Breathers . . . . . . . . . . . Air Compressor Oils . . . . . . . . Air Logic Devices . . . . . . . . . Air Operated Hydraulic Pumps . . . Bladders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blowers: Centrifugal . . . . . . . . Blowers: Positive Displacement. . . Blow Guns. . . . . . . . . . . . . Brakes: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . Brakes: Pneumatic. . . . . . . . . Bumpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Can Bus Systems . . . . . . . . . Clamps, Hose & Tube & Pipe . . . . Closures, Caps & Plugs . . . . . . Compressors: Air-Diaphragm . . . . Compressors: Air-Oil-Less . . . . . Compressors: Air-Reciprocating . . Compressors: Air-Rotary Screw. . . Compressors: Air-Rotary Vane . . . Compressors: Distribution Systems . Connectors, Electric . . . . . . . . Contamination Control . . . . . . . Controllers: Electro-Hydraulic. . . . Controllers: Electro-Pneumatic . . . Controllers: Flow . . . . . . . . . . Controllers: Hydrostatic Drive. . . . Controllers: Motion. . . . . . . . . Controllers: Programmable Logic . . Controls: Electro-Hydraulic . . . . . Controls: Electronic . . . . . . . . Counters: Fluidics . . . . . . . . . Counters: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . Counters: Particle . . . . . . . . . Counters: Pneumatic. . . . . . . . Couplings: Air Self Sealing . . . . . Couplings: Flexible Shaft . . . . . . Couplings: Fluid Self Sealing . . . . Couplings: Oil Self Sealing . . . . . Couplings: Quick Disconnect . . . . Couplings: Rotating Swivel . . . . . Cylinder Accessories . . . . . . . . Cylinders: Adjustable Stroke . . . . Cylinders: Air/Oil . . . . . . . . . . Cylinders: Cable . . . . . . . . . . Cylinders: Clamping . . . . . . . . Cylinders: Composite (Pneumatic & Hydraulic) . . . . . . . . . . . . Cylinders: Electro-Hydraulic . . . . Cylinders: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . Cylinders: Metric. . . . . . . . . . Cylinders: Mill . . . . . . . . . . . Cylinders: Miniature . . . . . . . . Cylinders: Pneumatic. . . . . . . . Cylinders: Rodless . . . . . . . . . Dampers: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . Dampers: Rotary. . . . . . . . . . Data Acquisition Systems . . . . . Drives: Hydro-Static . . . . . . . . Dryers: Air-Absorptive . . . . . . . Dryers: Air-Adsorptive . . . . . . . Dryers: Air-Chemical . . . . . . . . Dryers: Air-Refrigerant . . . . . . . www.design-engineering.com 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Electrical Panels . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . End Effectors . . . . . . . . . . . . Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filter Carts . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filter Regulator Lubricator (Frl) . . . . Filters: Compressed Air . . . . . . . Filters: Exhaust Air . . . . . . . . . . Filters: Flanged . . . . . . . . . . . Filters: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . . Filters: Pneumatic . . . . . . . . . . Filtration Systems . . . . . . . . . . Fittings: Flanged . . . . . . . . . . . Fittings: Hose & Tube . . . . . . . . Fittings: Metric Hose & Tube . . . . . Fittings: Pipe. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fittings: Push-Ins . . . . . . . . . . Flange Protection . . . . . . . . . . Flanges: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . Flanges: Threaded & Welded . . . . . Flow Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flow Restrictors . . . . . . . . . . . Fluoroelastomer . . . . . . . . . . . Flushing, Oil Systems . . . . . . . . Gaskets & Materials . . . . . . . . . Gauges: Digital . . . . . . . . . . . Gauges: Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . Gauges: Fluid Level . . . . . . . . . Gauges: Oil Level . . . . . . . . . . Gauges: Pressure . . . . . . . . . . Gauges: Temperature . . . . . . . . Gauges: Vacuum. . . . . . . . . . . Gear Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grippers: Hydraulic. . . . . . . . . . Grippers: Pneumatic . . . . . . . . . Grippers: Vacuum (Cups & Pads) . . . Heaters: Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . Heaters: Hydraulic Fluid . . . . . . . Heat Exchangers. . . . . . . . . . . Heat Exchangers: Air-Cooled . . . . . Heat Exchangers: Air/Oil Cooled . . . Heat Exchangers: Aluminium-Finned . Heat Exchangers: Copper-Finned . . . Heat Exchangers: Steel-Finned . . . . Heat Exchangers: Water-Cooled . . . High-Temp Masking . . . . . . . . . Hose: Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hose: Air Reels . . . . . . . . . . . Hose: Flexible Metal . . . . . . . . . Hose: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . . Hose: Self-Storing . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulic Fluids: Environmental . . . Hydraulic Fluids: Fire Resistant . . . . Hydraulic Fluids: Petroleum . . . . . Hydraulic Fluids: Synthetic . . . . . . Hydraulic Fluids: Water Glycol . . . . Hydraulic Hose Assemblies. . . . . . Hydraulic Integrated Circuits . . . . . Hydraulic Power Units . . . . . . . . Hydraulic Valve Components . . . . . Hydrostatic Drive Components . . . . Indexing Tables, Rotary Pneumatic . . Intensifiers: Continuous Action . . . . Intensifiers: Single Action. . . . . . . Intensifiers: Variable Displacement . . Leak Detectors . . . . . . . . . . . Load Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubrication Devices . . . . . . . . . Lubrication Systems . . . . . . . . . Lubricators, Pneumatic. . . . . . . . Manifolds: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . Manifolds: Pneumatic . . . . . . . . Marine Coolers . . . . . . . . . . . Meters, Positive Displacement . . . . Metric Tube Adapter . . . . . . . . . Mobile Coolers. . . . . . . . . . . . 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 Monitor Systems. . . . . . . . . . . 52 Motors: Electric With Pump Flange Mount . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Motors: Electro-Hydraulic Stepping . . 52 Motors: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . 52 Motors: Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Motors: Pneumatic. . . . . . . . . . 52 Mufflers, Pneumatic . . . . . . . . . 52 Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Oil Coolers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 O Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Packings: Braided . . . . . . . . . . 52 Packings: Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Packings: Gasket . . . . . . . . . . 52 Packings: Leather . . . . . . . . . . 52 Packings: Metallic . . . . . . . . . . 52 Packings: Synthetic . . . . . . . . . 52 Packings: U-Rings . . . . . . . . . . 52 Packings: V-Rings . . . . . . . . . . 52 Piston Rings: Metal . . . . . . . . . 52 Piston Rings: Nonmetallic . . . . . . 52 Piston Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Port Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Power Take Offs . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Power Units & Systems . . . . . . . 52 Pressure Gauge Protectors - Snubbers . 52 Pressure Switches . . . . . . . . . . 52 Pressure Transmitters . . . . . . . . 52 Pump Adaptors . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Pump Housings . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Pumps: Centrifugal . . . . . . . . . 52 Pumps: Diaphragm . . . . . . . . . 52 Pumps: Fixed Displacement . . . . . 52 Pumps: High Pressure . . . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Hydraulic Hand . . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Metering . . . . . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Pneumatic. . . . . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Pneumatic Driven . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Reciprocating . . . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Rotary . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Rotary Positive Replacement . 53 Pumps: Vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Pumps: Variable Displacement . . . . 53 Pumps: Water . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Receivers, Pneumatic . . . . . . . . 53 Regulators: Hydraulic . . . . . . . . 53 Regulators: Pneumatic . . . . . . . . 53 Regulators: Vacuum . . . . . . . . . 53 Reservoir Accessories . . . . . . . . 53 Reservoir Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Rings: Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Rings: Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Rings: Wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Rings: Wiper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Sealants: Thread. . . . . . . . . . . 53 Seals: Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Seals: General . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Seals: Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Seals: Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . 53 Seals: Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Seals: O-Ring-Elastomeric . . . . . . 54 Seals: O-Ring-Metallic . . . . . . . . 54 Seals: O-Ring-Plastomeric . . . . . . 54 Seals: Rubber Diaphragm . . . . . . 54 Seals: Rubber Hydraulic . . . . . . . 54 Sensors: Displacement. . . . . . . . 54 Sensors: Pressure . . . . . . . . . . 54 Sensors: Ultrasonic Fluid Level . . . . 54 Shims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Shock Absorbers. . . . . . . . . . . 54 Silencers & Mufflers . . . . . . . . . 54 Sleeves, Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Slides, Pneumatic . . . . . . . . . . 54 Software: Fluid Power Component Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Software: Fluid Power System Design 54 Solenoid Valves: General Purpose . . 54 Solenoid Valves: Proportional . . . . . 54 Springs: Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Springs: Gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Strainers/ Diffusers . . . . . . . . . 54 Switches: Fluid Level. . . . . . . . . 54 Switches: Pressure . . . . . . . . . 54 Switches: Temperature . . . . . . . . 54 Swivel Joints: Hydraulic . . . . . . . 54 Swivel Joints: Pneumatic. . . . . . . 54 Tachometers/Stroboscopes. . . . . . 54 Test Equipment: Hydraulic . . . . . . 54 Test Equipment: Pneumatic . . . . . 54 Testing Instruments . . . . . . . . . 54 Thread Protectors . . . . . . . . . . 54 Thrusters, Linear. . . . . . . . . . . 54 Transducers: Electro-Pneumatic . . . 54 Transducers: Pressure . . . . . . . . 54 Transmissions: Hydrodynamic . . . . 54 Transmissions: Hydrostatic . . . . . . 54 Tube Fabricating . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Tube/Hose Cleaning Equipment . . . 54 Tubing: Aluminium . . . . . . . . . . 54 Tubing: Copper . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Tubing & Hose . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Tubing: Plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Tubing: Rubber . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Tubing: Stainless Steel . . . . . . . . 54 Tubing: Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Vacuum Cups . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Vacuum Dehydrators. . . . . . . . . 54 Valve Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Valves Air: Check . . . . . . . . . . 54 Valves Air: Circuit Logic Control . . . 54 Valves Air: Deceleration . . . . . . . 54 Valves Air: Directional . . . . . . . . 54 Valves Air: Drive . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Valves Air: Flow Control . . . . . . . 54 Valves Air: Pilot Operated . . . . . . 54 Valves Air: Quick Exhaust Dumping . . 55 Valves Air: Relief . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves Air: Sequence. . . . . . . . . 55 Valves Air: Shuttle . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves Air: Solenoid . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves Air: Time Delay . . . . . . . . 55 Valves: Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves: Bleed . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves: Butterfly . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves: Check . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves: Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Air Bleed . . . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Check Pilot Operated 55 Valves Hydraulic: Counterbalance. . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Deceleration . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Directional . . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Flow Control . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Flow Dividers . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Miniature. . . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Mobile . . . . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Pilot Operated . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Plastic Diaphragm . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Pressure Control . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Pressure Reducing . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Proportional . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Relief Unloading . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Sequence . . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Servo . . . . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Shuttle . . . . . . . 55 Valves Hydraulic: Surge Damping. . . 55 Valves: Metering . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves: Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves Pneumatic, Miniature . . . . . 55 Valve Spools, Directional Control Hydraulic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Valves: Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Valves: Water . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 March/April | 2012 12-04-11 8:50 AM 48 ProductListings ACCUMULATORS: BLADDER Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power Hydro Leduc Hypower Systems Norcan Fluid Power Parker Canada Stauff Canada Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited ACCUMULATORS: DIAPHRAGM Drive Products Hydac Corporation Hydro Leduc Parker Canada Stauff Canada Ltd. Wainbee Limited ACCUMULATORS: PISTON Berendsen Fluid Power Cross Mfg Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Hydro Leduc Parker Canada Process Products Limited Ram Industries Wainbee Limited ACCUMULATORS: SPRING-LOADED Dendoff Springs Hydac Corporation ACTUATORS: ELECTRIC Bimba Manufacturing Co. Clippard Instrument Lab Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions Parker Canada Wainbee Limited Wittenstein ACTUATORS: LINEAR-ELECTRIC Cowper Inc. Festo Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions Parker Canada PQ Systems Ltd. Rotator Products Ltd. Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. Wainbee Limited Wittenstein RPM Mechanical Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery ACTUATORS: LINEAR-HYDRAULIC ADAPTORS & MOUNTS, PUMP Berendsen Fluid Power Fabco-Air Inc. Humphrey Automation Inc. KYB Americas Corporation L&W Hydramotion Inc. Parker Canada PQ Systems Ltd. Process Products Limited Ram Industries Wainbee Limited ACTUATORS: LINEAR-HYDRAULICSERVO COMPRESSORS: AIR-OIL-LESS AFTER-COOLERS Atlantic Purification Systems Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. Wainbee Limited Drive Products Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. Thermal Transfer Products Wainbee Limited AIR BREATHERS Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp. ACTUATORS: ROTARY HYDRAULIC AIR COMPRESSOR OILS ACTUATORS: MANUAL Berendsen Fluid Power Flodraulic Group Helac Corporation Moog Flo-Tork Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited ACTUATORS: ROTARY PNEUMATIC Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Moog Flo-Tork Parker Canada Seal Master Corporation Wainbee Limited ACTUATORS: SOLENOID Clippard Instrument Lab Process Products Limited Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited ADAPTORS & MOUNTS, MOTOR Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Rotator Products Ltd. Atlantic Purification Systems Coilhose Pneumatics Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. Wainbee Limited AIR LOGIC DEVICES Nash, A Gardner Denver Product Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. Wainbee Limited COMPRESSORS: AIR-RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORS: AIR-ROTARY SCREW Atlantic Purification Systems AutoLine Products Ltd. Drive Products EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. Westward Products Ltd. COMPRESSORS: AIR-ROTARY VANE Drive Products Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. Wainbee Limited COMPRESSORS: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Clippard Instrument Lab Festo Wainbee Limited Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. TOPRING AIR OPERATED HYDRAULIC PUMPS Berendsen Fluid Power Cords Canada Limited Atlantic Purification Systems Wainbee Limited BLADDERS Berendsen Fluid Power Hydac Corporation Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery BLOW GUNS AutoLine Products Ltd. Coilhose Pneumatics Exair Corporation Festo Parker Canada Reid Supply Company TOPRING Wainbee Limited Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. BLOWERS: CENTRIFUGAL Drive Products Spencer Turbine Wainbee Limited BLOWERS: POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT Drive Products BRAKES: HYDRAULIC Berendsen Fluid Power MICO, Incorporated Rotator Products Ltd. SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited BRAKES: PNEUMATIC Seal Master Corporation Wainbee Limited BUMPERS Rotator Products Ltd. RPM Mechanical Inc. CAN BUS SYSTEMS Drive Products Festo Flodraulic Group Parker Canada Rotator Products Ltd. SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd CLAMPS, HOSE & TUBE & PIPE AutoLine Products Ltd. Cords Canada Limited Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Kuritec Corporation Oetiker Inc. Reid Supply Company Seal Master Corporation Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. CLOSURES, CAPS & PLUGS Cords Canada Limited Daemar Inc. March/April | 2012 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 48 AutoLine Products Ltd. Wainbee Limited Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics RPM Mechanical Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Beach Filter Products Inc. Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Parker Canada Wainbee Limited Berendsen Fluid Power Parker Canada Process Products Limited Wainbee Limited COMPRESSORS: AIR-DIAPHRAGM CONNECTORS, ELECTRIC CONTAMINATION CONTROL Berendsen Fluid Power Hydac Corporation CONTROLLERS: ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Norcan Fluid Power Parker Canada PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited CONTROLLERS: ELECTRO-PNEUMATIC Drive Products Festo Parker Canada Wainbee Limited CONTROLLERS: FLOW Berendsen Fluid Power Can-Am Instruments Ltd. Drive Products Omega CONTROLLERS: HYDROSTATIC DRIVE Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Flodraulic Group CONTROLLERS: MOTION Ace Controls Inc. Berendsen Fluid Power Clippard Instrument Lab Cowper Inc. Davis Controls Ltd. Drive Products Festo Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions Omega Parker Canada PQ Systems Ltd. Wainbee Limited CONTROLLERS: PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC Chartwell Automation Inc. Davis Controls Ltd. Drive Products Festo Omega CONTROLS: ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Flodraulic Group Hypower Systems Lynch Fluid Controls Parker Canada PSI Fluid Power Ltd. CONTROLS: ELECTRONIC Berendsen Fluid Power Chartwell Automation Inc. Drive Products Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. Exair Corporation Festo Flodraulic Group Lynch Fluid Controls www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 8:50 AM ProductListings The Oilgear Company Parker Canada PQ Systems Ltd. Rotator Products Ltd. COUNTERS: FLUIDICS Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. COUNTERS: HYDRAULIC Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. COUNTERS: PARTICLE Berendsen Fluid Power Hy-Pro Filtration Hydac Corporation Omega Parker Canada Stauff Canada Ltd. Wainbee Limited COUNTERS: PNEUMATIC Clippard Instrument Lab Festo Wainbee Limited COUPLINGS: AIR SELF SEALING Battlefield International Inc. CEJN Industrial Corp. Snap-tite Inc. Spez-Tech Engr Fluid Pwr Tech Staubli Corp COUPLINGS: FLEXIBLE SHAFT Great Lakes Hydraulics John Crane Canada Reid Supply Company Rotator Products Ltd. RPM Mechanical Inc. Wittenstein COUPLINGS: FLUID SELF SEALING Battlefield International Inc. Berendsen Fluid Power CEJN Industrial Corp. Rotator Products Ltd. Snap-tite Inc. Spez-Tech Engr Fluid Pwr Tech Staubli Corp COUPLINGS: OIL SELF SEALING Battlefield International Inc. CEJN Industrial Corp. Snap-tite Inc. Spez-Tech Engr Fluid Pwr Tech Staubli Corp COUPLINGS: QUICK DISCONNECT Battlefield International Inc. Berendsen Fluid Power Beswick Engineering Co Inc. CEJN Industrial Corp. Checkfluid Inc. Climax Company Ltd. Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Festo Gates Canada Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics HosePower Canada Oetiker Inc. Omega Parker Canada Rotator Products Ltd. Rubberline Products Ltd. Snap-tite Inc. Spez-Tech Engr Fluid Pwr Tech Staubli Corp TOPRING COUPLINGS: ROTATING SWIVEL Festo Higginson Equipment Inc. HosePower Canada Staubli Corp CYLINDER ACCESSORIES Berendsen Fluid Power Clippard Instrument Lab Dendoff Springs Great Lakes Hydraulics Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Higginson Equipment Inc. L&W Hydramotion Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited CYLINDERS: ADJUSTABLE STROKE Battlefield International Inc. Bimba Manufacturing Co. Fabco-Air Inc. L&W Hydramotion Inc. Parker Canada Pneu-Hyd Industries Ltd. Ram Industries Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited www.design-engineering.com 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 49 CYLINDERS: AIR/OIL Clippard Instrument Lab Fabco-Air Inc. Higginson Equipment Inc. L&W Hydramotion Inc. Parker Canada Pneu-Hyd Industries Ltd. Ram Industries Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. CYLINDERS: CABLE Parker Canada Wainbee Limited CYLINDERS: CLAMPING Festo L&W Hydramotion Inc. Parker Canada Reid Supply Company Wainbee Limited CYLINDERS: COMPOSITE (PNEUMATIC & HYDRAULIC) Berendsen Fluid Power Fabco-Air Inc. Festo L&W Hydramotion Inc. Parker Canada Pneu-Hyd Industries Ltd. Ram Industries Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited CYLINDERS: ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC Berendsen Fluid Power KYB Americas Corporation Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited CYLINDERS: HYDRAULIC Berendsen Fluid Power Bimba Manufacturing Co. Clippard Instrument Lab Cross Mfg Inc. Devine Hydraulics Inc. Eastern Fluid Power Inc. Fabco-Air Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics Helac Corporation Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Higginson Equipment Inc. Hydac Corporation Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power Hypower Systems KYB Americas Corporation L&W Hydramotion Inc. Motion Canada Norcan Fluid Power The Oilgear Company Parker Canada Pneu-Hyd Industries Ltd. PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Ram Industries Reid Supply Company Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. Rubberline Products Ltd. Taylor Devices Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Westward Products Ltd. Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. CYLINDERS: METRIC Bimba Manufacturing Co. Clippard Instrument Lab Devine Hydraulics Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. CYLINDERS: MILL Berendsen Fluid Power Cross Mfg Inc. Devine Hydraulics Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics The Oilgear Company Parker Canada Ram Industries Wainbee Limited Berendsen Fluid Power Bimba Manufacturing Co. Clippard Instrument Lab Cowper Inc. Drive Products Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Higginson Equipment Inc. Hypower Systems L&W Hydramotion Inc. Motion Canada Parker Canada Ram Industries Reid Supply Company Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. Rubberline Products Ltd. TOPRING Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Westward Products Ltd. Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. DRIVES: HYDRO-STATIC CYLINDERS: RODLESS Can-Am Instruments Ltd. Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. Enclosures Direct Inc. (EDI) Flodraulic Group Rotator Products Ltd. Westward Products Ltd. 49 Berendsen Fluid Power DRYERS: AIR-ABSORPTIVE Atlantic Purification Systems Beach Filter Products Inc. Parker Canada Wainbee Limited DRYERS: AIR-ADSORPTIVE Atlantic Purification Systems Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. DRYERS: AIR-CHEMICAL Atlantic Purification Systems Wainbee Limited DRYERS: AIR-REFRIGERANT Atlantic Purification Systems Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. Wainbee Limited ELECTRICAL PANELS Berendsen Fluid Power Bimba Manufacturing Co. Cowper Inc. Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada Wainbee Limited ENCLOSURES ACE Manufacturing Metals Ltd. Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. Enclosures Direct Inc. (EDI) Hammond Manufacturing Co Ltd Omega Ralston Metal Products Ltd. DAMPERS: HYDRAULIC Ace Controls Inc. Berendsen Fluid Power Hydac Corporation Parker Canada Ram Industries Rotator Products Ltd. Taylor Devices Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery END EFFECTORS Parker Canada Wainbee Limited FASTENERS DAMPERS: ROTARY Ace Controls Inc. DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS Berendsen Fluid Power Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. Omega Parker Canada Wainbee Limited Cords Canada Limited Daemar Inc. Dendoff Springs Oetiker Inc. Reid Supply Company Spaenaur Inc. 5000MP_3.375x4.875 show your true colors Epoxy Features Excellent Adhesion to Glass, Polycarbonates and Acrylics EP30P Adhesive/Sealant/Encapsulant • Low viscosity • Superb optical clarity • Outstanding electrical insulation properties Hackensack, NJ 07601 USA +1.201.343.8983 main@masterbond.com CYLINDERS: MINIATURE Berendsen Fluid Power Higginson Equipment Inc. Wainbee Limited Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. CYLINDERS: PNEUMATIC ASCO Numatics Battlefield International Inc. March/April | 2012 www.masterbond.com 12-04-11 8:50 AM LOOKING FOR FILTERS or ELEMENTS? We want to talk to YOU! Call HYDAC Canada toll-free at… East 1.877.539.3388 West 1.877.484.4228 50 ProductListings FILTER CARTS Beach Filter Products Inc. Berendsen Fluid Power Eastern Fluid Power Inc. ESS Corp. Great Lakes Hydraulics Hy-Pro Filtration Hydac Corporation Parker Canada Stauff Canada Ltd. Wainbee Limited FILTER REGULATOR LUBRICATOR (FRL) ASCO Numatics ASCO Valve Canada Bimba Manufacturing Co. Clippard Instrument Lab Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Humphrey Automation Inc. Hypower Systems Motion Canada Parker Canada Rideout Tool & Machine Inc. TOPRING Wainbee Limited Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. FILTERS: COMPRESSED AIR Atlantic Purification Systems Beach Filter Products Inc. Coilhose Pneumatics Davis Controls Ltd. Exair Corporation Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. Wainbee Limited Westward Products Ltd. FILTERS: EXHAUST AIR AutoLine Products Ltd. Great Lakes Hydraulics N.R. Murphy Limited Parker Canada Wainbee Limited Westward Products Ltd. FILTERS: FLANGED Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited 1202-1412 CAN_DEqtrpgAd.indd 1 3/1/12 3:16 PM FILTERS: HYDRAULIC Beach Filter Products Inc. Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hy-Pro Filtration Hydac Corporation Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power Hypower Systems Motion Canada Norcan Fluid Power Parker Canada PQ Systems Ltd. PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. Zinga Industries FILTERS: PNEUMATIC Air Logic ASCO Numatics Beach Filter Products Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Cowper Inc. Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Humphrey Automation Inc. Parker Canada Rubberline Products Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Williams Fluidair Corp Ltd. FILTRATION SYSTEMS Beach Filter Products Inc. Berendsen Fluid Power Davis Controls Ltd. Eastern Fluid Power Inc. ESS Corp. Hy-Pro Filtration Hydac Corporation Parker Canada Stauff Canada Ltd. Wainbee Limited FITTINGS: FLANGED Adaconn Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics HosePower Canada Main Manufacturing Prod Inc. March/April | 2012 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 50 RYCO Hydraulics Spencer Turbine Wainbee Limited FITTINGS: HOSE & TUBE Adaconn Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy Beswick Engineering Co Inc. Climax Company Ltd. Clippard Instrument Lab Coilhose Pneumatics Cords Canada Limited Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics HosePower Canada Main Manufacturing Prod Inc. NewAge Industries Inc. Oetiker Inc. Parker Canada RYCO Hydraulics Swagelok TOPRING Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited FITTINGS: METRIC HOSE & TUBE Beswick Engineering Co Inc. Climax Company Ltd. Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics HosePower Canada Main Manufacturing Prod Inc. NewAge Industries Inc. Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited FITTINGS: PIPE Beswick Engineering Co Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Cords Canada Limited Drive Products Fabricated Plastics Limited Great Lakes Hydraulics Main Manufacturing Prod Inc. Oetiker Inc. RYCO Hydraulics Swagelok Wainbee Limited FITTINGS: PUSH-INS ASCO Numatics Beswick Engineering Co Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics HosePower Canada Humphrey Automation Inc. Motion Canada NewAge Industries Inc. Parker Canada TOPRING Wainbee Limited FLANGE PROTECTION Daemar Inc. FLANGES: HYDRAULIC Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Gates Canada Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics HosePower Canada Main Manufacturing Prod Inc. Parker Canada Process Products Limited RYCO Hydraulics Toro Hydraulic & Machinery FLANGES: THREADED & WELDED Berendsen Fluid Power Great Lakes Hydraulics Main Manufacturing Prod Inc. Nett Technologies Inc. Parker Canada Process Products Limited FLOW METERS Can-Am Instruments Ltd. Chartwell Automation Inc. Climax Company Ltd. Davis Controls Ltd. Drive Products Exair Corporation Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Max Machinery Inc. Omega Racine Flow Meter Group Swagelok Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 8:50 AM ProductListings FLOW RESTRICTORS Beswick Engineering Co Inc. Drive Products Wainbee Limited FLUOROELASTOMER Daemar Inc. Hercules Sealing Prod Canada RPM Mechanical Inc. FLUSHING, OIL SYSTEMS Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery GASKETS & MATERIALS Daemar Inc. Dura-Bar Elasto Proxy Inc. Nett Technologies Inc. Seal Master Corporation GAUGES: DIGITAL Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Omega Parker Canada Stauff Canada Ltd. Wainbee Limited GAUGES: FLOW GEAR DRIVES Helac Corporation Omega Rotator Products Ltd. SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd Wittenstein GRIPPERS: HYDRAULIC Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited GRIPPERS: PNEUMATIC ASCO Numatics Battlefield International Inc. Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Omega Parker Canada Wainbee Limited Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy AutoLine Products Ltd. Berendsen Fluid Power Climax Company Ltd. Davis Controls Ltd. Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation MICO, Incorporated Omega Parker Canada Rubberline Products Ltd. Swagelok Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments Zinga Industries GAUGES: TEMPERATURE AutoLine Products Ltd. Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Omega Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments GAUGES: VACUUM Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Omega Parker Canada Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments Zinga Industries Kuritec Corporation HOSE: HYDRAULIC HOSE: SELF-STORING Wainbee Limited HYDRAULIC FLUIDS: FIRE RESISTANT HYDRAULIC VALVE COMPONENTS HEAT EXCHANGERS: AIR/OIL COOLED Drive Products HEAT EXCHANGERS: ALUMINIUMFINNED CEJN Industrial Corp. Kuritec Corporation TOPRING HYDRAULIC FLUIDS: ENVIRONMENTAL Wainbee Limited HYDRAULIC FLUIDS: PETROLEUM Drive Products Kuritec Corporation HYDRAULIC FLUIDS: SYNTHETIC HYDRAULIC FLUIDS: WATER GLYCOL Kuritec Corporation 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 51 Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Lynch Fluid Controls Motion Canada Parker Canada Snap-tite Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments HYDROSTATIC DRIVE COMPONENTS HYDRAULIC HOSE ASSEMBLIES Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Flodraulic Group Norcan Fluid Power SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd CEJN Industrial Corp. Drive Products HosePower Canada Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power MFP Automation Enginee Berendsen Fluid Power Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Drive Products Wainbee Limited HEAT EXCHANGERS: COPPER-FINNED Berendsen Fluid Power Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Drive Products Wainbee Limited HEAT EXCHANGERS: STEEL-FINNED Berendsen Fluid Power Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Drive Products Wainbee Limited HEAT EXCHANGERS: WATER-COOLED Berendsen Fluid Power Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation John Crane Canada Thermal Transfer Products Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited HEATERS: COOLANT Omega HEATERS: HYDRAULIC FLUID Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Hydraulic Solutions HIGH-TEMP MASKING Daemar Inc. HOSE: AIR AutoLine Products Ltd. CEJN Industrial Corp. Checkfluid Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Coilhose Pneumatics Drive Products Gates Canada Inc. HosePower Canada Kuritec Corporation NewAge Industries Inc. Parker Canada Seal Master Corporation Established in 1946, RYCO is a modern innovative company with a commitment to quality, extensive research and product development. Continually improving and enhancing its product range, meeting and surpassing the most stringent of industry requirements. RYCO has manufacturing centers and global offices in North America, Canada, South America, Europe, Asia and Oceania regions. “ HIGHER TECHNOLOGY EQUALS GREATER PERFORMANCE - DELIVERED GLOBALLY ” UNITED STATES www.design-engineering.com HYDRAULIC POWER UNITS Berendsen Fluid Power Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation John Crane Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Hydac Corporation Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Berendsen Fluid Power Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Drive Products Norcan Fluid Power SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd Thermal Transfer Products Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited GAUGES: PRESSURE Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Eastern Fluid Power Inc. Flodraulic Group Great Lakes Hydraulics Lynch Fluid Controls MFP Automation Engineering Parker Canada PQ Systems Ltd. SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd HOSE: FLEXIBLE METAL HEAT EXCHANGERS GAUGES: FLUID LEVEL Berendsen Fluid Power Davis Controls Ltd. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Oil-Rite Corporation Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited HYDRAULIC INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Berendsen Fluid Power Devine Hydraulics Inc. Eastern Fluid Power Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation MFP Automation Engineering Motion Canada Norcan Fluid Power The Oilgear Company Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited HEAT EXCHANGERS: AIR-COOLED GAUGES: OIL LEVEL CEJN Industrial Corp. Reid Supply Company Swagelok TOPRING Wainbee Limited Festo Parker Canada Wainbee Limited Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Max Machinery Inc. Omega Parker Canada Racine Flow Meter Group Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Madison Company Oil-Rite Corporation Omega Parker Canada Switching Solutions Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Zinga Industries HOSE: AIR REELS Checkfluid Inc. Climax Company Ltd. Drive Products Gates Canada Inc. HosePower Canada Motion Canada Parker Canada RYCO Hydraulics Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited GRIPPERS: VACUUM (CUPS & PADS) 51 ring Parker Canada Staubli Corp Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited TOPRING Wainbee Limited +1 281 821 4100 CANADA +1 281 821 4100 March/April | 2012 12-04-11 8:50 AM 52 ProductListings INDEXING TABLES, ROTARY PNEUMATIC MANIFOLDS: HYDRAULIC Cyclo-Index Festo Wainbee Limited INTENSIFIERS: CONTINUOUS ACTION L&W Hydramotion Inc. Parker Canada Wainbee Limited INTENSIFIERS: SINGLE ACTION Festo L&W Hydramotion Inc. Parker Canada Wainbee Limited INTENSIFIERS: VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT The Oilgear Company Parker Canada Wainbee Limited Berendsen Fluid Power CEJN Industrial Corp. Cross Mfg Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power Lynch Fluid Controls Main Manufacturing Prod Inc. MFP Automation Engineering The Oilgear Company Parker Canada PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Ram Industries SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited MANIFOLDS: PNEUMATIC Davis Controls Ltd. Omega Battlefield International Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Lynch Fluid Controls MFP Automation Engineering Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited LUBRICANTS MARINE COOLERS LEAK DETECTORS Can-Am Instruments Ltd. Exair Corporation LOAD CELLS Drive Products Westward Products Ltd. Drive Products LUBRICATION DEVICES Climax Company Ltd. Parker Canada LUBRICATION SYSTEMS METERS, POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT Max Machinery Inc. Omega Racine Flow Meter Group Webster Instruments Berendsen Fluid Power Climax Company Ltd. Parker Canada Wainbee Limited METRIC TUBE ADAPTER LUBRICATORS, PNEUMATIC Drive Products Toro Hydraulic & Machinery ASCO Numatics ASCO Valve Canada Atlantic Purification Systems Clippard Instrument Lab Coilhose Pneumatics Cowper Inc. Festo Parker Canada Rotator Products Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery MOTORS: ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC STEPPING Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions Omega Wainbee Limited MOTORS: HYDRAULIC Berendsen Fluid Power Cross Mfg Inc. Drive Products Eastern Fluid Power Inc. Flodraulic Group Great Lakes Hydraulics Helac Corporation Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power Hydro Leduc Hypower Systems KYB Americas Corporation Lynch Fluid Controls Motion Canada Norcan Fluid Power The Oilgear Company Parker Canada PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited MOTORS: METRIC Drive Products Wainbee Limited MOTORS: PNEUMATIC Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada MUFFLERS, PNEUMATIC MOBILE COOLERS Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Drive Products Hydac Corporation Clippard Instrument Lab Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Omega Parker Canada Wainbee Limited MONITOR SYSTEMS NOZZLES Can-Am Instruments Ltd. Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. Flodraulic Group Lynch Fluid Controls KEEP PRODUCTION MOVING… SEAL MASTER CUSTOM ENGINEERED INFLATABLES FOR MOTION CONTROL The versatility, flexibility and close tolerance capability of Seal Master engineered inflatables offer creative solutions in applying forces and motion control in a more effective manner than common mechanical methods. Sealing is just one of many tasks for custom-built, fabric-reinforced, elastomeric inflatables. They’re ideal for use as actuators, brakes, valves, clutches, wipers and for other innovative applications. Backed by in-depth technical/customer service, they’ll replace cumbersome, hard-tomaintain processing and handling components to lessen downtime. Design assistance offered “They’re Deucedly Clever” SEAL MASTER CORPORATION Inflatable seals and other custom rubber products 368 MARTINEL DRIVE, KENT, OH 44240-4368 USA 800.477.8436 • 330.673.8410 • FAX 330.673.8242 E-mail: info@sealmaster.com • www.sealmaster.com © 2010 Seal Master Corporation 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 52 MOTORS: ELECTRIC WITH PUMP FLANGE MOUNT Exair Corporation Parker Canada O RINGS AutoLine Products Ltd. Daemar Inc. Drive Products Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Omega RPM Mechanical Inc. Spaenaur Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Trelleborg Sealing Solutions OIL COOLERS Berg Chilling Systems Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Thermal Transfer Products Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited PISTON RINGS: METAL Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery PISTON RINGS: NONMETALLIC Hercules Sealing Prod Canada PISTON RODS Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery PORT PLUGS Daemar Inc. POWER TAKE OFFS Drive Products Parker Canada SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd POWER UNITS & SYSTEMS Berendsen Fluid Power Eastern Fluid Power Inc. Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. Flodraulic Group Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power Hypower Systems MFP Automation Engineering Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited PRESSURE GAUGE PROTECTORS SNUBBERS Berendsen Fluid Power Great Lakes Hydraulics Omega Parker Canada PRESSURE SWITCHES Air Logic AutoLine Products Ltd. Berendsen Fluid Power Chartwell Automation Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation John Crane Canada MICO, Incorporated Omega Parker Canada PQ Systems Ltd. Switching Solutions Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Festo Flodraulic Group Omega Parker Canada Switching Solutions Inc. Webster Instruments PUMP ADAPTORS Daemar Inc. Drive Products Hi-Tech Seals Inc. John Crane Canada Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada Rotator Products Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery PACKINGS: CUP PUMP HOUSINGS Daemar Inc. Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Berendsen Fluid Power Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery PACKINGS: GASKET PUMPS: CENTRIFUGAL PACKINGS: BRAIDED John Crane Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy Drive Products EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Higginson Equipment Inc. KSB Pumps Inc. Omega Pentair Canada Inc. Viking Pump of Canada Wainbee Limited PACKINGS: SYNTHETIC PUMPS: DIAPHRAGM AutoLine Products Ltd. John Crane Canada PACKINGS: LEATHER Hercules Sealing Prod Canada PACKINGS: METALLIC Daemar Inc. PACKINGS: U-RINGS Daemar Inc. Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Trelleborg Sealing Solutions PACKINGS: V-RINGS Daemar Inc. Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Hi-Tech Seals Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery March/April | 2012 Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Omega Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Viking Pump of Canada Wainbee Limited PUMPS: FIXED DISPLACEMENT Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydro Leduc Omega www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 8:50 AM ProductListings Parker Canada Pentair Canada Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Viking Pump of Canada Wainbee Limited PUMPS: HIGH PRESSURE Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy Drive Products EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Flodraulic Group Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydro Leduc KSB Pumps Inc. Parker Canada Pentair Canada Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Viking Pump of Canada Wainbee Limited PUMPS: HYDRAULIC ALA Industries Limited Cross Mfg Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydro Leduc Hypower Systems KYB Americas Corporation Motion Canada Norcan Fluid Power The Oilgear Company Parker Canada PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy AutoLine Products Ltd. Drive Products KSB Pumps Inc. Omega Pentair Canada Inc. Viking Pump of Canada RECEIVERS, PNEUMATIC Fabco-Air Inc. Parker Canada REGULATORS: HYDRAULIC Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery REGULATORS: PNEUMATIC Air Logic ASCO Numatics Beswick Engineering Co Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Cords Canada Limited Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Humphrey Automation Inc. Kuritec Corporation Parker Canada Rubberline Products Ltd. REGULATORS: VACUUM Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada RESERVOIR ACCESSORIES PUMPS: METERING EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Oil-Rite Corporation Omega Viking Pump of Canada Berendsen Fluid Power Devine Hydraulics Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hy-Pro Filtration Hydac Corporation Parker Canada Stauff Canada Ltd. PUMPS: PISTON RESERVOIR TANKS ALA Industries Limited Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power The Oilgear Company Parker Canada Pentair Canada Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Berendsen Fluid Power Devine Hydraulics Inc. Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Oil-Rite Corporation Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery PUMPS: PNEUMATIC RINGS: BACKUP Great Lakes Hydraulics Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Trelleborg Sealing Solutions PUMPS: PNEUMATIC DRIVEN RINGS: PISTON PUMPS: HYDRAULIC HAND Great Lakes Hydraulics Wainbee Limited PUMPS: RECIPROCATING Pentair Canada Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited PUMPS: ROTARY Drive Products KSB Pumps Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Viking Pump of Canada Wainbee Limited PUMPS: ROTARY POSITIVE REPLACEMENT Atlantic Purification Systems Drive Products Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Viking Pump of Canada Webster Instruments PUMPS: VACUUM Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy Drive Products EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Exair Corporation Nash, A Gardner Denver Product Omega Parker Canada Wainbee Limited PUMPS: VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT ALA Industries Limited Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydro Leduc The Oilgear Company Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Viking Pump of Canada Wainbee Limited www.design-engineering.com 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 53 53 PUMPS: WATER Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Hi-Tech Seals Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Trelleborg Sealing Solutions TORO HYDRAULIC offers the most popular brands, Hydraulic components PLUS superior sales & service RINGS: WEAR Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Hi-Tech Seals Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Trelleborg Sealing Solutions ➢ Hydraulic Pumps, Valves, Motors, Cylinders ➢ Hydrostatic Transmission Pumps, Motors ➢ Variable, fixed, displacement Pumps ➢ Staffa Motors, Rotary, Gearboxes, Winches ➢ Custom built machines, Power Units, hydraulic Presses ➢ On site repair, troubleshooting, installation ➢ Consultant for Design and analysis of Hydraulic Systems ➢ Hose and Fittings, Tube bending RINGS: WIPER Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Hi-Tech Seals Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Trelleborg Sealing Solutions SEALANTS: THREAD John Crane Canada X-Pando Products Co. SEALS: FITTINGS Daemar Inc. Seal Master Corporation Spaenaur Inc. SEALS: GENERAL Daemar Inc. Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Hi-Tech Seals Inc. Seal Master Corporation SEALS: KITS Daemar Inc. Drive Products Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Hi-Tech Seals Inc. Seal Master Corporation SEALS: MECHANICAL Daemar Inc. John Crane Canada Viking Pump of Canada March/April | 2012 1415 Bonhill Road, Unit #15, Mississauga ON, L5T 1R2 (CANADA) Tel: 905.565.8887 Fax: 905.565.5788 Emergency Services: 416.720.7319 E-mail: sales@torohyd.com Website: www.torohyd.com TORO HYDRAULIC Sq.1.indd 1 12-03-26 12-04-1112:47 8:50PM AM 54 ProductListings SEALS: O-RING-ELASTOMERIC Daemar Inc. Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Hi-Tech Seals Inc. John Crane Canada Seal Master Corporation SEALS: O-RING-METALLIC Daemar Inc. Hercules Sealing Prod Canada SEALS: O-RING-PLASTOMERIC Daemar Inc. Hercules Sealing Prod Canada SEALS: OIL AutoLine Products Ltd. Daemar Inc. Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Hi-Tech Seals Inc. Seal Master Corporation SEALS: RUBBER DIAPHRAGM Daemar Inc. Seal Master Corporation SEALS: RUBBER HYDRAULIC Daemar Inc. Drive Products Hercules Sealing Prod Canada Seal Master Corporation SENSORS: DISPLACEMENT Chartwell Automation Inc. Omega Servo-Robot Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery SENSORS: PRESSURE ASCO Valve Canada Berendsen Fluid Power Chartwell Automation Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Festo Hydac Corporation Lynch Fluid Controls Omega Parker Canada PQ Systems Ltd. Stauff Canada Ltd. Switching Solutions Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments SENSORS: ULTRASONIC FLUID LEVEL Chartwell Automation Inc. Davis Controls Ltd. Drive Products Madison Company Omega Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited SHIMS Daemar Inc. Dendoff Springs Nett Technologies Inc. SHOCK ABSORBERS Ace Controls Inc. ASCO Numatics Dendoff Springs Festo Parker Canada Reid Supply Company Rosta Inc. Rotator Products Ltd. Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. Taylor Devices Inc. SILENCERS & MUFFLERS Exair Corporation Festo N.R. Murphy Limited Nett Technologies Inc. SOLENOID VALVES: GENERAL PURPOSE ASCO Numatics Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy Clippard Instrument Lab Cross Mfg Inc. Drive Products EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Higginson Equipment Inc. Nett Technologies Inc. Omega Parker Canada Rubberline Products Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited SOLENOID VALVES: PROPORTIONAL Clippard Instrument Lab Cross Mfg Inc. Drive Products EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Festo Omega Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited SPRINGS: AIR Dendoff Springs Taylor Devices Inc. Wainbee Limited SPRINGS: GAS Ace Controls Inc. Dendoff Springs STRAINERS/ DIFFUSERS Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited SWITCHES: FLUID LEVEL Chartwell Automation Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Madison Company Oil-Rite Corporation Omega Parker Canada Switching Solutions Inc. SWITCHES: PRESSURE Air Logic AutoLine Products Ltd. Chartwell Automation Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Madison Company MICO, Incorporated Parker Canada Switching Solutions Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery SWITCHES: TEMPERATURE AutoLine Products Ltd. Chartwell Automation Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Omega Parker Canada Switching Solutions Inc. SWIVEL JOINTS: HYDRAULIC Berendsen Fluid Power Climax Company Ltd. Higginson Equipment Inc. HosePower Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited SWIVEL JOINTS: PNEUMATIC Elasto Proxy Inc. Parker Canada Festo Higginson Equipment Inc. Wainbee Limited SLIDES, PNEUMATIC TACHOMETERS/STROBOSCOPES SLEEVES, BOOTS ASCO Numatics Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Parker Canada SOFTWARE: FLUID POWER COMPONENT SELECTION Parker Canada SOFTWARE: FLUID POWER SYSTEM DESIGN Parker Canada Simerics Inc. March/April | 2012 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 54 Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. Omega TEST EQUIPMENT: HYDRAULIC Berendsen Fluid Power CEJN Industrial Corp. Drive Products Eastern Fluid Power Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Max Machinery Inc. MFP Automation Engineering Parker Canada PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Racine Flow Meter Group Stauff Canada Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments TUBING: STAINLESS STEEL TEST EQUIPMENT: PNEUMATIC TUBING: STEEL TESTING INSTRUMENTS VACUUM CUPS Fabco-Air Inc. Great Lakes Hydraulics MFP Automation Engineering Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Electro-Meters Co. Ltd. Exair Corporation Omega Parker Canada Servo-Robot Inc. Webster Instruments THREAD PROTECTORS Daemar Inc. Hi-Tech Seals Inc. THRUSTERS, LINEAR Cowper Inc. Marmon/Keystone Canada Inc. Spencer Turbine Swagelok Tube Caron Inc. AutoLine Products Ltd. Drive Products Marmon/Keystone Canada Inc. Parker Canada Spencer Turbine Tube Caron Inc. ASCO Numatics Exair Corporation Festo Humphrey Automation Inc. Parker Canada Reid Supply Company Wainbee Limited VACUUM DEHYDRATORS Hy-Pro Filtration Hydac Corporation VALVE CIRCUITS TRANSDUCERS: ELECTRO-PNEUMATIC Berendsen Fluid Power Eastern Fluid Power Inc. Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited TRANSDUCERS: PRESSURE VALVE SPOOLS, DIRECTIONAL CONTROL HYDRAULIC Festo Omega Parker Canada ASCO Valve Canada Berendsen Fluid Power Davis Controls Ltd. Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Madison Company Omega Parker Canada PQ Systems Ltd. Switching Solutions Inc. Webster Instruments TRANSMISSIONS: HYDRODYNAMIC Toro Hydraulic & Machinery TRANSMISSIONS: HYDROSTATIC Drive Products Flodraulic Group PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery TUBE FABRICATING Marmon/Keystone Canada Inc. NewAge Industries Inc. Parker Canada Tube Caron Inc. TUBE/HOSE CLEANING EQUIPMENT Drive Products Parker Canada TUBING & HOSE Clippard Instrument Lab Coilhose Pneumatics Festo Kuritec Corporation Marmon/Keystone Canada Inc. NewAge Industries Inc. Parker Canada RPM Mechanical Inc. Rubberline Products Ltd. Swagelok Toro Hydraulic & Machinery TUBING: ALUMINIUM Berendsen Fluid Power Drive Products Parker Canada Snap-tite Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES AIR: CHECK Air Logic AutoLine Products Ltd. Beswick Engineering Co Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES AIR: CIRCUIT LOGIC CONTROL Battlefield International Inc. Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Parker Canada Wainbee Limited VALVES AIR: DECELERATION Clippard Instrument Lab Parker Canada Wainbee Limited VALVES AIR: DIRECTIONAL ASCO Numatics Bimba Manufacturing Co. Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Humphrey Automation Inc. Omega Parker Canada Rubberline Products Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Marmon/Keystone Canada Inc. Spencer Turbine Tube Caron Inc. VALVES AIR: DRIVE TUBING: COPPER VALVES AIR: FLOW CONTROL AutoLine Products Ltd. Great Lakes Copper Inc. TUBING: PLASTIC Clippard Instrument Lab Cords Canada Limited Drive Products Festo Humphrey Automation Inc. Kuritec Corporation NewAge Industries Inc. Omega TUBING: RUBBER AutoLine Products Ltd. Elasto Proxy Inc. Kuritec Corporation NewAge Industries Inc. Seal Master Corporation Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Air Logic Beswick Engineering Co Inc. Bimba Manufacturing Co. Clippard Instrument Lab Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Omega Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES AIR: PILOT OPERATED Air Logic Battlefield International Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 8:50 AM ProductListings VALVES AIR: QUICK EXHAUST DUMPING Battlefield International Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Festo Humphrey Automation Inc. Parker Canada Wainbee Limited VALVES AIR: RELIEF Air Logic Fabco-Air Inc. Omega Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp. Wainbee Limited VALVES AIR: SEQUENCE Air Logic Clippard Instrument Lab Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Parker Canada Wainbee Limited VALVES AIR: SHUTTLE Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Omega Parker Canada Wainbee Limited VALVES AIR: SOLENOID VALVES HYDRAULIC: FLOW CONTROL ALA Industries Limited Devine Hydraulics Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation MICO, Incorporated Parker Canada Snap-tite Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments VALVES HYDRAULIC: FLOW DIVIDERS Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments VALVES HYDRAULIC: MINIATURE Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: MOBILE Drive Products Flodraulic Group Hydac Corporation MICO, Incorporated Parker Canada PSI Fluid Power Ltd. SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments ASCO Numatics Battlefield International Inc. Bimba Manufacturing Co. Drive Products EC & M Electric (1934) Ltd. Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Omega Parker Canada Rubberline Products Ltd. Skeans Eng & Mach Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: PILOT OPERATED VALVES AIR: TIME DELAY Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Festo Parker Canada Swagelok Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: AIR BLEED Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: CHECK PILOT OPERATED Devine Hydraulics Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation MICO, Incorporated Parker Canada Snap-tite Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: COUNTERBALANCE Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: DECELERATION Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: DIRECTIONAL ALA Industries Limited Cross Mfg Inc. Devine Hydraulics Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Humphrey Automation Inc. Hydac Corporation Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power Hypower Systems Parker Canada PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Snap-tite Inc. SunSource Tech Serv (Cnd) Ltd Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments www.design-engineering.com 46-55-DES-PRO LISTINGS.indd 55 ALA Industries Limited Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation MICO, Incorporated Parker Canada Snap-tite Inc. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Webster Instruments VALVES HYDRAULIC: SERVO ALA Industries Limited Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp. Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: SHUTTLE VALVES: CHECK Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: SURGE DAMPING Parker Canada Wainbee Limited VALVES PNEUMATIC, MINIATURE ASCO Valve Canada Beswick Engineering Co Inc. Clippard Instrument Lab Cowper Inc. Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Parker Canada Wainbee Limited Air Logic Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Fabco-Air Inc. Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Inserta Products Inc. Parker Canada Snap-tite Inc. Swagelok Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp. Wainbee Limited VALVES: GATE AutoLine Products Ltd. Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Wainbee Limited VALVES: BALL Atlantis Pompe Ste-Foy Drive Products Festo Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Inserta Products Inc. KTI Limited Omega Parker Canada Stauff Canada Ltd. Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp. Wainbee Limited VALVES: METERING Great Lakes Hydraulics Omega VALVES: PLUGS Drive Products KTI Limited Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp. VALVES: STOP Toro Hydraulic & Machinery VALVES: BLEED VALVES: WATER Clippard Instrument Lab Omega Wainbee Limited AutoLine Products Ltd. Clippard Instrument Lab Drive Products Festo Omega Parker Canada Val-Matic Valve & Mfg. Corp. VALVES HYDRAULIC: PLASTIC DIAPHRAGM VALVES HYDRAULIC: PRESSURE CONTROL Specify CROSS Fluid Power… ALA Industries Limited Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation MICO, Incorporated Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: PRESSURE REDUCING PRESSURE, FLOW and DIRECTIONAL VALVES Devine Hydraulics Inc. Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation MICO, Incorporated Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited GEAR PUMPS and MOTORS VALVES HYDRAULIC: PROPORTIONAL ALA Industries Limited Cross Mfg Inc. Drive Products Flodraulic Group Hydac Corporation Hydraflow-Pumptech Fluid Power Lynch Fluid Controls MICO, Incorporated Norcan Fluid Power Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: RELIEF UNLOADING ALA Industries Limited Drive Products Great Lakes Hydraulics Hydac Corporation Parker Canada Toro Hydraulic & Machinery Wainbee Limited VALVES HYDRAULIC: SEQUENCE Great Lakes Hydraulics Parker Canada Wainbee Limited 55 VALVES: BUTTERFLY RELIEF VALVES TIE ROD CYLINDERS 60 years experience, our personal commitment to continuous improvement, quality and customer satisfaction — gives you the best product at the right price. Call, fax or e-mail today for complete information. CROSS A MERIC E IN A. AD .. M SERVING THE WORLD 100 JAMES H. CROSS BLVD. LEWIS, KS 67552 (620) 324-5525 FAX (620) 324-5737 E-mail: info@crossmfg.com ISO 9001 CERTIFIED March/April | 2012 12-04-11 8:50 AM 56 SupplierListings ACE CONTROLS INC. ATLANTIS POMPE STE-FOY BIMBA MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer Distributor Manufacturer 23435 Industrial Pk Dr Farmington Hills MI 48335 USA Tel: 248-476-0213 Fax: 248-476-2470 Email: shocks@acecontrols.com Web: www.acecontrols.com Distributors: Cowper, St. John, NB; Kingston, ON; London, ON; Markham, ON; Cowper Inc., Lachine, QC; Peerless Engineering Sales Ltd., Burnaby, BC; Prince George, BC; Edmonton, AB; Vickers-Warnick Ltd., Mississauga, ON; Stoney Creek, ON; Waterloo, ON 1844 boul Wilfrid-Hamel Québec QC G1N 3Z2 Tel: 418-681-7301 Fax: 418-681-5183 Web: www.atlantispompe.com Manufacturers: 3M; Armstrong; Barnes; Boshart; Burkley; Ebara; Flexcon; Franklin Pump; Landa; Liberty Pump; Sherflow; Sioux; Watermaze; Watts 25150 Governor Hwy S University IL 60484 USA Tel: 708-534-8544 Fax: 708-235-2014 Email: support@bimba.com Web: www.bimba.com Distributors: Acromag ; Cowper Inc, Lachine, QC; CPI Automation Ltd., Mississauga, ON; Skeans Engineering, Coquitlam, BC AUTOLINE PRODUCTS LTD. BOSCH REXROTH CANADA Manufacturer & Distributor Manufacturer 675 Golspie St Winnipeg MB R2K 2V2 Tel: 204-668-8242 Fax: 204-663-8704 Email: info@autoline.ca Web: www.autoline.ca 490 Prince Charles Dr S Welland ON L3B 5X7 Tel: 905-735-0510 Fax: 905-735-5646 Email: info@boschrexroth.ca Web: www.boschrexroth.ca Branches: Edmonton, AB; Burnaby, BC; Fredericton, NB; Dartmouth, NS; Burlington, ON; Welland, ON; Longueuil, QC; Saskatoon, SK; ACE MANUFACTURING METALS LTD. Manufacturer PO Box 500 Bittern Lake AB T0C 0L0 Tel: 780-352-7145 Fax: 780-352-7147 Email: info@acemfg.com Web: www.acemfg.com ADACONN Manufacturer 538 Township Line Rd Blue Bell PA 19422 USA Tel: 215-643-1900 Fax: 215-643-4017 Email: sales@adaconn.com Web: www.adaconn.com Distributors: Berendsen Fluid Power, Scarborough, ON; HyPower, Saskatoon, SK; Kinecor, Lachine, QC; Wainbee Ltd., Mississauga, ON AIR LOGIC Manufacturer 5102 Douglas Ave Racine WI 53402-2064 USA Tel: 262-639-9035 Fax: 262-639-5996 Email: airlogic@air-logic.com Web: www.air-logic.com Distributors: Cowper Inc., Lachine, QC; Peerless Engineering Sales Ltd, Burnaby, BC ALA INDUSTRIES LTD. Distributor 1150 South Port Cir Suite D Valparaiso IN 46385 USA Tel: 219-465-4197 Fax: 219-477-4194 Email: alaindustries@yuken-usa.com Web: www.yuken-usa.com Manufacturers: Settima; Yuken ASCO NUMATICS Manufacturer & Distributor 17 Airport Rd Brantford ON N3T 5M8 Tel: 519-758-2700 Fax: 519-758-5540 Email: asconumaticscanada@emerson.com Web: www.asconumatics.ca Branches: Saint-Laurent, QC Manufacturers: Alado; Enertrols; Vaccon Vacuum Distributors: Visit www.numatics.com BATTLEFIELD INTERNATIONAL INC. Manufacturer 1664 Kohler Rd Cayuga ON N0A 1E0 Tel: 905-772-3000 Fax: 905-772-3099 Email: info@battlefield.biz Web: www.battlefield.biz Distributors: AES Industrial Supplies Ltd., Red Deer, AB; Atlantic Compressed Air, Moncton, NB; BDI - Calgary, Calgary, AB; Canco Hose & Fitting Inc., Prince George, BC; Delta Fluid Air Inc., Barrie, ON; Georgian Hose & Equipment Ltd., Collingwood, ON; M&C Hydraulics, Peterborough, ON; Western Hydraulics 2000 Ltd., Mount Pearl, NL 17 Airport Rd Brantford ON N3T 5M8 Tel: 519-758-2700 Fax: 519-758-5540 Email: asconumaticscanada@emerson.com Web: www.ascovalve.ca Branches: St. Laurent, QC ATLANTIC PURIFICATION SYSTEMS LTD. Distributor 10 Ferguson Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 4M1 Tel: 902-496-2806 Fax: 902-453-3529 Email: sales@aps.ns.ca Web: www.aps.ns.ca March/April | 2012 56-62-DES-SUPPLY LIST.indd 56 Distributor 2851 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 6C9 Tel: 905-829-0030 Fax: 905-829-4701 Email: support@can-am.net Web: www.can-am.net Branches: Calgary, AB; Halifax, NS Manufacturers: ACR; Arjay Engineering; Brookfield Engineering; Enmet; Hach; Highland Tank; MJK; Racine; Telog BEACH FILTER PRODUCTS INC. Manufacturer 7682 Glenville Rd Glen Rock PA 17327 USA Tel: 717-235-1136 Fax: 717-235-4858 Email: beachsta-dri@comcast.net Web: www.beachfilters.com Distributors: CDA, Toronto, ON; Peacock Inc., Mississauga, ON BERENDSEN FLUID POWER Manufacturer & Distributor 35A Ironside Cr Scarborough ON M1X 1G5 Tel: 416-335-5557 Fax: 416-335-8844 Email: info@bfpna.com Web: www.bfpna.com Branches: Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Vancouver, BC; Winnipeg, MB; Dartmouth, NS; London, ON; Markham, ON; Stoney Creek, ON; Sudbury, ON; Timmins, ON; Montreal, QC; Saskatoon, SK Manufacturers: Auburn Gear; Barksdale; Donaldson; Eaton/ Cutler-Hammer; Eaton-Vickers; Olaer; Sauer-Danfoss; Thermal Transfer Company Profile: Berendsen Fluid Power is a North American fluid power integrator with sales and service support in 50 locations throughout the United States and Canada. Berendsen’s expertise is in the supply, design, manufacture and support of industrial and Mobile components and Motion Control packages. Berendsen also provides complete control systems to compliment any hydraulic design. ASCO VALVE CANADA Manufacturer & Distributor CAN-AM INSTRUMENTS LTD. BERG CHILLING SYSTEMS INC. CEJN INDUSTRIAL CORP. Manufacturer 4 Snowberry Crt Caledon Village ON L7K 0B5 Tel: 519-927-0566 Fax: 519-927-0567 Email: barney.draper@cejnusa.com Web: www.cejn.com CHARTWELL AUTOMATION INC. Manufacturer & Distributor 1-140 Duffield Dr Markham ON L6G 1B5 Tel: 905-513-7100 Fax: 905-513-7101 Email: sales@chartwell.ca Web: www.chartwell.ca CHECKFLUID INC. Manufacturer 116-4096 Meadowbrook Dr London ON N6L 1G4 Tel: 519-652-6373 Fax: 519-652-0392 Email: info@checkfluid.com Web: www.checkfluid.com Manufacturer 51 Nantucket Blvd Scarborough ON M1P 2N5 Tel: 416-755-2221 Fax: 416-755-3874 Email: bergsales@berg-group.com Web: www.berg-group.com BESWICK ENGINEERING CO INC. Manufacturer 284 Ocean Rd Greenland NH 03840-2442 USA Tel: 603-433-1188 Fax: 603-433-3313 Email: besales@beswick.com Web: www.beswick.com CLIMAX COMPANY LTD. Distributor 16883 boul Hymus Kirkland QC H9H 3L4 Tel: 514-426-2243 Fax: 514-426-7126 Email: bross@climaxcompany.com Web: www.climaxcompany.com Manufacturers: Alemite; Bijur Lubricating Corp.; Delimon; Farval; Marsh Bellofram; Oil Rite; Parker Hannifin Corp. www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 2:14 PM SupplierListings 57 CLIPPARD INSTRUMENT LABORATORY INC. Manufacturer 7390 Colerain Ave Cincinnati OH 45239 USA Tel: 513-521-4261 Fax: 513-521-4464 Email: sales@clippard.com Web: www.clippard.com Distributors: Wainbee Ltd., Mississauga, ON COILHOSE PNEUMATICS Manufacturer 19 Kimberly Rd East Brunswick NJ 8816 USA Tel: 732-390-8480 Fax: 732-390-9693 Email: info@coilhose.com Web: www.coilhose.com Distributors: Airfast Distributors, Surrey, BC; Airmax, Granby, QC; Airtek, Montreal, QC; CFA Industries Inc., Aurora, ON CORDS CANADA LTD. Distributor 62 Densley Ave Toronto ON M6M 5E1 Tel: 416-242-6811 Fax: 416-242-6819 Email: cords@cordscanada.com Web: www.cordscanada.com Manufacturers: Arkplas Products; Bumper Specialties; Heyco; Micro Plastics; Nyltite; Richco; Stockcap; Thogus COWPER INC. DAVIS CONTROLS LTD. EC & M ELECTRIC (1934) LTD. Distributor Distributor 2200 Bristol Cir Oakville ON L6H 5R3 Tel: 905-829-2000 Fax: 905-829-2630 Email: info@daviscontrols.com Web: www.daviscontrols.com Branches: Vancouver, BC; Calgary, ON; Sarnia, ON; Montreal, QC Manufacturers: Acromag; Baldor; Balston; Danfoss Drives; Emco; Flowline; Gems Sensors; LS Industrial Systems; Wago 101-4015 8 St SE Calgary AB T2G 3A5 Tel: 403-720-2800 Fax: 403-720-3711 Email: ecm@ecm.ab.ca Web: www.ecm.ab.ca DENDOFF SPRINGS Manufacturer 12045 Old Yale Rd Surrey BC V3V 3X4 Tel: 604-580-3400 Fax: 604-580-3600 Email: sales@dendoff.com Web: www.dendoff.com DEVINE HYDRAULICS INC. Manufacturer & Distributor 1650 Old Colchester Rd PO Box 91 Oakdale CT 06370 USA Tel: 860-859-1650 Fax: 860-887-1130 Email: sales@dhict.com Web: www.dhict.com Manufacturers: Allegheny Lock; ALT Controls; Bosch Rexroth; Breg Absorbants; EEC; Hartmann Pumps; Hercules Seals; Honor Pump; Hydro-Craft; Magnolog; NRP Jones; Powervalve; Prince; Stauff; Vescor/LDI DIELCO INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Manufacturer 61 Enterprise Dr London ON N6N 1A4 Tel: 519-685-2224 Fax: 519-685-6818 Email: dielco@dielco.com Web: www.dielco.com Distributor 677 7th Ave Lachine QC H8S 3A1 Tel: 514-637-6746 Fax: 514-637-5055 Email: support@cowper.ca Web: www.cowper.ca Branches: Saint John, NB; Kingston, ON; London, ON; Markham, ON Manufacturers: Ace Controls; Bimba Mfg.; Camozzi; Exair; Firestone Industrial; Norgren; Tol-O-Matic; TRD Mfg. CROSS MFG INC. Manufacturer 210-11011 King St Overland Park KS 66210 USA Tel: 620-324-5525 Fax: 620-324-5737 Email: info@crossmfg.com Web: www.crossmfg.com CYCLO-INDEX Manufacturer 1129 W Fairview Ave Carthage MO 64836 USA Tel: 417-358-6136 Fax: 417-358-8629 Email: info@cycloindex.com Web: www.cycloindex.com 861 Cranberry Crt Oakville ON L6L 6J7 Tel: 905-847-6500 Fax: 905-847-6943 Email: sales@daemarinc.com Web: www.daemar.com Branches: Edmonton, AB; Dorval, QC Manufacturers: Caplugs; DMR; JM Clipper; Kalrez; Keystock; Mubea; RotoClamp; Rotor-Clip; Shim Stock; Spirolox www.design-engineering.com 56-62-DES-SUPPLY LIST.indd 57 1885 boul Lionel-Bertrand Boisbriand QC J7H 1N8 Tel: 450-434-2744 Fax: 450-434-5998 Email: info@elastoproxy.com Web: www.elastoproxy.com Branches: Newmarket, ON ELECTRO-METERS CO. LTD. Manufacturer & Distributor 2-900 McKay Rd Pickering ON L1W 3X8 Tel: 905-428-3413 Fax: 905-428-6086 Email: sales@electro-meters.com Web: www.electro-meters.com Branches: Calgary, AB; St Laurent, QC ENCLOSURES DIRECT INC. (EDI) Manufacturer 7-1480 Michael St Gloucester ON K1B 4S1 Tel: 613-723-4477 Fax: 613-723-4479 Web: www.buyedi.com Branches: Ottawa, ON ESS CORP. Manufacturer 36-1565 Britannia Rd E Mississauga ON L4W 2V6 Tel: 905-696-9292 Fax: 905-696-8046 Email: info@esscorp.ca Web: www.esscorp.ca Manufacturer & Distributor DRIVE PRODUCTS INC. Manufacturer & Distributor 165 Shawson Dr Mississauga ON L4W 1T7 Tel: 905-564-5800 Fax: 905-564-5799 Email: marketing@driveproducts.com Web: www.driveproducts.com Manufacturers: APSCO; Blackmer; Brand; Brevini; Dixon; Eaton; Force America; Gardner Denver; Hydro Leduc; Internormen; Magnaloy; Miratron; Muncie; OMSI; Roper; Thermal Transfer Products; Tulsa Winch Group; Webtec; White; Yuken 11510 Goldcoast Dr Cincinnati OH 45249 1621-1621 USA Tel: 513-671-3322 Fax: 513-671-3363 Email: techelp@exair.com Web: www.exair.com FABCO-AIR INC. DURA-BAR - DIV. OF WELLS MFG. Manufacturer 1800 W Lake Shore Dr Woodstock IL 60098 USA Tel: 815-338-7800 Fax: 815-338-1549 Email: sales@dura-bar.com Web: www.dura-bar.com Distributors: A. M. Castle & Co., Edmonton, AB; Selkirk, MB; Mississauga, ON; Pointe Claire, QC; Saskatoon, SK; Earle M. Jorgensen Company, Edmonton, AB; Mississauga, ON; North Bay, ON; Laval, QC; Encore Metals, Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Delta, BC; Winnipeg, MB; Team Tube Ltd., Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Coquitlam, BC; Milton, ON; Laval, QC Manufacturer & Distributor Distributor Manufacturer & Distributor EXAIR CORPORATION EASTERN FLUID POWER INC. DAEMAR INC. ELASTO PROXY INC. 4-1120 Clyde Crt Kingston ON K7P 2E4 Tel: 613-384-8884 Fax: 613-384-8887 Email: judith@efp.ca Web: www.easternfluidpower.com Manufacturers: Beka Max; Bucher Hydraulics; Burkert; Caterpillar; Humphrey; Internormen; Parker Hannifin; Sun Hydraulics Distributors: Eastern Fluid Power Inc., Kingston, ON Manufacturer 3716 49th Rd NE Gainesville FL 32609 USA Tel: 352-373-3578 Fax: 352-375-8024 Email: fabco@fabco-air.com Web: www.fabco-air.com Distributors: Air & Hyd Supplies, Toronto, ON; BDI, Mississauga, ON; Higginson Equipment Sales, Burlington, ON; Sempress Canada Inc, Mississauga, ON FABRICATED PLASTICS LTD. Manufacturer 2175 Teston Rd Maple ON L6A 1T3 Tel: 905-832-8161 Fax: 905-832-2111 Email: info@fabricatedplastics.com Web: www.fabricatedplastics.com March/April | 2012 12-04-11 2:14 PM 58 SupplierListings HAYDON KERK MOTION SOLUTIONS INC. Manufacturer FESTO INC. Manufacturer & Distributor 5300 Explorer Dr Mississauga ON L4W 5G4 Email: festo.canada@ca.festo.com Web: www.festo.ca Branches: Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Richmond, BC; Moncton, NB; Montréal, QC; Québec, QC Company Profile Festo is a world-wide provider of automation solutions for factory and process automation. Supported by a global network of application specialists and local expertise, Festo uses its industry-leading knowledge to solve the most complex automation requirements of multinational customers across various industries, including Automotive, Food Processing & Packaging, Handling & Assembly, Pharmaceutical and Natural Resources. Our solutions are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and technology safety, and have been applied all over the world making Festo a reliable partner for industrial automation. 1500 Meriden Rd Waterbury CT 6705 USA Tel: 203-756-7441 Fax: 203-756-8724 Email: info.haydonkerk@ametek.com Web: www.haydonkerk.com HELAC CORPORATION Manufacturer 225 Battersby Ave Enumclaw WA 98022 USA Tel: 360-825-1601 Fax: 360-825-1603 Email: actuators@helac.com Web: www.helac.com Manufacturer & Distributor 45 Sinclair Ave Georgetown ON L7G 4X4 Tel: 905-702-9456 Fax: 905-702-9457 Email: flodraulic@flodraulic.com Web: www.flodraulic.com Branches: Nisku, AB; Windsor, ON Manufacturers: Comatrol; Danfoss Industrial; Eaton-Duraforce; H.E.D.; Hetronic; HKS; Hydrocontrol; Modular Remotes; Roquet; Sauer-Danfoss; Thermal Transfer Micromatic GATES CANADA INC. Manufacturer Building 8 225 Henry St Brantford ON N3S 7R4 Tel: 519-759-4141 Fax: 519-759-4567 Web: www.gates.com GREAT LAKES COPPER INC. Manufacturer 1010 Clarke Rd London ON N5Y 5S6 Tel: 519-455-0770 Fax: 519-455-8490 Web: www.glcopper.com GREAT LAKES HYDRAULICS LTD. Distributor A9-5035 North Service Rd Burlington ON L7L 5V2 Tel: 905-332-1500 Fax: 905-332-9122 Email: glhydltd@greatlakeshydraulicltd.com Web: www.greatlakeshydraulicltd.com Manufacturers: Anchor Flange Co.; Cim-Tek Filters; Daman; Enertrols; Filter Products Corp.; Flow Ezy; Hedland; Hennells; Hydro-Craft; Kepner; Lenz; Marzocchi; Metaris; Nason; Neo; Northman; Numatics; OMT; PCI; Rego; Revco; Snap-Tite; SnapTite/Allied; Snap-Tite/Green Top; Sofima Hydraulic Filters; Vescor Corp.; Webster Instruments; Wika Company Profile: Great Lakes Hydraulics Ltd. is celebrating 25 years as a full stocking distributor of hydraulic products. Supplying customers throughout Canada and the United States. Visit our website www.greatlakeshydraulicltd to review our full list of products. Customer Service to our OEM and Fluid Power House Distributors is our most important product and is included with every part we sell. If you are looking for a solid partner as a supplier please contact us. HAMMOND MANUFACTURING COMPANY LTD. Manufacturer 394 Edinburgh Rd Guelph ON N1H 1E5 Tel: 519-822-2960 Fax: 519-822-0715 Email: sales@hammfg.com Web: www.hammondmfg.com Branches: Montreal, QC March/April | 2012 56-62-DES-SUPPLY LIST.indd 58 Manufacturer 12955 Ford Dr Fishers IN 46038 USA Tel: 317-849-3535 Fax: 317-849-9201 Email: info@hyprofiltration.com Web: www.hyprofiltration.com HYDAC CORPORATION Manufacturer HERCULES SEALING PRODUCTS CANADA Distributor FLODRAULIC GROUP HY-PRO FILTRATION 30 Saunders Rd Barrie ON L4N 9A8 Email: barrie@herculesca.ca Web: www.herculesca.ca Branches: Dorval, QC Manufacturers: Dichtomatik; The Simrit Group; SKF Polyseal; Trelleborg Sealing Solutions HI-TECH SEALS INC. Manufacturer & Distributor 9211 41st Ave Edmonton AB T6E 6R5 Tel: 780-438-6055 Fax: 780-434-5866 Email: info@hitechseals.com Web: www.hitechseals.com Branches: Calgary, AB; Winnipeg, MB; Newmarket, ON; Boucherville, QC Manufacturers: Paulstra; Quadrant Plastics; SKF-Polyseals HIGGINSON EQUIPMENT INC. Manufacturer & Distributor 1175 Corporate Dr Burlington ON L7L 5V5 Tel: 905-335-2211 Fax: 905-335-8756 Email: info@higginson.ca Web: www.higginson.ca Manufacturers: AAA Valves; Aldon Railway Equipment; Alkon Corp.; Aquatrol SRV; Bearpaw Magnets; Burkert Fluid Controls; BVA Hydraulics; CPV Inc.; Detroit Coil; Deublin Company; Dynex Rivet; Efdyn Shocks; Ernst John C Inc.; Fabco-Air Inc.; Flo Tork Moog; Gits Mfg Co.; Gusher Pumps Inc.; Humphrey Automation; KLS Lubriquip Inc.; Lehigh Cylinders; Linemaster Foot Switch; Magnetrol Inc.; Motion Controls Inc.; Oberdorfer Pumps; Ohio Oscillator Moog; Oil-Rite Corporation; SMC Pneumatics; Star Hydraulics; Tobol Accumulator; Tol-O-Matic; Trico Corp.; Tuthill Pump Div.; Winters Gauges HOSEPOWER CANADA Distributor 395 Westney Rd S Ajax ON L1S 6M6 Tel: 905-686-4071 Fax: 905-686-4385 Email: sales@hosepowercanada.com Web: www.hosepower.com Branches: Edmonton, AB; Laval, QC Manufacturers: Faster Inc. (Quick Disconnects); Flextral Hydraulic Hose; Hydraulics Inc. HUMPHREY AUTOMATION INC. Distributor 10-570 Alden Rd Markham ON L3R 8N5 Tel: 905-479-3633 Fax: 905-479-3755 Email: humphrey@pneumation.ca Web: www.humphreyautomation.ca 14 Federal Rd Welland ON L3B 3P2 Tel: 905-714-9322 Fax: 905-714-4664 Email: sales@hydac.ca Web: www.hydac.ca Branches: Edmonton, AB; Montréal, QC; Company Profile: HYDAC is a leader in fluid technology, hydraulic and electronic equipment. We help our customers develop hydraulic systems from the initial concept to project completion. Our knowledge and application experience is an asset to you and your designs. HYDAC offers a wide range of standard products and solutions, which are available for fast, prompt delivery. Wherever you may need HYDAC, we’re there to help you find the best solution - from components to complete systems. HYDRAFLOW-PUMPTECH FLUID POWER INC. Distributor 2-421 Rowntree Dairy Rd Vaughan ON L4L 8H1 Tel: 905-856-9994 Fax: 905-856-9924 Email: sales@hydraflowpumptech.com Web: www.hydraflowpumptech.com Manufacturers: Argo-Hytos; Bosch Rexroth; Goodyear; Hydac; Hydraforce Inc; Kawasaki; Sheffer; SPX Stone; Staffa; White HYDRO LEDUC Manufacturer BP F-54122 Azera/Lles France Tel: +33 3837 67740 Fax: +33 3837 52158 Email: jauguste@hydroleduc.com Web: www.hydroleduc.com Distributors: Drive Products Inc., Mississauga, ON HYPOWER SYSTEMS Distributor 8616 18th St Edmonton AB T6P 1K5 Tel: 780-464-5528 Fax: 780-449-5080 Web: www.hypower.com Branches: Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Fort McMurray, AB; Grande Prairie, AB; Prince George, BC; Vancouver/Delta, BC; Winnipeg, MB; Prince Albert, SK; Regina, SK; Saskatoon, SK Manufacturers: Bimba Manufacturing; Eaton; Enerpac; Graco; Kawasaki; Norgren; Numatics; Pall; Poclain Hydraulics INSERTA PRODUCTS INC. Manufacturer 538 Township Line Rd Blue Bell PA 19422 USA Tel: 215-643-0192 Fax: 215-643-4017 Email: sales@inserta.com Web: www.inserta.com Distributors: Berendsen Fluid Power, Scarborough, ON; HyPower, Saskatoon, SK; Kinecor Inc., Lachine, QC; Wainbee Ltd., Mississauga, ON JOHN CRANE CANADA Manufacturer & Distributor 423 Green Rd Stoney Creek ON L8E 3A1 Tel: 905-662-6191 Fax: 905-662-1564 Email: canada@johncrane.com Web: www.johncrane.com Branches: Edmonton, AB; Dartmouth, NS; Sarnia, ON; St Laurent, QC Distributors: EDA Environmental, Winnipeg, MB www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 2:14 PM SupplierListings 59 KSB PUMPS INC. Manufacturer 5205 Tomken Rd Mississauga ON L4W 3N8 Tel: 905-568-9200 Fax: 905-568-3740 Email: ksbcanada@usbcanada.com Web: www.ksb.ca Branches: Calgary, AB; Dorval, QC KTI LTD. Distributor 33 Isaacson Cres Aurora ON L4G 3H5 Tel: 905-727-8807 Fax: 905-727-6077 Email: sales@ktiltd.on.ca Web: www.ktiltd.on.ca Branches: Calgary, AB Manufacturers: Cameron; Flowserve Nordstream MARMON/KEYSTONE CANADA INC. NEWAGE INDUSTRIES INC. Distributor Manufacturer 1220 Heritage Rd Burlington ON L7L 4X9 Tel: 905-319-4646 Fax: 905-319-4248 Email: info@mkcdn.com Web: www.mkcanada.com Branches: Leduc, AB; Langley, BC; Winnipeg, MB; Halifax, NB; Burlington, ON; Boucherville, QC; Saskatoon, SK 145 James Way Southampton PA 18966 USA Tel: 215-526-2300 Fax: 215-526-2190 Email: info@newageindustries.com Web: www.newageindustries.com MAX MACHINERY INC. Manufacturer 33A Healdsburg Ave Healdsburg CA 95448 USA Tel: 707-433-2662 Fax: 707-433-1818 Email: info@maxmachinery.com Web: www.maxmachinery.com Distributors: Cancoppas Ltd., Mississauga, ON; Flotech Controls, Regina, SK MFP AUTOMATION ENGINEERING Manufacturer 4556 Spartan Industrial Dr SW Grandville MI 49418 USA Tel: 616-538-5700 Fax: 613-538-0888 Web: www.mifp.com MICO, INCORPORATED KURITEC CORPORATION Manufacturer KYB AMERICAS CORPORATION 1911 Lee Blvd North Mankato MN 56003 USA Tel: 507-625-6426 Fax: 507-625-3212 Email: micomail@mico.com Web: www.mico.com Distributors: Berendsen Fluid Power, Scarborough, ON; Edmonton Brake & Clutch, Edmonton, AB; The Fluid Power House (Sudbury) Inc, Lively, ON; Fort Gary Industries, Winnipeg, MB; Winnipeg, MB; Hypower Systems Ltd., Delta, BC; Kinecor Inc., Nisku, AB; Superior Industrial Frictions Ltd., Edmonton, AB; TECTRAN Co., Mississauga, ON; Traction Division of UAP, Montréal, QC Manufacturer MOOG FLO-TORK Manufacturer & Distributor 140 Roy Blvd Brantford ON N3R 7W9 Tel: 519-753-6717 Fax: 519-753-7737 Email: sales@kuritec.com Web: www.kuritec.com Manufacturers: Hose Technology; Kuriyama; Piranha; Tigerflex 140 Mitchell Crt N Addison IL 60101 USA Tel: 630-620-5555 Fax: 630-620-8133 Email: hyd@kyb.com Web: www.kybfluidpower.com Manufacturer L&W HYDRAMOTION INC. 1701 Main St N Orrville OH 44667 USA Tel: 330-682-0010 Fax: 330-683-6857 Email: sales@ft.moog.com Web: www.flo-tork.moog.com Manufacturer MOTION CANADA 5-661 Welham Rd Barrie ON L4N 0B7 Email: info@lwhydramotion.com Web: www.lwhydramotion.com LYNCH FLUID CONTROLS Manufacturer & Distributor 1799 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 3A2 Tel: 905-363-2400 Fax: 905-363-1191 Email: marketing@lynch.ca Web: www.lynch.ca Manufacturers: Atos; Kawasaki Precision Machinery; Sun Hydraulics Distributors: For a complete lisit visit www.lynch.ca MADISON COMPANY Manufacturer 27 Business Pk Dr Branford CT 06405 USA Tel: 203-488-4477 Fax: 203-481-5036 Email: info@madisonco.com Web: www.madisonco.com Distributors: Bestobell-Aqua Tronix, Toronto, ON; Saint-Laurent, QC; Brahmatech Ltd., Red Deer, AB; Red Deer, AB; Process Automation, Inc., Hamilton, ON; Southwell Controls, Ltd., North Vancouver, BC Distributor 305-1450 Meyerside Dr Mississauga ON L5T 2N5 Tel: 800-526-9328 Fax: 905-696-9308 Web: www.motionindustries.com Manufacturers: Bosch Rexroth; Char-Lynn; Eaton; SMC; VickersWarnick Ltd. N.R. MURPHY LTD. Manufacturer 430 Franklin Blvd Cambridge ON N1R 8G6 Tel: 519-621-6210 Fax: 519-621-2841 Email: 4nodust@nrmurphy.com Web: www.nrmurphy.com NASH, A GARDNER DENVER PRODUCT Manufacturer & Distributor 3181 Tri-Park Dr Grand Blanc MI 48439 USA Tel: 800-521-7918 Fax: 810-953-1385 Email: info@mainmfg.com Web: www.mainmfg.com www.design-engineering.com 56-62-DES-SUPPLY LIST.indd 59 Distributor 603 15th Ave Nisku AB T9E 7M6 Tel: 780-955-7450 Fax: 780-955-7451 Web: www.norcanfluidpower.com Branches: Calgary, AB; Red Deer, AB; Kamloops, BC; Langley, BC; Prince George, BC; Saskatoon, SK Manufacturers: ASA Hydraulik; Atos; Ausco; Brevini; MP Filtri; Olaer; Parker Denison; Prince; Sauer Danfoss OETIKER INC. Manufacturer 6317 Euclid St Marlette MI 48453 USA Tel: 989-635-3621 Fax: 989-635-2157 Email: info@us.oetiker.com Web: www.oetiker.com Branches: Alliston, ON OIL-RITE CORPORATION Manufacturer 4325 Clipper Dr Manitowoc WI 54221 1207-1207 USA Tel: 920-682-6173 Fax: 920-682-7699 Email: sales@oilrite.com Web: www.oilrite.com Distributors: Higginson Equipment Sales, Burlington, ON; Howard Marten Company Ltd., Pickering, ON THE OILGEAR COMPANY Manufacturer 2300 51st St S Milwaukee WI 53219 USA Tel: 414-327-1700 Fax: 414-327-0532 Email: u.ssales@oilgear.com Web: www.oilgear.com Branches: Ajax, ON Distributors: Beta Fluid Power, Sault Ste. Marie, ON; Control Flow Hydraulics, Edmonton, AB; Hydraflow - Pumptec Fluid Power, Concord, ON; Indumo Hydraulics, St. Laurent, QC; Peerless Engineering, Burnaby, BC; Prince George, BC; Prince Albert, SK OMEGA Manufacturer 976 rue Bergar Laval QC H7L 5A1 Tel: 514-856-6928 Fax: 514-856-6886 Email: info@omega.ca Web: www.omega.ca Manufacturer & Distributor PARKER CANADA 2 Trefoil Dr Trumbull CT 6611 USA Tel: 203-459-3900 Fax: 203-459-3988 Email: nash@gardnerdenver.com Web: www.gdnash.com Distributors: Austin & Denholm, Calgary, AB; Delta, BC; S A McLernon Inc, Montreal, ON Manufacturer 160 Chisholm Dr Milton ON L9T 3G9 Tel: 905-693-3000 Fax: 905-876-0788 Email: infomc@parker.com Web: www.parker.com Branches: Calgary, AB; Dorval, QC NETT TECHNOLOGIES INC. PENTAIR CANADA INC. Manufacturer MAIN MANUFACTURING PRODUCTS INC. NORCAN FLUID POWER 2-6707 Goreway Dr Mississauga ON L4V 1P7 Tel: 905-672-5453 Fax: 905-672-5949 Email: sales@nett.ca Web: www.nett.ca Distributors: Industrial Exhaust Components, Edmonton, AB; Silencieux Federal Mufflers, Montréal, QC Manufacturer & Distributor 269 Trillium Dr Kitchener ON N2G 4W5 Tel: 519-748-5470 Fax: 519-748-2553 Web: www.pentair.com PNEU-HYD INDUSTRIES LTD. Manufacturer & Distributor 1-375 Green Rd Stoney Creek ON L8E 4A5 Tel: 905-664-5540 Fax: 905-664-4334 Web: www.pneuhyd.com March/April | 2012 12-04-11 2:14 PM 60 SupplierListings PQ SYSTEMS LTD. RACINE FLOW METER GROUP RENUM HYDRAULICS LTD. Distributor Manufacturer Manufacturer & Distributor A2-5279 Stillcreek Ave Burnaby BC V5C 5V1 Tel: 604-299-0022 Fax: 604-299-8453 Email: info@pqsystemsltd.com Web: www.pqsystemsltd.com Manufacturers: Delta Computer Systems; Duplomatic; Exlar; Hydraforce; MOOG; MTS-Temposonics; PQS Servolife; Ross Controls 8635 Washington Ave Racine WI 53406 USA Tel: 262-639-6770 Fax: 262-639-2267 Email: info@racinefed.com Web: www.racinefed.com/flow 11-12-200 Wilkinson Rd Brampton ON L6T 4M4 Tel: 905-457-6754 Fax: 905-457-1656 Email: chris@renumhydraulics.com Web: www.renumhydraulics.com Manufacturers: EDI; Marzocchi; Misselli; Oilcontrol; Omal; OMFB; OT Pumps; Vivolo PRESTON HARDWARE (1980) LTD. Distributor 248 Preston St Ottawa ON K1R 7R4 Tel: 613-230-7166 Fax: 613-230-6804 Web: www.prestonhardware.com RALSTON METAL PRODUCTS LTD. Manufacturer 50 Watson Rd S Guelph ON N1L 1E2 Tel: 519-836-2968 Fax: 519-836-9763 Email: service@ralstonmetal.com Web: www.ralstonmetal.com RIDEOUT TOOL & MACHINE INC. Distributor 222 Kenmount Rd St. John’s NL A1B 3R2 Tel: 709-754-2240 Fax: 709-739-9514 Email: info@rideouttool.com Web: www.rideouttool.com PROCESS PRODUCTS LTD. ROSTA INC. Distributor Manufacturer & Distributor 3-920 Caledonia Rd Toronto ON M6B 3Y1 Tel: 416-781-3399 Fax: 416-789-9648 Email: sales@process-products.com Web: www.process-products.com 6-12 Douglas Rd Uxbridge ON L9P 1S9 Tel: 905-852-1929 Fax: 905-852-1861 Email: info@rostainc.com Web: www.rostainc.com PSI FLUID POWER LTD. Manufacturer & Distributor 13771 Mayfield Pl Richmond BC V6V 2G9 Tel: 604-278-4481 Fax: 604-278-7693 Email: sales@psifluidpower.ca Web: www.psifluidpower.ca Branches: Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Red Deer, AB Manufacturers: AKG; Amca; Braden; Eaton; Oil Air; Parker; Vickers RAM INDUSTRIES INC. Manufacturer 33 York Rd E Yorkton SK S3N 3Z4 Tel: 877-799-1005 Fax: 306-786-2651 Email: sales@ramindustries.com Web: www.ramindustries.com REID SUPPLY COMPANY Distributor 2265 Black Creek Rd Muskegon MI 49444 USA Email: mail@reidsupply.com Web: www.reidsupply.com Manufacturers: 80/20; Avibank Mfg. Co.; De-Sta-Co; Dimco Gray Co.; SMC Corp.; Southco; Thomson Industries; Vlier ROTATOR PRODUCTS LTD. Distributor 8-101 Innovation Dr Woodbridge ON L4H 0S3 Tel: 905-856-2653 Fax: 905-856-3407 Email: sales@rotatorproducts.com Web: www.rotatorproducts.com Branches: Pierrefonds, QC Manufacturers: Conductix Wampfler; Eaton; Hycomp; Johnson Power; Magnetek; Oil Skimmers; R&M Material HDLG; Reuland; Rexnord Falk; Ringfeder Renum Hydraulics Your Source for... Power Packs which deliver exceptional performance – 0.25 to 15 hp. – tanks 0.5 to 18 gallons – vertical and horizontal orientation Since the combinations of Pumps, Valves, Tanks and other components are too numerous to describe, we invite you to contact us for a solution that both fits your budget and the application. Renum Hydraulics Ltd. 200 Wilkinson Rd. #11 &12, Brampton, Ont. L6T 4M4 • Tel: (905) 457-6754 • Fax: (905) 457-1656 March/April | 2012 56-62-DES-SUPPLY LIST.indd 60 www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 2:14 PM SupplierListings 61 RPM MECHANICAL INC. SPAENAUR INC. SWITCHING SOLUTIONS INC. Manufacturer & Distributor Distributor Manufacturer 2290 Industrial St Burlington ON L7P 1A1 Tel: 905-335-5523 Fax: 905-335-5843 Email: sales@rpmmech.com Web: www.rpmmechanical.com 815 Victoria St N Kitchener ON N2G 4B1 Tel: 519-744-3521 Fax: 519-744-0818 Email: service@spaenaur.com Web: www.spaenaur.com RUBBERLINE PRODUCTS LTD. SPENCER TURBINE 380 Four Valley Dr Concord ON L4K 5Z1 Tel: 905-303-8700 Fax: 905-303-7130 Email: sales@switchingssi.com Web: www.switchingssi.com Distributors: MP Filtri Canada, Concord, ON Distributor Manufacturer TAYLOR DEVICES INC. 81 Bleams Rd Kitchener ON N2C 2G2 Tel: 519-894-0400 Fax: 519-894-3602 Email: sales@rubberline.ca Web: www.rubberline.com Branches: Brantford, ON; Cambridge, ON; Guelph, ON; Mississauga, ON Manufacturers: Allied Witan; American Biltrite; Asco Numatics; Burkert; BVA Hydraulics; Colder; Deltrol; Dixon; Gates; Habasit; Hansen Coupling; Humphrey Automation; Kuritec; Maytec; Norgren; Pneumadyne; Reelcraft; Sheffer; Vicas; Winters 600 Day Hill Rd Windsor CT 6095 USA Tel: 860-688-8361 Fax: 860-688-0098 Email: marketing@spencer-air.com Web: www.spencerturbine.com Distributors: Acme Vacuum Co., Saint-Laurent, QC; Blower + Vacuum Technology, Edmonton, AB; ClearTech Industries, Mississauga, ON; eda Environmental, Winnipeg, MB 90 Taylor Dr North Tonawanda NY 14120 0748-0748 USA Tel: 716-694-0800 Fax: 716-695-6015 Email: taylordevi@aol.com Web: www.taylordevices.com Distributors: Teratec Inc., Oakville, ON Manufacturer TERMACO LTÉE Manufacturer 325 boul Industriel St-Jean-sur-Richel QC J3B 7M3 Tel: 450-346-6871 Fax: 450-346-4368 Web: www.termaco.com THERMAL TRANSFER PRODUCTS RYCO HYDRAULICS Manufacturer 1616 Greens Rd Houston TX 77032 USA Tel: 281-821-4100 Fax: 281-821-4300 Email: mstewart@ryco.us Web: www.ryco.com.au Branches: Aurora, ON SPEZ-TECH ENGINEERED FLUID POWER TECHNOLOGY Distributor 2411 Burbank Dr Mississauga ON L5L 2T8 Tel: 905-828-5579 Fax: 905-828-8189 Email: spez-tech@rogers.com Web: www.speztech.com Manufacturers: Walther Prazision Quick Coupling Systems STAUBLI CORP Manufacturer 5215 21st St Racine WI 53406 USA Email: ttpsales@thermasys.com Web: www.thermaltransfer.com Distributors: Drive Products Inc., Mississauga, ON TOPRING Manufacturer 895 boul Industriel Granby QC J2J 1A6 Tel: 450-375-1828 Fax: 450-375-1408 Email: solutions@topring.ca Web: www.topring.com Manufacturer SEAL MASTER CORPORATION Manufacturer 368 Martinel Dr Kent OH 44240 USA Tel: 330-673-8410 Fax: 330-673-8242 Web: www.sealmaster.com SERVO-ROBOT INC. Manufacturer 1370 rue Hocquart Saint-Bruno QC J3V 6E1 Tel: 450-653-7868 Fax: 450-653-7869 Email: info@servorobot.com Web: www.servorobot.com SIMERICS INC. Manufacturer & Distributor 303 Williams Ave Suite 123 Hunstville AZ 35801 USA Tel: 256-489-1480 Fax: 256-489-1460 Web: www.simerics.com 201 Pky W Duncan SC 29334 USA Tel: 864-433-1980 Fax: 864-486-5495 Web: www.staubli.com Distributors: CAN-ACT Cylinders & Controls Inc, Delta, BC; Crothers, Robert Associates Ltd, Scarborough, ON STAUFF CANADA LTD. Manufacturer & Distributor 866 Milner Ave Scarborough ON M1B 5N7 Tel: 416-282-4608 Fax: 416-282-3039 Email: sales@stauffcanada.com Web: www.stauffcanada.com SUNSOURCE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (CANADA) LIMITED Distributor 47-49-6535 Millcreek Dr Mississauga ON L5N 2M2 Tel: 905-821-4230 Fax: 905-821-4879 Web: www.sun-source.com Manufacturer 8325 Hessinger Dr Erie PA 16509 USA Tel: 814-860-5700 Fax: 814-866-7748 Email: qdv_sales@snap-tite.com Web: www.snap-titequickdisconnects.com Distributors: Fides Marketing, Beaconsfield, QC www.design-engineering.com 56-62-DES-SUPPLY LIST.indd 61 15-1415 Bonhill Rd Mississauga ON L5T 1R2 Tel: 905-565-8887 Fax: 905-565-5788 Email: sales@torohyd.com Web: www.torohyd.com Manufacturers: Yuken (Japa) TRELLEBORG SEALING SOLUTIONS CANADA Manufacturer 43 Voyager Crt N Etobicoke ON M9W 4Y2 Tel: 416-213-9444 Fax: 416-213-9462 Email: tssusa@trelleborg.com Web: www.tss.trelleborg.com/us Manufacturer 99 rue Louis-Joseph-Doucet Lanoraie QC J0K 1E0 Tel: 450-887-2766 Fax: 450-887-2897 Web: www.tubecaron.com Distributor SNAP-TITE INC. Manufacturer & Distributor TUBE CARON INC. SKEANS ENG & MACH LTD. 1900 Brigantine Dr Coquitlam BC V3K 7B5 Tel: 604-777-4247 Fax: 604-777-1900 Email: skeans@skeans.com Web: www.skeans.com Branches: Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Prince George, BC; Winnipeg, MB Manufacturers: Bimba Mfg; Colder Couplings; Enidine Shock Absorbers; Galland Henning Nopak; Gardner Denver; Hansen/Eaton; Horner PLC’s; Legris Fittings; Leuze Sensors; Mac Valves; Mattei Compressors; Murr Elektronik; PHD Cylinders; Piab Vacuum Pumps; Tolomatic Cylinders; Transair Piping Systems; TRD Cylinders; Wilkerson FRL’s TORO HYDRAULIC & MACHINERY INC. SWAGELOK COMPANY Manufacturer 31500 Aurora Rd Solon OH 44139 USA Tel: 440-349-5934 Fax: 440-349-5843 Email: publicrelations@swagelok.com Web: www.swagelok.com Distributors: Atlantic Valve & Fitting Co. ; Avon Fluid System Technologies ; Brooks Valve & Fitting ; Calgary Valve & Fitting ; Columbia Valve & Fitting ; Drayton Valve & Fitting ; Edmonton Valve & Fitting ; Fort McMurray Valve & Fitting ; Medicine Hat Valve & Fitting ; Prince George Valve & Fitting ; Red Deer Valve & Fitting ; Southern Alberta FST ; Swagelok Central Canada ; Swagelok Central Ontario ; Swagelok Quebec Group ; Swagelok Southewestern Ontario ; Swagelok Southwestern Ontario VAL-MATIC VALVE & MFG. CORP. Manufacturer 905 Riversid Dr Elmhurst IL 60126 USA Tel: 630-941-7600 Fax: 630-941-8042 Email: valves@valmatic.com Web: www.valmatic.com Distributors: Omnitech Inc., Dartmouth, NS; Summit Valves & Controls, Inc., Edmonton, AB; Burnaby, BC; Winnipeg, MB; Saskatoon, SK; New Brunswick, ; Newfoundland/Labrador; Northwest Territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavet; Prince Edward Island; Yukon Territory; Syntec Process Equipment Ltd., Bolton, ON; VIR Industries Valves Quemau Inc., Boisbriand, QC March/April | 2012 12-04-11 2:14 PM 62 SupplierListings VENMAR CES INC. WITTENSTEIN Manufacturer Manufacturer 1502D Quebec Ave Saskatoon SK S7K 1V7 Tel: 306-242-3663 Fax: 306-242-3484 Email: info@venmarces.com Web: www.venmarces.com Branches: St-Léonard-d’Aston, QC 1249 Humbracht Cir Bartlett IL 60103 USA Tel: 630-540-5300 Fax: 630-736-6100 Email: info@wittenstein-us.com Web: www.wittenstein-us.com Branches: Waterdown, ON WEBSTER INSTRUMENTS Manufacturer & Distributor 1290 E Waterford Ave Milwaukee WI 53235 USA Tel: 414-769-6400 Fax: 414-769-6591 Email: sales@webster-inst.com Web: www.webster-inst.com Company Profile: Webster Instruments is a division of Webtec Products Limited, a ISO9001:2000 company manufacturing & designing fluid power products for use in mobile and industrial machinery. VIKING PUMP OF CANADA INC. Manufacturer & Distributor 661 Grove Ave Windsor ON N9A 6M3 Tel: 519-256-5438 Fax: 519-256-5070 Email: cinfo@idexcorp.com Web: www.vikingpumpcanada.com Branches: Edmonton, AB; Vancouver, BC; Toronto, ON; Montreal, QC Manufacturers: Corken; Griswold; Grundfos; Liquid Controls; Micropump; Monoflo; Pulsafeeder; Richter; Rotech; Top Line; Travaini; Viking Pump; Warren Rupp; Wright Flow Technologies Distributors: Industrial Pump Systems, Sudbury, ON; IRC Equipment Inc., Mount Pearl, NL; Kemtag Enterprises Ltd., Moncton, NB Webster Instruments has grown to meet the needs of both mobile and industrial OEM customers. Products include hydraulic test equipment & flow meters, pressure & temperature sensors, data acquisition systems, directional control & flow control valves and specialty items. WESTWARD PRODUCTS LTD. Wholesaler & Distributor WAINBEE LTD. Manufacturer & Distributor 5789 Coopers Ave Mississauga ON L4Z 3S6 Tel: 905-568-1700 Fax: 905-568-0083 Email: marketing@wainbee.com Web: www.wainbee.com Branches: Calgary, AB; Edmonton, AB; Prince George, BC; Vancouver, BC; Winnipeg, MB; Halifax, NS; Kitchener, ON; Chicoutimi, QC; Montreal, QC; Quebec, QC; Saskatoon, SK Manufacturers: AC Tech; Ametek; Bucher; BuTech; Cervis; Chicago Pneumatic; Clippard; Colder; Cooper Power Tools; De-Sta-Co; Desoutter; Durant; Fluidsentry; Gast Manufacturing; Haskel; Hy-Pneu-Mat; Hydreco; Jun-Air; LENZE; Parker Hannifin; Proportion Air; Titan; Vacuforce 5901 48th Ave Olds AB T4H 1V1 Tel: 403-556-7100 Fax: 403-556-1666 Email: info@westwardparts.com Web: www.westwardparts.com WILLIAMS FLUIDAIR CORPORATION LIMITED Manufacturer & Distributor X-PANDO PRODUCTS CO. Manufacturer 500 Southard St Trenton NJ 08638 USA Tel: 609-394-0150 Fax: 609-989-4847 Email: sales@xpando.com Web: www.xpando.com Distributors: Cimco, Toronto, ON; Crane Supply, Ottawa, ON; Drennan Refrigeration, London, ON; Fix-Air, Laval, QC; J.L. Wilson & Sons, Toronto, ON; Refri-Ozone, Granby, QC; Refrigeration Components, Brantford, ON; Refrigeration Supply, Burnaby, BC; Western Plumbing & Heating, Dartmouth, NS ZINGA INDUSTRIES Manufacturer 2400 Zinga Dr Reedsburg WI 53959 USA Tel: 608-524-4200 Fax: 608-524-4220 Email: zinga@zinga.com Web: www.zinga.com 1018 Salk Rd Pickering ON L1W 3C5 Tel: 905-831-3222 Fax: 905-831-3284 Email: service@williamsfluidair.com Web: www.williamsfluidair.com Manufacturers: Benteler Steel & Tube; Custom Actuator; Enerpac / Powerteam; Gates Hydraulics; Pitanco Gauges; RSB Tube Clamps; SSP Adapters; Voss GMBH DID WE MISS YOU? To be included in next year’s directory issue please contact the Content Manager. Email: mlamkey@bizinfogroup.ca Advertisers Index Advertiser Website Aurora Bearing Company www.aurorabearing.com Automation Direct www.automationdirect.com Baldor Electric Company www.baldor.com Baumer Electric Inc. www.baumer.ca Berendsen Fluid Power Ltd. www.bfpna.com Page Advertiser Website Main Manufacturing Products www.mainmfg.com 26 Master Bond Inc. www.masterbond.com 49 64 Novotechnik US Inc. www.novotechnik.com 44 26 Omega Engineering Inc. www.omega.ca 3 43 Parker Hannifin Corp. www.parker.com 31 10 7 Page Bosch Rexroth www.boschrexroth.ca 11 Proto Labs Inc. www.protolabs.com 19 Canadian Fluid Power Association www.cfpa.ca 46 Renum Hydraulics Ltd. www.renumhydraulics.com 59 Clippard Instrument Laboratory www.clippard.com Rosta Inc. www.rostainc.com 41 Cross Manufacturing Inc. www.crossmfg.com 55 RotoPrecision Inc. www.rotoprecision.ca 39 Daemar Inc. www.daemarinc.com 33 Ryco Hydraulics www.ryco.com.au 51 9 Drive Products Inc. www.driveproducts.com 21 Schaeffler Canada Inc. www.ina.com Encoder Products www.encoder.com 25 Schneider Electric Canada www.schneider-electric.com 13 4 Exair Corp. www.exair.com 17 Schunk Canada www.ca.schunk.com 16 Festo Canada Inc. www.festo.ca 29 Seal Master Corp. www.sealmaster.com 52 Fluid Power Inc./ Adaconn www.adaconn.com 50 Siemens Canada www.siemens.ca 15 Great Lakes Hydraulics Ltd. www.greatlakeshydraulicsltd.com 63 Siemens PLM www.plm.automation.siemens.com Harting Canada Inc. www.harting.ca 36 Swagelok Company www.swagelok.com 23 Henkel Canada Corp. www.loctite.com 35 Tecom Inc. www.crbearing.com 16 Hercules Sealing Products Canada www.herculescn.com 53 Toro Hydraulics & Machinery www.torohyd.com 53 Hydac Corp. www.hydac.ca 50 Tsubaki Canada www.tsubaki.ca 12 Hy-Pro Filtration www.hyprofiltration.com 37 Wainbee Limited www.wainbee.com 48 March/April | 2012 56-62-DES-SUPPLY LIST.indd 62 2 www.design-engineering.com 12-04-11 2:14 PM A full stocking distributor of hydraulic products with over 25 years of continued growth and customer satisfaction Industrial Hydraulic and Compressor Filters IVERSARY ANN Variable Area Flow Meters-----Air, Petroleum, Water & Gas Hydraulic Solenoid Valves, Modular Sandwich Valves, Pressure Control Valves & Vane Pumps Hydraulic Reservoirs, Accessories & Line Clamping Systems Hydraulic Cartridge Valves Aluminum & Ductile Iron Manifolds & Header Blocks Vescor Hydraulic Reservoirs, Bellhousings & Accessories. Lube Devises Products, Flodar Hydraulic Fittings Metric Couplings, Hydraulic Filters and Accessories Flow Control, Needle & Check Valves… Stainless Steel, Brass & Steel Quick Disconnect Couplings and Hydraulic Valves Filters, Strainers & Accessories Hydraulic Filters, Tank Accessories, Gauges, Tube & Hose Fittings MARZOCCHI PUMPS USA CORP High Pressure Gear Pumps Hydraulic Filtration Products Custom Engineered Switches, UL, CSA, & MILITARY Approved Pressure, Vacuum, Temperature Switches and Transducers IIndustrial Hydraulic Hose, Fittings & Valves World Wide Manufacturer of Hydraulic Filters to 6000 PSI and Accessories Portable Hydraulic Testers, Flowmeters, Pressure Test Kits & Points Themometers, Valve & Pumps Valves..Gate, Globe, Swing Check, Stainless Steel, Brass & Gas 5035 North Service Road, Unit A9, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7L 5V2 Tel: (905) 332-1500 Fax: (905) 332-9122 Website: www.GreatLakesHydraulicLtd.com E-mail: glhydltd@GreatLakesHydraulicLtd.com 56-62-DES-SUPPLY LIST.indd 63 12-04-11 2:14 PM Invest in Gold Electric motors consume 63 percent of all electricity used in U.S. industry. Designed and built to meet or exceed NEMA Premium® efficiency standards, Baldor•Reliance® Super-E® motors run cooler, last longer and cost less every minute they operate. • Energy Efficient • Unmatched Quality Fractional to 15,000 Hp, Baldor•Reliance Super-E motors reduce your electricity costs with a return on your investment that’s as good as gold. • Superior Reliability baldor.com • Quickest Delivery Available 479-646-4711 ©2011 Baldor Electric Company 56-62-DES-SUPPLY LIST.indd 64 12-04-11 2:14 PM