Name of organization: Name of contact person: Job title of contact

Name of organization:
Name of contact person:
Job title of contact:
Phone number of contact:
Email address of contact:
Organization mailing address:
Does your organization currently assist formerly incarcerated people?
[ ] Yes, frequently
[ ] Yes, occasionally
[ ] No
What services does your organization provide to formerly incarcerated people?
Food Services (Food Pantry or Soup Kitchen)
Clothes Closet
Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous
Spiritual Counseling
Mentoring Program
Youth Programs
Family Intervention Programs
Employment/Education/Vocational Training
Healthcare Services
Prison Ministry
What have your experiences been like with formerly incarcerated individuals?
Would you be interested in joining the New Haven Reentry Roundtable Faith Based
[ ] Yes
[ ] Not sure, but please add me to your email list
[ ] No
Do you have any comments for us?