December 2014 Newsletter

Hillcrest High School
Te Kura Tuarua o Tihipuke
PO Box 11020 Hamilton
ph 857 0297
Final Farewell to Year 13 Students
Grace Buckland
- Page
Page 4
Rowing Girls
Trips - Year 9
HereSporting Success
Kiana Pham wins Waikato
trip 2013
Education International Scholarship
Page 6
Page 11
Principal Points
Our academic results reflect achievement across the board
from “priority learners” in numeracy and literacy to NCEA
endorsements and Scholarship. The number of students
involved in the Trades Academy with Wintec continues to grow
and highlights the significance of trades based courses blending
with NCEA subjects at school.
I would like to thank and acknowledge the many people that
help to govern, lead, manage, teach, organise and assist in
what makes Hillcrest High School a special place to learn
and to work. Thank you to the Board of Trustees under the
stewardship of Mrs Bernadette Simblett and Deputy Chair Mr
Darren Savage for their time and support of our school. Our
staff deserve praise for their commitment to the well-being
and educational needs of our students with many staff going
above and beyond in the classroom and with co and extracurricular activities. Parents and students clearly recognised
staff as a real strength of the school and one of the key factors
contributing to a successful school.
Hillcrest High School is in very good heart and we should be
very proud of the achievements of our students and be thankful
for the contribution that everyone makes towards the success
of our students and the very positive reputation Hillcrest High
School has in the community and beyond. We certainly have
challenges ahead, but the future is bright as we work together
to continually improve and raise the bar even higher.
Dear Parents and Caregivers
This year a major focus for the Board of Trustees was the
development of a strategic plan which would drive the
immediate and future direction of the school. Arising out of the
Strategic Plan is the school Annual Plan which features annual
goals of student achievement, including defined Ministry
targets and identified trends and feedback we received during
the recent consultation process. Targets and goals have been
set around the following:
Improved Learning Outcomes for all Students
Providing a Positive Learning Community
Inclusive Education Practices
Maori Culture and Achievement
Pasifika Education
International Students
Culture, Arts and Sports
Governance and Administration
Amongst the feedback we received from the students, was
their request for more drinking fountains, shade areas and
seating. The Senior School Council have allocated funds for
drinking fountains. As a consequence of this feedback the
Board has allocated funds for the redevelopment of the B,
C and D block courtyards. Work has already began on these
projects. In conjunction with these minor projects, the Ministry
of Education has recently approved our Five Year Property
Plan which will include re-roofing of several of the classroom
blocks, the construction of a new Mathematics block, which
will replace many of the “R” block re-locatable buildings,
modernisation of the Hospitality and Food Technology facilities
and the redevelopment of the buildings at the front of the school
including construction of the Careers facilities at the front of
the school. These developments will continue to modernise the
campus and provide modern learning environments.
At Hillcrest we are committed to providing quality programmes
of learning that meet the needs of an increasingly diverse
student population. Teaching and learning is the core business
of the school and the Board is prepared to invest extra funding
and resources to ensure the learning needs of our students are
being met.
Thank you to our parents, caregivers and community for your
support throughout the year.
Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and an enjoyable
and safe holiday break.
Kelvin S Whiting
28 January
2 February
4 February
6 February
2 April
School Office opens
Yrs 9 and 10 start
Yrs 11, 12, 13 start
Waitangi Day
End of Term 1
20 April Term 2 commences
27 April
Anzac Day observance
1 June
Queen’s Birthday
3 July
End of Term 2
20 July
25 September
Term 3 commences
End of Term 3
12 October
26 October
10 December
Term 4 commences
Labour Day
End of Term 4
Beginning of the academic year 2015
28 January
School Office opens
Yrs 11,12,13 Course Confirmation
29 January
Staff Only Day
30 January
Staff Only Day
2 February
Yrs 9 and 10 start
4 February
Yrs 11, 12, 13 start
6 February
Waitangi Day
24 February
Athletics Day
26 February
Year 9 Parent Interviews
12 March
Swimming Sports
25 March
NCEA Information Evening
31 March
Yr 9 and Yr 10 Parent Interviews
2 April
Yr 9 and Yr 10 Parent Interviews
2 April
End of Term 1
We need patient, friendly and caring
families who live in the Hillcrest area
to host International Students
attending Hillcrest High School
Family must be fluent English speakers.
Board paid weekly
For an application pack please contact:
Rae Selby
857 0297 ext 839
Students in Years 10-13
Students log on to our website (
on Saturday, 24 January to check their course. There will be a
link on the home page.
• If the course is full and no changes need to be made, then
the student can confirm.
• If changes are to be made, or the word “GAP” shows, the
student will need to come into school on Course Confirmation Day - Wednesday, 28 January
Surname A-L : Go to the Old Gym between 9am - 12 noon
Surname M-Z : Go to the Old Gym between 12.30 - 3.30pm
There will be a link on our homepage for Office Max. You can
purchase your stationery online or print out a stationery list.
Paying for workbooks*, ID cards, locker keys,
school donation, subject fees
Students should log into the student portal (using their login ID
and password) once their course is confirmed, to see the fees
owing. You can either pay via the portal, via internet banking
or at the Accounts Office (after 28 January).
* Workbooks will be issued by subject teachers once classes
start (providing there are no outstanding 2014 fees).
Remember to bring ID Cards back to school in February.
Students need ID Cards to issue books and computers
at the beginning of term.
ID Cards do not expire until the new ones are issued.
Head Students for 2015
Our Head Students for 2015 have been appointed and were
announced at Senior Prizegiving.
Congratulation to:
Caitlin McElligott
Michael Hockey
Kristina Emson
Khashayar Ghafouri
Head Girl
Head Boy
Deputy Head Girl
Deputy Head Boy
The appointment of all senior student leadership positions for
2015, including House Captains, will take place before the end
of the year.
The senior student leaders will accompany Mr Whiting and Mr
Johl and other staff on the school’s annual leadership experience at Great Barrier Island in February. The programme incorporates education activities designed to prepare the students
(and staff) for the year ahead.
Academic Awards 2014
Senior Prizegiving for 2014 was held at the
Founders Theatre on 3rd November.
Year 13
Dux - Richard Hart
Proxime Accessit - Olivia Maxwell
Jordan Schroder
Anne Jude
Mia Sasanuma
Emily Scrimgeour
Holly Deng
Jessica Yang
Nathan Kear
Benjamin Yu
Special Service Awards
Jon Leitch Trust Award
- Josh Nachowitz
- Olivia Maxwell
Principal’s Prize
- Leilani Baker
- Richard Hart
- Kate Hamilton
- Neil Rudman
(Head Girl)
(Head Boy)
(Deputy Head Girl)
(Deputy Head Boy)
2014 Dux Richard Hart and Proxime Accessit
Olivia Maxwell
Year 13 Special Awards
Simon & Liz Dench Cup
for outstanding senior academic, cultural and sporting all
- Richard Hart
Tungston Shi Chemistry Award
- Olivia Maxwell
Bio Zone Practical Award
- Jessica Yang
Bio Zone Theory Award
- Anne Jude
NZIP School Physics Prize
- Jordan Schroder
Chin Cup for Top Physics Scholar
- Richard Hart
Talbett Award for Earth and Space Science
- Kavita Harcharan Singh
Linda Cowley Award for Calculus
- Richard Hart
Trevor Wilson Award for Statistics
- Quin Leong
Alison Wray Prize for English
- Leina Tucker-Masters
Doha Trophy for Fictional Writing
- Olivia Maxwell
Horan Award for Excellence in English over five years
- Olivia Maxwell
All round Excellence in Drama
- Calum Hughes
Media Award
- Camden Wright
Waikato University Department of Economics Award
- Ben Hansen
Business Studies Award
- Alistair McLeay
Stuart Buchanan Prize for Accounting
- Quin Leong
Andrew Malcolm Award for Computer Programming
- Nathan Kear
Weren Languages Award
- Leina Tucker-Masters
Spanish Award
- Richard Hart
Middlemiss Prize for French
- Olivia Maxwell
Humanities Award
- Mia Sasanuma
Weta Award for Geography
- Jordan Schroder
Tourism Award
- Melissa Peek
Year 11
Advanced Physical Education Award
- Cameron McRobie
7th =
7th =
Framing Workshop Award
- Anna Jessen
Year 11 Special Awards
Social Studies
- Lauren Paddy
- Emily Scrimgeour
Classical Studies Prize
- Ellen Garrity
Wintec Media Arts Award
- Siobhan McIvor
Andrew Rudge Award for Design & Visual Technologies
- Ema-Rose Stewart
Year 12
Tiger Xu
Emma Wardle
Nowshin Humayun
Harriet Plant
Caitlin McElligott
Kendra Boyle
Jessica Aw
Albert Chen
Greer Jackways
Aaron Castro
Jenny Kweon
Wei Wen Yim
Caitlin Weren
Lisa Zhang
Jessie Kang
Tabitha Leong
Ted Hu
Alanah Hanley
Maya Jackson-Liew
Eleazar Coronado
Iris Chang
Diane Beech Award (Materials Technology – Fabrics)
- Gina Steele
Kelly Trophy Excellence in Level 1 Biology
- Sukriti Sharma
Trudy Cowley Cup for Mathematics
- Daniel Jeong
Achary Cup for Top Year 11 Mathematics Student
- Michelle Qiu
Level One Te Reo Maori Language - Emeremoetu TitoreMcLean
Attitude/Whaanonga Overall Senior Maori Student
- Emeremoetu Titore-McLean
Year 12 Special Awards
Deidre Tredgett-Smith Cup Year 12 Biology
- Sara Hansen
John Brugh - Hard Metal Technology Award
- Kip Bardsley
Cameron Crystal for Most Outstanding Speech
- Michael Hockey
Konlechner Cup for Most Outstanding Student - Outdoor
- Estian Hattingh
Seddon Polglase Award for Science
- Amy Bryce
Waikato Geographical Society Award
- Andrea Crasta
Morrison Memorial Cup for Music
- Emma Jeong
Linda Cowley Cup for Calculus
- Emma Jeong
Level 2 Te Reo Maori Language Prize
- Te Ahorangi Patena
International Department
Congratulations to Year 12 International Student Kiana Pham,
the joint winner of the Waikato Education International (WEI)
‘International Scholarship’. This scholarship is awarded to International Students’ showing both high academic results and
an involvement in school and community activities. Academically Kiana is a very successful student and is also involved in
kick boxing, touch rugby, tennis, Interact and our ESOL Peer
Tutor programme. Kiana was presented with a certificate and a
cheque for $2000.00 towards her 2015 tuition fees at Hillcrest
High School.
North Korean lecturers visiting Wintec recently paid a visit to
Hillcrest High. It was an opportunity for some students and
staff to meet with Mr Park, Mr Lee and Mr Kim and for them
to see our very successful ESOL and International Department.
44 students from Kosei Gakuen Girls’ School, Tokyo, Japan visited Hillcrest High School as part of a flying one week visit to
New Zealand. They were welcomed by our Kapa Haka group
and then spent the morning taking part in classes, sport and
craft work. Momoko and Mariko, our Kosei Year 12 students
then talked to the group about their very positive experiences
this year at Hillcrest.
Mariko has been raising money for tsunami and earthquake
damaged regions in Japan. She has asked the school community
to purchase key rings made from the rubble and debris from
the disaster with funds raised being returned to Japan.
Congratulations to Stephen Liu, a Year 11 International Student. In his short time at school he has shown his skill at table
tennis and is the school’s champion player.
Enrolments are now being accepted for 2015. Please contact for further information.
Kosei Gakuen Girls’ School, Tokyo
Outdoor Education
Term three saw the OE class head underground to complete
their caving unit at Waitomo. This was a very new experience
for most. Fitting through tight squeezes, abseiling down 15m
rock walls, ascending ropes to platforms above and navigating
the strong currents in the waters below. We then moved into
our Alpine unit where we spent three days at Whakapapa ski
field battling some harsh conditions and heavy snowfall whilst
completing assessment tasks. The students spent one night in
a snow cave protected from the elements, to wake and find
50cm of fresh powder.
Term four events started with outdoor educations legendary
final test; THE JOURNEY. In teams of four, students navigated
their way over 150km in three days via sea kayaks, mountain
bikes and trail running. This year proved to be very close competition with a different team winning each day. After 22 hours
and 19 minutes of gruelling competition the Wild Mountain
Goats were victorious. Their team consisted of Kaila Rys, Livvy
Price, Reuben Smith and Jay Orman.
Outdoor Education has one final trip where we head to the
Mount for some surfing and adventure in the trees at Adrenalin
Forest. This last camp was all designed by the students and
they have done a great job putting it together.
Katrina Pollard
Teacher in Charge
Sea Scout Award
Congratulations go to William Taylor (Year 10) who recently received a Gold Award and the title of Chief Sea Scout.
Left: William Taylor
Recycling Week
Hillcrest was one of five secondary schools to win a set of purpose-built bins in a national competition aimed at increasing
beverage container recylcing rates in New Zealand colleges.
The stainless steel bins, funded by a Keep New Zealand Beautiful Container Community Grants Programme, are designed to
prevent aluminium, glass and plastic bottles being thrown out
with general school waste.
Hillcrest appoint two senior students each year to oversea environmental initiatives at school. We already have in place a
tree planting programme and have recycled paper and cardboard for over six years. Hillcrest has just been accredited as
a bronze enviroschool.
Each winning secondary school had to prove students and staff
were motivated and organised enough to make good use of the
bins. Every bin comes with a 10 year warranty and a price tag
of more than $2000 to manufacture, signwrite and deliver.
Arts Awards
The following awards were presented at the annual Arts Awards
Supper on Friday, 24 October.
Drama Department
Prestige in the Arts Trophy (Drama): Rose Kipa
Drama Trophy for Outstanding Performer: Miriam May
Drama Cup for All Round Excellence: Calum Hughes
Globe Award for Shakespeare: Calum Hughes
Level 3 Drama Certificates:
• Lauren Paddy
• Migal Hougaard
• Andre Jackson
• Julia Oppert
Level 2 Drama Certificate: Michael Hockey
Level 1 Drama Certificate: Sam Dickson
Music Department
Prestige in the Arts Trophy (Music): Emma Jeong
Shearer’s Award for Contribution to Music:
Alexander Nebesky
Music Best All-Rounder Award: Josh Nachowitz
Nisbett Award for Music Performance: Lisa Zhang
Morrison Cup for Excellence in Music: Emma Jeong
Music Theatre Trophy: Olivia Maxwell & Miriam May
Level 3 Music Certificates:
• Alexander Nebesky
• Migal Hougaard
• Timote Naulivou
• Jamie Keane
Level 2 Music Certificate: Elani Austin-Tennant
Level 1 Music Certificate: Iris Chang
Art Department
Prestige in the Arts Trophy (Art): Sarah Willis
Media Arts Award: Siobhan McIvor
Framing Workshop Award: Anna Jessen
Creating Futures Award for Digital Technology: Stephanie Yang
Photolife Award: Hyobin Park
Art History Trophy: Mia Sasanuma
Waikato Trades Academy
Special Awards
Awards were presented to the following students at a ceremony at Wintec’s Atrium on Thursday, 4 December:
Level 3 Art Certificates:
• Storme Scott
• Kavita Harachan Singh
Level 2 Art Certificates:
• Alannah Hanley
• Amina Drury
Level 1 Art Certificate: Ping Pawarin
Kingston Gould (Year 11)
Excellence in Construction and Intrastructure; Most Improved
Melissa Peck (Year 13)
Top Student - Excellence in Hospitality Year 2
Staci Aoake (Year 12)
Excellence in Year 1 Service Sector, Hospitality
Lepeka Fangaloka (Year 12)
Excellence in Year 1 Service Sector, Hairdressing
Joshua Phillips (Year 12)
Excellence oin Construction and Infrastructure; In Leadership
Arts Captains: Miriam May and Calum Hughes
Sports Awards
The annual Sports Awards Dinner was held at the Waikato
Stadium on Thursday, 30 October. MC for the evening was Mr
Kerry Eynon. Guest speaker was Oliver Leydon-Davis, a former
Hillcrest student and member of the Commonwealth Games
Badminton team.
Peter O’Leary Football Trophy
- Most Promising Boy - Bradley Mardon
Katie Hoyle Football Trophy
- Most Promising Girl - Anina Peresson
Boys’ Footballer of the Year - Unicol Trophy - Jacob Rotton
Girls’ Footballer of the Year
- Unicol Trophy - Tayla Christensen
Boys’ Golf Champion - Josh Beattie
Most Improved Hockey Boy - Smith Trophy - William Kingsbury
Most Improved Hockey Girl - Kneebone Trophy - Shani Oed
Boys’ Hockey Player of the Year - Estian Hattingh
Girls’ Hockey Player of the Year - Deborah Yung
Inline Hockey
Boys’ Inline Hockey Player of the Year - Bobby McGlone
Girls’ Inline Hockey Player of the Year - Gina Davis
Boys’ Lacrosse Player of the Year - Cameron McRobie
Girls’ Lacrosse Player of the Year
- Thakker Trophy- Samantha Quintal
Olympic Trophy - Outstanding Sportsperson
Gina Davis - Inline Hockey,
Oliver Leydon-Davis - Guest Speaker
Intermediate Boys’ Athletic Champion - Jack Manson
Intermediate Girls’ Athletic Champion - Kristina Emson
Senior Boys’ Athletics Champion - Richard Hart
Senior Girls’ Athletic Champion - Erin Parker
Senior Boys’ Badminton Champion - Frederik Stapleton
Senior Girls’ Badminton Champion - Josefine Jensen
Most Dedicated Basketball Player (Service Award)
- Quinn Vugler
Most Outstanding Boys’ Basketball Player - Quinn Vugler
Most Outstanding Girls’ Basketball Player - Hilary Sue
Coaches Trophy for Girls’ Cricket - Samantha Nation
Outstanding Performance for Cricket
- Brayden & Jared Silvester
Boys’ Cricketer of the Year - Neil Rudman
Girls’ Cricketer of the Year - Eden Healey
Cross Country
Intermediate Boys’ Cross-Country Champion - EJ Bai
Senior Boys’ Cross-Country Champion - Richard Hart
Senior Girls’ Cross-Country Champion - Shani Oed
Boys’ Duathlon Champion - Cameron McRobie
Girls’ Duathlon Champion - Phoebe Bardoul
Rider of the Year - Tim Richards
Excellence and Service to Football
- Byrne Cruickshank Trophy - Alex Robinson
Most Improved Netballer - Tamihaana Cup - Courteney Clarke
Service to Netball - Leilani Baker
Achievement in Netball - Zeana Mansell
Road Race
Boys’ Open Road Race Champion - Cameron McRobie
Girls’ Open Road Race Champion - Phoebe Bardoul
Rower of the Year - Sascha Arai-Swale
Most Improved Rugby Player - Jermaine Waretini
Rugby Player of the Year - Tim Amai
Snow Sports
Snow Sportsperson of the Year
– Arndt Family Cup - Alistair McLeay
Senior Squash Champion - Sean Donnison
Intermediate Boys’ Swimming Champion - Sasha Wallbank
Senior Boys’ Swimming Champion - Richard Hart
Senior Girls’ Swimming Champion - Holly Jonson
Table Tennis
Senior Table Tennis Champion - Stephen Liu
Senior Boys’ Tennis Champion - Alan Arora
Senior Girls’ Tennis Champion - Greer Jackways
Touch Player of the Year - Adam Ratcliffe
Triathlon Boys’ Champion - Sasha Wallbank
Triathlon Girls’ Champion - Nicole Emslie
Teams Triathlon Champions
- EJ Bai/Tom Medland/Sasha Wallbank
A team of 20 headed off to the Waikato Secondary Schools
Bowls pairs and achieved the following results:
4th Ollie Bell/Riley Higgs
9th Cameron Harcourt/Ben Riwhi
Jessica DeGorgio/Jessica Phillips
Jamie Scott-Worth/Lyanne Eukaliti
Hannah White/Isabel van Staden
Hannah Rodgers/Hayley Main
Anja Bliss/Wallis Malcolm
A big ‘thanks’ to Mr Fleming who managed the team for the
day and who has encouraged so many students to take up this
North Island Championship
Successful season for Ist XI Cricket
After winning Division two of the Waikato Secondary Schools
competition for two consecutive seasons, the team was promoted to Division 1.
After only one loss throughout term 4, the team were placed
2nd behind St Peters and were drawn to play HBHS Development team in the semi final. After a very close game HBHS
were able to chase down the 181 runs to win in the second to
last ball of the 50th over. The boys and coaches were naturally
disappointed to come close to making the final against St Peters, but they can reflect on a successful season back in the top
division and will be looking forward to building on this years
successes for next season.
Thank you to coaches Mr Per Rorholt and Mr David Silvester for
their commitment throughout the season and to Captain and
Deputy Head Boy, Neil Rudman for leading the team in his final
year at school.
Jessie, Lewis and Taylor Smith all competed in the recent North
Island Championship. Congratulations on excellent results:
1st - 13 year girls – Jessie Smith (Year 9)
3rd - 16 year boys – Lewis Smith (Year 11)
Jessie is also a member of Sarah Walker’s BMX Team with a
focus on the 2020 Olympics.
Neil Rudman (Year 13) - Captain
Development Team in Australia
A Hillcrest development team is currently in Brisbane, Australia
competing in the Impact Cricket Challenge for the very first
time. 14 boys ranging from Year 10 to Year 13 make up the
team which has been fundraising for 6 months to pay for this
trip. The boys will be playing 6 games in 5 days against the likes
of Churchie and Ipswich Grammar schools on grass wickets at
some of the best grounds in Queensland.
The team is being coached by David Silvester and Ben Kennedy
and the tour will finish with 3 days on the Gold Coast taking in
the theme parks and beaches. The Hillcrest High Cricket club
are planning for a team to undertake this trip every second
year so if you are a cricketer then Hillcrest is the place to be!
Jessie competing at the North Island Championship
Emma Walton (Year 10) placed 3rd in the recent St Andrews
Junior Club Championship.
Cricket Representatives
Congratulations to Hamilton Secondrary Schools representatives:
• Samantha Nation (Year 12)
• Emma Walton (Year 10)
• Chelsi Rys (Year 9)
North Island Secondary School
- Show Jumping - 24 October
Congratulations to competition winners Hillcrest Team 1:
• Tara Adams (Year 11)
• Olivia Hanrahan (Year 10)
• Claudia Hurford (Year 13)
• Hannah Doak (Year 9)
Top Show Jumping school in the North Island
Tyla Cushion (Year 12) recently placed 3rd in the Junior Girls
Nationals.She was also 5th in the NZ MX Champs in the Women’s
Open and 8th in NZ Cross Country Open Boys 12-16yrs in the
South Island.
At the end of November Tyla won the Junior Womens Class in
the NZ Womens MX Championship.
Congratulations Tyla.
Claudia, Hannah, Olivia and Tara
Open Road Race - Results
Cameron McRobie
Liam Newman
Crae Kinzett-Rolfe
Ronish Kumar
Kayel Neagle
Neil Rudman
Estian Hattingh
Te Arepa Wano
Storm Stainton
Kauruki Keegan
Phoebe Bardoul
Claudia Hurford
Kendra Peart-Anderson
Lily Patterson
Nicole Emslie
Megan Henderson
Paige Hallam
Briar Wharry
Rebecca Pickering
Madison Wright
Tyla competing
Congratulations go to Tayla Christensen (Year 12) who scored
after 58 seconds to help the NZ Development team beat Capital Football in the recent Preliminary Final of the ASB Premiership Women’s League.
The NZ Development squad will now meet defending champions Mainland Pride in the Final of the ASB Women’s League on
Sunday, 7 December in Christchurch.
Water Polo
Hillcrest entered a mixed team in the recent Waikato Secondary Schools Junior Championship. Great effort team on your
3rd placing. Congratulations.
Round the Bridges
Kendra Peart-Anderson (Year 9) won the secondary school girls
category and was also placed second in the U20 Female category and was 3rd in the Overall Female category. Congratulations Kendra.
Tuesday - competition day, blue sky and plenty of new snow.
First up - the Dual Slalom. In the girls event Alex Douglas (Year
12) was placed 11th and in the boys Alistair McLeay (Year 13)
12th (out of 125) and Kip Bardsley 19th. Alistair made the final
of the slope Style with a 6th placing.
Hillcrest entered a team in the Secondary School Team Challenge, which is calculated from the fastest four placings of
students at the same school competing in the 6km event
Hillcrest were placed 2nd. Congratulations to:
Wednesday and another great blue sky day. Alistair made it
through to the semi-finals so ended up 5th overall. - a great
all-round performance from him.
Josh Henderson (Year 11) 4th, Kendra Peart-Anderson (Year 9)
8th, Liam Newman (Year 13) 9th and Megan Henderson (Year 9)
21st. Great team effort.
In the combined team event the boys finished 11th overall (6th
in the Dual Slalom) and the girls 9th (a good result considering
we had no one in the Slope Style).
The weather was good in Hamilton for the 70th anniversary of
the fun run on Sunday, 16 November.
North Island Championship
Great to see some junior students join the team and we are
looking forward to adding a few more for next year.
Mr Shane Richardson - TIC
Alex Douglas
Kendra Peart-Anderson
North Island Championship
The Ski Champs were held at Turoa, during September.
Isabella Merriman was placed 10th in the giant slalom which
was a real improvement on her result from 2013. Unfortunately
the remainder of the competition was cancelled due to poor
weather conditions but a lot of young skiers had their first taste
of the biggest ski competition in the southern hemisphere and
will definitely benefit from the experience.
I look forward to seeing the skiers improve over the next few
years and getting more young people involved in an awesome
Mr Ben Kennedy - TIC
Alistair McLeay
The junior season got underway in term three with a boys team
and three girls teams. The season finished in term four with
some fantastic results! The boys won the Waikato final beating
Hamilton Boys High 2-0. The Year 10 girls won bronze after
beating Te Aroha and our Year 9 girls won division two in a very
close competition that was decided on set count back.
We had 10 players named in Waikato U15 teams: Kali RapleyInia, Rebessa Rodriguez, Brianna O’Brien, Caitlin Moore,
Anastasia Argyroudi, Teina Joseph, Chris Abbot, Harrison
Mackenzie, Samuel O’Meara and Jaxon Wright. These teams
will play in the Inter-provincial championships on the 19-20th
December being hosted in Waikato.
North Island Junior Championship
Nai Mullane-Ronaki (Year 9) blocking at the North
Island Championship
Year 10 Girls
The Year 9 and Year 10 girls teams attended the North Island
Champs in Wellington this term. Six days away, four days of
competition, 9 games played and a whole lot learnt. Both
teams played some great volleyball with the Year 10 girls finishing 9th in Division 2 which was the best they could do after
being knocked out of the quarter finals at the end of the second day. The Year 9 girls finished 13th in Division 3 and learnt
a lot that will prepare them well for the same tournament
next year.
Year 9 Girls
Beach Volleyball
During the week the girls had a good opportunity to explore
Wellington and get a taste of what it is like to live in the University Halls as both teams stayed at Victoria University’s Weir
A big thank you to the coaches of both teams who put a lot
of time and effort over the entire season that started back in
term 2. The year 9 girls were coached by Phil Orchard and the
Year 10 girls but senior students/players Rebecca Endres and
Tyler Hurn. Also thanks to Miss Speeding, Darren Herod and Ms
Clifton for travelling with the teams and helping out.
Rowing at Hillcrest High School is going from strength to
strength. This year we have 31 rowers and 5 coxswains, which
is a combination of boys and girls from novice (first year rowers) to second year rowers and beyond, including our very experienced and successful senior girls who have won titles at
the last two Maadi Cups as Under 15 and Under 16 coxed fours
champions. This year they move to Under 17. This year will be
the first time that Hillcrest High will enter boy’s crews in the
8’s events.
We have developed a very effective coaching team which consists of Dr Brett Smith (Lecturer in Sport at the University of
Waikato), Dr Smith brings a huge amount of experience as a
technical coach and adviser to the coaching team, Chloe Mac
Farlane, who with Dr Smith and Loveday Yeoman coach the
girls, with Brent Whiting, Mrs Jude Smith and Miss Annabel
Rowlands coaching the boys.
The Hillcrest High School Rowing Club is well established with a
dedicated group of parents under the leadership of Blair Wright
who manage and organise all aspects of rowing at Hillcrest High
School including fundraising, training camps, regatta organisation, uniforms and equipment. A notable addition to the club is
a new boat trailer constructed from scratch by Brent Whiting.
All crews have been training since July and are beginning their
competitive season with a series of regatta’s, which will culminate in the North Island Secondary School Championships and
finally the Maadi Cup, both held at Lake Karapiro in term 1
next year.
Kelvin Whiting
TIC Rowing
Lake Karapiro, Te Awamutu Regatta
Training at Mangakino
Boys U16 8
Girls 8
Pakuranga College Sports Exchange
Hillcrest hosted Pakuranga College for the annual junior sports exchange on Thursday, 4 Decenber.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank some of businesses who have sponsored Hillcrest
High School this year: