IBA Member Organisations as at September 2008 International Bar Association 10th Floor, 1 Stephen Street London W1T 1AT, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7691 6868 Fax: +44 (0)20 7691 6544 Website: www.ibanet.org Algeria Organisation Nationale des Avocats Algeriens Palais de Justice 10 rue Abane Ramdane Algiers 1, Algeria Tel: +213 (21) 647 732 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Angola Angola Bar Association Avenida Ho Chi Min Edificio da Direccao Nacional de Estatistica Luanda, Republic of Angola Tel: +244 (2) 345069 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Argentina Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Montevideo 640 Ciudad A. de Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 (11) 4371 1110 E-mail: info@colabogados.org.ar Website: http://www.colabogados. org.ar/ Armenia Bar Association of Armenia 1 Alex Manoogian Yerevan 375049, Armenia Tel: +64 (4) 710 523 E-mail: info@iravaban.am Website: http://www.iravaban.am/ en/legal_aid/ask_question_form. php Australia Law Council of Australia GPO Box 1989 ACT 2601 DX 5719, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Tel: +61 (2) 6246 3788 E-mail: mail@lawcouncil.asn.au Website: http://www.lawcouncil.asn. au/ The Australian Bar Association Level 5, Inns of Court 107 North Quay Brisbane 4000, Australia Tel: +61 (7) 3236 2477 E-mail: info@austbar.asn.au Website: www.austbar.asn.au Law Society of New South Wales 170 Phillip Street, Level 6 Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Tel: +61 (2) 9926 0216 E-mail: lawsociety@lawsocnsw.asn. au Website: http://www.lawsociety. com.au/ The Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory First Floor, 1 Farrell Place GPO Box 1562 Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Tel: +61 (02) 6247 5700 E-mail: lawsoc@lawsocact.asn.au Website: http://www.lawsocact.asn. au/ The South Australian Bar Association c/o Elliot Johnston Chambers PO Box 6052 Halifax Street Adelaide SA 5000, Australia Tel: +61 (8) 8410 3672 E-mail: info@ejchambers.com.au Website: www.sabar.com.au Victorian Bar Council Level 5 Owen Dixon Chambers East 205 William Street Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Tel: +61 (03) 9225 7111 E-mail: vicbar@vicbar.com.au Website: http://www.vicbar.com.au/ Austria Austrian Federal Bar Association (Österreichischer Rechtsanwaltskammertag) Tuchlauben 12 1010 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 (1) 535 1275 E-mail: rechtsanwaelte@oerak.at Website: http://www.oerak.at/ Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien (Bar Association of Vienna) Rotenturmstrasse 13 1010 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 (1) 533 27 18 E-mail: office@rakwien Website: http://www.rakwien.at/ Bahamas Bahamas Bar Association PO Box N-4632 Parliament Street Nassau New Providence, Bahamas Tel: +1 242 326 3276 E-mail: bba@batelnet.bs Website: n/a Bahrain Bahrain Bar Society PO Box 5025 Manama, Bahrain Tel: +973 1772 5665 E-mail: bhbar@batelco.com.bh Website: n/a Bangladesh National Bar Association of Bangladesh Ibrahim Mansion 11 Purana Paltan (2nd Floor) Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh Tel: +880 (2) 955 9670 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Barbados Barbados Bar Association ‘Leeton’ Perry Gap Roebuck Street Bridgetown St Michael, Barbados Tel: +1246 437 7316 E-mail: bar@caribsurf.com Website: n/a Belgium Institut des Juristes d’Entreprise Rue des Sols 8 Stuiversstraat Brussels B-1000, Belgium Tel: +32 (2) 512 7433 E-mail: info@ije.be Website: www.ije.be Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie te Brussel Gerechtsgebouw Poelaertplein Brussels B-1000, Belgium Tel: +32 (2) 508 6762 E-mail: ordre@baliebrussel.be Website: http://www.baliebrussel. be/html/frset.htm Ordre Français des Avocats du Barreau de Bruxelles Palais de Justice Place Poelaert Brussels B-1000, Belgium Tel: +32 (2) 508 6656 E-mail: see website Website: http://www. barreaudebruxelles.be/ Orde van Vlaamse Balies Koningsstraat 148 Brussels B-1000, Belgium Tel: +32 (2) 227 5470 E-mail: ovb@advocaat.be Website: n/a Bermuda Bermuda Bar Association PO Box HM 125 Hamilton HM AX, Bermuda Tel: +1 (441) 295 4540 E-mail: bdabar@ibl.bm Website: n/a Botswana SADC Lawyers’ Association Unit 7 2nd Floor Tshipidi House Botswana Road Plot 684 Private Bag 0056 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267 316 2425 Email: SADCLAWYERS@INFO.BW Website: n/a The Law Society of Botswana Unit 5, First Floor Kagiso Mall PO Box 50889 Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 3900 200 E-mail: lawsociety@mega.bw Website: n/a Brazil Centro de Estudos das Sociedades de Advogados (CESA) Rua Boa Vista 254 4 andar, sala no. 413 Sao Paulo 01014 907, Brazil Tel: +55 11 3104 8402 E-mail: cesa@cesa.org.br Website: http://www.cesa.org.br/ Instituto dos Advogados do Rio Grande do Sul Travessa Acylino de Carvalho 21-4o Bairro Centro Porto Alegre 90010, Brazil Tel: +55 (51) 32245788 E-mail: iargs@cpovo.net Website: http://www.iargs.com.br/ Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (Brazilian Bar Association) SAS Qd. 05 - Lt. 01 - Bl. M Brasília DF 70070-939, Brazil Tel: +55 61 316 9607/9624 E-mail: cri@oab.org.br Website: cri@oab.org.br Sao Paulo Lawyers’ Association (Asociación dos Advogados de Sao Paolo) Rua Álvares Penteado 151 Centro São Paulo SP 01012-001, Brazil Tel: +55 (11) 3291 9200 E-mail: aasp.dretoria@aasp.org.br Website: www.aasp.org.br Bulgaria Supreme Bar Council of Bulgaria 1A Kalojan Street Sofia 1000, Bulgaria Tel: +359 (02) 986 28 61 E-mail: VASsecretary@bitex.com Website: http://www.vas.lex.bg/ Sofia Bar Association Entr. E, Fl. 2 1A Vitosha Blvd. Sofia 1000, Bulgaria Tel: +359 (2) 986 7972 E-mail: sak_sas@abv.bg Website: www.sak.applet-bg.com Interadvocat Bar Association Nieasar & Diamond LLP & Todorova 1 Jury Venelin Street 3rd Floor Sofia1000, Bulgaria Tel: +359 (2) 981 0765 E-mail: todorova@ bbcelegalconsultancy.com Website: n/a Cambodia Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia #10-11 Street 180 Sangkat Beoung Raing Khan Daun Penh Phnom Penh P.O. Box 1587 Kingdom of Cambodia Tel: +855 (23) 22 02 37 E-mail: bakc@forum.org.kh Website: n/a Cameroon Cameroon Bar Association 816-824 Rue Fréderic Foe Yaounde BP 13488 Cameroon Tel: +237 222 6292 E-mail: ordavocam@camnet.cm Website: n/a Canada Canadian Bar Association 865 Carling Avenue Suite 500 Ottawa ON K1S 5S8, Canada Tel: +1 (613) 237 2925 E-mail: info@cba.org Website: http://www.cba.org/CBA/ Home.asp Chambre des notaires du Quebec Tour de la Bourse 800, Place-Victoria, bureau 700 C.P. 162 Montréal Quebec H4Z 1L8, Canada Tel: 001 (514) 879 1793 E-mail: admin@cdnq.org Website: http://www.cdnq.org/ indexcdnq_eng.asp Federation of Law Societies of Canada Constitution Square 1700-360 Albert Street Ottowa, ON K1R 7X7, Canada Tel: 001 (613) 236 7272 E-mail: desormiers.flsc.ca Website: http://www.flsc.ca/ Cape Verde Ordem dos Advogados de Cabo Verde Rua Serpa Pinto No 9. 3 andar PO Box 782 Cidade da Praia Cape Verde Islands Tel: +238 261 9755/56 E-mail: ordemadvogados@ cvtelecom.cv Website: n/a Cayman Islands Cayman Islands Law Society PO Box 10390 APO Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Tel: +1345 949 8066 E-mail: cqq.quinhampson.com.ky Website: n/a Channel Islands The Law Society of Jersey 40 Pirouet House Union Street, St Helier JE4 8ZQ, Channel Islands Tel: +44 (01534) 601 700 E-mail: secretary@jerseylawsociety.je Website: www.jerseylawsociety.je Chile Denmark Colegio de Abogados de Chile The Danish Bar and Law Society (Det Danske Advokatsamfund) Ahumada 341, Oficina 207 Casilla 224 Santiago, Chile Tel: +562 639 7945 E-mail: secretaria@colegioabogados. cl Website: www.abogados.cl China All China Lawyers Association 5th Floor Qinglan Mansion No 24 Dongsi Shitiao Dongsheng District Beijing 100007, China Tel: +86 (10) 6406 0212 E-mail: cilec@public.bta.net.cn Website: http://www.acla. cn/html/union/englishunion/ briefintroduction.html Costa Rica Colegio de Abogados de Costa Rica Costado de la Rotonda de la Garantias PO Box 3161-1000 San José, Costa Rica Tel: +506 253 1947 E-mail: see website Website: http://www.abogados. or.cr/ Croatia Croatian Bar Association Koturaska 53/II Zagreb 10000, Croatia Tel: +385 (1) 617 1270 E-mail: odvjetnicka-komora@ odvjkomora.hr Website: http://www.odvj-komora. hr/WebStuff/Bar.html Cyprus Cyprus Bar Association 1st Floor, 11 Florinis Street Nicosia 1065, Cyprus Tel: +357 (2) 2873 300 E-mail: cybar@cytanet.com.cy Website: www.cyprusbarassociation. org Czech Republic Czech Bar Association International Department Narodni Trida 16 Prague 11000, Czech Republic Tel: +420 (2) 2491 0162 E-mail: sekr@cak.cz Website: http://www.cak.cz/1250/ akomora/index.html Kronprinsessegade 28 1306 Copenhagen K, Denmark Tel: +45 (33) 96 9798 E-mail: bbu@advocom.dk Website: http://www. advokatsamfundet.dk Dominica Dominica Bar Association PO Box 2000 12 Virgin Lane Roseau, Dominica Tel: +1767 448 8822 / 448 0200 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Ecuador Federacion Nacional de Abogados del Ecuador Palacio de Justicia de Guayaquil 3 Piso Guayaquil, Ecuador Tel: +593 (2) 263 500 E-mail: coabogua@gye.satnet.net Website: n/a Colegio de Abogados de Pichincha Piedrahita y Av. 6 de Diciembre, esq. Quito, Ecuador Tel: +593 (2) 2567 619 E-mail: colabpi@mail.colabpi.pro.ec Website: n/a Egypt Egyptian Bar Association 49A Ramses Street Cairo, Egypt Tel: +20 (2) 45 13 60 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a England The Commercial Bar Association 3 Verulam Buildings Gray’s Inn London WC1R 5NT England Tel: +44 (020) 7404 2022 E-mail: admin@combar.com Website: www.combar.com The Bar Council of England and Wales 289-293 High Holborn London WC1V 7H2 England Tel: +44 (020) 7611 1315 E-mail: see website Website: www.barcouncil.org.uk Law Society of England and Wales International Department The Law Society’s Hall 113 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1PL England Tel: +44 (0)20 7320 5603 E-mail: see website Website: www.lawsociety.org.uk The City of London Law Society 4 College Hill London EC4R 2RB England Tel: +44 (020) 7329 2173 E-mail: mail@citysolicitors.org.uk Website: www.citysolicitors.org.uk European Young Bar Association Secretariat c/o 33 Tomlyns Close Hutton, Essex CM13 1PU, England Tel: +44 (0) 7396 5611 E-mail: info@eyba.org Website: www.eyba.org Equatorial Guinea Colegio de Abogados de Guinea Ecuatorial Apartado 774 Malabo Malabo, Equatorial Guinea Tel: +240 091 972 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Estonia Estonian Bar Association Rävala 3 10143 Tallinn, Estonia Tel: +372 662 0655 E-mail: advokatuur@advokatuur.ee Website: www.advokatuur.ee Ethiopia Ethiopian Bar Association PO Box 700 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251 (1) 530 122 E-mail: eba@telecom.net.et Website: n/a Fiji Fiji Law Society PO Box 2389 Government Buildings Suva, Fiji Tel: +679 3315 690 E-mail: fls@connect.com.fj Website: http://www.fls.org.fj/ Finland Germany The Finnish Bar Association Deutscher Anwaltverein (German Bar Association) Suomen Asianajajaliitto Simonkatu 12 B20 Helsinki 100, Finland Tel: +358 (9) 686 6120 E-mail: info@barassociation.fi Website: http://www.barassociation. fi/ France Arab Association for International Arbitration 4 Avenue Bosquet 2 Cite de l’Alma Paris, France Tel: +33 951 827 E-mail: ahdab@destination.com.lb Website: n/a Association Francaise des Avocats Conseils d’Entreprises 114 - 116 Avenue Wagram 75017 Paris, France Tel: +33 (1) 4766 3007 E-mail: ace@avocatline.com.fr Website: http://www. avocatsconseils.org/default.asp Association Francaise des Juristes d’Entreprise 8, rue Saint-Augustin 75002 Paris France Tel: +33 (1) 426 153 59 E-mail: admin@afje.org Website: http://www.afje.org/index_ flash.htm Conseil National des Barreaux 22 rue de Londres 75009 Paris France Tel: +33 (0) 53 30 85 60 Email: presidence@cnb.advocat.fr Website: www.cnb.advocat.fr Ordre des Avocats de Paris 11 Place Dauphine 75001 Paris, France Tel: +33 (1) 44 32 48 10 E-mail: delegationgenerale@ avocatparis.org Website: http://www.avocatparis. org/new/index.asp Gambia Gambia Bar Association 2 Allen Street P O Box 19 Banjul, Gambia Tel: +220 462 090 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Littenstrasse 11 Berlin D-10179, Germany Tel: +49 (30) 7261 52127 E-mail: dav@anwaltverein.de Website: http://www.anwaltverein. de/ The German Federal Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer) Littenstrasse 9 Berlin D-10179, Germany Tel: +49 (30) 28 49 39 0 E-mail: zentrale@brak.de Website: www.brak.de Ghana Ghana Bar Association The Secretariat PO Box 4150 Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 (21) 226 748 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Gibraltar The General Council of the Bar in Gibraltar PO Box 919 Watergate House 2/7 Casemates Square, Gibraltar Tel: +350 59026 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Greece Thessaloniki Bar Association Dikastiko Megaro 26th October Street 5 Thessaloniki 54626, Greece Tel: +302 (31) 0543 451 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Guyana Guyana Bar Association Lot 39 Brickdam Stabroek Georgetown Demerara, Guyana Tel: +592 226 0478 E-mail: gba@solutions2000.net Website: www.guybar.org Hong Kong Hong Kong Bar Association LG2 Floor High Court 38 Queensway Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR Tel: +852 2869 0210 E-mail: info@hkba.org Website: www.hkba.org The Law Society of Hong Kong 3/F Wing On House 71 Des Voeux Road Central Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR Tel: +852 284 60500 E-mail: sg@hklawsoc.org.hk Website: http://www.hklawsoc.org. hk/ Hungary Budapest Bar Association Szalay u. 7 1055 Budapest, Hungary Tel: +36 (1) 353-0155, 353-0810 E-mail: bpbar@matavnet.hu Website: www.bpbar.hu Hungarian Bar Association Szemere U.8 1054 Budapest Budapest 1054, Hungary Tel: +36 (1) 311 9800 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Iceland The Icelandic Bar Association Álftamýri 9 Reykjavík 108, Iceland Tel: +354 568 5620 E-mail: lmfi@lmfi.is Website: http://www.lmfi.is/english. asp India Bar Association of India 10th Floor 10 Hailey Road New Delhi 110 001, India Tel: +91 (11) 2332 2601 E-mail: ibhasin@vsnl.com Website: n/a Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) S454 Greater Kailash - II New Delhi 110 048, India Tel: +91 (11) 6475477 / 6469606 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a The Bar Council of India 21 Rouse Avenue Institutional Area Near Bal Bhawan New Delhi 110 002, India Tel: +91 (11) 323 1647 E-mail: bcindia1@vsnl.com Website: n/a Indonesia Israel Japan Indonesian Bar Association (PERADI) Indonesian Advocates Association The Israel Bar Japan Federation of Bar Associations Ariobimo Sentral Building Mezzanine Floor JL HR Rasuna Said Block X-2 Kav 5 Jakarta 12950 E-mail: info@peradi.or.id Website: n/a IKADIN (Indonesian Bar Association) Complex Duta Merlin Block B-30 J1 Gajah Mada No 3-5 Jakarta 10130, Indonesia Tel: +62 (21) 633 1636 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Iran Iranian Bar Association No.3 Zagros Street Argentine Square Tehran15149, Iran Tel: +98 (21) 888 6425/ 26 E-mail: mail@iranbar.org Website: http://www.iranbar.com/ pltren1.php Iraq Iraqi Bar Association Al Mansoor Baghdad, Iraq Tel: +964 (1) 537 2390 E-mail: iraqibar@yahoo.com Website: www.iraqibar.com (Under Construction) Ireland (Republic) 10 Daniel Frish Street Tel Aviv 64731, Israel Tel: +972 (3) 691 8691 E-mail: vaadmerkazi@israelbar.org.il Website: http://www.israelbar.org. il/english_index.asp Italy Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano Palazzo di Giustizia Via Freguglia, 1 20121 Milan, Italy Tel: 0039 (02) 54 92 921 E-mail: segreteria@ ordineavvocatimilano.it Website: http://www. ordineavvocatimilano.it/html/index. html Ordine Degli Avvocati Di Perugia Palazzo Di Giustizia Piazza Matteotti 06100 Perugia, Italy Tel: +39 (075) 572 4254 E-mail: segreteria@ordineavvocati. perugia.it Website: http://www. ordineavvocati.perugia.it/Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma Palazzo di Giustizia Piazza Cavour 00193 Roma, Italy Tel: +39 (06) 687 5294 E-mail: consiglio@ordineavvocati. roma.it Website: www.ordineavvocati.roma. it The Bar Council of Ireland Law Library Four Courts Dublin 7, Ireland Tel: +353 (1) 817 5000 E-mail: barcouncil@lawlibrary.ie Website: http://www.lawlibrary. ie/default.asp The Law Society of Ireland Blackhall Place Dublin 7, Ireland Tel: +353 (1) 672 4800 E-mail: general@lawsociety.ie Website: http://www.lawsociety.ie/ Isle of Man Isle of Man Law Society 27 Hope Street Douglas IM1 1AR Isle of Man Tel: +44 (01624) 662 910 E-mail: enquiries@iomlawsociety. co.im Website: http://www.iomlawsociety. co.im/ Ordine degli Avvocati di Genova Palazzo di Giustizia Piazza Portoria 1 16121 Genoa, Italy Tel: +39 (010) 566 217 E-mail: ordavvge@split.it Website: http://www.diclemente. it/avvGenova/ Jamaica Jamaican Bar Association #78 Harbour Street Kingston, Jamaica Tel: +1876 967 1528/967 9034 E-mail: n/a Website: www.jambar.org.jm 1-3, 1 Chome Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0013, Japan Tel: +81 (3) 3580 9841 E-mail: jfba-ia@nichibenren.or.jp Website: http://www.nichibenren. or.jp/en/ The Japan Bar Association 1-1 Kasumigaseki 1-Chome Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 100-0013, Japan Tel: +81 (3) 3581 6867 E-mail: masatsugu.suzuki@bakernet. com Website: n/a Tokyo Bar Association 1-3 Kasumigaseki 1-Chome Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0013, Japan Tel: +81 (3) 3581 2201 E-mail: akita@toben.or.jp Website: www.toben.or.jp Jordan Jordan Bar Association PO Box 588 Amman, Jordan Tel: +962 (6) 665 818 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Kenya International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Amboseli Road off Gitanga Road PO Box 46324 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 (20) 570444/573511 E-mail: fida@africaonline.co.ke/ info@fida.co.ke Website: http://www.fidakenya.org/ Law Society of Kenya PO Box 72219-00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 (020) 311337 E-mail: lsk@lsk.or.ke Website: http://www.lsk.or.ke/ Korea Libya Malaysia Korean Bar Association Libyan Bar Association Bar Council Malaysia (Majlis Peguam) 5th Floor, Lawyer’s Hall 1718-1 Seocho-dong Seocho-gu Seoul 137-070 Korea (South) Tel: +82 (2) 3476 4005 E-mail: international@koreanbar. or.kr Website: http://www.koreanbar. or.kr/eng/index.asp Kuwait Kuwait Bar Association North Shuwaikh Area 7, St No 71 Villa 32, PO Box 2365 Tel: +965 4835596 / 4835593 E-mail: admin@kbar.org Website: www.kbar.org Latvia The Latvian Council of Sworn Advocates 34 Brivibas Boulevard Riga LV - 1050, Latvia Tel: +371 7088 206 E-mail: adv-pad@latnet.lv Website: http://www.advokatura.lv/ PO Box 10441 Tripoli, Libya Tel: +218 (21) 444 1955 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Liechtenstein Liechtensteinische Rechtsanwaltskammer Kirkstasse 6 Schaan FL 9494 Liechtenstein Tel: +423 232 99 32 E-mail: rechtsanwaltskammer@lirak. li Website: http://www.lirak.li/ Lithuania Lithuanian Bar Association Tilto q 17 Radnlu q 4 Vilnius, LT-01101 Lithuania Tel: +370 (852) 616216 E-mail: lat@advoco.lt Website: http://www.advoco.lt Luxembourg Lesotho Law Society of Lesotho P/Bag A289 100 Maseru Lesotho Maseru 100, Lesotho Tel: +266 22 313 517 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Liberia Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) PO Box 20-4248 1000 Monrovia 20 Liberia Tel: +231 (6) 655 5178 Email: afell2003@yahoo.com Website: n/a Liberian National Bar Association National Law Library Building Ashmun Street PO Box 2092 Monrovia 10 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 888 229 18/ 227 283 E-mail: libnatbar@yahoo.com Website: n/a Le Barreau de Luxembourg Boîte Postale 361 L-2013 Luxembourg Luxembourg Tel: 00352 46 72 72/1 E-mail: info@barreau.lu Website: http://www.barreau.lu/ Macedonia Macedonian Business Lawyers Assocation bul. “Krste Misirkov” bb Skopje 1000, Macedonia Tel: +389 (02) 3131 084/ 3109 689 E-mail: mbla@mbla.org.mk Website: www.mbla.org.mk Malawi Malawi Law Society Ground Floor, MASM House Lower Sclatter Road PO Box 1712, Blantyre, Malawi Tel: +265 1 621 043 E-mail: mls@sdnp.org.mw Website: n/a No 13, 15 & 17 Leboh Pasar Besar Kuala Lumpur 50050, Malaysia Tel: +60 (3) 203 13003 E-mail: council@malaysianbar.org.my Website: http://www.malaysianbar. org.my/ Sabah Law Association 3rd Floor 120 Gaya Street 88000 Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia Tel: +60 (088) 232 662 E-mail: sabahlaw@tm.net.my Website: http://www.sabah.org. my/sabahlaw/mainpage.htm Malta Chamber of Advocates – Malta The Lawyer’s Chamber The Law Courts Republic Street Valletta VLT 05, Malta Tel: +356 2590 2322 E-mail: info@ chamberofadvocatesmalta.org Website: http://www. chamberofadvocatesmalta.org/ Mauritius Mauritius Bar Association c/o Patrice Doger de Speville Chambers 102 Chancery House Lislet Geoffroy Street Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: +230 208 2958 E-mail: varusha@bow.intnet.mu Website: n/a Mexico Asociacion Mexicana de Abogados AC Calle De Teololco No 325 Colonia Jardines Del Pedregal Mexico DF 01780 Mexico Tel: +52 (5) 568 4113/562 9791 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Barra Mexicana Colegio de Abogados, A.C. (Mexican Bar Association) Varsovia 1 Colonia Juarez Mexico D.F. 6600, Mexico Tel: +52 (55) 525 2485/ 2362 E-mail: labarra@bma.org.mx Website: http://www.bma.org.mx/ Mongolia Association of Mongolian Advocates Baga Tolruu-15/1 Ulaanbaatar 46 Mongolia Tel: +976 11 327 491 E-mail: monadvocate@magicnet.mn Website: http://www.monadvo.org. mn/ Morocco Ordre des Avocats au Barreau de Casablanca Palais de Justice Place Mohammed V Casablanca, Morocco Tel: +212 (2) 221172/262846 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Mozambique Ordem dos Advogados de Moçambique (Mozambique Bar Association) Av. Patrice Lumumba, 290 2° andar PO Box 197 Maputo, Mozambique Tel: +258 (1) 431 634 E-mail: ordemadvogadosmoz@ tvcabo.co.mz Website: www. ordemadvogadosmoz.org/ Namibia Society of Advocates of Namibia PO Box 1323 1st Floor Namlex Chambers 333 Independence Avenue Windhoek, Namibia Tel: +264 (61) 231 151 E-mail: socadv@mweb.com.na Website: http://www.orusovo.com/ socanam/default.htm The Law Society of Namibia PO Box 714 1st Floor, Namlex Chambers 33 Independence Avenue Windhoek, Namibia Tel: +264 (61) 231 151 E-mail: lawsoc@iafrica.com.na Website: www.lawsocietynamibia. com Nepal Law Society PO Box No. 13211 Anamnagar Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977 (1) 228 497/ 246 650 E-mail: nls@wlink.com.np/kmprdf@ mail.com.np Website: n/a Netherlands Amsterdam Bar Association Postbus 57590 Paulus Potterstraat 18 Amsterdam 1017 DA, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (20) 541 2068 E-mail: orde@aova.nl Website: www. advocatenordeamsterdam.nl Netherlands Bar Association PO Box 30851 2500 GW The Hague The Netherlands Tel: +31 (30) 212 1634 E-mail: info@advocatenorde.nl Website: http://www. advocatenorde.nl/ Netherlands Antilles Orde van Advokaten Sint Maarten c/o HBN Law WG Buncamper Rd 33 PO Box 398 Sint Maarten, Philipsburg Netherlands Antilles Tel: +599 5 422 272 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a New Zealand New Zealand Bar Association PO Box 631 Shortland Street Auckland, New Zealand Tel: +64 09 303 4515 E-mail: nzbar@nzbar.org.nz Website: http://www.nzbar.org.nz/ New Zealand Law Society PO Box 5041, Lambton Quay Wellington, New Zealand 6145 Tel: +64 (4) 472 7837 E-mail: inquiries@lawyers.org.nz Website: http://www.nzlawsoc.org. nz/ Nepal Nigeria Nepal Bar Association Nigerian Bar Association PO Box 5502 Ramshah Path Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977 (1) 425 4647 E-mail: neba@wlink.com.np Website: http://www.nepalbar.org/ 96A Medical Guild Close off Ajose Adeogun St Victoria Island Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1461 8287 E-mail: nba@vgccl.net Website: n/a Norfolk Island Norfolk Island Bar Association Doctors’ Commons PO Box 223 South Pacific, Norfolk Island Tel: +672 3 22834/22543 E-mail: barassociation@ norfolkisland.edu.nf Website: n/a Northern Ireland Law Society of Northern Ireland 2nd Floor 40 Linenhaust Belfast BT2 8BA Northern Ireland Tel: +44 (02890) 231614 E-mail: info@lawsoc-ni.org Website: http://www.lawsoc-ni.org/ The General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland The Bar Library 91 Chichester St Belfast BT1 3JQ Northern Ireland Tel: +44 (02890) 329425 E-mail: chief.executive@barcouncilni. org.uk Website: http://www.barlibrary.com/ Norway Norwegian Bar Association (Den Norske Advokatforening) Kristian Augusts gate 9 Oslo N-0164, Norway Tel: +47 (22) 03 50 50 E-mail: anders.ryssdal@wiersholm.no Website: http://www.jus.no/?id=6 Pakistan Pakistan Bar Council Supreme Court Building 3rd Floor, Block 1 Constitution Avenue Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: +92 (51) 9206805 E-mail: pakbarcouncil@hotmail.com Website: n/a Panama Colegio Nacional de Abogados de Panama Apartado Postal 0816-03370 Calle República de Bolivia y Calle 38E Panama City, Panama Tel: +507 225 6371 E-mail: info@cnapanama.com Website: www.cnapanama.com Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Law Society Level Three Mogoru Moto Building PO Box 2004 Port Moresby Papua New Guinea Tel: +675 321 7344 E-mail: lawsoc@daltron.com.pg Website: n/a Paraguay Colegio de Abogados de Paraguay Manduvira y 14 de Mayo 988 Asuncion, Paraguay Tel: +595 (21) 441 882 E-mail: ba@mmail.com.py Website: n/a Peru Colegio de Abogados de Lima Avenida Santa Cruz 255 Miraflores Lima 18, Peru Tel: +51 (1) 421 9866/ 710 6603 E-mail: decano@cal.org.pe Website: http://www.cal.org.pe/ Philippines Integrated Bar of the Philippines IBP Building No.15 Julia Vargas Avenue Ortigas Center Pasig City 1600 Philippines Tel: +63 (2) 631-3018, 631-3014, E-mail: ibpsec@info.com.ph Website: http://www.ibp.org.ph/ Philippine Bar Association Unit 347 Valero Plaza 124 Valero Street Manila, Philippines Tel: +63 (2) 815 3080 E-mail: philbar@info.com.ph Website: n/a Philippine Lawyers Association PO Box 2082 1099 Manila, Philippines Tel: +63 (2) 242 1693 E-mail: nublalaw@i-manila.com.ph Website: n/a Poland The Polish Bar Council Naczelna Rada Adwokacka 16 Swietojerska Street 00-202 Warsaw, Poland Tel: +48 (22) 635 4062 E-mail: nra@nra.pl Website: http://www.nra.pl/ National Council of Legal Advisers of Poland (Krajowa Rada Radcow Prawnych) Aleje Ujazdowskie 18 lok.4 00-478 Warsaw, Poland Tel: +48 (22) 622 0588/ 8428 E-mail: kirp@kirp.pl Website: http://www.radca.prawny. lex.pl/kirp.xmlPortugal Ordem dos Advogados Portugueses Conselho General Largo De Sâo Domingos, 14-1° Lisbon 1169-060, Portugal Tel: +351 (21) 882 3550/6 E-mail: cons.geral@cg.oa.pt Website: http://www.oa.pt/ Puerto Rico Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico Bar Association) PO Box 9021900 San Juan 00902 1900 Puerto Rico Tel: +1 (787) 721 3358 E-mail: prescapr@capr.org Website: http://www.capr.org/ Romania Bucharest Bar Association 3-5, Dr. Raureanu Street Sector 5 Bucharest 050047 Romania Tel: +40 (21) 315 4537/ 4538 E-mail: secretariat@baroulbucaresti. ro Website: www.baroul-bucuresti.ro Dolj Bar Association Calea Bucuresti Str. Bl. 17D Mezanin Craiova 200678 Dolj Romania Tel: 0040 251 413 940 Email: baroul.dolj@rdscv.ro Website: n/a International Union (Commonwealth) of Advocates Ul. Pokrovka, 1/13/6, str. 2 101000 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 (95) 291 4280 E-mail: mcca@mail.ru Website: n/a Moscow Chamber of Advocates 11th Floor New Arbat Street 36/9 Moscow 121205 Russian Federation Tel: +7 95 290 9849 Email: info@advokatymoscow.ru Website: n/a Rwanda Ordre des Avocats Rwanda 14 bd de la revolution Kigali BP 1133, Rwanda Tel: +250 710 78 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Scotland Glasgow Bar Association GBA Library 1st Floor Glasgow Sheriff Court 1 Carlton Place Glasgow G5 9DA Scotland Tel: +44 (141) 420 6142 E-mail: glasbarassoc@btclick.com Website: www. glasgowbarassociation.co.uk The Faculty of Advocates Dean’s Secretariat Faculty of Advocates, Advocates Library Parliament House Edinburgh EH1 1RF Scotland Tel: +44 (131) 260 5658 E-mail: clerkoffaculty@advocates. org.uk Website: www.advocates.org.uk/ Uniunea Avocatilor din Romania Palatul de Justitie Splaiul Independentei nr 5 Sector 5 Bucharest 050091, Romania E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Russian Federation Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation 43 Sivtzer Vrashek Lane 119002 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 787 2835 Email: info@advpalata.com Website: n/a The Law Society of Scotland 26 Drumsheugh Gardens Edinburgh EH3 7YR Scotland Tel: +44 (131) 226 7411 E-mail: lawscot@lawscot.org.uk Website: http://www.lawscot.org. uk/ Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Bar Association c/o Sierra Leone Law School Lamina Sankoh Street Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 (22) 227 713/227 384 E-mail: slbar_association@yahoo.com Website: n/a Singapore The Law Society of Singapore 39 South Bridge Road Singapore 058 673 Singapore Tel: +65 6538 2500 E-mail: lawsoc@lawsoc.org.sg Website: http://www.lawsoc.org.sg/ Slovak Republic Slovak Bar Association Kolárska 4 Bratislava 813 42 Slovak Republic Tel: +421 (2) 5296 1532 E-mail: office@sak.sk Website: http://www.sak.sk/en_ default.asp Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Bar Association c/o Attorney General’s Chambers PO Box 111 Honiara, Solomon Islands Tel: +677 23471 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a South Africa Corporate Lawyers Association of South Africa PO Box 4110 Northcliff Johannesburg 2115 South Africa Tel: +27 11 476 3217 E-mail: info@clasa.co.za Website: www.clasa.co.za General Council of the Bar of South Africa PO Box 2260 Johannesburg 2000, South Africa Tel: +27 (11) 337 4498 E-mail: gcb@mweb.co.za Website: http://www.sabar.co.za/ Law Society of Northern Provinces PO Box 1493 Pretoria 0001, South Africa Tel: +27 (12) 338 5800 E-mail: communication@lsnp.org.za Website: http://www.northernlaw. co.za Law Society of South Africa PO Box 36626 304 Brooks St Menlo Park Pretoria 0102, South Africa Tel: +27 (12) 362 1729 E-mail: anna@lssa.org.za Website: http://www.lssa.org.za/ KwaZulu-Natal Law Society PO Box 1454 Pietermaritzburg 3200, South Africa Tel: +27 (33) 345 1304 E-mail: info@lawsoc.co.za Website: http://www.lawsoc.co.za/ The Law Society of the Cape of Good Hope 29th & 27th Floors ABSA Centre 2 Riebeeek St Cape Town, South Africa 8001 Tel: +27 021 443 6700 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Spain Consejo General de la Abogacia Espanola Paseo de Recoletos 13 Madrid 28004, Spain Tel: +34 (91) 523 2593 E-mail: informacion@cgae.es Website: http://www.cgae.es/ Illustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid c/serrano 9-11 Madrid, Spain 28001 Tel: +34 (91) 435 7810 E-mail: icam@icam.es Website: www.icam.es Illustre Collegio d’Advocats de Barcelona c/o Marta Cuadrade Mallorca 283 Barcelona 8037, Spain Tel: +34 (93) 496 1880 E-mail: internacional@icab.es Website: www.icab.es Sri Lanka Bar Association of Sri Lanka 153 Mihindu Mawathe Colombo, Sri Lanka 12 Tel: +94 (11) 257 6280 E-mail: basl.lawnet@stmail.lk Website: n/a St Lucia St Lucia Bar Association PO Box 349 Castries St Lucia West Indies Tel: +1 (758) 452 3891 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a St Vincent St Vincent and Grenadines Bar Association PO Box 951 Marcole Plaza Halifax Street Kingstown St Vincent, West Indies Tel: +1784 (784) 456 1523 E-mail: lawyer@caribsurf.com Website: n/a Swaziland The Law Society of Swaziland PO Box 512 Mbabane, Swaziland Tel: +268 404 6085 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Sweden The Swedish Bar Association (Sveriges Adsvokatsamfund) Laboratoriegatan 4 Box 27321 Stockholm 10254 Sweden Tel: +46 (8) 459 0300 E-mail: info@advokatsamfundet.se Website: www.advokatsamfundet.se Switzerland Swiss Bar Association Marktgasse 4 Postfach 8321 Bern CH-3001, Switzerland Tel: +41 (31) 313 0606 E-mail: info@swisslawyers.com Website: www.swisslawyers.com Syria Syrian Bar Association Mayssaloun Street Ministry of Economic Building PO Box 7541 Damascus, Syria Tel: +963 (11) 245 8385 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Tanzania East Africa Law Society PO Box 6240 Arusha, Tanzania Tel: +255 (27) 250 8707 E-mail: eals@habari.co.tz Website: www.ealawsociety.org The Tanganyika Law Society PO Box 2148 9th Floor IPS Building Azikiwe/ Samora Avenue Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +255 (51) 111 730 E-mail: tanglaw.society@twiga.com Website: n/a Thailand Thai Bar Association 32/2-8 Moo 16 Karnchanapisek Road Bangramard Subdistrict Talingchan Bangkok 10170, Thailand Tel: +66 (2) 887 6801-9 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Lawyers Council of Thailand 7/89 Mansion 10 Rajdamnoen Avenue Bovonnivent Sub-District Pranakorn District Bangkok 10200, Thailand Tel: +66 (2) 629 1430 E-mail: legalaid@lawyerscouncil.or.th Website: www.lawyerscouncil.or.th Tonga Tonga Law Society PO Box 2815 Nuku Alofa, Tonga Tel: +676 27671 E-mail: lawsoc@kalianet.to Website: n/a Trinidad and Tobago The Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago 3rd Floor Hudson-Phillips Building 33 St Vincent St Port of Spain Trinidad & Tobago Tel: +1868 625 9350 E-mail: lawassoc@tstt.net.tt Website: n/a Tunisia Ordre National des Avocats de Tunisie Palais de Justice Bd. Bab Benat Tunis 1006, Tunisia Tel: +216 (71) 560 315 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Turkey Ankara Bar Association Adliye Sarayi KAT 5 Sihhiye Ankara 6251, Turkey Tel: +90 (312) 310 5526 E-mail: ankarabarosu@ankarabarosu. org.tr Website: http://www.ankarabarosu. org.tr/IndexTr.htm Union of Turkish Bars Karanfil Sokak 5/ 62 06650 Kizilay Ankara, Turkey Tel: +90 (312) 418 0512 E-mail: admin@barobirlik.org.tr Website: http://www.barobirlik.org. tr/ USA American Bar Association International Liaison Office 321 N. Clark Street Chicago IL 60610, USA Tel: +1 (312) 988 5109 E-mail: askaba@abanet.org Website: www.abanet.org Customs and International Trade Bar Association c/o Melvin S. Schwechter, Esq., President LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae LLP 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington DC 20009, USA Tel: +1 (202) 986 8011 E-mail: webmeister@citba.org Website: www.citba.org State Bar of Michigan International Law Section Michael Franck Building 306 Townsend Street Lansing MI 48933-2083, USA Tel: +1 (517) 346 6345 E-mail: n/a Website: www.michbar.org The Association of the Bar of the City of New York 42 West 44th Street New York NY 10036, USA Tel: +1 (212) 386 6600 E-mail: n/a Website: www.abcny.org Uganda Uganda Law Society Plot 5A Acacia Avenue P O Box 426 Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 (41) 342 424 E-mail: ulss@utlonline.co.ug Website: http://www.uls.or.ug/ Ukraine The Florida Bar Association – International Law Section 651 E. Jefferson Street Tallahassee FL 32399-2300, USA Tel: +1 (850) 5615839 E-mail: see website Website: www.flabar.org Los Angeles County Bar Association 261 South Figueroa Street Suite 300 Los Angeles CA 90012, USA Tel: 001 (213) 627 2727 E-mail: questions@lacba.org Website: http://www.lacba.org/ National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations PO Box 82366 Portland OR 97282, USA Tel: 001 (503) 657 3813 E-mail: info@ncwba.org Website: http://www.ncwba.org/ National Association of Women Lawyers American Bar Center 15.2 321 N. Clark Street Chicago IL 60610, USA Tel: +1 (312) 988 6186 E-mail: nawl@nawl.org Website: www.nawl.org Ukrainian Bar Association 2nd Floor 2A Kostyantynivska Street Kiev 04071 Ukraine Tel: +380 (44) 492 8848 Email: info@uba.ua Website: http://www.uba.ua Union of Advocates of Ukraine 23B Velyka Vasylkivska Street 01004 Kiev, Ukraine Tel: +380 (44) 228 3858 E-mail: office@b-i-m.com.ua Website: www.advokatura.org.ua/ Uruguay Colegio de Abogados del Uruguay Avda. 18 de Julio 1006 Piso 4 Apto. 3 C.P. 11100 Montevideo 11100, Uruguay Tel: +598 (2) 900 2065 E-mail: colabog@adinet.com.uy Website: http://www. colegiodeabogados.org/cau/ Venezuela Colegio de Abogados del Distrito Federal Av. Páez El Paraíso frente al Pedagógico de Caracas Caracas, Venezuela Tel: +58 (212) 451 5754/451 5542/ 451 5545 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Federacion de Colegios de Abogados de Venezuela Urbanización la Fioresta Avenida San Carlos Quinta Santisma Trinidad Municipo Chacao Caracas, Venezuela Tel: +58212 286 2833 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a Zambia The Law Association of Zambia LAZ House, 1 Lagos Road Rhodespark PO Box 35271 Lusaka 10101, Zambia Tel: +260 (1) 254 401 E-mail: zamlaw@zamnet.zm Website: n/a Zimbabwe Law Society of Zimbabwe 3rd Floor Trustee House 55 Samora Machel Avenue PO Box 2529 Harare, Zimbabwe Tel: +263 4 751 000 E-mail: n/a Website: n/a