PRAYER REQUESTS ONGOING EVENTS Sun. Mornings at 9:00 a.m. Worship Service with classes and fellowship to follow at 10:45 a.m. We currently offer classes for all ages. Donuts and coffee are provided in the kitchen before class. We also have headsets for Spanish translations during worship service. Class on “How to Live With the Loss of a Loved One” and The New Members’ Class are being offered. If you are interested please contact: Diana Burton (760) 345-2615 or Steve Cardinal (760) 574-7204 for additional information. Sunday night “In the Word” Bible study information is located on the table in the kitchen. Please check with the study leader for more information. Bible Hour for young children is located in the large classroom next to the kitchen. An announcement will be made to dismiss the children to the classroom. The Elders would like an opportunity to visit with you either at your home or here at the building. Please sign up on the sheet provided above the information table in the kitchen. Tuesdays Ladies Bible Class at 10 a.m. for Study and potluck. We will begin a new study on Tuesday mornings in our Ladies’ class called “Believing God”. It’s a video series done by Beth Moore. I’m very excited about “facilitating” it ! She uses a lot of scripture and you will come away with a whole new perspective on what it means to really trust and believe God can do in your life what He says He can do. Please plan on coming to the first session on January 6th at 10:00 a.m. Class will last until aprox 11:30. We will have a potluck lunch together afterwards. Praise the Lord for prayers that have been answered for Greg Burton. • Belzman Family • Conni Leloff • Luis Garcia • John Rice • Laurie, Randi Rota sister • Jack Brohamer • Cherry Baldwin • Edith Tripp • Sandra Young • Bob Finnell • Nancy Sultzer • Baby Moretti Sidoti • Sue Cummings • Wanda Cappello • Doris Parry • Miles Shopshear • Desiree Chechin • Nicole Macias • Jim & La Juana Cross • Kosovo Congregation • Kevin Stuessel • Elders and Deacons (new) Dale and Mary Wells friend Penny Belzman’s brother was robbed and murdered in his home this past week. Please keep this family in your prayers. (new) Mary Wells friend in Portland, Conni Leloff, had more reconstruction surgery this week. Please pray for her and a speedy recovery. She is in a lot of pain and having to take some heavy pain medications at this time. She appreciates all the prayers you’ve given on her behalf through this ordeal. (update) John Rice is recovering well from his mini stroke. He has been seen out and about. Please continue to pray that he will continue to improve daily. (update) Gilbert Garcia spoke to Elaine, his sister-in-law and Luis Garcia’s wife, on the 22nd. Luis who was recently in a motorcycle accident has developed pneumonia, and another scan shows more brain damage than first identified. He is in God’s hands and needs our prayers. Thank you for all the prayers on the family’s behalf. Please continue to pray. (update) Sandra Young’s hand has improved with Physical Therapy. She is now able to hold a glass. Praise the Lord. (update) Jack Brohamer had a treatment for the pain in his back and it has helped. He will be having 2 more treatments. Pray for continued improvment. (update) Miles Shopshear is being checked by his doctors monthly until he is able to have surgery. Continued prayers are appreciated. Wednesdays at 7 a.m. men meet at the building for prayer and then go out for breakfast. JANUARY 30TH TO 31ST ANNUAL MEN’S RETREAT LOCATED AT SAMARA RANCH IN SKY VALLEY. 6pm Friday to 7am Saturday noon . The theme is “ Ambassador’s For Christ”. See insert in today’s bulletin for thoughts to ponder. Please let Doug Smith know today if you will be coming. Doug Smith 760 797-5100. Please come and bring a friend. Every Wed. at 7 p.m. Mid-week Bible Study at the building. JANUARY 31ST PDCOC YOUTH BREAKFAST TBA See Calab Gervin. KIDS FOR KIDS : Our children participate in contributing funds for children in the Philippines to purchase goats. The goats provide milk and a way for the children in the Philippines to financially help themselves and their families. JANUARY 31ST AVE 46 INDIO CHURCH OF CHRIST 6th Annual Ladies Day is on January 31st. Time: 12:00 - 3:00 pm. The Ladies Day Service will be held at the PD Country Club, 77-800 California Drive, PD FEBRUARY 12TH FOOD PANTRY Our food pantry day has changed to the second Thursday of the month. Due to a conflict with our involvement with Faith in Motion Ministry. Natalie Alvarez Erma Hanks Don Rota Michael Craven Michael Young Julie Waun Ashley Shopshear Carol Albright Jane Forcier Diana Garcia Henry McNulty Judy Sage 1/1 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/9 1/11 1/14 1/15 1/18 1/18 1/18 Patricia Berk Renzo Chumbe Chris Macias Adell Bynum Dan Fraschetti Alta Dismaya Nancy Davis Winnie Elliott Robert Craven Abigail Gonzales 1/19 1/19 1/19 1/21 1/21 1/21 1/24 1/28 1/29 1/29 JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES Ernest & Sharon Anderson 1/25 Cell phone change for Jim Cross 760 851-5071 LADIES SAVE THE DATE!!! OUR LADIES DAY PROGRAM WILL BE ON SATURDAY MARCH 28. Registration details will be available in February. If you have a story to share, we’d love to have you participate in the program. Also, we need Committee workers. See Nancy Sultzer if you would like to join in on a Committee or have an interest in the program. We need to move forward quickly to complete the plans for this day in March. HELP NEEDED Volunteers are needed to assist with the Donuts/coffee set-up and with the Communion/kitchen clean-up after worship service on Sunday’s Feb. - Dec. 2015 for one to two months. Please see Adell Bynum immediately if you can assist. SKY VALLEY WORSHIP UPDATE The time has changed to 2:30 p.m. to accomodate those attending “In The Word” studies. See Doug Smith for more info. and carpooling from PDCOC. RALPHS REWARDS Please pick up a letter with a scan bar in the kitchen. When presented with your Ralphs Rewards card, our church will receive benefits. Thank you for your support. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Chase and Caelan Fraschetti. They were both baptised on January 10th. Welcome to the body of Christ. LADIES BIBLE CLASS ON TUESDAYS AT 10:00 A.M. Video series done by Beth Moore. Comments from attendes. •“Talking the talk and walking the walk is taking me to a new level” •“I loved it!” •“It.s great” Please come and join us, don’t miss out. Youth Connection: Wednesday Night Bible Class - 7:00 p.m. Children’s Church during Sermon - Age 9 and under Sunday School Classes for all ages - 10:45 a.m. Upcoming Youth Activities: See Caleb or Ashley Gervin for more information on Youth Caleb Gervin , FCA Coachella Valley, P.O. Box 1136, Palm Desert, CA 92261 Caleb (c) (760) 898-9776 Ashley (c) (760) 625-6935 e-mail: CGervin@FCA.ORG Ashley.Gervin@DSUSD.US Please see monthly flyer. Send prayer request to: FEBRUARY 18TH LIFE LINE SCREENING Life Line Screening will be at our church on February 18th. The forms to register are in the kitchen. YOUTH & MINISTRY CONNECTION YOUTH EVENTS FOR JANUARY First Sunday of every month: Rescue Mission Last Sunday of every month: Bowling. T.B.A DIRECTORY CHANGES Please be sure to let the office know if you have any contact informationchanges or additions. Calendars and Additional Information TODAY JANUARY 25TH BOWLING FELLOWSHIP Youth and Families 3:00pm - 4:30pm JANUARY BIRTHDAY Outreach and Family Ministry:This team offers home bible studies, baptisms, home visits, hospital visits, visits for shut-ins, and any encouragement needs. The team also offers general maintenance duties such as minor home and yard re pairs and heavy lifting. OUTREACH MINISTER : Doug Smith FAMILY MINISTER : John Rice MINISTRY TEAM MEMBERS Jim Sultzer Rafael Rodriguez Henry McNulty Bob Tripp Anthony Espinoza Garry Sage AVECES PIENSO..........Gilbert Ayer miraba una fotografia que cayo de un libro que no habia mirado desde, no se cuantos años era la Tortilla y el Burrito dos hermanos que habian nacido de una Yegua retirada de los terrenos del polo. Recuerdo al Burrito terco y testarudo, habia llegado con su madre siendo apenas un potrillo nunca le gusto trabajar, recuerdo que una tarde lo sujetaba de la cabeza cuando el se reusaba a coperar en un movimiento brusco me levanto en el aire y me mando a volar, recuerdo que di dos o tres vueltas con mi cuerpo completamente estirado antes de tocar el suelo, para entonces la Tortilla aun no habia nacido. Cuando por fin pude colocarle la silla de montar al Burrito, salir del corral era toda una odisea nesecitaba de todo mi esfuerzo y habilidad, cosa que tambien el se las ingeniaba para regresar al corral mas rapido de lo que yo tardaba en salir. Yo tenia mi plan de paceo, cuando el tenia el plan de tirarme al suelo y regresar a casa yo creia que pensaba adelante de el, cuando el ya tenia su plan cuando galopaba en el llano yo viraba a la izquierda cuando el se jalaba a la derecha, con la inercia del movimiento te has de imaginar a donde iba a dar. Un dia alguien me miro se acerco y me pregunto que clase de freno usaba yo le dije que era una correa de cuero para no lastimar la boca del animal, a lo que el contesto lo que tu nesecitas es un freno de metal para poder controlar al animal. Porque te cuento todo esto, muchas veces en la vida ordinaria que llevamos nuestras palabras que compartimos, son como un caballo desbocado tiramos a las personas, las pisoteamos con nuestras palabras que muchas veces les resulta dificil volverse a levantar. Con la lengua bendecimos a nuestro Señor y Padre, y con Ella maldecimos a las personas, creadas a imagen de Dios. De una misma boca salen Marco Aparicio Nick Macias bendiciones y maldiciones esto no deberia ser asi. CUANDO PONEMOS FRENO EN LA BOCA DE LOS CABALLOS PARA QUE NOS OBEDEZCAN, PODEMOS CONTROLAR TODO EL ANIMAL. FIJENSE TAMBIEN EN LOS BARCOS. A PESAR DE SER TAN GRANDES Y DE SER IMPULSADOS POR FUERTES VIENTOS, SE GOBIERNAN POR UN PEQUEÑO TIMON A VOLUNTAD DEL PILOTO. ASI TAMBIEN LA LENGUA ES UN MIEMBRO MUY PEQUEÑO DEL CUERPO, PERO HACE ALARDE DE GRANDES HAZAÑAS. IMAGINENSE QUE GRAN BOSQUE SE INCENDIA CON TAN PEQUEÑA CHISPA! TAMBIEN LA LENGUA ES UN FUEGO, UN MUNDO DE MALDAD. SIENDO UNO DE NUESTROS ORGANOS, CONTAMINA TODO EL CUERPO Y, ENCENDIDA POR EL INFIERNO, PRENDE A SU VEZ FUEGO A TODO EL CURSO DE LA VIDA. (Santiago 3:3-6). Recuerdas a Tortilla, Tortilla fue todo lo contrario Ella me dio a chilaquil del que quizas te hablare otro dia. Yo soy tu hermano Gilberto......... Sunday january 25, 2015 Sermon Notes SUNDAY january 25, 2015 Paul’s Ponder Sermon Series: The Mission Lesson 3: We Are Ministers of a New Covenant Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:1-11 Tuesdays have taken on a different look in our house. It is basically a boring day, not the start of the week, not the end and not even the hump. Just boring Tuesday. I go to work early. Debbie does her thing with the Grandchildren and drives in to Ladies Bible Class. We both get home tired and ready to eat and have a short night. It is the day that I have tried to write my Ponder to get it into the bulletin on time. Recently Tuesday has taken on a different hue. The traditional routine Tuesday is changing. I still leave early for work and Debbie does her thing. We both get home tired and ready to eat and retire, yet Debbie refuses to stop her excited chatter. I figure that between her grandchildren, social activities and teaching the Ladies Bible class she has exhausted her given 20,000 words per day that women are supposed to utter. Not so! She still has another 10,000 for me when I come home. All she can talk about is how exciting the Ladies Bible Class is! She absolutely loves it. She loves the material and she loves the people in the class, but most of all, she loves being challenged and learning deeper concepts about belief. Not just believing in God, but trusting God, relying on God, believing God. She will talk on for an hour about the class and how exciting it is when the class contributes and they all come to a better understanding of God and His love. Because of the class on Wednesday night about marriage, I have to sit there and listen. It’s contagious to hear her enthusiasm for learning more about God. Did you know that Tuesday is named after the Norse god Tyr who is identified with Mars, the Greek god of war (Martes). Guys, be careful. These ladies are starting a war against apathy and cold hearts. We might even change. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” - Mt. 5:6 Just Pondering Song Leader Song Announcement Prayer of Praise Song Communion Lead Assisting Order of worship Dean Davenport David Sanchez Russ McKay Jack Brohamer Jim Sultzer Evan Brennan Doug Brannon Jimmie Stevenson Miguel Carmona Scripture Reading Sermon Closing Prayer Spanish Translation ___________ Greet Visitor ___________ Usher _______________________ Closer We welcome you to our worship celebration. If you are a guest today, we are pleased to have you with us. May our worship time together be filled with praise and honor. May our souls be uplifted while glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ. WORSHIP SERVICES EVERY SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. BIBLE CLASSES EVERY SUNDAY 10:45 a.m. (Classes for all ages) MID-WEEK SERVICES Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. (Classes for all ages) SUNDAY EVENING HOME BIBLE STUDY 5:00/5:30 p.m. SPANISH TRANSLATION: FOR HEADPHONES SEE RAFAEL OR ARMINDA RODRIGUEZ CONTRIBUTION Last Week $7,542 Kids for Kids ($50 buys 1 goat) $166 ATTENDANCE Last Week 187 Our Mission Statement: The Palm Desert Church of Christ is committed to God and the teaching of His word as the Bible directs and is dedicated to excellence in Christian values. Initial Guiding Principles: Emphasize the development and growth of families and our youth. Generate a continual feeling of being in God’s family. Spanish Mission Statement: Nuestra Meta Aqui En La Iglesia De Cristo Hispana De Palm Desert Es Dar A Conocer El Evangelio De Cristo, Como La Biblia Lo Indica, Y Alcanzar A La Juventud Ya Las Familias Del Valle, Para Que Conos Our Goal in the Hispanic Church of Christ at Palm Desert is to teach the Gospel as indicated by the Bible and to reach out to the Youth & Families of theValley so they may know God’s will. OUR LEADERSHIP Doug Smith Dale Wells Mark Haye Norma Moreno Moreno Family Dan Johnson David Sanchez John Burton Please join us for a brief fellowship with donuts and coffee in the kitchen immediately after service ELDERS Jack Brohamer John Burton Robert Craven Jim Cross Dan Johnson Jack Rowe • DEACONS Jerry Bivens Bob Finnell Paul Schlosser Jim Sultzer Dale Wells Mike Young YOUTH MINISTER Caleb Gervin OUTREACH MINISTER Doug Smith Office Hours Mon: 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tues: 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Wed: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Thurs: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. FAMILY MINISTER John Rice Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 78-135 Avenue 42 • Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 760.360.6595 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14151 • Palm Desert, CA 92255 Contact us by e-mail: or Find us on the WEB at