12 WANT-A- DS HELP WANTED CHANCES (Continued ) IL'outlnued ) (Continued. J? Brandols The. China LARUE naturailKtlc. conventional; painting month thla ad win run; take nlilit rlaseea Tuea. A Thur. Orders for tlvely tha sale. It flocks for Cesttady china, place carda. etc., promptly executed. aovantage Aofseme Co., wanted. A cents. 8. W. 14to and Doug-laCor. Fltcal man. sober, reliahla Ientlet, 11 IV A VTiV 1520. D. JOmaha. Tat y work at rhalr: permanent ' pos tlon to rlKht iarly. State are, a e, exPHYSICIAN would like Information reperience and salary eipected In first let- garding good In Nebraska, south ter. Dr. W. R Harmon Cedar llaplda, la. of Plattea river. location Said Information will be gladly Bea. remunerated. Address GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH u JETK 8, M Douglaa Slraat Mfl. IRWIN. leawina, l, hat Waat ada received at aa ta Inaare proper elaealf Iratloa meet a preeeated before IS o'clock as. far hefora f lha tTfalai edltlom FIRE lat J4 TOt'Nfl DIVI-I'K.NK- to visit the Womi n s Christian asaoriatlon building at Pt. Ware's Ave. and 17th St.. where they 111 be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. for our trav eler's aid at the Union station. LADIES wanted to take wrk home, ap plying trsusfers. 415 Brandeis Theater. morale aa4 Baadar edltloaa. Waal ada received after seeh kaara will the have their flrat laeertlea headlas; "Tat Lata la Classify." nnta RoamUf Hoaaee 1'af Bala. TtZ Call ar write Alfred Jonee, Refreshments BATKI TOR WAST ADS. Invited 7d?n,. HELP WANTED ROOMING house for sale. US N. 2th. FIRST-CLASrooming bouse; best location In city. C 572. Bee. MALE 4IU out of town. Ind Jackson. Tel. Har. IK Areata, Saleaanea aad iollcltora. BAT K(HER HOME COOKING. Arklna. aeheeqaeal WANT land salesman; splendid oppor real WT ward for 31o South lath. Upstairs. tunity. M H4. Bee. laaartlaa. Karfc laaartlaa aaade aa CHIROPODISTS china cheap. I70I Cum. H. H experienced cloth 1 ceate par ward. 1.50 WANTED First-clas- s add Pit. ROY. luOB Farnam St. Dougiae MI. ing salesman. Apply at once to superinpar llaa par aaoata. DAVID COLBS CREAMERY CO. Brandeis Stores. tendent MONHE1T. chiropodist, manicuring, hair Retre apply a allkar Tba Pallr innv Mmnliktflnn wafera dreeing, icarwrn hair goods City Nat'8 Pk, D. ZjXj. Bays. Bandar Baa. Always reset ela ward make clear, white aklna. Hy mall Mo and to a llaa. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha L Sherman WANTED Boy foVdellvery. Harney 444. DENTISTS REPAIRED, freight, paa- Waal ads, fair The Baa aay to laM enger. 1. R. Kennedy. 104 8.13th. D. W. BAILEY Office. Clerical MACH. Id floor. Pattern. D. 1031 BINT rOAL $75. BOOKKEEPER, la rnilR iinw ' aaa la yoar "earner d Coal-- all klnda EXPERIENCED flra Insurance clerk and Tfca Baa TaL D. 4121, Web. 1106. Oae RKIIIUR CLASSIFICATION laeertlea, t - rrati er war aad 1 S 1- dar. Hand-painte- 1- -3 d ' ara all breach offices far and rear ad will ba laaartad Jaat aa promptly aad aa tha aama rata" aa at lha mala flic la Tha Bra halldla, IrrratniXk aad Feraem trralai Albaeh, W.. C. Wh btwI Fsrnsm. IRth St. R. II. MOKEUOUbl 0ETECT1VES UU., ILER GRAND UOTEL Finest In the west. Turkish Baths Kth 4s Howard Sta. 2M1 N. Fsum Drug Co.. 1402 S. Mth St. Feranek B. A.. Rensnn Pharmacy,, Benson. Neh. Cuming. SSd a4 Fmls Park 281B Rhwman Ave. Military Ara. 2213 Clifton Hill Pharmacy. Hts. C. Fierce th R., and Cetiehlln. Crlssey Pharmacy, !4th and Uk Sta 8. K2J Mth St Crmnev Pharmacy. Cermak. Emll, ir!4- - fl. lrh Bt. Leavenworth St. Khier. P. H. Arnoldl. 213 N. 25th St Foster Freytag, J. J., 1814 N. Mth Bt. Fretrger Drug Co.. 1302 N. Mth St Florence rrnar Co.. Florence, Neh. Green's Pharmacy. Park Ave. and Pscirie. Oreenough. O. A . m 8. lrtth St. Oreenough. O. A.. loth and Hickory Bta Onlnn Pharmacy, ?4th iinrt I,eavenworth. Hevden. William, 2M0 Feream Bt. 1K1 B. Ave Hsncom Park Phst-msy- , Hlnterlong Drug Co., 81st Ava. and Far-BaSt .Hoist, John, f?4 N. lth Bt Huff. A. I,., 24 Leavenworth Bt Johnnann Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. King. If. R, 2238 Farnam Pt. Kountza Plaea Pharmscy, 8304 N. 24th. Ijitprop. Charlca K., 1324 N. Mth 8t Marm. Fred L., Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., la.? N. 24th Bt. Peyton Pharmacy, 8. lth Bt. Baratoaa Drug Co., !4Ui and Adih ,Avf. Store, 16tb) end Drug Srhaefer'e Cut aPrlce Chlrago 8ta. Srheefer, Aug., 231 I. Mth Bt. Frhmlrlt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Ss. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Phst-mary- Rlske-Bradls- ii irninn v.n Tm r V Jt Hlr.ia or 42H-- CAPT. T. CORMACK. L K BROWN, morl. itora and ship H. H. Goods. D. 140. Market BpeHal. nut. tne. PHAI Publlo VjKJXXj (o. pramtom with caah uniPi Partridga-Thomaon Co.. 1419 Harnay order. street Douglas 661 Ind. EDROTHERY cigars. Cafa In connection. HORNBY Blua Print Co.. KARBACH BLK. Paxton Blk. Doug. 27b4. S13 117 i DRESSMAKERS Dressmak Tailoring. g, 2211 47S&. STRICTLY 1st clans diessmk'g. and tailoring; only first-clas- s trade wanted, liquor. Ill S. 14th Bt MISS STURDY, 821 8. 24th Bt. Tel. D. 7314. DRESSMAKING, by day. Web. I71S. 6U Bea Bldg. -- 1 EDUCATIONAL THE OF Farnam Bt COLUMBIA Means the BEST., RESOLVED, MoBher-Lampuia- ORPIIEUM JEWELERS, Msnufaeturrrs. Repairing, Engraving. 1507 Harney St. lf YOUR PICTURE pSararcaT.'o? You can get pictures JK) minutes after they ara taken. Bring the baby down. Look ror the blue light at night Paxton stuMARRIAGE LltfcSES dio, 1411V Farnam. Open 10 a. m. to 12 p. m. marriage l'cenaea hava Zimmerman A Crows Furniture Co.. 1715 The following been granted: Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf said I Name and Residence. Age. Oeorge 8. Laurence, Omaha ,,.44 S3 Winifred Young, Omaha... AUTOMOBILES 21 LouIh K. Smiley, Omaha 13 Angelina UllleKle, Omaha "Smash up", your auto. "SKID" into a post 35 Morris Joseph. Dca Moines "TEAR" your top. 26 Cora Kothachlld. Omaha bring It to tht best plsca la Omaha And 40 JohnH. Warren Weston, Neb for all kind of repairing 26 Annie Steel, Omaha 82 Alfred A. Rich, Omaha 21 Rose C Rauen, Plaitamouth, Neb U. Springfield, McCandleaa, Andrew Neb 22 U Corner-- 1 and Haro'V Sta. .24 Catherine Robb, Gretna, Neb Chrla Blum. Mlllaid, Neb. ....... .........;.n Auto Repairing ITSS 21 Olaia bcheef. Mlllird, Neb CALLS DAT OR NIGHT. Tha Paxton-Mitche29 Cheater A,' StelnbauKhr. Omaha Harney. D. 7k24S Co.. Enima K. Von Hosklrk, lxi Angelea ....29 Henry Ooff. Omaha ?s AUTOMOBILE GLOVES 18 Kthtl Urlgga, Shenandoah, la MADE BY 13 Frank P. Yeneh. Bancroft. Neb 21 Lottie zublKe, Banc, of i. Neb 2nc, day and night ses- . REr 2010-1- 6 Burleigh Glove Co. ANNOUNCEMENTS n 6va, L. i. Henderson, Ul Farnam. Douglas Ulk H. BATH. l2s Harnay. Douglas tuuk HESS St SWOBODA, A. DONAHUE, 1415 10U1; FURNACE AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ii era Omaha tove Repair Works, UOt-Ut- Duugia Bt. com pnones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Offlea. - U COAL -. ou paiiadiseI BUSINESS CHANCES Bounde good, doesn't It? Happlneaa KEE the OMAHA LAND AND INVEST-Ua.NCOMPANY lor big bargains fa wliea you burn our PAHADidfi COAL. To cut down your coal bill take larm or lanun lauds. List your property ur advtca and bum 1'aradiaa. tor aale with us. All kiuue ut hxoium aava will ' Lite ttlda. you 11.60 to ;u ton. liota phonea. J. W. mDFOiiP. laug Cuming Bt FOR BALE A good bustneag la 12 a no. Gioceiiee and vucennware, fin location in main street. Duii'g good business, if you pay your lai . Auuieas r. o. Lut buy Wa ar now located In our new home at w Laiuvteu. luauo. SO S. lath bt, wiiti a complete line of ahcel mualQ and small muni cat Instrument I IlIVKattention to coiiec viacollection, no com. lion: no expenenue. Jsuaen. iiol TO LOAN-LO- W mission; U ei-- ' RATE. In sum i NEVlLL,ai VLAJK. 1 I'UOKK OOUU. tHat suit, X10 lie bid. Co- - Re1 Estate. Loam, and ruune ioua. J I'ASA1")Y UNION IsOAN CO. iterance. List your prop erty lor kaie or itni. tuic return, o. t VIKtJIKIA DAKU wine, a large coi nvr 14in and Dougiaa I el. Loug. tla. Klem Uguor House. tj N. lmu G. D. C. CODD1NGTON. Board of MRS. CHARLES C. 111JNUATE. china Trade Biog., bubiuoss cbances, oonda. stocks flrirg. gill Urauueta Bidg. Tel. Webater M.i. ami rest untate. DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas Ml To oLf iu or eui ar call GANGES TAD. 4 bea Bldg. Tel. D 3JS1. B. K. Wurn, optlaian, i Brandeis Bldg. T Co 'onJ MONEY l. t iuiuu PRESCRIPTIONS filled. We deliver any place. Saratoga Drug Co. Tel. Webllt. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D.XiU. B. H. Cola 8iga Co.. D. lias, lilt Farnam. HARRY W. MOOL, Engineer. Designer. Drafuman. Xi Uraudels Theater. L.. yot LYNCH BROS. 147 J. MY BACK 18 BROKsIN. I earned ll.uun fur lr.fanu pome last fall. Your magsuue order and renewals this tail ii.wu ur cnariiy. 1 lie luterrat of wiueain mis money will provide for an Uuvaud mainteuauco for laa aiut later pay nurse s wages or endow a hospital cot forever. have 2jo subbrrlpuoua to Everybody I.ellnealvr. tl.tli; Woman a Home Conipaala Ion. UcClurea in Devei.iorr to. ears the first i,fM; every order or renewal earns 6oc; fuur earns gl for t jiarity. i y Wi poai-livel- duplicate any printed otter. Writs alreauy earned tiAKK GET 'iHEM it. or plione and story; rala.iue MERCY Douglas 714J, THSJ MAQA2.1NB MAN. OMAHA. PARTNER wauted In a retail clothing buainvsa, eetabllsiied 2 years. mjO or more it runt pajty. tee. I HAVE an Improved farm close to ate. tlon to exchange for a drug slock. Ad- art bs x kh, care Bee. OR SALE A good slock of atanle Ditllinvry. cheap, m Iowa. Good reasons i or seiung. a. lack uox iu Broken Bow Neb. u-o- u. fc BEFORE buying your jewelry, call "d see our cumpleio Una of fine Jewelry at manufacturers' pricea. We hiii save you tuo per cent on all kinds u( Jewelry. iMitvt lmpurtsrt of Diatuonos and precious atones. BE LONG JEWELRY CO., McCasue Bldg.. Cor. Uth and Dodge ciiraeis. Open evenings uutll I p. a. TWs'NTY per cent less than Omi lit price HOME Kl'HMTtHS Ca Taeuty-fuunaewt L m.. ojt. Omaha tuI-l-- 4 u MI8a Ll'TlE BRYANT wishes to anladies that she has added to rr hairdreasing, manicuring, bat ha aait nounce glow, uiaeMMie. bwedisn movement by Pattle Creek irraduata alias Brant thanks ber patreas far their generous support la tne and aoliuite tnetr patrooase for ti. luiura ctwvuis i au4 iu line bulg. tx-d- lt I.B. WANTED A competent girl for gen eial housework, no washing. (30 per month. Vlu N. svita bt Harney rat WANTED Oood girl to help with house, woik and care for small children, mi N, 'tU Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housewora. iaJt fowier Ave. vv Aft i eaJ-- A second gin aiso a good 110U H Art h aHrl rr ivi hiiiKivnT'k. VV1VJTKD.A ftimtlMtlnt ftrlrl fnr 101 N. 41st St. housework. ..n.ra I WANTED A competent girl for cooking and general work, no laundry work. Zlo' Douglas St. WANTED housework. A SJa competent girl for general So. 37th St. , WANTED An experienced girl for general housework, three In family, 112 B. 3illi Ave. WANTED housework. A competent girl to help with S. 1622 2lti St. -- 4 i Man-day- be-to- re et-n- BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. I ONE cook and ona housemaid. 1217 Dodge. Harney ats. OOOD girt for general housework: fam ily of three, lu&l Lolbrop Ut Tel Webstar WANTED Experienced colored girls to wait on tables. References. Apply to R. C. Phelps, Candy Dept., Brandeis Stores. GIRL for general work, must be good BAKERY, Cigara, Confectionery, Cannod cook and neat; references required; two uww. Ati (juichiy nerman ia In family. 'Phone Harney 17. Ava THERE are wonderful Investment ninr WANTED A reliable girl for housework, tunitiea In central and northern British conking, good home and wsges. 3M4 Columbia, along the lines of three trans no Ave. Fowler continental and other railroads bulletin. Thla vast, new and rich temtnrv of au . . A good washwoman for WANTED OcO.uOO acres of the finest gram, 4JtX Dodge St. trult and mixed farming land. Wouu.uoO acres of rich mineral, timber and coal land will WANTED An experienced girl for gendevelop with marvelous rapidity. Kort eral housework, no small children. 1313 S. Oeome is the L'eoeranlilral line of all rallroada building and ppejected Win 81. end at the junction of 1.0U0 miles of navWANTED Girl for general housework, igable aterwas. You cau get In now 1Ho4 S. 16th St. the lailroud and share In the profits no laundry, two In family. by lnvuating as little as 10 per month. housework, general for Ulrl W.ANTED you fiee a copy . of the Let us "British Columbia. Bulletin of Information'' small family. 3730 Lincoln Blvd. containing bewa of WANTED Young girl to help with opportunities In thla vast new investment and rich housework during day. 214 8. 30th St. country, also synopsis of government land, mining, tu iber and coal laws, etc. tend Oood. neat, willing girl for WANTED your name and address today. Natural housework. U b. Sith St. Resources Doug. 47W. Ind. a Ml Farnam Bt. bieuitll. ouuits; t styles, picture framing wa.ii taper w '"'jt yi icw, capCARRY A FULL LINE OK 8He;KWIN. ital, UUl.Ouo,Kecurity Co.. Ltd. Paid-uJoint oMiirrs Kort Ueorue W11.I.1AUS PAlX'fa. BhASd POLISH Llol ll VCNEKH AND ALL HHiVna wnniic, tu uranvnie 1st , Vancouver, B. C OK KLOOR WAX. a', DIAMOND LOANS AT 5ft FT, AT A IF1514 Wf! Dodga Street Hotela aad A part meats. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 & Uth St. St. FOUR deslrahle unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. (C3 S. 20th St. PARLOR floor, two rooms, furnished bt desired. 2013 Webster St. FOR RENT Four verv desirable roomsl good location. 1017 S. 23d St. unfurnished rooms FOR RENT-Thest snd gas. 2230 Orace St. FOR RENT Three large rooms and bath. 1U Sherman Ave. TWO adjoining sleeping rooms; guW for t gentlemen. 2430 Cuming. t. wo r D-0- m p WANTED A competent girl for general one who tan cook. Referencea. Howard St. Wak Up, OM ilan, Wake Up! WANTED A competen girl for general YOUR EYES ARE YOUR FORTUNE cere of them. Our IS yea's' aa housework. 1j6 Militarv Ave. pennies at your service Consult us. WANTED Oood girl over 16 to care for COLUMBIAN Ol'TICAL. CO, child. l.v Capitol Ave. ao. uth st WANTED Oood girl for general house-aoiV ISH to lease or buy fixtures of only N. 4uth St. four In family. meal market in Nebraka town if duo or over. O 16, Bee. A competent girl for general housework. Wnney St. WANTE1 Ijirge Jobber and manufac- 3P24 turer selling the wholesale and retail groGIRL usnted for genernl housework; cery trade and builders' supply houses good wages small family, 2310 r'oulh Sith throuKhout the United Slates and Canadian Bt Phone Harney S7CS. Northwest dealr-a staple and reputable line to lie handled by Its salea force In tii s for WANTED Two experienced gills Mom territory. A heavy or bulky carlo! I:n general housework: private familv. could be handled advsntsceouslv, as we have references. 224 N. 1Mb. St. Doug. IE!. have dockage at the head of the lakea. alsi Two t'ny atoiage if needed. For furtner COMPETENT girl f"r general houae- fe)t Phone N. Information atlOreea No. I'M Lumber ik; im e In family. building, linntapoila, Miuo. Harney 660. houswurk. KLS1 ik iu-:- k. 1 pop-lati- La-cha- V Faralsked Raoma. FOR RF.NT tlT B. ttth St Nicely furnished front room. Vary convenient ta business. WARM, ' coxy rooms, all modern, new heat and bath. Dodge. H 6686. furnished rooms. 133 S. 22d 8l roan SUPERB large staam-beate- d L1NINGER IMPLEMENT CO. I ti. UA. CHOICE front room, suitable for twa; warm; strictly modern and well kept: Prt YOU CAN BUY HARNESS tats fsmlly; pbons; walking distance; alse convsnlent to goea mr Una; reasoaaai horse blankets, lap robes, etc., and surely Du N. 24th Bt , get your money's worth, If you buy front CO., FOR RENT Two adjoining front rooms, TWO furnished room a Tal Webster taH. complete for housekeeping; also sleeping Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones Sts. 81 N. Krth St room; gaa; bath; phone. 3114 Chicago St buy sell and all kinds of horses WE NICELY furnished rooms: walking dls Blue Barn, rear Millard Hotel, Doug. 40td, tance; FOR RENT Twa comfortable front private family. 641 S. 26lh Ave., rooms for housekeeping. 816 8. 26th Bt uougiae en. HEAVY TEAMING GEARS FOR RENT A nicely furnished room, THREE furnished rooms, strictly mod gas, bath, laundry privileges. 2111 Chiand DELIVERY WAGONS, made from lha rn; IIS per mo., suitable for two; cago St. v best MATERIAL MONEY CAN BUY. W one atonesiz,atana per one N 6i at fiv month. RETAIL at wholesale prices. FOUR nice, clean rooms, complete for CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO., 1117 Farnam 21st Ut, Tyler im. housekeeping. Sua Charles Bt MODERN sleeping rooms. 1406 Cuming. Ceive. Nice rooms for housekeepRENT FOR CLOSE In, two newly furnished front ing, with range and sink In kitchen, also 'FOR SALE Jersey eow, S326 B. 12th. rooms, furnace heat. 610 North 20th St. sleeping rooms. 1701 Leavenworth St no sign. Phone Douglas 6033. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for SLEEPING rooms. In modern brick housekeeping, for man and wife. Mil LOST AND FOUND home. 2tx Uoage St., Har, 2366. Webster St LOST On Florence car, small gent's THE cosiest neatest furnished rooms la FOR RENT Nice, warm. light housepurfce containing laay s gold watch ana elty within I minutes of business district; keeping rooms. 1814 Chloago St chain, two rings, one pair earrings; will strictly up to date; price reasonable. 1704 describe and give reward. 240s Indiana Farnam. Harney I63L FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms; every convenience; small family. t223 N. Ave. Web. 23tt. Mrs. Myrtle King. MODERN furnished front room with s lth St LOST Down town district, a lady's eove, also smaller one. U2t Dodge. cameo pin; reward. Dow, 2412 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nice hnusekoeplng rooms; MODERN south room: also one on balk good location. 3016 Leavenworth Bt ?7 Harney, room floor. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms), first MEDICAL DESIRABLE MODERN roomi private floor. 1713 Jackson S- tfamily; good location. 131 No. list Ave. FREK medical and surgical treatment at FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeepCrelghton Medical college. 14th and DavenMODERN room, gentlemen only; half ing; gas for cooking aad light 2 S. Uth port Bts. ; special attention paid to confine- block from postofflce. 320 N, 17th. DougAve. ment cases; all treatment supervised by las 6 m. college professor. Phone Douglas 1167. FOR RENT Two nice clean rooma, la Calls answered day and night NICELY furnished front room In new modern house. 3401 Jackson St steam-heateflat to young lady only, sail Chicago Bt Tel. Red 6243. FOR RENT Furnished room for housekeeping. 1311 California St. MONEY TO LOAN ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, housekeeping privileges If desired; good heat, FOR RENT One large room for light ALAHY AND, CHATTELS. 3413 Dodgs St. housekeeping. good bath; close In. '3412 Dodge. rooms, elegant modern, ffmtJWfmU'SJSlJm'InSIJHJftJWfJMJMWJI THREE NICE suite of rooms for light main U NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC floor, walking distance. 120 N. 2uth. No lm Qrace Bt ' It 11,000 110 TO " s If sign on house. It M LOANED CN HOUSEHOLD ONE sulto south front modem rooms, FRONT room, two beds. Reasonable. for housekeeping, alae sleeping rooms. Mttl K rUUNlTUKE. PIANOS. SALARIES. II If 1314 Dodge Bt. Mary's Ave. $ THIS 13 A NEW FIRM. by the REPUTABLE II II Organlxed pro14 to furnished ) NICELY furnished room neur 24th street FOR RENT Two modern BUSINESS MEN of this city In need It car line. 244a Soulii 2oth street rooma' 2673 St. Mary's Ave. It tect honest working people l.elp from Hie exorbl- - M It cf temporary 14 SUITE of light housekeeping rooma tot ONE large room, suitable for ladles or It tant charges of thsloan you all loan 8. 23th St- .the It gentlemen. 616 N. 19th. D 6818. It companlea We will tuarge you omy and It t! money you want M FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for priFURNISHED, steam heated-rooIt 4 per cent a year. housekeeping; good location. 1616 Howard M vate family, for gentleman; walking dis1UIS MEANS YOU PAY t Sw 70 tlo I II tance. Mi.' S. 28th bt. "io. payments tl It For t lo payments 4.23- -t 26 3 It For I l!6o mo. payments or working in)., NICE rooms for students ts.46 I mo. ROOMS with all conveniences; half block It For .from two car lines. 2411 Capitol avenue. girls. 3714 Dewey AvsIt For lino 12 mo. payments ta.to lu2.M If in proportion. 14 It And all other sums RENT Couple unfurnished rooms. ef LARGE front room; steam heat, eleo- 3411FOR It Easy weekly or Monthly Paymenta Michigan Ava Chargea It trlo light. Call Tyler 1207. Appralaemtnt II Reasonable A glance st the aoove rates wilt If FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping STRICTLY modern room for two gentle, rooms; fl convince you how much you save by If good location 614 S. 22d bt 320 N. 17th St. 14 men. with us. dealing ft NO DELAX. e It NO RED TAPE. FOR RENT One large room for light LARGE room, with alcove, suitable for housekeeping. U MONEY IN YOUR POClvkiT. 3421 Dodge St. It 202 N. M 4 gentlemen, modern conveniences. WITHIN AN HOUR. ft lltth. INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. II Two nicely furnished rooma l RENT FOR houaekceplng and sleeping. 2:06 CumIf ROOM 2ot. W1THN ELL BUILDINO. It heated rooms, desirable for one for If Doug. 6(H N. E Cor. 15th and Harney, ff orSTEAM ing St. two continuous hot and cold .smIM-U- . lfl.e4ffl44if4Mi: water. 1701 Davenport. FOR RENT Nealty furnished front room r for housekeeping; good location. 216 N. Could You Use $50 to a Good FOR RENT Nice front parlor and bedv 23d St. NICELY il fornla. room, mod em. CT. 4k 16U Cap. D. tUa. Storage. Exp. FERK1N TWO ROOMS, completely furnished for light housekeeping, on parlor floor and Houaealns. Rlngwalt. Brandeis Th. Bldg. very desirable; fine location; walking disrooms, all modern exoept heat NEW, tance. 64) 8. 26th Ave. IbOl S. 20th Ave.. I block south of Central boulevard Vintoa school. Tat Tyler 14JU. and FOR RENT Room for light housekeeping; heated. 2213 Douglas St. COTTAGE. 1408 N. Kth Bt TeL Harney H64. NEATLY furnished rooms for housecottage, modern exoept heat, keeping or sleeping. 2227 Dodge St. paved street water rent paid, rent fit, rPhone Webater 2603. NICELY .furnished housekeeping rooms. Also sleeping modern laundry privileges. all modern bungA BEAUTIFUL IWUIIi BW HVUMI .Dili alow ; In excellent neighborhood; on ear line; reasonable rent to good tenant 4vS TWO Urge front room, gaa, bath. 1607 Urand Ava. motto weoaxes ' N. Mtu St furniture, t',0y gss, furnace JUliJNHUN-OANlTUKT- HlKh-claa- GORDON. , RENT Nicely furnished rooms, walking distance. 641 S. 26th Ave FOR RENT IJtrsre south front narlnr. desirable for four gentlemen, or man and wire, zsiq eapltol Ave FOR RENT Nice, modern furnished rooms. 1814 Chicago St. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th A Farnam. FOR lth 612 S. rooms. MONEY LOANED PALARIED PEOPLE, HOUSE AND WOMEN KEEFINU OTHERS, wlthcut security; easy paymenta Office In i6 principal cities. Tolman. Room 0 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. THE OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK Loans monty on furniture and pianos. Lowest weekly or monthly payments. s r. OUR AUUiiE&a. itot r Atl. York BOB SLEDS St Farnam Tarnain. D. lfiOT Piea-to-lit- rOR W nie V A.-lt- il WB want to buy 16 head of horaes. Pest GENTLEMAN boarding desires roomof prices paid. The Blua Barn, rear Mil mate. I voOnly refined party considered. lard hotel, Uth and Douglas Sts. cation la good; within walking distance. Naw, with all modern Nice neighborhood. Good board. Referencea exconveniences. changed. Bea. Address. Use. PARLOR THEATER lor MONEYS Horses and Wagnaa. FLORISTS A. bsntiatt s Vlowsr Dspt. East entranoa BRANDEIiP cut flower dspt, new store. 'sacrifice; must Sell BIMUI t'UOl i iO.N AU, brand new; makw casta offer. I'blMMni, YEAR ROUNO. 18TH AMERICAN J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., ruANKS AND THEATER. embalmera. 1611 Chicago. D. 10.ri9, OK HALE Model 10 Bulck roadster, DOUULAa. 1NWUXKE MH. BOKDX. e (quipped with tauK add .exuaual atenoarranher. WANTED Experienced hlUe. t ail Harney mtt goou salary, oiner need apply. A. ACo., Clarlnda, beed Berry la. repairing Aut0 and You have Been tha REST, now try the ,nj wm. fitter Carrmga a Factory DKST. Trades. vaudeville, matinee Worka 2atb at Leavenworth. Tat Red 6L uany. a anow House. i na . I 4 W VTCIV Aft WRITE for list of automobile bargains. Bteady work. Oood wagea Ureal Western H. E. Fredrlckson Auto Co., Omaha. At cut price AU Kl.M'ft Wa a a v a you 6uo to 11.60 a ton. murphy did yuuiual ana quality Auto Paintintr Urt our prlceB now GIRLS to learn hairdreasing. Oppenheim ANDREW MURPHY & BON. 141J Jackson. I'arlors, iM-4KIM. iMat l Bank. iROSlNBLATl" CL1 PHIt'K COAL CO., US NICHOLAjI T. ttUTH 'PilONKa. i rs aad Uaasaatlea. U.' d fur-ilthe- d it WANTED EXPERI- BOOKKEEPER ENCED BOOKKEEPER; GOOD SALARY: AUTOMOBILE N. REPAIR WOKKi i;ut Jackon oi. l 9. Unexcelled couraaa In Bualneaa. albnrt. kand. fcuinanehlu and En .ISO. None but iperlenced teachers. Day and night sessions. Most Interesting catalogue puuusuej tu oinaia. bend tor one today. WiiNiCK icum is u w ora.M. ENROLL AT ONCE. AiObUER LAMfMAN. I!th aud rainatu MLS.. uraabs Naa. DRUMM0ND The Mickey Music St. D Thst I will go to the W1TTORFF Otto, aged 73 years I montha 6 days, January 1, 1911. Funeral from family roaldanra flva and one-hamllra weal on Dodge Street road, Friday afternoon at 2:30. Interment In Evergreen cemetery. on, S. 24th K23 Are you short of funds? 710 P. FOR RENT Nice slnsle rooms. Do you need MONEY? If so and you have a PERMANENT 17th St front rooms, fffr POSITION, or own FURNITURE. PIANO, NICE steam-h.vatehousekeeping. 410 N. lth St. t FOR RF.NT Desirable south rooms, FIXTURES, HORSES, WAOONS. etc., e you monry I9 N. 24th St. will gladly advance you whet Apply 1714 Web gaa need. Our rates the lowest, terma the ster St. FOR RENT Modern front rooms, and laundry privileges. 2671 St Mary easiest and a SQUARE DEAL guaranteed. RENT Newly furnished rooma m Ave. For AMERICAN LOAN CO. R. JLMh St. 161S FARNAM ST., ROOM Su7. FOR RENT Two modern room for llghl FOR RENT Desirable room for two. housekeeping. 613 N. ;0th St. LOAN. Come In also s ngle rooms. 24ti7 Capitol Ave. let ua explain FOR RENT Modern rooma for light housekeeping. 2210 Harney St. 4 rates to you. FOR RENT Neatlv furnished rooms bl Credit Co., with heat. 2118 Burt St. FOR RENT Nice. Mean housekeeping, Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 141L FOR RENT Kteam x heated furnished rooms, ku t. mn si. Pilvate party will loan honorable salaried room. 206 S. 24th St. 'A TWO nice rooms, connecting, for people small sums on their plain note; banking methods, lowest rates; loans mads LARGE stesm heated front room, hot housekeeping. 220H Iavenworth Pt quickly and confidentially; payments ar- water for bnth at nil tlmrs. kitchen FOR RENT Nice suite of housekeeping ranged as desired. Address A OSX, Bea privileges. 107 Farnam Pt. . late to enter. Begin now and receive that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Business, IlooiikreplnK. Stenography, Teleg raphy, Civil Hervlce and Baleemanship. Tne catalogue Is free. Address H. B. Boyles, 'resident Boy let-- Building. Omaha, Neb. Official Training School Union i'aclflo R. R. Telegraph Department. 1311 men. m BOYLES' COLLEGE Is now open In both tha sions. Yet it Is not too Columbia Phonograph Co., riKERAL JfOTICBs. TERM MID-WINTE- R FOR RENT Nice comfortable steam heated apartment, suitable for two gentle LOOKlLOOK!! ' ttaaed. Rosins water, Hty nd gss rooms, FOUR Bsnrroft St. Phone Rivl S&f. rooma for houseFOR RENT-Thr- ee llsrney F keeping. t'Bfaraiahed Famished Hean e, RESOLVED, That I will have a COLUMBIA tSraphophone or Grafonola at tha earlleat possible time and make my home a happy ona every day In the year. s These Qraphophonea and Grafo-noiadelfght tha old and young alike, because of their superior ton and choice records. I can afforn to have thla HAPPY HOME MAKER because I can get it for only $1.00 a week from the Caatlaaed. CflD DCWT Ufa Bldg. MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING SUITES toS up; meal book, B.6n. Gentle proposition to a H oases aad Csttagea WILL make a rood men preferred. Tel Har. 66L 1043 Geo. Ava Party young man who can Invest $1,00). EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.-M- orr, MODERN, will be well secured, and a good chance to tng; furniture packing, fireproof storage. house, near park. IM outDODGE 13th A Podge; all HOTEL establish himself in a good paying busi Telephones Douglas VM, Independent side rooms, steam heat; special week rate. South ZSth St ness; prefer young man from country; OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO. cleans party must put entire time Into proposition. Om. Van 4k Storage Co. parka.movea, atoraa Apartaaeats aad Flat. your csrpats on yrur floors; eleotrlo vacuum household goods. Fireproof storage, 104 d. E 392, car Bas. 4183. 804 Doug. 109 S. 8. 16th: 17th. cleaners. 16th. Branch. 3u S. 17th. Tel. D. 4163. CENTRAL, stesm heat flat 321 Factory aad Trades. N. 23d. cottage; modern, except furnace beautiful lawn and treea No. 230 South Drug ptoras isnape). Jobs. Knlest Bee B'.Jg FIVE-ROOOFFERED FOR RENT heated epartment; strictly 124 Ave. Rent only 3k per mo. Telephone modern. 2JK3 N. Kith St Inquire i. N. Douglas 404a WANTED Bookbinder competent to take Marsh. 1323 Locust St. Board aad Rooms. charge of small country bindery, handling FOR RENT Two Vrtwm brick houaaa. general line of work. Good ruler and fin 210J Leavenworth atreat FOUR room Tat; new, modern, warm all newly modeled and modern, north part IRVING, THE isher, as well as manager. Imperative. 1744 So. Twenty-sevent- h and convenient.. st of city, 26. Albert Lea Publishing Co.. Albert Lea. NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for Harney Ui&6. all modern, combination flxturea, Minn. two; modern, private family, good board. 716 North 23d alreet a0. 113.00 1609 8. 2Sth. modern flat 184 N. Ktk St. Apartment flat. 1621 North Uth Mlscellaaeoas. S. Wia au Call Was. apstalra. Inquire . street, 112.60. ' Bt. James. 41(1 8. 13; stm. heat free bath; urn. apartment flat,T 1S2W4. North 17th. TOU ara wanted for government posiAm., I1.Z5 up; wkly, la up; meals, iba. ELEGANT eight-rootion; 80 month; write for list of positions brick flat mod street, 1919 Clark street, city water and epen. Dept S17B. Close to high room and ern throughout. school. gas, 10. Franklin Institute, 620 SOUTH 17th, first-clas- s Rochester, N. Y. Right party will get special price Call board; reasonable. C. M. BAOHMANN, 1&1 Tyler tor key. 436 Paxton Block, WANTED 170 month; customs. Internal rooms, s. Modem cr RENT with FOR Reeldenoa Office revenue, railway mall clerks: list of spring without board. 2103 Douglas St LOW 1911 RENT choice; flat; ready; prepexaminations In Omaha 122.60. High near school; only cothouse, all mao NICK cosy seven-rooaration free. Frank, In InsUtuta. Dept 214 NICK vounir ' man wants roommate. 2103 tage; 8017 Jackson St.; reduced to 20. Tel. erp, excellent fumsce. Rlgbt on the t B. Rochester, N. T. Douglas St. owner. Red 6264. No. 3X23 N. 34th Bt Will renA) St car Una, for fit or will sell aa easy terma. Tel, WANTED Men to learn barber trade; big ONE large FOR RENT Nice single and ' double front apartment, with Harnay UbL demand for our graduates; you can run rooms; board -- If wished. 2621 Harney St. kitchen and bath. In the "New Hamilton " shop or hold good job after few weeks; house, modern, walking distance 146. Telephone Red 7W0. some money mode while learning. Call or fancy, beautiful. Turner Park. Cor. Dodge room with board; south NICE front So. Boulevard. Inquire hut write, Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th private family close to park car; to Central and STEAM-HEATEapartments, 140; 6 uodge or Geo. McBrlda. county surveyor. street. couple of ladies. 2568 Jones St. rooma, Janitor service. Urbana Apartmodern, house, hot water WANTED 900 men at Seymour park to Foil RENT Nicely furnished room for ments, Park Ave. near Woolworth. NEW heat, 27th and Bristol streets. 136. Telcut lea Wendesday, Jan. 4, lfll; minimum young lady. 719 N. 22d St. ARMSTRONG-WALSCO., wages, 17V oents per hour; free transporephone Webater 43o8. 1536. 110 Tyler So. 17th. tation from packing house. Cudahy PackROOM and board for two gentlemen; cottage. 1401 South tth BO FOUR-ROOing Co., South Omaha. Neb. prlvats family; references. 2D04 N. Uth HoaaekeeplagT Roams. reralshed 6- tstrictly modern house, tost FOR RENT Six: rurntsned rooms for Marcy. H. 2706. BEAUTI FULLY furnished room and LIVE STOCK FOR SALE board In private family: desirable location. light housekeeping; also sleeping rooma modern house. t!04 IHU Dodgs St Tylsr 1601. FINE Best referencea required. E. 674, Bee: New -s Doug. D. DRESSMAKING and alteration, first CELLAR digging under houses. Web. 691 clasa woik; prices reasonable. Miss Elizabeth O'Connor. It'll N. Uth. Webster 1410. l,w Year neaolalloaa. Mrs. Ross Waists a specialty, S424 Spalding th DEATH AND stenographer, I'Vi. I.FIHiKIl UI.KItK. KS. 8TENOORA I'll ER. beginner. 148 EXPERIENCED Jewelry clerk, tf. CLERKS, good at TWO INVENTORY figures, t. See us at once or writs If you ara open for position. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS W, OMAHA Ft. 8 years KANSAS CITY. Omaha Secret Servlre lvtertlve. ngc. Inc., 9 bonded. lax ton blk. D. 131. Ind. alary aad Chattels nrrrnrn OFFERED FOR RENT MONEY TO LOAN FEMALE Mteeellaaeaaa. women mmlm to Omaha as Young straraern are a i0 CASH BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS 1622 Maple Bt. UOUSes room, a. in ni. RENT Two nice bousekeaping FOR FOR RENT Nicely furnished singls rooms. 41 Don't go to a friend. Come to us. When N. 16th S- tyou borrow money you want the lowest rooms, also desirable south. 2111 Douglas. RENT-T- wo rate, and we give it. We will loan you FOR furnished light housemodern rooms, desirable for keeping rooms. 1321 Chicago LARGE from tu.uo to fluO.uO on furniture, pianos or St. teams, without removal; small and easy two. 1'iVJ Cut fct or unfurnished payments. II. M Is the weekly payment on or furnished four THREE parlor and nice room for one housekeeping rooms in ths front; aiso a IMt loan tor M weeks, other amounts lu NICE front Douglas We give liberal dis- or two. St. sleeping room, very desirable: price, reathe same proportion. paid before due. off on all loans counts sonable; good location. ii' N. 26th St. Mall or phone applications receive our FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 41 btrictly 20th confidential. 8. prompt attention, 1817 DAVENPORT; working people. Mortgage Loan Co. room; New, private Urge FOR RENT TWO rooms, nicely furnished, for light 3t20 Davenport St. housekeeping. Room 12. Arlington Block. 1511V4 Dodge St family; walking distance. 210 S. 2nth Ave. Phones: Douglas 2464 Very nicely furdesirable, RENT FOR FOR RENT Nicely furnished houseDouglas St. 5 nished rooms. keeping rooms. 323 N. 21st St. FOR RENT One large front room; gss, FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms h'.t water and electric Unlit. .Ml Dewey for housekeeping. 6(jo N. 18th St. Wo will loan you what money you Ave. may need; quick loans, reasonable FOR RENT Neat, well furnished rooms 6 N. 18th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; pri- for housekeeping. rales, terms to suit, on any kind of S. 24th 63i Ave. family. vate aecuilty you may hava, or cn your nicely furnished rooms for houseTWO note. FOR RENT Nk'ely furnished front room. keeping. 606 N. Mh St. 311U California let A. HUTTON CO., furnished FOR Ra'N- T- Nice, modern, yon RENT Nicely fumUned south rooms for light . housekeeping. 2016 Mason 2218 room; desirable for sotiple. front St. 16th and Farnam Sta Iiouglas bt Ill Paxton Blk. LIGHT hou,Mkeplng rooms 2406 Cuming. NICELY furnished room in new modern DO YOU NEED MONEY t 2013 Chicago St house; heat. stesm THE Howard. 21st and Howard; two-- r We will loan you money on youi furnihousekeeping apartments, f.16. Red ture, piano, live stock or sny other seFOR RENT Nicely furnished room; pri- 44S7. in curity at LOWER RATES THAN OHIEKJ vate family. 7( S. 31st St. ADVERTISE. Courteous tica:meni aud sralabed lie erne. NICE. warm, comfy room, close In. pristrict privacy. Call ur phone and convince vate family; no children. 2616 Jonea St. I ourseif HENT Two desirable connected FOR NEBRASKA LOAN CO., rooms, with gas and beat 2103 Douglas rooms, singls or FOR RENT-Heat- ed St- -& 616 o. iCd p. 14. Ind, bee Bldg Advantage! -- IS'- -I ft State 21-- DON'T BE BROKE pln THE J. faf A-l- a, st creia-b-. Bona S i Co.. See) Bid HOUBEHOLD OOODB packed, forwarded, cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel Douglas 34. EIGHT rooms, bath, 340. 8320 Burt. modern cottage; 464e FOR RENT Seward St; webater xoot torea aad Offleae. GOOD business store opposita postoffloa, Apply io w. mtn. bvir RENT Office room. gn. located om top floor; facing court, 870 square feet. Is . 1 eluding vault; rents for 136 per montlu THE BtLcJ V tfutitrvu kuaraitR IN new building, corner of Uth and Farnam streets, an enUre floor, 44x133. Suitable for jobbing or light factory purposes. All modern, both passenger and freight elevator service. See J. A. rrealand, 111 Farnam street FOR RENT Large store room, Uth and Vinton St. $16. C. M. Baclimenn. 431 Past-to- n Blk. Tel. R. 2633. Residence. D. foot, , Acre Property. 20 acres with house. Harney 64T, OFFERED FOR SALE Typawrltera. d house-keepin- -- BUT aa L. C. Smith eV Broa rywewrltapA B. F. Bwanson Co., Distrlbutara, 13JI Far. I am St. j d typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter Eaohaage, 16V7 Faravaia. BEC()ND-han- BARGAIN SALE Typewriters, all makes, H regular prioest greatest bargains ever offered. B. F. Bwaa-so-n Co., 12it Farnam St., Omaha. REMINGTON Typewriter, will take 31160. Mimeograph, 66. AUdrtss 3418 Hawthorne Ave. 'Phone llsrney M. RENT sn Oliver Typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. phone Douglas 391a, MUeellaneeaa. FOR SALE New and second-han- d and pool tsbles. We lead the world paymenta In cheap bar fixtures; easy 4u7 8. loth St bft-lls- rd brunswiLK-Mlke-Colleiide- r. THY our own mined Kansas ooal. t4 7ii-- e, Souinciu Coul Co.. 2lst ami Paul: Wee. as. HARD coal Radiant Home No. I; also washing machine; cheap. 843S E Bt, South Omahn. 'Phone South 207s. diameter No About 40 feet of gautie. galvu nixed pipe, with fourventllat-lo- g for ttbows and T. This was usedgood condition. purposes, and pipe la in Xlie Bee PuOUshing Co.. 17th and Farnam. PRY kmdllng. Webster 6M; ind. 11 per load delivered, with second-banHAKES Overstocked safes, sll sixes snd makes; bsrgalna Anier- Uan Supply Co. 1110 Farnam Bt d W E; I1A f c vii nsnti m bsrreis which we will sell for 60 cents ur aacn. iney are line lur ram Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. wi, . . w. . cilvL'biur- -r in. work. Only 16 a load. I concrete r,,r 2vth Co.. street Gas ti. in.iii timsiii and and Lincoln avenue. CAN you use a lady's Beaver coat, nearly new, at half price? Write me at kl South 38th avenue, or phone Harney 648. 1 paid lioo for It not long ago. I will sell It now for coat, slxe 34. It Is a l. ttiree-tjuart- CHOICE moving picture film, art and long slides, st yreat bargain for quick sale. Room 22, Midland hotel. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, Brandeis Theater bldg-KATHERYN NIKOLAS. 634a Brandeis Theater. tot-- 3 PATENTS BARN ELL. Psxtoa Blk. TeL Red ni' W1LLARU EDDY, registered practltlnn' ta U. B. 1st office, fit pas two Vw D O. 1 av