Chapter 21 continued CHAPTER Challenge Problem Current Electricity —— page 579 The plates of a capacitor attract each other because they cariy opposite charges. A capacitor consisting Of two parallel plates that are separated by a distance, d, has capacitance C. 1 , . Practice Problems 22.1 — F=Eq,E andVt F=Eq=()q( page 598 For all problems, assume that the battery volta ge and lamp resistances are onstant, no matter what current is present. Current and Circuits pages 591—600 pae 594 The current through a lightbulb connected across the terminals of a 125N outlet is 0.50 A. At what rate does the bulb convert electric energy to light? (Assume 100 perc ent efficiency,) d C g p 2 What charge must he stored on a 22rI capacitor to have a lime of 20 between the plates if they are separated by 1 5 mm? = iv (Q5O A)(125 V) = = 63 J/s = 63 W . F so q Z A car battery causes a current of 2.0 A through a lamp and produces 1 2 V across it. What is the power used by the lamp? Cd = = = p= IV=(2.OA)(12 V)=24W 3 .5X10 m) 5 \/(2.O N)(2 2X1O 9(1 3 What is the current through a 75W lightbulb that is connected to a 125-V outlet? p= iv 4 2.6X 10 C 75W 125V I I ) 0 0 4. The current through the starter moto r of a car is 210 A. lfthe battery maintains 12 V across the motor, how much electric energy is delivered to the starter in O.() s? p= IVand E= Pt Thus, E C = = r I 444 Solutions Manual ‘ _w Derive an expression for the force bewcecn the two plates when the capacitor has chargc ci. Combine the following equations: q , i SiCS Prmciplcs nd Problems 1 R iVt (210 A)(12 V)(1OO s) 25X1O J 4 I PIysics: 0.90W 3.OV frincip]cs Y I I 7.1 12V 33i 1? ,36 A motor with an operating resistance of 32 11 is connected to a oltage souue. 1 he urren t in the circuit is 3.8 A. What is the voltage of the source V = IR — (38 A)(32 c) = 2 t2x 10 V 8. A sensor uses 2.O’c 1() A of current when it is opeiated by a 3.0-V batter. What is the resistance ot th sensoi circuit? R= = 4 15x f 1O 4 OX A 1O 9. A lamp draws a current of 0.50 A when it is connected to a 120-V source. a What is the resistance of thc lamp? 1? = = : 2 24X 1O = b. What is the l)owCY consumption of the larnp = 5 A flashlight bulb s rated at 0.90 XV. If the lightbulh drops 3.0 V, how much current goes through it? P= IV I 6. An automobile panel lamp with a resis tance of 33 fl is plated atross a I 2-V battery. What is the current through the circuit? and Problems P = IV = (O5O A)(120 V) 1 &0X 10 W 1o A 79-\’V lamp is conneued to 125 V. a. ‘vvhat is the current through the lamp ? I 75W 125V 1; 060A b. ‘Vhat is the rcsistance of the lamp? R= ‘ = 2 =2 Q 1X1O So!utjon.s \1azual 445 Chapter 22 tIUCd Chapter 22 continued 1i A resistor is added to the tamp in the previ ous problem to reduce the current to half of its original va1ue Section Review 1 p = 22.1 2 P = a. What is the potential difference across the lamp’ The new value of the current is R— 0.60A =0. 30A 2 V = IR = — 2 II) (0.30 A)(2.1 X10 1 6.3 X10 V = b. how much resistance was added to the circuit” y = Current and Circuits pages 59 1—600 page 600 17. Schematic Draw a schematic diagram of a circuit that contains a battery and a light bulb. Make sure the lighthulb will light in this circuit. 4.5V 0,085A 14. Add a voltmeter to measure the potential difference across the resistors in problems 12 and 13 and repeat the problems. Both circuits will take the following form. Therefore, Rtotai Riamp 2 4.2X 10 — Because the ammeter resistance is assumed zero, the voltmeter readings will be 60.0 V for Practice Problem 12 and 4.5 V for Practice Problem 13. 2 2.1X 10 1 2 2.1X 10 11 = How much power is now dissipated in C. the lamp? P = IV = 15. (0.30 A)(6.3X10” V) = 19W Draw a circuit using a hattery a lamp, a potentiometer to adjust the lamp’s bright ness, and an on off switch. Lamp page 600 12. Draw a ircuit diagatn to include a 60.() V battery, an ammeter, and a resistance of 12.S 1 in series. Indicate the ammeter read ing and the direction of the current. Batt Switch 16. I 18. Resistance Joe states that becaus eR V/I, if he increases the voltage, the resistan ce will increase. Is Joe correct? Explain. No, resistance depends on the device. When V increases, so will!. 19. Resistance You want to measure the resis tance of a long piece of wire, Show how you would construct a circuit with a battery, a voltmetei; an ammeter, and the wire to be tested to make the measurement. Specir what you would measure and how you would compute the resistance. 21. Energy A circuit converts 2,2X 10 J of energy when it is operated for 3.0 mm . Determine the amount of energy it will convert when it is operated for 1 h. = (J = 4 4.4 X10 J V F? — Practice Problems 22.2 Using Electric Energy pages 601—605 page 603 23. A 15-f’ electric heater operates on a 120-V outlet, a. What is the current through the heate r? lv I Y ‘ R 15[l b. How much energy is used by the hea ter in 30,0 s? potentiometer Repeat the previouS prohlem adding an ammeter and a voltmeter across the lamp Solutimn ,\lLnnalI = I R 2 t = (8.0 ( 2 A 15 ) fl)(30.0 s) 4 2..9 x10 J c. How much thermal energy is libe rated in this time? = .OV.480A 0 6 12.511 Measure the current through the wire and the potential difference across it. Divide the potential difference by the current to obtain the wire resistance. 13. Draw a seriesCir( uit diagram showing a 45V battery, a resistor, and an ammeter that reads $5 mA. Determine the resistance and label the resistor Choose a direction for the çOflVCfltjOfldl current and indicate the positive telminal of the battery. 446 )(6o.o mm) 22. Critical Thinking We say that pow er is “dissipated” in a resistor. To dissipate is to use, to waste, or to squander. What is “use d” when charge flows through a resistor? The potential energy of the charges decreases as they flow through the res is tor. This decrease in potential energy is used to produce heat in the resistor. E — 1 =16W—12W=4.OW P 4.0 W increase + — Rres 2 P E The total resistance of the circuit is now 125V 2 V =4.2X10 Rtotai ob A 1 / vIR 2 = 12 (1 fl= 2 12 V W ) VIR = (12 2 V 1 9.0 ) = 16W 2 Power A circuit has 12 fl of resi stance and is connected to a 12-V battery. Determine the change in power if the resistance decreases to 9.0 L PhysicS: Prfn ipics and Problems Physics: PrincipIe’ and [‘rc blenis 2.9X10 J, because all electric energy 4 is converted to thermal energy. 24. A 39-a resistor is connected across a 45-V battery. a. What is the current in the circuit? V 45V F? 3911 Solutwim Pvlanuai 447 Chapter 22 continued b. flow much energy is used by the resistor iii .0 mm? V 2 E F? — — = ‘ ‘5 0 min)(60 s/mm) (39.) 4 t6X1 0J Pt (0.22)(1 00.0 J/s)(1 .0 mm) (60 s/mm) 3 1.3X J 10 b. I low many joules of thermal energy does tho lighth lb produ e each minute? E = Pt = (0.78)(1 00.0 J!s)(1 .0 mm) (60.0 sImm) = 26. 3 4.7X 10 J [he resistance of an electric stove element at 0th rating temperature is 11 a. II 220 V are applied across it, what is the current through the stove element? 22QV A 1 =20 X10 llfl F? I low mudi energy does the element convert to thermal energy in 30.0 s? V b E = = I R 2 t = (1l fl)(30.0 s) 2 1 (2.0X 10 A) 5 1.3X 10 J c I he element is used to heat a kettle contaming 120 kg of water. Assume that (3 percent of the heat is absorbed by the water. \\ hat is the water’s increase in temperature during the 30.0 s? 0 mC.T with 0= 0.65E O.65E mC 17°C 448 SelUIiufl’ 1arnIa1 Chapter 22 continued take to charge the battery using a current of 7.5 A? Assume that the charging voltage is the same as the discharging voltage. Echarge = (1,3)IVt = E= lVt= I(2V)() = For a given amount of energy, doubling the voltage will divide the time by 2. 25. \ I000W iighthulb is 22 percent efficient. 1 his mc ills that 22 percent of the electric energ is onvertcd to light energy. a. I los many joules does the lightbulb co wert to light each minute it is in opec luon? E 27. A I 20-V water heater takes 2.2 h to heat a given volume of water to a certain tempera ture. How long would a 240-V unit operating with the same current take to accomplish the same task? = (1.20 kg)(418O JIkg°C) =1.lh t= t — 31. page 605 28. An electric space heater draws 1 3.0 A horn a 120 V source, ft is operated on the average, for 5.0 h each day. a. how much power does the healer use? = 270 kWh c. At $0.12 per kwh, how much does it cost to operate the heater for 30 days? ($0.12/kWh)(270 kWh) Cost = $32.40 29. A digital clock has a resistance of 12,000 i and is plugged into a 11 °-\‘ outlet. a. How much current does it draw? 1ISV 3 =96X10’ A 12,000i F? b. How much power does it rise? - 3 .6X10 A) = 11 W (115 V)(9 c. If the owner of the clock pays $0 12 per kwh, how much does it cost to operate the clock for 30 days? P = VI Cost = = = X10” kWh)($0.12/kWh) (1 1 3 (30 days)(24 hlday) $010 30. An automotive battery can deliver 55 A at 12 V for 1.0 h and requireS 1.3 timeS as much energy for recharge due to its lessthan-perfect efficiency. I low long will it Physics Pi’ine iflc c and I roblems — 858Wh (7.5A)(12V) — Rework the previous problem by assuming that the battery requires the application of 14 V when it is recharging. Echarge = (1.3)IVt = (1 .3)(55 A)(1 2 V)(1 .0 h) 858 Wh = t P= IV= (15.OA)(120V) 1800W = 1.8kW b. I low much energy in k\Vh does it con sume in 10 clays? Pt = (1.8 kW)(5.0 h/day)(30 days) E E IV (1 .3)(55 A)(1 2 V)(1 .0 h) 858 Wh — E IV — 858Wh (7.5 A)(14 V) 82h — Section Review 22.2 Using Electric Energy pages 601—605 page 605 32. Energy A car engine drives a generator, which produces and stores electric charge in the car’s battery. The headlamps use the dcc tric charge stored in the car battery. List the forms ofenergy in these three operations. Mechanical energy from the engine converted to electric energy in the gen erator; electric energy stored as chemi cal energy in the battery; chemical energy converted to electric energy in the battery and distributed to the headlamps; electric energy converted to light and thermal energy in headlamps. 1 P “‘2 _ /R 2 V V 1 2 1 R _ 1 (0.5 1 2 ) R V 2 V _ 25 35. £ffidency Evaluate the impact of research to improve power transmission lines on society and the environment Research to improve power transmis sion lines would benefit society in cost of electricity. Also, if less power was lost during transmission, less coal and other power-producing resources would have to be used, which would improve the quality of our environment. 36. Voltage ‘WhY sould an ehectik range and an electric hot wner heater he connected to a 240-V circuit rather than a I 20 V circuit? For the same power, at twice the voltage, the current would be halved. The R loss in the circuit wiring would be 2 1 dramatically reduced because it is proportional to the square of the current. 37. Critical Thinking Whcn demand for elec tric power is high, power ompanies some times reduce the voltag e, thereby producing a °brown-out” What is being saved? Power, not energy; most devices will have to run longer. Chapter Assessment Concept Mapping page 610 38. Complete the corn ept rn ip using the fol lowing terms. watt, cui rent, resistance. 33. Resistance A hair dryer operating from 1 20 V has two settings, hot and warm. In which setting is the resistance likely to be smaller? Why? Hot draws more power, P = IV, so the fixed voltage current is larger. Because I = VIR the resistance is smaller, 34. Power Determine the power change in a circuit if the applied voltage is decreased by one- half, Physics: Principles and Problems Sviunon.s Manual 449 Chapter 22 continued Chapter 22 continued 63. Refer to Figure 2245 to answer the fo1low ing questions. Motor 57_ What is the effect on the current in a circuit if both the voltage and the resistance are doubled? Explain. No effect V = IF?, so I = VIR and if the voltage and the resistance both are doub’ed, the current will not change. 1.5 A E N 27 V V 58W. Ohm’s Law Sue finds a device that looks lIke a resistor. When she connects it to a I 5-V batter’ she measures only 45 )< 6 A, but when she uses a 3.0-V battery, she mea suE 2 X 10 A. Does the device obey ()lm’s law? No. V = IR so R = V/L At 1 £ S b. Ilow much energy is converted if the motor runs for 15 mm? At 3.0 !, R = A 3 25X10 Pt = (18 W)(15 min)(60 s/mm) = 120 f A device that obeys Ohm’s law has a resistance that is independent of the applied voltage. — J 4 i6X10 9.0 fl Figure 2245 a. What should the ammeter reading be? 62. Refer to Figure 22-14 to answer the following questions. c how much power is delivered to the resistor? vi = = (27 V)(3O A) 81 W = E = Pt = (81 W)(3600 s) = 22.1 Current and Circuits S Figure 22-14 VI = (27 V)(L5 A) — 41 W d. How much energy is delivered to the resistor per hour? E = Pt — (41 W)(3600 s) = 5J 1.5X10 A nou is (( i wcted to a 1 2-V battery as shown in Figure 2243. SL11z;tuns ?IaIzz1al 9.0 V 18 fl The definition of power is P , so E= Pt a Figure 22-16 = 1 W)(Q(Rs (6Ox1O I /\man \ = 18,000J = J 4 tBXIO IV = (210 A)(12 V) or 25X1O 3 JIs — — 2500 JIs P= 2.5x10 W 3 a. What should the ammeter reading be? I = V/R = = O5O A Ii. What should the voltmeter reading be? = VI 69. Dryers A 4200-’vV clothes dryer is connect ed to a 220-V circuit. I low mudi c rent does the dryer draw? P= IV 9.0 V P Mix cui : Principles afl(! Problems — b. What power, in watts, does the motor use? c How much power is delivered to the resistor? Level 1 4a2 P= IV= (O5OA)(12OV)= 1 6OX1O W b I low much energy is converted r 51) mm? P How much power is delivered to the resistor? = 2W 96x1O a. How many joules of energy does the battery deliver to the motor each second? 27 V P = 4 lamp draws 050 A from a 120A generator. a. How much power is delivered? 1.5A pages 611—612 61 67. Ii. What should the voltmeter reading be? C. 4J t6x10 68. A 12V automobile battery is cnnnected to an electric starter motor The urrer through the motor is 210 A. a. What should the ammeter reading be? = = 66. Lighibulbs A current of 1.2 A is measured through a lighthulb when it is con zected across a I 20 V source. What power is dissi pated by the bulb? 64 Refer to Figure 22-16 to answer the fo1low ing questions. Wires car be placed across the termi Mastering Problems IV = (8O A)(120 V) 5J 2.9X10 everywhere in this circuit. the wire with the smaller resistance 2 V p F? Smaller R produces larger power P dissipated in the wire, which produces thermal energy at a faster rate. = d. How much energy is delivered to the resistor per hour? 1= V/R= (45 W)(3600 s) =3OA b. What should the voltmeter reading be? p Yes, because the current is the same r al of a Ga) V battery. One has a high resis tancc, and the other has a low resistance. \VhEh wire will produce thermal energy at a faster rite? Why? = P= IV= (i2A)(120V)= t4XIO W 2 1= VIR= 27 V 59 if the ammeter in Figure 22-4a on page 596 ivue mm ed to the bottom of the diagram, would the ammeter have the same reading? Explain 6O Tw Pt Figure 22-13 a I low much power is delivered to the motor? P = VI = (12 V)(1 £ A) = 18 W E = 65. Toasters The current through a toastei th it is connected to a 2O-V source is O A. What power is dissipated by the toaster? P t5V 4 =33X1O 45x1O 6 R d How much energy is delivered to tEn. resistor per hour? = (9M V)(O.50 A) es and ProbIem5 Princi I JiP7sics. 1 = I— ° 4200W V 220V 19A 4.5 W Solutions 4anua1