ARTICLE IN PRESS Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1605–1621 Modeling and experimental analysis of a self-excited six-phase induction generator for stand-alone renewable energy generation G.K. Singh Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India Received 18 January 2007; accepted 19 August 2007 Available online 4 October 2007 Abstract This paper presents a simple d–q model of a saturated multi-phase (six-phase) self-excited induction generator (SP-SEIG). Performance equations for this machine are given which utilize the saturated magnetizing inductance Lm ¼ (lm/im) and its derivative (dLm/dim) rather than dynamic inductance L ¼ (dlm/dim). In the analytical model, the effects of common mutual leakage inductance between the two three-phase winding sets have been included. A detailed experimental investigation about the voltage build-up, collapse of voltage, and various performance including loading and unloading characteristic, power capability and reliability of six-phase selfexcited induction generator is also presented in the paper. Experimental results are recorded: (a) with capacitor bank connected across both the three-phase winding sets, and (b) with capacitor bank connected across only one three-phase winding set. Loading and unloading transients are recorded with independent three-phase resistive loads at each of the two three-phase winding sets, and measured steady-state characteristics for various load and/or capacitor bank configurations. Experimentations were also carried out to judge the performance of the SP-SEIG when three-phase load was connected via an interposed YD/Y six-phase to three-phase transformer. r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Induction generator; Renewable energy source; Voltage and frequency regulator; Self-excited induction generator; Mini-hydro and wind energy 1. Introduction The increasing importance of fuel saving has been responsible for the revival of interest in so-called alternative source of energy. Thus, the drive towards the decentralization of power generation and increasing use of non-conventional energy sources such as wind energy, biogas, solar and hydro potential, etc., has become essential to adopt a low cost generating system, which is capable of operating in the remote areas, and in conjunction with the variety of prime movers. The research has been underway for the last three decades to investigate the various issues related to the use of induction generator as potential alternative to the synchronous generator to utilize the small hydro and wind energy to accomplish the future energy requirement, and to feed the power to remote locations and Tel.: +91 1332 285070; fax: +91 1332 273560. E-mail addresses:, 0960-1481/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2007.08.007 far flung areas, where extension of grid is economically not feasible [1]. The investigations spread over the last two decades indicate the technical and economic viability of using the number of phase higher than three in transmission [2], multi-phase machines in general [3] and induction machines [4–6] in particular. The research in this area is still in its infancy, yet some extremely important findings have been reported in the literature indicating general feasibility of multi-phase systems. However, practical applications of multi-phase induction generator in renewable energy generation scheme such as wind energy and hydropower have not been reported so far. To the best of the knowledge of the authors, there were only three references [7–9] available so far. The generator scheme presented in [7] is based on the dual stator winding induction machine with displaced power and control three-phase winding. The power and control winding have the same number of poles. Refs. [8,9] deal with the double stator machine with extended rotor common to both stators. In all the three cases, output is three-phase. Recently, some works related ARTICLE IN PRESS 1606 G.K. Singh / Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1605–1621 2. Mathematical model 2.1. Modeling of saturated self-excited induction generator A schematic representation of the stator and rotor windings for a two pole, six-phase induction machine is given in Fig. 1. The six-stator phases are divided into two wye-connected three-phase sets, labeled abc and xyz (called set I and II, respectively), whose magnetic axes are displaced by an arbitrary angle a. The windings of each three-phase set are uniformly distributed and have axes that are displaced 1201 apart. The three-phase rotor windings ar, br, cr are also sinusoidally distributed and have axes that are displaced by 1201 apart. In developing the equations, which describe the behavior of a multi-phase machine, it is assumed that there is no physical fault propagation from one three-phase set to other three-phase set as neutral of both the stator winding sets are separate. The following voltage equations of a multi-phase induction machine in arbitrary reference frame [13,14] are vq1 ¼ r1 iq1 þ ok ld1 þ plq1 , (2.1) q-axis b-axis n tio ta ro to the six-phase self-excited induction generation have been reported by Singh et al. [10–12]. Ref. [10] deals with the modeling and analysis of six-phase self-excited induction generator, however, dynamic cross saturation has not been considered in this paper. In Refs. [11,12], analysis and practical feasibility of the SP-SEIG are included. This paper, therefore, presents the mathematical modeling of a saturated six-phase self-excited induction generator taking into account the dynamic cross saturation (different as given in Ref. [11]). A detailed experimental investigation about the voltage build-up, collapse of voltage, and various performance including loading and unloading characteristic, power capability and reliability of six-phase selfexcited induction generator is also presented in the paper. Experimental results are recorded: (a) with capacitor bank at each of the two three-phase windings, and (b) with only one capacitor bank. Loading and unloading transients are recorded with independent three-phase resistive loads at each of the two three-phase winding sets, and measured steady-state characteristics for various load and/or capacitor bank configurations. Experimentations were also carried out to judge the performance of the SP-SEIG when three-phase load was subjected through an interconnecting YD/Y six-phase to three-phase transformer. Since the conventional supply and uses are three, it seems necessary to mention here that the generator can supply two separate three-phase loads, which represents an additional advantage. Last but not the least, outputs of the two three-phase windings can be used to supply a single three-phase load through an interconnecting six-phase to three-phase transformer, in which case failure of one threephase winding does not lead to the system shutdown and the load can be still supplied from the remaining healthy winding. br-axis r x-axis y-axis ar-axis r a-axis ----- d-axis c-axis cr-axis z-axis Fig. 1. A two-pole six-phase induction machine with a0 displacement between two-stator winding sets. vd1 ¼ r1 id1 ok lq1 þ pld1 , (2.2) vq2 ¼ r2 iq2 þ ok ld2 þ plq2 , (2.3) vd2 ¼ r2 id2 ok lq2 þ pld2 , (2.4) 0 ¼ rr iqr þ ðok or Þldr þ plqr , (2.5) 0 ¼ rr idr ðok or Þlqr þ pldr , (2.6) where ok is the speed of the reference frame, p denotes differentiation w.r.t. time, or is the rotor speed, and all other symbols have their usual meaning. Here, rotor quantities are referred to stator. The expressions for stator and rotor flux linkages are lq1 ¼ Ll1 iq1 Llm ðiq1 þ iq2 Þ þ Ldq id2 þ Lmq ðiq1 iq2 þ iqr Þ, ð2:7Þ ld1 ¼ Ll1 id1 Llm ðid1 þ id2 Þ Ldq iq2 þ Lmd ðid1 id2 þ idr Þ, lq2 ¼ Ll2 iq2 Llm ðiq1 þ iq2 Þ þ Ldq id1 þ Lmq ðiq1 iq2 þ iqr Þ, ð2:8Þ ð2:9Þ ld2 ¼ Ll2 id2 Llm ðid1 þ id2 Þ þ Ldq iq1 þ Lmd ðid1 id2 þ idr Þ, ð2:10Þ lqr ¼ Llr iqr þ Lmq ðiq1 iq2 þ iqr Þ, (2.11) ldr ¼ Llr idr þ Lmd ðid1 id2 þ idr Þ, (2.12) where Llm is the common mutual leakage inductance between the two sets of stator winding and Ldq is the cross-saturation coupling between the d- and q-axis of ID 302669 Title Modelingandexperimentalanalysisofaself-excitedsix-phaseinductiongeneratorforstand-alonerenewable energygeneration http://FullText.Study Pages 17