Louie Al-Faraje, DDS - JurisPro Expert Witness Directory

Diplomate, American Board of Oral Implantology
Fellow, American Academy of Implant Dentistry
Fellow, International Congress of Oral Implantologists
4710 Ruffner Street # B
San Diego, CA. 92111
September 1992 - August 1994
Post Graduate studies program
Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA.
June 1986 - June 1991
Kiev State University School of Medicine
Doctor of Medicine / Stomatologist
Kiev, Ukraine.
Ministry of Health, Ukraine, 1991, #7830
California State Dental Board, 1994 #42265
Diplomate, American Board of Oral Implantology / Implant Dentistry
April, 2004
August 2001- current
California Implant Institute’s Clinic
San Diego, California
April 1996 – August 2005
Owner, American Dental Group
San Diego, California
August 1994 - April 1996
Managing dentist
Western Dental Services
Escondido, California
May 1990 - May 1991
Oral Surgery Training
Department of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery
School of Dentistry Hospital
Kiev, Ukraine
Tel: (858)740-8595
Fax (858)560-1743
A principal investigator for new FDA regulated local Dental anesthetic for IBAH Inc. October 1997.
Fellow, American Academy of Implant Dentistry
Fellow, International Congress of Oral Implantologists
Member, Academy of osseointegration
Founder & CEO, California Implant Institute 2001- Current
Quintessence Publishing 2011
July 22-23, 2010
“Medical Record Keeping”
UC San Diego
William A. Norcross, M.D.
April 30 – May 2, 2010
“Esthetic Periodontal Surgery for the General Practitioner”
USC School of Dentistry
Ziv Simon, DDS
(213) 821-2127
CE- 24
March 13-14, 2010
AAID Western annual meeting
“Designing beautiful smiles with dental implants”
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza. Los Angeles, California
Attended all main podium lectures
(312) 335-1550
CE- 10.75
January 29-30, 2010
CE- 14
35th Annual USC International Periodontal and Implant Symposium
“The Age of Speed”
Wilshire Grand Los Angeles, California
Attended all main podium lectures
(213) 821-2127
April 19-21, 2006
AAID Western annual meeting
“Focus on the sinus”
Fairmont hotel, Newport Beach, CA
Attended all main podium lectures
(312) 335-1550
CE- 17.5
November 18, 2005
Nobel Biocare, Inc
Yorba Linda, CA
Dr. Paulo Malo
(800) 579-6515
CE-7 (P & S)
November 14, 2005
“Zygoma Fixture Training”
Nobel Biocare, Inc
Yorba Linda, CA
Dr. Peter K. Moy & Dr. Stephen Parel
(800) 579-6515
CE-7 (S)
November 9, 2005
“Puros Block Allograft Training Course”
Zimmer Dental, Inc
Carlsbad, CA
Dr. Stuart J. Froum
(800) 579-6515
CE-7 ( S)
November 5, 2005
“NobelGuide Laboatory Training Course”
Nobel Biocare, Inc
Yorba Linda, CA
Robert Winkelman, CDT
(800) 579-6515
CE-7 (P)
Nobel Biocare World Conference 2005
Las Vegas, NV June 5-10, 2005
CE - 24
November 20th, 2003
“The Future of Dentistry…Implants and Esthetics”
Dr. peter Wohrle
Nobel Biocare, Inc
San Diego, CA
CE- 2
November 5-9, 2003
52ed AAID annual meeting
“New Tools, Techniques and Technology”
Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa, Hollywood, FL
Attended all main podium lectures
(312) 335-1550
CE- 17.5
June 21-22, 2003
“Periodontal Surgery Workshop”
Philip R. Melnick, D.M.D., Paulo Camaro, D.D.S., MS
Los Angeles, CA
(310) 206-8388
CE- 14
March 30, 2003
CE- 7
“1 st annual prosthodontic symposium: clinical aspects in implant prosthodontics”
Charles J. Goodacre, D.D.S. , Wayne Campagni, D.D.S. & Joseph Y. K. Kan, D.D.S.
Loma Linda University
Loma Linda, CA
(909) 558-4685
March 28-29, 2003
“Oral Mucosal Lesions – Oral Medicines Workshop”
Fariba Younai, D.D.S. & Diana Messadi, D.D.S.
Los Angeles, CA
(310) 206-8388
CE- 14
March 1-2, 2003
Phlebotomy certification program
Wagner Training Institute
Judy Wagner
Riverside County Hospital
Moreno Valley, CA
(800) 845-8353 Cell: 951-634-4332
(909) 795-4926 FAX
CE- 17
February 15, 2003
Sendax MDI Seminar and Workshop
Embassy Suites – San Diego Bay Downtown
Charles English, DDS
(800) 879-9799
CE- 7
October 2-6, 2002
51 st AAID annual meeting
“A global conference on oral implantology”
Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA
Attended all main podium lectures
(312) 335-1550
CE- 17.5
February 5-7, 2002
March 8-10, 2002
May/June 31-2, 2002
August 2-4, 2002
October 25-27, 2002
“Comprehensive Hands-on Surgical Program”
Misch International Implant Institute.
University of Detroit, Mercy, Michigan
Carl Misch, D.D.S., M.D.S.
(248) 642-3199
CE-125 (S & P)
July 12-15, 2002
CE-48 (BS & S)
“ Clinical Anatomy of the Head and Neck,
current knowledge on bone grafts and hands-on implant training in cadaver jaws”
Dr. Mohamed Sharawy
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA
(706) 721-3967
January 26, 2002
“ Invisalign Certification Program”
Align Technology, Inc
Sheraton Universal Hotel, Los Angeles, CA
(310) 845-8200
November 28, 2001
CE-5 (P)
“ Immediate loading Sargon implant system” Hands-on course
Sargon Lazarof, D.D.S.
Hayat Hotel, La Jolla, San Diego, CA
(888) NU-TOOTH
November 17, 2001
CE-7 (BS & S)
“Regenerative applications for contemporary surgical procedures”
Nobel Biocare, Inc
Yorba Linda, CA
Dr. James E. Rynar
(800) 579-6515
November 2-3 2001
“User - friendly implant rosthetics for the next millennium”
Nobel Biocare ,Inc
Yorba Linda, CA
Dr. Sam Strong
(800) 579-6515
October 12 2001
“Surgery secrets :advanced techniques for the general dentist.
Extractions and socket grafting”
USC Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Karl R. Koerner
(213) 740-3973
CE-14 (P)
CE-7 (S)
July 13-15 2001
September 21-23 2001
December 7-9 2001
“Advanced Implant Prosthetics Program”
Misch International Implant Institute.
Birmingham, Michigan
Carl Misch, D.D.S., M.D.S.
(248) 642-3199
July 9 2001
Sinus Augmentation / Featuring Live Surgery
Continuing Education Video Consortium
Chicago Dental Society and GPN
(800) 228-4630
May 11,12 2001
“ Vertical and horizontal bone and soft tissue regeneration”
Sascha A. Jovanovic, DDS, MS
Nobel Biocare USA, Inc. Yorba Linda, CA
(800) 579-6515
CE-75 (BS & P)
CE-14 (BS & S)
February 1-3,2001
“Advanced Bone Grafting”
MAP Implant Institute
Michael Pikos, D.D.S.
Palm Harbor,Florida
(727) 785-8477
CE-21 (S)
October 22-24,2000
“Advanced Bone Grafting For Dental Implants”
Craig Mish,D.D.S.
Nobelbiocare,Yorba Linda, CA
(800) 579-6515
CE-24 (S)
October 4, 2000
“California law and you” “Infection Control Update”
Gerald Vale and Gayle Macdonald
USC ,Los Angeles, CA
(213) 740-3973
Sept 15, 2000
“Understanding Essential Concepts for Treatment
Planning in Implant Dentistry”
Kenneth Hebel ,D.D.S.
STERI-OSS , Yorba Linda, CA.
(800) 579-6515
CE-7 (P)
May 21-22, 1999
“Esthetic implant dentistry-live surgery”
Peter Wohrle,D.D.S
STERI-OSS,Yorba Linda, CA.
(800) 579-6515
Oct 18,1998
“Infection Control Review and Preview”
W. Eugene Rathbun, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA.
Oct. 18,1998
California Dental Law
Bette Robin, D.D.S.
Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA.
(909) 558-4685
May 27,1998
Physical Evaluation in Dentistry
Stanley F. Malamed,D.D.S.
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
(213) 740-3973
May 28,1998
Medical Emergencies in Dentistry and at Home
Stanley F. Malamed,D.D.S.
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
(213) 740-3973
May 29 , 1998
Monitoring and the Use of Emergency Equipment
Stanley F. Malamed,D.D.S.
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
(213) 740-3973
CE-16 (S)
October 25, 1997
Flap Manipulation and Suture Placement Techniques with Implants
Lee Silverstein, D.D.S.
Steri-Oss, Yorba Linda, CA.
CE-7 (BS & S)
(800) 579-6515
April 1997- July 1997
Mini residency in implant dentistry
Dennis G. Smiler, D.D.S., M.Sc.D.
Steri-Oss, Yorba Linda, CA.
(800) 579-6515
CE-75 (BS & S & P)
April 25-26, 1997
Comprehensive Surgical and Prosthetic course in implant dentistry
With Jack A. Hahn, D.D.S.
Steri-Oss, Yorba Linda, CA.
CE-16 (P)
(800) 579-6515
April 11-12, 1997
Navigating a course to clinical success and patient satisfaction - live surgery
With R. Dean Lang, D.D.S.
Steri-Oss, Yorba Linda, CA.
CE-16 (S)
(800) 579-6515
Louie Al-Faraje, D.D.S.
Implant Dentistry/Oral Implantology
All services are performed on a fee-retainer basis. An initial retainer of $2000.00 must be received before
services will be performed. Fees for deposition and courtroom testimony are payable in full prior to
performance of those services. Client must prepay costs of travel out of town.
Fees for record review, report preparation, research, and conferences (by telephone or in person) with clients are
billed upon completion of the assignment. Fees for trial testimony are due prior to trial. Checks should be made
payable to “Louie Al-Faraje, DDS”. Please be sure to designate the case name on the check.
Performance of expert witness services for the client is dependent upon receipt of a signed copy of this
Approved and Accepted: Client ______________________
Dated: _______________ By:
Title: _______________
4710 Ruffner Street Suite B, San Diego CA 92111 Mobile: 858.740.8595
E-mail: drfaraje@yahoo.com
Fax: 858.560.1743
Record review, Report Preparation, Research, Testimony Preparation and Travel Time
Deposition Testimony: 2 hr minimum
Trial Testimony: Full Day
Trial Testimony: half-day