references - Shodhganga

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1. “Application of STATCOM for Improved Dynamic Performance of Wind Farms in
Power Grid”, ORBITCE05, National Conference of Power System Dynamics, 27-28
April 2006, SSN college of Engineering, Anna University, Kalavakkam, Tamil Nadu,
2. “A New SVC Light Scheme for Safeguarding of Power Quality in Feeding Grid in
Conjunction with Steel Plant Expansion”, National Level Technical Symposium Vidyut
Mahavidyalaya, Enathur, Kanchipura, pp.57-61.
3. “D-STATCOM - A Solution to Voltage Sag Problems in Distribution Networks”,
National Symposium on Improvements in Power Distribution Network, 18 -19 October
2008, Urja Sahyog Aurangabad, Maharashtra, pp.134-139.
4. “A New Modulation Approach to Decrease Total Harmonic Distortion in VSC
Based D-FACTS Devices”, National Conference on Power System Harmonics and
Control, 19 September 2009, Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra,
pp. 221-225.
5. “Using Fault Current Limiter to Minimize Effect of Thyristor Controlled Series
Capacitor on Over Reach Problem of Distance Protection”, paper submitted for the
International Journal of Electrical Systems, Algeria, ISSN 1112-5209 on 23rd October
6. “Improvement of Total Transfer Capability of Electricity Grids Using SVC”, paper
submitted for the journal of Institution of Engineers India on 25th October 2010.
7. “Voltage Sag Cost Based Economical Assessment of FACTS Devices”, paper
submitted for the International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Research (JEEER), Thailand on 15th October 2010.