CURRENT AND VIBRATION MONITORING FOR FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS OF INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES by William T. Thomson Director and Consultant EM Diagnostics Ltd. Alford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland and Philip Orpin Technical Services Manager Ingenco Ltd. East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, Scotland ABSTRACT William T. (Bill) Thomson is Director and Consultant with EM Diagnostics Ltd., in Alford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He began as an apprentice electrician and has 40 years’ experience covering the installation, maintenance, design, performance, and condition monitoring of electrical drives. He has worked as an electrician, R&D engineer with Hoover Ltd., consultant, and academic. In 1990, he was appointed Professor at the Robert Gordon University, in Scotland, in recognition of his research and development work on condition monitoring for electrical drives in the offshore oil industry and power utilities. Professor Thomson has a BSc (Hons, Electrical Engineering, 1973) and an MSc (1977) from the University of Strathclyde. He is a senior member of the American IEEE, a Fellow of the IEE, and a registered Chartered Engineer in the United Kingdom. He is also the visiting Professor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Abertay, Scotland, and has published over 70 papers. Induction motor drives are the most widely used electrical drive system and they typically consume 40 percent of an industrialized nation’s total generating capacity. In the USA the total generating capacity is approximately 800,000 MW, consequently induction motor drives are major assets in the process and energy industries. The asset management of electrical drives requires reliable maintenance strategies that include condition monitoring and online diagnostics. Due to the complex electromagnetic and mechanical characteristics of an electrical drive system, a unified monitoring strategy has distinct advantages over monitoring only one parameter (e.g., vibration) to diagnose problems. This paper focuses on industrial case histories to demonstrate the application of current and vibration analysis to diagnose problems in induction motor drives. The results show how the root cause of a problem can be established when a combination of current and vibration monitoring is used in comparison to only analyzing one signal. INTRODUCTION Many operators now use online condition-based maintenance strategies in parallel with conventional planned maintenance schemes. This has reduced unexpected failures, increased the time between planned shutdowns for standard maintenance, and reduced operational costs. However, it is still the operator who has to make the final decision on whether to remove a machine from service or let it run based on information from condition monitoring systems. The root cause (RCA) of the fault has to be established and, ideally, the operator also requires a prognosis of the remaining run life; but the latter is complex and in most cases is an impossible task. Vibration monitoring and analysis are mature and effective techniques to diagnose mechanical problems. Current monitoring can detect problems such as broken rotor bars, airgap eccentricity, and more recently shorted turns in low voltage stator windings. However there still tends to be a historical culture that mechanical faults are the sole domain of the mechanical engineer, and likewise electrical problems belong to the electrical engineer. Signals are often analyzed at different times and separate reports are presented. With respect to an induction motor drive system, this does not make sound engineering sense since an electrical drive is an interconnected, electromechanical system, and it is not sensible to analyze signals in isolation. The fault may appear to be electrical but the fundamental cause may be due to mechanical forces. For Philip (Phil) Orpin is Technical Services Manager at Ingenco Ltd., in East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He is responsible for a team of 60 multidisciplinary engineers, including the electrical and mechanical condition monitoring support and analysis group. He started his career as an engineering apprentice in 1977 at Marconi Communications Ltd., working in design of digital electronic circuits. Since graduating in 1981, he has been involved in the design of data acquisition and measurement systems for telecommunications, defense systems, and fiscal metering. In the mid 1980s, he developed one of the first automatic vibration monitoring systems for large turbo-alternators through the SSEB, and continued this development with the CEGB North East region into the early 1990s with systems installed in nine major United Kingdom power generating plants. For the past 10 years, he has continued developing online plant condition monitoring equipment, concentrating on both electrical and mechanical condition monitoring techniques. 61 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTY-FIRST TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM • 2002 example, stator winding failures can be due to stator core or end winding vibration. Likewise, abnormal levels of airgap eccentricity produce high electromagnetic forces that can cause serious bearing wear and failure. Historically, condition monitoring has focused on detecting problems, but there is now a need to provide reliable information to assist with the identification of the root cause of the fault—operators require solutions to prevent a recurrence of faults. An integrated monitoring strategy that analyzes both vibration and current at the same time can provide a better assessment of the health of an electrical drive and meet the goal of identifying the root cause of a fault. SUMMARY OF PROBLEMS AND FAILURE MECHANISMS Broken Rotor Bars or End Rings in Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors Broken rotor bars or end rings can be caused by the following as discussed by Bonnet and Soukup (1992) and Finley and Hodowanec (2001): • Direct online starting duty results in high thermal and mechanical stresses. • Pulsating mechanical loads such as coal crushers can subject the rotor cage to high mechanical stresses. • Imperfections in the manufacturing process of the rotor cage Although broken rotor bars do not initially cause an induction motor to fail, there can be serious secondary damage due to broken parts of the bar hitting the stationary stator winding at high velocity. The photos shown in Figures 1 and 2 show the case of a broken bar in a 450 hp/336 kW, four-pole, three-phase, induction motor-coal crusher drive and the consequential damage to the stator winding that resulted in a $50,000 complete rewind of the 3.3 kV stator winding. These motors had not been previously monitored to detect broken bars via motor current signature analysis (MCSA). In hazardous environments, sparking at the fault site (during the degradation process) can be a potential safety hazard. Figure 2. Stator Winding Failure as a Consequence of Rotor Bar Problem. • Following a repair or overhaul, the motor can be reinstalled with unacceptable levels of airgap eccentricity (e.g., an eccentricity level of 25 to 30 percent in a large motor is considered to be severe). • In unusual cases thermal bowing of the shaft can cause dynamic eccentricity. A catastrophic failure can occur if the airgap eccentricity is at a level such that the resultant unbalanced magnetic pull causes a rotor to stator rub. Mechanical Problems in Induction Motor Drives There is a very substantial knowledge base on vibration monitoring to detect mechanical problems, but what is not so well recognized (via condition monitoring) are the electrical problems that can be caused by mechanical phenomena. The classical mechanical problems in induction motor drives are as follows: • Bearing wear and failure. As a by-product of bearing wear, airgap eccentricity can increase, and there is the potential for a rotor to stator rub, serious stator core damage, and stator winding failure. • High mechanical unbalance in the rotor—increased centrifugal forces on the rotor winding • Looseness—decreased stiffness in the bearing pedestals can increase the forces on the rotor winding. • Shaft/coupling misalignment—results in forces on the bearings and on rotor and stator windings. • Problems in gearboxes—forces and vibration transmitted to the induction motor • Cavitation in pumps—cause disturbances to rotor alignment reflected into stator current. Figure 1. Broken Rotor Bar. • Oil whirl/whip in plain bearings • Critical speeds/shaft resonances—increased forces and vibration on the rotor core and winding Airgap Eccentricity in Three-Phase Induction Motors Airgap eccentricity is kept to a minimum and typical maximum levels for a large induction motor are between 5 to 10 percent. There are two types of airgap eccentricity, namely static and dynamic. In the former, the minimum airgap is fixed in space and, in the latter, the minimum airgap revolves with the rotor. In practice there will always be an inherent level of both types due to manufacturing tolerances, but abnormal levels can occur due to: • Incorrect onsite installation of a large motor causing abnormal airgap eccentricity that results in vibration and bearing wear. Stator Winding Failures Only a brief summary is given and further details are presented by Bonnet and Soukop (1992), Thomson (1999), and Thomson (2001). There are four main root causes of failure: • Normal ageing and thermal stresses • Mechanical forces and stresses • Electrical overloads and switching transients • Environmental pollution CURRENT AND VIBRATION MONITORING FOR FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS OF INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES Within these categories there are various subdivisions and combinations of these that enhance the probability of failure. For example, vibration is probably one of the major causes of premature degradation of a high-voltage stator winding. The sources of vibration can come directly from electromagnetic forces or via transmitted vibration from stator core and teeth vibration, or external vibration from mechanical problems. CURRENT AND VIBRATION MONITORING— INDUSTRIAL CASE HISTORIES Justification An induction motor drive is a complex electrical and mechanical system. For example, mechanical forces and consequential vibration from a mechanical load such as a coal crusher or reciprocating compressor are transmitted to the motor, and electromagnetic forces from the motor act on the rotor system. Vibration signals therefore include a combination of components from mechanical and electromagnetic sources. A disturbance to the airgap flux waveform can result in additional flux components being produced, which in turn can induce current components in the stator winding. These components can be detected via current signature analysis with the current being sensed via a current transformer around one of the supply cables. By analyzing the current and vibration signals, the electromechanical health of the drive system can be assessed and the root cause of a problem can be established. 63 bar severity under full-load conditions can be given by the following equation, as presented by Thomson and Rankin (1987) and Hargis, et al. (1982): n≈ R ( N / 20 + p) ≈ × ( 50 / 20 + )= (2) where: R = Number of rotor slots N = dB difference between the sidebands and the supply frequency component p = Pole pairs Taking account of the fact that the motor was on reduced load, hence the rotor current was less and the estimate was that at least one bar was broken. It is important to note that if this had been a two-pole motor with the sidebands at 50 dB down, there would not be a broken bar problem. The number of bars would be considerably less (e.g., 46 is a typical value) and the broken factor n = 0.29, which corresponds to a healthy unit. The photo in Figure 4 shows that there was one broken bar. The broken bar was repaired and the motor drive was reinstalled. Figure 5 shows the current spectrum after the repair, and there are no sidebands present. This was a successful outcome for the diagnosis of the problem. Case History One— Power Station Main Auxiliary Drive FD fan motor drive in a coal fired power station: three-phase, 11 kV, 1620/1150 hp (1208 kW/858 kW), 50 Hz, 495/425 rpm, 78.5/62.5 A, two-speed pole amplitude (PAM), squirrel-cage induction motor (SCIM). Directly coupled. Rotor bars = 112. Copper fabricated rotor winding with underslung (nose joint) bar to end ring brazed joints. The current and vibration were continuously monitored on all 11 kV strategic drives. Figure 3 shows that twice slip frequency sidebands (±2sf1) are present in the current spectrum given by Equation (1), as discussed by Williamson and Smith (1982), Hargis, et al. (1982), Thomson and Rankin (1987), and Kliman and Stein (1990). f sb = f1 ( ± s) Hz (1) where: s = Slip of the induction motor f1 = Supply frequency, Hz Figure 4. Faulty Rotor—One Broken Bar. Figure 5. Current Spectrum after Repair of Broken Bar. Figure 3. Twice Slip Frequency Sidebands in Current Spectrum. In the USA these sidebands are often referred to as the pole pass frequencies. The sidebands are 50 dB down on the supply frequency component, but with a rotor having 112 slots this indicates the early signs of a broken rotor bar problem. The drive was running in the high-speed mode (12 pole configuration), but the motor was operating on a reduced load with an operational current of 57 A compared with a full-load current of 78.5 A. It has been proven via industrial case histories that an estimate of broken Unfortunately, following the reinstallation it was observed that the bearing vibration on the motor had changed from 0.05 in/sec peak (0.9 mm/sec rms) to 0.33 in/sec peak (5.9 mm/sec rms) at the drive-end and from 0.03 in/sec peak (0.5 mm/sec rms) to 0.1 in/sec peak (1.9 mm/sec rms) at the nondrive-end. Clearly the motor had been incorrectly reinstalled. The current was immediately analyzed and a comparison made between the spectra before and after the reinstallation. The most likely cause was that an increase in airgap eccentricity had been introduced, but current analysis would confirm if that was indeed the case. Abnormal airgap eccentricity 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTY-FIRST TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM • 2002 can be diagnosed via current signature analysis. Equation (3) is used to detect the unique signature pattern as presented by Cameron, et al. (1986): ( ) f ec = f1 R p ( − s) ± nws ± f1 ( − s) p (3) where f1, R, s, and p are defined above and nws = integer values of 1, 3, 5, 7, . . . In Equation (3), the part given by f1(R/p(1⫺s) ± nws) = frs = rotor slot passing frequencies in the current spectrum were induced by rotating flux waves due to rotor slotting, which are also a function of airgap eccentricity. In Equation (3), the part given by f1(1⫺s)/p = fr = rotational speed frequency component of current was induced by a rotating flux wave—a function of dynamic airgap eccentricity and interaction (modulation) with static eccentricity flux waves as proved by Thomson and Barbour (1998). Equation (3) therefore gives the rotor slot passing frequencies (frs) with ± rotational speed frequencies (fr) around the slot passing frequencies, and it is this pattern that can be used to characterize abnormal airgap eccentricity. There is a series of these slot passing frequencies and they are spaced at twice the supply frequency apart. For this motor, operating on reduced load and at this particular slip, the rotor slot passing frequencies occur at 780, 880, 980, 1080 Hz and the rotational speed frequency is at 8.27 Hz (496 rpm). The rotor slot passing frequency with the highest dB value was selected, and Figures 6 and 7 show the current spectrum before the outage and after reinstallation when the vibration had increased by nearly a factor of six at the drive-end bearing. Examination of these two spectra clearly shows there are no rotational speed frequency components around 880 Hz before the outage, but that two distinct components at ±8.27 Hz (± rotational speed frequency) are present after the reinstallation. These components are 32 and 36 dB down on the rotor slot passing frequency, and in this case is indicative of an increase in airgap eccentricity. It was not possible to remove the motor from service due to strategic operational demands on the unit, but the bolts at the drive-end were tightened and the vibration dropped from 0.33 in/sec peak (5.9 mm/sec rms) to 0.27 in/sec peak (4.8 mm/sec rms) as shown in Figure 8. It is therefore likely that the incorrect size of shims had been installed. The motor is under close surveillance and will be checked at the first available opportunity. Note that the motor is operating in the 12-pole mode and it is not a high-speed machine. This case history is a classic case of what can happen at an outage and reinstallation. One problem was corrected but another was introduced. However, by the use of current and vibration monitoring, the root cause of the high vibration was established and, equally important, when and how it was introduced was identified. Figure 8. High Bearing Vibration at the Drive-End after Reinstallation and Effect of Tightening Bolts. Case History Two— Witness Tests Bearing vibration measurements are carried out during witness testing as part of a manufacturer’s quality analysis and quality control procedures, and to provide the client with a record to prove that the levels are within the specified standards. By applying current signature analysis, the quality of the rotor winding and any operational airgap eccentricity problems can also be determined. The client is also provided with baseline signature patterns at the time of manufacture. Motor specification: three-phase, 6.6 kV, 60 Hz, 3.95 MW/5295 hp, 404 A, 3540 rpm (two-pole), SCIM, efficiency = 95.4 percent, rotor slots = 46, stator slots = 60. Vibration velocity (rms over the range 10 Hz to 1 kHz) in the vertical, horizontal, and axial directions to not exceed 2.67 mm/sec (0.15 in/sec peak). Vibration Results Drive-end bearing: 1.1, 0.5, 1.5 mm/sec in the vertical, horizontal, and axial directions, respectively. Nondrive-end bearing: 1.2, 1.1, 1.2 mm/sec in the vertical, horizontal, and axial directions, respectively. Note: 1 mm/sec = 0.056 in/sec peak, 1.5 mm/sec = 0.084 in/sec peak. These values were well within the upper limit and the rotor was running smoothly. The stator core structure is shown in Figure 9. Figure 6. Current Spectrum—No ±Fr Components. Figure 9. Stator Core Assembly. Figure 7. Current Spectrum—±Fr Components Exist. As a special exercise the vibration was measured on the core back at two different positions (at 12 o’clock and 3 o’clock as viewed from the drive-end): measured velocity of 0.29 in/sec peak (5.2 mm/sec rms). The core vibration (velocity) was of the order of 4.5 CURRENT AND VIBRATION MONITORING FOR FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS OF INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES 65 times greater than the bearing velocity levels. The fundamental reason for this is due to the electromagnetic forces that act directly on the stator core assembly. These forces are proportional to the flux density squared, and the fundamental frequency of vibration due to electromagnetic forces is therefore at twice the supply frequency, which in this case is 120 Hz. This is confirmed via the vibration spectrum shown in Figure 10. Note also the classic vibration components due to rotor slotting as given by Equation (4) and presented by Alger (1965), Yang (1981), and Cameron, et al. (1986): ( f rs = f1 R p ( − s) ± nr ) (4) where f1, R, s, and p were previously defined and nr = integer values of 0, 2, 4, 6, . . . Figure 11. Current Spectrum—Healthy Rotor. Figure 10. Stator Core Vibration Spectrum. There is a series of these components all spaced twice the supply frequency apart. The reason for highlighting these results is that the stator winding system is contained within the stator core, and interestingly, there are no standards for acceptable stator core vibration levels. Current Analysis Results Figure 11 shows the current spectrum for assessing the quality of the rotor winding. For a nominal full-load speed of 3540 rpm, the slip s = 0.0167 and any twice slip frequency sidebands (±2sf1) due to rotor asymmetry will be at ±2 Hz. The actual rotor speed was 4 rpm higher than the nominal full-load value, and the operational slip s = 0.0146 gives sidebands at 1.75 Hz. The sidebands are 58.8 and 66 dB down on the supply component, and taking the average dB difference gives N = 62.4 dB. From Equation (2), this gives a broken bar factor of n = 0.07, which means a perfectly healthy and high quality rotor cage winding. Figure 12 shows the current spectrum for assessing the operational airgap eccentricity. For this motor at an operational slip of s = 0.0146, the rotor slot passing frequencies (frs) from Equation (3) are: 2539, 2659, 2779, 2899 Hz, etc.—all spaced 120 Hz apart, and the rotational speed frequency fr = 59.12 Hz. The principal (nws = ⫹1) slot passing frequency was in fact 2777.5 Hz at the time of measurement and is only 1.5 Hz different from the prediction (i.e., 0.05 percent difference). The components at ±fr around the selected rotor slot passing frequency are 50 dB down, and this corresponds to a normal airgap eccentricity level. Contrast this with the fr components in Case History One where they were 32 dB down when there was a problem and high vibration levels. This motor was clearly a very healthy unit at the time of manufacture. Case History Three— Oil Exporting Pump at Oil Tank Farm Motor specification: four identical motors, three-phase, 1.45 MW (1944 hp), 11 kV, 103 A, 742 rpm, 50 Hz, eight-pole SCIM. Rotor bars = 62. Onsite personnel had measured the bearing Figure 12. Current Spectrum—Normal Airgap Eccentricity. vibration on one of the motors that was only running for 45 to 60 minutes prior to the machine being tripped out at a bearing temperature of 76°C (168.8°F). Drive-end bearing peak-to-peak displacement was 4.8 mils (122 µm) and 4.4 mils (111 µm), and at the nondrive-end 2.7 mils (68 µm) and 2.4 mils (61 µm) in the vertical and horizontal positions, respectively. For this size and speed of motor, the classification for a good running machine was 1 mil (25 µm) peak-to-peak, but an upper limit of 2 mils (50 µm) peak-to-peak is considered to be just acceptable. The measured levels of 4.8 mils (122 µm) and 4.4 mils (111 µm) were unacceptably high. Vibration spectrum analysis by onsite personnel resulted in uncertainty as to the root cause of the fault, although it was suspected that high airgap eccentricity may be the problem. Current spectrum analysis was used to determine the root cause of the problem. Figure 13 shows the sidebands at ±2sf1 are 64 dB down on f1, and this corresponds to a perfectly healthy rotor winding. Figure 14 is the current spectrum around one of the rotor slot passing frequencies (frs) given by Equation (3), and there are ±fr components around frs. Since they are only 13 dB down on frs, this corresponds to an unacceptably high level of airgap eccentricity in a large motor. The airgaps were checked at the drive and nondrive-ends and found to be 35 percent (a severe eccentricity problem) and 20 percent, respectively. The gaps were set at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions to within ±5 percent (manufacturer’s specification) of the nominal airgap length of 100 mils (2.5 mm), and the vibration levels returned to their normal levels. Case History Four— Misalignment and Pump Wear in Electrical Submersible Pumps Misalignment In electrical submersible pumps it is not always possible to monitor vibration. Misalignment in the rotor-coupling system can 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTY-FIRST TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM • 2002 Figures 17 and 18 show the vibration spectrum and, as expected with parallel misalignment, the second harmonic of the rotational speed frequency component has increased, in this case by 16.8 dB. The rotational speed frequency component has also increased but by a lesser amount of 6.5 dB. The results confirm that both current and vibration analysis can diagnose misalignment, and there is potential for current signature analysis to detect mechanical problems when vibration sensors cannot be installed. Figure 13. Current Spectrum—Healthy Rotor. Figure 17. Vibration Spectrum—Aligned. Figure 14. Current Spectrum—High Airgap Eccentricity. cause vibration problems, bearing wear, and secondary damage to seals and connecting pipe work. Initial tests to detect misalignment via current signature analysis were carried out on a motor generator set. Figures 15 and 16 show the change in the current spectrum due to a parallel misalignment of 0.25 mm (9.8 mils). It is accepted that this is a high level, but it demonstrates the effect of misalignment on the current and vibration spectra. The components at ±fr around f1 have increased by nearly 16 dB (i.e., the +fr component) and is due to forces acting on the rotor, which subsequently disturbs the airgap magnetic field in the motor. Figure 18. Vibration Spectrum—9.8 mils (0.25 mm) Misalignment. Pump Wear in Electrical Submersible Pumps Used for Artificial Lift to Extract Oil in Deep Wells Figure 15. Current Spectrum—Aligned. Due to the operational environment in deep wells, vibration sensors cannot be installed. Motor specification: three-phase (two in tandem), 2300 V, 210 hp/127 kW, SCIMs, 60 Hz, 40 A, twopole, operating at 7500 ft (2286 m) in a well deviation of 45 degrees. Figure 19 shows the change in the current spectrum over a four month period due to pump wear, and Figure 20 shows a photo of the worn pump. There is obvious potential to detect an increase in pump wear, which means the operators can reduce the load on the pump to obtain a longer life and increase the load on other pumps in the well. The removal of a failed electrical submersible pump (ESP) and its replacement can be very costly in an offshore oil installation ($750,000 to $1 million), hence any means to better manage their operation and to determine the problems that can lead to improved designs is an advantage. CONCLUSIONS Figure 16. Current Spectrum—9.8 mils (0.25 mm) Misalignment. The case histories demonstrate the advantages of using an integrated monitoring strategy via vibration and current analysis to diagnose faults and establish the root cause of problems. In electrical drive systems it is better to simultaneously analyze electrical and mechanical signals such as vibration and current, and in high-voltage motors (4.16 kV and above) partial discharges should also be monitored to ascertain the health of the stator winding. In addition, temperature sensing on bearings and windings should be included and, where appropriate, the use of thermographic surveys is a useful technique. Electrical and mechanical CURRENT AND VIBRATION MONITORING FOR FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS OF INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES 67 Bonnet, A. H. and Soukup, G. C., 1992, “Cause and Analysis of Stator and Rotor Failures in Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 28, (4), pp. 921-937. Cameron, J. R., Thomson, W. T., and Dow, A. B., May 1986, “Vibration and Current Monitoring for Detecting Airgap Eccentricity in Large Induction Motors,” IEE Proceedings, 133, Part B. (3). Finley, W. R. and Hodowanec, M. M., November/December 2001, “Selection of Copper Versus Aluminium Rotors for Induction Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 37, (6), pp.1563-1573. Hargis, C., Gaydon, B. G., and Kamish, K., 1982, “The Detection of Rotor Defects in Induction Motors,” Proceedings IEE EMDA Conference, London, England, pp. 216-220. Kliman, G. B. and Stein, J., 1990, “Induction Motor Fault Detection Via Passive Current Monitoring,” Proceedings International Conference (ICEM’90), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts, pp.13-17. Figure 19. Difference in Current Spectra Due to Worn Pump. Thomson, W. T., 1999, “A Review of On-Line Condition Monitoring Techniques for Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors—Past, Present, and Future,” IEEE Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, Gijon, Spain, pp. 3-18 (opening keynote address). Thomson, W. T., 2001, “On-Line MCSA to Diagnose Shorted Turns in Low Voltage Stator Windings of 3-Phase Induction Motors Prior to Failure,” Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives (IEMDC), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts. Thomson, W. T. and Barbour, A., December 1998, “On-line Current Monitoring and Application of a Finite Element Method to Predict the Level of Airgap Eccentricity in 3-Phase Induction Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 13, (4), pp. 347-357 (includes discussion and closure). Thomson, W. T.and Rankin, D., 1987, “Case Histories of Rotor Winding Fault Diagnosis in Induction Motors,” Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Condition Monitoring, University College of Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom. Figure 20. Photo of Worn Pump Stage. engineers must be encouraged to work together and cross the historical boundaries when applying condition monitoring and online diagnostics for health care of electrical drives. REFERENCES Alger, P. L., 1965, Induction Machines, New York, New York: Gordon and Breach. Williamson, S. and Smith, A. C., May 1982, “Steady State Analysis of 3-Phase Cage Motors with Rotor-Bar and EndRing Faults,” Proceedings IEE, 129, Part B, (3), pp. 93-100. Yang, S. J., 1981, Low Noise Electric Motors, Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, IEE, Savoy Place, London, England. 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTY-FIRST TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM • 2002