Can you unscramble the terms? SGARCHE EGATOVL EERPAM EIRW Describe what makes this electric sign light up when it is in use. What is happening when we ‘plug’ something in? ● moving charges provide electrical energy to power the …..lamp, TV, XBOX, car, etc. The rate of flow of electrical charges is called Electric Current Think of electric current like people walking through turnstiles…..If we counted the number of people going through the turnstile in one minute, it would be the RATE of flow of people With electric current… we measure the amount of charge that passes a point in the wire every second unit for electric current= Amperes (amps) (A) Two kinds of current Direct Current (DC) Alternating Current (AC) ● charges flow in same direction ● flow one way, then the other (alternating direction) ● ex: batteries ● ex: outlets So you know how opposites attract? Well, this ‘opposites attract’ thing is what drives the electric current Like charges repel Opposites charges attract This attraction creates the voltage Voltage: the difference in electrical potential energy between 2 places age Lo w Volt ge lta Vo Vo lta ium ge Med h ig H A lot of attraction between the positive and negative charges, so there is a lot of electrical potential energy No V a olt ge No attraction between the negative and negative charges, so there is no electrical potential energy I found one…….. click here for some music Is there something in this song that makes you go “hmmmm”??? If so, let me know! Fun fact: the band's name comes from the sister of band members Malcolm and Angus Young, who saw the initials on a sewing machine. To the band, it symbolizes the “raw power” of their music. creates a potential difference in an electric circuit Generators Batteries Resistance How difficult it is for charges to flow through a material Greater resistance = less current Factors that determine resistance Material (conductors or insulators) Length (longer = more resistance) Diameter (thin wire = more resistance) Temperature (higher temp = more resistance Check out this Phet Simulation to ‘see’ Resistance What happens to Resistance (R) as you increase the length (L in cm) of the wire? What happens the Resistance as you increase the diameter of the wire? (for the equation in the simulation, they use area (A in cm2) Watch This for Review