Nonlinear Fitting Method for Determining Local False Discovery

Nonlinear Fitting Method for Determining Local False Discovery
Rates from Decoy Database Searches
Wilfred H. Tang, Ignat V. Shilov, and Sean L. Seymour*
Applied Biosystems| MDS Analytical Technologies, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404
Received August 2, 2007
False discovery rate (FDR) analyses of protein and peptide identification results using decoy database
searching conventionally report aggregate or global FDRs for a whole set of identifications, which are
often not very informative about the error rates of individual members in the set. We describe a nonlinear
curve fitting method for calculating the local FDR, which estimates the chance that an individual protein
(or peptide) is incorrect, and present a simple tool that implements this analysis. The goal of this method
is to offer a simple extension to the now commonplace decoy database searching, providing additional
valuable information.
Keywords: decoy database • false discovery rate • instantaneous error rate • nonlinear fitting • local
false discovery rate
Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has attained considerable importance as a tool for high-throughput protein identification. From MS/MS data, peptide identifications (and by
inference, protein identifications) are typically made using
database search software.1 A significant challenge in effectively
using database search software is figuring out the correct
identifications while maintaining control over false positive
identifications.2,3 Many database search engines provide an
estimate of the probability of correctness of putative identifications. It is desirable, however, to also have a method for
independently assessing the correctness of results. This type
of independent assessment is typically accomplished using a
technique known as decoy database searching, in which the
database search engine is presented with potential answers that
are known to be incorrect, typically generated by some variant
of reversing or randomizing true sequences. The rate of
occurrence of these known-incorrect answers in the output
given by the search software is then used to estimate the false
discovery rate (FDR).4
To date, the FDRs calculated by decoy database searching
are aggregate or global FDRs, in which the FDR applies to the
entire set of proteins (or peptides). In this paper, we describe
a method for calculating the instantaneous or local FDR,5,6which
measures the FDR of an individual protein (or peptide) — in other
words, how likely a specific protein or peptide is incorrect,
rather than the overall error rate for the set of proteins or
peptides it is a member of (typically a set defined by some
threshold value). For many experiments, the local FDR is the
more useful and desirable way of describing error. The local
FDR calculation described here can be performed by the
average proteomics scientist using general data analysis software such as Excel or KaleidaGraph. The method is simple,
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail seymousl@ Phone 510-708-9483. Fax 650-638-6223.
10.1021/pr070492f CCC: $40.75
 2008 American Chemical Society
transparent, and independent of the search engine, all factors
that contribute to the current popularity of decoy database
searching for determining global FDRs.
Although the method can be done without special software,
we also present here a software tool that provides an implementation of the method. Proteomics System Performance
Evaluation Pipeline (PSPEP) software is an add-on to ProteinPilot Software and automatically runs this independent error
analysis after the search has completed. The Materials and
Methods section describes our preferred methodology, as
implemented by PSPEP, whereas the Results and Discussion
section explains the reasons for our choices as well as potential
Materials and Methods
False Discovery Rate Analysis. The decoy database is
constructed by reversing all the protein sequences in the
database of interest (e.g., UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot) and appending these reversed sequences to the original database. The list
of identifications obtained by searching of the concatenated
target + decoy database is ordered from best to worst (e.g., by
sorting from highest confidence to lowest confidence or sorting
from highest score to lowest score). As the list is traversed from
best to worst, the number of hits to the decoy (reverse) portion
is accumulated in the variable D, while the total number of
identifications traversed so far is accumulated in the variable
N. Note that for each item on the list, only one answer (the
best answer) is considered. If there are multiple best answerssfor
example, multiple proteins tied for best in the same protein
group, or multiple peptide hypotheses tied for best for the same
MS/MS spectrumsone best answer is chosen arbitrarily. This
prevents “cheating” by a search engine by designating multiple
possibilities as answers without justification. To consider an
absurd extreme, if the search engine designates everything in
the FastA as equivalent best answers, one of those answers is
certainly correct (assuming that the answer is actually in the
Journal of Proteome Research 2008, 7, 3661–3667 3661
Published on Web 08/14/2008
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Tang et al.
FastA) but it would be ridiculous to give the search engine
credit for getting the correct answer in such a case. For peptide
identifications, an additional complication must be considered
because it is possible for a peptide sequence to occur in both
forward and reversed proteins. This is particularly prevalent
for short peptides. Our approach is to split the classification,
incrementing the decoy count D by 1/2 and the total count N
by 1.
The global and local FDRs are calculated as follows:
FDRGlobal ) 2
FDRLocal ) 2
The assumption underlying these equations is that for each
decoy (reverse) hit, there exists (on average) a corresponding
forward hit that is also incorrect - in other words, the number
of incorrect identifications is twice the number of decoy hits
(on average).7,8
The calculation of the global FDR given by eq 1 is straightforward, but the calculation of the local FDR given by eq 2
requires an additional step. The plot of D vs N is approximated
using the following model:
ln(eb(N-a) + 1) - ln(e-ba + 1)
There is no particular physical significance to this equation,
other than empirical trial and error found this function to be
a reasonably good model of the observed traces of D vs N,
thereby providing data smoothing as well as an analytical
approximation for calculating the derivative. The parameters
a, b, and c are determined using least-squares fittingsthat is,
a, b, and c are optimized to minimize the χ2
χ2 )
(Di,observed - Di,model)2
where, for each data point i, Di,observed is the observed number
of decoy hits, Di,model is calculated from eq 3, and σi is the
measurement uncertainty, which we estimate as √Di,observed,
based on counting statistics if Di,observed > 0, or set to 0.2 if
Di,observed ) 0 (an empirical value, necessary to avoid division
by zero). We determine values for the parameters a, b, and c
using the Levenberg-Marquardt method, which is the standard
method for least-squares fitting of nonlinear equations.9 The
fitting is restricted to the region from N ) 0 to the point where
the global FDR reaches 10% and D must exceed 10. The latter
condition ensures that there at least some decoy hits in the fit,
while the former condition ensures that the fit focuses on the
region of greatest interest - one rarely cares about FDRs above
10%. From eqs 2 and 3, the local FDR is calculated as:
FDRLocal ) 2
) 2c b(N-a)+1
These calculations are implemented by the PSPEP add-on
to ProteinPilot software. PSPEP automatically performs the
following operations:
1. The concatenated target + decoy database is created from
the database of interest and is submitted for use by the
search engine, if it does not already exist.
2. After the search engine finishes, false positive analysis is
performed on three different levels using the methods
Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 7, No. 9, 2008
described above: the protein level, the spectral level, and
the distinct peptide level.
3. The results of the false discovery analysis are placed in a
Microsoft Excel template, which displays the results
graphically and provides access to the source data for the
graphs and tables.
LC-MS/MS Experiment. Twenty-five milliliter cultures of
Escherichia coli K12 (MG1655) were grown in M9 minimal
media supplemented with 2 mM MgSO4, 200 µM CaCl2, 0.002
mg/mL FeSO4, 1 g/L casamino acids, and glucose to a final
concentration of 0.2%. Cells were grown to late-exponential
phase (OD600 ) 0.60) and harvested by centrifugation at 5000×
g for 15 min. The cell pellets were washed with 10 mL 60 mM
Tris pH 8.4, 10 mM NaCl, and 1 mM EDTA and repelleted. The
cell pellets were resuspended in 750 µL of identical buffer and
lysed by 3 × 30 s passes through a bead-beater. The beads were
clarified by low speed spin 1000 xg × 5 min, and the cell lysates
were clarified by centrifugation at 15,000 xg for 12 min. Total
protein was quantified using a MicroBCA protein assay kit
against a standard curve of BSA (Pierce). Two microliters of
sample was diluted with 18 µL of lysis buffer prior to BCA
analysis (Molecular Devices plate reader). The R2 of the
calibration curve was 1.0 and the concentration of the final
lysate (approximately 700 µL) was 2.90 mg/mL ((1σ ) 0.3, CV
) 10%). 500 µg of total protein was resuspended in 50% 2,2,2Trifuoroethanol (TFE) and 5 mM DTT and allowed to sit for
45 min at 60 °C. The sample was then alkylated using 20 mM
iodoacetamide (IAM) for 1 h at room temperature (RT) in the
dark. Excess IAM was quenched using an additional 5 mM DTT
for 1 h at RT in the dark. The sample was prepared for digestion
by diluting 10-fold with 25 mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer
(which brings the TFE concentration down to 5% and adjusts
the pH to ∼8). The sample was digested by adding 5 µg of
trypsin and allowing the reaction to go overnight (∼15 h). The
digestion reaction was quenched by adding 4 µL of neat formic
acid. The sample was analyzed on a QSTAR Elite LC-MS/MS
System (LC Packings PepMap 100, 3 µm, 75 µm × 150 mm, 90
min gradient; IDA settings: 1 survey scan of 0.25 s followed by
6 product ion scans, MS/MS threshold ) 20 counts, Smart Exit
) 2, Smart CE on). The MS/MS data were analyzed using the
Paragon Algorithm10 of ProteinPilot Software version 2.0.1 with
settings: Sample type: Identification; Cys Alkylation: Iodoacetamide; Digestion: Trypsin; Instrument: QSTAR ESI; Species:
(no filter applied); Search Effort: Thorough; ID focus: biological
modifications and amino acid substitutions; Database: UniprotKB/Swiss-Prot of July 12, 2007; and the Detected Protein
Threshold was set very low (10% confidence) in order to include
a sufficient number of wrong answers to enable the curve
Results and Discussion
Results. Figure 1 shows an example of the output generated
by PSPEP. At each level of false positive analysis (protein (Figure
1A), distinct peptide (Figure 1B), and spectral level (Figure 1C)),
the following five elements are displayed. (1) The Summary
Table provides the yield of identifications at several critical
FDRs, and this is done using both the global and local method
for calculating FDRs. The global FDRs are calculated two
different ways: the values reported in the Global FDR column
are based on the observed number of decoy hits, whereas the
values reported in the Global FDR from Fit column are based
on the fitted model. [Strictly speaking, the observed decoy
counts are used to calculate a global FDR profile. This profile
Nonlinear Fitting for Local False Discovery Rates
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Figure 1. Example Excel output generated by PSPEP. (A-C) Example results of the three levels of FDR analysis as output into Excel by
PSPEP: (A) analysis at the protein level, (B) analysis at the distinct peptides level where only the highest confidence instance of each
distinct peptide is considered, and (C) FDR analysis at the spectral level. The full Excel file is included in Supporting Information.
Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 7, No. 9, 2008 3663
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Tang et al.
Table 1. Characteristics of the Function Fitted to Derive FDRs
model characteristic (see eqs 3 and 5)
corresponding expected FDR behavior
For N ) 0, D ) 0
Starting point.
As N increases, dD/dN increases monotonically
The local FDR should increase as the list of identifications is
traversed from best to worst.
For small N, dD/dN f 0 (if ab . 0)
At the beginning of the list, where the best identifications are
located, the local FDR should be low (practically no incorrect
As N f ∞, dD/dN f c
At the end of the list, where the worst identifications are
located, the local FDR should approach 100% (all answers are
incorrect). This implies that c should be equal to 1/2 for equal
sized target and decoy components. Note, however, that if
there are a nontrivial number of very poorly fragmenting
peptides with very poor rankings, the local FDR may never
actually reach 100%.
Parameter a controls where the slope dD/dN changes from ∼0
toward ∼c. Initial value for a in Levenberg-Marquardt fitting
can be estimated either as the x-axis value in the curving
region or as the approximate expected number of true
positives in the result set.
Parameter b controls how quickly this change occurs. Initial
value for b in Levenberg-Marquardt fitting can be estimated
as 0.001-0.01.
has an overall trend of increasing global FDR as N increases
but, counterintuitively, can have slightly decreasing global FDR
over short scales. Thus, we perform a minor transformation in
order to make the global FDR profile monotonically increasing
(see the q-value method described by Storey and Tibshirani11),
and the values reported in the Global FDR column are obtained
from this transformed global FDR profile.] (2) The Measured
False Discovery Rates Graph shows the yield of identifications
at all FDRs, and the square or triangle symbols represent the
data displayed numerically in the Summary Table. (3) The
ProteinPilot Reported vs Independent FDR Graph compares
the confidences reported by the Paragon algorithm to the FDRs
determined independently by PSPEP. The confidences reported
by the Paragon algorithm are intended to be local measures
(as opposed to global measures). Thus, ideally, the blue local
line on this graph would be a straight line from the bottom
right to the top left. For example, in Figure 1A, the blue line
conforms to this optimal diagonal quite well, indicating the
reported proteins confidences were very accurate, while this
same plot for the spectral level in Figure 1C shows the blue
line well below the center diagonal, meaning that the peptide
confidences reported by the Paragon algorithm were too
conservative. This demonstrates the value of doing the independent assessment using PSPEP. (4) The Nonlinear Fitting
graph shows how well the fit using eq 3 actually works. By
inspecting this graph, the scientist can assess whether or not
the nonlinear curve fit to the actual data is a good fit. If the fit
does not model the data well, FDR rates derived from it should
not be considered reliable. This includes both the Local FDR
and the Global FDR from Fit columns. (5) The Numeric ROC
Plot (Receiver Operating Characteristic) shows the tradeoff
between the number of true positive (correct) identifications
that can be obtained versus the number of false positives that
must be tolerated. The ROC curve is calculated using the
assumption that one forward answer is incorrect for each
observed reversed answer.
Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 7, No. 9, 2008
Local FDR Calculation. Calculation of the local FDR requires
calculation of the derivative dD/dN (see eq 2). Calculating this
derivative is challenging because the variable D effectively has
a stochastic component. On average, over a large scale, the
expected value of D is one-half the number of false positives,
and D appears to be smooth. Over small scales, however, there
can be significant deviations from this average behavior.
Consequently, estimating the derivative dD/dN using ∆D/∆N
(where ∆D and ∆N must be calculated over very short distances
in order to get meaningful results) does not work well. This
difficulty is overcome by fitting the entire set of all (D, N) data
pairs to a smooth, analytical curve (eq 3). An examination of
the functional form given by eq 3 reveals that this model has
suitable characteristics, as listed in Table 1. In addition, we have
tested this model on a variety of data sets and have found
empirically that this model appears to work reasonably well
on a diversity of data types. The Nonlinear Fitting graph in the
PSPEP output allows the scientist to examine how well this
actually works on specific data sets.
In examining the fitting quality on many data sets, we
observed that a naı̈ve fit over the entire D vs N trace sometimes
resulted in poor fitting of the key region where the yields for
critical error rates, like 1 and 5%, are derived. Since the purpose
of the fitting function is to provide smoothing of the observed
data, thereby enabling reliable slope estimation, our implementation evolved to emphasize optimal smoothing of the key
bending region. This was accomplished by restricting the fit
to a subset of the D vs N trace, as described in further detail in
the Materials and Methods section above.
In our experience, outright failures in fitting usually arise
from one of two possible reasons. (1) The number of identifications is small, meaning that there are too few data points to
allow for an adequate fit. An example of this case is the protein
level false positive analysis for a sample containing few
proteins. (2) The number of decoy hits found by the decoy
database search is zero (or small)sif there are no decoy hits, it
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Nonlinear Fitting for Local False Discovery Rates
is simply impossible to infer meaningful error rates. This
problem can usually be solved by repeating the decoy database
search with a lower threshold for reporting identifications. Like
most techniques for FDR assessment, this nonlinear fitting
approach is generally intended for large sets of resultsstypically
sets containing greater than 100 true proteins, peptides, or
spectra. However, we have seen cases where it performs
reasonably at the protein level for files known to contain only
20-50 proteins. It is critical to visually inspect the fit or
compute fit quality metrics such as R2 to assess whether error
rates are likely to be reasonable.
Decoy Database Construction. We favor using reversed
protein sequences rather than randomized protein sequences
as the decoys, simply because the latter brings with it an
additional complication. Because of both homology (biological
redundancy) and duplicate or near duplicate entries (informatic
redundancy) among the proteins in databases, peptide sequences are frequently found multiple times in the database.
Reversing two identical sequences produces the same peptides
in both cases, and this preserves the equal size of the decoy
portion and the target portion. By contrast, randomizing two
identical sequence sections produces two different peptides,
thereby making the decoy portion of the composite database
larger than the target portion, which would require assessment
and correction to produce accurate FDRs.
Generalization and Limitations of the Model. With a small
extension, it is possible to compensate for different sizes of the
target vs decoy portions of the database. Instead of making the
assumption that there are two incorrect answers (one target,
one decoy) for each decoy answer observed, the FDR calculations in eqs 1 and 2 can be generalized by replacing the fixed
scaling factor of 2 in eqs 1 and 2 with the scaling factor s to
yield the generalized equations:
FDRGlobal ) s
FDRLocal ) s
) s b(N-a)
where s is the number of incorrect answers (on average) implied
by each decoy answer observed. This generalization enables
the FDR calculations to be applied to arbitrary decoy strategies.
For example, the decoy portion of the database can be
constructed to be much larger in size than the target portion
of the database; such a strategy would yield more accurate
estimates for low FDR values. Another potential use of this
generalization would be to compensate for the difference in
effective size between the target and decoy portions of the
database when the decoy proteins are generated by randomization.
In some cases, it may be possible to estimate the scaling
factor s from the fit to eq 3. As N becomes large, the slope of
the function asymptotically approaches c, and it may be
possible to estimate s as 1/c, thus yielding:
FDRLocal ) s
( )(
dD 1 dD
c ) b(N-a)
dN c dN
c eb(N-a) + 1
In practice, the assumptions underlying eq 8 may not always
hold true. Estimating s as 1/c is valid only if all of the lowestranking answers (corresponding to the region where N becomes
large) are truly wrong answers. It is not uncommon, however,
to have a nontrivial number of peptides with very poor
fragmentation, resulting in a nontrivial number of correct
answers interspersed among the lowest-ranking wrong answers.
In such cases, estimating s as 1/c is clearly not valid. Another
potential problem is that frequently there is insufficient data
in the asymptotic linear region to accurately determine the fit
parameter c. Because of these risks and because our preference
for using reversed decoys over random decoys allows a safe
assumption of equal target and decoy components, our preferred implementation in PSPEP assumes equal target and
decoy components and uses eqs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Thus, the
functional fitting is currently leveraged only as a smoothing
mechanism that enables robust estimation of slopes in the key
region where the function bends most sharply.
It is also worth noting that, although the local method is
presented here in an implementation that uses the concatenated approach (where the target and decoy databases are
searched together), it could certainly be extended to alternate approaches. In the most common alternate approach, the
decoy database portion is searched separately, in which case
the global and local FDRs are calculated as D/T and dD/dT
respectively, where D is the number of hits above a threshold
in a search conducted against decoy proteins only and T is the
number of hits above the same threshold in a separate search
against target proteins only. We expect our fitting function to
work equally well for smoothing the D vs T trace, and the
parameters obtained by fitting can be substituted into the
revised global and FDR expressions to obtain revised equations
for this alternate approach. A second alternate approach that
we have been exploring is “intraprotein concatenation”, in
which each target protein in the database is transformed into
a single composite target + decoy protein by concatenating
the decoy (reversed) portion to the target. The conventional
decoy approaches all implicitly assume that search effort is
uniform throughout the database, but this assumption breaks
down for search engines that search high-scoring proteins more
extensively (via a second pass, for example). Connecting the
corresponding target and decoy portions in a single, inseparable protein entry by intraprotein concatenation enables the
calculation of accurate FDRs even when the search effort is
not uniform. In the intraprotein concatenation approach, the
global and local FDRs are unchanged from eqs 1 and 2, the
fitting function applies similarly, and thus all the calculations
remain unchanged.
Local FDR vs Global FDR. The advantage of the local FDR
method over the global method is particularly obvious when
considering the protein level. The local FDR measures the error
rate for individual proteins, while the global FDR measures the
error rate for the entire set of proteins. Knowledge of the FDR
enables the scientist to decide which set of proteins to accept
for further analysis while maintaining the error rate at a
reasonable (ideally, predetermined) level, that is, all proteins
above threshold are “accepted” for results interpretation,
whereas all proteins below threshold are discarded. We believe
that thresholding based on the local FDR is often the better
approach because it assures that all reported identifications
in our accepted set of proteins have at least some minimal
quality. By contrast, if thresholding is based on a global FDR,
the quality of the poorest identification in our set of proteins
is unknown and can in fact be quite bad. For example, in Figure
1A, thresholding at a global FDR of 1% would lead us to accept
proteins 1-687, but note that the local FDR for our poorest
identification in our accepted set (protein 687) is about 30%!
For the scientist who cares about protein 687 or a protein in
this vicinity, it is obvious which type of error estimation is more
Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 7, No. 9, 2008 3665
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useful. There is little reassurance in knowing the FDR of the
whole set is 1% when the protein you care about has a 30%
chance of being wrong. For numerous purposes, for example,
controlling what results are published in journals, placed in
repositories, or used for subsequent analyses in any experiment,
controlling the minimal quality of the worst member in any
set would seem preferable to controlling the global error rate
of the whole set if it could be done well.
While it has been suggested that global and local error
measures can be complementary12 or even serve roles in
different stages of a workflow, we do not find these arguments
very compelling. If one wishes to have greater sensitivity (by
being more permissive) during the early stages of a study, one
could set higher acceptable FDR thresholds with either type of
error assessment. The local FDR has the advantage of allowing
one to ensure that no accepted results are less likely to be
correct than the specified value, and this gives much more
control in how one adjusts the balance of sensitivity and
specificity concerns at a given stage of work. Any kind of local
error rate (regardless of the method presented in this paper)
directly indicates a “pain ratio”sthe cost of each new additional
right answer in terms of wrong answers that will come with it
and require manual inspection or simply cause errors. Thus,
it is easier to find a point of diminishing returns. By contrast,
the global FDR is a cruder tool for assessing the sensitivity vs
specificity tradeoff. For example, increasing the global FDR
threshold may not bring any additional correct answerssit is
possible that the global error rate is increasing entirely because
of additional wrong answers only. Increasing the local FDR
threshold, on the other hand, assures that there are some right
answers among the additional answers obtained from the more
permissive threshold, so long as the local FDR has not yet
reached 100%.
Regardless of any of these arguments for which error type is
better for setting thresholds, it cannot be argued that having a
good estimation of the probability of correctness for each
individual identification is not a valuable thing. So long as it
can be calculated well, the local error rate estimates seem
generally more informative and empowering and are certainly
valuable to have, regardless of whether the global or local FDR
is used to set the threshold.
The strongest argument we can see to favor using global
error estimation over local estimates for setting thresholds is
that the uncertainty in determining the former is generally
lower. Regardless of the specific method of how one estimates
the local error rate, the basic counting statistics involved dictate
higher uncertainty compared to determining cumulative totals.
For purposes requiring comparison, alignment, or consistency
across result sets, global FDRs may be a better choice of
threshold method simply because it is possible to more
accurately determine the global FDR. A journal or a repository
could feel more confident of the consistency in the quality of
submitted data if a threshold global FDR for submissions were
specified rather than a local FDR threshold.
Fitting Can Improve the Global FDR Estimation Quality.
If the global FDR is preferred for a given purpose, the method
presented in this paper still has a potential benefit to offer.
While the primary purpose of the nonlinear fitting is to enable
computation of the local FDR, the fitted model can also be used
to improve the estimate of the global FDR by reducing noise.
The output of PSPEP includes two types of global FDR
estimates in the summary table - both the conventional
approach to the global FDR and also the smoothed estimation
Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 7, No. 9, 2008
Tang et al.
derived from the nonlinear fitting (using the function value
directly, rather than its derivative as with local FDR). The
Measured False Discovery Rates graph shows the full traces
using both of these global FDR calculation methods. In addition
to assessing the fitting quality, one can also inspect this graph
to decide if the smoothing is beneficial enough to favor this
calculation rather than the conventional global calculation
approach. This method for estimating the global FDR via fitting
may prove particularly useful for estimating low global FDR
values where low counts make the uncertainty high.
Three Levels of Analysis. The spectral level analysis (Figure
1C) is included because it is the most conventional measure
currently used. Analysis on this level can be useful for comparison of different identification algorithms on the same exact
data set. However, spectral level analysis is not useful for
comparison across different data sets, such as different experiments or different instruments, because redundant acquisition
is rewarded by this measure. That is, replicate acquisitions of
a peptide that fragments very well yielding an easy identification all count toward this measure, even though the redundant
spectra bring no new information. A more useful analysis for
many comparative purposes is the distinct peptide level
analysis (Figure 1B). This analysis only considers the highest
confidence instance for each distinct peptide molecule. Because
repeated acquisitions of the same molecule are not considered,
this analysis is well suited for measuring the information yield
in any acquired data set. When trying to optimize acquisition
methods or compare across different experiments or instruments, this analysis is the key measure. The protein level
analysis (Figure 1A) is based on the list of detected proteins,
that is, the first representative winner protein from each of the
protein groups. Although this level of analysis is included in
the PSPEP output, the use of this information for comparative
purposes to other methodologies can be problematic.
Is the Protein Level Analysis Valid? In general, interpreting
the protein level analysis obtained from decoy database
searching requires caution. Decoy database searching is fundamentally incapable of analyzing a list of protein identifications for inappropriate redundancy. A detailed discussion of
this topic is beyond the scope of this paper,13,14 but consider
a simple example. Suppose we have a sample containing a
single protein, say, bovine serum albumin. A good search
engine with appropriate protein inference analysis should
return a protein list consisting of a single protein, namely
bovine serum albumin. However, many search engines will
return a long protein list that contains many proteins homologous to the bovine serum albumin because the reliance on
common spectral evidence of these additional proteins is not
recognized. In decoy database searching, all of these proteins
are in the target portion of the composite target + decoy
database and are thus deemed correct despite the fact that this
list of homologous proteins is clearly much larger than the true
number of species that have been detected.
All Paragon database searches use the Pro Group Algorithm14,15
to perform rigorous protein inference analysis. This prevents
inappropriate protein redundancy from creeping into the list
of proteins, and, therefore, the PSPEP protein level analysis of
Paragon results is legitimate, and protein level comparison
across data sets analyzed this way is valid. Comparison across
protein level FDR analyses derived from searches using different identification software that may vary in their degree of rigor
in protein inference should be avoided. It is much better to
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Nonlinear Fitting for Local False Discovery Rates
rely on the distinct peptide level when comparing result sets
of unknown or differing protein inference rigor.
Where to Set the Threshold? The minimal quality that is
acceptable in any type of results is clearly the choice of the
scientist, journal, or repository. However, it is worth noting one
important aspect of process that is enabled by the method and
tool presented here. The number of hits in a set of results is
commonly determined prior to decoy analysis by settings in
the search engine. Subsequent decoy analysis then yields an
arbitrary FDR value. This is counter to the more conventional
statistical approach where the acceptable error rate (typically
a critical value like 1 or 5%) is decided before experimentation
and then the set of results that satisfy this requirement is
determined. Because PSPEP calculates FDRs for all thresholds,
it is simple to follow this more conventional protocol and report
the yield of proteins, spectra, or distinct peptides that correspond to the predetermined critical error rate, as presented
in the summary table and graphs on each tab (see Figure 1).
This is especially important for comparative assessments of
experiments or methodologies where this is very difficult to
do rigorously without fixing on a common FDR.
To date, most proteomics researchers have only been able
to measure global FDRs using the popular decoy database
strategy. The fitting method presented in this paper is a
straightforward extension that enables calculation of the local
FDR as well. This method can easily be done manually with
common data analysis software packages or implemented
directly in other tools. Our PSPEP tool, which calculates both
global and local FDRs at three levels of analysis, is a simple
implementation of this method.
Regardless of the arguments for the relative merits of global
vs local FDR, the local FDR provides valuable information. Most
importantly, the local FDR is a direct measure of the cost of
each new additional right answer in terms of wrong answers
that will come with it.
In the future, a finalized HUPO Proteomics Standards
Initiative AnalysisXML results format16 would enable us to
generalize PSPEP to work on any database search engine that
writes results into this standardized format. We note, however,
that the protein level analysis given by PSPEP would be invalid
for results from software or analysis workflows that do not
include rigorous protein inference. Similarly, because the
spectral level rewards redundant acquisition, it should only be
used for comparison of different analysis tools on the same
data set. The distinct peptide level analysis is the best assessor
of information yield and the safest and most robust measure
for comparative purposes.
Acknowledgment. We thank Matt Champion and Jose
Meza for providing the E. coli data.
Supporting Information Available: The PSPEP output
example Excel file shown in Figure 1 is included in Supporting
Information, along with the input data for the search in both
raw (.wiff) format and in Mascot Generic Format (.mgf) peak
list representation generated using ProteinPilot software. Also
included is a study that explores the validity of the nonlinear
fitting method. This material is available free of charge via the
Internet at
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Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 7, No. 9, 2008 3667