CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 1 of 28 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA Case No. John Ekblad, Plaintiff, v. Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625, Valeria Silva, individually and in her Official Capacity, and Theresa Battle, individually and in her Official Capacity, NOTICE OF REMOVAL Defendants. TO: CLERK OF FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT, WARREN E. BURGER FEDERAL BUILDING AND U.S. COURTHOUSE, 316 NORTH ROBERT STREET, ST. PAUL, MN 55101 AND PLAINTIFF AND HIS ATTORNEY PHILIP G. VILLAUME, VILLAUME & SCHIEK, P.A., BLN OFFICE PARK, 2051 KILLEBREW DRIVE, SUITE 611, BLOOMINGTON, MN 55425 AND DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT, 15 KELLOG BOULEVARD WEST, ST. PAUL, MN 55102. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Defendants Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625 (SPPS), Valeria Silva, individually and in her Official Capacity (Ms. Silva), and Theresa Battle, individually and in her Official Capacity (Dr. Battle), demand, pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.C. 1446, that the above-entitled action be removed to the District CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 2 of 28 Court of the United States for the District and Division embracing the place where such civil action is pending in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. I. Short and plain statements of the grounds for removal. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and accurate copy of the March 1, 2016 Summons and Complaint handed to Mai Vang, a SPPS employee on March 2, 2016. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a Notice of Appearance from the defense. The defense notice of appearance objects to the delivery of the Summons and Complaint and notes that the plaintiff failed to commence suit. We are advised that on Friday, March 25, 2016, at 12:37 p.m. SPPS board member Jon Schumacher was personally served with the Summons and Complaint. The March 1, 2016 Complaint alleges as follows: Count I - SPPS and its employees [sic] negligence. Count II — SPPS and its employees [sic] negligent supervision. Count III — Valeria Silva, individually and in her official capacity section 1983. Count IV — Theresa Battle, individually and in her official capacity section 1983. All the defendants join in this demand for removal. Though not well pled, the defense maintains that in Counts III and IV of the complaint, the plaintiff appears to assert that this civil action raises a question of federal law. 28 U.S.C. §1331 It would appear that the Plaintiffs claims arise from a December 4, 2015 physical assault and battery on Plaintiff. Though not named nor joined, it appears that a Saint Paul Central Senior High School student allegedly punched and choked the Plaintiff causing him damage. The first two claims pled by the Plaintiff appear to concern negligence. 2 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 3 of 28 The last two claims appear to allege constitutional torts under 42 U.S.C. 1983. In Counts III and IV of the Plaintiff's Complaint, as to Superintendent Silva and Dr. Battle, the Plaintiff alleges that "SPPS receives federal funding and [Superintendent Silva and Dr. Battle], while acting under color of law and authority subjecting Mr. Ekblad to injuries he sustained on December 4, 2015." (See paragraphs 107 and 141 of the Plaintiff's Complaint). Both of these allegations are made against Superintendent Silva and Dr. Battle under each of the counts pled under "section 1983". The Plaintiff does not state the damages claimed but does request judgment against the Defendants "for a reasonable amount, together with costs, disbursements, reasonable attorneys' fees, all damages enumerated under 1983 section, statutory prejudgment interest herein and any other relief deemed necessary to make the Plaintiff whole."(Complaint, p.19). II. Timeliness of removal demand. While the Plaintiff has stated to the media that the action has been filed in Ramsey County District Court for the Second Judicial District, as of the writing of this demand for removal, the civil action has not been filed, nor properly commenced against Ms. Silva nor Dr. Battle. While the Defendants have been aware of this suit since March 2, 2016, the suit was not properly served on the SPPS until Friday, March 25, 2016. Hence, it was not commenced until March 25, 2016, as to SPPS. It has never been commenced as to Superintendent Silva and Dr. Battle. III. In accordance with the Notice of Filing of Notice of Removal, the Civil Cover Sheet and other documents filed herein, the Defendants request that this matter be removed 3 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 4 of 28 from the Ramsey County District Court, Second Judicial District, State of Minnesota, to the District Court of the United States for the District and Division embracing the place where this action is pending. Dated: March 23, 2016 Jardine, Logan & O'Brien, PLLP By: Lawrence M. ochefor (A.R. #0153412) Thomas L. Cummings (A .R. #0237723) 8519 Eagle Point Boulevard, Suite 100 Lake Elmo, MN 55042-8624 Telephone: (651) 290-6516 Facsimile: (651) 223-5070 E-Mail: tcummingsglolaw.corn Attorneys for Defendants 4 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 5 of 28 PiglatUcovito STA IU MINNBSOTA cbUNTY RAMMST SEM: ;IJIXDICIALDISTZTCT Ici/ut Ekble, CaW vs. Employmestit SunKCINs Saint Paul-Public Sohobfr, Digeibt 625, MeggaIndigtiVii14411:rnatElot 'effratiOilPaPiVi 0,7A4 jj Offichil Capaeltyl“, Doferia4m. TO 3:1111A13.0 Vg-NAME:i DEMDAN50,t frplialtt.,B0*.4 $UEPI. MoPdpititigto ptarfAct g lawstag1m.fl%T110 PIEstUfts. C4101iilritowliiist 1616 s attathed Do nothrow Lhe&e pupurs- ,w4Yi TiV ate oftiôM papers 41:411fiigt YOI:014 .7:0U-tAint Sivtid 141'4;44:AO oyab,'.f4eitl ;ghat fqrtlipt 110.1*0011:Witritt:t0011g 6114 Alta cir tqt: 1?-tf;110 00:4 et:410 Atilt11%. this 6urattftw. NIV$T WITIOA 0 IIIMW IIICITEPT VOIX:4401.11149-, YAia.,:nfutt Oyes: Kir.-11.46 ttiv.p"argn..W1U signed 'ffitg, Suoltuon$, it:writ/ten xespunsq AdtWO wIttiti).20,-,04gaigotho :10o n wkitairydIrtoalvogts uimnon Yourritist and a oif:Yat Amore°(ho 13.°1!1̀11 who 0PgailliglittilOat etito40,111autro..v1)1*,,,41.4k,1;14:d1 XillUbtOW:PKIma,:$04 611031:0011110ittni5 a. a., YO:U MUST RIOS.PDNO tAca Cremm,, The Apswo wAttOti, rspohse to fihs.14.1alittits, put ictwo! yov tüut gtatd Vihdtttoig. ycii.i ptE05 or )010W0WWItil,e'011 paggrol, beilowo tiv?ms.IttffiffitsitshInot be gvrni avehiligoosg4: rada to,'Sotr.tphitit, PAtt(i)ttIP$0.:11tedur 4.-ASTRA .42 YOU WILL LOSE TOUR CASE: UYOU' OP, NOT .S,RISAI •WilOTT:Pt RESPONSE: 'THE COMPLAINT TO TUE PERSON WilD STONED 'pp, aUMSrDNS.-Itpx do = otwovithlit2odtIMP, SvittilusKtithr.atist., '?Du i&zfl irnt g6t-1tb, itallbursfdp orOintcimau4Ae Oult atoy..OpoidVAA0oqiyol.,410.0,0t&thePhithtitI:Whythica ajçe4for in L1)qCQn%pl6lnt If yoit do ucitsgtrugc? contegtlwaicipmqtpIgctio.th000411syhit; yog, dp..110 need. to • respand.. A .Det4i1( Jualgatent an Alen tip. qi(9.170 ,agahe you for the r$liof requoted 41u. -the. Cafiliplitint, EXHIBIT 1 A CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 6 of 28 ttiatiA€AOTANet ”*.tutiatikek.,q0tOwititalg.fiostif ielawypr, foiativol Almskyot, th gat.Mbinitst ktOrlittayiim tritttatituid:catiplots:50itit 00; legal As.t8(400, ::ovokifffg# :ggrigOt...P(10:061 hep3 Ygtt rnpt still OpY.100 ingvitttn APAYN1:40`170.:(0.41:011r.0040:9171)4 xsta8ktive.o.1,34., .AtTEINiAtiVt. DISPUTE RESPLUTION. 746 imirt1o8.1711.4y,,0t9 torte; Werdwpottaipoinittoiltizibb;MotuttiteoliatthiptageuitadivAtilw:1141,:df the MitaWabtai ClaritidgiitesAll*OCNOe Vtigglit.t111,17.0.40101ArViVe.taaPOM rt k110'.00.6041tiaftil!if PX11:99tt 118.01Einql'agiNVIIPArInn0§414.11Pithi'aittg:pitk lbsseal Math w tftratiMeirtivr , 111 Algitga.$93 Ieffme..,Sdlat&lc (019:5450; Thaityaltakt#Osam Awkas,kilatittit 0So. g011 :,10110)Te:w P'Sva.Ai41.0 pa, 01.440.0. CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 7 of 28 STAGE OPERINNESQTA Ig$31107`. aOtitt cconorumszt SECONDICIDIDIAL DISTRICT Icihnlik17141i, PliflAttgi :CSSYtte •GiViiis:EtAtitryineilt MOUS' : 04.sp•14014. 'VetegA:::$111.1%•11tOttaliyaid,injto :01.00441-0,14% .• iakt147.1wow.:ElliftWIr.).0,Mtlga4 inter ()Kidd' Capficityr .:0010S-NOW tif0..-M4414,,Iblaadbiltf.a„.b.:yeatteLttifo.411.111's ,attoniqysa;Phippg.•,. A744414110..katitOYA #igifgWitclugg' ?,#(31)0AgntsWeAP101S4,011-ta:AttglattOMIV! VIValto StaloOlklitglitd4251 YeetlaSitY4:141x#414.41:1Y-4.110.k.t.PrOng;PLIPaits.*.t: rtitv.04 Vattid, goiniiI.Viottaktdormitx..ottittx iota. noPlabitn..1511126,64 railloWgir .E16100,1k, .646 tit%11;tlineattoy4,010 04414,310 camptith0.bafroi010i013,1"pvrt, 01:•MitlicyP.0 0$4fit iNt1.061to o'hoda, 1 vatt62.3 t 0.ezittoiRaitartlighigeliodi eqii•V%. An4-1,5Axpecrottof.00,101trorliVrAni1114;foogity. fiet).2110A,..'StaittaticilitaittL 1 19;40.fPaItiCakt.fhtig44..M4).$0•0.14:12ftlia( i 6,0 V.02.01 Ta,CITIA:0040$ 04.thp tahlizak•Eig.dta, 'SVPSareayps ro.dpr.0.1.4ptibwrip.44 pp:gm:tot ptihb•Si4i0cgs,in CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 8 of 28 AiiN4aPS:.441413kliat:Slit0,11tOttlwgigig'atrinkottlitid.' t 11 titUnaittthnts 1141-btaittlith1,016illiteizietiRst SETS, 4, 'ThOga.:13.401•?N10, 134tt1q1):ii :01, a rpsidont:ortlw StoteroPyitimewaeli..alilt tdievanc. timoalta hen tito ivscststitiPilp.94p:tmxif pttqf Flisb "gcfilpPrrAti:.Pggqtriti. livoisok(artg., aftYSVOITON: T1'16.0.!thiik4M je§cliSoriiovet tit hilitteb teaampthe ggions144,sect pc5epttp-4 imtkie! :00uolyoofAaney, ,Srao'otietazgotfladOPOSJo.:iloisiTiegfity t15:altvittirAdy; .1sitrhipqp.oks:Thi cemrt:lip 90.11014:veklr.dwipd.W.Stvovor *.to MttPr.41400.18:fstEgtod.tuAls; ViSATS 6, Mr gkblettlaar ec.te46fiat4tPhysical aolepeq. 1Ylie,,,V031441)011)0011 4 .03d4.or. PP'S 'foe 4pproititivap.Z yea Qb:vritautzeggmlicoi.!k:44,1,, • E,10.14td. w40b.giirginfausgur(QE) la:4414:W wtudiondt eta mt. tthlati ,idwoyattoi*Ithahoct ofiakedtg the;,studwitimci. 01 04$Mott pa,,,Rito.$extom itt.nt . i ity,00dfrintingallibmiti titalliwt-ocabSto i.yralreine„ Ailt$14-te;4501Devorcibit•44.'2011 Ttioiait :Bkiittici Mouro.odseitib atilt Witmekt d,on:Dw6ttbs4:201. fai, porstingt feaspust Al. frit, 3.5)1tdts itiprio. -wot.q.NeEtigod It Op •appinimaldly December 24$ .210154, 3 PPS :spzit Nth BWi:lncp1aiuihgfMt it. owlet A combpint, 04,140s16, 2 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 9 of 28 !Pri:or..lo the:n.00kiter4c.204,5:144.9.1goith SIVK tadiapWragoinftlwAaugproilis. conattitins tgmthitawestis, :14„. :t.tpotaiarmigicp.,:itOci parto.tilttivon15.1t44. 2MS.thSitl'out.,„ OPP'S, flatitb pOt1:00m419- fittA01cgdm1 1c17,14.'Fil.g4taggt0 u da mite ttni.6g tho tzoberititi, td, •10.t 11t00410MAG:PrOYAIA orinjudo sp.sUrtigitt*Mi,r:Vditglit, 16; Tripr19,..autt:anbetrau:-Eof4thet.econilkere41 2013 anoidenSPAV Tallest tolySilltePor 1 1;Wn 4.0.41413.03Pfl3. 41ii2V104VP:prO,V911,9414...BIckladt*IttitiS.brPpygly lip,61.8411-stiig itu ptetfir8§...atif;§ti.alatitA. titiorto :04,Dvaprig5(4.41,.:0.0 inadAntAtOWorp,ant.otttoaftily.1), aga.aillta agpSriat, leaeliprsiaflocationsvapercifeithy. an0 aiwcwiseaby spos, kii4w kattlioalPttesilo .1\ ettEMt 7Nfl1Ubourgintilill4ato 41:dgazittlRalf*Mse lif.01011.60tgrgli§MOPA, allta.V011istiernaMtiqin4,20,d1:1141.tkintMt.;gkiblefiltab.6611 unatio to.tetiamtg. work. 44- c nunPrOmistofile4 Eltr?igaligg.cth rMit9fltr93)1P8ft* PftkOdtk.O.PA'ff,) titlilItaliagoRto&sitiiltgto Motu wait slow the .15ppiribpv; 4, ;C.Ffig w,eta tiatisprOtisi ticieut ff,R •Pcb10ntaLwt biatigthtptp.114;.:escp.ti peigod :an innninont, iiS1c to leacsher41, :supp0.1.0.aft 14.1411% lidmitatratto, a cc CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 10 of 28 • 04 .P15or itpn4ltt fite,,5:4AbotiAs 0•01:C;(111.04611f; fhO: tiefoOdalti4061.fOrtalc.0 ittty akapittlaty .aOtiOti .figainst the S'Cudfeat Vito. :aasatilled14 .B101itd: .4Psiiiterhain ItnOWIO.ille that ilte4stoatit.vOve:AW-tgerto oftter.$, vi ja than ,of;! ct1,o1").e.oember-4) toadhetts at '1 taco itny tOI tO gromfoih-o 1416 ...oficfmtit's :ssuittl'ad iby *JO.. OttlippifOttrifeWlyijotbitibOisk.:0014,' fhb SO:M!tatikil.etiotalibilleTtiltbliiN tilP1371. IgPcatn?"$:tittotliOrq 011: $.4140t0.11matvA)Th 114 thti ttwptnt$PFJ1VOXtilitirtrkt4ift.111.0 #dhodisAyOat heia ,boisidtiall1W}ty toomnot&ins'fanKsiofftssAults etiotocioo4, §401!regowtict 01110r04ff motors. In ttwitall4tOWitAter.O.008,01.0,11t. •s4r i1Wa i1j1ipIe w:ø 11t'gRAilt Of forOAcegl4e-itscni 411pijjV . Wye, lavaired,bylkuoila 6rItutinttlAsitia; 130,1bt ZUI. MttJ tAftl.P'icWIre4PAtiblA ArlItOYAtit4 tbo.:IdAda :-0e1114146•M toltteliidiThyle,•Ekb1attottlIdoeittbet4t10.16.... ta Th13 teondatta h44 .4013.6.10:1:0114:1Vrogamstro famrinaillat, 'flq PY.90444had1111W4i0mtiovrtdutyTP`proi4R Mtk onka we Rig 011ffihfagitOki .t.SethtikeiliteaMtigat4iredOeifttild atlitiltt045.6i1400.01<gW6i6{C.' 11,, TN, gglimig of the trofq4.4fmts: 4.01'4.18 1M'..t ,ilktilaala: a4110.otwOOEtt:Mill.asitOAVIVASIO, oftliefrnon‘eitsoreaort.pytigOs4and,ntigat $Z Mt: NOICIRalio-:tiov0 et6OrOlvakettiOOtAti.bit:§attoo.. CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 11 of 28 :471:r, Mb144 'ha,ttho• torystbiktrni fttslifp tutilet elect' to procepd against th.p.:D:ofentig5;.t.jn Vutt4 `41.14 RettOrsi Cdu1S8tId1b1I tb; *14 Ibrujih..mva frA fro m t,woxicc-01) .0450)9j1AtiOil 100a, :.-SPet4300 10419,4 t.Nx rparknQf ho ;o:d.rousgl Ilitollth, PL. Vii% !,35, Thtmittipos 'Otte DebidoitsvorwwfartitotiVioug, otinefithutil hii 61icavg6a:Attituiga fQ couszrNsprsaIgitITS 'EMP:1491$E$ MadiSICE: fatill!§ .1"Pf CNA Vif.:PI:lonlViii.).$01-T5,001:Itgior0/5#0.0:i.tillbgeia falitAVO?: .1,1:tituirfrihkaolvoread.: pte.apapio wiclerthisrcont. gahrThr,4-4110geii. thn 36, Ntr BkWad 3..teaCiaett fEl?.xsical cSolenge-4.0,LIWS. 1- 75. Nte,.:ekbi44;htisligoi):41,i,Atoltorat..011 bq0.1;offut4zelt Ida& Quor anigg. Deomoilvr' 440 ISAfri 19.0114.t.rfwag Otortany4SANIte41411,315:40041I-V. Mi', idpabill,tipitahoth.a.thitettokedllythe student an Pegill.4111.4140:101$0.(i:Ogs.;iitttitppo, 139 AVA4V8iittattie,t0tePlbOF 4i;ZPA;S: 414914 EW74,11:914r.CCO;PVIIRCO.. 14.010. 40j, my; MilgOti woltatl'okacIpm j),o,c).1Allort41.:441A ifbrpm.onatea:q0.Aw:, a „tia. Ekbleiditd:titte.s.4.61bAti,9:tained whnola was/on113.74, O. Oh Appttpantonedoirilw .P.A,!41:„80:8. W^Dii14 jbi CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 12 of 28 4a,,,,20;151noldniBP:p bad knomAedge!ofithe,danaorou,s-oonelitiogs yroAeril 44, Uppt !intounAli211:,1414;.bOlifipripi tp th ombt 4, 20 1 kokiexati: got 4p,w, that ho Attia:eit. Whb iittA6ked:ai, Ubtait.wilo A ilangortb...n.tlid.ta, 4% tn., anti- tit:tlie;0.410 ottbP.DOPPthu4,.20151nadent, !$0titedtetukoAd'OttilAte propaAtions to prevernOeVpont linintieskauancinqd jjm w, nuti Atitteit,i(ino.ot :811118;;.tAtted. w pro vfildpkdoeif WIlithAtVel.$1, .;Pas,Aoliittliestt alird hduId hic415 fSled Elibiticrt litglarkealiy-igoRo4 At.ipaiiNg;:itkPreains:410.6AtAlltA, 48t: R491:49:te PeQ9-SkQf 41:1 4T5*t40atitrk?MirglOnttP0.401.ara0:A.P.P4glittOgcitttst, .0a01.1 Itteati:OM pn1S150108:-. t$M-.14wwitTat..thg.ininriea:10:Mt;,..:Eltit*Wcnnit, O90Ar 'Jk:ft fili:0410:4CCIAMItgillerAsOi itAptoote§ and 8ttittedg.,• 10, rottawinattol)SoMbOt4,04.:$4110iti: aSt aith/Aa.hVilnit.11$6.1VO:ratitA'tO tark 1APPAiwqkfa041019)? be:444119A !ft. tMihs s'i:atiM'et113y-Mt..alskfkwnPotfoleatilt WA,. Uuteintanta. 1:40•EILIOrit*IiPkpvCiNc4fb144:1i:40110:0003:,plaillorl(A400..: 5, -?iirto Thu D000itib.orA: 2012 indidori;, itho:DefeqqautA..worarkild proOkAps hor j,itiggotous Arid popa: AA.twgiitLAat la-t0A6h634 AOP,Oltt:tt CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 13 of 28 /4. Plintlt% and, ai.t4:0 07M-1A, Deeornb:r 4, gotrirtideir, t-11?)-)irfonrittn.t5 Attoa to.:Mko. rty diKiplintry actibt ghitit. th student Elditiad clesptto.174ying. iknop40.0gertiretke strOcRprit.was:',444n,g r toollmrs„ 51:. ?dor to, and at The -limo o'f; the De;ceuibor 4, 2MS 31141on(,. tat thorn vas 4 phygit4 Nfalonb:b. 11E01 ac,t0 lencwkage toW:shrii8 tatamt8.4t, ,D%pit lopv,(1140:gpi appp foica to talc.% tiorstiQii:tirloolt:Itte kinds :pti4iltryi§s; mMta:in0 by, Mr; Ettbidd. Mr; Migclvs. .trifr.000'WOtt thA: r4stlit. Of r000ttitIgi Altkdtirldila thalyatilird provt,401).yttio-oxpKeiwereaspgijbf(Noare; 57, 813teg. Was ifesprisiiite :fbr Tri*Mati4A; aid kin 00 itijntit5b. tilgettintd Efcblecl, on Nomriti;tr4, 2iDi1S The laefenthmts 3md Erdtity161eo- -MitRTV.OftitAb.g $S), '11M. Pactants " .4.totp-disortoungtagy prottti),Nft Ekhlayl orwiimbniedt go of0vp0, torussitiontyvtplogovii find ussaul:ficv.pi)plurdowof;stgolotk, GO. '171m tadrithM br:ItoDgendaAt invlitottig timigembs :eti4*.ittimootwas fire thtillial4;SOrQf 104137 '01140eM '08%1'1410 61, Mr, .Ekband bastever DicOod.wotherecomposption, .62; atibta ntis tho united COnOrattribiMp, JOAO to ,prpwied 4g4ing, :f1M:. )::)0&141:44ts?in Piti1iforaini:. 01)4f414 from the workers' thriVensattot jh Mr .13,W1144 IOW ;SP,9MiOrd: 'intuttes Ma, OrgicIt Ire .rodrossed tritoligh 'work*? poinpeusartipa., CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 14 of 28 ,bithOnefOndants were 1,14114 malittm.18,9X.thltot43.Miligpcl,vasstiamog* . to O.; :$11ratkited•t0 P,40r-O.gOTIP.),P,AljtelPOli.PM).T.O.V.91;11411.4..1r. ajptciPilanO44:,7:Mqgq1U*, th.lattitIon;aid.tfdltile4pd.kliiiiig to atigtatitiVeS;bit Mioltyli.ORIOr, of 4.,s,,onaoilts., aptlif .sorth if did billiti:OSUfterattr*..13kb144 -wbuldittayo-boonprovorttetl„ 06, .1110111itAlc$ DMVPSMft Gli mbthtDd±fl6c4yibtato. Sghtlat04PQMOrtiS toigetimr,'141], titA WItopm44K4110.gOik.a4to, 7.i8P.Patii) eiwdawcitify. bytntitexotoiong:.aa*tcarypultoyvv.9.9. oggm gaprqopm.fioz:Ary lnowirom, oalooplau 010 kg, S4'17at$1 i trafatipiptiraiirsOliSatoaDViltkilt! qpitimf;teat6tt, L p wrilTraaQVsefl$ MITIlpos4$4 al41t1W, Oftlitat,1gibit4Y, tho ;tiottotiobPSOS.:tildilitsitwilVod Aitit.drothiliitiOthbfitlftitgq,Ottiat 14, Prgill.zictig.e.t11.0.§46.1"cfvf0. 000/4.-to- rMS;arritocip`40.4itly0 Idotistlintutiattithti !gtal& WaTio4glio.cheroovent. .;Astirrovitt OttlflootritXttrali:8:?aocl:St.§;bmpll'aFtgl.:Mk lakbilitthaMttlfbitcl, wit: 000ticaver;tocsoftbr swop mg.11).w:irtat4t,,p1vOloal 'ram yu1144Totawrpg.ovaitynal (iNttedkaili::,y(041.-niffutratatirsft§AtoinolittitditifaN Imniittuvion,.1:02t011,863,,estqqA, *110.0iPt:pgqb:01Pgtoliiikuaofis waiv:amt04.6i0villi.vottlittiv 11:.;:piywcsittoa :fifont la6illairmilkKilts normal 4allytietiviltiosliariffOlitgligngtg.N11, ;qrilvymea.O.f life,A11.thta: • vc.porwm. farmyitoludoartroittmait; .theogy hit db .gustaity.d. dommoarlb-g OtPutglni. al.tal'A;1?0' 8 Mi Ektitialms:-.01a0 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 15 of 28 411TS its.mvinoyaus NtOLIOgNst $1)PErtViStO,N seOdnd.canse plaation: gsainst 1.4e. ars .1141.1.M ,qmplpypg?; A1tegos:4 :PlairgitnPcergir0041'ntrAgrw.bsia.U0ompIttint..,0 if-MbrOt.i.ta.rtlatliriclorthb, ognt: S. fintliepatibertiot gaiha,ta gioaci.ftqp00,10fW -$.'Stio.c0151: 'A.$Tj, $kIvAt4 Aug1)0014144.19401f1PrAtIVM4:tIRKRtitittl0.17). iAttra, 11 Oh Or didatt fløxthui 4 HiA).:Silitilkblad.adapliyakidirbsautted and battercdawn, SWOP( 41 OM:, -104:laic-WO:WM tOlit'Stalyptnialiad and iigikoalty.f.Wqtalobtitia au.sta:ined:inbtitisomenia‘ls tUZCSk .toafir afthpOoogibtie.4.,; acia:11)41404,.:Vv, niklilatitalttotiititd.gotriated Awyripq, Wir.111,14...itia•Wa •att1/46kat b,t41 MMOnnit4 2one.tvrEenainasons, 1St :MeV akiiI4Niaaba ttata11100504i101)14 VOS WW1: 0.11,appoxiinatotp6Maembarg4a0A5, 8iPS. flIMr RbMtI .414tMex15.14.1411$ i\qtnifrpratm," Mi."; atilatiVa. :thelY4PDIOgc Pl:§:flAprd, :OM ItRaimpvdgcto:p.rtliti 44anolas goaltiottg; ptewidt:artgfit.:,. t ItogIaniattoil gb-315,01ig.ptiorto: Qtpotaft 4, OISAftatddt, 80,a :knew tfalho atadodpWlia -attookad Ma 4001 ;W:48:11;:a?1:9P159; Ptliwof :Mostol, tottwiterestftno oiyalemattlittc4, 2Ot5 ifithroopfl tutiod a take. aCtegla# • 'pgentaitipm. yo.paa.Vt#t1,1-9.:t}tp:0 pilitndes angtaiNddly.Ntr..:Eklytad.., CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 16 of 28 . . 2016 inildentiSPBS,:thiled to prOictotr.eqn4At OHS, u, 'ITs couldhavo and should btvg p.r.cmg*M4i.gXklacgs b rta&y Pr9.1?:§11Y rggpgiTigipairitkpitirathe'Ov4iia'Atitiefit, :Prior to • tit.:1)0.geolbor.:44 1 5.friotbrai t1301-4.wegq.:tipprkiltubLyEatorisatittagaiMt tOtiehdlys at.looildp11.§.Operkted;*.andeupen4edl?y:$ITS:,, :,800;.lolavallatttialpjtalatla.Mt.,.aktiattit9Aunt ealtiti' WS Myiecitittualy;tais its.11441249,5 PA PtfOrttsr -m.r, maga] 11Ets:'.lieonitna151oTo Tetwytp work bOgau:sofofihaine414033:14.49)40aztoa. 86 • Tlis injuges suAttilited'hyMpiU1010. wingarpsyli attfta:4190 q4 ,'Orlite:P:cfctI4w4 r$Y, .11tIgelgttt:vilto^iiltitte.414A,Skbiti4.*:01(0404:Spilty<fellOhptatIttiti ''''' • $T3, .1rflortio, *Ow P.etemlipr-4s :203$: .i4,0(kntp %Tic' Mt:WS' Warw Mt] 1114:t ihO PilltitsQa -CARS • :vast tliitigorolcs ditcl ui. itt tik. tQ teaStag gupport. #grg.pbaitAfg Adttif00:0511,74.0M11000i. 8t Bikibr to,,,ant14 he Th c. 5Ela Detcr.10411,t13. MM.:to hlig0 tligapittlary #0140.1 l'iptrAt th ..4111612 fiwattaii. Mt: Ekg.iati 1jk fhavil4 krkowacdgpliAlli.ow-gwelosertmolvt!4.4 -a sdoe: to matte the at the Daeother34 204hilA04.0144170 Uar itiof4 wm s physf!Dat ,SgarLoo, tiy6Wom..towataa Toacilt* at tgigs tote .1tm latoNsUd182 , Mi :faila'dtqt.40 :WW1uøfin 4?,:p..rov.00.,sto al.aomf:114410:ociottsod.hy CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 17 of 28 'Id51.acl'..§.injuries.. were '.the Test* of19xF4q011;c;., A10001:140 010' 91„ d...1104.-Deet. DtgYetitOti bytlye oet.piso,cif tegs0bAle pAtfo.,. 92rs. igatOctlycrg .responsfibl(v.for. grOYOUIN f1,-)ItztEet gugmitliod 'Oymr, Vikbitti e ndoenthof 4, 20 M. th0f.DOR31.0411t4110:44y: kop, 11/4ptota'aofe•TorK;; 18;kb1avi, ma:aorefliiatsim4: wIjon).4.4i4c,tet,ibnapy• an onVirowtort trw:eitabagOinteiminont viorottoo; . attl oathlticoolOfnMofco- t-gtndenth. TPA, nea.ptts ot*Q.:Pgfondardsrin Vuplit.Ort tibIadliv4;i:a!aitgooka dgvfiarittist wo:•its •woiotiofttitSrgoiraigepeabftary Uen .4'reotoslitolicero:' /off:Toffolon, Mr, 'Rojo. kits. tits Opl:istiMtnngt1 -• -.alto to jg0000d *Sat '-wit4;or 41.9 0.010 uaFekr41 •tioxtptifittionq, dut.a froiii 'fhb.; wci4eke. P01211)0a4thal .n„ M 11b1ad hn sustained irlitjtres that cannot txe ro4røss thtptigtt wqk#*Ks?' oottkponotion.. ',991 . Thnnogowynft119 Pgentlasnq worp.willp,..mtgrqiovg-tox imentiotyglitsti: ogoti tintnttoog; to,MitUblAd, 100;:. airAnnholitcatnteapip)MtilltiltnarAffinttolaf.b..tvtits,c0110ni ptivatit ancl..plAchtst'abladdir w.pitytit'ortal0 pipg044:.01'9P.Q.W11>1444.4e1).1.Paft, . ISMdLiLiZQI tilec.acleauAte;pr:04.40riNii1ptat'et.ii*iva.. atiitta Rom. its du-den:0:1 OkospoRtil0.66t1.911s.., 1102, MIPS :bit-Si&l: ftk ittity;byr:riiilingt:probetly smperrvie011s..shi4'mtp,3401:090.1,PS rii:opegy, CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 18 of 28 s.p.m:hiletiohed fo pitp Orly. supeawlspits,preitt4es Anci:byf4fln to WM its 'Visitaa'ties:Isown,.ttgAgoram 1:04. STTO broached t 0141y.b.-y1IP; 9?re11-g B:q#Vrrplipy) prq99.41.11qg 4114111.0900;r0riftr7 tnOrst.Weartti41:14011.1alidUiriffiXtggtittcf14ridEleride: 00.; •;$P.118)gliti,14 rth wropga gt,Tpi-ft$ poploy4e.auaielli3O;10,VVONgOdatIS 100..,Atai.i-esok:Ontio oondlaut:oftsPP.s. &coo eip.p1o.pcs4a.gkolajp3ig ku rkeoluittyini .c000mitio toloffor-tonto,ori4;popoyouotit..fihysictit:figoiiy,ovelioiltil. gait/motif 0.i4scr0.sPf.P11.Y.4041,Marlifqs.taiMtEtpØji,ML$ik.tkagfliAtiOrik1oOs to.e.C9Wf40.4,twis. fitid.iottioElsybhologkitl .t.o.P*DrPY-grkiccilfp.1.1? PottitalK140:41twinardallY 40t1A.We.0 Aga d'Ouiti$rifizEill.zdfniltat thmvai.will Inqur avonsosloppay.61101ogipaltrpgimeth411.orapy..Rtyci afrWiltealfilt1111001',Ot 1.00staf*1thd fattopiy, • • „Mr, RIthigrbqe.03,0. • ••• C.O.T.MT yAIRRIA4TINA, Im> N....BIAZ OFFICIAL .CALMCITY Thatitig „for thipot toitoseipia•oitoz qgitin#` V61044,51tY4114 ,441P-11-.YCI4:111 eitit.iftwrimyi 71.00fitcpw94:094.4p; orgwolotopfth oqmpmAito irlalfut fark orthio omit Aittl..1‘litherdtlpge,s.that; Olil?..8:tocielvemcr4libra rfai.:181i; aid ivis; it putodiyy,w1IPtIcot Val; :14?.114 illloot.Mgvtifortire oloo.ottawmd. svoilligkui:D000ncihor 12. 1-0145„ CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 19 of 28 ..... 108.. Oh -oreboutMeoemb er4i• 2015, 1cfrs 13.1elilAit was blittotItt tin .14to4•Iitot aaNa. 210,10 watopombiAyi).ona4a. ahaf...d.hdia501.y.tto atadont 7skratitineOlnultilt, s.Pri:GP§ U.00.2.% *i- (.11t tttil&I)606ihtia44 2015 1. 116186114,40,11klilithRs 111ant ed.P.Orttlartapt Tat, Mr; Bieblarwas-.60;a0keitcn:Dpqpmb9r4,200fç p00.041 1'450.11$ 1... tiebtetS tfijiittth.V.OMX14-taitUil ifi i& . at hiteff. tiii.appyszvdm*.3/437.1).0:0411):org4A:15.i. $0.6' wgbarn.V.latt oda .yenult12"iluotedt".1V11•;Ekbfa.cOspb. Pitarlb,:fliotwdortibor4,10:,A...:Slimilialitowitjap...0.6i9414016tig: PflOitt91,14111.000.41:Ca$8.., •11211 IUpon fiirentilaiiinittrWlio6'ipittvtdkaudaiit.a:fmanieideiint11..guiziknewalio• • • • $1-4:ktt.iør VWW.waS 400;d0.J.:It.igitA.: 115 Prtbr 'tor Mitt Atittw.;1[Ine o1 ,thxy.D.bqaber.k 'WU 11:010,33,t),MsE., $11wggipittp tglc,Q 111.1.0tt04141,p6OAAlato prot.81#:ttlemr of litclutt•e..S.WeahletiV704,41161.11tid. 0, 1.0.0p 04 g:1,14-iAt.41:igai1rxep,f; the Poclber 4491AMPtetent Mv01;1,y.tTeral:44-ty:RrOvitio j)ffp'eliihkdikitysticC814g.. iT 14-:$11kary Supothito4ent, void:hog .oct Ativolithwootiwotod1i0ikkiitth:. 114,0flw,tty.prqgeflysyponbingpromasca qad grgaqq.1g cga4 titixonotdrwarihot 44 Gat6iittei4on; 4:thth.trsft,:itiwiTittatt,10:?akairt-e.,Ago 10.4.0r84(100411o0.0014t04,1;r1St$11P.MAC.d.byinbr. $11a, 319'. Ma...811vd :Sow that the:iltiuvles to N•r,. labia(' vvolildioacia0Elt4lled to.:a404114-01y. fl4pery:150•0811.5si's zremtlf$g mtd/Dv.8tlittel.11q, CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 20 of 28 11) eoemhn 4; in pie! opt) Mt tlihfct ha:a ,11 pen unall le to:m otam I0•• yvnrk bokW0Ao:OttlWinj:vrica 1,10 anAthina 21. ZianintiPA SP4Atnett.brigt;UOJA4.:woWthoTesnlynfOzofINgarAttis crlyt?., :122, The studntido.InlaOd,Mti,.Ekbind Itaapld.nandigiltity, 1-016101iragadta thAncooajor.4),,I0.115`..in6a1Ont..Mo. SIIVA:10Iew that etpreras or,OWS wag &Anger:Ws. and PcIs0.1 n .4.1:804pg *Oh§rsiAlpscr4. tfr3”141140.40*Mqtitim. atatstutfoiga; 0-Z4, :Dfitxx t,. 'td 'flO" tb4941.; tflOZOOnntot 4;910, $4W4 ifd q idisoipliunry aCtIon, qvAhst 'Cho 04ont :who AsnanIt&I 2cTh lad idesprIo 1:14Ving, Ifin'Wl'OttgO that the ainclenttna:AimiPittn. OfttOri, Ikkor .tcls An& at 'the 111ne• d: • thA NmerribM 4, 291:$ ingidpnt APhInl • • • - 16110M/Itkii• did :Sri was': 'a ;:filtygtbal 461W101, ilt:61,16111,1:61kki`41..'facilkird:"Iat"CSIJS;, tUod, *41m: 4rky AO= 'Szi, :M04 ar te, EklatA :14nOWI4Ps is!Mtv'Ekblad, „M. M. 1110: tOsiati .12t:fet0A046:10. inttOn.nziant, t)4 flji& iv timi. groygatobytisc. eNetejAetireASOIVO.1.frgatO? 327,,.. M SII-Va,; :8.4paltiiitaattatitlet .)5PPS,teesiyettitIA.for orAwiltayolid ktkas, .61.41.fraba. ouitatea M r ylai Whilt.04M004,04): 1.148; .riftoRtlyit had 4,clutttp*oop..Itsip,von4aea so,folooM4144., it!, Ma. 'SIM tad: a toritclIscatativaar dirt, 10,..prog1ttaii Ztkad, IV/MI •ffli.:StOinnOnV htb nrAb,14nedlatAsAillAnts'alonM4:AP:d..AsAan111,Yie-hehRIOrne-AinelnItt.s. 130, the? notions of MA.. Silva in •111noinkIt Efitlad t a ,:dangeilous, xonviacnninent was in iVin.intiOn1Ofitertay.cliantot10041:44tiaatitanta.. 14 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 21 of 28 1$g; .44r icblito •401.4. Ogrigt1)(ttigggi. apt, igror. 'OW Stnig fog 'FAdoig if 4' .to: ,prdebb(l. 4ahlriat .tiso .Dtedlidat*Ill A civil.lbium,,,a:eyerate Aont ihe workeFt PorripOiV.EitiOp. 1aqL :fa.uje tj4 airrigi 1$a; •M* tcOcca4o'claig VZ:1014.' OirriP6fi84ttati, TIM-.001W011Aq ISIMV4Ve4.0. M11.04 ttlitotoup, priAtmtlottal.att:oonti.damgo's to. 1\4; ;Fait TOM Nit Olvtz brololS.:Proff.axif.Y4.0.fOad TO,Mr..11kbitittivaitimio;ctailowp.tsitera pion& r.):ItccAngSt; :%111k.tirt.;a4:1114fiblEW11161)7141.0_2014takos.O.041441:1W1Okigii i. -Ma, alb/A:did itattik•otidmilitops000ttottsh.protattnws{thmkblitd.:from SPB:S • .4141.0.4': sforp$0.001Actidicimm , • • • • • qt. Ms, • '''' " ' bretiolietther •fluty.lvfailingicpproperlyvwpmvIgediliwionts 0701445k. Mk SilYitliP1141k04,1*!,01,11,YlbrffIgiii810:propciy....4110‘g1geits,jargiiii§s10 -and by i"obsie 1)rO1atiy4itia.SP.ik VigittliWOr W.:1616W; aatigatioi 'UP., :W.. SINNIVP:40110:11*ValirrOVP.X4410X0dititilliiiirlikiki:ViTiRaitta. Eiwttuiforaq nqscpeik;(049a:Poik AndctrOilitg€191g4tOlg YIP-. CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 22 of 28 J4Q . At1c .dMaR111.4:MriablA4.1agiStargd.04.:Will.0046)0616. Aliffes&Oto, ariti.040tiltudittliy,§1.b4 injiaryi aevereiunglermanput enymtippg.01:OlteSP.5 1140011I ItianitO/ita-frong \ormailciftalIbtvok1 ff4t1Dyil tos'ooftMggweih1 tu' othd ww,nr.pv9,40111-4Y.41.1 ,9014111.1q4bA31,2.tQwfif9:d torn' getfOritiftcg dt1410timIltits UXd IISII1.e PufteNtOtiti3titilteteidlit0,4111 input ;MIgila0$1.0.r PSIciapRtgaltatlatga,;t1M2p111:4 VO-piodth-g, 00o4 stutanecktamrizes tbr TosaiofTigy 4P ftMgcNy,.. watt BAxttal INDIVIDIYALLItAND.: MW Writa:0010141, OAPAcrit: SgaltiN1981, PkatiiitttArth.totiiitliFdatii6,olutibiliaggtst TheresayThittio, 41d07.4thilitlyeAci j.Opt tdadlit.001)SitYi glit*OTOSAMYWig; • • PlailtirEihr9rPoreCa all IZETA4040?-0ftlsN04.1P1aill*Ifiri1it PvilverM.RaribfrcOnt • '411.4 fitiehoralgiO4 tiSttr "IT:Str,qctiv.09`t 40rAlrvtglipg Aria MA;1 /3•attl%biM fj,ttgigibittil.0:00111 °rata. Ekti,tRaitadTheititufteheguisttiineekeDgeea.p4, ,:203$,? 01133t :411PutfloOttiboriONS,. Mt, tietilladvallysiwiltrahtuttotRatIlitittottil by coulpttltzt.PORS, Mt; .410510ww.cppdadtypuipliptifoltakageOITUAp ftlorkt. vxstaftwitzultiotoieiteireltilaio. .14%. :.iwit,D5131)..ofttli)eamlboxi4aSTO toprotti)brolgrotii itajiatieg., • :144. Mt. Majigilltiis.-attaditSint0Outalitt416115Thr pa4611111 ftWin§; Mr; Eld3144',04.14Tro., wavcl1?1oktfoothytt:11.1pU 15 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 23 of 28 tt1ibtaillx,.20.1.:82P&.a.ent.Mti:Balattaletteriexplatnipwthata.. voti.1.4 ittoteori ArchtairatOb, 1i3•Pithar,to the December 44;2011,57.1noide4ti Ma, Pattle.tadlgtowlgge.ofttre daagercaa 1Wditiatkproaontat OWS, Vta., IllanSfaationAnd 'Yeijegolforte. i'lx0.7Seagi: 41/2 •:0011Staeat;Me.4tattkv,1010/.. fhst-theAtiicielaitor.attaeiattaactiladmas. a:dart:ger toyci:thetai, A.kA4:tirtt.t IlIMO:;cottla Defeentbat .4, 'ZITS 4SiitaeMa, t:Attto ttaiatO. takei gtei.;1::1491PrA9.410PPa I4.1,0Yekit41).0.1M .cfAIRLitfi.a qc1gtetitt04,thrMikc,Rb,14 1tistMLBa tiftletity. previd0 ;PrP.P0t100.14iity. af csus,. 151, 'Ma, Battle) as :..guperliatoadadt,. ociM I've And Oopabav„e.prpyclated Bith.j,a4.13. -10410 ArgmpulpskiDervtaltizpreentawattatattettthtsaR. • • • • I9111013,004Yeg.4t403.4f.0.44601**.'WeiVVIMAVitOlYCZO; 4atAgtO, 44#inst. tagrag Atb5;%itioinpbtarel:byialut wpdiNigeirfv„ivrg, Haat. MaalgittAlio-ipw that 14 fl fl Imam mit:110W to Etavv4t0:iy :millers/is° :ostissv:pre'futses sad/hr 1:14.ditbObesegitta:41,01% IN1ttibati.*:13ktibtligao:;4:bim tattilliffo,woa ,:bggliMe;Pf.01Q 11.141:e4:4”.srelge.a.:, ;.1;$5: ti6injtaios .Wtaked*Mt, Ekbiadlev.tteltietesvitof itbodllegal aekionilaytaltift., TheE'attibilfwtio Ittltred:Mfr,tjlth'taatta Sod guiltrto. Pttprt.ct the Pwegtkw. 44::2pas!.fgol,donfi*: Aat(1.1e- !tuff -that fbvprea-agq:COatiS Wfls datigett/tia:and-P.baed iittiSta9ritliakft6 leathes§,;:a4Apat.atatitt :bvildiag;wiligateraticA. and, CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 24 of 28 8. II thd.arne...ofi,:the_Decertiber..4„4201Slincidoata'Agtg91..N1419.-talOVY 4UPiPtitla7 .0410.11 11.$01a, :th0 atud iiVW/ 'atS4411d Mt:. 4os5itti. hSia ,ittp:wtOgrYIbatibei f1414w041444nrilxvtotiH., ton tat lit :flid ittkib flit 1:14o.0WW 4, 2015 .hideleilt, Ms; Eatito. had aptual, :}cnovrpelse. that tf*zo: was :11.)?.tystoRa 1 ligolsoogpth nitowads, iteolteva 6.6Ba. neaPitecthk 1u19.W1ctiggf• wra,. AgIlg ',#)i4 'taco -tku Actitm .pecy0it 1110:kiwis .ot itirotiwootta(al 'by imb. ft AlgoIN..14.114:3o-watx TI*, 00,4; 011 01r4gelpgibl0.11.1b.'0)30 ihgtVOIna 4itev6iiteci byt1ti dx0Vite.of reasoudgmeare; 1..61, :la ngta;ia MdstantAtvoimotfloit tot 8.MRS.i.:o$10tialitelbrinovotititig?tho ittplgo.spstaitmci by Ur, :F-404.4c1,qr:4;'., 21)4S, ta, ;W: Brittletifid ilklutttioladOltkpititif6Ottaotliit.;:gi&6114d, • Th% AM galttotacktviSlisogokfAmqu t .tnprOmido • • .:NNW VOW .41% :thvihroArnaft10 .otabu:bara§atNrity .giroieriee) tito eittonk 0,kavia,d_Ogiorous: '411 vitnithiohtMEIR • 'Arrtg.10.1:qp,Oliwnottlealsor0 0.011EY'dlAtNifiAti.:01P* ithq:kblii_ditaktstr6t Altibtati*cfrkS? .0yfrOakatiolt Mr; yktita:a is igto .C.rootit4dotra3 W. grtdor 0p0 rto ,proceed 11.8.aWt th D'O'010fittts.iii Th tp.40y.tP ffiM Vottaill Coutlogaotts, :to jbrqrn1 ppEplly00..ftoyti Øu tottp.01M1(04liiMis.'. 1161- Mr, Rtqad. j ociitfitif§atbn, gii4fAii.tod injarlpt affit .t.gmotb ROORgs. 41101tigh woxkev& CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 25 of 28 tho,ktheittykof mLatitti:of6ri&w..ffir-4.sigiciouteothitencionama...asid..clinzges3o.... ......... 14hilticli 49'. Isits,..;ThittletbrOaCheellter:Autraf oaraftri,M±, aiNgirAll,tigtixfollb.wpolfQylpre.voitt. ,Y4010i100 Ma15111014:Mr, Wad itte:itijatikiri'Whieli:p.d.s.da:4.10.ftZft.41516.11131crof itij9tios, asi13.cXtte:4104)9f. Pacq 4.'brogooggvItfp.401.1"prpl*TIAR:Mt,::g)th.1.4flonvg4111, gtiictaittottak561.6tattaitg., 111, , . 8.11.0IP t04611A1 1. 10n01,1t,y.:hy fft.i.tftottipop'otlY,ItirioNtkits:cs.toawikl OcitA.0.0..spps, ta. US, Bate16t,SfetrAteratitY,lialtit01:0.fdpo.6 Supeiwise...its:promiss andlmildring. .tatitgp-otry:iwum.Ng1Wq*fettOMilfaltathIA,..ahtLettus700fidlitOtt I.73c M.Tfalitto breaolied:ther ittitylynot exewi.sifrig 04'349r311)QiiPYI.Vroggaires pt$0.011,0114.1noptirg%; ec140010,44i1:11011ggit.tOptakigVisolbilay • ....... • • • ....... a,m1.111 dtbppgi.tak p.P.Ts:500ta1. ).4.4..AchIgOligs. girthrodig:641.1.i.OMI)J,14030 Staai ftiiittkpatiTatietttpkitillii 4WaVotio,dittUfp.baaartenp on-4.9134,4109ssi MIMS Variffe:Mations '0.1r1416(11.)A41.4§t.O.H0):.h4ttaillitim.4:108U01)1V0.0teitki, tdbiltet-! ASsydaciloOtail ligurkosi was prevented . 4nd will eP110411-1040'150Tr..M4Catern;Pitift110$ :4NadtitzOthitty.t.ol.Mtlormid :expgivii-f9.gRoAcilgreforWattg90.0thiony -s-attoti:thulthaolottas .0f.Ay;AA.c146.Ktrem. W'FIMOptia,.Thigareproysyltrfatfp.Qtttagaltut.thaVeyAnTo rot v.tonoriatird qatigwiti,43g9{11:9r with oots, 41§h9TAPPPOtaf.Y9§9PAIStsliSnWes fees, 4j tilinagga,0„-LIW.S?5:tt :tItid.:6111tertOga. 04614 tqt-istsry ptiispotitla6t6.81.htraii, mwspgry tg mato thg:Plar.Afir w.h01:(3, tiO tgit6DxthtlieffdpDmp4, ........... CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 26 of 28 14. IMAINTIFF:DEMAND$AJURY TRIAL ON ALIXOUN% 80,TR-1014, . rIAINAIPVitzgOtvens•illt rimat• UdSLW VIT I'OAMENDTBIS .C:01‘01., &INT TO, VITIAtimE ,evs Alla w, P)f#104)4.$01101.cgagga: T1itraitILLIItilobtai(#03:95413.7); Aittakvatlilitcht ti.M0.0o ZOfl :MINNom DViniOpto•El lEfic-ortitgf,p4, MM $542 lefiszts5149.50a ,60.KNOWIMI.OMENT: ig Ifgg 2silAdkil•PV/It1):6.mitiat theditvig.amofahlw:pouloiaintliyevw9thsripm:40 4114 tub miTtaited" bi.y.migt4 a.::good t4it2i *attittatithickm:oarto.sfatit7itionifiaition Opinplanfip roo$,f4111.i ;ackiwot ragq,iiwitiptotpk., cTub :tgv014;14,-P4Iittitgibfingq• cn&L 41actgonlont4. Atatt veasanalitii(tomot 44t1.•xxiittigga- toomus INthltrffes#0.1%9,034g.! 04toi Map', 1.,101* 044„ Ati( ‘• • BaiRbauvitkapiwpvtitoft: • • breity.D.•SolitotoNG305456): tiwitiOli:414a/301/U13i7), SiNarfOotge 2051 Ki!Uel,mwOglyv.:00(00 5-sos 05:2).1:5146.00. CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 27 of 28 DISTRICT COURT STATE OF MINNESOTA SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TYPE: CIVIL-EMPLOYMENT COUNTY OF RAMSEY John Ekblad, Court File No,: Judge Plaintiff, v. Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625, Valeria Silva, individually and in her Official Capacity, and Theresa Battle, individually and in her Official Capacity, NOTICE OF APPEARANCE Defendants. TO: RAMSEY COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATOR, 15 KELLOGG BOULEVARD WEST, ST. PAUL, MN 55102 and PLAINTIFF ABOVE-NAMED AND HIS ATTORNEY PHILIP G. VILLAUME, VILLAUME & SCHIEK, P.A., BLN OFFICE PARK, 2015 KILLEBREW DRIVE, SUITE 611, BLOOMINGTON, MN 55425, Preface Since January 1, 1952, in Minnesota "a civil action is commenced against each defendant: When the summons is served upon that defendant, or At the date of acknowledgment of service if service is made by mail, or When the summons is delivered to the Sheriff in the county where the defendant resides for service; but such delivery shall be ineffectual unless within 60 days thereafter the summons is actually served on that defendant or the first publication thereof is made." Rule 3,01, M.R. Civ, Pro. (2015), So, the instant civil action has not been commenced as the Summons and Complaint have not been properly served on any defendant, "Service of summons within the state shall be as follows: (a) Upon an Individual. Upon an individual by delivering a copy to the individual personally or by leaving a copy at the individual's usual place of abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein. EXHIBIT CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 28 of 28 If the individual has, pursuant to statute, consented to any other method of service or appointed an agent to receive service of summons, or if a statute designates a state official to receive service of the summons, service may be made in the manner provided by such statute," *** (e) Upon Public Corporations. Upon a municipal or other corporation by delivering a copy *** (4) To any member of the board or other governmental body of a defendant school district; an Rule 4.03(a) and (e) (4) (1989), We are advised that Mai Vang, an employee of St. Paul Public Schools District 625 and an assistant in the office of the Superintendent, received a copy of the Summons and Complaint on March 2, 2016; such was not substituted service, personal service or service of any kind or nature effective to commence this civil action against any defendant. Thiele v. Stick 425 N.W.2d 580, 584 (Minn. 1988), Further, no one on the St, Paul Public Schools District 625 school board has indicated that they personally were served With the Summons and Complaint in this case. Hence, Plaintiff's counsel has failed to commence the instant civil action. Such proper service, and suit commencement could easily have been obtained, See generally Rule 4,05, M.R. Civ, P. (1989). NOTICE OF APPEARANCE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE pursuant to Rule 5,01, M.R. Civ. P (2012) that Defendants hereby appear in this action. A copy of every pleading, notice, all discovery and each and every other document must be served on the Defendants and their undersigned attorneys at the address provided below, Dated: al Nyvtd\-Tab■4 Jardine, Logan & ien 'LLP By: sttiwitn 0153412) Lawrence M. Rocheford (A. Thomas L, Cummings (A R #237723) 8519 Eagle Point Boulevard Suite 100 Lake Elmo, MN 55042-8624 Telephone: (651) 290-6516 Facsimile: (651) 223-5070 E-Mail: IrochefordAilolaw,com Attorney for Defendants 2 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 1 of 22 STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT "-Q01JKT COUNTY OF .RAMSEY B^C©toJUDl€lAL:fMS.TCICT John Ekblad, Plaintiff; Case type; Civi'I - Employment VS, SUMMONS Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625. CaseNTou. -an^l^ere§aB^t)e4i\4MamUy-an4 in her Official Capacity.,. Defendants, YOU' AREBEING SUED. ThePlmnti^has sfa4e4 a lawsuit ^ainsfy^ 1 J. v The Plamfiff-s. Cb.M^laiht-f against ^du -is attached to this Summons . Bo not'throwThese papers away. "" Tidal wars that af&et your Mglita. fdu.miM respond to/thisiawsnif evehttegbit t©3 m. m ¦Z, •:P» ! '¦] a.. •f,.. 4: -» 1 YOU MUST RESPOND TO BACK &MM, The .Answer & wdtfen a&Spiftse; to teMhMffa :(^m|laiht. In fbufc .Mmm you must: state: -whether -you agrees or Eisape^witlfeaoh pfapiph of.feefibnipWht; Jf yma beted he given. • J.'-: .U 4x .RESPONSE; TO "THE COMPLAINT TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED THIS Yoxt.wi-llvriotgetfo asked fotln theSoinplaiht, Tfyou do nQf-wantfo contesttWcfe dp- not need to respond, you A Default Judgment uan then bp entered against you .for the relief requested fit the. Complaint. CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 2 of 22 I il I ;f : P5 wi'skifrget'- l^gal:lli4p' -iik-i-i: -A i^V_ m •••sJ-ii.'ti.'.i;-. ii-i.' A ''T! i V -,_ •' £. .Jfc- . • il'ft alawyeft -Iftyou .j.' r.. • 'ri • ,. .. ...» ' •• > -» ;w i «*4< : & ; Tile -parttes-.may .agre&^t.Q ^r "be; t'X. >'.../• ,^'j J VW V-. 1 expcfto ssMfm&lSW&san?' T "T> <T''j *v t: OTMJW5* „.; Jeffteyra.Sdhielc fTiV . »ii» • >.. i ->,.> •'Of- 'T>:;^ -Jj ;' .t, ^iiA'.g YY<?'7t 'O rT^ •>. toWSs:f6rSMBgf: ,!( BlGomiii^oa,;.. MN;5S'42-5 r ¦ : CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 3 of 22 STATE OF MINNESOTA SECQH© JUDICIAL DISTRICT I'.. TT JotoEkbM, : mm®, :CasftT$>:& Civil ^Employment ;;i !: : S aifttPaui Public S ebools, .CaseTfpu- iBismtm.,. Iv •UK i '.M into Official Capacity,Defentiiarits.: j; ; >ueii;h v/< -s Y-.J lGifllgS J 1^1 'i >? V - *' -i i'L (jf ijv, i •.<» i" t«v > ? tr am lici To. FAKTIES 4a- ;h *» j f: Ii u-> Mf M fx . . tK Y r I j > JA i : CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 4 of 22 '.'.'.¦"'if: 3; Yfei •.AVI relevant Jiffies ftasbeeffitiie-^ lo^efs'eesrcMs, l! :¦ i 4a -J'i . <.4o ;i '13 v> :VJ 1 £> Complaint i 9>. •t" O* j tf.vCl 4'/ vx t- Syndrome.; ! iiypi'ies* 10;. KTft Ekbiad wS§;&ttadM 6mBeeeMb6b4,::20I5 for personal ¦reasons*. r XI, .•w v* !>¦ 2 :ej \ CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 5 of 22 ! 7J jJEeseiifcatvCSHS. r., 16,, J?riprlQ?;andatdhe'ti-m^ P 2Q1'S ineMentr.SPE'S' Failed 'to;prGvi40:p,rpper' il •seou^:at:GB;H&v supervising its premises1 and ,students-.. leaGhersjat:lo.eatiGnsvoperated.lby and supervised ;b'y SEES f& € .ai fse Ifepremi^s-apd -20, W. " m- 'eturn- to. work fil'} ,o» ,CSHS was dangerous and- p6s.ed an imminent-, risk- to teaete% .support staffj 'bpil$ing adilainistratmii, and Students', \ ! .3 \k • CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 6 of 22 14, 1 w& •S I. } > Idiowle'dgethatthes^^^ 25, Pr 5 iJl that there was, % physM vldiahee- problem- towards; teachers -at .GSHS, < I Despite this t* ri. r aci i Mrv.Bikblad, i. •in s'ej •?* •u*•V kT i •j v* !C1 •pi ] •;dth;er. staff members in th^Mlsiasid elassr:o:oitis-of O.ur- setoais,'* >>• ! ^mmm^h0ks. merohs Mi f. ?! •rf. ».«• n • it. ill \ siiSiaihedbyMr/Ekblad^ i i A m ft m n ,A m <v h i*-' * ;= .f&e-df-ab^ :; ii J VioMoii of their tiQu-disoretionary duties -aiid rulcsv I :: i \ 52-, Mx. Ekblad has nCAtet el wu;rker-s * eomp.eiJsati.bu, .! 4. ) >i CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 7 of 22 ;3-3, Mr. ® ILiV. ihL '?• eleefc- to *»• *1 . pphipensatidn laws, M- ^Ekjblad, has- :sustaiii<$ ifturies ft# cannot fee redressed tlirougli workers' eoinpensatioii. !: to EkfeM. ^eaiMri^sii?s^mrrs employees S'V ftows:; l-AM?' •.iw, i :es; a-) ftaint-asifMlyset-fo^li under-tlils,count aiid fuxftcrullegejs. that: 36. Mr, Bkblad is a ;teacher .of Physical Science, atiSPP'S. ;• JL^'ptniched-j 41. .Mi, Ekllad's ift ui'ies werd-sMained while 'he was orilunch, 42. £ m i »•; would '<ftTokpt?,;Mr.,7Elftlad?s job. •5 . CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 8 of 22 43, PriQr\tG:'theDepeihber:4y2Q15Jihcid;ent,:£PPSha^^^ present at CSH$, : 44. h ii> Mentwho m. i y ¦' . : EMadHvas a dahg^-:to,dthdrs. e. :• •y alCSifSv ;47-,. 3 meet J ti* teaca its premises and students. m i iii Iv.V j:1ti te ' because ©fhhg- ipjunps be sustained:,. m. 4 V- i •' ;• :admi;nis.iTadbnJ.-a.ritf students.. ; : ;¦ 5 i CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 9 of 22 •• 54. •> 5 '< ; I) ! mf disoiplMfy action ragfcinst the -Student who- assaulted Mb- EkbM-. -despite. having"htaowledge-that th:e siudeni;wa&a danger to others,; 55. -Prior ios h n'U * .Despite this: 5 tk i J*- Mi, ptetal * 56:. 10! •c;0 s prev^tud-.bylhei-exeiuiseuftoaspnableceare; ! , j 5Z on December 4, 58, • The Defendants hud a duty to keepitspemises safe for- Mr, Ekblad.». k./i- -:.l ta« ; 60. nment sn V'J- r " r>- ;i vioIati;on.oftheirnun^dj''d-.mles, 61 . tvfe Efcbkd Iiasmeyer elected workers'1 compensation <&. ¦ •n hiv „.^i ¦Cdmpetisutfoh few®, 63, Mn .Ekbkd 'has -.sustained injuries; that, cannot he .redressed through 'workers"* compensation, 7 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 10 of 22 I m : JA h .to .iytx'. Ekljlad. SPPS failed, to exerciser ...» and prem.tiQli:aiymeaam'es,- .'•iii }'u >¦> 1* .Si would have been;preveflied. j. X, £6. :cehiheh4,. 20.1:5 , •viiokte - 1 i m. r fjtdWres, edU; \ i: * . •j i". .Tlio.adtid^>ofSP^S-audi ; !>• Werein:€dkfe b [ statute was designed tdpfevent eeiitiauedosufc severe and perniaiient pliysioai iftijWi severe: and permauwitomp'tiQn ai. dishes* physic •ir^ 4-1 tea .:ii is* rrt, ii tj .tl. r£: 8 i CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 11 of 22 CODHJ1 II - SPPS AND ITS EMPLOYEES negligent supM^tsidK Mows: ITS m: and fUitoratieg^.tkt-: sustained jniMpleiSerious injuries* 74, A *£a Irenes, \ n, w lx'» .'41 tiai-:reasoiTs. •" JvvTf jtf'i-r m t .? *VJ ; f& Mff-% mm ¦fei'1 ri in; «'tl pi 9. i. CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 12 of 22 8 i, Mor time OfjMieiD.eaeriib.e^.Ar 201 5 ineidentv-SPBS- failed to prevideproper 82, $% LO' ? ;l: !. ft i. teachers at location^ opm-atedky and-sufsrvised-'by^PfSv M. iw:3' via ;©• its prases m$ sM^ms.; m. beMSenofthfe injuries -lie sustained. 85; 5T M} Mqv% tl\e Pecemte- 4,- 20-1 5: tie iDjfendiabts- wdr&/Md ' W the pimiseS 4f H .0- .^mimskaio^and^^nts,. 8®, i* •any- d •M 90, :;1 c 'despite, having *> V 'c :iSV 10 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 13 of 22 •; •91, :Mr . i. ;¦ prevented 921 m:ere!$e'.of teasonable oate, B •ei m j sustained %,Mr. Ekfciad- on D.eceniber- 4, 2QVS;. a, % \) yj m. vioM^63FllieS^tf6n«dlse^fi1oaary duties' an&'iules. W. Mr...I ¦; r> V •i j •elect to proceed against, file- 13 efendarits k a: .civil -fbrtjm, separate from tlie workers'1 cpippejrsatiQP laws, M' Mr. Efeblad ha's sustained injuries tkaf cannot; :bc redress# ijirpugTr workers' compensation. tC.-teSbiad. !<•• . its students"' icreseeabfe actions^ ;• i •f.D2, u r yuailing* ¦a- \ ii, ! i •'v»; •. CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 14 of 22 v., . *: : i measures, 4'« j •nj 1 m I.'vvl 0 y ' J-r- vfi >js ttt&venl •i •-" .f.: •« . ,.;j •a?- *<s i. I i. * i comxin j A® in her omicim mmcrny 5 4 i t:J'L5v ¦£¦¦£•,£:¦ -t ¦ tti ! ^5 i aftd ifuftkeriaileges that: m. $ ... ,?i bi'i <-¦¦1 ,v. P:" jl T*. * •L2- CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 15 of 22 i . . 1-0:8... : •*V>. I': "> J *>' :y;: *&¦ 109. , ("•1 y cnanei j al L Mfv BkbM'S i^'ilnes-weMfeSu^twilfea \diileiie.:wSS'.Qii liilich. .Wfluld-1<<|)roteafYM'h:Ekb'l:ad'sj'db. 'J' 111 ] eenditior^^ •i .* Hi- f*±Hi ? . 1 •r", x. ir *A'< • !} Wi-:vt ( ! <• .s. T. >h u v. •h " Y' •' T( v'.-,V , i1& f r? :< Ca -i • v... CIO IP 13' •• list CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 16 of 22 . «. .. . r because ©fthdfejttfies lie mainei i ¦ m • i; j.j', m. 'Mi. ¦h: t Mlsmdeiite. •disciplinary action against the student -who assaulted .Mr. JKblad •des.pit'e having, icnovdedge: that the stadept*s;^ianpr^ bfhm IM; Prior to,j .and at the time- of, the December 4, SOI® incident, Ms, Silva bad actual •v. ":af£SH&. ' >1 W mm hijbrles sustained by Mr* Bkblad preymitedhyihe exercise of^reasotiabf©' oarq.:m., k /.eiiti: iss. !• ffe IZ'"' 130.. The- actions of- Ms.. S-ilva -in placing Mr; Efcb'lad in a dangerous environment was in •violation^ . 14: CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 17 of 22 .-..-...I .... •• i St'. iM, J m, m -IV 10 m e'leeh .to.- proceed. a'gain'st the Idcfoiidailts in: a civil forum,; -separate .from the workers' •compensatioji lays, 133, Mr.- Ekblad "has sustained injuries that: cannot be redressed. .through workers' cOtWpehgatlm, Mr; EKbladv msi m iCJ li- -h.'.-'iv .1 n»: >: * - stu.d.bnis- fbreseeable actions; ¦ ¦ ¦ ;proprty»i3'8. Mk; Silya n< tr- properly- Warn SPPS's Vishors Of ^knoWn, -dadgetous condition, W- MS, S: ¦t.i, w \ -n ; eMUri Sy V ! 15 ; | CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 18 of 22 \ t .140, A Xi !• : l /¦ ; ¦> !< S, •3i ;e$ pv.% LTil COUNT IV S THERESA BATTUE, I N'DlVI I) U A 1 .1 Y ;\.N I) lv -V t i\j;- i-a; <) 111 n'.lojjos as follows: it;', 'w<\ tete alleges that: ,V- M. 141 a > iM-r, 0 -J Tj.;. 'T •a 'Stedmt;3at;:(^S'H$, Mt, Effiad/>vas,i:e^ student and !• sustained^ i ui. ¦iiiV, ¦a; i ! ! : anjuriesv j. : ; : 16 L CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 19 of 22 V| { >K, hh ; Would ^pfoteet* Ml Ekb'l0?sjeb. ^'o'ndittoSiPTBsent-at. CSjiS . .that tlie; student' wbo attacked;:^ Ekb'iad was a.danger toothers. M S ivt 'i j *V'.J •». «• ,:y. ••x-x. i— ,j- e .4 ywx^&o.iao,.. ,-v •- (v %:dV> •preper.seeerity at C&BS-, m. i t ¦MJi Vi- i "tar it . V. iS .j '2'u lA I, W i - £ !s V .supervise GSifS-'s-'preinises -and/or students,' .• i. m m\> L beea^se-ofthq injuries, be^ustamet. 15:5,. Thednjiuues sustained by Mr. Ekbiad wete tlio result oftbeu'llegal acts"ofMs.~ Battle, «¦. £.K. rj: SIT and; students j. 1:7 • c 5 •• CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 20 of 22 ...*Ty Ij-iVJ disqiptitiary actie.ri ^gainst, the strident who. assaulteft -Mr'.- Eittad -.despite. toing jj IS9\ :&x>r to* and at tlie to dg the DeCeriifeer 4, 20:15 incident, Ms; Battle had actual m}uries:.sustaihed by Ml EkM. • peveiite'd-hy;the;exetcise Ofreasonable-care-; Ml Ms. Battle, as Assistant Saperintettd'erit: for - is respoiiAible: :fbt pt^vmtingV thO kinds df'atoer.-iiarasSitfenti violence* and assaultive; behavior ofstudents,. ML Mi; elect to -proceed against the Defendants, ki; a; eiyil |drum\, .separate, .from the workers' ! cotnpetfsatinn laws. M7. Mr, Bkblad las sustained ¦ injuries that compensation. cannot be redressed throligh workers.' L. 18 CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 21 of 22 7 I m, i i ill! * 5. prppej^. 5 : >; .c - !0! *•• A t- i*i3y HI ,Vl rffo ¦ .l.'t \ •J i. i ! € I L incur- « L '•5 y rfb: of:pa.y;.aiid:futui"epayi i. < < ¦Y m ;ai ro T fri ernei • necessary to make th&Plafntlff whole, IP Lter-refref-d&emed-. CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-1 Filed 03/31/16 Page 22 of 22 • 4 i %¦ it : ¦: fJ !•! : ! ,.yj' ¦A, !^V + ¦>A»: S: wp: £ tee mmim i i ThmmimGbG^wmny} crt '^Ti-rv&s ¦>,>. ,1, u B'loom'ihgtpii, lyJ$'.:|:5423 •: ; :(©52)-m«QQ atiQJi&,ofahis.'Gom;pte^ ?j„V. •» . • pel. OP wwn* J.- J*V • ~j: '..,'1 ' •' ' . .-•'l-.ri HnlV ... V. i* %e- ¦i £>i li.j.n. ."Vlv/M 0 A, : ¦¦<:. I'r B.&.awaMe'ditG'E>efemdlaTit:s-.- '/¦ J? *• & I3illpm:Wi:aijiM#SPSf V' -1 •V; m : . .7:'^ .2051 Blodiniiiglon,. MN' 55425 i m ' 62-CV-16-1831 Filed in Second Judicial District Court 3/30/2016 4:31:28 PM Ramsey County, MN CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-2 Filed 03/31/16 Page 1 of 1 DISTRICT COURT STATE OF MINNESOTA SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TYPE: CIVIL-EMPLOYMENT COUNTY OF RAMSEY John Ekblad, Court File No.: Judge Plaintiff, v. Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625, Valeria Silva, individually and in her Official Capacity, and Theresa Battle, individually and in her Official Capacity, NOTICE OF FILING NOTICE OF REMOVAL Defendants. TO: DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR, County of Ramsey, and PLAINTIFF AND HIS ATTORNEY, Philip G. Villaume, Villaume & Schiek, P.A. BLN Office Park, 2015 Killebrew Avenue, Suite 611, Bloomington, MN 55425 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Defendants have filed a Notice of Removal pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1446(a) and (b), 28 U.S.C. § 1331, 28 U.S.C. § 1441(a), and 28 U.S.C. § 1343, a copy of which is attached hereto, and that said filing has occurred via the Electronic Case Filing System for the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota. Dated: a,5 149/14/k ?NO Jardine, Logan & O'Bin LP By: 0153412) Lawrence M. Rocheford (A. Thomas L. Cummings (A.' 237723) 8519 Eagle Point Boulevard, Suite 100 Lake Elmo, MN 55042-8624 Telephone: (651) 290-6516 Facsimile: (651) 223-5070 E-Mail: Attorney, for Defendants CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-3 Filed 03/31/16 Page 1 of 2 JS 44 (Rev. 12/07) CIVIL COVER SHEET The JS-44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE OF THE FORM.) DEFENDANTS I. (a) PLAINTIFFS Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625, Valeria Silva, individually and in her Official Capacity, and Theresa Battle, individually and in her Official John Ekblad (b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff DAKOTA Capacity, (EXCEPT IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES) County of Residence of First Listed Defendant RAMSEY (c) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number) (IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES ONLY) Philip G. Villaume NOTE: Villaume & Schiek, P.A. LAND INVOLVED, BLN Office Park IN LAND CONDEMNATION CASES, USE THE LOCATION OF THE TRACT OF Attorneys (If Known) 2015 Killebrew Avenue Lawrence M. Rocheford Suite 611 Blooraington, MN 55425 Jardine, Logan & O'Brien, P.L.L.P. Ph: 952-851-9500 Suite 100 Lake Elmo, MN 55042 Ph: 651-290-6500 8519 Eagle Point Boulevard CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES. (Place an "X" in One Box for in. II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an "X" in One Box Only) Plaintiff and One Box for Defendant) (For Diversity Cases Only) PTF ? 1 U.S. Government Citizen of This State El 3 Federal Question PTF DEF DEF D 1 ? 1 Incorporated or Principal Place Citizen of Another State I~1 4 Diversity ? 2 U.S. Government ?2 ?2 Incorporated and Principal Place ? 5 ? 5 of Business In Another State (Indicate Citizenship of Parties Defendant ? 4 ? 4 of Business In This State (U.S. Government Not a Party) Plaintiff in Item III) Citizen or Subject of a ? 3 ? 3 cn 6 (m 6 Foreign Nation Foreign Country IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an "X" in One Box Only CONTRACT FORFEITURE/PENALTY TORTS P 110 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY P 362 Personal Injury - P 310 Aii-plane P 120 Marine P 130 Miller Act PERSONAL INJURY P 315 Airplane Product P 140 Negotiable Instrument P 365 Personal Injury - Liability P 150 Recovery ofOverpayment Med. Malpractice P 320 Assault, Libel & P 368 Asbestos Personal Slander & Enforcement of Product Liability P 330 Federal Employers' Judgment P 151 Medicare Act Injury Product Liability Liability P 1 52 Recovery of Defaulted P 340 Marine Student Loans PERSONAL PROPERTY P 345 Marine Product Liability (Excl. Veterans) P 153 Recovery of P 350 Motor Vehicle P 355 Motor Vehicle Product Liability Oveipayment Veteran's Benefits P 160 Stockholders' Suits Product Liability CIVIL RIGHTS P 210 Land Condemnation P 220 Foreclosure P 441 Voting O 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment P 443 Housing/ PRISONER PETITIONS P 5 1 0 Motions to Vacate El 442 Employment Sentence Habeas Corpus: Accommodations P 290 All Other Real Property P 444 Welfare P 445 Amcr. w/Disabilities - Employment P 446 Amer. w/Disabililies 158 28 USC 157 881 P 630 Liquor Laws P 640 R.R. & Track P 650 Airline Regs. P 660 Occupational PROPERTY RIGHTS P 830 Patent P 840 Trademark P 550 Civil Rights P 555 Prison Condition - Other ? 430 Banks and Banking ? 450 Commerce ? 400 Deportation P 470 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations D 480 Consumer Credit P 490 Cable/Sat TV P 810 Selective Service P 850 Securities/Commodities P 690 Other Exchange P 875 Customer Challenge LABOR P 710 Fair Labor Standards Act SOCIAL SECURITY P 861 HIA (1395FF) P 862 Black Lung (923) P 863 DIWC/DIWW 12 USC 3410 P 890 Other Statutory Actions P 891 Agricultural Acts P 892 Economic Stabilization P 730 Labor/Mgmt. Reporting (405(g)) & Disclosure Act P 864 SSID Title XVI P 893 Environmental Mattel's P 865 RSI (405(g)) P 894 Energy Allocation Act P 740 Railway Labor Act P 790 Other Labor Litigation P 791 Empl. Ret. Inc. Security Act P 530 General P 535 Death Penalty P 540 Mandamus & Other ? 400 State Reapportionment ? 410 Antitrust P 820 Copyrights Safety/Health P 720 Labor/Mgmt. Relations P 196 Franchise D 240 Torts to Land ? 245 Tort Product Liability P 423 Withdrawal Property Damage Injury REAL PROPERTY P 620 Other Food & Drug P 625 Drug Related Seizure P 380 Other Personal P 385 Property Damage P 360 Other Persona! P 1 90 Other Contract P 195 Contract Product Liability P 370 Other Fraud P 371 Truth in Lending ? 422 Appeal 28 USC ofProperty 21 USC OTHER STATUTES BANKRUPTCY P 610 Agriculture IMMIGRATION P 462 Naturalization Application Act P 895 Freedom of Information Act FEDERAL TAX SUITS P 870 Taxes (U.S. P 900 Appeal of Fee Plaintiff or Determination Defendant) Under Equal Access to Justice P 871 IRS - Third Party 26 USC 7609 P 950 Constitutionality of State Statutes P 463 Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee P440 Other Civil Rights P 465 Other Immigration Actions V. ORIGIN (Place and "X" in One Box Only) P I Original Proceeding P 2 Removed From State Court P 3 Remanded from Appellate Court P 4 Reinstated or Reopened P 5 Transferred from Another District P 6 Multidistrict P 7 Appeai to District Litigation (specify) Judge from Magistrate Judgment Cite the U.S. Civil Statute Under which you are filing (Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity): VI. CAUSE OF ACTION 42 U.S.C , Sec. 1983 Brief description of case: Plaintiff asserts that the St. Paul Public Schools (SPPS) and its employees were negligent and negligently supervised others and that the SPPS Superintendent Valeria Silva violated the Plaintiffs rights under 42 USC 1983 and that the Assistant Superintendent Theresa Battle also violated the Plaintiffs rights under 42 USC 1983, CASE 0:16-cv-00834-DSD-SER Document 1-3 Filed 03/31/16 Page 2 of 2 ? VII. REQUESTED IN UNDER F.R.C.P. 23 COMPLAINT VIII. RELATED CASE(S) IF ANY (See Instructions) NONE Date: 3/23/2016 CHECK IF THIS IS A CLASS ACTION CHECK YES only if demanded in complaint DEMAND Damages and attorneys fees JURY DEMAND I IpCKET/NUMBER: Judge: 4 SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY OF RECORD: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT ft AMOUNT APPLYING IFP JUDGE MAG. JUDGE. El Yes ? No