LAHAV Division QUALITY ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION TITLE: QUALITY ASSURANCE INSTRUCTION NO: 056/15 CHAPTER: INSPECTION REPLACING PROCEDURES NO: _ APPLICABLE TO: THE LAHAV DIVISION EFFECTIVE DATE: 01.07.2015 SUBJECT: F-16 Manufacturing Plan Guidelines for critical part F-16 Manufacturing Plan Guidelines for critical part Below are general guidelines to be used in preparation of manufacturing plans for LM Aero – Fort Worth F-16 parts. This is not intended to be a complete list nor does it establish firm requirements. It is recommended that suppliers responsible for critical part planning review these guidelines before submitting plans for review. Additionally, suppliers should add to these guidelines based on LM Aero – Fort Worth’s review of the planning they submit to avoid repeating errors and to facilitate the approval cycle. 1. The plan should show the Part Number and Drawing Revision Level. 2. The plan should also show the Plan Revision Level and Date. Update the plan rev level and date with each submittal through the review/approval process. The plan rev number or letter is needed for manufacturing plan review/approval and for reference in the Certificate of compliance. 3. Mark Plan: “FRACTURE CRITICAL”, “MAINTENANCE CRITICAL” Plans for Durability Critical parts need not be submitted. 4. Note the criticality as shown on the face of drawing, e.g. THIS PART IS FRACTURE CRITICAL TRACEABLE. MANUFACTURE, PROCESS, INSPECT, IDENTIFY, SERIALIZE AND PROVIDE TRACEABILITY. 5. Include a statement: CHANGES TO THIS PLAN REQUIRE PRIOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY LM AERO – FORT WORTH F-16 M&PE. Alternatively, CHANGES TO CONTROLLED OPERATIONS REQUIRE PRIOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY LM AERO – FORT WORTH M&PE. 6. Identify the raw material used. Include material spec, alloy, temper, condition, grade, and size, as applicable. Show the actual material to be used. This should agree with the material and thickness shown in the engineering unless a material substitution per 16PR092S has been selected. If a substitution has been authorized by a Variance, reference the Variance number and approval date. 7. Verify that the information provided on the material certificate meets the requirements of the material spec. 8. For serialized, traceable parts, note the material supplier and heat lot or parent plate number on the traveler. For multiple parts / serial numbers being processed with a single traveler, make sure they are each from the same heat lot. If more than one heat lot is used to make parts, use additional travelers. The intent is to assure that each serial number can be traced to the heat lot. Inspection operations should VERIFY SERIAL NUMBER. Manufacturing operations should MAINTAIN SERIAL NUMBER. DISTRIBUTION: _ Editor: D. RAFAELOV Approved: Y. YOSSINGER PRINT DATE: 06.07.2015 PAGE: 1 OF: 3 ProceduresLive30056-15_06Jul15 LAHAV Division EFFECTIVE DATE: 01.07.2015 9. QUALITY ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION NO: 056/15 Verify that any required ultrasonic inspection has been done, e.g. VERIFY MATERIAL MEETS CLASS A ULTRASONIC INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS PER MIL-STD-2154. 10. If a grain direction is marked on the F/D, verify that the part is oriented with grain direction as shown. Grain directions are not typically controlled for parts made from Ti and steel. 11. Parts should be processed in accordance with applicable spec requirements, e.g. for metal removal operations, add METAL REMOVAL PER FPS-3017; Or, for final machining or deburr operations ALL SURFACES PER FPS-3017 TYPE I AND MISMATCH PER FPS-3017 TYPE III. 12. Include any special requirements contained in drawing notes or on the face of drawing, for example VERIFY 63 MAX SURFACE ROUGHNESS on the specified surface. There may be additional surface finish requirements in specifications noted on the drawing. The supplier must be aware of these requirements and may want to include the task to verify the surface finish in the plan. 13. For serialized, traceable parts: Unique serial numbers must be assigned for each part. These are not to be re-used if a part is scrapped or if a subsequent order is received. Serial numbers should not be repeated for a new dash number of a given part number. List serial numbers individually on the traveler, e.g. XXX1, XXX2, XXX3, XXX4, not XXX1 through XXX4. The plan should include steps to mark or tag the billet, to maintain the serial number as it proceeds through the manufacturing sequence, and to verify the serial number at each inspection operation after each manufacturing operation. a. When required, the plan should include the requirement to VIBROENGRAVE THE FSCN PER FPS-3008 CLASS 1A IN THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE B/P. THE MARKING SHALL INCLUDE: Manufacturer’s Cage Code Part No.–Dash No. Serial No. b. If test coupons are processed with the part, they should be given the same serial number. 14. Certain operations require the use of Qualified Sources. Examples of these include chem milling, anodizing, etching, penetrant inspection, etc. The plan should state that these operations shall be conducted by a QCS-001 approved source for Process Code XXXX, or the plan should identify the source, or both. For plans which detail a specific processor for a QCS-001 operation, apart from titanium heat treat operations, the manufacturing plan operation which lists the specific processor may be revised to “any QCS-001 approved source for process code XXXX” where XXXX is the specific process code for the operation. The revised plan does not require review and approval by Materials and Processes because there is no requirement that the processor be specifically identified as long as they are QCS-001 approved F-16 Manufacturing Plan Guidelines 15. Generally, process procedures for QCS-001 processes do not need to be included. They must be included for more complex processing, such as heat treating or welding. They are not required for penetrant inspection or finishing. Manufacturing plans for outside machining must be submitted. DISTRIBUTION: _ Editor: D. RAFAELOV Approved: Y. YOSSINGER PRINT DATE: 06.07.2015 PAGE: 2 OF: 3 ProceduresLive30056-15_06Jul15 LAHAV Division EFFECTIVE DATE: 01.07.2015 QUALITY ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION NO: 056/15 16. If parts are to be shipped to an outside processor, the plan should include a step to package and protect the parts. And, the plan should include a step for the outside processor to package and protect for returning the parts to the supplier. When parts are to be delivered to LM Aero – Fort Worth, they should be packaged and protected per PM 5010 and shipped to LM Aero – Fort Worth. 17. Hardness and/or conductivity testing are required when there is a requirement to verify heat treat per NDTS-1500. Conductivity should be checked on the raw material or verified that the information is on the raw material certificate – record min and max readings on the traveler; and after final machining, prior to finishing – record min and max readings or record specific readings at checkpoint locations if specified on the drawing. Also note, the difference in conductivity measurements within a part must not exceed 2.0% IACS. All other accessible pockets must be conductivity checked, but acceptable readings are not recorded. For serialized parts, record hardness/conductivity for each serial number. 18. First Article Inspection, recurring dimensional inspection, and CMM should be aligned with the Quality measurement plan requirements. The plan may include a task to advise the source inspector 5 days in advance. First article parts require an Engineering First Article Evaluation (EFAE), except EFAE is not required for Maintenance Critical or Durability Critical parts unless noted on the drawing. Currently, EFAE for Fracture Critical parts will generally be conducted at LM Aero – Fort Worth after delivery of the finished part or assembly. For Fracture Critical parts, the planning should note to include a notification request for EFAE with the delivery paperwork. DISTRIBUTION: _ Editor: D. RAFAELOV Approved: Y. YOSSINGER PRINT DATE: 06.07.2015 PAGE: 3 OF: 3 ProceduresLive30056-15_06Jul15