Campus Improvement Plan Clinkscale Elementary Dr. Karen Crow, Principal 2013-2014 The Burleson ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. BISD Mission Statement The Mission of the Burleson Independent School District is to engage and support every learner with a rigorous curriculum so that they graduate college and career ready. BISD Vision Statement Burleson Independent School District's vision is for every learner to graduate with 21st Century problem solving and reasoning skills, ready to embrace their dynamic future. Clinkscale Elementary Mission Statement Choosing to challenge ourselves today, for our success tomorrow! Clinkscale Elementary Vision Statement We, the Clinkscale Community, will become champions by embracing our unique gifts and doing our personal best to reach our goals. We face each day with positivity and make purposeful choices in order to think critically, communicate effectively, and build healthy relationships. By respectfully holding each other accountable, we will achieve our goals. Clinkscale Elementary Site-Based Decision Making Team 2013-2014 Member Term(s) Name Teacher 2 Year2 Emily Dennis Teacher 1 Year Lindsey Byrd Teacher 2 Years Candice Cook Teacher 1 Year Angie Beardsley District Office Representative 1 Year Dr. Dawn Brown Non-Teaching Professional 1 Years Lauri Allen Parent 1 Year Deborah LeShur Community Member 1 Year Mark Greenroy Business Member 1 Year Rhyan Anderson 4 Classroom Teachers- to be nominated and elected by the teaching staff 1 District Office Representative- to be nominated and elected by non-teaching professional staff 1 Non-teaching Professional – to be nominated and elected by all professional staff assigned to that campus 1 Parent Member- must advertise/solicit and must have a child currently enrolled 1 Community Member- must advertise/solicit and must reside in the district 1 Business Member – must advertise/solicit/not necessary to have a business in the district Campus Needs Assessment Executive Summary Comprehensive Needs Assessment 2013-2014 A review of Adequate Yearly Progress, AEIS, Parent involvement, and campus collected data for Clinkscale Elementary School reveals that the campus will continue to work to develop grade level skills in literacy, writing, mathematics, and science. Specific opportunities for parents to become involved with Clinkscale activities will continue to be a goal to gain additional support for our academic efforts. A campuswide writing initiative in support of the district writing goals will be implemented; along with the use of a research based programs to support literacy. Areas to Be Addressed 1. Reading in the sub-pops of Hispanic, Special Education, White, and African American. 2. Mathematics in the sub-pops of African American, Hispanic, Special Education, and White. 3. Continued opportunities for parents to become involved. 4. Ensuring that students from all grade levels are reading proficiently and on level. 5. Enrichment/remediation schedule with specific goals for each student. Solutions to Areas to be Addressed 1. Individual academic plans in literacy will be developed for each of the identified sub-pops. These plans will be developed through collaboration with the grade level teams and the campus and district literacy specialists. 2. Individual academic plans in mathematics will be developed for each of the identified sub- pops. These plans will be developed through collaboration with the grade level teams and the campus and district mathematics specialists. 3. Frequent monitoring and review of the individual academic plans will be conducted to guide instruction and assess progress toward targeted goals. 4. Clinkscale will provide opportunities for parents to be involved that will be accommodate parent work schedules. 5. Progress monitoring meetings will be conducted during PLC time to develop intervention and enrichment plans. 6. Kindergarten, First, and Second grade will implement a phonics program. 7. The math and literacy specialist will focus on coaching and interventions for third through fifth grade. 8. Math and literacy paraprofessionals will focus on interventions and support for kindergarten through second grade. Campus Needs Assessment Data Sheets 1. During the 2012-2013 school year, none of the classrooms exceeded the 22/1 ratio; therefore no class-size waivers were required. 2. After the 2012-2013 school year, Clinkscale Elementary retained a total of 6 students out of an average student population of 500 for a 1% retention rate. 3. During the 2012-2013 school year Clinkscale Elementary invited parents to 47 specific organized parent involvement activities with over 3,100 participants attending those events. 4. A staff development survey was conducted and three areas for growth were established: continue technology training to improve instruction, instructional strategies for under achieving students, and classroom management strategies for improved student discipline. 5. The PEIMS summer collection of attendance data for Clinkscale school year 2012-2013 revealed that the average daily attendance overall for the campus was 96.3 %. All grade levels maintained an attendance rate greater than or equal to 96% for the 1 st, 2nd, 5th and 6th six weeks (with the exception of first grade the last six weeks and they dropped to 94%). During the third six weeks the attendance rates were 94% or 95% for each grade level and ranged from 94% to 97% the fourth six weeks. 6. Dropout rates/Not applicable to the elementary campus. 7. Campus Improvement Team is in place to ensure regular review of policies, procedures, and instructional practices for a positive impact on student performance. 8. Professional development surveys are conducted to identify areas for improvement and impact on student success. The campus advisory committee surveys the campus for professional development needs and reviews student performance data to discern areas for potential training implications. 9. The 2011-2012 Summer Collection of the Student Disciplinary Action Summary disclosed 81 total campus discipline referrals. That number increased to 150 discipline referrals for 2012-2013. 10. The Clinkscale retention rate for school year 2011-2012 was 2%. This percentage was established after reviewing that 12 students of the 498 student population were retained from the following grade levels: 1 from kindergarten, 1 from first grade, 7 from second grade, 2 from third grade, and 1 from fifth grade. The retention rate for 2012-2013 drop to 1% after reviewing that only 6 students out of the 500 student population were retained from the following grade levels: 2 from kindergarten, 2 from second grade, 1 from third grade, and 1 from fourth grade. 11. There were one tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use related occurrences on the Clinkscale campus for 2012-2013. 12. Clinkscale Elementary conducted regular fire drills, inclement weather drills, and lock down safety drills in accordance with the district adopted emergency operations plan. 2012-2013 STAAR Level III 2013-2014 STAAR Goals Level III Reading 3rd-80%; 4th-79%; 5th-97% 3rd-15%; 4th-27%; 5th-24% Reading 90% of all students will meet the criteria for level II 25% of all students will meet the criteria for Level III Writing 4th-80% 4th-6% Writing 90% of all students will meet the criteria for level II 25% of all students will meet the criteria for Level III Math 3rd-71%; 4th-79%; 5th-100% 3rd-12%; 4th-13%; 5th-25% Math 90% of all students will meet the criteria for level II 25% of all students will meet the criteria for Level III Science-88% 5th-11% Science 90% of all students will meet the criteria for level II 25% of all students will meet the criteria for Level III Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Sheets Goal 1: We Will Maintain Safe Schools and be Prepared For, and Capable of Responding to, Unusual Incidents and Emergencies with the District and Community. AREA GROUP MEASURED BY QUANTITATIVE CRITERIA Safety Staff and Students Crisis Management Plan and Roster Increase number of staff certified in CPR from 4 to 6 Safety Staff and Students Crisis Management Plan and Sign In Conduct one (1) review per six (6) review of effectiveness of Crisis Plan Discipline Management All Students Discipline Management All Students PEIMS Discipline Data, Bullying Reports PEIMS Discipline Data Discipline Management All Students PEIMS Discipline Data Decrease the number of reported safety incidences from 3 to 0. Decrease the number of discipline referrals from 150 to 90. Decrease assignments to ISS and OSS from 38 to 30. Discipline Management All staff and Students PEIMS Discipline Data Maintain number of Discretionary placements in DAEP at 1. Discipline Management All staff and Students PEIMS Discipline Data Maintain number of Mandatory placements in DAEP at 1 or less. MET GOAL GOAL #2: We Will Continuously Improve Student Performance CATEGORY AREA GROUP Grade 3rd Assessment Math ALL Am/Al Native Asian Black/AA Hispanic/Lat Hawa/Pacific White 2 or More Races EcoDis At-Risk LEP SpEd MEASURED BY Data Sources CURRICULUM CHECKPOINTS8 STAAR Measurable Objectives Measurable Objectives % score of summed checkpoints increased from 76 to 85 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 65 to 100 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 85 to 100 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 57 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 71 to 80 % score of summed checkpoints increased from to 100 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 78 to 85 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 56 to 70 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to 75 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to 80 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 65 to 70______ % of students 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Black/AA Hispanic/Lat Hawa/Pacific White 2 or More Races EcoDis At-Risk LEP SpEd MEASURED BY Data Sources CURRICULUM CHECKPOINTS STAAR Measurable Objectives Measurable Objectives % score of summed checkpoints increased from 64 to 80 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 59 to 75 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 72 to 80 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 52 to 75 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 59 to 70 % score of summed checkpoints increased from _______to 100 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 66 to 80 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 23 to 70 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to 75 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to 75 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 55 to 70 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 80 to 90 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to 75 % of 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increased from 81 to 86 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 91 to 94 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 80 to 85 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 78 to 83 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 79 to 84 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 84 to 89 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 74 to_79______ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 79 to 84 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 71 to 76 % of students meeting Level II 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score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 60 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 68 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 76 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 73 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_67_____to__90___ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 88 to 90 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to 90 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 83 to 90 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will maintain or increase from 91 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 88 to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 62 to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 71_____to_____90 Met GOAL #2: We Will Continuously Improve Student Performance CATEGORY AREA GROUP Grade 5 Assessment th Reading ALL Am/Al Native Asian Black/AA Hispanic/Lat Hawa/Pacific White 2 or More Races EcoDis At-Risk LEP SpEd MEASURED BY Data Sources CURRICULUM CHECKPOINTS8 STAAR Measurable Objectives Measurable Objectives % score of summed checkpoints increased from 80 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from _____to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 74 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 79 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 80 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 80 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from__72_____to___90____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will maintain 94 or 90 or above % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will maintain 91 or 90 or above % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will maintain 96 or 90 or above % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will maintain 95 or 90 and above % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 80 to 90 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ Met GOAL #2: We Will Continuously Improve Student Performance CATEGORY AREA GROUP Grade 5th Assessment Science ALL Am/Al Native Asian Black/AA Hispanic/Lat Hawa/Pacific White 2 or More Races EcoDis At-Risk LEP SpEd MEASURED BY Data Sources CURRICULUM CHECKPOINTS8 STAAR Measurable Objectives Measurable Objectives % score of summed checkpoints increased from 84 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 84 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 81 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from 84 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from 88 to 90 % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_______to_______ % score of summed checkpoints increased from_73______to____90___ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 88 to 90 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 70 to 90 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will maintain 93 or 90 and above % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 84 to 90 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 57 to 90 % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from _____to_____ % of students meeting Level II Performance will increase from 71_____to_____90 Met Goal 3: We Will Employ Efficient and Effective Processes. AREA GROUP Attendance Students Attendance Students Residency Check Students and Parents Health Campus Nurses Campus Staff Health MEASURED BY QUANTITATIVE CRITERIA PEIMS Attendance Attendance Data Decrease student absences from 3,145 to 3,075 PEIMS Data Residency Documentation Immunization Records Membership Roster Reduce the number of false residency reports from 5 to 2. MET GOAL Increase number of Truancy Court appearances for students with excessive absences from 2 to 5. Ensure Immunization Compliance for 100% of Students Recruit two (2) parents to serve on the School Health Advisory Committee for the Current School Year Goal #4: We Will Develop and Maintain Strategic Parent Engagement and Community Partnerships AREA GROUP MEASURED BY QUANTITATIVE CRITERIA Communication PTO Membership Roster Maintain an active PTO that meets at least six times each year Communication Watch DOGs Membership Roster Maintain an active Watch DOG program with a fall and spring recruitment schedule Literacy Partnership Librarian and Preschool students Membership Roster Maintain a Junior Jacket Literacy Program and increase numbers from 4 to 6 or more MET GOAL Comprehensive Needs Assessment 2013-2014 Goal#1: We will maintain safe school and be prepared for, and capable of responding to, unusual incidents and emergencies within the district and community. Objective #1 All campus staff will continue to place a high priority on school safety, health, and security for students and staff. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Summative Responsible Evaluation Evaluation 1. Submit Campus Response Team roster identified by role and responsibilities. Assistant Principal and School Secretary 2013-2014 School year Time, effort, paper, copy machine. Ongoing drills and documentation Submitted documents. 2. Submit updated campus maps and drill logs Assistant Principal and School Secretary 2013-2014 School year EMS Manuals, Campus Rosters Ongoing drills and documentation Submitted documents. 3. Staff roles and responsibilities will be assigned and identified in the Campus Emergency Management Plan. Assistant Principal and School Secretary 2013-2014 School year Time and effort, EMS Manuals Ongoing drills and documentation Submitted documents. 4. Teachers will maintain updated class rosters and identify student tasks (by student) to be included in emergency responses. Classroom teachers and All Campus Staff Throughout the 20132014 School year Time and effort, EMS Manuals, paper Ongoing drills and documentation Submitted documents. 5. Staff will wear badges at all times. Staff and Administration Ongoing throughout the 2013-2014 School year Badges August, 2013 Ongoing drills and documentation Submitted documents. 6. CATCH committee will implement the CATCH program with students and staff. CATCH Goal Team, Administrators, and Lead PE Teacher The goal team will meet throughout school year 20132014 Time and effort, paper Ongoing drills and documentation Submitted documents. 7. CPR certification/renewal opportunities will be provided to enable staff to assist in crisis situations. Campus administration, Crisis Response Team School year 20132014 District training Ongoing drills and documentation Submitted documents. 8. Arrival and dismissal procedures Principals and Staff Time and effort Ongoing drills and documentation Submitted documents. 9. Campus Improvement Team will meet each month to update any crisis plans and review safety issues Campus improvement Team Members and Administration approval Drilled at In-Service August, 2013 and ongoing Ongoing Time and effort Ongoing drills and documentation Submitted documents. Objective #2 Maintain an orderly environment and reduce office referrals. Strategy/Activity Person (s) Timeline Responsible 1. The Rachel's Challenge Initiative will be implemented through a campus character club 2. Student clubs will be implemented to develop a student connection to the campus Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Grade level teachers, counselor, and administrators Second, Third, and Fourth Six Weeks Time and effort Weekly and Monthly recognition Office referral data, Stingers submitted Club sponsors Second through the sixth six weeks Time and effort Six week recognition End of year survey Goal#2: We will continuously improve student performance. Objective #1: 100 % of all students 3-5 will demonstrate improved performance in Reading, Math, Science, and Writing and on Commended Performance. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Summative Responsible Evaluation Evaluation 1. We will reduce the gap between all sub-populations and the general student population within 6% with a minimum of 90% passing rate. Classroom teachers, Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Instructional Coach May 2014 Time and effort, paper Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results 2. We will utilize the BEST kits, implement vocabulary strategies, and enlist the support of District Science Coordinator. All staff members School year 20132014 Time and effort, paper, District Science Coordinator Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results 3. Each staff member will mentor 12- 5th Grade Science students on a weekly basis. All staff members November 2013-April 2014 Time and effort, paper Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teachers School year 20132014 Time and effort, paper Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Grade Level Teams School year 20132014 Time and Effort, STAAR results, checkpoint results, common assessment results Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. 6. Common math vocabulary and curriculum overviews will be utilized in a campus-wide problem solving program in grades K-5. Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Tutors, Administrators School year 20132014 Curriculum Overviews, time and effort Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results 7. Grade level teachers will use the District writing initiative Empowering Writing strategies in writing across all core subjects. Teachers, Administrators School year 20132014 Time and effort, Writing Academy Training Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results 8. Guided reading will be continued in all classrooms K-5 using the 3Tiered Intervention Model, and leveled books that correlate with the students' instructional reading level. Teachers, Tiered Specialists, Administrators School year 20132014 Time and effort, Literacy Library Books Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results 4. Administer BISD checkpoints to check for mastery of learning and to prepare for STAAR. 5. Teachers and Administrators will disaggregate data as appropriate to determine grade level needs 9. ELPS will be included in the core curriculum and teachers will use SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) strategies to assist all students with a focus on ESL students. 10. Learning targets in studentfriendly language will be posted and verbalized daily in each core subject. Classroom teachers, support staff School year 20132014 ELPS, time and effort Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Administrators Classroom teachers School year 20132014 Forethought, time and effort Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. School year 20132014 Saxon Phonics Program, time and effort Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. 12. Common language will be taught for reading strategies in all grade levels Classroom teachers, literacy specialist School year 20132014 Time and effort Submitted documents, Aware Data, Teacher Data, Student Data. 13. Continue monitoring of elementary RTI model. Principal, Assistant Principal, RTI team, Teachers Principal, Assistant Principal, RTI team School year 20132014 Time and effort, paper Data Folders, Progress Reports, TPRI, QRI Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results Testing Results, STAAR Results, Commended Rates, QRI, TPRI results Report Cards, STAAR results, TPRI, QRI School year 20132014 Time and effort, district documents, BISD funding Data Folders, Progress Reports, TPRI, QRI Report Cards, STAAR results, TPRI, QRI 15. Students will monitor their own progress using performance measures such as: goal setting, data folders, progress reports, checkpoint assessments, common assessments, Istation data and PDSA. Classroom teachers, Counselor, IC, Administrators School year 20132014 Time and effort, assessment results, Instructional Coach Data Folders, Progress Reports, TPRI, QRI Report Cards, STAAR results, TPRI, QRI 16. PLC meetings in grade level teams to disaggregate data and create RTI intervention plans for at-risk students (including ESL & ECD) and extension opportunities for GT students. 17. Conduct Intervention Leadership Team (ILT) meetings for students with academic or behavioral needs. Involve parents in the ILT process. Provide intervention as needed and designed by the ILT team. Teachers, Grade level teams, Counselor, Administrators, Support Staff School year 20132014 Time and effort, data Data Folders, Progress Reports, TPRI, QRI Report Cards, STAAR results, TPRI, QRI Teachers, Grade level teams, Counselor, Administrators, Support Staff, ILT Team Once each six weeks Time and effort, paper, Process Maps Data Folders, Progress Reports, TPRI, QRI Report Cards, STAAR results, TPRI, QRI 11. Saxon Phonics will be used in K2 for reading development and literacy skills 14. Use the TPRI for grades K-2. 18. Identified TAG students and SOAR students as identified by data will be serviced by the TAG instructor, differentiation by the homeroom teacher(s), and serviced by Support Service Instructors, as appropriate. 19. Target intervention for At-Risk and sub-population groups/areas. Grade-Level teams will monitor, mentor, and tutor students to narrow the achievement gap within 6%. 20. Continue use of Tier services (RTI) for students with identified specific needs. Students will be identified by teachers and assigned to Tiered Services through the ILT/RTI process. 21. Reading and/or math instruction for students in need will be provided by support services, leveled reading groups, reading/math specialists, and use of peer tutoring 22. Instructional Technology will be utilized to enhance instruction using resources provided by the district Instructional Technology Department. 23. Special Education academic needs will be met through goals designated on each individual IEP. Principal, Assistant Principal, Staff, GT teacher Nominations are ongoing Time and effort Progress Reports, Data Folders, PDSA results, Oral Checks, Consultation with Support Staff on Campus Agendas and Sign-in for PLC and ILT, Data Folders, STAAR results, Report Cards Classroom Teachers, Principal, Assistant Principal, Tiered Specialists, Support Personnel, Progress monitoring meetings Tier II Specialists, ILT Team, Classroom Teachers School year 20132014 Time and effort Agendas and Sign-in for PLC and ILT, Data Folders, STAAR results, Report Cards School year 20132014 District training for Tier II Specialists, time and effort Classroom Teachers, Principal, Assistant Principal, Tiered Specialists, Support Personnel, Paraprofessionals, Additional Tutors Teachers, Instructional Coach, IT Department School year 20132014 Time and effort; funding as applicable- (math/reading), and intervention resource materials Progress Reports, Data Folders, PDSA results, Oral Checks, Consultation with Support Staff on Campus Progress Reports, Data Folders, PDSA results, Oral Checks, Consultation with Support Staff on Campus Progress Reports, Data Folders, PDSA results, Oral Checks, Consultation with Support Staff on Campus School year 20132014 Time and effort, Campus Technology, ICT, District Math/ Science Coordinator Agendas and Sign-in for PLC and ILT, Data Folders, STAAR results, Report Cards Teachers, Special Education Teacher, Principal, Assistant Principal School year 20132014 Time and effort, IEP as determined in ARD Progress Reports, Data Folders, PDSA results, Oral Checks, Consultation with Support Staff on Campus Progress Reports, Data Folders, PDSA results, Oral Checks, Consultation with Support Staff on Campus Agendas and Sign-in for PLC and ILT, Data Folders, STAAR results, Report Cards Agendas and Sign-in for PLC and ILT, Data Folders, STAAR results, Report Cards Agendas and Sign-in for PLC and ILT, Data Folders, STAAR results, Report Cards Objective #2: We will provide enrichment opportunities and training opportunities for students and staff. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation 1. Provide PLC time for all grade levels for disaggregation of student data, RTI Interventions, research and student of district curriculum and unit designs. Summative Evaluation Counselor, Tiered Specialists, Classroom Teachers, TAG Specialist, Librarian, Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers Media Specialist Each six weeks Time and effort, paper Observation of Data Folders, PDSA, Common Assessments STAAR, QRI, TPRI, Common Assessments, District Checkpoints Daily Time and effort, paper, printing supplies STAAR, QRI, TPRI, Common Assessments, District Checkpoints Principal, Assistant Principal, Staff August 2013May 2014 Time and effort Observation of Data Folders, PDSA, Common Assessments Sign-In Sheets Documented 4. Check for teacher application of learning in the classroom- walk-throughs, appraisals, and engagement checks. Principal, Assistant Principal School year 2013-2014 Time and effort Sign-In Sheets Documented Sign-In Sheets submitted, Staff survey, Workshop in Eduphoria 5. Campus Leadership Team (CEIC) will meet regularly to make decisions which impact student learning, parent involvement, professional development and resource management. CEIC members, Principal, Assistant Principal September 2013-May 2014 one time each month Time and effort Sign-In Sheets Documented Sign-In Sheets submitted, Staff survey, Workshop in Eduphoria 6. A comprehensive needs assessment will be used to determine the needs of students and teachers, needed resources, professional development, individual improvement needs, and effectiveness of campus programs. Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach May and June 2014 Time and effort Instructional Coach Sign-In Sheets Documented Sign-In Sheets submitted, Staff survey, Workshop in Eduphoria 7. Staff members will attend Response to Intervention training as needed. Principal, Assistant Principal, specialists School year 2013-2014 Time and effort Sign-In Sheets Documented 8. Campus administration will monitor and acknowledge progress toward meeting goals in training and implementation. Principal, Assistant Principal School year 2013-2014 Time and effort Sign-In Sheets Documented Sign-In Sheets submitted, Staff survey, Workshop in Eduphoria Sign-In Sheets submitted, Staff survey, Workshop in Eduphoria 2. The school media center and the technology equipment in the library will be available to the students, parents, and the community. 3. Conduct and analyze a needs assessment of professional development needs for the campus, teaching teams, and individual teacher needs through Goal Teams, CEIC, and whole staff meetings. Sign-In Sheets submitted, Staff survey, Workshop in Eduphoria Objective #3: Utilize the technology we have available on campus, determine staff's knowledge of technology, and measure student learning results. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Summative Responsible Evaluation Evaluation 1. We will use the Learning Campus Technology Liaison to increase technology use in educational settings. Learning Campus Technology Liaison, Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers School year 2013-2014 Time and Effort Observation of teacher/student use Computer programs installed Goal #3: We will employ effective and efficient processes. Objective #1: Meet and maintain an ADA of 96% during the 2013-2014 school year. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Timeline Resources Responsible Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Students are recognized for perfect attendance at the end of the year and each six weeks. Administrators, PEIMS Clerk All school year Awards, time and effort, restaurant certificates Increased Attendance Rates on Skyward Reports. AEIS Reports 2. Notify parents of excessive absences by parentlink through email, phone calls, or voice activated messaging when a student is having excessive absences; intervene when/if necessary. Attendance Clerk, Asst. Principals All school year and on a daily basis Funds for postage, time and effort, paper- Parentlink system Increased Attendance Rates on Skyward Reports. AEIS Reports 3. Involve ASAP officers with attendance problems and/or proof of residency. Attendance Clerk, Asst. Principals All school year Court, ASAP Officers, time and effort, paper Increased Attendance Rates on Skyward Reports. AEIS Reports 4. Communicate with parents educating them about the importance of attendance, compulsory attendance laws, and the effect of attendance on student performance. Principal, School Secretary, teachers All school year Time and effort, paper, printing supplies Increased Attendance Rates on Skyward Reports. AEIS Reports Use of watchlist on Parentlink of excessive unexcused absences for filing truancy Assistant Principal and PIEMS clerk report ran once a week for updates Time and effort Increased Attendance Rates on Skyward Reports. AEIS Reports 6. Use of after school to meet attendance requirements Assistant principal All school year Personnel, time, campus facility Increased Attendance Rates on Skyward Reports. AEIS Reports Objective #2: Utilize goal teams and campus leadership teams when making decisions. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Timeline Resources Responsible Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Creation of master schedule that includes enrichment time for each grade level. Administrators, Leadership Team, Counselors Aug-13 Time and effort Monthly staff meetings and periodic feedback. End of Year PDSA and Reflection Tools; AEIS reports 2. Utilize leadership team in making campus level decisions. Administrators, Team Leaders, Support Staff School year Time and effort, campus & district data Monthly staff meetings and periodic feedback. 3. Create vertical goal teams to develop campus guidelines to support the vision of our campus and analyze data Administrators, Team Leaders, Support Staff, Teachers School year Time and effort, campus & district data Monthly staff meetings and periodic feedback. End of Year PDSA and Reflection Tools; AEIS reports End of Year PDSA and Reflection Tools; AEIS reports Objective #3 : Ensure that Clinkscale Elementary has the highest qualified staff possible as measured by the percentage of teachers holding graduate degrees and ESL certifications. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Summative Responsible Evaluation Evaluation 1. Attend job fairs (as/if applicable) to recruit highly qualified applicants to meet the needs of changing student demographics and meet BISD diversity initiative. 2. All classroom teachers will be required to obtain ESL certification. Principal, Assistant Principal Spring 2014 Time and effort and District promotional materials. Monitor teacher goals. Measure growth in ESL certifications. Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers 2013-2014 District reimbursement, time and effort Monitor teacher goals. Measure growth in ESL certifications. 3. All classroom teachers will be required to obtain GT certification Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers 2013-2014 Time and effort and District promotional materials. Monitor teacher goals. Measure growth in ESL certifications. 4. Mentor teachers will be assigned and introduced to new faculty and staff at a new teacher luncheon; meeting and observations throughout school year. Counselor, principal, team leaders, Mentor Manager and Mentor Teachers Fall 2013 Campus sub funds (as/if applicable), time and effort Mid-year teacher satisfaction survey. End- of- year teacher satisfaction survey. 5. Team building; review of school mission and purpose, and commitment to communication will be integrated into staff development opportunities to improve staff attitude, inclusiveness and morale. Principal Time and effort Mid-year teacher satisfaction survey. End- of- year teacher satisfaction survey. Aug-13 Goal#4: We will develop and maintain strategic community partnerships. Objective #1: Parents and Community members will be stakeholders in the education of Clinkscale students. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Summative Evaluation Responsible Evaluation 1. The Clinkscale website will remain current and filled with information about upcoming events, various programs, grade level news and links to helpful parent information. Principal/Technology Specialist Weekly Time and Effort; District Web Master/Campus Website facilitator Participation in events and reciprocal communication Parent Satisfaction Survey Clinkscale will continue to partner with PTO PTO, Counselor, Nurse, Teachers, Administrators 2013-2014 School Year Classroom Teachers, Principal Throughout the 2013-2014 school year Participation in events and reciprocal communication Participation in events and reciprocal communication Parent Satisfaction Survey 3. Each teacher at Clinkscale will maintain a classroom website that will follow district guidelines and contain current information. PTO Resources, Time and Effort, printing supplies, paper Training for new staff; Time and Effort 4. Clinkscale will utilize the district calendar for Clinkscale events to inform parents of the events scheduled in order to coordinate our events with their personal calendar. 5. Clinkscale will use the Parentlink messaging system to keep parents informed with updates while reducing paper and copier usage. Principal Time and Effort Participation in events and reciprocal communication Parent Satisfaction Survey Principal Updates when new dates are added to the Clinkscale calendar Weekly updates Time and effort Participation in events and reciprocal communication Parent Satisfaction Survey 6. Provide a community partnership with BHS in order to foster mentoring relationships with Clinkscale students. Counselor, BHS representative 2013-2014 School Year Time and effort/ Bus service provided/PTO providing services Participation in events and reciprocal communication Parent Satisfaction Survey 7. Current communication with parents regarding student performance will be provided Principal, Assistant Principal, counselor, classroom teachers, ILT Progress reports, six weeks reports, Assessment results Common assessments, Checkpoints, TPRI, STARR, QRI Participation in events and reciprocal communication Parent Satisfaction Survey 8. Curriculum, expectations, grading, discipline, parent involvement, and class/school procedures will be presented to parents at Curriculum Night and Meet the Teacher and through our Student Handbook. Teachers, Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor 2013-2014 School Year Time and effort, paper, printing supplies Participation in events and reciprocal communication Parent Satisfaction Survey Parent Satisfaction Survey 9. Face-to-face parent/teacher conferences are held at regular intervals throughout the six weeks on an asneeded basis to discuss student progress toward learning goals and assessment results. 10. CEIC will meet at least six times Teachers, Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor 2013-2014 School Year Time and effort, paper, printing supplies Participation in events and reciprocal communication Parent Satisfaction Survey Administrators, CEIC 2013-2014 school year Time and effort, paper, printing supplies Parent Satisfaction Survey 11. The Campus Needs Assessment, CIP and Student Handbook are posted on the Clinkscale webpage. Administrators 2013-2014 School Year Website, time and effort Participation in events and reciprocal communication Participation in events and reciprocal communication 12. Clinkscale music students will perform for a variety of audiences. Music Teacher and music students 2013-2014 school year Music Activity Fund; Time and Effort 13. Clinkscale will participate in Community service projects hosted by student council and KC club Student Leadership; Two teacher sponsors Fall and spring 2013-2014 Time and Effort/community organization Students will participate in community building. Students will participate in community building. Each child at Clinkscale will have the goal of participation in some type of community service project. Each child at Clinkscale will have the goal of participation in some type of community service project. 14. Relay for Life and help raise money for Cancer Awareness Entire school and help from the community Time and effort/community organization/PTO support and staff Students will participate in community building. Each child at Clinkscale will have the goal of participation in some type of community service project. 15. The campus will provide gently used or new uniforms for students. Office Staff; Counselor Time and Effort; Clinkscale Family Standard Dress clothing donations and campus budget Campus funds, donations Students will participate in community building. Each child at Clinkscale will have the goal of participation in some type of community service project. Students will participate in community building. Students will participate in community building. Students will participate in community building. Each child at Clinkscale will have the goal of participation in some type of community service project. Each child at Clinkscale will have the goal of participation in some type of community service project. Each child at Clinkscale will have the goal of participation in some type of community service project. 16. Schedule family nights in order to involve our parents Administrators;Teachers, Staff;Volunteers Apr-14 Throughout the 2013-2014 school year Throughout the 2013-2014 School Year 17. Continue Watch DOGS program Parent volunteers Throughout the 2013-2014 school year Campus activity 18. Educational field experiences will be provided for each grade level to support grade level curriculum Teachers, Parent volunteers Throughout the 2013-2014 school year Campus budget and donations Parent Satisfaction Survey 19. Junior Jackets reading club will be implemented for Clinkscale community pre-school age children Librarian School year 2013-2014 Time and effort Weekly parent feedback Parent survey Objective #2: BISD will build and support the Burleson Opportunity Fund in order to create opportunities for College and Career Readiness and/or post-secondary instruction for BISD students. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Summative Evaluation Responsible Evaluation 1. Clinkscale parents will become aware of the BOF. Principal 2013-2014 School year Time and effort Available funds 2013-2014 Time and effort Minutes, BOF meetings, design marketing materials Minutes, BOF meetings, design marketing materials CEIC minutes 2. Solicit staff enrollment in payroll deduction plan as/if applicable and available. Principal 2013-2014 School year Time and effort 3. Clinkscale College Day Clinkscale community Report card day each six weeks 4. Counselor guidance (College and Career choice) Counselor 2013-2014 School year Time and effort CEIC minutes Number of students achieving Level III on STAAR 5. Career Day Counselor 2013-2014 school year Parent volunteers, time, and effort CEIC minutes Number of students achieving Level III on STAAR Available funds 2013-2014 Number of students achieving Level III on STAAR