Electric Appliance Energy Guide Every time you flip a switch, push a button, turn a knob or set a thermostat, you are making a decision to buy electricity. Most of these are cost-effective decisions that give you good value. However, unlike other buying decisions, you usually don’t know the cost of what you are about to buy with electricity. www.lipower.org Electric Appliance Energy Guide Energy Requirements and Operating Costs This profile has been prepared to help customers compare the energy usage of various home appliances. Total usage and cost will vary from home to home, depending on factors such as appliance age, family size and lifestyle. To represent the varying summer and winter rates and fuel costs an average cost of 15.9 cents per kilowatt-hour was used in these calculations. Appliances Average Wattage Estimated Monthly Hours of Use Estimated Monthly Consumption kWh Estimated Monthly Cost 680 1,400 900 200 1,201 1,196 1,400 12,200 1,400 2,600 1,146 1,250 445 4.0 6.3 9.8 57.0 25.2 13.0 12.0 4.8 20.0 20.0 2.8 2.1 1.0 2.7 8.8 8.8 11.4 30.3 15.5 12.0 58.6 28.0 52.0 3.2 2.6 0.45 $0.43 $1.40 $1.40 $1.81 $4.82 $2.47 $1.91 $9.32 $4.45 $8.27 $0.51 $0.41 $0.07 – – – – – – – – 125.4 43.7 170.5 43.1 $19.94 $6.95 $27.11 $6.85 5,500 1,100 17.0 4.9 93.5 5.39 $14.87 $0.86 660 1,808 4,500 – 15.5 15.5 – – 10.23 28.02 600.00 146.0 $1.63 $4.46 $95.40 $23.21 Food Preparation Bread Maker Broiler in electric oven Coffee Maker (drip) Crock Pot Dishwasher (1 load/day) Electric Frying Pan Microwave Oven Range with Oven 6” Burner on High 8” Burner on High Toaster Toaster Oven Garbage Disposal Food Preservation Frost Free Freezer 10-15 years old New Model (Upright) (16 cu. ft.) Ref./Freezer Frost Free 10-15 years old New High Efficiency Model (18 cu. ft.) Laundry Clothes Dryer Iron Washing Machine (1 load/day) Horizontal Axis Vertical Axis Water Heater (52 gal.) Water Heater (heat pump) Appliances Average Wattage Estimated Monthly Hours of Use Estimated Monthly Consumption kWh Estimated Monthly Cost 500 169 72 88 486 200 280 5,500 177 1,500 375 240 240 152 170 134 150 2.5 15.2 76.8 240 285 144.0 40.6 10.9 15.0 65.1 30.0 0.7 83.6 13.6 360.0 106.9 $22.90 $6.46 $1.73 $2.39 $10.35 $4.77 $0.11 $13.29 $2.16 $57.24 $17.00 1,600 350 15 6.8 4.5 2.8 10.9 1.6 0.04 $1.73 $0.25 $0.01 2 75 660 730 12.3 6.1 1.5 0.9 4.0 $0.18 $0.12 $0.51 45 236 75 80 200 27 275 350 200 15 215 100.9 83.3 720 180 120 180 240 30 0.7 50.7 7.6 6.7 24.0 26.1 3.2 49.5 84.0 6.0 $0.11 $8.06 $1.21 $1.07 $3.82 $4.15 $0.51 $7.87 $13.36 $0.95 280 60 30 1 8.4 0.06 $1.34 $0.01 Comfort Conditioning Dehumidifier Electric Blanket Fan (ceiling, no bulbs) Fan (circulating) Fan (whole house) Fan (window) Heat Lamp Home Jacuzzi Humidifier Portable Heater Waterbed Heater (king size) Health & Beauty Hair Dryer Hot Rollers /Curlers Shaver Housewares Clock Sewing Machine Vacuum Home Entertainment Fountain Pump (small) Fish tank (50 gal.) Radio Stereo Cable Box Television – Color VCR Large Screen Fish Pond Video Games Solid State Home Office Computer (w/color monitor/printer) Fax Machine – copying Heating Systems Forced Warm Air - (Furnace Fan) (1/3 Hp Air Handler) (1/2 Hp Air Handler) Hydronic Heating - (hot water heating) Circulator Pump (small) Average Wattage Estimated Monthly Hours of Use Estimated Monthly Consumption kWh Estimated Monthly Cost 250 400 420 420 168.00 294.00 $26.71 $46.75 92 258 23.7 $3.77 Well Pump Water Well Pump (Deep Well) Average Wattage 1350 Estimated Monthly Hours of Use 15 Estimated Monthly Consumption kWh 20.3 Estimated Monthly Cost $3.23 Estimated Monthly Consumption kWh Estimated Monthly Cost Summer Season June 1 - September 30 (4 Months) Average Wattage Estimated Monthly Hours of Use 400 600 800 1200 1600 240 240 240 240 240 216.0 293.8 360.0 607.7 662.4 $34.34 $46.71 $57.24 $96.62 $105.32 4,500 3,600 3,000 180 180 180 810.0 648.0 540.0 $128.79 $103.03 $85.86 7,500 6,000 5,000 180 180 180 1,350.0 1,080.0 900.0 $214.65 $171.72 $143.10 625 500 417 180 180 180 112.5 90.0 75.1 $17.89 $14.31 $11.94 985 722 541 180 180 180 175.5 130.0 97.4 $27.91 $20.67 $15.49 1,439 1,055 791 180 180 180 256.5 189.9 142.4 $40.73 $30.19 $22.64 Swimming Pool Pump 1/2 HP 3/4 HP 1.0 HP 1.5 HP 2.0 HP Central A/C (3 ton) SEER of 8 (old) SEER of 10 (standard) SEER of 12 (high-efficiency) Central A/C (5 ton) SEER of 8 (old) SEER of 10 (standard) SEER of 12 (high-efficiency) Room A/C (5,000 BTU) EER of 8 EER of 10 EER of 12 Room A/C (6,500 BTU) EER of 6.6 EER of 9 EER of 12 Room A/C (9,500 BTU) EER of 6.6 EER of 9 EER of 12 Summer Season June 1 - September 30 (4 Months) Average Wattage Estimated Monthly Hours of Use Estimated Monthly Consumption kWH Estimated Monthly Cost 1,500 1,200 1,000 180 180 180 270.0 216.0 180.0 $42.93 $34.34 $28.62 2,250 1,800 1,500 180 180 180 352.3 324.0 270.0 $56.02 $51.52 $42.93 Room A/C (12,000 BTU) EER of 8 EER of 10 EER of 12 Room A/C (18,000 BTU) EER of 8 EER of 10 EER of 12 Heat Pumps Estimated Summer kWh Used 2,310 1,417 Air Source Heat Pump* Geothermal Heat Pump* Estimated Summer Cooling Cost $323.40 $198.38 Estimated Winter kWh Used 15,649 6,494 Estimated Winter Heating Cost $1,424.06 $ 590.95 *Based on 2,000 sq. ft. house, average heat rate $0.091 per kWh and average cooling rate $0.140 per kWh, 29% of heating is electric resistance. Residential Electric Cost Profile Annual Electric Bills Appliances* Air Conditioning (2 window units) Frost-Free Refrigerator/Freezer (18 cu. ft.) Frost-Free 16 cu. ft. new freezer Range with oven Microwave Dishwasher Clothes Washer Clothes Dryer Color Television Stereo Lighting Heating System Operation** Miscellaneous Small Appliances Computer Total kWh 1024 2,046 524 2200 144 363 336 1,122 250 80 900 500 47 200 9,763 Estimated Annual Cost $ 162.82 $ 325.31 $ 83.32 $ 349.80 $ 22.90 $ 57.72 $ 53.42 $ 178.40 $ 39.75 $ 12.72 $ 143.10 $ 79.50 $ 7.47 $ 31.80 $ 1,548.03 * For homes with appliances other than those shown, substitute the values indicated in the tables. ** Represents electricity for circulators, blowers and motors to run oil or gas heating equipment. Percent 10.52 21.02 5.38 22.60 1.48 3.72 3.45 11.52 2.57 0.82 9.24 5.14 0.48 2.05 100.0 Estimated Total Annual Cost $2,488.19 $1,032.55 Kilowatt Hours and Operating Costs Appliance energy capacity is rated in watts. Your electric bill is based on the number of watts of electricity you use and the number of hours you use them. Electric usage is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh.) To convert to kilowatts divide Watts by 1,000 . One kilowatt used for one hour is one kilowatt-hour. You can approximate the electrical cost for any electrical appliance in your home as follows: Appliance Wattage Hrs. used X in one month X Cost per kWh = Approx. Monthly Cost 1000 The calculations in this brochure are based upon an average cost of 15.9 cents per Kilowatt hour. The Excess Fuel Cost Surcharge, which reflects costs incurred by LIPA in purchasing fuel used to generate electricity and for electric power purchased from other generators, is part of your total electric bill. This surcharge helps LIPA recover costs not included in the base electric rates. For additional information on about the Excess Fuel Cost Surcharge, please visit www.lipower.org or call 1-800-490-0025. Home Lighting Home lighting is one of the variables in household energy consumption that must be evaluated on an individual basis. The best way to inventory lighting energy is to survey your home room by room, adding up the wattage of your lightbulbs and estimating the hours each is on during the month. If, in your living room or family room there are two lamps, each with a 100 watt bulb, and these lamps are usually on five hours a day, then this room would use: Example: 200 5 Hours 30 X X Watts Per Day Days 1000 or 30 kWh per month for lighting this room.If you were to replace the 100 watt incandescent bulbs with 29 watt efficient fluorescent bulbs you could reduce your usage to 8.7 kWh/month. www.lipower.org 1-800-692-2626 Printed on Long Island using recycled paper FC 11358 Rev. 2/05