And L


Quantum Physics Lecture 12

The Hydrogen atom

  Solution of Schroedinger equation

  3 spatial quantum numbers

  Probability and ‘Orbitals’

  Selection rules for transitions

  Zeeman Effects, electron spin

  4 quantum numbers

  Combining angular momenta

Hydrogen Atom Re-visited

First real test of Schroedinger Equation:

Recall Bohr model: E n

-1 /n 2 , via one quantum number n

(also, quantised angular momentum L via same n)



Successes: Hydrogen line emission spectra also… size & stability of atoms, Moseley’s Law for Z, etc. n 

Problems: Full 3D & spherical symmetry?

Magnetic effects in spectra

Z > 1 atoms’ spectra

Comparison with Bohr model: same expression for E n

via “principal” quantum number n

Schroedinger Equation for H atom

Express wavefunction as product (c.f 2-D box)


( r , θ , φ


= R r Θ θ Φ

( )

Leads to 3 separate equations

 2

2 mr 2 d dr

⎝ r 2 dr


 2

2 mr 2


( )

( )

= ER r

1 sin θ d d θ

⎝ sin θ d Θ d θ d 2 Φ

( ) d φ 2


( )

− m l

2 sin 2 θ

( )

= 0

+ m l

2 Φ

( )

= 0

R solutions are e α r

( × r polynomial) type, Θ are functions of cos & sin θ

Φ solutions are exp(im l ϕ

) type, where m l

is an integer

Solutions specified by three quantum numbers: n, l, m l

Schroedinger Equation for H atom (cont.)

Angular momentum - is quantised

Solution shows

L =

(c.f. angular momentum in lecture 11)

( )

Also Φ must be single valued and


( )

= Φ


φ + 2 π



L z

= m l

 ( m l

= 0, ± 1, ± 2...

± l )

Note that L can be zero (unlike Bohr model)

And L z

< L (unless L=0)

Exists an Uncertainty relation between L x

L y

L z

Bohr – plane, but must have Δ p normal to plane…

Also seen via

But ⎡⎣ L 2 , L z


L x

L y

− L y

L x

= ⎡⎣ L x

, L y

⎤⎦ = i  L z

(try it! – commutator)

= so no uncertainty between L and L z

& can know both

‘Semi-classical’ vector

pictures for l=2

Schroedinger Equation for H atom (cont.)

Solutions specified by three quantum numbers: n, l, m l

Energy Levels are E n

and the same as the Bohr model!

with n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ….

Solutions show l = 0, 1, 2, 3… n-1 and | m l

| ≤ l

Notation: s, p, d, f… for l = 0, 1, 2, 3, ….

So, possible states of electron:

( c.f. 3-D box, Lect. 9)

E n

= − me 4


ε 2 o h


Note: E n i.e. l, m

does not depend on l, m l l states are degenerate –

but holds only for H atom

Electron states in hydrogen atom - orbitals

( ) dr = ψ 2

4 π r 2 dr s -states - spherically symmetric

Radial probability distributions (a = Bohr radius)

Note for l = n-1 (1s, 2p, 3d…) there is one maximum, at r = n 2 a

Angular functions

- orbitals

The (m l

) sub-shells combine to give

spherically symmetric ( l ) shells - Spherical

‘harmonics’ (complete shells…) e.g. for 2p-states, cos θ & sin θ dependence

Squared (probability) & add - gives 1

Transition of electrons between orbitals

Selection rules for transitions:

Δ l = ± 1

And Δ m l

= 0 or ± 1

All others are ‘forbidden’

Conservation overall of angular momentum, photon has angular momentum of

 l determines the magnitude of L , m l determines the direction

A non-zero magnetic field direction defines z

But B field alters the energy...

N.B. Magnetic dipole moment

(current in loop x area of loop) e+ e-

µ = ve

2 π r

π r 2 with mvr

=  µ


= e


 m

(Bohr Magneton)

So moment = m l



Applied B field shifts energy (dipole-field interaction) so m l states are split apart by µ



Zeeman Effect

In non-zero magnetic field B each l -level splits into 2 l +1

m l

sub-levels of slightly

different energy, depending

on B

Spectra show three lines

instead of one; only three

because of further selection


Δ m l

= ± 1, 0

But…. some transitions

showed more than three -


Anomalous Zeeman Effect

Problem: more than 3 lines and smaller separation(s)


“electron spin”

See lecture 11 !

Electron has spin angular momentum s z

= ±



Spin angular momentum S (cf L) Spin magnetic quantum number m s

(cf m l


µ z

= −



) e

2 m s z

Total combined angular momentum J



+ S

J =

( )

 j = l ±



Combining L and S leads to correct number and splitting of emission lines

(first seen by Irishman Thomas Preston)
