ELEC 103 LABORATORY EXERCISE 3 CURRENT MEASUREMENTS PURPOSE OF EXPERIMENT To familiarize the user with the DC milliammeter scales and ranges of a general purpose multimeter such as the Simpson, Model 260 multimeter, and acquaint the user with current measuring techniques. EQUIPMENT LIST 2 − 6 Volt Dry cell batteries 1 − 1.5 Volt Dry cell battery 1 − Simpson, Model 260 multimeter 1 − 1000Ω, 10,000Ω, 1 Watt Resistor PROCEDURE I − CURRENT MEASUREMENT IN SERIES CIRCUITS 1. Using test leads, connect the series circuit as shown in Figure 3−1. Do not connect the meter into the circuit. On the meter, place the STATUS/POLARITY SWITCH in the +DC position and the RANGE/FUNCTION SWITCH in the 10 mA range position. 2. NOTE Connecting the milliammeter into the circuit Figure 3−1 requires you to place the meter in SERIES WITH THE ELEMENT. To measure current one must first break the circuit at the place the measurement is desired. Then, complete the circuit using the milliammeter leads. Connect them with the negative lead toward the negative side of the source and the positive lead toward the positive side of the source. In the circuit of Step #1, where two sources are used, you will use the larger of the two sources to determine the polarity of the source. Connecting the milliammeter as a voltmeter or reversing meter polarity, can cause serious damage to the multimeter. Also, current measurements must be made with a resistor in the circuit. A current meter must never be connected directly to the source. 3. Insert the milliammeter into the circuit. Draw a schematic of the circuit with polarities indicated and the direction of current flow shown. Then, read and record the measured current in the space provided on the datasheet. 4. Remove the meter from the circuit and place a test lead in the break. Now, break the circuit between the negative terminal of the 1.5 Volt battery and the 1000Ω resistor. Insert the meter into the break. Use the larger of the two batteries to determine the source polarity. Observe correct polarity when inserting the milliammeter into the break. 5. Draw a schematic of the circuit as it is presently connected. Read the milliammeter and record the measured current in the space provided on the datasheet. 6. In the previous circuits, the two batteries were connected in series opposing. In as much as current in a series circuit increases with an increase in voltage, reconnect the circuit so the batteries are connected in series aiding. This will increase the source voltage and, therefore, the circuit current. Insert the milliammeter into the circuit in one of the two places it was located previously. It makes no difference where you place the meter. Since this is a series circuit, the current will be the same no matter where you insert the meter into the circuit. Page 1 ELEC 103 LABORATORY EXERCISE 3 CURRENT MEASUREMENTS 7. 8. 9. Draw a schematic of the circuit as it is presently connected. Read the milliammeter and record the measured current in the space provided on the datasheet. Connect the two 6 Volt batteries in a series aiding configuration and connect them with the 1000 Ω resistor in a series circuit. Before connecting the milliammeter into the circuit, calculate the current flowing in the circuit. Adjust the RANGE SWITCH to the appropriate current range. If you are unable to determine a suitable range, start at the highest range available. Then, reduce the range, to give you a reading with maximum pointer deflection without going beyond full scale. Insert the milliammeter into the circuit. Draw a schematic of the circuit as it is presently connected. Then, read and record the measured current in the space provided on the datasheet. PROCEDURE II − CURRENT MEASUREMENT IN PARALLEL CIRCUITS 10. All the measurements in PROCEDURE I were performed using series circuits. That is, circuits in which components were connected end−to−end so only a single path for current flow exists. A series circuit schematic is shown in Figure 3−1. Measurement techniques in parallel circuits, however, are not exactly the same as series circuits. The milliammeter is still placed in SERIES WITH THE ELEMENT, or component, through which the desired current to be measured flows. However, measured currents are different in different parts of the circuit. Figure 3−2 shows a parallel circuit with a milliammeter placed to measure the current flowing through the 1000 Ω resistor and another to measure the total current flowing in the circuit. The current through the other resistor can be measured by connecting the milliammeter in the same way it is connected to measure the current through the 1000 Ω resistor. Since you were issued only one milliammeter, you will be inserting the milliammeter Figure 3−2 in one place and then moving it to the other points in the circuit until you have measured the three individual currents. You should be aware that the total circuit current in a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the individual branch currents. In this parallel circuit, the circuit shown in Figure 3−2, the sum of the currents through the two resistors will equal the total circuit current, labeled IT in the figure. 11. Using test leads. connect the 6 Volt battery, the 1000 Ω resistor and the 10,000 Ω resistor as shown in Figure 2−Lab 3. This is a parallel circuit configuration. Since you have only one milliammeter, the milliammeter should be connected to measure the total circuit current. 12. Using a safe current range on the milliammeter, and observing correct polarity, measure the total current flowing in the circuit (the current flowing through the source). Draw a schematic on the datasheet including the milliammeter placement used in the measurement. Also, record the measured current in the same space. 13. Using a safe current range on the milliammeter, and observing correct polarity, measure the current flowing through the 1000 Ω resistor. Draw a schematic of the circuit on the datasheet including the milliammeter placement used in the measurement. Also, record the measured current in the same space. Page 2 ELEC 103 LABORATORY EXERCISE 3 CURRENT MEASUREMENTS 14. Using a safe current range on the milliammeter, and observing correct polarity, measure the current flowing through the 10,000 Ω resistor. Draw a schematic of the circuit on the datasheet including the milliammeter placement used in the measurement. Also, record the measured current in the same space. 15. Add the current measured in step 13 to the current measured in step 14. Record the sum in the appropriate space on the datasheet. This current should be the same as the current measured in step 12. 16. Answer the questions on the Data Sheet in the space provided. Page 3 ELEC 103 LABORATORY EXERCISE 3 CURRENT MEASUREMENTS STEP 3: − Schematic − Current = __________ Range = __________ STEP 5: − Schematic − Current = __________ Range = __________ STEP 7: − Schematic − Current = __________ Range = __________ Page 4 ELEC 103 LABORATORY EXERCISE 3 CURRENT MEASUREMENTS STEP 9: − Schematic − Current = __________ Range = __________ STEP 12: − Schematic − Current = __________ Range = __________ STEP 13: − Schematic − Current = __________ Range = __________ Page 5 ELEC 103 LABORATORY EXERCISE 3 CURRENT MEASUREMENTS STEP 14: − Schematic − Current = __________ Range = __________ STEP 15: Current measured in STEP 13. = Current measured in STEP 14. = Total current flow in Figure 2 = QUESTIONS: 1. State the conclusions you draw from the results of step 3 through step 9. 2. What happens to the current in a series circuit if you increase the source voltage (Refer to steps 7 and 9)? 3. What conclusions do you draw from STEP 13? 4. What conclusions do you draw from STEP 15? Page 6