Foundation Stage Session Plan DATE: Date of lesson YEAR / FOCUS GROUP: Who you are working with 16 – 26 Months C.E.L. Areas to be highlighted across the week. Characteristics of Effective Learning to be considered and highlighted SUBJECT: Curriculum / Subject area Key Learning Intention (area of development DMs/ELGs): ADDITIONAL STAFF: Name of other staff in the lesson 22 - 36 Months 30-50 Months 40-60 Months Playing & Exploring Active Learning Creative & Thinking Critically Showing curiosity Exploring Using senses Demonstrate own interests Risk taking New challenge Imaginative Team work Motivated Making choices Persevering Focused Self-satisfaction Energetic Thinking of ideas Problem solving Adapting, predicting, ordering, describing, planning Evaluating Collaborating Session Learning Objectives: What do you want the children to learn in this session? What will they be able to do at the end of the session that they could not at the start? Previous learning in sequence: Subsequent learning in sequence: What do the children already know? How will the learning progress after this What have they learnt previously to session? build upon in this session? What will they do to build upon this learning? Possible misconceptions: What are the possible misconceptions children will have in relation to the topic? How will you deal with them? Success criteria/observable behaviour: What will you look for as evidence of success? These need to be very small, manageable steps and in language accessible to the children in your class / focus group. Key Vocabulary: Specific subject related vocabulary that you and the children will use Timings Differentiation: Lesson plan: This should include what you and the children will be doing in each section of the lesson. You may want to use headings such as: o Introduction o Main teaching activity o Group specific teaching activities o Mini-plenary o Plenary Try to consider the following here: o How you will share learning objective? o How you will stimulate children’s interest? o How you will involve the children (interactive teaching)? o How children will access resources? How you will spend your time? What strategies will you use to ensure all children can access the learning in your lesson? Role of other adults: How will you ensure other adults are purposely used in all parts of the session? Which children will other adults work with? Key questions: What key questions will you ask to assess prior learning and deepen understanding as the lesson progresses? What questions will you ask to check for misconceptions? What will you ask to assess learning at the end of the lesson? Assessment strategies: Who/how/when will you assess? Support: How will you support children with specific learning difficulties or SEND in the lesson? Challenge: How will you extend and challenge able learners in the lesson? Personalised learning(e.g. EAL, PP, SEN&D, specific needs etc.) What additional considerations will you need to make to ensure all learners make progress? Pupil progress within this lesson (AfL): What Assessment for learning strategies will you use in the lesson to monitor learning? Note the overall judgment of the learning in the lesson and explain how you know o Evaluate clarity of objectives, explanations and questioning; o Note brief information on groups or individuals who did not achieve learning outcomes or who exceeded expectations and why; Suggest ‘what next’ for any individuals or groups i.e. for next lesson or lessons (progression in learning) Implications for planning & teaching: What have you learnt from this session that will impact on future sessions? What changes need to be made in the light of this session? Resources: What will you need to prepare or collect for the lesson? Links to Continuous Provision From your taught input, identify any activities or enhancements in the continuous provision which will support the children’s understanding, learning and progress. Also consider any PRE-LEARNING (For example a taught input on using scales may have children in a free play situation preceding the session.) Monday Mark Making Area Mathematics Role play area Science investigations Reading Area Malleable Art Large Construction Small world Outdoors Sand Water Songs/ rhymes Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Teacher-Assistant Link Sheet - EYFS Key Learning Intentions / areas of development [DMs /ELGs] Success criteria / observable behaviours Vocabulary Activities Resources for your group Further information about the activity Things to observe: Observations to feedback / discuss