Min- and Max-Relative Entropies Nilanjana Datta University of Cambridge,U.K. Focus : on an important quantity which arises in Quantum Mechanics & Quantum Information Theory Quantum Entropy or von Neumann Entropy and its parent quantity: Quantum Relative Entropy & on new quantum relative entropies : Min- & Max-Relative Entropies Quantum Entropy or von Neumann Entropy In 1927 von Neumann introduced the notion of a mixed state, represented by a density matrix: k ρ = ∑ pi ψ i ψ i ; i =1 & defined its entropy: ρ ≥ 0; Tr ρ = 1 ρ ↔ { pi , ψ i } S ( ρ ) := −Tr ( ρ log ρ ) Why? - To extend the classical theory of Statistical Mechanics developed by Gibbs, Boltzmann et al to the quantum domain; not for the development of Quantum Information Theory In fact, this was well before Shannon laid the foundations of Classical Information Theory (1948). S ( ρ ) := −Tr ( ρ log ρ ) k ρ = ∑ pi ψ i ψ i ; i =1 S (ρ ) = 0 if and only if ρ ψ i ψ j ≠ δ ij is a pure state: ρ= Ψ Ψ ∴ S (ρ ) = a measure of the “mixedness” of the state ρ Relation with Statistical Mechanics The finite volume Gibbs state given by the density matrix: e− β HΛ = − β HΛ Tr e ρ ΛGibbs maximizes the von Neumann entropy, given the expected value of the energy i.e., the functional : ρ is maximized if and only if S ( ρ Λ ) − β Tr ( ρ Λ H Λ ) ρΛ = ρ Gibbs Λ log Z Λ = max ( S ( ρ Λ ) − β Tr ( ρ Λ H Λ ) ) ρΛ In 1948 Shannon defined the entropy of a random variable Let Shannon entropy of X ∼ p ( x); x ∈ J; X; J = a finite alphabet H ( X ) := −∑ p( x) log p ( x) H ( X ) ≡ H ({ p ( x)} ) x∈J Supposedly von Neumann asked Shannon to call this quantity entropy, saying “You should call it ‘entropy’ for two reasons; first, the function is already in use in thermodynamics; second, and most importantly, most people don’t know what entropy really is, & if you use ‘entropy’ in an argument, you will win every time.” Relation between Shannon entropy & thermodynamic entropy total # of microstates S := k log Ω Suppose the r th microstate occurs with prob. pr ………. consider replicas of the system v Then on average vr ≈ [vpr ] replicas are in the Total # of microstates v! Ω= v1 !v2 !..vr ! Th.dyn.entropy of compound system of v replicas S = Sv / v = − k ∑p r r v state v v1 v2 1 2 v v ..vr Sv = − kv r th (by Stirling’s) vr ∑p r log pr r log pr = k H ({ pr } ) Shannon entropy Relation between Shannon entropy & von Neumann entropy S ( ρ ) := −Tr ( ρ log ρ ) ; ρ ↔ { pi , ψ i } ; BUT ρ = ρ†, ρ ≥ 0; Tr ρ = 1 k ρ = ∑ pi ψ i ψ i ; i =1 ψ i ψ j ≠ δ ij eigenvalues n Spectral decomposition ρ = ∑ λi Π i ; i =1 ⇒ λi ≥ 0, n n ∑λ i =1 i = 1; {λi }i =1 = n a probability distribution S ( ρ ) := −∑ λi log λi = H ({λi } ) i =1 Classical Information Theory [Shannon 1948] = Theory of information-processing tasks e.g. storage & transmission of information Quantum Information Theory: A study of how such tasks can be accomplished using quantum-mechanical systems not just a generalization of Classical Information Theory to the quantum realm! novel features! The underlying which have no quantum mechanics classical analogue! In Quantum Information Theory, information is carried by physical states of quantum-mechanical systems: e.g. polarization states of photons, spin states of electrons etc. Fundamental Units Classical Information Theory: a bit ; takes values 0 and 1 Quantum Information Theory: a qubit = state of a two-level quantum-mechanical system Physical representation of a qubit Any two-level system; e.g. spin states of an electron, polarization states of a photon…… A multi-level system which has 2 states which can be effectively decoupled from the rest; E1 E0 Operational Significance of the Shannon Entropy = optimal rate of data compression for a classical i.i.d. (memoryless) information source successive signals emitted by source : indept. of each other Modelled by a sequence of i.i.d. random variables U1 , U 2 ,..., U n U i ∼ p (u ) signals emitted by the source = u∈J (u1 , u2 ,..., un ) Shannon entropy of the source: H (U ) := −∑ p (u ) log p (u ) u∈J Operational Significance of the Shannon Entropy (Q) What is the optimal rate of data compression for such a source? [ min. # of bits needed to store the signals emitted per use of the source] (for reliable data compression) Optimal rate is evaluated in the asymptotic limit n = number of uses of the source One requires n→∞ (n) perror →0 ; n→∞ (A) optimal rate of data compression = H (U ) Shannon entropy of the source Operational Significance of the von Neumann Entropy = optimal rate of data compression for a memoryless (i.i.d.) quantum information source A quantum info source emits: signals (pure states) with probabilities ψ 1 , ψ 2 ...., ψ k ∈ p1 , p2 ,..., pk Then source characterized by: {ρ , / } / Hilbert space density matrix k ρ = ∑ pi ψ i ψ i i =1 ψ i ψ j ≠ δ ij To evaluate data compression limit : Consider a sequence {ρn , / n } If the quantum info source is memoryless (i.i.d.) / n =/ ⊗U ; ρn = ρ Optimal rate of data compression ρ ∈/ ⊗n = S (ρ ) NOTE: Evaluated in the asymptotic limit n = number of uses of the source One requires (n) err p →0 n →∞ n→∞ e.g. A memoryless quantum info source emitting qubits Characterized by ρn = ρ {ρn ,/ n } ; Or simply by {ρ ,/ } Consider Stored in ⊗n ; / n =/ n successive uses of the source ; n mn qubits (data compression) ⊗U ; qubits emitted mn rate of data compression = n Optimal rate of data compression under the requirement that mn R∞ := lim n →∞ n (n) perror →0 n →∞ = S (ρ ) Quantum Relative Entropy A fundamental quantity in Quantum Mechanics & Quantum Information Theory is the Quantum Relative Entropy of ρ w.r.t. σ , ρ ≥ 0, Tr ρ = 0, σ ≥ 0: S ( ρ || σ ) := Tr ρ log ρ − Tr ρ log σ well-defined if supp ρ ⊆ supp σ It acts as a parent quantity for the von Neumann entropy: S ( ρ ) := −Tr ρ log ρ = − S ( ρ || I ) (σ = I ) It also acts as a parent quantity for other entropies: e.g. for a bipartite state ρ AB : A B Conditional entropy S ( A | B ) := S ( ρ AB ) − S ( ρ B ) = − S ( ρ AB || I A ⊗ ρ B ) Mutual information ρ B = TrA ρ AB I ( A : B ) := S ( ρ A ) + S ( ρ B ) − S ( ρ AB ) = S ( ρ AB || ρ A ⊗ ρ B ) Some Properties of S ( ρ || σ ) ≥ 0 Klein’s inequality: = 0 if & only if ρ = σ “distance” Joint convexity: S (∑ p ρ ) || ∑ p σ ) ≤ ∑ pk S ( ρ k || σ k ) k k S ( ρ || σ ) k k k k k Monotonicity under completely positive trace preserving (CPTP) maps Λ : S (Λ ( ρ ) || Λ (σ )) ≤ S ( ρ || σ ) What is a CPTP map? For an isolated quantum system: time evolution is unitary -- dynamics governed by the Schroedinger equation. In Quantum Info. Theory one deals with open systems unavoidable interactions between system (A) & its environment (B) Time evolution not unitary in general A B Most general description of time evolution of an open system given by a completely positive trace-preserving (CPTP) map Λ: ρ →σ density operators describes discrete state changes resulting from any allowed physical process : a superoperator Λ Λ: ρ →σ Properties satisfied by a superoperator Linearity: Λ ( ∑ pk ρ k ) = ∑ pk Λ ( ρ k ) k k σ = Λ( ρ ) ≥ 0 Positivity: Trace-preserving: (TP) Complete positivity: (CP) Trσ = Tr Λ ( ρ ) = Tr ρ = 1 / A ⊗/ B (Λ A ⊗ id B )(ρ AB ) ≥ 0 Kraus Representation Theorem: Λ ( ρ ) = ∑ Ak ρ Ak† ; k B A ρ AB ∑ Ak Ak = I † k Monotonicity of Quantum Relative Entropy under CPTP map Λ : v.powerful! ……….(1) Many properties of other entropic quantities can be proved using (1) S (Λ ( ρ ) || Λ (σ )) ≤ S ( ρ || σ ) e.g. Strong subadditivity of the von Neumann entropy Conjecture by Lanford, Robinson – proved by Lieb & Ruskai ‘73 S ( ρ ABC ) + S ( ρ B ) ≤ S ( ρ AB ) + S ( ρ BC ) B A C Outline of the rest Define 2 new relative entropy quantities Discuss their properties and operational significance Give a motivation for defining them Define 2 entanglement monotones (I will explain what that means ) Discuss their operational significance Two new relative entropies Definition 1 : The max- relative entropy of a density matrix ρ & a positive operator is σ S max ( ρ || σ ) := log ( min {λ : ρ ≤ λσ } ) (λσ − ρ ) ≥ 0 Definition 2: The min- relative entropy of a state positive operator σ is ρ &a S min ( ρ || σ ) := − log Tr (π ρ σ ) where πρ denotes the projector onto the support of (supp ρ ) ρ Remark: The min- relative entropy Smin ( ρ || σ ) := − log Tr π ρ σ (where π ρ denotes the projector onto supp ρ ) is expressible in terms of: quantum relative Renyi entropy of order α with α ≠1 1 Sα ( ρ || σ ) := log Tr ρ α σ 1−α α −1 as follows: supp ρ ⊆ supp σ S min ( ρ || σ ) = lim+ Sα ( ρ || σ ) α →0 Like S (ρ Min- and Max-Relative Entropies || σ ) we have S* ( ρ || σ ) ≥ 0 for S* (Λ ( ρ ) || Λ (σ )) ≤ S* ( ρ || σ ) Also * = max, min for any CPTP map S* ( ρ || σ ) = S* (U ρU || U σ U ) † † Λ for any unitary operator Most interestingly S min ( ρ || σ ) ≤ S ( ρ || σ ) ≤ S max ( ρ || σ ) U The min-relative entropy is jointly convex in its arguments: n For two mixtures of states ρ = ∑ pi ρi & σ = i =1 as for i =1 The max-relative entropy is quasiconvex: S max ( ρ || σ ) ≤ max S max ( ρi || σ i ) 1≤i ≤ n ∑ pσ i =1 n S min ( ρ || σ ) ≤ ∑ pi S min ( ρi || σ i ) n i i S ( ρ || σ ) Min- and Max- entropies H max ( ρ ) := − S min ( ρ || I ) H min ( ρ ) := − S max ( ρ || I ) = log rank(ρ ) = − log || ρ ||∞ analogous to: S ( ρ ) = − S ( ρ || I ) For a bipartite state ρ AB : H min ( A | B) ρ := − S max ( ρ AB || I A ⊗ ρ B ) analogous to: S ( A | B) = − S ( ρ AB || I A ⊗ ρ B ) H min ( A : B) ρ := S min ( ρ AB || ρ A ⊗ ρ B ) analogous to: etc. S ( A : B ) = S ( ρ AB || ρ A ⊗ ρ B ) etc. Min- and Max- Relative Entropies satisfy the: (1) Strong Subadditivity Property B A C S ( ρ ABC ) + S ( ρ B ) ≤ S ( ρ AB ) + S ( ρ BC ) just as H min ( ρ ABC ) + H min ( ρ B ) ≤ H min ( ρ AB ) + H min ( ρ BC ) (2) Araki-Lieb inequality just as S ( ρ AB ) ≥ S ( ρ A ) − S ( ρ B ) H min ( ρ AB ) ≥ H min ( ρ A ) − H min ( ρ B ) A B (Q) What is the operational significance of the min- and max- relative entropies? In Quantum information theory, initially one evaluated: optimal rates of info-processing tasks: e.g. data compression, transmission of information through a channel, etc. under the following assumptions: information sources & channels were memoryless they were used an infinite number of times (asymptotic limit) n→∞ BUT: these assumptions are unrealistic! In practice : Each use of a source or channel need not be memoryless ; in fact, correlations/memory effects unavoidable (e.g. quantum info. source : a highly correlated electron system) also sources and channels are used a finite number of times Hence it is important to evaluate optimal rates for finite number of uses (or even a single use) of an arbitrary source or channel Corresponding optimal rates: optimal one-shot rates Min- & Max relative entropies: S min ( ρ || σ ), S max ( ρ || σ ) act as parent quantities for one-shot rates of protocols just as Quantum relative entropy: S ( ρ || σ ) act as a parent quantity for asymptotic rates of protocols e.g. Quantum Data Compression asymptotic rate: one-shot rate: S (ρ ) = − S ( ρ || I ) H max ( ρ ) = − S min ( ρ || I ) [Koenig & Renner] Further Examples S min ( ρ || σ ) : parent quantity for the following: [Wang & Renner] : one-shot classical capacity of a quantum channel [ND & Buscemi] : one-shot quantum capacity of a quantum channel Relative entropies Entanglement “spooky action at a distance” ρ AB A time B Y X entangled! A measures here non-local quantum correlations B affected there Bipartite Quantum States : separable Separable IF / A ⊗/ B ; entangled Ψ AB = ϑA ⊗ ξ B else entangled ρ AB = ∑ piω ⊗ σ A i B i i else entangled A B Entanglement : strictly non-local quantum property A fundamental feature of entanglement it cannot be created or increased by : (i) local operations (LO) & (ii) classical communications(CC) LOCC shared entangled state X Y ρ AB Local (LO) operations classical communication (CC) Λ : LOCC σ AB ρ AB ⎯⎯⎯ → σ AB ⇒ E(σ AB ) ≤ E(ρ AB ) LOCC entanglement 0 ≡ 1 ≡ Maximally entangled states e.g. Pure state of 2 qubits A,B : Ψ AB where Ψ = Ψ AB Ψ AB 1 = (0 ⊗ 0 +1 ⊗1 2 ) Bell state state of the 2 qubits known exactly ; since AB in pure state Reduced state of qubit A IA 1 1 ρ A = TrB Ψ = = 0 0 + 1 1 2 2 2 Ψ completely mixed state similarly IB ρ B = TrA Ψ = 2 A B Bell State Ψ valuable resource in Quantum Info Theory Ψ IF A B X They can perform tasks e.g. quantum teleportation which are important in the classical realm! Y QuantumTeleportation X A B Ψ Y Classical communication unknown quantum state intriguing example of how quantum entanglement can assist practical tasks! usefulness of Bell states! Entanglement monotones A measure of how entangled a state i.e., the amount of entanglement :“minimum distance” of ρ ρ is ; E(ρ ) ρ from the set : in the state ρ of separable states. + E(ρ ) : E ( ρ ) = min S ( ρ || σ ) σ ∈: Relative entropy of entanglement Properties of an Entanglement Monotone E(ρ ) = 0 if ρ E(ρ ) is separable E ( Λ LOCC ( ρ )) ≤ E ( ρ ) E(ρ ) is not changed by a local change of basis etc. E ( ρ ) = min S ( ρ || σ ) σ ∈: satisfies these properties a valid entanglement monotone Entanglement Monotones E ( ρ ) = min S ( ρ || σ ) σ ∈: relative entropy of entanglement We can define two quantities: Emax ( ρ ) := min S max ( ρ || σ ) Max-relative entropy of entanglement Emin ( ρ ) := min S min ( ρ || σ Min-relative entropy of ) entanglement σ ∈: σ ∈: these can be proved to be entanglement monotones! Emax ( ρ ) and Emin ( ρ ) have interesting operational significances in entanglement manipulation What is entanglement manipulation ? = Transformation of entanglement from one form to another by LOCC : ρ AB Λ : LOCC X Ψ ρ AB ∈) (2 A ⊗ 2 B ) Partially entangled state Y ⊗m Ψ ∈/ A ⊗/ B ; Bell state dim (2 A ⊗ 2 B ) > dim (/ A ⊗ / B ) One-Shot Entanglement Distillation ρ AB Λ : LOCC X Ψ Y ⊗m What is the maximum number of Bell states that you can extract from the state ρ AB using LOCC? i.e., what is the maximum value of m ? “one-shot distillable entanglement ρ AB ” Result 4 : “one-shot distillable entanglement of ρ AB” = Emin ( ρ AB ) ND &F.Brandao Min-relative entropy of entanglement One-shot Entanglement Dilution Bell states : resource for creating a desired target state ⊗m Ψ Λ: ρ AB LOCC ρ AB : partially entangled bipartite target state What is the minimum number of Bell states needed to ρ create the state AB using LOCC? i.e., what is the minimum value of m ? “one-shot entanglement cost of ρ AB” Result 5 : “one-shot entanglement cost of ρ AB ” = Emax ( ρ AB ) ND &F.Brandao Max-relative entropy of entanglement Summary Introduced 2 new relative entropies (1) Min-relative entropy & (2) Max-relative entropy S min ( ρ || σ ) ≤ S ( ρ || σ ) ≤ Smax ( ρ || σ ) Parent quantities for optimal one-shot rates for (i) data compression for a quantum info source (ii) transmission of (a) classical info & (b) quantum info through a quantum channel Entanglement monotones Min-relative entropy of entanglement Emin ( ρ AB ) Max-relative entropy of entanglement Emax ( ρ AB ) Operational interpretations: Emin ( ρ AB ) : Emax ( ρ AB ) : One-shot distillable entanglement of One-shot entanglement cost of ρ AB ρ AB References: ND: Min- and Max- Relative Entropies; IEEE Trans. Inf. Thy, vol. 55, p.2807, 2009. ND: Max-Relative Entropy alias Log Robustness; Intl. J.Q.Info. Thy, vol, 7, p.475, 2009. F. Brandao & ND: One-shot entanglement manipulation under non-entangling maps (to appear in IEEE Trans. Inf. Thy, 2009) F. Buscemi & ND: Quantum capacity of channels with arbitrarily correlated noise (to appear in IEEE Trans. Inf. Thy, 2009)