CSAC Charter - College of Engineering, Michigan State University

Endorsed by CSAC on 1/25/01—Endorsed by ECAC on 4/03/01—Approved by Dean Fouke on 4/12/01
(Note: Section 1.1 was amended by CSAC on 11/02/01 changing the term of office for faculty to three years.)
(Note: Section 3 was amended by CSAC on 9/17/03 changing the number of meetings per semester to one.)
Charter for the Computing Services Advisory Committee (CSAC)
College of Engineering, Michigan State University
1. Composition: The Computing Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) shall consist of one faculty
member from each academic department, two undergraduate students, one graduate student, one
office environment staff member, one laboratory environment staff member, and one or more
additional individuals at the option of the Dean.
1.1. Each academic department shall nominate to the Dean of Engineering a faculty representative to
CSAC. The term of office for each of these members shall be three years, with re-appointment
for one additional term possible.
1.2. The Student Engineering Council shall select the undergraduate student representatives to
CSAC. The term of office for each of these members shall be one year, with no restriction on reappointment.
1.3. The Committee of Graduate Advisors shall select the graduate student representative to CSAC.
The term of office for this member shall be one year, with no restriction on re-appointment.
1.4. The Dean of Engineering shall select the staff representatives to CSAC. The term of office for
each of these members shall be two years, with no restriction on re-appointment.
1.5. The Dean of Engineering shall have the option to appoint additional representatives to CSAC, as
needed. The term of office for these individuals would be at the discretion of the Dean of
1.6. The Director of the Division of Engineering Computing Services (DECS) shall serve as an exofficio member to CSAC, without vote.
2. Function: CSAC is an “advisory consultative committee” (see Section 3.7 of the College of
Engineering’s Bylaws for Academic Governance.)
2.1. CSAC members shall assess the computing-service needs of their units/constituencies and share
this information with the committee membership
2.2. The Director of DECS shall consult with CSAC on policies and standards within the College of
Engineering, consistent with DECS mission described in Section 3.11 of the College of
Engineering’s Bylaws for Academic Governance.
2.3. The Director of DECS shall consult with CSAC on issues related to the management of DECS
and the implementation of policies.
2.4. The Director of DECS shall seek the advice of CSAC on major operational decisions that might
significantly affect users of the college computing facilities.
2.5. CSAC shall aid the Dean of Engineering in the ongoing assessment of DECS.
2.6. CSAC shall undertake additional responsibilities as delegated to it by the Dean of Engineering.
3. Operation: CSAC shall meet once each semester during the academic year.
3.1. The Director of DECS shall call the first CSAC meeting in the fall. At this meeting, CSAC shall
select a Chairperson and Secretary and shall review its Charter.
3.2. CSAC shall keep minutes of all meetings and make them available to College users in a timely