A Word About Color The Munsell Color Model The most widely accepted color theory used in the automotive refinish industry is the Munsell Color Model. This model is the basis for our Pro-Spray Color Tinting Guide. An elementary understanding of how the Munsell Color Model works will better help you understand how to adjust your colors. At the most simplistic level, the Munsell Color Model describes color in three dimensions: 1) hue, 2) value and 3) chroma. Hue is the ‘pure color’ or the color you see, such as blue, red, green and yellow. Value refers to lightness and darkness of a color. And finally, chroma describes the strength and weakness of a color. A strong color is more pure in hue. A weak color has more gray. Note: This model does not consider metallic, side tones and special effect pigments. Why Colors Don’t Match There are a myriad of reasons why colors do not match. Variables can originate at any stage in the process, from the vehicle manufacturer to the paint manufacturer to the jobber and painter. A skilled craftsman must learn the art of compensating for deviations. Do Not Skip These Important Steps Checking Your Formula You have mixed your color, sprayed a test panel to check match and ... WAIT ... the color is off! Before proceeding to tint the color, first review the checklist below. • Was the correct formula selected? Double check the paint code. • Is your scale properly functioning, calibrated and clean? If toner drops onto the scale, and not in the paint can, the end result can be a mismatched color. • Did you over- or under-pour a toner? Recheck the formulas and weights. • Did you spray your test panel to hiding, apply clearcoat and allow it to completely dry prior to checking the match? • Did you properly mix the paint with the recommended Pro-Spray thinner? Do not use a generic activator or solvent – it can negatively affect performance and the end result. • Is the variance caused by air pressure, application speed, spraying distance, technique or film thickness? Ensure proper air pressure at the gun. • If you are using solventborne basecoat, are the tinters stirred at least twice a day for 10 minutes? Is there a layer of thick pigment on the bottom of your tinters? NOTE: Solvent tinters settle as they sit. Once a tinter is off strength, it is always off strength. This could negatively affect color match on all subsequent mixes. • If you are using waterborne, did you lightly shake the tinters prior to mixing? (NOTE: Do NOT over agitate waterborne tinters. This will create air bubbles.) • Did you check the color in daylight? (Natural sunlight is always best for checking match.) • All colors must be viewed under equal gloss. If the repair area is faded, compound and polish the adjacent panels before checking color match. • Is it a custom or tri-stage color? • Did you check metallics for face and flip tone? • Did you apply a ‘drop coat’ for metallic and pearl colors? • Did you check for alternate or variant colors? • Has the vehicle been repaired before? A graphic representation of color and value, hue and chroma 1 Tinting Automotive Paint A Few Helpful Hints About Tinting If you have considered all variables and the color still does not match, it is time to adjust or tint the paint. In this guide, each toner is illustrated using a graphic symbol along with a detailed description of the color and its characteristics. When tinting your color, always start with toners that are listed in the color formula. Let’s get started. Hold your test panel next to the vehicle and ask yourself, “The vehicle is WHAT, compared to the paint?” Check variables in the exact order below. Step One: Check The Value Is the vehicle “lighter or darker” than the paint? • If the vehicle is lighter (solids): this can usually be corrected by adding white. The exception is red. Check the formula and add the predominant light color. • If the vehicle is lighter (metallics): this can usually be corrected by adding more metallic. Check the metal flake and size. A small metallic flake lightens the color faster than a large one. • If the vehicle is lighter (pearls): this can often be corrected by adding more pearl. Step Three: Check the Chroma Is the vehicle “cleaner, dirtier or more gray ” than the paint? • If the vehicle is dirtier or more gray: add small amounts of gray or black. Keep in mind that adding black will also make the color darker. • If the vehicle is cleaner: and if the color is not blendable, you may need to start over. A Final Word Pro-Spray Color Theory Training To learn more about best practices, equipment, paint composition, application, tinting and color theory, we invite you to attend a Pro-Spray Training Class. In North America: call us at 1-800-776-0933 or visit our websites at ProSprayFinishes.com and ProSprayH2O.com. In the E.U.: call us at +44 (0) 1767 314320. How To Use This Guide Pro-Spray Tinting Guide Key • If the vehicle is darker (solids): - If “darker and clean”: add the main dark color. For example, if you are mixing red, add a darker red. - If “darker and dirty”: add the complimentary color located on the opposite side of the color wheel or add black or gray (this will darken but not change the hue.) • If the vehicle is darker (metallics and pearls): if “dark and clean”, add the main dark color. For example, if you are mixing gold, add more gold metallic. Step Two: Check the Hue Is the vehicle “redder, yellower, greener or bluer” than the paint? • Note: white, gray, black and silver colors can have color/hue shift in any direction. • Note: always start with toners that are in the color formula. • If the vehicle is redder: add the appropriate red. • If the vehicle is greener: add the appropriate green. • If the vehicle is bluer: add the appropriate blue. • If the vehicle is yellower: add the appropriate yellow. Contents ADDITIVES......................................................................................... 3 WHITES............................................................................................... 3 BLACKS............................................................................................... 3 BLUES.................................................................................................. 4 VIOLETS.......................................................................................... 4-5 REDS................................................................................................ 5-6 YELLOWS / BROWNS..................................................................... 6 GREENS.............................................................................................. 7 ALUMINUMS..................................................................................... 7 XIRALLICS.......................................................................................... 8 PEARLS.........................................................................................9-10 GUIDELINES FOR TINTING CHART..........................................10 2 ADDITIVES SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION MB-237 MST-237 Tone Controller Flip-Flop Controller CHARACTERISTICS Provides a coarser appearance. Adding to effect colors causes the face of the color to be darker and grayer and lighter on the flop. Maximum addition is 15%. WHITES CHARACTERISTICS MB-201 MST-201 Pale White/Trace White Clean, weak white. Weak version of HST-500/HB-500. HB-500 HST-500 H.S. Super White/White Clean white. Normally only used in small amounts in metallics/pearlescents. Small amounts in metallics will tint the flop lighter and paler but the face will get slightly darker/duller. Using white in clean colors will make the color dirtier, lighter and paler. If less than 5%, use MST-201/MB-201. X VST-601 Super White High strength white, used in solid colors for better coverage. BLACKS 3 SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS MB-203 MST-203 Transparent Black/Trace Black Weak black for trace tints. MB-203/MST-203 is a weak version of MB-231/MST-231. MB-231 MST-231 Blue Black/Tinting Black High strength blue tone black, pasty tinting black with blue hue for gray color shades. Added to clean colors, the color becomes dirtier, darker and grayer. Doesn’t give dark flop in effect colors like HB-546/HST-546 or HB-547/HST-547. Should not use in colors that do not contain white, due to color depth. If less than 1%, use MB-203/MST-203. HB-546 HST-546 H.S. Black/Black Main tinting black. Deep yellow shade black used in both solid and pearl/metallic colors. HB-547 HST-547 H.S. Jet Black/Jet Black Deep black used for solid and metallic colors. Has brownish, yellowish hue. Adding HB-547/HST-547 to clean colors makes the colors dirtier, grayer and darker. Produces a dark flop in effect colors. VB-605 X Basecoat Jet Black Deep jet black used in basecoats only. Provides a very deep dark flop in metallic colors. SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION BLUES CHARACTERISTICS MB-209 MST-209 Deep Blue/Trace Blue Weak blue used mainly for tinting white or light colors when small adjustments are needed. MB-229 HST-529 Blue Lake/Red Shade Blue Extreme red shade blue. Redder than all other blues. Used to achieve greater depth in solid colors. Works well in blue pearl colors. MB-251 X Fast Blue Reddish shade blue. Mainly used in solid colors. Cleaner and less red than MB-229/HST-529. MB-272 MST-272 Cyan Blue/Blue Brilliant, transparent blue that produces a green face and red flop in effect colors. HB-512 HST-512 H.S. Lagoon Blue Cyanine Blue Used mainly in metallic and pearl colors. Neutral tone face with a greenish flop. HB-552 HST-552 H.S. Fast Blue/Mid Blue Better opacity than the HB-512/HST-512. High transparency blue. If less than 1%, use MB-209/MST-209. SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS VIOLETS MB-219 MST-219 Violet Bluish transparent violet for solid colors and metallics. Creates a reddish cast in blue colors. To achieve dirtier angle in blue metallic, use mix of MB-219/MST-219 and HB-512/HST-512. MB-259 MST-259 Burgundy/Trace Magenta Reduced strength version of VB-620/VST-620. Used mainly for tinting white or light colors when small adjustments are needed. MB-275 X Strong Maroon Mainly used for tinted mid coats. MB-277 HST-571 Fast Maroon Yellow Shade Maroon Transparent yellow shade maroon. Undertone is yellower than VB-602/HST-570. Used in deep red, brown and maroon metallics. HB-511 HST-511 H.S. Claret/Pink Magenta that offers a blue shade. Used in pearl/metallic colors as well as solid colors. Cleaner with a lighter flop than VST-620/VB-620. Mixing with white or metallic creates a clean pink shade. 4 VIOLETS VB-602 HST-570 VB-619 X VB-620 VST-620 REDS 5 SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS Bright Maroon Blue Shade Maroon For use in basecoat only. Yellow shade maroon used primarily in pearl/metallic colors, especially dark-brownish, red effect colors. Dirtier than HB-570/VST-670. Pure Magenta Basecoat only. Used in pearl and metallic colors; provides a dark flop. Not as clean as HB-511/HST-511. Cleaner and yellower than VB-620/VST-620. H.S. Red Violet/Magenta Semi-transparent blue shade red. Darker red with blue cast used mainly for darker red solid and effect colors. Dirtier and much bluer than HB-511/HST-511. SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS MB-206 MST-206 Red Oxide Normally used in small amounts. Dirty oxide red used mainly in ivory, beige, and brown color shades with little color depth to create red hue. Only use small amounts in effect colors to produce lighter, milky red flop. Very strong and opaque. Used in some metallics for flop adjustment. If less than 1% use MB-207/MST-207. MB-207 MST-207 Russet/Trace Red Oxide Weak red oxide. Reduced strength version of MB-206/MST-206. Used mainly for tinting white or light colors when small adjustments are needed. MB-224 HST-524 Super Red/Scarlet Bright, light yellow shade red normally used in small amounts because it gives poor opacity. MB-240 MST-240 Trans Oxide Red/Trans Red Transparent iron oxide used to produce bright-reddish, copper shade in effect colors, primarily in beige pearl/metallic colors. Gives a dark flop. HB-545 VST-645 H.S. Strong Red/Super Red Bright, clean red with orange shade. Used mainly for bright, solid red colors. Not normally used in effect colors. Use in effect colors only if light red flop is needed. Yellow shade red for solid colors. Used in metallics to adjust flop. HB-570 VST-670 H.S. Brilliant Red Yellow shade transparent red. Cleaner and yellower than VB-602/HST-570. Cleaner than MB-277/HST-571. VB-606 X Orange Red Scarlet Red Lead-free orange suited for solid colors, especially bright red and orange shades. Not recommended as a tinting color in white or pastel shades. Use only small amounts in effect colors if a light orange flop is needed. SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION VB-624 X H.S. Speed Red SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS REDS For solid colors. Better opacity than HB-545/VST-645. Basecoat only. YELLOWS / BROWNS CHARACTERISTICS MB-204 MST-204 Yellow Oxide Yellow Ochre Opaque yellow oxide for solid colors. Used in some metallics for flop adjustment. Dirty yellow with reddish shade used in cream, beige, tan and brown colors. Also added to effect colors in small quantities to make a milky yellow flop. If less than 1% use MB-205/MST-215. MB-205 MST-215 Trace Yellow Reduced strength yellow with reddish shade used for fine tinting where a yellow tone is needed. Used in pearl/metallic colors. MB-215 MST-215 Medium Yellow Trace Yellow Reduced strength dull yellow with reddish shade used for fine tinting where a yellow tone is needed. Used in pearl/metallic colors. MB-276 HST-576 Brown/Trans Brown Dark and yellow shade flop. Used in metallic colors. MB-278 MST-278 Trans Oxide Yellow Trans Yellow Transparent yellow with green cast, only used in metallic colors. MB-279 VST-679 Strong Yellow Yellow Shade Gold Transparent clean red shade yellow used primarily in bright metallic colors. Produces brilliant green shade yellow flop in effect colors. Also used in pure solid colors but gives low opacity. VB-604 VST-630 Pale Yellow/Super Yellow Clean green shade bright yellow mainly for solid green and yellow color. Small amounts may be used in effect colors for a light yellow/green flop. Lead free. VB-610 VST-610 Medium Yellow/Amber Red shade bright yellow for solid colors. Small amounts used in some metallics for flop tone. Slightly dirtier than MB-279/VST-679. Lead free. VB-618 X Yellow Lead free. Mainly used for solid color yellows. Redder than VB-604/VST-630. Greener than VB-610/VST-610. Only trace amounts used in metallic colors to give lighter yellower flop. 6 GREENS CHARACTERISTICS MB-273 HST-573 Bronze Green Green Shade Gold Greenish yellow used primarily in metallics. Can be used in solid colors but not as a primary colorant. HB-551 HST-551 H.S. Blue Green Blue Shade Green Blue shade green for metallic and solid colors. Transparent green with blue cast used in solid and effect colors. Used in light and dark green color shades. Can be used in yellows and blues to make them greener. ALUMINUMS 7 SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS AB-810 AMT-810 H.S. Bright Med. Aluminum Bright medium fine aluminum with a darker flop than AB-814/AMT-814. AB-814 AMT-814 H.S. Fine Aluminum Extra fine gray aluminum with a light flop. AB-816 AMT-812 H.S. Med. Fine Aluminum Medium Aluminum Medium fine gray aluminum with a light flop. AB-818 AMT-818 H.S. Med. Coarse Aluminum Medium coarse gray aluminum with a light flop. AB-821 X AB-832 AMT-832 AB-838 X AB-841 AB-842 H.S. Coarse Aluminum Coarse flake, average face and angle. H.S. Very Coarse Aluminum H.S. Bright Aluminum Extra coarse aluminum with a dark flop. H.S. Bright Med.-Fine Bright Aluminum Bright medium-fine, flake-average face and angle. AMT-821 Shining Coarse Aluminum Bright Coarse Aluminum Medium Coarse Silver Dollar aluminum; has a finer appearance in normal light but appears coarser in sunlight. Darker flop than AB-832/AMT-832. AMT-842 Silver Dollar Coarse Coarse Silver Dollar aluminum; has a finer appearance in normal light but appears coarser in sunlight. SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS XIRALLICS PSE-1001 XCT-101 Crystal Silver Bright white, coarse sparkle effect, coloristically similar to PB-781/PLT-781. PSE-1002 XCT-102 Sunbeam Gold Bright gold, coarse sparkle effect, coloristically similar to PB-784/PLT-784. PSE-1003 XCT-103 Radiant Red Bright red, coarse sparkle effect, coloristically similar to PB-783/PLT-786. PSE-1004 XCT-104 Crystal Blue/Galaxy Blue Bright blue, coarse sparkle effect, coloristically similar to PB-782/PLT-782. PSE-1005 XCT-105 Stellar Green Bright green, coarse sparkle effect, coloristically similar to PB-791/PLT-791. PSE-1006 XCT-106 Solaris Red Bright red, coarse sparkle effect, coloristically similar to PB-787/PLT-787. PSE-1007 XCT-107 Fireside Copper Bright copper, coarse sparkle effect, coloristically similar to PB-785/PLT-785. PSE-1010 CST-110 Viola Fantasy Effect pigment that ranges from strong violet to silver to green and blue. PSE-1011 X Arctic Fire Transparent pearl - subtle turquoise to brilliant silver to metallic red depending on angle of observation. PSE-1012 X Tropic Sunrise Angle-dependent color travel form refreshing green though silver to tropical red and orange. PSE-1013 CST-113 Autumn Mystery Effect pigment that ranges from red to gold and bronze to green. 8 PEARLS 9 SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS PB-780 PLT-780 Pearl White/White Pearl Coarser than PB-781/PLT-781, cleaner on face than PB-781/PLT-781, travels darker than PB-781/PLT-781 on the flop. PB-781 PLT-781 Fine Pearl White White Pearl Fine Coarser than PB-786/PLT-779, cleaner on face than PB-786/PLT-779, travels lighter than PB-780/PLT-780 on the flop. PB-782 PLT-782 Pearl Blue/Blue Pearl Coarser than PB-789/PLT-783, cleaner on face than PB-789/PLT-783. Blue face, travels to neutral tone, slightly yellowish on the flop. PB-783 PLT-786 Pearl Red/Red Pearl Opaque. Bright red face, Coarser and cleaner on the face than PB-788/PLT-788, travels darker than PB-788/PLT-788 on the flop. PB-784 PLT-784 Pearl Gold/Gold Pearl Yellow face, travels to neutral, slightly bluish tone on the flop. PB-785 PLT-785 Copper Pearl Opaque. Copper face, travels to dark shade copper on the flop. PB-786 PLT-779 Pearl White Ultrafine White Pearl Ultrafine Finest White Pearl. White face, travels very light on the flop. PB-787 PLT-787 Pearl Red Fine Red Pearl Fine Red magenta face, travels to neutral, slightly greenish tone on the flop. PB-788 PLT-788 Russet Pearl Fine Russet Pearl Opaque. Dirtier on the face and lighter on the angle than PB-783/PLT-786. Red face, travels to lighter red tone on the flop. PB-789 PLT-783 Pearl Blue Fine Blue Pearl Fine Finer than PB-782/PLT-782, dirtier on face than PB-782/PLT-782. Blue face, travels to neutral tone, slightly yellowish, lighter than PB-782/PLT-782 on the flop. PB-790 PLT-790 Pearl Violet Medium Violet Pearl Violet face, travels to neutral tone, slightly yellowish on the flop. PB-791 PLT-791 Pearl Green Medium Green Pearl Green face, travels to neutral tone, slightly reddish on the flop. SOLVENTBORNE WATERBORNE DESCRIPTION PEARLS CHARACTERISTICS PB-792 PLT-792 H.S. Blue Frost Ultrafine Pearl Effect white used both as a flop adjuster, as well as a tool to match certain OEM frost effects in pearl/ metallic colors. Gives a blue shade flop. Yellowish face and light bluish flop. Gives similar effect to PB-784/PLT-784. PB-793 PLT-793 Graphite Flake/Graphite Dark gray colored effect pigment, gives a silky/smoky effect. Used only in effect colors, has slightly bluish flop. PB-794 PLT-794 Gold Flash/Gold Medium gold aluminum flake. PB-795 PLT-795 Orange Aluminum Orange aluminum flake, clean bright face with dark flop. PB-796 PLT-796 Super Orange Pearl Orange face, travels to neutral tone, slightly yellowish on the flop. GUIDELINES FOR TINTING 1. 2. 3. 4. Metallic colors: white makes the face tone dirty and flip tone light. Do not add white unless you are sure that this is the effect that you require. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly before checking the color. Clear over base colors must have the clearcoat applied before checking the color. 5. Single stage metallics: lightly polish prior to checking color. 6. Metallics: view the face and flip tone. 7. Use only the tinters as shown in the color formula. SOLIDS COLOR SOLID GREY SOLID BLUE SOLID GREEN SOLID RED METALLICS SOLID MAROON SOLID YELLOW IF TOO MB-201, MB-201, MB-201, HB-545, HB-511, MB-201, DARK HB-500 HB-500 HB-500, VB-604 HB-545 HB-500 ADD: VB-604 , yellow as per formula IF TOO Black as in Blue as in LIGHT formula formula ADD: HB-551 HB-511, Black or blue VB-620 as in formula IF TOO GREEN ADD: Yellow as in N/A N/A formula MB-201, HB-500, yellow as in formula Yellow as in formula HB-545 Yellow as in formula HB-545 VB-610 IF TOO HB-551, HB-551, HB-551 HB-545, VB-620 RED MB-204 MB-204 blue and yellow VB-604 ADD: as in formula Yellow as in formula with blue as in formula or a hint of HB-551 Add orange or yellow as in formula IF TOO Blue or Maroon, HB-551 or HB-511, VB-620 or YELLOW black as in blue or blue and HB-545, black if in ADD: formula violet as in black as in VB-620 formula formula formula MB-201, HB-500, MB-204 or black if in formula HB-545 or red oxide if in formula IF TOO BLUE ADD: MB-259, MB-206, MB-207 MB-204, MB-206, MB-207 formula IF TOO N/A DIRTY ADD: MB-259 or blue as in formula VB-620 and black if in formula SOLID ORANGE COLOR WHITE, IVORY, CREAM, BUFF TANS, BROWNS MET. SILVER, SILVER GREY, DARK GREY METALLIC BLUE METALLIC GREEN MET. COPPER, METALLIC BRONZE, RED, BRONZE BROWN MAROON IF TOO MB-201, Red, orange Aluminum for Aluminum for Aluminum for Aluminum as Aluminum Aluminum DARK HB-500 or yellow as face tone, face tone, face tone, in formula and red/ ADD: in formula white for white for white for maroon as flip tone as flip tone as flip tone as in formula in formula in formula in formula IF TOO All toners All toners as All toners as All toners as All toners as All toners as All toners as All toners as LIGHT as in in formula in formula in formula in formula in formula in formula in formula ADD: formula except except except except except except except except black aluminum aluminum aluminum aluminum aluminum aluminum white IF TOO MB-204, Maroon or Maroon, violet GREEN MB-206, red as in or red as in ADD: MB-207 formula formula MB-229, Aluminum as violet or in formula maroon as in formula Red, brown or maroon tinters as in formula IF TOO Yellow as N/A MB-215, Aluminum BLUE in formula MB-279 plus other ADD: tinters in formula except blue Aluminum N/A plus other tinters in formula except blue or green All tinters as per formula except black IF TOO DIRTY ADD: All tinters in formula except black All tinters as per formula except black All tinters as per formula except black All tinters as per formula except black All tinters as per formula except black Red, brown Red, brown or maroon or maroon tinters as tinters as in formula in formula IF TOO Yellow as Yellow or MB-273 or HB-551, HB-551, HB-551, Aluminum as RED in formula orange as a hint of MB-204 MB-204 or MB-204 or in formula ADD: in formula HB-551 transparent transparent yellow as yellow as in formula in formula IF TOO HB-500 All tinters MB-272 MB-259, Blue or Red or Red or YELLOW and all except VB-620 or green as brown tone brown tone ADD: tinters yellow blue as in formula tinters, as tinters, as except and in formula in formula in formula yellow orange White plus Yellow as per HB-545, HB-545, Yellow as in HB-545 tints except formula VB-604 VB-604 formula blue as per formula All tinters as per formula except black METALLIC GOLD All tinters in formula except black All tinters in formula except black All tinters in formula except black All tinters in formula except black All tinters in formula except black Orange yellows or browns as in formula Red or brown tone tinters, as in formula Transparent N/A red, brown or maroon as in formula All tinters in formula except black All tinters in formula except black 10 PRO-SPRAY® Automotive Finishes An Alco Industries Company In North America: 600 Nova Drive SE, Massillon, OH 44646 Technical Support: 800-776-0933 In the E.U.: Pro-Spray Automotive Finishes Ltd. Unit H, Normandy Lane, Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 8QB Tel. +44 (0) 1767 314320 Fax +44 (0) 1767 319044 Email: sales@pro-spray.co.uk www.ProSprayFinishes.com www.ProSprayH2O.com facebook.com/prospray PSCTG/0711