CEYLON ELECTRICITY BOARD STANDARD CONSTRUCTION COST 2014 CONTENTS Page General Information 01. Cost per km. of LV New Lines/Conversions/Combine Runs. 1 02. Cost per km. of ABC LV Lines. 3 03. Cost per km. of MV Lines. (Single Circuit and Double Circuit) 4 04. Cost of Out-door Type Distribution Substation 4 05. Cost of Out-door Type Substations for Bulk Supply 5 06. Cost of Augmentation of Outdoor Distribution Substations. 5 07. Cost of Augmentation of Outdoor Bulk Supply Substations. 6 08. Cost of Installation of Expulsion Fuses at MV Line. 7 09. Cost of Installation of Load Break Switches 7 10. Cost of Installation of Auto-reclosers 7 11. Cost of Installation of MV Metering Equipment 7 12. Cost of Installation of Guards 7 13. Cost of Service Connections. 8 14. Cost of Service Connections – Underground 12 15. Cost of change-over to the Time of Day Tariff 14 16. Other Charges 15 17. Colombo city capital charges for bulk supply services in Colombo city 17 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION COST – 2014 Note: Value Added Tax (VAT) is exempted for the sale of electricity. Therefore all estimates issued for new line and substation construction works should not be included with VAT. Non-core business activities are liable for VAT. Therefore all estimates issued for Shifting of Poles, should be included with VAT. 1). LV NEW LINES/CONVERSIONS/COMBINED RUNS All the distribution feeders shall be of 3 phase construction. The maximum length of any distribution feeder with Fly (7/3.4 mm) conductor shall not exceed 1.8 km from the respective distribution substation. a). LV New Construction – Cost per km. Following rates are only applicable for LV lines funded through the Decentralized Budget and Provincial Council Budget and all the LV lines shall be of three (3) phase construction. COST Rs. FLY – 7/3.40mm 7/.134 inches 3 Ph. 1,262,000.00 WASP – 7/4.39mm 7/.173 inches 3 Ph. 1,325,000.00 ABC 70x3+50mm2 1,429,000.00 Following rates are applicable for Bulk suppliers, Property developers, etc., and all other third parties. COST Rs. FLY – 7/3.40mm 3 Ph. 1,337,000.00 WASP – 7/4.39mm 3 Ph. 1,400,000.00 Note:The cost of construction of 1 ph. Fly (7/3.40mm) LV line for third parties shall be Rs. 1,028,000.00 b) LV Line Conversion – Cost per km. FLY 7/3.40mm (7/.134 Inches) WASP 7/4.39mm (7/.173 Inches) CONDUCTOR COST Rs. 1PH/3 PH. 2 PH/3 PH. Changing Conductor 3PH. Fly/Wasp 400,000.00 283,000.00 614,000.00 1 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 c). Combined run of LV Line on existing MV Line Following rates are only applicable for LV lines funded through the Decentralized Budget and Provincial Council Budget. d) CONDUCTOR FLY – 7/3.40mm 3 Ph. WASP-7/4.39mm 3 Ph. ABC 3Ph. 4 Wire Combined Run on 11kV/33 kV line cost in Rs. 753,000.00 831,000.00 883,000.00 Combined run of LV Line on New MV Line Following rates are only applicable for LV lines funded through the Decentralized Budget and Provincial Council Budget. CONDUCTOR FLY – 7/3.40mm 3 Ph. WASP-7/4.39mm 3 Ph. ABC 3Ph. 4 Wire Combined Run on 11kV/33 kV line cost in Rs. 481,000.00 554,000.00 763,000.00 Note. Span of MV lines are reduced to the span required for LV. Therefore no LV poles introduced in between MV Poles. Following rates are applicable for Bulk suppliers, Property developers, and other third parties. e) Combined run of LV Line on existing MV Line CONDUCTOR FLY – 7/3.40mm 3 Ph. WASP-7/4.39mm 3 Ph. ABC 3Ph. 4 Wire Combined Run on 11kV/33kV line cost in Rs. 828,000.00 906,000.00 958,000.00 The above costs include the cost of additional intermediate LV poles (8.3m) required to support the LV feeder. However standard practice is to plant MV poles (10m or 11m) and construct the line on LV span. The difference in cost has to be borne by the CEB. 2 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 f) Combined run of LV Line on New MV Line CONDUCTOR FLY – 7/3.40mm 3 Ph. WASP-7/4.39mm 3 Ph. ABC 3Ph. 4 Wire Combined Run on 11kV/33 kV line cost in Rs. 556,000.00 629,000.00 838,000.00 Note. Span of MV lines are reduced to the span required for LV. Therefore no LV poles introduced in between MV Poles. 2). AERIAL BUNDLED CONDUCTORS LV LINE. a). ABC LV Line Cost per km. CONCRETE POLE 70x3+50mm2 1,504,000.00 931,000.00 ABC Conductor COST Rs. COST Rs. (For the Second Circuit) 70x3+50+16mm2 1,618,000.00 3 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 3). MV LINE – COST PER km. (These rates are only applicable for Pole Line Constructions) Since LV span (45m) used in MV construction it may be economical to use 10.0 m (RC or PS) pole in MV construction. PS (11.0m) poles may be used in special construction where clearance can not be maintained by 10.0 m poles. (eg. Road crossings, urban areas) CODE 11kV 7/4.09mm 37/2.79 RACOON LYNX Single Circuit on 10m pole 2,310,000.00 Cost Rs. Single Circuit 3,817,000.00 on 11m Pole 2,732,000.00 Cost Rs. Single Circuit 4,472,000.00 on 13m Pole 2,834,000.00 Cost Rs. Double Circuit on 7,511,000.00 13m Pole Cost Rs. All values are in Rupees. 4) 19/3.76mm ELM 7/4.09mm RACOON 33kV 37/2.79 LYNX 19/3.76mm ELM - 2,634,000.00 - - 3,251,000.00 2,949,000.00 4,015,000.00 3,435,000.00 4,100,000.00 3,215,000.00 4,729,000.00 4,134,000.00 6,306,000.00 - 7,946,000.00 6,826,000.00 COST FOR OUTDOOR TYPE DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATIONS. kVA 11kV/LT Rs. 33kV/LT Rs. 100 1,484,000.00 1,604,000.00 160 1,676,000.00 1,778,000.00 250 1,947,000.00 2,060,000.00 The above costs include for followings: i). Three Nos. Pin Insulators, Tension Insulator Sets (on line side) and all other material costs. ii). Two Sets of Fuse Switch Disconnectors (3ph. Unit with neutral Link) on LV side for two feeders. iii). PVC Tail Wires (80 meters long) from the T/F LV Terminal to Fuse Switch Disconnectors for the two LV Feeders. iv). Connection Clamps (Crimp Type Sockets at the LV Terminal of the Transformer, Fuse Switch Disconnectors and Bimetallic Clamps at the LV feeders). v) Substation metering set with metal enclosure. vi) Concrete Earthing Blocks (Four numbers) including earth rods, Exothermic Welding materials, compression connectors, Earth mesh and 25m of 50 mm2 PVC Sheathed conductors. Therefore the costs for the above items need not be added to the Standard Costs when a quotation for a Distribution Substation is prepared. 4 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 5). COST OF OUT-DOOR SUBSTATIONS (BULK SUPPLY) kVA 63 100 160 250 400 11kVA/LV 735,000 1,340,000 1,546,000 1,946,000 2,377,000 Rs. 33kV/LV 788,000 1,463,000 1,667,000 2,025,000 2,638,000 Rs. 630 800 1000 3,361,000 3,915,000 4,518,000 3,641,000 4,064,000 4,739,000 The above schedule includes the cost of the following items: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Bulk Supply Meter Sets. Current Transformers MCCBs. Crimp type Sockets (at the Transformer LV Terminals and MCCBs) PVC insulated Cu Cables (10m distance from Transformer LV Terminals to the MCCB) Bulk Supply Meter Box. 4 Nos. of Concrete Earthing System with 50 mm2 Cables (30m) with compression lugs, Earth rods and Exothermic materials In the event additional PVC Cables are required, the cost of such cables shall be added to the above standard construction costs without adding extra labour and overhead costs. The consumer shall provide the Transformer Plinth and Meter Cubicle for Housing Bulk Supply Meter Box & MCCB. (Transformer plinth and the meter cubicle could either be a combined type or separate type as required.) 6). COST OF AUGMENTATION OF OUTDOOR DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATIONS (11kV/LV, 33kV/LV) EXISTING TRANSFORMER KVA RATING OF AUGMENTED SS TRANSFORMER KVA 160 11kV 160 33kV 250 11kV 250 33kV NOTE: 100 160 300,000.00 230,000.00 590,000.00 486,000.00 396,000.00 382,000.00 The above Standard Costs are computed allowing for a rebate (100%) on the existing Transformer based on 2014 prices. This cost includes the cost for augmentation of transformer, labour, transport, contingency and overhead, charges. If the available fuse switch cut-outs are not in working condition they shall be replaced and the cost of such items shall be met from the maintenance vote. 5 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 7). COST OF AUGMENTATION OF OUTDOOR BULK SUPPLY SUBSTATIONS (11KV/LV 33KV/LV) EXISTING TRANSFORMER KVA RATING OF AUGMENTED SUBSTATION T/F KVA 63 100 11kV 605,000 100 33kV 676,000 160 11kV 782,000 160 33kV 809,000 250 11kV 1,156,000 250 33kV 1,168,000 400 11kV 1,597,000 400 33kV 1,783,000 630 11kV 2,581,000 630 33kV 2,813,000 800 11kV 2,894,000 800 33kV 3,273,000 1000 11kV 3,742,000 1000 33kV 3,870,000 All Values are in Rupees 100 160 250 400 630 800 311,000 312,000 685,000 671,000 1,126,000 1,286,000 2,111,000 2,316,000 2,423,000 2,775,000 3,271,000 3,373,000 484,000 467,000 925,000 1,084,000 1,910,000 2,115,000 2,222,000 2,574,000 3,070,000 3,171,000 520,000 758,000 1,505,000 1,788,000 1,817,000 2,247,000 2,665,000 2,845,000 1,129,000 1,175,000 1,441,000 551,000 1,634,000 697,000 2,290,000 1,399,000 979,000 2,231,000 1,294,000 825,000 NOTE: The above Standard Costs are computed allowing for a rebate (100 %) on the existing Transformer, MCCB and Cables, based on 2014 prices (except in the case of augmenting 63kVA Substation). The cost of meter sets shall be charged only if there is no Bulk Supply meter set at present. The costs of New MCCBs, Connecting sockets, PVC Tail Wires/Cables, labour and overheads are included in the above Standard Costs. 6 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 8). 9). COST OF INSTALLATION OF MV SPUR LINE TAPPING WITH EXPULSION FUSES ON DOUBLE POLE STRUCTURE i). 11kV - Rs. 256,000.00 ii). 33kV - Rs. 278,000.00 COST OF INSTALLATION OF LOAD BREAK SWITCH WITH LOAD INTERRUPTERS ON DOUBLE POLE STRUCTURE Air Insulated 10). SF6 MANUAL SF6 Remote Operation i). 11kV - Rs. 647,000.00 760,000.00 Rs. 1,808,500.00 ii). 33kV - Rs. 728,500.00 1,128,500.00 Rs. 2,195,000.00 COST OF INSTALLATION OF AUTO-RECLOSERS With Remote Operation. 11). 12). I). 11kV - Rs. 1,690,500.00 ii) 33kV - Rs. 2,414,000.00 COST OF INSTALLATION OF MV METERING EQUIPMENT i). 11kV - Rs. 1,138,500.00 ii). 33kV - Rs. 2,137,500.00 COST OF INSTALLATION OF GUARD Cradle Guard 20m. Span with width 3m 1. 11 kV – Rs. 85,000.00 2. 33 kV – Rs. 95,000.00 Poles are not included in the Item 12. 7 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION COST – 2014 13). SERVICE CONNECTIONS a). Overhead Service Connections 1. Single Phase Up to 50m Type Fixed Cost 30A Rs. 17,000.00 2. Single Phase Beyond 50m and the maximum distance of service wire should not exceed 110m Type Fixed Cost Variable Cost Remarks 30A Rs. 17,000.00 Rs. 1,200.00/meter Variable cost is for the length in excess of 50m Note: - Variable cost calculation is for the length in excess of 50m. E.g. for 55m 17,000.00+ (55-50) x 1,200 = 17,000.00+5 x 1,200 =23,000.00 3. Three Phase Domestic/Industrial/Commercial General Purpose The maximum distance of service wire should not exceed 110m. Type Fixed Cost Variable Cost 30A 60A Rs. 22,650.00 Rs. 23,500.00 Rs. 735.00/meter Rs. 835.00/meter Meter Enclosure and MCCB should be installed at all three phase connections. 4. Single phase to Three Phase conversion. From Single Phase To Three Phase Fixed Cost Variable Cost 30A 30A 30A 60A Rs. 20,850.00 Rs. 21,000.00 Rs. 675.00/meter Rs. 815.00/meter Note: Above rate is applicable only for the conversion of service wire. If Conversion of bare conductors / ABC is required it should be carried as per the conversion rates. 8 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 5. Loop Services (Loop services are allowed to give from the Underground networks only) Loop Services SINGLE PHASE SERVICE Fixed Cost 15A Rs. 5,300.00 from an existing 30A service only. Permitted No. of Loops 1 THREE PHASE SERVICES from existing 30A/60A service - Fixed Cost 15A 30A Rs. 21,000.00 Rs. 21,000.00 Variable Cost Rs 400.00 Rs.425.00 Permitted No. of Loops From 30A Service 2 1 Fixed Costs The fixed costs include the cost of MCCB or MCB, Meter Box, 5 m length of service wire & D-brackets required on Consumer’s side. Variable Costs. Variable costs include the cost of the service wire and line material such as poles, D-brackets, Stays, Struts etc., as applicable. A suitable service bracket shall be provided and installed by the consumer. 9 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 b). Service Connection to Welding Plants, Metal Crushers, Saw Mills etc. In providing service connections to installations having equipment such as welding plant, Metal Crushers, Saw Mills etc., which could have adverse effects on the other consumers connected to the existing feeder. A separate feeder has to be constructed and a capital cost has to be charged as per the table given below, in addition to the cost of the normal service connection provided from the separate feeder. This is not applicable to the normal 30A/60A suppliers where such equipment is not used. A SEPARATE BUNDLE CONDUCTOR LINE (3x70mm2 + 1 x 50mm2 ) MAY BE DRAWN IN PARALLEL WITH THE EXISTING DISTRIBUTION LINE WHEN PROVIDING SERVICE CONNECTIONS TO WELDING PLANTS, METAL CRUSHERS, SAW MILLS ETC. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. The above service connections should not be given from normal consumer distribution lines. ** The distance limits for 3 phase, 30A and 60A connections is applicable as per the construction standards ie. 800m and 400m respectively from the T/F. A capital cost of the new line has to be shared by the consumers in addition to the service connection charges. When providing the connection to the First Consumer, CEB has to bare the balance cost of the feeder as the consumer will pay only his share as given in the table below. The balance expenditure may be charged to the System Augmentation Funds. The capital cost for different categories of the service connections is given in the table below. If service connection can not be given due to distance limits or voltage drop, that has to be referred to the Planning Engineer to study and make an appropriate System Augmentation proposal. The costs indicated below are valid only for the feeder section constructed on the existing poles parallel to an existing feeder. If it is required to install poles to get the connection off the existing feeder or extend the existing feeder the length from the T-off or the point of extension to the consumer point shall be charged under the relevant service connection rates. Capital Costs. Size of the service 60A 3 phase connection ** Allowable distance 400m from the Substation No. of service connection 2 (allowable) Capital cost per service Rs.100,000.00 connection to be charged from the consumer ** Note: 30A 3 phase 30A 1 phase 800m 1000m 4 4 Rs. 100,000.00 Rs.75,000.00 This is only a guide line to prepare the cost estimates. These limits could be changed by considering the voltage drops, consumer growth etc only on personal approval of the Provincial DGMM on case by case basis. 10 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 C Guidelines for Preparation of Estimates. (i). Measurement of the Service Connection Length. The Service Connection Length is the Horizontal Distance (Ground Distance) from the Pole to the Service Bracket at the consumer’s premises. No. allowance shall be added for the Sag or Down Run. However, lengths of Service Wire shall be issued on the basis of actual length required to construct the Service Connection including Sag and the “Down Run” Fixed cost charged from the Consumer includes the cost of the length of service Wire required for Sag and the “Down Run” (ii). Insulated Wires for Three Phase Service Connections Three Phase Service Connection shall be connected with i). ii). One Flat Twin Core Service Main Wire (Black and Gray for two Phases) and One normal Single Phase Service Main Wire (Insulated Conductor for third phase [Brown] and other Conductor [Sheathed, Blue] for neutral). If there is a shortage of Flat Twin Core Service Main Wire, Single Core Insulated Wire may be used. (iii). Last Span In all categories of service connections the last span shall generally not exceed 30m, however in special circumstances it may be appropriate to change the last span slightly with the approval of the Engineer concerned. (iv). Service Connection length exceeding 110m When the Service length exceeds 110m, up to 110m Standard Construction Cost for Service Connection shall be used. For the balance length, Standard Construction Cost for LV Lines (as indicated below) shall be used for estimation purposes, but it is to be noted that the total bare aluminum conductor line length shall not exceed 1.8km from the distribution substation. i). ii). Construction cost per km. using FLY Conductor (7/3.40mm) (7/.134 in) 1 Phase 3 Phases : Rs. 1,028,000.00 : Rs. 1,337,000.00 Construction cost per km using ABC conductor (4 wires) : Rs. 1,504,000.00 (v). Service Connections for Consumers beyond 1.8km from the Distribution Substation Distribution feeders shall not be extended beyond 1.8km from the distribution substation to provide Service connection utilizing bare aluminum conductors. In the event service connections are to be provided from the feeder terminal point (1.8km from the dist. sub.) separate insulated service main wires shall be used for each consumer up to a maximum distance of 110m. No bare conductors shall be used to provide such service connections. 11 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 14). Under Ground Service Connection. 15 Amp. 1. 30 Amp. 60 Amp. UNDERGROUND SERVICE SINGLE PHASE a). Fixed cost for 3 way joint box 29,100.00 b). Variable cost 16mm2/2C Al. Cable per meter 3,500.00 length 2. SHIFTING SERVICE (U.G.) SINGLE PHASE 3 Three Phase 30 A From LV underground distributor Termination Kit, XLPE, LT, 4C, 16mm2 Consumer contribution for mini feeder pillers. Total Fixed Cost for 30A, 3ph.(Termination kit, 1/5 of mini feeder piller, labour , transport and overhead) Variable cost for 3ph 30A for 16mm2 XLPE, Al, Cable per meter 29,100.00 3,500.00 Details estimate should be prepared. 77,100.00 4,000.00 4 Three Phase 60 A From LV underground distributor Termination kit XLPE, LT, 4C Consumer contribution for mini feeder pillers. Total Fixed cost for 60A, 3ph. (Termination kit, 1/4 of 86,400.00 mini feeder piller, labour , transport and overhead) Variable cost for 3ph, 60A Al. Cable per meter 4,400.00 Note: According to the length of the service connection the size of the cable should be selected. 5. SHIFTING SERVICE (U.G.) THREE PHASE Detail estimate should be prepared. 6. SINGLE PHASE LOOP SERVICE a). Fixed Cost b) Variable Cost Rs. 5,300.00 Rs. 350/meter THREE PHASE LOOP SERVICE a). Fixed Cost b) Variable cost Rs. 21,000.00 Rs. 400/meter 7. Rs. 21,000.00 Rs. 425/meter 12 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 Policy for recovering cost in new three phase connection When a three phase service is given from the UG network (Other than 15 A, 3P service from an existing cable at the building) following capital costs (Mini feeder pillar and associated items) are charged from consumers as follows. Capital Cost a) 30A, 3ph connection from existing UG network Rs. 32,700.00 b) 60A, 3ph connection from existing UG network Rs. 40,800.00 Remarks 1/5 of the total cost of MFP 1/4 of the total cost of MFP MFP – Mini Feeder Pillar When providing the connection to the first consumer, the balance expenditure may be charged to the System Augmentation Vote 13 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 15) STANDARD RATE FOR CHANGING OVER TO THE TIME OF DAY TARIFF. 1. Consumer metered at Medium Voltage The existing single rate meter is to be replaced with Programmable 3 phase 3 wire meter free of charge. Fixing charge and the transport are to be charged on actual. 14 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 16) OTHER CHARGES. Other charges for miscellaneous services No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Types of Charge Charge (Rs.) Disconnection at the customer’s request 1,000.00 Reconnection at the customer’s request 1,000.00 Reconnection after a statutory disconnection 1,000.00 Testing of an energy meter used at 230 V 1,500.00 Testing of an energy or energy/demand meter and associated 10,000.00 equipment used at 400 V Testing of an energy or energy/demand meter associated equipment 10,000.00 (used at voltages higher than 400 V) Installation testing CCE Changing an account name and/or the tariff category 250.00 Changing an energy or energy/demand meter Free of charge for changing defective meters. For other cases CCE shall apply. Provision of temporary electricity supply Augmentation of an existing electricity supply Shifting of poles/lines/transformer/any other electrical plant Clearing of way leaves 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. CCE CCE CCE CCE based on compensation charges decided by Divisional Secretaries and cost of removing way leaves. Free of charge Free of charge CCE CCE Issuing a clearance report Issuing a duplicate bill Provision of net metering facility Grid interconnection of generation facility Delays in Payment – Bulk Supply Consumers After 15 days period of bill issued to the consumer, a monthly interest rate of 2% will be charged to the bill from the 16th day onwards. If consumer fails to pay the bill and interest thereon within 30 days of issuing the bill, supply will be disconnected upon disconnection order. Reconnection of the supply will be given upon the payment of outstanding amount together with 2% interest on the outstanding amount until the day of reconnection and Reconnection processing fee. 19. Delays in Payment – Ordinary Supply Consumers After 30 days period, if a disconnection order is issued a monthly interest rate of 2% will be charged from the consumer on the outstanding amount (The interest will be calculated on the total outstanding amount for half the period of the bill is being outstanding). If supply is disconnected, reconnection of the supply will be given upon the payment of outstanding amount together with interest and a Reconnection processing fee. 15 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 20. Repair of damages to Service connection wire Responsibility of removing way leaves along the path of service connection wire rests with the consumer. Cost of repair to service wire damaged due to non-removing of way leaves is to be charged from the respective consumers. CCE CCE – Case by Case Estimation by the Licensee based on Standard Construction Cost – 2014 and Price List of Materials 2014 issued by CEB. 16 Ceylon Electricity Board Standard Construction Rates-2014 17) COLOMBO CITY CAPITAL CHARGES FOR BULK SUPPLY SERVICES IN COLOMBO CITY FOR THE YEAR 2014 Rated Capacities of connection s 70kVA 112kVA 150kVA 1000kVA Point of Common Coupling Feeder Pillar Bay Feeder Pillar Bay LV busbar of Satelite Sub 1MVA 10MVA 11kV busbar of Ring & Radial Sub 10MVA 32MVA 11kV busbar of 33/11kV ,Primary Sub or 132/11kV Primary sub Above 32 MVA 11kV or 22kV busbar of 132/11kV or 22kV Primary sub Ceylon Electricity Board Capacity Charge Variable Cost * Capital Charge of Rs.602,255.00 Capital Charge of Rs.963,608.00 Substation cost Rs.1,462,280.00 + Rs.10,000/kVA LV cost from FP to delivery point. LV cost from FP to deliver point. Rs.12.5Million/MVA Rs.20Million / MVA LV cost up to delivery point. Cost of 11 kV works up to metering panel ncluding ring cables, radial & ring panels and automation & communication equipment cost Cost of 11 kV works up to metering panel including radial cables & panels and automation & communication equipment cost CMC/RDA /Police permits Reinstateme nt charges Space to be provided by applicant Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Weather protected vertical wall space to fix switchgear & meters. Substation space to be provided if required. Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Substation space to be provided and Substation room has to be constructed as per CEB's design & under CEB supervision. Land to be provided by the developer for PSS if required and radial substation room has to be constructed as per CEB's design & under CEB supervision. Case by case with concurrence from Transmission Division 1 17 Standard Construction Rates-2014 Time Frame Required Supply already available only installation time required 1 years 3 years