Established 1992 - print run 2700 To support Breast Cancer Awareness Month we will be outside Fresh Choice selling raffle tickets on Friday 9 and Saturday 10 October Billy Kerrisk 0276 085 606 Licensed Agent REAA 2008 Wholemeal Café NEW SPRING menu Featuring local organic produce Sany’s awesome authentic curries Thursday thru Saturday from 5.30pm Liquorland Golden Bay 5 Motupipi Street, Golden Bay. T. 525 7270 CURTAINS & BLINDS made locally Showroom next to Z truckstop Ph 027 440 0071, 525 7479 A/H designs Building in the bay for over 8 years... Showhome: Askew 73Kirsty Richmond Road, Pohara Open: & Fri 4–5.30pm every Sun 0189 1–4pm T 03Wed 525 9496 M &021 120 T 03 525 9496 M 027 677 942 E E 0800 JENNIAN The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 Ngä Pükörero o te wiki ki Mohua Friday 2 October 2015 Golden Bay’s family violence statistics prompt new initiative Organisations working against family violence are concerned at the rising rates of cases reported every year in New Zealand. They say family safety is not an individual’s or an organisation’s responsibility: the entire community needs to be involved to combat the epidemic. Safe Families Golden Bay is a communityled initiative funded by Te Rito Nelson. It aims to raise awareness of the family violence in Golden Bay - and is saying that we all need to pitch in if we want to see change. When community worker Emma Brazendale did a survey on family violence in Takaka, she said the overwhelming response from local residents was that people didn’t believe family violence was of concern in the area. According to Emma, people were “stunned” when she recounted the local statistics. At least one incident of family violence is reported in Golden Bay every week, which according to Emma is a frightening prospect when you consider how many family members could be involved in each case. Local data shows there were seven reported incidents of family violence in Golden Bay in July 2015, and six in August. At the end of September there were a staggering six reported incidents in that one week alone, a figure expected to rise leading up to and over Christmas. Nationally, police investigated over 100,000 instances of domestic violence in 2014, according to statistics released by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse (NZFVC), a figure up from 95,000 the year before. However, the It’s Not OK website and Statistics New Zealand report that “Police recorded a family violence investigation on average every five-and-a-half minutes in 2014…Only about 25 per cent of family violence incidents are reported to Police.” Says Emma: “We’re here to spread the message that everyone needs to take it on as their responsibility to talk about all forms of family violence. Reach out and ask for help if you see anything, or if you’re experiencing family violence. It doesn’t matter who you tell; just tell someone.” Violence isn’t limited to physical abuse, and includes sexual, financial, emotional and psychological violence, and includes neglect. The latter forms can be harder to detect, says Safe Families project manager, Abbie Langford. “And they often do the most damage.” According to Community Workers Services manager Glynn Rogers, the rural nature of our community means families may tend toward concealment. “People often believe they have a lot to lose if it gets out,” says Glynn. “And living in isolated areas makes it easier to hide what’s going on. Starting to talk about it and seeking help is often the beginning of a life-changing journey.” Glynn is passionate about getting the message out to the community that family violence is not OK and that there is a way for people to change their behaviour. “There’s no excuse for family violence,” says Glynn. “However, they may not have the skills to do Safe Families core group members, clockwise from top left: Emma Brazendale, Glynn Rogers, Maureen Harte, Simon Jones and Abbie Langford. Photo: Nina Hindmarsh. something different and it may be to do with the way they were brought up.” Glynn says there are numerous resources available to help both the victims and perpetrators, and that it’s vital to seek help before somebody gets arrested or seriously hurt. She has also worked with abused men. “They too can become victims.” Counsellor Simon Jones says that for perpetrators, violence can be about seeking to take control of their lives. Simon has been working with men and in Stopping Violence programmes for over 20 years. He is in the planning stages of creating an ongoing weekly men’s group. “We need more awareness and help available for men, more networks and support, as they are often the shyest people to reach out for help.” According to statistics, elder abuse and neglect is also an epidemic and on the rise in New Zealand. Research suggests one in 10 elderly may be subject to financial abuse in their lives, and that in 75 per cent of reported cases, the perpetrator is a family member – 50 per cent being adult children. “Elder abuse is often unseen, and sometimes the only people they see are those they receive support from, making it much harder to report abuse,” says Simon. Emma stresses that although Safe Families Golden Bay is based at the Community Centre, it is an open and community-led initiative. “We’ve got the funding and it’s about the community deciding what they want to do with it,” she said. The core group of eight – which includes Maureen Harte, Loretta Horton, Roger File and Conny Schrader - has been meeting monthly to discuss strategies. Abbie Langford has been employed as the group’s project manager. She was involved in Women’s Refuge and the It’s Not OK campaign in Christchurch for many years. A logo competition has just opened to the public and will close on October 31. Entry forms will be sent out to schools and are also available from the Community Workers, as are details of the prize. Entrants are invited to design a logo representing Safe Families in Golden Bay, which will be owned by the group who retain the rights to adjust the winning logo as necessary. A planned launch will raise the group’s profile in the community and it will unveil its new logo. It hopes to heighten awareness by sponsoring a local sports team (and one is interested). Another idea is to publish the local family violence statistics on a weekly or monthly basis in The GB Weekly. Keep an eye out for more details of the logo competition and events planned by Safe Families Golden Bay. “And never be afraid to seek help or offer help if you believe either you, or someone else, is the victim of family violence,” concludes Emma. Nina Hindmarsh *Domestic violence takes many forms It involves abusive or intimidating behaviour carried out by a partner, friend or family member to control, dominate or make you feel afraid. The violence doesn’t have to be physical - it can be emotional, psychological, financial or sexual, or it can be threats to abuse you in any of these ways. If you or your children are experiencing any domestic violence, you need to get help. Golden Bay Community Workers 88 Commercial St Phone: 525 9728. Fax: 525 7928 * go to: 1 warn Artist embraces Collingwood community & A S S O C I AT E S Specialised Accounting <UILH[HISL7YVMLZZPVUHS8\HSPÄJH[PVUZ Experience & Service 03 525 9919 96 COMMERCIAL ST TAKAKA 7110, GOLDEN BAY NOW LE IL AB rs AVA ca for s WOF s well a a s r e les ail & tr otorcyc m Do you have problems with your garage door? Experienced technicians from Nelson Garage Doors will be in Golden Bay Thursday 15 October, for all your garage door servicing requirements. Only $110 (GST incl) for up to one hour’s labour. Parts additional. Book online at or ph 03 547 4530 to make an appointment classified ads Personal Public Notices Trades & Services Health & Wellbeing For Sale To Give Away Lost & Found 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 Wanted Employment Property Eating Out Learning Church Services Upcoming Events 11 11 11 12 12 12 14 At 10am on the 10th day of the 10th month, Collingwood artist NgAngA will throw open the doors of his Tasman Street gallery to reveal a collection of new paintings. The works have been created for NgAngA’s Collingwood and Beyond show. The exhibition features people and places within or around the historic township. “For me, ‘beyond’ is from Parapara, up to Bainham, out to Wharariki and over to Westhaven,” says the artist. The exhibits take the viewer on a journey, in oil, pastel and watercolour, through many of these vivid land- and seascapes. Subjects include a flock of spoonbills, a herd of Jersey cows at Pakawau and the formations of Mount Burnett and Archway Island. Whether representational, impressionist or abstract, the paintings ooze affection for the people and their surroundings. “It reflects my love for the community and the area.” NgAngA says his move to Collingwood late last year inspired him to pick up his palette and mix his oil paints after a relatively dormant period. After being embraced by the community, the artist is repaying the favour. “For the first seven days, all new art in the exhibition will be at mates’ rates – 50 per cent off. And then it will be at ‘Golden Bay rates’ – 25 per cent off NgAngA puts the finishing touches on a new work for his exhibition. Photo: Jo Richards. until the 1 January. It’s my way of supporting locals.” NgAngA has supported fellow artists from the day his gallery opened - helping them avoid commercial rates by selling their work on a koha commission basis. The democratic painter is also sharing his award-winning talent, bringing art to the people and holding regular classes for those keen to have a go. “Master classes are on Tuesdays and beginners are on Thursdays.” He’s happy to teach all ages and abilities – from Takaka preschoolers to the mature ladies of Pakawau Rural Women – and says he always gets results. “I guarantee to get people painting.” The evidence is on display in the window of his gallery; a dozen pastel portraits of Vincent van Gogh, drawn in the style of the great master, by NgAngA’s novices. “It was their first-ever portrait.” Clearly enthusiastic about infecting locals with his love of painting, NgAngA also hopes to spread his message to those beyond Collingwood. “I’m thinking about offering art classes to visitors and tourists – a oneday class that will give them the painting bug for life.” In the meantime, the artist is busy putting the finishing touches to his new exhibits. If everything goes according to plan, he’s likely to be busy every spring: “Collingwood and Beyond will be an annual event, opening on the 10th day of the 10th month every year.” Collingwood and Beyond opens at 10am on Saturday 10 October at NgAngART, Tasman Street, Collingwood. Jo Richards Abel Tasman Drive roadworks underway contact us phone: 525 8679 fax: 525 8699 email: article idea or request We welcome your suggestions. Please contact us. submission of a whakaaro We welcome readers to submit a whakaaro. Please contact us with your idea first. usual deadline for all submitted items 9am Tuesday. Usual deadline for all advertising Noon Tuesday. Late surcharge: Until 4pm on Tuesday: classified ads $3; display ads 10% surcharge (min $3). Agents: Pohutukawa Gallery Takaka or Collingwood Postal Agency. Advertising costs: Classifieds: 50c/word. Display ads: contact us for details or see the website. The editor reserves the right to make final decisions on layout of submitted ads. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this publication, The GB Weekly does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising from reliance on information published. The content of submitted material is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. Copies can be bought and we have a subscription service. Work to improve safety at the intersection of Abel Tasman Drive and Motupipi Street in Golden Bay has begin. The work will replace the existing roundabout to allow traffic travelling on Motupipi Street to turn freely on to Abel Tasman Drive. Traffic travelling from Meihana Street and Factory Road will be required to give way under the new layout. New kerb and channel and raised traffic islands will be installed on Meihana Street. As well as making the intersection safer, the work will also allow for the footpath on Abel Tasman Drive to be extended along Motupipi Street. There will be some disruption to traffic travelling along this route while the work is carried out over several weeks, and motorists should expect minor delays. Fulton Hogan is carrying out the works on behalf of the Tasman District Council. Submitted by TDC 2 The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 Visit and talk by world leaders in rites of passage Teenagers. Aren’t they the most wonderful, creative, infuriating, and complex beings on the planet? Full of energy, optimism and potential, they go full-steam ahead towards adulthood. Sometimes, however, during the transition from boy to man or from girl to woman, things go a bit off track. Keeping it all on the rails is a challenge that every parent faces, but there is help out there; increasingly it’s recognised that a conscious rite of passage can safely guide teens on their journey from adolescent to responsible young adult. The alternative is not good. As an old African proverb warns: “If we do not initiate the young, they will burn down the village to feel the heat.” Through its Tracks and Tides programmes, the Rites of Passage Foundation (ROPF) has been initiating our teenagers and safeguarding the village for years. The local organisation is part of a growing worldwide movement doing similar good work. On Monday 12 October, two of the leading lights in this global network, Frederick Marx and Dr Arne Rubenstein, will be in the Bay to present a unique one-off event for those parenting their teenagers “Across the Fire”. ROPF founder Jim Horton believes the Bay is privileged to be hosting these top names. “These men are international leaders in their fields and are combining strengths to create this very special evening.” Academy-nominated filmmaker Frederick Marx promises to be a fascinating speaker. He is currently making a 90minute feature-length documentary about the importance of healthy rites of passage and mentorship for teens transitioning to adulthood. The project reflects his commitment to the cause. “My belief is that every teen, deep in their bones, knows they deserve healthy, not destructive, rites of passage and mature adult mentorship.” The evening’s other star contributor, Dr Rubinstein, is an expert on adolescent development, with 30 years’ experience as a doctor, counsellor, mentor and workshop facilitator. His programmes and seminars are designed to make the transition from child to young adult both safe and healthy, with a particular focus on coming-of-age rites of passage. His book The Making of Men is a practical handbook for parents and teachers. While in the Bay, the two presenters will assist Jim with the launch of his own book. “It’s a compilation of true experiences that capture the mysteries and magic of rites of passage,” explains Jim. “I started writing my story and sent it out to a dozen other people around the world, saying ‘write about your rites’.” What came back, he says, was profound. “There are some very deep personal stories.” When his Book of many Voices is published, Jim hopes it will inspire and empower readers. “It will be a manual about how to do rites of passage.” Boys to men: New young men return at the end of their Tracks event. Two international leaders in the field are speaking about rites of passage in Takaka next week. Photo: Jo Richards. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge and experience, Jim reasons that the nature of the rite determines the quality of the passage. “Everyone has multiple rites of passage, but it’s important that it’s conscious, acknowledged and recognised.” Parenting Teenagers “Across the Fire”. Presented by Dr Arne Rubinstein and Frederick Marx on Monday Oct 12 at 6.30pm, Golden Bay High School. Admission: Koha. Jo Richards ��������������������������������������������������������������������� � � � � � � � � � � �� �������������������� �������� ��� � � � � � � � ��� � � � � � � � � ��� � � � � � � � �� For ALL Filtration Needs Located at 13 Buxton Lane Phone: 525 9482 ����������������������� �������� ������������� �������������� ��������������� ��������������� ��������������� ���������������� ����������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 All computer repairs Virus removal / protection Remote or on-site support for PC & Mac Sales, solutions, advice Ph Josh 525 8633 027 831 4156 Techy of choice for The GB Weekly 3 letters In the Golden Bay area every Thursday Contact us for a free measure and quote. 0800 528 753 23 Old Wharf Rd, Motueka Duke of Edinburgh/Hillary Awards The article submitted by Debby Smith (GBW 2/10) - Tony and Ann’s grandchildren make history - I’m sure everyone will agree that it’s great to see our young people obtaining these levels of confidence, but one must also think of the many unpaid volunteers who supervise and judge the many activities that are involved in firstly the bronze medal certificate, then the silver medal cretificate and finally the gold certificate and medal. We just want to publicly thank those unknown people who, throughout New Zealand, make this possible and, naturally, the Duke of Edinburgh and Hillary Commission. Tony and Ann Lindsay Transition to school Specials valid 9 October to 18 October Kia ora koutou. Thank you for this opportunity to clarify some of the points reported in The GB Weekly (25/9) on the topic of transition to school. Whilst it is great to see this topic getting press, there were a number of inaccuracies that I believe are important to set straight. The literature shows that making friends in the classroom is the most salient feature in academic success, but having an interest in symbols (letters and numbers) is also an important factor. Whilst social connections are greatly important to some children, there are also children who experience success by being introverted, and that is fine. The idea of cultural capital is a sociological take on the simple economic idea of capital, it is useful as a metaphor for transitions because it reminds us that early childhood services and schools need to work together to ensure children feel that their experiences are relevant in both settings. Finally, New Zealand is one of three countries in the OECD where children begin school on their fifth birthday; this is largely cultural and may change as the Education Act is updated over the coming year. For those interested in reading more, I suggest visiting the ERO website and taking a look at the 2015 national report on continuity of learning. Dr Bradley Hannigan Local Body Governance Dewars Scotch Bombay Sapphire Coruba Rum 1L & Whiskey 1L Gin 1L Coruba Gold Rum $ 3499 $3999 $3799 UNREAL DEAL $ Jim Beam Bourbon 1L 36 Amarula Cream 99 $ 700ml 24 99 $ 20 BONUS FLY BUYS POINTS Barrel 51 3999 Corona 12pk bottles 1999 $ De Valcourt Brandy 1L Woodstock & Cola 7% 6pk cans $ 1299 $ The last few years have witnessed a loss of control of governance by our elected councillors. TDC statistics state we give 80 per cent of our requests, problems, and decision making direct to staff. Only nine per cent of us take our concerns to councillors. This leaves them out of the loop of our issues. By default we are giving more power and control of our lives to staff and less to our representatives. Thus the expression “the tail wagging the dog”. Our councillors are becoming servants of the staff. This is role reversal. Councillors are responsible for policy planning and governance, overseeing our community where we can work and play, in the pursuit of happiness. We have allowed this role reversal by not empowering our elected members and not involving them in our daily concerns or issues. It appears impossible to hold staff to account for their actions. They have life careers in the public service and job security. Our councillors are unable to absorb all the complex LGA rules and procedures in which staff are trained. This produces a we know better than you attitude. This inhibits councillors from being the bosses of staff. Next year we must elect councillors willing to take control of governance, bringing power, control, respect and service over that of staff. Those who stand to serve us must have the courage to change the current culture. “They that pay the piper, call the tune.“ We are they. Reg Turner 12pk bottles 2599 408 Main Road, Riwaka YOUR LOCAL Steinlager Pure Heineken $ 15pk bottles 29 99 $ 12pk bottles 24 99 Liquorland Golden Bay, 5 Motupipi Street, Golden Bay. T. 03 525 7270 100% NZ owned & operated *See in store for details. Available at Liquorland Golden Bay only. In store retail sales only. Prices and offers valid 5 - 18 October while stocks last. Get 1 point every time you reach $25 within a 12-month period,excludes purchases of Gift & Tobacco. Your Fly Buys number must be presented at the time of purchase. Equipment Specialist For all Mowers, Chainsaws, Trimmers, and Blowers Sales and Service Ph Kerry 027 224 2085 │ 03 528 9212 ext 7 Smart meters Nelson Mail (2/10/15) ran another smart-meter whitewash blurb from Network Tasman’s Wayne Mackey. He infers again that smart-meters are the only meters which can be certified as accurate. In fact, all analogue meters are certified at production point and, like smart-meters, need to be recertified every 15 years. If your analogue meter is close to, or older than, 15 years you should be given the option of an analogue replacement. If you have a computer and the online tool, the smart-meter can tell you to stay cold, eat raw or hot-wash only your hands, because on that cold day, around dinner time, or when the kids return from muddy sport, your power usage is higher. If you need the help of your computer, rather than guessing, won’t you then be using even more electricity? Surely the responsibility lies with the power companies to be less greedy in their pricing and more understanding in human well-being. Modern society relies more and more on electricity (eg heat pumps not wood burners) and a limited budget should not mean limited healthiness. Wayne claims Network Tasman “exists for the benefit of the consumers”; that’s Contact Energy and other power companies, not you and me. Beth McCarthy Thank you A special thank you to all those who gave for the Father Larry Barnett gift. A total of $1,000 was raised and sent to him. I have received an email of thanks and appreciation from Larry for this gift and all the support he receives from his Golden Bay community. Sheryl Nalder Golden Bay Gives Back Golden Bay Gives Back is now formally operating thanks to generous donations from The Lions Club, Trash Palace and Fresh Choice, as well as money left over from our variety concert earlier this year. We aim to assist families who have children or adolescents requiring regular trips over the Hill for a medical condition. Our assistance is in the form of petrol vouchers. Families can contact us directly to see if they fit our criteria, or we may have referrals from GPs, Well Child nurse, etc. We will maintain confidentiality at all times as we believe this to be of upmost importance to families. Any organisation wishing to donate to us please contact us, details below, also we would like to hold a variety concert again early next year, any entertainers wishing to partake, please contact us. Caroline Jones 525 7185 and Brooke Suttie 525 9715 Thanking the universe A paper hot-air balloon propelled by a naked flame, landed in a tree close to a wooden house in Onekaka last week. It had a message written on it, giving thanks to the universe. Do you think it would make more sense to give thanks to the One who made the universe? I hope you’d thank your mother for knitting you a pair of socks rather than talking to the socks. Would you please join me in thanking the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ that nothing and no-one suffered damage this time, and would you please take great care with any future endeavours in your life? Maryke Sieling letters not printed this week All submitted letters were printed this week. MH - please contact us The GB Weekly welcomes letters to the editor. Please email your letter to us. Include the writer’s full name, home address and daytime phone number. Letters will be printed over the name of the writer; names are withheld only when compelling reasons can be established. Letters should not exceed 250 words. Letters that are too long might not be considered. All correspondence is at the discretion of the manager, who reserves the right to decline, edit, or abridge letters without explanation. SCENIC FLIGHTS Heaphy connection COME FLY WITH MIT Ph 525 6167 or 027 220 3476 In the Bay weekly - FREE pick up and delivery 4 The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 Sarah Kaye takes on a new arts role Golden Bay Arts Council’s arts worker Sarah Kaye, with works from the Art Bank’s latest exhibition. A previous manager of The Village Theatre, Sarah Kaye, is stepping into the arts worker role for the Golden Bay Arts Council, recently held by Georgina West. Sarah managed the theatre for 10 years. She has also been the treasurer for the arts committee, but admits she’s not much of an artist. “I’m a businessperson, and the focus of the arts worker is more behind the scenes.” Committee member Grant Knowles says that the fact she’s not an artist is a strength. “She has bought to the job a very sound business model, in that she’s very good at the financial and business stuff normally the things artists are useless at!” laughs Grant. In her new role as arts worker, Sarah will tend to the business and administrative side of the Arts Council’s dealings. She is its spokesperson for information and upcoming events, and Photo: Nina Hindmarsh. is the first point of contact for funding applications through Creative Communities. Sarah says she’s excited about some of the upcoming events, such as Bay Art. “It’s really starting to get amped up now, and we want to remind everyone to submit their pieces on 22 October.” Young@Art will open at the Art Bank on Labour Weekend, and a life-drawing course still sits in the pipeline. Sarah says the current exhibition at Art Bank, the last of the four winter exhibitions, reflects people’s interpretations of Kiwi cleverness and ingenuity. It is open until October 19, and also features a special guest exhibition of Geoff Heath’s work. Sarah will be working every Thursday at the Art Bank. Keep an eye out for details about two special Art Bank exhibitions in November, before the busy summer season starts up. Nina Hindmarsh UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SPECIAL ‘for all your cost-effective silage harvesting’ Crawford Agri Services is pleased to announce that we will be running the same modern, reliable silage gear, as Bradley Brothers ran in the previous season, for the fast approaching silage season. maximum time to roll. Crawford Agri Services has added a purposebuilt and designed JCB Agricultural loader to the fleet for the upcoming silage season. The JCB is weighing in at 13 tonne which will be sure to compact and expel any air in the pit or bun. Being purpose-built it will climb and manoeuvre over the pit/bun efficiently leaving Crawford Agri Services (CAS) will be operating 2 silage harvesters with intention to be harvesting your silage on time to maximise quality. To make this possible we are running a Pottinger mower with a grouper, where possible, cut out a pass with our Claas Rake. Our cartage work will continue to be carried out by Solly’s Transport. We will work together to ensure we provide a cost-effective and quality service. CAS is also pleased to announce we will be able to cater to your silage cover needs for the 2015/2016 season. We are offering top quality high micron sheeting that is stretch and puncture resistant. Being able to cut the cover to size eliminates the part-used expensive rolls sitting in the shed. CAS will open the cover and pin it at the base before heading for the next job. We will be offering 2 sizes to accommodate the smaller pits and also the larger pits and buns. We look forward to working with you all over the coming season. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with either myself of Danny to discuss your needs further. Ph Danny Bradley 027 404 7280 The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 *Studio Unit $90 *Superior Unit $110 Book Direct 0800 333 089 | 03 548 2089 40 Waimea Road, Nelson 7010 │ *Per night for two people. Available all week, until 26 December 2015. Subject to availability. Your local one-stop shop for all construction and maintenance work in Golden Bay Call us for good honest advice and free quotes on: • Road and driveway • construction • Concrete construction • • Sealing and asphalt • House and building site development Farm roads/races Excavation Phone: Kevin Bruning 027 433 5010 Ph James Crawford 021 040 7310 5 down to earth: Seed sowing techniques Golden Bay Landscaping Bobcat • Grader • Truck Lawn prep Driveways and tracks Earth moving and landscaping Site and section clearing/levelling Sparks Contracting Ltd 027 354 0500 or 525 7096 SOLLYS Contractors landscape Supplies Landscape gravels Compost Garden bark Pea straw Golden Bay dolomite Fernbrae lime Various supplementary stock feeds Phone 525 9843 Garden Design │Construction 1.5 Tonne Excavator │4WD Tip Truck Paul McGurk Dip P&G Tech Qualified Landscaper with 10 years’ experience Ph: 021 263 8353 or a/h 525 8554 Propagating your own seedlings doesn’t take much extra work - just a little preparation. It all starts with the seed. Save seed from plants that have grown well, ideally over several seasons, and so are adapted to our particular climate. The next best choice is seeds saved in New Zealand by Koanga and Eco Seeds. Big guys like Kings Seeds, Yates and McGregors have more variety but also imported lines. Choose to suit your needs (heirloom, F1, compact varieties, etc). Next, use suitable seed-raising and potting mixes. Either buy a pre-made mix like Daltons or Tui, or make your own using good compost, coarse sand and broken-down seagrass or peat. Mix ingredients in equal parts in a wheelbarrow. Keep it moist. Ideally, your homemade compost has been hot-composted and turned several times to minimise weeds and diseases. Leaf mould compost is another option, and bark-based composts like Flourish or Greenwaste to Zero are good too. Some people heat small quantities of mix to sterilize it for seedbeds. Now you need a container with drainage holes. Small punnets work well, or pots. Rule of thumb: Cover seeds with mix one to three times the depth/size of the seed, EXCEPT those seeds that need some light to germinate (lettuce, dill, some peppers). Tomatoes. For saved tomatoes you’ve squished onto a piece of tissue, add moisture and put on a plate in the hot water cupboard. Or put the tissue or commercial seeds in a punnet of mix, then cover with finely sieved compost. Firm down with a brick or another punnet/pot. Add water and place a piece of wet newspaper over the top. Cover with clear plastic to keep warmth and moisture in. Put in the hot water cupboard or on a heat mat. Later in spring they will germinate well in a hothouse, cold frame or just on the windowsill. Check daily and mist with water if dry. If they dry out they won’t germinate. Once the first true leaf unfolds, they can be pricked out. This involves loosening the seedling with a small knife, large nail, etc. Carefully pick them up individually and plant (root downwards!) into about 5mm potting mix in a pot to grow them on. To plant, make a hole with your finger and drop the roots down so the leaf growing point is level with the top of the pot. Avoid handling the roots. Hold the leaf and completely fill with mix, then firm it down using four fingers around the seedling and a single good push. Water gently and put in hothouse or warm, light spot. Always handle all seedlings by the leaves, not the stem. A broken leaf can regrow; a stem won’t. If you’re a smoker, it’s very important to wear gloves. Nicotine can harm young seedlings. Tobacco can also transfer a virus to Solanaceous plants. Cucumbers. The same procedure works with cucumbers, but the bigger seeds can be sown directly into pots for growing on before planting. I use more of a potting mix, ie less sand, and also cover them with moist paper and plastic. LET’S GET GARDENING compost ▪ bark ▪ mulch - 3 different FISH COMPOST ▪ potting mix sawdust - fresh/rotten ▪ pea straw ALL AVAILABLE BULK OR BAG sleepers - for those raised garden beds Bay Firewood Ph 525 9560 SPRING SALE Great range of exotics and NZ Native Trees and Shrubs All plants reduced Up to 30% OFF selected lines Continues this week Save seed from plants that have grown well, ideally over several seasons, and so are adapted to our particular climate. Photo: Submitted. A friend, Avner Cain, germinates his cucumbers (and the rest of the Cucurbit family, eg pumpkins) by putting seeds in moist tissue and into a plastic bag in a hot water cupboard. Germinated individual seeds are transferred with care into pots. Note: Overwatering or poor drainage kills young cucumber seedlings. Brassicas. Sow brassica seeds like tomatoes, though they don’t need extra heat. Once a true leaf shows they can be pricked out into punnets, preferably with larger cells than the standard sixer punnets cells. Adding a little blood and bone and seaweed to the potting mix can reduce later problems. During spring and summer, spraying young seedlings with Bt gets them resisting cabbage moth larvae. Stress from lack of water or very low temperatures can cause brassicas to bolt early after planting. Remember to label seedlings, especially if you grow several varieties. Seedling care. Overwatering young seedlings causes fungal rots. Often the surface mix looks dry, but do check with a finger first. If you plan to grow them to maturity in pots (eg tomatoes), repot them before they get rootbound. I recommend adding compound NZ Fertiliser mix and a dash of dolomite to the potting mix, and liquid fertilising with seaweed for added health and strength. Check out the “garden talks” at the library 12-16 October. See advert this page. Sol Morgan, Growise Consultancy Garden Talks at Takaka Library 12-17 October 1-2pm Get stuck into your garden this Spring with a little help from our local gardening gurus Mon 12th Wholemeal Café chef Mike Rimu chats about seasonal ingredients, herbs and spices and how you can transform your humble vege patch into delicious dishes. Tues 13th Sol Morgan will apply his wealth of knowledge to all things Spring. Wed 14th Join Nicky Morris & Linda Millar to learn everything about growing plants in pots and the pests and diseases that can plague garden plants. Thurs 15th Teresa Brough will show you how to care for your flowers and how to put seasonal blooms into a stunning posy. Bring foliage, flowers and secateurs. Fri 16th Pete Finlayson will explain the basics of garden design, share new ideas and answer questions. Get inspired and give your garden a glorious revamp. Open 7 Days 9.00 - 5.00. Eftpos facilities available 33 Lansdowne Rd, Appleby, RD1, Richmond Ph: 544 5569 6 The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 Annual Farewell Spit cleanup gathers 280kg of rubbish The Marine Farming Association, in conjunction with the Department of Conservation (DOC), spent three days during winter scouring Farewell Spit in an effort to keep its natural environments free from a buildup of waste and rubbish. Takaka’s DOC manager, Andrew Lamason, explains that as a nature reserve, the spit has the highest level of conservation protection. “The shape and location of Farewell Spit means that anything dropped at sea in the Bay or coming out of the Takaka and Collingwood rivers can wash up on the shore. It isn’t only the marine operators who need to take responsibility: it’s all of us. Anything that can blow away into a river or stream or is dropped on the beach could well end up on the Spit.” Environ-mentor for marine farming, Darren Clarke, says the spit is included in a general annual cleanup that takes place across the Top of the South. Darren explains that all companies involved in fisheries (for example Talleys, King Salmon and Sanfords) pay a levy that allows the association’s environmental committee to continue its work. “There are WOF checks on all boats and water Golden Bay Surveyors Registered Professional Surveyor - Subdivisions, boundary marking, topographical surveys, building set-out. Resource consents for subdivisions, land use, discharges, etc Contact Martin Potter: Ph 525 8241, 0274 881 862 844 East Takaka Road Deep Beneath Enterprises Ltd “Focusing on Quality and Efficiency” FOR ALL YOUR CULTIVATION AND HAY/BALAGE REQUIREMENTS Ground work primary and secondary Round hay and balage contractor Fodder beet and maize drilling Hectare rates available Medium square hay baler Round balage specialists Paddy Cooper or Richard Houston 027 472 4482 Ph 525 7050 027 615 6693 Email: Darren Clarke worked alongside DOC staff on Farewell Spit clean-up. Photo: Supplied. vehicles…and we ensure that all barges have rubbish bins on board.” Environmental awareness workshops are part of the industry’s educational efforts. The yearly sweep involves the use of quad bikes and a trailer, though the majority of the work is done on foot, Darren says. This year, a team of five spent evenings in the DOC house on the spit, and during the days gathered 280kg of general rubbish. “We keep a log which documents the percentages of things found, so we can analyse who the main polluters are in order to try and improve our work habits all the time.” Fifty-seven mussel floats were also recovered during the cleanup. There is a retrieval bounty - a reward paid to the collector for returning floats. The environmental team recovers $10 per float from the mussel float owner (whose identification is branded on each float). The float money collected from the clean-up is being donated to GBHS aquaculture academy. Andrew Lamason says the loss of mussel buoys is inevitable in such a harsh environment. “It’s good that these can be reused or recycled but the rubbish that accumulates is largely avoidable. “It’s great that Darren and his team undertakes this work each year and helps us to preserve this area.” Rae McDowell TUMEKE LOGGING WAYNE SOLLY Forest & woodlot harvesting Hauler & ground-based bush-rigged excavator Locally-owned operation with local crew Ph 027 455 9895 Ineke Manshande will be in your area on Wednesdays We supply and install a great selection of: carpets and vinyl • curtains and blinds wood and laminate • ceramic tiles hot wire under carpet and tile heating 6 months before you pay at the cash price Phone 0800 222 773 Free measure and quote The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 or Ineke on 021 416 517 Mon-Fri: 8.30am-5.30pm Sat 9am-4pm Great specials 7 news in brief Rembrandt Remastered October marks the 10th anniversary of the Nelson Provincial Museum moving from Isel Park to the Nelson CBD. As a gift from the museum to the residents of Nelson and Tasman, an exhibition of 57 life-sized Rembrandt reproductions, that have been digitally remastered, will be on display across the Museum and the Suter Art Gallery until 15 November. “Life etches itself onto our faces as we grow older showing our violence, excesses or kindnesses.” - Rembrandt. Entry is free to all local residents thanks to the generosity of Nelson Pine Industries Ltd. Whale oil be blowed! They’re fizzing! Golden Bay Museum Te Waka Huia o Mohua has just received news that Alan McLean’s whale preparation project has been awarded more than $17,000 from Pub Charity. That will cover all costs of the whale skeleton preparation, right through to display in mid-2016. It’s come on top of news of a Network Tasman grant for Alan’s electricity costs. “It’s just wonderful to know that Alan’s patient commitment has received this recognition,” says museum board chair Penny Griffith. “Now there’s just $60,000 to find for the whalery to house it!”. Poetry Slam @ Live Poets Live Poets this month, at the Mussel Inn on Thursday 15 October, hosts Poetry Slam heats. In a Poetry Slam the audience is an integral part of the show. Their response to the performance of each poet – what they are saying and how they are saying it – gives the judges their cue and affects the score they are given. So we want to get as many out to participate as we can. Christina Gurrola, a talented singer-songwriter from the USA, will be the special guest at the Golden Bay Slam event. She will open the evening at 7.30pm with a short set featuring songs from her recently released debut EP Dawn Medley. Christina is currently turning heads at venues across New Zealand with a voice and style that is being described as “Norah Jones meets Amy Winehouse”. Big boots to fill there, but it sounds like we are in for a treat. Submitted Collingwood campground benefits The sale of a council-owned cottage in Collingwood’s William Street is planned to help pay for much-needed improvements to the Collingwood Motor Camp. A TDC press release says that urgent work to bring the campground’s gas, electrical and water infrastructure up to standard was completed earlier this year. Future improvements planned for the campground include the construction of more cabins, a new toilet and shower block, and the replacement of stormwater, wastewater and water supply pipes. The work is estimated to cost between $400,000 and $500,000. To help offset some of this cost, council has put the cottage up for sale. It is currently used as additional campground accommodation. The building was sold to the Golden Bay County Council in 1940 for £20 to use for the benefit of the community. The cottage itself also needs some work. Rather than putting more money into upgrading this building, it was decided to allow a new owner to give it the love it needs while generating funds for the campground. Arts Festival comes to the Bay Comedian, actor and playwright Arthur Meek made Golden Bay audiences guffaw in Richard Meros Salutes the Southern Man and took Helen Clark as his young lover in a previous Arts Festival. After winning hearts and swinging voters in New York, Arthur Meek’s over-educated under-achieving character Richard Meros BA is heading back to the Bay with On the Conditions and Possibilities of Hillary Clinton taking me as her Young Lover, on at the Village Theatre, Friday 16 October at 8pm. New York Magazine described the show as “demented and hilarious”. Nelson Arts Festival Programmer Charlie Unwin says New Zealand audiences will also find this kiwi academic’s take on the American political system hilarious and thought provoking. Also coming to Golden Bay as part of this year’s Arts Festival is a gathering of exceptionally talented Irish musicians performing traditional music in The Seisiún (session) at The Mussel Inn on Tuesday 20 October at 8.30pm. Fronted by Irish singersongwriter Roesy, one of Ireland’s most respected touring artists, this ensemble will beguile audiences with the ancient Irish art of storytelling, lyric poetry, folk music and even some traditional dance. Charlie says, “Traditionally a Seisiún is Irish music played by Irish musicians in a pub or pub-like setting. There is nowhere more apt in the Bay than the Mussel Inn for this show.” To see the full line-up and book tickets to the Nelson Arts Festival, visit Ed. Double passes available to both shows. Just email: with your name and postal address. Project De-Vine in East Takaka A working bee and the start of the East Takaka phase of vine control is on Saturday 17 October (if wet – the Saturday after). We will assemble at 9.30am at the letterbox of Bluey Powell, 877 East Takaka Road on. There are many vines on the slopes above the road. We will work on two properties. The owners are keen to start working on the vines and by giving this area a big hit now, it will save the weed team a lot of time and show the owners in this project what can be done in a few hours. This helps raise our contributions towards the funding. Members of our experienced weed team will show how to effectively cut and paste the vines. Pottles of gel are supplied and available for taking to work on your own property. The last working bee cut 1000 vines. This a chance for the many landowners in this area to meet and work with us. It does not matter how much you know, as you will be teamed up with those that know the pest and native vines. Please brings sturdy shoes, gloves and secateurs, loppers or handsaws, your own water and snack food to share afterwards. The more the better, as there are plenty of vines to share around, anyone over 16 can learn how to cut and paste the vines. Women welcome, we have women in the weed team – it is not just blokes’ work. The working bee is sponsored by Project Janszoon, Nelson Building Society and the suppliers of the Glyphosate pottles: Cut’n’Paste based on Waiheke Island. Any queries ph Emma 027 370 6150, email: or ph Chris Rowse 525 8588, email: Submitted Arthur strikes gold Eighty-one-year-old Arthur – your Man Friday (vege man) competed in the Masters’ Games in Nelson last week in the 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 5km cross country and 5km road race. Submitted September rainfall Packard Rd rainfall raindays heaviest fall 64mm 7 25mm on the 9th Upper Takaka 108mm 10 37mm on the 1st Paynes Ford 11 36mm on the 1st 112mm Te Hapu 120mm 13 45mm on the 1st Kaihoka 132mm 13 61mm on the 1st Rototai 149mm 10 64mm on 1st Glenview Rd 160mm 13 46mm on the 1st Puramahoi 164mm - 64mm on the 1st Onekaka 173mm 11 80mm on the 2nd Bainham 178mm 15 52mm on the 1st Rockville 198mm 8 60mm on the 1st Collingwood 228mm 11 Perry Saddle 250mm - 128mm on the 2nd - Pest trapping To August 2015 Stoats this month Stoats YTD Rats this month Rats YTD 12 246 119 1460 Project De-Vine To September 2015 Number of properties involved Banana passion vines - fruiting Banana passion vines - seedlings Old Man’s Beard Other vines All pest vines totals Monthly totals change 8 307 80,730 55,194 11,377 3,836 151,137 2,591 The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 RESULTS Public notices / Pānui a whānui Trades and services / Mahi a ratonga golf Wednesday 30 September. Stableford. L Davidson 42, Brian Win 42, J Trotter 41, L Chamberlain 41. Closest to pins: 3/12 N Moore, 4/13 W Collie, 8/17 W Collie, 9/18 B Win. Twos: B Win, A Scotland, L Davidson, N Moore, John Garner, W Collie. Saturday 3 October. Club championship senior match play final 36 holes. W Collie bt N Moore 2, 1. Shoot out final. 1 R Heuvel, 2 G Little, 3 N Goodman. Team stableford results. First team: J Garner, G Little, L Davidson, R Miller, 154; second team: J Solly, C McDermott, R Heuvel, N Goodman, 148. Closest to pins: 3/12 N Moore, 4/13 W Collie, 8/17 R Ancell, 9/18 R Westrupp. Twos: N Moore (2), W Collie, R Westrupp. Longest drive 7/18: B Climo. Tuesday 6 October. 8th LGU nett round. 0-27: D Ray 60, B Climo 61. 28-54: K Swann 63, G Turley 66. Nearest the pin: 9/18 B Climo. Twos: B Climo. BRIDGE 30 September. Paton’s Rock Individual, round 8. Open: 1: M McKellar-S Van Wijngaarden, 63.70%. 2: L Godden-S Langford, 60.00%. 3: M Hill-D Perreau, 56.67%. H/cap: 1: M Hill-D Perreau, 71.56%. 2: L Godden-S Langford, 68.45%. 3: M McKellar-S Van Wijngaarden, 67.42%. 2 October. Summer Sizzle, round 1. Open: 1: L Gamby-M McKellar, 54.82%. 2: C Mead-J Warren, 54.22%. 3: C Furness-D Perreau, 51.23%. H/Cap: 1: C Furness-D Perreau, 71.23%. 2: L Healy-J Miller, 63.95%. 3: C Mead-J Warren, 62.12%. BOWLS Pohara Bowling Club. Tuesday 29 September. R Westrupp, B Ensor, B McTaggart. Sunday 4 October. R Westrupp, J Westrupp, B Ensor. Paradise Entertainment and Collingwood Post Office are The GB Weekly’s agents. Chimney cleaning, handyman, Dennis Sage 525 7099. Recent AGM / Hui ā tau - Nō nā tata nei Organisations may have their committee members’ names printed in this column for free only if emailed to Personal notices / Pānui ake DEREK COMPTON. Annette, Aaron, Benji, Chey and Alannah-Jayne sincerely thank all of our friends and colleagues who have loved and supported us over the last three difficult years. Thank you for the kind acts, the phone calls and texts, the beautiful cards and flowers, the baking and the hugs. Thank you for caring. Public notices / Pānui a whānui AGM Onetahua Marae, Sunday 18 October, 1pm at Onetahua Marae. waitapu Gardens will be closed Monday 12 October, reopening Monday 19 October. Sorry for any inconvenience. Bev and David. elderly, sedate Border Terrier needs human companion two days/week while owner works. Takaka area. Can you help? Ph/text Lesley 027 489 6811. golden Bay Hair Design. A reminder that Joanna now works from Hair Revolution. Ph 525 9898 and ask for an appointment with Joanna, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Golden Bay Association Football Club AGM, 20 October, 7.30pm, GB Community Centre. Quakers meet regularly in Golden Bay. All are welcome. Contact Jude 524 8291. <> Cheese making course this Saturday postponed until further notice. LOCAL community radio Fresh FM. Top o’ the South on 104.8 or 95.0 FM. Listen live now Get into it! Ph Sage 525 8779, email: or visit us at the Workcentre. The Whittaker Trust Funding Applications – October 2015 (applications close Friday 30 October 2015) Applications are invited from local organisations seeking financial assistance to improve the quality of life of the sick or elderly members of the Golden Bay community. Application forms are available from Heartlands Services, 65B Commercial Street, Takaka or from The Whittaker Trust secretary, Susi Bailey, email: Completed applications must be submitted no later than 5pm, Friday 30 October, to PO Box 348, Takaka 7142 or to Trades and services / Mahi a ratonga TREE work. Topping, pruning, felling etc. Ph Stacy 021 154 4258. WOF at Kevin Hebberd Motorcycles & Mechanical Ltd, ph Jason or Adrian 525 8233. do your sheep need shearing? Ph Harley 021 165 4141. interior plasterer. Recently moved to the Bay. 20 years’ experience. No job too big or too small. Ph Craig 027 472 4376. Cottage Plants Onekaka. Perennial specialists. Open Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-5pm. Ph 525 9253. Margy Meys Sewing Studio. Dressmaker, designer, upcycling, alterations, and sewing classes. Ph 525 7540. Geewhiz Me! Everything websites. Friendly, professional, local, ph 021 135 0202, Gibstopping /coving (NCPB qualified). Local friendly service. Ph Rob McDonald Plastering, 027 712 2552, a/h 525 6005. wastewater Design. Designs for building consents. Ph 524 8222. GB chimney sweepING, SPIDER AND FLY SPRAYING Ph 525 6267 or 027 434 5405 water tanks cleaned. Ph Chris 525 9153. Jack Stevens, qualified arborist. Ph 021 211 5580. COMPUTER technology specialist, ph Warwick 027 814 2222. passport photos, quality guaranteed. Available any time. Ph Ken George 525 6235. Cars wanted. Will pick up for free (some conditions apply). Motueka Auto Parts. Ph 03 528 9576. HELPING HANDS 525 6226. Lawnmowing, scrubcutting, gardening, small building jobs, painting. electricians. Fuse Electrical Golden Bay. Ready to solve all your electrical needs. Ph Thomas 525 9300, 027 788 8500. Hedgerows and shelter belts cut, trimmed or topped. Golden Bay Hedge Trimmers. Ph Keith or Liz 525 7112. Dave Isbister Engineering For all your general engineering and specialist welding call 027 487 9950 or 524 8397 Collingwood-Bainham Road (next to Transfer Station) LAWNmowing /garden maintenance. Reliable. Low cost. Friendly service. M&M Gardens Takaka, ph 525 7967. Vehicles, bikes, trailers, repairs and maintenance. Ph Jason at Kevin Hebberd Motorcycles & Mechanical Ltd, 525 8233. citrus pruning. Soil testing. Organic gardening, advice and mentoring. Permaculture design. Edible landscaping. Trichodowels and Bt for sale. Sol Morgan, GroWise Consultancy. Ph 525 9110, 027 514 9112. Golden Bay Storage. Dry, safe, secure, alarmed, insurance approved. Furniture trailer available. Rob and Marg ph 525 9698, Storage /container hire. Your place (anywhere) or mine (Takaka). Ph Cheryl at Orange Mechanical Ltd 525 9991. ACCOUNTANT. Long-standing market leader with unbeatable professional qualifications and experience. Warn & Associates, ph 525 9919. lawnmowing. Pakawau, Bainham, Takaka to Wainui. Ph N Shaw 525 7597, 027 212 4020. niallshaw_6@hotmail. com Golden Bay Digger Hire 1.7 tonne. Ph 027 713 0684 Takaka Self Storage, Commercial Street. Have containers (new) available. Excellent security, cameras etc. Ph 525 6181. Travel for families, friends, groups and business. Ph Sue, Travel Gallery 021 555 836 or email tree removal, confined area felling, chipping, chipper hire. Fully insured. Ph 525 7597, 027 212 4020. headstones shop, G Miller & Sons. Ph Rose Slow 525 9213. golden bay glass. Cat and dog doors. Supplied and installed for you. 96 Commercial St. Ph 525 7274. Portable BANDsaw milling. Ph Tim 524 8997, 027 714 4232. need wood splitting? Ph Peter van der Meer 525 9928. computer repairs, upgrades and service. Ph Joshua 027 831 4156. ACCOUNTANT and tax advisor. All Inland Revenue returns filed for big and small businesses and individuals. Selfemployed and rental property reports prepared. Day and evening appointments available. Ph Susan Ayton Shaw 0508 TAXAYTON or email “Knuckles” Driving School. Ph 525 8100. BLINDS, blinds, blinds. Sunscreen, blackout, Duette, venetians and more. Ph Tracey 027 440 0071 at Imagine designs or call into our showroom next to GB Glass. Tyre sales and repairs, ph Adrian at Kevin Hebberd Motorcycles & Mechanical Ltd, 525 8233. Calling all cricketers Year 7+ The cricket season is fast approaching so pull out your trusty piece of willow (or you can use a club bat and gear) and be down at the nets at Golden Bay High School, Saturday 10 October (last weekend of the school holidays) from 1-3pm for a practice/get-together. Any enquiries, ph Matt 020 4020 1463 or Jamie 525 9388. See you there! House-sitter available from mid-November. Reliable care for your home, pets, garden. Book now, concentrate on your travel plans. Ph Beth 021 0233 8540. SPCA. All enquiries to Carol Wells, ph 525 9494, 8am-5pm weekdays. Viewings by appointment please. rockville Museum Labour Weekend “steam up” and early settlers’ machinery and action day. Sunday 25 October, 10am-3pm. Alcoholics Anonymous. If you want to drink that’s your business. If you want to stop that’s ours. Meeting Thursdays 7pm, Catholic Church Hall. Ph 0800 229 6757. pohara Bowling Club wood raffle winner was Saskia Woods, Pohara Valley. The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 9 Health & wellbeing / Hauora HEARING: Life Unlimited Hearing Therapy Services. Next Takaka clinics 19 and 20 October. Free independent service for adults 16 years+. Bookings essential, ph Heartlands 525 6151. Hearing evaluation, guidance with hearing loss management, funding, technology, tinnitus, and hearing aid management. Book in for your WOF hearing check. massage. Therapeutic, relaxing and deep tissue. Ph Donna Haliday 525 8333. physiotherapist. Anél Baker. Private and ACCfunded treatments provided. Golden Bay Health Centre. Appointments ph 021 053 4337. For sale / Hei hokohoko �������������������� ����������������������� ��� ��������������� ������������������������� complete Healthcare with a System of Neurological Integration (NIS) as taught by Neurolink. 2014 Masters series. Practitioner Anne Michell. Ph 525 8733. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. For enhancing health, injury recovery and trauma resolution. Specialising in maternity, babies and children. Lolly Dadley-Moore PACT, ph 027 338 9504, 525 9577. !"#$%&'($##&%%! In Golden Bay !"#"$%"&'()*+,-./ Carole Horrell B H Sc (Podiatry) +TQVQK[QV;\WSM?ISMɇMTL5W\]MSI! Replacing previous service provided by "#$%!&'(')(!*+(#!*&*'+*,+%! !"#$%&'($##&%%! !"#"$%"&'()*+,-./ Sheila Budgen )*'+,-'+,./'.+0/'$#'+0'1,/'2-,+'3'4"#$%&56$78%&9&&:;4$;<= +TQVQK[QV;\WSM?ISMɇMTL5W\]MSI! Next session: Thursday 15 October "#$%!&'(')(!*+(#!*&*'+*,+%! at Golden Bay Community Health Centre Phone 525 0060 for appointments )*'+,-'+,./'.+0/'$#'+0'1,/'2-,+'3'4"#$%&56$78%&9&&:;4$;<= Physiotherapy. Erica van Sint Annaland - locum Kay Jefferis in clinic September and October. Ph 021 284 4450 for an appointment. Sports injuries, pilates, back and neck pain, overuse injuries. Touch of Beauty Relax, Unwind & Rejuvenate waxing · facials · spray tans lash and brow tinting · massage manicure · pedicure · shellac nails make-up - weddings, special occasions, retail Open - Monday to Friday Contact: Teresa - fully-qualified beauty therapist 525 7406 43 Commercial Street, Takaka Crane. Austin Western, four-wheel drive, four-wheel steer, re-engined with six-cylinder Isuzu diesel. Runs well, recently serviced. Lifting capacity five ton. Manual and hydraulic boom extention. Located in Golden Bay. $14,800 negotiable. Ph John 021 328 647. See Trade Me listing #960035687. furniture sales and repairs at Cowley’s Corner, Motupipi. Open Monday-Wednesday. Ph 525 7135. Dinghy, wooden. Good nick. $425. Ph 525 8186. Resene paint. DIY or phone Arlun, Rycari Painting 525 6036 for a free quote. equipment for windchime making business. Could be adapted for other uses. Includes: multihead (10) floorstanding pedestal drill, woodturning lathe (pneumatic chuck); small bench pedestal drill 3/8 chuck; large bench pedestal drill 1/2” chuck; finishing sander; bandsaw; dust extractor; powder coating oven; spray gun for powder coating; plus powder, small dust extractor, polishing spindle. Offers considered. Ph 021 103 7102. counselLor. Carol Parkinson-Jones MA, member NZAC, ACC registration. Ph 525 8542 or 020 4027 8352. TUDOR Burchill, physiotherapist. Massage, manipulation, acupuncture, electrical stimulation. ACC-accredited. Ph 021 207 6256. Heading /handy dog, 10 months old , just starting. Suitable for cows. $500. Ph Wyllie’s 524 8364. Dry offcuts, seasoned gum. Bay Firewood, ph 525 9560. Franca Morani, massage therapist, Reiki master. Ph 525 6202, 027 441 8137. HOMEOPATHY at Golden Bay Health Centre with Amalia Fish, reg homeopath, 23 years’ experience, UK-trained. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Ph 03 539 4133, 022 327 7904. garage sale. 4a Feary Crescent, Takaka, Saturday 10 October, 9am-2pm (no earlier). All sorts of goodies. Cat and dog doors. Installed for you by Golden Bay Glass. 96 Commercial St. Ph 525 7274. Electrolysis and for all your beauty requirements, ph Judy 525 9930. Fully qualified, with 26 years’ experience. Massage and trigger point therapy for chronic muscular pain, dysfunction, sports performance. Specialising in unresolved muscular pain. 20 years’ experience. Ph Paul 027 772 7334, 54 Commercial Street. combined garage sale. 465 Abel Tasman Drive, this Saturday and Sunday, 9am-3pm. Bric-a-brac. Enquiries ph 525 6248. Avocado plants. Ph 525 8342. ortho-bionomy. Realign spine, heal chronic injuries with gentle techniques that encourage body to self-correct. Ph Susan 525 9795, 027 313 5198. Hair Revolution. Excellence in hairdressing, waxing and facials. Feel beautiful. Ph 525 9898. St, Pohara. Plates, glasses, cups, microwave, small oven, surround-sound system, iron, two La-Z-boy couches, men’s clothes, outdoor furniture, mountain bike, and more. Ph 525 8803. Slash your electricity bill. Install a grid-connect PV system. Professional design and install. Ph Paul Stocker, Azimuth Renewables, 525 6019. Prime hoggets, two. Great with mint sauce. Ph 525 9061. Channelled Energy Healing & Therapeutic Massage Ph Grace 525 8106 or 021 346 642 Dip Mass. Les Mills GROUP FITNESS with Leigh Crocker Monday 5.30pm: Body Pump Tuesday 5.10pm: CXWORX Tuesday 5.45pm: Body Step Wednesday 5.30pm: Body Pump Thursday 5.10pm: CXWORX Thursday 5.45pm: Body Step Friday 1.00pm-2.00pm Body Pump Saturday 10.30am: Body Pump BLINDS, blinds, blinds. Ph Tracey @ Imagine designs 027 440 0071. firewood. Macrocarpa $60/m3. Pine $50/m3. Ph 027 350 0755. iPads 4 Generation and laptops. Ph Selwyn 525 9111. we’re open now stocking living light candles BODYPUMP: Weights-based resistance training. CXWORX: 30-minute core workout NEW to Golden Bay! Offering ACC Registered diagnostic Physiotherapy and Clinical Massage Therapy We specialise in: • Sports Injuries • Complex Musculoskeletal injuries and problems • Sports Screening / Muscle balance assessments • Postural Correction • Exercise Rehabilitation • Massage Therapy Your first Physiotherapy assessment comes at no cost to you! Contact: Aaron or Michelle to organise your appointment today 0800 PHYS EX (749 739) / 03 525 8437 10 Fully functional Integrated strength and power training Body Pump, CXworx, Body Step • Turn up the intensity of your sports performance • Tap into your full fitness potential • Step up to your fitness goals • Gain lean, strong muscle • Reduce aches, pains, injury Contact Leigh 021 162 1935 / 525 7550 For sale / Hei hokohoko GARAGE sale. 31 Waitapu Road, 9.30am, Saturday. garage sale. 9am-3pm, Saturday 10 October, 408 East Takaka Road, wet or fine. Old kitchen units, kitchen items, women’s clothing, glass bottles and jars with lids, general bits and pieces. earrings $15/pair or $23/2 pairs Ask about our locals’ card Mon-Fri 10-4, Sat 10-1 Ph 525 9990 Garage sale. Saturday 10 October, 10am-3pm, 33B Selwyn The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SPECIAL 699 $ 399 $ kg Fresh NZ Pork Shoulder Roast (Excludes Free Range) kg Loose Australian Mandarins 2 for *Studio Unit $90 *Superior Unit $110 Book Direct 0800 333 089 | 03 548 2089 40 Waimea Road, Nelson 7010 │ *Per night for two people. Available all week, until 26 December 2015. Subject to availability. $ 00 Bluebird Burger Rings/ Twisties/Cheezels/Rashuns 110-120g Wattie’s Garden Peas/Mixed Vegetables 1kg/Snack Meals 250-270g each To give away / Koha puppies, lots, cute black/white. Ph 027 672 1648. Lost and found / Ngaronga/Kitenga Found. Mattress cover, Pohara. Ph Derry 525 9576. Wanted / Hiahia Rear leaf springs from car, van, ute etc for art project. Anything considered. Ph or text 027 297 8855. 900 2300 $ pack each Rolling Meadow Butter 500g Prices apply from Monday 12th October to Sunday 18th October 2015, or while stocks last. Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. F r 2 $ each 79 each each Selaks Premium Selection 750ml Steinlager Classic 15 x 330ml Bottles FCGB0910 Hills Puppy and Kitten small sizes: 30% off Hills Puppy 15kg: $20 off Hills Feline Original 1.5kg: 2 for $45 Iams Cat 2.5kg and larger sizes: $10 to $20 off Royal Canin ‘Derma’ foods: 10% off for new prescriptions Plus free gifts with many other foods 300 $ GREAT DEAL! $ Vet Clinic Food Specials in October: 5 99c FreshChoiceNZ Cadbury Chocolate Block 155-200g (Excludes Mousse) FreshChoice Takaka 13 Willow St, Takaka. Phone 525 9383. Open 8am-7pm, 7 days. Situations vacant / Tūranga wātea Scaffolding position. Applicant must have a current elementary national certificate in scaffolding or have had substantial and recent experience in proprietary scaffolding. Weekly hours will vary largely, so applicant must be flexible as well as physically fit, strong and enthusiastic. If you are all of these things, please email references and CV to gbscaffold@ or post to GB Scaffold, PO Box 15, Takaka. hay. Small bales, good quality, for horses. Ph 524 8447. bee swarms. Ph Glyn 021 139 6278. Situations vacant / Tūranga wātea Fully-experienced florist required to cover maternity leave, approximately February to May 2016. Golden Bay Flowers and Garden, ph 525 9868. Golden Bay Toy Library is looking for a friendly and motivated person to run our small community toy library on a permanent part-time basis. You’ll need to be confident using a computer and able to work both independently and with a team. The position is for seven hours a week, spaced over three sessions, with an eight-week break over the summer school holidays. It may be suited to a stay-at-home parent or a retiree. To request a job description or to apply, please email or contact Jess McAlinden ph 021 188 9834. artist model(s)/dancer(s) for five life-drawing sessions à la burlesque. $30-35/hour, depending on your costume. Ph Kathy, GBAC member, 525 8472. Interviews this FridayMonday. qualified or experienced painter wanted. Shane Eggers Painting, ph 027 430 2490, 525 7521. The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 Senior Administrator New Role An exciting opportunity has arisen to work for NZ’s favourite online retailer of natural health products, based in Collingwood. Reporting to the General Manager, we are seeking an experienced admin superstar to provide administrative support to the senior members of our team. In addition to your excellent time-management, proven organisational skills and ‘can do’ attitude, you must have advanced computer skills, particularly with the Microsoft Office suite. In return you will be working in a highly supportive team within an innovative growing organisation. This is a full time role but some negotiation on hours would be considered. Position Description and application form is available from Homehealth Support Workers needed Access Homehealth is a division of Green Cross Health and is a leading healthcare provider in New Zealand. We are urgently looking for people in the Takaka area with a desire to make a valuable and rewarding contribution to our communities. This critically important role will assist our clients to live independently in their own homes. Responsibilities include personal care and household assistance. Various hours available, including days, evenings and weekends. Call Rosanne Ellery 0800 284 663/ext 3404 Email Please send your CV and application by 19 Oct 2015 to: 11 Eating out / Kai wahi kē Property available / Rawa watea three- bedroom cottage available for long-term rental at 23 Totara Avenue, Collingwood. Suit single person or couple. Referees essential. $260/week. Ph 524 8286. ! "#"$ %#%&'&' (((" ! "#"$ 3 BEDROOM PLUS home 11 Hiawatha Lane, Takaka. $272,500. Right in Takaka. Warm and sunny great family home. Recently refurbished with a new bathroom. Separate toilet, separate laundry. Large sunny deck plus outdoor firepit, BBQ, entertaining area. Double garage and carport. Walking distance to kindy, coffee, movies and meals. To view ph Alan McLean 027 455 2228. For more pics: Thinking about selling? Contact me for a free appraisal of your property. Property wanted / Rawa hiahia Looking for land to lease, from 1ha-50ha. Above market rates paid. Please ph James 021 040 7310. Eating out / Kai wahi kē DE-LISH DELICATESSEN. Sumptuous, delicious food. Lunches, catering, coffee, chocolate, cheeses and epicure items. Eat-in or take out. Downtown Takaka. Ph 525 7111. NEW MENU OUT NOW! Weekly specials entree and main dishes will return soon. $15 lunch specials Open mic NIGHT: Thursday 9pm HAPPY HOUR: Friday 4pm to 6pm Open 7 days, from 11am 90 Commercial St, Takaka Bookings appreciated: 525 9636 farewell Spit CafÉ. Open 6 days, 9am-5pm, closed Wednesday. Ph 524 8454. old School CafÉ. Open 4pm till late Thursday, Friday. 11am till late Saturday, Sunday. Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Ph 524 8457. PENGUIN CAFÉ. Open Tuesday-Sunday, 11am to close. Closed Monday. Ph 525 6126. PLAN B CAFÉ & BAR. Open daily from 3pm. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Ph 525 7678. pOHARA GENERAL STORE. Monday-Thursday 7am-7pm, Friday 7am-8pm, Saturday 8am-8pm, Sunday 8am-7pm. Home-made food, great coffee, groceries and lots more. Takeaways Fri and Sat 5-7.30pm. Great fish & chips, burgers and the best pizzas. Gluten-free options available. Phone orders welcome on 525 9591. roots BAR. Open 2pm-late, Tuesday-Sunday. Gourmet wild burgers, open fire, good beer, good people. Ph 525 9592. Takaka Infusion, Teahouse and Bakery. Quality breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, European-style breads, pastries and cakes. Try our new herbal coffees from Teeccino. 30 Commercial St. Ph 525 7294. THE GUMBOOT AND THE MOREPORK. Café by day, relaxed bistro dining by night. Open 6 days, Monday-Saturday 6am-3pm, 5-9pm. 2 Motupipi St, Takaka. Ph 027 667 3767, 525 7441. The Mussel Inn. 7 days, 11am to late. The Naked Possum. Open Wednesday-Sunday, 10am4pm, late night Friday. Ph 524 8433. TOTOS CAFE & GALLERY. Outstanding wood-fired pizza, great organic coffee and refreshments amongst beautiful natural scenery near Abel Tasman NP, 2km along Totaranui Road. Saturday and Sunday, 10am-4pm except if raining. Ph 021 187 1849. wholemeal Café. Curries dine in or take away. Thursday thru Saturday night from 5.30pm. Wholemeal Café, downtown Takaka. ANATOKI Salmon, the place to have your lunch. Great selection of salmon-related food, beautiful coffee and fully licenced café. Great value for money. Open all year round from 9am until 5pm. Ph 525 7251. Brigand Café. Open 7 days from 11am. Providers of great food and live entertainment. 90 Commercial Street, Takaka. Ph 525 9636. courthouse Café Collingwood. Open 6 days, 8am4pm, closed Wednesday. Pizzas on Saturdays, 5pm-8pm. Ph 524 8194. curry Leaf. Open 7 days, 11.30am til late. Chef-made food, takeaway prices. Ph 525 8481. Phone orders welcome. dangerous KItchen. Monday-Saturday, 9am-late. Ph 525 8686 for bookings and takeaways. open from 6am with: Elegant dining in Pohara 818 Abel Tasman Dr This Week’s Menu 9/10 Fri*: Angus beef fillet with mushroom sauce 10/10 Sat: Lavender-rubbed pork fillet 11/10 Sun: Polenta-mustard crusted lamb rack Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: Closed 15/10 Thu: Lavender-rubbed pork fillet 16/10 Fri*: Duck breast a l’orange 17/10 Sat: Angus beef fillet with mushroom sauce 18/10 Sun: Venison tenderloin with blackberry jus All mains served with fresh local vegetables Vegetarian alternative available by prior arrangement *Friday Evening Happy Hour: 4:30pm. Tapas & Drink Specials 3 course set dinner menu: Starter, Main, Dessert: $65 Dining reservations essential by 12pm on the day Seating from 6pm to 8pm Thur through Sun Cocktail Lounge open for drinks & platters from 5pm 525 7998 Learning / Akonga / Huarahi ako/mahi Spanish. Ph 021 211 1339, com ***Pilates courses 2015*** tuKurua & taKaKa classes course includes; Pilates ring Pilates hand-out, 1hr 2-on-1 and 8 X 1hr Group Classes tues 5.30 and 6.30pm 27th oct- 15th dec (tukurua) wed 12pm and 1pm 28th oct- 16thdec (takaka) thur 5.15pm and 6.15pm 29th oct- 17th dec (takaka) Cost $120. Spaces limited!!! Contact Physiotherapist Tudor: / 0212076256 Workshops October 2015 Spring Program Sunday 11 October:Holiday Propagation Workshop with Sol Morgan. Loose leaf Teas, Espresso Coffee, Learn how to grow plants from seed, cuttings, division and Cakes, Scones, Muffins, Cabinet layering. 10am-2pm. Cost: sliding scale $25-$40. Selection, Brunch Menu, Pies, Nature Activity Day (Age 5 –Dennis 12) Sage. Saturday 17 October: Soil Cultivation with Sausage rolls. Sandwiches, Rolls & A day packed full of soil nature fun,for arts & crafts, cooking, gardening, sports Get your ready spring planting! Bring pen/paper and and games Packed lunches made to order. $15 Hot Meals eat-in or With Annie Turner (Prim school teacher) and Martine Baanvinger (Drama teacher and EC superv your gumboots. 10am-12pm. Cost: $25. take away (you can phone or text order) For bookings and enquiries: Martine 022-6523078 / 5256037 18 October: How tochild/$40 make misofor with Sage. We still do: Pizzas, Gourmet Burgers, Mains & Desserts Tuesday 29th Sunday Sept. 9 am – 3 pm. $25 per twoDennis children from one fam Learn how to make your own miso. 10am – 3pm. Opening Hours: Cost: sliding scale $25-$40. Monday to Saturday: 6am to 3pm, 5pm to 9pm Bushcraft Skills (Age 5 – 17) Please register with Martine: basic skills like route finding, map and compass reading, shelter building, m 2 Motupipi Street,Learn Takaka or ph 022 652 3078. fire and tying knots with experienced tutor Theron Burgess 027 667 3767, 03 525 7441 For bookings and enquiries: Martine 022-6523078 / 5256037 Wednesday 30th Sept. 9 am – 3 pm. $25 per child/$40 for two children from one fa For All Your Property Management, Mosaic Workshop (Age 8 -17) Rental And Investment Requirements Join Elvira and Rita from YOUNG@ART in making your mosaic in the morning. Be part of c Plus we offer a total cleaning service, property & ground maintenance Golden Bay Community Workers Inc a mosaic path for the Community Garden in the afternoon. Your fee will include free exhib care, painting, & water blasting plus more your morning mosaic in Y@A exhibition in the ArtBank. Contact: Rita 5257249 or Elvira 5258485 Thursday 1st Oct. 10 – 4 pm. $10 per child. (Supported by Tasman Creative Communi WHY USE A PROPERTY MANAGEMENT BUSINESS BASED OUTSIDE GOLDEN BAY? Starting Thursday 22 October, 5.30-7.30pm Is your holiday rental now being managed by a for 6 sessions, with Simon Jones North Island based company? We are committed to ‘keeping it local’ Topics covered: Locally owned business keeping locals employed MEN'S STUFF ATTENTION BACH AND HOLIDAY HOME OWNERS!! Experience Our Hands On Approach For All Of Your Long-Term, Short-Term and Holiday Rental Needs Feel Free to Call Us For More Information Properties Urgently Required! We are available 24 hours EVERYDAY!! Competitive Rates, Excellent Service, Better Returns, Trustworthy, Local Knowledge, Pay Owners Twice Monthly – not weeks later We are offering a special deal to NEW holiday home owners who sign with us— *conditions apply Shona Martin | Property Manager 811 Abel Tasman Drive | Pohara 7183 P 0800 4 shona (74662)|F 03 525 8727 |M 021 217 8959 • • • • • • • Relationships Communication Children Conflict Resolution Anger and other feelings Parenting Protection Orders Koha appreciated For details and to register ph 525 9728 E 12 The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 New Listing/Open Home New Listing Open Home 2 1 1 3 This cute kiwi bach is one of Collingwood's iconic buildings and opened for business on the 19th October 1940. Now 75 years on, we are proud to be offering the building and its 78m2 parcel of Freehold land for sale. That's not a whole lot of real estate! Sited just off the main street, you can enjoy the convenience of being just around the corner from Tinky's Tavern, handy to the General Store, and not very far from a few coveted whitebait spots! 1 Tender Closes 4pm 21 October 2015 (unless sold prior) Level 1, 11 Buxton Lane, Takaka View OPEN HOME: Saturday 1-1.30pm 3 William St, Collingwood Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 Positioned well to the sun and privately situated behind the new fence, this three bedroom home will give you all the convenience Takaka has to offer and it's cute to boot! Take advantage of the low interest rates and get on the property ladder, this is a great starting point. Viewing is a must, but please contact me first as the property is currently tenanted. Exclusive DEADLINE SALE closes 29 October 2015 (unless sold prior) View OPEN HOME: Saturday 2.30-3pm 10 Meihana St, Takaka Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 (03) 5257219 CHARACTER & CONVENIENCE Open Home CUTE KIWI BACH - "AS IS WHERE IS" GREAT FIRST HOME IN TAKAKA This cute bungalow has loads of character and a gorgeous rural outlook. Situated close enough to the shops and cafe's to offer the convenience of walking or biking to town. Featuring a sunny, open plan kitchen/dining, four bedrooms, a study nook, heat pump and gas cooking. Outdoors is a pretty garden, well established and relatively easy care. Properties like this are hard to find, act fast and view today! Exclusive $265,000 View OPEN HOME Sunday 11-11.30am 5 Abel Tasman Dr, Takaka Golden Bay office Billy Kerrisk Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008) FinalFinal Week/Open WeekHome 1 BEACH BACH WITH BUSH Secreted away at Parapara we have found a cute wee bach furnished with everything you need for a great holiday. More private than most this two bedroom Versatile Cottage, with a double lock up garage, sits on a large elevated bush clad section overlooking the bay to the north and has direct walking access to the inlet to the south west via the Reserve. 1 1 DEADLINE SALE closes 4pm 16 October (unless sold prior) View OPEN HOME: Saturday 12-12.30pm 10 Prior Rd, Parapara Beach Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 UTOPIA AT LIGAR BAY New Listing Final Final Week/Open WeekHome Offering diversity, sea views, tranquility and bird song, this one hectare bare block is unlike any other currently on the market. Secreted away from the cluster of holiday homes that hug the shoreline at Ligar Bay, up here on the hill, you can create your own idea of Utopia. The newly metaled driveway meanders up to the elevated building platform with views over the reserve and down to Tata. 5 SECTIONS - MUST BE SOLD 1 Developer selling up these 5 sections and looking for your offers right here, and right now! You may have seen what happened in Ligar Bay recently, well if you missed out on the 6 lots there that sold for well under GV then move a bit faster this time! The vendor reserves the right to sell each lot prior to the Tender date. 1 Tender Closes 4pm Wed 21 October 2015 Ray White Golden Bay, 11 Buxton Lane, Takaka View 1106 Abel Tasman Dr, Ligar Bay Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 Billy Kerrisk The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 Licensed Agent REAA 2008 Artist Geoffrey Heath has loved living and working here - the native bush on the doorstep and the beach nearby are daily inspiration for his well-known paintings. The 65sqm brand new workshop/studio is a wonderful addition to this attractive property. This is a marvellous opportunity for another artisan to step in and take over the love affair, not only with the place but the lifestyle that it offers. FUN AND FISHING AT POHARA Open Home 1 If you're looking to truly escape, this holiday home is where to go! Situated less than 100m from the waters edge, and even closer to Totally Roasted Cafe, you will love the rural surroundings, the daily walks on the beach, the Golf Course at the end of the street, and so much more! My vendors have plans elsewhere and the decision has now been made to sell. Exclusive $389,000 View OPEN HOME: Sunday 2-2.30pm 3 Selwyn St, Pohara Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 LUCKY LAST AT LIGAR BAY 1 Tender closes 4pm 15 October 2015 Level 1, 11 Buxton Lane, Takaka View OPEN HOME: Sunday 1-1.30pm 11 Nyhane Dr, Ligar Bay Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 Exclusive Offers over $490,000 14 Haile Lane, Pohara View OPEN HOME: Sunday 12-12.30pm Billy Kerrisk 0276085606 (03) 5257219 Tender closes 4pm 28 Oct 2015 (unless sold prior) Ray White, 11 Buxton Lane, Takaka View by appointment with agent Pohutukawa Place, Pohara This is the last undeveloped beachfront section at Ligar Bay and if you are lucky you just might be the one who gets the chance to build here! The backdrop is semi-rural and the elevation of the land improves your view of the golden sand and crystal clear waters. Current GV $340,000. We have been instructed to present all offers, so get in touch pronto if you want to be in with a chance. This exquisite architecturally designed home has the WOW factor, from the moment you enter you will be impressed with the quality and with the wonderful floor plan that cleverly gives you and your guests some privacy whilst providing a vast entertaining area that seamlessly combines indoor and outdoor living. Contact us today to register your interest. AN ARTISAN LOVE AFFAIR Open Home Tender closes 4pm Tuesday 27 October 2015 Ray White , 11 Buxton Lane, Takaka View by appointment with agent 16 Nyhane Drive, Ligar Bay New Listing "SAILS OF LIGAR BAY" Saturday 12-12.30pm 1-1.30pm 2.30-3pm Sunday: 11-11.30am 12-12.30pm 1-1.30pm 2-2.30pm 3-3.30pm OPEN HOMES 10 Prior Rd, Parapara Beach 3 William St, Collingwood 10 Meihana St, Takaka GBA#20442 GBA#20441 GBA#20406 5 Abel Tasman Dr, Takaka 14 Haile Lane, Pohara 11 Nyhane Dr, Ligar Bay 3 Selwyn St, Pohara 39 Tata Heights, Tata Beach GBA#20397 GBA#20219 GBA#20385 GBA#20460 GBA#20462 | 027 608 5606 | Office 03 525 7219 | Level 1, 11 Buxton Lane, Takaka | 13 church services on sundays golden Bay Anglican Church warmly invites you to join them each Sunday, 10am at Takaka and 4.45pm at Collingwood. Catholic Mass times at Sacred Heart Parish, Takaka: Saturday vigil, 4pm; last Friday of the month, 11.30 am. For enquiries, contact Fr David Gruschow, ph 03 544 8987, Mass is held behind the historic church building in the former Catholic Hall. All welcome. St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church invites you to join with us at 10am. Ph 525 8089. Guest speaker: Craig Kilgour. Kahurangi Christian Church Be Loved Be Encouraged Belong Join us at Kahurangi Function Centre 10:30am Sundays. Kid’s time during term. Ph Robin Swafford 524 8498. !"#$%&'! ! Welcome! Sundays 10 am 93 Commercial St magnificently, extravagently, eternally! (")'*! """#$%&'()*+*,-&#%.$!! Christian Church of Golden Bay Service Matthew 13: 31 - 32 with children’s church at 10am Senior Citizens’ Hall Senior pastor: Phil Baker ph 525 8396. Church pastors: Jason and Teresa Brough ph 525 9971, and Carol Baker ph 525 8396 or 027 429 8088. Upcoming events / Mea pakiri haere Go to events calendar sATURDAY 10 OCTOBER Motupipi Hall Last Soup and Dessert Luncheon, 12 midday, $10pp. Raffle and produce. sUNDAY 11 OCTOBER marble mountain music club meets at the Senior Citizens’ Clubrooms from 7pm. All welcome. TUESDAY 13 OCTOBER gb weekly deadline: noon on Tuesdays. Late fees apply until 4pm Tuesdays. Paradise Entertainment and Collingwood Post Office are our agents. WEDNESDAY 14 OCTOBER COSTUME HIRE, Wednesdays, 7-9pm at The Playhouse. Ph 525 8338. CARER SUPPORT GROUP. The monthly meeting of the support group for those caring for the frail elderly will be held from 10am-12pm in the Activity Room of Golden Bay Community Health. New members welcome. For information ph Margaret Fricker 525 6288. THURSDAY 15 OCTOBER senior citizens’ annual meeting, 2pm. All seniors welcome. later events Sans Souci Restaurant will open for evening meals Friday, Saturday, Sunday, starting 16 October. Open seven days from Labour Weekend. Takaka Drama Society presents: Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward. Season runs 30 October-7 November. Tickets now available from Paradise Video. Suitable for general audience. rockville Museum Labour Weekend “steam up” and early settlers’ machinery and action day. Sunday 25 October, 10am-3pm. Interested in Golden Bay/Mohua history? So are we! Please join us in our 25th anniversary celebrations Saturday, 17 October 2015 (History Day) Rain or shine! If wet, indoor venues at the same locations will be available. Self-drive to any (or all) of 4 industrial heritage sites for a short talk & questions. Open to everyone—no bookings required; no charge. 9.30am: Info Centre Carpark: Introductory; meet & carpool 10 am: Tarakohe Cement Works / Kevin Delaney 11am: Fonterra Factory / Lester Pomeroy & Robin Manson — Lunchtime—your choice 1pm: Waitapu Wharf & Takaka Tramway / Robin Manson & Geoff Rennison 2.30pm: Onekaka Iron Works / Robert Jenkin — Finish at 4pm Golden Bay Museum UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday 17th October LOCAL LINE UP 2.0 FREE Saturday 14th November LOCAL LINE UP 3.0 FREE Saturday 28th November DIVAS ON DECKS FREE Feat; Loose Connexionz + Joshua Tree - Glitch Hop, Techno, Psy Tech Funk, Psy Prog Feat; Dopeium + Virus. - Breaks, DnB, Beats. Thursday, 22 October 2015 (Heritage Evening) Fun, food, and fascinating questions at the historic RIVER INN (Waitapu Wharf Road). Come to either or both sessions. Bookings essential for dinner. 6-8pm: Old Time Meal—2 courses—$30 per person. Phone Paula at the River Inn (525-9425) to book. 8-9pm: History Quiz—Make up a team ($10 per person / $40 a table). Easy questions about local & general history. Prizes and a Raffle. (Proceeds of quiz to the museum.) Period costumes encouraged for Heritage Evening, but by no means compulsory Te Waka Huia o Mohua Golden Bay Tennis Club Opening Day Sunday 11 October 5 and under 6-8 9-12 Teens Adults 10.00 - 10.30 10.30 – 11.30 11.30 – 12.30 1.00 – 2.00 2.00 – 3.00 Interested in Steam Golden Aqua Poodle - Ethno Techno feat; Puss Bay/Mohua history? So are we! BBQ & refreshments Pootie Tang - stomping basslines & sassy vocals See you there celebrations Please join in our 25th anniversary Mammadafunk - Ghettofunk, glitch,us NuDisco, Booty. Dec: Flori & Josh B’Day Boomtown, Freaky Meat & Queen St Crushers, Local Line 2015 Up 4.0, (History One Vibe (NYE). Saturday, 17 October Day) Thursday, 22 October 2015 (Heritage Evening) Everyday Rain or shine! If wet, indoor venues the same Gourmet Wild Burgers, Open fire, Good beer,atGood people. locations will be available. Self-drive to any (or all) of 4 industrial heritage for a short talk & questions. Open to everyone—no bookings required; no charge. 9.30am: Info Centre Carpark: Introductory; meet & carpool Coming atDelaney 10 am: Tarakohe Cement events Works / Kevin 11am: Fonterra Factory / Lester Pomeroy & Robin Manson — Lunchtime—your choice 1pm: Waitapu Wharf & Takaka Tramway Sat 10th/ Robin ANTIPODES - Excellent Manson & Geoff Rennisonjazz from Jake Baxendale and his band. $10. 2.30pm: Onekaka Iron Works / Robert Jenkin Sun 11th DON MCGLASHAN. $35. SOLD OUT. — Finish at 4pm The Mussel Inn KAHAWAI Take Note & Craig Potton Publishing Fun, food, andTakaka fascinating questions at the historic invite you Wharf to join usRoad). for the Come book launch of RIVER warmly INN (Waitapu to either or both sessions. Bookings essential for dinner. BOOK LAUNCH 6-8pm: Old Time Meal—2 courses—$30 per person. Phone Paula at the River Inn (525-9425) to book. 8-9pm: History Quiz—Make up a team ($10 per person / $40 a table). Easy questions about local & general history. Prizes and a Raffle. (Proceeds of quiz to the museum.) Period costumes encouraged for Heritage Evening, but by no means compulsory Thur 15th LIVE POETS. 7.30pm, all welcome. Sat 17th UNDER BARE POLES - MONIQUE AIKEN. Golden Bay Museum $10. Te Waka Huia o Mohua Tues 20th Nelson Arts Festival special show - THE SEISIUN - featuring ROESY and friends. $20, tickets available at eventfinda or on the door. Thur 22nd QUIZ. 7.30pm, all welcome. Sat 24th PRAGMATIQUE. $10. Tues 27th ULC TRIO. $10. Sat 31st WICKED DRAW Monday 19 October 2015 Take Note, 29 Commercial Street, Takaka 5.30 pm start ~ 6.00 pm author talk Signed books available at $39.99. Drinks & nibbles provided. Golden Bay Boys’ and Girls’ Agricultural Show Saturday 31 October, from 10am Golden Bay Recreation Ground Come and enter your favourite pet or creation. A great day for the whole family. Food & entertainment. Golden Bay on Stage Come and try the Zorb Balls or the Bouncy Obstacle Course and Slide Any enquiries please call 525 9557 Kindly supported by the Rural Service Centre 14 The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 Takaka Athletics Warmly invites children aged 5 –15 to register their interest for the 2015/16 athletics season. Please email Rose Williams, for registration information. First Club night commences on Wednesday 14 October, 4.45 – 6.45pm. Athletics is fun, competitive and children learn a variety of skills that last a lifetime! Our club is run by a team of volunteers and cannot operate club nights without the help of rostered-on parents. South Island’s Premier Art Sale Over 1000 artworks from 175 New Zealand artists 24-26 October 2015 Saxton Stadium Nelson Sat 10am-6pm Sun 10am-8pm Mon 10am-4pm $5 Adults $4 Concession $10 Weekend pass U15 free Crowe Horwath Awards Evening Saturday 24 October 7-9pm Guest Speaker Dick Frizzell $10 tickets COLLINGWOOD AREA SCHOOL SHOW DAY Friday 16 October (Monday 19 October if wet) Judging starts at 10am. Scholastic Book Fair. Old-time games: Water Slide • Family tug o War • and many more. Stalls: Food/Ice cream/Drinks • Plants • Face Painting • and many more. Stallholders are welcome. Eftpos not available. If you have any further enquiries please contact Pip Baker ph 524 8125. See you there For bookings phone 525 8453 TAKAKA FUELS & FISHING Bolt Action 22’s and air rifles in store now Film information may be found at proudly sponsors Golden Bay Tide Watch Golden Bay weather forecast Valid from Friday 9 October until Monday 12 October. Friday: Gusty westerlies west of Parapara, lighter winds elsewhere. Fine and mild. Saturday: Westerlies west of Parapara gradually easing. Winds light elsewhere. Fine and mild. Sunday: Winds tending northwest later with increasing high cloud, but staying dry and mild. M E T R E S am 3 5 Saturday Oct 10 6 6 9 pm am 3 6 9 noon 3 Oct 12 6 9 pm am 3 6 9 noon 3 Oct 13 6 9 pm am 3 6 9 noon 3 Oct 14 6 9 pm am 3 6 9 noon 3 Friday Oct 15 6 9 pm am 3 6 9 noon 3 6 oct 16 9 pm am 3 6 9 noon 3 6 9 pm 3 2 1 0 H L 9:01am 2:50am 9:29pm 3:15pm H L TIDE TImES 9:43am 10:04pm 3:29am 3:52pm H 10:20am 10:36pm L 4:05am 4:26pm H 10:55am 11:08pm L 4:39am 4:57pm Rise 6:49 am Set 7:43 pm Rise 6:48 am Set 7:44 pm Rise 6:46 am Set 7:45 pm Rise 6:44 am Set 7:46 pm Rise 5:22 am Set 5:05 pm Rise 5:51 am Set 6:01 pm Rise 6:20 am Set 6:57 pm Rise 6:49 am Set 7:53 pm Best at Best at H 11:28am 11:39pm L 5:13am 5:28pm H 12:01pm L 5:47am 5:59pm H 12:11am 12:33pm L 6:21am 6:30pm Rise 6:43 am Set 7:47 pm Rise 6:41 am Set 7:48 pm Rise 6:40 am Set 7:49 pm Rise 7:20 am Set 8:50 pm Rise 7:52 am Set 9:47 pm Rise 8:28 am Set 10:42 pm SuN AND mOON Disclaimer: This forecast is a personal interpretation complied from public information provided by NZ Metservice and other public sources. It is a local forecast and no liability is implied or accepted. The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015 9 noon 3 Oct 11 4 Monday: Mild northerlies with cloud and a few drizzle patches developing later. Proudly sponsored by: GOLDEN BAY TIDE WATCh - TARAKOhE Sunday monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fair 11:10 am 11:31 pm BILL hOhEPA’S mAORI FIShING GuIDE Fair ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing, Ltd. 11:52 am Best at Good 12:13 am 12:35 pm Best at Good 12:56 am 1:17 pm Best at Good 1:39 am 2:01 pm Best at Good 2:23 am 2:45 pm Best at Good 3:08 am 3:32 pm 15 50 Commercial Street, Takaka Golden Bay First National Licensed REAA 2008 - MREINZ HOLIDAY RENTAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OPEN HOME Saturday 1.00 - 1.30pm SEA VIEWS, SPACE & WELL SITUATED BUILT FOR RELAXATION OPEN HOME Saturday 1.45 - 2.15pm OPEN HOME Saturday 2.00 - 2.30pm Ph: (03) 525 8800 EVER CHANGING VIEWS OPEN HOME Saturday 2.00 - 3.00pm 24 & 26 BEACH RD, CLWD $520,000 (zero rated) Two very tidy self contained cottages on separate titles directly opposite the beach. Fully furnished, grossing approx. 7%. Vendors seek GST registered Purchaser. Brian Taylor 0274 540 355 Ref: 3219A 8 RUATANIWHA DR, COLLINGWOOD $495,000 Modern two bdrm holiday or retirement home along the front of the subdivision with wide, unimpeded views across the ever changing estuary. All day sun & fully furnished! Brian Taylor 0274 540 355 Ref: 3340 85 BISHOP ROAD, PARAPARA $465,000 Awesome location opposite Parapara Beach Reserve, set amongst native trees, with sea views. 4-5 bdrm home, spacious, furnished and ready for beach living! Annie Telford 0272 491 408 Ref: 3385 48 PARAPARA BEACH RD, PARAPARA $469,000 Warm & inviting timber features in this Fraemohs home add to its charming character. The views out to the estuary are tranquil and ever-changing. Come and see it! Sarah-Jane Brown 0274 222 577 Ref: 3363 STRIKING SUNSETS ANYONE FOR TENNIS? FABULOUS FIND A LOTTA HOUSE HERE! OPEN HOME Saturday 2.00 - 2.30pm OPEN HOME Saturday 3.45 - 4.15pm OPEN HOME Saturday 3.00 - 3.30pm OPEN HOME Saturday 3.00 - 3.30pm 252 PATONS ROCK ROAD $420,000 Just a few short steps to Patons Rock Beach, this very tidy and low maintenance holiday home comes fully furnished and ready to use. Be quick - Xmas is calling! James Mackay 0273 590 892 Ref: 3412 10A PARK AVE, TAKAKA $317,500 There’s plenty of time for a game when you live in this low maintenance 2 bdrm unit. Close to town, hospital and recreation grounds across the road. Come see with me. James Mackay 0273 590 892 Ref: 3424 30 FEARY CRES, TAKAKA OFFERS OVER $310,000 This modern home is sunny, warm and on a small section in town. 3 dble bdrms, log burner, wetback, DVS, attached dble garage, fully fenced. So many features! Annie Telford 0272 491 408 Ref: 3418 18 RICHMOND RD, POHARA $798,000 Two houses in one …. And all fully consented! This 330m2 house has been built to a high standard and you really need to check it out. 4+ bdrms, 3 bathrooms. James Mackay 0273 590 892 Ref: 3394 TATA BEACHFRONT TOTALLY TEMPTING AT TATA LAZY DAYS AT LIGAR BAY A HOT SPOT TO HOLIDAY... OPEN HOME Sunday 11.30 - 12 noon OPEN HOME Sunday 12.15 - 12.45pm OPEN HOME Sunday 12.00 - 12.30pm OPEN HOME Sunday 1.30pm - 2.00pm 10B PENINSULA ROAD, TATA BEACH $340,000 Absolute beachfront, two bdrm unit at lovely Tata Beach. Sea views from living area. An easy care property on unit title. Check it out with me on Sunday. Annie Telford 0272 491 408 Ref: 3105 38 TATA HEIGHTS, TATA BEACH $650,000 Looking for a stunning home with a sea view at Tata? This modern, spacious and really high spec 4 bdrm home is stylish and landscaped for privacy. Come see. Annie Telford 0272 491 408 Ref: 3409 1102 ABEL TASMAN DR, LIGAR BAY $670,000 This large 4 bdrm, double storey home sits elevated across the road from beautiful Ligar Bay Beach. Stunning views plus large back yard with covered BBQ area. Sarah-Jane Brown 0274 222 577 Ref: 3275 17 NYHANE DRIVE, LIGAR BAY $435,000 This modern 3 bdrm beach home is down a ROW and you probably won’t even know its there, that’s why you need to come and check it out!! Sunny, private, sea views …... Annie Telford 0272 491 408 Ref: 3405 LOVE THE VIEWS! WE’VE YOUR FAMILY IN MIND FOR THIS ONE! WHERE’S THE WHITEBAIT?! YOU WILL LOVE THESE VIEWS 9 PAKAWAU BUSH RD, PAKAWAU $440,000 Plenty of space here - 1.9ha all up, with this modern 4 bdrm home, whitebait in the creek as well as all the other recreational activities of this area. Space for the pets too. Annie Telford 0272 491 408 Ref: 3318 4 KOWHATU GROVE, POHARA $570,000 Either a permanent home or your holiday home. Open plan living, taking advantage of the north facing aspect, spacious deck for fab outdoor living. Call to view. Annie Telford 0272 491 408 Ref: 3419 OPEN HOME Sunday 1.00 - 2.00pm 7 MATENGA ROAD, LIGAR BAY $779,000 Framed by the golden sands of Ligar Bay, these sea views are stunning! Lovely large family home with attached studio, large dble gge & 3 bay shed on 1.75ha. Sarah-Jane Brown 0274 222 577 Ref: 3380 OPEN HOME Sunday 2.15 - 3.00pm 1146 ABEL TASMAN DR, LIGAR BAY $649,000 What a wonderful location for your family home ….Minutes to the safe shores and golden sands of Ligar Bay. So much to love about this remarkable property! Annie Telford 0272 491 408 Ref: 3328 A HOP, SKIP AND A SPLASH! GOLDEN BAY OPEN HOMES 10 th & 11 th October Saturday 1.00-1.30pm $520,000 24 & 26 Beach Rd, Collingwood 2x2 2x1 1.45-2.15pm $495,000 8 Ruataniwha Dr, Collingwood 2 2 1 2.00-2.30pm $465,000 85 Bishop Road, Parapara 4-5 1 2 2.00-2.30pm $420,000 252 Patons Rock Rd, Puramahoi 2 1 1 2.00-3.00pm $469,000 48 Parapara Beach Rd, Parapara 4 2 2 3.00-3.30pm $798,000 18 Richmond Road, Pohara 4+ 2.5 1+ 3.00-3.30pm $310,000 + 30 Feary Crescent, Takaka 3 1 2 3.45-4.15pm $317,500 10a Park Avenue, Takaka 2 1 1 11.30-12pm $340,000 10b Peninsula Road, Tata Beach 2 1 12-12.30pm $670,000 1102 Abel Tasman Dr, Ligar Bay 4 1+ 2 12.15-12.45 $650,000 38 Tata Heights, Tata Beach 4 2 2 1.00-2.00pm $779,000 7 Matenga Road, Ligar Bay 5 3 2 1.30-2.00pm $435,000 17 Nyhane Drive, Ligar Bay 3 2 1 2.15-3.00pm $649,000 1146 Abel Tasman Drive, Ligar Bay 4+ 3 3+ 1.00-1.30pm $418,000 13 Nyhane Drive, Ligar Bay 3 1 1 Zero rated LI NEW ST IN G Sunday Sharon McConnon Manager 16 Helen Hodgkinson Paul McConnon OPEN HOME Sunday 1.00 - 1.30pm Annie Telford 13 NYHANE DRIVE, LIGAR BAY This three bedroom home is a successful rental and would make a great holiday home. The golden sandy beach of Ligar Bay is a “hop, skip and a splash” down the walkway. The sea views and expansive deck areas encourage outdoor living all year round. Modern, but rustic. Make this your holiday haven. Come along and check it out! Ref: 3427. Price: $418,000. Contact: Annie Telford 0272 491 408 Brian Taylor Sarah-Jane Brown James Mackay AREINZ Belinda J Barnes AREINZ The GB Weekly, Friday 9 OCTOBER 2015