Implementation of the National Electrical Code NEMA Field Representatives September 8, 2011 State Adoption By Alabama Local Jurisdiction City NEC Edition Plus Adoption / Implementation Date No State Adoption See select jurisdictions below IRC Edition IRC Part VIII 2006 State Arizona Local Jurisdiction Arkansas State California State Colorado State Connecticut State Delaware State No No No State Adoption See select jurisdictions below 2008 Adopted - 5/1/2008 Implemented- 6/1/12008 2008 NEC Adopted - January 2010 Implemented - 1/1,/2011 2011 Adopted - 1/24/11 Implemented - 7/1/11 2005 2008 Adopted - 6/9/2009 I mplemented 11/11/2009 D.C. --- 2000 No California will begin enforcing the 2006 IBC on January 1, 2008. The IRC is under discussion for possible future adoption, but no date has been set. Local Adoption Not Adopted Yes Yes Yes No Yes State 2003 2008 Adopted November 2008 Implemented - 1/1/2009 Georgia State Hawaai Local Counties 2008 NEC Honolulu/Ohau Hawaii (Big Island) 2002 6/1/11 6/1/11 No 2008 Adopted - 6/9/2009 Implemented - 10/1/2009 Florida The Office of the State Fire Marshal adopts the International Building Code, International Fire Code, International Mechanical Code,. The State legislature adopts the Uniform Plumbing Code and the National Electrical Code. None Currently 2005 District of Columbia Date Last Change Made to Report 6/1/11 2008 Adoption - 1/1/2009 Implemented - 1/1/2009 Alaska Promulgating Agency None Currently Not Adopted Arkansas Department of Labor 10421 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Tha California Building Standards Commission adopts codes. Several State agencies have input and can recommend modifications only to the portion of the codes covered by that agency. Colorado Electrical Board 1560 Broadway, Suite 1500, Denver, CO 80202 Office of the State Building Inspector State of Connecticut Department of Public Safety 1111 Country Club Rd. Middletown, CT 06457 (860) 685-8190 State Fire Prevention Commission 1463 Chestnut Grove Rd. Dover, De. 19904 Phone: (302)739-3160 Construction Codes Coordinating Board Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs 1100 4th Street, SW Washington, DC 20024 (202) 442-4400 Florida Building Commission FL Dept. of Community Affairs Building Codes andf Standards 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Main Number / 850-487-1824 Mo Madani / 850-921-2247 Electrical Contact Bruce Ketcham / 850-410-1568 State Codes Advisory Board Depart. of Community Affairs 60 Executive Park South, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30329-2231 2006 Not Adopted 404-679-3118 Theodore (Ted) Miltiades, Office Director Max Rietschier, Building Codes Consultant The city Council and the Mayor No. All pass ordinances affecting electrical building codes. The installations Yes, 2003 Edition of the must conform Department of Planning and to the National Permitting implement the IRC Electrical code. ordinances. 6/1/11 6/1/11 7/8/11 Kauai Iowa State 2008 2008 Adoption - 11/1/08 Implemented - 2/1/09 3/25/10 4/18/10 6/1/11 Kansas Kentucky Local State State State and Local Jurisdiction Maryland State and Local Jurisdiction 2006 Yes 2006 No Massachusetts State Yes No Yes No Yes No 2008 Adopted - October 2009 Implemented - 12/2/09 Michigan State Office of Housing, Buildings and Construction 101 Sea Hero Rd. Suite 100 Frankfurt, Kentucky 40601 Uniform Construction Code Council, Louisiana State Curt McCarty, Administrator 7979 Independence Blvd. Suite 106 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Telephone: (225) 922-0817 Fax: (225) 9222065 5/24/11 The County of Hawaii is beginning deliberations to adopt the 2008 NEC as the basis for the new electrical code. Maui began enforcement of the 2008 NEC in conformance with the State adoption in the summer of 2010. Kauai began enforcement of the 2008 NEC in conformance with the State adoption in the summer of 2010. 2008 NEC adopted November 1, 2008 and was implemented February 1, 2009. The State held a public hearing on August 18, 2011 for the adoption of the 2011 NEC. The Electrical Board will meet on September 15, 2011 to vote on adoption. Possible effective date of 1/1/2012. See Local Adoption below Yes State of Kentucky adopted the 2008 NEC with implementation on September 1, 2008 without amendment. The 2011 NEC is currently under review with an anticapated adoption by December 2011. The Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council will start meeting to review the 2011 NEC July 12, 2011. On July 13, 2011, Maine Governor Paul LePage signed legislation updating the Electric Installation Standards. The Maine Office of Licensing and Registration, Electricians Examining Board recently amended and approved to the standards, which replaces the reference to 2008 National Electrical Code (NEC®) with a reference to the 2011 NEC®. The 2011NEC®, with six technical amendments, becomes effective on July 19, 2011. 7/17/11 Office of the State Fire Marshal 1201 Reisterstown Road Pikesville, MD 21208 410-653-8980 Division of Fire Safety P.O. Box 1025 State Road Stow MA 01775 (978) 567-3375 This adoption is for State Buildings and those jurisdictions that do not have local adoption. 4/18/10 5/24/11 Bureau of Construction Codes P.O. Box 30254 Lansing, MI 48909 2009 The 2008 NEC was implemented October 1, 2009 with one amendment - 680.22(B) - GFCI protection for one and two family homes was deleted on a political vote by the Florida Building Commission. There has been no action toward adopting the 2011 NEC 7/8/11 Electricians' Examing Board 35 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0035 (207) 624-8457 2008 Adopted -9/20/09 Implemented - 1/1/10 2011 Adopted -November 2010 Implemented 1/1/2011 In March 2009, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty established the Construction Codes Coordinating Board (CCCB) which replaces the Building Code Advisory Committee (BCAC) and is charged with “reviewing and updating the Construction Codes for the District of Columbia to meet present-day demands for adequate and safe construction and maintenance of new and existing buildings and structures.” The CCCB is an uncompensated 13person board with members appointed by the Mayor to terms of three years. The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs provides the CCCB with administrative and staff support. 4/13/10 2011 NEC Implemented - 7/19/11 Maine 9/6/11 None Currently 2008 Adopted - 4/14/2009 Implemented - 1/1/10 Louisiana The 2008 NEC is adopted in its entirety with the exception of two amendments regarding the installation of smoke alarms on branch circuits protected by Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupters. Enforcement began 1/1/09 for 2008 NEC. all codes 6/1/11 2003 2008 Adopted August 2009 Implemented - 9/1/09 The state of Colorado adopted the 2011 NEC without amendment with and effective date of July 1, 2011. 6/1/11 6/1/11 2006 The State adopts all construction codes through the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC). Input is received form several state agencies with involvement in construction: artichect, health, housing, and fire marshal. Each of these agencies might change the code only for those structures under its jurisdiction. Local jurisdictions enforce the adopted codes and may not alter the California codes without approval from the CBSC based on local geographic, climactic, or geologic conditions. 6/1/11 6/1/11 No State Adoption See select jurisdictions below The state of Arkansas expects to adopt the 2011 NEC by August 2011 with an effective date to be announced. Adoption of 2011 NEC expected July 2011 with implementation on January 1, 2012. with no amendments. No State Fire Marshall Division 215 East 7th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50319 Not adopted by the state. Phoenix and surrounding communities enforcing 2008 NEC 5/24/11 No No The State of Alaska adopted the 2008 NEC as of January 1, 2009. There is little enforcement as there are only 3 inspectors coverning the entire state outside of Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau. The state Division of Labor Standards and Safety enforces the electrical codes; The Mechanical Inspection Section has jurisdiction over the electrical inspection and adoption process. The electrical code may be found at: The Office of the State Building Inspector is currently reviewing 2009 I-Codes and 2008 NEC for adoption. 2008 Maui Notes Alabama adopted the 2006 edition of the IRC in 2010 and also established a state appointed board to oversee this code. In addotion the state adopted the 2006 edition of the ICC Energy Code. 5/23/11 On January 1, 2011 the 2011 National Electrical Code (NEC®) became the basis for the 2011 Massachusetts Electrical Code. Massachusetts amendments are available for download at: 2.pdf The State of Michigan adopted the 2008 National Electrical Code on December 2, 2009. The state is also in the process of adopting the 2009 IRC with an anticipated adoption in late 2010. The state adopted the 2009 MRC (2008 NEC) with an efffective date of March 9, 2011. The AFCI langauge reflects the 2005 NEC in bedrooms only. As of June 16, 2011 the state will not start reviewing the 2011 NEC until the fall of 2011. State Adoption By Minnesota State Mississippi Local Jurisdiction ,Except Building Codes in five Coastal Counties Missouri Local Adoption Montana State City NEC Edition Plus Adoption / Implementation Date 2011 NEC Adopted - 6/16/2011 Implemented - 9/1/2011 No State Adoption See select jurisdictions below IRC Edition IRC Part VIII 2006 Not Adopted Promulgating Agency Department of Labor and Industry 443 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155-4307 State Building Code Commission Jackson, MS 2003 Date Last Change Made to Report 7/8/11 6/1/11 2005 Nebraska Nevada 2000 2008 A - May 2010 I - 7/30/10 2011 NEC Effective date of August 27, 2011 State 9/6/11 Yes No. The electrical sections are deleted in their entirety. 2003 Not Adopted No State Adoption See select jurisdictions below Local Jurisdiction State Yes No 2008 Adopted - 4/6/09 Implemented - 10/6/09 New Jersey State New Mexico State Yes 2008 Adopted - 5/1/08 Implemented- 7/1/09 Yes IRC/IBC New York State Yes North Carolina State 2008 Adopted - 3/11/08 Implemented - 6/1/08 2011 NEC A-4/1/2011 Now not expecting Impleentation till 2012 at the earliest. North Dakota State 2008 A - 4/1/2008 I - 4/1/2008 2011 NEC Effective date 9/1/11 Ohio State Oklahoma State Adoption But! Local adoption is allowed 2008 Adopted - 12/14/07 Implemented - 1/1/08 2011 NEC (Commercial Bldgs) only effective 11/1/2011 2008 Adopted - 9/1/08 Implemented- 11/15/08 2011 Adopted - 1/1/11 Implemented - 4/1/11 Oregon State No Yes No 2006 Not Adopted Oregon does not adopt the IRC. The State has developed a "Low-rise residential code" covering dwelling construction up through 3 floors, including multifamily State Yes Yes The State has adapted the regulations in the current edition of the NEC to the Low-rise residential code. Yes 2011 Adopted - 6/23/11 Implemented - 8/1/11 Rhode Island South Carolina 2008 Adopted - 2/25/09 Implemented - 9/1/09 State Adopted But with the IRC also prominent. South Dakota State Tennessee State, Except for 34 Local Jurisdictions Texas Yes State 2011 Adopted - 6/7/11 Implemented - 7/1/11 2006 AI- 2011 Adopted - 6/30/11 Implemented - 9/1/11 Note: Only for incorporated areas of the state such as outside the city limits of municipalities. State Adoption But Local Jurisdictions May Amend State All Yes, South Carolina utilizes this code for all one & two family dwelling wiring installations 6/1/11 The State of Missouri is a local adoption state. However, the City of St. Louis adopted the 2011 NEC without amendment. St. Louis County is in the progress of reviewing the 2011 NEC. Adoption date TBD. The State of Montana adopted the 2008 NEC without significant amendment. Montana is a "Mini/Maxi" state. The NEC is both the minimum and maximum electrical installation code. Cities and counties are not permitted to amend the NEC as adopted by the State. The Governor signed the 2011 NEC into law with an effective date of August 27, 2011. Nevada does not adopt or enforce building codes by state law. Yes North Dakota State Electrical Board 1929 N Washington St., Suite A-1 P.O. Box 7335 Bismarck, ND 58507-7335 Construction Industries Board 2401 NW 23rd, Suite #5 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Main Phone: 405-271-5217 Toll Free: 877-484-4424 The Building and Construction Division of the Department of Consumer & Business Services adopts construction codes. The Electrical & Elevator Board adopts electrical codes except for residential. The Residential Structures Board adopts all residential codes, including electrical, which is included in the Oregon Low-Rise Residential Code. PA Department of Labor & Industry Room 1700 651 Boas Street Harrisburg, PA 17121 717-787-5279 Building Code Commision One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 401-222-2000 South Carolina Building Codes Council , 110 Centerview Drive, Room 108 Columbia, South Carolina Gary Wiggins, Administrator No Utah has adopted the 2006 edition of the IRC thus has the 2005 NEC for dwellings, The State has determined that the IRC will apply for all residential construction, including electrical. 7/8/11 The New Hampshire State Building Code Review Board is responsible for reviewing and updating the New Hampshire building code and to hear appeals of variances or exceptions to the state fire code that have been granted or denied by the State Fire Marshal, and appeals of a decision of the State Fire Marshal in enforcing provisions of the State Building Code. (See RSA 155A:11, I). The 2011 NEC is currently under review. The 2011 NEC is currently under review. 5/24/11 6/1/11 5/24/11 New Mexico is in the process of amending the electrical code. It appears it will still be titled the 2008 Electrical Code, but will incorporate select provisions from the 2011 NEC. Adoption is tentatively scheduled for summer of 2011. On April 1, 2010 the Building Code Council voted to adopt the 2006 I-Codes. The Building Code is amended to reference the 2008 NEC. The IRC is amended by replacing Part VIII-Electrical Provisions (05 NEC) with the 2009 IRC Part VIII. (08 NEC). NYC is exempt. The 2011 NEC is currently under review. 7/8/11 South Dakota Electrical Commision 308 S. Pierre St. Pierre, SD 57501 Yes, in mostly smaller small inspection jurisdictions. No, in larger jurisdictions will full service inspection Basically 2006 departments such as Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Corpus Christi, Amarillo, etc. 2008 A-? Implemented - 1/1/09 Utah No Local Adoption Yes New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Division of Codes and Standards 101 South Broad Street PO Box 800 Trenton, NJ 08625-0800 609-292-6420 Department of Commerce Division of State Fire Marshal 8895 East Main Street Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 2003 2009 A-5/27/11 I-7/1/11 New Hampshire State Building Code Review Board Commissioner’s Office Department of Safety 33 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 No. electrical is The Construction Industries Division of the Regulations and per the NM Licensing Department Electrical Code, based on the 2008 NEC New York State Department of State Division of Code Enforcement and Administration One Commerce Plaza Yes 99 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12231 (518) 474-4073 2009 ICC Codes NEC by reference in IBC Adopted - 12/10/09 Implemented -1/1/10 Pennsylvania 6/1/11 Mississippi is just like the Mississippi river - it just keeps rolling along. Electrical Codes are mainly the 2005 and 2008 adopted on local basis. 11/21/09 2011 Adopted - June 2011 Implemented - 7/1/11 New Hampshire Codes are adopted and amended through rule by the Montana Department of Labor & Industry, Building Standards Division. State Electrical Board 800 S 13 Street, Ste. 109 PO Box 95066 Lincoln, NE 68509-5066 None Currently Notes The 2011 NEC was adopted on 6/16/2011 with an effective date of August 26, 2011. No amendments. The 2011 NEC was adopted April 21, 2011 by a unamious vote of the North Carolina Building Code Council after much delay by the Chairmen of the Building Code Council, Dan Tingen, and the home builders group. Implementation was set for September 1, 2011, however 11 letters of protest were filed by June 21, 2011 and now the matter has to go to the NC legislature with the closest implementation now being in 2012 as the NC legislature will next meet in 2012. However, an appeal has been made to the Governor by the State Electrical Contractors Licensing Board. 2011 NEC effective date Sept 1, 2011 5/23/11 2011 NEC (Commercial Bldg only) Nov 1, 2011 5/23/11 7/8/11 A newly appointed review Committee began review of the 2011 NEC on June 20, 2011 for all except 1 &2 family dwellings.. State has already adopted the 2009 IRC with electrical chapters 33-42 being applicable for dwellings. Oregon developed its own "Low-Rise Residential Code" to cover all dwellings up to 3 stories, including electrical. The electrical requirements are based on NFPA 70A and have been harmonized to the 2011 Edition of NFPA 70. The Electrical & Elevator Board adopts the code by rule. 6/1/11 On April 25, 2011, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett signed into law a measure repealing a requirement that sprinklers be included in new one- and two-family homes built in the Commonwealth. 5/24/11 There are three technical amendments: 210.25, 230.82 and 230.24(A) Ex. No. 5 7/8/11 7/8/11 7/8/11 6/1/11 Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation P.O. Box 12157 Austin, Texas 78711 New Plan for the 2011 NEC and 2012 I-Codes. South Carolina will start the review of the 2011 NEC and the 2012 ICC Codes in the fall of 2011 as soon as the ICC Codes are available and will adopt them as a single package including the IRC with its electrical provisions. Note: The SC Building Code Council had approved the 2009 ICC Codes but the legislative LCI Committee threw the 2009 ICC codes out and with them nearly 3 years worth of work. The 2011 NEC was adopted and became effective on July 1, 2011 with several minor amendments. However, the AFCI & GFCI amendments that were in place for the 2008 NEC adoption have been deleted for the 2011 NEC. No real activity has occurred as yet on 2011 NEC adoption. The main reasons for this was the dismissal of Jim Pillow, Deputy Director of Commerce, and the hiring of his successor Gary West; and the firing of the state field inspection head supervisor Marcus Pipkin , and the hiring of his successor Gary Farley, a former Fire Inspector from Murfreesboro, TN. There is some talk of a latesummer or early-fall 2011 push for the 2011 NEC with adoption by 1/1/12. The Texas State Electrical Advisory Board met June 30, 2011 to discuss the adoption of the 2011 NEC without amendment. There were no objections so the adoption will move to the Texas Department of Licessing and Regulation Commission for an official vote to become effective September 1, 2011 for all Texas territory outside a an incorporated municipality. 7/8/11 Codes are adopted by the Utah legislature, with the Building Code Commission holding hearings and making recommendations. This is a change instituted only as of 1/1/2010. Prior to this date, the Commission had authority to adopt and implement codes. 6/1/11 While adoption without amendment of the most recent edition of the National Electrical Code benefits all construction in the state because of consistent requirements, there is a point of confusion for dwellings. The State has also adopted the 2006 International Residential Code (IRC) in its entirety, including the electrical chapters. With the 2006 IRC containing the residential requirements from the 2005 NEC, there is inconsistency in technical requirements, as it has been determined that the electrical provisions of the IRC apply to buildings covered under that code. Therefor, a jurisdiction will enforce the 2008 NEC for apartments, condominium, and other multi-family dwellings, but revert to the 2005 NEC provisions found in the 2006 IRC for onefamily and two-family dwellings. THe Building COdes Division will begin reviewing the 2011 NEC and 2009 "I" Codes for adiption in 2012. The Utah Building Code web site is State Adoption By Vermont State City NEC Edition Plus Adoption / Implementation Date 2011 Adopted - 7/1/2011 Implemented - 7/1/2011 IRC Edition IRC Part VIII Yes No Promulgating Agency Department of Public Safety Division of Fire Safety 1311 U.S. Route 302 Suite 600 Barre, VT 05641-2351 802-479-7561 Date Last Change Made to Report 7/8/11 2008 Adopted - 6/16/10 Implemented - 3/1/11 Virginia State Adoption But See Notes 2009 2008 A-? Implemented - 12/31/08 Washington State West Virginia State Wisconsin State Wyoming State Cities might have separate electrical ordinances but must be at least as stringent as the State. 2006 2008 A- ? Implemented - 7/1/10 2008 Adopted - 9/1/08 Implemented - 3/1/09 2011 Adopted - 2/15/11 Implemented - 7/1/11 Yes The electrical (and plumbing) chapters of the IRC are not adopted. Electrical installations for all structures are governed by the State Electrical Code. 6/1/11 The State Department of Labor & Industries adopts and enforces the electrical code except in cities with their own electrical program. The State Building Code Council adopts all other construction codes. 6/1/11 State Fire Marshalls Office 2000 Quarrier St. Charleston, WV 25305 2000 Department of Commerce P O Box 2658 Madison, WI 53701. Not Adopted State Fire Marshal's Office Herschler 1 West Cheyenne, WY 82002 Local Adoption For States without state adoption - See selected jurisdictions below Alabama Notes The Code can be viewed online at: 5/23/11 2008 NEC is included in the adoption of the Virginia Uniform Building Code, which is basically a book with amendments to referenced ICC Codes and the National Electrical Code. The code adoption is shown only as NFPA 70 in Chapter 27 of the Vigginia UBC, with the NEC edition shown in the front of the book under administrative. No adoption of the 2011 NEC should be expected for at least 2 more years. Began enforcement of the 2008 NEC on December 31, 2008. Additionally - On July 1, 2010, the 2009 Editions of the International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Fire Code, International Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code became effective, along with the 2009 Washington State Energy Code on January 1, 2011. The electrical code is controlled by the State Department of Labor and Industries/Electrical Section, which adopted the 2008 Edition of the National Electrical Code in the fall of 2008, with local amendments. AFCI is enforced only in bedrooms and not on smoke alarm circuits. Adoption of the 2011 NEC was underway in late 2011, but was suspended until at least mid-2012 because of an Executive Order from the GOvernor suspending all non-critical rulemaking through 2011. 2008 NEC Expected adpotion date is July 1, 2010 without amendment. The state fire marshal dept. anticapte the 2011 NEC will be adopted in possibly 2012. 5/24/11 Adoption of the 2008 National Electrical Code by December 31, 2008. The state should start the 2011 NEC review process in June 2011. With a target adoption date of January 1, 2012. 7/8/11 The state adopted the 2011 NEC without amendment. The effective date will be 7/1/2011. 11/21/09 Local Adoption Steve Sims Department of Bldg. Safety City Service Building 10052 Hwy 119 South Alabaster, AL 35007 Telephone: 205-664-6823 Fax: 205-664-6851 City of Anniston Building Inspection Services 1128 Gurnee Avenue Anniston, AL 36201 Telephone: 256-2317720 Alabaster 2005 2003 Yes Anniston 2002 2000 Yes Athens 1999 2000 Yes Building Inspection Department Public Works Building 1600 Elm Streeet West Athens, AL 35612 Telephone: 256-233-8715 11/21/09 Auburn 2002 2000 Yes City of Auburn Development Services Building 171 N. Ross Street, Suite 200 Auburn, AL 36830 Telephone: 334-501-3000 Fax: 334-501-7294 11/21/09 Baldwin County 2002 2003 Yes Mike Howell, Building Official Building inspection Department 201 East Section Street Foley, AL 36535 Telephone: 251972-6837 Fax: 251-972-6820 11/21/09 Bayou LaBatre 2002 2003 Yes Birmingham 2005 2003 Probably Cedar Bluff 2002 2006 Yes Jimmy Wallace Building and Zoning Department 3420 Spring Street Cedar Bluff, AL 35955 Telephone: 256-779-6121 11/21/09 Daphne 2002 2006 Yes Chip Martin, Fire Department PO Box 400 Daphne, AL 36526 Telephone: 251621-2815 Fax: 251-621-0067 11/21/09 Bayou LA Batre Fire Dept. Bryant Street Bayou LA Batre, LA 36509 Telephone: 251-824-2133 Department Of Planning, Engineering and Permits 710 20th Street, North Room 210, City Hall Birmingham, AL 35203 Telephone: 205-254-2271 Joyce Allen, Building Official Inspection Department 1011 Bienville Road Dauphin Island. AL 36528 Telephone: 251-861-5525 Fax: 251-861-2154 James Brothers, Bldg. Director City of Decatur 401 Leet Street NE/ PO Box 488 Decatur, AL 35602-0488 Telephone" 256-341-4571 Fax: 256-341-4572 Gary Williamson, Bldg. Official Building Department Municipal Building, Room 216 110 West College Street Florence, AL 35630 Telephone: 256-760-6325 Fax: 256-740-4651 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 Dauphin Island 2002 2000 Yes Decatur 2002 2000 Yes Florence 2002 2000 Yes Gadsen 2002 2003 Yes Brian Harbison, Bldg. Official P.O. Box 267 90 Broad Street Gadsden, AL 35902 Telephone: 256-5494529 Fax: 256-549-4689 11/21/09 Gulf Shores 2002 2000 Yes Brandan Franklin, Building Off. Community Development Dept. P.O. Box 299 Gulf Shores, AL 36547 Telephone: 251-968-1150 Fax: 251-968-1188 11/21/09 Jefferson County 2002 2003 No Jefferson County Department of Building Inspection Jefferson County Courthouse Room B200 716 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd. North Birmingham, AL 35203 Telephone 205-325-5145 11/21/09 Hoover 2002 2000 No Building Inspection 2525 Valleydale Road Hoover, AL 35216 Telephone: 205-4447597 Fax: 205-444-7650 11/21/09 Madison County 2002 2003 Yes Mobile 2002 2000 Yes Mobile County 2002 2000 Yes Montgomery 2011 2003 No Madison County Building Inspection Department 266A Shields Road Huntsville, AL 35811 Telephone: 256-746-2950 Fax: 256-7462953 Building Inspection PO Box 1827 Mobile, AL 36633-1827 Telephone: 251-208-7421 Fax: 251-208-7023 Ted Montgomery Mobile County Inspection Office 1110 Schillinger Road North Suite 100 Mobile, AL 36608 Telephone: 251574-3507 Dorian Brunson, Building Off. Montgomery Inspections Dept. 103 North Perry Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Telephone: 334-241-2080 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 6/1/11 Adopted 2011 NEC November 2010 and implemented fully on Jamuary 1, 2011 without exception. State Adoption By Alaska Local Adoption Arizona Local Adoption Date Last Change Made to Report NEC Edition Plus Adoption / Implementation Date IRC Edition IRC Part VIII Opelika 2002 2003 Yes Shelby County 2011 2006 No Building Inspection 1123 County Services Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Telephone: 205620-6650 Fax: 205-620-6655 6/1/11 2005 Yes, 2000 Edition of the IRC No Anchorage adopts codes through approval of the elected officials in the Anchorage Assembly, upon recommendation of the Building Official. 11/21/09 2008 NEC Yes, 2006 Edition of the IRC Yes, Phoenix adopts and enforces the electrical provisions of the IRC Phoenix adopts construction codes, including electrical, through the City Council. 4/5/10 City Anchorage Phoenix and surrounding communities Tucson Yes, Tucson adopts and enforces the electrical provisions of the IRC but with several amendments Promulgating Agency Jeff Kappelman, Building Off. Building Inspections Dept. P.O. Box 390 Opelika, AL 36803-0390 Telephone: 334-705-5420 The building codes in Tucson are promulgated through ordinance by the elected officials of the city. 2005 NEC Yes, 2000 Edition of the IRC 2008 NEC No. All The city Council and the Mayor electrical pass ordinances affecting Yes, 2003 installations building codes. The Edition of the must conform Department of Planning and IRC to the National Permitting implement the Electrical code. ordinances. Notes 11/21/09 11/21/09 Adopted November 2010 and implemented on January 1, 2011 with no exceptions. Anchorage requires CO detectors in the same locations and power requirements as for smoke alarms. Development Services administers the codes. Enforcement of the 2008 NEC began in May 2009. On June 12, 2007, Tucson adopted the 2005 Edition of the National Electrical Code®, along with the 2006 Editions of the International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Energy Conservation Code, and International Fuel Gas Code. These codes were adopted by the Mayor and City Council under Ordinance 10417 with an emergency clause, making them effective immediately. Because of the emergency nature of this adoption, there will be a 30-day grace period under which the previous editions of the respective codes will be acceptable at the request of the permit applicant. The grace period will expire on Friday, July 13, 2007. Updated Editions of Plumbing and Mechanical Codes will be presented to the Mayor and Council on July 10, 2007. nances.html 11/21/09 Hawaai Illinois Local Counties Local Adoption Honolulu/Ohau Hawaii (Big Island) 2002 No 6/1/11 Maui 2008 No 6/1/11 Kauai 2008 No Bloomington 2006 Yes 2002 2000 Yes Chicago N/A N/A N/A Danville Decatur Glenn Ellyn 2008 2008 2008 Normal 2008 Pekin 2005 2006 2006 PACE Government Center 115 E. Washington St. Bloomington, IL 61702 Building Safety Division 102 N. Neil Street Champaign, IL 61820 Bureau of Electrical Inspections Chicago City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Street Rm 107 Chicago, IL 60602 Yes Planning and Zoning 100 E Phoenix Av. P.O. Box 589 Normal, IL 61761 Yes Building Division Fulton Street Peoria, IL 61602 Enforcement began 1/1/09 for 2008 NEC. all codes The County of Hawaii is beginning deliberations to adopt the 2008 NEC as the basis for the new electrical code. Maui began enforcement of the 2008 NEC in conformance with the State adoption in the summer of 2010. Kauai began enforcement of the 2008 NEC in conformance with the State adoption in the summer of 2010. 11/21/09 Adopted 2008 NEC March 1, 2008 - Jeff 11/21/09 Will not adopt different NEC edition before 2011 - Jeff 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 Adopted 2008 NEC January 1, 2008 - Jeff Adopted 2008 NEC May 1, 2008 - Jeff Adopted 2008 NEC April 1, 2008 - Jeff 11/21/09 Adopted 2008 NEC March 1, 2008 - Jeff 11/21/09 Will adopt 2008 NEC by December 2008 - Jeff 456 11/21/09 Peoria 2008 Rock Island Tuscola Sangamon County 2008 2002 11/21/09 11/21/09 2008 NEC set for adoption January 1, 2009 - Jeff Unknown - No action toward adopting 2008 NEC 2002 11/21/09 Will not adopt 2008 NEC - waiting for 2011 edition Springfield 2005 2003 Yes Building & Zoning Department Rm 304 Municipal Center West Springfield, IL 62701 11/21/09 Not considering 2008 NEC at all at this time.- Jeff State of Illinois Capital Development Washington 2008 11/21/09 Adopted 2008 NEC January 1, 2008 - Jeff 2008 11/21/09 Adopted 2008 NEC January 1, 2008 - Jeff West Chicago 2002 11/21/09 Not going to consider another edition of the NEC until 2010 - Jeff 4/5/10 4/5/10 11/21/09 Kansas Local Adoption El Dorado Wichita 2008 2008 Maine Local Adoption Augusta Auburn Bangor Portland 2005 2005 2005 2005 Maryland Local Adoption Yes No Yes Yes Allegany County Anne Arundel County Baltimore City Baltimore County Calvert County Caroline County Carroll County Cecil County 2005 Yes 2002 2005 Charles County Dorcheaster County Fredrick County Gaithersburg Garrett County Hartford County No No No No 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 2005 Yes No 11/21/09 2002 Yes Yes 11/21/09 No No 11/21/09 2005 Yes No 11/21/09 2005 1999 Yes 11/21/09 Yes Yes No COMAR 05.02.07 No No 2005 Yes No 11/21/09 2002 No No 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 2005 Yes No 2005 IRC IBC NEC 2002 See Notes Yes No 11/21/09 Yes No 11/21/09 11/21/09 2005 Yes No 11/21/09 Howard County 2005 Yes No 11/21/09 Kent County General Reference to NFPA 70 No No 11/21/09 2008 Yes No 4/4/10 2002 Yes No 11/21/09 2002 Yes No 11/21/09 2005 Yes No 11/21/09 Montgomery County Prince George's County Queen Anne's County St Mary's County Somerset County Talbot County Washington County Wicomico County Local Adoption 6/1/11 2008 Champaign Mississippi 6/1/11 General Reference to NFPA 70 2005 Yes No Yes No 11/21/09 2005 Yes No 11/21/09 2003 IBC 2003 IRC Yes No Bay St. Louis 2002 2003 Yes Biloxi 2005 2003 No Gulfport 2002 2003 Yes Hattiesburg 1999 2000 Yes Jackson 1996 2003 Probably Meridian 2008 2003 No 11/21/09 11/21/09 Ronald Jones, Building Official 1928 Depot Way Bay St Louis, MS 39520 Telephone: 228-469-0531 Jerry Creel, Building Official PO Box 508 Biloxi, MS 39533 Telephone: 228-435-6270 Fax: 228-4356188 Gary Joffrion, Building Official 1410 24th Avenue, Room 114 Gulfport, MS 39501 Telephone: 228-868-5715 Fax: 228-868-5716 Bill Rodgers, Building Official PO Box 1898 Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1898 Telephone: 601-554-1008 Ken Taylor PO Box 17 Jackson, MS 39205-0017 Telephone: 601-960-1159 Fax: 601-9601287 Mary Ruth Sharp, Building Off. PO Box 1430 Meridian, MS 39302-1430 Telephone: 601-485-1900 Fax: 601-485-1983 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 Effective January 27, 2004 with Amendments State Nevada New York Oklahoma Adoption By Local Adoption Local Adoption Local Adoption NEC Edition Plus Adoption / Implementation Date IRC Edition IRC Part VIII Natchez 1999 2003 Probably Tupelo 1999 2003 Yes Vicksburg 1999 2000 Yes Reno/Sparks 2005 Yes Yes Reno City council approves the recommendations of the building department. 11/21/09 The cities in the Reno/Sparks area adopted the 2005 NEC in July of 2006. Washoe County 2005 Yes Yes The County Department of Building and Safety adopts codes with the approval of the County Commissioners. 11/21/09 The county around the Reno area adopted the 2005 NEC in January of 2006. =on?PHPSESSID=2b4d9031be4f7acb197e36fc4ef4e296 Las Vegas Clark County 2005 Yes Seven jurisdictions cooperate on the Southern Nevada No. The Building Codes: Clark County, electrical Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, sections were Henderson, Boulder City, deleted in their Mesquite, andPahrump. Each entirety jurisdiction adopts the codes independently. 11/21/09 The Southern Nevada Electrical Code is based on the 2005 NEC. Includes Las Vegas and Clark County. Adopted on Jan. 17, 2007. New York City Alva Tennessee Local Adoption Local Adoption 2005 No 11/21/09 11/21/09 No Department of Buildings 7/8/11 2003 Yes Timothy Nelson Office Location: City Hall, 415 4th Street, Alva, Oklahoma 73717 Office Hours: 8am to 5 pm M thru F Telephone: 580-327-1340 email: 11/21/09 Daniel Popp, Interim Chief Building Official 401 S. Johnstone Bartlesville, OK 74003 Telephone: 918-338-4240 Fax: 918-338-4239 Cell: 918397-3566 dpopp@cityof 11/21/09 2005 2006 Dell City 2005 2003 Yes Building/Construction/Electrical/ Plumbing Inspections 4517 SE 29 Dell City, OK 73115 405671-2880 11/21/09 Edmond 2005 2006 IRC Edmond also adopts the 2003 ICC Electrical Code Yes Ed Steiner, Director PO Box 2970 Edmond, OK 73083-2970 Telephone: 405-359-4794 General Office: 405-359-4780 11/21/09 Yes 401 West Owen K. Garriott Road P.O. Box 1768 Enid, Oklahoma 73702 Telephone (580) 234-0400 Fax: (580) 234-8946 11/21/09 2005 2000 Lawton 2005 2000 Probably Muskogee 2002 2000 Probably 2002 CABO 1&2 Family Residential Code - 95' Edition No Shawnee 2002 2000 Probably Stillwater 2005 2003 No Kind of an Adoption to say we adopt codes The complete text and legislative details of the new code is available on the NYC City Council Website: : GUID=68F282D0-BCB0-4A31-852ED01BE5218E93&Options=&Search= 11/21/09 11/21/09 Johnny Nubine, Chief Inspector 420 W. Main Street Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Telephone: 405-297-2351 Plan Review: 405-297-2525 Code Enforcement 405-878-1666 Stillwater NEC Amendments Tulsa 2002 2000 Probably John Staires Building Inspection Dept. 111 S. Greenwood Tulsa, OK 74120 Telephone: 918-596-9657 Woodward 1999 2000 IRC Edmond also adopts the 2000 ICC Electrical Code Yes David Smith 1009 Ninth St. Woodward, Oklahoma 73801 Tele: 580-2548515 Philadelphia Pittsburg Notes 11/21/09 Bartlesville Oklahoma City Local Adoption 2008 Adopted - 6/27/11 Implemented - 7/1/11 Promulgating Agency Paul Dawes, Building Official PO Box 1185 Natchez, MS 39121 Telephone: 601-304-0305 Fax: 601-445-7407 David Wammack, Building Off. PO Box 1485 Tupelo, MS 38802-1485 Telephone: 662-841-6510 Fax: 662-8416550 Charles R. James, Building Off. 819 South Street Vicksburg, MS 39180 Telephone: 601-619-4529 Fax: 601-634-7885 They have both Books - A 2005 NEC and a 2006 IRC Enid Pennsylvania Date Last Change Made to Report City 2008 2008 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 11/21/09 4/4/10 4/4/10 2003 No David Martin, Chief Inspector Division of Inspection 1250 Market Street, Suite 1000 Chattanooga, TN 37402 Telephone: 423-757-5105 7/6/10 Chattanooga 2008 Knoxville 2008 Franklin 2002 2003 Yes Memphis 2002 No No Chief Electrical Inspector Bob Johnson (901)379-4320 11/21/09 Murfreesboro 2002 2000 Yes Betts Barbier Nixon, Director Building & Codes Department City Hall, Second Floor 111 West Vine Street Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Telephone: 615-893-3750 11/21/09 Nashville 2002 2000 Yes Terry Cobb, Director Department of Codes and Building Safety Metro Office Building 800 2nd Avenue South Nashville, TN 37216 Telephone: 615-8626530 Fax: 615-862-6593 11/21/09 No Department of Development Inspections Bureau 400 Main Street, Room 505 Knoxville, TN 37901 Telephone: 865-215-2999 Fax: 865-215-2627 Gary Luffman, Building Official Franklin Codes Administration 109 Third Avenue, Suite 110 Franklin, TN 37064 Telephone: 615-794-7012 Fax: 615-591-9066 3/21/10 The following sections of the National Electrical Code, 2008 Edition, are hereby amended, as hereinafter approved: (a) Sections 210.52.C(2) and (3) are deleted in their entirety; (b) Section 210.52.C(5), all reference to the paragraph entitled “Exception” is deleted in its entirety. (c) Section 210.12(B) shall retain the language in the 2005 NEC The effective date is July 1, 2010 Stayed with 2005 AFCI requirements 11/21/09 Memphis / Shelby County has adopted the 2002 NEC as amended with the result being called the 2005 Memphis and Shelby County Joint Electrical Code. They have also adopted a 99' Standard Building Code which must be a 97' Std. Bldg. Code amended. NEC and IRC Amendments